#anyway. you've been fed for the month
thetomorrowshow · 1 year
last words
empires superpowers au masterlist (currently out of date)
dedicated to everyone who asked what lizzie said that made jimmy stop trying to kill her :)
cw: past abuse, scars, reference violence
It’s been bothering Scott for a while, honestly. Several months. And now that he and Jimmy are . . . trying things out, it feels like the perfect time to ask him.
They’re in bed together, and it’s late morning on a day that Scott doesn’t have to work. Jimmy’s still staying at Lizzie’s place for the most part, but date night had gotten a bit . . . steamy, so Jimmy had texted his sister denying the need for a ride home and promising to return the next day. She had responded with a string of scandalized emojis that had made Jimmy blush and turn off his phone.
Jimmy’s been awake longer than Scott has, scrolling through his phone and snorting occasionally at whatever it is he sees. Scott watches him for a moment, eyes tracing across his bare chest and the scars found there.
He’d told Jimmy last night that his body was beautiful, perfect, gorgeous—even his scars. His many, many scars.
Most of the time, he can forget why they’re there. Some of them make that a little more difficult.
Even with the blanket pulled up nearly to his pecs, Scott can see most of the letters. Property of Xornoth, it reads. Somehow, it’s not even the one that makes him the angriest. The one on his back, the one that reads curious little bird, is one that he can hardly stand to look at, and the most confusing one is the small, even surgical scar just behind his ear. He loves Jimmy though, and loving Jimmy means loving all of him.
Impulsively, Scott presses a kiss to Jimmy’s shoulder. His partner starts, surprise quickly giving way to a smile.
“Hey, you, don’t go starting things again,” Jimmy tells him, poking Scott in the chest with his phone. Scott gestures to it, the question that had been nagging at him for so long coming to the front of his mind. He pushes it aside once again.
“When’s Lizzie coming by?”
Jimmy grimaces. “Don’t know. She didn’t much like me ignoring her last night, so she’s decided to ignore me.”
Scott had never had siblings, so he doesn’t know if this is a normal sibling relationship or not. Well, probably not ‘normal’, exactly, what with their past and their powers. But Jimmy doesn’t seem to find her behavior out of the ordinary, so Scott has to assume that it isn’t.
Which still, of course, brings him to his question.
“Can I ask you something? No obligation.”
No obligation is a system that works for now, but certainly has its flaws. They’d set it up on literally the second day of their relationship—if one of them asks a question with that clause, the other doesn’t have to answer if they don’t want to. Of course, Scott’s done his best to impress upon Jimmy that he has no obligation to answer any question, but that’s something they’re working on.
Scott never wants to pressure Jimmy into answering a question just because he forgot to add those two words that meant Jimmy didn’t have to answer. Hopefully, in time, they can progress beyond a need for it.
“Go for it,” Jimmy responds, and Scott can see on his phone that he’s closing the social media account he’d been browsing in favor of opening up his sketchpad app. He draws a couple of smiling turtles while Scott tries to figure out how to word his question.
He ought to have it figured out by now, seeing as he’s imagined asking it countless times. Now that it’s finally time for an answer, though, all proper words seem to have fled his brain.
“So . . . the fight. The big one, at the end of—everything. When you—and Lizzie—” Scott cuts himself off as he feels Jimmy stiffen beside him, finger frozen on the screen. “Sorry, it doesn’t matter,” he amends, reaching for his own phone.
“Wha—no, it’s fine!” Jimmy sits up, sheet slipping down to his waist, revealing the painful-looking ropey scar that curves down his side. He takes one of Scott’s hands in his, smiles with what appears to be a considerable amount of effort.
It feels stupid now, though. Stupid to bring up that day, or that time in general. Still, Jimmy wants to try to answer, so Scott makes himself finish the question.
“What did—well, you were fighting Lizzie, there at the end of the overall fight, just before—um, she said something to you. Can I know what she said?”
Jimmy starts to answer, stops. He doesn’t seem . . . distressed, so to speak, other than the crease in his brow and the tense grip on the sheets he has. He frowns, lips turning in an adorable little pout that Scott is struck by the urge to kiss right off his face. He restrains himself.
“When, exactly?”
He hadn’t wanted to specify. Scott has this terrible feeling that the moment he brings up any particular points of the fight, Jimmy will be thrown into a flashback or panic attack. Still, he asked, and the words on his back make Scott hesitate in spurning any question from him.
No obligation is a system that he needs right now, too.
“Um, well—they had ordered you to—you know—so you attacked Lizzie, and you had her on the ground—” he runs a hand down his face, trying to figure out the kindest way to word it— “Well, you were about to . . . take her out, and then—I was too far away to hear, but I saw her lips move. And you stopped the attack.”
He’s monitoring Jimmy for any signs that he should stop, but so far the man is relatively calm, nodding along with the story. He’s still frowning, though.
“I was told to kill Lizzie,” Jimmy says, and Scott flinches. Jimmy doesn’t seem to notice, because he continues his train of thought. “And then when I had her on the ground, and I went to hit her again, she . . . said something? And I stopped?”
“Yeah,” Scott tells him. “Yeah, she said something, and you, like—froze, almost, then jumped off her. And that’s when—you know. The next part happened.”
Jimmy doesn’t answer. Instead, he absently draws something on his phone, eyes lost in a distant gaze. Finally, his face clears and he nods.
“Right, right,” he says, adding a dot to his drawing. His face turns rueful when he looks up to meet Scott’s eyes. “I think I remember. She, uh . . . she didn’t say anything.”
That can’t be right. Scott saw it, he saw her speak. He opens his mouth to continue arguing his point, but apparently something in his face tips Jimmy off and he pats Scott’s arm gently.
“Maybe she did say something, but I didn’t notice. I wasn’t looking at her. It hurt too much to look at her. All—all I could hear was the rush of blood in my ears. . . .” Jimmy shudders, taps his phone a couple of times.
Scott really should stop pressing. He really should apologize and do something to help Jimmy feel safe. He really should get up, fix them both something to eat, and move on.
But he’s always needed to be right. One of these days, that arrogance is going to kill him.
“What made you stop, then?”
Jimmy squints his eyes shut, takes a deep breath. Scott starts to say something—an apology or retraction, he’s not sure—but Jimmy speaks before he can.
“I was killing her,” he says, voice utterly devoid of emotion. “And I knew I would do it. And I knew they would keep telling me to kill. For the rest of my life, I would just be a weapon. Killing the people I care about.”
He opens his eyes and stares out into the middle distance, expression unreadable. Scott doesn’t move.
“You were defeated, and I was about to kill my sister, and something broke inside. And finally, I decided that—that I’d rather die trying to stop them than kill so many people. They—they were going to make me kill so many . . . I killed for them without a thought and soon there would be no more thoughts to have . . . I had—I—”
A tear slips down Jimmy’s cheek, and Scott holds out a hand. Jimmy takes it instantly, collapses onto Scott in a hug.
“I’m sorry,” Scott murmurs into his neck, holding Jimmy as tightly as he dares. “I shouldn’t have pressed. I’m sorry.”
“Feelin’ floaty,” Jimmy mumbles, adjusting so that his hands curl around Scott’s shoulders.
“That’s okay. What do you need?”
Jimmy shrugs.
“Okay. Do you want to shower?”
The apprehension that ripples through Jimmy’s body is palpable, and he seems to shrink against Scott, nails digging into Scott’s shoulders. “No, n-no—”
Scott swallows, tears of his own building at the fear in Jimmy’s voice. “We won’t, then. Um—your journal is at Lizzie’s, but if you want to keep drawing on your phone—”
“Lizzie’s okay,” Jimmy mutters to himself, his grip loosening. “Lizzie’s okay and Scott’s okay and I’m okay.” He breathes deeply, clearly still upset, but beginning to recover.
There’s an almost imperceptible buzz through the air, and Scott braces himself—Jimmy gasps—the lightbulb in Scott’s bedside lamp pops out, bounces off the table and lands on the carpet with a soft thump.
“Mm, good job,” Scott praises, planting a kiss on Jimmy’s cheek. “Nothing’s broken, it’s all okay!”
For once, Jimmy seems to believe him, lifting his head to reveal a hopeful smile. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” Scott reassures him. “It was a good way to redirect your anxiety without hurting yourself. Remember that you feeling safe is a higher priority than any accident that occurs.”
Jimmy sighs, and Scott continues. “I’m sorry for pressing. I should’ve stopped when I noticed you were distressed.”
“No, I wanted to talk about it,” Jimmy says, picking up his phone from where he’d dropped it, hands still trembling. His smile turns sly. “Had to prove you wrong.”
“Oh, that’s—now I’m going to ask Lizzie about it, I know I’m right—”
Jimmy’s laugh isn’t quite right, and the tension in his jaw belies any attempts at acting calm, but he’s okay. And really, that’s all that matters.
Scott does ask Lizzie, later, when Jimmy isn’t around. She fixes him with the same blank stare that Jimmy had, confused until he goes into further detail. When she finally understands, she laughs, claps him on the back.
“Right. I don’t really remember saying anything, but maybe you saw me . . . I don’t know, moving my mouth for no reason? Spitting out blood? I was pretty out of it, Scott, but I didn’t say a word.”
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wikiangela · 3 months
"I'm going to ask Tommy to marry me." Buck says out of the blue one random evening, sitting in Eddie's living room, spread out in the armchair, sipping a beer, eyes on the TV, where Eddie and Christopher are playing a video game. His tone is even and firm, not even a hint of hesitation, it's not a huge revelation, or even a decision he's made just now. He's been thinking about it for weeks, maybe months. He doesn't know why he says it now, it just slips out - maybe he just needed to talk to his best friend about it.
"Really?" he hears a hint of surprise in Eddie's voice, but when he looks at his best friend, he's still focused on trying to beat his son at the game. He's smiling, sparing a glance at Buck. "That's great, Buck."
"Yeah?" he breathes out, feeling even more settled now. He wasn't nervous, exactly, but still felt kind of like he did when he came out to Eddie. Like he just wanted his best friend to approve, to support him - and he had no doubt he would.
"Of course," Eddie answers easily. "You guys are perfect together, and you love each other, and if you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Tommy, yeah, go for it. I'm happy for you," he adds, finally looking at Buck, a soft, genuine smile on his face. Christopher uses this moment to win the game, and Eddie groans at his triumphant yell. "Aw, not fair, Buck distracted me." Both Buck and Chis laugh, while Eddie pouts for a moment, before a smile breaks through anyway.
"Well, I won." Chris shrugs with a grin. "And I think it'd be so cool if you and Tommy get married," he adds, moving his attention to Buck.
"Yeah?" Buck repeats, his smile even wider now. Having two of his favorite people not only really love his partner - Buck's pretty sure Tommy's the first one to spend so much time with all of them together, and it feeling so right - but also approve of Buck wanting to tie him into their family forever.
"Duh, Tommy's the coolest." Chris rolls his eyes. "Better lock him down while you can," he jokes, and Buck gasps in surprise. He's such a teenager.
"Wow, rude. He's not going anywhere." he shakes his head with a laugh. That much he's sure of, for the first time in his life he's not scared of getting left, of his partner getting bored or fed up. He knows Tommy's gonna be right at his side no matter what.
"Not if you put a ring on it." Eddie joins his son's teasing. Laughing, Buck reaches over to the table to pick up a chip from a bowl and throw it at Eddie, who dodges it as it lands somewhere on the couch. "Hey!"
"But seriously, you don't think it's too soon?" Buck asks after a moment, a little bit of nerves seeping into his tone. He's more than sure about wanting to marry Tommy. He's just a little scared that he's gonna freak him out. They have talked about this, about their future, what they want out of this relationship, out of life, but they never really discussed any timelines, and Buck might be a little in his head about this. Hence why he needed to talk to someone about it, probably.
"Buck, you've been together for over a year. Some people get married after less." Eddie raises an eyebrow. "When you know, you know." He shrugs, and Buck releases a breath. Because he does know. He has known for a long time now.
"So you think he'll say yes?" Buck asks, but he knows the answer before Eddie has a chance to roll his eyes with fond exasperation. Tommy loves him. He loves Tommy so much his heart wants to burst out of his chest and live in Tommy's. Tommy is his forever, he's sure of it, and he knows that when he asks, and it's going to be very soon, he'll get a positive answer.
"He'll say yes." Eddie says with a small shake of his head and a wide smile. "Now, two important questions from me: who's gonna be your best man, and do you need help planning and picking out a ring?"
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starry-eyedblog · 7 months
legitimately the only thing I can think of is husband!price coddling his partner, they're all bleary eyed from crying out of desperation for physical touch since he's been deployed for so long- just the pure neediness. needing him there in every way, physically and emotionally. just like him muttering small "'m here, I have you baby" or "feels too good now that I'm back, yeah? gonna take all of me anyways, love"
(the last sentence is nsfw but either way just... the reader being needy for him in every way when he returns home)
- cruel anon
cruel anon hello !! how are you? you're constantly keeping me fed with ideas and i love it. i need price to soothe me in his arms while i cry
warnings/tags: john price x gn reader, crying, clinginess, smut
you've spent most of this month in tears, desperate to be in your husbands arm, safe and sound. for some reason, his latest deployment was taking a real toll on you.
days seemed longer and the house felt too big without him. cooking just for yourself was becoming more difficult and going out to socialise just didn't seem to fill the gap in your chest.
but finally, it was the day he was coming home. you knew that his time home would fly by and you'd be waving him goodbye again, but thankfully he had been given a wee bit longer off this time due to how demanding and rough his latest deployment had been.
you were now waiting in the living room, sipping on a tea anxiously while you waited for the front door to open. any minute now and he'd be kicking his shoes off and sweeping you off your feet in a bear hug.
after around fifteen minutes, you had finished your cup and decided to go pour another. as you stood up from the comfy chair, that's when you heard the swift click on the front door.
you dropped the cup down, uncaring of where it lands as you rushed through the hallway to the front door. tears instantly pooled in your eyes, making your vision a bit blurry but you didn't care. all that mattered was that your husband was finally home again.
"hey honey, miss me?" john chuckles, dropping his bags onto the floor to open up his arms for you - which you happily ran into. he picked you up, squeezing you tightly before gently setting you back down.
salty tears streamed down your face as you pressed kiss after kiss onto his lips and face. after a minute of this, warm hands gently cupped your face, forcing you to stop moving and stare up. "hey, shh what's wrong baby?" john soothes while using a thumb to rub away some tears.
"i don't know, i guess i've just missed you a lot." you sniffle, your hands wrapping around his waist and holding on tight, never wanting to let go. your chest feels light now that your husband is back safe and sound.
john leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, "well i'm here now huh? not going anywhere honey." he whispers and you nod slowly, tears still streaming down your face.
it's been a few weeks since then, and your emotions haven't got much better. you cling to john where he moves around the house, desperate to just be with him. his physical touch always settles you, keeps you happy and calm.
john hasn't minded, he honestly thinks it's cute. you're acting like a needy house cat, and he's more than happy to treat and spoil you. the two of you haven't really gone out to be with friends since he's been back, too wrapped up in re connecting with one another to even think of leaving the house.
completing simple tasks around the house requires him by your side now, and whenever anything get's too much or goes wrong - he's quick to step in and help. you feel like you've struck gold with your husband. most people would find this emotional and physical clinginess too much, but not john.
he understands how hard it must be for you to be home alone for months on end, trying to keep everything together while also making sure you're getting out enough and staying on top of things. he's always well taken care of too when he gets back, you pamper him to the point he doesn't need to lift a finger.
this time though, it's you needing that extra support and closeness and john is more than happy to be there however you need. after all, why wouldn't he? john loves you, deeply.
it becomes even more apparent during sex, the way you cling to him and never want to let go. being able to have his bare skin on you while he fills you up is so comforting. he's surrounding you with his body, voice and scent; to the point where all you can think about is 'john john john john john.'
you cry and moan, gripping onto him while he slowly slides in. his lips are pressed to your ear, whispering filthy things. "feels so good that i'm back, right sweetheart? oh i know i know, c'mon you can take all of it i know you can. s'just been awhile yeah?"
it's emotional and euphoric, the way you tighten around him while tears stream down your face. he loves the sight of you broken before him, so dependant and trusting. it's something he'll never forget for the rest of his life.
the fact you trust him so deeply, letting him pleasure you to the point of exhaustion, still gripping onto him and crying for him. how could any man ignore such a beautiful bond with his wife?
