#and this isn’t a im so much better than people type of shit
graciegoeskrazy · 2 days
and too much racket
matty healy + teen!daughter!r (ft. george)
warnings: r does drugs!!!, nothing in graphic detail, mentions of mattys addiction, yelling, crying, shit ending but cute?
a/n: mention of a specific drug that starts with a k that i can’t fully say so inside the street name cuz i don’t want tumblr banning me even do its weird cuz they block my angstyfluffy healy things but there’s litteral prn on thier site anywhooooooo im a lover not a fighter. thx to anon who requested! had to do research cuz ive never done drugs aeha
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The house was quiet. He was anticipating another night alone in the house while you were out with friends. The silence was broken by the sound of a call. He snatched up the phone and answered it immediately. 9 times out of 10 it was just you checking in or saying hi.
“Hi, baby. Everything okay?”
“Mr. Healy?” The voice on the other end was hesitant, unsure. Most importantly, it wasn’t yours.
“Kate? Where’s y/n?” The worry in his voice intensified, his mind racing through all the possible scenarios.
“Mr. Healy, we’re getting ready to drop y/n off. Are you home?”
“Yeah. Why? Is she okay? Is she that drunk?” He laughed a little at the thought. He knew you liked to drink on occasion and sometimes even use weed and he was usually fine with it as long as you were being safe and called when you needed him. He always said he would drop anything in a heartbeat.
“No, she’s not drunk. She’s...high...on something that...isn’t weed.” Kate’s words hung heavily in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
“What? What was it, Kate? You can tell me.” His voice was laced with confusion and urgency.
“I don’t know. She left the room awhile ago, said she was going to the bathroom, but when she came back she was clearly on something. Something a lot stronger.”
“Oh god.” He ran a hand through his hair, his mind spinning.
“Somebody said she had mentioned Ket, but I don't know where she would’ve gotten it? We don’t do that type of stuff—I barely drink!” Kate’s voice cracked, the fear and confusion palpable.
“I know, I know, Kate. It’s gonna be okay. Where is she now?” He forced himself to stay calm. He could tell your friend was starting to panic even more.
“She’s asleep in the car. We just left.” Her voice softened, the exhaustion and worry evident.
“Alright, bring her here. Drive carefully. We’ll figure this out.”
As the call ended he sent frantic texts to the only other people who he knew loved you almost as much as he loved you, begging them to come over. George, residing the closest, knocked on the door not even 10 minutes later, worried about the vague text Matty sent. Ross came in not long after, with Adam, Carly, Charli, and Jamie all trailing from behind. He explained everything he knew, and before they knew it a knock sounded at the door.
Your heart pounded as you stepped out of the car, your breath coming in short, panicked gasps. You couldn't believe Kate had brought you here, to your own house. You barely remembered getting in the car. Now - you were wide awake. "You brought me to my house?!" Your voice shook with disbelief.
Kate, her face a mask of concern, tried to reach out to you. "It’s for your own good, Y/n. We called your dad, he’s gonna help—"
Your eyes widened in horror, and she took a step back in fear. "You called my DAD?!?!"
Kate flinched at the volume, "We were just trying to help, Y/n."
"Well, just stay out of it—" You shot back, voice breaking.
The front door swung open, and Matty stood there, his face set in a grim expression. "Y/N," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Living room. Now."
You felt a surge of defiance but knew better than to argue with your father when he was in this state. "Dad—"
"Now," Matty repeated, his voice stern.
With a final, furious glance at Kate, you stormed past her and into the house.
Kate’s eyes filled with tears as she confronted your father, filled with worry and guilt. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Healy! I should have kept a closer eye on her-”
“It’s not your fault, Kate. We’ll get through this.” He managed a small, reassuring smile before turning his attention back to y/n.
Matty followed her inside, closing the door behind him with a heavy thud.
You were met with most of your aunts and uncles as soon as you walked in, mentally groaning and rolling your eyes. The room is tense. You glance around, taking in the faces of family and friends, all summoned by your father. Their presence only amplifies your frustration. You turned to your father as soon as you heard his familiar footsteps grow closer.
“You called everyone?!” you exclaim.
Matty’s expression is stern, unyielding. “We need help with this one, babe”
“Oh my god— I got high one time. I need some water and Advil, not a fucking intervention,” you retort.
“Sit down,” Matty commands, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Reluctantly, you drop onto the couch, your arms crossed in defiance. Matty takes a deep breath, steadying himself. “Weed and a couple of Trulys are one thing, y/n, but this?!”
You roll your eyes, a gesture that seems to cut through the tension like a knife. It’s a bold move, especially aimed at your father. Even in your age of defiance, you never once dared to act like this in front of your father. He doesn’t flinch, his gaze piercing as he presses on. “Where’d you get it?” You shift uncomfortably, weighing your options. “Tell me. Now,”
You let out a resigned sigh. “A friend—”
“What friend?” Matty interrupts, his patience wearing thin.
“She was prescribed it for her anxiety or something,” you explain, trying to maintain some composure. “Now she’s just been dealing it to people.”
The room remains charged with tension, but a different kind now, more personal, more painful. You sit, feeling the weight of your father’s disappointment. The silence hangs heavily before Matty finally speaks again.
“Those girls were scared, y/n. You should’ve heard Kate; she was terrified! I could hear it in her voice,” Your dad says, his voice strained.
“She’s fine,” you reply dismissively.
Matty’s eyes narrow. “You better pray they forgive you.”
“Oh my god— it’s not that big of a deal!”.
“You scared the shit out of ’em, love!” Matty’s voice rises, echoing through the room.
“You think everything was fine after I quit? I lost friends, y/n. I almost lost every single person in this room, and I probably would’ve if I hadn’t gotten my act together.”
“Well, good for you. You’re doing so great now,” you retort sarcastically, the bitterness evident.
Matty’s expression shifts from anger to confusion. “I just don’t understand what caused you to act out like this?”
“Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the fucking tree,” you shoot back, your voice trembling with barely contained emotion. He knew what you were referring to. They all did.
“Y/n!” George’s voice breaks the momentary silence, his tone a mix of shock and reprimand.
“Take it back,” Matty demands, his dangerous. “Take it back right now, y/n.”
“You can’t be that surprised, can you?” you challenge, meeting his gaze without a flinch..
“You heard of the things I went through!” Matty’s voice cracks, a raw edge to his words.
“Are you kidding? I fucking saw the things you went through! The things you put me through!” Your voice rises, the anger and pain you’ve held back for so long spilling out. “The nights you chose that shit over me! The weeks and months you left me with George because you were too high or too irresponsible to take care of me! Your daughter!”
The room goes silent. Matty’s face is a mix of guilt and helplessness, but it soon turns to anger. “Go upstairs,” Matty finally says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You stand up, your movements brisk and fast, and head towards the stairs. Each step feels like a mountain, the weight of the confrontation pressing down on you. As you reach your room, the door closes behind you with a soft click, cutting off the world outside.
The next morning, you wake up to an empty house. Your father and George must have left early for the studio, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The silence is heavy, a stark contrast to the tension of the previous night. You sit on the edge of your bed, the events replaying in your mind, and decide to call George.
After a few rings, he picks up, voice chipper. “Well, look who’s up and out of her intoxicated state!”
You roll your eyes, though a small smile tugs at your lips. “I called to ask how your day was going, not to hear about my mistakes.”
“Awe, she cares!” George’s voice is teasing, but there’s warmth in it too.
“I always do,” you reply softly, the sincerity clear in your tone.
There’s a brief pause before George speaks again, his voice a bit more serious. “Your dad misses you. Won’t stop moanin’ and groanin’ about his girl.”
“You sure he’s not talking about another girl?” you ask.
George sighs. “You both said things you regret, babe. Fix it. Whatever is happening right now, it’s not worth it.”
“I know,” you admit, the guilt gnawing at you. “Thanks, George.”
“And if you ever do that tom-fuckery again, I will have your head in an old-fashioned guillotine.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then you muster the courage to say, “I never said thank you for taking care of me then. So…thank you. For everything.”
George smiles a bit. “Just doing my duties as best uncle.”
“Hm.” You smile.
After hanging up, you sit quietly for a moment, absorbing the conversation. George’s words echo in your mind.
Later that day, you hear the familiar sound of the front door opening. Matty’s voice calls out, filled with tentative. “Baby girl? I’m home.”
You rush out from where you’ve been anxiously waiting, tears already streaming down your face. As soon as you see him, you crumble into his arms, mumbling through your sobs. “I’m sorry I mess up and I’m sorry for the things I said and the things I’ve done and I’m sorry you’re stuck with me and I’m sorry that I’m not the perfect kid but I really try to be and try to be that perfect kid for you and for everyone but it all just got a little much and I was trying to make things better and be an adult I guess and I got carried away and I’m sorry Daddy I’m just so sorry.”
He smiles, trying to hide his laugh at your words and ranting. He wraps his arms around you tightly, his voice soothing. “It’s gonna be fine, baby—”
“No it’s not,” you interrupt, your voice cracking with the weight of your guilt. “I messed up, I messed up bad. I made a mistake.”
“A mistake which you will never make again, correct?”
“I promise,” you whisper, your tears soaking into his shirt.
“Good. You’re not perfect, y/n. And thank god you’re not. Do you know how horrible I would feel if I had a perfect child? God, I could never keep up with you. You are smart and funny and so charismatic, and if it weren’t for you being my child, then you might have been perfect…” The tension starts easing. “But I don’t care,” Matty continues, his voice tender. “Because you are mine, and that’s all that matters to me.”
“I love you,” you say, your voice steadying as you look up at him.
“I love you most... but I will throw you in a river if you do that shit again,” Matty replies, a teasing glint in his eyes. Now, maybe, just maybe, healing can begin.
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lilgynt · 2 years
autistic social exclusion let’s talk about autistic social inclusion (but bad)
#personal#before i talk about this i fully admit its gonna sound so cunty#but oh my god#the cocktail of being traditionally attractive to a degree#HUGEEEEEEE issues with setting boundaries and using the golden rule like law is gonna kill me#and this isn’t a im so much better than people type of shit#i just do not enjoy talking with most people#it’s nothing wrong with anyone! i just don’t enjoy it#and yes you have to get through the weird talking stage to make friends#but i’m just not that social! not really!!!#but i’m in so many situations where it’s like#person and i meet for whatever reasons we get to talking#we talk casually from this context but then they start seeking contact more and more#and i respond back bc i think it’s rude not to#and i also reply fast bc i hate notifications and want the -task- done so i can go back to my stuff peacefully #and maybe they have a topic or project they really really want to talk about#and i’m like well shit id like it if someone listened to me when i had stuff going on plus i genuinely want to be nice and listen to people#but then that always ends up with talking more and it’s so much talking#i don’t want to talk this often or at all!! i’m sorry it’s all me!!!!!! genuinely!!!!#and i never know how to say hey i’m just not feeling it or anything and i’m uncomfortable with blocking and it’s a huge silly mess#and i know bad not to be direct but i try to send signals that i’m not that into it or as much#like i don’t message first i listen and offer opinions when asked but not much else and don’t talk about my own stuff#and i would want to know if i was like. not vibing with someone not then politely going on but i am!!! a coward!!!!#anyway i’m just being a bit resentful bc someone in this situation ship with me asked for money for food and#and like morally i can’t say no it if i can in fact help it feels wrong especially with food#but like emotionally and i understand this is mean of me but i’m slightly resentful#like i’m struggling with bills and rent with my mom and debt and then over spending to cope#and it’s like damn i’m not even properly friends with this person :/#and i’m just so tired from work socially which sounds so lame but is true#like i only really seek out consist contact with audrey and gg not saying fuck everyone else but theyre my main social circle n not drainin
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omamorens · 25 days
If you, a divinity amongst mortals, did inkblade headcanons with Oisin and Aelwyn becoming weirdly good friends, and bonding over how they want to be better people for Adaine - it would be extremely delightful, is all <3
AELWYN MY BELOVED of course lovely anon!! this was cooking for so long in my asks i apologize for that
you know what Adaine’s worst nightmares are made of?
its her scheming sneaky older sister being weirdly good friends with the newly reformed and redeemed dragonborn that may or may not have a crush on her.
