#and when i asked them where they got it they just said ''dont worry about it''
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Ive been writting this one for a while.
!Dont know if i will keep writting on this universe
Wrote this one while listening to a portuguese song, (dont ask please), link below
!Im not english, so im sorry for any spelling mistake!
You know, she is probably still mad at me- you said to Mapi and Ingrid while making your way to the dressing room- If i tell her she won't probably talk to me ever again.
Cmon she knows you y/n! She has to understand that there is something more important going on. You have to tell her or she is going to break up with you. You can't hide it anymore. You have been so stressed, she is going to notice even more- Ingrid answered you.
You “have a kid”. Not you, but your ex. Your ex was pregnant 1 YEAR AND A HALF AGO! Now you have a kid with 9 months . Before you both broke up, almost 2 years ago, you both were trying to have a baby but it never worked, at least you thought that. Turns out you were wrong! She was pregnant all this damn time, had a kid and didn't tell you anything till last night. 
Last week after your away easy win 6-0 against Valencia she, and your baby, were in the public. She asked you to talk with her, which was clearly strange. Then she told you that the kid that was sleeping like a little angel was yours. She also told you all of a story but you just did not pay any attention to her still in shock looking at the sleepy kid in the grey pram. She told you that didn't want the baby anymore and wanted to give the kid up for adoption and wanted to inform you about it. You were arguing with her and ended up saying that you would stay with the sleepy baby. She was a bit shocked but agreed and told you you have a couple of weeks till you have to go get the baby or the baby was going to be adopted. You just agreed and said that will keep in touch.
Ona saw you both talking and, of course didnt like it, mainly cause of the love story you and your ex had. She was really jealous and didnt talked to you until you were both at home. Where you both fought because  she was jealous of your ex. She clearly made some movies on her head but you didnt want to keep arguing with her, it was a long day and you were so tired, so you just slept on the couch so you could get your head cleared.
 Things got a bit better but you didn't tell her, not yet. Only Mapi and Ingrid know about it, they are your best friends and you needed to talk to someone so you talked to them. They were clearly in shock when you told them that but decided to help you. That's what they are trying to do now.
“Now let's go to practice so you can clear your mind a bit, vale”?- Mapi sayed while squeezing your cheek
Practice was fine but you weren't really present there, which made your teammates worried 
“You need to tell her” Mapi said in the locker room. Mapi was right. You needed to tell her.
After a ride home that looked like an eternity, you were both at home. 
You were both watching some trash tv when she breaked the weird silence.
“Hey, what's going on? You´ve been a bit strange since you talked with your ex” Ona said with a worried look. “I have something to tell you, bebé, I just don't know how to tell you” You said while the brunette looked with an even more worried look “I-I have a baby. I didn't knew it, my ex told me after the game against Valencia, that's what we were talking about. She wanted to give the baby up for adoption, but I just couldn't tell her to do it, when I looked at that little baby sleeping in such an innocent cute way. I didn't knew what to do or say to you, i'm so so sorry…” you gasped and took your eyes full of tears out of the  floor to look at Ona who looked at you in shocked “You have a-a Kid?” she repeated while you nodded “And the kid is going to live with us” you nodded again. A minute of silence was made by both of you. Both of your hearts pumping fast 
“I think I can handle that '' she smacked your arm, with a soft small smile on oour face, joking at you who were in  tears by now. 
She looked a bit unsure because of her smile being so small, but you just hugged her in a really sad but sweet hug. 
“ Hey, hey, stop crying, okay you whiny? I'm here, I'm gonna help you through this, okay mi amor?I love you!” She was still making fun of you but she was as scared as you. It was her way to defend herself, being sarcastic and funny but you loved it even if it makes never be sure if she is scared or not.
“I love you too Oni, thanks for being here…” You managed to say while tears were rolling down your face and starting to get Ona´s eyes.
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heroictoonz · 12 days
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Lucky Girl Syndrome!! / theodore nott x fem reader
playlist : lucky girl syndrome - illit
summary : y/n has always been just a lucky person , in her acedemics , looks , friends , family and even in her general day to day. however she wasnt so fortunate when it came to her love life...but maybe it wasnt luck chasing love away , but instead someone close to her?
y/n , slytherin reader , fluff , swearing , arguing , jealous theo, anrgy theo and reader
a/n - as an extremely unlucky person- this fic gave me inner peace LMAOO
thats that me espresso! (another theo fic)
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you walked happily though the halls , narrowly missing a prank set up by the weasley twins as their failed trick of a water bucket soaked them and left you completely dry. how lucky!
"i swear there is something wrong with that girl like she has some kind of force feild!" george sighed in frustration , their 3rd prank of the week failing to actually get you.
"God has favourites georgie, he has favourites ," fred patted georges back as they both sulked away to dry their now drenched clothes.
of course you were olbivous to the whole thing! your stroll down the hallway continued , the sun hitting your face in just the right way as you reached the great hall , practically skipping to the slytherin table.
"hi guys!" you exclaimed excited as you sat down at just the right time to ignore the apple that had just come flying at your head.
hearing the apple crash to the ground you turned again , confused seeing the apple roll around on the ground.
"shit , sorry y/n i was aiming for harry but he dodged!" ron shouted apologetically across the room.
"dont worry r-" you started until you were interuppted by your best friend theo besides you, who held a cold glare at ron.
"do that again and it wont be an apple flying at your head weasley!" theodore shouted at him as ron awkwardly looked away.
"dont theo , it was an accident," you said putting a hand on his arm as he immediatly softened.
"youre too kind y/n you shouldve been in hufflepuff," pansy said with a sigh.
"green suits me more," you smiled at pansy as she giggled ,"besides i can be quite mean when i want to be."
"youre not wrong about that , you nearly broke my ribs with that bludger in quidditch!" draco complained , still not letting go of a quidditch incident from 2nd year.
"draco i really wish you would get over that , it was my first match i was nervous and thought you were on the other team," you sighed starting to eat your food.
draco grumbled in response until the whole table turned around to look at something behind you, in confusion you turned too and saw a ravenclaw boy in your year.
"hi y/n i was just wondering if maybe you would-" the boy , named david, started to speak until catching his eye on something besides you. waiting for him to carry on he instead shuddered with fear and backed away instantly , practically running back to the ravenclaw table.
"david!" you tried to call after him , but instead he walked faster , sitting himself down and avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"the fuck? what...what did i do?" you asked your friends frantically , knowing that he intended to ask you out before he suddenly stopped.
"you didnt do anything sweet y/n ," matheo started before shifting his eyes to theodore next to you, "maybe a greater force got in the way?"
confused by his choice of words you looked back at david , a look he didnt return. in frustration you held your head in your hands and groaned , "im so unlucky!"
"i wouldnt say that," blaise scoffed as the whole friendgroup nodded , knowing luck was not your lack.
"no i mean unlucky in love! david was clearly going to ask me out but just like the gryffindor from last week he couldnt even finish his scentence and ran!" you sighed , venting your anger to your friends.
"yeah well you can do much better," theodore remarked in a cold tone , his eyes still peircing where a shaking david sat. as you watched theodore stare and david cower , everything seemed to click into place.
"theodore!" you snapped at him , making him finally turn and look at you , "yknow sometimes i think that you drive them away!"
"you think!" lorenzo scoffed as pansy smacked him on the arm , quickly shutting him up.
"i havent done anything, its not my fault he ran off , what could i have done?!" theodore argued back as the rest of your friend group watched him in disbelief , knowing he drove david , the guy from gryffindor and every guy ever, away.
you scoffed ,"oh really so you didnt death stare him? he clearly looked at you before running!"
"wow i didnt know you would get so touchy about david the ravenclaw!" he said in a mocking tone as you both seethed with anger.
"read the room theodore for fucks sake! maybe i do want to go on a date , maybe i wouldve said yes! i didnt notice at first , how every guy just bolted as soon as he looked at some mysterious thing next to me , now i realise it was you probably doing a cut throat gesture!" , you ranted at theodore as draco tried to hold in his laugh.
"maybe he had an epiphany about you or something!" theodore tried to argue back , all of you knowing he couldnt really deny anything you said , it was all true.
"what- you think its me driving them away? stay out of my love life theo its none of your fucking business!" you harshly shouted your final remark before getting up from the table and stomping out of the great hall.
"there goes that mean streak i was just talking about," draco mutters , shaking his head and continuing to eat his food.
the table sat in silence for a few second before mattheo spoke up again, "you kinda deserved that."
"fuck off!" theodore snapped as he jumped up and strode after you , and out the great hall.
walking into your dormroom you threw your robe off of you and loosened your tie , trying to lose some of the heat from your argument.
pacing the room your thoughts were interrupted as the door burst open , theodore walking in and standing in front of you , keeping a fair distance as you stared back at him.
"what do you want now theo!! do you want to control my friendships? maybe throw a glare and a threat at enzo and draco and maybe they'll stop talking to me aswell!" you shouted at him loudly now, as venom dripped from your words.
he stepped towards you quickly , as you tried to back away- he grabbed the sides of your face delicatly.
"i want you," he said , his voice just above a whisper as your heart burst into flames , the heat dispersing itself across your cheeks.
"d-.. theo dont say thing you dont- that you know you dont mean," you said avoiding his gaze , shaking your head as your voice had dropped to an insecure mumble.
"y/n i have only ever wanted you , i glare and i threaten and i hate the boys that ask you out because i want you. i need you." he said softly , pulling your face closer to his , forcing you to hold eye contact.
"theo i-" you started as he cut you off quickly.
"please if youre going to reject me just know....know that ill tell david to ask you out , ill never do anything to intercept love for you again. i promise , just please... let me down easy.." he spoke quietly , insecurity and sadness seeping though his words.
this time it was you that softly garbbed his face and lifted his eyes to meet yours , "theo...maybe i didnt realise it until now but...i have always liked you."
his sadness faded as he looked at you with shock , his silence allowing you to continue in a lighthearted way, "maybe ive glared at a few girls too , unknowingly of course!"
you both laughed at this as he looked at you like you painted the stars into the pitch black sky , "im sorry for pushing those guys away...well not really but more like im sorry that you got sad about it"
you laughed again before allowing yourself to get lost in his eyes , the green like that of a four leaf clover- rare yet so beautiful , "maybe im not so unlucky in love afterall , it was right there in front of me the whole time."
he smiled at you with adoration before pulling you into a sweet , loving kiss. fortune was on your side today , as it brought you your luckiest pull yet , theodore nott.
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It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 1 ] || [ Chapter 3 ]
Pairing: Soap x Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1K~ cw: a bit of dirty talking/innuendos Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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Chapter 2: Johnny
“Oh, hello…” You remarked to yourself as your eyes locked into a stunning pair of blue eyes on your screen, stopping your mindless right-swipping. “...Johnny.”
“You’re 29… A soldier… Scottish… Are you friends with Kyle?” You mused playfully. “Let me guess, you’re a gym bro, aren’t you?” You asked sarcastically as you tapped your finger on the right side, skipping through his pictures. The first one immediately after was him lifting while wearing a weightlifting belt. “Yup… Mandatory gym pic.”
Chuckling to yourself, you snap a screenshot of his profile to the girls as well, sending it quick.
leah: @/mia Whatever good energy you sent its working. second hot guy in the last 5 minutes! mia: i lit a CANDLE for this!!!!! leah: there weren’t any handsome guys like this when i was on tinder?! 😫 UNFAIR. 🙄 you: blow it out then cause this is the 3rd actually. leah: 3rd??? Where’s number 2??? you: didn’t think to snap a screenshot. hasn’t matched me back yet. mia: has he posted a shirtless pic? you: kyle did and this one idk but probably. need to check. leah: Don’t forget to send it over.🥴
Shaking your head and laughing in amusement, you went back to Tinder, checking on ‘Johnny’. The mandatory gym pic was there… a couple of them in fact! And then the mandatory shirtless selfie. Or rather… The mandatory shirtless SELFIES. Plural.
Three of them… The first one was him just straight up wearing just a towel… And the next was him in a kilt… And the next was him with a button-up very much so unbuttoned. 
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“Oh, my, Johnny-John-John… You sure know how to woo a bird…” You joked to yourself.
You dragged your finger down to check his bio and immediately frowned. “Of course…” You trailed off with a disappointed frown as you snuck another spring roll into your mouth.
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He might be stupidly attractive, but his personality… Gosh, he doesn’t know how to sell himself. Boring, boring, boring. “I work out and like video games!” You quipped mockingly and scoffed a bit.
“Artist.” You remarked when you reached the last of his profile’s tags, spotting that word in the hobby section. “An artist? You?” You asked your phone screen as if Johnny would come alive in it and answer you. 
You’d admit, him calling himself an artist was intriguing enough, but normally that wouldn’t be enough to make you Swipe Right on him… But you’re not under normal circumstances. You promised your friends you’d Swipe Right on everyone so…
Your phone almost dropped out of your hand as soon as the ‘It’s a Match’ screen showed. “Of course… He’s probably swiping right on everyone as well…” Rolling your eyes, you go to click off the screen but accidentally enter DMs.
Johnny: ye have any scottish in you? you: not that i know of. Johnny: would ye like to? 🫦 Johnny: wait. wdym not that ye know of??? Johnny: i was trying to be filthy and now got me curious bonnie
“Fuckin’ hell…” You said as you set down your phone and covered your face before breaking into a fit of giggles.
The fact you had accidentally ruined his pick-up line and succeeded in stumping him got you very, very amused. Okay, maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as boring as you thought.
you: story for another time. you: i walked right into that one tho. good job. Johnny: no ye cant do that Johnny: gotta tell me all about it now you: i mean werent scottish people everywhere in the uk at one point? you: i might be 1/370232103484320th scottish. Johnny: would ye like some MORE scottish in ye then? 🫦 you: solid attempt again. you: if you keep trying you might just get there. Johnny: i intend to dont worry you: soooo… Johnny: so? you: were you wearing underwear under the kilt? Johnny: no Johnny: why want a peek? 😏 you: i’m good you: so ur an artist? Johnny: i am Johnny: ur fast at typing fuck you: what kind? you: keep up then! Johnny: drawing Johnny: im trying 🥴 you: can i see some? Johnny: hanging with my mates difficult to text fast 😤 Johnny: idk if ull be in the mood to see anything after im done with ye you: why? 🤨 Johnny: might be too tired and need to be cuddled to sleep 😏 you: oh fuck off. Johnny: u just cursed me out Johnny: i think m in love 😫 Johnny: gonna tell my mates i just met my spouse 🥴🥴 you: don’t give them any ideas. you: haven’t even agreed to meet up with you. you: haven’t been invited in the first place. Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏
Your eyes widened at his enthusiasm and persistence. Okay, he was definitely not boring… It was actually kind of endearing and funny!
you: jc r u copypasting that? Johnny: yes Johnny: are ye going to or not you: can i get back to you on that? Johnny: ill wait for ye you: sure you do that johnny Johnny: ow the sarcasm burns
Concealing a chuckle, you clicked off the DMs page for the second time tonight… but, this time, you closed the app and focused on eating dinner.
