#and waaay more interesting lmao
steponmesilco · 2 years
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Thought I'd share a little teaser of something I've been working on for ages.
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heavenly-delusions · 9 months
xeno n stanley r meant to be bc theyre both balding
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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literally i downloaded this game for sariel noir i saved all my resources for sariel noir i used all my saved tickets and gems for sariel noir and now that sariel noir has been completed and loved i guess i can focus on saving my resources again for. him
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
i think Gojo & chrollo are the hardest to score. Gojo is waaay too popular so he has so many option while chrollo is... not mentally well...to say the least lmao
🕵️‍♂️ i've appreciated the input from my fellow terrible men enjoyers. since the poll is almost at its conclusion, i'll go ahead and give my thoughts, ranked from 'ez +1 husband obtained' to 'requires enough effort that i'm disrespecting myself as a woman with how hard i'd have to try.'
chrollo - listen. hear me out on this. is he a criminal? yes. a murderer? yes to that as well. overall terrible person with very little capacity for genuine emotion? absolutely. however! i'm cute. he'd start off by regarding me the same way one does a penguin who keeps tripping over its feet in the zoo. mild endearment and amusement. next, i regale him with my witticisms. they might not all land but the tripping penguin aura will keep him around anyway, if not just to see what nonsense will happen next. then he can hear my major and go :) heh. the rest is history. wedding bells but in minor key to symbolize the impending doom.
scaramouche - the main hurdle to overcome here is the looming threat of disintegration. i'm a very happy-go-lucky person so he'd probably want to strike me with lightning just to ruin my day. the trick here is to catch him when he can't expose his harbinger identity. that'll buy me enough time to win him over, although, whether or not this is a good idea is up for debate. this fella has a lot of insecurities to work through. my extroversion would endanger the local population (and ecosystem).
gojo - i'd probably end up in a similar camp as utahime at first. i'm easily mortified by people who just say whatever comes to mind, i'd find his lack of tact grating. more pressing than that, however, is that since i'm a girl, my chances of surviving in the jjk universe plummet exponentially. i'd get killed off in an unsatisfying way right when my character development started getting interesting. on the 5% chance i survive, we'd have pretty good chemistry because we're both annoying and cannot shut up.
blade - i hate to admit it, but i'm not sure i could pull this one off. my 20 stat in CHA would ricochet off him because there's no way he'd stick around long enough to fall for my charms. if by some miracle i could have a few interactions with him, i'd have to pass the hardest skill check. there's a 99% chance he'd ghost me because he thinks i deserve better than an 800 year old cursed man who is trying his best to die. is he wrong? not really. should i pass the skill check though, it'd be cute. we're complete opposites. i'm always smiling, wearing bright colors (especially pink), have light hair... then there's him. constantly glaring and dressed for a funeral. adorable vibes ngl.
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I love telling people that I fast and not just starve myself lmao. The reactions are so different. You tell people that you just don't eat aka starve yourself and they will look at you like you're crazy and probably malnourished and need some help asap lmao. When you tell them that you fast tho, they will most likely assume you're doing it for health or religious reasons and respect that. They might even get interested in what you do, ask about the benefits, risks and stuff but they are waaay more respectful imo (and will leave you tf alone doing your thing, not act condescending)
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reddnpinkepiphanyz · 3 months
This most likely isn't going to be true, but i HAVE to spill this one out, lmao.
Kahn killed Nori. Knowing more about herdity would tell you, that something is waaay more likey to show up in the child if both parents have it. So, If both Nori and Khan had the Abslute solver gene (due to the rarity of the solver activating in such a way, I think it it ressesive.) Uzi, being the host she is now, would have a higher chance of getting the solver. So, Khan having the solver isn't exactly the most underground theory, a few people earlier in the run have theorized this, but imagine this:
You just turned into a freaky monster, only crazing the thing that keeps your peers running in an animalistic attempt to calm the burning headache you currently have. Suddenly, out of your blinded attacks you hear a familier scream, your wife. That kicks you out of whatever state your in. Turns out, you stabbed her with a wrech, riiiight in the eye. you panic as she slowly falls unconscious, deciding just to finish her off instead of saving her, in fear of yourself, and what others would do if they found out. So, you decide to blame it on the murder drones, they kill tons of workers, yeah?
