#and think of me doing stuff for you all as a “responsibility” that i have
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— Just know you're stronger than you think
⟫ Alphabet Challenge, J - Just know you're stronger than you think
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader
There's a been a lot of tears writing this one, but it comes from the heart.
Shoutout to @alotofpockets for being one my biggest supports when writing and dealing with my rants and emotions, massively appreciate the virtual shoulder to lean on! 💗
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"Why is it that the people we care about so much are also the ones' that hurt us the most?"
That particular question has been on your mind ever since it happened, two whole days ago.
"Did something happen?" The therapist, sitting opposite you questions, her voice full of concern.
Fumbling with the strings of your Leahs' hoodie that you are wearing, you slowly nod and look at the older woman, "My mum showed up, completely unannounced."
The memories of the past few days begin to replay in your head as you remember the conversation very clearly.
"Hi sweetheart," You're shocked to open the front door and come face to face with your mother, who you haven't even heard of in a few months, following the last conversation that you had with her.
Yet here she stood, smiling like there was nothing the matter. Had she forgotten what happened?
"Mom? Wha... What are you doing here?" You're confused to say the least and you couldn't understand why she was here, at your front door, after all of this time.
"I wanted to come and see you," The woman replied, still continuing to smile condescendingly at you.
Your eyes furrowed in confusion, "And you didn't think to let me know first?" You questioned her.
"I didn't think I would need to," Your mother was quick to respond, "And besides, I tried to call, but you've been avoiding me, haven't you?" She asked, knowingly.
"I've had stuff going on," You admitted to her quietly, shrugging your shoulders.
The older woman hummed in response, "I know, you were in the hospital, and guess where I had to find that out? The news, social media-- You didn't think to call your own mother?!" She barked at you, like it was her right to know about what's been going in your life.
She didn't deserve that right, not when shes' not bothered with you for as long as you can remember.
"I guess... I guess I forgot," You mumbled, feeling ten times smaller like your mother always has a way of making you feel like that.
It  was like a flip switched right there and then, your mother's smile changed to a scowl right in front of you.
"After everything I have done for you, and you just throw it back in my face, Y/N!" The women shouted angrily, her emotions completely changing in a blink.
The therapist sat opposite you, listening to you completely as you tell her about the conversation and relayed it back to her, "Okay, and how did that make you feel? How did you handle it?" She asks.
"The same way that I always did," You murmur, still fumbling with the hoodie strings, "I blew up."
"Mum, I haven't been well-- I tried to kill myself. I wanted to die, I... I tried to end my life because I didn't want to be here anymore!" You completely poured your emotional vulnerability out to the woman, hoping that she'd comfort you, something in which you deeply craved.
The woman literally scoffed and shook her head, "And you don't think that's incredibly selfish to do? What about me-- Wha... You can't leave me, Y/N!" She exclaimed in disbelief.
Your initial confusion turned to anger very quickly, how could she make it all about herself, even now?
"Mum, I'm the one that's been suffering and in pain, this whole damn time!" You didn't mean to yell at her, but something inside you snapped.
"You don't think I have? Y/N, I've been in pain for a lot longer than you have-- You don't know the half of it!" Your mother shouted right back at you, completely forgetting the fact you were both outside in broad daylight where anyone could hear the shouting back and forth.
The very sentence made you realise how inconsiderably selfish she has always been, and she will still continue to be.
"Why has it always got to be about you? I can't even talk to you because you're so wrapped up in yourself-- See this, this is the reason I didn't tell you because yet again, you just once again go and make it about yourself!" You were seething with anger, you didn't care at this point which neighbour did hear you, "I needed you, mum, I really... I really needed you and you weren't there." Your voice was vulnerable and raw, showing the true hurt you felt right there.
"Because you didn't tell me that you needed me, Y/N," Your mother threw it back in your face, having the audacity to even tut at you, "How could I when you don't keep in touch anymore?" She asked.
You really did need your mum, but once again, she was nowhere to be seen when you did.
"She doesn't get it, she never has. Shes' always been this selfish and I've never realised..." You speak directly to your therapist, once again showing your vulnerability as the tears continue to spill down your cheeks.
Your therapist nods and continues to listen, shifting the paper in her hands completely aside, "Did you tell her how you felt?" She wonders.
"I did," You nod in response, "It was hard, but... I did it."
"I deserve to know if theres' something wrong with you, Y/N,'' Your mother stated, like it was her god-given right to know.
Was it really?
"I'm telling you now, aren't I, mum?" You responded, quietly.
Your mother exhaled a sigh and shook her head, "Were you alone in the hospital?" She questioned.
"No, I had Leah--" You were cut off before you could finish that sentence.
Your mother had the audacity to scoff, "Leah is not your mother, Y/N. I am!" She stated, firmly.
"Yeah, well shes' been there a lot more than you have in the last few years!" You confessed your inner thoughts, you were damn right about that statement.
Leahs' been there a lot more than your mum ever has been.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Your mother questioned in disbelief.
"It means... It means I'm done, mum. I'm done with always having to be second best-- I'm done with you and your selfishness! I'm just... I'm done now!" You told her, not having the energy to keep up this argument with her as you deflated your shoulders.
Your mother had the nerve to look at you hurt and it made you feel instant guilt about what you said, "All that I have done for you, and this is how I am treated? By my own daughter!" She said quietly, barely louder than a whisper.
"Mum, I'm sorry... But I can't, I can't do this anymore," Your telling her nothing but the truth, your tired of the bickering, your so tired of it and its' draining you both mentally and physically, "I love you because your my mum, but I'm done, I can't... I think its' best that you go."
"I'm the one whos' always been there, Y/N. I am the one... I am the one whos' been there when that deadbeat of a father walked out on us. He walked and I stayed, I didn't have too. I could have given you up but I stayed and this is what I get?" Your mothers' words hurt, they're gaslighting and manipulative, but you know this is exactly what she is like.
You have to try and remain strong in this decision.
"I think you should go now, mum. I... I don't want you here anymore," You told her, quietly as you avoided looking at her, "Please, just go."
"Y/N, you can't just push me away. I don't deserve to be treated like this," The women continued to gaslight you, showing the toxic traits of her personality.
Shaking your head, you remained firm on your decision, "It's always the same thing with you, mum. Just... Just fuckin' go!" You exclaimed, trying to keep your tears at bay until she left.
You watched as your mothers' face turned to look like complete thunder, "Don't you swear  at me, young lady!" She shouted, enraged.
This time, you couldn't help but scoff, "Please, you can't tell me what to do. Just leave and never come back!" You demanded.
"Y/N," Your mother pleaded, but you didn't want to hear it.
Your therapist leant forward to pass you the box of tissues and looked at you in great sympathy, "And then what happened?" She asks.
"Leah showed up," You tell her, giving her a brief smile while trying to harshly wipe the tears away.
"I think you should do what she says. She's asked you to leave and you're not welcome here," Leah appeared behind your mother, coming back from a quick trip to the shops to pick up some much needed essentials and was shocked to see the women on her doorstep after all this time.
"You!" Your Mother turned round to see the voice behind her as she glared, "You've poisined my own daughter against me!"
"Me?" Leah scoffed in response before she shook her head, "That wasn't me, I think you'll find that was all done by you. So you can see Y/N is upset, so please Y/M/N, just go because like I said before, you're not welcome here." Her words were firm and it made you smile slightly with the way that the blonde fought in your corner.
"So, she left?" Your therapist questions, curiously.
You nod in agreement and use your sleeves to wipe your face, "She left, I felt... I guess I felt relieved, free almost? I... I just wish that things could be different, you know?" You tell her, confused about the feelings you have.
Your therapist smiled at you sympathetically, "You don't deserve to be treated like this, Y/N. Even if its' your own mother and you did the right thing here-- Remember we talked about healthy boundaries? Those apply to family members as well." She tells you.
"I know, it just hurts," You murmur, feeling complete exhaustion after spilling everything out in the open.
"It will for a bit, but then it'll heal. This is about you, Y/N," Your therapist continues to speak open and honestly to you, "It will take time to heal, but you're strong enough to do it, and you're not alone either." She states, kindly.
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"Rough session?" Leah questions in concern as she glances at you beside where she sits in the driver's seat.
You must be somewhat predictable, or she can tell from the red puffy eyes and tear stain cheeks.
It may just be the latter one.
"Yeah," You murmur in response, you barely have the effort to even want to vocually communicate right now.