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Baby Fever /blurb/ (housemate!harry series)
AN: i now wish i would have made this blurb into a regular chapter with more details, making it longer, but i can't go back now. so this will be the first blurb in my series. i wrote this because i was having issues coming up with something to write for part 16. but after this, i'll get on top of starting part 16. i hope you enjoy and feel free to send in blurb ideas for this series.
This story contains: pure fluff, baby fever
{ housemate!harry - boyfriendrry - soft!harry - uncle!harry }
word count- 1,076
Harry has to babysit his niece for the day unexpectedly, and you get to watch Harry interact with a baby for the first time, which gives you baby fever.
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It's evident that Harry was great with children, given his profession as a teacher. However, you were unaware of the extent of his skills with young children and infants until he was given the responsibility of caring for his sister's baby for the day. This situation arose when his sister urgently called him at four in the morning, explaining that her husband was facing a family emergency and needed someone to watch their daughter, Juniper, for a few hours.
Being the wonderful uncle that he is, Harry told his sister he'd be happy to spend his Saturday babysitting his niece. You had not yet met his sister or niece prior to this morning. But after meeting in Harry's entrance way at half past five in the morning, his sister was incredibly kind to you, even in the midst of her hurried departure after leaving little Juniper in her uncles care. As for Juniper, although she's just a baby, 8 months to be exact, she graciously allowed you to hold her, which you regard as a positive first greeting.
Since it was very early in the morning, Harry encouraged you to return to bed for a few hours while he kept Juniper entertained. Knowing he's an early bird anyways and you liked your sleep. You were hesitant at first but ultimately chose to follow his suggestion. You fell asleep again until around seven, when the delightful sounds of giggling stirred you awake. Rubbing your eyes, you got out of bed to see where all the laughter was coming from.
As you made your way down the hallway, the cheerful giggles intensified. Upon your arrival in the kitchen, you found yourself captivated by the sight. Juniper was comfortably seated on Harry's lap at the kitchen table, one of his arms providing her with support to ensure she remained steady, while his other hand carefully held a tiny spoon containing what seemed to be mashed peas from a jar of baby food.
Given that you've only been dating Harry for three months, you've not yet explored his views on the idea of having children one day. However, you're curious about whether he envisions a future with kids. You would be thrilled to give him as many children as he desired, especially if it meant starting each day with this delightful view.
Before long, Harry noticed your presence as he's feeding his niece and smiled gently at you. You walked over and took a seat at the table, continuing to observe him as he fed her the unappealing mushy peas until her tummy was completely satisfied. Harry then rose with Juniper in his arms and headed to the sink to get a damp paper towel, which he used to clean the green food that had smeared around her little mouth.
As soon as you heard the rumble of Harry's stomach, you decided to prepare breakfast for the two of you while he carried Juniper into the living room. You made avocado toast and served yourself a cup of coffee, aware that Harry had already enjoyed two cups since being awake.
Based on your background in waitressing during your teenage years, you skillfully transported two plates of avocado toast and one cup of coffee to the living room. As you stepped inside, you observed Harry gesturing to keep quiet with a finger pressed to his mouth, and then you understood the reason for his request.
Likely in a food coma, little baby Juniper rested soundly against his clothed chest. The sight brings a tingle to your ovaries. He slowly rose and made his way to the baby swing in the corner provided by his sister, gently setting a sleeping Juniper inside before activating the motor, which caused the swing to move softly while playing a calming melody.
Harry walked back over to the couch where you handed him his plate of avocado toast, saying, "Thank you, baby." before leaning in to peck a kiss to your lips.
"You're welcome." you replied sweetly, then begun silently eating your toast and sipping your coffees, being mindful of the sleeping baby. Once you're finished eating, you turned to Harry and can't help but blurt out the question you've thought all morning. "Do you want kids one day?"
Harry looked taken back at your question before a warm smile spread over his features. "Yeah, I would love to have kids in the future."
Keeping a quiet tone, you continued to prod, "You've always wanted kids?"
"Um yeah, I think so. I mean, after comin' to terms with my sexuality, I knew there may be a chance I can't have any biological kids. I would've been okay with that because there's adoption and stuff of the sorts. But havin' biological kids would be just as great. So yeah, I want kids one day. What about you?"
"Yeah, I want kids, but only if I'm with the right person." you answered and Harry gets a cheeky smile on his face, knowing you're dating. So if the answer doesn't describe him, then he must be doing something wrong.
Just to tease you, he asked, "Oh yeah, and what does the right person look like to you?"
You repositioned yourself on the couch, settling into a position that allowed you to straddle Harry's lap. In this close proximity, you explained, "I donno. Someone who is kind and gentle. A person who's responsible and smart. Someone who would always encourage our children to be themselves. And someone who may or may not pass on the charming trait of dimples to our kids."
Smiling, Harry cupped the sides of your face in his large hands and cooed in a mere whisper, "Does this person have a name by chance?"
You nod, "Mhm, his name is Harry." Right as his name rolled off your tongue, Harry leaned forward to capture your lips with his. The kiss is gentle yet passionate. It lasted a total of ten seconds before you pulled away. "We better stop before we start something we can't finish right now. There's a baby asleep in the corner."
With a fake pout, Harry commented, "Fine, but just so you know, in the future, when we're hopefully married, or not yet married because things happen, I'd love to be the father of your children. And I'd love you to mother our children. You'll be the best mother in the world."
Yep, it was the right decision to start dating your housemate.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo // @lunabai // @ppleasingg // @harryscherrysugar
My Masterlist Masterpost
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zombieplaygrounds · 1 month
cw: hybrids, hare hybrid König afab! reader
summary: hare hybrid könig, anyone? mostly a joke fic that's been spinning in my head for a few months
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So you're the picture perfect cottage core, forest living gal. Real off the grid - well, sort of, everyone needs their WiFi, right? Anyways you're up there with your little vegetable garden, spending most of your days roaming the forest and foraging. If you're not doing that, you're gardening. Little did you know..there's a hare in the woods. A big one too. You've heard the rumors from passing travelers - rumors that were big hybrids up in these woods. Horror stories too, sounds at night and the typical scary stuff that makes you sleep with your head under a blanket and a knife tucked under your pillow.
You weren't stupid - not to your own terms, anyways - but you were maybe a bit naïve. Especially when one early morning you wake up to the noise of something scritching at your door. So you tip toe your way to the door, knife tucked behind your leg and your bare feet quietly stepping on the planks that didn't creak. You check the peep hole...and nothing? Clearly, you've never watched a horror movie either. Because you open the got damn door and are met with the wide-eyed sight of a man sitting his ass down before the door. He was cute, maybe even a little disturbing. Wide uncanny eyes, freakishly fucking long. At first, you really did thing you had finally come across one of those cryptids you heard about online. And then he snuffled, nuzzling his face into your hip.
And like any living being with a soul, you took him in. Apparently, his name was König. He was very clearly a hare hybrid from hell. Ate whatever you fed him and ten times more. Also practically lived in your warmth. Occasionally tried to piss places he shouldn't, which met the wrath of your flying shoe. "Are you gonna let go?" You ask one day while you're gardening. He had been hugging you from behind for three hours now. It was cute at first..but it was getting a bit ridiculous.
"No." König rasped. His voice boyish and a bit raspy. But his words were enough to quickly end the conversation.
You also did try to kick him out in the past, gently, of course. Mostly little shoves about how it was spring and there were probably lots of yummy berries and vegetables sprouting up already. But he just kinda grunted and continued to nibble at the fucking rib-eye steak you made for yourself. Greedy bastard. It wasn't all bad though. Occasionally at night König would tuck you in real close to his chest, and he smelt pretty nice! His heart was always pounding rapidly. He'd nuzzle and sniff at you gently, which honestly was kinda nice when you were having trouble falling asleep.
"You smell good." You mumble, staring up at his wide eyed expression. König would chuff back at you, nibbling your flesh gently. "Because you are my girlfriend" "Oh! Yeah. That makes a lot of sense." "Wait..what?"
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this was a not a joke fic please write more hare hybrid konig
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lovinpelova · 10 months
make up for lost time | j. fleming
summary; jessie gets a new car after finally passing her drivers test in the states, you've been away far longer than wanted. [SMUT]
🎵 preach - drake
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the one problem with being an international student-athlete is having to be away from family eight months a year, then once you get used to it having to be away from friends for the next four months, then repeating it. the one thing that makes it even harder to deal with is the fact that your girlfriend is canadian, meaning you're stuck in the uk five hours ahead and over 3,600 miles away from the love of your life.
most people would say you're insane to call a long-distance girlfriend the love of your life but you ignore them, you're both nineteen and fully aware of who you are, including how much you love each other and how happy you are together. that's all that matters to the both of you, you're making long-distance work the four months away and spending as much time as possible together the other eight months which is considerably easy since you're roommates.
(that and jessie has a contract lined up with chelsea the same year you plan to sign for arsenal, so you're going to be living not even a couple hours away from each other when you both leave ucla in close to two years time.)
your girlfriend texted you in the morning that she wouldn't be able to pick you up from the airport like usual whenever you came back from seeing your family as she was getting her car after finally passing her drivers test, the canadian having to pass it in canada and only being home four months a year meant all the slots were booked- apart from a last minute clearance four weeks ago.
instead you got a lift to your dorm from a friend in one of your classes, leaving all your suitcases by your bed just the same way jessie had done with hers, both of you too impatient to unpack and figuring it wouldn't harm anyone waiting until tomorrow as you had eight months to worry about it. your phone lit up with a notification from the midfielder, informing you she was outside in her 'new ride' as she called it.
a couple minutes walk and you were in the parking lot of the ucla campus, looking around for a car with a familiar face in the drivers seat or something else to indicate jessie was nearby. you had no luck until you heard someone blasting britney spears with their windows down, headed to park right in front of you with your girlfriend leaning over the console to yell in your face.
"get in loser we're going shopping!"
you laughed with the canadian as she turned down the music and wound the windows up whilst you got into her car, pulling her in for a passionate kiss by the collar of her ucla hoodie as she gladly kissed back. one of her hands trailed over the console seperating you and gripped your thigh lovingly, stroking the skin with her thumb as you both smiled against each others mouths.
"i love the smell of a new car."
"mmm... me too."
your girlfriend grinned before leaning in for another kiss, making sure it didn't go too far by leaving you with a couple pecks as she pulled away and insisted you put on your seatbelt before driving out of college. you'd only been able to get a late flight home so it was already nine pm, meaning if you wanted food you'd most likely go for takeaway and drive about whilst eating it- which is exactly what you did. you blasted music whilst eating your mcdonalds and having the occasional sip of your milkshakes, jessie needing to be fed by you so she wasn't too distracted.
"come on y/n, gimme the chip!"
"gonna have to try harder than that jessie!"
you chuckled at her attempts to get her last bit of food as you pulled it away from her mouth at the last second multiple times, eventually deciding enough was enough and feeding it to her as she pulled into an empty parking lot to have a break from driving. when i say empty, i mean empty- it was close to midnight now anyways so you were probably the only people awake around the ucla area.
"driving is fun but doing it aimlessly for three hours isn't."
"your car smells like takeout now."
you completely ignored jessies comment as there was no solution to it - you couldn't drive as you hadn't gotten a test slot in the uk yet so she was designated pilot for now - instead focusing on the way her new car no longer smelled new, more like mcdonalds with a tiny hint of her perfume.
"that is what happens when you eat a takeaway in the car."
your girlfriend replied sarcastically whilst turning the engine off, both of you unbuckling your seatbelts as you cleaned up your mess and moved the rubbish bag onto the backseat to deal with later. as you climbed back into your seat after leaning over the armrest you caught jessie staring at your thighs - or your ass, maybe both knowing her - and smirked at the blush covering her cheeks when she met your eyes.
"see something you like, baby canada?"
"i see a lot of what i like, baby england."
the sudden wave of confidence jessie wore shocked you turned you on but you weren't complaining, she was always so shy even when it was just you two. unless she was drunk off a win or alcohol she only became a tiny bit less reserved around you. you scoffed at the nickname she'd given you for debuting internationally at the same age as her, flicking her shoulder before leaning in to kiss her sweetly.
"you taste like a chocolate milkshake."
you laughed against her lips, the canadian shaking her head at you lightly as she kissed you back.
"you taste like a vanilla milkshake."
she countered, one of her hands holding your face gently as you both smiled into the kiss, her free hand coming to rest high up on your thigh as yours held her shoulders to ground yourself. the kiss quickly became heated, having been away from her for four months and only pecking her on the lips a couple times so far had been torture for you- seemingly for her too judging by the way she was desperately trying to deepen it.
the hand resting on your face trailed down to your hip and tugged you closer, a grunt of disapproval leaving her lips as the armrest blocked you from moving further. wanting this to go further, you climbed over the armrest as she read your mind straight away, pushing her seat back as far as it could go so she was lying down with plenty of legroom.
you straddled her lap just like you had done many times before whilst flipping your hair to one side, your hands resting on her chest and slipping underneath her hoodie to feel her toned abs as you continued to heatedly makeout. jessie smiled against your lips once you let out a moan into her mouth, obviously a result of the way she'd just gripped your ass before smacking it and moving her hands to grip your hips possessively.
"you like that baby?"
she whispered cockily whilst trailing her lips down your neck, hips starting to grind in unison with your nails digging into her skin and no doubt leaving their mark.
"don't start with that cocky shit, you know what i like."
you mumbled with your head thrown back, the midfielder chuckling at your visibly frustrated nature. hips desperate for friction, hands clawing at any bit of skin you could find, mouth whimpering and breathing ragged was all jessie needed to know you wanted more.
she couldn't believe this, not even seven hours after buying her first car she was christening it with the hottest girl she'd ever seen in her life getting off on her lap. her parents would be so disappointed right now, but she was so happy to finally see you again- touch you again that she couldn't care less.
without a care in the world she tugged off your shirt and threw it away, sitting up to take off her hoodie and shirt, a needy moan leaving your mouth at the sight of her body. if you were patient enough you'd lick every inch of her skin right now, but with the way her eyes were devouring your chest before her mouth could catch up you definitely didn't have the patience.
"missed you s'much jess."
she hummed up at you before lying down again, one hand guiding you to lie down on top of her like before prior to it travelling to your breasts, massaging them just the way you liked. she smiled when you let out a heavy breath, head falling onto her shoulder and tucking itself into her neck.
"did you touch yourself whilst i was away?"
you whined helplessly at her question, nodding your head shyly with your lips trailing kisses down her neck and leaving marks in their wake.
"how many times y/n?"
