#and yes i bring my markers to school
rainofthetwilight · 1 year
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some trad doodles of jay i drew at school today, man i havent drawn in my sketchbook in a WHILE
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tsubaki94 · 5 months
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Sleepless night (colored)
It's the end of @green-with-envy-phandom-event and I'm collecting all the lovely posts where my lineart was colored (and coloring it myself because people are inspiring)
Let's start with @englandamericaitaly who made an alcohol marker version of this with blinds shadows falling over Danny, and did an absolutely amazing save adding details where the markers made a happy little accident and I can't tell where that was. Awsome.
From @nanaarchy we get this version placed in the gore category because of the bruises but that's not the only thing that packs a punch in this one. The text bubbles adds so much to the piece and brings it all together. And I just have to point out the posters in the background and the Stars on the blanket! XD
@fuyuthefoxwriter gave us this version adding a NASA phone case and really showing the bright light in Danny's face from the phone. And you are right "The sleepy insomniac trying to sleepy without a ghost ruining it" it doesn't work, but maybe turning down the light levels on his phone would make it easier. ^^
Continuing with @balshumetsbaragouin submitting this version. My thoughts are just STARS! Yes! The gentle cell-shading gives a softness to this one and the text below is so true. School starts in 3 hours and no sleep.
We have @audaciousanonj giving us this version focusing on the light source of the phone (which was my intention when making the lineart XD)
Finishing off with @jamiethebeeart who made this version that has such calm and softness to it reminding me of the early mornings when the sun is on the face and one rolled over to avoid getting it in the eyes.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Pop of Colour
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Flufftober, October 9th
Female reader x Jess Mariano
Summary: Jess asks you paint his nails
Warnings: none
A/n: this is the first Gilmore Girls fic I've written, I hope it's good! Oh, and this is ooc but Jess is my sweet baby, so hush and read! ...only if you want to <3
Jess is sitting on your bed, leaning against your headboard with one of your pillows in his lap. He watches as you screw the top back on your nail polish. He watched you paint your nails the whole time.
He's always been interested in painted nails and always wished he could have his colorful as well. But he knows people will point it out and they'll make fun of him, as his mom had always told him, even when she was drunk or high as a kite. All her boyfriends and husbands had made it very clear that boys should never have painted nails or wear any makeup when Jess once came back home from school after coloring his nails with markers at school.
"You okay, Jess?" You ask him, noticing his eyes trained on your hands. "Um, yeah, sorry" he looks up at your face.
After a pause he opened his mouth again, "I-I was wonderin if you could, uh, paint...my nails? please?" He knows that he's not good at asking for things or asking about stuff, but he's been trying since you guys started dating.
"Oh, yeah, of course, hun. Come over here" You softly smile and nod over to the other chair with a sweater draped over the back of it.
He blinks for a second, surprised that you said yes, and puts your pillow back. He climbs off the bed and sits down on the chair. You pull out your small basket with nail polish and sit on your chair, holding it out to him.
"You can choose whatever colour you want," You tell him and he takes the basket from you.
He gently rummages through the different colours and pulls a dark red one out. He hesitantly hands it to you and places the basket on your desk.
You take it from Jess and shake it for a couple seconds. "Good choice" You twist the top open. "Okay, place your left hand on the desk and keep it still," You tell him. He nods, obliging to the order. He places his left hand on the wood surface.
As you paint his nails, his eyes are focused on the strokes of the small brush. Every time you dip the brush back into the polish and start on the next nail, he feels the coolness of the strong smelling dyed chemical.
"Aaand...done" you twist the top back onto the bottle and put it with the rest of them.
Jess looks down at both of his hands. A smile perks up on his face when he sees the shiny polish on his nails.
"You like?" You ask, seeing the smile on his face. "I love 'em...thank you" He answers, still working on not being closed off with his thoughts and emotions.
"Of course, any time. Now, just for the next five minutes, keep your hands still, especially the one I just painted, to make sure nothing smudges" You put the basket away before leaning against the desk.
"But what if I wanted to kiss you?" Jess smirks, trying to put his 'bad boy' image back up. "Hmm, cute" You smirk back, knowing exactly what he's trying to do.
"You'll have to wait, for now, this'll have to suffice" You lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Oh, come on, not even a real kiss" He pouts, something that's new for him, but he makes sure to only do it in front of you. He almost slipped up in front of Luke after he had a nightmare one night, and it was a complete disaster in his mind.
"Nope, you, baby, are gonna have to wait" You playfully wink, making him groan. The only good thing out of your teasing is now he knows what it's like to have painted nails like he's always wanted without someone making fun of him (at least right now at least), And if Luke brings up how his nail colour changed, no he doesn't.
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🎈emoji so I’ll see it:
ok so I’m a middle schooler (M), yes I’m 14 (old enough to be on the site) and today we were doing some end of year activities (eg. signing yearbooks, playing games, etc etc). And I was talking to a friend of mine we’ll call her V. Suddenly I was approached by a teacher who said that a kid (let’s say Jessica) wanted to talk to me. I was like “oh ok sure.” Jesica approached me and brought me a card. Now some background on Jessica:
So Jessica is autistic and in all different classes than me. I’ve interacted with her a few times, she seems to have some friends? I don’t really know. In the past I tried to be her friend not knowing she was autistic (this is the possibly asshole part) but her behavior was really strange as she would often say odd things that made me uncomfortable (not perverted or anything but just really awkward) and would really kinda creep me out so once my class with her was over I never spoke to her unless she initiated it which only happened once or twice. Another thing that really bothers me is that I co-lead our showchoir group with V and another student and it’s a difficult job that requires a lot of participation and effort from all the members. Yet Jessica hardly ever does anything, she just sits in a chair half the time while everyone else is working hard. I know that it’s a spectrum and not all autistic ppl are the same but there’s two other autistic dudes who both work super hard and help out a ton!
Anyway she insisted that it had to be a surprise and told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. I absolutely hate closing my eyes in public due to the worry that someone will touch me while my eyes are closed but I didn’t wanna upset her so I did it anyway. When I opened my eyes she’d placed a folded over piece of paper in my hands. She’d written a card in pink magic marker, it was almost illegible so all I could make out was “my full name and grade, the date, summer (have a good summer?), and school. She asked me to read it out loud so I mumbled a bunch of sounds together to make it seem like I was reading it even though I couldn’t tell what it said on account of the handwriting. She seemed satisfied so I thanked her telling her how much I appreciated and moved to leave when she said “and what do we say?” Confused I said “thank you”. I think that was the right answer? She then put out a hand toward me which is a pretty normal gesture in our school meaning you want the other person to dap you up. So I did, to which she seemed confused and tried to shake my hand. She then said “don’t I get a hug? You have to hug me right?” I HATE hugs. It brings back traumatic memories and I really really could not bring myself to hug her epesecially since I didn’t know her well. “I told her I’m sorry but I don’t do hugs. I just really don’t like them.” She looked disappointed at that and then said “that was really sweet of me right, writing you a letter?” I didn’t know how to reply to that so I said “yeah it’s great.” She replied saying I had to right her back and that I should “write it at home and give it to her the next day”. Knowing I’d forget, I just grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it to her right there. It was a simple paragraph on a different sheet of paper with the usual stuff, “have a good summer, you’re really cool, good luck in hs” the kind of stuff you write in someone’s yearbook. she seemed satisfied and she put her hand out again so I dapped her up again. She then shook my hand vigorously and walked away saying she’d see my tommorow.
I hated everything about this encounter but I still feel like I did a good job being nice and stuff even though I have a hard time being patient with people that pressure me to do things (eg. Writing her another letter, hugging, affirming her over and over, the handshake thing). Idk V said it was a strange situation and I handled it fine but again was not hugging her bad of me? Or like did I mess up in some other way? I have no beef with autistic people at all and I’m friends with a few of them but is it wrong of me to just not like her?
Also thanks for reading all that but if it was too long:
TLDR: autistic girl wanted me to hug her as thanks for her writing me a letter and I declined, aita?
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crackingheart · 2 months
Loser Megumi x Popular y/n
You already know this is gonna be an angst muheheh ;) (normal highschool au)
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People are the worst. And what’s even more worst is how you let them control you. See, falling in love is bound to happen. You just didn’t expect it to be him. Megumi, the “loser.”
It all started when one day you forgot you had homework due. You searched desperately for answers and megumi noticed your worried face.
Your eyes connected with his and in that moment it felt like heaven.
“I have the answers, need them?” Megumi said while slightly smiling at you. Did he feel it too? Whenever your eyes and his met, did he feel it too?
“Y-yes please! Thank you so much.” Fumbling your words makes you feel even more embarrassed. You copy down his notes in a heartbeat.
The bell dismissed us and we were going to part ways but you grabbed his shirt out of instinct. He looked back at you shocked.
“Can I have your number… just in case I forget my homework again?..” your voice sounding nervous. His gaze never left your eyes and he grabbed a marker and paper. His number, then he gave it to you and smiled.
After that your mind was a mess, you were sweating a little too. Your friends pull you aside. Mai and Momo lecture you about what they witnessed.
“I can’t believe you even wasted your breath on that loser! You know you deserve so much better.” Momo said, Mai nodding her head. We were the trio on our cheer team. You were the cheer captain of course.
“Deserve better? Like who?” You put your hand on your chin.
“Gojo, duh! He’s the best football player and he’s a total cutie!!!” They both squeal. You roll your eyes. Of course they would say Gojo.
Once the school day was over and after practice you went home. You grab the piece of paper from your pocket and text megumi.
Heyyy you up? - you
Hi, yes.
He was dryer than you expected but whenever you and him talked and texted more he became comfortable. A few weeks went by and you and him were still talking.
Omg we should see this movie together! - you
Sure I’m down. When? - gumi
This weekend??? - you
Okay that’ll doo! - gumi
That day whenever you and him when to the movies. He surprised you with flowers.
“Flowers? For me!” You look at him with pure happiness in your eyes. He nods his head agreeably. You jump up and hug him tightly. You feel him tense up and turn red. “You’re so sweet gumi!!” Gumi was the nickname you always called him.
