#anyway the syrup i put in this ice cream does some really interesting things to the texture
vulpinesaint · 4 months
boys with a sweet tooth will smile at you and hold out the most vile sugar concoction you've ever seen in your life
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acetechne · 2 years
occurs to me i forgot to aggregate the butter tart responses
a. depends on the recipe b. yes but pecan butter tarts > raisin butter tarts although both are good lol
idk about the corn syrup... I've heard about raisins but pecan or plain is the most popular from what I've seen and heard.
me seeing the words butter tart for the 129th time#and finally looking it up#they look like mini sugar pies#which is making me curious#DO THEY TASTE THE SAME#if i separate my sugar pie recipe into smaller portions does that count as butter tart then
@cherisezed​ @roniebuttercups​ @carnasnow​
okay so why i was thinking about this is because i am a fiend for desserts and learning to make them and this is one thing my mum is very passionate about haha. a few notes under the cut for anyone interested.
pecans / raisins and tarte au sucre
this sort of but not really surprised me - generally i put raisins in because i am a freak who likes them, and generally when i see adaptations of butter tarts (in ice cream form, for example) the discourse is always about whether or not to add raisins. THIS SAID: butter tarts, american pecan pie and quebec tarte au sucre DO have a shared origin I’m certain, so it’s not surprising there is sharing/overlap in the ingredients there. I do think butter tarts are the gooiest of the three and also usually the smallest, the filling should be a bit runny. Also I think maple syrup is more likely to appear in some tarte au sucre recipes, i rarely see it in butter tarts.
the original recipe (below) mentions adding currants (and imho an amount that’s a Lot for my taste lol)
my mum insists that corn syrup is Not a component of butter tarts when i suggested we make them and kept shooting down every recipe i brought up. The ONLY recipe we could find that did not use corn syrup was from a WWII cookbook!
anyway since you’re all no doubt wanting a nice butter tart around now - sorry to say that I don’t have the (adapted) wwii recipe on me (but I’ll try to dig it up). I do have the one cited as the OG from Mrs. Malcolm Macleod of Barrie and it does not have corn syrup.
and on that subject i want to reassure you - butter tarts are super easy to make! my unsolicited advice is to buy a ton of tart shells (frozen food aisle), keep them in the freezer, and make the filling whenever you have a craving (it also makes a good topping for other things like ice cream...) [arts and crafts show voice] HERE’S SOME I MADE EARLIER
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you can get premade filling in the baking aisle of superstore or loblaws or what have you - i can’t vouch for it and prefer to make this kind of stuff from scratch, it just takes a little time to stir on the stove and a little time in the oven and you’re good B) don’t burn the sugar
oh and i want to link the Rock Recipes version not because I’ve tried it yet but because it clearly demonstrates the gooey runny-ness of a good butter tart... and the proper thick crust... yes...
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
***credits to the original creator***
What is your favorite salad dressing?
Idk, not a big salad person. I like when my family adds shredded cheese on my salad, and then I only eat shredded cheese lol
Favorite sit-down restaurant?
Moon sushi.
Favorite pizza topping?
Just standard ingredients for capricciosa.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it?
If chocolate counts, then chocolate, I do that anyway.
What do you put on your toast?
Cheese spread, normally.
What food do you eat the most?
Do you like food?
Do you LOVE food?
I’m not that passionate about it, but when it’s good nothing’s better.
Do you even eat at all?
No, I photosynthesize in the sun.
What do you put on your ice cream?
Usually nothing, but sometimes chocolate syrup or sprinkles.
Do you like steak?
Yeaah, but not like too much.
Or are you a vegetarian?
How about a vegan?
Nope nope.
What food do you hate the most?
How many TVs are in your house?
Just one here.
Do they all work?
Do you have Comcast digital cable?
I don’t know but I don’t think so.
AT&T Uverse?
Dish Network?
Something else?
What’s your favorite show?
Hmm, Squid Game, The Haunting series, AoT though that’s technically an anime, but it’s so so good.
What’s the worst show?
Lol I don’t know. Besides, I love bad shows sometimes, they relax me.
What color cell phone do you have?
It’s this really cool blue. Sadly, I broke its back glass very early on, so now I hide it with a phone case.
What kind?
Huawei P20 Lite.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it?
Ah, not gonna check now.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to?
Something to my best friend, probably asking her how her work’s going.
Who was the last person to call you?
My parents, I think.
Who was the last person you called?
Probably same, I hate calling people.
Are you missing someone?
Hm, I don’t think so.
What are you listening to?
Just outside noise, kids screaming, usual stuff.
My computer screen where I’m tying this lol
Worrying about?
If I’ll be able to balance my freelancing gigs with a full-time job or if it’s better to just stick with freelancing because I like that more.
Where are you?
On my living room floor.
What’s it like there?
Pretty nice.
How are you feeling?
Not bad, actually, last night I felt kinda eeeh so I thought that mood would continue today, but I slept really well (and really long because I didn’t feel like doing anything at all) and today I feel much better.
Is anyone with you? Who?
My sister is on the balcony a few feet away.
Are you hungry?
Not really, but I could eat.
What do you want to eat?
Idk, I’m feeling Mexican food today, but that’s not gonna happen.
What do you want to drink?
Orange juice would be nice though.
What time is it?
3 PM on the dot.
Thing you ate?
Spicy chips.
Thing you drank?
Pretty sure it’s water.
Thing you said?
No idea lol
Movie you watched?
Princess Mononoke in open-air cinema, such a cool experience!
Store you went to? What did you buy?
A supermarket, I bought some sandwiches, the aforementioned chips, some chocolates.
Person you talked to?
My sister.
Person you hugged?
No clue, not much of a hugger.
Not much of a kisser either lol
Yelled at?
Also not much of a yeller, so it must have been a very long time ago.
Book you read?
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman.
Thing you touched?
My laptop.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site?
Oh idk.
Are you a righty or a lefty?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A wisdom tooth only.
What is the last heavy object you lifted?
I bought some 5 kg weights for my sister and had to carry them in my backpack.
Have any scars?
How did you get them? Any interesting stories?
Hmm, a pretty recent one is from rollerblading, my wheels got stuck on a little stone and I fell almost headfirst into some construction debris. Luckily, since I have plenty of rollerblading experience, I know how to fall, so I didn’t get seriously hurt -- just got scrapes all over. My elbow was in a particularly bad shape and now I got a nice scar to forever remind me of my adventures.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you’re going to die?
Nope. Not how, not when, nothing.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I actually wouldn’t. I never thought my name suited me, but then one day it hit me that it’s such a short, convenient, easily pronounceable name that all my foreign friends can use too, so now I like it.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Uhhh well no, but I’d probably try for $1000. That’s good money for my country.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup?
Again, I’d try. Maybe if I had enough time, I could.
10 bottles of maple syrup?
I’ve never tried maple syrup so it’s hard to say.
A bottle of vinegar?
Okay, I draw the line there.
10 jars of peanutbutter?
With enough time, sure.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
None, I don’t find them comfortable.
Favorite month?
Do you always answer your phone?
Lol no. I mean, I do to my family and sometimes friends, but if an unknown number is calling, well... sorry.
It’s four AM and you get a text message, who is it?
Actually, I’m the one who’s most likely to answer messages at 4 am because I often work at night. Plus, I know everyone’s sleeping then so they won’t answer right away. Sometimes I feel so pressured when I answer a message and a person writes back immediately, the exception being when it’s something urgent or arranging plans or so.
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Probably blue. I’m cool with my boring brown eyes now tho
Do you own a digital camera?
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself?
Not a lot, but more now than I did before.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom?
Rarely, but it happens.
Have you ever had a pet fish?
Pet hamster?
Favorite Christmas movie?
I guess I’ll go with Home Alone.
Favorite Christmas song?
Christmas Love by Jimin.
Can you do push ups?
Loool absolutely not.
Can you do a chin up?
Does the future make you nervous or excited?
Right now it doesn’t make me feel anything particular. I’m usually of the excited kind, though.
Ever been in a car accident?
Yes, but everyone involved was okay somehow, even though a motorcycle scraped my family car at high speed. Luckily, the guy riding it had a helmet and all that, so he only sustained very minor injuries.
Do you have an accent?
I mean, everyone does? But yeah, English is not my native language, so I probably do have a vaguely East European accent.
What song always makes you cry?
Always? Well, none, but H. by Tool usually makes me feel that particular tightness in my chest.
Have any plans for tonight?
Just German lesson.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
I just arrived home from cinema then, so eating.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Why are there so many notifications on my phone
0 notes
Obey Me Brothers and Misc. react to MC having their coffee order memorised
You go to a coffee shop. Human world or devildom, doesn't matter. All that matters is after waiting in line you order for you and Ya Boi bc you have their order memorised and they get flustered because every single one of them is a ✨massive softie✨
This is also just me headcanoning their drink orders while I take a break from my dissertation.
(I'm referring to the undateables as Misc. because I don't want to call the the datables bc Luke is a child. He is not datable. That is my son.)
This man would take his coffee in an IV if he could and you can't convince me otherwise
Probably asks that they put as many extra espresso shots in the drink as they're legally allowed to
Anyway, he's very touched that you have his order memorised. He has yours memorised to.
Appreciates that you pay enough attention to him to know his order
Low-key blushing about it and will think about it next time he makes himself coffee
Might even end up making you one to if he isn't working late
Definitely goes for coffee with you more often (definitely not to spend more time with you and also to show that he has your order memorised too 👀)
This man is destroyed by any kind of casual affection (pls hold his hand)
I mean, of course you know the great Mammon's coffee order! You were his human weren't ya?
If you're ordering for him, that means you're paying, right? 👀
He do be blushing tho (if you also pay he'll blush even more)
And since you bought it, I GUESS you can have a sip...definitely doesn't just want the casual and domestic intimacy of sharing the same cup
Wants to get coffee with you more often (so he can drink from your cup)
How did you know the code to order the Ruri-Chan Loveheart Surprise Latte off of the secret menu??????
Oh, you knew it because you listened to him order before and memorised it????????????
Hes not crying, you're crying
No but really, the proof that you actively listen to him when he's talking about his interests has his heart skipping a beat
Hes bright red and trying to cover his face with his hands
Wants to get two straws so you two can sit opposite each other and share a drink but is WAY to shy to ask 🥺👉👈
Will end up buying matching reusable coffee cups that have 'player one' and 'player two' on them
For the most part he’ll order something basic like an Americano or a flat white UNLESS you're at a place that does latte art.
Then he ALWAYS gets cat themed latte art
Like the little 3D ones they make out of foam and then draw little faces on???
Yeah, he loves them
He think they're so cute
They're in most of his devilgram pics next to whatever book he was reading at the time
One of his favourite things to do is visit cat cafe with you and if you remember his order he'll be very touched and he'll thank you with a blush and a smile
Has your order memorised as well and orders for you next time
Changes with whats fashionable but anything ✨pink✨
Pink drink, peach lemonade, strawberry and white chocolate mocha they're all acceptable
But is delighted when you remember his order- it means you've been paying attention to the trends he's following!!!!!
Did you see the drink on his devilgram story????? Isn't it cute!!!!!! You should get one to match and take a selfie together!!!!
Thinks its really cute to go on coffee dates and hear you order for him
Like, yes, they know my order 😌 we're that close 😙✌
Just hand him a basic Americano, but in a Big Gulp cup
Is touched that you remembered his order, even if it is simple. He just kinda blushes and thanks you (maybe asks if you want to go out dinner that evening).
Make sure he’s fed, or has food available bc if you don’t he will eat ✨The Beans✨
He has done this before and you DO NOT want to see Beel when he has enough caffiene in his system to give a mortal cardiac arrest
He’s already the most athletic brother. You won’t catch him. No one will.
You know Taz from Looney Tunes? When he just...spins super fast in circles and eats stuff??? Yeah, Beel’s like that.
But if he doesn’t eat straight-up coffee beans, he’s just as chill as normal
Just enjoys spending some quality time with you (and yes, he will definitely have your order memorised too)
If you remember his order he’s gonna blush, but do his best not to react. But he may also feel the need to Hold Hands later in the day because you’ll have him feeling ✨soft✨.
Has a black coffee but puts, like, 5 sugars in it
He’s basically drinking espresso syrup
and it does NOTHING
Caffiene does not affect this man AT. ALL.
It’s almost scary - he can down 3 espressos and then nap for five hours afterwards
Doesn’t love going on coffee dates because if you’re too caffinated he has trouble keeping up with you, and you won’t feel like having a nap with him. But if you’re just having one coffee, or a tea or something, he does like how chilled out the date can be.
I get grande iced machiatto vibes, and I can’t tell you why
Loves that you remember his order and isn’t shy about it. Will blush at first and then break into a massive beaming smile
He’s paying for the coffee (he’s literally royalty, he’s paying for the damn coffee)
Makes him feel like you two are close and he may attempt to hold hands later if the vibe is right.
Constantly asks you out on coffee dates afterwards - loves spending time with you and loves how informal and relaxed it is
Will also remember your order and make sure that Barb knows how to make it for when you visit the Palace
But still prefers the actual act of going out to a coffee shop with you
If you bring him his coffee order when he’s working, however👀👀👀...blushing mess.
The fact that you went to get coffee for him...even though he knows that you know that Barb is perfectly capable of making him coffee...that you got coffee and thought of him...and bought a coffee for him...and brought it to him...the casual affection, the softness, the thoughtfulness. 😳😳😳 he’s destroyed. BLUSHING. He’s literally so touched. Gonna commit hand holding crimes. Will think about it all day. Will miss you 3x more than normal just because. May even end up doing some light ~pining~ 🥺🥺🥺
This is the Undisputed King of Tea
He knows every blend of tea that the shop offers and has the menu memorised.
Will also tell you about the different tea blends if you ask, describes how they taste, what they’re ingredients are, where they’re from, etc.
He’s very grateful if you remember his order, but if you then bring up some of the trivia he’s shared about that tea?? Blushing.
Very touched that you not only remembered his order but the things about it that interest him. The fact that you clearly paid attention when he was talking about tea.
Thinks of you as a very considerate person and will offer to share
He’ll also invite you over for tea a the palace more often now that you’ve shown an interest in Tea Trivia (even if that interest is only based in your interest in him)
Will also invite you to come with him when he needs to go to the market to restock the Palaces tea supplies and may even...h...hold ur hand...😳😳😳
This is a chai latte man, don't come for me
Will test out how it tastes with different syrups, particularly likes either hazelnut or vanilla
Can also do his own latte art
When you order for him??? And have his order memorised????? He's delighted.
Its not uncommon for angels to remember each others orders, but he's touched nonetheless (yes that does mean he has your order memorised)
Will tell you that he's touched by your consideration
Just gives him the warm fuzzies and it also kinda reminds him of home
Offers to do latte art in your drink if he can
Would also be the kind of person to bring you coffee in class, and he'll do latte art on that so you can take off the lid and see a little foamy heart and the like ❤☕
Luke (platonic)
No coffee!!!! He's a child!!!!!!
You order him a puppychino hot chocolate
With whipped cream and cinnamon which is his preferred topping and a slice of cake
Hes definitely super happy about the fact you remembered how he likes his hot chocolate
Tells you that your so nice and should come back to the celestial realm with Simeon and him instead of staying down here with a bunch of no-good demons who don't deserve you 😤
Plus the celestial realm has the best hot chocolate!
You also let him have SMALL sips of your coffee but ONLY so he can scope out which beans to use in his next coffee and walnut cake!!!!!!!
Probably has some awful sounding custom drink like a fruit tea with pumpkin spice syrup and milk in it 😣
Or a peach lemonade with a shot of espresso and marshmallows 🤢
So its super unique, but he's still surprised you remembers the specifics
Offers to let you try it
Will take you out to get coffee together more often, partly to spend time with you and partly to horrify you with his drink choices
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Could we get another Miphlink/Yiga Husbands double date?? I can't get over how much I love the way you write them! 😅
Thank you! I do in fact, love writing them all, including Mipha, who is JUST precious! (also yes to that one anon, you’re getting that smut of them you wanted, I’m getting there. 20 asks don’t get responded to overnight).
“Mipha, lil’ red, how’ve you been?!”
Kohga and Sooga were invited to come over for another double date. It was Mipha’s turn to pick what to do, and she had a rather interesting idea; learning how to make drinks. That was it. Kohga might have thought something like clothes making, maybe even searching for seashells or watching Link do his training. Not that Kohga was complaining, he loved an excuse to drink. Mipha accepted his offer for a hug, just delighted to see him.
“Kohga, Sooga! My dear friends! How are you both?”
Mipha parted from the hug, and offered Sooga her hand. She learned a long time ago that he didn’t exactly enjoy touching women, so she always offered her hand, in case he didn’t want to be touched. He refused it this time around, lightly bowing his head in apology.
“I’m quite well, Lady Mipha. Didn’t think I’d be carrying so much alcohol on my back though.”
Kohga scoffed, arms folded across his chest.
“What? You expect ME to carry it?”
“No Master Kogha, I just-”
“Anyhow, he’s just whiny because it’s an indoor date. I’m SO ready to teach you how to make some drinks! Where’s your little boyfriend anyway?”
“He’s inside, helping me set out the snacks.”
Sooga cocked his head to the side.
“Should...you have left HIM near the food?”
She thought about it for a moment, and realized her mistake.
“Er...pardon me for a moment.”
She dashed back inside, and Kohga chuckled. Sooga looked down at Kohga, and he could NOT stop smiling. Kohga noticed it, and scowled.
“What’s so funny?”
“You call ME such a lovesick sap. Yet here you are, fawning over their love. You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You know what, get your ass inside, I’m not listening to you.”
Sooga chuckled as Kohga nagged him into talking inside. Mipha had her own room in Zora’s domain, but quite frankly, it was like a mini mansion. A giant bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room, all to herself. No doubt it was built for her purely because everyone LOVED her, not that she needed such space. Kohga liked it here though, it was DAMN pretty in here, even though red was his personal favorite color. Kohga closed the door behind them as he dipped his head into the kitchen. Mipha was scolding Link (if you would call her gentle ‘please save food for the guests’ scolding), when she seemed to just now notice them, smiling as she brought over bowls of snacks to the living room.
“Sorry, Link ate most of the fried salmon skins. He really does enjoy my cooking.”
Sooga gave a shake of his head.
“It’s alright, he may have them. Kohga always makes me shower after I eat fish.”
“Because that smell just does NOT go away! How am I supposed to cop a feel when you smell like a doc?”
Link didn’t have any complaints, grabbing the bowl and helping himself to the rest of the salmon skins, nodding at them both in a hello. Mipha chuckled, slightly shaking her head.
“So long as that isn’t an issue for anyone, I would’ve gladly made some more for you, Sooga.”
“Kind, but not needed Mipha, thank you. If I may though, can I put this bag down? I’d hate to accidentally break any bottles.”
“Oh yes, please, on the coffee table!”
Sooga nodded, going to the living room and putting the rather big back of alcohol down onto the table. Mipha brought a little cart full of snacks (including sauteed nuts, honey candies, meaty rice balls, bread and butter, tabantha bakes, and banana chips), pushing it right by the table before she sat down next to Link on one of the couches. Kohga whistled at the rather cute array of treats she had.
“You didn’t have to make so much, Mipha! That’s sweet of you, but I wouldn’t want you putting so much work into this.”
“You agreed to teach us all about making drinks, providing you food is the least I can do! I also have some cake in the fridge, in case we need something else sweet.”
“Ugh, you’re precious Mipha, you really are. Blondie, don’t lose this one, she’s a good one.”
Link nodded in determination, and in a way, Mipha found it adorable. Kohga started to take out the bottles from the pack, setting it all down. Now Kohga wasn’t an alcoholic by any means, but he did like having variety in his drinks, hence why he had QUITE the stock. Mipha leaned over to the tray of snacks, helping herself to a meaty rice ball. Even as she was stuffing her little face, she was being so neat about it, just as the princess she was. Sooga meanwhile, sat up straight and to attention, as usual, not letting himself relax.
“So, what drinks ARE we making today, Master Kohga?”
“Let’s start with Mipha’s. Ladies first and all of that. I know which one you like, I NEVER forget a drink order. Don’t think you’ve ever seen me make drinks actually, so this should be fun.”
Kohga was always fast when it came to making drinks of food. It took him pretty much only a minute to cut fruit, salt the rim (of course he brought his own glasses), pour the ice, juice, vodka and stir. Sure it was a simple drink, but the speed was nonetheless impressive. He handed her the glass, and she gladly accepted it, handing the rest of her rice ball to Link. She took a sip, and although she tried to hide it, he could tell she enjoyed it, based on the way her lips curled into a little bit of a smile.
“I always thought it was so much more complicated than that, quite frankly.”
“Honestly, ANY drink is easy, once you know what you’re doing. Sooga, your turn big guy.”
“I don’t think we packed wine.”
“We didn’t, because that’s boring. That, and I like the fact that you watch my hands when I make these.”
Kohga nudged him with his shoulder, trying and failing not to grin. Sooga knew he was right, he LOVED watching him make things. Be it food, drinks, or...well, anything really. Kohga dug into the bag, pulling out a bunch of stuff. Sooga cocked his head to the side, curious.
“Wait, what are you making-”
“Shh, you’ll like it, trust me.”
In a tall glass, Kohga poured a container of some kind of syrup, adding some wild berries right after. He mashed them up, added a bit of some red liquid, and topped it off with ice cream, and a dash of soda. Sooga picked up the glass, inspecting the rather colorful drink.
“What...is this?”
“It’s a float, just try it. I even made it low alcohol, because you’re a pansy.”
Sooga gave it a sip, and slowly nodded, finding himself rather liking it.
“That’s quite nice, actually. Sweet, but bitter. How did you get the ice cream to stay-”
“Don’t ask questions, and just enjoy. Meanwhile, let’s get to refilling your glass Mipha, you’re all ice over there.”
Mipha looked down at her glass, lightly shaking her head.
“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly. One is more than enough.”
“Come on, you ain’t swimmin’ anywhere. Just one more?”
Mipha hesitated, but chuckled in defeat, handing him her glass.
“Alright. But just one more, then that’s it.”
“Atta girl!”
He chuckled, gladly setting her up with another drink. He had to at this point, who wouldn’t make a drink for their hostess? Especially with the way the snacks seemed to slowly be disappearing. Kohga rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Link.
“Now...what would YOU like, I wonder. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink, Goldilocks.”
Link gave a shake of his head, stuffing his face full of buttered bread. Kohga thought about it, before snapping his fingers.
“Wait, I got just the thing for you!”
Link had only just recently become of drinking age, so he wasn’t exactly a booze hound. Not a problem, Kohga catered to anyone and everyone, experience be damned. Kohga started to two different kinds of rum, some vodka, lemonade, and some black currant cordial. He mixed it all together, and slid it over to Link.
“Like it? It’s a ‘pink fairy’. Seems like something you’d like. Bit on the strong for some, but hey go big or big home. Now drink, drink!"
Link took a sip, lightly shaking his head after his sip. Kohga chuckled, leaning over and patting him on his pretty blonde head.