"only twice, didn't finish though. my fingers aren't the same as yours."
jessie smiled at your response and pulled you into another heated kiss, her tongue slipping in to glide against yours sloppily with her hands tracing the waistband of your shorts.
"want a reminder of how good my fingers feel?"
you nodded your head rapidly before pulling her into another kiss, sighing when you felt her fingers break past the waistband and trace the crevice of your thigh, stopping your movements completely when she grazed her knuckles against your clit.
the canadian hummed in acknowledgement, slowly sinking her fingers into you whilst she held eye contact and watched the way your mouth fell open. by the time she was down to her knuckles you'd sat up to make sure she got as deep as possible, feeling her sink an inch further as you moaned in unison. sounds like she missed being inside you too.
she started moving her fingers slowly as she stared up at you, your head thrown back in pleasure as she stretched you out deliciously with two thick fingers.
"faster, jessie- faster."
whatever her girl wants, her girl gets.
she started moving her fingers much faster inside of you, needing to see you fall apart on her digits after four months of going without it. her other hand gripped your thigh as yours found purchase on her shoulders once more, the brunette moaning alongside you at the sight. she wasn't moving fast enough or deep enough, she was being too careful, restricting herself too much.
you started bouncing your hips up and down in rhythm with her thrusts, closing your eyes in pleasure and scratching along her chest when she was finally moving fast enough and deep enough. she curled her fingers to reach that spongey spot inside of you, making you almost scream out her name as she smiled cockily up at you and moved to sit up with you.
her free hand held your lower back so you were sat chest to chest, the new angle meaning you couldn't move your hips anymore, only jessie could move her fingers- and god was she doing that just right.
she knew how to fuck you, and she knew how to fuck you good.
"you feel so good, jess. just like that."
you chanted as she pistoned her fingers into your g-spot repeatedly, moving her lips to leave love bites all over your body wherever she could whilst your hands scratched at her back and tugged on her hair.
"you like that baby? that feel good, huh?"
"don't stop- god, please don't stop babe."
your head fell back further as moans continuously spilled past your lips, jessie spurring you on with endless words of praise.
"c'mon baby, you can be louder than that. what's my name? who's fucking you this good?"
"you- you're fucking me this good!"
"didn't know that was my name now?"
her thumb came up to rub your clit at the perfect pressure, fingers continuing to curl into you relentlessly as her free hand grabbed your neck and pulled you into a dominating kiss. you moaned into her mouth again and again and again, the brunette continuing to spur you on with her explicit dirty talk of what she wanted to do to you and expertise on how to finger you into an orgasm.
"what's my name babygirl? who are you gonna cum for? who's gonna be licking you off her fingers later on, hm? who do you belong to?"
"jess- god! i'm gonna- jessie! fuck, yes jessie!"
you moaned into the humid air her car was now filled with as you came undone over her fingers, grinding your hips against her knuckles as she slowed down her thrusts and smiled up at you. jessie loved making you say her name during sex- but she adored when you screamed it out whilst you came all over her fingers or tongue, exactly the way you did just then.
"such a good girl. so good for me, so pretty. all mine."
you nodded wordlessly as she peppered sweet kisses over your body wherever she could reach, soothing the vicious love bites she'd left behind when she really got riled up by you moaning out her name a couple moments ago. the pair of you breathed heavily into each others necks whilst jessie pulled her fingers out of you, moving so you could see her bring her fingers to her mouth and suck your arousal off them. her eyes rolled into the back of her head momentarily as she moaned against her digits, swallowing all the juices she collected and smiling up at you whilst you shook your head in disbelief of how attractive she was.
"if i could i'd have you fuck me for a week straight."
you joked, both of you laughing before kissing sweetly, jessie letting you climb back into the passenger seat once you'd calmed down fully from your high and moving her seat back to normal. you threw on her shirt and gave her the hoodie she wore to put on again, not having a clue where she threw your clothes in the heat of the moment.
"take it you like the new car then?"
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
Hey!! just wanna say ive been obsessed w ur works and was wondering if u can do a hoshina drabble/ fic based on P1harmony’s Fall in Love Again (aaaaa pref if past/present can be soichiro & hoshina orrr narumi & hoshina) hust an idea that popped in my mind cause the song kept showing up in my fyp!! thank u so muchh!!
Anon you and your big brain! 🤩 I'll have you know I love the angst between the Hoshina brothers so I might as well! Since you've given me the idea. ✨
✧ Fall In Love Again - P1Harmony
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candor — another side story to radiant point. | refulgence
There was a time when you thought of Soichiro as your first love. There was a time when you thought he would turn your way.
After being fed the fairy tale of true love time and again and having eaten of it until its flavours were bland in your mouth, you soon came to realise that all you were fed was false hope. Soichiro was his family's ultimate incarnation, while you were but a paltry offering by yours. Though paltry you were, you were all your family had. Your beauty was their pride and joy, but it certainly wasn't enough to win the heart of your supposed betrothed.
As you grew up alongside the Hoshina brothers, it became clearer to you that it would have made more sense to have been offered to the second son instead. Not only were you two closer in age, but you also shared a deeper friendship with him— the kind that made you forget all about the existence of his older brother, and what his existence meant for your own.
Soichiro did turn your way. Only you were too preoccupied to notice.
The older boy was evidently surprised at how you were able to hold yourself against him during one of your sparring sessions. It had only been a matter of months since you started swordsmanship training under your father but you had a mastery of the basics now and even had a certain flair for precision. But regardless of your exponential growth, you were still outclassed by him, and he toppled over you as easily as kicking a potted plant to the ground.
"Nice try, beggar princess. Let me tell ya somethin' while we're here," Soichiro stated as he turned his back on you. "You're leavin' yourself wide open in other areas, but other than that, your stance is perfect."
He didn't want to admit that there was a beauty in your ferocity, too. Not with his little brother watching you both so intently. He'll settle with berating you until you've had enough. It's not like you were going anywhere, anyway. As far as he knew, his family owned you now.
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That time you thought of Soichiro as your first love was a joke.
It was only because you fed into your family's narrative that a daughter like you needed a husband like him. As you grew older, the prospects of him ever becoming a tolerable husband dimmed by the day. He acknowledged your skill now, but he was still an awful person at the end of the day. Awful in that he had no sense of delicacy at all, even when it came to you, who was supposed to be his wife in the future.
Now that you were sixteen, the fairy tale was over, or the curse had been lifted, and you finally decided for yourself that you wanted no part in Soichiro's plans for you in the future, whatever those may be.
So you did what he thought you would never have the courage to do.
"I thank you and your family for your kindness to me, and I apologise, oji-san, but I don't want to marry Soichiro-san," you stated as you prostrated yourself before the Hoshina patriarch. "As much as I would have loved to be part of your family, Soichiro-san's attitude leaves much to be desired."
Was he hearing things right? He was the one who had attitude problems?
Soichiro sat there in complete shock at your declaration, but Soshiro was even more surprised at it unfolding. Their father didn't look too nonplussed by your statement. He knew that his eldest son was a little devil who thrived in discouraging both you and his younger brother, only for you to show him results time and again.
He also knew that Soshiro challenged his older brother for your hand, not just once, but more times than he can remember. Perhaps he can turn you around once more by opening a simple possibility. "Is there nothing that can change your mind? Your family agreed to an engagement, after all."
I want Soshiro.
But you couldn't say it. You were in no position to make any demands even if they were freely offered to you. And what would Soshiro say about that? He was more than happy to be your friend, but would he ever accept you as his bride?
No, you've done enough dreaming for the last ten years.
"I'm afraid not, oji-san."
It was only when you left their estate that the brothers spoke once more until it eventually evolved into another duel— like the wild beasts that they were.
"You should have said something back then!" Soichiro exclaimed between his slashes and parries. "Why didn't you ask her and tell her to stay? That you would have treated her better than I ever would? I mean, you already do, but—"
"Are you kidding?! You already ran her out of the family! She already made it clear that she wants nothing to do with us! What makes you think she'd want to stay here?!" Soshiro shot back at him, mirroring his speed and movements until they were all but a single blur of swords and wind.
This blockhead second son knew nothing, of course. Soichiro was annoyed beyond sense at how dense his little brother was. Was he the only one who saw the smile that lit your face every time Soshiro welcomed you to their estate? Was he the only one who noticed how sweet your laughter sounded when it was Soshiro at the other end of the joke? Or how you once said in confidence that you preferred Soshiro's presence over his own because he was unbearable to be with, even though it was all his doing?
Soichiro got his just deserts and it annoyed him to no end. Because once more, he faced the prospect of being second best to his little brother, who grew in strength and skill with each passing day and even managed to win your heart all the same.
But it was his brother's blade on his neck now. Soshiro got the one-up against him without any handicaps this time. His usually boisterous little brother withdrew his sword and quietly stared down at him. Soshiro did not look at him with a sense of superiority, but that of revulsion. The very same emotion in your eyes when you bade him farewell that day.
"I'm going to ask for her in my own time. You better not get in my way when that happens."
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Your promotion to Third Division Platoon Leader was met with quiet celebration. Many of your fellow team members rejoiced in the opportunity to work under you this time as their leader. You were known to give out measured and concise orders that allowed every single one of them to seamlessly weave through the field and get the job done with minimum risks and casualties.
When Captain Ashiro congratulated you and presented you with your badge in her office, she let you in on a little secret only she and a handful of other superior officers were aware of. "When you first took the exams, you received a commendation from Captain Hoshina Soichiro of the Sixth Division."
Huh. You heard her right once. "I did not know that."
Captain Hoshina Soichiro of the Sixth Division vouched for your skills. If this was his way of making amends for his terrible treatment of you in the past, it was a pretty gesture, but still far too late.
"In his recommendation, he detailed how your family was a close associate of theirs and how you learned swordsmanship alongside him and our Vice Captain."
"That's true, Captain. Much of my skill was honed under their roof."
"If you don't mind me asking, why did you suddenly shift from Kendo to Fencing?"
Your Captain's question elicited a small laugh from your lips. "You might think it a petty reason, Captain, but I changed sword arms just so I could be better than them at something."
You gently touched the shiny new badge clipped to the collar of your formal regalia. "Soshiro... I mean Vice Captain Hoshina is someone I looked up to very much when we were children. If I may be so bold to say that he inspired me to take up swordsmanship."
"Hmm. I see," came Mina's short but understanding reply to you. "Just as Hoshina is important to me on the battlefield, I'll also be counting on you to carve open a path for me and everyone else."
"Of course, Captain, ma'am!" You said resolutely, followed by a crisp salute that matched the sharpness of your outfit today.
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"Will you marry me?"
Soshiro asked you that question in the dead quiet of the night as he held you close in his arms. The silence of your quarters and the stillness of the rest of the base made it feel like you were the only two people in the world.
"Yes," you said with a small swallow of saliva to wet your mouth. "As long as you aren't gonna be like your brother."
"I'm nothin' like him now, am I?" He chuckled at your assumption. "If I wanted to be like him, I would've chased you out of our home the moment I saw ya."
"Mm. I suppose you're right about that," you nodded at him. You contentedly sank into his touch when he moved to cup your warm cheek in his hand. "You're nothing like him at all."
"Good to know. That's high praise comin' from you."
As another comfortable silence lingered over your tired figures, a memory of the past crossed your mind. "Do you remember that time I told your father I didn't want to marry your brother?"
That day was one he would never forget any time soon. "As clear as day."
"I nearly begged for you instead," you told him with a soft laugh.
"You should have. I would've been there beggin' right next to ya!"
"In the end, everything worked out for this beggar princess," you said with a small sigh. "Gosh, I still can't imagine myself as your brother's wife. It kinda gives me the creeps."
A bout of tender laughter left Soshiro's lips this time. He raised your hand to his face and pressed a soft kiss on your palms, near the range of calluses you had from gripping your sabre. "You don't have to imagine anything other than our future together."
You mirrored his actions and planted a similarly gentle kiss on his cold knuckles, your breath blooming warmth into his fingers. He weaved his fingers into yours, as though sharing that little glow with you "Of course. For as long as we're fighting for it."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here
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von2dutch · 4 months
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Chapter four
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey Uso x Black Fem reader | word count: 5.6k | warning : smut, toxic behavior, protected sex | 18+ ONLY
Hey my baby dolls so this is chapter four and ima let you all know now this was a heavy long chapter so sorry in advance but other than that enjoy!
Series master list
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Lastly, Enjoy
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“Bitchs get into relationships and forget about they friends huh.” Jasmine spoke on FaceTime while Dakota cut up some strawberries.
Dakota chuckled as Jasmine's face lit up on FaceTime, holding a surprised look. "Omg jasmine I did not forget about you," Dakota said with a smile.
“Did too! I was first before his ass.”
Laughing once more Dakota spoke again “Jas you know you my baby girl stop being stingy with me.”
Jasmine's eyes rolled as she pursed her lips before speaking. "Whatever, but I'm happy for you, Kota. All I see on Instagram is you smiling, and you've been glowing so brightly. I'm so happy that God answered my prayers because all I wanted was for my best friend to find true love. She deserves it."
“Awww jas you gon make me cry.” Dakota smiled big before making a sad face pretending to cry Jasmine’s laughed at her dramatic acts.
It had been almost a month since Jey asked Dakota to be his girlfriend and the month of February was almost over and time for Josh to go back to work something he dreaded himself.
Ever since the two got together in a more relationship standpoint they were inseparable to say the least. Jey was even more of a gentleman and lover boy than she had ever imagined , he got her flowers , feed her, rubbed on her, and he was also very affectionate and I mean VERY along with being a very touchy man. And most importantly the two had sex almost everyday he couldn’t resist his presence towards her and I mean they fucked from everywhere in the house beside the bed room. Joshua was a very freaky man to say the least.
Jey was a gentleman and a lover, he treated Dakota with the utmost respect and care. He showered her with flowers and gifts, fed her, and made her feel special. Their sexual chemistry was electric, and the two of them couldn't resist each other. He was a very kinky and open minded man, and he left no stone unturned in satisfying their desires.
In conclusion the two were infuriated with eachother.
“Omg Kota you remember that date I had a while ago? Why we doing the thing and all getting freaky and I accidentally farted out my ass while we in doggy style and I told him it was my pussy he said I’m lying and that he smell shit!”
Dakota couldn't contain her laughter as she shouted at Jasmine, “Wtf is wrong with you.” Despite Jasmine's attempt to tell her to stop laughing because it was something serious, Dakota continued to laugh uncontrollably anyways.
“Dakota that shit Isn’t even that funny.” Jasmine mumbled rolling her eyes “Ima hang up if you keep laughing at me.”
“Okay!okay! I’ll stop jas—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey walked inside the kitchen. Jey couldn't resist flirting a bit as he walked into the kitchen and saw Dakota cutting strawberries. He slipped his hands around her waist and smacked her on the butt playfully, leaving a trail of light kisses on her neck. "Come on, Ko, it doesn't take that long to cut some strawberries," he teased, his hands continuing to explore her body he placed his hand on her pussy rubbing at it. “I missed you.” he whispered in her ear, his voice low and husky.
Dakota squealed with pleasure as Jey touched her, her body responding to his touch in an instant. "Baby, I was just coming back up the stairs," she protested, giggling at his enthusiastic greeting. "I haven't even been down here for more than a minute!"
“Mmhmm whatever uce.”
“ Aye aye y’all bet not get freaky on this damn phone I know that!” Jasmine shouted through the phone, interrupting their conversation. The two of them stared back at her, both bursting into laughter.
