#anyway. the unfollow button is my friend
andoutofharm · 1 year
there are two very different conversations happening on my dash right now and brother i am not a fan
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otter-byte · 4 days
Sometimes I forget how deeply curated my online experience is. People on here are complaining about queer ppl bashing on poly relationships and I literally have not seen a single post of that nature in many years lmao
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queerofthedagger · 2 months
fandom/character disk horse below /lh
i really don't have strong feelings about thingol one way or another beyond the occasional, heartfelt dude or yeah that's fair, but i'll say that sometimes people will just dislike your favourite lil guy and sometimes they will like them "wrong" and there is nothing to be done about it. and i do entirely mean this in regard to both thingol and the feanorians. like this is the it wildly depends on your interpretation of the text fandom can't we just leave it at that. i am begging actually
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
more seriousness (not rlly but like help a man out lol)
can anyone leave suggestions for how to find mutauls
like i really just wanna have some friends in the south park fandom i can talk to/about south park and my ideas and such but who also aren’t rlly into shipping? like i don’t mind if you’re into shipping i will still be mutuals but i don’t rlly wanna talk about ships if that’s okay (and the characters have to be aged up. No ifs ands or buts, I will only engage with you if the kids are aged up to like, high school aged. (so 15-18)). And absolutely no proshippers. If you’re a pro shipper lmk so I can block you because that’s not welcome here.
That’s all, maybe I’ll kinda just post my boundaries later, but if any of you wanna be mutuals like i don’t bite, go ahead and reach out (and i’ll try to answer back, i’m kinda busy with school and stuff bc my classes this year are rlly hard and i don’t have that much time to be on here)
(and if we are mutuals/friends i love you all dearly, and thank you for letting me ramble about pointless shit lol; so shoutout to the ppl i’ve dmed, i’m not ignoring you guys, i love you all so much/p but this school year is very busy, i’m in all honors courses and AP classes and i’m getting ready to do college courses soon too so i’m just trying to get my grip with school. Im also involved in a number of clubs that take a lot of my time and I just may not have time to be here when this stuff starts up. And on top of that I have SATs and stuff soon. So I’m not ignoring y’all, and I’m so sorry if I leave any of you on read for a bit, but usually I either don’t have time or I just come on here once for maybe five minutes but I’ll do my best to reply to any dms. And that goes for any of you guys, like feel free to reach out, i don’t bite :) )
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doberbutts · 4 months
Those messages you received sound exactly like my extremely racist and islamophobic sperm donor. Hes been going off for years about how 'the muslims are gonna do a shariah law in England' and 'you'll see how pro-queer the muslims are then when they get into power and kill you'.
I cannot imagine being so hateful about a group of people that you end up willingly talking like an abusive, racist, xenophobic drunk who never had a correct opinion in his life.
The funniest thing about the "you'll swe how queer Muslims let you be" thing is that almost all of the Muslims I'm friends with are queer themselves. It's literally never been an issue between us.
Anyway considering this person went off on a tangent rant about my pets that have died from debilitating health conditions literally no one could prevent, most of which were rescues who literally came to me already sick, and the one that didn't lived until he died from the most common form of cancer for the entirety of dogs... all because I reblogged a photo of black hair with beads... I think it's safe to say this person would always have completely lost it on me the second I stepped a toe out of line.
The FUNNY thing is that I don't know or talk to them. So all of their scolding and freaking out is like. OK you are a relative stranger getting big mad at me for a really stupid reason and you think I'm going to do more than "wow that's a lot of words that could have been resolved by just pressing the unfollow and/or block button my guy"
If "don't kill civilians" is too radical of a position for you to swallow then I think I actually want nothing to do with you tbh.
