#anna x sebek
valiantroyalty · 1 month
Anonymous asked:
I want some Silver X Elsa Please
Elsa slowly was becoming more comfortable. Being around others, with physical contact, in just any social interaction. There were times she wanted to hide and lock herself away as she’s done since she was a child. That last bit wasn’t so pronounced - yet.
It was just the two of them in the queens homeland. Lilia and Sebek wanted to join along, for various reasons, but they were turned down. Even Anna wanted to join, she was also turned down. Next time, Elsa promised.
The duo held hands as they walked along the main square of Arendelle. As it was before noon there weren’t too many civilians out and about. Silver questioned about the statues, the food stalls, even the main symbols decorating everything. Elsa answered best she could, even making miniature symbols with her ice so her boyfriend could get a better look.
It wasn’t until they were close to the castle that some of the civilians noticed them. “Good morning, your highness!” A lady called out. That gathered more attention, but chatter soon rose among the people. Who was the queen with? Why were they holding hands?
Elsa shyly waved in the woman’s direction but she subconsciously stepped closer to Silver. She’d gained some confidence over the last few years but she wasn’t Anna. She can’t fully greet and converse with her people so freely, but she’s trying.
The knight glanced around at the people that slowly gathered, and he removed his hand in favor of wrapping his arm around the spirit, in a protective manner.
“They don’t know, do they?” Silver asked quietly. From how everyone’s acting, he didn’t think so. But wasn’t royal relationships only released into the public once there’s an engagement? He wasn’t entirely sure.
“No,” Elsa whispered back. The chatter grew louder, and some brave souls even stepped up to question the relationship. The Queen stammered a reply. She’s growing nervous, and Silver noticed this. The one solution to get away was to cross the bridge into the safety of the castle. So that was his plan.
Silver ushered his girlfriend along before any accidental ice blasts could occur. Already he can feel his side grow cold, and he swore there’s some frost gathering on his sleeve. A tell tale sign.
Elsa wasn’t aware her breath was held until it was let out once the doors were closed behind the duo. She slumped against the door and shook her head, her hands briefly covered her face.
“Hey.” Silver hesitated before he brought Elsa into an embrace. His arms were loose, as if he’s unsure but the Queen hid her face in his chest. Almost instantly was there a calming effect. Even more so when he gently rubbed her back.
A sigh left the blonde and she lifted her head just enough so eyes can lock on, then her face was hidden again.
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circuscarnage · 4 years
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Been saving up some ship drawings so I could justify posting them. I may simp for other peoples ocs but there is one ship that will always have a found place in my heart.
I saw this trend on twitter and thought it was super cute. Didn’t want to post it on my actual twitter so here it is here. Link: https://twitter.com/GASLAND_J/status/1276954371918401536
The other two are just silly ideas I had. I don’t think anyone could keep up with Sebek’s workout routine but at least Anna tried! (Even if she did collapse after the warm up)
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I don't Eliza has ever heard of consensual marriage before. I honestly never liked her. First, she and her ghosts invaded NRC- a place that didn't belong to them and terrorized the students. She KIDNAPPED poor Idia and forced him to be her groom without asking what he wanted. Third, she slapped all the boys who were attempting to rescue Idia (who ungratefully trash talked them in the process). And then there's Eliza's old-fashioned ideals. I could go on, but it'd get too long eheh
!! 👀 No, no! This is actually a really interesting topic of discussion, lemme word vomit my thoughts out, Anon!
I have a lot thoughts on Eliza and on the Ghost Marriage event itself, so I'd like to take this chance to share them. Please take what I say with a grain of salt, as much of it is personal interpretation based on the information presented to us in game.
***Ghost Marriage event and Groom-for-a-Day card(s) spoilers ahead!!***
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You're perfectly valid in saying that you dislike Eliza. Everyone's allowed to like and to not like whatever characters they want.
I agree that many of the things she did and said were over-the-top and unwarranted, but I think that was the entire point of Ghost Marriage: to be a parody of the "traditional Disney fairy tale romance", much like how the film Enchanted was. There were just too many not-so-subtle jabs at common romance tropes for it not to be.
For example, Eliza has unrealistic expectations of her future husband, and she thinks everything will magically work out, even though Idia is clearly distressed and against the marriage. Later, when the other boys are deployed to rescue Idia, there are even more jokes made using Eliza's extreme ideals as a springboard to jump off of. Yes, it was wrong of her to slap people around, but it was played off as something to laugh at because she would always be set off by the smallest things.
The highlight here definitely has to be Leona and Trey's attempt to woo her with song. Disney is especially known for its songs in movies, and Eliza just takes that idea and runs with it. She expects her ideal prince to perfectly finish any song she starts/serenade to her, as if they're actually in a Disney musical number. Obviously, if anyone attempted that in real life, you'd react the same way the TWST boys did: with confusion.
I think Idia trash talking the rescue attempts is meant to add to the humor. There's a huge contrast in how the boys of NRC see this courtship and "romance" and how Eliza sees it--that's where both the event's conflict and where the bulk of the humor comes from.
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What I personally appreciate about Ghost Marriage is that it offers a realistic portrayal of love and marriage when you look past all the silliness of the event. Well, not on Eliza’s part, but on the part of the TWST boys we all know and love.
A mistake that people outside of this fandom often make is that TWST is an otome game, based simply on the fact that the cast is all male and full of pretty boys. However, despite TWST not being an otome, the fandom is very yume-centric and romance focused, because the characters are so appealing. The fact that TWST is based on Disney properties--Disney, who is known for their interpretations of classic fairy tales and their stereotypical happily ever afters--has set up this expectation of romance.
But Twisted Wonderland, the game itself, has a very nuanced and realistic approach in how it addresses romance. It’s played mainly for laughs in Ghost Marriage (and the main story does a good job of highlighting the boys’ unsavory points), but delve into the lines spoken by the characters and the Groom-for-a-Day personal stories, and you’ll see even more of this.
The most obvious example here is our groom, Idia. From the very beginning, he expresses not wanting to marry Eliza, but it seems that this sentiment extends to beyond just Eliza. He has a very negative outlook on romance in general, which is corroborated by many of his Groom-for-a-Day lines. Idia mocks the concept of living “happily ever after” and “eternal love”. He remarks that love is an illusion created by the brain, and even points out that everyone is still a student, so they should prioritize their studies over romance.
While Idia does seem to enjoy romantic materials (games, anime, etc), Idia himself has a very cynical view of “real world” love, and he makes that abundantly clear. To me, Idia represents the person that enjoys romance in media, but is not interested in the pursuit of romance himself. He can enjoy it when he’s an observer, but to actually be involved in romance is a big turn-off.
Okay, but about Idia’s rescuers?
Let’s start with Rook. Of the TWST cast, I would say Rook is the most positive in regards to love. He’s always willing to help others out, and he’s always appreciative of things, even when they’re grim or the circumstances aren’t in his favor. Ace points out to Rook that when he goes around praising everything, it makes Rook seem less trustworthy. To this, the huntsman only says they are his true feelings--he wants to love everything equally.
Rook is a free spirit. He loves whatever and whomever he wishes when it suits him. He can be fickle, but he can also find goodness, something to admire, in everyone and everything. Rook’s love is an all-encompassing and unconditional kind.
Riddle’s personal stories don’t revolve around love in an super overt sense. It’s about him running into Malleus and discussing what makes a worthwhile leader. See, Riddle is a traditionalist (which suits his personality). He expresses that if he gets married, he wants to have a marriage like that of the Queen of Hearts and her husband, which to him was a “loyal” marriage. He wants to have a textbook definition of marriage, and that’s perfectly valid.
Riddle’s personal story also reiterates something that is mentioned briefly in the Ghost Marriage event: that Malleus is royalty, so his proposals are not to be taken lightly. 
