#anyway there's my unofficial review
fideidefenswhore · 7 months
the not directly articulated thesis of hunting the falcon is that while catherine of aragon took henry's literal virginity, anne boleyn took his emotional virginity.
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Lads. I have a trial shift at this coffee shop on Monday and I think the weather is still going to be hot but idk if wearing shorts is acceptable at this workplace or not. Further details in tags
#my previous/most recent workplace was pretty relaxed in terms of uniform. you were encouraged to wear shorts or whatever you felt#comfortable in if it was hot. the only necessary uniform items were polo shirt & apron; they didn’t even get on my case if i forgot my name#badge. but this place?? i don’t know#i’ve gone back about a year on their social media and i can only find a few photos in which people are wearing shorts#and they’re ALL men. i see women wearing cutoff linen trousers but i don’t own any of those types of trousers#which makes me wonder if there’s some kind of unofficial standard that’s higher for women. or is it just because women get cold easier?#i DO NOT get cold easily. i can overheat in like. january#plus just general movement is harder for me atm because of my bad knee. i sweat from the exertion of just walking so the less clothes i can#wear in order to mitigate this; the better#i think either my birth control or my painkillers also make me sweat more than usual lol :(#i did see a review stating that they have air conditioning as of a month ago but who knows 1) where it is and 2) if it works#it’s probably just pointed directly at the customers and not behind the counter where i’ll be standing suffering among the equipment#i wish i’d taken the time to notice what was happening when i went in to interview. but it was a cold rainy day so wouldn’t have had much#bearing anyway. if I’M in long pants (and i was that day) you know all is fine#i just don’t know what to dooo. i mean i have long pants i can be relatively cool in but they’re festival pants with ridiculous patterns#on them and they’re also too big for me because i’ve lost weight & apparently gone down to a size 14 (!!) since i bought them#nothing says ‘i will be a great worker’ quite like my green festival pants with pink flowers on them falling down in the middle of the room#i was pondering leggings but when i wear just leggings and not a dress or anything with them i feel all exposed and nasty#even if i Know they’re not see through. i just can’t do it#my shorts are kind of long shorts and i also have ‘smart’ shorts but i don’t have anything like cargo pants or cutoffs or linen trousers#idk. i would message the hiring manager and ask about dress codes during the hot weather but she said it’s her annual leave#so she won’t even be there.. also i think she hates me & the only reason i’m anywhere close to a job offer#is that her lesbian second-in-command saw me wear croissant earrings to the interview and identified me as one of her own#i have no proof of this but i feel it’s true. anyway. i think i’m going to wear khaki green jeggings; bun my hair & try not to die#honestly my hair is usually the number one reason for me overheating lol. like the temptation to shave my head gets stronger every summer#OH MY GOD i just forgot my fucking trump card i cannot believe this!!!! my knee. my injured knee. that i often wear a brace on for pain#relief. see but the thing is; if i wear the brace will they become worried about my pain levels & therefore my ability to do the job?#i don’t wear the brace that much anymore. but if i wore it - INSTANT excuse to wear shorts. hmmmmmmmm#let me know what you think i should do lol. and help me pray for the heatwave to break#personal
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partyanimal167 · 2 months
I’ve just been watching Bleach and in the credits to ep 118, Grimmjow gets called a Professor 👀 and now I can’t stop thinking about it…
So how about an AU where Grimmjow is a professor? Sorry if that’s too vague and random 😅
Oh no, that's not too vague. Thanks so much for suggesting. I always laugh thinking about certain characters being "responsible" adults esp when it comes to working with other people lol. I was so close to making Grimmjow a culinary professor, but it'd be too easy lol. I hope you like this!
CW: sfw, college au, gn! reader, cussing (bc let's be fr now), slight flirting near the end
There were so many signs that this class was going to be...not normal. However, when you gleamed through the professor reviews there wasn't anything out of the ordinary...well you didn't read them all. Mistake number one.
Mistake number two was not reading the syllabus (who does though) and showing up to class when it started--10am. There were a few people, but after waiting fifteen minutes, not even half the class was there and neither was the professor. After another fifteen minutes, you were starting to get a bit antsy and confused, but soon the rest of the class filled in. Then one guy came in with ripped jeans, a white jacket, shades, and a Monster in hand.
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Damn, this guy looks rough. I bet he was partying too hard with the new semester starting. You jumped when a bag slammed on the teacher's desk. You tilted your head as the man's shades came off, and you were met with blue-as-hell eyes and a grumpy expression.
It seems you weren't the only one confused.
"Hey! Class was supposed to start at 10! Why is the professor late?" one guy yelled from his seat. A few other students mumbled in agreement.
"Oi, why the hell are you yelling?! Too fucking early in the morning," the man barked back. You could feel his voice rumble in your chest. It sounded as if he had just woken up not too long ago either. The man went over to his seat and kicked his feet on the desk. He popped open his energy drink and went on. "Literally on the first page of your syllabus it says that class starts at 10:30 because 10 is too fucking early and I like my sleep. It ain't my fault the dean wouldn't give me a noon class, tch."
You couldn't believe your ears. This guy can't be serious. This is my literature professor? You didn't like to make assumptions about people, but the guy looked to be around everyone else's age and even if he did teach a class, with his attitude you'd think it'd be something...not like literature.
"Anyway, the name's Grimmjow. I don't really care if you call me Professors. That's your business. This is Global Literature of the 21st Century. I hate repeating myself so listen the first time, and I don't give out extra credit unless you drop off a 12-pack of these first." the man went on tapping the can.
You sunk it your seat a little. What the hell did I sign up for?
After those first couple of weeks, you decided that you would do your absolute best in that class and avoid being a nuisance to that grumpy professor. Grimmjow definitely had a reputation on campus. Many students had a love-hate relationship with him--grateful for the extra time to sleep in, no bullshit, and the somehow rowdy yet engaging teaching. Definitely hate though for the teasing, cussing, yelling, and him being ready to chew out whatever dumb ass he picked that day.
So it certainly wasn't your best moment when the man practically ordered that you came to his office hours later that day.
You slowly opened the door to his office and met with the rather odd scene of your professor with reader's on his nose going over papers. For a moment, he looked really peaceful and actually almost professional.
"Oh wow, you actually fucking showed up."
And moment over.
You stopped yourself from messing with your elbows and nodded. "Uh yeah what's up, Grimm?" you immediately winced on the inside unsure of how the man would react to the unofficial nickname. But he didn't say anything.
He pointed at the chair, and you immediately sat. He rubbed his face and pushed the glasses off his head. "Look, I'll make this quick. Tell that idiot Jackson to stop stealing whole paragraphs from your papers or I'll break his arm."
You blinked. "Excuse me?"
There was that annoyed look again. "I'm not stupid. The guy has been copying sentences and paragraphs and piecing them together as his own work. He's already going to get in trouble, of course. But seriously, your work always seems to be included. Is he your idiot boyfriend or somethin'?"
The mention of a boyfriend flustered you a little even though you wouldn't dare consider that particular classmate. "Oh no uh- I'm single, and I kinda don't know how he's getting my assignments. I mean we do work together in the library but-,"
The man cut you off and waved his hand. "Okay, okay whatever. Just be mindful of where you're leaving your shit I guess."
You nodded then paused for a moment. "So I'm not in trouble?" You couldn't deny that being in front of the man made you nervous.
"Tch, for what? You're like one of my best students." Grimmjow easily said. "I actually think you know how to read a book and write. Some of these fools are using ai bots as if I can't tell." That was as close to compliment as you ever heard the man say. His face softened for a moment before he grinned meanly. "Well, I will give you some advice."
You weren't sure what it'd be, but you brightened up at the offer. "Sure!"
Grimmjow flicked your forehead before leaning back into his chair. "I got a rule that I don't go dating students, so you better fix how you keep eye-fucking me before I make it a problem." he snickered.
"What! I don'-,"
"Get out."
You squeaked before hightailing it out of the office--face warm and heart racing.
One thing you did know for sure though, you were certainly ready to see what type of problem your professor would give you.
Grimmjow! I want more of you lol. Thanks for reading! I'll be here if anyone has any thoughts, prayers, or ideas haha
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demonslayedher · 4 months
I'm mentally rocking out to that "Kizuna no Kiseki" remix again and gotta say, I went into the theater the other night thinking "this is a cinematic experience" and suddenly a bunch of editorial choices in that last Swordsmith Village episode made so much more sense.
Clearly, they are playing the long game.
Since I have a friend visiting who is a more casual fan of the series, it was actually a very nice review for people like her. Also, yeah, we dressed up. Since I was stopping in after work again I needed another subtle "add items after arriving at the theater to do character homage" closet play. Hence, a nice chance to use some official Shinobu items (and an unofficial, fashion-only mask):
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For my friend, we decided on Giyuu items for her, but I didn't actually have that many for her to borrow besides the (unofficial) bow and bracelet I've got, and the Giyuu keychain I gave her to borrow didn’t fit on her bag, and my clothing items that match one half of Giyuu's haori didn't go with any of her clothes, and I didn't provide reference for suggesting she do her hair like Tsutako... so it was very, very subtle Giyuu homage.
