#anonymous ad
anonymousad · 1 year
read MORE carefully when you feel attacked, not less
I honestly wonder about the reading comprehension of some people because some of the reactions to my posts seem to go like this:
me: I think pancakes are better than waffles other person: WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DO YOU HATE WAFFLES
and... no, that isn't what I said?
I didn't say people don't deserve to be compensated for their work, I said that you can't be trying to pay people like it's a salaried job without having that kind of stable and consistent business income. that's literally how businesses go bankrupt all the time.
I also didn't say that you can't/shouldn't be able to make money in audio drama, I said that you need to do it SUSTAINABLY. off the top of my head I can name several shows that do just that (WOE.BEGONE and Malevolent being two I've mentioned in the past), not to mention people like Lauren Shippen. timing and luck have a lot to do with success, absolutely, so that isn't to say it is easy or guaranteed if you follow in those kinds of steps, but it does show that it can be done in ways that are self-sustaining rather than constantly asking for large cash drops to stay afloat.
speaking of, I didn't compare Harlan to JK Rowling, I pointed out how "death of the author" has been deployed by people who don't want to face HER hatefulness while still engaging with Harry Potter (I know many people like this as we all do I'm sure) as an example of why you have to be cautious when throwing it around as an excuse.
and I definitely didn't say that a Black woman was hoarding resources by having a crowdfunding campaign with a high goal??? very weird assumption for you to draw from what I actually WAS talking about, person on Bluesky. almost like you didn't actually read and understand that whole section before trying to jump down my throat about it.
I have found, both in writing this blog and generally in life, that the more people feel defensive the less they are able to engage with what is being said. anyone who has ever tried to argue for trans or gay rights with a right winger has experienced this, it's the reason that "debate bro" types are so successful. you pick out the parts that make you feel angry and you go on a tirade about them, rather than stepping back and trying to synthesize the whole message.
not once has one of the people defensive about the crowdfunding stuff addressed my key point of it being "unsustainable" in their responses to it. that is literally the thesis, sidestepping it does not make it go away. it just reinforces to me and others that you are not thinking long-term about what will and won't work for us as a community.
I should also say that none of what I post comes just from me. every single thing I've said on this blog has come from at least a few different people. it is not a one-person opinion party, something I'm not sure I've ever said outright. especially with the crowdfund stuff I have had conversations with at least a dozen showrunners who all think the current methods do not work, are not sustainable, and are only benefitting the same people over and over. I have these conversations with my "colleagues" (because I can't think of another word) in the space because I find it interesting and important and valuable. I am engaging with these conversations outside of this blog because I have an emotional investment in us as a community figuring this out so that we can thrive.
I still regret not making this blog when I first desperately wanted to to talk about The Magnus Protocol campaign. (I do have thoughts on the TMA ttrpg though, as a general thing that exists and also based in some basic understanding of how the selected system was a bad choice for what people will be hoping to get from this thing so people will likely be disappointed once they actually play it)
anyway, that's all I have to say on that right now.
tldr: I know my posts are long and there is a lot to get through sometimes. but if you are going to fixate on one sentence and ignore the larger context you are setting yourself up to misunderstand the actual point being made. and yes, there is usually a point, one that I find important enough to bother writing about in the first place.
actually, I should also say that I would be more than willing to have a conversation with Tal or someone else from that part of the community who believes that the current crowdfunding model is working and will continue to work in the long run. seriously, if I am missing something obvious then explain it to me so I can understand what about this is working. and I don't just mean working for you, I mean working for the community and creators as a whole. because I still see a lot of campaigns fail for much less, even when following the vague tips being handed out about how to run a successful campaign.
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onlineviolence · 5 months
Yaoi (old men)
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incognitopolls · 1 month
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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allastoredeer · 7 months
I figured you would appreciate this. You know what would make for a great radioapple song? Or well, a song that Alastor and Lucifer both would enjoy, at least?