Sure, this whole dating app thing was stupid, but at least you were enjoying yourself. 
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthoney , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe
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i-cant-sing · 6 months
Yandere batfam with a sick reader?
Yes but sick reader who is still defiant because hello, they kidnapped you?????
Reader is just glaring at them with tired eyes and a red nose as they once again tuck her under the covers, Dick is highly worried as he frets over you like a mama hen because he did have a heart attack when he caught you standing in front of your open window, where "harsh" gusts of cold air were "attacking your fragile form", so of course, he had to drag you in and wrap his arms around you, rub his cheek against you because he NEEDS to warm you immediately, lest you die of hypothermia.
Yes, Dick overreacts. And yes, Damian will accompany his brother in his delusions, or well, take any chance he gets to scold you.
"You should be in bed, Y/n." Damian said sternly, his eyes narrowed because how dare you worry his favourite brother like this. "Didn't Dick tell you to rest? Are you that incapable of following simple commands?"
You narrowed your eyes back at him, opening your mouth to say something mean but got cut off by your own coughing fit, making Dick rush to help you drink some water, rubbing your back along it. Your throat felt scractchy, and it hurt to speak, but you still wanted to convey your feelings so-
You flipped him off. For a nano second, because Dick immediately grabbed your hand and tucked it back under the covers while Damian's eyes widened at you disrespect, but before he could make any more gremlin noises, but Bruce walked in and Damian knew better than to complain to him about you when youre already sick, cause Bruce wouldve still favoured you.
"Y/n? How do you feel now?" Bruce asked, his voice gentle as he walked closer to where Dick was throwing away your mountain of tissues.
"Im fine. I wanna go out-" "No." "And why not?" "Because youre sick." "You may be Batman, but youre not a doctor!" "I am your father though."
No, youre not. You wanted to say, but knew that would only piss him off and you need to be on his good side if you want Dick and the others to be off your back so that you can escape.
"Whats her temperature?" Bruce asked Dick, who put a thermometer in your mouth quickly. Dick sighed as he told Bruce how you were out of bed and standing in your balcony in the cold just moments ago.
Bruce placed a palm over your forehead, and you tried to move away but there wasnt really any space or energy for you to do that. Bruce's eyes shifted the slightest bit at your burning forehead. "Why do you insist on getting out of bed and sleeping on the floor? Ive already had to pick you up 3 times in the past 2 days."
You pulled out the thermometer and glared at him. "Im fine. Its just sniffles." Bruce's lip quirked a little. You looked absolutely adorable in your delirious state, like an angry kitten.
"I dont think its just sniffles this time. And-" Bruce pulled the thermometer from your hands that you were hiding under the covers. "-dont hide the thermometer from me." His eyes scanned it and the twitch in his brow was enough for Dick to know that the number was too high.
Bruce then eyed the cough syrup next to your side table- its still full.
"Why havent you been taking your medicine?"
"Im not sick-"
"White paint has more color than you do right now. So why havent you been taking the medicine?" Bruce asked and even though he was a little annoyed, he had enough practice dealing with the other kid's rebellious phases to have the patience of a saint.
You shrugged. "How do I know its just cough syrup and not a sedative?" "It is a sedative too. Its supposed to make you sleepy." "Well, I dont wanna sleep and let my guard down in a house full of 5 strange men." You obviously never counted Alfred- hes the only normal one here- except for the part that he wont call the cops for you, but oh well.
Bruce just casted a look to Dick and before you knew it, Dick was pinching your nostrils close and titling your head up while Bruce grabbed the syrup and poured some in your mouth before clamping his hand over it. You struggled to break free, but you were obviously no match to them. Still, tears of frustration pricked your eyes as you looked at them in betrayal and hatred.
"Drink this and dont argue with me, please." Bruce said- well, he genuinely requested at this point.
You didnt have much of a choice other than swallowing it.
With a defiant glare, you begin closing your eyes as your body gave into the effects of the drug, the last thing that you felt were Bruce kissing your forehead while Dick pecked your cheek.
Jason finally decides to drop by the Wayne manor, only to be greeted with the sight of reader lying on the kitchen floor. His heart stopped for a moment- you werent breathing-
"Y/n!" He rushed to your side, only to be smacked in the face by you.
"Shush. Dont be too loud." Your voice sounded like sandpaper against rocks.
Jason huffed. "Well, sorry for freaking out. I thought you were dead-"
"From a cough? Im not weak."
"Yeah? So, what exactly are you doing on the cold floor in the middle of the night?"
"What? So I cant even take a nap in this house? Jesus Christ, am I allowed to have any autonomy here?"
"Y/n." Jason called, clearly unamused by your sarcasm.
"Fine. I may have fallen and then didnt have the energy to get up, so im just catching my breath here."
"Why are you even out of bed?"
"I was hungry and Im not gonna drink another spoon of Alfred's bland soup again." Alfred made it bland on purpose so that your throat wouldnt be irritated.
"Please stop wasting whats left of your voice on complaints of the soup that you cant even taste." Jason chuckled as he picked you up, only for you to push at his chest weakly.
"I dont need your help. I can walk on my own."
Jason quirked a brow. "If you can make it to the front door without fainting or throwing up, I'll help you escape." You stared at the front door- it wasnt too far, but judging by the fact that its even hard for you to breathe properly and that youve fainted way too many times by just standing for more than a couple of minutes.
But youre stubborn. With great effort, you pushed yourself off Jason and used the kitchen island to pull yourself up. Jason decided to walk in front of you and stand near the kitchen exit because he really wanted to see your struggling face.
You took a trembling step, then another, one hand still using the support of the island until it ended and you were only a couple of feet away from Jason. At this point, you were already out of breath and when you took another step, your legs gave out and the room began spinning.
Luckily, Jason was quick to react. "Alright, just place your arm around mine- or just fall on me, that works too." He teased when you couldnt hold your body weight.
You slumped in his arms. "Just take me to my room." You huffed.
"Alright." Jason lifted your legs up and carried you back up the stairs. "You know you'd get better a lot faster if you just stayed in bed and took your medicine on time. Wouldnt that make your chances of escaping the manor better?"
You stared at him blankly. "Wow. The world must be ending for Jason Todd to be making logical suggestions."
Jason rolled his eyes as he tucked you in bed. "Im just saying, if you get better faster, you'll get to try running from us quicker too."
How do you explain to him that you just dont want to comply to them, even when they're helping you. How do you explain that you dont wanna listen to them because the soft pitiful, patronising look they get in their eyes when they look at you makes you wanna scream and carve your skin out. These are strangers, rich men who just kidnapped you to be a part of their family. No one is that kind. And nothing ever comes for free. Nothing.
"Do you need something? Food, perhaps?" Jason asked. You shook your head. "No, I think Im gonna throw up."
"Oh shit." Jason was hauling his ass out of the room t get you a bucket, only to return with a backpack.
You barely held your puke as you asked. "Wait- whose is this?"
"I dont know!? Damian's?!"
You grinned. "Oh, perfect." You proceeded to throw up into Damian's bag. That little shit just got on your nerves.
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"I know you have attachment issues with your blanket but its been a couple of days now and you need to let me wash it." Dick said, trying to tug it out of your grip.
You sniffled and glared. "Im not a child who needs their blankie, Dick. Im just too cold without it and no other blanket can warm me up the same way it does."
"Give the blankie, Y/n." Dick said seriously.
"Its not a blankie." You retorted, but before you could react, Tim suddenly grabbed you while Dick ripped away the blanket. And even though he immediately replaces it with a clean blanket, you still let out a gut wrenching cry
"You'll have it back tomorrow-" Tim starts saying, only for you to sneeze directly in his face, making him freeze.
"And that's why we use tissues." Dick says, wiping both your nose and Tim's face with tissues, while you're not making any effort to suppress the grin that comes on your lips.
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do a bakugou x reader where the reader went to the states to visit family and as a surprise the reader came back on an earlier flight but something bad happened to the flight she was supposed to go on but thank god she wasn’t on it and bakugou thought the worst when she wasn’t responding to her texts but it turned out all okay in the end? sorry if that’s vague 😭😭
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Flight Frights (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: katsuki gets a little emotional in this one, slight talks of death but nothing crazy
Word Count: 1.7k
hello thank you for this request :)) it was enough for me to work with so dont worry! i hope you like it 🩷
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"You sure you got everything?" Your boyfriend asked for the millionth time.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I have everything. You can even double check my bags!" You insisted.
He squinted and began looking through each of your bags silently. After a few minutes you looked at him smugly, "Are you going to tell me how perfect I am and that I didn't forget a single thing?"
Katsuki smirked, "Nah, I was gonna say you forgot your brain somewhere." He teased and gripped the top of your head lightly.
You smacked his hand away, "You're not funny, Katsuki." You laugh, despite your words.
"Yes I am and you know it."
The two of you continued to spend time together until it was time for you to go to the airport. You were visiting your parents in the states, so Katsuki was going to drive you to the airport and send you off.
When the time to go to the airport came, he drove you there and waited with you until you boarded the plane, which you felt bad about but appreciated a lot.
Some time later, a boarding announcement for your flight rang out loud through the speakers and you frowned at Katsuki.
"I'm gonna miss you." You said and hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back, "Yeah, I know."
"Stop it! Be serious."
He laughed and apologized, "I'll miss you too. Be safe on the plane and everywhere else, and don't talk to any fucking weirdos okay?"
You nodded and gave him a kiss, saying goodbye.
The time spent at your parents went well and you called and texted Katsuki as much as you could but it was hard, considering the time difference.
But like always, you managed to make it work.
As your trip neared it's end, your mother asked you if you were going to take the later flight like you planned.
"Jeez Mom. You trying to get rid of me already?" You teased her, making her pout at you.
"Oh stop it. You know that's not what I mean."
You smiled and said, "I know, it's just fun to mess with you," with a laugh, "but nah, I think I'm gonna take the earlier flight actually. I wanna surprise Katsuki, even if it's just a few hours earlier."
Your mom smiled at you, "That's sweet of you. I wish he could've come along with you..." She trailed off, making you a little jealous that your mom was wishing someone else came along too.
You crossed your arms, "Yeah well, he's busy with hero work, so he couldn't." You excused, "And besides, you should be glad it's just me! I missed you and Dad."
She smiled and patted your head. "Well of course I'm glad you're here! But I know you two must miss each other a lot. I know what it's like to be in love." She winked, and coincidentally your father walked in at the same time.
You both greeted him and continued talking about mundane things. You only had two days left with your parents, so you wanted to make them count more than the previous ones.
Fast forward to the day of your flight. Your parents took you to the earliest one at 5:00 am and said good bye to you, but not without some tears.
After sending you off with a lot of love, you were now on your way back home. You felt weird not texting your boyfriend about what you were doing, but you were still excited to surprise him. You wondered how he'd react.
You were a little nervous about how he'd react to you not answering his messages, since you wouldn't be able to text him regularly during the whole flight. Maybe he'd think you were sleeping in, since it was a likely scenario.
Ignoring your thoughts, you looked out the window at the raining sky and decided to fall asleep, hoping it would make the trip go by faster and thankfully it did.
Back in Japan 5 hours later
Katsuki had been on his phone mindlessly scrolling through his feed when suddenly a video caught his attention. It was a recent news post about a plane crash coming back to Japan from America.
"The flight had taken off at 10:00 am, and an hour into the flight the plane experienced a high amount of turbulence due to the unexpected weather conditions. Suddenly, the plane went crashing down-"
The news now had all of Katsuki's attention. He felt his heart racing in his chest and the world went silent, only the sound of his beating heart now filling his ears.
The plane that had crashed, was the flight you were on.
He felt as if time was slowing down as he watched the news. The news reporters had been describing just how bad the accident was, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
There was no way you were hurt or even dead, right? You had to come back home to him. He had so many plans for your future. There's no way he'd be able to live life knowing he'd never get to act on them.
He grabbed his phone and clicked on your contact to call you but it went straight to voicemail. It was just because you had it on airplane mode right? They always make people turn that shit on.
He called again and again until he thought he was going to go crazy at the sound of the automated system's voice. He threw his phone across the bedroom and rubbed his hands through his sweaty hair.
After taking a few deep breaths, he got up and walked over to where his phone was and picked it up. Turning it over, he sighed at the large crack on the screen.
"Fuck..." He mumbled. Whatever. His phone didn't matter right now. What mattered was you and your safety. That damn phone was replaceable, but you weren't.
He continued to use his phone to call your mom, who was confused at his phone call.
"Hello Katsuki!" Your mother said.
"Hey, um-" He cut himself off to hold back tears. Fuck did your parents even know about what happened? Your mom sounded so happy, he didn't want to ruin it.
"Katsuki?" Your mother asked in a worried tone, "You okay, dear?"
He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He wiped his eyes, "I'm fine. I was just calling to ask about Y/n."
"Oh! She should be fine. We dropped her off at the airport a while ago, so she's on her way back to you."
Holy crap. Your mom didn't even know about what happened. He couldn't tell her, there was no way. All he could do was thank her and hang up before he began to cry.
"God dammit." He cried.
Katsuki had never felt so defeated and devastated before. He continued to sit on your shared bed, eventually laying down in it and crying out for you. He didn't know what condition you were in right now, but like he was trained to do, he assumed the worse.
Hours later, you were finally off that cramped plane and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see Katsuki and the look on his face when you surprised him.
As you were driven home in an Uber, you were on your phone when a news report popped up. Curious, you clicked on it and found out that it was about the flight you were supposed to be on.
You put a hand over your mouth and thanked every god there was that you ended up on a different plane.
