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thatjayjustice · 1 year
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I'm so excited to stream "Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical"! I had the honor of working on this game. ❤🙏🏿 Big thanks to everyone at Summerfall Studios for all of their hard work creating such a unique & memorable gaming experience! No two playthroughs will be the same. I can't wait to see what choices you all make! I'm about to start making my own right now. http://www.twitch.tv/ThatJayJustice My t-shirt is by Annie Segarra & is available here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/annieelainey
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paw-tism-blog · 5 years
Hi don’t cringe but I made a gofundme because I need help again lol.
Hi, my name is Ambrosia, but you can call me by my initials, ART. I am seventeen years old, a transgender lesbian, and I am disabled. I am currently an ambulatory wheelchair user, meaning sometimes I use my wheelchair, and sometimes I don't. Unfortunately, I have had to use it much more frequently lately, and it is incredibly heavy, difficult to push, and causing more harm than good. Soon I will also be moving out of my parents house, so funds are tight, and the sidewalks in my new neighborhood will not be able to be conquered by my current chair. I have fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism,hypermobility  arthralgia, chronic gout in my knees/ankles/wrists/elbows, chronic fatigue, generalized muscle aches, chronic migraines, potential Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), metabolic syndrome, multiple psychological conditions that often affect my balance and ability to walk, and it is very hard to cope with, while still having to soon pay for rent, food, medicine (if I lose my insurance, as I suspect I will soon), and dog supplies. Because of this, and my girlfriend being a student so she cannot work a job on top of it due to her own issues, I need to work full time.
As you can imagine, this is incredibly difficult for someone with my conditions, so not only is it exhausting, but I am frequently bouncing between jobs. When I turn 18 on September 21st, 2019, I will have more career opportunities, such as jobs where I can sit down. I am hoping by then to have this campaign completed. That is where you, hopefully, come in.
These are the links of the cheapest foldable power chairs I can find. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Foldable-Lightweight-Heavy-Duty-Lithium-Battery-Electric-Power-Wheelchair-Multi-Terrain-Easy-Travel/533111569 https://www.1800wheelchair.com/product/evolt-traveler-power-chair/ I could really use your help to raise that money. Please share this, it would mean a lot to me.
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thatchronicfeeling · 6 years
Navigating Disability Fashion and Gender Presentation [CC] [Video by @annieelainey] I associate with a LOT of what Annie’s taking about in this video. Please check out this great video!
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I was so happy to finally meet this gorgeous human in person! @annieelainey is one of my favourite people on the internet and is an utter delight. I loved making friends and filming with her (collab video out soonish!) I’m so looking forward to next year when I can hopefully go back to America and share many more lovely memories. If you don’t follow Annie already then you should! 💖 . My dress is from @uniquevintage and it’s divine 😍 Annie’s adorable romper is from @target . . . . . . #annieelainey #anniesegarra #disabledandcute #uniquevintage #summerstyle #currentlywearing #vintagestyle #vintagegirl #darlingmovement #thatsdarling #glamour #dapper #ootdsocialclub #vintagedoll #vintagelover #alltheprettythings #disabilityawareness #disabledyoutuber (at VidCon)
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asenseofselfshop · 7 years
This holiday season, please consider buying from the people on the Disability Holiday Gift Guide! I am on this list with a bunch of really amazing shops, people, and organizations. Check out the link!
Please boost this so that the word gets out that the people, shops, and organizations on the Disability Holiday Gift Guide are seen and their amazing work is spread around the world!
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lgbt-tiktoks · 4 years
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prettysickart · 7 years
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PrettySickArt #175 Annie
Name: Annie Age: 26 Site: YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr Has: Classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom, Suspected POTS, Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Body Dysmorphic Disorder Gear: Power chair, wheelchair, cane
I know my hiatus has become.. well.. legendary really.  Especially since I DO still intend to come back to illustrating ya’ll on a more regular basis.  I ask for just a touch more patience, as I’m in the midst of starting a new business and I’m working with a new doctor to finally deal with my pain and medical issues (He’s amazing!).  But in the meantime, my dear friend Annie- one of the first people I ever followed on my own blog here on tumblr- asked if I could illustrate her.  How could I say no?
