#anyways finn uses he/she pronouns
wanderingbards · 2 years
Thinking about Finn being Gillion's teacher in the Undersea. Finn stepping in to be a parent when Gillion's own left him. Finn shielding Gillion from the Elders when possible, and finding himself more and more sickened by them every time he sees a child try to wield a weapon made for an adult.
Finn leaving the Undersea to learn more about the prophecy. Finn meeting Arlin and Drey and Beau and Rufus and Shay and travelling with them in hopes to discover more about the Oversea. Finn writing book after book for Gillion on what he's learned and found up here, but never getting to send them. Finn travelling into the Hole in the Sea knowing he may have doomed Gillion by doing so. Finn wondering if this was always meant to happen as he triggers a last resort spell, trying so so hard to save his crew mates as his body shifts and changes.
Apple living on Canela disoriented and confused for years until she is grabbed by a very familiar triton. Apple hearing the triton speak of destiny and a prophecy and she feels something resonate where her magic lies. Apple staying with this triton because something deep within her is begging her to. Apple flying with this triton and choosing to remain perched on his coral crown through some of his hardest days.
Apple travelling into the feywild and losing the triton. Apple sticking with the triton's friends because maybe they can return her to the triton. Apple watching them cry and not knowing how to comfort them but doing her best as she perches on the girl's shoulder and chirps and preens her hair and she's trying but the girl is still sad.
The triton reappearing in a storm and Apple reunites with him. Apple feeling the spell break, and Finn returns and he sees Gillion and he laughs because just maybe he didn't completely fail him. Just maybe.
Finn closing his eyes knowing that he and Gillion will have much to catch up on when he wakes up.
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littlebugs · 1 year
How are you??
Can I request a Kylo Ren x reader where the reader is Kylo’s soulmate and Rey’s older sister and the reader is a very powerful force user and the reader, Kylo and Rey all fight together to defeat the stormtroopers who want to kill Kylo so the reader uses the force but is overwhelmed by it that the reader releases a massive energy blast and passes out but Kylo catches the reader in his arms and carries the reader back to his shop and Rey gets worried about her older sister and Kylo calms Rey down and they all go to the resistance base and Finn, Poe notices that Kylo is carrying the reader in his arms but asks Kylo if the reader is ok and gently places the reader on his bed and waits for the reader to wake up.
meet me on the battlefield
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warnings: injury, fluff, light language, fem presenting reader (she/her pronouns), NOT CANON
i want to make our reader Rey's half-sister (fathers side) so she still has palpatine blood, but you can imagine the other half to be any race/ethnicity) lmk if i missed anything (:
a/n: ok so i switched it up a tiny bit because you said kylo and not ben and i got confused 🤨 summary: reader is a rebel like Rey, but Kylo has a force connection with her. they're fighting in battle against the First Order but reader uses the energy blast, and kylo senses (?) it. anyways he brings her back to the rebel base and everyone's like wtf. etc.
You hated him. You really hated him. But he grew on you.
The first time you had seen him it was a shock. You were getting ready for bed, in the Resistance base in the middle of a godforsaken rain forest (you were thinking you would much rather be on a ship,) and he had appeared.
"For Kriffs sake, did Rey steal my lightsaber again?" You cursed as you shuffled through a pile of clothes in the corner of your tiny room on the Resistance base. You sneezed and stumble into a second pile of clothed as some of the forest air entered you lungs. "Allergies" you cursed as you had shut the small window in the corner of your already stuffy room. Wiping your nose on your arm, you just started to turn around but were met by a familiar, and terrifying, helmet.
"Oh no." You whimpered and backed away, heading to the door. "Can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours." A voice far to sinister to be General Leia's son said. Although you could, in fact, see his surroundings, (which happened to be his bedchamber) you say nothing. Until he called your name. "How- how do you know that?" You shudder, wishing you had your saber. "I can feel you through the force. The Dark Side of the force." He countered, still standing ominously in the corner of your room.
"Where are you?" he demanded, modulated voice sending shivers down your spine. "I-I cant tell you..." you uttered, as the walls seemed to blur and shift around you with every step Kylo took forwards, coming closer to you by the second.
"SHIT" you screamed as the door banged open, revealing Poe standing in his flying uniform. "You're jumpy today" Poe laughed as he looked at your terrified expression. You quickly turned back to look at the spot where Kylo had been mere seconds ago, absolutely bewildered, seeing nothing.
After that, he visited you.
every. single. night
It started off with him scaring you as you were preparing for bed. Then after a shower. Then before a shower (that one was particularly uncomfortable.) After some time, Kylo just became part of your nightly routine, like brushing you teeth. He popped up out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out of you, sometimes not talking, sometimes ranting out the First Order or some General named Hux. But there was simply one constant that was never broken. The mask stayed on.
Your daily live stayed the same. Well, mostly.