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In his own words, he's "not like the rest" of the Pillars anyway, so why even represent him for this movie to kick off Pillar training?
Or so we joked, and then she nails the attitude of that sentiment by showing up in black lipstick.
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whoiwanttoday · 1 month
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So not last Friday but two Fridays ago was National Paranormal Day, something I didn't know existed and there is a joke here about it not actually existing no matter how much some people abuse the scientific method to prove it does but I won't go down that rabbit hole. The point is that night I had a friend who made me aware and asked me to watch something Paranormal but I was busy so I didn't. They watched The Amityville Horror, a truly bad movie that was also part of a massive pop culture phenomena. It's a thing I am fascinated by because I am always interested in ideas that infect society and I wish I could have been there to feel it. To see if it felt like everyone believed there was a haunting in Amityville or not. If you don't know the story you can look it up but it's been pretty thoroughly debunked over the years, though of course there are still true believers, but it was a best selling book that lead to a massive hit movie that has lead to an official movie franchise and an unofficial one that has spawned combined hundreds of movies. You think I am exaggerating but I promise you I am not. Since Amityville is a real place as long as you don't call it the Amityville Horror anyone can make a movie and put Amityville in front of it and suddenly you have a movie sure to make money on streaming. It's how you get things ranging from Amityville Island and Amityville Vampire to Amityville Dollhouse and Amityville in Space. Anyway, I didn't come here to talk about Amityville but rather how I didn't watch it Friday night. But it put it in my head so I finally did watch it again, it's a not very good movie but one that has always been part of my life because it was just… always sort of there as a kid. On TV a lot, someone always had a VHS copy recorded off of cable somewhere. So I have seen it many times and the bright spot has always been Margot Kidder because she's the bright spot in a whole lot of movies. She has this moxie and charm about her that comes out in a very specific 70's Liberated Lady way that you don't see anymore. It's so era specific, a backbone and some spunk mixed with a world weariness and the fact that she has seen more than you have. It's why she was a pitch perfect Lois Lane but she is also in a few horror movies and one of them I deeply love she is the best part in, which is high praise cause Black Christmas is awesome. Anyway, I feel like I was intellectually aware she must be an attractive woman cause she's in movies and stuff but she was first and foremost Lois Lane to me as a kid and I couldn't sexualize Lois Lane. Guys, it turns out I can sexualize Kathleen Lutz. I dunno what it is, 4k resolution, getting older, some third thing you can feel free to tell me about in the comments below but man, she is gorgeous. Just so absolutely beautiful and I felt a little dumb that I hadn't fully registered this. Like I knew but I was embarrassed for my loins that they hadn't done their job and made me lust after her previously. They usually don't drop the ball like this. Anyway, in ultra high def I am here to tell you her face is a marvel. And you pair that with the sort of verve Margot Kidder always brings to the screen and I was smitten. To the point I was like, "Did anyone else notice how hot she is in this movie?" Guys, they did. My favorite review I found online was from a woman that said, "You'd think this movie would make me wary of ouija but now we're digging up the board to ask Margot Kidder to be our third". I get it. Today I want to fuck Margot Kidder.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 month
WIP game
i was tagged by @doyou000me and @the-cookie-of-doom to do this, so let's gooo. please send in asks, i love these games, but i will also be answering these during breaks as i catch up on work, so it might take me a bit to respond (but i will respond to all of them!)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
*as i said, i'm doing this as i catch up on work and so i will be breaking both rules myself, but for whoever else i tag that wants them! 😂 i will also be breaking the third unofficial rule because i have more WIPs than just kinnporsche, but. idk. i might put a few at the end, but some require a lot of context to explain and meh
idiots & idioms (series): --[pot stirring] (vegas youtube) --[worms???] (series finale)
talk shit, get hit (series): --porsche coda --kimchay joongle --[king's knight]
fake omegaverse
heart burdened
Insatiable (*cw: incest)
Single Star Review
The Lives of Mr. Gold (*gone fishing fic off-shoot)
Your Presence Surrounds
i also have more story ideas for Vampire Thrall (vampire!kim) and Hoarding for Beginners (dragon!chay). mostly horny stuff tho.
as for non-kp stuff uhh. jeff cinematic universe is like...too much to explain lol, but i have a WIP for wuju bakery (yes, the one that's STILL NOT OUT) you can ask about! i also have a lot of bad buddy stuff that's been haunting me, waiting for the right mood to strike. i dont want to list those out here, but you can ask about any incomplete fic/series from my AO3 or [grasshoppers and elephants] fic! ^^b
uhhh gonna tag some writing friends i recognize from my recent notifications. i am so sorry if i accidentally tag someone who isn't a writer here lol, but tagging: @iworshipsappho @faillen @semantics-error @moondal514 @kumeko @fawndlyvenus @lori0018 @alanblackthrone @sweet-william-writes @technicallyburninggarden @okaybutlikemakeitgay @vyther16 and anyone else who's been waiting for a tag to do this ❤
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
So I came across your recent publishing on Tumblr's "popular reblogs" Tab, and maybe you won't have an answer to this at all or maybe you've already mentioned this, but I've wondered about this for years.
If an author (or Amazon) puts an ebook on sale for free on Amazon, does purchasing the ebook help the author at all or any more or less than purchasing it at a higher price point at a different time? Is it more done as a promotional tool to drive people to read it and rate/review?
And--if you feel like it--if someone is using Amazon as a reader, what 'best practices' should they consider to benefit the authors they love?
Hello! Thanks for the thoughtful ask.
You are correct in assuming that sometimes authors put works up for free on Amazon as a promotional tool. They do not earn anything from these "sales" but instead hope to gain traction and interest in any future or already existing works in their catalog.
This also helps them as, despite the lack of monetary gain from the individual book, it does boost their sales rankings, which can majorly influence how the Amazon algorithm interacts with their work.
If the book is later re-released for actual sale (sometimes with a different cover/minor edits) and you enjoyed the book, buying it again "for real" can be a really nice gesture, even though a lot of authors likely won't expect it.
As for how to be a good Amazon reader: review, review, review!
Entire author careers can live and die on reviews. Even if you don't write anything, just leaving a star rating can really help how likely we are to get future sales and how the algorithm views us. This is especially true when you are an author writing for a marginalized audience, where the algorithm unofficially suppresses promoting certain things over others. Things I write as a queer romance author are often subjected to a higher level of scrutiny by the censors at Amazon than het-romance authors. So not only do we often get knocked back more often for review during the publishing process, but we can also really struggle to gain traction afterward. Reviews help with this. GoodReads is also owned by Amazon, so posting to GoodReads can be a really good way of boosting our traction.
Also, post about us on social media and tell all your friends! So many of my organic sales come from fans telling friends or posting about my work on Twitter/Tumblr (and I'm sure probably Facebook, but I don't log in there to check, lol.) so please never underestimate the power of word of mouth when it comes to supporting the authors you love.
Most authors also use affiliate links in an attempt to earn back what we lose in fees to Amazon. If the author has direct Amazon links on their website, consider using those instead of just searching them out on the search engine, as they are likely using an affiliate link, and every penny we can claw back from Amazon really helps.
You can also "follow" our profiles on Amazon to keep up to date with any new work as soon as it launches, so if, for whatever reason, you don't see our social media posts, you'll always know when we post new works because you'll get an email notification. Pre-orders can also help us get onto New Release/Bestseller lists, which also massively boosts our traction with the algorithm and also promotes us to a wider range of readers who might otherwise never see us, so if you're able, pre-ordering can really help too!
You'd be right if that sounds like a lot of algorithm talk. But unfortunately, that's the capitalist hellscape we live in.
Anyway, thanks again for asking. I hope it is helpful!
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mysteryinkkat234 · 9 months
The Night of Pleasure and The Past (Astarion x F!Tav/Reader)
I have lived, where have I been, how should I explain myself? The short version: work, school, low motivation, and being very very sad. But I'm back again, with a new obsession. For real, if I'm not working or at school or doing homework, I'm playing Baldur's Gate (I have four separate playthroughs Gods help me). Anyway, this series, Fangs and Nightshade, is going to be many anecdotes about my playthrough with my blue tiefling cleric, Luxia Nightshade, and her escapades with a sad vampire boy. The stories will be in order in the game so spoilers abound. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any suggestions or story ideas, my inbox is open.
Also shout you to my new friend @leighsartworks216 for peer reviewing, thank you!!
Summary: It was meant to be a night to escape from their days of fantastical shenanigans. A hag, the goblin camp worshipping a new and mysterious god, exploring the Underdark, there was a lot of stress built up in everyone. Luxia Nightshade, resident Cleric and unofficial 'mother' of the group, decided to take up Astarion's offer, to get lost in the night. But during it, she could feel something was wrong.
