#anwered asks
darcyolsson · 7 months
ik heb dit jaar oliebollen seizoen gemist vanwege mn exchange . heartbreaking . devastating . 4834 injured 500 dead
wtf dat is echt onmenselijk.... veel sterkte in deze ongetwijfeld erg zware periode
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elvenbeard · 6 months
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RIGHT BACK AT YOU LAR!!! 🌈🌈🌈 stay as lovely and creative as you are :D
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goldenspecks · 2 years
When you say Jewels escaped Global Ascension, do u mean to say it was forced?
hmmm kinda. i dont think the ancients just grabbed their peers and dumped them into void baths, but if u were present when mass ascension was taking place, it probably would feel pretty forced.
this is because i think of ancients as insanely social creatures, although mostly between the members of their Houses (or family/friends, its kinda the same but Houses is more of a political/social unit), so they had a pretty strong bond with each other. so now u start thinking, if a lot of ur pretty close peers just decide to start up and leaving, u wont really wanna 1. be there to feel the grief of their death 2. set yourself up to live alone pretty much forever if u never choose to ascend for one reason or another.
so Jewels didnt really escape a forced ascension, more than she escaped the feelings that came with watching everybody she knew just leave... forever. if she was to stay there she was gonna probably most certainly choose to ascend as well, even if she really really didnt want to (girlie is terrified of ascension), just cause the pain of being left behind and actually watching everyone go would be greater than the fear of becoming an echo for her.
although she does still feel extremely sad for the loss of her peers, it is not enough to push her over the edge, mostly because surviving like one does in rain world is a pretty distracting endeavor and,, the usual out of sight out of mind shenanigans,,, just.. dont let her go into an ancient city.
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starfall-spirit · 1 month
2,3&4 for the soft asks?? :)
2. What's your feel good movie?
Many of you have figured this out my now, but it's The Princess Bride, no questions asked. I've been watching it since I was in grade school and quote it more than anything else (other than song lyrics, maybe) Wesley and Buttercup were probably my OTP before I knew what an OTP was.
3. What's your favorite candle scent?
I prefer subtle scents, so probably something with vanilla or lavender. Or both.
4. What flower would you like to be given?
I'm not picky, honestly. My favorites are probably white lilies or fire and ice roses. The fire and ice dry beautifully.
Soft asks
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return-of-the-unicorns · 10 months
// Falling to infernalisim. It's highly unlikely, but Finn is extremely careful with the magic they do.
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cryptbro · 11 months
❌- He lost a half million by being scammed (total)
🎮- Penis Simulator, Pro Hunter VR, Penis Simulator VR
🎤- [So, you're saying you'll wipe away my debts if I court the weird spider-thing? Sure. I don't like this debt over my head, and I guess I could be a great father before I become a made man. Yeah... I'd make AN AWESOME dad. I'm gonna got get a worlds best dad tattoo right now]
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erabu-san · 4 months
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He enjoys being called brother, but...
[This art has platonic intention. Please do not tag as ship thank you!]
A continue of this art I guess 🫣
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regular-gnome · 5 months
You remind me of the Nomes from Little Nightmares. Do you know them? How do you think kids like Mono and Six would react to you?
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they don't look too happy
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beautyconsumer · 17 days
what's ur ideal brutalia dynamic and scenario?
First and foremost I need Bruce to be humble, like I know you're THE Mary Sue Bruce, you can do anything with plot armor but look at THE woman Denis gave you, you CAN'T take her for granted! Obviously with the whole Garrison thing that stained Talia's character ignored.
I love the scenario of them living happy, loving and married. Morticia and Gómez Addams vibes if you will.
On the other side of the coin though, I do adore how tragic they can be, Bruce can be so guilt ridden and I love and see very easily how much he'd suffer on how his morals and ideals would keep him from the first woman he ever really loved, the mother of his child.
Mutual yearning, so much pinning, whoever is witnessing this idiots in love is in agony.
And I need Talia's character to be respected and not treated like she's the bitter ex who just can't get over Bruce. (Hate that)
So essentially mutual respect and lots of infatuation from each other. They're both FREAKS damn it, traumatized and weird and both match each other nature, tragic how their dynamic don't get further explored in canon or fanon.
There's also the bit of how they can a mirror parallel for jaygrant, I love that for them
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hopepunk-humanity · 7 months
Sometimes I read things that seem hopeless but then I remember the time I was at a water park sitting on the ground in agony from my bad back and some toddler ran up to me, did a fortnite dance, and ran off giggling, and it instantly cheered me up. Some kid I didn't know and will probably never see again saw a miserable person and did a silly dance for them & I think that's pretty fundamentally human and awesome :)
That is pretty awesome. I hope that kid is still considerate and outgoing like that. The world needs more of that.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
thinking about scruffyverse!jason and reader getting married and the officiant saying “do you, jason peter todd, take [name] to be your lawfully wedded wife/partner/etc” and jason giving this dopey smile with tears in his eyes and whispering “yeah, pockets. i do.”
"It's not too late to run," Dick teased, not sure if Jason was going to be sick or not.
"Fuck you, Dickhead."
It was a small wedding. A handful of people in attendance- Just slightly more than getting married in a courthouse. And Jason still felt like it was too many people.
Too much.
And not for the first time that day, he was irritated that Alfred and Bruce had insisted that he wear a tie. He hated ties. They felt like tiny nooses.
When you'd slid out of his bed after getting a couple hours of sleep, he'd had to make himself let you go. Not ready to surrender you to other people. Not wanting you out of his sight because somehow this all felt too... final. Like the end of an era he wasn't ready to let go of. The end of a childhood he wasn't sure he ever really got to have.
