#and they say it's because they're worried about me
jasmineoolongtea · 2 days
― in between ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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― the ways in which they act around you when you're in that in-between stage ༘ ⋆。˚
contents: gojo x gn!reader, geto x gn!reader, nanami x gn!reader, megumi x gn!reader, yuji x gn!reader, yuuta x gn!reader, headcannons/drabbles, fluff a/n: heavily based on in between by gracie abrams. if she releases it in the secret of us deluxe edition, i might just explode with happiness. btw thank you sm for blowing up my last post, literally insane of you guys and a big kiss to all of you. also genuine question for you guys, do you prefer the layout i have for my headcanons, drabbles or longer fics? i'm trying to see which one you guys prefer
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gojo satoru never lets his phone ring for more than a couple seconds when it comes to you. doesn't matter where, when or what it could be about, the second he hears your personalised ringtone or sees your name flash across the top of his screen, he's scrambling to try and answer it as fast he possibly can. he could be in the middle of fighting a curse, deep within the throws of battle with a laser focus on the target in front of him and it all goes out the window the moment you call his phone.
you'll never know about it though. for some reason, satoru keeps this fact to himself like it's the biggest secret in the world. he'll always pick up the phone with a carefree lilt to his voice, sometimes even choosing to tease you for calling him when you could have just texted instead. quietly inside, he thanks the universe for giving him the opportunity to hear your voice again.
"gojo," god, he loves the way you say his name, maybe one day he'll manage to get you to call him satoru. "are you sure you're at home right now?" there's a tinge of concern that permeates your voice and he swears his heart beats twice as fast just thinking about the fact that you might be worried about his well being.
"of course! why'd you ask? don't tell me this is your way of asking to come over right now?" you sigh at his antics and he laughs it off, it's like a routine you two do. he keeps jokingly throwing out these more than friendly offers to your constant dismissal but secretly, he hopes one day that he can stop pretending like they're just that.
there's a loud crash coming from his side of the call which only serves your suspicions as you quip back. "no, gojo. i'm asking because i'm hearing noises like you're beating someone up." he curses faintly under his breath at the curse who's off groaning in pain in the distance after being punted into a wall with a flick of his wrist.
you pause for a second as your voice softens "is this a good time to call because if not i can just-"
"no, no." he cuts you off, "i've got all the time in the world for you."
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geto suguru hates it when you cry and hates it even more when you're away. he never thought it would be possible to hear a heart shatter in front of him but that's what he hears every time you shed a tear. you're the definition of angelic as crystalline tears stream down your face and his heart swells with warmth when you allow him to comfort you in his arms.
silently, he pledges to burn down whatever has brought you so much grief and pain as a newfound sense of anger courses through his veins. but before he can do anything, you turn to him with watery eyes and a quivering lip as you ask him to do the unthinkable.
"stay." you plead quietly.
"okay." he responds, a soft, comforting smile gracing his expression. he'll never say it out loud but he knows that it's a request, just like many others, he'll accept a thousand times over if it means he gets to stay close to you, even if it's nothing more than this.
if he thought it was painful to see you cry, then being away from you was possibly a fate worse than death. whenever he has to bear the misfortune of being separated from you, there's a part of him that you've taken away with you and is only reunited when you return to him. absence is said to make the heart grow fonder but he's pretty sure it's humanly impossible for his to do that as you're already the one it beats for. even across the distance of a phone call, it's still not enough for him to hear but not see you as it simply makes him crave your presence next even more.
he's rarely ever let anyone in like this before but the day you see him exhausted, dishevelled and broken and still choose to remain at his side, despite his protests, is the day he's sure that you're the only thing he'll ever want for the rest of his life. you claim it's under the guise of being friendly yet even satoru hasn't seen him like this. you might not know it but he does.
he doesn't say much, instead choosing to bask in this moment of mutual comfort and closeness as even at each other's worst, you both know that you'll still be okay.
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nanami kento says that he's new at this when you toe that delicate line between the two of you. you're new to this too. he's scared and you're scared, however, the fear is not enough to stop this. when does the line of being just friends end and the line of calling each other lover start? or is there a secret in-between stage that the two of you are stuck in like right now, where the other waits with bated breath to see if someone takes the risk to make the first move?
you've been friends for as long as you can remember running into each other that one fateful day within the rectangular walls of jujutsu tech. however, there's always been a whisper of something else there as well. it's been something the two of you have danced around with lingering glances and silent, 'accidental' touches in public spaces. the two of you have seen each other through the growing pains of adolescence, nights of broken hearts and awkward first dates and now with an added layer of professionalism as recent coworkers.
when it was nanami who was the one who rescued you from those times when you were left cold and alone in a random restaurant somewhere, you know that you've had enough of waiting on somebody who doesn't care about you. as he places his hand on your shoulder, ushering you into his car with his jacket dropped across your figure with the utmost care, he knows that you deserve so much more than whatever this world can offer and he can only dream of being the one to give this to you.
between you and him, there's an invisible wall of all the labels you have each barricade the other behind in an attempt to hide under a sense of familiarity but now in this moment, you want nothing more than to tear it all down with your bare hands. he reaches out to you, threading his fingers through his and in one swift move, he's done the impossible and has crossed over the holy ground that lies beneath you.
"do you think this is a good idea?" you ask him, your voice barely above a whisper.
"positive." he responds, more resolute in his answer than in anything he has been in his life, and you swear sparks fly when you kiss.
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fushiguro megumi loves your eyes and your smile and you love how he talks late at night when there's no one there. it's like a silent agreement between you two, one that you always honour. whenever one of you guys can't sleep, you will go to each other's dorm rooms and knock twice and you guys will stay up and talk until either the sun comes up or you both fall asleep.
it doesn't take a genius to say that megumi is a guarded person, with his walls so high you might even lose sight of him behind them, so it only makes it even more precious when you're able to see him like this in the dim light of the moonlight pouring in through the window. his skin is illuminated by the glow and the way he sounds when he's speaking with his soul bared open in its entirety makes you want to forever immortalise this moment in your memories. you think about all the people who have missed out on experiencing him like this with how his eyes sparkle with passion and how he breaks out into a grin at the slightest joke, leading you to mourn silently for their loss. however, you think of how vulnerable he lets himself become around you, knowing that you'll stay here with him no matter what, and the sweet nothings you hear him whisper to you when he thinks that you've fallen asleep and you realise this a secret you'll want to keep just between these walls.
on the rare occasion that megumi loses his battle to sleep first, he'll silently reach out for your hand and pull you closer to him. you're not sure if he's doing this consciously or unconsciously but you chose not to comment on the growing red glow of his ears as you sink into his touch.
usually, however, what happens is that you fall asleep first as you make your way onto the pillowy fortress that is either of your guys' beds. as you begin to drift off, he's always there watching over you like your very own moody guardian angel. this is the most he'll let himself indulge in your closeness, for now, as he takes comfort in the familiarity of this in-between stage.
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itadori yuji tells you that you're beautiful, funny and smart like nothing he's ever seen. he swears on everything he loves in this world, a list that includes you but you don't need to know that yet. you brush off his compliments with practised ease as you try to fight the burning sensation that is spreading across your face. deep down, you can feel your heart fluttering at his compliments but then you think about how you shouldn't be feeling this way about someone who's your friend.
"itadori, you're exaggerating," you say, shoving his shoulder playfully. he pretends to feign hurt, rubbing the impacted area with a slight pout. adorable, you think to yourself before bringing yourself back into the present moment.
"no, it's true really! if you don't believe me, i'll just keep saying it over and over again." he asserts, ever so confident in his stance. it's all true to him, just like how the sky is blue and the grass is green. he'll be the first one to say how pretty, amazing and talented you are in a room full of your biggest supporters and he'll be the first one to say it again when there's no one else.
you roll your eyes half-heartedly at him, trying your best to act nonchalant despite wondering if he might ever feel more for you than your current state of friendship. "you don't say that to your friends. what about nobara, you don't say this to her, do you?"
"yeah, but she isn't you," he responds back. you don't answer him, choosing instead to point out an ice cream stand in the far distance and he lets you tug him along with you. it's okay, he knows that you're scared of whatever lies ahead for you two. he understands that you're worried that he might like you in that way, although he thinks that it's a bit stupid you're still so unsure about it when he wears his heart on his sleeve whenever it comes to you. whatever is it, he'll be happy to go along at your pace, just as long as it means he gets to be by your side like this.
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okkotsu yuuta is so good to you and it makes you want it more than everything in between. is it greedy to say that you want more than whatever you two have right now? the longing stares, the lingering touches and the way your faces light up when you spot each other in a crowded room. sure, those were all fine for a bit but how long were you able to survive on just that when he was right there next to you as a constant reminder of the possibility of something more.
you never thought that you would be able to meet someone like him, someone who treats you as if you were the best thing to ever happen with so much care and love radiating from his very being. the way his hand brushes your cheeks when you get even the smallest cuts makes your heart feel like it's about to fall out of your chest with how he takes extra care to scan over your appearance for anything, pausing for a second on your lips. you think to yourself, he must be doing this on purpose, and you want to curse at him for playing with your heart but when he smiles at you with those half-moon eyes, you can feel all of that melting away and more.
the only person you can blame here for your current predicament is yourself really, you were the one who drew the line in the sand when the two of you first met. just friends, you said but in your defence, you had just learned about his history and how cold and empty his has been as well as how much you've been hurt in your own past, so you decided to do what was, at the time, what you thought was best for the both of you. only now, every day you spend with him makes him wish that you would one day wake up and finally take that jump.
yuuta also shares your sentiments, actually ever since he first saw you he knew that you were the one he wanted to live and breathe for, but he doesn't say anything for fear of scaring you off. he knows about your worries, your doubts and your fears and as much as he wants to tell you that you should throw caution into the wind and that he'll take that step for you, he also knows that he can't. so for now he'll do his best to quell your nerves with a gentle hand on the small of your back and a fleeting kiss on your cheek that you'll someday trust in yourself and him to fall headfirst into this new unknown territory, outside of this in between.
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marvelsmylife · 3 days
The blood rite
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: Azriel is livid when he discovers you, along with Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie are kidnapped and thrown into the Blood Rite
A/n I’m not going to lie, this has a bittersweet ending. Let me know if you would like a part two.
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Something was wrong. Azriel could sense it but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. That was until Cassian came to him, worry etched all over his face, “Have you spoken to y/n or Nesta at any point today? They were supposed to be with Gwyn and Emerie at Emerie’s shop, but they're not there.”
The hairs on the back of Azriel’s neck stood up as he began to panic about where you might be. “No, we haven’t-” Rhysand was cut off by Azriel leaving the room abruptly as he began searching for you.
An hour later, Azriel announces as he enters the river house, “They’re at the blood rite. I don’t know exactly where they are, but I’ll find out and bring them all back.”
Cassian announced he was going to join Azriel in the search to find all of you when Rhysand reminded both of them, “You cannot interfere. They’ll hunt and kill both of you, along with them, if you try to get them out.”
Both Cassian and Azriel cursed to themselves as they remembered the rules and hoped you, Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn would survive. 
Azriel especially hoped you would survive. Seeing as he had yet to confess to you that you were mates. He had planned on confessing it to you last week but chickened out at the last minute because he was scared of your reaction to the news. Now, all he wished was for you to survive so he could confess his feelings towards you. 
Meanwhile, you, Emerie, Nesta, and Gwyn were climbing the mountain when Emerie’s cousin appeared and was ready to kill all of you before you reached the top. “Go, I’ll hold him off as much as I can,” Nesta shouted at you guys, but you just shook your head, “Y/n, please. I at least want you guys to get to the top.”
“No. We all make it to the top at once, or none of us make it,” you replied before looking back at Emerie and Gwyn, “Start climbing. We’ll be right back.”
You and Nesta made your way down the mountain before Emerie and Gwyn had the opportunity to reply. While Emerie’s cousin was strong, you and Nesta were faster than him and were able to take him down.
When you and Nesta looked back to where Emerie and Gwyn were, you noticed they were almost at the top. “Let’s get out of here,” you sent Nesta a weak smile and proceeded to help each other climb the mountain.
You were all exhausted by the time you reached the top but were relieved all four of you made it. All four of you hovered your hands over the onyx monolith before touching it and being teleported away.
Azriel felt overwhelming relief once you, Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn appeared before him, Cassian, and Rhysand. They all had proud smiles on their faces when Nesta announced you all made it to the top together. “Of course, you guys made it. You three are the strongest females I’ve had the pleasure of training,” Cassian said as he wrapped his arms around Nesta while Emerie and Gwyn hugged each other.
