#anti loki stans
effingunicorns · 1 year
both The Avengers and Age of Ultron make a point to demonstrate how someone's eyes change when under the direct influence of Loki's scepter. Loki's eyes were unchanged. years later, Loki flat-out says early in his series that he does and has done horrible things out of cowardice. every single thing he's done in canon with any impact on narrative can easily be understood as some combination of self-defense, self-aggrandizement, and/or love.
what I've seen of Loki-centric fanfic over the years loves to portray him as a victim of all manner of mistreatment, an innocent deprived of his agency who deserves forgiveness because nothing he did was his fault in the end. I see it in fandom directly, too, and I find it fucking hilarious, because nobody's denying Loki his agency except the stans themselves. they're the ones denying him the redemption they so want for him--the multiple redemptions!--because they refuse to acknowledge what he did wrong to necessitate being redeemed.
anyway, all of this is just to say that it has been literally eleven years since The Avengers came out and there was never a shred of evidence within the canon itself that Loki was brainwashed by Thanos. the most support the notion ever had was word of god, which has long since been contradicted and which was probably only said to shut people up in the first place. Loki is a backstabbing, triple-crossing bitch who wants to be loved and respected but is too deep into his own head to recognize when he is, and I love him for that.
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musclesandhammering · 7 months
I’ve heard so much criticism about how Loki should’ve been the one to kill He Who Remains instead of Sylvie- because he deserved to be the one the free the timeline, because he deserved to represent chaos but instead ended up representing order, because having him side with a dictator was ooc, etc.
But I would just like to point out that it’s established now that HWR wanted them to kill him. That was literally part of his predetermined plan to reincarnate and stay in power. By doing so, Sylvie continued to follow right down the path he paved for her. She wasn’t being a rebellious hero, she was being a pawn.
Loki saw through the manipulation- he immediately smelled something fishy and refused to just mindlessly go along with it. And if Sylvie had listened to him and just took a minute to talk about it, Loki would’ve tried to come up with some other third option. Because that’s what Loki does- thinks outside the box, finds work-arounds, figures out clever ways to rebel against the status quo.
In that scene, Loki was the one refusing to play the part HWR wrote for him, and sylvie was the one being a perfect little cog in the machine. Despite the fact that he was actively being the voice of reason while she was being erratic and reckless… narratively speaking, he was chaos and she was order. It irritates me that people missed that.
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icedsodapop · 11 months
I know a lot of pple on this site hate MCU stans, and that's understandable. Me personally? I don't think all MCU stans deserve the hate, I personally enjoy vibing in the corner of the MCU fandom that's dedicated to Black Panther, Eternals, and the characters of color in general. The MCU!Iron Man, MCU!Spiderman, MCU!Dr Strange, MCU!Scarlet Witch, MCU!Loki and MCU!GOTG stans do deserve the hate tho, yall the worst.
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tardisesandtitans · 22 days
Once upon a time, I saw the stupidest anti sylki/Sylvie take
Despite best girl saying it in a joking tone. Oh no, how dare SOMEONES VARIANT HATE ON A LAWN!! Because lawns are so important 🤣
The end 🤭 (it was on twitter. Because, of course the brain-dead go there)
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agentofagony · 1 year
I hate when Elizabeth stans ask people to thank the actress for the new wanda comic. Like if this how it fucking work where the fuck is my Loki ongoing? Tom hiddleston is as popular as Elizabeth and the Loki series is the most watched TV series.I don't know?could it be that unlike the comics Loki fans who's too busy being upset about the Loki series and talking to people that don't wanna listen comics wanda fans ACTUALLY asked for a comic for her enough that marvel gave them it.
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thorkissed · 1 year
Stop speaking shit about Mobius or I'll kill you and your family you fucking bitch.
Grandpa's stans are WILDING lmfaoooo. Go get some treatment, it will help you and eat shit you sicko. No but really I'd like to see you TRY
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mischiefprincess · 7 days
I have so many thoughts about Mobius, I absolutely HATE the way he treats Loki in various moments of s1, the way he tries to manipulate him and use him for the tva's mission, and he has the audacity to feel betrayed by Loki when he runs after sylvie and leaves him behind in s1e2???
What he does after is even worse, I could NEVER accept him putting Loki into a torture loop to be kicked in the balls and to hear Sif telling him that he deserves to be alone and he always will be, the worse part imo is that a lot of lokius fans seem to think this is cute and a show of Mobius's feelings towards Loki, what the hell???
