#and yes it’s never quite that simple but it feels like fandom becoming less of a space where people can genuinely connect with others
valerieofavonlea · 7 months
I think we as a fandom are overthinking the terms of the duel too much
So I just went through and reread most of Taravangian's chapters for a different theory, and something really stuck out to me, especially in RoW.
We were given some frankly kind of vague terms at the end of RoW between Dalinar and Odium, and with a long wait in between books, what else are we supposed to do other than pick apart every tiny detail and theorize? I have some thoughts.
This might get a little rambley so buckle in.
Let's establish a few things, and then I have a point, I promise. I know everyone is focusing on the draw, on not making a plan for if no one wins, because of Wit's story. That makes sense and could be obvious foreshadowing. But Dalinar in the moment kind of threw out everything Wit had carefully prepared and put together very simple terms. I still don't know that there's a whole lot of room for a draw with the terms we have, nor does Todium imply a draw when he's reviewing the deal, but a victory:
"The way to win was to make sure that, no matter the outcome, you were satisfied. Odium should never have entered a deal he could not absolutely control. 'It can still be done,' Taravangian realized, seeing the possibilities -so subtle- that his predecessor had missed. 'Yes... Dalinar has set himself up... to fail. I can beat him.'"
I'd also like to point out how Odium operates, as stated on at least two separate occasions:
"Should we write... a contract?" "Our word is the contract. I am not some spren of Honor, who seeks to obey only the strictest letter of a promise. If you have an agreement from me, I will keep it in spirit, not merely in word."
"This isn't some deal with a Voidbringer from your myths, where one tricks the other with some silly twist of language."
Now it is unclear if this is a Rayse philosophy or something the shard itself is bound to, but it is interesting nonetheless.
Now, onto my main point. Taravangian is a scheming, conniving character who spent four books paying chess, outsmarting and manipulating, and very very carefully planning. His arc in RoW is quite interesting then, as he gets dumber and dumber, he begins to see less value in the intelligence. For all his smarts, all his planning, he has managed to save just one city out of an entire planet, landed himself an execution as a traitor, and burned countless potential allies.
"Smart Taravangian has proven insufficient. Smart Taravangian has failed. He hasn't just been made intelligent. He's been given a coin and a curse. Intelligence on one side. Compass on the other. When smart, he assured that compassion was the curse. But was it really? Or was the curse that he could never have both at once?"
By the end of RoW, Taravangian has become so much a being of pure emotion that he's constantly attracting spren, and he has become the perfect vessel for a shard of pure emotion.
The old Taravangian would have chosen the scheming, the wordplay, outwitting anyone and everyone he could have. The old Taravangian would have reveled in a tiny tiny loophole or trick of wording only he could see, but he got a whole lot of nowhere with all that scheming.
"Odium had bet so much upon Dalinar being his champion. Now that was in chaos. The god bragged about his plans, but Taravangian knew firsthand that you could plan and plan and plan, but if one man's choices didn't align to your will, it didn't matter. A thousand wrong plans were no more useful than a single wrong one."
So, what if he is leaning all the way into the passion thing now rather than the intelligence he was chasing for most of his life? Because the scheming and trying to overthink didn't work out that well for him, but the emotion, the feelings, that's what got him this power (and the capacity to save everyone). So the question becomes, are we as a fandom approaching the duel incorrectly, trying to think too hard about loopholes and the specific wording, when this new version of Todium would be more likely to use an emotional approach? Something to think about.
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graysonflynn · 9 months
Title: subterrane Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: Gale/Astarion (though more pre-ship)
Written for the first prompt for Whumptober 2023. Enjoy my lovelies!
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Gale can only barely make out the sentence over the heinously loud ringing in his ears. The cave ceiling is an ever-worsening blur, the edges of his vision fading in and out of darkness. For a long few moments, he cannot be certain whether or not he’s going to pass into unconsciousness.
Blessedly, he somehow manages to hold on. However, the ringing in his ears is quite persistent – which is just as well, because his companion is just as much.
There’s an all-too-rough shaking of his shoulders, which jostles his vision something awful. Gale manages to remember that ah yes I’m not in this alone before he manages to, more or less, roll his head into a position where he can just make out the pale blur that is likely to be Astarion’s face.
Gale manages to follow what he hopes is the dark line of Astarion’s shoulder, down to yet another pale blur that he assumes to be his hand. What should be alarming to him – but only registers as a faint sense of distress – is that he cannot make out at all how many fingers that Astarion is holding up. Likely in some effort to ensure that Gale’s faculties are intact.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Gale tries to focus. But it only amplifies that his entire body aches as it hardly ever has. At least, in a purely physical sense. It should still be far more alarming than it is. His head throbs rather violently, and he can feel the pressure of the orb within its containment behind his ribs, his heart hammering wildly in a sharp staccato. In his ears, if he tries to push back the ringing, he can hear the rushing of his pulse.
However, luckily for Gale, when he manages to force his eyes open again – something that is alarmingly more challenging than it should be – things come into better focus. He can just make out Astarion’s eyes – bright, bright red and shining in the faint light. Gale blinks again, slower than should be natural, and tries to focus on the man’s hand.
“... four?”
Gale’s voice sounds ragged. His body seizes up in a dreadful cough. Wetness stains his lips in its aftermath.
Even with Gale’s vision being as terrible as it is, he can make out how wide Astarion’s eyes are. If only because the red vanishes completely.
“Idiot,” Astarion hisses. “It was two, by the way, but that’s really not our biggest concern right now.”
And Astarion sounds so… tense. It’s unusual. He almost sounds as though he’s forcing the words out from where they have become stuck between his teeth. So unlike the typical Astarion that Gale has come to know over their scant few days of acquaintance. He never seems to be at a loss for words – even when he should be.
“What’s… wrong…?”
He hates how difficult it is to focus on the words long enough to form even such a simple question.
Astarion lets out a sharp huff of air, “You really have to ask? And here I thought you were considered some kind of prodigal genius.”
Gale’s sluggish brain can barely take in the words, processing them takes far too long. Thus, he loses the chance for a sharp comeback. Or a comeback of any kind. Some distant part of him can recall being pushed out of the worst of the explosion. True, his current state means that things are only marginally better, but he isn’t dead and so, he counts it as a positive. No need for the emergency protocol.
Even with his mind being supremely uncooperative – and his body even more so – Gale is able to blink slowly and manage what he hopes to be some semblance of a reassuring smile.
“Th… thank… you…”
“Don’t go thanking me yet,” Astarion says, voice oddly soft, almost tender. “You may regret it.”
Gale tries to shake his head, but it only makes his surroundings spin violently and his stomach churn. His vision begins fading rather rapidly, too.
He only manages a single word before unconsciousness claims him.
“... never…”
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hajimesbestdefender · 2 years
i saw this essay while i was trying to find kmhn and i have so many thoughts..
if you want to read my thoughts i recommend reading them as you read the sections because thats how i wrote it
okay i'll go chapter by chapter (there are 5 chapters)
chapter 1: faqs
faq #1: the blatant homophobia towards the women youre trying to "protect" in this is very ironic to me. your point here is just plainly incorrect. how on earth does wlw ships further the ideology that women only want men for sex? and what is with the shaming women for not being virgins? there is nothing inherently wrong with having sex, having a sexual past, or anything of the sort. you sexualized these women. miu & sonia have done nothing wrong, and deserve the equal opportunity to be in a relationship and be loved.
faq #2: it *is* simply a matter of preference. there is nothing wrong w preferring makoto/byakuya, hajime/nagito, or kokichi/suichi. yes, those characters (kyoko, chiaki, and kaede) were written to be the protagonists respective love intrest. however, when has a fandom *not* shipped a character with someone who wasnt their love intrest? i can give several examples. it is not down to gender. people can see themselves represented through these relationships, they can hold the belief that those ships work better for the characters, or they can plain like the dynamic better. it does not matter.
faq #3: ...what? that makes no sense. the whole question doesnt make sense. im just not gunna adress it, but it is there.
faq #4: those crushes could be arguable. however, there was a slight hesitation from nagito when he said it, leading many people to believe that. i dont know enough about v3 to speak on that other part.
chapter 2: nagami
once again, it comes down to preference. you cannot controls someones preference. if they like naegami? fine! if they like naegiri? fine! it does not *matter*. at the end of the day, these two ships are perfectly resonable, and do no harm. therefore, both should equally be resepcted. the reason why naegami has more fics on ao3 because people prefer it more. simple as that.
also, this exact senario has happened before in another fandom. in the hp fandom, hinny (harry/ginny, his current wife) is less popular than drarry (draco/harry, his rival). and yk what? they have damn near the same dynamic as naegami. the simple thing is: people prefer the dynamic more. it is not misogynistic to prefer a dynamic. (i could go into a whole ass tangent on how similiar draco and byakuya are, but i digress)
chapter 3: komahina
i could ramble day in and day out abt this ship, but i dont feel like retyping all of it so ima just ss my original ramble to my friends in discord.
(apologies for going off track for a little, PLS IGNORE THE PFP 😭)
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moving on, you mentioned nagito lied about having cancer. he didnt. he said he had stage 4 malignant lymphoma and front mental dementia. both of which were never implied to be lies.
"chiaki died for him and the rest of the class"
oh, do you mean in the real world, where she was brutality murdered so class 77 could become brainwashed, and how hajime was already too far gone at that point? or do you mean in the simulation, where they had zero chance of getting out without leaving chiaki behind because she was ai and apart of the system? or the time she had to be executed to save the rest of the group? thats not an act of romance, it was quite literally life or death. in 2 of those situations, it makes no logical sense for chiaki to live and have the rest of the group die. shes a team player, through and through.
chapter 4: saiouma
chapter 5: stats
it comes down to prefrence. there is no misogyny here. it is just people preferring one ship over the other. nothing more, nothing less. this is getting embarrassing atp.
also, as someone pointed out in the comments: kokichi & suichi just have a lot more screen time tg. kokichi made it to chapter 5 & kaede made it to chapter 1 so theres more content to work off.
chiriho: ...you missed their entire story arc!! not suprising you dont actually pay attention to stuff. ALSO!! the transmisogny!! and, to top it all off: youre a terf. whos fucking suprised. chiriho hid under the cover as a woman because they were afraid. thats it. they wanted to become stronger and braver. thats their arc. you red far too into it to come to the conclusions you came to. (using they/them on chiriho bcs i felt like it)
sonia: youre promoting purity culture. women do not need so save their virginity for anyone. nor does anyone. virginity is something given up when that person is ready. sonia was ready. so she gave it up. shouldnt that be a symbol of women empowerment? (note: i hate the concept of virginity as a whole, literally just have sex nobody gives a fuck.)
miu: "she doesnt deserve to be called a woman because of how preverted she acts." you wrote this whole essay as a callout for what you precieve as misogyny. however, throughout the entire damn thing you promoted misogynistic take after take. you basically just said in fujisaki's section that women shouldnt be pushed into a box, and yet,,, youre here telling women they cant be sexual beings? that they have to be pure, clean, and submit to men? miu didnt do anything wrong. she expressed herself in the way she saw fit, and YOURE mad that the way she did so didnt fit your standards? get the fuck out of here, weirdo.
final thoughts:
op has been continuously misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic throughout this entire read. it is disgusting. now, this can be a blatant troll, but at the same time this is still perpetuating a very disgusting view on women and what they should be. as an afab, i'm disgusted. this is appaling. you disregard so many women writing this. queer women, women who didnt save themselves for marriage (because god forbid women do what they want to do.), or any woman that doesnt fit in your little box. you say youre against misogyny, but this is the most apparent example ive ever seen of a woman with internalized misogyny. if youre being serious? i truly hope you recieve the help you need, and do some interal work trying to combat this. writing 2,643 words worth of fictional parings you dont like when you can simply ignore it and walk outside is just sad. if youre a troll? fuck you.
(also, before you question that "writing 2,643..." line, i wouldve left it alone, but i happened to see it whilst on a 2 hour car ride to thanksgiving and i was bored as shit. sue me.)
EDIT: i came back to this because kendrick dropped euphoria and the hating he did in that song reminded me of my greatest hating moment: this post
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ziskandra · 2 years
Fic: paying it forward
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Orsino & Cullen Rutherford
Rating: T
Summary: The first enchanter knew it was a bad sign when a Circle's knight-commander began to behave erratically.
(Or: glimpses into Orsino and Cullen's life after the Kirkwall Rebellion.)
Words: 2269
Entering Cullen’s office without knocking had become something of a habit of Orsino’s, although there was much less urgency to his steps than the first time he had barged in uninvited. As soon as he pushed the door open, Orsino picked up on the sound of chair legs scratching against rough flagstone, and he entered the room to find Cullen pale and sweating, hunched over his wastebasket and glaring at it intently, as though it had solutions to all the mysteries of the world buried in its depths.
As Orsino walked in, he was already pulling on strands of the Fade. Healing magic might not be his specialty, but it didn’t need to be, not for something so simple as this. The knight-commander didn’t stop him, not like he had the first time Orsino had tired to help him like this; in hindsight, it had of course been stupid to spring magic on an unsuspecting templar. He would never have tried with Meredith, but it wasn’t like he would have wanted to, anyway. If Meredith had keeled over and died earlier than she already had, it would have saved them all a great deal of needless hassle, and half of Hightown wouldn’t still be buried in rubble, besides.
But Cullen was different, in a way Orsino couldn’t quite find the words to explain. He’d expected him to be just another Meredith, albeit less competent, for the better and the worse. But there was something about the new knight-commander that made Orsino feel almost responsible for him, the same way he was duty-bound to protect the mages under his care. Maybe it was because he had finally stood up to Meredith in the end, as she’d succumbed to the full depths of her paranoia. Maybe it was because he was so young. One of the youngest knight-commanders in Thedas, in fact. Maybe Orsino was simply relieved that he was no longer being screamed at across the hallway every day.
Or maybe it truly was as simple as the mystery. He’d worked alongside Meredith for the better part of a decade, and he’d had a decent measure of what made her tick. Then again, Meredith had been the type of woman to wear her heart on her sleeve, as much as most of Kirkwall would have been inclined to disagree. Yes, Knight-Commander Meredith had hated mages, but more importantly, she had also been terrified of them. Not that this had been of much solace when she’d ordered the death of every mage in the city, but at least it provided a motive…
… hence, the question remained. Why was their new knight-commander attempting to abstain from the very substance from which he drew his powers?
“Knight-Commander,” Orsino started, in the same tone of voice he used to sooth anxious apprentices, “you’re not well.” Gingerly, he rested his hands on the sides of the other man’s head. Read the rest on AO3
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theodora3022 · 3 years
Playing tricks with the trickster
Summary: Failed escape attempt from yandere Childe. He lets you play your cards, even playing along, just for his own amusement.
Notes: My first genshin piece yay... I had a sweet and terrible dream of me running from Childe in the woods. Also some inspiration was drawn from @cinnamonest‘s this post, one big virtual hug to her! I hope I did Childe justice, what can I say I love manipulative smiling boys. It has become a pattern as I dash from one fandom to another. This is had turned out to be longer then I expected...Ginger boy demands my time and energy too much omg. Mind the warnings, although there is nothing extreme in this.
Fun fact, I was looping to Nintendo game by Alessia Cara when writing this down. I believe it fits the theme of this fic quite well.
Tagging: @akutaguagua a great friend who patiently beta-read this mess of a horror dream and gave me lots of kind praises! 
(Offical art belongs to miHoYo! This is a cover page of this video, if there is any issues, contact me and I will remove it at once)
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Warnings: Implied past abduction,dub-con touching, mild degradation, drugging(not on reader), implied non-con/dub-con at the end, this is not healthy love and I do not condone this irl.
It has been nearly a month since the youngest Fatui Harbinger had “taken you in”. After a few tries, you were too horrified by the punishments to continuously fight him. You learned on the first day that Childe’s smiling, the friendly mask would come off towards you. Your behaviour would decide if that is a curse or a “blessing”.
So you had quieted down, struggling to restrain yourself from yelling or screaming, carefully not to provoke his anger. Despite being compliant to his orders, you never truly showed him any affection either. Sure, you would sit on his lap if he asked, but you never initiated anything intimate with him. No matter how much Tartaglia spoiled you with clothes, books, jewelry or other luxuries, he is still the one who holds the commanding end of your shackles. It’s the best not to get used to all of that when your sight is set on the door.
Although he has taken your freedom away, you are not kept in a windowless room. On the contrary, you have too many outings now. Wherever he goes, you have to be present in a 2m radius, including meetings. Being a Harbinger is no easy job, so he prefers not having to worry about your safetly during buisness hours. The best way to do that is never let you out of his sight.
“Love, no one should witness our little problems. Well, no one alive that is.” Of course you wouldn’t want to put innocent people's lives at stake. You never dared to act out when you two are in public, and no one would bat an eye if a Fatui had taken a lover. 
You had taken an emotionless approach towards him. If Childe wants a kiss on the cheek, you’ll give him a quick light peck. If he wants breakfast, you’ll go make some pancakes with the topping he likes. Luckily, Childe had not done anything too extreme yet. If cuddling to sleep does not count as extreme that is. The only time you slipped up is when he suddenly hugs you from behind when you’re cooking.  
You thought maybe, just maybe, by being as boring and dull as you could, this bastard might just get tired of you and let you go. Childe only loves the fun of it right? Or maybe it could lower his guard.
Oh, how naive you are. You should have known better than to underestimate a Fatui harbinger. See, this is exactly why he needs to keep you around. Yes, unfortunately for you, Childe loves you, so very much. Speaking to him with a monotone voice isn’t going to alter that fact.
You have been devoid of emotions as of late. While Childe does appreciate fewer screams for the sake of his eardrums, this schemer can sense you are up to something. Perhaps this is the peace before your “storm”(he thought of it more like a drizzle)
You want to play a game? Okay, why not? Childe cannot wait to see what tricks you got on those sleeves. Are you ever getting away? Does an amateur ever win when they play a game with a professional trickster? Never.
Still, nothing bites like a cornered rat. You are no airhead, and he is fully aware of that. Just not as cunning and observent as him, that’s all.
The way you just kept your emotions sealed up is impressive, even to someone like him. Even when he got hansy, you did not flinch and just stared at the corner. Childe can only catch faint glimpses of anger when you thought he wasn’t looking.
Hm, when are you pulling your trigger? Tonight, or tomorrow night? Not that Childe is impatient, anything from you is worth waiting. But he would need to dismiss his patrolling underlings in the nearby woods beforehand. No extras would be allowed to disturb this game.
There is no chance during the day, a somewhat mutual understanding for you two. Night time in comparison, is a different story. 
Anyone’s sleeping hours is their most vulnerable time of the day, Childe is no exception. You do not plan to harm him, not that you don’t want to. But you are willing to swallow the pent up frustration towards him if you would never see his face again after this. Maybe beating up some slimes would help with the release?
You somehow managed to slip a mixture of herbs into his tea. Since he would buy cooking ingredients for you from time to time, you had requested a bunch of herbs along with the ingredients of a sleep inducing medicine you remembered. Although Childe does all he can to keep you near him, there are inevitable hours that he needs to be somewhere without you. He cannot jeopardize your safety with troublesome monsters. On a side note, he loves showing you off to anyone, his colleagues, acquaintances, business partners, anyone he does not deem a threat.
Enough time for you to make those herbs into powder and cover it up with a few spoons of milk. Tea with milk has become quite popular in Liyue as of late. Childe has grown to love them, so you have learned how to mix it up. He always let you handle his food and drinks, saying that he “trusts you”. What you do not know is this is one of the openings he exposed on purpose. It’s not like you can aquire anything deadly under his suffocating supervision.
Your plan will work, or so you think. Childe will not wake up when you wiggle out of his grasp, because dreamland will keep him occupied. All you need is a glider and a usable sword from Liyue and you’ll get your life back. Bottling up extreme emotions has certainly taken a toll on your mind, but it will be worth it if that is the prerequisite of being free.
Something about this being so easy sits ill with you. Have you really been with the youngest Fatui Harbinger this whole time? But that was brushed off your shoulders by the sheer excitement of regaining your long lost freedom. You know Liyue is in walking distance, all you need to do is cross these woods and-
The moment you dive into the forest, you think you heard an amused chuckle. 
That smooth voice terrifies you to no end, the same voice you took orders from for the past month.
Oh, how Childe loves seeing you happy. It’s priceless, both literally and figuratively. No matter how many things he buys you, you had not shown him even one small smile. Enjoy your sweet freedom, because it ain’t going to last. You certainly will know your place after this right? If not you are just dumber then he give you credit for.
That glow of relief in your eyes is worth every last bit of this intense dizzying feeling to Childe. To make sure your plan go through, he had drunk the tea without hesitation, quick enough to catch the momentarily excitement you expressed. He knows the game is on, therefore he had given the night patrol guards the entire evening off. Forcing himself to stay concious by digging his nails into his palms, Childe followed you into the woods.
Your potion is quite strong. Excellent, you’ll have to give him the recipe for informational purposes later. Especially how you managed to achieve such effects with a few herbs you had. He never took you to be anything less than a smart girl, but this has exceeded his expectations. Where’s the fun in a game without challenges?