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molsno · 9 months
I keep trying to post rent lowering gunshots on here which doesn't work because I've been too scared to go all the way for some reason and I've decided I'm not gonna be a whipping girl who caters to tmes anymore. maybe people will have enough decency to at least not harass me on my birthday.
anyway trans women who are into incest kink are cool. if that makes you personally uncomfortable, alright! the unfollow button is right there! but if you think that automatically makes me or any of the trans women I'm talking about groomers or sexual predators you are a raging transmisogynist lol. if you're unbothered by tme people calling their partners "daddy" or "mommy" but you draw the line at a trans woman calling her girlfriend, who she's not at all related to, "big sis" it's immediately obvious that you just think transfeminine intimacy is repulsive.
like, again, I'm not saying you have to be comfortable with any kink, but are you capable of viewing trans women with that kink as human beings? so many tme people claim to oppose things like incest kink because it "normalizes rape" and then go on to expose intimate details about trans women's sex lives without their consent, and it's so blatantly obvious that it's all horseshit. if you're publicly speculating about someone's sex life without permission you are violating their consent. it's an incredibly invasive breach of boundaries and it makes me sick to see how much disregard tme people have for trans women's privacy. it's clear you don't see us as people, just degenerate sex objects that you can discard at will.
and honestly the fact that this type of behavior is so common is the most frustrating part. have you ever stopped to wonder why there are seemingly a lot of trans women who are into incest kink - specifically involving sisters? did it ever occur to you that perhaps a lot of them are themselves victims of incest and csa? have you ever seriously considered that transfem relationships are generally more intimate than tme relationships because trans women are so starved of love and care that they fantasize about being unconditionally loved the way a sister would be instead of being discarded by everyone they know? like, trans women have our own community separate from the wider queer and trans communities specifically because we're so frequently outcasted by those communities the minute we do something they don't like.
I really don't care if I lose followers or even friends for this. if you think it's ok to harass, misgender, and publicly smear a trans woman for doing something no different than what tme people do, you're a transmisogynist. your opinion really does not fucking matter to me. I will stand with my fellow trans women over you forever and always.
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hunterevie · 10 days
Once in a while somebody will ask if there is a way to remove kudos on Ao3 on the subreddit and that normally leads to people putting their opinion across about whether we should be able to remove kudos from stories. Whether this is because they’ve accidentally pressed the button; they’ve found the author has some troubling views or they got to the end of the story and decided they didn’t like it.
Of course I am very anti this idea because Ao3 is not social media. It’s an archive for people to put their stories out for all to enjoy regardless of the content. A kudos is just a way of somebody saying ‘I’ve perceived this, and at that moment I liked it.’
But it’s deeper than that. It’s about how this function can be used to run authors out of a fandom. Either because they’ve upset a BNF and that person wants to get revenge, or because they’ve written something problematic a lot of the fandom don’t agree with. Essentially, it’s about brigading.
Whenever I put this view across. I’m told I’m being too sensitive. Or I’m overreacting. And all I can think is, well isn’t it nice you’ve never been attacked on social media and didn’t almost stop doing something you loved due to the actions of others?
From my perspective, I can easily see how a remove kudos function can be used to completely destroy the reputation of authors. And that is just because of my experience on Twitter.
Because my profile wasn’t just outed to 6000 people because I happened to say something a highly aggressive BNF believed was aimed at her. No, it went further than that. She actively told people to block and unfollow me. How do I know this? Because I still have friends in that fandom who told me.
People I respected and thought were decent didn’t allow me to put my story across and decided to do exactly that, block and unfollow me. Because her ‘receipts’ included something anonymously sent to her, and something I wrote on my account that was vaguely similar. I mean anybody who can’t work out I wouldn’t say something on my account and then attack a person anonymously isn’t worth my time anyway.
But I digress.
Imagine you had the ability to remove kudos from a story on Ao3, and that person knew I was a fanfic writer and knows my profile on Ao3? (Which they do because I used the same username). That co-ordinated attack could leak over onto Ao3. They could ask anybody that’s ever read my work to remove their kudos so that my stats go down and it looks like my stories are more unpopular than they really are.
Sometimes people filter by most kudos. They may decide that a story with 15k hits and 50 kudos because of a co-ordinated attack isn’t worth their time. Because ultimately that person doesn’t know why the author has so low kudos. It could be because the quality of their work is bad? Which means they may skip over it.
