#and watching the sunset together?? stargazing like how they used to when they were younger?
teehee... m.axi time!
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maplerin99821 · 3 years
Mammon doesn’t say “I love you”
Mammon doesn’t say it. He’s too embarrassed to say it, especially to his brothers. Oh, specifically, his brothers.  But with his human, he never thinks twice and always mutter those three words to them. 
But, that doesn’t mean Mammon doesn’t love his brothers.
Lucifer? Mammon always, always, help his big brother in secret. Because he knows no matter how much Mammon do good things in front of his big brother, he’ll never get the praise he wanted, or the affection he deserved. So, as much as possible, Mammon handles difficult things so it won’t burden Lucifer. He always hide his debt not because Lucifer will scold him, but because he doesn’t want to add stress to the Avatar of Pride. 
Back in the celestial realm, Mammon had always brag about how much he loves his older brother. But that changed, it drifted the two apart, but that doesn’t mean Mammon doesn’t love him anymore.
He does, in a form of always being there for the eldest. Ready to take on tasks and responsibilities (even sacrifices) so Lucifer won’t feel alone.
Leviathan? his sweet younger brother. He used to sing lullabies to Levi whenever the latter had a nightmare. Mammon, as much as possible, tried to be the best and loving brother Leviathan could ask for. Lucifer is already strict, and Mammon doesn’t want Levi to experience that kind of big brother. Lucifer doesn’t praise him as much as before, so that’s why whenever Leviathan (or his much younger brothers) did something— Mammon would always cheer for them.
Mammon will always listen to Leviathan, he’ll always understand his needs. Whenever his younger brother feels left out; Mammon will notice him, but in a way where he teased Levi so much that they’re both causing a ruckus. Mammon doesn’t show his love to Levi directly, but the idea of him watching the Avatar of Envy from afar is already good enough. Leviathan clings into him because Mammon is still his big brother, no matter the circumstances nor how many insults were thrown. He trust Mammon very much. And the latter will support him no matter what, even behind the insults he exchange with Levi. 
Mammon loves Leviathan in a form that he’ll show him affection, and notice him in his darkest of days. 
Satan? It’s a bit hard for Mammon to show his affection to the Avatar of Wrath. Because he feels like Satan’s a big boy now— a gentleman rather. He remembers the time he used to take care of Satan with Asmodeus’s company. He’ll always explore the library with Satan, introducing him new books, but mostly letting him read the books he’s interested in. Mammon doesn’t force Satan with his choices, he’s just there to guide him. 
No matter what Satan does, Mammon doesn’t judge him. Even with the insults Satan sometimes states, it doesn’t affect Mammon because he knows he would be that kind of understanding older brother. In terms of anger, Satan always admires Mammon. Of how he never once let anyone break him. The patience Mammon has to not break into his demon form is astounding. Satan respected him for that. 
Mammon adores his little brother, the first one to accept that Satan is not Lucifer. Satan is Satan. Asmodeus was the second one, loving Satan in his language. 
Mammon knows Satan can handle himself now, but he’ll always be present in his life. 
Asmodeus, the one whom he always watch the sunset with. He used to take Asmodeus in all the beautiful places in the Celestial Realm. He’d always give him time, sometimes abandoning his responsibilities (sorry Michael!) just so Asmodeus wouldn’t feel lonely. He’ll always tell Asmodeus how pretty he is, and how the sunset that’s basking underneath them gives Asmo the beauty of an unforgettable jewel. 
Mammon will always accompany his brother wherever they go; he even invites Asmodeus in a sneaky way, in a way that Asmo will see it as an invitation instead of a bonding. Because Mammon knows Asmo changed after the fall, but he’ll always be his baby brother. 
Mammon will not hesitate to say Asmodeus is pretty in his own way. Despite the insults and harsh comments the latter says at his big brother, Mammon always know what words to say to the Avatar of Lust on his worst days.  Beelzebub, his ever so loving younger brother. Mammon remembers how he always make Beel all the delicious recipes he knows. And when in times that the younger one is not in the mood— Mammon knows what to do. Sometimes, he even takes Belphegor with them while he bakes. 
Mammon loves baking, he might not be the best chef out there, but he knows how to bake. He took classes with Simeon back in his time in the Celestial Realm. He loves seeing the smile on Beelzebub’s face whenever the latter eats his baked products. All in all, Mammon loves his baby brother, the Avatar of Gluttony, and how much he enjoys watching Beel eats his food—smiling in satisfaction after finishing it. 
Nothing changed much, Beel never once disrespected Mammon. Not once did he insult him too much. Despite having a lot of big brothers; He’ll always listen to Mammon, especially if it’s something emotional. He listens to the advice Mammon gives him, and never once doubt him. He knows when and where Mammon is serious or not. 
Mammon loves the twins; he’ll always stargazed with them, even together with Lilith. 
Belphegor, Mammon used to be so close to him. But after everything, it created a crack, a crack that Mammon is scared that he’s trembling whenever he stepped to hard. But he took the risk, for the Avatar of Sloth. He knows how much Lucifer is strict, that’s why Mammon took it in himself that he’ll always let his younger brothers let loose, but with limitations, of course. He’ll sing, from time to time, intentionally near any place where Belphie might be sleeping. Mammon, in his own communication to Belphie, reassures him that everything will be alright. 
He’s soft, and very much protective of the twins. (Especially after Lilith fell.) Mammon always looks out for Belphegor, always has his arms open for him. He always made his bed comfortable, so whenever Belphie will sleep walk to his room, his hugs and pillows are ready. He’s always there to comfort him, to be there with him. Mammon doesn’t care about the insults anymore, as long as Belphie stil has trust and depends on him (even if it’s not evident) Mammon can rest without worry. 
Lilith, his beloved baby sister. Mammon always had a special place of her in his heart. He always adores her sister. Lilith is Mammon’s guardian, despite that he’s the eldest between them. Lilith understood Mammon, gave him time and loved him genuinely. Lilith looks up to all his big brothers, but of course in different perspectives and ways. Lilith looks up to Mammon in terms of emotional and mental help. Mammon knows what to say and do in such situations. 
Mammon knows Lilith is happy, somewhere in another universe or timeline, Mammon will be fine as long as Lilith is living her best life out there.
Mammon will always be loyal to Lucifer. He’ll always buy Leviathan the merchandise and stuff the latter had missed. The second born will absorb himself into new books so that Satan could have someone to share his opinions with. He’ll always accompany Asmodeus whenever he goes shopping for clothes. He’ll be happy to bake more food for Beelzebub. He won’t hesitate to sing another lullaby to Belphegor. He’ll always remember Lilith.  
And you? His human. Mammon loves you with all his heart. He loves you from the moon and back. He understands you, and when you said you need time and space, he’ll respect that. Mammon always act defensive whenever you reciprocated that love that he deserve, it’s not like he doesn’t appreciate that, he’s just not used to it that he doesn’t know what to react. But he’ll always remind you that you are his first. Nothing will change that. Under the stars, under the big blue sky, or everywhere you go. As long as you are there, he will mutter those three words. 
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
can i request a fic where sapnap takes the reader to his hometown? like the classic going to places he went to when he was younger. maybe playgrounds and ice cream shops idk
places i used to go
warnings: language of course, an allusion to virginap, my uneducated guess of what sapnap was like in highschool, tiny detail of long haired!sapnap, singular canon detail of underage drinking, jokish about marriage
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 2191
A/N: you are a god, anon. i love comfy and nostalgic fics like these and it was so fun to write. if you hate it dont tell me but if you like it lemme know akskdjd
inbox/requests: open
The wind whips fast on your bare fingers, cool and quick and raising goosebumps in its wake. You blink in the haze of the early sunset, head lolled to the side of the headrest. It feels good.
“That’s where I went to high school.” Sapnap interrupts your thoughts and points a finger at a collection of tall brick buildings down a side street. The silver of the lettering is dull, but you can still feel the nostalgia.
“And you’re about to see the park that me and my friends used to hang out at after work and—actually, nevermind.” His arm drops to the middle console and he looks straight ahead with slightly pinker cheeks.
“Do what?” You ask, voice all sweet, and a grin grows on your face. You turn towards him and wiggle your eyebrows.
“Nothing. Homework.” He avoids your eye contact and hikes his hand up higher on the steering wheel. “Anyways— Do you want to get some food before we head out? I know a great place.”
You two were just coming to a close on your little trip to visit his family; it was his step-mom’s birthday and you decided to make a week of it. It was your first long-term trip with Sapnap, and also your first time meeting his dad’s side of the family. You were proud to say she loved you. His little sister took a little more effort to talk to you of her own volition, but soon enough she was on your side.
You have a couple hours to kill before making your flight back home, so Sapnap has taken it upon himself to give you a quick tour of his hometown.
“Yeah,” you decide, bottom lip popped out. “Can we get ice cream after?”
“Uh, duh.” The Neighbourhood’s Stargazing starts through the speakers and he reaches to turn it down. “I’m so ready to get home and sleep.” He stretches his neck in his seat, letting out an uncharacteristically inappropriate grunt when his bones pop. You make a disgusted face, nose wrinkling, but stretch your own back, slumping down in the seat. The day had been full of packing up and this horrible hike his dad liked to do early in the mornings, so you two were pretty beat.
“Okay, we’re here,” he announces three sleepy minutes later in his best attempt at a whisper. Lifting your head off of the corner of your seat, you blink in the setting sunlight as a yawn splits your face. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and struggle to get your seatbelt off in that post-nap haze. You’d barely been asleep for thirty seconds, damn it. The air is a swampy heat when you step out of the car onto rocky gravel and nearly twist your ankle climbing over the curb. Sapnap catches you by the lower back, trying to hide his laugh but failing miserably. You slide him a dirty look, smacking his shoulder as hard as you can manage while limping towards the front entrance.
The door jingles when you two breach the doorway, alerting a bored-looking hostess that the circus has arrived. She looks at Sapnap a second longer than she should, eyebrows screwed together in silent confusion. But she leads the two of you to a booth near a large window, handing you sticky menus and promptly fucking right off to the host station. She nearly runs.
“Do you know her?” You ask, inconspicuously hiding your face in the search for their 24/7 breakfast menu. You feel his eyes on you.
“Don’t think so.” He leans on one elbow and slides his phone out of his jeans’ pocket. In the 25 seconds it takes for you to find their french toast and sides menu, he has browsed and closed his phone with an animatedly shocked look on his face.
“What?” You give him a weird look and put down the menu.
“I totally went to homecoming with that girl.” He eyes the hostess. You glance over at her again, meeting her gaze, and offer a polite smile. She turns away quickly, eyes wide.
“She’s cute,” you say, voice high and fake, and he drums his fingers on the tabletop as an amused look makes its way onto his face.
“Are you—?”
“What?” You reply right back.
Thank God the server comes up to your table then and starts asking for drink orders, or else you’d have to admit (sheepishly) you were a tiny eensy-weensy bit annoyed. Only a tad. But after requesting a Dr. Pepper and a water the conversation surrounding the nervous-looking hostess dies.
“I’m so hungry I think I feel my stomach shrinking.” You flop your head onto your arm on the table top and make a whiny noise into the stack of napkins your server left at the table. Sapnap rubs his thumb into the side of your forearm, touch warm and nearly dissolving the pangs of hunger and jealousy.
“You weren’t hungry an hour ago.” He lifts your hand to his face and plants a kiss on the back of it. Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? “I would have made you something.”
You tilt onto your chin, pouting, and stare up at his cute face. His cute, scruffy, perfectly-kissable face.
“I think I got hungry staring at you for half an hour.” A mischievous grin grows on your previously-petulant face and he just shakes his head.
“I do have that effect,” he admits with cockiness in his tone, lifting his eyebrows and leaning back into the booth with his lips pursed.
The server returns with two glasses and takes your food orders onto their little yellow notepad. You chug the water down when they leave for the kitchen, getting your lap and chin thoroughly wet in the process. Sapnap just snorts at you and shoves the napkins your way.
“So,” you start, patting dry your jeans. “tell me what you were like in high school.” You cross your arms and settle into the booth, smirk on your lips.
“What I was like?” He parrots, sipping at his soda, looking thoughtful. “Firstly, a virgin.” You make a noise. Duh. Dude had a buzz cut his junior year. (You’ve seen the pictures. His step-mom particularly likes them.) “Secondly, I was actually— well, I wasn’t popular, but I had a lot of friends. We were all semi-athletic lonely band kids but we had fun. Had one girlfriend senior year but she went to Cal Tech in the fall and I didn’t. I, um, worked at a Dairy Queen in the summers and gained so much weight I had to lose all over again for Unified Track.”
“Relatable,” you comment, drinking noisily at your water. He fiddles with the paper straw wrapper and crunches it up into a ball. It goes soaring into your drink with a quiet “Kobe” and you just give him a look. He smiles toothily right back at you. “Stop being cute, I’m trying to listen to your story.”
“Oh, my bad,” he mocks. “Anyways. That’s what I was like in highschool.” You fish the paper ball out of your water and flick it wetly at his arm. It sticks and you choke on a laugh, cheeks puffed.
Two plates of warm food are set down loudly onto the table and you thank the server with a surprised smile, Sapnap mirroring you.
Two minutes of wordless chewing passes, minds occupied just by “food, me eat” instead of anything related to your previous conversation. You realize that Sapnap is one of the loudest chewers ever, and he realizes that you fail to notice the streak of maple syrup in your hair.
“C’mere,” he mumbles through a mouthful of omelet and hash browns and beckons you with his hand. You lean closer, chewing slowly, as he pats a napkin at the strands of hair trapped in syrup.
“Thanks, baby.” You take the napkin from him and pause your assault of the warm french toast before you to clean the sticky sugar out of your hair. He just watches you, half of a smile on his lips.
You two finish your food in record time. It’s borderline vacuum-like. There’s a short grace period where you just sit like two lazy cats, slumped down in the booth and holding your full stomachs. But the check comes soon after, and you both pay your way and are out of the restaurant without any mad dashes for the bathroom. A miracle, really, because of the American-like amount of butter you both consume.
“I’m a much more functional person now,” you mutter into the cotton of his shoulder, swinging your hand in his. He just hums in agreement.
“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then,” he teases, and you just groan in response.
“I don’t feel like having diarrhea on a plane, unfortunately.” You sigh heavily when you have to split and get into your respective sides of the rental car.
The entire trip (somewhat roundabout because of the amount of side quests to show you things from his childhood) to the airport Sapnap is a chatterbox. He’s like this when he has sugar: either bouncing off the walls with energy or talking your ear off.
“That’s where my dad proposed to my step-mom. I was kinda young but I remember being surprised at how big the ring was— dude broke the bank for her.” It’s a little gazebo you catch a glimpse of through the trees in a park. It probably was an incredibly picturesque moment, and you can sense how much she must have loved it. With just meeting them this weekend, you can already see how much love those two have for each other.
