#anyway this has been a psa that nobody asked
likecastle · 1 year
Is it a hidden clue in the text, or are the writers just not that deep?
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buckrogers · 9 months
til the end of the line, pal.
really, really been into the marvel rp of late. specifically anything that lets me play as the loml steve rogers and right now what I'm jonesing for more than anything is some stucky (bucky barnes and steve rogers) rp. I've largely been hitting up jcink of recent times and I'll link a few locations you can find samples of how I write stevie boy below but if anybody wants to write some dedicated 1x1 stucky (or even has a site/discord server/what have you) hit a girl up! I tend to write on the longer side, I'm not a super speedy poster but I will always give you something quality to work off and I'm 30+ so fine with more mature themes and whatever else comes along. I'm also open to exploring his dynamics with tony, peggy, sam, natasha etc.
I guess the final note would be my version of steve is very heavily based on his mcu counterpart in terms of characterisation and so forth. Anyhoo, feel free to check deets below and drop me a line via discord @ dochollidays or hit me up here!
places that I've recently (or currently am) writing steve include:
steve rogers (endgame divergent/tva based site)
steve rogers (post endgame but canon divergent based site)
steve rogers (multiverse based site, currently writing on)
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existentialterror · 1 year
hi this is probably SUCH a weird ask to receive but im scrolling your light tag in a fit of autism and saw you refer to lament (thats lament right? ihavent missed some critical light lore where she has a fiance who isn't troy lament?) as butch and its been sending me into a conniption. is lament a butch. is it real. me and my friend have had our own butch lesbian troy lament mindscape for months now.were we right all along. i feel like im going insane.
omg no you are so good, I am incredibly flattered. (Listen, PSA to anyone who's worried about being weird about Light to me: it's no problem, it's really hard to be weirder about Light than I am and I'll be impressed rather than freaked out if you are. It's chill.) That tag actually wasn't about Lament! This is about her late (or, if she was in fact swallowed up by an antimeme and is still kicking, "late") fianceee. I could have sworn that there was a detail about her late fianceee on my author page, but looking now, there definitely isn't and has never been one. What was I thinking of? Maybe an old rp character sheet? ... You know what, I'm putting that on there right now, because fuck it.
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Anyway, this is part of the vast amount of Light lore that mostly only exists in my head and draft files.* The late fiancee's name is Mars. Her other appearance on the site is in Soulless's tale all I ever wanted; all I ever deserved, which is where the Mars-As-Nobody concept came from, and which is quite lovely writing.
Here are some Mars facts for interested audiences:
Very butch
Also a scientist; worked with Light in the regular world. Neither of them had any conception of the anomalous before The Incident.
Light loved and misses her very much.
Dedicated transhumanist
Light attributes her strong moral compass to Mars having one. Unclear if this is actually true given that the other Lights (O5-2, etc) also seem to have a strong utilitarian moral compass and don't have their own Mars - but this would be surprising news to Light herself.
She and Light lived in a ricketty little one-bedroom apartment together and kept pet finches.
So that's who that's about. But none of this contradicts with butch Lament, certainly. Get him in here. Good for him! I love that.
I feel like there's some space you could explore here about new Foundation recruits who have their whole memory erased, and the new identity they put together... could be wildly different from the old one. The Foundation might encourage that as a way of separating them from their past. Like, you don't have to go there with Lament specifically, but you could.
I also think the idea of Light having a type is cute. Lament and Mars have never met each other. But if they were to meet they'd see the other and maybe size each other up a little and be like "...yeah, okay, that checks out."
*... I may be working on something. Watch this space.
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midnightactual · 1 year
PSA: Personal Update & Activity
I don't owe any kind of explanation for where I've been and why to anyone who doesn't already know, but I'm going to provide one anyway. In my time here, I've tried to keep things focused on the muse(s), or at least the meta—on "business"—and not on me. I've come to realize that nobody was ever really asking for that, that it was probably kind of alienating and self-isolating, and also that it was a reflection of my own preconceptions about being personally open coming across as burdensome to others. So I'm going to tell you some of what's been up with me, not because I want sympathy or advice or support or anything else, but simply because I can.
For about nine years, I've been dealing with a kind of variable level of depression mostly induced by ADHD paralysis. I haven't been medicated for over two decades, and for various reasons I've also been extremely averse to admitting and acknowledging the reality of my mental health situation and its causes. I can admit it now, and I've taken steps to get back on medication (in the middle of a shortage of it, yay!) and I'm looking into talking with professionals. I'm also dealing with employment and relationship issues which have stemmed from this. Basically I'm trying to get my head on straight and get my life in order. I have a lot going on.
As always, real life takes priority and all, but I feel that being part of Tumblr's RPC and interacting with both my own muses (especially Yoruichi) and others has been helpful and even in some ways therapeutic. Working with a muse comes with handling a lot of differing perspectives on things, which I think helped put me in a position to more readily understand and accept what was going on with me within a fairly fast timespan once I was forced to confront it.
I think that RP is (or at least can be) good for understanding, for processing, for socializing, and ultimately for healing. I know that I've made a lot of great friends and found a sense of community during my time here. Because of that, I think it'd be helpful at this point for me to maintain some level of presence here.
Having said that, my activity is going to be focused around what I need at any given time. I still have a mountain of drafts and asks I intend to get to and a lot of irons in the fire when it comes to projects, but I am only going to do things as and when I find them interesting, useful, or helpful to me. This isn't a reflection on anyone else. It's nothing personal. I just truly get now that I have to put myself and my wellbeing first at all times. With that said, I hope everyone understands, and I look forward to getting back into things here.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Hello, I am asking to you because you are the blog I follow who watch the most BL so maybe you know about this but what happened to war of y ? I completely forgot this show but then remembered that it must still be airing as it has 20 episodes but when I went to the tag, it was only gifs from Billyseng episodes that aired months ago. Nobody new was talking about it, it looks like it was totally forgotten and nobody watch it and I mean it can’t be, I know there has been others BL that blew up in between but for the actors, people must have stick around and there are far worse BL that still had an audience until the end. I tried to do my research but I found nothing so I thought maybe you knew more ?
I'm still watching it and still seeing posts about it so... I dunno, anon, probably tumblr tags being weird?
It's definitely gotten a lot quieter since that first set, though. And there are a lot of reasons for that including why a lot of people have dropped it and I can definitely discuss that. But I have been steadily making posts about it the whole time and have talked about why the show isn't what people want but anyway....
So, problem number 1: It's a show about all the issues in filming and creating BLs and about why the shows and the fandom and the creation is hurting people, actors and creators. So it's literally about why the thing we're watching and enjoying is bad and is hurting people and it creating drama and pain in others. Which is not super appealing to watch overall especially when it comes with a mixed bad of very superficial messages about those issues.
Problem number 2: The message is very muddy. Every set of five episodes tries to tackle so many issues and so many things that nothing is ever clear or deep. It's all very surface level. 'Reality shows make people bad!' 'Too much ambition hurts people!' 'Sexual abuse is bad!' And, yes, they're all true and they're important but that doesn't exactly make for good TV. It often feels like a PSA inside a show.
Problem number 3: Most of the endings are open rather than happy. I'd say that the latest one gave us the most genuinely happy ending of the three so far because the other two ended with the possibility of happiness but not with the reality of happiness and that's not what most people are seeking out when they want to watch BL.
Problem number 4: Cheewin has a very distinct style and War of Y feels like his ultimate baby and he is using it to show off his style and that style can be off-putting. I've mentioned this a few times in other posts but I find War of Y most enjoyable when I watch it was detachment rather than enjoying the characters and that's... that's very Cheewin. Getting attached to characters in War of Y is hard because the show is basically about everyone, at the core, being a bad person in some way because of the situation they're in.
Problem number 5: The show picks the worst issues to highlight instead of the more interesting ones. Like, Y-Idol was basically about how reality shows make people bad people which... no duh? But it had the potential to be about accepting yourself as a feminine gay man despite having shaped yourself into a masculine straight man to please your father and they touched on that but refused to explore it more and it's a problem when the issues they gloss over are more interesting than the ones they focus on.
There you are, anon! What I think the biggest problems with War of Y are. I will continue watching and making at least some commentary on it as we approach the final five episodes and the last story arc of cheating and drama. But I have been following along the entire time and I know I'm not the only one. Though I know there aren't as many as there were at the start.
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vodkaleaf · 2 years
Just a PSA: Some people can bring out the worst in you from the toxic behaviors they’ve distributed and if they can’t admit that, they’ll never get it or grow as a person.
No, I shouldn’t have messaged you at all and let you stay delusional because you never liked to listen to opposite views regarding your behavior or take responsibility when it comes to someone you don’t like. I felt guilty after messaging you harshly from that eating disorder awareness account because I do have a conscience despite whatever you believe about me. I didn’t think you’d take the overall message seriously if I had made my identity clear, but it didn’t matter anyway to you. However it’s true that willingly promoting dangerous behaviors for attention and play is not positive or beneficial, and you’ve seen the picture of what fat does to your heart. It’s not empowering and it’s not just fantasy if it will affect your real life. Ask your doctor about it and see what he/she says. Also, harassing people from multiple different accounts with immature lies/nasty jokes long after you’ve cut ties (Telling a family member to message a former friend and threaten to behead them, DEFEND IT, but play as if you weren’t involved at all) and posting a bunch of misinforming TikToks to slander them but then acting surprised when they message you even though it was wrong/immature to stoop to your level, you will get what you give in life. “I should just let people do whatever they want to me?” Same here, even though most likely no sane person would believe someone who’s been in and out of mental hospitals several times and constantly posts about their drama like a 14 year old, blaming literally everyone else but themselves. It’s time to act your age instead of whining when things don’t go your way. Nobody owes you SHIT.
People with god complexes have excuses for everything. No I wasn’t perfect in our friendship and I’ve admitted that. I picked up some pretty unhealthy behaviors from you and other people/projected certain things dumb onto you from my past as well as you did to me, but you DID give me trauma that you won’t admit to, so why should anyone believe what you say? The world doesn’t have to kiss your ass in order to be unproblematic. If you constantly blame everyone else for your wrongdoings to defend yourself when you’re acting like someone else is bad for doing the same thing, that’s beyond comprehension. You’re a hypocrite. When you willingly engaged in/made up the idea for some of those things but it’s not your fault at all in your head, you are toxic.
Funny to call people like me transphobic when there are trans people out there who publicly agree with us but are shunned by much of the LGBT community because god forbid anyone doesn’t agree with them, even their own people. It’s delusional for you to think I wanted to leave you for only one reason when you were constantly destroying yourself in every way possible and messing up my nervous system, not to mention the fact that so many people in my life were baffled by the stability you openly showed that you lack, and thought it was best for me to no longer contact you. Most of your friends that are equally as mentally unstable as you, telling you that I was abusive from whatever you said has no relevance or true knowledge. It is in no way equal or logical for numerous reasons. I don’t even have to say it because looking at them and hearing about their actions/behaviors was enough. The others who may be closer to sane you manipulated because you’re good at that, much like your parent you despise and say you’re nothing like. People never want to hear the other side of the story.