How you storm through the forest wearing that cute terrified expression looks so endearing, it’s surely not his fault if he wants to enjoy this sight to be longer right.
So, each time you feel the slightest at ease due to whatever reason, expect Childe to make some sound to send you running like your life depends on it again. The sadistic man is hunting you down playfully, like a cat chasing a stray mouse to the inevitable corner.
You know he is toying with you. There is nothing you can do to make him shut up though.
“Love, you had scratched your leg. Must hurts by the looks of it.”
“Liyue is that way, you know.”
“Are you tired? If you want to jog in the middle of the night, you should have called me to come along!”
How can he say those things nonchalantly while you are trying to escape from him?  Here he is, daunting you with that signature smile he wears so very often. That is when reality slaps you right in the face. No matter how hard you plan, no matter how fast you run, there is no getting rid of him.
When your stamina runs out, a simple pull and push on your left wrist is enough to let you fall onto the ground panting. Even now, you still refuse to beg for mercy. You would take the cold grounds to the warmth of Childe’s embrace anyday. 
“Aw, burnt out already? Pathetic. Looks like we need to work on your stamina more. But this is not the place for exercise.”
“Look at me.” His slender but forceful fingers tilt your head up, making you look into those ocean blue orbs. There is anger present in his eyes, but those emotions are more a mixture of delight and that. His smile had also been replaced by a mocking smirk. “You, trying to leave me? Your sense of humor is...well, let’s just call it unique. Lucky for you, you amused me nonetheless.”
“I know what you’re thinking. How I’m a selfish jerk and you hate me. Why be so ungrateful? You get to live in luxury thanks to me, you know. I am selfish, yes, but look how stupid you are. I know you added something extra in my evening tea, my beloved.”
“Come now, we are going to do some exercises suited for a night like this once we’re back home. It is our one month milestone, after all. You had already given me your gift, it is only fair for you that I do the same.”
Childe is not making a sarcastic remark. The thrill of that chase was the best fun he had in months. And you are going to love his gift too, maybe not right away, but surely sometimes after. 
You have to mentally prepare yourself for the worst as he dragged you back to the prison, hopefully you’ll still be able to walk properly after whatever Childe got in store.
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Based on this request: Hey Meg, dou you also write for the Volturi? Perhaps something about a human reader who stumbled inro their castle and wasn’t instantly killed? At first they let her live as amusement but somwhere along the line she befriended Jane and Marcus and developed feelings for Aro. But she doesn’t want to be turned to a Vampire. Living with your vampire friends as a human can be quite complicated. They make a fuss out of any minor injury, try to advocate for immortality and it’s really difficult not to let your crush know you like them when they can read your thoughts by touching your hand…Perhaps Jane and Marcus device a plan to get Aro and the reader together in order to make thhe reader change her mind of becoming one of them?   
Here you go! *Familiar characters are NOT mine!*
Fandom: Twilight
Warnings: Fluff,  Awkwardness.
Pairings/Characters: Aro Volturi x fem!reader, Jane Volturi, Marcus Volturi
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Stumbling upon the castle in Volterra had been an accident. That castle being full of vampires had been unfortunate. Being kept alive because you amused said vampires had been sheer dumb luck. Slowly falling for most insane of the three leaders? Well that was as unexpected as two-by-four to the back of the head. And trying to keep those feelings a secret was damn near impossible when the object of your affection could read your mind with a simple touch.
         When you had accidentally stumbled into Volterra castle and met the Volturi, you had been so scared. More scared than you had ever been in your life. But for some reason, they had found you amusing and decided to keep you. At first, you were treated like a form of their own personal entertainment but soon you were being treated as friend.
         You formed quick friendships with Marcus and, to everyone's surprise, Jane. In fact, the only person who didn't seem to like you was the receptionist, but you thought she might have been a little jealous. All-in-all, you adjusted well to being in a castle surrounded by vampires.
         There were of course issues with your situation. Because they couldn't let a human out in the world with their secret, you weren't really allowed to leave the castle. And heaven forbid you got hurt in any way, shape, or form. Every bump, bruise, and scrape had them all buzzing around you like worried mothers. It was pretty amusing, in all honesty. Then there was the time you caught a cold. Jane thought you were dying. Whenever anything like that happened, you had to hear about how they would all worry less if you would join them in immortality. You refused each time, but you had no idea that Jane and Marcus were plotting something to make you see things their way.
         It never occurred to you that they had already set their plan in motion. You often found yourself alone with Aro. Whenever there was a chance, everyone else left the room whenever you entered it. It made you a flustered and awkward mess. Like really awkward. You didn't know how to interact with him. You had been very sure not to let Aro touch you, but you had a suspicion that he already knew how you felt about him. You weren't exactly subtle about it.
         Whenever you were alone with Aro, you became a stuttering mess. Trying to keep your cool only made it worse. You were like the young, lovesick, teenagers on TV people liked to laugh at. It was horrible, but maybe it was just the effect Aro had on you. Either way, you hated how awkward the situation was. Aro didn't seem to mind though.
         "Ah, Y/N! I was hoping to spend time with you today. Walk with me?" Aro offered his arm. You took it without hesitation. Was it smart? Probably not. He could kill you with a flick of his wrist if he wanted. But he hadn't show any signs that he was going to hurt you. At least not yet. Plus, Jane had conveniently left you wandering around part of the castle you weren't as familiar with. You didn't want to get lost so walking with Aro seemed like the best option.
         As you walked, Aro made small talk. You smiled at the conversation as you let your gaze travel to the side of his face. This was one of the few times that Aro let his guard down and you wanted to commit it to memory. You hadn't realized that you had zoned out until Aro stopped, causing your hand to slip from his arm. As it did, your hand touched his. You inhaled sharply, but your hand wouldn't listen to your brain and move.
         Aro froze so suddenly, you thought he'd turned into a statue. His eyes were unfocused as his head was overloaded with every thought you'd ever had, including the one you had been trying so hard to hide. After a moment, Aro blinked. He smiled at you. You couldn't speak. You were so embarrassed. You looked away from him, intent on running away.
         "You could try, but you know I would catch you in a moment." You frowned and then remembered that your hands were still slightly touching. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't, that is, I wasn't-" Aro's light chuckle cut you off. "You have no need to apologize. I find myself in a similar situation." You blinked in surprise, making Aro laugh again.
         "Why are you so surprised? You are, truly, the most beautiful and intriguing woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, immortal or human." You felt yourself flushing. Aro finally moved his hand so the two of you were no longer touching. He lifted the hand and offered it to you. "Shall we continue our walk?" For a moment, you looked between his hand and his face. Those milky red eyes regarded you with worry and perhaps a little amusement.
         With only a second of hesitation, you let your hand slip into his. Aro practically preened under your touch. He brought it up to his mouth, pressing his cold lips against your heated skin. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face. You were in a happy daze when Aro pulled away and began walking again.
         "I'm glad this happened," you whispered. You knew he could hear you. Aro's lips upturned into a smile. "As am I, my dear. Although, we should inform Jane and Marcus. The two of them have been…enthusiastic in their attempts to get us alone together." You rolled your eyes. "Jane I get. She's been trying to find a way to get me to agree to immortality since I got here. Marcus? Not so much. I never pictured him as a busybody." Aro laughed and reminded you of Marcus' gift. "Perhaps he has seen a bond between us. He has been very cautious about allowing me to see his thoughts recently."
         The thought both excited and worried you. Is what you were feeling for Aro because of some odd bond? Or were you in control? And if it was a result of a bond, what would happen if you and Aro were to lose those feelings for each other? Aro stopped walking again. "You fret too much, mi amore. If the bond is there, it can be broken by our own choices. And, unless it is the bond of a true mate, nothing would truly happen should we choose to pursue our current feelings for one another."
         "What do you choose, Aro?" Aro didn't say anything for a moment. "I have waited a long time to meet someone like you. Someone that can make me feel something more. Even if you are not my true mate, I choose to try, if you will allow me? And maybe one day, you will choose an eternity with us here in Volterra. With me." You bit your lip and tried not to smile. Trust Aro to sound so awkward yet eloquent at the same time.
         "Yes." That one word seemed to brighten Aro's entire being. "Finally," another voice broke into your little moment. You let out a little scream and jumped. You turned to face Jane with a glare. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Nosy Rosy?" Jane merely arched a blonde brow at the nickname. "My place is as Master Aro's guard today."
         "So you heard…everything?" She smirked. "Yes. And I cannot wait to tell Master Marcus," she replied before speeding away. You moved to chase after her, but Aro held you back. "You realize, of course, that you would never catch her, do you not?" You turned your hard stare on Aro. "Yes. But it would make me feel better."
         Aro laughed and shook his head fondly. "Perhaps I could be of assistance?" You beamed. "What did you have in mind?" In no time, Aro scooped you up bridal style and flashed away. Your peals of laughter bounced off the castle walls as the wind caused by Aro's speed wrang through your ears. You never knew Aro could be so playful, but you had to admit, you liked it. And, if this was a sign of things to come, you would have to give immortality and staying in Volterra some serious thought.
(a/n: I hope this is what you were looking for! ALL taglists are open!)
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wildercrow · 2 years
I saw that conversation about wanting smut prompts, so let me prompt you the song Teeth by Lady Gaga. Happy writing!
OH YES GOOD I love this song and it fits in well with my recent Isabela/Zevran brainrot. Also uhhh... here's some rare and elusive awkward baby Dom Isabela. Pre-canon Isabela is a gift to the world.
(This is from before Isabela was Isabela, so she's referred to as Naishe here!)
For @dadrunkwriting
Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: Explicit Characters: Isabela, Zevran Main Relationship(s): Isabela/Zevran (but friends-with-benefits) Genre: Fluff and Smut Word Count: 1995 Content Warnings: Explicit sex and kink (D/s, bondage, and blindfolds), Bad communication (but it gets resolved quickly), Strong language Summary:  Isabela has never tried being a Dom before. Zevran is more than happy to walk her through it once she finally admits that she has no idea what she's doing. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35939023
Naishe’s hands shake as she ties Zevran’s hands to the bedposts with rope. She thought this would be easy. Just tie him up and blindfold him and bite him until he begs to taste her. Sit on his face while he eats her out, then return the favor before untying him. If he snaps his fingers twice it means pause. Three times means stop. It’s simple enough, so why does she suddenly feel so overwhelmed?
“Mi Reina,” he says, voice gentle and inquisitive, “you said you’ve done this before. Was that the truth?”
“Of course it was,” she defends. “Why would I lie?”
“It’s alright if this is your first time, my friend,” he coaxes. “I just need to know.”
She lets out a shaky breath, “I…”
“Mi Reina,” he says, searching for eye contact, “I want to do this with you either way. But we can only do so safely if you’re honest with me.”
She meets his eyes, “It is possible that I… exaggerated my level of experience with this.”
He visibly relaxes, “There we are. Now we’re getting somewhere. How much experience do you actually have?”
“In your position? Very little,” she admits sheepishly. “In mine, uh… none.”
He chuckles fondly, “That’s quite alright. Everyone has to start somewhere. Do you know the words for what we’re doing?”
“Kink?” she says, a bit hesitantly.
“Well, yes,” he says, “but… what is your role, mi Reina?”
“I’m…” she searches for words, picking apart previous conversations for clues, “in charge?”
He chuckles again, “You’re a Dom, mi Reina. A Dominant. You’re right, your job is to take charge. But also to take care of your sub. Your submissive. That’s me. For today at least. We’re not stuck in these roles; we can switch any time we want, if that’s what suits our fancy.”
She nods quietly, mulling over the words in her head. It’s hard to feel in charge when she’s becoming less and less confident by the second.
Her uncertainty is apparently visible on her face, because the next thing Zevran says is, “You’ll do great. It’s never perfect on the first try, but that’s quite alright. Now, do you know how to tie those ropes safely?”
She sighs and shakes her head, “Not a clue.”
“Alright. That’s fine. How about I just lay on my hands today, and later I can teach you some rope safety?” he offers.
She takes a deep breath and pushes away the feeling of failure gnawing at the edge of her mind, “Alright. Yeah, we can do that.” She sets to work removing her half-finished attempt at ropework.
“Anything else you’re not sure about?” he asks.
All of it! But she’s not sure how to even articulate her uncertainty. At least she knows she can ask questions along the way. She doesn’t want to, but she knows it’s an option. “I think I’m ready.”
“Then let’s take a moment to get into the right mindset, shall we?” he says. “Try finding a voice that works for you. Figure out if you want to be sweet or rough or a little of both. Figure out what you want to call me when we play like this.”
“Call you?” she asks.
“Well, I call you mi Reina. My Queen,” he says. “What do you want to call me?”
She thinks for a moment, then says, “Mi principe. My prince. Do you like that?”
He giggles, “Oh, I like that very much. How about you practice by telling me to lay on my hands?”
Okay. She can do this. She pushes away everything she’s ever been taught about being small and quiet and polite and fills her thoughts and voice with as much gentle authority as she can, “Alright then. Lay on your hands for me, mi principe.”
He smiles and does as he’s told, which sends a ripple of arousal through her gut.
“I’m going to put a blindfold on you, now,” she says, picking up the blindfold and straddling Zevran’s waist. “Lift your head for me, principe?”
“Of course, mi Reina,” he lifts his head, allowing her to tie the blindfold over his eyes.
“Fuck,” she breathes, “that’s hot.”
He grins, “I aim to please.”
“Now,” she says, running her fingers down the center of his chest, “I believe you wanted me to bite you?”
“Yes please,” he whines arching his back slightly.
She leans forward and nips lightly at his shoulder, eliciting a needy whimper from him. So she bites a little harder, running her tongue over his skin as she holds it between her teeth.
“You can bite so much harder,” he says, tilting his head to the side to reveal his neck. “Please, my Reina, I want you to cover me in bruises. No need to be so cautious.”
Which is exactly what she wants, too – the mere thought of covering her friend in bruises that she knows he’ll feel for days to come is making her so wet that she’s sure Zevran has a pool of her slick collecting on his belly by now – so why is it so hard to just bite down? She clenches her jaw until she’s worried she’s hurting him too much and releases her bite.
He chuckles, “Getting closer. But perhaps, ah… take whatever you think my upper limit is and bite about three times harder.”
She scrunches up her face in frustration, more at herself than anything else. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself, and ghosts a hand over his chest, “Can I touch here tonight, principe?”
“By all means, please do,” he says, arching his back in invitation, so she kneads his breast as she ducks down to make yet another attempt at biting him.
This time she sinks her teeth into the muscle connecting his neck and shoulder, slowly increasing the pressure until finally Zevran lets out a gasp of pleasure-pain. She pulls away, “How was that, principe?”
“Now we’re talking!” he exclaims. “That’s probably about as hard as you can safely bite my neck, but if you move down to my thighs you can bite even harder.”
“Is that so?” she asks with a smirk that he can’t see, continuing to knead at his breast as she peppers smaller bites and nibbles up the side of his neck, causing him to squirm under her. His belly brushes up against her clit at some point in the process, causing her to involuntarily roll her hips down against him. He seems to like that, judging by the quiet moan he responds with, so she repeats the motion before sinking her teeth into his shoulder.
“Ah! Mi Reina, I do believe you are getting the hang of this,” he pants, his voice strained.
She flicks her thumb side-to-side over his nipple as she bites harder, which causes him to bite down on his lip and whine.
“Do you like that, principe?” she asks once she releases his shoulder, gaining confidence.
“This is wonderful, oh,” he pants, “please mi Reina, can you bite my thighs?”
“Of course,” she says, hoisting herself off of his midsection and situating herself between his legs. She notes with delight that his belly is covered in a shiny film of her slick. Without warning, she sinks her teeth into his inner thigh, biting down hard.
He lets out a startled gasp that quickly morphs into a pleased moan, so she keeps her jaw clenched for a little longer. When his moan turns to desperate panting and whimpering, she releases her bite and moves a little closer to his groin before biting again. And again. And again. Until Zevran is keening and begging incoherently for… she’s unclear what. Apparently for her to bite harder but also to come sit on his face and also to stop and let him breathe. She errs on the side of caution and gives him a moment to cool down.
As he catches his breath, she surveys her handiwork: his inner thighs and shoulders are covered with bite marks, some of which she can already tell are going to bruise, and he’s sweaty and flushed all over.
Once he’s caught his breath, he resumes his begging a bit more coherently, “Mi Reina, please, I want to taste you.”
“Of course, sweet principe,” she coos, making her way up to his face. “I do think you’re going to need your hands free for this, though. Otherwise you can’t snap or say stop, right?”
“Ah! Right you are,” he laughs breathlessly. “Good catch. See, here you are being a good Dom already.”
Pride swells in her chest. “Alright, arms out from under you and then you can taste me.”
He does as instructed, placing his hands on her hips instead, so she rewards him by getting into position and allowing him to lap eagerly at her, immediately making an absolute mess of his face. He mumbles something into her, but she can’t make out the words. It’s clear, though, that he’s in absolute bliss. And soon she is, too, as he engulfs her clit in the wet warmth of his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue until her vision blurs and she doubles over, grasping desperately at his hair as she comes.
“Fuck. That was so good, mi principe,” she says with a tired, satiated smile as she hefts herself away from his slick-drenched face. “Wow, you look so good with my slick all over your face.”
The smile he gives her in return is so blissed out that he almost looks drunk, “My pleasure, mi Reina.”
“Want me to return the favor?” she offers, resituating herself between his legs.
“I certainly wouldn’t object,” he replies.
She nips at one of the half-formed bruises on his inner thigh before nuzzling her nose against his swollen clit. “You’re so wet for me, now, look at you,” she murmurs.
“Now you’re just teasing,” he says with a strained chuckle.
“Don’t worry, I keep my promises,” she says before running her tongue through his slick and over his clit, earning her a pleased moan. She smiles against him before swirling her tongue around his clit and then swishing her tongue side to side along the underside of it. Instead of getting more worked up, though, he seems to melt under her. He reaches out to tenderly weave his fingers into her hair – not to pull, just to hold. It’s so different from her own reactions that she can’t tell if he’s enjoying himself or not.
“This good, mi principe?” she asks. She’s pretty sure he’s moments away from dozing off.
“Very good,” he replies, contentment dripping from his voice. “You can stop whenever you want, though. I think this is as close as I’m going to get to an orgasm tonight.”
She frowns, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
He chuckles, “Help with what? I’m having a lovely time. This is everything I could have hoped for!”
“Except nothing! This has been perfect,” he insists. “Orgasms aren’t the end-all, be-all of sex, you know. And sex isn’t the end-all, be-all of kink.”
“Huh. I… never thought of it that way,” she says. “Would you like me to keep going a little longer, anyway?”
“That sounds wonderful,” he smiles, “as long as you don’t spend the entire time fretting over how to make me come.”
“I won’t, I won’t,” she returns to placidly lapping at him and swishing her tongue over his clit, stopping when he starts quietly snoring several minutes later.
She sits up and chuckles fondly, “How about I grab us some water? And maybe some rags to clean up with.”
“Mmm, see? You’re great at this already,” Zevran mumbles groggily, pushing up his blindfold. “Maybe snacks, too? There’s dried fruit and pistachios in the kitchen.”
“I’ll get snacks too, don’t worry,” she promises as she crawls out of his bed. She sneaks another delighted glance at the bite marks scattered across his thighs and shoulders before leaving the room.
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A Stray Bullet Part 5
Fandom: Gotham Characters: Victor Zsasz, female!reader, James Gordon. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of someone dying in a car accident.  Summary: The reader is James Gordon’s sister and works for the GCPD and is dating Victor Zsasz. The reader has kept it a secret from her brother, until one day when she takes a bullet that was meant for him. Victor then shows up at James’ place to see the reader. Word count: 3689 A/N: I had to re-work the ending to this part as I added new parts to it.
Shifting your weight from one foot to the other a couple of times to relieve the pain you were starting to feel from having been standing for far longer than your body wanted you to be, your head hung low with your eyes cast to the dark wooden floor. You were staring at a spot where a shard of glass had slipped between the grooves of two bits of wood, finding it interesting all of a sudden. Balling your hands into fists by your side and then relaxed them, wiggling the stiffness from your fingers to expel the tension. You thought about all the ways you could possibly answer his persistent questioning on the subject. You could always tell him the unbridled truth about your relationship with Victor, of course, you’d omit more than a few private details about the matter. But realistically, what good would telling him the complete truth really do? Apart from causing an explosive argument to break out between the two of you, and even then he’d insert himself more forcibly into your personal affairs.
James hadn't always been that way, he used to give you some semblance of privacy when growing up. In fact, he had only been this way since your father had been killed in the car accident with a drunk driver a good few years ago now. Inserting himself into your life whenever something dangerous came along, becoming overprotective and doing whatever he could to make sure you're safe. When he became a detective at the GCPD it only seemed to amplify his need to keep you safe, and while it was sweet knowing that your brother is always going to be there, you felt as if it was a bit too much.
And well, Victor Zsasz just so happened to be 'something dangerous'. James' reaction to you dating the famed hitman that quite literally shot you would set off a rather volatile reaction. There was no way for you to predict how he would act. Not to mention he had a temper that needed to be kept in check, which he was doing so well with.