"My bad, Jasmine," Josh said with a friendly nod, before turning his attention to Dakota. Without warning, he leaned in close and began kissing and licking her neck. His movements were animalistic, reminiscent of a lion eyeing its prey before pouncing. Dakota let out a soft moan, her breathing quickening as his tongue traced circles along her sensitive skin. Josh pulled back for a moment, his eyes blazing with desire as he stared into hers.
“Y’all just go do all that while I’m on the phone really?! Knowing ion got a man just crazy.” Jasmine ranted on fake crying while Dakota and Jey just continued to laugh.
Dakota turned around from the phone and found herself face to face with Joshua. He was wearing a white-grayish shirt with cut sides that revealed his tribal tattooed muscles and chest. His black Nike shorts had a touch of orange on the side, and he paired them with Nike slides and black Nike socks. His hair flowed softly as he stood there.
“Mhmm where you going Mr?” Dakota acquainted with a question reading her eyebrows.
“Going to the gym with Jimmy and solo before we gotta go back next week, that’s why I was tryna get you to hurry back upstairs so we can do a quickie before I leave but you wanted to be on the phone.”
“Josh please you’ll be fine we went all morning.” Dakota replied completely tuning out Jasmine being on the phone.
Dakota glared at Joshua, her eyes locking onto his as she pointed her finger in his face. Her tone was clear and firm, leaving no room for argument or misunderstanding. "Listen up," she said, "you better be back by 6 on the dot. And I'm not just saying that shit for the fun of it. I mean it. If you miss dinner tonight, you're in for some shit. Got it?"
Joshua swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that Dakota wasn't joking around, and he didn't want to find out what the consequences.
“Yes ma’ma!”
"Now give me some love before you leave, Big Daddy," Dakota said with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She reached out and took hold of his cheeks, gently pulling him closer as she delivered a soft kiss.
Jey sighed softly, unable to resist her charm. "Stop giving me those baby ass kisses and come here," he ordered, his voice dripping with desire. His hand wrapped around her neck, the touch gentle yet possessive, as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths.
Pulling back Dakota pushed him playfully before smiling shyly “Okay that’s enough cause I see what you trying to do.” She glared at him while he laughed knowing he was caught.
"Aright, alright, you caught me, but just one more and I'm out, okay?" he whined with plead.
“Okay one more and that’s it!” She gave in pulling him in for one more kiss He of course had to take it over board and tongue kiss her , his hands grabbing possessively around her ass before smacking it pulling himself closer towards her body chest to chest.
Jey pulled back smiling devilishly his gold grills peaking through “I love you Ko.”
Dakota smiled softly as she watched Jey walk out of the kitchen, heading toward the garage. "I love you too," she called after him, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "And More."
She watched him closely for a moment, taking in every detail of his appearance - the way his shoulders moved, the way he walked with confident, determined strides. She knew her love for him ran deep, and she was grateful for every single moment they shared together.
“I miss him already.” Dakota sighed softly, her pout turning into a frown as she realized just how much she missed him already. pouted with a frown upon her face.
“Girl you so dick whipped city girls down 1000s points.”
UceyJucey • instagram story
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“56,57,58,59,60!” Jey shouted out before jumping down from the pole by his hands which held his weight.
Josh shouted at his twin brother, "I told you I'm the better twin, Jim!" His words seemed to hang in the air as his defeated twin stood there, with the weight of defeat evident on his face.
“Man whatever you cheated Josh!”
“Man no i didn’t you just made yo’ ass gotta pay me $50 and I won.” Josh shouted back at his brother while solo stood there watching his older brother argue back and forth like they always did.
Jey had been working out at the gym for nearly four hours, and as it approached 6:00, he found himself caught in a familiar dilemma. Originally planning to leave at 4:00 to make it home in time for dinner and avoid Dakota's nagging, Jey's plans had changed when his brother challenged him to their daily competition. The two brothers had a fiercely competitive nature and would often challenge each other to prove who was better at various activities.
Jey stormed over to the bench, his breathing heavy as he sat down to catch his breath. "I didn't cheat!" he retorted, his voice laced with anger and exasperation. "It's you who can't handle losing, man."
He grabbed his phone from his duffle bag and noticed four missed calls from Dakota, his expression changing to one of guilt and apprehension as he checked the time. It was almost 6, and he knew he was in trouble. 5:59, to be exact.
“Fuck.” He mumbled to himself as Jimmy walked over noticing the worry in his brothers face he asked. “Whats wrong uce?”
Josh looked up from his phone sighing “Jimmy I was supposed to be home by 4 and it’s now 6.” He stressed as his two brothers laughed at him because it wasn’t the first time he was late home and Dakota got on his ass about it like last week.
Staring at his brothers with anger in his eyes and annoyed by them thinking it was funny.
“Man this shit not funny.” He voice aggressively and violently he grabbed his bags roughly before walking out the gym towards his car his brother trailing behind like lost kids all jumping inside the car.
“Josh I know you ain’t mad you late.” Jimmy spoke up still laughing at his brother.
Turning his head from the road Josh stared at his brother before speaking. “Shut up cause it’s your fault I’m late. I need to stop by the store and pick up some.”
After an exhausting drive back from the gym and the store, Joshua finally arrived home with his brothers. As he parked the car inside the garage, he carefully opened the door to his home, attempting to enter quietly. However, his attempt was thwarted when he was caught by Dakota, who was standing by the door with her hands on her hips.
Jey came to a sudden halt, a small smile playing on his lips as he attempted to divert her attention before clarifying his actions. "Hey Ko baby, I missed you," he said, leaning in for a kiss. However, she sidestepped him, pushing him away and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“So why were you late this time.” She asked Her voice dripped with authority as she inquired about the reason for your tardiness. She had clearly set a specific time for you to be home, and she was not in the mood for any excuses.
Jey glanced back at Jimmy and pointed an accusing finger in his direction, "I swear it was Jimmy's fault. He always wanna challenge me ko.”
Jimmy smirked maliciously as he chimed in on the argument, knowingly lying in an attempt to stir up more trouble. "He's lying, Koko," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "I told him he should leave at four, but he insisted on sticking around even longer. He said you'd be fine, even though he knew you were expecting him home at 6. It's clear who's in the wrong here sister in law.”
“Now you're just fucking lying, Jimmy!" he spat. "I never said that, and Solo can back me up on that! Solo! Back me up!" Jey yelled, but Solo remained motionless and quiet.
Jey's expression turned to one of anger and frustration as he looked towards Solo for support, but Solo remained silent, refusing to get involved in the conflict. Jey turned back to face Jimmy, his voice dripping with barely controlled fury. "
Dakota, tired of the two arguing, rolled her eyes before shouting, startling them. “Look, I don’t care whose fault it was, but someone is getting in trouble. You three go wash up, and I’ll make the plates.” she announced firmly.
“Yes ma’ma.” All three answered, scrambling to dash up the stairs. Jimmy and Jey were at it again, arguing over who could reach the top first.
“Josh you cheating I was up the starirs first!”
“Man no I didn’t!”
As Dakota made her way to the kitchen to set up the plates, she couldn't help but shake her head in exasperation at the antics of the two. “These two just argue all day.”
After a few mins of making plates the boys played solo and Jimmy made there way down the stairs into the kitchen sitting at the island table.
“It smell hella good in here Sister in law, you making me miss trin girl.” Jimmy joked attempting to fake cry making Dakota laugh at his dramatic performance.
“Jimmy please and I’m not married to your brother yet so stop with the in law.” She rolled her eyes passing Solo and Jimmy their plates awaiting Jey to come down the steps next for his.
“Yet.” He replied.
“And what makes you think we’re gonna get married?” She arched her eyebrows with a skeptical expression.
Before he pole Jimmy took a sip of his water and answering her question. “Well for starters you all that man talked about at the gym ‘I wonder do ko miss me’ or ‘I wonder if ko done cooking yet’ and other shit ain’t that right solo?” He glanced over at solo for back up with him nodding with a yes to confirm.
“Then when we went out for drinks like last week he was drunk and started showing every female in the club a picture of you in his wallet talking about ‘That’s my fine ass wife y’all she take all my dick good’.”
“You forgot the suck dick good and squirt like a fire hydrant too.” Solo chuckled added on to Jey silly ness.
“Omg he is embrassing.” Dakota face palmed herself from embarrassment and also to stop from laughing. She knew how Josh got when he was drunk. He became very jokey and talking his shit no matter if anyone liked it or not but he also became very hornh as well.
She remembered the first time he called after having a few drinks with some of the guys from work after a great show at summer slam 22’.
“Dakota you want another shot?” Jasmine asked over the music while Dakota nodded her head yes she grabbed the drink downing it before she shouted. “I love life.”
“Yeah a little to damn much no more drinks for you boo.” Jasmine shook her head with disgust while Dakota pouted.
“But that was my first one Jasmine and—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence her phone rung in her hand she glanced at it and noticed it was Jey calling her through FaceTime.
“Jas I’ll be back.” She shouted over the musics dismissing herself from the group of women she walked through the crowd towards the bathroom she locked the door.
Dakota looked in the mirror making sure she looked okay before she answered the phone a drunk Joshua appeared on the screen smiling ear to ear.
"Hey Ko, baby!" Jey's voice came through the phone, his words slurred and groggy. Dakota could tell he was high and drunk from the way he spoke, his words coming out slowly and clumsily.
Dakota sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "What's going on, Jey?" she asked, her tone filled with concern. "Are you alright?"
Nodding his yes he spoke again. “Yeah I’m cool I’m just a little drunk, aye baby why jimmy fall out the car?” He laughed loudly while Dakota started back not finding it funny.
“Joshua where are you?.”
“Vegas, Trin taking us back to the hotel she outside with Jimmy while he throw up.”
“Josh I told you not to get that drunk you don’t listen.” Dakota stressed sighing she shook her head.
“I’m sorry pretty mama, I promise I won’t no more you feel me?” He pouted poking his bottom lip out.
“Yes Josh.” Dakota rolled her eyes giving it.
"That's my girl." he said with a sly smile, his face lighting up with excitement. "I miss your fine ass, mama." He laughed, running his tongue along his lips in a seductive manner, as if tasting her already. Dakota felt a rush of desire course through her as Jey's words hung in the air, the promise of things to come exciting her in way she couldn't wait to explore.
“I miss you too bub.”
“Ima make that pussy squirt when I come back.”
Dakota's eyes widened in shock as she shouted, "Joshua!" His choice of words made her blush, and she hated that she liked it, but she couldn't resist it.
“I’m just saying ko, I can’t till I’m fucking you on my balcony and you tell me you love me while I’m in it.” He licked at his lips once more staring at Dakota through the phone undressing her with his eyes.
He was like a ravenous lion, eagerly waiting to devour her. He couldn't control his insatiable appetite for her, and the intensity in his words made it clear that he meant every single one of them.
“Can’t wait to get back and look at the faces you make while I’m in it. Tell me how deep my dick in yo’ pussy bae.”
“Joshua fatu if you don’t stop!” Dakota glared at the phone rolling her eyes playfully.
This was the one thing she hated when he got drunk he became so horny.
Flashback over
“And that ain’t all he did Ko ko he said he wanted to stick a straw in yo— what y’all talking about?” Jey asked as he approached the kitchen he came behind Dakota. she felt Jey's strong arms wrap around her, his breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. Dakota's breath hitched as she felt Jey's lips meet her skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Nothing," Dakota replied, her voice a hushed whisper as she looked up into Jey's eyes. She then leaned forward, her lips brushing softly against his before she pulled back, turning away from him. Josh stood silently beside her, his plate in hand and his arm draped casually around Dakota's lower back and hips. She leaned slightly into his touch, their bodies pressing lightly against each other as they both focused their attention on their meals.
Dakota.Valentine • Instagram story
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Dakota stepped out of the pool gracefully, droplets of water sliding slowly along her toned body, highlighting every curve. Her long braids clung to her wet skin, sending small rivulets of water running down her back. As she walked towards Jey, her breasts bounced and jiggled, their fullness evident even through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. Her ass swayed with each step, the curve of her hip accentuated by the damp fabric hugging her shape.
As the sun descended slowly, the captivating sight unfolded before my eyes. The palm trees danced in the chilly breeze, while birds soared gracefully alongside buzzing insects.
After dinner Josh had took his brothers home and came back and wanted to get in the pool before it got dark so him and Dakota decided to dip in.
He had a large wide pool in his backyard and he always wanted Dakota to get in it everytime she visited but she always declined.
Dakota smirked slightly as she walked towards Jey, his gaze fixed on her as he motioned for her to take a seat on his lap. "Why are you just staring at me?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as her hips swayed seductively. Jey grinned mischievously, his hand patting his thigh invitingly. "Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful ass women?" he replied, his eyes roaming over her form appreciatively.
“I mean can you?” Dakota said With a teasing smile, Dakota straddled Jey's lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him close. As their bodies connected, she felt a jolt of pleasure run through her as she became fully aware of just how close they were. Her heart raced as she felt Jey's breath on her neck, his hands moving to gently grip her hips. "Mmm," she moaned softly, her body already eager for what was to come.
“Mmhm you gon let daddy make you squirt on this dick later huh?” Josh smirked while Dakota's breath caught in her throat as Josh smirked at her, his fingers slowly undoing her swimsuit top. Her eyes followed the fabric as it pooled at her feet, leaving her exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. As he leaned in, licking at her areola, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
The sexual tension was high and Joshua wanted to be the first to set anything off. He always wanted to be in demand and Dakota gracefully let him because he did it so smooth and gentle.
"Mhm, you don't even have to ask, baby," Dakota replied, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. With a confident smirk, Josh began to slowly undress her, revealing her generous curves and lush body. She shuddered under his gaze, his eyes trailing hungrily over every inch of her. "I'm all yours, do your worst,” she teased, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Leaning in Dakota embraced him with a kiss which turned into a much more intimate kiss and intense one as they explored each others mouth. Tongue kissing with his hand sneaking towards her pussy to rub at it softly.
But before anything could go any further his phone rang which made Dakota stopped but he pulled her back in.
“Josh your phone is ringing.”
“So let it ring,” he said with a shrug as he pulled away from kissing her. Just as he did, his phone began to ring again, causing him to let out an exasperated huff.
“Josh just answer the phone it might be your mom.”
“Man it ain’t her she be sleep by 6.” The frustration in Jey's voice was palpable as he snatched up his phone. "Man, what?" he snapped into the phone, his annoyance radiating through the air. Dakota could see the tension in his body, his jaw clenched tight as he gritted out the words. She could feel the anger brewing inside him.
"Who is it, Jey?" she asked softly, grabbing her bra strap to cover her chest.
Jey sighed heavily, his annoyance turning to exhaustion. "It's Jimmy ," he muttered.
“Aye don’t be answering the phone because you was tryna get freaky and can’t!” Jimmy shouted loudly over the phone, as Dakota could hear him and burst into laughter.
“Uce what you want?” Jey asked already annoyed with his brother.
“I was calling to tell you to bring the drinks tomorrow for mom’s family get together and did you get the outfit ma got for Koko!”
“Fuck I forgot about that and yeah I got it she can fit it but that’s all you called to tell me about some damn drinks Jonathan?”
“Uhh yeah now get some rest and stop tryna get ya dick wet!”
As Jimmy opened his mouth to speak, Jey abruptly ended the call. Letting out a sigh, Jey leaned back in his chair, while Dakota looked down at him with a curious expression.
“What did he want?”
“To get some drinks first tomorrow.”
“Oh I almost forgot about your mother’s gathering she invited me too I’m so nervous.” Dakota expressed fidgeting with her hands.
