#and u have to lie and start an argument about it
khaotunq · 1 year
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Ryu's Adventures In... being unnecessarily cagey about your hobbies. First Kanaphan as Ryu (Wake Up Ladies: Very Complicated, 2020).
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anadrenalineslut · 5 months
it does NOT surprise me that there are SO MANY tabloid movies coming out being labelled as "documentaries" filled with "friend of a friend of a friend" claims or like heavily, heavily, heavily biased with a clear narrative the filmmaker wanted to push from the beginning that tells only one possible explanation of the truth.
usually if a documentary is trying really, really, really, really hard to make you think a certain way, it's a propaganda piece. you shouldn't have to force feed your audience the "right" opinion to take away from the film evidence. you should present the full story as accurately as possible with real historical evidence to back up the storyline and the audience will walk away with the right idea.
documentaries should not have an overly persuasive tone to them because you should be able to follow the facts to get to the right answer yourself. if you find yourself walking away from a documentary feeling nothing but "wow this proves exactly what i suspected to be true why arent more people angry about niche radicalizing viewpoint that most people find to be inaccurate" you should recognize that as the first step to being indoctrinated into extremist behaviors and thoughts.
#if someone starts telling me about how much they love watching documentaries and its all super emotional hit pieces on bad celebrities#im like BIG yikes and i stay clear from them emotionally like no fucking thank you#i am a snob about documentaries sorry and i have no idea if im right in my thinking i just think this is how it should be imo#yall should walk away from a documentary understanding how someone can come to the wrong conclusion about something#because the documentary should always present the opposing view point in as sympathetic light as possible#steel man the argument then use facts to demolize it#if a documentary about a controversial or political issue#documentaries that lie manipulate rely on emotional support rather thana factual support are bad imo#because it often radicalizes people to the wrong side once they find the steal man argument against ur position#there is a reason people believe certain things#for example my terfs are lying about the original definition of woman argument post#in it i accept the possibility that woman could be defined this way only if u insist on denying factual history#i explicitly state woman was a white female child because it forces well meaning terfs to investigate the truth of my claim#and it forces them to confront the fact that their argument against trans women can be applied to people they think are in fact real women#you have to be willing to engage with repulsive ideas to show why they're factually incorrect.#im not saying the tone has to be completely passive but you have to be FACTUAL with your documentaries.#i am genuinely of the opinion that the facts will convince anyone because all people just want to be right at the end of the day.
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d0youc0py · 1 year
Heyyy. This might b triggering so it’s okay if u don’t do it, but how would 141 + Konig react if reader was @ her friends house and got in the middle of an argument between friend + her bf and friends bf ended up hitting reader? (Kinda self indulgent 🫣)
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“You always do this Simon!” You growled, shoving some clothes into an overnight bag.
“Do what?” He snapped back. He stood in the doorway, trying to slow his breathing. He was upset- more than upset, but he refused to loose his patience with you. “Just want to keep you safe kid.” He reminded.
“You’re trying to isolate me!” You shouted, making your way towards the bathroom. “Every time I try to do anything you always tell me it’s not safe- or that I shouldn’t trust this person. Newsflash Simon I have been able to survive on this earth without you.”
“I don’t like him.” He held strong. He wouldn’t compromise with you if he felt you were at risk. Your friend had invited you to spend the night at her house for a sleepover, and when you broke the news to Simon his first question was: ‘will that slag of hers be there?’ To be honest you hadn’t even thought about it. Why did it matter if he was there? You knew Simon trusted you but his constant distrust of other people was starting to wear on you.
“That doesn’t really matter Simon.” You sighed. You stood in front of him expectantly, waiting for him to move out of the frame. “Besides what evidence to you have against him?”
“He’s a strange man.” He responded.
“He’s not a stranger Simon. We’ve been on like three double dates with them.” You huffed, taking it upon yourself to push past him when he refused to move. He growled to himself, following you around the flat. Suddenly his hands gripped your hips pulling you back towards him. His neck bent down and you instinctually made room for his head by tilting yours to the side.
“Just stay home with me tonight, yeah?” The anger left your body at his soft words and the small kisses placed against your neck. “Or at least say you can’t spend the night. No reason for you to be away for that long.” You turned in his arms, placing a kiss against his chin.
“Simon I’ll be fine, yeah?” You murmured, causing another huff to escape him.
That turned out to be a fat lie.
“Do you think Simon’s going to propose anytime soon?” She asked causing you to flush. “You two have been together for what, three, four years?”
“Just two.” You corrected politely. “I don’t know honestly, haven’t really thought about it much.”
“Such a lie.” She snickered, wiggling her brows at you. You rolled your eyes waving her off.
“Keep it down in there!” You both jumped at the sudden boom from the living room.
“Sorry Rick!” Your friend shouted, seemingly unbothered by his nasty tone. A pit formed in your stomach.
“He always talk to you like that?” You asked, keeping your voice down. She looked at you with a small smile.
“Just when I’m bothering him. Surely Simon snaps at you.” She explained. How could she not realize how out of touch her statement was.
“Not like that.” You said.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” You winced as Ricks voice rung out from behind you. How the hell were you suppose to get out of this one? “You comin into my house, filling my girls head with shite?” He snarled. You quickly stood up.
“No, course not.” You smiled, making your way towards the door.
“I’m good to her.” He huffed, following your footsteps. You nodded your head in agreement.
“I’m sure you are.” You offered a weak smile, peaking behind you to make sure you didn’t trip over any furniture. His arm darted out gripping yours, tugging you close to him.
“You’re sure?” He pressed. You were a quivering mess at this point. Fear and adrenaline being to much for your body to process.
“Rick!” Your friend yelled. He threw a harsh ‘shut up’ over his shoulder. Your mind raced trying to remember even just one technique Simon had showed you. You wished you had payed more attention, instead of just staring at his arms the whole time.
“You’re sure?” He growled again giving you a shake.
“Stop!” You shouted. It was met with a harsh smack to your face.
“I’ve got neighbors you little”- His words were cut off as Simon’s words finally rang through your head:
“When in doubt, aim for the balls or the throat.”
You decided the first one was the most viable option. It had caught him off guard enough to loosen his grip and it was all you needed, slamming the front door shut behind you. You had made it down the flight of stairs, your hands searching your pockets for your phone only to realize you had left it inside.
“Fuck.” You whimpered, trying to make heads or tails of where you were. You weren’t overly familiar with this area. But you were familiar with the fast approaching figure heading towards you. “Simon.” You gasped, hurdling yourself towards him. You didn’t know why he was here but you sure as shit weren’t complaining.
Even through your own shakes you could feel him tremble against you. You let out a sob as he tried to pull away from you.
“He touch you?” He growled, none of it’s malice towards you. Your cheek burned and you could only imagine the mark it had left.
“I want to go home.” You sputtered, burying your face in the safety of his shoulder. He swallowed down his anger to the best of his ability.
“Alright, sweetheart.” He murmured against your head. He carried you to the truck, buckling you up. He continued to let you cling to him until you had calmed, and the loudest thing between you two was his pounding heartbeat. “Tell me what happened, yeah?” He hummed, trying his hardest to fake some calmness.
“He grabbed my arm.” You whispered. His chest heaved. “And”- you cut yourself off. Taking a small breath you pulled away from him, his heated eyes quickly falling on the bruise already spreading over half your face. His face flushed, but he was able to hold in the burning of his body.
“Sweetheart.” He said slowly. He pressed his lips against your forehead. “Give me the apartment number.”
“1G.” You said, with surprisingly little hesitation. Whatever Simon was about to do, it was deserved.
When Simon came back he was shockingly clean, and shockingly poised. He tossed your overnight bag into the back seat and handed you your phone when he got into the drivers seat.
“Simon”- he cut you off by tangling both your hands with one of his, pulling out of the parking garage. You didn’t need to know. You didn’t need to know that he had broken down a door- and almost every bone in that man’s body. That he had been waiting outside the apartment building for the past three hours, stewing in his own protectiveness. Your friend wasn’t even mad. She didn’t bat an eye when Simon asked to use her bathroom to clean himself up a bit- not wanting that man’s blood anywhere near your precious body.
He brought your hands up pressing a kiss against your knuckles, pulling into the grocery store parking lot for a bag of frozen peas and ice cream.
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He wasn’t suppose to be home yet. He had at least another week away- another week for your bruised face to heal. It had just began to look better, the harsh purple color fading to more of a greenish yellow color.
He opened the door, steadying himself for the only attack he actually enjoyed. Your pressing yourself as close to him as you could, tangling your limbs with any part of him, your lips suffocating any thought he had other than he was finally home with you. His stomach dropped when it never came, shutting to door behind him his bag thumping loud against the floor.
“Sweetheart?” His voice boomed, the worst running through his head. He reminded himself he wasn’t suppose to be home for another week and that you weren’t expecting him. Yet your car was in the driveway and there was still no sign of you.
“I’m here.” His shoulders relaxed, your voice melting his brain just right.
“Where are y”- he stopped himself. You were standing in front of him. The realization as to why you weren’t all over him right now crashing down on him harder than a bullet. You- his literal everything- adorned with a sickening brush on your cheek. The same cheek he would brush his beard against to make you laugh. The same cheek his fingers would stroke to self soothe when his brain was just too loud. The same cheek that would flush berry red when he mumbled certain things against you.
“I can explain.” You said quickly, allowing him to maneuver the two of you to the couch. You quickly found your designated spot on his lap, hoping your touch would cause the storm that was about to ensure lighten.
“I want a name.” His voice was calm. Too calm.
“It was an accident. Fell in the garden and hit myself on that big rock you keep telling me to look out for.”
He wasn’t buying it. His face stone cold, as his thumb traced over the healing brush gently.
“I’ll be good.” He assured. He couldn’t fathom why you wanted to protect this person. Must’ve been someone you knew. “Name, please.”
“John.” You whined, clawing at his shirt. He huffed and relaxed you against him, resting his cheek against the top of your head.
“You don’t want to tell me because you think I’ll overreact.” He couldn’t even blame you for that. The man would happily start a war over you. “I won’t touch ‘em, I promise.” He whispered. His hand rubbed up and down your back and you realized just how much you needed the comfort. His hand stopped at your neck, massaging the tense muscles. “Just need to know who hurt my love, hmm?”
“Promise you won’t hurt anyone?” You insisted using his chest to cover up a yawn. He hummed, nodding his head.
“Rick. Remember Kelsey’s boyfriend? I went over to her house and he showed up drunk yelling at her about some fight they had earlier. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut and before I knew it he hit me.” You explained. The normally comfortable body under you had turned ridged, his heartbeat drumming against your ear. “John?”
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” He chuckled slowly against your temple. “Did you”-
“Put a frozen steak on it? Yeah.”
“I’m sorry that happened darling.” He sighed. His large hands gripped your sides pulling you away from him just for a moment. “If something like that ever happens again you call me, understand?” His eyebrow rose to show his seriousness.
“Yes sir.” You swore a small smile on your lips.
He had kept his promise- he didn’t hurt anyone. But he couldn’t allow someone who hurt you live a comfortable life. It would go against his oath to you if he did.
And besides, someone has to make the enemy afraid of the dark.
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He should’ve know better than to leave you alone. He thought that for just one moment while he went to the bathroom it would be safe. You had been tucked under his arm the whole evening, so everyone knew who you were there with. It was his fault for assuming his physique was enough to keep any unwanted advancements away. Time slowed as he came out of the bathroom, his trained eyes spotting you right where he had left you, except you were on the floor. Tears streaming down that perfect face of yours, your own hand cupping your cheek. He didn’t even need to see your best friend pulling at her boyfriends arm in shock- or the way his green eyes stared at his own hand like it had just appeared out of thin air to know what had happened.
Johnny was by your side in an instant, pulling your hazy body to its feet. He’d experienced this before on the field. Everything moving in slow motion- hyper focusing on the important things. Right now it was you.
“Mac.” You gasped, your fingers curling into his shirt sleeve. Like a shockwave he was pulled back into real time. The loud chatter of the bar. The smell of cigarettes and stale beer. The fear rolling off of you. It made his blood boil. He turned to look at Rick his mind going into autopilot. His hand shot out grabbing him by the shirt collar on flinging him backwards. The bar went dead silent the only sound was Ricks body slamming into the wall of liquor bottles behind the bar. Johnny took a few steps forward wanting to finish what he had just started. That wasn’t enough of a punishment. He wouldn’t be happy till he was unrecognizable. “Jo.” Your pleading voice snapped him out of it once more.
In that moment he realized how selfish he was. You were scared and needed assurance, not seeing your husband nearly kill someone. He wrapped a sturdy arm around you guiding you out of the disheveled bar. The cold felt good against your heated bodies.
“I don’t know what happened.” You sputtered, letting the Scot support your body weight. “Camilla was making a joke about how angry Rick gets when she folds his laundry wrong and I made a joke about how she still does his laundry and then he”-
You couldn’t even get through the story.
“Let me see.” Johnny hushed, gently removing your hand from your face. He leaned forward pressing a light kiss against the throbbing flesh. “How bad does it hurt?”
“Six out of ten.” You responded, nuzzling your way back into his strong chest. All you wanted was to be home in bed in the safety of his arms. The smell of pine tickled your brain enough for the tears to stop.
“Should go back there and”-
“No.” You huffed.
“That number is too damn high for me to let him off easy.”
“Easy? You threw the man across the room with one hand.” You reminded.
“Should make it so he only has one hand.”
“Johnny.” The use of his full name stopped the unintelligible Scottish rambling that was sure to ensue. “Can we go home please?”
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“Hey sweetheart, need me to come pick you up?” Kyle spoke into the phone that was resting between his shoulder and his cheek. When you sniffled into the phone he didn’t even bother to pause his game, his fingers gripping the device in his hand.
“Ky.” You mumbled. You mumbled in that specific tone that cracked his heart in such a wince worthy way. “I need help.” His blood ran cold.
“Stay on the phone with me, yeah.” He demanded, shoving his feet into a pair of shoes. “What happened?” The sound of his car starting settled you a little bit. “You still at your friends house?”
“No, I’m down the street, by the library.” You sniffed. “He hit me, Ky.”
A sound let Kyles throat- a mix of a growl and a whine. His foot pressed even harder against the accelerator, running straight through a red light. His body was shaking, adrenaline heightening his senses. He wished the two of you didn’t live in such a big city with so much fucking traffic.
“Who’s he?” Kyle snarled.
“Jess’s boyfriend.” You emphasized. “They got into a stupid fight about which Pizza to order for lunch and all I did was fucking agree with her.”
He felt sick. He’d seen a lot of gruesome shit in his life, but the thought of someone hurting you took the cake. He could imagine how scared you were- how scared you are. He can see the tears welling up in your eyes and he imagined your heart rate was about the same as his right now. He can imagine you scrambling to find a way out of there- away from the danger.