That day he asked you to be his and you said yes. You and him were dating secretly but people at school still made it a rumor. This rumor brought down your reputation so you had to do something. That’s when it clicked. Gojo is popular, so if you show everyone Gojo and you are friends. Maybe that’ll bring your reputation up, right?
That’s when everything went downhill.
Megumi watched y/n across the hallway. He watched as her friends surrounded her talking and laughing.
He always felt this pit in his stomach when he saw you surrounded like that. How Gojo would walk up to you obviously flirting. And you flirted back.
You saw megumi from across the hallway. Feeling a pinch on your heart when you see him. Gojo grabs your chin moving your eyes away from him.
“Hey gojo. Not now, I’ll be back, promise.” Gojo lets go of your chin. His eyes follow you as you chase after megumi.
“Megumi! Wait please!” You say while slowing your pace when you reach him. His eyes were cold and digging into your skull.
“Wait and watch you flirt with Gojo?” His voice is soft but you feel his anger.
“He means nothing to me I swear. This is just an act. We don’t even talk to each other outside of school.” Your voice fumbles some trying to admit you have zero feelings for the blue eyes man. Megumi just stands there staring at you. Your hands attempt to grab his hand but he snatches his hand back.
“I can’t do this anymore y/n.” His words struck a cord in your heart.
“What…what do you mean. Please don’t leave. Don’t give up on me, I love you I swear I do!” Your eyes widen and you feel a tear ruining your makeup. Megumi looks away once you start tearing. He grinds his teeth together.
“I can’t stand seeing what’s mine being touched by another man.” His voice trembled with anger. You felt guilt in your stomach but before you could talk, he interrupted.
“And I can’t even do anything about it! Because of this stupid reputation thing that you have!” He pulled you and him into the janitors empty closet. “I’m losing my mind here y/n!” Megumi holds your face with his hands. His eyebrows curl and he looks like he’s on the edge of crying. This breaks your heart. Maybe this all isn’t worth hurting someone else.
“Megumi I..” megumi interrupted again.
“What’s more important? Me or your reputation?..” his hands squeezed you jaw slightly tight. You’ve never thought about that.
“Look, I can stop talking to gojo, just please don’t go.” Your hands brush against his on your face.
“Not enough. I can’t handle being a secret anymore… it’s not just gojo. I can feel so many lustful eyes on you it drives me insane.” He says then breaks eye contact. You hands leave from his and you have trouble deciding.
“I can’t decide Gumi! Don’t make me decide please!…” you say begging him. You feel tears come out your eyes. He presses his lips together and starts to leave out the door. But before he leaves he stops.
“I wouldn’t have gotten with you if I knew this is what it’ll be like.” Then megumi leaves leaving you alone in the bitter cold closet. He’s right. He didn’t sign up for this. But you couldn’t afford to lose it all.
Being alone makes you realize a lot of things you wouldn’t with distractions. You really are a terrible vulnerable person. You let what people think and what they say control you so…easily. More tears streamed down your face not caring if it ruined your makeup. You had no one to talk to and no one who would understand you.
Before you could clean yourself up you see the door opening. White hair and blue eyes stare at you.
“Are you okay y/n? I saw you come in here with megumi.” He picks up your body from the cold floor. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He grabbed you and carried you to the bathroom. No one was in the halls because class started. Luckily no one was in the bathroom too. Gojo stood outside while you fixed your makeup.
Once you were done you left the bathroom to find Gojo. He grabs you jaw and looks at you. But not the way megumi looks at you. No, he looks at you lustfully.
“So, you know how I just helped you? Can I get something in return?” He says closing the gap between you and him. His lips part and a huge smile appears on his face.
“What, no!” Quickly you pull away from him and run off to your next class. You didn’t care whether you felt something for Gojo or not. You just wanted to be left alone, at least for one day.
This is the class you have with megumi. The class where it all started. You walk in and everyone stares.
“Why are you late Y/N L/N?” The teacher says while eyeing me.
“I lost track of time..” you say avoiding any kind of eye contact and you take a seat next to megumi.
Megumi doesn’t say anything to you, he doesn’t even acknowledge you. His eyes are lost in thought. You tap his shoulder.
“Hey?.. I’m sorry about earlier..” your voice is still trembling from the janitors closet.
“It’s whatever.” Megumi says not even looking at you. His voice was cold and he was dry like whenever you and him first talked. This made your heart squeeze. Fuck you can’t take it today.
After the bell rang he didn’t even wait for you. The entire class period he didn’t look at you. It was like you and him were strangers again. Mai and Momo were there waiting for you, but you couldn’t handle them today.
“Sorry Mai and Momo, I’m not feeling good. I’m gonna have to leave early today.” You said not looking at them while you all walk and talk. They both look at each other confused but decided to brush it off.
“That’s okay let us know when you feel better. Bye I hope you get better girl.” Mai said and momo waved. You called your mom to come pick you up and within two minutes she came.
The whole day went by and it was night. You texted megumi so many times. No response.
Megumi im sorry - you, 3:45 pm
Gumi??? - you, 4:02 pm
Ignoring me won’t solve anything please talk to me. - you, 4:56 pm
I’m so worried. Are you okay? - you, 5:34 pm
Is this cause what happened in the janitors closet today? - you, 5:51 pm
I love you… - you, 6:37 pm
Goodnight I’ll see you tomorrow - you, 9:55 pm
You thought everything would be okay right? You never walk in the hallways alone, you always have someone by your side. This time it was Gojo. He would make me forget about megumi even if it was just for a second.
Walking into the classroom you share with megumi, you don’t see him? In fact you don’t see him anywhere during the day.
Once you got home you texted megumi more.
Gumi where were you today?
Just to find out you’ve been blocked. You went on every social media platform that had megumi on it. “No user found..” your curled your body into a ball and cradled yourself. Each sob being louder than the next. Were you really a bad person?
You stayed up wondering what would have changed if you had just cared a little more. Once the dreadful morning came, you got ready.
You walked into the classroom again. Your eyes shooting at the shared seat hoping to see him there. But to your surprise he wasn’t…
The next day, to the next. Everyday was dreadful without megumi. If you had noticed how much you loved him you wouldn’t have let him go.
One day you heard a rumor. And you walked up to the man spreading the rumor. Gojo.
“What did you say about megumi?” You ask stabbing daggers into his eyes.
“I said he transferred schools. You would know that if you just looked at his insta.” Gojo said so carelessly. No idea how much this crushes me. Did he transfer cause of me?.. You couldn’t take it anymore. All the nights without hearing his voice. The dead basically gone flowers he gave you. You not feeling his heavy presence when he sits beside you.
A tear drops down your cheek in front of Gojo. Oh no. Quickly you run into a bathroom stall. You let all the tears flow out like the janitors closet incident. Ever since that day you lost him, life has been hard.
You pray that one day he’ll come back. And whenever he does you’ll never let him go. You’ll do anything just to have him back. But he’s never coming back.
Once you cleaned yourself up. Some thinking made you come to a conclusion. You might as well work with what you have now. So you walk up to gojo.
He looks at you confused whenever you wrap your hands around his arm.
“Hey gojo. What am I to you?” You say looking up to meet his blue ocean eyes.
“Just a cute girl why?” Gojo says looking back at you. Of course he would say that. You let go of his arm and walk away. The tears coming back.
Megumi would’ve said something about your personality then as a bonus your looks. Megumi loved you on the inside first then outside. But you were too blinded by other peoples opinions to notice that.
You walk into the same janitors closet, the last time you saw megumi. You sit in there reminiscing and skipping class.
“I just want to keep on loving you megumi. I’m sorry just please come back.” You say into the empty closet. Hoping that megumi would appear out of thin air. But of course he doesn’t. He’s gone forever and it’s your fault.
You never know how much you love someone until you see them go.
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hutchersonsgurl · 7 months
Eat your heart out - Clapton Davis
Paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings & info MNDI 18+ smut and have of it me THRISTIN OVER THIS MAN SO SUE ME!
Summary: You and Clapton have best friends for years now you have always had a crush on him but didn't wanna ruin your friendship if he didn't feel the same way
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You were at Clapton's house, chilling in his room, waiting for him to bring up the pizza the two of you just ordered. You were laying on his bed playing on your phone when you noticed that his yearbook was on his desk. You got up and sat in the chair and started turning pages, and you noticed that some of the people's pictures were defaced and covered in permanent marker. Most of them were people he didn't like, which didn't surprise you. All of his friend's pictures were left alone. You looked for your picture, and you noticed that your name had hearts drawn around it.
"Holy shit, does he like me!?" You thought to yourself that you could hear Clapton coming up the stairs.
"The pizza is here; please don't kill me for the delivery driver being a dumbass," he says.
You hurry up and put the yearbook back, push the chair in, and lay back on his bed, laying on your stomach, pretending that you haven't moved.
He walks and shuts his door, walks over to the bed, and hands you a plate.
"Mmm, yum, it took you long enough, dork," you say, playfully shoving him.
"Hey, now the delivery driver tried to deliver it to the next store, not my fault," he responds.
"Let's see your phone," you say, putting your hand out.
"What? Why?" He asked
"Just do it," you respond.
Clapton hands you his phone. You knew his password on his phone, and he knows your password as well.
You unlock his phone and look on the pizza app, and you notice he got one number on his address wrong.
"See, you typed in the wrong number," you say teasely.
"Shut up, we got the pizza," he says as he starts to eat his pizza.
The two of you laugh and joke around while eating your pizzas and enjoying your time together.
The thought of your picture being surrounded by hearts was still in the back of your mind.
It was about time for you to head home because school was tomorrow.
"Hey, before you leave, I need to talk to you," he says, patting his hand down on the bed.
"Uh, yeah, what's up?" You asked
"So you and I have been friends forever, and I can't imagine you not being by my side like ever," Clapton says, taking your hand in his
"Is everything okay? You feeling okay?" You joke
"Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is cool. What I'm trying to say is that I'm in love with you. I have been since the moment I saw you when we were kids," he says, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes.
You were quiet for a minute, internally screaming and dancing around in your mind.
