#anyways excited for sunday whenever hes released
undyinglantern · 9 months
hsr hasnt even been out for a year yet and theyre already giving everybody a free limited 5 star. amazing.
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i0-0na · 2 months
Entry 6: First Week
Date: 08.04.2024
A week finally completed!! I spent some time to myself, and it feels like the dust setting in and things have fallen into place. To be honest, I did start feeling a little homesick at this point and I was feeling kind of lonely. Whenever I went outside, I don’t know why but I felt as if people were staring at me (not everyone, but it definitely felt like it).
Thankfully one of my closest friends in uni was also going on the same student exchange programme as me (Dom). He arrived on 2nd April 2024, so we decided to meet in Akihabara the next day. I was so happy to see him because it meant that I now had a friend near to me. When we met up, we went around visiting multiple stores, we literally tired ourselves out so much lol.
Before the day ended, we decided to find somewhere to eat. The café we decided to eat at just so happened to be the one me and my mum ate at all those years ago, when I was just 12 years old, on my first ever trip to Japan. The food was good I had a hibiscus tea and I think I ordered the same food order as my mum all those years ago, matcha cake. Very tasty. Dom order Spaghetti.
The next day was when we were meeting the student exchange team, and other exchange students for the first time. To be honest I was quite excited to meet everyone in person! One of the students in the year above me who went on student exchange the year before to Tokyo, told me about how much she loved it and the people she met there so needless to say I was also a little hyped 😼.
It was a good meeting overall, we got a tour of the campus and then introduced ourselves to each other, then exchanged phone numbers and Instagram’s. In total, including myself, there was a total of 8 people on the student exchange, so far at least. Apparently, they said there were some arriving later so~
Afterwards some of us (on the course) were brought to the animation department and I was introduced to some of the core members of staff, including a graduate student called Stephen who was going to help translate all of our lectures for us (thx Stephen~). We had to take photos as well and for some reason I could not stop laughing ꉂ(≧▽≦) . Each time I went to smile I felt my face uncontrollably twitching to release the giggles which were caged inside my mouth.  The laughter spread to everyone in the room, so ridiculous ahahaha, I’m chuckling as I type even hahaha!! The reason for the slight chaos, was because as we did the group poses, I just kept alternating between ✌️ and 👍 gestures, and because of my iconic nature everyone decided to follow suit. It became quite comical. There were two other exchange students who would be studying animation with me, Dom and Matthijs.
With the induction day over, there was only one major thing for me to do now is to get registered at my local government office. It took a couple days to do this because, to be honest, I got lost trying to find the building… When I did though, I had to come in the next day to get my stuff printed, because they couldn’t print stuff on Sundays. I did all the filing for the documents on the day I was there anyways, so it was a quick process the next day! If you live in Japan, you need to get registered with 14 days of your arrival otherwise you could be faced with deportation (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )” . Later that day, after the government office I wanted to explore more of the Hachioji prefecture, which was good because I found a Don Quijote. It’s like this store which sells everything, I’m being honest it literally sells like everything. From toys, to alcohol, lawn mowers, food, clothes, Vivienne Westwood and other designer brands, I literally could go on forever lol. What I found though were these really popular lashes in the gyaru community called Dolly Wink, it was super cuttteeee!!
As a final point Sakura season was kind of late in Japan, so it was supposed to finish its blossoming before I arrived but thankfully its just started to blossom now! Its so pretty (sparkles) It reminds me of home in a way. On my path to primary/high school there is the road I take full of cherry blossom on both sides and each time it turned spring I felt like I was in a shoujou or high school anime lol
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Either way that’s all for now, I’m so excited to actually start uni! Oh and another thing, university here is kind of similar to American unis, from what I heard in America you have to sign up to all your classes you want/need to attend, otherwise if you don’t, you end up spending a year under the course but taking 0 lessons. It seems it’s the same concept in Japan as well. Scary~ So I’ve been given a list of classes to sign up to so I’m going to think about what classes I want to do.
I hope the workload will be okay though lololol.
Song Listening to: if u think i’m pretty – Artemas
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Bad Timing (Levi x reader) Part 1
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling in love with your big brother’s best friend?
word count: 6k 
You sighed, slumping in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Your back was killing  you, it was only 1st  period but you were more than eager for the day to end. Your chemistry teacher stood in the front of the room flipping through the slides on the board. You couldn't care less, it was Friday, and you were ready for the weekend. You folded your arms and rested your head in the crook of your elbow, turning your head slightly to the left you gazed longingly out of the second story window. It was a gloomy fall day, surely there would be a football game tonight, not that you would be attending. A strong gust of wind blew a flurry of colorful leaves past the, the clouds seemed to grow increasingly darker. You managed to turn back to the front of the class and at least pretend that you were paying attention, your classmates on the other hand did not even try to hide their disinterest. Sasha was rummaging through her lunch box, Connie was balancing a pencil on his upper lip, Eren had his head rested on his forearm his other hand held his phone under the desk as he mindlessly tapped through peoples' snapchat stories. Mikasa would send him disapproving glares every once in a while as she diligently copied down the notes. Armin sat next to you, separating you from Mikasa and Eren, he also was taking excellent notes, even going as far as copying down all of the graphs and diagrams. You risked another glance out the window to your left to see a few fat rain drops falling out of the sky.
You smiled softly, the thought of sitting at home tucked under your favorite quilt with a cup of tea and a good book. You would have the house all to yourself tonight, your older brother Erwin was a senior, captain of the football team and golden boy of the school. He was the school's varsity quarterback, giving him an impressive social status, he would surely be playing in the game tonight. Your mother worked as a nurse at your local hospital, often opting to take the nightshifts, meaning you rarely saw her. You hummed thoughtfully, your mind wandering as you increasingly lost interest in the lecture. Now you were considering what to make for dinner, you could make macaroni and cheese, or a grilled cheese with tomato soup? Your teacher still droned on at the front of the class, now working out a simple stoichiometry problem. The sound of the door opening and quickly closing drew you out of your daze, Hange entered the room carrying a large box of beakers and test tubes. She gently kicked the door closed before making her way to the back of the large classroom to begin organizing and cleaning the glassware. You caught her eye and smiled at her, wanting very badly to speak with her, she always managed to keep you on your toes and very much in the present. You had a bad tendency to get lost in your thoughts and daydream, but she never gave you a chance whenever you were in her presence. She smiled back as she gently placed the box on one of the lab stations in the back and began pulling the equipment out one by one.
Hange was also a senior this year, she was easily the top of her class, she had already accumulated enough credits so instead of taking pottery or something she opted to be a teacher's assistant for your chemistry teacher. You slid your phone out of your pocket and opened your messages, you scrolled until you found Hange's contact, you quickly typed out a message, "want to come over and bake pumpkin cookies after school?" before pocketing your phone once more. The loud ding  from the back of the room signaled that she had received your message, your teacher paused and gave Hange a pointed glance, one eyebrow raised. Hange chuckled nervously and squeaked out a meek 'sorry'. Satisfied, your teacher turned back to the bored and continued the lesson. Your phone vibrated, you pulled it out of your pocket and smiled at the message, "of course! then we can take them to the game!" the excitement you felt quickly vanished, you should have known she would want to go to the game, she was dating your brother for crying out loud. You sighed and glanced out the window once more, the rain had slowed to more of a mist than a shower, but now a fog was rolling just above the damp ground. It looked freezing out there, you couldn't imagine how cold it would be tonight. God it was so tempting to text Hange back with some bull shit about a project due Sunday night, but that would be shitty of you. Reluctantly you typed your reply, "yeah of course!" you sent the message and then placed your phone face down on the desk.
There was only about ten minutes left in class, thank God. You risked another glance at Armin's notebook and frowned at the neat handwriting, why was he so neat? It bothered you, you flinched when you heard your phone vibrate on the desk, you quickly picked it up and flipped it over to see the lock screen. You'd gotten a snapchat from Eren, you opened your phone and quickly opened the message. You couldn't help but smile as you looked at the picture, it was dark but you could make out his face and his bright green eyes, the classic text written across your screen made you smile, "what's the move tonight?" . Over the years your house had become known as the party house, due to your mother never being home your older brother had thrown some impressive parties, and you often had your friends over as well, nothing like the events your brother hosted, but still a gathering. You copied Eren's position, bringing your phone beneath the desk to snap a quick picture, and quickly typing back, "going to the game with Hange, Erwin might have something planned I'll be in touch." . You pressed send before you began packing up your things. Eren lifted his head and caught your eyes, you shared an impish grin before you returned your focus to gathering your things. Your teacher closed the powerpoint and began wrapping up class by reminding you about assignments that were due, not that you were listening. Finally only two minutes left, hopefully the rest of the day would go by faster than that class.
You bounced your knee anxiously as you watched the clock hands slide sluggishly across the face of the clock, only 15 minutes until the school day ended. You had agreed to meet Hange at her beat up Honda CR-V. You shifted in your seat, your eyes lingered on the window as your Spanish teacher reviewed the key points of her lecture. You could see the parking lot from where you sat, some kids had already slipped out of the building and were running through the rain to get to their cars to beat the traffic. You considered asking to go to the bathroom but decided that you would feel too guilty to skip your sweet Spanish teacher's class. You sat up a bit straighter when you caught the sight of a particular dark haired boy walking briskly across the parking lot. Levi Ackerman, the school's designated bad boy, known for his standoffish behavior and his foul mouth, he was a fiend always ripping a juul and coming to class hungover. Yes he was a bad kid but somehow he had managed to keep his grades up and remain in the top ten percentage of your class. But the strangest thing about him was his unique friendship with your older brother, his complete opposite. You'd known Levi for a long time now, he often came over to your house on the weekdays to work on homework with your brother and then he'd be back on the weekends to drink all of your liquor. You pursed your lips as you watched him climb into his beat up 1981 BMW, he loved that car. You'd only gotten the privilege of riding in it a handful of times but each time he had explicitly told you not to make a mess of his car. You watched him pull out of the parking lot and out onto the campus' main street to get onto the county road that lead to your remote house. You sighed rather loudly as you realized Hange probably invited him over, since they shared a common bond with Erwin they had also grown rather close. You glanced once more at the clock and felt a rush of relief when you saw that the day would be over in precisely three minutes. You quickly threw your things into your backpack and gathered yourself to congregate by the door with your classmates. As you rocked on the balls of your feet you were startled when a heavy hand fell onto your shoulder. You turned around and met Jean's hazel eyes, he left his hand on your shoulder as you turned around to address him. You pulled your ear buds out with a small sigh.
"What's up?" you asked, Jean's cheeks flushed slightly as he realized he had your undivided attention.  You raised an eyebrow, quickly losing patience with the boy.
"Oh I-" he was cut off by the loud ring of the bell, your classmates pushed you out into the already crowded hallway. Jean kept a firm grip on your shoulder as you both rushed into the hallway. You weaved through the crowd with Jean trailing behind you like a small child, he switched his grasp from your shoulder onto your backpack. You felt your lip curl with annoyance as you felt him lagging behind you. Finally you found yourself in a less crowded area where he could switch to your left side, releasing your backpack once he was sure you wouldn't run away.
"Anyway as I was saying... You going to the game tonight?" Jean asked as he matched your pace. You nodded, struggling to wrestle your umbrella out of the side pocket of your backpack. Jean noticed and quickly moved to pull it out for you. You pushed through the front doors of the school and paused under the overhanging roof, Jean pushed the umbrella open and held it up to cover the both of you. You smiled up at him as you both stepped into the rain.
"Yeah I wasn't planning until the second half though." you yelled over the wind as he followed you towards Hange's car. He nodded, daring to look up at the clouds as the wind whipped around the both of you.
"Where you heading to now?" he asked as you reached the parking lot,
"Hange's car, it's the black one over there." you said, lifting your finger to point at her car, you could already see her in the driver's seat scrolling through her phone. Jean nodded and picked up the pace as you hurried through the busy lot. Just as you were about to turn down the row to get to Hange, a car pulled straight out in front of you, a brand new black audi. Jean snarled, leaning forward to pound his fist onto the hood of the car. You laughed at Eren's enraged expression, Mikasa turned and scolded him, while Armin leaned forward from the back seat to wave apologetically to you. You tugged on Jean's arm to get out of the way, as they pulled away Eren stuck up his middle finger to Jean, who kindly returned the gesture. Finally you reached the car, thanking Jean, you let him keep your umbrella since he had gone so far out of his way to walk with you. You waved goodbye to him as you settled into the passenger seat. Hange raised an eyebrow, you blushed slightly offended that she would think that you would ever give Jean the time of day.
"What? I hate when you make that face." you giggled as she wiggled her eyebrows and put the car in drive. Getting off of campus took about 15 minutes due to the heavy traffic, it was only a good 20 minute drive to get to your house. Your school was located in a small town, mostly made up of farmers, factory workers, and other small business owners. You lived out in the woods, your house tucked nicely behind a thick wall of oak trees and the occasional walnut. Hence why it was such a hot party spot, your driveway was long  and winding through the trees, just off of the county road. Hange turned up her music as you pulled off campus and onto the road. You felt the stress slowly falling off of your shoulders as you got further away from the school. You focused on the colorful trees and the houses that blurred by. Hange's phone rang, interrupting the music, she unplugged it from the aux and wordlessly handed it to you. Without looking at the name you answered.
"Hello, uh this is (Y/n) Hange's driving, can I take a messge?" you said, looking at Hange for support, but her eyes were glued to the road.
"Tch, yeah you tell her that if she doesn't hurry up and get here I am going to freeze my ass off in this weather." you blinked, surprised to hear Levi's monotone voice on the other side of the phone.
"Be there in 5." you said returning his clipped tone. With that you hung up, wanting to have the pleasure of ending the call before he could. Hange glanced over a smile spreading across her face.
"Maybe he shouldn't have left school so early if he didn't want to wait on us huh?" she joked, jabbing her elbow playfully into your bicep.
"Yeah" you huffed as you watched the suburban scenery melt into the more remote countryside that you called home. The manicured lawns morphed into golden fields of corn pastures with cows out grazing. Finally you turned onto your road and you reached into your bag to pull out your house key. You knew that if you spent extra time fishing out the key in front of Levi he would probably hit you. Don't ask how you knew that. Hange turned onto your driveway and pulled up to your garage. Levi's car was parked off to the side under your basketball hoop like usual.
Hange pulled right up beside him, leaning over to wave enthusiastically at him. He barely spared her a glance before climbing out of his car. You and Hange followed suit, you didn't bother greeting Levi, having learned a long time ago that he wouldn't return the sentiment. Instead you focused on making it to the front door before Levi so you could open the door without having to worry about him kicking out your knees or something. He liked to pick on you, especially when Erwin wasn't around. It didn't bother you much but it was annoying, you were used to your brother picking on you in a similar manner so you weren't very surprised when Levi picked up the habit as well.
You quickly unlocked the door and pushed into your house. You kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag before shooting upstairs to your room to change. The game didn't start until 7:00 which gave you about 4 hours until you would leave here. Plenty of time to make cookies and prep the house for whatever would be going on tonight. Just when you were taking your shirt off to slip on an older shirt that you wouldn't mind getting dirty, you heard a crash downstairs. You froze in your tracks, a loud groan and then the sound of Hange's manic laughter floated up the stairs, filling the silence of your house.
You groaned, pulling the shirt on, not bothering with a bra, and a pair of sweatpants you quickly made your way down the stairs. You frowned when you walked into the kitchen and found Levi staring in horror at the sight of pumpkin puree spilled all over the floor. Hange was doubled over, pointing at the mess as she cackled, "It looks like barf!" she howled as she leaned against the counter for support. You couldn't help but crack a smile at Levi's horrified face as he quickly left the kitchen, no doubt in search of a mop. Despite his careless attitude he actually did care about maybe three main things, 1.) having clean surroundings, 2.) keeping a full stock of weed, or some other means of getting intoxicated, and finally 3.) getting occasional pussy.
At least that's what you figured to be his top priorities. Maybe you could put defending his friends honor in there somewhere, but that usually was followed by him degrading them himself. For example if someone was talking trash about Erwin, Levi would beat the shit out of them and then precede to tell Erwin later that afternoon that his face looked like a butt. You blinked as you watched Levi return with a mop and a bucket of sudsy water, You bent down with a paper towel to pick up the majority of the puree before Levi scrubbed the wood floors of your farmhouse style kitchen. Hange turned an excused herself to go to the bathroom as you both cleaned the mess. You felt a surge of panic rise in your chest when you realized that you would be alone with Levi.
You swallowed nervously as you eyed his feet that were much too close to your face, he wore a pair of plain white socks, so at least it wouldn't be his usual steel toed combat boots. He noticed your uneasy expression and the way you put some pep in your step in picking up the mess. As you dropped the soiled paper towels into the trash bin you took note of Levi's outfit. He wore a pair of stylish ripped jeans that were a lighter wash they hung loosely off his hips. You noted a worn black belt kept his pants secured and for a moment the thought of Levi's pants falling off his hips made you smirk. You allowed your eyes to pass over his midsection that was clad in a plain white t-shirt and layered with a thin yellow plaid over-shirt. You smiled, you knew for a fact that he had thrifted all of these clothes and probably altered them himself. He had gotten better at sewing over the years. He finished mopping up the mess, you quickly averted your gaze when he looked up at you. You pretended to be busy gathering the ingredients, pulling out a jar full of flour as Levi stooped to pick up the bucket and dump the small amount of dirty water into the sink. He leaned against the porcelain farm sink as he ran hot water to clean the large sink. You could feel his eyes on your back as you reached into the pantry, sliding the barn door back so you could grab your apron. You fumbled with the ties on the back of your neck, feeling self conscious under Levi's hot gaze. You finally managed to tie off the strings, you heard Levi shut the water off and head off down the hallway to put the bucket and mop away. Just after Levi left you heard the toilet flush and Hange returned, stretching she sighed, a content smile on her face.
"Why were you gone so long?" you asked, almost immediately regretting your question.
"Took the fattest shit in my whole life, I wouldn't go in there if I was you." Hange chuckled as you watched her grab your mother's apron and effortlessly tie it around her waist and neck. You cringed, "At least light a candle or something." you murmured as you continued setting out ingredients.
"Oh don't worry I sprayed lots of air freshener." Hange said nodding proudly as she began preparing the wet ingredients. Levi stalked back into the kitchen and plopped down on the opposite side of the island in one of the barstools. Lazily he pulled out his phone and connected to the speaker in your kitchen. He scrolled through his phone for a minute before he finally picked a song, you immediately recognized the band Cigarettes After Sex. You fell into an easy pace with Hange as you both moved through the kitchen, after you made the dough you let Hange set about baking the cookies. Meanwhile you began to make a simple vegetable soup that you could put in thermoses and take to the game.
Also you knew that it made Erwin happy when you brought him dinner after his games. You set out your cutting board and began chopping a carrot, your fingers curled into a bear claw as you moved the knife up and down. You slid the chopped carrot into the pot and then diced an onion, and some broccoli. You also took the liberty of chopping up a stalk of celery and adding a can of diced tomatoes. Finally you added some water and chicken broth before letting it heat up on the stove. By the time you'd finished the soup Hange has finished most of the cookies, all the while Levi had sat on his phone, occasionally throwing in some advice. You leaned against the counter and wiped your hands down your apron as you considered the spices you wanted to add to the soup. You reached for your phone and began responding to your messages. Hange dusted her hands off on her apron as well and came over to watch you on your phone, her head resting on your shoulder. You opened a snapchat from Eren, who was currently at the game, he sent you a winky face in response to your snap from earlier that day. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face, Eren was undoubtedly cute, charming even. But you knew better than to jump on that train, he was a bit of a hot head and besides, Mikasa obviously had a major crush on him. Hange gasped when she saw the picture of Eren cheekily sticking his tongue out and the winky face emoji. She turned, gripping your shoulders in a vice, "Huh?! What the fuck is that? Eren Jaeger?!" Hange gasped as she shook you. Levi perked up slightly, interested in the sudden commotion.
"Wh-What? Oh god no Mikasa would have my head, he just snapchats like that, don't worry about it!" you said, flailing your arms in hopes of loosening Hange's death grip. Instead she tightened her grasp, "What a shame, you really should start seeing people, I'm getting worried for you." Hange said with a sigh as she let you go. You furrowed your brows, slightly offended by her words. "I... see people." the last words slipped past your lips barely above a whisper. Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes he stood abruptly and walked around the island. Both Hange and you widened your eyes as you watched him approach the cookies, he carefully selected one of the frosted ones and took a bite. You waited for him to finish chewing, he looked back at you, his gaze steady on the both of you. "Stay away from that fool, he's no good he'll only drag you down." Levi said with a shrug before padding off into your living room and dropping down onto your couch. Hange looked at you with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open, "What's gotten into him?" she whispered as you gently slid past her to check on your soup. You simply shrugged, a bit thrown off by Levi's words. Eren was your friend you liked spending time with him and you sure as well weren't about to stop because Levi told you to. You stirred your soup, pleased to see that it was finished, you set about filling the three thermoses that you had, meanwhile Hange was packaging the cookies. Levi was still on the couch, slumped down low enough that you could just see the top of his dark hair. You glanced at the clock, and then back at your phone, you had no idea where they were in the game, so you decided to give Eren a call to see where they were at. You called him over snapchat, the phone only ringing twice before he picked up. You began to pace the kitchen as you listened to Eren fumble with his phone.
"H-Hey (Y/n), what's up?" he said over the roar of the game.
"Oh nothing much I just finished making dinner and I was wondering what the game was looking like." you said brushing some hair off your face.
"Oh yeah yeah of course, we just got a touch down, and halftime just started." he said, his voice clearer now, he must have left the bleachers you thought to yourself.
"Perfect, I'll be there in 30, save me a seat?" you asked sweetly, a smile warming your features.
"Anything for you." his voice lowered in pitch and you couldn't help but blush a bit, you and Eren had always had good banter between the two of you but in the recent months you'd noticed a palpable tension arising. You giggled, brushing off his suggestive tone, "I'll see you soon Eren." you said, pulling the phone away from your ear and hanging up. Hange smirked at you as she pulled the apron off of herself. You noticed that Levi had sat up a bit on the couch, he was giving you major side eye. You smiled at Hange, deciding you'd ask her if she knew what Erwin planned to do after the game.
"So Hange, do you know if Erwin was having people over after the game?" you ask partially wanting to change the subject, and partially wanting to know if you could have an excuse to have Eren over. Hange shrugged, a thoughtful look passing over her sharp features, "I suppose so, not a lot though just Mike, Nanaba, Petra, Eld, maybe Oulou? Bah I couldn't say." she said shaking her head in frustration. You knew that Hange was a forgetful person so you weren't expecting much. Levi huffed from across the room, he noticed the gears turning in your head, the way your cheeks blushed slightly. You were surely planning something.
"Why do you ask?" Levi arched a thin brow at you as you turned to face him.
"Just wondering if that meant I could have some of my friends over." the truth, but you were hoping for more than just a friendly interaction. Levi noticed the way you bit your lip and your ears turned a bit pink. Levi had seen all he needed to see, he turned his attention back to his phone, disregarding you. He vaguely caught bits of your conversation with Hange, something about changing, and getting ready and then the two of you hurried upstairs to your room. You were only upstairs for fifteen minutes before you came back down, Hange wore a pair of ripped jeans and one of Erwin's football sweatshirts. You on the other hand wore a pair of black nike leggings, the fabric could almost be described as shiny because of how clean they were, you wore an emerald green crew neck, the sweater was clearly something you'd thrifted, it had a brown teddy bear in the middle. Levi couldn't help but scoff at the sight, you reminded him of a grandma. You tugged at your sweater a bit self conscious under Levi's scrutinizing gaze.
"I'll drive." Levi said, his tone clipped. Hange shrugged, a light in her eyes as she spun her own keychain on her index finger. Levi narrowed his eyes at the brunette, remembering all the times when they had fought about who got to drive. Luckily Hange wasn't in much of a fighting mood, so she simply shrugged and pocketed her keys. You swiped your own keychain off the counter and stuffed them into your small purse. You rocked on your heels as you waited for the older teens to gather themselves. Hange was slipping on her beat up tennis shoes, while Levi stooped down to pull on his Vans. You shifted impatiently on your nike airs, Levi squinted in disgust when he took in the appearance of your old nikes, they weren't very white anymore. He figured he'd find some excuse to berate you on this topic later. He finally stood up and made his way out the door before you and Hange without a word. You all piled into his old BMW, Hange in the front and you in the back.
Thankfully the rain had let up and the clouds had drifted on to leave the night sky clear, the moon illuminating the road as you drove. You gripped the edge of your leather seat anxiously, you didn't like Levi's driving, he drove 20 over the speed limit no matter what road you were on. He blared classic rock and other alternative music, which wasn't the problem, just you could never hear what other people were saying over the loud noise. Finally your car ride came to an end and before you knew it you were paying for tickets and making your way towards the bleachers. You pulled out a thermos and handed it to Hange, "Here this is for you to share, and take these too!" you shoved a baggie of cookies into her hands as well before slipping into a throng of people before they could say anything more to you. Eren had told you where to meet him Armin, and Mikasa. You found them loitering by the bottom of the bleachers, you came up behind Armin and pulled him into a hug from behind. He yelped in surprise and wriggled in your grasp.
