#ankle issue
cassandracain52 · 4 months
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And people say Jason doesn’t think of Tim as his brother smh
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insightintoinjury · 2 years
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kabutoden · 6 months
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i look at you and my eyes are so so so wet like with tears tears of pure emotion and extend out my closed fist and then I open up my hand and you see her. my troll oc. the greatest oc. from 2013. I brought her back and redesigned her and im insane about her again. i begin sobbing on the ground. she’s so small. itty bitty……….
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grumpyghostdoodles · 7 months
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Beach day, Part Two!! (Part one Here<3)
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yellowistheraddest · 7 months
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look i knew my skintones were not accurate but im horrified at the difference compared to 1094, also i just straight up make zoro orange and i dont know why maybe he wears shit fake tan in my head??
thanks to this post for pointing out how much the skintones have been whitewashed over time
im not looking for praise for this and dont give me any im just horrified at what they've done to my guys, like the current skintones could all be one and the same colour meanwhile the original tones have everyone with a unique tone.. honestly in what world does it make sense to have pasty white pirates, they would be getting burned under the sun 24/7. is it that scary to just shift the colour wheel and colour them in with good colours?????
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coinandcandle · 1 year
I don't need a diagnosis of anything for me to be valid when I say, hey I'm in pain and would rather not do xyz.
Whether it's chronic pain or not, if someone is in pain don't give them shit for not wanting to go out.
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keleksos · 1 month
got the damn skeleton working
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turned out it was scaled 0.4x vertically for no reason so once I fixed that it stopped behaving weirdly, next time I use blender I'll rig up the top half of her
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delicateartisantrash · 2 months
(Bird-mom Venting)
Not me blasting 20 of the 13 spoons of energy i woke up with today, because I ache all over and needed to rest and yake it slow and easy aaaaand...
...in the middle of getting my birds corralled for breakfast and settled, Echo (Indian Ringneck) is acting funny for his usual behavior at breakfast. I thought perhaps my routine and well-being being off was provoking it, and then i saw movement in my peripheral and both my birds attention shifted
like literally the basement door to my apartment has a little slide lock on it so I can ensure kitties cannot open the door by figuring out the doorknob, and also because doing that means NORMALLY paying attention and not forgetting to ensure the door is fully actually shut not just almost shut aiabfiwoeofnyvidbe.
*screaming crying vibrating in place*
And i think i might have actually teleported across the room after Echo took flight, and Gizmo promptly went "what the fuck was THAT WOAH" and turned to trot after him towards the livingroom and i
Channeled energy i haven't used since the last time i had to yeet over and grab my baby Bongo (green cheek conure) off Echo's cage because she is so pretty and so emotionally aware and astute with PEOPLE because she was hand raised and taken from her parents by people and AAAAAAAAH SHE JUST STOOD ON HIS CAGR TO LET HIM ATTACK HET LIKE A CONFUSED GOLDEN RETRIEVER.
i did not faint this time after crisis was averted, however. That was good. Last time after I got Bongo off Echo's cage and the blood stopped with cornstarch over her confused beeps, told my mom who to call (thank the Gods for good Zoos with good exotic species veterinarians) and I think i passed her off not let her fly over, and then i promptly blacked out. Not from panic, though that didn't help, the panic actually came after i came to sitting up and someone telling me i passed out and THEN i panicked because i realized i was utterly useless in a crisis situation but at least i got everything critical accomplished and passed off to those who could (Bongo was okay, one expensive vet trip and my forever sorrow she's now missing one talon but it healed remarkably well)
I never feel more like a failure as a bird or cat or anything mom, as the viscerally real and tangible moments when my babies get hurt or could have gotten hurt.
Whooooooo weeee. Okay. Yeah.i just had to scream about that for a hot minute there because i got everyone settled, everyone is fine, Gizmo heard me raise my voice in full No Nonsense Mom Emergency Command hollar (the kitties are the newest members of our family) for the first time ever, and Echo finally went in to eat his breakfast.
Now I'm shaking and chilling with oatmeal and tumblr and wow okay imma just. Sit here for a bit. O w.