"You'll get used to it, blondie. Just-"
"Link, drink swap."
Mipha traded their drinks (with hers definitely having a lot less), and Link more or less accepted the swap. Mipha chuckled after taking a sip, leaning over to pinch Link's cheek.
"It's adorable, your first drink! You're just. So cute, Link."
Link's face erupted in blush, and he rubbed the back of his head, shy boy he was. Sooga pulled out his Sheikah slate as Kohga made his own drink (banana hammock, obviously), and started to play a song, playing it at a reasonable volume. Mipha seemed pleased as the music played, and she squealed, grabbing onto Link’s arm and flailing her legs wildly.
“Link! Oh I LOVE this music! You HAVE to dance with me! Please please pleeeeease!”
Drunk Mipha was a TOTAL dance bunny, and paired without the usual shyness, it was adorable, honestly. Link finished whatever was left of the drink, and nodded. Link was never one to tell his girl no, and it showed. They both got off of the couch, choosing to get up and dance together. The music wasn’t quick, wasn’t slow, but it enough to give a relaxed party vibe to the room, and Kohga couldn’t help but chuckle, nursing his drink as he watched his drunk little fishy get her groove on.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?”
“I have no idea what you mean. I just like a little postmodern music. Nice tune.”
They both had a chuckle at that, sitting back and watching these two idiots. Drunk Mipha had a little swagger to her, and Link knew fairly well how to dance. Enough so, he managed to dip her, just to kiss her on her forehead.
“That’s bullshit cute. Can’t say I blame her, boys got moves. He-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Mipha started to tug at his arm, chuckling and swaying in place.
“Come on you two! Can’t just be me and Link up here! Dance with me Kohga!”
“Hey, if you wanna look bad, your funeral, fishy!”
Kohga tossed back the rest of the drink, before trading Link, and getting his chance to dance with Mipha. Link watched Mipha nearly giggle herself half to death, before he offered his hand to Sooga. He rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink.
“I suppose Kohga would just scold me if I refused. Alright.”
He accepted his hand, and joined him right next to Mipha and Kohga. It was half hearted, not very well done dancing, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were having fun, chuckles and giggles moving around the room, just as much as their feet were. Even Sooga had to admit; he was having fun. He swapped partners with Kohga, now dancing with a very enthusiastic Mipha. Thankfully, he wasn’t scared enough to NOT twirl the little princess in place, catching her before her dizziness nearly made her fall to the floor. She cared not at all, laughing it off rather loudly.
“Ha! You’re just like Link! Ever the sweetheart, Sooga.”
“I’d say he’s a lot more like Kohga, quite frankly.”
He chuckled, glancing over at Kohga and Link, who were having just WAY too much fun together. Mipha giggled, getting herself to stand back up.
“You love Kohga SO much, oh my GOD its so sweet. I cry thinking about you guys sometimes, it’s SO sweet. You guys NEED to get married. I wanna see it, so bad.”
“Kohga WOULD look good in a dress, I agree.”
“Thought that’d be you. You have the tits for it.”
“Oh switch time!”
Their partners swapped, and suddenly Kohga was in his arms. Not that he had any complaints. Kohga laughed as he held onto Sooga, still keeping in tune to the song.
“Good call on the swap, any longer and I might’ve stolen her mans. I’m telling you, he’s into me.”
“Not anymore than me, Master Kohga.”
“Is that a fact?”
“Absolutely. I can prove it too.”
Sooga leaned down, parted their masks a bit, and pressed his lips against Kohga’s. It was a sweet, tender moment between them, and even though it wasn’t an outdoorsy date, Sooga wouldn’t trade it for anything.
They both turned to watch Link trip over himself, sending himself falling on top of Mipha, who fell backwards onto the couch. They both shared a laugh, and it was tender, watching Mipha hold onto Link’s face as she did.
“Oh...you’re a big, silly man, Link. I love you. You and your soft face, and your big elephant ears.”
They both snorted at that, forehead pressed together. Sooga looked down at Kohga, who was clearly amused at them both.
“Did you...think it would end up like this?”
“Well yeah, they’re nuts for each other-”
“No. I mean...everything. Us being together, the world being as perfect as it is now. Did you see that coming?”
“...no. But you know, I’m really glad things ended up how they did. All of it.”
Kohga put his hand into Sooga’s, chuckling. There was a sweet, blissful moment of tenderness between them, before Sooga spoke again.
“You want to grab everything in the fridge and leave them be?”
“Absolutely, been thinking about the cake this whole time.”
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sneegsnitties · 4 years
Under the Stars
Written for @ninjaneverquit-zine
summary: Jay and Zane have their first official date after regaining the bounty from Garmadon.
Jay is happy that they finally got the bounty back from Garmadon and those snakes. Now they can properly start training Lloyd! Not in Dareths dojo, as... interesting as Dareth is. Or in that dingy old apartment, they were staying in for the time being.
Something he’s going to miss is sharing a bed with Zane, though. 
“We can still always share one,” he says with a shrug. Waiting for the milk to boil in the kettle so they can have hot chocolate.
“I know.” Jay leans against the counter, it’s their first official date, and they’re going to spend it under the stars in the sky on the deck of the bounty. “At least the beds will be more comfortable.”
Zane chuckles, “yes, they will be.” 
They spent a while cleaning it up and refurbishing it back to its former glory after Garmadon and the serpentine have been living in it for a while. The mess wasn’t too bad, but there still was some mess left behind from the snakes. 
Zane gets down a couple of mugs out of the cabinet for the two of them. “I don’t think I’ve ever had hot chocolate with milk before?”
Jay gasps, “a travesty. A crime.” 
“Oh no, I hope I can pay for my crimes.” 
“You will, one day.” 
“Gross! Stop flirting!” Lloyd whines at the kitchen door.
“Hey kiddo, what’s up? Need anything?” Jay asks.
“I was just coming to maybe get a snack, and you two are in here being gross!” the young green ninja says with disgust in his voice.
“You can have some crackers. Don’t want you staying up too late,” Zane tells the young boy. 
This makes Lloyd whine again. “Fine.” he mumbles, watching as the white ninja gets down a bowl and the box of Tritz crackers, putting a few in the bowl and handing it to him, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now go bother Kai.”
Lloyd cackles, “if he complains about it, I’m going to tell him you sent me.” he says as he walks out the door. 
“That’s fine.”
“Gotta love the kid, even if he can be a little pain in the ass.” Jay grins and gets the hot chocolate packets out of the cabinet. 
“Thats true, It’s really hard not to love him now.” Zane smiles back and pulls Jay into a hug, who hums happily.
Wiggling out of Zane’s hold, Jay pours the hot chocolate mixture into the mugs, he grabs a couple of spoons. “Do we have whipped cream?” he asks Zane. 
“We should.” the nindroid says and looks into the fridge, “yes, we do.” he puts the whipped cream on the counter. “What else do you want on your hot chocolate?”
“Chocolate syrup? Sprinkles?” 
“Now this just sounds like ice cream.” Zane teases. “We have both.” 
“We don’t have to use sprinkles. But chocolate syrup is a must.” Jay says taking the chocolate syrup out of his boyfriend’s hands and puts it next to the whipped cream. 
“You’re the hot chocolate expert here, so I will follow your lead,” he says, taking the pot off the burner as steam starts to come out of it and pours the milk into the hot chocolate mixture. Jay takes his mug and mixes the hot chocolate and milk together.
Zane watches as Jay puts an ungodly amount of whipped cream on top of his hot chocolate with a raised eyebrow, “that’s a lot of whipped cream.” he says plainly.
Jay shrugs, and before Zane can react, he reaches up and sprays a small amount onto the nindroids nose and cackles. 
He blinks, “you’re funny.” he says and wipes it off of his nose with a smile.
Jay laughs again, “do you want some on yours?”
Zane hums, “sure, please don’t put as much whipped cream onto mine as you did to yours.” 
“I won’t!” he says and puts a reasonable amount onto Zanes before grabbing the chocolate sauce and putting some onto the whipped cream on both of theirs. “Okay, maybe I put a little too much whipped cream on mine.” he says with a nervous laugh as some whipped cream drips down the sides of his mug.
“I said it was a lot.” Zane says as Jay grumbles and licks some whipped cream off the top. “Would you like a paper towel?” he offers a sheet to his boyfriend, who takes it and wipes the dripping whipped cream off the mug.
“Anyway. Let’s go out onto the deck! I missed just looking up at the sky and seeing the stars! It’s not the same in the city.” 
“It isn’t. You can barely see them there.” 
“Yeah! And it sucks!” Jay takes his mug and takes a sip and smiles widely. 
“I’m assuming its good?” 
“I am glad.” he takes a sip of his own. “I believe I prefer hot chocolate this way now.” he declares
Jay gives him a wide grin. “Let’s go!” he takes Zanes hand in his and leads him out to the deck of the bounty and sits in the middle of the deck.
“Would you like me to get some blankets and pillows?” Zane asks.
“Sure! It’s a little chilly.” 
Zane sets his mug on the ground next to Jay and heads below deck to grab what he needs. Grabbing a couple of pillows from the linen closet along with a couple of blankets. He turns and almost walks directly into Cole.
“Oh- I apologize.” 
“It’s cool, things are going well?”
Zane nods, a blush creeping up onto his face, and Cole laughs “I’m taking that as a yes.” 
“Y-yeah. I think I might love him. Like a lot.” 
“Are you going to tell him tonight? Isn’t it like your first official date or something?” 
“I was thinking about it. I don’t know if I should since we have not been dating for very long, and yes, it is our first.” he wants to bury his face into the pillows.
“I mean, I don’t know a lot about romance, it’s not really my strong point being ace, but you can take as long as you want to. I think he would feel the same if you said it.” cole says with a smile, clapping the nindroid on the shoulder.
“Thank you, cole. I must go now. He is waiting for me and my hot chocolate is getting cold.” 
He returns to find Jay sitting at the same spot he was before, and even though it’s dark, he can clearly see the look of wonder on his face as he stares up at the night sky. How it lights up when he sees him with pillows and blankets. How much he… loves the blue ninja. He loves him. He loves Jay. He loves Jay with all of his being, his core. 
“I was wondering when you were going to appear again,” he says, standing up and putting his hot chocolate on the ground, which he suspects is mostly gone now. “What took you so long?” he takes the pillows and puts them on the ground. 
“I got distracted in choosing which blankets would be the most optimal for tonight,” he says, half lying. 
Jay snorts, “hopefully your hot chocolate didn’t get too cold.”
“Yes. I hope it didn’t either,” he says a bit stiffly and nervously. He so desperately wants to tell Jay he loves him right this moment, but it doesn’t seem like it’s the right moment.
Jay gives him a worried look but shakes it off as soon as they both sit down with blankets wrapped around themselves. Comfortably protected against the wind and the cool air. 
“My parents would tell me about the stars a lot, we would look at constellations and they would tell me what they knew about them. It was really fun.” 
“I was not allowed to leave the tree at night. My father said it was too dangerous.” 
“Oh yeah, because of the Tree Horns?” 
“Correct.” he takes a sip of his hot chocolate. Still warm, but noticeably colder. “Did you know that the three stars at the top of the sky form a triangle?” he says, “it is called the summer triangle as it is most visible during the summer.” Zane points up to the sky, pointing out the shape and the stars.
“Woah.” jays eyes sparkle, much like the stars do, like lightning during a storm does. “I didn’t know that, that’s cool.”
“Yes, I suppose it is.” he smiles, his power source beats within him a bit faster. 
Jay shivers, wrapping the blanket tighter around him. The wind is picking up, making the already cool air turn chilly. Zane wraps an arm around Jay's shoulders, the blanket hanging over the blue ninja too.
“It’s really pretty, but man is it cold,” he says shivering again, but pressing up against Zane anyway, who probably doesn’t help because he is the ice ninja, and that he himself is also cold. Aside from the fact that he is a robot. But Jay doesn’t seem to mind.
“It… it truly is.”
“You okay?” Jay asks after a moment of silence between the two. “You’ve been acting a little funny since you got back with the blankets.”
“I am fine,” he says, looking away, a blush rising to his face. Is it time to say it?
“Seriously. Is something wrong? Are you not enjoying this? Do you have something wrong with your systems?” jay beings to ramble.
“No, no, no, none of that. I- I don’t know how to-” he pauses, looking back at jay with all the love he can muster, takes a deep breath he doesn’t really need, and ignoring the look of concern on his boyfriends face “I love you.” he says finally. 
“Oh- oh! I love you too! I-” he squeaks out in surprise. “Is that why you’ve been acting nervous?”
Zane nods, “I’ve been wanting to say it all day.” his smile returns, pulling jay in for an actual hug. 
“I’ve been wanting to do something too, actually. For a while now,” he says, facing Zane and sitting on his knees.
“What is it?”
“Um- close your eyes.” 
“Okay.” he closes his eyes.
Suddenly a pair of lips are on his, soft and warm, and a pair of hands cup his face. He opens his eyes just as jay releases him from the kiss. His eyes are wide. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that, too.” he laughs. 
Jay snorts and leans in for another one, an actual kiss this time.
He tastes like hot chocolate.
It’s nice.
He likes it.
Suddenly the two of them hear somebody whoop behind them and somebody shushing. Turning around, Zane sees the rest of the team watching the two of them. Lloyd looks disgusted while Cole sheepishly gives them the thumbs up.
“Kai!” Nya scolds, “you interrupted them!”
“Gross!” Lloyd whines, “why did you drag me out here?” 
“Kai wanted to spy on the two lovebirds, that’s why.” Cole says, leading the kid back inside. “I didn’t tell him to do this, by the way!” the earth ninja says as he walks down the stairs. 
Zane feels like he should be mad, but he isn’t. He’s just happy that he’s finally told Jay he loves him. Along with the fact that they have had their first kiss. 
Though, Jay must’ve looked unhappy because Nya drags Kai below deck, saying that he should apologize later.
Turning his attention back to his boyfriend, he pulls him for a hug.
“Well, that was ruined.” Jay grumbles into Zane’s chest. Listening to the subtle beat of his power core.
“I am sure Nya will have some words with Kai.” Zane says, “and besides, we can always have more.” 
“More what?” 
He puts a hand under Jay's chin and gives him another kiss, “more of those.”
Jay laughs, “I love you so much.” 
“I love you more.”
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fangyymusic · 4 years
Some things I could imagine happening between my boyfriend and I’s fursonas and OCs:
1. Fang has his two friends over- Boris and K9- and they’re all playing a dumb game of Truth or Dare. Because K9 “Isn’t a wuss”, he picks dare. Fang clears his throat and asks for a pizza. Already realizing how he shouldn’t have said dare, K9 reluctantly pulls up his phone.
“What do you want?”
“Get us a medium pizza. Split it in half. One side just plain cheese and the other sausage. For Sirus.”
K9 sighs.
“Is that all?”
“Cheese sticks.” Sirus hisses while he stares K9 down and K9 proceeds to hate himself more as he puts that in.
“Are you going to at least share?” K9 asks the two boyfriends, whom are cuddling on the couch.
“No, you owe me.”
And, as usual, Fang was right. That dipshit always owes Fang money.
2. Sirus literally tying into Fang and playing Rocket League while they both wait. Fang has no idea how to feel about this.
3. Sirus tends to fall asleep in a variety of places around the house. Fang finds him napping in the corner of the couch curled up, under surfaces, and sometimes lodged in weird spaces like behind the couch or on the floor, plopped down right where that perfect, single ray of sunlight hits.
4. Fang makes breakfast for Sirus before he leaves to work. He likes to leave sticky notes for him too.
5. Something tells me Sirus’s diet is 5% spaghetti and the other 95% is Fang’s boy syrup (hAh boy syrup).
6. Sirus catches Fang listening to one of his songs. He’s humiliated, super flustered, and flattered at most. Then Fang proceeds to ask him if he’d like to make a song with them. Sirus melts, as per usual.
7. Sirus gets lonely super quickly when Fang isn’t around. Fang works most weekdays, so Sirus is usually home by himself. I feel like to cope with his loneliness, he’d call his friend Styrix over to hang out.
But he’s still lonely.
So he whips out his phone and begins to call Fang. When Fang answers, Sirus whines.
“Fang, honey, I miss you... I’m lonely and it’s been foreverrrr...”
Right in front of Styrix. Poor guy is a third wheel.
8. Fang has flowers in the front yard. Something tells me Sirus waters them if Fang forgets. Something about that is super cute.
9. Fang definitely squish’s Sirus’s cheeks.
10. Sirus blushing when Fang and Styrix begin showing off how impressive their maws are. He just has this dumb obsession with how big Fang’s teeth are.
11. They probably both have a height difference fetish to be honest.
12. Sirus REFUSES to let go of Fang’s tail and probably has gotten lost in it several times. He sleeps with it and is just obsessed.
13. Fang makes a self-deprecating joke and Sirus stops him and makes him eat his words. Sirus makes a self-deprecating joke and suddenly he’s showered with gifts, a fancy dinner is planned and probably some one-on-one sexy time. Nice.
14. Them. Freaking out over Monstercat artists. Essentially my boyfriend and I on that field.
15. I feel like Fang pays Styrix to cash in on his weird shenanigans.
16. If Styrix ever met Boris and K9 and got along with them, they’d all be the chaotic, stupid boy group to constantly annoy Fang and Sirus. Not that they don’t already, just the floor may be coated in soap one afternoon.
17. Boris and K9 are British so that means they don’t exist.
18. Fang and Sirus have like no friends and chronic crippling depression.
19. Sirus definitely likes to get Fang “excited” before important work meetings just for his own enjoyment.
20. Sirus definitely squeezes into weird spaces for no reason. He gets stuck often and needs his heroic boyfriend to get him out.
21. FANG. AND SIRUS. SINGING TOGETHER. ABOUT. THEIR. LOVE. Or just in general, that’s cool too.
22. Fang and Sirus dressing edgy together.
23. Fang is having a breakdown so he dabs on some glittery eyeshadow and sticks on some bizarre long lashes and Sirus walks in and casually asks to be done too. Just to accompany Fang.
24. If Fang is too anxious to check out in a store, Sirus will do it. And vice versa.
25. Fang sitting on the couch and Sirus is curled up around him, napping and purring.
26. Fang’s constant expression is simply just flat out exhausted and angry. His brows are always furrowed and you can visibly see how little sleep he got. Same with Sirus; his face is usually void to most emotion. Suddenly they see eachother and smiles explode on their faces and they become a hugging, kissing mess.
27. They hold hands in public.
28. Fang playing guitar and singing to Sirus during a hill picnic. He’s a hopeless romantic like that.
29. Sirus watching Fang furiously and precisely brush his precious teeth.
30. If any sort of mention of “parent” is brought up, I feel like Sirus would deck somebody on the spot if Fang’s around.
31. Although I do, Fang doesn’t make jokes about his dead parents. Please don’t. His feelings will be very hurt.
32. Fang makes weird fox noises at Sirus, probably.
33. Since Sirus is short, he can probably sit on Fang’s shoulders and purr,,
34. Sirus likes to go get his hair cut and every time Fang freaks out over it and insists taking a few pictures to keep for himself.
35. Neither of them would ever ask for the other’s passwords to anything. Privacy means everything to them.
36. Sirus cheering on Fang deepthroating whole eggs.
37. “E.” “Agreed.”
38. Don’t touch either of them. They don’t like being touched. Funny because nobody wants to be around them anyways.
39. Fang LOVES cooking for Sirus. He will cook anything Sirus wants and do it out of the blue. I can imagine Sirus minding his business playing Xbox with his friends and suddenly Fang walks in with a plate. It has a sandwich on it. He cut the crust off and cut it into triangles. On the side, some cinnamon applesauce. As he sets the food and a can of soda for him down he says,
“Here, sweetie. I made you something to gnaw on. If you need absolutely anything else, let me know, okay?” And he goes and kisses Sirus on the forehead and Sirus is all blushy and everything. Sirus tells him he loves him and briefly explains to his friends his boyfriend’s odd, caring nature.
40. In case I haven’t mentioned before, Fang is super motherly toward his boyfriend and just in general. He cleans and cooks idly like some sort of NPC.
41. Fang, Sirus, Styrix, Boris and K9 all on the floor playing DnD.
“Can I roll to fuck the dragon?”
“No.” - Probably Fang.
42. Fang using a laser pointer to play with Sirus.
43. If alcohol is mentioned you will be bashed in the head by your mom, Fang.
44. Fang casually walking up to Sirus with a broom and several other things in his other hand asking for help making a cover art for a song.
45. Fang humming Sirus to sleep.
46. If Fang doesn’t hear from Sirus in ten minutes tops (nice) he will probably sob in a pillow hoping he didn’t do anything wrong.
47. Spoiler alert, Fang and Sirus never fight and always come to eachother maturely if something is up. It’s usually fixed in seconds but Fang is an anxious mess and wants his precious boyfriend to be happy all the time.
48. Fang hates his birthday and the day it’s on. Sirus goes out of his way to make it enjoyable for him.
49. Styrix texting and calling Sirus at like 6 AM to the point Sirus wakes up and just questions his existence.
50. “I have this pretty bad stomach ache... I don’t know from what though.”
“Mm... Could it have something to do with the fact we cooperatively ate two large pizzas together?”
“Couldn’t be.”
51. Fang is hemophobic. Not so much if he himself bleeds, but if Sirus bleeds as much as a paper cut he will literally pass out.
52. They definitely sing in the car together.
🎶“When you say I’m the only one I must admit it!” 🎶
53. Fang sucks ass at games, but Sirus doesn’t mind at all when it comes to him. When it comes to anyone else, however...
54. Fang’s room is freezing cold so they kind of have to snuggle.
55. Homemade dinner is common from Fang. If you go over to have dinner you’re in for something special.
56. Sirus loves Fang’s food. I’d imagine Fang cooks steak one night and Sirus is hesitant until he tries it. He then concludes he only likes Fang’s steak. (Nice.)
57. Pet names galore. They love gushing over eachother like weirdos and never ever leave eachother alone. They’re so dumbly in love.
58. Fang and Sirus making out on Styrix’s couch and Styrix is just like “This is fine.”
59. Fang and Sirus have Styrix over and say something relatively dirty. Styrix is an innocent, good-looking dumbass and just furrows his eyebrows and questions what’s going on. This is hard for everybody.
60. K9 and Fang are talking. K9 briefly mentions his daughter and Sirus just “Wait, how old are you?”
61. Fang is really closeted. Yet is cool with usual PDA and won’t hesitate to stand up for his homosexuality.
62. Soda.
63. Sirus, a 5’3 petite Canadian Lynx absolutely tops and dominates his 6’1 fox boyfriend.
64. Both of them are covered in questionable marks and scars. They both try to hide it.
65. “You’re adorable!” “No! You are!” And then they make out to make a point.
66. Them eating ice-cream together,,,
67. Their relationship is 40% wholesomeness and 50% other kinky dirty shit.
68. Fang’s closet is just full of questionable things he’d rather only Sirus see.
69. They definitely do this.
70. Making out but, like, all the time.
71. Sirus getting a body pillow that smells like Fang in order to cope with his separation anxiety. Chances are he fucks the pillow- So- That must be interesting.