The First Order was attacking the base. THE First Oder was attacking the base. This could put everything into jeopardy. The lives of everyone here. The lives of your allies across the galaxy. Your friends. But the only thing you could think about was him. Kylo. You shouldn't. You really shouldn't. But as you strap your saber onto your belt, and prepare you multiple blasters, you can't help it.
*What if I get to see his face?*
But you can't be thinking that. "I'm not a foolish schoolgirl anymore" you mumble under your breath, unaware of the presence behind you. "Oh really?" A modulated voice interrupts. "For Kriffs sake I told you to stop sneaking up on me Kylo." You turn, annoyed.
"We're laying siege to your camp." He muses, tossing his sabers hilt from hand to hand. You groan. "No need to talk like a medieval war-lord Ren." He laughs. He laughs like he isn't about to probably slaughter half the people you know.
"Meet me on the battlefield."
The fighting goes by in a blur. The masks make it easier to destroy the stormtroopers. It makes them less human. You've probably been engaged in open combat for the better part of an hour. You consider retreating from the front lines back to the base. There's no way the meager army can hold the Order back for much longer, and the last evacuation ships are about to fly.
Until. Until you see Rey, at the end of a blaster. No running away now, you think, as you sprint towards your half-sister. But it's too late. Well almost. You're too far. So instead of physically fighting the trooper, you reach into the force. You've scarcely been trained, but you manage to knock the blaster as well as trooper to the ground. And consequently pass out.
Unaware to you, Kylo feels it. He feels you use the force, and then, just stop. He freaks out. He all but pushes Hux to the side to exit the command center. "Bloody hell Ren! Can you just-" Hux starts before Kylo pulls out his Saber. He basically rips the door off its hinges, and readies himself. As he enters the hangar he hopes nothing happens to you. As he slides inside his Silencer he hopes he's not too late.
He races to the planet at full speed, and upon arrival, stomps out onto the battlefield, combat boots squelching through the blood and earth, cape flowing regally, helmet intact.
Resistance fighters call into base warning General Leia, and Han, along with Poe, Finn, Rey (still recovering from a near death experience,) and an assortment of others trying to take all valuables out of the base.
You're passed out on the battlefield. Well, sort of. You're dimly aware of some tall, masked figure picking you up, and storming into what looks like the base. "Wait a damn minute," you think as you jerk back into consciousness. "KYLO?" you scream, squirming in his arms. "Shut up" The modulated voice, commands, and you obey, simply happy you haven't been killed yet. He marches through the rebel camp, all but deserted, to where you direct him too. Which happens to be where his mother is.
He kicks open the door, only to be greeted by inhabitants frozen in shock. "My son..." Leia starts, but is cut off by him. "She's injured. I'm putting her here." He booms, voice much to loud for your ears. "You've got some nerve walking in here, mask boy" Poe cautions, obviously angry but very confused. "Shut the fuck up." Kylo interjects, setting you down. Then he takes off his mask. He takes of his mask.
He's..... beautiful. Luscious hair, aquiline nose, brown eyes and full lips. Reactions around the room vary. "How old are you, 25?" Finn shrieks. A withering stare from Kylo shuts him up. "So... son-" Han begins, "Don't call me son." Kylo immediately shoots back at him. "Are we going to uh.. call off this attack, yeah?" Han questions hopefully. "No." Kylo states, unbothered, focusing on starting to bandage your wounded arm. You're partially conscious, but aware of the bickering room. And Kylo's face. "Are you guys, like, a thing?" Poe asks reluctantly, speaking on behalf of the whole room. Kylo doesn't respond. He doesn't know what you are.
After assuring you're safe, he leaves without a word, returning to his Silencer, and then to the Finalizer.
He knows, one day, he'll have you.
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allwiredwrong · 1 month
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no way is that Phelan Frost. they’re a 23-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being  Impulsive  &  Untrusting but there are some people who have seen them being  Loyal &  Observant.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of worn out converse sneakers, punched walls, and the raw instinct to survive, but that could just be because they’re considered The Unfavorite around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through.
Name: Phelan Frost
Nickname(s): Finn, Little Wolf (Aiden and Knightley only)
Age: 23 / July 18
FC: Mark McKenna
Height: 5'5
Pronouns: she/they/he
Orientation: aromantic *aroflux* / pansexual
Occupation: assistant at Moggadeet Medical Clinic
District: lower (formerly upper)
Relationship Status: Single (closed)
loyal ⟩ observant ⟩ staightforward
impulsive ⟩ untrusting ⟩ aggressive
I'm shattered porcelain Glued back together again Invincible like I've never been
tw: child abuse, murder, dehumanization
Phelan started their life as an unwanted surprise. Born on the floor of one of the spare rooms his mother hadn't even known she was pregnant with a second child til she was already well into labor.
Not wanting to seem like the kind of people that just gave up a child when they more than had the means to care for them, they opted to just keep Phelan a secret instead. They had an image to uphold, after all.
