#and two doctors notes
thegittelbug · 3 months
I'm officially a milk donor! Very happy to have turned my oversupply into a donation to help out other babies, especially ones with medical needs :)
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sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
You would think disability services would make it Easy to get your accommodations but noooo of Course not
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”the master has always been… hypnotic” Jesus Christ doctor can you just say you’re gay for him
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airas-story · 11 months
Doctor's Note - Prelude
“I need a doctor’s note,” Tony said as he entered the room he knew Stephen was in. Or was at least guessing that Stephen was in since this was where the sanctum had brought him.
“I’d know if you were sick,” he heard Stephen say. Tony followed the sound to find Stephen settled comfortably in a little reading nook within a window well that Tony hadn’t been aware the sanctum even had. “You’re not sick, therefore you do not need a doctor’s note.”
Tony nudged at Stephen’s feet a little and Stephen shifted enough so that Tony had space to sit across from him, their legs tangling a little, the touch comfortable and easy.
“I could hide it if I wanted to,” Tony argued.
Stephen glanced up from his book long enough to stare at Tony judgmentally.
“Not that I would,” Tony added hurriedly. “I’m just saying that I could.”
“Not from me,” Stephen said with absolute certainty.
Tony considered that, because he’d had some pretty solid luck on hiding declining health from people in the past, but he’d never tried to hide it from Stephen. So, maybe Stephen was right, maybe Stephen was the one person Tony would never be able to hide something like that from.
“Fair enough,” Tony decided. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I need a doctor’s note.”
Stephen glanced down at his book and then back up at Tony. “No.” He returned to his book.
Tony leaned back against the wall, staring at his husband intently as his husband kept reading. Stephen was pretty good at ignoring him when the situation required, but Tony also knew that he was annoying—which Stephen, fortunately, seemed to mostly love about him—even without trying, which meant that when he did try he was amazing at it.
Stephen lasted five minutes of Tony staring intently at him before Stephen sighed and looked up. “What do you need a doctor’s note for? You realize that a) I was a neurosurgeon, and b) I’m not a practicing doctor anymore?”
Tony waved his hand. “Details. You’re a doctor, always will be.”
Stephen looked reluctantly pleased at the words, as though he knew Tony was buttering him up but was helpless to resist it.
Tony wasn’t buttering him up, it was simple truth. Stephen being a doctor was simply a part of him; it always would be.
“Anyways, I need it because doctor’s notes are apparently ‘get out of jail free’ cards. I need one. Pepper’s been making me go to too many meetings and galas lately and I need a way to get out of one the next time she tries.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “You’re ridiculous, you know that right?” 
“Yes,” Tony said, because it was true and he had no shame.
“I’m not giving you a doctor’s note to get out of work.” Stephen returned to his book and Tony returned to his staring intently at Stephen.
Stephen lasted a good seven minutes this time. “You know I love your attention, but I’m going to portal you somewhere far away if you keep that up.”
He absolutely would, Tony knew. His husband didn’t make threats he didn’t mean. But it would be somewhere safe and convenient like his lab at the compound or—if he was particularly lucky—their bed.
“I’m not doing anything,” Tony pointed out. “In fact, I’m being perfectly well-behaved.”
Stephen just glared at him. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
“Gazing admiringly at my beloved husband?” Tony put a hand to his chest. “How dare I.”
Stephen sighed. “Fine, grab the paper you are undoubtedly carrying with you.”
Tony grinned and immediately pulled out the folded paper with Stephen’s credentials printed in fancy typeface at the top. Tony might have had FRIDAY design it just for this purpose. He pulled out a pen as well and grabbed a spare book to use as a table and waited for Stephen to dictate his note. He knew writing was painful for Stephen and he might want a doctor’s note, but he wasn’t going to make Stephen actually write it.
“Dear Pepper,” Stephen started and Tony immediately started writing. “Tony is driving me up a wall. Please consider the fact that his entire being is an ailment—“ Tony smirked a little as he wrote that down, ”—and that whatever function you are busy attempting to make him attend may indeed be better off without him there.” Stephen paused. “Now hand it here so I can sign it and you can go be annoying somewhere else.”
Tony laughed it as he handed the paper to Stephen for him to sign. God, he loved his husband.
Tony waited for Stephen to sign it before shifting so that he could lean forward to kiss him.