(This contains spoilers for Act 1 and references to Astarion's past, read with caution)
This is 18+ and deals with a lot of heavy subjects, especially about sex, if you are underage or your account does have an age, DNI
Spice Level Anaheim Pepper (500 - 2,500): This smut contains vaginal sex, outdoor sex, fingering, nicknames (bunny and pup), and basically everything that happens in Astarion's Act 1 companion scene.
Word Count: 4,300+ words
Read and Bookmark this story on AO3
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It was a night of fanfare and victory after the Absolute Cult was defeated in the temple. The tieflings set up a small party at their camp. Everyone seemed to be having a lovely time: singing around their campfire, finally talking casually instead of tactically, and most of the children wanting to pet Scratch.
Everyone was having a great night… except Astarion, leaning on one of the poles holding up his tent, silently chugging the bottle of cheap and gross wine. It’s not that he was grateful to save these tieflings, it was more that it was the first time in two centuries that he did something good, something nice, something to help them instead of to gain something. He didn’t get a choice whether or not he wanted to save these tieflings, that would be the party’s unofficial leader: Luxia Nightshade. 
A blue tiefling with eyes as white as the moon, horns curled like a sheep’s, and the personality of a doting mother. Gale joked that Luxia acts as a mother and the rest of the party are the ‘unique’ children she has to watch over to make sure nobody dies a grizzly and painful death. Soon, that title of ‘mother’ seemed to stick to her. She would laugh at Karlach who instead of calling her ‘soldier’ started calling her ‘mom’. Luxia’s giggling at being called ‘mother’ was almost infectious… almost nauseating.
Astarion hated her. He thought she would be easy to manipulate; he looked almost like a lost child looking for her mother. When Luxia caught him about to bite her, she wasn’t angry… well sort of. More disappointed that he didn’t tell her in the first place. Is she being serious? Was she expecting him the first time they met: ‘Hello, My name is Astarion, I am a vampire’? But, she wasn’t an innocent kid – she was an adult, an adult with an understanding for others, no matter who or where they came from.
He knew after that day that Luxia could be trusted. She wasn’t asking about someone’s personal life for blackmail purposes, she was just genuinely curious. She was an open book.
Astarion thought about this when he saw her, socializing with the party’s wizard, Gale. Gale and Luxia looked perfect together; two magical dorks, plain and simple. It wasn’t that Astarion was jealous… maybe a little bit… He shouldn’t be, I mean, Luxia was pretty open with their friendship, she would probably tell someone that she liked them… and Luxia has said she liked him, as a friend, as a companion… was he reading too much into this?
“Astarion,” her sweet voice broke him out of his questioning. He almost stumbled a bit. She seemed to have a knack for appearing out of nowhere – she was probably small enough to do it too, being the shortest in the group. “Are you… ok?” She asked politely. Astarion coughed.
“Oh! Hello dear, didn’t see you coming.” Astarion lied, trying to act casual.
Luxia didn’t believe it though. Instead, she laughed, covering her giggles with her hand.
She immediately retracts her arm, holding her hands together behind her back. “No, I get it. I assumed you were getting all drunk and merry.”
He laughed at her comment. “You know, I never pictured myself as a hero.” Luxia tilted her head. “Never thought I’d be the one they toast for saving so many lives. And now that I’m here…” Astarion took another slug of wine from the bottle. “I hate it. This is awful.” 
Luxia shook her head, laughing again. “Come on, it wasn’t all bad,” she whined. “We took out the cult from the inside out, we found a ladder to the Underdark, the fire we made in front of the temple. Think about all the goblins you killed with that Alchemist’s Fire!” Her white eyes gleamed when she retold the story. Astarion could see her feet scuttling while she talked, like an excited kid.
He laughed to himself. “True. That was fun. Still, I would’ve liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.”
“It can’t be that bad.” Luxia gently took the bottle out of Astarion’s hand. She took a sip and made a face. It was sour, almost too sour for it to be edible. She silently gave him back the bottle.
He exhaled through his nose as Luxia made a face. “See?” he asked cockily.
“Yeah… I’m more into sweet alcohol, I’m not a partaker in it anyway,” she said quietly, almost embarrassed by her expression. 
“I’m just looking for a little bit more excitement, a little bit more fun.”
Luxia tilted her head again. She knew where this was going, but she’ll play along. “What do you mean? Is living in constant peril not exciting enough for you?” she quipped back. His laugh was more audible, and her face was flushed, trying not to make direct eye contact. 
“Don’t be so sour – literally,” he snorted. “I like a good time as much as anyone.” Astarion’s ruby eyes trail off to Luxia, analyzing her body. Unlike the last time, when he looked at her and wanted to feed off her, he could feel a heat that wasn’t caused by the fire. She’s so small, Astarion could easily pick her up and ravage her, pin her against a tree, and make her squeak with pleasure… an idea popped into his head. He scratched the back of his neck. “You know, we could always make our own entertainment, darling. Get a little closer, so to speak.” His voice became more sultry, trying to lure her in. And it was working. 
Luxia looked down, her face darker from blush. She bit the knuckle of her pointer. She laughed to herself, trying to be composed. “Maaaaybe,” she steps a little closer to Astarion, “if you say ‘please’.”
Astarion was taken aback, dumbfounded. “What?”
She stepped closer and looked directly at him. She leaned forward, their chests almost touching. “Say ‘please’.” 
Her voice… Gods her voice, so sickly sweet, like honey slowly dripping down a hive. Astarion didn’t know she had this confidence – he took her more as the one to get hit on instead of the other way around, or maybe it was liquid courage.
He inhales through his nose, getting closer to Luxia’s ear. “Please?” He whispered. She could feel his hot breath, he could hear her exhaling quickly. He took her breath away. A sly smile planted on his face.
She laughed again, stepping back to give them both space. “Maybe. I’ll think about it. There are some other people I want to talk to. It’s not like I don’t want to, I just…” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “Let me think about it, ok?” 
“Hm, fine, I guess,” he sighed, both in disappointment and how he believes, “I’ll be waiting for you. We’ll find each other.” Luxia simply nodded and turned around. However, she was stopped as Astarion kept speaking. “I never thought you could make such a devoted leader. I’m happy for you.”
She smiled, her oddly cute pointed teeth shined in the moon. “Thank you,” was all she said, as she walked away from him, almost skipping for a few steps.
Astarion simply watched, his eyes still moving down to her waist: an innocent little skip with hips swaying back and forth, her tail whipping with it. He sighs, looking up at the stars. He indeed was just looking for some sex and that’s it, but that ‘something’ was back. He closed his eyes and imagined Luxia. Instead of pinned on the tree like last time, he could imagine her in an elegant bed, covered in the silkiest of robes or blankets… no, a nice dark blue silky robe. Maybe one of the sleeves falls off her shoulder, showing off her freckles sprinkled about… no, why was he thinking this? Did he think about this with other people? No, they were only victims, for him.
He looked around, looking for her again. She was with Shadowheart, sharing a bottle of that god-awful wine. Didn’t she just say she didn’t like it? They were laughing and giggling together, Luxia covering her face for a moment, to cover her flushed cheeks. In the night, Astarion could see her moon-shaped eyes looking right at him before she quickly averted her gaze. This was going to be a long night of waiting.
He rolled his neck as he waited out in the middle of the woods, far away enough from the camp, but not too far away that it would be that long of a walk. He rubbed his chest, thinking deeply. She probably won’t come, he thought. She’s probably with Gale like I thought, using his Mage Hand to pleasure her. 
The rustling of the grass snapped him out of his trance. He turned his head and saw… Luxia? She walked slowly around, clearly looking for him. Astarion took a deep breath and made himself known to her. 
“There you are,” his voice was deeper, more sultry. “I’ve been waiting. Waiting for the moment I set my eyes on you.” He paused, he slowly brought his hand to her face, his fingers tangled in her messy blue hair. She softly smiled. “Waiting to have you.”
She laughed lightly, her hand slithered over his hand, interlocking through the gaps. “You don’t have me, yet.” Her thumb rubbed over his palm, her nails only grazing. “Were you waiting for me this whole time? What would happen if I didn’t show up?”
Astarion chuckled darkly. “Well, you’re here now, aren’t you? And, I don’t think you came here just to talk.” His hand slowly moved to her jaw as he stepped closer, the space between them closing slowly. “I think you want to be known, to be tasted.” His thumb rubbed her bottom lip. Gods her lips were so soft. He’d tasted her blood, and he hoped she tasted just as delectable as that.
Her smile went neutral, and she wrapped her hand around his wrist, taking it away from her face. Despite the feeling, Luxia could feel something underneath the showmanship. it almost felt… uncomfortably familiar. She took a deep breath before she spoke. “What exactly do you want then?”
“What do any of us want? Pleasure. Yours. Mine. Our collective ecstasy,” he clearly dodged the question with another question. Luxia started picking at the skin on her fingers. “That is what you want, isn’t it? To lose yourself in me?” He smiled, and his hand moved back, this time both of his hands rested on her jaw. 