You hope people can see how much you love Sapnap.
“Oh my God, it’s still there.” He points out the side of your window to what looks like a Dairy Queen that has been through World War 3. “My buddy Eric and I once spilled a gallon of that liquid ice-cream-shit all over the men’s bathroom.”
You shoot him a horrified look. “Why was it in the bathroom?”
He just smirks.
“—And that’s my Uncle Ron’s house. Had my first beer there.”
“And last, hopefully,” you add, pulling a disgusted face. The two story bungalow is cute, and one of your favorite colors: olive green. “That shit is nasty.”
He just shrugs and continues down the side street.
“Is this the park you were talking about?”
He pulls into the gravelly parking lot of a small clearing of tall trees, a picnic table and campfire sat squat in the middle. But he doesn’t respond, just turning the car off and climbing out. He reaches the passenger door without speaking, and opens it for you. You climb carefully out, confused.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and starts for a small path to the left of the picnic table. The mid-sunset shade envelopes the both of you.
“I hope this isn’t where you kill me.”
“No,” he snorts. “I just wanted to show you something.”
It’s just a few moments of stumbling through the damp underbrush before you’re coming face to face with a small, mossy pond that sits right underneath an incredibly old willow tree. He stops right on the edge of the rocky path and turns toward you.
“This your make out spot?” You ask between a grin as he snakes an arm around your waist and tugs you flush to him. Your innocent smile fades when you feel the press of his lips to the side of your neck, light and ticklish. Oh.
“No,” he murmurs, and just breathes you in. “I came here once—the night before I graduated highschool. And I told myself when I really really loved someone I’d take them here with me.” He sways with you in his grasp, a gentle and song-less dance.
You grip his shoulder tighter in your hand and lean into him.
“That’s— awfully romantic, huh?” Your voice is quiet. Almost nervous. He just makes a noise of agreement.
“So here we are.” His voice is the opposite of yours, all strong and confident.
You two just move together for a moment. The sun breaks through the tree canopy, shining bright orange down onto the glassy surface of the pond. Crickets and frogs chirp back and forth as the willow vines swing in a cool evening breeze. You watch nature come alive around you, suddenly grateful for the man in your arms.
“Don’t propose,” you whisper, breaking the gentle tension. A laugh breaks the silence and he’s pulling away to look at you. Maybe in disbelief. A strand of hair falls into his eyes and you brush it away, fingers stilling on his temple and sliding down onto his cheek. Stubble scrapes against the skin of your palm and he stares at you through those meadow eyes.
You realize in that moment that he is exactly himself. Of course he is. He’s Sapnap, and everything that encompasses that. Dark and light and fiery and cool. He always has been, and always will be.
You realize you wouldn’t mind if he proposed.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. let me know what you think
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babybamf · 3 years
Meeting and Dating Warren Worthington III
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(We’re just gonna throw together a little au, alright?)
- You met Warren after Xavier brought him back to the school. Most people stayed away from him and rightfully so; he had teamed up with a malicious god and was partially responsible for the destruction of your school.
- You’d stayed away as well, which is what he seemed to want. He wasn’t exactly putting himself out there to make friends, not with his glaring and standoffish demeanor.
- A part of you figured that he really didn’t want people around him. That, no, he wasn’t just being “cruelly” ostracized by his peers; he was actively and consciously making sure people stayed away.
- But then another part of you reasoned that few people had actually attempted to get close to him, and to be fair, you hadn’t liked those people either.
- You’d contemplated going up and introducing yourself. In fact, you’d tried to, taking a deep breath and maneuvering your way across the school grounds towards him with that exact idea in mind. But the minute you came almost close enough to throw away any doubt that you were approaching him, he’d looked up at you with such cold and venomous fervor that you’d lost your nerve.
- Instead, you’d; thankfully, managed to continue on walking and coincidentally run into a younger student that you’d known, making it seem like that was your intention all along. You decided that day that Warren Worthington just hated people and you shouldn’t interfere with that.
- That would have been the end of it, and at the time you wished that it was, but that wasn’t the case. The moment you walked past the boy, it was like you’d painted a target on your forehead.
- Everywhere you went, Warren Worthington was there to stare at you from across the way. He’d set his sights on you and you weren’t sure which emotion was behind his gaze, though you were pretty sure it wasn’t one of the good ones.
- It took a few months of this, and you wondering if he was planning on killing you, for anything to actually happen.
- You’d been sitting in the lunchroom, reading a book when you heard the rooms chatter die down. There, at the entrance, stood Warren.
- He scanned the room, his eyes landing on you; much more passively than most other times, before moving to the nearly empty table across from yours. He made his way towards it, unfazed by the students who’d been occupying it scrambling to leave, and soon enough he was seated a few yards away with a perfect view of you.
- You tried to ignore him, turning to the book you’d brought in hopes of just forgetting he was there. Although, it was easier said than done when you could feel his eyes on you.
- More than once, you’d glanced over and caught him watching you; albeit it a bit more casually than usual. You wondered if he’d specifically come into the room just to look at you, you’d never seen him inside before; and he wasn’t eating, so you had to assume so.
- Finally, you turned back to your book and promised yourself you wouldn’t look at him, no matter how much your body was screaming for you to. The monkey part of you brain told you that this was a test and that averting your eyes was the proper move to make; so you made it ...up until you could feel someone standing in front of/at your side.
“I’m Warren,” Boy were you not expecting him to be British. His voice was like honey, even though there was a twinge of; what seemed to be, discomfort to it. He seemed out of his element. “I’ve seen you around. You’re Y/n, right?”
“Yeah uh, yeah, that’s right. ...Hi.” You answered nervously. He nodded and a long moment of silence passed between the two of you before he asked if he could sit down.
- It was awkward at first but then he asked you about a band and you started a near hour long discussion about music.
- Soon enough you were talking like it was a normal thing to happen, up until you were interrupted by a peer who told you that someone wanted to see you. You excused yourself and walked away, feeling more confident now that you knew you weren’t going to be murdered.
- Warren was sort of like a changed person after your first few initially awkward conversations; at least he was to you. He was still his intimidating self to everyone else but you; and in some regards Storm, seemed to be an exception.
- After a few weeks of you slowly seeing more and more of each other, he finally decided it was time to ask you out like he’d been intending all along. Well, he asked you out in his own way.
- It was late, he’d caught your attention with a “psst” and a flash of a bottle of liquor and motioned for you to follow him as he led the two of you outside. You soon found yourself sitting with him in the dark of the night, taking swigs from the bottle he’d snuck with you.
- You caught him watching you while you brought the bottle to your lips, taking a small gulp before moving to pass it back, only to be met with his face close to yours and his hand sliding onto your cheek. It was a matter of seconds before his lips were on yours but that short moment of anticipation had your heart racing.
- You spent the rest of the night talking and kissing and by morning you were official.
- Soo much Pda. He’s constantly touching you and trying to get you to kiss him.
- He loves when you kiss him. Surprise him with a little smooch; you’ll never see anyone look more in love than he will.
- Hand kisses.
- His hand in your back pocket.
- His arm wrapped around you constantly.
- Warren alternates between only calling you pet names and only calling you your name. When he is using pet names, he’ll call you things like babe, birdie, and love.
- He’s surprisingly loving considering how violent he used to be. You don’t expect it at first but he’s absolutely adorable when he’s around you.
- The instant he sees you, his day gets 100x better. Even if his face just goes from glaring to neutral whenever his eyes land on you, rest assured that his bad mood goes away the minute you appear.
- He’s always incredibly gentle whenever he puts his hands on you with innocent intent, like when he’s pushing your hair back or helping you put in an earring.
- He’s definitely affection starved and heartclenchingly so. You’ll go to gently touch his face for one reason or another and he’ll act like he’s never felt something better in his life.
- Cuddling is a bit difficult with the whole wing thing but you try your best. Sometimes you’ll just lay side by side and hold hands, other times he’ll cocoon the two of you while you lay on top of him, and other times he’ll lay down and you’ll just snuggle yourself into him the best that you can.
- Going flying. He rarely goes really high up with you in his arms, he himself is afraid he’ll accidentally drop you or you’ll get hurt in some other way.
- Stargazing or watching the sunset/rise on roofs of buildings.
- Sneaking out to spend time with each other away from everyone else.
- Blasting rock music as you drive through town.
- Abandoned building picnics? Abandoned building picnics. What’s better than being able to destroy everything around you and not being bothered by anyone.
- Nighttime walks around town. He sorta likes just wandering around the city with you.
- Helping him shop for clothes that will actually fit him, or helping him cut holes into his clothing.
- He’s grown to love his wings over the years so he always straightens up with pride whenever you compliment or touch them.
- Hickeys.
- Constant making out. He can’t get enough of you.
- Groping, blatantly too, just right in the middle of the street or hallway.
- Innuendos that make you blush.
- You’re either treated like a queen or being harassed like you’re dating a horny teenager. There is no in between.
- Kissing his scars.
- Occasionally, he’ll tell you stories about his fighting days. He finds it amusing to watch your face change whenever he recounts something particularly painful or malicious.
- He’s been known to get drunk for several different reasons so you’ll just have to find out which one it is while making sure he doesn’t die from alcohol poisoning or any dumbass decision he may make while wasted.
- Sharing booze.
- He probably has a tattoo of you or your name somewhere on his body. He’s a reckless person; it fits the vibe.
- He loves people knowing that the two of you are together, he’s so proud.
- Sooo many compliments.
- Sarcasm and affectionate name calling.
- He always gives you the cutest smile and a kiss on the cheek whenever you get him a gift.
- As surprising as it may be; considering the way he acts, he’s genuinely charming; and his face isn’t that bad either. He’s capable of making literally any girl swoon yet he still feels lucky to have you in his life.
- I feel like Warren just doesn’t like people and probably for a number of reasons. With that being said, he prefers to keep to himself, though he’ll tolerate social events; and your friends, for your sake.
- Warren is the type of boyfriend that would rather be seen than heard. Sure he loves talking with you, but he would rather listen to you talk instead of actually talking himself.
- With that being said, he can talk your ear off whenever he gets angry or jealous, wanting nothing more than to divert your attention from everything else and make you focus on only him.
- He’s a pretty jealous guy. He hates seeing other men around you, especially if it seems like you’re really close or that the guy has a thing for you.
- He’s definitely fought a man for flirting with or disrespecting you. The man does not play when it comes to you.
- Whenever the two of you fight, he’ll turn into the biggest sarcastic asshole that you will ever see. That being said, he’ll never yell at you unless you’re walking away from him and he’s calling after you in exasperation.
- If he’s in the wrong then he’ll apologize; albeit slightly begrudgingly. He isn’t very used to it so bear with him, he’s trying his best.
- He doesn’t tell you he loves you very often but you’ll definitely be able to tell that he does, especially as your relationship progresses.
- Though he may not vocally express it, he doesn’t intend on giving you up any time soon so let’s hope you’re in it for the long run.
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fandom-smut-shots · 5 years
Kaoru Hitachiin - Stargazing
Stargazing – Kaoru Hitachiin
A/N: Male!reader. High school AU.
Words: 2,517
           A contented sigh tumbled from your lips as you gazed up at the clear night sky. Stars had only just begun to decorate the field of midnight blue, allowing you to count each and every new appearance. Winter had faded, making way for spring to approach, so the nights were slowly but surely growing warmer and more pleasant.
         It wasn’t too late- with winter came earlier sunsets and longer nights- but you felt as though time stood still as you sat on a swing in the park. Your eyes were closed, your head tilted up towards the sky. Your arms were limp by your sides, your feet softly dragging the ground beneath you. Everything was calm, serene, peaceful.
         In the silence of the night, you could hear footsteps slowly approaching, and your heartbeat quickened. You froze in place, prepared for an attacker to attempt abduction. The footsteps drew closer until you were certain they were just to your left, and you braced yourself for a quick escape.
         Until a soft sigh was heard, and the chains of the swing beside you squeaked softly in protest of being strained.
         Opening one eye, you glanced to your left, stifling a gasp in surprise at the sight that met you. Sitting on the swing was one Kaoru Hitachiin, spoiled rich kid and Ouran Academy heartthrob. Looking at him fully, you couldn’t help but tilt your head and wonder what business he had sitting in the park at night, without his escort or his guard or even his twin brother.
         “Hitachiin?” you called gently. No one called the upperclassmen by first name, as much as you wanted to. “Kaoru” was such an adorable name, and it wasn’t as though the rich students tried to hide their identities. It was just a sign of respect, referring to them by their surnames until you were granted exclusive permission to call them something more intimate.
         The orange-haired boy opened his eyes and turned to meet your gaze. To your surprise, he offered you a lazy smile. This soft side of the younger Hitachiin twin puzzled you – he was normally loud, flamboyant, giggly, friendly. He wasn’t a jerk like the other rich kids, and he was definitely the kinder of the twins.
         “Hey, (l/n),” he greeted. A shiver snaked its way down your spine at the sound of his voice calling your name, and despite sharing nearly all of your classes with him, you felt a twinge of surprise that he knew who you were.
         “What, uh… What are you doing out here?” you couldn’t help but inquire. From what you understood, the rich kids had a strict schedule to keep, usually set in stone by their parents. You didn’t know any of them on a personal enough level to understand the details, but what little you had been made privy to was enough to have you appreciating your humble background. Many of the upperclassmen, especially the kind ones like Hitachiin and Suoh, only made friends through their money. Other students abused their connections, and once their parties were over and their requirements were met, they never spoke to their so-called “friends” again.
         Hitachiin chuckled softly, as though the answer were obvious. “Enjoying the stars.”
         You were hesitant to question further. A million thoughts swirled through your head, but you felt as though you had no right to voice them. Though, you supposed, he could always leave if he was uncomfortable or offended by your curiosity.
         “I can see that,” you countered. “I just meant-“
         “What’s a spoiled trust fund kid doing out past curfew, sitting in the park without an escort?” he finished for you, and you were grateful for the darkness and its ability to hide the blush crawling up your neck.
         “Uh… yeah.”
         He chuckled again, his gaze turning up to the sky. You couldn’t help but follow suit.
         “My parents don’t know I’m out here,” he murmured softly, as though it were a secret – which it probably was. “My brother doesn’t even know. I wait until everyone in the house is asleep; Hikaru, our parents, our bodyguards, the maids. Then I come out here to look at the stars.”
         “Why?” you asked before you could stop yourself.
         He turned his eyes back towards you again, and you felt yourself growing weak the longer you looked into them. “It’s peaceful. I don’t have to be Mr. Hitachiin out here. I don’t have to be Hikaru’s brother, or the heir to the Hitachiin business, or the upperclassman that everyone only wants to befriend because he has money.”
