#and i know bad not to be direct but i try to send signals that i’m not that into it or as much
jasmines-library · 6 months
I know i’ve already sent in a lot of requests, i practically live in your inbox(not sorry), but i just wanted to know if you could whip up some really angsty stuff?
Maybe something with reader being on patrol and she just randomly passes out and just won’t wake up again?
idk, i’m just craving your content😞🙏
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Note: Anything for you my love. Dont feel bad for sending them in, i smile everytime your name is in my inbox. sorry for the wait. :))
Warnings: Poison/drugging, passing out, needles, ivs but non graphic
Word Count: 1.3k
There it was again. That funny feeling. You couldn’t quite place it, but it tickled the back of your mind. Physically, you felt fine. There was just something off about the whole night. Tim was running alongside you, the soles of his boots making little to no noise as he weaved nimbly down the street. Dick was slightly ahead; you were watching his six.The three of you were currently pursuing Poison Ivy, who royally pissed off, was threatening to release a batch of poisons into the water supply; naturally, it was your job to try and stop her before she could actually get there. Batman was also in pursuit, but he was coming from the other side of the city which meant that the chances of you and your brothers stopping Ivy before she got there were pretty high. 
You had almost caught up with Ivy when it happened. You could see her ahead, her torn clothes flapping against the winds that whipped between the skyscrapers and whistled down the alleyways. You pushed yourself to run faster, feeling the burn in your calves as you raced towards her auburn figure. You would have caught her if you didn’t catch a glimpse of one of her goons perched on a window ledge. It was dark, but you could practically see his crooked grin as he leered down at the three unsuspecting vigilantes. By the time you had realised what was actually happening, it was too late. 
The needle dug deep into your neck, with such a blunt force that you would have yelped if you didn’t have the sense to plaster your hand over your lips. It stung and would most certainly leave a bruise later. But what worried you was not, the soon to be bruise, but the groggy sensation that began to settle over you. 
Blindly reaching for the syringe, you pulled it from your neck with a grunt. It clattered to the floor. Everything seemed to swim before you in a mix of colours. It made you feel sick. And suddenly your body felt numb, stubborn limbs refusing to move how they normally would. You lurched forward stumbling and trying to grip onto the wall to keep yourself upright. It was hardly any use though; whatever they had stuck you with made it nearly impossible to tell which way was up as your world span. You had fallen behind, moving without a coherent thought as you tried to keep up with the speck that you thought was Tim. Everything was too loud, but you could make out no sounds, just a piercing ringing. 
“R’vn…” Someone was talking to you. You weren’t even aware you had stopped and hands swam in front of your face. Touching. Someone was touching you; their hands were against your shoulders trying to keep you upright. But who…
There was no face in front of you. Only a mangled mess of colours and an echo of your code name frantically falling from their lips. They were trying to get you to respond, to say anything but your eyes and glassed over and your limbs had fallen limp in against the stone wall you had been stumbling against. 
And then your body gave up completely.
Tim had to scramble to catch your body as you keeled over, ragdolling into his arms with limbs splayed out in each direction. He cursed, panicked and settled you down on the ground to stand over you. Wide eyed, he pressed the emergency signal on his coms, praying that Dick would get to you quickly and that Batman was close enough to catch Ivy. 
He tried your name again, shaking you by the shoulders. There was no response; your head just lolled to the side. It was then that he realised your body was hot. Far too hot. He struggled to get off his glove before pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. You didn’t even stir. 
“Son of a bitch.” Dick skidded to a stop beside his brother, palling at the sight of you on the ground. “What happened?”
“I-i don’t know. She was fine one minute and the next she practically collapsed against the wall-” Tim stuttered, unable to keep his composure. Usually, he was the one with the steady hand they could all rely on, but now he was completely short circuiting. 
With a curt nod, Dick tried to shake you awake, calling your name.
“I tried that.” Tim stated. 
Dick nearly snapped at his brother for making an irritating statement when he saw the lines spider-webbing up your neck. They were thin and black, spindling out like branches of a tree devoid of its leaves. Twisting your head gently to the side, Dick revealed it to Tim who swallowed thickly. 
“Drugged?” He asked meekly.
Dick shook his head. “Poisoned.”
Tim shifted his vision anxiously between Dick and you. His head perked up when something clattered off to their right. Dick was up in an instant, standing over you with his escrima sticks flickering with their angry blue charge. Tim reddied his bo staff.
“Go find them.” Nightwing ordered, standing over you protectively.  “I’ll watch her.”
Tim darted off for a moment as the older boy watched you with shifty eyes, hardly relaxing when he returned a few moments later. By that time you had begun sweating and your skin had grown clammy and gaunt .When he looked at him with optimistic eyes, the younger boy shook his head. 
“Nothing. But I did find this.” He produced a small syringe filled with a dark green liquid. The one you had pulled frantically from your neck.
“Good! That's good.” Dick exclaimed, taking a shaky breath. “We need to get her back to the cave. Page Alfred. Get him to prepare the infirmary.”
“On it.”
Sliding his hands under your body, he scooped up your limbs with ease. “Hang in there, kiddo.”
“Get her on the bed, quick.”
Alfred was on the two boys as soon as he heard the cave entrance fling open. Dick was sling clinging to you as he bustled through the door, hot on Tim’s heels who forced everyone out of the way. They all watched you with worried creases etched onto their complexions. 
Dick lay you down on the bed. As soon as he was out of the way Alfred was replacing the empty space beside you, inspecting the spread of the poison. It had now begun to crawl down your arms and up the side of your face. Your features seemed sunken and your heart rate was dangerously slow. 
He reached for a needle of his own, sliding it into your skin before hooking you up to an IV. 
“What’s that?” Tim asked. His voice wavered. 
“Hopefully an antidote and some fluids to flush it out of her system. Babs managed to analyse the sample you sent over. The poison is lethal, but because she managed to pull it out before the whole thing entered her system, we think this should help.”
“And if it doesn't?” Jason’s voice asked from where he had been lingering in the doorway.
“Let's hope it does.”
It took much longer than they had hoped for you to wake up, but nevertheless you did. Slowly but surely you cracked open your eyes and blinked at them groggily. It seemed that Alfred and Babs had been spot on; the antidote worked, but it made everyone nervous to think that if you hadn’t pulled out the toxin when you had, the situation could have been very different. Damian cringed at the thought. 
They had all been there when you woke up. They had been taking it in turns to watch you because they couldn;t bear the thought of you waking up alone, but when Jason called out that you were stirring they all rushed to your side to sit with you. 
It was nice to wake up with the all beside you, despite the fact that you felt like death. Probably because you had been so close to it. 
Ivy was arrested and sent to Arkham without much of a second thought.Batman had caught her before she managed to release the rest of her poisons. She had made an attempt on your life. It was safe to say that she deserved jail time for that, though there was no saying how long she was actually going to stay there for. 
The air was much lighter in the manor now that you were awake. You were still on bed rest for a short while, much to your protests and grumbling. But, luckily for you you were surrounded by a whole handful of people that wanted to do things for you that you didn’t even need help with. Not that you minded too much… Either way, they were there for you completely throughout your recovery, glad that you were going to be just fine.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff
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fallingfor-fics · 4 months
Can you please do a one shot of like the abbot crew going out to a gay bar. Melissa and Y/N are secretly dating, and a girl from a different group approaches Melissa but doesn’t no how to take no for an answer. Leading to Y/N stepping in and a bar fight breaks out between the two and the groups they came with. Ending the night with Melissa and Barbara bailing Y/N and the rest of the abbot crew out and Melissa falling in even more love with Y/N for defending her. Maybe some smut if your feeling up to it…I had a dream about it…please and thank youuu😋🫶🏽
Sorry this took so long!
I didnt do it exactly how you asked but I hope you like it still!!
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Cat Fight - Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word count: 5k
Warnings: bar fight, dubcon, all around smut, sex on the kitchen counter without wiping it down first
Summary: basically the ask but no jail time is served lol
Every time you went out with Melissa you always had a blast, you would drink, dance, and talk deep into the night about endless things, and then go home with her. It was one of your favorite weekend activities. This outing was different though because you were being joined by Janine, Jacob, Barbara, and Gregory-- quite the bunch to be tagging along to one of the more popular but casual LGBT bars downtown. You don't even know how it happened but here you were, sitting at the bar squeezed between Jacob and Gregory, sneaking glances at Melissa from two seats down. It's not like you were having a bad time, conversation was fun with the group, and you loved hanging out with them, but weekends were sacred. These short two days were reserved for Melissa since you couldn't express affection all week at school, and rarely spent the night together during the week. But alas, you were cracking jokes to pass the time, and admiring your beautiful girlfriend from afar. 
“I just think its funny that Gregory has been hit on more times tonight by other guys than Jacob has.” Barbara says as she stirs her drink. This causes a laugh from the group but an eye roll from Jacob, and Gregory can be seen shaking his head.
“Well that's what happens when you buy a drink for a guy.” You said smiling and taking a sip. 
“Ok for the last time, I didn't know it was a guy, he had very pretty hair.” he laughed and everyone started to giggle along. You could hear Melissas laugh above all the rest and it warmed your heart. You turned to face the bartender to order a shot, hoping it would keep your mind off her. You had been hiding your relationship for months so you weren't sure why tonight was becoming so difficult and mentally draining. Maybe it was the bar, the place you two always went to and got to be yourselves, or maybe it was just because she wasn't looking at you as much as you were her. Melissa wasn't oblivious to the glances you were sending her way, but she knew better than to allow her eyes to linger a little too long on yours with Barbara and Jacob sitting right there. She was using every ounce of her will power to remain cool and casual.
“I'm getting another. Does anyone want one?” You ask looking around and everyone but Janine and Melissa, who were driving, nodded in agreement. 
“Great. Another round please sweetheart!” you say with a smile to the woman behind the bar and she nods, grabbing the shot glasses. You can feel Melissa's eyes on you and you know it's because of your over-kindness and endearing name you gave to the bartender, but you don't look in her direction and instead try to distract yourself by making conversation with Jacob.
The shots are lined up in front of you and you all say cheers before downing them, you make eye contact with Melissa when you are setting your glass back down and you feel your heart hurt. It's definitely the liquor mixed with general missing her, but you feel another wave of dread come over you. You look to the bartender and tap the shot glass to signal for her to pour another. You can feel Melissa giving you a concerned look but you ignore it. Jacob, Janine, and Gregory get up to go dance and you decide to join them, taking your shot and setting it down, glancing at Melissa and heading to follow them. Melissa watches as you walk to the dance floor with a slight sway in your step and lets out a small sigh. She knows how hard it is for both of you to keep this up sometimes, but it still slightly frustrates her how much you let it affect you on nights like these, when you do things like this in front of her knowing she can't step in to stop you. But she knows you're a grown woman and can handle yourself, so she just watches from the bar, listening to Barb rant about something. 
You are tipsy enough to dance confidently but without embarrassing yourself, you still have a mixed drink in hand so you are conscious of not spilling that, and you don't want to look too trashy with your dancing. You also know Melissa has to be watching you now, so you sway your hips and pull out all the moves that you can do casually but you know will be keeping her eyes glued to you. You make light conversation over the music with the others when suddenly you hear a gasp from Jacob.
“Oh my god guys look, Ms. Schemmenti has a womanly caller.” he snides and everyone looks over with a grin, you turn to look as well and sure enough a skanky looking woman has walked over to Melissa and is standing very close talking to her. 
“I didn't even know she had game like that.” Gregory claims after the woman starts laughing at something Melissa says. You roll your eyes but the group, being nosey as always, casually dances closer to the bar. 
“I mean she's hot but I didn't know she could pull women in a place like this.” Jacob says and they all nod. The group knew you were queer, but Melissa’s previous marriage and overall life confidence kept them from questioning her own sexuality. This fact aided in hiding your relationship and Melissa didn't seem to mind. You can't take your eyes off the scene. The woman is dressed in a body con bright blue dress with cutouts. She should be at a rave in an outfit like that, you think as you take a sip of your drink with a bitter glare. 
“So how about you let me buy you a drink?” the woman says with a smile as she twirls her hair. 
“Thanks, but I'm still working on mine.” Melissa smiles politely as she gestures to her beer in hand. 
“Haha you’re funny! Okay what about shots? On me of course!” the woman tries again and you feel your cheeks grow hot at the way the woman is shamelessly checking Melissa out, taking her in from head to toe. She then reaches up to play with Melissa's hair and you feel yourself stumble a bit as you zone out on her fingers touching Melissa's red hair. Hair that should only have fingers tangled in it if they were your own. You refrained from crushing the cup in your hand as you felt your skin get warm. It was no secret you were an incredibly jealous person, you two had even had this conversation when watching Moulin Rouge one night. You had told Melissa that the representation of love and jealousy in that movie was the perfect example of how you feel in deep relationships. You knew she could feel your gaze burning holes through the blonde that stood next to her
“Look I appreciate the offer, but really I'm okay.” Melissa declined once more and you watched as you finished the rest of your drink and walked back to the bar to get another. Melissa saw you and watched as you talked to the bartender. Barbara stood between you and Melissa and you avoided looking over at her until you had another shot in you at least. You then heard the woman speak up again in her agitating valley accent and rolled your eyes, deciding if you walked away it may have more of an effect on Melissa than if you stood around seething. You walked back to the others and kept dancing but made sure you could still see Melissa. Barbara left the bar to go to the bathroom and you felt a slight instinct to keep a stronger eye on Melissa in case that woman tried anything. You and Melissa made eye contact as you danced and your heart began to race as you couldn't help a small smile form when seeing her sparkling eyes look into yours. She grinned and then looked back over to the woman. 
“How about a dance then?” the woman smirks.
“I don't think my girlfriend will like that very much.” she says and this catches your attention, it was loud enough for you to hear, but the music and singing crowd allowed it to go unheard by the others. You don't stop swaying your hips gently to the music, but you focus in on their conversation again.
“Haha and who is your girlfriend?” the woman says with a cocky tone. 
Melissa gestures to you with a smile, and you look the woman up and down with a glare, looking at Melissa and then back to the other woman.
“Well I don't see much, I can handle her.” she hums and you stop dancing and straighten up as she turns to face you.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Melissa scoffs at the woman.
“Awe, why? Are you worried you might end up enjoying a night with me far more than whatever this loose little girl could ever offer you?” she quips and you feel your fists clench as you make your way over. Melissa straightens up and crosses her arms prepared to defend you when you chime in first. 
“Are you dense? She's clearly not interested.” you mutter to the woman who laughs and Melissa smiles. 
“No, Y/n it's fine she was just leaving.” Melissa says trying to keep the conversation from escalating. 
“Actually, if your girlfriend here really liked you why wouldn't she be out there dancing with you instead of sitting here talking to me?” the woman said with a grin and you shook your head. You knew you couldn't say much and draw the attention of the others but this woman was really getting under your skin for some reason. You saw Barbara coming back from the bathroom and bit your tongue, rolling your eyes and letting out a sigh. 
“Look, just do yourself a favor and walk away.” Melissa said to the woman and she shook her head. 
“No not after an ugly bitch like her called me stupid!” 
The group on the dance floor heard that and all came over to observe, drawing more attention to your friends and now the woman's own friends came to see what was happening. 
“Lex what's going on?” one of her friends asked and she scoffed.
“This whore just called me stupid.” Lex said, clearly very drunk as she slurred her words, and probably under the influence of a little more than alcohol.
“Woah woah woah lets not over react, this isn't the place for this ladies how about you walk away and we all just enjoy our nights.” Gregory spoke up. 
“Nah mind your own business asshole! This is between me and this fucking bitch.” Lex slurred out while doing loud hand gestures. 
You sighed and could feel your face growing flushed and you ran a hand through your hair as you tried to just ignore the woman. It was one thing to call you names, you could be the bigger person and walk away with that, but people being a dick to your friends is not something you care about maintaining decorum for. Still you took a deep breath and turned to get a drink, but you felt a hand shove your shoulder. 
“Yeah walk away like a pussy, leave your girlfriend to a real woman.” Lex mocked and you let out a sigh before realizing you were now drunk enough to use that as an excuse for the following action. Disregarding the comment that left the group slightly confused you turned, grabbing Melissa's beer from her hand, and tossing it on the girls hideous blue dress. 
“Oh shit.” You heard Jacob and Janine remark from behind you. 
“Y/n, hon come on, I think it's time we go guys.” Melissa said, reaching to grab your arm to lead you out but the woman reaches up to slap you but you reach out and grab her hair instead. In a blink of an eye the whole bar is now staring at the both of you as exclamations can be heard from both groups and Melissa is yelling every swear she can conjure up as her and Gregory are trying to get you off the other woman. You had her by the hair still and went to throw another punch until you felt a large pair of arms grab you around the stomach and pull you back, another large man grabs the other woman and you realize it's the bar's security guys. You hear your friends all yell at security to put you down, and he yells back and tells them they all have to leave or they are gonna call the cops. Barbara is the first one to pay off the tab and lead everyone out. 
“Have some decorum and just get outside!” She orders the group and they gather their things and listen. You don't put up a fight, but security still has a firm grip on your arms and is practically dragging you outside. 
“Okay Jesus I dont think this is necessary she's listening!” Melissa yells at the large man who just ignores her. He roughly lets go of you once you're outside and Melissa stabilizes you with gentle hands on your arm and hip. Eventually you are all waiting on the sidewalk as Janine goes to pull up her car. 
“Ok so that was wild.” Jacob mutters after an awkward silence. You lean against the wall of the building and sigh, Melissa looking over at you then back to the others. 
“Yeah what happened exactly? And why did that crazy lady call you her girlfriend?” Gregory asked and you didn't have the energy to say anything, or even look up at any of them. 
“Um. That lady wasn't taking a hint, so Y/n came to tell her to back off, and I guess she got the wrong idea, and things just escalated.” Melissa muttered as a cover. Since you had been so good at hiding things up until this point they all nodded without a doubt. Janine pulled up and Gregory and Jacob got in. You didn't move from your place on the wall and Melissa looked over at you then back to the others. 
“Barb you go ahead with them, I'll drive Y/n home tonight since it’s on my way.” Melissa said with a concerned voice and Barbara smiled. 
“Okay, I will see you ladies at school on Monday.” Barbara said before getting in. the rest of the group waved and Janine drove away. Leaving you and Melissa on the sidewalk. You still hadn't looked up or said a word. Your legs were getting tired from standing against the wall, and your cheeks felt slightly numb from the chilly air. You could feel your lip was bleeding but was pretty sure that was the only damage besides a slightly bruised ego. Melissa came to stand next to you, poking at your arm. 
“Are you ready to go, hon?” she said softly and you didn’t say anything. You finally looked up at her and she saw the blood dripping from your pouted lips and a faint red mark on your face that was slowly disappearing. 
“Baby your lip-” she went to wipe the blood but you cut her off.
“I'm sorry.” you muttered simply.
Taken aback she shook her head with furrowed brows, “For what?” 
“For making a scene, getting us kicked out-- almost having the group find out… all because of my fragile ego.” you scoffed hearing yourself and looked down to play with your fingers.
“Sweetheart, don't be sorry for any of that! I have never had someone, that wasn't family, literally fight a person for me.” She said playfully, using her hand to gently lift your chin. “I mean you did that because you care about me and your friends, not because you're fragile.”
You shook your head in response and opened your mouth to mutter another comment, but she stopped you with a kiss. She cupped your face with her hands gently, and softly kissed your lips with an underlying passion, being cautious of your busted lip, and stroking your cheek with her thumb. She pulled away with sparkling eyes and a grin which you met with a larger smile before reaching for her jacket to pull her into you again. You kissed her deeply ignoring the slight pain it caused, and ran your hand up her body to cup her cheek. Your breathing grew heavy as Melissa pushed you into the wall with her hips and you opened your mouth slightly allowing her to take over. Her tongue ran over your lip, she could taste the blood from your cut and the liquor on your breath, but she still deepened the kiss by letting her tongue enter your mouth and dance around your own. You eventually pulled away to catch your breath and you rested your forehead against hers as you shut your eyes and played with her hair. You had almost forgotten how much you had to drink until you stumbled slightly and she instinctively grabbed your waist. 
“I love you Y/n, and tonight only proved to me just how much I do” she spoke softly in her velvety voice and you smiled innocently with a red stained lip. She brushed over it with her thumb, and then stood up straight. 
“I love you too.” You said simply before feeling your eyes get tired. 
“Cmon, we are getting you home.” She said with a laugh and you nodded, allowing her to take your hand and walk you to her car. 
You knocked out the whole drive back, Melissa's hand placed on your thigh the whole way. She tapped it gently when you arrived and you opened your eyes to see you were at her house and you looked at her with a smile. 
“What? You didn't think I was just going to leave you alone at your place did you?” she mocked you with love and you laughed, getting out of the car and following her inside. 
“I think the nap in the car was exactly what I needed because I feel much better now.” You said smiling at her as you hopped up on the kitchen counter.
“Oh really? Well drink this whole glass of water and then we will see.” She said handing you a cup she filled from the fridge. She kept her eyes on yours as you drank it and she took off your shoes for you, placing them on the floor before kicking off her own. You finished the glass and placed it down as she turned to face you again. You grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to you, running your hands through her hair and admiring her beauty. 
“Don't look at me like that baby.” She said in a deep tone, her eyes full of a serious yet lustful gleam as she moved her hands to rest on the counter on either side of you.
“Like what?” you smiled, not moving your hands from her, tangling in her hair, running over her shoulders and arms, and then back to tuck her hair behind her ears.
“Like you want to fuck me.” she said firmly with a grin. You were surprised she didn't hesitate to call you out and this sent a chill down your spine. 
“Well, what's so wrong with that?” you teased, leaning in closer so you were inches from her face, your eyes darting between her dark green ones.
“The issue is how sexy it is but I'm not one for coercion.” She replies, moving to push herself away, but you grabbed her by the belt loops of her jeans and pulled her closer so her torso was between your legs and against the counter. You draped your arms over her shoulders and hovered your lips over hers, teasing her with a gentle peck to the lips. You pulled back slightly with a grin and she stared at you lovingly.
“Its not coercion if I want it and i'm barely even tipsy.” you say with a smile.
“Please Melissa, I just risked my life for you and I need to feel you.” You said with dramatics and a hint of sarcasm.
“Ha, now who is doing the coercing!” She laughed and you shook your head.
“Not coercion, I’m begging you,” you whined before pushing her away slightly so you could slink off the counter and onto your knees on the cold kitchen tile. “I'm literally on my knees for you… mommy.” You said with a grin, looking up at her with shining eyes. She smiled and let out a scoff. Your hands slid up the side of her legs, slowly over her thighs until you got to the button of her pants, causing her to suck in a breath before looking into your eyes again. You could see the internal battle she had and before you could unbutton her pants, she grabbed your hands and pulled you up to her. She pulled you in by your waist and kissed you deeply, letting out the breath she’d been holding in as she ran her hands down your waist to grab your ass. You moaned into the kiss and pressed your torso against hers. When you pulled away to catch your breath she smirked at you and sucked in her lip. 
“Okay but no taking care of me tonight, it's all about you baby.” She said, finding a compromise for her decision and you grinned, slightly upset you wouldn't be able to make her feel good. 
“Anything you say.” You nodded desperately and she let out a beautiful laugh before backing away and grabbing your hips to push you up against the counter. She kissed you again and your hands found her cheeks as you deepened the kiss with force. She ran her hands down your back and grabbed under your thighs to lift you onto the counter, not breaking the kiss. You groaned from the smooth execution and she smiled into the kiss. She pulled away and looked you in the eyes as she pushed your skirt up to your waist and pulled your panties off. You played with her hair as she did so and then felt your thighs squeeze together at the cold air and the way she was looking you up and down. 
“God you're stunning Melissa.” You said with a shaky breath as her hand pushed between your thighs and brushed your core with slow motions. 
“I could say the same thing about you hon, now be a good girl and lay back.” She said in a deep and sensual tone. You quickly nodded, leaning in for another deep kiss, pushing your chest against hers, cupping her cheek with your hand. You allowed your tongue to enter her mouth and kissed her with passion. She smiled into the kiss at your eagerness and she pulled away, raising her eyebrow at you and you placed another peck to her lips before doing as you were told. You pushed your hair out from under you to be laid out on the counter and allowed yourself to relax slightly. You felt her hands bend your knees and place your feet on the edge of the counter to give her better access.  The cold air caused your skin to prickle with small goosebumps and you felt your heart speed up as you awaited her touch. She traced her hands gently up and down your thighs before placing kisses along the inside of them. Her cold fingers came up to rub your clit and your body twitched, sensitive from being deprived for so long. You slightly leaned into her touch but the limited space on the counter kept you from doing so. 
“Just relax baby, I want you to be able to remember how good I treated you when you wake up tomorrow.” she said with a cocky grin that you could practically feel. She leaned in and licked a stripe up your folds without hesitation. Collecting your slick on her tongue before lightly sucking on your bud. You let out a moan and she gripped your thighs tighter to keep them in place as she continued to suck on your clit, licking circles around it. She moved a hand from your thigh to her mouth, placing two fingers in her mouth before rubbing your clit and then inserting them into you. You let out a hoarse gasp and she gently curled her fingers inside you, moving her head back down to continue torturing your clit. You arched your back off the counter and moaned at the new angle and she hummed into you causing you to moan again. 