“Don’t be angry because I decided to grow up,” okay.. so posting TikToks of yourself with binkies in your mouth, drawing childish furries to escape responsibility for your actions, never owning up to anything that you’ve done wrong, posting all of your personal info about your life publicly that literally no one needs to know but you and people close to you just to get attention, posting on your story you don’t believe you’ve ever grown up internally and that you’re likely just playing pretend, promoting stuffing yourself up until you get health issues and thinking that people who engage in that “fantasy” actually love you and want you to be healthy (which is twisted if you look at it from an outside perspective), calling anyone who doesn’t agree with your identity when you’ve changed your pronouns and sexuality nonstop bc you can’t seem to make up your mind a transphobe/bigot, saying you feel like a different person constantly, asking your friend if you’re actually trans and then insisting later on it wasn’t from self doubt but rather judgment, openly talking about your privates on your account and bragging about them but insisting you’re still a trans male with real dysphoria, telling your friend when you edged yourself and say you’ll need to talk to them about your sexual attraction/actions with females when they’re not comfortable because of their past, say you would make out with literally anyone but that doesn’t mean you’re attracted to them, make fun of your friend’s interests as a joke but then get offended suddenly when they do the same with you and proceed to call them unsupportive, get pissed that your friend didn’t believe in something that isn’t supported by science and is claimed by people who face many mental issues, defend posting about taking blood baths and downing a bunch of pills ironically after someone respectfully says they don’t want to be friends anymore and say suddenly that it wasn’t for that reason, defend shoplifting and acting like a baby as a legal adult in public, dress as the complete opposite gender than what you want to be referred to as and then get pissed when people point it out because you supposedly face dysphoria, thinking literally everything about your former friend is the same as it used to be because you’re projecting your insecurities onto them.. all of that isn’t childish or delusional at all? I beg to differ. You defend literally all of these behaviors. That is the opposite of growing up.
Whether you want to accept it or not, you influenced me in bad ways and guilted me into staying in your life because I felt sorry and terrified for you. I had to sit there shaking and crying SO MANY TIMES, wondering if you were going to kill yourself after you made it clear you had the intention to harm yourself in dangerous ways. You ended up in the mental hospital joking around as if everything was fine, and expect me to say you were a healthy and good friend to be around??? You shoplifted in front of me and justified it. We both could’ve gotten arrested. I told you to put it back but you didn’t listen. You decided to steal from a very valuable alcohol bottle from my grandmother but justified it because I drank some with you too. You elbowed her aggressively out of the way as you were walking by during the house drama and gave her a bruise. You shoved my mother and father back, but when your father did this to you, you cried that it was assault. You banged hard on my house from the outside and hit yourself in the head repeatedly instead of trying to calm the situation and prove that you’re mentally stable. You edited pictures of people you didn’t like in the most immature ways like a preteen, posted it when I told you it’s not a good idea, and then got pissed when they messaged you about it. You told me it was wrong to not want to hang out in public with someone in a fursuit and not want to watch lesbians make out or act sexual in public because it makes me uncomfortable due to embarrassing reminders of my past. I’m sorry but dressing up as a furry to go to the store, the park, or for god sakes in my damn backyard, is not normal to do as an adult and I do not as an adult woman NEED to be okay with and do everything you want me to, yet you expected me to do/be okay with EVERYTHING you wanted or I was automatically abusive? Get help is all I can say. You blame everyone possible but never stop to think about yourself. Look deep inside yourself if you’re able and question your actions. If you are not messed up like your parents then act like it.
I won’t name you out of respect, because I know I’m a good person. I am not immature or petty enough to do that. I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come since we cut each other off. I acknowledge my past wrongs and I’ve grown from them just like I’ll grow all throughout my life like everyone else, but I won’t blame myself for things that I know were done for my own well-being. I’ve changed so so much within a few months after we stopped communicating and accomplished things in my life that people told me I never could. It’s been nearly two years now but it’s felt like many more with my growth and change of mind, and I’ve surrounded myself with better people. I really hope for people like you to realize one day though, they are not the saints/Gods they think they are. Spend time alone and think about everything you’ve done and if all of it was reasonable or if you could be wrong about some of it. It will change your life. Believe me.
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bendycxmet · 2 months
❀ Rules ❀
please put your age somewhere in your bio! i understand if you aren't comfortable adding your real age, but i would appreciate anything like 18+, 20+, early/mid/late 20s, etc. just don't be ageless lol
i love to answer asks and requests and just interacting with yall! but! if sending in asks, please be respectful and kind. i will not interact with those who are rude. nobody has time for that. if you don't like something with my blog, keep scrolling and go eat, shower, and sleep. being angry is tiring. this has been a Bendy PSA.
on that note, if i missed a tw on a fic of mine, i apologize and let me know kindly! i'm still newer to this so there is always room for me to learn.
keep requests simple please!
this is purely a TRIGUN reader insert blog!
what/who i write: vash, wolfwood, knives? perhaps we shall see, gender neutral and female reader inserts, fluff, angst, smut (give me time, im still getting comfortable with writing it)
what/who i don't write: any other trigun character (i can't really write with my entire being if i'm not personally interested in the character), ANY FORM OF INCEST, other niche themes i'm not entirely sure of at the moment
if unsure about sending in an ask, send it in anyway and i'll let you know and update this list! thank you to everyone who has read this! <33
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Chapter 10: The Players Are Thinking
Reki sends Balmung a warning email that Kamui is in town...and snitches that she called him "Balmung's little add-on".
At Naval Monte, Balmung informs Wiseman that the Cobalt Knights have their sights set on Shugo. Balmung can keep Kamui in check for now but have the same amount of influence in the company so...there's only so much he can do and only for so long. Wiseman comments that Balmung is talking like an actual responsible employee, remarking on how much he grew up....
Wiseman then adds that Kamui and her group are employees too so they probably wouldn't do anything that would risk their jobs. Balmungs counters that Kamui would fuck over another administrator in a second if she could get what she wants. Wiseman counters that with the accusation that Balmung used to be the same way...an accusation that Balmung doesn't deny. What Balmung absolutely can't fucking stand is that Kamui snitches directly to the CC's top brass. That's why he needs Wiseman's help. Some shit is off limits when you're on the inside...
Back to the gang! Shugo is still asking around about Vagrant AIs. Nobody knows anything so Bummer City. It's around then that Shugo asks Zafie how old she is. She answers she doesn't know her physical age but she came into being three days ago. All of her other data just tells her that Aura is her mom, that's all. Shugo quietly (and hopefully to himself) muses out loud that it's like Zafie was born just to get lost.
He gets a message from Rena and the rest and sets off to their location. Sadly, he is being watched by an insanely jealous Kamiya who is besides himself with rage that Shugo has found yet another girl to hang out with. Still pissed at his loss at the world event, he decides to embark on a plan of vague revenge. Then he will have Rena all to himself! That's totally how romance works (then again, given the "main couple" of the series, what the hell do I know...)
Mireille discusses the clues (Four Years Ago, Net Slums) with the others when they team up. Mireille has to explain cheaters to Shugo and Hotaru (language barrier; ignore it) and Ouka gives a PSA on how cheating is for losers. True strength can only come from persistent training! So it's off to to the Net Slums...except, not yet. They have no way of getting there without hacking which goody two shoes like them are reluctant to do (and it's not like they're technically literate enough to do it anyway). Shugo gripes that they have a major lead and they can't even use it but Mireille points out they can investigate the Four Years thing instead. But then everyone has to log on because they've been on for fucking hours at this point.
It's then that Rena randomly brings up a kid named Kazu (not Kazuya). He apparently used to live in their neighborhood with his sister and played with the twins a lot. Apparently, he plays World too so Rena suggests that Shugo get in touch with him, both to catch up and to see if he knows anything about the Event (because he's been playing longer than any of them). They're about to log off but Zafie's still there...are they just gonna leave her by herself? Shugo elects to stay behind and, given it's summer vacation, Rena leaves grumpily. Shugo then heads back to the City of Water with Zafie.
Shugo is about to pass out but Zafie is remembering what Shugo said about her birth (which he apparently blurted out like an asshole). She then gets back at him by asking him why he was born. He flips out, thinking she was asking about the birds and the bees before she takes his hand and notices he was born (re: his account was created) four months ago. Zafie then has a full on existential crisis as she points out if this world has a perfect system that should naturally include having a security system to deal with glitches and bugs, an unknown element like a lost child should be easy to deal with. Shugo's too dumb to keep up with any of that but he assures her with the fact that if there were no "mistakes" like her, then life wouldn't be any fun. Essentially:
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(If you think Steven Universe is cringe, why are you reading someone curse about .hack? smh)
Shugo continues on his point and, satisfied, Zafie flops her head on his lap. The two play a word game before they go to sleep.
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Kamui is pulling yet another all-nighter. Magi tries to tell her to take a break but Kamui shouts at her, demanding today's report. Magi reports nothing major but Kamui notices a message, ordering Magi to trace it. Someone answers when Magi connects them to chat. The person sounds desperate for help and Kamui calmly offers to meet them in person to help more directly.
That person? Strongly implied to be Kamiya...and the chapter ends with the implication the rat bitch just sold out Shugo.
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Great job on the less incest, more intrigue, guys. Legitimately excited to be reading this series now. Also, while I love an intimidating villain, you gotta have the weaselly fuckers too which Kamiya is perfect for. Of course he winds up being the one to fuck over the group at the halfway point. Will Shugo defeat Kamui? What happened Four Years ago? Where is Aura? At least one of these will be alluded to in the next chapter.
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botanyshitposts · 5 years
top biology discussions with my dad
1. coming out as trans
2. breaking the news to him that cells are not empty and organelles exist
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God where do I even begin on 6x10? Random assortment of thoughts:
- I suppose it was Nia's turn to fuck up badly but she's so innocent about it I can't even be mad
- that PSA was hilarious but what's even funnier is the show trying to convince me that it's viewership is so high because of the message and not because of how awkward SG looked in it. Gen Z's are making TikToks out of that shit.
- also thinking about Nate from Legends screaming: I LIKE BROCCOLI!!!
- Kelly and Alex sparring? Give me that any day
- "get me on the ground" where was my chest to chest, panting in each other's faces and then full on macking and groping scene? Where was it?!?!?
- J'onn was pretty much useless in this episode
- Andrea made a 1 minute appearance but fuck did she imprint an image into my brain in that blouse. Holy shit
- can I just say that I'm actually digging the reporter colleague dynamic of William and Kara?
- but also I'm missing Kara being the wise sensei mentoring her student Nia. Like did the show forget that reporting was where Kara first started mentoring Nia? Not superhero shit!
- Orlando's speech was honestly the best part of this episode
- Nia's mom was so unhelpful. All that for what exactly? For her to point out how big Nia fucked up? We know goddammit. I'm glad the show is exploring Nia's hangups with her powers and her ability to make terrible choices but still.
- why is this show continuing to make Kara look like a complete idiot? That livechat was a trainwreck. Like the show does remember that Kara won a Pulitzer (tho for what idk because can't be the Lex expose this time)? A prize the likes of LOIS LANE has also won?
- citizen: *asks legitimate question*
kara: because....reasons!!!
- also kara acting like an expert on an issue she herself only became aware of five minutes ago? Sigh.
- does no one in this show have any level of general cynicism and suspicion? Or was that all used up on Lena in previous seasons?
- the Kelly screen time was down significantly in this episode and I'm not even sure why. What was it replaced with? I'll tell you: broccoli. They mention that fucking PSA every chance they get.