“After this we’re practicing those damn self dense moves.” He gritted. You mumbled an ‘okay’ before seeing a familiar sleek, black car pull up next to you.
“How’d you get here so fast?” You questioned, hanging up the phone as he got out of the car.
“Let me see.” He insisted, pressing the back of his palm against your heated cheek. You winced, shying away. “Let’s go get you some ice.” He said mostly to himself. He rested a hand on the back of your neck guiding you to the passenger side.
He kept his hand in your lap the whole drive to the grocery store. “What pizza did he want?”
“Pepperoni with mushrooms.” You replied. The rest of the ride was silent, Kyle went into the store without you.
“Hold this against your face.” He pressed a bag of frozen peas to your cheek. He unwrapped your favorite candy bar, placing it in your lap. Even with your swollen face you couldn’t stop a smile. “I need to make a quick stop before we go home.” His eyes flickered over to you, the same flash of anger striking through him as he took your appearance in. You didn’t think anything of it till he turned down your friends street.
“Kyle.” You mumbled. The last thing you wanted to do was be back here.
“I know baby, I know.” He tried his best to soothe, but he was so riled up. He needed to get this out of his system. Besides he couldn’t just let people hurt you and get away with it. “Stay here, I’ll only be a second.” He closed the door behind him, grabbing a frozen pizza that you didn’t even know he got out of the backseat. You watched anxiously as he made his way up the driveway ringing the doorbell.
The door opened to reveal Rick and Kyle wasted absolutely no time shoving the frozen pizza in his face. The strength of it sent Rick flying backwards and Kyle took the upmost pleasure in the loud crack of his nose breaking.
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“Traffic is bad mein Herz. I’m going to be a little late.” You huffed at his words.
“Drive safe I’ll see you soon.”
“He running late?” Your friend questioned as you made your way back into the kitchen.
“Yeah, should be here soon though.” She smiled, taking dinner out of the oven. “Help me set up?” She asked over her shoulder, making her way to the dinning room. You began grabbing the silverware out of the drawer.
“No, Konig?” Rick asked, sitting down at the kitchen island. You shook your head.
“He’ll be here soon.” You assured.
“That’s too bad.” His hand landing on your hip followed his slimy words.
“What are you doing?” You spat, backing away. He shushed you.
“Keep you’re voice down. Don’t want her to find us out, yeah?” He said, nodding his head towards the dinning room.
“There is nothing to find out!” You must’ve said it too loud, because Ricks hand flung forward connecting with your cheek. You dropped the spoons in your hand, then clattering loudly on the floor. You didn’t even have time to feel scared, catching sight of the colossal figure in the doorway.
Rick followed your gaze and it was almost laugh worthy at how quickly he lost all confidence.
“Schatz?” Konig held out his car keys to you. “Wait in the car, please.”
Gentle blue eyes watched you, almost chuckling at the way you skipped over to him. Konig reveled in the way you trusted him. Trusted him to take care of you- to protect you. Later he would wrap you up in his arms and hold a bag of ice to your face, but right now he had other things to deal with.
“And turn the music up. It might get loud in here.”
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honeydazai · 7 months
ok ok but hubby Fyodor gave me an idea, he’s figured out i get worried when his anemia gets bad so i fuss over him
imagine like,,, him using that against u. like if he’s losing an argument, or he just wants attention, he fakes sickness to get u to drop everything ur doing and come to his aid, u immediately feel bad so he uses that to manipulate u
feat.: Fyodor / reader
content: husband Fyodor, some manipulation but it's cute, Fyodor pretending to be a pathetic meow meow, fluff, sick fic
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Fyodor is fragile, that much you're aware of.
Despite his quick mind, so sharp you reckon it could cut diamond, and his powerful ability, his physical body is still frail. His skin is pale, most likely since he spends too much time inside, hunched over in front of his many PC screens, providing him with no light other than the gloom of LED monitors, thin fingers tip-tapping away on the keyboard. His undereye circles are dark enough for you to seriously worry about his health, and the many blue veins visible on thin eyelids only make him appear more sickly.
The anemia doesn't help, either; thin lips occasionally turn whiteish the longer he insists he's going to take his iron supplements once he's done with work — when is he, ever? — and his nails, kept short not only for the sake of being able to play the cello, but also since he continued biting at them, are coloured blue so often you have almost forgotten what they usually look like.
Fyodor, despite being an internationally wanted terrorist, is fragile, and that's exactly why you're unable to stop the way your chest suddenly aches with concern when he goes quiet mid-argument, gaze unfocused, glassy, as he sits down on the bed.
This really isn't the time to worry about him, especially since, just a few moments ago, you were snarling at him, obviously angered for a reason that seems entirely unimportant right now — and yet you can't help it either, your concern an emotion that blooms in your chest so very naturally, given just how much he means to you.
“Are you alright?” The words leave your mouth before you know it; your brows furrowing as you kneel down next to him, one hand on his thin upper arm. Even through the fabric of his shirt, his skin is cold. “Do you need anything?”
“I'm quite alright, dear. I would hate to bother you, especially when you still seem to harbour disdain for me.”
Even his voice sounds frail. Guilt gnaws at your every bone.
“That's not—”, you protest, a feeble attempt, though you're quick to swallow the urge to start another argument down the moment he rests his head against the wall, eyes fluttering shut, ebony lashes against snow pale skin. “I don't 'harbour disdain' . I didn't even want to fight with you, it just — happened, but that's not important now. Let me help. Did you take your meds today?”
“Not yet, I'm afraid”, Fyodor says softly, and you're up on your feet almost immediately, making your way towards the kitchen to snag the offending pills, as well as a glass of water.
“You know you're supposed to take them daily with lunch.”
“That is merely to avoid forgetting them, to build a habit. The presence or absence of sustenance has no actual effect on them.”
Your eyes narrow. Fyodor allows a tired chuckle to leave his lips.
“Alright. I will try to take them regularly — for you, dear.”
Where, just a few minutes ago, you felt the urge to slap him with wrath — not that you ever would, not that you'd dare to, but the desire certainly is there whenever he acts all high and mighty, all-knowing, even around you —, your chest now tingles with warmth, with fondness. With love.
“Thank you. Are you feeling better already?” That's to be doubted, especially since he only took the pills a moment ago. Still— “Do you need anything? Maybe something to eat — yes, I bet you haven't eaten anything in a while now, too focused on work. You're impossible. Just lie down and give me a moment, I'll be right back.”
With those words, you vanish into the kitchen, already grabbing some vegetables. A quick soup is going to have to do.
Little do you know that, while you're busy worrying and fussing over him, there's a smile playing over Fyodor's lips ever so often, vanishing the moment you enter the room once more.
You really are too easy — though that's exactly what makes you quite this lovable.
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OH. Oh, he would.. he so would... this is the most in character take ever...
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sagstelliums · 2 months
What’s your future partner’s biggest insecurities/fears (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that they’re insecure about their abundance/finances, they feel like they don’t have enough resources and they have to budget smartly to make things last. They’re insecure about their abilities or ability to succeed, I see that they don’t generally have a lot of confidence and they can be pessimistic. They’re scared of new beginnings or scared to try new things, they’re scared of getting lied to so they’re scared of trusting people completely. They get scared sometimes when they have to take the lead or initiate something, they’re shy sometimes so they get scared when they get a lot of attention. They get scared about sharing their new ideas or trying them, they’re scared of making a bad investment or being lied to/used. Signs- Aquarius/gemini. Initials- S, L, U, X
Pile 2
I see that they’re scared of change or endings, they’re scared of heartbreak or overwhelming emotional pain. They’re scared of not being successful or scared of not having successful plans or goals, they’re scared of losing someone they love or scared of someone dying who’s close to them. They’re scared of mean people or bullies, they’re scared of chaos or instability. They’re scared of being taken advantage of or scared of overindulging, they’re scared of losing money. Signs- Taurus/cancer. Initials- K, N, S
Pile 3
I see that they’re scared of conflict and arguments especially with people that they love or that they love with, they’re scared of people finding out their secrets or a particular secret. They’re scared of people who can’t keep secrets, they’re scared of people that they can’t hide things from or lie to. They’re scared of marriage or long term commitment due to insecurities, they’re insecure about their ability to lead and make smart decisions. They’re scared of having authority or scared of being overwhelmed, they’re insecure around people who are smarter than them or more talented. They could be scared of people with strong intuition, they’re scared of karma or scared of getting bad karma. They’re scared of starting their own family or having their own home due to insecurities, they’re insecure about living with someone. Signs- Aries/gemini. Initials- L, Q, Z, G
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @snailspng @studentid Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE MOON = Sun being Moon's gatekeeper🗡🦁. Moon feels safe&secure with Sun, because Sun can take one look at Moon persons face &know exactly what they feel at any given moment. Like embarrassment, anger, sadness, happiness etc. People could also question why they don't date - if they're into whatever gender the other one is, ofc. And if you're not family ofc. This is a soulmate aspect!! So they can definitely see each other as platonic soulmates. &they're usually also best friends/or VERY close at least. People they date, can get VERY jealous of their relationship, &VERY insecure about the closeness they share, without it even being anything romantic!! Moon always feels like they can share ANYTHING they want2 with Sun!! They won't "hide" from Sun, ever. They’ll go through fire 4Sun🥺. Sun will guide Moon! & Sun will ALWAYS lead here, not saying they won't let Moon decide anything, But Sun will always be the one 2 take the "final decision". &Moon doesn't have a problem with that - at least not the trine. The conjunction can sometimes go both ways😘. Look at sign/s/house/s 2 c how & where Sun guides Moon🌙/where - how Moon always shows up 4 Sun☀️.
SUN SQUARE/QUINCUNX MOON = Moon doesn't always feel comfortable sharing what they feel, cuz if they do, Sun can react in a way they don't like, so they would rather keep it in at times. Sun can be too dominating, too decided on "leading"/deciding things. Moon will end up with all these feelings of frustrations, bc they keep it in. So at some point = they'll end up starting fights, getting so frustrated that they just CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANYMORE. Sun can be too focused on their own needs/wants, that they can tend 2 not take Moon's feelings into consideration. Sun can think of Moon as 2 emotional, 2 sensitive, that they should grow up. Sun can also be "2much in Moons business", 2probing. They can still be close tho, but there will always be some of the issues, I mentioned above. I call friendships with this aspect FRENEMIES!! Moon can't be 100% open emotionally, & Sun can't be 100% who their ego wants them 2 be. Look at signs/houses 2 c where Sun can get ego trips & why/where Moon feels unheard/misunderstood.
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MERCURY CONJUNCT/TRINE NEPTUNE = this aspect can show a telepathic connection between 2 people/"where u meet each other on another plane"/or in dreams. U can listen 2 a lot of music together/make music together/watch a lot movies/be creative af/create art together! Mercury can inspire Neptune 2 go for their dreams, instead of just dreaming of them💫. Mercury is like Neptune's hype man! Neptune knows what the Mercury person thinks about, a lot of the time. They can have MANY conversations about things our mind ain't sure about. Like life after death/if there's a god/karma/aliens etc. Neptune will have the Mercury person thinking about why they're here, 4sure. Spirituality can also be a big thing! Look at house/s/signs 2 c how/why Mercury will inspire Neptune2create, & where/how Neptune will make Mercury rethink their life. The conjunction can go both ways💜.
MERCURY SQUARE/QUINCUNX NEPTUNE = IF u create art together, or something like that = 100% different visions about whatever u create/arguments about it. Mercury can lie 2 Neptune person a lot, even about dumb shit. Like about what they had for dinner😵‍💫 . Neptune can't really communicate with Mercury person about their dreams/hopes. Mercury can't understand/c Neptune's "vision". Mercury can criticize Neptune. Like Mercury telling Neptune person that their dreams are unrealistic/or Neptune ain't good enough 4 what they want 2 achieve. Mercury can feel small/ambitionless, bc Neptune dreams are so big/dreamlike. What Neptune wants2 achieve is something Mercury could feel jealous of. Neptune can have rose coloured glasses on a lot. Like a person with 100% full vision, walking with their own eyes closed. But they do know if Mercury is lying tho, or they just have a feeling about it. They just choose "2 skip it". Look at houses & signs 2c where/how Mercury is deceiving/tearing down Neptune, & how/where Neptune can make Mercury person feel anxious.
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VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE SATURN = Venus can depend on Saturn person financially, or on Saturn creating stability for Venus! like Venus living at Saturns house/at Saturns property, or Saturn always being the one “who picks up” Venus/is the one who’s there 4 them etc. Venus always know that they can depend on Saturn. Venus can feel very loved, &cared for by Saturn. Saturn brings a "fatherly" kind of love. They can also be the one who picks Venus up after parties/when Venus goes out & needs 2be picked up. They can be in each others life for a very long time. Venus can feel like there's a lot 2 live up 2/Venus can be afraid of disappointing Saturn. Saturn just wants Venus 2 do the best they can! But the way they go about it can be a little hard sometimes🤔. Venus quickly sees that it'll end up helping them in the end tho! Saturn will always be there to 2 remind Venus that there's another day&another try, if they don't succeed the 1st time. Karma from a past life/or created in this one! Look at house/s & sign/s 2c where your karma is/where Saturn "saves" Venus & where Venus loves&support Saturn, always.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX SATURN = Venus can get treated like a little kid by the Saturn person. Saturn telling them what they should, or shouldn't do/what they should like, or shouldn't like. Saturn mocking/putting Venus down because of their own insecurities. Saturn can be jealous of Venus, &can try 2 one up them a lot. Saturn feels like Venus ain't dependable, so they're not either. Saturn here teaches Venus how to love themself, &find out what they need/don't need in friendships/family relationships, whatever platonic connection it is. Saturn can't be there 4 Venus, as Venus needs them2. Venus can have internal conflicts with themself about letting Saturn go/Cutting them off. Bad Karma between them from a past life, that they need 2 get done with in this life. Or bad karma being created in this one. One of them owes something to the other one/or will owe something 2 the other. look at houses&signs 2 c where/how karma is being created/where it's getting dealt, &done with. Where/how Saturn treats Venus person like an imbecile, &where/how Venus makes the Saturn person insecure.
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MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE MOON = Mars can help Moon with standing up for themselves/teaching them how to fight back/or teaching them how to defend themselves. Mars can be hardcore protective sometimes, bc they feel a need 2 help Moon in any kind of "danger" situation. Moon can feel like Mars is a bit 2 much sometimes, but won't have a problem with it, cuz they're kinda used2 it, &can find it comforting. Moon can help calm Mars down, when mars need someone to vent 2. They can have fights sometimes, & not talk for a little while but they almost always come back together, and agrees to disagree. Mars can think Moon is 2 sweet for their own good, and think they're a little bit naive sometimes. Look at house/s & sign/s 2 c how & where Mars helps/protects Moon, & where&how Moon can guide Mars when it comes 2 their temper/aggressions. The conjunction can go both ways, so also read what I've written down under here.
MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX MOON = Mars can gaslight Moon a whole fucking lot. Making moon feel cornered, unsure, & uncomfortable. Mars is too aggressive for Moon's liking. Moon can even be kind of scared, not ever knowing what Mars persons next actions will be. Mars can think that Moon needs too much attention/2demanding of Mars, or that they're way 2 emotional/sensitive - a crybaby in their eyes. Moon can become quiet a whole lot, when Mars starts2 become mean/aggressive. They want to yell, &scream but won't. Moon will hold all of it in for a long time. They'll start2 feel some kind of resentment towards Mars at some point, And when they're feeling enough resentment = they'll end up erupting on Mars, &even Mars will be surprised by this. Look at houses & signs 2 c where/how Mars gaslights/is 2 aggressive towards Moon, & how/where Moon is 2 emotional/2needy for Mars.
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POF CONJUNCT/TRINE NORTH NODE = North Node person is the one receiving/benefitting from the POF person. Let it be material, or spiritual success/growth. Even higher knowledge. North Node person NEEDS this from POF person! They need it 2 grow and evolve in this life/them getting a step closer towards what they need 2 do here. And it's something that's constant with North Node, like North Node person will always be the one benefitting from POF person, unless they have a double whammy ofc.
BML conjunct DSC = can show that the Lilith person, will ruin house persons relationships with other people. Lilith can also decide, or at least try 2 decide who the DSC person is "supposed" 2 talk 2🐈🐈.
⚡️ Uranus conjunct DSC = causes the DSC person 2 find the Uranus person "unreliable", "not understanding of their needs", "Uranus being eccentric, and not always available 4 house person"❄️. Uranus could come & go a lot. U could like that energy, if u have Uranus aspecting your DSC in your natal chart.
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I appreciate u❤️
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nkplanet · 9 months
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PAIRING: enhypen x gn!reader SUMMARY: what trope do you and the enhypen members share? WARNINGS: a smidge of angst in jungwon + heeseung’s, all set in high school apart from jay + heeseung’s, implied toxic parents in jungwon’s, written on my phone so the formatting might be weird
NOTE: thank u sm for all the love on my last post and 155 followers!! i rlly appreciate you guys 🫶🫶 also i’m definitely gonna rewrite some of these as actual fics bc i love them (looking at u jungwon and niki)
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— HEESEUNG 희승 — second chance romance personally i’m not a big fan of this trope but it just fits heeseung so well like ??? hello yes i would give u a second chance. there’s no doubt in my mind that cheating would not be involved, instead it was something that happened when you two were young and immature, but when you meet again you’ve grown and can continue to do so together
it had ended awfully the first time. neither of you were particularly mature, and a heated argument had caused your entire relationship had come crashing down. sixteen year old you would always regret the way you gave heeseung the cold shoulder for a reason you couldn’t even remember, and the way you had both yelled and screamed at each other. you hadn’t spoken for years when, all of a sudden, you bumped into him in a cafe. then at work. in the park. after six years of no contact, he was everywhere. it was like the universe was telling you to give him another chance. eventually, your walls crumbled, and heeseung made his way back into your heart. the two of you had never been happier.
others under the cut!
— JAY 제이 — fake dating jay is perfect for this trope imo, especially when it comes to fake dating at a wedding. put me in a psych ward bc whenever i think abt him in a suit i go insane. also your whole family would love him because he’s such a gentleman. he’s so perfect
it was your aunts wedding, and all of your siblings were bringing their significant others as plus ones. your brother had joked about how you’d be the only single one in the wedding party and, rather than face the humiliation, you lied and told him you did in fact have a boyfriend. it was a lie you forgot about until two weeks before the wedding, when your aunt mentioned being excited to meet the mysterious man. you panicked, running to tell jay about your issue. while you were contemplating telling your family that the mysterious man had broken up with you, jay said “why don’t i pretend to be your boyfriend? just for the day?” except, his fake boyfriend touches didn’t feel very fake. your aunt remarked that the two of you reminded her of herself and your new uncle when they were young. by the end of the night, you and jay were sharing kisses outside the reception. yeah, fake boyfriend my ass.
— JAKE 제이크 — you fell first, he fell harder jake seems like such a loser (affectionately) that he’d be the one to fall first, but just imagine that he doesn’t realise his feelings are romantic. he just thinks everyone sees their best friends that way and when he finds out otherwise? oh he’s head over heels in love with you. such a loser. i love him
the way you and jake interact is far from platonic. you had developed a crush on him when you were just fifteen, and since then you'd been trying to drop hints. when he started reciprocating your admittedly flirtatious gestures, you thought you had a chance, but he never made a move. in fact, jake never realised that he shared those feelings until one of his friends pointed out that the two of you were incredibly flirty with each other. he thought everyone saw their best friends as gorgeous, as an angel sent from above, as someone who they'd willingly spend the rest of their life with. after that it was hard for him to see you in any light other than romantic. when you asked him out he practically screamed yes. he is absolutely head over heels in love
— SUNGHOON 성훈 — opposites attract i was gonna pick grumpy x sunshine for him but he’s not exactly grumpy so opposites attract it is!! he’s reserved and only really lets loose around those he considers close, whereas you’re loud and bubbly with lots of friends. one of my fav tropes for a reason
sunghoon’s attention was brought to you via your laughter. it was loud and bright, and he’d never heard anything like it. since then, he’d yearned for the sound. though he lacked the confidence to actually ask you out, he began seeking your company. he’d study with you in the library, would offer to walk you home. things that friends do. you, on the other hand, were absolutely smitten. sunghoon was quiet and a little mysterious. you could never read him, and yet you were absolutely entranced by him. you thought he was absolutely gorgeous, perhaps one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen. one day, while sunghoon was walking you home in the rain, you’d stopped and turned to face him. “what are we?” you’d asked. sunghoon remembers blanking immediately, not knowing how to reply. instead of words, he answered you with a kiss.
— SUNOO 선우 — best friend’s brother okay but imagine: you go over to ur best friends house and end up gossiping with their brother and all of a sudden,, he’s soooo attractive? and then he starts developing this crush but he can’t date you because you’re his siblings best friend. there’s probably be some secret dating involved (which i’m also a sucker for tbh)
you'd been harbouring a crush on sunoo for a while now, never acting on it because he was your best friend's brother. you looked forward to the weekly gossip sessions that the two of you shared when your friend left you together arguably more than you looked forward to seeing your friend (but don't tell her that). little did you know, sunoo felt the same. fleeting glances and not-so-platonic touches began growing between you two. eventually, sunoo asked you out. you wanted to say yes so badly but couldn't betray your friend like that. instead, you began dating in secret. it was only two months of sneaking around, 'jokingly' flirting, and kissing in places where she wouldn't see before she finally exploded, yelling that you two were gross but had her blessing. going public only increased the pda by tenfold, and people quickly grew sick of your sappy conversations. not that either of you cared, of course.
— JUNGWON 정원 — academic rivals turned lovers [full fic!] ACADEMIC RIVALS TURNED LOVERS!!!!! i love this trope sm and i think it fits won so well. i was gonna originally give this to niki but he wasn’t rlly in school. so. jungwon it is!! i can see you two as the top two in your year and always competing when one day it all comes crashing down for you. jungwon is suddenly? nice? and we go from there 🤭🤭
yang jungwon had never been the nicest person to you. sure, he was never really mean per-se, but the two of you were so competitive that nothing said was particularly nice. you and jungwon seemed to constantly be on par with each other academically, consistently being the top two students in your year. in english and sciences, you usually pulled ahead, while jungwon excelled in maths and other subjects. the rivalry between you was so tense that even the teachers tried to calm it down but to no avail. the reason behind your competitiveness was your parents. the pressure they put on you was immense, and one day you just broke. you’d had a fight with them, and the next day flunked a biology test. your grades began slipping from then on, and jungwon began to take notice. he stopped making quips, instead resorting to leaving some snacks or study tips on your desk when he thought you weren’t looking. he began giving you sympathetic looks until you eventually confronted him, telling him you didn’t want his pity. it wasn’t pity, though, it was worry. your relationship changed after that, no longer rivals but a little more than friends.
— NI-KI 니키 — childhood friends to lovers/first love OKAY HEAR ME OUT. u were childhood friends. niki realises his feelings and he’s all like oh no i can’t feel this way abt my bff :( and tried to pull away from u but ur like ??? yes tf and that’s how u become lovers
niki had been your closest friend for longer than you could remember. in both of your houses there sat baby pictures of the two of you together. you’d grown up together, going to all the same schools and most of the same clubs. in highschool, you were known as inseparable - if someone wanted one of you, they got both. but one day, niki started pulling away. it was fine, you told yourself, he was just growing up. you both were. but when he stopped answering your calls and texts and started actively avoiding you, you were hurt. you’d been by each others sides for so long that you didn’t really know how to live without him. the truth was, he’d discovered feelings that he’d never felt about anyone before. he knew he shouldn’t feel like this about his best friend, but he couldn’t help it. he was miserable without you, so much so that his friends were telling him to just ask you out. they told him that you definitely felt the same, so he took the leap. and thank god he did. you’re his first love, his everything.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
i LOVE blocked messy patrick sm. “wdym i didn’t love u? girl does 40$ cacio e pepe mean nothing to you?” gets angry you’re even around other men as he’s fucking other girls as we speak. he is SO ready to rehash every single argument of your relationship, even years on because he still cares so much about everything to do with you. he will fight you about everything as long as it keeps you talking to him. patrick is king of never letting go. once he loves someone he never stops, like a mistreated dog. and you always love him. and he knows you always will. he’s a firm believer, he never for one second believed your break up was the end. he maintains the right to be annoyed at you for everything you do even when you’re not with him, because you’re still with him really. you’ll never not be with him. you’ll never not be his. i love him.
texting him back immediately like "you're such a child i dont know why i unblocked you," to which he hits you back with "you can unadd me but you can't unsuck my dick."
you get so annoyed and drawn into you're like oh please your dick was too small to remember you by and you both know thats a hard lie, and hes not wasting a second reminding you how you moaned on it and if you still act clueless about it he'll just have to send you that video he took that one time - of you fucking yourself back on his cock, completely whoring out, babbling "its so big daddy - fuck, fuck, yes - i love it -"
you tell him he shouldn't be holding onto videos like that and hes a freak knowing damn well you still have all the nut videos he sent you saved to your camera roll (thats beside the point) eventually he says something like
get all that brat out so i have a reason to come shut you the fuck up you're really starting to piss me off
im never letting you fuck me again, you fucking dickhead i hate you
yeah keep lying to me I'll make sure to cash all that in next time I'm inside that pussy
you block him. pretend you aren't throbbing between the legs and thrilled at the knowledge you'll definitely see him again - and he'll definitely make good on that promise.
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torasplanet · 9 months
Hiii sweetheart, can u pls write smut with kanto manji or bonten Sanzu with like him being super vulnerable and hard to be with but at the same time him trying to be a better boyfriend (with fem. reader)?
Also I have a crush on ur works✋😭
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; haruchiyo breaks his six months of sobriety and doesn't truly understand how much it meant to you until he sees you in tears and proves to you how he's going to become a better boyfriend.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ; smut, fluff, lowkey angsty, drug addiction, break of sobriety, cocaine, bonten!haru, kinda sappy, haru wants to become better for u :(, worship, unediteddd, mention of other bonten members, cheating(past), haru's literally begging on his knees for you to stay, praise, soft dom!haru, crying, past arguments, p in v, unprotected, actually sad as hell i'm sorry, petnames (baby, pretty, pretty baby, etc...), haru's depression, skin color not mentioned
marls notes 2 u(*´▽`*) ; thank u smmmm !! i wasn't considering writing for haru cuz im his biggest hater buttt this was just sooo cute and i had the best idea for it !! ignore the header being kanto haru, i just thought that was cuterr
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Haruchiyo fucked up, he knew he did. He had fucked up plenty of times before but this time, he really fucked up. Your lack of presence in you and his shared apartment proved it and all his texts being left on delivered only added insult to injury.
He would like to say that he didn’t mean it and it was an accident but he knew it wasn’t. He didn’t have to go in that club room and snort that coke but he did. He saw that white crystallized powder on that expensive ass glass coffee table and went closer, even taking the time to straighten out the line and pull out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket to snort it breaking his 6 months of sobriety. He didn’t think about what would happen if you walked in on him, he didn’t really care in the moment.
Knowing that he couldn’t just lie to your face saying it was an accident and he didn’t mean it. Not after he saw the tears glazing over your (e/c) irises that he’s gazed into too many times with the same wetness covering them with whatever he did being the reason. 
“Haru…?” The sound of your questioning voice made him freeze, he stopped moving and stopped snorting the cocaine. Haruchiyo couldn’t bring himself to turn around and look at you, not when he was on his knees in his expensive ass thousand dollar Versace pants snorting coke when he was supposed to be using the bathroom. That’s what he told you when he left you in the middle of the club with Kokonoi to take a break from dancing with you and it was the truth. 
Until he came across this open door. “Haru, what’re you doing?” You asked standing in the doorframe in that short dress that matched his dress suit with your hands on the side of the doorframe. You had an idea what he was doing but you didn’t want it to be a misunderstanding and get mad at him for nothing, you hoped it was a misunderstanding honestly. Haruchiyo had been sober for six months with your help and he was doing so well. You didn’t want him to throw that all away.
The pink-haired man dropped the rolled-up dollar bill onto the table that was now clean of any cocaine, only small specks were left. He rubbed his nose before turning his head toward you and his heart absolutely broke seeing the way you looked at him, with such a large amount of hope in your eyes that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t doing what you thought he was. Haruchiyo wished he could stop you from tilting your head to look at the table and see the empty Ziploc bag on the table and the rolled-up dollar.
The male sat there ashamed as you looked back at him with no words leaving your mouth. He turned his body around completely and looked at you and that’s when all the regret sunk in. He felt instant regret when he saw you staring down at him your eyes becoming watery with tears “Baby, please.” Haruchiyo started beginning to stand to his feet as he saw you beginning to sniffle “You said you were sober.” You muttered your voice breaking sadly as he inched closer.
“I was-” “were you just lying to me?” You cut him off as you continued to stare at him as tears ran down your cheeks when he reached his arms out to cup your face and wipe those tears away, you backed away like you were scared and he stood still.
He didn’t attempt to touch you again and just stared at you trying to come up with some answer that wouldn’t make you cry harder but as he thought about it, there was nothing in the world that would stop those tears “I’m sorry.” Haruchiyo pathetically said. 