(for context, those of you new to my blog, i have chronic issues that cause problems with balance and paina nd just kind of existing on the physical plane in general weeeeee, so thr things i am not suppossd to do that i used to do all tbe time, include moving fast, standing up quickly, and turning pr moving my head too quickly. All of whi h i just did l. Weeeeeee. That is why i mentioned blowing all my spoons of energy. That one crisis save just killed most my plans for tbe day vut also wow it was more effective than any coffee or energy drinkcould ever be on waking me the fuck up.)
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raspberrybluejeans · 3 months
i’ve had trouble breathing often for many months and i finally made an appointment for that and another issue and i’m just . already annoyed because i know they’re gonna give me shit about my weight and weight gain. Even though I walk 15,000 steps a day. and do intermittent fasting. And eat a varied diet. They’re just gonna see i’m fat and not care I already know it
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britcision · 1 year
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Gang I blistered 3 fingers unlacing and relacing these so first my very tiny partner and then my very juicy calves could fit in them and It Is So Worth It I Have Never Been Happier
Over the knee, white holo faux leather, WITH my most favourite sole, the Shaker???? Demonia came for my goddamn THROAT
Only criticisms? Please for the love of all that is good provide a wide calves version, I am riding the goddamn line and it shows, and also holy shit the laces are Rough
And they have to be, they’re under pressure here, but goddamn I am serious I am blistered and I’m going to do it all again
Everything still fucking SUCKS on this side atm, but my gran sent me money for a flight out even knowing ahead of time I wouldn’t be able to make it and told me to spend it on something that would make me happy and think of her
And it’s real hard to be depressed in thigh high white holo boots
(I. She. She’s my good Christian Granny. I don’t think I can show her. But they made me smile the easiest I have in 3 weeks and they weren’t even close to the cost of the flight so I can do many more things she will approve of that I can show her before it’s too late)
(The fucking SECOND Demonia puts out a white holo ankle boot in Shaker or Camel lemme tell you I will simply perish I cannot afford shit rn but ONE DAY.
My standard for adult success has been “can I afford Demonias” (whether or not I then do) since I was 14 years old and yeah I’m failing now but I’m failing while already owning Demonias so it’s still a win)
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insightintoinjury · 2 years
Do you have the same question on your mind? If yes, must read this blog and if you have any queries, drop your comments and will revert you asap.
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whitechococake · 1 year
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I want to be thin and small and cuddly and dainty
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unopenablebox · 3 months
evilly convinced my girlfriend to massage my ankles (by asking them to) and i have to tell you. that was an outrageously relaxing and pleasant experience. frankly my ankles have no business being tense or sore in the first place unless it's like referred family death tension somehow but god. really recommend having someone who likes you a great deal gently manipulate your ankles for a while
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Hey! Yeah! Just because YOU find a female fictional character sexually appealing does not mean that they are hypersexualized. A woman who is covered from head to toe and even has a cape and armor that doesn't cling to her body like a second skin, is not hypersexualized(or fanservice) just because you're into that kind of design.
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
is valieva actually terrible at skating? i'm a fake figure skating fan and only really pay attention during olympics seasons... i remember the doping scandal and her disappointing free skate but that's all i know...
ok i'm not some kind of Technical Expert and this is a question much better suited for @tofumilanesa than me (sorry for the tag!) but... yeah. and it's on purpose too
before we talk about Skating though we have to talk about Silly Little ISU Politics, which is always a dreadful chore and just a real slog. the ISU (international skating union)(figure skating governing/judging body) is the one that determines the rules for how fs is judged over the years. in essence there's 2 parts of a figure skater's score: the TES (technical score) and the PCS (program component score). the TES measures the value/quality of each individual element (jumps etc) and the PCS measures "skating skills, performance and composition, and transitions." see how little skating skills is part of that? less than half of half of the whole score.
if you've also noticed how little of this is objective, correct! shmoozing to the ISU can get you... generous judgments on your more borderline calls -- bad technique can get glossed over way more easily. especially by larger federations, and especially, in ladies' singles, by The big federation (Rusfed.)