This is a feature that helps to define Twisted Wonderland as its own separate entity from other Disney titles and properties. In Twisted Wonderland, being royalty means something. In almost all other forms of Disney media I can think of, being royalty equates to dressing fancy, being rich, and having all the power without any responsibility. But in Twisted Wonderland? They remind you every so often that this character is royalty, and there are strict terms of service and rules that come with that position, including being sheltered and burdened with royal duties (actual politics and governing), and not being able to just “love” whoever you want, even if just for a rescue mission.
Moving on to Epel! In his personal stories, he’s questioning if the “ideal prince” even exists. The line that pops out to me the most is that “the bride seems to care more about the image of an ideal prince than blood lines or family names”. This ties back into how the rest of Disney media often portrays romance as opposed to how TWST portrays it. Heck, in recent years, Disney has tried to subvert its own standing on romance (example: in Frozen, Elsa tells Anna “you can’t marry a man you just met”, whereas in Disney classics like The Little Mermaid, the plot revolves around quickly getting the main couple together).
Obviously, characters can be “perfected” with the magic of media. The image of an “ideal prince” DOES exist because of media, but Epel’s pointing out that it’s not realistic. He’s implying that Eliza is in love with the idea of perfection, and she has lost sight of things that should be important, like blood lines (genetic dispositions and diseases that could carry over to children) or family names (meeting your spouse’s family, getting to know them, etc.). It’s a criticism that can be easily overlooked while you’re too dazzled by Epel riding in on a white horse.
Lilia represents another type of person in regards to love. He’s the person that knows exactly what he wants, but not in the traditional sense. At no point does Lilia ever detail his ideal life partner. Instead, his personal stories are littered with subtle hints that Lilia has no plans to settle down. He never outright says it, but he implies it in other ways, like saying how it’s a shame that Sebek and Silver will never get to see him in a groomsuit.
I don’t think Lilia is as bitter or cynical about love as Idia is, but I think he definitely has his own reasons for not pursuing love. I don’t think it’s related to his age, since Lilia has always marched to the beat of his own drum and done whatever he likes, regardless of his age. He acts super youthful for a fae that’s several hundred years old. No, I believe Lilia just... isn’t ready, nor does he want to, commit.
I don’t have concrete proof or any real information to go off of, but Lilia was able to raise Silver just fine on his own. He may very well just be used to doing things alone, seeing as he enjoys traveling the world by himself. Not to mention, he’s a war veteran. He must have seen many of his loved ones perish in combat--so maybe that’s made him hesitant to be tied down, in case he loses more of them. The reason could be more innocent than that, like maybe Lilia just wants to focus on his duties as Malleus’s retainer, or he just likes his solitude.
In any case, Lilia lacks Idia’s cynical views on love, but he, like Idia, doesn’t plan to get married... and that’s okay. We can see that Lilia is totally happy with himself without romantic love. He has his family and duties to keep him feeling fulfilled. Lilia is a demonstration that platonic love--specifically familial love--is just as valid as romantic love.
And finally, we have Ace.
You can call him an asshole all you like for ghosting his ex-girlfriend, but honestly? Hats off to Ace. I’m not saying what he did was necessarily right (it’s definitely a jerk move), but it’s realistic.
First of all, it’s pretty rare in these types of games to mention canon romantic relationships at all. I think the reasoning for this is because the mere MENTION of another person being with a character that is pulled from gacha takes away from their “worth”, their “availability”. You’re less incentivized to pull for your waifu or husbando because they’re already “taken”, so good on TWST for changing it up a bit.
Alright, back to Ace’s asshole move. Remember that this dude is 16. JUST 16. Ghosting your S/O or losing interest in them is perfectly reasonable for an immature teenager to do. You’re still young and learning--and heck, many adults still do this. No one is a perfect prince. To quote Trey, “I’m just a high school boy. What do you expect from me?”
Ace is an imperfect boyfriend, despite that speech he gives to Eliza about what the “ideal” partner is like. Ace may know what he wants in a partner, but there’s no guarantee he’s prepared for a relationship himself—and that’s a reflection of what happens in real life. People are imperfect, they fuck up in relationships.
After all, real relationships are the antithesis of Eliza’s ideals.
Real relationships don’t involve one person aggressively imposing their will on their partner. It should be equal parts give and take, and it shouldn’t be rushed or forced.
Real relationships aren’t perfect. Your personality won’t fix itself because of your partner, and your partner’s personality won’t fix because of you. You’ll disagree, you’ll fight, you’ll make mistakes. That doesn’t make the relationship necessarily a bad one, it just depends on how you work together to resolve your differences and move on from the disputes.
Real relationships don’t involve perfect people, either. You’re individuals with your own strengths and weaknesses. You shouldn’t cling to your partner and act like they’re infallible--and neither should they to you.
Real relationships take time and work.
With all of that being said, we can see that TWST has a very unconventional approach to love and romance compared to its contemporaries. They make fun of many common tropes and actually have a more realistic portrayal of “love” than most other mobage I’ve seen. There are some subtle things they do that also lend to this, like not running a traditional Valentine’s Day or White Day event in February/March (instead giving us Vargas Camp), or the Halloween Groovies being actually scary art rather than being traditional fanservice art.
I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to express my appreciation of minor details like that. Ever since the Ghost Marriage rerun, and the addition of the Idia and Lilia cards, I’ve been thinking long and hard about all of this, because I personally resonate a lot with those two in their views on love. I really like the lore and the representation that their Groom-for-a-Day cards add to TWST, that love isn’t treated like this infallible solution for everything like in so many other Disney properties. 
You can praise TWST for a lot of things, but I feel this is something that isn’t appreciated enough... So I wanted to express my gratitude for it.
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gothy-froggy · 3 years
Open :
Closed :❌
Hello so I’m realizing that the only way I’ll be making fan fics is that I get requests so I’m making this if anyone wants to requests anything!
Star Wars
Jedi/light force users
Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Anakin Skywalker x reader
(Mandalorian/Rebels) Ahsoka Tano x reader
Luke Skywalker x reader
Leia Organa x reader
Qui-Gon Jinn x reader
(Caleb Dume) Kanan Jarrus x reader
Cal Kestis x reader
Aalya Secura x reader 
Shaak Ti x reader
Bounty Hunters/Smugglers/etc
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Cad Bane
Asajj Ventress 
Fennec Shand
Han Solo
Zam Wesell
Din Dirjin 
Hando Ohnaka
Sith/Dark force users
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Darth Nihilus 
General Grievous 
(More coming soon)
Fives x reader
Rex x reader
Cody x reader
Hunter x reader
Tech x reader
Crosshair x reader
Echo x reader
Wrecker x reader
Wolffe x reader
Tup x reader
Fox x reader
Eli Vanto x reader
Thrawn x reader
Hera Syndulla x reader
(Others coming soon)
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen (Ghostface)
Herman Carter (Doctor) x reader
Evan Macmillan (Trapper) x reader
Philip Ojomo (Wraith) x reader
Michael Myers (Shape) x reader 
Anna (Huntress) x reader
Adiris (Plague) x reader
Legion (Frank,Susie,Julie,Joey) x reader
Kazan Yomaoka (Oni) x reader
Caleb Quinn x reader
Pyramid Head (Executioner) x reader
Ji-WoonHak (Trickster) x reader
Tarhos Kovács (Knight) x reader
Feng Min x reader 
Quentin Smith x reader
Kate Denson x reader
Steve Harrington x reader
Yui Kimura x reader
Leon Scott Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Jake Park x reader
Vittorio Toscano x reader
Slashers/Killers/Horror Movies
Ghostface (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Mickey Altieri) x reader
Pinhead x reader
Harry Warden (Miner) x reader
Jason Voorhees x reader
Brahms Heelshire (Boy) x reader
Michael Myers x reader
Bubba Sawyer x reader
Thomas Hewitt x reader
Bo Sinclair x reader
Vincent Sinclair x reader
Billy Lenz x reader
Dark Deception
Bierce x reader
Reaper nurse x reader
Malak x reader
Doug Houser x reader
Gold Watchers x reader
(More coming soon)
You all are able to requests Fandoms and characters! AUs/plots as well (will be coming soon)
Resident Evil
Claire Redfield x reader
Chris Redfield x reader
Leon Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Carlos Oliveira x reader
Ethan Winters x reader
Lady Dimitrescu x reader
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Albert Wesker x reader
Ada Wong x reader
Jerome Valeska x reader
Jeremiah Valeska x reader
Edward Nygma x reader
Victor Zsasz x reader 
Oswald Cobblepot x reader
Johnathan Crane x reader
Jervis Tetch x reader
Twisted Wonderland 
Riddle Rosehearts x reader
Ace Trappola x reader
Deuce Spade x reader
Trey Clover x reader
Cater Diamond x reader
Leona Kingscholar x reader 
Jack Howl x reader
Ruggie Bucchi x reader
Azul Ashengrotto x reader
Jade Leech x reader
Floyd Leech x reader
Kalim Al-Asim x reader
Jamil Viper x reader
Vil Schoenheir x reader
Epel Felmier x reader
Rook Hunt x reader 
Idia Shroud 
Malleus Draconia x reader 
Lilia Vanrouge x reader
Silver x reader 
Sebek Zigvolt x reader
(more coming soon) 
 Will Not Write
Stuff like those
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disasteromnia · 5 years
Who are your top TW OC ships currently? And why?
