#anyway. i started bawling and made my husband look at me so we could laugh at me instead
needle-noggins · 9 months
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HOO BOY I DIE. Okay I'm catching up on Book Club and I just finished Vol. 11. I'll post more later (probably) (I don't actually have that much to say lately, I'm out of Analysis Juice), but I want to talk a little bit about VM because I've seen the indirect kiss/fistbump so many times and this time it just? broke me??
I wasn't into Vashmeryl until after I finished Trimax for the first time, and even then, I didn't really see it until a good friend showed me the light. It's about the coming together and hoping for a better life, it's about showing your emotions, even if it's messy and weird. It's about healing.
"You really have become a crybaby. Do you think I'm going to lose? You don't think that, do you?" {losing implies failing or dying; Vash doesn't care about the latter, but Meryl clearly does. That complicates Vash's plan, huh?)
I feel like this is... if Vash fears that if Meryl is crying over this, could it be true? He's looking to her for strength. She can't be strong for him. So is he making a mistake? Meanwhile, he's recognizing that, even if there's a chance Meryl is right, he's going to try. He'll be back, (spoiler), he promises. And he's going to try to comfort her before he goes.
Even if you read them as platonic. I just. melt into a puddle of emotion over this.
A little kiss to the knuckles, fist bump. (Nightow, I love you, but man. It really shows through how you're scared of drawing/writing romance. Despite making characters who all love each other SO DEEPLY). The fist bump says, "I care. I love you so much," and maybe a little bit of, "I'm sorry."
Also, Milly is, once again, the smartest person in the room. Meryl can still get sad. Let Meryl get sad. Let her be hurt! She's a whole person, she doesn't have to be strong all the time to be a leader!
I love Milly and Meryl and Vash and Trigun goodnight. I'm going to go back to crying now.
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pepaldi · 2 years
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Dear Mr Ramis ... Harold,
I had this letter all formed out in my head but now when I sit here it’s almost all blank. I do not want to put all your legacy on just Ghostbusters though that will always be a big part of it and I know you did not mind that. That was my intro to you back in the ‘80s and of course, Ghostbusters II. Two very, very special films. (Thank You Dan.) Anyway, unlike you, I have a terrible memory so I am not sure after that how much you were in my life. When you passed in 2014 I seemed to be going through an Anxiety/Depression state. I am basing this on, silly really, that I always re blog or post at least one post on Social Media of someone I admired when the pass but from the archives there is nothing. Just a mini break.
Then of course I heard about Ghosbusters: Afterlife. I was torn from the start. I was torn even though  people seemed to love it. Two reasons, I have a weird relationship with movies (and TV shows) but also I knew you were gone and still you were part of the movie. As an very emotional person I knew I was gonna be a mess. So, I put it off. Then one day in January of this year my husband said ‘we’re were gonna watch a movie’ and that I would love it. I did not want to but he insisted and now I am so glad he did. It was a beautiful love letter to you, your family and the fans. The ending had me bawling. After that I watched the ending multiple times and cried every time.
Then, what followed was me rediscovering you and re mourning you all at once. I obsessively has since spent hours and hours searching and learning. Seeing things I had not seen in years, seeing new things but most of all discovering things about you I never knew before. Come to appreciate you on a whole new level. Not as an actor, or director, or writer (although you were good at all that) but mostly as the person you were.You had so many qualities and traits I admire deeply. Some I wish I had myself but we are all different. I wish you could teach me how to be more fearless. How to embrace things or tackle the as they come. Although I’ve gone through hardships I’m still scared of the future. I wish you could teach me how not to be. I wish you could teach me how to not overthink so much. Just to be.
It, I will admit, felt silly (not often but once or twice) to grieve so hard for someone I never knew in person but that’s what I did and still do. An online friend of mine sent me your daughter’s book. I have sneak read parts of it here and there which resulted in me crying almost every time. I do not know if I will ever be able to read it fully. Not to mention I tend to over analyze things and it bring up questions that, really, are none of my damn business. You wrote in a letter to your kids that you wouldn’t waste life. That is was a precious gift. To me, it seems you lived life fully. You did so many things. Accomplished so much. Sure, you had more to accomplish and it’s really sad that you never got to do those things. Never got to see certain future moments for your children. Never got to grow old with your wife. You did not deserve the ending you got. For someone who made so much good in the world you were cheated of the last years of your life. It is really sad to think like that but it can not be helped. The fact that you tried to keep an optimistic look on life even through your illness is just another thing I admire you for.
Knowing your personality I do not think you would want me or any of us to cry. So  when things started happening that would make me laugh out in the middle of a cry session, well I like to think it was you. Your way of saying *Don’t cry for me. I’m ok. I’m good now. Laugh with me instead.* If that was you please stick around. If it wasn’t please get your ass of whatever astral plane you are on to (please) visits me at times or (please) hear me when I talk to you. Please. I say that with so much love. I feel you were a larger than life person so in my mind not even death could keep you away or down. You are probably looking over your family and friends but do squeeze me in. I am sure other admirers of yours feel the same way.
You are so loved.
You are so missed.
Your legacy will always live on.
And you dear sweet, sweet soul, wherever you are I hope you are smiling as always.
With love and admiration,
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Seasons of PD: Season 1: Lonnie Rodiger (A Jay Halstead + Halstead! Sister Imagine)
Any quotes from season one that I put in here, credit obviously goes to the writers of PD. For the sake of my story, Ben Corson was killed when he was 11 so you would've been 10. 
Trigger warning for mentions of rape and murder.
Jay's age: 27
Your age: 13
Jay walked up the steps of the front porch of his childhood home. With how crazy gangs have become the past few weeks, it was hard for him to get a good night's sleep without his phone going off, let alone keep track of what day it was. So, when he walked into the district this morning and learned that it was the day of what would've been Ben Corson's fourteenth birthday, he was crushed. He'd learned how to deal with the pain because it wasn't his best friend, it was the little brother of his ex-girlfriend. But, he was your best friend and, despite the saying that time heals all wounds, this day was still hard on you. It was a bit better than when the night he was killed rolled around each year, but it was hard nonetheless. It was also hard because Jay had to see his dad, even if it was just for a few minutes.
"Hey, Jay. How's work?" Pat Halstead asked as his youngest son entered the house. He was seated in the recliner in the living room, catching the highlights of the Blackhawks game from last night.
"Please don't do that," Jay stated.
"Do what?" Pat asked as he muted the tv.
"Pretend like you care. Pretend like you were there for me when I was Y/N's age because we both know you weren't. Remember that fight I got--"
"Jay? Are we going to the Corsons?" you asked, popping into the living room and stopping your dad and Jay's conversation in its tracks.
"Uh, yeah, c'mon let's go," Jay faltered.
You smiled, but it was more of just tipping one side of your lips upward. Today was a day that didn't warrant full smiles, only half-smiles and maybe a few quiet giggles like when you, Jay, Gail, Danny, and occasionally Allie if she was home, told stories about yours and Ben's escapades when you were younger...when Ben was alive.
"Thanks. I made a card, too." You turned to your dad before you left. "Bye, Dad. See you tonight."
"Bye, don't let her eat too much cake, Jay," your dad replied.
"And just for that, you're getting two pieces," Jay whispered in your ear as soon as you were out on the front porch. You rolled your eyes. "Hey, don't use that teenage sass with me, missy."
"Shut up," you joked. "It's just funny because every time Dad tells you not to do something, you do it anyway. It's probably because it's more fun when you're not allowed to do it."
"Okay, fine, I guess you're right about that."
"Ha, you're wrong about something!"
"Technically, I wasn't wrong. I just said you were right. But, do not tell Will."
"No promises."
You walked up the porch steps and Jay rapped on the door of the Corson's. You took a deep breath, trying to forget the many afternoons after school that you'd do the same exact thing, impatiently waiting for Ben to emerge so that you could both play in the backyard together until one of you got called inside for dinner, not without promises to play with each other the next day.
"You okay?" Jay asked, noticing your change in demeanor from joking with him to solemn in a matter of seconds.
You shrugged, not knowing what to say.
"Jay, Y/N," Gail Corson said as she answered the door after you and Jay had each given her a hug.
You walked inside to the kitchen table, where Ben's dad, Danny, was just sitting, staring into space. "Hey, Danny," Jay said.
"Hi, Jay. Y/N," he replied.
You never knew what to say when it came to this day, so you just handed Danny the envelope. "I, uh, I made a card for Ben," you said. "I don't know if you want to open it and read it or just put it somewhere, I just--"
"I'll open it, sweetheart," Gail interrupted and then took the card from her husband.
You had made the card out of light blue construction paper and had used a navy blue pen to write in your best cursive handwriting, Happy 14th birthday, Ben!, since blue was Ben's favorite color. You hadn't known what else to write, because, what else could you write? Tell him what he was missing out on with being gone and cry so hard while making the card that that marker smudged and bled through the other side of the construction paper? No, you couldn't do that. So, you had resorted to printing out some pictures of you and Ben (some with you, Ben, Jay, Allie, and the occasional one with Will) on computer paper, cut them out, and glued them inside the card. You wanted the card to be filled with happy, funny memories, not sad, sappy writing.
Gail let out a sad laugh. "When was this one taken?"
You looked at the picture she was pointing at. It was a selfie no doubt taken on Allie's old flip phone. In it, Jay and Allie were making funny faces and you and Ben were both smiling proudly because of the work you had done.
Jay was supposed to be babysitting you and Allie was supposed to be babysitting Ben since your parents and his parents had gone out for dinner together. You both should have been in bed in your own separate houses since there was a rule about Allie and Jay not hanging out alone together at home when there were no parents around, but you had lost count of how many times they had broken that rule.
It was around 11 at night when Ben had woken you up with two black, Crayola markers in his hand and had told you that both Jay and Allie were asleep on the couch. So, as quiet as you could, you both tip-toed into the living room, uncapped your markers, and got to work.
You knew they had seen the trouble you two had gotten into when you heard running. You and Ben giggled to yourselves as you heard the water running from the bathroom.
Soon enough, Jay flung your door open. And, you guys just couldn't help yourselves and started to laugh even harder.
Then, to get you back, Jay had tickled you and Allie tickled Ben. Once you had all calmed down, Allie suggested that the four of you take a picture. And, the next time Allie and Ben came over when Jay was babysitting, he was sure to hide all the markers on the top shelf of his bookshelf in his bedroom where there was no way either of you would be able to find them, let alone reach them.
"So, you and Allie did hang out together with no parental supervision," Danny chirped. "Don't do stupid things like your brother here, Y/N."
"Hey," Jay started to defend himself. "We learned our lesson...to hide the markers."
"Do you remember when he got in trouble for pushing some kid on the playground, Gail?" Danny asked his wife.
"Oh, how could I forget that! I got a call from the school saying that Ben was in trouble and I knew on my way over there that he'd be grounded from the tv for weeks. But, then in the car on the ride home, he explained to me that some kid in his grade was telling Y/N she couldn't play with them since she was a grade below them. Then, he pushed him down and said that, yes, she could play."
"You never told me the full story of that, Y/N. What's this kid's name?" Jay asked.
"Jay, it was years ago! Give the overprotective big brother thing a rest, would you?"
"Would you kids like some cake?" Gail asked.
You swallowed. Chocolate on chocolate cake, Ben's favorite and yours. But, now on your birthday, you'd switched to marble just so that you wouldn't be reminded of how Ben would never see you on your birthday again.
Jay noticed your discomfort and how you probably didn't want to start bawling your eyes out just because you didn't want Gail and Danny to start crying, as well. Even though they'd probably done enough crying today as it was.
"Actually, we gotta run. I have to get Y/N home because she has homework to do and I have some police business to tend to," Jay answered, sensing your discomfort as the good detective he was.
"At least let me give you a slice to go," Gail suggested.
Abruptly, Danny stood up and shoved his chair under the table, and left the kitchen. You heard a door slam.
You widened your eyes for a split second and then quickly regained your composure. His son was dead and his killer was still on the loose; he had every right to lash out.
"This is always a tough day for him," Gail started. "He won't eat it. I just end up throwing it out."
Jay nodded. "Small slice." He turned to look at you. "And an even bigger slice for her."
Gail went over to a cupboard and pulled out two Tupperware containers and then two plastic forks from a drawer. Then, she cut two slices of cake and placed them inside the containers, handing you the one that contained the bigger slice.
"Thank you," you said.
"Yes, thank you," Jay agreed. "And, if there's anything either you or Danny need, please don't hesitate to call me."
Gail nodded and the two of you left the Corson's house, cake in hand.
"Happy birthday, Ben," you whispered when you were walking down the steps.
Then, when you got back to your house, Jay pulled out his keys and unlocked his car. "Hop in," he told you.
"Where are we going?" you asked. "I thought you had some police stuff to do?"
"You know how on Mom's birthday, we always go to the cemetery and plant flowers?" he asked. You nodded. That day was always full of crying despite how old you got. Hell, even Jay cried. It was one of the only times that he'd let his guard down and let his emotions take over in full force. "Look in the backseat."
There, sitting on the backseat on a towel so that dirt wouldn't get everywhere, was a carton full of Morning Glories. "Blue. Ben's favorite color."
"Yeah," Jay said, the volume of his voice almost a whisper. "We just have to make a quick pitstop first and then we'll go and plant them." You both buckled up and then Jay actually realized that he might have overlooked something. "You don't actually have a ton of homework to get done, do you?"
"No, even if I did, I wouldn't be able to focus on it." You took a bite of the birthday cake. "Does it get any easier?"
"Does what get any easier?" he asked, while still keeping his eyes on the road, his cake forgotten.
"You know, losing people. I know it'll be hard every year for Mom because she was our mom--"
"First of all, she's still our mom, Y/N. No one is going to replace her. Second of all, continue."
"Sorry, I know you got more time with her and knew her better than I did--"
"Listen, if you ever want to hear stories about Mom or Mom and Dad or anything like that, just ask me. I know you were just a kid, hell you are still just a kid, but you can always ask me about her. Always, okay?"
You nodded, feeling grateful that you at least had one brother who looked out for you. Lord knows Will didn't since he was barely home. You didn't hold a grudge against him or anything like Jay did, you just felt like he wasn't there. And, you knew that him not being there had hurt Jay, so it was hard for the three of you to all act like siblings when you felt like you'd need to jump in and stop a fight between your brothers at any moment. If it was just you and Will or just you and Jay, your relationship was great. But, when it was the three of you together, you could practically feel the tension between Will and Jay.
"So, does it get easier? Losing friends I mean. Like, when their birthdays come around or the day they died, does your heart feel like it isn't being ripped out of your chest every second of those days?"
You assumed that Jay had lost friends when he was overseas, which was why he came home from his second tour a year earlier than scheduled. That and your mom was sick.
"That's how you're feeling with Ben? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
"I knew you had your own stuff going on with being a detective and all and I know you think you know who did it and I don't want you going to prison."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. My job will never be more important than you." It might be more important than Will, he thought to himself. But, you didn't need to know that piece of information. "But, to answer your question, no it doesn't get any easier. I mean it kinda does, because the pain of losing them isn't as fresh as the years go by, but the day still sucks no matter how many years it's been."
"Then how do you deal with? When those days of the year roll around?"
"Distract yourself to try and forget. But, pretend I didn't tell you that. Go talk to someone instead."
"That's not what you do though, is it? Talk to someone?"
"Do as I say, kid. Do as I say, not as I do."
"Will you ever stop calling me kid? I'm thirteen, Jay!"
"Nope, in my head you're still that four-year-old with the Build-A-Bear."
He pulled the car up to the curb. You looked up as Jay put it in the park. "Why are we here?"
"Just, stay in the car, okay? I'm gonna be right outside, but I just have something I need to take care of."
You knew this house. You weren't going to tell Jay, but you walked past it every day when going to school because it was shorter than taking the route your parents had taught you to take. Jay was the one who actually taught you to take this route three years ago when he had walked you to school after Ben's death. But, he told you never to take this way to or from school when you were alone. But, seeing as it was five minutes faster and you were a teenager and cherished every second of sleep, you didn't listen and took this way every single school day.
Jay got out of the car and leaned up against it. Then, he opened his container of chocolate on chocolate birthday cake and began to eat it. You knew what he was doing. It was the reason he had taken this route to school with you. He told you it was because it was faster, but you knew it was because he wanted to tail Lonnie Rodiger...which you assumed was the reason why he didn't want you walking here alone. Because a pedophile lived here. Well, technically he wasn't a pedophile yet because he wasn't convicted, but you had heard enough conversations between Jay, Gail, and Danny when they all thought you were out of earshot to know that Lonnie was the one who killed your childhood best friend.
You saw Lonnie peak out through the curtains of one of the windows. And, if it weren't for Jay's water bottle that was sitting in the cupholder that you quickly took a swig of, you would've choked on your bite of cake.
A patrol car pulled up across the street and a uniformed cop came out. It was the same kind of uniform that Jay had been wearing the night you ran over to the Corson's house when it became a crime scene. You quickly wiped the few tears away at the memory of that night. If Jay got arrested, you knew you'd have to go with him because you couldn't drive. And, you didn't want to be crying in the back of a cop car while Jay was trying to talk his way out of an arrest.
Jay resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Of course, they called the cops! Of course, they did! They'd call the cops and arrest him for harassing a pedophile and a killer, but they wouldn't arrest Lonnie for being a pedophile and a killer.
"Can I see your driver's license?" the patrolman asked.
Jay lifted his shirt, revealing his badge and gun. Despite being off duty, he had it. He always had it when he came around the Rodiger house. If Lonnie struck first, then he'd have him on assaulting an officer...and have an excuse to kill the son of a bitch. It would be in self-defense after all. He feared serious bodily harm.
But, of course, that wasn't going to happen, not today anyway.
"Halstead. Intelligence," Jay answered.
"This is harassment!" Phil Rodiger yelled as marched outside and pointed at Jay, Lonnie right behind him.
"Just eating some birthday cake," Jay said, poking the cake with his plastic fork. "Today would've been a birthday."
You felt your lip begin to tremble.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, you kept telling yourself.
But, it was no use. It was just those three words: would have been.
It would have been Ben's fourteenth birthday if he was still here and if he wasn't buried in the ground in the cemetery, a high collared shirt on to hide the strangulation marks that Lonnie gave him when he wrapped a rope around his neck and pulled, choking him to death.
If he were still here, he would've had a birthday party. It might have been small with only a few people. You might not even have been invited because you're in middle school and middle schoolers like to talk. And, maybe, if you had been invited, people would have said that he had a crush on you and teased him about it.
Maybe, the early stages of puberty would have hit Ben by now and he would have become what you deemed to be cute. Maybe, he would've had a crush on you and you would've had a crush on him if he was still around. But, he would forever be stuck in your head as your best friend, no romantic feelings whatsoever, since he only lived to be eleven years old.
"Arrest him!" Phil Rodiger yelled, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Get him out of here!"
This was it. Maybe the patrolman wouldn't notice you were in the car and you could sneak back home in a few minutes and call Erin, get her to talk to Voight about getting your brother out of lockup. (Yes, you had Erin's number because you needed questions answered that would make your dad and Jay uncomfortable. Even though Will was a doctor, there was no way you would ask him about girl stuff, even though you were pretty sure he had heard and seen it all in New York.)
"Sorry, pal," the patrolman said.
Okay, so you wouldn't be dragged into the back of a patrol car and also wouldn't have to help Jay beat a charge. Thank god your brother was a part of Chicago's famous Intelligence Unit.
You set your cake on the dashboard. You couldn't take it anymore. If Jay wasn't going to say it, you would.
Jay heard the passenger side door open and whipped his head around. "Y/N," he warned. "Get back in the car."
"He killed my best friend, Jay!" you yelled, tears running down your cheeks. "What do you want me to do? Sit in the car and watch him just get away with it?"
The patrolman's eyes grew wide. Seeing that made you realize what you had just said.
You just accused Lonnie of murder.
"Y/N!" Jay yelled. You looked up to see that he had thrown his cake on the ground. "Get back in the car!"
Okay, so Jay's scary when he's angry, noted.
You made your way around the car and into the passenger seat. Then, you just watched as Jay talked to the patrolman, trying to sort this all out.
You didn't mean to do it. It just came out.
You fucked up. Maybe you were going to be the one arrested this time. And, since you weren't a cop, there'd be no way to easily get out of those handcuffs.
You put your head in your hands and changed the radio station, trying your best to make sure you didn't hear the conversation between Jay and the patrolman.
Soon, the patrolman sped off. You were safe. But, Lonnie and Phil were still standing across the street, outside, watching Jay, watching you.
"Get outta here!" Phil yelled.
Jay was almost to the car when he turned around, rage painted on his freckled face. "Three years ago today, Lonnie! Three years! He would've been fourteen! Fourteen!"
"I'm gonna call my lawyer! I'm getting a restraining order!" Phil promised.
"Yeah? Well, I'm gonna give you a reason to need one someday! You and your sick-ass son!"
He slammed the door shut, but you didn't look at him, just kept your gaze on the world outside the passenger side. Jay turned the key and his car roared to life. You heard him sigh, but didn't say a word.
"Look, I'm sorry," he began as he started driving.
"So you get to confront him but when I try it's all get back in the car, Y/N?" you quoted his words from earlier using a mocking tone.
"Lonnie's fu- he's messed up in the head, okay? I don't want him to have any reason to come after you. We both know what he did to Ben and I wish we could nail him on that, but right now, with the evidence that there is, it just can't happen. I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep you safe. I couldn't live with myself if that psycho did anything to you."
"I guess you have a point."
"I always have a point."
Ten minutes later you pulled up to the cemetery. Jay grabbed the small bag of tools and you carried the flowers, not without being warned every thirty seconds not to tip them at all so that they didn't fall out. It was the same thing as when you'd plant them at your mom's grave: you'd always be the one to carry the flowers, but they'd always warn you to be careful with them and then say that you weren't carrying them next year...and then they'd forget they'd said that and the process would repeat itself.
"I'll dig up the first bit of dirt and then you can help me. The top part's always the hardest," Jay said once you had made it to Ben's grave and he started rummaging through the tools.
"Okay." You didn't know what else to say. You just stared at the headstone. You wished he'd just come back to as a ghost or spirit or something for a minute--literally just sixty seconds--so that he could tell you that Lonnie did it.
Twenty minutes later, you and Jay stood up and admired your work. There were flowers there already from the Corson family, but the blue gave even more color to the normally dismal place.
"I'm gonna go find a trash can," Jay said as he picked up the empty plastic pots that the flowers came in. "Give you some time alone."
You nodded, not knowing what to say. Even when Jay left you had no idea what to say. It had been three years, so you didn't feel like you needed to talk to Ben. After all, if he was in heaven, he was looking down on you and knew what was going on in your life, so there was no reason to tell him about it. And, he was a kid, so he had to have gone to heaven, right?
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm so, so sorry."
You heard thunder rumble from above, which drowned out the sound of your choked sobs. The grass beside you started to get wet from the drizzle that had just started, but by how many seconds there were between each clap of thunder, you knew a downpour was just a matter of minutes away.
So many things could have gone differently that night. If Ben had come over to your house to spend the night, he'd still be here. You knew you couldn't change anything. Hell, you didn't even talk about having a sleepover that night, that week, or even that weekend. And, the night he was murdered was a school night, so your dad wouldn't have let Ben spend the night anyway. There was nothing you could have done.
Despite how many years passed, you wondered if you wouldn't have fallen asleep so fast that night if you would have been able to hear screams and called 911 for help. Maybe he'd still be alive if you couldn't fall asleep that night. Maybe, if Jay was off-duty that day and if there was a Blackhawks game on that night, he would've come over and you would've insisted on staying up late and ended up falling asleep on the couch. But, because of Jay being very observant, maybe he would've seen something, heard something, or even just felt that something was very wrong and could've stopped it and arrested Lonnie before it ended tragically.
You felt something wrap around your arms and looked up to see that Jay was back. You felt goosebumps on your body and that's when you realized your hair was sopping wet and water was dripping down the side of your face and was soaking your jeans and shirt.
You heard the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the large umbrella that Jay usually stowed in his trunk and pulled Jay's jean jacket that he just laid over your shoulders tighter around yourself.
He picked up his tools and turned to you. "You ready? Can't have you getting sick."
"How long have I just been crouched here?" you asked. You knew your thoughts sometimes got the best of you and before you knew it, an hour could've passed when your mind was focused on one subject.
"Until I thought you were going to freeze to death and get sick. And, it's only been about fifteen minutes. I ran to the bathroom and then grabbed the umbrella out of the car. You ready?" he repeated.
You wiped your eyes, not knowing if it was dried tears or dried raindrops on your cheeks. "Uh, yeah."
Jay picked up the bag of tools and you walked back to the car, the umbrella being big enough for both of you to fit underneath.
Once in the car, you slipped off Jay's jean jacket and tried to hand it back to him. "No, at least wear it until we get home. Dad'll kill me if he sees that you're sopping wet and then he'll think that I just left you out in the rain."
"Brother of the year." And, despite the circumstances, both of you laughed.
Math homework is due tomorrow...why does math have letters anyway? I'm never gonna need this in life. Snap out of it, Y/N. You can focus on that later. Just focus on the walk home. You have to be careful now since you're walking by their house.
You tried to turn your attention to the world ahead of you, or more accurately, the road and houses in front of you. You needed to be on high alert since you were about to walk past the Rodiger house. And, they saw you now...hopefully, they hadn't filed a restraining order against you, too. As far as you knew, it was just Jay, but you didn't need to have Jay get you out of trouble today.
Your eyes darted across the street to the house, while you tried to make sure you didn't cast your glance there too long as to be suspicious. It was Jay's job to be suspicious while walking past this house. It was your job to get to and from school safely when walking past this house. You'd leave the detective/spying/surveillance stuff to Jay.
You tried to focus on the road straight ahead of you, but it was no use when you saw movement out of the left side of your peripheral vision.
You turned and gasped. They turned too, and now you were frozen in place.
He widened his creepy eyes and stared back at you, like a deer caught in the headlights, like a criminal caught in the act because right now, that's what you assumed he was.
You felt your breath catch in your throat, neither of you breaking eye contact.
Then, you took off running. No way in hell were you telling your dad what just happened. One time he caught you walking home this way and said if he found out that you walked to or from school this way again that you'd be grounded for an undisclosed amount of time.
No one needed to know that you had just seen Lonnie Rodiger with duct tape and rope, the two things everyone assumed he had used to kill Ben Corson. No one needed to know. Just shut your mouth and don't tell anyone and everything would be fine. You would be fine.
Jay was sitting across from Antonio at Molly's, slowly sipping on the bit of whiskey left in his glass. "You knew the family?" Antonio asked him.
"He's the younger brother of a girl I dated in high school. Was Y/N's best friend, too. And his parents, Danny and Gail, they came to my graduation from the academy." When my dad wouldn't because he hates all my life choices. Probably hates me, too, Jay wanted to add but stopped himself. "I still see 'em on what would be Ben's birthday. Y/N comes too and god, you know what she asked me this year, Antonio?" Antonio shook his head. "She asked me if their birthdays or the day they died gets easier when it rolls around every year. She's thirteen! She shouldn't have to remember his birthday. Ben should be alive and Y/N should be seeing him on his birthday. But now all she probably remembers on his birthday is seeing his lifeless body lying in the grass...that's probably what she remembers." He took another sip of whiskey.