“Fuck, Melissa!” You exclaimed, letting your hand come to her hair, brushing it from her face. She felt you clench around her fingers and held back a grin at how ready you were for her already. She thrusted her fingers harder, stroking inside of you and hitting your sensitive spot. Never taking her lips off your core, her tongue running over your clit before she continued to suck on it. You let out another loud moan and your free hand came to your mouth so you could bite on your knuckles, your eyes closing shut tight. 
“No baby move your hand I wanna hear you scream as you cum for me.” she said, not stopping her thrusts.
“Ah, ok- yes mommy.” you gasped out, tugging on her hair slightly, earning a deep groan from Melissa that you could feel. Your juices covered her face and hand now and you felt yourself clenching around her. You arched off the counter again and she brought her other hand off your thigh to rub your clit so she could talk you through your release. 
“That’s it my love, you're doing so good, cum for me hon.” She said, smiling down at you with dark eyes. You felt your release wash over you at the praise and your body shook as your orgasm flooded through you and you clenched around her fingers. Your mind went dark as you moaned loudly, fire spreading through your veins. As you caught your breath you opened your eyes. Melissa pulled her fingers from you and you used the little strength you had to try and sit up. She snaked her hand around your back to pull you up to her and you met her with a smile and flushed cheeks. She lifted her fingers to your mouth and you took them in without hesitation, tasting yourself on her. 
“You did so good for me baby.” She muttered in her deep, raspy voice, pulling her fingers from your mouth and back down to your center to sooth your sensitive clit.
“I love you.” You said with a smile. 
“I love you too.” She said simply and you leaned in to kiss her gently, looking in her eyes as you placed a peck to her lips. She took your lower lip between her teeth and you winced. She pulled away with a sarcastic grin and furrowed brows.
“Oh i'm sorry sweetheart, did I hurt your lip?” she brushed her thumb over the cut that was now bleeding slightly again. 
“A little. But its okay,” you said not taking your eyes from hers as you moved her hand to rub circles on your core slowly. “I liked it.” you added and she raised a brow. Moving to kiss her again she moved her head back slightly and thrusted her fingers back inside you without warning, she watched with a grin as your face contorted in pleasure. Your brows furrowed and your lip pouted. 
“Give me one more.” she ordered and you nodded, leaning to kiss her again but she pulled back, teasing you once more as her fingers moved inside you. The angle allowed her to curl into you deeply and you let out a gasp, her thumb brushed your clit in circles and you felt your second orgasm approaching rapidly. 
“Yes, mommy please don't stop.” you muttered breathlessly and she smirked, moving her fingers faster. You clenched around her and felt heat pool in your core as your orgasm approached. 
“Look at me baby.” She said and you met her gaze, furrowed brows and your mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as you moaned. Your legs shook slightly and you felt your thighs move to clench together and she didn't stop you. You sat up straight which allowed her fingers to reach deeper inside you and you gasped. Her eyes were full of lust and mischief as she looked into your pleading ones. Your eyes shifted to her puffy pink lips and you looked back in her eyes, silently begging. 
“Please kiss me Melissa.” you begged, your release approaching. She gave in and kissed you deeply, watching as your eyes closed and you moaned into the kiss. Her fingers sped up and she deepened the kiss, her tongue roaming around your mouth with passion and control. Your eyes squeezed tight as you felt the wave of relief crash over you and you moaned into the kiss, your hands moving to wrap around her face, cupping her jaw so there wasn't a chance she could pull away. She allowed her fingers to slow and you grinded against them as you rode out you high. Her other hand came to grip your waist, her thumb pushing into your hip. You finally pulled away and your foreheads met as you both caught your breath. 
“I'm so proud of you hon.” she said with a smile and you gently nodded.
“I'm definitely going to remember this.” you quipped and she let out a laugh before pulling you off the counter, your legs wrapping around her and her hands holding you by your thighs as she carried you. 
“Let's get you cleaned up and into bed.” she said sweetly into your ear and you allowed your glorious lover to carry you up the stairs and to her bedroom.
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Honestly I would love to hear your thoughts on all of the concepts you mentioned, but I’m especially intrigued by “reader who came back Wrong” and Simon getting possessed - if you feel like sharing of course <3
I just did the Possessed!Simon one here, so let’s do reader who came back Wrong
-a bit similar set up to SpecGru reader tbh. Reader and Simon have a fraternizing thing going on. They’re definitely more invested than Simon
-simon is a shit, per usual. It’s not enough to hint or just brush off gently. No, he’s gotta be nuclear about it
-reader lasts a couple months of trying (and failing) to pretend they have their feelings under control. Doesn’t help that Simon is sending mixed signals by still wanting to fuck them
-initiate strategy: time away
-reader takes a long-term assignment with a different team, but it is temporary. Theyre home is still with the 141, issues with Simon aside
-what was supposed to be a year becomes 18 months. At month 6 contact with all of the 141 (not just Simon) decreases. At month 9 it cuts off entirely. At month 13, Kate admits that a mission didn’t go according to plan but the 141 is not authorized to intervene
-at month 17 she announces that reader is finally coming back
-reader steps off the plane with bad scars on their face and a uniform with no patches (borrowed)
-they smile at the 141, express how much they missed their boys….
-but there’s just the slightest hesitation when Gaz hugs them. An uncharacteristic twitch in their fingers when Johnny throws an arm around their shoulder. They keep looking to Laswell for direction instead of Price. And they barely seem to notice Simon is there at all
-Simon is the only one to notice. And he keeps noticing.
-their signature has changed. He sees their after-action reports first and he almost doesn’t recognize it. Handwriting is off too
-they smile just a bit too slow at jokes that used to be just their type of comedy
-Johnny suggests a movie they used to love and they make little comments almost like this is the first time they’re seeing it
-Simon catches them eating banana one day. They hate banana.
-they keep looking at him weird. Just… weird. Like someone they know but can’t remember the name of. Except they do know his name - or at least his last one. They keep calling him “Riley” something they never did even during their worst arguments
-price notices too. Their combat is Off. no ones getting injured and yet… they don’t fight like they used to either
-they ask Laswell what happened. She says it’s classified.
-it won’t be for much longer
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
How about high tension between a male yautja and human. Where one gets drunk and finally yells that they want to fuck them already.
Tensions Run High
Pairing: Icheall-Dua (male Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2555
Summary: It was at a gathering for Yautjas and humans alike on a different planet than Yautja Prime. You had been constantly trying to hit up Icheall-Dua and he couldn’t get the idea! So, one night, during a feast of celebration that Icheall-Dua was going to become leader of the clan, you get drunk. A very bad thing. You have loose lips. When you tried again with Icheall-Dua and he doesn’t get it again, you straight up yell it in front of the clan.  
Author Note: I realized this has taken me two months to get to. Sorry that production has slowed down. I've been grinding away at my game. Also, I didn't know if you wanted spicy or not, so I decided to leave it out just encase. Enjoy!
Sonorous voices that boomed across the clearing filled the air. Joyous in nature. Prideful for the years to come. Every rise and fall of the suns to bring a life and challenges to the clan. You held up a cup of a drink that was considered alcohol. Between a Yautja and human mixture of potent alcohol, deluded for yourself.
It reminded you of whiskey with the slight burn with each sip you took. A drink not meant for shots. Rather just to take sips here and there. It’ll still knock you on your ass three drinks later. So, you took your time to consume the interesting taste of the smokey concoction.
Despite living among the predators of the universe and showing we are equals rather than enemies, the two species have come together. Some clans as you’ve heard are more reluctant, or rather downright say no, to allowing humans into their ranks.
Others, like the one you live in, are more accepting if you pull your own. You will not be babied. If you die, you die. A kill or be killed world on this planet. This isn’t even Yautja Prime. Yet, its dangers rival Yautja Prime.
You breathed in the marshes stagnant air. Though the division is still evident; Yautjas with Yautjas and humans with humans, you couldn’t help but find yourself drawn to Icheall-Dua. Marsh green and cream bellied. His scales are basic compared to those you’ve seen throughout your time through a few clans.
What Icheall-Dua lacks in different physical aspects, he makes up in his skills. From the words whispered amongst the clan, he’s a prodigy. He’s the next best thing. A male anyone would kill to be but could never get to his level. Yet, no matter how many times you try to send the right signals in Icheall-Dua’s direction, he doesn’t see it! The skulls, the meat, the Yautja way of courting!
Weeks of research were put into this before you attempted the first time. It should’ve been clear as a peacock spreading its tail feathers. No though. He accepted the gifts but never said anything after that.
At first, you drew back to ensure what you read was correct. Skulls of creatures are the first step. You did just that. Yeah, it wasn’t the dangerous creature on this planet but it nearly killed you! His obliviousness didn’t deter you though. You took a slow sip of your drink again, eyes sliding over to the beast that filled your thoughts.
A large cup filled with a similar concoction to your own was cupped in one of his large hands. Two of three fingers missing on that hand. You knew there was harrowing story to explain what happened. A story you would love to listen to with his deep, grating voice. The sound crunchy like stepping on a gravel road. Another sip downed the rest of the liquid.
With a sigh, you stepped around the larger species that filled the space to the bar tender. A night like this was to be celebrated with alcohol always being included.
After living around these guys for a quarter of your life time, you have learned it’s best to slip between them. Some will shift their weight allow you easier access around them. Yet, many have the mindset not to move for anything. You’ve learned to be slippery rather than it becoming a dick measuring contest. Not submission but avoiding unnecessary fighting. Why get wounded if it all could be avoided? Somethings in this culture you’ll never come to understand.
Once you reached the bar tender again, you set your empty glass on the counter and tapped twice. Ci’tha grunted and immediately got to work. Your drink was set in front of you with a tangy tasting fruit on the rim. You thanked the yellow based Yautja with a dip of your head then leaned against the count with your back to it. People watching.
Other humans were amongst the crowd, mingling with mainly other humans. Only a select few were chatting away with the friendlier Yautjas in the clan. None of them dared to go close to Icheall-Dua nor his father who had a permanent scowl etched into his worn features. A life lived through the ways of a Yautja of hunting and gaining scars along the way.
Icheall-Dua went to sip at his cup only to find it empty and shook his cup. You instantly noticed and spun around to face Ci’tha. “Do you remember what Icheall-Dua is having?” you rushed out and jerked your head over towards Icheall-Dua direction. The poor yellow Yautja jolted at the sudden move then glared at you. You sheepishly smiled an apology at him.
Ci’tha rolled his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I do. Why?” he grunted and raised a brow at you.
“Can you make it? Yautja sized?” you sweetly asked the lanky Yautja who stood in your way of impressing Icheall-Dua some more. Though, the two of you didn’t talk on the regular, he could see what was happening. He rolled his blue eyes again before got to work.
The large mug was set before you. You threw a thanks towards Ci’tha before snatching it racing through the sea of bodies. At points, you nearly shoved your way through but reframed from starting a fight. All you had was a mug and a small knife not long enough to hit anything important on a Yautja.
After breeching the main crowd of people, you were able to make your way up to Icheall-Dua standing in all of his glory. His father only a couple of steps away from him, speaking to another Yautja. Icheall-Dua, himself, was crowd watching until you stopped before him.
“Hello… I saw your cup was empty and retrieved one for you,” you spoke up and presented the cup to him. His sky blue eyes looked down upon over the jut of his small snout. Icheall-Dua blinked slowly in boredom, gaze glancing to the cup in your hand.
He reached out and took it. A critical eye peered and inspected the contents. You gnawed on your bottom lip, in hopes he would accept the drink but nothing else was working. Maybe a drink would win him over.
The Yautja raised his shoulders in a shrug and gulped from the cup. You silently cheered to yourself, praying this was him finally noticing your advances towards him.
Next to him, Zutouh, his father, leaned over and scoffed at you. It didn’t deter you though. Through his one good eye, he analyzed you. Not all Yautjas still accept humans into their ranks. The older generations such as Zutouh are part of that. You’re used to it at this point, even dealing with clans who would kill you on sight.
“Great party,” you tried to start small talk in hopes to get Icheall-Dua to open up a little more. “What’s it for?” A closed mouth smile was directed towards Icheall-Dua.
Icheall-Dua kept his nonchalant expression plastered to his face. “I’m becoming the clan leader,” he stated as if it was an everyday thing. You tensed up mid sip of your drink, eyes darting over to his marsh green hide.
Well yeah. Zutouh is his father and the clan leader. Yet, each Yautja usually has a bunch of children. You didn’t know Icheall-Dua was next in line to ascend the throne. By Paya’s grace, you truly didn’t stand a chance against any of the females who would flock to him. Clan leader got you lots of perks. A title Icheall-Dua had to have earned out of all of his siblings.
“That’s amazing! Are you excited?” you kept up with the small talk, using questions to get answers from him. You gulped down a mouthful of your drink again as it started to affect your mind and rational thinking. “Of course, a male such as yourself with that physique definitely deserves that position.”
Drunk words were sober thoughts.
Alcohol gave you loose lips.
Zutouh snorted and shook his massive head in disbelief. You didn’t care though. What you said was true. Icheall-Dua was built well, the prodigy everyone saw him as.
One of his upper manibles quirked up for less than a second yet you caught it. “This is my destiny.” His answer short, barely even sweet. You nearly deflated at that but an idea came to him.
“Well, does your destiny have me included in it?” you flirted with him again like all the times before. You hoped he would finally get the big picture you were waving in front of him.
This caught Icheall-Dua off guard. The Yautja nearly choked on his drink you graciously provided for him and snapped his gaze to you. Hope flickered in your eyes as you noticed you had more of his attention on you. His hand tightened on his cup, claws slightly scraping across the glass wear.
Except, it all faded away when he pulled back that nonchalant expression and shrugged again. You could almost scream at him for that. Your nose flared with a snort, lips pressed tightly into a line. The alcohol in your system not helping one bit. A near glare was settled on the stupid marsh colored Yautja who you’ve pinned for the last few months.
Like a volcano, there’s only so much you could hold in.
“For the love of everything unholy, I want to fuck you!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, fire blazing in your veins while you stared this male down. “I’ve been trying for months the Yautja way to get your attention. And-and nothing! You hadn’t acknowledge my attempts or even told me to stop! I don’t know what I can do anymore.”
It all came out. Ranitng out your horrible experience trying to court a Yautja their way. All this research was false, wrong. It led you on for months and left you to feel this angry… in front of a crowd.
Your shoulders heaved with each lungful breath. The crowd around you had gone silence due to your shouting. The realization struck you, dosing you in freezing cold water. Your shoulders tensed up, eyes wide, glued to the spot. Nothing could make you move until Icheall-Dua took a step towards you.
Then, you spun on your tail and darted between humans and Yautja alike, a stumbling, drunk mess. They didn’t part for you, even when you ran into them but when a shadow gave chase, they instantly let him through. Your arm was snatched in a vice grip that would bruise tomorrow. Heat slammed into your chest, forcing you to pressed to his torso. Tears pooled the lips of your eyes as you looked everywhere but him. You couldn’t see the rage of you interrupting his celebration, of you ruining the night with this silly crush.
Your entire jaw was swallowed up by a hand and forcefully tilted your head back. Through blurry tears, you find his blue eyes on you.
“Say that again,” he demanded with a voice he used to lead. You tried to struggle against him, nearly turning your head enough to bite his fingers. Nothing worked to get him off of you. Icheall-Dua easily far stronger in close quarters… yet, you didn’t want to hurt him anyhow.
“Why? So you can embarrass me in front of everyone. Show everyone how much of a fool I was? To think I had a chance with you?” you snarled then paused for a pregnant moment. He squeezed his hand tighter on your jaw in a short warning. Icheall-Dua wasn’t one to be around humans often, he didn’t understand their fragileness. “Should’ve brushed me off the first time I gifted you a skull.”
None of this would be happening if he had.
“And why would I do that? I was following the advice given to me by your fellow humans for your courting rituals.” If he didn’t have such a tight grip, you would’ve jerked your head back. Instead, you raised your brows instead.
He was following dating advice… What had they told him? Also, dating?! Your heart started to thump loudly in your ears, like war drums. He had gone out of his way to ask for advice.
A lump in your throat made it hard to speak. “What, what was the advice?” you questioned and untensed your muscles. The Yautja responded by easing up his grasp on your jaw and wrist. Icheall-Dua didn’t let you go fully though. Not that you could outrun a Yautja in the first place.
His gaze deviated over to a group of humans who were staring the two of you down. Everyone part of the party was. “Samual said to ‘play hard to get’. It get’s people needy.” Oh, you were going to kill Samual when you had the chance. All these months of torture because that dumbass told him horrible advice.
You couldn’t help the breath of relief that escaped your lungs. Then, you began to laugh and shook in his hold. “That’s the worst advice anyone could give you. No, ‘playing hard to get’ is the worst way to show someone you’re into them.” Your laughter died down. “And I thought my research was a fraud when you didn’t react to any of the gifts I gave you.”
Icheall-Dua growled lowly in his chest and spread his mandibles in a display towards the humans. The group jolted and instantly scrambled away to be hidden away in the crowd. With them gone, he returned his attention back on you. “You did well and everything right. I apologize I wasn’t properly conveying my feelings towards you. Will you forgive me?”
All that tension in your shoulders you’ve been holding for months finally fell off. “Yes, yes. I forgive you and whatever stupid advice Samual gave you. I would say to do research but… that has also bad information as well.” His hand on your wrist released you to cup your waist. Goosebumps immediately rose on your arms. A tingle running down your spine.
“And what were you saying early? If my memory serves correct: you want to fuck me?” Oh god, he just had to bring that up! Heat instantly rushed your cheeks.
“That’s-that’s just the alcohol talking. I’m drunk. Had some drinks… I don’t know what you mean,” you did everything in your power to get him off of that.
“Daring little thing,” he mused and ran his thumb claw across your lips. Just a little more pressure and he could slice the feeble skin apart. “Taking more than they can chew.” You knew you had chosen right. He was still going to fuck with you though.
He leaned down so only the next words were spoken directly at you. “Once this party ends, would you like to start the night back in my tent?” he whispered. Your brain blanked. Not a single thought entered your mind for a long, unknown amount of time.
When some of the fog cleared, you rapidly nodded your head, eager. “My naughty little ooman.” He returned to his full towering height and offered his hand to you. “Come along, I know of seat you wouldn’t want to leave.”
Curses filled your head, the only thing to make sense in your fray of mental words to yourself. The things you could do to him.
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cuteskunkz · 5 months
One Night With You
~ Part 3 ~
(Mike Schmidt x Reader)
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Summary~ The night starts to heat up between you and Mike after a few shots. 1.7k word count
Read part 1 & part 2 for context <3
Tags~ SMUTTT, pet names, olderbf! Mike (you're 20, he's 28), fem reader, public-ish sex, dominant Mike, submissive reader, creampie, drinking
Note~ I wrote this is a day!!???!!! Big shout out to my coworker Malachi who helped me with the direction of this fic! Heads up, I did minimal proofreading on this hoe bc it's deadass 3am and I have to be up in 5 hours for work (send help). I'm debating if I want to continue with this story so if you want me to update lemme know :33
Mike signals over to the bartender to bring out more shots, holding up four fingers. He nods at him as he drops off the drinks. "How 'bout two more, hm? Since you're soo confident..." he teases, a hint of competitiveness in his voice.
You furrow your brows with determination, "Fine! Don't expect me to drag you home when you black out though!"
"You actually think 3 shots are gonna fuck me up that bad? You're hilarious" he chuckles as he tilts his glass towards you. You take the shots in unison and glare at each other, scanning for any reactions to the alcohol.
Mike hiccups finally giving you the opportunity to pester him. "Aww is it too much for you? Should we slow down?" you assert in a sarcastic and flirtatious voice.
He flutters his eyes trying his best to adjust to the intoxication, "You won't be laughing when I say that to you later tonight..." Mike says while holding back a laugh
You punch him in the arm and giggle, "Oh yeah?" You gulp back your third shot, immediately feeling the sense of relaxation hit. It's like all your problems and worries fade away into nothingness when you drink. You meet Mike's gaze, wanting to hear more about him. "So... what's up with you lately? If you're going to take me out, the least you can do is tell me a few of your secrets."
"I mean, life's been rough lately but... when isn't it, Y'know? It's one always one thing after another." You can hear the frustration in his voice as he swirls around his glass, avoiding eye contact. Mike looks around the bar and then down at your hands.
"Yeah... I know. My fucking job blows and all I want to do is just- start fresh... no more late nights working my ass off just to miss rent again." The drunken state you're in is allowing your emotions to spill out with no hesitation.
"Believe me I'm in the same boat. I mean..." he sighs and rubs his temples. "I work as security for an abandoned pizzeria like....it's fucking abandoned! What am I actually securing dude!" Mike buries his face in his hands, feeling insane for working such a dead end job. "There's people my age with degrees and real accomplishments under their belt and what am I doing? Wasting my life days at a time for shit hours and pay."
You grab his hand and hold it tight. "Mike... I'm literally a stripper... I'm in no place to judge" you say in an attempt to lighten the mood and smile at him. "We do what we do for a reason, right? To keep a roof over our heads... and to go out drinking!" He chuckles at your words and takes a deep breath.
"Yeah...." Mike grips your hand tighter and wets his lips before speaking, "You wanna take a walk?"
"Sure! Fresh air won't hurt." He holds your hand to help you out of the booth and guides you to the parking lot. With it being a small town it, isn't so crowded out. Cars occasionally pass by as the warm breeze cools you both down. You look up at the night sky, amazed by the twinkling stars. Mike stares at you longingly and smirks. He can't think back to the last time a girl made him feel the way he does right now
"Isn't it so beautiful, Mike?" you say while gazing at the stars.
"Yeah.... definitely" he responds still taking in your features. His chest tightens and thoughts begin to race in his head. Mike didn't want to ruin the moment by taking things too fast but god did you look breathtaking right now. "So beautiful..."
You peer down at him and notice he hadn't looked up once and was fully referring to you. This causes a pink color to rush across your cheeks and you move closer to him. He caresses your cheek and plays with a strand of your hair. "Y-you... you don't have a boyfriend, right?"
You seductively respond back at him, "You want to change that, sir?" Mike swiftly wraps his hand around the back of your neck to bring you in to meet his lips. His kiss is hungry for more, clearly desperate for your embrace. He's completely given up on taking it slow.
You pull away and look up at him, your eyes glassy from the drinks. The lip gloss you wore transferred onto his lips. "You sure about this? I know we were drinking and I don't want-"
"Mike..." you roll your eyes at him, wanting him to take control.
"I just don't want to be too rough on you... or ruin my chance with you." he says in a low voice.
"All that flirting earlier and you're backing out now? Don't you want to..." you pout at him playfully, "teach me a lesson for going out with strangers?" A little giggle escapes you when suddenly you're grabbed by the wrist and dragged to the alley next to the bar.
"Do you want this? Yes or no. No bullshit, tell me now." he exclaims as you're backed up against the wall, him towering over you.
"Y-yes sir I do..."
He reaches his hand up your skirt and feels up and down your lacy panties. "You wore these for me, hm?"
"Y-yeah I did... Do you like them?"
"Of course I do sweetheart. Very kind of you to do that for me" He starts pulling them to the side, eager to feel your arousal. He slips his finger in to rub small circles with your wetness. "All that from some kisses? What an eager little girl, so adorable"
"I really like you- that's all!" You're not sure why Mike is making you feel this shy and bashful. You'd like to think you're very dominating towards men due to your profession but he's proving this to be false very quickly.
He grabs you by your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes and speaks. "Promise me that if at any point you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, you'll tell me...okay?"
You mumble this promise over and over again while feeling up on him through his jeans, your excitement for what's to come literally dripping out of you.
"That's a good girl. You're an amazing listener, do you know that? Keep it up, kiddo" he teases. He turns you around to face the brick wall and pushes your skirt up. "You ready for me?"
You nod your head quickly, overcome with passion.
"Use your words, pretty girl. You can do it."
"Yes... I'm ready, I promise!"
"Yes, who?" Mike says in a commanding manner.
"Yes, sir..." Your legs tremble uncontrollably and your breath accelerates, something about the thrill of possibly being caught is turning up the heat.
He slowly pushes into you, letting you adjust to his cock. "Theeere we go... How does that feel, babygirl?" He bottoms out, his tip kissing your cervix ever so slightly.
"It's g-good sir... feels good" The euphoria from the shots and his length are sure to collaborate with each other in your body.
Mike starts to thrust slowly, using your hips as leverage. Small whimpers and moans slip out of you. "I bet it does... You're so tight around me... I seriously don't know how you're not taken already... A pretty girl with a tight pussy like this should be fuckin' married by now."
He pounds into your cunt harder almost as if he's mad at you for being single. The sound of skin on skin fills the dark alley. Your eyes roll backwards when he hits your sweet spot repeatedly, pushing you closer to the edge of breaking. "Sir p-please... can't go for much longer... S'too much" you beg.
"You can take more, I know you can. Hang in there for me, okay? He says this in such a genuine way, it's only making you fall for him more. You're really hoping this isn't a one night stand situation.
He grunts and moves his hands around your neck, putting you into pretty much a headlock. His cock throbs violently in you, threatening to release soon. "Fuuckk I needed this..." You arch your back against him allowing for your g-spot to be avoided as to not cum quickly.
He instantly noticed this shift and pulls you back up, "You wanted this, don't run now..." There's a hint of condescension in his words. You moan loudly when he juts harshly into your poor pussy, leaking with fervor.