In no particular order, 
Al x Idia
Caly x Octavinelle
Trey x Choco
Anna x Sebek
Mal x Ava
my holy foursome Riddle x Wende x Cater x Ren
Aster x Leona
Amelie x Leona
Anita x Ortho
Hugo x Sam
Pleiad (good lord I hope I spelled it right) x Kalim
I have 1/10th of a braincell so I’m pretty sure I’m missing a lot of ships I do know....
As for why, I don’t have a particular reason. Except this last one...
My personal crackship, Blue x Rook lolololol I find their story very interesting
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choconanime · 5 years
If I may ask, who are your favorite canonxoc ships in the tw fandom right now? And why?
There's so many that are my faves but right now what come to mind are(in no particular order):
1.Riddle X Wende X Cater
2.Silver x Ali x Deucue
3.Calypso x Octavinelle boy's
4.Ava and Malleus
5.Al x Idia
7.Anna x Sebek
And there's so many wonderful ships but for now this are the ones that came in mind,I know I'm missing a bunch,so sorry but do know I truly mean I ship you guys if I say so before!
And a reason....well there's isnt a profound reason inside that seeing people ship themselves with their favs bc is absolutely cute and so creative,because not only have you have to think and be creative with how the relationship was build from scratch without and also it just feels me with joy and motivation to see people ship self ship and gush about their faves,truly is like their treating themselves with love and care all by themselves ♡
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edda-blattfe · 5 years
I'm late on the ship dynamic thing buuuttt.... Anna x Sebek? and maybe possibly Idia x outside?
Mischievous prankster x obsessive rule follower
nOTP 😂
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valiantroyalty · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
May I ask what are the Twst x Disney princesses ships?Id like to know!😊😊
Riddle - Alice Trey - Lottie Cater - Rapunzel Deuce - Anna
Leona - Jane Jack - Pocahontas
Azul - Ariel Jade - Tiana Floyd - Moana
Jamil - Jasmine
Vil - Snow Rook - Snow Epel - Eilonwy
Idia - Meg
Malleus - Rose Lilia - Mulan Silver - Elsa Sebek - Cinderella
Sam - Kida Crewel - Cass
Rollo - Esmerelda
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circuscarnage · 5 years
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Who gave him the right.
W H O.
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circuscarnage · 5 years
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Me listening to Steam Powered Giraffe’s first album and forgetting how much of a bop ‘out in the rain’ is. What can I say, I got inspired.
I haven’t done any ship content for a while, mostly because of lack of motivation, but I’m happy that I’ve done some now. I missed my ship.
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circuscarnage · 5 years
The human and the creature.
God dammit, I’m on my bullshit again. Writing even more self indulgent fanfiction. However, this time, it is with Sebek. As you can see I’ve been on a creative flow, and that has drifted into writing as well. Anyway, enjoy the fic.
Words: 1281.
"Malleus, are you sure you want to be alone?" 
The dark fae walked through the flower garden, followed by his two guards, and a friend. His gloved hand cupped one of the flowers as he inspected it closely, letting the blissful aroma drift through the air. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone here, surrounded by beautiful flowers and alone with his thoughts. The Night Raven flower garden was certainly a sight to see. Whatever type of rare or exotic plant you could think of would eventually turn up here, decorated nicely with its own personal flower bed. The structure itself was massive, spanning over a vast area, and was one of the many vocal points of he school. It was the perfect isolated getaway from all the chaos.
However, he knew that it would look strange if he wasn't accompanied by his fellow members of Diasomnia. The other students might feel unnerved by his presence alone, and might wonder if something was wrong. He sighed, settling for the option of returning to the dorms instead. Lilia chuckled, "Our Malleus, always so caring towards the other students. Such a shame they never see this side of you..." They were just about to turn the corner when someone came crashing into them.
Sebek acted on instinct and pushed the student backwards, sending them flying towards the floor. The student let out a cry as they collided with the harsh pavement, which was soon followed by a playful jingle of bells from her bow. It was nothing compared to the sound the paint cans made as they crashed onto the ground, spilling red paint everywhere. It smeared the pathway, and even dotted some of the flowered with crimson splotches, ruining their beauty.
A pathetic student from Heartslabyul cowered on the floor before them, coated in spilt paint. Her arms were held up defensively in front of her face, blocking the others from seeing her features. There was no need to hide though, even with the use of a shaky shield the Diasomnia students could already tell they meant no harm. All of them saw this as an honest mistake, expect for one.
"Don't even think you can come close to the great Malleus Draconia, lowly human!"
The student looked up, her shaking form slowly starting to calm down. Her eyes darted between the four figures, unsure on which to settle on. Eventually she gazed up at the green haired one, who was staring her down with so much intensity, she was afraid to catch fire. Her head was still spinning from the fall, and in no way was able to comprehend the events. Discomposed and unsure, the student tried to get a grip on the situation.
Sebek visibly flinched. Never had he come across someone who hadn't heard of Malleus Draconia. He was renowned throughout the land as one of the greatest fae's the world has ever seen. Even his presence in this school was inescapable as there was endless talk about his powers and ability. How gifted he was, how his powers could surpass those of the headmaster, and his bodyguards that were constantly with him. Whether you were in the courtyard or relaxing in the dorms, you could never escape the presence of Malleus. 
He gritted his teeth in disgust. "Malleus Draconia is the most powerful fae you will ever encounter, you should be grateful to even look at him!" Sebek placed a hand on his chest, speaking passionately about Malleus as if his life depended on it. Silver groaned, having to sit through another one of Sebek's rants. "Your low species can't even hold a candle to our great lord!" Sebek continued, his lecture getting more insulting by the second.
Silver was growing tired by the situation, and wanted to get back to sleep. "Malleus, my lord, enough dawdling. I think we should leave." Malleus nodded towards Sebek, indicating for him to wrap up his powerful speech.
"Someone as low as you should engrave this encounter into your heart and soul."
"Bite me." She spat out, glaring down the green haired male. The fear that radiated off her seemed to disappear, and was replaced with an unmistakable rage. 
"My, my!" Lilia gasped, placing a gloved hand over his mouth. "Quite the feisty one, isn't she?" Lilia let out a laugh, entertained by this humans relentless anger. He turned to Malleus, encouraging him to join in. "I'm not complaining, makes a change from those groveling in fear!" Silver was surprised by this outburst, and even Malleus seemed taken aback. Seconds ago this student was cowering in fear, and now they were challenging him. Quite the turnaround.