And yes, whilst we are told as authors to ‘write for ourselves’ we don’t upload to Ao3 for fun. We do it because we do like the engagement with others and we do want to share our stories. So imagine how demoralising it would be to see stats go down just because somebody decided they didn’t like you?
Basically if this ever happened to me I’d never write again and I would just remove all my stories. Which would be a loss to me, and those who do like my stories. Because they’d be left with no answers on my current WIPs.
And I can see many authors taking the same course of action if a ‘remove kudos’ button was ever added. Because it’s an easy way to trash the reputation of an author, and it’s naive of people to think it wouldn’t be used as a tool for attacking others.
Anyway, enough of that. Thanks for coming to my TED talk about Ao3 kudos and here’s Jensen and Misha as a reward for sitting through it.
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
Listen, Imma be real with y'all for a second.
In 2022, the Chrono Cross remaster came out for PS4. And that summer, I wrote a 50k epic about my two favorites from twenty years ago and dropped it on a long-dead fandom for an absolute rarepair. It was one of the most ridiculous, fruitless things I've ever written. I knew very few people would read it. I think I never got more than 50 hits on it. I did it anyway, because it was fun and I had a great time and I knew it was good. And then I got into wrestling, so I sort of never looked back at it, because I was writing other things.
I cannot tell you how many times I have opened up my AO3 account in the past... 6 months or so, and thought, so, people were only my friends while I was writing what they wanted, huh? I stopped writing this, and people just fled? I have opened up my old Hookhausen fics and sat with one finger hovering over the delete button so many times, because if that's all people cared about from me, I was gonna nuke it out of spite. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but it's felt awful this past half a year writing in such a bubble, and as my therapist can attest to, when I feel hurt, I lash out to hurt other people in turn. Vamp is the only reason I won't do it. But it's been so hard being plunged back into writing alone after so long of people caring what I was doing. It felt like writing that CC fic again, only this time, I knew that people had simply lost interest. In me as a person, really.
Fic is the only place I feel worth anything as a writer. Years of failure, and fandom is my only source of positive feelings about my own words and my own work. It's hard to lose that, especially in the wake of giving up a decade-long dream. It's HARD to lose the only thing keeping you going with a hobby, and I'll be the first to admit that I haven't been handling it well. I used fandom interaction on my fic to help fill all the pieces left exposed and smarting from failing at trad pub over and over and over. It's not a bad thing to do, really - a lot of writers suggest doing this, to help build motivation and confidence while trying to get published. But it only works when there are people there to read your fic, haha. Fandom, for me, has been contributing to my depression symptoms big time. At one point, my therapist suggested maybe I should step out of fandom and fic writing, because it was spiraling my mental health. And to have him tell me that, after our years together, really opened my eyes to how bad it had gotten for me in regards to my self-worth and self-confidence.
I got a comment on that CC fic this morning. It happens so rarely that it really caught me off-guard, but it was one of the nicest things ever, and I sat reading it thinking... okay. This is worth it, isn't it? That fic has been there for years, garnering so little attention it wouldn't have mattered if I had deleted it. I was reminded this morning that it does matter. That single comment on an obscure fandom that peaked twenty years ago and still never had many people in it, made me feel like spending my time in fandom is still something worth doing. I can't thank that reader enough for taking the time to leave it for me. If you ever think that your interaction with people's work doesn't matter, I hope this helps you feel differently. Maybe people aren't reading your fics right now, but maybe they'll find a fic you poured your heart and soul into a couple of years later.
Not sure why I am posting this LOL. I expect people will unfollow me. Sometimes, I feel like I can't talk about these things without seeming like a bitch, but y'all already know I'm a bitch anyway. 🤣 We write fic because we love it, because we adore the source material, because we have passion for the characters. But we post because we want to share and connect with people. It just feels so much like that second part has somehow gotten lost recently. Anyway. Back to your regularly scheduled Tumblr lives. 💚
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strawberrystepmom · 1 month
tfw you accidentally unfollow and instantly have to refollow because you thought that button was the ask box button, ignore me being a failure this early in the morning dfjngdfjgn but i crave an in-depth description of your relation and interactions with charlotte in the yamiken universe
listen...it happens to the best of us. frankly, tumblr shouldn't put the buttons that close together but what do i know i'm just some bitch ajflasjdfasjdf but thank you for asking and tbh thank you so much for being so supportive and your tags and everything that u are just as a whole. highkey obsessed.