If you’re not following Annie, you definitely should be.  She’s an incredible artist, advocate, and friend.  Really excited to dip my toe back into these portraits by making her #175 in the series.  Welcome to the gallery Annie!
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littlegayeyas · 7 years
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Look what came! For anyone who doesn't know this gorgeous shirt is from @annieelainey and I love it. So excited to wear it do the first day of Special Educational Needs class in autumn (and all the time until then.) [Image Description: Two images of a young white woman with short brown hair and black glasses wearing a black shirt with the words 'The Future is Accessible' in white text.]
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pinupac87 · 3 years
Autistic Organizations You can Support Instead of That Other Organization...Because Eff Them.
Okie dokie! So since this month is Autism Acceptance Month, I am sharing some resources for folks to use and organizations to support instead of Autism $peaks. Because eff them. This is by no means an exhaustive list (I do not have the spoons for that, nor am I responsible for doing that leg work for ableds for free), but it's a darn good start. 
NOTE: I will be as informative as possible, and if I can’t describe very well, I’ll link the about pages and let their words speak. I also inject some humor and wrote this while I was hungry. And had no caffeine. You’ve been warned. 
First off is Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN for short). They are founded by autistics and have Autistic members on their board. They provide resources such as information, articles, and are responsible for the consultation in the creation of Julia, the first Autistic Muppet on Sesame Street (until the network decided to screw them over for A$ once she was created). They oppose eugenic programs, "curing" rhetoric, and are very outspoken in terms of supporting autistic folks.
ASAN's Links and Socials: https://autisticadvocacy.org/ Their twitter: @autisticadvocacy (Same with Tumblr and Facebook)
Next is Autistic Women's and Non-binary Network (AWN). Here's who they are, in their own words: https://awnnetwork.org/about/
Women, Non-binary, trans (both femme and masculine of all genders), Two Spirit People, and other marginalized genders are under diagnosed, if at all when it comes to autism and the official diagnosis, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). They provide resources on education, dispel stereotypes and myths, and personal view points from Autistic folks. And they have grown and learned as our knowledge of gender is expanding. Which is a great thing! Organizations that are willing to grown and learn is a sign they are doing something right.
AWN's Links and Socials:  https://awnnetwork.org/ Their Twitter: @ awnnetwork_ Tumblr:  @awn-network (I think it's the same on other sites, too.)
Next up is Autism and Race and their fund, The Autistic People of Color Fund. This came on my radar (I didn't discover this, but I saw it being shared on Autistic Twitter) last year when many of the BLM protests were (and still) going on. In their own words: https://autismandrace.com/autistic-people-of-color-fund/ 
They are a vital organization. I cannot say this enough. Even in the Autistic community, our Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous Autistics are underdiagnosed and more likely to be overlooked. And the systems in place to help them grow are either not there, or too expensive. They offer micro grants to help out. And this vital. So yeah, I’m very passionate about seeing more folks donate to this organization. 
Autistic POC’s Website:  https://autismandrace.com/ The Fund: https://autismandrace.com/autistic-people-of-color-fund/ Twitter: @     AutisticPOC
As for what you can do in the mean time, you can unlearn a lot of ableist words and look up the history of them. And learn that ableism and racism are connected. 
AuTeach on TikTok is a great and funny resource for education. And memes. So many memes. She’s a PHD candidate who’s Autistic. And she’s got an Autistic kid who’s adorable. 
@annieelainey (She/They) is an amazing vlogger, writer, and advocate. She’s on youtube, twitter, IG, and here on tumblr (I think she is more active on twitter and IG these days). 
There are hashtags on Twitter where ableds can ask questions to the community. #AskingAutistics is used. Just remember that we don’t have to answer if we don’t want to. 
For Autistic BIMPOC there’s #AutisticWhileBlack #AutisicWhileBrown. It’s not exhaustive, but remember that the Autistic community is not a monolith, and racism is very prevalent and a maaaajor issue in the community. The community excludes Autistics of color a lot. If you are a Black, Brown, Asian, Indigenous, and/or Mixed, it is a frustrating and exhausting thing to deal with both ableism and racism from a community that is supposed to be supportive. 
