#anyway i rode my bike for a hour or so and i think it fixed me
i love sunlight that makes peoples eyes glow i love the feeling of the wind in my hair i love the ocean breeze i love clouds and sun i love the sound of leaves rustling i love grass i love the sound of dogs barking i love the rain i love nature. love is everywhere. hope this helps
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Note: let the games begin. can't wait for the "I could fix him" comments. anyway, direct follow up to part 6! other parts are here.
Warnings: angst. toxic relationship, manipulation, gaslighting, possessive behaviour, suggestive. mention of blood,murder and drugs.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric came back home to you, covered in blood, and he expected you to believe every lie he told you.
wordcount: 3,8k
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'I think you had a little too much wine there.'
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'I did not kill anyone,' Sihtric lied when you asked what had happened.
You leaned against your bathroom wall and watched your mechanic dry his hands, after he had been washing the blood off his skin for minutes, leaving your sink splattered with red droplets. You didn't want to let Sihtric in your house at first, but he had simply pushed past you. And when you started to question him, he became hostile.
'Where… where does all this blood come from, Sihtric?' 
You felt sick to your stomach upon the sight of your sink.
'I only fought, okay? I only punched someone in the face,' Sihtric lied again, 'stop asking about what happened,' he said sternly and threw the towel in your dirty sink. 
'But you… you can't expect me to-'
Sihtric walked over to you and took your face in his hands. He stared down at you with his big, piercing, wild eyes as he trapped you against the wall.
'Stop asking,' Sihtric said, 'you will stop questioning my story, you hear me?' he breathed hard as his eyes darted over your face, 'you will forget whatever you saw today. You won't mention it to anyone, ever. Yeah?'
'Y-yeah,' you said, averting your eyes.
'No,' Sihtric hissed, 'look at me!' he commanded, and you looked back up into his mismatched eyes. 'I did it to protect you,' he said, and his expression softened as he lightly caressed your cheeks with his thumbs, 'I did it because I love you, you understand that?'
You simply nodded and held your breath.
'You love me?' he asked as his hands trailed down to your waist, 'tell me you love me.'
'I- I love you,' you whispered.
You cursed yourself for still enjoying his touch, after everything, and you allowed him to lean his forehead against yours.
'Again,' Sihtric smiled darkly, 'tell me you love me, little lady,' he licked his lips, 'tell me you're mine.'
'I love you.'
'Tell me you're mine,' he breathed.
'I'm… yours.'
'Good,' Sihtric sighed.
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You slept in Sihtric's arms that night. And for the first time since you got together, he almost felt like a stranger. The way he had acted, the way he had spoken to you, you had never seen this controlling and possessive side of him before. Except, maybe in the hospital.
You laid awake that night, remembering how Sihtric had demanded to see you in the hospital, after his crash, and how he had hurt you with his bruising grip. He hadn't done that again after that day, but his behaviour seemed to slowly turn towards that same direction; he was holding you in a firm grip, figurally this time. 
And despite everything, you were still head over heels in love with him, and you hoped it had just been a really strange day.
Eventually you fell asleep, thinking that tomorrow might be better.
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Sihtric woke up before you, as he had to go to work. He was starting to make more hours this week, slowly building up his previous work life again. He had kissed you goodbye and you vaguely remembered hearing his motorcycle engine rev before he rode off into the sunrise. 
When you woke up, you found a handwritten note on the pillow next to you;
Come see me at work, I'm working alone after 3. I'll take you back home. 
I love you, darling x
You felt your cheeks burn up at the note, and you made sure to do your daily errands as fast as possible.
You quickly packed a small backpack, with some clothes more suitable for a bike ride than the dress you had on, but you wanted to look nice for Sihtric when he'd see you, so you would change over there. And then you finally took a bus to the repair shop. 
You hopped off the bus in your floral summer dress and made haste to your mechanic, who you found shirtless, smudged with oil and grease as he leaned in a car, working on an engine once again. Sihtric looked up when he heard someone walk in, and he gave you a cocky smile as he leaned his elbows on the car.
'What's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this?' he flirted, and it made your face heat up straight away, as per usual.
'Hmm… my car broke down, sir,' you grinned, playing along.
'I see,' Sihtric nodded with a sly smile and closed the hood of the car, 'and how can I help you, lady?' he asked while he wiped his greasy hands on a towel, which he then threw over his shoulder.
'I'm not sure,' you twirled your hair as you walked up to him, 'is it true you guys offer a ride home?'
Sihtric bit down on his lip, circling his filthy arm around your waist and he pulled you against his sweaty, greasy body. He hummed softly as he looked down at you with a cheeky smile.
'Perhaps,' Sihtric taunted, 'but I don't have a car. However,' he licked his lips and slid his hand down to your buttocks, 'you could spread those beautiful legs for me right now, and I'll promise I'll give you a good ride,' he winked and squeezed your ass.
You giggled and slapped his chest.
'Sihtric! You heathen,' you laughed, completely flushed, 'don't be like that, you're at work.'
'And?' he frowned, 'there's no one here. And you're teasing me with that dress, lady.'
'Maybe, but… you're not serious, are you?'
'I am serious, lady,' Sihtric said, settling his other hand on your hip, 'did you forget what I told you?' he smiled and leaned in, softly nuzzling your nose before he pecked your lips.
'Hm?' you hummed, smiling, 'told me what?'
'I told you,' Sihtric said, pulling away from you while holding your hands, 'that I'm taking what's mine,' he growled and spun you around, bending you over the hood of the car, 'whenever I fucking want.'
'Sihtric,' you breathed, your head was spinning as his big, rough hands grabbed your hips.
And god, how horny you were right now, it was a sin. But the fear of someone walking in on you two held you back. But Sihtric clearly didn't care about that, as he pushed up your skirt and unclasped his belt.
'Sihtric, no,' you giggled.
You pushed yourself back up and turned around.
'But I want you,' he said, 'now.'
'Yes, and I want you too,' you breathed, 'but anyone can just walk in on us.'
Sihtric sighed and clicked his tongue, then he took your chin.
'Can't you… get fired for that?' you frowned.
'I own half of this shop, lady,' Sihtric said sternly, and he pushed your skirt up again, 'I can do whatever the fuck I want,' he smiled darkly and unzipped his dirty cargo pants, 'and right now,' he seated you up on the car, 'all I want to do,' he pulled down your panties, 'is fuck my girl.'
Sihtric captured your lips in a heated kiss, and you surrendered yourself completely in his strong, greasy arms, and let him have his way with you. And god, he felt good. The way he filled you up completely, and how you heard his low, heavy grunts in your ear as he pulled your hair. Sihtric knew exactly how to fuck you hard, and still make you feel loved entirely. 
And luckily, no one walked in.
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After the sudden hot, rough, and rather quick sex, you got dressed in your jeans and t-shirt, while Sihtric closed up the workplace and cleaned himself up. He put on his leather jacket and looked up over his shades as you approached him, and he smiled. Sihtric circled his arm around your waist and pulled you in for a soft kiss.
'You good, love?' he asked sweetly, 'did you like that, baby?'
'Yeah,' you smiled, feeling a little tired, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
'Good,' Sihtric whispered and pecked your lips.
'Did you like it?' you suddenly wondered.
Sihtric chuckled lightly and whispered, 'I loved it, lady,' before he gave you a tender kiss, 'and I love you.'
'I love you too,' you smiled shyly.
You hated yourself for how he could make you so easily aroused and shy all the same within the blink of an eye. 
Sihtric took your hand and walked you out of the garage. He got on his bike, and as he was about to push his motorcycle off the standard, he changed his mind. He looked at you, smiled, and turned around in the seat of his bike, then took your hand and pulled you closer.
'Come,' Sihtric said sweetly.
You got on his bike, seated in your regular spot, except this time you faced Sihtric, instead of looking at his back, and he wrapped your legs around his waist as you sat pressed up against him. His hand rested on your waist and one cupped your cheek, smiling softly as he looked at you, biting down on his lip. Your eyes darted over his black shades, not being able to see his eyes through them, so you took them off. You smiled at each other and you snuck your hands under his leather jacket, holding onto his waist as he leaned slightly back on his bike.
'How lucky I am,' Sihtric said with a smug face, and he pulled you in for a few soft kisses.
'And me,' you whispered, completely head over heels.
Sihtric hummed softly when he kissed you again, and you had a heated, yet gentle make out session on his motorcycle. Something you could cross off your bucket list, you later thought.
'You're my girl,' Sihtric whispered against your lips as he held you close.
'Only yours,' you smiled and kissed his lips again. 
You felt Sihtric softly bite your lip, and he tugged it lightly with his teeth, making you chuckle.
'Tell me you love me,' he breathed.
'I love you,' you whispered.
Sihtric hummed. 'How much, baby?'
'So fucking much,' you managed to say in between his open mouthed kisses, 'I'll do anything for you,' you nearly moaned as you tugged his jacket.
'Anything, love?' he chuckled softly.
'Anything, Sihtric.'
And Sihtric smiled against your lips, knowing he had you completely wrapped around his finger. And he would be the first to admit; you had him wrapped around your finger all the same. But you weren't aware of how smitten he was, or how to use it for your own benefit at times. Whereas Sihtric was cunning enough to realise how to use you, if he had to, or when he simply wanted to.
'Alright,' Sihtric smiled and gave you one last, soft kiss, 'let's go. I'm taking you out for dinner.'
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You felt a little out of place as you sat in some fancy, high class restaurant. The food was delicious, the atmosphere was pleasant, but this was way above your budget. You figured not to question Sihtric, and you just enjoyed watching him devour a steak. He fucks like a beast and eats like a beast, you thought, and you fought a grin tugging at your lips.
Sihtric was sweet to you again today, like how he had been with you when you first met, until the more recent events. He joked around and made you laugh, and after you both had finished your dinner, he moved to sit next to you. Sihtric wrapped his arm around your neck and gave you soft, sloppy kisses, for everyone to see, to which some elderly couples gave you two a disapproving look. But Sihtric didn't care, it only amused him. You were his, and he had no shame showing his love for you in public. You, on the other hand, were a little uncomfortable with displaying your affection in public, you had never really done so in your previous relationships, but as Sihtric took the lead, you simply followed.
When Sihtric paid for everything, you couldn't help noticing that the name on the credit card he used didn't match his own. It didn't even come close to his own name, actually. You didn't say anything about it and politely thanked the waiter before he left your table. Sihtric said he needed the toilet before heading out and pecked your lips, brushing his fingers sweetly over your cheek before he got up. You smiled at him, and when he walked off, your eyes landed on his leather jacket next to you, in which he had just tucked his wallet. You fought the urge for a moment, but your curiosity won. You innocently looked over your shoulder, and when all seemed clear, you reached for his wallet. You found the credit card he used and frowned at the name again, it didn't make any sense. And when you shoved the card back, you suddenly saw his wallet held five more credit cards, all with different names, none of them matching Sihtric's own name.
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You thought about your recent discovery as you had your arms wrapped around your biker boyfriend when he brought you home. You tried to come up with rational reasons as to why he would have those cards, but you had to stop fooling yourself. The only reason he would have them was if he's either a fraud and took out money using fake names, or he had stolen all of those credit cards without the victims realising it yet. And neither of those reasons appealed to you. 
Back home you tried to bite your tongue again, but it was just impossible.
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'You had a good evening?' Sihtric asked when he held you in his arms, while watching tv on your couch.
'Yeah,' you smiled, 'thank you.' You kissed his cheek.
'You're welcome, baby,' Sihtric hummed, 'one more?'
You fought a smile and gave him another kiss.
'But,' you began, 'I, eh,' you cleared your throat, 'I couldn't help notice the, eh, credit card you used. The name on it was not yours, was it?'
Sihtric frowned, 'what do you mean, love?'
You stared into his eyes, trying to find anything in there that would give you a hint of what goes on inside his head, but there was nothing.
'T-the name on your card,' you stammered, 'it… it wasn't yours.'
'Yes it was,' Sihtric chuckled lightly.
'No, it wasn't.'
'Don't be so silly, baby,' he scoffed, 'I don't know what you're talking about. You must be mistaken.'
Sihtric took your chin and gave you a soft kiss.
'But… okay, then show me the card?'
'What?' he asked.
'Show me the credit card,' you said.
'Why would I do that?' Sihtric asked, offended, losing the sweet demeanour in his voice and posture, 'I already told you, you're mistaken.'
'But I saw… I'm not-'
'You don't believe me, lady?'
'I know what I saw, Sihtric,' you scoffed.
'So you're calling me a liar?' Sihtric gave you a sudden threatening stare.
'N…no,' you said and looked away from him, but he took your chin again and forced your eyes back up to his.
'Then what are you saying here? Hm?' he asked and moved his hands up in your hair, 'what are you accusing me of?'
Sihtric stared at you as he bit down on his lip, and for some reason you felt lightheaded.
'N-nothing,' you said quietly, 'I'm sorry.'
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed and kissed your lips, 'I think you had a little too much wine there.'
'Yeah… m-maybe,' you agreed, pulling him in for another kiss.
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Sihtric quickly learned that whenever you questioned things, he could easily make you forgive and forget by just making out with you, or even better; having sex. And you didn't even realise it.
A few weeks later you met up with your friend, Thyra, who wanted to know all about that good looking guy you had been sharing pictures of on your social media.
'So, what does this Sihtric do?' Thyra asked and sipped her drink.
'He's a mechanic,' you said with your mouth full of food.
'Oh,' Thyra smiled and gave you a cheeky grin, 'I see. Tell me more.'
'Well,' you giggled, 'oh,' you said as your phone buzzed, 'speaking of… hold on,' you opened Sihtric's texts.
Sihtric: where are you?
Sihtric: baby?
Sihtric: hello???
Sihtric: answer me!
You: calm down love
You: I'm over at Sam's Bar
Sihtric: why? how?
Sihtric: with who?
You: I'm with my friend
You: Thyra. and I took a bus x
Sihtric: are you drinking baby? x
You: no?
Sihtric: I'll pick you up
'What…' you sighed, 'sorry, hold on,' you smiled at Thyra.
You: honey what do you mean
You: I just got here?
Sihtric: I'm picking you up baby
You: no, why? I don't want to go home yet
Sihtric: this is not a matter of discussion
Sihtric: I'm coming over
You: okay but at least stay for a drink?
Sihtric: maybe love x
You shook your head lightly.
'Is he already giving you trouble?' Thyra laughed.
'I don't know, but he's coming over,' you chuckled, 'he's… quite something.'
'How so?'
'Well,' you hesitated, 'I recently found out he's a member of the Ragnarsons.'
Thyra stared at you.
'What?' she scoffed, 'the biker gang?' 
You nodded and quickly took a sip of your drink.
'An outlaw? Girl,' Thyra frowned, 'what are you doing with a guy like that?'
'I.. he's… I love him,' you said shyly.
'I… don't even know what to say. How- like, how far in it is he?'
You looked away from your friend.
'Hey,' Thyra said firmly, 'spill it.'
'Fuck,' you groaned, 'do you remember that warehouse fire a while ago?'
'Yeah,' Thyra said, her face growing concerned.
'He… he did that,' you said softly.
Thyra stared at you again. 'You've got to be joking.'
'Don't tell anyone, okay? I'm not even supposed to talk about this.'
'What does that mean?'
'Sihtric, he told me to not… you know, discuss his business with others.'
'And is that the only thing he tells you to do?' she asked, cautiously.
'Well, I guess,' you shrugged, 'he's quite persistent, but I haven't done anything I didn't want to.'
'What does that- what did you do?'
'Well,' you felt your face heat up, 'we kinda… well, not kinda, we had sex while he was at work. That was a first for me.' 
'What?' Thyra suddenly laughed, 'at his work? The garage?'
'Yeah,' you grinned, 'the shop was still open.'
'Are you… you're telling me you had sex in public?'
'Yeah, but, no one saw us!' you said quickly, 'and… he's like… he fucks like really good,' you blurted out and laughed.
Thyra sat back, shocked, and she shook her head disapprovingly.
'What are you doing, honey?' she asked softly and took your hand, 'sex in public? Dating a guy who committed arson, and probably a whole bunch of other crimes…'
'I don't know about much else. I only know he has a bunch of credit cards that don't have his name on it. And he deals drugs?'
'What?!' Thyra yelled.
'Shh!' you hushed her fast.
'Please tell me you went to the cops?' she hissed.
'What? no!' you scoffed, 'I'm not turning in my boyfriend! I asked him about it, and he told me not to worry about it, okay? And he took me to this fancy place after we had sex at his work, so, you know, he treats me well.'
'Gods,' Thyra whispered, 'this isn't you,' she said, 'since when are you okay with all this?'
'I'm not, I mean…' you sighed and buried your face in your hands, 'I don't know, okay. I just- I only know that I love him.'
'Love him?' Thyra scoffed, 'sure. You love his cock it seems.'
'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?' you snarled.
'Oh, come on, since when are you so naive?' Thyra asked, 'this guy clearly manipulates you. You confront him about things, he fucks you, and you simply forget about it.'
'That's not true,' you said, hurt.
'That's what it looks like,' Thyra said, 'look, I am not telling you what to do with your life. But please, be careful. These biker guys,' she shook her head, 'they are no good. None of them.'
'But he said he wants out, you know, of the club.'
'And you believe him?'
'Well, yeah.'
'Did he tell you that before or after he fucked you?'
'Both,' you admitted after a moment of silence.
'What else are you not telling me,' Thyra asked, 'I can tell you're hiding something. I promise I won't rat him out, but you have to share whatever it is. Or it will eat you up, I know you. Is he asking you to do things for that club?'