Adaine isn’t one to assume his affections though (she found out from Aelwyn).
But Aelwyn is definitely not their wingman, mind you
Everything she does is for her entertainment
And seeing her little sister be very skittish around the hot dragonborn trying his best to make amends with Adaine, then you better bet Aelwyn is watching it while eating popcorn
On the other hand, Aelwyn’s tips on how to apologize to Adaine isn’t working so well for Oisin
Adaine avoids him every chance she gets and at some point he even asked Aelwyn to set up a trap or something just to have Adaine hear him out
“That’s not how you apologize, dragonboy.”
“Okay, since you’re so great at it, how did you apologize?”
Aelwyn thinks the real!Oisin is too catty for his own good sometimes
But oddly enough, Oisin knows a lot of stuff about other people (is he just that observant? does he have his own network of spies like Aelwyn does? who knows)
And they bond over shit-talking about other people (they have to be a little bit evil. it comes with the territory im afraid)
Oisin is the type to rant logically too. what i mean is, when he rants, he pulls up a whole ass whiteboard and explains every reasoning as to why this thing infuriates him.
Ivy was his usual audience for his rants, but eventually Aelwyn becomes a regular too.
its actually such a healthy coping mechanism that Aelwyn takes up the same habit too.
but her audience is Adaine and Boggy, and theyre both very supportive of her rants (better she rants than enact physical violence or blackmail because she’s irritated)
Aelwyn and Oisin definitely bond over magic too. Wizards and their little tower of trinkets (but for Aelwyn, its just her apartment and the dozens of cat she has)
Oisin feeds the cats for her sometimes, in exchange for knowing about Adaine’s favorite things (so he can apologize to her with them)
Does it work? Definitely not. Adaine’s forgiveness cannot be bought with material riches
But she does notice how Oisin seems to handle himself better than before (healing looks good on him, though she wouldn’t admit that out loud)
she also gets the nagging suspicion that having Aelwyn and Oisin meet is certainly good for their individual psychological health, but terrible for the rest of Solace (again, being a little bit evil comes with the territory)
i love me some evil (handshake) evil best friendship. sure theyre trying their best to be better people but not much fun being the goody-two-shoes all the time
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httpsbearily · 29 days
18+ request! :)
Reader as Merlin, and basically, the whole Dark Forest gang (Lyca, Eironn, Lorsan, and Bryon ofc) are having drinks. Lorsan gets a lil bit toooo affectionate to reader for Bryon, and plus he's starting to get annoyed of Lorsan being a yapper.
And so, Bryon just ends up deciding to fuck reader in the mirror, but he has his blindfold off just bc he wants reader to look at him in the eyes <3
☆*: Reflection
[Tags]: bryon x reader | GN Merlin!reader | smut
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: anon you mf--affectionately--you're so real for this holy shit. so real. Obviously I had to stop everything because I have sm to say about this; School is temporary but Bryon is forever. arches back.
Edit: this took longer than expected im so sorry anon, wuthering waves came out and I may have spent too much time on it already…btw this isn’t proofread so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling errors
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As the sun glimmered off the horizon, illuminating the world around you a pinkish-orange hue and the sounds of your friends filling the warm atmosphere, you couldn't remember when you'd last felt so serene. It been a while since you had had the opportunity to reunite with all the friends you had made during your time in the Dark Forest; What felt like yesterday was, in reality, already a year ago. Since it's saving, all who were currently present had gone their own way in continuation of playing their role of supporting the forest.
Lyca, who had been officiated as a leader of the forest by Eironn himself, could not say it'd been easy but, still, held no regrets even during the most overwhelming of times. Eironn, who had continued his journey to seek betterment of his swordsmanship, had only returned to celebrate the anniversary of the group's success but carried the most sentiment of you all. Lorsan of course was also in attendance, pausing his travels to return to his home with more than a million stories. And Bryon, who had remained the same throughout the passing time, but reconvening with the gang with more passion…so to say.
As the great magister, you couldn't deny that you had your own fair share of reminiscencing to give the group. The sentimental feeling could be felt in each person, and it showed in the way you all enthusiastically interacted with each other. Sitting together around a circular table situated just outside the wood-built eatery, the five of you conversed enthusiastically--even your hamster familiars had partook in the joyful reunion before falling asleep a few feet away in a pile of leaves. You didn't blame them, the three of you had traveled here all the way from Holistone after needing to meet with General Hogan and his top knight Valen. Although a little tired yourself, you didn't restrain yourself to not accepting the drinks offered up by a waitress.
"--And then, as if I were some mouse instead of rabbit, they told me they me 'rodents weren't allowed'! Could you believe the nerve?! I almost used my skill to summon a gust of wind and blow them off the bridge!" Lorsan exclaimed, holding onto his ears in exasperation as he recounted an event from his wandering. You chuckled at his words, looking towards Eironn as he spoke: "Wait...You mean to tell me you've been a rabbit this whole time? Oh. I was so certain you were some type of chinchilla."
Lorsan made a noise of betrayal, lowering his hands into fists on the table as he leaned forward to the elf across. "Eironn, of all the people here, I never expected you to treat me like this!"
But Eironn only hid his smile behind his cup of tea. The bunny turned towards you, who sat to his left, and pouted, "magister, you don't think I'm a rodent, right?"
You played along with the eldest wilder, retuning a confused, wide-eyed look to the windwhisperer, "I thought so too...Bryon is always calling you a pest, so I assumed..."
At the mention of his name, everyone turned to look at him, including you. You bit back a smile, wanting to laugh especially when Lorsan had called out to the older man in complaint. Bryon remained his normal, calm self, not even flinching as he lifted the teapot to refill his teacup; "I have never, nor will I ever, tell you a lie."
You laughed loudly, not able to hold it back when Lorsan gave a downright confounded look to the older windwhisperer sat on the other side of you. Even Eironn and Lyca snickered in their seats, not offering any defense for the youngest of the group. Slightly inhibited by the alcohol running through your body, you raised a hand to ruffle Lorsan's hair between his ears good-heartedly. The bunny crossed his arms over his chest with the turn of his head so that your hand would fall away; "Don't condescend me! Perhaps I was better of on my own enjoying the world around me. I won't miss you, really!"
"Your promises are fallible," Lyca responded, teasingly deadpan, "You would be the first one crawling back when you miss us."
"Hmph. As if. And even if that were so, then I would really only come back for the magister. The rest of you have been a bad influence so I don't fault them for their behavior and know that in their heart there is kindness! Isn't that right, magister Merlin?!"
You only hummed with a smile, which was all the bunny needed to continue his debate. His tendency to run behind you when the others bullied him with their teasing was nothing new to you, and after so much time witnessing it, you had even grown to view the youngest wilder as your little sibling. Although, it couldn't be said that the perspective was shared by all the others.
To your right, Bryon silently drank his tea with not even a crack in his demeanor. All throughout the evening the antics had been like this; You had refused any more drinks after your second so as to not become inebriated, but Lorsan continued which resulted in him becoming even more emotionally involved with the group. He picked battles with everyone at the table just for fun it felt and had taken to scooting closer to you so he could whisper [read as: yell] into your ear little comments about all the others during his squabbling as if you were on his side. You weren't, you were just here for the show which is why you never pushed him away but instead leaned in, highly entertained.
"If you ask me, Bryon could do to take some of our advice. Walking around barefoot like that has to be a kind of fashion statement," Lorsan snickered to you with a hand cupping his mouth to speak in your ear.
"Lorsan, all of us are barefoot. Even you," Lyca countered.
"I don’t count, and neither do you. If you haven’t noticed, our feet aren’t exactly like theirs. Eironn and magister Merlin wear boots. Bryon, doesn’t it hurt to walk around like that?”
“I feel quite fine,” Bryon responded.
Lorsan huffed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “You must now. I don’t think I have never not seen your toes.”
Bryon stood suddenly, “I’ll be heading in for the night”. Stepping around his stool and pushing it in after himself, he regarded the older two wilders with a nod.
“Alright. It is getting late, we’ll be heading back ourselves shortly,” Eironn said, but at the same time, Lorsan made a noise of protest. The bunny wrapped both arms around your shoulders, hugging onto you from the side; “Nooo! We just got here! I’m not even tired, look, even the magister is still wide-eyed!”
You pat the little brother wilder on his back soothingly to calm his drunken theatrics. Bryon, however, did not appear impressed by the display, and with a twitching ear held out his hand to you.
“Dearest,” he called curtly, “would you accompany me to the room?”
His tone drew your attention—to many others, he would appear normal, acting with his usual reserved speech, but you caught the subtle annoyance laced in his words. Surprised by his mood, you accepted his hand and moved to stand, but Lorsan protested again loudly at your side.
“Magister, don’t leave me! They’re going to bully me again! I’m more fun than that old bird brain,” he protested with an accusing finger pointed at Bryon.
You laughed lightly, once again patting between his ears, saying, “Sorry, Lorsan. I’m a little tired as well. We can continue our celebration tomorrow.”
Bidding the other two a good night as well, you were led away by your partner. Once the two of you were a good distance away, you inquired about his mood; “Is something bothering you, Bryon?”
He didn’t spare a glance at you even as he hummed in discontent. Confused, you tilted your head to think about everything that transpired…was he mad about Lorsan teasing his bare feet? The thought made you chuckle, something that caught the man’s attention.
“What are you laughing about?” He asked you.
“Just about what Lorsan was saying. He really is quite the character,” you mused, linking your arm with his so that you could walk closer to him while leaning your head on his shoulder.
“If there are boundaries then he is the last person to find them”. There it was again, the agitation weaved in his voice. What exactly had sparked that irritation in him? He hadn’t responded when you asked him about it…does that mean it’d been something you’d done?! Concern leaked into your mind as you relived every moment that had lead up to where you were now. To your misfortune, however, you didn’t have much time to reflect because the two of you had reached the room you stayed at. Bryon took care of opening the door, letting you walk in before closing it behind the two of you.
Already adjusted to the night light you made your way to your closet to hang the accessory clothing you wore without bothering to turn the lights on. Thoughts on how to get your windwhisperer to open up to you filtered through your mind, distracting you to the way the person in your thoughts locked your door and closed your blinds before coming up behind you. You were in the middle of removing a hair ornament when Bryon gently grabbed your wrists in his hands, pulling them down to cross behind your back. A questioning look made your expression.
“Bryon…?” You asked, turning your head to the side to watch the other. But he offered no words of explanation, only leaning forward until his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The warmth of his soft breaths made a shiver run down your spine.
“What’s wrong?” Bryon finally whispered, “Do you feel uncomfortable with me so close?”
His words tickled were spoken directly into your ear and his honey smooth voice murmuring so close filled you with something you couldn’t describe; You only pushed down the feeling to focus on the situation at hand. With a shake of your head, you responded, “No, it’s not that—”
“Good.” Bryon interrupted, “Because it didn’t seem like much a problem when Lorsan behaved the same.”
That statement caught you by surprise; Perking up, you attempted to turn around to face him only for Bryon’s hands to tighten around your wrists, keeping you in place.
“Is that what has you grumpy?” You asked incredulously, “Why, you know more than any of us how affectionate he is—much more so when he’s drunk.”
“Too much so,” Bryon corrected, “I’ve found that there is something more grating than his ceaseless prattling…”
He pressed a soft kiss to your ear—an action that you had not realized at the time to be falsely calming. A small smile formed on your face as you listened to his words, understanding him to be sulking. The last time you had seen him this way was quite some time ago when Elona had taken to playing with your hamster familiars instead of accompanying him in his free time. That novelty had not lasted long, however, when eventually Chippy had gotten a little too frightened by the bird’s play hunting and called the quits in hanging out with her. Bryon had assumed an air of attached indifference when the bird returned to him, but you could see the hidden smile on his lips as he stroked her feathers. The memory made you want to laugh a little, but that urge was quickly replaced by breathlessness when the wilder spoke the end of his sentence with a pitch deeper tone: “Him touching you like you are his.”
Saying that, he moved his kiss to press it behind your ear before moving down to plant another near the hinge of your jaw just below your ear. You sighed at the feeling; “I don’t think he meant any harm. He’s just full of emotions.”