72. Fang comes home and the first thing Sirus does is ask to be fucked. He sighs.
73. You mention something remotely dirty and Sirus gets a boner somehow.
74. Styrix sitting on their couch and doing something on his phone. He just looks up at Sirus and asks, “What’s a ‘handjob’ and why are they so expensive?” And Fang and Sirus just. Die.
75. Styrix just walks in on Sirus getting beat off from Fang and he doesn’t get why they screamed.
76. K9 getting “kicked out” of his house (he lives with his siblings). Fang and Sirus are snuggling in bed late at night and K9 just. Knocks on Fang’s window and scares the hell out of him. And he just begs to stay the night. He sleeps on the couch in the living room but fails to sleep due to questionable noises. He then begs Fang for breakfast because he likes his food. I for some reason feel like he’d bother the fuck out of Sirus because he’s like that and Sirus just chills in Fang’s room, probably snuggling his body pillow and being horny and just trying to ignore the fact someone is using his Xbox. I mean, not that he cares... or does he?
77. Sirus expressing his dislike toward Amy to Fang while Fang tiredly makes himself coffee. Sirus is ranting while eating his spaghetti and Fang chimes in to wipe the bit of marinara sauce on his chin.
78. Fang and Sirus casually listening to music and suddenly Monochrome Romance plays and Fang just “WAIT” and Sirus just morphs into a tomato.
79. “My aunt wants to come over.”
“Does she know you’re gay?”
“Good question.”
“Should we be worried?”
“Maybe if we take her out to dinner she’ll be too focused on the food to care if I’m being pegged.”
80. Sirus’s gallery is just full of pictures he took of Fang without him knowing.
81. I feel, for some reason, Fang and Sirus have each other’s nudes on their phones so they hesitate giving their phones to other people.
82. Styrix calling Sirus and Fang picks up.
“He can’t talk right now-“ All while he’s breathing uneasily.
“What? Why not? Are you okay? Your voice is all shaky.”
Then he just hears the phone drop and Fang “Sirus!” In the background followed by other concerning sounds. Two minutes later Sirus picks up his phone.
“Can we talk later?”
“Why?? I need to talk now-“
Then he just hangs up and Styrix proceeds to annoy him in every way possible,,
83. What even IS Styrix’s size?
84. (Again with the K9 staying over concept) Sirus walks into the dark kitchen to see Fang making something and he’s all like
“Baby, you left bed. What are you doing?”
“I’m making hot chocolate with rainbow marshmallows for K9.”
Sirus squints.
“Isn’t he our age...?”
Fang just looks over at him with bags under his eyes.
85. K9 is riding in Fang’s car and Sirus is in the passenger seat. K9 leans in toward Fang through the back seat and he just whines, “Faaang, can we pleaaaase get McDonald’s? I’m hungry...”
Fang thinks about it and flicks his eyes over to his boyfriend. He knows Sirus likes fries. He also likes fries.
“Well, that means I don’t have to cook; but you’re paying.”
“That’s fine! Just don’t get something super expensive!”
It was easy to tell K9 was super excited. As they waited in the drive-thru Fang’s fingers curl within Sirus’s. He somewhat shyly looks up at him.
“What do you want?”
K9 at this point knew Fang only pulled into McDonald’s to feed Sirus but who cares when you have McNuggets.
86. “You underestimate my love for steak.” “Fang, I literally didn’t say anything.” “My original statement still stands.”
87. Fang and Sirus run into K9 in public with his daughter. Fang goes up to K9′s daughter and introduces his boyfriend to her.
“Hey, Maple! How are you doing?”
“Oh, you know.” She fumbles around and crosses her arms. “School... Yourself?” She eyes Sirus next to him.
“I’m fine! Have you met my boyfriend? I don’t think you have. This is Sirus. Sirus, this is K9′s daughter. Her name is Mapleleaf.”
He gives Sirus a hearty smooch on the cheek, Maple giving off a funny smile.
“I had no idea you were gay, uncle Fang.”
“Well, neither did I half of high school.”
88. K9 is on an important Zoom call but Fang and Sirus just begin violently fucking behind him and he just picks up his camera and says “Right, I’m moving out of this room.”
89. K9 playing on the Xbox Fang keeps in the living room while Fang sweeps in front of him.
“Could you get out the way? I’m trying to play Skyrim. This is like, the eighth time you cleaned today.”
Fang stares at him with tired, angry eyes.
“Does it matter? You can’t play Skyrim worth shit.”
“... Is that a no, then?”
“I swear there’s this one speck of dust I just can’t get.”
90. Fang and Sirus are lying awake in bed. Sirus is recording the whole ordeal on his phone and it’s easy to see Fang is very annoyed at the fact his friend K9 invited his brother and a friend over- very late at night.
You can clearly hear them talking and laughing loudly and Sirus can’t help but snicker at Fang’s temper very slowly leaving him. Fang finally gets up and starts putting some clothes on.
Sirus turns his head over to the doorway and watches Fang leave. This is the conversation he hears them yelling.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Sirus hears in a deep, stern tone that could have the potential to turn him on probably.
There’s a silence until K9 speaks up.
“Oh, I just invited Boris and Amy over...-“
“Do you have any idea of what time it is?”
There’s another silence.
“It is three. In the FUCKING. MORNING. I wake up at five every fucking morning for work. Did I mention it’s Monday? Do you know how long it takes for my fur to dry? An hour. I work hard every fucking week. I work overtime whenever I can to squeeze in every little penny possible. I cook for you, offered you a place to stay because you have the weirdest FUCKING relationship with your siblings, I give you money that- oh yeah, YOU NEED TO PAY BACK. You owe me about one thousand... ten? Dollars now and I expect it. All of it, every penny of it. I do all this for you and you don’t even let me sleep so I can work tomorrow? This ISN’T your house. This is me and my boyfriend’s house. OUR house. You’re just staying in it. I’d personally appreciate if you could let me fucking sleep so I can wake back up, shower, wait an hour just to dry my fucking fur, put on my suit, make breakfast, and whatever the fuck so I can afford a ring and support Sirus and I’s dreams. The LEAST you could do. Is ASK to invite someone over. The LEAST.”
Sirus has his eyes wide in bed and he’s staring at the doorway. He could hear the living room be dead silent for a hot minute, then an unfamiliar female voice shyly rose.
“Do... do you want me to leave?”
“Whatever. Whatever. Make youself at home, Amy, Boris. At three in the morning. Uninvited. Without me or Sirus’s permission.”
Fang walks back into the bedroom, closing the door. He begins to button his shirt back off and his eyebrows immediately soften.
“Are you okay darling...?”
Sirus snorted and laughed into his pillow.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“You- you just... grew soft so fast... I’ve never heard you be so mad...”
“Mm...” Fang slid back into bed next to Sirus, Sirus quickly returns to his place on Fang’s chest. As soon as Sirus considered stopping the recording, K9 walks into their room. Ah, this is gonna be good...
K9 clears his throat.
“Look, sorry for not asking either of you for permisson, but please... come on Fang, even you usually have some decency when it comes to this stuff-“
“This isn’t your house.”
“I’m not finished!”
“I wouldn’t care if it kept me from getting sleep!”
“Oh! So you care about getting sleep, huh?? Well it sure is hard to tell when I lay on your couch every night to... to hear you and Sirus just FUCKING!! Fucking every fucking night! How do you expect ME to sleep when all I can hear is ‘Aahh! Sirus! Deeper, please!’?! If anything, this is payback!”
Fang quietly lipped at Sirus, “Are... are we that loud?”
“I tend not to pay attention.” Sirus said and shrugged, laughing internally at the two’s arguing.
“Oh, so you do it on purpose? Wow! But you come in and scream at me like you’re my mom that you can’t sleep-“
“I work tomorrow. Get the fuck out our room.”
K9 turns and stubbornly slams their door. Fang completely slides himself free of all his clothes and holds Sirus real close.
Sirus began to purr... “A ring...? You’re saving up to marry me?”
Fang put a finger to the lynx’s lips. “Rest love... rest...”
91. Fang eats ice-cream religiously and his freezer is full of nothing else.
92. Fang wearing a variety of gay looking outfits.
93. Wouldn’t it be cute if Fang owned Monstercat merch?
94. It’s canon Fang’s laptop is covered in Monstercat artist stickers.
95. Sirus is blogging through his phone and walking throughout the house just talking. He walks across the living room to a coat closet next to the front door.
“Uhh, yeah. This is our coat closet, and-“ He opens the door to reveal it’s Fang’s storage for his weird, expensive emo boots, chains, belts and whatever else. He steps inside just to circle around.
“I don’t know what the hell he’s doing... I don’t think I’m interested in knowing how much money went into this but some of these I’ve just never seen him wear... look, we have coats, but they’re...” He pushes other clothes like jackets a little farther up the clothes rack to show that the coats here are old and clearly have been forgotten about. “We only have like, two coats in our coat closet. The rest is just shoes and stuff.”
He stops touching things and starts moving out the door.
“So... anyways, he wants to fix this door, because, for some reason? The doorknob is really weird,”
He closes the door to the closet and shows off the doorknob that looks perfectly fine.
“I told him it’s been bothering me because this doorknob looks different from every other doorknob in this house... I don’t know what we’re gonna do about it because neither of us are very ‘handy’...” He turns the camera toward him while he’s running his fingers through his hair. “I think that’s a gay thing. I don’t know. I haven’t met a single homosexual who can fix stuff...”
96. Fang screaming, “Sirus! Sirus! Sirus! Sirus!!!! Look at me!! Look!!” And Sirus tiredly looks up at him to see him holding a roll of toilet paper. He puts it on top of his head.
“I’m Marshmello.”
97. A picture of Fang holding Sirus by the scruff captioned “Capped me one of those Canadian Lynx bfs”
98. Sirus gets the slightest upset with Fang and Fang is on his knees trying to make it up to his tiny boyfriend.
99. Sirus is showing Fang a song in process. Fang hums.
“Ooh, oh wow! That sounds amazing! And when you add the vocals it’ll be even more amazing! Just one thing though... that reverb is way too wet on the master. Why do you even have reverb on the master?”
Sirus looks really confused, and he furrows his eyebrows at Fang.
“... You... can have too much reverb?”
“Way too much. Turn that reverb down and maybe even consider taking it off the master.”
“I need... it on the master...”
“No, you don’t. It sounds way too wet throughout the entire song. That’s not what you want.”
“I like wet.”
Fang sighs.
100. Why is the thought of Sirus having a potentially thick Canadian accent so hot?
101. I’m pretty sure Styrix doesn’t even know his own sexuality. He’s too busy looking in a mirror to care about that.
102. If Sirus did have a Canadian accent, Fang would beg him to just keep talking.
103. (Again with the accent) Sirus is talking on the phone to Styrix. Fang is next to him, doing work on his laptop.
Sirus looks over at Fang.
“Fang, Styrix is wondering if he can come over to our house?”
Fang pauses for a minute. He slowly smiles and looks at Sirus with loving eyes. He begins to to repeat him.
“‘House’ huh?” Fang said, mimicking Sirus’s accent.
“Oh my god, not this again. House.”
“... House!”
“Can he come over or not?!”
“Sure thing, cutie.”
Now Sirus is angy.
104. Neither of them have self-control. I know for a fact Fang won’t hesitate to suddenly and randomly hug Sirus just so he could start feeling around his body. Best thing? Sirus won’t be able to do anything about it. Fang’s got a tight grip on him and now he can play with Sirus’s body as much as he wants.
... Same with Sirus. Sirus may be small but he can still make dirty remarks and fondle with Fang’s crotch- sitting on it, taking off his shirt, any of that.
To be fair just Sirus talking turns Fang on, so. Nice.
105. Fang is snuggling Sirus in bed. He starts to feel him a little bit, Sirus whining.
“Is that poke I feel you?” Fang chuckles, sliding his hand down Sirus’s pants.
106. Sirus fake moans just for shits and giggles. In response, Fang pins him down and dares him to do it again.
107. Fang threatens to beat Sirus up for jokes. He takes off his belt and immediately Sirus starts blushing when he’s trying to escape getting hit.
108. Sirus wakes up early to feel a tender, warm rubbing at his crotch along with something a little heavy resting on his leg.
“Sleep well, little lynx?” Fang whispers in a bass-y tone, kissing his cheek. Sirus mumbles.
“What time is it?... What are you doing?...”
“Just thought I’d help you wake up a little bit, kitty.”
“... Why are you so horny...” Sirus squeaks, moving around a little bit.
“Mmh... woke up this way... like the way that feels, sugarplum?~”
Sirus sighed longingly. “Ghh... yeah...”
109. Fang is groping at Sirus’s ass softly on the couch, holding him tight.
“Hey kitty... you’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“Mhm...” Sirus groans, his face snuggled into the fox’s chest.
“All mine... nobody else’s... my lynx... right?~”
“Yes, darlin’... I am... ghh...”
He spanks Sirus softly and listens to him hiss in pain. He rubs the spot gently. Sirus moans.
“I-I am all yours, daddy! I am!”
110. Sirus looking rabid with a chicken leg in his mouth.
111. “Imagine having dead parents, couldn’t be me.” Fang says as Sirus stares at him and watches his eyes tear up.
112. Sirus is being pouty.
“I’m not cute!”
Fang pushes him right up against the wall and smooshes their lips together, making out with him passionately. He pulls back to Sirus blushing and says,
“Yes you are.”
113. Fang is snuggling with Sirus.
“Are you purring?” Fang leans into the lynx, listening to his body and feeling the vibrations.
“... Y... Yes...?”
Fang melts and covers him in kisses. He absolutely LOVES it when his baby purrs.
114. Fang is wearing a blue polo with small, colorful geometric shapes on it. You know, casual clothing.
Sirus squints at him.
“What is your obsession with looking like a bus seat?”
115. Fang fucking Sirus so raw that Sirus can’t move for like, a week.
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cynicalrainbows · 4 years
The Next Best Thing Chapter 15
Catalina arrives early, when they’re still finishing the last of the birthday pancakes.
Anna is spreading Nutella with a surgeon's precision to ensure it covers her pancake right to the edges; Anne is running her fingers through a maple syrup puddle on the table and licking them. Baby Catherine is chewing on a bit of plain pancake in her highchair and Mary is putting the pan in the dishwasher. 
She’s only eating the strawberries but she aims a cuff at Anne when Anne asks if it’s because she’s on another diet and tells her to mind her own business. 
Anne subsides with a giggle and steals a spoonful of Nutella straight from the jar, whispering that Mary couldn’t fit into her new jeans when she tried them on last weekend. Mary’s face goes redder than the strawberries and she looks crosser than ever- but they’re interrupted by the doorbell.
 Cathy abandons her own pancake-face (with a Father Christmas beard of snowy white whipped cream- it looks excellent even though she’s not really that fond of the taste of whipped cream) when she hears Catalina’s voice in the hall doing the boring grown up Garden’s looking lovely, traffic, parking, price of petrol stuff that all grown ups seem incapable of not saying when they meet each other.
(She’s glad that when she sees Anne and her other friends, they can just jump right into talking about interesting things like books and television and whether rubbing two jelly aliens together and putting them in the freezer makes then make a tiny alien baby, and is it murder if your tamagotchi dies because you weren’t allowed to get down from Sunday Lunch to feed it, and is it true that if you swallow chewing gum, it ties up your stomach and kills you, and how it is that the chocolate in the bottom of a Cornetto manages to taste so much nicer than normal chocolate, and why is it that sharpening your pencil is boringboringboring when you’re in the middle of drawing a picture but really satisfying and fun when it means you get to stop doing handwriting practise to do it, and is it true that there was a boy in Year Four who stuck his whole finger into the teachers special electric pencil sharpener on a dare and had the tip of his finger sharpened away to nothing?)
She doesn’t quite have the courage to interrupt- but when Catalina sees her hovering in the doorway, she interrupts herself and stops agreeing with Anne’s Mum that the price of petrol is extortionate nowadays and gives Cathy such a big hug it lifts her right off her feet.
She lets herself cling tight for a moment and then lets go- she isn’t a baby after all, although there’s a little bit of her that wishes she was Kitty’s age so she could be picked up and cuddled properly. 
‘How are you?’
She nods. ‘I’m ok.’
Anne’s Mum does a bit lipsticky smile like a lady in an advert and asks if she slept well and she nods again. ‘Yes thank you.’
She hopes Catalina has mostly forgotten last night and doesn’t bring it up to Anne’s Mum.
(She knows grown ups can be so sneaky like that sometimes, sharing your secret things with one another and pretending they’re doing it for your own good.) 
She especially hopes that Anna won’t say anything- she hasn't yet but you never know, and even though Cathy doesnt think she’d say anything on purpose, she might just by mistake. She can’t even ask Anna to keep quiet because then Anne will hear and want to know what it is that Anna is meant to keep quiet about.
And Anne is terrible with secrets.
Not with keeping them, she’s actually very very good at withstanding all sorts of secret-spilling torture, even Chinese Burns, but with wanting to know other people’s. Once she knows them, she’s always perfectly happy to not tell anyone else, on pain of death- but Cathy still doesn't want to have to explain everything about last night to Anne. She doesn’t want Anne to think that she didn’t enjoy her birthday after all.
Anne’s Mum says that Catalina would be welcome to stay for a cup of coffee- or a Cappuccino or an Afogato even- but that the Photographer will be arriving soon. She says the word like photographer should have a capital letter.
Anne bobs up out of nowhere, licking Nutella from her fingers and asking what photographer and can’t Cathy and Anna stay to play a bit longer.
 Anne’s Mum hisses at her not to be silly, of course they can't stay and of course Anne knows who the photographer is, she’s told her all about it.
‘It’s for the birthday photoshoot.’ She adds to Catalina and Catalina nods politely and says it sounds lovely.
‘But it's not my birthday.’
‘Well, it'll be like a second birthday.’ Anne’s Mum’s smile is still there but it’s looking a bit forced now.
Anne seems to perk up a bit at the idea of a second birthday, and Cathy is just wondering if she’ll be allowed to have two birthdays two if this is now a Thing, when Anne pauses.
‘But then Cathy and Anna have to stay or it won't be a proper party!’
Anne’s Mum gives an impatient little sigh. ‘Of course it isn't a proper party! I do wish you'd listen- it's a photoshoot, like I said.’
‘But you just said it was my second birthday!’
‘For goodness sake Anne! I shouldn't have to explain every little thing to you- you’re eight now, you're not a baby!’
Anne scowls.
‘You’re going to say goodbye to Cathy nicely and then go and have a shower so you can be ready…. With any luck, your friend’s parents will be here soon too before the other children get here.’
Cathy wonders if Anne’s Mum has forgotten Anna’s name.
‘But if there are other children anyway, why can't I have Anna and Cathy?’
‘Well it's only fair!’ The smile falters and is hurriedly replaced. ‘They’ve come to the sleepover so we thought it would be nice to spread things around a bit and let your other friends be part of the photoshoot!’
It’s uncomfortable and horrible listening to Anne get scolded: it feels like there is something sad and grey making the air heavier.
Anne’s mum is scowling like she’s really really annoyed and she’s so glad that Catalina is not like Anne’s Mum and doesn't get cross when she asks questions- she knows if she was suddenly told she was having a photoshoot, she’d be asking even more questions than Anne.
Actually, she’s glad Catalina is not like Anne’s Mum, full stop.
‘Which other friends?’
Cathy wonders if maybe Anne has got some other girls from their class coming to play once she and Anna are gone, and it’s not a nice thought, but then Anne’s Mum starts saying names and she doesn’t recognise any of them.
‘-and Ingrid and Patience and Harriet-’
‘But I don't like them!’
‘Of course you do!’
Anne does an experimental single stamp of her foot; it’s like a challenge. ‘I hate them-’
They don’t hear the rest, because at that moment, Anna comes into the hall, looking confused at all the commotion, and Anne’s Mum sighs and seizes Anne by the wrist and tugs her further down the hall.
It’s all a bit awkward. Catalina is asking Anna how she is and if she had a nice time at the sleepover but she can’t listen properly, because really, all she can pay attention to is the cross sound of Anne’s Mum’s voice as she hisses things in Anne’s ear while she Anne squirms and whines and tries to pull away.
When they come back, Anne has stopped arguing.
‘What do we say?’
 ‘Thank you for coming, Cathy.’ 
She hates how Anne looks now, all sad and crumpled and flat. It's not at all how you should look on your birthday (or even the day after your birthday) and she has to hang onto Catalina’s hand tightly to stop her stomach from squeezing uncomfortably.
She can only manage a little ‘Thank you for inviting me’ in response, which doesn’t really feel like a good enough response considering it was her first sleepover ever, but Catalina squeezes her hand and then smiles warmly at Anne.
‘I hope you had a lovely birthday, carino. A photoshoot sounds like it will be lots of fun- im sure Cathy will be very excited to hear about it on Monday. I'm certainly interested in hearing about it!’
(She might be annoyed, at any other time, at Catalina calling Anne one of the names that’s really just for her- but she isn’t now. She just wants Anne to go back to looking normal and happy like she usually does.)
Catalina squeezes Cathy's hand again, and bit more firmly this time and she realises she’s meant to add something.
‘It'll be like being a celebrity…’ She’s not sure if she sounds very convincing so she tries harder. ‘You’re so lucky, Anne! Everyone at school will be so jealous!’
Anne’s Mum gives an approving nod and beams at her, and she turns her head so she doesn’t have to see it. Anne gives a very small reluctant smile. She doesn't say anything but she looks a tiny bit more cheerful as she goes up to shower, Anna trailing behind her.
They say another goodbye and thank you to Anne’s Mum and then they’re out onto the pavement.
She’s still holding onto Catalina’s hand but Catalina doesn’t seem to mind, she swings their joined hands between them.
‘So how was the sleepover? Did you have a lovely time mija?’
She nods.
‘What did you do? Did Anne like her present?’
‘She loved it. She said it was her second best favourite present.’
‘What was her first?’
Cathy describes the heelies and Catalina laughs. ‘Thank goodness! I was going to ask if you girls had had a fight, to get those bruises-’
Cathy twists her arm and notices for the first time the purply blue bruises blooming. 
‘It’s ok, they don’t hurt. I only fell over a bit. Anne fell over much more but that’s because she was trying to do a jump like the ice skaters on tv.’
‘Well I'm glad she liked her presents so much. Poor little thing.’
(Cathy isn’t sure why Catalina calls Anne poor- everyone at school, even the teachers, know that Anne’s parents have more money than sense. This means they’re rich.)
‘Anna thought my present was really good too. She said her present was really boring next to mine and she’d have to think up something more interesting next time.’
‘What did she get Anne?’
‘Jewelry making set. You can make earrings that you can wear even if you don’t have pierced ears.’ She hopscotches along the paving stones- it doesn’t really work like proper hopscotch though because they’re too close together. ‘Although Anna has her ears pierced already.’
(She’s a tiny bit jealous of Anna’s tiny gold studs- they look very cool. They’re not enough to make her want holes punched in her ears though, even the thought makes her feel a bit sick. Anne thinks she’s silly- she’d LOVE to have her ears pierced. 