So, This theory could cause Uzi to hate her dad even more, he hid this from her? And everyone else in the colony for shit's sake! So, that could cause her to have another snap like in episode four? I cooked this theory up before we got the teaser so some stuff in that might disprove this, and this theory might be complety debunked in the next episode! but i feel like it would be an interesting twist.
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f1extras · 7 months
I can’t imagine Oscar playing golf 😭 PLS he has such a stiff body, can’t relax for the love of god 😵‍💫😵‍💫 and his aim 😩 I’m sure he could learn it quickly like everything else but he’d break his back first and never beat the grandpa allegations 🫣🫣
PLUS he’d be a giggling and blushing mess in Lando’s proximity, he would lose his focus waaay too quickly and Lando as bratty as he is, would tease and annoy him further 😭
(Sorry for the random ask LMAO I just saw your tag and jumped on board 🫣)
(Me being a hypocrite like I don’t have a wip about Landoscar golf session where Lando tries to teach Oscar but why end up having sex 😩)
Oscar looks like the kind of guy who is good at everything very quickly. One of those annoyingly skilled people.
That's why I NEED him to start playing that boring sport. Imagine the scenes if he beat Lando. That would be super funny. And until then it would be a great bonding exercise between them. Maybe Lando would play more often if he had a new golf buddy, who knows? (I know about his back but I think he also stopped finding golf that interesting and that's why he switched to padel, hyperfixations and stuff)
But I think Oscar is a bit on the Max Verstappen side of things of not wanting to come close to that sport, so all of this is unlikely and it pains me.
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jackienautism · 6 months
edit : you know just ignore this entire thing im just stupdi 😭 keeping it up still but . yeah
my thought of the night:
idk idk. i just . it rly irks me when ppl characterize amanda as this ruthless killer? fnsjfnd like. that’s just. not it.? YES she is a killer and shit and she’s def no angel but. she wouldn’t stab me just because i asked for her pronouns?FNSJFNS LIKE
even UNDER john’s influence, that’s just not how she operates yk? she’s only like that whenever she believes lynn is attempting to get between her and john. she’s only like that bc of her unhealthy relationship. WITH JOHN. if john had NO influence in her life, had not taken her under his wing, she wouldn’t be willing to pull a gun on someone just bc they’re getting “between” her and him. she isn’t necessarily violent, unless i’m reading things COMPLETELY incorrectly. she’s only violent when her relationship w/ john is at stake LMAO
her kills (outside of her Attempts towards lynn) are typically an act of mercy. not to say that makes things any better, but. she doesn’t kill bc she wants to or bc she doesn’t have anything better to do. she kills adam and she STILL regrets it to the point of harming herself like😭 and the only reason why she’s there to witness kerry’s death, as another post mentioned and def explained much better than me, was bc of her inherent involvement w/ eric. it was probably almost like a . thing to bring her solace or whatever. and her rigged traps? it’s all to prevent them from undergoing the “rehabilitation” process. to prevent them from living the life, the trauma SHE had to live after surviving her trap. basically she’s saying that dying is soooo much better than whatever the fuck she had to go through lol
does that make her an angel? of course not. does that make her much more interesting and NOT ruthless? yeah. at least imo it does
like. she wouldn’t just beat me up for no reason. she’s not someone who would piss on me and also spit on my grave. like ? unless i’m just ?????? totallly mischaracterizing her? LIKE . even JOHN says that her emotion is her downfall. the reason WHY she is killed in the first place is BC she cares too much. she cares too much abt john and her relationship w/ him. THATS why she shoots lynn. and THATS why she couldn’t save gabriela. her loyalty to john means so much more to her than most things. she cares WAAAY too much, to the point that it kills her
and saying and implying that she’s a killer and is violent bc she wants to be just …. it rly disregards and takes away that aspect of her character
and i truly don’t think that her being added as a dead by daylight killer helps here either LOL LIKE. i wouldve looooved to see her as a survivor but i totally understand why she wouldn’t be one. but at the same time . she’s not LIKE most other killers there yk? she’s basically manipulated into being a killing machine. by fucking john. bc SHE was supposed to take over his legacy once he died. if john had NO involvement in amanda’s life, she wouldn’t be the way she is
and like….. yeah that’s what makes her character interesting blah blah blah BUT. and hear me out. amanda never killed before she was recruited LMAO she kills now bc she feels like she has to. to save ppl from whatever shitty fate awaits them
idk if this makes any sense at all but . idk it just irks me brother. bc she isn’t your typical slasher. she’s sooo much more than that. she isn’t inherently violent. she wouldn’t beat me up and call me names . unless she had a reason to yk😭
LIKE basiclalg what i’m saying is. yes amanda is a killer. but that doesn’t mean she’s heartless and mean and shit. in fact she’s the complete opposite?????