"If you don't feel the same way, I get it," he says.
"No, no, that's not it. I just thought I was the only one who felt that way," you respond.
"Wait, you like me too?" He asks with his eyes lighting up.
"I've been in love with you since forever," you say, blushing.
"So, is it cool if I kiss you?" He asks
"Yes, you can kiss me, you goof," you answer.
He leans in closer to you and brushes his nose against yours.
His arms wrap around you. He pulls you against him and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck, returning the kiss. You feel weak on your knees with his mouth on yours. You have thought about this moment so many times, and now that it's happening, It feels right to you, and all of a sudden, it felt like there were only the two of you in the world.
He breaks away, breathing heavily; his face is flushed, and he has a look of contentment on his face. He sits back on the bed and pulls you to rest on his lap. His fingers move through your hair. As his touch softens, so does the rest of you. He kisses your forehead.
You smile, blushing so hard, staring into each other's eyes.
"It took 18 years for you to kiss me, Clapton," you tease.
'I wanted to kiss you for a while but was always too scared, he says. He looks up at you, 'That felt amazing, you know' *his eyes are shining. He has such sweet boy vibes that you love and that you wish other people saw of him. He brushes his lips against your neck.
"Mmm, please don't stop," you moan.
He grins cheekily at you. His fingers run through your hair, and he's kissing you and tracing your jaw line with his lips. Your breath catches in your throat, and you can't believe that your best friend likes you too and that he's kissing you down your neck. It's driving you wild. You can feel the electricity run up your spine. He looks deeply into his eyes, and you can't help but fall into those brown eyes that you always loved so much. Each time his lips crash into yours, your body jolts with electricity.
He pulls back from your mouth, and you run your hand through his soft hair, looking at him, happy and content.
He chuckles at you with his signature smile.
"You know this feels like a dream? You're the only girl that I've really wanted; none of the other girls compare to you," he says, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I feel the same way about you, Clapton. You might be a pain in my ass, but I can't get enough," you say with a blush.
He pulls his head away from yours, walks over to his dresser, pulls one of his favorite necklaces out of it, and walks over to you.
"So, yn, will you be my girlfriend? He asks boyishly
"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," you say with a smile.
He walks over to you and gets behind you, and you lift your hair up. He puts the necklace on you.
You put your hair down and turn around to smile at him.
"Now everyone will know that you are mine, babe," he says.
"Gotta admit I like that way that sounds," you say as he grabs you by your sides to pull you closer.
As soon as the two of you are about to kiss, you hear his mom come inside.
"Hey kids, I'm home," his mom shouts.
"We'll be right down, mom," he shouts.
"Let's take you home, girlfriend," he says as he steals a kiss from your lips and pulls you downstairs.
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Part 2
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dr-spectre · 5 days
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Take mt callie while i internally panic cause i locked myself in a school bathroom
Idk why my personal mental image is that she's being told she was brainwashed when she wasn't lol
Okay first off, cute art.
Third of all, that last statement gave me a lightning bolt of an idea. I need to team up with an artist or something and make a funny comic where Callie is about to put on the Hypnoshades because she wants to hang out with her Octoling friends in the Octo Canyon, and Marie catches her and goes "CALLIE! What are you doing!? Are you gonna put on those stupid brainwashing sunglasses, AGAIN!?"
And Callie stares at her wide eyed like that image and she goes, "brainwashing sunglasses? h-huh? What are you talking about?"
"The shades that are literally in your hands!!" "OHHHH!! You mean the Hypnoshades!?" "Yes you friggen clownfish!!!"
"Marie, wait... You think these are brainwashing shades? That make me evil or something?"
"Uh... Yeah?!?! Every time you wear them you put on that weird outfit and wanna MURDER AGENT 4!!"
"Look, Marie, i don't wanna burst your bubble here but, do you know what hypnosis even is?"
"Excuse me?"
And then Callie brings out a whiteboard and a marker and explains the definition of hypnosis, it's effects and limitations. As well as going over brainwashing too. And Marie is just dumbfounded and Octavio is nodding his head in the globe. I don't know, that sounds like a funny idea. Can't draw for shit tho so i can't bring that idea to life lmao.
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meiissblog · 1 year
Another life: part 1 🤍 Gojo x Fem reader (isekai fic)
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@stsg-losers thank you for the amazing idea! 😊💕
⚠️MAJOR SPOILERS for Jujutsu kaisen ⚠️
(If you’re not caught up with the JJK manga avoid this story at all costs).
Please read all the parts of this story first you can find all the chapters Here.
Angst (some arguing) and a whole lot of fluff hey at least it’s happier than the manga currently). 🥲
After losing to Sukuna and after seeing all his friends in the “afterlife”. Gojo decides to go north and be “reincarnated” into a new world. little did he know this new life would be everything he’s ever wanted.
Gojo POV:
I wake up my head pounding I sit up in a complete daze. Wait-… where the hell am I and why is my sight so different? I look around it looks like a normal bedroom did I survive my fight with Sukuna? Was me dying just a dream? I get up and go over to the mirror on the other side of the room. I’m surprised to see myself looking back but with a giant bandaid wrapped around my head. It’s me but my six eyes ability it’s gone. No not just that all My powers there gone.
“Daddy! You’re awake!”. My eyes widen when a little girl who looks exactly like me, runs up to me wrapping her arms around my lower leg. “Mommy wants you out in the kitchen she made breakfast and you need your medicine”. “O-okay? Lead the way, kid”. The little girl takes my arm and brings me out into the massive home. As we enter the kitchen my eyes widen once again when I see an unbelievably beautiful woman behind the counter. “Oh Toru, You’re awake! Here sweetie your head is still injured sit down”. She walks over pulling a chair out for me at the expensive-looking dining table. I sit down across from a teenage girl who has brown hair wait isn’t that Megumi’s sister? is this some kind of trick? The little girl from earlier sits beside me at the table climbing up onto the chair. she turns back to her mother. “Mommy can I get my art stuff please”. “Sure baby, hold on”. “Mom, I can get it for you”. “no it’s fine Tsumiki I got it, oh and breakfast is done”. I watch as the pretty woman turns off the stove holding a plate full of food. I also watch as she goes into a kitchen door pulling out a notebook and some markers.
She walks back over to the table she puts the delicious-looking breakfast in front of Tsumiki. While also handing the notebook and the markers to the little girl. “Miyoko, are your brothers awake?”. “I don’t know if Kenshi or Megumi are awake Mommy I’m sorry. I think I saw Megumi’s light on this morning”. the woman sighs hold on I’ll go get your brothers.
Megumi is here?! I suddenly feel something soft touch my bare foot I jump up immediately. Just to see it’s a cat.
Miyoko and Tsumiki laugh at me. “Daddy, it’s just kyo”. My head starts to pound again probably from the sudden movement this dream is so strange. Tsumiki must take notice. “Dad, are you okay?”. “Y-yeah I think so?”.
I sit back down when the beautiful woman, Megumi who is not possessed by sukuna, and another teenage boy who also looks exactly like me enter the room.
“alright, Kenshi, Megumi remember after school you have to help take care of the yard the gardeners are off on vacation this week. You guys will get your extra allowance after me and your father talk about prices”.
I watch as the pretty woman grabs two more plates of food from the counter, and the two boys also sit at the table. “Ah! Mom me and Megumi were wondering if we could get about 300$ and get paid together for the work”. “Oh, and why is that”. “Well, Yuji and the other guys wanted to go to a concert together in about a month, and the tickets are kinda expensive”. The pretty woman walks over putting the food in front of the two of them. “A concert? I don’t know concerts are pretty dangerous what do you think toru?”. “Umm.. uh sure, whatever”. Kenshi cheers. “YES!~ you’re the best dad!”. the pretty woman sighs. “Gojo do you want a full breakfast? Or Do you not feel like eating? Like yesterday”. “No, I’m pretty hungry I guess”. We all eat together I watch as everyone chats casually everything seems so strangely relaxed I’m not used to it.
We all go out into the living room area I sit on the couch as I Watch as all the children get ready to leave. “Be careful with your little sister all of you watch her, and Miyoko you make sure to hold onto Megumi’s hand until you get on the bus got it?”. “Yes, mommy”. “Don’t worry I’ll come and get you from kindergarten later”. She kisses the little girl's forehead. “Bye everyone”. A loud cry of bye mom’s echo throughout the living room as they all leave out the door. The pretty woman sighs loudly slamming herself onto the couch next to me laying her head against my shoulder yawning. “Do you feel up to watching TV together or do you want to go rest more? I have your pain medicine ready-“.
I grab the woman’s shoulders looking her directly in the eyes. “Who the hell are you and what is this place”. “W-what? Gojo?”. “This is an illusion isn’t it you’re sukuna”. The woman starts to tremble. “N-no I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re scaring me”. “Good acting now get me out of this illusion!”. I start to shake the woman and she frantically gets out of my grip she starts crying a bit. “H-hold on! Let me call Shoko maybe she can help just calm down please”. I get up grabbing the woman again by her arms. “You’re not going anywhere-”. Just then I hear the front door open. “Hey, Satoru! -“. My eyes widen as I see “geto” aka kenjaku. “Hey, Satoru what the hell are you doing? To y/n”. He walks over towards us. “Heh you have some nerve showing up in front of me this illusion it’s your doing isn’t it”. I let the woman go grabbing Kenjaku by the shirt”. “Satoru, calm down”. “I’m calling Shoko! Be careful geto p-please Don’t hurt each other ”. The woman supposedly named y/n leaves frantically.
“Satoru let’s talk this out now just explain to me what you think is going on”. I explain to him everything to the best of my ability.
“Satoru, this is an alternate universe”. “What?!”. “this is a
universe that is free from cursed energy after I died in our original universe, I was brought here as well Don’t you remember? you chose to go north. This is our new reality after being reborn”. “So you’re aware that we were jujutsu sorcerers?”. “Yeah but who cares? this universe is everything I’ve ever wanted and now we can all be happy”. “Wait what about the others Alive in the other universe?”. “They’ll probably be brought here as well someday when they die who knows”. “Is anyone else aware of the other universe? Besides us?”. “Yeah, the other sorcerers and for some reason only the ones who died in the other world”. “Who is y/n? Why am I married to her? And why do we have children”. Geto sighs “Satoru to hell if I know, that woman is way too good for you why the hell she’d agree to marry you in any universe is beyond me”.
