#anti hunter hate
hunter: people call me half a witch
also hunter: is literally known as the prodigy and belos' golden child, kikimora and lilith hate him because he's too high up in the ranks despite being a child, literally no one in the show ever calls him half a witch
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wanderingmind867 · 7 days
Jason wondered if there was a hunters of artemis equivalent for men. The answer: no, but there absolutely should be. The hunters of artemis only allowing women in completely gets under my skin, because it's exclusionary of so many people. So there really should be a male or all genders equivalent to the hunters of artemis. At least then we'd have somebody preaching equality here.
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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No more voting for the rich kids. No more voting racists. No more voting for the hate mongers. No more voting for the spoiled brats.
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mytragedyperson · 7 months
possibly unpopular Pjo Opinions
Also, if you disagree, that's fine. people are allowed to have differing opinions. But, if you decide to be dick about it in the comments, the comment will be deleted. we can disagree but there's no need to be rude about it. However, if you'd like to respectfully and civilly discuss the differences in opinion, I'd be happy to. I always enjoy hearing different opinions. However I will warn you, while I'm not strictly anti-percabeth, there are some anti-percabeth or negative towards percabeth opinions in this post. If you're one of the toxic percabeth stans who hates on anyone who dislikes or says anything negative about the ship, you have been warned, any toxic comments will be deleted. I won't be arguing with you because it would be pointless. You're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. civil and respectful discussions only
Is it bad that I don't like Bianca Di Angelo. Like, don't get me wrong, I don't hate her, I don't think she's terrible, she's 12, she's a child, but try as I might I just can't understand her choice. I get that she's 12 and left to take care of her brother but they have no one else at that point and the first chance she gets she agrees to leave him. She agrees before they even get to camp, before she's even made sure it's safe and I've said it before I don't think there's a world where Nico stays at Camp Halfblood. I don't think Bianca necessarily dies in every universe. There must be at least some where she actually listens when told not to touch anything or even where she, an untrained, inexperienced 12 year old isn't picked for this quest where they know one of them will die because it's been prophecised, but I do think Nico, at least in every universe where Bianca agrees to join the Hunters, always leaves camp after discovering he's a son of Hades, and then he's really not safe. they're each other's only family and she chooses to leave him. In 2 years he'll be the same age as her, and a year after that he's older. He'll live his entire life while she pops in and out when they can, maybe sees him if he's at camp halfblood at the time. and, to be fair to Bianca, I don't think the Hunters should offer this to 12 year old anyway. but, no, Bianca will either be dead, or 12 forever as he younger brother grows older, as he nearly dies trying to save his friends and help his family. Although I would love to see her and the Hunter's reaction when Nico shows up in the fifth book, same age as Bianca, with 3 gods and, if I'm remembering correctly, an army of skeletons, as she realises her younger is growing up. Honestly I could see them finding a way to send messages and Nico, despite knowing there's no place for him there, going to Camp Halfblood when he knows the hunters will be there so he can see his sister. see, i like the idea of alive Bianca that lives in my head, because i love the angsty idea of her seeing her brother get older and get married and make new friends and meet the half sister and her still being physically 12 but so much older mentally and wondering what could have been if she hadn't agreed to be a Hunter. But canon Bianca? i get that she's young but, maybe it's because I'm the youngest of a family with quite a few cousins that are very close but I can't imagine a world where my older brother or one of my older cousins agrees to just leave me somewhere without first making sure it's safe, even if they were 12. and the fact that they're each other's only family on Earth at that point? and then in book 4, instead of appearing directly ti Nico and telling him not to come to her, she uses Percy as a middle man? Nico is not Percy's responsibility. No, you agreed to join the Hunters, you agreed to go on this quest when you were untrained and inexperienced (because somehow there was no one more qualified or better suited after the other Hunter couldn't go).
Honestly, maybe my problem is more with the Hunters than Bianca herself now that I'm thinking about it. The way they act like they're better than everyone's else but get upset when they retaliate. The way they hate all men. There's just something about their attitude in the third books I hate. Maybe it's because it's from Percy's POV but, I don't know, they just rub me the wrong way. Maybe it's because they're supposed to be feminists but they're written by a man who thinks the extent of feminism is "we as women hate all men and think we're better than them" which, while is admittedly how some women are, is not supposed to be the point of feminism. I was taught feminism was equality between men and women, not one being better than the other, not hating on one while hating one the other, both men and women being equal. Is this where I realise that my problems actually boil down to problems with Rick Riordan writing women and girls? Zoe's dislike does make some sense and I do like her character but it feels like the other Hunters are, like, radical feminists who believe men and women should be separate?