They didn't give him a proper name, and was only ever referred to as 'It.' "Did you remember to feed It?" "It needs a bath"
He was taken care of just enough that they wouldn't die, the last thing they needed wasn't someone discovering another kid it was someone discovering a dead one.
Starting at the age of 5 she basically became nothing more than a guinea pig for her older brother. Anytime he expressed wanting an enhancement their parents would sneak her out at night to go to the lower district and pay some doctor off to give her whatever enhancement their son wanted. That way he could see what it would do, and whether or not he still wanted it after a couple of weeks. They would then take the older son to get the best version of it in the upper district.
The years of doing as much as they could to dehumanize them made their decision to use her as their own personal test subject for their spoiled brat of a son even easier.
There were plenty of times where after a few days the brother just decided he no longer had interest in a certain enhancement, leaving Phelan to just have to live with another faulty cybernetic anyways.
By the time Phelan was 14 she already had more enhancements, including prosthetics for body parts that didn't actually need them, than most people would have in their entire lives. Many of these being faulty in one way or another such as cybernetic eyes that often short out, leaving her blind. Sometimes for just seconds, other times for days.
At 17 she was found by Aiden and Knightley Frost in an abandoned building, going through one of those large dumpsters trying to find things that maybe she could use to repair some of the faulty cybernetics that she had been unwilling forced to have and that his parents didn't want to do any maintenance for
Outside of the doctors that had performed all of the enhancements over the years, Aiden and Knightley were the first people not in the family that Phelan ever met.
The two came across Phelan again, having gone to check on her after being concerned about how she behaved during that first interaction. This time finding her in the family home, sitting on the couch completely covered in blood. The bodies of her parents and older brother completely unrecognizable
She's never spoken about what exactly happened
Aiden and Knightley took them in, cleaning up the place and taking care of everything. Covering up what really happened.
Has been living under the care of the two ever since.
Aiden and Knightley are the ones that gave Phelan their name
Never got any sort of education growing up, so the past couple of years has been learning basic skills.
doesn't mind what pronoun you use out of they/she/he because all of them make her feel human, something she'd never felt like growing up. (something she has a hard time feeling even now)
While they've made progress over the past couple years they still struggle with verbal communication, especially with people they don't really know, not having gotten much of it for most of their life
full list of enhancements/cybernetics/prosthetics to be posted at a later date.
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xofreyak · 4 months
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[ adelaide kane, cisfemale, she/her/hers ] — whoa! FREYA KNOX just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for THREE YEARS, working as a/an WEDDING PLANNER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 28 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit TEMPERAMENTAL and IMPULSIVE , but i know them to be TALKATIVE and LOYAL. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX! — (jen, 24, EST, she/her/hers, eating disorders)
information about freya is below the cut
BASICS: full name: freya anne knox nicknames: frey, fry gender: female pronouns: she/her/hers sexuality: bisexual hometown: st. petersburg, Florida  age: 28 date of birth: july 21st zodiac sign: leo occupation: wedding planner aesthetics: inkwells on old paper, the smell of old books, watching romantic comedies all night, red wine mixed with ginger ale, a cat sleeping in the sun, a music box, an old vinyl record, blistered ankles from wearing heels all night, tattered vans
APPEARANCE faceclaim: adelaide kane height: 5’4” tattoos: a palm tree on her left ankle, a turtle on the back of her right arm, solar system on her right foot personality traits: loyal, temperamental, talkative, impulsive likes: laughing until her stomach hurts, dr. pepper, watching the sunrise, hot tubs, soft sheets, getting her hair played with, forehead kisses, watching people fall in love fears: birds hobbies: writing, trying to smuggle plants, photography, taking walks
FAMILY TREE mother: diane knox father: paul knox siblings: finnegan knox, fletcher knox birth order: baby of the family
FAVORITES color: lavender music: fleetwood mac, ed sheeran, fall out boy, paramore, jimmy buffett food: magherita pizza
ADDITIONAL pet(s): a black and white cat named toad favorite clothing item: a lavender pullover
 .•°☆.⋆。⋆☆•˚。⋆。˚•☆˚。⋆.☆•°.⋆ sixteen candles (1984), dir. john hughes
Freya was nothing short of a surprise. Her parents, Diane and Paul, already had their hands full with Finn and Fletcher Knox. Having three under three was not going to be easy but Freya was here anyways.  She grew up on the shores of St. Pete Beach, spending her days running in the sand and jumping the waves. She'd flock after her brothers, organize her mother's store on the beach, and settle in her father's office as he taught classes. She'd remark that her childhood was pretty good. Her father loved her mother much like a romance movie. Kisses in the morning, flowers on his way home from work, dancing in the kitchen when they thought the kids went to bed. She compared them to a fairytale all the time. They taught Freya all she needed to know about love.
