#and they aren't actually causing any harm whatsoever
fabledresources · 4 months
Friendly reminder to the RPC: people are not required to run their blog a specific way just because you personally want them to. If you're that bothered for some reason, don't whine to them about it, don't throw a fit, just unfollow.
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howtofightwrite · 20 days
Is it possible to punch someone in the face in a way that causes visible damage, but doesn't impair them much in the long term?
It's extremely possible.
Your face is, mostly, a lot of soft tissue positioned directly over bone. This means that blows to the face, even relatively minor ones, are likely to produce disproportionately nasty looking injuries, without inflicting any meaningful impairment.
The first two are bleeding. Either from splitting the skin open, or via bruising. When there is bruising, there's also going to be some swelling (because there's relatively few places for the blood to go), so the victim has extremely visible injuries, which will be painful, but are otherwise mostly cosmetic.
Of course, bleeding from the face will look incredibly bad, whether that's from the nose, a split lip, or from simply from the skin tearing during the punch, but, again, that's going to be mostly cosmetic.
Cuts in the mouth can be a bit worse, but again, this can result in symptoms that look much worse than they are. Normally, if you're coughing up blood, that's an extremely bad situation, however, if someone has punched you in the nose and started a bleed running back down your throat, or if you've bitten your tongue or cheek, you may be literally spitting up blood, without being in serious peril.
Cuts to the cheeks and lips can also be caused by your foe driving the soft tissue into your teeth. This can also result in injuries that have difficulty clotting. The actual blood loss isn't serious, but it can be annoying if you've gotten a gashed lip that refuses to stop leaking blood for hours. (I'm speaking from personal experience here.)
A broken nose is a bit more serious. Not because they're particularly dangerous, but because it's likely to permanently alter the angle of your nose. This will also result in a lot of blood making the injury look worse than it actually is. Again, you're not going to lose a meaningful amount of blood, but it'll look exceptionally bad.
While it's less likely to occur with a punch, cuts to the forehead, even relatively solid gashes, are another cases where it will look far worse than the injury is. Your forehead is one of the most heavily armored portions of your body, and cuts there are likely to cause a lot of visible bleeding, without resulting in a meaningful loss of blood. If your body works the way it's supposed to, bleeding from the forehead should get into your eyebrows and flow around your eye, without obscuring your vision. In practice, you absolutely can get blood in your eyes, depending on your facial structure. I can't really speak to that experience, though I'd be inclined to say it's probably not especially pleasant.
Now, a lot of facial injuries hurt. Your face has a lot of nerve endings, and those are quite happy to report to your brain, when something's just caused it harm. This is especially true of your lips and tongue, as you use those organs extensively to evaluate the safety of the food you consume (even if you don't think about it.) (Chewing off a portion of my own lip to get the bleeding to stop still ranks as one of the most unpleasant bits of field care I've every experienced, and I strongly recommend not seeking out that experience.) So, this isn't without any impairment whatsoever, but in general, these aren't going to be life altering injuries, or even wounds that require weeks to fully recover from. Facial injuries are singularly unpleasant, but they are rarely serious. (Unless we're talking about damage to the eyes, or broken bones. Both of which are unlikely outcomes from punches.)
In a somewhat perverse way, blows to the face is ideal for inflicting injuries that look far worse than they actually are.
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This post is going to cause controversy here on radblr. I already know that, and I'm ready for it. But there is something that I've just got to get off my chest, here. It's been bugging me for a long time now, but for the longest time, I couldn't quite find the words to describe my feelings.
Here's the thing. It's not that female separatists are wrong, necessarily, with regard to their arguments about male violence. OSA women like myself are at a greater risk of interpersonal violence from men, intimate partner violence does make up the majority of domestic violence statistics, men are the most likely people to rape or murder us, and yes, living without men therefore probably would improve straight and bisexual women's lifespan/overall quality of life in most cases. BUT. The way many female separatists (who are most often lesbians) go about presenting their arguments is not only unnecessarily rude to women who have done nothing to deliberately harm them (and, when it includes such colorful monikers as "dick worshipper" and "cock rider" in it, reasonably comes off as an attack), but it includes many of the same tactics that homophobes use against LGB people to make their point. I'm sure that homophobes doing that stuff to you is hurtful, but I'm also at least 99% sure that heterosexual women who are radfems (or rad-adjacent, if you prefer) aren't the ones leveling those attacks, and don't therefore deserve to be responded to with such ferocity. Two wrongs do not, in this case, make a right. And it needs to stop.
For example, you ask?
Acting like heterosexual relationships must be purely sexual, with no actual love involved whatsoever.
I see LGB people complaining about homophobes doing this to them all the time. "You think our relationships inherently obscene or kinky because you can't picture us actually being in love; all you can think of is the sexual part! You think a sizable chunk of the population is incapable of love or human connection, and that is dehumanizing!" Yes, I have no doubt in my mind that it is. But then look at what you do when you try to call out heterosexual/bisexual women for being with men, and you are doing exactly the same thing to us. You talk about OSA relationships, and the first and, often, only thing you ever bring up is the sexual aspect of them. The word "love" almost never comes up. It's like it doesn't even occur to you that OSA women might actually fall in love with or have very deep romantic feelings for their male partners, not unlike you, as a lesbian, may have or have had towards any girlfriends you have ever dated, any women you have ever crushed on, or, if you're lucky, your wife. Now, do OSA women have sex with our boyfriends or husbands, if we have them? Of course we do! Have you ever had sex with your wife or girlfriend? Or, if you're single, would you, if you had one? Of course you would, and you know it! Does that negate your feelings for her, somehow? No? Your relationships are not purely sexual just because there is sex involved? Then why would you assume that sex being involved would make heterosexual relationships suddenly be only sexual? Also, news flash: vibrators exist. So do dildos. Or women (including het women) could just use their fingers or a pillow. There are many ways for a woman of any orientation to get off without a man if getting off is all that she's after. If she is choosing to be in an actual serious relationship with a man, it's most likely because she's in love with him. You are trying to convince her that there is something more important for her to consider, in spite of her feelings. So, perhaps instead of insinuating that she is some kind of sex-obsessed slut who is screwing over her entire sex deliberately for the sake of a few orgasms, you can start start there, instead.
Acting like other people's sexual orientations can be changed (not yours, of course, just, you know, everyone else's).