It was the only thing he could say but it meant nothing to you. He has said those words so many times to you over and over telling you it’d never happen again and it did. Haruchiyo didn’t mean to continue the cycle of hurting you that he created himself but when he saw those pills or white powders, it was like his body moved on its own and when they entered his system…there was nothing he could do to contain himself, he lost all control of himself and what he said to you. 
Most of the time he didn’t even remember what he said and those moments were what hurt him the most. Having to hear you repeat his hurtful words back to him knowing that they were directed toward you was the worst and he hated himself for making you go through that but he always begged that you stay with him and that he would change. He was really trying to change don’t get me wrong but…it was just hard for him.
“Don’t fucking talk to me sanzu.” You said angrily shaking your head before turning around and walking away from the scene with the clack of your Burberry heels that Haruchiyo insisted that you wear because of how beautiful they complimented your skin and your dress. He loved being able to dress you up, too bad he wouldn’t be able to do that after what he had just done to you.
The long-haired man’s eyes widened as he realized your lack of presence and he leaped forward and out of the room seeing you stomping away with your hands balled into fists. “Baby please don’t go!” Haruchiyo yelled out as he ran after you grabbing onto your arm and turning you around to look you in the eye. By now his green eyes were bubbling with tears like yours were and for a second it looked like you were considering it but when Haruchiyo felt something running from his nose, your gaze changed back to anger-filled and upset.
You snatched your arm away from him and didn’t say a word as you turned back around and continued back out to the club probably to leave. He had the keys to your car but knowing you, you’d either resort to walking home or calling an Uber so that didn’t matter much.
Haruchiyo’s finger went up to his nose and he looked down seeing red thick liquid smeared against the side of his index finger. You almost stayed. You looked at him like you were considering it but that blood running from his nostril was a reminder of what he had done to himself without even thinking. You needed that reminder because if his nose hadn’t started bleeding then you probably would have stayed when you shouldn’t have.
“Fuck!” He cried out throwing his fist into the nearby wall bruising his knuckles and causing a hole in the red wall. Haruchiyo stomped back into the room that had ruined everything and began to destroy everything.
He ripped the paintings off the wall, ripped the soiled sheets off the bed, shattered the glass table, and put multiple holes into the wall from his kicking and punching all while screaming and cursing gaining the attention of the people walking past.
His hands went to his hair making a mess of his pink locks that you had brushed out in the car before you two came in. Haruchiyo breathed heavily as he looked at the now destroyed room which had taken a toll on him, his knuckles were bruised and bloody, parts of his suit were ripped from glass shards cutting into the expensive fabric and his nose was still running blood dripping it onto the expensive carpet floor and his blazer.
“Woah, what the fuck happened?” Ran’s voice asked from the hallway as he looked into the room. Haruchiyo’s head snapped back at the sound of a new voice and glared at the older man with hatred but it wasn’t directed toward him, the room, or you. It was hate directed at himself for allowing himself to do this without even thinking about what he should do or what you would want him to do.
Haruchiyo’s eyes continued to stare daggers at the multi-colored-haired man as tears continuously ran down his cheeks and wet his lengthy lashes.
“Get the fuck out.”
Since that night he hadn’t talked to you at all. No one has. Well, no one in Bonten has and he was convinced that all your friends he asked were just lying to him.
He hadn’t been to work in the week that you’d been gone, wanting to stay at home in case you came by and Mikey would be on his ass and he was but for once he didn’t give a shit about Mikey or what he said. Haruchiyo only cared about you and wanted to see you again. He had spent all of this time practicing what he would say to you so he wouldn’t piss you the fuck off even more than you were or make you end this relationship. He didn’t want it to end. It wasn’t a ‘not anytime soon’ thing, he never wanted it to end.
Haruchiyo fully intended on making you his wife and he told you this but you said that you would only agree to being his wife when he was clean and that gave him motivation. Just you gave him motivation but everything you said and did for him gave him more. It made him actually believe he could get clean but all that went down the drain with one simple look.
This wouldn’t be the first time he said he was getting clean and wasn’t but it’d be the first time he actually did get clean for a while and just spoiled it. Haruchiyo decided to get clean and stay clean after an argument you and he had when he was high. He said things he didn’t remember and when you told him, he regretted it but nothing he said made it better for you. Right then and there, he decided he didn’t want to put you through that shit ever again and that determination only increased when he remembered more of that argument and how he almost hit you.
His previous mistakes determined him too. He remembered when he cheated on you when he was high off molly and drunk and how devasted you were when you found out and how he let you down after that by getting high again when he told you that he wasn’t going to. Haruchiyo made a promise to himself that he’d get clean for you so you didn’t have to go through this with him again.
He couldn’t give less than a fuck about himself and if he destroyed his body doing this. He only cared about how he was destroying you doing this and that hurt him deeply. More than anything ever had.
Haruchiyo sat there with his head in his hands as some random K-drama played on the gigantic flat screen he had bought wondering what he should do to really prove to you that this was the last time. It was. It really was going to be the last time and he was going to do whatever it took to make sure of that but he didn’t know how to prove it to you.
You wouldn’t believe him straight off the bat after that night and every other night that was just too similar to that one and he knew that. Buying you chocolates and bears wouldn’t work. You’d love it but you wouldn’t believe him with that as he had used that tactic too many times. Haruchiyo feared that this would be the last time and not because he did it but because you left him.
You were the only person that saw the good in him and the only person that could bring out that good. The only person he actually gave a single fuck about and probably the only person to care about him and he couldn’t lose that. Not when you spent so many years with him preaching to him how you believed he could do it and stay clean and were willing to help him even after the cheating, the fighting, the yelling, the heartbreaking names he called you, the everything. 
Gosh, you were a fool. You were the prettiest girl in the world and yet you settled for him and stayed with him even after finding out what a horrible person he was and the shit he did. You stayed after he cheated. You stayed after everything. How dumb were you? You could probably have any guy you wanted, even any Bonten member and you remained in a relationship with him. You were a fucking dumbass for that but he cherished that because you were the only person to stay.
But he doubted you would want to stay after what he did.
Haruchiyo ran his fingers through his hair stressfully as he leaned back onto the couch letting out a sigh but the sound of the front door beginning to unlock made him shoot up to his feet. Was that you? It had to be, no one else had come to this door except for Ran and he didn’t have a key.
When the door slowly peeled open revealing you. Still in the dress from that night, your eyes were puffy and red, and the makeup he had watched you put on was gone and you just looked exhausted. Your exhausted eyes turned to shocked and saddened when they landed on his form.
There was silence for a minute as you stepped in and closed the door behind you, he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should let you talk first or not or just not say anything at all “...I didn’t know you’d be home. Thought you were at work.” You whispered raspily looking away from Haruchiyo and at the floor as you took your purse off.
“I didn’t want to go. I…I wanted to see you when you came back.” The male said softly as he watched you look him up and down taking in his lazy attire and messy hair that had tangles and stray hairs sticking in every other direction “Did you want to see me?” Haruchiyo continued scratching the palm of his hand nervously afraid of your reply. He was afraid you’d yell at him for even thinking you’d want to see him ever again. That you’d pack your shit and leave without a word and never come back.
You didn’t stare at him hatefully, or sadly, you stared at him tiredly looking like you were just going to sigh in response “Not really.” Those words upset him but he couldn’t take that out on you because he knows that was only because of what he did wrong after he promised you that he wouldn’t.
Staring at you made Haruchiyo regret everything he did even more, you weren’t actively crying but your red eyes were a reminder that you were and probably had been crying before you came here maybe even every day after that night “I really am sorry (y/n). I am.” Haruchiyo apologized not knowing what else to say. There was no point in small talk or asking you more questions when all it’d end up in was him apologizing over and over again.
When he walked closer to you, you didn’t step back this time and just stood still which was a good sign “Then why would you? You promised me.” You asked your voice breaking as if you were going to start crying again and Haruchiyo didn’t want that. That was the thing he didn’t want the most. 
He stood there watching as tears welled over your eyes once more completely silent almost as if he was ignoring you “Tell me! You owe me that haruchiyo!” You shouted startling him and smacking him out of his thoughts. He tried his hardest to come up with something that was the truth and something that wouldn’t make you upset but he reached a dead end. There was nothing he could say to you that’d make you happy and wasn’t a lie.
“I don’t know. I…just saw it and I couldn’t hold back. It wasn’t an accident. I did it on purpose and I’m sorry.” Haruchiyo didn’t even know he could apologize like that or at all until he met you. You gave him reasons to want to apologize when one was needed. You were the first light in the darkness of his life and he didn’t want you to disappear, he didn’t want your light to go out.
So he apologized after everything he did to you and that made him regret when he did something new to hurt you and have to give a whole new apology which was eventually going to lose its meaning from how he was using them and going back on them. Not very a good idea if he was trying to keep your light burning.
He saw your light flickering on and off through your teary eyes and it scared him “Please. Just don’t leave. I need you.” Haruchiyo begged growing closer to you grabbing both of your hands and holding them as he looked at you with pure sorrow in his eyes and need, need for you.
“You lied to me. Again.” You said trying to resist the urge to start sobbing uncontrollably as you continued to stare into the green pools that belonged to your liar of a boyfriend. You knew how hard it was for Haruchiyo to stay clean and you were there for him every step of the way, even when he relapsed, even when he cheated, even when he lied over and over.
You stayed because you loved him and wanted to see him get better. The only thing that was keeping you going with him was your love for him and the idea that when he got better eventually, it’d be different. Your relationship would get better as he did and you believed that. But of course, you had to know that with these beliefs and hopes, your relationship would falter and get worse every time that pill slid down his throat or that white powder shot up his nostril. You just didn’t know it’d happen so often.
“I know baby, I know but it’s the last time I swear. Please you gotta believe me.” Haruchiyo pleaded as he dropped to his knees in front of you now looking up at you through his messy strands of pink blocking his eyes as his hold on your hands grew tighter, he didn’t want to let you go and he was sure you wanted him to.
Globs of hot tears began pouring out of his eyes and down his face and red cheeks with his gaze still on you. These weren’t alligator tears, they were real. The tears only started to become real when you came along “I fucking need you. I know I fucked up and I’m sorry but please don’t leave. I’ll do better I swear. I’ll go to fucking rehab if you want me to, anything you want just…please. I’m trying.” Haruchiyo pleaded loudly his words speeding up as if he were saying it all in one breath and it appeared he was.
He was basically hyperventilating as tears dropped on the floor and your heels. You didn’t want to give him another chance, any person with a brain wouldn’t and would just dump him but looking at him crying, begging for you to take him back just broke your heart and you’d break his even more if you didn’t give him another chance. You wanted to believe that Haruchiyo would get better even if there was a chance he’d ruin you and himself in the process.
Your hand came to his cheeks wiping the tears off his face as he sniffled, snot running down his nose like the scarlet red liquid that was doing the same days ago “Haru, I won’t leave.” You said and his eyes brightened at the statement, his arms instantly wrapped around your legs and he hugged you closer as more sobs left his throat but your hand came to his forehead and pushed his head away so you could look him in the eye again “But this needs to be the last time. Or I will leave. You hear me?” You finished pushing his hair back so you could see his full face as he looked up at you with wide and watery eyes and his pink and chapped lips parted slightly.
He was looking up at you like you were an angel. Like you were his savior and you were. You knew this too. Everyone in Bonten had told you how soft the man had gotten for you, how he was a fucking druggie before you came along and convinced him to at least try to get clean, and how since you were in his life, he seemed happier and not crazy happy when he killed someone or did something horrible. Like pleasantly happy. Always in a good mood when he came in.
Ugh and don’t even get me started on how they’d fake vomit and gag whenever you came around to the Bonten hideout or went out clubbing with them. Haruchiyo kissing all over you, following you like you were a goddess, and to him, you really were. They had never seen Haruchiyo like that, especially considering he hated smothering people but he ended up being smothering to you and he always talked about you and how awesome you were. How you made him breakfast whenever you woke up before him, laying out his suit for him, brushing his hair for him, letting him dress you up, letting him pick the colors of your makeup. Just everything you did brightened his life and he made sure everyone knew that and everyone that knew told you every single thing that he said.
You remembered all the things Kokonoi and Rindou would tell you about Haruchiyo talking about you with scowls on their faces. ‘She’s my future wife’ ‘She’s fucking amazing’ ‘The best girl ever’ ‘Sexy ass girl’ ‘My baby’ All those things he said constantly when talking about you and that made you believe he was really going to change and that it was just hard. You were giving him one last try. One last try to better himself or you’d leave. If he can’t do it with your help, he’d probably never be able to do it.
“Yes, baby I do. I promise you this is the last time, I swear.” Haruchiyo said nodding rapidly as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He saw the hesitation in your eyes and his brows arched down, your silence was killing him just as much as your eyes were.
The pink-haired man stood to his feet face to face with you again and looked you in your eyes “I can prove it to you. I’ll check into rehab right now, I’ll quit bonten. I’ll call Mikey right now!” He stammered loudly, the mention of giving up Bonten made your eyes widen. 
Haruchiyo could be killed if he left Bonten because of how much information he knew and he was willing to risk that just to prove to you that he’d really get clean this time. Your hands came to the sides of his face and you pressed your lips against his as tears ran down your face “Don’t do that. Just stay here with me.” You muttered breaking the kiss and staring him into his green eyes which were full of more love than sadness now and you were sure that yours were the same now.
Haruchiyo nodded more slowly now his hands coming to your waist “I can do that.” He said impatiently before leaning forward and kissing you again for rougher and sloppier than the first one was. He was deprived of your love incredibly and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself but now that he had it back, he wasn’t letting it go.
His arms wrapped around your waist holding you tightly close to his body as he continued to kiss you “M’ gonna make you feel so good pretty. Like you deserve.” Haruchiyo muttered in between kisses quite literally devouring you and not letting you get a single breath in. His hands didn’t go to your ass like they usually did when you two had heavy make-outs but they rubbed up and down your back comfortingly.
It wasn’t lust he was feeling, it was love, and touching you was the way he loved you. It didn’t have to be sexually touching, just the little things. His hand on your back, his lips pressing against you not leaving a single part of your face untouched, his finger trailing down your spine, his legs tangled in yours when you two lay in bed together, holding you close to his body. All of that was how he showed his love for you and not his lust and by the way he was just rubbing your back and not groping you, you knew this was love.
Haruchiyo’s hands lowered down to the back of your thighs before lifting you. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his torso after so many times of him lifting you up either because you didn’t want to walk or he didn’t want you to walk. Haruchiyo could be sweet when he wanted to and that was all the time. Well, the times he was sober.
“I’m sorry for making you cry, my pretty baby,” Haruchiyo whispered into your skin as he placed gentle kisses on your cheek, jawline, and neck while carrying you down the narrow hallway that led to your shared bedroom “It’s fine, it’s okay.” You said through rushed breaths as you held the back of his head while he continued littering kisses all over the sensitive flesh of your neck.