She’s not allowed though, because ear piercings are one of the few things Anne’s Mum and Jane agree on, albeit for different reasons: Jane thinks Anne is much too young, Anne’s Mum says it’ll make her look common.
 Anne doesn’t think she’s too young, and she says that she doesn’t care about looking common because she wants to look cool...but neither Jane nor her Mum will budge.)
‘Did Anne like it?’
‘I think she did. She said that we could all make jewelry for the Inca Princess next time Anna and I came over to play. And then Anna cheered up a bit. I think she was worried Anne wouldn't like her present.’
Cathy doesn't feel like saying that she was also worried Anne wouldn't like her present. It feels funny also to be talking about Anna and not talking about the night before….but hopefully, it maybe means that Catalina has forgotten all about it.
She doesn’t bring it up on the walk home anyway- Catalina listens with great interest to an edited version of the story of the little attic girl, giving very appreciative gasps in all the right places and not interrupting even once to ask silly questions about whether or not the little girl has a swimming pool. 
‘That was an excellent story mija.’
‘Really?’ Catalina looks like she means it.
‘Wonderful- very imaginative. Makes me glad we don’t have an attic!’
Cathy giggles. ‘Anne said the little attic girl would come to my attic tonight and I reminded her that we didn’t have one and she said that next time, she was going to make up a story about a little girl who lived in a flat. Anna said it didn’t sound very scary.’
‘I suppose you’ll have to wait to hear it to know if it is or not.’
‘Anna said I should make up another story for next time.’
‘Well, I hope you’ll tell me if you think any more up, I’d love to hear them.’
‘Ok.’ Perhaps she’ll make up a story specially for Catalina- a special grown up story that has grown up things in it, like when they play Soap Opera in the playground and everyone plays that they’re having cancer and babies and cocktails. ‘It might be scary though.’
‘That's ok, mija. You have to let the muses guide you when you’re creating.’ 
Cathy knows all about the muses already- they’re spirity things that give you ideas and imagination when you’re doing art or writing, they’re what Catalina blames when she’s having trouble phrasing an idea for work.
(Not only are the muses very friendly to Artists of All Kinds, they are actually rather useful when it comes to the resultant mess of artistic endeavour.
Catalina introduced her to the concept on The Muses on her second week, the first time she’d tried painting in her new bedroom and coincidently the first time she’d made any actual serious mess there.
It hadn’t been her fault that the paint had spilled like it did and it hadn’t spilled much, but it had been enough to make her ponder what it would be like to see her godmother Properly Angry.
She hadn’t, until that moment, considered what a Properly Angry Catalina would look like. As she thought about it- and it wasn’t a terribly nice thought- she also realised that whatever form it took, there was nothing she could do about it. There wasn’t anywhere else for her to go. 
She wondered if, seeing the paint, Catalina would think about that too. She wondered if it would make her regret having to be the one to take care of her.
She’d never been scared of her godmother, but she was when Catalina saw the paint.
‘Ay dios mio, what IS that?’
She tucked her chin down into her chest. ‘Paint.’ Her voice is very small.
Catalina fanned her face. ‘I thought it was blood, I thought-’ She shakes her head hard, like she’s shaking thoughts away, then touches it and frowns. ‘It’s dried. Why didn’t you tell me before, it would have been easier to- Oh mija, it’s alright, don’t cry-’
She started looking guilty rather than annoyed.
Once Cathy was settled in her lap, scrubbing her sore eyes with a tissue and only hiccuping a little bit, Catalina had very nicely explained that while it was technically Cathy’s fault for spilling the paint, it was also her own fault for not telling Cathy to put down newspaper before she started painting and that maybe having a cream carpet was just asking for it, whatever that meant.
‘So perhaps it all balances out, querida.’
‘Are you really cross?’
‘Do I look really cross, mija?’
She considered. ‘No.’
‘Good, because I’m not. I know it wasn’t on purpose. Let’s just both try to remember the newspaper next time, ok?’
‘And we’ll blame the muses for this one.’
Once Catalina had explained about the muses, she’d said that they should probably get on with cleaning it up ‘before someone else sees it and thinks you’ve got a body hidden under your bed.’
She’d still felt a bit wobbly, when she thought about the stain. Catalina had given her a big cuddle and said that a little paint wasn’t the end of the world and that it would probably come right out. It turned out though that Catalina herself wasn’t really sure how to get paint out of carpet, so she’d gotten out her phone to check- ‘There’s no excuse for not finding things out nowadays, mija’- and she’d even let Cathy type the question into google herself.
The paint had come out on the second attempt, and Catalina had made her promise to always tell her right away if anything like that ever happened again.
So everything had worked out alright after all, even if she still hadn’t seen Catalina really, properly angry yet.)
Going back to the flat feels funny because it feels like coming home but everything also looks a little bit different- Catalina reassures her that it’s just how things feel sometimes after a trip.
‘It’ll go away mija’
Cathay still cant help looking around though. ‘Why are the books different?’
‘What’s that?’
Cathy points at the bookshelf- the spines are different colours.
‘Just felt like it was time for a little shuffle around, it makes me remember which books I haven’t looked at for a while.’
This makes sense.
It’s the middle of the morning: Catalina has a mug of the dark, rich coffee that she buys in little paper sacks from the special food shop in town. Cathy likes the smell but not the taste, although she hopes that will change when she grows up because coffee seems to be all that grownups drink. Coffee and wine, except she isn’t sure if she likes wine yet- Catalina lets her sip at her coffee when she asks but she hasn’t yet given in over Cathy’s requests to be allowed a taste of her merlot.
(‘Maybe when you’re nine or ten, mija. I just don’t dare any earlier, the harpies would tear me to pieces.’
Harpies is what Catalina calls the other mums at school; Cathy isn’t allowed to tell anyone that though, even Anne, on pain of every unpleasant torture, mi vida.
‘A glass?’
‘A sip. A very little sip. And not until you’re older, like I said.’
‘I could just not tell anyone.’ 
Cathy is quite good at not telling people things, she’s good at keeping secrets- which is why she doesn’t even give Catalina a list of some of her best, most well kept secrets to prove it- like how Anne spilt blue nail polish on the carpet in Mary’s bedroom and blamed it on Kitty even though it wasn’t exactly a lie because Kitty had been playing with it too and it really could just as easily been her and honestly, it would have been fairer, all things considered, for Kitty to be the one to spill it, considering she’s only little.
Catalina is shaking her head.
‘But I’m very good at keeping secrets!’
‘I know, mija-’
‘I didn’t tell my teacher that you did the last sum for me on my homework.’
Catalins gives her a stern look. ‘Good because as I recall, that was a deal we made so that you would go to bed and stop worrying about it.’
‘And I didn’t tell her. So you could let me try and I wouldn’t tell anyone.’
‘But wouldn’t it be a bit pointless if you couldn’t tell anyone? Wouldn’t you want to tell Anne?’
This is true- it’s actually a bit pointless if she can’t even tell Anne, although Anne surely doesn’t count as anyone- but she doesn’t want to weaken her position so she shakes her head steadfastly, and Catalina laughs and says she’ll be a wonderful lawyer when she’s older and gives her a kiss on the top of her head rather than a sip of wine.)
They have fancy twisty pastries with apricot jam and Cathy has a mug of warm frothy milk with a tiny bit of coffee in it, a pinch of cinnamon and a sprinkling of brown sugar. It doesn't matter that it’s not real coffee- it's much nicer than coffee anyway.
The coffee milk in the special china cup with her name on it, even though she’s already had one breakfast because Catalina had said she hadn’t eaten yet and did she think she could manage elevenses even if it wasn’t quite eleven?
She thought she probably could, having not finished her pancake and she was right. The apricot pastries are delicious; she thinks it’s what sunshine would taste like sunshine was spreadable. Catalina says that’s the best description of apricot jam she has ever heard.
She’s reading one of her library books- the last time Catalina had visited her, back when her parents were alive, she’d brought one of the series with her and read it aloud while they were waiting for lunch to be ready and she’d quite liked it, but now reading it for herself, she doesn’t recognise all the characters.
Catalina had read her a story about Juliana and Diane and George (who was really Georgina) and Anne and Timmy the Cat, who were cousins and had adventures on an island- but when she tries to read it for herself, the names are different and the children are different and it’s a dog not a cat, who keeps on licking everything and barking and it’s just not as good as before.
(She has no idea why the children decided to swap lovely clever Timmy the Cat for a horrible barky, licky, bitey dog. She thinks it was a bad decision.)
 She wonders if maybe she picked out something different.
Catalina has a big thick book that looks dusty.
‘What are you reading?’
‘Mmm?’ Catalina looks up and then nods as if she’s had to replay it in her head. ‘Oh!’ She says something in Spanish and then adds ‘But it’s called something else in English, of course.’
‘What’s it about?’
‘A little boy called Pip and all his adventures.’
‘What sort of adventures?’ She’s wondering if it will turn out that they’re the sort of adventures the children are having in her book and Catalina smiles.
‘No island, mija, you’d be disappointed. He meets an escaped prisoner out late one night and he helps him to cut off his chains and run away. And later he goes to a big old beautiful house, which has a room all ready for a wedding that never happened.’
‘That’s strange. If it never happened, then it’s not anything, so how can she have a room for it?’
‘They had everything ready but the groom didn’t turn up so the lady sits in her wedding dress next to her old cobwebby wedding cake all covered in dust and thinks about how sad she is.’
‘Oh.’ That sounds spooky but also interesting- she thinks maybe there’ll be an old cobwebby cake in her next scary story because for some reason, the idea of something that’s meant to be so happy being all forgotten and abandoned makes her feel shivery and she’s sure Anne and Anna will feel just the same way. Then she thinks of something else.
 ‘Why was he out at night at all? Not the prisoner but the little boy.’
Catalina looks uncomfortable for some reason. ‘I think he was just playing.’
‘But weren’t his parents worried about him?’
There’s a little pause and then Catalina says ‘He didn’t have any parents, querida.’
‘Oh. How old was he?’ Maybe the boy is nearly grown up, like in Secondary School.
She isn’t quite sure how she feels about that but she doesn’t feel like asking any more questions so there’s a little silence before Catalina says that she’s just finished the chapter.
‘I think I need a little break from reading.’ She puts her book down on the floor, face down. ‘Want to come and keep me company, mija?’
Cathy nods slowly and puts down her own book, except she uses a bookmark because she knows that’s the proper way to treat a book. 
(Catalina is hopeless with bookmarks and always refuses Cathy’s offers to lend her one.
‘I’d lose it in a moment mija, and then I would have so much guilt! But thank you, all the same.’
Cathy has big plans for when her class starts their textiles projects, in which Catalina’s poorly treated books AND her sad, bookmarkless state, feature quite heavily. But she’s keeping this a surprise.)
 She hasn’t finished her own chapter but she doesn’t like the way that these strange new characters keep telling George she isn’t allowed to do things because she’s a girl. She supposes it’s nice that Anne is allowed to cook- cooking on a real fire outside sounds very exciting- but she wonders if she ever gets tired of it.
‘It’s not the same as when you read it. They’re really horrible to George. And they don’t even have a cat anymore.’
She climbs up onto Catalina’s lap and Catalina wraps her arms around her.
‘I might have….changed some bits when I was reading it to you. I thought it would make the story better.’
‘It DID make the story better. Now it’s boring.’
Catalina considers. ‘I could try reading it to you my way if you like, querida.’
‘That’s ok. I think I’m going to take a break from reading too.’
Catalina cuddles her closer and for a while they just sit like that. She thinks about the little boy meeting the prisoner out at night, with no one to worry about him, but it’s not too bad to think about when she’s got Catalina’s cardigan tickling her cheek and Catalina’s chin resting on the top of her head. 
Maybe she’ll include a prisoner in her next story too. Maybe he could even team up with the little attic girl and they could go around scaring people and sewing up mouths together.
‘Did he have a godmother?’
‘Pip. Oh- no, he didn’t. He had an older sister, he lived with her instead.’
‘Like Anne and Mary.’
‘Anne still has her parents, mija, you know that.’ But Catalina doesn’t sound so very certain when she says it.
There’s a little pause, and then Catalina quietly asks if she’d like to talk.
‘About what?’
‘About last night mija.’
‘What about last night?’
 She's being deliberately annoying but she can't help it because maybe if she carries on, Catalina will change her mind and they won’t have to talk about anything.
 She wouldn't even mind Catalina getting really cross (she doesn’t think), whatever really cross is for Catalina (because she still isn’t sure), but she doesn’t, just puts her book down and takes another sip of naslty bitter black coffee.
‘About the phone call we had.’ She pauses. ‘There's no need to look so worried querida- I promise you're not in trouble, I'm not going to tell you off- and we don't have to talk now if you really would rather not. It’s just that last night, we talked a bit about some of the things you were worried about. And about your mum and dad. I think it would be a good idea to talk about some of those things properly- not because i think it will fix them but….maybe it will make them a bit more ordinary to talk about them. And perhaps less scary. I don't know.’
She actually sounds a bit anxious, much less self assured than usual. Usually, Catalina talks like she knows exactly what she’s saying and why. Now she keeps stopping and starting, like she’s worried she’ll say something wrong.
‘I want you to feel like you can tell me anything- that there isn't anything you have to keep secret unless you want to. And you can always always talk to me. About anything you want. Ok?’
She nods. She wonders if Catalina really means anything- anything. 
‘Good, bad, sad, happy, whatever. And you can ask me anything, I don't want you to ever feel like you can't ask a question.’
Cathy thinks. ‘What if you can't tell me? What if it’s secret?’
Catalina smiles. ‘Then I will explain to you why I can’t tell you. But I won't be cross with you for asking, that’s the important thing. And I will always try to answer, if I can, alright?’
She nods again. ‘Will you tell the truth?’
‘Yes. It doesn't seem fair to ask you to be honest if I won’t be honest myself. And we do need to be honest with each other, mija. It's the only way.’
‘The only way for what?’
‘The only way to….keep our family going. Going smoothly, I mean. We’ll be a family whatever happens, of course, smooth or not.’
‘Are we a family?’ It’s a surprise to her- she’d sort of assumed that wasn't a word that applied to her any more, like Mother and Father and Parents.
‘Yes i think so.’ Catalina looks serious. ‘You and your Mum and Dad are still a family, of course. But you and I are a family too. At least I like to think we are. If that's ok with you of course.’
Cathy thinks about it. ‘If we’re a family, does that mean I have to call you Mum?’
Catalina looks shocked. ;Oh no! No, definitely not querida, I promise I'd never want to try and take your Mum’s name or place. I never at all meant that. I'm still your godmother- your Mum will always be your Mum. Not all families have a Mum and a Dad.’
‘Like in the story about Tango the Penguin.’ It’s a book she had when she was very little, but she can still remember the story.
‘Exactly.’ Actually, she thinks maybe Catalina sent her the book in the first place.
She could ask more questions about it- some that she’s mildly curious about, and some that she could probably make up if she felt like making this bit of the conversation stretch out longer...but she decides not too because Catalina is looking all anxious now and it's making her feel a bit guilty.
It’s alright- the thought of her and Catalina being a family is ok. She’d rather have Catalina for her family than anyone else, if she can't have mum and dad and she knows that she can't.
She wriggles into a more comfortable position in Catalina’s lap.
‘Ok. We can be a family.’
‘Good.’ Catalina smiles like she’s really relieved. ‘Good.’
After a while, she says, ‘There’s something I thought you might like to look at mija. I’ve been meaning to for a while and then last night, I thought of it.’
She stiffens slightly. She isn’t sure how she feels thinking about last night- one minute, the scary feeling seems very far away and all she can think about is stupid things like how babyish she must have sounded crying into the phone, and then the next, she can remember it very very well and it makes her feel shaky and sick, like she’s standing somewhere high and looking down. 
She buries her face into Catalina’s cardigan and then has to come back out because the fluff is making her sneeze and Catalina laughs and slides her gently off her lap and says she’ll be back in a moment.
She wraps both arms around her tummy, hugging herself and wondering what The Thing will be.
When Catalina comes back in, she’s holding an old shoebox.
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allbeendonebefore · 4 years
Any headcanons for Oliver? I read the list of headcanons for some of the other provinces that you did and I’m very curious.
oh boy those were ages ago i’ll dig up a few so i can remember the vibe of the things i wrote
for those of you just joining us, my past headcanon posts
BC | AB | SK | MB 1 + 2 | NB
while other provinces are torn between living in one city or another or out in the middle of nowhere, oliver doesn’t have that issue. he lives in toronto and holidays in one of an entire network of cottages across the province and does not feel conflicted about that in the least. and he doesnt live “in toronto” in the gta, he lives IN toronto in some old annex style house and good luck getting rid of him.
he LOVES living alone, he relishes his independence, he does NOT miss being trapped living with jean NOT ONE BIT!! he does NOT create fake arguments over what should go over the mantle or what to make for dinner with the chattery squirrel outside because he’s LONELY.
Self indulgent headcanon but since he understands how difficult it is to live in the city and how valuable a good education is, he will occasionally rent out the basement to a quiet and tidy university student or two. He has a soft spot for kids who are trying to find their feet and figure out who they are away from their parents (as long as they do their chores).
Despite his downtown living and his urban elite image, he has experience working in factories and on farms and that tends to catch people off guard. He knows his way around milking a cow and he loves to tinker with machinery, getting his hands dirty doesn’t bother him even though he does love to mope and solicit pity. 
he just cannot physically help being overdramatic and bitchy, it’s just the tough outer layer he developed trying to survive american assimilation (and jean’s cutting words lol). he thinks his sarcasm is among his most endearing quality, since the people who Get It always laugh.
he thinks his most relatable story is tfw you cut the bag of milk too open and it sloshes everywhere and doesn’t get the mixed reception at parties
It’s not that he doesn’t drink or that he’s against drinking, per se, at least, not anymore. He just likes being the designated driver because he likes the moral high ground, not because he’s secretly a mother hen who wants everyone to get home safe. 
he grew up in the southern... peninsula (you know that... sorry i get so confused about whats north and west in ontario.)Anyway it’s not that he doesn’t Also represent Northern Ontario, it’s just sometimes hard to pry him out of his original comfort zone and he sometimes gets stuck in his own head in the south. 
it’s not like mani would know what to do with all that space up there anyway, it’s just best that he takes care of it, it’s always best that he be left to manage things, he’s just more organized, he’s the brains, he’s the one with the vision, no he does not accept constructive criticism, what kind of leader would he be if he was openly questioned... that’s not how he was raised at all. imagine, entertaining other people’s ideas. 
Ollie likes to think he’s the rational one but pretty much every move he made in his early days was out of fear and anxiety; he can sometimes be overly cautious and people who just go out and do things just baffle him. 
He’s really open with his feelings (particularly when it involves complaining, which he loves) but he’s horrible at delegating tasks or asking for help. He also gets easily frustrated when people have given up on helping him without him having to ask, but he still insists on trying to do everything himself.
is it weird i cannot fathom him in anything but an mlm relationship lol
He won’t forgive rude behaviour, even if he appears like a doormat to an American. He remembers when he’s been rude to and compensates by being overly polite. The only person who’s immune to this seems to be Jean, who always seems to be getting away with being rude...
that said he drops way more f-bombs than most of the others and americans always either think it’s either adorable (and make fun of his perceived accent) or are SO SHOCKED that their INNOCENT BABY FRIEND would have such LANGUAGE!
has such. a weird. distorted. romantic idea of what road trips are. i dont know if he knows how to travel in places where rest stops arent cleaned every couple hours or if he’s ever had to pee in the bush or stay in a place without electricity in the time that he’s owned a car. 
he’s always been a huge natural history nerd, he loves spending time in natural history exhibits and geeking out over weird birds and fish and minerals. 
shakespeare in the park anyone?! shakespeare in the living room??? shakespeare over zoom conference? reciting shakespeare while outside oil painting the fall colours?! DID SOMEONE MENTION SHAKESPEARE.
he also loves sailing and swimming and he’s got a weirdly extensive canoe collection squirreled away somewhere. 
had a LOT of pressure on him as a kid to be the Good and Perfect child, not like those nasty yankees. He’s not very good at acting out and being rebellious, but he will absolutely stand his ground on an issue that’s dear to him, particularly if his control over something is threatened. 
anywhere you can’t take a train to is fake adn should not have been counted
he’s still an avid tea drinker and has lots of opinions about tea time and has been making the same recipes for literally 200 years (jean puts up with this because he cannot be assed to make his own little fine cakes, ok, and if ollie has extra for him to take home its to his advantage. if oliver makes extra specifically because he knows jean likes them, that’s for him to know. and same with homemade fudge and butter tarts and candy and ice cream, neither of them outgrew their sweet tooth) 
also he’s somewhat motivated by jean’s blunt reactions to his baking because thats how he’s going to survive the blue ribbon baking and jam making events against those tough and bitter old ladies, jean is perfect practice (although some of his best and most nuanced insults don’t translate very well)
his french is not bad nor is he embarrassed of it, he’s annoying in both official languages.
he gets mad when you say he’s practically interchangeable with matt but he still seems to think the things he does are things that all canadians do or like or have, i mean, why wouldn’t they? but they still owe him for that.
he compensates for his relative lack of interest or seeming inability to ask the others how they’re doing (because thats rude! and prying! and he’s sure they’re just fine! he doesn’t meddle anymore because people get upset when he rearranges their pantries) with an almost weird obsession with his self image and what’s happening internationally
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ahtohallan-calling · 5 years
chapter 3 of don’t read the last page is here!
[kristanna / m / multichap / modern au with actress!anna and vetstudent!kristoff]
“Seriously, though,” Sven asked around a mouthful of rice, “what happened?”
“I, um, ran into someone.”
“Like a girl someone?”
“Um. Yeah.”
There was no use hiding it. Sven would drag it out of him someday, and anyway, despite being kind of the worst sometimes, he was also the best friend Kristoff had had since– well, since Anna– and sometimes, he even managed to give pretty decent advice.
“Well, uh, it was Anna.”
chapter 3: no onions
“It smells like fried rice in here. Kris, I swear to god you better not have ordered Chinese food without me again because–”
Kristoff didn’t bother to look up from his hands even when Sven abruptly stopped talking. He’d been sitting on the sofa, unmoving, face buried in his palms ever since Anna had left trying to figure out what the hell he’d done wrong.
“There’s still some left if you want it,” he mumbled.
A low whistle came from across the room. “I mean, gonna be real with you, I do, but shit, man, what happened? Is it something with work?”
“Dick dry up and fall off?”
“Remind me again why I still live with you.”
“Because no one else will put up with the weird shit you sing in the shower.”
“Ah, right, that was it,” he muttered as Sven sat down beside him and they both sank a little deeper into the bowels of the world’s least valuable sofa.
“Seriously, though,” Sven asked around a mouthful of rice, “what happened?”
“I, um, ran into someone.”
“Like a girl someone?”
“Um. Yeah.”