I see homophobes acting this way towards LGB people all the time, claiming that the sex(es) you are attracted to is a choice somehow, shaming you for preferring the "wrong" one (or the "wrong" one at the moment, if you're bi). Which, personally, has always struck me as kinda weird, because they never seem to apply the same logic to themselves. They never stop to suggest whether their own orientation is a choice or not. I guess it's pretty obvious why they won't, because then it comes down to two possibilities: if they are with strictly the opposite sex by choice, then it's very probable that they are actually bisexual, and behave as they do towards gay people due to internalized homophobia, whereas, if their strict opposite sex attraction is not a choice, then they have just admitted that their own orientation is innate, so why would they assume everyone else's not to be? It makes no sense. And incels will take it a step further, yelling slurs at lesbians for only wanting to have sex with other women instead of them. It's all pretty fucked up and illogical, and just for the record, I think you all deserve much better. Of course your sexuality isn't a choice. And yet... I mean, I can't even begin to count how many lesbian separatist blog posts I have read full of women acting as if heterosexuality is a choice. "Ew, moids are ugly, dicks are gross, what's wrong with you, why would you choose that?!" Newsflash, gyns: we didn't. That's just our sexual orientation, and we didn't choose it any more than you chose yours. We may still choose to be celibate in spite of our orientation, or, if we're bi, we might still decide to only date other women. But we will still always have the capacity to be physically attracted to/fall in love with men, and for those of us who are straight, we can only experience that with men exclusively. That's just the way it is. We can't control that; it's innate. Some of you, upon grappling with this fact, immediately jump straight to the incel way of doing things and begin slinging the aforementioned colorful monikers (ahem, sexualized anti-woman slurs aforementioned in this blog post) for only being attracted to men instead of you. It actually smacks of sexual harassment, and then you wonder why so many straight women stop following/won't follow you. Or, leap right into calling us lesbophobes because we don't want to take sexual harassment like that from anybody, man or woman alike. Call me crazy, but the last time I checked, a "lesbophobic woman" was a woman who hates lesbians for only being attracted to other woman, not a woman who simply refuses to date/sleep with you. What, you have a right to bodily autonomy, but straight/bisexual women don't?! And yeah, I know, I know. "Stop comparing us to incels! Lesbians aren't predatory!" Well, true, most of you are not. The vast, overwhelming majority of you are completely fine and normal. But I always give the side eye to any notion of an entire group of people (any people) being all perfect, pristine angels carte blanche (a scant few people in every large enough group are going to be creeps), and if a scant few of you don't want to be compared to incels... Well, then maybe you should stop behaving like them. Because, when you explicitly resort to their same tactics, even I get the ick off of a few of you, and I'm probably the least homophobic straight person I know. 🤨🤨🤨
They call you "c*rpet m*ncher", "qu**r", "f*g", "d*ke", etc., over your orientation. You then call women (who probably didn't even call you that!) "dick worshipper", "cock rider", etc., over ours.
Enough said. Do I even need to point out (again) that these are almost all just a bunch of sexualized, anti-woman slurs? Do you really think that this is going to bring women over to your side, as opposed to just driving them away? And do you actually think that your female separatist movement is going to have any kind of major societal effect if you would rather drive women away from it, rather than bringing them in? It won't have any impact that way; it will only die out. And, look, I don't think that homophobes should be treating you like that, either. They most definitely should not. I have no doubt that them slinging those slurs at you constantly over your sexual orientation (which you can't control) is extremely hurtful and probably even scary for you. You deserve so much better than that. But, again, last time I checked "lesbophobe" means someone who hates you for only being attracted to other women, not a woman who refuses to date/sleep with you, and, from what I can tell, radfems appear to be, by and large, very pro-gay. Even when we, ourselves, are not. So, it seems very unlikely to me that we're the ones calling you names like that (unless you can show me receipts or something, in which case, go ahead). Until that happens, it occurs to me that people of all sexual orientations are pointing fingers, accusing each other of being sex-obsessed perverts, and calling each other names because, idk, maybe the drama is more interesting to some people than minding their own business? Or they literally can't wrap their minds around being attracted to that sex, so they attack anyone who is? Idk, it all seems very juvenile, and I should think there would be better ways to tell someone that some aspect of their lifestyle is unhelpful to the movement and/or mentally unhealthy to them than merely resorting to often sexualized mudslinging attacks. Honestly, no matter what your views on female separatism or sexual orientation are, can we all just agree to a ceasefire on the relentless mudslinging on all sides?? Please??? This is middle school shit, and it's really getting annoying. Everyone. On both sides. You're like a pack of schoolyard bullies. Stop it.
Again, I'm not saying that female separatists' arguments against dating/sleeping with/marrying and/or having kids with men are entirely wrong. Male violence is a problem for a lot of women, and refusing to be in relationships with them probably would reduce it greatly. But acknowledging heterosexual and bisexual women as being capable of romantic love towards whichever sex(es) we are capable of experiencing attraction to, acknowledging all sexual orientations as something innate that can not be changed and not a choice, and refusing to resort to juvenile mudslinging attacks will not take away from those facts in any way. So, I guess I just don't see what the reasoning is for so many female separatists to refuse to even consider them?
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bunbun70 · 1 month
My thoughts on the countdown messages that neil was receiving![AFTG]
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[ranting about my true thoughts]
Do people really think that if Neil said anything about the text messages that someone could have actually been able to help him?......
If anything, if he were to mention those text messages I think it would have gotten worse someone else would have died if he were to mention those messages he was getting.
Let's be honest the police/law system was very corrupted-the police never helped whatsoever during all of my time reading the book it is never even mentioned that the police were any help whatsoever.
Going to the foxes the foxes are normal human beings they have no big connections they are people who aren't heavily equipped with weapons and there aren't many people in their group that actually know how to fight, the law isn't on the side of a bunch of troubled teens who are known to cause problems
[so no I'm sorry to say they wouldn't have been much help someone else would have definitely died if they even tried]
If anything during the whole book it was mentioned that the law let them down so many times!
With Andrew for example the law did nothing to help him whatsoever and with full face proof of the violence that was going on in that home they did nothing to help him and even had the nerve to call him after all that time after stating it was a misunderstanding.
Drake had to die for any sort of Justice to be brought because the law was definitely not going to help.
After everything was all set and done is when they finally decided to show up so no I do not rely on the police if it's clearly stated they don't mind making deals with criminals/Yakuza.
The smartest thing neil did and I know some people are disappointed and mad that he did it was ignore the text messages.
If neil were to ever mention those messages to Andrew, Andrew would have probably died protecting him or even one of Foxes/Andrew's chosen family.
How easy it was for Lola to get so close to him without anyone noticing, the birthday cake incident the security guard pretending theatrics the messages, they've been getting away with murder for years and a bunch of 21-19 year olds wouldn't have been able to do anything for neil.
We're not even going to mention how many things Rico was able to get away with without the cops doing anything.
We can be mad at neil all we want but let's sit down and think about that! If Lola or Nathan or anyone else in the mafia knew that the fox knew that much information they would have been put in more danger so every choice Neil made was smarter than we would like to believe.
If they even believe that the foxes were even slightly important to Neil I have no doubt that they would have killed some of the foxes.
Don't forget why neil spoke English to Andrew in moment.
Neil is Smart with anger issues and yeah he can be a bit dumb at times but the foxes are like family to him and he does anything to keep them out of harm.
