#answering spam calls
poonamranius · 2 years
अपने Android smartphone में Spam calls को ऐसे करें ब्लॉक, बस ये आसान सेटिंग्स करें
अपने Android smartphone में Spam calls को ऐसे करें ब्लॉक, बस ये आसान सेटिंग्स करें
अगर आप अपने एंड्राइड स्मार्टफोन में आने वाली फर्जी कॉल्स/Spam Calls से हैं परेशान तो यहां हम आपको कुछ आसान टिप्स बता रहे हैं जो आपके काफी काम आ सकती हैं क्या आप टेली मार्केटिंग कॉल्स से परेशान हैं और क्या आपको बार-बार डिस्काउंट,ऑफर्स और लोन जैसी चीज़ों के लिए कॉल आते हैं। कई बार ये भी देखने में आता है कि टेली मार्केटिंग कॉल्स को ब्लॉक करने पर टेली मार्केटर आपको किसी दूसरे नंबर से कॉल करते हैं।…
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welldigger62 · 4 days
I thought we just had the Summer Solstice.
From where I’m at, it was really the start of Spam Call Season. I can’t be the only one. This is ridiculous 🤬 🤬
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meraxes-of-new-albion · 8 months
Curious about Baldurs Gate popularity, so a poll:
Please reblog for sample size!
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Spam Call - A Transformers Short
In which Optimus learns about spam callers and decides to try and enter into the chaos ring the humans and Wheeljack have going to answer them. (The characterization may not be completely accurate, but I wanted Chaos Prime himself to activate for everyone to see.)
Jack groaned as his phone started ringing, hoping it wasn't his mother. He took it out, only to see the unknown caller ID on his screen. He snorted, smirking down at it for a moment.
"Miko, you called dibs on this one. Here." Jack tossed his phone to her and they cackled before answering on speaker phone.
"Helllooooo you have reached alien tech support, how can I assist you in deciphering human technology? Is it a language problem? Is the screen too small? Do you need to order a new keyboard?" Miko chirped into the phone.
Optimus watched with veiled curiosity as Miko paused, listening to the phone. The telemarketer sputtered for a bit before managing to speak.
"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number."
"Oh, that's alright. You will have an agent with you soon to erase your memories of this number since you don't need it! Remain stationary, if at all possible. Thank you, human!" Miko giggled before hanging up. They tossed Jack's phone back.
"What was that?" Optimus found himself asking.
"We have this annoying thing that happens...uh...spam callers or telemarketers. Their thing is either staying silent, being AI, or wanting to sell things. Miko got one that wasn't a dud just now, on Jack's phone. Our challenge is usually to just spout the most unhinged crap at them to get them to leave us alone." Raf explained, a slight smile quirking into place.
"We usually call dibs when we're together." Miko added, her grin holding so much mischief. "Wheeljack has answered one of my spam calls once to mess with them."
"Can confirm. I did a spiel in Kalius at them and then waited. They hung up pretty quickly." Wheeljack chuckled. "Might try Vossian next if I get the chance. Maybe Prax."
"Oh my Primus, Wheeljack! Why did you do that? We're trying to stay secret from as many humans as possible!" Ratchet scolded.
"What? Sometimes Miko answers in Japanese! I had to see how fun it would be with some of our languages." Wheeljack defended himself. "Plus, Tolkien was crazy enough to invent a new language so there."
The first spam call that Optimus was allowed to answer was on Agent Fowler's phone. It was a late night, Fowler was napping on the couch as Optimus was working on the last bits of paperwork and grumbled as he opened and held the phone up.
Optimus calmly spoke in the language only Primus' chosen could easily speak. It sounded a bit like music to the ear, except too mechanical. He calmly asked if the spam caller was looking for religious freedom through the Highest.
The telemarketer tried to ask a few questions, but Optimus only spoke in that Primacian language in reply.
Then the caller hung up.
Optimus grinned a little to himself and straightened up as Fowler resumed his nap on the couch, going back to doing paperwork.
Ratchet looked as though he'd gotten whiplash from that and Optimus shrugged a bit at him. Ratchet decided to go lay down for a while after.
The next time Optimus took a spam call was when everyone was present.
The children watched with interest as Optimus delicately pressed the button with a thin stylus as he balanced the phone in his massive hand before clearing his throat and going on a wild tangent in the Kaos language.
The language of Kaon was one that he wasn't quite as fluent in, but he got the point across that he was very "irritated" and very "willing to hunt people down". When in reality he was just angrily reciting a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Arcee's eyes widened and she started to laugh a little. Bee looked almost bewildered as Optimus shouted.
The caller had hung up midway through and Optimus started to laugh a bit as he realized.
"What was that?" Raf asked with awe.
"The recipe for chocolate chip cookies that Optimus had translated over to use for this. He planned this, kids. I need you to know that." Arcee cackled. "He used the language of Kaon just to yell the recipe for chocolate chip cookies at a spam caller."
Miko started to laugh in disbelief.
"The Prime has a sense of humor, wowww." Wheeljack commented.