You closed the news article and focused on something else to distract you until you got home.
When you finally did, you giddily ran up the steps to your home and opened the door as quietly as you could. It was pretty early in Japan, so maybe Katsuki was still asleep.
Pulling in your luggage behind you, you took your shoes off and scampered around the house to look for your boyfriend. The house was so quiet, which was strange since his presence was so loud.
Tip-toeing into your bedroom, you awed silently at the sight of him sleeping. You snapped a quick picture and walked over to him, sitting on the bed next to him.
You reached out and stroked the top of his head, lightly scratching his scalp to wake him up. You frowned a bit when you noticed how irritated his eyes seemed. Maybe spring was getting to him already.
"Katsuki, wake up." You whispered.
He grumbled a bit in his sleep, shifting around a bit before finally opening his eyes.
You smiled and held one of his hands in both of yours, "Surprise! I'm home early."
He looked at you with a sleep clouded gaze for a second, and then shot up in bed.
"You're okay?! Oh my fucking god." He said and wrapped his arms around you in a bone crushing hug.
You hugged him back, "Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?"
He rested his face in the crook of your neck and said, "I-I thought you were hurt. I saw the news about the flight and it crashed!"
You frowned and hugged him tighter, "Oh Katsuki... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything." You pulled away slightly and placed your hands on his face, "I wanted to surprise you, so I got on an earlier flight."
He sighed and leaned his forehead onto yours, "Thank fuck you did. I would've brought you back to life and killed you myself if you died." He said, making you laugh now that his personality seemed to be back.
"Now cuddle me." He demanded and wrestled you lightly to lay you down next to him.
You gasped at his words, "Did you just admit you want to cuddle me?" You asked.
"Of course I do, woman. I haven't seen your ass in weeks." He said and laid his head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your waist, lightly stroking the skin there.
You moved around, trying to get into a comfortable position which made Katsuki groan.
He pinched one of your thighs, making you yelp, "Stop squirming. We're going to bed now."
You smiled, "Sorry love," and messed with his hair. "Can I put on a movie Kats?"
You took that as a yes.
As you watched the movie, you continued massaging Katsuki's scalp and playing with his hair which made him eventually fall asleep. You smiled down at him, happy that he was now at peace compared to earlier.
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authors note
thank you for reading <3
btw for people who have sent a request, i'm working on it i promise! it's just happening a little slower since i'm sick lol
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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extemts · 18 days
im BEGGING for some joost hurt to comfort!! something like hes having a bad day and when the reader tries to help him hes js so overwhelmed he snaps at the reader but like in the end they make up and stuff
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Valentine, my decline is so much better with you.
I love love love hurt to comfort!! This goes hand in hand with another request I had! That being said, go give your loved ones a hug and tell them you love them. requested? yes! reader? gender neutral! genre? hurt to comfort, arguing, eventual fluff
The cursing coming from the other end of your apartment today couldn't be counted on both hands anymore. Joost was two days away from releasing a single he wasn't even happy with as of now.
A few months ago you decided to finally move in together and since both of you had rather stable jobs, looking for an extra room to get your boyfriend a studio at home made sense. It gave him the chance to really focus on his music at a a place he felt comfortable at, and on top he could always ask for your opinion on something, if you weren't currently at work, where you wish you would be at right now. You decided to only take a short shift today, wanting to get home and relax, but your boyfriend had been tense the whole day, which you really didn't blame him for, but you knew he was a perfectionist when it came to his music. He had a bad habit of being rather unresponsive whenever he was really focusing on his work, meaning a tab on the shoulder while he had loud music blaring through his headphones, with his computer screen being a mess of snippets and recordings for a song, it would totally send him over the edge of sensory overload. Today was one of those days where it seemed really bad for him. He fed himself into a hole of hating a perfectly good, soon to be released, single and now he was stuck in a loophole of fixing things that didn't need to be fixed, being satisfied with them, and then when listening to it again, suddenly hating the entire thing. You have tried to offer him your help or comfort several times today, but he always declined it, yet seemed grateful for your care. It got so bad that you had to pull his chair out of the room for him to come eat dinner with you, and only if you could eat while laying on the couch so he could cuddle with you, which he desperately needed today.
You were in no way upset with him or this situation, at least not for the reasons one might be, but instead the fact that he had promised both himself and you to stop listening to upcoming releases three days prior to the date they were supposed to come out, because that was the time where his brain decided to convince him half of what he just created over months was absolute shit. There was nothing you could really do to help him, except make sure he at least remembered his basic needs like eating and sleeping.
You tried to calm yourself down and try not to worry too much about him, taking a deep breath before you heard anything curse word coming from his studio, followed by a loud shatter, and rather quiet whimpers which convinced you to go check on him one more time. When you opened the door you managed to figure out what happend- he knocked over a glass and it seemed to have cut his finger just a little. "Hun, are you okay? Let me help you." you quickly grab a few tissues to place on his finger as you tried to calm him down but he seemed to have been pushed over the edge completely with this. "I don't need your help! I told you, I dont want help, I don't need it, I am perfectly fine! Please just stop interrupting me for fucks sake." the first thing he said to you in hours and its you getting yelled at for trying to help the poor overworked man? You throw the rest of the tissues at Joost for him to care for his own issues now. "Deal with it yourself." you ended up leaving him right where we was, trying to hold back tears as you let yourself fall onto your bed, wanting to scream into the nearest pillow. This wasn't a side you knew from him, because he really never got mad at you. As much as you wanted not to have to blame him, this was beyond unnecessary.
The tears start flowing, your hands clutched against the pillow as you curl up on your side of the bed. You weren't necessarily crying about being yelled at, you were a tough one afterall, but more so the fact that he worries you so much and what you get for offering help ends up being disrespect.
You were barely even awake a few hours later, having spent the evening by scrolling through various social media apps just to distract yourself. Right when you decided to stop waiting for your boyfriend and head to sleep, you felt the dip in the mattress next to you, meaning Joost had decided to finish for today. He turns arond to face you, or more so your back, to carefully brush some hairs out of your face, allowing you to feel the new bandaid on his finger. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you." he eventually huffed, his voice quiet enough not to disturb you, even though you clearly weren't asleep. His voice was raspy, barely even audible- maybe from crying, maybe from recording vocals all day. Slowly, you turn back around to face him, your hands holding onto the blanket. "I got lost in the single and broke our promise. You just wanted to help but I was so overwhelmed and then it just all tipped over- I'm really sorry." Joost rubs his eyes as he finishes his sentence, the tear stains quite obvious on his face. You only wrap your arms around him to pull yourself close to him, feeling the need for being close. "It was unnecessary but it happens to everyone some times... Thank you for apologising."
With that, you fell victim to being covered in kisses.
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anyways i hope this was good xoxo
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cosmiiwrites · 2 months
Hello! Can I request a short hurt/comfort fic where Adam and the reader get into an argument? Y/n is his third wife and they both love each other dearly, but of course, fights can happen even to the best of couples. What if the reader got tired of arguing with her husband and decides to walk off during said argument, and when Adam angrily asks her, “Where the fuck you think you're going?!” she tells him, "I'm leaving". These are the exact words Adam heard from Lilith and Eve so long ago. He thinks that their relationship is over, that he has lost another one, his anger has subsided and he begins to have a panic attack, he tearfully apologizes to his wife and begs her not to leave. She had never seen him so vulnerable. Y/n is very worried about her husband and stays at home with him, trying to calm him down, whispering sweet nothing to him and promising that she will never leave him. They understand that this fight is stupid, and console each other in loving embrace. I hope that my request is not too difficut.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ familiar feelings
·:¨༺ adam x fem!reader ༻¨:·
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which adam encounters a familiar feeling cw: fem!reader, established relationship, hurt/comfort, cussing, soft adam a/n: SKHSJDK i love heem :(( arghh sorry this is late i need to start finishing up my requestss
you and adam had gotten into a heated, petty argument. it was going back and forth, and considering adam's stubborn nature, you knew it wouldn't end well. so you did what you thought was best. mid-sentence, you turned on your heel and walked away. your hand was on the doorknob, about to twist it open when a pair of hands grabbed your wrist. "let me go-" "where the fuck do you think you're going?" adam fumed, his grip on your wrist unfaltering. "im leaving." you snapped, pulling your wrist back, making adam stumble a little. "w-what?" the anger in his eyes quickly turned into fear. flashes of lilith and eve invaded his mind. you werent like them, right? you said you would never leave him. did you lie? why would you lie? adam dropped to his knees, hands angrily raking through his hair. "adam, what's going o-" "fuckfuckfuck, im so fuckin-" he had to stop for air, tears already falling down his face. "please, dont leave. im-im sorry, im sorry," your chest ached at the sight of your husband in this vulnerable state. "just dont leave me, please, i'll be better, i promise!" you were confused; did adam think you were leaving him over some petty argument? "i cant lose you," he admitted quietly.
“adam…” you drawled, hand now leaving the doorknob and onto his face. “im not leaving, okay? i would never leave you,” you cooed, now kneeling on the floor in front of adam. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, uttering quiet “im sorry’s.” “its okay,” you assured. you felt hot tears fall against your shoulders. adam’s nails digged into your hips, holding you close as if he was going to lose you.
once he finally calmed down, you led him to your shared bedroom, where you sat him down. “adam, i was never going to leave you,” you said softly.
he couldnt meet your eyes, face turning away from you. “that was so fuckin’ embarrassing…” adam huffed. you laughed a little, hands on his jaw, guiding his face to look at you.
“…im sorry.” he spoke softly. “adam, i already said it was oka-“ “no, i mean for earlier. that argument was stupid anyway. shit, i cant even blame you for wanting to leave.”
you sighed, looking down. adam had lost your gaze, which worried him a bit. “im sorry too,” you finally said. “lets just forget about this, alright?” adam’s signature grin returned. “im fine with that,” he replied, before attacking your face in kisses.
“mmph! adam!” you huffed, the stubble of his chin rubbing against your cheek.
“you’re so annoying,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“you love me though.”
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newfallstrangeleaves · 10 months
Yandere with a unknown identity
A helping hand
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Yandere policeman x F!reader Warning: Manipulation, mentions of not believing the victim. Summary: Right after your encounter with the masked man (This part), you head out and find yourself with an officer who strongly feels that he should be the one to help you.
The masked man had just left when it dawned on you what happened. Violated and angry you grab the money he left behind and hurry down to whatever garbage chute you could find. You had barely time to put your clothes on before you were out the door. It's late and only the sound of your footsteps can be heard. 
It's first when you step outside of the apartment building and the cold air hits you that you come to your senses. Today has been horrible and it seems that your bad luck is not over yet. Considering your options you come to the conclusion that you don't want to stay and the walk to one of your friends' apartments is not long. You sigh as you know you will have to tell her what happened. Something you don't initially want, but what other options do you really have? 
You dont walk for long before a police car spots you. You can imagine how odd you must look walking around with a stack of money and dressed in your pajamas. 
The two officers consist of a tall rather young man and a middle aged plump woman. With the lack of anything else to tell them, you explain what has happened to you. The unfiltered truth as to where you got the money from and why you are out on the streets dressed so poorly. Both the man and woman listen intently to your story and when you are done the woman says. 
“Okay, listen, we will solve this. I just have to make a call to the surrounding officers. But Kenny will keep an eye on you, understand?” The plump woman tells you before she returns to the car. Her face is turned away from the both of you as she talks into the comms. A minute goes by in silence. Then two. Then five and she is still talking. For every minute passing worry grows. 
Then around the corner speeds another police car in and stops on the other side of the road. A young blond man jumps out, his uniform looks slightly untidy as if he had just thrown them on. He gives a nod to Kenny before he heads for the woman in the car. They talk quietly for a moment before he walks up to the both of you. 
“I'll take over from here officer McCall.” I can't help but feel like Kenny is letting out a sigh of relief as he heads back to the car. Before they drive off the woman rolls down her window and tells you.  
“If you need more help, ask for Officer Reese.” You nod to her before they drive off. The man beside you lets out a sigh and nods in the direction that they drove off at.
“Some officers truly need more than just reprimands.” He says and shakes his head. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I'm going to be truly honest with you. Officer Reese had not so good intentions regarding how to handle your little…issue. But I won't go into detail about that.” He takes a deep breath before he places a hand on your shoulder and continues. “And the other officers won't help you either, I know how shallow they can be. But I want to help.” 
“Her, Officer Reese, she won't help me? I thought…” 
“She just said that to make you feel better. In reality she was talking about the loony bin over the comms.”
Your stomach turns at his words and you have to turn away, just to gather yourself. 
“But I will help.” He continues. 
“You would?” 
“Yes, but I think it's better if we keep it between us two, are you fine with that?” You nod and take a deep breath to try and keep your emotions together. 
“Good, how about I drive you back to your apartment and you tell me in detail everything that happened.” 
“I… I don't know if I want to be at home right now.” You say hesitantly. 
“Don't worry, honey. I'm patrolling these streets and I'll make sure no man gets even close to you.” He says and places his arm around you. “Aren't you cold? Come let's continue talking in the car.” He says as he leads you to his car. 
“Well, if you're helping, do you have any access to something that you could find fingerprints with?” 
“Eh, sure, but what are you going to use that for?” He asks as he leads you over the street. 
“For these, I thought maybe you could get his fingerprints, oh well, mine will be here too, but…” He laughs and carefully takes the money from you. 
“If you don't want to use it for yourself then sure I can have a look.” 
“Oh and by the way. I never caught your name.” 
“It's Robert, Officer Robert Finch.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 11 months
Bruised Like Violets
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Reader
Synopsis: you and Peeta are reunited after he is rescued from the Capital (No hijacking)
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You raced down the hallway the moment you were told where Peeta was being kept. It had been 8 long, painful weeks of waiting for him to he rescued and finally, you’d gotten word that he was back safely. You pushed past guards and burst into the room he was in, heart pounding when your eyes finally landed in him.
“Peeta?” Your voice came out as barely above a whisper. Peeta had his back to you but you could see just from his neck how skinny he had gotten. He slowly turned to you with a hardened grimace on his face. Once Peeta’s eyes met yours, his entire face softened. His eyes glazed over with tears and his bloodied lip tugged into a smile.
“Hi.” He said in a small voice. You didn’t know what came over you, but you threw your arms around him and kissed him for the first time in 8 weeks. Peeta immediately melted into you and kissed you back out of instinct. When you remembered that your love was just supposed to be an act and there were no cameras around for you to be performing for, you jumped back.
