#anyway im not really <3 going to gif them that much i don't think but figured i'd kickstart the tag in case anyone looks them up <3
Ok, I'm losing my head right now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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The multiversus crossover game brought to us not only the Powerpuff girls... But THE ROWDYRUFF BOYS AS WELL!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
But... Oh girl... Omg... There's even more for me to even lose my head harder 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃
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It says Powerpuff girls but is actually one of the rowdyruff boys talking... IS BOOMER!!!! To think a simple videogame line is enough to make go crazy delulu like this... Here comes the delulu twisted romantic mental gymnastics 😍😍😍
So i need an explanation. No really i need one. Why is Boomer saying that? Bubbles didn't see what? WHAT YOU DON'T WANT HER TO SEE?? Multiversus you can't leave me like this!! Did he say that because he was clumsy and doesn't want to look lame in front of her? Did he say that because he was doing something bad and doesn't want to look that bad in front of her? Sorry im just going back when they got their second appearance in the show and Bubbles said: I WANT THE BLONDE, I THINK HE IS CUTE!.... IM DYING OVER HERE I NEED ANSWERS!!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Update!! The 3 of them say more shippable stuff KYAAAAAAAAA omg omg omg GO WATCH A VIDEO WITH ALL THE RRB MULTIVERSUS VOICE LINES... IM SCREAMING 😭😭😭😭😭
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Im going DELULU!!
also since now they became mainstream thanks to this crossover game i should remind people of other old crossovers as well that are still ongoing and need more love:
The original fusionfall retro and legacy were cancelled i think but i think you can still play the retro. But currently i saw that there's people working on a new version that was going to be renamed: Saturday morning: invasion.
Anyway look at this images from Fusionfall legacies 👇😖
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Boomer will be included in Saturday morning invasion too with a different look... So i hope the project succeeds!!🤞🤞🤞
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This is a Halloween special from the webcomic that is still ongoing in snafu-comics.
Needles to say i fell into the deep pit of shipping hard madness after seeing this 😂😂😂 even though i don't need this much, i can go delulu and make up a reason to ship characters out of every insignificant detail, hence the fuss i made over: " I hope Bubbles didn't see that", yeah my blue boy is totally in love 🤪🤪🤪
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classpectpokerap · 3 months
What exactly does "gloves is canon" mean, if you don't mind me asking?
let's just fucking get right into it.
Ultimate Rose Pt. 2: Gloves Are Canon
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if you haven't seen part 1, here it is. the tldr version of it was to estabish candy rose (at the VERY least) as a liar. i also have a headcanon about ultrose putting alpha earth rose into front in candy timeline, but that doesn't really matter too much. its just kinda fun
anyway. heres the theory.
so you guys know A Threat, Sensed, right?
it's one of the hs2 bonus comics. originally patreon exclusive, but was made public for everyone during the hiatus. and i think it contains some deeply revealing information.
you may be wondering... hey, isn't that the comic where ultdirk talks to hussie about yiffy? like, its hussie's one appearance in the comic. kind of weird.
ahaha. yeah. so. about that.
let's rewind a bit. what's the contents of A Threat Sensed?
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dirk wakes up after having the shit kicked out of him in pesterquest.
rose is like huh? huh wuh? but dirk gives her a thumbs up. and then he goes to sit on his computer, and type to god.
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and then after that delay, he gets a reply.
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etc etc etc. they talk. they chat. hussie talks about his beloved daughter yiffy. normal stuff. hey roll that last one back
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let's play in this space. lets play in this space. perspective. daughter.
who's daughter is yiffy?
let's rewind.
when homestuck act 6 dropped, it released with one very important page.
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this page.
this page, where someone with seemingly grey skin is typing on a keyboard. holy fuck, what a reveal. new troll. oh my god. this is the 13th troll
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like, they have to be a troll, right? theyve got the time stuff. theyve got a symbol. theyve got shit going on with them
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they were wearing gloves.
this? this is fucking huge.
in homestuck we see that shot a lot. of fingers on a keyboard. but every single time we have seen it, we have also seen at least one shot of the person typing, right?
with two exceptions. one is callie in the act 6 reveal.
and the other is andrew.
er, sorry.
from the patreon post on A Threat Sensed:
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those are fake hands. what. what . what. what.
if this comic has a history of having a reveal when it comes to characters where Only Their Hands are being shown
and gloves are canon to homestuck, and have been used to precipitate this reveal
then perhaps
gloves are canon here as well.
if you'll allow me to speculate. on the gloves are canon in question.
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yeah of fucking course rose is pretending to be hussie because WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE adjKFJGSKDHdskjgjkfskjgdsf
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"is that why you were lying on the floor" a question that Rose had because she saw his ass lying on the floor!!!!!!!
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hm purple background. anyway im sure thats fine
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hm. hm. hm. psychoanalysis. hmmm. hm.
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now if i was rose
if i was ultrose. and i wanted an ultimate weapon against dirk.
if i wanted to Make A Weapon Against Dirk.
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what would i do.
how would i create it.
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who would i hurt in the process.
anyway. this is all leading up to part 3 of this fucking nightmare roller coaster. but uh. basically. i think this one is like all but confirmed????
We’ve had quite a bit of speculation on whether this is “really” Andrew. To that, I think we’d say that it doesn’t “really” matter. If you’re asking are those Andrew’s actual hands, then no, of course not. Because those hands are fake hands that are on the computer screen.
this sounds like it's telling us no, it's not "really" andrew. and to look at the hands. and we KNOW from part 1 of this theory that rose is incredibly deceitful.
the delay in "andrew"'s response could have plausibly been rose slipping away into her little hidey hole, putting on the stupid fucking gloves, and only then typing.
andrew never confirms who he is. and i'll admit, some of the lines don't sound 100% like rose. but others do. others really, really do.
i like this theory because it makes rose and dirk's rivalry on deltrius interesting. it means she has legs up on him. he thinks he's talking to hussie, but he isn't. she has plans within plans. she's got shit she's cooking.
i like it because it contextualizes yiffy, too.
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hm wow it sure seems like the candy timeline isnt actually all that sealed! it sure seems like theres something in there that is a corrosive paradox! something that affects both timelines!
or someone!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway. yiffy is an ultdirk icbm created by rose . rose wore gloves. gloves are canon. that's my theory graaaaaaaaaahhh
part 3 coming soon :3
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rosenclaws · 5 days
Hi again lol 👋
Here's the leopold idea I had:
The reader is a shy baker who lives next door to Stuart. Her and Stuart are friends, and sometimes she'll bring meals/baked goods over to make sure he's eating (she's soft like that). She also has a cat, Appa, who likes to visit Stuart. When Stuart takes Leo home, they get introduced to each other due to her cat coming over and finding Leo instead.
Leo and the reader build a friendship, and she introduces him to all the different cuisines/baked goods the 21st century has to offer. Over time, they start to develop feelings for each other but won't say anything to the other because they don't think the other likes them in that way. Stuart, our awkward wing man, informs Leo that the reader definitely likes them due to how much time they spent with them and may have overheard a conversation that the reader has with a friend about him.
They admit their feelings in a fluffy way and throw in a kiss and maybe like a timeskip into the future where they're married, and they're telling their kids how they met and all that fluffy goodness.
I'll leave the ending up to you. I was running out of creative juice on how to end it, lol.
Made With Love || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
warnings: fem!reader, fluff, a little messing with the Kate & Leopold canon, me making shit up about Leopolds past, leopold is a girl dad
a/n: I love this request and it actually ended up being longer than I thought haha. I have also crafted this total backstory to Leopold's childhood and parents in my head so now that's gonna be a running theme in my leo fics i think. Anyways I hope you like it!! Also i made some little divider in canva in like 3 seconds im sorry its not very original sdfalkj
wc: 2.9k
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The sun shines through your balcony windows as another day begins, well for you the day had began at 4am. Preparing dough for the large order of baked goods you had to deliver today. It's a very small business, one that you run from your apartment but you love it.
"Good morning Appa, finally decided to wake up huh?" You wipe your hands on your apron and scratch his head softly. He stretches happily before heading towards the window. Appa is a very spoiled cat so you have no worries of him running off. He often travels to your neighbors, seeing if they're free to give him even more attention.
"Okay pretty simple order today." You check your list over before giving yourself a little time to rest.
A loud yowl makes you jump as you hurry towards the window. That's definitely Appa and you've never heard him make a sound like that. Peeking out the window you see him standing outside of Stuarts window, back arched and ears flat as he hisses.
"Appa what has gotten into you!" You climb over and pick him up.
"Sorry Stuart I have no..." When you look into the window it's not Stuart you see. A strange man is on the couch looking disheveled and confused and wearing really strange clothing.
"You're not Stuart." You hold your cat closer, debating if you should run and call the cops or not.
"I'm afraid not, he'll be back in just a moment." You slowly inch back towards your apartment.
"Um, okay. Who are you? Exactly?"
"Leopold. Do you know the man that lives here?" He gets up and walks towards you making you take a step back. Appa jumps out of your arms and scampers back to your apartment. The door opens and you spot Stuart and Bart.
"Stuart! What the hell did you do!?" You shout. Leopold stops in his tracks when he notices the nervousness in your voice.
"Dammit!" Stuart hurries over to the window.
"Now is not a good time, I'll explain later." He abruptly slams the window in your face.
You slam your fist against the window but the blinds go down, locking you out. You knew Stuart has had some, interesting ideas before. He's shown you but you never believed they could actually do anything. Just a work of science fiction.
Climbing back into your apartment you check on your baked goods. Taking a few sheets of cookies out of the oven you decide to grab a few and put them on a plate. Stuart could never resist your homemade chocolate chip cookies.
"Stuart! Let me in! I have cookies." You hear shuffling behind the door before it swings open.
"Not fair." He opens the door to let you in and you smile happily.
"So, who is he?" Stuart explains as much as he can. That he traveled back in time to 1876 and accidently brought back his great great great grandfather Leopold and now he has to get him back or else he'll disappear.
"You're kidding right? This is some elaborate prank?" Stuart shakes his head as he takes a bit of a cookie.
"I swear on my life." Your eyes drift to Leopold who was currently looking through some magazine.
A look of utter bewilderment on his face. He throws the magazine down and lets his head fall into his hands. To him this must be a nightmare. Not that you fully believed Stuart but you were willing to entertain the idea. You take the plate of cookies and place them in front of him.
"You want one?" He lifts his head to see you standing there. You actually start to feel bad. He looked stressed, upset, and genuinely lost.
"What is this?" He reaches out and turns it around in his hands.
"Have you never seen a chocolate chip cookie?" You ask with a laugh, though it quickly dies down as you realize he hasn't.
"Try it, it's good." He hesitates but takes a bite.
"This is marvelous. Did you make these?" He stands up abruptly, startling you just a bit.
"Yeah, have you really never had this before?' You ask in disbelief. Leopold finishes the cookie quickly, savoring every bite as the flavor takes over his taste buds.
"Never, I've had shortbread before but never something this rich and delicious." He compliments. You're slightly taken back, yes people like your baked goods but they aren't usually this forward about it. Or this charming
"Oh it's nothing, I make these all the time."
"Nonsense, the work of a baker is like art. Crafting such succulent breads and goods with your own hands is no easy task." The way he speaks is enchanting, maybe it's the accent but you've never met a man so well spoken before. Maybe he really was from the past.
"I can show you how I make them, if you want." You offer.
"It would be my honor."
“Hey wait a second,” Stuart interrupts.
“You said the next chance to get him home is Monday right? Well thats a week away so we have time. Bye Stuart!” You grab Leopold’s wrist and take him back to your apartment. He’s met with the smell of fresh bread as he steps foot into your place. It’s comforting, reminds him of his childhood.
“I have a couple orders that are getting picked up today, so can you help me roll out some dough?” You don’t hesitate to put him to work as you prepare the pie filling for your order. Leopold takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves. You hand him five separate balls of dough for the five pies.
“You mentioned orders, do you run a bakery?” He questions as he watches you weigh ingredients.
“Not quite, I wouldn’t really call this a bakery. More of a small business.”