“Y/n, can I speak to you in private?” Azriel asked and caused the Valkyrie to smirk in your direction.
You just flipped them off before following Azriel toward the balcony. “What did you want to talk about?” you asked as you smiled at the shadowsinger.
“We’re mates,” Azriel blurted out and caused you to let out a soft laugh.
Azriel was ready to apologize for blurting it out like that when you replied, “I know.”
“You know? How long have you known?” Azriel’s shadows started swirling around your body and were pushing you towards their master.
You contemplated lying to Azriel so he wouldn’t feel bad but knew he would probably sense your lie, so you replied, “Since I started training with you and the other priestesses.”
Azriel’s jaw dropped at your revelation, seeing as you started training with them six months ago, “Why didn’t you say anything?” Azriel asked, hurt laced in his tone.
“You were clearly in love with Elain. I didn’t want to ruin what was clearly a budding relationship between the two of you.” Azriel felt like a complete and utter asshole pursuing someone while his mate watched on the sidelines. “It’s ok. I know not all mates are meant to be together. We happen to be those mates. I-”
“I’m not interested in Elian, at least not anymore,” Azriel replied, “I won’t lie, Rhysand did forbid me from pursuing a relationship with her during solstice, but that was the best decision he ever made.” Azriel really wanted to reach over and hold you. To tell you he loved you, but he didn’t know if you would believe him. “Because of his order, I began to ponder if I genuinely had feelings for her or if I was just trying to convince myself we were meant to be because our siblings were mated to each other. When the mating bond snapped for me a few weeks ago, I wanted to run over to you and kiss you. To tell you that I’ve waited centuries to finally hold you, but I got scared that I would scare you off.”
You let out a lengthy sigh because what you were about to say would break Azriel’s heart. “Listen, you have no idea how happy it makes me hearing you say this, but I can’t accept the mating bond between us; not yet, at least.” Azriel felt his smile faulted at your words, “I know you said you don’t have feelings for Elain anymore, but I don’t think your feelings can go away instantly. Take some time to find yourself first. I’ll still be around, and when you’re mentally ready, come find me. Then, I’ll be more than happy to accept the mating bond. Until then, friends?”
Azriel felt his heart break at your words, but he knew you were right. He needed to work on himself before he could give himself to you, and if that meant just being friends until he healed, he’d take it. “Friends,” Azriel replied and shook your hand. You both knew this would be difficult, but it needed to happen. You couldn’t rush into a mated relationship without working on yourself first. Azriel just hopes you’ll still be around when he’s finally ready.
A/n I’m sorry, but I changed the ending of the blood rite because I honestly felt like Nesta should have finished with Gwyn and Emerie.
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littlelightfish · 2 days
Something that catched my attention during today's episode, was that Laios doesn't mind being patted on the head.
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I think he is a bit surprised Chilchuck does that, because he knows well enough chilchuck hates when people do that to him. Chilchuck's revenge doesn't bother him as he thought it would. I'd say he's thinking "when was the last time someone did this to me?". He lacks of caring father figure and then this guy, who, apparently, is a dad, un-shrinks and pats him.
He feels... It's wierd. It isn't disgusting, but isn't as nice as he thought those things were. He feels... He finds himself feeling nothing and wondering if he should feel something. Annoyance, at least. But no, he just feels this wierd thing inside of him. Because it was nice. It was a soft touch, even if it was teasing, it was nice. But he doesn't feel the warmness that should come with a care. He doesn't feel anything. It's like when Chil kicks him behind the knee. It's the same kind of message the one that pat gives him, but, for some reason, instead of a kick, this time it was a pat. And it feels... wierd. Not in an even remotely romantic way, not even close. Just... "how am I supoused to react?" He doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't say anything. He just knows he isn't used to this kind of things happening. How is he supoused to react? Marcille and Chil both get annoyed when patted. He should be? He wonders. But why would he? It isn't bad- it doesn't feel bad, it's just... How is he supoused to know how does this feels? It doesn't feels like much. At all. Why do they both make such a fuss about it? Sure it isn't the best feeling in the world, but... It isn't as bad as they make it look.
He doesn't know how to react, what to do, but before he has an answer, or has to worry about thinking it too much, the teasing stops and they're on their feet again.
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frostyhelltime · 23 hours
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Alastor Realizes He Has Feelings For You
Alastor x GN!Reader
AN: A lovely anon sent in a request for a few of the guys realizing they have feelings for the reader, and Alastor's got...so far away from me that I decided to give him his own post, and I'll link this in the ask I actually answer. I just had so much fun writing Alastor freaking the hell out once he realizes.
HERE is the link for the ask if anyone is curious to see this prompt with Lucifer or Vox.
In order of which of the guys notices first, Alastor realizes it dead last.
Which makes sense. He had long thought himself incapable of such feelings toward someone. There had never been anyone he had felt that particular inclination towards before, so he assumes at first that what he has with you is just…a very intense friendship, almost like him and Rosie, just with some odd caveats.
Once he does realize he'll immediately go to Rosie for some advice since it's…clearly not his area of expertise.
He doesn't even notice it, someone else points it out to him.
He's in a piss poor mood as he goes about the hotel. He hasn't yet figured out it's because you've been too busy to see him for the past four days.
Until someone gets mad enough at him to talk back.
Alastor is sitting in the lobby, impatiently tapping his foot as he wallows and waits, sipping a glass of rye as Husk made a point to only come over to his side of the bar when it looked like he needed something.
Alastor was struggling, trying to figure out why his mood has been so sour these past few days. Things had been fine, delightful even! The hotel was taken care of, his broadcasts went well, why he even went for a nice stroll in Cannibal Town to visit Rosie. By all means a perfect few days.
So why was his patience for everything wearing oh so thin? He sighs a moment and makes a sound almost like a growl to himself as he tries to puzzle this out. This was so infuriatingly perplexing!
It isn't much longer until Angel Dust is so fed up with Alastor ruining the good mood of the bar as he tries to flirt with Husk that he actually addresses the Overlord.
“Look Smiles. Just because you're all sad ya lovely little lover has been too busy to even say hi the past few days, doesn't mean you've gotta take it out on us. I'm trying to hit on the barman but your pissy mood is killing it.” Angel says, throwing a hand up from the other side of the bar. 
“Operative word here being try, not succeeding at.” Husk says dryly, closer to Angel’s side.
“Yeah yeah. You secretly adore me. Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.” Angel winks at him as Alastor tries to decipher what it is Angel just said.
“...Lover?” He asks, trying to clarify, tilting his head to the side. He's so flummoxed he even stops tapping his foot. He says it like someone sounding out a foreign word for the first time.
“...Are they not your lover?” Angel raises an eyebrow, putting his drink down a moment. “I mean the way you two act…I thought you were dating and just keeping it a secret.” Angel shrugs, and only then does it click Angel is talking about you. There's no one else in the hotel that he's consistently friendly enough with that that mistake could happen.
Once he figures it out he just cackles a moment, deep and loud, with his free hand over his stomach as he fails to contain his amusement.
“Oh my dear Angel, no!” He says, chuckling a little more before continuing, shaking his head. “They're just a very dear friend.” Alastor explains, waving off the idea. “Besides why would I be upset they haven't been around? I don't see Rosie every day and I'm perfectly fine.” He says, although he doesn't really need to explain himself to them anyway.
But it doesn't seem to convince Angel who just looks at him with skepticism.
“Surely you jest! What evidence have I possibly given to suggest they are more than a dear friend?” Alastor asks, sure Angel has nothing concrete.
“Well, for starters, they can touch you whenever and however they want. You let them in your personal bubble and you fucking hate people being in your personal bubble.” Angel begins to explain, holding a finger up.
“I'm the same way with Rosie, and Mimzy, to a degree.” Alastor shoots down that theory easily.
“You've been in an increasingly shit mood with  a short fuse since they've been too busy to see you.” Angel tries again, holding up a second finger.
“Preposterous. I don't know why I'm in such a frustrated mood, but I assure you it isn't them. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit of cabin fever and need to spend more time out and about in the city…?” The last bit is mostly Alastor's own suggestion to himself. "Perhaps too much time in the hotel..?" He continues wondering aloud.
Angel just rolls his eyes and sighs, rubbing his forehead with a free hand a moment.
“You get them presents! And do things for them without ever asking for a deal!” Angel tries again, holding up a third finger, but Alastor just shakes his head.
“I won't deny I do that, but I fail to see the connection between that behavior and them supposedly being my lover.” Alastor shakes his head, finding Angel's arguments far too easy to poke holes into.
Angel thinks he's about to scream with how absolutely daft this guy was in regards to his emotions apparently.
“You let them in your radio station, even when you're broadcasting, have picnics in your freaky weird swamp thing in your room, smile so much brighter as soon as you catch sight of them! You obviously have a big fat crush on them!” Angel almost shouts, standing and throwing all four arms up in absolute and utter exasperation.
"Am I fucking crazy or what? I can't be the only one who sees this?!" Angel sighs heavily as he turns to Husk who shakes his head.
"I'm not getting involved in this." Is all Husk says, although he stays close to Angel, as if to protect him should something go wrong.
“...None of that is something you would only do with a lover and not a friend.” Is all Alastor says through his smile. Not a denial of any of those actions, he has done all of those things. But he still thinks Angel is jumping to some rather far fetched conclusions.
Husk just knows Angel is right, but knows there's no way of convincing the guy unless it hits him right in the face, and Husk knows something you feel over a crush that you don't with a friend.
“I don't even know why you're bothering trying to set them up Angel. They already have a hot date this weekend anyway so what does it matter if he has a crush on them or not?” Husk says so casually, it comes across like it could only be true. He curses at himself in his head for saying he wouldn't get involved and then immediately doing so before Angel Dust could upset Alastor.
There's a loud pop of static that sounds off from Alastor's direction, and Husk thinks he's right on the edge of making him realize.
“No kiddin’? Man. That blows Smiles. Sorry.” Angel blinks, slumping a bit before sitting back down and drinking. “Huh. I wonder if that's why they asked me for outfit advice the other day? Said they really wanted to wow someone.” Angel taps his glass as he thinks, having absolutely no idea if Husk is lying, but playing along anyway.
“How’d they ask them out anyway?” Angel asks curiously, because if it's true he does want to know, and if it isn't he's sure the answer will rile Alastor up anyway.
“Some newbie sinner approached them while they were grabbing a snack from that bakery they like, and said something about having a crush on them and asked them out to some jazz show or something, I don't remember. They seemed pretty excited.” Husk says as he refills Angel's drink now. However Alastor's drink just shatters in his hand at this information and he just looks down in surprise.
He hadn't been holding it that tight, had he? He looks equally confused and irritated at the mess of glass and rye on the bar top and in his hands. But why was he upset? He was never upset whenever Rosie got a new husband. He couldn't actually be jealous could he? Just the very idea makes him want to scoff. He doesn't get jelaous. But the image of you on some date with some pathetic unworthy creature as you laughed at their jokes and leaned in closer, hand gently on their arm as you pressed your lips against thei-
He's standing up, letting out a deep breath to calm himself, clearly upset as he let his thoughts run away from him. He turns to look at the two there and sees them looking quite scared, and covering their ears. Oh. His static was exceptionally loud right now, wasn't it? He quickly fixes that and adjusts his jacket with tight hands. He doesn't even bother to think of an excuse as he melts into the shadows, appearing in the bog in his room, pacing rapidly.
“Surely…not?” He asks himself aloud as he paces amongst the trees, allowing himself to feel the full panic and upset now that he was behind closed doors. He's rubbing his chin as he thinks, trying to logically figure this out.
“Why do I care if they date someone?” He asks himself, gripping his head as if it hurts from trying to figure out this riddle. He thinks his head actually is starting to hurt, since the answer was beginning to dawn on him, and it was terrifyingly uncharted territory. “No, no. Impossible. I'm confused. Perhaps I'm ill?” He suggests, taking his hands down, bringing one hand up to feel his forehead.
“....That excuse sounds absolutely pathetic.” He grits out, fist swinging and demolishing a tree in his way. But it doesn't make him feel any better. Doesn't make him feel any more in control. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes that on the surface, his interactions with you and Rosie are a little different.
When he gets Rosie presents it's just a simple “Here you are dear! I thought of you!” And then they share a laugh as she thanks him. But when he gives you a present, he waits eagerly, eyes scrutinizing every aspect of your being as you open it. His posture is stiff but practiced as he awaits your reaction, only relaxing when he sees the ecstatic smile on your face as you begin to thank him.