i could go on a whole thing abt her actions and whatnot in saw ii despite already being an apprentice by thag point, but i’ll spare y’all the details. but. how she held herself and others in that murder house? most of it was def NOT faked. she genuinely cared for these ppl and wanted to see them succeed. and look at how she sympathized w/ gabriela? she cares TOO much which prevents her from being the Great apprentice to jigsaw and his legacy
i forgot exactly what john said, but after hoffman told him that he didn’t expect to feel remorse after putting the guy in the barbed wire trap? he says smth along the lines of needing to be detached from your emotions… . and that’s something amanda CAN NOT do. she lets her emotions dictate her actions ALL the time
yeah ok i just checked and he said that theheart can never be involved... that it can never be personal... and you know what amanda does ALL the time? ESP w/ gabriela?
went all over the place here sorry. but saying that she’s the WORST person on the planet is just wrong. like. watch how she held herself in her interview w/ police and that rockstar deleted scene and then we can talk abt amanda .
idek what i’m trying to say here . uhhhmmm. amanda young isnt an inherently violent and shitty person, you all are just stupid
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gatheredfates · 4 months
I said and then immediately remember as I scrolls down slightly. You are sending out asks but what about getting them? Do you like answering stuff? Can I ask questions?! I mean questions about your characters. I got impatient and didn't wait to see if you'd click the little post I made. Which was really awkward/amusing when I saw yours just a bit later.
LMAO, That's a-okay!
I do! Admittedly, I am very slow™️ in responding to asks on a good day, mostly due to working full time, timezones and my own hyperfixations, but I love anyone taking an interest in my characters. I'm trying to become more comfortable in talking about them because I struggle with my own 'old fandom often equates oc's to mary-sues' trauma, but that has gotten waaay better in recent years.
I also encourage people to send me things off the bat because my timezone is UNKIND and I end up missing 99% of things by having obligations in my day. Very annoying. I will never consider it a bad thing for someone to just assume I want to be included but I won't see it right away because I'm busy! I always tell people a lack of communication is genuienly because it's not staring me in the face and it's not anything they have personally done (@riftdancing, more than anyone, can attest to this).
Links to all my OC's can be found on my dossier or my pinned post. Some of my characters have individual pages there but, while I'm waiting for my PC, I don't have screenshots and the like to build up the others.
Then pretty much anything I answer is here (or, if it's more drabble/writing related here). I do need to clean up the latter tags a bit because I know I have written more... but you get an idea, at least?
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theblogwithoutfear · 5 months
My thoughts on Echo
(Not that anyone's dying to hear my takes lmao) This is gonna be a long post so buckle up
I feel like a lot of people either really loved it or really hated it. I think I'm somewhere in the middle. There was a lot to love about it, there were some really great moments, but also there was a lot left to be desired. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I hoped, but I want to be fair about it. I'm interested to see if people agree with me, if I'm completely wrong, etc. So feel free to tell me if I'm way off base with some of these opinions.
To start, here's the things I liked about it (in no particular order):
The fight choreography. The brutality of it was really something, especially in that first episode. It felt pretty grounded and real for the most part, which I really appreciated. That's one of the things that set Daredevil apart, so it's really great to see that Marvel's willing to go there again (although I think it got tamer as the show went on, wish the brutality would have kept up)
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Maya's characterization, especially in the beginning of the show. I liked her moral complexity, I liked her refusal to be a good guy or a bad guy (wish that continued more throughout, tbh)
The canonization of the Netflix shows!!! We finally have acknowledgement. The scene with the hammer? The flashbacks to Fisk's father? Amazing.
