#and yes I gave him pointy ears
cupcakescrochets · 7 months
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Provoke the blade and suffer its sting!
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Halloween C4 artworks-commissioned by @benjaycaptain for one of their fics.
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moemoemammon · 2 years
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Took a lil break to draw for myself and revamped an old oc. Meet Vera! He's your boyfriend <3
(Bonus below the cut)
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He need kiss or he'll pass away :(
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faeriichaii · 5 months
hi!! i’ve never requested smth before but your writing is so good im gonna give it a shot💫 could i request a legolas x human reader where she somehow accidentally touches his pointy ears not knowing that they’re sensitive for elves and legolas asks her to keep doing it (fluff/like half smut more like teasing maybe?) and legolas is just this soft baby who begs her for her touch 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Sensitive ~ Legolas x Human!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much!! You're like so sweet <33 Oh that sounds very interesting 🤭 I like the idea!! I think I once read like one with a bunch of the elves where the reader accidentally touches their ears and like!! So I hope you enjoy the story <33 (and ngl I was so close to turn it into a smut rip)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff, lil bit smut (if you squint your eyes) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 875 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Aini Nin ~ My Angel ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Gi Melin ~ I love you ࿐ྂ
Summary: You knew that Legolas could endure quite a lot, but what you did not expect is his reaction to touching his pointy ears
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You loved keeping watch during the night. Everything seemed so calm and quiet and it was the only time of the day where you really get the chance to be by yourself. Where you get the chance to think about everything that happened so far and everything that still has to come. Sometimes Legolas joins you during your watch times. These were your favourite moments with him. You always have the most wonderful talks and share your thoughts with each other.
Being alone with him fills you up with joy and warmth. One could almost say you get drunk by his intoxicating charm that he shares specifically with you. Both of you were once more sitting on the logs, around a fire that has been put out for quite some time now, talking about the future ahead. “Do you think your father will like me?” You suddenly asked him, using a stick to draw a heart onto the dirt beneath you. “There is no way he could not. He will adore you as much as I do Aini Nin.”
A bashful smile graced your lips, as you wrote your initial, as well as his into the heart. “I can’t wait to meet your hometown my love. And your father. I want to see everything and get to know all about Mirkwood.” Looking up at him, you caught him already staring at you. His eyes were shining with love and care for you. “And I wish to visit your hometown. Learn all about your family and the customs you share.”
His arm snaked around your waist, in order to pull you into his warm side. Dropping the stick you used for your small drawing, you leaned into him. “Do you think we should take Gimli with us?” A laugh escaped Legolas lips at the thought of the dwarf running around the palace grounds. “I think that would either end up in multiple deaths or banishment on his side.” Chuckling at his response, you leaned your head onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“I love you.” You said, gazing up at him lovingly. “Gi melin, Meleth Nin.” He gave you a soft kiss on the lips, which you immediately reciprocated. You still were looking at him, shining in the moonlight like an angel sent from heaven, as you noticed one of his braids getting loose. “Oh Legolas, can I re-braid your hair?” “Of course.” With that you stood up to take your place on his lap. His hands gently laid on your waist, as you undid his hairdo.
“I wish I had soft hair like you do.” You said, brushing your fingers through his white strands. “Your hair is already perfect as it is Aini Nin.” He softly whispered, as he leaned into your touch. A gentle smile graced your lips. Quickly giving him a loving kiss on his temple, you resumed your work on his hair. Parting the strand into a few sections, you began to weave your fingers through them. The quietness of the forest was interrupted, as Legolas let out a hitched breath. You raised an eyebrow at the sound that escaped him but continued to braid his hair.
His hands tightened around your hips, as your fingers accidentally brushed against his ear. You noticed that his ears slowly gained a red colour by the tips. A smirk played on your lips, as you let your hand brush against his pointy ear once more. Legolas let out another shaky sigh. “Are you alright my love?” You asked him, playfulness evident in your words. “Yes, it’s just… my ears. They are sensitive.” A little giggle left your lips, as you abandoned the braid and instead focused on his ear. You gently let your fingers trail along the pointy form. The elf underneath you let out a soft whine at your touch, slightly leaning into your hand.
His breathing got ragged, hips also moving up into you while pressing you down on him. “Should I stop Meleth Nin?” You innocently asked, playing with the tip of his ear. “No, please. Don’t stop.” A whine followed his words, as you put your other hand around his other ear, massaging both of them equally. Warmth spread through your body at the sounds that escaped your lover underneath you. The elven prince tried his best to keep as subtle and quiet as possible, in order to not wake up the others around you. “Do you love it when I play with your beautiful elven ears?” “Yes.” His breathy answer was muffled, as he hid his face in your neck. “Please don’t stop.” He whispered, giving you a gentle kiss on the exposed skin. Legolas cheeks were rosy and so were your own. You knew that elves could endure quite a lot, but you did not expect them to have wobbly knees after just a touch to the ears.
Suddenly you stopped your little ministration, making the prince underneath you whine sadly. “I am sorry my love, but you don’t want to wake the others now, do you?” You said, smirking slightly at his flustered expression. His hands tightened around your waist, as he brought you closer. His warm breath hit your ear. “You are going to regret this.”
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Little Bundle of Darkness
Synopsis: Astarion becomes a father.
Tags: fluff, comfort, dadstarion, dhampirs, pregnancy
Alethaine's age: newborn
Read on AO3
Thanks @lobster-risotto for beta-reading!
Astarion wants to leave the house, just to distract himself a bit. Just to take a break.
A cry of pain pierces the air. 
The vampire starts moving objects in the room mindlessly. He hates dissociating but at this moment he misses this feeling of not being present in the moment.
It's been years since he felt so useless, so doomed. And so scared.
Another cry, louder than the previous one, and Astarion clenches his fists as if being ready to attack an invisible enemy. 
He and Tiriel have been through a lot. He has seen her in blood and pain many times - his fierce warrior-wife who wields a two-handed axe with the same elegance he uses daggers is unstoppable and unbreakable.
But this… this is different. 
"I - I can't!", he hears Tiriel. "It hurts!"
Whatever she wants to say next, drowns in yet another cry.
Astarion casts a glance outside. The sun is still shining so he is locked inside the house. Helpless and useless while Tiriel is suffering in agonizing pain only with a midwife to be by her side.
...He had no idea it was possible. He is an undead. Undead men don't impregnate mortal women. Besides, it had been twenty years since they met. If it had been possible to conceive a child, it would have happened a long time ago.
But – 
One day her blood just tasted different. And Tiriel was so tired she couldn’t lift her weapon on their back home from the wilderness. She was claiming everything was all right and he had to drag her to the town’s healer.
She came back much sooner than he expected, and he immediately sensed something was utterly wrong. Tiriel sat in front of him in the chair, eyes firmly fixed on her hands.
"My sweet, what did he say?" Astarion asked. By this moment he started feeling a wave of his own panic. Tiriel is mortal. She is a warrior, yes, but she isn’t immune to curses and, after all, death. And besides he had never seen her like that.
"Astarion, tell me one thing. Have you heard about children born from vampires?"
"Yes, I have. Dhampirs. It’s like being a vampire without downsides,"he got so carried away that he basically gave a lecture to Tiriel, and then stumbled. "Why do you ask?"
And then she put her hand on her belly.
“He told me I am pregnant.”
… The next months were intense. Sometimes everything was good. They could even sit and talk about the future – sure, the child was going to be an elf with just a bit of human ancestry on Tiriel’s side. 
But more often than that they both were scared. Tiriel had insane mood swings and she would burst into tears after some innocent mockery from him. He had nightmares and panic attacks. Everything he thought had gone for good returned the instant he’d learned about pregnancy. 
And Tiriel… Well, the thing is women die at childbirth even if the child is mortal. Even if before the woman has challenged the gods.
Cries from upstairs are unbearable to hear. Astarion wants to be there with Tiriel and, at the same time, he wants to be miles away. And it’s all his fault. 
If she dies, it will be his fault.
Fuck it.
Astarion goes up and with a bit of hesitation pushes the door. The smell of familiar blood makes his head spin.
“Go away, idiot! I told you not to come here!” the midwife curses. “There is too much blood!”
“No, please!” Tiriel begs, reaching out for him, “Don’t go!”
Astarion kneels beside her and squeezes her hand. “I am not going anywhere, my sweet.”
What if something is wrong? What if the child is some monster, not even resembling a sentient being? What if…
And suddenly Tiriel goes silent.
A squeal, full of fury and distress, pierces the room.
“Well, this one looks like a healthy girl”, the midwife places the baby in Tiriel's arms. 
The tiny Elven baby with long pointy ears stops crying, feeling her mother’s skin against hers.
Astarion stares at the child in shock.
“Didn’t really take after me, did you?” Tiriel adjusts herself a bit in the bed. “My lovely beautiful girl”, she presses a kiss against the baby’s forehead, “Look at her ears, they are like yours!”
Astarion can’t take his eye off them. His child. His and Tiriel’s. His daughter. Not a monster – just a baby. 
The long pointy ears twitch, and Tiriel starts caressing them.
“Tiriel… My love…”, he finally manages to speak again, “Her ears are very sensitive, don’t touch them too much”.
“Oh, I am sorry”, Tiriel stops. “But they are so cute!”
“They are.”
Astarion can’t decipher what exactly he feels. All these months the child was just an idea, something he couldn’t feel attachment to. But now that the baby is born, the realization that nothing will be the same hits him. That his life has just changed forever.
And this is good. The worst thing that was happening to him all the centuries of enslavement was the understanding that nothing would ever change. Nothing would get better or worse because everything would stay the same. And now, it’s something new. Something natural. Something he thought was available only for normal people, not someone so twisted and ruined like him.
Tiriel touches his arm softly.
“Hold her.”
“What?! No! I am not…”
“It’s your child, Astarion”
Astarion stands up and recoils. “Tiriel, I will hurt her! Look at her, she is small! I will… I will do something to her!”
It seems like his voice scares the newborn and she starts crying again. 
“Sit with me”, Tiriel asks. “Please”
Astarion hesitates but obliges. Before he says anything, the little bundle is already placed in his pale arms.
He freezes. The girl cries even louder demanding to be returned to her mother. Astarion touches her forehead with his fingers – the skin feels delicate like silk”
“Ai armiel telere maenen hir, salen damia”, he whispers in Elven.
And the girl stops crying. She looks at him with her dark eyes and suddenly smiles. The newborn stretches her tiny arms as if trying to reach out for his face. 
And Astarion bursts into tears. Sobbing, he cradles the baby in his arms, hearing the fast heartbeat within her delicate rib cage. 
It’s his daughter. His treasure. The reward for everything he’s been through. The sign that he has been doing the right things all these years.
Tiriel puts her chin on his shoulder and wraps her hands around his waist.
“Thank you, my love”, Astarion says to her. “This is a gift.”
They sit like that for what feels like an eternity. Finally, Tiriel breaks the silence.
“She needs a name.”
Astarion studies the girl’s face as if looking for a hint. Then, the name comes to his mind, though he doesn't know where he could have heard it.
“Alethaine. My love, can we call her Alethaine?”
Tiriel nods. “It’s not like I have any other suggestions. I was scared to death the whole time. It’s beautiful. Let’s call her that”.
It’s already night when the midwife leaves the house. Astarion helps Tiriel to get to the bed with clean sheets and then brings her sleeping Alethaine.
Astarion watches how Tiriel pulls the collar of her shirt freeing swollen breasts and then places the girl that way so her mouth in front of the nipple. The girl makes sucking movements and her ears twitch simultaneously.
Tiriel starts humming – and Astarion recognizes a human lullaby he’s heard from Tiriel maybe only once or twice. 
He carefully puts his head on Tiriel’s lap so he can see both his wife and daughter.
“How are you feeling?” he finally asks.
“Tired. Happy. And you?”
Astarion chuckles. “You pushed a whole Elven baby out of your body and wonder how I am feeling?”
“Actually, yes”
“I feel … alive.”
Tiriel reaches to his silver curls and strokes the hair with her free hand.
“Thank you for giving her to me”, she whispers.
Ai armiel telere maenen hir, salen damia (Elven) - you hold my heart forever, my child
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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2-dsimp · 2 months
Rivius being just an inch taller than me makes him perfect kissing height for me. Just a bunch of surprise kisses on the lips, no need for me to struggle to give him kisses.
Honest prefer short people, especially when they are close to my height since it is perfect kissing range.
『Featuring your Yandere Archdevil being surprised with a kiss』
Y/n: “Hey Rivi~ can you look over here for a second I wanna show you this formula”
The Archdevil perked up at the sound of his beloved attendant’s voice beckoning him. And he meticulously dropped his pencil neatly onto the laboratory desk. Next to the blueprints of his big hit creation and leisurely walked over to peer at whatever it was you were referring to. Leaning his chin over your shoulder like an expectant teacher.
Rivius: “well? What ‘tis it my dear attendant? Is this formula meant to find the (w) variable for the base model—!!”
You surprised him with a chaste peck on the lips. His pointy ears were reddened with a rudy hue as he then gave you a half lidded glare. That made you cock your head at him in confusion wondering why exactly he looked so displeased.
Y/n: “Huh? What’s wrong? Why you got that look on your face—!?”
The Researcher interrupted your words by firmly grasping you by the chin and pressing a full on smooch against your lips. Making sure to savor the warmth and taste of your mouth before pulling away with a soft huff. As a small frown was present upon his face while he lamented in a scolding tone.
Rivius: “If you’re to give me a kiss then you ought to make it a proper one, yes? I need more than just a mere peck from you, so don’t forget it.”
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Dendro NA: 101 (Yandere!Alhaitham/Reader)
a/n: “ansy weren’t you going to write faceless!ayato and music composer!tighnari” well yes but things happened so now here we are. I’m dedicating this fic to crying anon since they’re the person that gave me an idea of an "what if Alhaitham had an elf!darling?" after this fic. The beginning reads like an enemies-to-lovers fic with a slice of crack where nothing goes wrong but trust me it’s not lmao
unreliable synopsis: After Alhaitham forged your signature, you're now forced to become the Acting Grand Sage’s assistant. It's even more annoying when he nearly visited your house all drugged up. Seriously, when will he learn to respect his seniors?
CW: yandere themes, noncon touching, aphrodisiacs, possessiveness, so much bickering, and the reader slanders dendro for plot reasons. 
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Pulcinella, The Rooster, came to visit early in the morning.
“Pups, please… Stop turning my apartment upside down and just tell me what you want.”