Y/n comes back into the living room.
“Shoko is on her way…”.
Shoko examines me. “It seems you might be suffering from some mild memory loss I’m guessing you might have had a small stroke thanks to your head injury and or trauma from the car accident”. “Is he going to be okay”. “Yeah y/n but his memories might be gone for good, unfortunately”. “Oh no..”. Y/n starts crying a bit Geto holds her shoulder. I started to feel very guilty about how I treated y/n.
- a few hours later -
I wake up to shuffling I sit up in the bed when I see y/n packing clothes. “Y/n what are you doing?”. “Oh sorry, I woke you, I’m just moving into the guest room for the time being I know it would probably be uncomfortable to share a room with somebody you don’t know”. I get up from the bed going over to y/n. “Don’t worry about it it’s okay if you want to share with me I don’t mind”. “B-but..”. “Oh, and I’m sorry for now I treated you earlier it was overly aggressive of me”. Y/n smiles at me. “It’s okay”. “If you’d like we could go out and watch some movies”. “You want to rewatch Encanto!”. “Let’s do it”. We go out to the living room and watch movies for a bit. “Oh, it’s time to go pick up Miyoko”. “Can I come with you?”. “Oh, sure if you feel up to it”. I follow behind y/n shocked to see the true size of our home as we pile into our huge expensive-looking car. We drive off the massive property going out of a security gate. Even though I’m well off in the other universe this is pretty excessive how can we afford all of this?.
“Y/n, what exactly do I do for work?”. “Oh, you own a restaurant chain with Geto”. “How many restaurants do we have”. “Three for now but a new 4th one is looking promising”. “Is that all I do”. “Oh, you must not remember my dad was the CEO of a major medical brand in the United States. After he passed away all his assets and money were passed onto me last year. we had a simpler life before this but after Inherited all the money and the company people started
Threatening us so we had to move to a more secure location to protect the kids and us”. “how much is your net worth y/n”. “About eight hundred million not counting the company, with the company it is going into the billions”. well Umm.. what about Megumi and his sister when did they become our children?”.
“Oh… you don’t remember that either.. well, toji fushiguro is my far-off relative he never really cared about his children. he just kinda ran off one day. Before I met you, Megumi and his sister were originally given to my father”. y/n looks off sadly. “My father wasn’t the nicest man much like most of my family and he didn’t want to deal with the two of them. So I volunteered to take them in and they’ve been with us since. I don’t care what anyone else says to me they’re my children”. “What about their mothers?”. “I don’t know”. We pull up to what I assume to be the elementary school.
I watch as y/n brings out Miyoko I smile a bit as she skips along with her mother. y/n opens the car door. “Daddy! Hi”. “Hey, kid”. I Watch as y/n helps miyoko into her car seat. “Mr. Kento let me make you something since you still aren’t feeling too good”. I let out a slight laugh no way Nanami is her teacher?! I take the picture from Miyoko unrolling it. “Oh, it’s a sparkly fish”. “Oh, I thought you’d like the sparkles”. “No I don’t like them I love them thank you miyoko it’s beautiful”. I reach back patting her head when y/n gets in the front seat. “Alright everyone let’s get home!”.
I hope this is what all of you wanted.
Read part 2 HERE
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found something funny while reading DOAWK, it reminded me a lot of antis/censorship in fiction in general
I'm sorry for the yapping but i was reading diary of a wimpy kid, the 18th book of the series (No Brainer), which is about Greg's school getting a new principal but he's just terrible at his job and makes the school even worse blah blah blah. in a certain part of the book, Greg talks about the library, which has a ton of kids books such as comics. one of them is called Crocodile Commander (i THINK that'd be the name in english?) which everyone likes a lot, bit the parents don't. i read the book in my native language, so i will write the english translation in the ALT text.
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the librarian found a way to avoid this which was painting pants on the crocodile with black marker. but the principal saw some students bringing the uncensored versions from their homes, and he confiscated all of them.
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and the last picture, but the funniest in my opinion:
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notice the animals don't even need to wear clothes in this book, it was probably a random kids book about farm animals and stuff. but people censored anyways because they were nude or something. did the book exaggerate the censorship thing? yes i guess? in my vision it was exaggerate to look funny and/or make fun of parents like this. but tbh it reminded me A LOT of antis/puritans in general, like when antis draw a female character with long skirts, or with a short instead of panties because it looks immoral to them.
look i know i look kinda stupid writing all of this but yeah here are my thoughts! and i really hope the ALT text show up and i hope i translated everything right :)
(Also, I think your translations are pretty accurate)
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satorubrain · 1 year
Silly thought,
but hear me out,
Satoru is the type to wear stupid sex quote tshirts, like :
- "Enjoy life, eat out mor often!" with a drawing of a stickman eating out a woman
- "Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beats papers, nothing beats a blowjob"
I can conceive a lot of scenarios for each one😭
He LOVES having matching shirts with you. Like, imagine matching kitchen aprons. Yours with "nice cook⬆️", and his with "nice cock⬇️"
(there should be tshirt pictures as example but apparently it's too vulgar for Tumblr or sum, it doesn't let me add these images💀😭)
OMG YOU CAN FINALLY SEND IN ASKS!! Also feel to dm me the pics lmao
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It all starts with those cursed aprons tho- when he brings them home laughing because it's silly and accurate. And seeing you laugh at these aprons his brain is like "yea I should do more of this"
Then he starts wearing those t-shirts.
He doesn't reveal those shirts normally- he was taking you directly on a date from the school so he removes the school jacket revealing his shirt.
Yuta was walking by so you both are deadpanning and judging Satoru hard now.
“Sensei, seems like the single life is irresistible to you” yuta comments and you whole heartedly agree with him laughing and Satoru whines
For some reason THATS ATTARCTING WOMEN#!$!?##??? and you're like "yea breakup time ig"
Then late at night he has a marker in his hand, tongue poking out as he scribbles on the shirts
The 'a woman' has turned into 'a MY woman' / 'nothing beats a bj FROM MY! WOMAN' in a corner he also adds 'REST ALL STAY AWAY IM MARRIED'
If you both aren't married YET, you just are. You two have been married since forever, even before being born is what he says.
He's too cute so u let him annoy you
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callsignfate · 11 months
Can you please write headcanons for Laswell and Valeria having a wife who is an highschool art teacher? (or even just a highschool teacher)
I wrote these because I immediately had ideas for them both! I also want to say how underappreciated teachers are as a whole and they deserve more everything. A close family member of mine went to college to be a teacher and often substituted a lot, so that helped me a lot. I wrote this in the mind of the American School system because Kate lives in the USA and because I only have knowledge in the American School System. I will be posting Valeria's next!
Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three
♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡ ♡ She 100% is in awe of how you deal with so much attitude and teenagers all day, everyday, for seemigly way too many days straight.
♡ Loves to do her paperwork sitting next to you while you grade papers or create assignments. She often finds it easier to do paperwork with you, so she loves this time.
♡ if you come home stressed about parent teacher conferences (let's be honest here half the time it's the parents fault for the kids awful attitude and they blame it on the teachers or say some rude shit) she will often tell you that it's not your fault and make you a warm drink, because she was going to make her umpteenth coffee anyways.
♡ You both often are exhausted from paper work and fall asleep at the table until one of you wakes up and wakes the other up to head to bed, or to make more coffee and keep going after a power nap, teachers have a ton of shit to do.
♡ If you are an art teacher she loves when you bring home the art work show it to her, though after the walls and fridge are full she will mentally beg you to put it in a drawer somewhere.
♡ Kate loves when you talk about students and call them 'your kids' knowing that you love your job even though sometimes like her you wish you could take a long well needed vacation.
♡ She also feels sad when you tell her about a student who had opened up to you/you had found out that they were going through something at home, she hates how terribly out of it you are and seem wishing you could save them.
♡ Sometimes, she gets an odd day off in the middle of the week and wishes it was easier for you to call out. She will understand completely, but she will wait for you to get home.
♡ Genuinely shocked when you say you need more supplies, you had already seemingly bought way too many off already, "How could they go through that many pencils?!" Or "How often do you write on a whiteboard that you already need more packs of markers?"
♡ Watching you spend your own check on them makes her realize just how little you get paid and how underfunded the school you work at is. She loves and hates watching how excited you are to spend your money on your students.
♡ Loves watching you plan fun lessons for your students, often running them by her to see if she has any feedback, she doesn't but she will grin as you explain and the pure excitement in your voice.
♡ Kate loves your outfits, often being as she describes 'very you' and loves to watch you happily wear them as you get ready for work.
♡ Will make jokes about your patience with them often, "How do you deal with them?" Loves it if you counter back with."I deal with you." She adores the pure amount of willpower you have to deal with teenagers every day. She 100% says all of the time, "I don't know how you can do it, I couldn't."
♡ Hates how much time you put in for your work that isn't paid, often noticing how you work late into the night to get papers graded and making up lessons on your own time.
(I will edit this more when I get done putting my cows in for the night, yes I own cows, they are only pets, I love them.)
Masterlist/ More like this/ Request
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verdantcrimson · 4 months
An Idol's Life of Daily Study
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Autumn
TL: verdantcrimson
(Unproofread) (Thank you to the Translation Collaboration server for assisting me with a few of the lines!)
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Kuro: What? You’re sayin’ AKATSUKI’s next job is to show up on a History-themed quiz show?
Keito: Yes. From what I heard, they approached us due to our reputation as a Japanese culture themed unit.
Kuro: …… I’m not sayin’ I’m not grateful to be gettin’ work, but…
Kuro: We tend to get jobs like this pretty frequently ‘cause of our unit theme, yeah?
Keito: What is it? Are you dissatisfied?
Kuro: I’m not dissatisfied. If anythin’, I’m worried.