Leah continues to look at you in further concern, "Do you want to talk about it?" She offers.
"No, I don't... I don't want to talk about it," Your quick enough to disagree with that.
That was a complete lie, you did want to talk about it. Even if you won't admit it though.
"Okay, that's fine. You know where I am though if you need me, bubs." Leah sends you a gentle smile and squeezes your knee to let you know she's here for you.
"Thanks," You lean your head on the window, watching the passing traffic as you head back home to the flat you shared with the blonde.
The rest of the ride home was quiet, you felt so in your head right now.
Therapy was meant to help, right? Why did it feel like the complete opposite, right now.
"I'm gonna make tea, what do you--" Leahs' words are cut short with the sound of your bedroom door slamming shut behind you, "I'll be out here if you need me at all." She calls out, hoping that you can hear her.
You do hear her, but you just don't have the energy to verbally respond right now.
You used it all in therapy, pouring your emotions out and showing your vulnerability, and that's something which rarely ever happens.
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You keep yourself shut away in your bedroom for the rest of the day.
Leah of course has tried to prise you out of your room, but you are very much reluctant to leave your confined space.
You don't want to talk anymore today, you'd already done enough of that with the therapist.
So instead you bury yourself in a blanket, shamelessly clutching hold of the little stuffed green dinosaur that you won at a fair when you were eight, while you just sob endlessly into your pillow.
"Why is it that the people we care about so much are also the ones' that hurt us the most?" The question still plays on your head in a loop, because even now, you still don't understand the answer to it.
What shocks you the most is the fact that your mum hasn't bothered even once to contact you.
That shit hurts, to realise that shes' not bothered about any of it.
Not a single thing.
Somehow during the time you've spent in your room, you end up crying most of the time. Unfortunately, the habits' become more familiar over the last few months than you realise, all because of that woman.
There's a knock at your door, followed by the blondes' voice, "Bubs?"
"G' way," You mumble from underneath the covers, trying to block out the rest of the world.
Hearing the door creep open, you know that Leah isn't going to do that, "I heard you crying. I'm not going to leave you when you're this upset." She states, firmly.
"I don't want... I don't want to talk," You stutter your words, trying to control your sobs no matter how difficult that is.
"That's okay, we don't have to talk about things," Leah moves further into the room as her heart breaks at the sight of you curled up into a ball in the middle of your bed, clutching a hold of the pillow with tear stained cheeks, "Oh, bubs. C'mere, my girl."
That sight was enough for Leah to swiftly move to lie behind you in your bed, gently scoop you up and pull you closer to her, to be able to allow you the comfort even if you didn't want it.
The blonde knew different, she knew not to believe you when you said you didn't want to talk, she allows you the space but shes' not going to allow you to be completely torn up about this.
"Le," Your voice trembles, you don't have the words to say right now, but your grateful for the blonde being there.
Leah quietly shushes you and wraps her free arm around you, "I know, I know it hurts. You don't have to say anything, but know I'm here for you, regardless."
"Why... I don't get why, why does it hurt this much?" You're completely heartbroken, you thought pushing your mother away would help with things, but it makes it all that worse.
"I wish I could tell you the answer there, bubs," Leah murmurs and rocks you back and forth slightly in her arms, "Sometimes' it hurts to do it, but it's' for the best, you know?"
"S... She hasn't even phoned me. She doesn't care about me," You cry openly, showing the raw vulnerability you felt about this situation.
You feel like you've been abandoned, somewhat.
Parents aren't meant to do that, but yet its' easy for enough for it to happen.
And now you're the one in the wrong? It doesn't make sense.
"It hurts now, but things will get better," Leah tells you honestly, running her slender fingers through the strands of your own hair, "And I promise to never leave you alone, ever, okay? You've always got me!" She promises.
"You... You've always been more like a mum to me, more than my mother ever has," You admit to her through small sobs, shuffling around to be face to face with her as you move to rest your head on her chest, "Thank you for never giving up on me or leaving."
Leahs' heart cracks just that little bit more as she smiles sympathetically, "Your my kid, regardless of blood or not, and I love you so so much," She speaks from the heart, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, "The day I met you, it felt like one of the best days of my life and I feel so grateful to be a part of your life, kid."
"I'm grateful you're a part of my life too, Le," You murmur quietly, your voice is hoarse from how much you've been crying but you really do mean what you say, "I wish you were my mum instead, you wouldn't abandon me like she did." You admit, your voice is still no louder than a whisper so you're not sure if shes' even heard it.
"I'd love to be your mum as well bubs, you deserve so much better," Leahs' response is nothing but the honest truth.
Your eyes start to flutter shut, "I really wish it could happen." 
Somehow you feel closer to falling asleep, you don't know what it is but you feel that with the presence of Leah there with you, it's a lot easier to fall asleep.
"I'll make it happen," Leah whispers, still running her slender fingers through your hair gently, "Get some sleep, yeah? It's been a long day."
There wasn't any response from you as you'd somehow managed to fall asleep in that short space of time.
"Bubs," Leah peers her head over slightly to see you fast asleep and she can't help but chuckle fondly, "I mean it when I say it and I'll keep that promise, kid. You're never going to be alone again." She states, firmly.
The blondes' heart aches so much for all the crap that you have had to put up with through the years and now she'll do anything to make it better.
"Sleep well, bubs. I love you," Leah whispers, pressing a gentle kiss on the top of your forehead as she pulls you closer towards her, allowing you to sleep practically on top of her, allowing her to lie there and think through things with the determination of a way for you to finally be happy.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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akirathedramaqueen · 3 days
Some thoughts on the Western Energy trainwreck
Soo, I've come across that post, and... it made me thinking.
Stolas spent there the whole time, not knowing Blitzø *did*, in fact, send help. He assumed he was all alone, although still had some resemblance of hope, a fragile straw he hang on to piss off Striker, allowing to tear up only when one didn't look at him.
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And... hell, I used to see many comments about how Blitzø let him down there... But did he?
Oh course, some think he did, and he surely thinks he did, too. But, although the whole sequence with him and Loona trying to get that S.H.O.T. was a fucking circus and looked like a joke compared to suffers Stolas had to endure and barely survive...
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To be honest, these scenes being put together on surface do, in fact, make it think that the whole Stolas being on the verge of death ordeal is a joke to Blitzø and he would rather spend time running around with big needles and stuff.
If to get back to the phone convo between them at the beginning of the episode, Blitzø mentions that it took him 5 years to book that appointment, and it means a lot for him to not miss it. Missing out on that shot meant to put Loona in potential danger, his daughter, and, although we don't know what kind of shots they were talking about, we know for sure what does missing out on a vaccine schedule could mean in the real world - we tend to forget how dangerous polio, for instance, is, as most of us have access to the vaccine and don't get to experience it not even themselves, but in close vicinity as well. For us, vaccines might seem to be some kind of stupid routine, something we got comfortable with in a privileged world, something which surely could be skipped for a day, right? But in Blitzø's one they are luxury.
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Despite all of that, I also want to put your attention to the fact that he wasn't going to ignore it. He is speeding up, and I think (although it's not expressed explicitly, but not everything should be, right?), that he already made up his mind that Stolas is a priority.
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You are not thinking it's about shots, right? He wasn't that reckless in driving before *that* call.
And! He wasn't even the initiator of Millie and Moxxie going instead of him. *M&M's* were.
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And Blitzø trusts them, because why not? They are his employees, they are skilled and capable, and they are his friends as well, they know that shit is important to him (although he isn't willing to admit it himself).
We see also, how Stolas was admitted to the hospital immediately, which already gives a hint on how different their stance in the world is. I wonder sometimes how it would've turned out if Stolas proposed to Blitzø to use the royal influence to get another appointment shortly after Blitzø saves him, but we know he didn't get much time to even think about that. He wasn't even able to finish the sentence before Striker took his phone off him.
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To be honest, I don't think the outcome itself would have been much different. I don't think Blitzø would've done a better job at saving Stolas, but, maybe, only maybe, he would've felt better because he was, at least, there for him.
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Because you know that shit is going to haunt him till the day he dies. Because it only reassured him that he isn't capable of sticking around for his people.
Because, you know... happened once already.
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No wonder he left Stolas's message on "read". Knowing all things before and after, it's not a surprise that he, tending to take all of responsibility for all the wrongs on himself more than he should to, couldn't face the consequence of what he thinks he failed in. He, speaking figuratively, left Fizz on "read" for 15 years, and he kinda sorted it out only because he couldn't run anymore and had to face the trauma as circumstances didn't give him a chance to chicken out.