Haruchiyo let out a soft whine “S’ not though. I shouldn’t have did that to you.” The pink-haired man said softly as he walked through the open door of your bedroom and walked over to the king-sized bed that you both shared. The bed he hadn’t slept in since he got home from the club because he didn’t want to sleep in it without you filling in the coldness of your side and cuddling up to him.
He gently placed you on the sheets, the shocking coldness of the bed surprising you and making you flinch a bit. The feeling of the silk sheets moving against your skin with every movement you made and dip in the bed made you let out a sigh of pleasure “I missed this. I missed you.” You muttered opening your eyes again to peer at the man that was hovering over you seemingly waiting for you to open your eyes.
“You got no idea how much I missed you. Was sleeping on the couch staying up waiting for you.” The green-eyed man whispered with a whine escaping his throat and you smiled up at him as you kicked off your heels onto the floor and your feet were dangling off the edge of the bed “Show me how much you missed me haru.” You said bringing your hand up to touch his face and you saw tears start bubbling in his eyes once more at the small gesture of affection.
You’d really forgiven him. He wouldn’t have cared if you didn’t want to have sex but the fact that you did showed you believed him and weren’t still mad. You hadn’t given up on him.
It shouldn’t have been that surprising, after all, lights only stop emitting light when you turn it off or use it too much causing it to burn out but Haruchiyo was almost convinced you were getting ready to burn out.
As he worked on getting his pants off, you slid your legs up opening them widely, and sliding your panties off tossing them somewhere in the room. Haruchiyo turned back to you observing your form and letting his eyes trail down to between your legs as your dress bunched up at your hips.
He was the worst person ever. He had a girl willing to go through all of this for him, she was so pretty too, and yet she forgave him when she really shouldn’t have. Haruchiyo swore on everything he cared about which was only her that he’d get better. He’d be a better person and a better boyfriend so he could make up for all the time you had to suffer dealing with him and truly deserve you.
“Why do you love me? I hurt you so much.” Haruchiyo asked blinking back the tears as he placed his hands on your knees while he sat back on his knees. You were taken aback by his question and just stared up at him as you continued to lie back on the silk sheets but you sat up leaning on your elbows to look him in his wet eyes.
“Because I see you.” Haruchiyo’s lips parted slightly in surprise from your answer but he remained silent waiting for you to continue your explanation “I see past these…” You muttered reaching up and running your fingers over the scars that decorated the sides of his mouth “And I see Haruchiyo, not Sanzu…I know you can do better and I wanna give you the chance to.” The tears haruchiyo blinked back reappeared and quickly found their way to the tips of his long lashes and his cheeks.
Haruchiyo sniffled as he peered down at you “You’re the only person to believe that. Not even I do.” He said below his breath as his head lowered down to your collarbone his pink locks spilling all over your shoulder and chest. You reached your hand up and placed it on the back of his head comfortingly “I��ll make you. I know you can do it.” You said pressing a kiss to the side of his head comfortingly which made a sob escape from his throat as he was fully crying now.
Haruchiyo had cared for many people in his life, he cared for Mikey, and a split moment in his childhood, he cared for his sister and his brother but he stopped when he realized they didn’t care about him. His care for Mikey had never stopped but he wasn’t dumb. He knew Mikey didn’t care about him like he did. The only person in the world to care about him just as much as he cared about them, maybe even more, was you.
“I’ll do it for you. I’d do anything for you.” Haruchiyo muttered through his wails as he aimed himself up at you not even having to look, a small gasp escaped your lips as he pushed inside of you and you gripped some of his hair as he bottomed out letting out a groan as he did so.
Haruchiyo wasn’t lying. He’d do anything for you. He’d kill a thousand people for you and if you didn’t want him to do that, he wouldn’t. 
“I love you.” He said as he lifted his head allowing you to see his red eyes and matching red and wet face. He squeezed his eyes shut as he threw his head back starting to thrust in and out of your warm and wet cunt but his head didn’t rest there for long because you grabbed his jaw and sloppily kissed him as you dropped back down to the sheets.
As much as you hated Haruchiyo for relapsing after promising he’d do better, you still missed him. All the days and nights you spent at your friend’s house needing time to compose yourself, you missed him and wondered what he was doing hoping your runaway didn’t make him spiral deeper into his relapse and so, you came home earlier than you were planning to and earlier than your friend said. 
Your legs were basically shaking when walking up to the door in fear of what could be lying behind it; It wasn’t because you were scared that when you got home he’d yell at you because of his high, you were scared that he’d hurt himself.
It was stupid…you were more worried about him than yourself after he lied to you and broke your trust in him even after all his mistakes. But you can’t hate yourself for worrying about him because no one else was going to. The other Bonten members would simply watch as Haruchiyo killed as many people as he wanted and snorted every drug in the fucking world, all they’d tell him is to clean up his needles when he’s done if he did spiral or they’d try and call you to pick him up so the only person who cared was you so you couldn’t stop caring. Even if you wanted to.
“I love you too haru.” You said through the heated kiss your arms wrapping around Haruchiyo’s neck as he continued to thrust in and out his speed growing faster and faster with every second. He parted his lips from yours leaving you to crave more of him “I’m glad you do.” He muttered as he leaned back on his knees grabbing the back of your knees as his thrusts got rougher and sloppier with the new angle.
Tears were still streaming out of his bright green eyes which were now squeezed shut from how you were squeezing his cock “Uhn…” You moaned lightly throwing your head back against the sheets and closing your eyes letting the darkness consume you and going off only from the pleasure in your lower stomach and the sounds of your boyfriend whining in enjoyment from above you.
Haruchiyo hated this. He hated how sensitive you made him and how vulnerable he allowed himself to be around you because you accepted him with warm arms and it made it all the harder to love you knowing how horrible he’s treated you. “Ugh! Needed you so bad…” The long-haired man muttered as his fingers dug into the flesh of the back of your knees while he arched his back while hitting that spongy spot over and over not missing a beat.
Your stomach began to feel full like a balloon was in your tummy just aching, pleading to pop but it wasn’t. Just not yet.
Your fingers pulled at the back of his hair using the length of it to your advantage, his neck snapped back making his Adam’s apple pop out moving as he continued to moan probably making his vocal cords sore from how loud he was probably allowing all of your neighbors to hear him. You can’t count on both of your hands how many times you two have gotten a knock on your door complaining about the noises.
Haruchiyo tapped the side of your thigh rapidly signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist which you did as soon as he began tapping your leg “You so pretty, wanna see more.” He muttered his hands going to the end of the dress you had completely forgotten that you were wearing, it was more like a shirt now because it was bunched up at your hips exposing your entire lower half.
He slowly slid it up revealing your bare abdomen before pulling it off of you completely leaving you bare in front of you, he didn’t say anything and just stared at you his eyes windering from your eyes, your lips, your tits, your tummy and last but not least your soaking cunt that was continuously sucking him in squeezing the life out of him “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” Your face got hot at his words and you got embarrassed bringing your hands up to your face and covering it so he didn’t so the flusteredness in your eyes.
It was stupid, he was quite literally hitting your cervix right now but you didn’t want him to see how embarrassed you were at his compliments “Don’t do that. I hate that.” Haruchiyo said softly with a bit of a mean tone, he grabbed your hands, and yanked them away from your face allowing you to see the frown he had on his lips, his forehead crinkled and his brows creased while he looked down at you.
“I hate when you do that, I love to look at you.” He said intertwining his fingers with yours and pining your hands beside your head, you didn’t respond as a very rough hit to your cervix sent you screaming and arching your back into the air “Haru!” You moaned shamelessly digging your nails into the back of Haruchiyo’s hands. Your moans were like music to his ears especially because he was the reason you were making those pretty noises.
The fair-skinned man leaned down with his hips slowing their once fast pace, he started to litter kisses all over your jaw and your neck biting down lightly making small teeth marks in your skin.
His swollen lips continued their work marking up your neck and coloring it purple “I love you, baby, I love you so fucking much!” You moaned out quickly as you breathed heavily feeling that balloon grow more and more with the teasing thrusts he had, going slow and slower and then breaking his rhythm with a rough hit to your cervix slamming his hips into yours. It kept growing, bigger and bigger as if you were bloated until it popped.
You yelped as you let go cumming all over his dick digging your head back into the sheets, you were sure the sheets were dampening with your juices “I’m almost there baby, I promise. I’m almost there.” Haruchiyo muttered desperately as his thrusts continued going faster as if you cumming brought him closer to his edge.
“Uhn! Ugh!” Haruchiyo moaned out into the skin of your next as if he was the #1 watched pornstar in the world, his hips continuously snapping into yours as you continued to breathe heavily still trying to come down from your orgasm but that was pretty hard when you were still receiving pleasure but you were going to let him ride out his orgasm.
You moaned with closed eyes at the feeling of thick and warm ropes spurting into your womb that you were oh so used to, you felt so full with him inside as he came but his face remained in your neck. You felt his heavy breaths on your neck as his back raised and fell with the pattern of his breathing “I promise you I’ll get better.” He said lowly but because of his face being buried in your neck, you heard it clear as day.
“Haru-” “No.” He lifted his face from your skin and rose once more looking down at you with a softened expression “Listen to me. I promise you that I will get better and treat you like you deserve.” Haruchiyo continued his brows furrowing in determination, he wasn’t crying this time when he said it, he didn’t look sad, he looked determined. He was going to do it and he was going to make sure you absolutely knew that.
He gave a quick peck to your lips before looking you in the eye again “And then I’ll marry you.” Haruchiyo said sweetly making a smile appear on your lips. He’d said things like this all the time but you knew he meant it this time. 
You could see it in his eyes and in the way he talked to you that he meant what he said and he was going to get better. That was a promise you were looking forward to being fulfilled.
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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mmurderhousewrites · 6 months
heyy I have one little request~ I'm thinking about reader having a crush on stepbro Geto, like she's secretly obsessed with him and wants him to be her first everything, so one day she comes up with a silly excuse and asks him to teach her how to kiss and it escalates from there 🤍
I didn't add any smut unfortunately but i hope u like it!
Warnings: fem!reader x suguru geto, incest but not incest but incest, minors DNI
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When you were 16 your mother had married a man named Kenji getou. And with hi he brough his 17 year old son, Suguru.
In the three years the four of you have lived together Getou was always mean. A bully always starting arguments with you for no aparent reason.
But of course, you being naive you fell for his tactics and so did your heart. Now everytime Getou would would try and bully you it was either you blushing or catching an attitude back which he would simply reply, "Watch your attitude princess or else" And that would always shut you up really quick perhaps from the shock or how when he talked to you like that it made your panties damp.
And though getou was, well a dick, there would be times when he could be sweet. Like bringing you home ice cream when he went out or coming back with your favorite snack or even that one time when he bought you a new bra and pantie set. Of course it was weird i mean after all that was your step brother.
But you didn't care. Your virgin mind went crazy with different thoughts on how Getou could take you, from behind, from the side, there was so many options.
So it was no surprise at night, when you were in your room alone, you would touch yourself thinking of your older brother. From whimpering to moaning his name, you would dive your fingers into your wet cunt thinking of him.
Getou heard. He always did, after all his room was right next to yours. Of course he heard all the dirty things that came out of your mouth while thinking of him. And some nights he would listen and touch him self to your voice.
However Getou always acted like he didn't know what was going on inside your head. He would continue to bully you and play your little game pretending nothing happened the night before.
And so you had devised a plan. You wanted Getou to be the one to take your virginity, but convincing him would be the hard part. So you decided to ask him to teach you how to kiss.
That's why the you stood in his room, hands behind your back blushing like crazy.
"you want me to teach you to.. Kiss?" Getou questions, raising an eyebrow. He was definetly not expecting that considering you were such a pussy in his eyes. He never expected you to make the first move.
You nod your head eagerly, "There's this boy I like and I want to make sure I know what i'm doing before I meet with him." The lie came out of your mouth smoothly like butter.
Getou chuckles and shakes his head before standing up from his seat and walking over to you, "Alright, i can do that" He says. But in his mind he was raging, How could you possibly like someone yet his name was the one you moan at night?
Getou put his hand on your cheek, caressing it lightly. "it's pretty simple, just close your eyes." He says before leaning in and placing his soft lips on your own.
Your cheeks were hot as you closed your eyes and leaned into his kiss, your heart was raising like crazy and your intestines started doing backflips.
Your stepbrother pulls away, before smirking at you. Looking up at him with a confused face you ask, "was that okay?"
Getou chuckles, "Why don't we sit down on my bed?" He takes your hand into his own before leading you to the queen size bed that was leaned against the wall.
You follow him, taking a seat next to him.
"Let's try again." He says, "This time you kiss me."
You nodded your head before closing your eyes and leaning into him again, slightly pressing your lips onto his.
Getou leans into you, placing a hand on your thigh. Your body reacts on its own, placing your arms around his neck.
He opens his mouth slightly as his tongue begs for entrance and you give it to him. Your tongues battle eachother and you moan into the kiss.
Getou gently lays you down on the bed, crawling on top of you without breaking the kiss.
His hands begin to wander under your shirt. Getou's fingers trace your waist before he pulls away smirking.
By now your breathing heavy, eyes lidded and trying to catch your breath you look at him.
"You're a natural" He says before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on your neck right below your ear. "now tell me princess, what did you really come here for?" he questions with a raised eyebrow.
With a sudden urge of confidence you flip him over so that your on top of him seated on his lap. You feel his bulge throbbing beneath you making your panties wet.
"I want you to be my first.." you mumble.
Getou raises an eye brow, "what was that? I couldn't hear you?"
You cross your arms, "I want you to be my first" you repeat.
"Well what about your little boyfriend huh?" He questions smirkig.
"I lied. I just needed an excuse..." You admit, turning away embarrassed.
Getou chuckles before placing his hand on your cheek, turning your head back towards him. "You don't need an excuse princess. As your older brother its my job to teach you"
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ch3rryc4ndy · 2 years
Knee Socks
Pairing - haechan x fem reader (ft. Doyoung, taeil and talks about sungchan)
Genre - Smut
Summary - No matter how many warnings and scoldings haechan got from doyoung, he can’t seem to stay away from you. Doyoung being the protective brother he was told all the members you were off limits since day one but the rules end up going down the drain after a heated argument between you and haechan.
Warnings - language, arguing, choking, unprotected sex, pet names (doll, baby), hickeys, semi pervy hyuck, teasing, dry humping, biting
⭐︎𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗ ˖ ་⭐︎ ⭐︎𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗ ˖ ་⭐︎ ⭐︎𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗ ˖ ་⭐︎ ⭐︎𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗ ˖ ་⭐︎ ⭐︎𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ
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“Oh really? I’m the bitch?” You hiss with a pointed finger back at yourself “yeah you are” haechan scoffs as he starts to walk away from you trying to conceal the smile that was forming on his lips.