Kuro: ‘Cause it’s about intelligence and not strength. Guess what I oughtta say that I’d probably be more useful in a show or event that’s less brainwork and more brawns.
Kuro: If I’m bein’ frank, it’d be a bad idea to have me competin’ in an intelligence based competition. ‘Cause I’m stupid.
Keito: What to do if you’ve given up before you’ve tried? This job is something that we were able to acquire because of AKATSUKI’s uniqueness.
Keito: Additionally, our reputation as a Japanese cultural unit may yield us similar jobs appearing on history-related shows in the future.
Keito: For instance, educational or informational programs for elementary and junior high school students. There’s no harm in studying something that’ll help you in the future, right?
Kuro: You’re real assertive, danna… Welp, I can’t keep actin’ all pathetic about it. 
Keito: That’s the spirit. Let’s do everything we can in the weeks leading up to the recording.
Kuro: … Does “doing everything we can'' have anythin’ to do with all of those reference books ya brought over, Hasumi?
Keito: Now, now. I’m pretty sure I gave both you and Kanzaki assorted reference materials when you were going to appear on a quiz show.
Keito: This time, in addition to those materials, I’ve analyzed the question patterns in the past runs of this show and even prepared a mock quiz.
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Kuro: Eugh. Don’t ya think you’re a little too prepared……?
Kuro: After graduatin’ I thought I’d be able to live the rest of my life without havin’ to take another test. Just hearin’ the word gets me down in the dumps.
Keito: Fufu, don’t say that. I brought something today that might bring back even more memories of your school days.
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Kuro: That cover, s’that…… A glossary of Japanese history?
Keito: There’s no need to glare at it so resentfully. This book is filled with hundreds, maybe even thousands of important pieces of vocabulary that we need to study. Here, have a look.
Kuro: Even if ya tell me to “have a look”...
Keito: I recommend studying the parts that I’ve highlighted with a marker. When it comes to such things, being able to focus on what is important makes all the difference.
Kuro: Even if it’s only the highlighted bits, the amount is just so…… (flipping through the pages of the glossary)
Kuro: ......?
Keito: What is it?
Kuro: Nothin’. I dunno why, but I was just thinkin’ how untouched this glossary looks for somethin’ that’s been used for three years.
Kuro: There ain’t any creasin’ on the pages, and not much writin’ either. Pretty sure I saw textbooks last year that had way more stuff in there.
Keito: You noticed well. I just bought this glossary.
Kuro: ? Why’d ya go and buy it again?
Keito: The one I used to use was in poor shape. I figured it might be difficult to study with, so I bought the same book.
Kuro: Then, does that mean ya highlighted everythin’ all over again too?
Keito: Of course. The knowledge you’d need for a quiz show is different from what you’d need for a highschool test, so naturally, the areas highlighted would have to differ.
Keito: I learned quite a bit while drawing new lines with the highlighter. I knew it’d be a good idea to buy a fresh copy……♪
Kuro: Sigh. You’re sure are studious, danna……
Kuro: (It’s incredible. Every single line is drawn perfectly straight, like he used a ruler.)
Kuro: (He’s a real meticulous guy. Goin’ out of his way to buy a new book just to study shows just how serious he is.)
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Kuro: ( —He’s gone this far for my sake, I guess I’ve gotta buckle down and study hard too.)
Kuro: …… (flipping through the pages of the glossary again)
Keito: Kiryu. You know you won’t be able to learn much just turning pages, right?
Kuro: That’s not what I’m doin’. I just thought I’d try and find an era of history that I think might be easy to understand.
Kuro: Okay yeah, startin’ from the Sengoku era would probably be the easiest.
Keito: Good idea. Partly thanks to manga and videogames, even people who aren’t familiar with history tend to know some names and have a vague visual of a few generals from the Sengoku era.
Keito: Furthermore, the show we’re appearing on has asked questions where the participants were asked to draw connections between various warlords, the territories they ruled, and the battles they fought several times in the past.
Kuro: Really? Then it’d be better to study the Sengoku warlords so I’ll at least be able to answer those questions, even if I suck at everythin’ else.
Kuro: The Sengoku era related stuff… Starts from around here.
Keito: I don’t mind if you write on sticky-notes and stick them in the book if you feel the need. Make use of it in whichever way makes it easiest for you to study, Kiryu.
Kuro: It belongs to you, danna, I ain’t gonna get too comfortable. Wouldn’t wanna ruin a brand new glossary with my writing.
Kuro: Besides…
Kuro: Over the course of your long idol career, you’re gonna keep usin’ that glossary until it’s all worn out again, right Hasumi?
Kuro: Just watchin’ the writin’ and sticky notes that ya add to the glossary grow in number works perfectly for me.
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Keito: …… Fufu, ‘until it’s all worn out again’?
Keito: I suppose so. Then you can look forward to what kind of book this one will become in the future.
Kuro: Yeah. For now though, I’m just gonna burn this still new and shiny glossary into my brain……♪
[A while later]
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Kuro: Ugh….. Couldja let me off the hook for today?
Kuro: If I do any more readin’, all the words are gonna fall outta my head.
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Keito: You’ve been quietly working hard this whole time. You even took notes. Good work, Kiryu…♪
Kuro: I’m a lost cause, but it’d still be nice if I could remember at least a little.
Keito: Now then, I’ll be quizzing you using questions related to the sections you read up to, Kiryu.
Kuro: You seriously…? Go easy on me, wouldja?
Keito: An easy question, got it…
Keito: Who was the ‘first Sengoku daimyo’, otherwise known as the founder of the ‘Later Hojo clan’?
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Kuro: ……?
Keito: Your hints are ‘Insurrection’ and ‘Odawara Castle’.
Kuro: …… Uhhh. Was it Hojo Soun? ¹
Keito: Correct! The results of your studies were immediately apparent……♪
Kuro: Was it really the studyin’, or some sorta fluke? Felt like I had to scrape the insides of my brain for an answer.
Kuro: Studyin’ just this one bit made my head hurt. Even if ya squeezed it down to just the bits highlighted with marker, readin’ this whole book is gonna be like breakin’ every bone in my body…
Keito: What are you talking about? This won’t end with one book. Here, look.
Kuro: Huh? S’that a glossary of World History…?
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Kuro: No, wait, hold on! If we got the job ‘cause we’re a Japanese style unit, then there’s no point in studying World History…!
Keito: That might be true, but because the questions cover ‘History’...... We can’t afford to neglect World History.
Kuro: (Has he already highlighted the World History book too? I’m sure Hasumi doesn’t have a lot of free time in the first place, so I’m sure that means he’s doin’ all of this for our sake.)
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Kuro: …… Ah jeez.
Kuro: I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to reach World History at this rate, but since you’ve gone this far for me, I’ll study with ya till the very end, danna.
Translation Notes
Obligatory link to Hojo Soun's Wikipedia page. The title of 'First Sengoku Daimyo' feels confusing because there were other Daimyo at the time, but Hojo Soun was the first to seize a territory with military force without deferring to the Shogunate. (Something that characterized Daimyo in the Sengoku Era was that they did as they pleased)
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max-nico · 8 months
Am I (32M) the asshole for declaring a hero of our village (16M) my new nemesis?
This all started around 4 years ago. I live in a small secluded village on the coast, I'm talking about less than 100 people living here. We all do our part to keep our little town running and at this stage in my life I had just become our Village Fruit Carrier (a very important job to have). The job wasn't the most fulfilling, but it got food on the table and it was how I met my wife, so I have a bit of a soft spot for it. Anyway, the 'hero of the village' (let's call him Red) and he got me FIRED from my job. why? Because he just couldn't stop himself from stealing my baskets, dumping out my fresh clean fruit all over the ground, using my baskets as stilts, and then disappearing right before my boss came out to check on me. In the kids defense, he's a little... Slow, so I really didn't hold it against him too much. Especially because after getting fired from that job I managed to land my absolute dream job around 6 months later. I really felt like it was fate or something. I was happy, my wife was happy, everything was good.
This brings us up to speed basically.
Recently, Red got me fired AGAIN years later from my wonderful job. I worked as an archeologist/excavator and made good money doing it, especially since our little town is built on top of ancient ruins and tech nobody's really seen before. Apparently Red wasn't trying to get me fired, he was genuinely trying to make up for making me lose my job the first time. At first he seemed a little dimwitted, but well meaning so I didn't have much of a problem letting him stick around, but I also didn't have much of a backbone at the time either.
Then things got worse, between him picking up important artifact markers, breaking multiple artifacts, breaking one of my toes, and even throwing my lunch away, I just couldn't handle it. One night, he even showed up at my house before I got home and made friends with my wife, and despite telling her I was uncomfortable she let him stay. So I'm sure you guys can tell, by this point I'm boiling with rage. This kid just cannot take a hint and I have had it up to here with him.
Then all hell breaks loose. He somehow manages to brush an artifact just right, causing a laser to fire and destroy an entire dig site filled to the brim with things we haven't even begun to study. Then he has the audacity to yell at my boss for yelling at me and gets me FIRED!!! AGAIN!!! THEN HE CALLS MY WIFE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! AND SHE THROWS ME OUT!!!
At this point he can't just be dumb right? This has to be malicious. So I freak out at him, and do you know what he says? "Don't worry. I'll make it up to you, just as soon as I'm done making it up to you for the other thing I did." Wtf.
So I start to torment the guy. Can you really blame me? I go back to my old job and dig around for the old mech suits the ancients had lying around, like huge rocky things that shoot fire and laser and all types of things. I only use it to do things like steal his lunch money and knock him around at first, nothing super out there just protocol villain stuff.
So Red starts acting like I'M the crazy one after this. He acts like HE'S been the bigger person when he's the one who made me this way. He even made me a pie (which I shoved in his face of course), and I proclaimed myself a supervillain, and by proxy his nemesis. The whole village even gathered around to watch our fight, I felt like I was a cool kid in a school yard, and it was objectively the best feeling I've ever had.
Unfortunately I lost, not without a fight but still. Now the entire village is weird towards me (except my wife who took me back because she was proud of me for getting a new job and also a backbone) and they all act like I'm some lunatic just because I tried to destroy ONE GUY!!! so aita?