It was unexpected how the old man barged into your “unconquerable mess of an apartment” with the intent to celebrate your newfound job at the Haravatat. Mayor Pulcinella isn’t your direct grandfather, but he is your grandfather’s brother. The fact that you are connected to him is a well-known secret (as absurd an oxymoron as that may sound) in the College of Engineering and Technology at the Akademiya. Because of the collectivist mentality that characterized your family, every last pointy-eared relative you are aware of is blatantly nosy and annoying. The "mayor" is much more so.
Pulcinella did come to extend his congratulations, with a generous batch of cookies even, but he had an objective in mind. His way of showing that he cares is usually in the form of letters but he stands right in front of you now. You can only imagine how difficult it is for someone in his position to take a leave of absence this far since Port Ormos is so far away from home and it takes days for mail to arrive here.
Your grandfather is obstinate. Terrifying so since you recognize that expression on his face all too well. Although you are unsure of what he needs from you, you do know that you want him out. Immediately.
“Don’t talk to me in that tone, child.” He scowled, jabbing your briefcases with his wooden cane. “I’m not leaving until I find it.”
That "Rooster" moniker belongs to him without a doubt. Your belongings were seized by the elf-like a bird's beak. He prodded the dreadful equation-filled sheets hanging on your wall and snatched a few trinkets on your work table. Good lord. Pulcinella made so much noise that if you weren’t already planning on starting your day, you would’ve been incredibly cranky when he knocked on your door.
“For Her Majesty’s sake– just what are you trying to find, grandpups?”
He turned to look at you.
Not mad, but disappointed– sad, even.
“An engagement ring. Evidence that you’re dating that fool, Alhaitham.”
You groaned.
“Him again?! Motherf—”
Pulcinella quirked his eyebrow at your outburst, “hmm?”
You chuckled nervously, “ah, sorry, I just… It’s nothing.”
No, it was not “nothing.” That bastard ruined a lot of things for you, including your vision. You didn’t want a dendro vision. You were praying for Rex Lapis every night even after his death but somehow being involved with Alhaitham strayed your path to gaining the “grass fertilizer tool” as you loved to call it. Sure, there’s little evidence that he’s the reason behind the fact that you got a dendro vision instead of geo but that doesn’t change the fact that you want to crush him between your palms like a writhe scarab. Especially after he enlisted you as his scribe-disciple without your consent. What a complete scumbag.
Oh, to quit the Akademiya only to be forced to go back again…
But of course, your grandpups don’t know anything about this and you have ZERO intentions of letting him in on your business. If he knows, then ALL of Snezhnayan elves know.
“I’ve heard from your mother that you’ve gone lovesick and left the Akademiya,” Pulcinella spoke in a slow somber tone. “And falling recklessly in love and gaining a dendro vision does not sound like you at all.”
Eww. Lovesick? Hell no.
If it weren’t for this man, you would’ve graduated as a fully pledged civil engineer next year. If he wasn’t such a great scribe, no, forger, your signature wouldn’t be on that damn contract.
That man seriously has no respect for his seniors.
Nevertheless, it was too late to do anything. You just have to accept the consequences of your inaction. Additionally, if you're going to take this "new job," you might as well act as if you adore it.
Hooray! Don’t you love working for Alhaitham? Isn’t it fun to discard your 4 years of studying? Oh, what joy! You definitely did not burn your eyebrows out trying to ace FIFTY Kshahrewar mock tests!!!–
“Talk to me, poppet.” He continued, eyebrows knitted. His wrinkly hands reached to gently hold yours. Suddenly, you remembered that he is still family. That this was the same old major that your young self boasted their miniature construction toys to.
“I’m worried that something might’ve happened. And my dear, health is not the absence of disease or infirmity, it is also–”
“The complete state of physical, mental, AND social wellbeing. Yes. I know, Pups. You nearly forced me to study medicine.” You groaned and palmed your forehead, weak but playful.
He chuckled heartily.
The old man’s rather soft with you compared to his other grandchildren. If he wasn’t, you’d likely find yourself as Il Dottore’s new assistant.
Although most people would find working for a harbinger, especially The Doctor, to be a complete nightmare, you concluded that being Alhaitham's slave was the epitome of "overrated garbage," and you despise the scribe so much you can't even remember his appearance. Sure, Layla’s jealous that you’re essentially set for life by being a scribe assistant but at least Dottore gives his assistants a hefty pay (discounting his crimes against humanity…)
You’re not proud to call Alhaitham your boss. That stupid #093c0d face doesn’t make your 2 million mora salary worth the trouble. He needs to pay for your mental health insurance–
“Are you alright, poppet? You’re looking at me like you would with one of your test slimes.”
You exhaled deeply, “sorry, I suddenly thought of a hex code #093c0d person.”
Pulcinella closed his eyes.
“A dark green shade?”
“That’s right.”
With an unreadable yet deliberate face, Pulcinella fixed his gaze on you. Your unique perspective on others didn't seem to disturb your grandpups the way it did your parents. He is one of the select few who is aware of how you assign people's personalities through colors. Pulcinella raised his glasses further up before giving a sage-like nod. The moment he crossed his arms, you knew he understood what you were trying to express.
“So it’s a lover’s quarrel.”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Wait, what– NO!!! Pups, please stop assuming shit– things!!!”
Never mind— he is SO far off.
Why is he convinced that you’re dating that prick? What the hell did your mom tell him?!
“I heard that, poppet. And do not misunderstand, I think this is a good thing.”
Your uncle-grandfather cupped your cheeks and squished them between his fingers. Perhaps this is what people consider a wholesome grandpa-grandchild dynamic– but social norms should’ve also labeled this as domestic violence. His pinching hurts. Your clipped groans made him grin wider.
“After all, this means that you have seen his flaws and true character. What better way to break a couple up than a genuine argument?”
Pulcinella pulled his hands away.
“I felt distraught when I heard you have given up your pursuit of civil engineering and chose a career in the Haravatat,” he sighed and took off his hat, holding it against his chest. “I was rooting for you, dear. I had faith in your aspirations. Even Lord Capitano found it upsetting to learn that the future engineer I frequently boasted about had become a lesser Lord Kusanali underling.”
You squirmed and rubbed your cheeks, staring at the ground.
Lord Capitano was not someone you often interacted with, but you knew that he had an eye for talent– and he sought after yours. Perhaps this is your ego talking, but it felt like even he believed you’re best suited for an engineering course too. Other than your grandpups and subsequently his recruit, Ajax, Lord Capitano was one of the Fatuis you respected.
Alhaitham truly crushed your dreams.
“I know, Pups…”
“You know what to do, right?”
You nodded solemnly, before looking him dead in the eye. Pulcinella can see your determination clear as day.
You breathed in.
“I’m going to commit arson.”
He patted your back, smiling.
“That’s my grandchild!”
Pulcinella tip-toed and ruffled your hair.
“Alright, this old man had given up. Just show grandpups where the ring is.”
“Her majesty the Tsaritsa’s sake– I already told you Pups– ALHAITHAM AND I ARE NOT DATING!!!”
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It was an exceptionally hot evening in Sumeru City despite being far from the desert. You should be inside your apartment right now, studying the Dendro Vision book Alhaitham gave you but you’d rather be where you are now. It’s about to get warmer, yet you’d dare argue that both you and master architect Kaveh’s headache can compete with its 38°C average temperature.
“C’mon, please?”
“No, I’m not helping you burn Alhaitham’s house down.”
“What?! Why not?!”
“Damnit, (Y/n)– BECAUSE I LIVE THERE!!!”
“Oh, right.”
You flopped back to your seat, eyes rolling back, deflated.
Kaveh cried out in pain while lowering his head to the table. He somewhat resembled a dried-out raisin. He had a drinking binge the night before, so this isn't because he's not a morning person. Although you expressed regret for knocking on his (Alhaitham's) door, the architect never misses a chance to rant about his housemate. Kaveh's pain wasn't even close to how much he detested Alhaitham. Now here you both are, sitting outside Lambad’s Tavern like morons because you both forgot to bring your wallets.
Not a sight you’d expect from a master-of-all-trades (ex-)engineering student and a genius architect.
“Damn it…” You whined. “What else am I supposed to do now?”
“Await until Focalors passes her judgment,” he answered hoarsely.
In other words: curl up and die, probably.
“Yeah… Yeah, that sounds viable. Let me just go to Fontaine real quick– oh wait, I can’t, because some dumbass scribe paid the corps to keep me from reaching the borders.”
Kaveh chuckled, still caressing his headache, not caring how his messy and unwashed locks covered his eyes. You’d be surprised if he told you he didn’t just get out of bed. He appeared like he was ready to sleep for all eternity, or more accurately, Kaveh’s starting to look eerily similar to Layla. In terms of colors though, he’d still be a #ffda29 and not a #003153.
He sneered, “did the sun always look this bright, powerful, and oh-so hateful?”
“It wouldn’t look like that if you didn’t down the pitcher I left on the table last night, Kaveh.”
You both turned to look at the voice– rather, the abyss. Alhaitham stood behind you. Or at least, you think it’s him.
Okay, here’s the deal: you hate remembering his face.
You handle your memory much like a student would a personal bookshelf– you’ll occasionally take out the information you no longer wish to retain in favor of more useful and relevant ones. As a creature with longevity, an elf should be picky when it comes to memories. You believe your approach is in the same vein as Pulcinella disposing of “less valuable assets’' without hesitation. If there’s no point in having it, why carry the baggage? But there are at least two facts that you can easily recall about Alhaitham: it’s his voice and the color #093c0d.
In other words, he’s just a talking dark green slime in your eyes.
Which he considers a major step up, by the way. You went from ignoring him to recognizing his voice, to associating him with one color. That’s quite a development. A pathetically slow progression, but still a positive one.
The man swiftly dodged his slap by crouching down. He honestly didn’t have to put in the effort when Kaveh’s attacks were sluggish.
Tons of passersby stared at Kaveh as he flailed around, but they were quick to look away. It’s no longer a secret that he lives with the scribe. Everyone in Sumeru City knows about his tactless antics and none are deaf when it comes to his loud gripes about his housemate. Even so, you went up to him to soothe his worries and restore his reputation because not everyone understands he's not a bad person.
Alhaitham scoffed, glaring.
“I didn’t. The label said "Fire-Water.””
“Fire-water? Oh.”
Your hand flew to your mouth as you connected the two dots.
That beverage from Snezhnaya is notorious for having a high alcohol content and is only known in Mondstadt as the drink Master Ragnvindr forbade exports of. As a quote-unquote "wine connoisseur," you were invited to one of his parties. Fortunately, you were able to warn Diluc of how potent it is firsthand– Kaveh? Not so much.
You snorted.
“Yeah, Kaveh, I hate to take Alhaitham’s side on this but this one is on you, friend.”
The blonde’s eyes widened, betrayed.
“Need I remind you that fire-water is an alcoholic beverage, Kaveh.” Alhaitham waved his hand, emphasizing his condescending tone. “Maybe if you listened to me instead of ranting about my work ethic, you would’ve known that I received it as a gift from a Fatui Harbinger.”
Your ears perked up. “From a Harbinger?”
Alhaitham smirked but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“Hmm. I’m certain that you know him, assistant (L/n). His name is Pulcinella,” the scribe said. “He left me a note. He said he wishes that I drink to my heart’s content as a thank-you gift for hiring his grandchild. I wasn’t aware you have a kind grandfather.”
You smiled back, crookedly.
No. No, your uncle-grandfather DEFINITELY wanted to see Alhaitham in pain. He didn’t even bother giving him a bottle– he gave him a fucking leftover pitcher.
Alhaitham took your arm. Unfortunately, he’s taller than you with muscle strength you can’t compete with. You squirmed but resistance was futile. Doesn’t mean you can’t bite his arm off–
“Assistant (L/n)–”
You gritted your teeth. “Don’t touch me, sir.”
Alhaitham paused, processing how much emphasis you put into pronouncing the word “sir.”
“–I’ll be taking you away now.” He looked down on your friend and scoffed. “Kaveh, do try your best to not be a burden to Mx. (L/n) again.”
Kaveh clutched his head, still in pain.
Sorry, Kaveh. That drink and beating headache were not meant for you in the slightest. You made a mental note to make it up to him, but not today. You have a lot on your plate right now.
“Idiot. They’re the one that invited me here!”
“I quite frankly don’t care,” Alhaitham spat coldly.
“From now on, refrain from having conversations with my assistant. Unless you’re prepared to face the consequences.”
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“Do you remember the approximate damage multipliers an aggravate reaction causes?”
“Tch. I just discussed this, I can’t believe you already forgot.”
“You think I forgot? Haha, hell no. I didn’t forget, I just wasn’t paying any attention.”
Alhaitham dragged you down a secluded area in the rainforests with a sword in hand. Quite frankly, you hoped he brought his weapon to kill you, but you’re well aware of what this is about.
This is a lesson straight out of a page of “Dendro Vision Qualifications 101: Normal Attack Patterns.” The Acting Grand Sage thinks that you should have at least enough fighting proficiency for you to start formally working for him. As for you? You think this whole charade is utterly meaningless.
Sometimes, you truly do wish you were born as a rock instead. Maybe then you would be able to perform the “gray-rock method” whenever Alhaitham starts his drivel about dendro visions. You bet you’d make a pretty good tombstone for your dead childhood friend if you were a rock. Being a rock is probably the nicest thing to be. You get to be something created from the Geo element– the element and vision you desired. And not dendro.
Anything but lame old dendro.
This is so stupid. You wanted a geo vision, damn it. What on earth did you do to make Rex Lapis spite you, and what kinda breakthrough did you accomplish to gain the Lesser Lord Kusanali’s favor instead?!
If only you got something that isn’t the same as Alhaitham’s vision. Maybe if you got an electro vision you’d be learning how to brandish a lance with the General Mahamatra instead. Unlike most people, you enjoy being in his prolonged company and dry jokes. You’ve exchanged letters with Cyno multiple times– but your friend’s on-the-spot puns are 10x funnier than the things he writes down. Of course, that’s only because his earnest delivery sells it.
“In this fighting stance, you can perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dishing out dendro damage approximately every 2 seconds interval–”
You held up your Eye of Perception.
“Bold of you to assume I’ll use this vision.”
“–charge attacks on the other hand require a hefty amount of stami–”
You yawned, halting Alhaitham in the middle of his “lecture.”
There’s a reason why you chose an Eye of Perception, and that’s because, unlike most catalysts, it procures physical damage as well. With someone as petty as you, it’s only natural that you’d brandish a weapon that doesn’t rely too much on dendro reactions.
“Yeah, I’ll just hit the enemy with my catalyst. Like, aim and shoot, or maybe I’ll just go with blunt force. This eye of perception looks like it’s made of metal, it can probably dish out some physical damage–”
Alhaitham shifted forward. Your gentle yet insouciant voice forced him out of his momentum.
“...Yes, sir?”