"Wait, you're saying your little sister saw the body at the crime scene?" Antonio asked.
"Uh, yeah. Me and my partner were first on scene. And...I see a shoe. I push the reeds back because Gail used to have this huge garden with really nice grass, reeds, flowers, other things. And, now she doesn't because it reminds her too much of that night.
"But uh, anyway, I pushed those reeds back..." He swallowed and tried to keep the tears at bay. He couldn't cry. Not in front of his mentor; not in front of the detective who got him into Intelligence in the first place, even if it was only because he caught a bullet in the process of trying to help Gabby and everyone's favorite after-shift hangout spot, Molly's. "And there he is. I still see his face."
Antonio took a swig of his beer. "How'd your sister find him?"
"My dad told me later that she had heard and seen the sirens and went to wake him up and then they came over to see what was going on. She was only nine, hell, she even had her teddy bear with her when they came outside. She was small and easy to miss. Before anyone could stop her...she, uh, she ducked under the crime scene tape and she saw him. I will never forget how she screamed out Ben's name.
"Then, I ran over to her and tried to block him from view, but you know as well as I do, Antonio, that seeing a body like that, well the damage is already done. So, then I just took her home and my partner explained the situation to my sergeant so that I didn't get in trouble for just leaving a crime scene. I never told her about the rape, just that he was dead. She probably put the pieces together that he was raped since she's gotten older, but I didn't heave the heart to tell her."
Antonio nodded. If he was in the same position as Jay was and Gabby was in your position, he knew he'd do the same exact thing. "I remember his dad alibied him out," Antonio stated. "But, they never had anything on Lonnie. Nothing?"
"No," Jay scoffed. "They caught him jerkin' it outside an elementary school a week prior to finding Ben. They found fucking kiddie porn on his computer. A-And secret pictures that he'd taken of Ben."
"You gotta be kidding me."
"Nuh-uh. We all knew Lonnie did it. But, you know, his dad lied." Jay shrugged. "And, uh, they got a good lawyer for that sick of a bitch."
Jay took a sip of his whiskey, blinking back tears. Antonio sighed and looked at the young detective. "Hey, be careful. You hear me?"
"I know, I just--" Jay was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at it. Why's Dad calling at 11 o'clock at night? Why is Dad calling me at all?
He declined the call.
"Who was that?" Antonio asked.
"Not important. Anyway, I'll be care--" His phone started ringing again. "Dammit," he muttered and then pressed the answer icon. "Yeah?"
"Y/N? What are you still doing up? Don't you have school tomorrow?"
"I didn't want to tell you because you and Dad always tell me not to walk there by myself, but I saw him and he saw me and I thought I'd be fine but now I can't sleep and--"
"Whoa, whoa. Take a breath, okay?"
You took a deep, shaky breath as few tears slipped down your face. You tried not to think about your encounter with Lonnie earlier today, but as you tried to sleep and the darkness took over the world, you couldn't stop your thoughts from running rampant. What if he was going to use that duct tape and rope on you now because he had seen you? Kill all the witnesses so that there wouldn't be a trial and he wouldn't get convicted?
"Now, tell me again what happened," Jay said calmly, all his cop instincts taking over and talking to as if you were a victim for the time being. "This time slower."
"I took the way home from school that you taught me to take and tell me to never take alone--"
"Y/N," Jay wiped a hand over his face. "Me and Dad told you not to go that way by yourself."
"I know, but I saw Lonnie and he had supplies and he saw me. I thought it was fine but now I can't sleep and--"
"Y/N," Jay started again. "Slow. Down. You saw Lonnie?"
At the mention of that name, Antonio looked up.
"Yeah," you answered, trying to slow your rate of speaking. "He had- he had rope and duct tape. And- and he saw me. I'm scared. I'm so scared, Jay. What if he comes after me now?" You covered your mouth with your hand to stop your dad from hearing your sobs. You assumed he was sleeping, and if he wasn't you hoped he didn't notice that you were on the phone. All he had to do was pick it up and see line in use and then you'd be in trouble for walking that way.
"Y/N, listen to me. I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna leave Molly's right now and then be over there. Are you in your room?"
"Is Dad still up?" Jay asked.
"I-I don't know."
"Okay, just stay put and I'll be there as soon as I can. And, we can explain it to Dad together, alright?"
"Okay. You promise you'll be here soon?"
"I promise. I'm leaving Molly's right now."
"I'm gonna hang up now."
"Okay, bye Jay."
Jay ended the call and started putting on his jacket. "What was that all about?" Antonio asked.
"Y/N took the fastest route home from school today, which goes by the Rodiger place. She said she saw Lonnie and he had duct tape and rope with him. He saw her, Antonio."
"Shit." Antonio pulled out his wallet and threw a few bills on the table. "I got it. I'll be right behind you."
"Thanks, man."
Jay slowly turned the key in the lock and opened the door, Antonio following him. "Dad?" Jay asked.
"Jay?" he answered from the living room, sounding as if he had just woken up from falling asleep in front of the tv. "What are you doing here?"
"I can explain if you wanna go check on Y/N, Jay," Antonio suggested.
"Yeah, yeah that'd be great. Thanks, man."
You heard knocking at your door, causing you to draw in a deep breath. "Y/N? Open up, it's Jay."
You set Beary down--yes when you were scared you still liked to have your Build-A-Bear in your hand because it gave you comfort--and then stood up from your bed to open the door.
"Jay." You launched yourself into his arms before he could even comprehend what was happening. "I'm so scared. What if he comes after me?"
Jay wrapped his arms around you and ran his hand up and down your back, just like he had done a few years ago when he had brought you back home after you had seen Ben's lifeless body lying in the grass. "Shhh, shhh it's okay. You're okay." Now he was most definitely using the tone he used when talking to child victims.
"What if he- what if he comes after me though, Jay?" you asked, soaking his shirt with tears of fright.
"Hey," he pulled away. "Look at me." You looked up at your older brother. "I will not let that happen. Ever. You understand me?" You nodded. "Now, how about you pack a bag, and then you can stay at my place until this all blows over."
Jay sighed. "Just, please do it."
You pulled out a peach-colored duffle from your closet.
"I'll be right downstairs if you need me."
He walked downstairs to see your dad still sitting on the living room couch with Antonio sitting in the chair across from him. "I'm taking Y/N to my place for a few days until this whole thing gets sorted out," Jay announced.
"She was walking that way because you taught her how to take it!" Pat Halstead bellowed as he stood up off the couch and pointed an accusing finger at his youngest son. "If you had never walked that way when you took her to school, then we would never be in this position!"
"We?" Jay asked rhetorically. "I don't recall Y/N telling me that you were with her when she saw that sick son of bitch walking home with his weapons of choice! It's Y/N that's in this position! Not me, not you, not us, Y/N."
"She's my daughter!"
"Yeah, I gathered that," Jay scoffed. "At least you care about her...unlike how you weren't there for me and Will. Or, if my memory serves me correctly, it was when I was in my early teens when you stopped caring. So, I expect in the next two years that you'll stop taking good care of Y/N and stop showing up to her games, like you did for me and Will. Oh, and you'll start questioning her life choices, just like you did almost every damn day to both me and Will."
"It's not my fault that you made a stupid decision with your life and Will decided to leave and waste all his money and to do what? To go to Sudan and then to New York?"
"There you go again, same old same old. You want us to be here, but whenever we are, we just end up fighting."
"Okay, okay," Antonio butted in. "How about we all take a breath and then talk about what's gonna happen next."
Jay took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. Your dad sat back down on the couch and crossed his arms in front of him.
"Good," Antonio began. "Y/N give you anything else about what she saw upstairs other than what she told you over the phone?"
"No," Jay answered. "She just told me that she's really scared that Lonnie's gonna come after her. Noting more about what she saw."
"Jay?" you asked as you poked your head into the living room, duffle bag slung over your shoulder. "I'm ready."
You said goodbye to your dad and then followed Jay to your car. He explained that Antonio was going to come to his apartment just for a little while so that they could discuss how they were going to proceed with the information you had given them. But, that you should go to sleep when you got to his apartment because it was a school night.
"Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" you whined as you set your bag down next to the couch...which would also be your bed until all this was cleared up.
"I know you're not going to get a lot of sleep, but yeah, as much as it sucks, you have to go to school tomorrow."
It was nearing 12:30 and you had to be up for school at 6:00 since school started before 7:30 in the morning. You'd be lucky if you managed five hours of sleep.
"Please, Jay," you begged. "My first two classes are just choir and gym, so I can miss those. And, I'm pretty sure if you called me in it'd count as an excused absence. Please?"
"Fine," Jay conceded. "But just because I think it's stupid how early school starts."
You heard a knock on the door. "Be right there, Antonio!" Jay said, trying to keep his yelling voice at somewhat of a normal level since people in the other apartments were sleeping.
"I'm gonna go grab a blanket," you told Jay.
You grabbed a blanket and threw it on the couch as Jay went to answer the door and let Antonio inside.
"Jay, I'm stealing one of your pillows," you told him as you entered his bedroom area.
"Actually, you can take my bed for tonight," he suggested.
You cocked an eyebrow at him. In all the nights you had spent at Jay's apartment in the past few years when your dad had to work late or went out, you had always slept on that couch. And, it was because it was actually comfortable. (Jay's reasoning was that he didn't want to get one of his nightmares that happened a handful of times per year and break his hand from hitting the coffee table in his sleep because he was thinking that it was an enemy because he thought he was back in Afghanistan. But, of course, you didn't know that.)
"It's just because I need to talk to Antonio and I don't need you having easy access to the conversation."
You nodded, tiredness overtaking you. "Alright." You yawned. "I'm going to bed. 'Night guys."
Jay and Antonio both said goodnight and then you walked into Jay's bedroom area and slid the sliding doors closed. During that time, the two detectives each took a seat at the kitchen table.
"We can put a patrol car out in front of Lonnie's house," Jay suggested.
"You know we can't do that," Antonio told him.
"Well, why not? You know he's gonna kill again!" Jay resisted the urge to slam his fist down on the table.
"You have no solid proof. I know you believe Y/N, and I do, too, but we don't have proof. If we had cam or pod footage, we might be able to do that. But, as far as we know, we don't have that. Nothing's been reported or called in. Hell, for all we know Lonnie's doing a DIY project."
"So get his credit card records and security footage from the store," Jay growled.
"You know as well as I do Halstead, that we can't do that without a warrant. And for a warrant, we're gonna need sufficient evidence. And, the word of your sister just isn't gonna cut it this time. Sorry, man."
Jay sighed and put his head in his hands, then looked back up at Antonio. "I just can't let him do it. I can't let him kill another kid."
"I know. Believe me, neither you nor me want that, but for now, we just need to wait until the right time. And you, need to get some sleep."
"I guess you're right. Maybe sleep would help me figure out how to solve this thing."
Jay had just dropped you off at school--he had called the school and excused your absences from your first two classes--and was walking out of a small coffee shop a few blocks away from the district when his phone rang.
"What do you got, Jin?" Jay asked. Benefits of working in Intelligence and having a tech guy for the unit: getting him to dig into things under the table.
"That Lonnie Rodiger credit card you wanted me to track," Jin started on the other end of the line, "Just got a hit from a toy store downtown."
"Text me the address."
A few seconds later, Jin had texted Jay the address and he jumped in his car and made his way into the heart of downtown Chicago.
Then, he sat in his car and stared at the store, waiting for the scrawny, creepy-ass pedophile slash murderer to make his way out of it.
When Lonnie walked out, Jay just stared at him. If he got made, so what? He was in his car. He could say he was doing surveillance for another case that he couldn't talk about right now because it was an open investigation. But, he wouldn't be able to blame surveillance of an ongoing investigation for strangling Lonnie to death, killing him the exact same way as he had killed Ben Corson three years ago.
Lonnie was carrying a bag full of what Jay assumed were toys. The toys, the rope, the duct tape, Lonnie was going to strike again. And, Jay had to act fast to ensure that another kid didn't get their life taken away just because this bastard had sick, twisted fantasies.
Jay was about to call Jin back, see what else he could pull up on him, anything that gave him an excuse to call Atwater and Burgess to arrest him. But, his phone rang.
"Go for Jay," he answered.
"Where you at?" Voight asked on the other end of the line. "I know you came in late because of your sister, but I need you now."
"I'm on my way in," he lied.
"Good. We're in Chinatown. I'll send you the address."
"Oh, Sarge?"
"Yes, Halstead?"
"Do you mind if I leave for a bit around 2:15ish? It's just, Y/N has a doctor's appointment and my dad's working and I don't want her taking the bus--"
"Jay," Voight interrupted, "Take your sister to her appointment. I'll just send the address of where we're gonna be if we aren't at the district. Just, keep your phone on."
"Thanks, Sarge."
Of course, that appointment was a lie; Jay just wanted to pick you up from school and then drop you off at his apartment while he went back to work so that you wouldn't be at home where Lonnie could find you. But, Jay had to push that out of his mind right now because he was on another case with his unit that needed solving, his side case on Lonnie Rodiger needed to be put on the backburner...at least for the next few hours.
"Lonnie Rodiger's credit card," Jin said as Jay entered the tech room.
"Yeah, I know, I'm working on a court order so I don't get my ass handed to me by Voight, I know," Jay replied.
"Okay...you deal with that. All I was gonna say was that another hit came up from his card at a Home Depot in Humboldt Park. He bought..." Jin clicked some keys on his computer until the list of things Lonnie purchased popped up. "A two-person tent, a kerosene lamp, and some bug spray. A rapist-murderer planning a camping trip? Not much you can get him on with just that."
"Any chance he purchased rope and duct tape?" Jay asked.
Jin scrolled through the list of items again. "Not that I see here. Why?"
"Not important. Thanks for the help, Jin."
Jay walked back into the bullpen, about to grab his jacket and head into the locker room when Voight emerged from his office at the same time. "Halstead, my office."
"I told you to let the Rodiger thing go months ago," Voight told Jay when the door was securely shut.
"I have...for the most part." I have...until my sister got involved and told me he bought duct tape and rope and now she's staying at my place so that I can protect her from that sick-ass son of a bitch.
"If you're not straight with me, I can't protect you."
"You? Protect me? I don't need protecting, Sarge, but thanks for the offer. I'll keep it in mind if I  ever go off the rails and kill someone."
"Jay, listen to me! What the hell is going on with you? You got here later than usual today, which I know you said is because of your sister, but you look exhausted like you haven't slept in days. And don't think I didn't notice that you've been constantly checking your phone when we weren't out in the field."
Jay sighed. "I think Lonnie's gonna kill another kid."
"Jay, I know that kid's family was like your own. But, you gotta be careful. You've got eyes on you. And, it's not just me this time."
"Copy that." Then, Jay exited his sergeant's office, grabbed his jacket off his chair, and headed to the locker room. Damn, did he really want to go home after that conversation with his boss.
"You headin' to Molly's, Jay?" Adam asked as they grabbed their stuff from the locker room.
"Nah, man. I got some stuff I gotta take care of," Jay replied. "Maybe another night."
"If you say so."
You were sitting on the couch reading a book when you heard a knock at Jay's apartment door. "Y/N, it's Jay, open up."
You got up and unlocked the door, letting him into his own apartment. "Why didn't you just unlock it yourself? Or, did I get your only key?
"Nope, you got my spare. I have mine." He pulled his keyring out of the front pocket of his jeans and set it down on the counter. "Just didn't want to scare you is all."
"Thanks, greatly appreciated. What are you hiding behind your back? And what smells so good?" you asked, seeing as Jay hadn't moved his left hand from behind his back and was trying really hard to make sure you didn't see what was there. Even when he had walked inside the apartment from the hallway, he still somehow hid it behind his back and out of your view. And, the smell of greasy food was starting to waft around the apartment so you had a pretty good idea what he was hiding.
He pulled a takeout bag from behind his back. "I got us Arby's!"
"Really? Did you get me mozzarella sticks?" you asked trying to grab the bag from him, but he held it out of your reach.
Jay chuckled at your excitement. "Yes, I got you mozzarella sticks. Now, let me get this out of the bag and you can get the game set up?"
"Okay!" You sat on the couch and turned on the Blackhawks game that was going to start in five minutes. "It's ready!"
"Be right there!"
A minute later, Jay passed you a plate which contained an original roast beef and cheddar sandwich and of course, your precious mozzarella sticks and a few packs of Arby's and marinara sauce.
"Uh," Jay groaned as he lowered himself onto the couch.
"You're getting old," you laughed.
"I am not!" he protested.
"Yes, you are! Only old people sigh like that when they go to sit down!"
"Well, excuse me for having to chase psychos around the city for a living." You reached over and grabbed a few curly fries off his plate, hoping he was distracted enough by your old Jay comment that he didn't notice...he did. "Hey!"
"Oops." You squirted some Arby's sauce on your plate and dipped a curly fry in it. "Good." Jay just continued to stare at you. "Fine, here," you said as you handed him a mozzarella stick.
"You're not gonna offer me any marinara?"
You tossed him a pack. "Better?"
"Better." Both he and you turned your attention to the tv. "Remember, end of the second period, it's bedtime."
"Jay," you whined. "Please can I stay up and watch the entire game?"
"No, because I am not calling you in late tomorrow and getting to work later than usual because of it." Luckily today we didn't catch a case until around 10 o'clock this morning, so it didn't matter that I was late and tailing Lonnie anyway. "And, you're gonna be a grouch if you don't enough sleep."
"Jay! I am not grouchy!"
"Yes, Y/N, you are! Whoa, a fight!" And while your attention was quickly focused on the tv, Jay stole some of his curly fries back.
Jay walked into the district the next morning to be met with Erin and Alvin. "Did you guys catch the game last night?" he asked them as he slipped off his jacket and slung it over his desk chair. "Eighteen seconds into overtime, Kane scores a backhander. Guy's on fire this season."
Despite Jay telling you that you needed to go to bed after the end of the second period, the game was so good that he let you stay up to watch it all...the one caveat being that you had to get up in the morning with no complaint. And, you didn't complain one single time even though you almost fell asleep with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth when you were getting ready this morning.
Neither Erin nor Alvin had said anything, they just stared at Jay with worried looks on both their faces. "What's with you two?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to them.
"Halstead," Voight said after he opened his office door.
Jay's eyes widened. Shit, what'd I do now?
"Commander," Jay said as he saw Commander Perry standing in Voight's office. So, even when I'm a grown man, there's still a version of the principal's office. Who knew? Except, this principal controls my job...which means he controls my money. Whatever he thinks I did, it wasn't me.
"Halstead. Have a seat," Commander Perry told the detective.
"I'll stand." Jay placed his hands on his hips.
"Okay then. Where were you last night after shift?"
"Home. Why?"
"So, you're telling me you didn't go out at all last night?"
"I started to drive home from work, but then I turned around because I thought my little sister might want Arby's for dinner. If you want to count a drive-thru as going out, then yes I went out."
"And after that?" Commander Perry prodded.
"Me and my sister watched the Hawks game and I was in bed by midnight."
Commander Perry picked up some black and white photos that were taken from traffic cam footage and held them out to Jay, pointing at specific a specific car. "This was taken last night, right as you pulled into that Arby's. That's Rodiger and that's you, right behind him."
"Okay, so I happened to be getting my takeout behind a pedophile. Maybe he just wanted some curly fries, Lord knows Y/N did when she stole some of mine last night."
"Halstead!" Voight barked. "This isn't a laughing matter! Now shut up and listen!"
Jay clasped his hands behind his back.
"Well, Detective, your alleged pedophile was found dead this morning."
"So until this is straightened out, I suggest you find a better excuse than just watching a hockey game and eating fries with your impressionable little sister. Until then, you are officially stripped. Expect a call from Internal Affairs. They'll want to interview you as soon as possible."
"You mean they'll want to interrogate me as soon as possible."
"Jay!" Voight's voice boomed off the walls of the small office.
"I'm the one who wanted to stop that freak! And now I'm the target? Unbelievable!"
Jay flung open the door and was about to storm out when the Commander stopped him. "Halstead!"
"What? I tried to save my sister from this psycho because she saw him buy duct tape and rope and he knows that she saw him! So, excuse me for trying to make sure that my sister stays safe and doesn't end up like Ben Corson!"
"Y/N saw something?" Voight asked. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."
"I told Antonio, but that's only because we were at Molly's when Y/N called me freaking out. And that's why she's staying with me because Lonnie knows where we live and I didn't want to get a call saying that my sister was murdered and--"
"Halstead, if that's the truth then this isn't just based on your word. We have a witness now. So, I'll talk to Detective Dawson and you go pick up your sister from school. We need her here for questioning. But, you are still stripped until we get this all sorted out."
"Can you please send Y/N Halstead to the office please?" the office secretary's voice came over your classroom intercom. "She'll be leaving for the rest of the day."
You furrowed your eyebrows. Leaving for the rest of the day? What? The last time you had to leave for the rest of the day unexpectedly was when your mom died.
"I'll send her down," your teacher replied.
"Alright, thank you." Then, she turned to you. "I'll have your missed work ready for you on Monday, Y/N, and I can email the other teachers you have today that you'll be missing their classes as well if you'd like?"
"That'd be great. Thank you."
"Have a great weekend, Y/N."
"Thank you. You too."
Then, you grabbed your books and made your way to your locker. Once you put everything you needed into your backpack, you made your way to the office. At least you were missing math and science class...you hated both of those subjects. Will got the brains when it came to those two.
But, your relief was short-lived when you saw Kim Burgess and Kevin Atwater standing in the office. You frantically pulled the door open. "Did something happen to Jay? Is he okay? Did he get hurt?"
"No, no, nothing like that," Kim quickly reassured you. "We just need to bring you down to the district is all."
"Why?" you asked, drawing out the word.
"It's better if your brother and Voight explain this to you. But, you are not in any trouble, Jay's not in any trouble, and he's fine," Kevin answered.
They quickly signed you out and the three of you made your way to the parking lot where their squad car was parked. "Ever been in a patrol car, Y/N?" Kevin asked.
"No," you answered, opening the door to the backseat and throwing your backpack in.
"Well, today's your lucky day. We'll even let you control the music." The three of you got in and Kevin turned on the car and started fiddling with the controls on the radio. "Just tell me to stop when you hear a song you like."
"Jay!" you yelled as you ran up the stairs to Intelligence, your backpack bouncing up and down with every step you took. Jay walked out of the break room. You ran to him, narrowly missing Commander Perry. "What's going on? I didn't know I'd need to leave school and then Kim and Kevin came to pick me up and I thought you might be hurt but they said you weren't and--"
"Whoa, whoa," Jay cut you off. "Y/N, slow down. I'm okay. Everything's okay. Voight and Commander Perry here just need to ask you a couple of questions."
"But, I didn't do anything wrong."
"You're not in trouble, kid," Voight said. "Like your brother said, we just need to ask you a few questions and Jay will be with you the whole time."
Since neither Jay nor Voight could get ahold of your dad to get permission to talk to you, they had allowed Jay to sign off on it. And, since you were a minor, the person who signed that paperwork had to be in the room with you the entire time they were talking to you.
"You hungry?" Commander Perry asked as you sat down and Jay stood behind you. "You can grab a snack from the vending machine before we start if you'd like."
It was only 9:00 am. "No thank you," you replied. "I had breakfast a few hours ago and I'm still full from that. Thank you, though."
"You're welcome." He and Voight sat down across from you. "Now, you're probably wondering why you're here," Commander Perry started. "Your brother mentioned that you saw Lonnie Rodiger buy rope and duct tape?"
Your eyes widened and you drew in a breath. "Is he after me? Did he try and break into mine and Dad's house, Jay, because he was looking for me?"
"No, it's nothing like that," the commander interjected before you got worked up even more. "We just wanted to ask you what you saw is all."
You looked to Jay and he nodded, giving you the go-ahead to tell the two men what you had seen when you were walking home from school a few days ago. So, you did just that. You told them about walking home from school and seeing Lonnie with rope and duct tape and him seeing you.
"And you told your brother this?" Commander Perry asked.
"Uh, yeah, I wasn't going to tell him because I didn't want him to freak out or anything, but he always told me that if I saw anything off with Lonnie to tell him. And, I couldn't sleep that night, so I called him really late and he and Antonio came over."
"And what happened next?"
"Jay said that he wanted me to stay at his house until this all blew over because Lonnie saw me. He saw me. And, he knows where I live."
"So, Jay was trying to keep you safe?"
You nodded. "He's even been picking me up from school because he doesn't want me going home--to mine and my dad's place that is--to wait for him to pick me up after he's done with work. He's worried about me."
"Did he do anything else? Take you anywhere in the two days you've been staying with him?"
"No, nowhere other than school."
"Do anything fun?"
"He brought home Arby's last night and he let me stay up late and finish the Blackhawks game! Dad never lets me do that! And, they even won in overtime! And, I stole some of his curly fries."
"Do you know if he left last night after you went to bed?" Commander Perry asked.
"No, he didn't."
"And how can you be so sure about that? You were sleeping weren't you?"
Jay clenched his fists at his sides. You were a kid and this wasn't a trial, it was just getting a statement from you, not putting you on the witness stand.
"Jay never leaves me when he watches me at night. Never has and probably never will. Even when his girlfriend called when he watched me when I was little, he'd either make her come over to our house or would tell her that he was playing with me."
Voight chuckled at how you were spilling bits and pieces of Jay's life before he became a cop and entered his unit. He knew that Jay would never tell him these things, so it was funny hearing how protective and soft the big-shot detective of one of the most elite units of Chicago was with his little sister.
"Okay, thank you," Commander Perry said. "Do you know why we're asking you these questions?"
You shook your head, no.
"Halstead, you want to explain this. We'll butt in if needed," he said. He didn't know how much you knew about this alleged pedophile and murderer, so he figured it would be best to hand Jay the lead on the explanation portion.
Jay sat down in the chair next to you. "Y/N, you're not in trouble. I promise you that."
"You already told me that," you pointed out.
"I know, but I wanted to tell you again."
You furrowed your eyebrows and cocked your head to the side. "Then, why are they asking me questions about Lonnie and about you? Did he kill someone again? Like he did to Ben?"
Jay swallowed. He wasn't about to tell you the details of how someone murdered Lonnie Rodiger. Despite knowing the details of Ben's murder, you didn't need more gruesome pictures of murder in your teenage mind. "Um, Lonnie was found dead last night."
"And they think you did it, don't they?"
Jay's jaw dropped, all his years of being a stone-faced Army ranger and detective flying out the window as you quickly put the pieces together of why you were being talked to by his sergeant and commander. "What? How- Why would you assume that?"
"Dad's not good with turning his Law and Order down when he watches it at night so sometimes when I can't fall asleep, I'll listen to it and I'll hear the interrogation or trial scenes." You shrugged. Then, you turned your attention to Sergeant Voight and Commander Perry. "If you think my brother did it, I can tell you that he didn't because he was home with me all night. I even woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and he was asleep on the couch with his mouth open and he was drooling." You scrunched up your nose in disgust at Jay's sleeping position last night.