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I wonder what he was trying to tell Stolas. But I don't think we will ever get to learn that.
Aw, crap, I am done here, I am going to go and cry for a little bit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, see ya in like 5 minutes to experience some Full Moon trauma again, because I can't get over these two. XD
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classpectpokerap · 2 days
What exactly does "gloves is canon" mean, if you don't mind me asking?
let's just fucking get right into it.
Ultimate Rose Pt. 2: Gloves Are Canon
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if you haven't seen part 1, here it is. the tldr version of it was to estabish candy rose (at the VERY least) as a liar. i also have a headcanon about ultrose putting alpha earth rose into front in candy timeline, but that doesn't really matter too much. its just kinda fun
anyway. heres the theory.
so you guys know A Threat, Sensed, right?
it's one of the hs2 bonus comics. originally patreon exclusive, but was made public for everyone during the hiatus. and i think it contains some deeply revealing information.
you may be wondering... hey, isn't that the comic where ultdirk talks to hussie about yiffy? like, its hussie's one appearance in the comic. kind of weird.
ahaha. yeah. so. about that.
let's rewind a bit. what's the contents of A Threat Sensed?
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dirk wakes up after having the shit kicked out of him in pesterquest.
rose is like huh? huh wuh? but dirk gives her a thumbs up. and then he goes to sit on his computer, and type to god.
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and then after that delay, he gets a reply.
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etc etc etc. they talk. they chat. hussie talks about his beloved daughter yiffy. normal stuff. hey roll that last one back
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let's play in this space. lets play in this space. perspective. daughter.
who's daughter is yiffy?
let's rewind.
when homestuck act 6 dropped, it released with one very important page.
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this page.
this page, where someone with seemingly grey skin is typing on a keyboard. holy fuck, what a reveal. new troll. oh my god. this is the 13th troll
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like, they have to be a troll, right? theyve got the time stuff. theyve got a symbol. theyve got shit going on with them
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they were wearing gloves.
this? this is fucking huge.
in homestuck we see that shot a lot. of fingers on a keyboard. but every single time we have seen it, we have also seen at least one shot of the person typing, right?
with two exceptions. one is callie in the act 6 reveal.
and the other is andrew.
er, sorry.
from the patreon post on A Threat Sensed:
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those are fake hands. what. what . what. what.
if this comic has a history of having a reveal when it comes to characters where Only Their Hands are being shown
and gloves are canon to homestuck, and have been used to precipitate this reveal
then perhaps
gloves are canon here as well.
if you'll allow me to speculate. on the gloves are canon in question.
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yeah of fucking course rose is pretending to be hussie because WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE adjKFJGSKDHdskjgjkfskjgdsf
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"is that why you were lying on the floor" a question that Rose had because she saw his ass lying on the floor!!!!!!!
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hm purple background. anyway im sure thats fine
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hm. hm. hm. psychoanalysis. hmmm. hm.
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now if i was rose
if i was ultrose. and i wanted an ultimate weapon against dirk.
if i wanted to Make A Weapon Against Dirk.
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what would i do.
how would i create it.
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who would i hurt in the process.
anyway. this is all leading up to part 3 of this fucking nightmare roller coaster. but uh. basically. i think this one is like all but confirmed????
We’ve had quite a bit of speculation on whether this is “really” Andrew. To that, I think we’d say that it doesn’t “really” matter. If you’re asking are those Andrew’s actual hands, then no, of course not. Because those hands are fake hands that are on the computer screen.
this sounds like it's telling us no, it's not "really" andrew. and to look at the hands. and we KNOW from part 1 of this theory that rose is incredibly deceitful.
the delay in "andrew"'s response could have plausibly been rose slipping away into her little hidey hole, putting on the stupid fucking gloves, and only then typing.
andrew never confirms who he is. and i'll admit, some of the lines don't sound 100% like rose. but others do. others really, really do.
i like this theory because it makes rose and dirk's rivalry on deltrius interesting. it means she has legs up on him. he thinks he's talking to hussie, but he isn't. she has plans within plans. she's got shit she's cooking.
i like it because it contextualizes yiffy, too.
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hm wow it sure seems like the candy timeline isnt actually all that sealed! it sure seems like theres something in there that is a corrosive paradox! something that affects both timelines!
or someone!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway. yiffy is an ultdirk icbm created by rose . rose wore gloves. gloves are canon. that's my theory graaaaaaaaaahhh
part 3 coming soon :3
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kooksbunnnn · 3 days
Lost cause? 1.5: how could you do this?
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Previous chapter
Summary: You always wondered, how would your life turn out to be if you and Jungkook had a baby? So, when you finally conceive and decide to tell your husband that you are pregnant, you didn't expect him to drop this bomb on you. You never would've thought that the surprise you planned would end up in agonized tears because of the shock your husband brings you. 
Warnings: angst, infidelity, heartbreak.
Words: 1.7k approx
Note: this scene takes place when Jungkook tells his hyungs that he cheated on Y/N.
Authors note: an anonymous ask wanted me to write the conversation between the guys when they got to know about Jungkook cheating on Y/N. Here you go!
“Here” Namjoon offers a glass to Jungkook after pouring the hangover cure in it, awfully silent, both of them.
Jungkook rubs his eyes and cheeks with his sleeve, making Namjoons gaze travel to his bruised hand. Taking the glass from Namjoon’s hand, he bows his head slightly to thank him.
The broken vase on the floor now makes sense to him. Fortunately, he doesn’t have any cuts. Namjoon thinks. He has a bruise, though, which means he must’ve punched something the last night. Before he could ask Jungkook about it, he says,
“Where’s everyone else?”
“In their rooms freshening up.” Jungkook nodded as he swirled the liquid in the cup, sun rays illuminating his face and highlighting the tear stains on his cheeks.
Jungkook hums sniffling as he keeps swirling the cure in the glass, avoiding eye contact, dreading the next words from his hyung’s lips.
“What is this?”
Jungkook looks up to see Namjoon holding his phone up to show him a text conversation.
Mia Aurora Club: hey, its mia. It was really nice meeting you yesterday after such a long time but
Mia Aurora Club: idk how to say this namjoon
Mia Aurora Club: there was this guy with you
Mia Aurora Club: he and I.. we did some stuff and then i found out that he was married. He was drunk and ig he didnt realize soon enough that he doesnt recognize me or idk what happened he just panicked and before i could ask he vanished
Mia Aurora Club: fuck i feel so bad please tell him im sorry and i wanted to aplogize to you as well. I wasnt trying to ruin someones marriage tbh. Sorry
“Hyung..” Jungkook’s voice cracks as he looks at his elder brother with glossy eyes. Namjoon sighs disappointedly, sitting beside him, Jungkook’s body bouncing up slightly due to Namjoon’s body weight.
‘What the fuck..” Namjoon breathes as he just sits next to Jungkook in silence, watching the carpeted floor as Jungkook sniffles, now that Namjoon observes closely he sees how his younger brother's eyes are swollen. The aircon whooshing in the background, making the air the only thing audible in the room.
“He what?!” Jimin almost yells out in the middle of the dining area where Namjoon and Hoseok call him out of the queue for the buffet and tell him about Jungkook and Mia.
“Jimin-ah.” Hoseok’s eyes widen in warning as he looks around reminding Jimin that they are around people.
“Do you think he would’ve told you if you didn’t go to his room to give him the medicine, hyung?” Jimin says his gaze narrowed with accusation, an empty plate in his hand.
“He called me to his room himself Jimin-ah, what is wrong with you?” Namjoon says sounding defensive.
“Don’t defend him hyung-“Jimin says exasperated.
“Jimin, I understand that you are mad but can you at least try to be in that room without saying all this? He knows he fucked up, we shouldn’t be the ones making him feel worse.” Namjoon says, as selfish as it may sound that he can't see his brother crying.
“Is he alone upstairs?” Hoseok asks Namjoon and he shakes his head in response.
“No, Tae and Jin Hyung are there.”
“I hope they beat his ass,” Jimin says folding his hands over his chest now placing the plate on a random table.
Everybody knew Jimin and Taehyung had been closest to you out of the gang, he has always seen you as his little sister. You and him attended the same uni, him being your senior which made him quite protective of you like a brother when he got to know about your relationship with Jungkook.
“What, he deserves it.” Jimin says as Namjoon looks at him with narrowed eyes and a ‘really?’ look.