He doesn't mind Rosie touching him, and in fact on some days actually quite enjoys it. But with you he wants it, moves instinctively towards your touch instead of away.
Fuck. That stupid spider was right, he realized with a swell of panic and fear at this new unknown variable.
He…loves you? It still didn't sound right, but the more he thought about it the more he realizes it could only unfortunately be true. When had you wrapped him around your little finger so tightly? And how hadn't he realized?!
He's even more upset now at how far gone he was on you without realizing. The radio demon has a weakness. Even just thinking the phrase makes the sensation of bile rise in his throat and he has to sit down a moment to collect himself again.
His entire body is stiff and agitated as he tries to come to terms with this. Until he hears a knock on his door.
“Alastor? Are you in there? It's me. Husk said you seemed like you were in a sour mood. So I thought I would come check on you. Can I come in?” Your voice rings through the door crystal clear and he sucks in a breath and pays attention to his reactions now.
His stiff muscles began to relax and soften, the frustration that was so unbearable he had begun tearing apart trees seemed so…distant now. Surely an over exaggeration to lose his cool like that. He sighs and looks down. 
Angel had been right.
But…now that he knows…all he needs to do now is get you wrapped just as tightly around his finger as he was around yours. There is no danger of feeling jealousy or rejection or heartbreak or of him possibly being controlled by you or anything of the sort if he ensures you fall for him as splendidly as he has apparently fallen for you.
With that in mind he stands now, ready to face you with this new knowledge. He's dusting himself off and then opening his door, smiling at you in the typically charming way he knows had a tendency to make people swoon when he was alive, and even now in death. Just because he hadn't had an interest in dating didn't mean he didn't know how to charm someone. 
“How kind to come check on me.” He drawls almost sweetly as he snatches your hand as gently as possible before bringing it to his lips, eyes half-lidded as he peers at you, studying your expression. He feels confident from the sound of the slight intake of your breath and the small flush of red dusting your cheeks that he very well still has a chance to edge out any competition for your affections.
“Well now my dear I'm in a much less sour mood now that I have such exquisite company. If you're not too tired I would love to know what's captured your time so much these past few days. Come on in.” His smile is charming, a predator seeming to eye his unaware prey as he opens the door further to let you in, your eager smile mollifying him for the moment.
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I know it's a silly little YouTube show for fun. And not everything will have a satisfying conclusion. Its meant to run forever afterall.
But I am immeasurably disappointed by how this arc is going.
This is EXACTLY THE REASON we are in this Mess now.
Moon admitted since he talked to the old self he's losing touch with reality. He doesn't even know if Sun that just talked to him or if it was another hallucination.
He wouldn't even know if the real Solar walked in front of him if he'd be real or not.
How is the COMPUTER more helpful at handling Moon then his own brother?
Moon even said if no one wants Solar back, he will stop. But he will still kill Ruin, who is an active threat to the family. Sun still said no.
Moon talking about disappearing.... Either he'll go to another dimension and take the place of another Moon. Or he'll straight up just kill himself once Solar comes back with open arms to a happy family.
Sun ordering physical torture until Moon falls unconscious if he ever tries star power to escape. (When he could easily turn him off.)
Yes. He will likely do them. But Moon so far has just said hurtful things and be in a psychotic break.
Look, this is how I see it. New Moon woke up. He was born. And told by everyone his whole life who he was meant to be. He felt he was responsible for everything and everybody. No one corrected Moon on this role. Moon experiences Grief and heartbreak for the first time because Solar was the only one who saw him as him.
He is then disowned by his family during a state of psychosis.... Teaching him that he's cursed and will never be loved or accepted by anyone ..
CONFIRMING his fears that he has felt subconsciously for a long time about not being good enough....
Moon is the youngest that was born into a broken family that he constantly had to fix from the moment he woke up. Which is why he feels like this now. Did he say hurtful things... Yes. But Sun even not letting him give up on getting Solar back and killing Ruin anyway.... He's not allowed to do either. Whatever Actions Moon takes. He'll be hated and unloved.
Sun and Earth are worried Moon will do things that he will regret or can't take back.
They're being huge hypocrites.
Sun disowning Moon he can never take back.
Even if they eventually make up. (Unless it becomes the Sun and co show)
When Moon snaps out of his psychosis... Moon might not remember, but he will always know.
He will always know the feeling that he was abandoned and unloved and his siblings never loved or understood him. Only the image of what they wanted him to be.
That's just something that can't be taken back.
Moon is being treated like Eclipse.
And I desperately want the real Solar (not a hallucination) to be the one to stand by Moon.
Moon isn't worse then Solar's Moon.
And Solar tried to help his Moon for YEARS before he had to kill him as a last resort.
Solar was the only one to see New Moon as he was. Not a preconceived notion of what he could be and guide him out of bad thoughts Moons tend to spiral into.
Now, with how quickly Sun and Earth abandoned Moon. Makes me wonder if they ever saw or loved him at all. The same Moon that made Earth her body and the same Moon who comforted Sun after his Bloodmoon hallucinations.
Earth and Sun aren't responsible for fixing Moon. But what was it that Solar said??
"Well, the most you can do for family going through a rough time is just be there."
So yeah. I hate how this is going.
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silverwarewolf · 2 days
The first half of the episode was so sweet, I had been awaiting this one with such excitement and boy did they deliver.
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Like. Look at them! They're a family, your honor! They're so ready to be there for Senshi through thick and thin, and accept him back into the party once he offers to stay.
It's also really interesting to see that it was only because of Laios that this was possible. No one else but our local monsterloving guy could possibly have managed to do this, and I'm sure this foreshadows that only him and his party are worthy of conquering the dungeon and it's trickery, somehow.
(also, as a viewer, it's super fucking sweet when your special interest manages to solve someone's life horrors isn't it? unspeakably helpful after a lifetime of shunning)
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This is literally puckpatti chils. I NEED to know their internal monologue about this - does chilchuck think of his daughters so deep below the surface? did marcille feel the change in aging rate for just a moment - would she want to stay this way purely because of it? or perhaps have the others stay as long lived races. Much to think about!
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cock check chilchuck be like "maybe like this my wife wouldn't have left me"
ft. marcille having a crisis and senshi being the model he always wanted to be.
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"do you have games on your phone mr. chilchuck"
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Look at them. They look like they could be just another party in the dungeon.
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Senshi suddenly unlocks forbidden elf abilities that even marcille didn't know about.
Jokes aside, it's really interesting to see everyone adapting to their new skillset and gaining this newfound appreciation for their friends. Only two things are a shame here - one, we were robbed of slutty sandal senshi. two, marcille is still across the pit.
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(Chil. You can't just throw a child across a pit. This is why your wife left you)
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Laios you didn't just throw Toshiro's fruity little friendship bracelet - I mean, emergency bell. You yeeted that thang like your life depended on it. Do you realize Toshiro's now going to be running after you. Do you.
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Ah. My favorite. Paw fur dumplings
But don't worry, help is here! This bitch empty, YEET
(ryoko kui saying dumplings are the best thing ever to exist and then bashing elf cake to the ground is so funny to me. I respect someone willing to write their food preferences into their works)
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starsofang · 3 days
Hi there. I wanted to make a request for something a bit personal. All this week, my family has been criticizing my weight (which I have struggled with my whole life) and told me point-blank that no one would ever love me because of it. That being said, I would like to request a writing with Soap. Let's say the reader has been avoiding sex with him for a while. They'll kiss and stuff, but as soon as he starts pulling her shirt up, she pulls it back down and makes some sort of excuse. This goes on for a while until Soap confronts her about it. She basically then goes off, pointing out all her bodily flaws and how fat and hideous she thinks she is and asks him how he could ever think she was sexy. And all he says is, “How can I NOT?” And he makes love to her and every time she makes a complaint about her body or calls herself ugly, she shushes her, ultimately taking her in front of a mirror and making her look at herself and how sexy she looks taking him. And when they're done, Soap should talk about how she's not fat, she's cute and squishy.
i just want you to know that you’re not defined by your weight, and you will absolutely find somebody who will love you no matter your appearance <3 i’m a big girl dating a fit man and he treats me wonderfully, despite many people bullying me for my weight and thinking he’s silly for dating a big girl. you will 100% find somebody like that who will love you for you, and your family is wrong about that <3 i’m sending you all my love anon!!!
i hope this is to your liking!!
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tw: NSFW, MDNI, brief angst with fluffy smut :3
Johnny was the love of your life. There wasn’t a doubt about it in your mind that he was the one you’d spend the rest of your days with, growing old together, showered in each other’s unconditional love.
Lately, though, you were wondering if you were the love of his.
The reflection in the mirror every time you snuck a glance whispered nasty things to you. Hurtful and cruel, dousing you in doubtful insecurity, all geared towards the way you looked. It pointed out all of your soft rolls, the pudge of your stomach, the cellulite on your thighs.
Every time you came face to face with your reflection, it was a constant thought that plagued your mind of why Johnny wanted to be with somebody like you. Why he chose you.
Blinded by your own criticism, it began to take a toll on your relationship.
It started off small, like gently pushing him away with a forced laugh every time he’d come up behind you and rest his hands on your hips, kneading the flesh. Or, when he’d lay in bed at night with you, arm slung over your stomach, seeking out your touch in order to fall asleep, you’d roll to face away from him, fearful of Johnny feeling the softness of your body.
It was a bigger issue when sex became less frequent — not that Johnny minded if you weren’t in the mood. He respected you. But Johnny knew you far more than you thought he did, and he could see the tell-tale signs of you distancing yourself.
He noticed the way you shied away from him, brushing his hands off like you were scorched from his touch. Hiding away in oversized clothing, concealing any sliver of your body.
At first, Johnny didn’t say anything. He didn’t know how to approach it, and he didn’t want to assume anything was wrong. Maybe you were having an off time!
It wasn’t until tonight, where he had you gracefully laid out in your bed, that he knew something was truly wrong.
The rough pads of his fingers slowly slid down to the hem of your shirt while his lips remained occupied against yours, carefully slipping the fabric up across your stomach. Almost instantly, your body tensed up, your own hands grasping hold of the end of your shirt to roughly tug it down, successfully covering yourself back up.
Johnny paused, pulling away from your kiss to peer down at you with a worried furrow in his brow.
“Bonnie,” he frowned. “What’s all this about?”
You busied your lip between your teeth, turning your head away in order to avoid seeing the ache in his eyes. You didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want him to confirm your insecurities by telling you he saw what you saw in the mirror.
“Talk t’me,” he encouraged, gently guiding your head to look at him, thumb stroking along your cheek.
“I just—“ You sucked in a breath, before everything came spilling out at once. “I don’t want you to see me. I know I’m chubby, I know I’m not small. I don’t understand what you see in me.”
“I don’t see why you love me when I look like this,” you finished, cutting him off. By the time you finished rambling, you had to catch your breath. A frown settled on your lips, and the sight of it caused Johnny to ache.
“How could I not?” Johnny breathed, voice so tender yet serious. He stared down at you, eyes flickering over your face, wanting so badly to smooth away the downward pull on your lips and furrow in your own eyebrows.
You said nothing, darting your eyes away to look at the ceiling instead of him.
“I love everythin’ about ye,” he continued, leaning down to press a subtle kiss to your cheek, moving down to your jaw, then your neck. “And I certainly love yer body. Do I have t’show ye myself?”
You finally glanced back to meet his gaze. He had a smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes, one only reserved for you.
“C’mon,” he urged, pulling himself off of you and guiding you to sit up.
Once the two of you were standing, he quietly asked for permission to undress you. He noticed your hesitance so he waited patiently for you to answer, but once you told him yes, he happily obliged.
Johnny worked slowly to peel off every layer of your clothing until they were a heap on the floor at your feet. He took in the sight of you bare, smiling bashfully at the vision, burning it into memory.
He made quick work to undress himself to match your nudity, before sitting on the edge of the bed, tugging you to sit on his lap with your back pressed to his chest. His skin was warm against yours, but his hands were like a burning fire when he slipped them down your sides and to your thighs.
“I want ye t’look in the mirror, bonnie,” he said, nodding his head to the floor length mirror that sat perched up against the wall. When you looked into it, you had a perfect view of yourself in his lap. “How could I not love that?”
You squirmed awkwardly, unable to see what he was seeing. That little voice in the back of your mind still had control, and Johnny could tell. He was determined to rid yourself of it once and for all.