so...charlotte and i are not friends but we come to some kind of mutual understanding. she's actually part of a social club that i am the head of where basically women in the kingdom gather at a tea parlor one friday evening a month to play cards or dice or whatever but it's basically just a networking event. gossiping event. whatever you wanna call it. i inherited the duties as leader from their previous holder and the club is thriving.
when she starts hearing about yami and i she doesn't believe it. when i finally admit that he and i are together she doesn't WANT to believe it but knows that if i'm saying it, it has to be true. i'm not totally uncouth and i'm semi-aware of her feelings considering herself and a couple members of her squad are part of the social group so i decided to ask her to stay after with me one evening so that we can talk.
i basically tell her that while i respect her and her feelings, i'm not going to hide my own to make her feel comfortable and i understand if she wants to leave the group because of it. she asks me if i'm certain i love yami and i tell her that yes, i'm very certain and that he's the only man i could ever see myself loving and she tells me she feels the same. this kind of agitates me though and i ask her why she hasn't shown her affections for him up until this point because she feels threatened and she agrees with me that she shouldn't have waited.
i also ask her if she's certain she loves him and not simply the idea of him as a savior because we are all aware of him saving her from the curse. this catches her off guard and i tell her she doesn't have to answer me now but i'd like her to think about it. we end the conversation there that night because i have to meet with yami anyway.
she continues to come to the monthly even after this conversation and any supplemental ones if we have them, she is polite but cold which i expected but it's fine. at some point she decides she's going to continue to try and win him which is also fine, she's allowed to do that.
she tells me that she still isn't sure how to answer my question and i tell her i understand but i'm sticking by what i said - my feelings are real, i love him. she admits her feelings to him, he lets her down gently after the final battle and tells her that he feels maybe she sees him for something he can't be all the time.
she comes back to me and asks me how i see him. i tell her the truth - i see him as the most wonderful man i've ever met and i'm prepared to defend him from society if i must. she accepts tells me that she's happy he's found someone who can do that for him. i apologize to her and she tells me no hard feelings.
we don't hate each other or anything but we keep our distance lol
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icy-watch · 3 months
(I hit the unfollow button when trying to hit Q&A......but I hit follow instantly to fix it, sorry)
Before I leave tomorrow on my vacation I thought I'd request a show/series that is very dear to my heart. Like, if you made me pick between this series and Ninjago I'd mostly likely pick the former.
The series is called Kekkaishi. It's an anime and manga by Yellow Tanabe. The anime ran on Adult Swim between October 2006 to February 2008 and the manga ran from October 2003 to April 2011 with 35 volumes (one more than Attack on Titan btw).
I dunno if you're into anime or manga.....but....it's so forgotten. So not known. It hurts me really. When the anime was airing and the manga was still being made, it was so popular and highly ranked....but now...
I grew up watching Kekkaishi along side other young children shows like Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, etc.
The basic summary boils down to this: Two families that are called Kekkaishi or "Barrier Master" guard a mystical site at night from creatures known as Ayakashi (different than "demons", those are a separate thing). They've done it for 400 years. Oh, and the "mystical site" is the grounds of a middle/high school building. The protagonist is Yoshimori Sumimura and......
Oh ho ho hoho
You think I'm obessed over Lloyd...
You think I go crazy about Geo.....
You think Luz is a sweet bean.....
no....no no no
Sniff wrong in Yoshi's direction and it's
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(the sweet grace of the Death Note won't save you from my wrath)
But anyways, the anime was canceled after 52 eps; I don't know why. I wish it wasn't. THERE'S SO MANY ARCS I'D LOVE TO SEE ANiMATED!!!!! The Julia mini arc! The Blank Box arc (my personal fav), the Healing Hidagou + Tokine Imprisoned arcs, and the Final Sealing Arc (would LOVE to Ufotable animate honestly)
You don't have to liveblog it but I'd still love it if you'd watch it. Plus all 34 volumes can be bought on Amazon!
