#anon 😆
o-ochangx · 1 year
My eyes wided when I heard him, I walked a few back until I stumbled to a tree. "N-No... Please Jake, please don't hurt me! I don't want any of those!" I yelled in tears, already on my knees, begging for life. But, he won't listen but kept laughing. I felt pathetic at this point. "Please Jake... Don't do it!"
How can I be sure that you won’t pull this type of shit again? I cannot trust you right now, you do know that right? Baby it won’t hurt. I will just carve my name on your beautiful collarbone and you can sleep. The next day you wake up it will all be over. I promise.
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Anon 😆
(Sorry for taking such a long time. I was feeling out of it lately 😅)
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elitadream · 6 months
The way you draw Mario is really interesting. It's like a mix of his current design and the old one (back when he was Jumpman).
I can see it! 😂
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corduroyserpent · 13 days
i love zhuzhi-lang conceptually but every time i see him i am forced to wonder if his father was just a regular old snags, or was it like a naga situation… did his father pass the harkness test? as the foremost tumblr expert on this specific guy, i was wondering if you have any insights
you've certainly come to the right place! unfortunately the canon information we have about zhuzhi-lang's father is slim.
we get this nice little tidbit about snake demons from shen qingqiu –
The snake race resided on the southern border of the Demon Realm. Strictly speaking, they still counted as part of the demon race, but their true forms took on the appearance of giant snakes. They were born in this form, and as they grew in age and cultivation, a terribly small number would over time shed their scales and take on a human appearance. But even more stayed in the shape of a snake for their entire lives.
[SVSSS Volume 2 – Chapter 12]
and this from zhuzhi-lang –
"My bloodline is lowly, all because my father was a simpleminded giant snake. I had this half-man, half-snake appearance from the moment my mother gave birth to me.
[SVSSS Volume 3 – Chapter 21]
so i'm of the opinion that zhuzhi-lang's father had either yet to cultivate a human form at the time of zhuzhi-lang's conception or at the very least was in his original giant snake form when tianlang-jun's sister got to live out her monsterfucking dreams (good for her MY GOD GOOD FOR HER)
the naga form we often see depicted in fanwork (for good reason, it's fun and sexy) is never seen in canon. so i think it's highly unlikely he was breasting boobily while slithering XD
but! i do think it's likely that their relationship passes the harkness test! just based on the sentience we've seen from other beast type demons and how zhuzhi-lang in his original half-snake form would definitely be able to consent. but we also only have zhuzhi-lang's word about his father so *shrug* who knows!
the only person who could tell us for sure is MXTX 🥺 i'm on my hands and knees begging, please release the forbidden heavenly demon princess x giant snake extra PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
ahem. anyway! these are my thoughts and i hope they were helpful <3
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nerd-artist · 2 months
It's been a fun bit of solidarity looking at the notes for your Talanah art and knowing we are all collectively losing it because of that amazing piece. How's it feel to completely dismantle the image of "normal" I had going? Because that AU art owns my soul rn.
Apparently I still don't know how Tumblr works because I had this ask waiting for more than a year. I’m so sorry, I’m the worst!
I guess this was referred to that Talanah as the goddess Nike I made (because she wins every poll, and everything, in general 😉). I’m so glad to have helped to transform your soul, I hope you feel more “normal” by now, Anon 💖✨✨✨
Thank you so SO much for your words, here is another Talanah to compensate the waiting.
I promise to check my inbox frequently, I’d love to have more of these.
Edit: Thank you @kelsochronicles for letting me use one of your amazing shots as a reference for this 💖
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frikatilhi · 9 months
Old school fanvid time!
Bojere: If I were
music: Stephen Lynch - Gay
Another time another scene I'd be right behind you, if you know what I mean
Edit. testing this tumblr hack (post a photo to make your video show up in the tags)
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photo: @vita_orehek_photography
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awwfuckno · 1 year
Pls show mowre pidgveom the cat 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
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Pigeon: u talkin to me? TO ME????