His gaze sharpened.
“Pay attention.”
You snorted. Was he trying to intimidate you?
You, an elf who lived longer than him? How arrogant. It was becoming clearer why Alhaitham never once had a girlfriend or boyfriend. Or maybe a genuine friend in general. His senior who happens to also be his housemate does not count.
“No thanks.” You laughed to yourself, barely containing your amusement. “I think I’m doing fine.���
“What do you expect will happen if you don’t listen to my instructions? Your unfailing indifference sickens me.” He sheathed his sword back. “Do I have to spell everything out? You’ll get injured in combat. You won’t be able to defend yourself from fungi, eremites, and other enemies on the prowl. All for what? Useless pride? Grow up. Accept that you got a dendro vision and be done with it.”
“Tch…” You know how you feel, but you do not have the strength to say it out loud.
What an impossible task. He’s telling you– the most stubborn person you know– to give up on your goals? Inconceivable. You bet he sees the mediocre majority as nothing more than defective pawns, and you’re well aware you belong in that lowly category.
To him, grief may as well be easy as breathing. For you, years had gone by and you could still hear their voice. The scribe knows nothing about tributes for the dead. 
Your old childhood friend beckons you back to the chasm. His voice comes once the dark rears in, reverbing his desperate pleas for a fitting grave. It’s a voice that twists around your chest like a knife. You can’t get their faces out of your memetic bookshelf, but it’s not as if you’re willing to dispose of them.
You didn’t want a dendro vision. 
You wanted a geo vision to construct mausoleums for your dead friends.
Alhaitham scowled.
“Fine. We’ll resume our lesson next week.”
He bumped into your shoulder as he walked by. For a split second, you’re reminded that your superior had longer eyelashes than you do. And it made the gesture more annoying.
Alhaitham wouldn’t normally let you off so easily…
Maybe he’s busy?
“If you’re so insistent on only utilizing physical attacks, be my guest. Next time, I will not back down a single step.” Alhaitham walked away with heavy feet, stamping the dirt with his heels.
The consequences of your actions began to sink in. You may have lived longer than Alhaitham, but needless to say, he had more experience in combat.
Admittedly, you may have done yourself a disservice by acting out… You huffed.
No, no way.
“What could possibly go wrong? He’s just a feeble scholar!”
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Unsurprisingly, Alhaitham was not, in fact, a feeble scholar.
Thankfully you have the Eye of Perception at your disposal because the moment he found you walking towards Devantaka Mountain the following week, the bastard went for your jugular.
“What the fuck, Alhaitham?!”
You fired a single shot, aimed higher this time knowing that he would attempt to evade. Much like his actions with Kaveh last time, Alhaitham was quick to dodge that projectile. His timing is impeccable as he activated his vision.
#ff0e0e starts blaring in your line of sight. You’ve always trusted these colors— your instincts.
You’re in danger.
You almost didn’t recognize that it was him. If he wasn’t breathing heavily, you would've mistaken him for an assassin. Alhaitham never made any unnecessary movements. His slashes were not done with the intent of harming you, but shepherding you to an appropriate trap. Your knee scraped against the grass and minuscule rocks. Prioritizing distance over attacks was a wrong move– he’s faster than anticipated. You gasped sharply as the scribe pinned you against a tree trunk–
… His scent caught your attention.
“A cicin mage’s perfume…?” You mumbled, eyes wide.
That didn’t seem right. Their perfume usually doesn’t smell this unpleasant and metallic.
Your ears drooped down as you realized this Alhaitham did not attack because he’s a lunatic, no. That malodorous stench was akin to a grandmother’s bittersweet husk.
This Alhaitham was under the influence of aphrodisiacs, and it is not something you can fault him for.
“What– What on earth happened?”
He twisted your arm slightly, not enough that’ll make you scream but just rough for a tiny yelp–
and that’s how he boldly claimed your lips.
You froze in horror, letting him take advantage of your plight. Alhaitham pulled away, panting slightly.
Alhaitham moaned as he slipped his tongue back inside. You tried to stop him but you yelped the moment his hand groped your thigh. His breath fanned your flustered skin as he moved to slither his arms around your waist, closing the already small distance between you two.
You weakly pulled back. The rainforest had never felt this humid before.
Something is truly off about his scent.
“L-Let go!!!” You hissed and punched his chest, completely forgetting your catalyst in your panic. “What the hell is wrong with you?!?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!”
He didn’t listen despite your physical protests. Alhaitham disgustingly crooned down and sloppily dabbed wet kisses down your neck. His saliva dripped over his shoulder, coating you in hopes that it would leave his trace.
It felt wrong. You felt dirty– like you were kissing an actual #093c0d slime.
“P-Please…” He whispered, his voice dropping dangerously weak and vulnerable. “H-Help me, (Y/n)…”
Your face flushed as you wiped the saliva that connected you both from your lips.
You’ve never heard Alhaitham beg before.
Is this really him?
His fistful grip on your clothes grew taut as desperation colored his knuckles white. You had never seen Alhaitham lose his cool the way he does now, and the broken sight in his eyes made you uneasy and uncertain.
He looked pathetic.
“Haitham, your…” your hand supported his neck and he hungrily leaned in to feel your touch. “Your heartbeat is loud.”
“I know,” he whimpered.
You bit your lip. You could sense his pulse going faster.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been kissed– or first anything. You’ve had your fair share of “soulmates” and “flings”, but those happened decades ago. Before you were mastering engineering, you were a freelance artist who’d had many affairs with humans and elves alike out of the undiagnosed emptiness that was grief. Up until Faruzan made you start a new leaf, you indulged in numerous vices, including wine and one-night stands. She was the closest a human could hope to understand the loneliness an elf would have.
Both your appearance give the illusion of youth, but your bones are held together by flesh older than this man. She would undoubtedly be angry with you as soon as she learns that you enabled Alhaitham's small rendezvous.
“Alhaitham, I’m more than a decade years older than you–” you squirmed.
“But I want you,” he groaned.
Those words felt so different when he was the one who said them. Nearly sinister.
“I know,” you said, but your voice doesn’t match the confidence you were meant to exude. “But this isn’t you, this is your hormones doing the talking. Where did the cicin mage attack you?”
“Between Pardis Dhyai and Yashna Monument”
“Between WHAT?!” You gawked. “That’s miles away from here!”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does!!!”
You yanked his shirt. It’s thin, yet surprisingly durable. The strength of the fabric is not what made you unnerved, but his stare.
He gazed at you as if you were his lifeline— as if you were the only thing that allowed him to breathe. Alhaitham’s hot breaths were shallow, fanning your face as you took note of how red his face, neck, and ears were. You noticed how he struggled to gulp— struggled to keep his composure. His bedroom eyes had not once diverted their attention away from you.
“It doesn't matter how far I ran. You were the one I wanted to see. You were the face that came to mind after getting poisoned."
You pretended not to hear that.
“Alhaitham, we need to get you to Tighnari.”
“He can’t help me.”
“The forest watcher can most certainly help you more than me.”
“You don’t know that.”
You don't want to hear him talk anymore, to be honest. You're horrified by how weak and inaudible his voice sounded.
“Why did you come to Avidya Forest all the way from there? Why not head straight to the city?”
“So many questions…” He irritably spat. “Just stop talking and kis–”
“I refuse,” you glared. “Why were you heading towards Port Ormos? Did you think I was going to help you get over this mess out of the goodness of my heart?”
Did he forget how much you loathe him?
“No. No, of course not.”
He chuckled, full of self-loathing.
“I know you hate me, (Y/n). I would hate myself too.”
You raised an eyebrow. Of course, he’s self-aware— you just didn’t expect him to say that out loud.
Alhaitham continued, “but I’m not the one at fault here.”
Defeated, he rested his head on your shoulder. To avoid having you look at his expression, Alhaitham cupped your back, running fingers through your scalp so that you may only look forward. His body pressed against yours firmly. There’s no possible way for you not to be wholly aware of how warm he was and how fast his heart was beating. 
It was distracting to know how much the poison affected someone like Alhaitham, whom you thought was damn near untouchable.
Awkwardly, you returned the favor and played with his hair. Alhaitham gasped softly, making you shiver as you realized how sensitive you are to his breathing from this position.
“And who would that be?” You asked quietly. “If your pride won’t let you seek Tighnari’s aid then since you’re here you might as well tell me everything, starting from the very beginning.”
“T-That won’t be necessary.”
“If we want to rule out who your true assailant is, then yes it is,” you answered. “I think this is what you call the process of elimination.”
Suddenly, he pulled away from you with his arms stretched out. Alhaitham still kept you pinned on the tree, but there’s more space for you now to move and see his face. 
Ah, you’ve nearly forgotten again.
Alhaitham has green-orange eyes.
“No need.”
He clicked his tongue.
“It was Pulcinella. Your grandfather sent a cicin mage in an attempt to seduce and assassinate me.”
… Oh.
You should’ve guessed. You really should’ve guessed that he was behind all this.
Instinctively, you tried to cover your mouth from shock, but he quickly grabbed them and pressed them back to the tree behind you again. He tightened his hold once more, making you wince.
“I didn’t mind at first because your grandfather reminded me of my own grandmother,” Alhaitham gritted his teeth. “Pulcinella—”
He bit his bottom lip, his seafoam eyes looking unstable and royally pissed.
“He’s not after me because of my position as the Acting Grand Sage. H-He was merely looking after you. His expression was one I recognized. It's a grandfather's love. I may not show empathy as frequently as my housemate would like, but at least I am conscious of how important family is. I don’t want you to have to arrange your grandparent’s funeral like I did.”
You’re not unaware of who Alhaitham’s grandmother was. At one point, you had befriended her back when she was out on a mission to acquire 1,000 books. To think that you’ll meet her grandson for the first time in college and that you’ll end up in a situation like this… you’re sure she would’ve never condoned any of this. She wouldn’t appreciate that her grandson was trying to fuck the elf that helped her build her small library.
This is wrong. 
Everything about this is wrong. From the age gap to the work power distance– it’s vile– 
You want to vomit.
“So— s-so what did you do?”
“I didn’t want to kill your grandfather in retaliation.”
“Yes, you’ve established that. You don’t usually beat around the bush— go back to being the Alhaitham I know and just get straight to the point, damn it!”
“I ended up tracking all of his people in Sumeru down.”
He chuckled lowly.
Your heart started racing as well. 
If his heart was beating out of excitement, yours were out of a rational fear that you wouldn’t get out of this unscathed and mentally sound.
“It’s laughable how his lackeys were so incompetent. If they listened to my lectures at all, they would’ve known how to defend themselves.”
“What… What the hell are you talking about?” 
There was nowhere to run. You’re trapped unless Alhaitham lets go of both your wrists. Your dilated eyes surveyed the woodland, but you weren't confident that, should the occasion arise, your shaky knees could put some distance between you and the scribe.
“Didn’t you notice? They were stalking us from the moment I was teaching you how to use your vision last week, and likely even before that.”
His face drew near and you strained your neck to hopefully maintain at least a hair of distance between both of your lips.
Alhaitham closed his eyes.
“Did you honestly think I’d postpone our practice due to your mild complaining? Don’t you understand how excruciating it is to be away from you for a week?”
He pressed his forehead against yours.
“But I had to do it. For us.”
“Where… Where were you when you were gone? What did you do to them?”
You didn’t want to ask.
You already know the answer. 
“When will you start thinking before you speak?”
With fears renewed, your body felt small underneath his gaze. He’s not even looking at you— his piercing green eyes weren’t even looking directly at your soul. You turned away and gazed at his left shoulder— shrieking.
Never in your 100+ years of life did you feel so stupid. Only now did you realize that it wasn’t just a cicin mage’s perfume you smelled earlier.
There was blood all over his coat.
“Stop screaming, (Y/n). I’ve finished the job and it’s high time you reward me, wouldn’t you agree?”
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
✂️Long Hair 🤍
Characters: Hitoshi Shinso,Shoto Todoroki,Hawks,Eijirou Kirishima x Gender Neutral Reader
What happens when the boys grow out there hair? Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support! As always feel free to leave a request!
Reader does know a lot about long hair.
🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinso🐈‍⬛
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Shinso didn’t realize how long his hair had grown till your fingers brushed away his bangs. He couldn’t look down anymore without his violet hair blocking his eyes. He had just ignored it, not making a big fuss over something so small. But the feeling of your fingers pulling back the strands into a knot made him freeze. Then when your hands moved away and the strands stayed put he looked up.
“That should help a bit shin”
You hummed, leaning down to his hair before moving back to whatever task you had been doing before.
Shinso found himself reaching for his phone, switching to the camera, and looking at his reflection. His bangs were pulled back, and his hair reached around his shoulders. Shorter strands fell back in their place from the messy bun you made. His tired eyes peered back at his reflection, he looked so similar to him now.
You must have noticed him spacing out since you spoke out.
“It looks really nice, Shin. You look good with it.”
The following week the two of you had Eri over, a tradition the two of them kept. When Shinso entered the apartment after patrol, his eyes landed on his teenage sister and you. Eri was sitting at the counter, she was still dressed in her UA uniform. Her red eyes glanced at him, taking in the new hair. He watched her smile grow before she quietly spoke,
“You look like dad.”
🧊Shoto Todoroki🔥
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Shoto had originally wanted to grow his hair out a bit since he wasn't really allowed to when he was growing up. But he didn’t intend for it to get so long though. It now went past his shoulders in red and white strands. Laying flat against his well-toned back. When Bakugou yelled out,
“Hey Repunizal, to your left!” He had realized just how long it had gotten.
He debated cutting it, watching himself in the mirror as his finger combed through his hair.
“Oh Sho, your home!” You had chirped, breaking him from his trance.
“Yes, I got home a bit ago but I didn’t want to wake you up.” He smiled, his arms opening to receive your hug. Yet he caught his gaze in the mirror over your shoulder. He stiffened a bit. Endeavor only ever let Fuma grow out her hair past shoulder length.
“Sho, what’s wrong?”
You questioned, brushing away his hair slightly from his eyes.
“My hair. Do you think it’s too long?” He asked, his gaze on you as you looked up at him.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long, huh?” You spoke, your fingers combing out a long strand of red. “But I like it, it looks really pretty on you Sho.” You said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. His face had turned pink. His ears darkened to red.
So the long hair stayed, and he continued to grow it. If it wasn't for you teaching him about how to care for it, condition, brushing, washing, etc, it wouldn’t be as healthy as it was. But now he even found himself researching hair oils off and on.
“It’s so pretty Sho.”
Even the media took notice, they started to comment on it. They talked about how shiny it was, and how well taken care of it looked. And because you had taught him to braid it, the media loved it even more. Photos of him mid-turn, his duel-colored braid levitating above his shoulder, and his pale face appearing out from long ruby strains circled around news stations. He was beautiful.