         Your heart ached with sympathy. “I’m sorry you have to endure that,” you murmured. “I don’t know what it’s like, obviously, but… If you ever need to talk about anything…”
         You trailed off, dropping your gaze to your lap. What would the attractive Kaoru Hitachiin want to talk to you for, anyway?”
         His swing squealed as he rose to his feet, and you tried to hide a wince. You’d scared him away. Your once chance at getting to know who he really was, and you’d ruined it.
         A hand entered your peripheral vision, and you turned your head to view it fully. Hitachiin stood beside you, arm extended, palm open, a soft smile on his lips. You hesitantly placed your hand in his, noting with butterflies dancing through your core how warm it was. As you stood, you hesitantly met his eyes, catching the way they sparkled despite the lack of light around you.
         “I should go,” he whispered. “I try not to venture out for too long. Hikaru can sense when I’m gone.”
         You nodded dumbly, hanging onto his every word. “I’m sorry if I said anything out of line-“
         He held up a hand, and you closed your mouth. “You said nothing wrong, (l/n). I was actually thinking… Maybe I could see you again? Tomorrow night, same time?”
         Your heart nearly broke out of your chest, and you offered another nod. “Y-yeah. That sounds great.”
         He grinned. “Awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
         “See you tomorrow,” you managed before he turned on his heel and took off away from the park.
           The following night, you waited patiently at the park, sitting in the same swing you had before. You chewed your lip absent-mindedly as you gazed up at the stars, hoping against all hope that Hitachiin would really come back.
         You heard footsteps behind you and, unable to contain your excitement, you turned around to face your companion. You saw him approaching and stood from your swing, waiting for him to get close enough for you to greet him.
         “Hey, (l/n),” he beamed.
         “Hey, Hitachiin,” you returned.
         He approached the swings, but instead of sitting down, you reached for his hand. Confused, he offered his own, and you ignored the tingle that spread through your limbs as your fingers brushed his.
         “How about we sit on the field?” you suggested. “It has a better view of the stars.”
         He grinned and nodded his approval, letting you lead him across the park to the large field that families often used for kite flying or frisbee throwing. You sat down, crossing your legs and gently tugging him to follow suit. He complied, instead stretching his legs out before him, sitting much closer to you than you had anticipated.
         “You’re right,” he purred softly. “This is much nicer.”
         You gulped softly, nodding before turning to gaze up at him. “So I-I didn’t offend you yesterday, right?”
         He shook his head. “Not at all. It was actually kind of nice to talk to someone who wanted to know the real me, not the rich Hitachiin offspring.”
         “I’ve never cared much for money,” you shrugged. “It doesn’t make a person.”
         He smiled softly. “What’s your story, then? I’ve seen you around, you know, hanging out with Haruhi.”
         You stared at him with wide eyes, wondering how he knew your best friend and how Haruhi could have not mentioned that she and the cutest boy in school were on a first-name basis.
         “Haruhi?” you repeated. “Yeah, I’ve known her since grade school. We kind of grew up together.”
         There was a glimmer of sadness in the taller boy’s eyes. “That sounds nice.”
         “Do you not have… childhood friends?” you asked, wincing at how harsh your words sounded.
         Hitachiin didn’t seem to notice as he shook his head. “The only person I’ve grown up with is Hikaru. Our mom was… strict, regarding our day-to-day lives. We didn’t even have casual friends – still don’t.”
         “That’s awful,” you murmured.
         He was quiet, and you took a moment to admire him. His soft eyes were blurred with a mix of emotions, his strong jawline seemed tight as though he were biting his tongue.
         “If you’d like,” you began softly, shyly glancing down at your lap, “I could be your friend.”
         He turned to look at you, frowning when you wouldn’t meet his eyes. His soft hand grasped your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. You resisted biting your lip as you stared at the intensity in his golden eyes.
         “I’d love that,” he breathed.
           After what felt like hours, it was time for him to return home. You were reluctant to see him go, but you needed to leave as well, and you didn’t want either of you getting in trouble.
         “Same time tomorrow, (l/n)?” he called over his shoulder.
         “Yeah,” you agreed. “But maybe you could call me (y/n), instead.”
         He stopped and turned around, the shyest hint of a smile on his lips. He offered you a mock bow, grinning on the way back up. “Only if you call me Kaoru.”
         Your heart hammered in your chest. “Deal!”
         You parted ways, more excited than you expected for the next night to come.
           Your rendezvous continued on like this for the next week. After dark, you would meet in the park, you always arriving first. You’d sit with Kaoru, still unable to believe that you were on a first-name basis, either on the swings or on a bench or in the field. You’d watch the stars and discuss whatever topic came to mind, neither of you shy or offended or guarded.
         It was perfect.
         You made your way to the park one night, surprised to see a mop of orange hair already awaiting you. Kaoru was seated on the field, which had become his favorite place to think. You sauntered up beside him, dropping to the ground in a cross-legged position.
         “Mind if I join you?” you inquired.
         He turned to grin at your arrival. “Not at all.”
         “What should we talk about tonight?” you prompted, allowing him the choice since it was usually you that began your nightly conversations.
         He was hesitant to reply, and you worried that something might be wrong. Before you could question it, however, Kaoru turned to face you.
         “Did you and Haruhi ever date?”
         You blinked, processing the question before huffing out a soft laugh. He seemed stifled by your amusement.
         “No, we never did,” you assured him, shaking your head. “Why do you ask?”
         “Hikaru has been… interested,” Kaoru replied slowly. “He’s also been pushing me to find out if she’s available, and I knew that you two were close, so I didn’t want to overstep my bounds by asking if she was single, if the two of you were together.”
         “She’s single, but no offense to your brother, I don’t know if she’d be interested,” you countered. “She’s kind of picky with who she’s attracted to, and she hasn’t had a crush on very many people in the years I’ve known her.”
         “Is that why you two never…?” Kaoru trailed off, knowing that you would understand.
         You were hesitant to reply. “That, and…” You exhaled a sigh, turning away from the taller boy. “She’s not my type.”
         “Oh?” Kaoru’s interest had been piqued. “What is your type then, (y/n)?”
         Chewing your lip, you swallowed the lump in your throat. “First and foremost… Male.”
         The boy beside you exhaled, and your hopeful heart could have sworn it was a sigh of relief. You hesitantly turned your head to glance at him, and found him fiddling with his sleeves.
         “I was kind of hoping you’d say that,” he murmured.
         Your heart skipped a beat. “And why’s that?”
         He shifted closer to you, one hand coming to caress your jaw. You leaned into his touch, never breaking his gaze.
         “Because my type is male, shorter than me, (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. He’s funny, and smart, and sweet, and real, and he doesn’t just want to get to know me for my money or my background. He’s genuinely interested in who I am, and I’ve spent every night this week looking at the stars with him by my side.”
         “Please tell me I’m not reading too much into this,” he murmured, almost desperately. “I’ve been dying to talk to you, (y/n), but I didn’t think you’d be interested, and I was afraid of being taken advantage of again.”
         “Kaoru, you’re not reading too much into it,” you assured him, and his soft eyes lit up hopefully. “You’re my type, too.”
         He leaned in, his nose brushing against yours, so close that you could feel his breath ghosting over your mouth.
         “Can I kiss you?” he murmured, and it took every ounce of willpower you had not to lunge forward and tackle him to the ground.
         “Please,” you exhaled, and he took the plunge, kissing you softly and passionately all at once. His hand slid to the back of your head, holding you in place. The hand he’d been using to prop himself up came to rest on your hip, gently fisting in the fabric of your shirt. You rested both of your hands on his chest, feeling his smooth, toned build through his clothing. He tilted his head, kissing you deeper and running his soft tongue along your bottom lip. With a gasp, you granted him access, melting into his arms when his tongue slipped into your mouth. It danced with your own, swiping along the roof of your mouth and the back of your teeth.
         Growing lightheaded from the lack of air and the intensity of the kiss, you reluctantly pulled back to inhale. Your eyes fluttered open, gazing up at Kaoru.
         “Will you be my boyfriend, (y/n)?” he murmured. “We’d have to keep it a secret, until I graduate and my parents no longer control me. They don’t approve of anyone who doesn’t come from money, and I don’t want them to judge you. I care for you so much, (y/n).”
         You silenced his ramblings with a soft kiss. “Of course I will, Kaoru. I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t want this. I don’t mind keeping it a secret. We can keep meeting up like this, away from your family’s watch.”
         He nodded. “That sounds amazing.”
         He kissed you again, and you lost yourself to his touch. You didn’t know how long you’d spent in the park this time, but neither of you could find it in yourselves to care.
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ultsracha · 5 years
Friends to Lovers w/ Eric (tbz)
Request: Anon -  Ok uuuh I’ve never requested before so idk how to word all this but could you maybe write some Eric (the boyz) catching feelings for his best friend and him trying to ask her out ?? And maybe like the other 00 liners making fun of him for being all soft :( I’m sorry I’m trash at explaining stuff <3 Have a wonderful day A/N: Thank you for requesting! im sorry that this isnt the best but i tried !  Warnings: mild angst & swearing
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*He looks so teeny tiny in this gif ouchies my heart*
you and Eric had been friends for literally your whole lives 
all of your childhood memories had him in them 
running around the back yard? Eric was right behind you 
Learning how to ride a bike? This dude was the reason you had the courage to do it
So it was no surprise to everyone that all throughout school you stayed friends 
Joined at the hip every second you could be
In class you would sit together and help each other with the work
Of course you had your other friends, 11 of them who were all part of Eric’s band they called ‘The Boyz’ 
They accepted you into their group with open arms
Most nights after school were spent in the practice room with them 
Watching them dance and run around 
Eric always tried to get you involved but that’s a big, fat, nope 
But you literally had the best, best friend 
So, like every other day you’re sat at the lunch table waiting for Eric to get out of his class while you sat with Sunwoo and Hyunjoon 
“You coming stargazing with us tonight?” Sunwoo asks as he shoves a few grapes into his mouth
“Of course, I’ll bring some food if you guys want as well?” you replied
This wasn’t uncommon for you all, to go sit on Kevin’s roof with blankets and snacks and just look at the stars 
“Is Eric coming too?” You ask because let’s face it everything's more fun with him around 
“OoOOoooOOOOoooOOh ‘Is Eric coming too?’ oOOooOo” Hyunjoon teases, nudging your arm 
“Ah fuck off you know it’s not like that, we’ve been friends forever! I can’t go anywhere without him now” 
They both continued to tease and nudge you around until you saw Eric walking over 
As per the routine, you got up and met him halfway across the hall for a massive hug 
“Hey! What’s up? You’re bright red?” He asks after hugging you
“Ohhh nothing, just dumb and dumber trying to steal my last brain cell” you giggle as you both settle into your seats 
Eric draping his arm round your shoulders like he always does 
Sunwoo giving you a sly smirk like he a l w a y s does when you and Eric even look at each other
It wasn’t hard to understand why everyone gave you these looks
Most people assumed you were together
Even some of your family had suspicions because of how close you two were 
but you could only dream... 
This little crush you had started mid teens and had persisted ever since 
Now it was nearing the end of school and here you were, hopelessly in love 
Honestly it had just become a normal part of your life by now and that was okay, as long as you had him with you being your best friend. It was okay
“You’re coming to Kevins tonight yeah?” Eric mumbles into your ear 
Resisting the urge shiver you simply nod and turn away and continue to listen to the bickering of the boys 
After that the day goes on peacefully, Eric walks you to class and kisses your forehead before jogging to his own class 
The bus journey home you guys sit together and share earphones, taking it in turns to choose a song 
“I’ll see you later yeah?” You ask as you both get off the bus at your stop 
“Yeah I might be a bit late though, I’ve got some things to get done beforehand” he replies, throwing his bag over his shoulders 
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!” you start to wave goodbye and of course, as per usual he brings you in for a hug and to kiss your forehead 
and yet again your heart swells and you inwardly scream because why not your lips hm? 
Later that evening Sangyeon picks you up, with Sunwoo and Haknyeon already in the car
Sunwoo on the aux playing some random country music to annoy everyone 
It’s an amazing night to stargaze, you get to Kevins just at the end of sunset where the sky is mostly dark but a lilac hue still coats the edges of the sky
The stars already sparkling 
Kevins roof was your favourite place to be as he lived at the top of a hill, meaning the view of the city below could be seen 
As well as the roof itself having a large flat bit for everyone to cosy up together 
Most of the group are already there setting up blankets and pillows and the speaker
As expected Eric wasn’t there yet so you just dumped out all the snacks you gathered next to the speaker and went to speak to the host
“Did Eric tell you what he had to do tonight?” you ask, watching Kevin struggle to smooth out a massive blanket
“Yes but I’m not telling you, it’s a secret” he replies
“Why? What is it?” your heart starting to race
Did he have a girlfriend? Was he keeping her a secret? Was he bringing her tonight? 
Yes, that’s where your mind goes because, well every girl in the school would be lucky to have him 
“Y/N calm down he’s gone to get something for tonight, don’t worry he’s still your mans but not really your mans” he smirks, patting the top of your head and walking away
You just stand there blinking before realising what he even said, leading you to pursue him to where everyone was sat already 
“He’s not my ‘mans’ Kevin we all know he’s got every girl in the school whipped for him” you sigh, plopping yourself next to Jacob
who was munching on some chips 
“Y/N you’re kidding right?” Sunwoo smirks while Hyunjoon giggles lightly and nods 
“No I’m not, I’m honestly surprised he hasn't got a girlfriend already...” you mumble 
The sad truth being explained to your friends hurt but it wasn’t hard to see, he wasn’t in love with you 
“He has THE biggest crush on you Y/N how do you not see it?” 
You look up from your lap to see everyone nodding in agreement 
Who knew your friends would play such a prank on you
“This isn’t funny guys, you’re just teasing and it’s painful so please can we just change the subject?” 
lets be real it would always hurt knowing how everyone could see how in love you were but how obviously he wasn't 
“Seriously, everyday we see him he talks about how cute you look or how smart you are and how he can’t wait to show you this dance because he wants to impress you” Hyunjoon giggles while Changmin over dramatically nods 
“and how you smell nice all the time” Sunwoo adds rolling his eyes
“they boy’s whipped for you” Hyunjoon continues 
“It’s almost annoying how literally no one exists when you’re around because he’s so focused on you” 
Your heart has literally stopped 
Because ??? Eric???? liking you???? 
“Right let’s quit the teasing because we weren’t even meant to tell her so now you’re gonna have to explain to him about this” Sangyeon scolds the younger ones 
You just lay back into the pillows still not computing 
They have to be lying? He’s never shown any interest in you? 