Despite wanting to resist, you continued looking in the mirror, taking in the sight of you on his lap, your thighs resting snugly over his own. Your eyes followed the way his hand slid from your thigh, going up and up until it reached between, lightly dragging through your cunt. His fingers shined almost instantly from your slick, and he took pleasure in coating himself in it further.
A shaky breath left your lips, warmth of arousal pooling in your abdomen. You’d never been able to see him touch you before, but now you have a full view of it. His fingers began circling your clit, while his free arm wrapped around your stomach, keeping you pressed up against him.
“Beautiful,” he murmured next to your ear, his chin resting on your shoulder as he watched with you.
Johnny began indulging himself in the wetness of your cunt, unable to look away from the sight of his fingers sliding between your clit and your hole. He always thought you were stunning, but seeing you like this was heavenly.
Two fingers slipped into you, and your mouth parted, throat catching on to a surprised gasp. He grinned at you in the reflection, taking in the way you wiggled at the intrusion.
“Look at ye,” he hummed, fucking into you at a gentle pace with his fingers. “Bloody gorgeous.”
Your gasps turned into whines, eyes glossing over with a clouded need. You watched hazily as his fingers slipped in and out of you, and for a brief moment, you agreed with him. The sight of you falling apart from his fingers was new, almost thrilling.
As much as Johnny wanted to see you come from just his hand, he needed you to see yourself in the way he saw you. Slipping his fingers out earned a whine of protest from you, but he quickly shushed you by lifting you off of his lap so he could line his hardened cock up to your sopping hole, sinking you down on it.
“Fuckin’ look at ye, bonnie,” he sighed, fingers digging into the fat of your hips, indenting into your softness. He guided you up, slowly dragging his cock along your gummy walls, before pulling you back down, your ass flush against his lap. “Ye look fuckin’ sexy like this. My pretty girl.”
Seeing the way your cunt greedily clenched around his cock, glistening prettily in the reflection of the mirror, you felt surprisingly attractive. The voice in your head was quieting down, instead being replaced with Johnny’s loving praises as he took you.
Your stomach and thighs jiggled with every bounce he made from his hands on your hips, but the look in his eyes was undoubtedly burning with intense desire, clouded over with admiration. You could see how enthralled he was from the sight of you and how much it turned him on.
“This is all mine,” he groaned, squeezing your hips before bringing one hand around to grab hold of your stomach. He did it in such a loving way that you no longer felt insecure, you no longer had the urge to push him away so you could hide your body from him.
Johnny was proving just how beautiful he thought you were while simultaneously making you see it for yourself. He wanted you to feel good about yourself, and it was working.
When he saw the doubtful look in your eyes dissipate into a more confident one, he picked up the pace, eager to bounce you on his cock and make a mess of you. He was determined to make you feel so good that you wouldn’t even remember why you were insecure in the first place.
“So fuckin’ good t’me, don’t even know how I got ye,” he grunted. The words showered you with warmth, filling you up and teetering you near the edge. “I’m a lucky bastard.”
You could feel the build up grow more intense, your moans uncontrollably slipping out. He continued to praise you, engulf you in his compliments, dripping with nothing but love and want.
It sent you over that edge, clenching around him and your breath getting caught in your throat. Just from that sight alone, reflecting back at Johnny from the mirror, he didn’t fall too far behind you, filling you with proof of his undying love and claiming you as his.
From the look of fucked out bliss on your face, he was sure he got the message through.
Cleaning you up and lying you on top him, he basked in the post clarity, hands massaging along your hips.
“I wish ye would’ve told me sooner, bonnie,” he murmured softly, lips pressed against the top of your head that rested on his bare chest. “There’s nothin’ wrong with yer body. I like it this way. Can squish it whenever I want.”
You laughed against him, propping your chin up so you could look at him. His eyes were soft combined with the goofy smile on his face. He looked like a man head over heels, and it was with you.
“If ye need a reminder again, I’ll be glad t’fuck you in front of the mirror as many times as ye need. Or ye can sit on my face so I can worship ye.”
“I might suffocate you if I do that,” you snorted in amusement.
“That’s the point, bonnie. Do I have t’show ye again that I don’t care? Suffocate me.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling a bright laugh from him. He tugged you closer to him, pressing a soft kiss to your head. He’d happily show you as many times as you needed, no matter how many hours it took. He’d die a happy man if it meant getting to see and feel your softness everyday.
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scoonsalicious · 1 day
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9.3 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, violence toward inanimate objects, real talk.
Word Count: 2.2k
Previously On...: You're Bucky's guide on his first trip to a rage room.
A/N: Early today. Ugh, my professional life is trash atm, lol. Please enjoy this foray into fantasyland that keeps me sane.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed himself so much. Or, rather, he supposed, he couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed himself so much when it didn’t involve having sex with Major.
There was something so absolutely freeing about being allowed to smash shit to smithereens without having to worry about the repercussions of it, and Bucky was feeling liberated. He had to wonder if there wasn’t a secret part of Bruce that actually enjoyed it when “Hulk smash!” 
Once they’d donned their safety gear, Major had let them into the room, where a pounding rock track was blasting. The space was filled with… stuff. Everything from old televisions to china to fake walls.
Along the wall by the door they’d just entered was an array of tools under a painted sign that read “Choose Your Weapon.” There were baseball bats, sledgehammers, crowbars, axes– even a couple of golf club drivers. 
Nat had immediately gone for one of the axes, swinging it around and testing the balance in her grip. “This one’s mine,” she had announced delightedly. 
Bucky, meanwhile, opted for a sledgehammer, and Major picked up a wooden baseball bat. On her count, they set off to release any pent up rage.
Bucky immediately headed for one of the fake walls and began smashing away. The three shouted jokes and taunts at each other over the music as they went, and the hour that made up their appointment flew by in no time. 
Bucky watched as Major went to town on an old computer monitor, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. He couldn’t imagine how Lily could ever have a problem with him dating her, not when he watched her laugh and tease Nat over something the redhead had said. He gripped his sledgehammer tighter, anger at his best friend rising in his mind. 
She didn’t even know Major, he thought as he brought the hammer down onto a ceramic bust, shattering it. Where did she get off calling Major a bitch and a slut? He moved over to an old couch and began whacking on it. What gave Lily the right to say those things about someone she didn’t even know, just because he had feelings for her? Who did she think she was?
“Bucky!” Nat called out, but he didn’t hear her, his anger at Lily sending the blood pounding in his ears. He kept raising his sledgehammer over and over again, taking out his frustrations on the helpless piece of furniture.
“BARNES!” Natasaha shouted, and that permeated the fog,finally getting his attention.
“What?!” he snapped, unable to reign in his anger immediately, but instantly regretting it when he realized it was Nat who was speaking to him, and not Lily, like he had immediately imagined. 
“That couch do something to personally offend you?” she asked.
Bucky looked down. The couch before him was reduced to nothing more than splinters and stuffing. “Shit,” he laughed nervously. “I guess I let myself get a little carried away.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ll say.”
Bucky sheepishly turned to Major, offering her an apologetic smile, but she was staring at the pile of debris before him, baseball bat hanging limply from her hand.
“Sugar?” he asked, but she didn’t seem to hear him, transfixed as she was on the destruction he had left in his wake. He took a step toward her, reaching out and putting his hand on her arm. At the contact, Major let out a gasp and pulled back, startled. 
“Sorry.” She blinked, seeming to come out of a trance. “I just… what did you say, Bucky?” 
He frowned, not liking the expression on her face. “You alright, doll?”
“Yeah,” she told him, a smile coming to her lips a little too late. “I’m good.” Her hesitation left a pit in the center of Bucky’s stomach. 
A beeping sounded throughout the room, indicating that their session had come to an end. 
“Alright,” Major said, looking around, her tone full of false cheer. “Let’s put our stuff back on the wall, and vacate the space so my staff can get it ready for the next group.” Without looking at either Bucky or Nat, she returned her baseball bat to its resting place on the wall. She opened the door and held it, waiting for them to follow.
Nat hung up her axe. “I’m going to run to the bathroom before we head down,” she told them both. She squeezed Major’s arm on her way out the door, leaving her and Bucky alone.
“Is everything alright, doll?” he asked her. 
She sighed and looked up at him. “Yeah,” she said. “I guess I just didn’t realize how… strong you really were?” She inclined her head toward the demolished couch. “That… um… that was something.”
Her words concerned him. God, had he frightened her? He didn’t think he could live with himself if he had scared her. He dropped his head. “Oh,” was all he could manage to say.
“Hey,” Major said gently, taking a step toward him and reaching out a hand to touch his elbow. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. I mean, I knew you had super strength, but actually seeing it was something else.”
“It didn’t scare you?” he asked her with some trepidation. He wasn’t sure he wanted to really know, if he could stand the way she might look at him if she, too, thought him a monster.
“Scare me?” Major laughed, but when she noticed the expression on his face, she grew serious. “You seriously think you scare me? Bucky, no.” She made a point of taking his metal hand in both of hers, bringing it to her lips, and then up to cup her cheek. “You could never scare me.”
Bucky closed his eyes and released a breath. “I’m used to people seeing me as a murderer, a monster,” he told her. “I’ve gotten to the point where it doesn’t bother me if it comes from strangers, but if it came from you…” He left his thoughts hanging, the words unsaid. 
“You have nothing to worry about,” she told him, putting a hand on each of his cheeks. “I see you, Bucky Barnes. Not some monster. I never could. Don’t ever think that. I admit, I was startled, but that’s all, I promise.” She leaned up and kissed him lightly. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Not about anything, and most definitely not about that.”
“Thank you, doll.” Her words to him were a balm on a wound he thought he’d long healed, but apparently was capable of being reopened at any moment. 
“Of course, honey,” she replied, tucking her arm under his and ushering him out the door and into the hallway where Nat was waiting by the elevators. 
Bucky loved the feeling of Major pressed against him as they rode the elevator back down to the lobby, and though she told him he hadn’t scared her, he couldn’t shake the look she’d had on her face at his display of aggression. He never wanted to see a look like that cross her countenance again. 
The lobby was bustling with people waiting to be taken to their rage rooms when the three of them exited the elevator.
“I’m glad business is doing good,” Nat said, looking around the crowded lobby with a smile. “You deserve the success, Major.”
Major buried her face into Bucky’s shoulder, pleased. “Thanks, Nat,” she replied. “It still seems weird to think that we’re not operating in the red.”
“Was it difficult?” Bucky asked her, suddenly curious about what it had been like for Major at the beginning of her business. 
“Ugh, that’s a story for another time,” Major said. “When I’ve had a few drinks in me.”
“Hey, Major!” Zadie called once she had gotten the new group of people all checked in. “Package came for you while you were upstairs. I left it on your desk.”
Major let out a dejected sigh. “Well,” she said, turning to look up at Bucky with a forlorn expression, “I guess this means I have to get back to work. We’re still on for dinner tonight, though, right Bucky?”
He smiled down at her; as if he could have forgotten. “Of course, sugar. How ‘bout I meet you back here at five thirty, and we can figure out where to go?”
“That sounds wonderful,” she said, standing up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss while Nat looked on with a knowing smile. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, doll,” he replied. With a final farewell to Nat, Major turned and made her way back to her office, leaving him and the former assassin to make their exit.
“Don’t you dare hurt her,” Nat warned as they made their way into the lobby. 
Bucky turned to face her, halting in his steps. “What?” he spluttered. “Nat, I–I would never–”
“I know you don’t think you’d do it on purpose,” Natasha replied, “but your former girlfriends have a habit of getting their hearts broken and ending up miserable because of you. I’m telling you not to do that with Major. She’s a good person, and my friend. If you think that, once again, you’re going to let someone else call the shots on your relationship with her, you should let her go now, before she gets in too deep. She’s been hurt enough.”
“Nat,” he said, grabbing her arm and forcing her to look at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He sincerely didn’t. Who else would be calling the shots on any of his relationships if it wasn’t him? Yeah, it was true that his past relationships had ended messily, that the girls had been hurt, but… well, that wasn’t entirely Bucky’s fault, was it? Things just hadn’t worked out, for one reason or another. 
But with Major? Well, things were different with her. Bucky could feel it.
Nat gave him an appraising look, studying him as if she could read his mind through his facial expressions. “You really don’t, do you?” she mused. “It’s not my place to tell you her business, but Barnes–” she gave him a serious look– “if you let her get hurt because you can’t figure out where to draw a boundary, you and I are going to have a problem."