Dakota was feeling incredibly anxious about meeting his mother. She was unsure whether she would approve of her, and she worried about making a good first impression. All she wanted was to excel in every situation, including meeting new people.
“Ko baby, you ain’t got nun to be nervous about she’s going to love just as much as I do. I mean my brothers like you so that’s plus.” Jey reassured her which made her feel a little at ease.
“I got you aight?” He gazed up at her with reassuring eyes, offering both comfort and a sense of security.
“Okay.” She sighed softly before getting up from the chair she walked towards the sliding doors to inside the house she dropped her bra down on the floor along with her bottoms. He naked silhouette in clear vision to him.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” She looked back at him slightly her breast sitting nicely with her freshly waxed pussy soaked.
“Hell yeah!” Joshua replied back jumping up before throwing her over his shoulder bridle style running into the stairs as Dakota giggled.
“Joshua put me down!”
“That's it...you gon' take all this dick...you know it's yours." Jey coached on as he fucked Dakota in collapsed doggy. Grabbing at her hair he pushed her head down further as he went deeper her ass cheeks clapping against him.
“Jeyyyyy.” Dakota screamed into the sheets as he went harder each stroke his hand firm on her neck to hold him up as he fucked her harder.
Dakota layed on her stomach, his dick sliding deeply in and out of her pussy as her walks clenched around him. Milking every drop as he crushed her body.
“Un huh you a nasty ass slut huh mama?Tell Daddy how that dick feel, baby, talk to me,”
Dakota fingers scratched at the sheets her eyes brewing with tears as he pulled her head up to look into the mirror infront of them he watched as he smiled while devouring her hole, gold grills peeking through, his tattooed chest heaving up and down with sweat all over him.
The two had been going at it all morning staring from 7 to now 9 am, & Joshua had no attempt of letting up whatsoever. And Dakota loved she craved it.
Nobody could fuck her like he could.
“It feel so good daddy.” Dakota moaned out biting her bottom lip she felt herself clenching around him indicating she was about to come, she felt his dick twitch inside her indicating he also was close very close at that.
Jey bit his lips looking at Dakota’s ass and then to the mirror, hips automatically going sloppy looking at her fucked out face.
“you look so fuckin pretty Ko, just like that.” He breaths and starts pounding harder, slapping her ass.
“Fuck I love this pussy.”
“g-gonna cum!” She whimpered out against the sheets, line of spit from the white sheets to her lips.
“I know baby come on this fucking dick.” Loud clapping and sticky plap sounds were heard and soon, she was squealing and splashing sounds were heard too as she squirted over his dick and into the covers.
With a swift and graceful motion, Joshua flipped Dakota onto her back, pinning her wrists down beside her head. She moaned softly, her body arching beneath him as he leaned down, claiming her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer, as the heat between them ignited.
“Good morning baby.” Dakota breathed out with a small chuckle staring back up at Jey.
“Good morning beautiful, you good? I should’ve went to hard on you.” He said as he noticed how red her cheeks from her crying tears of pleasure.
“Baby it’s okay you know I like that.” Dakota said shyly.
"Don't matter, still should've gone harder," Joshua muttered, his brows furrowing as he reached for his boxers. Dakota stood up, her 5’3 “ frame coming up short compared to his 6’2 stature. She watched as Joshua slid his boxers up, his muscular physique flexing as he pulled them into place.
The melodious chirping of the birds filled the air, drifting in through the open window as the radiant sun ascended in the sky, casting its golden rays through the billowing curtains.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” Dakota asked before walking into the bathroom.
“Yeah come on.”
UceyJucey • Instagram story
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Now that be how the story goes
Brown Sugar got me open now I want some more
Always down for a ménage à trois
But I think I'ma hit it solo, hope my niggas don't mind
Stick out my tongue and I'm 'bout ready to hit this gritty pretty bitty with my sisters
As D'Angelo's smooth vocals echoed through the room, Dakota was getting dressed looking into the mirror to make sure she looked okay.
“Ko you ready?” Joshua asked impatiently. He had been ready for the last hour, and she was still getting ready. They were already running late for their visit to his mother's house.
“Yes, baby how do I look?” Dakota turned around doing a 360 showing her off her dress which showcased her cleavage a bit at the top.
The couple were matching with his family traditional Samoa Tribal Māori shirt which went along with her dress and design.
“Baby you look beautiful I don’t why you keep stressing.” Jey answered getting up from the bed he wrapped his arms around Dakota staring into her eyes.
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure Ko, you the finest woman I know. Witcho fine ass.” Dakota's cheeks flushed with a faint red as Joshua showered her in affectionate compliments, her smile widening with each word. Feeling his lips on her neck, she let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering shut as she reveled in the moment.
“Now let’s gon and leave because if Jon call me one more time ima get mad.” Joshua chuckled grabbing Dakota hand leading them down the stairs towards the garage he opened the door for her letting her in first.
“Such a gentleman.” Dakota smiled as he closed the door and ran over to the other side and hopped in staring the car he pressed on the garage opener backing out.
His Mothers Home
“Finally y’all ass made it.” Jonathan shouted out as he walked outside his mother’s when Josh pulled into the drive way.
"Finally y’all ass made it," Jonathan shouted out, his frustration evident as he stepped out onto the stoop. Joshua pulled into the driveway, his gaze on the horizon and his expression weary. "Took you long enough," Jonathan added, a hint of amusement in his tone. Dakota leaned against Joshua, a faint smile playing on her lips. "We're here now," she said softly, feeling a sense of warmth in the familiarity of the moment.
With a roll of his eyes, Joshua stepped out of the car, his gaze meeting Jonathan's as he spoke. "Man, it ain't my fault Ko was taking all day," he said, his tone teasingly accusatory. Dakota gave a small giggle as she smoothed out her dress, feeling Joshua's familiar gaze on her. "What can I say? I'm a diva," she teased, her smile widening as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Joshua's amused grin only widened at her words, his affection for her evident in his every glance.
“Aye don’t blame nun on my sis in law!”
As jey went to open the trunk to grab the drink Jonathan helped Dakota out the car closing the door. He could tell she was nervous by the look on her face and he laughed.
“You nervous?”
Dakota's voice trembled with worry as she turned to Jon. “I mean, what if she doesn't like me?” Her anxiety gripped her even tighter now that they were here.
“You sound just like trin when she met my mother 10 years ago she was nervous just like you and my mom liked the min she met her so you don’t have anything to worry about girl.” Jonathan comforted Dakota, drawing a parallel between her nervousness and that of Trin when she first met his mother a decade ago. He assured Dakota that she had nothing to worry about because his family was warm and welcoming, just like they were with Trin. His words were meant to reassure Dakota and alleviate her anxiety about meeting his family.
“Trust me she’ll like you.”
“Okay and thank you him seriously you kinda helped.” Dakota smiled softly at him.
“No problem sister in law now let’s go meet the fam!” He added wigh excitement.
“Aye man are you gon help me or just keep talking uce?!” Joshua shouted while struggling to carry the drinks to the door.
“For you to be the strongest twin you sure can’t hold shit give it to me.” Jimmy snatched the drinks from Jey walking towards the door he kicked it opened with his foot with Jey and Dakota trailing behind him.
The sound of the Maze band being played boosted throughout the home as Dakota fiddled with her fingers becoming anxious.
As Jey made his way inside, his mother's voice echoed through the house. "I figured that was you coming inside," she said, descending the stairs to greet him.
“Hey my baby.” She embraced him into a tight hug. He had been on the road so long she missed her son along with his other two brothers.
“Joshua is this the beautiful woman you’re always talking to me about?” She asked glancing over at Dakota as she stood next to him with his arm around her.
"Yeah, this is the Dakota I was telling you about," he said with a shy smile as he proudly introduced Dakota to his mother.
“It’s finally nice to meet you honey.”
“Same here Mrs.fatu.” Dakota smiled softly.
“Oh honey you don’t have to call me that just call me Lin.” She waved off embracing Dakota into a hug.
“Well come on in don’t be shy , Joshua you go help your cousins finish setting up the tables in the back and I’ll take her in the kitchen.”
“Yes ma’ma! Baby you gon be okay?” Josh asked Dakota to make sure she would be fine because he could tell she was still a little anxious.
“Boy she’ll be fine now gon on!” Lin waved him off as he put his hands in surrender walking away with a hug smile on his face.
"Boy, she'll be fine now, go on!” Lin insisted, waving him off with a smirk. "Alright alright I’m gone!” He flashed a playful smile as he strolled away, leaving Dakota and his mother alone in the hallway.
As they reached the kitchen, Joshua's mother greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling with love, her voice soft as she spoke, "Come, dear, let me introduce you to the rest of the family." As Dakota followed her lead, she could feel the warmth and familiarity of family surrounding her, feeling a sense of belonging as she took in the scene.
Upon meeting the rest of his family, Dakota began to feel a sense of ease. Their warm welcome and genuine affection made her feel like she truly belonged, particularly with his mother, who seemed to take great delight in Dakota's presence.
As the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow, the time was approaching 7 pm and the party was still going strong, with a few people starting to head home. The rest of the family was engrossed in a lively game of spades, enjoying drinks, while the women engaged in animated conversations.
Feeling arms around her Dakota felt a kiss on her cheek and the smell of Jeys cologne. “You good ko.”
With a faint blush on her cheeks, Dakota felt a sense of warmth and affection as Joshua pulled her into a tight embrace. Her eyes fluttered shut momentarily as she felt his lips brush against her cheek, the familiar scent of his cologne washing over her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she cuddled into his chest, feeling a surge of love and comfort that only he could provide. "Mhm," she murmured softly, her voice muffled against his chest as she leaned into his embrace. "I'm good as long as you're by my side."
“Good cause I’m gon be here forever.” He replied meaning every word.
“Today was so fun they were actually so lovely babe you were right.”
“Told you they’ll like you.” Joshua smiled the two watching as the sun continued to rise down.
“Ima go help my ma with the dishes I’ll be back.” Jey kissed her cheek before running off back into the house leaving Dakota in the backyard.
While Dakota stood and continued to watch the sun she felt a presence behind her and turned around being met with someone she felt familiar with.
Dakota was surprised to see who was approaching. "Joe?" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it! It's been at least two years since I last saw you!
“Same here.” He walked towards her even closer closing the gap in between them he looked over not believing how good she looked. “You look good as always.”
“Well thank you! You don’t look to bad yourself might I add, What brings you here!” She asked.
“This is my aunt families get together.”
“Wait Jey’s your cousin?”
Nodding his head yes he laughed at how confused Dakota face was. “He didn’t tell you huh?”
“No not at all!”
Dakota was shocked to say the least she never knew they were cousins I mean Joe had never mentioned them when he used to date her cousin Deandre two years ago and he met their family.
Now here she was just now finding out.
"What a small world, huh?" She mused. She tilted her head up, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she met his gaze. “Yeah a real small world," joe teased, a giggle escaping from her lips.
Before anyone could gather another word out Joshua watched closely from inside the house jealously glinting inside him.
He watched as Dakota and his cousin Joe formally known as Roman reigns conversed outside.
He had three reasons for not allowing Dakota to meet Roman. He was familiar with his cousin and his behavior. Since they were children, Roman had always pursued anything Joshua was interested in. It seemed like Roman was currently interested in Dakota, and Joshua was going to be dammed if he let that happen.
“Aye uce what you staring at so hard.” Jimmy asked unaware of what was going on till he looked towards where Josh was staring at he sighed.
“Aw shit.” He sighed shaking his head as his brother walked outside already knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
“Yes she’s doing great ac— before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey came out wrapping his arms around her interrupting their conversation.
Roman's cheerful expression faltered for a moment as he met Jey's gaze, taking in his expression of irritation. But the smile quickly returned, if not a bit more forced this time, as he spoke. "Oh wassup uce, I was just looking for you.” he greeted, his tone light despite the tension in the air. Jey narrowed his eyes, his tone tinged with an edge of annoyance as he responded, "What?" Roman took a deep breath, his smile widening as he looked back at his cousin, undeterred by Jey's frustration.
“Oh were you? Cause it fucking look like you all my woman’s face Joe. So tell me what else you looking for?” A wave of anger rushed through Joshua as he registered Roman's words. He stepped forward, pushing Dakota behind him in a protective gesture as his eyes flared with irritation. "Huh what was it?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous as he locked eyes with Roman. His fists clenched at his sides, and Dakota's hand instinctively reached out to rest on his arm, trying to soothe him.
Dakota intervened, saying, "Okay okay, that’s enough Joshua, stop." She stepped in between the two, gently pushing Josh towards the house and welcoming him inside. They walked together towards the door.
Stoping in her tracks Dakota turned around to face Joshua to his face. “Joshua wtf is wrong with you!”
“What’s wrong with me? Nah more like fuck wrong with him ko you don’t know him like I do.”
“And what is that supposed to mean.”
“It means he tryna fuck on you ko! He does that shit Everytime I bring someone around him.”
“Oh so you bring other girls around huh?” She stoped back crossing her arms over her shoulders glaring back at him.
“Dakota that’s not what I meant.” Jey’s voice softened as he attempted to grab Dakota but she pushed him away.
“No that she exactly wtf you meant Joshua!” She shouted bringing attention to the few people in the house as they stared to advert their attention on them.
Jonathan heard the two inside arguing he made his way inside the house to calm the situation as best as possible.”aye wth going on now?”
“Your brother is being a complete jealous bitch right now.” Dakota snapped.
“Oh so ima a bitch? Man fuck you Dakota real shit uce.” Jey threw back at her before Jon got in between them.
“Aye aye y’all cut this shit out!”
“No because he’s jealous and acting an ass for no reason all because I talked to Joe.”
As Jonathan stood there, it suddenly struck him like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, he finally understood the source of their argument. It appeared that conflicts like this would persist as long as Josh continued to bring anyone into Roman's presence.
“Nah I just know he wanna fuck you Dakota why ca—.” Before Joshua could finish anything he felt his phone going off with notifications from Instagram, iMessage and twitter.
He grabbed his phone out his pocket putting in the code he went to Instagram to see he was tagged in a post.
He felt his heart dropped like someone had stabbed him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing most of all what Dakota would say when she saw it.
“What? What is it.” Dakota asking before snatching the phone from Joshua she read the post.
Then that’s when everything became a blur to her as she felt her heart drop a million miles she couldn’t feel her fingers as she dropped the phone on the floor.
Dakota could feel her heart plummet, the world around her fading into a blur. Her body tensed as if preparing for impact, and time seemed to slow down to a crawl. With a faint tremble in her fingers, she lost her grip on the phone, watching helplessly as it slipped from her grasp and clattered onto the floor. She was paralyzed in place, unable to move or speak, the weight of the situation suffocating her. It was as if everything around her was fading away, leaving her alone with her thoughts and Joshua's fierce gaze.
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Oop! Roomies Professional WWE wrestler Jey uso and mistress girlfriend Dakota has been seen out and also Nudes plastered all over the internet of now! What do we think? 👀 #roomies #TheShadeRoom.
@Living for my kids__001 : this just a damn mess she should’ve knew better than to send her nudes.
@Keisha_thebomb: no shade this her damn fault.
Jeyuceysfacepaint : Omg not my man!
@Theusostagtitles: oh he fucked up omg Joshua.
“Ko, baby I swear I di— YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Dakota shouted out at him with tears streaming down her face with rage.
“Y-you told me you would never post my fucking nudes Joshua!”
As Dakota stood with teary eyes, Joshua's voice rang out, filled with desperation. "Dakota, I swear, I ain't post that shit." he insisted, his tone tinged with anger. She turned to face him, her trembling body a palpable reflection of her inner turmoil.