Some of your and his top picks for his hair are:
A three-strand braid. One strand of pure white, one pure red, and the third was a mix of both.
A messy bun: where his hair hangs in swooping strands. You can’t help but kiss him every time you see him like that.
High pointy tale. Looks like cascading water the way it falls and shines.
The names Bakugou gave him apparently stuck too.
At one meet and greet, his long hair was in a braid on his shoulder. No one had said anything about it till a very shy little girl holding a Repunizal doll went up to him. She was dressed as a Disney princess which wasn’t too uncommon. Sometimes hero meet and greets would also be mixed with some Disney characters. It allowed kids more options. But usually, the event didn’t mix much
“You’re like Repunizal”
She had spoken so lightly that Shotos barely caught it. But he caught your gaze, the soft look in your eyes. You were his Prince Charming in a way, his savior.
“Well, she is my favorite princess.”
The little girl got two pictures with Shoto, one of both of them next to each other and one where Shoto is holding her Repunizal doll. Her hand in his free one.
To say the least, Todoroki became the favorite hero among some little girls solely for his hair. Another event, had a little kid yell out.
“Do the magic!”
Your heart exploded the day the two of you went on a walk and these two kids came up to you both. “Can we please put these in your hair!?” They almost shouted. Their small hands holding clip-on flowers and real ones, their eyes full of stars. You had squeezed Shotos hand so tight he almost thought you were trying to break it.
To say the least, Shoto gained two more supporters that day and many clip-on flowers. You have a picture of him with flowers weaved into his now somewhat messy braid with two little kids by his side with the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen.
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Hawks had started to grow his hair longer a year into your marriage, specifically, it was after the incident that happened. And marriage or not, the two of you still acted like teenagers who just fell in love. The two of you were always next to each other when you could be. Keigo did try to keep you away from the camera and lights, but things slip through. A blurry photo of your figure standing at one of the windows of the house once appeared. That freaked you out and angered him. The photo became too gossip. People trying to unblur your face, heading reading “Gold-Digger Rising?” Or “Fans have a new villain .” Yeah, that pissed him off. Keigo ended up investing in good blinds (since he couldn’t move at that moment) and made a public statement about the incident. Asking his fans and news outlets to respect your wishes. It caused some fans to actually argue against him. Stating “Well if they don’t want to get pictures of them taken, then maybe they shouldn’t have married a Pro Hero!” “Yeah, they were asking for it!”
“Are telling me my spouse was asking to be harassed by people?” It was quiet, and your bit your lip as you watched your husband through the screen. Your knee bounced up in down, the commission was going to be pissed at Keigo. The thought caused your heart to ache. He’s gonna get in trouble because of you.
“There is a reason they hide their identity, it’s because of incidents like this.” The crowd seemed to stop arguing after that.
When Keigo came home, landing on the balcony, he looked tired. With his phone in hand, you could hear a woman and two men screeching at him. You caught something about ‘Irresponsible’ and ‘if they were gonna be such a problem!’ before Keigo set it on the counter and walked over to you. The sounds of anger still rang in the room, he couldn’t hang up-less they get more pissed. His wings wrapped around you both. His arms snug around your waist, pulling you incredibly close. His lip rested on your forehead as he murmured, “I found a nice place on the opposite side of town.” He paused, waiting if you had any protest, but you hummed and wrapped your arms around him. His body relaxed slightly, the muscle in his back flexing more as his wings drew closer. “We’ll get some private movers so no one will know and I have some friends who will buy the flat with no publicity.”
It took about three months to fully settle, and thankfully the public didn’t know. One day their favorite hero was there, and the next, not. It apparently made some fans realize their intense…’ fanning’ may have gone too far. Some even spoke out about how they were the ones that drove their favorite pro hero away from his home.
In those three tense months, Keigo forgot to cut his hair. It was longer, some parts reached around his shoulders or past. He could put it in a ponytail now. But all thoughts of cutting it disappeared soon after. You both had been laying on the bed, having finally finished putting away every last box. (Hero work slows down the progress) You had been laying down on him, your back against his pelvis and head tilted upwards. Your hands reached up, fingers clumsy curved around his jaw at the messy angle. “You’re so handsome Keigo” you sighed. Your eyes suck on his gorgeous face that was framed with his honey hair. You ended up sitting up, and Keigo stayed still to allow you to move around him. Your knees went on either side of his strong legs as you faced him. Your fingers curled and played with the hair that hung around his face. “You look good with long hair,” Keigo smirked, his arms going around your waist to pull you flat against him, which almost caused you to fall over him.
“I’m glad to hear you like it chickadee.” He smiled, his hand going up to your back.
“I like it a lot” you rasped out, your lips pressing against him. To your surprise, you both lose balance, causing you both to fall back on the bed.
🪨Eijiro Kirishima🪨
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Kirishima has been more focused on maintaining his hair color than the length. His hair was already long, so he didn’t think much of it going to his shoulders… then past. He was still able to spike it! So what did it matter? That was until it became too long to spike. The points starting to fall mid-patrol. If Sero hadn’t offered him a hair tie, he would have been pushing hair out of his eyes. He didn’t think about it that night, getting distracted by you, but this morning it hit him. Kirishima stood in the mirror, his hero uniform on, mask included, and stared at his face. How his hair lay limp at his shoulders and beyond. He could feel that sick feeling clawing up his gut, self-consciousness was creeping in. Did this look manly? Did he look weak like this? Did he even look good like this- would you like him like this? He self-deprecated himself mentally, wishing he got a haircut after patrol.
You passed by the bathroom, on your way to make breakfast. You were still in PJs, mid-yawn with messy hair.
“Hey uh pebble, can I ask you something.”
You paused and entered the doorway. Your body was still heavy with sleep as you walked behind your long-term boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around the back of his, your face smushed into his strong arm.
“What poppin Rocky?” You smiled lazily, your eyes meeting Kirishkmas in the mirror , you were still hazy with sleepy, and Kirishima could tell. It made him smile, watching you slowly open your eyes again. That was until he caught yours then his eyes. His hair.
“Pebble… do you think my hair looks too long?”
The tones snapped you awake. It brought your mind forward. Kiri was feeling self-conscious. No.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long.” You hummed, moving to the front of him. You stared at him, as if thinking about your responses, even though you already knew it. “But I like it, it’s nice.”
Kirishima was quiet for a moment, catching his reflection again. You watched his face fall.
“Are you sure?”
Kirishima asked, your heart lurched. You grabbed his hand.
“Rocky, you look good in everything. You look strong and scary with your hair spiked up, and you look strong and beautiful with it down. You look amazing either way.”
You smiled softly. Your fingers then trailed to his face mask, taking it off. “Plus, I like the un-spiked look. It makes it easier to play with your hair.” You hummed, finger running through a strand before your eyes caught his ruby ones. They were soft, a form of a thank you. You pecked his lips, “I’ll go make us some eggs”
“Wait pebble, my mask!” He caught your mysterious grin in the mirror before you turned the corner sharply. Kirishima could hear the sound of your feet hitting the floor as you run. He smiled brightly, you always brought him out of his mind. “I’m coming for you peddle!”
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Are there other Monsters who are the same species/races as Jevil and Seam - not including multiversal counterparts - or are they both the last of their own kinds? Or have they always been completely unique among Monsters?
Huh.. I never actually thought about that. :0 My Jevil and Seam are intended to be organic creatures. Not connected to dolls or cards from the light world. So it stands to reason that yes! There are other members of their species. This ask inspired me to put a little more thought into their biology and draw up a few ideas of what other critters like them could look like! First, Jevil's species,
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These blue-ish skinned imp like creatures with horns of all different shapes and colors. The colors of their horns relating to their eye color of course. Their teeth are naturally yellow and all their eyes have that pointy diamond look when they are in shock.
They all also share that pointy top lip.. thing?? And they all have pointy ears and blue hair usually. For their hair type, I figured it would work like regular humans. The texture of their hair is in their genes. As for their eyes I actually thought that their colors are somewhat.. random.? Some could be more rare than others though. Maybe it relates less to their parents eye color and more to their magic? Like, maybe a mom with red eyes and a dad with blue eyes can have a purple eyed kid.. but then their other 3 kids have green, white and orange eyes- ?? XD Haven't thought about their biology much further than that.
Then there's Seams species!
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A purple-ish and orange-ish cat like species. I pictured that all of them have black/dark colored teeth and fully black eyes. But maybe when using Magic a slit pupil of a certain color can be seen..? 👀
I thought that they could have different fur patterns, but perhaps no patterns or perfectly symmetrical patterns are seen as the most beautiful/pure. That could be partially why the the royal cats (Seam and the cat to the right and below him) are of royal status to begin with. Their flawless/symmetrical appearance could have had a role in their employment with the King perhaps..? At least the cat below Seam. I was thinking that she was particularly beautiful, so was taken from her home and was forced to serve the King personally..
Anyways, I've thought a liiiittle bit about the lore of the peasants vs the royal guard vs the kings court,, how much the old lady cat sucks and how unintentionally painful the red horned gal was.. amongst other things <XDD Maybe I shall discuss them sometime. Till then, thank you for the ask! It gave some great drawing inspiration :}}
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s0apmactav1sh · 2 months
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Well this isnt the way meeting you was meant to go."
Were the first words that slipped from your mouth when you found yourself tied up, sitting on a shitty wooden chair in the interrogation room of the 141 base. The dumb grin that you had was enough to piss of the lieutenant of the group landing you a punch to the face that left you with a bleeding nose and a look of irratation. How you had even gotten to the base was a question they were definitely going to have to ask.
You had disappeared after your initial meeting with laswell and vanish from tge radar. Well tgat was until you showed up at the base, sliding in through a closing door behind a few entering soldiers. You had managed to stay unfound until you diliberately exposed yourself to price, nearly jumpscaring him when you appeared behind him. Doing that also led to your unconsiousness as prices reaction lead him to wacking you full force with his wing into the side wall of his office.
Outside the interrogation the other 3 stood, in a full scale conversation while looking through the oneway glass at you. You were just like Laswell described. Fairly tall 6,3 or 6,4 by the looks of it, janky scars that ran over your face in several places, semi-muscular build not too much but a good amount that it was impressive and to top it all off the pointy ears at the side of your head that was being barely cover by the blackish-blue mess of hair you had. They had confiscated the weapons you had on you and taken the burner phones aswell most of which only had laswells number.
"What do we do bout 'im. We cant let him join us we know nothin bout 'im and he aint trustworthy." Soap wasnt wrong with his accusations. There hadnt been much on the file laswell had sent over and even with the new founded information that they were given after the meet up it still wasnt enough to determine on whether you would be able to handle being on a taskforce with other monsters.
The harpy and dragon were quiet for a moment before the slamming of the door open and ghost storming out had them jolting. "How on gods earth did he manage to annoy ghost?" "We should be asking a different question, like where the fucker went" at the sound of soaps words both price and gaz looked at the still open door and the empty interrogation room. Taking it upon himself Gaz entered the room just to make sure you werent just playing tricks only for the door to be shut behind him and locked.
"Aint you a pretty bird?"
Gaz wasnt expecting you to still be in the room let alone crouching on the roof but the shock of it gave him a chance to fully look over you. Your skin wasnt normal, instead it had a hint of blue most wouldnt notice. A long tail flicking behind you the same midnight blue colour like your hair and small fangs rest on your bottom lip as you smiled, well attempted to, at him.
"You didnt leave?"
This is meh. Do I hate it? Yes. Have i the balls to change? Yes but I wont cuz ive put it off for like 3 weeks now 😭
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cottagedreamy · 7 months
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HIII i have this idea for this AU for a loong time ago, and i'll keeping developing the characters to fit in this concept!
SO, this AU is centrified in Tallulah and her strange family bloodline, she's the principal protagonist, alongside with other characters that i will think of (probably Richarlyson, Cellbit and Quackity).
Tallulah is daughter of Wilbur, and his apprentice. He's a traveller bard and a music teacher for the pointy hat studants. Wilbur decided to leave his home to raise his daughter far from the danger, trying to give her a normal live. But, one day, dark spots appeared across Tallulah's body, which not long later turned out to be forbidden magic.
And this magic slowly drained Tallulah's health, even causing her to develop asthma. Wilbur despaired of that meaning, that connection that he had tried to sever for a long time, but it seemed to haunt him, he decides to return to his old home... The brim hats' hideout, and meet the gang leader for the first time in a while, his father, Philza.
Basically, the story is about Tallulah living a double life of being an outlaw and trying to live the life of a regular citizen, and dealing with the weight of having a family that is condemned by society while trying to fit in and also while trying to deal with his father, so overprotective and present, but sometimes very distant and who keeps many secrets
•WILBUR: He's a teacher and a bard. I gave him pointy ears because I wanted to make it clear that he's "not like other witches", and he often tries to hide them. Wilbur in this universe is like a metaphor for those who are ashamed of their origins and culture, because it's not socially accepted and you try to fit in society to have a place to fit, but forget to embrace who you are. I also made his cape have a lot of patches, references to most of the designs I see from q!Wilbur. In this au, he plays Oud! Also, yes. In this universe, tntduo is canon (but in a slowburn way)
•TALLULAH: Wilbur daughter and apprentice! She never knew her origins until the forbidden magic manifested in her body, and unlike her father, she is very interested in the ideals and who the Brimmed Hats really are. She also attends another school with her friends, one where Quackity teaches. She is half deaf, and plays the flute very well. She is very attached to Phil and her uncle Chayanne.
PHILZA: Father of Wilbur and Chayanne, and also the leader of the brimmed hat gang. Philza is also known as "The Sweeping Angel", and he masters the forbidden magic of metamorphosis (being able to take on the appearance of a giant crow), time and death. He loves Wilbur very much, but is against his closed thoughts about fitting socially into the standards of magic dictated by the wise men (which in this universe, is The Federation). Philza wants to teach Tallulah everything he knows about magic, but at the same time, he doesn't want this to distance him from his son again. He is being actively hunted by the "federation". He is married to Missa!