“Sorry.” You said and touched your lips, which were buzzing from kissing him.
“Dont be sorry. Come here.” Peeta shook his head and pulled you back towards him by tugging on your jumpsuit. He kissed you again and you felt your eyes well up with tears as you kissed him back. You wrapped your arms around his neck again and tangled them in his unkept hair to get him as close as possible.
“I missed you so much. I thought you were dead.” You whispered against his lips as your tears fell down your face.
“It’s okay. I’m here now.” He said as he wiped them with his thumbs. That’s when you caught sight of the bruises on his wrists, as if he had been tied down repeatedly against his will. You then took in the rest of him and realize he was half his weight and covered in bruises and welts all over his body.
“Oh, Peeta. What did they do to you?” You whispered and cupped his face to see his black eye better.
“It’s not as bad as it looks. Don’t worry about it.” He lied as you continued to inspect his arms.
“Don’t worry? All I’ve been able to do since they separated us was worry about you. The only reason I agreed to be the Mockingjay was because they said they’d rescue you. You’re the only thing that’s been on my mind since the arena.”
“I didn’t know I meant that much to you.” Peeta said through a cracked smile.
“You’re joking, right?” You cracked a smile back before leaning in to kiss him again. You weren’t used to kissing when there were no cameras around, but you missed him so much that you didn’t even think about it.
“I’m so glad they got you out of there. I would’ve never forgiven Haymitch if you died. Or Finnick. Or Joanna. If I lost you…” You trailed off as your eyes welled up again. Peeta shook his head and cupped your face to get you to look at him.
“You didn’t lose me. I’m right here.” He told you. You broke into a smile and pulled him into a tight hug.
“You’re real. You’re in my arms again.” You gushed as you squeezed him as tightly as you could. Your moment was interrupted by one of the nurses taping your shoulder.
“We need to bathe him and dress his wounds.” She let you know.
“Can she stay?” Peeta asked without letting go of you.
“You probably won’t want to see this.” The nurse told you as she held up some gauze and sutures. You looked over at Peeta whose big brown eyes looked scared at the thought of being left alone again. You just got him back, so there was no way you were leaving again.
“It’s okay. I’ll stay.” You said to him. The nurse gave you a look and went behind Peeta to unbutton his hospital gown. When the gown dropped, your jaw went with it. Almost every inch of his emaciated body was black and blue. You could tell he had been whipped and beaten over a long period of time. You started to cry without even realizing it but quickly wiped your tears it look brave for him.
“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” He assured you while the nurse started to dress his wounds.
“There’s no way that doesn’t hurt.” You whispered.
“You’re right. Hold my hand, please? So I can squeeze it.” He asked innocently. You couldn’t help but smile and took his hand to give it a big squeeze.
“Still keeping up with the lover boy act I see.” One of the nurses mentioned as the stitched something up in Peeta’s arm.
“I’ve gotten really good at it. You’d almost think it was real.” Peeta chuckled without looking at you, but it made you blush nonetheless.
“Almost.” You nodded, making Peeta look at you.
“I heard you had quite the lover girl act going yourself.” The nurse continued.
“What do you mean?” Peeta asked curiously.
“Yeah, what?” You laughed in embarrassment.
“You’re the Mockingjay. People watch you and then talk. I heard you were screaming and crying and hugging the TV every time Peeta was on. And then screaming some more at anyone who made a comment about the things Peeta was saying.”
“I was forced-“ Peeta began.
“I know. I made sure everyone knew. That wasn’t the real you that I know.” You cut him off before he could apologize. Peeta smiled fondly at you now that he knew you had been fighting for him, even when you were separated.
“It’s hard to remember the real me.” He admitted.
“I remember him. I’ll remind you.” You shrugged. Peeta smiled again, but just for a second until he was flinching from his sutures.
“It’s okay. I got you.” You squeezed his hand before kissing his knuckles. Peeta forgot about his pain momentarily and felt himself blush. You were being a lot nicer to him than anyone had been to him in a while. But even if he had been treated with nothing but kindness, any affection coming from you was enough to send a blush across his face.
“You need a haircut.” You said, pulling Peeta out of his thoughts.
“Thanks.” He chuckled and shyly ran his fingers through his hair. You felt bad for poking fun when you remembered he didn’t have any basic luxury for weeks and a haircut was probably the last thing on his mind.
“Or maybe keep it. Your curls are coming out.” You noticed and tugged on one of his blond ringlets.
“I know. I usually try to avoid that. It makes me feel like one of those white dogs they have in the Capital.”
“Hey. That sounds like someone remembers the old you.” You smiled at his remark.
“Yeah. I guess I do.” Peeta smiled in return.
“We need to bathe him now.” The nurse told you. Peeta looked around at the room full of female nurses and felt embarrassed.
“I can do it.” You said when you saw his face.
“Are you sure?” He asked you.
“I don’t mind. It’s not like I haven’t done it before.” You shrugged and thought back to bathing him in the River during the first Games.
The nurses ran Peeta a bath while you helped him limp into the bathroom. Once his bath was ready, you helped him into it and got to work cleaning him off. You started with his hair, that looked like it hadn’t been washed since well before the second Games. Peeta was quiet as you poured water over his head until the water ran clear.
“You don’t have to do this.” He said quietly as you gently cleaned his skin.
“Yes I do. You’d do it for me, wouldn’t you?”
“I would.” Peeta admitted before a comfortable silence settled between you. You’d been on the brink of death together and forced to feign a romance in front of the whole world, but this moment felt far more intimate than anything you’d done so far.
“This reminds me of the cave.” Peeta said after a minute.
“You remember the cave?”
“I remember every second. You took care of me. Just like this.”
“It’s what we do.” You shrugged and kept cleaning.
“When have I ever taken care of you?” He laughed sadly and looked up at you.
“You’ve taken care of me plenty of times. I usually take care of your body. You take care of my mind.”
“I guess we make a good team that way.” Peeta smiled shyly.
“We do. And that’s why we’re never getting separated again.”
“You can’t promise that.”
“I know. But I can do my best to never let you out of my sight again.”
“I’ll do the same.” Peeta promised and looked up at you again. You cupped his chin and leaned down to kiss his nose, feeling his wet eyelashes brush against you as he closed his eye s
“Good. Now let’s get you dried off and I’ll show you to the dining hall.”
After helping Peeta get dressed, you linked your arm through his and guided him towards the dining hall. All eyes were on him as you got a tray and got on like. Some people thought he was dead while others thought he was a traitor for the things Snow had forced him to say on TV. But most people saw him as a hero and gave him warm smiles as they passed.
“Everyone is looking at me.” He whispered in your ear.
“They’re probably just excited to meet you after all the stories I told about you.” You shrugged and loaded up yours and Peeta’s plate with bread and soup.
“Yeah? Like what?” He smirked and looked at you.
“Like how loud you were in the woods when I was trying to quietly make it to the Cornucopia.” You teased him. Peeta rolled his eyes at you and wrapped an arm around your waist to keep himself balanced as you walked to a table.
“Hey Peeta. Nice to see you back.” Someone you didn’t recognize smiled at Peeta and patted his shoulder as he passed.
“See? They love you here. Because they know I love you and I’m basically a celebrity around here so they have to like what I like.” You whispered to him ad you sat down together across from Annie, and Finnick.
“Did you just say you love me?” Peeta pretended to gasp. You scrunched your nose and shoved a strawberry in his mouth to shut him up. You and Peeta noticed at the same time that Annie and Finnick were fully engaged in a makeout session now that they had been reunited. You gulped while Peter blushed and you made quick eye contact with each other. You didn’t really know the nature of your relationship at this point. There were no cameras to fake it for but being without him for 8 weeks made you realize you hadn’t faked a single thing.
“Of course I love you. You’re my husband, aren’t you?” You said after a minute to ease the tension. Peeta smile and took your hand to jokingly kiss your ring finger.
“That’s right. How could I forget we’re married.” Peeta humored you and squeezed your hand. Gale cleared his throat and the two of you finally realized he had sat down. Gale was eating his soup while staring daggers at Peeta, who looked uncomfortable.
“Aren’t you gonna say hello?” You calmly asked Gale.
“Hey, Peeta.” Gale grunted.
“Hi Gale. Thanks for helping to get me out of there.” Peeta said politely.
“No problem.” Gale muttered and looked away. Peeta’s hands had been bandaged after his bath so you got some of his soup on his spoon and held it up to his lips.
“Open.” You instructed. Peeta opened his mouth to accept the soup and swallowed it while you ripped up some bread for him. You put that in his mouth as well before giving him a glass of water. Peeta happily ate his food and smile at you in appreciation.
“Seriously?” Gale laughed meanly.
“What?” You wondered.
“You two. Do you really have to feed him?”
“I don’t have to. I want to. I missed him.” You shrugged and turned away from Gale to continue feeding Peeta.
“That doesn’t mean you have to feed him. He’s not a baby.” Gale said as if Peeta wasn’t right there.
“It’s okay. I can do it.” Peeta said and took the spoon from you. His hands shook as he dipped the spoon into his soup and it got worse as he tried to bring it to his mouth. By the time the spoon reached his lips, there was nothing left on it. You shot Gale an angry look for making Peeta feel like he had something to prove before taking the spoon again.
“I’ll do it. You fed me once.” You said and gave Peeta another bite.
“But this isn’t the first time you’ve fed me. I owe you one now.” Peeta said with a smile.
“Don’t worry about me. I have no problems stuffing my face.”
“It’s true. I’ve seen it.” Gale chimed in to remind Peeta that while he had been gone, Gale had been right there with you.
“It’s not very attractive.” You told Peeta.
“I’m sure anything you do is attractive.” Peeta replied, making you smile.
“Y/n, you left your shirt in my room last night.” Gale said, making everyone at the table look at him. Peeta frowned sadly and looked at you, expecting you to admit that you and Gale had been seeing in each other in a new way in Peeta’s absence.
“Oh. Thanks. I can grab it later.” You told Gale. Gale looked at Peeta and smirked, confirming Peeta’s worst fears.
“You were in his room last night?” Peeta asked quietly and looked at you.
“Gales been on the frontlines a lot and he’s been showing me some things he learned in training. One of them was how to make a tourniquet out of a shirt. I wanted to learn because if I had made yours properly during the first Games, you would’ve have lost your leg.” You said with a guilty look in your eyes.
“Hey, that tourniquet saved my life. I would’ve lost a lot more than my leg if you hadn’t made it. Don’t blame yourself.” Peeta said as he put his hand on top of yours. Gale looked between the two of you with jealousy brewing before speaking up again.
“I think I’m gonna skip training today. I’m still tired from how late we were up last night.” Gale added. You caught on to what Gale as trying it do and turned to a very jealous looking Peeta.
“We were up late discussing the menu for Haymitchs birthday dinner. It’s coming up soon and we wanted to hunt to have something special for him.” You explained.
“That’s nice. Maybe I can bake something for him.” Peeta offered.
“We have enough food planned.” Gale said, making Peeta’s smile fall.
“We can never have enough food.” You insisted. “I’m sure Haymitch would love it.”
“Do you think they’d let me in the kitchen?” Peeta chuckled and nodded towards the kitchen.
“If I ask them to, they would. I don’t mean to brag, but I get anything I ask for around here. It’s the perks of being the face of their revolution.”
“What have you asked for so far?” Peeta wondered.
“Just you. And now I have it so I need to think of some other things to ask for. Like getting you some baking time.” You smiled sweetly at him and touched his shoulder. You wanted Peeta to have some time to bake to remind himself of who he was. Peeta put his hand over yours and smiled in appreciation.
“You know there’s no cameras around here, right?” Gale said, taking your attention away from each other.
“We know.” You laughed in annoyance.
“So what’s with the act?” Gale asked, making Peeta gulp. He looked at you curiously, also wondering if your kindness towards him was part of the act.
“There is no act. You haven’t been through what we’ve been through. We missed each other. Let us reunite in peace.” You said simply as you kept your hand on Peeta. Peeta smiled in content and rested his head on your shoulder.
“So are you guys dating now? For real?” Finnick came up for air long enough to ask. You felt Peeta tense up on your shoulder and lifted his head to look at you. He was wondering the exact same thing, but didn’t know how to voice it. Things had been different between you before you were separated and the way you were acting Joe only made Peeta further believe that your feelings had shifted into something real.
“Can everyone leave us alone? What’s with all the questions?” You laughed awkwardly and took a bite of your bread. Finnick chuckled and held up his hands in defense while Gale gave Peeta the death glare. Peeta gave Gale a simple shrug before putting his head back down on your shoulder. You heard him yawn and looked down at him.
“Exhausted.” He nodded with his eyes shut.
“Me too. Let’s get some sleep.”
You said goodbye to Finnick and Annie before taking Peeta’s arm to lead him out of the dinning hall. You brought him to the hallway where the bedrooms were and led him to the room you’d been staying it.
“My roommate is Prim but she has the night shift in the medical wing tonight.” You told him. You turned around and saw Peeta by your door, looking longingly at your bed. It had probably been a long time since he had somewhere soft to rest his head and a bed had never looked so inviting.
“They said they set up a room for me-“
You cut him off by rushing into his arms and holding him tight. Peeta stumbled back a little before hugging you back and resting his cheek against your head.
“Stay.” You whispered against his chest.
“Always.” Peeta said automatically. You hugged him for a few moments longer before climbing into bed. Peeta climbed in after you and lifted his arm so thta you could lay your head over his heart. Peeta wrapped an arm around you and you held his hand to he as close as possible.
“Can you believe how Gale was acting back there? He’s so different now. I feel like I don’t know him anymore.” You said to fill the silence that had settled.
“I think he’s mad that I was with you in the Games and he wasn’t.” Peeta replied.
“I don’t understand him. Why would anyone wish what we went though for themselves?”
“I don’t think he’s thinking about it like that. I think he’s just embarrassed that some other guy was kissing you on TV for everyone to see. And then winning the Games with you. And going on a victory tour with you. Twice. I mean, the whole entire world was rooting for us to be in love. He had to watch our fake engagement, wedding and pregnancy. I can’t imagine how that felt for him.”
“Why would he care? It’s not like I was his girlfriend.” You reminded Peeta.