"Alright, Sergeant, your unit can investigate this one. But, Halstead, not that I don't believe your sister, but you're still stripped until this gets all sorted out. Go home."
Jay nodded. "C'mon, Y/N. We can go grab lunch or something."
Jay ushered you out of the break room and you grabbed your backpack. "Halstead, what's going on?" Antonio asked, catching you and Jay on your way down the stairs.
"Just, give this case hell for me, Antonio, will you?"
"Is it wrong?" you asked Jay when you were driving away from the district. "That I'm glad Lonnie's dead that is?"
Jay sighed. "Listen, I know we shouldn't be glad about someone being dead, but in all honesty, kid, I'm glad he's dead, too."
"Because the world's a safer place?"
"Yeah." And because justice was served for the Corson family, but I'm not gonna talk to my little sister about killing someone for justice...I don't need her to turn into the female version of Hank Voight in twenty years.
"So, were you and Mouse glad when you killed the bad guys over in Afghanistan?"
Oh no, no, no, no, no. I am not about to have this conversation with her. I'm not about to have this conversation with anyone for that matter, much less with my very impressionable, middle-schooler, little sister. "What do you want for lunch? Mcdonalds? Burger King? Wendy's? Pizza Hut?"
"You never answered my question," you told him.
"And you never answered mine. So, what do you want for lunch?"
"Hmmm...I really like the chicken alfredo from Pizza Hut, so can we go there?"
"Pizza Hut it is."
"What are you gonna get? Wait, lemme guess...meat lover's pizza?"
"And, you would be correct."
You arrived at Pizza Hut, which was only half a block away from the Corson's. And, since it was also so close to your school, some high school seniors would come here for lunch...not that you had an open campus at school, but they'd dip out for lunch and then get back unnoticed before their next class. You wondered if you'd be brave enough to do that in high school. You didn't know and you had a few more years until you got to that grade anyway.
"Hey Detective Halstead," a woman greeted Jay.
"Oh, hey Rachelle," Jay said as you both walked up to the counter at Pizza Hut. "How's school going?"
"It's going great actually. And who's this?" she asked, motioning to you.
"This is my little sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is one of my best CIs, Rachelle."
"You're a CI? That's so cool! So you help my brother solve cases? He never tells me about anything he does, so what do you help him with?"
Jay placed a hand on your shoulder. "That's confidential information, kiddo. And don't go blabbing about her being a CI either, because she could get in trouble."
"Got it. She's just someone I know from coming here so much. I have no idea what you're talking about, Jay."
Jay laughed. "Alright, what can I get started for you two?" Rachelle asked.
"Actually, since you're here, I have a quick question for you."
"Okay, let's go around back," she replied, thinking he was going to ask her if she knew anything that might help them with a case.
"No, it's nothing like that. I was just wondering if you'd watch Y/N for a bit while I go run a quick errand? It'd be for twenty, thirty minutes tops."
She looked around the restaurant, it was practically empty. "Yeah, no problem. I can keep an eye on her."
"Awesome thanks. And, uh, she'll have the chicken alfredo and I'll have the meat lover's pizza."
Rachelle rang it up and then told Jay the total. He pulled out his wallet and paid for their food, not without placing a ten-dollar bill in the tip jar. "You didn't have to do that," Rachelle said.
"You're watching Trouble here for a bit, so yeah, I do."
"I am not trouble!" you protested. "Where are you going anyway?"
"Don't worry about it. I'll be back soon."
"Hey, Y/N. You want a chocolate chip cookie? I think they just came out of the oven." You frantically nodded your head up and down. "Well, c'mon back here and I'll grab it for you."
She opened the piece of the counter that flipped up and you walked through. Then, she motioned for Jay to leave before you pressed him for more answers on where he was going.
"To be honest, I don't feel any sympathy," Danny Corson told Jay as he sat at the kitchen table next to his wife with Jay across from him. "Do the police have any idea who did it?"
Jay had come to the Corson household to tell them the news that Lonnie Rodiger was dead...and to ask Danny some questions that would not go on record.
"We're still trying to piece that together." Jay turned to the red-haired woman. "Gail, do you have ay milk for this?" he asked, holding out his coffee cup."
"Oh, yeah. Let me get it for you," Gail answered.
"Thank you," Jay said to Gail's retreating back as she left the table. Jay turned back to Danny. "They suspended me. They think I did it. So, if you did something, Danny, I need you to tell me now so that we can figure this out together."
"Jay, I have been fantasizing about it for years, but I didn't do it. After all you've done for this family though, if you need me to confess, then I will."
"No, no you will not. I will not let you, or me for that matter, go down for something neither of us did."
"So, you have no idea who did it?"
"At the moment, no."
Jay's phone rang and he held up a finger to tell Danny he'd just be a second. But, then he looked at who was calling him and he practically froze.
"Jay, you okay?" Danny asked.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He accepted the call and placed his phone to his ear. "Rachelle? What's going on? Is Y/N okay?"
"Physically she's fine," she answered. "But, there's this guy yelling at her asking where you are and--"
"Tell me where he is! Your brother! My son is dead because of him!" Jay heard through the phone.
Phil Rodiger.
Jay drew in a breath. "I'm on my way."
He hung up and then turned to Danny and Gail. "I gotta go, I'm sorry. If I find out anything, you'll be the first to know." And then he ran out the door and ran as fast as he ever has to the Pizza Hut half a block away.
"He didn't do it!" you yelled. "He was home with me all night!"
"Yeah right! He probably told you to say that!"
"Y/N! Don't say another word!" Jay sprinted over to the booth where you were sitting, your pasta halfway eaten.
"You! You killed him!"
"Phil, we're in a public place. The cops can get called for a disturbance." Jay flicked his eyes to Rachelle and she nodded, picking up her phone.
"Fine! Then let them call the cops! I'll tell them that you killed him! You killed my son!"
He took a step closer to the side of the booth that you were sitting in and Jay quickly placed himself between you and Lonnie Rodiger's father. "You know what? I may have not killed him, but whoever did, did everyone in this world a real favor! Killing a pedophile and a murderer? I'd like to give the guy who killed your sick-ass bastard of a son a medal when they find him!"
"Jay!" you yelled, grabbing the back of his shirt and tugging it so that he would turn his attention back to you.
"Y/N, this is grown-up stuff. Butt out!" He turned back to Phil. "Lonnie brought this on himself and you know it!"
You saw a few people from the Intelligence Unit walking up to the building out of the corner of your eye. "Jay, shut the hell up!"
"You killed him!"
"For the last time, I didn't kill your sorry excuse for a son!"
"Police! Break it up!"
Jay was yanked away from you by none other than Antonio Dawson. Adam and Voight had each grabbed one of Phil's shoulders to keep him at bay. Erin knelt in front of you.
"Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."
"What the hell, Halstead?" Antonio yelled.
"Wre're taking you in," Voight told Phil Rodiger.
"Am I under arrest?"
"No, we just have some questions about last night we want to ask you is all. Why? Should you be under arrest?"
"No, but he should! I know you did it--"
"We'll talk to him," Voight said. "Don't you worry about that." He turned to Antonio. "You and Lindsay got this, bro?"
"Yeah, we got this," Antonio answered.
Voight nodded and then he and Ruzek escorted Phil Rodiger out of the building.
Antonio waited until Voight's car was safely out of the parking lot, before trying to lead Jay out of the building.
"Dude, I don't need a police escort. I can drive my car back home just fine," Jay protested.
"Jay, just come on. Or do I need to put you in cuffs?" He pulled his handcuffs out of his pocket and allowed them to dangle off his pointer finger.
"Tony, not here," Erin warned. "Not with Y/N watching."
You gasped. They weren't going to arrest Jay, were they? No, they wouldn't. They couldn't.
"Let's just go out to the car," Antonio said.
Once you were all in the car, Antonio driving, Erin in the passenger seat, and you and Jay in the back, did Jay finally address the elephant in the room...or, well, the elephant in the car. "Just so we're clear, I didn't kill Lonnie Rodiger. If I was gonna kill him, I would've done it the night he raped and murdered an eleven-year-old Ben Corson! I was this close, too!"
Your breath caught in your throat. You had assumed he had been raped, hell you had heard Jay talk about it with Gail and Danny, once with your dad, when they thought you were too far out of earshot to hear or thought that you were asleep. But, hearing Jay say it out loud, right in front of you, made it more real than hearing it when you weren't supposed to. And, hearing Jay say that had thoughts about killing Lonnie before...you didn't know how to feel about that. You had wanted him dead, just like Jay had (and how the Corson's probably did as well) but you never thought Jay would actually admit to wanting to kill him, much less say that he had been close to doing it.
"Shit, Y/N, I'm sorry I never told you about that," Jay said, his voice much quieter now. "I just, I didn't know how to tell you and you were ten, so you shouldn't have even known what rape was and I didn't want to explain it to you under those circumstances--"
"I knew," you told him.
"What?" he gasped as he furrowed his eyebrows. "How?"
"I heard you talking to the Corson's once when you thought I couldn't hear you and once when you were talking to Dad when you  both thought that I was asleep."
"Well, either way, I'm sorry you had to hear it from me like this. And, I'm sorry he had to go through that."
"Me too," you whispered.
Erin leaned back and handed Jay a file folder. He raised an eyebrow.
"Lonnie Rodiger's homicide file," Antonio told him. "If anyone asks, no ones knows how you got that."
"That goes for you, too, Y/N. As far as you're concerned, you don't know what a homicide file is."
"What's homicide?" you joked. "I don't even know what that is."
"Works for me," Erin said as Jay flipped open the file.
"What'd he say? Jay asked, cornering Antonio in the locker room.
"Not here," Antonio told him and led him to the basement.
Once the two detectives were safely in the basement, Antonio let Jay in on the statement that Phil Rodiger had just given the Intelligence Unit about Lonnie Rodiger's murder.
"Can I run something by you?" Jay asked.
"So, Phil Rodiger gives his statement, and he says...that his son never came home that night," Jay took a deep breath, hoping he wasn't going to get in trouble for saying this. "But I know he did. I may have not gone straight to my apartment after I got takeout for me and Y/N before we watched the Hawks game together."
"I'll talk to Voight. But, I think Y/N needs some help with homework, so go be the good big brother and do that." Antonio clapped Jay on the back and then started up the stairs.
"We're good to go," Antonio told him. "But, we got a problem."
"Which is?" Jay asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They kicked him."
"The hell do you mean they kicked him?"
"I mean, they don't think he did it. But, Jin's getting a location on him." Antonio's phone binged. "And here is that location. Erin, you riding with me? Halstead will follow. I got the photos."
Erin picked up her coat. "Ruzek, watch the kid, okay?"
"You got it," he answered, walking over to the break room.
"Ruz, please do not corrupt my sister."
"I'm hurt Jay, really. That hurt, man," he joked.
The three detectives left the district and made their way to a bar where Phil Rodiger was sitting and drinking alone. The three had agreed that only Jay should go in so that he wouldn't get spooked and try to run off.
Jay entered the bar and took a seat next to Phil. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but started Jay on his reasoning anyway. "In the statement you gave the detectives, you said that you didn't see Lonnie after 10:00 pm, that he went for a drive and he never came back." Jay placed a photo on the bar in front of Phil. "I was following Lonnie that night, and not long after these pictures were taken, I watched him walk into your house. Lonnie got tired of hunting, so he went home. And according to the time of death, he was killed an hour after I took this photo." Phil Rodiger just stared at the photo as Jay turned his attention away from it and onto Phil. "Your son wasn't killed in the park, was he?"
Phil stood up and brought his face close to Jay's. "You got no idea what you're talking about."
Then, he started to walk away, but Jay got up and followed him. Jay was pretty sure his cop instincts were right once again. "Phil, where you going?" Jay paused and looked at him. Phil was looking at the floor and avoiding eye contact the way only a guilty man would. "You killed him."
"He was sick."
Yeah, we all knew that. Took you long enough, Jay thought to himself.
Then, Erin and Antonio rushed in and put Phil in cuffs.
Half an hour later, Jay was standing in front of the one-way window with Voight, watching Erin do her thing in the interrogation room.
"I found some pictures on his computer," Phil told Erin. "Boys, same age as the Corson kid. Then I- I confronted him."
"How did you kill Lonnie?" Erin asked, straight to the point. The faster this got straightened out, the faster Jay'd get his badge and gun back.
"We fought. I picked up a belt, and I just- I just kept choking him." Phil tried to keep the tears back, but he couldn't. What kind of father would kill their own son? But then again, most fathers didn't have sons who were monsters.
"And then you dropped his body in the park?"
Jay walked out of the interrogation room the minute he heard those words. He knew Voight had heard the same things he had. So, when Voight motioned for Jay to step into his office, this time, Jay didn't hesitate.
Voight pulled open a drawer and grabbed Jay's badge and gun. "Good to have you back."
"Thanks, Sarge."
"Now, go and get your sister out of here. I think she's bored out of her mind."
Jay chuckled and clipped his badge onto his jeans and holstered his gun. "His dad did it?" you asked, exiting the break room.
"How did you know that?"
"Ruzek told me!"
"Dude! I told you not to corrupt her!"
"Technically, I didn't corrupt her. I told her the truth," he defended.
"Fine, whatever. Mind giving us a ride so we can go get my car back from Pizza Hut?"
"Yeah, no problem."
"I call shotgun!" you yelled and started to race down the stairs.
"No fair!" Jay exclaimed as he chased after you.
You and Jay were crouched in front of Ben's grave, the flowers you had planted four days ago brightening the dismal place up a bit. "They got him, Ben, they got him," you explained. "Jay almost got in trouble for it, but it turns out that Lonnie's dad did it." You paused as if waiting for Ben's reaction. You knew he would be saying something along the lines of no way where he was. "I know, no way, right?"
"You okay?" Jay asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
You had stopped talking after you asked that rhetorical question. You had no idea what to say now. Ben was still gone.
"I guess it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would," you said, turning your attention to Jay. "It's as if I thought that finding who did this would bring Ben back. I feel relief, but that's it."
"Hey, no matter what you're feeling, it's okay. The way this went down today and the past few days don't matter. We got justice for Ben and that's all that matters. You got justice for Ben. You were the one who saw Lonnie with that rope and duct tape and told me. You were the reason this entire case got off the ground."
"Really," Jay confirmed.
"Well, at least it's justice."
"At least it's justice," Jay echoed.
A/N: Thank you for the amazing feedback on the first installment of this series I posted a few days ago! Your comments really got me motivated to write this one! But, I have some bad news, which is that since I have exams in a week and a half, I won't be posting for at least two weeks, probably closer to two and a half.
Anyway, thank you for reading, and please vote and comment! Reading your comments really gets me motivated to write...even though the next chapter will have to wait a while since I have exams.
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07
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uwuwriting · 4 years
How they propose w/ Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Kuroo
Request: Oikawa, kuro and iwa proposing to their long term girlfriend??? -anonymous
Hi it’s me back again. *if anyone knows from which song this is I’m gonna give them a cookie no cap*. I’m back with another one and this one is just the cutest thing ever. Oikawas’ is a little dumb and goofy but I believe he would do something like that. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: fluff and some dorkiness. 
Oikawa Toru
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-Okay so he is obsessed with tik tok....and his proposal kinda made it on tik tok. 
-Its a nice cutesy proposal I swear he’s just overly proud of himself. 
-You had just moved in with him in Argentina. 
-Somehow you managed to get a job in your field in the town next to his place so when you told him that well you were moving to Argentina he didn’t hesitate to ask you to move in with him. 
-He misses you way too much, the distance makes it hard for him to feel your comfort. 
-He would never dream of breaking up with you; he would make it work even if it killed him.
-So it’s been a month and a half of living together and he is in heaven. 
-He knew that he wanted to marry you for some time now. 
-Since that moment at the airport the day he was leaving. 
-Iwaizumi was there along side Matsu and Hanamaki. 
-The three dumbasses were bawling their eyes out while you were semi chocking him. 
- “Call me when you land okay? I wanna know how jet lagged you feel.” 
-The sad smile on your face was enough to make him spill them tears, a sad smile of his own taking its seat on his face. 
- “You’ll make fun of me again.”
- “It’s part of my duties as your girlfriend you beautiful dumbass.” 
-And right there with you hands on either of his cheeks and tears in your eyes he knew that he would wife you up. 
-Now he has been planning this for some time. 
-He went all the way to California to find Iwa so they could pick a ring together.
-Both of them needed a ring but anyways.
-After obtaining the ring....he hid it for a few weeks. 
-He would wake up everyday ten minutes earlier than usual and just ask you to marry him while you were still asleep. 
-Once he was satisfied with the amount of times he has said it he gets up and is out the door. 
-He took you to meet his team.
-he wanted to do it then but he chickened out. 
-So what does he do? 
-He sulks on tik tok. 
-Until he comes across a video of a girl stepping into the shower with her boyfriend and pretends that she wants to ask him something important. 
-Of course that was a very dumb way to ask you something so big but he got an adrenaline jump and five minutes of dumb courage. 
-He sets up his phone right outside the shower curtain and just walks in with you. 
- “Hi?!”
- “Hi”
-*giggles* “Can I help you mister?”
-And here is where things take a turn because doubts start to make their way into his head and his palms are getting sweaty-
- “Toru love are you alright?”
- “Marry me.”
-The video went viral, the squad clowned him until your first child was born and your kids laugh with the story till this day. 
Iwaizumi Hajime 
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-Unlike his best friend he took this wayyyy to chill. 
-It popped up in his head one night before one of your visits. 
-His roommate had asked him why he stayed in a long distance relationship. 
- “Is she really so worth it man? You could have a chick in your bed every night and not wait for her visits every three months.” 
- “You cannot imagine how worth it she is.”
 - “You sound like you wanna marry her dude.” 
-And from that point on he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
-Sure he had imagined your future before.
-The house you’ll have and where he would like to go on your honeymoon, what your kids might look like and what kind of mom you would be. 
-But all of it was pure speculation. 
-He just wanted to see how it would feel to be so domestic. 
-So here he is almost a whole year after that night, choosing a ring along side Oikawa. 
-This dumbass had taken the decision to get married too quickly and had called Iwa very VERY panicky and in need of some comfort.
-They both picked their respective rings and hid the velvety boxes deep in their pockets, the two best friends saying their goodbyes and heading off to their missions. 
-Now Iwa wanted this to be as lass forced and too thought out as possible. 
-He believes that these things are best  done in privacy and only netween the two partners. 
-So he doesn’t plan anything out. 
-He waits for the moment when it feels right. 
-And that’s why it took him over a year to actually ask you. 
-Of course it wasn’t such an improptu move like Oikawas’, he was a little less tik tok-y??? 
-You had ordered tak out and were eating in your shared apartment. 
-After graduation you got transferred to the USA and were placed near Iwa so now just like Oikawa you lived together. 
-It has been a nice calm year of just domesticated fluff. 
-You were telling him about your day, how one of your co-workers ate your boss’s pretchel and they flipped.
-Or how you saw a dog dressed as a hotdog right next to a hotdog stand. 
-And that’s when he just drops the bomb. 
-He has been keeping the small velevt box in his pocket ever since he bought it. 
-Wordlessly standing up he makes his way to your side of the table and drops to one knee. 
- “I’m pretty sure you know already that I believe you are my soulmate. My other half and I couldn’t begin to imagine my life without you in it. Not even a month without you. That being said, it would make me the happiest man in the world if you would give me the honor of calling you Ms. Iwaizumi. For the rest of our lives; until we are old and wrinkly with our family running around us. Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
-You were crying at this point, nodding your head since the moment he called you his other half. 
-Of course you said yes and some bomb sex followed.
-Oikawa and his now wife, were so happy to hear that Iwa finally gathered the courage to ask you.
Kuroo Tetsuro 
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-He may be nasty but he is my og husband. 
-Actually my second og husband. 
-The first one is Akaashi. 
-He bought the ring the same day he decided to ask you. 
-He had been in a meeting and he was bored out of his mind so he texted you. 
-You two started off by making fun of each other and ended up playing one of those dumb facebook games. 
-He was letting out small giggles here and there which mind you were barely audible but the guy next to him heard them alrtight. 
- “Talking with the missus eh?”
-Kuroo couldn’t control himself when he answered. 
- “Yeah.”
-His coworker let out a chuckle at the sight of Kuroo’s face of surprise at his own words. 
- “It was about time you wifed her. You two are so in love it almost makes me jealous.”
- “Jealous that you don’t have a beating heart Kai?” 
-He got slapped....moving on. 
-So with that he called you once the meeting was over and informed you of his plans for tonight. 
- “Get dressed baby I’m taking you out for dinner tonight.”
- “What’s the occassion mister?”
- “It’s something special. Be ready by 9 I’ll pick you up from our apartment. Oh and could you please wear that gorgeous red dress of yours?”
- “The satin one? The one I can’t wear a bra with?”
- “You without a bra is just a bonus baby.” 
- “You are a horny idiot Tetsu.”
-Now he was out on a mission. 
-The mission of the ring. 
-So he needed to call on the fellowship. 
-Thirty minutes later Kenma, Yaku and Daichi were waiting for him at the local Starbucks. 
-Alas the fellowship of the ring. 
-These four idiots could barely agree on a single thing. 
-Gave the shopkeepers a headache. 
-But finally FINALLY they decided on one. 
-Patting their friend on the back they were off, hoping that you would say yes. 
-Apart from Kenma who prayed to the rain gods that you finally open your eyes and see what you are dating. 
-While at the restaurant he was quieter than usual. 
-He would let you talk and talk and talk about everything and anything with giving you only small nods or hums. 
-He was so caught up in his head that he couldn’t see th worry in your eyes. 
-  “Tetsu, is everything okay? “
-And there was his oportunity. 
- “Actually something is kinda bothering me and you are the only one who can help.” 
-He slowly got up and made his way to your side. 
- “You remember a few months back when you joked about us getting married? Or that other time when you said that I would make a great dad? Well I guess tonight will determine all of that.”
-He kneeled down and opened the small box rubbing your knee with his other hand. 
- “Y/N L/N will you help me make those dreams reality?”
-Kenma disapproves. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @reinyrei​ @bemorefiction​ @axerrri​ @dnarez​
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oddshelbyout · 3 years
Forever // John Shelby X Fem!Reader
Summary: You get a letter that declares your husband, John dead during the war. Just as you were slowly getting used to the pain, a miracle brings him home.
Warnings: Mention of death (non graphic), Angst
Word Count: 1668
Author’s Notes:
I needed to write some angst and this is how it ended up. I’m really proud of this one even though I don’t think it’s as angsty as I intended to make it. I hope you enjoy it <3
English is not my first language and I’m not always confident about my work so please let me know if I make any mistakes or anything I can fix in my writing.
You can ask to be added to my taglist. You can be tagged to works on a specific character or just any of my works. Please dm me or send your wish to my ask box if you’d like to be added.
Requests are open. You can request any Peaky Blinders related imagines or prompts for me to write. I’m a minor so I don’t take NSFW requests, please keep that in mind.
You were lying on John’s childhood bed. It had been your bed ever since he got shipped off to France. The house you lived together in felt empty and the double bed you slept together was lonely.
With all the boys being on the battlefield, expect Finn. The Shelby women were staying together, taking care of business and each other.
It had been two years since they left when you got the letter. The letter was delivered to the house you and John lived. You didn’t realise it existed until a few weeks later. You wished you never realised.
The letter declared John dead. He was presumed killed in action. He had originally gone missing and afterwards was called dead.
You hadn’t opened the letter until you were with Polly. You could feel that it was something bad. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be delivered in the first place.
Your eyes started bawling out the moment you read the first few words. Polly had his arms around you, much calmer than you. She didn't shed a single tear. Ada was there too but unlike Polly, she was crying. Not as much as you did of course.
One might’ve assumed they would cry more. They were family by blood. You cried most because you had less time with him and that time wasn’t enough for you.
When you finally let go of the letter, his eyes appeared behind your closed ones. You couldn't open them, you didn’t want to see a world where he wasn’t in. It got easier after a while but then, you started hearing his voice. How he called you “Love” and “Darling” and occasionally “Baby”.
Thankfully you had Ada and Polly and even Finn. The youngest Shelby was your best distraction. All of them had the same pain though with different ways to show it. Polly got more aggressive after learning about John’s death and Ada got more passive. Finn just stopped playing with his toy guns.
You got used to the fact that your husband wasn’t going to return from the war. It hurt but you got used to it. You knew there was a possibility of that happening but never thought it would actually happen.
You were lucky that you were already staying with the other remaining Shelbys in Small Heath. John’s childhood bed felt more like your own bed after learning about his death.
You got so used to the Shelby home that you even forgot you had a house you lived with John in. Maybe you just chose to forget. The bed you were sleeping was more comfortable anyway.
You sat on the bed. You didn’t feel like doing anything productive so you just sat and read your book. You had become somewhat numb. The book in your hands would’ve made you cry if it was a few months ago.
You barely understood anything you read so Finn suddenly opening the door was a gift. “You have to come down Y/N.” he said with his not yet thickened voice.
You sighed, “Can’t it wait until I finish this chapter at least?” Finn shook his head. “Polly said now.” you rolled your eyes. You couldn’t think of anything that could be this urgent.
“And you always do as Polly told right?” you mocked Finn. He seemed upset by it and looked into your eyes, putting pressure on you. You closed your book and before letting Finn say anything, you left the room.
You slowly walked down the stairs, Finn behind you. When you got down, “Pol?” you called out for her. You looked around and just as you were going back upstairs you heard footsteps.
You turned your back, expecting Polly, you were going to ask her what was so urgent. Instead you saw John. His face reflected his tiredness. His eyes were looking dead. He had a cane in his hand, you examined him from head to toe. You thought you were hallucinating.
You gasped. You blinked a few times. Your eyes teared up. “John.” you said quietly. Your whole body went numb. Finn looked at John and then you. Polly appeared behind John, her face was wet from tears.
You couldn’t stand still. You collapsed on the floor. It was dark. You heard John calling your name, felt Polly’s hard slaps on your cheeks. You couldn’t open your eyes.
“Finn get her water.” Polly ordered, you heard the boy’s footsteps. A harder slap from Polly came afterwards. You opened your eyes. John’s eyes blocked your sight. “You.” was all you could say.
Finn came back with a glass of water. You tried to sit up, Polly offered you her hand. John was silent. He was on his knees beside you, he was in pain. He took support from his cane and stood up.
“Finn, go upstairs.” Polly told the boy, he nodded and rushed upstairs. “He’s supposed to be dead!” you shouted at Polly then looked at your husband. You took the water from Polly’s hand and took a sip.
“Let’s get you up Baby.” you heard him say. You thought you’d never hear his voice again, you thought you’d never be called baby and feel the way you did when he said it. It should’ve felt like a blessing, a miracle but it felt more like a curse.
You stood up by yourself without any help. “Why don’t we sit down.” John said, looking towards the door of the living room. You nodded silently. Every breath you took felt like the first.
You sat down on the couch, John sat down beside you. “I’ll leave you two alone.” she said and left, probably going upstairs to Finn.