•CHAYANNE: Son of Missa and Philza, also half brother of Wilbur. Chayanne is very dismissive of Wilbur's behavior, which causes them to always fight. Chayanne tries to kick him out almost every time he enters the brimmed hats' hideout, claiming he is a traitor. But deep down, Chayanne loves him and would be the first to raise his sword if anyone has anything against Wilbur's sake. He sees Tallulah as his little sister, and tries to teach her everything he knows about the origins of brimmed hats without Wilbur knowing, meanwhile he tries to help Tallulah with her conddition. Chayanne's forbidden magic is the ability to transform into a dragon (metamorphosis)
•JAIDEN: Brimmed hat! Jaiden used to be a pointy hat as well as a Kinight Moralis until she lost her son at the hands of the "federation". She then turned to the brimmed hat witches to help bring her son back to life. Philza then offers a deal: He would teach the arts of forbidden magic, but Jaiden would have to abandon her old life so that she and the other witches would not be at risk, and help to overthrow the federation (which means betraying her home). Jaiden then left her partner behind and disappeared, with the promise that she would bring their son back. Jaiden has the forbidden magic of manipulation and hybridity, she can manipulate her tattoos to gain shape and life, and she can fuse with any animal and take their abilities (she often does this with birds). Unfortunately, Jaiden isn't aware that her platonic partner has moved on and has a new life built. But wherever they are, they will always be praying for each other's well-being, as they are both very fragile. But at the same time, she is in doubt
BBH: I haven't worked out much for him yet, sorry chat :( But he is also a brimmed hat witch, but often opposes the leader's ideas. He doesn't have a physical form either, being made only of shadows. He also has a son, who is also his apprentice!
POMME: New recruit to the Knight Moralis (which are the french people!) She's basically like a daughter to them, especially to Etoiles and Baguera, who tend to spoil her a lot. She is quite brave and tenacious. She is Richarlyson and Tallulah's best friend!
RICHARLYSON: Son of MANY parents, he has a huge family and is a member of royalty. He is the son of King Forever! He is also one of Quackity's students (and also his son). Richarlyson is currently being treated to deal with a curse of forbidden magic placed on him. Because he is the son of the king, the federation is completely aware of the situation and helps in finding antibiotics and medical specialists, but it's all pointless. Richarlyson developed premonitions and visions of the past, which he express through art. Richas has no idea of his ability, as he does all this sleepwalking. I like to think his cape was designed by himself sleepwalking. He has no idea what it means, but he likes it!
THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY!!! If you're interested to know more, you can send me a ask!! I will have the pleasure to talk to you!
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Can I please get HCs for Young Gojo and Geto with a boiling isles witch reader. Wherein both of them are utterly slacked jawed when they see her in action for the first. The context is Yaga was the one who enrolled them and acts like their guardian in the human world
This is kinda strange (? But okay! Whatever i love The Owl House so-
SatoSugu x Boiling islands! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: some spoilers from Both series(JJK Hidden Inventory mostly) but nothing too relevant. Reader is a Witch. Fluff. Mainly comical.
OK! Taking what you said as a reference, I imagine that (reader) is a Clawthrone, and that is precisely why she had access to a door that led to the human world.
(although this may only be an option because it is canon that there are not only witches on the boiling islands, but on other islands, so it will be more ambiguous from now on)
but in general (reader) she was something like a reject from magical society (probably for not wanting to join a coven, like a boss) and that's why she started using the door constantly.
because 1- she could get human products that helped her survive and 2- if they chased her for too long she would simply go to the human world for a while.
Fortunately her magical abilities were not affected by the new world, yes, she was weakened, but she was still strong.
Besides, it's pretty cool to be "interesting" in an unknown world when in the world where you're known you're a juvenile delinquent or...a nobody...
Although in general I think that (reader) would end up staying for an indefinite period of time in the human world living as a vagabond precisely because they wanted to force her into a coven.
So now she's in the human world trying to adapt.
In general (reader) only used her magic if a quick escape was necessary or, even if she knew it wasn't the best idea, when there was a human-related emergency.
Let's say that (reader) realized that there was something strange with the country she was in...something familiar but at the same time VERY dangerous...
That's how Yaga found her.
He had followed several reports about a mysterious woman who used "magic" to prevent incidents, heal injuries, even fly on a kind of stick (Palisman).
At first Yaga thought it was simply an unidentified or unlicensed sorcerer, but she realized very soon that (reader) really didn't exist anywhere, no matter where she looked, there was nothing about her.
Besides, the way she used her "magic"...was definitely not sorcery. He had to know what it was.
It would probably take Yaga a little while to get (reader) to trust him, he probably lost her the first few times he caught her, but the more they interacted the more (reader) gave in.
and eventually decided to learn "sorcery" from those of the human kingdom.
(Let's say that Yaga was scared when she saw the living conditions she had (reader), even if she told her that it was fine like this and that it was only temporary, that only made her grab her pointy ears and give her a lecture about hygiene😅)
Yaga tries to learn as much as she can about (reader's) magic before sending her to the academy, to see what things can adapt to her fighting style and what can't.
there is a lot of trial and error😅
But is it worth it.
(reader) still uses mainly the fighting techniques of a person from the Boiling Islands (a witch) but now she also knows the basics of sorcery, so she will be able to easily pass the entry topics.
Now, when she knows the group she was assigned to, I'm not going to lie...
They laughed in his face.
Although well, she doesn't blame them, if she hadn't had the door and had visited the human world several times before, she wouldn't believe any of this either, but she definitely got quite angry with that reaction.
to the point where he did a spell in which he made plants grow on their heads... and maybe some abobinables...
It wasn't until Yaga arrived that things calmed down and were better explained.
Gojo was the first to laugh.
although also the first to get confused.
yeah, right, like those things happen-- and before he knew it his seat was being lifted by some kind of...purple golem??
Geto doesn't want to laugh. oh really.
but you can't really ask him to take this seriously.
although he is definitely surprised when out of nowhere he gets trapped in a vine that appeared OUT OF NOWHERE in the living room.
When Yaga explains the situation, that (reader) is not lying and that she really comes from another realm, they demand to see the portal. There has to be proof...
and when they take a look at the world of the boiling islands...Bonesburg (they had to pinch each other to know that this was real and not a collective hallucination)..well, they definitely believe him now.
Although definitely when they return to class they feel a little bad for having laughed at her in her face, so they try to ask her things about her.
It definitely doesn't work at first, but little by little you can see that (the reader) is losing her bitterness.
Both Geto and Gojo try to help (reader) adapt to a "more normal" school environment where doors don't bite you and your locker doesn't eat your books.
Speaking of which, they are quite curious about the "cultural differences" between worlds.
Gojo definitely wants to get on a flying boat. or see the giant skeleton that the boiling islands are on (although Geto questions how hygienic that is).
Imagine the reactions of both when they find out that the Giraffes are from the Boiling Islands but that they were banished by the ancestors of the witches 🤣
or that opossums are considered myths and not real! (reader) definitely goes crazy when she sees a real one.
Geto LOVES (reader's) Palisman, plus he seems to gravitate toward the natural one when he's feeling sad :')
Geto definitely wants to know how (reader's) magic works on a technical level (I don't think he can use glyphs, but maybe adapt some of the reader's moves into his fighting style).
Gojo wants to learn to do poses solely and exclusively for PRANKS, fortunately Geto avoids this.
Geto is more interested in the culture of the islands, more than anything when they both learn about the "coven system" of this "Emperor Belos" and why (the reader) did not want one despite it being dictated by law.
Let's say they understand it.
Geto strongly suspects that more than a security measure, it is more a way to limit power, which he can tell with certainty from (the reader's) level of strength even when weakened.
Speaking of which, they both have a difficult time with (female reader) at first.
whether due to illusions, unwindings, roots, etc.
All this without mentioning fireballs or snow coming in all directions or large constructions that look like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist.
the three of them flying! Geto in the rainbow dragons, (reader) with his Palisman and Gojo with his infinity.
If things end well (with Geto not turning evil, Amanai still alive, etc.) they are like a chaotic trio.
I highly doubt that island magic can be taught in the human world without glyphs, but it can definitely be taught as I mentioned before, by adapting movements.
Geto still has a great friendship with (reader)'s Palisman! and it makes him happy to know that the little friend will easily live longer than him :,)
Gojo is somewhat jealous of the Palisman, it seems like they compete for the attention of their partners and Satoru definitely LEGITIMATELY says that the Palisman blames him for things (sometimes yes, sometimes not).
Although I think they would both protect the palisman with their lives.
They are affectionate couples, and I think that together they manage to empathize better with (reader).
especially if you are homesick.
so they could take a vacation getaway to the boiling islands!
and it's actually pretty fun.
Gojo doesn't stand out in the slightest for once in his life and it's a little strange at first, but he gets it after 15 minutes on the busiest street.
Geto and Gojo now understand (reader's) strange tastes in food. Do you have anything to eat here that doesn't have eyes?...or guts?
They go to places of historical importance to understand a little about the culture of the islands, they avoid scammers, they go to eat somewhere that has food that Suguru and Satoru can digest, they avoid more scammers, they see the emperor's palace from afar, etc. .
(aunaue definitely seeing the place gave them BAD YIKES)
BOTH ALMOST DIE FROM BOILING RAIN, or when Gojo wanted to dive into the water without knowing it was also hot😭
They would both appreciate it FOR LIFE.
In general, these types of experiences help them to better understand each other mutually. and it also happens the other way around.
They have gone several times to the Thousand Red Doors with (reader), who, being (reader) wanted to go through ALL
They saw the old Buddhist temples, the trails, some mountains.
Although the cherry trees are definitely the best, especially when the three of them are alone and (the reader) uses magic to make the trees even brighter and more beautiful.
definitely a beautiful view...
In general, they appreciate the literally otherworldly beauty of their partner, they really love how unique she is and they wouldn't really change anything about her.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
I don't like writing for SatoSugu THAT much, but this was fun🥰
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[Hybrid Gods AU]
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Please wash away this blood on my skin
Side characters: Park Jimin/White fox hybrid.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, violence, sharp objects, suggestive words, smut, alcohol, killing.
Genre: Fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, R +18.
I’ve gotten used to it now. Waking up to the smell of wood and cinnamon in the morning. Yoongi always got up before me, I’ve never really asked him why. He only told me he had fox duties in the morning. I didn’t put much thought in it, sometimes some things are better left unknown. If he wants tell me, he will.
My mornings were usually the same, Jimin would come everyday and bring his delicious bread and sweet honey cake. We would chat a bit and he kept me company, always leaving before yoongi arrived. We didn’t talk about what happened last time but I made sure to assure him i was much better.
After he leave i would clean up the house a bit, making sure everything was on its place. Then I would spent some time in the garden outside.
It wasn’t anything huge, it had a small pound with some fish on it in the middle of the path that lead to the entrance of the house, i would always read there. Surrounded by greens and flowers all around it. Red roses fallowing the path to the entrance, i always collected some to use as decoration on the house.
Today wasn’t any different. I watched as the white fox smiled with red checks at me, mouth full of sugar from the small bread he just eat.
- you look like a child - i said, taking a napkin noticing my intention he came closer with his face. I only chuckled cleaning the sugar off his lips.
- what can I do? I’m a messy eater - he said, after I cleaned his mouth.
- oh, it came to me… I never really asked you, who baked this? - i said.
- who do you think? - he moved his eyebrows up and down suggestive. I watched him expectedly. - I did.
- you did?!
- you seam surprise - he laughed.
- I’m just… yes. You’re really good a baking! - I complimented him, his checks got even more red now - truly, i don’t think I’ve had such a delicious sweet bread before!
- thank you… - he murmured shyly. His ears moving slowly.
I smiled at him. He’s so cute.
We eat quietly in the past minutes, after we’re done i made sure to clean everything while Jimin helped.
- you stayed longer today - i comment sitting by his side on the small table.
- i… like you’re company - he said - and it seems like Yoongi doesn’t want to see me…
- don’t say that - I turned to him, a sad expression on his soft features - he told me he’s been busy… I could try and talk to him if you want?
- no… is okay - he gave me a small smile, his ears slowly falling down.
I felt bad for the white fox. I don’t know what kind of relationship they had before but it seams Jimin really likes Yoongi, and to like someone who always seems so cold and distant…
- don’t worry about it - i said - he’s just been busy this time, you know, fox duties.
He smiled at me. His ears coming up now.
Yoongi hates when his ears are touched, never once did he let me get even close to them. I remember the first time i tried, he got really defensive over it.
I’ve always wonder how do they feel? Are they soft?
My curiosity got the best of me without even realizing, my eyes looking at them Jimin must have realized as he lower his head closer to me.
- sorry… - i said, my checks getting warmer.
He smiled at me - is okay, you can touch them I don’t mind.
- really? - he nodded coming closer - Yoongi never let me touch his… I’m really curious…
He just smiled and took my hand putting on his head. They were soft. As I imagine, running my hand through his hair touching the base of his ears jimin closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. I ran my fingers up to the pointy fur on his ear, they were white with a bit of black on top. As i scratch the back of his ears his tail started going side to side.
I chuckled at how adorable he looked. Like a puppy.
As i removed my hands from his ears his eyes opened slowly, a pool of silver and blue looking at me. He seemed happier now.
- thanks - he said, holding his chin with the palm of his hand - i can’t remember the last time i had my ears scratched.
- really? How, you’re so cute? - i said. His usually pale skin turning red. He gets like that so easily.
- well… I don’t… - he stoped himself mid sentence.
- what?
The expression on his face change into something completely different in a second, he got up from his sit, the soft and cute boy was gone now he looked serious and even intimidating, ears standing up as he said the next thing - I smell blood…
He started to walk towards the door and I followed right behind him. A mix of feelings weighted on my chest.
But nothing prepared me for what I was about to see. I didn’t know what to expect, blood, it could mean so many different things. A threat, an animal, human, someone hurt. But most definitely, not once did it occur to me Yoongi.
A gasp escaped my mouth as soon as i saw him. Standing there in front of the house almost completely covered in… blood.
In his right hand a sword. The same one he used to kill the men who tried to hurt me, his eyes where shining so bright I could see them from here. My body was completely frozen as i watched him walk slowly towards me and Jimin.
He looked deadly like a fox walking towards its prey. Just like he did that night. Even more, I could see death in those golden eyes. They looked animalistic.
Jimin quickly stood in front of me protective, as much as i appreciate the gesture i could not let him do this. I saw the way Yoongi was coming towards us, whatever happened to him it looked like he was still out of it. Completely blinded by the blood lust.
Now two feet close to us, i pushed Jimin to the side making him fall on the ground. Rushing towards Yoongi in a matter of seconds, i didn’t even think about it twice not once did he scared me, all it took was a breath. One breath.
So close to him, i could smell the blood from him. His eyes staring right into mine, golden and burning like fire. He didn’t move and neither did i. It felt like an eternity.
The sound of his sword falling was what woke me up in that moment. High pitched metal hitting the ground. His golden orbs slowly closing as his body fell into mine.
Quickly I held him against me, trying as hard as i could to not drop him on the floor. He was unconscious.
I turned to Jimin who was sitting on the floor watching with scared eyes.
- quick! Help me take him inside! - i said, desperately but he didn’t move - Jimin!