“Even so, that does not discredit what I say. Being near to you, touching you like this, is a privilege that only I have. He could never do so, even if he dreamt it, do you agree?”
His words were spoken against your skin, heating the expanse of his trailing kisses. The grip on your wrists never waned, even when he used only one hand to hold them together while his other lifted to caress your neck.
“Even if he could, that doesn’t mean I would let him. He’s nothing if not my family—like a little brother,” you said back, not really sure why you were defending the rabbit when there was nothing to defend. You knew there were no intentions behind Lorsan’s behavior tonight, and his overly affectionate tendencies were only heightened with alcohol.
“Oh? Is that so? You think he could make you feel the way I do? Hold you like this—kiss you, like this?” To show his question, Bryon moved his hand from your neck to your chin to turn it towards him so that he could kiss you deeply. Already one to be weak to the windwhisperer, you folded quite quickly but held yourself in check to see where it got you. The angle made the kiss messier than normal causing your breath to be lost to you more quickly as you put effort into returning Bryon’s kiss and holding your head to the side. Deep interest drenched the kiss as Bryon licked your lips in askance to be let in; Of course you had no obligations, letting his tongue massage against yours.
The atmosphere heat up fast with the kiss alone leaving you gasping for breath after only a couple of minutes like this. When he finally broke the kiss, you had a light flush on your face from the lack of air. If Bryon was affected by the kiss he didn’t show it because his next actions found him replacing his tongue with two fingers so that his kiss could linger down along your jaw.
“Do you think he thought of you like this when he was whispering in your ear? How you look flustered and out of breath?” Bryon prodded your tongue with his fingers in instruction for you to close your lips around them, so you did. You sucked lightly, moving your tongue around them as Bryon focused his attention on the pulse point beneath your jaw. He mimicked your actions only much harsher in order to leave his mark—no one would be able to deny that you were his with it shown.
You couldn’t respond to his words with his fingers in your mouth, so you only made little noises in your throat. Those noises, however, seemed to have been misinterpreted; “If you have tricked yourself into believing it true, then I must show you the answer.”
He removed his fingers, pulling his hand away completely to undo your top as he walked you to your bed, never moving from behind you. After your top, he stripped you of your bottoms, leaving behind a trail of clothes until he finally had you against your bed, bent over the edge with your face in the sheets. Leaning over you, he bent down to nip at the back of your neck before kissing down your spine. His free hand moved to hold the inside of your thigh from the back, using his hold to spread your legs wide enough for him to work.
When he reached the base of your spine, he lowered himself onto his knees, saying, “My dearest, I should make you forget any names other than my own. Be good for me and don’t hold back.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond because suddenly his tongue was on you. You twitched stay the pleasurable feeling, already enraptured by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking at you entrance. It was unlike him to dive right into it considering he was so fond of foreplay, but his emotions had gotten the best of him. With a mixture of jealousy and annoyance filling his heart, Bryon couldn’t help but chase relief for his emotional stats. Even if that relief came in the form of fucking you to tears.
His ears were attentive to all the sounds filling the room, searching most desperately for the ones you made. You squirmed under his hold, your fingers clenching making your nails dig into your palms as you panted in effort to sort through the sensations flooding your body. The hand holding your thigh rotated to relieve the pressure on his wrist but didn’t slacken the push to elevate your leg—in fact, it pressed into you harder to raise your leg higher, exposing more of yourself to his avid mouth. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear the slick sound of his tongue teasing your nerves, his saliva mixing with your falling juices. You whimpered out quietly, enjoying his actions but feeling like it was not quite enough when his tongue only prodded without entry. When you tried to shift your weight closer to his face, he squeezed your wrists, pulling away to say, “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Tell me, darling, who is it that has you this eager?”
You sighed at the loss of his mouth on you, taking a moment to gather your thoughts as his question registered in your mind. Breathily, you responded, “you do.”
“‘You’?” Bryon parroted, “I see.”
He stood up completely, pulling you up to follow him with gentle hands but firm guidance. A noise of surprise left you when he first moved you, but it didn’t take much more than a few seconds for him to situate you in front of the body-length mirror placed against the wall. Looking at your reflection, you grew shy at the sight of you fully naked before Bryon who still wore his light-colored over robe. You didn’t even notice when he’d undressed himself, ridding himself of his wing-like half cloak and pants.
The wilder lowered the two of you to your knees in-front of the mirror and you felt his blindfolded gaze persistent on your reflection. Pulling your wrists back, he made you lean against his front so that your your weight would be shifted off your knees and distributed throughout your legs instead. Like this, he moved his unoccupied hand to bluntly cup your slick heat instead. You shuddered at the feeling.
“I’m afraid you still don’t understand,” leaning over your shoulder, he kissed the underside of your jaw, “When I ask for a name, I expect it to be mine. Who else if not me? Lorsan?”
“No, if I think of him at this time it’s only because you bring him up. There’s none other that I would think of, being like this.” You spoke honestly, gathering the confidence to look back at him in the mirror. You didn’t expect the sight to be at steamy as it was—him holding you in his hand, your essence leaking through his fingers making them glisten. The look on your face was dazed, your chest heaving slightly bringing attention to the erect buds on your chest. Despite how steady Bryon looked in the mirror, you could tell that it was not true; With your back pressed against his front, you could feel his anticipation. His member was hidden behind the robe he worse, but you felt the stiffness of it on your back and you had the fleeting thought of wanting to rub against it.
However, the wilder didn’t let you indulge yourself because he tsked at your response. “Someone as smart as you, great magister Merlin, should know it’s unwise to make comments like that. You only make me believe another is really, truly on your mind. I don’t consider myself to be possessive, but dearest, you make me want to claim you. To let everyone else know that you chose me to be your partner. That only I have been ordained to your most secret pleasures.”
He pulled his hand away from your groin to resume his hold on your inner thigh, pressing into it so that you would spread it open. Like this, even the most hidden spots on your body were vulnerable to the cool air of the room. Still watching your reflection, you gazed down lower to see his hand trace a light path up to your entrance. He looked up from your neck, “And I realize there is nothing stopping me from doing just that.”
Firmly, he used two fingers to collect your dripping fluid. You believed he was going doing so with intent to use it as lubricant for his entry into you, but had your breathe knocked out of you when he lifted his fingers to his mouth instead. As if craving it, Bryon licked his fingers clean, humming deeply as he savored the taste of you; You had even felt his member twitch against your back. You bit the inside of your lip, committing the moment to memory and feeling your hole clench around nothing. Bryon didn’t rush himself to enjoy your presence which is a fact that made you melt but also slightly frustrated you. Why did he chose now of all times to initiate foreplay?!
Squirming against him, you spread your knees open more—throughly avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror knowing you most likely looked like a desperate mess—in hopes that he would be enticed enough to act. He was. Your movement took his attention away from his fingers and you heard him breathe deeply against the back of your neck.
“So impatient…” he murmured, “But you’re right. You still have a lesson to learn.”
With that, he lowered his hand between the two of you, shifting behind you to hoist the front of his robe to the side. Immediately, you felt the heat of his member and the precut leaking out of it as the tip rubbed against the skin of your back. A whine you couldn’t control slipped out of you, more following when he had softly begun to slowly rut against you.
“Look at you, still only the beginning and already so deliciously ready. Tell me who the only one to make you feel like this is?” Bryon murmured into your ear.
“You are, only you. Please, now, hurry up.” Slightly arching your back, you fidgeted against him. But the windwhisperer only held you still. There was a momentary silence to which only heightened your need, but Bryon’s discontent with your response had him considering his actions. Stubborn, he thought…No matter, he was a patient man.
So he chose to indulge you; He wrapped a hand around his shaft and slid it down between your legs. Try as you might, you couldn’t look away from the scene reflected before you; Bryon’s dick already wept with his own juices and all it took was his hand rubbing it to create a coat of lubricant that would help him ease into your aching hole. He grunted at his quick self-induced pleasure before aligning his tip to your entrance. Moving his hand out of view, he gripped your thigh, tensing his fingers into the soft skin of it as he finally slid himself into you.
You moaned loudly, transfixed by the sight of him bottoming out and the feeling of him stretching you out. Taking a couple seconds to adjust, you dropped your head against his shoulder—an action that he was quick to correct.
“No, darling. You must watch. Since you don’t seem to learn by feeling alone, you must use your sight. Come on, look straight ahead. Look at the way I fit inside you so perfectly; Look at how much your dripping. Look at your expression,” as he spoke, Bryon began to move his hips slowly and shallowly, “So overwhelmed already. Have you been expecting this all night? Behaving so coquettishly with others just to rile me up?”
You shook your head, “No…I didn’t mean anything…”. The words you spoke were hard to focus on when he pushed himself in so deep it felt like his tip brushed your stomach. Soft moans spilled from your tongue as you struggled to keep your attention on the mirror’s image. Dazedly watching the way Bryon’s member pulled out of you before pushing all the way back into you at a pace that was slower than a snail. Your fingers flexed in urge to hold onto him, the skin of your wrists slightly irritated after being held so long in a tight grip. His speed—or lack thereof—was killing you; He was going so slow that you could only think of all the pleasure you should have.
Your cries of exasperation made Bryon smile subtly as he enjoyed working you up; If you knew the tension he inflicted upon himself by moving slow then you’d almost feel better for yourself. But he kept his composure, “What’s the matter, dearest?”
“When you,” you breathed, “said I’d learn my lesson…I didn’t think you meant it in this way.”
His open hand moved to your front, dipping a finger into your weeping slit and massaging it passively, making your hips twitch. “Not enjoying yourself? But your body is telling me different, look at how it responds,” he told you with added pressure of his fingers.
“I’d—hah—I’d enjoy it more if you went faster. Please,” you said, conflicted on wether you should wiggle you hips up into his hand or down onto his cock.
“And I would enjoy it more if you appeased my tormented heart, yet here we are,” Bryon said, his tone full of feigned dismay, “One of us is bound to relent sooner or later. I wonder who it’ll be? Wouldn’t it be so fulfilling if you simply called out my name—loud enough for all others, for Lorsan himself, for head?”
Your eyes shifted to his blindfolded ones in the mirror, “Perhaps, but how could I if I’m not feeling it?!“
Bryon’s hips snapped into yours suddenly with a newfound force, knocking the air out of your lungs. Giving you no time to adapt to his brutal pace, Bryon pulled your wrists down to make you lean further into him. Slapping noises filled the room, mixing with the wet sounds of his thrusts and you struggled to catch your breath. His fingers continuously massaged the area around your slit, focusing primarily on the area with the most sensitivity. The depth of his thrusts was numbing, the pace making his tip rub over the spot that made you see stars faster than you could cope with. Burning waves over pleasure coursed through your body, forcing loud, crying moans to fall from your lips.
“Oh gods,” you moaned, letting your head fall back against his shoulder once again. Just as abruptly as he started, he stopped and you almost sobbed out at the sudden cut of flowing pleasure.
“Look at me, darling. Don’t take your eyes off the mirror,” he scolded. Desperate to reach your high you lifted your head, dazedly looking at the mirror. He began his movements again with the same rhythm as before.
“Does this make you feel better, my dear? Do you remember who the only one who could make you feel like this is?” He asked you, voice low in your ear, the grumbling tone mixing with his heavy breathing. You could’ve came with that alone.
You nodded your head quickly, “yes, yes. You, Bryon, only you make me feel this good.”
“That’s a good magister, hmm? Come on, let the others know as well.”
Giving in to what he wanted, you increased your volume, moaning out his name as wantonly as you could—whatever you needed to do to keep him going. Bryon didn’t object, reveling in your cries. His balls slapped against your skin, adding that extra stimulus in tandem with his fingers; Looking into the mirror, you could practically see the mess the two of you were making on the floor, soaking it with a mixture of sexual fluids. You watched his dick disappear into your hole, clenching around him at the sight causing him to groan. His own pleasures noises caught your attention, making you look back up at him through the mirror. Bryon caught your eye.
Without pausing him thrusts, he released one of your wrists, telling you, “take it off”, and you understood immediately. With an unsteady arm, you reached up to his face, using the mirror to guide you as you hooked a finger around his blindfold before pulling it down.