'No!' you said, 'he tries to keep me away from everything.'
'Then what is it?'
Reluctantly you told her about the day you had that encounter with the fellow biker, who handed Sihtric drugs in your presence, and how Sihtric came back home to you, covered in blood.
'He said he only fought.'
'Is he…' Thyra's eyes grew wide, 'is he the guy who killed his half brother?'
'What?' you said, bewildered, 'no!' 
'Are you sure? Because I read about that in the news, I think it was a day after you said that stuff happened.'
'No!' you defended your boyfriend, 'he would… he'd never do that,' doubt settled in your bones as you continued, 'I, he never… he never said he had a brother in the first place.'
'Well, if he killed him, I suppose he wasn't very fond of him, makes sense he wouldn't mention him' Thyra remarked, 'I don't remember his name, I only remember they wrote that the guy had an eyepatch,' she said.
Your stomach turned at her words, remembering the biker at the traffic light. You had no idea he was apparently dead. But surely, Sihtric wouldn't have done that? He told you he only got into a fight that night. Maybe something had happened after Sihtric already left?
'Tell me,' Thyra said, 'how much do you really know about this guy?'
'Enough,' you lied, 'and I know that I love him,' you said, truthfully.
And just as you said those words, you heard Sihtric's motorcycle approach, and you glanced over your shoulder. You and Thyra watched him park his bike and he took off his helmet. He hung his helmet on the handlebar and put on his shades. And as Sihtric walked up to you, he took off his leather jacket, showing off his muscular arms as he wore a dark grey sleeveless shirt.
'Oh, girl,' Thyra sighed as she saw Sihtric approach, 'you are simply kept cock drunk by that guy.'
You didn't even hear her as you looked at Sihtric, who gave you his sexy half smile as he walked up to your table and he lowered his shades for you. He took your chin and leaned in.
'Hey, baby,' Sihtric purred with a wink, and gave you a quick open mouthed kiss.
'Hey, handsome,' you giggled as you looked up at him, completely smitten.
And Thyra immediately saw the way Sihtric had you wrapped around his finger when he sat down next to you, putting his arm around your neck, keeping you locked against his side, in a possessive manner.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @n4tforlife
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soniaxdixon · 3 years
New Girl
Okay so I actually started writing this one based off of a prompt but got way to invested so ended up turning into a one shot.
Words count: 2470
Summary: Reader has been in love with Daryl from the beginning but never told him so when he comes back to the prison injured and with a new girl by his side, her heart shatters.
Warnings: Swearing, some gore, angst and fluff.
You paced the gates of the prison, impaling the heads of walkers that stalked the living on the inside. Worry swelled in the pits of your stomach as you waited for the familiar sound of his bike, but they didn’t come.
You made your way up to the prison for dinner, grabbing a bowl from Carol and sitting next to Rick.
“He’s not back yet?” Worry obviously etched his face too.
“No. Rick it’s almost been a week. He’s never gone this long.”
“If he’s not back by tomorrow we’ll head out and find him, okay?”
Seconds later the doors busted open, Glenn ran in. “Where’s Hershel? We need Hershel!” Both you and Rick shot up from your seats and ran over to Glenn.
“I’ll go get him.” Rick ran off in search of the old man
“What’s happening?” You searched Glenn’s face for a sign of anything, he looked into your eyes.
“It’s Daryl.”
“Where is he?”
The pit in your stomach grew as you pushed passed Glenn and ran towards the infirmary. Your stomach dropped when you saw him laying still on the table, blood soaked beneath him, dripping down onto the floor.
“Oh my God.” Your voice was barely audible. Your feet felt cemented to the ground, you couldn’t move.
“Excuse me.” A girl pushed passed you, sitting next to Daryl’s bed and grabbed his hand.
“Who are you?” You found your voice and walked to stand next to Daryl on the opposite side. You ran your hand threw his hair and the girl shot you a look that sent shivers down your spine.
“I’m Bella. Daryl found me a few days back.”
Your eyes were locked where she held his hand and your heart felt like it was being squeezed. You took a step back from his body.
Rick and Glenn suddenly burst into the room with Hershel following behind them
“What happened?” Rick’s voice was barely below yelling, obviously panicking as his best friend laid still on the table.
“He found me in the woods, saved me from a group of walkers. We found a cabin and he took care of me there for a few days.” She looked at you suddenly, “nursed me back to health, kept me warm.” Your brain was frazzled as you tried to piece together what she was saying. “When I felt better we started to make our way back here but we were pinned by another herd. A few pushed Daryl up against a wall and he was impaled on a pipe. I found a car and got us here as quickly as possible. Please tell me you can save him.”
“I can.” Hershel was examining Daryl’s body while she spoke. “But I need space. Rick, Glenn, you stay, y/n, take Bella to get a plate of food, she seems quite shaken.”
You glanced at Daryl one more time before guiding the new girl out of the room and towards the kitchen.
You suddenly spoke “Where’s his bike?”
“His bike, where is it?”
“Oh, um, I guess it’s still back at the cabin.”
You went up to your cell and shuffled through your things, pulling out a map and a marker and walking back towards Bella.
“Show me where it is. Can I walk there?”
She looked at you in disbelief. “It’s just a bike.”
“Just show me where.” Your tone was harsh. You didn’t understand why but you grew frustrated with her very quickly, like your fuse was cut short and the slightest thing she did would set you off.
She grabbed the marker from your hand and circled a space in the woods about 5 miles out.
You grabbed the map and marker from her and walked over to Carol. “This is Bella, she needs something to eat.” You stormed up the prison stairs and pulled the curtain over your cell as you packed your bag for your trip the next day.
The next morning, you woke early and got dressed quickly. You scurried down the stairs with your bag on your back. You walked hastily over to the infirmary slowing your pace as you got closer, walking in quietly. His breathing had steadied and you sat next to him for a few minutes.
“Daryl. It’s y/n. I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m gonna talk anyway.” You searched his face for any signs that he was listening but he showed none.  “I was so worried about you, I thought I was going to lose you and I think that made me realise that I care about you a lot more than I thought I did. Daryl please be okay. I need you to wake up. I need you to know how much I lo-”
You heard someone coming towards the infirmary and you stood up suddenly from your seat, wiping the tears you didn’t realise had fallen and placing the most gentle kiss on Daryl’s forehead. As you went to walk away you saw the figure who was walking into the infirmary. Bella squeezed past you without saying a word, sitting in the seat you were in just moments ago and entangling her fingers with Daryl’s. The sight sent you into overdrive as you stormed away, down towards the gates of the prison. Maggie was on watch as you walked down towards her.
“Hey, where are you going?” She stepped in front of you.
“To find Daryl’s bike.”
“I’ll be fine, that girl Bella circled where they stayed and it's only about 5 miles out.”
“Show me, just so I know where to find you if you’re not back soon.”
You pulled out the map and showed Maggie. She pulled you into a hug, releasing you soon after and opening the gate. Your hand remained fixed on your knife as you began your trek towards the cabin. It took you a couple of hours but you found the place she had circled. You made your way inside, scouting the place for anything you could take home. Daryl’s crossbow laid on the table, you swung it over your shoulder as you thought about the time he had taught you to use it.
“Okay now put your foot here to hold the bow down and pull the string back. Put the bolt here and-”
“Daryl, I got it. I know what to do.”
“Yeah alright Hawkeye, show me what ya got.”
You aimed the crossbow at the makeshift target that Daryl had set up, you took a deep breath and readied yourself for the kickback. You squeezed the trigger as the bolt flew threw the air and pierced the centre of the target.  “Oh my God, did you see that!?” You jumped for joy before placing the crossbow on the floor and running to stand next to the target. Pointing at it with the look of awe on your face.
“Yeah yeah, I saw it. It’s cause ya had a good teacher.” He said, walking over to the target and pulling the bolt out. “Do it 1000 more times, then I’ll trust ya with my crossbow.”
You could see the visible smirk on his face. “Next you have to teach me how to ride your bike.”
You smiled at the memory, it felt like a lifetime ago. You secured the crossbow on your shoulder as you continued to search the house, scooping everything you needed into your bag before walking out the front door and looking for Daryl’s bike. You found where he had leaned it near the side of the house. You swung your right leg over and pulled it into the upright position. Gripping the right hand brake you kicked up the stand and started the engine. Rolling it forwards a bit until you were steady enough to begin riding, just like Daryl had taught you.
Maggie heard the bike as she ran down to the gate. “She’s back!” She yelled out to the rest of your group. Everyone started walking down to greet you, including Daryl who had managed to wake up and stand. Bella gripped tightly to his arm. The sight of you on his bike sent his mind whirling. You were so beautiful. You rode through the gate and up a bit to where your group was standing. You turned the bike off and pushed the kick stand down, climbing off it as you locked eyes with Daryl.
“Thank god you’re okay.” You threw your arms around Daryl’s neck pulling him into a hug, he pulled his arm away from Bella and wrapped them both around you, gently but enough that you could feel him holding you. You pulled away suddenly and began searching his body. “What are you doing up, you should still be resting? Come on, get back to bed.”
“y/n I’m fine. When I woke up Rick came and told me that ya went to look for my bike.”
“I had to hold him down when he found out you had gone alone.” Rick said smiling at the two of you.
Daryl chuckled at the thought. “Bella calmed me down but when I heard Maggie yell out I had to come and see ya.”
He obviously hadn’t heard when you spoke to him this morning, but that could have been a good thing. “I was so worried about you, D.”
“Yeah well then you went and made me worry about ya.”
“I brought your bike back didn’t I, both me and the bike still in one piece clearly.” You motioned towards yourself and the bike.
“I know how much the bike means to you…Oh and I found this.” You pulled the crossbow off your shoulder and handed it to him but Bella reached out and pulled it over her shoulder.
“I’ll hold onto this until you’re better, you gotta teach me how to shoot it remember.”
Your stomach twisted in knots as your walls came crashing back down.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” You spoke barely above a whisper and rolled your eyes. You pushed passed Bella making sure to bump her slightly on your way up to the prison. Rick chased after you, noticing your sudden mood change.
“y/n, y/n wait!”
You finally stopped when you got inside the main cell block. “What, Rick?”
“Are you okay? What was that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You turned to face him.
“Your little outburst back there.”
“That was hardly an outburst, Rick.”
“Yeah well you seem pretty hostile towards Bella.”
“We don’t know a thing about her and now she’s sleeping under the same roof as us, already making plans for Daryl to teach her how to use the crossbow. Are you kidding me?”
“Daryl says he trusts her.”
“Yeah well I’m sure he does. I wonder how many times he’s fucked her already.”
“Y/n where the hell is this coming from!?”
“I’ve been in love with him for as long as I can remember Rick, and not once has he looked at me the way he looks at her and that hurts so much because I’m the one who constantly puts my life on the line for him. I’m the one who takes care of him when he’s hurt. I’m the one who knows how to stop his nightmares. I’m the one who loves him. Not her.” Tears were steadily flowing down your face as you finally broke eye contact with Rick.
“Tell him.”
“Tell. Him. Because you know what. He doesn’t look at you that way, no, he has a look that is set aside specifically for you. It looks like he is seeing stars when he looks at you, like you are his entire world. That bracelet on your wrist, he almost got ripped apart for that bracelet but because it says your name, he refused to leave without it. The fact that he taught how to ride his bike, how many people does he let even touch the damn thing? His crossbow. Do you really think he’s gonna teach her how to use it. The second you stormed off he ripped it off her shoulder and walked away. You might think he likes her and who knows, maybe he does, but he loves you.”
You stood there frozen as Rick poured everything out into the open. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
With his confession playing over and over again in your head you raced outside the prison, into the yard where you last saw Daryl but he wasn’t there. You ran into the infirmary, he wasn’t there either. Your heart began to race as you looked everywhere for him, running in and out of the cell’s searching for any sign of him until you found him, sitting on your bed.
“Hey.” His voice was quiet.
“Daryl I-”
“Stop.” He stood up off the bed and walked over to you, he pushed away the hair that had fallen in front of your face in your frantic search to find him. “Ya know I’m not good with words, especially the way Rick is, but everything he said, is true.”
You struggled to grasp at the words that were fleeting from your mind.
“How much did you hear?”
“Does that mean that you heard…”
“I heard everything. I followed you and Rick back up to the prison. I heard what you said. I went to find Bella to tell her that there was nothing between her and I and when I got back to the main cellblock, you had disappeared.”
“Daryl. I tried to tell you this morning, when you were still asleep.”
“I heard that too. I felt you kiss my forehead but I couldn’t move.”
“I was trying to tell you that…” You looked up into his eyes and placed your hand carefully on his chest, above his heart. Taking a deep breath in, you spoke. “Daryl Dixon, I love you.”
He leaned down and closed the space between the two of you, his lips pressed against yours as you melted together. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer to you as his hands found your waist.
You finally pulled away slowly, your eyes opening and looking up into his. He looked down bashfully before speaking. “I love you too. Always have and I always will.”
You spent the rest of the day wrapped in each others arms, laying on the bed and talking about everything and anything. Rick came up into your cell to let you know that dinner was ready and at the sight of you entangled with Daryl he let out a hearty laugh.
“I was right, I was so right. You do love each other.”
You just smiled and nodded at him.
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simonsrosebud · 3 years
Jack had a tough childhood (father left, depressed mom, younger siblings to take care of) but he refuses to talk about it to anybody other than Bee because he thinks it'll make him less tough
thank you anon for jack's backstory!! here's one of the top 5 worst days of jack's life, i'm sorry.
Jack Young was fine.  He was fine.
Until April 27th.  Freshman year.
He normally stuck to his room after school, after practice.  He shared his bedroom with the washer and dryer, tucked away in his closet.  He didn’t mind, really.  His parents agreed not to run it at night, so he’s gotten used to the sound during the day.  His mom was normally quiet enough unloading it on weekends if he was still asleep, and his dad never came down to the basement as it was.
It was better than sharing his old room with the little ones.  Drew was always quiet for a baby, but the twins were in their terrible twos.  They went more days with Mandy crying than not.
But on April 27th, both of his parent’s cars were in the driveway when he got off the bus.  He hiked his exy bag further up his shoulder and wedged himself through the door, then stopped.  Boxes lined the wall to his left, and three suitcases stood on the right.  He set his duffle and his backpack down.  He could hear his parents’ voices before he stepped inside, but they didn’t stop when he came into the kitchen, into view.
His or his siblings’ presence was usually enough for any arguing to stop until a later time.  Normally, his father had enough control to table the discussion until he didn’t have an audience.  He wasn’t subtle about it, and Jack knew there had been problems for years now, but he still had the mind to try and keep it concealed.
“-can’t just blame it on the fact that you’re sick up top!”
“What’s going on?”  He stopped short at the end of the hallway.  His dad stuttered to a stop.  He was leant back against the kitchen counter with his hands bracing the edge.  He wasn’t in his work clothes.  “Did you take off early to see my game?  It’s in an hour, Josh is already driving me, but if you’re going we can ride together,” he said.  He wasn’t the reason.  He made Varsity as a freshman and he was finally playing his first game in playoffs, but he wasn’t the reason his father took off work.  He knew he wasn’t the reason, but there were boxes by the front door and his parents had been bickering behind his back for years.  He was a realist, he thought, but he still didn’t want to think the worst.
Jack’s father stood straight, ran a hand down his face and scratched at his beard.  “I- no, I forgot about the game, I’m sorry, but- no, no, I-I’m leaving.”
Jack’s face fell.  “Where?”  His voice was small.  “Why?  Are you going on a work trip?”
“No, Jack-”
“Well, where are you going?”  His fingers were numb and twitching at his side.
Jack’s father slung a backpack around his shoulder, “Just- out of here, bud.”  He slid past Jack, who grabbed his arm.  “Jack.”
“Where are you going, Dad”  He pursed his lips.  “You can’t just say you’re leaving and not even say where to- is it cause Mom’s disorder?”  His father paused.  “Bipolar disorder.  Bipolar one, I know about it.”  He looked to his mother.  “I’ve seen the pills in the medicine cabinet, I looked it up.  You guys aren’t subtle- you’ve never been subtle.  I know you fight when we’re not around, but-but you can still fix whatever’s wrong.”
His father sighed and pulled his arm out of Jack’s grip.  “It’s not cause of that.  Things have just changed, I can’t stay here anymore.  Can’t fix everything.”  He started down the hall.  Jack didn’t know where the lying stopped and started with him.
Jack looked back to his mother.  When she didn’t move, he followed his father out the door.  Back and forth as he loaded boxes into his car.  “You gonna help or what?”
The humidity caught on Jack as they walked from the door to the car.  “No, I’m not gonna help you leave us.  Are you crazy?  Mom works all week and Saturdays, who’s supposed to watch the babies while I’m at practice on the weekend?”  He grabbed his arm when he didn't answer.  “Hey!”
His father spun around out of his hold.  “I don’t know, Jack!  Figure it out, you’ll be fine!  Jesus, it’s one day, I need to get my shit sorted.”  He turned to shut the trunk and made his way to the driver's side.  “This is sudden for you, I know, but this is happening!”  He slid into the car before Jack could get another word in and started it up.
“What about us!”  Jack shouted.  “What about me!”  His father ignored him, put the car in reverse and turned his body to look out the back window.  Jack pounded his fist against the window, and staggered after the car as it backed out.  “Hey!  Answer me, you coward!”
Jack’s mother wrapped her arms around her son to stop him from following the car but he thrashed against her.  “No- No!”  He blinked angry tears from his eyes and grunted as he broke out of his mother’s arms.  “Why would you let him leave!”