She gently pulled free of his grasp and made her way to the door of the building. Bucky paused for a moment, contemplating all that she had said, and wondering just what she had meant by any of it. Though, knowing Natasha, if she didn’t feel the need to explain it to him, there was no way he could get her to elaborate. 
As he was about to follow her out the door, he heard Major shouting for Zadie’s attention. He turned around and saw her angrily waving a thick manilla envelope in the air as she stalked toward the reception desk.
“Where did this come from, Zadie?” she asked in a tone Bucky had never heard her use before.
“Courier dropped it off, why?” Zadie asked. “What is it? Who’s it from?” 
“What company was the courier from?” Major continued, ignoring Zadie’s own questions. “Did they have a logo or anything like that?”
“Doll?” Bucky said as he stepped back toward the reception desk, concerned by the previously unseen agitation Major was displaying.
“Bucky!” Major exclaimed, as though surprised to still see him there. “I thought you left already.” She plastered on a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, and Bucky knew it was performative for his sake.
Bucky frowned. “What’s wrong, sugar? What’s in the envelope?”
Major’s eyes widened a fraction in alarm as she maneuvered to position the envelope behind her back. “It’s nothing, honey. Just… some business stuff. There’s no sender, so I need to figure out where it came from so I can make sure it gets dealt with properly.”
Bucky knew her explanation was bullshit, but he didn’t feel comfortable questioning her in front of her employee, so he let it slide. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No!” she exclaimed, a little too quickly, and then seemed to realize she’d nearly shouted at him. “No,” her voice was softer now, calmer, “but thank you. I appreciate that you want to help, though. That means a lot to me.”
Those words rang true; Bucky could tell that much. He sighed and took a step closer to give her a quick parting kiss. “If you’re sure, doll,” he said. 
“I’m sure,” she told him, then leaned in to whisper in his ear: “and if we were still having sex, I’d show you how appreciative I am.” She pulled back and grinned up at him.
“Gonna make me really regret that decision, huh?” he asked. He knew she was changing the subject, putting distance between them and the mysterious envelope, but he was willing to let it go for the time being. 
“Oh, most definitely,” she teased him. “At least until you change your mind.”
Bucky smiled at her. If she kept it up, he’d be changing his mind sooner than later. “Alright, I better get going before Nat comes looking for me,” he said, taking a step back from her. “I’ll see you at five thirty, yeah?”
“Don’t be late,” Major called after him. As if he would ever be late for her.
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mulletmitsuya · 1 day
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat (final timeline)
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, mentions of grooming (it's not serious), the word "pedophile"
Desc: a discussion about pride month takes a detour
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Kazutora: what does pride month mean?
Kazutora: like is everyone supposed to be gay for the month or?
Mikey: yeah exactly
Mikey: basically we all have to kiss each other
Kazutora: oh
Baji: we can do a circle jerk session to start off pride
Mitsuya: Kazutora, don't ask just google it
Kazutora: what's a circle jerk session
Mitsuya: 😒
Mikey: i don't think it's necessary to go that far, Baji
Smiley: some of us, are in relationships
Baji: why did you say that as if you're the one in a relationship?
Smiley: just defending my guy Draken
Mikey: Ken-chin will you still be at pride even if you have a girlfriend
Draken: i mean, i guess.
Baji: does Emma even know you like boys
Baji: nvm she probably does. she did have to compete with Mikey for your attention so idk maybe it's obvious
Chifuyu: are you guys actually going to the pride parade? it's gonna be on tv i'm pretty sure
Chifuyu: which means people from school would see us
Chifuyu: or work
Mikey: we haven't been in school for years?
Baji: are you scared to be found out Chifuyu
Baji: bcs everyone knew in school
Baji: you made it glaringly obvious
Baji: closet made of glass and whatnot
Chifuyu: does it count as actually being gay if it's one guy tho
Chifuyu: like if i cook one time, am i chef?
Chifuyu: something to think about
Mikey: dude you're in a relationship with him, what are you talking about🤨
Takemitchy: Mikey-kun you're actually pretty famous so a lot of people would recognize you
Mikey: i'm pretty sure people know that i've tasted the rainbow
Mikey: people make edits of me and Ken-chin
Mikey: they're pretty cute
Mikey: people also write fanfiction about me
Mikey: guys do i look like a daddy dom
Mikey: serious question
Mikey: could i pull it off
Draken: what are edits?
Mikey: don't worry about it
Draken: no no, Emma was bugging me about it earlier and i had no idea what she was talking about so just tell me
Baji: search "Doramai edits"
Baji: don't know how Emma's dealing with all that
Mikey: Takemitchy are you and Hina coming
Takemitchy: can allies come?
Baji: "ally"
Baji: that's all you are??
Baji: sure
Takemitchy: ?
Draken: what the fuck is this shit
Draken: how do you report this
Draken: this is all taken out of context
Draken: Mikey you need to release a statement about this. what the fuck
Draken: i have a wife
Kazutora: guys i'm still confused
Izana: can you guys please use your own private little groupchat
Izana: no one, of the 15+ people on this group talk, but you 6
Mikey: are you and Kakucho coming to pride
Izana: stop ignoring what i just said
Mikey: do you and Kakucho explore each others bodies?
Baji: who tops?
Baji: nvm, wrong question. who doms?
Ran: if Kakucho and Izana were to be together romantically it would count as grooming
Ran: just putting that out there
Mikey: so what i'm hearing is that Izana is a PEDOPHILE🤔
Mikey: interesting
Mikey: i'm telling Shin
Izana: oh you're telling Shin? i'm so fucking scared
Izana: kill yourself
Mikey: please don't try me. i WILL do it🙏
Draken: wait are you guys actually together? cause that's an actual problem i'm pretty sure
Draken: wasn't he 14 while you were 18
Ran: i'm sorry Izana, that's my bad, didn't mean to make this a thing
Ran: and in his defense, that was 10 years ago
Rindou: 10 years of grooming
Rindou: sorry, i wanted in on the joke but it just looks bad
Mikey: Izana why aren't you defending yourself
Izana: because Kakucho and i aren't in a romantic relationship? i don't know what the fuck you guys are on about
Hakkai: didn't the Haitani's go look for Emma at her middle school when she was 13 and they were 17 because they heard rumours about Mikey's "hot" younger sister
Ran: we didn't know she was 13 😐
Rindou: she was 12, actually
Baji: why did you double down
Ran: jesus christ
Ran: 12??
Ran: we still didn't know
Chifuyu: literally all pedophiles say that
Mikey: i beg your pardon
Mikey: why were you guys looking for Emma
Rindou: people said she was hot
Rindou: those people were definitely pedophiles, yeah
Rindou: which we aren't, btw
Rindou: we saw her coming out of the sixth grade classes and realized we'd didn't get enough information
Rindou: our bad
Baji: what would Ran be doing with Emma anyway
Baji: aren't you gay
Ran: no?
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Mikey: why would you add that question mark Ran
Mikey: why are you acting suprised that people think you're gay when you act like that
Rindou: sorry Ran i can't defend you on this one
Ran: is it cause i'm flamboyant?
Draken: who describes themselves like that man
Ran: Koko's flamboyant
Ran: do you guys accuse him of homosexuality?
Ran: nvm
Chifuyu: i was about to say
Koko: well actually
Koko: i am a bisexual man
Koko: i like men and women
Koko: the man i like is inupi
Koko: we are in a relationship
Inupi: you didn't have to do all of that dude
Inupi: but thanks 👍❤
Koko: i am out and proud
Smiley: i know this is supposed to be sweet but this isn't the place to do this shit😭
Draken: are you guys going to therapy? good on you guys
Ran: didn't you like his sister?
Rindou: she died
Rindou: keeping it in the family i see. i respect it Koko
Ran: that doesn't mean what you think it means
Takemitchy: Rindou why would you say that
Smiley: the Haitani's are weird as fuck
Smiley: can we kick them out
Ran: at least we're not ugly
Rindou: and we aren't even weird
Smikey: i'm fucking adorable, don't play with me
Inupi: Akane isn't dead. what are you talking about
Rindou: the fire
Mikey: what fire😐
Mikey: the fire never happened. i made sure of it
Inupi: what?
Rindou: nvm y'all, i'm tripping
Rindou: i suddenly got a vision of Inupi with a huge scar on his face
Rindou: and his sister being dead
Ran: i told you to stop spending time with Sanzu
Ran: he's schizophrenic
Rindou: schizophrenia isn't contagious🤨?
Rindou: and i don't think he's schizophrenic i think he has autism or some shit
Ran: 2 very different mental illnesses??
Rindou: he has the evil kind
Ran: what?
Rindou: evil autism
Rindou: like he weaponizes it
Ran: that literally doesn't make sense
Rindou: it makes perfect sense, fym
Sanzu: i'm not schizophrenic?
Sanzu: or autistic?
Rindou: sure buddy
Baji: what's autism?
Mikey: what's up with Haruchiyo!!
Baji: isn't he just gay?
Ran: why is that your conclusion to everything?
Ran: i'm starting to think you're the gay one
Baji: i've never denied that🤨?
Ran: oh
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Random X-Men Headcanons!
Me and my friend have compiled a lot of headcanons for the X-Men (mainly formulated from jokes) so I wanted to put some here! A few of these are headcanons, most are jokes lol
Kurt listens to really peppy music when he's upset, the main one being the Beach Boys. Just imagine him, poor little German boy, singing Surfin' USA tiredly, trying to turn his mood around.
Erik listens to girly pop music, mainly Katy Perry and Ke$ha. Why? Because it's funny. Let him be girly pop.
Scott tells a lot of jokes but he's deadpan so people can never really tell. Like sometimes he'll just say some insane shit, plain faced, and see how the others react.
Dancing headcanons! Remy is a very good dancer, being particularly prolific in swing dancing. Logan somewhat refuses to dance, but he can line dance. Morph doesn't know how to dance, but they act like they can, dancing like a drunk white girl. Scott and Jean like to dance in private, but Scott gets nervous to dance in front of others. Ororo can bust that shit down.
Scott tries not to laugh when he, or someone else, is doing a bit. Like he tries not to break as he jokes along, to the point where he has to stop talking to not smile, biting inside of his mouth.
Furthermore! He also has a loud laugh, and people get a little caught off guard when they hear it. Me and my friend have described his laugh as a goose honk sound.
Kurt gaslights for fun, and he can get everybody pretty good, except Scott and Jean. You may think "oh because Jean's a telepath, right?" No, because--
Scott and Jean gaslight each other for fun, and they formulate these fake, big arguments, just as a bit. So, they're very familiar with gaslighting tactics, being they lie to each other as a joke, so when Kurt tries to, they immediately meet him-- A little too well, because Kurt is used to just messing with people.
Scott will occasionally freak people out by lowering his glasses (keeping his eyes closed of course). Like someone says "Hey, take a look at that." and he'll lower his glasses and go "Where?!" as a joke.
Everyone loves Kurt. Like, everyone. If Kurt doesn't like someone, everyone has a distaste for them as well.
Jean refers to her own psychic abilities as her "Jedi Mind Tricks"
This one isn't really a headcanon, just a running gag me and my friend do, but something bad will happen, or something inconvenient, and Remy will go "Don't worry.", insistently. Like a loud explosion can go off, and Remy will just say "Don't Worry." Occasionally this will be lengthened to "Don't what? Worry!"
We don't call Leech by his name. We call him Gneep Gnorp. That's it.
Kurt and Remy are super close (as pseudo brother in laws) and they hang out a lot, also doing that guy thing where they flirt with each other as a joke.
No one likes Emma. That's it.
Scott is autistic.
Warren is well manicured. He always has his hair just as he likes it, his wings always preened, his clothes always ironed. He'll a snazzy lookin' fella.
Rogue is a great singer. This barely a headcanon, her voice actress literally put out a song "Mojo Man (Ode to Remy LeBeau)", go listen to it.
Kurt's very coy and playful. Like, "Staaahhppp, hehe!" He also laughs at his own jokes all the time, like he cracks himself up.
Music headcanons! Here's just a few of the ones we made-- Scott likes dad rock obviously, mainly soft rock and folk rock (The Beatles, Hall & Oates, The Beach Boys, CSNY), Logan likes harder rock (Metallica, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden), Morph likes new wave and glam rock (Oingo Boingo, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears), Remy likes a fun mix of jazz, country, and soul, with a little rock sprinkled in (Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, Queen), Jubilee likes a lot of pop, pop-rock, that sorta thing (Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, ABBA, Wham!)