Beneath it, his eyes shone, glimmering with dark lust. His focus was sharp, and already he was staring straight back into your eyes. The rare view of his eyes, the direct eye contact, it made your head spin. You almost cursed him for wearing the blindfold in the first place, but chose to attend to the sensations at hand. With his blindfold off, Bryon was exposed to so much more than just the sound of you falling apart under his lust. He was absolutely entranced by how you looked, face flushed, eyes glazed, neck littered with his marks, heaving chest covered with a sheen layer of sweat, and a sopping mess in between the legs—he couldn’t be blamed if he orgasmed on the spot. Unable to look away from the sight of you being fucked right, he didn’t even mind that you had not returned the hand that he released. With it, you held onto the back of his neck.
“‘m close,” you panted, torn between rushing towards your peak of running away to keep this moment lasting forever. Your eyes fell shut momentarily, relishing in the overwhelming tension in your core.
“Open your eyes, darling. I would regret stopping now. I want to see you,” Bryon gave a particularly deep thrust to make you open your eyes again. The action, however, was all you needed to be pushed over the edge.
With fluttering eyelashes, you tried hard to keep his gaze, but your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs spammed as you came, hips stuttering against his thrusts, and you felt that you were leaving scratches all along his neck. You changed his name like a prayer as you arched your back, wanting to both escape the onslaught the sensation of him still filling you and chase it. Even your hole convulsed around him, making him moan in effort to continue through the feeling.
Wet eyes stared back at him in the mirror, your voice begging him—what for, neither of you weren’t exactly sure. He took in your wrecked appearance in the mirror, and the urge to big down onto your neck to leave one more mark controlled him. While he never regret his decision to hide his vision, he did wish he could see you like this forever. You looked so good, so divine, so seductive that it made his dick twitch with want. The thought of any others seeing you like this filled Bryon with a bitter feeling—one that he took out on you.
The closer he got to his high, the more relentless he became, his tip abusing your oversensitive bundle of nerves even as you came down from your high. It took you looking at him with a downright sexed out expression to make him tumble over the edge. With a quick speed, he pulled out of you just in time to blow his load onto the mirror surface. He took his hand from you to fist his cock, milking it dry as he groaned out your name, his own eyes falling shut.
It was the hottest sight you might ever see; Although you were exhausted, you couldn’t help the flash of lust that shot through you. Watching him breath heavily, and his seed splattered all across the mirror, you leaned your weight against him.
“You should keep this off more often,” you joked weakly, tugging the the blindfold around his neck.
“What would you have to look forward to if I did?”
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truegoist · 2 years
What do you think about spending halloween night with blue lock characters?
Halloween is a big deal here so I may have went a bit overboard but idc. Happy Halloween !! (excuse me if this is wonky I just woke up)
WARNINGS : gn reader(no prns mentioned) , could be interpreted as romantic or platonic , general halloween themes
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when halloween comes there’s three types of people you can find around ;;
THE CLASSICS ;; they’re the embodiment of halloween spirit and do all the traditions but most importantly, they’re never “too big” for trick or treat , after all what’s better than walking hand to hand with you, pockets full of candy?
BACHIRA ; he was so excited for for this !! You two wore matching costumes and practically went to every house in 10 km radius . When you went to home you were exhausted so just ended up having a sleepover in his place ! just don’t let him have a sugar rush the next day
KUNIGAMI ; kids LOVE him so he ended up babysitting a bunch of them going trick or treat(so there’s no bombs in their lollipops) and he was so glad that you agreed to come along too. At the end he’s carrying sleeping kids to their homes and even if how much you may protest, he is carrying you back home too
SHIDOU ; he drags you EVERYWHERE it doesn’t matters if the house’s lights are off and you start to suspect he’s here more for the trick part than treat. Even so he makes sure you’re entertained and have a bunch of candy, he also tries to scare you using the decorations
OTHERS ;; aryuu , NANASE , hiori , ness
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THE PARTY ANIMAL ;; every holiday is a chance for a part for them and halloween is no exception to that , enter the probably over decorated house and if you’re lucky you’ll have some good food and a dj with a good music taste , even if not they will make sure you will stay entertained for the whole night
REO ; it’s the most fancy party you’ve ever seen , there’s even zombie waiters around, carrying halloween themed snacks and to admit, it’s kinda too much . But you know how much Reo worked on this and who are you to ruin his fun? Just grab his hands and dance all night !!
SAE ; it’s hosted by a sponsor he said, im only here because I have to and you’ve never seen someone try as hard as him to hide that he’s having fun . Like chill boy nobody will figure out you have a heart deep inside. He has the classic itoshi resting bitch face but you can see the shine in his eyes as you two chatted
YUKIMIYA ; unlike the guy above, he genuinely doesn’t wants to be here; some lameass “party” full of boasting business man and agencies trying to make contracts with him, only thing that’s making this tolerable is you next to him, talking shit about everyone around behind their backs. After a hour you two can’t stand it and went to hide in the balcony instead
OTHERS ;; aiku , OTOYA , karasu , kaiser
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THE SHUT-IN ;; these guys…they would rather be in house than outside in halloween, it’s either that they hate it or just don’t have any spirits. Well you can still have fun I guess (IM SORRY I just love halloween and hate just ins okay)
NAGI ; halloween? Isn’t that the holiday where you go around to get candy? You can’t believe him. This guy says he forgot today was halloween, and all the costume ideas you sent him were just your weird fashion sense…or so he says but you can see the little cape and paper fangs he put on Choki and the games he picked for the two of you suspiciously revolve around monster and horror themes…maybe he has spiritus after all
RIN ; for halloween he invited you over to his house for a horror movie marathon. even if you might’ve said you don’t like horror movies his judgmental look(and words) made you come. And you’ve never seen someone watch a horror with a face as straight as his, the only emotion he shows is the small smile he has when he turns around to see you all snuggled up against him.
BAROU ; he…dislikes halloween to put simply. so when he invited you over he was just thinking about hogging you all to himself what he didn’t expect was for you to come over with a bunch of costumes and candy. So now he is sitting there, letting you add to his new halloween look. No he doesn’t enjoys this. He is just being forced to this…by invisible forces and the smile you have
OTHERS ;; chigiri , kurona , GAGAMARU , NIKO
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Hi again! If it isn’t too much trouble, could you also write some relationship headcanons for IDW Overlord and Trepan (separate) with a human s/o? :o
Heyyy, It not to much trouble, I am an Overlord girly, unfortunately! But thats okay, Hes like really an extremely bad character, but he's still on my love list :( Anyways, I hope this is what you were looking for and I do hope I got Trepan correct! Enjoy :)
Characters: IDW! Overlord and IDW! Trepan
Okayyyy, i know Overlord has like always been coo-coo but, i generally feel like if he had an S/O he'd attempte to like take it down a tiny bit. Not to much tho, he still has things he's gotta do.
He wouldn't want you to be apart of anything that has to do with killing or the decepitcons. He actually attempts to keep it this way.
If he can't then he just won't care, as long as youre not in danger on purpose. Get in a situation where you know you shouldn't be and he WILL NOT help you out of it.
If he can help you, he probably will make it seem like he won't and take his sweet ass time to do it. Maybe might get you to beg for him to save you. He's fucking crazy and would do it no questions asked.
I have this like idea, that since his human S/O is so small, he would just hold you in his servos. Lifting you up to places you find interesting and so you can see what he sees.
Since he also shows you what he see he talks to you about certain things, explaings who different cons are and why he(which turns into we) doesn't like them. It's kinda like when someone shows their S/O a reality tv show and is explaining people and lore to them. It's cute, he finds it cute that even in your small state you attempt to give advice and help him in situations.
He's ncie to you, but has a slight sarcastic tone and attitude at times, but its just his normal tone. He can sometimes be super mean, but its very rare he is mean towards you, since he mostly directs it towards Cons or Bots.
He doesn't have anything special about him while in a relationship, he's just kinda there. I can't even say he would attempt to take care of you, because he just doesn't. He spend time with you and trys his best to take you everywhere with him, he cares about you like a little bit. Ask him and he'll say no he doesn't but that simply beccause its Overlord we are talking about.
He just likes having you around, a constant in his crazy coo-coo ass life, and to be honest that the only thing he'd ask for. The rest of his time in the galaxy could just be spent with you, if he didn't have a raging ego and wasn't crazy ass shit, anyways I love Overlord and so should you :)
Im going to be real with you guys, he's also fucking crazy. he kidna gives off vibes of keeping his S/O down in his secret ass lab. Just because down there he knows where you are, can make sure you're at least a room or two over from him is he feels off.
I feel like he would try to keep your knowledge of what he does to a minimum. He simply does not want you knowing he is a "bad guy" as he thinks you'll put it.
If you don't care and he allows you to know, he'd be straight up with you, answering any questions you have about his work and why he does it.
He's not mean, he can be a little condescending but other than that he will let you know how he feels. I feel like he enjoys quality time too, so if he can't do something during an experiment or whatever, he'll go looking for you just so he can be in your presence. Either askig you what you think or just quitely doing somehting or watching you do whatever. If not this then his idea of idea of time together is you sitting watching him work on some poor Cybertronian, while he tells you what is happening andd going on. This is only if you show intrest in what he does, if not then uhhh he just sits in a room with you talking or listening to you.
I feel like he's the type to lie if he thinks its better for you, ask about why the autobots are bad and he'll make something up. He WILL lie if it means keeping you with him or on his side, but you don't need to know that
I also want to say that a relationship is nothing special, but I'd be lying, and my names not Trepan. He's kinda controling, never letting you talk to other Cons or Bots that show up asking for him, keeps you hiden away from the rest of the planet or galaxy, simply because he likes you. HE GIVES YANDERE VIBES, i feel like that's what he would do. I was like this bitch is crazy, and it lowkey feels like something a lot of people like in some characters. He CAN and WILL be a Yandere if he feels its nessecary, but if it can all be fixed with a few lies and a nice little kiss then he'll go that route. He doesn't want to scare you off, he just wants you to know he loves you, very dearly.
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Stupider Tattoos
Part One of If You Can't Take the Heat
Masterlist | The Original
Pairing: Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto x Reader
Rating: M (though it may have explicit chapters in the future)
Notes: Not beta-read. Chapters are more loosely connected than solidly structured.
Summary: You close out of the app, tossing the phone onto the opposite couch cushion with a huffed scoff. This is just futile. You’re quitting dating apps tomorrow.
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It’s an off-handed right swipe, but when your profile pictures shift beside one another, you take a better look at the guy. You hadn’t actually read his bio, you’d just thought he was kinda cute. Now, though, you click on the profile, and you realize that it’s probably a fake—
im a fuckin knowitall jackoff that thinks cooking is better than sex i smell like onion and all of my tattoos are fuckin stupid
You snort. Amazing. Whoever’s running this, either as a joke or to piss someone off, knows what the hell they’re doing. You swipe through a few pictures. His tattoos aren’t that bad…Sure you have questions about a couple of them, but you’ve seen stupider tattoos.
You hesitate before you open the chat and type exactly that:
I’ve seen stupider tattoos.
And you leave it at that. You expect it to be left at that, especially if it's a joke account. But then you get—
did richie put you up to this? And then, you can drop it if he did
Your brow furrows at the question. You tap the chat open and reply: I have no idea who that is, dude
yeah ok
You scoff, shaking your head.
if you don’t wanna talk just unmatch
A solid ten minutes goes by. Then—
you really don’t know who richie is?
how do i know this isn’t richie
You don’t have anything but my word.
least you type better than he does
I’m swooning.
if you’re not trying to fuck with me why’d you swipe on me
??? You’re cute, dude
you are too
I’m swooning again
…okay. good talk
You close out of the app, tossing it onto the opposite couch cushion with a huffed scoff. This is just futile. You’re quitting dating apps tomorrow.
You wake up to a new message—one that you don’t anticipate, and that, based on your interaction the day before, confuses the shit out of you:
what’s the best meal youve ever eaten
You have to think about it—really think about it. All of the answers that come to mind sound pretty fucking lame. Your Papa’s gumbo? Your mom’s potato salad?—That’s technically not a meal, it’s a component. 