Maybe he just wanted a distraction: They killed a hag, saved the Emerald Grove, and explored the Underdark – there was so much bottled-up stress that was in everyone. This’ll probably be the only night they get to feel something other than fear. People have different ways of releasing all this stress, and maybe this was his way of dealing with it. Luxia has met people like this and it was fine. She nodded in his hands. “Yes,” she whispered.
His smile turned more sly. “That’s what I thought.” His chuckle sent a shiver down her spine. “Now, how about I help you get comfortable.” Astarion began moving his hands around her body, starting with the blue corset compacting her, loosening it. Luxia sighed, now with her breasts freed from the confines of such an uncomfortable piece of clothing. She started undoing the buttons on her blouse, and soon, her chest was free. Astarion looked in awe.
A chill ran through the forest, making Luxia and Astarion’s nipples harden. Luxia hugged herself, covering her perky breasts in the process. Astarion laughed. “Don’t be afraid, little bunny. I have been waiting way too long to see your gorgeous body.”  
“It’s cold, Astarion,” Luxia whined as Astarion started loosening her pants, pulling them down with her underwear in the process. Luxia could still feel the chill, from head to the tip of her tail that started swaying more quickly than usual.
He laughs again as he loosens his own pants. “Darling, I will have you burning with desire from the inside out, hotter than the Hells itself.” When his pants and underwear were finally off, Luxia stared, trying not to linger for too long, but she was a bit obvious about it. He laughed. “You are just the cutest thing in all of Faerûn.” They finally did it, they kissed. And Gods her lips were just as delectable as he thought: soft with the subtle taste of mint and that sour wine. But, somehow, it tasted sweeter.
His tongue swiped her bottom lip, tasting that mint and wine, and plunging his tongue in. The moan that came out of her, sounded so heavenly, just as sweet as her laugh in the morning. He broke away, a string of saliva the only thing connecting them. Luxia looked into his eyes, red eyes staring back. She noticed that he had these moments of constantly looking around, probably so he could take something without anyone’s notice, but during camp, his eyes were always darting. Luxia felt important at the moment, but there was a feeling that… he was dissociating. 
“Astarion…” she whispered, her breath still taken away. “Are you okay?” she asked with genuine concern, her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Oh, I am more than ok.” His voice kept getting darker, his eyes trailing down to her lower half. With a sudden movement, Astarion lifted her up by her bottom, her legs suddenly locked around his waist. He laughed, carrying her and planting her back on one of the trees. His kisses continued, starting from her lovely lips to her neck, littered with freckles.
His lips grazed the puncture wounds, the same marks he made when she let him bite her. As he licked the wound, Luxia’s body shivered again. Inside of the chill was pleasure. “Fuck!” she exclaimed, her grip on his back grew tighter and more painful, her nails close to digging into him. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” She squealed under her breath. 
“Ah, so our innocent leader does have the mouth of a sailor,” he teased her. One hand left her bottom, his fingers masterfully massaging her folds and clit. Luxia gasped again. “I wonder what other cute noises you can make.” Astarion’s finger slips in, Luxia’s plan of desperately trying to keep her moans in has failed. Her body moved up and down Astarion’s body, her fingers moving around his back. Despite all the fights they’d been through together, his skin was quite soft, though she could feel prominent scars on his back – they didn’t feel random, they felt intentional. 
She laughs at Astarion’s little comment. Luxia gave him a slow and sensual kiss. “Really? Because I wonder what kind of cute noises you can make, too.” She leaned her full body forward, making Astarion lose his footing, stumble, and soon fall onto the ground. 
Now Luxia was on top, she thought her flirty little comment would ‘spice things up’, to try and one-up Astarion’s constant comments. But something still didn’t feel right, he was still staring, and his eyes didn’t seem to move to look at her body – not at her tail, freed from the tree, now wagging once again, not her hands on top of him, or even her blown-out white eyes, now filled with desire. Though he had a surprised expression when she ‘pushed him’ down, it immediately shifted to that damned smirk. Is he… getting any satisfaction from this?
Luxia smiled innocently, ready to suggest riding him, or maybe… she could go down on him? Get back at him? When she tries to move down to his lower half, Astarion stops her, gripping her by her shoulder. “Astarion?” she whispered, not sure what he wanted. Astarion through this whole situation didn’t communicate anything to her, he didn’t ask what she wanted, what he wanted. Body language can only go so far, especially when he looked like he was in a dazed state through the whole thing. 
Astarion’s sly smile became more toothy, and with the hand on her shoulder, he pushed her off of him. Luxia was pushed onto the ground, his arms trapped her underneath. “You think you’re shrewd, don’t you? Cheeky little pup,” he chuckled, looking at her shocked and blissed-out face. “Perhaps it’s time for the puppy to finally be punished.” 
He began rubbing himself up and down Luxia’s folds, now wet from Astarion’s previous escapade. He leaned his head down, kissing her neck softly. Even though he was a vampire, and technically undead, his body felt like it was on fire. His kisses felt like small embers hitting her neck, making her squeal and jump from it.
Astarion laughed, probably for the final time tonight. Simultaneously, he inserted himself quickly inside her and bit into her neck.  
Luxia moaned out, a mix of pain and pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck, Astarion’s thrusts were slow at first, probably because he was focusing on sucking Luxia’s blood. “Astarion stop~ I’m going to… pass out.” Her breath was being taken away, and she could feel her body getting weaker and weaker.
“Oh, darling~ Hold on for a little longer,” Astarion moaned out, his fangs finally out of her. His thrusts began getting harder, and the sound of slapping skin echoed into the woods as he sat up, holding her hips in place. Luxia’s hands scrambled, she had the instinct to hold onto his hands, the idea of her finger interlocking with his. When she moved her hands to his, to snake her fingers through, however, Astarion had different ideas. 
He lifted her legs, her ankles now resting on his shoulders. Astarion’s grip on her hips was steely, to the point it was starting to hurt. There was no room for her hands, so instead, she locked onto his wrists. His thrusts became faster, making Luxia more audible, her head snapped back from the pleasure. She started to beg. “Astarion, please~ I can feel it. Please, don’t stop~” she moaned out. The grip on his wrists, her nails were close to puncture his skin. “Please, hah~ Astarion!!” 
Luxia’s eyes were shut tight through the orgasm, her grip on his wrists finally let go, and what remained were small marks, thankfully there was no blood. She tried to open her eyes, the foggy outline of Astarion stretching. Luxia’s head started to hurt, her eyes slowly closed, and the cold embrace of the grass tickled her burning skin. Her breaths were heavy, trying to catch as much air as possible. Luxia let sleep take hold of her, thinking of Astarion holding her, as the world around her became muffled.
The sun’s rays shot through the branches onto Luxia’s body. Her eyes slowly opened and squinted at the new day upon her. She moaned out a yawn, stretching her legs, arms, back, and tail. Luxia rolled her neck as her vision cleared, and soon the image of Astarion appeared, bathing in the sunlight, his arms spread to take it all in. Astarion told her before that the tadpole allowed him to be in the sunlight without disintegrating. Luxia felt sorry for him – this was probably the first time Astarion got to bathe in sunlight in over 200 years.
She smiled at him, holding onto her knees. “You’re not going to stay and cuddle?” she asked, cheeky but also disappointed, hoping to hold onto someone. 
He inhaled, sighing. “You sleep light. I thought you would be exhausted after last night,” he commented. 
“Yeah, me too,” Luxia laughed it out, holding onto her bruised neck. Feeling the puncture wounds he left, a green glow emanated from her palm, healing the blood and wounds. She went back to a more serious tone, “Did you… enjoy it? You didn’t look like you were… all there.” Luxia said it with genuine concern, hoping he would understand it.
“I was holding back a little, it’s true. I didn’t want to lose control. Delicious as you were, I didn’t want to go too far.” Luxia blushed from the compliment, hiding her face in her knees. “Now, shall we go? I want to go before anyone else thanks me for saving their tails.” His tone changed, and he was quick to leave. Thankfully, Luxia was quick to stop him from leaving, wanting to talk to him more.
She now had a clearer view of the scars on his back. Just like Luxia theorized, the scars formed two circles of Infernal script. She paused, making sure she said the right words without offending him. “Wait, your scars… Where… How did you get them?” she asked in her curious and polite tone like always. It didn’t sound like she was fucked to the high Heavens last night. 
“It’s a poem, from Cazador. He considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas. He composed and carved that one over the course of a night. He made… a lot of revisions as he went.” Astarion’s voice grew sad and cold. 
“Gods, I… I can’t imagine.” Luxia stood up as Astarion turned around to face her, stretching out her legs once more. As she walked over to Astarion, she could see the marks more clearly… it was written with a very familiar script. “Why is it written in Infernal?” she asked plainly.
This took Astarion by surprise, This took Astarion by surprise, how fast she was to jump to that conclusion, He was flabbergasted. “Infernal? I… who knows? The bastard was insane.” 
“You know, I could read it for you,” Luxia suggested, eager to help him in any way possible.