There was no use hiding it. Sven would drag it out of him someday, and anyway, despite being kind of the worst sometimes, he was also the best friend Kristoff had had since– well, since Anna– and sometimes, he even managed to give pretty decent advice.
“Well, uh, it was Anna.”
“No fucking way. The Anna you like, drove all the way home to see that one weekend freshman year and then you got there and saw her with her boyfriend and you were like ‘oh, sh–”
“Yes, that Anna.”
His voice came out sounding tighter than he meant it to, and suddenly the teasing note in Sven’s voice was gone. “Shit. What happened?”
He explained his whole insane day from the beginning, and for once Sven was quiet through the whole thing, except when he called a quick time-out to look up the tampon commercial and confirm that Kristoff really wasn’t kidding about that. He’d thought that maybe getting the whole story out would make him feel better, but it somehow made it all worse to see Sven looking as confused as he did. Kristoff groaned and headed into the kitchen for a beer; he really needed one right now.
Sven followed behind him, still trying to puzzle his way through the story. “So like, to be clear, she was definitely the one who initiated the kissing?”
“Um. Considering she told me I could kiss her back, yeah.”
“Wait, you didn’t immediately just–”
“I don’t know! She’s so…so…” He threw his hands up in frustration. “God. She’s just Anna, and she’s always been Anna, and I’ve always been me, and it’s like…why the hell would someone like her even look at me twice? I mean, it was like she walked into the store, and I just immediately was right back to where I was freshman year, just like…”
He couldn’t come up with the words and took a swig of beer instead. Sven patted his shoulder sympathetically. “I’m sorry, man. It doesn’t make sense to me, either. Had to’ve been something else going on. Or maybe she thought you weren’t into her.”
“Thanks, but it probably is just…” He waved a hand, feeling futile. “Probably just that she really was just curious and that was all.”
“I’m gonna be honest, from what you’ve told me about her, I don’t think that’s it. Didn’t you say she used to skip school when you were sick and bring over soup and DVDs?”
“I mean, yeah, but…I don’t know. She didn’t like school that much.”
“I don’t think someone who does that shit would do this shit. Not without a reason, anyway.”
“A lot can change after high school.”
“You’re telling me,” Sven mumbled, opening a beer of his own. “You seen my hairline lately?”
In spite of himself, Kristoff let out a snort of laughter. So maybe tonight hadn’t gone where he’d been hoping, but hey– he’d lived the last seven years without Anna. He’d get used to it again.
He’d spent so much time over the last week hoping she’d come back in that when she actually did, he blinked several times before realizing she wasn’t going to fade away. She was looking at him as she walked up to the counter, but the moment their eyes met her gaze flew away so she could stare a little bit too hard at the menu.
Two could play at that game; he started wiping down the counters even though he’d just done that five minutes ago and no one had come in since. He watched her from the corner of his eye, wondering why, exactly, she’d come all the way back over here when she’d said she lived nearly on the other side of the city.
“A mocha, please, with cinnamon syrup,” she ordered, sounding almost timid. 
“Do you want whip?”
“Yes, please. To go.”
She handed the cashier a twenty and stuffed a five in the tip jar when she got her change, and then ever so slowly she drifted down to his end of the counter. He kept his eyes on the coffee as he started to make her drink, but he still said quietly, “I’m serious, you really don’t have to order a drink to talk to me.”
“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice.
This time he did look up at her. Her eyes were downcast as she leaned against the counter, drumming her fingers against it. “For what?” he asked, starting to steam the milk.
“For, um…the other night.”
“It’s okay, seriously, if you’re not interested it’s–”
“It’s not that, Kristoff,” she said, and finally she looked up at him, and his heart broke a little when he realized she looked somehow afraid.
“Tell me, Anna.”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “I just. Um. I don’t know if you really want to hear the whole thing. Kind of a ‘do you want the long version or the longer version’ thing. But, um…sorry, again. And thank you. I got a callback.”
Kristoff nearly dropped her cup. “I– hang on, let me finish this and then– just hang on.”
He finished making her coffee and set it on the counter before picking up the whipped cream canister. “Tell me when.”
Her mouth quirked up in the barest hint of a smile, and he couldn’t help but feel relieved; that had been one of their dozens of stupid inside jokes back in the day, that when one of them had a bad day and needed to just pile up in front of a movie with snacks, he’d always go for Pringles, and she’d want a massive ice cream sundae with so much whipped cream you couldn’t even see the ice cream part.
She waited until there were a solid two inches of whipped cream before saying, “When,” and he slid the cup over to her with a little smile of his own.
“Okay. You were saying? About the part, I mean.”
“I, um…the audition went really well. And so I got a callback, and that went well too, and so I wanted to come and thank you because I seriously couldn’t have done it without you. I mean, actually, I wanted to call you, but I didn’t know if your number had changed or not, and I don’t think you ever got on Facebook or Twitter or anything so I couldn’t get a hold of you there and–”
The bell over the door jangled, and he glanced up to see a group of women coming in wearing yoga pants and chatting animatedly about the new tea flavors. “Anna– sorry, I just–”
“Oh, no, no, I’m the one who’s sorry, I’ll just get out of your way, just–”
“No, not that, just– I have to do this but I get off in half an hour so just–”
Her eyes looked suddenly hopeful, and there was that old familiar pang in his chest. “Just– wait here, okay? And you can tell me the long version of everything.”
Already paper cups were sliding his way, but he kept his eyes locked on hers until she nodded and sat down at a nearby table. The rest of his shift flew by in a rush of skinny lattes and double-caramel frapps, but through it all he kept glancing up at Anna. Most of the time she was tapping on her phone or fidgeting with her hair or picking at her nails, but whenever their eyes met, he would give her another tiny smile and get one in return.
And then, finally, he was done and slid into the chair across from her. “Do you wanna do this here? Or we can go to my apartment again if you want, my roommate won’t be home for a while. Or we can go to yours if you’d rather.”
Anna’s finger tapping sped up. “Um, my sister’s probably home by now, and she’d probably listen in, so–”
“My place it is, then,” he said, and his stomach growled loudly. He winced. “Um, we can do takeout again if you want, or you don’t have to stay long enough to eat, but I’m kind of starving so–”
“We can do pizza,” she said quickly. “My treat.”
“You don’t have to, seriously–”
“I want to.”
Her fingers were still drumming insistently on the table. Without really thinking, Kristoff reached over and cupped her hands between his own, stilling them. He heard her suck in a breath.
“Anna,” he said, looking steadily at her. “I promise, whatever it is you have to say to me, it’s going to be okay.”
“That’s a big promise.”
“I mean it.”
“You can change your mind,” she said softly. “If you decide it isn’t okay. I know I fucked up.”
“Just– let’s actually talk first before you start worrying about what I’ll think, okay? One thing at a time.”
For some reason, her eyes started to fill with tears, and he hastily got to his feet, which only seemed to make it worse. “I– okay, I don’t know what I said, but– c’mon, I’m parked out back.” 
He took her hand again, more on instinct than anything, and led her through a side door out to his beat-up old sedan. He opened the door for her, and she managed a sniffly “thank you” as she buckled up. 
“You can put on the radio if you want,” he said as he pulled out. “Or the aux cord is somewhere in here, remember how we used to argue over who got control of it? Because you’d always want to play show tunes, and I’d want to play Green Day or something?”
He glanced over to see Anna swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. “And then we found out that they’d made that musical based on their songs, and all we listened to was that cast recording for like a month before we finally admitted that neither of us actually liked it that much.”
“Yeah. But we pretended all that time anyway because we didn’t want to let the other person down.”
She was quiet for a long time after that, until just after he turned onto his street. “Why didn’t we do a better job of keeping in touch with each other, Kris?”
It was his turn to be silent. He knew the answer, but that didn’t make it any easier to say. He parked the car, turned it off, unfastened his seatbelt; still, neither of them made a move to get out of the car. He turned to meet her gaze. She wasn’t crying anymore, but her eyes were still puffy. Her hair was thrown up in a loose bun; she was in an oversized t-shirt and leggings, and still she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
“I don’t know,” he lied, finally opening his door. “I guess it just happens sometimes.”
She followed him silently into the building, tapping on her phone as they got into the elevator. “You still like veggie, right?”
“What?” he asked; all of his focus had been on the way her eyes still looked red and whether she’d let him give her a cold washcloth or something because Jesus, that was killing him.
“Oh– yeah. But no–”
“Onions, I remember. Me too.”
They were quiet again until the door to his apartment shut behind them. Kristoff cleared his throat. “Um– unfortunately nothing’s changed in the last week, so the floor’s kind of still our best option.”
“That’s fine. I feel floors are usually the best for, um, this sort of thing. Kind of…cathartic to just…be there.”
He nodded and awkwardly sat down in front of the sofa again, letting his long legs sprawl under the table; she slid down next to him, keeping a healthy distance between them as she tucked her knees up to her chest. “So– anyway, like I kind of said earlier, um…I’m just…really sorry.”
She was tugging at the ends of her hair, twisting it in her hands as she spoke. “Because it was, like, really fucked up of me to say that to you. That kissing you was just…getting something out of the way. That was…just really, really shitty. And not why I did it.”
He hadn’t really known what to expect, but this hadn’t been it. “Um. So why did…um…”
“I really did want to kiss you, not just….because I was curious. Or because I’ve always wanted to. Which I have,” she added, and he glanced over to see her cheeks had turned a little pink. “But, um…I guess I just…I do this thing where I, like, think something is going to be inevitable, and so then I’m like ‘well let’s just get the waiting over with and do it’, and then I just jump in headfirst and it never actually, like, goes well.”
“What do you mean, inevitable?” “Like, well…like I just, you know, walked into this coffee shop and suddenly the boy I was in love with for like four years is there making my coffee, which is crazy because neither of us is from L.A., and then I didn’t even recognize you at first because…well, okay, I’m already being honest so I’ll just say that like…college was definitely kind to you, and so then I was like ‘holy shit, this is like a movie or something and it’s meant to be’ and then you called me pretty and then we were just talking and it felt like– like…really good. But then I kissed you and you were so nervous and then like, a really good kisser and then it just hit me that you’re– you’re Kristoff, and I’m, like, this huge fucking mess, and whenever I just jump into shit I always fuck it up or it fucks me up, and I’d already lost you once and now I’d just found you and how shitty would it be if I just, like, ruined it or like, hurt your feelings or something, and then I was like ‘okay well just play this off Anna’ and then– then I just lied and acted like it didn’t matter which is like, the opposite of the truth, because it did matter, and you matter, and I just hurt you anyway which is what I didn’t want to do, and I’m really really sorry that I’m such a fuckup and that I’m crying on your living room floor again and I’ll go home now if you want.”
He’d held back as she spoke, knowing that she needed to just get it all out, but he couldn’t stand it any longer; he reached over and pulled her into a hug, holding her tight as she cried into the front of his t-shirt. “And now I’m getting your shirt all soggy,” she said, muffled against his chest, and he let out a weak chuckle.
“Anna, it’s okay. I’m– I’m not mad.”
“But you could be, if you wanted to. I’m really sorry that I hurt you.”
“No, you didn’t, seriously, it’s–”
She sat up and looked him dead in the eye, though he still didn’t drop his arms from her shoulders. “Don’t do that, Kris.”
“Do what?”
“Just– bottle your shit up. You always used to do that, and it would drive me crazy. You’re allowed to have feelings.”
He looked at her for a long moment. She wasn’t the only person who had ever told him that, but she’d been the first. He’d never really listened, and that had ended at least one of his relationships, but– maybe it was time.
He took a deep breath. “Okay. Yeah. I, um, I was really sad after you left.”
“You were sad while I was still there. I could tell.”
She studied him for a long moment, a few stray tears still rolling down her cheeks. “I’m seriously so, so sorry, Kristoff.”
“I’ll forgive you. On one condition.”
“Let’s…start over. Like…like, pretend you just came into my coffee shop. What would you
actually want to say?”
She pondered it for a moment, then a familiar sparkle came back into her eyes; he felt a little twinge in his heart at the sight. “I’d say, ‘Damn, Bjorgman, where have you been all my life?’ And then you’d say something, like, super you–”
“Like, ‘behind this counter, waiting for you to hurry up and take your coffee’.”
Anna let out a little laugh, and his heart soared. “And then I’d tell you that I’d really missed you, and that I wanted to take you out so we could catch up, and that if it was a date that would be really nice.”
“And I’d say ‘more than nice, Anna, it would be amazing’.”
He nodded, leaning his forehead against hers. “I kinda…I think I felt the inevitable thing, too.”
Her hand drifted up to his cheek. “We could be wrong, you know.”
“We could just both be like, really horny. I know for me it’s been like, way too long, but you’re kind of super hot now, so–”
“No, it’s been like…since my last girlfriend. Which ended last fall, so–”
“Oh, shit, that’s probably it–”
“No,” he said softly, “I don’t think it is.”
She bit her lip. “Maybe we still shouldn’t kiss just yet. Just to be sure.”
“And like, maybe it feels inevitable because we’re still thinking of each other as our high school selves. So maybe we should just…re-get to know each other.”
“So like, definitely no kissing. Or touching. So we can rule the horniness out.”
“Like touching only in a sexy way, or is this–”
“No, no, this is good. Hugs are good. We can cuddle, like, all day long. Like–”
She turned a little, swinging her legs over his lap and nestling her head against his shoulder. “Like this feels really nice. Is this okay?”
He tugged her a little closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his chin on the top of her head. “Okay. Now we’re good.”
They were quiet for a long moment; Anna nestled closer to him, letting her hand drift absentmindedly across his chest, drawing tiny shapes. “Also,” he said, feeling his cheeks start to burn, “I forgot to mention this, but you’re super hot now, too. I kinda always thought you were, though.”
“Even though I’m like, the girl in the tampon commercial?”
“Especially then. The little string just really does it for me.”
She giggled and buried her face in his neck, her arms wrapping around him. “You’re the woooorst, Kris, I–”
The doorbell rang, and they groaned in unison. “I’ve never been so pissed off about pizza,” Anna mumbled, scrambling to her feet and towards the door.
From the floor, Kristoff tried not to laugh as he heard the pizza guy say, “Oh my god, you’re–”
“I swear to god I will tip you double if you shut up right now and never, ever tell anyone about this. Or use the cartwheel GIF.”
“The one where your–”
“You know the one I mean.”
There was only silence and the shuffling of bills after that until the door slammed shut and she sailed back over to him. “Don’t say a word, Bjorgman.”
He mimed zipping his lips as she opened the box, then said quickly– “Oh– let me get plates– and you want something to drink? It’s, uh, I think it’s pretty much water or beer or soymilk, but you can have any of that.”
“Beer is good.”
“Yeah? Okay, great."
Once they were settled, they ate in companionable silence, occasionally meeting each other’s eyes over their plates and looking away quickly with reddened cheeks. Anna let out a sudden burp, and Kristoff snorted with laughter. “How are you still pretty when you do that?”
“Shut up,” she laughed, leaning over to gently push his chest, and then she didn’t pull away and their eyes locked and maybe they both definitely had garlic breath and had said no kissing but they were leaning towards each other anyway and then there was a rattle of keys in the door and they flew apart.
“Goddammit Kristoff, now it smells like pizza and I told you to stop ordering in without me and– holy shit that’s a girl.”
Anna waved at him. “Sorry. But there’s still a piece left if you want it. Saves us from arguing over it.”
Sven’s eyes darted between the two of them, trying to make sense of it all. At last, he seemed to give up and plopped onto the floor between them, snagging the piece and taking a big bite. “So did you guys, like, figure your shit out?”
“Um…” Anna said, looking over at Kristoff. 
He shrugged. “I’d say so.”
“Sweet, because I went to Gamestop on the way home and got a copy of Wii Mario Kart, and you know I still have that Wii in the top of my closet so if you could make yourself useful for once, Bjorgman, and grab that for us, we could definitely do some split-screen.”
Anna ended up staying three hours more, even managing to hold her own against Sven until he insisted on playing Rainbow Road three times in a row “because that’s where true warriors are found”. After fifteen minutes of spending more time off the track than on it while Kristoff, who had surrendered five races ago, laughed, she dropped the controller and held up her hands. “I surrender! Okay, you’re the undisputed champion.”
Sven nodded his head, looking astonishingly dignified for someone with a piece of popcorn clinging to his hair– a remnant of an earlier battle over who got to be Peach. 
(Anna had won that one, at least.)
She glanced at her phone and winced. “Oh, shit, it’s almost ten. I told Elsa I’d probably call her to pick me up at like, six. She’s got work in the morning, I–”
“Don’t even have to ask,” Kristoff said, getting to his feet. “C’mon.”
“It’s like, half an hour from here, are you sure? I’ll give you gas money if–”
“Don’t worry about it. Seriously.”
Sven flopped onto the sofa, letting his lanky legs dangle over the end, and waved as they headed out. “Don’t have too much fun without me. Come back next week, and we’ll do Super Smash Bros, yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
There were a million questions he wanted to ask Anna on the drive to her apartment; how she’d ended up in L.A., what her sister had been up to, whether she still held such strong opinions over the best place to get a Sprite (always McDonald’s, though Kristoff would pretend he liked bottled better just to see her fume)– but as soon as she’d plugged her address into his phone, she started drifting off.
The roads were mostly clear on the way to her apartment, so after a few minutes Kristoff hesitantly set his right hand on her knee, still hardly daring to believe that this was real, that she was really right there beside him. She yawned and pressed her own hand over it; at the next stoplight, he glanced over and saw that she’d dozed off, a little smile on her face.
She blinked blearily awake as he pulled up to her building. “Morning, sleepyhead,” he said softly, squeezing her hand.
Anna leaned over and pressed a soft kiss against his cheek. “Thanks for the ride. And the forgiveness.”
“Anytime. Tell Elsa I said hey, yeah?”
“Will do. Oh– I didn’t actually get your number, did I?”
He handed over his phone, and she quickly typed hers in. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
She kissed his cheek again, and then she was gone, nearly skipping up the sidewalk. He waited until she was indoors and a light had come on up on the sixth floor before pulling away, a ridiculous smile on his face.
He didn’t have work the next day and always slept in, so when his phone started buzzing on his bedside table anyway, he ignored it for a moment before realizing it was a call, not an alarm. He reached blindly for it and tapped the green button.
“Anna? What’s up? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah– it’s– it’s great, actually.”
It didn’t sound like it was great. It sounded like she was out of breath and had either been laughing or crying. “Um– are you sure?”
“I, um, I got the part.”
He sat straight up, suddenly wide awake. “Holy shit, that’s awesome.”
“I know. And they want me to go ahead and– and fly out in a few days.”
“Fly out? What do you mean?”
“It’s, um, they’re doing rehearsals and shooting and everything on location and stuff. Well, not all of it, just– a lot of it.”
“On location…where?”
“Um…Romania. For six weeks.”
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a-simple-imagine · 5 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Requested by anonymous: “Could I request a Dan x female!reader that’s full of a bunch of cuddles and softness and Dan being so happy because he’s finally in a stable relationship with someone he loves”
Pairing: Danny Torrance x fem!reader
Words: 1.7k
A/N - kinda sad that doctor sleep isn’t in cinemas here anymore... I miss my baby rose
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An empty bed always feels worse when you’re left wondering if he's ducked out. It wouldn't bother you normally. Not every relationship was meant to be but this time was different and not to mention this was definitely more than a one night stand or a fling. You thought you actually had something; He made you happy and you thought you did the same for him. You toss over in bed staring out the door you could have sworn you closed; last line or security after all. He must have left it open. You sigh to yourself As you let your eyes flutter closed.
"How are you still tired?" You groan at the question burying your face further into the pillow. "Never met someone who can sleep so much."
Looking up, you spy none other than Dan Torrance leaning against the doorframe in a pair of grey boxers. A smile on his lips; a tray held comfortably between his hands. You were glad he was still here.
"You wore me out," You joke, a lazy smile spreading over your lips. "For a second I thought you had run out on me... again."
"Are you still hung up on that," Dan walked into the room, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing the tray beside you. Glancing towards the tray, it holds a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in the middle. A glass of orange juice to the right. A bottle of syrup to the left.
"It was a one-time thing- promise, I even made you breakfast in bed to make up for it."
"Oooh look at you," you tease, pushing yourself upright so you back was against the headboard. "Thank you."
He kicks his legs up onto the bed, getting comfortable beside you. Taking the tray, you place it in your lip, picking up the cutlery that had slid out from under the side of the plate. "What do you want to do today?" He asks as the blade cuts through the surface of the fluffy pancake. You shrug, offering him the piece. He leans in to take but not before you can pull it just out of reach. An amused smile on your lips as you hold it out for him again. He's cautious but takes it into his mouth.
"Honestly? Sleep," You suggest, cutting a piece for yourself.
"I figured you'd say that," he started, placing his hand on your leg which was covered by the duvet. "But- and hear me out here. How about we- I don't know, go outside?" You glance to him briefly before turning back to your food. "We could have lunch, maybe watch a movie?"
"Or," you drag the word out for emphasis. "We could stay in bed and order in food. Plenty of viable movie options on Netflix."
The man just shakes his head. "How about we go out for lunch and then return, much later, to watch a movie. Cuddling could be on the table but only if we take a walk after said lunch."
"But it's so cold outside." You groan but it's mixed with a chuckle. He was determined to get you out of bed and so you decide to compromise. It's only fair. "How about we go for a reasonable length walk, then takeaway and movie back here? Final offer- take it or leave it, babe."
You watch him contemplate the offer. "Fine," he nods once. "It's a deal."
You hold your hand out which he gladly shakes. "Pleasure doing business with you, Torrance."
You finish your breakfast relatively slowly in hopes of putting off going for a walk. It's past one by the time you're finally ready to leave the house. Dan still insists it will be 'fun' and you don't question it. You could do with the fresh air; you have nothing against walking it's just when winter comes around you're reluctant to face the icy tundra. Wrapped up in the winter coat you bought no more than two weeks ago, a matching hat, gloves, and scarf set you're ushered out of your apartment. You let Dan decide where to go, which isn't far. There is a park fifteen minutes from your building. It's not all that big so it doesn't get mass amounts of visitors but it's kept fairly tidy and in the summer, there's a little local fair with games and food. But it wasn't summer so the park was pretty much empty except for the odd dog walker who probably wouldn't be out here if it weren't for the dog. You're kind of glad for the dogs though, they're adorable and make the park worth the trip. Dan squeezes you're gloved hand almost every time you spot another dog which brightens your smile. But none of its enough to make you forget just how cold you are. The man beside you puts on a brave face, insisting alongside every groan that it isn't that cold but you know he's lying. You can tell by the pink of his cheeks and ears. It takes a lot of nagging for him to finally submit, practically dragging him all the way back and through the door into your only slightly less cold living room. You tried to keep your use of the heating to a minimum; money doesn't grow on trees but right now was an emergency.
"I've never been so cold in my life" You shiver as you strip of your gloves, scarf and hat. Throwing them into the bowl you keep by the door where you like to keep your keys; when you actually remember to use it that is.
"What should we do for dinner?" Dan asks ignoring your cold comment. "Chinese?"