That was the last straw. Sebek could feel the anger bubbling within. Who the hell was this human? And who the hell did she think was talking back in such a tone? A human, no less, speaking like that. It was enough to anger anyone in his position. For the sanctity of Malleus, he had to retaliate. "How dare you speak to your superiors like that!"
"That's enough." Malleus's voice cut through the commotion. A deep and dark tone that threatened to break you in two by just listening to him. He walked forward, letting the atmosphere shift with every step he took. What was once a cheerful day had turned into a dreary one, with agitation fighting on the sidelines. Silver and Sebek let him pass with little protest. He keeled down in front of the student, taking in their features. Her eyes, even though riddled with fear, held a harsh glare to them. She was like a frightened animal, threatening to lash out at anything that might harm them. 
"What is your name, human?" Malleus spoke, tilting his head to the side. This type of conversation was unorthodox to him, and thus had little understanding on how to handle the situation. Settling on a empathetic approach, Mallues tried to deescalate their circumstances. She hesitated, uncertain whether or not to trust this man. If he was a fae like the other had stated, wasn't it bad luck to give out your name? They could curse you for Christ sake. Although, if they were allowed freely on campus, surely there must be some kind of rule against this type of trickery. The student let out a shaky breath and quietly answered "Anna."
"Anna," Malleus started. With a flick of his hand the spilled paint dissolved into thin air. The splattered pathway became clear and the spoiled uniform was crisp and clean yet again. The red paint cans were filled to the brim with bright crimson liquid, and placed safely to the side. She blinked, confused and surprised by the sight. She picked at her uniform, trying to find any remaining trace of spilled paint. There was none. Malleus stood up and started to walk away. "Don't think I'll show you the same kindness twice."
He left, followed by a tired Silver and a bewildered Sebek. Before turning away completely, Sebek turned back to the human. She had picked herself off the floor and started to dust off her uniform. Before she picked up the paint cans, she caught Sebek staring. Their eyes connected, filling with unresolved hatred as the seconds grew. Just as Sebek was about to turn away, Anna sent a harsh sneer his way. He was about to protest, but was interrupted.
"Sebek, lets go." Silver called. The three of them were waiting for him further down the path. Silver grew inpatient with Sebeks fruitless quarrel. Malleus was uninterested. And Lilia had one brow raised, clearly entertained by these events. Sebek walked away, more agitated and flustered then ever before.
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circuscarnage · 5 years
Part 3 of 4.
Every time I write a chapter, it just keeps getting longer. God help my soul. Anyway, we are nearing the end of this thrilling 4 part story. Are you ready for more? Thank you to @no-luck-styn for letting put Wende in here as well. Without further ado: let’s read.
Words: 1685
Sebek stopped for a moment. There was something that was deeply troubling him. Though, he couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Coming from a background like his, emotions were taught to be suppressed to keep them from getting in the way of orders. As such, he never really knew how he was feeling from day to day. The only emotion he could fully understand was pride. But even the meaning of that seemed fleeting from time to time. When he gave no response to Blues question, Ali perked up. "Silver told us that you ran into someone?"
"There was a student, one from Heartslabyul. They were reckless and almost spoiled Malleus's afternoon." Sebek told them about the situation, often piping in with his own take on the events. Ali and Blue listened with interest, sometimes nodding along as they sipped their tea. When he was finished, it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his chest, but the odd feeling still remained. "I have never come across anyone who treated our Lord like that. I felt it was my duty, as one of Malleus's esteemed guards, to protect his nobility, and correct her." He thought back to his rant. Although there was nothing he said that he regretted, he held every world in high regard. But he had to admit, he was a little harsh. "Although, I may have gotten carried away..."
Ali smirked, "Like you always do whenever Malleus is involved?" Blue elbowed her. 
He rethought his actions. "And that would probably explain why she acted out like she did. Challenging me like that."
Ali's ears perked up. That dorm wasn't particularity known for students challenging others, that was more reserved for Savanaclaw. If something riled up a Heartslabyul student that bad, it must be interesting. "Wow, who knew Heartslabyul had it in them to challenge Diasomnia. What did she say?"
"Bite me." 
Ali nearly spat out her drink. A worried Blue had to pat her on the back to stop Ali chocking on her tea. "What's wrong?" Sebek questioned, raising his brow. He had no idea why his fellow student was acting out in such a way. There was nothing of ulterior motive in that statement. It was a simple threat. Nothing more. Nothing less. There was no reason for Ali to be thrashing around laughing, hunched over the table like a madwoman. 
"N-Nothing!" Blue hushed her voice as she pulled Ali close, whispering in her ear. "Ali don't you dare tell him what that could imply I swear to whatever god there is."
Sebek brushed off this odd interaction and returned to the subject. "Even with her threat, Malleus was courteous enough to help them. If Malleus ever treated me with such kindness..." He trailed off, a slight blush present on his face. He shook his head of the thoughts, snapping back to the conversation. "-I would be honoured!" He took another sip. "I wanted to get the last look, but it was stolen from me. She got the better of me, and I didn't like how that made me feel. Being undermined by a human." There was a pause. "It made me feel... weak..." He shifted in his seat, pulled at his shirt collar, and cleared his throat. "W-what do you suggest I do?"
Ali turned to Blue, a sly smile plastered on her lips. To her, it seemed pretty obvious what his problem was. But she knew he would take the fairy's word over her own. Blue noticed Ali's antics, but instead favoured for her own view. "Well, I don't think she was trying to be mean spirited, she was probably just scared and used anger to try and cover it." Blue finished her drink before starting to pack up the tea set. "I think you should try and find her. There are some unresolved issues between the two of you, I'm sure you can work them out!"
Ali piped up, a new thought suddenly overtaking her. "We have some friends in Heartslabyul. Maybe we know her?"
Sebek thought for a moment, thinking over what Blue had suggested. There was a slight pause before his eyes lit up with excitement. He knew exactly what to do. "I understand. In order to rid myself of these feelings, I need to challenge her in the name of Malleus and win!" Sebek said, completely disregarding Ali's statement.
Blue paused, slightly concerned. "...That is the exact opposite to what I was saying-"
"Thank you, Blue!" Sebek finished his drink and stood up from his chair, flinging it back with so much force that it clattered onto the floor. "I will never forget this encounter! I am deeply honoured to have basked in your presence!"
"Sebek, wait!" But it was too late, he was already barrelling down the hallway, and making his way to the gates. Once his mind was set on a task (especially if it involved Malleus) there was no stopping his bright enthusiasm. There was the sound of the castle doors opening and then closing behind him. After a brief moment, Ali let out a tired sigh. "We should probably go after him."
"Choco I feel so bad, do you think I should apologise?" Anna and Choco sat on the end of her bed. She had told Choco what happened in excruciating detail. Not a single spec was left out. Choco listened early, taking it every bit of information. After the tale was told, they sat there in silence for a while, thinking of how to resolve the problem. Their thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. The dormouse and the jester both looked up to see Wende peeking her head through the doorway, the tips of her white ears twitching. "Can someone tell me why Riddle is shouting, again?"
After another telling of the story, Anna spoke up. "What if they take it seriously? Oh god. Please don't tell me I made a threat to the entire Diasomnia dorm. I should just pray for forgiveness and apologise."
Wende tilted her head. After hearing the story for herself, she had some thoughts of her own. Anna didn't sound very convinced that she wanted to bite her pride. "Do you actually want to apologise?"
"Well. Yes... and no." She kicked her feet off the side of the bed. "Yes because I don't want any ill will between us. No because he deserved it." She let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry, but I can't really sit down and take it if someone's insulting my own species to me." Anna let out a heavy breath before flopping back onto Choco's bed. She stared up at the ceiling, taking in the intricate markings that were above every room. "What's so great about him anyway? I can cast magic just as well..." Anna paused. It felt as if a tiny light bulb had materialised above her head. It shined brightly with spontaneous excitement. A slight smirk crawled onto her face as the gears in her head started to turn. Slowly, she sat up. "In fact..."