So here's the question I have for you do you truly think if Neil were to mention those text messages to anyone that he would have gotten to help he needed? If you do who do you think would have helped him that would have actually been able to help him?
[Without civilian casualties]
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killacharacterbingo · 1 month
Post Traumatic Amnesia
Post Traumatic Amnesia (PTA) is the time period following a traumatic brain injury in which the patient is unable to form new memories and, in some cases, unable to recall old ones as well. Essnetially it is anterograde (possibly combined with retrograde) amnesia caused by a brain injury.
PTA causes abnormal speech and behaviour patterns in patients suffering from it. Memory loss is the largest symptom, but it comes hand in hand with a swath of complications. Anxiety, disinhibition, aggressive behaviour, inability to recognize loved ones, inability to comprehend the current situation, uncharacteristic docile behaviour...
At its core, PTA is a recovery phase for the patient. During it they may experience life as a dream. They cannot be held accountable for words or actions committed during this time period, as they truly are not the owners of their thoughts and actions. They may engage in dangerous behaviour or wander off, meaning it might be beneficial to have someone with them at all times.
Due to their inability to form new memories and possibly recall old ones, they might ask the same question over and over again, about who they are, who the caretaker is, where they are, and so on. Some patients have been known to rationalize their recovery period as being spies held for questioning, or having been hexed, and any other number of ways the brain may rationalize its current status. These delusions can be more or less harmful and presistent in time.
The aftermath of PTA depends on many factors, including the severity of the brain injury. The duration of PTA can range from seconds to months. The duration of PTA cannot be accurately predicted, but in turn it does predict the severity of brain damage; with patients who spent a longer period in recovery state presenting larger difficulties in the future. While every person's aftermath is going to look different depending on their brain injury, difficulty with memories, brain fog and transient amnesia (not long lasting) are present in all patients.
PTA is reversible. It's a common stage in recovery from brain injuries. The period in which patients were unable to form new memories may never be recovered, depending on whether they were capable of encoding at least some information of that time or none whatsoever. However, for the purpose of our characters, fate will not be so kind.
This prompt was added with the idea of amnesia not being reversible. Of our characters for once surviving, but being gone all the same. Their memories of their loved ones, of everything which made them the person they are, are lost to a brain injury. The body has survived, but the mind, the personality, is lost. A lighter version of ego death, if you will, where they aren't necessarily lost irreversibly (as they can recover in some areas; more in that in a moment), but their sense of self is, for the time being at minimum, lost. Their loved ones may have to cope with seeing their loved one walking around as if everything were fine, yet being unable to recognize their personality anymore.
Characters can recover other brain functions, but not their memories. This could be due to the nature of the injury and the area of the brain affected, scifi or fantasy reasons, or anything the author deems fair game.
Of course, as in all "character actually survives"-type prompts, authors are free to still kill their character. They can injure themselves during PTA and die before they had a chance to recover, their caretaker may not be as kind as they seem, they can wander off and get lost... Sky's the limit. Kill them entirely or their sense of self.
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starblaster · 4 months
I don't comment on systemhood or my plurality very much with this blog but, because I have noticed so many other systems following me lately, I want to say this:
Psychiatrists don't understand plurality. The entire 'field' of psychiatry, extra especially in the west, is utterly lacking when it comes to possessing any nuanced understanding of how trauma functions and how it impacts the brain. Singlets, especially singlet psychiatrists, don't understand us; traumagenic or endogenic, they don't fucking get it and they never will. The idea that endogenic systems are supposedly causing singlets in your life to develop the 'wrong ideas' about you as a traumagenic system is completely fucking preposterous. Their existence is completely separate to your own, and singlets' opinions of us already don't matter; we are still plural regardless of whatever singlets believe about plurality. Expecting every system and every manifestation of plurality to be palatable and digestible and 'correct' to singlets, and holding every other system you meet to those expectations, is ridiculous and disprespectful.
You do not need to be contributing to the problem of systemhood being chronically misunderstood by participating in lateral aggression against other systems. No matter who is reading this, you are not the arbiter of who is and isn't a 'valid' system, and you are not the authority on systemhood/plurality just because you are also a system.
I don't fucking care if you "don't understand" endogenic or mixed-origin or schizogenic or borderline or otherwise non-DID/non-OSDD1 systems. Like it or not, they still exist regardless of what your opinions are and their existences have absolutely no material impact on you and your own journey with plurality. They aren't "giving systems a bad name," they're not "stealing resources," and they're not "invading traumagenic spaces." The whole of 'endogenic systems' as a group are not hurting anyone, and it actually doesn't cause any kind of measurable 'harm' whatsoever to accept them as valid systems.
Individual/specific endogenic systems who you may have encountered speaking negatively about those of us whose plurality has been traumagenic and life-long do not reflect all endogenics, and their words/actions have absolutely no bearing on whether endogenic systemhood/plurality is legitimate or not. Your personal feelings, including being personally offended by an endogenic system or traumagenic supporter of endogenic systems, also have nothing to do with whether or not endogenic systemhood is real.
I am the host of a 'diagnosed-as-DID' traumagenic system of dissociative identities that experiences amnesia. The entire sysmedicalist ideology did nothing but make me doubt myself even after I had subjected myself to being psychologically evaluated several times (which just ended up retraumatizing me each time due to my history of being abused in the psychiatric system). It was endogenic systems and their allies who helped me embrace my plurality and systemhood, because what sysmedicalists call a 'community' is a panopticon; it's nothing but constant intracommunity surveillance and policing of one anothers' identities and existences, abiding by 'rules' suggested decades ago by singlet psychiatrists drafting new editions of the goddamn DSM.
You do not need to "understand" another system's identity to treat them with patience, basic dignity, and respect. Talking down to endogenic systems, online or otherwise, is a fucking embarrassing waste of your time. I seriously do not give a shit who you are, you are not the gatekeeper of 'valid systemhood', because none of us are.
Focus on taking care of yourselves, not on 'preserving' the so-called 'sanctity' of systemhood. The onus is ours to step up and have each others' backs because the singlets and psychiatrists sure as fuck don't care about us!
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hungeringheart · 8 months
Aside from the Captors, what are other plausible reasons/scenarios for a human player to have a dreamself on both Prospit and Derse? And/or maybe a classpect that's somehow associated with the reason/scenario?
Hello there! Thanks for the ask, as always!
I think the first point we should consider is that whatever Sollux and Mituna's (by the way, how are we supposed to say Mituna? /MI.tu.nə/, like in Sanskrit, or mih-TOO-nuh with an American accent?) Deal Is, it's not replicable by human players. The Vision Twofold, which is probably responsible for the dual dreaming thing, seems to be a type of psionics, which is a troll sensory thing humans don't have.
That actually doesn't strike me as anything to do with a special exception in the game rules - the game adapts to the abilities of the players, after all. We have preexisting evidence of that (ooh, spooky!).