"Hey guys" you said, your tone raising a bit in the presence of your friends.
"Hey (Y/n)! When did you get here?" Armin asked as he turned just enough to return your embrace.
"Oh just now." you said sweetly as you then moved to hug Mikasa, you skipped Eren though, feeling a bit awkward with Mikasa's heavy gaze hitting your back. But you were pleased to see the disappointment in his eyes when you skipped over him.
"How's the game going?" you asked lightly as you turned your attention to the empty field.
"Good, we're winning! Your brother is playing well!" Armin said as he pointed at the score board.
"Yeah, he took out one of the other teams defensive players." Mikasa said, nodding her head across the field to where a player was sat on the ground with trainers surrounding him. You raised an eyebrow, Erwin usually didn't do that much damage, he must've been pissed.
"Interesting, well do you guys want to head to our seats? Looks like they're getting ready to start." you asked, they nodded and the four of you climbed the cold bleachers. They led you to a pretty remote section, just off the side to the student section which was bustling with your loud classmates. You settled into your seat on the end, Armin seated next to you, Eren in the middle of Mikasa and Armin. You rubbed your hands together and blew a breath of hot air onto your palms. The game was about to start, the players fanning out and back into their positions. You spotted Erwin in the thick of all the players, he reached out and shook one of his team mates by his helmet. A smile easily slid on your lips as you watched your brother settle into the play. You loved your big brother and you were glad to so him succeed in what he loved. Just as the game was about to begin you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You fumbled to answer it, worried about who could be calling you.
"Hey (Y/n) where did you run off to? I was hoping you'd sit with me, Levi is being awful!" you immediately recognized Hange's voice, and you felt for her you really did, but you were not in the mood to deal with Levi.
"Ew, I'm definitely not sitting with you if he's causing trouble." you joked, but your words held a semblance of truth. Hange groaned and then yelpd, the sound of her phone hitting the ground made you wince. Finally you heard her breathing again, guessing she had managed to recover her phone.
"Hurry please, in the back top right section, he's getting physical." Hange said, hanging up before you could argue. You noticed all of your friends were watching you with curious gazes.
"Want to go sit with Hange and Levi? We can hash out some plans for tonight?" you asked desperately not wanting to sit alone with Hange and Levi right now. Eren raised an eyebrow but nodded in agreement. You knew that was all you needed for Mikasa and Armin to agree as well. But it didn't escape you how Mikasa's eyes darkened at the mention of Levi. You vaguely recalled being hammered one night, laying on the ground with Eren, and you remembered someone tugging you to your feet. It was Levi, he was pulling you back towards your brother and his friends, but you wanted to stay with Mikasa and Eren. Mikasa had come to your rescue and surprisingly given Levi a solid punch to the jaw. He snarled but didn't move to defend himself, instead he had stalked off into the group of older kids. This memory reminded you that when Mikasa and Levi were in the same space they tended to bump heads. You felt slightly guilty knowing you were putting her in a bit of an awkward situation but at the same time you knew Levi would be uncomfortable too which would hopefully prevent him from bothering anyone. With everyone in agreement you all gathered your things and quickly climbed the bleachers to the mostly empty top right section. Sure enough you could see Levi with his arms crossed and a sour pout on his face. Hange's shoulders sagged with relief at the sight of your crew. You waved as you approached, a smile on your lips, you let Eren sit next to Levi and Mikasa next to Eren and then Armin on the end. Hange scooted over to make space between herself and Levi, which you eyed skeptically, it would've been easier for you to sit next to Armin, but you complied. You drew in on yourself, pressing your right side into Hange's left to avoid Levi. A memory flashed across your mind of you getting too close to Levi and him literally shoving you out of his space. You were not in a hurry to see if that had changed. Levi scowled at you, his cinder eyes catching your (e/c) ones momentarily before you averted your gaze back to the game. Hange threw an arm around you and drew you closer, her eyes analyzing the play that your team was about to make. Levi noticed the way the tension left your shoulders as Hange pulled you flush against her, giving Levi plenty of space. Instead of appreciating your respect of his personal space Levi only felt more annoyed. Just as he was finally managing to focus on the game you turned and leaned over to look around him.
"I'm feeling like watching a movie." you said, Eren also leaned forward and smiled.
"Same here, I brought some wine, we can watch a horror movie and get wine drunk." he said, you nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah I cleaned the basement the other day so you guys can go crazy upstairs and we'll stay downstairs." you said, this time directed at Hange. The brunette raised an eyebrow, "If that's what you want, Mike was going to bring his pong table and Nanaba is bringing some good games." Hange said, a skeptical look on her face.
"Maybe we'll come up after the movie?" you said, glancing at your friends for back up. They all nodded and then you all turned your eyes back to the game as the whistle blew shrilly. You noticed that your team had scored and you also took note of one of the opposing players gripping his ankle as he rolled in the grass. Trainers and coaches rushed over to aid the player as your brother fled the scene, his face grim as he went to join his team in a huddle. You sat forward with Hange as you watched one of the reffs storm over. You blinked as you watched the reff scold your brother and point towards the bench, the head coach quickly came to your brother's defense and fired back at the reff.
"Something's wrong, why is he being so aggressive tonight?" Hange asked, looking to you. All you could do was shrug and frown as you watched the reff storm back onto the field. You were so engrossed in the game that you forgot to mind Levi, who unlike you, was completely disinterested in the game. He noticed how close your knee was to his own and took advantage, he reached over and closed his fingers around your knee and squeezed. You yelped, at the pinch, a cow bite, one of your least favorite and dirtiest moves that Levi pulled on you. You glared at him as you rubbed the sides of your knee tenderly. Levi met your eyes and cocked his eyebrow, a false mask of innocence on his features. Hange spared the two of your worried glance, but ended up only feeling relieved that it wasn't her this time. You narrowed your eyes, a small warning to leave you alone, one that you were certain he would ignore. You turned back to the game, determined to watch the last half of the game. Levi turned to also face the field, but still kept an eye out for you, it wasn't often you would let him pull something like that. You cheered when a point was scored by Erwin, Levi watched as you rose to your feet with Hange and the other dorks, all screaming your heads off. Levi took this moment to shuffle over a few inches, so when you sat down you would be slightly closer. As predicted you sat down and as soon as you felt his thigh brush against your own. Levi reached into his pocket and pulled out his juul to take a hit,  he lifted the juul to his lips and felt pleased to know he had at least half of your attention as you watched out of the corner of your eye. He blew the vapor out of his nose and wordlessly offered you the juul. You eyed it for a moment before taking it , you coughed when you inhaled too much, the smoke billowing out of your mouth. Hange frowned when she saw you fall into a coughing fit.
"Erwin is going to kill you if you get his sister addicted to nicotine." Hange scolded as she watched Levi take another hit.
"He'll get over it." Levi grunted as he stood and stretched, the game was ending and he wanted to beat the traffic. You looked up, still fighting back some coughs, Eren was laughing at you and Mikasa had a small smile, Armin looked sympathetic.
"You leaving?" you asked, your voice gravely from coughing up your lung. Levi nodded and shoved his hands in his front pockets.
"Back to my house?" it was more of a statement than a question.
"Yeah wanna come?" he asked, you looked to Hange who shrugged.
"Yeah good idea you two go on ahead and set up things for the party." Hange agreed, quickly turning her attention back to the last minutes of the game. Levi scoffed and then lumbered down the bleachers, not waiting for you as you checked with your friends.
"Go, we need to drop by the liquor store anyway for some Smirnoff's." Eren dismissed with a wave of his hand and with that you followed Levi down the stairs.
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cocosstories · 3 years
Pete Davidson One Shot
Pete Davidson Valentines Day
Warning: Smut
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With Valentine's day falling on a Sunday, the day after a SNL taping, you had told your boyfriend Pete, it wasn't necessary to celebrate.
"Just being at the show with you is enough babe. Honestly, people make too big of a fuss over this holiday anyways."
You had said and honestly ment it. Pete was quite the romantic guy, always surprising you with little gestures, so you didn't need a specified day for him to go crazy, especially when he had to work.
The show was great. Pete had a weekend update spot that was hilarious, as usual, ending it with a quick little side note about you.
"Before I go Che, I would like to say a huge Happy Valentines Day to the love of my life Y/N. You have been with me through so much in the last two years and helped me to become a man I can be proud of. I love you so much baby."
He finishes with a huge collective 'Awww' and applause from the audience along with Che and Colin both looking a bit surprised with the sincere nature of the message.
"Wow Pete, that was really beautiful. Y/N is a lucky girl."
Che says, still a bit in shock.
"Yeah she is, and lucky for me, she didn't run when she found out my penis was only three inches."
He adds, the crowd erupting with laughter.
"Ah, there he is. Pete Davidson everybody!"
Che laughs and Pete rolls off the set and walks over to you.
Still laughing, he walks up and asks what you thought.
"You are the sweetest man I have ever met but come on babe, your penis is four inches. Well almost. Don't short yourself."
You joke and Pete kisses you with a chuckle.
The rest of the show went by in a blur and soon, it was time to head home, back to your shared apartment in the city. You were tired but so happy you got to spend the night with your love.
As you make your way off the elevator and towards your door and notice a envelope taped to it. You turn and look to Pete who shrugs with a big smile on his face.
"Pete, what did you do?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you have a secret admirer or something."
He tries to sound innocent but you can see right through it. You pull the envelope from the door and open it, pulling out a beautiful card.
'I love you so much and cannot imagine my life without you. Anytime I try, its like a nightmare and I have to reach for you to make sure its not real. You are the love of my life, my best friend and everything I could have ever asked for and more. Thank you for saving my life. I will spend the rest of my life repaying you for the gift that you have given me, if you will have me. Turn around."
Tears well up in your eyes as you read the thoughtful and heartfelt words Pete had written for you. You read the last two words and turn back towards the door that is now open.
String lights hang from the ceiling, flameless candles line a pathway leading from the door towards the living room which is just out of view.
Rose petals are scattered all around as your eyes land on Pete who is in the middle of it all, down on one knee, holding a small velvet box.
Your hands fly to your face, covering your mouth as the tears break free and stream down your face.
You get out just as he opens the box, revealing the most beautiful and perfect ring you could have ever imagined.
"The card pretty much says everything. I love you Y/N. You are the reason the pain from the past is nothing more than a distant memory. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes! Of course I will marry you Pete!"
Pete stands up and you jump into his arms, kissing all over his face.
A moment later, he sets you back on your feet and placing the ring on your shaking hand.
"Its perfect Pete. I love it."
You stare at the new accessory on your finger then look up at Pete.
"How did you do all of this?"
He leads you further in the apartment after closing the door and you notice more of the new decor.
As you get to the living room, you see what looks like a big air mattress against the couch and surrounded by a lighted set of curtains made to be a makeshift tent hanging from the ceiling. The mattress covered in blankets and pillows and a serving tray sitting in the middle with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries.
Right next to the tray, is two sets of matching heart one piece pajamas and a stack of what you can only assume is romance movies.
"My mom and Casey came over after we left. They really came through huh?"
Pete wraps you in his arms from behind as you take the whole scene in.
"I can't believe they did all of this. Its beautiful, I love it."
You walk over to the makeshift bed and pick up the matching pajama sets, handing one to Pete before going to the bedroom to change.
Once you are both in the pajamas, you join Pete on the air mattress. Pete has picked a movie and pour you each a glass of champagne.
"Happy Valentines day baby."
You say, tapping his glass with yours before taking a sip.
"Happy Valentines day my love."
He says after taking a sip himself.
You lean in to kiss him, letting the whole day wash over you and fuel the already deep burning fire you feel for your future husband.
Breaking from your lips for just a moment, Pete takes the tray between you and carefully moves it and your champagne glasses off the bed to the coffee table that has been moved off to the side.
You watch as he unzips his pajamas then powers himself back down, hovering over you with one hand holding his body weight as the other unzips your pajamas.
You shimmy out of the pajamas and Pete goes to work on your body, his lips connecting with your neck and not leaving your body until he reaches your lace panties.
He looks into your eyes, his filled with fire as he pulls them down, your legs already shaking in anticipation.
"So wet already Princess. All for me?"
He licks his lips as he pulls off his boxers, freeing his excited member.
"Pete, I need you. Please baby I need you inside me."
You look up with begging eyes and he finally gives into your wishes, pushing inside of you as you moan out, gripping the blankets around you.
The two of you find a rhythm quickly, you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him deeper inside of you as you dig your nails into his back.
"Fuck babe, you're so tight. Shit."
Pete groans out as you buck your hips wildly as you scream his name, begging for more as you feel the sweet release so close.
Moments later, you and Pete come together, riding out your highs with sloppy kisses and easy thrusts.
You end the night in his arms, lightly kissing his chest and looking at your ring again.
"So, when would you like to make it official?"
Pete asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. You look up as him with a smile, thinking for a second.
You answer, half joking. Pete kisses your forehead with a chuckle.
"For real though, soon. I cannot wait to become Mrs. Pete Davidson."
He takes your hand in his, kissing it lightly, just under your ring.
"Whenever you want my love. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there. Even if its just a justice of the peace on a Tuesday afternoon. I don't care. I just want you to be my wife."
You knew he meant it. No matter what you wanted he would be fine with. All that mattered was spending the rest of your life with the man you love.
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angellesword · 4 years
please write a drabble to when jungkook from your eyes tell asks y/n to marry him 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i'm begging you or the first time they made love 🥺i just miss my couple sm
Have you read the special chapter of Your Eyes Tell? :D anyway, here’s the drabble you requested! :D Enjoy! <3
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The exact time was 11:21am. The setting? Your apartment. You and Jimin were eating lunch together when a crazy idea popped inside your head.
"I'm going to propose to Jeongguk,"
Jimin choked on his juice the moment he heard you speak.
"W-What?" He rubbed his left ear as if doing that would make him understand your abrupt confession. Did he even hear you right?
Did you really want to propose to Jeon Jeongguk?
"I want to marry him, Jimin-ah. We've been dating for three months already..."
The way you said it confused him more. Three months. You had been dating Jeongguk for only three months. Jimin didn't understand why you were suddenly in a hurry.
"Okay," your best friend sighed, facing you—carefully analyzing your expression. He didn't want to upset you.
"I know you guys are soulmates, but isn't it too early to get married? I mean..." He trailed off, not sure what to say.
Jeongguk used to be an asshole to you. It took him so long to figure out that he loved you. What if he wasn't ready to take your relationship to another level? Or worse, what if he fucked up again? It would surely be hard for you to leave if you were already married.
"I just feel like it's not the right time, you know? You two are basically still at the merge stage. I see how you act around each other. You're so in love with him that I feel like you feel like he's never going to hurt you again. And...and!" He gasped, as if he just realized something. "Do you see the way Jeongguk looks at you? I know he has those innocent eyes, but he looks at you like you're the one who put the stars in the sky! Like you're the air he breathes—"
"Jimin..." You cut him off, huffing. "Why are you telling me this? Are you sure you don't want me to marry him?"
You didn't understand your best friend. He was only giving you more reasons why you should push through with your plan.
"I want you to marry him!" His eyes were wide. "I only said that it's not the right time yet. You guys are basically just getting to know each other. Besides, aren't you like...still mad at him? The last time I checked you banned him from your office building."
"That was months ago! We're cool now." You flashed a proud grin, causing Jimin to roll his eyes.
"You are batshit crazy! Why do you like that Jeon boy so much?"
It was a rhetorical question. Jimin clearly didn't expect you to get so sappy, but really, he was in the wrong here. He should know by now that you took everything about Jeongguk seriously.
You loved him that much.
"He asked me the same question before, you know? Gukkie doubts himself greatly. He thinks he's not worthy of love, but he is..." You were just like your soulmate. There were also stars in your eyes whenever you talked about someone you adored.
"I didn't give him an explanation because I don't know what exactly I love about him. Do you understand that feeling, huh, Jimin? Like when everything about that person screams love, you don't really know in particular why you love them? Jeongguk is like that for me. He hurt me bad before, but I guess what made me realize that he's the one I want to marry is that despite the pain he brought, it is still being overpowered by love. He showed me things I didn't know I was capable of feeling and doing..."
"Okay, stop." His eyes brimmed with tears. "I get it. You love him. You will always love him no matter what I say, so go. Just marry him. You have my blessing!"
"Really?" You embraced him when he nodded. "Cool! Help me prepare then! Who says girls can't propose to men?"
"No one! Let's go!"
The exact time was 11:21am. The setting? Taehyung and Jimin's shared apartment. Jeongguk and Taehyung were playing video games when a crazy thought popped inside your soulmate's head.
"I don't think she wants to marry me,"
Taehyung raised his brow the moment he heard Jungkook speak.
"What?" Taehyung didn't know whether to laugh or to shake his head. In the end, he chose to do both.
"Unless you're not talking about your soulmate, then I'm going to say you're being stupid." The older man laughed again. "Seriously, Guk? You don't think she wants to marry you? Are you blind or something? That girl will literally give you her heart for a dollar, and she wouldn't even mind if you break it into a hundred pieces. She's crazy over you."
Jeongguk frowned.
"What do you mean she's crazy over me? I will literally give her my heart for free, and I wouldn't even mind if she breaks it into a thousand pieces. I am crazy over her."
"Oh, God. Don't tell me you're so competitive you think you love her more than she loves you?"
"But it's true! I do love her more!" Jeongguk insisted, pouting his lips.
Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly. Typical Jeongguk.
"Whatever, man. Just marry her. I can help you choose what ring to buy." Taehyung put the controller down his lap, no longer interested in the game. "Or we can ask Jimin..."
Right. Because Jimin was your best friend.
"That sounds cool, but you're obviously not listening to me, hyung. I told you already. I don't think she wants to marry me!"
Jeongguk looked like he was about to cry. The thought of you rejecting him was enough to break his heart. He couldn't imagine a life without you anymore.
"Guk, you're just being dumb. Why wouldn't she want to marry you?" Taehyung groaned and Jeongguk sighed, explaining to his best friend his reason for thinking that.
Well, there was this one time when you two were watching a movie. Jeongguk intentionally chose a film related to a wedding. He was expecting you to comment what you liked if ever you decided to get married, but instead you stayed quiet throughout the whole film.
It also appeared like you didn't enjoy it. There was scowl on your face and you looked as though you were in deep thought.
"That's your reason?" Taehyung scoffed. "Wow, Guk. You're stupider than I thought."
"It's not just that!" Jeongguk snapped. He was struggling. He was in pain. He didn't know how to explain what's running inside his head.
"I'm just..." Your soulmate heaved a deep sigh. He looked so frightened. "I'm scared, hyung. I hurt her so much before. What if she doesn't want me anymore? I don't know...I can't...I feel like the only way I can do is to marry her, you know? I'm scared. I don't want her to leave me."
Jeongguk believed Taehyung would understand. However the latter only sighed.
"It sounds to me that you want to marry her for selfish reasons, Guk. You want to tie her down because you're afraid to be alone."
"No!" Your soulmate's eyes grew big, his heart was pounding. Shit. This was what scared him the most. People always misunderstood him since he wasn't good at expressing his feelings. How could he propose to you when he always ended up saying the wrong things?
"I just want to love her right, hyung. I want to show her that I am serious. She knows I am always trying to get away from her before. I don't want her to think that anymore. I want her to feel secured. I want her to know that she's the only one for me, that I'm not confused anymore. I mean, yeah...I don't want to be alone, but I don't want her to feel alone. I'm here for her. I'm going to take care of her. It's my turn to do that now..."
"Fuck." Taehyung exhaled loudly. "You really love her, huh?"
"More than her eyes can tell," Jeongguk smiled.
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Taehyung and Jimin both helped you and your soulmate with the proposal. The four of you had no idea what the other party was planning.
You told Jimin not to tell Taehyung because the latter had a big mouth.
Jeongguk told Taehyung not to tell Jimin because the latter got excited all the time, he would probably end up telling you about the whole plan.
Basically, you and your soulmate shared the same reasoning. Luckily you and your soulmate had the same taste as well.
"I want to propose to her outside the sushi bar where she first confessed to me." This was what Jeongguk told his best friend. He wanted to be the one to confess to you this time.
"I want to propose to him outside the sushi bar where I first embarrassed him," and this was what you told Jimin. You wanted to relive that moment because it was hilarious. You hoped your soulmate wouldn't try to run away this time though.
Planning the event was rather fast. You and Jeongguk didn't want anything grand. You two just really, really want each other to say yes.
Sunday came, also known as the proposal day. You were already waiting outside the sushi bar. Unknown to you (and him) Jeongguk was standing just a few meters away from you.
Your phone was pressed into your ears. Jeongguk was talking to someone over the phone too.
"What do you mean you can't find him?" You groaned at Jimin from the other line. His job was to bring your soulmate here.
Taehyung had a similar task.
"Hyung! You said you'll bring her here!" Jeongguk felt like crying again. What if you found out about the proposal so you ran away?
"I don't know, Guk. I'm freaking out. I'm with Jimin right now. He's freaking out too. I heard him talking to your soulmate over the phone. I think she's already there."
Jeongguk didn't understand, but he still craned his neck, looking for you.
It didn't take him long to see you because you were already heading towards his direction.
"Gukkie!" You embraced him, your heart was beating erratically. Fuck. He was here! "I thought you ran away!"
Your soulmate creased his forehead. You thought he ran away when he was convinced that you did the same?
"Why would I run away? I want to be here. I'm glad Taehyungie-hyung convinced you to go here..." He felt like he could finally breathe even though he was releasing you from the hug.
It was your turn to give him a confused look.
"Uh? Taehyung didn't have to convince me. I'm here because I want to..."
Jeongguk's face turned pale.
"W-Wait! So you know?" He didn't know what to feel. Did Taehyung tell you about the plan? Damn! Why couldn't that boy keep his mouth shut?
"Of course I know!" You grinned, squishing his cheeks. "I never hesitated even a second, Gukkie. I want to marry you..."
His expression softened. You just said you wanted to marry him. Was he dreaming? God. This felt too good to be true. You made everything so easy.
All he had to do now was get on his knees, right?
"Good," and so he did. And then he fished a small box from the pocket of his jeans.
"Marry me, then."
You said you knew.
You knew, but why were you acting so shocked? Why were there tears in your eyes?
"Jeongguk..." You were shaking. He didn't understand. Did he do something wrong?
You suddenly got on your knees as well. Just like him, you also brought out a small box.
"I was supposed to do this." You laughed, showing him the ring you bought. "I was supposed to propose to you!"
Jeongguk couldn't believe it.
"Y-You..." He swallowed thickly, tears filling his eyes. "Thought about this too? But...I'm the guy! I should be the one doing this for you!"
He cried.
You cried too.
Both of you didn't know what to say. What to do? You had a plan. He did too.
When the stares of the people became too much to bear, he realized fuck it.
"Doesn't matter who proposed. I just know that I want you." He pulled your hand, carefully putting the jewelry right on your ring finger.
You did the same to him. Jeongguk's hand was trembling as you did it.
You stood up. Jeongguk followed, pulling you into an embrace once again.
"I love you so much..." He murmured, kissing your forehead.
"I love you too, Gukkie..." You didn't murmur it. Your voice was loud and instead of kissing his forehead, you aimed for his lips.
And boy did he taste so sweet.
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ushidoux · 4 years
Look at Me, Senpai - Hinata x Reader x Daichi
Summary: Reader starts to see Hinata in a different light once he returns from Brazil. It turns out Hinata’s inability to give up isn’t just something restricted to the court. (~3.6k words)
Warnings: fem!reader, nsfw, infidelity, a touch of the yandere
A/N: This got really long so I split it in half lmfao, expect part 2 in a couple of days.
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Senpai, I like you.
As you continued to sit courtside, watching Karasuno’s team overtake the opposition led by your boyfriend Daichi Sawamura, your eyes briefly settled on Hinata, the orange-haired first year. When the ball finally sailed over to him, and he hit it with an inhuman speed, the middle blocker’s signature, you thought briefly about his frank and surprisingly serious confession earlier in the day. How bold! You hadn’t taken it seriously of course - your affection towards him was nothing short of motherly. Plus, he was well aware of how serious you were about Daichi. 
What an odd joke, you thought, but you had played along with it despite the fact that you knew he meant what he said, dismissing him with a laugh and a pat on the head.
I like you too, Hinata! You’re very fun to be around!
His smile had only wavered slightly at your words but you could feel his eyes get just a little darker as the twang of rejection set in.
But he was just a baby and this was just puppy love. He’d get over it eventually, right? He’d eventually find someone his own age. 
Suddenly across the court, you could feel Hinata’s gaze fall on you again, and he smiled again, but this time it was different. Maybe it was bleed over from the boundless confidence and determination he had whenever he stepped on the court, but something about the way his eyes flashed just for a moment as he looked at you made your face grow just a little bit warm.
[Years pass.]
“So when’s the wedding?!” 
Your grandmother’s voice blared through the phone in raucous joy as you laughed and tried to field her many follow-up questions. She, like almost everyone else you had told, was incredibly excited about your proposal, and despite the fact that it was only three days later, the high was already starting to fade and you were getting tired of answering the same questions.
When’s the wedding? Where’s the wedding? How excited are you? Are you already pregnant? Are you going to move into a house? 