Also while I'm here, might as well add, as someone who read the first five books but does plan to read the others, Percabeth means literally nothing to me. I don't hate them but I don't ship them either. They're fine as friends but as a couple? I'm sure there are much more interesting ships for both of them. The first five books is more or less them not being together but getting jealous of anyone of the opposite who talks to them, (though Percy's is also annoyance because, you know, Luke tried to kill him and Annabeth still has hope she can get through to him even though he's betrayed them. Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty, he doesn't take betrayal well, we saw how he reacted to Nico's perceived betrayal), and (Usually Annabeth but Percy sometimes) picking arguments. Ah, yes, the old married couple. Now, the moments where they actually bond outside of quests and camp halfblood? Not many of them. They have a couple of cute moments but, as a couple, I don't really care for it. I don't mind them as friends but, as more than that, not really. Annabeth chose Percy over Luke? oh great, and so the rest of camp Halfblood, the others who stay there all year? They mean nothing? If it was't for Percy, she would've just left them? Interesting. Percy gave up immortality for Annabeth? Not really, sure, she may have been part of it, but the main part was making sure children of all Greek gods had somewhere safe to go and would be claimed. also, why would a depressed, possibly suicidal teen want to be immortal? want to be with the gods who have just used him and his friends and half of whom hate him? Also, next to Annabeth Percy is always made out to be the dumb one but he's not really. Sure Annabeth is better at planning but Percy is better at improvising when things go wrong. See: him tricking Crusty. Also in that first book Annabeth also makes some not so smart choices. See: going to the Arch to sightsee in the middle of the quest. Percy is also the one who figures out The Lotus Hotel situation, not Annabeth. They have different types of intelligence but Percy is not dumb.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
Luz and Hunter are my favorite characters from toh but I would never under any circumstances ship them. Like. Hunter licks Luz's hand and then she smears it on his face. She yeets his fancy emperor's coven staff over the side of a hot air balloon. He antagonizes her gf into giving him one of the most powerful substances in the realm. Her mom basically adopts him. They're. Siblings. Idk what other evidence ya'll need.
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lo-toh-takes · 1 month
Lily: Hunter has no personality and has as much depth as a background character
Also Lily: OMG Skara so cool I wish she got more screen time and her off-screen arc is good!!!!
Lily name a single personality trait from Skara. I dare you.
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theprinceandthewitch · 2 months
The Lunter scenes really are Zutara coded... idk man I think Dana bestie watched ATLA and liked Zutara enough to put it in her show... IDK how to explain "Make Evelyn's appearance ambiguous but not really - just make her look like Luz" and that one Luz/Hunter and Caleb/Evelyn parallel in HM unless she noticed Oma and Shu was Zutara propaganda and wanted something similar in TOH.
But like... she really just copied and pasted Zuko and Katara's scenes into her show... and she gave them to Luz and Hunter and not Luz and Amity... interesting.
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space--butterflies · 1 year
not to be a bitch, but it's feeling more and more like the fandom is reducing/has reduced Hunter to just being Willow's boyfriend Caleb, and nothing else lately.
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
TOH and Amphibia Vs Helluva Boss: How To and How NOT To Make A Sympathetic Character
Anybody who watches Helluva Boss would know that Viv doesn't exactly know how to write sympathetic characters with Stolas. I talked about this before but the reason why most people can sympathize with Stolas is because there's nothing about him you can even sympathize with, he has NO sympathetic qualities except for having a mean wife ig, but that doesn't excuse him of his actions.
The thing is, making a character sympathetic is not a bad thing in itself, it's actually a pretty easy way to get the audience to like and root for a character in your story, especially your main character. But the problem comes when the character isn't sympathetic despite the story wanting you to sympathize with them, and well, Stolas is that character. A common issue with Stolas is that he's constantly absolved of his mistakes and treated as if he did nothing wrong, and that's a bad thing because well, the audience can't sympathize with a character that's a bad person who is always coddled and excused of his mistakes.
The thing is though, while unlikeable characters are hard to sympathize with, there are ways to keep your character sympathetic while also acknowledging when they fuck up. Just take a look at Marcy Wu from Amphibia for instance; Marcy is a character you can sympathize for since she's afraid of being alone, and she clung onto her friends and was upset that she was going to be separated from them, fearing that she would end up being alone and their friendship being torn apart, so she intentionally got them stuck on Amphibia so they wouldn't have to leave.
Marcy's motivation is something you can sympathize for but you can also acknowledge that what she did was fucked up, and despite still portraying her as sympathetic, the show doesn't try to absolve her of her mistakes and excuse them, the narrative fully acknowledges that Marcy still made a selfish mistake and doesn't excuse her actions, regardless of her sympathetic motivations for doing so.