There are a number of potential interpretations of exactly how, but that's not super relevant just now - what's important is that we should understand that Sollux and Mituna's genetics and culture are more relevant to their two dream selves than any pre-existing game mechanics as such. Not meta-narratively - meta-narratively the relationship is exactly reversed - but within the scope of the story, from Sollux's perspective, the game is reflecting something that's already got a precedent in his lifeway. To us that lifeway and its game consequence is obviously a satire drawing on some of our myths, but from his point of view, SGRUB contains a provision for his vision twofold because it's a game made by people who know about it.
So then, when might it be narratively interesting for someone human to have two dream selves? What kind of human person do you need to be to experience that?
Let's consider some human mythology - and when I say mythology please hear with utmost seriousness that I don't mean to imply anything at all about the relationship of what is mythologically true to what is empirically observable. I use the word "myth" in a strictly anthropological sense -- the way people construct and live with their world, wherever they consider the center of the world to be.
A lot of human cultures have the idea that your spirit bumbles off somewhere when you dream. Given Homestuck uses the imagery of Christianity and Gnosticism and their relation to cycles of abuse extensively (someone once phrased the thesis of the Lord English plot as "life is your dad beating you with a belt, right up until you either become a dad or break the cycle"), let's examine an Abrahamic view.
Both Jewish and Muslim tradition, and iirc the tradition of many of the Orthodox churches, has it that the soul leaves the body when sleeping, to go somewhere else. This soul is singular, often in the form of some sort of bird (which is why I really like to link birds to the Heart aspect in my fanon), and the body and its breath may or may not learn what the leaving soul saw on its journey. This is why you forget most dreams.
You don't really get two of these under normal circumstances -- you can have many soul parts or souls depending on who you are and what your lifeway is (this is a kind of view common among some indigenous cultures that aren't Abrahamic), but you dream with one soul.
However! I'm a firm believer in the idea that you can do whatsoever the hell you want with your fanon, and I happen to know of a concept that will help.
In some parts of Eastern Europe (independent of religion) there's an old-fashioned autochthonous folk belief in "two-spirits", but not in like a cool gender way; in the sense of one person with two souls or hearts. This type of person can be any gender, and they have one good human soul, but that soul shares them with an animal or evil soul, which leaves at night along with the regular soul. It then goes around causing harm, in its own shape (an old explanation for sleepwalking) or in the shape of an object or animal. The person won't remember what it did, necessarily, unless they happen to be a witch -- they'll be busy remembering their normal dreams...
And so, see, if you were to have this person (who is an unlucky charm, by the way, often someone conceived while their mother was menstruating) as a player in a session, they could absolutely dream on two moons simultaneously, their selves totally unaware of each other. That could be a very strong Heart plotline, if you wrote it right, but then you'd have to lean hard into this aspect of their identity, probably. Lots of sifting through dicey Rodnover websites, down that road.
That covers one fairly regular and banal way for one individual to dream on two moons. There are other cultures with similar ideas, and for characters in these contexts it would be possible to do that. Homestuck is about growing up, and that's about identity in no small part, and that, in turn, depends a lot on where you are.
Another even more regular and banal way for a double dreaming situation to happen is if the individual is a chimera, and absorbed a twin -- plenty of such people have their own spiritual beliefs about the twin they form a mosaic with, again modulated by culture.
If you're not tethered to that limitation (that it be grounded in something connected to how the world is structured), your character could have a dissociative disorder and their distinct personality states could possibly each dream separately -- but then you come into the weeds of having to figure out whether and how they negotiate the possibility of being two people, and whether they still qualify... it's not easy! It's a decision you have to make for yourself, in your own writing.
My instinct, obviously, is to connect this to some sort of instability they have to overcome as a player of Heart or Blood -- but you could probably do the same thing with Mind, and of course the canon characters who have this distinction are heroes of Doom.
Whatever you decide to do, do it with your whole heart (or two ;)) and don't feel tethered to the limitations of canon! I think the whole point of the limitations of canon is that they're shaped by who the players are just as much as they shape the players, you know?
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splathousefiction · 10 months
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At the time, no
BSky lacks too many extremely basic security elements for me to recommend it in good faith
Edit: Because I answered this on mobile and wanted to get to a solid keyboard
Things BSky Lacks At The Moment:
You can't upload GIFs or video of any length.
No Two-factor authentication
There's a single recovery mail option, but no SMS/Alternative mail recovery option. SMS isn't secure, but the fact even /that/ isn't there really bothers me as an IT person.
These severely impact my ability to both be a sex worker and feel safe using the service. I should stress that Bsky is literally in it's infancy and was very obviously cobbled together when elon started his rampage of gutting twitter as a service (BTW, if there was any doubts he bought it for transphobic reasons, let me clear that up for you). The service is less than a year old, but the fact it's lacking even extremely basic, totally normal safety features is pretty absurd.
My next critique comes in the form of BSky's invite system-it's literally to keep the service from crashing due to a mass migration from Twitter, and that's the only reason. As I'm typing this I have both services open in my browser, and they look identical. Millions of users would likely leave Twitter in an instant if the service was open, which would cause outtages that lasted gods know how long. Gatekeeping as a means of keeping the service up is absolutely a choice-but it also means that there straight up is nobody there that you really know.
I've never been massively popular and think follow counts are stupid; but I've only been able to find like, 2-4 people I know, who also aren't posting on the service ATM simply because there's nothing really to react to.
Bsky also isn't doing a whole lot about hate groups. Hategroups appearing on every platform is an inevitability because many americans still don't wash their ass or know the caress of the sun, but Bsky's method of dealing with this is a mass-hiding option under the user control panel-an option that will "seed out" hate speech based on an algorithm. Which, if you know anything about hate groups and how they communicate, is fucking lazy as hell when active moderation towards such people would send both a positive message about the platform's stance and make people feel safe.
With all of this stated, here's some things I actually like about BSky:
*The Devs are very open about the fact they're actively working on improving the service, and are more or less transparent about what they're currently working on. This is leagues better than anything we had on Twitter even before Musk took over.
*It's a great way to "start anew" on a twitter-like service. I'm currently using mine as a way of hopefully building attention towards my Fansly page, and gaining funding to shoot more porn.
*People in power aren't protected. What I mean by that is you can scream at billionaires again and they absolutely will see it. The service is currently tending left politically, with many users falling under the LGBT spectrum. It's nice and notably different than Twitter.
All of this can change in an instance for any reason whatsoever. For the mean time, if you get a code there's no harm in making an account; but be aware the service is very much a rickety schaffold of what it should be.