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Parallels between Maya and Fisk. I loved the way their relationship directly mirrored the way Fisk interacted with his father. Fisk in essence, becoming his father—the exact person he always wanted to avoid. And then Maya kicking the ice cream man when he's already down? Like that scene with the bully in DD season 1? Chef's kiss.
Sound design/editing. They made some really cool creative decisions here, especially for a show about a deaf person. Very cool.
Depiction of Indigenous culture. I'm not qualified to really speak on this, so I may be way off base, but it felt really respectful to me. It didn't seem to fetishize or exoticize Maya's heritage; it explored the everyday lives of her and her family, the way they partcipate in their culture. The combination of her powers with her heritage was beautiful to me.
The cinematography at certain scenes. I don't think it was exceptional throughout, but there were some great moments. The flashback sequences with her ancestors, the silent movie thing, and the scene with Fisk and the ice cream man all had pretty stunning cinematography.
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D'onofrio's acting. But that's a given.
Disability representation. It felt to me like it was done in a very respectful, normalizing way, which is so important.
Alaqua Cox's performance. I was really impressed. Maya Lopez is her first role; and she's really killed it. I think at times she could have expanded her range a little, but overall, very excellent.
As a bonus (because the show's not about him and I don't want to make it all about him): Matt's cameo. Amazing. It was such a cool decision to show a Daredevil fight from the villain perspective. It made Matt look soooo scary. Also, I love the implications that he's being puppeteered by Fisk! Even after all he's done to take Fisk down, Fisk still has the upper hand. Fisk knew he was there, and lured him there to get Maya to fight him? As a training exercise? Really cool, interesting implications to be explored in DDBA.
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So there's a lot to love about the show obviously. However, at least for me, there was also a lot to criticize—and the criticisms overpowered the good things imo. Again, that's just me, and if you loved the show, more power to you!
Here's the things that I didn't like:
Tonal whiplash. It felt like the show couldn't really decide if it wanted to be a dark gritty crime thriller, or if it wanted to be a heartwarming family dramedy. There was also a little too much "Marvel humor," if you know what I mean. It was just really jarring at times.
The bait and switch. Whatever your thoughts on the show, I think it's fair to say that it was WAAAY off from what the trailers gave us. The trailers relied so heavily on content from the original Daredevil show, and the way they were edited made it seem like it was going to be a lot closer, tonally and quality-wise, to Daredevil. They made it look way darker and grittier than the show actually was. To be clear: I'm NOT upset that Matt wasn't in it more. It wasn't his show, and I was more than happy with his cameo. I'm just irritated at the bait and switch from the trailers, both tone and content wise.
Fisk's characterization. This is probably the thing that irritated me the most. He was so weak here!! I wasn't scared of him at all. In Daredevil, every time Fisk came on screen I felt like my intestines were shriveling up in fear. In Echo, though, he just felt so vulnerable and helpless and almost pathetic. I mean, Daredevil showed Fisk's vulnerability, but it almost made him scarier. Here, though, he just felt like a run-of-the-mill Marvel villain. A bad guy, sure, but not really scary. (I think the exception to this is the ice cream man scene, which was excellent).
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Emotional stakes. They were too low for me. The writers didn't really give me any reason to care that much about what was going on. I didn't feel terribly connected to Maya or her family; I don't know, I just didn't feel that we had enough investment in them. I don't really know how to solve this problem—it definitely wasn't a matter of screen time, because they got plenty. But for some reason, I just didn't really feel connected to any of them. I think my one exception to this was Henry; something about him was really compelling, and I really cared what happened to him. But with everyone else, I just felt sort of disconnected and a little apathetic. To make matters worse, though, it felt like the writers kept trying to use shorthand to make us care—they used different tropes and techniques to try to manufacture emotion; lots of sappy music and dialogue and things like that. But honestly, it all felt very unearned. It felt like emotional manipulation a little bit, if I'm being honest.
Fisk and Maya's relationship. We were just kind of told that they are close, and we get one scene of Maya as a little girl (again, the ice cream scene, which was great). But at that point, they were already close. I think I would have bought into their relationship more if we got to see how they first met, and why Fisk cared about her so deeply. The thing that sets Fisk apart from other Marvel villains is his great capacity for love, imo. But their relationship felt cheap and inauthentic, and I just didn't buy it. I think we needed more scenes like the ice cream man scene for their relationship to feel really authentic.