Between your grandmother, your parents and siblings, your wonderful friends, your neighbors - honestly, literally everyone and their mother - you were feeling incredibly supported during this time. But still, somehow, something felt wrong, and you couldn’t exactly place why. 
Once you had finally answered Grandma’s questions to her satisfaction, you hung up the phone and flopped backwards back into your bed with a sigh. Holding up one hand in front of you to display your engagement ring, you inspected the stone carefully, letting it glimmer in the slowly fading sunlight beaming in through your bedroom window. 
“Mrs. Sawamura,” you tried out the name in a soft whisper. It had a nice sound to it,  ____ Sawamura. This was what you had always wanted, ever since you had met and started dating in high school. You’d always wanted to support his dreams, whether it was excelling at schoolwork, volleyball, joining the police force… and what better way to do it by agreeing to be his wife and spending the rest of your life with him? So many years had passed with you by his side, this was only the next natural step.
So what exactly was this reticence inside of you? You knew he would be good to you, no matter what, even if you felt that something about your relationship had already started to lose its spark. He had been working longer days and later nights, leaving very little time for you, and with all this time left alone, sometimes you regretted not having spent more time in high school or even later on making friends outside of those people he knew. The problem was that the volleyball team was so warm from the start, and you were so invested in caring for them as Daichi was… maybe this was some form of delayed empty nest syndrome, solidifying as the members all grew up and grew apart.
You checked the time on the small wall clock before you. Daichi wouldn’t be home for another couple of hours, and again you couldn’t fault him for this. The ring on your finger looked quite expensive, so he’d clearly worked hard to afford it.
Maybe you would draw.
Minutes passed, maybe even an hour, and as the sun finally set, you set down your pencil and reached over to your window to close the curtains so that the neighbors couldn’t peer into your home once you turned on the lights. Clicking on the bedside lamp, you settled back into a cross-legged position before your large sketchbook again, now taking a second look at your drawing.
An ordinary but hyper realistic-looking crow now peered back at you, almost as if it were wondering why you had decided on putting it to paper out of all the things that could have come to mind. You looked at it carefully and remembered a single fact about crows:
Crows never forget a face.
The next morning was Sunday and Daichi was fortunately off work for the day so you sat with your new fiancé at the kitchen table, listening to him talk excitedly about the week as the two of you shared a large omelette and munched on toasted bread.
“Honestly, you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff I see, babe, it’s really something.”
His laugh was always hearty and you couldn’t deny the sparkle in his brown eyes as he shared work shenanigans with you, so while you were uncomfortable with the idea of him being in harm’s way so often as a police officer, you couldn’t help but smile with him whenever he did. His happiness was infectious, especially when he held your hand tightly and squeezed it just like this very moment, interlocking his fingers with yours as he ate with his other hand.
Once he finished eating, he leaned over to kiss you on the forehead, threading his fingers through your hair. 
“Thanks for breakfast, baby,” he whispered, his voice smooth and lowered an octave. With his gaze, he drank up the image of you only in his oversized t-shirt and panties before pulling you towards him so that you straddled his hips as he sat on the chair. With you pressed close to him like this, between his hardening cock and the edge of the table, you could feel your breath hitch ever so slightly in your throat. Years had passed and you were still like this - you were still the shy, bashful girl who dared to date the captain of the volleyball team. 
“Daichi…,” you trailed off, as he started to litter soft kisses on your collarbones.
“Do you want to uh…,” he paused and pulled back, a smile spreading across his features, as one of his hands found its way up your shirt to palm your breast, “... start off our morning right?”
 He didn’t bother waiting for your reply before his lips met yours for dessert.
Parted thighs and many soft sighs later, the two of you lay side by side in pleasant exhaustion. You stared at the ceiling, your cheeks flushed as you pulled air into your overworked lungs. Daichi’s head found its way to rest in the softness of your abdomen and you languidly caressed his hair, your body still buzzing from lovemaking. 
Daichi was clearly apologizing for passing out the moment he came home, you knew, and you appreciated his thoughtfulness. As you continued to softly scratch his scalp, the soft glow of the late morning sun warmed the two of you up even further and you knew that this feeling had to be what ballads were all about.
You loved Daichi. Right?
His fingers traced up and down your thighs, just barely avoiding the dampness of him releasing inside you just moments earlier slowly leaking from your center.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, as his fingers traveled your skin. He always told you this, reminded you were the most wonderful girl in the world. 
And he was the most wonderful man on Earth. How incredible it was that you had found each other, you thought, as you lay together for what felt like hours and found yourself dozing off in each other’s embrace. 
Yes, this was enough.
“You don’t have to go all out babe, it’s just the guys!” Daichi’s loud voice carried from outside the bathroom as you perfected your mascara. You ignored him with a playful roll of the eye even though you couldn’t see him, focusing on perfecting a winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man. It had been a while since you had dressed up, and it didn’t hurt to really go all out. This was a sort of mini-reunion anyway and what better way to make your fiancé proud than to make all his friends jealous?
“I thought you said I was pretty this morning,” you called out, as you dabbed perfume behind your ears and at the center of your chest. “Don’t you want everyone else to know?”
With that you posed dramatically at the end of the hallway, cat-walking with a face so straight it was ridiculous until you reached Daichi who stood at the front of your door, holding in a laugh. You burst into laughter once you reached him, falling into his chest.
“Let’s go see your old team!” You said, quickly pushing him away playfully when his eager hands settled too comfortably on your ass. He nodded, deciding to grab your hand instead as your cab approached.
Your car ride was short and your mind started to wander as you idly rubbed the knuckles of Daichi’s hand with your thumb. You remembered him telling you vaguely about one of his teammates returning to Japan, prompting the reunion, the orange-haired one named Hinata who you recalled was nothing short of a ball of sunshine and had confessed to you once.
Senpai, I like you.
Well, he would probably have gotten over that crush by now. It had been years.
The restaurant was loud when you entered, following Daichi closely. A table full of young men almost erupted in praise once the two of you approached.
Tanaka, who you recognized easily from his shaved head and brash attitude came sailing over to essentially crush Daichi in a headlock, but before he could reach him, the orange-haired boy who had just graced your thoughts a couple of minutes earlier beat him to it, slapping him heartily on the back.
“You finally made it! Did you miss me?” Hinata said, with a grin and for a split second, you thought you saw his eyes flit to you. Without warning, your mind started to race, realizing that immediately your face had started to warm as you watched your goofy little underclassman with a crush talk and tease your fiancé animatedly- 
And to your dismay, you realized you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what had you unsettled throughout the lively dinner - was it the fact that even though you sat by Kiyoko, the previous team manager, she seemed to be more focused on eating quietly, a smile on her face as she basked in the glory days with the boys? Or was it the fact that you could see Hinata’s rare but noticeable furtive glances towards you, the ones that Daichi seemed to miss now that he was more than a little drunk judging by how red he was in the face? Maybe it was the fact that you were trying to understand what was this sudden gravitational pull you felt towards Hinata at first glance, something that made very little sense to you and seemed oh-so-very-wrong.
Was it the fact that while he was still shorter than average for a volleyball player, his time in Brazil had tanned his skin nicely, bringing out the well toned muscles in his shoulders or arms? Or that while his eyes were still bright and kind, the angles in his face had grown sharper and his smile had made the very slight shift from determined to confident and almost even cocky? 
What the hell was it that had you suddenly so distracted?
You fiddled with the ring on your finger above the table between bites of grilled meat and poured sake, trying desperately to make small talk with Kiyoko, only to be disappointed by how unsuccessful you were in engaging yourself in meaningful conversation.
Eventually you decided to get up for some fresh air, giving Daichi a little nudge on the back to let him know you were stepping out and took a seat in a small chair set outside the chilly restaurant meant for smokers. It was nice to have a little more quiet, and you briefly pondered if Daichi would be okay with you going home first. 
Something was terribly, terribly wrong, and it was about to get way worse since it turned out that Hinata had followed you out.
“Heya!” Hinata’s voice startled you as he approached, quickly taking a seat beside you. Your face flushing for the second time today (you blamed it on the alcohol, of course), you eked out a hello, mentally shaming yourself for being so awkward.
“You were quiet in there...” 
“A-ah, yes! It’s just I haven’t really seen any of you guys in a while and we weren’t close, so it was a bit hard to follow the conversations…,” you trailed off, not making eye contact. You decided that a good way to politely add distance would be to re-introduce yourself even though you knew exactly who he was now, and you knew he remembered you. 
You stuck your hand out to greet him formally with a handshake.
“I don’t know if you still remember me but I’m ____ -”
“I know,” Hinata interrupted curtly, without looking directly at you and your hand fell to your side slowly and returned to your lap. He stared out at the street with his face unsmiling, a look that appeared almost unnatural for someone like him and then turned back to you to give you a wide smile anew.
“How have you been? I didn’t think I’d see you here again!” He was cheerful again and polite as always, but for a moment you felt mildly insulted, as though he’d implied that maybe he didn’t expect you to be with Daichi for this long.
Maybe you were just overreacting.
Yeah, you were just overreacting.
“Mmm, things have been great!” You replied earnestly, fiddling subconsciously with your engagement ring again, only to catch him laying eyes on it but making no comment. For some reason, you didn’t feel like it was worth mentioning either.
Silence sat between the two of you as you stared out into the road again together. Two strangers who’d known each other briefly. You wished he would go back in and the night would be over and you could forget the fact that you were suddenly attracted to him.
Ah, that was it. And that would be it.
Hinata spoke again and your heart thumped at his simple question, “Are you happy?”
You gave him a look of confusion but you could already tell what he meant just by the look in his eyes. The same look he gave his opponents on the court, the one that demanded to be taken seriously. 
While, it wasn’t exactly the same look that he gave you when you brushed his confession off those many years ago, it was pretty darn close.
“Y-yes?” You asked, feigning incomprehension. He smiled in response but not with his eyes.
“When’s the wedding?”
The shift of his tone back to excitement was jarringly unnatural, especially since you hadn’t even brought up your wedding, and now you wondered how one person could be confident enough to appear out of nowhere and ask bold questions to a complete stranger.
“I’m not sure yet… we haven’t planned yet.”
“Great!” He interjected suddenly, and rose to his feet. “I still have time!”
He turned to re-enter the restaurant as you looked at him in shock and incredulity. “Excuse me, time to do what?” You asked, immediately questioning why those words had come out of your mouth the moment they did.
Hinata turned to face you, his smile only mildly sinister when compared to the seriousness of his gaze.
“Time to convince you, of course. I've always liked you from the start, ___, and I think… actually I know that I can treat you better than Daichi does.”
And with that he turned the corner, re-entering the restaurant and leaving you in a complete and utter shock.
Who would believe you?
Sweet little Hinata threatening to break up your upcoming marriage? 
Sweet little Hinata planning to steal your heart right under his senpai’s nose? 
Sweet little Hinata texting you suddenly at 11pm the next day while you got ready for bed just to let you know that he was “thinking of you”?
You looked at the phone incredulously, your other hand still holding your toothbrush wondering how to best respond to the message. The obvious answer was to block his number - you weren’t exactly sure how he’d gotten it anyway, but as your finger hovered over the button, you paused.
Then Daichi turned the corner of your bathroom door and startled, you fumbled and dropped your phone.
“You okay, Shakes?” He joked, as he reached for your phone, but you grabbed it quickly, locking it and placing it facedown on the bathroom sink. You quickly nodded, continuing to brush rapidly.
“Can you believe he grew taller?”
Your eyes rose.
Daichi laughed. “Hinata, of course. He was such a shrimp, remember? I mean he’s still not that tall, but he definitely looks a lot more like an adult, right?”
“Y-yeah…,” you agreed, sheepishly, as Daichi hopped into bed, leaving you to squirm at the sight of your own reflection in the bathroom mirror. 
The next morning, you woke up to no new messages on your phone and breathed a sigh of relief, assuming that your non-response had sent the point across to the young volleyball player. With that odd guilt now off your shoulders, you occupied yourself with the first steps of wedding planning, spending most of the day browsing through websites and calling companies. You were determined to do this mostly yourself and do it right.
You weren’t exactly sure what you were trying to prove but over the next couple of weeks, you dove headfirst into flowers and venues and elaborate table accents and fancy invitations and ignoring Hinata’s messages that had now upgraded to thirst traps that kept your eyes lingering on the phone way too long, while Daichi spent more and more time at work, and less and less time with you, until suddenly…
For the fourth night in a row, Daichi had come home in the middle of the night and wordlessly crawled into bed beside you as you tossed and turned waiting for him to come home, because that was all you did: waste time until he returned to you, of course. What else could you do? Your world was so small, after all.
And it would only get smaller once you got married. Your miniscule sphere of existence centered around Daichi and you were beginning to resent it. 
Was that the reason you were starting to save every one of Hinata’s dirty pictures?
Dirty was an overstatement - you had seen everything up to his V-line and while your artist’s eye could now trace every single bit of his anatomy from memory, you couldn’t say anything he sent you was truly risqué, could you? Maybe he sent those pics to every girl on his phone, or maybe you were different...
That was besides the point. The point was that suddenly the man who lay beside you every night was no longer doing it for you.
“___,” Daichi whispered groggily, revealing that he really had just passed out the moment his head hit the pillow. “I really need to sleep… what’s the problem?” 
You faltered, unable to come up with something to explain why you’d just thrown a mini-tantrum.
“... there’s no problem, I was just… never mind.”
Too many things bubbled inside you and were left unspoken that night, and so in order to express yourself, you settled on, or rather on top, something way worse.
“I have to admit, I didn’t expect it to be this easy.”
Hinata didn’t mean to be offensive - howcouldhebehewassuchasweetboyafterall - but the pang of guilt in your chest said otherwise, as you inhaled and exhaled softly under the weight of his muscular body pressed against yours.
Maybe you felt bad, but the feeling was short-lived because once Hinata’s fingers dug into the flesh of your hips and gripped you tightly, firmly, so much so in fact you were sure it was just to prove that for all these years you had really belonged to him, he thrust into you so sharply and precisely that you let out a gasp as the intense pleasure blinded you.
“Say it louder,” was all he whispered as he flipped you over before slamming you down onto him hard, sending another wave of intense stimulation through you.
You screamed his name again, tears now coming to your eyes as he bucked his hips against you, bouncing you up and down his deliciously large cock at a brutal, energetic pace, knowing very well that you couldn’t keep up from the short, unintelligible sounds now leaping out of your throat.
“You’ve always been mine, ___. You just didn’t know it yet.”
Warm wetness streaming from your face almost as much as from the space between your legs, you couldn’t find the words to protest. Did you want to protest? Was he right? Wasn’t he right?
Your mind was too hazy for thought, and instead you let selfish desire overtake you for the rest of the night.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Hi my love, do you think you can write a quick smut about Harry fucking me from behind while I’m on my stomach and like he’s whispering to me about how good I feel and how much he loves me or just something that will make my pussy quiver and maybe he makes me squirt too🥺👉👈
Sunday Smut Concept #17
A/N: This was probably one of the easiest thing I’ve ever written! Like, everything just clicked together instantly and the juices were flowing and it was just great. Anyways, it’s filthyy and I HIGHLY suggest you getting a 2 liter of holy water before reading. Enjoy🙃 
There is no doubt in my mind that this would be Harry and Y/n. 
Harry had always been a big fan of teasing; only if you were the one on the receiving end. He hated it when you took the opportunity (whenever you had it) to just tease him. But when he was the one who would do all the teasing, he loved it. And tonight was anything but an exception to that.
You and Harry were very deep into a heavy make-out session. It was filled with sloppy, tongue filled kisses and muffled moans. You two were down to just your underwear, and hands were everywhere. You could feel Harry’s hands glide up to your chest to grasp and massage your breasts in his hands, and back down to latch onto your hips to grind you down harder against his cock. Your panties were beyond soaked too. You were so wet that your arousal had not only gone through your panties, but it was starting to seep through the material of Harry’s underwear too. Feeling this, along with feeling your hips moving faster against his cock, and hearing your moans getting louder were all signs that you needed him bad. These were also his queue to pull away from you. 
He thought that this was the perfect opportunity to tease you. And he knew just how to do it. 
When he pulls away from you, out of habit, your head pushes forward to push your lips back onto his. When you don’t feel them against yours, your eyes shoot open to find Harry tilting his head back against the headboard with a smug smirk spread across his face. 
“Why’d you stop?” You pout at him, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Because I wanted t’mess with you. And because I have an idea.” Harry explains, bringing his head down to look at you and pulling your arms down from your chest. He wanted to enjoy the view.
“Would you like to tell me this idea?” You ask. You were starting to get annoyed with him. All you wanted was for the throbbing between your legs to go away, and for Harry’s cock to be deep inside of you. You thought that Harry had the same idea, but apparently he had other plans.
“So my idea was that we play a little game.” He begins, resting his hands on your thighs. When you give him the ‘hurry up and finish’ look he continues on. “The game would involve, you, one of your toys in the closet, and my book.” You didn’t even have to hear the rest of it to connect the dots. “I want you to lay on the bed in front of me with those damp panties on and the toy on you while I read up here. If you can hold off on cumming until I finish reading this chapter, I’ll fuck you nice and hard the way you like it.” Harry explains. Harry wanted to spice up his nightly reading. 
“What if I can’t do it?” You inquire. 
“Then I won’t fuck you tonight, I won’t push my cock into you tonight before bed, and you’ll have to wait until tomorrow morning to see if I feel like fucking you.” Harry lists. You were too needy for him to wait until tomorrow morning. So you were going to try your absolute hardest tonight. 
“And how hard are we talking about?” You ask suspiciously. The reward sounded good and all, but you just wanted to make sure you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. If you were going to be teased to the max, you wanted to make sure that you were getting as much of a reward as possible. 
Without any type of warning, Harry lifts his hand from your thigh and wraps it snugly around your throat. 
“Pin you against the mattress, pound my cock deep into you, which is very deep, and make you cum and scream as I do it hard. Is that hard enough for you?” 
Your heart rate was already at 500 just from him wrapping his hand around your throat. Hearing him tell you just how hard he was going to give it to you only made the throbbing between your legs stronger and your hear pound right out of your chest. When you take too long to answer, he tightens his hand that was around your throat.
“Is that hard enough?” He asks again. You quickly nod yes through his grip and he releases his grip on you with a slight shove. “Now go pick out the toy you want to use.” He instructs. Without wasting anymore time, you hop right off of the bed on your already wobbly legs and you go straight to the closet.
When you choose the toy that you want, you choose the one that wasn’t too powerful. You and Harry had tried out many toys, and the both of you agreed that this one wasn’t strong enough. This was the only time you were excited to use it. But it didn’t last long because when Harry saw what you chose, he wasn’t having any of it. 
“You really chose that one.” Harry says amusedly, pushing himself up from the headboard. “You can do better than that. Go back and choose a better one. If you don’t pick right this time, I’ll pick for you.” Harry continues, sending you back into the closet. It’s funny how the one thing you had control over was no longer under your control. 
When you go back into the closet, you already know which one you needed to choose. You pick the one that Harry deemed as his favorite. It was almost as big as his cock, and it had the most powerful vibrations out of all the toys in the box. With this one, the tiny bit of confidence you had in being able to hold off for Harry was dwindling very quickly. You put the box back onto the shelf and you go back into the bedroom to Harry. 
“Now that’s a good girl.” Harry praises when he sees your new selection. When you get closer to the bed, you hand him the dildo, and Harry instructs you to lay on the bed facing the headboard. Once you’re in this position, Harry kneels between your legs, pushing them far apart so that you’re completely exposed to him. “Need yeh t’get it nice and wet f’me.” He says, bringing the toy up to your mouth. Without hesitation, you part your lips for him and he pushes the toy into your mouth. He watches as the toy disappears into your mouth, and down your throat. He continues to push it in until he hears you gag a little bit around it. He pulls the now coated toy from your mouth and you immediately try to catch your breath. “Always good at takin’ a cock down that throat of yours.” Harry praises, reaching in with his other hand to pull your panties to the side. When he does this, he can see the thick, and sticky strings of your arousal stretch from your pussy to the material of your panties. Seeing this immediately made his cock stir in his pants. When you see him bringing the dildo inbetween your legs, you lift your head up to watch what he’s doing. This doesn’t last long though, because once you feel the toy on you, and then pushing inside, your head falls right back down against the bed.
“Oh my god.” You moan loudly. You could feel the ridges of the toy, gliding against your walls as it went deeper inside of you. It wasn’t Harry’s cock at all. But in this moment, you’d take just about anything. 
“Make all y’noise now because when m’reading, y’gonna have t’be quiet. The quicker I finish the chapter, the quicker I can fuck yeh.” Harry reminds, pushing the last bit of the toy into you. He doesn’t even give you time to calm down before he turns it on. He starts off on the lowest setting, gradually increasing it to the second to highest speed. He wanted to be a little nice since you were already throbbing for him. He pulls your panties back over, covering the dildo and keeping it securely inside of you. There were times where you were so wet to the point that the toy would just slip out. And that’s the last thing that Harry wanted. He watches you squirm and try to keep your moans at bay for a little bit before propping up a few pillows on the headboard and lying back against them. He pulls your body up so that his body is between your legs and he gets prepared to read. He puts his glasses on, and picks up the book he was currently reading. While you were picking out your toy, he flipped to the chapter he was on to see how long it was. 
Luckily for him and unfortunately for you, it wasn’t by any means a short one.
“Gonna need you to be a good girl for daddy and keep quiet while he reads.” He reminds you once more while he goes to where he previously placed his bookmark. When he says this, you quiet down a little bit.
This entire time, you thought that he’d be simply reading to himself. But once again, you were sadly mistaken. You had to not only endure a vibrating dildo that was pushed all the way up into you and pressing right into your special spot, but the sound of Harry’s smooth voice as he read! He was trying to make you fail. But, you weren’t going to let him win. It was so hard to do though. The feeling of the toy vibrating deep inside of you felt amazing. They were radiating throughout your body and right to your clit as well. It didn’t help at all that Harry’s voice was doing things to you that you didn’t even think were possible. This happened to you more times than you could even count. You would hear Harry speaking about god knows what, and you get turned on beyond belief. But even though this was the case, you were managing to keep your moans low and to a whimper. You were holding back so much that little streams of tears were falling from the corners of your eyes.
 And Harry watched as it all played out. 
As he was reading, Harry managed to sneak little peaks here and there of you (it was more like what was left of you). After every period or page turn, he would watch you squirm and moan below him at the sensations of the dildo inside of you. You were feeling so good that at some point, you were digging the heel of your foot into Harry’s thigh, all the way up to stomach. To which Harry wrapped his hand around your ankle to stop you from going further up. Seeing you in this state, which was a complete mess, was beyond difficult for Harry to watch. He could even see your arousal dripping from your filled panties and onto the bed. His cock was beyond hard (it was actually throbbing) and he knew that as soon as he pushed into you, he was going to explode. You looked so pretty when you were all pitiful and begging for him. He wanted to just throw the book down, flip you over and just fuck you both to mind-blowing orgasms. But he held in there and kept reading.
Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Harry was finished reading the chapter. Harry barely finished the last sentence before he was pulling his glasses and throwing them along with the book onto the bedside table. The primal instinct and desire deep inside of him completely took over. Before either of you knew it, Harry had shover his boxers off, and flipped you onto your stomach. He ripped the thin, damp panties you were wearing off of your body and pulled the drenched dildo from you. He then proceeds to waste no time in replacing it with his even better (and bigger) cock. Instead of letting out sighs of relief, you and Harry let out cries of relief instead. This is the moment the both of you were desperately needing. You screamed out at the feeling of his cock plunging into the deepest part of you. You knew that you weren’t going to last long at all. 
And neither was Harry. Feeling your spongey, and warm walls squeeze his cock after each thrust was a lot to handle. It became so much for him, that he rested his entire upper body against your back as he continued to slam his cock into you. When he did this, his mouth was right at your ear, prompting him to pant little things into your ear.
“Feel so good ‘round me baby.” Harry pants. Hearing this only pushed you right to the edge. Having him put his weight on you like this, only pushed you deeper into the mattress. Causing you to feel his cock moving deep inside of you even better. What Harry does next sends you completely over the edge. He manages to snake his hand beneath you and right between your legs, stopping right at your clit. He doesn’t even have to move his fingers for you to just let go around his cock.
“M’cumming!” You scream out to him. As if your release was infectious, Harry follows right behind you. Your releases crashed down onto you two extremely hard. As the both of you let go, a part of your bodies went numb. One of your legs was already numb to begin with, so the rest of your body just followed suit. The both of you were screaming and panting messes as you rode out your orgasms. Every time Harry thought he released every drop of cum into you, more spilled out. It was like your walls were milking his cock for as much of his cum as possible. 
Once you two were done for sure, Harry manages to roll over onto his side, pulling you along with him. He keeps his hips tightly against you to keep his cock, and as much of his cum as possible inside of you. 
“I love you so much.” Harry slurs, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck before falling off to sleep with you. 
Neither you or Harry needed a bedtime story to fall asleep when you had this.
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Thirty Three
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 8.8k+ (DANG IT! I tried not writing as much... Ah well.)
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, PTSD moments, smut...ish more mentions of?
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias
This Part: A week before the surgery and Emma sees Alistair for an appointment.