But when the opening strains of an orchestra version of one of your favorite songs started to play and you appeared in the door way- holding a bouquet of flowers made from pages of books too battered to be saved- with more flowers made from book pages worked into your hair. And wearing a dress that made you look somehow both ethereal and sweet- none of that mattered and the tie wasn't why he couldn't breathe anymore.
His heart thundered in his chest ad he wasn't sure he could remember what he was supposed to say. All he cared about was never having to let you go again. Because of all the people in the world you could have said yes to, you said yes to him.
Not just when you were five and all he had to give you was a ring pop. Not just when you were 15 and he wanted you to cut class to help him find his mom. But now. After everything.
Crime Alley, The Manor, Gotham, the one- he didn't care where the fuck he was. Because you were home. The guiding star that lead him out of the dark and reminded him that Robin or Redhood, he was still Jason Todd.
His lips felt numb. And your hands were like ice in his. He could feel you trembling across from him. Your eyes over bright. And for just a second, he vaguely registered you full name- A middle name he sometimes forgot you even had. And he smiled a little when he had to stop himself from calling you 'Pockets'.
Everything sounded like it was coming from under water.
He hardly noticed the vows coming out of your mouth, too busy trying not to cry. Or pass out.
And it wasn't until he was kissing you, pulling you against his chest, sweeping you up off your feet to applause that anything snapped back into focus.
"I'm your problem now, Jay. It's all legal-"
"And I couldn't think of a better problem to have," he said, leaning down to kiss you again.
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elvenbeard · 2 years
38 and A for the uncommon questions?
Thanks so much for asking!! :D Gonna answer for my V!
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38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
V tends to linger on mistakes he made, wondering how certain things in his life might have played out differently had he made other choices at important crossroads - but hindsight is always 20/20. As of the events of Cyberpunk 2077, the memory that really haunts him for the longest time is the moment Jackie slots the Relic into V's head, neither of them at that point quite understanding what it is, what it does, and how it's going to fuck up not only V's life from that moment on.
Losing your best friend alone under the circumstances V lost Jackie would be enough to cause anyone survivor's guilt. But in hindsight knowing that had Jackie kept the Relic it might have saved him the same way it ended up saving V - for the time being - is extremely depressing. Knowing, that it might have brought him back in time so that they could have faced Dex together and would have been able to go through all that followed side by side... It hurts a lot. And it hurts even more when he catches himself wishing occasionally that it had been Jackie stuck with Johnny in his head, not himself.
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Honestly, it might just be that I'm currently so obsessed with him because he's a new OC in a completely new setting that I have no prior contact points with... instant creativity boost!
But he's also very unlike most OCs I've had before. He's just a lot of fun to play and play around with, design-wise and personality-wise. He's probably my most colourful, loud, flamboyant character I've grown this attached to, simultaneously a very angsty one, and frankly, also a bit of an asshole with a very flawed personality. Always rationalizing, hesitant to get involved with others or taking sides, keeping others at a distance out of fear of getting hurt, and repeatedly picking the easy or safe option over what he knows would be the right but more challenging one.
In a lot of ways though he's also how I'd want to be like more - confident in his abilities, unashamed of who and how he is like. He knows what he wants and is determined to get wherever he wants and needs to go to.
I'm still getting to know him, developing him at this point, and some of this is a bit fuzzy around the edges still, but it's been a long time since I've enjoyed a character's development this much and am quite attached to him already! Also, the simple fact that you can make and play a trans character in Cyberpunk alone made me instantly love him from the get go, I'm not gonna lie xD
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corrupted-fae-king · 5 months
"It's just that I fell in love with a war, and nobody told me it ended..."
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This an ask and rp blog of an au! This au is a tad bit fucked up! It's very much a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat situation, there is murder and there is attempted necromancy and there is a whole lot of mental breakdowns and blood.
Anyway yeah this is an rp and ask blog for the Corrupted Elder Faerie au by @peppermintstarsonamintyway and @xaytheloser, run by Peppermint! :D
[Bonus Muses!] - Shadow Milk Cookie - ...Silverbell Cookie?...
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mintytealfox · 5 months
If you could describe nortons entire personality in a sentence what would that sentence be I'd like to see your take on it
(Essay on nortons personality in your opinion is welcome and optional)
OOOOO A QUIZY QUESTION HECK YEAAAAAAA lemme think leeemmmeee think heerrree hmmm hmmmmm one sentence hmmmmm
"A kind heart that was trampled by the world and not allowed to blossom"
I think if he was ever put in a position where he could feel safe, stable, and over all treated with love long enough to where he can open up to accept it, we would see a very different Norton ;; A Norton that can finally be himself 😭 He has been plagued by hardship, danger, and loss at every corner of his life and yet still tried to be good and kept trying for that hope of freedom one day ;; Then he starts coughing, and reality starts setting in 'he is running out of time' and desperation takes over ;; Desperation changes a person 😔 drives them to do things they wouldn't have ever thought to do before, and that can be dangerous when left unchecked orz but the fact that there is still hope that he can wake up speaks volumes on how strong his inner self is, that his true self has survived through it all and still willing to break out and take over again when given permission to 😭
I think he desperately needs a stable environment that he can make safe. It will take time for him to sift though the behaviors that are a result of trauma and what is truly him and he would need someone to help with that. He has zero faith in people and would need at least one to show him that it is okay to be good and still survive this world ;;
To slide in some Nortalice in here LOL: this is why I love nortalice so much cause Alice could bring out that side of him, show him the way/that he is allowed to be good and still thrive, and she is stubborn enough to stick with this long enough for Norton to finally accept~
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askcapital · 1 year
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[ anonymous ]
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14, 23
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Express? She's really good at expressing her emotions.
Sorry for the short answers. My brain would not engage.
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