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Why was Fisk willing to give Maya his criminal empire? Make her the queenpin? After she shot him in the head??? This is a man who decapitated someone after that guy embarrassed him. Maya attempts murder, and Fisk is like "take my business." It just didn't make any sense to me. Maybe it would have made more sense if we got some more in-depth views of Fisk's love for Maya, but as it was, this just fell flat for me.
Fisk felt out of character in a lot of regards, but one of them is that he never learned ASL. What??? He's a smart man, and very good at languages. In Daredevil we see that he speaks the languages of everyone he works with—Madame Gao, Nobu, etc.—because he respects them and because he wants to be involved and know the ins and outs of his people. But he won't even learn ASL for a woman who he supposedly sees as a daughter???
The contact lens thing. That was just so weird, I did not like it Sam-I-Am. I don't know, maybe they'll make it work better if they use it in DDBA, but who knows.
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How did Fisk gain so much power again??? At the end of Daredevil season 3, which is now officially canon, Fisk was universally hated by the city after everything he did. But suddenly he has all this power, and it's unexplained. To be fair, I'll give the show a temporary pass. I assume that DDBA will answer some of those questions, probably gaining power during the blip, going under the radar until he has the media under his control, etc. But it felt weird not to have any acknowledgement of his current position or how he got there throughout the course of the show.
Fisk being defeated with Maya's new powers. I don't know, I think just the way it was executed, it felt really cheesy. Even cringey. I think the storyline of the ancestor magic could have been so powerful and cool against a different sort of villain. It would have been more impactful against a villain who had been set up as a more direct metaphor for racism or colonialism (I mean, Fisk is used as a metaphor for gentrification in Daredevil, but they never really go into that in Echo). I don't know, I think the way he was defeated was just really dissatisfying, and I was just disappointed.
Maya's powers in general felt a little underdeveloped. It's different than the comics, which is fine, but in that case, I think they should have spent even more time going over exactly what she can do. I don't know, again, it just felt cheesy at times. Which would have been fine in another show, but in this one, which was billed as a gritty, dark, crime drama, it just felt really out of place.
Her family members suddenly getting powers and then easily beating up Fisk's goons? That felt really cheesy to me. It made Fisk feel absolutely powerless and way less interesting of a villain. I just was never at all in any doubt that Maya's family was going to come out of it okay, because Fisk was not scary and they beat him so easily. It made the stakes feel really low. At the end of the show I was just like, "Oh, Fisk is weak. Guess Matt apparently is too, because Maya and her family took Fisk out in like five minutes."
Honestly, just the whole last episode. Before that episode, the show was at, like, a 7 for me. But the last episode dropped it down to a 5 imo. Again, a lot of the stuff in episode 5 is fine, but just didn't necessarily fit the genre or tone of the show.
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I was probably going into it with expectations too high. But I think, considering the talent that Marvel has, the show could have been incredible. I don't want to blame the artists too much, honestly, because there's clearly a lot of great artistic choices throughout. The whole thing feels like the writers wanted to do risky, interesting things with the storytelling, and then studio execs swooped in and were like
"No! You have to follow The Formula™️! The lead has to believe in herself and help everyone with magic and the villain needs to be defeated really conventionally and easily. And you need to use lots of jokes and sitcom style banter. It has to feel like a MARVEL movie, because everyone loves those. No one has any complaints about how stale they've gotten lately. Stick to the formula."
So it just feels like a bunch of half-baked decisions and risks they started on, but didn't fully commit to.
Idk, I'll give it a rewatch in a little while and see if my opinion changes or not. But those are my thoughts at this point. Again, not the worst show ever, but far below the bar of what it could have been. A lot of potential, but overall not to the standard that I think it deserved.
I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts; if you agree, disagree, think I'm an idiot, etc.
(An obligatory Matt gif to end the post)
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noahtally-famous · 6 months
I haven't made a tier list, like, ever bc I'm highkey worried ppl will come at me for my ships but fuck it we ball
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some explanations/highlights below the cut!
emwayne = the best friends of rajbow getting together?? hell yeah (bowie and emma will always be best friends to me). wayne would help emma come into her growth while making sure she stays silly, I love them sm
I think the rest of the first-tier ships are pretty self-explanatory?? if you want me to (ramble) talk abt any of them lmk!