"Can you stay quiet for me baby? Just a little longer, okay? We can't have people finding us out here, right?"
"B-but sir-"
"No buts princess... That's a direction. What happened to my good little listener?"
You pout and bite your lip to hold in the moans begging to topple out of you. Only small whimpers and whines allowed you remind yourself mentally as he continues on. He purposely rubs on your spot with his thick cock and sneaks a hand down to toy with your swollen clit, guaranteeing to make you cum any second.
"M'gonna... gonna cum... Mike please!!!"
"Cum on my cock like a good girl, baby. You deserve it after all..." You quiver and whimper as you reach your limit, your pussy clenching down onto his member. You squirt from the stimulation, dripping down on your legs and leaving a wet spot on his jeans. Mike's thrusts get sloppier and his moans get heavier simultaneously.
"Y-you're on the pill, r-right?" You nod aggressively with his hand over your mouth to block your screams of pleasure. "G-good... gonna ffuckin' cum inside- shit... fucccckk...." He pumps all his cum into you, whining into your ear. He keeps his cock stuffed inside your hole so he can catch his breath.
"You did very very well baby.... I'm proud of you" he says while stroking your hair. When he pulls out, little drips of cum leak down your thighs. Mike pulls your panties back into place and pats you on the head. "Ready to head home, little one?"
You turn around to face him and smile from being fully fucked out and cockdrunk. "Cooould I... come home with you maybe?"
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
boyfriend drabbles (pt.7)
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Pairing: Boxer!Jungkook x Reader
Summary: the one where you surprise your boyfriend at his boxing lesson
Word count: 500+
a/n: omg i literally wrote this like ten minutes ago randomly when i had a sudden idea HAHHAHA so it might not be the best but anyways 😊😊
“Baby, you’ve got to let go of me, I have to leave now,” Jungkook laughs as your sleepy figure clings onto his torso, gripping him even tighter than before.
“Why,” You whine into his shirt, “Wanna cuddle with you in bed,” You drag out your words, unwilling to let your boyfriend go.
“I’ll be back straight away after I’m done, I promise,” He presses a kiss to your head and rubs your back, attempting to console your whiny self.
“Urgh,” You can only grumble as you pout, looking up at Jungkook who’s smiling fondly at you, his lip ring reflecting from the room light.
With much consoling and convincing from your boyfriend, you begrudgingly let him go, giving him a kiss goodbye as he shuts the front door of his apartment.
You flop yourself on Jungkook’s couch as silence fills the air.
Luckily, waiting for Jungkook to be done with his boxing lesson was not as bad as it could have been, since you were currently preoccupied with making him a bento box lunch, excited to surprise him at his lesson.
You meticulously place the seaweed to form a cute panda made out of rice, as well as other ingredients you know Jungkook loves.
Your phone lights up, letting you know that the car you ordered to send you over was here.
When you enter the building, you take the lift up to the floor Jungkook was at. You often visited him at his practices, proudly recording his progress through videos on your phone, smiling secretly behind the camera.
Jungkook was currently going at a punching bag as the loud thudding sounds filled the air. His friends who were currently sitting at the table and watching him noticed your presence, nodding their heads to acknowledge you.
When Jungkook was done with the punching bag, you watch and giggle to yourself as he pants heavily, muttering a “so tiring, so tiring,”
But your boyfriend picks up on the giggle that emits from your mouth, head whipping to your direction and eyes lighting up.
“Jagi! What are you doing here,” Sweaty and sticky Jungkook runs to you, embracing you in excitement. You laugh as you softly push him away, “Baby, don’t hug me right now, you’re so sticky,” You whine as Jungkook gives you an apologetic kiss.
“Sorry baby, too excited to see my girl,” He winks as you roll your eyes, putting the bag of food down on the table as Jungkook readily sits on the chair, patting the other chair next to him to signal you to sit with him.
When Jungkook opens the lunchbox, his friends around notice the cute panda rice ball, and the other foods in the box, and they all gather around, trying to steal his food.
“Yah! Go away! This is mine, I’m not sharing,” Jungkook grumbles as he swats his friends hands away from the lunchbox. You laugh as you watch him smile fondly, taking a picture of the food.
“Thank you Jagi, you’re the best,” Your boyfriend smiles boyishly at you as he starts to eat, and you ruffle his hair in response.
“Don’t worry guys I brought extra,” You chuckled as you slid another box to his friends, as they gasp and thank you for the food.
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honeyhotteoks · 10 months
this night together - chapter ten (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter ten: the truth
chapter summary: seonghwa needs a friend and you say goodbye to your friends and goodbye to them as tour begins.
warnings: nothing too explicit except there is a frank discussion about alpha/omega/beta dynamics and pack dynamics that somewhat mirror real life lgbtqia+ issues like family not being accepting, societal pressures, etc.
notes: thank you all for waiting for me, i can't thank you enough honestly. it took a while to push through and get through the middle of this fic, but we're there. today (12.3) is a special update day, i'm posting three chapters - ten, eleven, and twelve. make sure you're reading in order starting here!
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 5k
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
Surprisingly the next few weeks pass with relative ease. It’s not painful like before, the crushing weight of their cold isolation. This time you all know exactly where you stand, and with you asking them for space it feels like you’re a little more in control of when and how the next conversation with them occurs. 
You spend the weeks working, keeping things cordial in the studio, and seeing your friends. Keeping things busy gives you less time to step back into that studio room and wonder what you should have done differently, so you fill your schedule up to the brim. In looking forward to the tour and the impending lack of your social circle, you start to reach out little by little to other members of the BB Tripping group too. 
There’s a gap in your life without them, but for now that has to be okay. For now, you grow your life in every other way you can. 
You’re able to focus on everything else until Seonghwa calls. 
Little cafe meetups aren’t out of the ordinary for you both, but meeting at a new spot halfway across Seoul is. You’re normally so attached to the neighborhoods around the studio, so the idea that you’d actually have to take the subway and follow directions on your phone sends little warning signals up your back. He sounded mostly fine on the phone, but something a little whispered in his tone left you agreeing to meet immediately. 
He said he just wants to see you one more time before the tour, but you feel the strange bubble of pretense around the whole set up. When you finally get there, after thirty minutes and much confusion, he meets you at the door with a clear expression of relief. He buys you a coffee and a fancy tiered pastry, and then shuffles you towards the empty, far end of the cafe. 
“The trip wasn’t too bad?” He checks as he pulls out your chair, “I wanted to try this place,” 
A smooth lie, but you’ll let it go, “It was fine,” you assure him, “this street is cute,” 
“Mm,” He nods. 
You have so, so many questions, but you start small, “Three months,” you sigh, settling into the seat, “it feels kind of weird,” 
“Yeah,” Seonghwa pushes your chair in and takes his own seat, “it’s hard to pack for a tour,” 
“I can’t even imagine,” You grimace. 
“You get really sick of miniature toiletries after about a week,” He says, “and you’d think that all the travel would be great, but you end up sitting in hotel rooms most of the time.” 
“Well,” You shrug, “you can always call me for an update on the studio,” 
“Oh, I will,” He laughs, “the time difference is pretty tough though,” 
“Still,” You insist, “we’ll make it work.” 
Silence lulls between you, he nods at your words but doesn’t say much else, and you watch as he fingers fiddle with the handle of his cup, restless and seemingly on edge. He needs something, you just don’t know what. 
“Seonghwa,” You murmur, “is everything okay?” 
“Yes,” He drops his hand into his lap, “completely fine,” 
You chew the inside of your lip, wondering whether to press him, “Are you sure?” 
He looks down for a moment and then nods, “Everything is fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” 
“Me and San,” He says in a rush of exhaled breath. 
“Oh,” Your eyes widen, completely blindsided by his words. You thought if he chose to share this with you it would be months, years even. He was so closed off after your heat that you assumed you’d let it lie, just like Wooyoung, but here you are. 
“You said I could talk to you about this,” He continues when he sees your expression, “but if,” 
“Of course you can,” You shake off your expression as fast as you can, “I just didn’t know that’s what you were going to say.” 
“It’s just that I’ve been thinking a lot about it,” He says, “especially considering everything you’ve been dealing with,” 
You nod, but keep quiet. 
“I don’t know, I thought it would be good to get it out there,” He confesses. 
“Then I’m here, I’m listening,” You lean forwards, nodding again in encouragement. 
He takes a moment to get his words together, and it suddenly makes sense why he wanted to try a cafe in a neighborhood neither of you lived or worked near. He reached out to you to talk about this, to finally share with someone, and he wanted to be one hundred percent sure no one from your lives would overhear. 
“Our thing,” Seonghwa nods and you know he means his relationship with San and Wooyoung, “it started off a lot like yours.” He doesn’t need to say their names, you know who he means.  
You smile, “Accidental and stressful?” 
“Definitely accidental,” He nods, “we had been friends for years, and Wooyoung always dealt with his heats outside of work and without us really knowing much about it,” 
“Really?” You find that hard to believe with how much he overshares. 
“Mhm,” Seonghwa turns the cup on his saucer one way and then back the other as he figures out how to start. “Usually anyways, but about two years ago he was out for his heat leave like normal, and he called San in a panic. The alpha he arranged to meet flaked out on him and he was too far gone at some heat hotel in Incheon. He didn’t have anything he needed, the alpha was supposed to bring it all,” 
“God,” You grimace at the thought. 
“Exactly,” Seonghwa nods, “he was in a lot of pain and he was really scared,” 
“Of course,” 
“San called me,” Seonghwa explains, “he was nervous about spending Wooyoung’s heat with him, even though he agreed.” 
You nod, but stay quiet to give him the space to continue. 
His eyes dart down, a little unfocused as he sinks into the memory of it, “He was so concerned about hurting Wooyoung or doing the wrong thing, and he was begging me to give him advice. Advice just turned into me offering to drive him to Incheon and helping him shop for supplies, and before you knew it I was up in the room with them both.” 
“Wooyoung was okay with that?” You ask. 
He nods, “Wooyoung was fine, more interested in making sure neither one of us was uncomfortable between his heat spikes,” 
You nod again. 
Seonghwa looks back up to you then and sighs, “Before Youngie’s heat, I had a bit of a crush on San. It was really nothing, just a bit of a flirtation in my mind. Someone to think about alone at night, you know,” 
“Yeah,” You think of Yunho for a brief, flashing second and the way you used to watch him around the studio. 
“But that heat changed everything,” He smiles, a little sadly, “I think you know what I mean.” 
You fight the urge to reach across the table and take his hand, fearful that you might break his willingness to open up. 
“The funny part,” He says, a fresh crease between his brows, “is that San felt the same way. We both knew alpha pairings were a little unorthodox, but for a while we didn’t care. We carried on for a few months, but we kept it quiet so it didn’t interfere with work or any of our friendships.” 
Your eyes widen. 
“Wooyoung still doesn’t know about that part,” He says quietly, “so I’d appreciate it if you kept that between us,” 
“Of course, Hwa,” 
“Things started to go further though. We were going on dates without calling them dates, sleeping at each other’s places, leaving things behind. We were texting all the time, sneaking kisses in the locker room,” He explains, “we just couldn’t leave each other alone.” 
He goes quiet again, and this time you do reach across the table, resting your hand over his twitching fingers, “What happened?” 
He swallows tightly and he looks away again, but his hand turns under yours to press your palms together, “One morning San asked if I wanted to spend the weekend in Namhae, he missed his family and thought it would be nice if we all spent some time together.” 
“Oh,” You breathe, the pieces of their story falling together in front of you so easily. 
“I couldn’t do it,” He confesses, “and I said some things I shouldn’t have. I told him that I loved him, but that our friendship was what mattered to me, and that we were kidding ourselves by not trying to find omegas of our own.” 
Your cringe, “Seonghwa,” 
“I know,” He breathes, his head dropping, “it was cruel.” 
“Your relationship,” You squeeze his hand, “what you had with San wasn’t wrong, you know that right? It’s perfectly,” 
His head snaps up, “I know it’s not wrong.” 
It feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room at the expression in his eyes, fierce determination as he snaps to defend himself. You stay silent. 
“I’m sorry,” He shakes his head, pulling his hand back, “I do know that, that’s not why I broke it off.” 
“My family is very traditional,” Seonghwa says, “they believe that alphas and omegas are made as a perfect match. They believe that every alpha has a destined omega and that a bond, a claim, should be between one alpha and one omega only.” 
“That’s so,” You trail off, unable to really form the words. Traditional is a kind, sanitized word for what it is. You would have said bigoted, downright prejudicial, and your chest aches at the idea that he grew up cocooned in that kind of indoctrination. 
“Hypocritical,” His cheek twitches, “considering my parents loathe each other.” 
You smile at that, “I’m sorry,” 
He shrugs, his cool exterior slotting back into place, “It’s a shame that we’re not a scent match, honestly. My parents would be so proud of me if I brought you home,” 
You take his hand again, brushing smoothly past his comment, “Are they so traditional they don’t believe in packs either?” 
“That’s worse,” He crinkles his nose, “to them.” 
Packs have always been a little controversial, especially with the rise in beta designations and the decreasing likelihood that omegas will find a true honest-to-god scent match, but it’s not unheard of. Polyamory and packs have started to crop back up in popular media, and it’s becoming more and more common to see an omega paired with two or more alphas despite the traditionalist view that it’s a return to baser, more primal instincts. You were raised knowing packs were an option, but as you listen to Seonghwa and understand his past, you know everything for him was the opposite. 
“I really am sorry,” You murmur, “it must have been difficult to grow up surrounded by that mindset.” 
He nods, and then takes a long sip of his untouched coffee. 
The threads are coming together more clearly, but there’s still a question lingering in your mind and the words leave you without any real consideration, “If you don’t believe that, then why break it off with San?” 
He grimaces, “My parents are fairly wealthy,” 
Your stomach turns icy. 
“And you know the money in dance isn’t exactly overwhelming,” He explains, “they’ve always offered their financial support to me, but it’s incredibly conditional.” 
“Hwa,” You breathe. 
“San thought I chose the money over him,” Seonghwa leans back in his chair, separating your hands again and resting his wrists on the edge of the table, “I tried to explain the situation to him, I tried to apologize for what I said and ask him for more time… time to figure everything out and to be able to be financially independent from them, but all he heard was that I wasn’t willing to lose the money.” 
You shake your head, but he keeps going. 
“You know how he is, he’s more headstrong than anyone I’ve ever met. Once he has an idea, there’s no telling him differently.” Seonghwa explains. 
“But it’s not true,” You’re suddenly so frustrated with Choi San you could wring his neck. 
“It is what it is, y/n,” 
“But,” You trail off, deflated, “aren’t you still seeing each other?” 
“No,” He says firmly, “only for Wooyoung’s heats.” 
“And that’s what? Working out fine?” Your eyebrows dart up. 
“For now,” He sighs, “and I’m under no big illusion that he’s going to forgive me and we’re going to go riding off into the sunset. He told me he wanted to be friends and he wanted us to continue being there for Wooyoung and we just let it go back to the way it was, and honestly,” his voice softens, “I’ll take some of him, even if I can never have all of him.” 
“Oh, Hwa,” 
His eyes are a little watery, but it clears quickly and he clears his throat, “Anyways, that’s it. That’s the tragic little story.” 
“That’s just not fair,” You shake your head, “you should be together,” 
He shakes his head, “Maybe, but I’m not willing to risk losing what I do have.” 
“If San understood,” You start. 
“Listen,” He cuts you off, “I know it seems like there should be this big movie scene, where we both admit we hurt each other and put it all behind us, and build a little pack together and have lots and lots of babies, but I just don’t think that’s going to happen. I’ve made peace with that.” 
You can see plainly that he hasn’t, but in the same way he doesn’t push you on your relationship with Yunho and Mingi, you take a calculated step back from pressing down on this particular nerve. 
“Okay,” You say, “well then thank you for telling me, and I’m here if you ever need to talk about it.” 
“Thank you,” The air leaves him in a relieved rush. 
“And Woo doesn’t know?” You’re hard pressed to believe that. 
He shrugs lightly, “He knows something, we’ve spent enough heats together for him to see what’s there, but it’s not something we discuss.” 
“Got it,” You murmur. 
“And you?” He turns the conversation back with ease, “Have you thought about what you’re going to do?” 
You nod, “I’m just going to leave it for a while. I’ll apologize when they come back and the air is cleared a little,” 
“They’re not the only ones who’ve messed things up,” You tell him honestly, “and if I could take back what I said, I would.”
“Me too,” Seonghwa smiles softly. 
“Besides,” You lean back in your chair, “you’ll all be gone tomorrow, and I’m sure I’ll talk to you and Woo and San, but you’ll be busy and in a completely different timezone. It’ll be for the best,” 
“Maybe a change of scenery will be good for them,” Seonghwa adds. 
“I hope so,” You murmur. 
“I’m honestly surprised they haven’t said anything to me,” He points out, “but it’s been the same as always,” 
He nods, smiling a little,  “I thought for a second Mingi was being a little cold, but he just had earbuds in and couldn’t hear me,” 
You laugh sharply, “Well,” you shrug, “I really gave it to them. Maybe they realized being jealous isn’t a good look, especially if we’re ever going to get the chance to be friends or try this again with a clean slate.” 
Seonghwa chews at the inside of his lip for a moment and then sighs, “y/n, do you want to know what I really think?” 
You dip your head, gesturing for him to continue. 
“I think they’re idiots, and I think they acted like assholes and you deserve an apology for it,” You can sense that there’s something more and he continues, “but I’ve made those mistakes. I’ve pushed away someone I care about, I’ve said the wrong things, and I’ve had a hell of a time trying to patch it back together.” 
Your stomach twists. 
“I’m not telling you what to do,” He says, “but I’ve known Yunho and Mingi for a long time. I see the way they look at you, the way they talk about you. There’s more than just an attraction there, there’s something real for all of you.” 
“That’s the part that’s terrifying,” 
“Yeah,” He nods, “and you know, maybe don’t take advice from me, the guy whose love life is beyond a mess, but I also don’t want you to regret anything here.” 
You reach for his hand again and take it without hesitation. 
“I just need to think it through,” You say softly, “and then be brave,” 
Seonghwa nods. You think that maybe if you can be brave, he can too, but you both let that thought lie in the space between you untouched. You don’t need to press him, not after everything he just shared with you and how much more you’re sure is there under the surface, but the thought is still understood by you both just the same. 
“I know you’ll do what’s best for you,” Seonghwa adds after a moment, “but until then,” 
“Until then let’s not think about it anymore,” You finish his words for him. 
He takes another deep breath, and you can see the way telling his secret has lifted something away from his shoulders. He takes another long sip of his coffee and then finally he says, “Do you have anything else you’re doing today?” 
You shake your head. 
“Want to wander around and help me buy unnecessary travel accessories?” He grins. 
“Seonghwa,” You squeeze his hand, “I would love nothing more,” 
“Great,” He runs a hand through his hair, “then let’s go back to Hongdae, I don’t know any of the stores over here.”
“You owe me a train ticket,” You nudge him as you start to gather up your things. 
“I bought you a coffee,” He points out, standing with you. 
“You always buy my coffee,” 
“Fine,” He rolls his eyes but you can see that it’s playful, “I’ll buy you a little thank you present for coming all the way out here,” 
“That’s more like it,” You tease, pressing yourself up on your tiptoes and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “now let’s go home,” 
Despite your long goodbye afternoon with Seonghwa, it’s harder to really say goodbye to them all on the day than you thought it would be. 
When the last practice before their flight is over, everyone dressed in their coats and hats and ready to go for the night, all of the BB Trippin crew lingers in the front entrance hall. Well wishes, talks of food to try, jet lag tips, the weather. You try to ignore the full suitcases by the door. 
It isn’t until the very last moment that the real feeling of it starts to sink in. 
Wooyoung’s arms are banded tightly around you when the realization of just how long three months is barrels over you in full force. You take a hitched little breath hiding in his shoulder and get your emotions in check, but it’s starting to become readily apparent now. You’re going to miss them, not just your friends, but them too. 
There’s a part of you that fantasizes about throwing up your hands and confessing all your conflicting feelings, chasing them down in the airport like an old movie and laying it all on the line, but you’re not going to actually do that. It’s not fair to anyone if you do something like that. You laid out boundaries for the past few weeks, they more than respected them, and you have no doubt they’ll stay silent over the next few months just like you requested. 
“I’m not going to war,” Wooyoung laughs, squeezing you back once as he tries to extricate himself from your arms, “it’s just tour,” 
“No, I know, I know,” You clear your throat softly, “I’m going to miss you though,” 
“Me too,” He smiles, running a hand through his hair as he steps back.
When you step back from him, Mingi and Yunho are closer than they were a few moments ago and they’re keeping their eyes elsewhere but you can’t let them go without a single word. You can’t. If anything happens to them you’d regret it so deeply, and your hand shoots out to brush along Mingi’s arm. 
His eyes flash with recognition for a second, but he remains cool and calm when he turns to you and you watch Yunho follow suit.
“Have safe flight,” You manage, your chest tight at the idea that this is really it. 
“You too,” Mingi says and then he sighs as he realizes his mistake, “not flight, obviously,” 
“Right,” You smile, his awkwardness breaking the tension between you so easily. 
“Be safe here,” Yunho offers, correcting the sentiment, “and good luck with all the debut preparation, I know it’ll go smoothly with you and Dahan handling things,” 
Your chest warms, “Thank you, Yunho,” 
He nods and then takes a step back, and suddenly there’s nothing more to say. 
“Well, we should go,” Yunho clears his throat, “goodbye, y/n,” 
“Bye,” You manage. 
“Bye, y/n,” Mingi nods, turning to take the handle of his suitcase from Yunho. 
They start towards the door, and you offer a final goodbye, and then a hand in the middle of your back draws your eyes to the side at Seonghwa. 
“Safe flight,” Seonghwa murmurs the tease low into your ear as he gives you a fast hug. 
“Shut up,” You shove him as subtly as you can. 
He smiles, a little mischievously, “I’ll text you when we land.” 
“Good,” You nod, “get some sleep on the plane,” 
He salutes as he steps back and drops an arm around Wooyoung’s shoulders, “Yes, ma’am,” 
You roll your eyes more obviously this time, but before they continue their teasing, Wooyoung tugs his friends closer to the door, “Alright, alright, I’m exhausted and our cab’s outside,” 
“Bye, y/n,” Seonghwa calls over his shoulder as Wooyoung shoves him out the door, and you can hear San laughing from just outside, Yunho’s voice echoing beside it. 
Movement from the door draws your eye, and Mingi hitches his duffle bag up over his shoulder. His lips quirk up in the smallest smile, and he waves, just a little. 
You wave back with a nod, and then he’s gone. 
The studio moves forward just the same. Quieter, but the same. 
You and Dahan spend your time focused on the debut, and despite how much you think of them for just a flicker before you drop off into sleep every night, your body is so tired from work that your mind never dwells for too long. 
Weeks pass around you in a busy blur
Three months doesn’t seem so long as it whips by around you, not unless you really let yourself slow down and think about it. You still get updates from your friends as they hop from city to city, photos online of New World where you can see your best friends in the back, and then their Instagram updates of every new strange dish they try. 
Yunho and Mingi stay quiet, just like you needed, until one night they don’t. 
The email sitting unread at the top of your inbox was sent three days ago. You rarely check your inbox, and there’s a real chance you would have missed this message entirely, but you just happened to be looking for an authentication code at the exact right time and there’s no mistaking what this email is when you stumble across it. There’s no subject, but there is a little preview pane of the first line and your breath catches in your throat when you see it. 
y/n - You said don’t text and don’t call, but you never said don’t email. 
Your heart tightens in your chest and you double check the email address. You don’t have it saved, but just know it’s Mingi. You need a drink for this. You step away from your desk and run your hands through your hair, heart beating fast, and you try to decide what to do as you leave your room for a breath and a glass of anything. 
You pour some wine with shaky hands, the quiet of your apartment feeling so loud around you. If you open it, you won’t be able to live in an ignorant little bubble anymore. You could delete it, really put your foot down about no contact and keep moving on. You could do that. 
You’re back at your desk seconds later with your cursor hovering over the email. 
He’s not wrong. You never said don’t email. 
With a gulp of wine for courage, you press down and brace yourself. 
y/n -
You said don’t text and don’t call, but you never said don’t email. I’m not sending this so you’ll reply, I’d prefer if you didn’t, but honestly I’m not always the best at saying something in the moment. Please forgive this. 
I’ve thought a lot about us the past few weeks and I wanted you to know that I understand why you’re confused. It was hard to see it before. Something made me insane when you said you slept with Seonghwa, and I can see how all that alpha shit would make sense, but that wasn’t it. Not all of it anyways. I’ve spent so much time thinking it through and what really upset me wasn’t that you were with somebody else or even that it was him. I was so fucking mad at myself for letting us go back to being friends. Especially now that I know you wanted us too and we wrecked it. I feel like a fucking coward, and I swear to god I’ve never been a coward before. You make me feel things and do things that make no sense. It’s hard to make sense of anything when we’re together except that I like being with you.  
These things are so much easier to say when you’re not here. Yunho’s better at this kind of thing, and you’re so good at it sometimes I can’t keep up. 