His eyebrows raised in surprise at her eagerness. “I… I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” Astarion was hesitant at first, Astarion was hesitant at first, but he allowed her to look at his scars. 
Luxia skimmed through the script, inching closer to him. She could piece together certain words that were familiar, but they looked to be random words strung together. “Oaths… fires below,” she whispered, her hand reaching out to maybe feel the words, but Astarion could feel the heat of her hand coming closer, and he stepped away from her, clearly uncomfortable.
“And? What does it say?” Astarion sounded embarrassed and insecure.
“This isn’t a poem. It might be part of a devil’s pact,” Luxia explained. “The word ‘oath’ is definitely a dead giveaway, but other than that, I can’t make out the other words.”
“Really? A tiefling not able to understand Infernal?” he scoffed.
Luxia pouted. “I’m sorry, but did you hear any of the tieflings speaking infernal in the Emerald Grove?” she snapped back.
Astarion paused for a moment, clearly embarrassed. “... A little?”
She laughed it off. “It’s fine. There were no other tieflings living in Karador besides me and my parents. I do know Elvish and Gnomish!” 
“Yes, because that’ll help us in the long run,” he spoke sarcastically, he turned around, not interested in this new information, “Still though, an infernal pact? What was that bastard up to?”
“If he did make a devil’s pact, he’s more dangerous than we thought.” 
“More dangerous than you thought, perhaps. I’ve never had any doubts. But if this is part of a contract, it must be powerful. Or valuable. Or both.” Astarion sighed. “No wonder he wants me back. What have I run off with…?” 
“Does Cazador know Infernal? Did he ever write in it before?” 
“No. I could have missed it, of course, but I doubt it. Cazador was only figuratively hellish - there were never any devils hanging about the crypt. Whatever he’s left carved in my flesh, it’s a mystery to both of us.”
“If you’re comfortable, when we get back to camp, I can get my journal and write out the signs. I can probably find a book that translates Infernal text.”
“... Thank you, that would be… nice.” Astarion relaxed, he picked up his shirt and Luxia’s clothes, handing them to her.
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imjustwritingg · 2 months
Just a PSA that your #unofficial review for last night's ep is everything and more 👏 And honestly, if Tracy weren't leaving, I'd be asking/shouting at you to make it a 'thing' for Hailey centrics, because you said all the things I thought and so much more! I wish Gwen had just stayed as a writer, she's clearly better at it. And I still can't get my head around the Jay of it all, it's all just an unnecessary mess. Why does this show always give us more questions than answers?... it's infuriating
Thank you so much!! It’s times like these I miss writing for Spoiler TV, but I don’t have it in me to review every single episode of PD anymore so I’m glad I left that behind when I did. A lot of people seemed to enjoy my unofficial review, (thank you! 🙏🏼) so maybe I’ll do another one, or two separate ones, for the last two episodes of the season.
Gwen really is such a wonderful writer — she can be at least — but I do believe she was promoted to show-runner well before she was ready. It’s like she had just started to crawl and skipped right to running.
You said it best about the Jay of it all. Such a mess!! And always more questions than answers. But hopefully it will be corrected by the end of the season. Well, as much as it can be anyway. 😅
Thanks again for reading and the sweet message!!
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Hxh ch 396-397 review
Anyways yeah I didnt do reviews for the past couple of weeks because Things happened and I got busy and it got me out of my groove so.
I have been reading of course because who am I .
I’ll do an overview of the rest of the flashbacks because those Messed Me Up actually and I have art and things to say about it.
Spoilers, obviously . (Warning for Child Abduction and death)
Chapter 396: Founding part 2
Sadly I dont have viz screenshots because of it only being the recent 3 lol so I’ll be using an unofficial translation
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There he is again with some weird Popcorn Cauliflower lookin things and ooh nooo
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Hi Uvogin!
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Also hi Phinks with the walnut hair. At this point I’ve adjusted to how wonky it looks though but
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SARASA *50 crying emojis*
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I actually love Sarasa a lot. She’s adorable and confident and fearless... I really hope nothing BAD HAPPENS TO THIS CHARACTER. auughgggggg
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I also really like Sheila. Even though they didn’t end up being actual phantom troupe members Sarasa and Sheila matter to me and I really want to know what Togashi has in mind by bringing her back into the plot. But aside from that we also get another moment of exposition for Pakunoda and Chrollos relationship. Im Not Crying Youare.
I love to think that while a lot of other people call him ‘Little bro’, Pakunoda is the closest to being his actual “big sister”  
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Power cleaners moment. I actually slipped up and call them Power Rangers sometimes or like for example “Ranger red” instead of Clean up red. Whats funny is that I didn’t even watch power rangers as a kid this is just how it is
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Look at all those sillies
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I really really want to know what this sounded like because Im not gonna say that it’s really bad just because they’re kids, but I think it would be very funny if they were sugar coating it not even on purpose because of how young and silly they are.
Chrollo is actually 11 you learn in 397 so I’m guessing that would mean Paku is 10, Sarasa is like 8-9 or something since she’s the youngest, and Sheila is somewhere inbetween them all.
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I love how out of context he sounds like a victorian child whos about to make an important announcement.
“Father, may I have the mic?” I never thought I would hear those words but knowing that it comes from baby Chrollo makes it all make sense.
Also look theres Nobunaga!! Wow!! He’s finally in his own flashback!
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I like the composition of this panel because This chapter is supposed to be a highlight on Uvos progression and his relationship with Chrollo and the fact that Chrollo is straight ahead of him really drives that home.
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To be honest you gotta love this because you really just see how sincere he is in just wanting to make all the other kids happy here, and they are ecstatic
With Chrollo doing all the same lines though just imagine theres this kid and he just has crazy vocal range for no reason and hes talking to himself in 7 different voices
omfg is he Jerma985. .
..i mean  i did make this one thing
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I bet he put his entire freakin heart into that line like no holding back
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I love how everybodys like stunned and then theres just Nobu who is there
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HELLO??????????? JFC
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ALSO IS THIS A SAIKI K REFERENCE BECAUSE I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF TOGASHI JUST SLIPPED THAT IN THERE... (In some volume extras I think of vol 35 he put references in random panels and replaced the text and there was a saiki k reference in one. Fun fact)
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Scrungly Sarasa and Sheila only ever
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I also really like the composition of these panels.. Its also very centric on Uvo and Chrollo which I appreciate. Also I can see it being animated a lot for no reason like its so easy to imagine with this format.
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When the Sarasa are Scurngly and adorble
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Im just gonna put this whole page here and then talk abt it I love it so so so so so omuch and tears are definitely not in my eyes right now because of it.
So first of all, I read this translation first, and I think the lines they put here are better than what they put in the VIZ one. I don’t remember what they were, but the top panels lines here are just so raw and “That was me dubbing you!” Flows well. Sometimes unofficial translations can be wonky, but they did great on this page.
I love Love Love the way this page was drawn too. The way that Uvo and Chrollo just look shocked and are shown side by side is great, and I love the focus and detail on Sarasa and also even though it’s a still picture, her hair has so much motion and i i i i
Everybody’s reactions are nice too. I’m just thinking. No wonder Togashi had to take all that time off especially for these chapters. Drawing this many people is not easy at all...
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I like Uvo and Machi’s dynamic lol. They seemed to already be friends which is just really funny since she’s just this tiny little child and then Uvo is like. Already like 6 foot 2 or something idk. (He grows to be 8′5.)
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This is so funny because when you think of the Phantom Troupe you think of incredibly twisted people, but no, their original original name came from them trying to make a company name for their little dubbing thing.
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Im Crying again haha. I mean I guess in the end he did become a villain, so wish fulfilled!
This line is so relevant to so many things involving Uvogin, even having to do with his character in the yorknew arc
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Chapter 397: Founding Part 3
at least this time I can take fro m the viz official translation.. Ha ha
Are you ready guys? This is going to be a wild ride! (Warning for Child Abduction and death especially here)
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So they finally notice that Sarasa’s not here and there Might be Something wrong! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE RIGHT ABOUT THIS IN MY CHAPTER 395 REVIEW.
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This is Depressing but I love the attention to detail with how he’s gripping his shorts. I just wanted to point that out
Oh and haha he’s blaming himself for something only somewhat inside his control as a young child... Hmm.. That sounds familiar...
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Dont you love when you start having a little more hope for something again...
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Oh haha look at them on the bike Oh look everybodys doing their own part in the search!!!......
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Oh god....
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....And then everything just plummets....
Seriously when I read this part I felt my heart drop. SO much so that I made a whole redraw of it for chapter 357!
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I love Hunter x Hunter.
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mmm I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this
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Currently completely Fine right now actually ignore everything I just said.
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My exact reaction
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Thank You.
I feel like the flowers on her head would be little orange roses.. Because well for one, the orange cleaner, and also orange roses are a symbol for Joy I think and that’s perfect for her
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Im so glad that Togashi decided to make this little scene because I wouldn’t be able to handle what just happened before without this closure and Im pretty sure that was done on purpose because That was like one of the most horrific scenes in Hunter x Hunter in my opinion.