“Best. Husband. Ever,” he whispered when he finally pulled back.
Stephen snorted. “And don’t you forget it.”
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l8tof1 · 1 year
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shitouttabuck · 11 months
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
buck/eddie | 2.7k | rated t
Death comes for Eddie in the form of a small fluffy bunny. Several small fluffy bunnies, actually.
He’s not being hyperbolic, okay? This is how he goes. Hen and Chim can take their Drama Queen Diaz eye rolls and shove it. He’s having a perfectly reasonable reaction to the sight before him. And if the classic bright white light everyone talks about is more accurately a kind of warm glow dotted with sparkles and floating cartoon hearts in his current experience? Well, that’s between him and his God.
or, it’s truly tragic that eddie diaz isn’t kissing buck buckley, especially when everything he does makes him so damn kissable
read on ao3
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
holding hands as we collectively experience the confirmed david tennant dilf renaissance ... the dilf-aissance if you will ... the dilfication of david tennant ... the 15 years on t dt ..... transmasc swag dad ...... twink-dilf pipeline tennant ........ objectification of the sweaters and funky shirts of dad-of-five mr david tennant ........... peak masculinity is some skinny dude in his 50s playing immortal haunted-looking gender non-conforming beings ............ david mcdonald's ongoing ode to non-binary dadness ................. he is not online which makes it even funnier that transphobes tweet about him as if he can hear them ................... do not airbrush out those wrinkles or so help me ..... second runner up to the dilf kingship ....................... my guy gonna pop a hip if he's not careful in those skin-tight trouser sway performances but the dedication is appreciated ............ dilfid tennant
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popcorn-plots · 21 days
we're doing it again
10 notes and I post an Ironstrange one-shot I wrote in 10 minutes and have not edited. [here]
20 notes and I go through and edit a Wongstrange story I'm writing with Invye
30 notes and I write/publish the WIP I have of Donna's death and reincarnation and Stephen's relationship with it.
40 notes and I write another ironwongstrange story
50 notes and I finish/post my WIP where Stephen and Wong grow old together. Lots of angst.
60 notes and I dig out my trans Stephen fic, polish it up a bit, and send it out into the world.
70 notes and I'll publish a series on one-shots based on some pride month writing prompts I found
80 notes just to make it even (send me drabble prompts and ('ll write them)
90 notes to soothe my anxiety (send me drabble prompts and I'll write them)
100 notes and I'll write Stephen getting railed by his mtf wife (clea)
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balmungkriemhild · 7 months
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some izou doodles cause FGO has a death grip on me again and I care him
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Hello praying people, I'm not doing well and would really appreciate your prayers right now <3
#long very boring and unnecessarily detailed tag monologue incoming‚ feel free to skip:#this is going to sound like a silly thing to be hitting rock bottom over#but i’m fairly certain i have a semi-rare skin condition known as sensitive skin syndrome#which is basically where skin gets progressively more sensitive#until it won’t tolerate the topical application of anything at all without getting irritated#usually it happens to people on the skin of their face and i have it there but i also specifically have it on my lips#(which apparently is extremely not normal; i found a dermatologist’s case study from like 2019 of one woman who had it on her lips#and according to this case study there were no other cases of people having it on their lips#in all the dermatological literature he had read)#i can’t follow the protocol which all the journal articles i’ve been able to find say is helpful for the rest of the face which is basicall#leave the area the heck alone for at least a year#because if i don’t apply anything to my lips for more than two or three days they will get so dry they crack and bleed#so it’s looking like one way or another i may be having to deal with dry burning irritated lips for the rest of my life#and i’m not dealing with the thought of that very well#i’ve already suffered so much anguish from extreme sensitivity on the rest of my face#and not being able to take proper care of the skin there#and this is just too much for me#i know God is allowing this for a reason but it’s filling me with so much frustration and panic and despair that i don’t know how to go on#but i must and i will#this isn’t a serious or a life-threatening condition but it’s looking like a pretty hopeless one and it’s hurting me badly#and i would appreciate prayers that it would just be healed or that i would know what to do#i think i will try going to my dermatologist but somehow i doubt she's even heard of sensitive skin syndrome#on a COMPLETELY unrelated note i'm just about to get my period and also for two days i've ''eaten'' nothing but vegetable smoothies#and those in pretty small amounts because they're disgusting#(do a detox my hormonal health doctor said)#(it'll be fun she said)#ok if you read this far you're so brave braver than any u.s. marine etc.#thanks for reading ily <3
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okay since it’s trending I just wanted you all to know a funny story
when I was a kid, bilingual in america, i didn’t really watch british tv that wasn’t doctor who or older sitcoms like blackadder 
but for some reason the latino channels, in between the telenovelas, were always marathoning merlin, and i was too young to look at things like matching lip movements.