Dakota's tear-streaked face twisted in anguish as she whispered, "I trusted you." Joshua stood before her in silence, his heart heavy with regret. He took a hesitant step toward her, wanting to offer comfort, but before he could speak, she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face.
“I fucking hate you! I swear I do Joshua.”
"Ko, you don't mean that," Jey denied her claims, fully aware that deep down she didn't mean what she said.
As tears streamed down Dakota's face, her words spilled out in a heated eruption. "No I do I fucking hate you I can’t you did that shit.” she seethed, her expression filled with anger and hurt. "I hate you with all my damn heart!" she hurled at him, her emotions teetering on the edge. Jey tried to follow her, his movements halted by Jimmy's firm grip, his face contorting with frustration. "Just let her go uce.” Jimmy urged, his voice calm and steady as he held Jey back. "She needs time to process what she's feeling."
Just like that in seconds everything was gone.
The one thing he valued the most gone in an instant.
To be continued…..
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Hey my baby dolls! So I know this chapter was long and I’m sorry I know some reader may not like long chapters so I apologize.
But I know y’all mad at how I ended things I knowwww but next chapter is a little better I promise!
Like always stay blessed and thank you for tuning in! Niyah out 🎀
237 notes · View notes
cntloup · 4 months
medieval au
periods :'(
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
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as simon had promised before, he never forced himself on you. and you know he's not that kind of man.
you’ve felt forced and used your whole life. but with him, it feels like you can finally breathe. he makes you feel safe, and free.
but now, he can sense the heavy tension between you. he knows you're not that close, at least not yet. but he thought that you'd feel more comfortable as time went by. now he feels disappointed that it's not the case at all as you drift away from him more and more each day.
yes, you've been distant the past few days. and it all started suddenly, making him think he did something wrong which in return, makes you feel horrible as you beat yourself up over it.
but you have to do this. he doesn't have to deal with your issues right now. as if a curse has been cast upon you since you were born, because you're a woman.
that's what you were taught anyway which you always considered unfair, even cruel.
you're now curled up in your bed as waves of painful cramps thrash through your body, making you curse everyone and everything, the gods and all that for making you go through this every month.
you put a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs of pain and you scream into the pillow when it gets unbearable.
that's when he enters the room with a worried expression etched on his face, eyebrows furrowed in concern since you haven't gone out of bed all day.
he finds you curled into yourself, eyes squeezed shut and you're too lost in the excruciating pain that you don't notice his presence until he puts a gentle hand on your shoulder as the bed dips with his weight on it.
"what's wrong, love?" he asks softly, "nothing! please just go!" you burst out, voice coming out whiny due to the pain coursing through your abdomen as you clench it tighter.
you almost feel ashamed. it's a curse. a shameful curse that you must endure all your life. you're being punished. but for what sin? being a woman?!
the thoughts run around your mind until you decide to cast them away. it's all stupid nonsense you've been fed since you were a child.
you lift your head to face him and his gaze softens the moment he sets eyes on your glossy eyes and pouty lips.
"tell me, love. please. i need to know." he says, gently wiping away a stray tear on your cheek.
'he's my husband for god's sake! he should know what the hell i'm going through!' you think to yourself.
"it's just my monthly bleeding." you mutter quietly, lips wobbling slightly.
"oh..." he pauses, nearly taken aback. he's heard some vague stuff about it, but of course, he doesn't know fully well what's going on.
"is there something i can do for you?" he asks, feeling helpless and deeply worried.
"i... it really hurts." you whine and he makes his way to lay behind you and takes you into his embrace, strong burly arms wrapped around your body.
"tell me where it hurts, love." he whispers in your ear, making you shiver, the low timbre of his voice sending a wave of heat right to your core.
you take his hand and guide him to your lower belly, "here." you say, pressing on the back of his hand and he starts to tenderly massage the area as his lips find your neck, softly trailing kisses on your skin and moving to your shoulder.
the delightful feeling of his large rough hand caressing your sensitive body and his light kisses on your skin make you floaty and hazy.
"better, love?" he asks after some time, lifting his head to look at you and noticing your droopy eyes which makes him chuckle.
"hmm... much better." you hum lowly in contentment since your pain has subsided and it feels so good to be in his arms, so warm and safe.
"get some rest, love. i'll be right here when you wake up." he murmurs and places one last kiss on your neck as your eyelids slowly drape over and you drift into a slumber.
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sugawarassoulmate · 4 months
More of shitty boyfriend daishou?????
tbh i didn't think anyone cared about him!! i never get requests for daishou 😅
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words: 725
cw: fem!reader, cheating, unprotected sex, minors dni
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he's still around, being the world's worst boyfriend. and honestly, reader's probably getting fed up of it at this point. he's never breaking up with mika, no matter what he whispers in your ear when the two of you are together.
you start to pull away a bit. you brush off his advances, laughing them off a simple joke, and you're making sure you're never alone with him for too long. he tries to put the moves on you but you're out the door before he can fully sink his teeth in. he tries to walk you to your dorm one night but you tell him you're meeting a friend instead.
after a while, daishou stops trying and you think he's gotten the hint. you wondered if the two of you could ever become friends once the awkwardness died down but the guilt of seeing mika's sweet face whenever she kissed her boyfriend killed that thought for you.
everything seemed fine. no more late night phone calls or sending nudes through snapchat. you and daishou could stand to be in the same room without palpable tension. his words to you were brief and while it hurt at first, you figured it was best than to continue the mess you were in before.
so when daishou approached you at a party — a get together between some of his teammates and other friends from campus, really — you didn’t think he had ulterior motives. his girlfriend was here and gave you a big hug. "it's been so long! we should hang out," she said, giving your hands a firm, loving squeeze.
you accept when daishou asks to talk somewhere quieter, thinking that he deserves some closure too.
"fuck, i need you to be quiet," he breathes, clamping his free hand over your mouth while the other keeps you pinned to the wall of the upstairs bathroom. you hadn't slept with anyone since giving daishou some distance all those months ago. the feeling of his long cock bruising your cunt had you shaking with pleasure.
you wanted to shout, to cry about how good he was fucking you but it all came out as a babble under his palm. it's probably for the best, you can only hope mika isn't getting suspicious downstairs wondering where her boyfriend ran off to.
"you can't deny of me of this like that again," a cocky grin slithers across daishou's face as he latches as the skin of your neck. "went fucking crazy not being in this pussy."
it's hard to ignore the tight feeling in your stomach when you hear those words, trying not to put so much weight into them but you've missed him too.
you didn't give much thought to date someone else — not like you and daishou were dating anyways — but you had given him so much of your attention, you didn't even know if you could flirt with another person.
there was no one else that caught your interest, just him. and it felt pathetic to admit it, having feelings for some guy that would rather juggle between two people than commit. but you can enjoy being a selfish person at least for now if it meant getting to enjoy the feeling on him.
knowing that time isn't on either of your sides, daishou fucks you harder. his hand drops from your mouth to lightly squeeze your neck, the dizziness only adding to your euphoria.
with your fingers in daishou's dark hair, you cum around his cock. any feelings of guilt you had wash away as you're overcome with the thought of "just daishou" over and over again.
"that's my girl, you're gonna take my cum, yeah?" he coos. "don't let a single drop go to waste."
even after he cums, daishou doesn't stop his pace, fucking his seed deep inside you. "ahh sugu, it's so much," you whine, feeling his cum running down your thigh when he finally pulls out.
daishou does his best to clean you up with toilet paper, flushing away the evidence.
when the two of you finally make it back downstairs, mika seems blissfully unaware that daishou had been gone for so long. she pulls you into a conversation about her classes and you try to follow along, ignoring the feeling of her boyfriend's cum pooling in your underwear.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2024 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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writteninsunflowers · 5 months
Soft Nights
Rain tapped perpetually against the window of the Bakugou house. The sound usually lulls you into a deeper sleep, instead, it jolts you awake, eyes slowly looking around the dark bedroom. Once your eyes adjust to the light from the mini nightlight, you realize that you're alone. Katsuki, your husband had come home after a hard day of hero work, showered, fed, and played with your daughter, Kiyomi, then climbed in bed after one last look into her bedroom. It was rare to wake up and not find Katsuki still cuddled into your back.
Sure when he was still a rookie, he'd be out late still completing paperwork, and dealing with constant complaints from his boss, now with seven years under his belt, his shared agency with Izuku, and now with a wife and child at home, he'd made it his duty to be home before 10 p.m. every night. You search blindly for your phone, tapping the screen to check the time, 1:51 a.m., just a few minutes short of the time your body would usually wake you to check in on Kiyomi. Maybe Katsuki had been called in for a late-night mission, or he might be in your home office reading over a case. You pad into the bathroom to relieve your bladder, then head toward the nursery. Once inside, you turn on the lamp, already prepping the changing table when you notice that the crib is empty. Exiting the room, you walk toward the opposite end of the house, your steps halting once you've reached the threshold of your living room. A smile graces your face as you stand against the wall, hiding in the shadows. You watch silently as Katsuki paces the floor, your daughter curled into his chest, right over his heart as he hums a tune that you're sure that you've heard his mother hum to Kiyomi as she rocked her to sleep. Your heart soars, continuing to watch Katsuki as he sways side to side.
Only a handful of people have ever seen your husband in such a peaceful state, blond brows relaxed, his normal scowl replaced with a soft smile. Anyone who knew the man personally knew that the angel in his arms was his peace. She and her mother were his world, his life, and the reason to be a better man. Katsuki may have been one of the Top 5 pro heroes, an accomplishment he is proud of, though he still had days when he felt that being a hero was just too much. He still had nightmares of the occasional civilian deaths and his kidnapping by the L.O.V. in high school. Katsuki was grateful that you encouraged him, even if it did take him six months of denial, three arguments that led to many nights of sleeping on the couch in the office with no sex. The trait that he admired the most about you was your passion. When you were passionate about something, you did not give up, and you were pretty damned passionate about your family and friends and their well-being. So when you'd finally grown tired of the tossing and turning and the sleepless nights, you scheduled Katsuki's first therapy session. Of course, the stubborn bull by the name of Katsuki made that difficult. It took him about two months to finally open up and almost a full year to understand that some things were out of his control and that he was indeed deserving of love and forgiveness. He eventually invited Izuku, who had forgiven him years ago, but appeased him anyway. Eventually, Katsuki started to smile more around his family and friends, a sense of calmness overtaking him when in the presence of his loved ones.
Katsuki's eyes open, taking in the peaceful look on his daughter's face. She smiled as she slumbered, snuggling deeper into her father's warm chest. He fingers at thick chestnut curls, placing a soft kiss into her hair. Deciding that it was now time to put Kiyomi in her crib, he grabs the soft elephant blanket from the nearby sofa, turning toward the hallway to be met by you. He tugs you under his arm once he's in reach, placing a kiss on your lips then continues toward Kiyomi's room. Once you've returned to your bed, Katsuki pulls you into his chest, fingers sliding into your hair soothingly. He plays with a single curl until he feels you relax further into his chest, finally drifting to sleep. He kisses your forehead, softly whispering, "Thank you", then wraps his arms protectively around you before finally joining you and your daughter in Dreamland.
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kedreeva · 2 years
There is no purer delight in my life than watching children nervously hold out their hands, waiting for me to place a gentle mouse in them, and then watching their entire face light up in unrefined joy upon suddenly holding a small, soft, warm critter in their hands. There is no number of three year olds nervously petting a mouse for the first time with a single finger, then realizing how soft the mouse is and eagerly continuing with their whole hand that will ever cause me to tire of it.
And my tricolor boy was an absolute star today. He figured out what was going on after about 2 seconds and started laying down in hands and sitting perfectly still for people to gently stroke. Big ears forward and ready. I watched one small child maybe 4 or 5, pick him up the way small children pick up cats with their arms all squished up by their face and he let her. He fell asleep for a bit while snuggled against one girl's chest, while she told me about her pet rats.
One girl confidently told her friends that she was an expert at holding mice because she had 4 of them. One teen boy just made a teakettle noise of joy the entire time the mice I let him hold were in his hands. One older woman, at least 70s, came back several times before she was brave enough to hold one. Dozens of people told me they didn't know mice were so soft. One family stood at the table and played 20 questions with me, and the dad just saying "that's amazing that's just amazing, I had no idea" in a low, soft voice and I hope he comes out of whatever crisis of paradigm he was having okay.
One little boy kept returning and grabbing the youngest of the mice. I told him a couple of times to stop, but he kept appearing while I was talking to others and sneaking in. She eventually got fed up with him being purposefully obnoxious and gave him a warning nip, which scared the daylights out of him- she didn't break skin or anything, but she was very done with his behavior. He asked me what was wrong with my mouse and I told him absolutely nothing, I told you not to do what you were doing. Now she told you, too, and I suggest you listen. You have to respect animals if you want them to respect you, and you've been very rude to her. He stood to the side and thought about that for a bit and he was much better behaved with her after that.
Anyway, it was a decent expo. I think the other one was still better, and I'm looking forward to going back at the end of the month.
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privategurlsblog · 3 days
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Not intended for minors. 18+ only!
Warnings: fingering. piv. standards really!
PLOT: a cute follow up to this. can also be read as a standalone 🖤
You and Alex had been together for six months now. You saw it as a celebration, he didn't even realise.
You crossed your arms and stared up at the stage he was on, guitar at hand, half drunken smile as he looked out towards the few stragglers in attendance tonight. Of course his eyes lingered on you, but you didn't grant him the same satisfaction. You looked away the second his met you.
Instead you kept your eyes driven on the bartender. You knew him from a few years above, one of your friend's brothers. You weren't flirting, of course you weren't. He would never touch you. But that wasn't relevant, you were pleased that to Alex, it might look that way nonetheless.
You wanted him to suffer. Wanted him to realise that you were special. You were a treat in his life. The fact you've even granted him the right to swan around town hand in hand with you is a miracle in itself, even if college is over and no one really cares anymore. But lately it's been all about his band, their stupid gigs and his stupid friends and you're fed up. Since when were you just on the sidelines? Battling with a damned guitar for his attention?
After the show ended, you expected Alex to rush to your side but he didn't. In fact, he sidled up at the end of the bar with a few people hovering around him and he sunk enough pints that even you got fed up of pretending and left instead.
He was meant to come around yours tomorrow anyway, you loved Saturday mornings together basking in the warmth of the sun. Every day was like that for you now but Alex worked, yet he always reserved those mornings for you. The thought of it made you smile, even through your anger.
The next day he turned up to your house with a bunch of flowers and a sorrowful smile, going on about how he'd gotten pissed last night and he was sorry he was late. All you heard was 'blah blah blah' and bullshit excuses. He managed to nuzzle his way into your neck, heart and eventually, your bed, but your anger didn't dissipate.
Over the following few weeks, it increased by a tenfold. The band had managed some studio space, somewhere arse end of Sheffield you'd learnt not from Alex, but from Matthew when you bumped into him at the shop.
"Isn't it great? I reckon we've got a good chance at getting some songs out you know," Matthew said to you as you both browsed the aisles. He went to the beer section and you hovered behind him with a can of coke and a scowl.
"Yeah it's great," you mumbled, half arsed. You picked up a bottle of wine, planning on necking it back later with Matthew's equally as neglected girlfriend while you bitched about them all night long.
As you both checked out, you thought of ways you could get to Alex. How you could hurt him and make him feel as hard done by as you had these past few months. An idea came to your mind and you smiled to yourself, ignoring the weird look you were receiving from the cashier when your pout turned into a malicious grin.
