#anyway mostly annoyed that it was one of the FIRST things i did this morning & she still complained about it??? wtf
queenerdloser · 1 year
me right away this morning: emails a faculty member letting her know i’ve gotten her cv updates she’s sent and i’m adding them on
my boss, about 20m after that: forwards me an email sent today by the same faculty member requesting she ask me to check if i’ve been getting cv updates and adding them on
0 notes
leviismybby · 11 months
How the aot veterans notice that you and Levi are secretly an item...
Let's be honest, he knew it even before you two got together. Erwin is a very observing man, hardly anything that is going on in the headquarters can get past him. The first time he noticed that something was up was when Levi started to butt in while he was doing the plans for expeditions, always sneakily trying to put you in the safest position possible. It was always "Name isn't skilled enough to be here" or "She would do better if you put her over here". Another thing he noticed is that you two started to attend meetings late with some lame excuse, he just dismissed it but enjoyed how much you both struggled to keep the act up.
However one day you two don't show up to work at all, spending all day having "fun" in Levi's room and the excuses Erwin heard the next almost made him laugh. "And where were you two?" He asked as you and Levi entered his office, his eyebrow raised. "We were busy." Levi says but he knows that it's not enough. "I was giving her private training all day yesterday." Erwin nods, not believing a single word. "Is that so? And why didn't you inform me about this?" Levi scoffs, he knows he shouldn't lie to Erwin but he can't just say that you two were fucking like rabbits the whole day yesterday. "I thought that it wasn't important." Erwin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose at Levi's words. "For Ymir's sake just say that you two were having sex and stop with this nonsense." Your mouth drops right open at the commander's words, a slight blush creeping on your cheeks meanwhile Levi scoffs at Erwin. Guess he did not have to lie to his superior officer anymore, the cat was out of the bag anyway.
It was their number-one entertainment besides spending the whole day doing titan research. They noticed it mostly because of Levi and how his behavior would change around you. Little things like, how often he sat next to you, how close the two of you would stand to each other anytime you were next to one another. One of the biggest giveaways was Levi's hand on your lower back which suggested that the two of you were already intimate with one another. They saw you once brush a fur off his uniform jacket, that was where Hange got their confirmation. For the next few weeks, they noticed even more, on one occasion, you had your hand resting on his thigh while you two were sitting down. It took everything in them not to bug you or Levi about it that is, until they saw love bites on your neck, they couldn't help but look at your neck and that's when they had to say something. "Damn name. Someone is getting it good huh?" You start to cough at their words and Levi looks up from his tea. "What are you talking about?" Hange snickers. "Your neck, Levi isn't going easy on you is he?" "Shut the fuck up four-eyes."
He is the one who keeps his nose out of everyone's business but even he couldn't help but feel intrigued when he noticed that Levi had your scent on him one morning. "Hmm.." He would hum, finding it strange just how strong your smell on Levi was. So he waited to see if you would smell like Levi too and he got his opportunity when you sat next to him in the mass hall at dinner. He side-eyes you, you indeed had Levi's cologne on you. "Mhh..." He hums again and looks between you and Levi. "So do you two use the same shampoo and soap or?" Miche asks, looking at your reactions. "What are you japping about?" Levi asks, already annoyed that Miche is asking such a thing. "Don't play me for a fool. You two smell like each other. Why is that?" You and Levi stay quiet and the silence is enough for Miche. "Ah, I see..." He can't help but nod in approval. "Well good luck. At least know we know where Levi is taking his stress out."
Now....she downright catches you two making out and it was by pure accident. She borrowed a shirt from you and wanted to return it so you told her to just bring it to your room when she had the time. Bad idea. Levi was sitting on your bed, you on his lap as you kissed passionately. His hands were rubbing your back under your shirt, you moaned softly against his lips. Levi's hands move to your hips and he grinds you on top of him, you get the message, and just as you are about to pull your shirt over your head when. "Name here is your shirt back- oh..." Nanaba stood in the doorway, her eyes going wide as she saw the position you two were in. It took a few seconds to register what happened but Levi spoke before you. "Fucking...fuck off. Can't you see we are busy?" He says, his voice harsh, his hands still on your hips. Nanaba chuckles. "Alright, alright, keep on....yeah. And use protection" "Out!" Levi yells and Nanaba smiles before closing the door behind her. "....I forgot to lock the door..." You try not to laugh at the situation when you see Levi's annoyed face. "Whatever. Now let's get back to what we were starting." You smile as he resumes kissing you.
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joelmillers-whore · 1 year
I'll Be Here In The Morning
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summary: after a heated argument, you try to go to sleep alone, but joel knows you can’t and he doesn’t like not sleeping next to you. he comes back and the next thing you know, the two of you can’t keep your hands off of each other.
Recommended Song(s): Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Word Count: 4.2K
Series or One-Shot
Warnings: 18+ explicit, minors DNI, joel x female!reader, no mention of Y/N, no outbreak, slight relationship insecurity, they have a fight but it’s not shown, SMUT, joel calling reader darlin’ because why not, joel reassuring them and being sweet, also age gap i guess, canon divergent, praise kink, unsafe sex (don't be like joel, use a condom)
A/N: hey ya’ll! this is my first TLOU fic and i am so excited to post it here (also my first time posting on here). i am an AO3 user through and through but i thought it was time to broaden my horizon so to speak. i was so overwhelmed with how many of you wanted to see this type of fic, so please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think or request anything you want to see. i’ll try to get to it/ i’m trying to be more active. i’m not sure if my asks are open so let me know if that works lol. anyway, i hope ya’ll enjoy this!!
Slamming the bedroom door behind you, you crossed your arms over your chest. You were angry, furious even, mostly with yourself but also with your boyfriend. Anger was coursing through your veins, pumping white-hot rage through them that made your chest constrict when you thought back to the petty fight you’d had with Joel not ten minutes ago.
It was mindless, stupid bullshit but you’d gotten angry over it anyway. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure just how it started, but you did know that you had been a simmering pot, ready and waiting to explode. So you had needed to get out of there, away from him. You didn’t fight with Joel often, even though your clashing personalities would beg to differ. When you did get angry though, there was no holding either of you back. 
You and Joel each had your own way of dealing with anger and most times, you chose to walk away, not wanting to accidentally say the wrong thing or to say something hurtful that you didn’t mean in the heat of the moment. So, here you were. In the bedroom. Fighting back against your racing heart and rising body temperature.
You had come back home after a long day on your feet and something mundane had set you off, and Joel just happened to be in the line of fire. Before long, you and Joel had gotten into it and not in the fun and sexy way you found yourself always wanting from him, regardless of what kind of mood you were in. 
You thought back to the argument and how dark and endless Joel’s eyes had looked, how they seared into you when you were fighting, keeping you locked in and firmly in place. A shiver ran up the length of your spine as you imagined how he had crossed his arms, clearly in frustration, but how even when you were angry, you hadn’t been able to look away from his broad chest or how the material of his shirt had been pulled so tautly over his bulging muscles, making you bite your lip.
That annoying little flutter in the pit of your stomach made you groan in exasperation because even when you were upset with him, you couldn’t deny the sexual chemistry you and Joel had. 
You shook your head, trying to shake yourself from your lust-induced daydream. You were overtired from work and clearly still reeling from an argument that you hadn’t been expecting to come home to. You glanced over at the clock; it was later than you had realized it was. How long had you and Joel been fighting for?
The all too familiar feeling of regret settled into your bones. You hated fighting with Joel, with the one person you considered to be more of a family to you than your actual family. But what was done was done and there was no going back now. 
Neither one of you held onto anger for long, both of you deciding a long time ago that if either one of you were still angry in the morning over what had transpired the night before, you would agree to sit down and hash it out. That rule had probably saved your relationship more than once, and anger between the two of you never lasted for more than two days at most.
Rolling back your shoulders, you held firm to the idea that holding onto what you had said and dwelling on it wouldn’t help you now, so you thought about something else instead. You thought about how your muscles ached and how a migraine was slowly forming. The only cure that could help you now was sleep. 
You knew that come the morning you and Joel would be back to bickering lovingly with each other and laughing over breakfast, just like how it always turned out. He was bound to forgive you, you hoped. But what if this fight was the one that tipped him over the edge? What if when he left, he wouldn’t come back?
Your heart sank into the pit of your stomach like a thousand-pound boulder. You bit back the sting of tears and honed your hearing, listening for anything in the darkness that enveloped you. Disappointment manifested quickly when you heard nothing, except for your harsh breathing. Fuck.
You had fucked up royally, laying into him like that. And he wasn’t even there so you could fix it, there was really nothing you could do at the moment. You debated for a minute about calling him but you decided against it. He needed time to cool off— you both did. And you wanted to give him that time. 
With a heavy heart, you started getting ready for bed. Maybe if you went through the motions, pretended like everything was fine, and sped through the night, Joel would be there when you woke up, smirking like you were his whole world again. So you rid yourself of your clothes and changed into something more comfortable; one of Joel’s shirts that went down to your knees and some sleep shorts. You lifted the hem of the shirt to your nose and inhaled, getting lost in the scent of him that still lingered.
It was warm and clean with a faint hint of coffee. It was Joel to the core and you rubbed your thighs together when you thought about how that scent crowded you when you and him made love, or when you had first started seeing each other, you had stayed up during a rain storm and just talked for the whole night, staying awake on black coffee and powdered donuts. 
Mindlessly, you climbed into bed and settled in, trying to fall asleep despite the gnawing feeling in your gut. You sighed heavily, flipping over the pillow and then fluffing it, repeating the motions until you made your head spin. You never could sleep alone. Even before you had met Joel, you hated it. And right now, you hated it even more, especially when you reached over to his side, feeling for him.
But there was nothing there except the coldness of the sheets. You grew annoyed at yourself for how needy you felt without him snuggling next to you, his body heat warming you up better than any blanket could. You wanted Joel here, not anywhere else. And he knew it, which was why he almost never left you to sleep alone if he could avoid it. Almost never. Until now. 
You closed your eyes and tried to count sheep, thinking that it could help. You tried not to concentrate on how alone you felt or how you missed him so much it hurt. Counting sheep must have helped because before you knew it, you found yourself in a dreamless sleep, tossing and turning for the majority of the night. Your ears pricked up when you heard a noise, thinking you heard the bedroom door open. You stiffened, attempting to remain calm and closing your eyes tighter.
Whoever it was moved around in the dark, their shadow fidgeting with the dresser before they climbed into bed next to you. They nudged themselves closer to you and relief washed over you when you recognized their scent. It was Joel. He came back. Just like he always did. 
He shuffled his body closer to you, his solid front melding to your back, as his face snuggled into the crook of your shoulder, just how you liked it. It confirmed that he was there and he wasn’t just a figment of your imagination. 
“You still mad?”, Joel mumbled, his Southern drawl coming out gruffer as he tried to keep his voice low. He nuzzled your shoulder deeper, planting a soft kiss there. 
You shook your head, as best as you could in the position you were in. You were well past the anger stage. And right now, you just wanted him beside you, with you. Right here. You felt Joel’s growing hardness rest against your back and a dull throbbing started in your cunt, making you squirm. 
“I thought you weren’t coming back”, you croaked, the shroud of darkness acting as a shield against how scared you were at the thought of Joel not coming back at all. 
Joel held you tighter, his arms flexing as he wrapped them around you in the same way you were used to. His gesture of keeping you close was more of a comfort to you than any of his words could. You craned your neck slightly, trying to make out the expression that was on Joel’s face, but it was hard.
The bedroom was mostly dark except for a tiny sliver of moonlight that shined through the window, and even then, it was tough. You could make out the tiniest of details in the low light; like the imperceptible way that his eyebrows creased when he was focused on you, or how you could tell that he was still smiling because of the way his eyes crinkled, despite being unsure of your mood. God, you loved this man. 
Joel was there for you and you let out a tentative and shaky breath, grateful that he came back to you. You let any remaining tension drain from your body, and shifted your hips, which earned you a sharp groan from Joel, his hand flying to hold your hips in place. 
“I’ll always come back to you, darlin’”, his voice was gruff and came out strained. His hot breath fanned over your ear, “Always”. 
“Promise?”, you asked, grinding back into him again. It was the last confirmation you needed and then you would drop it, let the argument fade away. 
You could hear the smile in Joel’s voice, “Promise”. 
The tightness that had been sitting on your chest was no more and you were feeling bold, and a little more than turned on. The idea that Joel would always come back to you made you wet, and you rubbed your thighs together, trying to alleviate some of the pressure you felt between your legs.
As if sensing your arousal, Joel’s hand wrapped around your middle, pulling your ass flush with his erection, his hand splayed across your clothed stomach, holding you to him. 
You felt his short stubble run along the side of your neck, and your jaw, the abrasive sensation making your pussy flutter with the idea of that stubble rubbing against you harshly, until you were swollen and red down there. 
“Baby...”, Joel protested weakly, his half-hearted attempt at drawing out the tension between you two. But there was tension and it was a string that was being pulled taut, ready to snap at any moment. 
You grabbed Joel’s hand that was on your stomach, guiding it lower and lower until you stopped at the waistband of your sleep shorts, your chest on fire from your choppy breathing. 
“Please, Joel”, you whined, grinding your ass back into him and moving your hips in slow circles, spurring him on. “I want you to make me feel so good like you always do”. 
You were back to guiding Joel’s hand past the waistband of your shorts, into your underwear where he could feel how wet you were for him. He groaned, the vibrations from it making your skin tingle. An almost non-existent fuck was whispered as Joel’s hand found your soaking cunt, his deft fingers sliding through your folds.
When you removed your hand from his, letting him take charge, he hesitated. But when his thumb found your clit and you moaned, throwing your head back, he continued, not stopping for even a second. 
“This good?”, he asked, as he teased your hole with his thick digit, pulsing the finger in and out, just enough to taunt you with pleasure and then rip it away when it felt too good. It was frustrating but you figured you somewhat deserved it for the fight from earlier. 
You hummed, “Mo-more”, and you bucked into his hand, gyrating against it as you searched for more friction. 
Joel sucked the pulse on your neck hard and you groaned, your head rolling to the side in pure ecstasy as he licked the spot when he pulled away. Fulfilling your command, he continued to work you over, work you to the edge. Your moans mixed with the sound of his finger, which soon became two fingers, pumping into you, a squelching emanating from you with every pump.
He was stretching you out, trying to prep you for his cock. Even this far into the relationship you needed some prep, he was that big. But you wouldn’t want it any other way. You loved his size and his girth and how deep he could go. 
“Can you come for me, darlin’?”, Joel asked, as a groan slipped past his lips. 
You flinched when his fingers curled, bringing you back to the moment as a tingle started low in your belly, the pressure building and building until it was too much, it was all too much. 
“Fuck—”, you cried, cutting yourself off as your orgasm slammed into you, making you see stars. It was searing and hot and violent. 
Your hips stuttered as they rocked into Joel’s hand, finding comfort in the fact that he was still lazily pumping into you, helping you ride out the aftershock. 
“That’s my good girl”, he praised, thumb whispering over your swollen clit. You whined from the added pressure, feeling another orgasm start to build. 
You had just cum and yet Joel was ready and willing to give you another one. Even when his engorged cock was nestled into your back, twitching with the need for his own release. He wanted— no, needed to give you your pleasure before he could seek out his own. Joel teased your clit again, pinching it as you yelped.