Icy, it seems you and I have a lot of shared interests so I'd thought I'd at least share this one with you. I hate how something I love so fondly is so unknown (it honestly makes me depressed thinking about it)
Here's some pics from the anime and manga!
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(don't get me started on Gen or Souji 😭)
There's a chance I might not see your reply before I got on my vacation depending on when you respond/if I decide to check my tumblr before I leave (the location is a campsite with shitty or no wifi)
(You're good. Happens every now and again to everyone)
Oooo, I've kind of heard of Kekkaishi. I had a couple of ex-friends who were reading the manga when it was still coming out. I don't know if they ever watched the anime tho (probably, if it was on Adult Swim).
I haven't read any manga in a while. I was taking a break from the anime culture for a little while and just haven't gotten back into it. The aforementioned ex-friends were kind of the reason why. I'll probably start again by rereading the first series I ever completed (Chrono Crusade) that 1 or InuYasha. Again.
I'll def keep Kekkaishi in mind. It looks and sounds interesting. I might add the anime to a poll, just to see if anyone else is interested in seeing me liveblog it.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
This is a question/rant for mpc, with possible community outreach:
Im starting to not enjoy this blog anymore because of all the community questions/ask challenges that have been happening. I came to this blog for a reason and it feels like i cant do that anymore and a large majority of my friend group agrees. Is there anyway a separate blog can be made for that kind of stuff? Either you or community wise, cause frankly all the ask challenges are getting out of hand.
Thank you for listening, i hope you didnt read this as an attack, i mean it purely as a suggestion that, if you disagree and tell me that this blog 100% will stay the same, thats ok and ill just unfollow.
Have a great time zone,
Huh. You do know each one is tagged and can be blacklisted, no? I do try to intersperse them between regular confessions. But anyways. That's up to the community, tbh. Though honestly the point of ask games was to talk about one's canons, fictotypes, past lives, etc. Like there's no difference between that and confessions, imo.
[edit wait , that snarky thing about blacklist tags was mean and rude of me. I'm sorry. It's not like there's a single tag to blacklist, and you should have to keep adding new blacklist tags.]
We can put it to a vote though.
Not sure if there's other options to be considered. Hit post button!
EDIT posts about this will be tagged with 'blog poll' for sorting!
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jmtorres · 2 months
I thought as a fannish tumblr I could stumble along without a *jazz hands* policy but I guess I gotta pin a post.
I am on Tumblr for fun.
If you send an ask for money I will block and report spam.
Below the cut: stuff I reblog, sideblogs, stuff I try to avoid, block policies, queue, do not ask me for money, and as a palate cleanser to thank you for reading, a nice picture of my cat.
I like to reblog:
pictures of animals and flowers
fannish stuff about shows, books and podcasts I'm enjoying (I like a lot of shit and I'm a fannish butterfly and/or magpie, it's not useful for me to post a fandom list, it expands often) (this includes thinking about characters banging, if you are an "anti" you will probably not enjoy my blog)
sometimes chronic health stuff, that's less fun but the spoonie community sometimes offers advice i find useful or just, relatable weariness
neurodivergent stuff too
food and recipes
art (no AI. if you see me reblog AI-generated content feel free to let me know) (by the way I HATE being suspicious of artists and trying to figure out if something is genuinely creative or machine-mixed.)
architecture and interior decor
hot people, often wearing fashion
if it makes me laugh. memes and shit.
language/linguistics stuff
filmmaking stuff
knitting and other fibercrafts
general nerdery
queer stuff (history, queer rep, talking about the queer experience, hot queer people flaunting it)
jewish stuff (usually cultural, some midrash, I try not to post about current events see below)
scifi & fantasy writing/what-ifs/meta
polls I miss LJ clicky-boxes but i vote in all kinds of polls it activates something in my brain
like literally whatever interests me, this is a personal blog, not themed*
* i have a couple of themed blogs, which I very occasionally update:
@teachdeathtodye, about both fiber and hair dyeing
@wheresmygoddamnlunarbase, about surprising or exciting scientific and technological advancements.
any other blogs that are not defunct? apparently as of 2023 I still post to @hewasonfogmachine, which was essentially a moodboard for an epic plotbunny I never wrote. it was a rock star AU, so lots of interesting musical instruments and performances. also an MCU/Mission Impossible fusion so hot pics of actors from both franchises, and my fancasts for OCs. either a very specific or very random themed blog, but if it's to your taste, enjoy.