This meant James needed to know all about it, right? So he doesn't lose his temper? He should know, he's your brother after all and not to mention you usually told him everything. The good and the bad, well to an extent. This was different, more personal and gave way to more chances for James to lash out at you or Victor or both. It wasn't as if you could keep putting it off, since he'd find out about it sooner or later. Later would be a huge mess, however, telling him sooner could be just as bad. Perhaps you could settle on telling him half-truths? It wouldn't make him angry if you let some details slip while keeping the key ones close to your chest.
The most difficult part was trying to mentally convince yourself to do it. To tell him the truth, no matter how angry he is going to be about you keeping it a secret. Or at the very least to give him something small to go off of, anything at all to keep him from questioning you further. The choice was hard to make, but it needed to be made, and you were the only one who could make it.
With a firm nod of your head at your decision to tell him half-truths, your tongue shot out between your lips as you tilted your head to the side and finally managed to tear your gaze away from the glass shard between the floorboards and over to the couch where James currently resided. His arms crossed over his chest still, tapping away at his upper arms with his fingers impatiently, waiting for you to answer. You could tell he wanted to ask again and if you didn't give an answer he was going to be displeased with you.
"Okay," you breathed out to calm yourself, flexing your hands once more. "Grace was right, I am dating someone." You begrudgingly admitted in the hopes that the thick and heavy tension that fell around you and James like a thick blanket of smoke within the last couple of minutes would clear, and give way to something that would make breathing feel less like a chore than it seemed to feel like in this very moment. 
Finally, admitting your secret to your brother seemed to make little to no difference, if anything it felt as if the tension had got far worse between you and James. It felt it coiled around your chest like a boa constrictor choking out its prey, making it exceptionally hard for you to breathe. You felt the full weight of your anticipation towards his reaction resting heavily on your shoulders, making you feel like it was getting harder to breathe.
You were hoping to blame the sudden feeling of weakness that began to wash over you on the fact that you've been shot twice and not on the fact that you've started to really worry. Your fingers curled and uncurled multiple times at your side, then pressed the palms of your hands against your thighs and stared at him. Waiting, watching for any hint of surprise, annoyance, anger, just anything to show you what he’s feeling.
"You're dating someone?" he asked, his gruff voice gaining your attention before you could allow your mind to wander. There were no underlying negative emotions as he spoke to you, still the tension remained and was in no way alleviated. In fact, it felt far more stifling now than moments ago when you admitted your secret aloud.
"Yes, I am." you answered in a low voice that's barely above a whisper. A single nod was all you could manage, taking a slow and small step backwards so that the back of your legs hit the soft cushions of the couch behind you. You automatically sat down as soon as you felt them, your hands going to your hap where you intertwined your fingers and rubbed your left thumb with the pad of your right nervously.
You averted your gaze, there was no way you could bring yourself to look at him. Not only that, but you could sense the disappointment dripping in his voice and radiating off of him, he tried his best to hide it, but you could still sense it. "Who is it?" he demanded, his voice raising even though he tried to fight the anger that boiled in his veins. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see his knuckles starting to turn pale from how hard he's gripping at the fabric of his jacket.
Oh, how you regretted the words that came from your mouth.
A grim look darkened the features of your brother, who is very obviously irked about all the secrecy already. "Who is it?" The sound of his right foot tapping against the floor sent a shiver of worry down your spine as soon as you heard it. Somehow you missed the rapid movement of his leg bouncing up and down anxiously until now, and for a brief moment you allowed yourself to wonder about how you missed such a simple yet very noticeable action. However, that thought was soon dragged away from you when your brother grunted, thoughtful about his next words. "How long have you two been dating?" You could tell his anger was burning just beneath the surface of his skin, itching to get out, wanting to be known, but he had control over it. For now.
"A few months now," you had hoped that you'd never get to witness his full anger in your lifetime. However, you were clearly heading southbound to face it head on and be on the receiving end of it, none of which gave you much comfort right now. "I also can't tell you his name." You felt like you had been put under a microscope, almost as if all of your expressions, movements, etc, were being analysed for any hints of a lie. 
James sat next to you quietly and rubbed his wrist with his hand a couple of times before yet another grunt escaped from his throat, he pushed his jacket aside with his hands and then placed them on his hips. He pushed himself up from his place on the couch, "A few months?" He moved to stand in front of you, pausing a mere couple of seconds with his back facing you before he turned sharply with a burning gaze that made your skin crawl as the invisible flames licked at your flesh violently.
"Well, actually, if you want me to be more accurate, it is more like eight months." You corrected sheepishly, ducking your head and raising your shoulders to your ears, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
"Eight? Eight fucking months?" He said slowly to get his mind around the news. You nodded your head in response and sucked your lower lip between your front teeth. You didn't know if you should say something or not, so you settled for keeping your mouth shut. "Jesus - fucking - Christ, you've not only been dating someone for eight whole months without even so much as a word about it to me. But you can't even tell me his damn name." James ran his hands through his short brown hair, "or is it because you won't tell me? Hmm? Can't or won't tell me?" He said in an accusatory tone and extended his arm out in front of himself, pointing a large index finger at you. "Because I have got to admit; it doesn't feel like you're being entirely honest with me [Y/N]." With a puff of air, you pressed your lips together into a thin line. Finally, managing to gather the courage to look him in the eyes. You still can't bring yourself to tell him who you're dating, but at least you told him you're dating someone.
You reached up and slapped his hand from your face, "I won't tell you." You growled out through gritted teeth.
“Okay, fine,” he huffed out angrily and threw his hands in the air. “Keep being stubborn.
Rolling your eyes, you shifted your body to stretch out along the couch now that it was free. Your side and shoulder throbbed, the phantom pain of the bullets tearing through you made you shiver involuntarily, "Jim, I know you want to know who it is, but I do need some privacy in my life you know." You shot back, suddenly feeling less scared about his underlying anger issues.
"Okay, I get that. But what if they're dangerous? What then?"
You stared up at him, mulling the question over and hummed, "he could very well be dangerous." He shook his head in disbelief to your answer, you answered so calmly, like it was a normal day-to-day thing to talk about. You continued to stare up at him, jutting your lower lip out into a pout, and nodded your head in acknowledgement to his question. It wasn't like you were fully admitting that Victor was dangerous, however you received a dark look from your brother which made you choke back a small laugh of amusement at his attitude towards the whole thing.
“Can you stop joking around for one damn minute?!” James snapped at you out of frustration for the second time that day. “This is a serious discussion. 
There was no way you would joke about something like that when you told him that your boyfriend could be dangerous. After all, you knew very well that he was, but you found it exciting and hot. Not that you would admit that very personal fact to your brother, or Grace for that matter. You didn't want to deal with them judging you. "I wasn't joking when I said that, Jim. I was simply saying that knowing could be dangerous." You shrugged and paused, tilting your head to the side as the gears in your mind started to turn as you tried to think of something that would reassure your only surviving family. This time, however, your voice came out much quieter than before. "I can handle myself. Nothing bad will happen to me while I am with him.”
"Right," he murmured unconvincingly, his dark eyes drawn to the bloodied bandages wrapped around your shoulder and side, just peeking out from under the black fabric of your clean shirt. "And that's why you're here," he gestured your way, "because you can take care of yourself. Okay, yeah. Sure." It was clear that the way you held yourself, like a bird nursing a broken wing, did very little to convince him that you could take care of yourself. He didn't even need to say that you could barely walk and take care of yourself right now aloud, his unspoken point hung in the air between the two of you like an axe pendulum swinging violently ready to hit someone.
James waved a hand in the air as if to dismiss the conversation and blew a heavy breath of air from his lungs. "Just get some rest, we will talk about this in the morning. And you better give me answers."
"That was my plan," you yawned out. You felt exhaustion once again wrap its arms around you tightly. A small noise of satisfaction escaped your lips as you stretched your legs out in front of yourself, relieving the stiffness you felt in your joins. "You're not dad, Jim," keeping your tired dull eyes on your brother who turned his back on you and rolled his shoulders as he went to leave the living room with a quiet grumble about something you couldn't quite catch.
He had only just stepped foot out of the large living room when the loud generic ringtone of your phone rang out through the room, causing your breath to catch in your throat. "Who the hell is that?" James spun back around and stood in the alcove, his eyes scanning the room quickly for the locations of the sound. He most likely thought that he had dropped his phone in all the commotion from earlier, or perhaps Barbara had left hers here. You were hoping he didn't think it was yours and that he'd leave it and go straight to his room.
Your eyes darted towards your neatly folded trousers resting atop your boots and then back to your brother who followed your gaze with his eyes the next time you looked back over to where your phone lay. "[Y/N], who is that?" He repeated the question, taking a large step back into the room.
"That's Grace calling." you squeaked out. Of course, you were lying, Grace rarely called outside work hours. That was, unless it had to do with something important, like your case. You knew exactly who was calling you, and your brother apparently picked up on the lie as soon as it tumbled past your lips. He's always been good at picking up on your likes, and it was infuriating to say the least. The rise of your voice did nothing to make the lie any more believable to your brother’s ears.
"Is it him calling?" The question itself didn't give off the vibe of something you should be answering; it may as well be a rhetorical question since he already knows the answer. He was smart enough that he didn't need you telling him something he already knew. Instead, you chose to shake your head quickly, shooting up into a sitting where you instantly leaned forwards as if you're getting ready to race him to where your phone continued ringing kept coming from. Much like you and James would do while growing up and one of you wanted to use the landline before the other. His eyes narrowed at you as he watched the sudden shift in your body language.
You sat rigid on the edge of the couch cushion. Of course, it had to be Victor calling you, and now James knew that it's someone important to you. He rapidly closed the distance between himself and the location of your phone. Just as he swept your trousers up in his hands and started to search them, you lunged forward, and he turned his back on you, making you collide with his back. He pulled the phone out of the front pocket, but as soon as he did it stopped making a noise. James's brows raised as he looked down at the small square that lit up for the longest moment before it dimmed and went black.
"For the love of god, Jim! Can I please have my phone back?!" You sprang away from him and teetered back a couple of meters. You hoped to hell he would pass the phone back to you before Victor called again, which he would do since you didn't answer the first time around, and he must be worried about you after what happened at the GCPD. "Please?!" You clasped your hands together in front of yourself in a pleading gesture as he turned to you, phone in hand.
“It is him, right?” James asked again, at this point you were getting tired of the repetitive questions. He pressed you for an answer because deep down he knew he was right.
"Yes. It is him." You answered curtly through gritted teeth. Your fingertips and nails pressed into the skin of your knuckles so hard it was beginning to hurt and put strain on your fingers.
A playful smirk made its way onto James's lips as his eyes darted down to the small screen on the front of your phone, the screen still black since last time. "Does he call you every night?" He hooked the corner of his thumb under the lip of the phone and flipped it open with ease to reveal the screen, which cast a white and blue hue of light over his face. His thumb hovered over the buttons that are far too small for his giant man thumbs, returning his curiosity filled eyes back to you.
"No." An obvious lie. “He doesn’t call me every night.” Another blatant lie.
Humming thoughtfully, he pressed the dark grey button in the middle of a small cluster of buttons to bring up the other options on your phone. His eyes darting back and forth between you and your phone as he pressed the smaller arrow keys surrounding the grey button until he landed upon the call log. "Jim!" You snapped at him, tearing your hands apart to reach out and snatch your phone from his grasp, but he pulled his hand away with a click of his tongue.
"I am not doing anything," he teased, the smirk on his face only growing wider with the way you're acting, like it amuses him. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, stamping your foot on the floor like a child being told they couldn't have any more candy before going to bed.
"Relax, I am just playing with you." He sighed out and was about to press one of the buttons when the small black phone in his hand buzzed to life, the screen lighting up and garnering his attention again. The words 'V calling...' displayed on the screen. "Hello?" James shot you a questioning look as he pressed the green button alight on the keypad without hesitation, picking up in mere seconds of the melody starting up. "Hello?" He asked again, pulling the phone away from his ear and looking at the small object in confusion.
Reaching out again, you took advantage of him being distracted and took your phone away from him. "Stop being a fucking jerk, Jim!" yelling angrily at him as you slammed the phone closed to end the call. You could only imagine the look on Victor’s face when your brother answered instead of you. James held his hands up, his brows furrowing.
"Your friend or boyfriend didn't even answer." He told you, lowering his hands as you stood there glaring at him. "And who is V?" You rolled your eyes, curling your fingers around the casing of your phone, holding it to your protectively.
"He didn't answer because you answered my phone and not me." You said defensively, "and it’s honestly none of your damn business who 'V' is! You need to stop acting like dad and more like my fucking brother. Not only that, but you need to let me have my own damn life!" That came out sounding a lot harsher than you intended it to, so you slapped your free hand over your mouth in a failed attempt to keep the words in. Obviously it was too late, and the damage was already done. You stared at him with wide, worry-filled eyes. 
James nodded and took a step back to give you some space, an apologetic look on his face. "I am just concerned about you. And I am trying to keep the only family I have left safe and alive." With that he turned and walked away, leaving you standing in the middle of the living room with your hand over your mouth staring after him. You only dropped your hand from your mouth when you heard the click of the light switch and the light went out throughout the apartment. "Just get some sleep," he called back to you before slamming the door to his room shut.
Shuffling backwards while being as careful as you could be as to not step on the remnants of glass scattered across the floor, you sat back down on the soft couch cushions and leaned back. Your eyes adjusted to the surrounding darkness, you could almost make out a few shapes here and there, a couple of shadows as well.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered out after him. You pulled the scratchy grey blanket from the back of the couch and over your shoulder, covering your lap with it. You felt bad for what you said to him, you didn’t mean to sound so harsh when you said it.
Tag list; @sunlitwritings​, @nheirei, @the-ramblings, @milly-louise
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jaynovz · 3 years
Silverflint Creature Fic Rec List
And here we are again with one of my very specifically themed rec lists. Why this one? B/c A. I like how the characters being actual monsters interacts with the “being monstrous” through line of the show, B. I like horror vibes and C. Monsterfucking amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the whole estate of mortal man by Amiril:
Summary: Silver has a limited memory, an unlimited lifespan, and a need for human souls.
He spends months trying to buy Flint’s.
Notes: YES I’M RECCING THIS AGAIN, don’t @ me. It’s also on the soul-crushing rec list and it’s the first creature fic I had the privilege of reading for the fandom.
Rewrite of canon with creature!Silver and jfc what a fucking concept. Bittersweet as fuck but amazing. Never read anything else like it, treat yourself to the tragedy of the show’s ending with the flavor of eldritch monster falling in love and only realizing it after it’s too late. This one gives me goosebumps.
a beautiful, sinuous thing; a terrible, treacherous thing by maricolous:
Summary: Driven by grief, James Flint leaves the city behind to become the caretaker of a lighthouse in a small coastal town. But despite his desire for solitude, he finds himself drawn to a local bookshop owner, and haunted by man who seems to have strolled right out of the sea. But Flint may be less willing prey than this mysterious stranger expects.
Notes: Lighthouses are creepy and mystical places~ This one has a beautiful sense of place and mood. You can really feel Flint’s melancholy and isolation. Featuring sea spirit Silver who is stalking him for reasons of devouring. A delightful little story.
Stranger Things by medusine:
Summary: Flint has lost his ship, his crew's marooned him and he's nearly drowned. Now he's alone with Silver, who's never been quite what he seemed.
Notes: That good-good monsterfucking smut, plain and simple. It’s very sweet though. Kraken/octopus Silver means gratuitous tentacle descriptions god bless.
no-one by doomcountry:
Summary: Now, he is thinking of a name.
Notes: This one has three sequels, so check the author’s other Black Sails works. Sea monster/shapeshifter Silver. This series is bittersweet, eerie, a bit melancholy. I fucking love it. Super poignant, beautifully written. In keeping with the tragedy of the show... ugh, just go treat yourself.
groundwater by besselfcn:
Summary: He doesn’t think Flint can comprehend it, exactly. The vastness of it. There are limitations to the wirings of his mind; pieces of him that grew in the dirt.
Notes: A little smutty interlude inspired by the no-one series. Yum, more monsterfucking~ I love how the fandom all inspire each other :D
The Ferryman by RumbelleDearie:
Summary: When James first saw the body he thought it might be a siren or a devil’s trick conjured by the lighthouse to lure him outside on a storm such as tonight, to finally help him reach his end. He was prepared to find her face, her wide brown eyes. But as James climbed over the slick and irregular rocks, bringing the lantern closer, he recognized that this siren was real
His hand shook with adrenaline as he reached for the man’s neck, skin as cold as death greeted him until he felt the slow pump of a pulse. His survival instincts were renewed at the sign of life. James reached down to scoop the man up into his arms. It was lucky the man was slim and James was broad. Even still, his footing slipped as he adjusted to the man’s weight, his balance teetering as another wave came crashing against the cliff and threatened to swallow them both. James could see the warm glow of the lighthouse in the distance as the water cut him to the bone.
He abandoned his lantern on the rock, climbing over the black stones, unafraid of the darkness.
Notes: More lighthouses! So this one counts on a technicality. I don’t want to spoil the story, so I’m not going to explain further, lol. Anyway, it’s got the supernatural vibe that fits with the rest of these. Something about lighthouses and a grieving Flint is my jam. Wonderfully surreal story, really beautiful.
architeuthis by WeeBeastie:
Summary: what is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger
Notes: This time Flint is the monster! Sea god, more tentacle sexy times. And there’s a smutty sequel as well! A good time had by all.
you will break the lie of men’s thoughts by depugnare:
Summary: “You’ve made me a monster,” Flint says softly. “I can feel it in my blood. My bones. This body is not right.”
Notes: Sea monster Flint and undead Silver! A little tragic and a lot aching--Flint dies and Silver gives his heart to resurrect him. Added Madi and Thomas goodness for my OT4 feels to soar. I love their monster love. Poetic horror~
the softest pleasure, the sweetest pain by brinnanza, jaynovz:
Summary: “You thought to hear our Song and pass unscathed?” the Siren says. His voice is deep, a pleasant rasp that is nearly as compelling speaking as it had been singing. “Such arrogance, Captain, and how impolite to take something that has not been offered as a gift.” The Siren’s smile widens. “And yet here you are, all trussed up and ready to be devoured. Perhaps an exchange might yet be made.”
Notes: Officially adding Siren Silver to the creature list! Weeee~ Anyway, a very loose retelling of Odysseus and the Sirens with lots of blood and smut and deathwish Flint. Written for MerMay 2021.  
Twisted Creatures by Aisalynn:
Summary: As he rolled to his back and squinted up against the sun, he had a vague memory of a cold, slick hand grasping his, of cool lips against his own. When he looked blearily around his eyes caught on a head of dark, wet curls, blue eyes and a wide smile with sharp, jagged teeth, dark as blood.
Flint blinked, and let himself pass out.
Notes: If you’re not following along with this lovely canon rewrite, what are you even doing? This one is in-progress and I wait on tenterhooks for each update. Sea monster(?) Silver (it’s still shrouded in mystery) sent on behalf of the sea to collect from Flint for stealing the name. I can’t express how much I love this story so far. This author is expert-level at adjusting canon to fit the concept.
Through His Stomach by notfelix:
Summary: "A cat would stave off the solitude, he thinks as he tears up the basil and sprinkles the pieces into his stew, not that he’s ever alone very long. No, there’s always someone desperate enough, always someone hungry enough, to pay him a visit."
James makes an impossible journey to an impossible hut on an impossible island, so that an impossible man might grant him an impossible wish.
Notes: This one is still in progress as well, but is infinitely worth digging your teeth into. I dare say the best dark fairytale take on Black Sails that one could ask for. Tess is in their element here with sweeping, grandiose language to complement the subject matter perfectly.
If there are any creature fics I’ve missed, LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I LOVE THEM. Okay, enjoy~
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Firestorm Part 12: Chongqing
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021 Liu Kang x Reader
And now for an interlude where you go shopping with Chen and Lao. It goes just about exactly as you expect until Lao becomes serious Lao. You needed this.
A/N: longer chapter but had a blast writing it! enjoy, friendos.
Start From the Beginning << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
Chongqing was overwhelmingly loud and bustling. Your trio couldn’t have stood out more amongst the crowds of the busy shopping district. Kung Lao with his hat and tunic, Chen in her simple robes, you dressed like a vampire. Black had become your new favorite wardrobe color. The ink didn’t stain it quite as badly.
The perpetual lump in your throat was going to drive you completely mad. You’d never felt this kind of anxiety before. In fact, you had been used to being the butt of every joke in your hometown. Wherever you went people would stare. But you’d never actually put any of them in danger before. This was different.
It felt like you were wrapped tight in explosives and had to pretend you were normal while walking through a busy street. No one noticed you was explosive. Kung Lao seemed pleased to be out and about with you in the world. Chen stood next to him, scowling at Kung Lao for whatever reason. You had enough to deal with without trying to understand what Chen was mad about. Chen grabbed your wrist and checked your pulse. You sighed heavily and looked away. She’d done that twice since you’d left.
“It’s not going to get any slower.” You whispered and Chen looked to you disapprovingly, then wrote something down in her little book. “We really don’t have to do this.” This was about the seventieth time you’d said that this morning. Kung Lao had insisted you run your errand. “It’s a stupid little errand and it seems silly.”