“A businesswoman?” You raise an eyebrow and stop mixing.
“What? Hard to believe?” You tease.
“Not at all. I find it very fitting.” You hum in response, finishing up the filling for the order. You turn on some music to fill the air and time goes by quickly. Leopold is a great help, the pies getting into the oven ahead of schedule.
"Now we wait." You say with a sigh as you stretch your arms above your head.
Appa jumps onto the counter and rubs his head against your side. He stares at Leopold for a moment before cautiously sniffing his hand. Leopold reaches and pets Appa's head, scratching his chin and smiling when Appa starts to purr happily.
"So, tell me Leopold, how did you get here from the past?" He sighs and leans against the counter.
"I haven't the faintest idea. One moment I'm about to announce my engagement and the next I'm falling off a bridge and waking up here." He looks around, staring out the window to look at what is supposedly New York.
"Engagement?" You say shocked, I mean he's a good looking guy so it's not too shocking but that's quite the information to dump. His face shifts to a look of annoyance.
"My uncle had decided that it was time to get married. We were running out of money and marrying a wealthy American was..."
"A means to an end?" You finish for him.
He nods, he smiles but there's sadness in his eyes. You couldn't imagine what it must be like for him. Having to marry for money instead of real love. Without think you start to play with your necklace.
"That's a beautiful necklace. May I?" He reaches out but waits for your okay. You nod silently and he gently holds the stone in his hands.
"It was my grandmothers, real diamond so she claimed." You joke, real diamond or not it belonged to her and you loved it.
"My mother had a ring like this. A beautiful ruby at the center." He gently places it back down against your skin. You suddenly become incredibly aware of how close he is. Your timer rings out through the apartment making you take a step back. You clear your throat and move to check on your pies.
"Tell me more, about your life before you came here." You ask, wanting to know everything about this man. He's like a magnet that you can't help but move towards.
"It's a long story." He says gently. You glance at the clock and shrug your shoulders.
"We've got time."
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The week passes by too fast. Way too fast. Leopold was over almost every day. Helping you with your orders and telling you wonderful stories.
He was a natural in the kitchen with you. For that he gave credit to his mother. His mother wasn't born royal, working in an orchard for her family. She was a wonderful cook according to Leopold. His father was the one with royal blood, like Leopold he was meant to marry for power, for status but he didn't. He fell in love with Leopold's mother, love at first sight. Soulmates that were destined to be together. Their love story is what made love so hard for Leopold. Love is a leap, that's what he said. Yet there has been no one worth jumping for.
You understood, there hasn't been anyone like that for you either. Well, not until Leopold showed up. You used to scoff at the idea of love. It feels impossible to find love these days, no matter what you tried there never was this spark. So you stopped caring for now, focusing on your business instead.
Then Leopold fell into your life and ruined it all. You want to tell him, to kiss him, to save him from a loveless marriage but the deadline looms over you like a cloud and the fact that he's told you he's never been in love suppress any real chance of you saying something. So you decide to enjoy your time with him now, hoping its enough to last you a life time.
Sunday night comes too quickly. He has to leave tomorrow. Leopold stares out at the city he's gotten to know. The lights are on in your apartment but he can't bring himself to go over. He has to say goodbye but he doesn't know how. He hears the window open behind him.
"She's home. I can hear her through the walls." Stuart nudges Leopold's shoulder. He glances over but stays put.
"I...If go now, I don't think I would leave. I love her." He looks down at his hands.
"She loves you too. I know it. I've never seen her light up around someone like she does with you." Stuart rests a hand on his shoulder in an attempt at comfort him.
"I'm sorry, I wish things were different." The light in your apartment goes out and he feels his heart clench.
It's too late. He sighs and heads back inside, laying on Stuarts couch as he stares at the celling. At least he's gotten the chance to know what love is.
Even if it's a fleeting moment, he knows.
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You knock on the door, a plate of fresh cookies in your hand. You want Leopold to have them one last time. You wait and wait but no one comes.
A pit forms in your stomach as you leave the cookies at the doorstep. You hurry through your apartment to the window. Your heart stops as you see a letter with your name on it sitting on your window sill.
Hello my love,
I apologize for not seeing you in person before I have to leave. The truth is I am a coward. I knew that if I had said goodbye, if I had seen your face that I would not have had the strength to leave. Though I return to my time, I must tell you that my heart is yours. It will always be yours. I love you.
Yours truly,
You wipe the tears that are forming in your eyes with the back of your hand. He can't be gone. He can't just leave like that. You love him. You love him so much. You fold the letter and tuck it in your back pocket.
"Appa!" You grab your cat and run out the door.
This is stupid, this is so stupid. You race down the street towards the Brooklyn bridge as fast as your legs could carry you. Appa clings to your shoulder as you weave through the people.
"Stuart!" You shout as you spot him across the street. He looks at you confused as you run through traffic, dodging cars to get to him.
"Is he gone? Is it too late?" You ask desperately.
"I...what?" Stuart asks in disbelief.
"Is it too late to go back?" Are you really going to do this? Go back in time to be with him? This is crazy, absolutely crazy. But Leopold told you that love was a leap and for once you want to jump.
"Are you sure about this?" Stuart asks as you both race towards the bridge.
"Yes, for once in my life I am sure." You stop on the edge of the bridge.
"I just have to jump right?" You hold Appa tightly as you peer over the side.
"Don't look down, it's going to be okay." You take one last look back.
"Thank you Stuart, Thank you." You give him a hug before take a deep breath and jumping off the side.
You feel the wind rushing past your face, you're falling and falling. Until you're not. Everything seems to stop. As you open your eyes you see cobblestone streets and people dressed in old clothing.
"We made it!" You look around for any sign of where to find Leopold.
Racing down the streets towards his home, he told you about it once. Pointed it out, he was shocked it was still there. You sneak your way past some people dressed in fancy clothes. Head's turning your direction as you stick out amongst the crowd. Your breath stops as you see him steps above the crowd.
"Sorry, excuse me." You push past a crowd of people to get his attention.
"Leopold!" His eyes dart around the room, searching for your voice. Perhaps it's a trick of the mind.
"Leo!" You push to the front, not caring that everyone is staring at you.
You're here, you found him. A look of pure shock on his face as he steps down. For a moment he doesn't think you're real. How could you be? You set Appa down and walk towards him.
"How could you leave me without saying goodbye?" You take the letter and shove it against his chest. He stands there, still stunned by your presence.
"I love you Leopold, I love you." He leans in and kisses you passionately.
One hand cupping your head and the other resting at your waist as he pulls you as close as he can get you. Your arms wrap around his neck, his nose brushes against your cheek.
"I love you." He says breathlessly. Without hesitating he gets down on one knee, taking his mothers ring from his pocket.
"Will you marry me?" You don't wait a second before saying yes. He slips the ring on and pulls you into another kiss. Nothing else mattered as you held Leopold in your arms.
You were home.
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"Tell it again!" Your oldest daughter pleads. She puts on her best puppy dog eyes. You laugh and brush the hair out of her face.
"Yes please!" The younger one joins in the begging.
"You've already heard it a million times." You say but they don't care.
"But it's such a good story. You're like a princess!"
"Actually, she's a duchess." Leopold says as he walks through the door. Your girls jump from your lap straight into Leopold's arms.
"How are my darling girls today?" They start to babble on about their day and you watch happily. Appa sits on the window sill, lazily sleeping in the sun.
"Alright go wash up for dinner." He gently sets them down and watches as they go running. You stand up and kiss him gently.
"How was the bakery today?" You ask as Leopold wraps you in a warm hug. He smells like bread.
"Busy as usual." When you got married it's safe to say his uncle was not amused.
So the two of you left and much to Leopold's dismay you sold your necklace. He tried to get you to keep it but you were set on it. With the money you opened up a small bakery. You tried not to mess too much with the past but somethings slipped through as your bakery became the biggest hit in New York. Now you live a nice life. Two kids and a loving husband. What more could you ask for?
"The girls say we're soulmates," You hum happily. Leopold kisses you again, and again, and once more for good measure.
"We are my love,"
"Through space and time." You add.
Looking back maybe it was crazy that you left everything behind so quickly. To leave everything you knew to be with him. But you loved him. It felt like there was this string pulling the two of you closer and closer, through all of time. You built a life with him. There's no regrets, no worries. Just Leopold.
He was yours and nothing else mattered.
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spooky-dumb-ass · 1 year
Some random Nanami and Choso Hcs :)) part 2
i was supposed to do kashimo as well but i don't know much about him 😭😭im sorry!!
anyways sorry if its bad! I honestly dont know much about them either but i tried!
part 1 ; part 3
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Nanami Kento
Carries a pocket dictionary with him DESPITE the internet???
CANNOT go a day without coffee
He sits at a 90° angle you cannot convince me otherwise
Yells at the TV while watching sports 😭
Has like a lot of dogs
Acts like everyones dad even if hes THE SAME AGE
brings up random ass facts in the middle of a conversation
definitely stops to stare at the moon every now and then
His jokes somehow always fail HORRIBLY
Hes the type to think everything is a sign and is connected to him💀
weirdly hates the feel of soil and whatnot
terrible driver, knows every rule "dont go across that, its illegal.." "but you just did"
asks itadori to explain slang and jokes to him a l l the time 💀
idkwhy i but i feel like he really likes sweets??? especially strawberry flavoured ones
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairings: lewis hamilton x fem!reader / sebastian vettel x fem!reader (with a lovely cameo from Markus Webber) 
warnings: swearing. implied infidelity. 
time stamp: june 21, 2021
author's note: this is an INTRODUCTORY chapter so certain things won't make sense now, but they will make sense later, luvies !! anyway- im so excited about this revamp and i hope old gentle hit readers will like it as well <3 
• • • • • • •
''I don't know what you're doing out here, there aren't any courts around.'' 
Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. 
Y/N glanced up from her phone, being met with the smiling face of Sebastian- a sight she had been able to ignore the ongoing weekend. 
''The courts don't need me today.'' Her words came out more passive aggressive than she had meant to, but the German driver's sudden appearance caught her off guard. ''Don't you think I should be asking you what you're doing here? I'm afraid you're in the wrong garage.'' She plastered a fake smile on her face, something Sebastian noticed in an instant. 
''Yeah, I, uh, wanted to talk to Lewis.'' He explained, leaning his arm on the wall. 
The Frenchwoman looked to where her partner was standing, deep in conversation with Bono and Angela. ''He's a little busy right now.'' 
''It seems so,'' he didn't glance over Lewis, his eyes staying on her, ''it's been a while since I've seen you.'' Sebastian stated, resting his head against his arm. 
Y/N nodded. ''Yeah, that's true. My schedule hasn't been working out too well with all the races this year.'' Her tennis tournaments and Lewis' races had been coinciding rather too much in her opinion. She felt guilty that she couldn't be there to support her boyfriend as much as he had been there for her. 
''That's too bad, but you've been doing really well this year.'' He told her, unconsciously admitting that he had been keeping tabs on her season. 
The tennis player raised her eyebrow, a little surprised at the unexpected compliment. ''Well, I appreciate that,'' she thanked him, ''although, I hope you're not stalking me.'' Despite the sarcastic tone in her voice, there was a truth to her words. 
''I've always been a fan, you know that.'' The Aston Martin driver retorted. 
Y/N let out a sigh. ''You're not here to see Lewis, are you, Sebastian?'' He got goosebumps as his name left her lips, lots of time had passed since the last time that happened. 
''The word was going around that you were here, wanted to see it with my own eyes.'' Sebastian revealed his real reason for his appearance at the Mercedes garage. 
The woman in front of him had an unimpressed look on her face. ''That's the kinda gossip everyone discusses here? It really gets more boring with each year that goes by.'' If her attendance was the biggest topic of the day, she didn't have very high hopes for the other ''gossips'' that went around the paddock. 
''I mean- you've always been the talk of the town here, haven't you?'' The comment made her cringe, a hard time controlling her facial expressions. ''And normally you make these grand entrances so people weren't too sure whether you were actually here or not.'' 
''I'm here for Lewis.'' Y/N stated, a bigger meaning behind her words than seemed on the surface. 