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vynegar · 1 year
hello!!! if it's okay with you could you please share what happens at the end of luke's new au card? the one where he was in the plane and the ending of it pls? thank you if ever!
he comes back from the mission safe and sound and then he and rosa live happily ever after :)
haha. as if.
skip to the last three paragraphs for the actual ending, this pretty much turned into a card summary *facepalm*
Luke and Rosa (and Kiki!) are about to graduate college, all of them studying majors that would help in the war effort. There's still a farewell dance for them, though, and Rosa still doesn't have a date. As Kiki teases her about Luke, Luke flies by in a plane as a greeting. When he comes up in-person to ask Rosa to the dance, she decides to give him a bit of a hard time by making him compete with her in codebreaking, a subject that he's worse than her in. They compete to see who can decipher a Morse code message faster, using Luke's voice recorder pen to keep time.
Even though Rosa wins, she still agrees to go with Luke since she was just teasing him. They both asked each other about their future plans in their Morse code messages. Luke also reminisces about their first time doing a mission together, when Rosa had given him a letter asking to meet him (for self-defense lessons) but Luke had gone to Aaron for advice and misunderstood it as her intending to confess. Luke admits he was a bit disappointed that it wasn't the case, but neither of them pursue the topic because they know that during such turbulent times, love isn't really something they can consider pursuing. Rosa suggests practicing self-defense again and we get the card art and Luke urging Rosa to search him for weapons when he's pinned, definitely for defense practice reasons and with no ulterior motives whatsoever ;)
They're interrupted when they're summoned by the headmaster. The enemy forces plan to set off a bomb near the school, but the bomb's location hasn't been deciphered yet. All of the school's resources and manpower are already stretched to their limits, so the headmaster assigns Luke and Rosa to the mission of deciphering the location and eliminated the threat despite them not even being officially graduated yet.
They manage to decode that the location of the time bombs is in a plane on a rooftop runway. There they get in a gunfight with the enemy but win. There aren't any pilots available to fly the bombs to a safe place to detonate them, so the task falls to Luke. Before taking off, Luke asks Rosa to keep something safe for him.
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Luke says he'll tell her what it is when he comes back. Per tradition when someone undertakes a dangerous mission, Rosa also wants to say something to give him to come back safely, so she says she has something important to tell him when he returns too.
Rosa rushes to the aviation command center where she's able to remain in contact with Luke. Bullet holes from the gunfire caused the plane's fuel tank to leak, so Rosa maps out a new, shorter route for Luke to follow. Luke manages to fly to the safe zone, a bay without people around it so the bomb can detonate without harming anyone; once again, Luke and Rosa have completed their mission. However, the pilot seat is stuck, so Luke is unable to parachute out of the plane to safety; he, along with the plane and the bomb, would crash into the sea.
He tries to comfort Rosa that he's fulfilling his vow and dying a worthy death to protect the people, so don't cry. He still has something he wants to tell her, while he still has the chance. Luke studied informatics because he it was the way to make the fighting end sooner, and Rosa is the best intelligence agent he's ever seen. He's confident that she's able to help peace return to their city sooner. He hopes she can live a peaceful and happy life, and... their communication cuts out as Rosa watches the plane's signal plummet to the sea.
Afterwards, all that was found were the remains of the plane and some personal belongings of Luke, including his voice-recording pen, which he would never leave behind. Aaron gives it to Rosa, explaining that it has Luke's final message and that she should take the chance to say goodbye. The recording in it is a series of fingernail taps against the plane cabin. In Morse code, it spells out, "I love you."
The after-story is set over a year later after the fighting has subsided. The tide had carried Luke out to a fishing village where he was saved. His injuries were too severe for him to contact Rosa and the others, and ten months later, he transferred to the frontlines where he and Rosa were partners again. The box that he asked Rosa to keep safe has a pearl hairclip he intended to confess to her with after the dance. The hairclip is one that they saw while on a mission three years ago, and that Rosa was interested in. He also has two movie tickets for them after they go on a drive together. (But all the after stories for this seem pretty jarring, as if the bad ending is the actual true ending).
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badheart · 1 year
"They nearly destroyed the Quincy entirely. Genocide. It's no wonder the Quincy retaliated as they had. The Shinigami thinning opposition to remain in a superior position, perhaps. It wouldn't be the slightest bit surprising." His admission to why he hated them so, left an air of silence between them. This was where most would apologize for someone else's tragedies, but -- she didn't think saying sorry would make a difference.
"Your friends weren't doing anything to cause harm were they?" It had to be asked, "Unless there was some other agenda afoot.. There.. were probably instances where Fullbringers were being hunted for the the source of their powers." Her expression tightened with stress. Blind eyes aimed towards the ground with an arm folded about her midsection like something in their discussion had roused an unease within her.
"I'm afraid I don't know who that is. But if he would make such an order, then he must be one of the worst.." A name she would press to Kisuke next time she saw him. He'll tell her, right? Maybe he knows something about Ginjo's friends.
"Perhaps they were afraid of you. We aren't exactly a common breed.. Even less so for Fullbringers to become substitute shinigami." Then why is it Ichigo didn't have the same problem as Ginjo? The question lingered within her thoughts as she tapped fingernails to her cane.
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"Perhaps its in their genes, or whatever..." Spirit genes, he had no plan about the anatomy of Shinigami, at least not so much in the biological or whatever sense. They could be killed at least. "Being in power sure is fun, but the amount of hypocrisy by some..." Ginjo let out a sigh, shaking his head. As teenager, he had looked up to them, amazed about their power and heroic deeds. What a lie.
"Actually, we met up on that day, so I would free them of their powers, 'cause I can do that with mine," Ginjo revealed and perhaps he would have smirked but till this day, he was not too sure about the powers he had gotten. A reflection of his greedy personality? Or possibly desperation for more power. "Some did not like their powers at all, it only brought them pain, from the few stories I have heard." Others would embrace them, or have no negative experiences whatsoever. Though the latter felt like a minority. "For them it was like a curse... hm, I don't know." He never thought about that possibility, especially because he had never seen any Fullbringer fully side with the Shinigami, well except Kurosaki's friend group. But really, the Shinigami were powerful enough on their own, there did not seem to be the need to kill a bunch of Fullbringers. And what could be possibly found out from a corpse?
"And yet he was one of those, who were loved the most... I once did too," Ginjo admitted. "Well, admired..." he snorted. "He was the captain of the 13th division, if that helps." Maybe she wanted to find out more on her own, clearly she was doing something like that, when she was not sitting here with him, sharing some of her company. Finally a woman... too many dudes around here.
Ginjo let out another snort. "It's hard to imagine, I am just one guy, though some powers sure can be terrifying..." And he would grin just a little bit. "If you ever meet Tsukishima, you should try to poke him, he can change your entire past... sort of."
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menalez · 1 year
Actually, i voted the last option on weakest link poll.... but I thought about it and wish I could revote for anti feminist or right wing women
So many women voted agajnst the right to an abortion, and in the USA it was a woman who pushed for the Equal rights act or whatever it was to be passed bc she thought it would ruin things bc women are meant to be house wives and all, they actively fight against their own and therefore our rights
Meanwhile, I think that women who still wear makeup and shave aren't the weakest link at all, I think people on here do get caught up in a woman's appearance like "what she just said that really feminist thing but she is wearing makeup!!" or even some extreme people saying like a woman is dressed too provocative who end up sounding like conservatives.