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vladdyissues · 3 months
How do you see the first year after Vlad x Danny wedding? (Let's consider, they have married when Danny was 20)
As addition, whom can Vlad invite for the wedding? I know it depends on is it the ghost or the human wedding but anyway.
Would their wedding be a secret? Or headlines would shout, "One of the richest men has married... on a guy!" ? (Alt. "Phantom and Mayor Masters' relationship is confirmed: THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!")
🏆 Vlad is a showy guy when it comes to public opinion (e.g., bragging about his charitable works, anything that stokes his popularity), but he’s also extremely private about his personal life. For this reason, I think he’d keep his wedding to Danny secret and simple. Marriage license, officiator, small gathering of maybe five people, I do, I do, and done. Light refreshments, champagne and oysters, a small cake. Ceremony performed in his backyard or—perhaps more appropriately—Lambeau Field, home stadium of the Green Bay Packers. Maybe a few fireworks as a surprise. Nothing too wild. 
👻 Vlad doesn’t seem to have the best opinion of—or relationship with—the ghosts in the Ghost Zone, so I don’t see Skulker or the Vultures getting an invite, or a Ghost Zone wedding happening at all.
💍 Whether Jack or Maddie approve of this wedding is the big question. I honestly can’t see them ever in a million years approving of their former college friend marrying their only son—unless they were aware of both Vlad and Danny being half ghosts.
“Your son is never going to die,” Vlad tells them gently, maybe during the meeting where he asks for Jack and Maddie’s blessing to marry Danny. “Forever is a long path for Daniel to travel alone. But it doesn’t have to be. Not if you allow me to be with him. I have the means and the resources to see that he is always taken care of. I have a raft of investments locked in place that will ensure my fortune perpetuates for the next several hundred years. With me, Daniel will always have a roof over his head, a place to call home, and someone who loves him. Dearly. Until the end of the time. I mean that in the most literal sense.”
Jack and Maddie are stunned silent for several moments.
“What’s the point of asking us?” Jack finally mutters. “Once Maddie and I die, you can do whatever you want. We won’t be able to stop you.”
“It matters to Daniel. And I love him. That’s why I’m asking you.”
They still don’t like it, but facts are facts, and scientists appreciate that more than they do good intentions. Another thing they appreciate is truth, and Vlad’s soft words and earnest face have convinced them of his honesty.
Jack and Maddie share a tearful look, clasping each other’s hands, before turning to Vlad.
“Okay,” Maddie croaks. “Just—promise us he’ll stay in school.”
“At least an Associate’s degree,” Jack adds.
“Don’t turn him into a spoiled brat.”
“Trade school certificate, bare minimum.”
A baffled pause, then Vlad laughs. “You have my word. By the end of the century, Daniel will have more degrees than a thermometer.”
The Fentons release a pair of relieved sighs.
They can handle their son being an immortal entity, but not an uneducated one.
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
Hello!!! I saw that Lovejoy was being interviewed by MTV and I was wondering if you could write something where the reader is an interviewer and interviews them and Wilbur is like flirting with them the whole time, I totally understand if you don’t write it. You’re an awesome writer by the way:))
first omg thank you for saying im an awesome writer! i really appreciate it!! 🥹 second; THIS RIGHT HERE I will try my best since I don't really know how to write flirty but I hope you like it anyways!!
*I tweaked it a little that the reader is a fan of lovejoy but thats just me self reflecting… also this is unedited and kinda rushed so please forgive me if its not good and there are any mistakes!
musicianbur x fem!reader
“We are here with lovejoy at the biggest festival in new york city!” you didn’t try to hide your excitement as you spoke so enthusiastically into the microphone and looking directly into camera.
Lovejoy was one of your favorite up-and-coming bands. Working for an independent entertainment network gave you some advantages when meeting people in the industry you admired. But doing an exclusive interview with Lovejoy, you couldn’t wrap your head around. Since you first started listening to their music, you were so enthralled by their sound and lyricism, how could you not be a fan.
“How are you guys this hot afternoon?” you giggled and held the microphone towards the person standing closest to you, Wilbur. The lead singer of the band.