EDIT 1: Yes not even Dr.Eggman knows how this tech works I live like a couple miles away from the guy. Trust me I've asked
EDIT 2: Why does everyone know this guy and his friends? Are they famous or something?
EDIT 3: I found out that Sonic the Hedgehog, my nemesis, and their friends, are actually the heroes of Mobius and not just the heroes of my village. Small world I guess.
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freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 14
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 5.9k
a/n: I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting too long!! We have so much more left of these two horn balls. Enjoy babies.
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Javier wakes you with his head between your legs and a white hot orgasm. He sneaks you out before sunrise to drive you home, car parked one minute down the road of course. You were on such a high you could hardly sleep, you had to teach summer school in only a few hours so when the day dragged on you struggled to keep up. You instructed the middle schoolers on the Protestant reformation, boring yourself along the way.
Daydreaming of Javier Peña while the kids took a mock exam. You sat in those seats daydreaming of him when you were their age too, it sends your head on a crushing spin when you think too hard about it.
You want to call Delilah after last night, she was so removed from your life at home. The temptation of confiding her bites at you all the way home. What trouble would it cause just telling her? She’s not even from here?
Upon arrival you notice Mr. Warden's car was absent from the drive. Pulling your hair in a ponytail, bangles jangling, you enter your family home. Your mom is dressed up, a flowing dress pale yellow and hair teased. Your brows raise as you set your purse down. Wanting to just run to the phone behind her and call up Javi. Ask him how grating it was to spend the day under the sun in Mrs. Gloria’s garden, wanting to hear every detail. 
The likelihood of your mom leaving the house is pretty high so you ask, “Where you heading mami?” 
Tucking your hand under your top and unclipping your bra in the kitchen, she hates when you do that but your breasts were small and you hated the tightness of bras. She wipes her hand on her dress, “Having a mommy-son day with Frankie. Gonna drive to the mall and then have dinner.”
Shocker, you think. You used to be bothered by the obvious display of favoritism with your mom but you expect it. You dont think shes ever taken you alone… anywhere, just for the sake of being together. Sure she took you to the dentist and whatnot but she never just asked if you wanted to do something together. She always liked your brother more and it hurt but you were done seeking love from her. You protect your peace. “Oh okay cool. Where’s Sol and your husband?” 
She walks past you, reaching down to grab her purse from the island stool. “They're visiting his mother in Corpus Christi, they're staying over for a few nights. I’m going to meet with them tomorrow, just to destress before the wedding. I’ve bitten all of my nails off!” She sticks her hands towards you and your eyes widen at the sight. Man she really did. 
The wedding was stressing her out for sure, she was more irritable than usual and always on the house phone yelling at someone. It was going to be a modest wedding, modest decorations and entertainment with a not so modest in the guest count. She invited the entirety of Laredo and the 1980 graduating class. She also skipped the renting route for the tables and chairs. She bought them all in hopes that you could use them when you betroth. 
“Is there anything you would want me to do? To make this, I don’t know, easier?”
She gave a pensive stare, like she was cataloging all of the very complicated tasks in her head. Then she nods, “Ah, yes. Saturday the print shop will have all of the guest table markers ready. If you can pick them up and fold them. There’s … a lot.” She moves around the island and grabs her purse. You move past her to grab whatever beverage you can from the fridge. “Also, James hooked up a phone line in your room before he left, just told him to get on and do it since your grandmother called.”
You stop in your tracks, your heart stopping in your chest. 
Blood running cold, “What?” 
Your mother sits at the couch, putting on her heels. “Your fathers mother called-“
Your father, Lucas. The man who only existed in stories and dreams. Your grandmother, his mother? “Mami, what are you saying? What did you say? What did she say?” You storm into the living room angrily. Your mom looks at you in disbelief, shocked at how hard you stomped into the room. 
“What?! She asked if you could visit her in Baton Rogue, I obviously told her you weren’t interested-“
“Why would you say that?!” You raise your voice, your cheeks heating in anger. How selfish could your mother be? Why do you never get a choice. 
She scoffs, tightening the strap to her heel. “Oh please don’t tell me you’re still holding out some hope for that family?”
You blink rapidly, your chest heaving. Hope? You’ve never been given a sign of life from that part of your life, nothing at all. Just the stories from your mother. Just the knowledge that to some extent he wanted you. 
“That’s for me to decide mami! I’m 22, I’m done being left out of my own life.” You seethe, you’re beyond enraged. You had just been a sweet high from morning head and a decent day at work. Happy at the chance of being home alone. And it’s the searing thought of your father that’s sucking the life out of you. 
Your mother laughs and stands up straight. “You can be angry at me but i’m protecting you from the truth. Her numbers in the phone book, if you’d like to be disappointed, be my guest!” She snaps, shoving her purse strap over her shoulder and moving past your frozen pale body. Paled in anger, blushed with an ache. “When you find out he’s just a piece of shit who chose drugs over his daughter don’t come crying.” She bites, with a finger in your face before she walks up the front door. 
Still frozen, tears threatening to fall and a sob caught in your throat. Before she leaves she snaps one last remark, “And you need to start looking for your own place, your welcome is overstayed.”
And she slams the door shut.
Winded you crouch onto the rugged floor and cry into your knees. You’ve been told your entire life that there wasn’t anyone left to speak to on your fathers side. The way your mom brought up the call, like it was nothing. You can’t help but wonder what other news she’s received over the years. 
The worst part is you almost understand her, you knew she was in love with your dad and you can tell she never really got over that betrayal, that shock of finding out he was using the whole time and using the money for your life for his addiction. 
You take the palm of your hand and wipe down your face, dragging your tears to your neck, standing up straight and walk to the phone book.
Breathe still skipping from a crying recovery, you swipe your wet hand on the counter and open the phone book to its most recent page. 
In cursive,
Lorena ? Andreas grandma
You grab the book and head up to your room. 
Time to put the new phone to use.
You dialed without contemplation, if you thought too hard you’d never call. Just call, call and find out what’s being hidden from you.
It was answered on the 3rd ring. 
“Hello?” A small voice comes from the line, a voice with an accent. A voice of a woman late in her years. If you closed your eyes maybe you could picture her. 
“Hello, it’s Andrea… your granddaughter.”
 It felt so foreign on your tongue, you had been no one’s granddaughter before. Beyond the line you hear some shuffling.
“Oh! You saved my number, I called your mother but she’s still very upset.”
You sigh, “Yes she is. You told her you’d like me to visit you? Is everything alright?”
She laughs, “Everything is alright. I just never had your information until recently, I can’t travel because I’m alone and wheelchair bound.”
You frown at the thought of the lady living on her own with no one to care for her. 
“Oh—okay. I’m not sure I would have a way to get there. I’m a school teacher here in 
Laredo. I don’t have my own vehicle and-“
“It’s okay, If you ever find yourself in Louisiana I would love to give you my address. I would love to introduce you to your family.”
You intake a sharp breath at the last sentence. Why does it now feel wrong to want this when all your life you’ve reached out for it? Why does the sound of meeting your family sound so wrong? 
“Is my father okay?” You blurted before she could tell you the address. It’s the one thing you truly cared about, the one thing that haunted you was the possibility of being too late, of him being gone in more ways than one. 
Your grandma stayed silent behind the crackling of the phone, your heart raced each passing second. Beats closer together with each one. “There’s things that rather be told in person. Please consider visiting, my address is 4289 Coventry Court.”
And the line goes dead. 
You repeat a call of her name, pressing the phone harder into your ear but she hung up before you could say goodbye. 
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Javier dreamt in a 3 day span. He lived all 3 days, two nights. He dreamt of the drive and checking in. He was on his god forsaken work trip but you were at his side and so the 3 days were a breeze and the best of his life. 
He woke up with your open mouth on his shoulder, snoring small kitten snores. Your hair tossed all over your face and a tiny hand gripped at his waist. He wakes you with a kiss to your forehead and he guesses you dreamt of something less pure because you immediately ripped off your top and climbed on his chest kissing him hard. Your wet core on his belly. 
Javier made sure he gave you an orgasm before helping you out of his window. Going down on your just awake body.
Breakfast for champs. 
He skipped out on the pancakes Chucho made and headed to work with his dad. The smell of your sweet perfume still on him. 
He caught himself bringing the collar of his shirt to his nose when his dad wasn’t looking. He makes a note to ask you to wear it again. 
His dad was skeptical of Javier’s good mood. Constantly shooting him a glance at his typically grumpy son. Shaking his head in a laugh when he compliments Ms. Gloria’s awful orange dress. 
Chucho rarely went to work on people’s land any more. That was old news, he tended his land and sold whatever produce people wanted. But Ms. Gloria had recently lost her husband and when he saw her overgrown garden he offered some help.  She had complained about not having seen Javier since he left so long ago, she had shrieked ranting about how much of a man he was now. 
He had been hearing that a lot recently, that he was a man now. And he was, he hadn’t noticed how accelerated his aging was, already bill stressed at 18 unlike his classmates test stressed or even his girlfriend who was lecture stressed. A teenager with a badge, snuck into bars to drink away the day's stress with 40 year old colleagues. And now a 6 figure salary and a one way ticket to the cartel heartland just at the precipice of age 24.
Yet he still felt stunted. It’s funny how that works, how playing grown up can only work for so long. He had settled down with a broken relationship for years and honestly, truly, that was the most familiar grown up thing he’s ever done. Stayed with someone for the sake of finances, very grown up of him. 
He didn't know what it was like to be the boyfriend of anyone but Lorraine. Most men his age had probably 4 long term girlfriends at this point, he had one and a few years of fucking whoever in high school. He didn’t know how to be a boyfriend for you. 
He was getting ahead of himself, he was your… he didn’t want to think too hard about it actually because the idea stressed him out. 
He asked you to be his and it felt pivotal and important and it’s what he wanted. More than anything else ever actually, to have you. He couldn’t even believe you when you crumbled at the thought of Lorraine coming home. He had cared for Lorraine, deeply, but he hadn’t truly been with her for five years. And there is nothing he wanted more than you, he wanted to drag himself to hell for making you cry. 