“We’re already here, Y/N. Don’t stress so much.”
“Yeah, but we’re going to Andong soon and I can get what I need there. Really. There’s way too many people here.” The dangerous scenarios that repeated in your head were wild. Chen then stepped back and Kung Lao smiled brightly at you. He was confident as ever for a man who you’d maimed just the other day.
“It’s just a few hours, Y/N. Just the two of us.” He rested his hand gently on your shoulder. Chen cleared her throat behind you and Kung Lao’s smile fell. “And her I guess.”
“As rude as ever, Kung Lao.”
“That’s Master Kung Lao and if I didn’t have to bring someone who could handle Y/N’s health issues if they creep up then I wouldn’t have.”
“Well, you had to. Sorry to break up your romantic day out, Master Kung Lao.” Chen bowed but the sneer on her face was priceless.
“Romantic? No, no, no.” You thought this couldn’t be further from romantic. A trip to the biggest city in China to get birth control was more like a bad dream. At least right now. Maybe it was a little funny but only if everyone came out of it unscathed.
“Where to first?” Kung Lao looped his arm in yours and guided you down the road slowly. With a heavy sigh you gestured down the street.
“Anywhere. Even a drugstore would do.”
“What could you possibly need from a drugstore that we don’t have at the Temple?” Chen had volumes to say on the matter but was being on her best behavior.
“I’m sure Y/N has her reasons.” Kung Lao defended you and then leaned closer to whisper. “…but what do you need?”
“It is no one’s business.”
“Wow, defensive.” Kung Lao grinned. Chen pointed at him and nodded to agree.
“Lady stuff. Okay?” An easy answer to make Kung Lao stop asking you questions.
“Oh.” Both Chen and Kung Lao seemed disappointed that it wasn’t something more exciting.
“It was bound to come up eventually.” Chen narrowed her eyes suspiciously. You were grateful that Chen didn’t seem nearly as bold in front of Kung Lao.
“This is suddenly a much less exciting trip.”
“What did you think I needed to buy, Lao?”
“Clothes? Lady… things?” He looked you over from head to toe and your jaw dropped. You stopped your walk and pulled your arm away from his, resting your hands on your hips. Chen was trying very hard not to laugh, face turned away but beat red with effort.
“Are you implying that you thought I had invited you to come shopping for lingerie with me?” You gestured to yourself. Chen was now failing at her task of not laughing. She was open mouth wheezing, bent over with one hand on her knee.
“I feel like that’s something I would excel at.”
“I think that you would be the exact opposite of helpful.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous, Y/N.” Kung Lao grinned, delighted that he’d managed to turn your face red. Chen was practically crying tears of happiness.
“And just what would you do if I took you into a lingerie store, hmm? I’m calling your bluff.” You tapped your foot expectantly and Kung Lao stiffened up. If he wanted to tease you then you would tease him right back, Chen be damned. He stuttered, ran his tongue over his teeth, but then grinned and pointed a finger at you with no words to back it up. “That’s what I thought.”
“If that’s a challenge Y/N, then you’re on.”
“Are you sure? Tall man, already standing out like a sore thumb with that hat, towering above a store full of women shopping for lacy underthings? Really sure you want to do that?”
“I uh…”
“Because it will be awkward. Not the fun, sexy thing that you think it’s going to be.” You were winning and rather happy about it.
“I can’t breathe, you two have to stop.” Chen was coughing with laughter. You patted her on the back.
“At least someone thinks we’re funny.”
“Not for the reasons you’re thinking.” You muttered and then gave Chen another smack on the back and then cleared your throat. Chen wiped her eyes. “I do need clothes but it’s not urgent. And I’m not underwear shopping with you, Kung Lao. No offense.”
“We’re here so you should get what you need while we are. I’ll just be the creep standing outside the store.” Kung Lao slipped his arm around yours again and then led you further down the street, eyeing the shops. You had to dart between people as you walked and being in this big of a crowd made you visibly uncomfortable.
“We should get this over with quickly.” You didn’t mean to sound like you didn’t want to spend time with him. You were uncomfortable but only partially because you were out with Kung Lao and Chen.
“Come on, Y/N. Relax a little.”
“It’s dangerous to be around this many people.” There was no point in dancing around the truth. They didn’t seem to take you seriously. How many times had you wounded Kung Lao and Liu Kang? These were men that you cared about deeply. Unusually tough men with magic powers. Imagine what kind of damage you would do to Chen if you lost it. And the ten people who had just walked past you! You shivered at the thought. Chen patted your shoulder comfortingly then drifted behind you and Kung Lao as if to try and alleviate your worry.
“Try not to think about it.”
“Really? I… let’s just get it over with.” You laughed in disbelief. You wouldn’t ruin their mood just because you were nervous of what could be. Kung Lao led you into the massive store on the corner. It was a towering building. Just inside there was a sign along the wall listing each level and what was sold on them. This floor was convenience. The floors above were separated like a department store.
You pulled your arm free of Kung Lao’s and meandered through the aisles. There was a pharmacy at the far end. Yes, your target. You stopped in the middle of the aisle and frowned. You didn’t have a prescription. Damnit. What had you been thinking? None of this was working out the way you’d wanted it to. It was comically bad! You laughed at yourself and Kung Lao furrowed his brow next to you.
“What’s wrong? You okay?”
“Yeah. It just struck me how weird it is to be shopping with you like life is normal.”
“I do it all the time.”
“Does it ever stop being weird?” You had been lying and Kung Lao hadn’t noticed. Score one for you.
“People stared and pointed at you all the time when we were kids. I can’t imagine that changed much after I left. You can’t possibly feel weird about it now.”
“Well, there’s a man standing next to me with a big weapon-y hat and… we stand out in a different way. Plus I’m dangerous.” You nudged him. Kung Lao grinned.
“I’m happy to stand out next to you.”
“You’re so corny.” You pointed to the next aisle. “Lady things. My mission. You coming?” You dared him.
“Ugh, no. I’m going to go look at literally anything else. Ruining all my fun…” Kung Lao teased, patting your shoulder before walking in the opposite direction. Good. Chen was nowhere to be found. She’d probably been distracted by something or another. Good. She’d needed to get out too. With a sigh of relief, you made your way to the pharmacy counter instead of the next aisle. The woman behind it looked so tired that you thought maybe she was a prisoner there.
“Picking up?”
“Actually… and I know this is going to come across at stupid but… I’m from out of town and I’ve forgotten my birth control.” You lied. You sounded like you were lying. It was so terrible. You were the worst! You’d used all your lying skills up for the day. Thankfully, the pharmacist seemed so tired that she either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “I know that usually I can’t get it without a prescription but I was hoping there was something I could pay for outright over the counter, maybe?”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. The only thing I have over the counter is for the morning after.” She was surprisingly sympathetic for someone who was most definitely not paid enough. “I can call your doctor’s office and see if they’ll fax over a prescription if you like.” That was helpful except that you were supposed to be dead so that didn’t work out.
“No, no. I don’t have a primary care doctor here and…”
“Oh, I can call just about anywhere.”
“That’s nice, um… no, it’s okay. Thank you though. I’ll take some of the morning after stuff if you have it.” You sighed heavily. It was better than nothing. You tried to figure out a way to sneak into a doctor that day but it didn’t seem possible without completely abandoning Chen and Kung Lao. Maybe you would be able to do it later with Liu. Ugh, you didn’t want to wait that long. Your face flushed just thinking about it. You couldn’t wait to share this story with Liu later. It was hilarious. You paid for the medication which you asked to be double bagged. When you turned around, you found Chen standing behind you, hands on her hips, a smile on her face.
“I knew it.”
“You knew what?” You tried to play it cool but your face had immediately turned red and betrayed you. Chen tapped the bag and the burning in your cheeks intensified. “What? My hormones are being whacky.”
“Bull. You’re a terrible liar. I knew something was up. You are trying to be prepared before sleeping with one of those boys. Or both if you’re smart. Trying not to get pregnant, right?” Chen pointed an accusatory finger at you but her eyes were sparkling with joy. The woman behind the counter was now watching you with delight.
“Shush! Quiet!” You grabbed Chen’s arm and pulled her further from the pharmacy counter. “Please.”
“If you don’t tell me I’ll get louder. Kung Lao isn’t that far away, you know.”
“Fucking fine, you are mean, Kung Lao was right.”
“I love when you curse.”
“You are the worst…”
“Yeah, I know, the worst monk.” Chen brushed off the insult. “Tell me! It’s been ages since I’ve had anything juicy.”
“Fine. Yeah, I wanted to try and get some birth control. But I’m a moron for… numerous reasons. I forgot that I needed a prescription. So this whole embarrassing and stressful trip was next to pointless.”
“You should have told me, Y/N. I work in the infirmary. You’re not the only girl in the temple who needs birth control. Some of the hormones in there are crazy. I’ll get you some when we get back.”
“…well, now I feel bad. That was nice.”
“If you didn’t buy birth control then what did you buy?” Chen narrowed her eyes suspiciously then in a flash snatched the bag from your hands before it could be pulled to safety. She stepped back toward the pharmacy counter out of your reach and then looked into the bag. “Y/N! You dirty girl!” She grinned. You yanked the bag back from her. “You slept with one of them and didn’t tell me?” Your face was so red you thought you might explode. There were no words, just embarrassment. You weren’t the one who was a gossip, this should not have been surprising. “By the way? You should buy some tampons to cover your tracks. I keep those in the temple too, by the way. You really should have just saved yourself the trouble and just talked to me.” You felt more and more like a moron. You deserved this. Your shaming had been earned. “Did you have unprotected sex with one of them? Here I was thinking that you were never gonna spread your legs and…”
“Wow, wow… okay shush… this is a rollercoaster and I need off.”
“You didn’t have to make this trip. All you had to do was talk to me.”
“Yeah, so you can have your weird vicarious fantasy.”
“And you’d help with the Plan B, huh?”
“Maybe. Did you sleep with Kung Lao? Bareback? Really? You want to breed with that?” Chen seemed to be considering if this were a viable option and you wanted to bash your head repeatedly into the wall until you were unconscious to escape this embarrassment. “I mean, I guess that wouldn’t be the worst thing but you…”
“No! No I did not.” You were practically squealing.
“Oh.” Chen grinned from ear to ear and your face dropped. “So it was Liu Kang then.” Your face was so hot you were practically suffocating. It was not nearly as fun as the kind of suffocation being with Liu Kang had provided. The woman behind the counter was listening to you with rapt attention but pretended to go back to work when she realized she was caught.
“You have got to be quieter.” You walked away from Chen, down the aisle, grabbed a box of tampons then paid for it at the pharmacy counter. Then you shoved it deep in your bag. Chen was grinning so wide that you thought she looked deranged. Before you could say anything further on the matter Kung Lao joined you from the other end of the aisle.
“Oh, good. You look done. I was bored.” He looked you over and narrowed his eyes. “Your face is red.”
“Uh… hot in here, right?” You fanned yourself and Chen snorted with laughter. This had to have been Chen’s dream come true, short of walking in on you with one of them.
“…that woman is staring at me.” Kung Lao whispered, stepping closer to you, and nodding toward the pharmacist.
“It’s the hat, I’m sure. Didn’t notice.” Every word was a struggle to say without bursting into laughter. You then grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the pharmacy counter. He slowed you down, pulled his hand free, and then slipped his arm around your waist lazily.
“I was thinking that we could grab something to eat if you’re up for it. I’m hungry.” Thankfully Kung Lao hadn’t needed any answers. Chen joined you, walking on the other side of you. “There’s a pretty good sushi place around here if I remember correctly.”
“Do you think it’s responsible for me to sit in a restaurant?” You were in disbelief but at least your face was finally cooling down.
“You’re still allowed to live, Y/N.” Kung Lao’s grin finally fell.
“Yeah, live a little.” Chen added. You could practically see the devil horns sprouting on her head.
“You guys don’t… get it.” You pulled away from Kung Lao and stopped your walk, turning to face them.
“I really don’t.” Kung Lao pouted and then mouthed that he was hungry. For sushi.
“Look at yourself, Kung Lao.” You gestured to him. “You’re bruised to hell.”
“Bloodied too.” Kung Lao seemed proud of it.
“Wouldn’t know. He never comes to the infirmary unless he’s dragged there. Even then, he’s the worst.”
“I’m only the worst because you’re so mean.”
“Is that reason? Because if that were the reason then it would only be me dreading you visiting the infirmary.”
“I’m… going upstairs to buy some clothes. You can keep bickering and I’ll think about food.” You turned away and walked to the stairwell around the corner. You breathed a sigh of relief to be away from people and then fanned your still red face. Only seconds later, Chen and Kung Lao joined you. They were still bickering. The permanent look of disgust on Kung Lao’s face as they argued about his health was hilarious.
Let them argue. You walked up to the next floor and found it was women’s clothing. You searched the rack for some staples. Now that you thought about it, you really did want to buy some lingerie but you couldn’t dream of doing that with those two breathing down your neck. Instead, you focused on staples. You found a few things to sleep in, more pants, cute black shirts. Black was your new aesthetic, apparently. You couldn’t help but think that you were beginning to dress like the witch that everyone in your hometown had accused you of being. It was a little comical.
Kung Lao stood next to you and Chen disappeared in the stacks. You were trying not to laugh at how annoyed he looked. He shoved his hands into his pockets and then peered over your shoulder, purposely trying to catch your gaze and distract you.
“Yes?” You turned toward him.
“None of this is lingerie. Boring.”
“Wow, so funny.” You rolled your eyes but smiled. You gave him a hard time but it really was fun to be out and about with him. He made you laugh. This experience was stressful for too many reasons but he managed to make it a little less nerve racking.
“I’m sorry for being a dick about this.” Kung Lao rocked on the balls of his feet, avoiding your eyes. “I know that you’re afraid of hurting people. I’m just… used to deflecting everything with humor. Tried to ease the tension and made it worse. And your friend being here isn’t making it easier. I swear she has it out for me.”
“She does seem to.” You smiled sympathetically. Now that you thought about it, Chen had tried to tell you something a few days ago. It felt like a lifetime since then. Maybe her attitude had something to do with that.
“I was kind of hoping that we could find some alone time. I could sneak you into a movie.” That sweet smile was back and you had to avert your eyes. It was a cute idea but it also made your stomach drop.
“That’s probably not safe unless we’re the only ones in the theater.” The weight of your truth made your knees buckle. “Maybe after we figure this out.”
“I figured that’s what you’d say.” It was Kung Lao’s turn to look disappointed. “Maybe Liu is right to worry about you.” He slipped his arm around you again. “It’s going to be okay, Y/N.” Was it though? They really didn’t get it.
“I could explode with ink right now and you would be impaled.” You placed the clothing you’d picked up back on the shelf. Shopping didn’t seem so important anymore. Kung Lao cocked an eyebrow in surprise. “Those women walking behind us? Dead. The damage I’d do to the store and the employees would be irreparable. You’d be incapacitated if not dead. Who knows who else I’d hurt? I’d never forgive myself, Kung Lao. I don’t think anyone has really thought through the danger that I truly pose. Raiden seems to be the only one who gets it.” You didn’t like having this conversation with anyone, especially Kung Lao.
“Y/N… I…”
“Chen’s so busy teasing me about you and Liu that she forgets how dangerous this is. You… it’s sweet. You’re so confident that we’re going to figure this out and that we can handle whatever happens but one wrong move? And you’re dead.” You knew it was harsh to talk like that but you thought about it constantly. “You were confident about it in the arena too and look what happened, I…” You were upset and you didn’t want to be upset.
“Hey, hey…” Kung Lao placed his hand on your cheek to stop you from going on. Brow furrowed he pushed your hair away from your face. “Take a breath.” You did. It helped a little. He urged his hands to your shoulders and then down your arms. “I know all of that. I really do. I don’t mean to be dismissive… but I can’t help but think you have to take the risks. You can’t just hide away forever.”
“Am I hidden, Kung Lao? We are in… arguably the biggest city in the world. I’m here. Just… cut me some slack for being nervous. This is a new anxiety for me and I am learning to deal with it.”
“I don’t want you to stop living because of this. I want to make sure you still have fun.”
“I’m not worried about that! I’m not worried about having fun…” What did that have to do with anything?
“I know. And that worries me.” Kung Lao seemed exasperated. “This is so much stress and it’s going to eat you alive. Come on. Come with me.” He took your hand and started through the aisles.
“I’m shopping, Kung Lao.”
“It can wait.” He led you through the store and to the elevators. Pulling you inside, he pressed the button for the top floor. Your heart was suddenly racing. Kung Lao had been flirting on and off all day but this was different. You and Liu hadn’t drawn any lines in the sand about what you were but you knew she wanted to be with him. Don’t overthink it. That was all you had to do.
The elevator dinged and you walked onto the top floor that was filled with various appliances. Lao led you into the stairwell and you climbed the last staircase that led onto the roof. He pushed open the door and then walked with you to the edge of the building. A railing had been installed to keep people safe and there was a garden in dire need of watering. From there you could see much of the city. The air wasn’t exactly clear that day but it was still breathtaking. You hadn’t seen that much life in a long time. You leaned against the railing and watched the world below as it passed by. The wind howled that high up and whipped hair around.
“Everyone’s afraid of something. Every single one of those people down there.” Kung Lao had his arms folded on the railing, chin resting against them next to you.
“That’s true. But not everyone could kill the people they care about with the things that frighten them.”
“Maybe some can. Who are we to say?” He joked but then leaned up from where he’d rested his chin. “Y/N?”
“What, Lao?”
“I’ve been thinking and…” He hesitated but leaned one arm on the railing as he turned to face you.
“What is it?” You turned but felt your heart instantly leap into your throat. He took a step closer and towered over you. Panic. Sudden panic. Your first instinct was to stop him and tell him about Liu but nothing came out. The idea of hurting him was crippling. Part of you loved Kung Lao. You’d always loved him. You’d had a love affair without having ever been together. But this was different. He pushed your hair away from your face again, hand brushing gently down your cheek and then beneath your chin.
“You’re really special. You know that, right?”
That hadn’t been what you’d expected. What did he mean? And why?
“I’m sure that you feel as cursed as I tease you about being but… you’re special. Not everyone could handle the weight of what you’re dealing with. And not everyone would be responsible with it. Most people wouldn’t be, I think.” Kung Lao smiled. “Think of the kind of villain you could be. If you were to side with Outworld with this… insane power you have? The destruction that you’d be capable of… look, I’m not trying to convince you to do crimes, I’m just trying to say that you’re special. And you should know that.”
“Lao, I…” You furrowed your brow because through this whole thing you hadn’t thought of yourself as capable or special. But there Kung Lao was, rearranging everything in your head. How had he seen it but you hadn’t? Maybe you’d been given this gift and this curse for a reason. Maybe it was because you could handle it when others wouldn’t have been able to. His thumb brushed against your chin and then traced up your jaw. Okay, now he was going to try and kiss you. The mood was right but you kept thinking about Liu Kang and how deeply you’d fallen for him.
Then the door opened behind you.
“Did you two really abandon me to have a romantic moment on the roof? Leaving me wandering the store in search of you for an hour?” She huffed and puffed but had several bags on her arm. She had enjoyed shopping at least. “I said to myself, I bet they’re on the roof. Having a romantic moment. Just had to sneak away. And here you are. Having a romantic moment. As predicted. Unbelievable.”
You took a step back and wiped your face, embarrassed. Kung Lao pulled off his hat, ran his fingers through his hair, and then replaced it again.
“Sorry. I got in my head. Needed to breathe.” Your face was red again.
“Sure, breathing is what that was.”
“I’m not sorry. Wish you’d been lost looking for us for a few more minutes.” Kung Lao sounded arrogant even as he slipped his arm around your shoulder and led you back toward the stairwell.
“Not at all surprising!” Chen called after you before joining you.
“Stop arguing. You’re making my head hurt.”
“But Y/N…”
“If you stop arguing, I will agree to get sushi.”
Chen and Kung Lao exchanged a glance and came to a silent agreement with a nod.
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
Your Reputation Precedes You
A response to “On Fandom Racism (and That Conlang People Are Talking About)” because lmao that cowardly bitch just hates getting feedback from people that she can’t then harass into oblivion
i.e. God I Wish I Could Use The Tag Fandom Wank Without The Titty Police Nerfing My Post
To be frank, I'm not here because I think you or any of your little cronies are going to change your minds. If the 'name' wasn't a giveaway, your group of ~likeminded individuals~ have quite the reputation for espousing ableist, antisemitic, and, yes, racist views under wafer-thin the veneer of "calling out racism." I think we both know that what you're actually doing is using the relative anonymity of the internet and progressive language to abuse, harass, and bully fans that you personally disagree with. You and your group are toxic, hateful, and utterly pathetic, using many peoples' genuine desire to avoid accidentally causing harm and twisting it into this horrid parade of submissiveness to You, The One And Only Arbiter Of Truth And Justice In Fandom. Never mind that you have derided autistic people as lacking compassion and empathy, that you've used racist colonizer dogwhistles to describe a fictional culture based heavily on real live Maori culture, that you've mocked the idea of characters having PTSD, or that vital mental health services are anything more than "talking about your feelings with friends uwu." Let's just ignore that you have ridiculed the idea of adults in positions of power exerting that power over children in harmful and abusive ways, that creating transformative fan-content that doesn't adhere to the spirit of canon or wishes of the original author garners derision and hatefulness from you, and that you've used classic abuser tactics in order to gaslight people in your orbit into behaving more submissively towards you in order to avoid more verbal abuse.