13 going on 30 (2004), dir. gary winick .•°☆.⋆。⋆☆•˚。⋆。˚•☆˚。⋆.☆•°.⋆
When Freya turned thirteen, her mother passed away in a car accident. It was quick, or at least that's what the police told her father when they showed up to their condo. It'd been raining, it was spring break, it was a red light. The words bled together, and the fabric that was there little family was ripped apart. She didn't remember what it was like to be completely honest. Her peaceful condo on the beach that she'd retreated to became dull, lifeless. Her father searched for his wife in every woman in town, Fletcher threw himself into his studies, and Finn threw himself into buying baggies on street corners. Freya threw herself into trying to keep her family together.
Her father paraded his girlfriends around their condo, but there was nothing like watching him smile at someone and realizing it was half the smile he used to give your mother. Freya called it the sort of heartbreak that the movies couldn't even begin to describe.
When she turned sixteen, her father met Johannah. She gave Freya her first job, and her first taste of the wedding planning industry. She was just as associate, helping Johannah out at the various wedding, and she fell in love with it. The love in the air, feeling the warmth and comfort, watching two people smile at eachother like they were the only two in the room. It reignited the idea that loved lived in every corner of the world, and she saw the sort of love her parents had when she looked hard enough.
.•°☆.⋆。⋆☆•˚。⋆。˚•☆˚。⋆.☆•°.⋆ 27 dresses (2008), dir. anne fletcher
When Freya was seventeen, Finn checked himself into rehab and Fletcher decided that his destiny led him outside of Florida. Johannah left shortly her father and Freya stayed behind to care for her dad. She worked her way up through Johannah's wedding planning business, eventually taking on the task of planning her own weddings and going to school nearby to get her degree in business. Finn bounced back and forth between rehab and home, and her father kept searching for his wife in flings.
She graduated from college, and continued to work for Johannah. She'd become a close confidant for Freya and was the first person to encourage Freya to leave, and find something new. Her mother would want that for her, Jo had pointed out. Jo had a friend in New York City who offered to hire Freya. And, well, Freya didn't want to be stuck in St. Petersburg forever so she told her father and her brothers when Fletcher was home for Christmas, and tried to ignore how fake her father's smile was at her.
Finn joked that the glue was moving. Freya wanted to be sick. Freya packed up her boxes, her cat Toad, and moved to New York City with promises to call often and to have her family visit her. all the best movies start this way, right?
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evermorehqs · 7 months
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Finn Mertens is based on Finn from Adventure Time. He is a 27 year old human, Putt-A-Palooza employee, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Finn is portrayed by Austin Abrams and he is open.
Finn’s life had always been a series of adventures. It was a given, especially since he was taken in by a open-minded family that never turned down he or his adoptive brother’s wild ideas and let them explore all corners of their imagination. While Finn didn’t know who his birth parents were, he looked up to Jake’s parents as if they were his own, and they never treated him as less than. As Finn and Jake got older, their adventures wandered outside the four walls of their shared room, running wild across the land of Ooo and getting entangled in all kinds of mischief. A lot of their adventures came as a result of Finn stepping up to protect and defend every innocent creature in Ooo, never turning down a challenge. Once the two met Princess Bonnibel, the adventures only seemed to multiply. For years, Finn was considered the hero of Ooo — known to be able to face any enemy, no matter how strong and not matter how scary, keeping everyone he loved and cared about safe. Suddenly, the safety of Ooo was once again under threat; but this time, the enemy Finn had to face was none like he had ever challenged before. That didn’t stop Finn's adventurous, protective spirit from challenging Glorb head on… but the confrontation resulted in a blinding light and a loud BOOM. Finn opened his eyes and he didn’t know where he was or what had happened. As if by magic, he woke up in this town he had never seen before, without a lick of memory as to what lead to him ending up here. All Finn knew for certain was he and his brother, Jake, were living in this place called Evermore and life was relatively simple. Finn had a job at the most “adventurous” spot in town, Putt-A-Palooza, and spent most of his time itching for some excitement. Every once and a while, usually in a bright room, he’d get flashes of what feels to be the past, but he isn’t sure. Sometimes he sees these memories in Jake or in other residents around town but, all he knows for sure is Jake, his love for helping others, and his need to find excitement around every corner. Finn was never one to turn down adventure, and he was determined to find it here in Evermore, and slowly put together the pieces of his past he just can’t quite seem to remember.
I HAD A FEELING SO PECULIAR ❀ Milo Thatch: If anyone in this town knows about adventure, it’s Milo. He is way smarter when it comes to the technicalities of it all than Finn is, but there is no one else in Evermore who Finn would want to spend his time hanging out with than a fellow adventurer. ❀ Theodore 'Cubby' Galve: Finn and Cubby seemed to be polar opposites on the outside, but it turns out they had way more in common than either of them ever knew! They loved reading adventure books together and had deep talks about their fears, though Cubby’s fears seem to be a lot of more real than Finn’s do. ❀ Elsa Munster: Elsa is like super smart, and if Finn was in school he knows they’d be the smartest kid in class. Whenever Finn has a zanny idea, he always runs it by Elsa to see if it’s realistic. Even if he plans on doing it anyways, he likes to get their input. He can’t help but feel like she reminds him of someone, but he can’t remember who.