He removed his hand from your underwear and brought it to his mouth. You still weren’t facing him but you could hear the obscene sounds coming from him as he licked and sucked his fingers clean of your juices, not letting a drop go to waste. Fuck, you were so turned on already it was positively insane. 
Joel gripped your waist and turned your body toward him, positioning himself so that he was slotted in between your legs, his upper body resting on his forearms, so as to not crush you with his body weight. Both of your chests were heaving at this point as another shot of excitement and arousal shot through you.
You brought a hand to Joel’s cheek, thumbing over his scruff and savouring this tender moment between the two of you. 
“I’m sorry”, you said, swallowing your nerves. 
In the softness of the moonlight, Joel’s eyes glimmered when they looked down at you. It wasn’t quite lust or amusement in them, but something else, something closer to love and adoration.
He dipped his head down and kissed you. It was tempered and subdued but sweet as he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance into your mouth. You granted it to him, letting him explore your mouth like it was the first time. A swallowed-up moan left you and Joel pulled back. 
“Me too”. 
It was simple and yet he meant it with his whole heart, you were certain of that. Picking up where you left off, Joel palmed your breast through your— his shirt, making you tremble beneath him. He pinched your nipple and it made you arch your back off the bed, both to escape and chase that feeling. 
“Let’s get this shirt off, hmm?”, Joel mused, playing with the hem of it. You nodded and lifted your upper body off of the bed as he helped you out of it, tossing it somewhere behind him. 
“Your turn”, you said, almost breathlessly, and Joel obliged. He sat up on his knees and stripped himself of his own shirt. 
You couldn’t help but pause and appreciate him and his physique. He wasn’t insanely built like an athlete or someone who stuck to a strict diet all so that they could get a six-pack. Joel’s body was sculpted from years of manual labour and although some might not be turned on by a broad chest and a toned stomach, you certainly were, and you were enamoured by it.
Your hand seemed to have had a mind of its own because you were raking your fingernails along his chest and stomach, drawing a line all the way down to his waistband. You watched as his muscles tensed from your touch, his eyes snapping shut like he had to concentrate on restraining himself.
Your hand remained on his waistband, your index finger playing with the dark line of hair that led all the way past the pants and to the straining member, you knew awaited you. 
“If you don’t quit staring at me like that, darlin’, this might be over before either of us want it to be”, he drawled, quiet and low. 
Your eyes snapped to his, which were dark and endless pools filled with lust. He looked like he was ready to devour you and your thoughts came to life when he gripped your thighs forcefully and spread them apart, making quick work of peeling you out of your shorts and drenched panties. 
Joel groaned above you, “Such a pretty pussy, and ‘s all for me, ain’t she?”. He bit the tender flesh of your inner thigh, making you jump. But you didn’t go very far, his grip on the back of your thighs holding you close to him and keeping you in place. 
You wiggled your hips, trying to get him to hurry up, “All for you”, you whine. 
Joel chuckled, but didn’t tease you for much longer, answering your silent prayer as he dove into your cunt, lapping and sucking like he was a man starved. You writhed beneath him as he continued, not letting up as he brought you to the edge of another orgasm. 
“How you feelin’, baby?”, Joel asked, as he came up for air. You nodded fervently, feeling like you could die if he didn’t continue what he was doing. 
He chuckled as he went back in, the vibrations making your head swirl and your toes curl at the sensation of his tongue fucking into you. You were so close it hurt and Joel could tell.
He shushed you before bringing his thumb to your clit and massaging it in tandem with his tongue, making you mewl and bury your hands in his short hair, pulling at his scalp as you begin to grind yourself on his face, practically riding him as you chase your high. 
“I’m gonna—”, and you do. 
You cum hard and quick, this orgasm ripping into you like a hurricane. The blinding wave of pleasure had all of your inhibitions clouded, as a light buzz started coasting through your body, leaving you sated. Your mouth is agape, a mix of a whimper and a shrill moan escaping you. 
You felt as though you had just run a marathon, your body was on fire and yet there was a calm as you came down. You revelled in the aftermath of your orgasm, feeling drunk off of it. There was a slick layer of sweat that coated your whole body, but you didn’t seem to care. Your mind was quiet as you listened to your breathing, your heart hammering below the surface.
Running a hand through your hair, you felt the mattress dip when Joel shifted his body weight, his beard glistening with your slick. You reach down and grab his face with both hands, bringing him to your lips. You groan when you taste yourself on him, the tang fueling your growing desire to be filled deep with him. 
Joel murmured something against your lips but you couldn’t hear, your heart beating too loudly. “What?”, you asked. 
“I need to be inside of you”, he whispers again, and you moan as he ruts into your bare core. 
“Then do it”, you said, looking at him through hooded eyes. 
Joel bit his lip, shaking his head as he stripped out of his jeans and then his boxers. His dick was thick and angry, the tip a bright red as it leaked pre-cum. You followed a drop with your eyes as it trailed down the shaft and you licked your lips at the sight. 
Joel chuckled, the noise shooting straight to your needy core. You sat up slightly, reaching out for his cock but he stopped you, “Not tonight, sweet thing”, he stated, “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last if you start suckin’ me off”. 
You keened at his words, desperate for some sort of relief. You snaked your hand from the pillow all the way down your chest, rubbing your nipple as you moaned, Joel’s eyes never leaving you. His eyes on you felt right, like you were putting on a show just for him, and in a way, you were. He watched your hand slide lower down your stomach and finally disappear between your legs. 
“Goddammit”, Joel hissed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly, “What’d I just say?”. 
He ripped your hand away from your aching cunt, pining it above your head as punishment. You let out a choked sob, “Please...”. 
Joel’s cock twitched against his stomach at your plea, and he released you. He gripped his length and tugged harshly, letting beads of pre-cum dribble all over his hand.
You watched him throw his head back as he panted above you, finding a rhythm. As you opened your mouth to whine and tell him that you needed him, he grabbed the back of your legs and folded you in half, thrusting his hard cock into your pussy. 
The force of him slamming his cock inside of you without much warning was enough to make you cry out. You couldn’t focus on much more than the pleasure that he could provide. It was as if you could never be fully satisfied, not when it came to Joel. You would always want him as desperately as he wanted you, each and every time. His hips snapped into yours, almost to the point of pain as he set a demanding pace, burying himself deeper and deeper into you. 
“So”. He grunted with a thrust. “Fucking”. Another snap of his hips. “Needy”. Thrust. 
Joel was never one to deny you, and you knew that. You might have been needy but he was willing to give you whatever you needed. And most times, all you needed was him. Him and that fucking delicious cock. So, he made sure he delivered you another orgasm. You chased your release, the desire striking you like a bolt of lightning— fast, powerful, and all-consuming.
It started in your toes and rushed in. Joel’s thick cock pumped in and out of you hungrily. He was both providing you with another orgasm and trying to find his own release. Each thrust was more punishing than the last, each angle hitting the right spot, and guiding you both to your release. 
“That’s it, baby”, he groaned, manhandling you until you were basically straddling him, his hands on your back, holding you steady.
“Can you gimme another one?”, Joel purred into your ear as he fucked up into you, his hips losing their rhythm and you knew he was close. 
“I’ll try”, you said, snaking a hand in between your bodies, and rubbing your cunt in time with each pound of his hips. 
“That’s it, you’re doing so good”. 
He barely finished his sentence before you were shaking in his arms, finding your orgasm from his praise. 
Drunk on only two orgasms, you didn’t even know what you were saying at this point, too sensitive and too sated at the same time, “Mmm, love when you make me come”. 
Joel laughed with adoration as he continued fucking you, chasing his own release. “And I love makin’ you come, darlin’”. 
You felt your walls clamp around his cock, milking him for all he was worth. With a final few pumps, he groaned, letting his head fall against your shoulder. Joel tensed slightly and his body shook as he deposited ropes of cum deep into you.
Your head lolled to the side, feeling his body grow slack against yours. His was flush against you, trying to control his breathing as you did the same, your arms wrapped around him as you stroked his back. 
A long moment of comfortable silence passed before he lifted his head up, scanning your face. You smiled tiredly at him as he kissed you, letting the bliss wash over you both.
Joel kissed your forehead and slipped out of you. You in turn whined at the loss of being full of him. Your limbs were heavy as you melted into the mattress, feeling Joel collapse next to you. His arm drifted around your waist, pulling you into his side. 
He kissed your temple affectionately, “‘m sorry about our fight”. 
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. “I know”, you bit your lip, contemplating your next words, “I just worry that one day we’ll really get into it and you’ll never come back”. 
Joel stiffened for a moment, before he turned to you, whispering into your hair, “You don’t need to worry ‘bout that ever, darlin’. Because I’ll always be here in the morning”. 
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: ghostface! sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: you and sam are besties, but do you tell each other everything? (what is this? i dunno)
warnings: smut!!!, dom!sam x sub!reader, sam is a big meanie for a little, spanking, degradation, dirty talk, swearing, killing mentioned, tiny bit of knife play, slapping, crying, not proofread, if anything else, let me know - I’ll add it
word count: 4.4k
an: enjoy I guess, let me know your opinions, also thanks for so much support with wanda, tbh I though that it won’t do this great, but it did and all of you are so horny freaks, including myself, but truly I appreciate it!!!💕💕
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky season and be safe!
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The phone rings again, hidden caller. Picking up a secret number is really not your style. You let it ring, if they truly need you, they will write you a message.
Oh and they do need something important. You take your phone and look at the notification.
Hidden number
Call me ASAP, please! I can´t open the excel!
You calmed down a little bit as it was probably your classmate and accidentaly made their phone number hidden. Taking a deep breath before calling someone was always your go to thing, since the whole situation is very stressfull, you´d much rather write a long paragraph over a text, then just call someone. But since it´s about school, you´re less nervous.
You finger touch the last missed call and it starts to ring, as soon as you see that the other side picked it up, you started to speak.
"Hey! Sorry, I didn´t hear the phone. Anyways what��s going on with that file?" You took your notebook in case you have to make step by step tutorial to your classmate, because it wouldn´t be for the first time.
"No one ever told you lying is bad, (Y/N)?" You didnt recognize the voice, it wasn´t a voice you remember anyone having from your class, or the whole school. It was deep, raspy and mostly scary. You didn´t like horrors very much, but you were positive that you´ll get prank called or jumpscared by some idiot. And here they are, idiot on the line, at least that´s what you think.
"Haha very funny..." You´re mostly annoyed, but there is this side of little you, who is hoping this is truly your idiot classmate and no one else. "Do you wanna help with the sheet or not?"
Long big sigh can be heard on the other side. "And I thought you were a nice girl, (Y/N). Guess I was wrong. Don´t worry, we´ll work on that."
Now your little scary thought became a little bit bigger. You weren´t so sure it was someone you know.
"Who am I speaking with? Sorry, I don´t have your number added." You hoped they would say your name, you would stop panicking and it would be done it two minutes.
"Someone who likes to play games. (Y/N), would you like to play a game?" the raspy voice asked.
"No, thank you." Out of nervousness and mostly fear you hang up. You didn´t even realize until you stoped hearing the rapsy breath. Even if there was a truly a classmate who wanted a help, they shouldn´t prankcall you. Gosh how much you hated these things.
The phone didn´t ring again for quite some time, so you just let it go. Taking a long shower sounded like the best idea now. Out of the closet you took oversized shirt and some shorts and you headed to the bathroom. Doing your usual skin care routine went on automatic and brushing your teeth as well.
Coming back to your room, you notice that you left your closet opened, you sigh and close the door. Being too tired to prepare your clothes for tomorrows school day. As you lay on your bed, you hug your big teddy bear and your eyes immedietly close as you drift to sleep.
The next day goes smooth, first lecture was actually really interesting and you didn´t felt tired at all. You had your morning coffee and today was just a good day, you could feel it. You didn´t have those in a while, so it is very welcome.
Second lecture was indeed boring, but at least you know that the human eye blinks an average of 4 200 000 times a year, which is... a new information, that´s for sure. But the professor ended class sooner, so at least you had more time for lunch. And that´s a plus.
As you´re sitting alone, eating your lunch on a bench in a park, where you like to spend your free time between the classes, someone taps on your shoulder.
"Oh hi, Sam!" You smile, seeing your friend always makes your day better. "What are you doing here, I thought you´re working today." You scoop so Sam can sit next to you.
Sam met you when you were running late, literally. You two bumped into each other few months ago and because you spilled your coffee on her, you just had to pay for it somehow. So after you quickly gave her your number and basically sprinted out, Sam made sure you´ll keep your promise. And you did, few days after that you two met again and over a coffee realized how much things you two have in common.
She seemed like a cold and closed of person at first, but she is actually the sweetest teddy bear, as you like to call her for fun. Sam told you many times she hated it, but you made a good points that she is just so sweet, big and you feel safe when you´re around her, just like with teddy bear in your bed. And she was a taller than you, so that´s another point. After few "arguments" she actually let you win, so she is now your big and protective teddy bear.
You two started to hang out more and more, which just confirms your initial click, that Sam felt as soon as she laid her eyes on your sweet and innocent face.
"Well maybe I lied and I wanted to suprise you." Sam answers as she sits next to you.
"I am surprised," you giggle. "I have like a hour and something before my next lecture, so..." You look at your phone.
"Good." Sam smiles and tilts her head, she notices that you´re smiling ear to ear. "What got you smiling like that, (Y/N)?"
"Hm... nothing in particular, but it´s just a good day. And I´m enjoying a every single bit of it." You answer and your cheeks start to hurt a bit from all the smiling, you did in the last 10 minutes.
"Oh, I see. As you should." She nudges your arm with hers. "What are you doing after school?"
"I have to finish some excel to my statistic class, but besides that... nothing." Your thoughts are taking you back to last night and your weird call, with who you thought was your classmate.
Sam notices your smile fading and put her hand on your thigh, something she did pretty often, but it brings you butterflies everytime. "(Y/N)?"
"Hm? Yeah?" Sam just raises her eyebrow. "It´s nothing, I just had this weird person from school call me yesterday and... yeah, it was weird. A stupid prankcall." You roll your eyes.
Sam move her hand on your thigh up and down, trying to sooth you. "What did they say?"
"Just some stupid stuff, like do you want to play a game. Do I look like I want to play a game?" You sigh.
"Depends on the game. Horor game? Probably not. The Sims 4? Absolutely yes." Sam chuckles as you punch her arm.
"Every woman has her needs, mine is playing The Sims. Can you blame me?" You laugh, Sam always helps you with your bad and anxious thoughts.
The rest of your free time you two shared a lots of laughs, smiles and overall a good quality time together. Until you had to go back to your lectures, which made your day a little worse, since you wanted to keep talking to Sam.
Few hours later you finally finished all of your lectures for the day. You didn´t have that energy boost as you did this morning, but you´re still in a good mood. So you decided to walk from school back to your dorm. And even if it was October, it was still kinda warm outside so you put some soft music on and decided to walk.
Stepping into your dorm you notice that something is bad, you can´t point a finger on what it is, but the vibe seems off. Shaking off the feeling didn´t help for long, because as soon as you reach for your keys the ligh on the other side of the hall just turn off.
"Shit!" You flinch and your hands start to shake. As you succesfully get inside you lock your door faster than ever.
