#and there shall be another chapter
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
“What’s on your mind, Foster?” “Pockets.” “We seriously need to get you some real hobbies.”
and other serious scenes from the build up to the final confrontation of my wings au :)
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bonchobrick · 10 months
Duke and Danny bestie fic im co-authoring with some cool people for Patrol Partners! :D
A fic where Duke knows a lot about Gotham’s new problem, ghosts. The Waynes think the worst and assume he’s had some terrible experience with ghosts in the past (in reality is just very happy to talk about his best friends culture and doesnt realize how odd it is that he knows all this stuff)
Duke is pretty much just vibing, the bats are having a meltdown, and Danny is having a blast!
Then Duke pops the question
“So, what are you guys researching?” He asks raising a brow to the papers littered all over the room
Collectively the entire room groans as Duke absentmindedly picks up a paper on the table with the failed, static over-run image.
“We don't know!” Steph bemoans frustrated
Tim starts, “There are new entities–”
“Creatures.” Bruce corrects
Tim casts a piercing glance at his father, “I am pretty sure those are entities. Eye witness reports state that they look fairly human-like–”
Bruce challenges him right back, “Eye witness reports were also very likely to be unfactual, they seemed partially intoxicated. It’s more likely they are some kind of mutated animal.”
His son’s teeth grit, “Even so we still can’t rule out–”
“Oh right, the ghosts are back in town,” Duke's comments, gaze absorbed in the static image
Silence drowns the room as their weary eyes blink at Duke, processing what he had just said.
Then it clicks
“R-repeat that?” Tim stares intensely at Duke
“Um, the ghosts are back? That's what these are.” Duke nervously replies confused, “It’s been a bit since they visited Gotham
Tim opens and closes his mouth, immensely struggling to find any words to say. It seems like the rest of his family is fairing no better, some of them letting out noises of surprise and shock with others trying to hear if they heard that sentence right.
“There used to be ghosts in Gotham?” Bruce says incredulously
“Yeah?” Duke tilts his head, “I mean they don’t like living here with the corrupt ectoplasm but I’m friends with a few ghosts?”
Jason springs on him with wide eyes, “What are ghosts like, personality-wise?”
Duke thinks and responds with the first thought that comes to mind, “Fickle, they can be super friendly or super destructive. They do whatever they’re in the mood to.”
“Are they aggressive?”
“Sure? Sometimes?” Duke blinks at them bewildered before a petty smile crosses his lips, “They can be, hmm, commanding.”
Dicks eyes turn cold and protective, “What–”
“Listen guys,” Duke backs away from the discussion going with his internal task list in mind, “I gotta go wrap up putting together all my documents for my topic on my science fair project so uh, see-ya!”
The second youngest bounces out of the cave and the rest of the family stare dumbstruck at him.
New entities (ghosts?) pop up in Gotham + Duke describes them as fickle and commanding =
Duke is being made to do things for Ghosts who can be kind and cruel which =
= Duke is being bullied by Ghosts?!
Not on their Bat-watch!
Damian is already sharpening his ‘not murder tools’, Tim has sprung into research on the bat computer and the rest of the family have already dipped into Gotham ready to search for these perps!
Paranoid Family #1 will help Duke’s ghost problem starting now!
( pssst heres the fic :)
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naswoop · 3 months
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Brief interlude between isat fanarts to draw @dekupalace's In Stars and Time au because I am utterly obsessed <-(said while vibrating with excitement)
Lil bonus pencil sketch under the cut
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verefex · 4 months
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How Silven greets new people; sits down and relaxes to appear less threatening. He then proceeds to offer various services for trade, such as masonry, construction, irrigation, excavation, etc.
In return he usually asks for repairs on his equipment, though his favorite form of payment is baked goods and wine.
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tinartss · 8 months
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omg i realized i never shared this on here but i did a very normal thing a few weeks ago and formatted + printed out kaveh and alhaitham's character stories. yeah
it cost me like seven dollars on b&n press to print so here's a drive link to the docx if u also wanna do smth similar! (make sure to download the word file don't use the weird google doc version LOL)
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lexithwrites · 21 days
I have the next four days off of work,,,,can i actually get writing done?