“But he had feelings for you. Anyone can see it. That’s why he hates me.” Peeta said with a soft chuckle. You frowned in the darkness and tilted your chin to look up at Peeta.
“He has to get over that, then.” You shrugged. “It’s not my or your problem that he had feelings for me. He doesn’t get to be mean to you just because he wants my relationship with him to be like my relationship with you.”
Peeta was quiet for a while after that. The only sound in the room was coming from the sounds of your breathing.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked as you looked up at him again.
“Nothing.” He chuckled.
“Tell me.” You urged and shook him a little. Peeta let out another soft chuckle and looked down at you.
“If it were me, I would hate whatever guy was on TV kissing you too.” He admitted. A smile tugged at your lips as you propped yourself up on your elbow.
“We’re not on TV now, are we?” You asked him. Peeta sat up as well so that you were at the same level.
“I don’t think so.” He smiled shyly as he shook his head. Peeta looked into your eyes with his big brown ones before letting his gaze drop to your lips.
“And yet, you’re the only boy I want to kiss.” You said quietly. Peeta jutted his head back a little in surprise before leaning towards you. His eyes slowly shut and yours did the same as you met in a soft kiss. The kiss slowly became heated and you were soon in his lap with his hands up your shirt.
“We can take it slow. I know you’ve been through a lot.” You whispered against his lips.
“I don’t need slow. I just need you.” Peeta shook his head before kissing you again.
“I want to be with you. For real this time. Not pretend.” You said between kisses.
“Real?” Peeta smiled hopefully as he looked into your eyes. You nodded your head and replied before pulling him into a kiss again.
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
(4) sweet thing | I got a bad idea series
—> masterlist
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southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: fluff, hurt/comfort, light angst
a/n: not really proofread, sorry babes. it’s 3AM and I’m fucking tired and I have classes in a few hours—later I will—enjoy!!
It’s not abnormal for someone with a crush to confess. It’s how a majority of relationships start however the “confession” may go. Some are casual, extreme, dull; some don’t confess anything at all. You were between wanting to be honest and wanting to keep it hidden until it fades away.
It felt all too fast. You had begun to question if their actions last night were flirtatious. Your mind swaps each moment where you were held close to their chest as a part of the dance. Anytime they said something flirtatious, you told yourself it was them being friendly. You fall all too fast and this is just another time where you’ve fallen for the first person who’s shown care in you. You have nobody to blame but yourself.
Wanda stood beside you at the post office, the letter Natasha fretted about in her hands. The lights were a strange yellow, and not to mention hanging off of the ceiling. A few of the white squares tiled were cracked from heavy packages being dropped onto them. Neither of you thought it to be trashy, it felt like home if anything, with each break and crack remind you the backstory on how it happened.
You had driven back with your brother the night before, grinning as you daydreamed the whole car ride home. Anything anyone said to you that night, you responded with excitement. You carried your brother up the stairs, heaving him onto the couch downstairs and took to the guest room.
He still laid on the couch that morning when Wanda walked on your front porch. You however were awake, opening the door with a cheerful expression. That’s why you’re standing beside her now in the office.
“Hi there,” she says, sliding the envelope onto the counter, “I wanted to come and ask why we’ve been receiving the wrong mail?”
The old man behind the counter pulls out his glasses, “you’re not Miss Parson?”
“No, sir, I’m not.”
“Huh,” he grunts, “I’ll take it and ship it over. Might be a new mailman issue.”
She thanks him, pulling her purse back onto her shoulder. She pushes the door open, holding it until you walk out.
“It’s not a big deal” she starts, “I just dont want to deal with Natasha nagging anymore.”
“Does she worry over things often?”
“Natasha doesn’t have great control over her stress. She tends to react however she feels in the moment.”
“And you?”
She rests her hand on your seat, looking behind you as she backs the car out, “I just think some things aren’t worth so much stress.”
“Like the envelope,” you ask.
“Exactly like the envelope,” she laughs, removing her hands from the wheel to let it spin back, “are you doing anything else today?”
“I don’t believe so, why?”
“You could help me unload a shipment. Natasha had to leave early this morning for a meeting in town, so she won’t be back until late.”
You agree to help, “what kind of shipment is it?”
“Different types of feed. They were supposed to come a week ago, another thing Natasha’s been nagging me about.”
She parks the car, taking the keys out of the ignition before stepping down and out of the car. An old man stood nearby, bottom side hanging from how he was leaning over his car. Wanda mumbles to you as you walk over, “don’t worry about the remarks he may make, it’s just because he’s never been laid.”
You believed her. It was proven to be true a minute after he got out from the truck bed. His attention on you while Wanda talked to him was a signal he took interest in you. He opened his mouth and immediately Wanda was walking him in the opposite direction.
“Can you unload for me,” she calls out to you, “set it all back by the shed out in the back
You hear the old man make a remark to Wanda as you walk off with two bags in hand. It took four rounds until everything was set in the shed. The seasons were changing, grass turning yellow and tree leaves popping warm colors of red and orange. The wind was cold, but the sun and humidity still made a presence. Your arms tired after heaving thirty pounds for half an hour.
Wanda frowns seeing you, “oh sweetheart, would you like a drink?”
She brought you inside, her home more familiar after the frequent visits. You knew where her kitchen was, pulling a seat out to comfortably rest. She pours a cup, setting it on the table in front of you. You short-circuit when her fingers splay across the expanse of your back.
“Thank you,” she says, voice dropping, “I appreciate all the help. Natasha will be erratic once she’s back home and realizes she has two less things to worry over.”
You lean forward onto the table to hopefully signal you’d like her fingers to move wish ease across more skin. She does, moving to press her cold hand brushes against your neck. You sigh, dropping your head onto the table.
“Of course, I don’t mind.”
“How’re you feeling about going home soon.”
The reminder of your soon flight made your stomach drop. These moments would come to an end when you got the plane. You curse at yourself and shrug her hand away.
“Okay,” she begins, tone sharp, “what’s all this about?”
“What’s what?”
She sidesteps around your chair to face you, “this flaky attitude.”
“Oh really, flaky?”
“You’ve been hiding out since the first day you came back,” she rests her back against the counter, attention fixed on you, “why.”
“I’m asking, what do you mean by flaky?”
“You act like it’s more convenient to run rather than talking about it with us. You ran the night you got drunk, you avoided us after, and you’re about to do it again,” she sighs, “don’t you think that’s quite immature for your age?”
You tear up, teeth biting at your cheek to keep it at bay. She stays silent, patiently awaiting whatever reaction you’ll have. You’re avoiding her, focusing on picking at your nails.
“I like you.”
It’s lower than a whisper but she hears it.
“I enjoy being around you more than I should,” your voice wobbles, “and I don’t want it to turn into something real so that’s why I keep running. You make it all the more difficult when you continue to reach out.”
Her hands are on you again, holding your face as she leans down to press a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes are closed shut, eyelashes wet from crying. Small apologies tumble from your lips in the tense space.
“I’m so sorry, I’ve ruined everything.”
“You haven’t ruined anything,” she stops you, “I want to ask you to stay until Natasha gets back. Are you alright with that, angel?”
You nod and she mumbles an okay, stepping back from you to give you space to breathe. Time passes and your tears eventually dry, leaving small shiny marks on your face. You mention to Wanda that your heads begin to hurt and she’s quick to bring you simple pain meds.
You take them with the drink she poured earlier. She watches you until the sound of the front key hitting the front door has pulled her attention elsewhere. Natasha steps through the front door, setting down her bags. Her muffled greetings cutting short seeing you and your tear stained face.
“Everything alright?”
You’re scared and can feel it creeping up in your lungs, making it feel like you can’t fully breathe. Wanda leans in front, setting a hand on your thigh.
“Hey,” she shushes you with a smile, “you’re alright. I only wanted to wait until she got home so we can share our little secret with you too.”
“Oh cut it out already,” you wheeze, “it’s not funny.”
Natasha interrupts, “I’m very confused.”
Wanda ignores her wife continuing where she left off.
“We feel the same way, angel.”
Your heart jumps, the brokenness in it wishing to be healed, but you’re still unbelieving even after she’s just told you. All throughout the day you’ve believed the things she’s told you and now you’re doubting one sentence.
“Ever since that night, seeing you again. We’ve been growing fond of you.”
Natasha’s caught on now. She’s found herself sitting at the table across from you. She looks exhausted with her hair a mess and eye bags prevalent.
“We can take it slow,” she adds on, “see how it feels tomorrow and decide from there.”
“But I’m leaving soon.”
“That’s fine. You’re holding the reins here, we’ll be okay what whatever you suggest.”
You smile, “tomorrow sounds nice.”
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ayeyolooo · 5 months
Memory lane
2,000+ words!😓 pt 2
Yo yall what ever happened to that y/n girl?"connie asked leaning back on his chair. Eren just chuckled.
"Mann I don't know but I couldn't stand her." Eren laughed. Armin just shook his head. "Okay what did she do to y'all though?" Armin asked feeling bad about the way they used to treat you.
"She used to be a big ass snitch." Eren chuckled out. "Okay well we're grown now all that was kiddie shit." Connie said shaking his head. "Yeah I felt bad for her." Mikasa said sitting in cross cross apple sauce. "Yeah me too." Armin said,playing with his rings.
"I wonder what she's doing now." Mikasa lifted her head from Connie's lap and fixed her hair. Everyone shrugged. "Y'all know her mama the principal of our school right?" Sasha asked shoving noodles in her mouth.
"Word?" Connie asked sitting up. "Yeah ms. L/n??" Eren nodded. "Ohhhhh shiittt that's where I remember her last name from." Connie said placing his fist over his mouth.
You laid your baby hairs as paris and london sat on your bed waiting for you. You finished and put all of your hair things back onto your vanity. "Your hair is cute ma." Paris said winking and leaning back on her arms. You just smiled as you got dressed.
You took your shirt off leaving you in your bra. Your nipple piercing poked from your bra. "Bro y/n did that hurt?" London pointed to your nipple piercing. "Kinda." You chuckled as you pulled a shirt over your head, you slid on some black biker shorts .
You went in your closet and grabbed your black ysl sandals . Your shirt showed your back tattoo and your biker shorts showed your thigh tattoo.
Your speaker began playing 'what I like' by famous dex. You leaned on your bed and you began to twerk. "AYE AYE AYEEEEEEE." Paris recorded and slapped your butt. "DONT GIVE EM TOO MUCH NA Y/NNNNN." London. "You turned around to the camera and looked it up and down and stuck your tongue out showing your tongue piercing ,before turning around and twerking.
All of y'all just laughed and you stopped. You pulled your shorts down and grabbed your jacket. "Can we post it n/n?" They asked at the same time. "Yeah sure." You smiled. They mean mugged eachother. "There you go copying me again." They both said it at the same time.
The both of them said at the same time. You just laughed before facepalming.
"Alright y'all done?" You smiled. The both of them rolled their eyes at eachother before nodding their heads.
"Damn..who ever this is gotta fat ass." Connie's eyes widened at the post made by the 'londonparistwins.' Armin's head whipped over to Connie's phone so fast that he could've caught whip lash. He looked at his phone and his face grew red. Eren and Sasha looked.
"Gyatttt." The both of them said at the same time. "Aye she looks familiar." Mikasa said walking over to the group. "Right.." Eren said.
He reached over Connie's shoulder and he paused it when your face was showing. "It's bothering me that I know her face I just don't know her name." Eren whispered,with his breath fanning on Connie's ear.
Connie whipped his head around and smacked eren in the forehead. "Move bitch." Armin and Sasha started laughing loudly. As eren groaned and held his face. "School bout to start in a lil bit,y'all wanna go see what they got in the mall??" Armin nodded,"yeah sure." Everyone agreed. They all walked to their rooms and got dressed.
Armin wore a white compression shirt with a grey nike jacket and matching sweatpants and his white air forces. Don't worry they were clean. Unlike Sasha armin made sure to keep his shoes clean Mikasa walked out of her room wearing a mini skirt with a cropped top and some hightopped heel boots.
Armin's face just scrunched up as mikasa walked out into the living room. "How the fuck yoy walking in them??" Mikasa just laughed. Which showed off her smiley piercing. "The same way you walk in your slides." She shot back. Armin just chuckled and waited for everyone to finish getting dressed.
As everyone got into erens car he drove to the Nearest mall. They parked and everyone got out. They walked around getting stuff em for school. Making sure that it was appropriate. But that only applied to Sasha and mikasa.
Yeah real sexist school if you'd tell me. Anyways the group walked around with eachother. Their bags started to multiply as they went in the variety of stores. "Okay I'm hungry as shit." Connie said as everyone passed the food court. "Yeah I wanna eat something." Mikasa shrugged. Everyone made their ways to the different restaurants and orders their food. Connie and Sasha went to McDonald's, eren ,armin's and mikasa went to Panda Express.
As everyone orders their food armin looked out of the restaurants window and seen a group of girls passing by. They all were laughing with eachother  as they went into  a nearby shoe store.
Armin's eyes squinted. He noticed that them was them twins and that girl that he seen on Connie's phone. He just cleared his throat and moved up in the line. He ordered his food and stood to the side.
"Yo armin." Eren said catching armin's attention. "Yeah?" Armin replied. "I'm gonna go sit with the group out there." Eren pointed to the table where Connie, Sasha and mikasa are all sitting at. "Okay." He replied and waited for his food.
"Yeah gurl they look like them kids that made me leave from titans middle." You whispered to paris and london. Paris just mean mugged the table as you all walked into the Panda Express.
"It's okay though cause I met you all." You said smiling and wrapping your arms around the twins. They just laughed and walked up to the line.
"Hello what can I get you today?" A worker asked smiling at you. "Oh can I get  um a steak bowl?" You asked looking at the menu. "Of course! The steak is now going on the grill, do you mind waiting?" She worker asked tapping on the screen and looking over to you.
"Of course!" You smiled. She smiled and asked you to move to the side where one other person was standing. As you walked over you were on your phone not paying attention.
You stood in the line as armin looked around the store trying to see if there was anything he missed while he was waiting for his food. Armin looked at you and his heart dropped down to his butthole. "Y/n?" Armin called out.
You lifted your head up from your phone and your head jerked back trying to see who called you. You looked infront of you and you seen this tall fine white man.