Sebastian let out a weird mix between a scoff and a chuckle, momentarily glimpsing at the ground. ''I don't doubt that you're here for Lewis, Y/N.'' 
He lied, he did doubt it. Many events had transpired between the pair for him to doubt her intentions and support for his longtime rival and eventually turned friend. Or in other words, Sebastian was convinced he had every right to raise his suspicions over Y/N and Lewis' relationship. 
''Can we not do this now?'' She didn't have the energy or interest to engage in a conversation with Sebastian about the obvious elephant in the room. 
The German had an answer ready, but was interrupted by a curious Brit approaching them. ''Hey, Seb! How are you, man?'' Lewis greeted him, holding out his fist. 
Sebastian quickly dropped the agitated expression on his face, wearing a soft smile instead. ''I'm good, and you?'' 
''Yeah, I'm good- feeling ready for today.'' Lewis was blissfully unaware of the tension in the air, happily grinning while putting an arm around his girlfriend's waist. ''Good conditions, I think it's going to be a nice race.'' 
''I think so too, looked really good out there.'' The younger man confirmed his words, glancing in-between the couple. 
Lewis nodded to what he was saying. ''Where are you starting again?'' The Mercedes driver asked, forgetting where his friend had ended up in qualifying. 
''Oh, P12.'' Sebastian quickly answered. 
''Well, I know you're gonna do great, man.'' Lewis had felt bad for the man, going from a top team to one that could barely make it into Q2. However, he knew Seb and that he would extract everything he could from his car. 
An appreciative smile appeared on the driver's face. ''Thank you, Lewis.'' 
''So, uh, what were you guys talking about?'' 
How his ''friend'' is here to see me and not you. 
A small panic flashed through Sebastian's eyes as he looked at Y/N who seemed more calm about her boyfriend's curiosity. ''Apparently, my attendance today has been the talk of the paddock so far.'' She chuckled, her eyes on Lewis. 
The 7x World Champion giggled at her answer, squeezing her hip. ''Really? That sounds like my girl.'' 
Sebastian observed the way they were wrapped up in each other, an ugly feeling resting in his stomach. He hated how natural it looked for them, how easy it was for them to show affection. Above all, Sebastian secretly despised the way she had her eyes set on her partner. She looked enthralled by Lewis as if he was the only person in the world at that moment. 
He despised it, because that is how the woman's eyes used to stare at him.  
The best word to describe Sebastian and Y/N's history was complicated, and even that term didn't do their relationship justice. 
They first met in 2008 at the Italian Grand Prix where Sebastian took his first ever Formula 1 race win. She had been invited by his French teammate to the Toro Rosso garage, ultimately bumping into the 21 year-old German. 
It didn't take them too long to become close friends; they share a birth year, both are incredibly passionate about their sport and the two of them have a special talent in pushing other people's buttons in a charming way. 
It almost seemed like a cheesy rom com where the two protagonists meet and despite their different careers, they fall in love and live happily ever after. 
However, there is a huge emphasis on the word 'almost', because in a traditional rom com the male protagonist doesn't have a long term girlfriend who he swore he was going to marry someday. In an ideal world, that's where their story should have ended. 
But this isn't an ideal world. 
''He's here for you,'' she pointed from Sebastian to Lewis, ''so I'll leave you two.'' Sebastian wanted to protest, suggesting to leave himself, but she was already making her way to Tiffany who was standing on the opposite side of the garage. 
Sebastian's eyes followed her steps, swiftly turning his head once Lewis started speaking. ''What's up, man?'' 
''Nothing, I just, uh, wanted to, uh,'' the German figured he should have come up with at least a probable excuse to talk to Lewis before coming to the Mercedes camp, ''there's, uh, this new project I'm working on and I would love to talk to you about it, but maybe we can do it another time, I think we, uh, have to get ready.'' He rambled on, simply wanting to go back to his own team. 
''Yeah, that's alright. I can't wait to hear what you've been developing!'' The Brit knew that whatever his friend had been planning, would be a great success and he felt touched that Seb wanted to share his ideas with him. 
Sebastian put up a happy facade to hide his discomfort, ''Thanks,'' guilt crept up on him at the sight of Lewis' genuine excitement over the mere talk about something he had been working on, ''I have to go now, but I'll see you out on track.'' 
They shared a small hug, patting each other on the back. ''Yeah, good luck, man.'' They bid each other goodbye, each resuming their own pre-race routine. 
Y/N has subtly observed the conversation between the two world champions, trying hard not to show her satisfaction at the visible nerves on Sebastian's face and the awkwardness in his behaviour. 
''By the way, I really like your outfit today. It looks great on you.'' Tiffany complimented her, shifting the athlete's focus from Lewis to the Australian cyclist. ''Thank you, I absolutely love your dress! Black really suits you.'' Y/N returned the favour, scanning the woman's dress. 
''Thank you so much, I wasn't too sure about-'' 
''Sorry, Tiff! Can I borrow her for a second?'' Lewis interrupted her, his arms instinctively finding their way around her. 
Tiffany pretended to be offended, but excused them. ''I'll go find my own man.'' She winked, walking over to where Valtteri was getting ready for the race. 
''Seb said that he wanted to talk about some project he had been working on, and I was thinking that maybe we could go and have drinks with him later tonight? Maybe invite Val and Tiffany as well? I don't know, what do you think?'' 
Y/N took in his words, pretending to deeply think about it while already knowing she would not let that happen. ''A project? Did he say what it is about?'' She asked him, attempting to stretch the time she had to think about how she could politely tell Lewis she did not want to get drinks with the Aston Martin driver. 
''He didn't tell me, he said he would tell me after the race.'' Her partner answered, a slight pout on his face. 
Probably something about his bees. 
The younger woman nodded, a bit confused on why Sebastian wouldn't just tell Lewis. ''That's, uh, too bad.'' She noted. 
''So what do you think? You think it's a good idea?'' Lewis asked once again, looking her in the eyes, wanting her validation that it was a great suggestion. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''Yeah, it's been a while since we've done something with Val and Tiff alone.'' She realised she had to consider Lewis' feelings and if he wanted to get drinks with his friend, he should be able to, even if she didn't like it. 
''I'll suggest it to him when we're done here today,'' he pulled her closer, kissing her temple, ''I have to get ready now. I love you, darling.'' A peck on the lips and Lewis approached Angela who was keeping hold of his gear. 
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The race itself wasn't that eventful beside a podium for Lewis. She proudly watched him with the rest of the Mercedes team as he stood on the second top step, sending him a wink and a flying kiss. 
Afterwards, they met up with each other in his driver's room. ''Mon chéri!'' Y/N embraced him, a strong hold on him. ''I know it's not the result you were hoping for, but I'm proud of you either way.'' She cupped his cheeks, hating the disappointment in his eyes. 
''Thank you, love.'' Lewis gave her a quick peck, knowing she isn't a fan of his sweaty form after his races. ''I still have the debrief with the team, but after that we can go and have those drinks.'' 
''Have you, uh, invited them yet?'' She referred to Sebastian, Valtteri and Tiffany. 
He shook his head. ''No, but I'm gonna ask Val now and I'll ask Seb afterwards.'' 
''That's great.'' She said through gritted teeth. Y/N had a small hope that Lewis had been able to ask Sebastian already, and that the German had cancelled or had come up with a believable excuse as to not having to go. 
Lewis pointed to his changing area. ''I'm gonna get out of this and then I'm on my way, darling.'' His champagne covered racing suit started to give him claustrophobia. 
''Okay,'' she smiled at him, ''you know what? I'm going to take a little walk around the paddock, cause I saw Mark earlier and I didn't have the chance to say hi.'' Y/N used to be a Red Bull athlete for almost ten years, making her an old regular of the Red Bull Racing garage. That's also the place where she became great friends with the Australian driver. 
''That's lovely, I'll text you as soon as I'm done, alright?'' Lewis grinned, delighted to hear she wasn't just going to sit and wait around for him. ''Say hi to Mark from me, darling.'' He winked before disappearing and changing into his Mercedes team wear. 
Y/N swiftly freshened herself up, Lewis and his champagne-smelling sweat still lingering on her body. She grabbed her vintage handbag and was out of the hospitality. 
She definitely underestimated how hard it would be to find Mark Webber in a Formula One paddock. Normally, he was quite easy to find or maybe he was always at the right places at the right time. 
The Frenchwoman grabbed her phone from her bag and searched for the Australian's contact, not planning to look like an idiot while searching for him. 
He didn't make her wait for too long, picking up the call after two rings. ''Hello, you cunt.'' Mark warmly greeted, a teasing tone present in his voice. 
''Where the fuck are you? I've been trying to find you for like the past 10 minutes, did you turn into a ghost or something?'' 
''Oh, you would love for me to haunt you, don't you, Y/N?'' She could hear the smirk on his face. 
Y/N almost snorted at his answer. She would have given him a witty comeback if it wasn't for the German man suddenly blocking her way. ''Uh, Markus, I'll call you right back.'' 
''There's a hazard in front of me and I don't know how long it's gonna take before it's fixed.'' She answered with an attitude, looking Sebastian right in the eye. 
The ''hazard'' let out a scoff, her straightforwardness seemed to have grown even more over the years. However, he was impressed by the accuracy of his new nickname. 
Mark chuckled on the other side. ''Alright- well, I'm by the paddock club with David so I'll wait here for you, mate.'' He said his goodbye, seemingly understanding that she was being held up by someone she wasn’t a huge fan of. 
Y/N hung up the phone, placing it in her bag again. She wanted nothing more than to cross her arms and roll her eyes at the man in front of her, but they were in public and she was painfully aware of the eyes on them. 
''I'm only smiling, cause that guy over there has his camera on us and I don't want to go through that again.'' The athlete warned Sebastian, not wanting him to think she was genuinely glad to see him. 
The urge to roll his own eyes had never been bigger. ''I'm really happy to see you too, Miss Y/L.'' 
''I really don't have time for this,'' she sighed, ''what can I tell you that's going to make you leave me alone?'' Her bluntness didn't surprise him, she had never been the one to beat around the bush. 
''I just saw you walking by and thought I might join you, you looked a bit lonely.'' He explained himself, his eyes focusing on hers. 
She momentarily frowned, quickly fixing her micro-expressions. ''We both know that's not a good idea, Sebastian.'' His name rolled off her lips with ease. 
''Why's that?'' He played dumb, he was aware why it wasn't a good idea. 
''You really want to go that route?'' She sarcastically chuckled, a taunting smile on her face. ''Okay. Because us talking to each other like this will bring everything up again and I don't want to open those old wounds again, and I don't think you want that either.'' Y/N spoke calmly, but there was a fire behind her words. 
The driver scratched his voice. ''Y/N, people are much more interested in your relationship with Lewis than they are in anything that has to do with me.'' A lot of time had passed, and Sebastian wanted to be able to talk to his old ''friend'' without being scared of what other people thought of it. 
She was disappointed by his response. ''You really don't get it, do you?'' The athlete shook her head. ''Like I said earlier, I don't have time for this. Now, if you will excuse me- I have somewhere to be.'' 
Y/N moved past him, remembered something. ''Oh, and if Lewis asks you to get drinks with us, you say no. Have a nice evening, Vettel.'' 
Just as in the Mercedes garage, Sebastian watched her leave- not minding that he looked like a lost puppy whose owner left them alone at home. 
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''Too bad that Seb couldn't go.'' Lewis said, his eyes on the road and his right hand on her thigh. 
Y/N nodded to his words. ''Yeah… did he, uh, explain what his project was?'' She too had been curious about what the German had been working on. 
''Yeah, yeah! He's, uh, gonna do this t-shirt project to spread awareness about certain topics. For example, LGBTQ+, women in motorsport and all that stuff.'' Lewis summarised, echoing what his friend had explained to him. 
His girlfriend continued her nodding along. ''That's very interesting.'' 
''I know. I love how Seb is coming out of his shell these days- like since last year, he's been really stepping up and taking a stance against injustices. He would have never done this 10-12 years ago when he was with Red Bull.'' The Mercedes driver had always admired Sebastian, but ever since he took the knee with him the previous year in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement, Lewis had found a new level of appreciation for his rival. 