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Snippets from Chapter Four of Change is Impurrative!!
Upcoming: Alhaitham and Kaveh have a Talk about the Ley Line incident and Alhaitham's stint as a cat, Kaveh tries (and fails) to hide his distress, and comes to a conclusion which could alter their current relationship...
For those interested, this fic has been blessed with an AMAZING cover!! <3333
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creativenicocorner · 11 months
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Another batch of miscellaneous doodles from Glow Worms with little to no context ☆
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pineapple-lover-boy · 8 months
Listen I know it was forever ago but what if after lesson 16, whenever the brothers mention how much MC reminds them of Lilith Mc is like, “Who?”
They’re grateful for what she did and honestly I love the thought of them being the only one to see her ghost and they’re besties but like
This is to piss the brothers off and stop them from comparing. They can talk about her. But not compare. Lilith supports this and does not want her greatx70 grandchild to be a walking memory.
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acetheabnormal · 3 months
I was supposed to be writing today but I got stuck watching old Slimeriana clips because there's something wrong with me. Writing will have to wait I suppose
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takiki16 · 4 months
A Fine Chain
UPDATE: Chapter 14/?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Beta: @gallifreyburning
Relationships: Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Light Dom/sub, Power Imbalance, Royalty, Slavery, Collars, Leashes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don’t copy to another site, Dark
Summary: Caine Wise, disgraced ex-Skyjacker and convicted criminal, is suddenly inducted into the service of the enigmatic Queen Nea-Seraphi, mysterious new Recurrence and puzzle to the Entitled social circle. While figuring out the boundaries of his new station, worrying about his old commander, and nursing old wounds from his court martial, Caine finds himself slowly being drawn into the confidence of his royal employer. What could Her Majesty possibly want with a defective splice?
In which the queen is in peril, royal wardrobes are dismantled, and Caine experiences some tribulations.
The wonderful @zahnie has made a PLAYLIST for this fic!!!! Go check it out immediately!
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celestialseawitch-ff · 6 months
(Tentative) Hanukkah Line-up 2023
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Happy Holidays (Please Don't Ground Me) -- MCU
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2. The Marked One: Chapter Nine
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3. Spirit of the Grove -- HP
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4. Rewing Time: Final Chapter
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5. The Real Peter Parker -- MCU
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6. Summer Dreams -- HP
7. TBA
8. TBA
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ssreeder · 1 year
estimating that sokka and zuko are able to keep their relationship secret for like. less than a day. put them in the same room with anyone else and they're way too obsessed and codependent with each other to not give away how close they really are lmao
love that for them
The only way they keep their relationship secret is if they are only in the same room when no one else is in it.
Which is kind of funny because of what will happen in chapter 12. ;)
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leomonae · 5 months
My goal is to write other illithid with Tav in such a way that the overall vibe is that of someone considering adopting a puppy, who's weighing up its future potential to be a useful working dog against the knowledge of precisely how much of a pain in the ass it's going to be, trying to socialise this thing that's currently rolling around in a puddle of mud with its favourite toy and has already destroyed one of their shoes.
(The toy is Astarion and the Netherbrain is the shoe)
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forecast-rain · 1 month
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oh god I have almost 100 subscriptions on one of my fics ._.
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scenegraph · 1 year
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oops i got an idea and it means the place where this memoria was going to go is now occupied with load-bearing memorias.  time to get it out there as the first thing back from the workplace dimension instead of, y’know, actual a chapter
(the text accompanying this memoria is through this link, btw!)
...i have begun to think: what do memoria chips do in the Fictional EXE Gacha Game, anyhow?  they’re obviously not battle chips.  maybe they’re like nerfed patch cards, so you can strap up to four to your navi and they do things?  maybe getting memoria slots works like it does in magireco, i.e. the more copies you pull the more of your unit’s four slots are unlocked, and that’s the key to making the player roll the gacha enough to make it sustainable without absolutely speeding through the navis? 
capcom i need this to exist.  i need to whale for ring and use her in Liberation Missions On My Phone with rockman, roll, blues, medi, iris, aaaaand... prolly someone cute and smol to be the mascot like aquaman or toadman.  capcom set this up so you can take my money.  capcom plz
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