She looked helpless.  She was, it just wasn’t something Jack was able to notice in the moment.  He was already fueled up on his own anger and helplessness.  Confusion and devastation.
His mother shrugged with her arms out at her sides.  “He would’ve left anyway, Jack.”  She shook her head.  “He would’ve left when you went to your game.  He’s been planning on it for weeks, I tried to get him to stay, baby.  I tried.”  She turned as he shouldered past her.  He came right back out of the house with his exy bag around his shoulders and snagged his bike from the side of the house.
“Oh, at least let me drive you-”
He swung his leg over and started pedaling.  His school was four and a half miles from home, but he couldn’t be in his house without his mother coming to bother him, and he couldn’t be in the car with her either.
The tears that fell onto his cheeks were cold, and the wind that whipped them from his face.  The back peddle of the bike needed air.  He wasn’t stopping to satisfy it.
“Fucking broken just like-”  he gasped and swerved to the side to avoid being hit by a car screeching to a stop.  There was a stop sign for both the bike path and the road, but Jack had gone right through it.  “Jesus,” he panted.  Not even wearing a helmet.
He dropped the bike against the rack in front of the school, just outside the gym doors.  They were unlocked for the athletes coming and going, and in preparation for exy fans to come claim their spots in the stands ahead of time.  The game wasn’t for another hour, but the student section usually filled up a half hour before serve.  That meant he had maybe twenty minutes to himself.
Jack slipped into the locker room and into his gear, and gripped his stick tight as he walked onto the court.  It was dimly lit.  No one was supposed to be there yet.  Good enough.
Jack only had a few balls, but he only had one drill in mind and a few were enough.  It was a Raven solo rebound drill, nailing the ball in just the right spot that it would come right back to your net without having to move.  Jack saw Kevin Day do it for all of maybe six seconds during warm ups when his friend brought him to a playoff game the year before.  Ravens versus UNC, it was only an hour from them.  It was spectacular.
He threw the ball until the lights flickered on, but didn’t stop until his coach called his name.  “Nervous?”  He didn’t answer, but collected his balls and headed for the door.  His coach stopped him once he reached her side.  “Hey.  Don’t be nervous.  You’re ready.”
All Jack could do was nod silently.  This was the Varsity coach, she didn’t need his personal problems on her court.  Not nearing the end of the playoffs.
So he stayed quiet until warm up, and he played so hard that he fell to his knees once the final buzzer sounded.
Lindsey Davidson, a senior and the team’s captain, curled her arm underneath his armpit and pulled him up against her.  She was smiling, but her words were sharp in his ear.  “You did good today, but I never want to see you blow out your whole body on the court again.  That’s why we have subs.”  He tried to lift himself from her side but she pulled him back close and walked him over to the others.  “Can you walk?”
He nodded.  He thought so, at least.  “Um, I rode my bike here.  It’s got a flat tire.”
“You can catch a ride with me and Bryce,” she said and passed him off to her cluster of cheering teammates.
Jack stood on his front porch for a good minute before he could step inside.  When he did, his mother was waiting for him with dinner leftovers to heat up and his siblings all knocked out on the couches.  “Spaghetti and meatballs, if you’re hungry,” she offered.
He nodded and collapsed at the table.  His knees felt like they were creaking like an old door hinge.  When his mother joined him at the table again he stared at his food.  “What happened,” he mumbled.  He looked up.  “Why now?  What happened that this was the last straw?”
She shrugged.  Jack wanted to call her out, tell her to give him a real answer.  Instead he looked away.
“You should have warned me this was coming.”  She started to say something but barely got past the first syllable.  “No.  You said he was planning on leaving us for weeks.  You knew the whole time.”
She looked defeated.  Jack stood from the table with his food and left without a word down to his room.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Mondo Oowada x an effeminate male S/O
Request: Oml heyyy may I request a Mondo x male! S/O (imagine or headcanons i don't really know the difference dkfjlds) where the s/o is very feminine and tries to get Mondo to do feminine things? Painting nails, etc.
Of course! This was gonna be a head canon post but I just kept writing so I turned it into an imagine. The bullet points were getting too long LMAO, but it does include some personal headcanons throughout. And thank you for giving me my first ever request! Means the world to me! - Mod Kokichi
Imagine below the keep reading cut! SFW and no spoilers included~
     Your first day at Hope’s Peak Academy as the Ultimate Tailor, you got teased a bit. It was inevitable. You were the new transfer student, fresh meat to pick on, and you were a dude in a skirt, a doubly enticing threat to bullies. Immature high-schoolers were always going to whisper and glare at the ones willing to step outside the norm.
     On one of your first days there, during a particularly ruthless bullying session, the school’s hall monitor and student council president, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, stepped in after noticing the noise, breaking up the situation by standing between you and your oppressors.
     “Bullying is not supported in this progressive and nurturing school environment!” Taka’s loud and volatile personality always made quick work of the school’s trouble-makers. He spun quickly around to you, inviting you to spend lunch at his table for your trouble.
     You hesitantly agreed, but were glad you did in the end. That day, you met Taka’s best friend, Mondo Owada, a toothpick between his teeth and his feet kicked up onto the lunch table as he fixed his perfectly styled hair.
     You immediately found him extremely attractive: the sharp jaw, the bit of chest hanging out the top of his tank top. Quickly, you fell into their little friend group full of excitable and extroverted men. There were random stragglers to your lunch table on certain days, with Akane and Shuichi tagging along occasionally, but the main staples that ate with you every single day were Fuyuhiko, Mondo, Taka, Kaito, and Nekomaru, subconsciously scaring away anyone who wanted to start shit.
     You weren’t nearly as close to the rest of them as you were with Mondo, however. You often found yourself leaning against his chair, sharing your packed lunch with him, entranced when he laughed.
    He found himself always hanging out with you, shootin’ the breeze, smoking up on the roof after classes, putting his hand around your shoulder when you told a joke that made him and Taka crack up at lunch. He kept many secrets of yours, and promised to take them to his grave.
     When you came out to him as someone who likes men, he stuttered his response a little, but pulled it together.
     “It takes a real man to admit what his heart’s feelin’, S/O, you can be sure your secret’s safe with me until you’re ready to tell everyone else.” Feeling the atmosphere become awkward out there alone on the rooftop, he quickly changed the subject “So, Ultimate Tailor, huh? Shit’s pretty sick. Seen some of your clothing designs out in the art wing’s showcase. Don’t tailors just tighten up and fix a person’s clothes, though?” You smiled at his interest in your field.
     “Uh, yeah, normally I think they take in and size up clothes, b-but,” you put a hand to the back of your neck, nervous with his complete attention on you, “ I think some make designs from scratch, I have always loved making my own clothes. Maybe I should just be the Ultimate Fashionista instead of Enoshima…” you giggled, feigning envy humorously. Mondo smirked.
   “Yeah, maybe you should. You gotta design me a new coat sometime. This one’s seen better days.” You both looked at the dirt caked at the bottom of his coat, permanent stains throughout, and loose threads hanging in random places.
     “F-for sure!” You grinned.
     Your days returned to normal, lunch together and group hangouts after school, but something was different...to Mondo at least. He had to admit, to himself only of course, that he felt a little jealous of you. You could just come out and tell him who you are inside. He could never be that open. He usually was the one keeping secrets, not expressing them. But then, he caught himself. Why should he feel jealous...he was a simple guy, he didn’t even have any secrets or desires to share, even with who would listen. He brushed it off as just his normal hot-headed mindset, and packed up his stuff in his bag for the day.
     But the next few days, his eyes would linger on you even more, and he would become uncomfortable, his insides warm, his head clouded with that same envy tugging at his heart strings. In the hallway after last period, he kicked his locker, frustrated at this knot in his head and mind. What the fuck is up with him. Then it clicked…
     “It takes a real man to admit what his heart’s feelin’.”
     The next day, he pulled you out to the rooftop, his cheeks red and his heart beating wildly. You waited patiently, sitting down, figuring you were just in for another hang out session like usual, and pulled out your homework from third period, until he began to speak.
     “L-look man, I have been thinkin’, ever since you told me you’re into dudes…”
     Oh no...your head dropped expectantly. You felt like this was bound to come eventually, no matter what. He was this macho dude and hung around you all the time. It must be bothering him, ruining his rep-
     “That shit takes heart, like I said before, and I owe you my truth too, r-right, since you trusted me with yours?” He startled you, looking for validation. Mondo only stuttered when he was pissed and screaming, but he looked nervous now, a look of begging to be understood that you empathized with all too well.
     “I…” he looked out over the roof. Stop being a little bitch, Mondo, he seethed internally. “Fuck, I don’t know, man. I like you? I want us to be more than just friends. I mean, you’re cool as my bro, but…” He didn’t expect you to reach out and take his hand hesitantly, his cheeks flushing. You didn’t want his evident struggle to drag out until he blew a fuse.
     “I think that sounds ‘sick’ ” you mused, taking up one of his favorite sayings. He nodded, a arm around your shoulder, unable to look you in the eyes. But he felt a wave of peace run over him.
     Your close friends immediately picked up on this new relationship, seeing you lean on Mondo a little harder at lunch, Mondo’s blush as he rested his hand on yours over the table. Nekomaru slapped your shoulder loudly that first day as a new couple, almost shattering the bone there. He laughed, saying he couldn’t wait for you two to just finally admitted your feelings. A team works smoother when everyone is on the same page, after all.
     Weeks passed, and inside school, there was little issue. It’s the 21st century. Most were accepting of your obvious relationship. Those bigots who weren’t didn’t try anything. No stupid ass student was picking on a dude with Mondo, Taka, Fuyuhiko, Kaito and Nekomaru at his back.
     The problems started to arise when Mondo took you on rides on his bike, to his gang’s HQ or stomping grounds in general. That was the outside world, not an institution of modern and formal learning like Hope’s Peak. Japan itself was a little behind western society in terms of LGBT acceptance, and like the rest of the world, had a long ways to go.
     With Mondo being the leader of a biker gang, a setting known for violence, masculinity, grit, toughness, and a yakuza-like brotherhood of men, it just wasn’t an environment most conducive to openly gay relationships, but no one in the gang dared to call out Mondo, knowing how hot-headed he is and ultimately respecting him as their leader. They owed him unconditional loyalty.
     That was, until one day, a rather cheeky second-in-command saw you filing your nails, sitting in Mondo’s lap on a couch at HQ, and decided he’d had enough. He confronted you both in front of everyone, all eyes on you, making you shrink back into Mondo’s chest.
     “Eh, boss. If you’re gonna have a dude in a fucking dress doin’ his nails and twirling like a princess on your dick, why not just date a chick? This is gettin’ a little embarassin.” He spoke angrily. Mondo was taken aback, not used to being challenged by his men, obviously the alpha of his pack. He paused, struggling to find a response.
     “What’s the fuckin’ issue?! Like most of you idiots aren’t so close that you might as well be tuggin’ each other’s dicks anyway!” He spat defensively, refusing to take back talk from a subordinate. He looked down to your shaking form in his lap, seeing that you were obviously disappointed with his response and looked up at him with a bit of anger, tears at the corner of your eyes.
Why was he defending his rep, and attacking the man back? He should be defending the relationship, and pushing forward acceptance. It made you feel like he wasn’t proud of you, ashamed of what you two had become.
     He saw this in your eyes and hated himself, changing his stance quickly. He scooped you up from under your thighs from his lap and set you on the couch beside him. He stood, stepping up to the out-of-line gang member, chest out, looking down on him with malice.
     “Maybe you’ve forgotten your place, yeah? You forget who’s in charge? I’m involved with S/O, he’s with me, so he’s part of the gang. You’re gonna accept that, or there’s gonna be trouble to deal with, got me? What, you such a pussy that you can’t accept shit if it ain’t what you expect it to be?!” The second-in command cowered, breaking eye contact with Mondo, and the rest of the onlooking members returning to what they were doing. “Now, we got any other issues?”
     When Mondo drove you home on his bike hours later, you sat behind him as always, but squeezed onto his waist a little tighter than usual, and his heart beat proudly, knowing for once he was sure he did the right thing. You two rode silently, you pecking his cheek before slipping inside your house. He walked back to his bike, blushing like mad, and you two texted all night.
     The very next week, Mondo was over at your house for the first time, doing homework in your room. Well, that’s what you were supposed to be doing. Mondo wasn’t exactly the model student, much the the chagrin of his best friend Taka, and you just weren’t in the mood. And so you sat, him eating some chips from your pantry, watching you paint your nails on your bed, a towel to catch loose drips under your flattened out palm. You looked up to him, smiling at having his full attention on you as per usual when you were alone..
     “Want me to paint yours next?” It just slipped out. You didn’t really mean it. A guy like Mondo wouldn’t want that, surely, but you figured it wouldn’t harm to tease him. To your surprise, he responded rather quickly.
     “I seen Kaito walkin’ around this week with that shit on his nails. Maki apparently forced him to after he lost a bet to her. Didn’t look that bad, actually. Kinda looked sick with his jacket, all purple and shit,” he paused to think, “ fuck it, sure. But no pastel shit, yeah?” Your heart leapt with excitement. There’s no way you expected him to answer in a positive manner, but in this relationship, you quickly learned that you often underestimated Mondo, and let his macho-biker-gang persona leave you biased. You didn’t want people judging you by your sexuality or the eyeliner you wore, and suddenly felt hypocritical for ever pre-judging your big motorcylce-head of a boyfriend.
     Mondo held his hands out after you finished, observing the slick coat of black polish that covered his once grisly and battered nails. Yes, you had to manicure them real quick to even get the polish to stick. They had dirt under them and the cuticles were disgusting.
     “Hell yeah.” he simply spoke, smirking before pulling you in to lean on him as you finally pulled out your homework.
     Weeks turned into months, and soon Mondo was watching you get your ears pierced again in a new place, then sitting in the chair to get his done. He took you, in turn, to get “ink that matched your bitchin’ sense of style” as he put it. The tattoo didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would, and certainly inspired you to design clothes that showed it off and accentuated it.
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petersasteria · 3 years
💌- sam holland//mad hatter
I don’t write for Sam Holland, but I’ll make an exception.
𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 - "𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐦 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠"
Warning: it gets weirder and it’s not for the fainthearted. Probably not for minors as well. There’s no smut tho... only mentions of sex. You have been warned. Welcome to the weird side of my mind. 2.5k words
“Hello, Sam.” The psychiatrist greeted with a smile. Sam looked at her and only gave her a nod. “Is there any reason why you’re here today, Sam? A little birdie told me you needed some help. What happened?”
Sam looked at her with fear in his eyes as tears clouded his vision. He shakes his head and whimpered, “I’m not crazy. I’m normal! I swear, I am! I’m not crazy, but she is.”
“No one’s saying you’re crazy.” The psychiatrist smiled. She had a kind face and she was mother-like. The job suited her because her voice is calm and soothing. “Who is she?”
Sam closed his eyes as vivid flashbacks replayed on his mind. It flashed in his mind like it was being played on a projector and he was the only audience. He took a deep breath and said, “She lived two streets away...”
Sam never really went out a lot, but when he would go out, he’d stay out all day. The rest of the family wouldn’t question him as long as he got home safe and sound and unharmed. When he received a bike from his uncle, he thought it’d be best to try it out. After all, it’s been years since he rode a bike and this way, he’d be saving the Earth from pollution if he biked to work instead.
He popped his earphones on and got on his new bike and pedalled. He had no destination in mind and he was confident that he wouldn’t get lost because he grew up in the area and he knew a lot of places like this back of his hand. It was safe to say that he trusted himself and that was important.
He went through a few turns until he reached the other street. There wasn’t much to see, but he waved at a few of the neighbors he knew. When he turned again, he reached another street. It was at this time when he figured that he should go home. Instead of going back the way he came, he just biked straight ahead. He can’t possibly get lost. The streets have names and he knew what his street was and he knew how to get there from different ways.
He eyed at some of the house and inwardly judged at which house he liked best when suddenly he saw an abandoned house. He stopped in front of it and realized that not only was it abandoned, but it was also ruined.
The windows were no longer there and there were shards of glass on the ground. There was no grass and the steps of the front porch were broken. The second floor of the house was nonexistent, but two pillars were there. The walls on the ground floor were destroyed and it looked like the whole place was burned down.
Sam was in shock. He had never seen a house like that before. What he failed to notice was a girl about his age emerging from the bushes that had no leaves anymore.
“Hi there!” The girl grinned. Sam didn’t want to comment about her fashion sense and the way she grinned, so he gave her a small smile and said hello.
The girl moved and stood next to Sam as they faced the ruined house together. No one said anything for a while, but the girl broke it.
“What a shame.” The girl said. She was dressed in quite fancy yet eccentric clothing. She even had a fancy hat and laced gloves on her hands. She was wearing socks on top of her boots as well; another thing Sam failed to notice.
“Yeah, a shame indeed.” Sam nodded. “D’you know the person who lived here?” The girl nodded. Sam asked, “Who lived here?”
“Me.” The girl giggled. “I burned this place down because I’m having a party.”
“I’m sorry. WHAT?” Sam shrieked. He’s never met anyone who would burn the whole place down.
The girl laughed, “All this for a party. How extravagant!”
“What’s the occasion?” Sam asked.
“My whole family died in a tragic vacation accident. I felt the need to celebrate.” The girl grinned.
“Celebrate? Why would you celebrate? You lost your whole family! That must be so traum-”
“It’s the most tremendous news I’ve ever received. They think I’m crazy and I’m glad they’re all gone. That way, no one would judge me and my eccentric ways of living anymore.” The girl clapped happily.