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So, I go to a classical Christian school. Our reading is not super censored, in fact, we read lots of books that were banned in some public schools, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird. I have sat through many an awkward class talking about the sex scene in Paradise Lost or Ichabod Crane's usage of food-themed nicknames for girls because of his ever-present desire to consume in every sense of the word. What I find hilarious, though, is when we read American poetry.
So, for context, we read "Funeral Blues" by W.H. Auden. Naturally, I loved the poem, both because it was about a man mourning the death of his lover (like Patrochilles) and because it used space imagery (because everything is a Doctor Who reference in my mind). If you read the poem, the narrator is very obviously mourning the death of a person with he/him pronouns. If you then look at the author, you realize that Auden is also, in fact, a man. Thus, it is clear that the poem is, in fact, about a gay relationship.
I explain this in great detail because, surprisingly enough, this fact was not brought up in class, when we discussed the poem. Instead, my teacher talked about the literary devices, the rhyme and meter, and whatnot, but never once did she address the fact that our Christian school, which is very homophobic, had made us read a poem written by a gay man about a gay relationship. I can only assume that the reasoning behind this was simply that if we ignored the fact, it would not be a problem. This really makes you question the soundness of their beliefs against homosexuality, if they are not even willing to discuss them.
Anyways, it was hilarious to watch a bunch of homophobic Christian girls talk about how much they loved the poem, and how "she clearly really loved him," with absolutely no idea that they were reading and praising a canonically gay relationship.
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notwhatshesaid · 2 years
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Peaky Blinders - War Is Over
word count: 1900 (ish)
summary: the great war is finally over and the shelby's reunite.
she/her pronouns used :)
Todays the day! After four long years I finally get to see my older brothers again. I hardly slept last night out of excitement, neither did Finn. We got told off by Polly and a grumpy, half-asleep Ada, and they were still annoyed in the morning. Pol kept reminding us all week that they probably won't be the same as when they left. It hurts to think about the fact that they might not want to spend time with me anymore: I might begin to get on their nerves or frustrate them. They might even hate me.
Despite these thoughts, I was so giddy with excitement. I had made sure to bathe myself last night to look extra clean for them! I had also picked out my best dress to wear, it was very elegant. It was a present from Polly on my 16th birthday, she'd saved for ages to get me it after I spotted it in a shop window. I also had a necklace to match it, it had a beautiful gemstone infused with silver - a present off John before the war to always remember him by. Tommy had gotten me a copy of Little Women - he wrote a short, loving note to me in it and I've read it hundreds of times since. Arthur had bought me a teddy bear that had 'Love, Arth' embroidered on its left foot, he had also bought me and Finn some expensive sweets - Pol was very displeased. Told him off for giving us too much sugar.
In turn, I had written them all detailed and very heartfelt letters and made them bracelets to wear so we could be matching. I slipped mine on and gave myself a smile in the mirror. My hair was a mess so I went downstairs and Ada helped me do my hair. After a couple of minutes of doing God knows what, she put a ribbon in and I went to look at myself because I half expected my hair to look like a goat had chewed on it. Ada tries, bless her, but she's not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to doing hair. Instead of looking like I had just rolled out of bed, I looked pretty good. Two pieces of hair were twisted on each side of my face and pulled to the back of my head.
I was so happy I nearly forgot to put my shoes on when it was time to leave: Aunt Pol reminded me as I was about to step out of the house and we all had a good laugh about it.
Once we had set off to the train station, my nerves skyrocketed and my worries that they wouldn't like me anymore kept growing. I began to feel a bit nauseous and lightheaded. Aunt Pol and Ada took the lead, Finn and I dawdled behind them, him chattering endlessly about how great it is that they are coming home and all the things he missed doing with them. I didn't speak much, only chiming in with the occasional "mhm" and "yeah". No matter how many times he was told that they probably wouldn't be up for doing lots of what they used to before they left, he didn't really listen or understand. He was very young when they left, as was I, so I'm worried how he will act if they aren't like what they were in his memories.
As we stood waiting, Ada pulled me into a sideways hug and whispered, "it's going to be alright, Y/n, I promise." I nodded hopefully up to her and sank into her side, watching the platform get more and more busy; everyone was shoulder to shoulder but a small ring had gathered around us to give us space, us being family of the head of the notorious Peaky Blinders gang, and the big bad Tommy Shelby coming back to take over the reins, meant that people tried to avoid a possible conflict on such a joyous occasion.