“What the hell is going on now” doyoung sighs as him and taeil walk into the living room “asshole” you whisper under your breath in anger.
Haechan was one to know how to get under your skin in the most irritating ways possible. He would tease and start useless arguments with not only you but anyone who he wants to annoy.
It was obvious to everyone that he especially enjoyed pressing your buttons whenever he had the chance. You never understood why until one day you over heard doyoung cussing out haechan. 
“You can be her friend sure but nothing more, she’s my sister hyuck be reasonable” was the sentence that you caught clear as day. You wouldn’t lie and say you’ve never thought about haechan being more than a friend but even you knew doyoung would go crazy.
“Stop arguing already geez” taeil groans as he plops down next to you “me and doyoung are going to go buy some food, wanna come?” Taeil smiles.
“No thanks, I have somewhere to be soon. I’ll come by later if I have a chance tho” you nod and get up from the couch as you make your way to doyoung.
“See you later” you wave to your overly cautious brother who was hoping you wouldn’t change your mind and stay at the apartment alone with haechan.
Although you never told anyone you somewhat had a crush on haechan, doyoung wasn’t stupid and noticed the small difference in the way you interacted with him vs the other members.
“Where are you going?” Doyoung asks with a smile as haechan perks up at the question. His back was facing you as he made himself a snack “a date” you coo, taeil turns back quickly at your words and haechan almost drops the knife he was using.
“A date?! With who?” Taeil coos with his eyebrows wiggling “some guy from school but anyways I have to go get ready see you guys later” you mutter trying to get away from the questions and interrogating that were soon to happen.
You made it back home and got ready as soon as you stepped foot into your apartment. After what felt like hours of getting ready you rummage through your bag for your phone to check the time. 
After pouring everything that you had inside your bag onto the counter and rummaging through the mess you realize you never put your phone into your bag. “Fuck” it became clear that you left your phone at the boys dorms.
You get your things and make your back to the dorm. Annoyed and a little angry that you could forget such a thing. You knock a few times and hear no response. You knock louder in frustration as you wondered why doyoung wasn’t answering the door.
“Yeah yeah Im coming” you hear a groggy voice from behind the door whine as you stand anxiously. The door opens and to your surprise your faced with a shirtless messy haired haechan.
His eyes widen as he notices the outfit you had on “I forgot my phone” you smile awkwardly as you try and make your eyes look everywhere but his chest “u- uh yeah come in” he mutters as he moves aside.
You quickly walk to the couch, throwing the pillows around and sliding your hands inside the cracks to make sure your phone didn’t manage to slip between them.
You get on your knees and look under the couch but get faced with nothing but a chip from last nights snacking. “Do you know where my phone is?” You sigh as you sit up on your knees and look over at haechan in desperation “no” he shrugs with a head shake.
Haechan is leaning on the kitchen counter, watching your every move as you lean down just enough for your skirt to lift ever so slightly. His mind going blank as he sees the pair of white panties peering past the fabric of your skirt.
He asks himself questions he knew would land him 6 feet under ground if doyoung found out. The longer he thought to himself the dirtier his thoughts got. They went from “is she loud in bed?” to “I wonder how’d she look with spit running down her chin as I fuck that smart mouth”
His thoughts getting more detailed as he drifts off into his imagination.
He noticed the tight black knee high socks squeezing around your thighs, they made his chest heavy and foggy headed. Your shirt revealing the perfect amount of cleavage to drive him crazy. 
“Haechan!” You yell with a slight smile on your face. You knew he was staring and you didn’t care. You might’ve even arched your back an unnecessary amount when looking for your phone. It was torture for you just as much as it was for him.
His face turns a soft shade of pink as he realizes he’s just been caught “were you peeking under my skirt?!” You gasp trying to sound surprised.
“Wh- what no no I was lost in my thoughts” haechan smiles awkwardly as he turns around and walks into his room quickly.
“Have you really not seen my phone? The last time I remember having it was on the couch when we were arguing” you sigh following close behind him.
“Y/n I don’t have your phone oh my god” he groans as he sits on the edge of his bed. Your eyes scan around his room, the shelves full of vinyls and cds you’ve grown to know far too well from the times haechan wasn’t a complete ass making you smile.
When the both of you weren’t bickering at each other like an old married couple you spent a few hours in his room listening to music and talking about each others day. But those sweet moments have been happening much less due to the amount of arguing that happens between the two of you.
“Who’s the guy?” Haechan asks casually, his hands on his sides as he tries to keep his eyes up to yours. “Like I said a guy from school”
He fails to hide his disapproval as he sighs “why?” You smile as he bites down on his lip harshly. Right as haechan was about to say something, you heard a familiar ding from inside his nightstand.
Both of you perk up at the sound, your eyes shifting towards the small grey nightstand in confusion. “Sorry that’s my phone” haechan chuckles as he gets up in a rush.
You get to it first and open it and to your surprise there lays your phone with text messages from your date and dozens of calls from doyoung. “YOU LYING PIECE OF SHI-” You yell, getting cut off mid sentence by haechan shushing you with an eye roll.
“Fuck you” you scoff as he stares at you with a blank expression. “Oh yeah? I’m the liar right?” He scoffs “what the hell does that mean?”
“You said the guy you were going on a date with was from school. It’s sungchan. Did you suddenly forget he’s a member of Nct too?” Haechan hisses.
“You know how doyoung would act ok. He asked me out and I haven’t had a date in months so what? I’m the bad one for wanting to go on ONE date?”
“You’d risk doyoung finding out and getting angry at you for sungchan?” He shakes his head in a tsk “Well it isn’t like I have a line of people asking me out now do I hyuck? He’s respectful, not once has he done anything to piss me off and he’s also is the first guy to ask me out on a REAL date in a long time. Sorry if that makes me a bad person”
“What if I asked you on a date? Would you go on one with me?” Haechan smiles. You freeze, taken back by his question, your eyes furrow in confusion. “What?”
“If I asked you out on a date right now would you say yes?” He shrugs
“I- I don’t know” you mutter awkwardly as you try and hide the pink tint on your cheeks “would you say yes?” He asks again, this time in a stern tone. His lips curling into a smile as he watches your cheeks burn brighter.
“Maybe” you shrug. Haechans eyes trialing down your thighs yet again.
He couldn’t help but think about how you’d feel wrapped around his shoulders as he buried his face deep into your pussy. He was almost salivating at the thought. His name spilling out of your mouth in that breathy way you do whenever you were trying to catch your breath after a long workout.
“Maybe?” He replied. Your eyes trailing down his abdomen and quickly looking at the imprint on his grey sweats. Your eyes shoot back up to his eyes and to your surprises he was watch you.
He smiled to himself, satisfied that you couldn’t help but admire him too. “Come” he gestures you closer. You stand infront of him, his legs spread as you stand between them “tell me you don’t want me” he hums.
“W- what?”
“Tell me you don’t want me at all. You don’t want to go on a date, you don’t find me attractive, you don’t think of me, and tell me you like sungchan better than me.”
“Why would I say that? I’d be lying” you say to yourself but soon come to realize you just said it out loud by the way haechans eyes grow dark “You’d be lying? You think of me?”
You feel a rush of confidence rush through you as you take in the situation. His hands almost touching your thighs as his legs almost touch yours. His hands on his knees as his thumbs tap the sides of your knees ever so slightly.
“I do, you’d be surprised”
“Oh yeah? How’d I be surprised?” He smiles with a tilt of his head “I think about you so much hyuck” you purr as you move closer. Your legs now touching his as his hands instinctively move towards your hips as he looks up at you.
Haechan debates with himself in his head. Should he pull you onto his lap and finally kiss you or back away and follow doyoungs rules. The angel on his left says no but the devil on his right shoulder is louder.
You can tell he’s debating what to do so you wrap your arms around his shoulders. Haechan shivers at the contact of your hands on his naked body. That’s when he gave in, his hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you roughly onto his lap.
You gasp at the sudden movements letting a low whine out as you feel his hands rubbing up your thighs. His lips fighting the urge to latch onto your neck and hear how sweet you’d sound.
“What if doyoung and taeil get back? We didn’t even lock the door” you grow worried as you look back at the door that was wide open. Haechan lifts you with him, your legs wrap around his waist as he got up and closed the door locking it.
“Better now?” He coos as he sits back onto the bed. You nod as your eyes move down to his lips. His puffy pink lips glossed in his saliva. You instinctively licked your lips, biting them softly as you wondered how he’d taste.
Haechan chuckles to himself, his hand snakes onto the nape of your neck, pulling you down into a soft kiss. The kiss felt different that others you’ve had, the softness of the kiss was intoxicating mixed with the neediness that both of you were trying to hide made everything even more heated.
No words come out of either of you. Frustrated moans and whines spilling out instead as you pulled back from the kiss. Saliva stringing from both of your mouths as you look at each other with slightly opened mouths.
“Don’t you need to get to your date?” Haechan pouts as his fingers play with your knee high socks “I’ll tell him I had an emergency”
Haechan nods at your response with a smiles, his lips moving down your jaw and latching onto your neck. He trials up your neck, pressing kisses onto multiple spots waiting for you to give the reaction he wanted.
A breathy squeal leaves you as he bite down onto your neck, he sucks and kisses the same spot after realizing the affect it had on you. Your body shivers and jerks back as he moans onto you, the vibration making you squirm on his lap.
He groans at the feeling of your clothed pussy rubbing onto his cock “baby” he whines as he pulls back softly. “If you keep doing that…” he shakes his head in a groan.
“What will happen if I keep doing it?” You tease as you rub yourself onto his lap, the pace slow and soft as you hold onto his shoulders. “Keep doing it and find out”
You smile and take it as a challenge. You sit up lightly and take your panties off, making sure he couldn’t see anything yet. He moans quietly as you drop them down to his feet.
Your pace picks up again, this time a feeling much more intense rushes through you as you feel the warm cloth of his sweats hugging his cock as you press yourself onto him. You curse under your breath as you feel how thick he was, his hands on your hips as he looks down at you as you hug onto his chest.
His body heats up at the sight playing out in front of him. The soft whines you let out mixed with the sensation of your fingers digging into his skin making him whimper.
“Need to feel you” you whine as you tug at his waist band.
Haechan stops your pace, his hands wrapping around your waist to lift you off a bit, allowing him to kick his sweats off as he lays back onto his headboard. He turns to his left and rummages through his nightstand as you sit on his upper legs, he pulls out a condom in anticipation.
He holds it up with two fingers and a raised eyebrow “no no I don’t want it I’m on the pill. I want to feel all of you, need you to cum in me” you whine with a hint of desperation.
He smiles at your words “you sure doll? No condom?”
“We can use it if you want” you nod as you take his question as a hint that he wanted to use one “no no no trust me I don’t need it but I just want to make sure you’re 100% certain”
“I am haechan 100%”
He smiles at how beautiful you look in this moment. Your eyes droopy from need and cheeks tinted pink as you looked down at him pleading to fuck you raw. “Good” he hums as he presses a kiss onto your lips, the kiss lasting a few seconds before he pulls back and latches back down to your neck.
You whine in need as you press your warm cunt onto his cock. Haechan almost chokes on his spit as he feels how wet you were, his length buried between your folds as you rub yourself onto him slowly.
You try and adjust yourself onto him properly but he keeps you in place “don’t rush” he purrs as he sucks onto your neck harshly.
Haechan loved to tease, it was kind of his speciality. He loved the way you looked whenever he would adjust himself and give you false hope “please haechan”
You pleaded a few times but that only seemed to make him keep up the teasing. “Need to be patient” he shakes his head. Haechan tries his best to ignore the needy pleads as you beg and moan his name.
You pull his head back lightly taking him by surprise, kissing him roughly as you scatter kisses all over his face. Your lips pressing a kiss onto each of his moles as his eyes close shut in hopes to control himself.
You pull back slowly, taking in the soft glow of his skin “All bruised up baby” he coos as he points at the purple marks he left scattered across your neck. “Gonna make sure everyone knows who gave these to you” he purrs as he adjusts himself, coating his tip before pushing into you softly.
Haechan let’s out a shaky moan as he feels your warm walls squeeze him tightly. His eyes close shut in pleasure as he slams you onto his lap.
Your mind going blank as you take in the feeling of his cock stretching you out, filling you full as he bites down onto your shoulder “Feel so good” haechan breathily moans as his fingers pierce your hips.
His hard slams making your eyes roll back as he fucks you fill of his cock. Your stomach turns into knots as your stomachs starts to clench from the perfect angle he was fucking you in.
One of his hands on your hip and the other besides your arm, pounding you harshly onto his lap. All you could do was bounce along with his thrusts, shaky moans slipping from you as he sloppily kisses your neck to muffle his moans.
Your eyes completely foggy from tears as you feel yourself getting closer to your climax. His manhandling of you making you even wetter as one of his hands wraps around your throat.
“Making such a mess doll” he shakes his head in a smile as he looks down at his lap “h- Haech- Haechan”
“Yeah?” He hums as he slams you harder onto his lap. The sound of wet skin slapping and breathy moans filling the room. Each of his hard thrusts making your voice hitch as he hugs you onto his chest for a better grip.
“I- I’m c-“ you try and spit out but your words coming out a scrambled mess “ you’re gonna cum doll? Already?” He mocks in a pout. You nod your head groggily as he smiles at your reply.
“Let it out, I got you baby” he purrs into my ear as his eyes drift down to your knee highs. He was so lost in pleasure he completely forgot you had them on, he’s always had a thing for thick thighs so when you showed up to the empty dorm in them while he was alone he knew he would either fuck himself in his hand later or finally get to do what he’s been wanting to do which was you.
A shaky cry spilling from your mouth as you clench around him. His hand slapping onto your mouth to quiet your loud cries. Your pussy growing louder as your wetness drips downs your leg and onto his lap. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you ride out your orgasm.
Tears start to stream down your cheeks as he fucks you through your orgasm “so perfec-“ haechan hisses as he feels your warm cunt pulse around him. His eyes roll back in ecstasy as he cums inside you for the first time.
His mind goes dizzy and his thoughts go blank as your sticky walls take him perfectly. Both of you breathing heavily as he drops down onto the bed with you in his arms.
The only sound inside the room are heavy breaths and quiet moans as you both come down from your orgasms.
“I think I might’ve left too many hickeys” haechan chuckles with concern as he takes in the amount of purple bruises on your neck and chest. “I can use makeup” you shrug as his hands run through your hair.
His warmth making you feel safer than you’ve ever been, your heartbeats syncing, and your breaths slowing as both of you take in each others warmth.
Haechan cuts the silence with one question.
“How do we explain this to doyoung”
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sthavoc · 6 months
Hey so Idk you will like this idea cause it has some angst in it but...