You would be lying if you didn’t find him attractive at all when you were standing right next to him. You couldn’t deny the nerves in the pit of your stomach standing so close to him that your arms bushed.
Following down the line were; Ash, Mark, and Joe at the end. They all chuckled at your remark about the weather and nodded in greeting.
“We're doing good! Just got off stage and feeling great! This is- well most of us anyways- first time in new york so we're excited to be here. ” Joe answered.
You nodded and brought the microphone back over to yourself.
“I was watching your whole set, and I gotta say, you guys were incredible! I am such a huge fan of you guys! I'm kinda freaking out that I get you to interview you!”
Other interviewers would always say that in apathetic tones but Wilbur could tell from the smile that graced your lips and sparkling eyes, your words were genuine.
“thank you so much, glad to meet a fan.” Wilbur winks. You almost stutter out the next question but play it off by clearing your throat, hoping the mic didn’t catch your falter.
“I know you guys love your fans, and they love you tenfold, so I imagine getting to meet them is such a great experience so, Do you have a favorite fan interaction?"
Mark was the one who answered the question first, but Wilbur wasn't listening to his response because he could not take his eyes away from you. In addition to being polite and praising their work so graciously, he also thought you were extremely attractive. Everything from your hair framing your face to your beautiful smile seemed to pull him closer to you like a magnet.
Wilbur's eyes burned into your skin while he watched you listen to Mark intently. You could feel him staring at you and it wasn't making you uncomfortable, but it made your pulse race in excitement. glancing at Wilbur briefly, He held your gaze for a few seconds before looking away quickly as he had gotten caught. You couldn't help but the mixture of thrill and confusion that washed over you. You knew something was happening between you two, but you weren't sure what it was.
Mark finished his response, then each member had answered until you had to hold the microphone up to wilbur for his reply.
"Yeah, I love every interaction I get with fans, especially when they're so genuine and lovely,"
You do not know why your mind automatically associated that with you, maybe it was the slight tone in Wilbur’s voice that gave you the impression.
At some point during the interview, Wilbur moved closer to you. Bystanders would see him shifting his feet to debauch his nervousness, but you understood what he was doing was on purpose trying to closer to you. The nearness between you made your face flush, and your heart quicken. You weren't sure what to do with yourself as every time you leaned over to let the others speak into the mic you were unintentionally brushing against Wilbur.
Sadly, the interview had to come to an end after you asked some questions that were sure to satisfy your producer’s. With an outro and a ‘cut’ from the camera man, you had called it a wrap.
Bidding your goodbyes to the band with firm handshakes and your genuine congratulations to their success you had finished your time with them.
When you turned to walk away to help finish packing up the equipment, a voice calling your name made you turn around in surprise.
Wilbur was jogging over to you with a nervous smile and reaching a hand over to you. He seemed like he had something on his mind he wanted to tell you so it was his turn to ask you a question. You waited with bated breath.
“I was wondering if I could get your number? if not I totally get it. I think you’re really nice and would maybe like to get coffee with me sometime?” Wilbur asks, shoving his hands in his jean pockets and rocking on his feet. It was honestly so adorable how anxious he was.
You on the other hand couldn’t believe the leader singer of your favorite band was asking you out- not asking you out- it was just your number and coffee. Maybe something more if you were lucky but, you wouldn’t get your hopes up.
There was no harm in accepting his offer to take you out so you simply said;
“I would love to,” Reaching for your phone in your back pocket, you handed him the device and he typed his number into your contacts.
Once he was finished, he passed your phone back to you and grinned, like he had just won the lottery he was so happy.
“I’ll text you so I can let you know when Im free!” you say, sliding your phone back into the pocket of your jeans. Wilbur nods.
“We leave in a few days, end of the tour so we get a few days off before flying home so i have plenty of time to see you.”
“Im looking forward to it,” you say and his smile brightens somehow.
With a quick hug and ‘message you soon’, you both say your goodbyes when you get an all clear from your crew the van is ready to go.
Wilbur went back to join in with his group falling into conversation. With one final wave as you both gave each other one last look of longing, you climbed into the van being greeted by air conditioning and sat back with a sigh.
You couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach as you drove off from the thought of the next time you would see Wilbur soot again.
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bloodlegacies · 5 months
MC : Drench in blood, looking absolute feral post battle
Hayden: 😳👉👈
That's so them 🤣🤣🤣👏👏💖 Hayden would make sure to offer to clean the blood, no doubt. Maybe even have a painting of the mc ust as they are – armor, blood, and a furious expression, everything included.
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o-ochangx · 1 year
'w-what lesson...? Is he gonna kill me next?' I just shook my head, tried to be positive, positively dead rn i guess. We then finally arrived a house, in the middle of nowhere. "W-what are you gonna do? What do mean by good lesson? Are gonna kill me then?" I asked Jake, but he just smiled... That smile is with anger inside him ofcs, I can feel it.
Why would I kill you sweet thing? You’re the only one I have. Just be quiet now. *saying that I drove the car in full speed* come out. *as soon as she came out I held her arm as I dragged her in the house which was inside a forest* now tell me. Lighter and matches, hammer or knife?
You’re not gonna talk? Then all for me. You chose this. I gave you a choice.
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Anon 😆
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genericpuff · 8 months
Wait and see? Who do think you are? Neil Gaiman?
LMAO ??? This just in, apparently you have to be Neil Gaiman to not want to spoil your ongoing longform works with your audience, wtf 😆
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
russell and sainz as teammates. Who could be hated more?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD IMAGINE THE SCENES 🤣🤣 every race weekend there would be at least one "he turned in on me" and if not that then at the bare minimum a LONG complaint over the team radio about how someone's race is being sacrificed and it is VERY UNFAIR. lmfao. it would be a disaster 🤣🤣 personally, i would also love to see the russell girlies and the sainz girlies really go at it on tumblr. now THERE would be absolute scenes 😆
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ask-shane · 2 months
How tall are you? You seem like the kind of guy to talk a lot of shit and be barely taller than a middle schooler
and you seem like the kind of person to talk shit about someone's height while hiding behind anon.
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take-my-soul-if · 2 months
I like the legend i read somewhere about Aphrodite that her looks are whatever the looker thinks is beautiful. That her looks aren't the same for everyone and that she can be even whatever gender the looker is attracted to. "Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
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lipglossanon · 9 months
I think Leon in a chastity cage would be so hot. Especially if it’s big and strong Leon, Mr. Heartthrob who has everyone looking and pining after him, little do they know he can’t use his cock without your permission. Usually that means he can’t get off or touch it at all, but if he’s been especially bad, you put in a urethral plug/sounder and while it continuously pleasures him, the main thing is that he can’t even piss without your permission (or safewording, play safe kids). I think he secretly likes those moments the best, knowing you have such complete control over his dick that he can’t even use it to do a normal bodily function without your permission, it really makes it sink in that his dick is yours. He’s holding back moans and falling into sub space all day as the metal prevents him from getting a boner (something he’s thankful for, because if it wasn’t for the cage, everyone would be able to see just how horny he is). And then he comes home and begs so prettily for you to use /your/ dick however you want, and you empty out his balls of everything that was backed up throughout the day 🥰
- 🐶
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🐶 anon, this is my live reaction 👆
I am gnawing at the bars of my cage right now
Leon loving the fact you own his dick?? ����
And just the dirty talk alone would end my life 🥵
“Yeah, s’all yours, it’s your cock, fuck, you own me, god, don’t even wanna cum just want you to use me. Use me, fuck, use my cock to get off.” 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
(Piss kink has entered the chat)
But like making him hold it til he’s all teary eyed and then taking him to the bathroom and you slip the sound out and hold his cock cause he’s still not allowed to touch but like he’s getting hard while trying to actually go so you’re just teasing the drippy head 🥴
🐶 anon you’re making me think thoughts 🤭
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tosahobi-if · 4 months
super secret wip is about horrible people 👀???
JSAFJSJ yes it's about a horrible person by circumstance (the mc) and horrible people by choice (the ros) having to deal with the mortifying ordeal of growing a heart
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