Let's toss all of that crucial context aside in favor of only what you've written here.
What you've written here is nearly 3,000 entire words based on, at best—though, admittedly, based on your previous behavior, I am actually not willing to extend to you an iota of good faith—fallacious reasoning. You posit that a constructed language, to be used by a fictional religious group located in an entirely different galaxy than our own, is othering, racist in general, and anti-Asian specifically. This appears based in several suppositions, the first being that a language unknown by the reader will, by nature, cause the reader to feel alienated from the characters and therefore less sympathetic, empathetic, and caring towards the characters. That idea is patently ridiculous and, I believe, says far more about your ability to connect to a character speaking an unfamiliar language than any kind of overarching truth about media and the human condition. New things are interesting; new things are fun; the human brain is wired from birth to be fascinated with new things, to want to take them apart, find out how they work, and enjoy both the process and the results.
The second supposition this fallacy is based upon appears to be that to move away from the blatant Orientalism of Star Wars is inherently anti-Asian. While I find it... frankly, a little bit sad that you cling so viciously to the Orientalist, appropriative roots of Star Wars as some form of genuine representation, that's really none of my business. If you feel that a Muslim-coded character bombing a temple and becoming a terrorist and a Sith, a white woman wearing Mongolian wedding garb, a species of decadent slug-like gangsters smoking out of hookahs and keeping attractive young women chained at their feet (as it were), a species of greedy money-grubbers with exaggerated features and offensively stereotypical "Asian" accents, and an indigenous people wearing modesty garb based on the Bedu people and treated by most characters as well as the narrative as mindless animals deserving of murder and genocide are appropriate representation of the many, varied, and beautiful cultures around the world upon which they were "based," then that is very much your business. Until you pull shit like this. Until you accuse other fans, who wish to move away from such offensive coding and stereotypes, of erasing Asian culture from Star Wars. Then it becomes everyone's business, especially when you are targeting a loving and enthusiastic group of fans who are pouring their hearts and souls into creating an inventive and non-appropriative alternative to canon.
Which leads into the third supposition, that a patently racist, misogynistic white man in the 1970s, and then again in the 1990s, intended his universe to be an accurate and respectful portrayal of the various cultures he stole from. I understand that for your group of toxic bullies, the term "Death of the Author" holds no real meaning, but the simple fact of the matter is that George Lucas based his white-centered space adventure on Samurai movies while removing the cultural context that gave them any meaning, because he liked the idea of swords and noble warriors in space. He based the Force and the Jedi Order on belief systems such as Taoism and Buddhism, but only on the surface, without putting any real effort into into portraying them earnestly or accurately. He consistently disrespected both characters of color and characters coded to be a certain race, ethnicity, culture, or religion, and likewise disrespected and stole from the cultures upon which he based them. He was, and continues to be, a racist white man who wrote a racist story. His universe has Orientalism baked into its every facet, and the idea that fans who wish to move away from this and interrogate and transform the text into something better than what it is are racist is not only laughable, but incredibly disingenuous and insidious.
As I said, I am not writing this to change your mind, because I truly believe that you already know that "cOnLaNgS aRe RaCiSt" is a ridiculous statement. The way you've comported yourself in fandom spaces thus far has shown to me that you are nothing more than a bully who knows that the anti-racist movement in fandom can be co-opted for your benefit. If you tout your Asian heritage and use the right language, make the "right" accusations and take advantage of white guilt and white ignorance, you can have dozens of people falling at your feet, begging for forgiveness, for absolution. And I think that gives you a thrill. So, no, none of this will change your mind because none of this is genuinely about racism—it's about power, it's about control, it's about fandom being the only space where you have some.
So I'm writing this for the creators of this wonderful conlang, which has been crafted by multiple people including people of color, who don't deserve this nonsensical vitriol, and for the fans reading this manipulative hate-fest, wondering if they really are Evil Racists because they don't participate in fandom the way you think they should.
Here it is: fandom has a lot of racism, antisemitism, misogyny, queerphobia, ableism, etc. baked into it. Unfortunately, such is the nature of living and growing up in societies and cultures that have the same. The important thing is to independently educate yourself on those issues and think critically about them—not "think critically" as in "to criticize" them, but to analyze, evaluate, pick apart, examine, and reconstruct them again in order to come to a well thought-out conclusion. Read this well-articulated attack on a group of fans who have always welcomed feedback and participation, are open about their backgrounds, their strengths and weaknesses, and wonder who is actually being genuine.
Is it the open and enthusiastic group who ask for the participation of others in this labor of love? Or is it the ringleader of a group of well-known bullies who have manipulated, gaslit, and then subsequently love-bomb people who did not simply roll over at the slightest hint of dominance? The ones who spent hours upon hours tearing apart, mocking, deriding, and falsely accusing authors of fanworks and metatextual works of various bigotries and -isms, knowing that those evaluations were spurious and meant only to cause harm, not genuine examinations of the works themselves or even presumed authorial intent. The ones who made their own, quote-unquote, community so negative and toxic that even after the departure of a large portion of them, including this author in particular, that community still has a reputation for being hateful, toxic, and full of mean-spirited harassers who will never look critically about their own behavior but only ever point fingers at others. The ones who are so very determined to cause misery wherever they go that as soon as their usual victims are no longer immediately available, they will turn on each other at the slightest hint of weakness.
This entire piece of (fan)work is misinformed at the most generous, disingenuous at the most objective, and downright spiteful when we get right into it. The creators of Dai Bendu, along with various other works, series, and fan events that these people personally dislike, have been targeted because it is so much easier to harass, bully, and use progressive language as a weapon against them, than it is to put any effort into making fandom spaces more informed, more positive, more respectful.
As someone rather eloquently put it, community is not a fucking spectator sport. You want a better community, you gotta work at it. And conversely, what you put into your community is what you'll get out of it. This author and their friends have put a lot of hate into their communities, and now they're toxic cesspools that people stay well away from, for fear of contracting some terrible form of harassment poisoning.
Congrats, Ri, you've gotten just what you wanted: adoring crowds listening to you spout your absolutely heinous personal views purely to live out some kind of power fantasy, and the rest of us staying well away, because fuck knows nothing kind, helpful, or in good faith has ever come from Virdant or her echo-chamber of petty, spiteful assholes.
No love, bad night.
P.S. Everyone actually in the Dai Bendu server knows your ass got kicked because you didn’t say shit for a full thirty days and ignored the announcement that inactive members would be culled. You ain’t cute pretending like it’s because you were ~*~Silenced~*~ after ~*~Valiantly~*~ attempting to call out racism. We see you.
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s-creations · 3 years
The Caring from Others
Gyro has never been good with emotions or understanding people. His younger years not helpful in those categories as he grew up. Good thing life wasn't ready to let him throw in the towel just yet.
Fandom: Ducktales ‘17         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings: Gyro Gearloose/Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Fenro       Warnings/Tags: Other characters are mentioned, How do emotions work? We’re learning today!, A little OOC.
The Father
Gyro doesn’t recall his childhood fondly.
Growing up in a small, back water farming town. A place where advancements, anything ‘new’, was labeled as dangerous. Deemed bad for everyone involved. His parents were less than thrilled when Gyro announced he wanted to become a scientist.
It wasn’t ‘honest work’.
A profession of false tests to make the common folk fearful of everything.
To make them more dependent on the government.
Even if Gyro suggested creating improved tools. Better way to help the farmers in making their jobs easier. Even safer. Every suggestion was just shot down. His parents claimed if their way had worked so well for so long, why change anything?
For 15 year Gyro had to work in secrecy. Knowing if any glimmer of creativity was found, it would be destroyed. Stomped out before it could reach their full potential. Salvation came when, after turning in so many applications, he was accepted into a high level university. Full scholarship and all. Everything was paid for, there was nothing to worry about.
Gyro should have felt some sting when his parents put up no fuss as he left. Happily letting their misfit son go off on his own journey. But Gyro honestly felt nothing but relief as he left that farmhouse behind for good.
While he now had the freedom to create in the open, university had its own issues to contend with. Like being mocked by his peers. Gyro was young and already set up with terrible social skills. It wasn’t better when fellow students deemed it a high priority to ostracize the chicken.  The other students weren’t thrilled that someone younger than them had accomplished so much in their early years. The chicken’s ideas being scoffed at when he presented or attempted to make some connection. Gyro was sure he would have dropped out long ago if not for the continuous support and offered safety from his professors.
It was during Gyro’s last year of university that he was introduced to Dr. Akita. Properly introduced anyway. Gyro was well aware of the other long before this meeting. Having studied the scientist’s work extensively. It was almost like a dream come true when Gyro was offered an internship. A way to work with his idol directly.
How quickly it all turned into a nightmare.
2-BO was Gyro’s biggest accomplishment and regret. The chicken labeled as a mad scientist and abandoned by Akita when the chicken’s creation went rogue. Gyro was thrusted into a world he had no idea how to traverse. He was turned away from every opportunity. All knowing his history, fearful of what damage he was still capable of.
Gyro couldn’t blame them for being so concerned. He was honestly fearful of his own inventions at this point.
It was a surprise when Scrooge McDuck of all people reached out to him. Wanting Gyro to present his ideas to the billionaire and his board members. It was a mounting pile of nerves that was continuously being added to as the day drew closer. The chicken was honestly shocked that he didn’t pass out while presenting. Or from the unnerving quiet when Gyro finished. The buzzards looked unimpressed. Which did not help Gyro’s as yellow eyes stared him down.
“Mr. McDuck, this was a complete waste of time,” the buzzard from the middle spoke, “We are not in need of new hires for the production line. Especially not one with such a...dangerous past.”
Gyro swallowed weakly.
“Nonsense. Who ever said about having Dr. Gearloose here to be part of our regular R&D team.” Scrooge commented casually. He stood from his large, cushioned chair. Making his way over to the quietly panicking scientist. “I’ve been in the market for a personal inventor for awhile now.”
“Please do not tell me this is for your wild excursions sir.”
“Bradford, you’re too worried about keeping finances. Personal and monetary gain cannot be achieved at the same time. I have enough monetary value...for the moment. Now is the time for personal gain.”
“If you are so determined to do this. Could you at least get someone less dangerous.”
Scrooge slammed his cane down. Causing all in the room to flinch.  “How can we expect growth if we cling to the past. Dr. Gearloose cannot be given redemption with no opportunity. I’ve seen his work. Both the bad and the good. I want him working with me.”
“Then I request a trial period. I would like to see a working, safe invention from the doctor here. If he does that, I won’t bring this up again.”
With a smirk, Scrooge gave a nod before facing Gyro. Who’d been honestly confused through the entire ordeal. Who just argues so freely with their boss?
“What do you say Dr. Gearloose? Think you’re up for the task?”
Steeling himself, Gyro gave a short nod. “Yes. Absolutely.”
He could do this. He knew he could. How many ideas had he sketched out when he was younger? Surely there were a number of inventions he could use to impress the board.
The good news was he was right. He was able to dig up multiple sketchbooks he had filled out from his college days that had yet to be used. Now came the trying task of deciding which invention he was going to use. One that was impressive enough to blow those buzzards away. But he could easily make it within the offered window of time. And that it was safe.
He wished Mr. McDuck would have been more forward with what he was looking for. The chicken would at least have a starting point.
Gyro really thought he had a winner when the month was up. More than a little confident when he entered the boardroom, all eyes on him. Giving his presentation with as much vibrato as he could. It was all going, in his mind, quite well. Even Mr. McDuck looked a little smug for Gyro’s success.
Then the machine was turned on.
It gave a warning whine, Gyro actually leaning in to see what the issue was. Letting out a choking sound as he was pulled back by Scrooge’s cane. All taking cover when the invention exploded. Leaving the pedestal it had been resting on and the wall behind it with dark scorch marks.
Gyro felt absolutely sick. Wide eyes staring at the spot where his achievement once sat. Only looking away when Bradford slammed his hands down.
“Unacceptable! Even a simple request created something so dangerous. I am putting my foot down on this Mr. McDuck.” The buzzard huffed as he stared Gyro down.
Scrooge, on his part, merely seemed unfazed by it all. Taking the time dust himself off. Pulling Gyro up and straightening him out as well before speaking. “Dr. Gearloose. Would you mind waiting for me in the labs. I need to have a quick discussion with the board.”
Gyro merely nodded. His voice stuck in his throat as he made his way to the elevator. Arms and stomach heavy with his failure. He knew he was fired. His one opportunity was gone. Gyro realized this was his best and only chance at getting any sort of job. A scientist who’s inventions caused more damage and cut off by Scrooge McDuck? Gyro would be lucky if he got a job at Radio Hut after all of this.
He collapses into the first chair he could find in the lab. Laying his glasses on a nearby flat surface and rubbing his temples. At this point in his life, Gyro wasn’t as emotionally blocked as he would later become. But he was learning that breakdowns were seen as weaknesses.
By his parents.
By his classmates.
By Dr. Akita.
So while he wanted nothing more than to hide away. Let this moment of emotional sorrow pass naturally and move on. Gyro had been conditioned to hold it in. Because what scientist falls apart?
He let out a slow breath as the elevator announced it’s arrival. Glasses on and standing as Scrooge made a direct line for him. While showing emotions weren’t allowed, Gyro learned that groveling was acceptable. Something Dr. Akita was quick to teach.
“I am sorry,” Gyro said quickly, “It wasn’t my intention for it to explode.”
“I had assumed so.”
“If given another chance-”
“Lad, you’re not fired.”
Gyro swallowed weakly. Stunned by the name and the announcement. “But...I almost killed everyone.”
“That’s a tad extreme. We would have been maimed. But kill? Doubtful.”
“It exploded!”
“I’ve experienced worse.”
“Mr. McDuck, with all due respect, you’re insane.”
Scrooge waved his hand. “No matter. Why don’t you take a seat.”
Doing as asked, Gyro looked up nervously, hands clenched together as he waited.
“As stated before, you’re not fired. Even after your explosive debut. I know Bradford is a stickler for keeping things ‘safe’. It’s one of the reasons I hired him onto the team. But he doesn’t understand that needed balance of risk and reward. I’m aware of your past. Which I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about at this point. We are our own worst critics. But I also know of your successes, your numerous successes.”
“I want to see you succeed. You deserve to see yourself succeed. I want to give you that opportunity. We’ll need to make sure you can give something to Bradford on occasion to keep him placated. But, other than that, you will have full creative freedom. How does that sound?”
Gyro swallowed hard, trying to keep himself stable. No longer fearful. Now extremely happy. However, he kept himself in check to remain professional. “Honestly, it’s too good to be true.”
Scrooge merely laughed. Clapping a hand on Gyro’s shoulder. “Well, get over that starstruck feeling quick lad. You have a lot of work ahead of you. I trust you can manage from here.”
As he watched Scrooge head back towards the elevator, Gyro realized something. “Um, sir?”
“Your bet, with Bradford, you didn’t technically win.”
“Technically yes.”
“So...shouldn’t I be fired?”
A smirk appeared on the billionaire’s face, eyes seeming to shine. “Bradford needs to use his words better. He said if he wasn’t impressed, he wouldn’t discuss not keeping you. He never out right said I had to fire you. So, unfortunately, we’ll still need to hear his complaints. But he can’t fire you unless he gives me a good reason. Which I doubt he’ll be able to give.”
“I...thank you, Mr. McDuck.” Gyro weakly answered in disbelief.
“Don’t thank me. Just be the scientist I know you can be.”
“I will sir!”
Turning in the elevator to face Gyro, Scrooge gave a nod and smile. “I know lad. I trust you.”
The Brother
Gyro has always been a loner. He worked best this way. He was able to focus and didn’t have to constantly worry if his partner was doing their work properly. Plus, no one had really tried to include him in anything during his younger years. So he learned that working alone was better for him.
He was very much against the idea of having an intern working in his lab. Which Scrooge flat out refused to take Gyro’s refusal. Meaning the chicken couldn’t deny the hired help no matter how loudly he complained. With the unfortunate addition of the possible literal rendition of sunshine named Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera being hired a few weeks later. Which also meant an increased number of ‘visitors’ to this dangerous lab to see the brown duck. Doing nothing to help Gyro’s frantic state of keeping everything safe and making sure nothing became evil.
Scrooge was a common person to see there. After all, he owned the lab and it was attached to his place of work. Why wouldn’t he arrive to check on progress. To be shown what Gyro was working on. Now, however, the billionaire invited himself in to also check on Fenton. To make sure the intern was actually doing scientific research and not just cleaning the floors.
Launchpad had become friends with Fenton after that B.U.D.D.Y incident. The idiotic driver deciding that wasting time discussing some childhood show was perfectly fine. Gyro honestly tried to not become infuriated. But did he have to waste the interns' time! Even if the chicken didn’t want help from the other. It was the principle of the matter.
This also caused the blue nephew (Dew- something, whatever) to join Launchpad in the lab. Two children or beings with childlike personalities running around in the lab. A place filled with dangerous equipment. It was the perfect place to socialize in, Gyro sarcastically muttered to himself. And Scrooge actually encouraged it! Saying social engagement was good for both Fenton and Gyro. As if the chicken wanted to talk to someone who didn’t know what NaCl was.
So even he was surprised when he started to form a connection with Huey Duck. The red cladded nephew first started showing up to visit Fenton originally. The duckling particularly enamored with the scientist/superhero. Both talking for hours about new upgrades they could possibly make to the suit.
“With you permission, of course! D-Dr. Gearloose.” Fenton would assure with a sheepish smile. Which Gyro would respond with a mere rolling of his eyes.
As time went on and Fenton started to leave more and more due to hero calls, Huey started following Gyro around. The duckling deciding he wouldn't want to leave the labs quiet yet. And Huey wanted to pick the head scientist’s brain with his own ideas. At first, Gyro assumed his ‘wonderful’ personality would drive the other away. Huey, however, didn’t seem to care.
“You don’t have any siblings, do you.”
Gyro raised a brow at that. “Uh, no. At least I didn’t when I was actually living at home. At this point in my life, who knows. What’s your point.”
“My point being that your sullen attitude will have no effect on me. I’m the oldest of three. So, I have to deal with younger brothers. Sour attitudes are an old trick.”
“There really is no getting rid of you.”
Gyro won’t lie, it was aggravating at first. He already had a shadow in the form of Fenton. Now the chicken was settled with another one that liked to constantly talk and didn’t fear him. Gyro only gave proper notice to the duckling when Fenton came to him with an upgrade for the Gizmosuit. One that sounded good.
“I thought you were busy with your toothbrush idea. When did you have time to think of this?”
“Actually, Huey came up with this.” Fenton answered.
“The red triplet?”
The duck smiled softly. “He’s been around here enough times. I think you can refer to him by his name.”
The chicken wasn’t overly fond of this idea. In his mind, the use of a name means Gyro cared enough to remember. And caring meant he wasn’t truly focused on his work. Something Akita was very adamant that Gyro learned.
But look where Gyro was now. Abandoned by his mentor.
Maybe Fenton was onto something. That felt strange to say.
“Very well. Perhaps I’ll have to try it your way.” Gyro was hit with a wave of confusion by the sudden sweeping sensation that went through his stomach. Fenton’s smile seeming to hit differently that day. But the head scientist filed that sensation away under ‘a later problem’.
Gyro should not have felt a sense of accomplishment seeing Huey’s eyes light up upon hearing his name. The chicken should have cut ties when the triplet sheepishly asked if Gyro could review Huey’s science project. And there should have been no sickening, worry feeling entering his veins when Huey arrived to the labs one day with a black eye.
Fenton, being the caring overbearing person he was, instantly panicked. “Huey! What happened to you? Are you alright?”
Gyro scoffed. “Of course he isn’t. He’s injured.”
“Do we have ice packs?”
“Freezer in the break room. I’ll get the first aid.” The chicken gestured for Huey to follow him. The duckling doing so without complaint. “Come on, take a seat. I need to see where else you’ve been hurt.”
Huey gave no response. Which was starting to become worrisome. The duckling was covered with small cuts and bruises. Gyro thankful it wasn’t worse… Because he didn’t want to waste the resources! Of course. What else would he be talking about.
Fenton came rushing back in. An ice pack wrapped in a hand towel was pressed against the black eyes. “Leave that there for a while. Do you need some pain medicine?”
“Already taken care of,” Gyro answered once again, “Now that all of that’s been taken care of. I think we’re owed an explanation.”
“Dr. Gearloose, just give him a moment.”
“I would like a reason for why Huey,” darn it Gyro said the name, “came to us instead to one of his uncle’s or other family members.”
“He can tell us when he’s ready. Give him a chance to relax.”
“And he can when he tells us- me what’s going on right now.”
“Dr. Gearloose-”
“I was able to skip a level in science.” The adult fell quiet hearing Huey’s whispered response.
Huey gestured to his discarded bag. To which Fenton grabs it, handing it over. The duckling opened it and pulled out a familiar notebook that had been shoved into Gyro’s face numerous times. One that held Huey’s numerous sketches and ideas. Except it was destroyed. Practically torn to shreds, almost unrecognizable from what the head scientist had seen before.