You could feel how everybody was panicking and the grief and anguish and it was just aaahhhhhhggghghhgh.......
Anyways. Onto another thing that is helping me process all of this lol
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This is another line that I liked better in the unofficial translation
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JUST. JUST. “Those pretty eyes of yours make my skin crawl.” ESPECIALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF MACHI IS SUCH A COOL LINE!!! anyways :)
I like nen so This is also very relieving. We are getting lore....
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Add Predicts the technological revolution to baby Chrollo’s achievement list. This kid Hunter x Hunter children are insane for a fact
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He would do great in my English 10 Honors class with all that evidence and reasoning there
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hey guys its Shalnark here  and today I’m going to explain chrollos Nefarious plot  
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Hes so happy that he didnt have to do 3 paragraphs of more explaining! ..also
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Jus dont even ask why I made this but I sure did I also made a video but idk how to put videos on tumblr other than have them be at the top which is not what I want so you just get this
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I kind of wish we got more of younger Shalnark because we got focus on Paku and Uvo who are both... decreased  and you know...  
oh god I just realized
All the phantom troupe characters that are commonly nicknamed are Dead. Quick everybody stop saying Nobu for Nobunaga
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At least he gets a little bit of a moment here
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I feel so bad for Sheila little sheila talk here
Like man her best friend just got Murdered and she can not do this. I bet part of her does not want to be involved with the troupe anymore because they have the most to do with her death, and maybe she even counts them responsible for them not caring, and with that she probably blames herself too.
I really want to see her again she is such a character and there’s no way that Togashi’s just gonna bring her back here and not have her be plot relevant. Was she for or against the kurta massacre!??!?!?!? wha????
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Top ten ways to become a mass murderer
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lets play a game. Is this a quote from Kurapika or Chrollo?
Look at all these parallels and foreshadowing... Putting that in perspective, that means that Chrollo became the very person he sought to destroy as a child, and I wonder if he realizes that, especially now in his current mental and emotional condition. But at the same time, he may have been expecting that. He should know that the Troupe has all the right to be persecuted with the amount of carnage that they’ve caused.
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I think the whole thing with the Villain and this panel is a callback to Uvo’s line about being the worlds greatest villain, and maybe Chrollo was thinking that he would fit as leader because of that but...
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Get pranked! Also notice how Paku is also gripping the end of her dress. Since I’m an empath, I can tell that Paku is having mixed feelings and is nervous about this /s
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In 3 years he shed his old pair of eyes and then regrew Strange Eyes. Hold on.
This is extremely important and like one of the best things Ive ever made.
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I decided I wanted to do math So their reunion happens around 7 years before the Kurta massacre, and that’s when Chrollo is 21.. so 10 years after sarasa’s death is when the Kurta massacre takes place.
Ok were finally to the end of this fun fun fun Chapter! I have 2 questions.
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1. Where is Phinks?
2. Shalnark What has he the Hair and Outfit? What? Ok well technically he’s in style since this is like the mid-late 80′s then but he looks a little bit like a Flamboyant Pop star from that era and then everybody else is just regular for their character. Then there’s just Shalnark with his fluffy mullet and the oversized suit and the collar
And also if that was his style when and why did he change? We could have had a totally different Shalnark tbh but I’m happy with the one we have.
Hope you enjoyed this absolute behemoth  of a post and I may do another one with the next two chapters some time
In the meantime, who knows, just keep doing what you do & make sure you drink enough water so that your pee looks like light pineapple juice or lemonade (that means youre healthy)
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ficklecat · 6 months
9 and 13!! Happy new years eve fickle! May 2024 be great
Happy new year my friend! I still can’t believe it’s already about to be 2024 🤯
Thank you for the ask! I answered #13 already but here’s #9 for you! (TW for mentions of suicide)
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
I think it’ll have to be Afraid of What Might Be. Digging in to things like mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts is a heavy thing to do in something as seemingly low stakes as fanfic, but I feel so strongly about portraying those things with realism, dignity, and brutal truth. There are so many misconceptions about suicide in particular, so many harmful narratives in online and fandom spaces, and it was important to me to ensure that when I wrote my piece on it, I honored what I know to be true.
I wanted to be careful not to simply remove Kakashi’s despair and flirtation with death simply because he knew he was loved, I wanted to show that even loving people can’t save them, that living is a choice they need to make, and sometimes they do make the choice to stay but it doesn’t mean they’re “cured” or they don’t think about it. I wanted to show how grief can occur even when a life is “saved,” even when someone changes their mind. I wanted to show that not everyone is happy and elated and has a full change of heart after a suicide attempt. In fact, many times they may feel worse - lost, afraid, trapped, or empty. I wanted to show that the most important thing when any of that happens is that the people who love them don’t turn their backs, but also don’t become their unofficial heroes or life-jackets, that they simply remain there to offer hope with open arms, and that when you choose to hold onto someone’s hope, you don’t get to choose when they’re ready for it. You simply hold it as long as you can, and you keep it safe until they’re ready. And they may never be.
Anyway. That fic meant to say a lot. I’m not sure if it did. I hope so.
Send me asks about my 2023 in review!
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p-receh · 5 months
Let's continue the missing part from anon's questions.
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Anyway anon. I'm in deeply sorry for late reply. Please don't be mad at me T_T
For me back to my previous rants over that vid of episodes 6. Oboi let himself quite and take a rest a little while to comprehend what he's done while splitting.
Since I thought elementals didn't have an official leader under Oboi, Oboi himself in my headcanon were in sleep paralysis during split. Letting his elementals do the job. So whenever they recombine, I always see Oboi as he just woke up and try to recollect all the dreams he saw.
There's a random hypothesis I came up with while watching movie 2 for the first time: That is Oboi's individual elementals exist and only exist as long as they live in Oboi's.
So when Retak'ka and Tok Kasa pulled them out, the elementals instantly went ... uuuh how you pronounce it? Torpidity? Becoming apparent death as a silent tool to its original owner. Same case when Ki'rana took Halilintar from Oboi via Satriantar's sword(?).
This is proven with how l did mention this before, Oboi is the first one who uses split technique. And the way he handled the elementals is like he treating the elementals like some sort of how people control emotions. This comment I stumbled upon beautifully encapsulates it.
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Also I find it quite interesting and almost in a bit shock after Beliung incident and during battle in Gur'latan. The former one is showing how Oboi resigned in lending the Wind power to Lady Kuputeri. Beliung case reminded him a lot of Retak'ka, but I think it reminds him from the first time Angin got his 2nd Tier, Taufan.
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(back to my other analysis here. With how huge the wind element that Boboiboy absorbed in Planet Windara, his overwhelming joy unconsciously took over Boboiboy)
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Whereas the later is portraying Oboi's actually petrified that Halilintar will got the similar unexpected treatment for the third time!
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(The way after he shout then comes a pleading voice right after that. I have a headcanon that the pleading voice was Halilintar's last second slipped in.)
If anything, I see both of them not as Oboi, but the real character of the elementals! | know the spoiler about Halilintar's. But I didn't expect to be this worse. (Now I can see why people went frantic about Halilintar at that issue :3).
It goes back to the picture | found on Pinterest. Please tell me the original link. I can't find it (the font whoever use it was hardly readable for me, I'm sorry ^^`)
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This is also goes back to what I've mentioned with Boboiboy movie 1 & 2 review. Everytime he let off his hat. His also let his hidden "weakness" opens up.
But at the same time...
The moments his hat wears off is also to show his proofs as a hero for everyone and his family. Especially for his dad who Oboi's dearly missed. That's why he looked very mature whenever he fight without his hat.
His hat for me is resembles of Monsta's clingingness and guardedness 24/7 to make this series still be kids friendly.
If the season 2 ended with 3rd tier design like that. And movie 3 concept art of him being alone... I don't want any Monsta excuses to not upgrade their age ratings.
You started it. So you face the consequences, Monsta >:(
And the elementals unknowingly helps him to achieve that. If I can make some wild headcanon: No, anon. I don't think the elementals wants to leave Oboi.
Not directly proven but their bondings with Oboi are too strong to divide. If anything, the elementals are unofficially being loyal to him. Movie 2 and galaxy season 2 for is already evident enough. (Also it's how Hang Kasa dreamed of with all elementals being unite to protect the galaxy. He couldn't be more proud when there's a boy did that indirectly. Just like how Gempa purposely being the leader of the elementals :'))
Linking to what I said about the amnesia problem on previous post. Oddly enough, for comic ver, Monsta didn't dwell further on this problem until Baraju arc. But then again in the same arc, Oboi's mental health hasn't detected any worrisome effects! And he CAN STILL FIGHT normally by using a new fusion not long after recombining??