“Y/N, why won’t you look at me?” he asked. He noticed he avoided his gaze. You felt like none of it was real. “You were supposed to be dead.” you mumbled, barely able to speak.
Your voice cracked, John seemed to share the pain you were in. You couldn’t understand why you weren’t happy about this. John understood, you were in shock. You were just getting used to his loss and now you knew it was all a lie.
You cried, you didn’t know what to see, neither John did. You sobbed, John pulled you to himself. His arms felt safer than ever. He gave you a kiss on the forehead. Your tears wetted his shirt.
“Why aren’t you dead!” you were angry that you had to go through that grief even though it wasn’t true. You pushed yourself out of his arms.
John held your face between his two hands. “Look at me Love, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” he assured you.
“But…” you tried to speak but he interrupted. “I got captured.” he said, it was obviously hard for him to talk about it. He felt like he owed you the explanation, he had to tell you about it no matter how hard it was.
“I was tortured, you got the letter when I was in the enemy's hands.” he swallowed, his eyes teared up. “You don’t have to tell me if it’s too hard.” he let go of your face and held your hand instead.
“I have to.” he whispered, you nodded telling him to continue. “I was found only a few weeks ago, I needed treatment so they transported me back here.” he took a deep breath. “John…” you said before biting your lip.
“Y/N just listen.” John said softly, “Okay” you mouthed. You squeezed his hands in support. “They told me the war is over for me, at least this one.” he said, “I’m home and I’m not going back.” his voice was still.
“I wish I could be happy right now but I’m just in more pain.” you confessed. “I know but I’m here and as long as we have each other it’s okay.” you hugged him. You hugged him tighter than you ever did and ever will.
John started crying too. His tears fell on your hair and yours fell on his shoulders. He was here, you were hugging him, you were talking to him, he called you “Baby” again. You expected to wake up from this dream but it was real.
“No more grieving.” he whispered here. “No more going to bed alone.” you said. “No more being apart, we’ll be together forever.” his words just made you cry more.
It was the first time you saw John cry and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time. The way he stood and spoke told you he was a different man now but it didn’t matter. You were in his arms and he was in yours.
“Has Ada seen you?” you asked while still holding him close. “Not yet.” he said softly, “She’s gonna be so happy to see you.” you replied back.
“Definitely happier than Finn was.” he said, it made you chuckle and put a smile on both of your faces. “I love you so much.” you cried and all he could say was “Me too.”.
Neither of you spoke for a while. There was nothing left to say, maybe there was a lot to talk about but it wasn’t the time. Your safe silence in each other’s arms was cut with Ada entering the room.
“Fucking hell!” she screamed, “Have I gone mad?” she shouted. You and John laughed unintentionally at her reaction. Polly came running, “I guess it’s time to have a family meeting.” she said while Ada stood there her jaw dropped.
Ada was calmer than you were and so was Polly. Neither of you expected it but it was a miracle anyway. It was your miracle. You were finally at ease while you still had that little but of grief left.
The happiness didn’t appear until you were getting ready for bed. You weren’t going to sleep alone. John wasn’t sleeping on the uncomfortable hospital bed or in the trench. It was the most peaceful night you had in ages.
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thelukesalvez · 4 years
Luke Alvez x Reader: Wedding Day
Prompt: You and Luke’s wedding day. 
Tagged: @ssaic-jareau​ , @alvezstan​ , @lcvischmitt​ , @ogmilkis​ , @goldenalvez​ , @ssa-morgan​ , @garcias-batcave​ ,  @akimagies​, @zhangyixingxing1​ , @pinkdiamond1016​ , @yourwonderbelle​ , @rachelxwayne​ , @sc4rletw1tch​ , @moreidultrastan​ , @ellvswriting​
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
A/N: this made me SOFT wow, here’s some fluff no one asked for. i also had body parts by yoke lore playing on repeat while i wrote this to make me extra soft, so if u need a soundtrack to this imagine- that’s it!!!
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“You did it up all wrong,” Rossi sighs with a little chuckle, gesturing at Luke’s tie from a spot behind him in the mirror. “Look Matt, he did it backwards. He’s nervous.”  
“It’s hard in the mirror.  Just tie it for me then,” says Luke, rolling his eyes as Rossi bats his hands away and begins to loop his tie properly.
Behind them, Matt paces dramatically with a notecard in his hand.  “You’re not allowed to be nervous,” he says, motioning towards Luke.  “I’m nervous enough for the both of us!  To be, or not to be,” he continues, outstretching his arm theatrically, and placing it on his forehead for effect, “that was the question that Luke Alvez asked Y/F/N on one fateful night almost a year ago.  My name is Matt Simmons, and I’ll be your tour guide through this emotional rollercoaster–”
“Emotional rollercoaster?” Rossi asks. 
“We’ll laugh, we’ll hope, we’ll cry.”
“Um,” says Luke, eyeing Matt warily in the mirror as Rossi laughs helplessly, “I’d like to say I know you’re just messing around… but you’re just messing around, right?”
Matt opens his eyes wide, looking appalled.  “Absolutely not!  You made a choice, the right choice I might add, asking me to make the big speech.  It’s my moment, Luke. Everyone will be talking about it for years.”
Rossi laughs even harder, patting Luke on the chest once his tie is done right, “There you go. Like a real gentleman. Don’t worry about Matt,” Rossi adds in a whisper. “I’ll keep him in line, I always do. ”
Matt throws them both a dark look, one hand over his heart, before continuing, “Now what… What is real love? Come with me now on a journey and I’ll tell you.  Together, we’ll delve into the love story between two young heart throbs. Charming, sometimes incredibly tragic, but always pure and true.  Our tale begins on the eighteenth of November one cool brisk evening. Luke Alvez was an autumn baby emerging from his mother–“
“You’ve only got like three minutes to talk,” Luke tells him, just in case he was unaware of the time limit on his speech. Just then, Spencer pops his head in.
“Practicing our speeches?” He looks at Luke and raises his eyebrows with an assuring thumbs up.  “Looking good.”
“You’re just in time,” Matt says, pointing at Spencer, “I was thinking you could act out my speech, like performance art.”
“No plays at my wedding!” Luke says, but he’s laughing too.  
Just saying the word ‘wedding’ aloud makes Luke’s heart leap a little.  He starts thinking of how you probably look right now.  You had fussed around nervously all morning, organizing and re-organizing things around the house, cleaning things that were already clean. The same way you always were when you got anxious.  Luke finally hugged you from behind and said, firmly, “Stop.”  
You had rolled your eyes but allowed Luke to tug you down onto the couch, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug.  “It’s going to be perfect,” He had said.  
Luke then stands up from the chair, smoothing his hair.
“C’mon Rossi,” says Spencer, still lingering at the door, “Your wife sent me in here to get you, she wants to get some pictures beforehand.”
“Duty calls,” Rossi says, smiling lightly at Matt and Luke before following Spencer out the door.
Once they’re gone, Matt grins at Luke.  
“You ready for this?” he asks. Luke gives a little shrug. After month building up to this day, it almost feels like a dream – the hum of people collecting in the church, his shiny new shoes, the look in your eyes earlier when you’d said in awe, “Next time I see you, I’ll marry you,” which Luke can’t stop replaying in his mind.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.  Any last words of advice?”
“Yes,” Matt says seriously.  “Four, actually.”  Matt says the words slowly and clearly, “Don’t – mess – it – up.”  
“Like don’t stutter when I’m reading my vows?  Or like, don’t be a horrible husband and drive Y/N away?”
“Both,” says Matt, his face breaking out into a grin.  “See?  That’s why I’m so helpful.”
“Ah,” says Luke, smiling.  “I see.  You’re the master. Thanks, Matt.” He meets his eyes, which are soft and fond.
“You deserve it, brother,” he says. “All of this. I’m so happy for you.”
“Aw,” Luke teases, trying to conceal the lump in his throat, “are you going to cry?”
“I might,” says Matt.  “Your bride certainly will.  She was already looking a bit teary when I left her earlier. We’ve actually all taken bets on how long it’ll take her to start bawling.”  
“What?” Luke exclaims indignantly. “Nobody told me that! Come on, I want in.”
“Sorry, but Kristy said it’s not nice to bet on your own wife’s wedding day tears.”  
“But I’d have the best chance at winning!”  
“Nope, not allowed,” says Matt. “Although I’ll tell you my guess – she won’t last thirty seconds after she sees you.  And it will continue for the rest of the evening.”
“That’s – that’s probably true,” Luke admits. “What did everyone else guess?”
“Tara said she’d cry during vows,” says Matt, ticking them off as he counted on his finger.  “Garcia bet same as me, when she sees you, and Emily thinks she’s already crying.”
“I think I’m with Emily on that one,” says Luke with a little laugh.
Just then JJ pokes her head into the tent, hair piled elegantly on top of her head, gesturing at him.  Matt gives her a charming smile, which she returns.
“Luke, are you almost ready?  Everyone’s waiting!”  
Luke nods as JJ sighs and crosses the floor to hug him, straightening his tie.  
“You look great,” she whispers.
“Thanks,” Luke says, swallowing another lump that rises in his throat.  “Alright, let’s get moving. I can’t be late to my own wedding.”
As it turns out, they all lose the bet – you hold it together fairly well, misty-eyed and fond, through most of the ceremony.  It’s Luke who gets teary eyed the moment he sees you turn the corner and start walking down the alter.  Your arm’s latched with Rossi’s and the minute your eyes meet his, the lump in his throat is back, only this time with some tears as well.  
You’re beautiful, in the most elegant and true way.  Your hair is pulled back, complimented by a veil.  Your face breaks out into a huge smile of triumph when you see Luke.  You clutch tightly onto the assortment of flowers in your hand and make your way closer and closer.  
Luke lets out a shaky laugh, trying to cover up how emotional he really is.  After a few moments of just staring, in complete and utter awe, he has to wipe his eyes on the sleeve of his jacket.  
You reach the front of the aisle, kissing Rossi on the cheek one last time before stepping up to the alter.  
Luke can’t help himself.  He’s smiling so wide, his insides bursting with love and affection and disbelief.  He was so lucky.  So so lucky.  
The ceremony’s a blur.  Luke’s head is spinning and it all goes so fast.  Before he knows it, he’s saying his vows, the words falling off his tongue from memory, but they’d really been in his heart the entire time anyway. He’s clutching onto your hand so tight.
The phrase “you may now kiss the bride” is barely audible before Luke’s mouth is on yours, pressing you both together as close as he can.  
It’s after your first kiss that your fingers clutch tightly into Luke’s waist and you’re crying when you pull back, smiling so hard your eyes are nearly closed.  Luke pulls you closer, holding onto you for dear life, his heart is so full he thinks it might explode.  
“We did it,” you breathe into his neck, a secret whisper just for Luke, even as everyone’s cheering and applauding from all sides. It’s almost too much.  He sways against you, arms locked tight around you back.
“I knew we would,” he murmurs, kissing you on the cheek.
Matt’s speech isn’t as bad as he’d promised – in fact, it’s incredibly touching. You, predictably, sniffle and giggle your way through the entire thing, much like the rest of the crowd.  
The day passes in a blur of relatives and champagne, Luke and you slow dancing, Matt and Kristy cozying up together.  Rossi wrapping Luke in a bear hug and muttering “I love you, kid,” with tears in his eyes.  
Luke’s mom, who cried even more than you, pulls you close and whispers, “I’d say welcome to the family, but you always have been.” You hug her with tears prickling in your own eyes, at a loss for words.  
It’s frantic, fast-paced and fun, a sensory overload. Luke barely gets time to eat a slice of his own wedding cake.  He’s not sure what he’s going to remember about the day, but he knows that it’ll be good.  Maybe something with your hand on his back, or the feeling of your cheek pressed to his while you dance, just swaying together under the soft lights.
“Will you kiss me?” you ask Luke towards the end of the night, when you’re almost the last two left dancing.  Luke smiles down at you, cupping your face, eyes incredibly fond.
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harryspet · 4 years
dark peter parker x innocent naive reader (or ofc it doesn’t matter) non-con fic?
CAMP KISSLESS | peter parker
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[WARNINGS] dark peter parker x reader (Y/N), virgin reader, noncon sex, outdoor/car sex (public?), peter isn’t very friendly neighborhood spidery in this
A/N: I’ve wanted to do a camp au for a little while so that’s why I chose this setting! This ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. Read at your own risk.
In which your the new camp counselor and you’re excited to start your job but Peter has other plans for your summer.
word count: 2.7k
It was gonna be a great summer. 
It wasn’t your first summer at Camp. No, your parents drove you to upstate New York every summer since you were eight and you stayed at Camp Moonfall for three weeks out of the summer. You always made the best memories there but, now that you were older, you were saving up for college next semester. Now that you were eighteen, you felt responsible enough to get a job and of course, Peter put in a good word for you. 
You remembered the summer before, all the counselors had let you join them around the fire since you were older. That’s when the game of never have I ever happened and that’s when you changed the way you looked at Peter. You always thought he was cute but with him smiling around all his friends, the firelight illuminating his skin, you developed a small crush. He was a year older than you and you remembered saying how you were going to miss him during your Senior Year. 
He smiled at you, of course, and your heart fluttered. 
It was in that game that everyone learned your secret about how you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet. They looked at you, shocked, and you would’ve preferred if they had just teased you rather than pitied you. You didn’t care that you hadn’t had your first kiss because you were waiting for magic. You wanted to settle for nothing less. 
“So who’s first on your list?” Peter had asked you and you raised an eyebrow. He turned his marshmallow over the fire, letting it brown, “Your kiss list? Who’s your dream first kiss?”
“Thor, I think,” You joke to Peter and he only rolled his eyes. 
“Haha, Y/N,” He spoke sarcastically, “But I’m serious, who’s number one?” For a moment, looking in his eyes, you could’ve sworn he wanted you to say him. 
“I don’t have one,” You slouched back in your chair, “Whoever it is, I want them to be the one I marry.”
All of their eyes turned to you, even Peter as if you had said something offensive, “What?” you asked. 
“You should save it for as long as you can, Y/N?” MJ said across from you, easing the tension, “High school boys are Satan's spawn. And I hear college boys aren’t far off.”
For the first day of camp, your outfit consisted of a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. You had dreamed of carrying the clipboard you now possessed. Along with the wooden whistle around your neck, you felt complete.
MJ pointed at a gray minivan parked in a long line of cars where parents were unpacking their kids, “Y/N, can you check them in?” You immediately nodded 
She remembered her training, all eight hours of it, and took a deep breath as she approached the family. The Dad was lugging things out of the trunk and the mom was rustling around with her triplets. 
“Good morning, campers! I’m Y/N” You greeted them with a wide smile, hands tight around your clipboard. The kids didn’t seem to care much about you but you could get used to that, not every child was gonna fall in love with you, “Hope you all are excited for the best three weeks of your year. Can I get the last name?”
“We’re the Nelson’s,” The woman muttered, clearly not excited to hear your chipper voice this early in the morning. She pointed to each child and named them off. 
You looked down the long list of names and easily found the three Nelson’s. You took a look at each boy, knowing you’d have to remember all of them, “There, found ya! Are these all of their things?”
The father nodded, three suitcases and several pool noodles on the ground, “You got a bellhop, Betty?” He spoke, clearly not bothered to know your name. 
You looked down, still trying to smile wide as you crossed off the names, “Uhm, if you carry your things over there, someone will be there to carry their things to their cabin. Someone will also be there to take the boys down by the lake and they can join in the welcome festivities. You guys can say goodbye there and that’s when your vacation begins, Mom and Dad.”
You expected a smile or a nod of approval but you got cold stares, “We want to make sure they get settled in and see where they will be living. You can’t expect us to say goodbye now.”
Your smile fell a little bit but you kept your composure, “Well, here at Camp Moonfall, we want to keep the goodbyes short. When you took the tour, you were able to see the campsite. It’s very safe. We just find it’s easier for kids to adjust without the big, emotional goodbyes. It helps the homesickness when you start the fun right away,” You thought your smile would somehow lift their spirits but it only crushed yours. 
“Could you stop smiling like an idiot? You’re an adult, aren’t you? They must be hiring the mentally incompetent here, Diane,” The father said to the mother. 
Your heart sank and your lips parted to say something but the words didn’t leave, “I’m going to that cabin, sweetheart. Do you know what it’s like to give birth to triplets? I spent nine months with these kids and you aren’t gonna rip them away from me. I was in labor for twenty hours!”
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just telling you the camp policy. We just find that it works best-”
The dad interrupted, mimicking your voice, “We just find that it works best. God, Diane, I told you this was a bad idea.”
“My mother said this would be a good experience for them!” The Mom yelled back at the husband, she held her boys closer to her, “The boys are not staying here. It seems like there’s something in the water here anyways …” The woman scowled at you. 
“I-I can g-get my supervisor-”
“And now she’s stuttering,” The father rolled his eyes, starting to grab their things and put them back in trouble, “Get in the car boys.”
How could your first time at this have gone so wrong? You clutched the clipboard to your chest, tears stinging your eyes. 
A second later you felt a hand on your shoulder, “What’s going on, Y/N?” He looked at the family then back at you. 
You just shook your head. He could tell you were about to start bawling, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go back to your Cabin and collect yourself,” You nodded and instantly walked away. 
You heard Peter talking to the family, hoping to solve the issue so that the boys didn’t miss out on camp because of their crazy parents.
“I did it. I saved the triplets,” Peter entered the girl counselor’s cabin, a soft grin on his face. He saw where you were laying on your twin bed and sat down on the edge, “I might regret it later because the funny looking one with the mo-hawk looks like a biter.” 
You didn’t laugh, just pressed your face further into the pillow. Peter’s hand rested on the small of your back. You felt him start to rub circles there and that level intimacy enticed you as much as it scared you.
“I suck,” You spoke but it came out muffled. 
“You don’t suck,” Peter insisted, “They sucked, hard,” That made you laugh. You turned your body to look at him and his hand moved to your waist, “You’re gonna have a good rest of the day. You’re gonna go swimming, eat hotdogs, and play way too many rounds of hide and seek. It’s gonna be awesome and you’re gonna have to perk up if you want to steal my title as everyone’s favorite counselor.”
You snorted, “Really? I recall Ned being everyone’s favorite last year.”
Peter faked a frown, “The man can make a mean s’ more.” 
Absentmindedly, your hand touched his and you moved it away quickly. Too quickly, “You’re right,” you coughed awkwardly, “Today will be good.”
Something clicked, you could see it in his eyes that something had shifted. 
“Do you want to come on a drive with me tonight, after everyone’s in bed. I have a view I want to show you.”
“Isn’t that not allowed?”
“I’m head counselor, Y/N. Plus, I’m Spiderman. Who’s gonna fire me?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, but we’re back before midnight.”
For such a techy guy, Peter’s car was more run down than you expected, “What? She’s a passion project,” He said, touching the dash as if he believed the car was actually a person. 
Peter was right, you had a great day. The kids loved you and you even had one of Ned’s famous s' mores. You had a feeling the night might even get a little better. The way Peter was looking at you was how you’d always wanted to be looked at by someone. 
The car turned on onto a dirt road and it seemed you were on it for ten minutes before suddenly a valley opened up before you. Peter parked the car so the trunk was facing an amazing view. You got out of the rusty truck with your flashlight shining for extra light. You really didn’t need it because the moon was full and the stars were shining so bright.
They illuminated the valley and the beautiful mountain range in front of you, “Wow,” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and Peter looked at you as if you were the cutest thing in the world. 
“Just wait,” Peter opened up the back of the pick-up trunk and there laid a bunch of blankets and pillows. He kicked off his shoes, climbing in and setting the lantern down. He patted the spot beside him, “You can see the stars better if you lay down.”
You would’ve thought this idea was the most romantic thing in the world if you didn’t get so terrified at that moment. This was like … a date. At least, to her, these weren’t things normal friends did. Not when they held your waist and looked at you like that. 
You played with your fingernails, “Uhm..” Your voice trailed off. 
Peter had already laid down, expecting you to join him. He sat up on his elbows, “Y/N?”
You could do this. 
You climbed up into the truck, crawling beside him but leaving a few feet in between you. You let the small lantern keep you separated, “D-Did you only bring me here because of what happened earlier, Peter?”
You looked up at the stars and it was breathtaking.
“No,” Peter laughed nervously. “I just … It just made me realize something.”
“Realize what?”
You turned your head and realized he was already looking at you, “That I wanted to get to know you. You were still nice to those people even after they were so rude to you. It made me …” His voice trailed off and his eyes shut as if he didn’t want to admit what was next, “It made me want to protect you.”
Was this it? The magic you always wanted. 
“You don’t … y-you, don’t have to protect me, Peter.”
He laid his hand out and you surprise yourself when you pressed your hands to his, “But I want to,” He said. 
“I don’t know how to do things like this,” You admitted. 
“It’s okay, I can show you,” Peter said quickly, “Not that I’m super experienced either. But, as you can see, I’m pretty good at choosing romantic locations.”
You blushed and he interlaced your fingers. 
You laid there for a while, pointing out constellations and making jokes about the new ones you made up. 
“There, I found it!” Peter pointed up but there were so many stars that you couldn’t tell which one he was looking at. 
“What is it?”
“It’s you, can’t you see it?” You shook your head, leaning closer to him so you could try to see from his perspective. As you moved closer, Peter turned his head towards you, “Take my word for it, it’s as beautiful as you look right now.”
You looked at him too and you stared until Peter leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Magic. This was magic. You weren’t sure how to move your lips but you just pressed yourself further into him. 
As you pulled away to catch your breath, you smiled, “Was that good?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah,” and he pressed his lips against yours again, his hand on your waist, “I’ve wanted to do that since last summer.”
You pulled away, “You’ve liked me for that long?” 
He tried to kiss you again, pulling your body into his, “Of course, you’re so beautiful … and innocent.” And naive, you thought. You didn’t want him to think of you as innocent. You didn’t want that to be the reason he liked you. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, trying to create distance, “Peter, maybe we should go back now. What if someone notices we’re gone?” He held you tighter and your heart raced, “Peter, I-I think we’re moving too fast.”
“This is what people who like each other do, Y/N?” He buried his head into your neck and began to kiss the skin there, “You don’t like me?” His breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine. 
“P-Please, please, Peter,” You begged, struggling against him. He soon was on top of you and, as you tried to escape his grasps, he pinned your arms above your head. You screamed for help and Peter only frowned. 
“No one’s gonna hear you,” He sounded annoyed. Who was this boy above you? Was he always a wolf in sheep’s skin? All these years? 
“Peter, you saved me today,” You tried to reason with him, “Don’t do this.”
He held your legs down as he ripped off your shorts with ease, “White panties? I should’ve known,” This was what he wanted. To steal your innocence and to hold that title forever. He spread your legs with his own. 
His eyes hovered above your own, his eyes staring right into, “What do you think people will believe? This story or that an innocent little girl like you wanted to lose her virginity with the boy she’s always had a crush on. Who do you think they’ll believe, you or me?”
You cried out but he shushed you by forcing his lips on you. You bit his lip and he pulled away, fuming and his grip on your wrist tightened, “We’re gonna have fun these three weeks,” He pulled off your panties next, stuffing them into your mouth to muffle your screams, “I’ll be gentle if you stop struggling, Y/N. I know it’s your first time.”
He positioned himself between your legs, pulling down his own shorts before feeling your sex with his fingers. He tested your reaction, watched you flinch as he stimulated that foreign part of your body, “I bet you haven’t even masturbated,” Peter growled, “Jesus.” He could probably finish just with the idea of you being so tight. 
He positioned himself at your entrance and you felt just how hard he was. You closed your eyes tight but they shot open as he slowly entered you. You struggled but that only made it worse. You were still, the pain ripping through your lower region. Tears were spilling out of your eyes. 
He didn’t need to hold you down anymore, his body was pressed against yours now and you felt too helpless to fight it anymore, “You’re gonna be mine, Y/N,” Peter whispered in your ear, tasting your tears with his tongue, “Only mine.”
As he rubbed your sensitive area and moved in and out, you hated that you were getting used to it. You hated that it was starting to feel pleasure. Peter noticed that you were getting wet and that only made him start to thrust his hips faster. 
Something began building in your core and you thought you might explode. Your body convulses and your breathing becomes even more rapid. You tightened around Peter’s member, milking his climax out of him as you did the same but against your will. Peter slammed his hand down beside your head, groaning loudly as he finished inside of you.
You were his for the rest of camp and you were not to tell anyone what happened. 
“This is gonna be such a good summer, Y/N.”
Feel free to request some drabbles! If you want more dark peter than check out my masterlist!
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jovialyouthmusic · 3 years
Go Shorty!
(It's my birthday!)
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In a kind of weird reverse universe, this is my gift to anyone who enjoys my Bastien Lykel fics, queued to be posted on my birthday. I've noted Fabricio's recent image change and it inspired the following - what would Bastien's family think if he shaved off his iconic goatee? Enjoy, its all fluff xx
Word Count 2035
Double Trouble
The last lecture of the week completed, Sophia was in her university office just putting her papers together when the faculty secretary put her head round the door.
‘Sophia, your home help has been in touch, she said it’s urgent’
‘Thanks Lizzy, I’ll be leaving soon anyway. It’s been a long week, I’m glad I’ve nothing on this afternoon.’ Sophia turned her mobile phone back on to see that Morag had left her a voice mail. She held the phone at arm’s length as she played back the sound of a harassed young woman and a squealing toddler in full meltdown.
‘Mrs Lykel, I’m sorry tae bother ye, but yer wee lassie’s upset, and her father cannae soothe her. Please call back when ye can. Or just come hame.’ Sophia frowned. It wasn’t like Bastien to fail to settle Beatrice. Little princess that she was, she was Daddy’s girl while Sophia was out at work through the week and welded to Sophia’s side at the weekend. She dialled the landline of their top floor regency apartment in the centre of Edinburgh that the University had allocated them. It was Bastien who answered, and all was quiet beyond his voice.
‘Sophia!’ he sounded flustered ‘Morag’s just got her to settle, did you get the message?’
‘It’s an odd time of day for a nap, is she running a temperature?’
‘Errm no, she’s hot, but she’s not ill. She’s just been crying...’
‘How do you know she’s not ill if she’s hot?’ Sophia demanded, making her way along the corridor to the car park to their SUV. Her mind span with possibilities.
‘I uh – you’ll understand when you get here, I can’t explain right now.’ Sophia decided not to stop off at the shops on the way, hoping Morag could go and get what was needed before she clocked off for the weekend. She wished she’d had the foresight to order a supermarket delivery, but she preferred to shop herself. With or without the children, she loved browsing the aisles of Waitrose when it wasn’t busy. Bastien was a surprisingly poor shopper and stuck religiously to the list, whereas she’d discover little treats and bargains that wouldn’t stretch her salary. Living in the city was expensive, although not nearly as much as if they’d moved to London, and having Morag to help was a slight strain on resources. Setting up Bastien’s security consultancy was taking longer than expected thanks to the complexity of looking after twins, and the retainer from King Liam in Cordonia was only just enough for small luxuries.
As soon as she opened the door to the apartment, Morag was there pulling her coat on and shouldering her bag.