Then there's another character from Amphibia's sister show, Hunter. I got a comment on this post saying that "Woobified UwU soft boy Belos is Hunter", which is what got me to make this comparison in the first place because...Hunter, like Marcy, is not woobified. Woobification is when a character that was previously portrayed as an asshole with little sympathetic qualities is suddenly portrayed as an UwU soft boy that we are supposed to sympathize for when the audience can't.
Hunter does not fit this because not only is he actually deserving of sympathy by the narrative but is also, like Marcy, not absolved of his mistakes. I'd take a look at Any Sport In A Storm, where Hunter kidnaps the emerald entrails to force them to join the EC. The episode does a lot to show how Hunter is indoctrinated and he thinks that he is doing the right thing and that the EC is good, he thinks he was doing his friends a favor and they will thank him later, which shows that Hunter is not a bad person, he's just brainwashed.
Later in the episode though, Hunter realizes that what he did was wrong thanks to Steve and he goes out of his way to fix his mistake. Hunter is still a sympathetic character to the audience, but the show doesn't absolve him of this mistake, it acknowledges what Hunter did was wrong and it makes him go out of his way to fix his mistake.
Hunter and Marcy are characters that the audience can sympathize for, but the viewers and the show itself can acknowledge that these characters made mistakes and the shows don't try to coddle or excuse it, while still keeping them sympathetic and likable without woobifying them.
My point here is this; you CAN have Stolas be a little bit sympathetic, but you first need to give him more sympathetic attributes AND also not absolve him of any mistakes he makes, the narrative should acknowledge Stolas's fuck ups and make him fix them, while being able to keep him sympathetic. Though I would rather have the show not try to make Stolas sympathetic at all buuuuut hey if Viv wants to make Stolas sympathetic she could have done it better.
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darthenderson · 1 year
So, I went back and rewatched Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World (at the same time). Heres the thoughts:
I watched Girl Meets World before (when it came out in like middle school/high school; I’m in college now so it’s been a while) and since I’m a Boy Meets World fan I thought I would go back and rewatch it.
Boy Meets World is amazing. The storylines, the characters, everything else; I will always love that show and I often rewatch it.
Girl Meets World is 95% hot fucking garbage. Like I get it’s a Disney channel show- it’s not going to be the greatest thing ever- but good god this is a mess. The writers didn’t really get to tell the story they wanted because of Disney, at least I hope that’s what happened instead of actually thinking that this would be on the same level as Boy Meets World.
The 5% of the show I enjoyed was:
- Eric’s episodes
- Eric and Tommy’s reunion
- Eric and Jack’s reunion
- Seeing more of Cory and Topanga’s relationship
- Some of Shawn’s episodes
- Some of Farkle, Smackle, or Maya’s scenes (definitely not a lot of them though)
- Stuart Minkus’ appearances (and Jennifer too)
- Feeny and the other original characters making cameos too
The rest of Girl Meets World I kinda hated.
For example:
- they did Angela dirty (like, wtf? They acted like she wasn’t close friends with Cory, Topanga, and the other characters before she left in Boy Meets World; it seemed like they made some of the characters mad at her (Riley) for no reason at all, she did nothing wrong in my opinion. And I would have loved to see more of her, like as an Aunt to Riley and Auggie or something)
- they did Jack dirty too (he would’ve definitely stayed in contact with at least Eric and Shawn, being as close as they were on Boy Meets World. And why wasn’t he at Shawn’s wedding? Also, we should’ve seen more of him after the semi formal episode, and jeric should have happened)
- no Rachel appearances (I would have loved to see her again, and she did stay in contact with Eric, as mentioned in the show, so she could’ve come back)
- the annoying ass Riley, Maya, Lucas love triangle
- the fact that they still didn’t make jeric happen (I need them to happen. They would be so cute! Just look at them:⬇️)
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- Mr Turner not having more scenes (I hated that he wasn’t at Shawn’s wedding- like we knew he was in NYC, he could’ve been there- and that he wasn’t in more scenes, especially ones with Shawn)
- the whole “Maya is turning into Riley and they have to stop it” arc. (It was- like the love triangle- annoying, long, and unnecessary. And people do change in high school- and often do a full 180 to their personality; I know I did, and on the Boy Meets World universe Harley Kenner did too. I didn’t even notice the change until it was outright said on the show, and I think the characters discouraging this was just wrong. Yes, Maya did change a lot throughout the show, but that is good. It shows growth, it shows a character arc, that her life is getting brighter and she has more hope, and I still saw Maya as the same character at that point. Anyway, I think that this whole arc was just bad, but I think that Maya still was a good character- she was just poorly written sometimes)
And let’s not forget the two biggest reasons I hate this sequel:
- Joshaya (that relationship was creepy as hell now that I’ve watched the show as an adult, in middle school I didn’t really see why people disliked it, but now I get it. I mean at the end of the series Josh is a FRESHMAN IN COLLEGE (around 18) and Maya is a FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL (around 14 or 15), them doing what they do on the show is illegal. And Josh saying that he’ll “play the long game” too and wait for her? Ew. Just ew. That makes it so much worse; it implies that he’s waiting until she’s 18 or in college and that’s just disturbing and disgusting for a Disney channel show and in general. Overall: Joshaya is gross and illegal and should’ve never been a thing and other characters should not have encouraged it on the show)
- “Girl Meets Farkle” (the infamous autism focused episode. I loved the fact that it had representation for autism, but I hated the way this episode was handled and written. This was by far the worst part of the show for me. I hated the way that some of the characters (Riley, Maya, Lucas) reacted when Farkle said he might be autistic. They acted like it was some horrible thing to be autistic, (which- as a human being and recently diagnosed person with autism- I found offensive) seriously they acted like autism was going to kill him (I’m not joking, that’s how they reacted) and they even went as far as to make Farkle mask who he was in one scene when Farkle said that he identified with some signs of autism. Like, all he wanted was support from his friends when he was getting tested and figuring things out, and all he got was hate from them. And I hate that other characters (and the writers of the show) didn’t see this too and change things or put a stop to it. They also used some outdated language to describe the spectrum on the show, which didn’t help things at all. For a lot of people and viewers, this was the first time they really learned about or saw anything about the spectrum and autism and this is just a horrible way to learn about this. Additionally, I loved Smackle’s whole story and telling how she got diagnosed, but I hated how some characters (Riley and sometimes Maya) treated her throughout the show. As an example: Smackle, as shown in the series, doesn’t often like hugs or physical contact (like me sometimes) and she makes it known, but Riley still fucking tries to hug her constantly and it’s so irritating! I know that if I was having a moment like that, as I often do, and someone tried to hug me like that I would be very uncomfortable and upset, so this whole thing they do with those interactions on the show just pisses me off. Overall: this episode of the show was offensive and horrifying, mostly because of the way the show frames autism and the way that the other characters react to Farkle and his potential diagnosis and Smackle with her actual diagnosis.
In conclusion to my long ass rant:
Me at Boy Meets World:
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Me at Girl Meets World:
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i can’t believe that Dana managed to fix the Huntlow in the EXACT way i wanted it to be fixed
i was all worried about it because Willow’s entire character was just helping people. not only was her holding things in to help people was addressed, it was addressed by hunter.
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hunter and luz: talk about belos and the magic system, open up to each other about their trauma and fears, rescue each other from dire circumstances
hunter and amity: relate to each other as abused children and perfectionists who are afraid of letting people down
hunter and gus: relate to each other’s experiences of being used by people and helps calm each other down in a moment of distress, also finds a common middle ground with a piece of media they both enjoy
hunter and willow, the literal love interests: uhhh both of them are considered half a witch because one of them was a late bloomer and the other is literally disabled?
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wanderingmind867 · 8 months
The Aphrodite cabin has good reason to hate the Hunters of Artemis. Love is important, damn it! There's so many kinds of love! Romantic love! Platonic love! It isn't all about sex, like Artemis seems to think it is! Artemis condemns love! Just love. She doesn't care about the many different types of love. She is the worst and her hunters are the worst.
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hunter-sylvester · 10 months
Once more with feeling, a massive fuck you to AI scraping cunts because I DON'T WANT TO HAVE MY FICS LOCKED.
But I feel like I need to because the thought of my blood, sweat and tears being added to a grotesque content spewing algorithm makes me physically ill.
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spnbeit-midrash · 10 months
I know that the doyalist reason is that they were still figuring out the lore and world building, but rewatching the early seasons really makes you go ‘wow, John was a bad hunter’
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Yeah, Lumity has bad writing and Luz developing feelings for Amity is rushed and paints Luz in a bad light because Amity hasnt actually made amends with Willow, but at least they actually showed us Luz's type of girl through Hecate. Whereas with Huntlow they've never shown us what kind of boy Willow likes. And she literally only started liking him after he swooped in to catch her like she's some kind of damsel in distress using magical powers he received from his dead companion.
HOW am I supposed to take this relationship seriously when she literally only starts liking him after she realizes he now has magical powers. AND EVEN THEN she doesn't confess to him in FTF.
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