Monsta didn't let Oboi fucking rest for the sake of introducing the last fusion, Sopan(Not to make any rudeness for Sopan, mind you. I honestly loves his design and attacks. The most unique design of all fusion if I say so myself). Holy shit both Blaze and lce just did a smash brawl shit and almost unleashed their final smash! If not because of Fang, both the temper duo and Oboi should be dead by now. Period.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hey there, imagine an AU that has a fledgeling company a'la 23andMe who is trying to ione-up Abstergo in ancestry research because they are trying to monopolize stuff. And Desmond, during drunken lark at work, sends them his test. And see... They freak out because Desmond hits as only near human. And contact him. Wanting to meet and also cautioning him against doing other tests due to Abstergo owning a lot of them. Que conspiracy hatched by this company and Desmond going along
As much as I like the idea of making Abstergo's life miserable by turning Desmond into some kind of science-world celebrity, Abstergo would either buy the company out or some kind of scandal or 'accident' would probably happen even before they could go public with the preliminary results. Not to mention, scientific studies go through lots of reviews, including peer reviews (at least, those who are serious and wants to be taken seriously, not just out for... clout or something). Peer review is good... until you think that there's no way Abstergo doesn't have goons there too.
Soooo... have a little fic of how I think this would go?
I guess Derek Milton is now Desmond’s unofficial ‘fake name’ on my tumblr. I should have made it Miller instead. That would have been dumber.
Sidenote: My fics usually use either Delsin Mercer or Nathan Walker because I like references
“Hey, Derek.” Ted bumped his shoulder against Desmond, making Desmond freeze briefly before turning to look at him. Ted leaned close as he whispered, “I think that girl’s checking you out.”
“I wouldn’t mind more tips.” Desmond jokingly said, turning his head to look at where Ted was staring. The girl with the tightest bun to have ever been conceived by human mind waved at Desmond with both of her hands before the older man next to her grabbed both of her hands and pushed them back to the table, whispering to her something they couldn’t hear from the bar. Desmond raised an eyebrow as he recognized the pair and replied, “Oh, it’s Doc and Lizzie.”
“You know them?” Ted asked curiously.
“They had a flyer up on my apartment’s bulletin board. They were looking for volunteers for their ancestry genetic company.” Desmond replied as he wiped the glass in his hand, “Paid me a couple of bucks to swab my mouth and poke my nose.”
“Well, they seem excited.” Ted noted before patting Desmond’s back, “Go. You still haven’t taken your break anyway. Might as well do it while everyone’s busy dancing.”
“I was planning on taking it when it gets really busy.” Desmond joked as he placed the glass and towel down.
“Don’t you dare! I’ll kill your ass!” Ted shouted as Desmond began to make his way towards the table of the two excited… Desmond wasn’t actually sure if they were just colleagues or maybe a father and daughter duo?
“You can try!” Desmond shouted back with a grin before turning to face the two as he reached their table. He continued to stand as he greeted, “Hey, Doc, Li-”
Both of them pulled Desmond to their table roughly and Desmond’s chin almost smacked the table. Desmond was sure they all looked super weird and stupid, their upper body bent so close to the table Desmond was sure his back was going to hate him tomorrow.
“Mister Milton! What do you know about your family?” Doc asked in a hurried whisper with wide eyes.
Desmond frowned as he replied, “Pretty much nothing. Never met anyone. Just me and my parents.”
Desmond ignored the flash of memory his mind conjured up, reminding him how he heard from his dad that the Templars had killed them before Desmond was born.
“Well…” Doc took out a rumpled folded paper and quickly unfolded it, placing it on the table as he explained, “This is your ancestral result. We had to check it ten times just to be sure. Even borrowed a friend’s equipment to check if maybe the one we have is faulty. But, if you look here, it says here that you have approximately 9%-”
“You have alien DNA!” Lizzie exclaimed in a loud whisper, making Doc hush her which she just ignored as she continued, “Oh my god, Derek! You’re an alien!”
Desmond stared at the both of them for a few seconds before nodding, “Oh. Cool.”
Seeing Desmond’s underreaction, Doc pointed at the paper repeatedly as he said, “No, no, no, we’re serious, Mister Milton. Look here. This is the DNA of an average human.”
Then he pointed at another part of the paper as he said, “And here is your DNA.”
It all just looked like numbers and words Desmond could barely read so he just hummed.
“We don’t think you’re an alien.” Doc stressed, giving a passing glare at his excited companion.
“Oh, that’s good.” Desmond nodded, although… considering he was using fake IDs and have no actual legal documents, the term ‘alien’ did sorta applied to him. Just not in a sci-fi kind of way.
“We think you’re a descendant of an alien race.” Doc announced and Desmond stared at him for a few seconds.
“Suuureee…” Desmond drawled, wondering if he should break into their lab and take all of the samples they took from Desmond.
“We’re serious, Derek!” Lizzie whispered loudly, “This is huge!”
“Huge? This is groundbreaking!” Doc looked at Desmond with such a joyful expression that Desmond felt bad for thinking that they were a couple of nutjobs, “Mister Milton, this will answer so many questions we have in both history and in genetics! Your genes are the key to-”
Desmond tuned him out, not because he didn’t want to hear more (he did, it sounded like a plot of one of those dumb low budget sci-fi movies he watches when he gets bored) but because his instinct took over, making him raise his eyes without being too obvious about it. His vision zeroed in on the three men that has just entered the bar, noticing that their eyes immediately went straight to the table Desmond was sitting on before quickly turning around as if they were just scanning the room. The three men walked in different directions and…
Desmond saw the outline of a gun strapped behind one of the men, hidden by his jacket and pants.
Desmond’s eyes scanned the entire bar, noticing two of the men had sat on separate tables.
Near the main entrance and the fire exit.
They’ve covered the two main exits…
The last man went to the bar and Desmond knew the moves that Ted was making.
The man had ordered a nonalcoholic drink.
“Doc.” Desmond whispered quietly, leaning closer as he asked, “Did you tell anyone about my DNA result?”
“No. Not yet.” Doc added, “I mean, we would need your approval to announce it, after all, since-”
“But did anybody else see it? Did anyone else checked it?” Desmond cut him off, keeping his eyes on Doc even as he noticed that the man was making his way towards them with his nonalcoholic drink in hand.
“Uuuhh…” Doc and Lizzie looked at each other before Lizzie replied to Desmond, “I mean, I guess Doc’s friend saw it too?”
“And where does your friend work?” Desmond pressed just as the man sat on the table next to them even though there were more empty tables nearer to the bar or the dancing floor.
“He works for Abstergo.”
“But he’s a nice man! Been helping me with getting this business up and running! Even checks my notes for me!” Doc exclaimed with a smile that only made Desmond feel bad.
His dad’s words began to whisper inside his head and he sighed as he said, “I think we need to go.”
“Yes! We should return to our labs and-”
“No.” Desmond grabbed the paper and pocketed it as he said, “Your lab’s probably been hit already. If you’re lucky, they just took all your stuff. If you’re not lucky… well, probably torched it or something.”
“What?” Both Doc and Lizzie looked at him with a confused expressions that reminded Desmond of puppies.
That had been the reason why he had agreed to volunteer his DNA in the first place. It was clear to Desmond that these two were nice people who may or may not yet realize that Doc’s supposed friend might have been using them.
And now they have Desmond’s DNA.
Desmond wanted to believe that Abstergo wasn’t out to get him but considering there were three armed men that just entered minutes after Doc and Lizzie came in?
Desmond wasn’t going to take the chance.
Not when he had just been free for the past five years.
“Just…” Desmond sighed.
It would be easy to give them the slip.
Just tell Doc and Lizzie that he needed to check something or he had to return to work. Slip into the employee’s room and get out through the window.
But he can’t do that.
Not when Doc and Lizzie were in this fucking mess because of him.
Desmond took out his phone and dialed the only number he had ever memorized. He placed it on his ear and waited.
The person on the other line picked up even before the second ring was finish.
But didn’t speak.
So Desmond just said, “Bar called Bad Weather, Brooklyn, New York. Three men. Main entrance. Fire exit. Table to my left.”
There was silence before he heard a voice he both wished and didn’t wish to hear ever again.
“Ten minutes. Keep the call.”
Desmond froze when he heard it.
“Remember your training.”
The voice didn’t say anything else but Desmond didn’t drop the call. Instead, he slipped the phone back to the back pocket of his pants as Lizzie asked, “Who did you call?”
Desmond’s face turned blank as he replied in a monotone voice, “My dad.”
Okay, so I made Desmond younger, 21 years old to be exact, in this one because I think the main reason why Desmond got caught in canon is because he got sloppy. Nine years of peace made him think that he’s in the clear and can be a bit ‘adventurous’. But a younger Desmond would be more paranoid and still kinda dumb. That also means that this is a Desmond that has less experience being away from Bill soooo… yeah.
For those worried that this means Desmond would be taken in by the Assassins (and Bill) after they rescue them... My preliminary idea is that Desmond gets the Assassins to take Lizzie and Doc in while getting info to why his DNA flagged Abstergo. He learns about Altaïr and Ezio then gives the Assassin the slip. He can't go back to Bad Weather sooooo...