What about a fix where enzo was planning a special date but then enzo and the reader have a big argument because of the rumours of him and atiana cause the reader has trust issues caused by a past relationship and it does end up in a break up but he goes and chases after her. BUT the thing about the date was that...
He was going to propose to her.
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: with all the rumors about enzo and aitana you were having trouble with your trust issues, before the both of you headed to a special date enzo couldn’t wait for, you both got in a fight that didn’t end up well, but enzo won’t leave without a fight.
·˚ ༘ warnings: angst, cussing, trust issues, happy ending y’all(I don’t feel like being that cruel for my first angst)
·˚ ༘ note: angst is totally okay if u guys want some! I’m so dramaticcc 😭 I’m so sorry for the wait but I hope you guys like it!! I hope I didn’t miss any grammar mistakes
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Trust. What a thing to ask from someone when all they’ve experienced their whole life was lies, lie after lie fills the bottle of trust. Can’t tell the truth because they prefer to have everything instead of one. Can’t tell the truth because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. Can’t tell the truth because they started with a small lie and then got carried away.
For you, trusting a partner takes time and patience. It’s not easy considering most of the few relationships you’ve been in are full of lies. Just bad luck you think, and for some reason you thought it would be different with Enzo. Was it because your heart told you so? Or was it his actions? Who knows. Though you were starting to question it, and it all started when the rumors of him and Aitana began, the pictures of them, the fans asking around if they were a thing.
Reminiscing thinking if anything he ever told you was true, thinking if all was a lie. Your heart would tell you everything was true, but your mind would tell you another. You were tired of it, but you were also tired of hurting Enzo with your issues.
“Dale hermosa se nos hace tarde.” Enzo’s voice snapped you out of your zone. With deep in thought it sounded as if he had called you multiple times.
You didn’t give him an answer and continued to sit on the chair from your vanity. You had finished getting ready, Enzo wanted you to dress up all fancy for a dinner reservation he had made, very special according to him. With your reflection in the mirror, your lips were a shade of red, your dress was white, and your hair was down. All you needed were your shoes.
“Estoy ansioso, espero que te guste.” He beamed. He had been planning this dinner for weeks, plenty of techniques for you not to see anything coming.
“Hm.” was your answer.
Everything was getting to you. Hitting you like a brick wall and bringing down your trust in your boyfriend, and you didn’t want to. You wanted to trust Enzo, but it was absolutely hard when all you ever saw were pictures of him with another woman and comments that only filled your overthinking. It made you think that the people you end up caring for the most are the ones who let you down the hardest. You didn’t want to be there again.
“¿Todo bien?” He halts his movement buttoning up his shirt to shift his attention towards you. Instead of being excited like you usually were, you seemed bummed down, it was worrisome.
“Sí. Todo bien.”
Enzo remained silent for a moment, but the man knew that not everything was fine, he was noticing the signs. You were quiet and distant, and that was your usual answer when things were not fine.
“¿Que pasa?” He used a softer tone to make you feel comfortable. So you could know that if you wanted to talk about something you could.
“Nada.” You decided to keep your words short, and you added a glance spotting that he was staring at you.
He was starting to push your buttons, by any time you were sure to explode or ask him the question.
“Nena, en serio llevas así casi todo el día.” And he was right. You’ve been shutting him out for the whole day, and instead of talking it out you decided to keep it to yourself, but it was maybe time to talk about it. This topic was simply eating you alive and just thinking about it makes your world sink, your stomach turn, and your heart break into a million pieces that won’t be fixed easily.
“¿Tienes algo con Aitana?” The words came out quietly, afraid.
“¿Como?” It wasn’t that he didn’t hear you the first time. He was merely confused as to why you would be asking such a question, and also on such an important day.
“Que si tienes algo con Aitana.” Your voice appeared a little louder than it did before, this was getting you irritated already.
“No-no. Claro que no nena. ¿Per por qué me preguntas eso?” He chuckled trying to come closer to you to hold you, but you didn’t let him. You didn’t feel like letting him hold you in the moment.
“Las fotos de ustedes están por todo el maldito internet, Enzo. Salen muy cerca y-y las fans se preguntan si son algo, ¿que se supone que ahora me pregunte yo?” Your expression had ascended with a hint of wrath in your last sentence.
“Nada. Se supone que no te debes de preguntar nada.” Enzo moved closer and his words emerged with an offensive tone, he tried strengthening his cool, since out of the two he always did. “Y además son solo fotos que están sacadas fueras de contexto.”
“Sí, claro.” You chuckled sarcastically earning Enzo to furrow his brows in disarray. His next questions followed—
“¿Que insinúas? ¿Qué te estoy engañado?”
“No lo sé.” Was your retort.
You didn’t know, truthfully, you yearned to believe that it was just your brain making a mess with you, and not that he could actually be cheating on you. That would be the end for you, and technically it was getting hard for you with how public he was becoming. But you loved the man and you tried for those thoughts to not keep burning you.
“Por Dios, T/N. ¿Que no confías en mí?” That question.
Your eyes glistened with tears that you tried to hold back, you kept telling yourself, “to not ruin the makeup”, but you just didn’t want to cry. “Enzo, sabes que no se me da lo de la confianza.” You blubbered. “Trato pero, me gana el cerebro y juega sus putos juegos conmigo.”
“Lo se pero solo te pido que me creas. Yo te amo.” He strived to grab your hands but you pulled away, and he didn’t make an attempt, understanding that you needed your space. “No te estoy engañando.”
.“Las fans no ven eso, Enzo.” You looked him in the eyes, feeling the burn in your throat. “Las fotos rodeando todo el internet. En ves de que sean de ti y de mi son de ti y Aitana.” your words were starting to increase in volume once again.
“¿Que importa lo que digan?” His eyebrows furrowed as his words showed a hint of anger.
“!No, es que no lo entiendes. No sabes que es lo que se siente al saber que sepan que tienes novia y aún así se pregunten si estás con otra persona, Enzo. Y que suban fotos de ustedes!” you hollered in anger, you felt how the bump in your throat kept getting tighter and tighter, it was even starting to hurt every time you swallowed.
Your words left him stunt at the sudden rise of volume. “Pero si vos y yo sabemos que solo somos los dos, carajo.” He was losing his cool with how his words were starting to rise.
“¿Es en serio?” You sounded with sarcasm. “No solo lo tenemos que saber los dos. ¡Todos lo tienen que saber. Por eso decidimos hacer nuestra relación pública!” Your hand came in the middle making him step back, during this you felt one tear drop onto your cheek. The seconds passed, and with the pain in your voice, you spoke once more, this time more quietly. “Enzo yo no se si podamos seguir juntos.”
Your words stung him like the prick of a flower when you place your finger against it. You meant everything to him, and just the thought of losing you paralyzed him, making him unable to move or speak.
You thought it was for the better. To let him go, for you to leave. Past relationships have taught you and made you think you were the problem. This was the only thing you thought was right.
“N-no chiquita no me digas eso por favor.” He wiped out the barrier grabbing your hands, but you kept on pulling away.
“No. Enzo.” You tore away. “Ya. Te aseguro que estarás mejor sin mi.”
“No digas estupideces por favor nena. Claro que no voy a estar mejor sin vos.” His proclamations were filled with bitterness and frustration, he wasn’t sure what to do to make you change your answer.
“Enzo por favor. No quiero que sigas lidiando con esto que tengo, y yo ya no quiero dudar de ti.”
“Hermosa por favor. No me dejes, podemos arreglarlo.” You could see him get on his knees, hugging you from your hips. His force made you unable to move, and you tried to push him away but it was no use. He was stronger than you.
“¡Enzo ya! Se acabo.”
When you said those words you grabbed nothing but your phone ready to leave. You weren’t sure where you would go, but anywhere else that wasn’t where he would be. Right now, being close to the man you thought you would continue to have a life with hurts, hurts more than a cut would. Were you just destined to be alone? or were you just immoral at choosing guys?
When you stepped out of the apartment you felt droplets of rain, the sky cried with you while you rushed towards your car. Soon, a pair of words stopped you, hollering words you weren’t sure you would hear.
“¡¿Sabes que iba a hacer en la cena?!” Enzo called through the rain, it made you turn towards him, while he walked closer. “Te iba a pedir que te casaras conmigo.”
His words made everything around you stop. You had always painted the picture of getting married to Enzo, you just never thought it would happen, or that it ever crossed his mind as well. He wanted you in his life, not just temporarily, but forever.
“¿Casarme contigo?” You hoped you heard correctly and it wasn’t just the rain that made sure you heard what you cared for to hear.
Until Enzo dug into his pocket and took out a navy blue box. New tears began to fall on your cheeks, watching him open it and reveal the silver, diamond ring. You glanced at him, with his hair wet and his tuxedo damped.
“No me puedo imaginar una vida que no sea con vos. Verte sonreír es mi forma de vivir, me dijiste la primera vez que salimos que tenías problemas con confiar. Me pediste no lidiar con eso, pero yo quiero. Quiero lidiar contigo por el resto de mi vida.”
You could have trouble with anything, could have a sickness that takes away his free time, and yet, Enzo wouldn’t go. He would choose you for breath because you are his oxygen, his heaven. He would give up anything to keep you close, to hold you forever.
“Enzo—” You stood speechless and interrupted by thoughts that were all over the place. “No quiero que tu amor por mi desaparezca por culpa de mis problemas. Siento que con el tiempo me dejarás de amar, todos lo hacen.”
“Pero yo no soy todos. Yo doy todo por vos preciosa, eres mi luz. Yo te prometo que voy a hacer que tus dudas desaparezcan, y que no te quede ninguna de que te amo y que de verdad eres la única. La única que quiero en mi vida.”
Having Enzo in your life has been a hell of a rollercoaster, but you can’t also imagine a life without him. Having him around was the best and he always managed to make you smile and feel loved even though you had trouble. So not becoming his fiancée was not an option.
“Sí quiero.” You blurted. It made Enzo confused as to what you meant, but he caught up.
“¿Como?” He just wanted to hear it from you.
“Sí me quiero casar contigo.” The lump in your throat broke the chords of your voice as the tears began to fall. This time out of happiness.
“no juegues conmigo chiquita.” He felt his knees go weak at your answer.
“No.” You laughed with the tears in your eyes. “Enzo, se que soy difícil, pero te amo, y yo sé que tú me amas. Aunque el cerebro juega conmigo, mi corazón sabe.”
Enzo wasted no time in putting the ring on your finger, as his face painted one of the brightest smiles on his lips. His tears were covered by the droplets of rain but the redness above his eyes was yet visible. The man didn’t know if he could hug you or even kiss you, so what you did was pull him by the collar and kiss him with the passion that grew from the depths of your heart.
“Te voy a hacer la mujer más feliz del mundo.” He whispered under his breath with his hand under your cheek, the water slipping between the two. “Nadie te va a amar como yo.”
“Eso ya lo haces.” You giggled pulling him back for a kiss.
In every relationship, there are bound to be challenges. Sometimes, people may choose to part ways for the sake of their own happiness. However, those who stay through thick and thin are the ones who have found true love.
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vixialuvs · 7 months
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୨୧. pairing - yang jungwon x reader
୨୧. CW - angst to fluff. hurt/comfort, yelling, established relationship, non!idol jungwon, you go to the same uni and live tg, suggestive at the end
୨୧. summary - you and jungwon get into an argument, and he accidentally raises his voice and yells at you, causing you to start crying.
୨୧. a/n - this is lwk really bad guys i’m sorry…
december 20 was supposed to be just a normal day for you and your boyfriend of 3 years, jungwon. it was just another day of you overworking yourself at home, while he’s out with his friends. you don’t even check the time, too busy trying to understand punnett squares to care. the sun slowly disappears, leaving you to turn on a lamp so you can see the papers infront of you. your phone gets a call, but it is on do not disturb, so you wont see it.
two hours later, now one am, the entire dormitory silent, and here you are, still working. you are running on five cups of coffee and two oreos, but are starving and so tired. suddenly the door to your dorm opens, you can hear it through the thin walls but don’t get up because you already know its jungwon. you feel too dizzy to even move, just returning to your work. he comes into your shared bedroom, looking upset and worried.
“y/n? i was calling you. why didn’t you pick u—” he pauses in his sentence when he sees you hunched over your desk, taking notes on some stupid biology video. “y/n. we talked about this, okay? you can’t keep doing this, its so frustrating.. please. im worried about you. have you even eaten?” he says, his voice involuntarily getting stern.
you look up at him, letting out a soft sigh as your tired eyes meet his annoyed ones. “i’ve eaten a couple oreos. i’m fine, won. just.. go to bed okay?” you mutter, not wanting to argue with him. he isnt having it and snatches your pen out of your hand, earning an immediate “hey!” from you. he glares at you, actually getting mad you are doing this to yourself. “y/n a couple oreos isnt good enough. you need to be eating more then that. i’m not going to bed unless your coming with me.” he sounds pissed.. it makes you slightly nervous but you stand your ground.
you get up and off your chair, now standing infront of him as you cross your arms over your chest. “give me my damn pen.” you say defiantly, beginning to also get defensive but keeping your voice at a normal level. jungwon, however, is not as patient as you. his voice gets a bit higher, just ever so slightly. “no. your going to bed. now. i’m tired of this bullshit.” he protests, gripping your pen.
“jungwon come on, stop it. i’m almost done.. just-” you start, but he cuts you off. he really doesn’t mean to and doesn’t want to hurt you but raises his voice significantly. “no! stop it! just COME TO BED! i’m sick and tired of your shit, y/n! i already fucking told you! just stop this! god!” he shouts, but pauses and feels the instant regret once he sees you tense up and start to visibly tremble. he takes a step toward you and you take a step back.
“y/n, sweetheart, please baby.. i didn’t mean to yell.. i’m so sorry.. what are you doing..?” his voice is quiet now and his eyes are filled with fear as he watches you grab a pillow and a blanket from the closet and leave the room. he follows you like a scared puppy and his eyes go wide once he sees you setting up camp on the couch. he slumps against the wall and sighs quietly, deciding to try and give you space.
that night he lays restless in your bed, laying on the side you should be on, but you are passed out on the couch. he needs you in his arms, unable to even sleep without you, so he gives up trying to leave you alone and makes his way to the living room where you lie, asleep. he kneels down at your side and gently lifts you into his arms, bridal style, careful to not wake you. he brings you back into the bedroom and lays you on the bed, crawling in beside you. he immediately turns your sleeping body over and buries his face in your neck, his arms wrapping tight around you as he almost instantly drifts off.
in the morning, you are the first to wake, noticing you aren’t on the couch anymore, and instead in your bed, jungwon completely sprawled on top of you. he’s hugging you with an iron grip, as if you’ll leave if he loosens up. you sigh, remembering the events of last night, your head falling back on the pillow. your hand comes up to caress his hair, waiting until he stirs so the two of you can talk. eventually, he does, burying his head further into your neck and mumbling your name, his lips ghosting across your sensitive skin. you tilt his chin up to look at his face, which looks stressed and you can tell he was crying last night while he held you, dried tears on his cheeks.