This is just a starting point of where you can find good organizations to support. I would also like to say that these three are the ones I’m doing fundraising for. I am trying to raise $150 for each foundation this month. Like I said, I’m passionate about this because I’m Autistic. And I want to give back to my community. So if you want to donate, and have the means, you can here. And I’m streaming on twitch while I do so. 
So, yeah. Go support Autistics by educating yourself and eat cookies. Or donuts. Or tacos. Or ramen.
Now I’m hungry. 
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realbodyrevolution · 4 years
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dmnsqrl · 4 years
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https://twitter.com/annieelainey/status/1345380077580771328?s=19 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjTZZ4DVWJzimQUDWQtP68JDb8c3Jsw7pwQ280/?igshid=2ugyr0481qji
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annieelainey · 5 years
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The knowledge needed (and the ability to communicate that knowledge) in order to self-advocate in medical spaces is a privilege, and even then it can be used against patients instead of helping them.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ [Image Description: A series on tweets by Annie Segarra @annieelainey on Twitter:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 1) Disabled people (who are not medical professionals bc obvs some are) are expected to have a doctors' worth of knowledge abt our own bodies in order to advocate for ourselves in regards to our health. Sometimes all we have in our tool box is our attempts to express how it FEELS.⁣⁣⁣ 2) But we essentially have to know every possible symptom and comorbid condition of our umbrella conditions, we have to know our triggers and their consequences, we have to be able to feel something and determine exactly what it is because we are the only ones who can feel it.⁣⁣⁣ 3) And then IF we do all the work required to advocate for ourselves, IF we are knowledgeable in anatomy, our unique bodily functions due to disability, and medical terminology etc…⁣⁣⁣ 4) We get this condescending response from medical professionals, that because we are the PATIENT we have inferior knowledge not worthy of being heard or believed.⁣⁣⁣ 5) I'm lucky to have a mom who is also chronically ill & who was raised by a doctor and has a well of knowledge, I am able to point at a body part and ask "This hurts, what is this?" I've survived in situations I truly might not have if it weren't for her knowledge and experience.⁣⁣⁣ 6) A little off topic but shout out to chronically ill/disabled parents, and in particular if your kids have the same disabilities; if you aim to be, I'm sure there's no better mentor or advocate for them!! ✊💕♿⁣⁣⁣ 7) It just really sucks that lack of knowledge can be so dangerous for our health; that having a wealthy vocabulary and understanding of our bodies is often the difference between diagnosis, treatment, accessibility tools, etc and going without, it is such an injustice!] https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ARVREgl-A/?igshid=1ps6pj3ae3cgh
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spoonie-living · 5 years
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[Image: tweet by Annie Segarra (@annieelainey) asking what isolated folks watch or listen to for “company.”]
This is a really wonderful thread, full of great suggestions. Bookmark and come back the next time you’re feeling a little lonely 💖
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crippleprophet · 5 years
hi! im new to realising theres a disabled community on tumblr and was wondering if you could recommend any blogs? Thank you! x
definitely!! and welcome! some of these are primarily disability blogs & some aren’t, and also i follow too many disability blogs to remember all of my favs, but here are some:
@cripples-r-us-swag @cripplepunkrock @princex-n @qcrip @spoonie-living @youngchronicpain @chasingtheskyline @spacemancharisma
@theplantqueer @thefibrodiaries @diagnosed-un @so-over-ableism @cutlerydeficient @annieelainey @autisticadvocacy @painkillersandicecream
@disabilityhealth @chronicallybadass @heyatleastitsnotcancer @funwithfibro @chronic-illness-support
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cripplepunk-sylveon · 4 years
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@annieelainey​ just... dropping that bombshell on us. Thank you.
“Why do you have PTSD symptoms? Your life was okay” I was literally masking for upwards of twelve hours a day every day for nineteen years. I wasn’t okay. 
Thank you so much.
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