When the war was first announced, I had begged Tommy, Arthur, and John not to sign up, I even tried to guilt trip them into staying but they left me anyway. They told me they had to fight for our king and country, that they would be fighting for me and the family; I still didn't want to let them leave, they didn't really  care that they could die, just that they were doing the honourable thing. Realising that begging for them to stay was futile, I instead had begged them for a big sleepover before they left and a day full of fun activities to remember for the rest of our lives. They agreed and we had an amazing time, such a great time that I momentarily forgot why we were even doing it in the first place. Whenever I started to get really sad and miss them I would remember all the fun we had, all the laughter, all the joy.
That joy seemed to leave when they did, fingers crossed it was coming back today.
It was really hard to live without them, running the business proved to be very difficult but Aunt Pol did so well in keeping everything afloat and making us all happy - for the most part. She knew that she could never fill their space, that no matter what we could never truly be okay until the boys got back and the war ended. Honestly, I was very mean to Aunt Pol because I didn't know how to process the emotions I was feeling, and everything was overwhelming but thankfully she was very forgiving and understood why I acted like I did.
The day they announced the war was ending, there were celebrations in the street, grand parties were thrown, and for the first time in four years, I felt truly content. Any nagging thoughts of waking up one day to a telegram was gone. We all hardly slept that night, we sat in the street most the night with the other partygoers drinking and letting everything move past us and every problem we had temporarily disappeared. The remainder of the night was spent with us around the fireplace, just existing and being at peace with one another.
When the train finally rolled into the station, Finn ran through the crowd despite Pol's efforts to keep him next to her, "he could get lost or end up on the train tracks!". Her worries were met with Ada taking the piss, "you know, I did read somewhere that little boys were being pushed onto train tracks. The papers are full of horrifying-" She was cut off by light smack, Pol probably slapped her on the arm. It's funny how much Aunt Pol worries so we've begun to poke some fun at her. She knows we're only messing about so she doesn't take any actual offence but she always plays along. I ducked my head to hide the smile that was coming onto my face: my family was going to be whole again!
A short while later, Finn was running back towards us with the three most powerful men in Small Heath - and possibly the whole of Birmingham - trailing behind him. The crowd absentmindedly parted around them as they moved towards us. John moved in front, pushing Arthur behind him, in order to reach us first. He was strutting with his arms outstretched, "Johnny Boy's home!"
As soon as he reached us he pulled me off my feet and into a hug. "I missed you so much princess." He spoke with a massive smile on his face, touching him made everything sink in so I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, breathing in his aftershave, "missed you more."
I could hear Tommy and Arthur behind me, Polly was crying quietly and Ada was making half arsed jokes - trying to mask her own slightly shaky voice. It's strange, she's not usually one to hide her emotions behind a façade, especially when it's her family. Maybe she's worried they'll take the mick?
I pulled away from John and he put me on the floor, "that necklace looks gorgeous on you, Y/n. Whoever got you that should be your favourite brother." My hand moved to my necklace and I laughed, "he wishes he was."
We hadn't been talking for long before, "Is it my turn now?" Arthur interrupted, very impatient. He didn't wait for a reply before picking me up and spinning me around. I clutched onto his arms, a massive smile on my face. Pol shouted, "be careful with her Arthur! Don't dirty her dress."
"I'm not going to drop her." He shot back, shaking his eyes in a playful manner. He turned his attention back to me and put me down, "have you been good for Pol and Ada?" I tilted my head, "I always am, I'm a perfect angel." He laughed and put one of his hands on my shoulder, "oh yeah? You wish. You're a Shelby, sweetheart, and the best one at that." I smirked, "obviously."
Tommy pulled our attention away from each other and asked me to walk with him, Arthur gave me a 'good luck' look and went back to talk to Finn and Ada. We walked ahead of everyone else, my heart was racing with each step we took - what did he want? Did Pol tell him about the incident? Surely not, it was a while ago and we've all grown and matured since then.
His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "that dress looks great." Confused, I replied, "thanks. It was a present from Aunt Polly."
"Did you do your own hair?"
"No. Ada did. This is one of her finer pieces of work." I gestured to my hair, flourishing my hand as I did.
He let out a soft laugh, it wasn't quite like I remembered it. "It looks alright. You've grown quite a bit, you look very mature and grown now."
"I am sixteen now y'know."
"I know, you're no longer my little baby sister. Can't believe I wasn't there to celebrate all those holidays with you."
"There'll be more holidays." I smiled up at him. My heart skipped a beat, he missed me! My fears were just irrational thoughts after all. "I really missed you whilst you were gone, Tom. I kept worrying that something had happened to you, John or Arthur but the telegram had gotten lost in the mail or that one day I'd wake up to Polly crying and a tear soaked letter in her hands-"
Tommy spoke before I could finish my sentence and grabbed my hands, "but we're home aren't we? I promise you, Y/n, no matter what we aren't leaving again."
"What about another war?" I asked with slight sincerity, "would you leave me, us, again?"