Ek! So close! Please, please, please, let me know you thoughts and opinions. I literally have no anons 😅 @aznblossom thank you for always leaving a comment!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom
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A Week Before The Surgery
Emma’s feet pound the pavement as she runs along the waterfront by the city, with Robyn’s partly completely album blaring in her ears.
Emma can’t help but feel pride with how good everything sounds as she passes unsuspecting members of the public. Weaving around the couples and families going for a gentle stroll in the warm April, Saturday sun.
Her face starts to feel slightly uncomfortable from the sweat rolling down her face. The face modifier causing a strange sensation and a tightness due to her heated skin. After finding this happening whenever she exercises with the modifier on, Winn and Brainy decide to develop a new model, one that will  hopefully be more lightweight and comfortable for the wearer. Including more options and will be able to change the wearer's hair and colour.
But, Emma hopes the time will come soon where Lucy gives her the go ahead where she won’t have to wear it anymore. By Doctor Hamilton’s assessment it should be another month or two before that can happen.
Emma had ventured out without it on, but that was under Lucy’s strict orders and guidance. The lawyer had organised a little outing where Emma sat in a wheelchair with a nasal cannula, giving the impression she was getting oxygen and sat with her sisters at Noonan’s. Bruises and prosthetics were applied around her face and neck to create the illusion that Emma was still healing.
Emma did query whether it would be a good idea but she had been reassured it was. Emma even asked if she still needed the prosthetics but Doctor Hamilton explained that with the severity of the trauma done to her body, she suspects the swelling would have stayed around longer than normal.
As soon as Alex rolled Emma through the restaurant's doors it spread like wildfire that Emma was out in public. Social Media lapped it up and soon a crowd of paparazzi, well wishers and fans gathered outside the restaurant. Emma stiffly waved and played her part but was grateful when they left and she could get rid of the itchy makeup and prosthetics.
Lena was meant to have joined them at the outing, but per usual, Lena had been too busy to attend.
Emma lets out a heavy breath as her heart clenches at the thought of her girlfriend. The Sunday after Nia’s party had been utter bliss with Emma waking up in Lena’s arms. The raven haired beauty had already been awake and kissed Emma’s forehead as she greeted her. The couple then laid there for a while, planting soft kisses on each other's lips until Emma needed to pee. The blonde had come back expecting Lena would want to start the day. However the raven haired beauty had not moved.
“Didn’t you mention about spending the whole day in bed?” Lena asked in a husky voice, dripping in sex. She pulled the covers back and revealed she had removed her pajamas.
Emma didn’t hesitate in flinging off her own clothing and jumping right back into bed. That day had been magical while they moved as one, the feeling of-
Her watch bleeps, pulling Emma out of her thoughts and alerting her to another mile she’s completed and calculating what her pace is. She glances down at it to check but notices the time instead, her eyes widen and immediately she turns towards Alistair's office.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Emma screams in her head as she starts running faster and berates herself for being in her own little world. Not realising she had gone further then she originally planned.
Currently she was twenty minutes away from Alistair’s office and her appointment was in ten minutes. She’s going to be late and Emma hates being late. The blonde pumps her arms and wishes she could call out for people to move or apologies when she makes people jump as she sprints past.
Finally Alistair’s building comes into view but Emma doesn’t slow down until she slides in front of the building's door and presses the buzzer four times to alert the alien she has arrived.
“Come on up Emma!” Alistair’s warm voice calls through the speaker and the buzzing of the lock follows, allowing Emma to push the door open.
The blonde races up the stairs two at a time, putting her wireless headphones in their case and turns into the hallway towards Alistair’s office door. Finding that the red headed alien was already standing in the doorway and gently smiling at her.
‘I’m so, so sorry! I’m so late! Time got away from me and-’ Emma’s mind screams out as she quickly approaches the therapist, automatically reaching up and deactivating the modifier.
“Emma, it's okay! You’re actually right on time!”
The blonde halts and frowns, immediately lifting her arm up to look at her watch. She notices the running app is still on and quickly ends the session before looking at the time.
Alistair was correct… She was right on time.
‘Huh… I must have read it wrong.’ Emma muses as she tries to visualise what she saw as she was running.
“Possibly.” Alistair agrees and moves out of the way to let her in.
As soon as she enters the office the patter of paws makes her look up from her watch as Lily excitedly trots over to her.
‘Lily!’ Emma drops to her knees and affectionately strokes under Lily’s chin. The snowy white german shepherd greets her in kind with many licks to her face and arms, lapping up the light sheen of sweat covering them, causing Emma to release a few voiceless laughs.
“She’s always happy to see you.” Alistair says cheerfully and moves towards his chair, motioning for Emma to sit on the sofa.
Straightening up Emma makes her way over with Lily right beside her.
“The water is for you as well. Did you have a good run?” Alistair asks, as Emma sits down, takes her trainers off and sits crossed legged. Lily instantly hops onto the sofa next to her and rests her head on the blonde’s lap.
Emma glances at the coffee table in front of her, on it was a box of tissues, a few books and a glass of water with a lemon slice and a few cubes of ice.
‘Thank you and yes it was good.’ Emma thinks gratefully as she carefully leans forward to get the glass, not wanting to jostle Lily too much. Seeing this, Alistair helps by getting the glass first and holding it out for Emma to take.
“Great and thank you for being willing to move your appointment to today. I am sorry about having to rearrange our time together.” Alistair says sincerely.
‘It’s okay.’ Emma shrugs, she normally sees Alistair during the week. ‘Not like I had much planned for today anyway.’ A small twinge hits Emma’s heart.
“Okay, how’s the last few days been?” Alistair asks as he leans back against the leather armchair and studies her. Emma takes a few gulps of the cool water as she thinks.
‘Yea, it wasn't too bad.’ Memories of the week flashes through her mind, who she saw, the smells, her heart clenching whenever she’d wake up in an empty apartment-
“Ah, I take it Lena is still working a lot?” Alistair asks with a sympathetic smile.
‘Yea.’ Emma answers softly in her mind, her shoulders slump and Lily licks her hand, making the blonde slowly stroke her head. ‘I understand these new investors are important, I know how important her work is but-’ Emma stops her thoughts and looks out of the window at the sea in the distance.
“You miss her.” Alistair finishes for her and Emma lowers her head.
‘Yea.’ Emma thinks weakly and can’t help but visualise their early relationship. How excited Emma was to get back to her hotel room to spend some time with her girlfriend, no matter how exhausted she felt after a gig. ‘I love her so much, I’d give my life for her but I just miss what we had when she wasn’t so busy. I mean we made it work when I was on tour and I’d call her even with the different time zones and it would be early in the morning for me.’
“That is understandable.” Alistair comments as he rests a finger beside his cheek as he ponders what Emma revealed. “You have both been through some major changes. Has she given you a time frame for when things look to be getting back to normal?”
-- -- --
During the week - Lena and Emma’s apartment
Emma checks her phone for the umpteenth time as she gets ready for Lena. On Sunday they had planned to have a date during the week and go out for dinner. Something they haven’t been able to do recently.
Emma voicelessly sighs while putting the finishing touches on her makeup, thankful that her hard work transfers through the modified face.
Standing up from the dressing table the blonde heads towards the walk-in wardrobe and takes the dress, she had spent hours deciding on, off the hanger. The dress was teal coloured, elegantly pleated and Emma had fallen in love with it as soon as she saw it. Also finding she was loving the dress even more when she zipped herself up and admired the way it hugged her toned body. She then steps into her trusted black high heeled shoes and opens her jewelry box.
For a moment she looks for her layered necklace her sisters got her. Only to feel a devastating pang when she remembers Kara crushed it.
‘No… Not Kara.’ Emma shakes her head and closes the lid. She heads out into the living area and glances at her phone again.
No new messages from Lena.
Emma flops onto the sofa, ignoring the dull ache in her head that hasn’t disappeared since leaving the DEO. Naturally when anyone asks her about it the blonde shrugs it off, not wanting to worry her friends and family anymore then she already has.
Laying down on the sofa Emma opens her phone and scrolls through social media to pass the time. She yawns and starts to feel her eyes grow heavy and eventually they close as she falls into a deep sleep.
So deep that even when the apartment door opens and closes, Emma doesn’t stir. Or when heeled shoes click over to her.
What does wake her up is a hand gently shaking her shoulder. Emma jumps, her eyes fly open as she takes a sharp intake of breath.
“Sorry love.” Lena apologises softly and strokes Emma’s cheek with the back of her fingers.
Emma nuzzles her face into Lena’s hand and kisses it before sitting up. Which causes her to become face to face with the raven haired beauty as Lena sat next to the sleeping blonde.
Emma smiles and goes to kiss Lena, until she sees the time on the oven clock. Her eyes widen and she pulls back.
“Em?” Lena pouts at the halted kiss.
“The reservation! We’re late.” Emma moves to jump off the sofa but Lena places a hand on her shoulder, halting her movements.
“I cancelled it.” Lena says hesitantly and Emma blinks at her. “I’m sorry, it got so late and you weren’t answering your phone and-”
Emma places a finger on Lena’s lips, sensing the rising guilt and panic in her girlfriend. Reaching out she unlocks her phone, noticing the messages but instead goes into Hope’s app and turns the lights up from a soft glow.
Lena’s eyes squint at the sudden light and Emma studies her properly.
Despite the make up Lena was wearing, Emma can see the dark circles under her tired, reddened eyes. Emma opens her arms and Lena immediately falls into the hug and kisses her cheek. Slowly Emma leans back into the corner of the sofa, pulling Lena up with her.
“Emma!” Lena giggles and Emma feels Lena settle on top of her and snuggles in. The blonde slowly rubs circles into her girlfriend’s back and eventually feels Lena twitch, signalling she’s fallen asleep.
Carefully grabbing her phone, Emma opens UberEats and decides to get Lena’s favourite food. Seeing that it will be delivered in half an hour, Emma rests her head back against the cushions and enjoys the feeling of holding her girlfriend. Grateful that even though they haven’t gone out on a date, Lena has still come home and given Emma this time with her.
When the food arrives Emma carefully lifts the snoozing CEO off her and quietly runs to the door. But no matter how careful Emma is at keeping quiet, when she turns around Lena is sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“Em?” Lena’s husky voice calls out.
Emma lets out a huff of frustration as she wants to tell her dinner is ready. She wants to speak the words of love she is longing to say.
Instead Emma strides over to the sofa and places the bag on the coffee table.
“Hmm, you know me so well.” Lena smirks at the sight of the logo on the bag.
The couple settle on the sofa and listen to a playlist of soft acoustic music as they eat.
“I-” Lena starts and hesitates. Turning her head Emma gazes into regretful green eyes and watches Lena swallow before she continues. “I just want to apologise for ruining our date tonight. Time just got away from me and… there's no excuse.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it's not.” Lena tries to implore Emma to listen. “Just- this won’t be forever. I promise you that. I’m taking time off for the surgery and afterwards to look after you. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been working nonstop, so my sole focus will be on you.” She reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind Emma’s ear.
Emma beams at her, taking Lena’s hand and kisses it.
“What have you been working on?” Emma asks and Lena explains the many projects she’s been developing with the investors and her team. Emma’s eyes widen at how complex it all sounds and nods along.
Soon they finish their meal and despite how tired they both are, they head to bed for a different reason than sleep.
-- -- --
Emma comes out of the memory before she shows anything risque to her therapist. But she cannot help but smile softly at the feeling of Lena’s arms wrapped around her.
“Interesting. So there wasn’t a set time frame, just that it won’t be forever?”
‘Yea.’ Emma looks down and runs her fingers smoothly through Lily’s fur.
“Have you tried asking Lena further?”
‘She apologises and says the same thing she’s been saying for a while. Now isn’t forever.’
Alistair nods and looks down at his notes as he jots down a few more. “How are you sleeping?”
Emma hesitates, causing Alistair to look back up at her. Feeling an unease emit from the blonde.
“Emma?” Alistair asks, his eyes imploring her to be truthful with him.
‘I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m finding I-’ Emma pauses, not wanting to admit what's been happening. Taking a deep breath her mind shows him instead. Horrible nightmares that have Emma jumping awake in a panic, drenched in sweat, only to find she is alone in bed.
“You’re still experiencing nightmares?”
Emma nods.
“More than usual, less or about the same?”
‘I-’ Emma lifts her head as she tries to remember. ‘It feels about the same.’
“Okay, that is something that we will still work on and honestly I’m not surprised you are still having them.” Alistair says compassionately, trying to help Emma see she is doing nothing wrong.
“What about your sisters? How are things going with them?”
‘It’s going well. Things almost feel back to normal.’
Emma’s mind brings up the memories of Alex chasing her around the beach, laughing as she tries to catch her until she finally jumps on Emma’s back.
And memories of Kara come forward where she’d fly into the apartment bearing gifts of Emma’s favourite food, like Cadbury chocolates from the UK. The pair would snuggle up on the sofa and watch a film while they gorge on the treats.
‘I know she still feels guilty, but she doesn’t flinch when we hug or touch anymore.’
“That's a good improvement for sure. But it seems Kara is still not as open as Alex yet?” Alistair enquiries, causing Emma to pause as she reflects.
‘No?’ She answers unsure. ‘I mean, Alex still holds back in certain areas. I still catch her looking at me with such a sad expression. They both do.’ Emma plays with her hands as her sisters’ mournful faces fill her mind, that is until Lily nuzzles her nose into her fiddling hands, allowing Emma to stroke her instead. ‘Maybe it's due to Kara’s trauma?’
“Most likely.” Alistair nods in agreement. “The thing is, each of us are different, we have different likes, different dislikes and our brains are wired uniquely. Therefore we can react differently to the same events, depending on who we are.”
Emma nods and rests her head against the back of the sofa as she thinks. ‘That makes sense. So, for Alex, she has trained to be a soldier, her natural instinct is to fight and follow orders. To lead and protect. But for Kara she grew up on another planet, with a particular upbringing, she witnessed that planet being destroyed, all she had known, gone in an instant.’ Emma’s heart pangs in sympathy, remembering how shell shocked Kara had been when Clark brought her to the Danvers. A new family and a new way of life. ‘She had to be so careful, even when walking, to not put her foot through the floorboards or hurt any of us.’
“Like a god among mortals.” Alistair nods in agreement. “From what you’ve told me before, it sounds like fear was instilled in her as soon as she arrived, that she could easily hurt anyone she came in contact with.”
Emma nods.
“So, Kara broke that promise when she hurt you-” Emma immediately interrupts in her mind but Alistair holds his hand up, halting her. “To Kara, she did hurt you and I know you keep repeating that she didn’t, but from Kara’s point of view it was her hand that crushed your neck and broke your bones. She hurt someone she cares deeply about and using the powers she had sworn would protect people.”
Emma lowers her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. Feeling the pounding in her head intensify.
“Like Supergirl, you can’t protect and save everyone.” Alistair says softly, imploring for Emma to understand.
‘I know.’ Emma admits sadly, she feels Lily move and nuzzle her head against Emma’s cheek, as if sensing her pain.
The pair sit in silence for a while. The ticking of the clock being the only noise in the room.
“How are you feeling about the surgery next week?” Alistair looks up at the clock. “You’d have just gone into the theatre.”
‘Honestly, I can’t wait for it.’ Emma thinks softly and the familiar sense of butterflies start fluttering around her stomach.
“How are you feeling about that?”
‘Nervous. Excited. Terrified.’
“Terrified? About the procedure?”
Emma hesitates. Lily, seemingly sensing her tension, lovingly licks Emma’s cheek and nuzzles her head into Emma’s hand. Causing Emma to continue stroking her.
‘I am terrified about the operation not working, that it's going to make things bad again.’
“How so?”
‘It seems to be a constant reminder when I have to sign or when I go to laugh or make any noise, but all that comes out is breath.’ Emma thinks mournfully and glances out the window, memories of her sisters’ guarded eyes fill her mind. ‘I know this will take time before things can go back to normal. I just don’t want the progress we’ve made to be destroyed because the op didn’t work.’
“And if that happens?”
Emma’s stomach drops at the thought. But her mind focuses on those around her. Her family, friends and Lena. How would they react?
“Emma.” Alistair softly sighs, placing his book on the coffee table and leans forward. “You need to focus on yourself. Which you have been doing and I am pleased with our progress with your PTSD. We both know this isn’t a quick or an easy road. But you need to focus on how you feel about your voice not returning right away or, possibly ever.”
Emma swallows deeply at Alistair’s words, her throat feeling like it’s going to close over. ‘I understand.’
“Good.” Alistair picks his notebook back up and settles back into the seat. “Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”
Emma pauses and focuses on Lily as she runs her fingers through the soft fur.
‘There is something else.’ Emma admits quietly. Almost as if she’s too scared to present it.
“Which is?” Alistair asks kindly, but Emma keeps her mind closed off. “Emma, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to-”
Images start filling his mind, of the world blurring and morphing around Emma. How one second she’s at one end of the apartment and the next she’s at the other end, normally crashing into something or stumbling. How she easily lifts items others seem to struggle with, lifting Lena and Alex like they were light as a feather. Her headaches and heightened senses, especially her sensitive hearing and being able to hear a whisper across a room. How overwhelming the noise can become when she’s in a crowded place.
Alistair also feels fear and confusion pour off the young woman.
“Emma, you have nothing to fear here.” Alistair implores the blonde. “And thank you for showing me. How long have you noticed these- moments?”
‘Only recently when… erm.’ Emma’s cheeks colour in an intense blush as she remembers the moment she heard a crack from the headboard during an intense orgasm on Sunday while she rode Lena’s strap. Looking down she noticed the wood was splintering and cracking under her hands.
Once Lena was asleep Emma had sat up and felt the cracks again. She stayed there for a while as pieces started to click into place. Something was wrong with her.
“Nothing is wrong with you.” Alistair says firmly, his eyes imploring Emma to listen. “Can we test this theory that something is happening to you?” Alistair asks as he straightens up.
Emma nods and watches as he gets up and goes to one of his many bookcases. The redhead picks something up and strides back over to her. In his hand is a small, shiny ball.
“Squeeze this as hard as you can.” Alistair says while handing her the ball and moves her empty glass to sit on the coffee table in front of her.
Lily sits up, intrigued by the object Emma is holding.
‘Okay.’ Emma starts squeezing and applies more and more pressure.
Nothing happens.
“Keep a hold of it but look at me.” Alistair instructs and Emma lifts her eyes and focuses on his kind crystal blue ones.
“Have they gotten any closer to finding those responsible?” Alistair carefully asks, his eyes searching Emma’s hazel green ones.
‘No.’ Emma’s face and eyes darken and she clenches her jaw.
“Are Kara and Alex putting up the right precautions to not get taken again? I imagine they are prime targets as they are close to you? Maybe someone like Winn or Lucy or maybe your Mom or even Lena could be taken next?”
The thought of her family, her friends, her loved ones being forced into what Alex and Kara have already gone through fills Emma with a powerful rage.
She grits her teeth and her hold on the silver ball tightens.
Alistair’s eyes flick down to her hand. “Emma, look.”
The blonde lowers her gaze and gapes at the hand imprint she has made on the now disproportionate ball.
“This is a ball of titanium.” Alistair says as he picks the metal up out of Emma’s hand. “Or was.” He mutters as he turns it around in his hands.
‘What’s happening to me?’ Emma thinks, terrified at what this could mean.
“I don’t know.” Alistair truthfully admits. “Maybe it’s to do with the serum they gave you?”
‘But it was a healing serum? Not a super soldier thing!’ Emma’s mind shouts, her panic starting to build.
“That may be the case, but you need to communicate with Lena, Brainy or Doctor Hamilton about this.”
‘Do I have to?’ Emma apprehensively asks.
“Yes. Because this-” Alistair holds up the distorted piece of titanium. “Is not normal.”
Emma nods but her face scrunches up in emotion.
‘You always like being the center of attention! I hate you!’ Alex’s teenage words scream within Emma’s mind, causing her to hide her head in her hands.
“Emma?” Alistair tilts his head and Lily nuzzles her nose into the side of the blonde’s face.
‘I’m just Emma, plain, simple Emma.’ Her thoughts come out weak and feeble.
“Emma, there is nothing plain or simple about you. You are one of the most talented people I know. Your voice reaches and touches millions of lives and gives them hope.” He says passionately and before Emma can respond a buzzer goes off. “And that’s the end of our session for this week.” He says apologetically. “But we’ve made some really good progress. Emma-” Alistair says to get Emma to look at him. Slowly she lowers her hands and lifts her head. Her eyes swimming in anguish. “I really recommend that you tell someone what is happening. Anyone you feel comfortable sharing with. Maybe Lucy or Sam?” Alistair gently offers. “Just don’t keep this to yourself.”
Emma nods and gets up, making Lily jump off the sofa and trots with her to the door.
“Did you want to meet up on Wednesday like usual? Or did you want to come here on Friday instead?” Alistair offers as he follows behind her with his diary.
‘Yea Wednesday sounds good.’
“Great! I’ll see you then! Have a good weekend and remember what I said.” Alistair opens the door and smiles at her.
Emma nods but feels slightly frustrated that the appointment ended just as they were getting somewhere. She quickly rushes through, feeling like she has more questions than answers.
What’s going on?
Did she have powers?
How could that be?
Over and over these questions cycle through her mind as she makes her way down the stairs.
She passes a mirror and suddenly remembers to put the face modifier on. She chooses the face with the Marilyn Monroe beauty mark that is quickly becoming one of her favourite to use.
As she exits the building Emma starts to get her headphones out and plans a route to run home. That is until a car quickly pulls up beside her and honks loudly. Causing Emma to jump high into the air.
“Get in loser we’re going shopping!” Alex yells across Kara who beams at Emma from the open passenger window.
But the blonde momentarily stays frozen, trying to process what just happened and her sisters’ beaming faces.
“Em?” Kara’s smile fades and a frown replaces it, making Emma quickly open the back door of Alex’s car and dive in.
“Seatbelt.” Alex orders as she turns to study her baby sister. ‘She must have had a hard session.’ Alex thinks and her eyes snap to Kara’s who looks to be thinking the same thing as she bites her lip in worry.
Once Emma is belted in Alex pulls back into traffic. “Hope you didn’t mind us picking you up?” She calls back to Emma and watches her shake her head in the rearview mirror.
Kara twists around so she can see Emma properly. “We thought we could have a sister’s day and have a movie marathon?”
“Sounds good.” Emma signs and tries to smile convincingly.
“Plus it's your turn to choose!” Alex says trying to sound more upbeat than normal and wants to remind Emma. Normally her blonde sister would clap loudly and take a while to choose. Going back and forth between many classics and their favourites. Even discussing pros and cons between the choices she has.
Instead, Emma simply nods in response before gazing out of the window. Making Kara and Alex exchange worried glances as they continue towards Alex’s apartment.
Soon they are parked in Alex's parking space and the sisters get out. Emma goes to walk towards the elevator when Alex stops her.
“Do you mind giving us a hand?” Alex asks while she pops the boot open. Bags upon bags of food are revealed, causing Emma to raise an eyebrow at her sisters.
“I know! I was hungry!” Kara whines and immediately grabs a donut from one of the bags and chomps on it.
“Kara!” Alex yells and swats at her.
“Sorry! Do you want one?” Kara says with her mouth full and offers Alex a donut.
Emma can’t help but smile at the pair and reaches down to take a few bags.
“Wait! Em they are-” Alex pauses as Emma effortlessly lifts them up. “Heavy… Guess not.”
Emma momentarily freezes and remembers what she had Alistair had discussed, instead she shrugs and smiles at the red head instead.
“I got these!” Kara announces and takes the rest.
“You left me with one.” Alex says unimpressed while closing the boot. “Emma, give me a few.”
The blonde looks down and hands her sister the bags full of light goodies.
“I can take a few more.” Alex raises an eyebrow at Emma and holds her hand out. But Emma responds in a shrug and strolls towards the elevator. Alex turns her head towards Kara who repeats Emma’s shrug and follows.
As soon as they enter the apartment Emma places the bags on the island and quickly disengages her face modifier. Silently sighing in relief as she massages her cheeks.
Kara places her bags on the island and pulls out a small USB drive from her jean pocket. “Winn kindly let us borrow his drive with all the films past and present. Wouldn’t let me borrow films of the future though… Especially those based on real events.”
“Wonder why?” Alex laughs and places the last of the bags on the island. She looks to see Emma’s response, but the blonde is too busy unpacking the bags. “Em?”
Hazel green eyes shoot up and an unusual blank look accompanies Emma’s face.
“You okay?” Alex asks with a frown and takes a step towards her baby sister. But Emma takes a step away from her and around the island.
“Can I have a shower? I still feel a bit gross from my run.” Emma signs while barely looking at her sisters.
“Sure! You know you don’t need to ask!” Alex utters and watches Emma nod before zipping into the bathroom.
“Shall I get you some clothes?” Kara calls out while giving Alex a concerned look, the redhead mirrors it with a frown.
Emma pops her head around the door and nods, giving them a grateful smile before quickly disappearing again.
Kara approaches Alex’s closet. “Kara, wait!” Alex yells but the blonde has already opened the door.
“Huh, Alex-” Kara tilts her head and slowly turns back to her sister. “Why are most of your clothes not in your closet?”