He seamed to wake up finally coming back to reality, he got up and made his way to us taking Yoongis body from me. He held him by the side putting one arm over his shoulder.
Going back inside i instructed him to put Yoongi on his bed in the bedroom. As he follow my order filled a bowl with water and grabbed a towel.
Taking both items with me I made my way to the bedroom, Jimin sat beside him watching him with a worried expression.
- he’s not hurt thankfully - he said, looking over me - the blood… it’s not his.
I just thanked him quietly, lowering myself beside Yoongi on the other side. I put down the bowl and submerged the towel on the water.
I began to clean the blood from his face, hands and neck. So much blood on him that I had Jimin getting up three times to get more clean water.
My mind was running laps as i kept think: what? Why? How?
My chest was heavy with worry, what had happened to him that left him like this?
No one said a word. The smell of blood was starting to make me sick. He told me he had duties as a fox but this? What kind of duty involves so much… killing? What did he kill this time?
As i cleaned his hands Jimin said he would make some tea, that the smell of blood wasn’t doing him good. I gave him a nood and smile, making sure he knew i was fine.
But was i?
Was I really fine with all of this? My life turned up side down completely. I was living in a different world.
Cleaning blood out of a nine tailed fox god.
I kept looking at his face waiting for him to wake up. Seeing him covered in blood and unconscious, was he really okay? I couldn’t help the tears the filled my eyes as I cleaned his face, right over his scar. Did he got that one in one of his duties?
I didn’t have much time to think, the same hand i cleaned was now holding my neck. The other held my wrist the hand I had the towel with blood, before I could carry on cleaning the blood off his face.
He held me closer by the neck, golden eyes staring right into mine and burning with rage. I held my breath instantly, my heart beating painfully fast. His hands held me tightly.
- sorry… - i managed to mumble.
At the sound of my voice he seemed to wake up, his features slowly softening and his grip on me as well finally letting me go but not completely, still holding me. I could finally breathe.
With his hand holding my wrist he took me down with him, the other hand making it’s way around my waist as he held me against him. He breathed on my neck soft sounds coming from his lips and his hold around me got tighter.
He was back. A sight of relief left me as I hugged him back just as tightly.
- what happened to you? - i cried.
- not… now - he murmured against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
- okay.
We stayed like that for how long I don’t know. Once I didn’t felt like crying anymore i tried to get away from him to go back to cleaning the blood off of him but, he just held me tighter.
- Yoongi… you’re covered in blood. - I stated, trying again to let go of him. This time he let me.
Both my hands on his shoulders as I looked down on him, he still smelled like death, had blood all over him and yet looked as beautifully as he always did.
- you should change your clothes - i said while getting up. - I’ll leave you to it.
He nodded in my way as we looked at each other one last time before I make my way out of the room.
I took one long breath, collecting myself before I made my way towards the small kitchen were Jimin was making tea.
The smell of blood following me there as a reminder. He’s not human. Don’t fall for him. Don’t.
Me and Jimin made dinner while Yoongi was changing. The whole time he asked me if I was okay, me always telling him i was fine. At one point I had to tell him that me working was the best thing i could do to take my mind off of what happened. At that he seamed to finally get it.
He helped me out as I cooked. Cutting some vegetables, washing the rice, putting the dishes on the table. The whole time i completely forgot about bloody Yoongi. And once we where done with the food, we sat at the table waiting for him.
It didn’t took long. He came back clean and wearing new clothes, not a single drop of blood on him. As if nothing ever happened.
Dinner was quiet so far, Yoongi eat quietly beside me. I had to move he’s dishes because he was supposed to sit at bottom but decided to sit beside me, just like last time. Jimin began a small conversation. Not one mentioned what happened, I figured they would talk about it alone when I’m not around. I didn’t mind, to be honest i rather not know anything about it.
- the food is good, y/n I didn’t know were so good at cooking - Jimin mentioned.
- well thank you, i didn’t know i was good at it too - i said.
- how so? - he asked.
- well, I’ve always been a disaster - i said - i could never go close to the kitchen, somehow I’d always menage to hurt myself or set something on fire, but usually I always hurt myself somehow except… lately.
- that’s good then - jimin said. He smiled at me. It felt nice to finally be able to do something without almost hurting my self.
- give me your right hand - Yoongi blurted out.
- what? - i asked, confused i turned to him. He wasn’t looking me but at his plate, unbothered.
- hand - he said again, now looking at me.
I gave him my hand and he took it inspecting it, he held it into his big one tracing the lines with his thumb. My checks went hot as I looked at him, the way his eyebrows furrowed looking so focused for some reason, how he licked his lips before talking.
- this - he said tracing a small mark on my palm close to my thumb.
- oh, it’s just a scar - i said, looking at our hands.
- when did you get it? - he asked. I looked up at him his eyes finally looking into mine.
- I don’t know, I always had it - i said, he just looked at me. I couldn’t read his expression. What was so especial about it?
- it’s not a scar - he said. Turning to jimin - it’s a Jinx.
- what!? - Jimin exclaimed - how? Why would anyone Jinx her?
- I wouldn’t know… - Yoongi said - it’s in her soul, probably got it from a past life, doesn’t look like modern magic.
- wait… you mean this is not my first life? - i said still looking at the nine tailed fox.
- no - he said looking at me now, something in his eyes sparkled at that moment. - I can’t tell you exactly how many you have lived but, what I can tell you is I’m just as powerful as the thing that put this jinx on your soul.
Something as powerful.
- what does it do? - i asked.
- from what you said… this type of magic spell is supposed to make one have a very hard time, and it was put on your soul is going to be with your for an eternity - he explained.
- then… I’ve meet something like you in a past life? - i said, still trying to process the information.
- you’ve been here for quite a long time little human - the fox said to me, his golden eyes shining suggestive as he said it.
I wish that didn’t had affected me more then it should’ve had. But that would be a lie.
That kept running on my mind for the rest of the night. I tried not to let get the best of me as i cleaned the table after we all eat to distract my mind but, it didn’t. It made me feel a cold on my belly.
Jimin wanted to stay tonight to make sure we where all fine, but knowing Yoongi he would want privacy tonight. Especially after everything that happened. The past few days I’ve been living with him made me realize he had wonds inside that he didn’t want to show. And Jimin can be really noisy sometimes.
As I was making the bed i felt the smell of blood was still there so I changed everything, putting on new covers and bed sheets. Once i was done i prepared myself to sleep, changing into new clothes.
I was still wearing Yoongis clothes I wasn’t like I could ask him to buy me some and when I mention that I could take some from my old house he immediately turned it down, at this point I didn’t even minded any more. He didn’t mind it too so.
Once i was done Yoongi entered the bedroom, he seemed tired but didn’t lay down on the bed.
Something as powerful as him.
I couldn’t help but think about it again, a jinx on my soul. I’ve been going through this in all my past lives? What have I done that a creature like Yoongi hated me enough to scar my soul like that for all my future lives?
Maybe I’m not as good as I thought I was. Maybe I was just like those men who tried to hurt me in the forest.
- what’s bothering you? - I heard his voice said closer to me. I turned around only to find him right behind me.
- nothing… just, I just thought that maybe I’m not a good person - i said honestly. Even the way he was standing changed as I said that.
- it’s about the mark - it wasn’t a question, he looked at me almost angry - look, don’t think too much about it.
- yes but…
- don’t - he interrupts, one finger coming to my lips stoping me from saying anything more - i would know if you were bad.
I looked at him, his golden eyes staring right into mine his black hair falling over them. Slowly his finger went down my lips as he let his hand fall back into his side. He didn’t look deadly anymore. He looked just like him. But… still that smell was so present on him it made my insides turn back.
He was still deadly. A nine tailed fox capable of killing without thinking twice.
- do you want me to make a bath for you? - i asked, looking at him as he opened his hanbook.
- is okay… - he murmured.
- you… you still smell like blood - I decided to be honest. He stoped and looked at me, over his eyes. He gave me that look.
- then I’ll shower again….
- no - I interrupt, tiredly - I don’t mind, besides… it looks like you really need one so just let me do it.
He didn’t said anything for a moment. Just looked at me while taking his clothes off.
- then suit yourself - he simply said turning back sliding his hanbook down showing his bare back.
Before he went any further I made my way out of the room. Checks burning hot.
This sly fox…
The bathroom had a round bathtub, as you entered is the first thing you see. I turned on and as it was filling it up I took some flowers I picked from the garden, he surely needed to take that smell off of his skin.
As well as some oils and soap, to make everything smell better. The bathtub soon was done and filled. It looked almost romantic with all the candles I had to light it up there. Anything to take the smell of blood off of him. And my mind.
I heard a nock on the door and a Yoongi wearing a bathrobe entered. He looked around before his eyes locked with mine.
- are trying to cook me too? - he said, humor in his voice - why there’s so much stuff in that?
- shut up - i said, not looking at him trying to hide my checks that where burning - get in while is still warm.
- yes ma’am - he said, a chuckle coming from him.
I didn’t waste a second more and quickly got out before he got naked i front of me. A shaky breathe leaving my lips as i did so. He’s so dangerous. So dangerous.
Calming down my body i went back to the bedroom, once in i closed the door. Making my way to bed. Sleep that’s what i need. Sleep.
But my mind can’t seem to shut up. What happened to me? Why was a scared for life? Who did this to me? I wanted to know. I needed to know.
All of this was making me go insane. And this fox… he just seems to love making me go insane. All this teasing and touching out of nowhere, all this… blood.
What does he really want from me?
What is it that i feel for him?
I know that there is something, sometimes i fell this strong pull towards him. It burns and that smell of honey and cinnamon is so inviting and overwhelming but, so good.
A long sigh leaves my lips as i look at the towel and clothes laying over the bed, he didn’t took it with him. I swear this fox is doing it on purpose at this point.
I groan taking them and making my way out of the room, as i stand in front of the door to the bathroom I wonder what i should say, what should I do? Is he in the bath already? Should I nock? Should I just leave it here and go?
Forget it. Ive been walking side to side in front of this door for so long just overthink that he must have heard me with those long ears.
I nock once and call out his name before entering, the sweet smell i remember filling my lounges. Wood, cinnamon and honey. With roses and some herbs I put there to help with his tense body.
- you forgot your towel and clothes - i said, my eyes looking at him. He had his back towards me, I could only see the back of his head - I’ll leave here for you.
He didn’t say anything. So I made my way out and just as i thought he maybe fell asleep there, I heard his voice.
- come here.
It was the way he said it that made me lose a breath, heart slowly beating faster. How his voice sounded more husky and deep. I made my way back to him, standing behind him. The soap made enough bubbles to not be able to see anything under that water, and i felt relieved.
- do you need something? - i maneged to say.
- can you… wash my hair? - He asked, side looking at me.
- what? - I couldn’t hold my surprise, he hated having his ears touched and now wanted me to wash his hair?
- don’t make me repeat myself - he said.
- okay…. I’ll do it.
Taking a small bowl i went on my knees behind him, one hand holding his chin carefully lifting his head up so i could wet his hair before shampooing. He let me, eyes closed and completely relaxed.
Slowly i began to water his hair, being extra careful not to touch his ears. This is gonna be hard.
I try my best to keep my focus as my hands run down his black long hair, stealing a few glances at his face how soft his features seemed like this, the thick vains on his arms, his red chest from the hot water. He had a few scars on his body too.
Every inch of him was a sin. The fact that he was not human explained his inhumane beauty. Even his eye scar looked good on him. But to say that… wouldn’t be okay.
I try to turn off my thoughts as i put on the shampoo on his now wet hair. Carefully massaging the shampoo into his scalp, moving slowly i run my fingers up and down his head. He moans quietly, soft sounds leaving his lips as I continue to massage his head.
Soft whispers leaves his mouth every now and then, my checks burning red at how sinful he sounds.
The fact that he was naked and so close to me didn’t do any good to calm my heart beat. He smelled so good now, i simply couldn’t help it. Slowly running my hands down his neck and softly massaging, putting a bit of pressure on it.
He groaned laying his head down on my hands, i stoped as he opened his eyes to look at me.
- are you afraid of me? - he asked.
- no… why? - i simply said.
- you’re heart… is beating fast - he mumbled, golden eyes shining a bright yellow.
- I’m just nervous - i reply honestly.
He doesn’t say anything else and stares at me as I wash off the shampoo off his hair, careful not to drop water on his face. Once I’m done, I get up and put the bowl on the floor. But before I can leave he hold my right hand pulling me closer again, he does it so fast i almost fall and stumble towards him, holding myself on the bathtub with my other hand.
My eyes almost not believing the sight, as he slowly takes my hand towards his face and kisses right over the mark.
A short breath falling off my lips surprised at his sudden touch, my whole body burns with pleasure as he leaves open mouthed kisses over my hand. How could such thing be so hot?
Hw didn’t let me got, golden eyes locked into mine as he licked over my hand sucking on it too, i closed my eyes as a moan left my lips. He was so good. I was losing my mind over his lips on my skin.
He would bite into it softly then give long licks on my hand, just to suck on it hard making me bite my lip to hold another moan. My checks burned hot and my whole body wanted him.
I was a mess.
- promise me… - he whispered - you won’t worry about this mark anymore…
- I won’t… - i manege to reply.
He gives me a side smile before letting go of my hand.
- that’s my girl…
@whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @catlove83 @4ukiyo4
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes 😅💖
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cheolism · 2 years
honey sugar pop
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✧ lee dokyeom x f!reader ✧ summary: you love to use ridiculous pet names with seokmin and he loves you. ✧ wc is approx 5.3k ✧ warnings: i tried to make this gn! disgusting use of pet names. you and seokmin make out; he takes off his shirt. that’s as far as it goes. mingyu is, at his core, a hater. pls save hansol
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First thing’s first: Seokmin wasn’t totally against the nicknames you gave him. 
No; quite the opposite. He remembers the first time you ever called him sweetheart in that sweet voice of yours, when your relationship was teetering on the edge of friendship and something more. He even remembers the flutters of his heart and how shy, but endeared, he had been; how the warmth from the tenderness of your words settled in his ears and traveled throughout him, burning the inside of his body with your affection; remembers how proud you had looked at his reaction. 
He even loves the ridiculous ones! The ones that you say with a coy little grin, the ones that make him laugh. He likes these ones just as much as he does the ones you murmur in his ear with your arms wrapped around him, nuzzling into his neck. 
“Hello, my honey bunches of oats!” You cheered, greeting him from the doorway. You kicked off your shoes and let your bag drop next to the door, beaming at Seokmin as if he had done something amazing and wasn’t in the same position you had left him when you left for work that afternoon. 
But you were just as sticky as him when it came to hugs and cuddles. You latched on, weaving your legs through his. He couldn’t help the little shriek that left him at the feeling of the cold outside fabric of your jeans brushing against his bare legs. 