Kurt has a lil hyperfixation on pirates and ships-- this is kinda canon in the comics. But he loves talking about pirate history and ships and misconceptions.
I'm sure there's a bunch of ones I can't remember but there ya go lol
thanks to @the-death-defying-night-crawler for being funny and making these with me lol
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nottapossum · 3 days
Itty Bitty Sinners 2.1💖Whatever It takes 💕🩷
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This section is about Angel dust and Clara so there will be talks of PTSD, Death, Sexual assault, Bedwetting, Addiction, mental health issues, negative self image. And more. (Each chapter will have its own warnings)
Valentino is in this section...more than last time.
Diapers are also a major theme in this section. Be aware of that too.
If something is too triggering or just may be too much, you will see these emojis in sections to warn you.
⚠️: Assault happening in scene. (Probably won't be too major, but be weary)
🥀: Talking about assault.
🖤Dark themes like death
🟢: Addiction drug/Or alcohol.
⚡️: Injury.
🧷: Padding/diapers (sfw only but in case it makes you uncomfortable)
Then In the end note I will explain what happened in those scenes so you can skip them if you need to.
(I may use this in the future, because I know a some of people had to skip FKB and now I got to try and remember what happened so I can do a recap in the first chapter in MKB. Hopefully this works out and I can use it more) 
And if I need to add anything. Please Let me know. Feel free to suggest some emojis for any triggering themes for future fics.
⚠️Every trigger in this chapter is super mild. Probably have nothing to worry about. Only talks of getting assaulted, anxiety, delayed emotional response, self lothing, and injuries. ⚠️
“Okay, everyone! Let's get this trust circle started!” Charlie announced to the group with her normal overenthusiastic voice.
How can someone be so peppy all the time? It made absolutely no sense to Angel. They're in hell for christ sake!
The ‘trust circle’ She was referring to was more like a square since it was only Charlie, Vaggie, Pen, and Angel.
Husk was at the bar, cleaning some glasses, Niffty was running around bug killing, and no one could tell where Alastor was when he wasn't working! The guy seems to just disappear randomly.
“Who would like to start?” Charlie asks the group.
Pentious smiles and raises his hand. “Oh I would!” He says enthusiastically.
Angel tried not to roll his eyes.
“Pentious!” Charlie cheers. “The floor is yours.” She says, gesturing for him to step forward.
Pentious smiles and slivers closer to the center of the room so everyone could see him properly.
“Ahem.” He clears his throat. “I would like to share that these past few weeks have been the best I can ever remember. Since working with you two, I've felt happier, healthier, and I do hate myself a lot less. You both have provided a safe space for me here, and I couldn't thank you enough for that.” Pentious says, specifically to Charlie and Vaggie.
“Aw, Pen. I'm so glad things are working out so well! You've made so much progress! I'm so proud of you!” She says.
They said more… but Angel was so tired of hearing how great Pentious is all the time.
“Angel? Would you like to share?” Charlie asks.
“Nope.” Angel says simply.
“Come on, Angel.” Charlie says. “It doesn't have to be something big, it can be anything! Oh! How about your regression journal? Have you written in it at all?”
“No.” Angel answers, holding his crossed arms closer to his chest.
“Oh…okay.” Charlie says.
“Angel, come on. Please just share something?” Vaggie sighs. “You said you were going to start participating.”
Husk looks over at them, glaring slightly at Vaggie and Charlie.
“And you said this was optional!” Angel argues back childishly.
But Charlie interrupts. “It's okay!” Charlie says. “Trust can't be forced. It's perfectly okay if you don't want to share anything, Angel. It's not a requirement.”
That somehow made him feel worse than he already did…
“So, I have a project for you two to work on this week!” Charlie announces, changing the subject. “We have already talked about apologizing, so I want to focus a bit on forgiveness!”
“Forgiveness?” Pentious asks.
“Yup! I'd like you both to write a paper! It doesn't matter how long or short, it doesn't even need to be very good. But I want you to write about someone in your life that has hurt you, that you need to forgive.” Charlie explains.
“And what does this have to do with redemption?” Angel asks her.
“Redemption is working towards forgiveness for wrongdoings, if we can offer forgiveness, it's possible to receive forgiveness as well! So, think really hard about it, and you can share it with us next week.” Charlie says.
Angel felt a burning sensation in his chest.
How was that even possible here?
“Okay, you're both free to go until tomorrow.” Charlie says. “Let me know if you have any questions!”
Charlie and Vaggie collected their papers and stuff and started to put them away in the office.
Pentious grabbed a notebook to get started on the stupid assignment, but Angel couldn't think of a single person in his life who was worthy of forgiveness…
No one that he hasn't forgiven already at least.
Does she not understand the kind of people he has to see every day? They're not exactly the remorseful types.
Hell was full of the absolute worst kind of people whose motivation is focused solely on pain and suffering.
Why would anyone want to forgive anyone here!?
“Charlie! Charlie!” A small innocent voice asks.
Charlie smiles at the small bug-like sinner. “Yes, Niffty? What's up?” She asks.
“Can I do it too?” She asks. “I want to learn!”
Charlie and Vaggie smile at each other, then both back at Niffty.
“Of course, Niffty! Are you interested in redemption too?” Charlie asks her.
Niffty shrugs. “I don't know, I just want to be part of it.” She says. “It looks fun! I want to be part of the group!”
“You're always welcome to join us, Niffty.” Charlie says.
Niffty smiles as they continue to talk. She shows Charlie her regression journal and everything she has written in it so far.
And Angel’s remains blank. . .
So, even Niffty was better than he was at this.
Angel walks upstairs to his room to get away from them all…
It's not that Angel didn't feel happy for Niffty, he just didn't need to hear about how great it was that Niffty was going to get redeemed…
How great it was that they're gonna have another successful patron…
Now they have two…
How great was that?
It was so….so great.
Angel’s phone starts vibrating violently in his pocket.
He pulled out his phone and his heart sank at at terrifying all too familiar photo as the screen identified the caller:
Well, time to get back to reality.
~~~Past, Clara~~~~
Clara never knew how to react properly to things.
Her and Odette have always gone out during exorcisms to collect weapons for their mom, and they've always done it well.
They knew how to avoid angels, to remain unseen, and to act fast.
Well…they always knew…
But then they were cornered.
Clara remembered brief moments, only mere seconds of the event:
The shadow flying above them,
The angel appearing in front of them,
Their mother asks them if they're okay.
When recalling the events later, Odette remembered every detail, and explained it in every detail to their mother when they all made it home.
Her and her younger sister coped with stress and traumatic events the same way; Though they were very different, they were both age regressors.
Odette was a middle regressor, ranging from age 9-12.
And Clara ranged from 1-4.
Regressing was always so fun for them! Clara got to be the younger sister for once, got to relax, not worry about anything, and she wouldn't need to know all the answers to everythine all the time.
She can just be a kid! She can have some fun!
When they got back home, Odette immediately slipped, she hugged their mother tightly and explained how scary that was for her.
Carmilla, their mother hugged her and told her they were safe now and that everything was going to be alright.
Clara wanted to regress too.
She wanted to cry.
Wanted her mom to help her.
But she couldn't…
She couldn't react, no matter how hard her family tried to talk about it…nothing was processing properly!
She couldn't think about it, when they talked it just made her feel…less there.
She didn't feel much like crying.
She didn't feel like regressing.
She didn't feel anything.
Just…internally froze.
Like what she just experienced didn't happen…it wasn't…real.
She felt pain in her chest and she had an awful headache from the stress but…
No emotions whatsoever.
What's wrong with her?
She decided she'd just try and forget about it and help her mother with her sister instead.
Odette was a fairly independent little, being a middle regressor, but she always likes it when Clara was there, little or not.
They did some puzzles to keep their mind off the event, every time Odette or her mother said anything about it, Clara excused herself from the conversation, finding any excuse to do so:
‘I'm gonna get some water.’
‘I need to use the bathroom.’
‘I think I heard something outside.’
She felt so uncomfortable thinking about it…but she didn't know why.
Her mother asked her specifically if she was alright, and Clara simply nodded and brushed her off, avoiding any and all questions and conversations about it.
She focused only on working, social media, reading, anything really!
She focused on her sister, what she needed.
She just can't face what happened and how it affected her.
She just can't!
~~~Clara, Later:~~~~
The angel attack was a while ago, and Clara was fine.
Totally fine!
She doesn't stay up awake thinking about it…
Well, she didn't last night, so that was great progress!
The emotions are far more severe than before, but it's too late to react now!
She can't tell her mother she's scared of Angel's!
It was too late!
She hadn't even regressed since the attack, despite her mother's advice to do so, because she doesn't want to break down.
She can't regress until the emotions pass, and she's back to normal.
Odette was doing fine! She processed it fairly well, she's acting completely normal! Why can't she be more like her?
“Clara! Have you seen my squid? I can't find him." Her sister asks from the other room.
Well, normal for Odette at least.
“No, I haven't.” She calls back, not too loudly, only enough for Odette to hear.
Odette appeared in front of her sisters’ door to glance in her room. She hums and then walks away to continue her search. "Strange. I just had it..."
“I'm sure it's around here somewhere.” Clara says. “Did you check the kitchen?”
Odette blinks. “I was just about to.” She says in a way that told Clara that no she hadn't thought to look there yet.
She turns back to her laptop…
And when the bad emotions start to overwhelm her again, she closes her eyes and takes some deep breaths to calm herself down.
They're okay.
Her family is safe.
The Angel is gone.
And there's nothing to worry about!
Though angels continue to haunt her thoughts every day…
There's nothing to worry about, so she'll stop worrying.
🥀~~~Angel, Later:~~~🥀
The work day for Angel was relatively normal…
He didn't expect it to end any differently than any other miserable day.
He worked until 3:00 am filming Valentino's new film.
Something about a pizza delivery guy or…was it a mafia boss again? He's not sure.
Why do people like Mafia bosses so much?
Was it really that sexy? He didn't get it.
But maybe he's just biased.
But it doesn't matter.
It's all the same at this point…and he remembers them less and less as he keeps doing it.
With the mixture of dissociation and drugs…
It's like he's not even there anymore.
“That's a wrap everyone!” Travis announced to everyone in the studio.
“I expect everyone to be back here first thing tomorrow!" Val shouts. "Angel, did you hear that?” Valentino asks him.
“Yes, Valentino. I'll be here.” Angel promises.
Valentino smiles. “Good Boy. I expect you all to be here before noon or so help me-”
Angel didn't bother hearing the rest, he just walked out of the studio, eager to get back to the hotel to get some well deserved rest.
He was walking home tonight since he couldn't find a cab and didn't feel like calling one.
But it was fine. What's the worst that can happen?
He had a bit to walk, but it wasn't too far.
He was going straight to bed when he got back, that's no question.
If he even makes it to his bed, he may end up sleeping on the floor again.
It was a risk, but it might be worth it.
If he makes it back that is…
His eyes are already forcing themselves shut.
Normally when they're this late, he'll just stay with Val but-
He really didn't want to risk it tonight...
He'll make it…
He'll be fine.
Just keep….going.
Husk woke up to his phone going off.
Ugh! When and why did he set Angel's ringtone as this super annoying polka music?
"Angel?" Husk asks, answering the phone.
There was a delayed response: ..."Husk? That you?" He asks.
“Are you high? It's Five in the morning. Why are you calling me?” Husk asks.
Angel takes a bit to respond again. “Huh ...oh yeah, yeah I'm high. But also, I kinda need your help.” Angel says.
“What's going on?” Husk asks. "Are you alright?"
“Uhmm some guy jumped me. Idiot thought I had money, hilarious, right?” Angel asks him, chuckling.
“What? Can't you take a cab home?” Husk asks.
“Normally, yeah! That would be a great idea! Good for you but…uhm. I can't really move, my leg is sorta bending the other way, and I keep losing...ugh what's that word?" He asks. "It's like when you're not dead and aware of everything happening....Well, whatever it is, I keep losing that."
“Where are you? I'll come get you.” Husk says, getting out of bed and getting dressed as fast as he can.
“Awesome, fantastic.” Angel breathes out. "...that's great, Husk."
“Angel? Angel?” Husk asks, a little louder than his regular register but not quite shouting.
“What?” Angel asks.
“Where are you?” Husk repeats.
“Oh that! Yeah…uhm. I…” Angel breathes heavily against the phone, not giving Husk an answer.
“Angel…stay with me, please. Where are you?” Husk asks again.
“I was walking home.” He says. "From the studio...I'm not sure how far I got but..."