Choco and Wende looked at Anna in confusion. At first, they didn't understand what was going on. But as soon as they latched onto their friends train of thought, Wende was silently protesting, and Choco was overwhelmed with panic. "Anna, no. No. That's a horrible idea please don't-" Choco tried to talk Anna out of it, but it was too late. 
Anna placed her index finger on her lips, silencing her instantly. A bright mischievous smile had placed itself on her face. "No stopping me now, Choco. I've already decided."
"Anna, please." Wende persisted. 
"It's fine!" Anna reassured the cat, petting her on the head before she took out her wand. She flicked it around a few times, swishing it through the air with ease. The dark brown stick glistened with anticipation, linked with it's owners cognition. "Besides..." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a deck of cards. She shuffled them for a moment, making sure they were thoroughly mixed, before sliding them back into place. "I wouldn't be a jester if I didn't have a few tricks up my sleeve..."
Choco and Wende exchanged worried looks. They knew that a natural human would stand no chance when challenging someone from this world, but they also knew that when Anna got like this, there was little chance in stopping her. The best they could hope for was that she would either talk herself out of the situation, or be there if things got dire. Wende leaned over to Choco and jokingly stated "And they call us the chaos trio..."
"You’re named that because you cause chaos when you’re all together. I cause chaos by myself." Anna chuckled, already making her way to the exit. Wende got off the bed and walked over to Anna. She has never seen her so prepared to battle before, and quite honestly, her determination was scaring Wende. "Please just explain why you feel the need to do this?" Anna stopped in the doorway. Her mind tossed and turned to find the answer, but nothing seemed to turn up. Instead of giving an actual response, she just shrugged and said "Because!"
Her ears flopped. "...Because?"
"Because..." Anna trailed off. In all honesty, she didn't really know why. There was just this deep hellish need that had wriggled its way in to her heart, settling far in her chest. The need to prove her worth. To prove she wasn't a 'lowly human'. Whenever she thought about it, it made her chest tighten. The feeling was foreign and unwelcomed. She needed to do something about it. "I just want to show that guy up, I guess?"
Her friends sighed. The reason was brash and childish, they all knew that. However, they were still going along with her foolish plan. Wende let out a small smile before beckoning Choco to join them. "Alright. We can't stop you." The three of the left the dorms, and headed off in the direction of Diasomnia. "Come on then, you have to win on behalf of Heartslabyul!"
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circuscarnage · 5 years
Part 2 of ???
I’ll keep the intro short, since the fic is so long. I wrote more! I actually can’t stop myself whenever I get a new idea. It’s just so fun to write, I adore it! Also a special thank you to @choconanime @disasteromnia and @edda-blattfe for letting me incorporate their OC’s into it. I hope you enjoy.
Words: 1580
After the events that transpired earlier, Anna was unable to do her job of painting the roses, and instead put the paint back and headed to the Heartslabyul dormitory. Luckily, they were right beside the Night Raven garden, and thankfully she did not have to travel very far. It wasn't hard to miss any of the dormitories, you could see them from miles away. Each one was specially catered to a specif theme, and that included the exterior. Heartslabyul was no different. The outside was decorated with brightly coloured rose bushes, and the castle was tinted a deep red with accents of white. Hearts were dotted all over the castle, but there was no time to sight see, she felt as if she would fall apart any second. But she persisted. Anna was able to maintain a straight face. Until she entered the Heartslabyul dorm. 
As soon as the door behind her closed, Anna collapsed onto the floor in a nervous heap. She felt the weight of her actions suddenly come crashing down on her. Of course she knew exactly who Malleus Draconia was. It would be a challenge to get through a week at this school without his name being mentioned. He was everywhere. In hushed whispered and silent conversations. There was no escaping him.
It was considered bad luck if you disturbed him. And, instead of apologising instantly and begging for forgiveness, she had the bright idea to question his existence. Great going, Anna! Now one of the most powerful fae's will remember you as 'that one girl who almost spilled paint all over him and forgot who he was!'
Her hands clasped over her head, trying to contain the manic shaking that was convulsing through her body. This was surely not going to end well for her. Sure, Malleus had the courtesy to fix her uniform and reverse the damage she had caused. But he probably only did that because of how pitiful she looked. Absolutely pathetic, hunched on the ground covered in paint. And then there was the other one, the one with the green hair. He only made matters worse, spewing on and on about how weak humans were in comparison. Damn that intolerant, slightly handsome, guy.
Anna's attention was snagged away when she heard two voices coming towards her. Cater and Choco entered the common area, talking and laughing as they walked. It is very rare that these two would be seen together, but today seemed to be full of surprises. They stopped in their tracks instantly when they found the mortified Anna hunched on the floor. They exchange a look before heading over and helping the distressed student. 
Choco keeled down beside her, placing a hand on her shaking shoulder. "Anna? Is everything okay?" Anna shook her head, not removing her gaze from the floor. Sweat started to form on Choco's cheek as she began to panic. She was used to dealing with the chaos that came with the trio, but this was an entirely different subject. Just as Choco was about to ask what happened, Anna answered. "I just told a member of Diasomnia to 'bite me'"
"Kinky." Cater winked. There was a pause. Both Anna and Choco turned to face him slowly, unimpressed by his efforts to cheer her up. Anna sent him a sharp glare. Her expression could only be described as pure hostility. "You are not helping, Cater."
"Jeez, sorry. Thought it would help lighten the mood. Obviously not." He put his hands up defensively and huffed. Without missing a beat, Choco quickly changed the subject. "Did you paint the roses?" Choco asked, trying to divert Anna's attention elsewhere. 
"No. No, I couldn't. I had to come back here. I couldn't stand being there any longer. I'm sorry." 
"It's okay." Choco said, patting her shoulder gently. "Me and Trey will paint them for you, okay? Please calm down."
"Sorry, I don't mean to be so much trouble."
"No, No! Not at all!" Choco reassured her. She gently helped Anna off the floor and make her way over to the hallway. "Come on, I'll take you to my room, we can talk there. Do you want to discus what happened?" Anna nodded slowly. Cater was left alone in the common room. Until he heard the angry shouting of a certain red haired leader.
Unbeknown to them, another student at Night Raven was also having a serious problem. He paced the hallways of Diasomnia, constantly walking up and down the cobbled floors, footsteps echoing throughout the dim castle. He had been doing this for a while now. Whenever he was agitated by something, or something occupied his thoughts for longer than needed, he would try and rid them from his mind by doing mundane tasks. Pacing the hallways seemed to work well, but this particular thought wasn't leaving. It was stuck within his mind, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake it. 
The other members of Diasomnia seemed to notice. They were used to his strict behaviour, but never before had they seen him like this. His natural stern demeanour seemed to have increased, which caused other students to keep out of his way. 
Two other students from Diasomnia seemed particularly concerned. One a blue fairy and the other a gifted magician. They had kept a close eye on Sebek ever since he came back with the others, noticing that something was off. They split off, trying to gain more information. Blue, going after Lilia, and Ali, questioning Silver. The conversation with Lilia went as well as it always does. Trying to wrangle information out of him is like trying to get Idia to leave his room. The boy lives for gossip, but loves to keep a secret. As such, he was no help.
Ali wasn't a fan of talking to Silver, but her curiosity got the better of her. For the sake of gossip, she approached the silver haired male. He was standing outside of his room, not being able to sleep as the sound of footsteps prevented him from doing so. He looked awful, deep purple bags hung under his eyes. Ali had to stifle a laugh before speaking. "What's up with him?" Ali questioned, pointing to Sebek. 
Silver sighed. Truth be told, he had no clue. He didn't care enough about his accomplice to question why he was acting like that. "I have no idea," He grumbled. "But I want it to stop." He was just about to approach Sebek when Ali pulled him back. He lazily turned to face her, unfazed by everything. She pulled a frown. "Okay, something must have happened. Did another student challenge Malleus, again?" No. That couldn't be right. If someone challenged Malleus, Sebek would be overjoyed that he won. He wouldn't be walking by himself, he would be fangirling. 