He pulled me into a hug, "there won't be another war." Tommy lifted my head up to kiss my forehead, "I promise you'll never have to worry like that again." Tommy laughed as I held up my pinky finger but he took it nonetheless.
Everyone had moved past us so he moved his hand to my lower back to direct me behind them, and through the crowds of people on their way home to celebrate - or mourn.
My family is whole again for the first time in four years. I’m never letting anyone leave ever again.
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kin-superhell · 10 months
New intro post!!
Hi! We are the Not Named System. We are bodily 17 years old. We are a masc-heavy system. When speaking about all of us, please use the plural they/them- when speaking about one of us, please use that person's preferred pronouns.
Any littles will not be allowed to post on this account, and information about them will be kept private. Some of us may not want to be on this list, but will post anyways.
Current amount of people not on the list - 3.
Below the cut is some personal info about each of us.
Finn - Host
He/xe/ey/it/angel/wing/seraph pronouns
17 y/o (ages with the body)
Transmasc and omni
The main person who will be posting on this account. He likes the shows Supernatural, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and some others. He likes the games Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, Binding of Isaac, and Don't Starve. He is fictionkin, otherkin, and a therian.
Celsius - Co-host
He/ze/ they
17 y/o
Trigender and pansexual
Probably will post a bit. He loves music. He likes the bands/artists KISS, AC/DC, George Thorogood, Johnny Cash, and some others. He doesn't watch much TV.
Wil - Protector
Age slider (32-45)
Male and Bisexual
Won't post much either, and will probably post mostly about source memories. He likes musicals like Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, and Be More Chill.
Eric - Emotional Funnel
36 y/o
Bigender male + female and bisexual
Won't post that much. Doesn't really watch much TV, but likes the Monkees and their TV show. Also likes the band KISS.
Hobie - Comforter
Age slider (16-18)
Will rarely post, as he doesn't front much. Will probably post about source memories, and crafts he's working on.
0 notes
absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
he promised
poe dameron x reader
description - Poe always promised he would come back from missions. One time he doesn't. (Ends in fluff i promise i promise)
warnings - depression?, anxiety?, fem pronouns, talk of injury and death, grief, fluff at the end, use of petnames, reader gets carried for a while and sits on a lap, mentions of eating and eating avoidance (not ed)
word count - 3800
A/N - so this was an oops. I wrote this hella fast but i was in the zone and i am pretty happy with the emotionally devastating product. I promise it has a happy ending i just dont want to give too much away. I feel like for maximum emotional damage you need to be a little in the dark. anyway, forgive me
You were stood in the command center with your hands wringing together. No matter how many missions Poe went on, the waiting was always hell. How were you supposed to remain sane when the love of your life was out fighting a battle that he might not come back from. That you might never see him again. He always reassured you that he would always come back to you. That you never had anything to worry about. You tried to believe him, and for the most part you did, but that didn't prevent you from being worried when he was gone.
You listened through the coms, trying to keep track of what was happening during the battle. Leia let you stay in there because she had a soft spot for you, as well as the pilot you were worried about. You were thankful she let you listen in on every mission, it meant that you weren't alone worrying in the room you shared with Poe. The conversation over coms was rushed and loud, they were scared and that made your heart beat faster.
'I have to go through, they're gonna come after us if I don't.' You heard your fiance yell. Worry stuck in the pit of your stomach, he was going to take a risk, you could feel it.
'Poe, it's not worth it. We should get out of here while we still can'. You agreed, wanting him to get out of there as soon as possible. You prayed he would listen and just get out.
'I have to try, I can't go back knowing that they could be following us to base.'
'Poe wait-' You heard someone rush out before comotion ensued again. You could feel your heart in your throat. You could have cried. After a minute of listening to pure chaos, nobody in the control room dared to speak a word. Everyone was waiting for an indication of what to do from the squadron. You found yourself zoning out in your worry. You were only broken out of your trance when you heard your fiance's name.
'Poe is down.' You stopped breathing.
"Down? What do you mean down?" You heard Leia call over comms.
'I'm sorry commander, he got hit. His X-Wing engine got shot and he was heading to crash on the planet right below us, his coms died. There's no way to know if he made it through but I don't know many who could take that crash and live. We have to head out and hope he comes back to base but I wouldn't get my hopes up.'
"Get out of there while you still can. We will have to worry about Poe when we gather our strength." Leia responded and the squadron called their understanding before the process of bringing them home began. You hadn't moved. You weren't sure if you had breathed. Your body was fully numb. You could feel eyes on you as everyone waited for you to respond. To show some emotion of your boyfriend having just gone MIA. You couldn't feel yourself though, your fingertips were numb, and you refused to believe he was dead. He promised. He told you he would come home.
Your brain was split between trying to grieve for the loss of the love of your life and trusting that he would be back. That he had to come back because he promised he would and he never breaks a promise. You felt hands on you and you realized you had fallen to sit in your spot. Leia was above you and was ushering you to your feet. You mindlessly let her push you somewhere and you barely even looked to see where you were going.