- the Nia scenes were so scattered and diluted, just like last week's
- NOBODY TOUCH MY CHAIR - god Brainy thank you for adding some gold to this episode
- since the tiger king looking people are back, does this mean that Kara remembers Nia and Brainy? Did anyone tell her about that time travel adventure? What info has and hasn't been shared?
- not that I want to see Lex but the way no one has even mentioned him in anyway since Kara's been back. Like does kara not want to know where this guy is so she can dangle him off a cliff and drop him?
- I guess we're done with the PZ trauma. The ice taking over the building would've been a perfect trigger for Kara since she talked about how the PZ literally felt like ice!!! How the fuck do you miss that opportunity???
- "only magic can defeat magic" so since Mxy obviously isn't sticking around until the end, I guess this really means Lena might be getting magic and I'm already tired
- but also, what I'm hearing is, Lena can protect Kara from pretty much everything she's vulnerable to and I think that's neat
- does Kelly not have military training tho? Even people not in the trenches have to go through training. They're acting like Kelly is some rando photojournalist with a flimsy blackbelt and no practical experience....oh wait
- Alex doesn't have powers, why do they talk as though she does? She has a shape shifting gaudy bracelet. That's it!
- Lena missing from this episode makes sense cuz she could've fixed the housing problem in 3 seconds flat
- Nia and Brainy in the same episode but no Brainia scenes? What even is this?
What can I say? The only positive here is that it continues from the previous episode and we got to see a little more Orlando. But everything else? The no Lena, the very little Andrea, the unsatisfactory Nia and her mom, that God awful PSA and even worse livechat, kara once again looking hella ignorant (you'd think after S4 she'd be so much more aware and skeptical)
Let's just say, I'm ready for Lena and doubles doubles and some random Newfie in what appears to be the same PZ cave Kara was in.
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
The Black Talon OMG.
I'm still working my way through the flashpoint achievements I can do. I did the bonus bosses on both Imp/Rep sides of The Meridian Complex, finished up the "defeat ___ 25 times" achievements on Directive 7 and a few others. My stealthers Jenari and Suvia have been invaluable in getting these done. I didn't have the achievement on The Black Talon for killing the captain so I sent Suvia in, and...OMG. That is horrible. Like, absolutely horrible. WHY. You're basically surrounded by bodies at the end with that awful droid, and it's just...bad. I don't think it's reasonable for most people to kill the captain in TBT anyway. I'll be honest, I just don't kill him because I think it's awful. But: 1. Even if your character has no ethics - Kilran is obviously using the PC as a pawn and threatening them that they won't survive if they don't do his bidding. Even if you are playing a terrible character, that might rankle them, ie, "nobody tells me what to do." Doubly so if you're a Sith, you're going to listen to some damned Moff? 2. If your character is cunning and trying to establish the foundations of a power base/allies, here's your chance. Working with the captain and officers instead of massacring them could win you some allies, or at least some respect. If you're a Sith, hello, resources to use later, if you don't kill them. I still think the end decision in the Black Talon makes no sense. It's LS to turn over the General to the Empire to be tortured and DS to kill him. Frankly I think killing him to stop him from being tortured is far more merciful, but nobody in the writing team asked me. I also did the Esseles one - in that case I didn't have the achievement for keeping the Ambassador. Frankly because she wants to sacrifice the entire engineering floor, I have no issue turning her over to the Empire. I remembered that the Cartel Bazaar on the Fleet sold some neat stuff, so I felt Suvia deserved a Hoverchair for her efforts. Now she and Viri each have a different one. Suitable, yes.
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(This is also the PSA that the Cartel Bazaar Underworld vendors sell armor, pets and and mounts that cost $$$$$ on the GTN or Cartel Market for cheap + some cartel certificates. If you don't have enough Underworld rep to buy stuff, feel free to drop by my Manaan stronghold on Star Forge under Viridana Dragoi to play the contraband slot machine and earn rep. I'm still figuring out where it will go on Satele Shan, but probably my Yavin 4 SH).
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sleepysnk · 3 years
small rant/psa?
idk why, but lately i have been seeing a lot of writers coming out to say that people are stealing their works and putting them on other platforms, not only that, but the people copying claim it as their own.
let me just say, stealing/copying someone else's work is not cool. as writers, we spend a lot of time making these fics look great and detailed for everyone, and it is really shitty of other people to basically steal their hardwork, and post it on another platform claiming it as their own.
i'm not sure why this happens or why people just think it's okay? but it's not.
this hasn't ever happened to me but i've seen multiple writers talk about it, and it makes me upset knowing that this happens to hardworking people.
another thing that has also gone around is other people basically copying other peoples works, basically putting the same exact scenarios, events, and basically acting as if the idea is their own.
that isn't cool either, you're basically taking someone else's hard work, and putting it into your own words. in a way, it's like plagiarism.
i ask that you please do not copy or steal my work. i work very hard to put out these fics for everyone, and it would be really shitty if i were to find that someone was stealing it and claiming it as theirs. like i said, it's never happened to me, but seeing how it makes other writers feel i can tell it isn't a good feeling at all. nobody deserves to have their content stolen. it's unacceptable and honestly really immature. please don't do it.
please please! if you find a work that is copied or someone claiming my work as theirs, PLEASE MESSAGE ME ASAP. i don't have an ao3, but i do have a wattpad that i don't post fics on. in general as well, if you find a work that is copied or stolen from another writer, MESSAGE THEM. it's important that we find it and delete it.
as a reminder, copying is absolutely prohibited, and well as stealing my work. i ask that my works are only here on tumblr, and not wattpad, nor ao3.
anyways end of rant
52 notes · View notes
guess who’s back at it again in @martuzzio‘s space outlaw au! this is a bit of a shift from my last two, so please heed the warnings below! if you want to know details about any, or think any others should be added, then drop me a message. it’s also over 7k, buckle in.
usual psa, may not be completely canon to the au. i pick & choose depending on what’ll be most fun, and its up to marzo what (if anything) she wants to keep!  enjoy it as it is!! (aka wels has longer hair in this because i have a crayon licence that says ‘i do what i want’.)
featuring: mumbo has a meeting on his home planet that goes wrong in an impressive way, wels has a sword, an evil tech guy villain, hurt/comfort, me being annoyed i have to use grunts instead of minions because i only see yellow things & good ol’ last minute rescues
warnings: violence, electrocution, mind control esq device (not used on anyone), injury, attempted kidnapping, brief imprisonment, pseudo-science lmao
"So I'm on babysitting duty." Wels is an intimidating sight in his suit, sword glinting in his hand. Mumbo finishes slicking back his hair, trying to get the parting perfect before he replies.
"You're not that much older than me." Compared to some of the hermits, at least. Nobody can come close to Xisuma, anyway. Wels laughs, checking his sword over.
"I feel it." He tilts his head towards Mumbo with half a smile. "I'm pretty much ancient next to you." Mumbo scoffs, flicking through his design folder again. Thankfully, this is more of an exchange than a pitch. Mumbo's improved, certainly, but he'd argue his reputation does most of the work for him. It's the main, if not only, reason he's back here.
"You're going to look it if you bring an actual sword to a tech meeting." Wels shifts his hold, the sword pointed towards Mumbo in an instant, narrowly avoiding the glass screens he's holding.
"Think you can stop me?" He teases, one eyebrow raised. There's the hint of a smirk on his face. Mumbo breathes out, relieved he's not offended him by accident.
"Didn't say you couldn't, did I?" Wels's shoulders rise with a smile, his sword coming to rest at his side.
"Smart decision." Wels picks up his weapon holster. A brief meeting or not, they all know better than to leave the ship without protection. Iskall refused to let Mumbo go until he checked each of his weapons, cleaning them thoroughly. His suit has been examined too, even if he's leaving the helmet on their ship. He knows the air is breathable here and it'll probably help if he's recognised. Wels has his helmet under his arm, waiting to put it on. "You ready to go?" He asks, holding his hand out. Mumbo nods, patting his folder and weapons.
"Got everything I need," he replies. Wels gives him a last smile before putting his helmet on, checking its secure then nodding.
"Let's go get you to that meeting, then." Mumbo glances around the shuttle, making sure everything's shut down. It locks with a satisfying beep. "You know where we're going?"
"Think I remember my way around." Wels nods, gesturing for Mumbo to go ahead with a bow. It's only slightly sarcastic. Mumbo makes sure to roll his eyes as he takes the lead.
He'll admit, it's nice being back on his home planet. Stepping out of the hangar bay to concrete roads and pavements. White buildings reach into the sky, entwined with greenery and tunnelling the layered streets. It's not often he gets to come back here. Plus, he might get to prove himself and his designs. If this works out, it's a massive step for him.
With all its familiarity, it's still strange being somewhere so busy. Cars and buses float down the roads, and they pass by people as they walk. Families with kids, couples, mostly people in the business wear Mumbo recognises. The pair get a few second glances as they make their way through the city. Wearing the suits is a bit of a statement. In truth, Mumbo didn’t want the stress of changing for the meeting. He would've spent forever worrying about what to put on and how he wants to present himself. Whereas Wels would probably live in his suit if given the chance. They're more common in a city like this than in other places, but hardly a frequent sight in public. Being part of the Hermits might also garner some looks, but they should be fine here. It's friendly territory.
Wels sticks close to Mumbo either way. Even without seeing his expression, he can tell how carefully Wels examines their environment. Mumbo feels safer having him here. He wouldn't want to come on his own. The building they're looking for is at the edge of the town centre, a tall office building with an angled top. The same pristine white as the rest of them.
"This it?" Wels asks, crossing his arms. He's looking up at the building.
"Fancy." Mumbo can't help a soft noise of amusement. Inside is a wide lobby, with a fountain of all things at the back of the room, cushioned seats and plants filling the space. It's also strangely empty. The front desk is obvious enough. A hologram of a receptionist appears when they get closer.
"Hello and welcome to Dukes Crown Limited!" The voice is like a parody of a person. Mumbo's never liked the voice of AIs. The closer they are to human, the more uncanny they become. "What is your reason for visiting?" The wide smile never changes. Mumbo shivers.
"Mumbo Jumbo, I'm here for a meeting." The hologram remains still before jumping to life, pointing to a lift at the back of the lobby.
"Your meeting is on the thirty fifth floor, office A. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Mumbo shakes his head quickly, "Nope, that's all, thank you very much."
He's already turned towards the lift as the AI replies, "You're welcome. Enjoy your visit!" Wels joins him as he walks, leaning in close.
"Are they always that creepy?" He whispers, sneaking looks around the empty lobby.
"Unfortunately." He's never been completely comfortable with them. It's all superficial programming. You give something the ability to think and then limit it. "Lobbies aren't usually this empty either. Must be a busy day." Wels hums, sounding unconvinced. He follows Mumbo into the lift anyway, waiting in the corner. It takes Mumbo a second to find the right button. He tries to block out the cheery music and focus on his breathing.
"I don't like this," Wels states what they've both been thinking. Mumbo stares at the door of the lift. He breathes in deep, holding it before letting it out slowly.
"We can't exactly back out now," he says. He's come this far, taken the entire ship off course for this meeting. He knows Xisuma would understand. Gut instincts are there for a reason, as they've all learnt. But Mumbo wants something out of this. Maybe it's selfish.