“Guys, do they have boiled eggs?” Yoongi says as he casually passes by the three men standing there with tensed looks on their faces. When none of the guys answer, still busy in their conversation, he takes three steps back to face them.
“What? Why do you all look constipated?” Yoongi says, his face straight and nonchalant.
“Consti- hyung what the fuck?” Hoseok turns his head towards his elder brother and he chuckles unaware of the tensed situation.
“Something’s up, tell me, is it director Choi again-“
“Hyung, it's not-“ Namjoon says but gets his sentence cut off.
“Jungkook cheated on his wife,” Jimin says and all of a sudden there's silence. After 5 seconds of digesting the news, Yoongi shuts his eyes and sighs.
“Fuck.” cursing under his breath and leaves the room sprinting towards the elevator, the other three men tailing behind him filling him in with the details.
“Jungkook, you should eat something.”
He just shakes his head refusing his eldest’s offer for the bread he buttered for him. he packs his stuff sniffling as all of his friends watch him huff around stuffing his stuff in the bag with different expressions on their faces.
“Jungkook..” Yoongi whispers, no response.
“Jungkook-ah.” Again. Nothing. He just runs around the room with tears flowing constantly down his cheeks.
“Jungkook-ah!” Yoongi grabs him by one of his arms and shakes his body wanting to shake his younger brother out of the trance .
“I fucked up hyung, I fucked up. I will lose her. She’ll go hyung. I was drunk, i didnt realize, i dint-” Jungkook says still shaking his head crying constantly.
“Yah!” Yoongi lets go of his arm and holds his face firmly making eye contact. Jungkook stops rambling but still struggles to breathe in his hold so Yoongi slaps him firmly like he was a child, trying to help him focus. The moment Jungkook sobs at the slap, Jin and Taehyung look away with a sigh and Jimin flinches.
Eyes welled up, they all felt helpless.
“Jungkook, breathe. Come to your fucking senses.” Yoongi says making Jungkook take deep breaths.
“We know Jungkook, we get it. Breathe.”
When Yoongi sees his pupils relax, he drops his hand from his face. When Jungkook finally focused on Yoongi’s face, his face filled with regret, sobbing he hugged the shorter male, Crying into his shoulder.
Yoongi looks at Jimin, who was looking at the scene with anger and pity at the same time.
Anger because of how Y/N is gonna be broken because of Jungkook and pity for her as well. Pity for their relationship and anger on the situation. Anger over how helpess they all feel and pity on how restless Jungkook feels. Although the anger and pity he felt for his little sister wins.
Yoongi warns Jimin as he senses what he is gonna say, but Jimin just rolls his eyes and asks,
“How could you kook?”
“Jimin.” Taehyung tries to stop his best friend whispering, requesting him to let it go for some time.
But Jimin ignores him and continues.
“huh? Jungkook? What about Y/N?”
At his wife's mention, Jungkook pulls back from the hug and Yoongi sighs stepping back towards the chair next to Namjoon.
“Hyung..” he sniffs
“What? What excuse do you have? Do you really have an explanation?”
“Hyung, I-“
Everyone watches as Jimin approaches Jungkook with anger, Hoseok sitting up as if expecting Jimin to punch the other.
“She loves you Jungkook, what the fuck?” Jimin whispers looking at the guy who just looks at him with guilt and tears in his eyes.
“Answer me, dammit?” He grabs Jungkook by his collar and pulls him closer asking him again through gritted teeth.
“Enough Jimin-ah.” Hoseok says as Jimin just asks questions, rambling about how much he fucked up.
“If she leaves you, it's on you.” He says jabbing his finger in his chest. “She is family kook, what the fuck were you thinking?” He pushes Jungkook away from him when Jin tries pulling Jimin back, his grip creating crimples on the younger's shirt.
Stepping away frustrated, he rakes a hand through his hair as Jungkook just nods, regaining balance.
“I don’t know hyung I-“
“Shut up. I don’t think you can explain yours-“
“Enough jimin-ah” Jin says pointedly and silence fills the room.
Jimin huffs frustrated and sits on the bed.
“I need to tell Y/N.” Jungkook says, his eyes tearing up but he nods affirming the decision to himself.
“Yes.” He says, picking up his phone, opening his recents to call.
“I need to tell her- wha- hyung give it back.” Jungkook yells all of a sudden.
“Are you crazy?” Taehyung asks and Jungkook notices how everyone is standing ready to grab his phone.
“Hyung give it back, I can't stay here for another day knowing she is waiting for me at home, for what? Hah..” he chuckles, sarcasm clear in his voice, mad at himself, “so that, so that I can break her heart? Give it back, hyung,”
“No! Are you crazy? do you think this is some kind of dinner plan you're gonna tell her randomly?” Taehyung says stretching his hand away from Jungkook.
“He is right, kook. You need to tell her face to face.” Hoseok says and Jungkook steps back shaking his head fresh tears streaming down his face.
“This is gonna break her, we know. But you need to tell her face to face.”
“You owe her that much,” Jimin says, his words stinging. His words were harsh but what he said was true.
Jungkook owed you that much.
“Think about it Jungkook, you can't fix this right now. If you call her-“ Jin says but Jungkook cuts him off.
“Argh! I can't take it, I need to fix this right now. I need to come clean, I need to fix this hyung!” Jungkook says pulling at his hair, sitting on the couch.
“I get it, Jungkook, we all do but…for the time being, we're gonna take your phone with us for now, yeah?” Namjoon looks at Taehyung, who nods and keeps the phone in his pocket.
“No, Hyung-“
We have to pack and we can't risk it. Namjoon says looking at Jin and they both nod, understanding.
“Yeah, we have to check out in an hour,” Jin says, his voice low.
“Yeah, fine. See you all downstairs,” Jimin says, getting up and leaving immediately.
One by one, everybody leaves the room, Namjoon getting up at last, squeezing Jungkook’s shoulder.
While leaving the room Namjoon notices the outer wall of the bathroom having slight blood on it, he touches the blood and flinches when he notices how its not dry yet.
Sighing and looking over his shoulder at his little brother wiping his tears, he just wishes the best for him and Y/N.
He just hopes for the best.
Next chapter. Main masterlist. Series masterlist.
@skzthinker @whoa-jo @aznstoner @aloverga @bids97 @slut4jeon @whipwhoops @bearr02 @gloriouscollectionpainter @jojowantstocry @jossabella88 @prajusstuff @chimchimmarie @gyukookswhore @kookiescutie @llallaaa @bbtsficrecs @farahmoonworld @cookysstuff @alessioayla @bamieeee03 @bonsaithings
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nipuni · 2 days
Hello! Time for another blog post! I think my last one was two months ago and a lot has happened since 😊
We have been attending a ton of historical recreation events so I still have many photos to share, hope you don't hate those! It's been really fun! We are exhausted and all out of social battery however so we are taking it easy this month. Another thing that's been happening a lot is that even when we are not dressed in historical clothing we keep getting stopped by strangers on the street because of our everyday outfits, it's been like that for a couple of years now so we are no longer startled or nervous about it but it's happening more and more often now and it's so nice! we always end up chatting about the events we go to and our jobs and hobbies and exchanging contacts or they ask for photos and stuff! people are really kind and excited about it and I still find it so surprising in the best way. We grew up in a very hostile city and environment and that makes you paranoid and cynical so these interactions and response has been healing really. I know their words will stick with us for years to come 😭 Sadly the unbearable heat is starting though so that means our outings for the next three months will be limited to the crack of dawn and after sunset 😞 but at least the summer brings a lot of fruit with it so we can sit at home and eat pineapples and strawberries while we wait for autumn.
My family came to visit a few months ago too and we made them watch most of Doctor Who's season one to four and some of our favourite episodes from all the other seasons lmao. And much to our delight they really enjoyed it!! They both loved Ten the most and my step dad is now in love with Martha 🥰
We have also been watching the current season and it's been so fun keeping up with fandom theories in real time and talking about it and speculating with friends in person, it's the first time we get a chance to do it since we got into the series and we are enjoying it a lot!