"Oh my god-" you take a few deep breaths. "It was just a light, (Y/N), everything is good. It was just a light." Mumbling out loud these words, in hopes that it will calm you down.
You turn all of your lights in your home on as a prevention for your mind from creating something that is not there. Lastly you go to your bedroom and open the door, you stop in your track in a moment when your eyes met a tall black figure next to your opened closet.
A cold shivers run down your spine, but with confidence it´s just your mind playing tricks you turn on the light even there.
But that choice just showed you, that this time, it´s not your mind playing tricks, but there is actually someone in your house. A tall black silluete turned into a big person with a black cloak and a white mask, looking like a ghost. You´ve seen this mask many times during Halloween parties. Quickly scanning the person you notice that they´re holding a knife. A knife!
"Oh fuck!" You qiuckly close your bedroom door, hoping you will get more time, but of course you had to lock all of your locks and jumping from a window was not an option since you´re living in the 9th floor.
Shit, shit, shit. Wait... I don´t hear anything.
The only thing that you can hear is your heartbeat, no steps, no breathing, just your heart. Looking back, noticing that the door you slammed shut before are now open again.
Your living in your worst shitty nightmare.
It´s a tap on your shoulder that almost makes you lose it. You let out the most horror scream in your entire life, you didn´t even think you could scream like that. The tall person with ghostface mask is standing right next to you, they shake their head and one of their hands makes it over your mouth to keep you shut. As soon as your bodies hit the floor, which suprisingly didn´t hurt at all due to all the adrenaline you have in you, right now. They pull their knife to your face and slowly slide it across your cheek, not hurting you in any way.
Your breathing gets faster and faster to the moment you feel like you start to hyperventillate.
"Hello, (Y/N). You cut our call last night, so I felt like meeting you in person, again, would help us solve the excel problem. Don´t you think?" It was the same raspy, deep voice you heard yesterday over the phone.
"I- uh s-sure." You nod as you mumble your answer agaist her hand, noting better came to your mind.
"Sure? Now you don´t have a problem with that, but yesterday you cut me off like I was a fucking no one?!" Now you were truly hoping that this is just a nightmare and you will wake up. "Isn´t it fair if i cut you off too? So you would now how it feels?" Their knife is swinging infront of your face again.
"I- No, please, don´t. I- i uh I´m sorry!" You mumble agaist their hand.
The person on top of you just laughs and bring your hand above your head and now you can´t move at all.
"I think it´s fair, you know how shitty I felt? And today you´re doing like nothing happened? Like I was just.. what did you described me as... as a weird person who said stupid stuff?" Their face coming closer to you. "I think it´s fair to show me some fucking respect." you feel a slight sweet cologne coming from that person.
A scent you know very well, It starts with a fresh burst of citrus, like a mandarin. With a little hint of vanilla and amber adds depth and warmth. This scent is a subtle and comforting, like a cherished memory to you. A cherished person, you know too well.
It can´t be...
Your eyes shift, looking over the mask again, your eyes anaylzing from side to side, like you´re trying to read their mind through the eyes on the mask.
They tilt their head again, the knife slowly going away from your face. You hope that what you thing is just a big misunderstanding, it can´t be her. Not your Sam.
"Sammy?" You mumble as their hand is going away from your mouth. Few tears forming in your eyes.
"Oh look at you, you figured it out." She takes her mask of and it was like a bullet straight through your heart. "Now be quiet or I´ll shut you up." She picks you up, like nothing and wallks quickly into your bedroom.
This was not your Sam, not your friend, she look like her, but her actions were the exact opposite of your comfort person.
She throws you at the bed and you´re now laying on your stomach, she comes closer to you again and whispers into your ear.
"Every woman has her needs, mine is playing with you, (Y/N). Can you blame me?" She chuckles as she repeat what you´ve said earlier. "Ass up." She put her hands on your hips and you put your ass up, as she told you. Too scared to do anything else. "Good girl." Sam praises you.
"S-Sam.." you whine out between with your tears streaming down your face.
"Oh shush, did no one told you to speak nicely about your friends? And not talk-" she spanks you, hard, "shit about your friends?" Sam spanks you again, this time it was even harder.
"I´m sorry, Sam- I didn´t-" you try to talk, but it´s hard when your face is burried in the pillows.
"I. Dont. Want. To. Hear. It. Now." Her voice was harsh and so was her hands on your ass with each words she growls into your ear, even when you have your clothes on, it still hurts too much. "Just take what I give you and then we might talk." Without any warning she takes your pants off, slicing your shirt and throwing it away.
"No bra?" Sam laughs. "You went the whole day without a fucking bra, you´re so pathetic, (Y/N)." She runs her knife on your back, she´s doesn´t want to hurt you really, at least not right now. "You did this on purpose? You´re look so innocent, but you´re not so innocent, are you?" Her hands find its way on your tits, she give them a tight squeeze and you can´t help, but let out a big moan.
You like this, which shock you more than the fact, that Samantha Carpenter broke into your house, just to play with you.
Her big strong arms, oh god how much you love her amrs. The way they hold you during your sleepovers, how they caught you everytime you walk into the street without looking both sides, or how they always brought comfort to you. Everytime.
But now? It´s totally different now, at least that´s what you think and Sam noticed that. And she can´t have you be thinking this much, when she wants to have her sweet time with you.
Her hands playing with your nipples, pinching each one very hard for you to come back to her. And you did, you realize just now that you´re not crying anymore, you´re just a moaning mess.
"You´re doing so good, look at you, mi amor, taking all the spanks as a punishment for how mouthy you were." You can sense the smile in her words and it´s like your Sammy is speaking to you, which instantly make your worries go away. Your body relaxes againt her and she can feel it, it´s like a small win for her. "Good, just like that."
You moan once again, it was more a needy moan than anything else. One second you´re on your stomach and the other one, you´re on your back, Sam holding your waist to scoop you closer to herself. She´s still wearing the black cloak, that don´t scare you anymore. If anything it is kinda attractive, that she´s still in her clothes and you´re just in your panties.
Looking at her with needy eyes was something that Sam saw a many times. Begging her to pick you up after school, or give you her hoodie, when you were cold. Or those many times when you cannot reach something, because it was way to high.
But this time you have this spark in your eyes, the good girl was gone, now Sam could really see the needy whore, who hid under the inoccent cover for the whole time. And this time Sam takes this as the ultimate win.
"Please-" you whine.
The most confident smirk appears on Sam´s face as her hands runs down your body, finally kissing your neck. "Please what?" Sam asks you between those sloppy kisses.
You let out another whine.
"I´m letting you speak, if i was you, i´d better use it." She bites your neck, which will definetly make a nasty bruise.
"Use me." Your move your head, so Sam has better acces to your neck.
"Oh wow, such a fitlhy words, for such a pretty little girl." She chuckles as she keep kissing your neck, her hands finding your tits again.
You never knew your nipples were this sensitive, but Sam knows. Of course she does. You feel as her hands are grooping your breasts, but you´re not satysfied, you want to see her, so you tug on her cloak and let out a whine.
"What?" She mumbles agaist your neck and then she pulls away to make eye contact with you.
"I wanna see you." You tug on her cloak again, "please."
Sam without a beat took her cloak off and she was now in her black underwear, sitting on top of you as your eyes wonder. She gives you a little time for checking her out and god you could stare at her for days. The light in your room making her muscles look even sharper, not that she needs it, but you just can´t have enough of her.
"You´re not so sad now, huh?" She smirks again, fuck how much you hated that confident smirk. Without waiting for your actual response, she dive back, her lips on your neck, making sure that after tonight everybody knows who do you belong to.
After a few minutes of Sam being basically a vampire, she starts to kiss her way down, slowly as she stops at your nipples again. Slowly, but hasrshly sucking on them, making sure to keep an eye contact with you. " Keep your eyes at me." You could cum just from watching her.
She treats you like a blank canvas, and as a skilled artist, she must make sure that you are painted with her in the end and with a pleasure you won´t forget.
Her big muscular hands are sliding down your body, pinching your inner thighs to tease you. She knows what you want, but she won´t give in that easily, even when you´re looking at her with those cute and innocent eyes.
Your hands are sliding off your panties, but Sam qiuckly takes your hands. "They are staying on and keep your hands above your head." Her raspy voice sends shivers down your pussy, that is now drenched, because of her touches and skilled movements.
You put your hands back above your head, wiggling a little to show Sam how impatient you are. She just sends you a quick slap on your thigh and you giggle.
Her finger slowly going up and down your clothed pussy, you can already see how wet your panties are and if Sam wasn´t that needy, she would make fun of you. Seeing you like this gives her so much power and let´s be real you are really feeding her ego.
"Sam!" You move your hips up, hoping she will actually do something.
"(Y/N)!" She mocks you with innocent smile on her face.
"Fuck- I need your fucking hands in me or I swear I´m gonna lose it!" You did lose it already.
"You want my fucking hand in you? You like my hands?" Sam whispers.
"I do! So much! I need your big hands in me, please!" You shift towards her again.
"Aww pretty little girl, do you think that your pussy will take my big hands?" Sam´s finger barerly toucing your slit.
"Yes! I can take it!" You think that you will be crying from the frustration.
"Say it."
"My little pussy will take your big fucking fingers! Hands! Whatever you give me, I can take it, Samantha!" You groan.
"Oh you´re using my full name, you really need it, huh?" She smirks again, but your wish is her command and in the end she wants to make you feel good. Pushing your panties to the side, your juices are everywhere and god she loves it.
"Is this for me?" Sam softly asks.
"Only for you." You give her a small smile.
"In that case-" she slides her two fingers in you, slowly pushing in and out. Sam already feels your pussy pulsating and her fingers get almost swallowed by you. "Oh wow, I was so wrong about you and I´m so happy I was." She adds another finger.
You whine, you feel aready so close, your pussy is feeling like it´s on fire, your hips going up and down and Sam´s just enjoying the view. You want more, so you feel like grabing Sam´s hand is a good idea. She raises her eyebrow and slip her fingers out of you.
You whine out, immedietly feeling empty, you feel like you gonna burst out, you really need to cum, but now you lost everything that felt good.
Sam slaps your pussy one time, but damn it´s painful. "I said, keep your hands to yourself." Her fingers slides quickly back into you, both of you know, that you´re very close.
"Ple-" you can´t even finish the word without a moan.
"Go on, scream. I want you to fucking scream my name, mi amor." She uses both of her hands now, one sliding in and out of you and the other one playing with your clit, which is something that gets you over the edge pretty easily.
Your whole body flex under her touch, this is the best release you ever had, it felt better than anything in this world, she definetly know what she´s doing. As you scream her name, Sam slows down her movements, for you to ride it all out, without being too overstimulated.
Sam gives you two kisses on each of your inner thighs and then kiss her way back up. She´s smiling and you are too.
The atmosphere went from being scared of your life to you having THE time of your life.
"There you go, little girl. How are we feeling hm?" Sam whispers into your ear as she wraps her strong hands around you.
"Fucking confused." You let out a small giggle.
"Watch your tone, young lady." Her hand squeezes your wrist.
"I- I´m good. Just... what just happened?" You lean into her.
Sam laughs as you´re confused. "You know I hate Halloween, you scared the living shit out of me with this prank, Sam. If you wanted to... you know, you could´ve just asked. I though you were some murderer!" You lazily mumble as you are half asleep already.
"Yeah and I love Halloween and asking you for a fuck session is not so fun. Me a murderer? Oh please." She kisses your head.
"Hmm.. whatever." You are too tired to have this conversation with her.
As you fall asleep in the arms of Samantha Carpenter you felt happy, today was really a great day.
Sam made sure you were dead asleep before getting up from the bed, but as soon as she did, you instantly start to move in discomfrot. She quickly grab your teddy bear and made you cuddle him instead and her plan worked. Cute smile was on your face again and Sam was glad you had this stuffie here as a replacement for her, when she needs to do her job. She knew you will be overthing when you woke up to an empty bed, so she quickly scribble down a note.
"I´ll call you later, I had to go to work, -s"
She took her knife that was laying on the ground, take on her cloak and last but not least take on her ghostface mask and went to work.
She was never a murderer, she was and still is just a protector. Especially when it comes to you.
Of course you had to call Sam, when you heard the news.
"Hi, how is my sleepyhead?" She chuckles into the phone.
"Hey, um... did you hear the news?" You quickly say to her, as you´re almost out of breath.
"What news?" She asks you.
"There was a murder, someone in a ghostface mask was seen few streets from my dorm. They killed a girl from my statistic class, I mean... I didn´t know her, but it´s still scary." As you say this, goosbumbs appear on your arms.
"Oh shit, that´s... scary even for me. Are you okay?" Sam asks with concern.
"Yeah, I didn´t know her or anything, but it´s crazy. Especially when you can buy the mask anywhere, since you have it too." You ramble over the phone.
"Right. It´s like I killed her, right?" Sam responds.
"Sam, don´t joke about these things. Can you maybe come to mine after work?" You really need her, to protect you and make you feel safe again.
"Give me 15 minutes." And with that Sam hang up. Drove away from the empty parking lot, where she watched your classmate, Tony. She heard a few stories from you, that Tony was being a dick during your presentation and no one can be a dick to you. No one.
And today is Tony’s lucky day, because you need her now and that´s way important. When she´s with you, no one can hurt you.
Only she can and that´s how it should be all the time.
Thank you for reading! Have a great day!!! And tell me what you think<3
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noyoyoy · 1 month
First things first, I am so sorry I haven’t written anything in the last few months. I have had ZERO energy. I’m getting better so I figured I’d go ahead and write this for all of you who are very patiently waiting. (Thank you all for understanding.)
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Husband reader
Tw: None
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It wasn’t known that Simon had a family. A husband and a little girl they adopted 2 years ago for their 5th year marriage anniversary. His husband had wanted a family for so long, being with Simon since they were twenty-two, they always talked about kids. Getting a surrogate or adoption. When they got to the orphanage the little girl they saw out of their eye almost looked just like the two of them, it was almost weird when you guys saw her for the first time. she was around six, dirty blonde hair like Simon’s, just a shade or two lighter, and an eye colour that matched M/n’s perfectly. Her hair was short, shoulder length and wispy bangs that covered her forehead. Her name was Charlotte and she had been in the system since she was Four, her parents no longer in the picture. M/n knew she was the one the moment he laid his eyes on her. Simon felt the same way.
So when Simon took out his phone after a mission around his team for the first time and they saw the little girl on the same lock screen he forgot to change when he deployed again, all hell broke loose. Soap wondering who the girl was, poking at him for an answer. Gaz saying “I didn’t know you had any family left.” With a snicker that earned a hit to the head from Price and a glare from Simon.
“Cut it out. Don’t meddle in his life.” Price told the two, but deep down he wanted to know too. As far as he knew Simon didn’t have a wife, and the only family he had was dead. So who was the girl?
A week later they were off duty, Simon was lying in bed, his husband asleep on his chest and the little girl tucked snuggly into his side. Needless to say, he was trapped. Not like he planned on getting out of bed anytime soon anyway. That changed when his phone rang. His phone was on do not disturb for everything other than his work. His daughter stirred, wiping the sleep from her e/c eyes looking at Simon “What is that?..” she mumbled out with a large yawn, still mostly asleep. “Nothing sweetheart, lay back down.” Simon said as he grabbed his phone, and patted her head as she tucked back away in the spot she was.