"We could." Wels gestures to the panel. "We press the button, go straight back down and walk out of that fancy front door."
"You can if you want to," Mumbo tells him. Wels turns to him and Mumbo wishes he could see his expression.
"And leave you alone?" Wels asks. "Absolutely not." Mumbo smiles slightly, watching the number on the display climb until they reach their floor, accompanied by the same artificial voice of the receptionist. Wels steps out first, Mumbo following soon after.
Their suits click against the floors, white plastic beneath them. The walls are halftone between white and blue. It's not particularly appealing, but these offices rarely are. It was a lucky turn of events he ended up how he did. How boring his life would be if he actually made it into one of these.
"Is this the one?" Wels points to a closed door, one of very few on this floor. Mumbo checks the symbol on the side, nodding.
"Looks like it." Wels stands beside Mumbo, resting his hand near his sword.
"You ready to go in?" He asks. Mumbo quickly checks the time, sighing. It doesn't look like he can stall. This whole set-up has brought his anxiety back full force. He knows what he's doing, though. He's practised with the others, he knows not to devalue himself. He's going to be great.
"As I'll ever be." Wels lifts his shoulders, offering an incline of his head. Mumbo smiles back. He raises his hand to knock on the door, but it slides open before he can. Wels makes a quiet noise of surprise behind him. Mumbo shakes his head, stepping into the office.
It's emptier than he's used to. Two bookshelves against the walls, lined with books that look like they've never been read. There's a shutter blocking out the window, leaving the main light the bulb overhead. Towards the back of the room is the desk. It's empty. Mumbo looks to Wels, who's hovering inside the door.
"Do you think we're early?" Wels doesn't get the chance to reply. There's a loud bang from nearby. Mumbo spins in the direction of it just as his suit lets out a warning beep and the light flickers out. When he tries the display it won't turn on. Oh no. "Wels-"
He cuts himself off when he sees him fighting with his helmet, fingers missing the release latch. Mumbo drops his folder, rushing forward and batting Wels's fingers away so he can get to it himself. Wels fights him momentarily but settles when the helmet clicks and Mumbo can slide it off his head.
Fear isn't a stranger to Mumbo. He's certainly feeling it right now. But he's never seen it on Wels before. His eyes are wide until he scrunches them shut, his breath coming out in short puffs and his hair stuck to his forehead. He reaches his hand out and Mumbo offers his own to hold. His heartbeat picks up considerably as he glances around the room. The door has closed and Mumbo has no idea what this is.
"Wels?" He tries, when his breathing has calmed. "You with me?" Wels nods, taking a deep breath in and squeezing Mumbo's hand.
"Helmet stopped getting input." Mumbo winces, glad he didn't wear his.
"It's supposed to release when that happens-" He shakes his head "-I'll look into it. We've got worse problems." Wels blinks hard, standing straight and taking in the situation. His face is still red, but his composure has returned. He finally releases Mumbo's hand.
"The door's shut." Mumbo nods. He examines it, considering the model in his head. The keypad won't even activate when he tries it.
"This model is supposed to open when it loses power," he says, thinking out loud, "It's a safety feature."
"So someone's changed it on purpose."
"Appears so." Mumbo isn't going to think about those implications. "What even was that? Nothing's working." Wels's face is grim, trying to pry the shutters open.
"Localised EMP, I think. Probably only affected this floor."
"Well." Mumbo glares at the door, deciding to pry the keypad open. "This is just wonderful."
"Note to self." Wels ducks under the desk. "Trust our gut instinct." Mumbo makes a noise in response, sorting through the wires in the panel. He knows how these doors work but it doesn't seem to be getting any power. There's no amount of re-ordering wires that can change that. He tries his suit again but gets the same result. They need to get out of here and contact the others.
"Found anything?" He asks when Wels appears again.
Wels shakes his head, "Nothing. I was hoping for an escape latch or... Something." He makes a frustrated noise. "Somebody wants us trapped in here and I'm not going to let that happen."
"Well, I don't think there's any way I can open the door. Unless we can lever it." Wels looks it up and down.
"Right. Last resort." Wels pulls out his sword, launching it at the thin parting in the door. "Please don't break," he murmurs under his breath. In a sharp motion he angles his sword, managing to pry the door open by a crack. "Mumbo!" Mumbo squeezes his elbow in, pushing the door until the gap is wide enough for them both to fit through. Thankfully the only resistance is the weight, rather than any mechanism.
"I doubt the lift will be safe," Mumbo says, checking down the hallways. Wels has his sword by his side, holding it ready. He's left his helmet behind, same as Mumbo's files. An annoying loss, but he's not fighting the door again for them. "Did we pass stairs?"
"I think so." Wels leans on one foot to look down the corridor. "Are those signs?"
Both of their heads jolt in the direction of footsteps down the corridor. There's nowhere obvious to hide. Wels pushes Mumbo into the small alcove by the lift, standing in front of him with his sword to attention. Mumbo can't see his face but his shoulders are set in a tense line. Mumbo reaches for his gun, although he has a feeling it won't work. Neither of them breathe as the footsteps grow closer.
It's two men, dressed in dark clothing. Neither of them look in their direction, focused on the door they should be behind. There's no hint of movement before Wels launches. He butts one of the men on the head with the hilt of his sword, swinging as he drops to knock the gun from the other's hand. He follows it up with a strike against his head with the flat of the blade. Less deadly, but it leaves them incapacitated enough. Wels kicks their guns in Mumbo's direction.
"Anything work?" He asks, pushing the hair from his face back with a scowl. Mumbo scoops the weapons up. His own gun isn't working, so that's great. He plays with the other two, attempting to activate them. He only gets 'access denied' on a small screen.
"It's fingerprint locked. How absurd." He twists the gun to see the underside. "I could rewire it." Wels shakes his head.
"That would take too long," he says, "Our only advantage right now is that they don't know we're free. The blast will have knocked out the cameras on this floor." He nudges one of the grunts with his toe. "When these two don't report in or... Whatever, they'll realise."
"At least we know where the stairs are." Wels smiles, stepping over the grunt. He keeps his sword ready by his side, only slightly bloody.
"That's the spirit." Mumbo exaggerates his sigh and gets an amused puff in response. Wels gestures for him to continue with his hand, both of them making for the stairs.
"What's actually the plan here?" Mumbo asks as they reach the stairwell, thankfully open. Wels leans over the barrier to check below them. "Do we even have one?"
"Nope," Wels pops the 'p'. Well, nothing new there. "Stay behind me."
"Planning to."
He tries to tread lightly down the stairs, difficult with his suit. Wels nearly dances down them, feet ghosting over each step. He stops them both by holding a hand up. Mumbo only stumbles down one stair as he tries to stop. Wels turns, mouthing and pointing them both up around the bend. They press themselves around the stairwell, listening as a few people enter. Mumbo can see Wels relax when they go down away from them.
It's a tense wait for the voices to disappear, punctuated by another door sliding shut. The two wait for a few seconds more.
"This must still operate as an office building," Mumbo murmurs, keeping his voice low.
"It's a big building to rent out just for an elaborate trap." Wels continues down. "Is there usually a back door?" Mumbo hums, trying to think to his adolescence.
"There should be," he replies. Usually into an alleyway, for taking out the trash or something.
"Well, it's that or the front door." Wels checks ahead as they go down another twist. "Which would be a statement."
"They set an EMP off and tried to trap us in a room, Wels."
"A statement," Wels repeats, pausing to give Mumbo a cheeky smile. Mumbo shakes his head. It reminds him of the situation they're actually in. He has no idea what the motivation is for this. At least it's not Convex, he hopes. Variety is the spice of life or whatever. He trusts Wels when he says it was an EMP. There's something very wrong with this situation. Mumbo's a big fan of run first, ask questions later.
They encounter trouble as they reach the ground floor. Wels holds a hand out in front of Mumbo when they hear shouting, both of them stilling. Wels leans forward, listening carefully.
"Head up slightly," he murmurs, pushing Mumbo in the right direction. Mumbo hides around the corner, peering so he can just see Wels. He's pressed against the wall, his breathing measured. He's looking at the ground as the sounds come closer, voices and footsteps.
The door opens and Wels pounces. He kicks behind the knees of the first person, hitting his head with his sword. Without hesitation, he twists to the next, jabbing backwards and knocking them into the person behind. Mumbo is barely breathing, watching Wels's precise movements. Wels is quick to knock their weapons away, hair falling into his face.
A noise behind Mumbo startles him to his feet, raising his arms as he spots more grunts rushing down the stairs. He glances to Wels, finding he's mostly dispatched the ones by him.
"Wels, we need to go!" He calls, rushing down the stairs. Wels drops the last one with a jab to the spine, his shoulders rising with heavy breaths.
"Okay, that's a lot." He grabs Mumbo, narrowly pulling him out the way of a shot. His hand stays around his wrist until they're into the corridor, releasing him to sprint ahead. Mumbo gulps, breaking into a run. He can hear the crackle of electricity hitting the wall beside him, far too close for comfort.
He pauses when he hears a crack of electricity coming from up ahead, calling out a panicked, "Wels!" Wels stops, swerving to the side, but not fast enough to avoid the rope that flies out from a side door. It wraps around his torso, sparking with electricity and pinning his arms to his side. Wels falls with a pained shout. He lands hard on his arm, gasping out for breath. The sword falls too far from Mumbo's reach. He instinctively moves to help until his head kicks in, hearing the shouting around him.
"Hands up!" Mumbo looks at Wels on the ground, his chest heaving as the wire (he can now see that's what it is) crackles again. Wels shifts in place, letting out a weak cry at the pulse as his body tenses. Maybe it's a good thing his hair hides the pained expression Mumbo knows must be there. He raises his hands, allowing one of the grunts to grab his arms and pull them behind his back. Something solid and heavy is secured around his wrists. He almost loses his footing at a sharp tug, turning to see the bloody gash on the guy's head. Maybe Wels should have hit him harder.
A figure enters the corridor that Mumbo is more familiar with.
"Mr. Dukes-" he keeps his voice steady, masking the fear churning in his stomach "-This is an interesting meeting." Internally, he curses the guy out. He only has to take one look at Wels for his morals to disappear. But he knows they're at a disadvantage, and he knows that won't help anything.
"Mumbo," Dukes nods very slightly to acknowledge him before nudging Wels with a pointed toe. Wels groans, trying to curl up and Mumbo bristles. "This would've been much easier if you stayed put." Dukes waves at the grunts. "Take him to an office. I'll move them at nightfall, figure out what to do with the extra." There's a few affirmatives before Mumbo's being dragged away, battling every urge to break free or to call for Wels or something. It feels like he's failed somehow, but he doesn't fight. He doesn't know what to do.
Mumbo paces the room they left him in. He's tried everything he can get his restrained hands on, checked the walls, checked the door, the little furniture there is to check. He can't find a way out of here. In the tiniest crack at the base of the shutters, he can tell it's ticking into evening. They've got time. If they're moved to a second location they're absolutely boned.
There's no telling how long it'll take the others to realise something's gone wrong. First it'll be when they don't get an update after the meeting, but when did they expect the meeting to end? Then they'll send a message but how long until they worry about the lack of reply? A deep part of Mumbo is gnawing at him with the knowledge they might mobilise too late. The Hermits stop at nothing to protect their own, but they need to find them first. It's too easy to disappear.