“Er, laundry day?” Alex says not too convincingly and can tell by Kara’s face, she doesn’t believe her.
“That’s a question.” Kara places a hand on her hip and studies the redhead.
“Okay I can explain, but I want to tell both of you. Together.”
“Okay.” Kara grins at her sister and turns back to the closet to find something for Emma to wear.
“There should be a bag of Em’s things by the right?” Alex says while getting glasses and bowls for the drinks and snacks for the marathon.
“Found it!” Kara hollers, takes the bag out and places it on the bed. She opens it and tries to find the comfiest clothes for Emma to wear.
“Do you need any help?” Kara asks after getting Emma’s things ready.
“Can you move these to the coffee table please?” Alex asks and then gives Kara a hard look when she grabs two huge bowls filled with treats. “Do not start eating until we are all sitting on the sofa.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kara deadpans and starts transferring the stuff over from the island to the coffee table, while Alex gets the microwavable popcorn ready. Finding they all prefer fresh, hot popcorn to normal bagged ones.
Kara hears the shower turn off and super speeds over to grab the clothes she has chosen for Emma and practically skips to the door, knocking on it in a quick rhythm.
“Hey Em, I got some comfy clothes for you to change into.” Kara calls through the door and hears Emma moving around the bathroom. The door opens and Emma’s hand appears to take it. “There you go!” When the door closes again Kara heads to Alex sitting on the sofa. Her sunny attitude fading as her face morphs into one of worry. “Do you think she had a hard session today?”
“Yea maybe. I mean she hasn’t seemed the happiest the past few days.”
“Mhmm, do you think it's mainly due to Lena? She’s working way too hard.”
“When doesn’t she?!” Alex takes a sip of her drink. “Shall we order or wait for Em to decide?”
“Let’s wait.” Kara nods and sits back into the sofa cushions.
“But how is Lena, like, have you gone to see her recently?”
“Yea, I saw her last night on patrol. Actually had to forcibly remove her from her office but we had a good chat. She just holds onto what her damn family says too much.”
“Yea.” Alex says softly in agreement. She’s grown to really care for Lena, despite the rocky start. “But she’s taking time off soon for the- you know.”
“Yes, that's the plan.” They both ignore the word surgery and both feel their nerves bubbling up about it. “Are you taking any ti-”
The bathroom door opens, making the sisters drop their conversation and look at their baby sister.
Emma feels more relaxed after the warm shower but the sudden stop in her sisters’ conversation when she leaves the bathroom fills Emma with an uneasy feeling.
“Were you talking about me?” Emma signs with a tilt of her head as she continues to dry her hair with a towel.
“Just about what food we fancy.” Kara smiles too brightly. “And as usual we want the complete opposite and I was asking Alex what she thought you would want.”
“Yea and I didn’t get to answer cause that’s when you came in.”
Emma stops drying her hair and looks between her two sisters, her eyes darting back and forth. She doesn’t believe them but decides to go along with their explanation. “So what are the options? I mean, we can get different things right? Not like it will go to waste?”
“Now that is an excellent idea.” Alex nods in approval and gives Kara a bright smile as she unlocks her phone to open UberEats. “So Kara you wanted-”
“Potstickers.” Emma signs at the same time Kara enthusiastically yells the word out.
“You know me so well little one!” Kara laughs, making Emma pause, realising Kara hasn’t called her that in a while.
But she carries on drying her hair before flinging the towel towards Alex’s hamper.
“Em-” Alex starts to complain, thinking the towel would flop part of the way there. But the screwed up towel lands perfectly in the laundry basket. “Ma- huh, good throw.”
Emma bows and approaches where she normally sits in the middle of the sofa.
“Peanut, what do you fancy?” Alex looks up from her phone after putting in her order too.
Emma shrugs and grabs a handful of popcorn.
“That’s for the film!” Alex hollers and slaps Emma’s hand, causing her to jump. “Which you also need to choose what you want to watch.”
“I’ll do it!” Kara super speeds to where she left the USB, plugs it into Alex’s tv and hands Emma the remote to scroll through.
“But first I need to know what you want to eat.”
Emma shoves the rest of the popcorn in her mouth to sign. “What have you already ordered?”
“Chinese and pizza.”
“I’m happy with that. Not feeling overly hungry.”
“What?” Kara blinks in shock especially when Emma can eat a decent amount of food.
“What have you eaten today? Did you have a big breakfast?” Alex enquiries, also knowing it was unusual for Emma not to demand her own food.
“Yes Doctor Danvers, I have already eaten something today.” It was only a banana but Emma wasn’t going to admit that. Her session with Alistair has unsettled her stomach.
“Yea but what was it?” Alex presses but Emma ignores her by focusing on the tv and trying to decide what to watch. Making Alex narrow her eyes. “Emma.”
But her eyes move from Emma to Kara when her other sister motions for her to stop by signing. “Can’t you see something is wrong?”
“I know but I want to find out what!” Alex tries to sign out of Emma’s peripheral vision.
“Leave her alone Alex.” Kara warns, making Alex huff which causes Emma to look over at her and Alex gives her a soft smile.
“So, any idea what we are gonna watch?” Alex asks casually and Kara rolls her eyes.
“Lord Of The Rings Extended Editions?” Emma signs hopefully, knowing the full run time is nearly twelve hours long.
“I’m up for that!” Alex beams at the TV as the menu screen for ‘The Fellowship Of The Ring’ comes up.
“Me too!” Kara claps and settles back into the sofa. Emma smiles at both of her sisters and grabs the blanket draped over the back and places it over their laps.
“Thanks Em.”
The sisters watch the opening scenes fold out, explaining the lore of Middle Earth, the darkness and the moment all things were almost lost.
When the whistle of the Shire plays, Emma’s eyes well with tears and she sniffs. Always finding this piece of music touches her. She feels a hand on each thigh as her sisters reach out to comfort her at the same time and Emma hesitantly takes each hand. Warily to not harm them and being frightened to do so.
‘Rao, is this how Kara feels all the time?’
But Emma tries to push her earlier discovery away and gets lost in the film again.
The loud ringing of the apartment buzzer makes Emma almost jump out of her seat.
“Food!” Kara yells as she flies to the door and down the stairs to grab it from the delivery person.
Emma pauses the film and turns to Alex to sign with a raised eyebrow. “Do you think Kara is secretly a Hobbit?” Emma signs, causing Alex to almost spit out the drink she was sipping. “I mean, she has what, four breakfasts?”
Alex cackles loudly and Emma smiles at the sound.
“What are you laughing at?” Kara asks as she super speeds into the room with the food perfectly balanced in her hands.
“Oh, we were just comparing you to a Hobbit.” Alex teases and grins at the blonde.
“Alex!” Kara looks outraged. “I do not have big, hairy feet!”
“It was Emma’s idea!” Alex motions at Emma.
“Emma!” Kara shifts her focus to her baby sister but Emma shrugs and grabs her pizza off the pile.
“I mean, she’s not wrong.” Alex says as she opens a tub of potstickers for Emma and her to share.
“Alex!” Kara yells outraged.
“Kara!” Alex yells mockingly back.
“Emma!” The blonde signs and the trio start laughing. Alex rests her forehead against the side of Emma’s face. Emma turns her head to nuzzle Alex’s and smiles when she feels Kara lean over and hug both of them. Emma twists to place a kiss on Kara's shoulder.
Alex clears her throat and pulls away. “Shall we press play?”
Emma nods and grabs the remote, continuing the film.
The sisters watch the first film and immediately go into the second one, which to Emma, is her favourite. Especially the scenes with Arwen in.
When they get to the scene with Arwen talking to her father, Emma swallows deeply.
“There is still hope.” Arwen whispers back.
Emma’s stomach clenches at the words. Hope.
“Little one?” Kara turns to look at Emma, hearing her heartbeat changing.
Alex immediately grabs the remote to pause the film when she sees tears fill her sister's eyes and how Emma is desperately trying to hide them.
“No, I’m fine. Please continue the film.”
“Actually I need to use the bathroom!” Kara zips up and Alex pauses the film anyway.
She watches Emma closely as she rubs her eyes, trying to force away the tears. “Em? You know you can always tell me what’s going on? Right?”
Emma nods but doesn’t look Alex in the eye, knowing she’d break. “It was a hard session today, sorry.”
“Oh Em, please don’t apologise.” Alex says and pulls her sister into her lap, hugging her close. She feels Emma stiffen but slowly relaxes in her arms.
Kara comes back and Alex gives her a sad look.
“Everything okay?” She asks while sitting down next to them.
“It was a hard session.” Alex answers softly.
“Oh little one.” Kara places a gentle hand on Emma’s back and Emma can’t hold the tears back anymore as she buries her head into the crook of Alex’s shoulder.
Alex and Kara sadly gaze at each other, unsure what they can say or do as they listen to Emma’s hard breaths and sniffs.
Kara swallows and shuffles closer, hugging Emma’s back. “We got you little one, you're safe.” Kara feels Emma shift and move her hand over her shoulder to grab a hold of hers.
They don’t know how long they stay in this position but Kara and Alex do not move until Emma feels ready. They whisper words of love and encouragement and hope she hears them.
Suddenly Kara’s head snaps to the apartment door as she hears two sets of footprints approach. The door opens before she can do anything as Sam and Lena walk through. They both halt at the sight of the sisters.
“What's wrong?” Sam whispers quietly as she places the takeaway food on the coffee table and goes to Alex’s side, perching on the edge of the sofa.
“Hard session.” Alex answers softly and kisses Sam’s lips.
“Has she mentioned anything else?” Lena asks quietly and watches as Emma immediately lifts her head up and twists her neck to find her. Lena swallows as she sees the tears streaming down Emma’s reddened cheeks, her eyes puffy and bloodshot. “Oh love.” Lena says brokenly and goes to comfort her girlfriend, but halts as she doesn’t know where she can go.
Kara immediately moves out of the way, allowing Lena to sit next to Alex and hug Emma’s back. But Emma has other ideas as she twists and moves her upper body onto Lena and holds her close, burying her head into Lena’s neck but her lower half stays on Alex’s lap.
“We got you love.” Lena soothes while stroking Emma’s damp hair and back. She feels Kara scoot close and Lena signals that Kara can join the hug. Immediately Kara wraps an arm around Lena and places a hand gently on Emma’s lower back.
The four women quietly console the broken woman in between them and each other. Wishing nothing more than to heal Emma’s pain.
In time Emma loses steam and slowly lifts her head from the crook of Lena’s neck and sniffs heavily.
“Hi love.” Lena says gently and Emma nuzzles their foreheads together and breathes deeply.
Emma feels truly exhausted, not having cried like that in weeks, well, since she found out about her paralysed vocal chords.
“Is this the time though?” Emma’s ear picks up Alex quietly whispering to Sam.
“Maybe it will make her happy?” Sam offers back, making Emma turn her head towards the couple.
“What will make me happy?” Emma sloppily signs and Kara shifts so she can see the couple too. A small smile gracing her lips.
“Well, erm…” Alex pauses. “I’ve found I’m not really living here anymore because I’m mainly around Sam's apartment.”
“So, we’ve decided that Alex will move in with Ruby and I.” Sam finishes with a huge grin.
Emma blinks and her eyes dart around Alex’s apartment. She had noticed little trinkets and items missing but thought nothing of it.
“Congratulations!” Kara yells happily and jumps to her feet to hug her sister and Sam.
“Thanks Kara.” Alex hugs Kara back and turns back to Emma, who still looks like she’s processing. “Em?”
She watches as Emma’s eyes refocus and a small smile tugs at the corner of her right lip. She lifts her hands and holds one hand with the other and firmly shakes them. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks Em.” Alex smiles back.
“And, you can totally come crash at ours anytime, use the spare room and have sister nights.” Sam smiles at Emma and Kara.
“Well, not ANY-time.” Alex burrows her nose into her girlfriend’s cheek and Sam blushes and bites her lip.
Emma raises an eyebrow and smirks at Lena. She takes a shuddering deep breath as her body calms down from her breakdown.
“Do we want to finish the film and watch the third one another time?” Kara asks while looking through the takeout bags.
Missing the way Emma whips around to gape at her.
“But then it's not a movie marathon!”
“Kara.” Lena says to get the alien’s attention out of the bag containing burgers and french fries.
“Hmm?” Kara’s eyes are wide as she looks to see what her best friend wants.
“Emma was signing to you.”
“Sorry little one.” Kara says apologetically.
“But then it's not a movie marathon.”
“I agree!” Kara nods and shoves some french fries in her mouth. “Shall we get comfy?!”
“I need to pee.” Emma signs and carefully moves off her sister and girlfriend. But as she takes a step away from them the world morphs around her.
‘Please! Not now!’ Emma’s mind yells and she tries to halt her step, ultimately causing her to trip over her own feet.
“Wow careful Em!” Alex laughs. “Rao you are getting more clumsy than Kara!”
“Hey!” Kara yells back offended, making Lena and Sam chuckle in response.
Emma smiles back at them but moves cautiously to the bathroom door.
“Did she mention anything else?” Emma hears Lena ask as soon as she closes the bathroom door.
“No, she’s been quieter than normal.” Alex sighs heavily, making Emma’s heart clench.
“Like she wasn’t here.” Kara agrees.
“Well therapy sessions can be tough sometimes and it’s good Emma is obviously opening up.” Sam tries to reassure the group while plating up everyone's food.
Emma tries not to listen but her ears can’t help but pick up her loved one’s voices. She finishes what she is doing and washes her hands. Briefly pausing and leaning against the sink.
‘Should I tell them?’ Emma wonders and her eyes lift her to her distressed expression. Immediately she wipes her face and adopts a more neutral expression. ‘They have enough to deal with anyway.’
Suddenly she feels a piercing pain in her head. So severe that if she had her voice, Emma would have screamed out as she scrunches up her eyes. Emma then feels a droplet fall from her nose and her eyes shoot open. Her nose is bleeding. She quickly grabs some toilet paper to stem the flow. But, finds nothing more comes out, the nosebleed seemingly stops before it had even begun.
Confused, Emma repeatedly wipes at her nose a few times to make sure it had indeed stopped.
‘Weird.’ Emma mutters in her mind as she stares down at the blood on the tissue. Her head tilts as she assesses the colour and her eyebrows knit together.
“Emma?” Sam’s muffled voice calls through the door, making Emma recoil away from it. “Are you okay in there?”
Throwing the bloodied piece of tissue into the toilet, Emma flushes it, quickly washes her hands and moves towards the door, opening it to a concerned looking Sam.
“You okay?” She asks as her warm brown eyes seemingly studies the blonde in front of her.
Emma nods and gives her a small smile before moving past her to get back to the sofa.
Sam follows, watching Emma closely and sits on Alex’s turquoise chair. Emma hesitates, not sure where she can sit due to the sofa looking full with her sisters and Lena already on it.
“There’s room for you on here too, it will be a tight squeeze but I think we can manage.” Lena pats the small gap between her and Alex. Emma carefully wedges herself between the two and gratefully takes the plate Kara hands to her. Already feeling a bit hungry.
“Ready?” Alex asks while grabbing the remote.
“Ready!” Sam and Kara yell back and the room is again filled with the sights and sounds of Middle Earth.
-- -- --
Later that night Kara, Emma and Lena glide through the air towards Lena’s apartment.
“I mean, why couldn’t Gandalf have just got the Eagles to fly Frodo and the ring to Mount Doom?” Kara argues with Lena while Emma listens and smiles, enjoying the debate between the two.
“Because they are their own beings plus Sauron had the Fellbeast and the Nazgûl would have seen the eagles coming!”
“Huh, I guess. But! Then why didn’t the fellowship prepare for that? Have a few more elves firing arrows? Problem solved!” Kara declares as they touch down on the balcony.
“If you say so, Kara.” Lena beams at her best friend as Kara gently places her feet on solid ground and Emma lets off her sister.
“Well, goodnight.” Kara opens her arms and hugs Lena tight before turning and giving Emma a hug too.
“Night.” Lena yawns out and opens the balcony door with Emma following behind her and waving goodbye to Kara.
They get ready for bed together and Lena can’t help but notice the far off look in Emma’s eyes. Like her girlfriend was somewhere else.
When they slide into bed, Lena gently takes Emma’s hand and lies on her side to fully look at her girlfriend.
“Hey.” Lena gently whispers.
Emma slowly turns her head and her eyes focus on concerned green ones.
“Are you okay?”
Swallowing deeply Emma turns to lie on her side to face Lena. Her mind races with what to communicate. Should she tell her everything?
“Love, please don’t lie to me.” Lena says, seeing the clogs working in Emma’s mind, and the worry within her eyes. But suddenly Lena is yawning again. “Sorry.” She blinks and widens her eyes more to keep them open.
Emma gives her a small smile and watches her closely. ‘She’s exhausted. Tell her a half truth.’
“I’m nervous about next week.”
“That’s understandable. But we are all with you.” Lena nuzzles her forehead against Emma’s and gently kisses her lips. Her hand slowly trails down Emma’s body.
But Emma pulls back and her smile widens slightly. “Time for sleep.”
“But I want to make you feel good.” Lena yawns out, even though her eyelids start drooping from exhaustion. Emma slowly reaches out and softly runs the back of her finger down the bridge of Lena’s nose.
“No sleep.” Lena whines but feels her eyes closing anyway and a tender kiss being placed against her lips. “Lve yu.”
Emma squeezes Lena’s hand three times and watches her girlfriend fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. She stays there for a while, admiring how serene and stunning the raven haired beauty looks.
Slowly Emma rolls over, picks up her notebook and pencil and faces Lena again. She sits up against the headboard so she can sketch Lena, wanting to capture the moment and take in every detail of her love.
Once her task was done Emma places her things on the bedside table.
“Hope, can you turn the lights off please?” Emma signs and carefully slides down the bed to lay back down. Emma closes her eyes and breathes deeply, willing herself to go to sleep.
But in the dark, sinister voices start playing through her mind. Digging up her fears and dread.
Emma blows a frustrated breath through her nose and turns back towards Lena, opening her eyes to focus on the raven haired beauty. Emma’s breathing becomes heavy as she tries to stay calm, but ultimately her stomach clenches and thoughts begin pouring in of what will be happening this time next week. What will the outcome be of the surgery? Will it succeed?
As if sensing Emma’s distress in her sleep, Lena shuffles closer to her girlfriend and latches on. Unknowingly calming Emma down and relieving the ache in her heart. Emma gently kisses Lena’s head, pushing aside her fears and worries before closing her eyes, to fall into a peaceful sleep.
(Part Thirty Four)
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
Sleeping Lions (Taehyung One-Shot)
pairing: dad!taehyung x pregnant!reader
genre: fluff ofc!! + family au (?)
summary: a quiet morning in the kim household was very much unheard of. a puppy, three small children and another on the way was constant cause for mayhem. when better to cause a raucous than an early sunday morning?
wc: 1.53K
song rec: stay here - gaho
note: i think this is my favourite thing i’ve ever written here, please enjoy!! <3
m.list | requested
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The eventual gush of tepid sunlight through a thin gap between the curtains was the worst part of every sunday morning. Striking across your aching eyelids, the light disrupted your peaceful slumber and forced you to acknowledge the impending sunrise. You took a brief moment to wriggle around in the imprint you’d moulded into the mattress; the arrangement of pregnancy support pillows sometimes gave you more aches than they eradicated.
On lazy sundays such as these, sitting up straight away was more effort than what it was worth. Taking the few minutes that were left before your shared bed would be surely invaded to embrace the chilliness of the sheets were essential. Beside you laid your husband Taehyung who, visibly, seemed much less accustomed to the early morning than you. Bound on your back by the angled pillows and the growing bump you carried, you instead rolled your head over to face him. Cheeks puffy from a good night’s rest, Taehyung scrubbed the sleepy residue from his squinting eyes.
“Morning sleepyhead...” you groaned, harnessing his attention. His hearty pout widened into a toothy smile at the sight of you. Since you were unable to, Tae curled onto his side and reached a hand out to your bump. Smoothing down the crinkled fabric of your cami, he took a few moments to greet his unborn baby before registering you were there also. With his thumb, he stroked the curve where the most kicking activity seemed to be. Sure enough, the direct caressing alerted your baby it was morning time.
Following her first few kicks of the day, Taehyung returned his extended smile back to your face, “She’s getting stronger every week, you know.”
“Oh I know.” Out of all your children, this one definitely packed the strongest punch. Despite your bump being designed to protect her, her main goal was seemingly to escape, “One day she might just kick a whole right through.”
Taehyung chuckled at your prediction, adoring your sly smile that accompanied it. He took a small breath, evaluating which gentle statements were acceptable for so early in the morning, “At least we’d get to meet her a lot sooner.”
For an unborn child, she sure was already loved; beyond adored. Not a single baby of his wasn’t. All of the children you shared seemed to latch onto him differently to you. Being outnumbered by 3 kids to one adult, one might have thought Taehyung would struggle to divide his attention equally between them. Yet somehow, he always managed to make each one release their giggles. With a fourth on the way, it was beginning to look like you’d have to join in on some of their playtimes. Of course, there’d be no need to ask you twice.
“It’s not even two months to wait now! She’ll be here before we know it, Tae.” He chuckled at your sudden burst of enthusiasm. Usually such expression was reserved for later in the day yet for some reason, you couldn’t quite hold back.
Before any more reminders could be dished to one another, the still silence of your bedroom was ripples by a tuning bark. Taehyung turned back to look over the edge of the bed in disapproval of the columbus introduction, “Are you wanting to come up, Tannie? You feeling left out?”
A slight tilt of the head confirmed his suspicions. Without missing a beat, Taehyung offered his hand as a step up onto the mattress and soon enough, you were greeted with a daily lick to the cheek. Ruffling his flattened fur, you soon had Yeontan looking more like the majestic puppy he really was. The couple of you watched attentively as Yeontan approached the bump protruding from the mattress. Having a pet that reacted so gently to the welcoming of your children was more than a relief to you both, but neither of you ever failed to completely melt at the change of character he expressed when interacting with the smaller humans.
Seemingly uninterested in his surroundings, Yeontan stalker back up to the head of the mattress and snuggled between a small gap in the pillows (a spot generally reserved exclusively for him), “Still tired Tannie? I feel you.” Taehyung groaned groggily, making the final adjustments to waking up.
“Lazy day?” You asked. Taehyung opened one eye and furrowed the opposite eyebrow. It couldn’t have been more obvious that that was the plan anyway, “Lazy day it is!”
A few more blinks to really adjust to the light and you were ready to sit up a bit, “Can you just help me a second?” Before you could finish, Taehyung was already propped up on the bed, ready to roll onto his knees should the extra support be needed. Basic actions such as sitting up and climbing the stairs were becoming increasingly difficult with every passing day. Assuming that all the changes would be second nature by the fourth pregnancy was a regrettable mistake.
Huffing slightly as you scooted back into the pillow chair you’d recrafted for yourself, comfort was now yours, “Everything good?” Tae assured before realigning himself to match your new height.
Snapping the attention away from each other, the plain panel door to your shared bedroom sweeped open, revealing your second born, Jaehee, sucking his thumb, “What’s wrong little man?” Taehyung asked, leaning forward in order to comfort him, “You never suck your thumb.”
You pouted as Jaehee looked to you for assurance; something wasn’t right. Taehyung was observant. Thumb-sucking was a habit none of your children had really developed. However, it had its benefits at times; it was the perfect indicator of their mood, which was clear to both of you mattered more than most things, “You’re okay in here.”
Soft easings was how to approach your son. Nervous habits had become daily procedures with him and he rarely reacted well to direct approaches before. Taehyung patted the creased duvet, formally inviting Jaehee into your bedroom. Without any hesitation, he shuffled across the ivory carpets towards the foot of the bed. For the sake of your children, you’d previously purchased a small stepping stool for them to be able to climb in with you.
“Come here bub,” Taehyung cooed, wavering his hands to direct him over. Wobbling, Jaehee clambered over your outstretched legs and rushed into his dad’s arms where he collapsed into a cuddle, “wanna tell us what’s going on?”
“I missed you.” He muffled, head buried in Tae’s chest. Your heart could’ve melted right there and them. From the day you became parents, it had been your only goal to raise them with love and affection; seeing that your children had inherited the same love you showered them with was nothing short of a relief.
“We missed you too bud!” You replied, reaching out to tickle his side. His rowdy giggles curled him further into Tae’s chest, earning a bonus hair ruffle.
Just as the ripples of laughter began to settle down, the bedroom door edged open, instigated by a tiny hand, to reveal your two girls holding hands. Minju, the firstborn, clutched onto Somin, the most recent addition to the household. As the oldest child, it wasn’t uncommon for Minju to guide her siblings to where they needed to be. Perhaps the echoing giggles of their brother had guided them towards the main bedroom.
Suddenly, Somin yanked her hand from the grip of her sister and began to waddle towards the bed, “Tannie!”
Increasing in her speed, you couldn’t help but become worried. She still wasn’t the most stable on her two legs, and the last thing you needed was to search for the first aid box you’d slipped away somewhere, “Careful darling...” You warned, already holding out the arm to support her for when she climbed onto the bed.
Following behind, Minju shuffled across the carpet, clearly still not accustomed to the morning light. As Somin fussed over Yeontan, who remained curled between the pillows, Taehyung looked over to Minju, who was unusually quiet, “Everything okay?”