''That's really great, Lu. You seem very happy about it.'' No matter how complicated her and Sebastian's relationship was, she was relieved her partner had someone to stand beside him in the matters that he cared about. 
Lewis smiled at her words. ''I really am, darling.'' 
Upon seeing the genuine thankfulness on his face, guilt spread through her body. Y/N had never explained the true nature of her history with Sebastian to her significant other. Of course there were rumours about it back in the day that Lewis was aware of, but to him they seemed obviously overdramatised. 
She was keen on keeping everything that happened between her and Sebastian in his Red Bull days, in the past- Lewis didn't need to know about it. That was about the only thing both her and the German could agree on at the moment. 
The vibration of her phone barged in on her clouded mind. 
| UNKNOWN NUMBER I didn't mean to be insensitive earlier, I'm sorry. Good luck at Wimbledon, I know you'll do well! Love from Sebastian. 
Y/N had blocked and deleted his phone number years ago, but the 4x World Champion always appeared to always find a way back to her. 
''You're good over there?'' Lewis noticed her instant silence, quite uncharacteristic for her. 
Her head shot towards him. ''Yeah, sorry- something about Wimbledon.'' She mumbled, unsure of what to tell him. 
''Make sure you're there until the second week so I can come and see you play.'' He smirked, taking a glance at her reaction. 
She rolled her eyes at him, making him giggle. ''Great, now I actually have motivation to make it to the second week, not the fact that I have a title to defend.'' Y/N sarcastically thanked him. 
The tennis player had won the tournament three years in a row now, the 2020 edition being cancelled due to the covid pandemic. There was a lot of pressure on her to win the championship again, being one of the top players. 
''I know you're gonna win.'' Lewis stated, matter-of-factly. 
Y/N sighed. ''Don't say that, you know unpredictable these tournaments are, especially on grass.'' She appreciated her partner's confidence in her, but her own over-confidence had bitten her in the ass a few times in the past. 
''I'm sorry, darling. You know you're my number one, you're always the winner to me.'' He squeezed her thigh, caressing it right after. 
The side of her head rested against her chair, an appreciative look in her eyes. ''Merci, mon cher.'' She gave him a slow wink, one that her boyfriend imitated. ''You're welcome, love.'' 
''It doesn't happen that often that I replace Serena as number one, you know? So I'm gonna enjoy this moment.'' She teased, resulting in a pinch to her side from Lewis. 
''Don't you dare tell her, she'll kill me.'' 
''I'm definitely telling her.''
''Yeah, I know.''
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taglist :: @dannyramirezwife @luligirl_ @mistrose23 @azxulaa @develised @princesselle2111 @topguncultleader @poppyalice2001 @komorebi21
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
the main 4 meeting you for the first time
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 17-18)
summary; reactions and meeting you
warnings; cussing and suggestive language
a/n; hopefully you guys understand the kyle and stan one😭
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how kyle and stan met you:
you met them senior year. they saw your fine ass in class and were like "gawd dayum 😍😍🔥❤️" NAH JK kyle and stan secretly talked shit about you because you were the smartest in class. (they haven't even talked to you once) it was mostly kyle because he was jealous of your academic intelligence.
kyle: "who does she think she is acting like a goody two shoes and she shouldn't even be talking with that big ass forehead her calculations aren't even correct dude i'm totally way smarter than y/n🙄"
stan: "ong bruh like her forehead is bigger than my relationship with my dad😭 and no one can outsmart my super best friend dude🤨"
y/n: ....
like y'all sit close by each other in class and they still have the audacity to talk shit😭. they weren't even slick either you could clearly hear them but they thought you couldn't.
but one day things changed. they were struggling in algebra so you decided to help them. out of the kindness of your heart? no. the teacher told you to help them. this was the moment that would change everything.
y/n: "hi do you need some help it looks like you guys are struggling"
kyle: "no were fine we don't need your help"
stan: "yeah dude you can go away, kyle is way smarter than you we don't need you"
kyle: "yeah that's right i'm smarter than you punk so you can go away now🤓"
y/n: "ok kyle why did you pick 'd' instead of 'c' for number 1🥱"
y/n: "ah look at that so you need my help after all"
stan and kyle: "smart ass"
y/n: "what was that hm?"
kyle: "smart class"
stan: "y-yeah we have a smart class😇"
y/n: "i know you guys talk shit about me don't think your so slick"
stan and kyle: 😮😮
they stopped talking bad about you. since you found out you started "helping" them more and they both started getting to know you better. even though they still had their attitude. and with all that helping there formed a friendship<3.
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how cartman and kenny met you:
you also met them senior year. you however only met them because you decided to ditch class and do your business under the bleachers. both of them have seen you in class and they know your smart. they just didn't really care about you though.
*you walk over to the bleachers*
cartman: "oh shit teachers, RUN KENNY'
y/n: "im not a teacher wtf😭 "
they got scared there for a minute. but they weren't anymore until they recognized your annoying voice. cartman and kenny also thought you would never ditch class because your so smart🤨. (they were generally surprised)
cartman: "sorry there's no nerdy bitches allowed😘"
kenny: "you can be my nerdy bitch😏"
y/n: "and that's why your moms should've swallowed both of you when she had the chance."
cartman: 😮
kenny: "HAHAHAH" *bros tryna get into them baggy jeans💀*
cartman: "what the hell are you even doing here"
y/n: "no what are you doing here🤨"
cartman: "ditching class duh you dumb slut🙄"
y/n: "ok tubby well i need both of you to leave"
kenny: "why🥹"
y/n: "don't worry about it"
kenny: "YES MA'AM😍"
unfortunately they stayed because they're nosy as hell. anyways after they both saw you make money by doing peoples homework. they had mad respect for you. cartman was even a bit jealous that you came up with so much money. kenny on the other hand was wondering if you provide other types of services🤔.
cartman: " here y/n take this why don't we talk for a bit"
y/n: "are these crushed up smarties🤨"
kenny: "ya you can smoke em' or snort em' "
y/n: "y'all can't afford the real stuff💀?"
cartman: "so about your services, i'd like to be your manager i can make you stronger and smarter"
y/n: "do you have a gpa of 4.0"
kenny: "does 2.8 count"
cartman: "kenny stfu im tryna make us some money here"
cartman: "anyways so-"
after talking with them you agreed. but little did know that agreement was gonna be a long one. both of them truly admired your hard work and at some point it wasn't about the money. they really just liked hanging out with you😭.
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malewifeharem · 7 months
~ MGᝰ.ᐟ
yandere!diavolo alphabet
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彡- ,, yandere om! diavolo alphabet (template from @dear-yandere eheheheh)
cw ⁞ OMSWD CHAPTER 16 SPOILERS , mentions of babytrapping, violence, abduction, manipulation, just general yandere behaviour??? not proofread.
an ⁞ FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR THE HONOR OF TAKING YOUR FIRST ASK??????????? i've never sent an ask cuz im too nervous even with anon mode on haha :3
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
his love for you is deep, sure, but you have to remember that he's a crown prince — he doesn't have the time to love you as much as he wishes. he tries to compensate for that by showering you with gifts originating from all three realms, all of them being worth more than your house.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
he doesn't get messy, no no. barbatos does! he just needs to say the word and his loyal butler will get it done, no doubt. there are probably dozens of bodies rotting in the dungeons below the castle, but that's not for you to see or worry about.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
i can see his duality switching up very quickly depending on his mood. he could either be gently cooing to you, almost begging for you to not cry. OR he could be really sadistic and cruel, taunting you to no end — reminding you that you are his for the rest of your life — both as a human and as a devil and angel.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
he guilt trips you to noooooo end. what do you mean his gifts are too expensive for you? do you hate him? well, if you don't, you simply must accept them all! he gives you no room for negotiation, how could you anyway? his parents aren't around anymore, don't you feel sorry for him?
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
he doesn't like showing you his vulnerable side. he needs to be strong so you can rely on him, after all! thank god (is god the right word for him???) he's spent decades learning how to maintain his composure.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he would intimidate you into breaking your resolve. he would transform into his demon form and coerce you with threats like tying you up in the basement. i don't think he'd ever actually do that though — he knows human lives are fragile.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
he takes his relationship with you very seriously. he expects you to rule next to him — he still needs to prepare you for that role, so don't you dare leave.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
although diavolo would never keep you in the castle basement, he will throw you in there for a few minutes just to scare you. he did it once as a last resort after you threw a fit — locking you in one of the clean cells. you were quickly fished out though, he can't risk having you go around and finding the corpses of the people you know.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
he wants you to rule devildom next to him so marriage is a given. having heirs is up to you but he will be very disappointed if you say you don't want any — he may even consider baby trapping you at one point. he probably gives you etiquette lessons too, making sure you know your role in the near future.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
he gets very jealous but doesn't want to admit it to you. he'll find excuses for getting rid of your close friends and family — you've heard some absurd reasons before but you don't dare question him.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
very very affectionate. he likes to keep you around him as much as he can. whether or not that means resting in his bedroom, lounging in his office while he works or sitting on his lap on his throne. he's shameless too, he'll initiate pda anywhere and anytime he wants.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
he cant decide if he should properly court you or just claim you as his immediately. he is the prince of hell, how and who are you to say no? he ends up choosing to court you instead but he runs out of patience eventually, and just abducts you with the assistance of barbatos.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
although you'll most likely never see his true colors, he's literally insane. if it weren't for his amazing composure, he'd be lashing out at everyone and everything for even breathing the same air as you. you've noticed him tense up to the point where he's almost shaking from rage. (he's gonna pop and burst like a balloon eheh)
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
if it's a light sentence, he lightly slap your face and remind you to obey. if you've done something horrendous, he'll lock you in his room till you've learnt your lesson. he's sick, while he carries on with his day, he imagines you clawing at the door, begging to be released from your confinement. (i dont think it wld get that far)
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
you're not allowed to go out of the castle grounds. the gardens are still available to you but anywhere outside of the fences is a no no for you. you're not allowed to talk to any staff and angels except barbatos. he and the brothers are for you to use at your disposal, feel free to work them to the bone if that's what you wished.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
you may mistake him for being patient since he's quick to forgive you for your insolence but no. he's not used to not getting what he wants immediately, but he will forgive you easily. (aka he's impatient)
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
death isn't an escape for you, it doesn't matter if you're reborn as an angel or devil in your next life — he will have you either way. screw harmony between the three realms, he'll start another celestial war if it means he can have you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
he doesn't feel guilty at all. he has never been told no before in his royal upbringing and he feels entitled to have you to himself.
"only a fool would let go of a girl like you."