‘Morag, I was hoping you’d be able to get some supp…’ Sophia started, but she was already pushing past her to the landing outside.
‘Ah’ll be back the Monday.’ she said shortly, and Sophia was left peering over the banister to the stairwell after her rapidly retreating figure, wondering what had happened. She turned back inside to meet Bastien holding Theo.
‘Mama.’ he crowed in jubilant greeting. Bastien stepped out of the shadowed hall, and all became clear.
‘Bas, you shaved!’ she gasped. She’d never seen her husband without facial hair in the few years she’d known him. He still had a neat ‘tache, but his trimmed goatee was gone, his chin and jawline bare. He looked sheepish, and she knew she shouldn’t have teased him about the streak of white in his beard. He handed over Theo, who pointed at Bastien.
‘Dada face.’ he proclaimed.
‘Yes, I thought perhaps…’ his voice trailed off ‘Well, that is, I mean...’
‘Beatrice didn’t like it, did she? Honestly Bas, you should have thought – why didn’t you say something?’ He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
‘I thought perhaps a younger image might drum up some more business.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, age means experience, people are more likely to trust a distinguished looking gent.’ she scoffed. He sighed in exasperation.
‘Well the damage is done. Beatrice took one look at me and bawled her eyes out. Morag tried to calm her down, but every time she saw me again she’d set off crying.’
‘Well no wonder, you look completely different. How about Theo?’ she asked.
‘You know him – a bomb would go off and he wouldn’t flinch.’ In response Theo wriggled to get down, bored at the adult conversation. He toddled off to the toybox in the lounge to rummage for his current favourite, a shape sorting puzzle.
‘Well, I’d better go and take a look at her.’ Sophia sighed. ‘If she’s been crying all morning she’ll probably not wake up for a while.’ She feared that the disruption to her sleep schedule meant they’d be in for a rocky night at the very least, if not a couple of days. She opened the door to their bedroom a crack but could see little, as the curtains were drawn tight. Normally they let a little light in for daytime naps so the children would know night from day. She crept in and let her eyes adjust to the gloom. Beatrice lay on her back in her day clothes, one arm flung back over her head and her other thumb in her mouth. That wasn’t a good sign – she’d not used that form of self soothing for a couple of months. Her hair was damp and face flushed, but her breathing was steady and peaceful.
Sophia carefully held her palm over her forehead, feeling the slight heat coming off it. Bastien joined her, gazing down at the toddler, but she motioned him out of the room and followed quietly.
‘Well, she’s okay for now. I’d better be here for when she wakes up, so you can go shopping for the weekend.’ Bastien’s face dropped.
‘On a Friday? The traffic’s mayhem – can’t we order in?’
‘I couldn’t stop on the way back, and there won’t be any free delivery slots until at least Monday, you know that.’ She sighed. ‘If you take Theo with you it’ll be easier for when Bea wakes up, and you can play the ‘Dad doing the chores’ role, that’ll get you to the front of the checkout queue. Give him a banana, that will keep him happy.’
‘Narners?’ Theo called from the lounge, and came toddling to find Sophia, clinging to her leg and pulling at her clothes.
‘Lunch first, Theo, then Daddy will take you shopping. Won’t that be lovely? All boys together.’
‘Sopping’ Theo cried happily, then looked over at Bastien. ‘Mummy sopping?’ he asked hopefully. He knew Sophia was more likely to treat him than his father, although he did like pointing out the things Daddy couldn’t find. Perhaps he’d treat him more without his sister there to steal the limelight.
‘No darling, Mummy has to look after Bea.’
‘Bee cwy. Dada face.’
‘Yes, silly Daddy took his beard off. He’s funny isn’t he?’
‘Dada silly!’ Theo cried triumphantly and pointed at him. Bastien scowled.
‘Yes well okay, let’s all laugh at Daddy.’ he grumbled as Sophia picked Theo up and balanced him on her hip.
‘Well it’s better than crying’ she said acidly. ‘Now, do you want to make lunch, or shall I?’
Lunchtime was much simpler than normal with just Theo to feed. The couple could eat their own food while the toddler busied himself with cheese sandwiches made with wholemeal bread. He left the crusts, but Sophia had discovered it pointless cutting them off, as he left some bread around the edge just as if the crust were still there. She often saved them to feed the ducks at the park with the twins. Bastien had literally just closed the door to take Theo out to the supermarket when she heard Beatrice stirring. She went into her quickly, to find her standing at the bars to the cot, hair curling round her face and cheeks blotchy.
‘Mummy.’ Her voice was croaky and she looked miserable. ‘Dada face!’ she told her. She stretched her arms up and Sophia scooped her up as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. Perhaps she’d think it was a dream.
‘Well hello my little Bea, you’ve had a difficult morning. Are you hungry?’ She nodded sleepily.
‘Sippy sippy, Mummy.’ The little girl was obviously thirsty too.
‘Of course darling, you can have juice. Do you want sandwiches?’
‘Widges, Mummy.’ She looked across to Theo’s cot. ‘Where Feeo?’ Sophia sucked in her breath. It was very rare that the children were separated and she braced herself for trouble.
‘He’s gone out to the shops to get more narners, darling.’ The little girl clung on to her and rested her head on her chest, seemingly pleased to have Sophia to herself. She carried her through to the kitchen and filled her sippy cup with juice. Gratefully Bea grabbed at it and drank greedily, eyes rolling back in bliss.
‘All gone’ she shook it upside down, sprinkling the last dregs on the floor. Luckily the sandwiches were ready from earlier so Sophia put them on the tray of the high chair. Bea shook her head and clung on tight as she tried to put her down.
‘Okay darling, you can sit on my knee this time’ she said gently, and sat at the table, the little girl firmly nestled on her lap. She reached out to take a sandwich and squeezed it in her fist before stuffing half of it in her mouth, crumbs falling everywhere. She was hungry, and Sophia wondered if she’d had anything to eat before her father’s transformation. She waited until she’d slowed down.
‘Morag told me you were upset this morning.’ she said gently. The little girl took a shuddering breath.
‘Dada face bad.’ she said, putting her hand to her chin. Sophia stepped in before the cycle of crying could restart.
‘I know, Bea. He shaved his beard off. He looks funny now, doesn’t he? Theo was laughing at Daddy.’ Beatrice burrowed into her side again, hiding her face. ‘It’s okay darling, he just looks different. He still loves you – and me, and Theo. Silly Daddy, he’ll grow it back.’
‘Where Daddy?’ she asked, voice muffled.
‘He took Theo out to get more narners.’
‘Sopping?’ Beatrice relaxed and looked up at her enquiringly.
‘That’s right. Is there anything you want from the shops? I can call Daddy on his phone and tell him.’ The tot looked thoughtful.
‘Ice kweem?’
‘Okay, if Daddy brings you ice cream will you give him a kiss? His face is all smooth now, like Mummy’s.’ Beatrice giggled at the thought.
‘Like Mummy!’ she exclaimed. ‘Daddymummy!’
‘You can talk to him on the phone if you like, tell him what you want.’ Sophia got out her phone and texted Bastien.
Call when you can, Bea wants to ask you for ice cream
It was a few minutes before her phone rang, during which time she had changed the little girl’s nappy and was dressing her in clean clothes.
‘Oh that will be Daddy, just wait a minute darling.’ Beatrice opened and closed her hands, demanding it for herself, but Sophia put it on speakerphone.
‘Beatrice is here, Bas. She wants to ask you something.’
‘Daddymummy!’ Beatrice burbled. ‘Ice kweem, Daddy.’
‘Come on now, say please.’ Sophia prompted. Beatrice put on her cutest expression, unaware that her father couldn’t see it.
‘Pweese Daddy, stawby.’
‘Okay Bea, I’ll get strawberry ice cream. I love you, my little Bea. I’m sorry I scared you.’
‘Silly Daddy. Kisses!’ There was a short pause before Bastien obliged, blowing kisses to his daughter. Sophia tried not to laugh, wondering where he was and who could see him.
‘Okay now Bea, Daddy has to get the rest of the shopping. He’ll be back soon.’
‘Bye Daddy.’
‘Bye, my sweeting. Be good for Mummy.’ Beatrice slid off Sophia’s lap and went off to the toybox, obviously happy with life, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
‘If it’s any help, I told her your face is like Mummy’s now, so be prepared to be called Daddymummy until she’s forgotten. You’d better grow that beard back fast, mister.’ she said in a low tone. 'and be prepared for a rough bedtime, she'll be full of beans after that nap.'
@sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd @fluffyfirewhiskey @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @nomadics-stuff @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30​ @stopforamoment
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iris-westallen1 · 3 years
The Happiest Day Of Our Life
‘’Well today was the worst day ever’’ iris said as she dove right on the couch. Barry just sat there staring at his beautiful wife so mesmerized he didn’t even realize she was talking to him but he couldn’t help it he was married to the most gorgeous woman on the planet he still doesn’t know how he got this lucky to have her in his life… ‘’ BARRY!!’’ he was immediately withdrawn from his thought blushing and rubbing his neck a habit he had formed since he was little.    ‘’ are you even listening to me’’ iris said with a slightly annoyed face mixed with concern.
‘’ sorry honey but it’s your fault I wasn’t paying attention’’ Barry cheekily replied.
‘Look at him looking so smug with that cocky smile ugh I could just slap him and fuck him at the same time, gosh why is he so hot making my ovaries explode’’ iris thought to herself.
‘’ you know honey cocky is not a good look on you’’ said a smiling iris
‘’oh, you love it and me’’
‘’ well, I supposed that is true’’ iris slaps his knee as she get’s up from where she was laying on the couch to come snuggle into Barry’s side ‘’ hmmm I missed you today’’ iris said as she coos into Barry
‘’ babe I am sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to.’’ Barry strokes her arm and side ‘’ do you want to tell me what was going on’’
‘’ I know it might sound petty or whatever but its team citizen if I can even call it that Kamilla’s gone and Allegra she’s never there she’s always at star labs and I get that she ha powers and whatever but I would like her to take her job more seriously and not for her personal gain, I feel bad for what happened to her cousin I seriously geniounly do but the only time you hear her talk about the citizen is if she needs something from us and its making me seriously regret promoting her.’’ Iris took a deep breath she knows how this might sound and it might just be her hormones but she is seriously tired of Allegra’s behavior.
Barry saw how distressed his wife was about this so he decided not to say anything until she has gotten it all out her chest.
After taking a deep breath iris continued ‘’ so today I was in the office getting ready to go investigate karma, Kramer whatever the fuck her name is and I find myself missing and employee so I called her just to learn she is hanging around frost and Caitlin for what reason I do not know I’m her mentor not them I’m not paying her to hang out with them and I was just like you know what its fine so I just left her and went about my way to go investigate Kramer in doing that surprise surprise my dad is investigating her with Cecil when I was the one who brought this case to him and he brushed me off like it was nothing. And that’s another thing I am so fed up with my dad.’’ At this point iris is bawling her eyes and all Barry wants to do it take that pain away from her.
‘’ my dad hasn’t been acting like my dad for a while now and it took me getting stuck in a mirror to realize it. You know he never once asked me how I was doing when I came out of the mirror, he just brushed it aside like I wasn’t gone for 3 months he could at least show some emotions.’’ Her voice was cracking at this point ‘’ h- ho- how I- is it * sniff sniff* that his more of a father to you than he is to meeeeeeee’’ her chest and shoulder moving frantically.
Barry finally goes in soothing her ‘’ I am so so sorry you feel this way, how long have you been holding this in and I didn’t even notice, I am so sorry baby, just let it all out’’ Barry said as he rubs his hands in soothing circles on her back ‘’ just let it out I’m here’’
When she is calm enough she continues ‘’ I just feel so neglected as a daughter by him and Cecil Cecil doesn’t even try to bond with me, she’s been with my dad for so long and I don’t even know anything about her and when we do talk she always uses her powers to invade my privacy and when she does that she can’t even be subtle about it she always has to my extra and do to much’’ by this time iris is finished crying now what she feels is rage towards these people. ‘’ she is literally everywhere when there was still  a team citizen was still a thing she became our ‘lawyer’ and no one even asked her to no offence to her but she suck as a lawyer’’ Barry starts laughing and nodding his head because it the truth. ‘’ I’m serious hahaha but it’s funny though but seriously I don’t even know why we hired her as your lawyer for your trial she couldn’t even win it she had to use ralph pretend to be devoe for her to win and I thought she was the best Caitlin and frost are dumb to hire her as a lawyer she couldn’t even win their case and if she cant win any of our case what is her use at star labs her powers are useless there no offense she could be home with Jenna and speaking of Jenna it sucks that we never see her they never talk about her unless its to say they are talking to their babysitter so instead of her to go take care of her child she’d over here acting like a child and sticking her nose in everyone’s business. I am so sick of her.’’ Barry just sat there looking at iris and after hearing all she said he can’t help but see the truth in what she’s saying, how could he have been so blind to this. As he continues to rub her back iris gathers even more courage to finally let this all off her chest ‘’ after cisco left the one person at star labs besides you I could stand was gone he was my sunshine twin he would always try to cheer me up when we lost Nora and even when I lost you to the speed force he was always there for me and I miss him and I miss Kamilla because she understood me we where becoming close friends before we got stuck in the mirror together and now we have an unbreakable bond because of that experience and now she’s gone too not only did I lose my best worker but I lost my best friend too. All of a sudden Iris seemed to get angrier Barry didn’t know why but his about to.
‘’ Caitlin and frost’’ she said their names with as much annoyance as she could muster up ‘’ they are the biggest entitled people I have ever met before frost was a thing it was the way Caitlin always looked at me like I was beneath her or something like she couldn’t get rid of me fast enough then frost came and bitch tried to kill me because she wanted dick and some other issues I had never did anything to her never spoke to her but all of a sudden she wants to kill me why I have no idea and what pisses me of is the way we just forgive her just because she did the right thing in the end and blasted Savitar she came to h.r funeral and she left to go find herself or whatever you went into the speed force and she abandoned me, Wally, cisco, and dad to fend of the bad guys on our own. Then Caitlin came up in her in her high horse to bring you out of the speed force like she’s been here all along, then she lost frost with the whole devoe thing Caitlin literally put your life and gypsy’s life in danger all because she wanted frost back and despite my better judgment I went up to her during the baby shower we threw for Cecile to offer up my help to find the bitch frost for her and she was just snarky with me saying no she will find her I just gave up on that hoe what still confusing is how she can perform all this surgery’s she’s doing since she hasn’t done them since med school like isn’t she a bio scientist or whatever like how did she become team doctor she literally has no experience in that field all she does is just stitch you up with pretty much all of us can do now and she acts like she has the most important job there dragging Allegra and Cecile along with her.’’ Iris shakes her head ‘’ you know what’s do funny’’ iris asked Barry ‘’ what’’ Barry genuinely curious ‘’ that whole frost trial and how Caitlin was like we have to get her out she’s my sister, since when though, anyways they arrested frost for a crime that she actually committed its not like she didn’t commit them she literally tried to kill me and she wanted her to go Scot free when you went to prison for a crime you actually didn’t commit it just pissed me of and instead of dumb bitch to just take the cure she volunteered her self for life in prison thinking she was doing sum, I might not like Kramer but what she did to frost was not a bad thing she all she did was try to make frost take responsibility for her actions. But she never does like always she literally gets out of prison after like two days.’’
‘’ and another thing that pisses me off is the way they treat Chester that boy is so sweet and deserves to be treated with kindness so that why it irritates and makes me so angry to hear that Caitlin was yelling at him for getting hit even sue warned Allegra not to pursue after her cousin but she did anyways and brought her to star labs without our permission knowing she’s a dangerous criminal when her and Allegra get into it she blast Chester who was just there to bring them snacks and somehow Caitlin made it Chester’s fault? Like how does that even make sense. I am just sick and tired of all of this. I am supposed to be happy right now basking in love with my husband trying to conceive our daughter and we can’t even have the privacy of knowing if were pregnant or not because of Cecile invading your thoughts once again the negative result you got was meant to be shared with me not her and I know this is wrong but I am glad that the test came negative because it would be so unfair of her to know that I am pregnant before I know all because she’s nosy.’’ Iris finally finished her rant with a deep breath, she looks up at Barry and all she finds in his eyes are adoration, understanding, anger, disappointment, and love.
‘’what?’’ iris asked
‘’ you are the strongest person that I know’’ Barry whispers to her ‘’I don’t know how you let this in for this long because one thing I know for sure is that I certainly would have burst long ago.’’
‘’ I am so sorry that you’ve had to keep this all in for this long’’ Barry said caressing her cheeks ‘’ and I’m sorry If you felt like you couldn’t tell me, thank you for bringing it to my attention and after listening to you things need to change for one our personal life needs to stop being discussed at star labs where everyone can hear and the second is that Caitlin needs to not be our doctor and she is certainly not going to be delivering our baby and most importantly we need to set boundaries for Cecile’’
‘’ thank you, babe, for listening to me and letting me get this rant of my chest, I feel so much lighter.’’
‘’ its my job iris there is no need to thank me I will always be on your side ALWAYS.’’
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What is this? 7 of 14 prompt requests for my follower celebration!
What is the prompt? “For your drabbles I got an idea from a video I saw where a dad shaved his beard and him and his wife do a face reveal for their toddler and the kid doesn’t recognize him and starts crying, it was the cutest thing. What if Poe and reader do something similar with their kid/s?” This was hella specific (which is all good, ILY) but I reinterpreted it a little- hope you enjoy and thanks for the request, Anon! 
Author’s note: This can be read as a sequel of sorts to Arrivals but can totally be read as a stand-alone. 
Summary: dad!Poe, husband!Poe, modern!Poe domestic cuteness.
Word count: 1977
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, wifey  x hubby flirting and light sexual innuendos, and typos.
GIF credit: here
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“I’m not ready to say goodbye. You’re really going to shave it off?” you ask, with a pet lip, as you run your fingers through your husband’s glorious salt and pepper beard one more time. “It’s just so hot. You look distinguished, like a... hot Duke or something.”
Poe’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “But you like me without a beard too, right?”
“You’re hot all the time. It’s infuriating, actually. Just maybe I’m gonna miss the tickle of your beard on my skin.”
“Between your thighs, you mean?” he teases, his voice a low rumble. It’s not meant to turn you on -his tone is light-hearted- but it does anyway.
“Maybe.” you sing-song, nipping your lip between your teeth.
“You’ve forgotten how much you liked my stubble grazing you there. I’ll be happy to remind you, sweetheart.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” you promise, hopping up on the counter as Poe continues his application of shaving cream and takes his shaving blade in hand.
Ok, maybe you could get used to him without a beard again. There’s something disconcertingly hot about watching him shirtless, shearing the stubble from his chiselled jaw. Something about the smoothness and then the roughness which follows. The smell of those lotions on his skin.
You watch him fondly for a while, careful not to distract him as he moves the blade precisely over the more sensitive contours of his neck. He hums as he does so and, you realise, you’re glad to be reminded of this morning ritual. You tune-in to what he’s humming, and smile as you realise he’s unconsciously humming the theme from your little one’s current cartoon of choice. This man can go from sinful to adorable in the bat of an eye. He really has it all.
“Do you think Juno will like your new face?” you ask, and Poe’s eyes soften immediately from the mere mention of your daughter.
“She’s been strongly encouraging me to shave it off. In fact, she keeps trying to yank my beard right off. Yesterday, she hated it so much she mushed porridge into it and it was stuck in there for hours.”
“Gross, Poe.” you chide and he throws you a feigned angry look. “What if she doesn’t recognise you?”
“What?!” your heart grows several sizes upon hearing how concerned Poe sounds at the suggestion. “She’ll know me, I’m her Papa!” it’s more of a plea than a statement of certainty. He drops the blade down, seeming as if he might halt right there and remain half-bearded if there’s even a slight possibility Juno wouldn’t recognise him.
“I’m sure she will, Poe.” You say, hopping down to rub circles into his shoulder blades. “Just don’t be surprised if she gets a shock when she wakes up, ok?”
Well now he looks more than a little glum. “Maybe I shouldda kept it.” He keeps going, the other side of his beard disappearing stroke-by-stroke. The only patch which remains sits on his top lip. “Should I keep this bit?”
You smile warmly at him in the mirror. “It’s gotta go, Poe. I can’t take you seriously with a moustache.”
“Do you ever take me seriously?”
You respond by giving his ass a squeeze through his relaxed joggers. “You’re seriously sexy.” 
He smiles and you think you might be distracting him a little too much now. “I’m gonna go start on the laundry. Come remind me what that handsome, cleanshaven face feels like when you’re ready, baby.”
You mosey out of the room, swaying your hips as you know he’ll be looking to catch a glimpse through the mirror. 
You are pottering in the utility room downstairs when you hear Juno’s cries from the bedroom. You keep an ear out, but you know Poe is up there and likely rushing to her. Still, you wander into the kitchen so that you’re on hand if you’re needed, and so you can greet them when they make their way down to you. 
The crying doesn’t subside and you get a little furrow in your brow. “Everything ok, honey?” you call up the stairs.
You look up at the mouth of the stairs with light concern, and you see Poe approaching across the landing, a bawling little poppet slung at his hip. Juno spots you and stretches her arms towards you with cries of “Mama! Mama!”.
Poe looks upset as he hands Juno over to you and you bundle her into your arms. You give her a gentle bounce on your hip. “Jungle ‘Juno’ Dameron. What’s got you so upset after your nap, huh?”
You look at Poe’s face and he is so distressed that it’s almost comical. You’re not sure who to comfort more - him or the child. “She doesn’t recognise me, honey.”
“Aww. Course she does. Don’t you Juno?” You rub you palm over Poe’s cheek, feeling the smooth skin and the sharp contours of his jaw. “Look Juno, it’s Daddy.” You give Poe a friendly kiss on the cheek. “We love Daddy, don’t we?”
Juno wrings her chubby little hands together, a tremble in her lip as she looks between the both of you, her cries having stopped but crystal ball tears still lingering on her cheeks.
He reaches out to Juno, brushing her tears away. “It’s me, baby.”
“Do the song she likes.” you nudge him, knowing she’ll respond to his familiar and soothing voice. He begins to sing to her and immediately, her face brightens. Although she still looks a little apprehensive, her cheeks apple with her gummy smile.
To your relief, Poe’s face brightens too and soon they are both smiling again.
Now that she’s settled, Juno wriggles against you and signals she wants to be put down. “Ok, baby girl. Shall we get some fresh air in the yard? Where’s Beebs?! Shall we go find Beebs?”
Juno claps her palms together and toddles in the direction of your yard. You follow closely behind her, momentarily confused as to why Poe isn’t following too.
“You coming hubster?”
“In a second. I just need to do something upstairs.” 
You shrug and tootle outside, perching yourself on your back step and smiling softly to yourself as Juno plays in the grass with Beebs at the end of your garden. You pick up the stuffed animal strewn on the patio by your feet -a blurrg Poe had custom-made for Juno’s birthday- and your smile spreads further as you give the ridiculous creature a little snuggle.
Eventually, you hear the approach of Poe’s footsteps through the kitchen and you turn to look up at him as he plants a warm, broad hand on your shoulder. Now you might actually be able to appreciate that clean-shaven face of his. 
You squeal as you turn towards him, however, and observe that he has something inexplicable and black and furry strapped across his chin.
“Woah.” You startle, pressing your palm over the shocked “o” of your lips before a hearty laugh filters through your fingers. 
“I made a beard.” he offers by way of explanation. “I did not like upsetting Juno.” He perches himself by your side on the step. You think he’s smirking beneath the monstrosity strapped to his face, crow’s feet radiating from around his eyes. “Do you think she’ll buy it?”
You laugh. You laugh at this ludicrous man. Your fingertips coming up to tug at... whatever this is. You see he’s been quite creative, hair ties hooking it around his ears.
“What is it?”
“Ok, don’t tell Juno.” he leans in to you as if confessing a secret, his voice dropped low. “I maybe cut up a stuffed animal from that sack of stuff destined for goodwill.” 
You feel overcome that he would do all of this, just so he didn’t upset her. Happy tears brim in your eyes at how loved your daughter is. You run a hand over his makeshift beard. “You are the sweetest man on earth, you know that?”
He gently presses a hand to your rounded, expanding belly. “Anything for my joint-favourite kiddo.” Your pending second child was about to be the joint-luckiest kiddo in the world, you could swear.
You look at him again in disbelief, so utterly wonderful and so utterly ridiculous. “Poe, you know you have a stuffed animal strapped to your face? This. This is one of the reasons people don’t take you seriously.”
“I thought I was seriously sexy.” he purrs, dipping his head towards you to steal a quick kiss from his wife while Juno is happily occupied.
The fibres of the fabric tickle at your nose.
“Just to be clear, honey. There’s no way you’re getting that beard between my thighs.”
You are joined in laughter until Poe’s attention is diverted by Juno making loud, nonsensical noises and tracking her way across the garden to you both. Her hands make a grabby motion as she toddles.
“I’ll take care of you later.” he promises, with a swift press of a kiss into your hair as he stands. “For now, let’s see if Juno recognises me again. I gotta be honest, it broke my kriffing heart when she didn’t know me.” you smile at his newly invented swear word to use around the little one.
You feel warm inside as he runs to Juno and lifts her in the air, joined in a happy moment as he aeroplanes his baby girl around in his arms, Beebs snapping joyously at his heels.
You reach for your camera phone. You must remember to take a video of him in that ludicrous beard. You don’t want to forget a single, silly, loving moment and you know it is impossible to capture them all. But this one? This one is far too good to let slide.
You stand and mosey down the garden, until you fold over with a jolt of discomfort in your belly. Poe catches it instantly and turns towards you. “Honey?”
“I wasn’t sure earlier. But now I’m pretty confident I’m having contractions. Pretty regular.”
His eyes scold you for not saying anything sooner but at the same time they are only full of love.
“It’s happening! Honey!” he looks like he might smile and cry and freak out all at once. He slings Juno on to his hip so he can wrap his other arm around you, his thoughts evidently going a mile a minute. “I’ll drop Juno next door with Finn until we can get hold of Grandma Leia and Grandpa Han. The bags are in the car. We can do this.”
You look at him in shock. “It’s happening. We’ve got to go. Meet our new baby.”
He presses a loving kiss to your lips, despite that infernal fake beard still adorning his jaw. “I love you so kriffing much,” he says, voice cracking with emotion, “and I’ll be right back. Call your mom, ok?”
He dashes through the yard and you call out to him. “Poe!”
He looks back at you over his shoulder.
“Take that thing off your face, or Finn and Rose will never let you hear the end of it.”
“There’s no time, sweetie! Plus, I wouldn’t want people to start taking me seriously.” He flashes you a grin before resuming his dash through the house.
You stand in the garden alone for a moment, saying softly to yourself. “I love you so much too, Poe Dameron.”
Then, you remember that you’re not quite alone as Beebs rubs up against your calf and yaps at you, as if to helpfully yank you from your slight panic and disbelief as the reality of the situation hits you. It does the job, and you remember suddenly that you need to call your mom, Leia.
When you look down at the phone in your hand, you’re delighted to see you never hit the button to end the video you were recording. You’ve captured that whole exchange.