“What’s your name?” Sam looked at her. Despite her weirdness, she was pretty.
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Pleasure to meet you, Sam.” Y/N grinned. She shoved her hand in her pocket and fished out a crumpled card that had very fancy printing. Sam took it from her and he tried to read it, but failed. It was crumpled up really well.
“That’s an invitation to my party later tonight. Wear your BEST attire.” Y/N looked at him up and down, “Don’t wear any of that garbage.”
He was dressed casually. He wore khaki shorts, white sneakers, and a long sleeved shirt, the type of shirt Troy Bolton would wear. On top of that was an old jacket that never closed anymore because the zipper is missing.
Sam nodded and said, “I’ll, uh, do my best then.”
Night time came and he wore a button up and some pants and old sneakers. He hoped it was eccentric enough for the party. He told his family that he was invited by a friend and he went to the party.
Upon arriving at the house, he parked his new bike outside and saw fairy lights everywhere: on the trees, around the two pillars on the second floor, the grass-less ground, the wires and just- everywhere. The party also had balloons, streamers, 
He walked to the backyard because he saw that everyone was there. Y/N saw him and grinned, “Sam, you made it! You’re just in time for musical chairs.”
‘Musical chairs?’ He thought to himself. ‘The last time I played musical chairs, I was about 10 years old.’
Y/N grabbed his wrist and led him to the long table. She made him sit next to her and just when he got comfortable, Y/N and the person on his right grabbed his hands as they all got up and moved around the table as if playing “Ring Around The Rosie”. They all sang a song for about a minute and sat down again. Only this time, on different chairs.
Sam looked around the table and he saw everyone eating and talking. He figured he’d do the same, so he grabbed a cookie and took a bite. He hummed in delight as the sweet flavor of the cookie swirled on his taste buds. When he looked up from the cookie, he saw everyone looking at him.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked Y/N.
“You ate the cookie.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that I saw everyone eating and I figured I should... eat as well.” Sam explained. He felt foolish and embarrassed.
“Only females who have the red tide can eat the breast cookie.” Y/N said.
‘Did she fucking say ‘breast cookie’?!’ Sam asked himself while maintaining a cool expression.
“What’s a breast cookie?”
“The one you just ate. It’s made of breast milk. Regular milk is overrated. We all thank Madame Amanda for providing us with such great breast milk.” Y/N smiled towards a lady who sat a few seats across from her.
“And because Y/N’s guest ate the wrong food, we must fix the curse. Move!” One of them said.
Before Sam knew it, his hands were grabbed and they moved around the table once more. When they got comfy on their new seats, Y/N handed him the food he’s allowed to eat. An hour and 5 more times of switching seats later, ‘musical chairs’ was done.
Everyone stood up from their seats and moved to the center of the backyard. Sam followed Y/N’s actions and was surprised to hear that it was time to drink.
‘Finally some alcohol!’ Sam thought.
He was wrong. He seemed to forget that the people around him weren’t like him.
“What are we drinking?” Sam asked.
“It’s actually a drinking game. We’re all split into three groups and whichever group finishes the fastest, wins.” Y/N grinned and clapped her hands excitedly causing Sam to be excited too.
While everything was being set up, Sam conversed with Y/N a bit and then Amanda, the breast milk lady, said, “Split yourselves into three groups! If you wish to not join, you may watch at the side.”
Sam looked around and saw a few people moving to the side. He saw them having a look of pure disgust. He was about to approach one of them when Y/N grabbed his attention, “Sam, it’s rude to stare. The cum shots are ready.”
‘The cum shots? What?!’ Sam inwardly said to himself. Surely, he heard his wrong.
“The what?” Sam asked.
“The cum shots. Alcohol is overrated and this solves over population. Besides, it’s not just anyone’s cum. They’re from the guys here and some of the girls. It’s a wild card.” Y/N said with a grin.
“I’ll pass, then.” Sam said with a tight-lipped smile.
“Pass? Why?”
“I’m, uh...” He thought of a lie quick. “I have a fatal cum allergy.” Sam said and pretended to be upset.
Y/N laughed and said, “A fatal cum allergy? I knew I liked you. Guys with that allergy are so rare to find. Go and stand over there, then. Have fun watching.”
Sam wanted to vomit as he watched everyone down the shots like there was no tomorrow. 
“Disgusting, innit?” A guy next to him said and Sam nodded.
“Very.” Sam said, looking away from it all.
“Run while you can before your mind gets ruined forever. Whatever you do, never come back here after this. People like you end up in The Pod.”
“The Pod?” Sam asked in confusion.
“That’s what we call a mental hospital.”
“Why would they end up in The Pod?” Sam asked, afraid.
“They told everyone what happens here and no one believed them. These people that you see right now? They’re not like this sometimes. They’re actually normal people. Sometimes too normal it becomes creepy.” The guy explained.
“You’ll go insane if you tell anyone because no one will believe you. Run while you can.” The guy said and walked away when he saw Y/N approaching.
“What did he say to you?” Y/N asked.
“Nothing.” Sam lied. “We just talked about my fatal cum allergy.”
“Ahh, yes.” Y/N nodded. “Anyway, it’s time for my favorite part. Popping the balloons.”
“Okay.” Sam said, thankful that there’s a normal activity. Sam went back to the center of the backyard with Y/N. She handed him a gun and said, “Since you’re a guest, it’s your job to pop the biggest balloon.”
Sam eyed the gun and the biggest pink balloon. ”The prize is inside.” Y/N giggled like a high school girl.
Sam nodded and gulped. He aimed at the biggest balloon and pulled the trigger. Lucky for him, the bullet went through the balloon and it popped causing the contents of the balloon to fall.
Inside the balloon were: confetti, condoms, tea bags, heart shaped candies, pregnancy tests, and a small flashlight.
“Go on and pick the ones you want, Sam. You’ll definitely need the flashlight later for another game.” Y/N said as she picked up a few things.
“What do I need the flashlight for?” Sam questioned.
“Us girls are hiding something inside us and you boys have to find it. That’s what the flashlight is for.” Y/N explained before leaning in to whisper, “I’m hiding a small ring inside me.” She winked and smiled.
“What happens after that?” Sam asked.
“Sex.” Y/N shrugged. “It’s not just any sex, though. All the fair light will be closed and we’ll all have sex out here in the dark. The best part is we wouldn’t know who we had sex with. It’s a wildcard.”
“Just like the cum shots?”
“Just like the cum shots.”
Sam never thought he’d say words like that. In fact, he knew he should’ve declined the invite in the first place, but he figured it’d be nice to meet new people. He knew Y/N was weird, but he didn’t know she was bonkers.
“I actually have to go home now. I’m not feeling well.” Sam said politely.
“Oh, what a shame.” Y/N pouted. “I hope you’ll join the orgy next time you’re back and healthy. We’ll be painting white roses with blood on the next party. See you there.”
Sam gave her a tight-lipped smile, bid her goodbye, and left. He never came back, but the thought of keeping everything to himself made him antsy. A few days later, he finally cracked and told everything to Harry.
Then Tom.
Then Harrison.
Then Tuwaine.
The 4 men were concerned about him. After all, who wouldn’t be concerned? Sam told them the most absurd thing. Sam went as far as taking them to the house and sure enough, it was still ruined just like the day he saw it.
The only difference is, Y/N is nowhere to be found.
“I swear she’s here! You have to believe me.” Sam pleaded.
Tom looked at him and asked, “Sam, are you on drugs? If you are, that’s so unlike you.”
“I’m not on drugs! I’m telling the truth!” Sam said. He looked around and he saw Y/N wearing normal clothes and she seemed to be walking her dog.
“That’s her!” Sam pointed.
“Excuse me, miss!” Harrison called out causing Y/N to look over. He motioned for her to walk closer and she obeyed.
“Do you know him?” Harrison nodded his head at Sam as Sam looked at Y/N with pleading eyes. “He claims that you drank cum shots and have orgies at your party the other day. He also claims that you threw a party because your family died in a tragic accident. And is it true that you burned your own house down just for the party to make it extravagant?”
Y/N smiled sadly and said, “It’s true that I lost my family, but I would never throw a party to celebrate such loss. I would also never burn down my only living space. It was an accident; I left the oven on and it burned everything.”
“I’m so sorry.” Harrison said. “You may go now.”
Y/N nodded and left without sparing Sam one more glance.
“Liar!” Sam screamed and lunged towards her. Before he could do anything, Tom held him back and nodded at Harry.
“We’re scheduling you with a psychiatrist. You need help, mate.” Harry said, tapping away on his phone.
“That’s why I’m here now.” Sam said and finished his story.
The psychiatrist nodded and told him that it could be a realistic dream or something that linked to his past. To Sam, the psychiatrist didn’t make sense. He nodded along nonetheless. He wasn’t prescribed with anything, but he was told to stay away from the ruined house.
When Sam got home, he checked their mailbox and saw nothing except for a note. He grabbed the note and it read: 
‘I hope you learned your lesson from silently judging people. Just because someone else’s normal isn’t your kind of normal, doesn’t mean it’s less normal.
- Y/N x’
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 (bc he’s the twin so why not): @sufwubi @abrielleholland @purplepizza-summerrain @euphorichxlland @marshxx @lizzyosterfield @justanamesstuff @croissantwriting @blueleatherbag @givebuckyhisplumsnow
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @allyz @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @drie-the-derp @hollands-weasley @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @geminiparkers @holland-styles @calltothewild @fancyxparker @whatthefuckimbisexual @justanothermarvelmaniac @unsaidholland @musicalkeys @lost-in-the-stars03 @hufflepuffprincess24 @hollanddolanfangirl @parkerpeter24 @bellelittleoff @agentnataliahofferson @aqiise @lexirv @blairscott @pearly-pisces @theonly1outof-a-billion @u-rrose @speedymaximoff @theliterarymess @beequeen8020 @justafangirlduh
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mermaidsneedwater · 3 years
second chances | chapter six
series page
The Beer Pong Queen
Yugyeom: I want to see you tonight. Let’s do something fun… are you free?
Reading the message, you shook your head before typing out your reply.
Y/N: i have date with my couch and netflix.
Yugyeom: cancel it. I’ll pick you up at 8.
Setting your phone down, you were filled with an emotion that you hadn’t felt in a while, excitement. Returning to work on your computer, you couldn’t stop yourself from watching the clock, counting down the hours until you saw Yugyeom.
“Will you at least tell me if we’re drinking?” You asked, bugging him in the car. “You’re going to have to pay for my liver transplant at the rate we’re going.”
“We’re not drinking. I mean, maybe we will later, but that’s not what we’re doing first.” Yugyeom smiled.
Turning the corner in his car, you were alarmed as you felt the car sputter and begin to slow. Panicking, Yugyeom quickly veered off to the side of the road.
“Oh shit.” Yugyeom cursed. “Come on honey, don’t crap out on me now.”
He ran a hand over the steering wheel as if to soothe the engine.
“Um, I’m no mechanic, but I think your car just broke down.” You said turning to him.
“Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Yugyeom held his face in his hands.
“How old is this car anyway?” You asked, finally noticing how the aged the vehicle looked.
“I bought it second hand in college, the family had owned it for about twelve years? So twelve plus five… It’s about 17 years old.”
“She’s still a minor!” You joked. Yugyeom rolled his eyes, apprehensive about what he should do. Looking around, you noticed an automobile repair shop. “Hey look!”
Pointing it out to Yugyeom, his head perked up at the sight of the garage. “Oh thank god.” Turning to you, he began unbuckling his seat. “Listen, I’m going to go check it out, stay here and lock the doors.”
“What? No, I’m coming with you.” You insisted, unbuckling your seatbelt as well.
“Y/N, it’s late at night. It’s not safe for you to be out. Just stay here.”
“Yugyeom, it’ll be fine. I’m coming with you, and if something happens at least I’ll be with you right?”
Thinking over your statement Yugyeom finally gave in, “Okay.”
As the two of you stepped out of the car, Yugyeom turned to the piece of junk. “I won’t leave you behind honey, I’ll come back for you.”
Stifling a laugh, you walked side by side with Yugyeom, crossing the street to see the repair shop. As you entered, you were met by a small woman manning the desk.
“Yes?” She asked, eyes transfixed on her computer screen.
“Hi, his car broke down across the street and we need help getting it repaired.” You said politely.
Looking up at you, and then through the window to see where the car was, the woman spoke. “It can be done. But by tomorrow morning.”
“What?” Yugyeom said, “But I need my car. Is there any way it could be fixed faster than that?”
“Tomorrow morning.” The woman reiterated. “We do have some rental bikes if you want though.”
“Bike? As in a motorcycle?” You perked up.
“That’s typically what we mean when we say bike.” She replied.
“We’ll take it.”
“What? But Y/N, I don’t have a motorcycle license.” Yugyeom frowned.
“I do.” You grinned. You pulled out your wallet to show him.
“Are you serious?” He said, looking at the license and the back up at you. “How did I not know this?”
“I guess you don’t know everything about me.”
The woman coughed, interrupting your banter. Yugyeom pulled out his wallet and paid in cash for the repairs. Counting the bills, she then led the two of you to the side of the garage where the motorcycles stood. She checked your license, handing you the keys and then two helmets.
“Helmets on. Always.” She emphasized. “The car will be ready in the morning. Bring the bike, the keys, and the helmets back tomorrow when you come to pick it up.”
“Got it.” You nodded, securing your helmet. Swinging a leg over the bike, you looked back at Yugyeom, patting the seat behind you.
“Are you sure about this?” Yugyeom said nervously, fastening his own helmet.
Bumping your helmet against his, you teased “Come on! Don’t tell me you're scared.”
Crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow, he got on the back of the bike. “Happy?”
“Yes, now let’s go!” You cheered as you started up the bike and headed for the road.
As the bike moved, you felt Yugyeom tentatively place a hand on your waist, attempting to steady himself. As your heart fluttered, you pushed away the feeling of his hand and focused on the road. “Tell me where to turn.”
“An arcade?” your jaw dropped as you rode the motorcycle into a parking spot in front of the building. “You’re kidding!”
“Oh god, I think I’m going to be sick.” Yugyeom held his stomach, as he got off the motorcycle.
“Oh be quiet, I didn’t drive that badly…”
“Hmm, how about when you were trying to ride the bike without holding the handle bars?!” Yugyeom reminded you.
It was true, Yugyeom’s facial expressions in your rearview mirror were priceless. As you rode the motorcycle, you wiggled the handle bars around, causing him to yelp. Seeing how far you could go, you’d turned your head to him and told him, “Watch me ride without holding the handles!”
Yugyeom would never admit it, but the scream he let out had been suspiciously high pitched.
Laughing, you nudged him with your shoulder, “Hey, we got here in one piece. That’s a win in my book. Should we go in?”
Nodding, Yugyeom muttered before gesturing for you to enter, “You turned out to be real dangerous Y/N.”
Soon, the two of you walked around the arcade, a cup full of coins in each of your hands.
“Hey,” Yugyeom said, turning to you “I bet I would crush you in a game of beer pong.”
“Cup Pong.” You corrected him, looking at the family friendly version of the game set up in the arcade. “And I’d like to see you try.”
“You’re on!” Yugyeom said, racing to one side of the table.
Twenty minutes later, Yugyeom cursed himself for suggesting this match up. Out of the ten cups on the table, he’d only managed to get three cups out. You, on the other hand, had managed about eight of Yugyeom’s cups.
“How are you so good at this?” Yugyeom asked in disbelief. “And why am I so bad?”
You replied nonchalantly, “People used to call me the Beer Pong Queen in college. I guess I haven’t lost my touch.”
“Damn, and you couldn’t have mentioned that before I challenged you?” Yugyeom said.
You shrugged before getting the ball in the ninth cup. Taking your second chance, you finished the game and scored in the tenth and final cup “Yes!”
Taking a bow, Yugyeom came to your feet and bowed before you. “I am your humble peasant for the rest of the evening Cup Pong Queen.”
You laughed, helping him stand up before picking the next game.
Pulling up to Yugyeom’s apartment, you slowly brought the motorcycle to a stop in front of his apartment building. Yugyeom cautiously hopped off the bike, looking as nauseous as when he first got to the arcade.
“Come on! I didn’t ride that badly.” You pouted.
Unable to resist you, Yugyeom slowly cracked a smile, “Okay fine, you weren’t. I just like teasing you, you make it too easy.”
Rolling your eyes, as you started up the bike again, preparing to head home you were startled by Yugyeom’s firm hold on the handlebars of the bike.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.
“No way. You think I’m going to let you go this late? Spend the night, we’ll get my car in the morning and I’ll drop you home.” He insisted.
“I’m a big girl Yugyeom. I think I can get home safely.” You tried to rebut him.
“Just, spend the night please? For my own peace of mind? If something happened to you I-” He stopped himself. “Please?”
“Alright, alright.” You gave up. “But I’m not sleeping on the floor.”