The Show Must Go On by Queen. I know Al usually doesn't go for music not from his lifetime, but i bet even HE couldn't scoff at Queen, especially this song. It honestly makes me cry and I bet it'd make Lucifer cry too. Freddie Mercury was a DEMIGOD😭🫡
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This is a VERY radioapple song, thank you so much for introducing it to me. Especially the "my make-up may be flaking, but my smile, still, stays on" line. That's SO Alastor I feel like I've been punched in the gut.
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arttsuka · 4 months
augustus: *making a painting using a brush in his mouth* "is it weird i'm a work of art making a work of art"
octavius: *hugging his plinth* "i'm so proud of you, my boy"
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Help I just got color of the sky'd by a TUMBLR AD. It was a FLASHING GIF BTW
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this is not the color of the sky I support, wtfffff Tumblr
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popfizzles · 12 days
sorry sorry. It just now hit me. Val's soulless version is Sloth because that's her deepest desire. And you said Val often does things for others instead of herself. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 she just wants to be lazy for once ...
Well, if you're constantly doing things for others, the promise of getting to "do nothing" instead becomes very tantalizing, I think.
Don't you?
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
You always say Chrollo has meticulously thought of every single situation and outcome.
What is something darling could say/ask to make him freeze for a little longer than normal?
there are two potential routes.
the first route is to present him with the pufferfish dilemma,
or the far less fun route which is hitting him with a classic, "I think we should see other people."
any breakup attempts would not be well-received from chrollo, but this one in particular stirs up some negative sentiments. from his perspective, your morals might not perfectly align, but you have this titillating chemistry. he prides himself on his ability to read others, so for him to miss this discontentment in you doesn't bode well. it's a slight loss in power he wants to regain as soon as possible.
then there's the implication that you'd prefer someone else over him. this cuts him to the bone. there's his inherent possessiveness as a thief on the surface, then beneath that, loneliness that takes the form of roots spreading to unknown depths. he feels something for you, a sensation he attributes to the apex of a heist or when he gets his hands on a special curio. those sensations peak and fade. adrenaline wears off, excitement plateaus...
yes, he does occasionally get a rush from being around you, but what he finds far more fascinating is when he doesn't. when you're both simply reading in the same room, the ambiance that of pages turning rather than sirens and gore squelching. watching you fold laundry into separate piles so your clothes don't get mixed up. when you text him about an awful first date you're overhearing.
chrollo tried analyzing these sensations and came to no world-shattering conclusion. the thought he eventually arrived at is it's just... nice. warm. unassuming.
he can't find that with anyone else. so, his next best solution is to ensure you don't have the opportunity to find it with anyone else either.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Ohh I for one am hoping to see more Match is technically also a Luthor! I’m very much looking forward to Luthor’s reaction to the branding comment.
This is the most ridiculous thing that’s ever happened to him, besides Superboy. Superboy always fucks up the curve on “ridiculous”, though. 
“Does he draw?” Lena asks curiously, pushing up on her toes. The soles of her sneakers flash with rainbow lights. Match can’t discern a practical reason for the effect, but obviously it’s not just cosmetic, so Luthor must’ve custom-designed something for some purpose. Trackers, maybe, or some kind of robotic enhancement intended to provide either speed or strength boosts. A baseline human six year-old can’t be particularly physically impressive, unless she’s a metahuman or was somehow genetically modified. He doesn’t feel any cybernetic parts in her actual body, so . . . 
“I have absolutely no idea,” Luthor replies frankly. “Why don’t you ask him about it while I get ready for the board meeting.” 
Match has never understood less of what was going on around him than he does right now. 
“Do you draw?” Lena asks, which is something no one’s ever asked him in his life, but he barely registers that fact because she also does something much stranger, which is reach out to catch his hands and try to pull him towards her. She’s incapable of it, obviously, given he’s a mostly-grown half-Kryptonian and she’s a kindergartner who apparently doesn’t have either cybernetic or genetic enhancements, but he’s just so bewildered by the gesture that he doesn’t know what to do about it. 