Also this might sound controversial ? and i dont mean it to but it comes across as thinking most women are dumb... bc a great amount of women do wear makeup and do shave. But they still also are intelligent, can think for themselves, so on. And also I think radblr has a problem with treating women outside of it as stupid in general (Not you though i like ur blog for that) and having a superiority complex about it, while doing no actual activism. Not everyone obviously i just think its present and its a bit annoying. (Also omg this is not me saying criticizing makeup use and shaving is litErally misogyny and saying that women are dumb. Im anti beauty industry, but just assuming a woman cant have good points bc she wears makeup. Is what im against.)
i agree that a woman can have good points while practicing feminine rituals like wearing makeup or shaving. and that absolutely right-wing women are ultimately causing way more harm to us than women who simply shave or wear makeup. i do think some ppl on radblr get quite hung up on pushing women within radblr to be as radical as possible instead of focusing on the bigger picture so i see ur point there, and i’ve seen many times that a video of a woman saying intelligent things about women’s rights and advocating for women will receive comments about how she’s wearing makeup or basically acting like she’s not actually thinking critically whatsoever bc if she were, she wouldn’t be wearing makeup or sth. and also i agree ultimately that individual acts like dating men, wearing makeup, shaving, etc and women actively fighting against women’s rights are not on the same level of bad. i would much rather every OSA woman was choosing to date a man, every woman wearing makeup, every woman shaving, than having 1 woman actively fighting against women’s right to abortion & bodily autonomy & independence etc. in my country & countries neighbouring us, there are women fighting to keep women oppressed and arguing it’s wrong that we gain any independence from men… a lot of them don’t wear makeup (bc they view it as haram), a lot of them don’t date (bc they view it as haram), a lot of them remove bodily hair but do not touch the hair on their face (again, haram) but they’re still causing more harm to women’s rights than the women in my country that have makeup caked on and a boyfriend and practice extreme beauty rituals.
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cherubark · 2 years
this is the anon. thank you for reblogging and giving your thoughts, but i dont think itll be enough. i vented to a friend of mine about this, and they found the user on another server admitting theyre currently a minor. and now im really fucking scared, because they implicitly lied to me and im afraid ill go to prison
That's disgusting and unsettling and a real bitch to deal with, I understand, but you still did the right thing by reporting them to Trust & Safety. Nothing about what you did is in any way, shape, or form illegal and you can't be prosecuted for acting in good faith under the assumption that they were an adult in an 18+ server. The onus is on them for lying to you, not you for being deceived. You aren't going to face any legal repercussions whatsoever; even in the event that someone tries to be malicious, there's no case against you for doing exactly what you were supposed to. Trust me as someone that has been in the same situation several times over the years: you're hard-pressed to get the police to take action against a legitimate groomer, much less a hapless adult who disengaged and reported to the authorities.
Take some time to silence your kneejerk panic response and understand that, while it might feel like the end of the world, under the very harshest possible reading this is still an extremely minor infraction, and no government on earth has the time or resources to waste on you having an uncomfortable but ultimately brief interaction on Discord dot com when there are actual predators causing genuine harm out there.
I'm not trying to minimize your feelings, which are real and genuine, but providing perspective that outside of what your anxiety might be telling you, this is objectively not a big deal to anyone else. Minors lie about their age all the time, and if people were hauled to prison every single time they fooled someone, the internet would look like a very different place.
Breathe. You're going to be okay, I promise you. There will come a time when you'll look back at this and wonder what you were ever worried about.
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 years
A lot of Destiel blogs I look at hate Dabb, I don't really understand why apparently he made Dean too angry?
Ohhhh nonny, it's absolutely not that he made Dean "too angry." It's that during his era the writers routinely shredded Dean's previously established character and ignored or backtracked his prior development in order to create additional tension and conflict where there didn't really need to be additional tension and conflict. I've also seen many people say, and I agree, that Dabb's era kind of flattens Cas out and doesn't allow him to experience emotions other than "sad martyr" nearly often enough.
Dean being angry is in character. Dean reacting to stress and trauma with anger is in character. Dean masking pain with anger is in character. And to be fair, Dabb era does a pretty good job of calling out Dean's anger as a secondary emotion and/or trauma response. Though they don't ever really deal with it, which is another problem for another day.
What's not in character is that Dean would ever treat any child the way he treats Jack in seasons 13-15. What's not in character is that Dean would ever call someone his child, his family, and then turn around and claim they aren't later.
What's definitely not in character is that Dean would ever give up on any member of his family as a lost cause, no matter what they did or how dangerous they were in the moment, or in general. We've seen this to be true with both Sam and Cas, multiple times. We've seen this with John (while possessed) and Mary (while brainwashed). Hell, we've even seen this with characters Dean only interacts with on screen a handful of times, like Claire and Garth.
An in-character Dean would have fought for another way until they found one or it killed him. An in-character Dean would sooner let Jack kill him than put a gun to Jack's head. Hell, an in-character Dean should've been the one to put a bullet in Chuck, and it should've happened the very first second after Chuck suggested shooting Jack.
It's always been a cornerstone of Dean's character that he does not give up on family. He doesn't put anything before his family, whether that's found family or blood family. Not the mission, not the greater good, not the will of his father or God himself. And yet we're supposed to believe that he's willing to do the "hard, ugly thing" with Jack? No, I'm not buying it.
And as for Cas...Cas should have been furious at Dean for locking Jack in the mal'ak box, a fate so awful Dean himself had nightmares about it before it even happened to him. Cas should have been ready to tear Dean limb from limb for even considering putting a gun to their son's head.
That's his baby. That's his son. And I'm sorry, I know first-hand that there are parents who make excuses for shitty significant others and let their kids suffer the consequences, but I don't buy Cas as one of those people. Do you?
No, we should have gotten Alleyway Ass-kicking 2.0 for that shit, but instead? Cas acts like Dean has any right whatsoever to be angry at him, leaves without even giving Dean a well-deserved piece of his mind, and then comes back and accepts Dean's forgiveness like Dean isn't the one who needed forgiving in that scenario.
And really, it all just boils down to Dabb walking this weird line in seasons 14-15 where he was trying to raise the family drama stakes by giving them a kid that they love who might or might not be evil, but also pulling back hard to just-the-brothers state by having no one in this so-called family actually act like a family should. Because seriously, what parent who loves their child wouldn't go absolutely fucking feral at the suggestion of someone harming them in retaliation for an accident? Much less their other parent who's supposed to love them?
Like...I'd say Dabb and whoever else wrote on seasons 14-15 just doesn't understand parenthood, but I'm not even a fucking parent. I have not a single maternal or paternal bone in my entire body, and even I get it better that these chuckleheads, so it can't be that.