"Oh yeah," you called after Matt and he slowed his steps, glancing back at you curiously, "tell Alex we're finished."
You bounced away with a pep in your step. The consequences of your actions seemed far removed when compared to the thrill you got at Alex panicking. Matt gawped after you, watching you practically skip down the street before rushing to his neighbours house to inform him of your words.
That night Alex rang you and you hit ignore. You were having far too much fun knocking back wine with your friends, dancing on the settees like little girls, screaming the house down to old songs. The scene distracted you from the fact that it was fleeting. Already your heart ached for the man you loved, but you were yet to recognise that yearning.
Eventually, after too much wine, too many cigarettes and enough singing to make your voice hoarse - you were drunk enough to answer one of his many calls.
"What Alex?" you slurred down the phone, ignoring the giggles of the equally juvenile girls beside you. You didn't realise they were just eager for the drama opposed to advising you the right thing. Perhaps they should've told you that you were acting like a brat - but your doubts about their intentions were drowned out from the alcohol.
"Where are you?" he answered, his voice proving his annoyance. A tone you were used to these days, a hearty reminder that you're nothing more than a nuisance to him, something that stood between him and his success.
"Lucy's. Drinking."
He sighed at your bluntness, "I'll pick you up."
You didn't argue.
The next half hour went by in a blur of giggles and slurs, eventually you heard the knock on the door and your friend informed you that Alex was here. In your drunken state, your anger had temporality evaporated and you were all over him, slinging your arms around his neck and kissing his cheeks, desperate for his attention.
You don't remember much of what was said but you do remember that he kept pushing you off with a gruff tone. But that could all wait until the morning, at least you're snuggled up by his side now, where you've wanted to be all along.
The next morning you wake up with a groan, your eyes battling with the beaming sun intent on torturing you. Your arm comes to rest on your forehead and you wince as you try to sit up only to find your body heavy and hot underneath a blue plaid duvet - Alex's, to be precise.
You look around for him, finding him sat on his desk chair though facing the bed. One leg propped on the bed frame, leant back in the chair with a notepad on his knee with his familiar messy scribbles all over and undetectable from where you were. His long hair was messy around his head, his eyes still heavy lidded with sleepiness and he was shirtless, his skinny figure taut and gleaming in the sunlight. Every muscle in your body ached and yet something sweet rattled through you at the sight of him, momentarily curing you as you offered a smile.
"What am I doing here?" you mumbled with a cracked voice, your throat still burning from the incessant, girlish screams of the night prior. You shifted yourself up, leant on your knees and cupped your throat like that would ease the pain.
Alex looked at you with a placid expression, his eyes giving absolutely nothing away. Immediately you felt the edge of his annoyance, despite his outward appearance, the vibes he was emitting gave you a clear indication of where this would go. Your smile fell.
"Yeah," he drawled, elongating his word, the anger seeping through, "what are you doing here? Thought we were broken up."
You winced. Now that he was here, his undivided attention set on you, your grand plan seemed a little, well....fucking stupid.
"You didn't have to bring me back here," your youth clouded your good intentions. Everything inside of your heart urged you to apologise, but your mind was telling you to remain stubborn, to make him suffer.
You pouted as you climbed out of the covers, finding yourself still in the clothes from the night prior. The only part missing of your outfit being the ridiculous heels you'd shoved your poor feet into. They stung as they hit the scratchy carpet of his bedroom, you refrained from showing how weak you were as you stood.
"Your mum would kill you if you came home plastered like you were," he scoffs, settling his notepad on his desk, only a mere few inches away from the bed.
"Didn't realise you gave a fuck," you sneered in return, searching the floor for your shoes. You found them in the corner, bending over to retrieve them and you smirked to yourself when you felt the heat of his gaze on your arse, still shoved into a tiny leather skirt.
"What's going on with you? You've been so fucking agitated recently," Alex kept his voice low, well aware of his parents only a few doors down. After the mishap of his mother walking in on you two, you both held caution whenever locked away in here.
"Yeah because you don't pay any bloody attention to me," you hissed.
"Are you surprised?" he raises his eyebrows, standing up as you start to claw your hair back into a ponytail. You probably looked horrendous. At least he'd seen you like this before.
"Why would I give you the time of day when you're just moody all the time? Can't get a bloody worthy conversation out of you," he rolled his eyes and you pouted even further.
"Well luckily it won't be your problem anymore," you held your head high despite the fear soaring around your body that he might just agree. Might just be fed up with your antics.
"Don't be ridiculous Y/N. We're not breaking up."
You stalled, your hair falling back onto your shoulders. The hair-tie had snapped at that exact moment, as if it was emphasising his words, making them a bigger deal than they were.
"Says who?"
"Says me," he grabbed your hand, even through his anger, he needed to feel you under his fingertips. Obsessed with your body he was, and his eager hands ran down the sides of it now, even with the frown still on his brow.
"Don't I get a say?"
"Not when you're being a brat," his sharp tongue whips your skin but you don't mind. You revel in the sound of him caring, reacting, like you've been wishing for all these weeks.
You swing your arms around his neck, too aware of the wine lingering on your breath to kiss him even if his wide eyes keep flickering to your lips nonetheless.
"But you love me."
He rolls his eyes, his grip on you tightening. Your body is pressed to his and you're still in that slutty outfit, it's natural for him to respond as he is, with his cock stiffening against your thigh and his hands unable to help but grope you.
"You know that. Do you always have to find ways to prove it?" his voice is now softer, tainted with the insecurity of your relationship failing. He rarely takes you seriously with all your moods giving him whiplash. Today, though, your reassurance matters to him.
"You forgot our six month anniversary," your voice contained a trace of disappointment that made his skin crawl. He hated letting you down, "and you would rather grind against a guitar all day than me."
Alex can't help but laugh, his face lighting up. The insides of you turn to mush and you near melt in his arms at the sound of his melody of happiness.
"People don't celebrate six months anniversaries," he counters, leaning in to kiss you but you pull back, nearly toppling over if it wasn't for the strength of his fingertips pressing into your waist, "and I love grinding on you. Far more than anything else."
You raise your eyebrows, the pout on your lips still prominent. You can feel Alex against your thigh, you can see the heat simmering beneath his gaze and you wonder briefly if this is all just to bed you.
"I'm not shagging you," you blurt out, "until you prove that you love me for more than that."
Alex refrains a whine, he knows you have a hard time portraying your feelings. He doesn't want to give you more the reason to run, when you've already tried to, albeit for the wrong reasons but still. One day you actually might and he just can't have that.
"Okay?" you scoff, suddenly releasing him. The lack of weight against him makes him stumble back, a little disorientated as he grips the edge of the desk and gets sent to hell from your gaze, "so you don't even wanna fuck me?"
His heart raced with annoyance, his body tensed and his fingers twitched to hold his temple like he was a forty year old divorcee with a difficult ex wife. It felt like that sometimes.
"I'm rock hard," he gestured to his crotch, the outline of it perfectly visible through those infamous plaid PJ bottoms, "of course I wanna fuck you."
"Okay," you grinned, eyes like saucers at the sight of his arousal, "well I need a shower. A toothbrush. And I'm hungry. And I'm gagging for a drink. A tea. You know the sugar helps my hangovers."
You waffled on and Alex's smile grew with every word.
"Go home. Shower. Brush your teeth. I'll take you out for breakfast."
"Yeah babe," he captured you once more, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger, looking at it intently, "all yours. All day. I promise."
You believed him.
Maybe you shouldn't have. After you have breakfast and decide to go on a cute forest walk with a joint and dreams of getting dirty in more ways than one - Alex's phone incessantly buzzes.
You glance to it halfway through a story about the night prior. You're bitching, he's listening. He always does even if sometimes you notice him looking vacant, you never take it personally, that's just how Alex is.
"Who is it?" you wonder when he ends the call again.
"Just Matt," he shrugs it off, but your curious eyes don't stray from him and grow more annoyed the more he avoids them, and so eventually he sighs and lays back into the green.
"I can't help it love," he groans, "the boys are really serious about this band thing."
"I know that but you've been practicing every day Al," the hurt is evident in your tone and you hate how beared your vulnerability is, but you know it's the only way he'll listen to you. He brushes off your brattiness but he never disregards your feelings, at least not since the beginning.
"Yeah, we need to," he says, leaving you unsatisfied.
"Well maybe I was right then," you huff and stand and Alex follows you like a lost puppy, "maybe we should break up."
"I can divide the time," he promises, pulling you back towards him. You're always trying to run and he always catches you and you love him for it. You dread the day he doesn't chase you, little faith in the hope it'll never come.
Alex takes you back to his, you always end up boxed in his little room. His parents had smiled at the sight of you, enamoured by the sight of their son in love.
"You know you could always come and watch," Alex traces the curve of your nose, your features fascinating to him. Your lips are swollen and your cheeks are red, the lingering effects of having him between your thighs earlier, you look beautiful and he looks in awe of it.
"But I'll put you off," you tease, "how could you possibly focus on anything when I'm there?"
"It'll be hard," he indulges you, kissing the tip of your nose, "but I'll manage. I want you there."
The next day you find yourself sat in Jamie's garage, your legs tucked under you and a can of coke at hand as you watch them fiddle with their instruments. You'd coaxed Matt's girlfriend along so you weren't the only one here, and the boys seemed eager to please the both of you.
While they played, you kept your eyes driven to Alex's fingers. You don't know what was coming over you, whether it was because you knew what they could do, or he just moved them so perfectly over the strings that it took your mind to places it shouldn't. Either way your cheeks were heating and you were beginning to squirm.
When Alex caught your eye, he knew exactly what was going through your mind. He sang with a slight smirk, only seconds prior he wouldn't even dare look up and now he was mocking you, inspired by your obvious discomfort.
"What did you think?" Matt grinned at you both, unaware of how uncomfortable you were as you squeezed your thighs together and tried to pry your eyes away from Alex.
Who wasn't making it easy, choosing that moment to take his hoodie off, revealing a slither of his ivory skin as it lifted his shirt slightly. The conversation fizzled out in your ears like you were dunked in a pool of lust.
You crashed into the car twenty minutes later. It had been torturous, a complete blur to your wound tight like a spring body.
Alex grabbed your neck, angling himself over the mechanics in the middle, not caring for how the clutch was digging into his ribs and equally you didn't care that his nails dug into your neck as he held onto you so tightly.
His lips slid against yours with a fervour you couldn't match, you moaned into his mouth and ran your hands through his hair. His grip around your neck made you struggle to breathe but you didn't care for breath when he was breathing life into you with his kiss.
"You're so fucking fit," he says, biting your bottom lip soon after and you giggle, of course you do. You're smitten with him, he's obsessed with you.
"I want your fingers Al," you move your mouth past his cheek and next to his ear, your tongue swiping around it in a languid lick that makes him shiver.
His hand finds its place between your thighs, finding them sticky on the insides. Your panties are damp and make his breath hitch against your mouth as he presses his fingers onto you.
You gasp and he swallows it, practically laid on the mechanics now. He fumbles with the lace, pulling it to the side and licks inside your mouth as his fingers plunge into you. Your hips lift as a strangled moan leaves your throat, the heel of his hand presses against your clit, pushing you back down into the seat.
His fingers are tired from the guitar but he finds the strength to fuck you with them nonetheless, stroking the spongy spot that makes you see stars. Your hand lifts to hold the handle above your head, your neck elongating as you whine and attempt to thrash only for him to ground you again, rubbing your sensitive area.
You fall apart in a matter of minutes, your stickiness running down his hand as he halts it inside of you.
"You make better sounds when I play you than my guitar ever could," he retracts his hand with a playful grin and you giggle in turn, relaxing into the seat with all your limbs feeling like jelly.
A rap on the window pulled you from your state. You looked around with wide eyes, catching sight of Jamie with a teasing grin and eyes full of amusement.
"Get a room next time you horny bastards!" he shouts through the glass.
Alex rolls his eyes and puts the car in gear, giving him the finger as he drives away. Jamie's cackles can be heard down the street but the two of you weren't that fussed, just smiling to yourselves at how nothing had changed.
After the point where you'd been to see them, Alex's attitude towards you changed. He started to grow eager for you to be around again, constantly wanting to know your opinions on songs, asking you how certain riffs sound. You have no idea about the processes of a record but you listened to him as he waffled on.
But you just kept getting distracted. His eyes were wild, full of passion and his lips move fast in broken sentences where his thoughts were jumbled, coming out almost nonsensical. You found it so endearing and his lips even more so and you couldn't help but cut him off with a kiss.
You leant over his lap and the second he felt your lips on his, he hummed gratefully into your mouth. He didn't care for his lost words, not when your wicked tongue twined around his.
He pulled you into his lap swiftly, shuffling until his back hit the wall and you could sit on him properly, your knees pressed into the carpet at the sides of his body.
You loved how he responded to you, how hard he would get in a matter of minutes of you kissing. Before him you'd had a few boys and at their ages they hadn't exactly been hard to woo, and yet still you'd never managed to affect someone like you did Al.
You were attuned to him, knew just where to touch him. Like when you would kiss him and nibble his lower lip as he pulled away. Or when you would scratch your nails down his neck when he was fucking you, always leaving red marks that he'd have to wait for hours to fade. Or when you'd do what you're doing now, thrusting yourself so hard against him that he could feel your boobs squished between you.
He pleaded you with his eyes as he tugged the bottom of your shirt - his shirt actually - tossing it to the side. You'd stayed over the night prior and slept with no bra, and now your nipples were stiffening from the sudden change in temperature.
His eyes glazed over and his mouth went slack as he drank in the sight of you, in all your glory, with your little pout and your eager hips.
"Fuck," he muttered, "need to feel your cunt."
He's always blunt in his approach, never dressing it up romantically. His words on paper hardly matched what would leave his mouth but you didn't mind because his eyes always told you what you needed to know. Now they were telling you they were desperate for you and who were you to deny them what they wanted?
Alex shuffled slightly to edge his trackies down, his arse scratched against the carpet and it stung but he was too eager to care. Your panties were irrelevant, he merely pushed them aside until your pussy was on show and he salivated at the sight of you.
"Fuck," he repeated, his fingers teasing your swollen clit enough to have you gushing. He could see the stickiness of your arousal leaking onto his bottoms and he smirked, "always ready for me."
You huffed a laugh, your cheeks glowing as you darted a hand out to wrap around his length. It twitched in your hand, hot and heavy, standing upright like it was ready to comply to a sergeants command.
You sunk onto him with a gasp and his hand shot out to cover your mouth. He filled you all the way up, the tip prodding something that hurt deep inside but the pleasure outweighed the pain.
Your knees started to burn against the carpet as you started a steady rhythm, his quiet grunts making you work harder, faster, anything to hear more of those pretty sounds.
His eyes watched you bounce on him, how he would come out covered in your slick, how you would take him all over again, stretching to accommodate him. You were tight. Wet. Hot. His head rolled back against the wall and his lip bled as he attempted to bite back his noises.
You held steady on his shoulders, obsessed with where he would hit you inside, always right where he needed to. If you had nothing else, you'd always have this. Incredible, mind blowing sex. You weren't complaining.
Alex grew desperate and wrapped his arms around your waist, his knees pressing against your arse cheeks as he desperately fucked into you, his whole body moving, back crashing against the wall with each thrust.
His grunts echoed through your ear and made you shiver, you rested your mouth against the crook of his neck and gasped into his skin, tasting the sweat starting to form.
"I love you," he punctuated each word with a thrust and a grunt.