He was upset. Clearly, when he saw it was soap. “Fuckin’ what.” He groggily growled out to the Scot on the other end of the phone, annoyed that he is fucking up his home time and woke his daughter. “Shit what got yer panties in a twist Si?” A chuckle comes after that. “fuck do ya want.” They talked for about 3 minutes before Simon felt movement in his chest. Looking down and meeting the same eyes he fell in love with, staring at him. “Gotta go.” He hung up on Soap before he had a chance to say anything back. Tossing his phone to the bed and running a hand through his lovers hair. “G’mornin’ love..” he said in a tone that would be almost unrecognizable to anyone else who knew him. With a yawn and a stretch M/n sat up, straddling Simon’s waist and we stretched again. “Good morning!” He smiled at him and noticed the tuff of messy blonde hair near Simon’s arm, a smile on his face as he looked at Charlotte.
“How did you sleep?” Simon asked, whispering as to not wake up the little girl laying by his side. “Good, you?” M/n smiled and crawled off Simon’s lap, out of bed. “Perfect.” Simon stared at him as he got up. The warmth slowly leaving his body where he once was. “I’m gonna go make breakfast for us, I’ll be back.” M/n said as he opened the bedroom door and headed downstairs into the kitchen. Simon let out a sigh, looking down at the sleeping girl, a soft smile coming onto his face. “You woulda loved her..” he whispered out to no one in particular. He loved his family. The thing he was terrified of gaining after he lost his. After the incident that left his face and body scarred for the rest of his life. The same face he thought no one would ever be able to look at without feeling sick. The same face M/n had fallen in love with.. despite how they met, despite his job. He found love. He intended on keeping it save with his life this time.
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I might make a part 2, I might not. I’m still trying to get my writing motivation back, but I hope you enjoyed this. Remember I take recommendations, and feedback!
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doeeyeseddie · 4 months
18 or 25 for the relationship prompts? 💗💗💗
hi and thank you for the prompt! sorry this took me so very long to write, but i hope you like it anyway 💕
18. brushing through the other's hair while talking/25. feeding each other their food
[read on ao3]
It’s a slow shift. Not from the beginning, they get called out plenty in the morning, but the afternoon is slow already and now it’s 9pm and they haven’t had a call since before dinner. 
All the chores are done, everything is clean and fully stocked and put away. 
Bobby is in his office with some paperwork, but he insisted that he doesn’t need any help before heading downstairs. 
No one was in the mood to play a game or anything, so they’re just sort of lounging around the loft, an action movie playing on TV that no one’s really paying attention to. Hen and Chim are on the armchairs, but they’re turned mostly away from the TV, their focus on each other and Buck, and the conversation the three of them are having.
Beside Buck, Eddie keeps sinking lower in his seat until his head eventually comes to rest on Buck’s shoulder. Buck shoots him a fond look and lifts the hand that’s currently on the backrest of the couch to scratch at Eddie’s scalp gently. 
Eddie makes a soft noise and rubs his cheek against Buck’s shoulder like a cat, which Buck takes as encouragement to keep going.
It’s fine – they agreed to keep this on the low for a bit (not really a secret, but they’re not telling anyone yet either. Well, except for Chris, because that would’ve felt like lying, and Bobby, because they didn’t want to risk anything by keeping secrets from the brass), but so far no one’s even looked at them twice. Buck has had his arm slung over the back of the couch and essentially around Eddie for ages now, and no one’s said a word.
They’ve always been close after all, and for the last three weeks, they’ve slowly been adding more little touches to the list of things they do, like a head on the other’s shoulder, or, like today, Buck’s hand in Eddie’s hair. 
It’s been kind of fun finding out what they can get away with before anyone figures them out. 
He keeps combing his fingers through Eddie’s hair absently while talking to Hen and Chimney, and it’s easy like this. 
With his last relationship, with Tommy, they made it public so quickly kind of accidentally, but it was fine, because there wasn’t that much at stake. Sure, it doubled as his coming out to a lot of people, but Buck’s glad that happened so organically and without him having time to overthink or worry.
With Eddie, the situation is completely different. There’s so much at stake for them, everything, that they felt safer keeping it between themselves for a few weeks, to see how they adjust to this change. The two of them – and Christopher.
But it’s been three weeks now, and things have been great, so it’s okay if they want to be a bit more open with it. And Buck wants.
Ever since he realized how he feels about Eddie, about seven minutes before he kissed him for the first time, he’s been wanting to shout his love for him from the rooftops. It hasn’t been easy keeping that in, and his hands to himself.
So it’s easy, letting himself be a little bit more affectionate with Eddie like this, up here in the loft of their fire station, with their friends.
The low hum Eddie lets out and the relaxed lines of his body pressing against Buck’s tell him that he feels the same way. And if anyone asks – that’s fine, they’re ready to share whenever it happens.
But Hen just keeps telling her story about the latest shenanigans Denny and Mara have gotten up to, pretending to be annoyed by them even though it’s obvious she loves that they’re getting along this well. Chimney chimes in with stories from his and Kevin’s childhood, and Buck occasionally shares something he did as a kid just to shock Hen.
“You’re not hanging out with my kids unsupervised,” she says after he finishes telling them about a prank he and some other boys played on a teacher, and gets up from her chair. “I’m making popcorn. You guys want some, too?”
“Yes, please,” Eddie says sleepily from Buck’s shoulder, raising his hand.
Buck smiles at him, endeared, and squeezes the back of his neck gently. Without looking up, he tells Hen, “I–I’ll take some too, thanks, Hen.”
“You know if it’s there, I’ll eat it,” Chimney says. His chair creaks when he stands up too. “I’ll help you.”
The two of them head to the kitchen, bickering quietly, and Buck takes the opportunity to turn his head, brushing his nose along Eddie’s forehead and pressing a kiss to his brow.
“Tired, sweetheart?”
“A little,” Eddie mumbles, turning further into Buck, his knee pressed to the side of Buck’s thigh. “And you’re comfortable.”
“I’m not complaining,” Buck says, and starts combing his fingers through Eddie’s hair at the back of his head again. “Just say the word and we can go to the bunkroom.”
“No, I want the popcorn now,” Eddie says, blinking his eyes open. “I’m awake.”
Buck laughs and kisses his temple. “If you say so.”
Hen and Chim return with the popcorn not much later, and their conversation has moved on to a movie Buck hasn’t seen, so he’s happy to just sit back, one hand always on Eddie, listen to their familiar voices, and snack on his popcorn.
“Gimme some of that,” Eddie says quietly, jerking his chin towards the popcorn in Buck’s hand.
“The bowl is right there,” Buck says, but he’s already extending his hand.
Eddie gives him a smile that makes butterflies erupt in his stomach and brushes his fingers along Buck’s hand while he grabs some of the popcorn. “Thanks.”
Buck rolls his eyes, but they both know it’s just for show.
The next time he reaches for the bowl, he pops some in his mouth and offers the rest to Eddie, holding it between two fingers.
Instead of taking it from him, Eddie leans forward and eats it straight from Buck’s fingers, lips wrapped around them for just a second that’s enough to make his entire body go hot, especially his face.
Hen and Chimney stop talking.
Eddie looks at Buck like everything is completely normal, then turns to Chimney and Hen to ask, “What?”
“What is up with you two tonight?” Chimney asks, exasperated. “You got something to tell us?”
Eddie shrugs, jostling Buck a little. His eyes practically sparkle, shining with mischief when he turns to Buck, and Buck loves him so much. “I don’t know, Buck, do we? Do you know what he’s talking about?”
“You’ve basically been,” Hen makes an impatient gesture that encompasses both of them on the couch, “fucking cuddling for an hour. And now you’re feeding each other popcorn? You’re always all over each other, but this is…different.”
“Well, I didn’t expect Eddie to eat it like that, either,” Buck says, and blushes even more when Eddie just winks at him.
“Chim, I never want us to be the kind of best friends they are,” Hen says, and Buck makes the mistake of meeting Eddie’s eye, both of them bursting into laughter.
“I sure hope you won’t, since you’re both married,” Eddie wheezes, and Buck descends into laughter again.
“What does that have to–” Chim pauses. “Hold on.”
“Oh, they’re getting there,” Buck says in a stage whisper, reaching out to wipe a tear from the corner of Eddie’s eye.
Eddie catches his hand on the way back and presses a kiss to his palm before tangling their fingers.
Both Hen and Chimney are gaping at them, and Hen calls out weakly, “Cap, are you seeing this?”
“Yep,” Bobby’s amused voice wafts over from the kitchen. Buck didn’t even hear him come back. “But they told me three weeks ago already.”
“What!” Hen yelps, and Chimney shakes his head like a wet dog, looking beyond confused.
“So are you saying– you’re really—” His eyes flick down to their hands, then back up to their faces, moving rapidly from Buck to Eddie and back.
“Together?” Eddie asks. “Yeah.”
“Since when!” Hen demands, and she somehow looks both appalled and delighted. “How did this happen? How did I miss this?”
“I guess you just didn’t know what to look for,” Buck says, turning his head to smile at Eddie. “I can relate to that.”
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andiftheycare · 24 days
Stsg au where overworked salary man Suguru doesn’t need more problems in his life, but alas there’s someone — or maybe multiple someones, who knows — who keeps stealing his umbrella every time he goes to buy his lunch/after work drinks at the konbini next to his office.
Which at first is, well, annoying.
It’s typhoon season and he might miss the last train because his umbrella is gone, and he has to ask the cashier if they have more umbrellas in stock because of course they’re all sold out when he looks for one in the aisle. It’s end of day — okay, it’s past 11pm — and it’s pouring outside.
So they manage to find a new umbrella for him, Suguru pays the cashier those 500 yen (internally cursing the thief) and goes on with his life.
Except that it happens again. And again. And again.
Suguru starts to keep a stash of coins in his drawer in the office because the occurrence it’s now a routine, and because there aren’t other konbini in the area that are as conveniently located nor that serve his favourite bento box.
Changing location isn’t an option.
Except that of course Suguru is not always lucky. Sometimes umbrellas actually sold out. Day after day, the pained part-time worker gets more and more confused on why this is happening only to Suguru. No other customer is affected.
“You could keep your own umbrella with you instead of leaving it in the rack?”
“It’d mess up the shop floor.” Suguru says, tired, and the part timer nods slightly, scratching his pink haired head. “Besides, I don’t see why I shouldn’t put it there. I’m not the one at fault here.”
“I’d offer to let you look at the security tapes but the umbrella rack is in a blind spot.” He sounds apologetic. “My manager would kill me if I were to move it.”
Suguru had met his manager, a guy called Sukuna that seemed more fit to run a local Yakuza gang than a couple of connivence stores, so yeah, he wouldn’t want to put the part timer in any tricky situation. It’s just an umbrella.
It doesn’t matter that he ends up walking drenched into his meetings, or covering under the konbini’s canopy until the rain calms down in the evenings, or living with a perennial running nose.
He wonders if there is some karma involved. Did he do something to be targeted by all the umbrella thieves in the prefecture? It’s a punishment for a past life where he mass murdered a village?
Whatever. He doesn’t believe in those things anyway.
Until. He’s smoking in front of the store, air wet and fresh, and he shouldn’t lit anything there, really, it’s way out of the store smoking area, but Suguru’s so tired he feels it in his bones, in the lines of his muscles. It’s all encompassing, at times, that type of tiredness, to the point it’s a struggle wake up in the morning, to process thoughts and emotion outside of business calculations.
Mostly, thought, it transforms him into a crueler version of himself. One that, deep down, only craves a long night of sleep.
“Geez, you look awful.”
Suguru blinks slowly. He stops playing with his lighter - which flame is struggling to re-lit the cigarette, Suguru’s hand covering it in an attempt to keep it alive - and looks towards the voice.
There’s another man.
He’s wearing a suit in a way that would send any HR rappresentative into a coma. His style is unfazed by company regulations, crinkled and complemented by a lopsided tie. His hair are white which, itself, it’s at least breaking four of his company contractual clauses on bleaching your hair.
Under the white background of the konbini’s neon lights, his eyes are a shadowed blue.
Those, Suguru thinks, can’t be real.
“And, well, clearly you can’t talk? But it’s not a first, I’d let you—“
“Who the fuck are you?”
The man purses his lips. They’re pretty, like the rest of him, but Suguru hasn’t felt like kissing anyone in a long time, so the thought is passing and feeble.
“Mate, I was trying to cheer you up. You look like you need it.”
Why is he speaking so informally to him? Is this man insane? Suguru patience wears thin when he works over hour. “You have a weird sense of humor.”
“I’m Satoru,” he said, and Suguru frowns at him.
“I’m not calling you by your first name.”
The man pouts at him. He’s tall — taller than him, taller than Nanami, — and build in a way that weirdly makes Suguru wonder if he could take him in a fight. This is how he knows he’s losing it.
“So formal.”
“So informal” he spits back, letting go of any hope of getting nicotine in his body.
The man - Satoru, although thinking of a stranger in those terms is too intimate for his liking - tilts his head and cracks a smile “it’s part of my charm.”
Fucking no.
“If you’re hoping to—“
The automatic doors of the shop slide open, the familiar welcome song of the konbini chain announcing an extremely self satisfied part timer. He waves an umbrella at Suguru “Geto-San, I found one!”
The white haired man raises his eyebrows, and repeats “Geto-San?”
Suguru doesn’t dignify that with more than a scornful stare.
“It’s an old one, Kugisaki found it in the back of our changing room. It’s been there forever so I think can keep it.”
“Eh? Nobara has never been so precious about me getting wet.”
The boy directs his attention to the man, and it’s suddenly clear they know each other. “I don’t think she likes Gojo-sensei as much.”
There’s an audible gasp, a quick change in demeanour that makes him look comical and reminds Suguru of those animes Nanako and Mimiko watch on the weekend while having breakfast.
Suguru doesn’t listen to whatever conversation passes between Gojo and Itadori, staring vaguely at his new umbrella, dread sinking into him as he thinks of his long train home, of how maybe he’d manage to sleep four hours if he’s lucky. Of how he’s waisting his precious time there.
“Well,” Satoru says, eyes glistening with mirth as he lays them on Suguru. “I guess we’re not sharing an umbrella to the station then.”
It lands as a joke but Suguru isn’t sure this man is joking.
“Yuk,” Itadori says. “That’s very romantic of you, sensei”
“Whatever,” Suguru says, and opens the umbrella. He’s not gifting this man more of his presence.
“Next time,” Gojo says, but this time he’s weary of Itadori, and leans in Suguru’s personal space as he steps on the rain. Water falls on Gojo’s shoulders, staining his shirt, and his voice’s low, his tone promising nothing good, “Maybe I can help you loosen up a little?”
Gojo’s grinning and Suguru hasn’t been hit on so hard in a long time. He’s flirted at often, and he likes to flirt back, see the power his words have on people, how easy it is to have things his way if he plays along. He knows the rules of that game, where not to cross the line.
Yet. This man just has.
He regards him with a brief stare. There’s a vague picture forming in his brain of what this Gojo would look like on his knees, pretty lips around his cock, and Suguru recoils.
It’s wrong. It’s so vivid you’d think he’d actually seen Gojo sucking a dick before. And he hasn’t and doesn’t want to. Suguru’s better than that, more centred, so his stomach doesn’t churn at the idea.