I want to say that I’m sorry for all of it. I really didn’t do any of it right. You didn’t choose us that night but you did trust us, you trusted me and I’ve done nothing but hurt you since that weekend ended. I thought you wanted to go back to being friends, but when I saw you at the studio the day after I couldn’t do it. I thought if I talked to you I would just cross too many lines, I didn’t realize how much more I wanted from you until you left. But I thought about how much it would hurt you if I pushed it too far at work, and then I thought about how much it would hurt Yunho if you wanted me and not him. Or how much it would hurt me if it were the other way around. Or what would happen if you didn’t want us at all? 
I think I should tell you that Yunho and I didn’t talk for a few weeks either, not really. I think we were all just waiting for the other person to say something, but the whole time we were hurting you. I’m so sorry for that. 
I feel bad about the kiss too. I just panicked, I didn’t know what to do to make you stay. I know it wasn’t the right time, so I’m sorry for that too. 
Yunho is sorry too by the way. Someday if we ever talk about this, he’ll tell you himself, but he’s my best friend and I just have to tell you that he hates himself for how he treated you. He’d be so pissed if he knew I was sending this to you, but you have to know it.
I feel like there’s so much more I could say… things that I want the chance to explain to you, things about how I felt before we ever got together, but you said we missed our chance and I have to learn how to respect that. That’s why I don’t want you to respond to this letter. I wanted to send this because I don’t think I can do this face to face right now, I tried to be honest in the studio that night and all I did was make it worse. I hope you at least read this and can understand that, and I promise I won’t write to you again. 
I want you to know that Yunho and I talked, and we agreed on what to do. We won’t reach out, we won’t push you. When we come home, we’d like the chance to be friends again like we were. We want you to feel comfortable with us again and to trust us again. I know we missed our chance, but being friends with you is always going to be better than nothing. 
We care a lot about you. I hope through all the noise you can still feel that. 
While we’re away please be safe and be happy. 
Please don’t respond. Mingi
You read it again, and again for good measure. After the fourth time you close your laptop tight and leave it far away from you. You want to tell him that you’re sorry too, that they’re not alone in making mistakes after your heat and that you all fucked it up together. A perfect mix of insecurity and biology and doubt and fear boiling over to make sure none of you opened up to each other and just said what you wanted. But you don’t say any of that. 
You’ll tell them when they’re home. 
For once you think the right thing to do is to listen. 
You don’t respond.
a/n: reminder, i am no longer doing taglists as they became too unruly to properly maintain. please turn on post notifs, check my blog regularly, or subscribe on ao3 to get immediate updates.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
The Hanging Tree
Find my CoD masterlist
You've known Johnny for years, and for a long time you thought all the codes and prep you two went through was just to assuage his paranoia. Until he sends you a code and you have to get out fast.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Warnings: Graphic violence, mild panic attack, minor character death, blood, gunshots, threats of violence, threats of death, spy shit, angst, whump, feral Soap. 
Word count: 5.1k
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In all the years you'd known Johnny, you had gotten to know how he worked quite well. He was occasionally prone to over exaggerating, and sometimes was dramatic. But he had never been flippant about your safety. Never. 
Which was why, when you got a text from him that said simply "hanging tree", you stopped breathing.
And then you bolted for your room. 
For all his planning and paranoia, Johnny had never actually used any of your safety codes until now. 
You stuffed some clothes and necessities in a bag, grabbing the bundle of cash you kept hidden. For Johnny to have used this sign was… bad. Bad enough that you knew you couldn't use any of your credit cards or anything. 
Briefly, you cursed yourself for not taking him up on his offer of packing you a bug-out bag. 
But you were still out the door in under twenty minutes, locking up behind you and starting to walk. 
You and Johnny had gone over the route before, multiple times. A few times on foot, more often only verbally, until you could recite the way unaided. 
You treated your memory now, reciting the directions to keep yourself calm as you left your home behind. For all you knew, you would never see it again. 
A deep breath helped to calm you, a bit, and you took the first turn. 
It wasn't late, fortunately, so you passed people as you walked. You smiled and nodded to those you knew, but didn't linger. It was best to move quick, but not so fast as to attract attention. You could practically hear Johnny reminding you of that. 
You paid for a ticket in cash to your first stop, three towns over. From there, you'd go west a ways, then back north a bit. It was a roundabout route, but necessary. 
Just in case anyone was trying to follow you. 
The sun had set by the time you got onto the second bus, your breath fogging up the window ever so slightly as you leaned your temple against the cool glass. You almost felt like crying, or asking him if he was sure, or anything. 
But his instructions had been very clear. 
"If you ever get this signal from me, you leave. Immediately. Don't linger. You remember the route?"
You had rolled your eyes. "Of course I remember, Johnny. Do we need to go over it again?"
He'd laughed quietly, pressing an almost apologetic kiss to your forehead. "Nah, sorry, hen. I know you know. I just–"
"Fuss. You just fuss." But your smile was unmistakably fond as you gazed at him. 
"Dinnae fuss," he grumbled. "Anyway. You get that signal, don't contact me. Right? This is important."
"Get out as fast as possible, follow the route, watch my six, don't contact you," you reiterated, almost flippant. Almost. "I know, Johnny. Is there… is there a reason you're doing this now?"
"No," he assured you. "No, just makin' sure, I promise you." 
You had smiled then and let him distract you with kisses. 
You breathed out hard, blinking back tears. No. You didn't have time for that. Safety first, then crying. Maybe. 
The transition to the third bus was a long one - the busses didn't run as frequently this late. So you got to sit in the terminal and wait, backpack on your lap, playing on your phone (on airplane mode) to keep yourself busy. 
Fortunately, from the looks you chanced around, you didn't recognize anyone. It didn't look like you'd been followed. That was something of a relief. 
Finally, you boarded the last bus. Setting your backpack down on the floor in front of you, you stared down at your phone. The urge to text Johnny, to call him, to ask if he was alright and demand to know what was going on, was… it was hard. Your next inhale was a little shaky and you swallowed hard. 
And stuffed your phone back in your pocket. 
Johnny had been very clear, and the instructions were for your safety as well as his. 
You couldn't contact him. You just had to get to safety and wait. 
The last bus stopped, and you got off. It was the middle of the night now. The sky was clear and cold, stars twinkling down at you, the moon bright. You started walking, shivering a little, keeping a close eye on everything around you. 
But nobody else got off the bus, and nobody followed you. 
From here, it was a long walk to the cabin. Johnny insisted on that, said that a secluded place would be safer. In case he needed to patch himself up without nosey neighbors calling him in, or he needed to lay low. 
The end result was that you were walking for a lot longer than you really wanted to. The chill wore off after a while, at least. 
Nearly-numb fingers fumbled the cabin key out of your backpack, and you unlocked the door, flipping the lights on. The cabin was cozy, not large but well furnished, and always stocked with non-perishables. The door shut behind you with a soft click, and you locked it. 
There was only one bedroom, and you claimed it as yours. Since Johnny had sent you all the way out here, he could take the couch if he got in while you were sleeping. You left your backpack next to the bed, stripped down enough to be comfortable, and collapsed. 
The room was bright when you woke, and you groaned. For a moment you thought about pulling the pillow over your head and going back to sleep, but no. You needed to get up. 
Groaning again, you dressed in clean clothes from your backpack and padded into the kitchen on bare feet. No sign of Johnny yet. No anybody at all, actually. 
Sighing, you went through your options for breakfast, and settled on a protein bar. Not exciting, but it would do. At least he had tea here. 
The day passed achingly slowly. Johnny had left plenty of books and board games in the cabin, even a TV and DVD player. But nothing held your attention for long, not with the low-level anxiety as your constant companion. You barely even felt hungry, picking through the available food with a choosiness entirely unlike you. 
Not even a hot shower helped to quell the anxiety. Every minute without an update felt like an eternity stuck in purgatory. 
The second day dragged just as slowly as the first. You left the TV on all day, playing movies without paying attention to them, just for the background noise. Just to have something outside your own head. 
Because the possibilities running non-stop through your mind were terrifying, now. 
You forced yourself to eat and keep hydrated. You cleaned. (You'd helped choose the cleaning products, you remembered a playful argument with Johnny over rags of all things, remembered whapping him in the chest with your chosen towel, remembered shrieking laughter as he chased you outside and tackled you down into the grass–) 
One book caught your eye. One you'd thought you had lost years ago. Johnny had sworn up and down that he had no idea where it was. 
Fucking liar. Your laugh cracked into a sob, and you pressed a hand to your mouth, suddenly terrified of making too much noise. But the tears didn't stop for a long time. 
The third day felt a little… listless. Surely Johnny should have come by now, or sent one of his friends? Surely it wouldn't be so bad to turn your phone back on and check for any messages? 
A knock on the door a couple hours before sunset startled you so badly you knocked over your water. You swore softly, gaze darting to the door. 
Someone called your name from the other side of the door. Not Johnny. Someone with an English accent, smoother than you would have guessed of one of his teammates. 
"Soap sent me," he called through the door. "I'm going to take you to him." 
You dropped a towel silently on the spilled water, aching to open the door. But you didn't know any of his teammates, not really, and you couldn't confirm one way or the other. You needed something more. 
"Ah, he said he'd get you ice cream?" The man sounded confused now, but still pleasant. 
And you relaxed. That was the all clear. You practically bounded to the front door, yanking it open. 
"Finally," you breathed, looking him over. Dark, nondescript clothes, dark hair, dark eyes. "Is he here?"
"Close," he answered, a little evasively. "I'm taking you to him." 
"Let me just grab my–"
"Leave it." 
You jerked a little, startled at his tone. He smiled apologetically. 
"You'll be back here soon. Might as well leave it. We need to go now." 
You hesitated. Something didn't feel right. But you'd been anxious for days - maybe that was still throwing you off? Or the lack of good sleep? He'd given you the all clear, it should be fine… 
"Okay," you agreed softly, grabbing your shoes and shoving them on. The cabin door closed behind you and you started towards the car parked in front. Black sedan, tinted windows. "How far are we going?"
"Oh, not far at all." Something jabbed into your neck and you shrieked, trying to tear away. But he anticipated that, one arm winding tight around you as the needle left your skin. "You'll sleep right through it." 
The world started to tip under you, at once too bright and blurring together. Your limbs felt thick and clumsy, uncoordinated. 
The last thing you felt was leather under your cheek. 
Throbbing in your temples woke you, insistent and annoying. You groaned softly, squeezing your eyes shut before opening them carefully. The sudden flood of light made you close them tight again with a whimper, pain radiating all the way to the base of your skull. 
Trying to lift your arm to block the glare didn't work, and you panicked then, a little. You couldn't move either hand, or your legs. When you tried, something rough rubbed against your skin, quickly rubbing you raw. Your breathing sped up in your panic and you carefully opened your eyes, head tilted down to try to minimize the light. 
You didn't recognize anything. You were tied to a chair, the rope tight enough to prevent you from moving much, but you could at least still feel all your fingers and toes. Quick looks around showed nothing but a bare wooden room with a spotlight set up directly across from you. The light was so bright it hurt your eyes, and you gave up trying to see anything directly around it. 
You had no idea where you were. You were tied up snugly enough that you couldn't escape. And you were alone. 
This time, there was nothing you could do to stop the panicked tears. Despite knowing it wouldn't help, you couldn't stop yourself from jerking at the ropes, trying desperately to find some weakness. 
The click of a door opening may as well have been as loud as a gunshot. You stopped breathing, stopped moving, stopped everything. Footsteps approached you, smooth and even. 
"Ah, you're finally awake. Just in time." 
It was the man from the cabin, the one who'd given you the all clear. You sucked in a gasping breath, trying to form words. 
"Best not. You're only here as incentive. I only need you alive, not unharmed." 
You swallowed hard at that, at how casually he threatened you. Your mouth closed without a word. 
"Good. Now, you just sit there and look alive." He chuckled a little at his own joke, stepping past you to fiddle with something just underneath the light. You couldn't see what it was - between the headache still incapacitating you and the man's bulk, you were useless. 
You nearly started crying again but swallowed it back with enormous effort. You needed to be quiet. You needed to not give this man a reason to hurt you further. Johnny would figure this out, you had no doubt that he'd find you. 
You needed to be alive for him to find. 
The man moved behind the light again, and you winced at the brightness. 
"Mr. MacTavish." His voice was lower now, drawling, insulting. "You have been making yourself quite a pest these last weeks, haven't you? You know more than you should. But you're not the only one." 
Your eyes had finally adjusted enough to the light to see the little red light underneath. He was recording this. He was making a video to send to Johnny. You swallowed again, gripping the chair tight to hide your trembling. 
"By now I'm sure you've noticed something is missing. Well, here she is. Still alive, as you can see. At least for now." 
The click of the revolver was loud in the otherwise-silent room, and you squeezed your eyes shut. He was going to kill you. He was going to kill you and send the video to Johnny. Johnny would never survive that, he'd never get over it, this would destroy him– 
"She is still alive by my grace, Mr. MacTavish." Something cool brushed the skin of your temple, making you flinch hard. But the gun didn't retreat, just shifted down to just under your ear at the hinge of your jaw. "Now, I propose a trade. If you cease your actions immediately, I will let her live. If, however, you continue on your current course…" The gun left your skin but a moment later there was a loud bang. You screamed, ducking your head down, unable to help yourself. Your ears rang with the shot, unbelievably loud in the enclosed space. 
"Well, I think you get the picture. Decide quickly, Mr. MacTavish." 
The man took a step away from you and you looked straight at the camera, eyes wide, heedless of the tears streaking down your cheeks. 
"Johnny, don't–" 
The pistol whipped across your temple. For a moment, you didn't feel anything. Then pain blindsided you, warm wetness flowing from your temple freely to mix with your tears. You choked on a gasp. 
"Tick tock." The man sounded completely unbothered, steps just as smooth as ever. He must have turned off the video, because you heard rustling sounds, and a moment later he spoke again. "That was quite foolish of you. Let's hope, for your sake, that you remain quiet now. Or my patience may wear out." He walked across the room without turning off the light or unbinding you. 
The click-shink of the door closing and locking sounded terribly final to you. 
Soap felt like he was losing his mind. He'd sent the code to you three and a half days ago. It had taken a while for him to get to his selected agent to exfil you, making sure he knew the protocols you two had in place. 
But the soldier had reported back that you were gone. The cabin had clearly been inhabited, your backpack was still in the bedroom. 
But you were gone. 
Soap knew you, knew you wouldn't take off without your things and without reason. Especially not since he'd been drilling the importance of your safety into you for years. 
Something had happened. Someone had gotten to you first. Based on the lack of blood or visible signs of struggle, someone had gotten to you and given you the code. 
This had been an inside job. Someone had known all of his contingencies and gotten to you. That narrowed the pool considerably. 
But still not enough. 
There had to be more he could do. He needed to be searching for you, he needed to make sure you were safe, he needed to–
He blinked when Ghost grabbed his shoulders, physically forcing him to stop. Soap took a deep breath, feeling like it was the first he'd taken in hours.
"Calm down. You're no good if you're panicking." 
Soap snarled, pulling away from Ghost. "I need ta get ta her! She cannae get hurt, no' fer me." 
"We will find her," Ghost said, crossing his arms over his chest, immovable. "And when we do, you need to be sharp." 
"Ah am!" 
"You've gone full Scot." 
Soap swore, and then swore again because Ghost was right. Not that he had a chance to admit it. 
His phone pinged. For a moment, neither man moved. Then Soap pulled it out, eyes going wide. 
There was a video message from you. 
He hit play immediately, going cold as he watched. Your scream sent his heart all the way down to his feet. His hands were shaking. 
He knew exactly who had you. Who, but not how or where. 
His phone was plucked out of his unresisting hands and Ghost was saying… something. Soap couldn't hear past the roaring in his ears. 
You were supposed to be safe. You were supposed to be away from all the shit in his life, safe from the darkness and the filth. 
And now this one man held your life in his hands. 
"--p. Soap. C'mon." Ghost pushed him a little, and as the rage and panic receded enough for him to feel more or less cognizant, Soap realized he was being herded to Price's office. 
"Soap, Ghost." Price looked between the two, eyes narrowed. 
"Captain." Ghost held out the phone without another word. Soap didn't watch, couldn't watch from where he stood, feet too heavy to move on his own. 
But the sound of your scream… that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
"Fuckin' hell." Price leaned back in his chair, rubbing a hand over his mouth. "When was this sent?"
"Just a few minutes ago." 
Price nodded, setting the phone down very gently. "I'll see if we can get any location data from the message." 
"And the rest of it, sir?" Ghost didn't move, didn't even shift his weight. But the tension in the room was undeniable. 
Price breathed out slowly. "He's targeting Soap," he murmured with an apologetic glance at the Scot. "Means he doesn't know the rest of the 141. Everything was addressed just to Soap. For now, we'll back off to recon only." 
"Copy that." Ghost did finally glance at Soap. "And her?"
Price was silent for several moments. "We have to assume she's alive." 
Something in his chest loosened with his captain's confidence. Price assumed she was alive, so Soap would too. Just because she'd been bloodied didn't mean she was dead. 
But it did mean that the arsewipe who thought he could hurt you would pay dearly for every drop of blood he spilled. 
It took far longer than Soap was comfortable with for Intel to find you. (Any time was too long, any time spent with that rat bastard was unacceptable, the sound of your scream echoing in his head on repeat, your blood-stained skin etched behind his eyes.) 
But they did find you. Price organized the raid. The best and worst thing? He hadn't taken you far. A couple hours from the cabin. Not far at all, in the grand scheme of things. 
Price led, with Ghost finding a good sniper spot around the back. Gaz and Soap followed Price in. The goal was to do this as quick and quiet as possible. 
The building had once been a home, but had been renovated and added on to before being abandoned. There had been no up to date plans of the interior that Intel could get their hands on. 
All they had to go off of was the video. That damned video. 
Two sentries outside. Price dispatched one, Gaz the other. Soap hung back, watching through the one uncovered window. 
No movement inside that he could see. 
The snake cam showed one more guard inside, back to the front door, focus on something further in. 
"Gaz." Price kept his voice low, almost too low to hear, but Gaz knew. He nodded, testing the door. It swung open slowly with the faintest of creaks. 
"Don't even with me, George," the guard started without turning. "Your break–" 
Price slit his throat, silencing him. The body slumped to the ground. 
Gaz went first, creeping slowly further into the house. A woman sat in a room further in, typing away on a laptop and speaking quietly into a phone. 
"...the Cayman account. Yes I'm sure. I don't pay you for your opinion, just get the money moved. Now." She hung up with a short sigh and then stood. "Ray? I need the car, Mr. Hammond will be late to his next appointment." 
Gaz moved silently behind the woman, clamping one hand over her mouth and his other arm firm around her middle. Soap pounced after her, quickly restraining her arms. Gaz dragged her outside at Price's nod. 
Price and Soap continued on, moving silently through the building. The rest of the building was clear. 
Except for one last door, in the middle of the house. Soap pressed himself to the wall on one side, Price on the other, both listening hard. 
"You see, I'll be leaving momentarily." Hammond spoke calmly, as if this was nothing more than a meeting. "I can leave you here to the tender mercy of two of my men, or I can shoot you now." 
Your muffled whimper sent Soap's blood boiling, rage tightening his muscles. 
"Don't look at me like that, it won't help you." Hammond was quiet for a few moments longer. "Well. I suppose I'll let you live for now." Footsteps approached the door, and it pulled open into the room. 
Soap lunged, tackling Hammond around the middle into the room. The first punch hit Hammond right in the eye. Soap didn’t even feel the impact against his knuckles. He didn't realize he was cursing, either. He just punched Hammond, again and again. 
Until a hand caught his, hauling him back. Soap turned, lips curled back in a snarl. 
"Easy, Soap," Price barked. "That's an order." He shoved the sergeant more or less gently in your direction. 
Price must have cut you loose, because your hands were over your mouth, wrists rubbed raw and oozing. Blood still stained your skin from the injury Hammond had given you. 
You were also the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Darlin'." Soap lurched forward, dropping to his knees in front of you, hands hovering an inch away from your face. Shame washed through him, hot and bitter. You were here because of him, you'd been hurt because of him. How could you ever forgive him, ever want to see him again? 
Except you hiccuped a tiny sob and your hands covered his, pressing them to your cheeks. You leaned into his touch, heavy and desperate as you started crying again. "Johnny," you whimpered, hands convulsing around his. 
That was all the convincing he needed. Soap pulled you in slow and careful until you could hide against his shoulder, one hand carefully shielding your wounded temple, the other rubbing across your back. 
"Yer alrigh', darlin'," he crooned. "I got ye. My sweet bonnie, my darlin' lass, I got ye." 
You had no idea how long you sat and cried against Johnny's shoulder. Long enough that you ran out of tears. Long enough that your breathing evened out. 
But you still flinched when someone else cleared their throat nearby. 
"Jus' my Captain," Johnny murmured to you, his hand never ceasing its soothing rubbing along your back. 
"We need to go." The Captain's voice was low and rough. You risked a careful peek over Johnny's shoulder and the Captain gave you a tiny smile, standing guard at the door. 
"Can ye walk?" 
You blinked a few times and then nodded carefully. "Slowly," you agreed. 
"Alrigh'." Johnny stood and helped you to your feet, holding you steady. Hammond was gone, something that you noted absently and were eternally grateful for. 
"Gaz and Ghost are in one car," the Captain told you both (mostly Johnny). "We'll take the other."
"Rog." Johnny kept one arm around you, helping to support you out. You tried not to look at the blood splatters on the floor and ground. 
Rather to your surprise, the Captain opened the door to the backseat for you, and Johnny helped you in before quickly scooting in next to you. 
"We'll head back to base," the Captain said as he started the car. Ahead of you, you could see the other car leading the way. "We'll need to take your statement." It wasn't until his eyes met yours in the rear view mirror that you realized he was speaking to you. 
"Okay," you agreed quietly, though the thought of having to relive the last few days sent your pulse racing. 
The drive was silent. Johnny refused to let go of you entirely, holding your hand and rubbing your knee, both relatively uninjured areas. 
You shuddered to think how you'd feel tomorrow. 
You had no idea how long the ride was. Long enough that you were nodding off against Johnny's shoulder, only to wake going over a bump. 
"Easy," Johnny murmured in your ear. "We're almost there. Then we'll get you patched up." 
You nodded, squeezing his hand. You just wanted to go home and sleep for a week and forget any of this had ever happened. 
The transition from the car to medical was… a lot. There were a lot of people and a lot of talking over your head. But Johnny refused to let go of you the entire time, staying glued to your side. 
But you still could never remember how exactly you got to medical, sitting on a cot while someone cleaned blood off your face, Johnny sitting pressed up against your side. 
"We should do this now, before you forget anything." Price lowered himself into a chair in front of you, out of the way of the nurse cleaning you up. You realized with a little start that your wrists had already been bandaged, and when you tried to lift a hand to check your forehead Johnny caught you. 
"Best not, darlin'," he murmured, low and concerned. "It's taken care of." 
You pulled in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before you nodded. Your hand fell limp unto your lap. "Okay." 
Price nodded, setting down something on his knee and motioning for you to proceed. 
You started slowly, stumbling a little. How you got the text and packed up a backpack. How you followed protocol, doing everything exactly as Johnny had planned. 
How you got to the cabin and waited. And waited some more. 
"He knew my name." You felt a little bit floaty by now. The nurse had gone, too, leaving you with the two men. "He called my name through the door." 
Johnny looked worried, squeezing your hand gently. "Did he know the all clear?" 
"He did. Not at first, he said… said you'd sent him to pick me up. But when I refused to open the door, he gave the all clear." You blinked slowly and licked your lips. 
The men exchanged another significant look. You just reached trembling fingers for the cup of water. 
Price rescued you, handing it over and holding it until you had a firm grip. "Then what?"
You sipped the water and shrugged. "Well, I opened the door. He knew the all clear. He told me to leave my things, because we needed to go." You paused, tipping your head a little. "I think he drugged me. It gets fuzzy, but I think I remember something hurting my neck, and maybe being set down in the car?" 
"Okay," Price murmured. "We're almost done. When did you wake up?"
Your hands started shaking. "A few minutes before that video." 
"You don't need to tell us about that," Johnny was quick to assure you, shooting Price a look as if to keep him from objecting. "What happened in between waking up and the video?"
"Not a lot. He didn't say much, just said…" You swallowed hard, hand clutching tight to Johnny's. "Said he needed me alive, but not necessarily unharmed, so I should behave." 
Johnny rubbed your knee soothingly. "That should be enough, aye, Captain?"
"Just one more question." Price leaned forward a little. "After the video ended… what did he say?"
You looked away, swallowing roughly. You didn't think you could physically cry anymore, but you wanted to. "That what I did was foolish, and I should remain quiet or he'd kill me." Your next inhale was shaky. "He wasn't planning to let me leave alive no matter what Johnny did, was he?" 
"No. He wasn't." Price turned off the recorder and patted your knee. "Get some rest. You too, Soap." And then he was gone, striding away. 
You leaned more heavily into Johnny, exhaustion pulling at your eyelids. "Are we done?" You couldn't raise your voice above a murmur. 
"Yeah, we're done. You did so well, darlin'. So well." Johnny pressed feather-light kisses to your temple and cheek. "Drink the rest of that water, aye? You're dehydrated." 
You drank, and then laid back in the cot when Johnny helped. His hand leaving yours caused you to struggle into sitting again, a pained noise leaving you. 
"Easy, darlin', easy," Johnny assured you. "Just moving this cot so I can get some sleep too." He dragged the cot right next to yours and then laid down, once again holding your hand. There was open pain in his gaze as he looked you over again. "I am so sorry."