You hear them still laughing about how your face looks when you’re shocked 
Jacob leans over to whisper “just ignore them, they’re rooting for you” 
You’re just lying on the roof, looking up to the sky with butterflies bursting your stomach and your heart beating like crazy in your chest when you hear Kevins bedroom window open 
“Hey guys, sorry I was late” Eric bursts through the window “I was just getting a few things” 
Everyone greets him but you stay silent, looking up at the sky because you were just TOO nervous to say anything
“You okay?” He asks you, laying down next to you and propping his head on his arm
“Yeah! Just looking at the stars” your voice betraying your panic
He just nods and rolls over to lie on his back next to you 
The night goes on as normal, everyone chatting, listening to music and enjoying the view 
You hop in the conversation every once in a while but the others seem to understand why you’re being more quiet 
Eric hardly speaks to you but never leaves your side, just lying next to you also in his in thoughts 
“What’s up?” You whisper to him after a while
“Just thinking about stuff” He whispers back shifting to lay on his side to look at you 
You look into his eyes and he looks,,, nervous?
“What you thinking about?” you ask, shifting to mirror his position 
“It’s nothing don’t worry Y/N” He replies shaking his head
“You know you can tell me anything Eric we’re best friends...” 
At this he sighs even more and stands up 
“What? What did I do?” You also stand 
He’s already climbing back through Kevins window 
Naturally you follow, heart beating out of your chest at the thought of Eric being upset with you
“Seriously whats wrong? Why can’t you tell me?” You follow him into the room
“Because if I tell you we can’t be friends and it’ll all go wrong so it’s better if I don’t say anything” 
“Why? We’re best friends we’ve always told each other everything whats changed?” 
“Will you please stop saying that?” He almost shouts and spins around to face you
You’ve never seen him this upset before 
Sunwoo and Hyunjoon were wrong, he doesn't love you he doesn't even want to be friends anymore
“Y-y-y-you don’t want to be friends with me anymore?” You splutter out,  tears already brimming in your eyes 
They were so wrong and they couldn't have said what they did at a worse time, giving you that small bubble of hope in your chest for it to be crushed an hour later 
“It’s not that I just....” he trails off, wringing his hands nervously 
“Then what Eric?” You burst into tears, heart almost breaking in that moment 
“Y/N I love you. Fuck. I’m sick of hiding it and being teased all the time for not having the courage to tell you. I fucking love you” 
The tears didn't stop when you rushed over and wrapped your arms around his neck 
Standing on your tiptoes to hug him you felt his arms wrap around your waist 
You both just stood there holding each other
His erratic breathing indicating he’s crying too
“I love you too Eric, so much, for so long” 
You just stayed put in his arms, him stroking the back of your head
“I didn’t believe them when they told me...” you giggle while pulling away to look at him
His eyes just go so wide 
“They did what?” He yelped
“Oh they told me all about how you talk about me all the time and how whipped you are” you giggle even more
The look on his face just makes you laugh harder 
“I’m going to kill them” he growls and charges back through the window
You just smile and follow him onto the roof where everyone was just laughing and nudging Eric around
“So he’s finally confessed!” Jacobs asks you grinning from ear to ear
“It’s about time, now we don’t have to spend every dance practice brainstorming ways to get him to do it” Sunwoo laughs, earning a slap from Eric
Once the teasing died down Eric joined your side leaning against the wall by Kevins window
“So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asks 
And despite the dark you can tell his cheeks are dusted pink
“Of course I will, but what did you need to go get earlier than meant you were late?” 
“Oh,” he wriggled to grab a small packet from his pocket “I was going to confess to you tonight and I bought you this” 
Handing you the packet you open it to find a dainty necklace 
Silver with a small heart pendant on it 
“Eric this is so cute but you didn’t have to buy me something to confess to me” you blush, heart feeling so full it could burst 
“I know but I thought it would help” his smile is so bright and warm
He helps you put on the necklace and the night ends with you falling asleep cuddled into his arms admiring the view 
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lululeighsworld · 5 years
Wish Your Worries Away
Gunter admits that he works too hard, but he does so to protect those people he cares about. Out of concern for his well being, Leigh steps in to make sure the old soldier can enjoy a peaceful day of relaxation.
On AO3
Throughout his years, Gunter had become quite aware that many facts of life were unknown, inconsistent, and unpredictable. One element that this old knight hailing from Nohr had learned to never count upon was the weather. It could change in an instant—for better or worse—and as such, he always found himself over preparing in case of emergency. However, during the three years he had spent in Askr, Gunter discovered that rather than harsh uncertainty, June meant stretches of warm sunny days accompanied by long evening sunsets. The chances of a free afternoon coinciding with the beautiful weather were common this time of year and meant that most heroes were spending their time enjoying the sunshine, whether it be at the beach, around the castle, or visiting the marketplace. Due to this, the stables were empty, and he was glad for it. Often when others were around, he felt an immense pressure to engage in courtesy conversation while they all worked; in truth, he would much rather keep to himself and work quietly. Being alone meant that he could either let his mind wander or turn it off almost completely, focusing so intensely on his list of tasks that he didn’t even notice the soft crunching of hay coming from another person’s footsteps.
“Let’s go camping!”
Startled out of his thoughts, Gunter looked to the entrance of the stables, surprised to see Leigh. He had assumed Leigh would also be enjoying the gorgeous weather this kingdom had been blessed with. Instead, they walked towards him, holding a picnic basket and a blanket.
“Tomorrow is your birthday, isn’t it? Let’s go camping so that you can take a break for a little while.”
Gunter bit the inside of his cheek as he folded the rag he had been using to clean his horse’s armour and placed it over one shoulder. “Is it going to rain?”
“We both were there when they announced the weather for this week would be beautiful!”
“And the risk of being away from the castle?”
“We can stay on the grounds. I found a great spot to set up a tent that’s not too far away!”
“I would feel… Uneasy. Not being there for training I mean.”
Leigh paused for a moment and thought carefully about their next choice of words. They certainly didn’t want to make him feel  bad for not wanting to go camping. However, over the course of the past few weeks, the summoner had noticed that the great knight was rather tense and could definitely use a break from the battlefield.
“I think it would be good for you. To relax I mean. In fact, spending a short amount of time away from the battle will help you focus better when you return!” With a final charming smile, Gunter knew he was defeated.
“Very well. I will leave the plans to you. When will we be departing?”
“Hmm, does tomorrow sometime after lunch sound good?”
“You’ll be up at noon for lunch?” He laughed under his breath, though Leigh just shook their head and poked him in the bicep as they spoke.
“Just you watch! I can be up when it’s important!”
There was a moment of laughter as Leigh pouted playfully at the other, earning a chuckle. While it was a known fact among all the Heroes that their leader was an incredibly late riser, Gunter was also aware that despite their lack of sleep, Leigh could be awake early when it was necessary.
“It's decided then. I’ll bring Sascha around to the West entrance after lunch. Will you need help carrying anything?”
“I should be okay, don’t worry about anything at all. It’ll be your time to relax.”
“So you say...and still the thought of being away from the Castle worries me to no end…” Gunter blew out a long breath and took a seat on one of the wooden crates in the aisle. His mind was racing with a seemingly endless stream of bad scenarios that could occur while they were away, ranging from being ambushed to the little voice echoing in the back of his head to commit some heinous act. Leigh could tell that the worry was weighing on him and set down the picnic basket and blanket on the ground before moving close to run soothing fingers through his hair.
“Hey, nothing bad is going to happen. I promise.”
“Can you?” Gunter craned his neck just the slightest to look up at the other, who leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“Yes. Like I said, you need not worry about anything. I’ve taken care of all the details so that you can enjoy yourself.” They smiled, and in that instance, the old knight felt as though a portion of the huge burden which weighed on his shoulders had been washed away.
The pair talked together for a few more minutes, Leigh informing him of a few other details before departing from the stables. They gave him one last kiss on the forehead and said their goodbyes, picking up their belongings and heading back to the castle. Gunter turned back to his work only to be halted once again as Leigh hollered to him from a distance as if a last-minute thought had crossed their mind.
“Oh, please do me one last favour and keep Felicia out of the kitchen this evening!”
He chuckled and picked up his rag, looking over to the amount of work he still had to do—now with a time limit. Leigh had grown quite aware of how clumsy the younger maid could be in the kitchen and admittedly did not want her poor cooking skills giving them food poisoning on their little trip.
“So long as you make sure that young butler doesn’t sabotage the food either!”
True to their word, Leigh had indeed woken up the next day with enough time to get ready  and eat lunch, meeting Gunter at the selected location with all the items they would need for their trip. Flora had helped them tie the camping and picnic supplies to another horse prior to departure, which meant they could leave promptly on time without a hassle. Leigh was not kidding when they said he needn’t worry about any plans, and yet as they rode together on his horse, he couldn’t help but let his concerns trouble his nerves. No armour, and no weapons. What would happen if they were ambushed? Heaving out a sigh, Gunter did his best to clear his mind for the time being. There was no sense worrying about problems that didn't exist yet, and Leigh would certainly be able to tell if he wasn't taking it easy and relaxing.
The first portion of their afternoon was spent pitching their tent, a task which proved more difficult than Leigh had originally imagined. Luckily, Gunter had pitched his fair share in the past, and with the help of his expertise, they completed the task with plenty of time to take a walk through the nearby meadow before supper. Soon after their return from the stroll—their heads now adorned with flower crowns made of daffodils and irises—they laid out the picnic blanket and enjoyed the food Leigh had prepared the prior day with help from Flora. Even though the sun was setting below the horizon as they finished their meal, the temperature was still quite warm. From their position on top of the hill, away from all the lights of the castle, they also had a beautiful view as the stars slowly became visible, with not a single cloud to be found in the sky. Seizing the opportunity, they decided to make themselves cozy by lying down side-by-side in the grass as they gazed up at the star-filled sky that stretched for miles in every direction above them. Leigh pointed to a cluster slightly to their left and drew Gunter’s attention to a small group of stars.
“We call that one the Big Dipper because it looks like a ladle. Then, if you draw a line from the two stars in front this way,” Leigh’s arm moved as their finger traced an imaginary line through the night sky, “You’ll find the North Star.”
“Ah yes. It’s been many years, but I remember using that star to navigate my troops back home after exhausting battles. How interesting it is that Nohr, Askr, and your world all share the same system of stars.”
“I have no idea how it works, but I guess there are certain phenomena we just can’t explain.” Leigh laughed and rested the hand they had been using to point out the stars on their stomach. They were glad that not a cloud could be spotted in the sky, allowing them to relax and gaze up at the stars as they idly chatted the minutes away. Although Gunter had seemed tense when they first headed out on their little excursion—no doubt worrying himself over what problems might occur in the Order of Heroes with their leader being away—Leigh could tell that he was settling into their small vacation away from the others. They couldn’t recall the last time they had seen the old soldier smile so easily, the young summoner often finding themself sneaking in more glances of the knight while he was busy being drawn into the map of twinkling lights above them. The fact that whatever had grown to burden him was no longer at the forefront of this mind brought Leigh a great amount of peace.
“You know quite a bit about the stars, Leigh. Did you study them?”
“Back in your world. How did you learn so much about them?”
“Well, I did read a lot of books about space when I was younger. I guess the interest in stargazing probably started with that.”
“Space?” He questioned, turning to the other for clarification.
“It’s what we refer to all this as,” Leigh gestured to the night sky above them with an outstretched hand, “It stretches further than your mind ever could imagine. You wouldn’t believe the sorts of discoveries they’ve made. It sometimes even baffles me.”
“Such as?”
Leigh hummed to themself as they thought of something to say that wouldn’t overwhelm the old man’s mind too much. It was difficult; the concept of other galaxies or sending robots into space sounded too far-fetched to tell a person who came from a world without modern technology.
“Well,” Leigh started and pointed up to the stars in the sky, “Space is so big, and some stars are so far away that it takes a long time for their light to travel to us. So, the way we see these stars presently actually comes from the past.” They turned to look at the other and watched as his face grew puzzled, seeing his eyebrows scrunch together as he tried to make sense of what the other said, though it was without much luck. He never was good at understanding these scientific topics; best to leave them to the young ones. Leigh smiled, patting his hand, trying to bring him some reassurance. No more space explanations for tonight.
As the crickets around them chirped to life, adding a bit of background noise, the pair sat in silence together as they continued to gaze up at the sky. Gunter’s nerves had settled down a fair amount since their departure earlier that day, which allowed him to now relax as Leigh had intended. While they knew it would be pointless to insist that he stop fretting on a day-to-day basis over tiny details—which was just in his nature—they could at least try and get him to take small breaks to help ease his anxious mind. And as though someone had heard their train of thought, the most perfect and marvellous distraction flew across the sky in the blink of an eye.
“Oh wow look! A shooting star!” Leigh pointed up at the sky excitedly, drawing Gunter’s attention to the dark canvas above them. He caught sight of the star just before it could leave his vision. Soon a few more dashed across the sky, Leigh watching in amazement and Gunter admiring their enthusiasm.
“Did you make a wish as one passed by?” He asked.
“Of course!”
“What did you wish for?”
“I can’t say, otherwise it might not come true.”
“And if it does?”
“Well, I suppose I will tell you, but only if it comes true.”
More shooting stars passed by overhead, and the two continued to idly talk. The night wore on as they continued to stargaze, though as it grew later the earth around them seemed to be settling in for the night. Even the chirps of crickets ceased at a certain point, allowing Gunter to finally hear the soft breathing coming from beside him.
“Leigh? Did you fall asleep?”
“Mm… no… Just resting my eyes…”
Gunter chuckled and rose to a sitting position, taking Leigh’s right hand in his left. “That’s pretty near close to sleeping. Come on, let’s head to bed before you pass out here in the grass.”
It didn’t take long once they retreated to the safety of the tent for the night for Leigh to fall completely asleep, exhausted from the preparations the night before as well as the early wake up that morning. Gunter didn’t understand how someone could survive so long on so few hours of sleep when they usually slept in until noon, but he assumed it must have something to do with the liveliness of the young. At this point of the night, he too found himself quite tired, although he lay awake in his sleeping bag, unable to fall asleep. No thought in particular plagued his mind, but rather a bunch of little moments here and there which made him restless. Unlike he had originally thought, no misfortunes had come to harm them during their short reprise from the Order. In fact, during all the time they had spent together today, he had barely had a chance to let his nerves worry him due to all the fun he was having. He believed himself a soldier slated with the task to serve in the army for the rest of his days. Rarely did the thought cross his mind that there could be more to his life than that. If anyone had shown him that best —
The rustling of fabric beside him stirred him from his thoughts, looking down to see that Leigh had partially awoken.
“Mm… Gunter? Did I fall asleep?”