We also watched season one of Jessica Jones and we loved David's performance as Kilgrave!! He stole the show for real. Kilgrave is such an incredible villain, one of the best I've seen and DT does such an amazing job portraying every aspect of him. He's detestable and volatile and frighteningly powerful and has such an intimidating terrifying presence in the narrative while also being pathetic and vulnerable and ridiculous and childish and so human with all it's worrying implications. It was just so gripping and I wish he had stayed for the rest of the show honestly!! Now we have to pick our next David Tennant series to watch! 😊
Also!! Dragon Age is back!! AHHH I wanted to thank everyone that commented on my last DA pieces, it has made my month to read the comments, I didn't expect so many people to remember my art or my character after so many years and it's so touching and flattering you have no idea 😭💘 I look forward to making more and sharing them with you all, I'm truly grateful for the kindness you've shown me both back then and now I hope you know.
I feel so spoiled lately with all these franchises that I love releasing new content!! I've never been in these many fandoms at once!! I have so many ideas to draw and keep jumping back and forth between drawings from different shows and games AAAAA it's a good and welcome change honestly, keeps me busy and inspired!
Anyway that's all for now I think! I hope you are doing well and this summer/winter is kind to you all ❤️
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obae-me · 2 days
Help I submitted that "MC's immune to Luci's siren song" ask and the brainrot has gotten so much worse- There's just so much substance to it! It inherently messes with Lucifer's ego and sense of pride, at the start of his and MC's relationship he's probably silently seething 24/7 cause what do you mean this random human he's never heard of before is entirely immune to all of his hypnosis magic???? In my headcanon of this whole AU the MC's on the more oblivious side when it comes to Lucifer's plan to keep trying to seduce them into the water, not to the point of stupidity, like no matter how much Lucifer insists they take a dip in the water they refuse unless it's like a tidepool or something cause they are aware of a sirens reputation, but still you know what I mean they're under the impression that after their first encounter Lucifer just innocently wants to be close with them and nothing else Agh and the SCENARIOS you can get with this. Okay- Like imagine with me if you will, Lucifer and the MC are spending time with one another in a secluded shallow pool of water (think like a tidepool or something similar where the waters are too shallow to properly drown in as a full grown adult), the two are kind of goofing around with one another and something something bam! MC finds themselves pinned down by and completely underneath Lucifer, and Lucifer has a thought... He could kill them right now. It's not the typical way for sirens to hunt their prey but he could use his razor sharp claws and teeth to kill and eat them like he had intended to since he met them. But, despite that being the extremely obvious solution to his "problem", Lucifer hesitates, and he finds that he's unable to will his body into harming MC, he just can't do it. And how ridiculous is that?!! The Lucifer, one of if not the most fiercest hunter of all the sirens, the man responsible for countless human deaths, finds himself unable to kill one. simple. human. How ridiculous is that?! Honourable mention the angst you could get in a situation where the MC finds out Lucifer was just planning to drown and eat them the whole time even if that's changed ("So.. Nothing we had was even real...?" type stuff) or say other sirens (not the other brothers/dateables just some random npc type characters) catch wind of MC and while they know they can't hypnotize them into the water they're not above using more forceful ways to drown them. There's so much fun to be had with this AU!!! My undying love for Luci and mermaids compels me to brainrot about it!!!!!! Monster forbidden romance for the in baybeeeeeeeee-
Screaming from the rooftops till my throat goes raw.
Drowning in a pool of my own tears.
The brainrot is real!!
Oh my god... I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful this is.
There is so much ANGST potential! Say, for example, the reason why MC was out there that first night was to run away from something that happened in their life. They made it all the way to a rocky beach with no one but them and the water, and then all of a sudden, they hear the singing...and it's the most beautiful sound in the world. It immediately makes them feel better. And then of course, it came from one of the most beautiful beings they'd ever seen.
Sure they'd heard stories about sirens and their calls, and so they keep themselves safe in the shallows. However, they maybe thought that he kept coming to see them because...maybe there was something there. Anytime they were sad or stressed, they came to see him, and he made everything feel better. God, the way he smiled at them when they talked about their day. The way he asked questions to get to know them better.
That was all a lie? An elaborate manipulation? Just waiting for their guard to lower enough? How...horrible...
And so they stop going to see him. But they hate being away from the water when they're sad, so they head to different locations.
Only, there's several other sirens who have heard of rumors of the human who resisted the famous Lucifer's songs. If they managed to steal Lucifer's hunt...well, that appeals to more than a few.
They're in danger now, and they hardly even know it till they're in the thick of it.
And there's only one person who can help them.
Anon, this is so good. I can't take it.
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ghost3slovebloop · 2 days
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✟ death of (un)holy creature. ✟
warning : sappy angst under the cut.
why draw happy stuff, when i can draw death & misery instead? gotta love all my doomed lovers otps. no happy ending just drama, where everything hurts and sucks forever.
but seriously, i have a lot of expirience with one half of my otp being dead as doornail. at least, let me cope by making those deaths romantic & personal & pretty. vs how they usually are. the way adam's died still kinda low-key piss me off tbh. my evil awful dude deserved better.
and speaking of him...
with adam art, i was thinking that when birds die, they tend to have their wings tucked close to their body. and since adam is a huge bird to me, inside my mind his wings had the same response to death. and just sadly tuck close to his sides one last time, once he stopped breathing. as for second one...well, snake's bodies do still have movements in them, once you kill it, so lucifer can give adam like 8-9 seconds of unexpected comfort.
in this instanse, i imagine that it's an au, where they were friends in eden. and lucifer had to tend to adam's boo-boos for him, bc goober had no idea how to not get hurt at first. and then, when adam did get hurt, he was a baby about it. so lucifer would give him a hug to 'make it better'.
decades later, he still gives adam a hug. bc true friends stab you in the front and hold you, while you die.
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A Sociology of Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Every once in a while, one must embrace hubris.
Let’s start with play. Play is an important part of life – mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physiologically, grammatically. It has uses. As a child, it helps with learning and growth. As an adult, it helps with not being sad all the time. But people don’t play because it’s useful. People play because it feels good to do – because it’s enjoyable, pleasurable, delightful.
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The big joys for me are winning, risk-taking, solving, mastery, socializing, performance, storytelling, humour, novelty and catharsis. If you want a more in-depth list, it’s hard to do better than Levi Kornelsen’s Manyfold, which lists 17 different kinds of fun. But even that list is thinking about RPGs specifically and if you start including stuff like sports or sex or crafting, the list probably gets longer.
What I like about Kornelsen’s Manyfold is that it makes sure to focus on the fact that these are joys, not types of people. Which avoids 90% of the most annoying arguments.
Based on what kinds of enjoyment they’re chasing and what they’re avoiding, people make games. People connect with games that evoke their preferred kinds of enjoyment and fun. This leads to people making games that build on what came before in different ways – specializing, generalizing, forking, mutating, etc.
They also lead to cultures of play. These cultures are social infrastructure – values and practices that congeal around certain places or communities aimed at certain combinations of joys. These cultures develop norms and then expectations. Also, they tend to spawn sub-cultures constantly and immediately, often consciously defined in opposition to their roots. The three that I refer to most in this newsletter are trad, storygames, and OSR.
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Trad play culture, the dominant play culture, is best understood as a specific model of player and GM roles and responsibilities. According to Retired Adventurer, “Trad holds that the primary goal of a game is to tell an emotionally satisfying narrative, and the DM is the primary creative agent in making that happen – building the world, establishing all the details of the story, playing all the antagonists, and doing so mostly in line with their personal tastes and vision. The PCs can contribute, but their contributions are secondary in value and authority to the DM’s.” In terms of joy, I feel like that the trad play style is defined by not specializing in specific forms of enjoyment and allowing groups to “wander” (as Kornelsen puts it in Manyfold) around from one kind of fun to another.
Storygames and OSR are both usually defined in opposition to trad. The storygames playstyle changes the trad model of GM-player by trying to make the GM more of a player. In terms of joy, the play style clusters around storytelling, performance, and risk-taking with less emphasis on solving or winning.
The OSR is an umbrella term of play cultures that accept older forms of d&d as a kind of lingua franca of roleplaying. They veer away from the trad model by eliminating the GM’s responsibility for a satisfying narrative (and resulting knock-on effects). In terms of joy, there’s a spectrum of cultures that vary in their emphasis on solving, winning, humour, and risk-taking.
There are probably an infinite number of potential cultures of play but some are particularly visible because they lead to design cultures (where games are made for a specific culture) and become markets (where game-sellers target cultures to reach customers).
In terms of design traditions, trad, storygames and OSR have their own norms which create a feedback loop with the play cultures associated with them.
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Trad games are often built around detailed settings, involved character creation, and often tactical combat. They tend to avoid specificity in narrative, preferring to let the GM decide or use (often very specific) adventure modules.