"Pizza." You reply; fiddling with the buttons to switch on the heating. It'd take a while to get comfortably warm. Shitty radiators.
"Pizza it is. I'm gonna run to the store first."
"Aye aye captain." You give him a three-fingered but lazy salute.
"Do you want anything?" You think about it for a second before shrugging. Dan disappears back out into the cold. Slipping into the bedroom, trading your clothes for sweats, you dive into bed. Drowning yourself in the warmth of the duvet. Pulling out your phone to waste the time. When he returns you're two lives deep into candy crush.
"Thought you were putting in a movie." He comments as you swipe on the screen. Matching the colourful candy in a line of three.
"You're not gonna leave that bed again are you?" You glance to him from the comfort of your duvet cocoon, shaking your head a little. "Not unless I have to." You flash a bright smile. Bracing the cold, you remove your arm to pay the space next to you. It had warmed up a little but just a little. He makes sure to grab the remotes before climbing under the covers. Placing them ever so carefully into your lap.
"What should we watch?"
"Something... Christmasy maybe? Elf." You lock your phone and shuffle a little closer to the man.
"A little early for Christmas, don't you think?"
"Never." You insist, laying your head against him. He doesn't argue, putting on the movie you requested. Settled in, he puts his arms around you. Holding you close. The pizza is ordered shortly after thanks to the rumble of your stomach; you paid but Dan is the one to get up when it arrives at the door. The pizza doesn't last all that long nor do the wedges they came alongside it. That was to be expected.
With the pizza box pushed to the side and something mindless now playing in the background, you're rested comfortably against his chest as he runs his hand through your hair; gentle to the touch. "What's on your mind?"
He stops his motion for a moment before continuing. "Nothing really,"
You nudge him softly. "Tell me."
"Just thinking about you."
"All good things I hope."
"Hey," you huff. Dan chuckles lightly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
"Nothing bad I swear. You're just a very happy presence and I'm grateful for that."
You glance up at him but he seems to be in a world all his own. This happened more often than not. When you first started seeing him, Dan had explained about his 'shine' as part of his total honesty rule. You took his words with a grain of salt, somethings were to be believed others seemed utterly impossible. For the most part, you don't bring it up unless he does. It's hard to gauge how he feels about the shinning as a whole so you don't want to upset him by bringing it up all the time. There were things he hadn't told you and that was fine too;  they were probably things you didn't want to know anyway. “Please don't tell me there are ghosts in here, not sure I could handle the stress."
"No, it's nothing like that." He reassures you. "Stop worrying."
"I constantly worry about you, you're like a McDonald's for spirits." You joke playfully, hoping he saw the funny side.
"Let's not." His voice is firm but in no way aggressive so you just let it go. Spinning around so your body was facing him, you wrap your arms tightly around the man.
"You know what I want?" You mumble against his chest.
"Ice cream." He didn't pose it as a question but a fact and he was right.
"How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess." He shrugs and you feel his whole body move in your grip. "Good thing I bought some earlier."
"You're too good to me. Cookie dough?"
"Obviously." You pull back and briefly connect your lips.
"I'll go get it since you've been so nice today."
You slip out of bed to collect the pint of ice cream in question. The apartment is considerably warmer now as you saunter over to the tiny freezer above your fridge. Grabbing two spoons, you return to the comfort of your bed. Handing the boyfriend a spoon as you settle in again. Dan Torrance was an unexpected but interesting addition to your life. He was all kinds of weird but that was what you liked about him. He was so unapologetically himself.
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat Oct 19
I think I’m doing pretty good progress wise, please be patient with me as I continue to try to review old boxes~
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“October is here, bringing with it those spooky Halloween vibes! Halloween has been growing in popularity in recent years, and since Japan loves their seasonal snacks we had plenty of new, interesting items to choose from! In the spirit of being spooky but kinda cute, we’ve created a Poke-Monster Night for you to enjoy! No sharing these tricky snacks though!“
For this months contest, the winner could receive figures of Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto, while runner-ups won a cute pokeball candy and stamp. Lucky Treat consisted of Full Metal Alchemist, Dragon Quest, AND three devil fruits from One Piece, the Gomu Gomu (Gum), Mera Mera (Flame), and Ope Ope (Operation. Also, they accidentally mislabeled as the “dark dark fruit”). I was very excited that they included the 3 belonging to 3 of my favorite characters~
Pokemon Ramune & Strange Syrup DIY
(Please see top pic for images)
For this month, we get a basic, straight-laced ramune drink. Thank goodness :P as much as I like to try new flavors, sometimes I forget the original is probably the best... especially in comparison to those yucky flavors that I’m still traumatized by <_< and this month we even get a really cute pokemon label.
Ramune is basically that “soda“ flavor you’ll see in Japanese candy. It has a sweet, sort of lemon-ish taste but its not sour. It’s a little like sprite, but in my opinion it tastes way better. It’s especially yummy whenever it’s warm out or if you worked up a thirst. It’s also really fun to open because of the marble inside!
If you have ever wanted to try out Ramune, I would suggest checking on Amazon (they have a variety of fruit flavors too), or maybe the Japan Haul website (the website made through Tokyo Treat and its various brands).
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The DIY I just included a bonus pic of because I’ve done it several times. It’s a super-sticky, thick syrup like candy that only requires you to mix the 3 flavors, which are strawberry, soda, and lemon. Together they make grape... which looks like this:
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Because this candy was a little old, I think it was a bit off. The lemon and soda flavors were fine, but I noticed that not only was strawberry orange instead of pink, which might explain this... greenish-honey color. It’s usually a little purple if I recall.
Also, it didn’t really taste like grape this time, and it wasn’t as good in my opinion- but I guarantee if you open it as soon as you get it, it tastes much better. If you don’t like sticky/gooey textures you might wanna skip this one though.
Halloween Milk Senbei & Bloody Cola Marshmallow
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Since I subscribed like 3 years ago, I’ve only seen senbei in a box once; I was very excited to see it again! It’s stuff like this I wish they would include more of, because I want to try the unique foreign flavors you know?
Anyway, the milk senbei is a plain, very thin melt-in-your mouth cracker-like snack that pretty much tastes like ice cream cone, but a teensy bit sweeter. This one comes with a cola flavored sauce to put on top of it. Each 1 (or one pack, not sure) is around 25-27 calories.
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I really like the taste of ice cream cones, I don’t know why, I just always have. Meanwhile, the jelly/sauce is purple, but it indeed tastes like cola ♥ it’s very yummy. However... together, they get a strange taste and that I’m not very fond of. I can’t even describe it, but its weird. But eating it in small doses is tolerable.
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Speaking of cola, we also got a really cute marshmallow filled with a cola jelly! It’s like they combined two of my favorite things~
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It’s very soft and yummy, the jelly inside tastes about the same as the sauce from the prior item, but it tastes so much better with the marshmallow.
Apple Pie Kit Kat & Brown Sugar Sweets
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Instead of orange kit kats this year, we get to see fun purple one :D these kit kats are inspired by an apple pie. As you can see they also come in a large pack to share with others or to eat yourself. Each pack is 65 calories. 
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I love the coloring of these, first of all. It’s such a pretty purple, and its fun too. The apple flavor is very prominent, and it has a very small hint of spice, while the wafer brings to mind a sugary crust. It’s sweet, but mildly.
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These are popular for their melty and soft texture, with a very thin, crisp layer of rich brown sugar coating. Each one of these is 17 calories.
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These are kinda basic, but it’s a yummy sweet that isn’t overly sugary. I think it goes good with the apple pie kit kat, and maybe some milk.
Disappearing Taste?! Mixed Gummies, ZomB Grape Gum, & Blue Green Soda Gum
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We got 3 gums this month! Our first is very familiar, because we’ve had this gum before. The only difference is this is its washed out, slightly different cousin. Basically, you’re given a set of flavors of gum, in this case yogurt, strawberry, orange, and white grape/muscat. You can eat them as is, or mix the flavors to make new ones, like a fruit drink, melon soda, or different fruits.
What makes this one special however, is that there is a special gumball that supposedly makes the flavor disappear? I mean, isn’t that what gum does normally?
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This gum is really nice, you get a lot of them per-resealable pouch, and the flavors are always pretty good. Plus I like how the gum is smooth and soft in texture. I didn’t really notice any difference with this one from the last pack I had other than flavors.
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Next up, we have the ZomB Gum; a popular Halloween item that we have seen before; I think about 2 or so years back, when we got the red cola vampire version. What makes this gum really fun is that it colors your tongue as you chew it, and it has a delicious grape flavor.
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This gum has the same texture as the other gum, so I really like it. The color effect isn’t nearly as strong as the package shows, but it’s a cute little gimmick, and it tastes great. The flavor lasts about 5 minutes.
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Our last gum is another brand I’ve had before. I have had both this flavor, and their cola version. It’s pretty much the same concept as the ZomB gum (they’re made by the same brand), but its in two sticks and you get a soda flavor, and a melon flavor.
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I’d pretty much say the same things as I did about the previous two gums. All three were delicious and I would recommend any of them.
Poteco Pumpkin Gratin & Pringles
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Here we have two salty, savory snacks for the box. But of course, the Poteco are not new to us, in fact I think last Halloween we got the exact same pack; minus slightly different packaging. Poteco is good and all, but I got so tired of seeing it that I tend to... shy away from it now. This flavor wasn’t really that different from the original/normal Poteco either.
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I was a lot more excited for this item, a unique pack of Japanese Pringles :D Looking at the package, this is a type of ramen or noodle bowl flavor. It’s a mystery item in the booklet so I’m not really sure, but for this small can it is 267 calories!
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Honestly, these are so yummy that I don’t even care how many calories there are. The flavor is very strong, it tastes exactly like this cup ramen I like to buy. Trying to describe the flavor, I would say it’s sort of like beef or soy sauce broth, with a hint of a corn taste?
Pokemon Halloween Chocolate & Pikachu Gummies
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These are both snacks we’ve had before, so I’ll try to just gist this one.
These crispy snacks are shape like pikachu heads and come in fun, colorful packaging featuring a variety of Pokemon, while the back usually has a fun puzzle or image. Each bag is 83 calories and they are by the brand Tohato.
These are really yummy x3 they have a slightly bitter chocolate taste and remind me a lot of the coco crispy cereals.
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The other snack is also pikachu-shaped, but besides its head, there are also the occasional tail you might find ;3 These are by Lotte, and each pack is 90 calories. The flavor is grape and they taste really good too.
The only real thing to bother me about these is that they didn’t cut the gummy around Pikachu’s ears. It’s a minor thing but it bothers me a little.
Halloween Corn Potage Umaibo
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Okay, so... because I talk about this a lot, I’m not actually planning on saying anything about it this time :P long story short, corn potage Umaibo is the best.
Squid Legs & Halloween Pizza Corn Snack
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Don’t let the name fool you, these are not real squid legs- they just have a fishy taste. I’ve had these before too, and I have fairly complex feelings about them. On one hand they don’t taste terrible, but I don’t like seafood and the flavor is still unappealing to me. I like their crunchy texture though.
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Next up is this corn puff snack featuring a delicious pizza flavor! They taste exactly like the pizza-flavored combos, if you never had those before I would recommend them too~
Pokemon Cola Chewing Candy
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This is our final item... and now that I look at it, it kinda looks like a wafer cookie doesn’t it?
Anyway, these are sticks of chewing candy that come in various series and flavors. Before we had some grape Thomas the Tank Engine ones, and this time we get some cola Pokemon. Each wrapper usually includes a unique design, craft, or puzzle of some sort.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I don’t know if these are hard because they had to sit around for a while, or because that is just how they are. I don’t remember the Thomas ones being so hard, but they weren’t as thick as these. But if you suck on them for a few minutes they soften up, or you can crunch them to softness. The flavor is very yummy, I think it might be my favorite cola flavored item in the box.  
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Everything is very yummy, even though a fair amount of it was repetitive. I really liked it. Theme - 4 out of 5. Well, given the packaging and theme, I could say yeah they did pretty good. We had a decent amount of Pokemon items, but they could have done a little more too I think. Total Rank: 9 out of 10. I really liked this box, I just wish maybe we would have had a couple more unique items.
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
(I’m sorry, but by this point I’m not really feeling well. I want to finish the review so that I can go lay down DX)
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you always carry breath mints? Nope. What is the point of scented pens/pencils/erasers? No point, really. People just like them. *shrug* They were kinda fun to have when I was a kid. Do you buy/wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? We usually just get the plain, simple ones but I don’t mind wearing ones with cute characters or designs. Are you amused by celebrity fashion flubs? I just see some of (a lot of, honestly) the stuff celebrities wear and I’m just like....why? I see the things that are considered fashionable and I really just don’t get it. And they’re not cheap stuff either. What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? I think it’d be interesting to go on a tour of the White House.
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I used to get fun colors and cute designs and such when I was younger, but now I just stick to simple, plain ones. Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? Nah. Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? Oh, those little things that grew when put in water? If so, then yes. Those were really cool as a kid. Would you want to travel into deep space? Nooooo. Just the idea of that is terrifying. Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? No.
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? Yeah. Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? Yep yep. That was like the staple of a 90′s kid room. Does your house have an attic that had stuff in it when you moved in? My house doesn’t have an attic. What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? I wasn’t worked up or dying to see Gretel and Hansel, but I saw it recently and yeah it wasn’t good.  Does/did your school have special dress-up days? Yeah, my elementary, middle school, and high school had those.  What cartoons did you watch when you were little? 90′s shows on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, Kids WB, and Saturday morning cartoons.  Do you eat peanut shells along with the peanuts? No. Have you ever gone white-water rafting? Not for real, no. I’ve only been on the amusement ride version. I definitely couldn’t do the real thing. What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? Honestly, the hardest part for me was always just getting started. Once I got started; though, I was fine. Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? No. This is your chance to get it out! Place random rant here: Nah. How often do you need “me” time? I’m someone who needs time to myself to just do my own thing and rest.  Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? No. I’m all about the convenience of doing things like shopping, paying bills, filling out forms, looking things up, having easy, quick access to various things, etc. Also great when you’re not a social person like me, but can be “social” on various social medias. I can see what people are up to and be in the loop about things without even communicating lmao. That sounds awful, but hey. You can reach more people that way as well.  Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? No. Who is your favorite superhero? Iron Man, Star Lord, Spiderman, and Ant-Man.  KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? I don’t like KFC. What class in school do/did you secretly love? I didn’t have any that I secretly enjoyed.  What animal do you most resemble while eating? Growing up my family always jokingly said I ate like a bird cause I picked at everything. And a sloth cause I was (still am) a slow eater.  Pop-Tarts vs. Toaster Strudels. Discuss: I like both. Not much to discuss lol I just think they’re good. Do you believe there are subliminal messages in songs? I think there can be. Ha, remember the big conspiracy back in the day about playing songs backwards to hear secret messages. Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? Nope. It was awkward, but quick.  Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? I’ve never seen the movies, but from what I know; absolutely not!
Name a song lyric you heard wrong the first time and what it really said: I can’t think of a specific one right now and don’t feel like giving it much thought. Do you text/call while going to the bathroom? (Go multitasking!) No. Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? It usually is. I do charge my phone every night before bed; though, and it’s usually fine throughout the day until the next charge. It just depends how much I use my phone, I guess. And how long I’ll be gone and whether I have access to a charger. My parents and brother have phone chargers in their cars, so. Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? I wanted the food, too. haha. Plus, McDonald’s happy meals used to have these cookies that were shaped like the different McDonald’s characters that were actually really good. Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? Yes. I’ve seen my mom cry on several occasions and my dad cry less than a handful of times, but regardless of how many times, it really hurts me to see them cry.  What are your thoughts on Chuck Norris? I remember when Chuck Norris jokes were a big thing in like middle school for some reason. I never really knew who he was at the time, I just saw in an informercial I think haha. Did you answer that last question with a random Chuck Norris fact? Well, not about him, specifically. I shared a random fact from my childhood involving him.
What is the most annoying sound in the world? That makes me think of that scene from Dumb and Dumber, ha. Anyway, for me one of them is eating sounds. The smacking, sucking, slurping... C R I N G E. Do you honestly care about calories and fat content? No. Do you often shift blame towards others? I’m actually quick to blame myself for everything. I can be understanding and forgiving towards others, but be very harsh, critical, and unforgiving towards myself for the same things.  Do you ever feel like you’re smarter than your boss? I don’t have a job. Your very first best friend: Is he/she STILL your best friend? My mom still is. Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? I liked strawberry and/or chocolate syrup with vanilla ice cream. I’m not a sprinkles gal. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Shoplifting.  What’s the coolest personalized license plate you’ve ever seen? I can’t think of one right now. Did you ever have a piggybank that literally ate your money? No.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Bagel (Pt 3)
From here.
The cat followed him downstairs for the meal, which turned out to be dinner. He had managed to sleep the day away. Apparently this was a good thing, because for the first time in days, he could move without creaking.
Virgil had indeed stashed pancakes and within minutes there was a short stack piled up in front of him complete with ice cream and maple syrup. Before he even bothered to acknowledge the envy emanating from Gordon across the other side of the table, the stack began to disappear.
Scott knew how to make pancakes. John considered his big brother’s purpose in life and came to the immediate conclusion that it should be IR, family and pancakes.
Of course, pancakes could be a subset of family if considered that way, but there was always the possibility of him opening a business as a pancake chef.
Yes, the flu had obviously taken part of his brain with it.
A pair of blue eyes and two pairs of brown were staring at him.
“Did you bother to breathe between bites, bro?” Gordon gestured with his head at the table.
John looked down and found his plate empty. “Guess I was hungry. Scott makes great pancakes.”
“Yes, he does.” Virgil plonked a glass of orange juice in front of him and took away his sticky plate. “Now drink your juice and we’ll set up for family movie.”
“Aren’t you guys going to eat?”
“Already eaten.” Scott was poking at his phone, holograms bouncing around above it. “Grandma made meatloaf surprise again.”
John choked on his juice. “Really?”
“Uh-huh.” Scott did look a little green around the gills.
Well, that explained the envy on Gordon’s face and why Alan was very absent.
“Anyone feed the youngest?”
“All under control.” Virgil chucked Gordon a celery crunch bar and the aquanaut grabbed it from the air.
It was devoured faster than John’s pancakes.
Virgil wandered back into the kitchen proper and soon there was the delicious smell of hot popcorn wafting through the room. The engineer walked past the table again and dumped a chocolate bar in front of Scott. Another one landed in front of John.
“Consider it a survivor’s reward.” Virgil grabbed Scott’s phone out of his hand.
“Stop working, this is family time. Everything can wait a couple of hours.”
Scott glared at his brother, but grabbed the chocolate bar and capitulated anyway.
Probably because he knew Virgil was right. It was so easy to get absorbed with International Rescue business. John knew he was a fantastic example case of such a syndrome.
A sigh.
Scott glanced up at him. “How are you doing, John?” A smirk. “How’s Bagel?”
As if beckoned, the cat in question suddenly leapt up on to the table and stalked the length of it towards Scott. John’s eyes widened as his eldest brother was targeted by a feline glare of epic proportions.
Scott’s expression was quite an amusing mixture and defiance and terror. Bagel sat down in front of him and after a moment of intense eyeballing decided Scott was boring and started washing herself.
“That is one weird cat, John.”
Everyone jumped as Bagel shot to her feet and dashed across the table at Gordon. “Holy crap!” The aquanaut scrambled backwards as Bagel ran at him. He tangled his feet in the stool he was sitting on and with a crash, ended up on the floor.
Reaching the edge of the table, Bagel stopped and peered down at the fallen Thunderbird and, apparently deciding Gordon was no more interesting than Scott, sat down and returned to grooming.
The remaining three vertical brothers stared at each other and the cat.
No one said a thing.
“Uh, can someone give me a hand up, here?” Gordon vaguely waved an arm about and Virgil edged around the table to help his brother up.
His eyes barely left Bagel.
“Has anyone fed the cat?” John threw the question in there as a bit of an icebreaker since said cat had frozen the room almost solid.
Bagel looked up and stared for a moment at John before jumping to her feet and ambling over. A simple step off the table and she was in his lap, circling for moment to find a comfortable spot, then curling up and purring.
Again, everyone was staring at the orange fluff ball, John included.
“You have a very strange cat.” Apparently, Gordon hadn’t learnt from his earlier experience, but fortunately, Bagel ignored him this time.
John stared down at the purring ball of fur.
Yes, it seems he did.
Despite the possessed cat, the rest of the night went very well. All five brothers plus Kayo threw down some pillows, curled up in front of the holoprojector and waded through a trashy b-grade movie that looked like they were using mannequins for actors and plastic models for set pieces. There was popcorn, laughter and loving family. John felt warm and relaxed and better than he had in days. Somewhere between action scenes, he drifted off to the tinny soundtrack and the sound of his brothers criticising the special effects.
“Johnny?” It was whispered “Johnny, you’ve got to move or you’ll end up with one hell of a neckache.”
A blink and he found himself looking at Virgil upside down. Wha-?
“C’mon, bro. Up you get.” And his brother was lifting him up. Another blink and he realised he was lying on one of the couches...almost upside down, his feet at an angle above his head with his head hanging off the seat cushion. He was far too long for the piece of furniture and apparently he had stretched in his sleep.
Virgil was shifting his shoulders into a more horizontal position. Beyond him, the holoprojector was listing all the languages the movie was available in complete with appropriate copyright warnings. Idly he noted that the Hungarian translation had an error in the third line.
John let his feet drop to the end of the couch before folding up enough to force himself upright. Ugh, Virgil was right. His neck cricked and creaked along with his spine. God, gravity was a nasty piece of work. It had also apparently dribbled all the mucus in his body into his head. His skull protested at the pressure as he sat up and he groaned.
Why did everyone think Scott was the worry wart of the family? Virgil and his medical radar was just as bad, if not worse. “I’m fine. Just a head full of snot.” Ugh. Right between his eyeballs, throbbing to the beat of his heart. “Just kill me now.”
Suddenly there was an orange cat in his face, staring.
“What? Bagel, not now.” He gently picked up the cat and put her on the couch beside him. Where the hell had she come from anyway?
A pitiful meow was her response and she edged nearer brushing her cheek against his arm.
Despite himself, he turned to her. “What’s wrong?”
She looked up at him with a combination of adoration and haughtiness. He had no idea what to make of that expression.
Of course, she was a cat. Who ever understood cats?
“Are you two having a moment?” His brother’s smiling baritone broke the silence and to John’s surprise, Bagel turned to Virgil and hissed angrily.
His big brother took a hurried step back.
“Bagel! Leave Virgil alone! He will never hurt you. For goodness sake, Virgil wouldn’t hurt a fly. Give him some respect.”
To his complete surprise, Bagel stopped hissing immediately. She turned to him almost a question on her face before once again looking at Virgil. Her head dropped and stared at the floor.
“What the hell?” It was little more than breath and all his big brother. Virgil was staring at Bagel, his brow crumpling into a deep frown.
Bagel’s head shot up and once again she was staring at Virgil.
Virgil’s frown got even deeper.
“John where did you get this cat from?”
“I told you, I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before in my life.”