“Only a short while ago. Is something wrong?”
“I forgot to ask,” Leigh yawned and rolled over onto their side so that they could look at him better, “Did you have a good birthday?”
“Most certainly. You always know just what I need.”
“That’s good,” Leigh smiled and curled up in the confines of their sleeping bag once more, “That means my wish came true after all…”
He smiled, turning over onto his side so he could place a kiss on their temple. And then on their cheek. And finally, a good night kiss. Cozied up in his own sleeping bag and reassured by those words the other had murmured in their half-awoken state, he knew that the wish he had made that night had come true as well.
Happy Birthday Gunter! Believe it or not this fic has been in the making since last summer. I love how one version of the Summoner Support in FEH is the two units seeing a shooting star together and from that I knew I just had to incorporate it into a fic!
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hazkiwislutt · 6 years
photograph: in love (part 5)
Harry felt like all he did was blink, and suddenly the luscious brown curls that flopped into his face turned into thin, grey strands. Suddenly, the smile lines that crinkled by his eyes were permanently etched deeply into his skin, smiling or not. Suddenly, he couldn’t prance around onstage and deliver the masses the performance of a lifetime, because Harry was old. 
His knees cracked when he struggled to walk to his bedroom (Y/N and him had traded the luxurious home that they spent most of their life in for a smaller one-story when it became a marathon to simply saunter to the bathroom), his back groaned in agony when he woke up in the morning, and his hands couldn’t play the guitar the way they used to, because Harry was old. He was old, and he’d lived a full and complete life with Y/N and his daughters (the second of which had been born four years after the first). 
Harry was old, and although his fans and the tabloids had speculated what an old soul he was when he was younger, his body finally caught up. But even though Harry was old, inside and out, Y/N made him feel like he was young. 
Y/N, the love of his life, who had been faithful and loving and kind and supportive to him for nearly four decades, was the only person who made him feel as if he could still run up the stairs two at a time, as if he could spring up from bed in a spritely manner every morning, as if he could shred the guitar in Madison Square Garden: all things he used to do. 
Harry had woken up this morning earlier than usual, because today was not just any special day. Today was Y/N’s sixtieth birthday, and so while she snored peacefully away in their bed, Harry gently untangled her legs from his and removed her arm from across his stomach, beginning the task of rolling out of bed, groping the bedside table for his glasses, and limping to the kitchen to make her breakfast. 
Once he made it to the kitchen, he had to stop and lean against the counter to catch his breath before shakily reaching to open the cabinet and get a mixing bowl for the pancakes he was going to make her. He busied himself in the kitchen, tottering around to gather ingredients for Y/N’s breakfast and smiling as he passed the multitude of pictures that framed the walls of his and Y/N’s cozy home. Years of touring and making music resulted in a fortune that would follow Harry long after he was gone, but he and Y/N found no need to continue living a lavish lifestyle, a more subdued routine becoming more practical as they grew older. 
As Harry finished making the batter and prepared to ladle the mixture onto the griddle, he heard a soft knock at their front door. He made his way down the hall, careful not to shuffle too loudly in fear of waking up Y/N before his surprise was completed. He answered the front door, opening it to reveal their seventeen-year-old neighbor holding a bouquet of sixty buttercups (they were Y/N’s favorite, since she said that they looked more interesting than plain roses and their name was cute). Harry had tasked the boy (his name was Alec) to pick up the flowers for him so that he had time to make Y/N’s breakfast. 
“Here, Mr. Styles. You don’t have to pay me back, honest, ‘cause it’s the greatest thing to see that love actually, like, exists, and lasts a lifetime... I mean, you and Mrs. Styles have been together since you guys were in your twenties and you’re still doing things like this for her... It’s really inspiring.” Alec grinned, holding the bouquet out for Harry to take. Harry grinned back, taking the flowers and holding them securely to his chest. 
“Love exists, an’ it does last. Don’ let anyone tell yeh any different, an’ don’ give up. It’ll find yeh... sometimes in the form of a Bambi-legged girl an’ a scorching hot cup o’coffee.” 
Y/N woke up to the cold sheets on Harry’s side of the bed, grunting a little as she felt around to verify that, yes, Harry was indeed not in bed next to her. She rolled around slowly, reaching for her glasses as her bones and joints creaked. She swung her feet onto the floor, stretching before heaving herself up and shuffling out of the room. She smelled Harry and his pancakes before she rounded the corner and saw them, but when she did, her cheeks flushed and her heart beat erratically: something only Harry could continue to make her do, no matter how much time had passed. 
He was dressed in a pair of beige slacks, a lavender button down with flowers embroidered on it, and pastel pink fuzzy socks, grinning as he gestured to the table he’d set up for her. The buttercups were situated in a simple white vase next to her pancakes, which were drowned in strawberry chocolate sauce and accompanied by strawberry milk and a smiley-face bacon and eggs. Balloons that read, “Happy birthday!” were tied to her chair, and two silver ones that were shaped as a six and zero were floating around the kitchen freely. 
“Happy birthday, love o’mine,” Harry exclaimed, opening his arms and feeling tingly all over because after all these years, he could still make her blush and shy away in the most adorable fashion. She scooted over to him, grinning bashfully as she pressed her head to his chest and breathed in deeply, intertwining their fingers.
“You brought out the Tom Ford? Really, now? What are you, twenty-four?” She jabbed him in the center of his chest before he craned his neck down and chased her finger, playfully biting the tip of it and making her laugh, the same dolphin-and-duck laugh she’d had since they were young (but with a little bit of a wheeze to it). 
“Oh, Bambi, age is jus’ a number, especially when ‘ve got yeh t’keep me young.” He waggled his eyebrows at her playfully, giving her a gentle swat on her behind that made her squeal, “Harry Styles! I’ll not let you defile me this morning before I’ve had my breakfast!” He laughed, pecking her on the lips and murmuring a quiet, “But yeh’re gonna let me defile yeh t’night for dessert, right, love?” She shushed him and pushed off his chest to situate herself at the table in front of her breakfast, before turning a bit and winking at him. 
“What a minx! Did anyone else see tha’? Sneaky thing, yeh are,” Harry giggled as he sat next to her, holding her hand in his as they both dug in. 
Harry looked at her, taking in the loose flannel pajama pants she was wearing, along with the faded, threadbare pastel pink sweater with “Harry” embroidered in red print on the chest: the same one she’d been wearing when she’d crashed (literally) into Harry’s’ life with a cup of coffee, the same one she’d worn the night before their wedding when she and Harry had snuck out of the rooms they were confined to so they could go stargazing (because to hell with superstitions, he and Y/N were still married and couldn’t have been more in love), the one she’d worn immediately after she’d given birth to both of their daughters (she’d been so overcome by post-pregnancy hormones that she’d cried for hours after putting it on). 
Yes, age was a number that went up annually, but some things never changed. 
“You didn’t have to do that, you know.” Harry and Y/N were ambling back home through the park, watching the sun set. A few hours prior, Harry had insisted they take a walk to their eldest daughter’s house, who lived on the other side of the neighborhood (she’d moved closer to be with her parents as they got older), only to be met with a small surprise party consisting of their eldest daughter and her husband, their second daughter and her wife, their grandchildren, and their oldest friends. 
It was a sweet party. Everyone was merry and Y/N’s heart was overwhelmed with so much love and appreciation for everyone in that room that she promptly broke down into tears when she blew out her candles (Y/N truly was more or less the same weepy girl with her Harry Styles sweater and a dolphin-and-duck laugh). 
As she took her time walking home with Harry, admiring the sunset and feeling the summer breeze ruffle their clothes, she couldn’t believe all that she’d accomplished in life, all that she’d experienced. She couldn’t believe the love she’d given and gotten, and the people that came into her life and left. Y/N was happy, so, so happy, and she had Harry to thank for such a lovely day. 
“Know I didn’t, but how could I not, when ‘ve been with the love o’my life for thirty-eight years? Deserve the world, an’ that’s wha’ I promised yeh when I first made yeh mine, didn’t I?” Harry’s hand swung loosely with hers, and she stopped them in their path so that she could face him, looking at him with eyes that shone bright with love. 
“Thirty-eight years, and I don’t think a whole other lifetime could ever make me stop falling in love with you, Harry.” Her voice had dropped to a frail tremble, and he knew she’d start weeping again, so he pressed his lips against hers. 
“Oi, s’enough crying fo’ today. S’supposed t’be a happy day, Bambi. Stop tha’ now.” He swiped the tears from under her thick glasses while she smoothed out the creases in his embroidered shirt, which he’d coupled with a sweater vest upon leaving the house. “I love yeh, my weepy, weepy girl.” She giggled, and allowed them to continue on their path. 
When they arrived home, Harry sat her down on their bed, telling her he had one last present for her before he’d give her “the type o’ loving that’ll make yeh feel like we’re twenty-four again”, to which she’d responded with a slap to his behind this time. 
Harry was especially excited to give Y/N this present, because it was something he’d worked hard on. Throughout the entirety of his time with Y/N, Harry truly hadn’t hid anything from her (save for the one time he’d stupidly stayed in LA with his ex-girlfriend and neglected Y/N and his oldest daughter because he was too nice to refuse his manager, but the fight from that event made him learn his lesson) except for this, a present he’d been working on for years... thirty-eight years, to be exact. 
He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d pulled it off, really. He always thought she’d find it in their closet or that he’d accidentally spoil the surprise, but he never did. And now, as Harry walked into their closet and knelt down to lift it from an unlabelled, brown cardboard box, he was jittery with excitement (and a little nervous that the surprise would be too much on her heart). Y/N had no fuckin’ idea what he was about to give to her, and he let out a short squeal to relieve some of the energy that was bouncing around in him.
He held it behind his back as he exited the closet, peeking around the corner of the door to see her sat on their bed, with her beloved camera that held all of the pictures of all of the people she loved. She wore a cute half-smile on her face, and Harry couldn’t help but choke up a bit. He’d dated this girl for five years. He’d married her, and had two daughters with her, and loved her with all of his being. That was his girl. 
Harry cleared his throat, and her eyes shot up to meet his, the crinkles by her eyes becoming more prominent as she grinned at him, setting the camera gently by her side. Harry shuffled towards her, still keeping the present hidden behind his back, before struggling to kneel down in front of her, his knees groaning in protest. 
“Now, love, I don’ have a preamble fo’ this, so m’just gonna give this t’yeh, an’ m’gonna pray yeh don’ die on me from the shock. If yeh’re gonna die from anything tonight, s’gonna be from m’tongue lickin’ into yeh’re-mmph!” 
Laughing her obnoxiously loud laugh, Y/N had smushed her lips against his, startling him and effectively cutting off the rest of Harry’s innuendo. 
“Just show it to me, Styles, so I can show you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me today.” 
Harry breathed in shakily, hands jittery as he prepared to produce the gift from behind his back. He slowly brought it into her view, and she cocked her head to the side as she studied it. It was a plain black album with her name embroidered in the front cover, incredibly thick and a bit tattered and dusty from the years it had been kept hidden away. He held it out to her, and she took it from him gently, still unsure of what it was, but Harry was waiting for her to open it and see for herself. 
Her fingers found the edge of the cover, carefully pulling the album open and observing the first page. It was a blank page, adorned with golden trimmings around the border of the paper and the short, simple phrase, “I could never forget you, Bambi” in the center of the page, written by Harry in black ink. She smiled, looking up at him fondly for a moment before returning her attention back to the album, and now Harry’s heart began to race and his breathing began to quicken. She turned to the next page, and Harry’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he heard her gasp with realization at what her present was. 
As expected, tears welled up in her eyes as she turned through pages and pages of pictures of... her. 
Y/N, who had spent all of her life taking pictures of the people she loved so that she would never forget them like the little brother she lost before she ever got to know, was looking at thirty-eight years worth of pictures that Harry had taken of her, because Harry was never going to forget her. 
Suddenly, Y/N’s chest felt too tight to breathe properly as she skimmed the pages, the pictures divided into sections and labelled different titles, such as “jealousy” and “pride” and “sadness” and “joy”, and oh, Y/N’s heart was going to burst. She was fully crying now, setting the album to the side, along with her camera, and reaching for Harry to come smother her against the soft sheets of their bed. He stood up as fast as he could (it did take him a minute, but Y/N didn’t care) and toppled onto her, giggling and flailing around wildly. 
“I love you, I love you, oh, Harry, I love you so much. I’ve loved you for so long, and God, I could never stop.” Harry cradled her in his arms as they faced each other on their bed, smiling stupidly at each other. 
“I love yeh more, m’girl, m’Bambi. Yeh’re the best thing t’ever happen t’me. Happy birthday, love.” Y/N blushed a pretty pink, before tugging him up to a sitting position. She reached beside her for her camera, which lay next to the open photo album, and turned it on. 
“C’mere, love, I’ve got four out of five pictures of you for the collection. I need the last one to make it complete.” Harry scooted next to her, surprised when she held the camera at arm’s length and leaned in to kiss him, lips pressed tightly together as the flash washed over them, capturing both of them hopelessly, utterly in love. 
{ hey guys, it’s athena!! this is my first miniseries & i hoped you liked it, i tried pretty hard on it & i’m proud of her!! this isn’t the end the end of photograph harry & Y/N, i’m definitely going to want to write blurbs about them, but this is the end for a little while at least! anyways, i hope you liked this miniseries & i hope you enjoy the other writing i plan to put up soon!! }
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nicolesangel · 6 years
break me down (and build me up again)
pairing: janis x fem!reader
summary: After Cady brings her new friends home for the first time, you and Janis immediately click. And when Cady turns plastic, you both have a hard time staying faithful to her.
prompt: Hey! Could you maybe write janis x reader who is cadys or damians lil sister or something?
word count: 1451
author’s note: i do say the q-slur, for anyone who may be offended (though i don’t personally think of it as a slur). also there’s some cussing because i couldn’t not, i’m (not) sorry. this takes place during the canon, showing how the reader (+ janis) reacts to cady turning into a plastic so a few tiny details were changed to better fit the story. also i 100% did not read this over so if there are errors please don’t come for me
The first time Janis and Damian went over to Cady’s house, they did not expect to see a younger girl sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and a laptop on her lap.
“Oh right, guys, meet my sister, Y/N.” You turned around, shyly smiling and waved at the two newcomers. Cady filled them in on everything; you were a year younger than Cady (although people would swear that you were twins, even though you hardly looked alike) but you were still being homeschooled.
At one point, you and Janis somehow ended up in a room alone together. You began talking and found that you surprisingly have a lot in common. You both enjoy art and you like some of the same bands and authors. And you were both queer. The two of you clicked immediately and despite not really seeing each other, you exchanged numbers and began talking more.