Lena frowns stubbornly when he doesn’t move, then braces her feet against the marble flooring, puffs out her cheeks, and tugs harder. The rainbow lights in her shoes go off again, but don’t seem to be providing her efforts any noticeable assistance. 
Match slants a wary look towards Luthor, who for some reason just looks mildly entertained.
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aspecpolls · 2 months
Asexual people, does anybody else feel very uncomfortable watching sexual scenes (on tv series, movies etc) but reading them doesn't feel as bad?
Yes I feel like this too
No I don't feel like this
Not asexual/results button
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kurjat · 8 days
draw tails from Sonic pawlease
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Hes baby!!! !! !!!! :)
(requests always open, but i don't promise to always fulfill them)
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anonymousad · 1 year
harlan guthrie sharing that he was having a baby is actually a pretty normal, non parasocial thing to do imo. i wouldn't call the number of children you have inappropriately intimate information to disclose.
inappropriately intimate information to disclose is more like sharing pictures of your real custody agreement paperwork, sending emotionally fraught screenshots from emails with your father with whom you have a strained relationship (and oversharing how this strained relationship informs your podcasts to people BRAND NEW to your server who just wanted to pay you a compliment), giving your personal home address to fans, and telling people about your kidney stones, including the symptoms you were experiencing.
here's where i'd joke "you know, as a hypothetical example", but being a one-off anon message, i'll be clear that yes, these are all real examples harlan guthrie shared publically in his very large discord server. he doesn't have a good grasp of boundaries or the general concept of parasociality, and the extremely weak and ill-enforced "rules" of his server both exemplify and contribute to this.
(he's also infamously fast and loose with the privacy of others, making a hobby of screenshotting and posting bad reviews of his shows without redacting usernames even after being told repeatedly that this was not cool. supposedly he really has stopped for good now, which would be good, but also he did give a child's real name and face in private conversation with two separate users in the recent 'nazi child' incident, so.)
first of the anonymous asks I got with stories/information on the whole Harlan Guthrie discord thing.
note: yeah I recognize the baby thing is probably just me, I don't like strangers knowing a lot about myself. so seeing others do it so freely and openly despite knowing they have thousands of fans is jarring and kind of scares me.
I'm not sure if I'm going to do more with each of these than just boost them and have them all gathered in one place, but depending on the kinds of correlating incidents that come in I may do something like a timeline of events or something showing patterns of behavior.
I will say that the last sentence of this ask DOES have context, which I learned from someone passing along this tumblr post:
let me know what people might find helpful. I know for some the goal of this kind of thing is going to have one place to point and start asking for accountability, it's nice to have stuff gathered.
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
crossing my fingers we just saw Trump's McCain/Palin '08 moment.
Lololololololol JD Vance?
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incognitopolls · 7 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
What do you think about the AU where Alastor meets the Devil while he’s still alive? there’s plenty of potential with that 😏
I have a couple of fics saved with that AU!
But otherwise, I haven’t given the AU a lot of thought. It would be fun to explore a dynamic between Lucifer and Alastor if they were to have know each other pre-Alastor death, even more so if Lucifer forgot about Alastor and Alastor very much remembered him.
Lmao it’d bring a whole new context to Alastor’s instant saltiness towards Lucifer. The guy got wham, bam, thank you ma’am-ed and then Lucifer never called him back. The bitterness is so real.
Especially when he realizes Lucifer doesn’t even remember him (or recognize him 👀 due to his deer/demon characteristics). Alastor probably wouldn’t say anything about it, though, he’d just keep needling and insulting Lucifer like a scorned ex-lover, and Lucifer has no idea why but he’s gonna needle and insult him back, even if there’s…something strangely familiar about Alastor…something he can’t quite put his finger on…
FUCK - I literally haven’t considered this AU AT ALL, and now I’m developing a whole fic idea. Anon what have you done 😩
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arttsuka · 3 months
can augustus hop around like the pixar lamp
Here (I don't know how to animate, pretend this looks good). Also I replaced 'pixar' with 'night at the museum' because why not
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