With any luck, Dukes was only after Mumbo. Wels was extra, wasn't he? Turn him into the right governmental body for a quick profit, easy. Just as easy as it would be for the others to break him out. It's himself he's not sure about. He was the target of all this. For his designs, he's guessing. He slumps against the wall, watching the sunlight creeping under the shutter. He pushes away thoughts of what might happen to him. He's sure he'll find out soon enough.
The light outside gradually fades in colour. Mumbo paces the room several more times until it becomes a strong amber, travelling across the carpeted floor. If he stays still for too long he thinks his worry might consume him. He tries his suit a few times as a last ditch effort, knocking it against the wall. He can't even get annoyed at the work it'll take to fix it. He might not get the chance.
He's mid-pace when the door slides open. Two grunts grab his arms, holding him in place in the centre of the room. He scowls, trying to shift their grip. Dukes follows soon after them.
"It has," he replies, falling into the professional tone. "Do I get to know why we couldn't just have a peaceful, ordinary meeting?" Dukes strides forward, his hands clasped neatly behind him back. He's only an inch taller than Mumbo, but he makes him feel tiny.
"It's been some time, hasn't it, Mumbo?" Should've been longer, apparently. Being rejected for that internship destroyed him, back then. The constant comments, the reminders he'd never make anything of himself. All of it. He was so excited to finally prove himself and look at what that gets him.
"You have no idea how valuable you are, do you?"
Mumbo tilts his head side to side, "About ten million, actually, last time I checked." Dukes laughs.
"One of the smartest minds of a generation," Dukes says, "And still unsurprisingly foolish." Mumbo frowns. It's an effort not to reply. "See, I've been working on a project but I need more brains to push it further. It's nearly perfect and once finished, it could change the scene as we know it." Mumbo doesn't know it. He doesn't want to know it.
"That could've been done through negotiation," he replies, "I'm available to hire."
"I don't think I could pay you to work on this." Dukes holds something in front of him. A collar of some kind. There's sharp, thin spikes around the back, on the inside. Mumbo cringes at the sight. "This has been my brainchild for some time. This collar, combined with a remote, taps directly into the wearer's spinal cord. It can stop or send its own signals, allowing control of body parts the wearer can't use, better health management-"
"You want to use it to control people," Mumbo interrupts, the reality sinking in. He glares at Duke, hiding his terror as anger.
"Smart boy."
"You're right. I won't work on it." He edges back into the hands holding him. Dukes laughs again. The sound makes Mumbo feel dizzy.
"You wouldn't just be working on it," Dukes tells him, in the same tone someone would use to talk to a child. "You'd be one of the first test subjects." Mumbo's eyes widen. He pushes back, thrashing to loosen the grip on his arms.
"No- no, no, no-" He's completely broken and he knows it. No going back now. "Get away from me. Take that thing away. You're sick." Dukes stands there, ignoring Mumbo's panic. He opens an antiseptic cloth, running it over the metal points.
"I imagine it'll hurt going in," he explains like he's reading a book. "But we made sure it'll do as little damage as possible. It's getting it out that could mess things up a little."
"You can't do this. You won't get away with it."
"I think I already have-" Dukes steps forward, holding the collar up, "What will you do, call for help? Oh, wait-" A smile with too many teeth "-You won't be able to." Mumbo pushes himself back, drawing in as a last ditch effort to protect himself. He shuts his eyes and hears the crackle of electricity.
Then the hands around his arms release.
He tumbles to the floor, opening his eyes to see a suit he recognises stunning the second grunt. False turns to him, her expression hidden by her helmet.
"Mumbo-" It sounds as if a heavy weight is lifted when she says it. She drops to her knees, gently checking him over. "Are you okay, did he hurt you?"
Mumbo shakes his head, "No I'm... Alright. I'm okay." He's... It might take a minute to believe it. She sighs, resting her glove on his cheek.
"We were so worried. We just-" She shakes her head, standing and turning to the incapacitated people around her. "Let me sort this out first."
"No, please do." Safer than making the same mistake they did. She pulls out her sets of cuffs, securing the grunts first.
"We got a distress signal from Wels. Apparently it's set for if his suit fails. Then we couldn't find either of you- X went near ballistic," she explains as she works. Mumbo listens, her voice a grounding anchor. "We came as soon as we could."
"Who's here?" Mumbo asks. He knows they couldn't fit the entire ship.
"Iskall, Etho and I. Doc's on back up."
"Is Stress there?" False nods. "Wels might be injured. He seemed bad when he went down." She finishes checking the bindings, raising her arm.
"False reporting," she pauses for an unheard response, "I've got Mumbo. No injuries but he says Wels might be. Tell Stress to be prepared." Mumbo wishes he could hear the conversation, but False lowers her arm afterwards. She hesitates when she sees the collar, picking it up cautiously.
"What even is this?" She asks, helmet tilting to Mumbo. He shudders, drawing his legs closer to himself.
"It's a... controlling device. It accesses your spinal cord to send nerve signals. Lets you control someone." False looks at it for a long second, then to Mumbo.
"He was about to put this on you." She sounds breathless. Mumbo looks into his lap, can't find the words to reply. He might break down if he does. "I'm getting those cuffs off and getting you out. What are the authorities like here?" She leaves the collar to the side.
"They're not awful," Mumbo explains as she works on the restraints around his wrists, "But someone with money and influence like him... He'd probably find a way out of it." She makes a frustrated noise just as the restraints fall away. Mumbo's muscles ache in relief. He rubs at the soreness around his wrists.
"We'll see what we can do," she decides. She offers him a hand. He stumbles forward, kept upright by her firm grip. "Who is he? I'm assuming that's the leader." She dips her head in Dukes' direction. Mumbo sighs.
"Tristan Dukes. Everyone in the city knows him. Well-known for his innovation and inventions, donates regularly to charities. Most inspiring inventors want to work for him." Mumbo gives his wrist a last squeeze. "I tried going for an internship here. It didn't go well. Probably good I didn't get it, if this is what he's doing behind the scenes."
"If I wasn't afraid of waking him up then I'd kick him harder." Mumbo can't help an amused snort. His legs are still trembling.
"That's not very do-gooder of you, False." She laughs, bumping his side gently enough it doesn't knock him over.
"What X doesn't know can't hurt him." He breathes a little easier at her light tone. She reaches for her belt, placing a stun gun in his hands. "You ready to get out of here?" Mumbo glances to the door. He'd like to see Wels, get proof he's okay. But he'll only get in the way. The three of them are a well-oiled machine on missions like this.
"Absolutely." It's a cause for celebration when he steps out of that office prison on its own. "How did you guys get here?" It would be a bit obvious to have a crew in their full suits through the city.
False makes a high-pitched "Well." She shrugs, sounding not very sheepish. "We took one of the ships. Then we may've borrowed a few cars."
"Borrowed," Mumbo repeats. She holds her hands up.
"Hey, we fully plan on returning them this time!" Mumbo shakes his head, following behind her. She raises her arm. "False again-" Pause "-Yeah, I'm getting Mumbo out. Left three people in the office. Floor forty, office B. The one in the fancy clothes is the owner of the company, Tristan Dukes. I want a background check on him. Dig up all the dirt you can find. He's not going free." She hums, glancing at Mumbo. "Okay. Keep me updated."
"Who was that?" Mumbo asks. False starts moving towards the exit, giving her gun a quick check over.
"Ren," she replies. "He's doing comms from home. We should be all set." And isn't he glad to hear that?
Their escape goes better than his and Wels did. Any grunts on the staircase have already been dealt with, tied up in neat batches for the police to find. False still scopes out each corner, all business as they move through. It's the side door they leave through. The cool air in the alley nearly makes him sag in relief. The night is almost on them. She leads him through a network of alleys, head twitching towards any sounds she hears. The distant traffic is a quiet undertone. She approaches a parked car, knocking on the window of it.
The door swings open, Doc inviting Mumbo into the seat. Mumbo near collapses into it, shutting his eyes and leaning against the headrest.
"Mumbo," Doc greets. Mumbo cracks his eyes open, giving a tired smile. "It sure is good to see you."
"Yeah. Yeah, I could say the same." He's ready to sink into this seat forever. Doc rubs his shoulder and Mumbo allows himself to be pushed.
"What are you doing?" Doc looks to False, who's bouncing in place. Mumbo follows his gaze, listening along.
"I'm going to head back in," she tells him. "Can I trust you've got Mumbo?"
"Won't let him out of my sight." Mumbo rolls his eyes, slouching further into the seat.
"I am sitting right here." False laughs, patting his head.
"I'll keep in touch. Stay safe."
Doc nods, "You too." She offers a quick nod, closing the door and darting back into the alleys. Doc turns to Mumbo. He's smiling, but Mumbo can tell concern when he sees it. "How are you doing, man?" Mumbo sighs.
"Exhausted," he admits. "I don't think I've processed it properly at all."
"Understandable," Doc replies. "What even happened in there?" Mumbo groans, rearranging himself to rest against Doc's side. The suits aren't comfortable, but it helps to know someone is behind him after being alone in that room. He sticks his feet on the seat so his legs shield him from the door.
"Meeting could've gone better." Doc laughs deeply at that one, careful not to knock Mumbo off.
"Well, that's one way to put it." Mumbo smiles to himself, resting his eyes.
"Got into the office, EMP went off, broke out the room, nearly got out but got caught, rescued by False." He isn't going to mention the collar, or his history with Dukes. He'll save reliving that for the official report. "Think that covers it."
"Guess it's not just Cub and Scar we gotta worry about, huh." Mumbo presses his hands to his face with a noise of displeasure.
"I don't even want to think about that. I do not want this to be a reoccurring nightmare." Doc chuckles, patting Mumbo's shoulder carefully.
"You'll be fine. Hopefully, it'll all be sorted after this. And you've got us. We're pretty terrifying." It takes a bit of effort, but Mumbo leans his head back far enough to see Doc's eyes.
"You know what, I'm holding you to that." He yawns, the energy that's been keeping him going has drained. He can tell he's crashing. "Protect me from businessmen with delusions of grandeur."
"Oh, of course." Doc's voice is dry. "I'll let Iskall know." Mumbo chuckles, shaking his head. He closes his eyes again, accepting he might not stay awake much longer.
"Big scary Iskall."
"He was big and scary when he found out you were in trouble."
"That's Iskall," he agrees. It's nice knowing that they all care about him. He wouldn't be forgotten. They'd keep looking until they found him.
He doesn't realise he's dozed off until he's being gently moved. He blinks his eyes open and realises he's now lying across the seats. Looking up, he finds Doc resting his hand on Mumbo's side. He's talking to someone out of eye-line. Mumbo relaxes. If Doc's there, then he's fine. He has no doubt in his mind about that at all.
The next time he wakes up, it's because he's being nudged awake. Doc is next to him, with a gentle smile.
"Hey, sleepyhead," he greets, sitting back so Mumbo can sit upright. He yawns, covering his hand with his mouth. "We're back at the ships. Got some stuff to finish up before we go back home."
"Is it finished?" Mumbo asks, rubbing his eyes. When he looks out the window, he recognises the hangar parking.
"Yep." Doc crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat. "There was an incident-"
"Is Wels okay?" Mumbo interjects, fear twisting his stomach. Doc's expression softens as he nods.