"Don't. Don't apologize for him. It's not your fault." You held tight to his hand, frowning and ignoring the pull of the butterfly bandages at your temple. 
"No. They chose to do awful things, not you. Don't take the blame for them." You dared to scoot a little closer to him. "Please, Johnny. Don't let this destroy either of us." 
His eyes widened and a moment later he was curled around you, trembling minutely. His breathing was fast and shaky, unsteady. But you held firm through it all, lifting one hand to rub at the soft, prickly short hairs on the side of his head until he calmed. 
"You're a bloody marvel," he finally whispered, breath warm against your collarbone. "And you need to sleep."
"Stay?" You pressed your hand to the back of his head, gently holding him. 
"As long as you'll have me," he vowed, quiet and sincere. "Maybe even a bit after that." 
"You'll be waiting a long time," you murmured. Your eyes were closed and you couldn't pry them back open. Thoughts were hard to keep track of. 
"Wouldn't have it any other way, darlin'." 
You meant to reply, you really did. But between thinking of a response and trying to actually say it… you fell asleep. 
But you wouldn't have it any other way. 
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summer love
Adam Fantilli x Latina!Reader
synop: Adam and y/n meet during dinner in Italy, spending what seems an endless summer together.
song-spo: mystery of love by sufjan stevens + crazy for you by madonna (this song captures the final scene so perfectly like 13 going on 30 lmao)
genre: slowburn rom-com, heavy on the comedy bc i think i'm hilarious, but def has cute scenes. 7.1K words! (longest i've written??)
Prompts: building tension prompt
an: call me by your name vibezz + one day trip to greece vibez. shy adam with no rizz hehe. too many bad jokes/mentions of his italian ancestry lmao, witty & snarky friendship 😆 i literally forget what team adam favored for his draft my bad. also i know zip of italian culture so hopefully i didn't butcher anything nor have i visited italy lmao
cw: drinking, cussing, skinny dipping, innuendo with spoons?
It was a spontaneous trip which only it made it all the better.
Saving up the money, booking the flight, and the stay. With no itinerary, you spent the past two days on the beach and sleeping in from the jet lag.
You figured you would put your new wardrobe to use by wearing it out to dinner. It was a warm night, the sky turning into a dark blue, eventually turning black with stars sprinkled above.
You wore a loose summer dress to try an Italian cuisine. It was daunting to eat alone in a foreign country but then again you made it across the pond into a foreign country all alone. It didn't come this far to starve. So you ate and drank a bit of wine.
In between sips and chewing, you people watched. Noticing the large touristy family trying to eat dinner in peace. A native Italian couple staring at each other lovingly. And then there was you, all alone with no one across from you but it was okay. You were content. No one there knew you or even acknowledged your presence. With a light breeze in the air and the muffled sounds of people it put you at ease.
You took another and final sip from your glass, as your eyes hooked with a stranger's eyes. They stayed there until the stranger bashfully looked away, failing to hold back a smile.
You noticed this stranger sitting with what seems like his family. Him being the only one on the restaurant patio acknowledging your existence put you on edge.
You avoided looking at his direction as you waved the waiter for the bill. You fidgeted nervously with the table cloth as you waited. When he returned, he not only came back with the bill but a small bowl of pink, you assumed, what was strawberry gelato.
"Oh I didn't order this," you looked at the waiter with confusion,
"No, he did." he pointed across the outdoor patio to said stranger. He had a slight blush to his cheeks, nodding his head to the both of you.
"I see, thank you." you bid goodbye the his service after paying for your meal. You looked back down at the cold dessert and right up the stranger. You took a big sigh as you signaled him to come over to your table. You noticed how his eyes widened and him talking to his presumed family. He made his way to your single table as his family's eyes followed his path.
By the time he sat across from you, his family's eyes were on you, but you ignored them for now,
"Bold move with the soft serve." you finally took a bite of the gelato, waiting for him to make another move.
"Is it? I was just trying to be nice I guess."
"Just nice? What if I didn't call you over? Would you send another dessert?" you teased him, curious of his thinking.
He laughed, "Maybe I would have ordered one for me after the rejection," he took a clean spoon from the table and dove into your dessert, "but you did call me over, so thanks." the spoon made a pop sound when he licked it clean.
"I'm Adam."
"Well Adam, you just took a bite of my gelato."
"Well technically I paid for it." He said as he took another spoonful from your bowl.
"Wow, so thats how you treat a lady?" you dramatically say as you eat more of you and Adam's dessert.
"I'm y/n." you lean back into your chair, staring this man down. You caught what seems like his brother and mother peeking behind his shoulder from their table.
"Is that your family?" you nodded towards their direction. He turned around and saw them snap their heads in any other direction.
He chortled, running his hand through his hair, "Yeah, don't pay attention to them. They'll just embarrass me."
"What, you don't pick up girls often? Especially with dessert?" you joked and he laughed too,
He shook his head as he laughed but stared at you intently with a soft smile, "No, no I don't."
You didn't think his sweet gesture would lead anywhere, but you were starting to like him.
"So, Adam, have you been in Italy before?" It was a silly question to ask but you didn't know anything about him. He went on to tell you how he had family here and he had visited often. He even mentioned his last name and that definitely proved his rich culture to your amusement,
"Fantilli?! Wow, I don't think I've ever heard such an Italian name before!"
"It's not that Italian..." he basked in his shyness as he rambled off on his culture,
"Oh you're kidding, you got the double i and everything." you enjoyed teasing him because you both knew it was light hearted.
"So where are you from?" The shared gelato had been long gone yet the conversation flowed smoothly.
"Nobleton, it's near Toronto, but I live in Columbus for work."
"Columbus as in Ohio?!" you squinted at his answer, forcing him to hold back a laugh.
"Well it wasn't really my choice, LA would have been my first choice."
"Somehow LA is worse than Ohio." you blatantly say making him laugh. Before you could ask him more about which lesser of the cities were his choice, a tall figure appeared at your table.
"Hey bro, mom and dad are ready to head back." The standing figure smiled to you and smirked to Adam making him scoff at him.
"I'll be there in a few." Adam replied
"For sure," he said with another grin as he loudly slapped Adam's shoulder as he walked off.
"Was that your brother?" you asked the obvious,
"Unfortunately," he tried to not reach for his shoulder but his face grimaced in pain.
"Well." you said waiting to see how Adam was going to end this night,
"Well...what?" he chuckled ignorantly
"It was nice talking with you." you said honestly,
"Oh yeah, it was" he stands and gets ready to leave "have a goodnight y/n"
"Adam!" you raise your voice before he turns all the way, "Are you really not gonna ask for my number?"
"I didn't know you still wanted to talk with me." he rubbed the back of his neck,
"You know you have to be more bold than ordering dessert across a restaurant to know if a girl is in interested." you stood up to sort of reach his level, "So?"
He pulled out his phone and handed it to you,
"There, now we can talk more if you want to." you gave back his phone,
"Oh, I want to."
"Then I expect a text whenever possible." Both of you were aware that you would have less than a week together in Italy but it would be enough.
"Your family is waiting," you whispered,
"I'll see you soon y/n," he whispered back,
"I hope so." you watched him walk back to his family and left before they could catch another glimpse of you.
--- Day One ---
The next morning you got dressed for whatever the day presented with. You walked to a near cafe for a freshly brewed cappuccino and buttered pastry.
You were in the middle of journaling your trip so far, about to detail the discourse of the night before, when said discourse sat across from you.
"Morning stranger, I was just going to text you," he said with sunglasses on.
You nonchalantly closed your journal, "Were you? before or after ordering breakfast?"
"Well it looks like you just finished yours," he reached to the small and last portion of your croissant,
"You know what Fantilli, you are making a habit of eating my food."
"I'll make it up to you, c'mon," he softly grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the incoming tourist traffic,
"And where are we going?" you struggled to put your journal back into your bag.
"It's a surprise."
"Let me guess, the beach?"
"Somewhere where only the locals know about," he teased his idea. He noticed his hand was now intertwined with yours and hesitated to remove his hand. Before you even noticed his hand placement, he slyly moved his away to fix his hair under his hat.
After complaining of walking for at least 15 minutes, you finally went off trail, into nature, walking on sand to a huge cove opening of a secluded beach. The both of you stood in the cove's shade, watching the small waves crashing onto shore.
"I'll give you props of your local knowledge," you yelled over the ocean's noise that echoed in the cove with your hands on your hips.
"Does it make up for the croissant?"
"It does. But you still ate my gelato last night,"
"Yeah I knew you wouldn't forget about that so I have another surprise location after this one,"
"Woah, you came prepared Fantilli," you jokingly pushed him away, noticing his newfound confidence in comparison of last night.
"Do you have swim shorts on?" you asked him, inching closer towards the shore,
"Like you said, I came prepared."
"Then, last one to the water owes the other a gelato!" you bolted running halfway through your sentence, tossing your bag to the side, leaving Adam shocked but he was right after you.
Adam was far behind to see you swiftly take off your sundress and dive into the cool clear waters. Coming up for air, you saw him struggle to take off his regular shorts on the shore, leaving him embarrassed by your gaze.
"C'mon Fantilli, do you need my help?!" you yelled across the distance with a smirk. Soon he came into the water too, his shoulders shaking from the cold.
"You owe me a gelato." you said with a grin.
"Fine. But I'll just eat some of it, again." he said with a dumb smirk,
"I won't let you," you splashed a bit of water at him which ensued in a way too serious water fight. After both of you surrendering for the nth time and coughing up water, you dried out in the sun. You started a new journal entry, describing the cove and its scenery.
Adam on the other hand, noticed your small camera in an open pocket of your bag, and took it to himself to capture the late morning with photographs. He caught a single candid of you journaling, the immediate next shot was you noticing him taking pictures.
"What are doing?"
"Capturing memories." he turned the camera over the take a selfie of the two of you, "smile!"
You snatched your camera back to look at the photos and they were actually pretty good.
"So where is this second secret location, hm?"
"It's a secret for a reason."
“I don’t like secrets.” you admitted
“Yeah I can tell.”
“Don’t be rude.” you nudged his shoulder again
“I’m not, I’m just making an observation.” he laughed at your faked offense,
“Just promise me we won’t have to walk as far.”
“I promise we won’t have to walk at all.”
“Now I’m starting to like the sound of this.”
After drying in the sun completely you made it back to the city to call a taxi to take you said secret location.
The taxi dropped you off in the outskirts of the city, off the road there was a large shed of racks on racks of bicycles.
“Okay what exactly is this secret location?” you asked perplexed,
“This is only halfway to our destination, we bike the rest way in.”
Adam rented two bikes for the both of you and although you were caught off guard, you enjoyed biking, catching a breeze rather than walking in uncomfortable shoes.
You wanted to bug Adam again of where you were going on the ride to there, but you soon figured it out. In the distance there were rows of what you assumed were grape vines.
You were so preoccupied of where you were going that you didn’t appreciate the view of the countryside. It was beautiful to say the least, the skies were clear expect with big silky white clouds, the fields were bright green with patches of yellow, and the winding hills in the distance were mesmerizing.
When you reached the vineyard there was again racks on racks of bikes and once stocked away, Adam guided you to join a tour of wine tasting the freshest grapes of Italy, at least that’s what he said.
You weren’t a big drinker, nor a fan of wine but it felt appropriate to wine taste when in Italy. You didn’t want to drink too much because you did have to bike back. Which left you curious on how many people crashed into bushes on the way back.
Luckily the vineyard also had a restaurant so you could finally get something proper to eat along with the alcohol.
“Cheers,” you clinked your glass with Adam’s as the crumbs of lunch sat on your plates.
"I'll give you credit Fantilli, your locations are superb for a tourist like me. I've been graced with your existence to be my personal guide." You had a trait for theatrics.
"Thank you, but to be regarded as only a personal tourist guide hurts a little." Adam put his hand over his heart. He reached your level of theatrics very well.
"Okay in addition to a phenomenal guide, you are becoming a friendly friend."
"Friendly friend." he repeated robotically, mocking you.
"That is what I said." you took another sip of your wine to hide your embarrassment on how to describe what the two of you have. Luckily the waiter had returned with none other than strawberry gelato.
"Here you go, friendly friend, your promised gelato." He pushed the bowl towards you, "And I promise this time I won't eat it," you could tell he meant it as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"How nice of you," you took the first bite of the cold dessert which was much needed for the hot and fun day you two had. Which only made you feel bad for him.
"Do you want some?" you asked as licked your spoon clean,
He stumbled onto his words as he stared at you, "Nope I'm good."
If he really wanted some he would order one for himself, you thought. But hell, he can have a spoonful or two of your gelato. He's made a habit of paying for them so might as well.
You slightly sighed as you pushed the bowl towards him, "Go ahead have some."
"I'm fine really. Plus I bought it for you since you won fair and square." He tried to be humble but you could read him like a book in the moment.
"I can practically hear your salivating all the way from here." You dipped a new spoon into the bowl and gestured to him, "So have some."
"Are you sure?" he finally broke as he uncrossed his arms,
"Yes I'm sure. I don't want you passing out from not eating a cold soft serve on a hot day."
He didn't hesitate on your yes and dove in but was able to mumble with a mouth full, "gelato isn't a soft serve, actually."
"I should have let you passed out."
He smiled as he wiped gelato off his lips. You smiled at how stupidly cute he was. The first day spent together was short as he had plans with his family the later half of the day but promised to have a fun itinerary to spend with you.
--- Day Two ---
Your afternoon was shared with Adam this day. And he went all out this time. He told you to meet him by a near ship dock, which already had you stressed of where this was going.
He texted you the night before to wear active clothes but have a swimsuit on. When he mentioned the first you tried not to complain so early.
So you found yourself dressed in appropriate clothing waiting for him.
"Yo!" you turned to see who was calling and you saw Adam standing in a small size boat with his arms stretched out all proud.
"Hi," you walked forward, "So what's the plan for today?"
"Well do you see that island not that far away?" he pointed towards a small but very clear island across the water, "There is one my best local locations, but we have to get there on boat, obviously." he stretched out his hand to help you step inside.
"And whose boat is this?" you asked out of concern how costly these expenses were,
"My family's." he said with a soft smile. You couldn't tell if that was better or worse.
You placed your bag on the many of available seats, "Okay, so whose steering the boat?" you turned to him with your hands on your hips, looking for any other sign of the driver.
Your eyes followed Adam as he got behind the wheel, staring the engine, turning back to you; "I'm your captain this evening." he said with a big grin as he steered away from the dock, making you lose your balance,
"Oh! Of course you are!" you sarcastically yell over the loud engine. We are so dead, you thought, as you sat down in the passenger seat.
You held onto your hat as the strong winds were begging to pull it off your head. Adam noticed your uneasiness and tried to calm you with his stories of driving since a young age. After the short ride to the island and docking safely you felt slightly confident into his skills.
As soon as you two docked, you didn't notice much of the Island besides a small beach and the mountain itself.
"We're not hiking this Island, are we?" you asked as you both walked towards a base of a trail,
"Fortunately, yes." he answered as he fidgeted with his sunglasses on his nose,
"You do remember me complaining of walking yesterday right?"
"Yep" he said ever so nonchalantly
"So you thought hiking would be the next best thing to do?" you tried to reciprocate his calm demeanor but you could already imagine how sore your legs would be in the morning.
"Listen, the hike is not that bad and the view on top is rewarding!"
Ten minutes into climbing elevation, he lied. You were trying your best to control your breathing as he looked like he was barely breathing.
He was kind enough to stay with your pace though, "Just a little more," he said to inspire motivation,
"Out of curiosity, why are you not heaving like me?" He tried to laugh it off until you came to a stop. You were glad his answer was long enough for you to probe with more questions to give you a break. Nevertheless his answer left you surprised and impressed.
"Now you know why Ohio wasn't my first choice." He grabbed you hand and pulled you to keep on walking.
Now, you didn't hike the whole Island but just high enough to make matters worse, cliff jump. Still holding your hand, Adam slowly guided you towards an opening of trees and bushes to look over a cliff at dark blue water, which only made you feel sick.
"This view is not rewarding. My stomach is churning." you admitted as you pulled back from the scary view, removing your hand from his.
"Oh c'mon we are barely that high up,"
"We are high enough! Even if I were to jump, how do we get our clothes back?" you stared at him intently waiting for an answer,
He just stood there grimacing knowing you wouldn't like the answer, "We hike back...?"
"You're joking." you say exasperatedly. You didn't say it aloud, but these plans were a huge downgrade the day before.
He stepped forward and grabbed your hands, "We already made it up here and technically there is only one fun way down, so why not?"
You stood there staring at him blankly. "I'll hike back alone to get our stuff. Would you do it then?" he tried to negotiate but you were not budging,
"You would have to throw me off this cliff before I jump." your statement led him to raise an eyebrow and smirk,
"You are not throwing me off this damn cliff!" you lightly pushed his arms away,
"I would never. But think about it, if you jump you don't have to walk or hike at all!"
"If I jump, I'll probably never walk again!"
He tried to hold back a laugh, "Literally we are not that high up and if you land right you'll be fine. We'll jump together and I'll make sure."
You looked at him like he was crazy. You slowly walked over to peek over the cliff again and you guessed it wasn't that high. You shut your eyes tight and cursed him out in your head.
"Fuck it if this dive doesn't kill me you better hope it does." You started to take off your shoes and clothes revealing your swimsuit.
Adam stood there watching you and how quickly your mood changed, "You better start stripping because this adrenaline is temporary." He quickly followed suit and was ready to jump.
Your body shook in nerves and excitement, "Ready?" he asked as he held your again for the nth time,
All you could sound out was a scared mhm as you squeezed his hand. Then he started counting, "One...Two...Three!" You felt your body go numb as you ran off that cliff, involuntarily screaming before holding your breath for the cold impact. You opened your eyes underwater as you quickly tried to swim back up for air.
As soon as you broke the surface you looked for Adam. When you found him he broke the surface too and flipped his soaked hair behind him. When he saw you, he smiled making you break out into a huge grin, "You did it!" he yelled in pride,
"That was insane!" you bursted out laughing, almost turning hysterical but Adam started laughing too.
As the ocean's movement was nudging you, you admired at the island and it's size. You took in nature's colors from the dark blue water to the grey and browns rock formation to the bright green foliage of the trees. The sun was heading west on the opposite side, leaving you and Adam to float in the Island's shade.
As your adrenaline started to wear off, you started to feel how cold the water really was and decided to swim back to shore.
As you walked back to the dock, Adam asked, "So do you still want to kill me?"
"Not at the moment, no. Just don't try that scenario ever again."
You patiently waited, wrapped in a towel, for Adam to bring back your stuff, and you didn't feel any bit guilty for it.
He made it back less than 20 minutes, as you saw a glimpse of him jogging down the hill with your bag around him.
"Here you go, my lady" he passed you your bag, out of breath.
"Thank you, kind sir." you slipped on a sun dress you packed away.
After a few minutes of readjusting, you were on your way back to the mainland. Just in time as golden hour was setting in. The cool breeze felt calming after that rush. The breeze slowed down as the boat came to a slow stop.
"What's wrong?" you asked Adam, assuming the worst, if you two were now stranded right between two land markings.
"Just wanted to stop for a bit to enjoy the sunset on the water," He made his way over the rear of the boat with the cushioned seats. You followed his actions, taking a seat next to him; your torsos turned to the vast water. It was nature's silence filled with the calm waves splashing against the boat. Both of you sat there in shared existence, wishing the moment could last longer than it would end.
Adam turned his head to look at you, he noticed how the sun lit up your warm skin tone perfectly. How the golden hour made your hair shine. He couldn't describe it more awkwardly by saying, "You look shiny."
You furrowed your brows with a smirk on your face, "shiny?" you questioned as you looked at him,
"I mean you're glowing." he stumbled over his vocabulary as he wanted to smack himself,
"Glowing?" you poked fun at him crumbling right before your eyes.
"Ugh the sun is hitting your face perfectly. You look good." he said tired of his attempts to simply compliment a girl.
You reiterated plainly as possible, "I look good." ensuing him to groan in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands.
You nudge his shoulder laughing at his embarrassment, "You're adorable," you whisper.
You sat there, hugging your knees, laying your head on them as you admired the boy who has made this trip more special than you could have possibly imagined.
He turned to look at you only to be met with your intimidating gaze, but he held it as he realized for the past 48 hours, his mind has been flooded of you and only you.
As he held your shared gaze, you lifted your head, straightening your posture expecting him to lean forward. Although he considers it, he turns away and clears his throat, "We should head back before it gets dark."
He leaves you sitting at the back of the boat to start the engine. You could have sworn something was happening but didn't think twice of it. You pulled out your journal and began to start a new entry for the unexpectedly thrilling day.
Adam, now seated behind the helm, peered back at you as he started to drive off. He put his sunglasses back on as he shook his head at himself, stupid, he whispered to himself.
--- Day Three ---
The evening of the boat was two days ago. And in the habit of texting, sending voice messages, and calling whenever possible Adam had said his family were insistent on the plans they made beforehand so he couldn't meet you often as he wanted. With unfortunate timing, today was your last full day in Italy, tomorrow morning you will be on a flight back home.
You spent half the day to yourself checking things off your bucket list and trying all the cafes social media influencers suggested. When Adam texted you he was finally available, you told him you wanted to shop at a local market to buy some souvenirs. In less than half an hour he was able to meet you there, props to his running skills.
He found you admiring the gold necklaces at one stand, chatting with the vendor. He admired how bright your face lit up as you laughed, even with blacked-out shades on that made you look so, in the nicest way possible, unapproachable.
He stayed away for a bit to catch his breath. He found himself always running for you, but he would never complain. As he slowed his breath he found a site that he never thought would bother him as much as it did.
He felt his body freeze and go numb as he saw that famous smile of yours show because of a young man. He had dark, almost black hair and was slightly taller than Adam. He saw how he took the necklace you were looking at from your hands and positioned it around your neck. There was a small mirror hanged up and the man guided you to turn towards it to get a better look.
He saw your reflection as you nodded to whatever he was saying. Adam felt his jaw clenching as he saw the man move your hair off your shoulder to help you better.
As the vendor's son was trying to convince you the necklace was perfect for you, your eyes caught Adam in the reflection behind you. You turned to the overly kind man and thanked him but declined his offer for now.
You lightly jogged towards Adam and noticed his stoic expression, "Hey stranger, haven't seen you in a while," It was like he didn't even noticed you ran up to him, his gaze was still stuck on the tall dark haired man.
You placed your shades on your head, "Hello?" you grabbed his left hand to sway it side to side. Your touch is what finally made him acknowledge your presence.
"I don’t see you for two days and you’re already trying to replace me with another Italian?" he sounded so literal but he was joking, kind of.
You noticed how he looked down at you with an ever so slight pout. So you couldn't help to tease him, "Don't kid yourself Fantilli, you're from Nobleton, not Tuscany." you kept fidgeting with his hand,
His jaw dropped just a bit before he pulled his hand away after that comment, "So I'm not Italian enough for you?" he scoffed.
"No I guess not" you say in a sad voice with a pouty lip before grinning,
He crossed his arms across his chest, "I could easily use my Italian skills to get you half the price of whatever jewelry you want."
"Wait you're Italian? You haven't said so at all!?" you replied sarcastically to how many times you've heard the word Italian in a conversation.
He rolled his eyes, making you giggle, as he took two steps to walk away. You stopped him with your hand on his chest to bring him back in front of you,
"I'm just messing with you Adam, I mean your last name speaks for itself does it not?" you smiled up at him hoping you didn't actually hurt his feelings.
"You're a bully." he muttered as he looked at the general view of the market, avoiding your eyes.
"Hmm, I don't think so. But if you say so!" You interlocked your hand with his, "C'mon I really want that necklace and like you said I could use your useful Italian skills." you enunciated the overused word,
"You can get a similar necklace from another vendor." Adam stated as he led the way to another jewelry vendor, "They all sale the same products anyway." he muttered in annoyance at how he couldn't stay mad at you long.
With his help, Adam suggested and was kind enough to buy another a piece of jewelry you were eyeing. And of course he helped you to wear it as soon as you bought it. After more window shopping, you headed to have your final dinner in Italy. It was also the final shared dinner with Adam, but it was fulfilling. As you took advantage of consuming alcohol in a foreign country, conversation flowed with curiosity as you and Adam learned more about each other and life back home. Even if both of your homes were far away from each other.
“I’m gonna miss authentic strawberry gelato,” you licked your lips as you and Adam walked to the outskirts of the nearest beach. You suggested to stargaze on the beach after dinner.
“You have me to thank for that.” He bolstered himself as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you finally met sand.
As you walked a bit further to find the perfect spot to lay down, you plopped yourself to the ground, pulling on Adam’s arm with you. As you laid back you saw the twinkling stars spinning, most likely from the wine.
Adam laid down right next to you and admired the same stars, his stars not spinning as much.
“This is nice,” he whispered over the soft waves,
“This is perfect.” you whispered back,
Your left hand hesitantly searched for Adam’s and once you found it, he instantly interlocked his fingers with yours. He fidgeted with one of the rings he bought you a few hours earlier.
After the shared moment with the ocean as ambient noise, Adam sat up, making you copy him.
“Should we take a final swim?” He asked as he looked ahead at the moon reflected water,
“I don’t have a swimsuit under my dress,” you practically replied,
“So?” he said confidently,
“What are you insinuating, Fantilli?” you started to giggle, some fault at the alcohol.