But back to THIS blog!
I try not to post about politics (I am trying not to even read about politics on tumblr tbh) but sometimes the moment moves me. I will tag relevantly (I use "us politics" for American shit and "i/p" for the Israel-Palestine conflict).
I believe in curating my tumblr experience. I filter a lot of keywords and tags, but I also unfollow people if you post something that upsets me and gets past the filters. It's rarely personal. Who I follow is meant to give me an interesting and pleasing dashboard experience, not necessarily be a reflection of who I'm friends with.
I block fairly liberally. If I find your posts/opinions antithetical to my existence or my friends' existence, I will do my damndest to block you rather than argue with you (sorry if i was unable to resist arguing with you before I remembered the block button).
I softblock declared minors who follow me. I'm not an "adult" blog per se but I'm not filtering my content for children and also if you are a minor for your own safety you should not be announcing it on the internet, get that shit off your profile.
I periodically check who follows me and I might softblock (or hardblock) you if I do not think we are compatible (ie you have a DNI that lists people like me but followed me anyway for some reason??)
I queue shit and don't mark it queued so me posting is never an indication of whether I'm actually online.
And here's the thing I need to say that got me to pin a post:
I do not reblog ANY requests for money, I do not respond to asks from people I don't know personally asking for money. I'm on Tumblr for fun and my wallet is not available.
If you send me something like that and it looks spammy (which if you're cold calling, it does), I will report you to Tumblr. If you send me something like that and we don't know each other at all, I will block you. (If I know you I will probably gently remind you I don't do that. Unless I know you but you've been borderline annoying or upsetting in the past, in which case I might just block you anyway.)
Look. The world sucks. A lot of us are in financial straits and are not getting the support we need from our communities, our governments, our families. But I don't have the energy to figure out if you're "deserving" and I'm not loaded either. I do my volunteering/community aid locally in person, not online, to be sure I know who I'm helping, and because a lot of the help I am able to provide is via action rather than money. I am very sorry for the failures of our society that have made social media your best chance of getting help, but please don't ask me to participate in that.
Here's my cat.
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The end
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lestappenforever · 1 year
The prev anon with the 2019 Lestappen ask kinda read my mind because I’ve been thinking about Lestappen F1 origins. Especially that drama at Austria 2019. I think back then they had started to form a friendship and flirt a little after realizing their childhood rivalry was just them being children. Them realizing that they were more alike especially on track than they were different. (Side note: No one can convince me that Max lived in Monaco for all that time and he and Charles had not at least gone out for a drink or a walk or a drive) Anyway back to my ask, I have watched and rewatched Austria 2019. Those two were so flirty during the pre race conference they looked like they were inches away from smashing their lips together . They were highly and Max being embarrassingly excited while Charles looked at him like he couldn’t be more in love. (I swear go rewatch and tell me it wasn’t all that I’ve described and more) The race was also love making on the track until that final overtake and everything changed. You see, as I said, these two had realized they were more similar than different. They both wanted to beat the other, but there can be only one winner and just as it were, Max came out on top that day. And Charles wanted it so bad, he thought he had gotten over their karting days, that their budding friendship was stronger than his will to beat Max. That maybe the flutter in his chest when he saw the other man would save him this time and make him less worked up with Max’s move but no, being Libra means sometimes you can’t hide your emotions especially your anger and so he acts like a brat on the podium and the more he watched Max on top of that top step, the Dutch anthem playing, he knew that there was no way he could be just friends with Max. They were too similar and of course he would’ve done the same if he were in Max’s shoe. He wanted to forgive him but, he realized he couldn’t. Any other driver he could forgive — but not Max. Because Max was special. Because Max was him and he was Max and they were more than just rivals on track and budding friends. They were more. There was no word for it yet but he knew and he knew Max knew that they were more than just F1 drivers-rivals on track-budding friends and that’s why it hurt more than was necessary. Because Charles had lost before, sometimes he had failed before he even started, but it never felt as painful as when it was Max who took it from him (of course he was allowed to it was a competition after all and all the other drivers were hungry for the win) but just not like him and Max and so he hated him but he couldn’t hate it because hate is such a small emotion to explain the magnitude of what he felt. He knew why he felt it but he couldn’t name it because the moment he did, he couldn’t unname it and everything would change. And he was afraid of losing Max. So hating him, saying ‘I did not come to F1 to make friends’ made it easier because Max Emilian Verstappen was was him and he was Max. And whatever they were to each other would remain unnamed. It was easier to just hate it even if every fiber in Charles body was on fire the entire plane ride together on their way home to Monaco.