His undercut was messy,and he had nice plump pink lips. He had an arm sleeve tattoo and a nose piercing. His hands seemed to have some type of ink on it. His blue eyes started down at you with dead eyes as you looked at him. "Armin..?" You asked. "Hi y/n." Armin said smiling and tucking his hands in his pocket.
"ARMINNNN!!" You ran and jumped on him as he caught you. "Hi y/n." He chuckled out placing his tatted hand underneath your plump butt. Your slide fell off as you wrapped your legs around his small waist. The bystanders eating their food all awe’d at the wholesome moment infront of them.His arms flexed as he held you. He gently placed you down as you slide your biker shorts down and hopped over to your shoe since you didn't want your foot touching the ground. Armin seen that you were trying to get your shoe so he bent down and slid your shoe on your foot.
You held onto his shoulder as you balanced. "So how have you been?" He asked smiling down at you.
"I've been good." You chuckled slowly. He nodded. "That's good." He said looking at you. "I'm so sorry how we left off." Armin apologized. "Boy please that was long ago ion care bout that we was kids." You chuckled. Armin just looked down in guilt as you laughed.
"Boy relax you good I promise." You laughed and covered your mouth.
Oh my she's so cool.. and her nails are beautiful.
"Aye..who armin talking to??" Connie looked into the Panda Express window and seen you and armin talking. "Wait shit who is that!!?" Eren asked squinting.
"Why should it matter who it is?? If armin wants to tell us then he will stop being weirdos and spying on him." Sasha brought her Big Mac up to her mouth and took a big bite.
Connie just mean mugged her. "Okay ms.disco ball." Sasha just rolled her eyes and chewed her food before swallowing. "Ya mama.." she said rolling her eyes.
"Your ankles." Connie shot back as Sasha just waved him off and brought her milkshake straw up to her lips and drank some.
"Yo mf granny." Sasha said mean mugging him and sipping more of her milkshake. "Where your man at?" Connie asked mugging her. "Cause obviously Niccolo ain't putting in work cause yo ass still built like a door." Mikasa choked on her sprite as eren covered his mouth and Jean choked on his chicken sandwich.
Mikasa just bursed out laughing as Jean and eren joined her. "Bald head bitch." Sasha said mugging him and cracking a smile. 
Armin stuffed his hands inside of his pockets as the both of you talked. "I haven't seen you since middle school." Armin said as you nodded.
"Yeah,I needed to get away." You said with a little smile. "Y'all wasn't very nice to me." You said with a closed lip smile. "I'm so sorry for that,we was all dickheads and if I'm being honest all of us had a crush on you." Armin admitted.
You choked on your spit as he just chuckled out. "Even mikasa?" You asked. "Yes,even mikasa." He said with a pearly white smile.
"Oh." You said cracking your knuckles. "Y/n! Armin!" One of the workers called both you and armin. The both of you looked towards the lady and walked.
The both of you traded instagrams and followed eachother back.
You grabbed your food and Armin grabbed his. "Do you want to go and see them?" Armin asked as you shook your head no. "Nah not yet." You said smiling and holding your food. Armin just licked his lips and looked you up and Down slowly.
"Boyyy don't be looking at me like datttttt." You said covering your mouth. "My bad ma." He said. "Can I get your number?" He asked,and you placed your hand up to your chin tapping it almost as if you were in thought. You were obviously joking. Armin just shook his head and laughed.
"Yeah." You said as armin handded you his phone,and you handed him your phone. You were cheesing real hard as he was also smiling with a lil red on his cheeks.
"Ight imma speak to you later?" Armin looked at you. "Yeah." You said. He brought you into an hug and rocked you from side to side. You pulled away and waved at him before catching up to paris and london.
Everyone watched as armin walked back to the table with a neutral face,the only reason he wasn't cheesing real hard like he was in the inside was because he didn't have time for them being all in his business.
"Soooo who was that? She was fine as hellll." You would be surprised.
"Why yall in my business?" He asked sitting down and opening his steak bowl and taking a spoon full. He looked up and seen the whole table looking at him.
"Who was it?" Sasha asked. Connie sucked his teeth. "Werent you the one talm bout 'oh leave him alone that's his private life.' Connie said in a high pitched voice,mocking Sasha.
"Haha funny dickhead." Sasha sarcastically said and rolled her eyes at him. "She's an old friend." He simply said and sipped on his drink. "Why you always lyinggggggg." Jean started off. "Ohhhh my Godddddd." Connie sung. "Stop fucking lyingggggg." Sasha finished.
"Listen ion gotta tell y'all everything that I do." Armin said standing his ground and staying quiet with his answers.
Eren just sipped his straw as he scrolled through Instagram. "OHHH SHIT." Eren suddenly shouted drawing the attention of other shoppers. "Fuck y'all looking at?" He shouted as the quicky turned their heads.
Sasha quietly giggled as Connie chuckled and shook his head. "I found that shawty that he was talking to" eren said finding your tag on instagram. "They tagged her in the corner and I found ittt." Eren said tapping on your profile. He sucked his teeth. "It's private." He said as everyone but armin groaned.
Armin just smiled and bit into his straw. "Ohhh so his behind over there laughing cause he following her." Connie said cutting his eyes at armin. Armin just shrugged and stood up. "Ight I'm finna go home." Armin said clapping everybody up and leaving.
As he was leaving a short petite girl came walking into armin's way. "Hey." Armin just looked down at the gurl with a straight face. "Yo." He said. "Can I get your Instagram? So we could talk? I find you really attractive." She said. Armin sipped his drink. "Nah." He said before walking off.
Mikasa,and Sasha winced from afar and slightly cringed at the awkwardness flowing their way
I’m sorry if it was boring and too long😓. Are they too long 😖? Anyways Jesus loves you ml🫶🏾!
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d0youc0py · 6 months
So, I have a request for angst, but with Young Reader, and they actually do call them an ask for help or a place to stay for a bit because of a nasty fight they got into with their parents and just need to leave the situation, perhaps they could have hid an injury(Welt, slap mark, bruising) from the boys only for boys to see it when they take off their coat/jacket. Its cool if you dont feel comfortable with this ask, you dont have to do it.
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“Hey, John.” You started into the phone.
“You alright, Honey?” He questioned. You nearly rolled your eyes. The man had known you since you were as tall as his knee and could always tell when something was wrong.
“Not really.” You lied. You scrunched your face and took a deep breath. “Actually yeah- my mom came home in one of her moods again, but”-
“Where are you? I’ll come and get you.”
You could hear his car keys jingle on the other line and the familiar sound of his truck door slamming shut.
“I’m at the park down the street.”
“Hold tight, honey. I’ll be right there.”
It was about a fifteen minute wait. John lived all the way out in the country, another thing you loved about him. His truck pulled up and he quickly hopped out to open the door for you.
“Thanks John.” You sighed, giving him a quick hug.
“Course, honey. Now how about we go get some dinner, hmm?” He patted your back. It was gentle but enough to make you wince.
He took you to your favorite restaurant, the same one your father use to take you to. He sat across from you, not needing to look over the menu. His soft blue eyes trained on you.
“You ready to talk about it?” John asked. Your eyes peered up from behind the menu. You don’t know why you were even looking at it in the first place. You always ordered the same thing.
“Same old thing.” You responded, sifting in your seat.
“Don’t give me that, honey.” He pressed. “You’ve never called me before. I always hear about a fight after I’ve shaken you down.” He offered you a small smile. It’s wasn’t one of pity, but understanding. He’s always been there for you, so why won’t you just tell him the truth?
“Don’t get mad.” You whispered. John instantly faltered. It was a common cycle. When he was on leave he’d take you out at least two times a week. You’d tell him about some shitty thing your mom said to you and he’d race over to your house and threaten her to knock it off. She’d be on her best behavior for about a week, then the cycle would repeat itself. “Look you’re already upset.” You gave a fake chuckle.
“Honey.” He huffed. His eyes bore into yours with such intensity it made your tiny hairs stand up.
“It started off just like our fights always do. She started yelling and I just made my way to my room to bunker down for the night.” You stopped to take a small sip of your water.
“You locked the door?” John hummed. He had built you a special lock to go on your door.
“I didn’t make it that far.” You murmured, tears forming in your eyes. John’s hand reached across the table attaching to yours, giving you an encouraging squeeze. “She threw something at me.” You whispered.
“Threw something at you.” He repeated.
“I know it so stupid.” Your hands left his to paw at your eyes. You hated crying. His hands remained on the table giving you the option to return to him.
“She hurt you honey? That’s the furthest thing from stupid.”
“It was one of those ceramic cats she collects. It hit me in the back.” You gasped. You wouldn’t doubt if there was a large bruise forming as you spoke. “Do you mind if I stay with you for a little bit? Just till things cool down?”
“Honey, you could come live with me.” He assured. This wasn’t the first time he offered, but giving the increasing hostility your mother was showing this was the first time you really considered it.
“I don’t think I can just live with you, John. Isn’t that illegal- like kidnapping or something.” You sputtered.
“That’s not for you to worry about, honey. I’ll handle everything, just take some time and think about it.”
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He woke up to the sound of glass shattering so loud it sounded like it was in his room. His body made quick work of throwing the covers off and heading towards his front door. He didn’t bother to shut his door behind him or throw on a pair of shoes. His body was already hot and shaking with anger. His fist pounded against your front door giving some warning of his presence before he used his shoulder to nearly split the door open.
He quickly found you on the floor your mother grabbing at your hair.
“Shit!” Your father yelled from the kitchen. Your father had been enjoying the whole spectacle of your mother tormenting you with a smile and a beer in his hand. Your mother look up at Simon, her own eyes growing wide with fear. He grabbed her by the arm throwing her backwards off of you.
“Who the fuck do you thi”- Your father started.
“Shut up and sit down.” Simon growled. Your father quickly obeyed siting down at the counter, your mother scurrying backwards to join him.
“Come on kid, on your feet.” He was soft with you, refusing to add anymore trauma to the situation. He wrapped an arm around your middle to steady you and you hid your face in shame.
“You can’t just take them. I’ll have the police dow”- Your father spoke up again.
“I told you to shut it. And what? You gonna call the police on me tough guy? Do it.” Simon spat. Your father piped down again the realization of his threat setting in. Simon led you out of your apartment and into his own. “Sit down, tell me where you’re hurt. Might need to take you to the hospital after that one, kid.”
The only way you could respond was through sobs. You practically threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. He sighed softly, not in contempt but in mercy. He wrapped a bulky arm around you, using your head as a chin rest. He related to you in all the worst ways.
“I don’t wanna go back.” You sobbed against him.
“I know you’re scared.” He said softly. “You’re gonna stay with me for a while, yeah? You have a key anyways might as well.”
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He groaned as his phone went off from somewhere in his bed. He patted around, his eyes burning as the made contact with the blinding light.
Your face lighting up his phone ripped the drowsiness from his body.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” His voice was gruff and he cleared his throat.
“Mac.” You cried from the other end.
“Fuckin hell.” He growled. “Where are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry. They just started yelling at me and I got scared and now I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed.
“You did exactly what you were suppose to do. You called me. Now take a few breaths and tell me where you are. It’s late you shouldn’t be out by yourself.” He slipped his feet into his shoes and grabbed his keys from the entry table. He opened the door only to come face to face with you. His face scrunched as he took in your appearance. Your hair a mess, your face tear stained and you were shaking uncontrollably.
His heart dropped when he caught sight of a ruby colored mark on your cheek.
“That better not be what I think it is.” He gritted. You just cried harder. “Inside, now.” He snipped, making room for you brush past him.
“No, Mac please.” You sobbed. Your hands fled towards his arm and you leaned against him. You needed comfort. You needed assurance that everything was going to be okay.
“I’ll be back in twenty minutes. I can’t just let them get away with it Y/N.” He snarled. He gave you a kiss on the head. He began to pull his arm away but you just gripped him harder.
“Mac, please. I need you.” Your voice was soft. So weak and so vulnerable it made him stop dead in his tracks. “Please.” You whispered again. An apology flowed from his mouth and he quickly wrapped two strong arms around you, pulling you tight against him. You instantly relaxed.
“You’re right.” He murmured. “You’re safe now.”
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“Ky, Can I stay with you please?”
You had asked him that a little over a week ago. He agreed immediately- perks of being one of his most favorite people on the planet. You didn’t really tell him why, just that you had gotten into a small ‘altercation’ with your parents.
That brings you to where you are today.
“If you don’t want me I can just leave Kyle.” You huffed, already collecting your things from the guest bedroom.
“Lovie, don’t do that!” He shouted after you. “My door is always open for you and you know that. I would just like to know exactly what happened. Considering you’re practically living with me now I think I have a right to know.” He explained. He grabbed the things out of your bag, hanging them up again.
“Kyle, stop! I’ve obviously overstayed my welcome. I’ll be out for your hair in no time.” You rubbed at your face harshly, trying to rid yourself of any tears.
“Y/N. Enough. Please stop.” His words were firm. It made you cry harder. “I didn’t mean to upset you so bad.” He assured. His hands came up and grabbed your wrists so he could get a better look at your face. He pulled you close to him. “I also need to know how upset I should be with your parents. If it’s really bad we need to get you out of there.” He explained. You sniffled, wiping at your face again.
It was then he saw it.
A deep purple bruise on your wrist. How didn’t you flinch when he grabbed it?
“That answers my question.” He sighed. You gasped and pulled your sleeves down. “Is that the only one?” He pressed. His fingers rested under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. He repeated his question.
You softly shook your head.
“I have one on my side too.” You sniffed.
“Y/N look at me please.”
You did as he requested.
“I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you don’t have to go back, okay? But I need you to be completely honest about everything, yeah?”
A small sob left you and you quickly wrapped your arms around him.
“I love you, Ky.”
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
i love ur fics sm, thank you for keeping this (somewhat inactive) fandom fed 😭🩷
could i request a fic with johnny cage (my literal husband) where the reader is generally a shy/reserved person who prefers to stay home, but goes to all of johnny’s events to support him. at one of his events, reader sees a woman getting too comfortable with johnny and she gets jealous and the reader becomes clingy/passive aggressive around the other woman, but when confronted/asked, she won’t admit that she’s jealous. i know u mainly write for 18+ so if you want it to lead to smut, that’s fine!
(sorry if its too long/specific feel free to ignore!)