"Wels is fine. Fractured his arm and a little bruised, but Stress has got him. He was asleep last I heard." Mumbo sighs, his chest finally expanding again. He sinks back into the seat. He has no idea how they've made it out of this situation as lucky as they have. "You wanna head into the ship? Let one of the others return this car." Mumbo nods. Would be nice to avoid running into the law after all this.
When he gets closer to the ship, he can hear shouting. He frowns, pressing closer to Doc. Doc simply rolls his eyes.
"They're still going," he murmurs.
Doc shakes his head, "Don't worry about it."
He leans over to open the ship door. The arguing silences immediately. False and Iskall turn to them as they enter. They're helmet-less, although False's hair is still in a bun at the bottom of her head.
"Mumbo!" Iskall moves before Mumbo can react, nearly knocking them over as he wraps his arms around him. Mumbo's brain momentarily malfunctions, taking a second to remember to hug Iskall back. "I was so worried, don't you dare do that again."
"I wasn't planning to, but I'll let you know." Iskall steps back, keeping his hands on Mumbo's forearms.
"And you're okay? How are you feeling?"
"I'm-" The lie nearly slips out before Mumbo thinks about it. He sighs, answering truthfully. "I'm a bit shaken. Finding it hard to believe that all happened, honestly."
"We've got you, okay?" Iskall reminds him. "I'll listen if you want to talk." Mumbo nods. He's not sure when that will be, but he knows it'll do him good.
"Will Xisuma want a proper report?"
"Not until you and Wels are rested up," False says, "He's pleased you're safe." She nods to Doc. "We're going to take the car back."
"Make sure you check in," Iskall tells them.
"We will," Doc reassures, offering a wave as they head outside. The ship feels much emptier with the two of them gone.
"Do you want to see Wels?" Iskall asks. Mumbo didn't realise how much he wanted that until now.
"Yes. Yes, I'd very much like that." Iskall smiles, leading Mumbo through the ship. It's bigger than the one he and Wels took. Offers more than three rooms. Iskall takes them into one of the side doors. Mumbo can immediately see the pink of Stress's suit as she moves around the room, humming a tune to herself. She pauses when she sees them in the doorway.
"Oh! Mumbo, you're back!" She smiles. Mumbo spots Etho curled in a chair on his phone. He raises a hand to acknowledge them. "You're not secretly hiding any injuries are you?"
Mumbo laughs, shaking his head, "No, I promise I'm okay. No injuries on me." She pokes her finger into her cheek.
"And you wouldn't mind me checking?"
"Um, if you want to."
She beams at him, "Nah, you're fine!" Iskall scoffs, gesturing out.
"How come that doesn't work for me? This is bias. Surely that's against oath."
"Iskall, love," Stress starts, her voice dangerously sweet, "Your idea of a minor injury is a stab wound. You've lost trust privileges." Iskall makes a noise of protest whilst Mumbo breaks into laughter. He can see Etho smiling out the corner of his eye.
There's a groan from the bed, then a teasing voice, "Who let you lot in?" Wels pushes himself up with one arm. The bulk of his suit is gone, only the black under-layer left. His other arm is bound by tight fabric to his chest. More interestingly, his hair has been neatly plaited out of his face.
"You shouldn't be moving, mister!" Stress scolds, jumping to move the pillows so he can sit up. "No jostling that arm."
"Yes ma'am," Wels replies. He laughs when Stress flicks his cheek, batting her away with his uninjured arm. Mumbo feels like he can finally breathe properly for the first time since all of this started. Wels looks at him, his expression soft. "Good to see you, Mumbo." His voice turns serious when he asks, "You're okay?"
"I'm fine. Virtually untouched." He holds his arms out before remembering he's still wearing his full suit. "Don't know if I can say the same for you." Wels laughs, sinking into the pillows.
"It's only a broken arm."
"Only," Iskall teases, "Like you're not going to complain when you still can't use it in a week."
Wels hums, "Well, Stress gave me painkillers, so I'm not exactly hurting right now." Stress waves her hands.
"All of you have complexes, I swear! You're gonna gain nothing by sitting there all miserable and sore!" She sounds genuinely exasperated. Mumbo is guilty of falling into that category.
"Admit it, you just like seeing us all loopy." Iskall tilts his head towards her. Stress flashes a smirk, resting her cheek in her palm.
"You can't prove it."
"That's admittance." Etho chimes in, keeping his eyes on his phone, fingers moving impossibly fast.
"I- I don't think that's how you use that word." Iskall frowns, his face scrunching in confusion.
"They're all made up anyway," Etho replies, "I'll use them how I want."
"Stress?" Wels asks, turning to her. His voice is perfectly polite.
"Can I have more painkillers for the headache they're giving me?" Mumbo barely holds back his laughter. Iskall doesn't, doubling over with it. It only gets stronger when Etho makes a noise, looking disappointed at his phone.
"Yeah, I think you're going to be okay." Iskall pats the bed by Wels's feet. Stress finally sighs, standing fully and shepherding the two in.
"If you're going to clutter the room up then get some chairs. We can have a sleepover." Mumbo smiles, getting pushed into the chair Iskall slides under him.
"Woohoo," Iskall cheers dryly.
"Does that mean I get ice cream?" Wels asks, "I think I deserve ice cream."
"You need more sleep, is what you need." At Wels's dramatic noise she adds, "Ice cream when you wake up."
Iskall sticks his hand up, "Do the rest of us get some?"
"I want ice cream," Etho adds. Stress breathes in slowly, closing her eyes.
"You lot are gonna be the end of me," she announces with a smile. "Go to sleep." Mumbo laughs. Despite his impromptu nap, he can already feel tiredness settling in again. Surrounded by everyone teasing each other, it's not hard to drift off. Nothing's going to get him here.
"He was going to put that collar on him," False explains. Her arms are folded, back straight. The hologram of Xisuma frowns, a surprising display of emotion during a debrief. "If I'd been literally seconds later, X, I don't know what we'd be dealing with."
"And he's doing okay?" Xisuma asks, concern in his voice.
"He's dozing with Wels," Iskall replies. "He said it hasn't set in yet. I've told him I'll be there if he wants to talk about it. Stress and Doc are with them."
"Okay. And Wels?" The two glance at Etho.
"He wasn't great when I found him," Etho explains, his mission voice in full force. "We think he's broken his arm and he was giving me static shocks, so probably electrocuted. Won't know more unless they open up, but they seemed in good spirits earlier." Iskall nods in agreement. It's concerning him how quickly they've both settled. As if nothing traumatic happened. That's the most insidious kind. The one that punches you later.
"What about the people responsible?" All three of them share glances at that. False swallows.
"We secured most of the grunts. The authorities have picked them up." She made sure of it herself.
"But?" Xisuma prompts.
"The main guy, Dukes or whatever, completely vanished." Bitterness is still heavy in Iskall's tone. False sighs.
"I left him in the room, out cold, whilst I got Mumbo out of there. He was gone by the time I got back and so was the collar."
"None of us saw him leave," Etho adds.
"This is... More concerning. So that device is still out there."
"It won't be easy for him to build himself back up after this," False explains, "Most of the papers are already linking it to his company."
"That's no guarantee," Etho points out. "There's ways to place blame, claim he had no idea."
"Or he'll use it to go even deeper," Iskall comments. Xisuma taps his fingers on his arm, the hologram flickering as he thinks.
"Have you told Mumbo or Wels about this?" He asks, finally. He always puts his crew first.
"We've... No," Iskall admits.
"We're not sure how to."
"Make sure you do," Xisuma tells them, "Before you get back tomorrow." He pauses, looking over the camera. "Well, today now. Consider yourselves dismissed. We can have a full debrief when you're back on the ship." The three nod. They exchange a brief farewell before the hologram shuts off. Iskall turns to False, resting his hand on her arm to stop her rushing off.
"I'm sorry for shouting earlier," he apologises, straight to the point. "This has stressed me out more than I'd like, and finding out that scum got away just-" He breaks off. False smiles.
"It's okay. I get it." She couldn't believe it when she got back and he was gone. Then nobody knew where and her blame had to fall somewhere. "But they're with us, now. We're all safe. We got there in time."
"We nearly didn't."
"But we did," Etho states, joining the conversation. "Don't get stuck on the ifs right now. They're going to need us."
Iskall nods. "Right. Yeah." He perks himself up. "After mission nap?" False shakes her head, the three heading back through the ship.
"It's past midnight," she reminds him.
"After mission bedtime," Etho suggests. Iskall laughs, but nods along.
"Things could've gone worse," he states. False claps lightly, aware of the possible sleeping hermits.
"There you go! That's more like it."
"Mission successful-ish," Etho agrees.
"We got them back," False says, "That's the main thing."
None of them want to consider the alternative.
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pocmuzings · 4 years
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hello hi , it is g , ur friendly local neighbourhood hindu indian ( as in south asian  ) ! so a few people requested that i just make a guide-esque sorta thing on hindu  indian characters ! im not really good at guides , so instead , these are just little things i’ve noticed or picked up on that could really potentially strengthen the next indian character u ( pretty please ! ) pick up ! 
disclaimer : i am writing this from my perspective and it is NOT definitive , nor do i speak on behalf of all hindu indians  ! i am a 23-year-old bisexual cis female hindu indian , with one older gay brother, and a Train Wreck middle brother . my mother is from new delhi , and my father is from nairobi but has indian heritage ( not sure which part of india bc he’s an Engima ) . i have extended family in india and have visited india about 10-15 times throughout my entire life .
so firstly , im so glad u all are here and want to write more hindu indian characters ! please please do so !  i hope this helps , encourages u , and isnt too confusing !! 
psa : i need everyone to know that this is a very basic ‘ guide ‘ and theres a lot it DOESNT touch on or address bc i didnt want to get too Extensive and Detailed and have people Turn off and not Read it . this is just written in the terms of hopefully helping build  character / be relevant to characters a bit better that ive employed into writing my OWN hindu indian character creations !  but if u have any other questions pls reach out to me or any other indians in the rpc and im sure we’ll try our best to assist u !
one thing i’d really like to say is that its great to see fcs like dev patel  , deepika padukone and avan jogia picked up every now and then in rps , but there’s actually a LOT of other indian fcs you could be and should be using ! the main reason people don’t seem to know them is because they’re not ‘ hollywood ‘ stars per se ( it was a super big deal when pr*yanka broke out of bollywood and into bollywood but we don’t talk about her on this Blog ) . they’re usually bollywood stars and i don’t really see bollywood discussed that much in the rpc ! 
if you’re after MORE indian fcs , i have a tag of indian females here , and indian males here . the fcs on my blogs are also not ALL that exist . there are plenty of other blogs out there that post indian fcs , such as sonamhelps &  bollymusings !!! there’s also some really great faceclaim directories out there that include a LOT of indians with resources !
 unfortunately , i do not know of any trans indians or nonbinary indians but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist . indian cultures and beliefs are still quite Old School and not super progressive . india only just had it’s first wlw mainstream bollywood film released last year . lgbtqia+ issues are NOT really spoken about in india or within indian families at ALL , and if they are - they’re usually dismissed or reacted to Very Very Badly . ( again this isnt definitive and im sure and hopeful that some indians have had GREAT coming out stories and been accepted by their families but this has not been a common thing ive seen or witnessed from my cousins my age , indian friends , myself and my brother who are lgbtqia +  ) 
we do eat with our hands and we eat like PROS with our hands . we can shovel it so easily and quickly . i don’t know how to describe it but you use the first three fingers of your hand to place the Food there , and then use your thumb to kinda scoop it off and into your mouth . this is NOT unhygienic because indians wash their hands very regularly and most of the time we aren’t actually touching our mouths to our hands ! 