Love this take, anon.
And I firmly believe Charles was staring at Max the entire time as he searched for Max's Instagram profile, opened it, and clicked that unfollow button with the burning rage of a thousand suns, desperately wanting him to notice immediately. Wanting to see him care.
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Me to those anons who send hate to my RP friends:
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But for real, whoever sends hate behind the grey mask made of pixels is rather pathetic. Maybe instead of wasting your time making those hate messages to those who are having fun RPing and not doing anything wrong to others, you could've just click that button at the top right which says "unfollow". Much easier, right?
Anyways, to those kind of anons, fuck off! And to my mutuals who simply RP to have fun, stay awesome.
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artist-issues · 7 months
(I may have accidentally clicked the Unfollow button instead of the Ask button, my bad!! 😅 Still following ya!)
I'm here to deliver you a fun question amidst a world full of negativity, and that is;
If you ever had the opportunity to create your own story/animated film, what would you want it to be about? Who would be the characters and how would you want to write their stories? Would you bring in subtle tenets of your faith, or go all-out Lewis/Tolkien and dive into analogy/Christian values? Fantasy or Sci-fi? Romcom or thriller? Adventure or something cosy and intimate? Any worldbuilding?
Basically, if you could write your dream stories, what would they be about?
Sorry if you've got a similar question before, but I am really curious. Your posts talking about storytelling and faith always fascinate me, and I'd love to know how someone with such a love for Christ and stories would go about creating their own stories 💙
This is a wonderful question! I can't tell you how wonderful. Thank you! I'm so glad you follow me still!
I guess I'd always lean more toward allegory, and fantasy. I don't know how to make a story that isn't saying something very intentionally about God and people and their relationship to God.
It's funny, my taste in stories is more intimate. My favorite Disney movie is Lilo & Stitch, for example. But I have a hard time boiling it down when I make my own stories, because I like to trace every character's motivations back to their source--and when I do that, I wind up world building without meaning to, for way longer than I planned!
I make my stories based off of the Invisible Ink model by Brian McDonald, with a few tweaks to the outline so that it makes sense to me specifically.
So I always start with a thesis statement, the Point of the Story, the lesson I'm hoping it teaches. Then I break it down by listing "characters that need to learn it" and "characters that believe the opposite of it" and "characters that know it already." And then how they all interact, and where they'll be by the end of the story. Fun stuff like setting and fictional history and characterizations come while I'm filling all of that in, kind of naturally, which I wish I was better at giving in to.
Anyway! On to the fun part of your question;
I keep my stories really private because I have learned that if I "tell" the story, even just in a summary or a tumblr post or a text to a friend, I lose a lot of inspiration and a lot of...mental freedom to finish the story itself. It's like once I say it out loud, that version of the story is final in my subconscious, and I have less motivation to tweak it.
So I don't tell people about my ideas. Not unless we're officially or professionally collaborating.
But this question is so GOOD and I so APPRECIATE IT, that I'm going to get over that and tell you about one, for example, that I started doing but probably won't get to make.
I call it "Come When You're Called" and it's a story about a sheep farm, from the perspective of the farm animals (but specifically the dogs.) The style is like if all of Ruyard Kipling's Serious Animals With Their Own Noble Cultures met Albert Payson Terhune's How Animals Thrive Serving Their Owners met Disney's Fun Anthropomorphic Animals.