“C’mon,” he stood up and he helped you up to stand. He walked closer to the water and started to take off his shirt.
“Are serious?” you sobered up quick as you fixated on his back muscles, “the water is going to be freezing!” He continued to take off his shorts, “you might want to turn around,” he offered and he stripped completely naked.
You quickly covered your eyes and shrieked at him for his boldness, “Adam what the hell are you doing!?” You heard him laugh and heard the calm water being disturbed before he shouted from the cold.
Assuming it was safe to look, you saw him floating upright in the dark water,
“Is it cold?” You whispered-yelled, afraid of someone seeing you two but it was late at night and the streets were practically empty.
“It’s alright.” He said through chattering teeth.
“Your turn.” He yelled back from the water,
“You’re insane! I’m not stripping naked!” you crossed your arms as the chilly breeze gave you goosebumps.
“Oh c’mon it’s your last night here, you have to do something insane like skinny dipping!”
You stood there contemplating. If you were going to be honest, you really did want to. You were just afraid of someone catching you two.
“You’ll regret if you don’t.” he broke your silence,
“Turn around!” You caught a glimpse of him smiling before turning around and covering his eyes. You did a final scope of the area and swiftly took of your dress and underwear. You slowly stepped into the freezing water, which felt like torture.
“It’s fucking freezing,” you nudged Adam’s shoulder as he finally turned around.
He smiled very mischievously, “What?” you nervously chuckled
“We’re both entirely naked, yet we can’t see each other because it’s so dark out.” His smile turned into a smirk.
You rolled your eyes and splashed him, not too hard because you were still afraid of being too loud. But that was hopeless as Adam splashed you back harder, ensuing part two of the water fight from the first day.
“Adam stop!” you tried to grab his hands from making any more noise. He finally put his hands down stifling his laughter at your nerves.
“We’re definitely gonna get caught with your loud ass,” you flicked water at him for the final time.
“No we’re not.” he whispered back as he flicked water at you for the final time too.
You stared at him wondering how he’s not at all worried as you are. He stared at you finding how adorable your concern was. The more you stared into his eyes and examining his face, you realized he was doing the exact same thing.
“Why are you staring at me?” you scoffed at his gaze,
“You were staring at me first.” he said matter of factly
“No I wasn’t.” you scoffed again.
Besides the water slightly rippling from trying to stay afloat, something change. You were no longer cold, as you felt heat rush to your cheeks. You noticed how shallow your breathing and how it matched to Adam’s.
Adam felt the change too. He felt his heart racing, he could hear his blood pumping through his ears. His eyes wandered over your face and looked down at your lips.
He slightly cocked his head as he leaned forward, almost immediately you reciprocated as you two slowly kissed in the ocean. Before your lips could savor his touch, your mind pulled you away from him.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologized as soon as he felt your lips disconnected from his.
“No it’s okay. I just wasn’t prepared.” you tried to cool your warm cheeks with the saltwater but it didn’t help. “I didn’t think I was going to kiss you tonight.” you admitted.
“Really? Because I’ve been thinking about it non stop since we were on the boat.” He confessed as he tried to cool the back of his neck with the surrounding water, it didn’t work either.
“Yeah- I mean- I thought about that moment on the boat too. I guess I wasn’t sure if you were going to kiss me or not.”
“I wanted too. I really did, I was just second guessing myself, so I didn’t.” he trailed off his sentence as honesty poured out from the both of you.
Both of you floated there in silence which made you giggle. Before Adam could question you, you pulled him closer for another, longer and sensual, kiss. Neither of you pulling away but each others lips melting into one another’s.
You felt his lips smile making you reciprocate but your paranoia was getting to you again as things were escalating in the water. So when you pulled away to see if anyone was nearby, Adam’s forehead bumped into your nose as he followed your lips for another kiss.
“Ow” you said simultaneously. Both of you laughed it off, Adam cutting off your laughter with multiple swift kisses.
You put a hand on his chest to stop him, “Okay lover boy, let’s get out of here before I wrinkle like a raisin.”
You got out first to dress and Adam followed second. As soon as you both got dressed, he pulled you into another kiss on the beach, making smile into the kiss, again.
He walked you back to your hotel, holding hands of course. Both of you, but Adam especially, were acting delirious. A teenage summer romance in Italy, it couldn’t be anymore perfect.
You dreadfully reached the outside of your building, signaling the end of this night and trip. You turned to Adam for the final time that night, “I’m leaving tomorrow.” You whispered as you wrapped your arms around him as you gazed up at him.
“I’m aware.” He snaked his arms around you.
“It just had to be the last hour we have together for you to kiss me.” You placed the blame on him for not speeding up the process.
“Trust me I’ve been beating myself up since our boating day.” He titled his head back in frustration.
Although the moment was bitter sweet you were elated to get to know Adam, spend your trip with him, and to fall for him.
“Adam, it’s late. I should head in, I still have to pack.” you picked at his chain around his neck.
“Right.” he hoarsely whispered. For a second he had forgotten that the sun would rise again and you would leave to go back home.
“Adam?” you softly held the side of his face to make him to look at you,
“Hm?” he softly responded,
“Will you see me out tomorrow morning? A taxi will be picking me up right here. Can we say goodbye then?”
He fondly smiles as he nods into your hand. You move your hand to the back of his neck. Steadying yourself onto your tip toes to pull him into a kiss. You pulled away first, like always. You whispered, “I’ll see you in the morning.” you took one more look at him for the night and walked inside.
Adam’s long walk back to his bed felt short as he relived the night. The smell your perfume on him. The feel your touch on his lips. He didn’t think of the goodbye. He only thought that he would see you again tomorrow.
--- Final Minutes ---
You regretted booking such an early flight. Too early to have a final Italian breakfast. You would have something at the airport, you thought as you heard your stomach growl.
You messaged Adam last night right after you headed inside what time to meet you, wincing at how early the time would be.
Now you were waiting, in the lobby with your bags, for the taxi to pull up. You checked your phone noticing Adam hadn’t texted you since last night’s meeting time confirmation.
You started to feel a knot in your stomach. Even after what happened last night, hell the whole trip: you second guessed Adam’s intentions. What if he slept in? Or worse, he didn’t show up at all? You were hoping neither.
You saw a taxi pull up front the glass windows of the lobby and stood up with shaky knees because Adam still hadn’t arrived.
As you walked outside, looking around to find him running like you always found him, you didn’t see him. You sighed as you confirmed the taxi was indeed for you. You popped the trunk as you struggled to place your luggage inside. You took one more panoramic glance and opened the back seat door.
“Wait!” you heard someone faintly yell and you knew it was him.
You saw him run up the hilly street, the same road you two walked up last night from the beach. You shook your head as he struggled to sprint up the road. As he neared, you told the driver to wait a few a minutes.
You crossed your arms and leaned back on the cars rear, visibly judging Adam’s tardiness.
“I’m so sorry. I kind of slept in, I got home late last night, but that’s no excuse. Sorry. But you’re still here and now I’m here!” He rambled on showing clear remorse, which only made you grin.
“For a second Fantilli, I thought I imagined everything that happened last night.” you softly laughed off your worries now that his presence proved otherwise.
“Everything that happened last night was very real to me.” He stated its importance of the previous late night.
“And now it’s all coming to an end.” You stood up straight, never losing his eye contact.
“Maybe it’s the end of us in Italy, but it could be more back in the states?” he ended his sentence with hope making you smile, yet again.
“If you wanna say something Fantilli, now’s your chance.” you softly chuckled at his still timid self.
“Will I see you again?” He tucked both of his hands into his pockets, nervous for your response.
“Maybe, who knows?” you shrugged your shoulders sarcastically, “Maybe I’ll see you in Ohio.” you smiled fondly at him,
“Or LA.” he replies as he remembers your first ever conversation.
“Or LA.” you repeated softly.
There was a melancholy silence shared between you two that was quickly interrupted with the taxi drivers loud horn, making both of you jump.
As you admired Adam’s laugh and smile for the last time, you pulled him in for a goodbye kiss. He quickly melted into you, his hands finding your hip and face. This kiss lasting the longest, it was Adam who pulled away first, only inches from your face as he rests his forehead against yours.
“I’ll see you whenever and wherever, Fantilli.” you whispered to him. You titled your head back to give him a soft kiss.
“Goodbye Adam.”
“Goodbye y/n.”
Adam stood there body warm and sweaty from his run but also how naturally you made him felt. He stared at your taxi driving off. As he went to turn around he saw your head pop out the window, dramatically sending him an air kiss. He laughs at your behavior, indulging your antics by dramatically catching it.
As he saw your head pop back into the car he felt his phone buzz. A text message from no one other than you, reading:
Save that kiss, it’ll be a while before I can kiss you again.
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thewulf · 2 years
Accidentally in Love || JJ Maybank
Summary: Request - Hey! I see you write for Outer Banks. Have you seen season 3? Can you write a JJ Maybank x Routledge Reader where he finds her hurt at the chateau on a friday night after you didn't show up to the weekly kegger at the boneyard?? John B is too hung up on Sarah to notice your absence. Maybe she got hurt by her bf/ex-bf?? Surfing accident? Your choice! Love your writing!
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Y/N
Word Count: 4,900+
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Friday evening out on the water. There was nowhere else you’d rather be. You took a long-drawn-out breath smelling the salty ocean air letting your arms stretch over your head. The rays from the sun were still hot, it wasn’t setting for another few hours or so. God, you loved it here.
This was your favorite pre-kegger ritual. Just you, the open ocean, and your surfboard. JJ taught you when you were both relatively young. You fell in love with it the same way you fell in love with your best friend. Slowly and surly over time with lots of dedication, love, and many tears.
A relatively calm night brought small waves throughout the entire evening. You tried to stand up on a few of them but didn’t seem to have the speed. It was getting darker out signaling that you needed to start getting ready to go to the Bone Yard.
Sighing softly, you were just going to have to call it a night. It was already getting too late. But just as you were heading in the waves started coming. You smiled knowing you can hit one before you go in. You deserved it, you’d been out for hours without have any such luck.
You let out a gleeful laugh as you caught a wave a bit closer to the shoreline than you really should have. You knew better. But you felt truly invincible out there. That feeling was short lived as the wave swallowed you whole. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. But you were too close. The wave was breaking far too close. Panic rose in your chest when you realized just where the wave had taken you under.
You’d be okay. You just couldn’t freak out too hard. Panicking was the worst thing you could do in this situation. You were a pogue. You’d be just fine. You just had to keep swimming and try and find your way up. No big deal.
Thinking you were in the free and clear when you bobbed to the surface you attempted to stand before a second wave knocked your feet out from underneath you. The first wave must have pushed you further down the beach than you realized.
You left side made painful contact with a jagged rock near the shoreline. The wave took and drug you across the sharp edges of the rock like you wore nothing, eliciting a cry in agony as the rock dug into your side, breaking through the surface of your skin. Mother nature didn’t seem to have your back as the force of the same wave knocked your head right into another rock.
You inhaled a lungful of salty ocean water sending shivers through your entirety. You knew this was a very bad situation to be in. Your head was hazy. Your side was screaming in agony from the open wound being immersed in salty water. You felt like you were drowning with a lungful of water.
Thankfully, fate had other plans for you as you resurfaced coughing up whatever you could your lungs. Your body felt like it was being stabbed from sixteen different directions. Your head was throbbing, and your legs were shaking wanting to give out on you. But you knew it was now or never, you had to make it to the shoreline, or you might not make it at all.
Somehow you managed to crawl your way back to beach. The adrenaline of the accident started wearing off as you got closer to safety. Hauling your body onto the rocky beach you continued to cough out the remaining ocean water that seemed stuck in your lungs.
After letting yourself lay there for a few minutes you decided it was probably best to get home before it got too dark out. Struggling to stand you winced seeing just how bad your injuries were. The blood from your head wound ran down your arm and chest. The blood from your side injury was dripping down your left leg.
“Fuck.” You whispered trying to find your towel. You thanked whatever lucky stars had your back when you found it. Quickly you pressed to the back of your head praying you had enough stamina to make it back to the chateau you shared with your older brother.
You made an audible groan when you realized just how pissed John B was going to be with you. He always hated that you went out alone. This injury certainly wasn’t going to help your case. He’d certainly not let you out of his sight for the next few months too. Great.
You thanked your previously lazy self for picking the beach closest to your home. A short walk home you knew you could make it. You took short quick steps preferring not to place much weight on your left side. The open wound was really making it a bitch to get back home.
It took your four times longer than normal and five breaks too many, but you finally made it home. Crawling up the stairs you scooted yourself through the front door. You’d never been so thankful to see the dirty hardwood of the chateau.
Who would’ve known practically drowning in the ocean would have taken so much of your energy? Finding any remaining strength, you slapped a big bandage on your side hoping it’d work. Your vision was getting too hazy for you to keep standing. Finding the closest piece of furniture, you mustered whatever you had left, making your way towards it.
You laid yourself down slowly on the couch taking shallow breaths. Drawing anything deeper drew a rather sharp pain from your side that you’d like to avoid. Glancing down you cringed at the haphazardly applied wrap on your side. You sighed but were thankful you didn’t see any blood leaking from the bandage.
Glancing at the clock on the wall you cursed yourself for being out so late on the water. The kegger had already been raging on by the time you laid down on the couch. It was a blessing you were able to drag yourself home. You really needed to remember to bring your phone with you when you were planning to do something solo. You had a bad habit of leaving it at home when you just wanted to be left alone.
Realistically you knew there was no way you’d be making it to the kegger tonight. It was probably the first one you’d missed in years. They were usually your favorite thing in the world. You’d never dream of missing one. But without having the ability to even stand at the moment you’d have to forgo your first one in a while.
Grasping the remote you clicked the power button. Settling on the channel was previously on. You weren’t really in the mood to watch tv but certainly did not have the energy to get up to try and find your phone. You were sure nobody even noticed your absence anyway. You often found yourself alone at keggers flirting with whatever cute clueless touron caught your eye for the night.
John B and Sarah were all over each other always. Kie seemed to disappear with whatever hippie group rolled around. JJ went to go collect whatever piece of ass he caught for the night and Pope did whatever Pope did. You loved them but the group certainly did their own thing at keggers.
Making yourself comfortable you knew this is where you’d end up sleeping for the night. You prayed that JJ would just go home with a girl tonight. All too often he’d end up passed out in your bed cuddling with you in your sleep. Something you usually prayed would happen. But not tonight. His arms wrapping around you would hurt more than it’d help.
Closing your eyes, you just hoped sleep would take over. Either that or the edible you popped in your mouth thirty minutes prior would. You couldn’t have been asleep for long before you heard the screen door creeping opening and shut. Inevitably a pogue was coming back for the night. Glancing back up at the clock you frowned seeing it was only just past midnight. It wouldn’t make sense for anybody to be back so early. The group usually always stayed out until at least two in the morning on kegger nights.
“Y/N?” You heard that all too familiar voice call out your name softly. The overhead lights clicked on earning a soft groan from your sensitive head. Your suspicions of a concussion were likely correct with the way the lights made your head throb. JJ must have heard you as he quickly shut them off before hurrying over to the source of the soft cry. You must have looked pathetic curled up underneath a few blankets failing to get warm after the painful crash.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” JJ crouched down to your eye level. Gently, he pushed your hair away from your face studying your expression intently, way too intently. If you hadn’t felt so dreadful you were sure your face would be as bright as tomato. Unfortunately, you looked as pale as a ghost sending alarm bells through JJ’s head. He’d seen you eight hours ago, and you were completely fine. A far cry from your current state.
You nodded you head into his hand shamelessly craving his touch. JJ’s touch always made you feel better. His hand accidentally grazed over where your head had hit the rock a few hours prior forcing a small wince  to your face.
You just didn’t understand. You’d gone out hundreds, if not thousands of times alone and had been completely fine. Sure, you’ve taken a few tumbles, but you were usually so much more careful. You hadn’t even realized you had gotten so close to the rocky side of the shoreline. You could’ve sworn you were in your usual spot.
“Y/N Routledge.” He frowned scanning your head for anything visible. His frown visibly deepened as he turned your head to the side spotting fresh red cut across the back of your head, “What the fuck happened?” He spoke lowly, a little too harshly for you in your state.
You felt stupid tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, threatening to water over. Why were you getting so emotional suddenly? You’d never dare dreamed of crying in front of JJ yet here you were getting ready to bawl like a baby in front of your best friend. Pogues were tougher than this. You had to be tougher than this.
“Hey, hey, hey.” His tone changed to one of softness as he wiped away a tear that had managed to escape, “It’s okay Y/N. It’s just me. JJ. What happened? Are you okay?” He leaned forward not letting your head escape his grasp. Something was really wrong. You weren’t using your words which never seemed to fail you, until now. You were usually so free and open with your words.
JJ noticed immediately that you were missing from the kegger failing to show up with any pogue. You usually showed up with John B or Kie, yet you never came. He tried to find a girl to distract himself from his thoughts of you. Ironically enough that was his usual routine even if you were there. He usually found a dumb blonde to distract himself from you. He couldn’t stand it after another few hours, so he called it a night hurrying back to the chateau to see if you were there.
He really only panicked hearing your soft cry when he turned the lights on. That wasn’t like you. You were hard as a rock, tough as steel, sharp as a blade. He can’t recall a time he’s seen you cry. Not even when your dad disappeared. At least you didn’t cry in front of him.
You took another shallow breath in wincing from the fresh wound on your side. JJ noticed. Of course, he noticed. He noticed everything about you.  How could he not notice how small you looked. How unlike yourself you must have felt.
Taking another ragged breath, you finally found your words, “I wiped out pretty bad surfing earlier. Hit my head and scratched my side up.” Taking a shallow breath, you continued feeling like you were exerting far too much energy just speaking a few words, “I think I patched my side up okay and I got my head to stop bleeding quickly.”
“Y/N.” He nearly growled pulling off the covers on top of you.
“JJ! It’s cold.” You complained to him, unsure of what he was planning. Whatever it was you would allow him to do. You trusted him with your entire being. You grew up around the boy and grew to fall in love with his every action. Slowly you fell entirely in love with your best friend. You couldn’t pinpoint a day that you really could say that you were really in love with him but now? Oh yeah, you loved him deeply. Far more deeply than a best friend should.
“Shh, you’ll be fine for a moment. I’m just checking your side.” If there was one thing JJ was an absolute pro at it was bandaging injuries. Years of dealing with his father and growing up with injury prone pogues resulted in him being nearly flawless at first aid.
He frowned seeing your red blood soaking through the attempted bandage. He audibly sighed before continuing, “Y/N. Sweetheart. You’re still bleeding. I need to get this stopped and bandaged. Can you follow me to your room? It’ll be easier to clean you up on your bed.”
Did he just call you sweetheart? Was he being a nice new JJ because you looked so bad? If so, you could get used to the terms of endearment from him. It felt normal. Too normal even. Like it just rolled right off his tongue. Like you wanted to hear it every second of every day from him.
Nodding quickly, you attempted to swing your legs out from your sleeping position. What you hadn’t anticipated was how completely zapped of energy you had become in the hour or so you spent on the couch before JJ found you. Any energy you did have was gone and vanished. Setting your feet on the ground you only felt yourself wobbling as you tried to stand.
“Nope, no. Stop Y/N.” JJ frowned placing a gentle hand on your shoulder stopping you from getting up.
“I can do it J.” You groaned frustrated at his overprotectiveness. It was so like him to not even give you a chance to try. You knew it came from a place of love it was just hard sometimes.
“No, Y/N you can’t.” He paused making sure you weren’t planning on anything. It was like you to try and get the best of him. But you listened only sitting back down on the couch. You really must’ve been hurting if you weren’t even trying to mess with him, “I’m carrying you to your room. Come on.” Before you could protest, he picked you up effortlessly. Holding you as if you would shatter right there in his arms if he squeezed too hard.
“Why didn’t you call?” He asked as he set you down on your good side. He patted your pillow telling you to lay down so he could work on cleaning you up properly.
Listening to him, you laid yourself down slowly, “Can’t remember where I left my phone.” You admitted truthfully. He smiled softly at that comment. That was very much like you. You seemed to lose your phone on almost a daily basis. You weren’t attached at the hip with it like many of your friends and classmates. Often going days in between checking it making sure to let whoever was trying to reach you that you were okay, just busy with life.
He made a face as he removed the haphazardly placed wrap you had managed to get on, “Damn Routledge. This one’s bad.”
Your breath caught when you felt the cool air hit the still wound, “I know J. This one hurt.” You sighed while closing your eyes just wishing this would be over.
“Sorry sweetheart.” There it was again. A cute pet name that made your heart race just a little faster, “This is going to hurt. A lot. But I’ve gotta make sure it’s clean alright?”
You nodded keeping your eyes closed.
“You can squeeze my hand.” JJ hovered his left hand over your grip. Feeling his hand there you gripped his hand softly in yours. Beyond thankful you had JJ as your best friend you gave his hand a gentle squeeze letting him know you were good. That you were ready.
You sucked in a sharp breath as the hydrogen peroxide-soaked cloth contacted your wound. The feeling was about ten thousand times worse than you could’ve imagined. Squeezing JJ’s hand tightly you bit your lip attempting to stop the instant tears that formed under your closed lids. It was a failed attempt as the tears escaped down your cheeks eliciting soft sobs from your throat.
JJ paused placing a hand on your head, “I know baby, I’m so sorry. It’ll be over soon I promise, okay? Can you look at me Y/N? Please?”
Slowly opening your eyes, you looked up to your best friend who gave you a look you’ve never seen before on his face, deep concern. You must’ve been in worse shape than you thought. JJ didn’t let his guard down often and here he was showing you his every thought written right across his face.
He smiled softly seeing your bright eyes even though they were stained by the tears. You sure were pretty. Beautiful even. Even through the tears you were one of the prettiest girls JJ has laid his eyes upon, “There she is.” Gently, he took his thumb cleaning up the tear trails running down your face.
“I’m sorry JJ.” You whispered in an utterly defeated tone. You felt beat the hell down by life at the moment. More than thankful for the best friend who cared to do this for you though, life did give you one perfect thing.
“Shhh.” He shook his head placing a finger on your lips, “I’d do this for you a thousand times over just like you’d do the same. Got it? No more apologies.”
You nodded in his hand for the second time that night feeling an immense comfort with the pressure he was applying to it, “Okay JJ.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed your forehead focusing back on the task at hand, “I’m so sorry sweetheart, this is going to hurt.”
Again, you failed to stop the waterworks that sprung from your eyes. You were normally so strong and composed. But you’d never gone through anything quite this painful before. You gave yourself a pass for letting yourself really feel it.
JJ whispered his sweet nothings that seemed to come out of nowhere. Not that you were complaining. You were finding a little too much comfort in his sweet terms of endearment. You were able to get through it by focusing on his words instead of the pain from the peroxide.
“And we’re done.” JJ nodded seeing his handiwork, “How are you feeling?” He crouched down again so you wouldn’t have to look up. Softly, he placed his hand on the side of your head.
“Better.” You hummed thankful that the dull ache was back and not the active stinging from just moments ago.
He gave you a curious look, almost as if he didn’t believe you, “Here.” He handed you a few pills and some gummies.
“Some pills to help with the pain and natures cure.”
Smiling at him you really should’ve expected it from him, “I’ve already had a gummy tonight.”
You tried to refuse him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, “What’s a few more? Let yourself sleep. Your body heal. I’ll be here in the morning.” He kissed your cheek making you take the gummies and pills from him.
“Okay J.” You popped them in your mouth without hesitation hoping the edibles would knock you right on out. You set the pills down on the nightstand.
“I’ll see you in the morning. Call if you need anything okay?” He went to go turn off the light before you called out stopping him.
“Wait J!” He paused turning to look at you snuggled underneath the covers.
“Can you sleep with me please?”
Grinning he flicked the light off hopping in right next to you, “I thought you’d never ask.”
You giggled scooting yourself close to him feeling comforted by the smell of his familiar cologne. You’d definitely have to address the terms of endearment later. Not having any sort of energy in you to bring that up right now. Quickly, you drifted off into a dreamless sleep with JJ right at your side.
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You woke to the voices of you brother and best friend throwing shouted whispers at each other. You knew they were trying, and failing, to keep from waking you up. It wasn’t their fault you were such a light sleeper though. It was a miracle JJ was able to sneak out without you waking up. You only had to giggle at their attempts to be quiet. You sure did love them.
“What happened JJ?”
“She said it was a surfboarding accident. It’s not good John B. I haven’t seen her like that before. Ever.” JJ was emphasizing every word.
You rolled your eyes at JJ’s dramatics. You don’t think you were really in that bad of shape. The dull ache from your side reared its ugly head reminding you just how painful that crash really was. Sure, you cried, a lot, but who wouldn’t of? It felt like the hydrogen peroxide was stabbing you over and over again.
You heard the boys pause. John B must have been thinking, “What do you mean?” He questioned his best friend.
“Crying. Lots of crying. It was terrifying John B,” JJ admitted recollecting his thoughts. Seeing you in that state really tore him up. He cared for you deeply. Way more deeply than even he wanted to admit to himself. Seeing you that hurt made him realize maybe he did care for you in a different way. Way more than a friendly way. JJ’s heart actually might have shattered when he found you crying. He decided right then and there that you were his girl. He vowed to never see you like that ever again.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her shed a tear man.” JJ continued. You heard a can crack open. Hoping it was a can of soda and not an early morning beer. Often you would lecture them for the bad habit. They returned by flipping you off and telling you to shut it. It shouldn’t have surprised you though that they both ignored you.