"I think it's best if we ask him directly." Blue piped up. Silver and Ali jumped, both surprised to see the fairy suddenly standing behind them. Ali condemned Blue for sneaking up on her, warning that next time she'll have to put a bell around her neck. Blue apologised and laughed it off, turning back to the subject at hand. "So, did something happen?"
Silver ran a hand through his hair, trying to recall the day. He talked as he headed back to his room. "Nothing, really. The only thing that I can think about is him running into a Heartslabyul student, but she was nothing of interest..." With that, a tired Silver retreated to his room, leaving the two girls with more questions.
In the end, it was the blue fae that approached the distressed guard. He stopped dead in his tracks when she approached him, and gave a small bow. Blue was quick to brush off the formalities while Ali concealed a snicker. She had to admit, it was funny seeing an intimidating student like Sebek bow to someone as adorable as Blue. "Here, sit down for a moment."  They moved into a concealed area of the Diasomnia dorm, where students would often calmly drink tea and talk. With a wave of her magic wand, three cups and saucers appeared on the table, along with a fancy tea set. She poured a drink for Ali, and then herself. "Would you like a drink? Black coffee?" Blue questioned.
Sebek nodded. He had never tried black coffee before, but had seen Silver drink it many times. Surely, if it was good enough for Silver, it was good enough for him. Blue handed the freshly brewed coffee to him, presented in a chequer cup. 
His body instantly rejected it, the bitter taste doing nothing to soothe his worries. Blue noticed this and charged in to help. "Sorry! That must be really bitter. Oh, I have an idea!" Blue reached into her bag and pulled out two flasks. One was white and the other was green. Ali raised an eyebrow as she watched Blue pour the green one in, stir the concoction with a silver spoon, then top it off with the white flask. "Here you go, peppermint syrup and creamer. I think you'll find the drink much more manageable." 
Sebek took the drink eagerly, letting the sweet smell waft through the air. He took one sip, and was instantly smitten. The other two watched him gulp the drink down, seeing an almost immediate change in attitude. Blue cleared her throat.
"Now, hon. Why don't you tell us what's troubling you?"
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circuscarnage · 5 years
Part 4 (End)
We finally made it to the end of this little story. Thank you for joining me on this journey, your presence is greatly appreciated. Now, lets get comfy. Get a snack or something to drink, its gonna be a long read.
Words: 2376
Okay, so. Some mistakes have been made. Anna hated to admit it. But maybe trying to duel a member of the most powerful dorm on campus in order to try and rekindle some lost pride was a good idea in theory, but not in practice. With every step she took, she could feel the soul crushing fear of losing wrap around her fragile heart, pulling it down into an endless pit of despair. 
They were at a clearing, just outside of the forest. Anna was leading the trio with Wende and Choco in tow. They were talking behind her, saying encouraging words, trying to enforce a strong fighting spirit in their friend. But she wasn't listening, her mind was somewhere else entirely. This idea was so stupid. There was no way she would be able to win. A human vs a creature. It would be so unfairly unmatched that the fight would be over before it even began.
"You know what," Anna suddenly said, suddenly stopping in her tracks, causing Choco and Wende to halt their movement. Anna span around and clasped her hands together lightly, searched through her mind for any possible excuse to leave. Her mind was too frazzled to think of anything. The longer she stood there in silence, the more her smile started to falter. Her brown irises, which usually had a delightful glint to them, were plagued with worry. Before Anna could open her mouth again, something interrupted her.
Oh no.
Anna jumped upon hearing the sudden loud noise. Gingerly, she turned around, coming face to chest with the student she dreaded the most. She didn't want to look up. She could already feel his piecing gaze seep through her skin. His green eyes seemed to cut right through her, sharped with the intent of winning. With one deep breath, she put on the bravest face she could muster, and tilted her head upwards. 
Low and behold, the one person she was dreading the most was standing before her, positioned and poised as always. His face shown the same disgusted look as when they first met. "In the name of the great Malleus Draconia, I hereby challenge you!"
There wasn't much time to respond as the sound of footsteps caught everyone's attention. Two more people had joined the scene, following after Sebek from the direction of the Diasomnia dorms. The three Heartslabyul students peeked around him and were greeted with the familiar faces of their friends. Ali and Blue looked on in surprised. "Anna?" They questioned. 
"Ali? Blue?"
"Is that Wende and Choco?"
"Oh, hi guys."
"What are you..." It didn't take long for the Diasomnia girls to put two and two together. "You're the one fighting him?"
"I..." Anna didn't know what to say. The added presence was throwing her off. Truly, she was only acting on instinct. There really was no need to go this far. There was always the option to back out. But then her mind wondered, as it always did. She thought back to all the things he said, how rude he was when they first met. She thought about how it wasn't the first time she had that sort of encounter. 
She thought back to all the battles she was too weak to fight. Too many years of groveling in self pity and horrid despair, waiting for someone else to help fight her battles. But no one ever did. No one wanted to fight for her. She had to learn to fight for herself. There was no way she was going to stand idly by and throw away more of herself, Not anymore. She wanted to prove her worth. She needed to prove her worth. Without hesitation she turned back to face her opponent, brows furrowed and itching for a fight. "I'm going to dismantle you."
Sebek felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. Seeing his rival being as determined as him filled him with a sense of pride. If they were not fully committed to the battle, what was the point? There was a familiar spark in the air that he hoped to feel again. After all. The reason he wanted to see her again was for 'the sake of Malleus'. Right?
The two of them marched into position, facing each other with their wands securely in their hands. On one side was the forest, the other a small gathering of four students, waiting eagerly to watch that battle transpire. Taunts and jeers came from the tiny crowd, encouraging words laced with support thrown about the air. 
She went on the offensive first, spinning a small ball of fire from her wand, and sending it in the direction of her opponent. With one wave of his hand, the fireball was sent to the side, fizzling out on the grass. She tried again, this time with more power. She spun her wand around until her wrist was aching and threw it out. Deflected, again. "Is that spell the only spell you know?" He taunted, the slightest hint of malice in his tone. "The easiest trick in the book. Not surprising, coming from a human."
Her eyes narrowed as she let out a small growl. Without thinking she dragged her wand through the air in the shape of a circle, creating an large X that spanned over it. Black sparks started to appear out of the ground beside her, twisting around until they started to take shape. Carbon copies of herself stood beside her, each one with a dreaded look in their eyes. In unison they all belted out the same spell, a twisted sort of energy was sent barrelling towards him. 
He changes his stance, getting closer to the ground. With quick movements he dodged each spell, darting around the battlefield in a spectacular movement. He was able to deflect all the attempts, and send it flying back to his aggressor. He managed to land direct hits on her copies, each disappearing, dissolving into a puff of smoke. It started to piss her off that he wasn't even trying to attack, just standing there deflecting her moves with ease. Why wasn't he attacking? He was the one who challenged her! How can he just stand there and do nothing? Did he think he was too good for her? No way. How dare he. "Stop standing there with that stupid look on your face and fight me, you prick!"
Within seconds he had pounced forward, jumping across the entire field, only an arms width away from her. Not knowing what else to do, Anna shut her eyes tight, raised her left arm, and pulled down her sleeve. Without warning, an unnatural amount of cards burst from her sleeve, creating a surprising display of trickery, and hitting Sebek directly in the face. He stumbled backwards, taken aback by the sudden appearance of playing cards. That wasn't enough to completely distract him though. As soon as he gained his footing again, he send out an explosive display of fire magic in her direction. It hit her left side. Anna let out a cry and clung to her arm. Although he was using non-lethal magic, it was still damaging enough to cause significant pain. 