And it's just really frustrating because what does it say about Sam and Dean as people if they can sincerely call someone their child and then even consider killing him? If Dean can actively plan to do it and Sam doesn't do anything but look sad and say but no Dean I don't like this? If Cas can even look at the man who put a gun to his baby's head afterward, much less embrace him, much less die for him, leaving said child in the care of the guy who wanted to kill him and the guy who wasn't trying very hard to stop it? What kind of people are they, if they can do those things? To their own child?
It's character assassination for Dean, Sam, and Cas, and completely treating anyone who's not blood kin to the brothers like they're disposable. So that's probably why most Destiel fans, who tend to care a lot about the whole "family don't end with blood" message in the show, don't like Dabb or his era very much.
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hey what does it mean if my venus (scorpio) is in retrograde? is it a bad placement?
Hi baby! I'm sorry it took so long to answer this. Honestly Scorpio Venus is a very very good placement when used correctly. I understand why you may be nervous about the retrograde though, so I will clear that up. No, it is not a bad placement. There is no such thing as a bad placement. Some can be difficult, but they all exist to teach us lessons. I will explain what retrograde in the birth chart, and what Venus in retrograde actually means. I would also like to say that once I get to the Venus in retrograde part way down below, there are some trigger warnings. Please read the warnings, and if you are sensitive to those topics, do not read those parts of the post. Stay safe <3
Retrograde In The Birth Chart
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Retrograde is when a planet (except for the Sun or Moon) moves backwards. Now, the planet does not actually move backwards. It just appears that way. Basically it's whichever planet's orbit aligns with our orbit (Earth's orbit) just right, so it looks like it's moving backwards.
In astrology, this is exactly what it signifies. It's when issues from the past, or lessons you haven't quite learned resurface. It can also act as a period of time where you must review whichever aspect of your life that planet rules. This can cause disruptions, complications and stress on these issues for us in regular life.
A retrograde in the birth chart basically means this is going on for you all of the time. It means there are more lessons in this area you must learn. Some plus sides to this are the fact that when that planet goes into retrograde for everyone else, you aren't really affected because that is your norm. It also means you learn to master the lessons of that planet. You've got constant issues with it, so in order to get through life and grow as a person, you would have been forced to learn and work through that retrograde. This means you conquer and take control of this planet and it's lessons. Go you!!
Venus In Retrograde
Venus in retrograde means all of these things in reference to love/relationships/partnerships, design/fashion/aesthetics and finance.
- It could indicate being a 'late bloomer' in terms of romance or sexuality, maybe not finding that part of yourself for a while. Or possibly not being interested in that side of life for a long time.
- It could also indicate having issues with money. Maybe you spend too much and end up with not enough money when you need it, or the opposite, save too much and don't let yourself have things you enjoy.
- TW: Divorce, bad marriages, all that sort of stuff. You go through divorce in some way, or have an overall negative experience with marriage (divorced parents, just icks you out, whatever it is).
- A lot of Venus retrograde natives are huge feminists, and really hate female gender roles (or any gender roles). This is not a bad thing!! It is one of the good things that comes with Venus retrograde!!
- TW: toxic masculinity, gender stuff. Sometimes this can go quite bad, and have the native reject any femininity whatsoever. Obviously this is very harmful, and makes for a lot of toxic masculinity or women who are not remotely comfortable in themselves in that way (unsure how it would affect non-binary people. Maybe just immune?? I'm kidding they'd just reject femininity dw y'all I see you. Btw if I have any non-binary followers lemme know!! I feel like I've never specifically mentioned y'all, but I see you and love you <3).
- TW: Self esteem issues, self doubt, mental illness, body dysmorphia, eating disorders. There can be some serious self esteem or self doubt issues. If negatively aspected, it could indicate body dysmorphia or eating disorder tendencies. Being unhappy with yourself and how you look in particular, although it could be self esteem issues for any reason. Please look after yourself my love. Remember to eat if you can, drink water, and remember that we all want you here. You are stronger than you think and you can get through anything (I promise). I've struggled with all this stuff myself, so I understand. My DM's are open if anyone needs to talk <3
- Clashing fashion sense </3
- Cannot choose an aesthetic </3
The last two were jokes, but you get it. Now, because it is a retrograde, this means you will eventually master all of these things! If they are issues you struggle with now, you will one day learn all of the necessary lessons and be an expert on this planet. I know a lot of negative things were listed, but I promise there are no bad placements.
Okay everybody, this is all I have today!! Thank you so much for reading. If you have this placement, let me know how it affects you!! If anything in this post triggered you in any way, feel free to DM me if you would like to. I am here for all of you. Please take care of yourselves, my pretties. Sending you all so so so so so so much love <33
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
Naruto: 10 Worst Things About Sasuke And Sakura's Relationship
By the time of Boruto, Sasuke and Sakura are a loving married couple, but their checkered history included some troubling low points.
Sakura harbors a crush on Sasuke before the two of them even graduate from the Academy and end up on the same team. He's always at the forefront of her thoughts and actions, and the two of them do end up getting married and starting a family of their own in the end. On paper, their romance seems relatively dreamlike.
However, that's not the full story of the ups and downs of their relationship. Sasuke initially doesn't care enough to give Sakura the time of day, and there are even multiple instances where he seems indifferent to her life being in danger — or actively endangers it himself. Sakura's unhealthy obsession with Sasuke also stunts her growth in other ways.
10. Even After Starting A Family, Sasuke Is A Largely Absent Father Who Can't Connect With His Daughter
There's a long period of time between the original series and Shippuden where Sasuke is absent after he turned his back on the Leaf to instead seek revenge. He eventually does come back and start a life with Sakura, but even then he's absent most of the time.
While this is due to being sent out on missions and he doesn't have much of a choice, he fails to properly connect with his daughter Sarada when he does get to spend time with her. He's so bad on this front that he actually ends up getting scolded by his old squad leader, Kakashi.
9. Sakura Ignores Naruto And Treats Him Like Garbage Because Of Her Initial Infatuation
It's one thing to have a crush on someone and to value their opinion more than anyone else's. It's another thing when this infatuation causes someone to treat others around them poorly, especially when their crush doesn't even want to give them the time of day.
In the beginning, Naruto continually makes efforts to connect with Sakura and get to know her better. She not only brushes him off but straight-up calls him annoying and tells him to get lost, simply because he's not the object of her romantic affection, instead of making any attempt to bond with her teammate.
8. Sakura Appears Blind To Much Of Sasuke's Suffering, Instead Focusing On Her Own Feelings
Sakura values Sasuke above everything else in her life, and this remains true even after he defects from the Leaf. Despite this, though, it oftentimes feels as if she doesn't consider his feelings and struggles and is instead remains much more focused on her own.
In the beginning, she doesn't consider his feelings regarding his murdered family when talking down on Naruto, saying he's so undisciplined because he doesn't have parental guidance. She's also quick to say she'll help Sasuke with his path of revenge when he goes to leave the village despite this being an incredibly destructive and harmful path.