“I showed my teachers my notebook. They were really impressed and talked to the principal about me skipping a level. It’s so I could enter the science fair that the upper level students can participate in. They said I had a lot of potential. Uncle Donald was happy, I was happy. My brothers teased me, but I know they were happy for me. I was kind of...blinded by my eagerness, I was under the assumption everyone would just be...okay with this.”
“Your classmates…” Gyro meant to have it sound like a statement. It instead sounded like a sickening realization.
But Huey merely nodded before continuing. “They’ve been writing things on my desk. Throwing things at me. I’ve been ignoring it…”
“Have they...hurt you before?” Fenton asked.
“No. I think they were tired that they hadn’t been getting a response from me like they wanted.”
“Have you told your uncle about this?”
“No… He’s already having a hard time finding a job and fixing the boathouse. I was hoping if I just ignored them, they’d leave me alone. ...I think I’m going to just drop back down to my grade level.”
“You are not going to let those punks win,” Gyro was surprised that he didn’t flinch as two sets of eyes snapped to him, “If you just go running back to your previous classes, you let them win. You’ll give them more fuel to think their actions are right. Especially if you haven’t told anyone about this. There will be no repercussions and they’ll continue to be terrible little creatures.”
“What do I do then?” Huey asked.
“You’re going to tell your uncle, your teachers, your principal, everyone you can. You’re going to come back with even better ideas. And This is a fight you can win because you have support. People who care about you...or something mushy like that.”
Huey gave a nod, rubbing his good eye and giving a blinding smile. “Okay...thank you, Dr. Gearloose.”
Gyro didn’t squirm weakly under the adoring look being sent his way. Or feel any sort of warmth blossoming in his chest knowing he’d helped in some way. Or become flustered at the smile aimed at him by Fenton, who’s eyes seemed to shine with happiness.
“I also know a side step that can break a femur. Very useful to know.”
“Dr. Gearloose!”
A few days later, Huey returned to the labs. Bright eyed and eager to show off his idea. No longer supporting injuries or secrets.
Gyro felt another save of fluster when Huey hugged his legs while Fenton laughed softly as he watched.
The Son
Gyro was surprised so much could change in one day. Well...one day-ish. It was more like three. Point being it felt as if all events had transpired in one day.
2-BO, now named Boyd, entered his life once more. The real boy having befriended Huey. Because of course that’s who would meet Gyro’s used-to-be biggest regret. Then he returned to Tokyolk after 10 years with Fenton, Huey, and Boyd in tow. The original intention was to destroy (Selene above he felt sick thinking about it now) Boyd. Get rid of his past.
Only for his entire perspective to be flipped. The mentor he thought was on his side had corrupted Gyro’s creation. Boyd was never given an option in his original purpose. Turned into a war machine that the chicken never wanted. And Gyro himself realized he was not the mad scientist so many had labeled him as.
He will admit, it was by sheer dumb luck and tapping into emotions he was sure had shriveled up long ago that it all ended so well. Akita was arrested. Going to be put to trial and allowing Gyro a chance to properly clear his name. Boyd overrode all corrupted coding, both Akita’s and Mark’s. Becoming the real little boy he was meant to be. All surviving and heading back home to Duckberg. As he rested in the cushioned plane seat, Boyd resting on his lap, Gyro was hit with two realizations.
The first topic (one which he honestly wanted to focus on much, much later) was an understanding of what Fenton meant to him. Between the fear of possible death and the burn of betrayal, Gyro had felt a deep distress watching the duck fight for his life. Fenton had given his all to protect the city and the citizens. And it almost cost him his life. Something Gyro never wanted to see again. The reason why was something that the chicken was not fully ready to review. Not yet. Possibly in the future, at some point. But he had another problem he needed to worry about now.
The second worry was equally confusing. Possibly because Gyro was still emotionally backed up. He wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen to Boyd. Gyro was made aware by Huey that the other real boy had been living with the Drake’s. A pompous rich family with an arrogant and rather disturbing child. A setting Gyro didn’t want Boyd growing up in. But what was the other option? Gyro himself? Someone who’s never known a stable family life and is not even close to the person Boyd once knew.
He could barely care for himself if Gyro was honest. Living off of multiple cups of coffee and cheap instant noodles. His sleep schedule was non-existent. Social skills were laughable. Gyro had honestly nothing to offer. It was terrible that there was not a better solution to all of this. Boyd deserved so much better than whatever his current care taking options could offer.
Gyro was shocked when, only a few days later, Boyd announced he wanted to live with the scientist.
“I- why?” Gyro winced at how harsh he sounded. But Boyd merely smiled back.
“I just found you. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Well, how was he supposed to say no to that? Gyro’s second bedroom, which once housed numerous boxes, was turned into a proper living space. He lived by a schedule that revolved around Boyd’s activities. Researching meals that both could enjoy and even learning how to properly cook. It was strange, but very rewarding. Gyro didn’t think it would affect him so much.
Until Fenton pointed it out.
“You’re really happy.”
It was a casual comment. But it gave Gyro pause. “What?”
Fenton stalled at that, flushing softly. “Sorry, I mean… I just noticed you seemed to be smiling more. And you’re more relaxed. You’re eating better and well rested. You just look really happy.”
Gyro leaned back in his chair. Tapping his pen as he thought the statement over. “I...suppose I am. Boyd really had changed me for the better, I think. Isn’t it strange...he was once my biggest regret. Now, I can’t see him not being in my life. I do worry that I’m not doing enough. Or that I won’t be what Boyd needs.”
Gyro flushed softly feeling a hand benign placed on his shoulder. Looking up at the beaming face Fenton. “You’re doing a wonderful job Gyro. Don’t doubt yourself.”
The scientist did all he could to not melt into the floor. He takes Fenton’s words to heart. Gyro had worked with Fenton long enough to know the duck wasn’t one to just give false praise. So, if Fenton thought the chicken was doing well, who was Gyro to question the given conclusion.
Gyro’s resolve was truly tested when he received a call from the school Boyd was attending. Apparently the real boy had been in a fight. A fight fight with another student.
Hearing this caused Gyro to panic. Worrying that possibly, maybe, the corrupted programming had returned. Wondering what could have happened for Boyd to act like this. Had Gyro said something sarcastic that the real boy had taken to heart? Was Boyd going to be taken away? Was this a sign that Gyro was not fit to be a caretaker?
The chicken was brought out of his spinning thoughts when someone grabbed his shoulders. Eyes connected to Fenton’s, who’s looking was concerning.
“Dr. Gearloose, you need to calm down. You’re drawing a conclusion with so little context. Just go to the school and hear what happened. Then you can react appropriately.”
“Right… Right, I need to get there.” The chicken mumbled weakly, eyes now frantically scanning the lab for his car keys. Fenton came to the rescue again when said items suddenly appeared in his hands.
“How about I drive.”
“...Yeah. That’s probably for the best.”
The drive was quiet. Fenton focused on the road while Gyro internally panicked. All too soon they were pulling into the school’s parking lot. The area was relatively empty as they walked up to the front entrance. Fenton made a quiet comment about the teachers having to park behind the building. It was a bit of a shock to run into Donald. The duck looked close to an angry snap.
“Hello Mr. Duck.” Fenton offered a smile.
“Fenton,” Donald’s eyes went to Gyro, “Boyd?”
Gyro nodded. “He was apparently in a fight. What about you?”
What was going on?
The three walked in together, being directed by the secretary to where the principal’s office was. Dewey and Louie were waiting outside. The triplets wearing concerned looks when they looked over to the approaching adults. Donald gave them each a hug with a few words of encouragement before knocking on the imposing door. Gyro’s hand instantly shot out and grabbed onto Fenton’s as his heart raced. The duck gave no complaint. Even giving an encouraging squeeze as they walked in.
The large desk was the first thing to note. Large and imposing, telling all that the person sitting behind it to be respected. Even if the principal himself was a frail little bird. To the right sat a large bulldog boy supporting an arm with fabric wrapped around it. Gyro assumed there was a scrap of some kind underneath the fabric. A wiry female was dotting over the child while a brick wall of a man standing behind them both with his arms crossed.
To the left sat Huey and Boyd. The real boy seemed unharmed. Just appearing extremely nervous and worried. Huey, on the other hand, was supporting a black eye. A bag of ice already pressed on the injury. Gyro needed to research if there were long term effects of multiple black eyes.
Donald instantly broke away from the three, bending down to check on Huey. Gyro walked over to Boyd. Still having a hold on Fenton’s hand.
“Are you okay?” Gyro frantically asked. To which Boyd gave a sharp nod and fell still again. Deciding that was enough of an answer for now, the scientist moved himself and Fenton to behind the seats.
“Thank you all for coming,” the principal began, “I realize this was all on short notice. But we do not tolerate fighting. According to numerous student witnesses, there was a verbal dispute that turned violent during recess. One that resulted in Dennis benign pushed and Huey receiving a black eye. Before I continue, I will ask that you hold all comments and questions until the end. Is this agreeable?”
All adults nodded.
“Very well.” Reaching for something in his drawer, the principal pulled out a cell phone protected by a faded green case. “Louie Duck was able to record the incident and it lines up with the events the other students have provided. Dennis here was apparently using verbal harassment and inappropriate language against Boyd. To which Huey attempted to defuse the situation by walking away. Dennis has responded by throwing a punch. To what ends, I’m unsure, and Dennis has not provided an answer for his actions.”
The chair Huey was sitting in let out a loud noise of protest. Donald gripping the back of it tightly.
“And you well to continue, Mr. Duck?”
Donald nodded.
“Very well. Boyd here reacted to this by pushing Dennis away. The scrap on his arm caused by his fall. Mr. and Mrs. Morris, I’m unsure as to where your son has learned such language and actions. I would advise you to seriously monitor the media and outside influence your son consumes.”
“Oh absolutely,” Mrs. Morris answered readily, “Don’t you fret. We will have a stern talking to Dennis when we get home.”
“That is good to hear. Now, does anyone have any questions about this matter.”
“What exactly did young Dennis here say to Boyd. If I may ask.” Gyro’s voice was even. But, if Fenton squeezing his hand was any indication, his tone was dripping with venom.
“I won’t say specifics as I don’t wish to repeat them. Dennis was making comments about Boyd’s...past. Something about him being dangerous. As well as some...homophobic comments.”
Fenton squeezed Gyro’s hand again, the chicken shaking now. With fear or rage, he couldn’t tell. His own attention had snapped over to Mr. Morris. The father still having his arms crossed and imposing. But Gyro noticed the other’s eyes flitted down to Gyro’s and Fenton’s joined hands. The scowl seemed to become deeper once the father was caught in the action.
“I see. I’m very concerned as to where Dennis would have picked up language like that.” Gyro held eye contact with Mr. Morris until the principal cleared his throat.
“If there are no more questions… Mr. and Mrs. Morris, the actions, both verbal and physical, cannot go unpunished. We do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Dennis will be given one weeks suspension. As well as a written apology letter to both Huey and Boyd. I would also recommend setting up some meetings with the school counselor.”
“Understandable, very reasonable.” Mrs. Morris nodded while Mr. Morris was shaking with, no doubt, rage.
“Very well. Mr. Gearloose-”
“Dr. Gearloose.”
“Ah, apologizes. Dr. Gearloose, I’m aware Boyd was merely defending Huey. However-”
“You’re going to give him detention because he pushed Dennis. Defending himself in a violent way.”
“Ah...yes. Huey will receive no punishment. I hope we’re all understanding of this course of action?” Another round of sharp nods, “Very well, I won’t keep you all any longer. Mr. Duck, here is Louie’s phone. Thank him for providing me with his phone. All are excused for the rest of the day.”
It was tense walking out. The Morris’ were leading the way. But Gyro kept a tight grip on Fenton as Mr. Morris kept glancing back with a dark scowl. Something Gyro was not a fan of. It didn’t reach a head until they entered the parking lot. Away from the front doors and the cameras.
Mr. Morris turned and stalked over to the mismatched group. Gyro more than ready for the awaiting confrontation.
“I know you, Gearloose. I’ve seen your name in the paper before. You’re an absolute menace in every possible way.” Eyes darted back down to the still clasped hands.
“Yet I’ve accomplished more than you could ever hope for in your miserable life. Your need for constant approval has clearly made you bitter. Because you’d rather stomp out any spark of joy than attempt to change yourself or your family. If this incident was any indication.”
Mr. Morris let out a low growl. Gyro fully expecting to be decked as well. Only to be shocked when Fenton stepped between the two. The larger looking down with a raised brow.
“And who are you.”
“He’s my emotional support duck.” Gyro answered.
“Do you really think a confrontation on school grounds will reflect well in any way,” Fenton said, “I would suggest you step away from this now.”
Mr. Morris popped his shoulder, his scowl set. From behind, Mrs. Morris gave a clear and harsh cough. Her husband benign sent a hard stare of his own when he turned to look back. It was a silent, but brief conversation between the two of them that ended with the husband shuffling back over to his family. No one from the group relaxed until the pink mini-van drove away from the parking lot.
“So what exactly was your plan here?” Gyro frowned at Fenton, “I don’t see the Gizmoduck armor on you.”
“My body reacted before I could really...think.” The duck laughed sheepishly.
The head scientist merely rolled his eyes before turning to Boyd. Who looked back with worried eyes. “You okay?”
The real boy shifted nervously. “He called me a weapon and...I really tried not to fight. I tried to ignore him. But he...he pushed Huey and I got really mad… What if he was right?”
“He absolutely is not right.”
“Gyro.” Fenton whispers, in the same tone that told the chicken he was sounding harsh. The head scientist was thrown off for a moment hearing his name and not his normal title. Tuck that moment of broken mind away for later.
Gyro let out a slow breath before kneeling down and placing a hand on Boyd’s shoulder. “Boyd, you know who you are. I know who you are. You are not a weapon or a mindless machine. You are a real little boy. And you need to remember that, because you are going to meet a lot of people like Dennis. Closed minded and very ignorant. Saying anything they can to make you feel miserable and make them feel better.”
“However...you have people in your life who know you. Truly know you. Those are the people you need to listen to. Because they are going to make sure you believe in yourself. Understand?”
Boyd blinked as he thought the statement over. Eyes darting over to Huey, the triplets watching as Donald shouted at someone over the phone. No doubt having called up the principal or someone higher up in the schooling system to complain about the interaction in the parking lot. The red cladded triplet looked over to Boyd, giving a small smile and a wave. Which the real boy returned happily.
“I understand, Dad.”
Gyro swallowed weakly, pulling the small form closer while trying to keep his emotions in check. A weight on his shoulder drew his attention back to Fenton. Who had bent down as well with a smile on his face. The chicken smiled back in appreciation.
The Lover
Gyro knew this realization was a long time coming. No matter how many times he tried to deny it. Tell himself emotions were useless weights. He reached the point where he couldn’t hide the fact any longer.
Gyro had fallen in love with Fenton.
Which is not something he really wanted to focus on.
Gyro was sure he was becoming addicted to Fenton’s laugh. The head scientist had a mental category that each laugh fell into. A hard exhale through the nose was a sarcastic laugh if Fenton found something ridiculous but didn’t want to say anything. Hiding behind his clipboard with shoulders shaking meant he found something online but didn’t want to disturb the quiet. Small chortles seemed reserved for Gyro, the duck finding the head scientist’s dry humor funny. His full laugh was used with abandonment when he knew he wouldn’t be reprimanded for being so loud. Which was honestly more often than not anymore. Gyro found he loved how the sound would echo in the labs. It was almost like music.
There was also a list of body ticks that always caught Gyro’s eyes. Gently tapping the eraser of his pencil against his bill as he thought through a new problem. Tilting his head to the side with his hip occasionally cocked to the side as he looked over a blueprint. His brow would furrow when he concentrated hard on a situation. The top of his tongue would poke out when he reached ‘Gyro level’ of focus. His nose would crinkle when he silently found something amusing or disgusting. Which could only be determined by how brightly his eyes would shine.
Gyro could privately say, to himself, in his head, that Fenton honestly kept him grounded. The number of insults he would have hurled at the media dwindled when he thought of how disappointed the duck would be. The chicken had substantially cut back on the cups of coffee he would consume in one day when Fenton made a comment about being worried about his heart. He was surprised when he went to the duck to look over a new design, wanting feedback. Fenton beaming with each new time he was included in something. Gyro would counter saying Scrooge had warned the chicken he wasn’t utilizing Fenton to his fullest ability. Which was partially true. But he would be lying if Gyro wasn’t also looking for that blinding smile of adoration to be sent his way.
So, yes. After all the mental and physical lists he created. The pros and cons to having a relationship with anyone. Countless nights where he would lie awake knowing he was nowhere near worthy enough to have Fenton. Gyro knew he was in love with the duck.
The problem was moving forward with this revelation.
In all honesty, admitting it just made it all more bothersome. When Gyro still had his walls up, he could blame the rapid heartbeat as some symptoms of an onset illness. Just push the problem away to keep working. But having Boyd back in his life made him realize how bottling his emotions had become so damaging. Making Gyro more aware of what he was missing.
So now he was left to tread water. Wondering who he trusted well enough to ask for help.
There weren’t that many options with the Duck family. He and Donald had never really gotten along before the Spear of Selene incident. And Gyro was sure the duck still held some hostility towards him about the incident. While Gyro would consider Della the closest person to be a ‘childhood’ friend, she was dealing with her own issues. The kids were far too young to be considered as an option. Launchpad only had two rocks rolling around in that empty head, so any advice from him was not worth the headache. M’ma Cabrera? ...Selene above no. Even Gyro wasn’t that insane.
So that only left...Scrooge McDuck. This could not be considered a work appropriate topic. But the chicken was honestly at his wits end and needed help. The billionaire was his last and only option. It was with a heavy stone in his stomach that Gyro approached the familiar office doors. Knocking on them and only entering when he heard the familiar call out to do so.
“Ah, Gyro! What can I do for you?” Scrooge asked as the chicken sat across from him.
“I...need some advice.”
Scrooge paused in his writing, raising a brow as his full attention went to Gyro. “Advice on what?”
The chicken swallowed weakly. “Uh...romantic advice?”
“I see…” The billionaire placed his pend down. Clearing his throat, Scrooge sat up a little straighter in his chair. “Well, I will admit that I have not been very successful in my own love life. But I can offer help in any way I can. So, who’s the lucky person?”
Gyro swallowed again, feeling his face become flushed at the question. Doing all he could not to groan, he answered, “It’s Fenton.”
“The Gizmoboy? Really?”
Gyro nodded, not looking at Scrooge. His face on fire. “I just don’t know what to do. I’m aware that things have been going well and I don’t want to ruin it. But I feel like I’m going crazy! My heart is always going so fast when he’s near. I want to tell him, I really do. But...I also don’t think I’m the kind of person he deserves…”
Scrooge let out a heavy sigh as Gyro’s shoulders slumped. “I won’t act as if I’ve known you for your entire life. We both know I haven’t. But I have seen you at your lowest point and every triumph you’ve accomplished along the way. I’ve seen you slowly close in on yourself. It pained me to watch because I wasn’t sure how to help…”
“Let’s be honest sir. We both have not been in great positions emotionally for a while.” Gyro commented weakly. One that got a laugh out of Scrooge.
“This is true. But, the point is you have made a change in the past few months. I know you’ve built walls around yourself. I also know...bringing those walls down can be a terrifying idea. You’ve already started thanks to that boy of yours. Even if it was unintentional.”
“But what if he says no? I don’t know… There are too many variables that could offer a negative outcome.”
“That’s the risk of life. The good and the bad.”
“So what if he says no.”
“Then you move forward.”
“...I don’t know if I will recover.”
“Gyro, you’re putting the horse before the cart. And we’re still building the cart.”
Letting out a small groan, Gyro rubbed his forehead before looking back up. “Okay. So I’m taking a risk. We’ve determined that. But what do I say to him?”
“You just ask him.”
“Could you please not make it sound so easy.”
“It sounds easy because it is. You’re asking Fenton out on a date. Not defusing a bomb.”
“Yet the latter seems easier to accomplish.”
“Take the risk Gyro. Don’t waste your life wallowing on the ‘what-ifs’. You’ll regret it.”
Gyro left the office with not many answers and a pounding headache. But with determination to try and make this work in some way.
The bottom drawer of his desk was now filled with blueprints. Not for machines, but the best plan to ask Fenton out. The perfect places to go. All ranging from the cliche to the outlandish. What day would work best. His feathers became further ruffled as he worked. After a week of no progress, Gyro knew this wasn’t going to work. No reliable variables or knowledgeable outcomes. He just needed to do this. Because Gyro couldn’t stay in this mindset anymore.
Gyro’s first move was to wait for the lab to be empty. If he was going to crash and burn, he didn’t want an audience. Once that was achieved, he took a deep breath to settle his heart (didn’t work) and walked over to Fenton’s desk. The duck breaking from his thoughts hearing Gyro clear his throat.
“Hello Dr. Gearloose. What can I help you with?”
Gyro’s heart seemed to pick up it’s pace. Between the smile and wide eyes, the chicken felt like he was melting. In a good way. If that makes sense. None of this did.