Maybe it has been way too long. Maybe he needs a fuck, although he rarely — if not never — feels in the mood.
He waves at Itadori. Then, whispering, he parts from Gojo with a “Fuck off.”
Suguru doesn’t think about him as he drags himself home, checks on the girls, and lies down in his suit, sleep taking him in seconds, alarm ripping him away from the quiet peace of his night in what seem like few minutes.
He wakes while it’s still dark outside, still raining.
At lunch, Suguru does what every sane person in his predicament would do. Umbrella in hand, he marches to the konbini’s printer, tapping away on the stickers design options.
He prints a curse.
Surely, he could’ve been more creative with it. And if he was to listen to his inner voice, he would’ve been more violent. Instead, he prints out:
Stealing will turn you into a frog
Childish. Appropriate for a childish thief.
He sticks it on his umbrella’s handle, and leaves it in the rack. Wonders if he’d end up with a frog on his hands.
End of… part 1???? Sorry I just wanted to write a stupid au hc and this happened???
So this is now also on Twitter here because I thought it fitted as a threadfic?? We’ll see.
PART: 2, 2.2, 3
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aylacavebear · 28 days
The Curse That Changed Your Life - Part 2 Chapter 6
With the witch taken care of, your hopes of being human gone, and dealing with sensations and emotions you hadn't before, life didn't seem like it was going to get much better. How would he look at you in the morning after what you'd said to him? What would you do after this? What would the next month hold, and how much like a cat were you? There were far too many questions you didn't have answers to and didn't want to ask. Would you find any answers in the month to come? Only time would tell.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 4774
Warnings: Charlie being a good friend, Dealing with cycle, reader being hard on herself, Fluff, Dean being a Sweetheart. Not really much for this one.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 6
Over the next couple of days, Charlie visited you often, bringing you meals which mostly consisted of red meat or chicken. She did include some of that healthy stuff that you didn’t like very much but ate it anyway. At least she would let you have some sweets, although not much. Charlie also made sure to bring you meds to keep the pain at a dull roar with the help of the heating pad. Eileen didn’t visit often, knowing that there was a possibility that you might smell Sam on her, so she kept her distance.
On day three, you got a text from Dean, which surprised you, but it made you smile a tiny bit. 
“Hey Sweetheart, feeling any better?”
“Still crampy, and the pills Charlie gives me make me sleepy. I’m craving bacon right now, but Charlie says it’s not a meal.”
“I’ll cook some up for you, make her take it to you.”
You had to chuckle at that, and you couldn’t help the smile his words brought. At least he was talking to you, even if it was through texts.
“You made my mouth water. Let me know if she caves. I’m really hungry now.”
“I will. She’ll cave, promise.”
You pictured him smirking, sitting in the library or kitchen, leaning his arms on the table as he texted you. The heating pad on your abdomen clicked off, as it tended to do after a couple of hours or if it got to the temperature. Sighing, you flipped it over and turned it back on, glancing down at your phone.
Why does it hurt when I talk to him, or think about him? 
It was a question you’d been wondering about for longer than your cycle, and the fog of the first day hadn’t helped. The meds weren’t helping either. 
“Can we talk, after  you cook?”
You sent the text before you could decide against it.
For a minute, you just stared at his response, then turned your phone off, forgetting what you’d asked about the bacon. At the moment, your thoughts were of Dean and how things had gone between the two of you over the last couple of months since that night at the club. It had been a rollercoaster for sure, and you weren’t surprised you felt depressed. The downside of thinking about it all, the cramps only got worse. You hated how they were tied to your emotional state since the curse. 
Within about thirty minutes, there was a very annoyed-looking Charlie standing in your doorway with a plate full of bacon, probably an entire package worth. For the first time in what felt like weeks, you couldn’t help but chuckle, almost laugh at her expression.
“I am not happy about this. Bacon is not a meal,” she told you, fairly annoyed as she sat down on the bed next to you, holding the plate out of your reach.
“Come on, I was craving it,” you begged, attempting to reach for the plate, even though you knew with how your cramps were, there was no way you’d get it. You were just hoping that, looking as pitiful as you did, she’d just give in.
Charlie rolled her eyes before handing over the plate, groaning, “You’re lucky I find you cute when you pout, and that you’re family.”
“Thanks, Charlie,” you replied with a mouthful of bacon, purring again at the way it made every tastebud melt into bliss.
“You’re welcome,” she half whined, half smiled, seeing how happy you were, even if it was due to the bacon. 
Dean was indeed a fantastic cook. You’d told him that before, but there was something different with the food during this cycle, and you weren’t quite able to put your finger on what. Charlie couldn’t sit there and watch you eat nothing but bacon, so she went back out, to where you weren’t sure. 
Halfway through the plate, you picked up your phone after licking your fingers clean and sent a thank-you text to Dean. You’d finally managed to find a mostly comfortable position, half laying on your side and half propped up on the several pillows that were on the bed. With your phone on the bed next to your plate, and the heating pad on your abdomen, you began relaxing.
“Glad you enjoyed it. Charlie put up a good argument, but, I won.”
You giggled, picturing that winning smirk on him as he typed that. “You made my night.”
“What did you want to talk about?”
For a moment, you just stared at his question, wondering if it was even worth bringing up during your cycle. 
“I wish we could talk face to face.”
“I’d suggest a video call, but Charlie said this is the only way I’m allowed to talk to you.”
A pout found its way to your lips, and you quickly made it go away with another bite of bacon. “Should I still keep my distance, after my cycle?” It was the best way to ask what had been running through your mind, but you weren’t prepared for his answer.
“Things will be different after your cycle. You’ll see. I’m not supposed to tell you anything, though. Charlie swore me to secrecy.”
“Not fair…” you grumbled out loud, pouting again. Stupid hormones.
“Fine. I guess I’ll just have to wait, then. I’m bored, though, and I don’t want to watch another movie or sleep. I know Charlie is gonna bring me more meds soon, and I’m gonna fall asleep. I hate sleeping so much.”
“You need the sleep. I’m glad the meds are helping. It just means you’ll feel better after your cycle is over.”
Too bad there's no inflection on tone in text. I wonder why I’m not allowed to see him.
“Fine. I hate being treated like a five-year-old, or like I can’t take care of myself.”
“Everyone cares about you. You’re family now. Let us take care of you. We wouldn’t do it if we didn’t care.”
You grumbled a little at that and tried really hard not to let it bother you, but in a way, it did. It was all hormone issues, though. If it had been any other time, you would have understood what he meant.
“Thanks again for the bacon. I guess we can always chat again sometime.”
“Get some rest, Sweetheart.”
After that last text from him, you turned your phone off and then went back to the bacon, which was nearly gone now. The cramps were getting stronger again, making you shift positions, as that one was no longer comfortable. But now, nothing was comfortable. There were four slices left on the plate, but you couldn’t eat with how the cramps were getting, so you pushed it to the far side of the bed. Just when you were about to lay down all the way to curl into a ball, Charlie showed up, meds in hand, with more water. You quickly took the pills, squirming slightly in pain as you tried to lie down on your side. Charlie knew there was nothing she could do to help, so she just tucked the blankets around you.
You whimpered as the cramps sent waves of sharp pains from your abdomen up and down your body, feeling as though they hit every nerve and muscle along the way. Tears slipped from your eyes of their own accord as your body shook a little. 
For some reason, the meds began working faster than you thought they should, but that was when you realized Cas was in your room, his first two fingers on your forehead, and a light warmth spread through your body. Then, everything went dark.
When you woke up, you had no idea what time it was or what day it was, but you did notice the cramps were gone, and your brain didn’t feel so foggy. The heating pad was on the opposite side of the bed, and you were under the blankets. Turning toward the nightstand, you found your phone.
I slept for two days?
You set your phone back down and turned on the light, groaning as you sat up. Your entire body was sore, and you desperately wanted a shower. Grabbing the set of clothes off the desk, you forced your body to the bathroom. It wasn’t nearly as bad or as sore as last time, but every muscle still hurt. 
The shower helped, but you didn’t want to crawl back into that bed. As you made your way back over to the bed, you grabbed your phone, choosing to sit on the side of the bed that had been left entirely untouched. Then, texted Charlie. Although, you were surprised that she hadn’t shown up at your room yet.
“I’m up and showered, but I don’t want to walk to my room alone.”
It was after ten, so you figured she and the others were or at least had to be awake. Just as you were about to wonder if they were even home, your phone went off.
“Be right there.”
You smiled a little and turned your phone off, trying to remember everything that had happened over the last almost week. Charlie had said so much to you, but half of it was still lost in the fog that was now gone. Your cycle was the one main thing you hated the most since the curse. 
“Hey. Feeling better?” Charlie asked, popping into the room.
“Mostly. I don’t remember a whole lot, though,” you answered, looking up at her.
“Well, you look better at least. I kept you mostly drugged for the pain, but Cas had to put you to sleep two days ago. The meds stopped working,” she explained, sitting next to you.
The day I talked to Dean…
“I’m blaming it on eating bacon as a meal with nothing else with it. Nothing else was different that I can think of,” she added.
“I, uh, I talked to Dean, through text. I hadn’t done that before then,” you told her, quietly, almost feeling guilty for it.
“That explains a lot. Okay,” she said as if all the pieces clicked into place for her, but you were still mostly clueless. “I’ll walk with you back to your room if you want. Then me and Eileen will take care of the stuff in here.”
“I kinda was hoping to move around a little more. I feel sore, mostly from being in bed for as long as I was,” you explained, but also felt almost anxious about being around all of them again.
“We can do that,” she told you with that sunshine smile she always seemed to have. Then she sent a quick text to someone before standing up, waiting for you.
You gave her a small smile, getting yourself up. The walk out to the library was rough and slow going, but Charlie never left your side. She even let you lean on her a few times when the wall wasn’t enough. You missed being able to pace and wander when you had your cycles, but here, that was a little impossible. 
By the time you reached the war room, your muscles didn’t feel nearly as sore, and they didn’t hurt as much as they had been. There was an aroma in the air, and it smelled delicious. Charlie couldn’t hide the smile as you made it into the library.
The other four were standing there, looking happy and nervous, but at least you didn’t feel alone in that regard. “We talked, a lot over the last few days. You’re family, and we want you to feel that way,” Charlie told you, giving you a hug.
“Thanks, this means a lot to me,” you whispered to her, returning the hug.
One by one, they each came over to you and hugged you. Sam and Eileen said you were like a little sister to them, which you found endearing. When Cas hugged you, he said he loved how much like a cat you were, but also that he liked your personality. You couldn’t help but laugh a little at that one.
Dean waited till last, and he looked the most nervous as he approached you. The others slowly moved into the library, leaving the two of you in the archway. He gently wrapped his arms around you and held you close. 
“I’m sorry, for being so stupid before. If- if you can forgive me, I’d still like to go out with you,” he whispered as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
What the hell happened during my cycle?
You wanted to instantly just say yes, but you also wanted more information. Something clearly happened that you weren’t aware of. You nibbled on your bottom lip as you thought about what he said.
Fuck it. Why not. What could possibly go wrong by going out with him?
“We can at least try it and see how it goes,” you replied quietly, feeling somewhat unsure of how different things felt. 
Dean gave you a gentle squeeze before setting his hand on your lower back and leading you over to one of the library tables. They all looked like they were in a good mood, at least, and you realized that the sweet smell was a candle on the table. As you sat down, he sat next to you. Everything felt so… odd.
“Since you’re up and moving around, I’m guessing the fog is gone,” Charlie began, to which you nodded, so she continued. “I did some research on cats. Cas also took a peak at your anatomy to help out with things. You’re a lot more cat-like on the inside than even you probably know.”
You weren’t quite sure what to think. On the one hand, you were appreciative, but on the other, you wondered what the details were. “Could I possibly have some coffee? This is, a lot,” you asked, keeping your emotions in check as best you could. At least your hormones were finally leveling back out.
Dean reached over and gently began rubbing your back while Cas went to the kitchen. Something about the contact from Dean was comforting, on more than just that regular human level. Cas returned, setting a cup of hot, steaming coffee in front of you before returning to his seat.
As you sipped it, Charlie continued, “So, there are all sorts of scientific mumbo jumbo terms that you probably wouldn’t understand at the moment. I’ll try to keep it simple without dredging up too much. Depression in cats causes all sorts of problems. We all know how sad you got when we found out we couldn’t break the curse. Add how you felt about, well, all of us, in different ways, and you had almost all the symptoms cats get when they’re depressed.”
You tilted your head a bit, fairly curious at this point. It was something you hadn’t ever considered might affect you. You also weren’t aware that animals went through those sorts of things, never having pets growing up or as an adult. 
“Cats tend to pick their families. You chose us. I know that sounds weird with how things happened, but it’s just how the cat part of you is wired. Since we didn’t know how cat-like you really are, we didn’t know the little things you needed from us,” Charlie explained, seeing your mild confusion and curiosity.
The longer Charlie spoke, things were somewhat making sense. You had done a lot of research on cats but had ignored a lot as well. Dean kept rubbing your back gently, and you found yourself relaxing as your tail began swaying lazily to your side. 
Sam cleared his throat, causing you to look over at him, “We want to include you in things, if you want to stay here. None of us want to see you go back to doing something you don’t want to. So, if you’re up for it, we want to teach you about hunting.”
“Really?” you asked, surprised.
“Yup. And I’ll teach you some hand-to-hand stuff,” Dean added with a smirk you knew meant he was looking forward to it.
You couldn’t help the small smile that played along your lips. Family wasn’t something you’d had in a long time. “Now for the part you might feel weird about,” Charlie pipped in, pulling your attention to her. “Your cycles. I did drug you. It was mostly to let you sleep through this cycle while I figured other stuff out. When you told me that you had only texted with Dean, all the pieces made sense. This might sound weird, but, well, he’s your human.”
Your face went blank as you stared at her. It was something you’d read about: cats choosing their person. A light blush also found its way to your cheeks. It did explain a lot as to why Dean staying away from you had bothered you so much. Part of you also felt bad for it. 
Looking away from Charlie and down at your cup as your ears drooped a little, you mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
Dean wasted no time, pulling you closer to him and nuzzling his cheek just behind your ear, “Would you stop apologizing already,” he told you, somewhat playfully.
The contact surprised you, but it also comforted you in a way you hadn’t felt before. Relief washed through you as you let your body lean into his.
“As long as Dean doesn’t do something stupid,” Charlie continued, giving Dean a warning glare, “you’ll be okay. You also need to be eating more red meat and chicken or some other sort of bird. It’s a high-protein diet. I would add fish, too, if you aren’t allergic to it. Your system was out of whack. That was also making your cycles harder. You and Dean have at least three weeks to figure things out. On your next cycle, it’ll just be the two of you here in the bunker.”
That one made your blush so deep, you swore you were the color of a tomato. When Dean chuckled, you felt it rumble from deep in his chest. “I promise, I won’t hurt you, not on purpose,” he whispered, and you could hear the soft smile in his words.
“Thanks, just nervous, I guess,” you mumbled.
“With all that out of the way,” Charlied piped in again, causing you to pull away from Dean so you could see her better. “Your cat side needs more physical contact. You’ve starved it since the curse happened, and that’s another reason your cycles were so bad, your emotions were all over the place, and your hormone levels are, or at least were, way off. Cas also healed you, but you have to keep up on things.” 