Storygames tend to focus on specific narratives or scenarios and rules designed to support those outcomes exclusively. Settings tend to be co-created amongst the player and the GM and are thus, often improvised rather than prepared beforehand.
The OSR has a DIY ethos that values creativity and ease-of-use in setting and scenario design. So while settings are concrete, rule sets, while plentiful, tend to be improvised.
And markets, well, you know ’em.
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That’s quite enough from me. I assume this kind of post can do no good but I typed it out anyway.
(This post was first published in the Indie RPG Newsletter.)
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wombywoo · 2 days
Hello ☆ I was wondering if you have any advice for any artists who want to start creating fanart but are afraid to deal with the unfortunate circumstances that artists deal with on the internet? ): (theft, tracing, unauthorized sales, etc.). I know that's something thats inevitably gonna happen and that almost every creator is gonna have to deal with, especially within bigger fandoms, like CoD.
I'm not a very confrontational person to begin with which most likely doesn't help, but I really really really want to share my CoD fanart but seeing how shit the fandom treats artists, on all platforms, it's very discouraging ://
Hi there! I wasn't really sure how to answer this because truthfully--I still haven't found an effective way to combat all of the negative aspects you're referring to. Unfortunately, this is probably the most..ah...immature fandom I've been in, so there is a fair deal of nonsense occurring regularly, lol. Artwork is seen as 'content' which is meant to cater to any random person's wants and needs. As such, the average 19 y.o. tiktok user is just going to see a hot guy and repost it on their page with terrible techno music, regardless of whether you've put a watermark on your work or not. I can't say it isn't extremely frustrating, but personally, the main point is for me to create all of my artwork for *me* first and foremost. Don't get me wrong--I do enjoy getting to share my stuff in this community, and I've gotten some lovely responses more often than not. But I think it's better for you to focus on why you want to create something in the first place, rather than the anticipation of others' responses. It's awfully disheartening for a lot of artists to see their work stolen, and even worse, monetized without their consent. I do think a lot of that only happens when you've reached a certain status (ie. I only started getting reposted and harassed when I gained more popularity in this fandom) so I think if you start out small, you may be left unbothered, at least for a bit. I wish I could be more encouraging, but the reality is that the current online landscape for artists is a bit bleak. It's not even just the art theft and AI elements--more and more creators are under attack for the most inconsequential issues, and it's all a part of this ongoing fandom trend to weaponize morality, but I digress... One positive is that, for the most part, other artists will look out for each other, so if your stuff is being stolen, there's a shared response of retaliation, and I think you'll find most people are on your side. My best advice for this situation is: just post your stuff and see what happens. I'd say that the majority of people will enjoy and interact accordingly, and if you're met with any instance of theft/tracing/harassment, you can report the offenders wherever applicable. Don't let the negativity discourage you from creating what you want <3
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jasonsmirrorball · 3 days
cw children, implied afab reader, discussion of children, established relationship
jason and coming home to an empty home after being around family all day, breathing out shared sighs as you change out of our clothes. he clasps a hand around the back of your neck to press a kiss to your forehead, and the both of you climb into bed, the sheets cool under you.
the silence is louder than it usually is. after a beat, he says,
‘it was nice to be out today.’ you hum, shifting closer to tuck your chin over his shoulder. instinctively, his arm comes up around your back, and he smooths your top down where it’s begun to ride up.
‘you were so sweet with the kids,’ you murmur, and he preens a little when you brush a finger over his cupid’s bow, propping yourself further up his chest. he purses his lips, bestowing a kiss to the pad of your finger.
‘they’re cute,’ he mumbles. the words you haven’t said hang between you, and you grin a little when he hesitates, before asking, ‘you ever think about that stuff? havin’ kids?’
you stare down at him for a moment before letting out a breath. ‘yeah, sometimes.’
you lift a shoulder. ‘yeah, it crosses my mind. today, it definitely did.’
he laughs quietly. ‘when i was with the kids?’
you pinch his chin. ‘don’t make fun.’
he catches your hand as you pull it away, kissing your palm. ‘sorry. ‘m not.’
‘better not be.’
‘cross my heart.’
‘good,’ you say decisively. he hums in response, rolling the fabric of your shirt between his fingers.
‘that something you want now?’ he asks quietly. the metal of his wedding band presses briefly against your hip and you shiver, pressing closer.
it takes you a moment to answer, distracted briefly by the warmth.
‘i don’t know,’ you tell him truthfully. it comes easily, words slipping from your lips like water. he’s your best friend. how could they not?
you stroke his cheek as you think out loud. ‘i like things as they are now, baby.’ you look at him to gauge his response and he lifts his lips in a small smile.
‘i do too.’
‘i like it, getting you to myself like this,’ you say, feeling a little selfish and warming all over when he laughs. it’s an affectionate noise, and he draws in close to brush his lips against your cheek. ‘i want a baby, i think, but later. not now. i want to have you like this a little longer.’
the sigh he lets out is one of contentment, and he settles back into the sheets.
‘me too.’ a thumb strokes over your hip and you lean down to press a kiss on his mouth, lingering when he lets out a sweet, soft sound, an exhalation of air that presses into your tongue and dissolves, spun sugar and pure love. ‘later, then.’
‘later,’ you affirm. the late afternoon is spent swapping drowsy kisses, and though the silence is not replaced by the squeals of a child, love fills your home still.
sorry had this thought of coming home and being like. i want kids. but also not right now. because i want it to be just us a little longer. so everything changes but also not much at all. tagging this as selfship because it’s also so stupidly indulgent and borne out of my daydreams with him
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mazzystar24 · 3 days
Okay for context look at this first and the link inside it^^^
Then this was part two here of the video
And now imma rant:
Thats point one I’m not elaborating on that one again but fr what coparent role entails differs family to family so without recognising that every single point you make abt what we should see happening is moot and a title being “reserved by Eddie” is a bullshit concept so that’s just getting ignored before I rant abt it again
But for real she’s like I think people don’t understand what coparenting is- brother in Christ the hypocrisy like coparenting plain and simple is two or more people parenting a child together regardless of romantic status
So let me ask you parenting itself? Is it about financial contribution or the shit on your list? Because
1. No it goes beyond that it’s being there for your kid it’s making decisions for your kid it’s helping them it’s childcare it’s being there for the hard stuff it’s doing annoying tasks, supporting the other parents decisions and a bunch of stuff that go beyond financial contribution or whatever
And this is stuff we’ve seen buck do such as their heart to hearts, being a safe space for him, making decisions abt where he should stay while Eddie was in the hospital, preparing food for his class, the implications of that one Eddie technophobia scene where Chris asks to go to buck and Eddie does a face implying that buck COULD agree but Eddie seeks him to back him up, and a billion other things that both @lenaboskow and @warpedpuppeteer said
Like there is also the debate of instrumental vs expressive role but that’s gonnna get me carried away in a sociology lesson but lemme explain briefly- instrumental role is monetary contribution it’s discipline it’s making the decisions for the child and family whereas expressive role is physical and emotional care of the child and their socialisation and other responsibilities
It makes sense that since buck isn’t legally a parent to Chris he leans more on the expressive role but also plenty of parents who are biological or legally parents of their kids will still take an expressive role and their partner will take an instrumental role like it’s just down to personal preference really even if it’s more common now for the roles to be split equally, because originally it was from the idea that women should be in the expressive role and men in the instrumental but for obvious reasons more people split or invert the roles nowadays but again it’s down to preference
2. THIS IS A TV SHOW not everything will be explicitly stated until it comes up
Chris hasn’t had a medical thing or an emergency or allergy thing yet so why would those things have come up as buck knowing them
Butttt it’s a safe assumption to say he does because not only are they firefighters and know the risks and how important medical history is but also because in canon Eddie pestered some poor mom with a bunch of info FOR A BIRTHDAY PARTY CHRIS WAS GOING TO so you’re telling me the guy who cares for Chris constantly isn’t gonna know the necessary info???? Where is the logic
3. By that logic of oh have we seen this or have we seen that then Athena, Bobby, Michael, henren, madney and even Eddie HIMSELF are apparently not parents either cos all of them have a few things on that list that aren’t explicitly stated or even implied
4. it’s an undisputed fact that Bobby is a dad to buck or Maddie was a mom to buck or bobby a dad to may
And because I can see the “father figure vs dad” defence a mile away let’s go with most relevantly the last two points
Maddie raised buck plain and simple- she was also a teenager so did she financially contribute did she know his past doctors did she make decisions abt where he should go to school etc etc? No because raising someone goes beyond that
Bobby is May’s dad- does she call him dad regularly? No she’s done it once and it was quite late into it but she considered him a dad before that
And also he came into her life when she was older than Chris so again moot point
Does he make decisions abt her or financially contribute? No
In fact a lot of the parenting moments for him in relation to her or Harry has been similar circumstances to buck and Chris
I’m gonna shut up now but like I beg some of y’all to think before you speak because the teeny tiny boxes y’all try to shove stuff into is so weird
Like this stuff is legit canon
On a final note I wanna give a heartbreaking reminder that the decision to have buck jump back into the water eventhough it had practically no chance of survival was based on asking one of the crew (directors?) if it was their kid would they jump and they said they would without hesitation so that’s why they had buck jump in without hesitation (tehe guys I love giving you guys heartbreaking reminders🤭🤭🤭)
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exaltedfuzz · 2 days
Someone already pointed out that you always tend to draw Lana tired and I agree, it feels just right!