7. Sakura Throws Away Her Best Friend For Sasuke When He Doesn't Care At All About Her
Back when Sakura was much younger, she completely lacked self-confidence and was a consistent target of bullying from other girls. It's Ino who stepped in, got the bullies to back off, and showed Sakura that she shouldn't hide her insecurities and instead have more confidence in herself.
Sakura then decides to throw away their friendship simply because she hears that Ino also has a crush on Sasuke. She says it's for the sake of them becoming rivals, but they both would've been much stronger if they worked together rather than letting a guy split them apart, especially a guy who doesn't care for either of them.
6. For A Long Time, Sasuke Shows No Interest In Her While Both Naruto And Rock Lee Do
Sakura stays completely devoted to Sasuke even though he betrays no romantic interest in her whatsoever. This might make sense if there were no one else who cared for Sakura and wanted her to be happy, but both Naruto and Rock Lee care immensely for her.
Lee goes as far as to risk his own life for Sakura's sake in the Forest of Death, and the two of them bond when Sakura goes to Lee's hospital room nearly every day to spend time with him after the tournament. Naruto consistently offers to spend time with Sakura and gives her positive attention, and she instead chooses to yearn after Sasuke, who's totally caught up with his curse mark and revenge business.
5. Sakura States She Has No Interests Or Hobbies That Don't Involve Sasuke
During the initial introduction that Kakashi has everyone participate in, the members of the newly-formed Team 7 all go around stating a bit about themselves. Sasuke focuses on his future revenge, and though Naruto mostly talks about ramen, he at least also states his dream of becoming Hokage.
Sakura, on the other hand, states that all of her likes and hobbies have to do with Sasuke. Because of this, she also declares that the thing she hates is Naruto. This is incredibly immature, and it's not a good foundation for any relationship if one's entire world revolves around the person they like and they don't have anything else to bring them happiness.
4. They Don't Put Equal Effort Into Their Relationship After Getting Married
Sakura essentially gives up on her life as a shinobi in order to raise her and Sasuke's daughter while he's away. He's gone for so long on missions that Sakura admits that the main reason she keeps so many pictures of Sasuke is so she doesn't forget what he looks like, which is heartbreaking.
Sasuke, on the other hand, doesn't make any effort to stop by and see his family while he's away for years at a time. He could at least send letters to get updates on how their daughter is doing — something he should care deeply about — but he never does.
3. Sakura Plots To Steal A Kiss From Sasuke When He Has No Interest In Her
After graduation, on the day when the teams are made up, Sakura asks Sasuke if she can sit by him. He completely and utterly ignores her, but this doesn't stop her from sitting beside him regardless.
She states internally that she'll be "stealing his first kiss today," which comes off incredibly creepy when he hasn't expressed any interest in her or desire to kiss her. It doesn't make her look like someone who actually cares about him when she's willing to try to get a kiss from him without his consent.
2. Sakura's Self-Confidence Early On Is Completely Reliant On Sasuke
Before the Chunin Exams, Sakura asks Sasuke if he'd like to train with her. He coldly brushes her off and comments that, when it comes to trying to push her plans onto others who aren't interested, she's just as bad as Naruto.
This rejection completely crushes her self-confidence and she immediately agrees with him instead of standing up for herself. She stays in this funk until Sasuke later compliments her ability to see through genjutsu, after which her self-confidence is immediately restored. It's incredibly unhealthy for her sense of self to hinge on how Sasuke treats her.
1. Sasuke Almost Successfully Ended Sakura's Life
If there's one thing that should have made Sakura realize Sasuke didn't care about her the way she cared about him, above all else, it's the moment he tries to kill her.
Sakura goes after Sasuke declaring that she'll be the one to kill him herself after he becomes an international criminal, but she freezes in the moment. He then tries to kill her instead. He would have been successful in this endeavor, too, if Kakashi hadn't shown up just in time to deflect Sasuke's Chidori and save her. Her infatuation with him doesn't waver whatsoever after this, which feels incredibly off-putting after this vicious interaction.
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I've seen people say a lot of women in porn, especially amateur porn, aren't consenting, but that sounds like an unprovable and unfalsifiable claim, don't you think? And then these same people are against hentai, an arguably more ethical form of porn, because they promote rape or some other such thing.
Make it make sense.
It’s one of those things they say but you can’t really prove without having to ask the sex workers themselves... and even if they said “I don’t have any guy who is forcing me into doing this.” somehow it would be twisted to say they can’t consent because they do it for the money or to be paid which is kinda... eh. 
I really dislike the use of money or circumstance in order to basically invalidate someone’s ability to consent. It’s kinda like saying if you don’t make x amount of money or aren’t in y position, then you can’t consent to sex unless it is for free basically. They also tend to use the argument “Well they just threw money at them later to silence them.” and someone throwing money, gits, etc. on someone after violating their consent is abuse akin to how abusers tend to love bomb or shower their victims with praise, money, and gifts as a means of making them feel better or accept it. 
I also cannot emphasize how much throwing money, gifts, etc. onto someone after violating their consent doesn’t change the fact that the victim did not consent to the action whatsoever. 
But back onto the topic at hand, if they really believed that even amateur porn is unethical because of the consent issues, they really should have no issues against hentai, erotica, etc. because they’re all fictional characters and stories. No one is being hurt or harmed in the making of them because the character they’re about doesn’t exist. 
But they’re even against hentai because to them, it promotes rape cause the only hentai they’ve ever seen or watch has been the stereotypical girl who gets raped by a bunch of guys or tentacles hentai. They’ve never actually ventured or bother looking into other genres or hentai that don’t have the rape or incest tag on them as there is a surprising amount of genuinely wholesome and vanilla hentai.
And of course, many of them will say “Well we don’t have to.” which is fair... you don’t. But you also lose any right to make a nuanced judgement on how it is or what it promotes when you don’t bother to look at anything but the most stereotypical hentai in existence.
But in all actuality, they’re more so against porn than they are protecting victims. Otherwise, they’d encourage people to look towards fictional outlets for being horny. But instead, they think because they can conjure a fantasy in their head it means everyone else is able to and that’s the only way you should be able to masturbate... with your mind’s eyes and a toy/hand. 
Unfortunately, even for someone like myself who draws and has a semi-decently sized visual library, forming something within my mind’s eyes or head can be difficult to actually visualize. Sometimes I need an actual visual image whether it be drawn or written to kickstart it into thinking so to say. 
Even in places like nofap, pornfree, etc. and related subreddits... they hate fictional porn and consider it just as bad as IRL porn because it is “unethical”. It begs the question of how can something be unethical if it isn’t real, if it isn’t putting any real person in danger, etc.
Like you said, make it make sense.
But in all actuality, they’re just against porn w/ victims and it being unethical or potentially unethical being a convenient vehicle to escape criticism and push the agenda. 
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