"That's enough foolishness, I'm ending this." His entire demeanour changed. At first, he was only playing with her magic, using it against her, fooling around because of how weak she was. But now he was vexed by her ability. The way she used magic was so undignified, using cheap tricks to fool her opponents. Before he had the chance to strike again, she ducked into the forest, hiding behind the closest tree.
He was more experienced with magic and faster then she could ever wish of being. He commanded spells with ease, not even needing time to think about what to cast next. It felt like he was a few steps ahead, carefully planning out every move and outcome, processing what would be the best route. Anna's magic was more spontaneous and unpredictable. Only a few times had her wand cast the spell how she wanted it. Her lack of ability as a magician was sure to be her downfall. 
She needed help. That was clear. Without the use of extra items, there was no way she was going to win. A thought flashed in her mind. There was one thing she could do. Technically, it wasn't against the rules, but it was still a bit taboo. The only thing she needed to do was make him immobile. She peaked around the tree again. Seeing Sebek walking towards her hiding place was terrifying. The way he calmly strode in her direction with that determined look on his face made her heart stop. There was no other option. It was now or never. Before he could reach her, Anna took off in a mad sprint from behind the tree, taking everyone by surprise. 
"Broom!" With a singular word and a wave of her arm, a loud crash could be heard from the other direction. The students turned and watched as a rouge broom stick clattered out from the storage area, knocking over other brooms in the process, and dashed off in the direction of its owner. Anna continued to run until she was adjacent to her broom stick. Then, in one fluid motion, jumped and landed perfectly onto it. The small gathering of students cheered as Anna sped past, catching them in a gust of exhilarating wind. Some other students had overheard the commotion, and joined in to watch the fight. 
The jester circled her foe, creating a sparkling black fog from her wand, trapping him in a large makeshift cage of smoke. The thick fumes completely blocked off his view, making him blind to his surroundings. 
Now was her chance. She knew approximately where he would be standing, and thus could be an easy target. He on the other hand, hadn't a clue where she could be. Her plan was working perfectly! Without further ado, she raised her wand high in the air, fabricating long strands of red ribbon that trailed behind her. Just focus and aim. The ribbon raised itself in the air, tackling the wind as it straightened itself out. In one swift motion the thin strands of silk darted towards the centre of the cloud, wrapping around something and holding on tight.
The enlarged crows erupted in noise, some cheers in favour of her, others brandishing criticism for her tricks. There was only one more thing to do. One final step in her grand plan. Her heart leapt with delight. This was it. Finally, a battle she could win. She was going to win!
Her excitement was short lived as green lightning crackled from within the smoke, tinting its colour and painting the silhouette of her opponent. Her ribbons were wrapped around his limbs, but that did not prevent him from conjuring magic, nor did it slow down his movements. In a flash, bright green electricity sparked from his wand, enveloping his body with overflowing lightning stands. With one slight hand movement, he was able to channel that energy and send it surging up the strands that entangled him. The lighting quickly leapt up the ribbon, not giving anyone time to process the situation. They watched in dismay as Anna tried to avoid it.
She tried to rear the broom in the other direction, leaning back with enough force to slow its motion. But the stick ended up being hit directly with the spell. Green sparks flew through the sky, decorating the air with electric wisps. Anna was thrown back, her body being flung across the grass, skimming the surface like a stone. Landing face down. 
Silence fell upon the scene. All eyes were glued to the girl as she lay there motionless. Some students shuffled in their place, unsure whether to help the poor soul or get the attention of a teacher. After a few moments of agonising stillness, she started to breathe again. She tried to get up, her arms struggled under her weight, shaking then eventually flopping back onto the ground. It was no use. She searched around for her broom, praying that it was still in tact. Her heart sank as she saw the sorry sight. It was broken in two, perfectly split in half. The fragrant life that powered the broom was completely drained. Battered and defeated, she lay her head back on the ground.
It wasn't long before the sound of footsteps approached her. She didn't bother to look up, it was obvious who was here to flaunt their victory. When no flaunting could be heard, she lifted her head up, only to be greeted by an outstretched hand. Hey eyes warily watched the hand, expecting it to be snapped back any second. Brown irises trailed up his arm and eventually connected with his own. A pleasant surprise greeted her. His eyes were no longer sharp, but instead laced with admiration. Even the atmosphere around them had changed. Whatever built up tension they had seemed to have vanished. Gingerly, she took his hand, not expecting to be pulled up with such force. Her legs buckles beneath her, still weak from the fight. She felt herself falling forward, but was surprised to find something was supporting her weight. 
"You did well. I haven't fought like that in a while. I wasn't expecting that last move."
Anna's eyes lit up. Did this mean she did good? Had she proven herself? "Are you saying I was a worthy opponent?"
He huffed and let out a small smile."Quite frankly, your skills are limited, your aim is sloppy, and the way you use magic is undignified."
Ouch. Way to rub salt in the wounds. Even though his words were harsh, they were honest, and trying to be helpful. That still didn't save him from one of her signature harsh looks. "However, your persistence, though foolish, is admirable."
She felt her heart twinge. A new unexpected feeling has nestled in her chest. Unlike the other one, she didn't want it to stop. Heat started to grow on her cheeks as she tried to brush off the complement. "Now please, take me to the nurse..."
"As you wish."
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circuscarnage · 5 years
Stormy Night.
Bluh okay so vent writing is a thing now. We’ve had some dreadful weather over here. Hail, rain, high winds, storms. It was so bad part of the kitchen was covered in water, leaking in through the windows. I’ve spent my time either shaking in the class or cowering in my room. And let’s not even get started on me having a breakdown whilst giving a presentation. So I wrote this to vent.
Words: 2280.
The dark wood doors of the Diasomnia dorm flung open, a massive gust of wind entered the common area, causing some of the candles to flicker wildly on their stands. A student managed to pull themselves in from the harsh weather outside, stumbling over their own feet from the shift in amplitude. Outside the weather worsened. Dark clouds hung heavy in the air, already thrashing down heavy pleats of rain. She leaned against the door, pushing it back into place, fighting a one-sided battle against mother nature herself. It slammed shut, causing the student to fall over onto the tiled floor. 
She laid there for a moment, finally being able to breathe after practically drowning in the rain storm outside. She wasn't suppose to be here. Her white uniform against the dark colour scheme was enough of an indication. In all honesty, she didn't have much of a choice. The Diasomnia dorm was the closest, and the storm was only growing worse by the second. If she had spent anymore time out there, she would have drowned. With limited options, she decided that this was her best choice. Perhaps Ali or Blue would take pity on this poor soul and allow her to have a change of clothes, maybe even a blanket. She would get sick if she stayed in this damp uniform.
With the intention of getting warm in mind, she picked herself off the floor and looked around. Not a single soul in sight. Entering the warm common room did little to ease her shivers. It was here that she was finally able to get a good look at herself. The black mirror beside the entrance displayed a picture of a stowaway that had been lost at sea. Her hair was completely soaked, sticking to her face at odd angles, creating an amalgamation of thick strands to grasp at her head. The Heartslabyul jacket looked like it had been dipped in a lake, dripping water off every seam and clinging to her body for dear life. Socks see-through and only just able to keep themselves up. If Vil saw the state she was in, he would surly faint. She didn't even need to look at her shoes to know they left a wet footprint wherever she stepped. Maybe she should take the shoes off? No. Her socks were also in terrible shape. It wouldn't help much. Promptly she turned on her heels and headed towards the fireplace. 
Luckily for her, it was already lit, roaring with heated intensity. The green flames flickered at her presence, leaning towards the stranger that settled in the dorm. All she needed to do was make it to her friends room and ask for a change of clothes. Perhaps even an invitation to stay, depending on whether or not the storm was going to pass. Looking at the rain lashing harshly against the tall window, it didn't seem likely. She turned her attention to the large grandfather clock that was seated off to the right. 11:46pm. The perfect time to be sneaking into another dorm for some warmth. Not that it was going to do her any good. Riddle would surely have her head if he knew she was out past curfew-
Startled at the sudden voice, she snapped out of her daze. Standing at the top of the stairs was a figure she knew all too well. One of Malleus's esteemed guards, Sebek Zigvolt, stood positioned and poised, staring down at her. He still held the same authoritative aura, even after hours. She had to admit, that was some dedication. "I was just finishing my patrol when I heard someone enter. What are you doing here at this dreadful hour? And in such a state?" He began to walk down the steps, his concern only growing as he got closer. He could see the bags that hung under her eyes, even though her smudged makeup was trying to cover it.