Minju nodded slowly, “Just sleepy!” Thankfully, the cheer in her high-pitched voice hadn’t dimmed overnight, “Mummy...”
“Yes~?” You smiles as she too clambered up the stepping stool at the foot of the bed. She crawled up the side of your legs and crouched at your hips. Her wavy baby hairs plastered against her cheeks; the best sign of a good night’s sleep.
“Is baby sister awake yet?” Minju asked innocently, gently holding her cheek against the curve of your bump. She was, by far, the most excited of your children, particularly after learning she’d have another sister. Being the most capable of understanding what was happening meant Minju frequently offered to help where you were less able. Taehyung had taught her to help make beds and organise shoes on the rack, and strangely enough she rather enjoyed it.
Flashing a quick smile to Taehyung, who watched his eldest daughter with softened eyes, “Well, if you feel around here,” you began, leading her hand slightly upwards, “she might give you a small kick to say hello!”
Along with Taehyung, you chuckled as her eyes illuminated. In all fairness, you too became just as excited whenever your precious cargo decided to say good morning.
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^ congratulations! your request is my most favourite post i’ve ever written 🥺 thank you for this!!
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 10 : Restraint
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You’re very upset after Oikawa sustained injuries from his fight with Oikawa, it almost feels like it’s your fault at this point. You wonder if he blames you for it and hopes there’s a way you can make it up to him.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 3,099
content : profanity, depiction of injuries
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : hello! sorry for the late chapter, I am moving my publish days to Sunday evenings PST time.
this chapter is a little slow but I am wanting to convey Oikawa's feelings/perspective a little more and hope it isn't too confusing in my writing. please enjoy and Chapter 11 should be up by next Sunday. thanks!!
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Last night's misfortune only carried forward onto the next day. This immense guilt protruded through you making sitting in class much more unbearable. And having Oikawa sitting beside you didn’t make it any better as you eye his bruised knuckles in your peripheral; an unforgivable reminder that your ex-boyfriend caused his pain.
Yet, Oikawa still got plenty of attention from his admirers, in fact, you could say he got more. Girls were bombarding him more than usual to find out what transpired, but Oikawa didn’t spare anyone the dirty details and just redirected the conversation to distract them with a coy compliment or flirtatious gesture completely derailing the previous subject matter.
Of all the people in the universe, you never expected Oikawa to be the one to throw a punch at Ushijima. Frankly, you thought his hatred was all talk, another form of teasing to push you and get under your skin. You always brushed off his banter, figuring he didn’t really mean much by it, but after last night, you knew there was more as to why Oikawa didn’t like Ushijima.
You feel like an idiot for never asking, but also for ignoring his warnings. Perhaps this was some kind of punishment for not taking his opinion into account. If you didn’t date Ushijima, Oikawa wouldn’t have ever gotten hurt, you wouldn’t have to deal with a break-up, and you might’ve been in a happier healthier place.
In reality, you were scared asking would open more unresolved doors. And you didn’t know if you wanted to accept any more surprises about Ushijima. It’s terrifying to think that the man you once knew is not the man you knew at all.
The lights of the classroom dimmed as a clip projects at the front of the classroom in regards to today’s lesson, but god knows what it is about. You couldn't pay attention. This feeling of regret lodges in your throat from all the what if’s . But you know all you can do now is find a way to make it up to him…
Oikawa nudges you with his elbow and leans in closer to whisper, “You okay? You seem a bit out of it.”
The feeling of his breath tickles, raising the hairs on your arms. You release your clenched jaw and take a deep breath in, in an attempt to erase the brooding expression on your face then turn to Oikawa. It’s hard to look at him without a sense of anguish filling your chest. Perhaps, your thoughts are filling a narrative only you can imagine and Oikawa doesn’t think any of it is your fault.
“I’m fine,” you regress hoping that he drops it.
But ‘fine’ doesn’t actually mean the dictionary definition of fine. Oikawa knows that. He’s had his fair share of “fines” from girls when they say there are and obviously they’re not. And it wasn’t like he didn’t know what was bothering you. Your eyes would linger every time you looked at him focusing on his bandaged up cheek and for the majority of the class, he could see you staring at his hand. You weren’t very good at hiding your guilt.
With that, he does the only thing he can think of to cheer you up. He takes your pen.
Anticipating a big reaction from you, he waves it away sending you a smirk, but when you continue to sit there eyes illuminated by the faint light from the screen at the center of the room, he pauses. The same tension from last night takes him by surprise. He longs to make things right, to make you happier than you were before. But the image of your smile beaming at Iwaizumi reminds him that he can’t do that. No matter how hard he tries to make you happy, he can’t be Iwaizumi.
Class ends and you begin packing up your things. You still haven’t uttered a word as you keep your eyes locked onto your bag unable to look up at Oikawa.
“Oikawa,” a voice mumbles. A tall brunette girl stands in front of him clasping her hands on the hem of her shirt. “Can I talk to you about something?”
You recognize her. She’s normally seated near the front of the classroom and always has the front pieces of her hair tied back. You never spoke to her but knew she was more of the soft-spoken type that always eyed you and Oikawa entering the room.
“Sure,” he replies, as they walk away to the edge of the room out of earshot.
It becomes apparent at that moment when you watch the interaction between them that she's probably going to confess to him. You can see the nerves in her body language as she caves her chest in and darts her eyes away from Oikawa. Truthfully, you always waited for this day to come and wondered if Oikawa would give her a chance. She’s cute and seems like his type.
Now that you think about it, what is even Oikawa’s type? You’ve always envisioned him with someone well dressed and always put together with sharp features that accentuate her beauty. Someone kind-hearted and gentle, the exact opposite of him. Someone like… Her.
Oikawa stands with his hand on the sling of his bag with his back to you. You can’t see his expressions but can tell he’s instinctively listening as he nods his head. The girl's face grows flush after her rambling comes to a halt and you can tell she’s holding her breath waiting for the answer. You catch yourself doing the same thing as Oikawa speaks. But the girl's demeanor changes from hopeful excitement to stone-faced disappointment. Still, she forces a small smile while Oikawa gives her a small bow before turning to walk to you. She rushes out of the classroom as soon as Oikawa’s back faces her and your stomach drops.
You don’t know the girl, but can’t help but empathize. Not long ago were you on the receiving end of rejection.
“Let’s go,” he says, gesturing to you to hurry up.
You’re still paused in place from watching and close your bag to swing in onto your back following Oikawa out of the classroom. You look around to see if the girl is still in the vicinity but can be seen nowhere in plain sight.
“Why didn’t you say yes?” you ask, finally speaking up.
Oikawa hesitates, uncertain how to answer. He’s never really been interested in any of these girls that ask him out, they're always people he’s never talked to, only seen around.
“Didn’t really know her,” he answers.
“But I see her all the time in class. She literally gawks at you whenever you enter the room. Have you never noticed?”
He did notice but didn’t care enough to talk to her. Honestly, he was over the endless amounts of shallow conversations he had with girls from his high school days.
“Ah, is someone a little jealous,” he teases.
“Jealous? What is there to be jealous about, I’m with you all the time now. I’m kind of getting sick of you,” you grin.
“Ouch, hurtful!” he frowns.
“You didn’t even think she’s cute?” you pester.
He did, but he didn’t want to admit it.
Sure, it’s a great ego booster to have all these girls fawn over him and it never hurt anyone… But only in one encounter would he have probably said yes to someone he just met.
The temperature is cold and clammy, as the rain pours when Oikawa walks out of the university building. Hoisting up an umbrella, he prepares to step out into the storm but gets distracted when he sees you sitting off to the side.
You’re hunched over the steps with your backpack sitting next to you, looking out at the dreary weather. There’s no hood on your coat, no umbrella by your side and he can’t help but notice the pouty look on your lovely face. You looked annoyed. But in a cute way, he’s never seen before. As if you were just waiting for someone to save you.
“Someone a little stuck?” he asks.
You turn to look at him. It was almost unbearable how gorgeous you are. Suddenly a wave of nerves crashes through him before you speak.
“It should let up soon,” you reply, returning to watch the droplets plunking onto the concrete.
There’s no way in hell the rain was going to stop anytime soon with this miserable downpour. Plus it’s getting late and soon will be dark, he couldn’t let you stay alone.
He clears his throat, walks up closer to you, and puts the umbrella over you. “Is that some way to tell me you have a boyfriend?”
“Maybe it was just a way to get rid of you,” you smirk, voice laced in irritation. “Did it work?”
Oikawa raises his eyebrow and grins at you, slightly turned on by your hostile response, something he wasn’t used to hearing from girls.
“No,” he flirts, drinking you up with his eyes.
The pitter-patter of the rain fills up the silence and a warm comfort makes him feel that you will soon no longer be strangers.
He bites his lip reminding himself of the opportunity he lost, though he was very afraid to ruin your friendship and figured, in time, you would come around. Yet, it wasn’t to him, but to Ushijima. And once again, you’ve found someone of another caliber that wasn’t him. Maybe he needed to move on, but having you around living with him made things so much harder.
“Y/N, the kind of attention I get from the girls is because I’m single,” he continues. “If I get a girlfriend, it could ruin my image.”
You know he’s joking but roll your eyes anyway without sparing him a glance. He’s always been this way since you’ve known him. And even when you first met you could tell he was trouble. When you first met him, you could feel his presence by the shift in the air even before he announced himself. There was always something special about Oikawa. You just couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly.
“You want to go to that coffee shop we always use to go to? We haven’t been there in ages,” you say, trying to change the subject. “It’s my treat.”
“Wow, are you asking me out?” Oikawa jokes cheekily while fixing his hair. “If I knew this was a date, I probably would’ve dressed more appropriately.”
“This isn’t a date Shittykawa! Just a thank you for…” you look down at his hand. “Plus you’re not my type.”
“What! I’m everyone’s type, Y/N. Just look at me.”
“Mmm, no,” you reply, taking one good look at him.
“So mean, Y/N-chan!
No, he couldn’t possibly destroy your friendship to confess his unrequited love. Everything seemed so much simpler this way.
It’s been a while since you last sat down at the coffee shop. Although it was within walking distance from campus, you stopped going as often as you used to when you started dating Ushijima. It had a more industrial feeling to it and less cozy than you remember.
Nonetheless, you order the drinks while Oikawa takes a seat at a table beside the large window looking out to the street. You send him a thumbs up while waiting by the bar and he sends you one back feeling extremely silly upon replicating it. But he doesn’t care because you giggle before turning back to collect the order.
With two drinks in hand, you set them down at the table.
“Hold on, I ordered another,” you interrupt before Oikawa can even utter thanks.
When you return, you sit down placing the third drink to the side of the table.
“Y/N, I’m flattered but you don’t need to buy--”
“Oh, it’s for Iwaizumi,” you cut in. “I told him to meet up with us.”
Oikawa pauses, crossing his arms. “You have his number?”
“Yeah, we exchanged it after that creep bothered me.”
Oikawa is quiet and furrows his eyebrows at you from across the table, trying to give you his best scowl despite the fact that you clearly know what he’s sour about.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you grumble.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing,” you argue.
Your words feel harsh and Oikawa attempts to swallow his words but instead, they slip out through the tip of his tongue.
“He’s leaving soon…”
"What?" you rasp, a lump starts to form in your throat. Damn Oikawa. Of course, he’s a lot of things, but you didn’t think he’d take his teasing this far. "You’re joking, right?"
“I forgot to tell you… He’s only been here for a week, then he goes back to California soon.”
“Why California?”
If you hadn’t already practiced pushing down your feelings since the break-up, you were sure that you would’ve broken down at that moment. Enough surprises have surfaced to the point the devastating news didn’t circle you into this impending doom. No, all your hope in fate plummeted.
“He goes to school out there. So I wouldn’t get too close,” Oikawa mutters while taking a sip of his drink.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s obvious, you have a crush on him, I’m not stupid.”
You shudder at his words, recognizing that your crush on Iwaizumi is obvious to the point that Oikawa notices it. I mean, you did kiss the guy in front of him, but you thought at this point you were just dreaming since no one has brought it up.
“I don’t--”
“I mean, why else would you kiss him,” he interrupts. “To piss Ushijima off?"
Well duh, you think. That was basically what you were wanting to do. Make him realize you're better off without him and maybe deceive him a bit in regards to why life is just so much better.
However, you couldn't persuade yourself to actually say it. You already gave away too much and know if you say anything more it will just give Oikawa more ammunition to tease you.
"If you really wanted to piss him off, you would’ve kissed me,” he continues.
Suddenly your heart thumps and pupils constrict at the comment. The tension twists in the room and you swallow hard as the pressure to say something wells up in your chest.
Why did he just say that? Is this a joke?
And perhaps it was confusion mixed with fatigue from a long stressful day but you couldn't suppress the frustration that wells up inside. It wasn't funny to you. None of this was funny. You were serious.
“Not likely," you hiss. "Why don't you try being in the same room as your lying ex with their new partner and tell me, Oikawa, what would you do?"
He stiffens at the tone of your voice. He's not used to you calling him by his last name, it's only when you're really mad. Oikawa opens his mouth to say something but remains quiet. He doesn’t quite know what to say as you’re visibly upset. He fucked up.
He looks at you, you won’t make any eye contact with him as you look off to the side. Your fingers are wrapped around the hot cup of coffee, probably to warm your hands up because they’re always so cold. You’re wearing his favorite sweater, it’s his favorite because you always look so good in it-- not that you don’t always look good-- but when you wear this particular sweater it makes him happy.
“How’s your wrist?” he asks, casually to break the tension.
“It’s fine,” you reassure, still put off by him.
“Can I see it?”
Oikawa reaches out his hand to which you recoil pulling it away from your cup and onto your lap out of his sight.
“Please,” he pleads.
You blink at words as he gazes at you with his puppy-eyes. Surely he didn’t mean what he said and you were just being sensitive, and it was very, very hard for you to stay mad at him. But you still hesitate as you rest your hand on the table and roll up your sleeve enough to see the bruising. Oikawa analyzes it then gently grazes his fingertips over your wrist. Your heart pounds against your chest at his tender touch.
“Does that hurt?”
You gulp quietly, surprised by the change in dynamic. Your anger suddenly dissipates and an unexplained warmth cascades through your body like a breath of fresh air. Your eyes frantically search for an answer to why you’re feeling this way, but before you can you’re interrupted.
You both look up to see Iwaizumi loom over you both. You feel your cheeks burn up like you’re caught in the act of something scandalous and your guilt sinks in on you.
“Oh, hi Iwa,” you manage to mutter. Suddenly you don’t feel Oikawa’s touch anymore. You look back to see him pull back with a smile on his face gazing at Iwaizumi.
"Iwa-chan, Y/N got you a drink," Oikawa smirks, sliding the drink towards him.
Iwaizumi's eyes shift to you and suddenly goosebumps form on your arms. His stare is always so intense but not in a bad way, more like you want to melt into a puddle. And you almost do, when he thanks you for the drink.
In the midst of your one-sided moment, your phone rings. Excusing yourself, you walk outside to take the call to which it's your landlord announcing your apartment is almost fixed. Excitement fills your chest as you think about moving back in and having your own space again. But there's also this painful feeling from when Oikawa revealed that Iwaizumi is only temporarily here. It makes you sick to know what you thought was fate actually wasn't at all.
It makes your kiss ever more embarrassing as you know feelings can't be reciprocated at all. You wish you'd known sooner and don't understand why you didn't see this happening.
Walking back inside the cafe, you notice Iwaizumi sitting beside Oikawa. You sat down across from both of them and it almost felt you were on trial as they stared at you.
"Who called?" Oikawa asks.
"Oh, my landlord said my place is almost ready and that I can swing by to see it."
"When?" Oikawa
"I was thinking maybe some time tonight," you say.
"Want us to go with you?" Iwaizumi offers.
"Th-- that would be great.”
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 8
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Bucky entered the bar wearing a neat, black expensive suit, a Rolex sticking out of his left sleeve. He unfastened two buttons by his waist and flung both sides of the suit in the air before sitting down on the stool. He rolled up his sleeves, his lean forearms in plain sight under the incandescent lights hanging by the counter.
Your eyes lingered longer than they should have so you shook your head and ignored his gaze, getting back to work.
"Fancy seeing you back here, James." Out of nowhere, a slight giggle came out from your mouth, pushing the tap handle up and briskly pushing Bucky's hand away. Your eyes found his, whilst you waited for the liquid to fill the beer mug. "I'll get back on you later. I have to give this beer to that son of a bitch over there."
You glanced at the man from earlier who was still giving you a death-like stare.
Bucky responded with a short chuckle and waited for you to finish. You opened your mouth to call Nick but decided against it, calling for Nat instead, who was holding a tray of chicken wings. Nat usually only had three shifts a week but since you were understaffed this week, she had the decency to help out.
"By the way, is Peter here?" Bucky asked.
You glanced at Peter's briefcase. "Yes, he came here straight from an urgent work thing. He just needed to go to the toilet."
"Good, good, that's good." He kept nodding his head, staring at absolutely nothing at all.
You waved your hand in front of his face. "Bucky? You okay?"
"Yeah, no, I'm good." He answered but you weren't convinced. He looked at Peter's briefcase and the beer bottle beside it. "Is that Peter's drink?"
The realization dawned on you once those words slipped out of his mouth. You pursed your lips then nodded. "I tried talking him out of it before but he never listened. You know how Peter is. Stubborn as a damn rock."
"That he is."
"Are you going to talk to him about it?"
"I think so, but not now. I think now's not the right time." He replied. "So, how about that drink, doll?" He asked, swiftly changing the subject.
You ignored the shivers starting to slither on your skin when you heard his little nickname for you. You have been called other nicknames in the bar, including doll, but not one had an effect on you.
Except Bucky.
While grabbing a glass on the counter, you continued to stare at him you felt absolutely nothing. "I feel like you're more of an old-fashioned guy." you commented.
Bucky didn't say anything but a smile formed on his pink plump lips as you made him a glass of old-fashioned. Besides, you can never go wrong with the original cocktail.
Once you were finished, he held the glass near his face, his nose hovering above the drink.
"You know, I've had so many old-fashioned. Smells nothing like this." Then, he took a tiny sip, released a puff of breath and clicked his tongue. "But damn, if it isn't the best old-fashioned I ever had."
You suppressed a giggle. Instead, you smirked at him. "You're not the only one who can make a mean drink, Bucky Barnes."
He chuckled and went on to say that his was still better since it was his own drink and not a classic one. You weren't much of the condescending type so you agreed with him. You could never make your own drink; only the ones you've learned from Steve from the past year.
By the time Bucky devoured the whole drink, Peter had arrived. He was so loud that everyone in the bar turned their heads towards Peter who practically jumped on Bucky from a feet from where he was standing.
"Parker, keep it the fuck down." You scolded Peter like how a mother scolds a child. But with the curses.
Peter gave you an apologetic look as he sat down on the high stool. "Oh, wait, guess who came by the office today," before he could even let you guess, he jumped straight to the answer, "Wanda."
Your actions stopped the moment you heard Wanda's name but moved on eventually. You ignored Peter's eyes while you wiped the counter table, even though it was already squeaky clean. "Maximoff?"
"Yes, Wanda Maximoff! Our team got her as the head photographer for the clothing line account we landed on." He stated.
"Who's Wanda?" Bucky interrupted, curious about the whole thing.
"She's this friend of y/n's who used to tag along with her almost everyday in NYU." Peter replied. "She's also a photographer."
Peter went on about the whole clothing line account for a few minutes. It was mostly about how he and his team landed a "cool photographer" like Wanda. Sunday was the only time Wanda was free so they took an opportunity to talk to her.
Must be nice to be so busy all the damn time.
Peter proceeded to talk so highly of her and all the work she'd done in just a shy of a  year in the industry. If you remembered correctly, the only time Peter and Wanda ever spoke to one another was when Wanda came to borrow something of yours and asked Peter if you were home. Now, he talked about her as if he'd known her for years.
Your eyes lazily wandered to the photographs you've shown Bucky this morning on the wall. Suddenly, it was eerily silent inside your head. No jukebox noise, no television noise, no rowdy noise; nothing.
It had been three years and you haven't accomplished anything that could fill your heart's content. No photos in magazines, not even on the damn streets. They were just here on the bar, camouflaged among the walls.
When your eyes found Peter and Bucky's, Peter had just finished his little story with Wanda starting to work with them for the next few weeks. "This is the biggest account my team has ever gotten. I am so excited!"
"I'm glad everything has been working out for you, Peter." Bucky placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, patting him.
"I just want to be like you, Buck."
Bucky glanced at you for a second. He let go of Peter's shoulder. He didn't respond to him. He just offered Peter a smile.
The two talked the whole night while you were pulled in every direction as more people came. You were making drinks left and right. The people by the counter had their eyes set on somewhere else. The television right above the counter. The billiards table. The jukebox. People dancing by the jukebox. Good-looking ladies being jeered at by single men, and vice-versa.
But only a pair of eyes was watching you move around: Bucky's.
You had caught him staring quite a few times the whole four hours you were working at the bar even though he was conversing with Peter. The whole time making and handing drinks to people, you kept thinking if Peter and Bucky were talking about you. Usually, you would eavesdrop in other people's conversations — of course, these were strangers. You didn't think you could do that to both Peter and Bucky. You shut your ears whenever you'd come near them but it wasn't as if they could be heard, anyway. You could barely hear the conversation with the television on, the jukebox playing and all the people buzzing in the bar — but you did catch some words like "Stark", "White Wolf", "home", and some country names.
All of a sudden, you stopped obsessing on the subject of their conversation. Your mind was then wrapped around with thoughts on Wanda and how, in just one year, she had already accomplished so much in her career whilst you were still here, juggling two jobs. You weren't the jealous type but the more you thought about it, the more those ugly feelings grew. Your photos on the damn walls were not much of a help. They just reminded you that you were a failure, that this was what you get for being a mediocre photographer and for settling for a menial job.
But you had to do what you needed to do in order to survive in this cruel world.
You did try and apply for some big advertising and business companies while working in the bar but luck was never on your side. There were always better ones, or ones who had connections. The latter one was just one of the many reasons why you hated big corporations.
"Who's the rich guy?" Whisking you from your train of thoughts was Nat. She was holding a tray full of canned beers and some fries, and caught up with you.
You walked towards the booth together.
"That's Bucky. Peter's stepbrother." You and Nat gave the food and beverage to the people in the booth.
"He'd been eyeing you for the past few hours." She hugged her tray on her chest as you walked back to the counter. "And you know what I think, y/n?"
"Nat — "
"He wants a piece of you."
You and Nat weren't as close as people would think you were. You only hung out in the workplace. And by hang out, you meant talking (even gossiping) while working.
"Please, he's so much older than me."
"That's what makes it hotter, dumbass."
"When was it ever hot?"
"Duh, those lingering stares he'd been giving you." She raised an eyebrow, stopping at the edge of the counter. "I'm telling you, he wants you."
"He's Peter's stepbrother, Nat. It's inappropriate!"
"It's not like he's his biological brother. And besides, I think it's..." She leaned in and whispered. "Thrilling."
You rolled your eyes. "And I think you're delusional."
"Think whatever you want to think." Nat chuckled. "But the facts are right there. He wants to get a taste of you, and you of him. Ciao, bitch."
And with that, she spun around, her red hair lost in the sea of strangers.
By the time your shift was ending, you removed the apron and hung it on the coat rack near Steve's office at the back. Your instinct was to go to Steve's office and let him know that your shift was over but you just remembered that he was in Rhode Island with his family. You lost the grip on the knob then went back to the counter and tapped Peter's shoulder, interrupting his conversation with Bucky.
"Already?" Peter asked in disbelief. "Wow, it's true what they say. Time flies by when people are catching up."
You squinted your eyes at him. "I literally have never heard someone say that, Parker."
"Really, never?"
"Never." You replied, opening the passthrough. "Now, let's go."
"Wait," Peter said, "I have to go to the toilet real quick."
"Our apartment is right above this bar. You can just go there."
"Sorry, y/n. This can't wait." He sped towards the toilet, practically flying. You sighed and took his seat, facing Bucky.
"Hey, doll." He said in a voice that could make any woman swoon and fall on the floor. Bucky's voice was raspier than you remembered, breath with a hint of whiskey mixed with beer. "Haven't spoken to you in a while."
"Sunday nights can be busy as well."
"So, I've seen." He hummed. "This is your everyday life, huh?"
"Except Mondays. We're closed on Mondays. And except when I have some photography gig." You replied then whispered the next part: "Which I haven't been getting lately."
"Isn't Sunday," he laughed, "supposed to be a rest day?"
"In our bible, it's Monday."
Before Bucky could even speak, Peter came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "If you just accepted that job offer at our company, we would've been working together, y/n."
You playfully shrugged him off. "You were thinking about that while peeing? Weirdo. Plus, Wanda has a lot more experience than I have."
"But — "
"Come on, let's go. You're drunk." You lifted off his arm and turned towards Bucky. "You take him. He's a bit hard to handle when he's this drunk."
Bucky walked ahead, guiding Peter towards the door. Before you could even follow the two, Nat patted your shoulder. You spun around, meeting her suggestive eyes. Without even a second thought, she pulled your tight v-top even lower and spilled some drink on your exposed cleavage.