After about a month of getting to know each other and completely falling for the other girl, Janis asks you out on a date. And of course, you couldn’t pass it up. Janis learned that you absolutely missed spending nights watching the sunset and staring up at the stars, so that’s exactly what you did.
Janis took you to a nearby park that sat up on a hill, giving a perfect view of the setting sun on the horizon, the sky painted in pink and purple hues. The two of you sat in the grass, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, your head on her shoulder as the sun went down and the stars lit up the sky. You spent the night recounting stories of your life in Africa and stargazing, a shy smile never leaving Janis’s face.
After that, the two of you kept going on dates, but Cady didn’t know. You were too scared to tell her that you were dating her best friend and it became scarier as she turned into a whole other person.
Cady began dressing differently and began coating her face in layers on layers of makeup and acted completely different. The Cady you once knew was no longer there; your sister had become the physical embodiment of a Barbie doll. And at first you thought maybe your Cady was still there, the kind, good-natured jungle kid with a heart of gold was hidden underneath the plastic shell, but there was no trace of her left.
It upset you more than anything. You didn’t know what could have caused your sister to change into some kind of monster. And Janis saw the way it was making you feel, and the way it was making her feel, so when you didn’t feel like facing Cady, you spent the night with Janis, huddled beneath a blanket, watching a movie from the 80’s while eating buttloads of candy. It made you feel better, but there was still an underlying feeling of anxiety that you couldn’t shake. You didn’t want to lose your sister.
When Cady convinced your parents to let you stay back home while they went away so that you two could go to Janis’s art show, you were so happy. But when Cady didn’t show up at the art show like she had promised Janis, you knew she was up to something. So you, Janis, and Damian went to take you home only to find your house booming with energy.
You were devastated. Your sister blew you and her best friends off to get drunk and destroy the house with a bunch of jerks she probably didn’t know. As if on cue, Cady stumbled out the front door, chasing after a taller brunette, a red cup in her right hand and a low-cut, slutty dress falling off her body. And then she spotted you guys.
“Cady,” you yell, “what the hell! I can’t believe you would betray me like this!”
“Y/N, I can explain-”
“No,” Janis cuts her off. “Don’t even try to come up with some dumb excuse. I can’t believe I ever trusted you.”
“Guys!” Damian complains, “we really can’t be doing this, I have a curfew!”
Janis turns back for a moment, glaring at Damian before looking back at Cady like she could set the world on fire just by thinking it. “You could’ve told us, hell, you could have invited us!-”
“Janis, I’m supposed to act like I don’t know you, remember?”
“Cady, that’s fucking bullshit.”
“And I’m your sister! You fucking neglected to tell me that you were having a party at our house, it’s kind of important to let me in on this stuff.” Anger was coursing through your veins, your hands in fists with your nails digging into your palms
“This is your house, Cady! You could have invited whoever you wanted, you could’ve literally changed how the world works-”
“You guys wouldn’t even like this party..” Cady’s arms were crossed but her head was down, hanging in what you assumed to be guilt, but you were having none of it.
“Why? Because you were having an amazing time with your amazing friends?” If looks could kill, Janis would’ve had Cady obliterated in seconds.
“Janis, I can’t spend every second with you! It’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something!” At that moment, it’s like the rest of the world had fallen away and it was just the three of you standing on an empty plane. All of the color drained from Janis’s face except for the bright red of her cheeks, her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed.
“See- that’s the thing with you plastics; you think everybody loves you when actually, everybody hates you. Even your own sister isn’t putting up with this shit.”
“You made me like this! It was your idea for me to pretend to be plastic!” Cady looked over at you, confusion all over her face, looking for support but you simply looked to the ground.
“Pretend?” Janis let a cackle slip by before going hard. “This isn’t pretend, you’re cold, shiny, hard plastic. You think you could fool us? None of us are playing your games anymore, Cady. You’re on your own. Oh, and here,” Janis threw a painting of herself, Damian, and Cady at the other girl. “you can have this. It won a prize.”
“Janis, I-”
“No, it’s fine, have fun with your awesome friends, we’re leaving now.”
As you three pulled away, you looked back at your sister one last time. “You know, I’m not quite sure where my sister went, because she sure hasn’t been here for a while now. It’d be nice if you could find her and bring her back because I sure as hell don’t like whoever replaced her.”
That night, you three spent the night at Damian’s house where sleep was an object of fantasy. Janis had wrapped you in her arms as you let silent tears fall from your eyes, Janis swiping her thumb across your cheeks to wipe them away. The three of you spent the night venting, simply letting the feelings pour out of you. There was going to be a lot of healing and repairing to do.
After that night and the Burn Book incident (Janis filled you in on the details), your Cady began to come back. She had the three of you meet with her and she apologized multiple times, promising that she regretted everything she did and was willing to do anything to make it up to you guys. So you took her apology and hugged her, whispering, “I don’t know everything that caused this, but I’m glad you’re willing to make up for your mistakes. That’s the Cady I’ve known all my life.”
Over that summer, you and Janis spent a huge amount of time together; she even convinced you to come to public school for your last two years of school (she simply wanted an excuse to see you more). And you also told Cady about your relationship and she was nothing but supportive about it, glad to see that her best friend was treating you well and making you so, so happy.
On your first day of school, you walked in with your hand is Janis’s and a smile on your face. She led you around, taking you to each of your classes. You didn’t care if people were saying stuff about it because, after everything you had gone through in the last year, you were just glad to have a couple of friends and an amazing girlfriend to walk through the new terrain with. It was going to be tough, but with Janis (and Cady!) by your side, you knew it was going to be a great journey.
(semi-random) tags: @and-damian-too @barrett-w-weed @janisjeanjacket @palacesouttaparagraphs @janisrevengeparty @we-are-the-kings-and-the-queens @sarkisssian // let me know if you want to be tagged in future fics of mine!
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
Meet me in another time
for @sorrowfullheart21 , who requested a time trave with Sabo thanks for waiting!
Sabo stared up at the sky, counting the twinkling lights through his window. The moonlight that crept through the glass, fell on his desk bathing him int it’s white glow as he looked towards the sky. 
His stack of paperwork was neatly piled in front of him, freshly finished from his latest burst of motivation.
The base was dark with almost all members fast asleep, leaving a calm silence in their wake. The blond appreciated moments like these, where the world seemed to slow down and he could enjoy the little things in life.
Once upon a time stargazing with his brothers was his favorite past time...
Ace are you having fun running through the stars? Are you looking down at me while I look up, counting with me? 
Sabo liked to think he was, that Ace was up there resting in peace and dancing in the star lights. Sometimes on clear nights, Sabo swears the stars form Ace’s freckles, and for a brief second his brother ace appears in the sky, smiling as bright as the moon.
The blond’s eyes soften flashing his own pearly whites at the sky as his eyes flicker from one star to the next. He was up to twenty-seven when movement from the left side caught his eye.
A streak of white raced across the sky leaving behind a sparkling trail. A shooting star? Sabo turns his head to see the bright line straight on, watching it as it disappeared.
It brought back some nolgastic feelings.
“Make a wish huh?” He whispered thinking of the one night Luffy had pulled both him and Ace into an open field for a mini meeter shower. His younger brother had been appalled by Ace’s refuse in believing the star granted wishes forcing both ten-year-olds to make one wish.
Sabo’s smile turns a little sad as he remembered Ace’s wish, his child voice screaming it in the night. The same words leave his mouth as he leans his face into his right palm. “I wish I could punch Gol D Roger in his stupid face.”  
He chuckles, closing his eyes against the numb feeling spreading in his chest far too used to little reminders that Ace was gone-
Suddenly, the world started to tremble. Sabo’s eyes snapped open just in time to watch his ink jar tumble over its back liquid falling on the desk as the room shook. His bookcase fell forward dropping all of its shelves worth of things onto the floor, the pictures were slapping against the walls cracking and Sabo was thrown backward.
“Earthquake!” Someone shouted from the halls, but Sabo couldn’t tell which direction. The world was shaking too much, he could get his feet under him even after years of being on the uneven sea and it was almost like the room spun in circles around him.
The blond tried to hold on to the wall but the next tremble sent him tumbling forward. Just as his head was going to hit the ground he caught a glimpse of the shattered window.
A bright almost blind white light greeted him with open arms and then he saw nothing but black.
Awareness came slowly to Sabo. First, it was the rough wood under his right cheek that quickly spread to the rest of his body. The small prickling of his left arm was worrying but he ignored it for now. The second thing to register was the strong salty smell in the air and the sound of waves crashing into each other.
He was on a boat. How did he get on a boat? In fact, what had he been doing before waking up? His mind was really foggy…
Groaning Sabo forces his eyes to crack open, immediately shutting them again when the sunlight attacked his pupils. A sharp pain starting to build right behind his eyes making his less than happy. 
“ -looks like he’s awake!” Someone shouted much for too loud for his pounding head.  It sounds male and young probably a adolescent
“About time.” A rough voice answered.  “He’s been drooling on our floor far too long. Get some water in this lightweight”
“ugh” Sabo groans when someone not too gently flipped him onto his back. He heard the strangers chuckle, and if it wasn’t for how he still felt rather nauseous he would have punched them all. Someone put a cup to his lips, half letting him up so he is in a semi-sitting position and it’s then he realizes how dry his throat and mouth is. Sabo starts chugging the water down much to the amusement o whoever is feeding him.
“Fist time drinker?” The adolescent asks as soon as the cup is empty. Judging by how his voice is right on Sabo’s face it’s him who gave his throat that salvation.
“D-don’t…ugh ..don’t drink”  he chokes out
“I’ll say. You didn’t even last half the party. Not very flashy.”  Another young voice taunts. This causes a round of loud laughter to emerge with voices that are far too many then the three he thought were there.
“Cut him some slack. A party with your crew is hard on anyone yoi.”
These trigged a group of men to start arguing about which crew was the best- was he on a pirate ship? One stood out to his ears  “Eddy sure takes in weaklings, doesn’t he? A pirate that can’t hold his liquor to enjoy a party, now I’ve seen everything! Ha ha ha ha!”
That voice. It sounded like…
Sabo was up a second startling a redhead teenager that was just a foot in front of him. He was still holding the cup, but the Revolutionary could care less about that. The blond swung his head around desperately searching for dark hair and freckles in the crowd of men who were lodging around a wide open deck.
He didn’t seem his brother anywhere.  
His eyes landed briefly on a blue hair teenager that flinched back at his crazed gaze “Where is Ace?!”
“Ace! My brother!”
“I don’t know. Your crew has a lot of “brothers, ” how am I supposed to keep track of them-“
“Tell right now before I break your skull!” Sabo screamed, his hands turning black with his rage. The boy paled at his killing inlet scrambling to hide behind the frowning redhead- who was wearing a straw hat he shouldn’t be.  “Where did you get that!?”
“My captain?” he offered one red eyebrow raised like he thought Sabo the idiot.
“Liar!” Sabo took two steps forward ready to force the real answer out of him. He didn’t have his trusted pipe but he had his bare hands that were ready and able to get the job done. The surrounding men all straighten, obviously ready for a battle. Sabo would have fought them all, was just about to if it wasn’t for someone breaking his haze of rage.
He froze as the words washed over him.
“You may want to calm down. Even if you are Eddy’s boy I don’t take kindly to-“
“Ace!” He cut the speaker off reeling around to see his brother his brother was alive he was- “You’re not Ace.”
And just like that, it was like all the energy In his body was zapped away. Of course, it wasn’t Ace. His brother was two years dead, there was no hope that he be here now. The thought hurts like a physical wound, digging into his soul and spreading that oh so familiar numb ache. He almost slumps in place but stops at the last second because he’s still surrounded by possible hostiles and he still doesn’t know where he is.
Sabo raises his eyes to meet the stranger’s  then freezes in shock.
“Gol D…Roger?”  His voice sounds a little faint.
The man in the red coat grinned at him a tad bit bloodthirsty but his someone walks in front of Sabo. The man’s back is straight, his purple shirt tight against his back muscles and his light blue pants crunching up at the knees where they are bend.  It takes a moment to make the blond realize it’s to protect him from…the pirate king.  
“Roger leave him alone. He’s just scared and confused. He’s not used to getting drunk.”
“He threatened my cabin boys, bluebird.”
“I know. But you can’t hurt him…he’s my boyfriend.”
“He is?!” Suddenly it was like Gol D Roger went from bloodthirsty sea King to excited yipping puppy. “How long have you been together? How did you meet? When did you tell him you loved him? When he tell you? Oh! Are you getting married!? Can I come to the wedding!? We can make a double wedding! I have the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife. Did I tell you her hair is as pretty as the sunset and that her eyes are like the sea and oh her freckles are like the stars!”
The guy in front of Sabo took a step back, wrapping an arm around his waist while Roger continued to praise the woman that owns his heart- Aces mom, Portgas D Rouge Sabo thought in slightly confused wonder. His supposed boyfriend leaned his head down to whisper in the trench coat wearing man’s ear “Play along gorgeous and you may get to live. By the way, I’m Marco yoi.”
Sabo eyes widen when a pair of lips press on his cheek. He swung his head up to chew out the smug-
Mother fucking Marco the Phoenix. Younger than his latest poster but still Marco the Phoniex was winking back at him. Suddenly it was like Sabo was an awkward teenager again drooling over the wanted poster he had to trade three weeks desert for.
(Koala can be a cruel fanboy dealer)
His heart started pumping but not of adrenaline or fear for a few seconds before.
Ace if you're still watching....please help me.
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eris0330 · 7 years
♔ A vow to protect you♔ [M]
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Pairing: JinxReader
Genre: Angst;Fluff;Smut
Sum: After being together for 3 years, Jin finally popped the question of marriage proposal. Planning and family gatherings has been occupying you for the last 3 months, but something have always bothered you. Jin seemed stressed and all you could do, is be by his side. The wedding is set before another BTS comeback, and he became more distant around you. Anxiety and self-conscious erupted your mind when he was gone, did he really want to get married?
Epilogue to Fermata ↠ Guide
Word count: 3.7k
Triggers: Unprotected sex + Dom!Jin
A/N: I tried something new, I hope you like it. Please let me know, if it gave an effect or not.
“There should be stargazers on this table too!” A woman, rather older than yourself. Her voice so delicate and sweet, yet dominating when it came to decorating. Your lifeless frame, sitting on a chair as told. You watched Jin’s mother watch the younger women, how to decorate 8 tables for ten. The baby pink coloured table cloth, mixed perfectly with the white see-through fabric on top. Fairy lights hovering above, giving the room a fantasy feel of your first love.
“Did you hear from Jin, sweetie?” Her petite form, seated beside on the white covered wooden chair. Your eyes wandering around the room, trying not to spare the thought of Jin right now. There were no words, dedicated for him, giving in to only a denial shake as an answer.