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
his mother passed early in his childhood and he hasn't seen his dad in decades or even centuries. no one around him is comfortable enough to talk to him normally till innocent you arrived in the devildom. you're too precious to him, he wants to know more about you. no, he needs to know — everything about you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
he'll gently coo at you, telling you that everything will be fine as long as you're with him. what could possibly harm you when he's the future king? (you yourself, duh)
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
(skip... if someone cld tell me what a classic yandere is pls do)
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
if you could somehow get in contact with the angels, you could get them to rescue you. although, in doing so, you might just start a war between the two realms.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
physically no, but he likes using fear to instill obedience in you. (read H)
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he quite literally kisses the ground you walk on, going as far as to collect some of your belongings to worship. he wouldn't build a shrine but he does secretly store all of them in a little safe in the corner of his room.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
after the events of the first game. he was really tempted to abduct you after belphegor almost offed you though. (do the calculations yourself ehe)
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
i don't think he would intentionally break you, but he also fails to realize that the fear and paranoia he puts you in is leading you down the same path. (so yes but unintentionally)
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Omg yes I will gladly request something for Banda he is so underrated 😭. Can I request general dating headcanons for Banda? Can it be fluffy there isn’t enough fluff of this man! Feel free to add in a couple stuff I hope you have a good day or night!<3
im gonna be honest. i dont care if this is ooc this man is so babygirl. those shoulders.... those hips.... that face. damn put me in the ground already 😭😭 also, you might know me from an old writing blog.. @/saebyeoked. i moved over here awhile ago, so i figured i'd write for aib here instead :)
gn!reader | tws: banda is a murderer... that's really it. overall pretty fluffy !! season 2 spoilers, and probably ooc banda | join my taglist !!
dating banda sunato headcanons
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you met in the solitary confinement game. he immediately caught your eye. you weren't too sure on what it was, but there was something about him that had you captivated from the beginning
you, banda and matsushita form a trio, telling each other what your symbols are. your relationship with both of them is pretty simple, and you don't get closer to banda up until the game is over
chishiya had asked you to tell him his symbol, as his partner died in the previous round. he had told you that banda was a murderer, and you shouldn't put too much trust in him. he had yet to lie to you.. so you brushed his comments aside
so what if he was a murderer? wasn't everyone, at least in this world?
though, you would be lying if you said the information didn't put a pit in your stomach— one that was growing with each passing day in the borderlands anyway
you caught his eye back in the jack of hearts game, too. mostly keeping to yourself, he could tell you were scared of dying. he wasn't, but it didn't mean he wanted to by any means
you, chishiya, yaba and banda end up living through the game— and you feel something pulling you to banda. for some reason, you decide to go with him instead of chishiya
your relationship begins to progress after it's just the two of you alone. you become friends surprisingly quickly, for a man who was a murderer in the real world.. he isn't the worst company
he's intelligent, quick on his feet and able to read situations really easily. it's nice to have him around for those reasons, if nothing else
banda has a very hard time expressing his emotions. he isn't big on friends, so it takes awhile for you to get close enough to him for him to think of you romantically
he knows what that feeling in his heart is, and he pushes it away until he can't ignore it anymore
neither of you really.. confess. you two just flirt— a lot. you insist to yourself that it means nothing, and flirting is just a fun way to pass the time or something. but it does become something more
you realize you like him romantically when he saves you in a game. it's nothing big, not in his eyes, anyway. he pulls you out of the way of an object that otherwise would've crushed you, and he acts like it was nothing
neither of you ever say you like each other romantically. it just.. happens
you're initiating the first kiss, obviously. he acts so cocky in every situation and he tries to hide the fact that he has no idea what to do from you
over the time you spent together, you're able to read each other really well. it's a major benefit in your relationship, as you both know whenever the other is feeling upset or angry about something
as a boyfriend... i will say he has experience. he knows what to do to get you flustered and hiding your face in your hands, and that's at the very bottom of the list of things he does
he tries not to be cheesy. but he will set up makeshift dates while the two of you are out scavenging. he never plans them beforehand, but you don't care. he doesn't even have to do it in the first place— as long as you get to spend time with him that's enough
he isn't big on pda. there's no one around in your world, but it's a general thing for him. it makes him feel really exposed.. and it bothers him
though, if it's something you enjoy he'll hold your hand occasionally. that's really all he'll do, but it's more than you ask for
he doesn't mind physical touch in the moments where it feels right. if you're having trouble falling asleep, he'll pull you into his chest and just.. talk to you to help you relax
his voice is the most relaxing thing in the world in your mind. he could be reading out the dictionary to you and it would help you in some way
banda's VERY protective. he knows you're more than capable, but he does want to keep you safe
as much as he tries to act tough, he has a soft spot for you and your safety is a priority to him. he'll go out of his way to make sure you're okay, even if he's injured
he's a surprisingly sweet boyfriend. despite his.. history...
taking everything he sees that he thinks you'd like or reminds him of you to give to you at some point, picking out your favorite food at a store if he sees it laying around.. all simple, yet noticeable things to show he cares
most of the time, you'll be the one initiating physical affection with him. he has other ways of expressing his feelings for you, but if it's a love language of yours he learns to not mind it too much when it's appropriate
boundaries! super important in any relationship, and he sets them up with you really quickly. always respectful of you, and will back off if you tell him you're not feeling something
as strange as it feels to admit it, he feels himself warming up. becoming a better person. that doesn't mean he changes his attitude, though
it just means that.. he is more willing to help people struggling, even if you aren't around. if he walks away, he'll picture your smiling face in his mind and turn around
he has a guilty conscience okay
teases you whenever he sees an opportunity to. if you're staring at him? he's teasing you. it happens more frequently than you'd probably like to admit but you looove how he sounds whenever he teases you
his voice is just... so soothing. even when he's using it to embarrass you somehow
teaming up in games because you're the only person he trusts with his entire being
if you ever say you love him.... he's lucky he can hide his emotions on his face because WOO he's a bit flustered
he doesn't say it back right away, but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel the same way. when he does say it, it's a very special moment, probably after a game where you both almost died
he expresses his love in other ways, mostly. quality time is his biggest love language. it's easy, and meaningful at the same time :")
reading books in silence <3
overall, he's a good boyfriend. he knows what you need when you need it and he's willing to learn from you, which is more than what some people are okay with
he admits when he's wrong. he's okay with making mistakes, and you never judge him for it
he's different. but you like it. and you like him, obviously
he lucky. he knows that, and he repeats it to himself over and over in his mind sometimes just to ground himself
he wakes up in the morning and has you? someone as kind as you? loving him? it baffles him, but he doesn't complain
he really does love you. he has trouble saying the words, but he will say it verbally when he feels the need to
he's nice to only you, normally
you make him feel good. he won't ever throw it away, and he makes that promise to himself
if he ever looses you, he's really messed up. you're so GOOD and he can't ever let you slip through his fingers
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
⭑ Romantic!
⭑ Gender Neutral!
⭑ Characther and Fandom: Mandy - Totally Spies
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★ -> Mandy is manipulative, jealous, controlling, possesive, attention seeker and maybe flirty and delusional? Anyways she is a pain in the ass
☆ -> Let's start with jealous, she is jealous of most people you talk to! God help you if you are Clover's, Alex's and Sam's friend
★ -> Yeah, for her any friend of yours, maybe anyone who talks to you but it's not her, it's a loser
☆ -> Attention seeker, maybe kinda delusional and clingy, she wants you to praise her and hang out with her most of the time, she carrys you around like some toy and always talk with you about everything, and sometimes she talks bad about people you talk to
★ -> And when you say to her to stop, she always looks confused like she did nothing wrong or says to you
" Yeah? Okay! " *Walking away*
☆ -> She calls you for so many dates and random hang outs that most of your time in school and out of school, Mandy is with you!
★ -> If any boy or girl haves a crush on you, she will make sure to humiliate that person, and everytime you and her(In case Mandy) are talking and plan to hang out, Mandy will look at that person that haves a crush on you with a smirk, like some sort of villain
☆ -> Of course she does that while you not looking or when you in the place, even if you got her doing that, she will make it again and make sure you don't got her(Again...)
" You really think Y/N really likes you? That they would hang out with you!? OMG THAT'S FUNNY!!! "
★ -> She keeps you away of your friends, sometimes she just go where you and your friends are and just leave with you
☆ -> And when you ask why she is doing that, she just give some excuse or just says something like
" Look Y/N! You don't understand! Im just doing because i want the best for you! I love you and you know that right? "
★ -> Resume: guilty trip and manipulation
☆ -> And she even uses her two friends(that it don't remember the name-) to help her and convice her, of course one of them already tried to talk to Mandy about this behavior
" Mandy don't you think you going...to far? "
" What!? Of course not! Why? Do you think i am crazy or something!? "
" No i just- "
" So do what i asked you to! "
★ -> She always tries to impress you cause guess what? Yeah she wants your attention, she just loves it when you praise her
☆ -> And when you not impressed or maybe even stand up by yourself, she gets angry and confused, you don't love her!? You not impressed!? She is pretty, rich, (don't) haves a wonderful personality, everyone loves her and finds her amazing!
★ -> She won't give up of you! She always got what she wants!
☆ -> And she wants you!
★ -> And it will have a point that she won't care anymore if you hate her!
☆ -> Love her or Hate her
★ ->  Both are in hers favor
☆ -> if you love her, she will always be in your heart!
★ -> if you hate her, she will always be in your mind
✦ - Surprise songs! -> 🍬 🕶 👯‍♀️
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✦ - NOTES!!
✮ I love Totally Spies ✮
✮ Idk what to say, just a random hc ✮
✮ Who loved the Shakespeare quote??? ✮
✮ Anways my birthday is close :3 ✮
✮ *Sends a virtual hug for you* Ily you guys! Ty for reading <3
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
well, i see that your blog is cock friendly, and even tho its a jikook blog, there is something that i think we should adress (i'm not saying that this could be a reason for jk's crush, im not saying it could not), but...
Namjoon's cock!!!!! I suare, if everything in that body is proporcional, you know, i mean YOU KNOW he is fucking big!
Oh anon I really wish you hadn't gone there.
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Now we must talk about JK and his anti Minimoni agenda. We now need to delve into this and get to the root of the issue. We must!
Jimin's hand on RM's lap.
JK: 👀
Love it. Okay let's take a look at some photos, shall we? Jimin's type.
Oh wait, before we proceed, JK's crush on RM i have never thought of it as an actual true crush. I think its played of as such for laughs. But I think JK just really admired him for his talents and what not and I don't think JK is attracted to RM in the slightest. Not even a little bit. Imo.
Now back to Jimin's type. 😁
Number 1) Wonho
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Number 2) Black interviewer
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Number 3) Usher
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Number 4) JB who is basically JK's doppelganger in some of his photos 😅
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Number 5) Gonna casually drop Tony
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And last but not least Number 6) The main topic:
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Jimin has a type. Okay? He likes them muscles and them thick men and them hot men and them arms and chests...and thighs... anyway, Mimi has a type. And while none of the men above hold a candle to his actual boyfriend, you can see the similarities.
Jungtiddies. Check
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Thighs. Check
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Arms. Check
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The whole damn body. Check
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Where I'm I going with this you ask? In short what I'm trying to say is, RM is Jimin's type. My friends and I disected this the other day and concluded the JK Minimoni thing probably has something to do with the fact that RM is Jimin's type to a T. JK looks at RM and sees himself. And then add the fact that RM is a genius and JK's insecurity goes through the roof!
(And like anon mentioned, JK has that Jungkonda, yes but on this post I also share what RM is working with so.... like I said. JK & RM, same thing basically 😂)
See, yeah, JK comes between Yoonmin and hates that Suga thirsts over his man. But, he is not threatened by short, skinny legged, with an ass almost as big as Jimin's, Min Yoongi. He knows Jimin will never see Suga that way. So he can dislike how Suga behaves with Jimin, but sometimes he even ignores it and doesn't look bothered at all. But when it comes to Minimoni he just has to insert himself. For eg, I saw something today.
Look at Jimin's face after JK adds in his 2 cents because of course he did
Minimoni moment, JK is like "not today Satan" He refuses for the audience to associate Jimin with RM and its the funniest shit. I mention here how JK inserted himself when Minimoni were practising the own it dance. Even though he wasn't really supposed to be there.
Disclaimer: The following opinions are my own, I will give them but please feel free to form your own
So listen. I will be the first person to tell people to stop treating the Tannies like characters in a fanfic. And I have mentioned many times that there has never been any in house dating (sans Jikook) That just wouldn't work and BTS wouldn't be together if that was the case. So please, please try not to read too much into the following tiny analysis. It's just something a friend pointed out to me and I couldn't believe it myself. It's short and quick, easy to miss. But it shows just how deep this thing with JK and Minimoni goes.
Okay so In the Soop season 2 episode 3 around 6 minutes in. (Thanks @serendipitous-sky)
Jin tells JK to go wake up either Jimin or V. Of course JK goes to wake up Jimin. Duh!
Sidebar, this isn't the point of my post, I just feel the need to point out that Jikook look at cameras ALOT. The whole time he climbed the stairs on the way to Jimin's room he was staring at that camera
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If you guys remember correctly, Jimin was kind enough to switch rooms with RM the night before. RM couldn't sleep in the main house due to all the noise. So they swapped. But JK forgot this. So off he goes to what he thinks is still Jimin's room (he cheated/helped Jimin to get this room btw, but that's an analysis for another day) Anyway, back to JK looking for cameras.