Emotions were just so messy.
Darn it Gyro, focus!
“I...was wondering if you would be interested in conducting a...social experiment with me.”
“Oh, uh, sure! Of course. What’s the experiment?”
Another deep breath. “There is a new cafe that’s opened up recently near where I live. I am curious if you would like to join me in trying the products they offer. Sometime this weekend, possibly Saturday? Possibly trade some stories?”
Fenton’s head tilted to the side as Gyro spoke. A small smile forming as the other finished. “Dr. Gearloose-”
“Gyro. You...you can call me Gyro.”
“Okay, Gyro. Would it be safe to assume that this is an ask for a date?”
“That...would be a safe assumption.”
“Then I accept.”
Gyron was honestly shocked he was able to remain standing. Relief hitting him quickly upon hearing the answer. “Good, good.”
“How about I drop by your apartment around 8? Have breakfast at this cafe?”
“That’s acceptable.”
“Good. I look forward to this Saturday.”
“I am as well.”
One date turned to two. Which turned into three. Which became having dinner at the Crackshell-Cabrera household. Gyro was shocked when he received M’ma Cabrera’s blessing in  dating her son. But not before getting a stern warning of what would happen if Fenton was hurt in any way.
“I think that was successful.” Fenton commented as they were sharing their good-byes for the evening on the front porch.
“Yeah. Nothing says accepting like a talk that ends in the threat of my kneecaps.” Gyro smiled softly hearing the other chuckle.
“Well, she may or may not be upset still about your MoonVasion comment. You know. About throwing Gizmoduck into the masses as a sacrifice.”
“I may now also regret that comment…”
Another laugh from Fenton, the duck reaching down to gently take Gyro’s hand. Placing a kiss on the back of it before holding it close. “I’m glad you came. I think M’ma really appreciates it as well.”
“I’m happy I came as well… You know...I don’t say or do things that intentionally hurt you. I did at first but-”
“I know you better now than I did before.”
And the matter was dropped.
The first kiss milestone occurred at the park around the holidays. Both bundled up against the cold and falling snow as they admired the strung holiday lights hanging from the numerous trees. Arms hooked, Fenton led the way with wide eyes. Giving small comments about the lights and how lovely the park was decorated. Gyro was admiring the duck himself. Loving how the lights fell over the brown plumage. Fenton eventually caught on that the chicken wasn’t looking at the light as he was. Flushing softly seeing eyes on him.
“W-What?” The duck laughed, a small smile forming.
“You’re beautiful.” Gyro responded softly. Fenton’s eyes widened at the comment before softening into another smile. Gyro put up no restraint as he was gently pulled down. Fenton leaning up and meeting the chicken in a gentle kiss. It was only a few seconds, but Gyro loved every moment of it.
The utterance of the three words came a few months into them dating. Fenton had arrived back to the labs after an intense battle to find a worried chicken. Arms crossed and first aid kit in his hands. There was a sharp point set to the couch and Fenton understood the silent command. Stepping out of the suit and plopping onto the cushioned furniture. Gyro made it clear he was less than pleased at the moment.
“What were you thinking.” The chicken snapped. Hand shaking as he attempted to gently clean the cuts.
“People needed help.”
“Why is that your answer for everything and why do you think it’s a reasonable one.”
“Because it’s true. I have to defend Duckberg.”
“Even against crazies coming from St. Canard? Can’t that purple caped idiot keep them in his neck of the woods.”
Fenton smiled softly. “Villains are people too. You can’t control everything.”
“Don’t tell me that. You know the first thing I’m going to do is make something that controls people to make them leave this place.”
“Gyro, that’s unethical.”
“Well, maybe if you would stop being your heroic self and making me worry.”
“I understood the risks when I took this position. As did you. As long as I have you to come back to, I’ll be okay.”
Gyro huffed as he finished up. Turning to start packing up the supplies. “I love you, but you can be such an idiot sometimes.”
He didn’t catch it until Fenton grabbed his hand suddenly. The chicken looked up to find eyes filled with shock staring at him. “What...did you say?”
Gyro frowned, thinking back to his previous words. Face becoming full blown red when he realized what he’d just uttered. “I… Is it too soon to say that? I’m sorry, I just- I’ve been thinking it a lot and every time you go to your superheroing, I think how I’m not going to get to say it. But I know we haven’t dated for a year and-”
“I love you too.”
Swallowing his words down, Gyro’s head snapped back up to look Fenton in the eyes. They sat, staring at each other in disbelief before Fenton chuckled. Gyro shares his own sheepish grin before leaning forward to claim a kiss from Fenton.
It was close to a year of them dating that Fenton moved in with Gyro and Boyd. The real boy thrilled to have the other doctor living with them. The once small, cold apartment was now teeming with life. Mornings were a rush to get ready for the day and to be out the door before they were all late. The kitchen filled with warmth and wonderful smells as Fenton makes dinner with Gyro helping where he could. Meals being shared at the small dining table before watching a few shows until bedtime. Gyro and Fenton taking turns reading to Boyd before he powered down for the night.
It was a comfortable routine. Something Gyro thought he would’ve hated. But with each day ending with him and Fenton in their shared bed. The younger laying his head on Gyro’s chest and long arms wrapped around him. The chicken realized he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I think we should buy a house.” Gyro suddenly commented into the darkness. Hearing Fenton hum softly as he was pulled from sleep.
“Where’d this come from?” The duck mumbled weakly.
“I’m not really sure. The boring suburban life seems pleasant after the craziness of...everything. What do you think?”
“I like the idea,” Fenton yawned widely before pressing closer, “We could get a big yard for Boyd and Lil Blub to play in. Neighborhood kids to become friends with. I think Della mentioned about getting a house in a quiet suburb. We could ask her.”
“That place won’t be quiet once that family moves in.”
“Oh hush. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Huey as a neighbor? Boyd would like it.”
“I suppose so…”
Fenton gave another hum, Gyro noticing the other’s breathing was slowing down again. He leaned down to place a kiss on Fenton’s forehead. “I love you.”
The duck laughed softly. Placing his own weak kiss on Gyro’s neck. “Love you too…”
Gyro let out a slow breath, a smile forming on his face. Eyes on the ceiling as he listened to Fenton fall asleep. A hand reached up to preen a few feathers as he pulled the other closer. Heart beating happily as he settled down further into the bed. A smile still on his face as he fell asleep as well.
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New life from the darkness: Youth is like fireworks
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan Rating: Teen and up Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Hanji Zoë, Eren Jäger x Mikasa Ackerman Word count: 1448 Genre: fluff, humor
They worked in silence for a while, before Eren spoke again, as he realized he forgot to share the news, which probably everyone but their superiors knew.
“Speaking of children and Historia: did you know her and Ymir are going to have a baby?” he asked. Hanji stopped their work and stared at him with wide eyes.
“Historia? With Ymir?” they asked, trying to understand what he said.
“Yes. I mean, no. I mean, technically she's not pregnant with Ymir, that's impossible, but they're going to raise this baby together, so I guess we can say it's their baby” he explained and the commander seemed to understand. But quickly another question arose.
“How do you know that?”
“Annie received a letter from Reiner and he spoke to Hisu recently” Eren answered, it was not much of a secret anyway.
“Oh, Reiner? How are him and Bertholdt doing?” Hanji asked, remembering that the two of them were very problematic, yet rather good guys.
“Pretty good. They're almost done and told us that as soon as we're done here, we have to visit them, because they have some plans. Armin and Sasha are convinced they are going to get married.”
“Get married? That would be terrible for me and Levi. Another kids are getting married and we aren't even dating properly” Hanji chuckled and shook their head with disbelief. “When did you all grow up like that?”
“Don't worry, Hanji-san, at least you and captain have each other. Jean has no one” he chuckled.
“You shouldn't make fun of him. He's your friend.”
“More like frenemy. We trust each other with our lives, but only because we always had to, not because we wanted to. He's still jealous of Mikasa, as if it was my fault she loves me. Honestly, I wish he had a significant other, maybe we could actually get along. Everyone says we have a lot in common.”
“You do. More than you think.”
“I'm slowly acknowledging it. Don't tell him that, but I actually know he's a good man and I wish him all the best, because he deserves to be happy. And deep down I knew that if I wasn't meant to make it out alive, he would take a good care of Mikasa. And while I want her to love only me, I guess I could accept if she decided to be with him, because her happiness is the most important thing to me. But don't tell him that!”
“Oh, they don't have to” Jean spoke suddenly, as he appeared suddenly with Mikasa. Eren's face blushed furiously as he realized how much he exposed himself. “Captain Levi told us to check on you and to bring you this” he pointed out the boxes he was carrying, Mikasa also held some. They all contained stuff Hanji needed. “We didn't mean to overhear your conversation, but it's good to know you think that of me. I guess you should know that it's mutual” he admitted, not looking anyone in the eye. “But that doesn't mean we're going to be best friends now!” he stated, putting the boxes down. Suddenly Eren dropped what he was doing, approached Jean, grabbed his arm and pulled him in a hug.
“I hate you” he said, though his tone and body language were saying otherwise.
“I hate you too” Jean replied, hugging Eren. When they pulled away, they heard a sob.
“Mikasa, are you crying?” Eren asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I just never thought I'd actually witness something as amazing as this” she laughed, happy tears were running down her cheeks. She put her boxes down and ran to the men, pulling them both in a hug. “I'm so happy you finally matured enough.”
“Alright, as much as I wish for you to get along, we have something to do, so less hugging, more working. Levi isn't the most patient recently, I guess that heat is killing him. Let's not make him angrier” Hanji suggested and Jean immediately let go. Mikasa wanted to part either, but Eren stopped her and wiped tears from her cheeks.
“Don't cry because of me” he said quietly. “Ever. No matter what the reason is.”
“Your mom would be proud to see what man have you become” she smiled.
“I know” he replied, looking at Hanji. “Now go, don't make the captain wait” he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
“I'm not afraid of him. Shorty needs to chill.”
“But I am and I'd rather not be punished, especially for last night. Yes, they know, they saw through my lie” he sighed.
“I know. Levi already gave me a talk.”
“How was it?”
“Not bad, actually. He really tried to not seem angry. Hanji would probably say that he was really nice and emotional, but I'm not as good at reading him as they are.”
“Hey, lovebirds, get your butts back to work!” Jean yelled at them.
“I swear, this guy...”
“Let him be” Mikasa smiled and kissed her boyfriend softly. “See you later?”
“Of course” Eren nodded and let her go. He watched her leave, love and adoration were very clear in his expression.
“Don't ever try to tell me you don't love her” Hanji teased him.
“I do, alright? I love her so much that it hurts to let her go, even though I know she's a couple of meters away and I'll see her soon, it hurts to watch her leave me. And to think we could have ended up like Hanna and Franz, it's scary” he admitted with a sigh.
“They were a couple when we were in training, always together, inseparable, despite denying they had any relationship. And they met a miserable end. I haven't seen it personally, but Armin told me once, when he had a nightmare about them. During battle of Trost, Franz was torn in half and killed, but Hanna was so shocked that she performed CPR on him until Armin told her it's pointless” he sighed again. “It's both romantic and painful, to love someone this much that you refuse to accept their death. I think that's how I feel about Mikasa and it scares me.”
“I understand that. I was really close to losing Levi and I was so scared then. I joked that he was so stubborn he refused to die, but later he made me realize that it was me, in fact. That I refused to let him die. I've lost so many friends, that I couldn't imagine losing him too. I still can't. And that is scary, how deep your bond must be that you'd like to bend the laws of nature for that person.”
“So you admit you love captain, commander?” Eren asked and Hanji sent him a death glare.
“Keep going and Mikasa or not, I'll murder you.”
“That's actually quite interesting how many similarities are between us. We're both impulsive, stubborn, with self esteem issues and in love with overprotective Ackerman” he noticed. Hanji still looked like they wanted to kill him, but they couldn't deny there was a truth in his words. “All according to Armin, of course.”
“Ah, that explains how you know that. Well, this kid is very perceptive and smart. Sometimes too perceptive, for his own sake” they chuckled.
“What do you mean?” he raised an eyebrow, not sure what they had in mind.
“That if you think you have a secret, Armin probably knows it already.” There was certainly more to the story, but Hanji didn't want to go into details.
“Unless said secret being Annie's feelings for him, right?”
“Yeah, I think he's a real pro in avoiding the topic by now. And he had the audacity to tell me I'm being obvious about my feelings.”
“I know, right? I can't even count how many times he told me I should confess to Mikasa, especially when I wasn't ready to admit it to myself, let alone to someone else. If only I knew about him and Annie, I wouldn't let him nag me that much” Eren said, definitely unhappy about the whole situation.
“We should make him pay” Hanji smirked and their eye twinkled with mischief.
“We absolutely should.”
“And I think I have an idea how...” they quickly filled him in. The plan was simple, yet effective and it had one goal: to make Armin confess to Annie.
“Hanji-san, you're a genius” Eren was definitely impressed by his superior's intelligence. He always thought his best friend was the smart one, but he totally forgot that their commander was behind most plans and only their combined abilities allowed everyone to save the world.
“I know. Now let's get back to work.”
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iturbide · 3 years
You know what? You forced me to start planning a huge post breaking down Faye, so for "revenge" I'm asking you to do one for Robin too! >:) (oh and Grima too if you want, it's always great hearing you talk about them)
but I will take this vengeance challenge starting with my boy
How do I feel about this character?
Look.  Robin has been my Summoner Support character since the day the system launched.  He’s maxed out on dragonflowers at 15.  I sacrificed a 5-star exclusive dagger with a high-rarity and very potent A passive to him over any other possible unit I could have given it to.  I have written just shy of 500k words of Awakening fanfiction in which Robin is a central figure in every story. 
I kind of love Robin a lot.  That may, in fact, be an understatement for my feelings.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Theoretically I could ship just about anyone with Robin (with a few exceptions *coughFrederickcough*) but my big ones are Chrom (naturally) and Sumia!  Those two are the ones I most enjoy seeing Robin with since I think they play off one another in really enjoyable ways -- and it’s even better when it’s all three of them together!
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Lissa.  I LOVE Robin and Lissa as best friends and confidantes who can tease each other but will always, always have each other’s backs.  Robin and Henry being super tight as siblings is another favorite dynamic, Robin and Sully is right up there with Robin and Lissa, and when I’m not shipping them Robin and Sumia as best book buddies is near and dear to my heart.  Also Gaius, Libra, Panne, and Kellam -- I love Robin and Kellam bonding so much it does my heart good (which is why so many of these relationships are, in fact, integral to Future Built).
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
oh boy I have a million of these haha but the biggest one that really is an unpopular opinion is that Robin is proud of their Plegian heritage and would never EVER forsake it.  I’ve seen a not insignificant amount of fanart that puts Robin into clothing that’s clearly Ylissean in cut, style, and/or pattern, and this drives me up the wall because Robin is canonically one of our very few characters of Plegian heritage, someone who goes around throughout the entire game in a coat that bears the literal emblem of Grima in the eye-patterned sleeves -- something that’s preserved in their Grandmaster class, no less, rather than quietly done away with.  That coat is clearly important to them, and deep down -- even with all their memories buried out of direct reach -- I think their cultural heritage as a Plegian is of the utmost importance to them, such that they would only go without some show or sign or it if they were forced to do so. 
Basically, in my personal opinion, Robin should always have Plegian touches in whatever they wear but ESPECIALLY if it’s otherwise Ylissean in appearance.  Erasing Robin’s Plegian heritage is really gross to me personally, and funny enough, even IntSys didn’t do that for once, so fandom should really have no excuse.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
For Robin?  Either meeting their mom should she still be alive, or at least getting back their memories.  It does make sense that Robin started the game as an amnesiac because it let us learn through them, and made a lot of the revelations really pack a punch -- but after a certain point?  I really, really wish that Robin’s memories would have come back to them so that we could find out more of who they were before and what their experiences had been.  Even before a full return of those memories, they could have done simple things, stuff like reactions based on muscle memory or reflexive training that surprise them sometimes, or stated feelings of deja vu -- but later in the game (and supports) I really wish they would have give us something that tells us more about their life; what would be especially nice is if those returning memories involve Grimleal rituals or teachings, because I think it would have been really powerful to have someone we love and care for so much (as our player avatar) shining a better light on the much-maligned faith of Ylisse’s neighboring nation.
I’m very, very biased about that, though.
and BONUS: Grima time
How do I feel about this character? 
I’m pretty sure that at one point, if you searched up the #grima tag, mine was one of the top blogs that came up (though I’ve been getting lazy and tagging less by character lately so I’ve fallen out of there).  I’m also pretty sure that most of the people following me ended up here because of all the Grima content I started pouring out when the first one dropped in Heroes.  Grima is one of those characters who I write about exhaustively and who subtly manages to play a role in most of my Awakening fic, including the ones where they don’t physically appear (I call those Grima Sightings and frankly I would love it if people tried to spot them). 
...I think Grima has just taken over a part of my brain and to be perfectly honest I’m okay with that.
Who do I ship this character with romantically? 
Emmeryn.  That’s it.  That’s the only character I have ever or frankly will ever ship Grima with because that was already something that came out of left field I literally cannot imagine anyone else managing to spark the same reaction a second time.
Who is my brOTP for this character? 
Robin, honestly.  I love the idea of Robin and Grima interactions where the two end up becoming close as friends and confidantes, regardless of the situation.  Is it kind of heartbreaking when it’s the whole “Grima’s in control and Robin’s in the backseat” situation?  Undoubtedly, but it’s also really moving to consider that they might learn how to work together and help each other and work toward a shared purpose. 
And also Grima getting parenting advice from Robin in Heroes during the early days of the creche is A+++ in my opinion.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character? 
Aside from the idea that Grima is in fact the most parental of dragons and broods in the literal chicken sense or my giant conspiracy theory that Grima came to the past to do the same thing Lucina did (avert the ruined future)?  It’s probably that Grima is not an instigator of conflict or chaos: they’re antisocial and would prefer to distance themselves for the sake of having some peace and quiet rather than getting dragged into yet more conflict based on human preconceptions or judgments based on appearance. 
Fandom at large loves to play Grima as unrelenting evil and constantly in competition with the Awakening folks (especially the Exalted lineage) but...that doesn’t make any sense to me personally?  Grima hasn’t really asked for anything that’s happened to them: they’ve been used and abused by humanity by their own admission, and Validar is just the latest in the line to do the same, causing unspeakable harm for the sole purpose of raising Grima to destroy the world at his own bidding.  Yeah, maybe Grima doesn’t have the best feelings toward the Exalted Lineage, but also why would Grima be the one picking the fight?  If you mess with Grima the Fell Dragon will step up (Vengeful Fighter is their innate B passive in Heroes, quite likely for a reason), but I really don’t see them going out of their way to cause trouble.  They just want to be left in peace, but humans really don’t seem to get that.  Yes, the fanart can be funny, but it also rings false to me, because I really think Grima would just flat-out ignore the Exalted lineage unless they make the confrontation, at which point Grima won’t hold back.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon? 
First of all I really do wish we could have seen a peaceful resolution with Grima rather than having to destroy them, especially considering that the Fell Dragon really didn’t seem all that interested in hurting anybody even after raising the dragon form (see the aforementioned conspiracy theory).  Grima has been hurt so many times throughout their life that I think it would have been deeply meaningful if we could have reached out in an attempt at understanding, to have come to a non-violent resolution, and found peace without someone needing to die for once.  When Grima purposefully abstains from nuking the group that poses a threat to their life upon resurrecting their impossibly huge and powerful dragon form and instead flies out over the ocean -- so far they need Naga herself to teleport them -- it kind of says a lot about how much Grima really wants to fight (answer: they clearly don’t).
Other than that, though?  Just...give us more of Grima in general.  Tell us more about their history, especially the thousand years between their emergence from Thabes Labyrinth and their fall at the hands of the First Exalt.  I want to know more of that history, I want to see how they treated the humans that flocked to them, even knowing that those same humans would eventually break Grima’s spirit.  We just have so few crumbs about Grima, I want more than anything to get a meal instead.