“His brother is probably getting him into a tux for tomorrow. You can go home, I’ll finish up here” A friendly pat on your shoulder, feeling your worries darkening in the bottom of your stomach, lifted by a touch. Arms embracing your cold skin, before your feet began to walk along the red carpet to your car. The engine filling your ears of tinnitus and driving along the blocks, inside the traffic.
Your apartment sharing the same loneliness filling in your heart, of Jin being away with his brother. Clothes scattered around the floor, creating the messy life it has become, while the sunset’s low lights flash through the window glass, bringing your inner thoughts of positivity. Your bag and jacket placed upon the new leather couch, before embracing the worn clothes on the floor. Your hand tangling the pink shirt, that held hundreds of fresh and broken memories. The little study room in the corner, seemed like a mess to step inside. Books opened and occupying the whole desk, with pictures decorated with family and friends. Everything seemed too closed off and distant, grabbing the photos to examine your life. The way your friends’ support held you to continue the rough lifestyle, of being alone in the apartment. Jin’s handwritten letters from months ago, sent from the US doing his tour. It was the same kind of ritual, waiting in the living room before watching his worn-out body, proceed through the entrance.
His mind is too tired to talk about his day, even though you saw the distress on his face, bloom against his sweaty skin. Only a single kiss entangled on your gloomy forehead, before he travelled further to sleep. Another one, before leaving you like a loop with no exit. For now, your life didn’t wander around him, but with yourself. The interactions of a couple, distancing along the way. Barely, get to hear what he feels, what he thinks. Whenever you talked about the upcoming wedding, another subject interrupted. A stuttering mess, of thinking about something else. Leaving your little girl dreams on stand-by, until the day it will be fulfilled.
Watching over the album of your relationship growing, you missed the smile he had, when playing with his dog. The way he kissed you at every chance he could, or speak delightfully about his dreams. Where did they go. Today, the Jin you said ‘yes’ to, didn’t exist. You always wondered, if he distanced himself, to figure out his true intentions of a proposal. Did he ask you, to reach another milestone? To know, you won’t go anywhere, with another man? Continuously questioning your relationship, there would never be an answer.
Your future husband, was nowhere to be found. Another night, spend alone in the double bed. The cold breeze reminding you, this is what’s going to happen the rest of your life. Memories displayed while sleeping, reminded of the love he gives. His happiness, is more important, than for your mind to rest.
Jin - 00:56 “I’ll be sleeping in the dorm with the boys, until tomorrow. I love you” Read 00:58
y/n - 01:02 “Don’t forget your tux is at your brother’s place. Love you…” Read 01:05
Pushing him for more answers than you will get, pursued you to hope, he will stand and wait for in church. The same light that continuous to glow in his eyes, when seeing your frame. The tears falling upon the white pillow, holding your head steady, didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, but his happiness. His decision, was no longer in your hands. Imagining the silhouette of his body disappearing from the crowd, on the journey to find joy and love once again, without you in it. The pain breaking your heart without comfort of someone, holding you close to assure you, that everything is okay, is gone.
y/n - 09:23 - Good morning, your mom is asking for you Unread
y/n - 10:56 - Can’t wait to see you Unread
y/n - 11:02 - Jin..? Unread
y/n - 11:30 - I love you.. Unread
“Still not a word from him, sweetie?” Jin’s mother have noticed your stress and the grey cloud forming above your head, looking clueless on your phone screen. Not a single message, or word from him. There was no way to tell, if he was even at the altar. You could walk in at the entrance, realising at the last second, he won’t be there. The shame of a spontaneous widow, to make an escape.
“No… Maybe he got cold feet” Your words stuttered in the white room. Your hair sat in the perfect updo, with diamonds decorated in the brown shaded colour. Your necklace that Jin bought you on your 3rd year anniversary, snuggly fit around your neck, framing your collarbones.
“Oh honey, Jin wouldn’t do that” A cold hand, yet again placed on your shoulder. A knot forming in your stomach, replaced the excitement you held in for the day. Not even the beautiful white princess dress, helped the way you looked at yourself. Sweet and delicate, with worries swaying over your face.
“We have barely talked the past few days… It’s like he is avoiding me. I can’t get through him, not even a single message ON OUR WEDDING DAY. Not even a simple word of ‘Hello’. Maybe all of this is going too fast…” Your eyes stinging at the words that flew from your mouth, scared the mother beside. Her eyes widening of your sudden outburst and fear, making her tug you in for a hug. Her hand gracing at the small of your back, like Jin usually does when you needed comfort. Your emotions caught in a rollercoaster, at the sound of a woman’s hum.
“Sweetie, I think it’s time for you to watch this.” The warm embrace leaving, getting handed a phone. The screen pitch black, making you look perplexed at the light smiling woman. A nod for approval, for you to continue.
“I promised him only to show you this, when everything went down to zero” A last touch on your shoulder, before leaving the room by yourself. Confused and emotional, you touched the black screen to see a light flash your eyes. A rumbling in the darkness, before a person showed. His graceful brown hair and tired eyes, like you remembered only a few days ago. His black shirt and in the room of an office, with his eyes staring into the camera. You couldn’t help it, but smile at finally seeing his face.
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“You’re right… you’re a maniac” Your fingers trembling, hearing his giggles through the speaker.
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Your heart stopped, feeling it beat slower by the second, coming to a normal rate. Your eyes turning from a sting, to a burn. Clutching to the skirt of your dress, you proceeded to keep away your tears.
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“I want to see you though…” A smile forming on your lips, but feeling the urge to kiss his luscious face.
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“Please wait for me” It was like he knew you from the inside of your mind, talking to a video he recorded days ago. The way he knew how your mind worked, whenever he was gone. Taking every step, with care.
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“I know… We should have waited…” Your hand trembling eagerly, waiting for him to say, ‘I can’t do this’. Your understanding, of that it’s okay to back out. If it meant for him to finally relax, and get better, then that’s what should be sacrificed. The same knot from yesterday, tightening at the sight of his eyes.
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“Are you sure…?” Your voice trembling, holding back the tears dwelling in the corner of your eyes. Your hand gasping at your lips, trying to contain your emotions finding their place.
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“I can’t wait either…” You couldn’t help the smile growing on your face, hearing his assurance of everything. This is the man, you gave your heart to.
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At this point, you couldn’t keep your tears at bay. The warm salt water traveling down your blushed cheeks, feeling the knot in your stomach untie to excitement. Your finger stroking at the screen, wanting to touch his face.
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“I promise.”
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“I love you too… so much” The video turned off, hearing the door creak in the background. Jin’s mother coming closer, before drying away your fallen tears.
“Oh honey… you’re ruining your makeup” Moving away to find the makeup tools again, you simply giggled and finally felt the happiness grow in your heart like a sunflower. Your appearance didn’t matter, when you knew Jin would only see you as beautiful. After minutes of fixing the mess he created, you finally took a look of joy, on yourself. The way everything became perfect, twirling around to feel the magic flow.
“Are you ready?” Your father coming closer, to smile fondly at your glorious frame. You smiled, feeling a light kiss faint your cheek. Putting on your veil, your arm tangled together with his, to nod gently.
“Ready.” Every step and sound of your heels hitting the floor, you felt your heart race harder and faster. Your arm tightening around your fathers, before looking at him for comfort. The bells above the church, rang so the sound could be heard up to the sky. Sunlight hitting your bare back, standing in front of the big wooden red door. The sound of a piano could be heard from the inside, dragging your further in with the sound of Yoongi’s fingers fiddling the keys. Taking a deep breath, you heard the heavy doors open to be revealed in front of a crowd. Your family on one side, and friends on the other. The boys standing in line beside the man you loved, wearing a magnificent tux. Your eyes becoming glossy, before even standing in front of Jin. The sound of your mother crying of joy, being left to look him in the eyes. His smile widening, as he mouthed a ‘You look beautiful’. Your feelings were crowded with happiness and excitement, that it felt unreal. His hands intertwining with yours, before starting his vows. His thumb stroking the back of your hand, while clearing his throat. A red hue covering his cheekbones, making you mirror.
"I promise to encourage your compassion, because that is what makes you unique and wonderful. I promise to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines. I promise to help shoulder our challenges, for there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together. I promise to be your partner in all things, not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole. Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things."
Fingers tightening, seeing his tears form in the corner of his eyes. You have already given up, trying to keep your tears away. Giving in to the moment, you wanted to drag him in for a hug. His face snuggled against your neck, but it’s too early. His voice was fluent and confident, with a hint of stuttering at getting it perfect. That’s what he was, perfect. His fingers smoothly covering your own, feeling the silver ring get placed. Snuggly and comfort, finally seeing the beauty of being together. Closing your eyes, you recapped the moment you spent in the couch like an old couple. The nagging and the hyperactive days in the kitchen, cooking after his recipe. That’s, what you were excited to do, being husband and wife.
"I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, your student and your teacher, your consolation in disappointment, your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things. All things." Your tears were unstoppable, gracing the silver ring over his fingers. Matching, you shot him a smile. The joy and gestures from the back, radiating at your body. Time stopped, catching his eyes. There was no need for words, as for knowing his love.
“You may kiss the bride” Your hands let loose, before feeling the warmth travel towards your cheeks. A faint of ‘I love you’ whispered, before feeling his plump lips touch yours. The sound of clapping in the background made you giggle into the touch, finally reaching another milestone. Releasing the lips, you felt his hands grab firmly around your own. A smile of mischief before he started walking in a hurry towards the exit, where a car was waiting. The bride’s maids and guests eagerly following, waiting for you to throw the bouquet of flowers. Waving goodbye, not even seeing who caught it, the sound of cheers disappeared into the air. Turning to your man, his airy laugh filled the car, before placing yet another kiss.
“You watched the video, didn’t you?” Avoiding his eyes, you nodded faintly at him. Another laugh, intertwining your fingers placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
“I told you to trust me…” A gentle stroke, bringing you back to reality.
“How could I, when you weren’t here?” You muttered, making his hands squeeze.
“Now, I’ll always be here.” Your foreheads leaning against each other, feeling his lashes tickle your skin.
“Where are we going anyways?” Your eyes following the brick blocks along the road, scanning the route of being familiar.
“We got some time before the guests arrive at the party… thought we could go home for a bit.” His fiery yes turning lustful, at the sight of your form becoming smaller. The sound of your heart racing and electricity running down your veins to your core. Not a word exchanged, before arriving outside your apartment. Jin whispering to the driver, before exiting the black car. The door being opened, while his tall body kneeled in front. Arms approaching, fixing you into bridal style. Without hesitation, your arms swayed around his neck, feeling his muscle tense.
“Ready to go in as Wife and Husband, love?” Biting your lips, you nodded gently. His steps were light and fast, coming closer to the unlocked door. The same interior apartment, filled with memories of sorrow and laughter. Standing in the entrance, Jin closed the door with his foot. In a hurried movement, he proceeded to walk further to the bedroom. Your light body clashed upon the bouncy mattress, before seeing his finger grace around his black bowtie. Loosening it and taking off his blazer, you noticed his muscles flex under the white shirt.
“Jin I-“ Your lips crashing upon each other, letting the tongues dance tango. The scent and taste of his, made your mind clouded. Your core screaming and cheeks heated, feeling his hands travel along your waist. Unzipping your dress, he picked you up to let the white fabric fall to the floor, letting you stay in your garments.
“Don’t talk.” Pushing you back on the bed, Jin kneeled on the floor at the edge of the bed. His hands firmly grabbing around your hips, to drag you closer. Your covered wet heat, only centimetres apart from his face. The excitement building in your core, feeling his exhales hit your inner thighs. A finger brushed gently upon the pink fabricated underwear, making your abs tense up. Stroking your covered slit, Jin noticed your juices already soaked it.
“Already so dirty…” Finger tucking along the line of your underwear, pulling it to the side, revealing your wet centre. Biting your lip in anticipation, you saw his eyes glow with lust. It turned you on, that he became another person doing heated times.
“Looks like I need to clean you up” Within a second later, you felt his tongue slide up between your folds. A gasped moan escaping your lips, feeling every stroke of his tongue touching your sensitive nub. The sound of his groan between your legs, as responding of your moaning. A finger, sending chills up your spine of shock. Jin didn’t give you time to adjust, before another was added. Your hands grasping to the sheets, forming knuckles around the baby blue fabric. Your juice flowing down your thigh at the point of buckling your hips, for more. His fingers pumping faster and harder, to only hear your insides and juices rub against the bones of him.
His form standing above, to look down on the mess he made. He unbuckled his belt, to let loose of his hardened beast. The pre-cum already seeming from the tip of his member, making you lean in with your hands. A light moan falling from his lips, feeling your fingers stroke against the veined member. Your lips meeting and parting to taste every inch you could get, preparing for another gag of his length.
“Shit Y/N, keep going” An eager Jin, made you pump the rest of length you couldn’t cover with your mouth. His fingers tangling in your hair, bopping your head forward for more. Tears forming in the corner of your eyes, unable to have all of him inside. His hips rocking and thrusting gently against your face, making his moan loader and exhales sharper. A goal of making him see stars under his eyelids, made you nibble with your teeth at the tip of his length. Your eyes in contact, knowing the boundaries of pain and pleasure. Locked eyes together, you went to deep throat his member. His stomach flexing at your slow and pleasurable entrance, seeing you take all of him. Your saliva dribbling from the edge of your chin, releasing his member from your mouth.
“Get on the bed, all fours.” Without restraining, you stepped upon the bed with your legs partly spread, with knees and forearms holding you in a famous dog style. Your bum in the air, feeling his legs place in between yours. The tip of his length sliding inside like a magnet, making him grunt at the feel.
“Tight, as always.” His member pushed further, making you bite your lip. Feeling every bit of his length, fill you out. His warm and big hands around your hip, anticipating the first thrust. Forceful, but delicate. Your ass clashing against his hips, only making the sound of skin hitting, boom through the whole apartment. Your loud exhales turning to lustful moans, while feeling his thrusts become hard. The call of your name, and a hand stroking the skin of your plush flesh.
“Do you know how many times I wished to come from work, fucking you like this Baby?” A slap hitting across your buttocks, making you whimper. The heated sting of his hands forming on your skin, but feeling the pleasure of pain erupt your body.
“No…” You moaned, feeling another slap on the other side. Harsh but gentle, indescribable of how it excited you.
“Every. Day. That I might explode.” His hands gripping around your thighs, turning you around on the mattress. His hips hovering above your beaten wet heat, seeing his gloomy eyes rise in the dim light. With your guidance, he was inside filling all your needs. Your legs crossing and locking his body down, feeling his member pump against your G-spot.