Tough question, You answer. Then, I don’t know
no idea?
youre definitely not richie
he would’ve told you to say spaghetti or balls, some shit
Oh, still on that, huh?
i gotta vet you, right?
Do you?
isn’t that what dating is? vetting people? to be part of, like….your life or whatever?
Sounds like you haven’t dated much, dude
how long are you gonna call me dude?
Til you stop acting like a shitdick
best meal you ever had
I told you, I don’t know.
i’m not buying it. everyone has one
Well what’s yours?
i could make it for you
It’s your own food? Full of yourself much? Is that why you smell like onion all the time?
Read your bio
i don’t
i mean, a little
You have to think about it for a moment. The conversation's certainly progressing in a different way than you'd anticipated yesterday. Hell, after that, you hadn't expected to hear from him again at all. But this conversation hasn't been completely unpleasant, and unlike 96% of the people you talk to, he's actually trying to make a plan to meet you.
Yeah, okay.
But only if we can do a video call first so that I know that you're the one in the pictures and that you’re not a murderer.
why would i murder you
I’m just vetting you, buddy.
Your heart leaps into your throat at the prospect, and you hurriedly get out of bed, half-running to your bathroom. You realize as you go that the nerves are probably unwarranted—if you gave the guy another time, he’d probably be cool about it. But as you hurriedly splash some cool water on your face to wake yourself up, you sort of feel like it’s now or never. You glance at the phone as you fix your hair to make it presentable, checking for a new message. Nothing. You finally type ‘Sure’ as you head down the hall toward your kitchen. 
A moment later, your phone is buzzing with an in-app video call. You take a deep breath to quell your swirling nerves before you hit the answer button. 
You see a neck first. Then a cigarette bobs into view—and a voice mutters, “Shit, hang on.”
“...What am I looking at?” 
“I’m lighting up, I didn’t think you’d answer that fast.” 
You arch a brow, setting the phone on top of your breadbox as you begin to make coffee. Your eyes dart toward the phone, doing a double-take as the man’s face comes properly into view. The camera hold is a little shaky at first, but as he adjusts his grip, you get a better look at him. He’s definitely the guy in the pictures, that’s one box checked. 
“Where are you?” You ask, eyeing the bland wall behind him. 
“Uh…The alley behind my job.” 
“You’re not really ticking the non-murderer boxes.” 
“Where are you?” 
“My kitchen. Making coffee. Are you already at work?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I, uh—I work in a sandwich shop.” 
“Explains the onion thing.” 
He huffs, nodding as he draws on his cigarette. 
“Prepping for lunch?” You press. 
“You like it?” 
You glance over at the phone, arching a curious brow. 
“So is your name really Carmy?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s short for Carmen.” 
“Ah. So who’s Richie?” 
He puffs out another long drag, eyes rolling to look at the sky. “He’s my cousin. I mean—he’s not my cousin, he’s like, a family…”
You chuckle softly, tucking the coffee-filled filter into the machine’s basket. 
“You at home?” He asks. 
“Uh-huh. I just woke up.”
“Must be nice.” 
You slide your eyes toward the video. “You’re the one, presumably, that chose the exciting world of food service. That means early mornings and late nights.” 
“You work in a restaurant before?” 
“Just waitressing. And I bartend now.” 
“That’s not nothin’.” 
The unexpected validation makes you smile, and you nod a touch. 
“That’s true,” You concede, “But things are different on the other side of the window.” 
“Where’d you waitress? Here in Chicago?” 
“Uh-huh. At a hole-in-the-wall diner called Benson’s.” 
“On the South Side?” 
“Uh-huh. Menu couldn’t decide if it wanted to be typical American food or pub fare.” 
“Some overlap there.” 
“Yeah, but the food’s gotta be good for that to be pulled off.” 
“Fair point. Best thing on the menu?” 
“Mm…The meatloaf, if the right person was making it.” 
“The Shepherd’s Pie, oh my god. It was like glue. Glue with rock-hard pieces of vegetables—on cardboard. Swear to god, you could hold that thing upside down like a meringue and it would just hang there. What about you guys, best and worst.” 
“I can make you the best if you come here.” 
“To the restaurant?” 
“Yeah. Could have the place to ourselves after closing. I wouldn’t kill you here, obviously.” 
“Not obviously,” You scoff a laugh. “Kitchens have a lot of knives. You could stab me and put me in the walk-in.” 
“I value both my knives and my walk-in way too much to do that to you.” 
You can’t help but grin at the bite in the man’s conversation. 
“Alright,” You nod. “When?” 
“I get off of work at, like, four in the morning, so.” “A little late.” 
“Uh-huh, a little. I’m off tomorrow night, though.” 
“Tomorrow, then.” 
“‘Kay. Where should I meet you?”
Tag list: @bobawithpomegranate ; @brandyllyn ; @artemiseamoon ; @amneris21 ; @thinemineours ; @backoff-imreading ; @quietpainter ; @milf-trinity​ ; @distinguishedfilipina ; @peoniarose​
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fortemelody · 7 days
there are a couple universally hated sonic characters (for example chris thorndyke). but do you know who i think deserves to be shitted on more? DULCY. IM SORRY BUT SHE ANNOYS THE SHIT OUTTA ME. LIKE ESPECIALLY BECUS THEY JUST RANDOMLY ADDED HER TO S2 OF SATAM?? AND HER RUNNING GAG WITH HER MOM IS NOT FUNNY TO ME LIKE GIRL STFU
she got a whole episode named after her too 💀 i do kinda appreciate that they at least attempted to give her a backstory and the concept was sorta interesting but it felt like too little too late yknow
but the weirdest part is that this is coming from someone who LOVES antoine. he is legit my 5th fav character in the whole franchise. they literally both just serve as comic relief characters but idk antoine is just so much better to me. i think a lot of it is his design and VA tbh. but lowkey they did my man dirty later on in S2 becus the two episodes that mainly focused on him were the “odd couple/robbecca”, in which his house gets invaded by sonic and then he gets chased by a horny ass robot. this then lead to him just screaming the whole time (also his animation style change wasn’t my cup of tea either). this is like the equivalent to a squidward torture episode LET MY MAN CATCH A BREAK 😞
okay anyways back to dulcy sorry this just turned into an antoine ramble
but yeah i feel like she is there to just help the freedom fighters get to their destination faster and be a “new type” of comedic relief, one that isn’t really driven from fear like in antoine’s case. i also will admit that she’s probably more useful than antoine seeing as though he can’t fly but legit i still could not give two fucks about her. maybe it’s the lack of a personality and the randomness factor idk. and this is a more serious topic but istg if people think i’m hating on her just becus she’s a woman like the whole lanolin situation imma be so upset. i am afab myself and my first fav character is amy so like don’t even try to tell me that 😭 i would never stoop so low to say some of the awful things people say on twitter about sonic women (…or just women in general sometimes).
ALSO i’m solely referring to dulcy in SATAM, not the archie comics. based on videos i watched i remember she had a pretty big story arc and then was later rebooted as a normal sized mobian. i’m sure she’s much more bearable there cus i trust ian flynn but i haven’t actually read those for myself. double also i still have like 4 episodes left of SATAM to finish so if she possibly can somehow get better in the span of 4 episodes than ig i’m wrong
okay rant over basically fuck that dragon i hate her with a burning passion
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firefly-sky · 4 months
how south park characters comfort someone? i’ve got you. please add your own thoughts!
stan: gonna be honest here, i don’t think he’d be all that receptive. i love stan, i actually think im most similar to him than any other character. that said, i think he would be pretty awkward when trying to comfort someone. especially if they’re crying. probably a tentative pat on the back, some generic advice like “it’s gonna be okay dude…just like…don’t think about it?” he means well, he really does. but bro gets extremely confused over his own emotions (and he has a lot of them) so don’t count on him to understand yours. hes even worse over text, “👍”
kyle: similar to stan in some ways, but more of a problem solver. kyle is my fav character but this guy. is not very good at listening and just wants to fix the problem. honestly depending on the situation he’d probably think you’re overreacting. but if he realizes it’s cereal then he must fix it with facts and logic. my partner does this and it’s like okay i love that you wanna fix it but can you just let me complain for a second…anyways. again very well meaning, he’d actually be very good at reassurance.
kenny: king of listening. he doesn’t talk much anyways, he’s more of an observer. so he probably already KNOWS if a friend is in distress. number one guy if you need someone to wrap an arm around you and listen to your problems and be like “that sucks dude” and when he does drop some advice, it’s like the most philosophical life changing advice you’ll ever receive. he also has experience being a source for comfort for his sister, he has a good energy. stan may be the most sensitive, but i think kenny is most in touch and understanding of emotions.
cartman: i’m sorry cartman fans. he just wouldn’t. this bitch would either try to one-up you with his own problems or just flat out laugh at you. other people’s problems are simply just not worth his time. he only cares if it can benefit him in some way. listen i love eric cartman, he IS south park. but he’s a little shit with nearly no sense of empathy and that is why we love him. unless you’re his mom or very close friend, and even then…ehh.
Oh absolutely, 100%.
Stan is probably a pretty decent listener. When it comes to advice though you’re on your own. Like you said, he’ll probably try. He means well. But he’s REALLY fucking awkward. He hesitantly pats their shoulder and says something like ‘don’t worry about it. It’ll get better.” and over text he 100% offers no advice. He’s a face to face kind of guy. Over text he kinda just shuts down.
Kyle absolutely means well. But god almighty he’s an awful listener. If you just wanna complain to him you’re gonna have to deal with a ‘yeah but…’ every five seconds. Or just flat out tell him you wanna just complain and you’ll get a listening ear, but he still tries to do something. Be it talk to someone for you, helping you out, whatever. Kyle is a fixer. And he won’t stop until the problem is fixed. He thinks he’s doing what is best but he’s not sometimes. He gets that from his ma. He has no problem dropping the harshness of reality in someone though. He drops it hard like ‘well if you’re gonna complain about abc you need to do xyz. You need to do something about said problem’ if it’s aonething only you can fix (like an insecurity or smth)
Kenny is an incredible listener and drops pearls of wisdom sometimes. He’s the quieter and more ‘mysterious’ type anyway so hearing so thing that isn’t ’haha tits’ come from him is kinda mind blowing. But when you need a friend, he’s the go to guy of the main four. He is a god at listening. He offers physical support if needed. He offers advice (even if it isn’t always good) but he will sometimes drop some poetic, metamorphic bombshell that people actually take from him. Hes the main guy to go for for consolation.
Cartman just sucks. Hell laugh. Or exploit you. Or threaten you. Unless it benefits him, oh well. Your problem.
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Um. Tips? Collect reaction images, if that’s your thing. I do it for Vox because he’s visual. @hazbinradio doesn’t have reaction images because that blog is literally in the radio format, so it wouldn’t make sense. It’s very true to Alastor. I have more images for my Vox blog than Valentino becase there’s a lot more to work with and I image he’s much more expressive, it helps me capture his actual feelings better.
I also have specific text patterns that I use. You can tell he’s genuinely pissed off when he gets all glitchy, he’s emotional when the next switches from blue to red. Or that info is just being emphasized, it sort of depends? Oh but between blogs, I have signature colours. Al is Green, Luci is Red, Val is Pink, Retro is Orange, and Vox is Blue. I imagine Velvette would be Purple.
For gathering attention and followers? I don’t know, I started this blog as a way to post my fanfics and fanart and when I got a larger following I started the roleplay and asks because I didn’t have many more ideas for writing. Of course, I still write my fanfics and all that, this is just more of an ask and rp blog be ucase it gives me something fun to do even when I’m not inspired. For a blog that doesn’t have any fanart or fanfics, I recommend rebooting and responding in character to other people’s posts. I’ve done it with @moth-pimp-smokin and a few others, and if they respond it’ll get people interested. Also, people who check the replies on posts they’re looking at could see your reboot and find you all on their own.