But still there is this slicing feeling you always had been his since the beginning, in the same way he was yours too. A wanting so deep he couldn’t fathom getting here, so he ran as far as he could. 
That, there, that hurts his chest. The thought that he wasted time, that he kept you close in his heart without giving you a choice to be a part of his life. And what fucked him up even more is the people around him noticing.
 Noticing his self inflicted torture. 
They had noticed. More specifically, Javier’s father. 
Javier is an idiot a lot of the time. He was an excellent researcher, sweet talker and agent, but boy was he awful when it came to keeping you his secret. 
What triggered Javier to mention your mother while he was knee deep in dirt, he doesn’t know. Javier’s father glanced up at him, still squinting from the sun despite his ranching hat. 
Maybe he misses you already. 
‘Maybe’, who was he kidding? He misses you so much and it’s only been 4 hours. He wishes he was still in bed with you. 
“You know-you don’t have to answer this…” Javier began, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his glove. Chucho looked at him more skeptically now that he was speaking in English, which he never did when it was just them alone. 
“I’ll answer, what is it?”
Javier shook his head and continued to work, “Did you ever-have you-did you date Ms. Diaz?”
He can knock sweet talker off the list of things he’s good at. 
Javier cringes in his head, sure he was close to his father, he knew about his previous romances after his mom left but there was a period where Javier hadn’t a clue about his fathers personal life, the period directly after his mother left. Chucho chuckles and shakes his head and mutters something along the lines of It’s Mrs. Warden now. 
“I did.” 
Javier is aghast. Astounded even, a perfect mix of shock and horror.
 It was all an inside joke but he hadn’t actually thought that- “The month after Flaca left, we very briefly dated. The next summer you were best friends with her kids, it was torturous for me. I wasn't over her but it’s passed.”
Javier wants to laugh at how familiar this was. 
How Andrea had been so ingrained his life that seeing her again after radio silence was torture. 
Javier does laugh, shaking his head.  “No mames,” He couldn’t help but feel like his dad was messing with him, trying to trigger some sort of reaction. Because Melissa? 
“En serio! It was a lonely time when your mom left, I wanted something for myself for a little bit.”
Javier weeds with a smile on his face. In the least offensive way possible, your mom was insufferable. Yes your mother was beautiful but from what Javier had seen, she was judgmental, rude and out of touch. She was a staunch christian yet surely did not love thy neighbor. She would tell you to your face you’ve gained weight and call you handsome in the same breath. She’ll kiss the cheek of a woman and call her a harlot behind her back. 
Javier wondered where you found your sweetness from.
 Maybe you never received that softness and kindness from your mother, maybe it gave you no choice but to be the softest, kindest, sweetest little thing he’s ever known. 
And Chucho. 
Javier’s dad was older than your mom, and too nice for his own good. Shit, he stayed with Javier’s mother until she up and left. He stayed for the sake of keeping a two parent home until he couldn’t any more. Javier admired his dad for that and despite it not working in the end, Javier knew his dad sacrificed his happiness to give Javi some sort of normalcy.
Javier took that from his father, if there’s a kid involved, he was going to try with the mother until he physically couldn't anymore. 
Are you on birth control?
“Why Melissa?” Javier cuts wherever his brain threatens to take him. And Chucho cackles, removing his hat to fan himself, laughing as if Javier asked the funniest question there is. 
“Why Andrea?”
 Javier shoots his dad a glance, one of confusion (he isn’t confused but he has a game to play). 
Javier doesn’t let it get the best of him, he had been teased about the girl for nearly ten years. It’s just a badly timed joke from his dad, he couldn’t know. Right?
Javier knew how to play it cool, he’s a fucking DEA agent for crying out loud. 
But the sound of your name just fucks him over every time. And he can fucking smell you on him. 
Javier disapproves and hacking his sickle into the dirt, a small piece flying on his shirt. “Funny because you know it’s not like that between Andrea and I.” Hack “And she is nothing like her mother.”
Javier’s father mirrors that same disapproval. 
“You packed your bags and went back to Houston the second you saw her picture 4 months ago.” Chucho answers with a hint of teasing in his voice. Javier doesn’t appreciate the way it made his heart pound. Had he made it all so obvious and he hadn't had a clue. “And you may be right about her being nothing like her mother but she is beautiful like her.”
“Prettier.” Javier mumbles, earning another glance from Chucho who quit slamming down the sickle minutes ago. Sweeter, kinder, better all around. 
Javier was blowing it, just a little bit. He sees his dads eyes, he sees them slanted like he’s puzzling the pieces. Like he’s got the two of you all figured out. 
But it’s more than that, “You broke that girl's heart 6 years ago.” Stern, he was stern with the way he laid out the truth. It catches Javier off guard and he blocks the sun from his eyes to make sure his dad wasn’t messing with him. 
But he was dead serious. 
He hadn’t anything else to respond. 
“Okay?” He mocks, “Okay? Are you aware of what that does to a girl like Andrea?”
Javier sighs, getting up from his knees in a grunt. Not wanting to be reminded of this again, especially not from someone that wasn’t you. “Don’t you dare walk away from me Javier Peña.” Chucho raises his voice and Javier stops dead in his tracks. He can’t remember the last time his father showed any ounce of disdain towards him. Frankly he’s dumbfounded. Chucho gets to his feet as well, staring down at his son. His son who had already selfishly claimed Andrea as his knowing he would be leaving again. “Listen to me, Andrea is a good girl, and I ain’t saying you aren’t good but I am saying that this timing isn’t good. You understand?”
Javier's chest collapses in on itself, a pain that he sees no ease. It’s like every day he isn’t with you, he’s reminded why it should stay that way. That he shouldn’t do this. Javier’s nostrils flare, a pang of bashfulness and hurt swirling low in his stomach. 
Feeling accused of something so true. He mumbles, he lies, “We’re not even together.” 
Chucho frowns, “Good. I love the two of you too much to watch you hurt each other again—you ran from it and I lost you for 6 years.” 
“I wasn’t running from her, I was starting a career-“
“You never came home.”
“You visited me once a month, you never lost me. And I did come home.”
“Once, and you left when you saw a picture of the girl.”
“I’m home now! And I didn’t fucking leave because of a picture, it’s not like that for me!”
“You’re lying, you know you feel the same way. Regardless she’s here and you’re leaving again! For good.”
Javier drops his gaze to the dirt below them, his breath quickening. “That isn’t my fault, I took this deal before I saw her, before the fucking picture.”
“Ver! la foto!” He caught you, “You forget I know you better than anyone else, you’re running again. I don’t want to argue, I'm just asking for you to be a man and end this. 
End it unless you’re staying for good.”
Javier’s eyes drop, his blood running cold. 
He was done with this. He was done with people telling him what to do, first your brother and now Chucho. Maybe it’s that selfishness but Javier mutters, “There is nothing to end.” and walks out of the garden. 
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At 9 pm Javier calls. You’re in bed already, grading history quizzes with a rare smile, the kids are actually doing better. They had all failed their history final just 3 weeks ago. You feel content with yourself, you feel content with the distraction. 
You called a car rental service and was approached with the ridiculous prices of a rental. You’re a teacher for crying out loud, you don’t have money for an excursion to meet a family member you’ve never met. You spent the rest of the afternoon playing scenarios out in your head, what will you do if he actually is dead? What if hes fine? 
What if he’s clean, what if he never wanted to look for you but what if he’s been searching this whole time?
The thoughts burned after 6 pm when your to-do list caught your eye, and so did the stack of papers on your desk. So the show must go on, you can deal with the existential crisis later, you've got work. 
But Javier calls when you're halfway grading Jorge Villa’s quiz, he was doing amazing, with the pen between your lips you grab the new pink phone. “Hello?” 
“Andrea,” He exhaled. Your lips quirk into a small smile, the memories of the morning clouding your brain. He was breathless beyond the phone, like had just finished running a lap. Your smile stayed but your brows pulled together nonetheless. 
“Javi, are you okay? You sound out of breath.” The chewed up pen cap swirls against your teeth. He is silent behind the phone for a few seconds.
“Oh– sorry, I was about to smoke but decided to call you.”
You straighten up, the curly cord barely straining. You note to thank James for the extra  long phone cord.  “Oh okay, is everything okay?” Hes calling you from his bedroom phone, you could hear the difference. The phone in the kitchen had better sound quality, this one always sounded crackled and far, but it settled some weird nostalgia in your belly. This was the phone he’d always pick up from so many years ago. 
“I don’t know, I think I got into an argument with my dad.”
“What?” You blink, it comes out more dramatic than intended but the sentence just didn't seem right. An argument? With Chucho? “Sorry–what happened, are you okay, do you want me to come over?”
You want to slap yourself. Do you want me to come over, what has gotten into me?
 “It was about you.”
“What do you mean?” I’m so confused right now. Then it all hit you at once, “Oh my god Javi! Was I too loud last night? Oh my goodness this morning I didnt even think about it, he was probably awake. Javier I’m so sorry-”
His laugh cuts you off from your nervous rambling, “No, no, jesus. I don't know? We started talking about your mom, they used to sleep together by the way.”
“What!?” You gasp, your hand slapping over your mouth, his sweet deep laugh crackles through the phone. You want to swoon over it, his laugh, him, that all of this happening right now but youre so floored by the conversation you can't even appreciate it. 
“Doesn't matter, he… I don't know what he was saying was true and yesterday you were very honest with me about Lorraine and all that. He just said that I broke your heart once and Andrea, I don't want to do that again I’m so sorry.”
Your chest swells, a feeling so deep and guttural. Something big heals in you with that, with everything that has happened this week. His voice through his bedroom telephone, his whisper, his kiss and all that comes with him. It was years of an ache pushed to the side and replaced with work and shitty boyfriends and all other things. You decided a bit ago not to persecute him for the decision he made at 17, that would just be too cruel.
“Javi, I forgive you.” You mean it. 
“But I’m going to leave you again… in November.”
Lashes wet with tears you shake your head, “I know, I’ll be prepared this time. Let's please stop talking about this and enjoy what we have now.”