Virgil continued his staring contest with the cat.
“What is it?” His brother’s expression was becoming unnerving, so suddenly determined, it was almost fierce.
“I don’t know.” A pause. “Keep her out of sensitive areas for me will you?”
Bagel continued to stare at Virgil.
Virgil continued to stare at Bagel.
A solid moment passed and then his brother was shaking his head, looking at his feet, looking at John. “You good to make it up to your rooms?”
“I need to go hunt down Scott. One of the TI directors in the States forgot the timezones. He’s been on the phone for half an hour already.” Virgil sighed.
“Need backup?”
“No.” A hand dropped to John’s shoulder. “You go to bed, you need it. I’ve got this.” The hand disappeared and Virgil climbed out of the lounge, heading towards the balcony.
Bagel was licking her paw.
John sighed. Perhaps some paracetamol would help. “C’mon, Bagel, apparently, you’re with me.” He picked her up and held her against his chest as he staggered to his feet. Cursed gravity. How he missed being able to make the smallest movements and coast across a room.
Bagel reached her head up and snuggled under his chin, her purr vibrating his sternum.
“Why me?” It was little more than an exhaled breath and he wasn’t sure it was a complaint or an actual question.
In either case, Bagel didn’t answer. She just purred into his chest.
So it remained a mystery for another night.
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yuriospaghettio · 6 years
First Party
BRITTANY: I call going first! *grabs the bottle* I apologize but I am not going easy on the first person. *spins the bottle* And the lucky person is... Bona! I suppose that I can lessen it a little bit... How about I dare you to down three shots of vodka and then kiss a random person of the bottle's choosing.
BONA: *lets out a small groan and then whispers to herself* Why do I have to be the first victim? *stands up from her spot on the floor, walks over to the drinks, and pours herself three shots of vodka before downing them all* Okay, hand me the bottle. *spins it quickly, waiting to see who it stops on, once it finally stops on Wyatt, she gets up and quickly kisses him before returning to her seat*
BONA: *sits there for a bit before remembering that she has to pick the next person* Oh! Right... It's my turn to pick. *spins the bottle, quickly thinking of something to ask once the bottle hits Cassie* Okay, I dare you to take a body shot off of Paige.
CASSANDRA: *eyes widen slightly* Damn, girl. Okay, I see you. *gets up to get what she needs before walking over to Paige so she can complete the dare, pulls Paige's shirt out of the way, and licks the salt from her neck and then downs the shot of vodka* Okay, next person is..... *spins the bottle* Valerie! Hmm... I dare you to give us all a strip tease for 30 seconds.
Valerie: *rolls her eyes before pushing herself up and walking into the middle of the circle, putting on a song from her phone before starting to dance, her dress straps ending up down her arm and her dress almost to her hips before someone called time, and she went back to her spot by Sam and shutting off her phone, looking around the circle* Ashlee, I dare you to give Aaron a boner BUT you can't touch his dick.
ASHLEE: Alright. *smirks slightly as she shakes her head before standing up to approach Aaron, thinking of the easiest and quickest way to achieve the dare, leaning over him, careful not to touch his dick, she trails a bunch of kisses up his neck, slightly biting down as if to leave him a hickey, once she reaches his ear, she grasps a handful of his hair, pulling him closer as she blows softly into his ear, moving backward she gestures towards Anya* Since I can't touch his dick, feel free to check if he has a boner. *moving back to her spot, she spins the bottle, wincing as it lands on Melanie* Let's see... I actually like you so how about I dare you to take off one item of clothing.
MELANIE: I always end up stripping at these things... *pulls her shirt over her head, tossing it somewhere behind her and then continues to choose the next person* Melissa! I can't really dare you to do something super bad since you're sitting right next to me, can I? *shrugs* I dare you to spin the bottle and then grind and make out for at least a minute with the person it lands on.
MELISSA: *smiles tightly, shaking her head* No, go on right ahead! It's a party, right? *leans forward to grab the bottle, quickly spinning it to see who her lucky partner is going to be, letting out a short laugh when it landed on Melanie* Looks like you're the lucky person.
MELANIE: *shakes her head* It can't be me! I just dared you. Choose again. Please.
MELISSA: Nope! Sorry! The bottle has spoken. *grabs her phone and sets a timer for 1 min before moving to straddle Melanie* It's not like I bite. *hits the button before she starts grinding down on Melanie, leaning in after a bit to make out with the blonde, only stopping when her phone rang* See? When people do something bad, they get punished. *spins the bottle to pick her own victim* Natalie, right? We don't really talk much. Anyways, I dare you to do your best sexy crawl towards... Jesse.
Natalie: *blushes at the dare before leaning forward to slip her phone in her back pocket and crawling towards Jesse as sexily as she can, moving back to her spot when her dare was complete and glancing around at the group for a moment, setting on Carson* Carson, I believe? I dare you to...seduce one of the girls in the group.
Carson: *rolls her eyes* Mediocre fucking dares. *looks around at the options she has before laying her eyes on Rose, glancing between the redhead and Jacob before smirking slightly, slowly crawling over to Rose, threading a hand in her hair when she's close enough, grazing her lips along her jawline as she crawls into Rose's lap, her other hand going up the redhead's shirt, before Carson lightly drags her nails down Rose's pale skin, the brunette pulling back enough to barely brush her lips against Rose's before pulling back and going back to her spot* Alison, I dare you to eat melting chocolate off of Val's tits.
Alison: *grabs chocolate syrup from the fridge before going over to Valerie, drizzling some across her breasts before dragging her tongue across the skin, making sure to clean the syrup from Valerie's chest, before putting the syrup back in the fridge and sitting down in her spot again* Lindsay, I dare you to send a nude to your ex.
LINDSAY: You want me to what? *blinks several times* Alright. *gets up to head to the bathroom, turning her head to look at someone, hoping the person gets the hint to silence their phone, and comes out after completing the dare* Okay, I dare.... I think your name is Eden...? I dare you to lift Tyler's shirt off, pour some tequila on him, and slowly lick it off before giving him a quick kiss.
EDEN: *nods her head* Yep, I'm Eden. *mutters to herself as she goes to Tyler* Well, this is an interesting way to make friends. *lifts his shirt off, pouring some tequila on him before licking it off, moving upwards to give him a brief kiss* Well, I guess the next person is... *spins the bottle* Emily. I dare you to list the names of 3 people you'd love to make out with and then make out with one of them.
Emily: *groans quietly but nods* Tyler, Aaron, and Spencer. *glances at Ashlee before going over to Tyler, kneeling in front of him before leaning into him, pressing her lips against his in a gentle kiss at first, adding pressure into the kiss once she's closer to him, a hand threading into his hair, pulling back once she needed to breathe, a faint blush evident on her face as she went back to her spot* Brooke, I dare you to give Wyatt a lap dance.
Brooke: *looks over at Wyatt before motioning him over to a free chair off to the side, putting on Gimme More by Britney Spears before giving Wyatt a lap dance, moving back to her spot once she was finished* Reid, I dare you to change your facebook status to “I’m coming . . . I’m coming . . .", wait a minute, and then change it to "I just came.”
Reid: *rolls his eyes but pulls his phone out, going to facebook and changing his status, waiting a minute or so and then changing it again as informed, slipping his phone back in his pocket and looking around the group for a moment before stopping at Jesse* Jesse, I dare you to take off Julia's shirt using your teeth.
Jesse: *grins slightly before going over to Julia, grabbing the hem of her shirt with his teeth, pulling her shirt up and over her head with minimal difficulty, letting the shirt fall beside her once it was off, heading back to his spot in the circle* Brent, I dare you to transfer an ice cube from your mouth to Jake's.
Brent: *looks at Jake before standing up, grabbing a few shots and downing them* I am not drunk enough for this shit. *grabs an ice cube, putting it in his mouth before sitting down again, leaning over to Jake, motioning the blonde closer despite the disgusted expression on his face, transferring the ice cube into Jake's mouth as easily as he could, their lips touching just enough for Jake to cringe and jump up after the dare, spitting the ice cube out and grabbing a shot* Done.
Brent: Chelsea, I dare you to make the most authentic orgasm sounds that you can.
CHELSEA: *briefly glares at him, sighing softly, before closing her eyes, she lets out a couple of sounds at first quietly before growing louder, stopping once she thinks it's been long enough* Okay, let's see... Kailey. I wonder what kind of dare would satisfy you. How about I dare you to make out and grind on a person of the bottle's choosing. And when I say that, I mean, as if the two of you are about to have sex... do that for at least 3 minutes.
Kailey: *grins evilly* I gotta say, I can't say I really know you, but I'm proud. *grabs the bottle, spinning it and watching as it lands on Audrey* Couldn't have a better victim. *crawls over to Audrey, wasting no time in straddling the other girls lap, pressing her lips against Audrey's as she grinds down into her lap, letting her hand slide into the blonde's hair, gently tugging on the strands as she pulls back from the kiss, grazing Audrey's lower lip with her teeth as she does so, going to her neck, pressing her lips against the skin there, working down the side of her neck, quickly undoing a few buttons to give her better access to the blonde's skin, going back to her lips after a few seconds of kissing her neck, grinding her hips down into Audrey's almost as if she were desperately searching for some sort of friction, undoing the remaining buttons on Audrey's shirt and slipping her hand past the garment, dragging her nails down Audrey's back, pulling back completely when someone calls time, going back to her seat* April, I dare you to let Jason feed you some small candy bits, and after every piece, you have to say "Thank you, Daddy."
APRIL: *doesn't say a word, just gets up to get the candy from the table, hands it to Jason and then sits down in front of him* Here you go, Daddy. *waits as Jason puts the first piece into her mouth* Thank you, Daddy. *responds each time he feeds her a piece until they're all gone and then makes her way back to her seat* Okay... *spins the bottle, bending her head once it lands on Jason* Wow... Okay, Jason. I dare you to lick whipped cream off of Bona's neck.
JASON: *waves his hand, the bottle of whipped cream flying into his outstretched palm, moves around Eliza to get to Bona, moving her hair away from her neck, spraying a generous amount on her, starts licking it off until it's done* Alright, who's next? Blake Lawson... How about you? Hm... I dare you to kiss someone each time the bottle is spun for the next 3 rounds. But the bottle chooses.
BLAKE: Right. *spins the bottle to see who he has to kiss* And the person is... Ashlee..? Can't I just bite her instead? That'd be a lot more fun. For the both of us.
ASHLEE: Perhaps another time, Lawson?
BLAKE: I'll hold you to that. *heads over to Ashlee, kisses her, and then proceeds to glance around the circle* I might as well just sit here for the next 3 rounds. *settles on Wyatt, rolling the bottle towards him* I dare you to let whoever the bottle lands on, give you a hickey.
WYATT: *nods over to Blake who's now sitting in between Ashlee and Vanessa, takes the bottle and quickly spins it, briefly taking notice of Blake kissing his best friend* Spencer! Get over here.
SPENCER: *gladly walks over to him, straddles him, and then proceeds to give him a hickey, leaning back slightly to admire her work* Done.
WYATT: *glances around the circle quickly, finally settling on someone* Naomi Blake. What kind of dare can I give you? *thinks for a bit* You're a Siren, right? Let's put that into play. I dare you to use your abilities to cause someone of you or the bottle's choosing to moan. Touching and kissing are allowed.
NAOMI: Aren't you fun? *looks around the circle, eyes lingering on a few potential victims until she settles on Lindsay* I choose you. *sexily crawls over to her, straddling her before looking her straight into her eyes* How interesting. *trails her fingers up Lindsay's abdomen until she reaches the top of her shirt, unbuttoning them slowly, leaning forward to trail soft, slow kisses up her neck as she begans slowly rolling her hips against hers causing Lindsay's breath to hitch, as she continued to slowly tease her, she moves to Lindsay but before their lips could touch, she stopped* Do you want me to kiss you now? *staring into her eyes, she smirks, her eyes darkening as she whispers, causing Lindsay to moan slightly* Beg for it.
NAOMI: So tempting . *returns to her spot, gestures for the bottle, spins it and nods once it lands on Anna-Rose* Anna-Rose, isn't it? Since we've added abilities into the mix, why don't you spin the bottle and then bite whoever it lands on? But be careful, don't give in to the red haze. Or do. I don't care.
ANNA-ROSE: That sounds like a terrible idea, but who really cares, right? *leans forward to spin the bottle, waiting slightly impatiently for the person it lands on* Brooke, looks like you're the first person to get bitten tonight. You excited? I am. *quickly gets up to towards Brooke, straddling her lap, immediately she brushes Brooke's hair to the side, her eyes narrowed onto her neck, without wasting any time, she bites her, a moan falling out of her lap as the first drop of blood touches her lips, after like 3 seconds, she forces herself to break away since it's Brooke* I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you taste really good.
ANNA-ROSE: I'm not going to even bother spinning the bottle, I choose Aaron! *thinks for a bit* I dare you to give your ex a hickey.
ANNA-ROSE: No? Why? Are they not here?
AARON: They're here, but I can't do that because of reasons.
ANNA-ROSE: So, are we shaving your head then?
MELANIE: Just do it.
AARON: *nods his head, making his way over to Melanie, ignoring the whispers from people sitting around the circle, he leans towards her neck and gives her a quick hickey before returning to his spot* Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next person! Bray Bray! I dare you to kiss someone of the bottle's choosing.
BRAYDEN: *spins the bottle, lands on Julia, turns his body and gives her a deep kiss* I might as well dare you to do something. Let's see... Why don't you give a lap dance to whoever the bottle lands on. Do that for 30 seconds and then give them a deep kiss.
JULIA: *spins the bottle, controlling her face once it lands on Eden* You. *gestures with her finger for Eden to follow her over to the chair, pushing her down into the seat, pulling out her phone, she sets a timer, giving Eden a lap dance, once the timer rings, she leans forward and gives the girl a deep kiss* Okay, next person... I will go with... Eli. I dare you to pull someone's top down, pour a line of whipped cream, and lick it off while maintaining eye contact.
CORDELIA: I'll just spin the bottle to choose. *spins the bottle, waits for whoever it is to be picked, and smiles widely once she sees that it's Carson* Carson! *gets up to get the can of whipped cream and makes her way over to Carson, pulls her top down, sprays the whipped cream, and licks it off all while maintaining eye contact* Yum. *makes her way back to her seat* Robbie! I dare you to name three people you've thought about kissing and then choose one of them to kiss. OOH! You also have to give them a hickey!
Robbie: *thinks for a moment, looking around the group for a moment* That'd have to be Audrey, Kailey, and Sam. *waits a moment before moving towards Audrey, kissing her briefly before moving to just before her jawline, leaving a hickey on the skin there before moving back to his spot* Chris, I dare you to keep your hand on the inner thigh of one of the people next to you for the next round.
CHRISTOPHER: *looks to Anna-Rose and then to Natalie, setting his hand on Anna-Rose's thigh* Well, since I'm closer to Anna here, I'll choose her. *glances around the circle for who to pick next* Jake! Let's go with you... *glances over to someone and then back towards Jake* I dare you to kiss the person of your choice for 5 minutes.
Jacob: *glances over at Rose before looking back at Chris and nodding slightly, moving over to Rose almost cautiously, kneeling to be a closer height to her and leaning into her, pressing his lips against hers, adding a bit of pressure as the kiss goes until someone calls time and Jake pulls back, going back to his spot* Kirsten, I dare you to yell out the first word that comes to your mind.
KIRSTEN: Sex. *laughs a little* I wonder why I thought about that. *leans forward to spin the bottle, leaning back once it lands on Eliza* Eliza, I dare you to spin the bottle, down three shots of tequila, and whoever the bottle lands on, you have to kiss them and end it by biting their lip.
Eliza: *groans and grabs three shots of tequila, spinning the bottle and downing the three shots as it spins, groaning as it stops on Blake, shooting daggers at him as she goes over to him, getting in a better position for her before kissing him quickly, waiting a few seconds before pulling back, making sure to bite his lip hard enough to draw blood as she pulls back, quickly going back to her spot, refusing to make eye contact with him* Simon! I dare you to stand outside naked for 3 minutes.
SIMON: *raises an eyebrow, but gets up, goes outside, and returns after doing his dare* Anya! I'm going to go with you. I dare you to give the person to your left a hickey.
Anya: *looks to her left and laughs quietly, leaning towards Aaron and starting off by kissing his neck, before proceeding to give him a hickey, pulling back once she'd finished* Audrey, I dare you to pull up your favorite porn site on your phone and show the entire room.
AUDREY: *throws her head back and laughs* Okay. *pulls her phone, typing in something to the address bar, and then shows her phone to everyone* Here's one of them. I like variety. *puts her phone back in her pocket, glancing around the room* WIFEY! Tasha, I choose you. I dare you to get on top of the table and dance like you're a stripper for one whole song. If you want to strip for me, that's fine too.
Tasha: *rolls her eyes at the blonde but tosses her phone over to Audrey* Pick a song. *gets on the closest table, waiting for Audrey to pick a song and then starts dancing, losing herself in the music, only stopping once she hears the song end and steps down off of the table, grabbing her phone from Audrey and sitting back down in her spot* Alex, is it? I dare you to strip down to nothing but your jewelry and underwear. You can just leave your shoes on too. If you want to keep anything else on, you have to take a shot per item.
Alex: *rolls her eyes and starts to strip off her clothes, removing her tank top, shorts, and shoes, her ankle socks sliding off as well, before shitting back down, setting her clothes behind her* I ain't shy. Tyler, I dare you to go to Cosmopolitan’s website’s love section and find a position you’ve never heard of. Then, try to act it out using whatever you can find around here to use.
TYLER: *chuckles, pulls out his phone, and quickly finds what he's looking for on the website* There's not much that I haven't tried. Nah, I'm just playing. *glances around the room, settling on Brayden* Bray! Since you're my boyfriend, come and do this with me. *waves his hand as if he's just playing around, getting up and finds an object to help him complete his dare, once he's done, he sits back down* Ah, the lovely Rose! You haven't gone yet. Let's see... I dare you to kiss the last person that kissed you.
ROSEANNA: *stares blankly at Tyler, but doesn't protest the dare, gets up and heads towards Jake, hesitating before leaning forward to give him a kiss, pulling away, she glanced at him quickly before making her way back to her spot* Rachel, I dare you to tell everyone 3 people within the circle you wouldn't mind having sex with and then... kiss the person who you think would be the best in bed out of the 3.
Rachel: Probably Lindsay, Brittany, and...Blake. *glances between the three of them before moving towards Blake, kissing him quickly before moving back to her spot and acting as if that didn't just happen* Sam, I dare you to put a piece of wrapped candy in your mouth and unwrap it with....Val.
SAMANTHA: *smirks* My favorite kind of dare, anything that has to do with me doing stuff with Val. *waves, sending the piece of candy straight to her hand, turns to Val, puts the piece of candy in her mouth, and playfully gestures with her finger for Val to come closer to her, the two complete the dare and she forces herself to pull away from her girlfriend* Other Lawson, I dare you to make out and grind on someone for 3 minutes. I get to pick who! *glances around, smiling widely once she spots who she wants* Reid. You have to do the dare with Reid.
SPENCER: *nods and wastes no time in making her way over to Reid, straddles him, and then turns back to Sam* Time me. *turns back towards Reid, leans forward, and kisses him for a bit before she begins to grind against him, moving slowly and hesitatingly at first before she finds herself lost in the kiss, pulling back once she hears Sam call time, making her way back to her seat, she finds someone else to call on* Vanessa, I dare you to spin the bottle and give someone a quick lap dance and end with you taking off your shirt.
VANESSA: No problem. *leans forward to spin the bottle, waiting for the person it lands on* April. *walks over to April, offering her hand, and then leads her over to the empty chair, putting on some music, she begins dancing around April, casually touching her before finding her way onto the girl's lap, dancing for a bit before leaning backward to take off her shirt, once her shirt's off, she gets off of April's lap, making her way back over to her seat* Okay, let's go with Paige. Paige, I dare you to blindfold yourself, spin around for ten seconds, and who ever you are pointing to at the end, give them a hickey.
Paige: *nods and grabs something to use as a blindfold, standing up and spinning 10 times, stopping and pulling off the blindfold, looking at Emily with a raised eyebrow before moving towards the girl, sighing quietly before pressing her lips against Emily's shoulder as it was easier to access and proceeds to give the other girl a hickey, moving back to her spot once she was finished* Chloe, looks like you're the last. I dare you to put a hickey on the inner thigh of the person to your left.
CHLOE: *turns to her left, scooting forward so that she can move inbetween Tasha's legs, finding a spot on her left thigh, she quickly gets to work on giving the girl a hickey, once she's finished, she moves back to her spot* Alright, done.
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Survey #107
“i love everything you do, when you call me fuckin’ dumb for the stupid shit i do.”