"Nat, what the damn hell!" You hissed.
"Trust me on this, babe." She scrunched up her nose. "Go get some rich dick." She twirled your body so easily then slapped your ass. You wanted to shout at Nat but you didn't want to cause a scene in the bar and the moment had already passed as she disappeared amongst the crowd once again.
You caught up towards Bucky and Peter, opening the door for them.
The walk towards the apartment unit was tedious and was accompanied by Peter's hilarious commentaries about every little thing he saw on the way. As Bucky's arm was getting sore, you helped lift Peter up as the elevator doors closed behind you.
You felt Bucky's eyes on you as you lifted Peter's right arm, slinging it across your shoulders. You came face to face with Bucky, his eyes somewhere underneath your neck. You cleared my throat to get his attention.
"Uh," he stammered, "you got some alcohol on your... uh..."
"Oh, yeah. Don't mind that. Some idiot spilled on me." Nat really was some idiot.
A genius idiot.
Peter immediately hugged his pillow once we placed him on his bed. You leaned in and kissed his forehead good night. "I hope you have a heavy hangover tomorrow, Parker."
You turned around only to be blocked by Bucky's towering figure. "Sorry." You mumbled, looking down on your feet.
"It's alright, doll." He replied, making some space for you to walk on.
You headed towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water and Bucky followed suit, tossing his suit jacket on the couch as if he was living in your place.
"You should go get changed." He spoke.
You rolled your eyes, finishing up your water.
"Okay, daddy." Of course, you meant it as a joke as it sounded so much funnier in your head — not so much said out loud.
Bucky's eyes lit up with curiosity, walking towards you. "What did you say?"
"Nothing." You replied quickly. "I absolutely said nothing."
He just continued to stare as he strode towards you. You just stayed frozen in your place, unable to process what was about to happen. You backed away from Bucky as he neared you, your back hitting the fridge. He stopped right in front of you. He looked so much different when you first saw him. His eyes had become darker and stared with so much intensity and intention.
"You know, you're something else." He licked his lower lip.
"I don't know what you mean, Bucky."
He traced your jawline with his finger and tilted your chin up. "I can't quite put my finger on you, doll, but you're really something else."
You weren't ready for something to happen so you walked as quickly as you could towards your bedroom, locked the door behind me and leaned against it. Your breathing was quite uneven and your heart thudded like fast bullets on the ground.
You looked down on your sticky chest that reeked of vodka. You pursed your lips together. "Natasha Romanoff, you son of a bitch."
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xxcyj · 4 years
I wanted to make up for that angst earlier ahahaha So here’s the Yeonjun Fluff I had ready~ Request are open. Right here >>  Masterlist
part 2
Summary: A walk to the bus stop with Yeonjun
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
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It was a lazy Sunday in the practice room. Soobin and Beomgyu were both taking naps on the floor, Taehyun and Kai were both looking at memes on their phones. And here Yeonjun was, trying his very best to concentrate while attempting to braid your hair. You watched him from the mirror as his nose scrunches up in annoyance while pulling on your hair lightly in confusion.  Amused by his cute facial expression, you pull out your phone and take a photo. However you forget that your shutter was on causing Yeonjun to snap his head up and see your phone. You giggle as he leans back and jokingly pouts. 
“Y/N, I’m trying my best. It’s not nice to make fun of me.” He mutters as he gets tired of trying and gives up. You laugh at his effort and try to undo the knots in your hair while he goes up to get his phone. 
You had met Yeonjun through a mutual friend and became very fast friends. He soon introduced you to his members, who you got along with just as well however you and Yeonjun remained to be the closest. Usually you’d sneak them late night snacks, you were also their ears and eyes to the unfiltered side of Moa twitter and kept them updated on what fans were saying.
“I need to get going, it’s getting late! I’ll see you guys soon.” You smile at the conscious members as you put your jacket on. Yeonjun was by your side as you waved your goodbyes, it was his habit. He would walk your bus stop and wait with you until your bus came. 
“You know you don’t need to walk me every time. I’ll be alright, not like this is a dodgy part of town.” You say as you both walked out of the building. Yeonjun just shakes his head and brings his arms to his chest.
“Nope, it’s unsafe for a lady to walk by herself in the dark. I don’t care what you say.” He stubbornly replied. You roll your eyes and smile, just happy to talk to your best friend. 
“What a gentleman you are!” You sarcastically remark as you both sat down in the bus stop. He lets out a chuckle and puffs out his chest making you slap his arm lightly and shake your head. “How are you these days though? I know that you guys have started planning for a comeback.” You tilt your head curiously as you await his answer.
“I’m excited obviously but I’m just preparing myself for all the late nights and extreme dance practices. I know I signed up for this and I shouldn’t complain because I have fans who I am deeply grateful for and who never fails to amaze us by how dedicated they are but I’m so tired, this comeback is probably gonna be super busy. I think I’m burning out. I still love being an idol and I love knowing that my music is making an impact in people’s lives but it’s also mentally draining you know? I just don’t want to let down my fans.” He let out a sigh as he titled his head back. “And also it’s just, I know I shouldn’t be reading them but, I see some of the negative things people write about my members and myself and it’s disheartening. We work hard and still some people think that we just leach off the success of our seniors.” 
You watched him air out his frustrations and listen intently. Moments like these was something you treasured close to your heart. Hearing him loosen up and talk about his worries knowing that he can trust you made you admire him. Honestly, when you both weren’t very close until your friend group got drunk and the both of you just vented and ranted to each other the entire night. After that, you were each other’s go to person whenever something was bothering the other. 
“Yeonjun, it’s ok to feel burnt out. You guys have been super busy the entire year, barely getting any breaks. Moas understand that you’re a human as well, they’ll love you either way. People need to take breaks here and there or else we’d fall apart. Everyone knows you love what you do but it’s ok if you just need a little break from it.” You reassure him by rubbing his arm and smiling. “Anyway fuck those people who talk shit. They’re literally just jealous of you. Those people don’t know jack about what you went through to get to where you are now. Trust me, if they even tried to fall what you do for a day, they’d probably quit. They don’t know how hard you work everyday and how much much you’ve had to sacrifice. Send me the links and I’ll cuss them out for you.”
He lets out a hearty laugh and looks at your clench fists, as if ready to fight. “Thanks, I think I will do that next time.” He takes your hands in his and unclenches your fists before patting your head. “You don’t really make for an intimidating person in real life though so let’s try not fight anyone in person.”
“Hey! I can throw a pretty good punch!” You poke your tongue and laugh. 
“Anyway what about you? What’s happening with life in general?” He asks you gently. 
“Well, school is bitch but it would be better if I actually did my assignments as soon as I get them instead of leaving them to the last minute.” You mutter, knowing full well that you were gonna get a snicker from him. 
“You’re just like Soobin. When will you both learn huh?” He shakes his head. “But seriously though, take care of yourself as well. Make sure you eat well or else whatever you study won’t stick. And I also know you just love staying up all night finishing your assignments but you be sleeping. It’s not good for you if you’re running low on sleep.” He says as his hands hands squish your face and stares into your eyes to make sure you got his point. 
Usually you’d roll your eyes and act like an edgy teenager by saying “yes mom.” But something seemed to hit you it hit you at this very moment. You’d only ever seen Yeonjun as a friend, a handsome one at that, but it was always platonic. But something about his smile made you feel electric. You felt butterflies flutter and you suddenly wanted to kick yourself for falling into the falling for my best friend troupe. 
Your distress must’ve been plastered on your face as Yeonjun frowned and leaned his face close to yours as if to inspect your face. You push him back and look away. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did I say something?” He asked seeming genuinely concerned. 
“I- I just got reminded of my mid term paper. Anyway who are you to lecture me about sleep? You’re out here getting maximum 5 hours. ” You quickly say and pat the back of your neck. He just rolls his eyes and smiles. That damn smile. 
“Then you should probably study for your mid terms dumby! Also I’ll have you know I sleep for 6 hours now.” He says as he flicks your forehead lightly.
“Anyway, your bus is almost here so make sure you study hard ok?” Yeonjun says as he helps you up from your seat and wave down the bus. You nod at his instructions and prepare your bus card out. “Text me when you get home ok?”
“I will. Also remember what I said, it’s ok to take break. Please take care of yourself!” You wave as you tag into the bus and sit my the window. As the bus drives past, he waves from his spot at the bus stop and only leaves when he can’t see the bus anymore. 
Holding a hand to your chest, you take a deep breath and release it as you try to calm down the fast beats from your heart. You would find yourself unable to sleep that night.
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wrctings · 3 years
Tony Stark x Steve Rogers | Fearless
this evening may i present you with stevetony + taylor swift fluff to celebrate the release of fearless (taylor’s version) 💛
fandom: Marvel summary: Where Steve listens to Taylor Swift and Tony is fearless. word count: 1.6k
If there is one thing that Tony Stark is undeniably the master of, among other skills related to the insightful understanding of technology or the adroit use of screwdrivers, it is without the shadow of a doubt the ability to find Steve Rogers inside the Avengers Tower. Whenever the two are separated, it seems Tony has gotten particularly good at guessing what Steve might be up to in the meantime: he knows that Steve likes to enjoy a cup of tea in the evening, two hours or so after dinner, so the kitchen would be the best place to spot the Captain, the soft look on his face paired the casual clothes he usually wears at the end of a long day; if not in the kitchen, it means that Steve already made himself comfortable on the living room sofa, catching up on the latest book he's been reading or chatting with one of the Avengers who might have passed by. And when Tony shows up, he is sure that Steve will give him one of his signature smiles and wait for him to take a seat by his side before nestling beside him, exchanging kisses and hugs when no one is around to disrupt their intimacy.
But on that evening, as Tony walks into the kitchen, looking for Steve, nothing but empty space meets his eye in the place where his boyfriend would usually stand. The same happens in the living room, where Steve definitely doesn't seem to be anywhere around — there isn't even the trace of a cup or a bookmark, all signs of the other man's presence having mysteriously vanished from every angle Tony's gaze sweeps. And if Steve isn't in the kitchen or in the living room by 8 o'clock... The echos of Tony's footsteps reverberate through the staircase as he makes his way down the tower, toward the workshop, a mug of tea in hand After the Avengers saved New York for the first time, officially becoming a team, Steve had taken the habit of visiting Tony in the workshop from time to time since their friendship had started to grow stronger. At first, he mostly came down when he needed to clear his head, bringing Tony coffee and quietly settling on the workshop couch with sheepishness that betrayed his worry of maybe not being welcome here (in spite of Tony's insistance that it's fine, Rogers. Not everybody has the chance of seeing my genius at work, and Steve's face would light up, and he'd nod thankfully). He would sit and watch Tony tinker and rattle his brains, somehow soothed by the clicking and banging sounds all around, before getting up and leaving when he felt he overstayed his welcome. A few months later, Steve's visits were accompanied, alongside coffee, by stolen kisses.
As his ideas often prove to be, Tony is right. There Steve really is, spread out on the workshop couch with folded legs, knees pointed toward the ceiling and revealing the comfortable grey sweatpants he's thrown on, a fitting choice considering the simple t-shirt that he's traded his Captain America suit for. Tony can't help but smile affectionately (thank God no one is around to notice just how dumbly in love he is) at the sight of Steve's domestic looks: how is it that Steve Rogers always manages to look so unbearably lovely no matter what he does? Then, he notices something else — on the floor, right next to the couch, lies Steve's phone, a pair of headphones connected to it. Listening to music, Steve must have not heard Tony coming in, so the brunet takes another step closer, torn between watching his boyfriend's relaxed features, which he finds adorable, and signalling his presence.  
Tony isn't sure whether Steve is still awake, but he must have established himself in the workshop not too long ago as his hair appears darker than usual and brushed back, still wet from a shower (he would usually take it after his morning run, but on that Sunday the pair had stayed in bed instead, deciding on getting themselves a reward for the success of their latest mission), so after watching him for another couple of seconds, Tony tries his luck. Taking a seat on the end of the couch, he waits to see if Steve has any kind of reaction. And he does.
Steve's eyelashes flutter as his eyelids lift up, blinking to readjust to the light of the room, and when he straightens up on the couch his eyes immediately meet Tony's.
"Hey there, sleeping beauty," Tony teases fondly from the other end of the couch as Steve removes the headphones. "I was looking for you. Figured you'd be down there."
"Hi." Steve smiles at him with one of these warm smiles that make Tony melt even after all this time, then leaves him room to scooch over by regaining a normal sitting position. "Sorry, I just came down here to take a break."
"No need to apologize, this is as much my place as yours now," Tony shrugs, handing Steve the mug. "Since you weren't in the kitchen, I figured you'd need your tea."
"Thank you, Tony. You know me too well," Steve takes it gratefully, wrapping his fingers around the warm surface of the cup before drawing it to his lips and taking a sip. "Days shouldn't be so full of paperwork," he chortles tiredly, alluding to his occupation of the afternoon.
"That's only because you're so stubborn, you never take breaks before you finish."
"Says you."
"Alright, you may have a point," Tony shakes his head, unable to suppress a fugitive smile. "So what're you listening to?"
"I thought I'd catch up on what people are listening to nowadays," Steve explains, cheeks flushing slightly as he scratches the nape of his neck. "Well, here goes nothing. I was listening to Taylor Swift. I know this is not the kind of music you usually listen to, but it's actually really good. I mean, it's so different from what he had in the 40's, but I think I would've liked to have that back then."
"Hey, you know I'm not judging you, right?" Tony hates to see Steve so self-conscious around him, especially when Tony in truth likes Taylor Swift! Only, he would rather keep it private because of how deep it could actually dig through him, unlike other less penetrating music. "Plus, I like Taylor Swift," he confesses, because it's Steve, and Steve makes him fearless (pun intended — Taylor Swift did brilliantly put lyrics on feelings). "Everyone should."
"Really, you do?" Steve's excitement makes Tony's heart somersault: seeing how much happier he's gotten over the weeks never fails to move him, the contrast being stark indeed with the first time they met, all clenched jaws and tension.
"You know, in the 30's, we didn't have this... Teenagehood thing," Steve explains, his voice tinged with the recollective tone Tony has often been aware of when whenever the Captain remembered his past. "After school, you'd be out working, you had no time to try and figure yourself out. This kind of makes me catch up on what I missed out on."
"Now's the time then. What songs have you been listening to?" Tony's eyebrows arch curiously, stirring Steve's mind away from sadder thoughts.
"Well... Fifteen. On repeat for the past fifteen minutes," Steve admits with a guilty chuckle. "It's really good, but so is the rest of the album. I've never gone through anything like that, but ever since I'm with you, those sappy love songs make perfect sense."    
"You're so corny Rogers, has anyone ever told you that?" But Tony's face is bright with a grin, and he runs his fingers through's Steve's humid hair, rolling his eyes. He just can't resist him, can he?
"What do you want?" Steve leans into the palm of his hand, smiling slyly. "I jumped and fell into you, it seems."
"I got that reference," Tony laughs before bringing their lips together in a playful, loving kiss, his spirits so light with elation he might just burst out singing Taylor Swift lyrics for Steve. Who's the corny one now, Stark? He can already picture the Captain's remark. "Soldier, hand me your phone."
Steve obeys, bending over so he can pick it, and hands it to Tony with an inquiring look, watching him unplug the headphones and busy himself with the object. It isn't long before notes of music suddenly swirl through the air, emanating from Steve's phone as Tony sets it aside, and the blond recognising the guitar intro to Fearless, which he's listened enough to set it aside among other tracks. Steve's heart catches in his throat, cutting his breath short from the intense rush of affection that washes over him at once: he is so ridiculously smitten, he might just do something absolutely silly. He definitely will, or else, he wouldn't really be Steve Rogers, would he?
"Will you offer me this dance?" Steve suddenly asks, springing to his feet and extending his hand toward Tony. It doesn't matter that he's wearing sweatpants and that they're in Tony's workshop — actually, he wouldn't have changed anything, not for the whole goddamn world.
"And I don't know why..." Tony begins, smiling so widely he struggles not to throw himself at Steve instantly in spite of another amused eye roll. "But with you I dance," he takes Steve's hand resolutely, getting up himself.
"I must warn you now, I don't know how to dance though," Steve laughs softly against Tony, trying to find an appropriate position. "But you make me fearless, so, I guess we're doing it anyways."
"We are. That's what Taylor wants us to be."
And, as they twirl through the room, honouring the song's passionate fierceness right there in the middle of the workshop, Steve and Tony both really do feel unafraid; as long as they are together, nothing can stop them.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Sink Or Swim
tag list: @cleocc @feeling-kinda-so-so @hopelessromanticvirgo @dreamy-slytherin @adora8 @lockerfivethreefive @painfully-oblivious @poeticinemaa @jjustonemorething @sassy-sara @wedarkacademia @coolguyssyndrome @hischbabe @suckerforsobbe @tayspots @starmansander @theah0lt @zoenneforever @invisibleme @chibibanane @odi-et-amo85 @watermelonlover-123 @xiaomailab
Sunday, 16:38
Song: Troye Sivan - The Good Side
Jens stands at the window with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a mug of Lucas’s famous hot chocolate. He feels cosy, with the beverage and his own hoodie, freshly washed and still smelling somewhat of Lucas with the shared fabric softener. The rain outside has turned into snow, heavy enough to cover the pavement but just dusting the trees. It’s washed in orange tones under the streetlights, but there’s a frost on the window. It finally looks wintery, and cold, and it’s a little like being a kid, looking out with a vague stirring of excitement while being safely tucked away in the warmth. There are marshmallows in his hot chocolate and the lights on the Christmas tree in the corner are already twinkling. It’s homely. Cosy.
Jens can only bring himself to half-appreciate. It’s not exactly the same, when he can’t actually go home.
He’s warmed up further when a body presses up against his back. The arms that slide around his waist feel a little more familiar. He wonders if it’s possible, or okay, to make a little home of his own for a while.
Lucas presses a kiss to the back of his neck then rests his head between his shoulder blades, hugging him loosely. They’ve spent the past two days like this, in almost constant contact. Even while decorating the tree yesterday they had distracted themselves, stopping every few minutes to sidle up to the other and kiss an available patch of skin or tease them over their decorating choices. Lucas has been good at keeping the mood light, at making Jens feel somewhat okay and a lot less alone. Last night, Jens had spent more time watching him than sleeping.
“What are you thinking about?” Lucas questions.
Jens glances around at him, smiling slightly. “You.”
Lucas tilts his head up and raises his brows. “What about me?”
“Just you.” Jens shrugs, twisting around to pull the boy into his arms, careful of the mug in his hand. “That I’m lucky to have you. Be here with you.” He presses a kiss to Lucas’s temple. “In your bed.” Then his cheek. “In your shower.”
Lucas huffs, elbowing him lightly in the stomach and Jens calls a protest, quickly retreating with his mug held up in defense. He takes a sip and the marshmallows bump against his lips. He licks over his top lip when he lowers the mug and grins as Lucas tracks the movement. Lucas takes the mug and sets it on the windowsill before looping his arms around Jens’s neck and pulling him down into a kiss.
Jens goes easily, as he always does, unable to resist Lucas at any given moment. Lucas laps it up, as he always does, and provides accordingly, making Jens putty in his hands with just a few skillful brushes of lips. It’s the best way to forget. This is their little universe, just the two of them and their touch. It doesn’t matter where they are. It makes everything else in Jens quiet, too. It reminds him that he’s real, and needed, right here in this universe.
“Sometimes I really wish it could just be like this all the time,” Jens mumbles, mouths and noses and foreheads still brushing. “Just you and me. Is that bad?”
Lucas shakes his head, kissing him gently. “I wish for that all the time,” he whispers. “Just me and you, whole universe to ourselves, making out wherever and whenever we want.”
Jens snorts and shakes his head, squeezing Lucas’s hip. “Nice,” he mutters, and Lucas hums and kisses him again.
After a while, Lucas settles into a hug instead, tucking his face into Jens’s neck and sliding his arms around his waist. “I know what you mean, though. It’s been nice just being in our bubble.”
“Yeah. But that ends this evening. Then tomorrow, back to school and reality.”
“You don’t have to go to school,” Lucas says softly.
It would be nice if it was that simple, but it isn’t. Jens knows Lucas is definitely going to go to school, and he’ll feel weird if he has to stay in Lucas’s apartment alone. Or worse, with the boy’s father. He’ll likely fail the remaining exams, because he hasn’t even had any books to study, but he’ll have to take most of the resits already anyway.
“I should. I think it’ll be better than not going. That feels overdramatic, or something.”
Lucas leans away to look at him. “Jens, you aren’t being dramatic. In fact there’s been a worrying lack of reaction from you.”
Jens breathes out through his nose and rests their heads together, closing his eyes, wondering if it’ll be easier to say the words into the dark. “I’ve already spent a week thinking about nothing else. I just...I want to feel a little normal again. I’m so tired of having to react.”
Lucas rubs his side, unbothered by the occasional catch of his fingers against the hoodie. “It doesn’t match your usual chill vibe,” he allows. “Still. Trying to just ignore it...that doesn’t help.”
“It’s impossible to ignore. I’m not doing that.” Jens shakes his head, licking his lips. “I just don’t want it to be the only thing. I want to be able to be with you and to go to school and to sleep. I don’t want the world to stop spinning so I can wallow.”
“But would you mind, if the world stopped spinning and kept us like this right now?” Lucas bumps their heads together, and Jens pulls him closer, lips pulling up slightly. “See. It isn’t just time to wallow. It’s just time. To figure things out a little, and re-centre, and give yourself room to breathe.”
Jens opens his eyes and considers the boy in front of him, trying to figure out how to word his thoughts better. “It’s not like that, though. Whenever I’m just on my own, with too much time...I can’t breathe. It doesn’t work like that. With you, it’s different. But I definitely can’t just stay here all day waiting for you to come back.”
“Well, I could always stay with you.”
Jens shifts back and tilts his head, giving him an unimpressed look. “No, you can’t.”
“I am an adult, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.” Lucas raises his brows, smiling smugly.
“Is that so?”
Lucas jumps at the voice, and Jens’s heart quickens, but when they turn to look at the man in the doorway he finds a smile. He’s tall, probably around Jens’s own height, and a little broader, with hair the same shade as Lucas’s and a light scruff around his chin. His eyes are bright, and warm, and remind Jens of Lucas’s even though they differ in colour. The similarity is certainly present and overall there’s nothing entirely threatening about his demeanor.
Jens drops his hands from Lucas and shrinks back as Lucas flushes.
“I didn’t hear you come in.” Lucas raises a brow.
“Well, I didn’t want to interrupt,” the man shrugs. “But I couldn’t help overhearing your plans in passing and now you’ve made me curious.”
Lucas rolls his eyes, just slightly, and then grips Jens’s wrist, softly caressing the skin on the inner side. He steps forwards, towards his father, drawing Jens with him. Jens keeps just a little bit behind as the man’s eyes skim over him.
Lucas seems only slightly nervous as he says, “Dad, this is Jens.”
The man holds a hand out, and Jens takes it carefully, looking at the kind smile and searching for his voice. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr Van Der Heijden.”
The title is waved off as their handshake ends. “None of that. Just call me Hugo, alright? You’ll make me feel too old.”
It makes Jens relax a little as he nods, managing, finally, to return the smile.
“I wish we were meeting under different circumstances, but I’m happy to have you here all the same,” Hugo says. Then he gestures at his son. “And I’m happy to see this one smiling.”
Lucas flushes again, and Jens decides he quite likes this interaction as he offers Hugo a shrug. “I like that better, too.”
Hugo grins. Lucas grows redder, but said smile is working its way onto his lips. “I should’ve realised how awful it would be to put up with you both.”
“We’re excellent company,” Hugo waves him off. “You certainly didn’t seem too eager to leave it, before.”
“He was just joking,” Jens says hastily, regretting it when he earn’s the man’s attention. “We’ll both be going to school. I wouldn’t let him miss the exams.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but I’m not sure this one would listen to you,” Hugo gestures at Lucas with a huff, still smiling. He softens as he looks at Jens, skimming his eyes over him again, lingering on his tensed shoulders and where Lucas is still loosely gripping his wrist. His tone gentles, but loses its fond teasing to take on a more serious note. “You don’t have to be scared here, Jens.”
Jens’s throat closes up, but he shakes his head. “I—no, sorry. It’s just been a long time, since I did the ‘meeting-the-parents’ thing,” he admits, then instantly blushes.
Hugo’s smile returns and he laughs, carefully settling his hand on Jens’s shoulder and gives a squeeze. “Well, this is the first time I’ve ever done the ‘meeting-the-boyfriend’ thing. So there’s still no need for nerves, alright?”
Lucas squeezes his wrist, and Jens nods, and after another small consideration the man steps forward and captures him in a short hug. His grip is tight, but not forceful, and beyond the surprise Jens finds himself sinking into it. He closes his eyes when they start to water, after realising it’s so surprising because he has never experienced it. He can’t help but wonder if this is how it’s supposed to be, or if Lucas is just really lucky.
Hugo releases him too quickly, and Jens quickly and quietly clears his throat to get rid of the emotions clogged there. The sudden absence of contact is mended by Lucas pulling him back against his side, hand now clearly gripping Jens’s with their fingers interlocked.