Give Me a Character
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xenosgirlvents · 3 years
Hey can I rant to you about how I find the mono-focus on the very much human dominated forces of Chaos as the real bad guy of 40k to be honestly even worse than the Imperiaal focus?  You know what I always wanted in 40k?  Lizardmen, Alien Ogres, Space Dwarfs, Skaven, and some Vampire Counts to the Necrons’ Tomb Kings.   In WHFB only three playable armies were human (five if you count the undead as human) and WHFB had a larger number of independent factions than 40k.   Meanwhile in 40k about half of all the armies in the game are Imperial and another large chunk are the equally insufferable legions of Chaos as the two factions circlejerk over who is the more racist and xenophobic.   While in FB you had the annoying emphasis on Chaos as the one true threat (which is increasingly being emphasised in 40k including the awful, awful retcons they want to do to the war in heaven where what was supposed to be the xenos equivalent to the horus heresy gets “akshually the real bad guy is chaos lawl” shoved into it), humanity was just a part of the struggle against it or other forces such as Undeath or the Greenskins.  Not even the biggest part, with the High Elves, Lizardmen, and Dwarfs all bearing more of the burden than the Empire or Bretonnia.   Meanwhile, while theoretically 40k is a setting where non-chaos bad guys are more relevant and more able to defeat Chaos and take over as the one; the non-humans actually do less.  Chaos is the only bad guy faction allowed to have permanent wins, to be undefeatable without any asterisks marks and whose fanboys (including GW’s writing team) love to endlessly circlejerk about how opposing Chaos is useless because they’ll get you in the end. And how 40k is really about humanity’s inevitably doomed succumbing to Chaos and how the Chaos Space Marines and Daemons are the destined victors and blah-de-blah.  Any time an effective counter to chaos is written about in any other faction’s lore; the Chaos favouratism gets to show with “akshually chaos overcomes this because phhbbbbbt” with eye-rolling descriptions of how Chaos overwhelms say; the Tyranid hive mind by scattering it with the great rift, or how the death guard can infect nurgle, or how actually Tzeentch only pretended to lose to the Eldar or how Slaanesh actually pulled a fast one over the T'au.   Nobody is allowed to be more of a threat than the Chaos Space Marines and Daemons even though the former are literally a bunch of spoiled paramilitary stormtroopers salty about the Emperor saying they weren’t allowed to rule over normal humanity like god-kings and the latter have lore that is fifty million variations of “lol inevitable victory”.  The Chaos Space Marines are so lacking in numbers, so incapable of large scale cooperation not riven with petty fratricidal personal rivalries, so bereft of a functional logistical train, and are lead by such an insufferable band of edgy cartoon villains that they should honestly be little more than a nuisance that the Imperium only focuses on because of their symbolic threat. An annoyance compared to the much more organised and vastly more numerous and far better at exponentially scaling up power of the Necrons, the Tyranids, or the Orks. One that is carrying out an empty, pointless rivalry sparked largely over a bunch of stormtroopers being furious about not being allowed to be kings.  Wouldn’t it be more thematically meaningful and fit better into the cosmic horror that 40k wants to be if Chaos was actually mostly a symbolic threat that would be ignorable if the Imperium wasn’t still spooked over what amounted to an attempted religiously motivated military coup ten thousand years ago and that ultimately; this petty rivalry doesn’t matter? That the bitter hatred over Horus’ coup ultimately is meaningless in the face of the fact that this galaxy, this universe, has never belonged to humanity or anything spawned of it?  Khorne may feed off the violence of humanity and many minor xenos species; but Gork and Mork are a far more pure form of warmongering and what we now know as the Greenskins are just the tip of the iceberg compared to what they can really do when the WAAAGH! gets rolling. Nurgle may be an infestation of humanity’s despair and inability to progress but the Tyranids are the cancer that will kill the universe itself. Tzeentch may be clever and ancient as the firstborn of Chaos; but the Necrons have plans stretching back to before even the very idea of Tzeentch came into being.   And of course, unlike the Dark Elves; the Druklhari aren’t really a major villain or threat. Vect is just kind of an asshole in his own little corner, not one of the top big bads the way Malekith was.  But nah instead we get CHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOS coupled with ADB and Reynolds’ bizarre (but in hindsight, given what we’re shown of Chaos; sensible) revelation that actually Chaos is even more racist than the Imperium.  It leads to 40k’s central conflict being between Satanist Ethnonationalist AnCaps and TradCath Ethnonationalist Reactionaries. Creepy bloodthirsty edgelords versus Roman bust twitter pfps.  None of the other villains are ever allowed to “usurp” Chaos’ place as “the real threat” and any time non-chaotic bad guys get a time to shine, the Chaos writers pitch a fit and force in awful reminders that Chaos is actually the real threat behind everything and can never ever lose.   It makes Chaos come off less as an interesting villain and more of a childish edgelord fantasy written by a bunch of kids who go “nuh uh!” everytime they take the L or insinuate that spikelord edgy mcgee is anything less than the coolest bad guy ever made.  The fandom makes fun of Abaddon because he textually hasn’t really done much in thirteen tries? Well actually retcon in some outlandishly complicated super duper secret plan so that he and his army of *checks notes* less than one million racist storm troopers in ancap colours are actually totally the greatest threat in the setting and not the vastly more organised Tyranids or more tactically competent Necrons or the more numerous Orks.  People still make fun of abaddon because he looks like a goofy mook rather than an awesome overlord (at least Archaon looks like someone you’d immediately figure for as the big bad of a setting; Abaddon looks more like…the real bad guy’s stupid but strong brute muscle enforcer)? Have an entire novel series written to squee about how awesome and cool he is which literally none of the other “big bad” factions’ primary characters have ever gotten.   Also I am sick to death of how GW pushes Khorne as the unbeatable poster bad boy of the entire setting over and above even the rest of Chaos. Yeah his aesthetic is simple, marketable, and he’s incredibly easy to write into plots (even if I think there’s never been more interesting takes on Khorne where he’s shown as actually capable of cleverness in the pursuit of maximising mindless death and destruction as we see in Dawn of War 1 and Dawn of War 2 Retribution; where the Khornate villains have an impressively clever scheme even if the end goal is just “kill people”) and you can explain his concept to anyone.  Please stop trying to throw him into literally everything and let other bad guys have even a little bit of spotlight.   Octarius and Armageddon? Khorne crashes the party. Tzeentch threatens Luna? Well akshually Khorne invades Terra, take that nerds.  Where does Khorne even get all these worshippers to yeet themselves into every warzone in existence when he probably offers the least to his followers that most people would want? 
So on some points I agree with you, others I disagree, and in some places I understand the general feeling you’re conveying but am not quite so vitriolic.
Yes; I wish 40k as a setting was more akin to WHFB and AoS in that it permitted more factions to matter. 40k is, I agree, so myopic in it’s focus that it becomes frustrating. If the other factions weren’t playable I would understand, certainly, but if you’re going to offer players a chance to invest in the Xenos factions but then just never give them any return on that investment it feels like nothing more than lying to people.
Similarly; I also wish we saw more of a non-Human (and even then more of a non-Chaos Space Marine) component to Chaos. I find it hard to take Chaos seriously as a universal force when, over their supposedly non-linear/infinite period of existence they seem to never have done anything other than obsess over one species who, compared to the majority of other playable species in the game, have been around insanely briefly.
Yes; I do agree that I wish at times Chaos wasn’t used to usurp Xenos threats just to pull the old ‘but Chaos was the true villain all along’, see what you mention about the Hive Mind and the Great Rift, about Chaos usurping Orks on Armageddon etc. etc.
However, I disagree that Chaos is remotely as irritatingly favoured in the lore as the Imperium. Yes, it is true, that it is not infrequently written in vague terms that ‘you are all doomed, Chaos comes for you,’ but, in the majority of cases, this is purely informed, never shown. It is akin to the lines that tell us ‘Aeldari are so smart and elite,’ but then we just get shown them being curbstomped over and over again. We’re ‘told’ Chaos is some great looming threat which will win...but in practise they do only mildly better than Xenos in the lore, with Chaos losing the vast majority of everything they ever do in the lore, just like Xenos. I will admit Chaos has, lately, done *marginally* better in the lore, and that is definitely connected, as you say, to the active focus to make Chaos the ‘big bad’ now, but it is still only marginal.
I do agree that I would prefer not to see Chaos made to eclipse all other threats but my main motivation here is just because in 40k, as you point out, Chaos is never separated from the Imperium. In WHFB and AoS Chaos can take on a plurality of forms and is not just a ‘spikier’ version of the main human faction. For this reason the recent feeling I have had is just that 40k is increasingly becoming a clone of the Horus Heresy which, as someone who likes Xenos, is obviously a disappointment.
I don’t share your very strong disdain for Chaos. For the most part, in 40k’s lore, I feel Chaos is largely akin to Xenos in that we’re all glorified punching bags for Space Marines (you yourself point out Abaddon’s memetic loser status). I concede Chaos does *marginally* better but, at current, that is so inconsequential to me that it doesn’t bother me anywhere near as much as the treatment of Xenos vis-a-vise the Imperium.
My personal take is I think the favouritism as an antagonist, shown to Chaos, is less detrimental to the cause of Xenos agency in the lore than the raging boner GW and BL have for the Imperium and, in particular Space Marines. 
I also, in general, think Chaos would benefit from being developed in a more nuanced way. I don’t see them quite as cardboard-cut out as you seem too (not denying many are because BL and GW can’t write non-Imperium characters well mostly) but I think many of them have, and to an extent do also, get treated more nuanced in some of the literature. I do think a big failing here is that Black Library has made *some* efforts to make *some* of the Chaos characters interesting and nuanced but, for some reason, GW tends to just ignore this. Hence Magnus can in his own novels be portrayed as sympathetic due to his loyalty to his people and desire to not persecute Psykers, but then when appearing in a campaign supplement just makes the stock-generic ‘bow before me mortals/I am your doom/all shall fall’ comments with little to no character.
Personally, and this is recognizing as I said above that I do understand some of the points you’re making, I feel like Chaos players and Xenos players, in terms of the lore treating us like crap, have more in common than not. But, again, that’s just my personal opinion! 
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (31)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
The night was long... but she was beautiful. And torrid too. A night you will remember for a long time. His kisses along your body, his delicate but sensual gestures, the warmth of his body to make you melt with pleasure ... his voice that kept repeating that he loved you... Yes, you will remember that night eternally. The sun's rays lightly passed through the curtains of your room. You and Jed were still in bed, naked but covered to the waist, sticking to his back, a little smile on your lips. For nothing in the world, you wouldn't want to let him go. If he wakes up before you and tries to get up, he may find himself stuck by your little arms, like an oyster at his rock. The latter moved slightly, turning towards you, hugging you a little more.  
The sun's rays came to Jed's eyes, who woke up with his hand on his face, waking you up at the same time. Even with his hair in battle, he remained beautiful. You on the other hand... a brush stroke would not be refusal. His eyes were lost in yours while his lips display his usual angelic smile. He put a little kiss on your lips before hugging you a little more against him.
“Well slept?” he simply asks of his slightly hoarse voice when he woke up.
“After the night I spent? I slept like a baby... I have never felt as alive as that night.” you respond, kissing him on the lips.  
“Delighted to find out then... it means it's far from the last time. Very far even.” He replied, before looking at his phone. “Shit. I have to be at the newspaper in 30 minutes. I will be late.”
“Can't you tell them you'll be a little late for this time? You've always been a model employee... you may well be late at least once in your life.” you said, with begging eyes.
“I would love very much, believe me honey, but I can’t. I don’t want to say that I am an important part of the Gazette but I am the one who deals with the most important subjects... Unfortunately, I can’t afford that kind of thing. Even if sometimes, I want to.”  
“Too bad. In the meantime, you don't go from here with an empty stomach. I'll give you a nice breakfast. Quick to do and quick to eat.”
He smiles at you, and each on your own, you rise to get dressed. You take advantage that he wasn’t looking at you to look at his little ass now covered by his jeans. Oh no... this is definitely not the last time you'll see him completely naked. Quite the contrary. Once both of them were dressed, you left the room, Jed headed to the bathroom while you went to the kitchen. Eggs, bacon and good coffee. Simple, but effective. Compared to Jed, you still have 2 good hours before going to work.
Jed walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, ready to go to work. And to say that you will soon live with him... When, you don't know it yet, Mr. Lawson must first make sure that everything is in conformity and do the necessary work. But knowing that you will live under the same roof with your love... it's a dream. He devoured his breakfast for no time, but still took his time to drink his coffee. It made you laugh to see his face looking at you, cheeks filled, like a hamster eating his seeds.
“I'm lucky... today I would not see Wilhelm's face. Even if sometimes I recognize that it's quite fun to piss him off or to see him thank me reluctantly.” he said with a smile.  
“Jed! That’s not nice!” you answer with a laugh.  
“What? I swear to you, if you had seen his face when he thanked me, it was like he was going to vomit. He doesn't like me so having to thank me... you understand that he must have it in his throat.”
“You're really evil. Another facet of you that I didn't know.”
“And that's nothing. I am not evil, let's say that when I am provoked or aggressed for no reason... I become a completely different person. I have to go. We will have to think about going to see the apartment from above before taking it. To see what work there will be to do. Even though Mr. Lawson has promised that he will do the work, I prefer that we take a look at what really needs to be done. There is no point in paying for what is not urgent.”
“Sure! Have a good day.” you replied with a lovely smile.
“Have a good day my love.” said Jed, kissing you before leaving.  
You sigh, Jed and work... a real obsession. But nothing can really change him anyway. It would still be nice if he took a vacation from time to time... or at least a few days off. You finish lunch before leaving for the Nebula. On the road, you think back to the discussion you had with Amy and Corey about Roseville's festival. And they are right, why not create a gigantic cake in honor of the city? In addition to other pastries! This would be a good way to pay tribute to this small town while advertising your business! Two birds with one stone, as they say.
As you arrive at the café, you see that the police are there. But fortunately, it's not for you that they are there. Lindsey, the florist who helped you get started in your business, was crying on the steps of her store.
“Lindsey? Is everything going well? What's going on?” You ask, placing a hand on her shoulder.  
“Oh (Y/N) this horrible!!! Someone broke into my shop last night. He destroyed everything! years and years of work, ransacked in a single night! What am I going to do?” She responds by sniffing slightly.
“Damn...I’m sorry Lindsey. You...you want something to eat and drink? it would do you good.”
She nodded and followed you into the café. Amy and Corey had just finished cleaning the room as well as the back shop. Preparing two cups as well as two slices of pie that you had prepared the day before and that Amy had finished cooking when you arrived. You sit at Lindsey's table, handing her coffee and pie, Lindsey thanking you as she looks at her cup.
“Tell me what happened.” you simply said.  
“Last night, I closed my shop a little earlier than expected, because I was doing my accounts. That's when I heard a group of little young people, completely drunk doing the idiots. I didn’t pay attention to them, after all they are young, they have the right to live. When I left the shop, they were... they were pissing in front of the storefront. I berated them and they ran away. But one of them told me something, unfortunately I didn’t hear well. And there, I arrive this morning in front of the shop and I see that the door has been forced and all the interior ransacked!!!” She responds with some tears in her eyes.
“You're sure they really did that? You know it may be a contest of circumstance. Don't you have an enemy or competitors who would like to see you shut down?”  
“Of course not! I have always made sure to sort things out in a peaceful and diplomatic way! I am sure (Y /N), they are the ones who destroy everything. By the way, I heard one of them talking about that man on the news...Mr Hoggins. But I don’t know what he said.”
You nod and talk a little more with Lindsey before she leaves home, while the police finish inspecting the premises. Of course, they came to see you, in order to find out if you had seen or heard something, to which you replied that unfortunately you were already at home long before Lindsey closed her shop. The police left, greeting you and your employees. You sigh, if young offenders start attacking businesses in the neighbourhood, there is a good chance that one day, yours will become their target. But what worry you the most, was the fact that one of them talked about Hoggins. What kind of link can they have together? Deep down, you don’t really want to know.
You turn to Amy and Corey who were chatting on their side. Let's hope that the day someone has to come and ravage this place, neither of them is there. You would feel so guilty... just like for your parents. It's silly, but you can't help but play moms or big sisters with people. Even if you have known them recently. They are your little foals... it's normal to worry about them, right?
“Ok! I thought back to the conversation we had and I think it's a great idea that you both had! Alone, I would not be able to make such a large cake. It will be the same size as a wedding cake and unfortunately, I never made one. Do you think you are up to the task?” you ask with a smile.  
“Of course! You can count on us! We will not disappoint you!” responds Corey, full of energy.  
You agree on the taste, appearance, and decoration of the cake. It must be something grandiose, worthy of Roseville and its inhabitants! The mayor has placed his trust in you, we should not disappoint him. Then comes the time to open the Nebula. The first customers arrived quite quickly and took seats at the table. Some were regulars, others were new. There was even a small tourist couple staying in the small hotel of the city. How cute they are.  
If the morning was rather quiet, the afternoon was quite busy. But something unexpected happened. While you were preparing another batch of Brownies, you see Hoggins at the counter, chatting with Amy. Why did he come here?? And besides, how did he know that you work here?? You never told him about yourself, even less about your business! At least, you don't remember telling him about it. Besides, you never really talk to him during his reception. Then you remember what Lindsey said to you. What if, in reality, you were the target of these offenders and not Lindsey? Maybe Hoggins hired them for that. Fear took you slightly to the stomach.  When he sees you, he smiles at you warmly and you feel compelled to smile at him in return and go see him at the counter.
“Miss (Y/N)! What a surprise! I didn't think I'd see you here! Do you work in this café?” he said with a bright smile.
“In fact, I work and I am the boss of this Café Mr Hoggins. You must have heard about it...” you respond with a fake smile.  
“Oh, I see, I see! Well, I didn't expect a bird of paradise like you to do a job too... simple. But who am I to judge your decision?”
“Well...thank you...How can I help you Mr Hoggins?”
“Nothing very particular, as I had heard from our very esteemed mayor that your café was going to take care of the cakes for the Roseville’s festival, I wanted to see the place by myself. You know, you always have to make sure that people are trustworthy. But as it’s about you... I am sure you will delight our fine palates.” Hoggins replied, gently kissing your hand. “By the way, congratulations for ... your relationship with Mr. Olsen. Even though I personally find that a jewel as you shouldn’t be in the hands of a... arrogant and a parasite like him.”
“At the risk of disappointing you, Mr Hoggins, I would rather belong a thousand times to an arrogant and a parasite, as you say, than to a man who believes that he is allowed everything, because he has fortune and power. All men think that it’s enough to have millions in their pockets to attract women. But we only want love. And money will never be able to buy that. As it will never be able to buy me.” you said suddenly removing your hand, shooting him with your eyes.
“I apologise if I offended you. I am not in a position to judge anything in your house. I'll leave you; I don't want to make you lose potential customer. Ladies, Sir. To the pleasure.”
After making sure he's off, you wash your hands quickly, to remove saliva from this dirty idiot. What a bastard, if he believes that it is by bending and showing his fortune that he will have you, he can go and put a broom in his ass. In addition, he dares to call Jed a parasite! HE is the parasite! You clenched your fist before sighing... better to drop it and focus on what matters most to you. The end of the day was rather quiet. the cool evening wind made you tremble slightly but it was nothing compared to what Hoggins had made you feel. And to say that he is trading with thugs...Amy and Corey were gone, only you still in the shop. At least it's what you thought. While you were taking care of your book of accounts, you feel a look on you. But you know who was there.
“I'm going to end up putting lasers to stop you from entering my café and my house one day...” you simply said, without turning your head.
“Tss, it would be a child’s game for me to pass. Remember that so far, I have never been caught. But I feel like you are... slightly tense.” said Ghostface, leaning against the door.
“Slightly?? This dirty asshole of Hoggins came to MY shop to make advances to me and he called MY boyfriend a parasite and arrogant, thinking I would be attracted by his charming comedy and his money! And you find that I am SLIGHTLY tense???”
���...This repulsive son of a bitch believes that he can have anything he wants by using his influence. It's a good thing that I'm killing him soon, isn't it?”
“Oh God yes! I want that bastard suffer! Whether he suffers more or just as much as his associate asshole!” you replied out of control before realizing what you just said. “F-Forget what I said.”  
“Don't even think about it. I intend to remember that adorable angry face when I kill him. I knew you would crack. No one remains "pure" indefinitely. You know what? Let's make a deal. I kill Hoggins and in exchange, you spend an entire evening with me. You will do whatever I tell you.”
“I will not betray the trust that Jed...”
“Yeah, yeah I know, he’s your boyfriend bla bla bla... But it's not like you haven't already...do it. Even if for you I almost raped you... you didn't have that much of a struggle in the end.”
You clenched your fist. Nothing is holding you back from sticking a slap in his face. Except maybe his knife that he always holds in case you try an unfortunate gesture …
“Do you have any intention of killing him soon?” you ask, keeping your distances.  
“After Roseville’s festival in two weeks. That will be the last thing he will experience.” He responds with a grin.  
“If you kill him...and if you tell me who you are...I'll spend an evening with you. But after Hoggin’s death.”
“Ha ha ha...Smart girl. You don't lose sight of your goals.”
“As you said: if you fall, I fall too. But I have the right to know who I deal with. Unfortunately for me, we’re bond together in some kind of way.”  
“Oh, I can promise you... that you will not be disappointed, but surprised.”
“So... Deal?” you replied, raising your hand toward him.
He looked at your hand for a few minutes, letting a silent of death fall. What if he changed his mind? And if he asked for something more... horrible? Your heart began to beat hard, fear taking you more and more when you saw that he wasn’t moving. Then he ends up by taking your hand and suddenly get you closer to him.
“Deal. Welcome to my world, my angel.”
(And it’s finished! Sunday, it will be Father’s Day!  I would like to thank you all again for following me all this time, I know that DSS is quite long, but I really want to take my time to put things in place. I don't know how many chapters it will make in all, but I already know how it will end.  
I remind you that this is my very first fanfic and that therefore I learn as I write. But I hope that you like it as much as I like it, and that you will like the next ones I would make just as much. Because yes, DSS will not be the last, I don’t know yet about who or what I would do the others but I think about it!
In addition, if you have any advice, or you know how to make a Masterlist, you can tell me about it in the ask box! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all! And Happy Father’s Day for all! See ya!)
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