“Aren’t you going to help me warm up, baby?” You questioned, your smile sly. 
“Aren’t you going to help me warm up, baby?” You questioned, your smile sly. 
Seokmin shook his head. He allowed himself to pout, your wrists now held away from his body by each of his hands. He quickly pressed a kiss to each of your hands. “You’re a bully,” he said, “coming and disturbing my peace and quiet.”
“Ah yes,” you agreed. “How horrible of me.”
You then lurched at Seokmin, startling him enough for him to let go of your wrists and try to protect himself. You took advantage and buried your face into the side of his neck, your cold nose nuzzling against his skin. Seokmin couldn’t help but shiver -- whether it be from the cold of your skin or from how you were pressed so close to him, he didn’t know. 
Sighing, as if it were some Herculean task, Seokmin wrapped his arms around you and let your legs entangle with yours further. He shoved his own hands under your shirt, nails scraping against your back. Seokmin tilted his head so he could rest his cheek against the top of your head, pressing soft kisses to your hair and still allowing you to breathe against his neck. 
Your breaths were warm despite how cold the rest of you was. Your lips mouthed against his neck, pressing little kisses into the golden skin there. Despite the cold that had attached itself to you, as if it were a lover in need of attention -- as if it were Seokmin -- he couldn’t help but feel the warmth from you, the warmth of you, seep from your body, your heart, and settle beneath his skin and on his bones. 
“You showered today,” you murmured, moving your face to kiss at his collar bones. “Smell like me.”
He hummed. “It’s easier to just use your stuff,” he had said the first few times he stayed with you. Seokmin had pretended to forget about bringing his own bath products each time, electing instead to use yours. Even now, nearly a year into your relationship, he kept up this lie and you obliged him by not pointing it out. 
“Do I smell good?” He asked. “Smell like flowers and stuff?”
“Of course,” you agreed. You finally peeled your face away from his skin, resting your chin on his chest. Seokmin let out a noise of pain, pouting at how your pointy chin dug into his chest. He wiggled his hand out from underneath your shirt and set it underneath your chin, letting you rest it there. “You smell like a prince of flowers.”
He grinned. “A prince of flowers?”
“The Prince of Flowers,” you amended. He liked the sparkle your eyes would get. He liked how you would give him this little smile, one that was shy and full of adoration. At first Seokmin didn’t know what it was, that sweet smile, but then he had seen you interact with your grandma and give her that little smile and realized what it meant. 
It meant “I love you; I adore you; you’re my everything.” 
Seokmin wondered if he had a similar sparkle; he hoped he did. He hoped you were able to look at his face and see how utterly in love he was with you. 
“Lee Seokmin, Prince of Flowers,” he said. He brought his other hand from underneath your shirt and pushed back your bangs. Seokmin tucked them behind your ears, tracing the shape of them with the tip of his fingers. “If I’m the Prince of Flowers then what are you?”
You hummed, a thoughtful and playful expression taking over. “The Lord of Sleeping Kitties.”
Seokmin laughed, feeling his lips stretch apart in a wide smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, your little smile returning. “Yeah.”
You shifted against him, laying your ear over his heart. Seokmin adjusted his hold accordingly, arms enveloping you entirely. You were completely warm now, the heat of your bodies creating a bubble around the two of you. 
“What did you do today?”
“Oh, you know,” Seokmin began. “Painted sunflowers yellow, played with puppies. Prince of Flowers things.”
You laughed, wiggling. “Of course, my sweet Prince. You totally didn’t just watch television all day, did you?”
He was quiet. Then Seokmin remembered to be offended. “Who do you take me for? Some sort of slug?”
“My Prince of Flowers and Slugs,” you giggled. 
“I should kick you out,” Seokmin said. “Banish you from the realm of flowers.”
“And slugs.”
“HEY!” He protested, pushing you away. You were manically laughing now, pushing feebly at his arms as he wrestled you away. Seokmin couldn’t help but laugh along with you. The two of you were sitting up fully now, Seokmin attempting to push you onto the other side of the couch while you fought against him. 
He grabbed at your shoulders, and with one deft shove, you were falling off of the couch and onto the ground. Startled, your eyes widened comically, to the point where he was roaring with laughter; he was sure he was ugly with it, the force of his laughter, with how his nose wrinkled horribly and eyes widened. 
You went to your knees, reaching out for his forearms. He fought against you once more, hands shoving and pushing. “Stay away, you fiend!”
You could barely talk around your laughter, and Seokmin filed away how you looked in his moment for later. You were wild with your merriment, eyes bright and sputtering. You were bracing your arms against his, trying to push Seokmin onto his back. 
“The villain is trying to defeat the Prince of Flowers!”
“And slugs!” You reminded him, giggling and raising yourself higher to try and get a better angle on him. You used the angle against him, getting one knee on the couch and hovering over him. “You sluggy slug!”
“Such cruelty!” He exclaimed. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, and words will surely defeat me!”
And so Seokmin allowed himself to go limp. He relaxed his muscles and sagged against the couch. You had been using all your strength against him and when you lost the force holding you back you pitched forward, squealing and forcing Seokmin further into the couch as you fell against him. 
It wasn’t a horrible position, Seokmin thought, your chest pressed against his head and thighs straddling his lap. Your chest was heaving with laughter, and you were giggling in his ear when you finally pulled away. Your hands reached up and cupped his cheeks, thumbs brushing against him. 
Once, long ago and yet not that long ago, if Seokmin was asked what he thought love looked like he would have said that love looked like dinners in candlelight, walks along rivers, kisses by moonlight. Now he knew love was this: you learning his favorite movies and quoting them back, him learning how to play your favorite songs on guitar, how he would come home from the market with flowers or candy that reminded him of you, and how you looked in this moment, smiling with wild hair and bright eyes, your head tipping forward to rub your nose against his. 
Seokmin wrapped his arms around you once more, guiding you to lay back against the couch. You let him manipulate you, going pliant and obedient. He leaned over you, his own hand going to cup your cheek. He took a moment to just look. 
For a few minutes that was all the two of you did. Your hand went to wrap around the wrist of his hand that was holding your cheek, your other hand reaching. He moved, obliging, and let you brush your fingers against his bangs. 
“Hello, Lee Seokmin,” you greeted shyly. 
He smiled, and again hoped that you could see how in love he was with you. “Hello, my Lord of Sleeping Kitties.”
And then he descended upon you, pressing a soft little kiss against your lips. Both of your arms went around him, just holding him. You returned the peck, and then you sealed your mouth over his, gently kissing him in little coaxing movements, as if he were standing in the shallows of the ocean and the tide was coaxing him in, urging him in deeper. 
His hand sunk into your hair, parting his lips obediently when you swiped your tongue against his lower lip in question.
Seokmin didn’t think he would mind drowning in the ocean, not if it was you. 
Your lips traveled from his, your hand moving to guide his head and tilt it. You pressed a kiss against the corner of his mouth. When he went to capture your lips again in a kiss you hummed and shook your head, your hand moving to frame his chin. You angled his head away once more, pressing open-mouthed, lingering kisses against his chin and jaw, trailing them down his neck. 
Seokmin gulped before taking a shuddering breath. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. You hummed once more when you felt his mouth open. “Use your words, baby boy.”
He found that he couldn’t. So instead Seokmin pulled away, his hands going to the hem of his shirt. You allowed him to move back, watching him with greedy eyes as he pulled his shirt off and let it drop beside the couch. 
And then you were pressing him back into the couch, the two of you switching positions. Your hands smoothed over his bare shoulders; his biceps; his forearms; his collar; his chest; and then his stomach. You squeezed and worshiped him, your mouth pressing hot kisses to his. 
“Please,” he said. 
You smiled against his mouth. Your thighs went to straddle his waist, hands moving to stroke his skin. You tore your mouth from his, nipping it and pulling a whine out of him. He nearly protested, an argument on the tip of his tongue, and then your mouth was pressing open kisses to his jaw and throat and then latching on his neck, and Seokmin found that he couldn’t really do much else than clutch at your shirt. 
The two of you pulled away from one another some time later, lips red and sore, a brilliant bruise beginning to form at the base of his neck. His chest still heaved and his mind still flashed with the image of your eyes and how devious they had looked, and he thought that, too, was what love looked like. 
You were still straddling him, sitting fully on his thighs. He was content to look at you, watching how you ran your hands through your hair and traced your lips. “What’s the time, darling?”
Seokmin let out a breathless laugh. “You really expect me to know the time after all that?”
You grinned a little. He hoped you felt accomplished. You shifted off of him and he whined at the loss of your weight on him. He didn’t mind watching you walk away from him, though, moving to rest on his stomach and watch you walk back to the bag you had abandoned. 
Seokmin propped his head up on his hand, eyes focused on you as you bent over to ruffle through your bag. You let out a little gasp. “Seokmin! I’ve been home for an hour!”
He hummed. “Time really flies when you’re having fun, I guess,” he said, thinking about how your teeth felt scraping against his skin.
You spun around. “No, Seokmin. I’ve been home for an hour. I got off at five! We’re supposed to be at Seungcheol’s in thirty minutes!”
For a moment Seokmin just looked at you. How wide your eyes were, how you were waving your phone through the air as if he could somehow read the time from where he was on the couch. Then what you were saying sunk in and he gaped at you. 
“How am I supposed to hide this!” He shrieked, flying into a sitting position and slapping his hand over the rather impressive hickey you had left.
“It’s winter,” you began, crossing back to him. You peeled his hand away from the hickey, prodding at it with your own fingers. He hissed at the ache of it. “You can just wear a sweater.”
He pouted. “But you like seeing my arms!”
“I do,” you readily agreed. You ran your hand through his hair. “I also like how you look in a sweater.”
He grinned. “Yeah?”
Once Seungkwan had called him a glutton for compliments. Then Jihoon had reminded Seungkwan how Seungkwan had, back when you were still unfamiliar to a majority of the friend group and was nothing more than “Hansol’s cousin who he’s moving in with”, gone out of his way to try and get you to compliment him by basically serenading you. 
You laughed, cupping his cheeks and shaking his head a little. “Yes, Lee Seokmin. Newsflash: the person you’ve been dating for nearly a year thinks you’re ridiculously hot no matter what you wear.”
“Even when I’m wearing a sweaty shirt from the gym?”
“Especially then,” you promised. “Remind me when we get home to tell you just how hot I think you are, baby, but if I start now we definitely won’t make it to Seungcheol’s.”
“That’s okay!” He chirped, arms going out and wrapping around your waist. Seokmin brought you to him, pressing a cartoonish kiss against your stomach. “I’m sure Seungcheol won’t miss us. Tell me. Do you think I’m hotter when I’m driving my motorcycle or cooking?”
“You don’t own a motorcycle,” you said, rolling your eyes and pulling his face away from your stomach. “And when you cook you always look like you’re about three seconds away from having a breakdown.”
Seokmin gasped, affronted. You peeled away from Seokmin. He tried following after you, puckering his lips and making kissing noises. You laughed, and he let you shove him back onto the couch. 
“I’m getting dressed,” you said. “Seungcheol said he’s paying tonight and I’m not about to pass that up. You can stay home and lament over your hotness if you want, but you’ll be doing it alone. In the dark.”
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As Seokmin said: he wasn’t totally against the pet names you gave him. 
Especially when you had both your arms wrapped around one of his, clutching at his bicep through his sweater. The two of you had abandoned your outer coats as soon as you walked into Seungcheol’s house, joining your friends for the night. You were practically shining with your beauty, and Seokmin couldn’t help but be a little ashamed at his own lack of tact as he shamelessly stared at you. I mean, who could blame him?! 
You let out a little shout, grabbing Seokmin’s attention. You were waving at Hansol from across the room. You went on the tip of your toes to press a kiss against his cheek before parting from him. “Be right back, baby!”
“‘Be right back, baby,’” Mingyu mimicked. He was reclining on one of the sofas, a large drink in hand and wearing an extremely sour look on his face. You had told Seokmin as you were pulling into the drive that Mingyu had just broken up with the third or fourth lover of the year. Something about them leaving their dirty underwear around the house.
“You’re just jealous,” Seokmin shot back. You crossed the room and to Hansol’s side, dragging your cousin into a hug. Seokmin huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest, already missing the feeling of your arms around his. “You’re so annoying.”
“You were annoying first,” Mingyu shot back. 
Seokmin rolled his eyes. “I was literally just standing here.”
“What he means to say,” Wonwoo began, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Seokmin had asked him once about whether or not Wonwoo was considering wearing contacts, only to be met with a pissed-off look, as if Seokmin had been doubting Wonwoo’s integrity or something. “Is that he sees you with your better half and thinks it’s annoying that you somehow have had a longer relationship than him.”
Seokmin smirked, leaning back against the fireplace. It was pulsing heat, warming his side and reminding him of you. “Jealous, Mingyu?”
“I just don’t get it,” Mingyu whined. “How did you get someone like that?”
Seokmin gaped. “What do you mean, someone like me?”
“Well,” Wonwoo broke in, “you are sort of. You know.”
Soonyoung broke into the group, a tallboy in each of his hands. He gave one of them to Seokmin before wrapping an arm around Seokmin’s shoulders. The tallboy was freezing against Seokmin’s palm, also reminding him of how cold you had been when you had pressed yourself against him earlier in the evening. He should’ve convinced you to stay home.
“Don’t listen to them, Seokminie,” Soonyoung murmured, patting Seokmin’s arm. “You’re a real catch.”
“Yeah,” Seungkwan said, plopping down next to Mingyu on the couch, their thighs touching. He shot Mingyu a peevish look when Mingyu groaned in disgust and pushed Seungkwan’s thigh away from him. “A real catch who doesn’t know how to do his own laundry.”
“I know how!”
“Okay,” Wonwoo agreed, “did you know how to do laundry before you began dating Y/n or after?”
Seokmin went quiet for a second. “Hey. This isn’t fair.”
The group around him laughed. Soonyoung slung his other arm across Seokmin’s waist, squeezing him and comforting him in a voice one would use with a baby. “Don’t worry, my precious Seokminie, you’re the best catch of us all.”
“Yeah, well. At least I can keep a partner after the holiday season!” Seokmin snapped, looking at Mingyu and sending the group into another round of hysterics. Mingyu’s own mouth dropped before he began a round of protests. Seokmin shoved off Soonyoung, who protested, and stalked away from the group. 
It wasn’t like he was insecure; but he wasn’t arrogant either. Seokmin knew he had his downsides, like leaving his socks around the apartment and leaving the jar of peanut butter open on the counter. But he had his merits! He could reach the top shelf in the kitchen, could help you string the Christmas lights; Seokmin can even open the delivery packages that you struggled with!