"Welllll...let's say I didn't quite grow out of mischief completely." Optimus—or was that Orion just now saying hello?—hummed with ease, passing the phone back to Raf.
Miko giggled a bit and started to think about what pranks they could talk Optimus into. Jack and Raf looked as though they were concerned about her plotting.
"So I wasn't hallucinating from lack of recharge." Ratchet commented grumpily. "Good to know."
Arcee seemed to sober up for a moment, if only to ask the question that everyone had now.
"What do you mean?"
Ratchet sighed heavily, glaring over his shoulder at Optimus, who gestured innocently for Ratchet to speak. The medic shook his head with slight annoyance.
"Optimus answered a spam call last night from Fowler's phone. He used the Prima language—which I don't even understand—to spook a caller into hanging up." Ratchet explained. Optimus grinned.
"I did." Optimus agreed before intentionally starting to speak it again. "It's a fun language to use so that no one can understand what I mean by anything."
Ratchet looked more annoyed. "Shut the actual pit up."
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xxthefairywitchxx · 6 months
the most I've gotten in a day is like, 55...reblog to spread it for a bigger sample size or...yknow, whatever you want
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charlie-rulerofhell · 11 months
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Chris Harms at Gefragt – Gejagt | The Chase A Tragedy in 3 Acts
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distortedkilling · 2 months
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Friendly reminder that this is a roleplay blog. I can't respond to asks that don't keep that in mind. Usually I have no limit on how many asks people send me, because I don't really get overwhelmed by that stuff. I know to take my time.
Problem here is that it gets to be a little tedious deleting asks that have no thought or consideration behind them. I like silly shit, but only if I can write Mahito mostly in character for it. I write Mahito from the angle of being A Problem (dangerous, threat, etc) and not the 'silly lil' guy that's quirky' angle. While the latter is certainly part of the former, I get bombarded (and I mean BOMBARDED) with asks from mostly personals treating him like some silly lil' guy that will go along with nonsense. When he won't. Especially with humans (unless you've earned your fun badge with him).
If I can't answer in character or explain something about him out of character, then those asks aren't for this blog. I'm open to engaging with anyone, I just ask for folks to be mindful so we both can have fun.
This is a boundary post. Not throwing shade. Personals (and roleplayers for the most part) that have been following/mutuals with me for a bit now should know this isn't about them - or have already been told. But if you're worried, just let me know. Usually I handle this stuff privately but the issue is a lot of them have been anons, and while I suspect the blog(s) involved I don't want to accuse anyone in case I'm mistaken. So unfortunately, I gotta make a public post at this point to try and scoop all the known ones and unknown ones together. Sorry about that!
If anyone is unclear feel free to just ask. I don't want anything to be unclear. <3
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50000bears · 2 months
My resume is officially done and I have started applying today :D
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downs1de · 3 months
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Sam Winchester-Davis: TAG DROP
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lgbtq simp shitposter 🫡
accurate mhn
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oh-meow-swirls · 4 months
Grinding for the goo in 2 is so painful
i like how much more hilarious and confusing this would be out of context i know exactly what you mean but without yo-kai watch knowledge "grinding for the goo" would be such an amusing statement-
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citrlet · 4 months
me after hanging up immediately after any phone call
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unrelated side note but if you want to cry a little today watch to be woman on youtube by olive morris it's a powerful cry i promise
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tenrose · 21 days
Due to recent events, I've decided to finish and send the novel to the institute that offer ADHD diagnosis among other things. I have enough of myself. I mean once I have proof by A + B that I'm just lazy maybe that will be a wake up call. They don't require a phone call, thank god, but they require a description of symptoms, history etc. Obviously I took that as writing a freaking essay.
Things I wrote in the essay in question:
Wrote it like it's a first person POV story
Wrote that I can't talk properly in a narration where I alternated between formal and informal writing
After listing all the basic things I can't do, I digress about how I somehow manage to travel by own once year despite not being able to make one phone call, having my driving licence, doing the chores.
In the said digression, after I said a few lines higher that I have social anxiety, said that I somehow feel more comfortable speaking in English than in my native language, not cause I speak well (I don't I panic and forget every single word of the English language cause I don't practise often) but because I feel like being a foreigner i am less judged than stumbling every three words in my fucking tongue.
After that digression I dropped that I kinda have my thoughts going everywhere (case in point)
Casually dropped my past of school bullying like it's totally unrelated to my anxiety, just, maybe I am a bit paranoid. Drowned this short sentence in the middle of rambling so it doesn't sound like a big thing.