Tears brim in your eyes, overwhelmed by the family you already have, and the family you’re about to have. You are so glad for every moment.
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jojparasol · 4 years
baby love
Ehhh, this one’s iffy but I posted it anyway so enjoy! This was inspired by an episode of ‘this is us’ and I couldn’t help but write about it. Was wondering if i should put my writing under ‘read more’ cut, I got an ask about it from my first writing but I never got to it? Anyway, this is a lil rough but she’s alright.
the one where Y/N’s pregnant and it’s Harry’s birthday
Word count: 1.5k
fluff, fluff, fluff
Y/N’s pregnant. Heavily pregnant.
Five, six months — she doesn’t even know, forgetting how long this baby has been growing inside of her. All she knows is that the baby is growing and it’s growing quickly. It meant she couldn’t fit inside her clothes she usually wore, her head has been hurting like crazy and her emotions were scattered all over the place.
And she’s been sleeping a lot. It was her pregnancy brain and the fact that sleeping would be an excuse for her to not do anything that would require any physical activity. Although Harry would protest at times, he learnt to leave her alone to doze off and he would spend his mornings talking to Y/N’s stomach.
“Baby…” Harry whispered against her neck as she groaned, her hand covering her face.
It was safe to say that Y/N was not in the mood today. All she wanted to do was sleep and stay in the comfy duvets of their bed. But it seemed like Harry had other plans and she wasn’t amused.
“Harry, no.”
Harry pouted, his pride a little down so he decided to go to the next option. The baby.
Harry loves his baby. His baby. He couldn't believe that he can even say that he’s a father. He’s in absolute awe at the fact that the love of his life can give him a baby. And he knows the baby girl in his love’s stomach is already perfect, being the perfect mixture of Y/N and him. Oh, his baby love had all of Harry’s heart and seeing Y/N grow everyday made his heart warm. He never minded waking up in the middle of the night to help his wife go to the loo or dealing with her mood swings where she would be bawling her eyes out then laughing in seconds.
“Think your mummy’s a lil’ grumpy this mornin’,” he mumbled his body shifted so his face met her stomach although it was facing the other way.
It was then that Harry heard a groan from above. “Harry, I swear to god, If you don’t leave me alone to sleep, I’ll make sure you aren’t getting anymore children out of me.” Harry frowned, his body getting out of bed as Y/N adjusted her blanket, snuggling it up against her face.
It was almost two in the afternoon. She’s usually awake at this time, even if she was feeling her laziest. It was his phone ringing that made him walk out of his room, leaving his sleeping wife in deep slumbers.
“Happy birthday my baby!” Harry smiled, hearing the sound of his mother’s voice through the phone.
“Thank you,” he replied, taking a seat on the couch. It was his birthday and he received messages and phone calls from all his loved ones. But he was still waiting for his own love and it didn’t seem like it was coming soon, or anytime at all.
“So are you coming over soon?”
It was a tradition to do so. Both Harry and Y/N felt equally at home at his mother’s house and there was no arguing that spending special occasions over there was a must. It was a place that Anne raised her children, where all their memories were stored and soon enough, Harry’s child will be able to create her own childhood where Harry grew up. And Anne would make the best dinners and their small family would spend all day hanging out whether it would be a barbecue or the dusting board games that were taken out when everyone was over.
“Yeah, but the missus won’t be joining.” A small gasp was heard on the other side and presumably, Anne thought the worst.
“Did you two fight? Harry you know she’s heavily pregnant, have you—“
“No. She jus’ wants to sleep, she didn’t remember my birthday.” It hurt Harry more than expected when it was said aloud that his lovie forgot his own birthday. Sure she was pregnant and all but was he that unimportant that she forgot?
“Oh, Harry,” Anne cooed, realising that her son was hurt about this event. “She’s pregnant, when I was pregnant, I would forget everything. Don’t feel bad, honey.”
Harry pursed his lips, trying to think the best of the situation but it was hard since the most important person he wanted to hear ‘happy birthday’ from gave him an unkind threat instead. But his mother’s words were enough for him to leave the house and drive over to where his sister and mum waited to surprise the birthday boy. And he smiled, he smiled as they placed a ‘birthday boy’ hat on him and he smiled when they gave him their gifts and when he won monopoly. He felt like home but there was still something missing.
Y/N woke up alone and her head was aching. She stared down at her stomach, giving it a small caress before stretching her arm to obtain the phone that laid on her nightstand. Her eyebrows furrowed at all the notifications from twitter and the fact that the time was five in the afternoon. And her heart dropped. It felt like it dropped down to the baby inside of her because her husband was trending on twitter. Trending with everyone greeting him happy birthday. Shit.
Y/N slowly got up as best as she could, mumbling profanities under her breath. “Baby, mummy messed up,” she whispered to her stomach, panicking at what to do since, to be honest, she had nothing planned. What a shitty wife, she thought, her eyes pricking with tears as her helpless body plopped onto the couch.
“It’s okay, we’ll be okay,” she tried reassuring herself in attempt to make her less stressed as she got up and waddled towards the kitchen. She was gonna make a cake. She knew the basics and it was the best thing she could do right now. She had learnt how to bake a cake from Harry early on their relationship when he claimed to be a baker but got the piss when he barely knew, considering the fact that he was a cashier. Then, she baked a small cake on the day that her pregnancy was announced to him where they ate in bed after the news. She told herself and their baby love that she was gonna survive this messy dilemma she put herself in and bake the best cake she can.
It was the front door opening that distracted her from frosting the cake, her head immediately turning to see her husband walking in, a small smile on his face and she couldn’t help but melt a little.
“Oh, Harry,” she announced, walking over to her husband’s welcoming arms as he engulfed her into a hug. “I’m so sorry baby. God, I’m so stupid.”
Her mood got the best of her as tears eventually returned as Harry massaged circles on her back, trying to comfort his pregnant wife. Y/N’s face nuzzled into his, a space between their bodies because of her bump but they somehow managed and Harry pulled away, frowning at his love’s sadden expression.
“It’s okay lovie.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb as she shook her head.
“No, it’s your birthday. Can’t believe I forgot and… and I was so mean to you today.” And to say her crying couldn’t get worse — it did. The realisation that she was so mean made her fall into more tears and they seemed uncontrollable.
“Shh, baby,” Harry soothed, caressing her hair as she tried to calm herself. She always tried doing that with Harry being there to hold her hand and guide her breathing. Her hands tried wiping her tears as she started rambling on about how sorry she is.
“Don’t you worry 'bout it. I love you so much, ’s okay.” He kissed her face repeatedly until a small giggle released from her mouth. “There it is, missed that gorgeous smile.” Y/N looked up, her eyes clearing up as she watched Harry move his kisses to her hands. “Now, ’s that cake I smell?”
She nodded, a hopeful smile on her face before leading her husband towards the kitchen, presenting her half frosted cake. “Isn’t this sweet, huh baby love?” He talked to her bump, palming her stomach as Y/N watched Harry use his finger to take a lick from the frosting.
“I’m sorry for today, happy birthday. We love you so much.”
Harry smiled at his wife, placing a small kiss to her head. “Thank you baby. Let’s take this cake back to mum’s house? Dinner should be ready.” He took another lick of frosting, placing it in between his lips.
“God, your mum!” She shrieked, realising she forgot the tradition before Harry shushed her, reassuring her it was okay. Y/N nodded as Harry scooped another piece of frosting and smothered it on Y/N’s nose to which she giggled.
“I love my two girls more than anything,” he proclaimed, looking down at her bump where a small kick was felt between the parents.
“Looks like she loves you too."
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Welcome Home - Part Three
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todoroki shouto x first time parents fem!reader
warnings: fluff :D
word count: 4,564
A/N: im so sorry if y’all are sick and tired of pregnancy crap from me, because im not and neither are these anons. you can definitely read this independently from the other two parts theres nothing that connects them except Kaito but hes just your child so its no biggie honestly, i hope you two anons enjoy this so much! and im sorry that these aren’t h/c and i went with a super self-indulgent scenario instead.... anon if you want that hc still i will gladly write up a hc of this entire thing for you!! >:) anyways like subscribe at my youtube channel for more ;) enjoy
Part One  Part Two  Part Four
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Todoroki Kaito was a force to be reckoned with. At only four years old he was able to evade most babysitters his parents had for him on the days neither or both of them could not be home with him, or when Kaito wasn't in school. His bright red hair was something that everyone figured would make him easy to spot, but he was just so slippery and quick. 
In fact at ten at night on a Tuesday night, when you and your loving husband Shouto were on route home after being in the office since four in the morning, he escaped. You smiled up at your husband who had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, his head resting upon your own as the two of you walked leisurely.
“Do you need me to carry you?” You teased Shouto as you seemed to be doing the heavy lifting during this walk, not that you minded carrying him.
“I do like being carried by strong women.” Shouto agreed as he suddenly put the mass majority of his body weight on you, catching you off guard as you shrieked stumbling many steps forward before catching your balance. “There we go.” Shouto murmured into your ear as you giggled now walking--dragging--Shouto with you as he refused to wrap his legs around you.
“MAMA!” The all too familiar and recognizable voice of Kaito sounded through the empty streets, and your eyes immediately spotted the tiny figure of your son running at what could only be his breakneck speed toward you.
“Kaito-chan?!” You shouted back, suddenly leaving Shouto to fall forward as you went racing for your child who flung himself into your arms.
“Mama, I missed you so much! It was nine p.m. and you and papa weren’t home so I had to go find you!” Kaito explained himself without you even having to ask. You sigh softly pushing your baby’s shaggy hair out of his eyes and you looked into Kaito’s eyes that were identical to your own.
“You know you can’t just come looking for us,” You reason with you toddler who was squirming in your arms to be given to Shouto, and you easily passed him over, and Shouto took the small child giving him an affectionate kiss on his forehead. “Besides where is Midoriya-san? Did you tell him where you were going?”
“Well, Midoriya-san said that I couldn’t, but then I decided that my mama was in trouble so I left anyways,” Kaito said as he decided to go back to your arms. “Kaito-chan, you can’t be doing that, at least tell Midoriya-san that you are leaving.” Shouto reasons and you kick your husband softly on his leg, giving a pointed look.
“Kaito-chan, mama, and papa are Pro-Heroes and sometimes we will get home late, but we will always be back to kiss you goodnight.” You whisper to your son who has his head nestled into your neck.
“I know,” Kaito understands, you know that, “But I’m stronger than papa, so I needed to make sure.”
You laugh as you ruffle his hair and look at Shouto who has rolled his eyes, but the smile never left his face. It was kinda cute how much Shouto loved his son, even when he made backhanded comments like that. “And I’m stronger than the both of you, so if we don’t make it home in two minutes I’m going to ground the both of you.” You threaten as you begin walking again knowing your house was just around the corner of this block.
The next thing you knew, Shouto was carrying the both of you and started running with the two of you in his arms, “Go, papa! GO!” Kaito cheered on as in under a minute the three of you were outside the door.
“Now, I’m sure Midoriya-san hasn’t noticed you’re gone, because you’re supposed to be asleep like a good boy,” You tell Kaito as he holds your hand as you all search for wherever Izuku is in the house, “So you are going to apologize to him.”
“You’re going to make Midoriya flip,” Shouto states as he wraps his arms around your waist, his face pressed into your neck as he places a chaste kiss there.
“It’ll be hilarious,” You respond back, gently leaning into your husband as your son apologizes to Midoriya who had not noticed his disappearance.
You grinned looking at your husband as you watched Midoriya sprinting into the hallway of your house, Kaito tossed onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
“Y-Y/n-chan! Shouto!” Midoriya laughs awkwardly as he places a hand to his neck, shifting his body as if to hid Kaito who’s feet were dangling very obviously in the front.
“Kiss mama, Midoriya-san! That’s what papa does to get away with things!” Kaito screams from his position as if unaware of how far away they were from him 
“Kaito-chan, I-I can’t do that!” Midoriya stutters as he shakes a hand in denial to the married couple in front of him.
“Yeah, Midoriya, kiss y/n, so you can get away from it,” Shouto repeats Kaito’s command and Midoriya splutters completely flustered.
You let out a few laughs as you can’t believe the situation you were in currently, “Kaito-chan, only mama and papa can kiss each other; if anyone else tries to do it that's wrong.”
Kaito struggled to rise up from his hanging position from Midoriya’s shoulder, and there are fat toddler tears in his eyes, “So I can’t kiss you any-anymore, mama?” He bawls as you realize your mistake scooping your son from Midoriya who was still beet red. 
“No no, baby.” You coo softly at Kaito as you give Shouto a pointed look as he was giving you a teasingly stare for making Kaito cry. “You can kiss your mama as much as you want, but adults can’t go kissing me or your papa.”
Eventually, you manage to say goodnight to Midoriya, and Kaito slams his forehead to his cheek as a way of saying goodnight. Shouto and you take Kaito back into his room as the sleepy redhead boy was falling asleep on your shoulder, murmuring about how he wanted chocolate milk but Shouto wouldn’t buy him chocolate milk.
“Goodnight, my baby Tenshi.” You whisper lovingly to Kaito as you press a kiss to his cheek.
“G’night, Mama…” Kaito sighs as he wraps his arms around you tightly, “I missed you today…”
You smile wider as you muzzle your nose into his cheek, “And I missed you, but I love you, and go to sleep before you make mama miss her beauty sleep.”
Kaito giggles as you stand up, letting Shouto give his own bedtime routine with Kaito. And you watch on as you always do as your husband playful tickles your son, who goes and starts screeching in mercy only to fling himself into Shouto’s arms and you smile as they exchange: I love you’s.
By the time the two of you exit Kaito’s room, your baby is long since knocked out.
You showered first the night, as apart of your guys designed schedule.
As Pro-Heroes, being in a happy marriage and a loving family with a toddler son required some work. Ever since you were off maternity leave from heroics, the two of you had a schedule that had yet to fail.
Monday’s were your day off, that day you were taking care of Kaito by yourself and doing whatever necessary around the house. Wednesday’s, or tomorrow, was Shouto’s days off, and he took care of Kaito and ran necessary errands outside of the house. Friday’s were the best days though, the two of you didn’t work, so you would spend half the day with Kaito and then go out together that night. It worked flawlessly, and even after four years, Friday nights were always something you looked forward too.
You sat on your bed, already under the covers as you heard the shower turn off. You were currently texting Mina about if she was sure she wanted to take care of Kaito on Thursday. Most of your friends were always eager and ready to take care of your guy’s son, most likely because he was still a baby and with his quirk still unmanifested, it made taking care of him easier.
Your eyes snapped up to see Shouto walking out of the bathroom still wet from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, and even after how many years of seeing a sight like this you froze and blushed.
“Look away, pervert.” Shouto teased you and you playfully scoffed, turning on your side and turning off your light, you needed to sleep.
In only a few seconds, Shouto was climbing into bed, dressed for sleep. His arm pulling you closer to him, and you smiled softly before turning around to be properly held by him.
“So what are you doing with our son tomorrow?” You ask Shouto as your fingers trailed in soft stroking motions on his shoulders.
“Well, we don’t need any errands to be done, so I was thinking that park after lunch, and then maybe I’ll convince him to make dinner with me for his gorgeous mother.” Shouto sighs softly as your fingers gently massage a knot you found in his neck.
“Oh, his mother? I’ve always heard good things.” You say nonchalantly as Shouto’s hands move from your back to your hips.
“She’s the best, honestly, well… if I’m being honest she does have this fatal flaw.” Shouto grins up at the ceiling as your eyes sharply squint.
“Oh yeah…” Shouto agrees, starting to laugh at what he’s going to say next, “She is a little bitch.”
He catches your hands that went to smack him, and immediately rolls his weight over so that you’re trapped between him and the mattress, “Oh, did I mention to add she’s predictable?” Shouto continues as he smirks down at you.
“You’re annoying.” You retort weakly as you watch your husband come down to kiss you softly.
“That sucks for you,” He mutters against your lips and you kiss him back ready to prove to him just how unpredictable you really were.
Shouto woke up the next morning to you leaving for the day and smiled when you gave him a sweet kiss goodbye. “Don’t you dare hurt my child.” You threatened playfully as he grabbed you pulling you back into the bed.
“I’m sure there will be a nearby Pro-Hero to save him just in case,” Shouto whispers as he tries to steal a few more minutes in bed with you.
“Bakugo and Mina will yell at me if I’m late again!” You squeal as you squirm hopelessly against him.
“Alright, mama, go kick some ass today.” Shouto relents as he lets you go.
“I’ll kick your ass,” You mock as you press a final kiss to his lips.
“I’m sure you will.”
After watching as you kiss your still sleeping son goodbye, he walks you out the door and upon returning to his bed Shouto then falls back asleep.
“PAPA, WAKE UP!” A voice roared and Shouto’s eyes shot open as Kaito was sitting on his chest his y/e/c eyes centimeters from his. “Oh papa, I thought you were dead…” Kaito groaned as he collapsed onto Shouto's face.
“I was sleeping, Kaito-chan.” Shouto laughs as he sits up, catching his son in his arms.
“Well, I didn’t know that and was going to perform C-P-P,” Kaito exasperates with a pointed look, a smile never leaving his face.
“C-P-R.” Shouto corrects Kaito as he throws him gently onto the bed.
“C-P-R…” Kaito mutters, his face scrunching as he shakes his head, “No, papa, it’s C-P-P!” He screams in defiance.
“Hm, you may be right,” Shouto says, pretending to think about the spelling as he gets out of bed, “I think we’ll ask your beautiful and smart mama tonight, huh.”
“If I win, I get to sleep in the bed with mama, and you take my bed!” Kaito grins with his teeth on full display as he shimmies off the bed.
“I’ll take that bet,” Shouto agrees, grabbing the edge of the sheet and sees Kaito mimicking his actions and together they make the bed.
“Alright, piggy let's go brush some teeth!” Shouto says throwing his son up onto his shoulders, and can’t help the warm feeling in his stomach at the roar of giggles coming from Kaito.
Shouto spends the rest of the morning attempting to make his son some pancakes while Kaito attempts to paint his toenails, although Shouto is nearly positive he’s only managed to paint the flesh and not the nail. “Wow, I really like the neon yellow you chose.” Shouto points out as Kaito nods his head against his calf.
“Mama does it so much better, but I think mine is still pretty,” Kaito said as he looks at the disaster of the nail polish over his foot. Shouto looks down and has to physical bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing.
“We have to show mama this, huh Kaito-chan,” Shouto says as he puts the pancakes on a plate. “Hold on.”
Kaito latches tighter onto Shouto’s leg as he easily walks to the table despite the extra weight on his leg. Kaito screams of laughter made everything better and Shouto even went around the kitchen table one time after Kaito begged for more.
Shouto watched as Kaito poured syrup onto his pancakes with a concentrated look on his face, his chubby hands barely able to hold the bottle. “You got enough syrup there, Kaito-chan?” Shouto asked as he waited for Kaito to be done so he could also pour on some syrup.
“Nope! I want it to fill the house with syrup.” Kaito explains cheerfully as Shouto chuckles.
“I don’t think your mama would appreciate sleeping with syrup in her hair, remember the time she found a feather in her hair?”
“Mama is pretty silly.” Kaito agreed as he handed the syrup over to Shouto.
“And we can go to the park afterward?” Shouto offered when pancakes were stuffed into Kaito’s face, and his eyes sparkled in excitement.
“YESH, PWEASE?!” Kaito shouted food spraying everywhere.
The two males stared at the food on the table and echoes of laughter sounded through the house.
Shouto tried dressing his son who was in the middle of playing the part of a superhero, “I want to be just like mama!” Kaito shouted as his hand thrust out pretending to do who knows what. Your quirk definitely did not depend on you shooting anything.
“I do, too.” Shouto agrees as he manages to pull a blue t-shirt with your Pro-Hero costume printed on it.
“But papa, you’re a Pro-Hero already! Why would you wanna be like mama?”
“She’s amazing.” Shouto simply states and Kaito looks at his dad with curious eyes.
“Papa, are you in love with mama?” Kaito asks as he sticks out his legs for Shouto to put on his shorts and socks.
“Very much so,” Shouto tells his son as he ruffles his hair, “Just like I love you.”
Kaito laughs as he stands up and jumps into Shouto’s arms, “I love you too, papa.”
“Ready for the park?”
Shouto was sitting on a park bench watching as Kaito ran around the playground following a group of slightly older kids. “I’m sorry, but you’re the Pro-Hero: Shouto, correct?” A lady’s voice asked from behind Shouto, and without looking, Shouto nodded his head.
“I am, is there anything you need? Sorry, I’m just looking after my son today.”
“Oh, I know, I was just wanting to see if you would be willing to sign this for my child? He’s a huge fan!”
Shouto looks away from Kaito who was climbing up the jungle gym, standing up to face the mother who was clutching a piece of his merchandise. Smiling gently, Shouto places his signature on the item and returns to sit down.
“You don’t mind if I sit here? It seems that my daughter is playing with your son?”
Shouto’s eyebrows scrunch slightly, “You have a daughter and a son?” He asks looking back to the group of kids Kaito was playing with none of which looked remotely related.
“Uh, yeah, I, um, I do!” She stutters rubbing the back of her head as the two of them sit down on the bench, Shouto watching Kaito look over at him, and he waved.
Shouto allows the lady to sit next to him and he watches as Kaito is coming down the slide, and his face scrunches up as it normally does before he needs to sneeze, except it’s not just a sneeze. Shouto watches as Kaito sneezes, fire emitting from his body and burning the asphalt of the playground, Kaito shrieked and moved his hands around and the emitted fire followed the movement of his hands.
“PAPA!!! HELP ME!!” Kaito bellowed as parents immediately raced to their children as the flames seemed to grow in Kaito’s anxiety and fear. Shouto is already by Kaito’s side, ice emitting from his footsteps to counteract the flames that were set as Kaito sobs.
“Are you okay, Kaito-kun?” Shouto asks as he quickly examines his son for any potential injury.
“I JUST SNEEZED OUT FIRE!” Kaito wailed as his hands went to cover his eyes. “AND NOW I CAN NEVER EVER SNEEZE AGAIN!”
Shouto had to bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing at Kaito, “I don’t think that’s true…”
“I’m gonna be mama’s sidekick with a quirk called sneezing fires!” Kaito complained as tears continued to flow down his face, and Shouto paused feeling his old self reflected in the troubles of Kaito.
“You know what my quirk is, right?” Shouto asks as he sinks to the floor of the playground, Kaito looking up at Shouto as he sniffled loudly. Kaito nodded his head as his hand touched the scar on Shouto’s face.
“Half cold-half hot.”
Shouto nodded as he opened his left palm and demonstrated to Kaito a small wisp of fire that danced gently across his palm. “I have a fire, just like you. You wanna know a secret?”
Kaito’s eyes brightened, he did love secrets, and Shouto grinned back at his smiling toddler, “Okay, my secret is that I used to hate my fireside.”
This causes confusion to hit Kaito’s face, his fingers going to touch the flame that gently swirled in a hypnotic dance. “But you’re so strong, papa, how could you hate your fire?”
Shouto paused, noticing the audience nearby watching a rare moment of a Pro-Hero discussing the hardships of his childhood in public, “I thought I would hurt someone with it, become someone I wasn’t, but with the help of your mama and Midoriya-san, I’ve come to love my fire. I think you’ll love yours as well.”
Kaito stares at his father with a newfound love, one that was forged when two people endured the same hardships with their thoughts of their quirks. “I’ll love my quirk if you love yours.” Kaito compromises, sticking his pinky out for him to seal this secret between the two of them.
Later that day, “Pro-Hero: Shouto, saves son from himself!” was the biggest news of the day.
Shouto stood in the kitchen preparing for dinner as Kaito sat coloring in front of him, casual singing some theme song Shouto knew by heart. Shouto heard his phone ring, but since he was in the middle of cooking the salmon, he asked Kaito to retrieve the phone.
Kaito skipped over to Shouto’s phone, picked up, and put it to his ear. “Hello? What do you want, this is Kaito!”
Shouto smiled softly as his son who was using two hands to hold the phone to his ear, although he wasn’t sure if it was upside down or not. Kaito’s face lightened only by 100% and hearts only seemed to manifest in his eyes, and Shouto knew exactly who was on the other end of the call.
“MAMA, I GOT MY QUIRK TODAY! MY QUIRKY! JUST LIKE PAPA! PAPA EVEN LET ME IN ON A SECRET!” Kaito shrieked excitedly, always one to be excited to have you on the phone. “Yes mama, I didn’t get hurt! Hello, I’m a big boy with a quirk.”
Shouto flipped the salmon as he watched Kaito walking over towards him, the phone still clutched to his ear, “Well now I can be a Pro-Hero, like you and papa, and I can save you and take care of you! But yeah, here’s papa, bye! I love you.”
Kaito handed Shouto the phone, who took it with ease watching as Kaito went back to his spot to color. “Hello?” Shouto finally said after Kaito managed to climb up the chair safely.
“Why hello there my beautiful husband,” your voice immediately responds and Shouto smirks slightly.
“You jealous?”
“Mm. I don’t blame you, it was just as good as his first steps.”
“Don’t sound so smug!” You complained through the phone, your voice seeming defeated.
“I’m not,” Shouto laughs at your fretting as he reaches out a hand to assist Kaito with his juice box.
“I guess I’ll believe your deceptions, anyways I’m glad it happened during his school break and not during class! Could you imagine the chaos that would’ve happened if he lit the school on fire?!”
“I can only imagine, we’ll have to take him to the doctors on Friday for the actual diagnosis,” Shouto says regarding the naming of Kaito’s quirk.
“Yeah, agreed! I already made an appointment.” You inform Shouto.
“Yeah! Sorry!! I was going to go anyways, and I called again to add Kaito! Also, your ass looks great today babe, I saw all the photos of the park incident.”
“Wait why do you need to go to the doctors—?”
“MAMA!” Kaito yells overly excited as Shouto watches the four-year-old scrambling off the chair and running full speed at you as you entered the house.
“Hi, my baby!” Your joyful voice rings through the house, and Shouto ends the call as he watches you, still dressed up in your costume, clutch the red-headed son close to your body as you twirled around with him in your arms.
“I got my quirk today, and it’s like papa’s, uh, his, right side? I think I can’t remember!” Kaito laughs as he throws his head back.
“Left side, baby, left side.” You day grabbing Kaito’s left arm and shaking it so that he can learn once again the difference.
Shouto watches as you walk over Kaito sitting on your waist, and you smile at your husband who presses a gentle kiss on your lips. “Welcome home,” Shouto whispers.
Much to his surprise, you rise back up to capture Shouto’s lips into another kiss, and the two of you stand there taking a long and high-emotional kiss. Shouto pulls away after hearing the sixth long sigh from Kaito who immediately wrapped his arms around your neck.
“See,” Shouto whispered to your blushing face. “We Todoroki’s are mama’s boys.”
When the three of you are finished eating dinner, which was delicious by the way, and you had changed into much more casual clothing, you all went to the backyard to play some soccer as Kaito insisted he had learned a new trick he wanted to show you. The three of you played soccer together for what felt like hours, the teams, rules, and scores always changing.