First off he doesn't have the right to be mad at Loki, second, torturing someone like that is absolutely fucking VILE and I don't care that people think it's cute or funny
I blame those disgusting actions more on the directing of s1 who was very keen in humiliating Loki at any given moment than in the character of Mobius itself, I ADORE Mobius in s2 bc he is sweet, caring and understanding of Loki, he truly is a good friend and I love their dynamic in it, I don't know what Kate Herron had against Loki but she truly tried her best to diminish and humiliate him whenever she could, every character is annoyed by Loki in s1 and he's treated like a fucking idiot, thankfully that was changed in s2 and he was finally treated with respect and dignity
Btw I should say that I appreciate lokius very much and I think they're cute together but pls stop with the crap, Mobius's "jealousy" isn't cute or funny, he literally abuses Loki just bc he can and Loki never gets a proper apology for that, Mobius apologizes to sylvie but never to Loki (KH when I find you...), again I blame this on the directing and writing of s1 and I don't think s2 Mobius would've done all that to Loki bc he's a different character in it
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shadow-turtle-234 · 1 year
Can't believe I am saying this...
but Loki is somehow better than Velma.
Yes. That fucking garbage Marvel show that actively shits on the title character and said character's fan base, as well as genderfluid folk; that has abuse, incest and fascism apologism sewn within the very blood stream of the series, is somehow better than Velma.
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carilynashleigh · 2 years
I don't remember seeing nasty tweets and depressing images before the Loki series ever existed. 🤔
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
The reason why Sigyn is so popular among a certain subset of Loki apologists is not just because she lacks personality thus making her a perfect self isert vessel, it's because since her only personality is being a meek submissive wifey she's the only woman whom they can trust will never call him out on his bullshit, have conflicting interests, argue, or have any animosity toward him that they read as abuse (someone should really introduce them to the book Conflict Is Not Abuse). I just saw a Sigyn stan make a list of Why Every Female Love Interest Loki Ever Had Is A BACKSTABBING BITCH, and in the list they naturally mention Sylvie because of the season finale, then Amora and Lorelei that, granted, did betray him, then Wanda, because that brief fake out that they called a malicious act of emotional abuse, then Leah, whom they claim have betrayed him and I still trying to figure, wtf, HOW???? cause wasn't he the one who (was forced to) betray her when he sent her to the past? Or they're talking about the time his guilty conscience took her form in YA? Do they hate women so much that they're holding the way a man's nightmares chose to manifest against them? Anyway, it just proves that Loki apologists treat him like a fragile baby and that they hate women so much that any animosity or conflict from their part makes them irredeemable monsters and the only woman who's good enough for him is a submissive enabler who has no motivations of her own that might conflict with his.
EXACTLY. And I am a Loki apologist. I will never get over that one Sigyn stan trying to paint Sylkis as the misogynists "because we all slut-shamed Amora" and trying to join forces with Amora fans (LOL point to WHERE HAVE I SLUTSHAMED AMORA?! I have merely said Sylvie's better written). While calling Sylvie a "slattern" in the same fucking post. And having posts about how "feisty" Sigyn is for calling Lorelei a "slattern" and being happy that Amora is being forcefully given to a giant/ogre in the comics.
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
Insane take I just saw:
“Seems like Loki represents order while Wanda represents chaos.”
See.. this is what annoys me about Wanda’s magic being called chaos magic. Loki is the god of chaos. Not even in the comics, I’m talking the real actual Loki from Norse mythology. And when it comes to the mcu, chaos is his whole thing. That was like the entire theme of the series. They even created a parallel by outright saying that Ravonna (and HWR) is order & Sylvie (and Loki) is chaos.
In addition to that, the whole idea of him becoming god of stories was about him defying the rigid order that He Who Remains had been enforcing for eons. Him destroying the loom and restructuring the multiverse into a tree was specifically so that chaos could exist and everyone would have free will. That’s the whole point of the God of Stories. That’s the whole point of the God of Mischief. That’s the whole point of the Norse deity Loki. He is the embodiment of chaos.
Like, I understand that Wanda is also heavily aligned with that concept in the mcu & the comics, but atp people are ignoring and misunderstanding the Loki series/Loki’s character in general on purpose just so their fav doesn’t have to share anything.
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
All the people killing Loki in that poll don’t actually hate his character (or at least not that much) but actually hate his fanbase. Which to be honest… as another Loki fan, yeah I get it.
I gotta admit as a fellow member of Loki's fanbase I also hate his fanbase 😭
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
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okay i know any relationship tag with more than two parties is going to be rareish but. two works? TWO??? lokimania is a fucking pandemic. jesus christ
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agentofagony · 2 years
"what Wanda did in MoM is Loki's fault because he broke the multiverse"
Yes because Loki grabbed Wanda from her hand and gave her the darkhold and told her what to do.
Bitch what? One it's sylvie who broke the multiverse
two at the end of Loki it was literally revealed that Sylvie breaking the multiverse was supposed to happen and have happened. The only thing that haven't happene before was Loki being in the room with sylvie,so basically what Wanda did was supposed to happen too.
Stop trying to come up with excuses or pinned it on someone else. Your fav fucked up end of the fucking story.
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lowkieloky · 1 year
Sylvie haters: I’m not a misogynist!!!!!!!!! Also Sylvie haters: Women aren’t people :)
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