Guess Desmond just has to have an impromptu trip out of New York
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swiftietartt · 19 days
Hi!! Just wanted to say again how much i loved the fic i see you’re referring to as “the boat fic” hehe!
Re: our convo in the comments section about this lol, you make a good point about lafd air ops being stationed elsewhere!! Im pretty sure harbor station itself is near san pedro, so that’s what my mind has been going to, but considering tommy’s a pilot, maybe he flies there while on shift?? Not like the show cares about timelines or commutes anyway, so we may never know haha.
Also— i forgot to mention in my comment, i love larchmont village!! It’s so cute and one of my fave stationery shops (shorthand) just opened a location there, so i was really happy to see you mention bricks and scones. 💖 confession: ive walked past that place so many times, but im a creature of habit and I usually get coffee at GGET whenever im in the area. But i will visit soon!!
ahh!! thank you!! yes, the boat fic was the unofficial google docs name lol — it started as one file named ‘something ‘bout a boat’ after a trip to margaritaville, and then a second file named ‘[insert jimmy buffett lyric here]’ and then a third ‘boat fic’ and finally i got frustrated and created file four ‘boat x4’ where everything finally came together 😭😭😭
i was truly going through it with this one, we were beefing for a while until i finally found my momentum.
also! i did just look it up ‘cause i was like maybe i did miss something. and…there definitely are helicopters there? but it’s also 3AM where i am on vacation rn and i am confused about exactly what it is they have going on down there, lol.
when tommy was explaining his work to buck, it sounded a lot like the fleet they have at the van nyus station, but i could be misremembering, or perhaps that’s standard.
(tim if you need someone to work script continuity call me, i’m anal about research and timelines and i have a degree in tv writing 🙏)
and ughh, i miss LA so much (i also miss burger lounge 😢) but it’s sosososo expensive, so, it’s gonna take me a hot minute to get back. i love catching glimpses of the places i do know in the show, last season i was like HEY! THAT’S AN AERIAL SHOT OF MY CVS! 😂
(i also fear i have to say, i never went to bricks and scones, but the reviews said the caramel lattes were really good! so, for that i am a fraud, but larchmont village is very cute and felt midwestern-y enough to feel like home.)
thanks again for reading!! <3
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 2 months
what is so special about the icha-icha plot? I remember you kind of saying that one of these books is a detective/noir novel? is that what it is?
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Okay, to be honest? The reason why I hold this series so close to my heart includes more than just the plot— and not in that way, get your mind out of the gutter. Apologies in advance for rambling.
As a bit of context, since I'm hoping most of you who are reading this have never done a deep read of the entire thing: it's officially a trilogy of three books, with those being Icha Icha Paradise, Icha Icha Violence, and Icha Icha Tactics. There's also Icha Icha Innocence, which was published as an interest check just before the three-year hiatus preceding Tactics that the wider fanbase considers an official omake, and Ero Ero Paradigm, which is an unofficial parody spinoff of Paradise released around the same time.
You may have heard some wildly varying reviews about the story, and for good reason. The characterizations are... well, the writing gets better, but the characters don't develop in the sense that they mature, exactly. The protagonist and the main love interest especially are quite static as per traditional legends and folklore, compared to the dynamic characterizations that have grown increasingly popular since I was a kid. But as the situations they're thrown in get more serious, the audience gets to delve deeper into who they are, what makes them tick— what makes them fight. Their motivation to keep getting back up when the world knocks them down, you know? If Paradise is a nostalgic caricature of a halcyon youth, then Violence is symbolic of the struggles of adulthood and maintaining those connections. Or not maintaining them. There's a well-beloved bastard of a third wheel who kind of just disappears, and the implication is that he was lost to the war that the book very subtly hints is going on in the background. Tactics is the one you're probably referring to as a detective-noir novel, since two of it's five parts are dedicated to finding said bastard. I won't spoil any further than that.
Anyways. Paradise is divided into three sections. I didn't make it far into the first one when I skimmed through it as a young teen— Jiraiya-sama himself left it on my nightstand during a hospital stay, if you can believe that. Signed and everything. It was only after Icha Icha Violence was released that I gave the series a genuine shot, though, and I'm glad I did.
...but if you're looking for pure filth with no deeper meanings attached, get yourself a first edition copy of Tactics for the fifth section. You don't even need to know anything about the rest of the series to enjoy the, er, celebratory activities. Fair warning, though, it's a bit intense. There's a reason why the publishers stopped including it after the initial release.
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mellow-strain · 6 months
Romwe x Corpse Bride: A Critical & possibly hypocritical review.
This review will be fast fashion negative, while giving credit to artistic aesthetics. I own some of the items mentioned (some of which, I regret).
A summary of my opinion: most of it is crap.
This is kind of becoming a series, with my previous Hello Kitty and Friends x Forever 21 review
Disclaimer: I do not like Tim Burton. I like a lot of his media (The Corpse Bride, Wednesday, Frankenwinie, etc.) but I do not agree with his attitudes (most notably towards POC inclusion).
If any Shien apologists come my way I will simply block them. This post is not about "is it ok to order from Shien ever?" Or about the accessibility of fashion or anything like that. Maybe I'm a future post, but for now, go read someone else's opinion piece about it
Why did I order this stuff?
The answer is very simple: Nostalgia and scarcity mindset. I've loved the Corpse Bride ever since I was younger. I owned the DVD and watched it more times than I can count. Additionally, I doubt that there will ever be any other affordable clothing collaborations with the Corpse Bride, at least, not for another while. But please send me other Corpse Bride official and unofficial collaborations if you see any. I'll put a little 🌠 next to anything I bought. Note: I may not include everything I bought from the Collab just because I may not have the strongest opinions on that particular garment or my other arguments may better explain.
What did I like?
The general aesthetics. Motifs of the flowers, butterflies, swirls, skeletons, colour pallets. I liked it all! Was it well executed? No. A lot of the patterns weren't done justice (as seen in the review photos)
The stock images were STUNNING. Which is the point, but still credit where it's due.
It appealed to my nostalgia. I think it was lazy, but it certainly did warm my inner baby bat heart.
Onto specifics. This capette
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This capette is fun! I love a good capette! There's obvious flaws like how randomly the little pictures are chosen and I feel the white and black is just a little too high contrast, maybe black and light blue would have worked better?
5. This Graphic T. 🌠
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I love this design so much I bought one in the black colour way too. Do I stand by that decision? Not entirely. But as a long-term Corpse Bride fan I feel that I will appreciate them for a very very long term.
6. The Legwarmers 🌠
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They did these legwarmers so dirty! As seen in the stock images, the ends are rolling up! I need to reinforce them with my own hidden ribbing and also gently steam them. You may also note that those butterflies are PRINTED ON and it's pretty bad IRL.
7. jeans (?)
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But if you see a pair of boring jeans in a charity shop that fit well, why not bring them home and customise them with paint, bleach, trims, embroidery or patches? Remind me to write a post on DIY jean ideas. Anyway, could be fun to browse Shien and Pinterest and steal their ideas! Maybe invite some friends and have some snacks and make it 'a little get together'?
I'm stealing the print of these jeans. A reoccurring hot take of mine is that I hate that EVERYWHERE sells jeans. Go into any high street retailer and they have a WHOLE SELECTION of jeans. From skinny to bootcut to mom to boyfriend to ripped and in black, acid wash, proper denim, super light blue and sometimes white. it's all far too much (in my opinion).
The reason why I feature the "?" in the title is because I don't really see jeans as very Corpse Bride, seems more fairy grunge (I've discussed fairy grunge lightly in the past but I do hope to make a longer opinion post about it)
General dislikes
106 listings. Why SO many graphic t-shirts? I need to count the specifics because there's just too many. And I counted roughly 24 hoodies/sweatshirts (given, there could be duplicates of the plus size and straight sizes) but my point remains. Why is there 106 listings?
Excessive reuse of certain designs and many of the designs are really similar.
No collection of that many pieces could ever be of decent quality or with a lot of thought and the proof is in the pudding (the garments). It simply isn't. Typical Shien. Bare basics stitching, low quality materials, etc.
Polyester for undergarments. Cotton, bamboo and hemp are just far superior fabrics for underwear and socks! I can't imagine polyester is good for the health of external private areas.
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Objectively these are cute, but I have recently truly understood how dangerous synthetic materials can be especially for private areas.
I will be referencing this print in my future customised clothing.
Future post idea: Cotton vs. Polyester
At some point in the future, I do intend on posting more information about cotton/natural fibers vs. polyester. Including resources that further discuss the oppression of the Uyghur Muslims, modern cotton slavery, the mistreatment of garment workers. Then also, the production and manufacturing process on various fibers and their quality. Additionally, a bit about micro plastics and our clothes.
Most of it will just be directly referencing and providing information from creators who are more knowledgeable on the topic with minimal opinions and input from me, though there will be a sequel post that includes my opinions and a reflection on how I navigate the topic.
If anyone has any links and resources on that topic let me know!
Thanks for reading!
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