You heard your brother audibly sigh, “Well, what do we do?” He questioned JJ, unsure of what his next steps really were. He truly was at a loss. Your father usually took care of this kind of stuff, not John B. He needed help and he needed it fast. For your sake anyway. You just knew he was probably pacing the kitchen. A nervous habit he had picked up from your father growing up. Big John always paced the house when something wasn’t going right. It drove you absolutely mad wishing he could just relax. But that was something Big John never did.
You were right. John B was pacing the narrow kitchen not knowing what the hell to do next. Watching JJ, he kept his eyes trained on him hoping he’d have a better answer than he did, “I don’t know! Let her rest and shit. Don’t bother her.” JJ threw his hands up in the air feeling himself panic at not knowing what to really do.
He thought about taking you to the hospital last night, but he couldn’t figure out a way to get you there safely. Instead, he stayed up the entire night making sure you were fine. That you were still breathing. JJ knew he was being dramatic about the whole thing, but this was you. Y/N. His Y/N. He was pretty sure the worst he’s seen you prior to last night was after some stupid fight with some kook boys leaving you with a black eye and a busted lip. You were proud of yourself and smiling the entire night. Proud that you were able to knock the taller boy down. You never dreamed of shedding a tear.
John B paused again. The sudden realization of JJ liking you hitting him like a freight train.  He’d had his suspicions before, but this nearly confirmed it for him. John B knew he had to play it off cool. He actually kind of liked the thought of the two of you dating. Big John always said the pair of you would end up together anyway. He got used to the thought over time.
 “Oh, you’re down bad for my sister! Real bad.” John B smirked raising his eyebrows as if to challenge JJ.
“Shh JB! She can totally hear us right now.” JJ tried shutting his best friend up throwing him a nasty glare only earning a louder laugh from the brown-haired boy.
“Shit, you didn’t deny it this time JJ.” John B’s laughs died down as JJ gave him a serious look. Did JJ Maybank actually have real feelings for you? John B had always teased JJ about you, but he always made sure to deny it. He didn’t this time.
“Just let her rest, okay? Don’t be too hard on her? It was an accident. You can be hard on her when she’s feeling better.”
John B’s suspicions were confirmed as JJ redirected the conversation right on back to you. He really did like you. John B leaned back into the counter giving JJ a smug look like he figured him out, “Yeah, yeah lover boy.”
Rolling his eyes JJ flipped him off ready to go and check in on you. He promised he’d be there when you woke, and he didn’t want to break that promise already. You heard the soft footsteps of JJ coming your way. Quickly closing your eyes, you tried your best to pretend to be asleep.
Evening out your breaths you heard your bedroom door open and shut. Curiously though you didn’t hear JJ move. Was he just standing there?
JJ stopped after he saw your pretty face outlined by the orange morning light coming through your bedroom window. He felt his pulse speed up as he reveled in the way you looked in your sleep. Way too pretty for your own good.
JJ knew he liked you he just didn’t realize how much he really did. The thought of losing you made his heart ache. Your accident may have just started something in his head he knew he had to admit to you. He loved you. Loved you dearly. He was in love with you.
As quietly as he could he slid back into bed. You knew it was your only chance, so you pretended to wake up. Stretching your arms and all.
“Good morning beautiful.” JJ grinned seeing your eyes open up.
So, he wasn’t going to stop? He was just going to keep calling you sweet things as if it was nothing? He was trying to kill you, you were convinced anyway, “Morning J.” You yawned still feeling a bit tired from everything.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.”
His expression was one of disbelief, “You don’t have to lie to me Y/N.”
“Well, I am okay. It still hurts. But I’m okay.”
“You know I love you right?”
“What?” You nearly gasped taken aback by the change of conversation out of nowhere.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, are you okay?” You returned his question this time.
“No,” He groaned a little frustrated by his lack of being able to form a sentence. To fully be able to explain what he means, “I’m in love with you Y/N.”
“You… what?” Your eyes scanned every inch of his face trying to understand what the hell was going on.
“I’m in love with you and I have been for a while. Last night just made me realize how stupid of me it is to not tell you. I love you.”
“Oh, wow. Did I hit my head that hard?” Surly you were dreaming right? How many times have you dreamed of those words coming out of his mouth. And he said it so casually. Like it was nothing. Like you weren’t dying to hear those words.
He laughed. A full belly laugh. Just one reason as to why he loved you so deeply, “Maybe.” He bopped your nose with his finger, careful not to touch your body. Too scared he’d hurt you, “Doesn’t change that I love you. That I’m in love with you Y/N Routledge.”
“Really?” You asked in disbelief.
“Really, really.”
“Wow.” You grinned, “That’s good.”
“Yeah?” He smiled seeing you look him over intently.
You nodded smiling to him, “Very good.”
“Why’s that Y/N?” He wanted to hear it from you too. Just a confirmation of what he felt also.
“I love you too JJ. I’m in love with you.”
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Part 8!
Werepanther! Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: Robbery, knives, angst.
A/N: Look, *deep breath* I'm sorry.
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I should just forget about him, you think to yourself on the walk home.
It was embarrasing, you hadn't seen him in days since he left you in that elevator, and the absence of him managed to make you feel even worse.
He hadn't been home either, you'd kept the curtains parted so that you could catch any movements in his windows. So far, nothing.
It had made you feel so upset and you couldn't even figure out why. Maybe you were getting too attached to him.
Exposing yourself so intimately, sabotaging your work relationship and there was nothing to be gained from it anyway. He just wasn't interested in you like that.
You were maybe a little glad too, at least you knew you weren't in any trouble for the little show you'd put on.
Or were you?
What if his stoicism towards you was because he was planning to fire you.
No, no, it made no sense, his phone call after he'd seen you had been too intimate. If there was going to be any consequences, it would have happened by now.
Ugh, you didn't know, and you just wanted to forget this had ever happened.
You sigh, tugging your phone out and absentmindedly trying to book an appointment with your therapist. Maybe she would help you feel better about your new work environment.
Your shoulder bumps harshly into someone, and you raise your head to apologise.
You've made a wrong turn somewhere, too taken in with your phone to notice that you've turned down an isolated alleyway.
"S-sorry." You murmur, backing away, only to bump into another figure.
Holy shit this was bad.
"Give me the bag." The first man says evenly, angling his head toward the pale pink handbag hanging off your elbow.
"Please, I don't want any trouble." You say, pocketing your phone quickly, carefully pressing the power button a couple of times to send a distress signal. You had it set so that Dani and Amy would receive alerts if you needed help.
The first man, pulls a knife out of his pocket, you watch warily as the blade springs out of the handle with a wicked glint. You can feel your phone begin to vibrate endlessly as your friends try to call to figure out if this was accidental or not.
Your heart is racing, but you find that your thinking is razor sharp, only a little bit of panic swimming through you.
If there had been only one man, running would have been a good option, but with the second man at your back, you have no choice but to surrender your bag.
Your work laptop was in there, and your wallet, you really hated to lose either one of those things.
The man takes it from you and then steps closer, his knife still pointed in your direction.
"Now the jewellery and the phone." He prompts.
Your hands shake, you needed to find a way to keep holding onto your phone.
You tug your watch off easily, and your earrings, they were just cheap pieces that were your favourite, but ultimately replaceable.
The panther necklace, was not, and you would not give it up without a fight, however stupid that would be.
You extend your watch and earrings to the man, letting them slip from your hand at the very second and watching it fall.
It's that moment, with one man distracted, you turn to run.
The other man is fast, he reaches for you, pushes you into the nearby wall.
You're stunned for a moment, and you feel the scrape of his nails as he tears your necklace off your neck, and when he gets in close to grab your phone, you bring your knee up to kick him straight between the legs. He bends over in pain, and you take the opportunity to slip away, running as fast as you can out of the lonely alley. You don't stop until you're out in a public place.
You reach for your phone, pulling it out, several missed calls from both Dani and Amy flood your phone.
You update them quickly, and they direct you to the nearest police precinct.
As you head there, you dial Anvil's IT department, explaining the situation so that they can restrict access from your account to the server.
You're sitting in the precinct when Amy makes it to you. She takes you into a hug, pulling back to study your form.
Her eyes catch the two deep scratches on your neck, short red lines where the man's nails had clawed into you while ripping your necklace from your neck.
She hugs you again tighter than before, surprising you with her strength.
"I'm okay." You mumble against her shoulder.
Honestly, you couldn't feel a thing, your emotions had been shocked numb from the minute you'd seen the knife.
What rotten luck, to have experienced what you have, essentially hitting some type of morbid trifecta, a murderer, a stalker and now a thief.
You find yourself laughing into Amy's shoulder, and you can't stop.
She pulls back in shock, looking up at you.
You laugh harder when you see the concerned expression on her face.
"There's too many plot points," You try to explain to her, though you're not sure you're making any sense, "If my life was a book this would be a shitty amount of coincidence."
There's a quiet silence as she takes in your words, observing your laughter, and notes the way your eyes fill with tears.
"Oh love," She murmurs after a moment. "Multiple bad things happen to people all the time."
Your laughter turns sour, something awful fills your throat, your lip trembles for a small moment as you fight the emotion, and then like a dam breaking, it spills from you in little sobs.
"This is too much," You gasp, feeling her arms squeeze you tighter as you cry, "Why do these things keep happening to me?"
You cry harder against her, she soothes you with her embrace.
"They took my necklace." You say sadly against her.
She makes a sympathetic sound. She knew how much it means to you.
"We'll get it back, love, didn't you have a tag in your bag just for this reason?"
"Yeah," you sniffle, "there's one in my wallet, I gave the cops access to find it, and Anvil also has something on the laptop."
"See? Don't lose hope yet."
You sigh, there was a location on your wallet and laptop, but there was no guarantee that the necklace would even be in the same place. You felt so disconnected now, so unsafe. There was no panther coming to protect you here.
"Why don't we go home? If the police find anything, they can call you. Waiting here is too tedious." Amy suggests, and you nod in agreement, sniffling a little and pulling away. She tugs a tissue from her little bag and you accept it gratefully.
You don't live too far from the precinct, and a ten minute drive in a taxi and you're there.
Amy doesn't leave you, and Dani arrives when you're in the shower.
You sit with them, enjoying tea in your living room, and after a long talk about your ordeal, and the endless reassurances from them that you're safe now, they decide to distract you with Studio Ghibli movies.
It sort of works, though your most recent ordeal reminds you of your past ones.
Somehow, you think that your past experience with the murderer, made this one more manageable, it's probably why you had a clear head from the moment the man pulled out the knife. However bad this was, it was nothing compared to being hunted in the woods at night.
A knock at your front door startles you, and you jump at the booming sound.
Dani reaches to pause the movie, and for a moment you're too stunned to move.
"Who is it?" You call, pulling the sheets away from your body and rising to a stand.
"It's Billy." He answers, voice muffled through the wood.
You suck in a breath, trying to ignore the shocked expressions on Amy and Dani's face, making your way to the door and taking a small breath before opening it up.
You don't get much of a word in before you're being pulled right into his arms.
You stand there, shocked beyond reason as his arms encircle you. Your body responds eagerly to his embrace, relaxing against him so easily that it would scare you if you could be anything other than shocked.
Your arms lift, wrapping around him to return his hold, wondering how on earth you ended up in this position.
It feels so right to hold him, to pull him even closer and feel him respond by tightening his embrace, until it feels like a hug between old friends.
His scent wraps around you, and you rise onto your toes, eager to catch more of the jasmine and oak that his body smells of.
How on earth does he make you feel so safe? So protected in a way you haven't felt in such a long time.
"Are you hurt?" He asks after a moment, large hand cupping the back of your neck as you pull away.
"I'm okay." You say simply, watching the way his eyes roam down your face and stop at the scratches on your neck.
He lets out a slow breath, fingers trailing over your neck, his thumb brushing the deep welts.
You gasp when his thumb swipes a little too close, a frown forming on his face.
"I lost my company laptop-"
"-That's alright," he soothes, "It's not the first time, and my consultant helped me put some vigorous security protocols into place."
You find yourself grinning at him, and he smiles back.
"If you need anything, anything at all, please call me."
You take a moment, looking into his eyes, trying to figure out how he could be so cold one moment and so surprisingly warm the next.
"Promise me."
"I promise."
He lets out a shaky breath, before you know it, he's placing a careful kiss to the top of your head and your heart is doing rapid palpitations at the sensation.
You say goodbye to him as you close the door, waiting a moment before snapping the lock shut.
You turn in shock, leaning against the door, eyes wide and breathing rapid.
"Ohmygod." You rush out, turning to look at Dani and Amy in a 'can you believe that just happened?' type of way.
"I thought you said he doesn't like you." Dani says with a tone of confusion in her voice.
"He doesn't." You answer, not fully sounding quite so sure.
Amy huffs.
"I don't know about you, but that man quite clearly and obviously wants you bad." She states.
Oh how you wish it were true.
You're barely able to sleep all night, despite the fact that you know both your friends are asleep in other rooms or your apartment. You're less lonely than usual, and arguably a little more safe, and yet still, you can't relax your body for long enough to sleep.
The only thing that really calms you, is the reminder of what it was like to be in his arms.
You roll onto your side, pulling a pillow as close to you as possble, wrapping your arms around it and imagining that it's him.
Your brain refuses to accept the placebo, too focused on what's missing, his scent, his hearbeat, the warmth of his body- you flop around angrily, deciding to watch videos on your phone instead of sleeping.
You don't notice it's morning until you spot the sunlight spilling through the gaps in your curtains.
You let out a long sigh, sitting up and moving to your living room.
Both women are already awake too. Amy takes one look at you and sighs.
"Not a wink, huh?"
"You know me so well." You reply with a teasing smile.
They both have to get to work, and you reassure them that you're actually not doing so bad, you'd been able to get a few days off of work yourself.
"Call us if you need anything," Dani says, kissing the top of your head as she leaves, "Or call that hot boss of yours."
"He doesn't like me like that!" You call out to them as they leave, and you hear their laughter through the door, no doubt disagreeing with your words out of earshot.
You sigh, sipping on your coffee with indignation.
You spend the day lazing around, looking up the application processes for getting new identification and replacing all the additional cards you had in your wallet.
You'd already called the bank and put in a request to freeze your cards, still holding out hope that you might be able to get your wallet back instead of having to go get new cards for everything.
You frown, raising your hand to your neck, feeling for the necklace you lost, hating that you felt like something was missing all throughout the day.
When you get a call from the precinct in the afternoon, telling you that your bag had been recovered, you'd been so happy to hear it.
You'd gotten dressed, grabbed your keys and your phone with the intention of grabbing a taxi on the street, but suddenly found difficulty in actually leaving your apartment.
What was going on with you?
The idea that leaving your place meant you were at risk of being attacked again sent so much fear down your spine that you shut your door and curled up on your couch in distress.
You were scared.
Simply put, the very thought of being out in the open, so vulnerable, filled you with trepidation.
Someone could attack you again, maybe even finish the job this time. The photo of you leaving Amy's apartment comes to mind.
You didn't know if someone was still following you. What if they were? What if they were waiting for you right outside?
How many close calls could you have before you ran out of luck?
The memory of his voice comes back to you.
"Promise me." He'd said.
You take a deep breath and pull out your phone.
A/N: Don't hate me
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☀️ CM Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge 🏖
The following are prompts including the theme of Summer! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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☀️ Generic Prompts ☀️
Everyone looks better in a sundress.
Character doesn't know how to swim.
Characters A and B cuddle in a hammock.
The team has a (MASSIVE) family barbecue.
The BAU has a pool party at Rossi's vacation home.
The sun makes Characters sleepy, so they take a nap.
Characters A and B have a picnic (it goes well/wrong).
Character shows up in swimwear that no one expected.
Character A suffers heatstroke and B takes care of them.
Character A teases B about needing to practice CPR at the pool party.
Character A never loved B more than when they ran through the sprinklers.
The air conditioning broke and Characters try to find creative ways to cool off.
Characters A and B go berry picking together (and enjoy the fruits of their labor).
It's Character's first time camping and they weren't prepared for how cold it gets on summer nights.
Character A lectures B on the importance of sunscreen, yet freezes when they are asked to help apply it.
The BAU is a group of very serious FBI agents. They take their water gun/balloon fights very seriously.
The couple thought their vacation would be a chance to get away from the BAU, but the resort town they're staying in turns out to have an unsub in it.
Character helps their child with their first entrepreneurial venture... a lemonade stand. They weren't expecting half the damn FBI to show up.
Character A’s wide-brimmed hat flew right off their head and into a tree. B helps them get it down.
Anything else you can think of!
☀️ Dialogue Prompts ☀️
"It's like Hotch at the beach."
"Come on in, the water's fine."
"It's so hot but I am so touch starved."
"... How did you even get that tan line?"
“Yes, the sunburn is as bad as it looks.”
"Oh my god, do I hear the ice cream truck?"
"Next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise."
"It's a million degrees outside, why are you in the hot tub?"
(sarcastic) “Feels just like the summer camps of my youth.”
"I am staying hydrated. All of my drinks are iced." "That does not count."
"There is no shame in using a pool floatie." "Yes, there is. I'm shaming you."
“You look hot.” “Thank you!” “No, I mean literally… I think you’re overheating.”
(lying) "My phone doesn't work on the beach. Must be the signal or something..."
☀️ Character Specific Prompts ☀️
Spencer: He learned from the last time a beautiful person pulled him into a pool.
Spencer: He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?
Spencer: "I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
Luke: Reader loves to go to the dog beach to look at cute puppies. A dog named Roxy takes special interest in them.
Tara/Emily: “And what did you do with your summer vacation, Emily Prentiss?”
☀️ NSFW Prompts ☀️ 18+ ONLY ☀️
Character gets caught skinny dipping.
Character A can't get out of the water after seeing B.
Sex on the beach is so much worse than everyone said.
Character A can't deal with how much B loves popsicles/ice cream cones.
It's too hot to wear clothes at home, so Character walks around in their underwear.
Character A finally convinces B to go to the beach with them. Turns out it's a nude beach.
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character.
Tag me in the fic, or send it to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it just for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
🏖 Happy Writing! 🏖
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projectbluearcadia · 6 months
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NSFW | Minors DNI
You can tell I've been playing far too much WHB. Wordcount: 1011
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Please Note: This piece contains the following - - Dubious consent [Dubcon] (see below item) - Lucifer being all "I'm head of this damn house and so help me Diavolo if I have to tell you one more fucking time---" - FL being masochistic - FL being a perverted simp for a sexually frustrated Lucifer.
“This is obscene, even from you.” 
“...sorry,” I mumbled, my ears feeling hot as Lucifer turned off my D.D.D. What did he want from me?!
“I don’t think you are,” Lucifer replied, stepping closer to me, and I flinched a little as he grabbed me by the chin and made me look him in the eye. “What were you going to do after you were done playing with that, hm? Look at me when I’m talking to you.” 
"Why are you trying to control what I do in my free time?!" I tried to yell, although it came out softer and more timid than intended. "Is it so much to ask that I can look at erotic artwork in peace?"
"I already told you this isn't allowed during the day," Lucifer growled. "I even made sure to remind you several times because I have the misfortune of knowing how many times you masturbate per week." Fuck, what? Why? How? I live on the first floor???
Lucifer took that particular moment to whisper in my ear, while I was still in the throes of what his irritated tone was already doing to me. "But you didn't listen to me, did you? You thought you should test my patience today, didn't you?"
I know I tried to hit him back with something about his micropenis, but I was both too terrified and too aroused to form a coherent and punchy insult to his pride. In the end, all I think I formed was a "sothatswhatuhhahcompensatuhhhhhmmmm" in some kind of warped whine.
"Get up. Now."
"L-Lucifer?" I whispered, almost subconsciously getting out of my chair to face him. My brain, skewed in two directions at once, was sending me mixed signals of running and staying.
"Take it off," he growled, and I let out a startled yelp as his hand smacked into my thigh. "All of it."
"M-My clothes?" I asked stupidly, and Lucifer folded his arms impatiently in affirmation, his garnet eyes fixed keenly on me. And, shaking, I started to fumble at my clothes, my fear bleeding more and more into arousal. He's turned on, isn't he? He's irritated and he's turned on, isn't he?
And there I stood in front of him, naked, shaking, and squeezing my legs together in an effort to hide the mess sticking between them.
"Get on your bed, and spread your legs," Lucifer murmured, more softly now but no less sternly, and a strange, strangled noise came out of my throat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm too turned on for this shit right now. Fuck.
And then I was watching Lucifer stalk towards me while I laid on my bed, my legs shyly parted as he'd commanded. He laid his gloved fingers lightly on my knees, and I gasped as he spread my legs wider, until I was fully exposed and defenseless to his prying eyes.
"Fucking dirty girl," he growled before he harshly bit the inside of my thigh, then almost apologetically kissed the spot. "You want it that badly?" He ran his fingers up my leg, brushing just barely against the place I most wanted him to touch, before he stroked my lower belly, as if he were trying to tell how much I could take. The thought alone almost sent me writhing. "You want someone's cock in you that bad?"
I turned my face away, feeling my ears flaming hot in tandem with my cheeks, and rather than force me to face him again, Lucifer grabbed hold of my waist and flipped me onto my stomach, his hands jerking my legs off the bed. It was so sudden and so sharp that I laid there stunned for several seconds.
"AHH!?" I cried out. Lucifer just spanked me. He spanked me hard. Was this supposed to be a punishment?
"Bad girl," Lucifer's voice growled from above me, sending a chill down my spine. Slap! "Bad girl." SLAP! Slap! "Bad girl."
At some point, I'd started crying and squirming, electricity bouncing through my uterus with every brutal smack. The thought that his handprint was probably visible on my thighs or my ass was just the icing on the cake. Between my legs, the evidence of my perversion dribbled down, making even more of a mess of myself.
Lucifer buried his hand into the roots of my hair, shoving my face into the bed as he pressed into me, his mouth inches from my ear. If I hadn't figured it out before, his clothed cock was very much hard and digging into my stinging skin. Twitching and desperate.
"You want this, don't you?" he whispered, and I felt goosebumps ripple up and down my body as he actively humped me, his free hand grazing down my side to grip my hip, his fingertips pleasurably digging into the joint of my leg. "Beg for it. Beg for it, and maybe I'll shut you up and put it in your needy fucking mouth."
Fuck. I thought. Why the hell do you know how to do this to me? Do you listen outside my room in the middle of the night?
(Yes, he does, and it makes him very annoyed because you never ask him to fulfill your lewd-ass fantasies about him.)
"P-Please...." I whispered as Lucifer brought my head out of the covers, and I could feel Lucifer smirking against my neck as he kissed it. He was savoring every damn second of this.
"Please what?"
"Please.... f-fuck me." I let out a breathy sigh as he squeezed my hip.
"Fuck me, goddammit, Lucifer!" I rasped, and he chuckled evilly into my shoulder.
"No. You're going to be patient for me. You're not getting what you want when you want it. You'll get what you want when I want it. I'm not waiting any more. You wanted to fuck yourself in the middle of the day? Fine, I'll let you have it until I'm finished with you. And you'd better believe I won't be done punishing you for a long while."
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httplilyyy · 2 years
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pairing: ona batlle x reader
request(s): ‘can you please do a christmas fic for ona’ & ‘i need a woso fic with anyone ice skating with r’
summary: you go ice skating with your girlfriend and a couple of the girls from your team
warnings: nothing but pure fluff, the ‘L-bomb’, established relationship
word count: 2.0k
a/n: this is so bad and i hate it but i felt like i needed something to post
woso masterlist it’s the most wonderful time of the year
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You stood, fingers drumming against the kitchen counter, rocking backwards and forwards on your feet, waiting for the kettle to come to a boil. It was currently ten in the morning, Ona was still fast asleep and you decided to make her breakfast in bed.
You had already plated some pancakes and now you were making hot chocolate. Once everything was prepared, you carefully made your way back into your shared bedroom.
Kicking the bedroom door open gently, you placed the breakfast on Ona’s bedside table. You sat yourself down by her side and tenderly brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Ona.” You whispered, brushing your fingers through her hair. Slowly, Ona started to stir into consciousness raising her eyebrows to signal that she was awake. “I made you some breakfast.”
Ona’s eyes flutter open, her face scrunching as she is met by the morning light hitting her face. A smile taking over her features as she meets her eyes with yours.
“Morning, amor.” Ona mumbled, her voice a little groggy.
“Morning, sleepy head.” You chuckled.
“What time is it?” Ona asked as her fingers drew shapes on your thigh.
“Around ten.”
Ona let out a small hum, her eyes shutting momentarily leading you to let out a soft chuckle.
"I don't want to get up." Ona groaned. "Can't we just go back to sleep?"
“I wish we could but we’ve got a day planned.” You said, scooting a little closer to your girlfriend. “Plus, your breakfast is getting cold.”
"Okay, give me five more minutes."
"Nope. You gotta get up now." You said as you peppered feather-like kisses along Ona’s face, her nose scrunching up at the action.
“No buts. You’ve got to get up.” You said, and thankfully Ona obliged.
The Spaniard slowly pulled herself up and rested against the headboard. You gave Ona a quick peck on her lips before pulling away to put her breakfast on her lap. A beaming smile took place over her face as she looked at the food laid out in front of her.