“i’m so sorry my baby. i didn’t mean to yell at you. i’m just so worried about you and i want you to take care of yourself. i don’t think you understand how much i love you, sweetheart. i love you more then i love myself. i’d seriously take a bullet for you. please forgive me, y/n. i’ll make it up to you honey, i swear.” he says quietly, his voice laced with sleep, as he lays his head on your chest and caresses your neck. you let out the smallest sigh and kiss his head.
“you know i can’t stay mad at you ever, won. i forgive you. i’m sorry for always being a pain in your ass, always worrying you and being stubborn when you try to help me. i’ll be better, okay? i pinky promise.” you softly intertwine your pinkies and kiss it, giving him the tiniest smile. he sits up on you and leans down to kiss your lips, with a sudden fervor. it makes you whine with need, the way his touch feels so apologetic as he gently parts your thighs, nestling himself between them as he kisses down your stomach.
“let me make it up to you, yeah?” he murmurs, looking up at you with a knowing smirk, lust prevalent in his gaze.
@vixialuvs . don’t steal my work !
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iwas-princess · 2 years
hi ok so u said u want requests so here I am
how ab rin n u are in a argument and he says that ur clingy or annoying and u cry then he comforts u?
suna rintaro • all too well
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“just drop it, princess.” he sighed, his sweaty palms slapping against the marble counter tops of the kitchen as your voice rose with each word you spoke.
“no! you told me that we would go to dinner today all week long, then canceled because you wanted to play a dumb game, rintaro! that’s horrible. you’re horrible to me-“
“i am not horrible to you by all means. you’re just so goddamn clingy all of the fucking time that i can never get any fucking space whenever i need it. then, when i’m actually too drained to go anywhere because you’re so fucking annoying that it actually drains my battery, you get all pissy and start claiming that i don’t do anything for you. as if i hadn’t just drove two hours out of my way yesterday to go to a stupid fucking target because ours didn’t have the- what was it? oh yeah- the worthless rug you wanted.” he ran his hands through his hair frustratedly, his back still turned to your dolled up figured as you stood behind him. “we go out on dates every week, i don’t under why you have to throw a fucking temper tantrum over this specific one, which is basically your own fault that we missed it by the way. so maybe, for future references, shut the fuck up more often if you want to go on weekly dates still. because honestly, the way shits going lately, even five hours in the same room with you can leave me so exhausted for a-“
the sob the left your lips and interrupted his rant, caused him to pause, his heart nearly stopping at the sound.
he hadn’t realized majority of what he was saying as he spoke, his mouth moving before his brain registered what he was saying and who he was say it to.
you were his princess, the one person that he had never minded going above and beyond for without complaint as he held your hand the whole ten hour drive to wherever you asked of him, you sweet smile beaming at him as you told him about everything on your pretty mind and gushed over him. he never minded, not even when you asked for the stupidest things and spoke about things he didn’t care about for hours on end— he never minded.
how could he have been so cruel?
you were sensitive, more delicate than any other girl he had ever met in his life. he had to choose his words carefully and kindly explain things to you, always. and until today, he had never found himself growing irritated with your slower mind or sensitive nature.
in fact, he found it lovely.
he turned around, facing the heart wrenching sight of a broken lover in front of him.
your makeup wad ruined, the waterproof mascara you bought for tonight failing it’s purpose and running down your foundation covered cheeks as you cried uncontrollably, your fragile heart wounded and breaking with each breath you took.
never had he ever given you any reason to believe that you were anything but wonderful in his eyes, and the newly discovered truth changed your whole perception.
what if everything you’ve ever thought you had was nothing but a mere lie to savor your feelings?
the wonderful princess treatment he provided you made your foolish heart swoon and he filled your every thought with each action of service he gave you, and now… now it was seemingly all a lie.
“baby, please-“ his voice was gentle now, a quick transition from the harsh tone a moment ago.
you interrupted him with the face of your palm, holding your hand in the air childishly before speaking.
the broken sound of your now soft voice caused rintaro’s stomach to drop, a deep guilty feeling already developing in his bones, surly growing as the hours ticked by.
“princess, please, i’m-“
“oh, s-so now i’m your princess? i th-though that i was annoying and dr-drained you.” you snapped, your voice quivering and hiccuping as you spoke through sobs.
he sighed at the reminder of his past words, his heart crushing underneath the pressure of his rising guilt.
“i didn’t mean it, i swear. i-i-i love you, angel, please. just stop crying, it’s oka-“
“no it’s not! you-you hurt me rintaro, really bad twice tonight. i-i don’t think i can ever forgive you.”
his whole world felt like it tilted, a large semi falling off the sideways road and crushing him once the words left your mouth.
‘you hurt me, rintaro’
the sadness in your voice as you said his name hurt him beyond belief, like a knife carving into his skin slowly.
he took an oath to himself the moment he fell in love with you that he would never hurt you, and would wish death upon those who dared to.
if he could, he would’ve kicked his own ass violently for saying all of the stupid shit he did, even dumping his body over the nearest river for making his princess cry.
he needed to hold you, tell you it’s alright and he’ll make everything better, like he always had. hot chocolate and your favorite romcom while snuggled with him and a stuffie always did the trick, making you forget all about your woes and giving them to suna to take care of come morning.
and boy, did he ever take care of your issues…
to recall every occurrence would be nearly impossible, for there are far too many where people had remorselessly stepped on your fragile feelings without any apology— until your rinnie dealed with them, that is.
he took a few steps towards your shaking figure, watching in agony as you sobbed to yourself over his inconsiderate words.
you looked beautiful tonight before the fight, your dress hugging your curves wonderfully and the matching jewelry set he bought you last week was accessorizing you just how he imagined it would. it truly broke his whole being to watch you fall apart, let alone considering the high hopes you had for the evening given your appearance.
taking a few more impulsive steps forward until he reached only about two feet away from you, suna watched as you began to compose yourself finally, your eyes opening and tears falling freely as your gaze set on the white tiles of the floor.
he gave you a few minutes to gather your thoughts, knowing all too well your crying habits.
“i don’t think i can ever forgive you, rintaro.” you mumbled, voice hoarse and shattered.
“i-i know, i know, baby and i’m so so sorry, truly.” he quickly responded.
“you were mean.. so mean.”
you fumbled with the satin sleeve of your dress, tears slowing their rapid pace but no where near finished yet as they rolled down your plump cheeks.
“i never thought you would be mean, rin. not to me, ever. but… i guess i don’t know you as well i thought.”
“what? no, no, princess-“ he rushed over to your side, ignoring the alarmed look on your broken face as you looked at him wide eyed. “you know me, okay? you know me better than anyone, don’t let my moronic outburst make you think any different, my love. what i said was horrible. it was horrible and i never ever should have said those things to you because they weren’t the truth, i swear on everything. i-i love you, and you’re not annoying, ever. in fact, i don’t think i can get enough of you talking or asking me to do things for you. i love catering to my princess and i don’t know why i said otherwise at all. okay?”
his hands cradled your face carefully, as if he’d brake you even more if he was even a slight bit rough, his thumbs stroked away your tears as they trickled down and left black streaks. he didn’t mind the messy look you adorned, not as much as he minded the cause of it.
you let out a soft hiccup.
“i love you too, rin. but, i-i can’t think of you the way i used to. not after…” you trailed, trying to avoid the mention of specifics in order to keep yourself from sobbing once more.
his eyes squeezed shut at the realization of your future.
“can we try? please, princess? i-i need you to breathe, to-to live. taking care of you has been my only reason for smiling, please. i’ll do anything.”
you sighed shakily. you knew well enough that you couldn’t live with your doting boyfriend either, his care and love would be too missed and your heart would be crippled for all eternity. suna was your only love, the only man who ever showed you how much you were truly worth and that it was okay to be dependent and need help. you loved him more than anything in the entire universe, nothing could change that— not even this.
it was sad, really.
“we’ll have to, rin. because i can’t live a day without you. you were right though, i am clingy. i cant go two minutes without asking for a kiss or looking at you, and i’ll work on it-“
“don’t. don’t you ever stop craving to be near me, princess. i love it, i really do. i have no clue why i denied that i do, baby girl. you’re everything to me and i want you to touch me all the time, so please don’t stop.” he whispered, his hazel eyes looking deep into yours.
instinctively, you captured his lips in a gentle kiss, as usual routine whenever he reassured you that you were his perfect dream. you hadn’t even realized your mistake until it was too late and suna’s arms were wrapping around you tightly, a wordless way of apologizing once more.
but this time you felt it, you felt that he meant he was sorry and would beat himself up every day until he died for hurting you.
you melted in his hold, arms eventually sliding on his back and pulling his closer for the emotional support he always provided you.
the strong scent of his cologne filled your stuffed nostrils, a warm, fuzzy feeling replacing the cold and devastated emptiness you once felt moments prior.
this wasn’t healthy, you forgiving him so quick, you knew it too. but, suna wasn’t like the other men who repeated their regrets, he actually loved you and kept his word.
which is why you chose to stay and heal, eventually trusting him with your sensitive heart again with time.
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xxconnection · 11 months
What’s the hardest thing about living on womyn's land
ok i gotta come clean. my instinct was to lie and say the hardest thing is like, the amount of manual labor or idk, staying warm in the winter. but this an easy question. we've asked this question at other wimmins lands and their answer is usually the same as ours: getting along. ive only been on tumbler a couple of weeks and i already see that this problem is here on radblr too.
here on the land right now we're really really lucky because we residents get along. we have our disagreements and bad moments but we love each other and enjoy spending time together. that wasnt always the case here! this used to be a place wimmin didnt even want to visit because it was so unfriendly. now after much hard work, we have more visitors than ever. and the vast majority of our visitors are kind and reasonable wimmin who come here to enjoy the land and socialize with other wimmin. but nobody is perfect yall. kind and reasonable wimmin also do and say rude and unreasonable little things. these kinds of little things can turn into feuds if the wimmin involved dont have the conflict resolution skills to handle it. also, not all wimmin are kind and reasonable! some wimmin are totally unlikable! some wimmin come here with no intention of getting along at all! some wimmin come here to get drunk and throw things! some wimmin attend events just to start arguments! and all of those wimmin still deserve female only space.
so how do we deal with difficult wimmin? how do we deal with difficult moments? we do our best but sometimes there's nothing we can do. sometimes we make it worse. and sometimes we are the difficult ones. me, i have chronic pain and was raised with a "eat or be eaten" mindset. being difficult comes plenty natural to me! but puttin in the extra effort to have compassion even when u feel like being mean is worth it. and so we try and we try again.
we have a great little community here. i really believe that every womon who comes here wants the best for the land. but we all show it in different ways, and some wimmin are perhaps more passionate than others. some have more self control than others. some have more hurt than others. and some had never once been in a space where they could express themselves freely until they came here. even the most calm and collected womon can fall apart if she finds herself in a safe enough space. it's important for wimmin to have space to be ugly and difficult. it's hard to hold that space, but not as hard as not having that space at all.
anyways, thank you for your excellent question. i guess what im trying to say is that being nice can be really hard, but it's important to try. we can practice on each other!
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lo-aksgf · 2 years
hiya!! my name is maggie :D how r u doing today? if it's not too difficult, may I please have some headcanons for ao'nung, tsireya & neteyam? to set the scene, they get into an argument ( D: !!! ) and he/she says something that actually gets their lover, the genderneutral reader, to tear up-- how would they react? would they jump to comfort them? or would they take the argument further? ( pstpstpst your writing is so nice :D I like your formatting!! )
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maggie babe i’m so sorry i’m just getting around to this ! i hope you like it though 🫶🏼
includes ; neteyam, tsireya and ao’nung
warnings ; crying, ao’nung being a bitch of a bitch icl, not proofread
part two to this <3
“just because lo’ak wants to risk his life doesn’t mean you should to!” neteyam raised his voice, angry at the fact you could’ve died because of his brothers actions.
“no- ‘teyam, im sorry!” you apologised, the boy standing over you wasn’t happy with what you’ve done and you knew that but you just wanted him to accept your apology.
“well if you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t have done it!” neteyam instantly regretted his choice of words, as you teared up at the comment he made about you. you knew he said it in the heat of the moment but you couldn’t help but be upset, you were even embarrassed to cry over your boyfriend calling you stupid.
he pulled your head into his chest, his other hand resting on your shoulder “y’know i didn’t mean it, i’m sorry” your tears falling off of your cheeks and onto his chest, neteyam scrunched his face in sadness. pulling your face away from him, “i’m sorry”
he wiped the tears from your face, your bottom lip was even quivering a little bit. his hands were placed on each side of your face “i didn’t mean it, i’m really sorry. promise” you nodded your head and looked away, neteyam placing a quick but passionate kiss on your lips “let me make it up to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“you just spend too much time with him! i’m not saying your cheating on me- i just want you to be honest.. do you like him? are you going to leave me for him?” you argued, your jealousy was getting the best of you right now. also your insecurities.
“maybe i will!” she said angrily, her eyes immediately widening “i didn’t mean that” she said quietly, your eyes brimmed with tears threatening to spill out “i did not mean that!” she said as tears also rose to her eyes.
“if you didn’t mean it then why would you say it?” you started to cry, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“because im- i was angry! being accused of liking someone who i don’t is tiring. you know i love you and you only!” tsireya started to cry, “im sorry for assuming that” you said.
she pulled you into a hug, both of you still crying. “im sorry for saying that i would leave you, that is a lie. i love you” she said into your shoulder “i love you too”
“why would you defend her! we are together, you aren’t with her. you embarrassed me!” ao’nung yelled
“because, you shouldn’t be rude to her just because of her differences! we are all different in our own ways” you yelled back
“your different because you are an idiot! embarrassing yourself to our people. defending what is not part of us!” he said angrily, rolling his eyes.
“what?” you quieted down, heat rising to your cheeks of embarrassment of what your boyfriend had just said. tears started to flow from your eyes straight away, you couldn’t even breathe properly.
“why are you crying?” he said in a snobby tone, “maybe think about what you just said” you hid your face in your hands, hands wet from your tears. ao’nung started to feel bad, he didn’t want to show it because he was embarrassed of your actions.
“what is wrong with you?” he spat, “what’s wrong with me? what’s wrong with you! you just said really mean things to me and expect me not to get upset! ao’nung, i’m supposed to be the person you love, not the person you push away because i defended a hopeless girl” you let out, tears still running down your face. ao’nung felt a lot of guilt now, “i’m-” he tried to speak but you cut him off
“i don’t want to be around you right now” you say turning around and walking away from him.
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