Sometimes you just loved listening to her talk with how expressive she was. It was like when she talked, she put everything into it. What she said made sense. You had pushed a lot away since the curse, and being around them had brought a lot out that you weren’t prepared for. You’d dealt with the curse and, recently, the fact that it couldn’t be broken. Now, it was time to deal with all of what you were. Which was apparently far more cat-like than you ever considered.
Dean kept contact with you; right now, it was his hand on your lower back, rubbing gentle circles against your shirt with his thumb. Charlie’s words helped put other pieces into place. Cas had healed you, completely. That was why things felt different. Your body chemistry was finally like it was supposed to be, which it never had been before.
“We typically aren’t physically affectionate people,” Sam added with a softness you weren’t used to, “but we can work on that. If you need a hug, don’t feel like you need to ask. That’s all I’m saying. Just keep all that other stuff to you and Dean.”
The last part made you giggle a little, something you hadn’t done in what felt like far too long. “Thanks. I can’t say that enough, to all of you,” it was really all you could say. “Come on, I’ll get you something to eat,” Dean told you, kissing the top of your head before he headed in that direction.
You hadn’t even thought about food, not with everything Charlie had been talking about, even if she had brought up meat, and bacon. Curiously, you grabbed your cup and followed Dean while the others did their best not to snicker as you walked away. Your ears and tail twitched with a curiosity that you hadn’t felt before, not like this anyway. Sure, you got curious in the past, but this felt different; everything did. 
Dean was already standing at the stove, heating a pan. You filled your cup again before hoisting yourself up on the island to watch him. Yes, you enjoyed sitting on surfaces that weren’t technically meant for sitting. Although, you weren’t sure if that was a cat thing or just a weird human thing. You did make sure to keep your tail on the left side of your body since Dean was also using part of the island for cooking items.
For a while, neither of you spoke. You just watched him cook, gently swaying your feet. The food did smell amazing, and just when he turned to look at you, you were licking your lips.
“Smell good?” he asked with an amused smirk.
“Let’s just say I didn’t realize I was hungry till I smelled it,” you replied, smiling happily. “Yes, it does smell good,” you decided to add, not wanting him to feel as though you didn’t want to actually answer him. 
“You know, you really are adorable,” he chuckled, shaking his head slightly in amusement as he went back to cooking. 
Your ears twitched with your tail, giving away just how good you were feeling and how good his words made you feel. It wasn’t like you could hide that sort of thing. “And you’re sweet,” you told him, and you were fairly surprised at how easily it was to feel as relaxed as you were. “Be right back,” you quickly stated, then hopped off the island.
Heading back to the library, you found Cas and hugged him, even though he was sitting down. “I can’t thank you enough, Cas. I don’t think I ever felt this good after I got cursed.” Then, you went over and hugged Charlie, now purring. “You too. Thank you, Charlie, for caring like you did, and do.”
Charlie actually blushed, but she returned the hug. Cas was still somewhat confused but smiling nonetheless. Feeling better now that you had thanked them again, you went back into the kitchen. You somehow just knew that it was those two who had done most of the work. You slid onto one of the seats at the table, just watching Dean again. You rested your head in your palms as your elbows were on the table. 
Dean plated the steak, eggs, and toast and brought it over to you, sitting down across from you. “Hope you’re hungry,” he smirked.
Licking your lips at the meal before you, “Starving.”
He chuckled at your response but sat there while you ate. You hadn’t ever looked this happy, relaxed, and playful since you’d moved in. He didn’t want to hope, but seeing you now, that hope grew within him. Charlie had given him quite the earful the day before your cycle started, and she was far harder on him than he’d ever been on himself. You were more than a person, you were also a lot like a cat. She had explained that a relationship with a person is different. Break-ups can be healed, and people can move on. When it comes to animals, though, the moving on part doesn’t always happen, and that some animals can die from depression. Dean realized quickly, thanks to Charlie, that not being with you would be far more harmful than if he chose to be, and that was just with the living situation. 
He was lost in his thoughts, watching you and figuring out just what came next for the two of you. Dean had already gone through the range of things in his thoughts. Everything from slow and gentle to fucking the brat out of you, and he was still struggling with how to even pursue a first real kiss with you at the moment.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” you asked, mouthful of a bite of steak and egg, without looking up at him.
“What makes you think I’m thinking about anything?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, fairly curious at this point.
“Your scent changes,” you replied, then swallowed the bite in your mouth, looking up at him.
Dean blushed, but attempted to smirk and recover, “Good change or bad change?” 
“Depends. What were you thinking about?” you replied, this time tilting your head, just a bit, curiously.
“Kissing you,” he answered, his smirk turning to more of a smile.
“Then it would be a good change, and now I know,” you giggled, going back to your meal.
His entire expression went to utter confusion for a moment due to your response. You didn’t say anything about him wanting to kiss you, just that the scent he gave off was good. He made a mental note to ask Charlie about that later since she’d become somewhat of an expert.
You were able to think back on other times he had that scent, and it definitely made sense. Now, at least, you knew what the change meant. It was hard to focus, though. Between the delicious meal he’d made you and the scent coming off of him, your mind was thinking about all sorts of things.
I wonder if that scent gets stronger if he thinks more intimate thoughts?
It was more curiosity than anything at this point. Popping the last bite of steak in your mouth, you purred, smiling happily. 
“I love it when you do that,” Dean chuckled, taking your plate to the sink and beginning to clean up.
That wouldn’t do for you, though, so quickly got to your feet, and got between him and the sink before he could make it there. You looked up at him, wishing you could truly express what you felt, but couldn’t find the words.
“You cooked. I can clean up,” you told him sincerely. It was the only thing you could think of, other than how close the two of you were, again.
Dean leaned a little closer, sliding the plate into the sink behind you, then set his hands on your hips, “You’re quicker than you look.”
“That? That was nothing,” you replied, but the moment you looked into his eyes, your lips parted, and your mind went blank. You’d wanted to say something else, but for the life of you, whatever it was, it was gone with how he was looking at you.
He licked his lips, and your eyes caught the movement, now watching his tongue slide between his lips before it disappeared behind them again. Slowly, you looked back up into those beautiful green eyes of his, and you could have sworn they were a shade darker. 
Your entire body went through anticipation of what he’d do next, of the what if he kissed you.
Does he even know what he does to me when he looks at me like that? Yeah, probably. 
The moment you opened your mouth to say something else, he leaned down and placed those wonderful, plump, soft pink lips of his against yours. He reached one of his hands up, gently holding your cheek. It almost felt like a dream, but your body made it clear that it was anything but. 
It was slow and intimate, and you had no control over the purring it brought on. You felt Dean smirk against your lips as he deepened the kiss, ever so slightly. Those sweet butterfly kisses you had dreamed about. Everything but the two of you was nonexistent the moment he slipped his tongue between your lips, which you let him, inhaling deeply and pressing your body closer to his. 
If it wasn’t for Cas just showing up in the kitchen, you weren’t sure how long that kiss would have lasted.
“Damnit, Cas, we talked about this,” Dean growled, annoyed, making you giggle as you calmed your breathing.
“Sorry, Dean, but we have a problem. Let me take her to her room,” Cas said in a way that made your heart pound harder against your chest.
----------------------------------------- A/N: Part 3 is on hold for now while I try to finish Soulmates. I hope I can get back to this one and get part 3 written and up for you guys.
Series Master List Part 1 Master List Part 2 Master List Past 3 Master List (On Hold) Main Master List
A/N: As always, if you'd like to be tagged, let me know in a comment. And if I missed your request to be tagged, please let me know. I know not everyone is interested in everything an author writes, so don't mind doing different tag lists for each piece of writing. I just get a lot of requests sometimes.
Tag List: @roseblue373 @zaratahir @jc-winchester @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never
@nancymcl @deans-spinster-witch @kindollss @flamencodiva @reignsboy19
@stillhere197 @kr804573 @hobby27 @megs-gadom
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toast-tales · 6 months
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Cursed Cravings, Chapter 6: Lessons in Futility
In which Christopher gets a talking-to from Sam. Contains: ~1.5k words Chapter 1 | Read this story on A03!
Christopher had retired to his bedroom for the night after his attempt to feed Danny, preferring to sulk in isolation—not that such a thing had ever been hard to come by for him. There had been many times over the years where he might forget that he had someone else in his home at all, if it weren’t for the fact that this awful, grotesque form could smell them so well, even from across the entire house. Even when he tucked himself away upstairs, Danny’s scent was still entwined faintly in his senses.
Thanks to Danny’s friend, he’d done what he had to do this morning to keep the curse at bay, so the pain in his stomach wasn’t so bad yet. It was tolerable—just the gentlest of reminders that he was fucked, instead of the overwhelming ocean of misery it would eventually become. 
He had another week or two, at least, before he drowned again.
The days that immediately followed when he did it were always when his mind felt clearest. And this time, he didn’t have to worry about when he’d find the next person, or if he would at all, and how long he’d have to endure the pain of that infernal magic eating away at his insides and demanding, always demanding more. 
So, in the absence of that usual anxiety, he was left with the much more uncomfortable prospect of the longer term, and the grimness that was his future. Or what was left of it, anyways.
She certainly won’t be the one to end this. 
In the midst of his gloomy rumination, he thought he could hear something downstairs, though he assumed it was just Sam. If there was actually trouble, Sam would alert him. He didn’t particularly want to confront Danny again yet if it wasn’t necessary. There was a chance he could get her to tolerate his presence if he took things slowly—offered her nicer accommodations in return for a more cooperative attitude, perhaps.
Despite his windows being very firmly shut, a breeze blew through the room, raising the hair on his arms slightly. His eyes idly scanned about as he laid back on his bed. “Is there a problem, Sam?” 
“Oh, no, no problem at all. I just thought I’d check on you, let you know I put Danny in the guest room, see if you wanted any tea-”
Christopher sat up in bed immediately, halting Sam’s blatant attempt at skipping past some particularly crucial information. “You what?” 
“Well, you usually like chamomile before bed, so I-”
“No, no. Don’t you try this with me right now,” Christopher muttered darkly, his eyes scanning futilely around the room in search of where his manservant’s voice had come from. Sam’s voice had floated around the room without giving him a place for his eyes to land on, so he chose to glare at a suspiciously sheepish curtain. “You put her in the guest room without asking me first?” 
“You wouldn’t have said yes anyways,” the curtain protested. 
“What if she tries to escape?” Not to mention this throws my whole plan out the window if Sam’s already let her out of that cage. I can only offer so many incentives for her to not actively hate me.
“Dude, it’s still a giant room. She can’t even get off the bed without help. I’m gonna check on her all the time, and I don’t sleep. You know that.” 
Christopher growled, mostly annoyed that Sam was right. Even so, he shook some of the blankets off of him with an irritated jerk of his arm. “I’m going to go put her back.” 
The curtain inflated a little, almost as if it was smug. “No, you aren’t. I locked her door. Give it a rest for tonight, or I’ll lock yours too.” 
“Sam, you’re forgetting your place.” It was hard to muster up any sort of authority, however, when there wasn’t anyone to actually aim his withering gaze at. 
“I am the place, Chris.”
“I told you to stop calling me that.” Christopher sighed, too tired to argue, knowing it wasn’t an argument he would ever win. Not when his manservant was an incorporeal spirit that could slip a rug out from under him or lock him in his own room on a whim. He was just lucky that Sam was usually incredibly loyal to him. 
Sam didn’t respond, leaving Christopher with the conversational equivalent of a brick wall to argue with. He flopped back down onto the bed, defeated. 
The lamp on his nightstand turned itself on, the flame flickering weakly. “You know, you should try being nicer to Danny. I think there’s a real shot of breaking our curse with her. She did technically volunteer to stay here willingly. Plus, she’s actually pretty nice.” 
Christopher gave the lamp a weary, dead-eyed stare. “Did you see the way she talked to me? She wouldn’t even eat the food I made for her earlier. She threw it at me. I don’t have a chance.” He stared blankly at the ceiling, a decade-long weariness settling into his bones. “She didn’t scream, but she still thinks I’m a monster. It’s no different than all the others.” 
A pillow from beside him rose with a vengeance and smacked him square in the face. He sat up again, glaring at the offending, seemingly innocent pillow. “Sam, I swear to god, I will-”
“THAT was your idea of ‘nice’ earlier? Really?” 
Christopher sighed bitterly. “Well then, since you’ve got it all figured out, what would you suggest that we haven’t tried already, a million times before?” 
“Well, I’ve already gotten the first step out of the way for you, giving her a nicer place to stay than a cage. You’re welcome. Maybe you could try, y’know, talking to her? Ask her about her hobbies, her family, whatever. Just try and think about how you’d like to be treated if you were in her place.” 
“That never works anyways,” he said with a grimace. “You know it doesn’t.”
“You have to TRY.” 
Christopher rolled his eyes. “She won’t talk to me, Sam. You’re delusional if you think she’s going to be the one to break my curse.” 
“OUR curse, may I remind you. And may I also remind you that the deadline for that is-”
“I know,” Christopher growled, letting out a bit more irritation than he’d intended. His face fell slightly as he sighed. Time passed so agonizingly slowly and yet, the deadline that Sybil had given him was approaching so soon. A month. That’s all they had left, before he was doomed to be a fucking giant forever. It already seemed like forever, anyways. Ten years of this? He could hardly remember being human, eating real food, laughing with friends and hosting parties—a time before he had to hide a set of grotesque horns with his hair every morning. It was like the distant dreams of a different person entirely, tinged with a hazy light but not entirely real. 
He could almost feel Sam draw back, their voice quieter now as the flame of the lamp died down slightly as well. “Pardon me for saying so, but it doesn’t even feel like you’ve been…trying, anymore. We have this perfect opportunity waltz up to our door right before we reach the deadline, and you’re just going to…give up?” 
“What’s the point?” Christopher whispered. He should have been angrier at Sam for saying something so brazen, but he couldn’t find the words to argue with them. He wasn’t the only one cursed, anyways—Sam had also paid the price for Christopher’s mistake, and had done nothing to deserve it but remain by his side when everyone else had fled. But at least Sam didn’t have to deal with the awful burden he did—and when they were doomed to live with this condition for the rest of their lives, at least Sam would be free of the pain he would have to endure. 
“She might be the last one, you know. Before the deadline. We might not get another chance.” 
Christopher’s lips tightened into a fine line. He said nothing.
“...just try, tomorrow. She might surprise you, you know.”
Christopher felt the room get a little emptier as Sam’s presence left, extinguishing the flame on their way out, and he was left with nothing but darkness and his thoughts. There’s no point. She’s not going to give me permission to eat her, especially when I can’t even MENTION the curse itself. That goddamn witch only gave me that stipulation to make a mockery of me. She just wanted to see me suffer for the rest of my life.
He had a week or two, at most, before he would get hungry enough to be forced to eat Danny. It was, admittedly, more time than he usually had—most humans, like the man from yesterday, only wandered by when he’d long since passed the point of desperation. He still didn’t think there was a chance, even if he managed to improve his relations with her in such a short timespan. Why would he go through the effort of being nice and gaining her trust when he’d just have to eat her anyways? It would only make it harder for him when he reached the end of the limit on his hunger. 