indian food is MADE to be eaten with your hands for the most part . it is literally NOT practical to eat food with a knife and fork . here’s a really great article explaining things more in depth re: indian food and using our hands !
cows are seen as Very holy beings in hindu indian culture , and for that reason - there isn’t a lot of beef being eaten or consumed. sure , some indians DO eat beef but i don’t think its super common, but in my personal experience as a non-beef-eater this results in A LOT of me asking ‘ oh ,  sorry what sauce does that pasta come with ? ‘ ‘ oh those are beef sausages ? sorry i can’t eat them ‘ etc etc . beef is in a LOT of things , and this makes me very very careful and almost pedantic about what i do eat and ask about , food wise  !
indian food is seen as stinky by a majority of white people . it has a very very strong smell as im sure u know , and opening ur lunch box as a little kid to a Curry or Dal ur mum has made u ? one way street to being bullied . i also remember a time a real estate agent continuously told my dad nobody was interested in buying our house bc it smelled too much like curry,  despite my mum not having cooked curry in Weeks ( just say what u Really mean ,  bitch ! )
 indian curry exists but so does dal / daal . this is curry-like dish that is usually made out of lentils . so if ur going to talk about indian food and u know curries and samosas . . pls also bring up dals . and sabji ! ( sabji is usually just boiled vegetables plopped together . a lot of potato usually )
desserts are what we call Indian Sweets  . this is stuff that is usually very VERY sugary and a bit of an accustomed taste . theyre very colourful and LOOK beautiful but even i , for one , can not eat many indian sweets bc they are a Lot of Sweet and Sugar    . examples of indian sweets that u can google  : gulab jamun , burfi , rasgulla , jalebi etc . here’s a great link for more !
give me spiced food or give me death . literally . . put some cumin in . . put some garam masala . . put some chillies . . flavour ur Food for my Indian Taste Buds 
if you are the oldest son of an Indian Family . . congratulations . you are now the Head of the family and must carry every weight and burden alone . it is extremely isolating and taxing on you ( my dad is the oldest indian son , and also - so is my eldest brother , obvs ) . there is a LOT that is expected of you to do . you are expected to quite literally run the family and be the ‘ man of the house ‘ by yourself . 
if you are a daughter . . . even BIGGER congratulations ! you are basically a maid to every male or guest who EVER comes over to your house . you must be a Hostess , you must be in the kitchen cooking , serving snacks, bringing tea , and then washing up and basically waiting on Hand and Foot . you will not be included into a lot of dialogue or engaged in a lot of conversation and TRUST ME ! THAT WILL GRIND UR GOD DAMN GEARS IN THE 21ST CENTURY ! 
if you are a boys’ boy ( aka straight and Sporty ) , then congrats ! you get it the easiest : you are the favourite of every social event . the uncles and cousins love talking to you and dude-ing it up with you , and the aunts fawn over you and think you’re the Best Thing since sliced bread . sit back , put your feet up , and expect to be treated like a God. you can do absolutely no wrong . ( my middle brother is this to a T and listen . . he’s been in and out of jail for physical violence and ab*se for over 5 years . and family still FROTH over him . my teeth are gritted to dust thinking of this again ) 
indian aunties are lethal . they gossip like teenage girls . they will find out everything . they will bitch behind your back . they can NOT be trusted .
everyone is ur uncle or aunt, sister or brother . literally everyone . ur cousin ? no. thats ur sister . ur dads friend ? no , thats ur uncle . you will call them as such . EVERYONE is family .  
family is in general a VERY BIG THING in indian culture , too . ‘ what will it Look like to everyone else if we don’t all arrive together ? ‘ my dad usually asks dskjdfjn . it’s all about Looking Right and Standing As A United Front  . that being said , indian family has undying and unwavering loyalty for one another , they just show it in a very Weird way .
female hindu indian formal  clothes are usually really embroidered to hell and back and this makes them very scratchy , uncomfortable, and HEAVY . you aren’t running anywhere anytime soon in a full blown lehenga or saree 
most ‘ modern ‘ hindu indian women do not wear full Indian Clothes all the time . some do , but usually it’s a lot of wearing a kurti tunic with jeans , or just normal everyday clothing . again , this is going to be different based on which parts of india your character is from , though ! 
usually , older women and married women  wear traditiona hindul indian clothing quite often . i know my mum wore a sari AT HOME everyday when i was growing up, until i was like 13 and took her shopping with me to get something Else to wear . 
bindi’s just stick right onto ur forehead but they do fall off a lot , especially when ur wearing makeup or sweating . again , you don’t need to wear a bindi everyday , unless thats ur preference . i usually only wear them for festivals . ( festivals means indian celebrations , not like . . coachella  ((which u should not be wearing a bindi to , if ur not indian fyi )) )
male formal clothes are usually just literally anything Formal and buttoned up for the most part , and u can get away with that , or you can wear a really nice kurta
indians wear white at funerals , not black  ( not sure if this should go in the fashion section but this entire thing is being organised into a Mess by now anyways ) . you CAN wear black to a funeral of course , but its common to wear white !
DATING ( tw’s for islamaphobia ): 
modern day indian / desi fuck boys exist and my god they are Something Else . hasan minhaj did a really good piece about this and explaining them to a T ( starts at 1:43 )
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT WILL MENTION ISLAMAPHOBIA AND HOMOPHOBIA ! ) basically according to Older  indians , ,  ur dating options  in 2020 go like this ( if ur a cis female like me ) : hindu indian men are god tier , white men are Not Okay But I Guess So Bc We Have To Accept They’re Everywhere , females / being lgbtqia+ is not Taken Seriously , and muslims are literally not even close to being an option or Accepted  . again this isn’t definitive but based on a lot of  indian media i’ve consumed and seen how they portray muslims in general as well as Dating Options , as well as talking to other indians  , both who are older / traditional and hold these ideals , whereas Younger gens generally do NOT hold these ideals  / actively are Against these backwards ideals.   i remember when i was in year 6 and had my first boyfriend . . he was a muslim and my dad FLIPPED the FUCK out  . it’s not even that i was dating someone / young / his only daughter . . it was mainly because i was dating a muslim . again , this is a very OLD SCHOOL and traditional way of thinking and it is NOT CORRECT .  pls don’t take this as a note to be islamaphobic if u write an indian character bc . . thats literally the opposite of what im trying to tell u here . 
yeah arranged marriages are definitely still a thing for us , even now in 2020
YES if u are an unmarried / single indian ( ESPECIALLY if ur a woman ) about to enter ur 30s . . ur in DANGER and u are the black sheep and theres probably something Wrong With You bc why are u still single ?
idk if its just me and my family but we are SUPER superstitious . if you say anything like ‘ he hasnt gotten sick in years !’ immediately , everyone knocks on wood or their head . if you were planning on leaving the house and sneeze ? thats bad luck , stand and wait for five minutes then u can leave . we have a strong belief in drishti , or  alternatively : The Evil Eye  , and making sure we don’t invite it into our lives . a lot of our prayers are about warding drishti away .
the evil eye is kinda Complicated but basically its an ill-wishing upon an unsuspecting person . if somebody is jealous of you or angered by you , they may wish upon you or cast upon you the Evil eye ( or even just glare at u whilst ur not looking and thats Big Bad ) . 
a lot of older indians , like older people in general i guess , are not super progressive or Open . this isnt ALWAYS the case but older indians can be very very stubborn in their beliefs in what is Right and Wrong , Normal and Not Normal 
theres a LOT of hindu indian festivals and events ! tbh too many for me to even keep up with . but without fail at least once a year ill say to ONE of my friends ‘ oh sorry i cant make it . i have an indian Thing on that day ‘ and its usually about a festival , so pls be aware that there are a LOT of indian festivals and if ur writing an indian character , its perfectly understandable and Relatable for them to say they can’t make it to a party or hang out with their friends that night , for that very reason !
the main / most popular ( ? ) festivities  that i personally do celebrate every year without fail are : 
diwali ( the festival of lights , celebrating goddess lakshmi roaming the earth . in my household this is usually turning on literally every single light and lighting candles and fireworks / sparklers and saying some prayers , and eating a formal dinner all together !  )  
holi ( the festival of colours . celebrating victory and love . again personally for me , this was usually celebrated at the temple with all of us Kids running around throwing paint on each other ! ) 
rakhi / raksha bandhan ( a day of sisters celebrating their brothers . you tie a rakhi which is usually a bracelet / holy string around your brothers wrist , feed them some food , pray for their wellbeing and in return they gift you something . in my case, i usually get money from them ) .
navratri  / durga puja ( 9 nights and 10 days of celebrations but tbh u don’t have to do all the days . or i mean . . i don’t . i fast one day from morning to night and then i slide on over to boogie and dance dandiya which is literally the MOST FUN dance ever bc its based off some Historical Fight and u go faster and faster and keep going until ur absolutely SPENT bc u dont wanna lose ur place in the circle )  
there are SO MANY HINDU INDIAN GODS too . and so many prayers to all of them and to just general Life Wellness . chances are that ur character will know at least ONE aarti / gazal / prayer off by heart and have sung it at least 30 times in a monotone voice . the ones i know off by heart bc ive had to sing them 3000 times ? om jai jagdish hare , & the gayatri mantra 
GENERAL LIL THINGS I DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO CATEGORISE ( tw’s for skin whitening , colorism and classism ) :
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR SKIN WHITENING AND COLORISM  ) lets hold indians accountable right now : we advertise SKIN LIGHTENING CREAM  . i think they finally stopped that earlier this year / due to BLM ( i’m not entirely sure / could be wrong ) , but thats literally how bad it is , that we would openly advertise and encourage people to literally bleach their skin rather than look darker . 