“Don’t worry, I have a pull out couch.” He grinned.
chapter five | chapter seven
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
Dragonfly - Chapter 7
JJ Maybank x female reader (series)
Summary: The final chapter!!! You spend the night with JJ at the beach after being stuck in your house for days
Word count: 1.5k (another short one oops - but it was too hot to think today so oh well)
Warnings: swearing(?), a little bit of smut at the end (sex in a public place), grammar mistakes probably
Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 
A/N: I was really struggling to write for this chapter but even though I don’t particularly like writing smut (its even worse than my normal writing lmao) it kinda felt like it fit at the end of this little series and I’ve drunk quite a bit of wine already today which makes it easier to write this stuff // But anyway thanks for reading this series, any nice comments/notes I’ve got have made me so happy and makes me feel like my writing isn’t as bad as I think it is 🥺💙 
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It had been a few days since your accident from when you were surfing, and by the request of your dad, JJ and anyone else who knew, you were ‘taking it easy’. This meant you couldn’t really go anywhere or go back to work just yet - so you were bored out of your mind. Doing nothing was something you’d never enjoyed you like keeping yourself busy, whether it was working, being out on the water, walking - anything that kept you moving and busy was good in your books. But because of your concussion your dad had put you under house arrest, even with the numerous times you said you felt fine (which you did), your dad wouldn’t budge as he is a worrier so he didn’t listen.
JJ had only come to see you once since you got back from the hospital, not that it bothered you too much you knew he was working and hell it was nice not to see the worry in his eyes. But he had messaged you this morning saying he was taking you somewhere tonight so you were beyond excited, if not a little nervous - not knowing what he had in store for you.
To occupy yourself today (until you saw JJ), you’d started cleaning the house, but like normal when you did that it hadn’t lasted long as you’d found something to distract you. You were sat on the floor, legs crossed, going through a photo album of you, your dad and your mum when you were growing up. You had never really liked having your picture taken, so there were lots of photos of you making as many silly faces as possible, but they made you smile now, and there were a few where your dad had tickled you just as the picture was taken, causing a genuine smile on your lips, even if you were trying to escape his grip.
Looking at these photos made your heart a little fuller, you’d spent so long trying to not think too much about your mum, but you had decided that you wanted to embrace some of the memories, both good and bad, of your life before Outer Banks.
There was a knock on the door, you looked at the time realising you’d been going through photo albums for 2 hours somehow, and it was now evening, the light already fading outside.
You quickly ran to the door, opening it up to be met with the smiling face of JJ Maybank.
“Hey,” you said, pulling him into a hug.
He pulled away from the hug to look at you, “Hey yourself.”
You stayed like that for a few seconds, looking and admiring each other, before you broke the silence, “So what’s the plan for tonight then?”
He tapped his nose with his finger, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
You pouted, “I’m saying this now - if you murder me I will haunt you forever.”
“I would expect you to, but no need to worry it’s nothing like that.” He laughed.
“Good,” you opened the door for him to come in, “also I didn’t realise the time so you can come in whilst I get ready.”
“Wow and I thought I was the unorganised one.”
You stuck your middle finger up at him causing him to laugh as you headed to your room, him following closely behind you.
“Do I at least get a hint on where we’re going so I can pick my outfit?” You asked.
“I suppose,” he said from where he was already laying on your bed, “the beach - so I guess don’t wear clothes you don’t want getting sandy.”
You smiled at him before turning to look in your wardrobe, flicking through your summer dresses that look nice over a bikini. You settled on a light blue one with a small flower pattern and a white bikini, you quickly went into the bathroom to change, admiring how you looked in the mirror before returning back to your room.
JJ’s eyes widened when he saw you, “You look incredible Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you blushed, before grinning at him, “but I always do.”
He stood up from the bed, moving to embrace you, “Oh absolutely, I wanted to make a move as soon as I saw you but I thought you might not appreciate that.”
“Good call there,” you laughed, leaning in to kiss him.
Before your lips touched his he picked you up by you waist and threw you over his shoulder, making you squeal, and carried you out of your house and towards his bike.
You rode behind him for the journey, your hands around his waist and your face pressed into his shoulder, smiling the whole way there.
It didn’t take you long to get to the beach, and when you arrived JJ got off his motorcycle, took your hand and began leading you down onto the sand.
He turned to look at you, “Hey, close your eyes.”
“Please just do it.” You did as he said, closing your eyes, allowing JJ to lead you to an area on the beach, gripping his hand tightly in case you fell over.
You came to a stop, he squeezed your hand “Okay you can open them now.”
In front of you, illuminated by the moon, was a new board, a bright sea blue colour, just like JJ’s eyes, your heart fluttered, but he had as little money as you so you couldn’t accept his gift
“JJ you shouldn’t have bought me this.” You said, “I’ve got some money saved up and once I get back to work I can buy my own, you shouldn’t have spent your-“
He held his hand up, indicating for you to stop talking, “Stop stressing - I didn’t buy it Y/N so you can’t say no.”
“Oh God, did you steal it?”
He laughed, “Actually no, it’s one of my old boards - it’s obviously too small for me now, but when you broke yours I saw your face and I didn’t want you to have to spend loads of your savings, so I fixed it up a little and now it’s yours.”
There were some tears in your eyes at his caring gesture, “Really?”
“Really. Now do you like it?” He asked
You swung your arms over his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug, “I love it!”
“And I love you.”
He froze, realising what he had revealed, “Ignore that please.”
You pulled away slightly, looking at his face, the slight panic in his eyes, “Nope, because even though I’ve known you for such a short time, I love you too JJ Maybank.”
JJ cups your chin in his hand, smiling, and presses a surprisingly gentle kiss to you lips. You fall into the kiss, both of you sinking to sit on the sandy beach.
JJ lifts you off the ground and into his lap, his arms wrapping around you tightly, pressing the breath from your body. He looks at you in question, asking you if you want to do this, you just nod and move your head to one side, exposing your neck.
He gently bites the skin of your throat, then kisses it, emitting a small moan from you. This noise only encourages him further, his rough hands move onto your hips as he continues making marks along your neck.
You felt him get hard underneath you, breathless, you lock your legs around his waist and squeeze, hands under his shirt and your fingernails tracing lines along his back causing him to gasp and clutch you tighter. He moves in for another kiss, your breathes mingling and tongues intertwining, both of you beginning to get impatient.
He takes off his shirt then raises his eyebrow at you, understanding what he wants you slowly take off your dress, revealing just your bikini underneath then move to unbutton his shorts. You both continued to take off some clothes until you were both naked, right by the sea and hoping no one else will show up on the beach even if the thought of getting caught excited you both a little.
His hands grip you by the waist, moving you on top of him, and he slowly begins rocking your body against his, the both of you moaning with every movement, the love you feel for each other making the night brighter.
Both you and JJ climaxed at the same time, as if you were one person, and rolling off of him, you lay side by side, holding hands and looking at the night sky. You had found someone you would love forever.
A/N: thanks again for reading!!!! and I’m going to drink more wine 🤙
Taglist: @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @tangledinsparkles​ @k-k0129​ @jjsbxtch​ @outerbankslove​ @obx-beach​ @emerald-xcd​  @danicarosaline​ @belledutchess​ @teamnick​ @justcallmesams​ @claryherondaleparker @hurricane-abigail​ 
strikethrough means i couldnt tag you :(
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The devil within
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Summary: Summer time is supposed to be fun and worried free right? Not when you live in Derry. The capital of kids going missing. But what could cause all these kids to go missing? I think it has something to do with the clown I keep seeing.
I hopped on to the back of Stan’s bike putting my hands on his shoulder. “Do you thing that you going to be able to fix him up?” Stan asked. “If it’s not too deep. I just need more rubbing alcohol to clean it. You saw that state he was in. The cut needs to be clean to prevent infection.” I said. “You’re starting to sound like Eddie.” Stan said. “Shut up. My dad works in a hospital of course I would be like this.” I said. Stan just let out a chuckle.
We rode into town and I could Eddie going off about something but I really wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. We stopped in the ally way between Keen’s drug store and the butcher shop. I got off Stan’s bike pulling my bag to the side and pulled out five dollars. “Here get me a couple of bottles please.” I said as I held out my money. Eddie was the one who took the money from me. He, Stan, and Bill left to go inside the store leaving me and Ben with Richie. “I’m glad I got to meet you before you died.” Richie said. “Richie shut up.” I said as I motion to a crate for Ben to sit down as I pulled out my first aid kit from my bag again. I pulled out some gauze, medical tape and a pen of dermabond. “What’s that for?” Ben asked pointing at the dermabond pen. “Oh this? It’s basically like superglue but for wounds. They use it in the operating room instead of stitching sometimes.” I said. “Does it hurt?” Ben asked. “No not really it does sting for the first couple seconds but that’s it.” I said. Ben gave me an unsure look but nodded anyways. “Don’t worry Ben my dad showed me what to do. You’re in good hands with me.” I said patting him on the knee.
It was a few minutes later the boys came back with the rubbing alcohol in a plastic bag. “Here Y/n.” Stan said as he handed me the bag. “Thanks boys.” I said taking the bag from him setting it on the ground and pulling out on of the bottles opening it. I grabbed a piece of gauze and put some of the rubbing alcohol on it. “Okay now Ben this going to sting.” I said. Ben nodded. I started to clean the wound and I got hear Ben start to let out small whimpers of pain. It took three piece of gauze with rubbing alcohol to clean the wound. I grabbed a fresh piece of gauze and pressed against it. “Ben can you keep pressure on the gauze while I get the dermabound ready?” I asked. Ben nodded and kept pressure on the gauze while I grabbed the dermabound pen taking it out of its packaging and cracked it. “Okay you can let go now.” I said as Ben took his hand off of the gauze. I took it off the wound and started to apply the dermabound. I could hear Ben suck in his breath. “I wasn’t lying about it stinging was I?” I asked letting out a small laugh. “Yeah you’re right it does really only last a couple of seconds.” Ben said. I ended up using two dermabound pens. “Y/n?” Ben asked. “Yeah.” I said. “I wouldn’t need to go see a doctor or anything to get this off do I?” Ben asked. “No you don’t as this heals it will just come off itself. I recommend keeping it covered to keep from picking at it. I’ve had to use it before and my dad would always get on my case when I picked at it. If you do it when come off and that hurts like hell trust me.” I said. “Got it.” Ben said. I put something over it the wound to protect it. “There you go you’re all fixed up.” I said as I started to pick up. “Are you okay? That looks like it hurts?” I heard a female voice say. I looked over to see Bev walking over to us. “Oh. No I’m good. I just fell.” Ben said lying through his teeth. “Yeah right into Henry Bowers.” Richie said. “Shut it Richie.” Bill said. “Why it’s the truth.” Richie said. “You sure they got the right stuff for Y/n to fix you up?” Bev asked. “Yeah she just needed more rubbing alcohol.” Ben said. “Well boys I got other places to be. You think you got it from here?” I said. “Yeah we got it from here.” Bill said. I nodded as I got up from the ground walking away and threw the trash away as I made my way back home.
Along the way I texted Henry to see if we could talk. He texted back saying that he was at his house with Belch and Vic. He asked if he needed to send Belch to come and get me. I texted him back saying that I didn’t mind walking. Which he didn’t like to hear with the all the kids that went missing and he was sending belch anyways and to stay where I was. I let out a sigh as I waited on Belch to come to get me. I only had to wait for about five minutes Belch came and got me taking me to Henry’s house. I didn’t want to tell Belch about the reason that I wanted to talk to Henry. But I think that he knew why I wanted to talk to Henry. He and Vic seem to know how close Henry and I were. The two also knew that I was friends with the others.
When Belch pulled up to Henry house I saw that Henry and Vic were outside. “I think I know what you need to talk to Henry about.” Belch said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about I just want to spend some time with you guys.” I said. “Y/n I know that you know what happened today. Is he okay?” Belch said. “Is who okay?” I asked. “That kid. I knew that you might be the one to help fix him up.” Belch said. “Yeah I did fix him up. We just had to go into town for more rubbing alcohol.” I said. “Thank you.” Belch said. “Of course come on we better go join the others before Henry gets upset.” I said. “Yeah you’re right.” Belch said parking his car and we both got out.
I went over to Henry giving him a hug. Usually when I did this around the other boys he would pull me away form from him. It was always because of Patrick who would always make some sort of comment about me which would piss Henry off. Henry would get pissed if anyone made a sexual comment about me. If I didn’t say anything about it Henry would. I would always have to pull him away from beating their ass. Since I noticed Patrick wasn’t with them he hugged me back.
We spent the next few hours just hanging out around Henry’s house. Not long after Vic and Belch left just leaving me and Henry. We were in his room sitting on his bed. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on top of mine. “Did you fix that kid up?” Henry asked. “Yeah I did. Why did you do it?” I said. “I don’t know and I know you hate when I give you that answer. It’s just.” Henry said but stopped. “But it’s about what you’re dad puts you through isn’t it?” I asked. “I just hate him so much.” Henry said. “I know. Once we graduate we’ll leave this town.” I said. “You and me against the world.” Henry said as he kissed my head. “You and me.” I said. I pulled out my phone to check the time. I saw that it was getting closer to curfew and that Butch would get home soon and I wanted to leave before he did. “It’s getting late I should head home.” I said. “Yeah I don’t what you to be here when he gets home.” Henry said. “I’ll text you when I get home.” I said as I got up from his bed. “I’ll see you later.” Henry said. I walked out of his room and made my way to the front door but the sounds of a car door closing made me stop in my track. Henry was quick to appear at my side pushing me behind him as the door open and Butch walked in. “Well what do we have here?” Butch asked as he closed the door. “She was just leaving.” Henry said. “It is getting late why don’t I get you a ride home sweetie.” Butch said as he stepped closer to us. “Oh no sir that not necessary I don’t mind walking.” I said. “Not with all these kid going missing. How would you folks feel if you went missing next because you didn’t let me take you home?” Butch said. Of course he would go there knowing that I wouldn’t have a choice but to let him take me home. I didn’t want him to take me home. I hated being in the same room with him. I definitely never wanted him to give me a ride home because I’m so scared that he might try something. “Alright.” I said quietly. “Come on now sweetie.” Butch said motioning me to follow him. As I followed him Henry was holding on to my hand until he couldn’t reach me anymore.
I followed him out of the house and to his police car. I got into the car and was basically sitting on the edge of the seat to be as far away as I could. “Come on now sweetie you don’t have to sit like that.” Butch said as he grabbed me by the arm pulling me onto the seat. My heart was beating so fast I was surprised that he couldn’t hear it. As he started to drive me to my house he had put a hand on my leg and started to move it under my shorts. I closed my eyes as I turned my head away. I just wanted to get home and away from him. “I don’t get why you hang out so much with that boy. He will never make you feel good that way a man would.” Butch said moving his hand further up my shorts. “I c-ca-can wa-w-walk the rest of the way.” I said. “It still some time away.” Butch said. “It’s fine. I can handle it.” I said. Butch had stopped the car and roughly grabbed me by the chin forcing me to look at him. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes. “Now come on sweetie how do you think I feel. I’m a police officer. It’s my job to protect people.” Butch said as he put his face just inches away from me. “Please don’t.” I said as tears fell from my eyes. “None of that sweetie.” Butch said wiping away the fallen tears. I tried to pull away from me but he grabbed the back on my neck keeping me in place. “You sure can make a man go weak.” Butch said as he put his other hand on my stomach and moved it up roughly grabbed my breast. I needed to get him to let me. I quickly bite him on his arm which made him let me go. I took that chance and got out of his car running all the way home.
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purple-spring · 5 years
songfic day 24: “night changes”
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Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
A bad date unwittingly becomes Jughead’s perfect night.
(Set in Season 1, shortly after the beginning of their relationship. Inspired by “Night Changes” by One Direction and its perfect, perfect video.)
A few metres outside of the Bijou, Jughead was fuming. 
He’d had the perfect night planned for him and Betty - a private feature at the cinema, which he’d bribed the manager many, many nights of free weekend labor for, and a ride on his motorbike to a lookout point in Fox Forest that he’d found some months ago. 
But only half an hour into the evening, and his plan was already coming unstuck.
It wasn’t like the date hadn’t started out perfectly. He rode up to her house, right on time, just as she was locking the door behind her. She was wearing her usual jeans, but with a simple black (and, he noted appreciatively, slightly plunging) blouse and ballet flats, her hair out in loose waves.
He grinned as she approached. “You look nice.”
She blushed a little as she replied, “Thank you, Jug.” He smiled at her sudden shyness. They were still figuring this out, too - what it meant to be a couple, to have dates, to openly compliment and admire each other.
“So, you ready?” he asked, before looking over her shoulder, aware of the absence of Alice Cooper’s usually looming shadow in the doorway. “Hey - where are your parents?”
“Big county editors’ meeting,” she said. “Everyone’s there. I was gonna go with them to try and score an internship with the Greendale Gazette, but...”
She trailed off. Jughead cocked his head. “But what?”
“Well, I obviously had tonight.”
He frowned at that. “Can’t you catch up after? I don’t want you to miss out.”
She stuck her hands in her back pockets. “I can just call them. And, anyway, I figured we could… you know, come back. Here. Like, after.”
Oh. He suddenly comprehended her meaning, and simply nodded. How else was he to articulate that he was looking forward to making with his girlfriend later on, with no parents coming in to check on them every half an hour or so?
“Sooo...?” she asked. “Is that okay?”
Jughead cleared his throat. “Betty, I…” He gave a short laugh. “I think the answer to that was pretty obvious.”
“Okay,” she said, brightening. “Just checking.”
“And for the record, you never have to ask me if I ever want to spend alone time with you. The answer is always yes.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You good to go?”
“Yeah.” She jumped on the back of his bike, sweetly kissing his shoulder before putting her helmet on. “Let’s go.”
But Jughead’s good mood didn’t last long. As he rode up the avenue leading to the cinema, he saw that its lights were out.
“The fuck?” he muttered.
Betty tightened her grip around his waist. “Jug, weren’t we supposed to…?” 
“We are,” he replied. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
But the staff milling out on the sidewalk indicated otherwise. Jughead parked the bike and approached Marcus, one of the workers he knew. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Blackout,” Marcus replied, rolling his eyes. “Something short-circuited. Electrician’s on his way out.”