Another thing is tagging! I use a shit ton because that’s how I did it with my fanfics so I kinda got used to it. It’s a good way to get people to see your posts, so long as you use them correctly. You can also use blog specific tags to differentiate between types of posts, like @moth-pimp-smokin. It’s a thing I do over here, too! I have a be a doll tag for everything related to the AU, and a retro reader tag for anything related to that character. I mean, they started out as a reader insert but they’re practically their own character right now.
For staying in character? I’m gonna be honest, I just go for it. @voxasks I feel has a much better portrayal of Vox, in the sense it’s much more accurate to canon.
I just play around with how I think he’d act and my own headcanons here. Accuracy goes out the window If I want to goof off and have fun, like the posts I have with you and ✨anon. He’d probably throw more insults your way for all the pictures you send, and he’d never worry about shit in an actual relationship with ✨anon, but I like the idea of it and it’s a lot of fun. I also try to read into the way an anon is acting so I can match their vibes and respond accordingly. @your-silly-vox-stan is committed to Vox no matter how I portray him in his relationship to them, and I know they’re comfortable with most anything I throw at them. I also make small notes out of character sometimes to remind the people I interact with that it’s just the character being an Asshole, but that I can tone it down or change things if they’d like. My own enjoyment is important and so is making this fun for the people who interact with me, so I put that as a higher priority than staying accurate to the character. That’s just my choice, though, because again, other blogs are more canon accurate and they’re just as much fun! This is just my preference.
An introduction page to your blog is also a good idea! I have the masterlist pinned on this one, but for my Luci and Val blogs the intro is pinned so people know what is allowed and what isn’t. They’re given a summary of how I portray the characters, how they can refer to me as the real person behind the blog, etc, etc. You can add your pronouns, what you’d like people to call you, all that cool stuff too. Like how I’m referred to as Juno, and I use he/they pronouns! It’s something you can glean from my posts, yes, but it’s also right at the top of my page and easy to see.
Sharing thoughts on the character, headcanons, how you think she’d interact with others is also something I do. Well, with my own blogs at least. It can inspire others for their own things or make people ask for more details. Sometimes people will even reference one of your headcanons in an ask, and that’s honestly super touching to me. Like- you all have no idea how often I’m just giggling and kicking my feet at how nice you are.
I think that’s all the advice I have? This is just my experience, mind you. I think a lot of my success is also due to the fact I’ve had a really big fan from the very start who reblogs a lot of my work @victoria-heart-of-the-vs is absolutely amazing, and they’ve even made a few things based off my own ideas. Props to you by the way, not sure if I’ve mentioned it? GIRLIE I am eternally grateful, seriously. Oh but yeah, I think checking in with your fans is nice every once and awhile, so I have a poll or two to ask about my audiences preferences so I can gauge their interest and what they’d like to see more of.
But yeah. I have no idea what I’m doing. This reply is all over the place. TLDR; do whatever the fuck you want, be a #bitch, etc, etc. also PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SEND ME THE BLOG PLEASE 🙏
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emmyrosee · 2 years
psst I had a thought I think you’d enjoy bc it is certainly bringing me lots of joy this morning-
okay so atsumu right? play fighting with him. pillows, tickles, lots of peppered kisses, the screeching- you’d probably get noise complaints from the neighbours (or some worried check ins to make sure you’re both alright), and when you’d both answer the door out of breath and giggly cause he was chasing you around the apartment, whoever knocked just rolls their eyes and leaves cause obviously no one is in trouble, it’s just young love again.
I bet if you guys were wrestling he’d be the type to go soft on you and let you win a couple rounds (which ofc you know, so you begin to rile him up for a real challenge)
But he’s strong, so he’d have no problem picking you up and throwing you on the bed when your taunts about him not being able to catch you in a chase/beat you in a “fight” finally get to him, and he’s grinning the whole way to your room cause he loves your laugh and he plans on getting his revenge tenfold.
I am incredibly fucking soft for this man I want him to let me think I’m winning and then totally wreck me after 🙂 (I could say the same abt a lot of haikyuu men tho)
Ily, I hope you’re having an amazing day!! 💓
anon <3
(P.s. I hope sending in long rants like this isn’t annoying or a nuisance- just let me know and I’ll knock it off!)
Also do nOT knock it off, literally and all activity, be it adorable requests like this, or just to talk to lil ole me makes me so giggly and happy 🥹❤️
Your neighbors hate you, because you two are up from the crack of dawn to the latest of dusks, just giggling and screaming with laughter at each other.
And genuinely, truly, Atsumu does not care. If anything, people coming and banging on your door and telling you to shut up only riles him up more. The amount of times you’ve tried to talk to your angry neighbors, only to laugh in their face as Atsumu tickles up your sides or nips at your ear is countless; all your neighbor can do is roll their eyes and ask you to please keep it down, but despite you swearing to, you know better than to make promises.
“Yeah,” he snorts, “keep it down.” Before you can even laugh, he makes a lunge at you to make you scream and dash away again, him hot on your tail and cheeks sore from the grin splitting his face.
He’s just such a snot rocket, I love him so much.
And dONT EVEN HE DOES Try every once in a while to put his pride aside and let you win when rough housing bc like. You’re cute and he loves you, so he’ll let you pin his hands next to his head and be all cocky with your victory, until he decides he has a problem with it.
“Ha,” you chant victoriously. “Suck it, nerd. I win.”
“Yeah yeah,” he snorts, lacing your fingers with his. “You win, baby, now let me up-“
“Big ol’ Atsumu, can’t even take down his better half anymore.”
“Okay, listen-“
“Just wait until the boys hear about how I’m able to pin you so easily.”
“What would they say about the big, bad Atsumu if they could see him now-“
And it doesn’t take him much more than that to shove you on your back, gobble you up in his arms before you hit the ground too hard, and haul you up and into your bedroom, all before you can even say ‘wait.’
“You wanna talk shit?” He growls, hands immediately digging into your ribs and underarms. “Huh? You wanna talk big? Like you aren’t the most ticklish person I’ve ever met?”
“Shut up!” You scream, just kneeing him and writhing but god, he’s so big and he’s smiling so wide at the sight of you, the longer bits of his blonde hair falling all around and it’s almost hard for you to plead for him to stop.
So, instead, for a while, you keep riling him up- shoving and snorting and just laughing until you tap his wrist, letting him know that you’re really done and ready to behave again.
But even then, his hands never leave your body. They smooth out the phantom tickles from your warm skin, or cup your chin to guide you back into a kiss, or even pulling you into his side and gently rubbing your back when he decides that he wants to take a nap.
Because here’s the thing- Atsumu has to be touching you. It’s a thing for him, there’s almost always going to be a hand caressing your cheek, or holding yours, or tickling you, or pinching you, it doesn’t matter, Atsumu needs to be touching you in a way that conveys love and thrill. He’s not good with words, he never has been- but even his twin can attest he shows his best feelings through touch
He craves your challenge, loves the fight you give, addicted to the sound of your shriek filled laughter because it’s fun. Loving you is so fun, it’s what gets him up in the morning and lulls him to sleep at night. And he’s so happy he’s found someone to convey all of this to without having to surrender to words he’s not sure he can rely on.
Atsumu loves you so much it hurts him. He’d move mountains and cross seas, eat sand and fight the wilderness if it meant every day, he could come home and tackle to you to the couch and smother you in all the sappy affection he can.
And if putting you in a tickly full Nelson is his way of showing that, you certainly never complained before.
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lulutaylorsimaginarium · 10 months
The Chain
Summary: When the guys get stuck in a situation and hunted down by a drug lord. Frankie makes a call he really doesn’t want to make to the only person that can help them
Warnings: “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the right age to handle mature themes. We handle our own triggers with kindness and grace
AN: Mind any grammar mistakes even though the story has been checked. The author is dyslexic and it is the wonders of her brain.
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She sat at the bar in an empty, hole in the wall watering hole listening to a song that she danced to in Havana years ago. It put her in a better mood thinking of the man she danced with. The man that had stolen her heart even though she hadn’t wanted to fall in love. The song and the memory of the man lessened the rage in the very same heart. She started to sway to the music with an impossibly sweet drink in her hand. Gabby couldn’t forget the predicament she was in and of course there was the man sitting beside her, sipping his beer
“Why don’t you drink?”
“Allergic reaction”
“Oh yeah?”
“I break out in hand cuffs”
Will didn’t believe her, but he let her get away with the lie. There was no doubt that Gabby was tough, but she wasn’t the normal type of tough. It wasn’t a rage filled tough. It was a stubbornness. It was a ‘watch me’ tough but as she sat beside him dancing to the music while still sitting her seat. She intrigued him.
“What’s with that smile?”
“Knew a guy”
“Puerto Rican but we spent a lot of time in Cuba”
“Dancing in the streets?”
“Yeah. In Cuba, in Barcelona, Portugal”
“So he was smooth, huh?”
“You could say that” she laughed “Still is”
“What happened?”
“He’s an aid worker. It’s hard to keep a relationship going when you’re pulling people out of the pits a hell half the time and on the other side of the planet”
“I don’t know how you do it”
“I only did it for a moment in time. I’m too empathic. It took a lot out of me. Especially when we came across kids, you know? I want to adopt ‘em and take them all home. It doesn’t work that way”
“Now you organise?”
“I can see why Pope needs you. Even if he is an ass”
Gabby laughed pulling the tie out of her hair. The colour reminded him of a glass of red wine or maybe that was the green neon sign above her that was making it look that way.
“He is right about one thing”
“What’s that?”
“I do owe Frankie”
“From what I know. Which isn’t a lot. He was doing his job when he found you”
“No but he broke protocol. They deemed the mission too high risk. Especially where I was but he still did it. He could have been fired or lost everything. He didn’t even know me at the time”
“He wouldn’t have it any other way Gabby. He loves ya”
“Ugh” she sighed rubbing her forehead “Why did it have to be Costa Rojas?”
“We didn’t pick the target”
“Santiago did”
“Are you noticing a theme?”
“At least Costa’s base isn’t in Brazil. You’ve got some distance. How did you move the palettes anyway?”
“We had transit vans but the guys driving got shot up and so did the vans”
“So he dropped you off in the slums with that much money”
“No one living there would be dumb enough to steal it. Rojas knows that. They are also smart enough that if they see something they know thats not for them to know. They’re not going to talk”
“You’ve got me there”
“Did you really stab Andrews with a pocket knife?” he laughed asking
“He grabbed my ass repeatedly after I asked him not to do it. Damn straight I did”
“Why didn’t you tell Frankie?”
“I wanted Andrews to stop. I didn’t want him to die. Anyway. That was a long time ago”
“Even Pope would have stopped him” She gave him an epic eye roll which only made Will practically fall over laughing  “What is it with you two?”
“I don’t know. I swear I’ve tried to get along with him. I swear but he does shit like this. He thinks he’s smarter than everybody. God, even his breathing sometimes grates on me. He’s the most self-important jerk I’ve ever met”
“We’re not meaning to turn your life upside down, Gabs”
“But didn’t you guys do this a few years ago. How much money is enough money?”
“We didn’t keep it, babe”
“What are you talking about?”
“We gave the money we did get away with to Tom’s kids. They don’t have to worry about anything anymore”
She looked him wide eyed and silent for maybe the first time since she landed.  Gabby shook her head before a stream of swear words flew out of her mouth.
“I hate this and now I hate you”
“Is that a yes?”
“I just don’t know how I can help you”
Will nodded his head understood where she was coming from. He got why she didn’t want to use anything with the non-profits name on it. They helped people that really needed it.
“We’re up a creek”
“Walking away isn’t an option?” she asked
“God damn it”
They’ll have to hide it and then move it and hide it while moving it. If Rojas found out their end wouldn’t be swift. She didn’t want that on her head. She needed something that the locals and authorises wouldn’t bat an eye at. She needed transportation and she needed it fast. Will watched the clogs in her head move fast, impossibly fast
She covered his mouth with her hand
 “Shh, I’m thinking”
She moved her hand and grabbed her phone before walking outside.
He watched her walk back and forth in the sidewalk for a while. Making calls, looking up this on her phone she popped her head back in the door.
“Hey handsome, do you know how to hot wire a car?”
“Let’s go but it’s not going to be a quick trip”
Will didn’t ask any questions. He just did what he was told. With women like Gabby that was the safest way to survive. That was truth in Will’s experience, at least.