"Studying." She said blankly.
He raised a brow. "In the rain?"
"In the library. Just let me use the fireplace to warm up as the storm blows over. I'm sure it'll leave soon." As soon as that sentence left her mouth, another wave of rain started to bat against the glass, this one more aggressive than before. It was accompanied by the howling wind, seeming to amplify the storms reluctance to leave. He watched as she started to cower at the noise, every shiver followed by a small whimper. Storms were not common at Night Raven, but when they appeared, it was expected some damage would be done. Last time Crowley had to spend the entire day trying to repair the west wing of the Savanaclaw dorm after the wall had been completely demolished. And lets not get started at how mad Riddle was when he found out how many rosebushes had been uprooted.
"You're not going back outside." Sebek decided. It was far too dangerous. One step outside and she would be swept away. 
"Alright, fine. I'll go and see if my friends are awake." She went to take a step forward, before a hand stopped her.
"I would advise against that. Most students have already retired for the night. It would be unwise to disturb them."
"Well then, what do I do?" 
Sebek retained his position. The school rules did not permit students to trespass on other dorms after curfew. It was an offence that Leona knew too well. Things like that would leave a permanent mark on your report. All of the rules stated that she should be returned to her own dorm. However, with the state she was in, he couldn't bring himself to simply send her away. There was another option, but it was a tad risky.
He cleared his throat. "As a member of Diasomnia, it would reflect badly on our reputation if I did not assist a fellow student in need." He adverted his gaze for a moment, instead focusing his eyes elsewhere. Checking around to see if anyone else was awake. It seemed they were the only ones there. With furrowed brows and a slight pout, she looked back at the fire. Green flames reflecting in her glassy orbs. "You always say that." Whenever he wanted to help, it was always because of that prestigious reputation Diasomnia held. Was he using it as an excuse, or was he genuinely concerned about it? "I'm sorry for always dragging their reputation down. Didn't realise I was so much of a burden."
Sebek blinked. "That's not what I..." He paused. It was never his intention to make her feel worse. "...Never mind. Just come with me." He turned on his heels and started to head back up the stairs, ushering her to follow. With one last glance back at the storm outside, she complied.
It would be a lie if Anna said she didn't feel a tad awkward right now. After trailing after the guard upstairs, she was ushered into his room, given a change of clothes, and told she would be spending the night here until the storm passed. Now she was sitting on the edge of his bed, wearing an oversized pair of spare pyjamas, and waiting in uncertain silence. The storm continued it's destructive dance, bashing against the window with hostility. She winced away from the sight. Although not high on her list of fears, storms were still frightening enough. It wasn't long before he reentered the room, having himself changed from his uniform. At first, she didn't recognise him. Almost believing a stranger had walked in. His hair, which was usually slicked back, was now hanging down. Some loose strands dropping down in front of his eyes. She quickly adverted her gaze, once she realised she had been caught staring. 
There was a trace of uncertainty in the air. Both seemed to be waiting for a signal from the other, but the affirmation was unknown. Determined not to be stuck in an awkward silence, Sebek cleared his throat. "I hope you realise how much trouble you are," He turned his back and started to shift through the paper on his desk. "Maybe then you would stop being so reckless..." 
"I know, I know. You told me the same thing last week." She let out a disgruntled breath as she rested her chin in her hand. "I appreciate that you're looking out for me though." If he did let out a response, she didn't catch it. There was a pause. "Where are you sleeping?" She questioned. Suddenly being very aware that there was only one bed. He gestured to a high back chair sitting next to the desk before flopping down into it, the purple satin shifting under his weight.
Anna frowned. He didn't actually expect her to sleep in his bed, did he? This was his room, after all. If anyone had the right to sleep there, it was him. He had already helped her enough, this just seemed excessive. "Sebek you are not sleeping in a chair, it's bad for you posture." She stood up and walked over to him, gesturing with her hands for him to move. After receiving no reaction, she held onto his wrists, dug her heels into the floor, and tried to pull him up. He didn't even budge. Only watching her efforts in vain with an invisible soft smile. When she saw that no progress was being made, she let out a disgruntled breath and crossed her arms. "I'm suppose to be the difficult one, not the other way around." 
"After being out in a storm, you're not sleeping in a chair."
"But-" She stopped as soon as his gaze met hers. Stern eyes that told her not to argue back. Something told her she wouldn't get a chance like this again. So stop being difficult and just accept it. "Fine." She grumbled. "But a fair warning. You can't get a good nights sleep in a chair."
She was right. No matter how hard the boy tried, he was never able to get comfortable enough to drift off. He tried everything. From sitting upright to slouching down, even adjusting the cushion in several different positions, it didn't help. Grumbling to himself, he took another glance out the window. The intensity of the storm seemed to have increased, thunder was starting to bellow outside. The reckless sound echoing within the castle walls. It felt like no one was going to sleep tonight.
The flash of light that illuminated the room every few seconds was becoming more erratic, outlining the objects in his room with a bleak light. Giving up on the idea of sleep, he started to walk around the room, his mind starting to wonder. What the hell was he doing? Letting a student outside of the Diasomnia dorm stay the night. If anyone found out, there would surely be talk. Would Malleus mind? Oh god he hoped Malleus wouldn't scold his actions. He had always pried himself on being a strict rule follower, never faulting for anyone. But rules always seemed to be bent whenever she was around. He cast a glance in her direction, surprised to find that she wasn't sleeping as peacefully as he hoped.
Even though she was wrapped tightly in the covers, it did not stop the rapid shaking that convulsed through her body. The storm outside continued on. Every strike against the window only burred her deeper into the duvet. He stood at her side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, shaking gently. Without warning she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and clinging on tight to the fabric of his shirt. Her uneven breathing spilled out of her lungs, unable to contain the panic that was coursing through her heart. Sebek froze up, not exactly processing what was happening. His hands instinctively went up in defence as he studied the person clutching onto him for dear life. Her delightful aura was gone, replaced with fear. 
"Sebey..." She started. Voice in silent whispers, hollow and void. Her already shaking hands gripped deeper into the fabric, threatening to cause a tear. "P-please..." Her sentence trailed off, unable to form words. Too much was going on. Too many sounds. Too many lights. Too many emotions begging to seep out. It was all so overwhelming. She just wanted it to stop.
He had seen this before. Humans cowering in fear. Scared and skittish, hiding from the dangers in the world. Their eyes pleading to be safe. They would try and distance themselves as far away from him as possible, creating a display of timid distress. But this time was different. Instead of shrinking away from him, she was taking solace in his presence, reluctant to let go. Her eyes, though still pleading, were begging him to stay. 
Once he realised the situation he was in, he could only breathe out a small sigh, before being replaced by a slight chuckle. His hands wrapped around her shivering form as he sat down beside her, pulling her in close. "You humans always get so worked up over the simplest of things." He rested his chin on top of her head, trying his best to comfort her. It never occurred to him that he would be in a position like this. His intimidating stature and stern gaze was enough to urge students away. It worked in his favour when guarding Malleus, not so much when comforting students. But if there was one person who felt genuinely safe around him, he wouldn't want it to be anyone else. 
"I'll stay with you until the storm passes. Don't worry. I'm here."
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circuscarnage · 5 years
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Okay, might as well slip in one last post before the decade ends. There was no rhyme or reason to this, just curious to see what their reactions would be.
*cough* Flustered cuties *cough*
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