what I’m trying to say is basically until like 2 years ago i thought merlin was a spanish language show - a high budget fantasy telenovela. 
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batty-pham · 7 months
Daily DPxDC Fic Rec
Day 49 - Nov 18
A little accidental adoption never hurt anyone! Right?
By RoseyWriter
Tags: Ghost King Danny Fenton, Not Phantom Planet Compliant, John Constantine Being an Asshole, Protective John Constantine, Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, John Constantine is a Mess, no beta we die like danny
Wordcount: 11,167
Summary: After Constantine meets the supposed High King of the Infinite Realms, they make a deal. It helps them both out, but neither seems to realize it's not just a deal anymore...well except Clockwork, but he's leaving them be for now. or Constantine accidentally adopts Danny but doesn't realize it anytime soon.
Complete: no
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ragnorfalling · 18 days
little pre-rogue theory im cooking up: jgroff's rogue is The Rogue a new renegade time lord and their existence confirms that some time lords did survive the genocide . splintered factions & nomadic refugees are just out there in the universe trying to reform their society which means the doctor would realise theres no reason for susan to be dead, opens up the return of other renegades specifically the monk who i know is the one behind mavity (literally the only reason i have is that mavity begins with m. and yet im almost dead certain on this. doubling down) season 2 will delve deeper into the survivors of gallifrey maybe even a story where the doctor has to protect the master from revenge im manifesting
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old-stoneface · 4 months
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reverse oedipal complex (sickmind fraud)
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ginkovskij · 18 days
i know i'm at work but what if i don't want to work
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seaweedstarshine · 5 months
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You know that time in the comics when the Doctor is so depressed, he shuts off the lights, turns on an interrogation spotlight, locks himself in the console room, and argues with a bunch of judgmental shadow-figures resembling his past incarnations?
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And all the TARDIS' lights go out and her interior becomes a maze to keep his companions out of the console room, all from her psychic connection with the Doctor (“moodbleed”)?
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And his companions are left wandering in circles for two days as the air goes “stale,” not knowing where he is but thinking the worst, while he hallucinates in a dark room?
...because I'm thinking again about the times this definitely happened when he was with the Ponds.
#when they find him- Rory (one good nurse™) asks neutral questions to check on his emotional state while respecting his space#Amy knows when he's locked himself alone long enough to call River (fortunately Amy talks to her daughter often)#River can calm the tardis and go directly to the Doctor. she sits with him and nods when he rants. she tells him hes loved.#eleventh doctor#11th doctor#doctor who#words by seaweed#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#honestly same. I don't want anyone looking at me when im in that way because eyes are very uncomfortable lasers slicing my thoughts#so river doesn't look at him. she looks away and lets him look at her so he knows she's not looking at him. she also does active listening#the shadow-figures in this comic are beyond psychosis coded#emphasis: it isnt presented like some conference of past selves here (which the doctor can't just do anyway- see Power of the Doctor).#and the shadow figures dont have personalities anyway. the way theyre drawn is VERY psychosis coded (as is 11 this whole Si Spurrier run)#this is from Eleventh Doctor Year 2 Issue 3 (set between A Christmas Carol and The Impossible Astronaut) if anyone's wondering#note that he put on his comfort fez I love him#alice obiefune#poor Alice got drove up the wall from wandering in the dark for two days… I think Amy and Rory get to get used to it if they're together#eventually they work out a plan to calm the tardis enough to show them the comfy spot in the bunkbeds to wait and give him space#he joins them in their bunkbed for platonic snuggles. all in the same bunk. Rory doesnt mind. they make sure the doctor knows hes loved <3#I think- having been percieved as psychotic growing up- Amy would be conscious about making sure the doctor knows she still adores him#I really want this fic to exist
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