I thought of caleb/chase (calase? chaleb?) out of nowhere one bright sunny morning and they've been a concept in my head ever since. I find it funny that I hc the idea of caleb being this kitten lover who also works hard to get where he stands trying not to use his looks as an advantage, while chase is this laidback thrillseeker, pet-store destroyer, who would totally do stuff recklessly unlike caleb's more methodical approaches. it'd aggravate caleb so so much, like what if chase is the only person that he comes close to snapping at lmao I genuinely can talk abt them all day but I digress
ripaxel is actually interesting--I'm an axelle truther through and through but axel can be bi or pan or anything in between, y'know. plus their dynamic is kinda funny, like kickass girl x alpha-male wannabe
I adore rajbow, but bowie x caleb is one of the ships I ironically don't mind seeing on my dash; it's interesting to think abt how things would've gone if they'd gotten together
(speaking of which, raj x caleb was one of the ships on the list but I didn't add it, though it would've been interesting as well to imagine like rajbow would still be endgame but if caleb was raj's gay awakening without raj even realizing)
raynebow, admit it or not, would be an awesome dynamic. emwayne is on top for me, but these three would be pretty cool together, like rajbow already being a thing and then wayne coming into his own sexuality realization lmao for me, wayne is either the classic straight best friend or a bisexual mess, there's no in between
the concept of what's going on between priya and caleb currently is what I like more than the ship itself; I like the idea of priya having a crush (though her character derailment for it is a bit annoying smh) while caleb is just genuinely doing this for an alliance lmao (if caleb does grow feelings for priya in the process--which I don't doubt could happen, it's total drama after all, that'd be even funnier)
bowie & chase are the reluctant exasperated and annoyed sibling & feral sibling dynamic for me. like chase does smth stupid (not a hard thing to do) and bowie's genuinely stunned whenever it actually seems to work (I'm thinking abt ep1 of s2 here lmaoo)
bowie & emma weren't mentioned as one of the pairings, for obvious reasons, but them as besties fr and I really wanted them to rekindle their friendship 😔
mk using caleb to get ahead of the game in tiny details (climbing on his back, etc etc) is so fucking funny, they're on the platonic tier for me simply bc of that. and caleb would be so oblivious lmfaoo
waaay before when s1 hadn't come out and ppl speculated on priya & chase being the Main Couple (and then everything went to shit after), I've switched trains in regards to that; them as a platonic friends duo would be crazy. kickass girl who can do anything (except feelings) & dumbass guy who does stupid impulsive shit for thrills (and cannot do feelings); they'd both fumble at romance shit and rant abt it while making it seem like they have it under control, it'd be wack; she would hate him for doing stupid shit and making them lose challenges, he'd talk shit abt "taking risks" and whatnot, and she'd be like "I'll smash my water bottle over your head, that's a risk I want to take rn!!" fr priya would beat his ass (and maybe save his ass if they ever reach that point of their dynamic lmaoo)
I think that's all I need to say! also I didn't add all of the ships on the list mostly bc idk much abt them or their dynamics
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intricate-ritualz · 1 year
advertising some of my nygmobblepot/gotham fics on here again bc i can!
This one’s probably one of my favorites among the things that I’ve written. I had a TON of fun with it. It’s written in the first person through journal entries, which I am very aware is not many people’s cup of tea when it comes to fanfiction. HOWEVER. I think I did an okay job with making the writing style interesting and not.. “cringe” for lack of a better word. If you’re at all into the gender queer/trans feminine Ed Nygma head canon I’d check the fic out! The journal entries span the weeks after Oswald wins the election, but the fic isn’t very plot heavy. It’s more of a study of Ed and his relationship with his gender/sexuality. Nygmobblepot is present, but it’s not the main focus of the fic.
Hello, My Name Is
This fic explores the trans Nygma head canon in a more metaphorical way. It takes place in a court waiting room years before the events of Gotham. Ed is there to get his last name changed from Nashton to Nygma officially, and he just so happens to run into a young Oswald who’s there for a name change as well. (Some heavily implied trans masculine Oswald for y’all.) The fic is yet another Nygma character study focusing on Ed’s relationship with his gender (very subtle but there) and his father (not subtle.) (I’m a creature of habit.) It’s nothing too special IMO, but I do think it’s a fun take on the first Nygmobblepot meeting. I will warn everyone that this was written when I was somewhat new to the fandom, so some of the details about Oswald’s past don’t fit perfectly into canon. 😭
Drown Me! (Title stolen from a song of the same name by Junie & TheHutFriends. Very Nygmobblepot-pilled song in my mind.)