All that to say is that the Russian girls are being judged. pretty kindly. So if you're coaching them, you don't really have to do things like "ensure they're good enough skaters not to get their asses torn to shreds by the PCS panel" and you can focus more on getting that fourth rotation out of that underfed teenager.
so all these girls (and it's not just Valieva -- Shcherbakova, Trusova, Kostornaya to some extent, and the newer generation of Petrosian and Usacheva and Tikhonova and the like, as well as the older girls like Medvedeva and Zagitova) come out of the same camp (all trained by Eteri Tutberidze, who you can immediately recognize at the edge of every rink by her bleach blond it's-gonna-be-may hair and sour expression) and they learn how to spin in the air and that's it. bad initial technique is not trained out of them, because dedicating the time to learning how to jump more safely (ex. EVERYONE has a flutz. except trusova but it's not like her tech is great either) is time you are taking away from getting that stable quad. this training is intensive enough that there's a phrase -- the "Eteri expiration date" where these girls retire at 17 sharp, from injury or anorexia or both.
(this is not necessarily an all-of-Russia problem -- Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is 25 and still going. That being said, no Russians who are competitive on the world stage besides her come out of anywhere except Eteri's camp, so it might as well be.)
anyway, back to skating technique and kamila: figure skating doesn't place nearly as much an emphasis on forward speed as hockey does, but it places a lot More emphasis on efficiency, depth of edges, and smoothness.
probably the best example of this is crossovers -- if you watch a program like, say, valieva's bolero (she skates it clean at GP Rostelecom), whenever she does crossovers, she's doing three or four and putting her whole back into it. You can watch her shoulders bob up and down as she's stroking -- meanwhile, watch bronze medalist Kaori Sakamoto go, and she needs barely two and all her power is coming from her legs.
actually, sakamoto vs valieva is a pretty easy comparison re skating skills: when sakamoto skates, she leans very hard into her inside or outside edges, while valieva doesn't really do that at all. sakamoto's crossovers are a lot more powerful, and she has a much easier and more fluid transition from forward to backwards skating. she's also a lot faster -- and i know we said there's less emphasis on that, but speed with little effort is a really good measure of technical ability, and valieva is basically crawling compared to sakamoto (for an even better example of effortless speed, go watch old yuna kim programs!)
but valieva is 6 years younger, didn't medal, and will have quads for the next year or two before she retires from hip or back injury, while kaori might even show up at the next olympic cycle, so who's to say who's winning that game
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thelastspeecher · 5 months
The other day, I was at a physical therapy session (for my shoulder, not my ankle, though I am in PT for my ankle as well) and chatting with another patient and the physical therapist treating us.
The other patient was feeling bummed about his slow progress, so I told him about how, despite my most recent ankle injury being a grade 1 sprain back in October and there being no visible damage from the outside, I'm still in physical therapy for it. And I will continue to be in PT for quite some time. My ankle is messed up in a complex way that requires me to be very gradual in increasing my physical therapy and very careful about not overexerting it.
The reason it's so messed up goes back to spraining it initially nine years ago. I didn't see a doctor right away (I was at college and decided I didn't have time for that) and when I did see one, I didn't get the appropriate treatment for it. My doctor didn't even mention PT, despite my injury being so bad she was worried I broke my ankle. When I sprained it again almost as horribly two months later, she still didn't send me to PT.
And the physical therapist just nodded at me and said that's very common for ankle injuries. People don't get the appropriate treatment and suffer needlessly for years.
So here's my PSA: If you sprain your ankle, see a doctor. Make sure to check whether physical therapy would be beneficial for you; it almost always is for an ankle sprain. If you are having pain, swelling, bruising, or some combination of the three a month after your injury, make a fuss at the doctor's office if they tell you to continue doing the RICE method and send you on your merry way.
I've been struggling and suffering for nine years. A third of my life. Ankle injuries are treatable. You can recover well! But you need to seek medical help early and get the right treatment.
Don't be like me.
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