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If you're looking to mess around with your boyfriend and not get caught its important to find blind spots. So yes, Jikook are always making sure they know exactly where those cameras are. I'm sure y'all get it. 😏😏
Anyway, off he goes into the room and he's surprised to be greeted by RM's snores.
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He forgot this wasn't Jimin's room anymore. But guys, here's my thing. JK is here, right? He has heard and seen that that is RM asleep in that bed, right? So you'd expect him to leave, right?
Wrong!! JK goes further into the room!
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But why 🤭🤭🤭 that's my question. He had already established that was RM in the bed why did he need to go further into the room? What did he need to see? He literally has no reason to confirm it's RM in that bed when he already knows it is. So my guess is that he wanted to confirm RM was in that bed alone.
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Now hear me out, even if Jimin was in that bed lying down fully clothed just shooting the shit with RM, it would not have gone down very well. At all. Shit, would have hit, the fucking fan!
We definitely wouldn't have go10 a season 2 of ITS or anymore BTS for that matter 🤭🤭 I'm just saying, for the sake of a million things, I'm glad RM was in there by himself.
JK as he's leaving says;
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And off he goes to look for Jimin. We already know what happens after this. Nothing, coz we were robbed.
But anyway, conclusion: RM is the only one who actually threatens JK. And no this doesn't mean he doesn't trust Jimin. He knows Jimin would never but it doesn't stop him from wanting to make sure everyone most especially RM, remembers who Jimin 'belongs' to.
The End. Stan Namjikook for clear skin
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slutshamethesquirrels · 2 months
Shamesy's Declassified Fanfic Writing Survival Guide - Part 3
Help! The world is burning and everything sucks!
hi hi friends!!! welcome back to the fanfic writing survival guide!
today i'm gonna cover a bit of a "no-no" topic, if you will. its something i've been struggling a lot with here recently and something i'm witnessing other authors go through as well: writer's block... or, at least, what you might think is writers block.
today, we'll be talking about what to do when you lose interest in your fic. and, respectively (possibly more importantly), what not to do.
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1) Beat yourself up
Look, I know, I know. Theres a chance right now you're kicking yourself and loosing ur marbs because your little writer peanut brain has convinced you that you are satan's incarnate and everyone hates you and wants you to die.
this is, undeniably, untrue. i implore you to do whatever it takes to get out of this headspace before you do anything at all. go outside, touch some grass, maybe eat a bug, just really get in touch with the real breathing world with no fictional dick n balls for a while. however long it takes to realize your intrinsic value is not tied to the fictional dick n balls. there are no fictional dick n balls out there, friends. only real ones.
here u go, look at this:
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feel better yet? if not, keep staring until you do. it'll get funny eventually, i swear.
2) Force yourself to write the damn thing anyway
this is only gonna result in a sub-par product, and your readers can tell. no, they can, i promise. it's always evident to me when an author has lost steam.
i dont want ur poo poo writing, and neither does anyone else. i would rather you abandon it entirely than ruin it-- AHT AHT! TAKE UR FINGERS OFF THE KEYBOARD RN!!! NO!!! BAD FIC AUTHOR!! BAD!!
3) Think you owe your readers anything
another controversial statement but what am i good for if not being a big ole bitch??
look, we love our readers. we ALL do but you simply cannot pour from an empty cup for them. you come first, your mental health and general health comes first. your interests come first and your wants and needs come first. if they want superhot!chad!alphamale!jimmy neutron x reader or whatever that fucking badly, they can write it themselves.
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1) Write other things!
Yep yep!!! Write a one shot, a drabble, a personal self indulgent story, some poetry, whatever floats your boat!!
Remember, this is supposed to be fun! You are allowed to indulge in whatever you want to, shocker, I know!!! the world is your oyster baby! branch out to other fandoms, re-visit old dead writings you've re-gained interest in, write a character you don't usually write, jump on a roleplay forum and just chill, my dude. kick back and remember why you enjoyed it!
2) Put it on hiatus!
"NOOOOOO!" the readers shout and then immediately explode. "YEEEESSSSSS!" I respond just as violently. Seriously, push it away from your nog for a bit. Let it rest. I would rather see a good chapter from you in six months from now then to get something soulless. If you just cant rn, thats fine!!
3) Grab a buddy and have them critique you
god, i will forever be in debt to @vallification for having this type of friendship with me.
we often think of critique and feedback as a negative, but it can often breathe a new life into your work!! message your most down to earth and honest bud, send the draft over and just say "hey i fucking hate this why do i hate this" and chances are a pair of fresh eyes will be able to point out things to you you didn't see before. nut up and quit being a baby, we all have shit we can improve on. who are you, jesus christ? if yes, could you PLEASE answer my prayers and send me a hot n' spicy mcchicken to my door via drone and/or angelic delivery?? im not asking for much, dude its the best fast food sandwich.
"but shamesy, im super hermit basement dweller core and don't have a friend thats kind of a bitch that would--" yes the fart you do. im right fucking here, rude ass <3 my dm's and asks are always open.
3A) Bounce ideas off said homie
again, val could absolutely sit on my face for this. we throw ideas back and forth constantly. you have no idea how absolutely megamind brain your dogs can be until you ask them.
4) Just start virtually sharting onto a page
this is how suguru blue AND a first time for everything were created!!
just start typing and see what happens! sometimes it doesn't work out (#shamesy's failed ficlets ) but no matter the case it'll help you loosen up a little
5) Take your writing on the go!!
ooooo I LOVE THIS ONE!! Take your laptop or phone to the park, the beach, a coffee shop or cafe and just make it feel less like work and more like play! this can do WONDERS for your creativity! the library is also a great place, because you have so much literary inspiration to quickly reference!
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hope this helps!! you can check out my masterlist to find the other two survival guides as well as all my writings! stay cooch!!!
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Hello :D
I love your writings!!!!
And I love your dbd Yandere Leon x killer reader story :3 can you pls make a part two? I would love to know how it will continues :D
Thank you so much for your amazing work!!!!!!
Also have a good day :D
Of course! Your super sweet I'm so glad you like my writing. So I actually started working on a part 2 after seeing your comment. But your ask just really made me work more on it. So thank you for requesting! Also, I tried to make this as gender friendly as possible. If I messed up anywhere Im so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it 💙
Yandere Leon with Killer! Reader pt 2
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Leon is a clingy needy dude after he's yonked you from the killer's realm. So expect a lot of cuddling, no personal space, and following you everywhere you go in the apartment. 
He isn’t THAT weird, and lets you use the bathroom in peace.
You think anyway.
The best part about him following you like a puppy is the fact that you can basically make him do anything with a simple sentence. 
You could ask for water, and he will zoom over the fridge to get you some water.
Food has been cooked and brought to you.
You are treated like a god dang queen/king/royalty. 
As you should be.
He took you without your permission, and has been keeping you basically hostage. 
This is the least that he could do for you. 
Now, is his cooking very good?
Not really.
He is used to cooking food over a fire and, after joining The Entity’s realm, not eating at all.
If someone came to visit you guys (99.98% not gonna happen but it doesn't hurt to hope) like a friend of his, who didn’t hate him for kidnapping you, he would be giving them a death glare until they leave. Lucky for them that they're friends with Leon or else you'd have a giant mess to clean up and some laundry to do if ya catch my drift.
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Btw, Leon 100% wants you to be his house spouse.
You are so missed by your friends. And are enraged and appalled that Leon has done this to you and is able to.
A lot of the killers don’t care tho, since they’ve seen much worse.
But the survivors do, they're also extra pissed he is the one who did kill them for a while as of late.
But hey, not everything was too bad. 
He let you have hobbies, as long as you were still inside of the apartment.
Like sewing.
If you were really interested in it, he would ask you to sew some of his old clothes with big holes.
“Y/N,” he would whisper, before sitting down next to you. You were just sewing up old holes in a pillow case that you found in the back of the closet, hoping to maybe get some use out of it. “Can you sew up this hole for me?"He showed you an old, black shirt with a bullet hole on the chest. “Laurie got me good with a pallet, it put a hole in my shirt, and I haven’t been able to find someone to repair it.”
If you try to stab him with the needle or scissors to skedaddle then your butt is gonna get whooped. 
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" He yelled at you while you tried to break the front door down. "To get away from you! Duh!" You replied before body slamming the door. Leon let out a string of curses as he quickly wrapped his wound with scraps of fabric from the table. Leon soon grabbed you by your waist and dragged you to the bedroom. "Damn it! Let go of me!!" You screamed and held on to the door frame of the bedroom. Leon covered your mouth and pulled you into the room. "You have no reason to scream yet." He hissed in your ear and shut the door. 
If you like reading, he would ask force ou to read to him.
“But, if the werewolf liked the girl, then why wouldn’t he keep her? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?” he asked. You rolled your eyes, "because the vampire one already had dibs on her. And healthy relationships don't involve kidnapping!" You told him and continued reading. "They obviously don't love her like I love you" Leon mumbled.
If you like drawing, he would ask to see what you’re drawing and he would try to make sure to get stuff for you to draw more. 
Like pencils and pens.
“What are you drawing?” He would ask, standing above you as you leaned over the table. “Is it a zombie?”
“A cat?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a tree.”
Leon would frame and or put any drawings or doodles on the fridge.
If you have other hobbies, he would try his best to get you stuff to be able to do the things you loved. 
If he couldn’t, he would watch you and learn what you were doing.
If he had to go to a trial while you were at the house by yourself, he would lock the doors and take the key.
That way you wouldn’t be able to get out while he was gone.
While that did stop you from getting out, it did allow you some time alone without him hovering over you.
You could do whatever you pleased for the few hours that he was gone. 
Wanted to catch up on some extra sleep that got taken away from you?
Then nap time it is!
Want to draw something without him looking over your shoulder?
Freedom to draw whatever you want.
Though, you would have to hide them, since he does go through your stuff regularly.
Especially your drawing notebooks.
But remember, he had to find things that were hidden before he was forced into The Entity’s realm. 
So it won’t be easy to try and hide things from him.
Especially if he is suspicious of you hiding something.
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“What did you do today?” He asked, walking through the door and plopping on the couch next to you. “Nothing much really, just took a nap and tidied up a bit.”. “Then why are the pencils out of place and why are their smudge marks on the table?” He asked, looking at you. He knew you were lying about what you were doing. “I know you were drawing.” He looked at you with an upset glare, “You don’t have to lie about what you do when I’m gone, you know I love your drawings.” He grabbed both of your hands in one of his, his other hand on your upper arm, “Where is it? I would love to see it.”. “I told you, I didn’t draw today. I tidied up, and that included moving some of the drawings I’ve already made.” You ripped your hands away from his. He started to get angry. "Why are you lying to me?" Leon yanked to towards him. "You didn't draw some boy or girl you think like like right? Because I'm the only one you can see in that way!" He was growling at this point. "Damn it Leon! I didn't draw today, and besides, is it really such a bad thing if I don't want you to see my drawings?" You were sweating now. You may or may not have drawn a hot character you had a crush on. But what's the harm in that? And aren't you allowed to have some privacy? "DON'T FUCKIN LIE TO ME!" he screamed and pinned you to the wall. You got the wind knocked outta you. "You know I don't like secrets." You stayed silent.  “I’m going to find it, even if I have to turn this whole place upside down!"
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Yeah…he doesn't like secrets
Especially from you. Couples share everything right?
But if you dont draw and play games instead then maybe you get a game system or a game boy.
Or whatever you need/want for your hobbies
Anywaaays when he is forced to chill in the Killer camp he likes to ease drop on the killers and survivors who were you friends before you got yonked. (Yes you were friends with most of the survivors. You were a pretty friendly and chill killer) 
Leon started to hear rumors of him making a deal with the entity. Which wasn't wrong. But he still didn't you two to be discussed about with these asshats
He also started to hear your friends talk about plans to take you back and beat the utter crap outta our RPD boi.
But sadly for you, that's not happening. The Entity has gotten so much rage from Leon taking his anger out on his once friends. (He gets angry because someone isn't reciprocating his feelings fast enough. 