Basically my take on the Wake Up Alone scene. If you’ve been following me for a bit, you’ll know I have very specific Opinions on what should have gone down. The fic is set in an alternate universe where Oswald confesses to Ed after killing Isabella, but before Ed finds out it was Oswald who killed her. And Nygmobblepot becomes #real for a bit. (Or whatever the kids are saying nowadays.) Ed does end up finding out eventually, and the whole Thing at the pier does end up going down, along with everyone’s favorite Amy Winehouse singing hallucination. The fic is half “look at how hard I can make Ed repress his feelings” and half me making the Wake Up Alone scene waaay more artsy than the Gotham writers had the balls to.
Hypnopompic Howls (Title stolen from the song Emotional Vagrant by The Scary Jokes. VERYVERY Edward-pilled song.)
This was my first Gotham fic, written before I consumed every piece of Nygmobblepot fanfiction ever posted on Ao3, so I wasn’t aware how common and overdone the concepts I was writing about were, LMAO. But if you enjoy a good “Ed talks to the hallucination of himself at the Van Dahl Mansion after killing Oswald and wrestles with his internalized homophobia and comphet for a bit” fic, Hypnopompic Howls is for you!
ty if you took the time to read All of That 😭
all of these fics are kind of old and kind of short, so if anyone has any ideas/things they’d like to see in future intricate-ritualz gotham fics lmk ! i like to think that my writing has gotten at least a tad bit better by now 😋😋
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fuck it posting it on tumblr as well
this is v rushed, unpolished and sucks in general but this disastergirl has been living in my head rent free for over a month and i need to get this out of my system before i lose mygoddamn mind so. incoherent rambling below the cut, beware.
spoiler alert: we pretty much only got a handful of breadcrumbs in terms of her personality and frankly some of those crumbs are covered in mold, so a solid 90% of this is pulled straight outta my ass. shes basically an oc at this point
(although, is that really a spoiler in THIS fandom?)
okay so. first off when it comes to characterization i tend to start with how a characters background shaped them into who they are
...which is where we run into problem number one: her backstory outside of "sols daughter" and "chaos magic" is really vague. we dont know what she was doing between aquas sacrifice and unsealing sol, how she even found out sol was alive let alone that hes stuck in that coffin thing or how exactly aqua sacrificed herself
(but hey, thats what headcanons are for, right?)
so in this rewrite pandora survived because aqua teleported her away to another one of their creators worlds shortly before dying (yes she can do that apparently. look i know it sounds farfetched, just roll with it) and she ended up in an orphanage, where her needs were barely met. hence she learned to only rely on herself
(also in this rewrite she doesnt actually find out sol is alive or his whole deal until waaay down the line since it fits better with her direction as a character. (she has to go An Arc abt it ala su) so yea im retconning away the one thing she does in canon lmao)
having to deal with her whole world being destroyed before she even finshed primary school (also as far as she knows her dad just went out for milk one day and never came back + in an orphanage both peers and caretakers come and go whenever), to her nothing was permanent, not her peers, not the caretakers, not even this world really. since anything and anyone can be taken away at a moments notice, whats the point in forming attachments or pursuing any higher goal? and so she keeps everyone at arms length, pushes away anyone that tries to get close to her so she doesnt have to feel that crushing pain when they leave her
...and yet shes deeply, deeply lonely. she craves connection, yet pushes away anyone that tries to get close to her out of fear that theyll abandon her. which is where kitsy comes in...
...if ppl are actually interested in reading more about my cringe fail daughter that is lol
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orangelemonart · 2 years
I feel it tiring whenever someone tries to compare Sakura to a godlike (for example Madara) character just to insult her, saying how "she'll never be on their level" when to who point of those godlike characters was to be stronger then everyone else, it goes to show how weak Sakura haters are because they can't really complain anything else about her character.