“Angel? Hey!” He called. "Can you hear me?"
…no answer.
Husk hung up the phone and practically flew downstairs.
Husk makes it to the main room where he runs into...of course, Alastor.
That's just what he needed.
“Husker? You're up early.” Alastor says to him with that annoying fucking smile. "Eager to get to work?" He asks teasingly.
“I'm not in the mood, I need to go get Angel, he's hurt somewhere.” Husk tells him, not caring to react to Alastor's mockery.
“Oh dear. Well, where is he?” Alastor asks, tone more serious now.
“I…I'm not sure. But I'm going to find out.” Husk says, grabbing the first aid kit Charlie always keeps in the lobby.
Husk starts to make his way to the door.
Alastor hums. “Well…”
Husk pauses at the door to hear what Alastor has to say...
“You're going to need better transportation then.” He says.
Husk doesn't know what Alastor means by that, but decides to let Alastor lead the way.
If he didn't care about Angel, he wouldn't be too eager to receive the radio demon's help.
But he seemed to have the right idea, so he followed Al's lead.
They walk outside and Alastor summons an old-looking car from the 1920s.
"Get in, we'll drive in the direction of the studio, keep an eye out for Angel." Alastor says, staring up at the car.
"Do you even know where it is?" Husk asks him, getting into the car as he was told.
Alastor rolls his eyes. "Believe me, I do."
Husk raises an eyebrow.
“Don't ask.” Alastor says.
They start to drive in the direction of the studio, Husk's head out the window to look out for the spider.
“There he is.” Husk announced after ten minutes of driving.
Alastor stops the car and Husk hops out of the car to run to Angel.
“Angel? Can you hear me?” Husk asks, pulling the spider into his arms. "Angel?"
Alastor hums, taking a look at Angel. "He's still breathing, that's a good sign."
Husk starts to argue: “But he's-"
“He'll be fine, Husker. Let's get him bandaged up to ensure he heals properly, then get him into the car.” Alastor says. “If anything else needs to be done we can always ask Charlie for help. Surely she knows a doctor, vet, or something.”
Husk agrees, setting the first aid kit next to Angel, focusing on cleaning the dried blood on his head…
He was still so beautiful…even while laying on the floor like this.
How could someone hurt someone else this beautiful?
The injury on his head wasn't too bad, he probably just hit it on the pavement when he passed out, the worst he had was a concussion if anything.
And that will heal itself in no time.
Alastor took one of Angel's boots off to wrap up his leg. “It's broken. It'll probably take him a few days to get this back in shape.” He says.
Husk nods, turning to what appeared to be his final injury… his stomach was stabbed pretty deep. “His head is fine.” He explains. “I think stitching this up may be a good idea though.”
Alastor nods. "Need me to do it?" He asks.
Husk shakes his head and grabs the needle and thread. "No, I got it...thanks." Husk stitches him up the best he can, no way was he trusting Alastor with something this important, not if he can help it.
Alastor smiles at him like he just did something absolutely hilarious. “Alright, you lift the top of the hin, I'll try and keep his legs straight.” He says.
Husk nods. The two lift the spider and try to get him in the car.
"Husk, you need to move right!" Alastor complains.
"I am moving right!" Husk says.
"My right!" Alastor says.
“We're facing the same way!” Husk says.
"Hey, some people are trying to get some sleep, Assholes!" Someone in one of the buildings shout.
Alastor makes his weird buzzing sound. "It's five in the morning, wake the fuck up already!" He shouts.
Husk sighs, feeling like this will never end.
They do manage to get him in the car though.
They may have hit Angel's head and leg, again, and dropped him once…but he's fine. (It was all Alastor's fault, Husk decided.)
And finally, without another word from either sinner, they headed back to the hotel with no issues.
Alastor and Husk carry the spider once again to get him upstairs and to his bed.
Alastor would probably use magic, but Husk thinks he might be worried about Angel too.
Which confused him to no end, he never thought Alastor would care about another man.
"Take him" Alastor says, handing Husk is legs.
Husk readjusts his hold on Angel so Alastor can remove the top sheets of the bed to fix it.
Husk is very careful not to move too much, he wouldn't want to irritate the spider's leg more.
Fat nuggets is woken up and starts oinking at Husk, probably just worried about Angel...or he was just being a pig, Husk wasn't sure how smart they are.
When Alastor was done fixing Angel's disaster of a bed, he moves the top sheet and blanket so Husk can set him down.
He takes off Angel's other boot, deciding to leave his sock on.
Alastor then gently tucks him in, making sure he was nice and comfortable. His broken leg was elevated over the blanket on top of an extra pillow.
Fat nuggets hopped on the bed and rested by Angel's arm, nuzzling him gently, hoping he'd wake up.
"Well, that should do it." Alastor says, summoning his cain again. "I will be off then." Alastor turns to Husk. "If you're so worried, you can take a few hours off to keep an eye on him. I know how scrupulous you can be when it comes to the damnned thing." He says, rolling his eyes.
Husk wouldn't normally comment, but he turns to Alastor before the deer could leave. "Hey…uh- thanks.” He says. "For helping me out there. I'm not sure how I would have gotten him home without you."
“It was my pleasure. I do help run this hotel, it's my responsibility to take care of our patrons after all.” Alastor says, fiddling with his staff.
Husk nods. “Sure. I appreciate it either way.”
Alastor hums, obviously not knowing how else to respond. "Of course. Well, Ta-Ta." He says before he exits through his shaddow.
Husk sighs and sits down on a chair next to Angels bed...
He does have this habit of worrying about people too much...he supposed.
Caring too much about them...
He promised himself he wouldn't do this again.
Get so protective of someone that he couldn't stop thinking about them, constantly worry about them.
But while Husk was disappointed in himself for letting him care... Angel needed someone to worry about him.
Heaven knows he won't worry about himself. 
'And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you
So I'll do anything to save you
And I will try to make your dreams come true
Whatever we go through
I know I, I'll be your keeper
I'll be your armor
Whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll make the mistakes
Whatever it takes.' ~Whatever it takes, Hazbin hotel.
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Possum: I'm feeling very anxious about this chapter...idk.
But I've been stuck on it and re-writing it for...what is it weeks? Idk. A while! So here it is. I hope it's better than I think it is.
If not, there's always the next chapter, which I can garentee will be better!
I'm pretty excited for it! I just had to get this one done and over with so I can keep going.
So...let me know your thoughts 😅
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover @babiegurlmuffin
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sarahjtv · 3 days
My Hero Academia Chapter 425 Spoiler Talk
I'm enjoying writing about this stuff again, though I've got a headache going on, so I'll do the best I can for now. I might add in stuff later:
I'm very happy to see our Big 3 graduate finally! I was kinda worried Mirio wouldn't even graduate for a second, but I'm happy to see that he did and he gave a valedictorian-esque speech to everyone talking about rebuilding society so everyone can have a bright future like Sir Nighteye wanted. Ending his speech with a joke is such a Mirio Togata thing 😂. I'm going to miss that guy so much 🥹
Why are Deku and some other students just lying on the ground with their feet up like that btw? Did they run out of chairs or something? It's a weird, quirky little thing that's just there, I guess.
The narration mentions that it's June in the MHA universe now (Happy Pride, btw 🏳️‍🌈). So, if the War took place around April or May, then it's been at least 1 month since we last saw the kids at the hospital.
Our class 1-A is now officially Class 2-A! They're finally second years as they should have been. Everyone including Aizawa is alive, though saying they're well is debatable. Everyone is clearly still injured in some way, shape, or form. Most have several bandages and even Jiro looks like she has a prosthetic for her missing left earphone jack.
Quick note: I notice that Bakugo is actually wearing a tie with his uniform now. It's still not buttoned up, but you can tell that he's definitely softened a bit since the war. EDIT: Looking at it again, it might not be buttoned up because he has a cast holding his right arm, but it’s hard to tell from the scans.
Aoyama not wanting to return to UA is sad, but it makes sense. I'd argue that he earned his place there regardless of AFO's influence, but I can understand that he doesn't feel that way and wants to redeem himself and become a hero in his own way without being forced to betray his friends and teachers.
Replacing Aoyama will be Hitoshi Shinso! I think most of us predicted that Shinso would be joining Class 2-A, but I'm very happy to see that confirmed. It's going to be a bit of a weird start for him, but I think he'll get used to his new classmates quickly.
Another quick note: The second-year cloud girl, Fuwa Mitawa, is seen quite a bit in this chapter and her return is something Horikoshi promised many volumes ago, so I'm glad to see him keep that promise.
Those two first panels of Shouto make me so sad, y'all 😭... His hair is so messy and you can see bags under his eyes. It's hard to tell because of the leaks, but I don't know if there's even light left in his eyes. He looks so exhausted. What happened to Dabi, Endeavor, and the rest of his family? I have no doubt that he's been agonizing over them for god knows how long. I hate seeing him like this, honestly. He's my favorite character and deserves all the good in the world, especially after the harsh life he's been put through. I want to give Shouto all the hugs in the world 🩵.
I don't think Deku smiled at all this whole chapter btw. He tries to talk to Ochako at one point, but she interrupts him with a comment about his new haircut. He just looks sad this whole chapter. I bet he's still grieving and processing what happened. I need Izuku to open up to someone because he can't just bottle this up.
Then we have this mysterious man walking around a desolate town. We have absolutely no idea who this is, but apparently it isn't someone we know of. I want to say it's a grown-up Tenko Shimura somehow, but even that might be too farfetched.
Finally, there's Shouto and the Todorokis. Shouto reassures Deku that he's ok, but I bet my gatcha game currency that he's putting on a brave face because that final beautiful panel of him does not scream "I'm ok!" to me. If anything, I'm amazed Shouto doesn't look like he got any other permanent scars on his face at least.
It looks like Shouto is going to see his family at the hospital. Specifically Endeavor and what might be Dabi who's being kept alive in a big machine. It's hard to tell because the scans are so unclear, but I'm 90% sure that's Dabi in there. It's a miracle that man is alive given he was just a skeleton last we saw him. I'm 99% sure we're going to get a Hellish Todoroki Family Part 3 or something next chapter.
But, we won't see that until 3 weeks from now because we're officially on a 2-week break. There isn't a given reason why like Jujustu Kaisen got (Gege Akutami is sick, so he's taking 2-week break too), so I really hope Horikoshi is ok. It's either he's sick too or he needs time to think of the final chapters of MHA. Or both, that too. Regardless, any breaks given to Kohei Horikoshi to give him time to rest is ok with me. Just sucks for us as fans. Leaving us on THAT kind of a cliffhanger is just mean 😭
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entire minute ½ of me playing heart attack simulator
It makes me both sad and afraid
So funny thing is that I've never actually beat the game, instead most of the main storyline got spoiled and I found no interest in continuing the save I had by that point because "What's the point", come back like 4 years later to my old save, find out I forgot most of what happened/ had no clue of little storylines so decided to play again simply for the characters and get more understanding of the story.
So far I've been jumpscared about 14 different times and got my ass kicked by mantis women WAY more than that (beat them though after try 17)
Galien is probably my worst dreamer enemy, still havent got him. Look he only has two attacks but they are BEATING me up 😭😭
Had Quirrel's storyline spoiled for me, and it's the only reason I'm really hesitant on killing Monomon because I don't want him gone man. He's the only one I know of what happens to though so I have maybe higher hopes for my other favorites living through the game safely.
Cloth and Tiso are probably my other favorite npcs you find throughout the game :)
I hope nothing bad happens to either of them because they're so silly and I love them. I WILL say I doubt anything will happen to the Last Stag and Lemm because they're either a shopkeeper/ transportation so I don't have to worry much about them luckily, hopefully actually.
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theyluvv4riii · 3 days
hiiii!!! i have an idea for (platonic or romantic) yandere class 1a :D
what if the reader was a new student that came just in time for the sports festival and they're very kind but quiet and nobody really knows what their quirk is because they just seem to dissappear right before the class can look for them (except for classtime ofc).
buuut during the sports festival they finally find out their quirk is earthbending and they are just kicking ass left and right!! and uhhh what if they have to fight one of their classmates 1v1 (lets say todoroki) and they beat him by the sheer force of the earth beneath them
sorry for the long ask!
if im being completely honest though, i genuinely dont know how to use like, the elemental quirk stuff. this writing might be a little sloppy, and my minds like all over the place cuz i failed all my exams for the end of the year and idk if im gon pass my grade😭
ANYWAYS— thank you for asking! (im gonna do romantic)
i hope you got what you asked for, and that you like it!! :)
not edited
𝗔𝗟𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗔 𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗞 𝗕𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗦 𝗙𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗔𝗟, a new student was welcomed into class 1-A. They introduced themselves as Y/N L/N, and their quirk was one of the weaker elements, yet they knew just how to make it seem powerful enough to join the top class.