"I love you too Al," you gasped out, the end coming out an octave higher when you felt one of his hands slide between your body, pinching your sensitive skin until you coiled tight around him.
"M' gonna cum baby," he whispered into your hair, pressing kisses down to your ear, neck, sucking on the sensitive skin until your blood rose for him in pretty spots. He loved marking you up even if you hated it.
His arm came back around you as he delivered his final thrusts, his pace hasty, his groans louder - the pleasure clouded his mind and made him shake, hearing muffled and mouth ajar.
You licked into his mouth, the combined sensation of you filling his mouth and him filling your pussy becoming his unwinding.
His body went taut, his face moulded into an expression of raw pleasure that didn't fade for a while, making him look like he was carved out of marble. He was gorgeous and you whined softly when you felt his cum fill you.
He rocked his hips until the last of him had spilled and then his head came to rest against yours, his eyes big and round as you looked down at him, spidery lashes casting shadows over the lids of your eyes.
"I really do," his voice was gruff, you gazed at him half a world away in confusion, "love you."
"I know Al," you promised, a chaste kiss to his lips before you sat up. His hand followed your movements, he didn't want you to leave him cold and soft just yet, he liked to feel the warmth for a while longer, it was intimate, like a hug of reassurance.
"I don't want you to leave me."
"I won't."
Your mission had been accomplished. Perhaps a few weeks after you'd intended but you had him back where you wanted him nonetheless. His eyes gleamed with love, and yours mirrored. You both giggled as you leant in for a kiss and his hands softly slid up your calves. When he reached your knees, you yelped in pain and he looked at the area.
"Carpet burns," he barely suppressed the boyish smirk, "like a proper slut eh?"
You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself off of him so you could redress.
As he was pulling up his trousers and you were cleaning yourself up with the tissue box by his bed, you heard a soft knock on his bedroom door.
"Alex, honey?"
"Yeah mum," he huffed, quickly moving so he could open the door without her seeing you, still half naked, "Y/Ns just getting changed."
You raised your eyebrows, looking at the hair stuck up in every direction on his head and the flushed skin of his neck proved what you'd been up to. It's embarrassing, but inevitable. Where else are you supposed to fuck?
"Do you guys want to watch some TV? I've made you both a cuppa."
He looked around to you curiously, seeming up for it himself. The domestic scene she'd painted sounded like your dream come true. After weeks of absence, all you craved were the simple moments like those.
You nodded and he smiled.
"Sounds perfect."
She left and his attention moved back onto you. As you walked to the edge of the room in a far more presentable manner, he grabbed your waist and kissed you gently.
"I love you."
"So you keep saying," you giggled.
"And I'll say it again," he kissed your lips, "and again," your cheek, "and again," your nose, making you splutter with lovestruck laughter, hitting his chest, "and again…."
A/N: so soft for fetus Al, I can’t even.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
HIIII. I’m gonna like try one last time to make a request cause I understand you said there’s something up with your inbox and idk if like tumblr keeps eating mine but anyways—
How about sevika with a reader who’s fucking hilarious/super nice and makes her laugh but when it comes to actually being alone with sevika they are horrible at eye contact and are like supppperrr shy and embarrassed.
Especially like during their first time together (✂️✂️), THE GIRL CANT EVEN SPEAK.
I wonder if sevika would be patient- or if she would be the one to say she’s inlove first.
Idk but it’s up to you to answer this so ofc as alwayyyssss I hope you have annnn amazing day!
tumblr always manages to delete the cutest fucking suggestions thank u for sending this in again omg
men and minors dni
you're the life of the fucking party. no matter you go, you manage to make a friend. you've always got people laughing, you've always got a funny story to tell, and you can keep a conversation with a brink fucking wall. sevika thinks you're fucking amazing, the funniest person she's ever met.
she also thinks you hate her.
when you're alone with sevika, you're completely silent.
she thinks you've got something against her, and she's desperate to make it up to you somehow.
which leads to her being extraordinarily nice to you. which only leads to you being more awkward and standoffish around her.
you can't fucking help it. she's the most attractive woman you've ever met, you just can't help how tongue tied and shy you get around her.
it takes you guys a long fucking time to figure it out.
six months-- six months of sevika being incessantly nice to you, and you basically being silent to her-- and sevika finally gets fed up.
"look-- i don't know what i did to you-- but can you please just fucking tell me so i can figure out a way to make it up to you?" she asks one night at the bar. ran just left-- leaving you and sevika to sit in the typical awkward silence that follows the two of you around.
you blink at her. "what are you talking about?" you ask. she groans.
"oh for fuck's sake! you never fucking talk to me! i've seen you hold conversations with toddlers longer than you hold conversations with me! i don't get it! what did i do to you that makes you so fucking quiet around me?" she asks. you blink again, embarrassment creeping up your spine.
"y-you haven't done anything--"
"--oh bullshit--"
"--except be very attractive." you finish. sevika freezes, your sentence catching up to her. you bite your lip. "you're... incredibly hot. it... kinda makes my brain... mush." you finish.
sevika blinks at you in shock for about five seconds, before a cocky smirk ticks up at the corner of her mouth. "is that so?" she asks, sitting back in her seat and eyeing you in an entirely new light. you gulp.
"shut up." you mutter. sevika chuckles.
"oh... this is fucking amazing." she says, grinning at you.
the first time you guys fuck, you keep trying to hide your face behind your hands. sevika fucking loves it, laughing down at you and smacking your hands away as she grinds her cunt against yours.
"show me that pretty fuckin' face, baby." she says. you whimper.
"s-sev." you whisper. she chuckles.
"fuck happened to you, huh? where'd all those words go? y' were talking up a storm earlier to silco-- makin' fun of me all night long-- what happened?" she asks.
you just whine. she laughs evilly, then ducks down to press her lips against yours.
she never stops teasing you about your uncharacteristic shyness around her. ever.
even when you're trying to tell her you love her.
"w-would you stop looking at me like that?" you ask. sevika smirks. she's got you on her lap, her hands on your waist. you had told her you wanted to tell her something important, and she had sat the two of you on the couch like this, as if her thumbs drawing circles on your hips wouldn't distract you at all.
"keep going... 'we've been dating for a few months now'...?" she prompts, starting where you had left of before she started smirking at you like that.
"w-we've been dating for a while and i-i wanted to tell you that..." you trail off again, your eyes locked on where her tongue is licking across the top row of her teeth as she grins.
"that?" she asks. you sigh shakily, and sevika chuckles.
"you're a fucking asshole." you mumble. she bursts into laughter and darts forward to kiss your lips.
"ouch, babe." she says. you roll your eyes at her. "you shoulda told me that before we spent so much time together-- woulda saved you a whole lotta trouble."
"fuck off." you grunt. she pinches you hip and you huff.
"c'mon, tell me." she says. "i'll stop." she promises, miming zipping her lips shut. you roll your eyes at her and look away.
"i love you." you mumble.
sevika's quiet for a moment, and you gulp. then, her finger is under your chin, guiding you to look back at her.
she's grinning, and your anxiety melts away.
"i love you too." she says.
your stomach does a somersault, and you lean forward to bury your face against her shoulder. "oh fuck." you mumble. she chuckles, her hand coming up to rub your back.
"you're so fucking cute it kills me a bit." she says. you huff against her.
"i hate what you do to me." you groan.
"oh yeah? because last night you seemed to like it quite a--"
"shut up sevika!" you cry. she just laughs.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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serafilms · 9 months
song 12! the very first night (taylor swift) + jing yuan (spotify wrapped event)
i drive down different roads, but they all lead back to you
Tumblr media
Man, this guy would not stop following you around.
You had no idea who he is, but you saw him literally everywhere you turned. Actually, that’s a lie. You knew exactly who he was. General Jing Yuan of the Cloud Knights. But it was easier to pretend you didn’t know him, considering he insisted on bothering you. I mean, what does a government official want with a lowly civilian, anyway?
This time, it was while you were out buying tea. Jing Yuan was already there when you arrived, which normally would not have been suspicious, but now that he was sidling up to you, you couldn’t help but be. He had been pretending to shop for tea up until you arrived, when he seemed to perk up a bit before ‘subtly’ making his way towards you.
“I know you,” he said.
“Well, I don’t know you,” you replied. “Leave me alone.”
He turned away to inspect the tea leaves, but he made no move to leave and you could still see him stealing glances at you.
To his credit, you have heard that the General enjoys tea, so it wasn’t a terrible cover, but you were a little fed up with this guy pretending that he wasn't following you. Every time he saw you, he'd insist that he knew you, which was pretty jarring considering you'd only been on the Xianzhou Luofu for about a month.
You'd come here for a fresh start, but you were starting to regret it now that 'fresh start' apparently meant 'being stalked.'
"I'll have a box of this jasmine tea, please," you said to the vendor, who smiled and thanked you, taking your money and packaging your tea.
You took the package and turned to leave, when you almost collided with someone. A groan escaped you as you looked up and saw him.
"Man, can't you leave me alone? If I've somehow broken some law or something, I'm sorry, but I'd really rather you just send me a letter in the mail."
His lips quirked into a smirk. "That's not why I'm here."
You almost dropped your package of tea as you threw your hands up in exasperation, and exclaimed, "Then why are you? And don't say it’s because you know me."
"But I do know you," Jing Yuan insisted, nodding his head with urgency. The action shifted some hair out of his face and you were struck by how piercing his eyes were. That shade of gold felt so familiar....
"I know you," he continued, "and you know me, even if you don't realise it yet."
You shook yourself out of your stupor. This guy was insane. "Prove it," you scoffed.
"Fine," he said. "Your name is Y/N."
A shiver went up your spine when he spoke your name. You felt rather disconcerted. His voice felt strange, yet familiar, and all the nerves in your body felt on edge.
"I- well," you spluttered. "That's nothing! You could've easily just asked someone or divined the answer, or looked me up in some records."
Jing Yuan sighed. "I can prove it another way, but you need to do something first."
You stare at him as he looks off to the side, waiting for his response.
"You need to kiss me."
Your feel all the blood in your body rush to your face. "What?"
He smiled at your expression. "You'll remember once you've kissed me."
Your cheeks felt impossibly hot, so hot you swore you could've fried an egg on top of them. Was Jing Yuan attractive? Absolutely. You probably would have kissed him if you actually did know him, and he wasn't such being such a creep.
He stepped towards you and you scrambled to take a step back.
"Please," he said, and suddenly his amusement was gone, and there was a quiet desperation in his voice. There was a longing in his eyes and you felt your heart twinge.
"Fine." The word slipped out of your mouth before you'd realised it, and you almost regretted it until you saw the relieved smile on his face. Well, it couldn't be that bad, you assured yourself. Surely, the most respected general on the Luofu wasn't a total creep.
Then he was leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. It only lasted for about a second, but to you it seemed like a century. The moment his lips touched yours, you felt a tug in your heart. Your head spun with images, fleeting images and memories that all had one thing in common. All of them had Jing Yuan. You were sure you'd never met him before in your life, but there he was clear as day in your mind's eye.
Your chest ached when your eyes fluttered open. He stood before you, waiting patiently.
"What was that?" you asked hesitantly.
"Your past lives," he responded, gently taking your hand.
"And you–"
"I have been alive for centuries, but you have lived many lives in that time."
Your head still felt like it was spinning, and you blinked hard as you tried to wrap your head around the information. "So all those memories I saw, I died at the end of every life? You lost me all those times?"
Jing Yuan smiled once more, and you felt the familiarity looking at it this time. "Yes, but you also found me every time."
It was a terribly difficult concept to understand, but it felt so right that you believed it.
Jing Yuan drew closer to you. "I missed you," he murmurs.
Your heart warmed. You leaned into him like it was second nature. "Well, you have me now."
His eyes crinkled and he kissed you once more.
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Trigger Warning... mentions of periods.
The vein of my existence. -MJ
"Um Master", Whumpee peaked in.
"What do you need?", Whumper didn't bother to look up from his computer work.
"My chores are all done, but my period just started is there anyway I could lay on the couch", Whumpee clutched their stomach, "I feel really nauseus and the cramps are really bad. I just threw up also."
Whumper looked up from his work, "that's fine, do you have everything you need?"
"Yes sir, I still have pads from last month", Whumpee sighed as they laid on the couch, "I was cleaning the bathroom floor when I felt really nauseated, then I threw up into the toilet. I finished cleaning and felt some cramps, so I checked myself."
Whumper nodded, "I was wondering when you would start. You've been acting weird the past few day."
"I have?", Whumpee looked up worriedly.
Whumper nodded, "nothing bad, just normal behavior for when you're about to start", Whumper grinned, "I know it's nothing you can control so I patiently deal with it."
"Oh sorry", Whumpee looked down.
"It's fine", Whumper looked back at the computer, "I've got a face time call coming in."
Whumpee nodded, knowing that meant to be quiet.
Whumpee listened to Whumper's meeting. They closed their eyes a few times before Whumper had finished.
Whumper closed the computer when the FaceTime was over.
"Are you going to sleep over there?", Whumper grinned.
"No just trying to find the awkward pose that alleviates the pain and nausea", Whumpee opened their eyes, "you turned off everything right? Even the camera?"
"Yes sir, mom, everything is off", Whumper sighed and looked over.
"You know it's amazing. I'm so nauseous, and yet I'm craving chocolate", Whumpee sighed, "why do I always crave chocolate?"
Whumper reached down the side of his seat and pulled out a few tiny chocolate bars.
He smiled as he chucked each one at Whumpee.
Whumpee sat up after the last one hit their face, "ouch", Whumpee sighed, then picked one to eat, "thanks."
"With the sacrifice of my chocolate, the beast has been fed", Whumper mocked.
Whumpee grinned, "I eat more of your chocolate than you do."
"Yeah, I know you sneak into my stash and help yourself", Whumper watched Whumpee eat the candy, "I should say try to sneak, because you don't do a good job at hiding it."
Whumpee giggled a little while opening it.
"Ow... oww", Whumpee grimaced.
"What happened?", Whumper frowned.
"I feel like I'm being stabbed in my abdomen and my pelvis. Then my hips feel like they're being pulled apart", Whumpee laid back down, "this sucks."
"Did you take anything for it?", Whumper sighed.
"No Master, I just finished my chores and came to you", Whumpee grunted, "hmmm, these cramps are coming on strong."
Whumper got up and went to the kitchen.
After a few minutes, he came back carrying some medicine and a cup of ginger alle.
"Take these", Whumper handed the medicine over, "hopefully that will reduce the pain. The ginger should help with your nausea."
Whumper left again... this time bringing back a heating pad. They plugged it in and handed it Whumpee.
After he felt Whumpee was set up properly, he went back to his computer.
"Thankyou Master", Whumpee looked up, "may I ask a question though?"
"That's fine."
"I guess two questions. How do you know what to give me to help? And, why are you so nice to me when I get my period?"
"Well, I had a mom and two sisters growing up. My mom always said, "those periods are one of the worst things a female has to go through. Some don't have it as bad as others, but it is difficult for anyone to go through. Take care of the ladies in your life and make sure you give them and easier time during their period week."
Whumper grinned, "though I'm sure my mom meant if I had a wife and daughters. Not a slave. My mom taught me how to help her and my sisters and what things they needed."
Whumpee nodded.
"Go ahead and rest, let me know if you need anything else", Whumper looked back at their computer, "I need to get back to work."
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou", they whispered.
"You're welcome", Whumper smiled.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst
@generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
@expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand
@watermeezer @indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains @3-2-whump @risk606
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