“I need to come, now.” His raspy voice tickling your eardrums, before thrusting once. His legs turning, finding the right position to get release. Your hands cupping his face, kissing him passionately like always.
“Come inside me, Jin” Your words of begging, making him smirk mischievously. His arms holding him steady, before placing a last kiss on your forehead. Your hands traveling along his ribs, feeling every thrust with might. Your moans filling the room, while letting your nails scratch down his sweaty back. His groans becoming sharper, accelerating to loud rough moans. His lips kissing down your shoulders, collarbones to bite on your hardened nipples.
“I can’t hold it back anymore, baby” His pumps becoming powerful, making you speechless at is actions. Your core tightening around him, feeling his last thrusts of pain. Your walls tightening and pulsating around his throbbing member, hearing his last call of your name before the warmth of his seeds flowed inside. Stars and glistering lights formed under your eyelids, unsure if your eyes rolled back by accident under your high. Jin’s body crashed upon yours, gathering energy to move. Your breaths syncing, as well for your hearts. Your finger intertwining with the brunette strands, and sweat dripping from his forehead, down on your chest.
“Either I’ll visit you more often at work, or you get your ass back home more frequently” You gasped, hearing his giggle rumble against your skin. His face hovering above yours, sending heart eyes in your way.
“My stamina might drop down to zero by the time I turn 30 then” He chuckled, placing a soft kiss upon your nose. Your shoulders shrugging at his answer, sending him a smile. Jin’s eyes followed down to see his watch, before turning back to you.
“We still got some time left, before our driver arrives. Ready for round 2?” Without given time to answer, a sheet covered your bodies with the sound of giggles, let loose from the inside. His arms holding you tightly, tucking you into his warmth.
“Only if I’m allowed to be the dominant one!” You giggled at the touch of his hands squeezing your hips, inhaling your scent of flowers.
His face finding place in the crook of your neck, like he always did. His lashes and exhales stroking your goosebumped skin, making you hum gently into his hair. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Jin.”
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astrogeoguy · 5 years
A Lame Lyrids Meteor Shower, Birds Fly Around the Full Egg Moon, and Some Sights to See in Moonlight!
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(Above: While this is just about the worst week of the month to see it, the galaxy designated Messier 87 (M87) is the host to the black hole that astronomers were able to image using widely spaced radio telescopes. The galaxy is one of hundreds concentrated in a patch of sky off the tail of Leo, which is in the evening south-eastern sky during mid-April. Wait for the moon to leave next week, and use a large-aperture telescope to see this gigantic elliptical galaxy.)
Hello, Stargazers! 
Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of April 14th, 2019 by Chris Vaughan. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and send me your comments, questions, and suggested topics. I repost these emails with photos at http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/ where all the old editions are archived. You can also follow me on Twitter as @astrogeoguy! Unless otherwise noted, all times are Eastern Time. Please click this MailChimp link to subscribe to these emails. If you are a teacher or group leader interested joining me on a guided field trip to York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory or the David Dunlap Observatory, visit www.astrogeo.ca. 
I can bring my Digital Starlab inflatable planetarium to your school or other daytime or evening event, visit DiscoveryPlanitarium.com and request me. We’ll tour the Universe together!
Public Astro-Events
Every Monday evening, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory runs an online star party - broadcasting views from four telescopes/cameras, answering viewer questions, and taking requests! Details are here. On Wednesday nights they offer free public viewing through their rooftop telescopes. If it’s cloudy, the astronomers give tours and presentations. Details are here. 
On Wednesday evening, April 17 at 7 pm, the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario will present a free talk and webcast by well-known astrophysicist and author Lee Smolin entitled Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution, about quantum mechanics and its impact on our understanding of the Universe. Registration and details are here. 
On Saturday, April 20, starting at 11 am, U of T’s AstroTour will present their kid-friendly planetarium show Grand Tour of the Cosmos. Tickets and details are here. 
The next RASC Family Night at the David Dunlap Observatory will be on Saturday, April 27! There will be sky tours in the Skylab planetarium room, space crafts, a tour of the giant 74” telescope, and viewing through lawn telescopes (weather permitting). The doors will open at 8 pm for an 8:30 pm start. Attendance is by tickets only, available here. If you are a RASC Toronto Centre member and wish to help us at DDO in the future, please fill out the volunteer form here. And to join RASC Toronto Centre, visit this page. 
Lyrids Meteor Shower
The annual Lyrids meteor shower, derived from particles dropped by comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher), runs from April 16 to 25 every year and peaks before dawn on Monday, April 22, worldwide. This shower can produce up to 18 meteors per hour, with occasional fireballs. True Lyrids will appear to be travelling away from a point in space (the shower’s radiant) near the bright star Vega, which will be high in the eastern sky before dawn. Unfortunately, a bright, gibbous moon will wash out all but the brightest meteors this year.
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(Above: The annual Lyrids meteor shower peaks before dawn on Monday, april 22 - but the nearly full moon will spoil this year’s shower. True Lyrids will appear to be traveling away from a spot near the bright star Vega, as shown here for 5 am local time.)
You can start watching as soon as it's dark. Even when the peak number occurs before dawn, meteors will still be visible before midnight, too. Don't worry about looking directly at the radiant. Bring a blanket and a chaise to avoid neck strain. And remember that binoculars and telescopes will not help: their field of view is too narrow to see the long meteor trails. If you have friends or family along, don’t look at each other while chatting. Keep your eyes to the skies! 
The Moon and Planets
This week, the moon will continue to fill with light as it waxes from First Quarter to full before the coming Easter weekend. Tonight (Sunday), the moon will sit less than a palm’s width to the right of the bright, white star Regulus, which marks the heart of Leo (the Lion). See if you can find the backwards question mark of stars extending upwards from Regulus. Those five stars form the front end of the lion. The “hook” measures about 1.5 fist diameters, top to bottom. 
Over the rest of the week, the moon will rise later each night and pass though the rest of Leo, and then Virgo (the Maiden) and Libra (the Scales). Friday morning brings the Full Egg Moon, so it will look full on both Thursday and Friday night. Next week, I’ll tell you why the moon dictates when Easter occurs, and why Easter 2019 is later than some might expect. 
Also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, Pink Moon, and Fish Moon, the April full moon always shines in or near the stars of Virgo, and is visible globally. When fully illuminated, the moon’s geology is enhanced, especially the contrast between the bright ancient cratered highlands and the dark, younger, smoother maria. This summer will mark the 50th anniversary of the first footsteps by humans on the moon. 
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(Above: Mars remains the only evening planet this spring, as shown here at 9:30 pm  local time on April 14. Look for the bright, reddish star Aldebaran to Mars’ left and the bright, compact, blue Pleiades star cluster to the planet’s lower right.)
The reddish planet Mars will continue to be easily spotted without optical aid for a couple of hours after dusk every evening this week. But the later spring sunsets mean that Mars will set in the west just before midnight local time this week. Once the sky has darkened, look for Mars as a medium-bright, reddish pinpoint of light sitting one-third of the way up the western sky. Mars has been slowly shrinking in size and brightness as we increase our distance from it little-by-little. If you aren’t sure exactly where Mars is, look for the bright, bluish Pleiades star cluster sitting a generous fist diameter to the planet’s lower right. Look for the star Aldebaran, which is brighter than Mars right now and has a similar reddish colour, sitting a palm’s width to the lower left of Mars all week. 
Oops! Last week I indicated that Jupiter was rising before midnight. But that won’t begin happening in the GTA until the closing days of April. This week, the very bright planet will rise a little after 12:30 am local time. By 6 am, Jupiter will catch your eye in the lower part of the southern sky.  Yellowish Saturn, the second brightest object in the southern pre-dawn sky, will be also visible before as dawn arrives. The ringed planet will be sitting about 2.5 outstretched fist diameters to the left of Jupiter.
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(Above: As shown here at 6 am local time on Monday, April 15, five of the planets are currently in the pre-dawn sky. Jupiter rises first, followed by Saturn, then Neptune, which is too dim to label. Venus and Mercury rise just before the sun. Notice how the planets and the sun all sit near the Ecliptic line that shows how the plane of our solar system spans the sky.) 
Mercury and Venus can both be spotted low in the eastern sky just before sunrise this week. For some time now, very bright Venus has been descending and moving eastward towards the sun.  This has also brought Venus within a few finger widths of Mercury, which can be found to Venus’ lower left. After mid-week, Mercury’s faster sunward orbit will move it farther from Venus. Due to Mercury’s position below a slanted morning ecliptic, this will be a very poor pre-dawn appearance of the swift planet for Northern Hemisphere skywatchers, but a very good one for those viewing Mercury from the Southern Hemisphere. In the GTA, your best time to see Mercury will fall between about 6 and 6:15 a.m. local time. 
Uranus is too close to the evening sun for viewing. Neptune is still embedded in eastern pre-dawn twilight, but it will become observable in a few weeks. I’ll post sky charts for all the observable planets here. 
Bright Moonlight Targets
Generally speaking, once the moon becomes more than 50% illuminated, its bright moonlight hinders the viewing of everything but the brightest stars and planets. Nevertheless, there are always interesting sights to see. Here are some things to entice you out under the stars this week – if you aren’t a moon fan.
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(Above: While the moon shines brightly, spend some time looking at the bright stars in the evening, as shown here for 9:30 pm local time. Bright Arcturus is off the chart to the left.) 
While commonly thought of as twin stars, Castor and Pollux are visually different under closer inspection. In mid-evening they are positioned halfway up the western sky. Castor, the more westerly star, is a hot white A-class star located 51 light-years from Earth and shining at magnitude 1.9. In a backyard telescope, Castor resolves into a nice double star, although it is actually six stars made up of three binary pairs. Pollux is a cooler, yellow G-class (like our sun) star situated 34 light-years away. Its more golden hue can be seen visually. At this time of year, the pair of stars sets after 3 am local time. 
The evening eastern sky on mid-April evenings is dominated by the bright orange star Arcturus, aka Alpha Boötis (the Herdsman). This star, located 37 light-years from Earth, is a K0-class red-orange giant with 1.5 times the mass of our sun, and about 100 times the output of the sun in visible wavelengths. Arcturus is visible from everywhere on Earth except the extreme southern latitudes. For observers in mid-northern latitudes, only Sirius in Canis Major (the Big Dog) shines brighter. Arcturus’ name derives from the expression “Guardian of the Bear” because it trails Ursa Major (the Big Bear). 
The third week of April offers a final opportunity to view the winter constellations in a dark sky before they sink into the west and conjunction with the sun. The bright stars of Orion (the Hunter) and his faithful, furry companion Sirius remain visible on moonlit evenings. After dark, the giant hunter is already leaning westward in the west-southwestern sky – preparing for his summertime slumber.
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(Above: To help with your “bird-watching”, here’s a sky chart for 12:45 am local time on April 20. The constellations will remain in place after the moon moves on.) 
Birds Surround the Egg Moon
When the Full Egg Moon crosses the night sky this week, it will be accompanied by several bird-themed constellations. The diamond-shaped constellation of Corvus (the Crow) sits 1.5 fist diameters to the right of the bright star Spica in Virgo (the Maiden). The bird is already low in the southeastern sky after dusk, and then flies higher, hour-by-hour. Cygnus (the Swan) will finish “taking off” from the northeastern horizon shortly after midnight local time. After 2 a.m., Aquila (the Eagle) will hunt in the eastern sky, to the lower right of Cygnus. And while it’s stretching the metaphor a little, the huge northerly constellation of Draco (the Dragon) sits directly above Cygnus, and winged Pegasus will rise to join the flock in the predawn.
Keep looking up, and enjoy the sky when you do. I love questions and requests - so, send me some!
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porelcontrario · 7 years
The Long Road
This past weekend I went on a field trip with my environment class to the north part of Senegal. Our destination was Lompoul, Senegal’s desert, located about 3-4 hours from Dakar. The plan was to visit the Great Green Wall (an initiative to stop desertification) and Lac du Guiers on Saturday, spend the night in the desert and leave the next day. However, the universe had another itinerary in mind for us.
After stopping for an early lunch on Saturday, we were headed farther up north when suddenly our car stopped sounding like a functioning car and began to sound like it would break down any second. Luckily (alxamdulilah) we were close to a town and were able to get the car to an auto shop, which in Senegal is a spot on the side of the road with a bunch of men and old car parts. While we waited on the diagnosis of the van, our professor instructed us to go sit under the nearest tree. With plenty of time to kill, we began to meet some of the locals who were obviously curious as to why a group of tubas suddenly appeared in their town. In efforts to try and entertain the swarm of kids that surrounded us, I tried to start a dance party but it wasn’t well received. Instead of joining me, the shy kids occasionally giggled but mostly just stared. However, I was able to start a handsome with one of the girls while she sang a song in Wolof. Shortly after this microscopic bond was made, our professor told us the verdict of the van: it had a problem with the engine and would have to go back to Dakar because it did not have enough power to drive through the desert.
Alas, our new ride that appeared was a pick up truck with just two seats, one for the driver and one for the professor. The remaining 11 of us climbed into the bed of the truck sitting onto of the two benches on each side. Although our other van was a lot more safe, this vehicle provided us with a more scenic, bumpy, and adventurous route.
When we finally reached the desert in the late afternoon, it had began to cool down and the slight winds felt were very pleasant. This was my first time being in the desert and I was in complete awe. From our accommodations for the night, which were simply four tents clustered together, all you could see were sand dunes upon sand dunes. This was the first open/natural space that I had encountered in a while without any air, light, or noise pollution. It felt so freeing to be in this open and peaceful space.
I later had the opportunity to ride a camel which was a cool/scary experience that very much brought me back to my horrifying fear of riding horses that I had when I was younger. I had never been that close to an animal that large let alone straddled myself on top of it. Luckily, Mustafa, my calm was nice enough to give me a short and pleasant ride.
After the camel rides, my friends and I continued to explore farther into the vast desert that lied in front of us. Once we settled upon a nice and high sand dune, we watched one of the most breathtaking sunsets that I have ever witnessed.
For dinner, we had a candle lit meal in a beautifully decorated tent and ate some delicious vegetable soup and some couscous and stew. After dinner, we sat under the stars with our professor who told us some traditional African tales. It was beautiful hearing these ancient stories that have been passed down for generations. The rest of the night was spent in the cool air stargazing and talking about space and the rest of the universe that humans have little to no control over.
The next morning, I woke up from my first sweatless night in Senegal and was greeted by a magnificent sunrise. This amazing adventure brought me back to nature and humbled me with the reinforced notion that we have very little control over many things in life. However, what we can control is how we react when the road gets bumpy or broken; choosing to joyously embrace the unexpected and have gratitude for all of the beauty that surrounds us. Fall in love with the bumpy, broken, and long road.
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