“I have merits,” he whined, ignoring how you jumped when he suddenly appeared behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle. Seokmin dug his chin onto your shoulder, letting a pout form. You shifted in his arms, setting your glass on the dining table and patting both of his hands. “I have upsides to dating me, right?”
Hansol wrinkled his nose and mouth, looking at Seokmin with a disgusted look on his face. Seungcheol paused his sipping and looked at Seokmin over the rip of his beer, raising his dark eyebrows and silently asking Seokmin what he was doing. Seokmin ignored both of them, however, and instead buried his face into your neck and breathed in your sweet scent. 
“Of course, honey blossom,” you murmured. Seungcheol repeated the pet name with obvious loathing. Your nails scratched at the skin of his hands, fingertips tracing the soft curves of his fingers. “What’s bringing this on?”
“Mingyu’s being annoying.”
You cooed at him, turning in his arms to peer up at him. You reached up and pushed away his bangs, tucking them back from his forehead. “Mingyu’s just jealous he can’t keep anyone longer than two months.”
Seungcheol snorted from behind the two of you. Seokmin beamed, “Right?!”
“Ignore him, darling,” you patted his cheeks. 
“And -- and Wonwoo said I don’t know how to do laundry.” 
If one of his friends got him one-on-one, looked Seokmin in the eye and asked if he was ashamed of how he acted around you sometimes, Seokmin would absolutely admit to it. He was a grown man! 
But still he pouted at you, letting his eyes water and voice turn into a whine. It was worth it when you pouted back at him and reached up to press a little kiss to his chin. 
“I fucking hate this,” Seungcheol said.
“Right in front of our salad, too,” Hansol agreed. 
“What the fuck does that mean?”
Seokmin and you ignored them. You wrapped your arms around him, bringing Seokmin into a swaying motion. “It’s okay, baby. You know how to do laundry now, and dare I say it, you’re a pro! Martha Stewart has nothing on you.”
“And you help me with my hair in the mornings,” you carried on, grinning at him. “You divide chores with me and you even do my chores for me on nights I’m late coming home from work. You always make my mood better after a rough day, and you always know the right thing to say.”
“You’re a real catch,” you said. “And, if I’m honest, the best one out of all thirteen of you.”
Seokmin smirked. “Right. Absolutely correct.”
You reached up and tugged at his cheek. “Exactly. My darling sunshine.”
“Listen,” Hansol began. You turned in Seokmin’s arms once again, looking at your cousin. Hansol looked disgusted; Seungcheol had walked away at some point. “I’m all for you two dating. I think it’s fantastic. But I’m going to need you two to like, uh, not do this in front of me.”
“Do what?”
“You know,” Hansol gestured at the two of you. “That.”
You leaned back into Seokmin, and he accepted your weight gladly. He laid his cheek on the top of your head, peering at Hansol. “Hansol. Are you saying you’re embarrassed by me adoring Seokmin?”
“Yes, absolutely. One hundred percent.”
“What are you going to do when we get married, Hansol? Just not show up to the wedding?”
“That’s different,” came a new voice. Jeonghan slid into the picture, pushing his hair back and away from his face. His doe eyes were bright, whether it be from the beer in his hand or from the chance of bullying you and Seokmin, Seokmin didn’t know. “We’re consenting to it at your wedding.”
Seokmin’s mind was reeling. Wedding? 
You want to marry him?
This was definitely skipping over a few steps -- you hadn’t even officially said the L word to one another yet! 
And now you were talking about marriage?!
His heart was a bird and it was frantically trying to escape his chest. MARRIAGE?
He then imagined it. Not the actual event, but what came after. You and him looking for a home, his hand slipping into the back pocket of your jeans as the two of you surveyed all of the moving boxes and readied to unpack and begin your lives again. He imagined the two of you wearing matching rings, glinting in the light and showing them off whenever a stranger asks about them. He would get you the best ring, of course, the best for the best. 
You would want a house with a porch, he knew. You liked people watching. And you would need an office for all of your books and stuff. And he wanted his own space, of course, but that could come later. Would you want a house with a garden? Would you agree to getting little gnomes to decorate it? 
What would you grow in the garden? Flowers? Herbs? Vegetables? He would have to learn how to properly fry okra, he supposed, if you decided to grow it, but it could be done. 
What about a porch with a swing?! He could paint it yellow, the soft yellow that reminded him of daisies and canaries and you, and surprise you after a day at work. And the two of you could sit on it and watch your life go by, sitting side by side, thighs pressing against one another and fingers laced tightly. You could sit on that swing until your hair turned grey and you need to use a cane. 
He then imagined you at that age. When your hair was no longer shining and instead was grey, when you had wrinkles on your face that boasted of a life filled with love and happiness. How you would need to hold onto his arm when going up and down stairs, how he would need you to read the newspaper to him because his eyes were getting too weak. 
Seokmin was brought out of his fantasy by you. You with your shining hair and eyes, with your bright smile and that adoring look on your face. The one that said everything that had remained silent until then. The one that said I love you, I adore you, you’re my everything. And now, Seokmin thought, it said something else. It also said: let’s be together forever, and as long as I’m with you.
“Seokmin? Pumpkin?”
Jeonghan laughed from behind the two of you. Seokmin ignored him in favor of hugging you, burying his face into your hair and breathing you in. You giggled at him but obliged. 
“Are you okay, lovebug?”
“I’m actually going to be sick,” Hansol announced. The two of you parted to see Hansol walk away, going towards the group in front of the fireplace and gesturing at the two of you. Jeonghan shook his head at the two of you and clicked his tongue, walking to Seungcheol and Joshua. 
You looked up at Seokmin. He felt himself grin at finally having your full attention, even though he knew he never really lost it. “What is it, my heart flower?”
“How can you say that with so much sincerity,” Seokmin laughed, shaking his head. He reached out and grabbed each of your hands nevertheless, swinging them back and forth. 
You shrugged, that little smile still playing on your face. “I mean. It’s true, isn’t it? I just want you to know how much I adore you, even if I’m not explicitly saying it.”
“How much you love me?” Seokmin asked, hope that thing with wings that beat against his chest.  
You paused, stilling the swinging movement of your hands. Your smile faded, a serious look overtaking your features. The twinkle in your eyes remained, however, as you peered at him. You looked at Seokmin, taking him in, just as he was doing you. 
“Yes. How much I love you.”
Seokmin couldn’t help but smile, even if he looked like an idiot. And if he did look like an idiot, then he was an idiot in love. 
“I love you,” he murmured back. He took a step towards you, the tips of your shoes brushing against one another. “I love you.”
You were quiet, still watching him. Yes, Seokmin thought. This was what love looked like. It looked like you, in Seungcheol’s house, head tilted and face serious. Your hands in his, squeezing; you, considering him; your lip between your teeth, silent and observing. 
You released one of his hands, and he nearly whined. And then you tugged him away from the dining area and to the front, calling out. “Okay! That’s enough for today! Me and my precious honey sugar pop are leaving!”
A few of the boys laughed loudly, repeating your pet name. You and Seokmin paid them no mind, each of you hurriedly shrugging on your coats. Jeonghan let out a whoop; Jun whistled. 
“Bye-bye!” Seokmin called out, waving with his free hand as you swung the front door open. He gave a wink at Mingyu. 
And then you were dragging Seokmin out of the house and into the cold air. Seokmin knew it was biting at his cheeks, knew it would be turning the tip of his nose and fingers red, but when you turned to him and your sweet voice carried those three words into his ears and heart, Seokmin knew the cold couldn’t touch him. 
Seokmin opened the driver’s side for you, swooping down low into a bow and gesturing wildly with his other arm. “For my darling Lord of Sleeping Kitties!”
You were laughing, bright and like sunshine. Seokmin couldn’t help but abandon the door to wrap his arms around you, one slithering around your waist and the other going to hold the back of your neck. He guided your mouth to his, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. 
You giggled into his mouth, moving to your tiptoes and burying your fingers in his hair. The kisses were sweet and quick presses, your laughter infecting Seokmin and leading him to abandon his pursuit of your lips. He chuckled, pulling away to nuzzle the tip of his nose into your cheek, eyes falling shut. 
“I love you,” he said. It wasn’t enough just to say it, Seokmin thought, and that phrase didn’t seem like enough. Those three words were all too short and didn’t seem heavy enough to convey the truth and weight of his emotions. He loved you, yes; he adored you, of course. But he also knew that love could not encompass the feelings he felt for you in that if he were to shut his eyes and see no more, his heart would still be content because it knew you, knew the shape of your soul and knew how perfectly it fit into his. 
“I love you,” you echoed, just as sincerely.
“GET OFF MY FUCKING LAWN WITH THAT STUFF!” Seungcheol’s shout broke through the air. Seokmin screamed a bit, jumping and immediately pressing himself into your chest. 
You were laughing -- laughing! at him! while your poor baby boy was scared! -- and squeezed Seokmin in your arms. “Okay, okay old man!”
Then there was a cry from the porch behind him and Seokmin wiggled in your arms to see Seungcheol tumbling from Mingyu’s shove. “Leave them alone! They’re in love, you old grandpa!”
“You were the one just hating on them!”
Eventually you and Seokmin made it into the car. You were shivering faintly, your hands quivering as you fumbled with the car keys. Seokmin took them from your grasp and inserted the key into the engine, and together the two of you started the car. Seokmin then grabbed each of your hands into his and brought them to his mouth; pressed two kisses to them; blew air onto them. 
You were giggling again. Seokmin wanted to bottle that noise up and save it forever. 
“How am I ever supposed to leave you,” you sighed. You leaned over to him, pressing your forehead to his. 
“You don’t,” Seokmin responded, as easily as the sun rose at dawn. “You stay with me forever.”
You hummed. Your noses brushed against one another. “My darling,” you murmured. “My love. My sweetheart. Mine.”
“Yours,” Seokmin agreed. And then he closed the centimeter of space left between the two of you and captured your lips in a kiss.
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bbbholdmebbb · 1 month
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Me thinking I’ll just doodle some designs for fun but then I think about Max and my brain explodes- Max would be the bestest big bro ever I know this in my heart!!!
(Handwriting/plus under readmore)
My Dawn(David) has full heterochromia, (yes they’re both green but they’re different shades of green and google says it’s the same genetically) and soft round lines
My Gwen has naturally brown hair and eyes and pointy lines. And hair with different shades in it. So I gave their bio kids a mix of both of these things!
—Dawn cooing over max feeding the twins, pauses when Luna throws some of her food at him. Max grimaces and tells them, “You guys were accidents-“
“-SURPRISES!” Dawn interrupts.
“Delightful fucking surprises…” Gwen mutters
“Dawn, they’re babies.” Max is amused at Dawn covering their ears.
—The writing above the babies drawing say: didn’t expect life to go this way but that’s ok <3
—The writing in the next 2 say: They learn to read quick with 2 bookworms around, and to be musically inclined!
—Gwen and Dawn buy the twins bear themed things because it’s cute but also to match Max’s teddy bear <3
—In the last drawing: Max! Big bro!
-Gwen picked the name :)
-a tiny Dawn, but! surprisingly pessimistic :/
-darker skin tone from grandpa Louis! :D a few freckles around, mostly on their face
-Dawn picked the name :)
-a tiny Gwen, but! surprisingly optimistic =]
-tone somewhere between parents, almost as many freckles as Dawn
Bonus hc is that while Gwen wears purple eye contacts, grandpa lucky Louis’s eyes are fr purple because he’s special like that <3 it just pushes the idea of Gwen feeling like she’s falling behind and not as bedazzling as her dad or others more I think! So she gets gorgeous brown eyes from her mom instead!
(for the max holding the grumpy baby I used a mogimush (on twitter) art pose as a ref because I couldn’t figure it out myself and I’m not certain that it’s different enough to just not mention, so thanks random artist I know nothing about)
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Redesigns of @keyunto's god characters!!! I designed their characters around 2021, and i redrew them so i can see how far ive come with my character designing skills!! suffice to say im really proud of myself >:]]
Design notes and old design comparisons below!
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I didnt change much with fox girl other than freckles ngl but i will say that i will always love drawing her spiky eyelashes <3 Shes my number one fav design to draw from everyone HAHA
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Now THIS design i had fun doing again!! first of all, made her hair MORE floofy and took away the kinda unneceasry braid on her hair. Also made her face more chubby because i think it fits a bunny goddess well!!
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now THIS was a big redesign. i practically. restructured her whole face HAHA but yeah i was just not feeling the og design, it was giving so much OOMPH and character so i tried to make her look more fierce and formidable, just how an actual lion is!
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now here i ULTRA LEVELED UP HER HAIR TO LOOK MORE RACOON LIKE LMAOO it was actually super fun drawing it!! no more the days of bland unspiky hair >B]
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i think her og design looks already super good!! BUT IM RLLY PROUD OF THIS REDESIGN SPECIFICALLY BCUS OF HOW THE HAIR FLOWS!!!! ITS GOIN SWOOPY SWOOPS!!!! and ofc had to use a feather earring because raven goddess etc gender etc <3
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honestly did not change her design that much EXCEPT for her face structure, and i think the lil pearl necklaces and crowns and beads are such a regal touch I LOVE IT
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Ohhh dog boy. ya i dont rlly like the og design that much DLKJSD so i had to rlly like. change almost everything abt him omg. but i rlly think this is a cute redesign!! i love the ruffly hiar 🥺
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TIGER MAN WOOOO I LOVE YOUUUU BUT YES I GAVE HIM MORE FACIAL HAIR AND EYEBROWS AND SPUNK >>B]]] og design looks like him in his 20s HAHA and NGL facial hair is hard to draw like especially beards, i dont get how it wraps around the face, but im DOIN MY BEST TO DRAW IT MORE
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his beard: pointy. his eyes: 🥺. the perfect redesign. Also i remmeber in that og design is that is when like the first time ive tried drawing hooked noses??
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it felt so wrong seeing a god based off a bear and Not even being fat??? A CRIME!!!!!!! SO YES TWAS IMPERATIVE HE BE A BIG BOY!!!
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I love this redesign so much HAHA like that hair is an UPGRADE and that FACIAL HAIOR MMMMMMMMM Like IM SO PROUD OF THIS OK LET ME HAVE THIS,,,,,,
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def didnt change much, as i rlly think the curly kind of long hair is SUCH a good hair for a love god HAHA and ofc i gave them the slutty ruffly poet shirt okay,,,,,😁hes the token twink of the group!!
but yeah all in all, im so proud of this!! i very much detwinkified almost all of them LMAOO and i think ive def imporved in terms of face shape, especially in noses and also fat! I hope i imporve more in the future and perhaps redesign this in the future years 👀
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