#anti incels
smoldragonblood · 2 years
It will never cease to amaze me how closely related Incels and Terfs are
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nocheiraia · 4 years
Chet (Tormenta de Espadas) es un Incel.
Lo odio.
Chet (Storm of Swords) is an Incel.
I hate him.
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american-boyboss · 2 years
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cormancatacombs · 2 years
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
we all know that katara deserved better than kat/aang, but so did aang.
aang deserved better than having his trauma magically fixed with a girlfriend shaped bandaid. aang deserved better than not being able to properly grieve and work through the loss of his people. aang deserved better than mastering the avatar state only through luck. aang deserved better than being with someone who could never meaningfully challenge him and push him to grow. aang deserved better than having his own arc thrown aside for a half-baked romance.
aang deserved to heal from his trauma, to develop a healthy relationship with a partner who saw him for who he really was rather than clinging to an idealized view of him, to master the avatar state on his own terms and through his own effort. aang deserved to truly become the avatar, instead of remaining forever stuck as the boy in the iceberg.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Death doesn’t scare me but people who think Snape’s at fault for what happened in SWM do.
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
A while back I saw a post theorizing that Aang could have had Katara cut off from others like her friends and family thus isolating her and more recently I read a fic where Aang had the Dai Li brainwash Katara into loving him. What freaks me out about all these is how they both fit canon so well. It's terrifying how they make more sense than Br*ke's insistence that Katara "came around" or whatever. Seriously, I'm not kidding when I say these Nice Guy fantasies being passed as love stories give me the heebie jeebies.
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juriansgeneralgoods · 2 years
people will be like "you need to respect that Elain explicitly SAID she didn't want a mate."
like okay, but in that same line of dialogue, she also explicitly said she didn't want a (fae) male and Feyre outright says in her narration that she wants a human man, but I don't see y'all shipping her with Jurian. I don't see y'all shipping her with women. all I see is y'all shipping her with a different fae male and talking about how they're secretly mates. so like either she's capable of changing her mind about something she said while she was grieving the loss of her engagement and life as she knew it or she isn't.
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etherealdany · 2 years
The fact that Reddit is full of people who think Mike’s monologue was genuine, well written, and downright a beautiful love confession is absolutely mind boggling. Like there are some people who think it’s genuine - but badly written/badly acted, which makes sense if you’re stuck in the heteronormative mindset that mike is straight and couldn’t possibly be lying
But the people who think it was a well written romantic love confession? Do they live under a rock or something like I have no words
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frownyalfred · 3 years
Bruce Wayne AND Batman would beat up incels
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paradisekore · 2 years
people be like “women have privilege in court and the judge is always harsh on the man” ah yes the famous US court system is known to be fair towards the oppressed class and unfair towards the oppressors. And as if we literally didn’t have to make a movement so the courts could just consider having sympathy for women
The sick thing is that it’s not even conservatives saying this it’s so called ‘progressives’ lol I genuinely hate you all the only time you’ll ever consider ‘defending’ women is when you wanna talk about how men have the right to buy and sexualize us
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its difficult having to wear a hijab when you arent muslim because its like a huge sticker on your forehead that says muslim. Its super frustrating when people come up to you and ask you questions about islam and stuff. Like today, for example, was my first day at my job. A bunch people came up to me and were asking me questions about islam. They were being friendly of course, they just wanted to know more about the damned religion. But for some reason, it frustrated me that they thought i was muslim. Again, i 100% understand why they would think that, i wear a hijab. But i still got frustrated nonetheless. And i cant just sit there and try to explain to everyone who comes to talk to me that I’m in fact NOT muslim, that wearing a hijab isn’t really a choice. It would simply be too long and complicated of a story. They wouldn’t understand.
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american-boyboss · 2 years
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the-badger-mole · 3 years
I’m honestly amazed that people use ‘Aang gave the Avatar state for Katara’ as a defense when the show literally made a whole episode about why that was bad and that it was a character flaw he needed to overcome right up until it was thrown out the window in the finale.
This is mostly Bryke's fault. After Guru Pathik was abandoned, the effect of Aang's obsession imprinting unhealthy attachment to Katara is never brought up again. Then in the post-series canon, his inability to control himself without Katara's intervention is framed as romantic. Add to that the fact that the relationship dynamic at play in Kataang is actually pretty common IRL (the shiftless man-child and the woman who believes it's her calling to raise him make him a better man), and you've got exactly this defense of Kataang.
There are people who genuinely think that a man who can't control his fits of rage (or emotionally triggered superpowers) unless the woman he loves is there to calm him down is romantic. What they fail to realize is that one day she is going to be the one making him angry. The thing is, there are canon examples of Aang taking out his frustration on Katara and his friends, and in one very alarming case, he was physically violent when Katara set him off. I will never- ever let the lava fissure go. Ever.
People say that Zuko would be the violent temperamental love interest, but between Zuko and Aang, Aang is the only one who threatened actual physical violence against someone he allegedly loves no es amor.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Wow this isn't a horrifically reductive and offensive way to talk abt a traumatised man being almost executed and thinking his best friend died to save him then spending 5 years having hallucinations of his dead loved ones blaming him for surviving.
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Edelstans really do just like edelgard because she's a girl and the other lords are men huh.
Any and everyone who unironically uses "man pain" are deadass losers, lemme just say that now. Fuckin' hate that phrase so much, it's literally never used in a non-dismissive way. And this isn't even the first time I've seen specifically Dimitri's trauma be described as "man pain" so it's good to know that a mentally ill man's horrific suffering that's tormented him for nearly an entire decade can be so neatly and succinctly spat 'n shat on with two easy words. Optimal!
Oh ho ho tho, better watch out, if you even slightly imply that Edelgard's gender has anything at all to do with any of her stans' like for her than you'll be accused of being either a violent male incel who hate specifically lesbians or a straight woman controlled by her ovaries
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