“What?” Jughead couldn’t believe his ears. “Tonight? Are you serious?”
“Hey, is everything okay?” Betty came up behind him. He barely heard her. 
“No, there... there’s gotta be some way to get it started up sooner,” he said frantically, gesturing towards Betty. “I’ve got a date, man.”
Marcus shrugged helplessly. “I’m sorry, dude. Can’t do anything.” 
“Hey, hey,” Betty said, touching his arm. “Juggy, it’s alright. We can just drive up to the lookout point and come back for milkshakes at Pop’s. Right? It’s totally cool with me.”
Jughead sighed. He was going to have words with the manager of the Bijou tomorrow. But for now, what else could he do?
“Fine,” he said. “God, I’m so sorry. I had ‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s’ lined up.”
“Aww, it’s okay.” She smiled at him reassuringly. “I’m sure we can watch it another time. And at least we’ve still got the lookout, right?
He nodded grimly. They jumped on his bike, and he kicked it into gear. 
Except it merely sputtered, fizzled and gave out.
Jughead shook his head before giving it another go, frantically using the throttle while holding down the start. Betty clutched on to him tightly while he tried to bring the bike to life. 
But there was no use.
“Fuck!” He slammed his hand against the handlebars, finally giving up. 
The night was a flaming disaster. Everything he’d planned had eventuated to nothing. Betty could have been anywhere else - getting that internship, hanging out with Veronica, studying - and she had to be here, with him, with his broken bike and screwed up plans. 
It was embarrassing.
“Betty, seriously, this is—“
He turned around. He was suddenly aware that Betty wasn’t behind him anymore. In a panic, he looked around, and spotted her with Marcus, who nodded at something she’d asked before running in the opposite direction. 
What the hell?
She turned to him and started unbuttoning her blouse, right there in the middle of the street. His eyes widened. “Whoa, whoa, what’s going—“
“I’ve got a tank top underneath, don’t worry,” she said, as she peeled her blouse off. “But I’m gonna get real sweaty soon, and I don’t want to ruin my top.”
“Sweaty… what?” He was dazed. “What are you doing?”
She looked at him like he’d just asked the world’s most obvious question. “Fixing your bike, of course.”
“Fixing my bike? But I thought—“
“I fix cars, yes, but Dad got me to fix a couple with him. We learnt together.” She peered at the bike. “It sounded like it was just an engine problem, in which case - should be a cinch.”
Just then, Marcus came running up to them with a basic toolkit. He handed them over to Betty, and gave Jughead a look. He recognised it. THIS is your girlfriend?
If Jughead had been in a normal situation, he would’ve snarled in offense. But he could only nod, because he couldn’t believe it himself. As Betty knelt on the ground to assess the damage, asking Marcus to pass her the flashlight, his chest swelled with pride. 
He had no idea how long the repairs might take - or even if Betty could actually fix it - but the night was turning out to be more perfect than he’d ever imagined, mishaps and all. 
Damn right, Marcus, he thought smugly. That’s my girlfriend.
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lxdyred · 5 years
Lining up for you
Requests: Open!
Request: Yes! This was a request that I had a few weeks ago. Sorry for being so late posting, once again! Still, hope you like it, anyways Anon!
Warnings: Cheating, Angst (once again), Shitty writing...
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers.
A/N: English is not my maternal language, there can be gramatical errors. Sorry about that.
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"Hey, Danvers!" exclaimed Y/N as she walked to the front door of the avengers' compound, keys in one hand and her jacket in the other. "Would you like to come with me for a drink?"
Carol looked up and saw the female with a strange expression on her face. She looked at Thor who was sitting in front of her at the coffee table, and he nodded, implying that the interesting conversation they were having could be resumed at any other time.
"Okay let-" tried to speak the blonde woman, as she got up from the chair, before being interrupted by another female voice.
"Y/N! You can't just walk away while we're talking!" Natasha spoke as she appeared in the room, her breathing shaken and her hair half-railed.
"Oh, well, watch me, Romanoff," said the formerly named Avenger, as she gave a cold look at the black widow. "Are you coming or not, Carol?"
Carol looked at Natasha and then turned her attention back to the young woman who had called her. She meditate a few moments when she realize that it seemed that both women had had a heated discussion, but when Danvers saw that a small part of Y/N's gaze reflected supplication for someone to take her out of there, she agreed without doubting.
"Yes, let's go." She responded to the female avenger as she put on her brown leather jacket and said goodbye to Thor with a nod.
"Y/N! You can't leave," exclaimed the redhead again. "Y/N/N, please! We have to talk," she continued, Y/L/N ignored her.
Carol dedicated a fulminant glance to the ex-assassin. "She can do as she pleases."
"I'm so done with all these dramatic situations, Natasha." said Y/N as she opened the front door.
"If you go out through that doo-"
"Now you come to me with the ultimatums!?" the woman screamed furious as she slammed the door shut. "Don't be a hypocrite to me, Natasha!  And shut the fuck up, because you're not in a position to demand anything from me! You hear me?" she exclaimed this time with tears in his eyes. "Oh, and this 'thing' that we have is over! I don't want to be the selfish one to keep you in this 'boring, dead relationship'!"
"Y/N, let's go now," Carol whispered as she rested her hand on the female's shoulder and opened the door herself again.
Once both women came out of the Avengers compound's threshold, a Thor flickered perplexed as he processed all the information to which he had been exposed. "Are you- were you a couple?  Were you and Y/N courting each other?"
Natasha only looked at the Nordic god, in silence and with a sad little smile on her face, she answered: "Yes, Thor. We were."
"And why did she say-" Thor was interrupted when he saw that the door, from which Romanoff had appeared a few moments ago, opened when the Captain America himself came out. Steve had unkempt hair and red cheeks, accompanied by swollen lips, he had the similar look that Natasha had.
"Romanoff," whispered Roger as he saw Natasha standing in front of the principal door with her back to him.
"I see what happened now," Odinson whispered with a strange, nervous grin. "You knew something, Rogers?" he asked as he looked at his mate with a bit of deception.
"No. I didn't know anything, Thor," Steve said, turning to Thor. "I didn't know I was the third person I've always avoided being.  I didn't know Romanoff was dating one of my best friends, whom I just also betrayed without even know it," said the Captain as he lifted his gaze from the floor, with huge tears in his eyes." Goddammit..." whispered before trying to leave the room.
"Steve." Natasha called her lover, now apparently former one.
He tried to turn to face her and look at her, but the pain he felt in his chest at that moment, the betrayal and the deep sadness, made him not to do it. His gaze was fixed on the ground.
Don't leave me you too, please... Steve. Please?" the redhead approached the blonde man and hugged him from behind, hiding her face in his neck. "Please..."
Steve broke the hug and stepped forward, shaking his head and and still facing his back to Romanoff.  "This is something I think you've earned on your own, Nat."
Steve left the place and Natasha fell to the ground, on her knees and began to cry silently. She put her hands in face and let a loud sob escape through her lips as she began to tremble. "Fuck..."
"Hey..." Thor whispered as he approached Romanoff with insecurity and crouched in front of her. "Easy, Romanoff," he whispered as he attracted her in a hug she reciprocated without thinking.
On the other side of the threshold, in the stairs at the entrance, Y/N was crying uncontrollably. Carol, in the other hand, was trying to comfort her friend in all the ways she could, while Y/L/N was felling broken in Danvers' arms. "Y/N...  Everything will be fine, okay? You'll get out of this." she whispered in her friend's ear as she rocked her in her arms and rested her head on the young woman's.
"I don't understand... Why the person who supposedly loves you the most has to betray you this way and would say such horrible things?" the female Avenger try to say among whimpers.
"I... I don't know, Y/N." said the blonde woman sincerely. "But I do know, that you are not the one to blame for anything of this. It's all her fault, for playing with you like that, Y/N/N. For not being honest and putting you through this unnecessarily pain."
"Thank you so much for staying with me. I know you didn't... That we haven't known each other for a long time and that you may find all this a nuisance...  But thank you very much, Carol," said the the avenger with crystallized eyes as she turned away her tears and smiled weakly.
"You don't have to thank me, that's what friends are for. No matter how long we've been friends, these things are done for the ones you care about, okay?  So don't give them to me, because you don't have to," Danvers said as she got up from where she was sitting and extended a hand to her friend. "Now let's go get you out of here."
Y/N looked at the hand of the blonde Captain and accepted it without thinking. When she got up from the stairs she was a few millimeters away from Carol's face, making their breaths to mix. The young avenger glanced Danvers' lips, making her move a bit away, because of the  nerves that began to invade her before the closeness in which both women were implied. In the attempt to retreat a bit, Y/N almost stumble and fall to the ground but the quick response of Carol, who held her firmly at the waist, made her to restore her balance quickly.
"God, this is embarrassing..." whispered almost inaudibly Y/L/N. "I think we should be going now..." she whispered, still with shame, as she pointed her head at her car.
"Sure." Danvers agreed. "Although I was thinking maybe you'd like to ride my motorbike, maybe..." she suggested with a little smile.
Y/N he looked at the ground and nodded, she licked her lips and smiled at Carol. "Sure, of course. It's been a while since I've ridden one of those," she whispered as she followed the Captain to where her motorcycle was parked.
Carol extended her helmet and Y/N took it. "You won't use one?"
"I'll be fine. Don't worry," Captain Marvel said without looking at her, while sitting on her vehicle.
Y/N tied the helmet as sge got ready to ride the bike before being interrupted by Carol, who took her by the hand and approached her slowly. "I want to you to know something, Y/N." she whispered in her ear to get her attention.  "Although I know that everything is very recent, and than just a few minutes ago that you have left a long relationship... I want to let you know, that you will be upset for a while and that's fine..." Danvers spoke as she ran her hand over the young woman's face and looked at her with gentleness and compression. "It's good that you feel those things, it's a normal thing. Is even boring."
Y/N, with tearful eyes at the words of the blonde woman, nodded and smiled with sadness, while she bit her lip and played with her hands.
Carol took her teammate's hand to reassure her.  "The people in there respect you and love you just the way you are, they care about you. They really like you, some even feels something else..." that caused a little laugh in the girl.  "And I want you to know also, that when all this happened and you feel better, there will be people lining up for you."
Y/N laughed with nervousness due to the the declaration, because the situation she had gone through that night made her doubt the whole moment. "Who would... do that, Carol?"
Carol shrugged and approached the ear of Y/L/N again. "Well, you'll know it, whit time." She whispered slowly, before starting the bike and winking at the girl.
Y/N, with the red face because of Carol's answer, rode the moped. She clung to the Captain and swallowed saliva, as she noticed how her heart felt like it was going to come out of her own chest at any moment, it was going at a thousand of miles per hour.
Y/N hadn't felt nothing like that for a long time. It was like if she had even missed that sensation.
As they drove away from the Avengers' compound at great speed, Y/N watched the starry night sky of the road to the city, she wished with all her strength that this was not the last time she felt like that, so alive.
She wished too, that Carol would never stop making her feel that way.
With some luck, everything would be alright this time.
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wanderingcas · 5 years
@trenchcoatandfreckles prompt: “bucolic” or “bungalow” in other words: cas moves to the idyllic countryside and meets dean winchester, who owns a garden shop down the road. destiel. 1.7k. fluff. undercurrent of a quiet desperation to escape one’s life.
“So, where you gonna go?” asks Cas’ nosy, but well-meaning, landlord, holding out his hand.  
Cas drops the keys into his open palm. “Somewhere bucolic,” he replies.
Frank wrinkles his nose. “What is that, some kind of sickness?”
Cas picks up the remaining box off the floor, rendering the tiny apartment officially empty. “Sure,” he sighs.
“Well, good luck,” Frank says, wiping his hand on his jeans. “You were one of my best tennants. Hope the next tenant is as dead quiet as you. It was like a tomb in here the whole ten years you were renting, you know.”
“Well. Thank you. I think.” After a tentative handshake with Frank, Cas sees himself and his box of records out.
Two weeks ago, it seemed like a good idea. He was on his stiff couch, wine glass in hand, browsing available bungalows to rent in a rural part of New York that he’d never heard of before. His eyes scanned an available cottage: the honey wood floors, the tucked-in ceilings, the herbs dangling from the kitchen ceiling, sunlight streaming. He looked around his sterile, hyper-modernized studio apartment and there was no contest.
He sent an application for an available house to rent in the same breath that he sent a move-out notice to Frank.
The commute to his current job, of course, would be an hour’s train ride, compounded with the fifteen minute drive to the station. His sister Anna called him last week to inform him that he was possibly having a mid-life crisis.
Now with his apartment all boxed up, and sitting on a train with his box of records and the moving truck a day in front of him, Castiel is beginning to agree with her.
The bungalow Cas rented is nestled between two cherry blossom trees. He feels like he’s read about it in a book somewhere. There’s a daily farmer’s market a mile away, with another empty and unrented bungalow in between. Apart from that, he’s alone but for the birds and fields and sunshine.
He loves the isolation more than he should. He calls in sick to work the first week. Then the next. It morphs into him writing a truncated email to his boss announcing his resignation. He deactivates his email after that.
There’s enough in his savings to get him by, he assures a hysterical Anna over the phone after he breaks the news, and he’ll find a job closer to where he lives. (He again refuses to tell Anna his new address, knowing it’ll only end up in her showing up with a small army to drag him back to the city)
With his self-imposed free time, he starts a garden. The lofty dreams of cooking with fresh herbs and vegetables fill his mind for days, until he’s greeted morning after morning by empty soil with no sprouting green.
He gives up after a week. Googling nearby garden shops points him to the only one within a forty-mile radius: Winchester Hardware & Garden. He rides his bike a couple of miles down the dirt road, past the farmer’s market, to the small, unassuming green building that’s only slightly bigger than his own bungalow.
A bell obnoxiously announces his arrival as he pushes open the rusty screen door. He’s greeted with shelves upon shelves of sloppily organized garden supplies, seed packages, and planters. There’s a counter tucked into the corner with a cash register valiantly craning its neck up from the cluttered mess that surrounds it.
“Just a second!” calls a voice from somewhere amongst the shelves. There’s a crash that follows.
Castiel cranes his neck around one of the shelves, looking for the source of the commotion. “Do you need help?” he calls back.
“Nope, should be good,” assures the disembodied voice, “just this goddamn—” There’s no elaboration as another, louder, crash punctuates the end of the sentence.
Castiel stands awkwardly in the door frame, unsure of whether to help or flee a potential crime scene, when a tanned and dirty-blonde man rounds the corner. He’s clutching something white and pissed off in his arms.
“Sorry about that,” the man says, breathing heavily. He locks his arms tighter against the cat struggling in his arms. “Can I help you with something?”
Castiel stares at the cat. “Was that what all that banging was?”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” The man playfully jostles the cat, eliciting a low meow. “She gets into the back of the shelves where all those dangerous tools are, and I have to make sure she doesn’t cut her own head off.”
Castiel doesn’t point out the issue of housing a cat in a store with dangerous tools in the first place. Instead: “I see.”
“Her name’s Fluffy,” the man offers.
“But she has no fur,” Castiel says as Fluffy proudly swishes her naked tail.
“Yeah. It’s hilarious.” The man grins. “My brother picked her up from the side of the road. Kid has a bleeding heart for helpless animals.” Fluffy is deposited on the counter, where she sits and glares; the man turns and crosses his arms. “So, anything you need?”
Castiel rips his gaze from the man’s very piercing, very green eyes. “Yes. I’m having a problem with my garden. I think it needs fertilizer.”
“Elaborate on your problem,” the man says.
“Well, nothing’s growing,” Castiel explains, trailing off uncertainly as the man once again disappears around a corner.
“Any pets?” he asks.
“Excuse me?”
“Any pets,” the man says impatiently behind a shelf, “any pets that would get into your garden and eat stuff when you’re not looking.”
“Well… no. No pets. Although I was thinking of getting a cat.” Castiel glances at Fluffy, who is grooming a naked paw. “One with fur.”
The man barks out a laugh. He comes around the corner, holding a large box propped on his hip. “And you’ve been watering them? Pulling any weeds around them?”
“And you’re sure that you’re not pulling the plants accidentally instead of the weeds?”
Castiel fixes the man a look. “I’m not that stupid.”
Raising a hand in surrender, the man says, “Hey, you’d be surprised the stories I get from other customers.” He deposits the box onto the counter. “Well, this should help—good old fashioned plant food. Works for most things you’re trying to grow.”
After doing a quick calculation of measurements in his head, Castiel decides, “I don’t think I’ll be able to take that today. I rode my bike here and I’m not sure I can fit the box anywhere…”
“Relax, the bags are inside.” The man pulls apart the box’s top and hoists out a much smaller bag, one that will undoubtedly fit into Castiel’s backpack. At Castiel’s confirming nod, the man rounds the corner and types a number into the ancient cash register. ‘Fluffy’ rubs against his hand, slowly the process. The register inexplicably dings. “It’ll be 25.50,” he announces.
Castiel fishes his wallet from his back pocket. “Do you take a credit card?”
“Yeah.” The man chews at the bottom of his lip, frowning down at Castiel’s fingers that are fumbling to get the credit card out of the tight wallet’s pockets. “You said you biked here?”
“Yes,” Castiel says amidst the struggle, “why?”
“Nah, just that… you can’t live very far from here, then?”
The credit card finally emancipated, Castiel hands it across the counter. He notes the dirt caked underneath the man’s fingernails as their hands brush. “I just began renting a house a few miles down the road. Just a week ago.”