It was better that she hated him. Hatred made him feel less guilty about what he’d have to do eventually. 
It had always been harder when they thought that they could trust him, only to have that trust shattered when they were betrayed by the monster in the end. 
* * * * * * * * * * 
Next chapter ->
How will the next day go, I wonder? I guess we'll have to see in Chapter 7, Quest for Answers! Thank you all for reading!
I would have posted earlier, but there was a total eclipse today. I was a bit preoccupied!
Thank you, as always, for reading!
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AITA for effectively banning my roommate from bringing over a certain friend just because I find him annoying?
So I (20F) met my friend, S (20NB) in highschool and they fairly recently started living with me and my family. We sometimes have little watch parties with our friends where we all dress up, eat food, and watch movies all pertaining to a certain theme. S wanted to do a John Wick watch party and invited A (19M)
I met A when we were both in the drama club and we got along at first but I eventually just started to find him really annoying. When S and I were both in AP art, A would constantly skip his classes to hang out in the art room without any consideration for the fact that we had to focus on our projects. He never took our art seriously and destroyed my friend's sculpture that was part of her portfolio. Ik it's petty to still hold a grudge over this, but it really thoroughly pissed me off. (This isn't the only thing he did to piss me off but it's one of the most prominent in my memory)
Anyways, fast forward, S is having their watch party. A doesn't drive and he was trying to figure out a way there and asked if I could drive him. Since he lives 30 minutes away, that's 2 hours of driving to pick up and drop off someone I don't even like. I said I'd do it for $100, mostly as a joke to make it clear I didn't want to and he texted S "Is she r*tarded?" (He didn't censor)
That was kinda the last straw and I wasn't willing to do anything to help him after that point. He took an Uber over and then at the end of the night, he failed to realize that Ubers would cost more, and didn't want to pay the extra fee, so the two options were that he could stay until the price went down or I could drive him. I made it clear to S that I didn't want him to stay, but I also said that it was ultimately my parents' choice since this was their house. They said yes and he stayed until the next morning.
Later, S asked why I didn't like A and I dished everything out, including how mad it made me that he called me the r-word. I really didn't hold back with my rant.
S was very understanding and admitted that they hated hosting the watch party and so A wouldn't come over again. I tried to insist that I'm not gonna bar them from seeing their friend, but they just insisted that they would invite A over again. It wasn't my goal to ban A from the house, but I also know that my ranting and making it clear how much I dislike him that I effectively told S not to bring him over again.
What are these acronyms?
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leclerced · 6 months
obviously when it all starts, you do start to cling to them a bit more right? Because all these murders happening around is enough to freak a sane person out, especially when it’s classmates, and people you see every day at college you know? and sure there are little things that tip you off, but you don’t want to see them, so you don’t really notice them. how they don’t want you driving around after dark can just be seen as them trying to protect you because there’s a scary murderer around! they’d love the fact that it makes you a little jumpy, and you become so much more attached to them, and they do also have to admit that your fear is hot as hell. They like being your big strong protectors you know?
And realistically. You are probably the safest girl on campus right now, and just because they are a little murder happy doesn’t mean they don’t love you, though it is odd that every time you tell them something that someone did to upset you, that person ends up dead.
ok sorry … this was actually saved in my drafts … so it was my fault this time not tumblrs. i hit save not post. but i found it !!!
the first murder happens after the three of you go to a party, at some point you get separated from them. you went to pee while they were playing beer pong and somehow get distracted, bump into some friends after peeing and forget to make your way back to your boyfriends. twenty minutes pass and you suddenly remember promising to return to them, so you do. only they aren’t at the pong table anymore. you check your phone for texts, assuming they went looking for you and may have texted or called, but there’s nothing.
you spend an hour searching the house party for them, texting and calling both before you give up and decide to go home. you text the group chat, and both of them privately, and hit the “notify anyways” button that tells you their phones are both on do not disturb. the walk is short and uneventful, but because you’re alone and it’s dark, you’re a bit scared until you get home. you go to bed and try not to be annoyed that you were ditched. there’s got to be a worthy explanation.
when you wake up hours later to your boyfriends crawling into bed, you’re angry. mostly, from being woken. “excuse me. what time is it?” you lift your wrist and check the time on your smart watch, not even allowing them enough time to check and answer. “it’s four am. where have you been?”
max grunts, “we fell asleep upstairs.” your brows furrow in confusion but before you can ask why they went upstairs, he adds, “fooled around.”
you gasp, “seriously? without me?” it’s a bit rude to be honest. to go upstairs at a party and not take you with.
charles presses his face into your chest, “m sorry, pet, i thought i texted you. make it up in the morning? too tired now.” you glare at max as he cuddles up next to you too, but let them smother you despite the annoyance.
you have a nice morning, they wake you up after letting you sleep in later than usual and clean the apartment up. they debate making breakfast to surprise you, but charles points out their lie from the night before, and how he promised they’d make make up for fooling around without you. so you’re woken with sex and then breakfast, in that order, so it won’t get cold. then you take a nice bath and finally pick up your phone to check it, screen any socials you may have posted on the night before.
instead of seeing photos and videos from the night before on your feed, it’s full of news stories about a student being found dead. it takes two scrolls of your thumb to find out who. eric from your physics class. the guy who sits behind you and incessantly bothers you with his attempts at flirting. the last time you saw him outside of class was a few weeks ago, when he tried to force himself on you at a party. he was kicked out by the frat brothers, one of them caught him trying to corner you on the way to fetch a drink and he was kicked out. you hadn’t told anyone about it, just forced yourself to forget about the situation. you feel guilty for thinking he deserved it.
you find out a few hours later what happened. or at least, what your friends know from the rumor mill. he was at the same party you were, and he left around midnight, then his roommate found him murdered when he came home. it never crosses your mind that charles or max, or both, could be behind it; they went upstairs around two in the morning and came home at four. two of your friends even joked about seeing them go upstairs only to see you coming down minutes before, saying they thought you may have been fighting since you weren’t with them.
you think it had to be related to something he did, you’re convinced it’s a one off. the first murder doesn’t shake you too much, but your boyfriends insist on walking you to and from every class, taking you anywhere you need to go. they make a schedule that works around their own to create a buddy system so you’re never alone. when neither are in class, they’d just wait around for you to need to go somewhere so they could escort you. you think it’s silly until the second person dies. an ex boyfriend who was really shitty to you. your first thought is it was probably a drug deal gone bad until you find out he was stabbed just like eric. that one shakes you.
you excuse it though, and list all the people that also knew both of them. your ex was in the same friend group before he was ousted for treating you like shit, and a few of your friends have had classes with eric. one shared a dorm with him freshman year.
the third one is a girl you met once in the library. she spilled coffee on your laptop and refused to replace it. that doesn’t mean you knew her. it’s not another person connected to you. you tell yourself there’s no reason to freak out. but you really fucking like the buddy system.
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goodoldwritings · 4 months
gaah u have no idea how excited i was 2 find sfl writers out there,,,, it was a pleasant surprise!!! but uhm anyway i was wondering if i could request the four main cultists from date to die for x a masc reader like after the events of the game where its all happy and cheery and stuff... im not sure how it would work for Buck, but i rlly wanna see more of him 😭 if u cant think of anything i would be just as happy if you did before the events of the game instead!! sorry if this is too much but thank u!!!
A lovely ask! I wondered if anyone would ask for the cultists, However I don't have Character edits for them yet.
Spoilers for: Sucker For Love Date To Die For
Headcanons for Buck, Kid, Nanni and Billy getting a happily ever after with a masculine reader.
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Hot girl summer? Nah 💅Hot girl eternity💅
Even if she is the stereotypical hot blonde girl she isn't stupid, trusting? Yes but not stupid.
Matching nails, it doesn't matter your personality nor your opinion on nail polish you at the very LEAST have your pinkies done to match hers and at the MOST have matching outfits too!
I have this feeling she would volunteer at the library with Muu and gush about the best couples in town. Occationally Rhok'zan joins in to be filled in on all the relationship gossip.
Easily apologizes for her actions in the cult without you asking her to, forgets who she's already apologized to and starts a list in her bedroom.
The only one with family to meet! (None of the other cultists Mentioned family) Nanni constantly elbows you to not mention the cult stuff in front of her parents because they forgot when the world ended and started again.
Also+ double dates with Rhok'zan and Stardust! You are good friends with the pair (How does one give hooves a manicure? Nanni probably looks up a tutorial about caring for goat and Cow hooves to take inspiration from to do it herself)
Rhok'zan loves your relationship with Nanni! You're adorable and she's expecting younglings from you asap! She would love to babysit!
Hear me out, Billy is opening a gym, it just feels right. The Gym is based on honor and respect and keeps the utopian folks from "getting soft"
Your "romantic moments" are wrestling eachother to the ground at the gym. She probably kicks your butt no matter how good or bad of shape you are in.
Takes the longest to apologize for any of her actions in the cult, mostly she's just apologizing to Rhok'zan and Stardust.
You two probably keep the town safe by just existing, every Utopia has people who want to mess it up but- look at Billy and think "would I want to fight her and do her loved ones harm?-" No. She will go John wick.
Kid annoys Billy but you don't mind him, it's funny to watch them interact. Sometimes you take Kid with you to the gym just to mess with Billy.
Despite how rough tough and difficult Billy is, helping her braid her hair is a soft activity you two probably do. She is a tad tsundere about it but... she totally could do her hair herself, so she's letting you do it.
Rhok'zan is Concerned, she knows all relationships are different but watching Billy pin you to the floor in a chokehold (lovingly) has her perplexed.
I had the most ideas for him first, hear me out- You write and play music together! (Or if you're not musically talented you help the best ya can!)
In Rhok'zan's almost utopian world you two are like a two person boy band working on making his dream come true without Bucks magic brainwashing.
Or you're like his manager, keeping him from doing stupid things in the heat of the moment.
But first there is the guilt, he cannot apologize to most of the people he wronged because they don't remember. He remembers and it causes him doubt about his career on bad days.
Similarly to wondering if his fans have the free will to love him, he wonders if you too are somehow brainwashed by this world. Prepare for clingy mornings and "are you sure you're not under a spell-"
"Yes, I'm sure you dummy."
Given its a masculine reader- sharing clothes and accessories, he loves to match! At the very least match bracelets at all times.
Rhok'zan thinks your relationship is adorable! You're good for eachother (and definitely wants to use her powers to get you some kids but that's intense!)
"I can fix him I swear." I'm kidding! If I can love Nyanlathotep, you can love Buck.
It took a while for stardust to convince Buck to come see the Utopia world. That is when you met.
The first thing is his appearance, he is... messed up, but I just imagine after the equivalent of eons gazing at the stars he has this cool starry look to him. Give the man smoochy kisses to make him feel better, just smother him in affection-
Emotional support, Therapy human.
You are quickly trusted to supervise him and be his tour guide around. Buck has no access to magic nor is he really mad anymore.
You get him some nice clothes and he stays with you at your home, he is a homebody these days with his appearance and what he's done.
Eventually you set up a meeting with the others (Nanni, Kid, Billy and Stardust) for apologies but getting Him and Rhok'zan in the same room is far harder- given he tortured her and they are Exes.
Rhok'zan is worried about you with your relationship but definitely thinks you are good for Buck. Keeps an eye on you jussst in case she thinks he mistreats you.
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
OK SO! the tommyinnit 101. technically this isn't really tied to an smp though.
so first we must start at the very beginning. the dream smp. in late 2020-early 2021, the dream smp was at the height of its popularity, and tommyinnit played one of its most prominent characters (tommy, henceforth referred to as c!tommy). now the thing about c!tommy is that both he and cc!tommy (idk if i've talked about the c! vs cc! divide before but that is its own 101) were under 18 at the time, and therefore if you shipped his character with anyone about 70% of the fandom would tear you apart.
honestly dsmp isn't too relevant here, though, except to introduce tommy and tubbo. you see, in a world of straight men using their little block guys to flirt with one another, tommy was Very vocal about loving women. being Straight was part of his Bit in the same way that being Annoying and playing the able sisters music from animal crossing was.
anyways in late 2022 he uploaded a vlog of him and tubbo getting married, tubbo mostly against his will. they pulled out all the stops- got an ordained minister (their friend scott, who you may recognize from the life series 101s) to do a little ceremony, had a lot of their friends acting as different members of the wedding party, even signed and filed real paperwork!
yep. that's right. they signed legal fucking paperwork. i've heard that tubbo didn't even know it was a marriage certificate, he thought it was a waiver for being in the video or smth. that's right, known straight man tommyinnit tricked his best friend into getting Real Life Legally Married to him, presumably just for shits and giggles.
This fact went unnoticed until mid-late 2023. tubbo was playing on the QSMP with some other people (i know FitMC, not sure who else), and was joking about going to Vegas and getting married to Fit. and then tubbo realized he was still married to tommy.
also, around that time, tommy wrote and published (to wattpad) a rpf crack fic called Tommy x Tubbo Love Triangle, where tommy leaves his Real Life Girlfriend molly for tubbo (molly dies directly afterwards because it was so romantic) and then he and tubbo kiss without tongue. tubbo was not consulted during the production of this fanfiction.
after learning about the marriage, tubbo started working to get a Real Life Divorce from his Real Life Friend Tom. tommy refused to sign the paperwork. if any of this ever goes to court tubbo fully intends to livestream the whole thing.
around 2 months ago, tommy did a parody of "I'm Just Ken" called "I'm Just Tom," in which he begs tubbo not to divorce him. it must be seen to be believed. idk if the link will work in an ask but i need you to see it https://youtu.be/laAPXcxjDlI?si=wPQM3ZJHBIv11Cfr
also if you're wondering how molly, tommy's Real Life Girlfriend, feels about all of this? she thinks it's hilarious. for the past month or two-ish (?), tommy's been doing a stand-up comedy tour in america (because they are all british), and at the same time tubbo's been doing a subathon (aka tubbathon bc it's tubbo) (a subathon is a twitch stream with a timer on it. the stream ends when the timer finishes out, and whenever someone subscribes to the streamer's channel more time is added) (the tubbathon is still going btw and isn't slowing down anytime soon). at one point molly came onto the tubbathon, and tubbo bought her a new phone bc hers was shit. (directly afterwards tommy posted a vlog about it, saying he felt like he was being cucked by his gay husband)
fans have dubbed these three the nightmare polycule, and it's not hard to see why.
and then, finally, this morning (last night in england time), tommy and tubbo were on a phone call. tubbo (gay) encouraged tommy to "say the f slur!" and tommy said, and i quote, "I'm bicurious, so I guess I could say like a fifth of it. [Tochat] Hear that, ya -ggots?"
i needed to tell you all of this so that you would understand the full insanity of all of this. there are some bits that don't really translate unless you were a dsmp fan in the 2020-2021 era, but i need you to see the ongoing insanity this man creates. he had been planning to use that joke for his live comedy show
ok uh
i some pointers on his singing voice (a bit too belty there, that'll damage the throat later, some vowels need rounding)
hilarious that he rhymed Tom with arm
reading this was like a fever dream
molly is me tbh this is the most hilarious drama i have ever read
his comedic timing is beautiful
what the fuck
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hils79 · 2 months
Thanks for tagging me (ages ago I'm sorry I suck) @puppy-phum
1. why did you choose your url?