Because Lana takes care of Ema and the household since she was a She cooks healthy because of Ema, listens to Ema‘s school day, plays with her, helps her when she has a question because of her school work.
All of that while remaining the top of her class in law school. She has so much responsibility and Lana doesn‘t even seem like the person that complained at least once because of it. And also remember that a lot of colleagues, like Angel Starr, used to look up to her. She endures the responsibility and she‘s honestly such a great role model for me!
Not to put Mia Fey down, but consider this: in contrast to Mia, who had at least her aunt Fey to teach her all of this stuff, Lana probably had no one. In contrast to Mia, who actually left Maya live alone, Lana took care of Ema.
Lana Skye is underrated, so f* underrated.
Thanks for liking the way I draw Lana! I think, yeah... She'd be exhausted. Full-time everything. I don't know that I'd call her a role model, considering how RFTA goes, though... Admirable, sure! But, you know... The whole evidence forgery and desecration of a corpse deal might lose her a couple points in the role model department.
It is super nice to imagine what it was like for Ema growing up! I really wish we got to see them interacting outside of RFTA. Maybe in AA7, though I'm not sure I'd trust the AA5-6 team to pull it off. More hopefully, maybe in the anime! I can't believe RFTA just didn't get an adaptation. I guess it is a bit of a sidestep from the trilogy narrative. Hopefully when (if?) AJ gets adapted, they'll do RFTA as a primer to introduce Ema. Maybe we'd get treated to some filler fluff, to make how Lana is in RFTA really punch you in the gut.
I don't know that Lana was as profoundly alone the whole time as she could have been, either. It says in RFTA that Jake was very close to her and that Neil was like her own brother (and that Jake was nice to Ema), so I figure they would have been some help. And Lana has that coroner friend in Germany who Ema lived with between RFTA and AJ (really wish we got to meet her! All we know is that she's a top coroner, a woman, and in Europe, from Lana's end credits of RFTA dialogue), so it seems like she had a bit of a support circle, which is nice to think about.
It's interesting what you say about Mia. I have some thoughts on that, actually. I wouldn't say what she went through would have been much easier. I think that while Lana's approach is to grin and bear it, and take the path of least resistance, which involves just getting on with it and looking after Ema without searching for any help in that, Mia's is very confrontational of her circumstances. The reason she leaves Maya is to find Misty, to clear her name and to try to reclaim that family she's lost. I imagine Maya would have lived with Morgan too.
A thing I've been thinking, actually, is that Morgan would probably have been delighted to see Mia go off to become a hotshot lawyer, in some ways. Gets the number one heir to the Kurain channelling school out of her hair if she ends up acclimatising to city life and settling down. This would probably be why Morgan never tried to kill Maya until 2-2, since there was the chance Maya would go off and join her sister, just leaving Pearl to take up the mantle.
I guess after Mia dies, it'd be reasonable to assume Maya would get scared off from leaving the village, so Morgan would have to take things into her own hands. So I think Maya probably, though lonely, didn't get off too badly. Morgan wouldn't hurt her if Mia was alive, either, because we see that Mia does get crazy intense at times. There's that little comic (not sure where from) where she snaps the (kendo?) sword over Nick, for one, and there's also her (IIRC) punching Grossberg in T&T... Or, at least, that piece of official art where she's dragging Nick around by his scarf. If anything happened to Maya, Mia would probably strangle Morgan. Then, as well, Pearl says she met Mia. So Mia must have been visiting a bit.
It's a very different context that both Lana and Mia operate in... At the end of the day, the most important thing for both characters is their family, and what they see as the best thing to do for them. Don't pit two GOATs against each other...
Anyway, whoops. Most of this was about Mia. Super glad you like my Lana stuff! I think she's a wonderful character, and definitely underrated.
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mimisplayground · 3 days
Toxic Gaz??? Toxic Gaz who has you meet the team and is just talking over you and speaking for you the entire time.
His friends aren’t much better. Any questions regarding you go straight to your boyfriend. “How’s the missus been feeling lately?” the Captain asked, never looking at you when he asked. Looking at Gaz while puffing a cigar.
You don’t listen to what your boyfriend says in response, knowing it was something about how nice stuff was with you two.
“Ah, finally got the lass ta quit yammering about separating, aye?” You catch the other Sergeant, Johnny if you remember, say with a laugh. Looking at him with anger and about to open your mouth before Gaz laughs over you. A hand placed on your head and ruffling your hair patronizingly as he gives a simple “thats right” in reply.
You nurse your drink, some fruity little thing that Gaz got for you because he was convinced its what a pretty thing like you would want to drink. Thankful for the only man there not actively involved in the conversation, skull balaclava on and a drink he hasn’t even sipped in his hand.
When the night is finally ending you feel like you’ve run laps, rather than sat and listened to them talk about anything and everything without including you. The only time you managed to get a sentence in resulted in Gaz chuckling at you, gripping you close to his side and otherwise leaving you unacknowledged. You didn’t think you could ever be more thankful for the bed you knew was waiting for you.
Listening with noncommittal hums as Gaz just yammers on and on to you while driving home. And without taking off any of your clothes, you find yourself collapsing into bed the moment you get home.
Huffing when Gaz starts helping you strip down, kissing at your body and grinning with all charisma as you wrap your arms around his neck. Making quick work of stretching you on his fingers. He was never one for patience, but that’s why you had fallen for him in the first place.
Even when he talked over you, and said entirely too much to his friends. You were the loud one out of the two of you in bed. Sharp moans and borderline screams leaving you when he thrusts so deep you claw into his back. And you can’t complain when he flips you over to fuck you in prone bone.
His thrusts are sharp, almost snapping his hips onto yours inhumanly. Like he wants to fuse with you. Until there’s just nothing left of you or him, and only both of you combined.
And then he’s sitting in another shitty pub next weekend, you glued to his side, as he talks over you and the rest of his team pretends you aren’t there.
uuhhhhh got a little carried away with this one!! honestly its not beta read and its like literally just something random and insane ramblings so please dont judge too harsh on how inconsistent it is, i realized halfway through i had so many ideas for toxic! gaz!!!! the idea of him being codependent but in a way where he literally HAS to say and do everything for you because he needs you to need him??? ugh drooling pls let me know if u guys want more of this or have any ideas for toxic gaz :p
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devils-little-sista · 17 hours
TSATS is hilarious to me. They give Will a whole book to help us really get to know him as a character and a chance for him to be a more developed character. And instead we get a whole book of him being useless and dragging Nico down and forcing Nico to carry his pathetic arse for the whole book. Instead of making him a more developed character it just made me dislike him even more for being such a waste of space for an entire book.
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmme dude. You just summarized what tsats was at its core. It’s such a shame that the idea of the sun and the star and Will Solace had so much potential it could have been amazing if it was done right. Will could have been amazing. He was amazing before Mark and Rick fumbled him And instead we got this dumpster fire. Such a shame.
And a point that I haven’t seen talked about enough is Nico being pressured to come out to the whole camp felt so wrong
the whole scene of how the dryads kinda outed Nico to the whole camp or at least pressured him to come out randomly with no warning at all. That really did not sit right with me at all. it almost felt like Nico was being outed again or very much pressured to come out because of the crowd expected an announcement from him. Like I get that the dryads made a social blunder and misinterpreted what Nico asked of them. It’s possible Nico might not have been all that clear. But like. Nico coming out to a full crowd like that especially so soon after BoO. D I D. N O T. S I T. R I G H T. W I T H. M E. It would have better if that whole thing was not written. Or at least if Nico had bailed out it of that situation and just grew the balls to privately ask Will out himself.