The man grins. “You’re one of Benny’s tenants?”
“I think that was his name.”
“I know him. Nice guy. Runs a diner when he’s not landlording way too many properties.” The man slides the credit card through a small attachment on his phone, frowning again in a thoughtful way. “This might not work, you know.”
“The credit card?” Castiel asks.
“No, the plant food. This whole area used to be a swamp—so the soil sucks.” He pets Fluffy’s head distractedly. “So you might have to come back anyway.”
“I did notice that the soil was sandy,” Castiel agrees. “Should I… Buy anything else in lieu of this?”
The man rubs the back of his neck; Castiel is momentarily distracted by the way his fingers leave imperceptible tracks in his tightly trimmed blonde hair. “Well, if this doesn’t work, I’d have the examine the soil. See if the acidity is right, if the plants are getting enough sun, that kind of thing.”
“So you’d have to come over?” Castiel asks, taking the card that the man hands back to him.
“Well, yeah.” The man clears his throat. “To examine it, and everything.”
“That wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
The man sweeps his arm in the air to gesture to the quiet shop. “Well, I suppose you would be taking me away from my customers that so obviously need me.”
Castiel huffs a laugh. He tentatively holds the bag of plant food in his arms. “Then I’ll come back and ask for your help if this doesn’t work.”
They smile at each other, a beat too long, a beat too delayed to notice a shift in the energy between them. “Who should I ask for?” Castiel is somehow able to miraculously ask, after the moment that is a beat too long.
“Huh? Oh. Dean. Ask for Dean. That’s me, I—” The man, Dean, shakes his head as if to get himself to stop talking. He reaches out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, uh—”
“Castiel. Cas.” Castiel holds Dean’s hand and shakes. It’s warm and softer than he’d expect a gardener’s hands to be.
“Well, great. Cas.” Dean drawls Castiel’s name out thoughtfully, carefully, like tasting a fine wine. Castiel suppresses a shiver. “I’ll see you again soon, then. Maybe.”
“Maybe.” Castiel adjusts the bag in his arms. “Goodbye, Dean. Fluffy,” he adds, nodding at the cat who is ignoring the situation, and instead is stretching to great lengths in order to lick her backside.
Castiel steps out into the warm air; the bell on the door that announces his departure is less obnoxious now. He unlocks his bike, adjusting the kickstand, wincing at the creak of the rust on the metal.  
Placing his backpack carefully onto the bike seat, he opens the zipper and deposits the bag of plant food into the backpack. Very sternly, he whispers to it, “Don’t you dare work,” before zipping up his pack, and riding on the dirt road back to his new home.
↳ prompts are open for mowripro, send one to my askbox.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| silence | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: idk actually so maybe fluff?? haha :D a/n: warning incoming bad grammar and not proof read at all omg~ 😂😂 but i dare you to read it anyway~ *winks* enjoy! ~j.
jaehyun walked to turn a heel at the end of the hallway, entering the classroom with only a few minutes left before his arts professor came. he anxiously looked at the clock, the handle ticking away just like how everything else in his sight faded away. he fixed his bag and placed his books onto the table. sitting back on his chair, sicheng who was behind him, tapped him on the shoulder to ask if he was okay. no response, and sicheng had to let his friend be. the ringing in jaehyun’s ears continued, muffled voices soon brought to complete silence.
just like how he encountered you earlier.
during the lesson switch, to be exact.
he visited you when you got your books from the lockers. something he always did in the morning before you both start your day. if arrived early, he would take you out for a tiny breakfast date. a gentleman indeed. but today of all days, you didn’t talk to him and avoided his calls and messages. more of he thought you didn’t want to see him. not a word came out from your lips whenever he would ask how you were. sure the eye contact was there, but it was just that. conscience led him to think that he might be the reason why you acted this way; cold, hard-to-approach, bothered. it was strange because never in two-year span of dating, had you ever ignored him. he was the jung jaehyun, your boyfriend and lover. there was no way that you-
“jung jaehyun?” mr. park fixed his glasses as he called lad. jaehyun shuffled in his seat, aware that he wasn’t paying any attention when the lesson was already an hour in. “i’ll remove you from the list if you could tell me what van gogh suffered from.” he tilted his head, jaehyun reluctantly shifting his eyes to the board; his name written under the word ‘detention’.
sicheng swallowed his giggles at jaehyun for his unreasonable daydreaming. mr. park could be very annoying at detention, given the fact that he had experienced it thrice.
jaehyun cleared his throat. “he suffered from delusions and episodes-”
“which episodes?” mr. park challenged him.
“psychotic episodes and he had mental instability. because of that it led to a neglect in his physical state-”
“alright, good enough. if i see you daydream in my class again, i think you know the consequences.” he turned around to write points at the blackboard.
another hour of mr. park’s lecture felt like eternity. he didn’t even bother to write down notes because all he wanted was to see you. he had to know the reason of your treatment to him, and once bell rang and the lesson ended on time, he rushed out of the classroom. soon sicheng carried his stuff, not trying to lose sight of his friend.
at the cafeteria, jaehyun spotted you by the counter with your friends. the movements of your shoulders from possibly giggling only meant that you were fine. still he wondered why you ignored him.
minghao and seokmin went to their table to have lunch. they noticed their friend off in a daze, looking at nothing but the concrete wall. he didn’t touch his food nor utter anything upon arriving. “he’s been like that since art history.” sicheng cut the super awkward silence.
“seriously what? he loves art history though.” minghao munched on his salad. “did you ask him why?”
“nah, but i have a hunch it’s got something to do with y/n.” sicheng shrugged.
jaehyun perked up in his seat when he sensed your presence walk pass their table. he thought he saw you smile weakly at him, even if it was just a second long. you looked a little slim from the last time he eyed you from head to toe.
“mhm, yep it’s definitely about her.” seokmin pursed his lips.
clanks of ultensils opposite from seokmin startled him. “i don’t get it” jaehyun hissed, finally munching onto his lunch.
“dude chill you’re angry eating.” seokmin calmed him.
“she’s acting like i’m not her boyfriend. like what the heck did i do?” jaehyun slurped on his drink.
“maybe you did something unconsciously?” sicheng asked with his arms crossed. “i mean you could be a real mess when you drink too many shots.”
jaehyun glared at sicheng, giving him annoyed telepathic eyes that told him you didn’t like it when he drank too much. he knew he didn’t go to the bar this week, and it wasn’t the answer as to why you ignored him.
“you might want to talk to her now.” minghao hesistantly suggested.
“i want to but she’s avoiding me. it’s been three days.” jaehyun slumped on his seat.
“he could turn out worse if it was a week.” seokmin tried to make a joke out of it, only to be responded by a pissed jaehyun.
“jae, what i’m saying is talk to her now?” minghao tilted his head to the side, pointing to your figure by the cafeteria entrance.
“ugh, glad my lessons for today are done.” jaehyun stood up and slung his bag over his shoulders.
you saw how jaehyun hurriedly walk towards to where you were. immediately your legs fuzed with energy like electricity and started to run, afraid of him to come closer. your chest already ached at the fact you’ve been silent treating him for three straight days. the bike you rode on this morning soon came into your view and you ran quickly towards it, pushing it to start peddling.
“y/n! babe! come back here!” you heard jaehyun from behind and as you took a turn at the next street to your apartment. to your surprise, jaehyun too grabbed a random bike to follow you.
the tension was rising. you didn’t care how your hair nearly block your sight. you couldn’t face him now, not today. you peddled as fast as you can, remembering how insisting jaehyun could be whenever there was a minor clash between the two of you. you hear his pants and yells ordering you to stop. “why are you running away?!” he screamed, not giving any attention to his voice crack and the horns of the passing vehicles.
jaehyun noticed how wobbly your ride was, and when you slightly crashed into the apartment’s front yard, his heart skipped a beat, worrying that you might be injured. he wanted to clear things out, maybe apologise for something he knew he didn’t do. it may sound stupid but it was probably the right thing to do so you wouldn’t ignore him this long. “y/n!”
“agh!” your fingers pressing non-stop onto the elevator button. you squealed when you heard his footsteps. the numbers going up were taking too long.
you hurriedly took the keys from your pockets and managed to slip it into the door knob, forcing your way home. the other elevator dinged, and you knew jaehyun was just right behind. “y/n!” he called out. with heavy heart and instinct, your hands found their way to the knob and slammed the door to a close.
but jaehyun was a tad faster. his palms held the edge and without effort, he opened the door, making you stumble backwards. “please talk to me!” he said, seeing your figure run farther into your apartment though you slid slightly at the waxed floor. “babe-”
he had gotten hold of your arm when he entered your room. he chuckled at the sight of you wearing his hoodie. a small you and his huge clothes by the cupboards. he didn’t want to force things onto you, so as you heard his tired legs bringing his body to your bed, you turned around; only to hear jaehyun let out a huge laugh.
“pfft!” you hear him cover his mouth. “why are you like that?” he asked as you held the ends of the strings attached to the hood, your face hidden behind the creases of the knotted fabric.
jaehyun tried to forcibly loosen the creases. “no!” your muffled voice unclear and even if your fingers weren’t pointing at him.
“you can’t hide from me.” he chuckled, his arms snaking by your waist as he pulled you closer. “we haven’t talked in days.”
in utmost apology, you clasped your hands together as if you were saying a prayer.
“i know you’re pouting.” he carried and swung you around. “don’t you miss me?”
you nodded, still holding onto the strings. he gently put you down. “if you love me, you’ll take off the hood.” he patted your head. “let me see my pretty girl.”
like child doing as she was told, you complied to him and removed it. “see?” jaehyun’s smile caused to you to do the same. he planted a kiss on your cheek. “why have you been ignoring me?”
he saw you look at him with slight teary eyes and with your lips pursed, jaehyun knew something was wrong. “babe?” he asked, but you only sighed heavily. “you can tell me anything.”
ignoring him, you played with his hands in response. jaehyun laughed at your actions. you never acted like this. seeing you so stressed in a good way made him discover new sides of you. “y/n why aren’t you speaking?” he pinched your cheeks and you yelped in pain, crouching down as you held your numb body part.
“ow!” you hissed, curling into a ball.
jaehyun’s eyes softened, guilt spread his body. “oh no i’m so sorry. was that painful?” he knelt down to your level to where he could see you.
“of course it does!” you closed your eyes in pain, as if rubbing your cheeks would do any better. after seeing jaehyun’s expression, you sighed in defeat. “i-i j-just had braces..” you hid by your legs and jaehyun scooted in front, wrapping you with his large frame.
“is this the reason why you wouldn’t talk to me?” he bit back a giggle as he asked, caressing your cheeks. “did it hurt?”
“moderate.. my gums still hurt.” you replied. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you and ignored you for three days.”
“it’s alright y/n. i’m not mad, but i missed you so mu-”
your stomach grumbled in a volume you wished you could turn it down. gosh how embarrassing that was. “you haven’t eaten yet?” jaehyun’s eyebrows scrunched narrowly.
“just today.” a grumble came out again and jaehyun clicked his tongue. “okay, maybe i didn’t have dinner last night as well-”
“babe, you should’ve called me! i could��ve come right away!” he stood and soon he pulled you up too.
“i planned to but i didn’t want to.” you pointed at your teeth. “i’m too shy.”
“i’m your boyfriend. you shouldn’t be shy to me.” he sighed. “i’ll make something quick and easy. porridge would do?”
“but i’m not sick though-” you followed him to the kitchen, sliding onto the wooden floor with your new socks.
jaehyun took whatever his eyes landed on at the shelves, grabbing the utensils to prepare. “y/n, i want you to wait at the couch.”
“but i want to hel-”
“y/n.” his stern voice started you. “no but’s. please? let me take care of you.”
“i can make porridge myself.” you pouted as you wriggled his arm. jaehyun sighed, his lips curved and he agreed that you wanted to at least help him. he bent down for a kiss and you returned it.
“mgh. tastes like metal.” he did the smoulder, teasing you like he always does.
“this is why i didn’t want to tell you!” you let out a tantrum. “that’s it. i’m making my own meal!”
jaehyun laughed and carried you again, swinging you like you were a stuffed toy. you hit him continuously, squealing in all kinds of high pitches. “alright alright! give me a kiss.” he puckered his lips.
“ugh you’re so demanding!” you squeezed his cheeks, but kissed him anyway.
“yep, still metal.” he teased.
“i should’ve ignored you for one more day.”
a/n: shoutout to nctzens/jaehyun biased fans who has braces! :D this is for you~
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dngrdyke · 4 years
Home Renovation With the Homosexuals
TW: gore
Dyke and Faggot rode for hours until they found what they were looking for. Dyke had seen it a few times before the two teamed up, but she didn't have the strength or the motivation to fix it up. Now that she had Faggot to help her, she figured it would be a good time to put down roots.
The building itself used to be a house, she thought. It looked like it anyway. Four walls, two storeys and an attic? Didn't matter. Out there, it's free real estate.
The outside used to be white but over time it ended up looking kinda dusty and run-down, just like the rest of the buildings left after the Analog Wars.
"This is it?" Faggot asked when they pulled up. "I was expecting something with a little more..."
"Little more what?"
"Just a little... more."
"Oh, alright Mr Picky. You think you could do better?"
"No, no! That's not what I'm saying!"
Dyke laughed and kicked down the bike stand. "I know it ain't. I'm just yankin' your chain, kid. Now c'mon and haul ass. I want this place ready for the afterparty. Bring the radio."
Faggot grabbed it and followed Dyke inside. Some other Desert folks had obviously taken refuge inside. Here and there were empty soda and beer cans, as well as empty food packets.
"You keep checking down here. I'm gonna make sure the upstairs is still okay," Dyke said. Even though she said it calmly, she took out one of her guns, just in case. You never can be too careful in the desert.
The stairs were sound, and two of the upstairs rooms even had mattresses. The attic was clear as well.
"Faggot, we struck gold!" she yelled down.
"Fuck yeah! Can I put the radio on now?"
Dyke stole- well, borrowed- some tools from D's station and was currently nailing down some loose floorboards upstairs. Faggot was blasting the radio while cleaning the kitchen room. Turns out Blind hadn't killed the water supply, so they even had running water. And the bathroom had a shower! Just imagine. No more shitty face splashes for her. Sure, the water would be cold, but damn it if that mattered.
She heard the song end from downstairs and D's voice started with the announcements.
"Crank it up!"
The voice got louder. "-and we remind you folks again to be on the lookout. Scarlet Ripper and the Mongoose don't wear masks, 'cause if you see 'em, you're dead. Our next announcement is just a little reminder from the DB and F- and from the Killjoys themselves- that there's still a drag race goin' down at the Hub Thursday night. For all you rock’n’rollers with motorbabies, don’t sweat it tryna find a babysitter for the night. Bring ‘em along. Fun for all the family. So, far our challengers are,” he cleared his throat dramatically. “Ahem. Party Poison and the Kobra Kid, Dyke on a Bike and Jet Star, Roadkill and Rock Machine-”
“Hey, Dee! Who’re Roadkill and Rock Machine?” Faggot called up.
“No idea, kid!”
Most of the shit in the house was done. As housewarming gifts, Kobra and Ghoul had given them all their leftover cans of spray paint. Poison wasn’t too happy, but he settled for a trade: he got to paint a mural in the “living room”, as Dyke was calling the front room with some stolen beanbags. He spent the whole day locked in there with Cherri, the windows thrown open, and nobody else was allowed in. Except Ghoul, but Ghoul went where he wanted anyway. Dee, Jet and Kobra took the stairs and the upstairs rooms, while Faggot took the attic. He insisted on it. Said he was gonna make it look like “the coolest motherfuckin’ loft you ever saw.” They all camped out that night so nobody would die from inhaling the paint fumes, even though they were all pretty spaced out from them anyway. They all went to bed pretty early (by their standards), but as Dee was drifting off she muttered to Poison beside her. “I’m gonna kick your ass tomorrow night.”
He didn’t respond.
Thursday morning.
The crew were up bright and early with the rising of the sun. They had a party to prep for.
Poison took over the bathroom for a solid three hours to redo his roots. “Being this awesome doesn’t come from shitty dye jobs,” he said, grinning at Dee leaning against the doorway. She flipped him off as she walked away, shaking her head.
“I’m gettin’ the booze at the Rendezvous!” she called out as she left the house, popping the collar on her jacket and snapping on her mask. Sunburn was a killer in more ways than one.
The Rendezvous was a spot pretty near the new Killjoy House. You got in contact with Cherri Cola, who got in contact with his contact, who got you anything you wanted from Bat City. Then you met him at the Rendezvous. Dee went all out for this party. The strongest, rawest vodka, straight from the slums of the Lobby.
In the heat-haze of midday, Dyke saw two figures kneeling on the ground beside a third body. As she got closer, she could see that the body was a Drac, and the two figures were men without masks. She drew her guns when she saw the glint of knives in the sun. They were taking the kidneys out of the corpse.
She cast a shadow over them as she stood with her guns pointing directly at each of their heads.
“Now I just know you motherfuckers ain’t doin’ shit to that Drac.”
The one on her right looked up. He wore a mesh shirt and stony grey skinny jeans. She glanced at his left hand. Brass knuckles, spikes. So he was one of those rebels. His partner, arms deep in blood and gore, continued to work. His jacket was laid neatly beside him, and his shirt was a deep red and tattered. From what Dyke could see, his pants were tight and tartan, though they were so dark it was hard to tell. 
“What’s it to you, Red?” the one looking at her asked.