I am so boring I almost want to apologise for it. My url is just my nickname and the year I was born (yes, I am old).
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I don't really use my sideblogs much. I've got one that I haven't used for years that I used to post some of my photography on @hal-photography. I've got one for an old UK convention that folded during the pandemic but that I used to do the marketing for @writerconuk and I've got a whump blog that I use to reblog my favourite whumpy gifs so that they're easy to find. Not sharing that one because I do not wish to be Perceived.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
My original blog was set up in 2010. I had to nuke it after some unpleasantness in the Supernatural fandom (isn't it always SPN) and I've had this current once since 2011 I think
4. do you have a queue tag?
Nah, I don't queue things as a general rule. I do a bunch of reblogging first thing in the morning while I'm scrolling in bed and that's more or less it
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was looking for a new home after Livejournal finally properly died and most fandom folk were here at that time
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's a piece of DMBJ art that my housemate comissioned as a Christmas present a couple of years ago. I love it, and it was made specifically for me, so I made it my header and my icon
7. why did you choose your header?
Same as above
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
This RDJ/Paul Bettany exchange I ripped from Twitter. I have no idea why it ended up with 20k notes
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I honestly have no idea. Lots.
10. how many followers do you have?
Argh now I'm going to have to go and look. 2421. Wow.
11. how many people do you follow?
Wow this thing is really exposing me. 1908. I generally follow back so long as I can see that the person is an active fandom blog where we have at least one fandom in common.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I mostly shitpost in the tags
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Generally for an hour in the morning before I get up and then however long it takes me to liveblog my next drama episode in the evening
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No, I don't think so. Not that I can remember anyway. I generally try and avoid conflict and if someone is annoying me I just block them and/or vent about it in a safe space with friends I trust.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
Makes me less inclined to reblog them tbh. Don't tell me what to do in my own house.
16. do you like tag games?
I am so bad at remembering to do them when I get tagged (see above about only really being on tumblr for an hour a day) but I do appreciate it every time someone thinks of me
17. do you like ask games?
Yeah, same as above. I love them but I am crap at remembering to answer the asks. I'm very sorry.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I'm not sure I could name anyone who is tumblr famous beyond the actual celebrities who hang out here (like Lynda Carter)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have mutuals I admire and wish I was brave enough to talk to more but I wouldn't really call them crushes. As an aroace I don't really do crushes.
20. tags?
I'm going to tag a few of my newer mutuals so I can get to know them a bit better. Absolutely no pressure though @prolestari @queenbeyondthejudge @fangirl-bookaholic @huzzzah @life-is-all-about-perspective @loving-that-officey-feel @greenyball @hwasfeatherduster
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chrissbluehat · 2 months
Tumblr media
Part 1 2 3
Pairing : y/n and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: You lived a pretty standard life, you kept to yourself mostly, and never felt you drew the eyes of anyone. Though this always felt conflicting when comparing yourself to friends. This was until a boy came into your life and flipped it completely around.
I didn't realise I had part 4 in my drafts this whole time.
I thought about her words for the rest of the day, confusion running through me causing my head to spin. I thought back to every time they spoke about him but my mind fell blank, nothing that filled in the blank was rising to the surface. I paced around the space in my room searching for answers but nothing worked, I collapsed onto my bed and buried my head into my pillow. They were never explicit when they spoke about him, I could never work out what they were trying which made me usually feel disconnected from them but now I was just annoyed. Annoyed that I'm expected to follow along with the rest of them as if I was even close enough with them to understand why I was to act this way. 
My confusion was blending into slight irritation, Maisie at the root of it all. I didn’t understand her personal agenda with my friendship with Chris which led me to question other things. I wonder if they ever dated, no I didn’t want to think about it. I tried to force the idea out of my head, trying to think of anything else to fill my mind but my focus was only on the idea of them. I knew he’d been with girls before but not knowing any of them helped with pretending none of it happened, yet I couldn't deal with the idea that someone I was friends with may have already had him. I thought over what she said and thought, fuck that. I didn’t see any issue with me talking to him anyway.
The following day I took my usual seat in homeroom, soon to be greeted by Chris. My eyes scanned for him after people flocked into class one after the other. I eventually spotted the long haired brunette behind his other friend, his head looked over in my direction and shot me a small smile before coming over to his seat. He sat in silence for a bit. I picked up that he probably needs his peace a little first thing in the morning, which was fair enough, so I let him be until he was ready to talk. My eyes were on my screen until I felt him gently tap my arm, making me look over at him. “Help me with this, I don't get it in the slightest”, my eyes looked down at the page in front of him. 
“So you only talk when you need something,” My eyes now look up at him. 
“You did the same thing when you were bored the other day”, he says while sliding the paper towards me with a smile on his face causing me to laugh a little. At closer inspection I realised it was Algebra which I understood enough to probably help him, I talked him through the paper with a couple of hiccups along the way. Once it was finished he looked at me with a small smile. “You’re pretty smart”, and with that I did everything in me to hold back the blush I felt coming, his words were so simple yet they found a way to always make me feel something. 
“I’m really not”, I give him an awkward half smile. 
“You know how to do that, so you’re smart to me, and thank you”,
“It’s okay”, I then spotted Maisie from the corner of my eye, glaring at us from her seat. I tried to act if I couldn’t see her, and continued talking to Chris until the bell went off indicating that we needed to head off to class. 
Maisie hadn’t bothered me for the rest of the day, which made me think she’d stopped crawling into my business. I headed into the lunch hall and sat down with Jenna and our other friends, Maisie also present. We both looked at each other quickly but I thought that would be the end of our interactions for the day. I ate my lunch in peace talking to the people around me until Maisie gained all of our attention. “How long have you been friends with Chris Y/N?,” I choked on my drink at her words, I felt a table of eyes dart to me. I tried to collect myself.
“We aren’t friends”
“Sure doesn’t seem like that, always giggling together. Last time I checked he wasn’t even that funny”, the girls looked as if they were watching tennis from the way they were turning their heads to see the next response.
“Why do you act like you want him then, you sound a bit threatened by him talking to females”, 
“Please you can have him, I wouldn’t want anything to do with him, but if that's the mess you want to get tangled in be my guest. I did try to warn you”. The last comment resulted in the girls looking at each other confused, it sounded bad. I saw a smile spread across her face which made me mad, I held it in though and looked down at the table. “Silence speaks volumes y/n”, I heard her giggle to herself. The rest of the table awkwardly sat in silence not sure what to say to the other. The bell went off a couple minutes later and I picked up my things and darted from the room with Jenna close behind me. She eventually grabbed my arm and spun me around. 
“Can I come over later?” I could see the concern in her face. I nodded my head slightly. 
“Yeah”, I deeply exhaled and turned back around to be met with the sight of Chris talking to other girls, with way more confidence than he's spoken to me since the party. My eyes flickered over to Jenna whose eyes were on Chris before turning back to me. I pretended I didn't see it before heading off. 
After class I waited outside the gates for Jenna, who greeted me with a smile. I tried to smile back at her as we headed towards my house. Once we’d arrived and headed into my room, I sat down on my bed and Jenna closely followed sitting close to me. “What was Maisie talking about earlier?”
“I sit next to Chris in homeroom and she’s made a bigger deal out of it then she needed to”, I replied looking down, trying to avoid eye contact.
“What did she mean she has warned you though?”
“I was walking to class after and she stopped me to tell me that I shouldn’t be talking to Chris, it was hardly a warning, more of a demand with no clear reason as to why I should comply.”
“I feel like you aren’t telling me something, she wouldn’t act like this if you weren’t doing something more. I would expect the talking is only minimal”,
“I mean I talk to him through the whole period, but I don’t get why it’s that deep”,
“Is he the reason why you’ve been off with me recently?”. I ignored the question.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because all you do is talk shit about him”, I see her look in the distance slightly.
“You’re the last person I thought would hide things from me like that”, I furrowed my eyebrows at her words.
“Well what was I supposed to tell you, yeah i’m fucking obsessed with the guy you all hate. How would that have gone down?” I glared at her.
“You never stopped to think that we must hate him for a reason, how long have you felt like this?”
“Like a month”, I could see her mind ticking away, attempting to work out if there was any correlation between that time. 
“Did you meet him at that party?” I nod my head, not looking at her. “We all wondered where he went, he was with you that whole time”. I could hear her exhale, I suddenly felt her arms around me. “I hate arguing with you, I just want my friend back”, my arms wrapped around her torso and we sat there for a minute. 
“I’m sorry”,
“I’m sorry too”, her response made me laugh a little. She breaks away slightly.
“Why are you laughing”,
“I just found you apologising even though you did nothing wrong funny”,
“You know what i’m like”, she says laughing now as well. We break from the hug and glance at each other with glazed eyes. “You really shouldn’t be more than friends with him though”. I glanced down at my lap, with the pace we were going out it’s not like we’d ever be more than that. “You don’t have to latch onto him because he was the first person to show interest in you”. That sentence hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt her place her hand on my shoulder as if to reassure me. I wanted to get away from her at that moment, she was the last person that I thought could break me like that. I avoided her eyes because I knew I'd crack if I glanced at her. She left a little after that. I laid in my bed feeling completely alone, feeling as if I had no one. Left consumed by my feelings.
The next day in homeroom was slightly sombre. I could hardly look at Chris so I rested my head against the table and tried my best to ignore him, that was until I felt a piece of paper slide under my arm. I lifted my head up and rubbed my eyes and lifted the paper and observed what it said. Are you okay was scribbled onto the paper, causing me to glance at Chris and nod my head. I was lying. I was far from okay but I couldn't tell him that. He furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you tired or something?”
“Yeah, just tired”, I lied again. 
“Oh okay”, I noticed him turn back to whatever he was doing and we didn’t interact with each other for the rest of the period. As we were getting ready for first period I watched him reach into the small section of his bag and passed me a folded piece of paper. He quickly got up and left the classroom, leaving me slightly confused. I unfolded it and saw a bunch of numbers. Then hit me, he just gave me his phone number.
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sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 9 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Lily loml🌻
The triplets 1st podcast is today
I’m so excited
It seemed awesome already from the trailer last week
I knooow
Kinda mad if it's every monday bc it’s my closing day
Sucks to be you
I love my day off even more now💃🏻💃🏻
Jk i’ll wait for you to watch it tonight like you do for the other vids
Thanks bestie😞
Also the fact they’re gonna have guests is really cool
I really can’t wait to watch the first one
I know they probs have a few episodes recorded
But i hope it won’t be too much work for them now
3 vids a week
Esp nick who has to edit
Nick our king >>
Btw i might be home a bit earlier bc the café is kinda dead rn
Just the old couple that comes weekly and they’re almost done
So you won't wait much for me to watch the podcast
The one together for 50 years?
I love those old ladies, they’re so cute
Fr and they always leave a huge tip
We don’t deserve them😞
Anyways see you in an hour or so ig
See you soon🫶🏻
When Alex put her phone back in her pocket, the “old ladies” as described by Lily were getting ready to leave. When they reached the counter, they both gave the blonde a sweet smile as one of them pulled out a bill from her wallet.
“The chocolate cake was delicious as always, but did you guys change anything?” One of the ladies asked.
“Yeah Lily did!” Alex knew that her friend would be excited to know that someone had noticed. “She tried adding some chocolate shavings before putting the cake in the oven.”
“Now I’m going to have a hard time deciding which one I like most, but it was as good as the usual recipe. You'll tell her that it reminds me of how my mum would make it”.
Alex couldn’t help the smile growing on her face. The couple had never once been rude to her and her other coworkers when they would come. Lily was always glad when they would compliment her food and it helped improve her self-confidence as chocolate desserts were basically the only thing Lily had mastered. Alex was really happy that she would be able to pass on the message to her friend.
Alex was finally able to close the café after the happy couple left and because the day had been a slow one, she had had time to clean little by little so that she didn’t have much left to do now.
When Alex arrived home, Lily was waiting for her on the couch. The TV was already set up on the Cut the Camera YouTube channel and some snacks were waiting for the two girls on the table. Alex told Lily to start the podcast as she would just be grabbing a can of Dr. Pepper in the fridge. As Lily did so and clicked on the video, the first out of many “Good morning Campers” from Nick Sturniolo could be heard in the house.
The podcast first started with Nick, Matt and Chris talking about looking alike, which is something that never bothered them much as they know that their viewers are easily able to differentiate them – even Lily could do it without problem by now.
As they then mentioned the fact that some pairs of best friends sometimes looked more alike than them, Lily and Alex exchanged a quick glance before laughing. Even though they had been friends since middle school, they had barely anything in common regarding their physical appearance.
The podcast kept dwelling on growing up as triplets, regarding the impact it could have on their friends but also the annoying comments they would always get from people. However, as they were mostly talking about the negative outcomes, they decided to start listing the positive aspects of growing up with two other people. Nick, Matt and Chris all agreed that being a triplet was the same as having built-in friends who were here for you at all times.
A couple of minutes later, Chris highlighted the support he always felt from his brothers and that the three of them being on the same page is something they all feel lucky about.
Then, as the topic of constant comparison was being tackled, Lily and Alex were quietly listening. The two girls felt very close to the triplets in the way that they were learning about their struggles. Them being so open about it was an opportunity to understand how the Life as Triplets was. What hit the hardest was the moment when Matt summarised the small conversation by explaining that no matter if it's about similarities or differences, people still find a way to compare them.
The podcast eventually finished on a more light-hearted tone as Nick, Matt and Chris were laughing about their high school experience when someone would meet one of them without knowing that they were a triplet. This would lead to them pretending to be one another just for a two seconds conversation in the hallways – and then at the end of the day, debriefing who came up to talk to each of them.
“I just loved it so much, oh my god!” Alex exclaimed as the video ended.
“Me too, like– I absolutely adore the Wednesday and Friday videos but this type of content is so refreshing I don't know”, Lily agreed with her friend. “I feel closer to them, make it make sense I guess”.
“I get you don’t worry, I know we’re gonna have another perspective of their lives and they’re gonna enjoy giving it to us as much as we’re gonna enjoy learning about it.”
“Exactly like…” Lily thought for a few seconds, “an inside point of view of not only the Sturniolo Triplets but simply Nick, Matt and Chris as people, just individuals. This is what they're trying to make people realise, they're not only triplets – even though that's a bit of their brand I guess – but they are also their own person.”
The two girls were just really excited to see more of this new project from the triplets, although Alex had to share some semi bad news:
“However, I have no idea if I’ll have the motivation to watch an hour of podcast every Monday when I come home from work”.
“Oh yeah, I understand”. Lily put a comforting hand on Alex’s shoulder while trying to find a solution. “Just pick a day and we’ll catch up at that time!”
“I mean, I might not even watch it weekly if I’m honest so– I won’t mind and it might actually be best that you watch them whenever you want like when they come out if that’s what you prefer and I’ll postpone my ‘watch podcast sessions’ until I have enough attention span to listen to them for a whole hour”, Alex explained.
“If that’s okay with you yeah I’m fine with that”, Lily let out a smile. “We’ll still have to discuss it obviously”.
“Of course”, Alex immediately agreed. “Lots of new info we’ll have to talk about!”
What they didn’t know yet is that watching the next podcasts on their own would finally enable Lily to choose her favourite triplet as she would realise that one of them might be a bit too relatable for her taste, and maybe a tiny bit too attractive on camera.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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