Because Nico’s always been very short and to the point with things. The type of guy to do his own work for himself. He once said something like “he didn’t like working with other people because they were always cramping his style” in BoO. Sure he could be trying to branch out and make friends. But I don’t think he’d trust a bunch of random dryads he barely knows with this kind of thing. If he was gonna ask anybody else to help him set up something as serious and a first date with Will it would be his trusted friends. Hazel Jason Reyna Hedge.
Also the whole thing about Nico being pressured to come out somehow helped other queer kids in the camp. Like first of all that’s not Nico’s responsibility especially not when he was still dealing with internalized stuff for himself. And second of all. It’s a Greek camp. With a whole bunch of kids there and that whole scene took place during summer time when they are the most packed. 100-200 campers. In New York. Theres gotta be at least a couple other out queer kids in that camp. (Probably more than a couple tbh).
The whole scene pressuring Nico to come out to and ask Will out didn’t make sense and felt so wrong and weird. Amongst a bunch of other things too. But this is the one that was on my mind at the moment. There are many other things about tsats that felt so wrong and I may be too sleep deprived to rant about them now
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aiieera · 2 days
Rhythm of The Rain-chp.5
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"One.. two." You and Maki lifted the table cloth in unison, spreading it over Yuuta's island table, and setting it up with food and snacks. "Good thing we got here earlier huh Yn? Yuuta has no idea how to set up for a party." "Right? You hardly had anything set up!," you laughed, elbowing him in the shoulder while he chuckled.
"Hey, It's not my fault I've never hosted a party before." "You set everything up soo boring," Maki adds, turning to pour a bag of chips into a bowl just as your phone lit up with a notification. "Oh, Yuuji says he's on his way now," "Oh shit," Yuuta frantically started looking around the room, making sure everything's in order, nothing out of place. "Relaxx, with me and Maki making sure everything's good your party's gonna go fineee."
Turning back around and throwing away the now empty bag, "How much do you wanna bet I'm gonna have to refill this bowl before anyone else gets here." "Awhhh, I love Yuuji but there's no way I can bet money against that." "Ughh boringg, Yuuta?" "I believe in him! $20!" "Wait! make it 40 so me and Maki can split it." "Yn!!" "what??" "Fine, but I'm telling Yuuji you made a bet against him."
"Oh wait," Maki starts going through the kitchen drawers. "Yuuta, where's your bottle opener?" "My what?" "Bottle Opener. The metal thing you use to take the tops off of bottles?" "Oh, I'm sorry I don't have one," he looks a bit embarrassed. "You don't?" "Noo," he let's out a short laugh, "I only drink canned stuff since I don't know how to open it with the thing."
Maki looks at him almost sympathetically, and you almost want to laugh at how she genuinely feels bad for him. "It's whatever, Yn could you go get my keys? There's a bottle opener keychain on it, It's in my bag in the other room." "Oh, sure. I'll be back in a bit." "Seriously Yuuta I can show you how to use it, it's actually not that hard.
When you come back with Maki's keys in hand, Yuuta's gone while Maki's back to the snacks, putting a pause on drinks. "Where'd Yuuta go?" "Oh, Toge just got here so he went out to greet him." "Oh, okay." After you handed her the keys, you thought it would be less awkward of an interaction between you and Inumaki if you were sat on the couch when he got there.
Moving to sit down, you decided to scroll on your phone a bit, at least until Yuuji got there. Soon enough, the front door opens and Inumaki walks in, by himself surprisingly. "Didn't Yuuta go out to greet you?" "Oh yeah, someone else got here so he's outside with them right now." "Oh alright," after that it was hard to hear what they were talking about so you tuned them out, well you tried to at least. Until you're met with the guy who's avoided you like the plague for the last three years standing awkwardly in front of you, with Maki nowhere to be found.
You look up at him, a bit confused, "Hi?" "Hi." Hard to work with but that's all he says, as if he doesn't want to waste his words on you. "Where'd Maki go?..." Not that you're surprised, but all he says in response is, "Bathroom." "Oh.. okay." How did you get here? You specifically went out of the way to avoid an awkward situation like this. Was he talking to you just to be nice? Or did he hate you so much that he'd go out of his way to make you uncomfortable?
Thankfully, your 'savior' (as he’d later call himself when you tell him about the encounter) walked in at just the right moment, prompting you an escape from the tense situation you were in. "Yuuji!" Without thinking, you immediately stood up and practically sprinted toward him in desperation, "Didn't Megumi come with you?" "Yoo! Yeah he's locking up the car, Yuuta's walking him in."
On queue, Maki walks back in with a curiously playful smirk on her face. "Oh, look who the cat dragged in. I'm surprised everything's still in tact in here." "Maki! Haven't seen you in a bit, hey!" "Hey." "I am gonna need to take these though." You laugh as he takes the snack bowl Maki was prepping and sits down onto a chair. Maki turns to you, laughing, "Tell Yuuta to hurry the hell up with my money." You join her as Yuuji looks at the two of you, still snacking cluelessly, "Does he owe you money or something?"
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fun facts☆
• yuuji is often times the one at fault when the trio’s pantry is bare bc he likes to snack while he does literally anything
• his contact in nobara’s phone is “resident muncher”
• maki and yuuji are almost like cousins-even though they don’t talk often, every time they do their conversation flows pretty well
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arguing w myself over which writing style i wanted to use the entire time i was writing this lolol hopefully it's not too obvious
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@sereniteav @iamyujisbitch @sad-darksoul @scrappedup @taelattecookie @kenmakodz @lacrimae-lotos @lollygagger-s @lysaray @mellozhi @jayathelostdragon @nyxlai @danisuar @cre8inghavoc @sasfransisco @krazyotakunerd @k4sss133 @0range-juiceee @gumiiiiezzzz @c4ttheart @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fyodorisbbg @jjk-thef
from now on please send taglist requests through my inbox so it’s easier to keep track of them 🙏 ty <33
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putschki1969 · 18 hours
hello, thanks for uploading the audio rip of kaji fes day 1 and 2! is it possible if you make a ISO image rip of the Bluray and create a torrent file for it ? :) we usually download some ISO from jpopsuki just few days after release but somehow nobody have uploaded ISO of kajifes there yet XD
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Hello there. Sorry for the delay, I've been holding off on replying to your question for a while. To be fair, when I saw this in my inbox just a DAY after my response to the Kaji Fes. MP3 ask, I was more than a little annoyed.
It's not like your message is inherently rude or anything (in fact, it's a bit more polite than the usual stuff I get) but it tells me TWO things about you:
You either purposefully ignored everything I wrote in that Kaji Fes. MP3 post or you never actually saw my original post and got the download link from someone who reposted it to another site. If you had made an effort to read my response from a few days ago, you would know that I always planned to share rips but first, I needed to receive my package. People are really out there thinking I have immediate access to everything. That is a misconception! The truth is, just like so many of us, I am at the mercy of endless shipping/customs procedures and have to wait very long for stuff to arrive at my place. Then I need to find the time to do all the ripping/encoding while working a full-time job and also having a life.
You've never actually visited my blog and thought it would be a good idea to use your first time here to make a huge request. I seriously doubt that you are one of my regular followers or lurkers because in all of my years running this blog, I've never ever provided t0rrents so I have no idea where you would get that idea from. Yes, I share a lot of content but I do this by uploading reasonably HQ files in converted formats to Google Drive for archival purposes. Early on, I considered providing ISO files but they proved to be too troublesome to handle on a personal cloud (they take too long to upload/download and use up way too much storage space - I already pay more than enough for my current plan). Also, I wholeheartedly believe that those who want raw files should simply BUY the Blu-rays and do the ripping themselves. You can't have high standards like that and not be willing to invest the necessary money and time. Contrary to what people may believe (based on the content I share), I am a big proponent of supporting artists by buying their releases. My main goal is to make life easier for overseas fans who struggle to overcome the countless hurdles between us and Japanese media but that certainly doesn't entail providing everything in the highest quality imaginable. To sum things up, all you can ever expect on my blog are encoded files which should have high enough quality to satisfy the vast majority of people.
Anyway, enough about that. I have good news! My package FINALLY arrived yesterday. BANZAI! Depending on how busy I am, I will hopefully be able to get the files uploaded by Thursday *fingers crossed*
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