“Gracias, mi amor.” Ona said gratefully as she took a bite of one of her many pancakes before offering one to you.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, taking a small bite and letting Ona finish the rest.
Time went by in a blur, you were too entranced by your girlfriend to notice how, even after she finished her breakfast, you were both still sitting on your bed. Two hours later.
Ona watched as the realisation clocked on your face. You were quick to send a scolding glare in your girlfriends direction, the both of you knowing you weren’t really mad.
How could you be? The way she looked at you with nothing but love and pure adoration in her eyes practically made you melt.
Ona gave you a suggestive look and gestured for you to lie down beside her. Letting out a soft chuckle, you moved the dirty plate of Ona’s breakfast onto the floor and settled yourself back on your side of the bed.
After you were in a comfortable position, you raised an arm up and signalled for Ona to cuddle into you, which she happily obliged to without hesitation.
“You’re lucky I love you.” You said quietly.
“Mhm,” Ona hummed, “the luckiest.”
You chuckled softly at Ona’s reply, placing a kiss to the top of her head. The Spanish defender moved against you, practically using you as a human pillow, trying to get into the comfiest position possible.
You let Ona do what she needed, staying completely still as she wriggled around. Smiling to yourself as you felt Ona let out a little content sigh against your skin.
“You’ve got two hours max.” You said, feeling Ona let out a small hum against you. “I mean it, we have to meet with some of the girls later.”
“I know.” Ona replied, already drifting back off to sleep.
That soon went flying out the window. You don't know how but you managed to fall asleep as well, meaning the two of you were very late with meeting up with your friends.
Being stupid enough not to set an alarm, the two of you were rushing around to get everything ready.
You managed to get out of the door in record time, only having half an hour to get to your destination. However luck wasn't on yours or Ona’s side and the two of you got caught in traffic.
The both of you arrived very late but at least you had shown up. The girls had texted you saying they were already inside and were waiting for you.
As you were about to get out of the car you felt a hand grip onto your forearm. You stopped your actions and turned back to face Ona. The Spaniard had an apprehensive look on her face.
Ona chewed on her bottom lip as her eyes darted around at everything other than your own.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, gently using your thumb to release her bottom lip.
“I don’t know how to ice skate.” Ona mumbled quietly, fiddling with her thumbs as her leg bounced up and down.
“Neither do I.” You smiled, placing your hand on Ona’s thigh, helping to relax her nerves.
“What if I fall over and they laugh at me?”
“Then I’ll fall with you,” you told her sincerely, “they can laugh all they want but it won't matter.”
Ona didn’t think she could fall harder for you, and yet she was quickly proven wrong.
“You better hold on to me.” Ona said sternly.
“I wouldn't dream of letting go.” You smiled.
The two of you finally got out of the car and met up with the girls. Ella, Alessia, Mary, Katie and Millie were waiting in line when you and Ona finally made your appearance.
“Finally, here come the love birds.” Ella exclaimed, her hands raising up as she spotted the two of you.
“Alright, Tooney. Good to see you too.” You chuckled, wrapping an arm around Ona’s waist.
“We were wondering when you would show up.” Katie said with a wink causing Ona to hide her face in your body, trying to hide the blush on her face.
“Very funny.” You deadpanned with a small laugh.
“Come on, give us the details.” Mary joined in.
“There’s nothing to give, since nothing happened.” You shrugged, looking down at Ona and placing a small kiss to the top of her head.
“Boring.” Millie shouted, drawing attention from nearly everyone.
“Alright, alright, how about we just get some ice skates?” You suggested.
“Fine.” The girls huffed.
“But you will tell us the details later.” Alessia said, nudging you gently in the arm with a teasing smile.
The seven of you paid for your skates and sat on a bench to put them on. You were quick to put your skates on so you sat waiting for the girls to do theirs.
Once everyone had their skates on, they each made their way onto the rink. You waited beside Ona, noticing how her leg started bouncing up and down again and how her hands gripped onto the bench so much so her knuckles turned white.
The girls were calling you both over but your focus was solely on your girlfriend. You waved your teammates off and told them you would be ready soon.
When they finally took your word you kneeled down in front of Ona, placing your hands on her knees. The Spaniard slowly let her eyes meet yours, ones that held so much reassurance and love.
No words needed to be said, instead you gave each other tiny nods accompanied by smiles. You stood back up again and held out your hand to help her into the icy floor.
Looking around the rink, you helped Ona as she clung onto you for dear life. Ona let you guide her along the ice, her body rigid, scared you’ll let her go.
“Relax, Ona. I got you, okay?” You said gently.
“I thought you said you couldn’t skate?” Ona replied, her eyes darting around the ice rink.
“Oops?” You said, a childish grin taking over your features.
“You're lucky I love you.” Ona said as she shook her head, a small smile gracing her features.
The two of you made your way around the ice, nearly falling every now and then but ultimately staying on your feet.
Ona felt herself get more confident and decided to see if she could skate by herself. At first, she was able to do little movements on her own but she slowly started to lose her balance.
“I’ve got you.” You whispered, coming up beside her and grasping her waist to hold the defender up right.
You two continued to skate like that for a while, creating little conversations here and there as well as laughing at your friends' antics.
Just as Ona was starting to get the hang of things again, she took one wrong misstep and sent the two of you down and onto the ice.
“You said you wouldn’t let go!” Ona said as she sat up to look at you.
“I didn’t! You dragged me to the floor with you.” You replied as you gestured to your body being on the floor too.
“Woah! Wipeout!” Ella chuckled as she skated past you.
“Come on, let's get you back on your feet.” You smiled, standing up as well as helping Ona, ignoring Ella’s comment.
“I’m sorry.” Ona said as she looked at her feet.
“What are you sorry for?” You asked, placing your hands on Ona’s cheeks, your thumbs brushing over her skin in a tender caress.
“I can’t skate.”
“So what? We’ve all got to start somewhere.” You shrugged.
“Nope, come on, let's go get a penguin.” You grinned, skating to the side hand in hand with Ona, asking a worker for a penguin.
Ona was very reluctant and refused to use a penguin at first but she soon gave in once you promised her some kisses.
The penguin seemed to help, not with your friends teasing but with Ona’s skating ability. As you got to the end of your session Ona could somewhat skate confidently without you or the penguins help.
The rink was nearly empty when you, Ona and the girls decided to call it a day. Snow started to fall out of the sky at a tender pace, twinkling as it came down.
You had all agreed to go back to yours for some takeout and a movie, leading to everyone bundling back into their cars, starting the journey to your place.
Once everyone piled back into your shared home with Ona, you were quick to order food and put a movie on.
Your food was delivered around twenty minutes into the movie and it was gone in a matter of seconds.
You were sitting on a loveseat with Ona cuddled up to your side whilst Ella, Alessia and Millie took over the sofa causing Katie to take the spare chair and Mary was happy with sitting on the floor.
As the movie went on you felt Ona’s breathing even out, signalling that she had fallen asleep. The girls were quick to tease you but you paid them no attention. You couldn’t take your eyes off your girlfriend, thinking how lucky you are to have her in your life.
You let Ona sleep, not moving in case you woke her up. The Spaniard stayed cuddled into your side, her breath tickling the base of your neck.
By the end of the movie the girls made their way out one by one saying goodbye quietly and saying they’ll see you soon. After everyone had left you gently picked Ona up and carried her to your bedroom.
You laid her down carefully and made sure everything was locked up, cleaning up all the rubbish as well as turning the tv and lights off before walking back into your bedroom.
You got yourself underneath the covers and Ona was quick to latch her body onto yours.
“Goodnight, te amo.” You whispered, placing an arm around her waist as well as a kiss to the top of her head.
“Buenas noches, mi amor.” Ona mumbled as she got into a comfortable position against you, the defender sighing in contentment.
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astrojulia · 2 years
To All my Air Placements People
-Or for those who have already read "just feel"
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One thing that really bothers me about the astrological community is their relationship with emotions and those who identify as "air people." As an Aquarius dominant, I try to absorb the best of every word, situation, and perspective, as it is my nature to see reason and to consider things from multiple points of view. I don't see a problem with using words like "manipulative," and I'm not particularly concerned with being politically correct.
However, one issue I can't ignore is the way that air moons and people are often described as having difficulty feeling emotions. The common refrain is, "You don't feel, you just think." This creates a lot of subtext, such as "You should just feel and not think," "How will you survive when you realize you can only feel and not think," and "You overthink and don't feel."
I know that this kind of post may not be popular, as people tend to prefer direct solutions rather than philosophical discussions. Additionally, many people become overly attached to astrology, which I don't quite understand, as someone who practices greco roman paganism and views the stars as simply giant balls in space guided by the Gods. However, my goal is to help air people who may be feeling bad due to these descriptions and depreciating themselves unnecessarily. I want to provide them with the tools to live their lives in their own way, without relying too heavily on astrology. If possible, I also hope to change the mentality of the astrological community regarding air people. Or maybe I just want to help myself, who knows?
In this post, I will use my knowledge and concepts to explain why the concept of feeling can be misunderstood, how air people experience emotions, and, most importantly, how to work with your feelings.
Have you ever questioned how emotions work and why we experience them differently in different situations? Fortunately, neuroscientist Lisa Feldman has been working for 25 years to explore these questions, and her book "How Emotions Are Made" provides a scientific way to understand how our bodies process emotions. I will explain the main ideas in a summarized way.
While the amygdala is often regarded as the brain's emotional center, it is not the only part of the brain responsible for emotions. In fact, emotions are not solely processed in the brain, but throughout our whole body via neurons. Studies on monkeys who had their amygdalas removed showed that they temporarily lost the ability to feel fear, but eventually regained it. This suggests that our emotions are not simply regulated by a specific part of the brain.
Instead, emotions are processed when neurons in our body are activated and send signals to our brain. Our brain then processes these signals to determine what the emotion is and how we should respond. For example, the smell of a bakery may cause our mouth to water and make us feel hungry, while waiting in a surgery waiting room may cause us to feel anxious and lose our appetite. Physiologically, both situations trigger the same neurons, but the emotional response is different because our brain takes into account the context.
In other words, our emotions are not simply a reaction to stimuli but are influenced by our environment and our own interpretation of the situation. By understanding how emotions are made, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and how we respond to different situations.
Drawing upon my esoteric knowledge and delving deeper into the data, have you ever wondered how neurons "communicate" and signal to the body that something is happening? The answer lies in the air. Yes, the gas we breathe in is linked to our emotions. It travels to our brains and is processed in a way that best suits the situation. Interestingly, people with different elemental signs have their own unique ways of dealing with air, which means that the gas they expel is processed differently. However, some may argue that water is the element that deals with emotions. While this may seem like an esoteric concept, I have my own explanation for it.
Neurons are present throughout our body, and the part that is referred to as our second brain is our viscera, especially our stomach, which is ruled by Cancer. Our hormones also play a crucial role in our emotions. It is a well-known fact that we don't think clearly when we are aroused, and our reproductive system, which is ruled by Scorpio, produces a significant portion of our hormones. Our feet also have a plethora of neurons connected to our emotional world, and they are ruled by Pisces. Therefore, water signs are adept at managing their emotions as they work well with this part of the body and process their feelings more quickly. Furthermore, in astrology water rules the emotions, in others studies it can be the air, or even the water rules the material.
Let's delve deeper into the subject and discuss our emotions in more detail. We need to think about them, even if it's just for a second, before we can truly feel them. While this may come naturally to us, it is something we learn as we grow older. When information is transmitted to the brain, the first thing it does is to search for a similar sensation or situation from the past to determine the appropriate response. To demonstrate this, take a look at the picture and try to see something. Then, check out the next one…
Pulling for my esoteric part and exploring more data, you know how the neurons “move” and say to the body that something is happening? By gas. Yes, air. Our emotion is linked with air, that gas goes to our brains and it will be processed in the best way for the situation, and air people have their unique way to deal with air, so that gas that is expelled will be worked in a completely different way for the air people than all the others. But is it not water who deals with emotion? Esoteric saying, yes, but I have my own explanation for that…
Neurons are on our whole body, and the part that is called our second brain are our viscera, principally our stomach, ruled by Cancer. Our hormones work a lot with our brain, and everyone knows how we don’t think too well when we are aroused. The part that produces a great part of our hormones is our reproductive system, ruled by Scorpio. Have you ever seen the amount of techniques focused on stress and negative emotions on our feet? From massages and acupuncture, our foot has a ton of neurons connected to our emotional world, and it is ruled by Pisces. So why are water people good with their emotions? Because they work well with that part of the body, they sign rules and process their feelings quicker, but do that better with their specific part.
Now we can go a little deeper in the subject and talk in more detail with our feelings. We need to think about them, even for a second, before really feeling, but that should be easy for everyone because it is natural and born with that… Yes, it is natural but we aren't born with that… We learn how to feel as we age. When the information goes to the brain the first thing it does is to search for the same sensation and the same situation in the past to know what to do. I can give you an example of how we actually just work with things, with our memory and prediction of what is going on. Look at the pic and try to see something, after that click in the link and I will heal your little problem:
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Now that you've seen it, you can't unsee it. The black and white one will make sense now. This is how emotions work: we need to experience a situation to truly understand it. Emotions are complex and we often need to go through a situation more than once to really comprehend what's going on. However, if you put an air person in an environment they already know, they won't have a problem with their emotions.
Now that I've explained how we misunderstand emotions and how they actually work, I'm going to share my knowledge to help my fellow air signs in the best way possible. This is what I've learned to become the best version of myself.
When we feel something, our system works like this: we feel a sensation in our chest, and that information goes to our brain, which tries to put a word to that sensation. Once we find the best word to describe the sensation, it goes back to the area to check if it's accurate. If it's not, the process repeats until we find the best description. So, how do I work with this? I have a lot of emotion names in my memory, so I don't waste time explaining how I feel. Yes, I feel a lot (Pisces Jupiter, Scorpio Mars..), but no, I don't feel the same way as you. Allow me to introduce you:
The Wheel of Emotions
Yes, that is how I do my s***, I take some time in my life to see that wheel and verify what I was feeling in that moment, how I can improve myself, and knowing that I’m not such a bad person, I’m giving you more than 80 feelings explanation here, hope you like. You can see that the main feeling connect with each other.
Fear: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight); an anxious feeling; a feeling of profound respect for someone or something.
Horror: intense and profound fear; something that inspires dislike; something horrible; intense aversion
Dread: fearful expectation or anticipation; be afraid or scared of; be frightened of; causing fear or dread or terror
Mortified: suffering from tissue death; made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride
Nervous: of or relating to the nervous system; easily agitated; causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
Anxious: eagerly desirous; causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
Worried: afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
Insecure: not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way; lacking in security or safety; lacking self-confidence or assurance
Inadequate: lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; not sufficient to meet a need, not welcome
Inferior: one of lesser rank or station or quality; a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character; of or characteristic of low rank or importance
Terror: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety; a person who inspires fear or dread; a very troublesome child
Hysterical: characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria; marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion
Panic: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety; sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; be overcome by a sudden fear
Scared: made afraid
Helpless: lacking in or deprived of strength or power; unable to function; without help; unable to manage independently
Frightened: made afraid; thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation
Love: a strong positive emotion of regard and affection any object of warm affection or devotion a beloved person used as terms of endearment.
Tenderness: a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling; a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched); warm compassionate feelings
Compassionate: share the suffering of; showing or having compassion
Caring: a loving feeling; feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others
Peaceful: not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war; peacefully resistant in response to injustice
Satisfied: filled with satisfaction; allayed
Relieved: (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear; extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
Desire: the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state; an inclination to want things; something that is desired
Infatuation: a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration; temporary love of an adolescent; an object of extravagant short-lived passion
Passion: a strong feeling or emotion; the trait of being intensely emotional; something that is desired intensely
Longing: prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
Attracted: direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; be attractive to; exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away
Sentimental: given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality; effusively or insincerely emotional
Affectionate: having or displaying warmth or affection
Fondness: affection or liking for someone or something
Romantic: conducive to or characterized by the expression of love; of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality; person with romantic beliefs or attitudes.
Joy: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness rejoice
Enthralled: capture the fascinated attention of
Rapture: a feeling of intense pleasure or joy; a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; a state of elated bliss
Enchanted: influenced as by charms or incantations
Elation: an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression; a feeling of joy and pride
Jubilation: a feeling of extreme joy; a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event; the utterance of sounds expressing great joy
Euphoric: exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
Enthusiastic: having or showing great excitement and interest
Zeal: a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause); excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end; prompt willingness
Excited: in an aroused state; (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
Optimist: a person disposed to take a favorable view of things
Hopeful: an ambitious and aspiring young person; having or manifesting hope; full or promise
Eager: a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary); having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy
Proud: feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride; having or displaying great dignity or nobility
Illustrious: widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory
Triumphant: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; experiencing triumph
Cheerful: being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic
Jovial: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Blissful: completely happy and contented
Happy: enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure; marked by good fortune; eagerly disposed to act or to be of service
Amused: pleasantly occupied
Delighted: greatly pleased; filled with wonder and delight
Content: being pleased and satisfied (feeling content) or making someone else feel happy and at peace with things (contenting them)
Pleased: experiencing or manifesting pleasure; feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth
Satisfied: filled with satisfaction; allayed
Surprise: the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you a sudden unexpected event the act of surprising someone
Moved: being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
Stimulated: emotionally aroused
Touched: having come into contact; being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; slightly insane
Overcome: To feel something very strongly. It is usually used in a positive way
Speechless: temporarily incapable of speaking
Astounded: filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock
Amazed: feeling or showing great surprise or wonder
Astonished: surprised, amazed, astonished or bewildered
Awe-Struck: filled with feelings of fear and wonder: filled with awe
Confused: mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; lacking orderly continuity
Disillusioned: freed from illusion
Perplexed: full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment
Stunned: filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock; knocked unconscious by a heavy blow; in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
Shocked: struck with fear, dread, or consternation
Dismayed: cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress; to cause to lose courage or resolution (as because of alarm or fear) must not let ourselves be dismayed by the task before us; upset, perturb were dismayed by the condition of the building
Sadness: emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being the state of being sad the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness
Despair: a state in which all hope is lost or absent; the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well; abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart
Grief: intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death); something that causes great unhappiness
Powerless: lacking power; impotent
Neglected: disregarded; lacking a caretaker
Isolated: not close together in time; being or feeling set or kept apart from others
Lonely: lacking companions or companionship; marked by dejection from being alone; characterized by or preferring solitude
Shameful: (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame; giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation
Regretful: feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
Guilty: responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; showing a sense of guilt
Disappointed: disappointingly unsuccessful; sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hopes or expectations
Dismayed: struck with fear, dread, or consternation
Displeased: not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
Sadness: emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being; the state of being sad; the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness
Depressed: filled with melancholy and despondency; in a state of general unhappiness or despondency
Sorrow: an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement; sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; something that causes great unhappiness
Suffering: a state of acute pain; misery resulting from affliction; psychological suffering
Agony: intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; a state of acute pain
Hurt: any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc; psychological suffering; feelings of mental or physical pain
Anger: a strong emotion a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance the state of being angry belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins.)
Disgust: strong feelings of dislike; fill with distaste; cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
Contempt: lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous; open disrespect for a person or thing
Revolted: to turn away with disgust. transitive verb.: to cause to turn away or shrink with disgust or abhorrence; to experience disgust or shock
Envy: a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another; spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins); feel envious towards; admire enviously
Resentful: full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will
Jealous: showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages; suspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival
Irritable: easily irritated or annoyed; abnormally sensitive to a stimulus; capable of responding to stimuli
Aggravated: made more severe or intense especially in law; incited, especially deliberately, to anger
Annoyed: aroused to impatience or anger; troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances
Exasperated: greatly annoyed; out of patience
Frustrated: disappointingly unsuccessful
Agitated: troubled emotionally and usually deeply; physically disturbed or set in motion
Rage: a feeling of intense anger; a state of extreme anger; something that is desired intensely
Hostile: don’t want to talk to people, be around them, or even have them near us
Hate: the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action; dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards
And now we’re done, my biggest goal in this post as I already wrote, is to chance that point of view of the air people, but the most important part is to take off that bad sensation from you chest, my air fellow, that I feel and know that existent every time you read that you’re emotionless and don’t now how to feel the things in the right way. Thank you for your and kisses from the sea.
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hastalavistabyebye · 23 days
Injuries #2
AO3 version
“It’s not so bad, sir, I swear !” Grin was quick to exclame, even with one of the medics still hovering over her. “It’s my fault really, I'm the one who asked for this spar.”
Ponds gave a look to the ARC that made all her attempts at taking the blame dissolve like ice under Tatooine's suns. The Commander had come as fast as he could when the news reached him, face a controlled mask very far from the usual relaxed smile he had during leaves. Nobody made a sound in the medbay. 
“Report ?” He simply said to the medic. 
“Right ankle broken, the left shoulder dislocated, and lots of bruises. The choking didn't leave any damage, sir.” Scalpel valiantly tried to reassure. Or at least appease, somehow. “She’ll be back on her feet in no time.”
Ponds nodded in acknowledgement. He patted Grin’s good shoulder, not even trying to calm the worried faces staring silently at him from every side of the room. 
“Rest. When you're back into shape, I'll take you on the mats and see to your fighting style, if you want to.” He didn't smile as he usually would, but his voice was soft. It always was when he spoke to his troops. 
Grin barely had the time to shakily nod, Ponds was already turning back from where he came. 
He was going to kill him. 
It didn't take long to reach the Commanders’ quarters. It didn't take long for the door to open either, which was a good thing. He would have happily torn the kriffing thing out of his way if he had to wait just a minute more. 
Ponds barged in, not caring about Neyo in the corner. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you ?” He screamed at Bacara, before the other man even had time to look up from the bacta patch he was in the process to apply at a cut on his forehead. “In which sith hell sending a trooper to medbay is considered appropriate behavior for a kriffing spar ?!”
“She’s the one who asked for it.” Bacara simply shrugged, focus now entirely directed at Ponds. 
“She’s the one who- do you even hear yourself ?? You nearly choked her to the point of blacking out ! Neyo was trained by fucking Priest and even him knows not to send his men in the medbay over kriffing training fights .” He all but spat, ignoring the other 91st Commander freezing at his words. He’d excuse himself later, right now he had other things to focus on. “You’re a Marshall Commander, if you can't fucking control your strength, I'll teach you.”
Ponds was burning. Rage running incandescent in his veins, giving every cell in his body the ferocity of a fine tuned plasma bomb. He just wanted to explode and slice in that dickhead of an asshole. He would have taken the defense of any vod, but nobody touched his troops. Bacara was observing him intently, bacta patch forgotten in his hand. The simple nod he answered with made Ponds flare with vicious satisfaction. 
“You got two hours to patch yourself up and recover. Same training room where you played the entitled shabuir.” Ponds commanded. 
He didn't wait for an answer. It barely had the time to come before he was out of the door anyway. Bacara stared at where Ponds had been standing a few moments longer. 
“You really kriffed up, ori’tat.” Neyo whistled. The Marine didn't answer, grudgingly grateful to be spared the ‘I told you so’ this time. He turned back to the bacta. 
The Vode rumor mill was renowned for its efficiency and rapidity. So it wasn't a surprise to see the training room full of noisy troopers, especially since Ponds hadn't give a fuck about being discreet when he went to find Bacara. It was good, maybe the lesson was going to stick better in the presence of an audience. 
The two Commanders said nothing, simply took place on the mats. Neyo signaled for them to start the fight and that was it. 
Ponds striked, quick as a snake pounding on its prey. He was Recon, trained to be fast in armor. And at that moment, the entirety of the room saw just how fast it made him out of his shell. Bacara may be one of the best fighters of the entire GAR, a rustless mountain of muscles, but it didn't matter for Ponds. Especially not now that he was used to train with General Windu. 
Exactly one minute after the start of the fight, Bacara was pinned down, face first, on the mats, completely immobilized by the other Commander on top of him. 
“This is how to spare.” Ponds growled in his ear. “Don't come near my men ever again until you've learned this lesson.”
With one last jab in the ribs, far from enough to do any damage but enough to send the point across one last time, Ponds got back on his feet and left the room without another look back. 
“Well, good job ‘Cara. You’ve lasted thirty seconds more than what I've bet.”
“Fuck you, Neyo.” The Marine groaned while standing back up.
The majority of the GAR thought that was where the story ended. After this day, the Marine Commander started to calm down little by little, less ruthless and more stern. Many believed the two Commanders couldn't stand each other anymore. 
It was one of the very rare cases where the Vode rumor mill went impressively askew. 
The day after this fight, Bacara went to see ARC Trooper Grin and presented his excuses. Or as good of excuses as he could manage. It still got happily acknowledged for what it was. He became more careful when training with other people, even started putting into place new strategies during campaigns to diminish useless casualties. In the safety of his quarters, he even sometimes asked for advice to his batch, when the situation was outside of his specialty. And, a little bit later, he asked Ponds too. 
Ponds calmed down pretty quickly, he never had been one to be angry easy nor to stay like this for very long. He only excused himself to Neyo, who brushed it right away with a cheeky “Oh no, he deserved to hear it”. He did send to the Marine a holo of a purple bird of prey a week later, with the message : I still like your colors .
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