The main character is a border collie named Sky Blue (she's liver-colored with blue eyes) who is learning the lifestyle of a good dog on her master's farm. She's very energetic. Thats the one word you could use to describe her. She never stops trying to play or have fun. She's proud of being the fastest dog on the property; the older border collie she's learning from, Sharps, isn't even as fast as she is. He's teaching her how to recognize the Master's commands and obey them immediately.
Sharps is excellent at what he does, but he's super irritable because all he cares about is the work. If he had a character arc, it would be to find his identity in how much his Master loves him instead of how well he can do his job. When he first meets Sky, he doesn't like her because there's a subtle fear that he's getting too old to do the work himself. He's very strict.
There's another older dog on the property. His name is Lockjaw but everybody calls him LJ, and he's the opposite of Sharps. He's even older, wiser, and downright jolly. He used to be the guard dog for the whole huge property, but he's been raising a young German Shepherd named Buckwild to take it over. Buckwild and LJ have southern accents and Buck is a very smart, good dog...as long as someone tells him what to do, and exactly how to do it: his default state is laziness. He becomes Sky's love interest.
Anyway, the music would be very highlands-folksy—think The Oh Hellos. Each animal species on the farm has its own "culture," but they all function like a kingdom serving their king, the human Master. When you're living by that code of obeying and fulfilling your purpose, the animals generally call it "Coming When You're Called." But if you are disobedient, lazy, or out for yourself, stealing food or killing the Master's chickens or whatever, you're twisted and looked at with scorn and apprehension by the good animals.
It would be super episodic. 🤷‍♀️ There's villain characters, like a pack of wolves that like to try picking off the sheep every once in a while. Theres also a tomcat who does not Come When He's Called, but just sort of does whatever he wants around the farm and causes mischief. Theres a tiny black kitten who Sky teaches what she's learning, about how to Come When You're Called, who wants to grow up and chase the lazy tomcat off and take his place. Stuff like that.
I have other ideas. One, in particular, I've mentioned before, got me involved with the studio I'm currently working in. It's an allegory to do with a siren, vampire, and werewolf in the early 2000s. But I'll keep that one to myself 🫢 for now! The story the studio and I are making right now is sci-fi fantasy adventure, about a family that needs to figure out their relationship to each other and the world they're finding themselves rulers of...but that's all I'll say about that until it's out there for people to watch!
Really I like creating all of it. I've got a sci-fi idea, three fantasy ones, and then an ongoing batch of monster stories, too! I guess I always tend to create as if my audience is...in that 12-20 range? But really, like Disney, I'd like it if my stuff could be enjoyable for all ages. We'll see! I think! I hope!
Thank you for this question!
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doyl1st · 7 months
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Hey, can I bitch for a second? Well, I'm going to anyways.
Writing an OC on this website is a pain in the ass. Unless you've got an established circle of friends, it can be really hard to find interactions and new writing partners. These problems are magnified when your OC doesn't fit inside a mold that this website finds desirable, which is really just "white male aged 20-35". I'm going to be talking about age here, as that's what is relevant to my writing experience. I want you to be aware, though, that this is a relatively small complaint compared to the exclusion and discrimination that women, trans people, and especially people of color face in fandom spaces. Okay, anyways.
So, I really fucking hate being pigeonholed into the 'father figure' archetype. A lot of people on this website won't even interact with a character over the age of 40, and when they do it's often only in the context of their character seeking parental guidance. Which is fine. That's fine. See, I don't really mind that sort of relationship. In the right context I really enjoy it.
But what drives me up the wall is people somehow missing the "Do not follow me if you don’t want to see old man thirst. I WILL talk about Isaac’s wiener." in my rules, and then unfollowing the second I make a TAGGED post with content BELOW the read-more button. And like, I don't even think my posts are particularly bad! Especially in comparison to some of the things I've seen people writing right on the dash.
Like, sorry. People don't stop having sex the moment they turn 40, and some people find older men and women attractive.
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