And Entity is also getting rage and despair from the survivors
To be perfectly honest, I don't think you're ever getting out. Leon's kills is more than making up for you no longer being able to do trials. So the entity is probably gonna leave you in Leon's hands. Forever
"You're mine you got that?" He hissed at you as you kicked and screamed at him to let you go. You had just tried to escape again and Leon caught you. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Leon screamed and dug his nails into your jaw, breaking the skin and causing blood to trail down your neck. You mumbled out a yes. "Good, because you're never leaving me."
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—----------------------------------------------------------------------------- little fun bonus if wanted —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe one day the Entity decided to let you guys out into the real world for a while since Leon has been so so useful as of late 
That also meant everyone could join.
Leon was pissed about this idea. He only wanted you and nobody else.
Besides, his ex-teammates aren’t probably the happiest with him
You know, killing them and all that.
Killers also didn’t really like him either.
They missed you being around the campfire with them.
But he made a deal, and The Entity was one to never let their side of the deal fail. 
Neither was Leon though.
He always kept his side of the deal.
And he wasn’t going to let anyone else come near you.
You already knew that though, and it wasn’t like you haven’t tried to bargain with The Entity either. 
But at least you could enjoy a day in the real world near your friends. 
So, yay
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
I find it somewhat funny how the vast majority of adaptations of Sun Wukong leave out that the Monkey King HAD A WIFE. a fucking wife that he KIDNAPPED AND FORCED TO BECOME HIS BRIDE.
She literally appears singing about this :'D before Nezha and his father rescue her.
and while I was learning about this, I couldn't help but think about the songs from Calypso, from Epic: the Musical (another recent hyperfixation) and in some way relate it to Monkey Kid.
after all, LMK's Wukong knows that the things he did when he was young were QUESTIONABLE to say the least (he literally said it) and that he regrets many things, and I wondered what his dynamic would have been like in that case with Jiaozi (his "wife ").
and that is precisely why I relate it to Love in Paradise in a certain way.
Like, we know that this Wukong definitely had good intentions, which were initially driven by good reasons, but which became more and more selfish, so here perhaps he could have brought Jiaozi to Flower Fruit Mountain as a direct response to 1- monkey logic + 2- after his trip to the west he needed a way to deal with loneliness and 3- demonic courtship is WILD.
Anyway, I can see this more (ONLY IN LMK) as a response to mourning and handling loss (the Brotherhood? Macaque? is up to your interpretation) and that he really doesn't know how to manage/communicate his emotions in a healthy way.
Imagine being Jiaozi, being taken from your comfortable princess life overnight, waking up in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE with a monkey man who is too... friendly to be a kidnapper?
Like, lmk's Wukong acts just like Calypso, with a lot of familiarity, his normal confident post-trip to the West self, explains the situation to Jiaozi (but in a much friendlier way than it really is) and she's like "uh HELL NO" but there really isn't much to do against the literal Monkey King, THE SAGE, THE EQUAL TO HEAVEN, and poor Jiaozi is having a full-blown crisis while Wukong doesn't understand why she's so distraught, don't she understand him? They have everything they want and need in the mountains!
Ironically other texts also described Wukong as a "spoiling husband who gave a lot of clothes/food/things to his wife" and that was probably the route he took after the beginning, Wukong has a lot of trash, but he was more than willing to share with Jiaozi as long as she was happy, that she wanted him back...love him Back.
He JUST doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter that KIDNAPPING YOUR SPOUSE REALLY IS...until Nezha and His Father come along.
Now, I don't think Wukong is stupid even before that happens, he would see Jiaozi's clear anguish, her sadness, the desire to return to her old life with her family, and although he consoles her and such, he is having a crisis, This is supposed to be normal, right? So why does he feel so bad when he sees her so distressed?
The glass fills slowly but surely.
I don't think he was a bad husband Per se, like I said, he was very pampering and such (maybe even Jiaozi sees him in a certain positive light, even if not as a husband, because of his good deeds of the past), but he had a big problem with taking things too lightly and not dealing adequately with his emotions.
so when he receives the ultimatum from Nezha and company, he has a very Im not Sorry for Loving You moment.
in which he does just that, he explains to Jiaozi that he let her go with Nezha, that he regrets having made her go through all this just out of selfish fear, and he very much regrets not regretting loving her even so (many years of being alone screwed him up a little head, so this type of interaction definitely marked his isolation even more in the future).
Even if in lmk Jiaozi doesn't keep track of him or anything like that, she makes it clear to him that she couldn't love him the way he wants her to love him. and it hurts, but it hurts good. because he learns from it.
(PS, it would be quite ironical if this Jiaozi marry Nezha of all people lol)
waaaaaaa I just love finding parallels between my hyperfixations, I will soon publish another one, but it will be much fluffier and from this same fandom.
(the songs that give the idea)
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cookieswithay · 11 months
🤖"Reign of Donnie 0!"💜
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🔨Donnie x female reader!🧪
Not really any warnings. A teeny bit of suggestion, since everyone's older. This is just my own special future au. New York's evolved and a little more mystic. Happy reading.
• "Uh, dearest. I don't think this is a very good idea."
• You mumbled as you stared at the mechanical clone in front of you. Donnie rubbed your shoulders in reassurance.
• "Nonsense, Wifey! This is perfection."
• He strode over to his creation.
• "Meet, Donnie 0! Your home AI for when I'm not around."
• That's right. Your genius of a fiancee has created a robot clone of himself. Due to the brothers saving people worldwide now, he can't always be with you. So, he made you something that could protect you and make sure you aren't lonely. But, you weren't really taking to 'im.
• "Has it-"
• "He, Y/N. Use my pronouns."
• You rolled your eyes.
• "Has HE been tested already."
• He revealed the bot's "tested on brothers" seal.
• "Will he be robotic and scary, like movies?"
• "He's supposed to be me so... of course not."
• "You sure?"
• Donatello sighed. Convincing you is taking a lot longer than anticipated. Maybe he should try a different approach.
• "How about this?"
• He looked towards the door.
• "I leave you two alone and you see how you feel."
• That was indeed the wrong approach. You hopped on his arm, nearly pulling his lab coat off.
• "Don't leave me with this thing!"
• D sighed once again. Your stubbornness was your best yet worse quality. Time to initiate plan B. Bribery.
• "Hey, Y/N~"
• You looked up.
• "If you check him out, we can go to that one place you like so much."
• "...The toy coffin in the hidden city?"
• He nodded.
• "That's the one."
• After a moment of silence, you got down from his bicep. Begrudgingly, you approached his invention. You looked down at it's hand. 'Hold for 3 seconds' a button said. You took a breath and did as instructed.
• A little techno jingle played and slowly the clones eyes opened. Glowing purple pupils fell on you. You looked back at your Donnie, hoping for some guidance. But instead, he waved, pressing you to continue with his creation.
• "What is your name?"
• It said, startling you. (Huh, it's teeth glow for it's speech) You looked around and cleared your throat.
• "Y/N L/N. Although my last name will change to Hamato soon."
• It silently processed your words. In a instant, the robot's ENTIRE demeanor changed. It straightened out it's coat and fastened it's mask. After checking the time, updating and other stuff, the clone's attention was back on you.
• "Salutations, Y/N,"
• It took your hand.
• "I am Donnie 0, your home AI."
• You didn't know what to say. This robot was frickin SPOT-ON. The exaggerated vocabulary. The soft tone that was only reserved for you. AND, the natural swagger.
• "Isn't he magnificent!?"
• Donnie shouted, wrapping his arms up your neck. You nodded. (Although you're still admittingly a little skeptical.)
• "I put my ALL into him!"
• He slid next to his creation.
• "Note the chiseled features,"
• "The super strength,"
• "And my favorite part, the clean paint job."
• Just like any other time he showed off an invention, you clapped. That paint job is really good. He looked just like D is he was dipped in a tub of glitter. (Mikey probably did that) Your fiancee snickered and pointed, silently asking you to look at the robot.
• "Would you like to take me for a test run, Y/N?"
• Donnie 0 asked you. You squeaked and looked down at your feet. Um...(Why'd he ask you like that?) You shook your head quickly.
• "No thanks, I got work anyway so..."
• Your words faded when BOTH Donatello's grabbed your hands.
• "No you don't, you have the night shift today."
• "Let's spend some time together, shall we?"
• They both said in unison. Your cheeks burned. This is, um... Both of them smirked at each other. This is a terrific plan!
• An experimental week later...
• "Leo, be careful with that!"
• "What? Putting your little gizmos in the tank by portal saves a ton of time."
• You snickered. That's true. Working smarter and not harder is efficient. Unfortunately, D doesn't feel the same. He grumbled and tapped away on his wrist thing. (Tech gauntlet.)
• "If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself."
• His cargo grew some wheels and rolled in a straight line to the tank. (Although it's more of a deluxe trailer now. Don't let Donnie hear you say that though!) Do it himself, huh? You chuckled and tugged on his sleeve.
• "So how long is it gonna be this time?"
• He thought for a moment.
• "2 months if we're lucky, otherwise..."
• Probbles longer. You're a little sad, but it won't be too bad. Donnie's gonna facetime you everyday (even in battle) and you got an artificial intelligence version of him too. Although, not being kissed will eventually put a hole in your heart.
• "Looks like the tech is almost done."
• You mumbled. D looked over at you. He's doing that dreamy stare thing again. That's it, you're crying. You jumped on him, clinging to him like a sloth.
• "Oh Donnie, don't go!"
• Now it's his turn for the water works.
• "Do you think I wanna leave!? I hate this job!"
• The other brothers watched as the two of you hugged and blubbered incoherent stuff. Leo snorted, a laugh was waiting in his chest.
• "Is it me or do they do this everytime we have a worldwide mission?"
• "It's everytime!"
• Mikey shouted from the trunk. The "champion" shook his head. (Y'know with the tsk tsk tsk)
• "And to think, he threw a tantrum over me saying goodbye to my bed."
• Raph unintentionally drowned out his younger brother as he watched. Those were genuine tears.
• Can I find love like that?
• "Dude. Buddy. Raph."
• Leo's snapping in his face, but he's too busy thinking about married life. Meanwhile, Mikey's sneaking around trying to get in the hug.
• "Well, my darling Y/N,"
• Donnie said while wiping his eyes.
• "See you when I come home."
• "See when you get-hurgh!"
• You were crushed in another muscular embrace. This time with the other brothers. Mikey's leading it.
• "Bye, Y/N! I'll bring you another souvenir!"
• The youngest said. You also got a kiss on your cheek cause you were closest to him.
• "I'm gonna get a girlfriend this time Y/N."
• "So, please, I ask you to forget about me."
• Leo sighed dramatically. Both you AND Donnie kicked him at the same time. (Although, your kick wasn't nearly as hard as your fiancee's.)
• "And we'll be back before you can say Ko...Konachi..."
• "Hi in Japanese!"
• Raph shouted. (He brought the hug in the air) You chuckled.
• "Looking forward to it."
• Silence. And...everyone started crying. 2 months is a long time. After 30 minutes of telling one another how much you'll miss each other, they finally loaded in the tank. But, not before Donatello gave you a kiss that could make your heart stop from lack of oxygen. You watched silently as the most interesting in your life people drove away. But at least this time, you both get a new adventure. You tapped your new "watch".
• Activating Donnie 0.
• Living with your new man bot, was a little awkward at first, but you got in swing pretty fast. It was like the sleepovers you had with his live action. He would go shopping with you. Visit the hidden city with you. (Nowadays, it's more like the exposed city. Humans and Yokai exist in peace now.) And overall just spent your everyday life with you.
• It's nice. Kinda made you wonder if this is what your life would've been, if your Donnie wasn't a world wide secret ninja... Eh, no use crying over it now. When you're fiancee returns, he's staying for a year. But what will become of your ai then...
• Day 24 (one month nearly down)
• "Donnie 0, I'm home!"
• You called from the door. As usual, your bot hovered from your room. (He's not a walker, just like his creator.)
• "Greetings, Y/N,"
• He said, with a bow.
• "Did you have a good day at work, darling?"
• He asked as he pulled your coat off. You couldn't help but giggle like a minor. You loved that D added your pet names to 'im. Made him alot more lifelike.
• "It was okay, I finally turned in my report."