You're both silent for a moment, your brain is so foggy again. But this was a different silence, before silence with Javier made your mind run in circles about all the things you could do wrong and all your insecurities, this silence was good. 
“I smelt like you all day.” He finally says.
Your face breaks into a wide smile, “Oh really?”
“Yeah. Was just half hard the whole day thinking about you.”
“You were the one who left a little wet spot on my shirt this morning.”
You gasp a dramatic one, you had woken up so hot and beat red. You hadn't thought about how wet you must've been the whole night when you straddled his chest bare bodied. You kissed him sloppy and rushed before he flipped you on your back to go down on you. 
“You have no shame do you?”
He scoffs a sassy one, a classic Javier mannerism. He was always so grumpy towards everyone, sometimes you wondered if he practiced an unbothered yet grumpy face before walking out of his house. He’s going to do so well in Colombia. Your agent. 
“You’re right, could I come over? I’ve missed you all day.”
Your head spins but reality sets in. Your mom would be home at any minute.
 “My moms coming home soon but she’s going to be away all weekend. I was thinking tomorrow you could stay over here.”
He laughs, and you understand how all this sounds. You sounded like teenagers sneaking around, like having sex was number one on the list of taboo acts. Like the two of you aren’t adults with careers. 
“Okay Andrea no need to beg, i’ll be there.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You exhale a laugh. It’s so easy to forget like this, when it’s just Javier and you. You can’t begin to imagine a day of uninterrupted interaction. Your brain almost slips in a fantasy of leaving to New Orleans with him. 
“But-today? How was your day, everything okay with work? Any middle schoolers in need of being scared straight or what?”
You shake your head, forgetting he can’t see you, idiot. 
“One of them called me a cunt today.”
“What the fuck? What’s their name?”
“I’m kidding.”
Javier is silent and then exhales. “Funny.”
“My students are very well behaved and nice to me actually—well nice enough for kids in summer school. I was grading exams., they’re doing really well”
“You’ve always been so smart, used to intimidate the fuck out of me.” He whispers that second half and you’re throbbing already. 
You bite your lip and your cheeks turn bright pink. Why is it that small praises like that make you so hot and flustered?
“Intimidate?” You ask but your voice betrays you. Horny over the phone, this feels illegal. 
The sound of him shifting in bed only lights that white hot flame in the pit of your stomach. He groans a cute little old man one. He acted like such an old man at 23, but it made him all the more endearing. You picture him settling against his headboard, a hand behind his head. God you wished to be in his lap right now. “Mmm. Yeah, whenever you’d get into it with me, i’d be like who the fuck is this little girl? You were so shy but so smart, I know you apparently were crushing on me hard but you surely knew how to put me in my place.” You could hear the reflective nature of his voice. 
You think back to homecoming, how you had felt so fucking torn about telling him off but somehow content with how you handled yourself. Imagining walking the halls with him after telling him straight up that your love life wasn’t his business. You had felt so strong and mighty even though you ached for him to care about who you were with. In a twisted schoolgirl way you wanted all of the protectiveness and jealousy. But to him you hated it all, and you feared he might never like you for being so straight up. 
But he found you smart. And god why does that make you so turned on. 
You hum at the thought, “Little girl? All of you guys always act like I was much younger.”
“By the time I was a freshman I had been much more corrupt than you had been. Same with Lorraine, your brother and Genie.”
You sigh, “I guess but it does suck to think that you saw me that way.” 
Considering I was absolutely desperate to be under you back then, just like I am right now. 
The bed springs snap through the phone, he lets out a deep exhale. You hate to be so direct but god was all the noises he made sexy. “I saw you that way before we were in school together. By the time you were 16 and I was 17 I wanted to fuck you so bad I could barely stay in a room with you.”
“Javi!” You gasp. The full validity of his words don’t settle because you’re already following up. This is your dream. “Are you serious?” You whisper yell like someone can hear you. 
“Yeah? I thought you knew, I tried it at that quinceañera.” 
“That was a one time heat of the moment thing?!”
He chuckles, “No it wasn’t, you think I hadn’t thought about it before?”
“No! You were dating Lorraine.” 
“Prom night? When I walked into your room while you were hitting yourself with a magazine, you looked so pretty I had to splash myself with cold water when I left the room.”
The scene runs through your cerebrum. Him crowding your bed, his hips leveling with your beat red face. The first time he called you querida. 
“Oh wow.”
“Prom night, when I watched you play lacrosse. You really thought I hadn’t liked you too?”
Your eyes narrow, “You. Had. A. Girlfriend!” 
“I guess.” 
“You’re bad.” 
You’re so flustered right now you could barely deal. Legs crossed tight. Desperate to just be with him right now. Pulsing below, why does this turn you on so much? Are you okay? Maybe you’re a sick romantic, the confirmation of him liking you back sends the hottest stomach pitting throb you’ve ever felt. 
And you guess Javier can sense it, “What are you wearing?”
As if you couldn’t get redder. You look down, you wished it was sexier. “I’m in shorts, silk sleep shorts and a tank top.” It’s how you normally slept. 
You could hear a deep inhale from the line. 
“You got a new phone? In your room?”
“Yes, James installed it.”
“So you’re in bed?”
Your breath falters, “I am.”
He’s silent for a moment but then he continues, “Put your hand in your pants.”
You don’t even think twice before your lithe fingers are slipping between your wet folds. You suck in a breath, your cheeks hot along with the tips of your ears. “Mhm.” You moan. 
“How wet are you baby?” And you can hear the stupid fucking smirk in his tone. You’re so turned on you can’t even think to snap at him for torturing you. 
“I’m really wet Javi-please.” 
And he goes silent. Like he’s deciding on what to make you do next, and you’re at his mercy 6 blocks away, at his mercy on the telephone. 
“Go to bed, I'll take care of it tomorrow.”
Your jaw drops, and you search the room for hidden prank cameras. Candid cam style. 
“Javi!?” But he hangs up.
Your eyes widen. What a depraved little image this was. Your lips parted in shock, with a phone between your shoulder and ear with your hand in your shorts. 
Hot and bothered, you kick the exams off the foot of your bed. 
He was going to pay 
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setsailforthestars · 2 months
This is a random thought and I’m gonna ramble on a bit but I am always somewhat amused by those people who judge modern or abstract art and claim that their toddler could make it. It’s supposed to be an insult, it’s supposed to downplay the skill of the artist and those who like it, but really I think it just reveals how miserable those type of people are and how little they care for their children’s artistry.
Because it is artistry! I now have a 3yo who has taken a shine to drawing and my house is covered in her scribbled papers, and I love it. Her drawings are often variations of the same thing— currently happy, sad, or grumpy faces— and every single one is drawn with intention, she worked hard on them! Even when she is just scribbling she has chosen her colour of marker for a reason and has a purpose for the scribbles and sometimes, if I’m lucky, she’ll tell me what she’s thinking in the process. I’ve seen posts of parents making fun of the stuff their kids bring home from daycare/school and yeah, it’s a lot, it’s so many random crafts and drawings and scribbled colouring pages, but I just cannot bring myself to judge it! To me it is art, because art is what happens when the maker is enjoying what they are doing and are proud of the result. It does not need to be your version of “good” to have value.
So yes, maybe your toddler could draw that same modern or abstract piece you’re staring at, but to them it will mean something entirely different than it did to the person who made it. It will never be the same piece because it will never be made with the same intentions. Stop being a jerk to both the artist and your child.
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I love your domestic bees! I love your Baby and the Bees! BUT I AM ABSOLUTELY RABID FOR AWESOME STEP-DAD/STEP-MOM YANG!!! Can we get some protective daddy Yang for Cub?
:also I'm assuming Adam is the sperm donor. What kind of Faunus is Cub?
Unfortunately, we're going with the obvious here. Yeah, Adam is the sperm donor. I did an animal randomizer and got tiger, but I already have an adopted tiger Faunus daughter in Baby and the Bees, and I'm already recycling the nickname Cub/Cubby, so I spun it again.
So, Cub is a leopard Faunus whose trait is that she has leopard spots all over (mostly on her back, arms, and legs) with a smaller spot at the corner of each of her eyes. Kind of like little beauty marks. She's basically a carbon copy of Blake, but her eyes are bright blue.
Cubby: (sniffling as she walks up to Blake and Yang after school. Trying to roll the sleeves of her orange flannel down)
Blake: Baby, what's wrong?
Cubby: (wipes her eyes and shows her arms, permanent red marker is connecting the spots in a way to make it look like a certain genitalia) Those *hic* Those boys over there grabbed me *hic* and...and drew on me... T-They said I was an activity book...
Yang: (eyes flash red as she sees a group of middle school age boys laughing and twirling a red marker) Blake, bring Cub home. I'm gonna take care of something.
Blake: (picking up a sniffling Cub) Yang, no. Don't fight a group of kids. We don't need you going to jail for child abuse.
Yang: Who said I'm going to fight the kids? (Kisses Blake and nuzzles her forehead against Cub's) I'll be home in time for dinner.
-1 hour later-
Yang: I'm back!
Blake: Oh, thank goodness. I was beginning to worry- I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T GOING TO FIGHT THOSE KIDS!!!
Yang: (roughed up) I didn't. I waited for their parents to come pick up the demon spawn, told the adults what happened, then fought the parents when they proved themselves to be even bigger douche canoes than their kids.
Blake: (covers eyes) Yang...
Yang: Good news! Those bullies were thrown into In-School-Suspension for bullying a freaking first grader.
Blake: Good news is the precursor for bad news.
Yang: Bad news. I'm not allowed on school grounds for the rest of the month.
Blake: (sighs) Was it worth it?
Yang: To protect my little girl from bullies while instilling the fear of the Dragon into their parents to send the message home? Absolutely!
Blake: (arches eyebrow) Your little girl, huh?
Yang: Oh, shhhhh- (notices Cub reading in the living room) -oot! I'm sorry, Blake! It kind of just slipped out!
Blake: (kisses Yang to shut her up) I love you. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Go get cleaned up before Cub sees you and starts using violence to solve her problems.
Yang: Yes, Mama Ma'am!
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