Gabby and Will had been gone for five hours, the sun was dangerously close to rising and there hadn’t been no word from either of them. They knew that Will wouldn’t leave them, well he wouldn’t leave Benny. Frankie was starting to worry and Santiago was starting to curse her name, in his head at least.
“What if Rojas caught up with them?” Benny voice all their fears
“We would have heard by now” Santiago lied
“I shouldn’t have called her, Pope”
“Well, you did Frank and here we are. Will wouldn’t jump ship”
“Either would she, man”
“We have to come up with another plan”
“They will be here” Benny told them.
Suddenly an old beat up people mover stopped outside the favela. Two squeaky doors shut loudly before the missing two were standing back in their doorway
“Honey, we’re home” she told them slightly seductively
“Where have you been?”
“Cleaning up your mess, Garcia. You bozos wanna come help us unload?” She tossed an empty hessian coffee bean sack at him “We are in Brazil after all”
“What if they cut them open, Gabriela?”
“That’s why we stole full bags of coffee bean Also. Place the real beans on top of the bags full of money. They’ll cut into the bags we want to them to cut into”
“Two more van are showing up at five thirty this afternoon. So we have to move” Will told them.
“Leave ten grand out of the bags for the vans”
“Yeah Garcia. For five grand we were going to get endless questions. Ten grand brought silence. You okay with that?”
“Guess I have to be”
“That’s what I like. Gratitude”
She rolled her eyes as he walked outside. Frankie stepped in front of her before pulling her into a hug
“Thank you”
“You’re still in trouble but I love you”
They both walked outside holding on to each other for dear life. Everybody quietly unpacked the van of empty bags. The tension that they had all been choking on was leaving them but Santiago just couldn’t help himself
“Where are we going to take this coffee when we are finished here, oh wise one?”
“I haven’t figured that part out yet”
“If only someone knew some else in Puerto Rico” Will answered almost gleefully
“Sebastian” Frankie answered pointing at her
“No. We are not getting Seb involved”
“He would do it, Gab”
“Who’s Sebastian” Pope practically spat
“Her fella” Frankie teased
“He’s not my fella”
“Used to be”
“I don’t know where he is right now. He’s an aid worker for Christ’s sake. He could be anywhere”
“Could you find out though?” Will smiled.
“If any person is more connected than you. Its Seb” Frank pleaded
Gabby rolled her eyes before pulling her phone out of her pocket, playfully growling as she walked outside.
The group started packing the bags with cash as Santiago stood near the window, listening to the conversation. Her voice was softer, you could hear the affection as she spoke. That was until she walked around the corner.
He walked over to Frankie
“Can we trust this guy?”
“I don’t like it”
“We are going to need more people to get this home and he would do anything for her. He’s a good guy. You wanted her for her connections, right?”
There was an uncomfortable silence filled the room as they continued loading the cash. Before she was standing in the doorway again.
“Bad news is that he is in Honduras. Good news is that if we can get to Venezuela. He can store it for us until we make other plans”
“How much did you tell him?” Santiago asked, probably sharper than he intended
“I said that we are in trouble, and it was a no questions situations”
No one said anything.
She hadn’t slept, she was at the end of her tether and likely to blow. Instead of sleeping, she packed bags with cash.
There were three beat up, different colours vans rolled up at five thirty. Gabby paid an elderly man the money and waited until they were long gone before the guys packed the vans.  She lent up against the green building. She tried to help the guys carry the bags, but the guys weren’t having any of it.
Once everything was carefully packed. Dummy coffee beans placed on top and around, they all felt a tiny bit better. Maybe it was being on the move that made them feel safer. There was still just under five days of driving ahead of them.
Although the thought of seeing Sebastian at the end of all of it made her feel better.
She was pale, she was tired, and she was trying to cover it. 
Everybody piled into the vans before Frankie stood in front of her picking her up at the knees, tossing her over his shoulder
“I wanna drive”
“No way. You haven’t slept in a day. Forget it. You’re a passenger, Princess”
He placed her in the car and she was asleep by the time they left the city
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Short replies today! A couple of follow-ups and miscellaneous ones, and quite a lot of Crewel/Deuce related replies~ A bit unhinged at times.
Anonymous asked:
anon that wanted more info in Edmund here, can confirm nebula college is going on my patiently-waiting-to-be-fed list
Hehehe YESSS Thank you so much, Anon!! I can’t express how happy I am that you are interested in it. And since, once again, Katsu does the majority of the heavy lifting when it comes to anything Nebula-related, I’m right here with you waiting to be fed >:3
Anonymous asked:
I wanna see a spin off called Mobile bs the World, where Mobile has to fight Wallace’s Yandere evil ex Todd to date him.
Omg Anon, please have mercy, Todd isn’t surviving this. This isn’t going to be much of a fight… I feel like Mobile is a much more powerful psychic than Todd, he also has the power of intelligence and Wallace’s love 😔
That being said, I can picture this battle ending unexpectedly and quickly not because of Mobile’s psychic powers, but because Wallace would be confused about why Todd thinks he is an ex – he isn’t, they weren’t dating after all. After hearing that Todd is just going to disintegrate…
I ship them so much. 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
on april fools we are going to get our lovable robot dog in the global version of twisted wonderland. I feel like this means something
“Oh you thought it was a Disney Otome game? Jokes on you: this is a cyborg dog BL VN, and Ortho is the main character, and he is out to get everyone” 😔 Definitely.
Anonymous asked:
I hate how im now wondering if now duece is going to be imagining teacher x student stuff now, with him being the student. Lol
I think we got this one before posting yesterday’s Crewel/Deuce piece, so uhhh congratulations, Anon, you saw right through us lol
The idea definitely never occurred to him before, I feel like Deuce is the type to get surprised by the fact that his teachers in fact do have their private lives and even have sex… such a big and wild idea for his silly pretty head. But he won’t judge!!
Anonymous asked:
by any chance could that new deuce and crewel art have anything to do with deuce seeing him buy a shit ton of condoms? *Don't mind me and my horny fantasies*
Yep~ This is pretty much a follow-up, although I’m not sure how these pieces are tied story-wise. Maybe they aren’t, but both are teasing the same thing – Deuce would look hot when dominated by Crewel.
I think our conclusion is that this bad boy is being punished for being oh so nosy and falling on the floor in front of his professor… he seemed like he really craved his attention, and he got it <3
(fully ignoring the fact that it was Ace who pushed poor Deucey)
furubatsu asked:
Why do I imagine that last Crewel and Deuce pic just being poor Deucy's dream (or nightmare, depending on how panicked he would be waking up) for the next week after that encounter? Poor boy's squirming every homeroom and potions class for ages until Crewl has to sit him down and talk about it.
Yeah, a couple of people mentioned that it looks like Deuce is having a dream/nightmare, and honestly the concept is very hot lol Especially if this is like you described. i.e. the thought/scenario is haunting Deuce and leaves him extremely flustered, confused, unfocused and freaked out.
He could live in this anguish a little bit before this dream becomes reality… just as he convinces himself that stuff of that sort wouldn’t happen to him.
Anonymous asked:
Looks like deuce is getting some extra credit either that or punishment for failing a test or an assignment
Once again, also an option lol Out of all the student characters, I feel like Deuce fits this “punishment for failing a test/getting extra credit” scenario the most, maybe it’s because of how hard he tries to get better and how prone he is to doubting himself. He is also pretty gullible, so an easy target for Crewel, but not so easy that Crewel wouldn’t even get interested in him.
Anonymous asked:
I rise once again from the dead for one reason. Actually, many, your art is absolutely delicious still.
Anyways, thank you for the Crewel content. Have a funny little storytime from earlier this day.
It's has become an inside joke now because we sent it to one of us who dyed his hair dark slate and cut it short recently. It started with the comic where we noticed he lowkey looked like Deuce. So the next day, when we saw the follow-up, we got his ass while he was on a coffee date with his current fling. I facetimed him like it was an emergency and then immediately showed the picture to ask for clarification for where he was last night. Got a chuckle out of his date[he's a vibe], but our friend is mad at us now
- 🐩 anon
Good to hear from you again, 🐩 anon, I’m glad you’re enjoying our stuff~ And your friends too I guess LOL
Oh god, your poor friend. Being outed like that by some rando’s drawing from the internet, I am so sorry 😔 I’m glad his date found it funny though!
Anonymous asked:
do you have any more twst teacher x student ships?👀
Hmm, I don’t think so? Nothing major that I can think of, at least. But we do think of some boys with Crewel here and there: Epel could fulfill a similar role to Deuce because he also has to work extra hard for good grades + a bit gullible; Idia is our favourite boy and could also technically be used for shipping purposes here because of his unique circumstances (i.e. he doesn’t always go to classes, but has to be present during some lab work, so Crewel has extra reasons to pay attention). We’ve talked about Crewel and Vil before but it doesn’t quite give us the sparkles we need, even though we have nothing against it; and we’ve talked about potential Trein ships (or lack thereof) in this post.
I also have a huge beef with Vargas because I can’t figure out why he just doesn’t click with us. Maybe it’s his design? Maybe it’s his attitude? Which is bullshit, because I can imagine someone similar to him working wonderfully, but with Vargas it’s crickets, unfortunately. Which is SUCH A SHAME, because this man CANONICALLY RUINED Idia’s thighs and physically completely exhausted him MULTIPLE TIMES, and this is SUCH OUR THEME TO PLAY WITH, but somehow it just doesn’t work. 😔  
Anonymous asked:
Is is it bad that part of me can see Crewel having one of his dogs (likely a Dalmatian) fucking Deuce as punishment while Deuce is begging for Crewels cock
Anon, yes. Yes, this is very bad, and we agree with you and support you. You’re saying things that people are afraid of saying out-loud. Pups should play with pups...
Anonymous asked:
Soooo…I saw the don’t look at him art of Idia on Bluesky and….Idia…Baby…I’m sorry but you’re way too pretty not to look at. Or stare at. Or…do other things to. Apologies for the unrestrained thirst…
Ohh, that’s an old one! I’m glad you liked it <3
Idia needs to get over himself and accept the fact that he is going to be looked at. Stared at, event <3 Such a pretty pink thing.
Anonymous asked:
I mean…Idia COULD conceivably cosplay as Hatsune Miku without any issues. Plus, he’d look super cute in pigtails. You could occasionally give one a good tug.
Sounds absolutely wonderful, but I feel like if anyone proposed the idea to Idia, he would reply with the biggest “no way” in return. Not only it attracts attention to his hair, everyone’s going to laugh at him for going for a cute anime girl cosplay! This isn’t fun, this is public humiliation! Yada yada lol
I feel like nothing is going to convince him that cosplaying as Hatsune Miku is a good idea… well, maybe Ortho’s puppy eyes could bully him into considering it.
Anonymous asked:
Dare I ask who was doing Idia while he was a maid?
Hmm,  maybe I’m just shit at remembering my own art, but the only maid-related Idia drawing that I can think of is Lilidia one… and Idia wasn’t a maid on this one either, it was Lilia who banged him while looking all pretty uwu
Anonymous asked:
The day I forget to go anonymous is the day I cry. anyways more Adeuce PLEASE those two idiots are my comfort ship aghhhh they are so cute I will crush them with my bare hands
Thank you so much, Anon! We love ADeuce a lot, and I hope we’ll have more stuff with them in the future. We do have some sketches, but who knows when we’ll get to finishing them :(
Also no worries about being anon; if you ever accidentally forget about it, just shoot me another ask or a DM about it, and I’ll post your ask anonymously. I’m not replying to them directly anyways, so it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
the way you draw violet is so... delicious. *Eats your art and leaves no crumbs*
Thank you so much~ He is our beloved depressed artistic kitten <3 bon appétit.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
omg you're taking requests!!! im way too obsessed w/ the thought of enemies-to-lovers Sangyeon ESPECIALLY if he's the one that ended up simping over you too much 😵‍💫 smut bcos I won't accept anything else (1/2 jk) congrats on the 1k followers!! YOU DESERVE IT
Thank you so much my darling and I hope you like it😋
Enemies To Lovers with Sangyeon:
cw - smut, whipped sangsang, but he’s also a pain in the ass, Sangyeon likes to be degraded by you, messy quick fuck that scrambles your hole, he has a strength kink.