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A/N : thank you! Hope you like this. Also for little bit on context, for the ending of armageddon, it was you that stopped Titan Shang Tsung.
WARNINGS : MINORS DONT INTERACT. Nothing major but mentions of Johnny being “hard” and talk about sex
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After the events of armageddon, you had actually became best friends with none other than Johnny Cage. It was interesting to say the least since the two of you were polar opposites but hey, your friendship was good.
Johnny became a big hit director and his movie “Mortal Kombat” was out at the premiere. So, of course he invited you to be his plus one.
Now, you weren’t very much of the party go-er. If anything you’d prefer to stay at home and lay in your bed for eternity but your best friend Johnny wouldn’t let you become a couch potato.
Not only that but you felt like you had an obligation to him as his best friend to go with him to his biggest night yet. And so, you did.
In the movie, there was a character named “Athena” that was written based on you. Johnny said you were gonna love her but you were a little nervous.
You were getting ready at Johnny’s mansion just because it was easier since he had a limo to take you to the big night.
You were in his guest bedroom, getting all dolled up. Your dress was a long dark green dress that reached to your feet. You were finishing up the last touches.
The door was already opened but Johnny walked up and gave it a knock anyway. “You almost ready? The limo is-“ He stopped his sentence when he had seen you. You were absolutely stunning to him. “Wow.”
You looked back at him. Then you started to get worried with your appearance and you looked back at the mirror. “Oh no. Does this not look good?”
“No, no. You look hot.”
When you saw Johnny pulling out his phone, you immediately shook your head and tried to hide your face with your hands. “Stop.”
Johnny ignored you and recorded you anyway. “Come on. The world’s gotta know I got the hottest best friend in the world.” Johnny came up behind you and placed his hand on your lower back. You instinctively dropped your hands.
You sighed some before shoving him away. “Alright. You got your shot. Now, go away. Forever.”
“You know you like me.” Johnny gave you a playful kiss on the cheek before he stopped recording. He started to walk out the room. “Hurry up. You get ready like a girl.”
“Maybe because I am a girl. Crazy thought I know.”
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Johnny knew you’d be nervous walking the red carpet with him so he made sure to keep you close at all times. He also always had his hand placed on your lower back.
Your nerves had died down just a little. Johnny made the experience all the more joyful with his humor. He made you laugh.
The truth was, you liked Johnny. A lot but you’d believe he’d never go with a girl like you. I mean he’s literally a hot shot movie director now.
It was time to watch the movie. You were excited to see it and how Johnny saw you. Again, the nerves came back.
Through out the movie, your double, Athena, was described to be a shy and reserved individual but a really good martial artist.
In real life, you were the mentor for Raiden, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Johnny and helped them train for months.
You had laughed because you caught on that the character that was suppose to be playing “Johnny” was getting his ass kicked by your character. (As it had happened in real life.)
Johnny had made sure to watch your reactions to the movie and he smiled every time you laughed. It made him feel good that you liked it.
What you didn’t expect was at the end of the movie. Your character, Athena had defeated the powerful sorcerer and stopped evil through out all realms. Your character was viewed as the hero.
You were shocked. Johnny viewed you out to be a hero?
When it was done, Johnny was mingling with the crowd just trying to ask questions about the movie and what not.
That’s when you saw him talking to a woman. At first, you didn’t think anything of the conversation but then she gripped Johnny’s arm and began to laughed.
Something inside of you did a double take. What made you even more mad? Johnny was laughing with her and accepting her touch.
You shouldn’t be upset. You and Johnny weren’t dating. Not even in the slightest.
Oh but it did. It did very much.
So much so you did something that was not in your shy nature.
You walked over to Johnny and the woman. Your arm snuck around Johnny’s right arm. He looked to see it was you and smiled. “Hey (Y/N)-“
He was cut off by you grabbing the back of his neck and bringing him down to your lips. Johnny stood there, a little shocked but made sure to snap himself out of it. He kissed you back.
The woman scoffed as you made out with each other right in front of her. The kiss was starting to turn so sloppy that you two were tongue kissing.
When you thought you made your point- you pulled away and turned to look back at her. “You’re still here?” You questioned her, annoyed.
The woman waved you two off and walked away. Johnny was blinking his eyes. Completely confused. “Not that I didn’t enjoy every minute of that but what in the actual fuck just happened?”
It was like you yourself had snapped out of it. You shook your head and tried to walk away. “I don’t know but peace out-“
When you tried to walk away, Johnny grabbed your arm so you were forced to stand there. “Oh no. You’re not getting away that easy.”
You sighed a little, snatching your arm back. “I’m saving the world by one skank at a time. You should be thanking me. She probably had diseases.”
Johnny couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve had my ‘skank’ shots. I think I’d be alright.”
“Oh so you wanted to go out with her?”
“What in the world are you going on about?” Johnny then now understood. He snickered a little, shaking his head at himself for not realizing sooner.
You gave him a look. “What? What’s so funny? I’d like to know.”
He jabbed you in the shoulder playfully. “You like me.”
You tried to act like the idea of you ever possibly liking Johnny Cage was the most disgusting idea ever to know. “What? Me? Like you? No way. We’re friends.”
“Uh huh…” Johnny trailed off, smiling and not convinced.
You placed your hands on your hips at his tone. “I’m serious. I can’t even see myself being with you in like any scenario.”
“Right…so just to be clear-you tongue kiss all your friends like that?”
You couldn’t even defend yourself it felt like because in reality he was right. “Never in a million years. Like you’re so annoying.”
“And a player and conceited and the worst person on the planet and-“
Johnny didn’t let you finish your rant. He cupped the back of your neck and pulled you up to kiss him.
As much as your brain told you not you, your heart was doing cartwheels. You had to. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Johnny’s left hand went to your hip. He pulled you in closer so he closed the distance between you two. He licked your bottom lip and nibbled on it slightly, making you let out a moan.
He chuckled against the kiss and he pulled away. “So you don’t like me?”
“No.” You said and then walked away from him, causing him to shake his head.
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Back at home, you were back at Johnny’s guest room. The plan was always for you to spend the night after the premiere but now it felt awkward.
You were in your PJs. You were making the bed but frustratingly so. You could not get the sheets to lay on equal sides.
A knock was at your door. The door was already opened and you looked to see Johnny there in his own PJs. They were cartoon PJs with pajama pants and a t-shirt. You should’ve expected he’d wear something like that.
“You’re a kick ass martial artist but don’t know how to make a bed?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “We did not have these kinds of beds growing up thank you very much.”
Johnny snickered. “Let me help you.” He walked into the room and grabbed the sheet from you. He then started to lay it on the bed.
You felt anxiety creep in. You twiddled with your fingers. You couldn’t look at him. “I’m sorry I interrupted you with that girl.”
“You mean your sorry that you cockblocked me?” When Johnny saw your expression, he chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Kissing you was worth more than that anyways.” He said and started to put the second sheet on.
All the flirting Johnny ever did was now getting to you and you officially couldn’t take it anymore. “Why do you do that? Why do you always flirt with me?”
Johnny finished placing the sheet on the bed. He looked up to you and sighed. “(Y/N)-“
“And then the movie. Why did you write me like that? Why did you write me that I was the hero? Why do you do things like that?”
Johnny took a step towards you and grabbed your hand. “Because that’s how I see you. (Y/N), you’re the most badass girl I know.”
You took your hand away from him. “I’m not.” You turned so your back was facing him. “I have anxiety, I don’t like to talk to people, I get nervous even by the slightest bit of social interaction. What about any of that is ‘badass’?”
Johnny rubbed on your back and shoulders to try and relieve the tension that was built up in you. “Nothing you said has anything to do with being badass. You’re amazing and you do deserve it.”
“Why are you always so nice to me?”
“You know why.” Johnny forced you to face him. He cupped your face and wiped away all of your frustrated tears. “You know I like you, doll.”
You sniffled a little. Then brought your own hand to your face to wipe away the tears. Finally, you admit it. “I like you too.” You pushed him away slightly. “But I don’t think I can do this with you. We’re both on…different levels. You like to go fast all the time and I’m always slow in the background.”
Johnny grabbed both your hands. He set you and himself down on the bed. “Then I’ll be in the background with you. I’ll go slow. Slow as a turtle.” You chuckled a little at his analogy. He lifted your chin up so you were facing him. “Nothings gotta change.”
“Yeah. We’ll still be best friends. I’ll still mess with you and you’ll still eat all my food. The only difference is a title. Oh and also really great sex.” You swatted his arm a little at the last thing and he laughed. “Come on, (Y/N). One shot- that’s all I’m asking.”
You thought about it for a moment. You did really like Johnny. He was more than a best friend to you. He always made you feel good about yourself. And that’s something you cherished about him.
“Alright. One shot.”
“You won’t regret it, babe…probably.” You shook your head at him. The two of you stared in each other’s eyes. Then flickered to your guy’s lips. “Is it okay if I kiss you? Remember I’m moving as slow as a turtle for you.”
You laughed slightly. Instead of answering him, you kissed him. Johnny kissed back, placing his hand at the back of your neck.
The kiss was passionate. Like you two were starving for each other. Of course, Johnny was the best kisser you’d ever had but you would never admit that to him. It would only inflate his ego more.
The kiss started to get heated. Your hand felt up on his chest and your lips went to his neck to kiss on it.
Johnny moaned at the kisses on his neck before snapping himself out of it. He pulled away and stood up from the bed. “Nope.” You looked at him offended. “Promised you slow and that’s what you’re gonna get.”
Wow, he was actually taking this slow thing seriously. “Well, can I sleep in the same bed as you or is that going too fast for you, Cage?”
“Nah. That’s perfect speed.” Johnny helped you stand up from the bed. “Just don’t do no funny business because I’m already hard-“
You didn’t believe him but you looked down and he was in fact, hard. You gasped out in surprise and slapped his chest. “Johnny!”
“What? You’re the one making out with me and giving me neck kisses.”
You shook your head slightly and went with him to his bedroom. Guess you and Johnny were gonna try this out.
“Did I ever tell you how amazing your ass looked in those shorts?”
“Shut up, Johnny.”
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
you dont know me 7
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P1 P2 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32
pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: MENTIONS OF SU!CIDE. It doesn't go into tramendous details, just someone explaining it happened does not involved any of the triplets. mentions of a toxic relationship.
A few minutes later I'm standing on his porch, knocking on the door. I stood back, waiting. Waiting for either Dan or Chris to reveal themselves, but that moment never came. I stood back up and knocked again, nothing. I sighed and looked around.
I saw a gate that connected to his backyard. I bit my lip. I started to walk down the steps of his balcony and my feet hit the pavement of the road before I stopped and turned back around looking at the gate.
Would it be creepy I if I just walked into his backyard? Yes Y/n, that would be ridiculously creepy. I debate this in my head back and forth as I stared at the gate. If I go back there and see no one, then I'll just assume he's not home. I tapped my foot on the pavement. I sighed. All of the sudden my feet take me to his gate before I'm sliding it open and walking around the house.
I heard muffle talking and light from the backyard. I turn the corner and I see Chris and Nate sitting by a fire that was dimly lit and they were talking. Chris's eyes meet mine and then Nate turns around and looks at me. I felt my face turn red as they looked at me. Yes, this was incredible creepy, I should not have just walked into his backyard with no warning.
I walked up to where they were sitting.
"Y/n?" Chris asked looking at me. I looked down at my feet. "Sorry, I just-" I said quickly as I stopped right in front of the fire. "I knocked--" I said pointing towards the house making Nate look over towards that direction. "No one answered so I-" I mumbled looking at them.
"Just walked into the backyard?" Nate asked narrowing his eyes at me. I swallowed. Chris stood up and walked over to me. I just watched him. "Is everything okay?" He asked quietly looking at me. Nate just looked at us.
I guess I forgot to mention that I might have been crying the whole way here. My cheeks were red and my eyes were still watery. I looked down at Nate who was looking at me as if I were clinically insane. Chris looked down at him.
Nate looked at Chris before standing up off the chair and groaning. He turned and started walking towards the house. "I'm gonna get a soda" He mumbled quietly before opening the back door and disappearing inside. I swallowed as I looked towards the house.
"Y/n, why are you crying?" He asked in front of me. I looked at him and wiped my eyes and shrugged. "I don't know" I mumbled forcing a smile. He just looked at me with a face of concern. I didn't mean to cry. I don't handle my emotions very well. How do I tell him that I'm crying because Max didn't kiss me goodbye?
Maybe that wasn't the reason though. Maybe it was him screaming at me for my outfit, or almost killing me in the car ride home, or maybe it was the fact that he's hanging out with all of my friends and specifically told me not to come.
"Today was a bad day" I whispered looking at him. The corners of his mouth veered up slightly as he stood in front me, making me smile slightly. "Do you want to talk about it?" He whispered back. I shook my head. I looked back towards the house.
"I didn't mean to intrude. I can go I just-" I said shaking my head. Chris shook his head. "Don't worry about Nate, he's probably in my room eating everything in my pantry by now" Chris smiled making me smile. I liked his smile. He had a nice smile. I wanted to tell him that, but I knew I shouldn't. So I stayed staring at him for a second causing him to speak again.
"Do you want to leave?" He asked quietly. I blinked up at him. No. I shrugged. He turned his head slightly smiling down at me. "I don't want to ruin your night" I whispered honestly. It was true, I didn't. I didn't want him to worry about me, but I needed him in a way I couldn't explain. He smiled and shook his head as if that was a stupid thing to say. "Would it be sad to say that I was waiting for you to show up?" He said quietly. I bit back a smiled and looked down. Okay, that was kind of cute.
"I want you to stay" He whispered. I looked up at him. "I want to stay too" I admitted back. He smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the chair. "Sit" He motioned to the chair. I sat down as I watched him sit in the chair across from me. I looked into the fire and pulled my knees up to my chest and took a deep breath.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? Did something else happen with Max?" He asked looking at me. I just looked at the fire. I shrugged. He didn't say anything for a second as we listened to the cracking of the fire in front of us. I didn't really want to talk about Max with him. It didn't feel right.
"Did you break up?" He asked quietly. I looked over at him. The fire lit up his face in a dangerous way. In a way where the way he was looking at me made me want to wipe the tears from my face and walked over and straddle him then and there.
I shook my head at my thoughts. Why do I think like this only when I'm around him? I wish I could keep thoughts from popping into my head but it's hard when I'm in his presence. It just does something to me.