Nearing the end of the final match, Shouto had you thrown over his shoulder as he was chasing down Kaito who had abandoned all rules of soccer and was carrying the ball to the goal. “Come here Kaito-chan!” Shouto bellows softly, running at a pace quick enough to be a threat to the toddler's pace and step size, but not quick enough to catch him.
“Save me, Kaito-chan!” You cried out between laughter as you held on tightly to Shouto’s back.
Shouto smacks your butt softly as a sign that your laughter is a bit too obvious, and you pathetically kick your legs in rebuttal. “Mama, is he seducing you?!” Kaito asks shocked, he had thrown the ball far away and was circling behind to look directly into your flushed face.
“SEDUCING?!” The two parents spluttered as they had no idea how their four-year-old had that sort of vocabulary in his set. A grin broke out on Kaito’s face and then he went and grabbed your hands.
“Alright, papa, let's beat mama!” Kaito roared and Shouto shouted back in agreement as suddenly your sides were being tickled and your shrieks of laughter echoed through the quiet night.
“Goodnight, my beautiful boy.” You whisper to Kaito as you pressed a kiss to his forehead, his arms wrapping around your neck softly as he didn’t want to let go just yet. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, mama,” Kaito whispered, yawning heavily as you stood up. Shouto replaced you at the side and went to hug and kiss Kaito, who at that very moment remembered something.
Kaito, momentarily renewed with energy grabbed the piece of paper he had been secretively drawing on and thrust it forward towards Shouto, “This is us, papa! We are gonna save the world together with our fire.”
Shouto looked down at the two circle people with red fire everywhere, and he smiled softly at the written Kaito and Papa under the people as well as the drawn hearts. “Goodnight, Kaito-chan, I, uh, well, I love you so much. Thank you for this drawing, I’ll cherish it forever.” Shouto says as he pulls his son's forehead in for a kiss.
“I love you, too, papa. So much….”
You watched on with tears in your eyes for the amount of love that you could feel between the father of your child and said, child. Shouto eventually stood up, and with an arm wrapped around your waist, the two of you left while turning off the lights.
Shouto showed you the drawing as the two of you retreated to your bedroom, the overall feeling in the house right now was overwhelming love and joy. “Wow, you two are in fact the reason why I live every day.” You say as you hopped onto the bed, Shouto climbing on seconds afterward, his head on your chest as he held you close.
“I’m glad,” Shouto confesses feeling the same way as you did as he sighs softly.
“Um, Shoucchan?” You say softly, and Shouto hums in acknowledgment, too comfortable right now to even dare look at you even if he wanted to. “Well, uh, you see I have- I have something to confess…”
“You’re pregnant again, right?” Shouto says taking your overall hesitation to say what he had gathered from your doctor's appointment, refusal of a glass of alcohol, your early release home, and of course the unprotected sex that happened a few couples of times weeks ago.
“I am…”
Shouto sits up, watching your face swim with millions of emotions as in parallel to the first time you confessed. A smile covers his face and yours breaks out in one as well as far tears roll down both your cheeks, and another kiss is placed between the two of you, “Oh, I’m so glad.” He whispers against your lip as he places his warm hand against your stomach.
sorry, ive fallen in love with kaito and i cant get up D: requests are open still!!!
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holidaywishes · 4 years
It Had To Be You XLIX
Chapter Forty Nine: It Had To Be You
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  Summary: It’s finally time for you and Tyler to get married. But what’s a wedding without some drama?
  Warning: Angst, language, maybe some fluff but not likely, trigger warning for mention of ED
  Author’s Note: Y’all I was literally bawling as I wrote this. Like so much so that I had to stop and save it, so I could finish crying and then return to it. I don’t know how many of you saw it coming, but here we are. One chapter left and I can honestly say I didn’t really see it coming. The length of the series that is. I really do appreciate everyone’s love for this series; it’s been up and down for me where some days I love writing it and other days I just can’t bring myself to make these characters co-exist. I wanted there to be closure, because at the very least, it’s what these two deserved but I also needed a good dose of angst to send this series off -- since that’s pretty much what it was built on. So, yes, this chapter is INCREDIBLY, EXCEPTIONALLY, almost OUTRAGEOUSLY long and it took a lot of time to write but it was extremely necessary! Enjoy these last two chapters and thank you again for all your support.
  Song Credit: It Had To Be You -- Frank Sinatra
  the other masterlist
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  You woke up in your mom’s guest room and, for a second, thought it was just another day but when your sisters came barrelling into the room to wake you up, you jumped up in excitement.
  “I KNOW!” you replied. Candace made some joke about how normally she would expect you to stay calm, cool and collected and that it was typically the girl in the relationship who was this excited on their wedding day.
  “I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s adorable,” she laughed, “I just didn’t expect it I guess”
  “Well what can I say?” you smiled, “I love (Y/N) and I’m so lucky to be the one she chose. The one who gets to marry her.” Candace smiled at you as you cooed over your fiancée just as your mom walked in
  “What are you still doing in here?!” she exclaimed
  “What?” you answered
  “You should be getting ready!”
  “I’m getting there, Ma,” you chuckled, “don’t worry!” She huffed as if to say ‘you’re not taking this seriously’ before walking out of the room, throwing her arms up as she did so and your head fell back while Candace followed her out of the room. Shortly after, you made your way to the kitchen for some breakfast
  “So...” your mom started, Cassidy and Candace looking at you, “how you feeling?”
  “Good,” you smiled, a blush creeping on your cheeks, “really good.”
  “Aww” the girls shrieked, making the dogs jump up from where they were sleeping and head to where they were
  “You guys are scaring the dogs!” you chirped and they laughed
  “You’re just so cute!” Cassidy cooed
  “I never thought you’d be getting married...” your mom started to tear up
  “Mom...” you started, waving your hands to get her to stop as you walked over to her, “don’t start crying now. Please. There’s so much day left.”
  “I’m just so happy,” she sobbed, “that you found the person you want to be with. And I’m so happy she is so amazing to you and to us. I just love you both so much.”
  “Okay, mom,” you said, hugging her as she continued to cry into your shoulder, “I have to go take a shower now. I love you. Save the tears for the ceremony okay?” She nodded once and you kissed the top of her head to comfort her before you walked away.
  You woke up with a huge grin on your face. Even after seeing Kate on Tyler’s story last night, knowing that she was with him, you had managed to put it out of your mind and you were back to being excited about marrying the man you loved. You rushed into the shower because your day was planned to the last millisecond, from hair and makeup to making sure the catering, décor and everything else was set and ready to go.
  “Alright...” Karen said through the door as you showered, “we’ve got your hair and makeup at the same time, Diana is taking care of all the Bridesmaids dresses and their hair and makeup. You’ll be in separate rooms here while you get them done and then we’ll do pictures. Your flowers are on their way from the florist and caterers will be here by the time you're ready to get dressed.” She continued to talk at you but you had to put your head back under the water to wash out the conditioner in your hair that you didn’t hear what she said.
  “Okay, I’m going as fast as I can” you laughed as you opened the door, noticing people walking around behind her. Once you had put on some lotion and the silky robe with ‘Bride’ embellished on the back, you followed Karen into the room where you would be getting ready.
  “If you need anything, call me,” she said, “but hopefully you won’t need anything. I’ll send the photographer in once the hair and makeup people are here and they’ll kind of just roam around you and take some shots. They’ll do the same outside.”
  “Got it.” You smiled, letting out a sigh of relief when she finally walked away. The next two hours were a whirlwind of photos and makeup and hair and gifts for your Bridesmaids before finally getting into your dress so you and Tyler could exchange notes.
  “Do you still want to keep everything a secret?” he asked from where he stood behind the door, handing his note to you without looking over the door
  “What do you mean?” you smiled to yourself as you handed him your note
  “The dress? Is it going to be a surprise until I’m at the altar?” he laughed
  “You really think you can handle it right now?” You looked at Jackie who had brought over the photographer to capture the moment that you and Tyler were reading your letters
  “Oh I’m ready,” he smirked, “are you?” Jackie seemed to tell the photographer that you two were going to look at each other first before reading the letters and just as you stepped forward he stopped you
  “It would be a much better picture if you two revealed yourself to each other after you’d read the letters. Much more romantic.” You nodded and asked if Tyler was ready
  “More than you know, babe.” You could hear the smirk on his face and you chuckled to yourself as you opened the envelope and read his note to you, while he stood silently reading your note to him.
  I never thought I’d meet someone who made me reconsider so many of my life choices but from the moment I met you, I knew you were going to change my life forever. From thinking I never wanted to get married to never wanting to let a minute go by that we weren’t with each other, you’re the one for me. You’re it. The sound of your voice over a call when I’m on the road, the smell of your favourite perfume, that little giggle you make when you watch dog videos on Youtube; these are the things that I cherish and crave when we’re apart and when we’re together. I’m so thankful to be part of your life and I feel so immensely lucky to get to call myself your husband, or I will be once the ‘I do’s’ are done. I know we’ve had our ups and downs and I know our life together won’t be without it’s challenges if for no other reason than our schedules but I wouldn’t want to face those challenges with anyone but you.
  I love you so much,
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  You opened the letter from (Y/N) and took a deep breath before reading it while you listened to her silently sob as she read your letter to her.
  My Dearest Tyler,
  I’ll admit when I first met you, I didn’t think too much of you. I knew your reputation in Boston and I let that sway a lot of my opinion of you but you soon proved me wrong and I have never been so grateful for anything in my whole life. Because it gave me you. Yes, I ignored my feelings for you because I was with someone else, but for so much of my life, you’ve been one of the only people who have made me feel safe and loved and who I could fully trust. It took us a long time to get where we are today -- bad break ups, family tragedies, things I’d like to never speak of again -- but we’re here, we made it. It’s you and me, babe. And I couldn’t be happier. I know I can be a lot to handle most days and I know that I drive you crazy more than you’d probably like to admit, just know that it’s all done out of love. Because I do love you. No matter what I might say or do, I’ll always love you.
  You’ll always be the one who changed everything.
  You’ll always be the one I never want to lose.
  You’ll always be the one I love the most.
  To the sun and the moon and the stars, I love you, baby.
  (Y/N), xo
  You wiped away a few stray tears as you folded up the piece of paper, your mom soon telling you it was time to reveal yourselves to each other.
  “You two ready?” she asked
  “Just give me a minute,” you heard (Y/N) laugh, “I think I’ve ruined my makeup!”
  “You look great!” your mom replied and (Y/N) laughed again, taking a deep breath before finally agreeing to come out. The photographer clicking photos continuously as both of you stepped out from where you stood, your hand quickly raised to cover your mouth; you couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked and that the day was finally here.
  “You look...” you stammered, “gorgeous.” She blushed at your words, the smile on her face growing each second before she took your hands lightly in hers.
  “You look so handsome” she smiled, moving closer to you for a kiss which your mom and the photographer both stopped.
  “Not until the ‘I Do’s’!” Your mom yelled and (Y/N) laughed
  “She’s right.” (Y/N) added, squeezing your hands, “I should probably go check on the girls anyway.” You didn’t want to let her go just yet, so you held onto her hand as she walked away.
  “That’s a great shot” you heard the photographer say to your mom and she was quick to agree so you decided to give your opinion on it.
  “It looks beautiful,” you said, furrowing your brow as you continued to examine the photo, “but she looks kinda sad doesn’t she? I don’t know... it just looks like she’s leaving me...”
  You walked back to find your Bridesmaids getting their finishing touches done before being taken to an area by the lake where the photographer wanted some shots of the entire wedding party as guests made their way into the backyard where the ceremony would be; Tyler gathered his Groomsmen and your Bridesmaids mirrored their positions beside you when the photographer began rearranging everyone. You and Tyler laughed at the commotion surrounding the two of you but were eventually able to reel everyone in for a few good photos.
  “Okay,” Tyler breathed, “I think it’s time. I’ll see you up there.” He kissed your hands before walking up the hill toward the house, looking back only once to smile at you and you smiled back before taking a deep breath of your own as your Bridesmaids started their journey to the house
  “You coming?” Lucy asked
  “Of course. I’ll be there in a second,” you laughed, “I just wanna practice my vows once.” Lucy nodded and continued up the hill with the other girls. You looked out at the horizon, smoothing the front of your dress to calm the nerves you were starting to feel.
  “You look beautiful” Chris spoke softly, leading you to look over your shoulder to meet his smile. You slowly turned around to let him see you and dropped your eyes to the ground, catching glimpses of the dress as your eyes scanned the ground.
  “Thank you,” you smiled before finally looking up at him, “you look very handsome.”
  “Thank you.” he replied and outstretched his hand to you to get you to walk up with him, “It’s time for you to get married.” Just as the two of you reached the front door, Chris said there was something he forgot to give you but it was in his car so he went to grab it, your eyes following him as he ran to where his car was parked; turning around and bumping into someone hastily
  “I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed
  “No it’s my fault. I must not have...” Kate replied, trailing off when she saw it was you and realizing that you might not have known that she was going to be there
  “Kate..?” was all you could muster and she gave you an awkward closed mouth smile before making her way into the backyard to find a seat. You stayed still for a moment, waiting for Chris to come back, until Kate turned around once more
  “You look lovely,” she said, “Tyler’s a really lucky guy...” The words sounded sincere so you thanked her and watched as she disappeared around the corner when a sudden rush of doubt washed over you and you ran into your bedroom. You stood in front of the floor length mirror, examining the intricate details of lace and tulle and beading on your custom-made dress, training yourself to look at yourself in the dress. When you finally met your eyes in the mirror, you couldn’t connect the beauty of the dress to the girl you saw wearing it. Your mind kept wandering to what everyone would think when they saw you, or what you convinced yourself they’d think
  “Hey,” Chris called, running to find you, “where did you go? I was only gone for a minute and I come back but you’re not...” You turned to him with a slow tear running from the corner of your eye
  “Is this a mistake Chris?” you cried and he shook his head
  “No.” he stated simply, but sympathetically as he walked slowly toward you, “This is not a mistake.” You dropped your head, shaking it to clear your thoughts, and Chris pulled you in for a hug that you could only melt into. When he pulled away from the hug, he handed you a small box, “this belonged to your dad.” You opened the box to find an old guitar pick
  “I didn’t know he played guitar?”
  “Oh yeah. He was pretty good too. But this one pick was really special to him. So when he had you and Lucy, he wanted to make sure it would be special to you both as well.” He said and you furrowed your brow when you looked up at him, “turn it over.” You did as he said
  “I love you” the words on the pick read, in your dads messy writing and you brought your hand to your mouth to stop from sobbing.
  “He would be so proud of you.” Chris said, leading you to look up at him and frown
  “I miss them so much” You replied while Chris encouraged you to grab his arm and start to walk to the altar. The two of you stopped just in front of the door before you were met by your bridal party.
  “Didn’t think you were gonna make it” Katie joked
  “Well I did. I’m here” you smiled
  “Alright. Let’s do this” Cassidy exclaimed
  “Let’s get you married!” Candace added while the girls lined up with Tyler’s Groomsmen to walk down the aisle. As they made their way two by two to the altar, you took a deep breath before biting your lip
  “You ready?” Lucy asked, Jesse trying his best not to butt into the conversation as her arm was interlocked with his
  “Yes” you smiled, a small sigh leaving your voice
  “We’ll see you up there” Jesse winked as he nodded to Lucy so they could walk down the aisle to meet Tyler at the altar; she mouthed a quick ‘you got this’ before walking down and just like that, the music changed and it was finally your turn. When the door finally opened, you looked up and saw Tyler smiling back to you. And the whole world faded away.
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  You had no idea what had taken so long but when you finally saw her standing at the end of the aisle in her dress, about to walk toward you, you didn’t care about anything other than how beautiful she was. And how much you loved her.
  “Hi,” you whispered when she finally met you at the altar, “I missed you.” She reciprocated your smile before mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ to which you just shook your head before the ceremony officially started. The two of you gazed at each other while the officiant spoke about marriage and what it meant to make this commitment to each other. Your eyes never left (Y/N)’s, even when she began to blush and press her lips together to stop herself from laughing.
  “(Y/N) and Tyler have written their vows today. Have you decided who would like to go first?” The officiant asked
  “Ladies first, always.” You chuckled while (Y/N) fumbled with her note card
  “I had to bring it with me or I knew I’d forget,” she confessed, “I’m nervous. I didn’t think I’d be this nervous.” She tried to catch her breath and you smiled at her nervousness
  “It’s okay, love, take your time.” You said, reassuringly, allowing her to slow down and steady herself and her breathing.
  “Tyler; I wrote and rewrote these vows a million times. Trying to make them perfect. Trying to make them the most amazing words you’ll ever hear and the most beautiful vows anyone, anywhere, will ever hear. Which only made them cheesy and full of things like ‘I’ll make you laugh when you’re sad,’ and ‘I’ll walk the dogs when you can’t,’ which is true. I’ll do both of those things, but I would anyway,” the room laughed and she smiled at you before continuing, making sure to look at you as much as she could, “so when it came time for me to really write my vows to you, I scrapped everything and wrote five words.
  It Had To Be You.
  There was no one else in my life that I would ever find that made me feel the way you do. No matter how many times we fought or disagreed or ignored our feelings for each other, you were always the person I imagined myself with. I never thought that I... I would find someone who looked at me the way I wanted to be looked at, someone who made me feel seen. Until you. You changed everything for me. You changed the way I looked at myself and the way I looked at relationships. You’ve become this amazing person, you’ve grown into such an amazing man and I’m so proud that I’ve gotten to be part of that journey. Through the ups and downs, the fights and the make-ups and everything in between, you’ve been so wonderful to me. And I love you for that. It was never going to be anyone else. I can’t imagine a better person to share my life with, to be in love with. It Had To Be You. I knew it from the second we met, It Had To Be You.” She tilted her head to the side and smiled sheepishly at you before clutching your hands to steady her
  “Tyler...” the officiant continued, “it’s your turn.” You laughed at his statement but cleared your throat to say your vows.
  “(Y/N)...” you started, “falling in love with you came suddenly and unexpectedly. Loving you, however, was slow and sometimes infuriating.” You smiled as she gasped at your words, jokingly pulling her hands away from yours for a moment, “but I know,” you continued, “that love is worth fighting for. So, I fought. and fought. and begged. and hoped. and wished that I could keep fighting forever. Because I loved you so much it scared me to not have you with me. When the worst would happen and I thought we wouldn’t make it, my heart broke. Only to get put back together again when you showed up at my door and fell into my arms. The place where you fit so perfectly. I loved you before I even knew that I could love again. Before I even knew I wanted to love again. You snuck into my life when I was trying to figure out who I needed to be and how I needed to change and you were like this breath of fresh air. Exactly what I needed. You stayed with me when I lost the people I loved most in the world and you held me when I needed to be held. There’s no one else that I would rather argue with or make-up with or share every moment of my life with. There’s no one else I could ever love more and no one else I could imagine myself with. I love you. Now, yesterday, tomorrow, forever and for always.”
  “And with that, I have a few last questions and responsibilities...” the officiant said. You watched (Y/N) look out at the crowd, examining the guests reactions, when she stopped suddenly and you followed her gaze to where Kate sat; solemn look on her face before dropping her head, “so, if no one has anything they’d like to say. No objections...” the officiant added and you smiled, starting to jokingly get him to continue when (Y/N) spoke up quietly
  “I’m sorry...” she said and you furrowed your brow at her before she looked up, “I love you, Ty, but I can’t... do this. I can’t marry you. I’m sorry.” You were left in shock, your mouth gaping slightly as she ran down the steps and into the house. You ran after her once you composed yourself, calling out to her but she kept her back turned to you
  “What’s going on?!” you yelled
  “We can’t get married”
  “We can. We almost did. What happened?”
  “I’m sorry. I just can’t do this. It’s all too much”
  “Too much?”
  “I’m sor--”
  “STOP!” You yelled, interrupting her apology, “stop apologizing. Stop saying you’re sorry and just help me understand what you’re thinking.” She finally turned around to look at you and you noticed the tears streaming down her face as she tried to get the words out. But she couldn’t seem to make the words leave her throat.
  Your eyes burned with tears as you tried to explain why you left the altar. Why you left him standing there alone. Why you couldn’t marry him. All you could do was whimper, all you could say was ‘I’m sorry’ but Tyler wanted more.
  “No,” he argued, “tell me what’s going on. Talk to me.”
  “I don’t know. I don’t have the answers”
  “You’re the only one with the answers right now”
  “Tyler please...” you sighed, tears still falling from your eyes
  “I love you,” he replied, moving toward you so he could brush his hand along your arm, “I want to be with you. Maybe today isn’t the right day. Maybe we rushed into it. Maybe you’re feeling pressured. Whatever it is, tell me and we can work through it together.”
  “I guess...” you sobbed, dropping your head to the ground in defeat, before picking it up to find his eyes again, “I don’t know... I thought if I could be this perfect person for you then all of my... pain, my insecurities would just go away. Because I loved you and I wanted you and I wanted us but from the second I walked into your life, I’ve felt so incredibly out of place. I don’t belong in this life. With the fancy cars and the beautiful people and the big houses. I don’t belong here. I wanted to. I thought I could, despite everything and everyone trying to convince us we weren’t meant for each other. But you can’t tell me you don’t see it. That I grew up in a modest house with a modest family of modest means--”
  “I told you that I didn’t grow up with all of this stuff, I worked for it” he interrupted you to argue, furrowing his brow at your confession
  “I know! I know,” you sighed, trying to compose your sobs in such a way that your words could be understood and not just heard, “but I can’t get past any of it. I... you deserve someone who can keep up with this life. Who can keep up with you and someone who doesn’t feel... threatened at every turn. I have tried so hard to trust you and honestly, I have trusted you. What I wrote to you was true. You have made me feel so safe and so loved and I have put my entire trust in you. You’ve been as close to perfect as perfect gets. But then something happens, something small, and I lose track of everything. I lose track of how far I’ve come, how far we’ve come and I just... my heart breaks because I have this overwhelming feeling that I don’t belong with you. That, no matter how much I love you or how much you say you love me, we don’t match.”
  “Not this again” Tyler dropped his hand from your arm, lobbing his head back and sighed before finally stepping back
  “I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love you. So purely and intensely, so all-encompassingly. All I ever wanted was you, even when I was with someone else, even when we were just friends. All I ever wanted was this. Us. But I went through a lot of crap to get you, to lose the old me and find this girl who would be good enough for you. Because, truly, It Had To Be You. It was always going to be you. I just don’t know if I can keep doing this. Keep worrying about the girls you meet here or on the road, the girls that you’re friends with, the girls who are friends with your friends and show up at parties with them. I can’t keep thinking that you’re always keeping me at arms length because you don’t want to give up your old life just yet. I don’t want to feel like I have to be someone else just to be with you. All of our problems, everything that existed before today, will continue to exist. Getting married just means we have more to lose”
  “(Y/N)...” He sighed, a look of heartbreak creeping across his face as his eyes began to tear up at your words
  “I wish I could say this was just wedding day jitters,” you said as a new batch of tears streamed down your face, “I wish that’s what it was but I don’t think it is. I think that this has been boiling under the surface for a while now and I don’t want you to be the one that suffers when I blow up. Because I will. I’ll cry and scream and blame you for things that aren’t your fault--”
  “And we’ll make up like we always do. That’s what love is... It’s staying together through all the shit and the crazy parts and working through it... together.”
  “No see...” you sighed, stepping back when he stepped forward, almost tripping on the long train of your dress, “we shouldn’t have to stay together to ‘work out all the shit.’ We should want to see each other through hard times because we want to see each other grow. I want to see you grow. I want to grow with you. But I have too much... shit that I have to work through on my own that you don’t deserve to be dragged down by”
  “Don’t do this (Y/N), I love you and I need you to understand that I’ve changed. I’m not the same immature kid I was when we met. You’ve made me a better man”
  “And that’s great!” you smiled, tears still cascading down your cheeks, “I know you’ve changed. I see that. And I am so proud of you, Tyler. Uhm...” You hesitated, your voice stabilizing for only a second, “But I haven’t. I’m still closed off and distant and hurt and insecure and... broken because of the things that have happened to me.”
  “I want to take your pain from you. You’re not broken, not to me.” He admitted and you squeezed your eyes shut at what his words meant. That he actually loved you as much as you hoped he did
  “I can’t keep doing this to you. In time, you’ll see that, you’ll understand,” you tried to recover from everything that you had to say, straightening your posture and wiping away the mess of tears on your face, “I hate that I’m doing this, especially now. But I know I should’ve let you go a long time ago.”
  “Is this about--” he started and you shook your head
  “It’s not about Kate,” you finished his thought. Even though that may have been the catalyst, it really wasn’t about her, “this is about me. Before you, before James, I was sick. Like really sick--”
  “I know... you were in the hospital” you nodded
  “But after I got sick, the first time, I met someone. My first boyfriend. He didn’t know about my ED, he didn’t know about me being in the hospital, he didn’t know about my parents. It was a completely blank slate. I could start fresh with him. But after he tried to get me to open up, I shut down again. I had a panic attack thinking about how to tell him everything I thought I’d never have to. He freaked out at me freaking out and I ended up going back to being sick. Back to who I’d always been. And then I was fine, for a bit. Until I met James. And then Marcus happened,” you stopped for only a minute to gather yourself, “and I realized, I never stopped being the girl who would shut down whenever something went wrong. Whenever I had to be honest about who I was or what I was feeling. I have too much baggage”
  “I don’t care!” he yelled, his body moving forward but his feet staying put
  “But I do!” you shouted in return, the tears brimming your eyes once more, “okay? I do. I can’t ask you to commit to someone who’s scared all the time of you doing something just because you’re living your life. I can’t ask you to change everything just because I love you. Or because I want you to love me back.”
  “What if I’m doing it because I love you?”
  “You deserve to be loved, Tyler. Truly, honestly, completely, uncompromisingly loved. I want you to have that. Even if that means it’s not with me...”
  “It is with you!” He tried
  “I’m sorry,” you said, beginning to walk away, “I have loved every minute of my life with you. I wish I didn’t have to hurt you like this. It’s the last thing I want to do”
  “Then don’t do it!” he pleaded
  “We can’t get married, Ty”
  “Fine” he tried, “we don’t have to get married. we’ll call this off, go get some pizza, change out of these clothes and go home. To our home. With our dogs. And our life together. We’ll just be together.” You dropped your head, shaking it as you did so, letting the tears bead off the tulle of your skirt and fall to the ground
  “I love you, Tyler, so much you couldn’t possibly know,” your voice hitched as you kept your eyes on the ground, “but I can’t be with you right now”
  “Why?!” he shouted, your family and his finally coming around the corner to see the last of the argument, “because you think you’re going to hurt me? like you don’t think this is hurting me?”
  “You’ll get past this!” you shouted back, raising your head and catching a glimpse of Chris’ face, his sadness for you clearly evident in his expression, “you will get past this wedding not happening. You will get past me hurting you today. You will move on and be happy and fall in love and have the life you’ve always deserved. But if we get married, if we go through with this now, I will drag you down with me and I can’t allow that”
  “You’re not going to drag me down...” he said calmly
  “STOP!” you yelled, squeezing your eyes shut in frustration, eliciting a small string of tears from the corner of your eye, “I’m selfish. I’ve been selfish for the past six years. You and me have argued with each other and yelled at each other so many times because of me. Because I can’t let you in. Because I can’t just let myself trust you completely.”