“Come on, let’s sit down first,” Hugo beckons, setting his hand on his son’s arm this time as he pushes them back inside the room and lets Lucas guide the way to the sofa. Lucas sits down and pulls Jens with him and Hugo takes the armchair, leaning forward with his hands clasped between his knees. “Do you want to talk about your options, Jens?”
Jens licks his lips, leaning closer to Lucas. “My options?”
Hugo nods. “Now, before you worry, you’re staying here for as long as you need. No arguments. You were always welcome.”
Jens relaxes, nodding gratefully as Lucas sets a hand on his knee.
“I’m just talking about what could help. There are measures you could take, over what happened,” Hugo says softly.
“I don’t want anything like that. It’s not—I didn’t even think about it. I’m not doing that.”
He worries that it’s too harsh, but Hugo is already smiling and nodding again, working to put him back at ease. “Alright. Feel free to stop me, any time, if you don’t want to discuss it, alright?” He waits for Jens to nod before continuing. “I mostly want to know if you have any concerns. Lucas mentioned a younger sister?”
Jens swallows. “Yeah, Lotte. I don’t think that I have to worry. It’s never been like…” he trails off, searching for the words, avoiding both their gazes. “He isn’t violent, or anything. Not really, not like that.”
Hugo purses his lips, but accepts the explanation without pushing any further for now. “What about your mother?”
“I don’t actually know. I thought that...that she agreed with him. She usually does. But then I realised she wasn’t even aware of what he was doing, and she was the reason I got out. She doesn’t—I never actually got to tell her anything. I don’t know what she thinks.”
“Then is it possible that she’d be on your side in this?” Hugo asks gently. “I know if, like you say, she usually supports your father, it can seem like the obvious answer to everything. But this is a very specific situation. You’re her son, and very often that counts for something more.”
The back of Jens’s eyes prick, and he does his best to blink the sensation away, tightly gripping Lucas’s hand again. Jens had returned his ring, and it’s there now on Lucas’s finger for Jens to run his thumb over, a point of focus. “I don’t know. I can’t imagine she would kick him out and that’s the only way…”
“I see. When are you eighteen, Jens?”
“Uhm. Next month. The nineteenth.”
Hugo nods. “Would it be suitable, then, to work towards other living arrangements? I understand the finance can be scary, and having a job in your final year is an additional layer of stress. But there are supports available, and I could give you a helping hand.”
Gosh, no. Jens can’t be any more of a burden. He quickly shakes his head. “I couldn’t accept that. It’s kind enough of you to let me stay here for a few weeks, but I promise I won’t be that much of a bother.”
“And what happens in a few weeks?” Hugo raises a brow. Jens stays quiet. “Jens, you’re really welcome here for as long as you need. Until you graduate if necessary. I just understand that it might not be the most comfortable feeling for you. But we don’t have to worry about it right now, alright? It’s just something we’ll work towards thinking about.”
After a while of hesitation, Jens nods in acceptance and hears Lucas’s quiet breath of relief. Jens squeezes his hand and relaxes slightly as Lucas squeezes back.
“What about your belongings? I see you had some of your clothes stored for you, but I’m assuming it’s not quite a full wardrobe. What about school supplies, even?”
“I didn’t take anything,” Jens admits. “I don’t even have my phone.”
Hugo hums. “Alright. Would you like me to go collect some things for you?”
Jens’s eyes widen. “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that.”
“Well, I would prefer it to sending you on your own, or with Lucas,” Hugo points out.
“No, really. I can manage without for another few days, then maybe get another friend to come with.”
“Of course, you can do what feels best, and take someone closer,” Hugo nods. “My offer still stands. Even if you just want someone to drive you, so you have a boot for the luggage. At any time.”
Jens nods again, overwhelmed with the generosity. His gratitude has rendered him speechless, and he’s almost relieved when Hugo claps his hands against his knees and then rises from the chair.
“Alright, I’ve done enough pushing and prodding at you. Tell me when I’m too much, kiddo. How about I make us some dinner to make up for it, hm?”
“Do you still know how to do that?” Lucas asks dubiously.
Hugo scoffs, looking over his shoulder on his way to the door. “Just for that, you’re waiting longer for a gourmet meal.”
Lucas snorts as the man winks at them, then tilts his head against Jens’s shoulder once he’s out of sight. Jens sinks against him and releases a shaky breath.
“Are you okay?” Lucas questions, voice quiet even in the silent room. There’s distant movement, the sound of knocking cupboard doors and clanging pots and pans. Everything about it holds an intimacy Jens doesn’t feel entirely familiar with.
“Yeah,” Jens says honestly. “I actually can’t believe how cool he is.”
“For my sake, you’ll never tell him.”
Jens snorts.
“You’re right, though,” Lucas says quietly. “It’s good to have an actual adult who knows what they’re talking about, I guess.”
Jens hums, turning to press a kiss to the top of Lucas’s head before resting his cheek there. “By the way, the clothes thing. Does that mean he saw you in my hoodie?”
Lucas huffs. “Of course, that’s what you’d pick up on.”
“That’s kind of adorable.”
“Shut up.”
Jens laughs, about to say something else when the buzzer to the apartment sounds and he and Lucas pause to look at each other. After a few seconds, Hugo appears in the doorway with a furrowed brow.
“Were you expecting anyone?” he asks. They shake their heads, and he gestures for them to stay where they are. “Alright, I’ll see who it is.”
When he disappears into the hallway, Jens rises to his feet. He shifts his weight anxiously, staring at the door, and then Lucas is up and pulling him along. They creep out of the room quietly, though not enough to avoid Hugo’s notice, who shoots an aggravated look back at them before there’s a knock on the door. Lucas and Jens remain mostly concealed around the corner as Hugo cracks the door open. There’s a pause, and then he pulls it open fully and looks back as two boys are revealed in the entryway.
Jens steps out and Robbe barrels into him instantly, knocking the wind out of him as he winds his arms tightly around Jens’s waist. Jens comes out of his shock quickly and returns the hug, pulling Robbe into his chest with arms wrapped around his shoulders and face buried in his curls.
“Fuck, I missed your dumb face,” Robbe croaks, clinging to him, and Jens tightens his own hold with a hoarse laugh.
“I missed your dumb-ass,” Jens returns, completing the old joke. Robbe just keeps hugging him silently, pressed as close as he can get, and Jens eagerly accepts the affection of his best friend. It’s even more familiar than Lucas, and while it doesn’t incite quite the same reaction, it’s just as comforting.
“I know you didn’t invite us, but he got impatient,” Sander says apologetically, presumably talking to Lucas. “I did send you a text.”
“My phone’s in my room,” Lucas says. “Don’t worry about it.”
Robbe finally loosens up and steps back as Hugo speaks up, most of his attention on the new arrivals. “Wait, don’t tell me,” he holds a finger up to Lucas, before pointing it at Sander, still hovering in the doorway. “You’re Sander,” he guesses, leaving the boy nodding awkwardly as Hugo turns to his boyfriend. “So you must be Robbe.”
Instead of agreeing, Robbe blushes, one of his hands still curled in Jens’s hoodie. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have barged in.”
Sander hums in agreement, nodding at him. “He’s usually the polite one,” he tells Hugo.
Hugo waves them off with his already-familiar smile. “Understood. These are special circumstances, I imagine. I was just about to start on dinner, if the two of you would like to join?”
Sander’s lips part as he and Robbe share a bewildered look and Robbe quickly shakes his head. “No really, we didn’t mean to intrude—“
“Nonsense,” Hugo scoffs, ushering Sander inside along with them. “Come on, come in, sit down. It’ll be a while, anyway, so you can catch up while it’s cooking. Finally, I’m getting to meet you. I missed having a group of boys to feed.”
“Dad, you’re being weird,” Lucas says, exasperated, but Hugo merely flaps a hand at him and makes his way back to the kitchen.
“No allergies?” he calls back to them.
They all confirm the negative, and he offers a thumbs up before disappearing, leaving them all staring after in silence. Sander is the one to break it, looking to Lucas with raised brows, teasing smirk already in place. “Personally, I think he’s swell.”
Lucas groans, and Jens laughs, and Robbe beams at him before gathering him in another hug.
Jens accepts it with a growing warmth in his chest.
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natromanxoff · 4 years
Queen live at Bingley Hall in Stafford, UK - May 6, 1978 (Part -2)
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Photos were taken by Anthony Mallan.
Fan Stories
“As I write this I can't believe it is over 24 years since my first ever Queen gig. I was 15 years old and had looked forward to this day ever since I had first heard Bohemian Rhapsody 3 years earlier. Before that song Queen had just been another pop/rock group but BoRhap was the song which for me would set them apart from all others, the song that began my addiction for this band's music - an addiction which continues to this day. I had an hour long bus ride to Stafford and then had to walk to the Bingley Hall which was about 2 miles out of town. I remember while walking a couple of stretched limos passed I couldn't see inside because the windows were blacked out but I knew that it was the members of Queen in those cars and that added to the excitement. I arrived at the venue and joined the queue to get in. I was quite early but there were still a few hundred people in front of me. I bought a Black T shirt with the News of The World robot on the front and the words Spring Tour '78 and a program, both of which I still have although the T shirt is well worn. I was also treated to a young lady a bit drunk I think, taking her T Shirt off and running around half naked, quite sensational for a 15 year old lad. We were let into the hall at about 7pm and I found myself fairly near the front it was all standing and I was quite small so I was pleased to see the stage was set quite high which meant I would have an excellent view. The stage set for this tour was the famous crown and as I looked in awe at its size. I can remember wondering how they would get it to lift off the stage? I can't remember the time but probably an hour or so after I had got into the hall the lights went out and a mechanical whining noise started this was followed very quickly by white lights from the stage, smoke and then the drum beat of We Will Rock You with the song breaking straight into the chorus. Suddenly on a platform in the middle of the front row of the crowd Brian May appeared playing the "Rock You" guitar riff. I remember the feeling of joy and awe, I am sure I must have pinched myself to make sure this was really happening. After an explosion they burst into the fast version of "Rock You" and I saw Freddie for the first time. He was wearing shiney leather trousers, jacket & cap and running around the stage like a madman. It's far too long ago for me to remember every detail of the show but I do remember Freddie toasting us with champagne and at the end of '39 Roger threw his tamborine into the crowd and I had it for a split second before dropping it, I stood no chance really. The songs which I remember most from this gig were the ones which after this tour they were never to play live again: "White Man" & "Prophets Song" both were played either side of Brian's guitar solo and I can clearly remember Freddie performing vocal gymnastics during the middle section of "Prophets Song". The concert ended with a Rock n Roll medley. I remember right at the end of God Save The Queen we all started singing "You'll Never Walk Alone", then the lights were on and it was over. In a lot of respects it seems so long ago but as I am thinking of it now, parts of it are as clear as yesterday.”  - Kevin Ruscoe
“It was fun reading Kevin's story about going to see Queen at Stafford Bingley Hall in 1978. This was the first concert I had ever been to (talk about starting at the top). When the lights went down and Brian started with the dynamic We Will Rock You strumming, I was captured. A couple of years ealier I had purchased Night At The Opera for a girl I fancied at work. I took it to give her and before I could present her with it she showed me that she had just brought the album herself. So much for my Night At The Opera with her! So, I had to go home, take a cold shower, and listen to music. Because it was the only album I had, I played it and played it and I discovered a world I never knew existed. Music up to that point was something that was on the radio. That night seemed to open a new and exciting world me. Not as exciting as I had been planning with her but exciting none the less. My biggest memory of the Stafford concert was when Freddie gets us to sing along with him. Whenever I heard the Live Killers album, it would take me back to that moment at Stafford when I found out what I wanted to do with my life. I write now, plays and musicals, some successful, some not. Thanks Queen for my reason to live.”  - Robert
“Memory's a funny thing... and I wish to heck that I had a better one. How come I can remember useless things I don't want to know, like the winner of the first Big Brother programme, but can't remember stuff which would be far more useful... like how to order beer in any language, my bank account number... or the exact setlist of my first ever rock concert, Queen at Stafford's Bingley Hall in May 1978? Sitting down to type up this review I did a quick search on the net but only came up with a partial setlist which ends about two thirds of the way through. Very frustrating. So really this isn't a review, it can't be, but it's more a hazy recollection of just what it felt like to be a 15-year-old boy at his very first rock show. First off I remember getting the ticket. "Harvey Goldsmith presents A Night With Queen" printed in green (tickets for the Sunday night gig were printed in blue) and the price, L3.50 - laughably cheap now. I can't remember how long it was before the gig that I got the ticket but I do know that the waiting for the day of the gig was unbearable. But eventually that day arrived. Another reason it sticks in my mind is that it was the day of the FA Cup final (Arsenal beat Ipswich Town) and it was the first time I'd not sat glued to the TV from 12pm for all the build-up and the big match itself. If it had been my team, Manchester City, it might have been a different story, but I went up to Bingley Hall mid-afternoon, with a friend called Mark Butters, to join the queue and get as good a standing spot as possible. For those of you who don't know, Bingley Hall is a 10,000-plus capacity shed (a giant cowshed, really), at the County Showground just outside Stafford, and owned by the Staffordshire Agricultural Society. Before the NEC and other purpose-built venues came along, gigs at this venue (which on other occasions were filled with agricultural displays or animal pens) were a big deal, on a par with Wembley Arena and the like. Others to have played there include Abba, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Thin Lizzy, Saxon, Yes and Rush. I remember my Mum being worried sick about me going to the gig. Worried about the size of the crowd. Worried about the music volume. Worried about drugs. She was particularly worried that I was wearing a Thin Lizzy badge on my denim jacket and might get beaten up by some aggressive Queen fan who took exception to any other band. I had to persuade her that rock fans were not quite so tribal as football fans. I also remember standing fairly close to the glass-fronted doors in the queue and the physical, painful ache of anticipation. What came next is a blur - the doors finally being opened, the crush as we made our way through and our tickets were examined, the further crush by the merchandise stall (I got myself a big, square programme, which I've still got). Then I made my way into the crowd, jockeying for a position as near to the front as possible. The gig was all-standing and as showtime got closer the build-up of pressure was astonishing. I was pretty central, but there was constant swaying from left to right, if you lifted your legs you wouldn't fall, just be carried along with this sea of rock fans. Finally the wait is over (yes, I know I've changed tense, it just suits my recollections better). The lights go down. The roar of the crowd is unbelievably loud. But what comes next is even louder. As we strain to see what's going on the air is filled with a mechanical sound, the giant lighting rig (Queen's famed crown set-up) is lifting into the air in a sea of smoke. We Will Rock You explodes into the air. It's all light and smoke and noise... and suddenly there's Brian May, playing that guitar, just feet away from me. The spotlights fall on John Deacon and Roger Taylor behind his gigantic drumkit. Just one thing left now. Freddie. And he appears out of nowhere, Freddie Mercury, prancing and preening around the stage, soaking up the adulation, singing his guts out, clad in shiny black PVC. Call me innocent or naive, but back then I didn't really know about the whole gay/camp fetish thing... he just looked like the superstar he was. For the next two hours or so I am transported to a whole new place. We get the rockers (Brighton Rock, We Are The Champions, Now I'm Here, a pre-release It's Late, I'm In Love With My Car), the pop-orientated stuff (Killer Queen, Spread Your Wings, Somebody To Love, You're My Best Friend) and a superb acoustic section, featuring Love Of My Life and its amazing crowd singalong and '39, during which a string breaks on Brian May's guitar but he carries on regardless, note perfect to my ears. Oh, and we get Bohemian Rhapsody too. It's still only a couple of years old at this point, and although obviously something incredibly special is still making it's way up the ladder to immortality to stand alongside the likes of Stairway To Heaven. Anyway, it's bloody brilliant. Queen leave the stage for the opera section, enabling them to make another grand entrance in lights, smoke and pyrotechnics for the rock-out - a masterstroke! According to Kevin Ruscoe's review of this gig at the superb www.queenconcerts.com site we also got White Man and The Prophet's Song, but I have no recollection of that at all. Nonetheless it still sticks in my mind as one of the greatest gigs I have even seen over the past 28 years, and as one of the greatest events of my life. Like Kevin, I remember singing You'll Never Walk Alone at the end of God Save The Queen, a football terrace salute to a rock phenomenon. What a night!”  - Ian Harvey (April 28, 2006)
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Levi Lost
Leviathan x gn!MC
Words - 2038
Content Warnings - tiny bit of angst, lots of fluff, platonic relationships, BFF Levi
Prompt/Inspiration - retelling of the in-game chat of the same name “Levi Lost”, also includes references to the Devilgram “Love, Friendship, and Justice”
Summary - You’re enjoying a quiet day to yourself when Levi begs you for help - he’s lost. 
You were sitting in your room one lazy Sunday afternoon, enjoying the peace and quiet as you read one of your new favorite books that Satan had recommended to you. It was so incredibly rare for you to have a moment to yourself, but everyone else was occupied with other things:
Mammon had a modeling gig; Asmo was on a shopping spree after seeing a new collection from his favorite designer had been released; Lucifer was with Diavolo presumably to have tea (though you had your doubts that was all he was up to); Satan had gone to check out a new bookstore (or so he said, you figured there was a cat involved somehow); Beel had sports practice at RAD; and Belphie of course was asleep in the attic after a very filling lunch. You hadn’t heard from Levi yet, but assumed he was asleep as well after staying up all night gaming.
There goes my peaceful afternoon, you thought as you reached for your DDD with a sigh to check your incoming messages. You figured it was probably Mammon finishing up with his gig, letting you know he was heading to your room so you better be there and let him know how awesome he looked today.
But it wasn’t Mammon at all. In fact, it was Levi, and he had sent you a rather odd message.
“I have sad news. I’m lost.”
Lost? How could your favorite otaku be lost? He hadn’t even left his room yet. You didn’t want to just dismiss him though, on the off chance that something was in fact wrong.
“Are you okay?” you replied.
His response was almost immediate, and he had already sent through a flurry of additional messages before you had even finished typing out your own response.
“I went for a walk. I’ve been walking around for so long now. I wanna cry. Save me.”
Oh shit. He really was lost. He had left his room! You couldn’t figure out what would possess him to go out and exercise alone, but then you remembered the couple other times he had asked you to help him get into shape. Perhaps that’s what this was too?
Your instincts were to tell him that you’d be right there, and not to worry. But as you were typing you realized that you had no idea where he was exactly. And he didn’t know enough about where he was either to allow you to find him. If you went out on your own, you would doubtless get lost before you even reached him.
“What about your brothers?”, you asked instead.
“My brothers would only make fun of me.”
Right. You knew that all too well. Even though there was no doubt about their love for each other, they wouldn’t miss the opportunity to tease him. And besides, they were all still out for the day. Except Belphie, but he was probably the last one you should ask.
Just then you heard the familiar click of the front door as it closed, and steady, heavy footsteps ascending the stairs. BEEL! He’d be perfect. He should have no trouble finding Levi, and he certainly wouldn’t tease him for his predicament, at least not maliciously.
Wasting no time, you flew out of your room and caught the Avatar of Gluttony right as he reached the top of the stairs.
“Hey,” he said as he looked you over, trying to figure out what could have sent you dashing out of your room in such a rush. He knew you had been enjoying a quiet day by yourself, as he had decided against inviting you to watch his practice earlier to make sure you’d rest, so he wasn’t quite sure what could have happened while you read a book.
“I need your help. Please. I’m supposed to meet Levi, but umm, I’m not quite sure where he is. I think he might have gotten a bit turned around too.”
Even though you knew Beel wouldn’t have said anything to his brothers, you weren’t sure exactly what Levi was up to and why he went out, so you did your best to cover for him and offer a plausible explanation for why he wasn’t in his room where he should be.
“Sure. Of course,” Beel replied with a smile. He didn’t believe you for a moment though, you were way too flustered to just be meeting up with Levi. And if all you needed were directions, you could have easily called up any of his brothers to assist you. And why would Levi be out of the house without you anyways? He rarely left his room as it was, and whenever he did these days it was always with you.
Ah. That must be it. Levi had gotten lost. Perhaps he was trying to surprise you somehow, and his plan backfired. It didn’t really matter though, Beel would help you out and get you to Levi, no questions asked.
“You’ll need to buy me a burger. I’m starving after practice.”
“Deal!” you agreed, “Just let me grab my shoes and let Levi know I’m on my way. I’ll meet you downstairs in just a sec.”
Without waiting for Beel’s response you spun on your heel, returning to your room to get dressed. Since you would need to make a stop to grab Beel his food once you got into town, you decided to grab something for Levi too. Something that you were sure would put a smile on his face. Quickly, you began typing out a reply to Levi, hoping you could soothe some of his anxiety while he waited.
“Hey. I’ll be there soon. Don’t move,” you hesitated for a bit before sending the next part, unsure if giving him a heads up would make things worse or give him a chance to prepare himself. You decided it was best to warn him so he wouldn’t be too surprised and flustered when he saw you, “Beel is coming with me.”
“Beel is coming with me.”
Levi let out a groan as he collapsed on the ground. Could this get any worse? It was bad enough he had to let you know just how much of a loser he was, getting lost while trying to exercise, of all things. But now Beel was going to know too? Why did you have to tell him?
No, he couldn’t blame you. It wasn’t like you were all too familiar with the Devildom yourself after all. Levi had lived here for over a thousand years and he still had managed to get lost. He couldn’t expect you to fair any better than him, as pathetic as he may be. And out of all his brothers, Beel was probably the safest choice. Belphie would have teased and mocked him mercilessly, and he didn’t even want to think about how obnoxious Mammon would have been. Yeah, Beel was fine.
Propping himself up on his elbows, Levi took a look around to see if he could make out any landmarks or familiar buildings. He appeared to still be in a park of some kind. The walking trails hadn’t seemed too popular or well used when he found it initially, which is precisely why he had chosen this location. Less of a chance of someone seeing him, which really had seemed like a good idea at the time.
For a moment he thought about getting up and walking some more on the off chance he’d be able to escape on his own, but then he remembered your instructions to just stay put so he settled back down, and turned his attention to the sky overhead.
It wasn’t often Levi got to enjoy the stars since he spent most of his time inside. Looking at them now, he could see why Belphie liked to take naps in the planetarium so much. The vastness of it all was relaxing, and the longer he laid there, the smaller and smaller his problems seemed.
He thought about how he had wanted to impress you, which is what led to his current situation. You always were happy to see him, and as far as he could tell, you were genuinely excited about the thought of spending time with him.
But he envied how easily Mammon could just scoop you up and carry you away. Why was he so fast anyways? And he saw how you lit up when Satan had danced with you so gracefully and managed to dip you just right, like something out of a romance movie. And Beel...well there was no point in comparing himself on that front. He’d fall short across the board, in all categories.
And yeah, he might be able to over power most of his brothers when it came to magical abilities, but that didn’t exactly help when it came to doing things you enjoyed. It wasn’t like he could summon up Lotan just to join you when you wanted to explore the Devildom.
So the first step, naturally, seemed to be to get into better shape. Running had proven too hard for him when had tried it with you previously, so he figured walking would surely be much easier, something even a shut in like himself could manage. And oh boy had he been wrong. So very very wrong.
As Levi laid in the grass, gazing out into the sky, you couldn’t help but smile at him. He was safe, and didn’t appear too worse for wear. You weren’t sure how, but Beel had managed to lead you to the right spot, much quicker than you had thought possible. You guessed it wasn’t that surprising though, Beel exercised regularly so he likely knew all the paths and routes around here. And even though you didn’t really tell him the truth as to why you needed help finding Levi, he seemed to have worked it out on his own.
Levi let out a high pitched squeal and you cackled as he floundered on the ground, scrambling to right himself.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you said, wiping the tears from your eyes as you regained your composure, “I just couldn’t resist.”
But Levi didn’t care. You were here now and he wasn’t alone anymore. To say he was relieved to see you would have been the understatement of the century. No, millennia probably. You looked like an angel to him.
“Oh, what’s that?”
Levi gestured to the large, heavy basket hanging from your arms. It looked suspiciously like a picnic basket, but he had no idea why you had one with you. He could see Beel standing a bit behind you, it appeared he was carrying two as well.
“It’s our lunch, obviously. Or would it be “linner” now?”, you shrugged, “Anyways, I made sure to pack a bunch of your favorites so we could have a nice picnic together. I included bentos too.”
His eyes lit up at that. What was this? Had he fallen asleep and was now in some dream world? Maybe he actually never left the house this morning and he was in fact trapped in a dating sim this whole time? Not only had you come to his rescue, but you managed to get there in what he was sure was record time, and brought him food to boot.
“And don’t worry. Beel has a couple baskets of his own, so they’ll be plenty left for us.”
You flashed Levi a smile and handed him your basket, before grabbing the picnic blanket you had packed and smoothing it out in front of you. As Levi moved to join you on top of the blanket, you leaned in and whispered to him,
“I hope you don’t mind, but I told Beel we were having a picnic. It was the best explanation I could come up. I’m not sure he bought it though, but he didn’t ask any questions at least.”
Levi could seriously kiss you right now. Or at least he would if this was actually a dating sim. And if Beel hadn’t now joined the two of you on the picnic blanket. So for the moment he’ll just settle for enjoying your company.
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