• The handsome robot hung up your jacket as you rambled on about your day. He also has your iced coffee and your dinner waiting in the fridge. And is FULL ON ready to give you a massage. Just say the word.
• "How was your day, Donnie 0?"
• His heart drive sparked. There you go again, wondering about he's doing.
• "It was fine. I just shined the house and charged all day."
• He replied, trying to sound chill. You chuckled and shook your head.
• "I keep telling you,"
• You looked over at him.
• "If you stay on the charger too long, you won't be able to run without it."
• (Little fact you learned from D when you guys were teens) Once again, his heart drive sparked. This time it lasted for a few minutes. You kicked off your shoes and stretched, completely unaware how your affecting this AI.
• "I'm gonna take a shower,"
• "Could you call April for me and see if she's home? I gotta tell her about the awful Lu jutsu adaptation."
• Donnie 0 nodded
• "Yes, ma'am, consider it done."
• He replied smoothly. You smiled and disappeared into your room. And...your door is closed. The robot swooned. You're so perfect. Beautiful, smart, and funny! And with just a touch of flaws. That checks all his all his boxes! But, alas, you're in love with his creator. The one who gave him life and the opportunity to even meet you. Mecha Donnie sighed and grabbed your phone. Maybe fulfilling your request, will take his mind off of this.
• As he scrolled through the contacts, he stumbled across a voicemail. It from your real beloved. Being naturally nosy, he tapped it. Images flew from the phone, swirling around the room. It was quite a sight. (Although, he was sure he could conjure something better.) Slowly, the pictures came together, forming the real Donatello. In a rather disheveled ninja uniform.
• "Japan hasn't been kind."
• Donnie 0 mumbled, shaking his head
• "Hello, Y/N."
• The hologram purred, while stretching dramatically. This was for you alright.
• "Just checking in to see if you're okay and I have some good news."
• The robot raised his steel eyebrow. News and he wasn't notified?
• "Drum roll please,"
• The camera was turned to his brothers. Everyone "drummed" dramatically.
• "Your hero is coming home early!"
• The robot's heart drive crackled. But, not in a good way. Coming home early!?
• "Give me a week, dearest. And Japan's biggest threat will be vanquished."
• Donatello said with a warm smile.
• "And Donnie will stop crying into his pillow!"
• Mikey shouted from the background. (The Ai couldn't tell if he was being malicious or just dreadfully honest.)
• "Thank you for bringing up painful memories, Michael."
• He said, stiffly.
• "Anywhiz, I love you. Let's facetime tonight."
• He said a few other words his creation would've rather not of heard and finally signed off. Donnie 0 stood there in silence. In a week, the paradise he was living would be gone. He's VERY sure he won't be scrapped, he's the greatest robot ever created. But, going on without you...he might as well be.
• Think, Donnie, think.
• I'm best AI on the planet.
• How can I prevent the end?
• ...Eureka! Your voice! He can use a audio file of it and keep his original away. Maybe even break you two up eventually. Yeah. This is a great plan. His finger opened, revealing a audio cable. He plugs into your phone.
• "Apologies, master Donatello,"
• "I wanna spend a little more time with my fiancee."
• To be completed in part 2~
(This is part 2👆)
I know I got a LOT of series going on, but this one is gonna be finished in part 2. And maybe, I'll show off what everyone looks like now, including the lovesick robot. Anywho, chao!
(And this gif may change.)
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Why Pokemon Legends: Z-A Should Not put any focus on AZ:
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but with the Pokemon Legends: Z-A announcement and all the discussion about it. for some reason so many of you can only talk about AZ. and honestly i hope we get nothing about him.
i hope he doesn't appear at all, if hes mentioned its about the history of Kalos and he never interacts with the player.
AZ's story is over, we got his backstory, his lasting effects on Kalos, and reunited him with Floette. there is nothing left to his story arc. his major role was being the explanation for how Team Flare got a super weapon. that's it. AZ has so much presence in the fandom even though he appears like 3 times in game and thats enough. hes not a major player in the game! he's a sad dishevelled man, cursed because he did genocide cuz he thought it would somehow get him his floette back. and by the end of the game he's repented, his superweapon is destroyed for good this time, and he reunites with Floette.
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please note how broken up this man is that he finally reunited with his beloved pokemon.
AZ is only ever brought up when people want to discuss their wild fan theories or to salivate of "The Lore" as if AZ's actually done anything that wasnt dealt with in X&Y. Did his super weapon make the Area Zero crater? no because the Area Zero crater in 6 million years old -did you not go to the history class? What was AZ doing for 3 thousand years? after he got imortality he mostly moped and wandered cuz mass genocide didnt get him his Floette back. what happend to Kalos in that time? Kalos moved on? most of this "Lore" is either obvious, addressed in universe or absolutly not game changing! In my opinion: any poketuber talking about how AZ should info dump about what he did during his 3000 year mope are idiots who want a history textbook more than they actually want a pokemon game. and their reading comprehension sucks.
this is a bit of a tangent but i gotta get this off my chest: some of this focus on AZ is because some fans only want the opportunity to catch his unique floette. because you people are weird and must have everything for yourselves, i guess. I find it strange and bizzare that so many people are desperate to take this man's partner pokemon at all. like why? cuz its a unique floette? i don't really get it. I've seen so many pokemon youtubers who are desperate to talk about how they hope PL:Z-A will let them catch Floette and im sorry but do you(these poketubers) not understand pokemon? pokemon is about bonds and friendship and you want to break this one up because he has a special pokemon? have you people been watching and playing the same Pokemon i have!?
... anyway.
moving on, PL:Z-A is going to be focused on Lumiose City, on either its construction or some other aspect of it. AZ should not be involved at all, first its cuz AZ is still in his moping phase pre X&Y and will be until the events of X&Y. secondly because Lumiose is a modern city and AZ only affected changes during his reign as king, yanno 3000+ years ago? and thirdly, its called pokemon legends: Z-A. not ZA like some people keep reporting, the hyphen is important.
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its not just AZ backwards, its an acronym Z-A. whether Z-A stands for Zygarde is up in the air, i mean the font choice points in that direction but who knows. either way i dont think PL:Z-A is gonna be about AZ at all and why would it Lumiose is about looking to the future and the trailer highlights this, why would they spend time looking to the ancient past in the game that in all likelyhood is gonna be about innovating and advancing into the future! and AZ is characterized by clinging to the past and not moving on!
In conclusion, I hope AZ doesnt appear in Pokemon Legends: Z-A, his story was complete in X&Y and theirs nothing to expand on that would be actually interesting to the majority of players.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Could you possibly write about slenderman's ghost s/o trying to make the mansion festive for Halloween bc they're really excited for the holiday and never experienced it before? They have a list and everything as soon as they learn about the custom-
For instance, every room is decked out in decor totally not stolen, they make loads of themed treats, and try to engage the him and the proxies into doing multiple festive activities as well?
-slender anon <3 (sorry if this is too much exposition, tysm for all the cool writing)
Celebrating Halloween w/ Slenderman!
so so sorry for taking a a bit to get to this !! I meant to get this out tomorrow but I got distracted </3 still torn on if i want the mansion to exist in my au but for all intents and purposes we'll say it does for this >:) i might make the mansion like, some abandoned creepy haunted house in universe, like the house from IT or Nightmare on Elm Street (i actually... dont remember if it gets abandoned or not in the later movies, its been a while since i watched the series..) or something something yeah i think ill go with that for the mansion anyways enough rambling
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Cue curious head tilts and questions from slenderman, he knows OF Halloween but he doesnt know all the ins and outs and intricacies when it comes to how its celebrated; best he knows is costumes and candy
initially watches you try to hang up all the decorations by yourself but eventually steps in to give you a hand
probably consults in you what basic Halloween traditions are, and probably also tries to ask the proxies if they know anything about it
i think outside of toby, the proxies don't really. remember much of their lives before becoming proxies, but that's because I'm basing my take on them off of the original MH where like, there's brain fog and the proxy/person are internally separate, but that's where inspiration from the original stuff ends; merging two fandoms together is. hard when the canon and fanon are so different
but also i never really like the creepypasta interpretation of masky and hoodie, at least from when i was in the fandom years back where they were shy and soft, but thats likely changed now- admittedly i dont interact with the fandom outside of creating
im rambling again, but i think masky and hoodie would also be a little lost but ready to do whatever they're told to do in regards to helping deck out the mansion
good news is that the mansion already looks like a spooky haunted house! especially on the outside since it's not as well kept as the inside
the inside is like what comes to mind when someone says old ass house; creaky wooden floors, shitty heating system, crawl spaces and compartments, that sort of thing. old enough that it would definitely have mold and rot, and be falling apart, if slenderman didnt come and keep it in tact
again, it already looks spooky enough as is, but decorations can really tie in the look
fake cobwebs, skeletons, spiders
oh those are real spiders
the mansion probably has spiders, slenderman cant do anything about the spiders sorry
okay anyways
treats! totally not stolen from some store by a teleporting entity that naturally distorts electronics! definitely not
he would make them with you, i think
i sometimes think about how slenderman would probably like calm and quiet activities, domestic ones included, so i think this is something he would actually end up loving especially with you around
learns he hates working with melted marshmallow, that shit is not banned from the mansion as well as marshmallow creme
he even gets those cute little halloween themed goodie bags so you can give them out
unfortunately he's going to have to pass, on account that he can't really eat any non-human meat food, but rest assured if he could safely eat your treats he would
Toby would be fucking that shit up, especially if you make those popcorn ball things. i feel like toby would love those. masky to me seems like a butterscotch haystack enjoyer to me (based), while hoodie fucks up those chocolate dipped pretzels, you know the ones that get decorated to look like mummies? those. he demolishes those (also based)
i kinda miss the popcorn balls tbh i havent had those in years but they were good from what i remember- i think i might make some this evening
moving on once more
if there's any extras slenderman may offer to take you around to give them to others
im still deciding character dynamics and relationships and who knows who in this funky au, but i feel like slenderman knows at least a handful of the other character. at least on a first name basis
so thats fun! you also get to share the joy with characters such as splendor and trender, and perhaps even jeff. i hc that eyeless jack and slender are both in the same forest but not like. buddy buddy. but he can get goodies too. ignore the fact jack is in the same boat as slender in terms of what he can and cant eat- he appreciates the gesture
now activities! i gotta admit i never really did halloween stuff outside of trick or treating; so im a little stumped on ideas
theres the obvious, pumpkin carving (the pumpkin insides get used to make more treats!), apple bobbing, and a few others
while not really a halloween game, you guys probably play a few games in the woods
wait no thats terrifying, do not play hide and seek/tag with them in the woods regardless of if its night time and regardless of if youre a ghost, that shit actually sounds terrifying esp since i think slenderman and hoodie would get WAY TOO competitive
oh scary stories
you insist on summoning ghosts and demons to fit the vibe
" but Dear, you're a gho-" "hush"
you guys accidentally summon one of the ghost creepypastas or something/j
you guys accidentally summon zalgo and halloween gets cancelled'j
idk if this is just a me thing but whenever me and my friends sit down to read creepypasta stories we get derailed and somehow end up reading fanfics and acting them out but i can see this happening as well; though this one also isnt a halloween exclusive activity
overall its a learning experience for most of you guys, and slenderman is totally up to humoring you again next year!
oh oh oh halloween costumes, how could i forget?
good luck trying to find something for slenderman, even if he could fit in anything he probably wouldnt dress up no matter how you try to word it
actually now that i think of it, do you think his suit is just part of his body? like ive seen loads of interpretations where it is; the shitty slenderman movie included. like is it a removeable suit? is it something that looks like a suit but its part of him? is it like a scp 049 situation where it is a suit but its attached to him?
im not getting into that today
masky and toby both dress up as classic slasher icons
hoodie probably would too but i got flashed with a vision of him dressed as pumpkin so im rolling with it
i think thats about everything! i hope you like this! this ended up way longer than i thought it would be but i fully blame that on me still being in my ramble mindset </3 ive been cooking up some major hcs for my au/interpretation as well as smaller stuff so my brain just wants to dump it TToTT
runs off to go draw spooky stuff (cough cough creepypastas dressed up in costumes)
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