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR COLORISM AND CLASSISM ) colorism is a BIG thing in india and usually linked to class . generally speaking , the people who are Darker Skinned are usually people who work outside / labourers or homeless even , and are therefore seen as lower class / bottom class . the lighter skin you have , the more privileged and advantaged you are bc ur seen as working a Good job out of the sun and having a home . it’s incredibly classist as well as just generally Fucked Up . why am i telling u this ? mainly so u understand the importance of using a dark skinned indian fc vs a light skinned indian fc which i know is hard , bc a lot of darker skinned indians arent in hollywood / have resources , but its still something to Think About .  
i have a long Ethnic name . literally my first name is 10+ letters , which i know doesnt seem that long Necessarily but its also a Super Ethnic name with e’s and and j and n . it Flows and Sounds very clearly different from a christian name . it is VERY important to me that my name be said Correctly because i’ve spent so much time having it said incorrectly or Westernised . i also know a lot of indians my age who ( like me ) have had to dramatically shorten their REAL first name ( which is usually also pretty long . not always , but it is Common ) , to fit their name into white people’s mouths better . please put some thought into ur indian characters name !
not all indians speak hindi ! hindi is one of MANY dialects within india . there is also tamil , urdu  , bengali , punjabi , telugu and SO many more , so pls research which part of india ur character / their family  is from bc hindi won’t always be the default language for them !
not every indian is hindu ! of course ur character doesnt have to be religious at all , bc if im being honest IM barely religious but my FAMILY is and this is smth u should think abt bc religion is a pretty big thing for indians . so even if ur character isnt hindu , they were probably raised with SOME religious beliefs . have a think about which religions they would have been brought up with ! there’s a very large percentage of practicing muslims , sikhs and buddhists too ! and even christianity !
the first step should be to consume indian media ! listen to indian music . watch bollywood movies ! theres SO MANY  out there on everyone’s netflix . if u want some recs , let me know and i can try my best to find smth for u ! if u want smth thats Hollywood-indian . . . Hasan Minhaj is great to watch , especially his episodes on indian culture / politics , and Never Have I Ever on netflix was rlly good / relatable for me personally as an indian growing up in a western society !
i would really really love to see more indian rep in general , but i’d also like to discuss the Stereotypes that ive seen indians portrayed as in mainstream hollywood media :
indian women as soft spoken and subservient beings who are abused by their husbands and have no say in anything 
heterosexuality within indian relationships and indian dating 
indian men as sleazy 
indians in general not being seen as Sexy or Sexual beings with any sex drive at all 
Stumbling , Stuttering , Nerdy awkward messes of men who don’t know how to interact with anybody they find sexually appealing
an indian character that everybody ( usually white ) finds Uncomfortable and Weird and is seen as usually the Butt of the joke .
 i think those mentioned above could be helpful in how to plan your next indian character and think about how to SUBVERT a trope theyre often portrayed as , or create an indian thats not stereotypical !
so what and who SHOULD you write ? 
an indian character who is proudly and openly gay , or bi 
a trans or nonbinary indian ( PLEASE ! ) 
an indian character with really super accepting parents and family 
an aromantic indian 
an indian who is focused on their career first and not their dating life 
a fuckboy / fuckgirl ( honestly . . i’d love to see it )
a indian character who is a party animal 
an outspoken indian female who takes no shit and is strong in every sense of the word
a confident , smooth talking indian businessman who is Sexy and Lusted After ( not in a gross christian grey way but just . i’d love to see indian characters seen as Sexy . not in a fetishy way , either , but just because it’d be a nice change in pace ! )
a character who IS traditional / religious but also very progressive and forward thinking in their beliefs 
honestly just any character that isnt whats mentioned above
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Since it seems like some people haven't actually read the origonal Death in the Family, and with the animated movie maybe coming out in the fall, I thought I'd make a quick friendly fandom PSA on what happened in the comic.
So we open with Batman and Robin tracking down pornographers... I'm assuming child pornography, cause I don't think regular pornography was a crime in 1988. Jason is reckless and rough with the criminals, and this is notably after Jason's already maybe-maybe-not pushed an abuser/cocaine trader off a roof. Bruce has a Concern.
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So then Bruce's like "maybe I made a mistake and Jay should take a break from being Robin because he's clearly still traumatised" like a hypocrite. Jason does NOT handle this well.
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Careful Bruce, that sounds a lot like therapy you're suggesting.
So, Jason goes for a walk to blow off steam and finds himself at his old Crime Alley apartment where he lived with his mom and (sometimes) his dad.
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This is Mrs. Walker. She was Jason's neighbor and a friend of his mom. She saved a bunch of the Todd's personal papers when their shit got auctioned off. She sees Jason stop by the apartment and gives him the box.
Meanwhile, Bruce's is handling a case involving the Joker, but nobody cares about the details on that... yet.
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Jason goes through the box and finds his birth certificate. But what's this! He can't read his mother's name due to water damage, but that sure looks like an S!
Could it be Catherine Todd isn't his birth mother? (Yes.) Could it be his real mother is... Superman? (No.)
So, Jason's SAD Catherine's not his "real" mom, but then he's happy because that means he might not be an orphan anymore.
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So, he finds his dad's old adress book and finds three women with names begining with S: Sharmin Rosen, Shiva Woosan, and Dr. Sheila Haywood. Can I just say? Goddamn, being a low-level Two-Face henchman introduces you to some Interesting people. And Jason gets it in his head that he's going to Find His Birth Mom.
He goes overseas to do just that. Bruce goes overseas on a lead with his Joker case, which happens to put him an Jason in the same spot. Jason "Are You My Mother?"s Sharmin and Shiva. Sharmin says she's never had a baby in Gotham, Shiva says she's never had children - which has notably been retconned, since Cassandra Cain is a few months older than Jason, but wouldn't be invented for several more years.
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"Are YOU my mother?!"
So Jason finds Sheila Haywood, who - surprise, surprise - is his bio mom. But oh no, the plot! Remember how there's a Joker plot happening? Well...
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So Jason sees the Joker and runs off to tell Bruce who's like "stay put, the plot is happening and I don't want you facing Joker alone." And Jason's like "okay, sure, but..."
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Notably, Jason DOESN'T go after the Joker alone. All he tries to do is get his mom to safety, and makes the mistake of telling her he's Robin. And what does Sheila do with this information?
Turns her biological child over to a known violent criminal. And pulls a gun on him.
This is the part most people know. Joker beats Jason with a crow bar (Sheila pretends like it's not happening...) and then she asks him what they're going to do when BATMAN finds out, because she just had to open her big mouth. So Joker decides he can't leave evidence because the Bat only goes "nova" when he's positive someone is guilty, so he and his goons tie Sheila up and leave her and Jason to be exploded.
Jason wakes up and despite being BETRAYED by his birth mom, he still tries to save her. I refuse to say she redeems herself, but she does TRY to rescue both of them, but the door is locked and they get exploded anyway.
This would later be retconned as Deadman possessing Sheila's body, so yeah, Sheila is a huge piece of shit and doesn't even get her one redeeming thing.
When Batman arrives, it should be noted that all he knows is what a dying Sheila tells him, which isn't much. Mostly that the Joker did it and that she doesn't deserve a good, kind child like Jason. BRUCE DOES NOT KNOW JASON DIDN'T INTENTIONALLY CONFRONT THE JOKER. This fact will effect the way he interacts with his children for, oh, the rest of his goddamn life. Bruce's waffling between "Jason was reckless and it got him killed" and "it's all my fault" begins the minute the warehouse explodes, when in reality the only people at fault are the Joker and Shiela Haywood... and, like, those two goons with the Joker, but fuck 'em, I'm pretty sure they dont have names and I think they die via Joker gas or something.
So then there's this whole plot where everyone thinks Bruce wants to kill the Joker, and they don't want him to because Joker is *checks notes* the ambassador of Iran? So he's got diplomatic immunity?
...I'm not gonna touch that.
Anyway, so Superman gets involved. Shit goes down. A helicopter blows up. Bruce begs Clark to find Joker's body in the water, but they imply they can't. As ya do.
And so that's death in the family. Some aspects of it didn't age well from the late 80s to now, but it's overall a really solid story with some very good scenes between Jason and Bruce and I hope the adaptation does it justice and improves on it.
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starryeyedrogue · 3 years
I’m my hometown’s cryptid
ok, like the title suggests, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m my hometown’s cryptid. PSA: THIS ISN’T A PICK-ME POST. just something I realized recently. anyway, here’s proof:
I’m basically a carbon copy of whoever I’m with (specifically family and close friends). my voice is extremely similar to my mom’s, so much so that if need be, she can pretend to be me/vice versa on the phone and the other person (family included, even my dad can’t tell sometimes and we’re very close) can’t tell. the only real difference is the intonations (though similar) are slightly deeper and almost harsh/more stern than my mom’s. 
probably the most convincing, my speech patterns. you know that post that’s about vampires using slang from all the eras they’ve been alive during? yeah, that’s just me. I’ll unironically use “cowabunga,” “yeet,” and “effervescent” in the same few sentences without realizing. people always look at me weird.
literally nobody has any idea what I’m saying 90% of the time. like in the last point, I have this unfortunate habit of using both “dead” words and slang from different eras in the same few sentences without realizing. I can’t tell you how many times people ask me to explain what I just said
no matter who I’m with, people ask if I’m related to them somehow. they’re usually right, but when I’m with a boyfriend it’s extremely awkward for everyone involved for obvious reasons. note: I don’t date people who look the same as me or my family. idk why people think that but ok ig? 
I can’t be out at certain times, specifically if it’s a particularly grey day out. it really hurts my eyes. if it’s raining, I can’t really go out either (partically bc I have curly hair, partially bc if there’s lightening I’ll probably have a seizure if it’s bad enough)
my eyes are a weird color. grey eyes are kinda rare, and no one in my family has my eye color. all the way back to great-grandparents! my dad has blue-green eyes, my mom’s are dark brown. same thing for both sides of the family. green eyes and brown eyes all the way back. by rights, I should have brown eyes.
my hair is a weird color. my dad has super dark hair, almost black, and my mom has auburn hair. again, all the way back to great-grandparents. my hair has black, brown, red, and blonde in it, depending on the light (I shed a lot, half the time it’s either straight-up blonde or black, which really doesn’t make sense. nobody in my has blonde hair, literally no one. where did this come from)
you can literally see through my skin. I’m super super pale (paler than you think), and you can see the veins all over my body, even on my stomach and I’m curvy
my arms are double-jointed. this isn’t weird by itself, but I have to contort my arms to make them “normal” if I’m going to shoot my bow. you know that part of your arms that you get blood drawn from? usually on the inside, right? not on me. I don’t have to move my arm at all when I get blood drawn. my arm is just like that all the time.
my bones are way stronger than normal, including my skull. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cracked my head against the wall in my sleep (corner bed for life) and it literally does not even hurt. I don’t even wake up, and if I hit my head, it’s gonna be really hard
I’m a light sleeper. again, not weird at first, but if someone (even a cat) walks across the floor, I’ll wake up. thunderstorms however? I’m gonna be asleep for days and won’t wake up til the rain stops. 
as a kid, I’d sit up whenever I wake up and sleeptalk. poor Mom. 
I’ve always had long hair and I usually wear nightgowns to bed if it’s hot. as a kid, my mom said I looked like the girl from the Ring, my hair was (and is) always in my face
I walk very quietly without meaning to. somehow I always stomp at the same time, but no one hears me?? I’ve scared so many people accidentally hehe
I literally study textbooks for fun who does that
my face (so far anyway) has stayed the same. most people don’t look like toddlers after they grow up a bit, but my face is the same. exactly the same. most people have no clue how old I am which is fun. I’m also 5′3″ so that doesn’t help
I’m always in the right place at the right time. whenever someone’s about to fall/drop something, I’m there a few seconds before. if someone needs help, I’m already looking for them to help or ask something completely unrelated
plants really perk up around me. I have at least 20 plants in my room rn and they’re thriving. when plants get sick/are dying, my mom brings them to me and they’re fine before the week is out. I don’t even have to interfere, they just are fine if I’m there
my eyes and skin literally hurt if it’s too bright out. also my highlighter has glitter in it and it regularly gets all over my hands/face so it’s like that scene in twilight 🥲
I’m always prepared. I’m talking extra gas if I’m driving, bandaids, juice boxes for low sugar (I’m not even diabetic), something for protection (self-defense), etc etc. even had a whole coffee (like the starbucks bottles) in my purse once with no memory of putting it there
that’s enough for now, I have more but like..this is a long freaking post. sorry lol
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