She shook her hair out of her face and tightened her grip on the guns. “I happen to know a thing or two about the desert, boys. And one thing I know is that if you mess up someone’s body, the Phoenix Witch can’t take ‘em. Now, I know it’s said she can’t save the Dracs, but if it was me? Hell, I’d hope their souls never got free. Otherwise they’d be comin’ after me worse than a Scarecrow for Doctor D.”
The second man looked up at Dee. His eyes stared into her soul, willing her deepest fears into the open. But she would not give in.
“These people would have you killed, would shoot you where you stand, and yet you would give them over to the afterlife? You would give them their peace?”
Her hands never wavered, even as she shrugged. “They’re people too.”
The man smiled at her, but the smile held no emotion but morbid curiosity.
“They may have been people once, but after the masks? No longer are they anything but meat.”
She stretched her neck out. “Alright Mr Bigshot, I’m gonna give you and your buddy here five seconds to grab your jackets and get the hell outta my sight. One.”
The two men stood calmly, one with a kidney in each hand. The man with the brass knuckles picked up their jackets. Dyke’s guns followed them with every movement until they were safely speeding away on another motorbike. She shook herself off and put her guns away.
“Damn,” she muttered. “What a fuckin’ morning.”
Thursday afternoon.
“Honeys I’m home!” Dyke called, opening the front door with her butt. She had crates of vodka in her arms which rendered them almost completely useless. She put them under the stairs and dusted off her hands.
“She’ll either love you or hate you, man.” Faggot’s muffled voice came from the living room.
“I’m taking bets,” Ghoul said. “Who’s betting what?”
Dyke heard more voices talking over each other as she walked quietly back to the door of the room. That was another thing about the house: almost every room had a door. Front door, back door, kitchen door, bedroom door. Only door that wasn’t there was the bathroom door. Everyone had agreed to leave it like that. It was just funnier.
The floorboard creaked under her foot and she heard Poison shushing them all.
“Dee? That you?”
Those assholes hadn’t even heard her come in. Fuck.
“Yeah, I’m back. Can I come in?”
Poison opened the door and stepped out quickly. Dee only saw a flash of colour before he closed the door with a snap.
“The mural is done.”
“So… can I see it, then?”
“You have to promise you won’t get mad.”
She thought for a second. What the hell. “Okay. I promise. I won’t get mad at you about the mural.”
“Close your eyes.”
Dyke shut her eyes tight and Poison guided her into the room.
“Now, on the count of three, open ‘em.”
She held her breath.
It was killing her. The suspense. What if it was really terrible?
Nah, Poison wouldn’t do that to her. Unless he thought it was funny.
She opened them.
In front of her in every colour under the sun was a larger-than-life depiction of her darling. Carla, with flowers in her hair being blown about by the non-existent wind. Carla, her love. Carla, the Destroyer.
She said nothing.
“Uh, Dee? You gonna say anything?” Kobra asked nervously.
Dyke turned to Poison, who was slowly inching closer towards freedom.
“Party Poison,” she said seriously.
“Oh, fuck.” He debated running, but ended up deciding against it. He probably deserved it.
“You are…”
Jet tensed, ready to tackle her to the ground if it looked like she was going to go for him.
“Amazing,” she finished. “You are amazing. This is… This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
The sigh of relief that escaped everyone’s lips was heard all across the desert.
“Never scare me like that again, Dyke.”
“Not a chance, Pee-head.”
a lil different than usual... filler during MTBBW that you can read here. very much a collab with another friend who thought of scarlet + mongoose........ if u know who they are let us know by liking ;)
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imagine-riverdale · 5 years
Shy-Sweet Pea Imagine
Thank you again @riverdaleserpentgirl for requesting this. Here you go!
Summary: After the merge of Southside High and Riverdale High, Sweet Pea began dating Amelia “Mia” Pierce, a very shy Northsider, who loves reading.
 Mia Pierce didn’t talk to many people, it took a lot for her to open up. Even at a young age Mia had a very hard time meeting and talking to new people, her parents tried everything they could to get the girl to open up, but nothing worked. Being from one of the richest families in Riverdale it was hard for her parents to understand that she was shy, so they attempted to force her into socializing, which ended making her pull away even more. Now at 16, Mia barely talked, mostly stayed in her room and read. Until Sweet Pea came into her life. She had been friends with Betty for years and when Southside High closed Jughead introduced them all to the Serpents.
It was in Biology that Sweet Pea got to talk to Mia. The two ended up being partnered up for a project and Mia slowly started opening up to him, it wasn’t long after that he plucked up the courage and asked her out, much to Fangs and Toni’s protests of saying she was boring.
“Come on Sweet Pea, we’re all going to the Quarry tonight, you can’t miss out again.” Fangs stated while standing outside of Sweet Pea’s trailer that Friday night.
“I have plans with Mia.” He stated while he worked on his bike.
“Man, you always have plans with Mia. What could you guys possibly be doing when she doesn’t even talk?” Fangs asked annoyed that his best friend would rather spend time with a girl than him.
“It’s that exact reason she doesn’t talk to you.” Sweet Pea stated sending a pointed look at his friend who seemed to be getting more and more irritated every time Sweet Pea decided to spend his Fridays with Mia. “She doesn’t talk to you because you don’t give her the chance man.” Sweet Pea stood up from his bike and wiped his hands on a rang her hand hanging off the handles. “She’s shy, you have to give her time to open up.” He stated noticing Mia’s car pulling down the street into Sunnyside Trailer park. “I wish you could at least pretend to get along with her.” He stated walking over to the car and giving a rare smile to the girl as he opened her door for her. “Hey.” Mia climbed out of the car with a few books in her arms.
“Hi.” She said softly, her eyes darting to Fangs before returning to Sweet Pea. “Are you going somewhere?” She asked softly before shutting the door to her car.
“Everyone’s going to the Quarry, I turned them down because we already had plans.” He stated.
“Well, I’m going.” Fangs stated getting on his bike and leaving.
“I’ve got to finish working on my bike then we can go get food or something.” Mia nodded and was silent a minute while Sweet Pea and she walked over to his bike. “We can go if you want.” She stated while Sweet Pea was leaning down looking at his bike.
“What?” He glanced over at her curiously.
“We can go to the Quarry, I’ve got some books, and you can see your friends.” She told him as he stood from the bike and wiped his hands off again.
“Baby.” He sighed. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Said Sweet Pea as he walked over to where she stood by a lone lawn chair.
“I won’t be.” Mia smiled at him. “I’ll have you, I’ll be fine Sweets, come on.” She said softly. “I want to go, I want to try and get to know your friends.”
“Alright, let me just finish this.” Sweet Pea spent the next hour fixing his bike before grabbing a blanket for Mia and the two rode down to the Quarry. The Serpents were surprised to see Sweet Pea and especially Mia, but they all welcomed them, Mia stayed close to Sweet Pea until they got closer to the bonfire where Fangs, Toni, and Jughead were.
“You decided to show?” Toni asked grabbing him a beer.
“Mia wanted to.” He stated setting a hand on the small of Mia’s back and guiding her to a chair. They all hung out for a while before some of the older Serpents showed up. Sweet Pea was holding Mia in his lap whilst she read a book, the two were comfortable, Sweet Pea was talking with Fangs and a few other Serpents before someone came and told him that someone wanted him. “I’ll be back.” He whispered in Mia’s ear before kissing it. He had stood up, set Mia back in the chair and covered her back up with the blanket, Mia glanced up and sent him a small smile before going back to her book. Whilst Sweet Pea was away Jughead came and took a seat next to Mia.
“You know you could get to know his friends better if you put the book away.” Jughead stated causing Mia to look up at him then look at Fangs and Toni before turning her gaze back to Jughead.
“They don’t want to get to know me Jug.” Mia spoke softly closing her book. “They’ve had the chance.” She stated as Jughead nodded.
“From what I’ve heard from Toni, Sweet Pea doesn’t date. You have to give them more time.” Mia just nodded before her eyes found where Sweet Pea was hanging out with Fangs and Toni.
“We’ve been together for three months Jug, I don’t know how much more time to give them.” She said softly. Mia went back to her book for a while, Sweet Pea periodically checking on her. After some time, Mia looked and saw that it was almost ten, knowing she had to be home shortly she looked around for Sweet Pea. Once she spotted her boyfriend having fun with a bunch of Serpents, she made her way towards him. “Sweets.” She said softly stepping next to him and touching his arm.
“What’s up?” He turned to Mia and gave her his full attention.
“It’s almost ten, I have to get home.” Mia spoke just so Sweet Pea could hear her.
“Alright, come on.” He set an arm around her shoulder before turning his head to the others. “We’re gonna bounce.” Everyone bid him a goodbye before the two left. “We’re still on for movie night tomorrow?” Sweet Pea asked once they arrived back at his trailer so Mia could get her car.
“Yeah, around three, right?” She asked standing by the door of her car.
“Three.” He nodded. “I’ll pick you up,”
“How about I meet you here, I can drop Betty off on our way home from Greendale, then I can come here. I’ll bring the snacks.”
“Okay, if I’m not here, just go in.” He said as Mia had nodded and Sweet Pea kissed her and gave her the key to his trailer before sending her on her way.
The next day Mia hung out with Betty, the two went to Greendale to go to a bookstore and stopped for lunch on their way back.
“How are things between you and Sweet Pea?” Betty asked while Mia was drinking a cup of tea.
“Great, things are great.” She nodded.
“Are you getting along with Toni and Fangs yet?” She asked as Mia sighed and shook her head.
“Every time I try to talk to them I either freeze up or they ignore me. They don’t like me Betty.”
“They’ll come around.” Betty assured her friend and after awhile the two drove back to Riverdale.
Mia arrived at Sweet Pea’s and quickly grabbed all the things she needed before heading inside the trailer. Noticing his bike gone, she let herself in and shrieked upon seeing Toni and Fangs lounging on the couch.
“You scared me.” Mia said picking her things up off the floor and heading into the kitchen to put them away.
“So, you just let yourself in whenever you want now?” Fangs asked following her to the kitchen.
“Uh, no.” Mia shook her head and spoke softly as she put the almond milk in the fridge. “But Sweets gave me a key so I could come in if he wasn’t here.” She finished putting her groceries away and turned around, Toni and Fangs both giving her dirty looks.
“So, why are you here anyway?” Toni asked. “Sweet Pea won’t be home for another hour.”
“I know, he told me to let myself in. We’re having movie night, you’re welcome to join.” Mia told them as she moved to the counter and grabbed her book before heading to the chair and sitting down. Mia sat there reading for twenty minutes before Toni spoke again.
“Do you do anything other than read?” She asked the shy girl, Mia closed her book and looked at Toni.
“I do.” She nodded. “I’m not good with new people or big groups.” She told them softly. “I understand the two of you are weary of me and I get it.” Mia sat up slightly. “I don’t blame you, you don’t know me, and that’s partially my fault. But I’d like to change that. You’re both a huge part of Sweet Pea’s life and I can’t continue being with him if his best friends don’t like me, because I know at some point he’d have to choose one or the other, and I’d want him to choose you guys.” Mia rambled on. “I’ve never met someone like him.”
“What, like a Serpent?” Toni had taken it the wrong way.
“No, someone like him, meaning someone who cares about me, genuinely, and doesn’t want to change me. My whole life everyone has been more concerned with changing who I am.” Mia ran a hand through her hair before continuing. “I love him, Serpent and all. I’m sorry if you think I’m taking him away from you, but that was never my intent. Jughead said you guys felt like I was stealing him, I can back of some if you’d like.” Toni and Fangs were quiet. “But I can’t say I’m going to stop being with him,” Mia went to say more but the front door opened and in walked Sweet Pea.
“Hey.” He nodded at everyone, immediately going over to Mia and kissing her.
“Stop it Pea.” She said blushing as she pushed him away causing him to chuckle.
“What are you two doing here?” He turned to Toni and Fangs while sitting on the arm of Mia’s chair. “You bugging my girl?” He joked as Toni rolled her eyes.
“No, we were talking.” Mia said softly as she put her hand on his leg.
“Yeah, we were actually wondering if you two wanted to hang out tomorrow.” Fangs said sending Mia a smile. “So, we can get to know each other better.” Sweet Pea looked to his girlfriend and gave her a smile.
“We’d love to.” Mia told them as Sweet Pea wrapped an arm around his girlfriend.
“Now get out.” Sweet Pea cracked a smile as he nodded towards the door. “We have plans, and no offence, but I don’t want you here for what I have in mind.” Fangs made a disgusted face before he stood along with Toni and the two left.
 With the weeks to come Mia opened up more with Toni and Fangs, the two eventually learning that Mia was actually a good person. The three became friends easily, so easily that Sweet Pea began to get jealous whenever Mia was hanging out with Toni instead of him. But he soon realized it was good for Mia and his relationship. Mia was still shy in most social situations even when Sweet Pea was around. But who’s to say being shy’s a bad thing?
 Oh my gosh. I have been writing this for weeks and I REALLY am not sure on the ending but I needed to finish something this week. So here you go, I’d love your feedback. I kinda changed the direction I was originally going, I have a second one that I was also working on for the same request but this one came to me easier. I may still upload the other, but I guess we’ll see.
As always, thank you so much for reading.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: Waiting for Your Friends to Leave
So, this came to me in the grips of Elias thirst. So, apologies if he’s not exactly your first choice or anything. Either way, I hope you enjoy reading this, I truly enjoyed writing it as it came to me. Thank you so much for sending this.
NOTE: apparently, Baron and Elias are bikers in this. Elias is also a musician who plays guitar in a biker bar? IDk... I went with it. Anyway, enjoy? Hopefully?
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The guitarist, Elias wasn’t conventionally her type by any means. But it didn’t stop her from looking twice. And then a third and fourth time. It didn’t stop her from striking up conversations and having drinks until last call at the little bar they all currently sat in.
 And when he took his guitar out and took to the stage, starting to play - after flashing her a wink and a nod, Nina fanned herself with a stack of napkins sitting forgotten on the table in front of her. It was enough to catch the attention of her on again and off again -currently off if one were to ask her, boyfriend Baron, who stood nearby, poolstick in hand. Baron’s head swivelled and he glared angrily at the guitarist sitting on the makeshift stage at the front of the bar. 
“I’m about sick of your whole thing with that fuckin guy. You’re wearin my leather. You know what that means, right? Answer me, Nina.”
“Baron, if you say one more word, I swear to God... You always do this. You always say no fights and no losing your temper and you never mean it! He’s just a friend, anyway. You probably just ruined that.”
Maybe it was an overreaction. It had to be, all their friends, the bikers he rode with were watching it all unfold. Old ladies didn’t normally... talk back. Make waves.
Especially not over a stranger. An outsider pledging the MC, at that. Especially not when said Old Lady already had the second in arms as her ‘man’.
Nina gulped and took a deep breath, sighing and shaking her head. “What are you all fucking staring at?”
Baron echoed the sentiment, and Nina went to step past him but he caught her elbow. “We’re good, right?”
“I don’t know anymore, Baron. I just don’t know. I’m tired. Of all this.” with the words said, she tossed his cutte at him and slunk out of the doors to the bar, leaning against the wood and brick exterior, staring up at the sky. She had to laugh at herself when it hit her, why had sh e really done that?
Because she wanted to be free. Because she was sick of being with a man who saw her as a possession and not an equal. Who saw her as an arm candy, a glorified trophy, a notch on his bedpost. For a split second, common sense kicked in. Ending things with Baron was scary as hell.. For one thing, it meant that she took the risk that she might potentially be making a huge mistake.. What if she regretted it later? Baron probably already had another woman waiting.
... your mother was right... you’re not exactly pretty and you’re not smart either... these men could keep you safe... these men are literally all you have left... this life is your only option... did you think that guitarist was just gonna stop playing, follow you out?
An hour stretched out to what felt like days, maybe even an eternity. But the bikers piled out into the night, straddling their bikes. Baron didn’t even give her a second glance and Nina shivered at the cold night air. She wiped at her eyes and took  a shaky breath. If this is what Baron wanted, then she wasn’t going to fight it anymore.
She was fine without him, she’d be fine without him again. She found herself lingering, why, she wasn’t sure. Her eyes were fixed on the door of the bar intently.
She just wanted to explain to Elias that Baron was out of line.. To see if Baron had cost her yet another friend. He was good at that. She’d almost given up on seeing Elias, but he came out with the owner of the bar and a few of the other musicians that played laughing and talking.
Nina hung back, waiting... her heart beating in her chest almost fast enough to make her dizzy. She’d almost given up the hope of explaining things and salvaging their budding friendship, but just as she walked off, Elias called out to her, jogging to catch up, casually slipping an arm around her and flashing her a fond smile.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I was just... I wanted to apologize. For Baron’s bullshit earlier.. Then you came out with the other guys and I figured I’d just go... I... yeah.” Nina stammered apologetically and Elias sighed, shaking his head. 
He pulled her close, both arms slipping around her. “ I wanted to tell you that the song earlier was for you.. But waitin on your friends to leave... I didn’t wanna do anything that might make that halfwit take shit out on you.” 
Nina swallowed hard, eyes widening as she slow blinked. “Wait, huh?”
“That song.. I wrote it for you.” Elias chuckled, raising a thick digit to rake it slowly across her lower lip. “Do you need a ride home, princess? My bike’s over there.. No sense in you walking and freezing your ass off.”
“A ride, yeah... that’d be nice.” Nina sighed, her nose filling with the woodsy scent of his cologne as she let the warmth of his body and the strenght of his arms wash over her. It felt nice, the way he was holding her at the moment.
It felt like something she could definitely get used to, given time...
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