  “I’ve--” he stammered, finally taking a step to move closer to you
  “No, please” you started, outstretching your hand so he didn’t get too close, “you are so wonderful. and you have been so wonderful to me. You’ve grown so much in these last 10 years and I am so happy that I’ve been able to see that and be there for some of it--”
  “I haven’t outgrown you...” he replied, as if those were the words you were going to say next and you tilted your head to the side when you looked at him, following his eyes with yours while you prepared yourself to say goodbye
  “Maybe you don’t think you have but we both know that we haven’t been moving together, at the same pace, for a long time. This isn’t your fault, Tyler, please don’t put this on you. Please don’t try to find some mistake that you made -- because you didn’t make one. I’ve chosen person after person because I saw something in them that I didn’t see in myself. Something I thought I could have for myself if I were just close enough to them. But I just-- I can’t... I don’t want to do that to you anymore. I--” you whimpered, trying to keep yourself composed but the rest of the guests beginning to circle and the look in Tyler’s eyes made it impossible for tears not to stream down your face, “I need to choose me this time. I need to find that something in myself that makes everything else worth doing...”
  “You’ve said this before. We got through it then, we can get through it now,” he tried, stepping toward you once before you turned to walk away, “please.” His voice was soft now, filled with sadness that made your heart ache, almost too much for you to bear. You turned your head just barely so he could hear your voice one last time
  “Goodbye Tyler” you whispered to him, picking the skirt of your dress up as you ran from him, stopping only when Jackie stood in your path. She stared at you, with your mascara staining your cheeks and your eyes still flooding with tears, and you feared what she might do; slap you, curse at you, say she was disappointed.
  “You were part of our family” she said, small tears escaping her eyes, “we loved you. Why... how could you do this?” You couldn’t bring yourself to give her an answer because the look on her face said everything her voice couldn’t
  “I’m sorry” you managed to mutter before you ran to the car waiting in the driveway. You hoped that someday they would all come to forgive you, and that the pain you’d caused would simply be a memory, but for now you could only watch as Tyler crumbled in his Mother’s arms as the tears he’d been containing were finally set free.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Nine
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Submitted by Mary Kate 
Sanctuary by @sfjessii​
Why I love this story:
If i have a bad day, i download this, log off and escape into this wonderful world. This is my comfort fic. I adored the way Magnus and Alec had this instant connection. Never too shy to tell the other how beautiful they are, and described so beautifully. Nala, Alec’s dog was such a vital part of this story, i really loved the way the animals were involved, especially the way Nala and Chairman Meow turned into these wonderful characters of theor own. Nala's bond with Alec was beautiful, how she reacted to his feelings, and was a support for him. This story has little bit of everything, fluff, pining, loving, makes your heart burst with love. We had Magnus' family welcoming Alec, then Alec's also welcoming Magnus! Domestic moments, mornings together at the loft, cuddling, making risotto - What’s not to love.
Favourite lines:
[“You buy pumpkins, all kinds, from me, though you’re allergic, you run after me in slippers, you are... really special.” He grins so wonderfully, Magnus can’t but smile, his cheeks suddenly heating up.]
[Magnus adores the way Alec kisses him after a long day. As if he had missed him every minute he was gone, as if he can only wholly breathe, and be at ease, once he’s with him again, as if Magnus is the reason for his happiness, his sanctuary].
[“It’s not to prove our love, or anything like that. You’re right, we don’t need that, and this won’t change anything, except that this is a once in lifetime experience - well, for us anyway - and I want to have that with you, because you’re the one, the only one, and I... really want to see that glorious wedding you planned, and you outshining everyone in your wedding tux when you bawl your eyes out," he smiles, close to tears, and takes a shuddery breath. "But most of all I want to call you my husband].
In the Sin Bin by @otppurefuckingmagic​
Why I love this story:
This fic was my introduction to hockey, i knew absolutely nothing about the sport before this and you really don’t need to, because it’s  so well explained in the story. I love the torture of the slow burn before Malec’s first kiss, it was so intense as there was so much anticipation and neither wanted to cross a line but also really knowing that it would eventually happen. Some of the lines in here are absolutely beautiful, and also painfully beautiful like their break-up because the break-up was because the loved the other so much they were trying to protect them which made it even harder and makes it so easy to get lost in this work. There are so many character developments here too but they happen over a period of time and not rushed which i liked and made it feel real and natural. And our protangonists work things out but there are many twist and turns along the way, and a beautiful friendship between Magnus and Max. 
Favourite lines:
[“This is crossing another line, Magnus"
"I don't even know what a line is"]
[You know,” Max called out as he approached Magnus, “it’s a pretty well established superstition that if you sit on the Raziel statue that you’re doomed to an eternity of forced abstinence.”
Magnus practically flew off the base of the statue in front of the Angels’ arena at Max’s words].
[Because there’s someone I’m involved with and I can’t deny his importance in my life—no matter what the consequences are. The blackmail, my parents.... I can let all of that shit go on the ice if he’s at my side. He and hockey are the most important things to me right now. I’m fighting for my pride as a gay man and an Angel, Coach. It’s not an either-or scenario for me—it’s both.”]
Power Play by @bbmonarch​
Why I love this story:
I had originally seen Art for this story on twitter and i was so intrigued that i had to read the story. The content in this story is heavy and at times quite dark and normally content i hide away from but this one i just couldnt stay away, it’s just so well written with complex yet well-rounded characters &  i when i started reading it, i couldn’t put it down, there are two parts to this and i read it all as one and have a sob-fest. But amongst all the darkness there is enough happy/fluffy moments to keep a balance to the story and the deep love that Magnus and Alec have in this universe is one of the strongest i have seen in any other story, part of what drew me to it and why i love it so much. Another thing i liked  is the friendship between Jace and Magnus and that is something i always love in a story, like when Jace was there to look after Magnus, making sure he got back back safe and took care of Magnus so he was there and well when Alec woke up in a certain scene. We get loads of fluffy moments and cute when it was just them, the normally fearsome Alec a blushing mess when Magnus calls him everything from, pup, puppy, munchkin etc. Lastly i loved the way they cared/looked after each other when they were hurt/sick and magnus looking after Alec when he went off the rails and helping him through his addiction was amazingly sweet, even when they had broken up at the time summed them up to me. 
Favourite lines:
[Magnus smiled and looked down to where Alec was ripping the label into small pieces “Sexually frustrated?”  Alec snapped out of his thoughts and stiffened in his seat, Magnus laughed softly “It’s what they say you are if you play with the labels on your bottles”. “I don’t.. I didn’t know” Alec said and pushed the bottle away. “You didn’t know that what it meant or you don’t know if you are sexually frustrated?”]
 [“I love your eyes” He let out before he had a chance to think about what he was actually saying. “Thank you”. Alec could see in his eyes that he was smiling, not needing to take his focus away from them. “Do you wear contact lenses or something?” he asked and tipped his head slightly to the side, shivering a little as Magnus hand moved around to the back of his neck and his fingers played with the shorter hairs, like he was trying to twirl it around his fingertips. “No” Magnus was still smiling “I am just a little special”]
[‘Magnus’s eyes were filled with love as he cupped his face, leaned down over him and kissing away his tears. Closing his eyes, Alec felt Magnus’ lips against his eyelids so softly it was barely a kiss. Alec moved his hands to rest against Magnus’ knees, feel his own heartbeat echo off Magnus’ palms as Magnus pressed his hands against his chest.”]
[Alec reached for his hand and brought it up to his face and gently places a kiss against the back of it. “I love you just the same. There may be a little bit less of you but that just means the left-over love I have is spread out equally amongst the rest of you” he said, sounding adorably cheesy.
“I can’t with you” Magnus laughed, feeling better about himself than he had in a long time, maybe even before everything with Jonathan happened. “I love you so much, puppy”. Seeing Alec’s eyes light up at the nickname, Magnus regretted not using it more frequently].
 Love Is Not a Victory March by j__writes and @lecrit​
Why I love this story:
Tried hard to choose my fave stories for this TOP 5 Favourite's and these two writer have some amazing ones and were so difficult to choose from. I planned to have 'Bright Light's Small Town' and 'Take Me To Church' but this collab had such a huge effect that i couldn’t possibly leave it out. Honestly, one of the most beautiful, deep, meaningful stories I ever read about Alec and Magnus because the raw content and these two writers are hard-hitters when it comes to writing angst. Watching these characters pour their hearts out, falling apart, nearly breaking up and divorcing and then realizing their love was stronger than any of it and starting from scratch, building themselves up again, such an amazing thing to see and also is so very real-life. So many things (and people) had got in their way but they finally managed to communicate and begin again. Watching them fall in love all over again was such a pleasure and so beautifully written. 
Favourite lines:
[He wonders how he could have ever forgotten how it felt to fall in love with the wonder and light that is Magnus Bane. He can’t believe he ever let Magnus spend so many days in sadness. That he was the cause of that sadness. There’s so much he needs to make right]
[“There is the rawness of an open wound in their cries, their embrace certainly the only thing keeping them from completely falling apart. The distance between has been washed away,”]
[There is nothing left but the blunt honesty on his features, the same that always leads one of Alec’s earth-shattering declarations. He never seems to realize how the words he utters so candidly can throw Magnus’ whole world off balance while at the same time grounding him to the reality of Alec’s love for him. It is, quite possibly, Magnus’ favorite feeling. “Every time I think I can’t possibly love you more you just–” he shakes his head with a sense of fatality that he seems to welcome gratefully, “– God, I love you so much.”]
 [‘Carefully, he disentangles her fingers from the chain, pressing a quick kiss against her tiny hands. When he is done, he slips the necklaces off his neck and tucks them away in the top drawer, smiling down at her.]
[Three years ago, Magnus had a grim, morose thought that perhaps it had been the universe’s way of telling him that this isn’t what he should have, that this life he had dreamed of was but a dream, meant to remain unreachable like the stars. He has to believe now, no matter how foolish, that there is a star out there, far away from his reach perhaps but forever embedded in his heart, that is looking over him, over them. He hopes she can feel it, the love he had for her, and he hopes she will forgive him, for failing to protect her.]
Set Me in Motion by lemonoclefox
Why I love this story:
Such a wonderful story. It’s different from the others i have listed as in this story, we start off with Alec having a boyfriend before anything happened between him and Magnus but its made very clear that this relationship is at times very one-sided and that this Raj is not the right person for Alec and he didn’t seem to have any interest in Alec’s life outside their relationship and hadn’t even met his family.  The relationship with Alec and Magnus was so natural, realistic and mature, it was obvious from the start they had chemistry but with Alec in a relationship, nothing was ever going to happen between them and they had this lovely charming friendship. And which moved forward after the break-up primarily thorough Alec looking after Magnus and making sure he was eating when he was working too hard, how sweet is that? The communication between the two is something i really love about this too and you always get the impression they’re both on the same page. There’s wonderful fun and humour between the two and even on the business side, in their jobs , they are each other’s biggest supporter, lastly the story has another thing i love in fic, a friendship between Magnus and Jace. 
Favourite lines:
[‘You don't have to sit here and wait for him," he remembers Magnus saying, that first night theytalked. "And if that's what he expects, he's probably not worth it, they never are."]
[“In more ways than one. Even when other stuff was a mess, being with you always just..."He tries to find the words, shakes his head, and Magnus finds the words for him "Made sense," he suggests gently. He turns his head, and he and Alec just gaze at each other for a few moments, the two of them suspended in time].
[I like you," Jace proclaims loudly, throwing his arm over Magnus's shoulders as they end up sitting next to each other in the far back, once the car starts moving. Magnus is squeezed in between him and Alec, and Alec is just gazing happily at his brother and his boyfriend, a drunk smile on his face. "I mean, you're a bit―" Jace gestures exaggeratedly with his hand. "But it's all good. You're alright”]
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peridot-tears · 4 years
A better life for Jiang Yanli, if her brother achieved immortality
Wen Ning remembers Jiejie saying, “It is said that Meng Po cried down the wall for her husband, and now stands guard at the gate of death, drinking a soup that will wipe away like tears on others’ faces. They get to move on, and she doesn’t, but that’s the cross she chooses to bear.”
Wen Ning also remembers thinking, So we choose the burdens and fears we have in this life.
When he first met Jiang Yanli, Wei-gongzi’s older sister, and tasted her soup, he thought he wouldn’t mind if it were the last thing in this world -- or the underworld -- that he would taste.
He wonders now if that soup was slow-acting when he gave it to A-Yuan. A-Yuan lived for a second life, but he may not ever fully recover his memories.
In which case, Jiang Yanli’s soup saved his life.
Wen Ning slipped away from that child once he was grown; it was his goodbye, for when he finally died a second time.
This time, he went down to Meng Po, and when he descended to the bridge leading into Diyu, she was not a lone, stooped figure, as he imagined her his whole life. She was finely-lined in the face, sitting and chatting with two other women.
And that was the first time in his death that he heard, again, someone call him, “A-Ning.”
“Ah,” said Jiang Yanli, smiling pleasantly from her tea and lotuses. “A-Ning is here.”
Jiejie clasped Jiang Yanli’s hand, quickly telling her, “And one day, perhaps your A-Xian,” and leaped towards her brother. And Wen Ning sank and sank into his sister’s arms.
To say they cried would be an understatement. Wen Ning, as though making up for the second life where he was physically unable to, bawled.
And finally, they clasped hands and walked into death together, like they were supposed to.
Wen Ning sat down for soup and tea with his sister, Jiang Yanli, and Meng Po.
The underworld was seamless. It was black and blue like a bruised porcelain orb, and they were sitting in the center of it, not sure where the sky was sewn into the water. It was as cold as porcelain too -- the pleasant kind. It teased at his hair, his fingers, as they raised their cups to each other.
Meng Po was a cute little lady. She wrinkled a smile at him as she filled the bowls.
“A-Ning,” Jiejie said excitedly, “we’re here waiting for our brothers, but you came back sooner than Wei Wuxian. This soup” -- she placed one hand on her bowl -- “will never grow cold. So whenever you’re ready, we can drink it together. But we should talk before that. In our 来生,we can continue together.”
“What about Jiang-guniang?” Wen Ning asked. “No, I mean...Jiang-furen,” he said apologetically.
Jiang Yanli lowered her eyes prettily and smiled. That was how she tried to cover up the wistful look in her eyes -- the way a furen does -- but Wen Ning knew the sister of Wei Wuxian better than that. He knew all the tricks his own sister used to put others before herself.
“I will stay here and keep Meng Po company,” she said, lifting her eyes, so that she smiled the same way Wei-gongzi did when he wanted others to feel better. “A-Xian is set for a long life with Lan-er-gongzi, or so I’m told.”
“That Wei Wuxian really terrorized the hell judges when he was here,” Jiejie laughed. “When he left, they wanted him to stay alive as long as possible.”
That sounded like Wei-gongzi.
Wen Ning laughed with his sister for the first time, then planted himself firmly in his seat.
“Then...I will wait with you,” he said to Jiejie and Jiang Yanli. “And we’ll also keep Meng Po company.”
A hundred years passed. And then another, and another. Wen Ning was not sure how many hundreds went by, when the sphere they lived in only went in a circle, and never forward. Meng Po sat warmly by their sides, only lifting herself when others came by, and drank their soup. It was never Wei-gongzi or Lan-er-gongzi.
“They must have achieved immortality by now,” Jiang Yanli said, watching Jiejie burst a bubble in the water beneath them with a well-aimed needle. “A-Po, can you tell?”
Meng Po turned to them. She rarely spoke, and now was such a case as well. She nodded.
Wen Ning glanced excitedly at Jiejie.
“Our A-Xian is incredible,” Jiang Yanli said, shaking her head slowly. “And so is A-Cheng. Who knew they would achieve what so many cultivators did?”
She turned her gaze to the bowls of soup, which had never stopped steaming in these centuries past. Nor had they collected dust.
Jiejie was already taking Wen Ning’s hand, but she took Jiang Yanli’s with the other too. “Your 来生 will treat you better,” she told her. “There is no doubt, for someone like you.”
Jiang Yanli’s cheek dimpled. Her face relaxed as she turned to Meng Po. “We are sorry to leave you, A-Po,” she said.
A-Po, whose wrinkles had remained unchanged without increase nor decrease to their number, smiled with teeth. Just another eternity turning into another eternity, she seemed to say.
With a final nod to each other, the three of them lifted their spoons and drank their soup.
Wen Ning realized, before it all kicked in, that there were lotuses under the bridge too. They burst from the black like bubbles, like they were sending Jiang Yanli off as she deserved.
The lotuses were around them, wrapping them tightly in the protection of their petals. Meng Po’s now-toothless smile. Jiejie’s gentle, fierce eyes. Jiang Yanli thinking of her brothers one last time.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian indeed arrived at the gates of death, hand-in-hand, though it was for a visit and not for soup.
Meng Po’s face did not change, which was fine; Wei Wuxian could not recognize her, anyway.
“I didn’t know there were so many lotuses here below,” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, clueless as to what was in that cluster now writhing over the bridge.
“Wei Ying...,” Lan Wangji started. But Wei Wuxian had just begun another round of lotus-growing at Gusu, and was fascinated with the hell lotuses.
“A-Po,” he asked, prodding the living things, “种的好。What did you do to make them this chaotic? I must know your secrets.”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji stated.
“I love this,” Wei Wuxian practically squeed. “Anyway, we’re here to see if my sister has made it into the next life. Do you think -- ”
“Wei Ying!” Wei Wuxian’s head whipped around in the direction of his husband’s voice, but it was the sight of Meng Po pointing that redirected him.
She did not need to wave a hand -- her abilities were beyond even those of immortals -- in order for the petals to become translucent. In the center, the three of her greatest companions -- Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning -- slept around a table, their bowls emptied of soup.
Understanding dawned on Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji caught him as he broke, asking, “So...we were too late.”
Meng Po opened her mouth. For the first time since her companions had left her side, she spoke.
Lan Wangji had expected her voice to be like this -- not creaky in the least, but smooth, the kind that carried. “They waited for you,” she said. “And now they are on their way to their 来生。”
Wei Wuxian caught up with his own clever mind. He whirled on her, asking, “Then...where are they going?” he demanded. “How do we find them?”
Lan Wangji caught his arm, trailing down the length of it until he could grasp the hand at the end.
When Meng Po spoke to him, her voice was indeed creaky. All the better to mess with Wei Wuxian with. “Listen, and wait,” she said. “I know you’re not good at either, but you did it once, here with me. You’ll do it again. When you find them, you’ll know.”
Again? Wei Wuxian had no memory of being dead, but that was only because he thought he death had been nothing but darkness -- and, of course, no paper money.
“Will they live good lives, though?” he demanded some more. “They have to. They deserve it more than anyone.” His voice trembled. Lan Wangji patted his hand cutely.
“They’ll get what they deserve,” Meng Po assured him.
Empty-handed, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian returned to 人间, and searched for three people, either separate or together. They thought they found had found them over the years, but it didn’t take long for them to realize that it was just a fluke, brewed with wishful thinking. Sizhui helped them too, though they assured their son that he needn’t to -- he was still looking for Jingyi, and he seemed to be getting close.
One night, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fell asleep nestled in the branches of a tree.
A puff of clouds sprang from Wei Wuxian’s fingers as he slept, like Gusu magic.
That was the night they found Wen Ning.
Days passed, and Wen Ning led them to his sister, a girl armed with needles and matchsticks to help the war effort.
They looked and looked for Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian’s fingers permanently curled into frustrated fists that Lan Wangji had to kiss open for him to hope again.
And another night, and another night, and a girl stabbed through the tree they were sleeping under, demanding with moon-cool eyes who they were.
That girl was Jiang Yanli.
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Pt 7 i think we’re at im just vomiting ideas heck yeah more wolfstar
Based on a text “ sirius is put in an arranged marriage with a pureblood witch or it can be muggle au but with a female (he's gay in this) and remus is the wedding planner “
no warnings on this one either it just fluffy
arranged marriage, who even thought of shit like that? still it wasn't remus' place to question. He walked into the room, prepared to give his "Ok so theme ideas, what do you like, what actually looks good" speech but he stops dead in his tracks
first off, theres a man alone here
usually both partners are together
and secondly hes absolutely gorgeous
this was going to be problematic, remus rarely thought anyone was attractive, but when he did, he fell hard
the man noticed him and stood up, and held out his hand
"sirius orion black, i see you have the, ah, pleasure, of working with my family on getting the union from hell organized"
remus couldn't help it, he laughed
he'd seen arranged marriage cases before, but legally he wasn't allowed to do anything, trust me, he checked
but never were people so blatantly outright in their discomfort or annoyance
honestly it was refreshing
laughing was unprofessional and he was being paid a hefty amount of money to make something tasteful yet elegant, so he steeled his face and started his speech
days passed and he found himself spending more time than necessary with sirius
he couldn't help it
at first he was just curious but then it was something more, it was intense and new. Sirius was funny, charming, kind, witty and so much more
yet there was something subtle, something dark shadowing his features
something that remus couldn't help but be pulled to
he had his own secrets of course, being a werewolf was hard enough, but then managing the top wedding planner office in the wizarding world and trying to keep it all a secret was unbearable
yet he loved it
he loved secrets and the way they kept you warm, the way you were allowed to be possessive and cautious and no one thought any less of you because everyone has secrets. It's universal and completely personal at the same time
so he held onto his newfound secret that he was undeniably genuinely attracted to this sirius orion black.
" i was thinking for the flowers maybe something like an acacia blossom" acacia blossoms meant concealed love, amoungst other things, but concealed love was what he was going for but it's not like he would know what it meant
yet the way sirius looked at him after he said it unsettled him
his mouth agape, eyes wide in realisation
then he said "i rather like ambrosia" shit. Ambrosia, your love is reciprocated.
shit shit shit
what was he doing flower flirting with the heir to the blacks, one of the wealthiest pureblood families in the wizarding world
and ya know, that thing how he was going to GET MARRIED And remus was supposed to be helping him
"hmm maybe white lilies" it's heavenly to be with you but, "but, you'll probably like stephanotis better" stephanotis, happiness in marriage
sirius laughed
"do i look like i'd enjoy stephanotis better? besides, women aren't really my type. How about sterling silver roses?" Love at first sight, oh merlin
Remus couldn't resist
"so what is your type then"
sirius grinned cheekily
Dr.Remelems-the fluff monsterToday at 7:47 AM
"hmm, well let's see, men for starters, in case you didn't get my extreme subtlety. Camelia" you're a flame in my heart, shit he was good
he continued
"gold eyes, dirty blond hair, that shimmers in the sunlight, incredibly sexy scars, a nice sense of humor, an understanding of flowers is also deeply important, Carnation" My heart aches for you, admiration. Oh merlin he was in deep
"don't know where you'd find a guy like that he seems impossible, and aren't you supposed to be getting married. Gardenia, white heathers" You're lovely, secret love and wishes could come true, protection
remus hoped it conveyed everything he was willing to risk for this man
he would willingly risk an affair, he would protect this man, give him everything no matter what and he'd only known him for a month
sirius, as remus learned had absolutely no control of his emotions on his face, but at least he knew that he knew what it meant
sirius feigned casualness
"let me one up you, orange blossom, peony.... stehphanotis but with viscaria?" eternal love, marriage, happy marriage, happiness in marriage but when combined with viscaria, will you dance with me, did he, was he understanding this right
unable to play games any longer remus choked out
"did- did you just propose to me in flowers?"
sirius looked bashful
"well i mean uh yeah, but uh I'd need your help in getting out of this current uh, marriage thing if you wanted to do this i know thats not a yes but it would be difficult and i just-"
Remus cut him off
"jesus merlin and morgana yes."
"i do" he said solemnly
sirius looked happier than remus had ever seen him, no shadows, no undertones
"ok so i don't know how to get out of this current ya know marriage thing, i haven't made an unbreakable vow or anything, well yet at least and-"
"Sirius you brilliant man you, you've given me an idea"
It was the day of the wedding. Sirius was standing at the alter, whatser name getting ready in one of the back rooms. The flowers they had chosen, spider flowers (elope with me, sirius and remus both thought it was funny) and remus was ready, in a suit that was probably more decorative than a wedding planner needed, but little did they know, he was probably underdressed
it was his wedding day after all
Remus went over to sirius, walking intentionally down the aisle as he did. It was on purpose yes, but everyone else didn't look twice as the ceremony had yet to start. silently, he gripped his wand and cued the music.
everyone turned to face remus in shock, sirius beamed, as a man should look on his wedding day. Cries of rage came from the black family as it clicked what was happening.
walburga black began to leap up, brandishing her wand but was stopped by an invisible force keeping her to the chair, and the chair to the floor. or ya know, a sticking charm
they'd figure out how to get it off eventually and he only needed a little bit of time anyways
being a wedding planner had perks
he reached the altar and grabbed sirius' hands.
The clergyman looked shook, but also suddenly understood the vague wording in his contract, shrugged, and went on with it
if remus was being honest, he didn't remember much of what the clergyman said, he didn't remember the cries of outrage from the black family
what he did remember was the look in sirius' eyes, the smile that was so large it threatened to come off his face, the tight, nervous grip of his hands
remus remembered that most of all
remus remembered hearing sirius say i do, tears in the old saps eyes, and then he remembered hearing it from himself
screams of protest and indignation sounded like music to his ears but then suddenly he heard clapping and cheers
he turned around in shock and saw that whatserface was in the aisle, in jeans and a hoodie, leading her family in appluase
as would later be explained to the black family. Remus had not taken an unbreakable vow to marry or love sirius for ever. neither of them could promise that. but what had happened however was meridith (as he learned her name was) and sirius had made an unbreakable vow to never marry eachother
turns out meredith was undeniably gay and had a girlfriend 
and so in the confusion they were wed, and the blacks could do nothing of it, for worries of risk admitting they were beanboozled by a their heir and his husband, or worse that they had made the worst match in all of pureblood history with two incredible gay queens.
yet something gnawed at remus
one day,  a year later, he went up to sirius
it was time, the secret didn't feel as warm and personal anymore
instead it felt dirty and aggressive, mean, harmful
he walked up to sirius
shit he was not crying, he was not crying but he started to speak
"i-i think it's time-time for you to know- and- and i just want- i just want to say to you, i love you so much, more than anything and imsosorry and"
"honey whats the matter, is this about your uh, 'furry little problem"
remus blinked
the heck
sirius couldn't help but chuckle
"darling you're hardly inconspicuous, ive known since we were 'dating"
remus couldn't help it, he bawled
sirius pulled him into his arms, tenderly holding him
"hey, hey, hey shh, hey, single full bloom roses, pink rose, rose leaf" i love you, i still love you, perfect happiness, please believe me, you may hope. Remus translated these automatically and allowed himself to finally feel content
-bonus- after the whole debacle purebloods thought twice about arranged marriages and let their kids be for a while, and so meredith took advantage of this and her girlfriend and her got married, (remus was the planner, they had all turned out to be quite good friends)
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