There are plenty of things to find irritating about her character haha but most people blow them waaay out of proportion as if that makes them better idk, ally to Sasuke or Naruto. Come on, Naruto and her are friends. Sasuke still had flashbacks to and felt a bond with her, along with the rest of Team Seven that he tried to deny (even if it was no where near the level of his bond with Naruto). She's pathetic and interesting. I like reading thoughtful character analyses of her, be they pro or con or neutral.
Most of the time, hate for her is just so transparently misogynistic. 99% don't give nearly the same level of hate to Kakashi even though he arguably is weaker and makes more mistakes in an effort to "protect" the boys lmao (i say that adoringly, i deeply enjoy the whole og squad). Shipping dynamics and girl-bad make people crazy.
Anyway here's the classic again:
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spongebobafettywap · 1 month
I was one of the fools who just jumped back into X-Men through X-Men Blue Origins (we all make mistakes okay) after leaving the plot for waaay too long (circa 2016). It was a mixed bag of more bad than anything good (Nightcrawler standing around in his dollar store miles' Spider-Man suit was enough to tell me Marvel couldn't sell Kurt anymore) but do you wanna know what made me think something of value could come of it regardless of the subpar writing and retconing ? Nightcrawler will have one all new character dynamic with someone (Destiny) and a completely different shot at two long established ones (Azazel and Margali)
... It was only thanks to a friend that I found out the writer for this rubbish killed off Margali earlier in the same year the one shot came out (not once but twice in two different timelines) and Azazel was killed off through someone that WASN'T OUR NIGHTCRAWLER in another unrelated run. Then, X-Men forever #3 came out and Destiny is acting like Mystique pre retcon towards Nightcrawler but is using a wind wipe as an excuse for actions she did before receive it.
We've Been Tricked, We've Been Backstabbed and We've Been Quite Possibly, Bamboozled
I don't understand how this fandom and the writers have such contempt for Azazel and Margali but yet they love a complete nothing beyond Mystique's cheerleader like Destiny. And these preferences are like whatever who cares but when it gets to the point that Margali and Azazel are treated like crap that's when I have a problem.
Margali is a better mother towards Kurt than Mystique ever was and is certainly better than Destiny given that they actually interacted with each other over the years. Azazel has a good antagonising relationship with both Mystique and Nightcrawler that type of dynamic is interesting to read about. Also the fact he died by someone else's hand is just wow lmao. It would be nice if in time we get people hating this retcon as much as the Draco but I'm yet to see it happen, I don't spend time on the boards as much but I think if I did I would see a wider variety of opinions on this compared to the echo Chambers of Reddit where if you dislike anything that Marvel puts out you get down voted into oblivion and the most clueless X-Men fan gets up voted
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ask game: 13, 19, 23 and 25 for Octavian?
Hellooo!! Nonnie ✨
Ayeee it’s my boy (/////)
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
OH BRO- this is an inside joke in the groups chat:
WHEEEEZZEEEEE- and just this:
Angry white boy emoji
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Does he even have any💀💀 Actually I’d say all, but in the sense that non of them are fleshed out.
None of them had the dept that could’ve made it far more interesting and could actually contribute towards the story.
It was just flat. Like with Reyna, Jason, I guess there was a bit more with Micheal but not much.
I’m not gonna go into a tangent rn lmao or this post would be too long.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I actually don’t have any favourites cuz I love all😭😭 He barely has fanart made of him.
Literally every fanart I see, I consume- Blend it into a powder and inhale.
Here’s like a few I have saved: X, X, X, X, X, X bruh there’s so many more 💀💀 (once again I don’t play favourites these are just few of the ones I saved)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Bruh it was enemies to lovers- 😭😭
my first impression basically I just didn’t care? He existed. No opinions. And later I joined in on the hating bandwagon cuz that’s what everyone in the fandom did. (This was waaay before I made my blog😭 btw)
Now it’s…well you can obviously tell. Now my impression of him is that he was done dirty.
Ik I joke about simping, but I’m actually serious about his character, like the lost potential- the way he could’ve been more than just a cheap disposable villain-
(Gotta thank the people who sent me death threats cuz it’s cuz of them I started looking at Octavian from a different angle)
Imma go into another tangent bro I have SO MUCH TO SAY-
Anyways the brainrot is going 4 years strong 💪🏼💀
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