Said that I was advised to have an ADHD diagnosis by people who had diagnosis and are now feel better but that I'm still not convinced I have anything but I just think I'm lazy and overdramatic
Ended the whole thing by apologising for being annoying
They are never gonna call me 💀
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meownotgood · 1 year
a request: yandere aki
aki took a liking to you almost immediately. his feelings towards you were normal at first. but eventually, those feelings twisted into infatuation, and then obsession.
you're just... too lovely, too perfect for this kind of world. you don't deserve to go through the same horrors aki has been through, it just wouldn't be right.
and aki can't lose you. it seems like all he can think about these days is something horrible happening to you. when he closes his eyes at night, he can't sleep because he's always dreaming of watching you die — you, the one person he loves, the last person he cares about.
he feels like he's going to go crazy. everyone can notice, too; his coworkers have been slowly watching him lose focus, he can hear them murmuring amongst themselves whenever he leaves work early for the tenth time. if he spends one more second without you, without being able to make sure you're safe, he's really going to lose it. out of everyone, nothing can happen to you. nothing at all.
aki isn't forceful. he'd never hurt you, or anyone close to you. but he's a little too pushy about getting you to stay with him, and a little too quick to ask you to move in. he tells you that you should quit your job, you should be with him, he can take care of you, you don't need anything else. you don't understand where any of this is coming from, and that's okay. aki wouldn't expect you to understand. you don't have to love him back. you just have to accept that you're his.
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septembersghost · 2 years
still thinking about howard hamlin. i know the Original bcs characters not having presences at all in breaking bad is just the nature of a prequel but now with him it just feels like an extension of his tragedy. no trace left of how hard he worked, and for what
anon i've had this for ten days, i'm sorry. i think i can finally answer it, i hope you're still here!
this is SUCH an interesting and quite devastating aspect of his tragedy for me, and much of it exists in direct contrast to nacho's sacrifice. everything about what happened to howard is like a mirror to nacho, down to causality. nacho who was fully in the game, nacho who knew exactly how he was being played and why (or when he himself was the player), nacho who ultimately wrested his agency back. (obviously i am a nachoe here, but stay with me.) nacho's death, devastating as it is, reverberates, as we've all been discussing these last months. that first man to die out under that expanse of sky choosing to do so for the love of someone else, the rage in it and the transcendence of it, the fragile beauty of the blue flower's growth - when we know that the men witnessing his loss, while they may not care or be impacted by it (mike excluded), will all meet their grisly demises, and nacho haunts every margin. that is the power he stole back. he is in their deaths (he still manages to help facilitate the mutual destruction of hector and gus from beyond the grave), and he is blooming in the desert.
but howard? howard wasn't in the game. howard had no idea what was even going on - even when he figures out the scam, he doesn't actually get the crux of anything. he's drifting in what he imagines is this black and white (collar) legal world, thinking he understands the score, walking into a room he can never leave, on the surface simply because he chose the wrong moment to be there. and yet every action, including his own, was a falling domino leading to that point. both nacho and howard feel inevitable but in strikingly different ways. howard's speech to jimmy and kim, calling them out, is a mirror of nacho's last soliloquy too, and yet lacks its strength because he still has no idea what world he's inhabiting. when jimmy went feral in the courthouse last season, though it's unhinged at the time, it ends up being prophetic - i travel in worlds you can't even imagine! you can't conceive of what i'm capable of! - thus his murder is shocking and brutal and totally out of his control, unable to be turned back from the moment lalo opens that door and makes the candle flame flicker. jimmy and kim screaming helplessly and knowing that blood is on their hands is also a direct/opposite contrast to the non-reaction (beyond impotently shooting his body) from the men who see nacho claim his own death. we don't know how they'll deal with howard or with the fallout of this, but that extension of his tragedy is very true. his reputation was brought low and there's nothing to be done about that. it can't be rebuilt. the firm is probably shuttered. instead of his presence lingering in corners and vengeance and deserved bloody ends, the truth about howard is only with jimmy and kim. the traces of him seem long gone by brba era, but are they? (saul's tie bars certainly glint at us mockingly.) futility is also a running theme in both shows - all these things done, only to incur crushing losses. what is that for, and what is it worth?
if nacho is a spiritual ghost, howard is a psychological one. one permeating fates, and one permeating minds. and the worst kinds of hauntings are the ones that rattle ceaselessly in your own head. that's what i think jimmy and kim will be left to contend with.
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varldsormr · 29 days
[ ghoul & the gang ] What or who brings you comfort on a particularly rough day? Other than rum, that is.
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"I'm partial to moonlit nights, and long walks along the beach." A lightly huffed tone responds off-hand, carrying the faintest undercurrent of amusement. It's a poor jest, and mostly for his own entertainment, fading to a slow exhale as the giant actually seems to consider the question given. The matter of reprieve in darker hours. It knits his brow into a gentle crease, gaze considering the piece of stonework ahead of him. A jagged an half-formed chunk of granite, still uncertain of what it was to become.
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"Comfort is... not a luxury often afforded to me. But if I were at liberty--" A small intermingling of different answers comes to tongue, easy as the day, though still he hesitates to speak them. The image come to mind of searing heat turned to a hearth, and sprawling fields turned to a home. A worse joke than even he can make released into the air between them, and a familiar hand come to his side as they laugh with voices hoarse to the disuse.
His desire is at once too vast, yet, wholly uncomplicated.
"A warm fire. A good friend. Though - rum is nice too."
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