Unlike my previous statement suggests, Sangyeon is not the only pain in the ass
You are a pain in his ass and his head too
Double kill!!!!
Both of you are COMPETITIVE competitive
You know each other through a mutual friend, lets say Jacob, the angel who just wants you to get along
And because Jacob adores you both
You get invited to the same activities a lot
But the same friend is also the reason you become enemies because???
You both always try to one up each other
Out drinking at a bar becomes riling each other up over who can down more shots without chasers
Playing basketball turns into pushing each other until your sides are bruised
Even the gym isn’t left alone as you both fight over who has more muscles and can bench press more
Movie nights have you quarrelling over your apparent shit tastes in entertainment
“You text like an ancient relic”
“At least people look forward to seeing ancient relics, you midseason allergy”
He talks a lot of shit for someone who’s becoming more and more impressed by the same competitiveness that used to tick him off before
One day you’re working in the kitchen and he comes in to get some juice or whatever
And you call him a mouthbreather out of nowhere
But instead of coming back with a “That insult went out of fashion in the 1900’s just like your chopping skills,”
He just laughs
Yk that heart, very Sangyeon-like laugh?
Yeah that one
And its so fuckin out if the ordinary that you spin around to face him
“Why are you laughing?”
And thats the only thing he says
And it irritates the hell out of you
“What do you mean cute you gross piece of shit,”
And he’s just staring at you all starry eyed
“Did you get hit by a bus? I’m sure your last braincell died because you’re looking at me like a dead fish”
Notice how long the insult was??
Its because you were trying to hide how furiously your cheeks heated up at a single word
Cute. Who the fuck does he think he is? He probably meant it as an insult… so he thinks he’s better than me? This huge piece of horseshit!
This entire monologue goes on inside your head as your anger keeps overcoming your fluttery heart and Sangyeon stares at you like he just got an epiphany that yeah you’re the most adorable boiling pot he’s ever seen in his life
He giggles again and you break out of your stupor
“What are you laughing at?” You snap
He would lean against the fridge and you’d take it as a challenge
Striding towards him with purpose
You’d push him flat against the fridge and he lets himself be shoved
“Never call me cute again you fuckface,”
He’s looking at you with heart eyes
You don’t know but he’s been thinking about it hard lately
Thinking about when he started getting less angry at your bitchy attitude
And started following you around like a lovesick puppy provoking you so he can enjoy your furious eyes send daggers his way
Mans has a zero thoughts, head empty kinda moment
Caught up with your forearm pushing his neck into the huge food container machine
He swallows his inhibitions and kisses you
Mouth to mouth
It ends in a flash
But you feel the weight of his lips against yours so well
“What the fuck is wrong with you today how dare you kiss me-“
To the surprise of all the stars in the sky and Sangyeon and you yourself, you cut your own self off
By pulling his collar and kissing him properly
You tug at his lips with your teeth as you pull him to crowd you against the counter
You jump on it yourself
“You’re so useless,”
Sangyeon grinds his chubbed up cock in between your open legs caging him in
Your nails scratch his pelvis as you messily try to get his cock out of his sweats
And he quickly gets your lower half naked
He has no time at the glorious image displayed for his eyes to stare at unfortunately
Because you’re hooking your legs over his arms, scooting over the edge and dragging his cock to your hole
His huge cock
His damn thickness
You make sure trace the outside of your entrance with his massive cock to tease him🫶🏼
And then you shove it in yourself
You try to set the pace too by holding his waist and pulling him to you
But something snaps in him
And he grabs the back of your thighs
Pushing them all the way back to fold you like a pretzel
And sets a brutal pace enough to bruise your insides
His cock shoves roughly into you, uncaring of your quickly bruising skin
His balls would slap so hard against your skin that he would actually consider going slow
But the way you’re panting and groaning into his chest makes him rethink
It wouldn’t be too far off to imagine him sliding you off the counter at one point and bouncing you ok his cock mid air
He likes having you lose control like this
No matter how much he likes getting degraded by you as well
Your orgasm hits you hard and explodes all over his shirt
And he shoves you to the counter, back pressed flat against against it
His hands on your chest keeping you pressed there as he ruts into you like crazy and empties himself on your abdomen.
“I guess this is one way to get along,”
Poor Jacob
But you do get along after that
Because when Sangyeon confessed that he’s started to like you a lot
Your rolling eyes couldn’t do jack shit to hide your smile
Even if you promise yourself you don’t feel the same way
You too start liking his annoying banter a few after-sex cuddling sessions later
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tadpolesonalgae · 5 months
ive seen the argument that rhys killed the winter court children thrown around so much but thank you for saying that bc i was starting to think i read it wrong. kallias only agrees to help the night court when it's made clear that rhys didnt kill the children and that amarantha had another mind reader. and they even become allies because kallias and viviane are at some celebration at the housw of wind later in the books right? if it had been rhys none of that would happen.
there are a lot of reasons you can not like rhysand he was always meant to be a morally grey character (imo sjm made him too nice actually) but im always confused when people keep using this reason because it might be the only one he was proven innocent
i loved the story dont get me wrong but reader in that is closer to hybern than to rhysand like the whole thing with the ic is that they all did terrible things but with a reason and she's just a bitch for a lack of a better word
i also felt both az and rhys were justified in how they treated her, i mean it was tough to read but she went way too far in how she was talking about elain, calling her all type of misogynistic names just because azriel and her are together so ofc azriel lost it on her (and not even that badly like he meant everything he said and none of those were lies) and then ofc the last straw for rhys was her threatening to dig up the archeron dad, that's a disgusting thing to do and rhys doesnt play about feyre. also if she has had this personality for centuries i can only imagine the list of shit the ic has against her
id love to read more of this story but i think it's pretty clear she's a villain, not even morally grey like the ic. i do love villain stories though so im excited lol
I mean, with the Winter Court situation, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened? 🫣 I don’t have the books on me at the moment so I can’t check but I agree it would be weird if Kalias and Viviane came over for the solstice with the death of a dozen children between them, so I’m inclined to believe Rhys wasn’t the one who committed that particular crime for Amarantha 🫠😭
And with Rhys being morally grey, I feel like it gets a little confusing because we don’t really get to see what he’s like as a character without Feyre? I feel like he probably took a bit of a (positive) turn now that he has his mate if that makes sense? Also the fact he isn’t under the pressure of maintaining a mask so thoroughly has probably contributed to who he’s become? I’d really like to get a scene though where the morally grey part bleeds through, perhaps if someone’s threatened in a future book? 👀
Either way, he’s a fictional character (to many’s upset 😔) so I suppose his personal ethics aren’t a particular point of contention when held against some problems occurring in our world 😕
‘i loved the story dont get me wrong but reader in that is closer to hybern than to rhysand’
You do not have to worry about a thing, she is fully intended to be easily and actively dislikable though I don’t think it’s an issue if some people take her side since this is a work of fiction 🧡💛
However, I am really interested in seeing what sides people take when it comes to what she does and her motivations, as well as what she holds dear and who she’s loyal to when it comes down to it! I’ll be curious if anyone will feel her actions might be more easily justifiable or at the very least understandable once more of her past is dug up? Whether people feel a bad deed is always a bad deed irrespective of circumstance, or whether the context and environment surrounding an action should be taken into consideration before passing judgement :)
‘calling her all type of misogynistic names just because azriel and her are together so ofc azriel lost it on her’
To be perfectly honest with you, I really enjoyed getting to write the parts because of how inappropriate they were given the situation 🤦😭 Her trying to convince Az to be with her and then insulting the person he claims to be in love with 🫣
‘and then ofc the last straw for rhys was her threatening to dig up the archeron dad, that's a disgusting thing to do and rhys doesnt play about feyre.’
I mean, not only is she a prominent figure in society, but she also has some pretty intense power readily disposable, and she doesn’t really act like she’s responsible enough to handle it (but we’ll inevitably examine those parts, too, because it would be weird if she just came into all that power without any sort of accountability or understanding of death and life, right? 👀)
‘id love to read more of this story but i think it's pretty clear she's a villain, not even morally grey like the ic. i do love villain stories though so im excited lol’
Honestly I’m still figuring out what’s going to happen in the end? She’s going to get with Az, but I’m indecisive on whether it’ll be a clean ending or not? I feel like if it is going to be like that, there’s a line that she won’t be able to cross, whereas it might be quite interesting to see how people try to reconcile her actions while still keeping in line with their own morals?
Also witnessing through her actions what sort of person she’s become and what situations have led up to that (and whether there are other people partially responsible for the things that have happened)
Either way, I think it’ll be exciting to figure these things out! There’s still so much of the story yet to be decided on, so it’s going to take some time for a next part to come together! And thank you so much for writing in!! I absolutely adore getting to read thoughts like this, it makes me so happy to know you’re invested to this level 🧡💛
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borathae · 1 month
Chapter 7
are we about to see his art collection or his "art collection" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
Stop laughing”, Taehyung warns quietly, looking over his shoulder. He carries fondness in his eyes and a mischievous grin on his lips. stop IM GONE IM SIMPING IM A PUDDLE
NO UR A MENACE FUCKER DECIDES TO TICKLE ME TO STOP MAKINGME LAUGH NOPE watch my ass fall down the stairs and wake the whole house up
“You’re beyond adorable."
Tumblr media
I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
He is already wearing fur slippers HOW DID HE DO THAT dudes faster than flash
Why ruin your home with the dirt of outside? FR 💯
Tumblr media
They are matching with his UWU, im imagining cat slippers its too funny
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
Tall windows let in the moonlight from the left, illuminating the paintings on his walls that sounds extra cozy, i want to put a fluffy blanket on my shoulders
“Doesn’t he? It’s the reason why I purchased it”, he says excitedly. 👀 u sure about that?? 👀 did he get kneller to paint it for him 👀👀you sure that this isn’t like your great great great grandfather BABY CONNECT THE DOTS
come now I want to show you something else. HE CHANGED THE SUBJECT
Oh no”, you chuckle, “he just likes to show off.” still cool cousin kudos to him
“Three years? Holy cow and I can’t even work on an essay for twenty minutes without feeling the need to procrastinate.” WOW TAEHYUNG DAMN THATS SICK also u didnt need to call me out like that i-
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
"A very long time." edward cullen who
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
the description of him playing violin gave me goosebumps and its 33C here. why am i slightly teared up
Gosh you own so many cool things.” ik he is soo cool, he can totally murder me on the stairs
Do you have your secret stack of drugs up there?” you joke, dont what if he is a mafia boss???? also he is about to throw you off the top 😭 yeet
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
if I could marry one room it would be this one TAE MOVE SHE IS MINE WE ARE MEANT TO BE MARRIED wait tae dont move, we can be a throuple
people were right, namjoon copied love yourself album FROM SIR KIM TAE-ITH HYUNGWILL THE THIRD, love thyself
His skin is glowing silver again, like water when it reflects the moon at night or snow when the sunlight hits it just right. singularity performances *shudders
You are the only person who knows this room exists.” SAY WHAT *faints
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
NAUR THE ICE CREAM NO SHE JUST TOLD U NOT TO hes such a cute lil shit i cant
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
byee 💜💜❤️❤️
This ask was a ghost ask on my computer 😶 like I saw that you sent me an ask in my notifs and I could open it on mobile, but it was non existant on my laptop HFHADHSF help
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
no but they're so cute no joke 🥺
I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
he's just a rich lil spoiled vampire
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
I agree YES 🥺
he is so fucking HOT
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
I'm obsessed with their ankles 😶 it's the Dom in me 😶
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
imagine all the ankles he had resting on his shoulders 😶
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
NO BUT ME TOO 😭 I wanna paint a forest mural on my bedroom wall, but I'm too scared to mess up
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
he's just a lil pookie <3
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
ooh nice I love this vibe <3
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
he does not a Therapist I can tell you that much HAHAHHAAH
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
That was me too when I was younger, but we're allowed to take up space on this earth. That's our right too, remember that my love 💜
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
I'm so happy that you loved it so much seriously heheh 💜💜
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