They were academically smart, and physically strong, but other then that? Nobody had even had a full conversation with them, let alone become friends with them. Yes, they were sweet and kind, but they were almost like.. Invisible.
Izuku half thought that could be another one of their quirks, maybe they were like Hakagure, it was just that they could turn it off and on only in time for class.
Any time someone would try talking to the new student, it would always end up with an empty chair in their sight, and an open door whom they had exited. They picked and choosed when they wanted to talk to anyone, let alone a teacher. Most of the time, they never did talk.
Nobody had even seen them smile, let alone enjoy anybodys company.
Todoroki noticed this, and made it his goal to find just why you were so quiet. Unfortunately, he couldn't get through to you. You were just like him, you didn't enjoy peoples company, and didn't let anyone in. Just what was your secret?
Everyone in class, other then you, all came to a conclusion that they needed to make you smile, to make that pretty face of yours happy. Hell, even Bakugou agreed to it. The class didn't know much about you, but they were already whipped for you.
Finally, the sports festival came. You somehow managed to merge with the crowd, but still kept up with everyone, inevitably ending with you competing in the final battles, one of which ended up being the second to last, Todoroki Shoto.
Todoroki almost cracked a smile managing to go against you, this was exactly what he wanted.
"Do you really think you stand a chance against me, L/N? I am stronger than you, that should be obvious by now. Im impressed you made it this far, but all of that effort.. is going to go to waste!" He yelled as soon as Present Mic yelled into the speakers, letting you both know it was time to start.
Todoroki let out a large blast of ice, surrounding you in his trap. He expected you to be completely frozen, but instead, the ice dam he attempted to make was already shattered. Ice pieces scattered across the floor of the dome and center, making everyone go into a wild frenzy of cheering. Of course, your class was the loudest.
"Beat that icy hot! You got this!!" Bakugou screamed, hoping to just maybe, get a smile out of you, maybe even a smirk. But still, with all the cheering, you remained unphased by it all.
Vines started to reach out of the grass besides the battle center, some coming out of the concrete, and each and everyone of them reached around Todoroki before he could blink an eye, simply throwing him out of bounds.
It was too easy for you, they were all weak compared to you. All you wanted to do was go home, take a nap, maybe make some popcorn and watch your favorite show/movie. You were even petty enough to look at your nails, start chipping off the plain nail paint you had colored them only days before.
Todoroki stood there, mouth agape. He watched as you picked at your nails, not caring about the wild cheering that was all for you. Were you.. Really stronger than him? This defeat wasn't one he took lightly, he needed to be stronger, so he could protect you! What good was he if you were stronger then him?
Instead of continuing to drown in his sorrows, he turned around and walked back to the halls, dissappearing while the echos of the entirety of Musutafu screamed for your win. But still, there was one more battle for you to go through, and he was even more driven by his own ego to beat you, maybe even take you out on a date if he did win, of course he would though, there was no debating on that.
As you entered the room to relax for a small bit while they fixed the concrete, you were met with a raging class, celebrating your small win and preparing you for the next. But instead of what you wished for, you were pulled into a warm steaming chest, grabbed by the chin to make you look up at his taller figure.
"You.. You better not hold back, I'll beat you at your full strength!" He snarled at you, small specks of spit flying onto your face at his bickering.
You wiped off your face, clearing the spit off. Instead of staying silent like the class was thinking you would, you once more decieved them.
"Maybe I will, maybe I wont. You, Bakugou Katsuki, are the one who makes that decision. Get to my level, and you may just defeat me, but until then? Your weak in comparison." You spoke, however emotion was devoid in each word you said, never once giving him a reaction that he was hoping for.
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doberbutts · 6 hours
Hey there! I hope you don't mind me asking this.
I remember you posting about how cis women say that men don't have to worry about going outside at night for example, and you brought up moc issues and how black men do have to deal with that. Which was a really good post and made me more aware of the topic.
Well so I keep seeing these posts (made by mostly white queer people) about how "cishet people don't have to worry about holding hands in public" / "opposite sex couples can legally marry anywhere" / etc, which doesn't really sit right with me? Cause interracial couples still face a lot of discrimination and are still actively being hurt. (same with disabled couples, but that's a different topic I think)
However every time I brought this up, people (mainly white queer people) would get mad at me. Saying how I'm changing the topic and how that didn't matter to the conversation.
I was wondering how you feel about this, cause I'm white (and also queer), and I'm not sure if my concern with these statements are valid. Personally I see a lot of poc voices are being ignored in the queer community, and statements aren't useful to make our point (besides being false).
Thanks for reading, please tell me if I'm being ignorant / should do more research on the topic. I'm more than willing to do so. Also don't feel any pressure to answer, I know you don't owe me your time to explain.
Another older ask and one I deliberately left until I had the ability to actually answer on a keyboard instead of on my phone.
The TLDR of this is effectively: this is why I prefer black feminism, which does in fact go into these nuances, to any sort of nonblack theory adopted by the larger feminist and queer communities (which is often white and does not address these problems, which was the point of that post tbh)
But it also goes into my point of how most oppression is neither unique nor is it new, it simply changes its face when applied to different demographics. Much of what we call misogyny is not limited to misogyny, much of what we call homophobia is not limited to homophobia, and so on. "Straight couples don't get disowned by their parents for getting married" well... my ex brother-in-law did because he brought home a black woman. "Straight couples can legally marry anywhere" well according to some sitting justices on the Supreme Court, potentially not for long if they're interracial couples, and while disabled couples can marry they lose all or most of their benefits the moment they do so... "No one beats up straight couples for holding hands" my guy not even going into oppression but you clearly have never been to middle school when a deeply unpopular kid has a crush or is in a relationship with someone who is significantly less unpopular than they are.
But again, this is why I don't find this type of theory to be grounded in reality, and thus why I tend to gravitate more towards theory that makes more sense to the experiences I've had.
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ouroborosorder · 3 days
OK but when you're free of all the other obligations and able to do it can we get the Ines skin writeup anyway because I liked the Eine Variation one and why do they keep giving Caprinae ops skin like this do they just hate goats at hypergryph or what
Okay so I got this ask a month and a half ago and am just now getting to responding to it. In that time, I got a job as a professional VFX artist so my opinion means double what it did before. So that's fun! Respect me and bow to me, peasants.
I wrote a massively long writeup here and then my page refreshed and I lost all of it twice. Let's speedrun this shit, alright? (She says, immediately writing a 5 page unhinged rant.)
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This skin sucks because of the exact opposite reason Eine Variation does, it's just too fucking detailed for its own good.
...Also what the fuck is that in the background is that a goddamned alien spaceship has anyone else noticed this?? This is a bloodline of combat skin this is canon does ines just fight aliens at some point what the FUCK?
Anwyay VFX in the readmore.
Deploy animation. I hate you. I hate this. I hate it.
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It's rare I get to see an entire skin's mistakes in microcosm like this! That's fun!
This is so detailed that it actually ceases to have any real shape or identity. This doesn't look like shadow, because skins can just. Change character lore to make something look cool yes I'm still mad. Is it stars? That would explain the weird yellow dots, and there are stars in the art. Fire? No, it's not actually fire, there'd be fire here. Burning fabric? It only looks like that if I squint and zoom in, but I can't... think of anything else.
The colors are so awful. The way that there is a hard line between the dark lavender and the scarlet which then fades into orange is. A choice. I would not have made. At all. In any way. Ever. At any point. Also the random dots of yellow are very funny because they are so clearly just random pixels of yellow. Some of them even aren't in the orange, so they're just like, highlights that have decided to break out of the highlighted areas. Did they.. want this to look like her burning dress? In which case, why are they.. blue? Her dress is black with orange embers, I don't GET IT.
Also small thing but it has a drop shadow, but like. She's literally in all black until she fully appears. And the swirling ribbons are dark-colored. There's no worry about them not standing out against a light background. Is that just supposed to look like she's surrounded by shadow if that's the case then why isn't the rest of this shadow AGH.
This looks weirdly... JPEG compressed??? Like, you can kiiinda see it in the big version, but if I shrink this down to phone resolution...
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S1 is good. I like it. It's simple, elegant. Good use of colors, and I think the impact looks great, good use of red and orange to create visual interest. Not gonna bother to screenshot it, it's not that interesting NEXT
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Stop it. Stop it. Put a few colors away. I am counting 8 distinct colors in this one swing alone, and then two more for Ines herself. Stop it. That is too many colors. Add less colors.
I don't even see what the colors are there FOR. Are they selling the tip of the swing? That's not right, because the red highlights start at the tip, then swirl inwards until the red is in the inner part.
I do actually think this one is a lot better at actual resolution.
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It's still too detailed, and that detail ends up being crunched and not really... serving any purpose in the grand scheme of the effect, but I do think it is... better. It makes it more clearly light on the outside, dark on the inside.
Also I hate the ends of this swing. I hate it. Why is one a perfect circle that's been stretched out and the other end a rectangle that's fading out. Why is that how you did this. This effect looks like two different swings that have been stapled together like goddamned Catdog.
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Why not lean into the burning dress look? Have it be a black trail that like, burns away when it fades? That would be STUNNING, anything but. Whatever is happening here. Mrgrgr okay fine it can't get worse right
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So this IS a stars theme after all. This IS stars? Just wanna make sure we're all on the same fucking page here.
Dear reader. I hate this. So fucking much. This may be, and I do truly mean this, the worst piece of VFX I have ever seen in any game. This doesn't read as a piece of VFX in an anime game, it reads like the background of a YA fantasy novel's cover.
The nebula doesn't move. It's static. It is clearly just a jpeg. It's not even doing the Chowder screen-space orientation thing. It's just. There. Inescapable.
The comet itself just. Ends. It doesn't fade out or taper. It just. Stops. There's barely any anti-aliasing here. It's just a hard line between the comet and the background.
Ines herself is surrounded by identical dark lavender and orange energy, so there's no visible difference between the effect and herself. Sure. It's not going to be onscreen long anyway. Who cares.
The center of the comet is bright white as if it's the highlight of the effect, but it's... it's off-center?? so it's ultimately... Highlighting something. is it highlighting the sword? Is it supposed to be a haze that shows you the sword? But it doesn't look like it because it took me 15 minutes while writing this to realize that the sword was there at all because it's the same orange color as all the other highlights and so it gets eaten. If your highlight color stops drawing my eye, then you've fucked up because that is literally what a highlight color is supposed to do. Where am I supposed to look at this thing, where is the focus, the shape?
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It's even funnier that the blade leaves a little cartoony goofy team rocket blink when it leaves, before immediately turning into whatever public domain NASA star image they're using for the comet. A real glimpse into what it would look like if Spiderverse sucked ass. (I do like the blink itself tho, a small little blue haze to add color and contrast against light backgrounds, smart touch.)
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Explosion sucks. Suddenly they decide the palette is something entirely different. Where did the yellow come from. Yellow isn't even on the art. I guess when your palette is that big, you can change them up how you want. I would actually like this effect if it was slightly less detailed and in a skin that had actually used this pallette. It reminds me a bit of Specter the Laurentina. But with this level of detail and these colors... This somehow looks more like a YA book cover. A Sword of Goats and Stars. Fuck me I hate it.
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I almost like this buff uptime indicator, It's just that the red from the swords fades into the orange on her dress and makes the whole thing muddy. Also she has an actual roiling flame behind her LMAO GET DUNKED ON HOEDERER THAT'S RIGHT I WILL DUNK ON HIM EVERY TIME EVEN THIS PIECE OF TRASH HAS ONE UP ON THE HOE LMAOOOOO
(In fact I actually... think this might be a recurring texture? It looks familiar, but I can't pin down from where. This is a bad screenshot for showing it but I'm not bothering to get a new one. This is my mental breakdown and I get to choose the visual aids.)
Anyway, maybe I'm being mean. After all I'm criticizing an effect for being too detailed when I am actively zooming in and looking at the details. So let's shrink down to the resolution of my phone just to see how it would-
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Final Ouroboros VFX ranking: A jpeg compressed photo of a wizard airbrushed on a van / 18 Originium Prime. Actually wait no that sounds too cool. Uh. The wizard is also racefaking. Now it's no longer cool. Nailed it.
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