"No" I stated. He looked back at the fire and nodded. I breathed out. "I think he's mad at me" I said, then realized how stupid that sounded. 'I think my boyfriend is mad at me so I started crying and came here'. I wanted to roll my eyes at myself. "Why?" Chris asked after a second.
"I don't know, I thought it was for the clothes thing, but even after I changed he was cold." I said shaking my head. "All of my friends are over at Cayden's right now" I said looking at him. "Why aren't you there?" Chris asked leaning forwards on his arms. I looked back towards the fire.
"He told me he didn't want me to come and told everyone that I had some family thing that I couldn't get out of" I sighed. Chris fell silent for a second. I realized how stupid and self absorbed this sounded as it came out of my mouth. I shook my head. "Sorry it's stupid" I said looking at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.
"It's not stupid, it's shitty" He said looking at me. I smiled slightly. I let my knees go and put my feet on the ground and leaned back in my chair. "The puck thing-" I started, he looked up at me with a smile. "It was kinda good" I laughed lightly. He smiled and looked down. He shook his head.
"That's what he gets for leaving his keys unattended in the boy's locker room" Chris said smiling. I smiled. I shook my head looking up at him. "Can we stop talking about Max now please?" I smiled looking at me. He raised his eyebrows leaning back. "You don't have to tell me twice" He breathed making me blush. He looked up at me and pursed my lips.
It was these moments that I wish I knew what he was thinking. But I never could.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked quietly looking up at him. He nodded slightly. I leaned forward on my arms and looked at him. He looked at me, studying me. "Why are you so closed off?" I asked looking at him. His eyes darted towards the fire. Silence filled the air.
"I feel like I've told you more than I've told anyone in my life" I sighed, being fully honest. Max doesn't know about my parents, how I feel, how I think, the stars, the stupid car, any of it. Neither did Sydney or Cayden. Only Chris.
"And I feel like I don't even really know you" I breathed looking at him. He glanced up at me when I said that. "I want to know you, Chris" I whispered. I do want to know him, more than I've wanted to know anything or anyone in my entire life.
His eyes shifted from me again and he took his lip ring into his mouth. I just watched him. I watched as he contemplated something in his mind that I couldn't read. I just stared at him until his eyes met mine again.
He suddenly stood up off his chair and walked over to me. I leaned back in my chair as he approached me. I just blinked up at him as he looked down at me. He held his hand out for mine. "Get up" He said. I just looked at his hand and then to his eyes. Was he kicking me out? Did I offend him that much? My heart sunk into my chest as I looked up at him.
"What?" I choked. A smile drew on his face as he shook his hand. "Get up, come on" He laughed lightly. Okay, maybe he wasn't kicking me out. I placed my hand in his as he pulled me off of my chair. I looked at him as he didn't move away right away. We were just standing very close, just looking at each other.
"I want to show you something" He whispered. I just looked up at him, pathetically probably as I whispered a quiet "Okay". He smiled as he lead me into the woods behind his house where there was no light.
His hand was still grasping mine. I looked around into the dark tree line. Okay this was terrifying. I looked around and the only sounds were the sounds of leaves crushing beneath our feet as we walked.I heard a sound behind us and I grabbed Chris's arm with my other hand and pulled him close to me as we walked. He laughed lightly.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked him not letting go of his arm. "You'll see we're almost there" He whispered back. My first thought would be, he is taking me in the woods to kill me, but that thought didn't cross my mind. With all of the evil things that probably live in this forest, he isn't one of them. I didn't know why I knew that, I just did. I just clung tightly to him as we walked.
A few minutes later there was a clearing, and a slightly noise of rushing water of a stream. I lifted my head and saw a small patch of grass that overlooked the river with a tire swing that hung from a tree beside the grass and a few blankets. I dropped his hand and his arm as I looked over the clearing. It was dark, the only light being the moon in the sky, but I could still see everything. It was beautiful.
"Chris what is this place?" I asked as I turned back to him. He smiled and put his hands in his pockets. "This is my place" He said looking at me. "It's where I come to think sometimes, or where I went as a kid when I wanted no one to find me" He explained as I walked over to the tire swing and ran my finger down the rope that was attached to it. I turned and looked at him, smiling.
"It's perfect" I whispered. He chuckled lightly before I heard him move. I looked over and saw him grab a blanket and lay it out on the patch of grass. He sat down and looked at me. I just stared down at him. He patted the seat next to him. I smiled and rolled my eyes before walking over and sitting next to him.
"How many girls have you taken out here? Be honest" I smiled looking up at him, but his face fell straight. "None" He said blankly. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him. He looked down at me. "I feel like this would be your number one hook up spot" I laughed lightly. He shook his head and looked back towards the stream.
"I don't hook up with people" He stated. Silence fell between us. I looked forward. "Oh" I breathed. I don't know why I assumed he did. He's an attractive, sarcastic, badass guy with tattoos. I bet girls swoon over him. Why wouldn't he take girls here? They would eat this up. I know this because I am a girl and I am in fact, eating this up.
"My Grandpa build that swing when I was nine" He said pointing over to the tire swing. I looked over at the swing and then back at him. "I would come out here for hours when I was a kid" He explained. I just watched him as he spoke. "My mom would have to come out here and drag me away when it started to get dark and I would cry because I didn't want to leave" He laughed lightly, making me smile.
It made me happy to think of Chris as a little kid. For some reason I imagined him as a playful little boy who was full of energy and adventure. A kid who was always happy and bouncing around. Sometimes I feel like I could still see that kid somewhere inside him every time he smiled. I just smiled at him as he continued.
"My dad would sneak back here with me and let me stay out a little later, since he went with me" He said as he looked away from me. I looked down at my lap as he spoke.
"Why don't you have a good relationship with your parents anymore?" I whispered looking up. He pursed his lips and looked at me. I just looked at him, waiting for him to answer, not knowing if he actually would. He let out a breath.
"You asked me why I moved here once" He said turning from me. I did. I remember because he stormed off and got so angry at me for asking me the question. I didn't push him again after that. Now I'm thankful for that because he's breaking open, finally. I nodded.
"There was this girl back in Masscucets" He breathed. I felt a twitch in my chest. It almost felt like jealousy. It was wrong, I wish I didn't feel it, but I did and I tried to swallow it as I listened to him speak. My eyes stayed on him, but he looked forward, like he didn't want to look at me as he spoke.
"She was my girlfriend" He explained. "I loved her more than I've loved anyone in the entire world" He breathed. I swallowed. There was silence again, like he didn't want to continue. I knew there was more to the story the way he stopped. "What happened Chris?" I whispered after a few seconds of silence. I saw his eyes begin to water and he bit his lip. It broke my heart. He swallowed.
"She uh-" He breathed. He took a deep breath. "She killed herself, overdosed on pills in her bathroom" He swallowed. My heart dropped to my feet as I looked at him. My heart broke for him. I couldn't help it but my jaw parted, in shock. I just blinked at him fro a moment not knowing what to say. He glanced over at me and then back to his feet.
"Chris" I breathed looking at him. He turned his head from me so that I couldn't see his face. I hated it, the way he hid from me. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arm around his and leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, just feeling his embrace against mine.
He let out a shaky breath and leaned his head against mine. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. He didn't speak next to me. "Do you know why?" I asked him, looking up. He stared forward and pursed his lips. His eyes were no longer teary, as he contained himself.
"There was a note, it was brief. Just saying that's she sorry and that she loved us and that she just couldn't do it anymore" he explained. I looked at him. He looked down at me.
"My parents didn't know what to do. I wouldn't leave my room after the funeral and they said I was depressed" He sighed. "And maybe I was but they didn't know how to help. We got into fights constantly before they just gave up and sent me to live with my Grandpa" He explained. I looked down, not even imagining how hard that probably was for him. To have the one person love be taken away and then being forced off to a new life.
"New state, new town, new high school, new life" He said softly. "and in the middle of the year" He breathed, laughing lightly. I leaned back and looked at him, letting go of his arm. "I can't imagine going through that Chris" I breathed. He looked down not looking at me. "You're so strong for that" I said shaking my head. He looked up at me.
"Yeah that's what everyone keeps saying" He said nodding. I frowned at him and reached up and grabbed his hand making him look at me. "For whatever it's worth, I'm glad you're here" I whispered. He smiled and looked down, nodding.
"It was hard at first--the move" He breathed reaching up and pushing his hair back out of his face. "But then I met Nate and things got a little better. I feel like he knows me better than anyone" He said looking at me, I nodded. "My grandpa and I were rocky at first, we still kind of are, because of all the fights I get into" He said glancing at me.
"Why do you get into fights?" I asked. He pursed his lips as if he were thinking about it. "I guess I'm just mad at the world or something. It makes me feel better" He said looking at me. I frowned at him.
"I feel like whatever I do to that person, they won't ever feel the way that I felt when the world took her away from me, so it's hard to have sympathy for them" He admitted. What he said was cold, but in a way I understood where he was coming from. If something like that ever happened to me, I'd be mad at the world too. Everyone had their way with coping.
"What was her name?" I asked quietly. He looked over at me.
My eyes glanced down to the tattoo of a flower on the back of his arm, a rose. He looked down at his arm too before crossing them over his chest. "It's a pretty name" I whispered smiling. He smiled and looked at me and nodded. He leaned back on his arms.
"I just wanted to tell you this because you said that you've told me things that you've never told anyone before" He said as he looked at me. I just stared back at him. "So there's something that only you and Nate know about" He smiled sadly. I smiled back at him.
He looked around. "And now you know my secret spot too" He motioned around us. "Nate doesn't even know about this spot, so don't tell him" he whispered making me laugh.
"I like your spot" I whispered, making him smile. "Thank you" He whispered. I nodded. I laid back completely against the ground and looked up at the stars. Chris looked down at me as I stared into the sky. "You know" I started. He still looked down at me. "Today I stood up for myself" I said. Chris blinked at me.
"In front of Max" I said looking at him. His expression didn't change as he hovered over me and looked at me. "I finally told him that I hated the way he was treating me, like some girl who's just his display case. Told him I wasn't going to go to his stupid family dinner" I breathed. I shook my head, remembering it all. "How'd that go?" He asked me. I looked over at him.
"He went over 120 on a backroad until I agreed to go" I whispered. His face hardened. "Y/n-" he started. I shook my head, not waning him to say anything. "I've never been scared of Max in my life" I whispered looking up at the sky. "But even after he stopped I felt like I couldn't breathe like I couldn't keep my heart rate down I-" I stopped and bit my lip.
"You were probably having a panic attack Y/n" He said looking down at me. I swallowed and closed my eyes. "The only thing that helped me calm down was when I thought of you" I whispered. My eyes still closed, not wanting to look at him, not believing that I was actually admitting this to him. I blinked them open and saw Chris, his eyes still glued on mine.
"I don't know why but I did" I said looking at him. He licked his lips. "Can I tell you something?" He whispered. I just looked at him, insinuating for him to continue. "You're the first person I've kissed in three years" He admitted looking down at me. I sat up and looked at him, his eyes followed mine.
"A-Are you serious?" I asked looking at him. That meant that I was the first, since her. He smiled and nodded. I smiled and looked at him. I looked down at my hands. "Why do you act so surprised?" He asked looking at me. I looked up and looked him up and down. "Look at you" I said smiling. He looked at himself then back to me with a confused expression.
"What are you saying Y/n?" He smiled narrowing his eyes at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder. "You know what I'm saying Chris" I said shaking my head. He smiled and laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Didn't feel like it was" I whispered. I know he heard me because of the way his eyes burned into the side of my head.
"Hey Y/n?" He whispered making me look up at him again. I swallowed and met his eyes. He went silent as he looked at me, like there wasn't a follow up to his question. He just wanted me to look at him. The way he looked at me made my head spin. The way I could still see his blue eyes so prominently even though we were still in the darkness. I could still see the way he was looking at me. If I wasn't already sitting, I would have fallen to the ground.
"Yeah?" I breathed. He blinked at me. My throat ran dry, and I couldn't speak. Not with the way he was looking at me, and not with my way my heart was pounding against my rib cage. I swear if you listened hard enough and blocked out the sounds of the stream, you could hear it beat. He leaned forward slightly, and I did too. I felt his hand lay over top of mine and our faces were getting closer. The sounds of the stream and the crickets chirping being the only sounds between us.
He pressed his forehead against mine. We just looked at each other. Like we both know what he was about to say without him saying it at all. Neither of us made the move to connect our lips that kept brushing over one another's. His lips were right there and briefly touching mine, but weren't connecting. Why weren't they connecting? He wasn't moving forward and neither was I.
He closed his eyes before leaning back and taking his hand off of mine and looking out onto the creek. I let my head fall and I closed my eyes letting out a breath I was holding. Like that interaction had left me breathless and he hadn't even touched me.
I leaned back and looked towards my lap as the silence fell between us, but it's like it had spoken a thousand words. I hated this.
I felt my phone buzz that was beside us and it caused us both to look at my phone that lit up the space between us. I looked down and saw messages start to buzz over and over.
from: Max❤️❤️                         11:42 pm
baby I'm so sorry about today
from: Max❤️❤️                         11:42 pm
I was an asshole I don't deserve you
from: Max❤️❤️                         11:43 pm
I miss you I wish I would have just let you come, you're all I'm thinking about
from: Max❤️❤️                         11:43 pm
fuck I love you
We both stared down at the phone as I powered it off and looked toward the stream. He looked at me as I stared. "He's drunk" I stated. Chris turned to look in front of us as well, not saying anything. He sighed before standing up. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.
"Nate probably wondering where I am, we should go back" He sighed. I looked down at my feet before standing up and nodding. We both stood there looking at each other for a second. "He probably thinks you kidnapped me or something" He whispered smiling. I laughed and looked down and nodded.
"He probably does" I agreed looking at him. He motioned back towards the forest. I followed him through the woods. This time behind him, not holding his hand or arm. Just behind him so that he could lead the way. How friends walk with each other, and yet I hated every second of it.
tag list: @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking @iloveneilperry @chalametbich @dsmja @bernardsleftbootycheek @lovingsturniolo @aoxash @idrkk-123 @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @babagurlrichey @d3adlyclassrat @iammattsturniolo @1201pm @urfavstromboli @that-chris-girl01 @lovingsturniolo @aoxash
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