The beach or the pool?  The pool.  Cleaner, less risk, no sand. Do you have many internet friends?  Most of my friends are online. Do you think those friendships are on level with your real life ones?  Shit, I'm closer to some online friends more than I am "real" ones. Did you name all of your dolls and stuffed animals?  I think I might've...  I know I named the ones I really loved. Is your middle name plain?  Pretty sure it's one of the most common middle names. Do you like Resident Evil games?  RE4 is in my top 10 fave games.  I've played some of the original RE, but I didn't like it.  Controls were awful and I didn't find the story all that interesting.  I played like the first 30 minutes of RE6 with Jason, but for some reason we never finished it?  I'd love to play more, even though I've heard it was terrible.  Def wanna play the 7th too bc Leon is love.  Eeeeven though I heard that one was awful, too. What would you say is your WORST phobia?  I actually recently found out what pisanthrophobia (fear of trusting people due to negative, past relationships) is, and it is 100% that. Do you wish your last name was more interesting? Sure, I don't like my last name. If you wrote a novel, would you give the characters ordinary names?  Some would be, some wouldn't be. What’s your favorite leaf color?  Orange. Have you ever had a close friend get knocked up early?  I don't know why the term "knocked up" is annoying to me, but whatever.  Anyway, no. Have you yourself ever gotten close to getting pregnant? No. If you were to get pregnant as a teen, what would happen? Have the baby and give it up for adoption. Do you have any pictures of you kissing someone? A few exist, but I no longer have any. Are you afraid of needles?  No.  I mean the idea of getting a deep shot is unpleasant, but I'm not afraid of them. Do you find piercing attractive or unattractive? It really depends on the piercing and the person, but usually attractive. What's your most popular post? I actually made a gif of Chica and Mark almost two months ago (this isn't my main blog obvs.) that took way too long and Mark actually reblogged it (he controls his own social media) and????  A whale-like sob escaped from the very core of my soul?????  And I couldn't sleep for two days?????? Manga or anime?  Anime, I don't read.  I've never read manga, actually. A card game that you're good at? None. Favorite flavors of ice cream?  My favorite is vanilla with chocolate syrup, but I also like plain chocolate or moose tracks. Have you ever overcome a disease that was life-threatening and, if so, which one?  No. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? Yes, but thankfully nothing embarrassing.  I've come close, though. Do you like Subway?  Yes, but I always get the same thing there. Would you rather lose your best friend or your boyfriend? *girlfriend, but I'd rather lose my other best friend. Have you ever dated someone in secret?  My relationship now is secret to most people in my face-to-face life.  I mean I wouldn't lie if I was asked, but I'm not going to tell most people otherwise for a few reasons. Do you ever send people good morning texts?  Sara, sometimes. Do you kiss your pets? I kiss Teddy.  I would happily kiss Venus is it wasn't for salmonella. Would your parents approve of you dating someone of a different race? Yes. How old is the oldest person you know? Hm... I'm not sure.  Maybe this woman my mom used to watch; I met her once, and she was such a sweetie.  I think she was almost 90. Have you ever had to put your hand over someone’s mouth to keep them quiet?  Yes. Do you have an accent?  People tell me I don't really have one, even people from outside the state, but with some words, people can tell I'm from the south. Do you own any figurines? Of what? I have one of a small dragon. How long does it usually take you to get to sleep?  Now that I take Melatonin, like, 15-20 minutes I'd guess. What was the last picture you took with your phone?  My dog because he was being precious. Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? What gets you up and awake? I tend to lie there for a while, so kinda?  And I just get up once I'm not incredibly drowsy. What is one thing you and your best friend have in common physically? With Colleen, we both have blue eyes, with Sara, we both have brown hair. Now based on your interests, what is one thing you both have in common?  Sara, we both love reptiles, with Colleen... Jesus, like nothing. Where do your grandparents live? Florida (but she stays in New York a lot) and Michigan. When is the last time you went out to dinner with a friend? Where did you go? Who paid?  Earlier this month with Dad.  We went to a Mexican restaurant whose name I can't remember.  Aaaand I hate Mexican food. Do you get excited when you learn you have to dress up?  Not really.  Too much work. What’s your ideal first date?  Don't have one.  Plenty of things can be fun with different people with different interests. If you type for awhile, do your fingers start to hurt?  Boi step yo game up that's some amateur shit *doesn't mention how I have carpal tunnel so my wrist disagrees* Chinese or Mexican food?  Hate Mexican food and don't like much Chinese, but Chinese. Are you the type of person who would study for a test for hours?  No.  I'm not willing to invest THAT much time into studying. Do you hate when you’re in a good mood and one person ruins your mood?  Ha, yeah.  People can do that easily for me. What’s worse: Rude people, two faced people or fake people?  Rude or two-faced. Does your house have a doorbell?  Shit, does it? o_o  I don't think so... Do you know someone who has dropped out of high school?  A few. Has your Facebook ever been hacked?  I don't think so. Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook?  I love Tumblr so much help I didn't want this. Do you have any quotes on your bedroom walls?  The serenity prayer, yes. Do you wear earrings?  Ugh no because all of mine are silver, which I'm allergic to.  I want to get gold or surgical steel ones so I can actually wear them, I like earrings. Is your WiFi protected?  Yes. Does your phone have a cover on it?  No, but I'd like one. Would you ever lie about your past?  Already am about some things to people in my "real" life. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you? It was in some ways, others not. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of everyone else as ‘outsiders’?  It's perfectly fine to feel proud of your race as long as you don't look down on others. What’s the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? Shit, probably speak my mind to my mom since she's scary as fuck when I disagree with her. Who owes you an apology? A number of people. Who deserves an apology from you? My dad deserves another, for one. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? Fucking destroys trust, imo. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible?  Not off the top of my head.  I do find the theory of the moon landing being fake very interesting and there is some compelling evidence, but I still believe it was real.  It's my fave theory, though. How do you go about losing weight?  I don't eat nearly enough most days. What is the worst mistake you’ve ever made? Overdosing.  I mean it led to my recovery, but I could've achieved that in a different way. Are you patriotic?  Not especially, but I don't hate America either. When you ask people how they are doing you actually care about their answer or is it just polite?  Yes, I care. Would you consider yourself to be very polite?  In most ways, yes. Which group generally annoys you more, people older than you, or people younger than you?  Younger. What do you think of crop circles?  They're interesting, but I don't blame them on aliens. Have you ever written graffiti on anything?  Nope. Should birth control be taught in high school? How about in jr. high or elementary school?  Around 4th/5th grade. Some kids start having sex early, and it's about this time where a girl can get pregnant. Do you use bad grammar or hate bad grammar?  I only ever use it sarcastically or comedically. Last time you fed your pets? My mom always feeds all the dogs simultaneously, and Venus hasn't wanted to eat since I got her.  If she doesn't eat by mid-November, then I'll be concerned (already kinda am). Do you know/ have you met your significant other’s ex?  I know Sara's online but obviously never "met" him. What do you think about censorship in music?  I honestly think both versions should exist.  Some people don't like profanity and I don't believe children should hear it. Do you have any of your teachers on MySpace/Facebook?  I have a few. Have you seen your family tree? Someone made one, but I've never seen it. What are you most likely to do first in the morning; grab a cup of coffee, have a cigarette, or use the bathroom?  Use the bathroom.  I don't smoke and I hate coffee. What are you most likely to do when you are upset; talk to somebody you’re close to, cry yourself to sleep, or bottle it up inside?  I've finally learned how to talk to someone. What are you most likely to do if you get drunk; pick fights, hook up with people, or socialize with anybody & everybody? Never been drunk, but apparently I'm seriously giggly and social when I'm tipsy. What are you most likely to pick if you got to choose your topic on a research paper; drug abuse, mental illness, or the death penalty? Oh, I can write a damn novel on mental illness. What are you most likely to do if there are no good surveys floating around at the time; make some new surveys for yourself & everyone else to take, bitch & complain about how there are no good surveys then take a survey you don’t even feel like taking, or go find something else to do besides taking surveys?  Oh hun.  I get surveys from about a billion sources so I will never run out. *cackles* Do you hold grudges or forgive easily? If someone is truly sorry, I forgive easily. In a relationship, how important are looks? I don't care.  I care about your personality.  Sure, it's nice to be attracted physically to your s/o, but it's not a determining factor on whether I date you or not. Do you have to know someone for a while before you will date them?  I mean I won't date someone too quickly, no, but we don't have to have known each other for months or anything.  Jason and I started dating I don't even think two weeks after meeting, and we had a great relationship for almost four years 'til the end. What do you consider the greatest threat to mankind?  Hm, deep question... probably lack of compassion. Describe your music taste in one word:  Consistent. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, where would you go to hide?  Ideally a brick building or something likewise. Who’s your favorite character on That '70s Show? AHHHHH I LOVE THAT SHOW!!  Probably Hyde.  Maybe Kitty.  But I love them all omg <3  All the characters are SO memorable. Do you fangirl/fanboy over anyone?  hahahahahahahhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Have you ever said 'I love you’ and didn’t mean it?  I've said it back to Mom when I feel that I didn't, though I know I did. Use one word to describe your last kiss. Awkward. How much is gas where you live? Two-something.  Mid twos. What has caused you to reinvent yourself or reevaluate who you are? Absolutely Holly Hill.  It saved my life.  I looked at my situation in a totally different light. Short, knee, or ankle skirts?  I tend to aesthetically like those that are a little above the knee. What couldn’t you live your life without? My mom.  I don't think I'd survive.  She's the one who makes sure I keep myself on the right path. Would you be on that who wants to marry a millionaire show as a contestant?  1.) Why the fuck would I marry someone just for money and 2.) why the fuck would I want to go into a relationship with someone I just met. Is it easier to live when you’re evil? Sure, no remorse. <<< Yeah. Have you ever given blood?  Once. Are you a miracle? I consider every single life a miracle; it's the source of one tattoo I have.  This world being created and adapted as it has is miraculous enough, and then the odds of you exactly being conceived is SO fucking rare. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly?  No.  People make their own choices, lyrics don't change that. What annoys you the most about yourself?  I immediately assume the worst end result of any situation. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent?  It depends on the belief. Do you want a girl or a boy as your first born?  I don't want kids, but if I did, definitely a girl. Do you have any embarrassing usernames?  Eh, don't like some anymore, but no. Have you ever scratched yourself until your skin was raw?  I have six long scars on my left shin (one being the worst scar on my body) and four more mild ones on my right front scratching the fuck out of them after I shave and then shower.  I don't know why the fuck it happens, but it's awful.  Even lotion doesn't really help. What is the longest essay or research paper you have written?  Ten or so pages. Do you worry about being judged by other people?  I shouldn't be but I'm heavily concerned with it. If someone doesn’t like you, do you usually want to know the reason?  Duh.  I want to know if it's petty or something I can improve on. Can you do a flip on a trampoline?  I used to do front flips, but I was too scared to do back flips because I had this intense fear of breaking my neck or something.  Stopped entirely because of that fear. Does your doctor freak you out?  She doesn't freak me out, she's just unfriendly. Does it annoy you when people’s eyebrows are a different color than hair?  Don't care. Has your grandma ever cussed in front of you before?  More like at me.  But in front of me, too, once or twice. What primary color is your Christmas tree?  Green.  I want a black one, man, but since it's a family thing, it's obviously not just up to me. What’s the best camera brand?  I think it's technically Canon. Where do you go fishing at?  Dad and I haven't gone in forever, but it was pretty much always somewhere on the Tar River or Sapony Creek. How old were your parents when you were born?  Uhhh I don't have my parents' ages memorized, but Mom was around 35 and Dad's one year younger than her. Is there one song that you know all the lyrics to? A decent number, yeah. Has a cat/dog ever thrown up on your bed?  Omg no I'd never sleep on that bed again pretty much. Have you ever had a concussion? Ugh, yes.  Can't even explain how bad it was. Have you seen the movie "The Dark Knight?"  You can't date the world's biggest Joker fan and not at some point. Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? Summer has a leopard gecko and he's super-duper cute. Is there an animal that you’re afraid of? Maggots and slugs are the worst, whale sharks, some spiders and bugs. Kissed someone who was a really bad kisser?  Tbh. Gotten in trouble for public displays of affection? OKAY SO.  Jason and I used to ride the bus home together and one day I was falling asleep in his lap, and he was too.  Our friends were joking around and yelled something along the lines of us being too affectionate, so the bus driver came back to see what was up, and she looked so confused when she saw we were just trying to sleep lmao.  But she still told us to just sit next to each other.  Looking back on it, it was funny. Do you get bad hangovers?  Never had one. Have you ever sent a friend request to someone who you thought was someone different? No but true shit the only reason I accepted Jason's friend request was because I thought he was a different Jason lmao. Have you ever chatted with someone on webcam?  No because it's awkward as fuck.  Wait.  I did once with Jason.  Never again.  Jeez, three questions I've mentioned him in the last four ones.  Ew. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s cube? I ain't got the patience for that shit. Are you embarrassed/uncomfortable dancing in front of other people? YUP.  One reason why I don't. Do you ever drink directly from beverage containers because you don’t want to dirty a cup? No, because I don't want other people drinking my backwash??  This is such a backwards question. If you carry a purse, roughly how big is it? What do you carry in it? It's small.  Phone, iPod, wallet, keys, hand sanitizer, a few other miscellaneous things I may need. Of all the pets you have had throughout your life, which one has meant the most to you? Is there a reason why?  My current dog Teddy.  He's an absolute angel that adores me probably even more than I adore him.  He's been an important part of my life for 11 years, and I could never love a literal child more. Imagine it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you? My mom 'cuz she'd kill a bitch. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time?  I believe it's totally possible to be interested in more than one people, but love?  Only one.  I believe loving someone is about putting him/her above all others. What is your favorite kind of incense?  Omg I had this one, red incense that smelled fucking AMAZING, but I don't remember what it was called! D: Who is the most immature person you know?  *winks @ Sara* Do you read your friend’s surveys? Yes, because it's a cool way to learn usually miscellaneous things about them you wouldn't have known. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick?  I wouldn't want to get one tomorrow, actually.  I want to get a Markiplier tattoo I designed for Christmas, and I'm going to estimate it'll be around $150-$200 (I'm not good at estimating tat prices, so take that with a grain of salt), so I want to be sure we have money for that first.  Literally the only thing I'm asking for for Christmas, I just don't ask for much anymore. How do you feel about band tattoos?  I'm not against them or anything, but I'm not sure I'll ever get one. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? Opposite or same, lip piercings. What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? Splat is the only kind that's ever actually made the color stick for months.  Won't use anything but that anymore. Would you ever get your hips pierced?  No, seems painful as fuck and dangerous with pants and all, and I'm not skinny enough to look good with them. Have you ever gone to court? Not for a "real" trial, but I did have to give my reasoning as to why I felt I should be discharged from the hospital earlier (I think they wanted me there a month) to a judge, and it was one of the most nerve-wracking things ever.  I did win the case, though. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?  No.  I'm not necessarily scared of sharks and even believe they're immensely misunderstood, but I don't trust a shark enough to swim with it. Do you like sushi? I can pretty much guarantee I'd absolutely loathe it.  Never trying. What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you? Relapsing.  I will fucking not go through that again. Who is your favorite visual artist?  NukeRooster and Culpeo-Fox of dA.  Their styles are super recognizable and just wonderful.  I actually want a tattoo of one of NukeRooster's pieces ("Denialism") and actually got her permission, but it would be INCREDIBLY expensive with how intricate it is, so it's gonna be a looooong time 'til that happens. How old were you when you figured out what you wanted to do for a career?  Lmao last month, so 21. Is there anyone with whom you would like to be better friends? A LOT of people.  Mostly online friends, but some irl too. Who was the last person you cried in front of?  Mom. Do you like pretzels?  I have a massive preference for soft ones, but I'll eat either. Do any of your friends have children?  My best friend's pregnant and I have some friends I used to be closer to who have young kids. Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public?  I'd rather cry, but either would suck. Would you rather re-live today forever or not live?  I have absolutely zero desire for immortality. Have you ever truly thought you knew who you were going to marry?  Yeah. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom?  I actually don't think a guy has ever been in this bedroom...  Well, maybe save for when people were helping us move in, but I don't remember. Do you like kissing in public?  Only if it's just a simple peck. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?  I don't think either is "better" than the other. Four guys/girls whom you find attractive:  1.) Mark Fischfuck, 2.) Link Neal, 3.) Hannah Hart is like my biggest female celeb crush, 4.) uhhh... I'm not really sure.  Maybe Johnny Depp? What is your definition of cheating? As soon as you're flirting with someone else in an obviously non-playful way, you're cheating. Do you tend to go for older or younger when looking for someone to date? Older guys for maturity, no preference with girls. When do you want to get married?  I don't have a specific time in mind.  I don't want kids, so it's not like I'm racing the biological clock. Describe your personality in 3 words or less:  Really Fucking Awkward™ What size bed do you have?  Queen How many friends do you have?  Very few that I consider "friends," really.  Around like 10, and most I include are more like... a bit higher than acquaintances, but not really "friends?" What's the worst thing you have ever done?  It's something I don't talk about because it's humiliating to think I've done it. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)  Dry as actual fuck. Are you going to change your last name when you get married?  If I marry a man, yes.  If I maybe a girl, depends on whose name sounds better with whose last name lol. What is your phone background?  Lock screen, Mark Fischbach, home screen, the magic sigil from "Shadow of the Colossus." Have you taken self-defense classes?  No, but I should.  Particularly with how much I distrust people. What are you known for among your friends? Being very quiet. The person you would never want to meet? A rapist.  For someone who's never even been harassed, I am fucking terrified of them and rape in general to the point my mother and therapist have asked multiple times if I've ever been molested. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The divorce.  I would say the breakup, but that, in the end, had an amazing effect on me. Have you ever built a snowman?  Yeah. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?  Vanilla, but sometimes I'm in the mood for chocolate. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?  The picture I did of one of my RP OC's scars to demonstrate how it looked since it was hard to describe. What do you think about babies?  I'm very uncomfortable around them and feel like I can just touch them and they'll break.  And unlike, like, everyone, I don't find newborn/very young babies cute. What is the effect on you of having people physically nearby, if they’re not interacting with you? AWKWARD AS FUCK I GET SO UNCOMFORTABLE.  Like whenever my mom sits on the couch (it's directly outside my door), I have to close it because her being able to see me and me being able to see her is awkward to me.  If I'm sitting in the front seat of a car with someone, I need music on. Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep?  I do that a LOT. Have you ever experienced something paranormal? I feel I have at least twice. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic?  I don't know.  You don't get AWFUL traffic jams in this part of NC, but we've definitely waited a while. Best field trip experience? The zoo in 5th grade!!  Saw meerkats for the first time and I was fucking ecstatic. How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one?  Sometimes I don't go on for days, and if I do, I go through my news feed once and am done. What is the worst thunderstorm you’ve experienced? Maybe this one time when we still lived in Sharpsburg...  Mom came to get us from our friend's house, which was maybe like 15 minutes away, and I was having an absolute panic attack. Favorite episode of Spongebob?  Hm.  Maybe the Slasher one.  Or the pizza one. What bug frightens you most?  Rhinoceros beetles and wasps. Do you hate your weight? Yup.  But it's getting better. What do you usually order on a pizza?  Jalapeno from Domino's, pepperoni from Little Caesar's because their jalapeno is too hot for even me. What is one thing that the Titanic has taught you?  Don't go on a ship in a fucking arctic ocean. What is one thing you dislike about sheep? Why? I'm going to assume they smell bad?  But otherwise, I love sheep, they're super cute. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct?  That I love Mark, Rhett, and Link more than I love myself & they're probably right lmao. Do you sleep with your door closed or open? It's usually open, but I sometimes close it because Bentley annoys the fuck out of me because he comes into my room just to scratch himself relentlessly and get more fur in my room than there already is.  Like he ALWAYS comes to my room just to do this shit.  It's most annoying just because he's obnoxiously loud when he does this and I'm trying to sleep. Do you sometimes need help opening water bottles, Gatorade bottles, etc.? YUP.  My hands are extremely soft, so it hurts easily. What would you say is your number one priority in life right now?  My mental health, 100%. Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? I don't have to, no, but I ABSOLUTELY do.  I'm way too easily embarrassed about what I'm passionate about.  But for some reason I'm not online. Do you like word or picture tattoos better? It depends on the style, how well it is done, and the placement. <<< This. When will your driver’s license expire?  My permit expires in December. If you did, did you have to get a Tetanus shot?  I think?  Isn't that a required vaccination? What color lipstick do you think looks best on you?  Black.  I think me being so pale actually makes it look nice on me. Do you prefer pastel colors or dusty colors? Forests or beaches? Strawberries or bananas? Pastels, forests, strawberries. Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight? Gardening or baking? Flowers or succulents?  Moonlight, neither, uhhh flowers maybe.  Or maybe the latter.  Idk. Do you use emojis when you text or type online?  No, I use emoticons.  It's a fucking miracle if I ever use an emoji. Do you like playing games by yourself or with other people? If you're talking about video games, usually alone. Do you prefer honey or jam? Roses or sunflowers? Oatmeal or cereal?  Jame, roses, probably cereal. Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means.  "Erdmännchen" is German for "meerkat." A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert? Concert, dude. When was the last time you had an alcoholic beverage?  Two months ago because Mom felt like getting Smirnoff's and apparently we have the same favorite (the Jamaican one) and she laughed "well you better drink it before me or Nicole do" so we shared two. Do you believe you'll find someone better than who you're with now?  Honest opinion, I think she's perfect for me.  So finding someone better would surprise me. Do you like pineapple?  YES Would you ever smoke?  No.  I don't fancy cancer, bad breath, and a likely addiction. What was the first thing you are/were excited to do upon turning 21?  Even when I got out of the hospital, I did nothing to celebrate.  There wasn't really anything I looked forward to besides just legally being an adult. You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?  I don't ever want to be drunk considering I don't like the idea of not having a full grip on myself but if that was to ever hypothetically happen, it'd be Colleen, I'm sure. Do you like hickeys?  If they're not obvious. Do you always answer your texts?  If I have nothing to say, no. Do people ever call you by your last name?  No, I'd hate that.  I don't like my last name, plus it's masculine. What do you most like about making out?  It's just a passionate experience. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?  Huh.  Kinda split according to history. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  Apparently not. If an attractive person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? 1.) Looks are whatever and 2.) I'm not an ass, and even if they broke up, I wouldn't date a disloyal person. Is it hard for you to imagine life away from your hometown?  I don't live in my hometown already. Do you expect to move out in the next year?  That'd be pretty much miraculous. Name something you have always wanted and never got.  An iguana, for one. Do you want a small or big wedding?  I'm sure it'll be pretty small.  I'm not close to enough people to want them to come, but it obviously also depends on who my s/o wants to come. Do you actually participate in gym class, or just stand there? Participated considering you couldn't graduate without it.  Which was fucking stupid. Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment?  I've never had that fear. Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? I'd like to, but I doubt it. Do you have unlimited texting? Yes. Have you ever slept a whole day away?  Accidentally and I had a massive panic attack because it totally screwed me up. Do you like those ramen noodles?  I actually really dislike ramen.  There was this one spicy kind, though, that I essentially survived off of in the apartment, and it was good.  Don't remember the name, though. What’s your favorite song by Daughtry? "No Surprise" Do you make good first impressions?  I honestly doubt I do because I'll just make it fucking awkward because I'll be uncomfortable. Are you ashamed of your past?  Many parts of it. Name all the social networking sites you use: Just Tumblr and Facebook. Do you watch "The Walking Dead"?  No. Are raisins good?  Omg no.  Disgusting. Do you get cold easily?  I get hot easier. Have either of your parents gone to jail?  No. Do you think homosexuality (anything beside heterosexual) is a choice? I personally believe it's a mutation considering it defies the biological plan, BUT a mutation does not equate to being wrong.  I fully support it.  I don't believe it's a choice either because you can't force yourself to be sexually attracted to a certain gender. Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows?  Leave them.  Mom takes Nicole and me to get ours waxed for only special occasions.  There's really just no point. Do you like guns? NO.  I'm not into extreme gun control and overall do support the 2nd Amendment (but with some degree of improved control), but I'm personally horrified of them and never want to touch one.  They hold way too much power. Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? I keep Venus' light on. What do you think of mosh pits?  Seems pretty stupid, honestly.  I've never heard of someone not being in pain after a mosh pit. Do you wear hoop earrings or studs more?  Eh, kinda tied. Have you ever had stitches?  Twice. Does heat seem to drain you of your energy?  Completely. Who do you think has it harder in terms of expectations regarding physical appearance: men, or women?  Elaborate on your choice? Women, easily.  We have an absolute novel of societal expectations. Who is the most emotionally strong person that you know?  I have a number of people in mind, but I don't know about most. Do you feel comfortable staying over at other people's houses for the night? I have to know the person very well. Or would you rather they stayed over at yours?  No, my place is boring as fuck. Do you spend time online when your friends are over?  I'll twiddle on my phone if we're doing nothing, but I don't use my laptop. Do you spend [too much] time texting when you’re around others? No, I try to refrain from texting when I'm with friends. Who was the “bad guy” in the last book you read? That I finished, Ner'zhul was the "main" one if we're being technical, but Arthas was a villain as well. Are you an insomniac? I officially do have insomnia.  I now have to take Melatonin every night if I at all hope to sleep.
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