Eventually you showed up at your apartment door. You couldn't tell whether it felt like it had been instantaneous or an eternity to get there. Leia unlocked your door and pushed you inside and to the small couch that was stood in the living room-like space. The apartments were all very small, Poe had one a little bigger because he was housing with another person and because of his rank. Still, the extra amenities included a small couch, a smaller kitchen, and a window along the bedroom wall. When Leia sat you on the couch she kneeled in front of you. Her hand went to your cheek and you looked at her for the first time since you'd heard Poe go down. She seemed to almost be in tears but your eyes were dry. You didn't feel anything.
"Y/N, what can I do?" She asked gently. "Do you need anything?" You felt yourself shake your head and open your mouth like you were going to talk but closed it again as you thought.
"He said... He said he was coming back." You stated as if it changed the situation. "He promised." You mumbled.
"I know, Y/N. I am so sorry." She tried to console and your head shook. "We don't know what happened after he went down. You heard the team. He might contact us in the next few days, he is a smart man and he knows how to get a message out. But I don't want it to hurt you more if he never does." She tries to reason and you shook your head.
"No, you don't understand. He promised, " your head was spinning, "he's coming back." You felt tears fall down your face. When had you started crying? "He promised me that he was coming back home." Your voice broke which surprised you. Before you knew it you were crying into Leia's arms and you couldn't stop yourself. That was how you stayed with her for a while after, you weren't sure how long. She shed some tears of her own but eventually you both ran dry. You lost feeling again and you couldn't tell if it was better or worse. You made a decision. You wouldn't grieve over him until you were sure he was not coming back. You wouldn't mourn until you were sure.
The alternative was not, however, to recover. Instead you just stopped doing anything at all. You stopped eating, taking care of yourself, caring. Soon, your friends came in to talk to you. Instead of it being conversation though, they just talked at you. You couldn't bring yourself to respond or really even listen. Or maybe you did but you just couldn't remember. They would periodically come through to help you into a shower in which you just let the water run over you while someone else, you thought maybe Rey but you couldn't even recall, washed your hair. You drank water when they asked and would take a bite of food if they begged but other than that you might as well have been dead to the world. You almost hadn't realized how much of a vital part to your existence Poe was. How little you could bring yourself to do without him. You had thought you were prepared to be separated, you were in the middle of a war after all. Instead it was impossible to do anything without him and you wondered how long you could keep doing it.
This went on for a week. That was how long it took for them to declare him 'killed in action'. They felt that, if he was alive, he would have found a way to contact the base with the help of BB8 and local lifeforms. That was when you allowed yourself to grieve. The numbness turned into pain and it was a million times worse. You would have given anything to go back to numb.
You finally listened to your friends when they talked to you but their consolations did nothing to put you at ease. You still struggled to do anything but you complied with their pleads. You had been convinced, 2 weeks after the KIA announcement, to go to the canteen. To see people and interact. Finn pulled you along with an attempt at a smile on his face. Your face was blank but you tried to soften your eyes. You knew he was trying to help and he was grieving the loss of his best friend as well. When you were pulled into the large cafeteria, all noise ceased. You knew that they were looking at you and you guessed that they pitied you. You had seen yourself in the mirror that morning and you would have pitied you too. You got pulled to a table and Finn went to go get you and himself food.
People periodically came by and said hello or asked how you were as you tried to eat something. You responded with one word answers usually and you hadn't met anyone's eyes. You could feel yourself getting overwhelmed and decided you would head back to your room. You quietly thanked Finn for trying and left to the hallway.
Suddenly, alarms sounded. You were startled into awareness and people began running past you.
You were curious about the alarm but you weren't emergency crew and you knew they didn't need any more bodies there than would already be there. That was until you heard someone as they rushed by as they talked to the medic next to them.
"Yeah I heard it was him but he went missing weeks ago." They sounded confused and continued jogging toward the flight deck. You feet started moving before you could even process it and it was the fastest you'd moved since he had gone missing. Since he had died.
When you got to the flight deck there was already a crowd. You could see over the see a people a beat up X-Wing. You thought you might have heard a droid. You elbowed your way to the front of the crowd, not apologizing when people grumbled their frustrations at you. When you made it to the front you were stood no more than 50 feet from him. He was soot covered and beat up but he was standing as he tried to wiggle out of the grasp of the medics. BB8 beeped and turned, spotting you. He made a loud excited noise and rushed to roll over to you and Poe turned at the sound. When he met your gaze he smiled.
You felt your knees give out and tears start to fall from your eyes. Your arms crossed over your stomach and you started to curl into a ball over your knees. A sob left you and suddenly large warm hands were on your shoulders.
"Y/N? My love, are you okay?" He rushed out, checking over you for injury as the medics still grumbled about needing to see him. His hand came under your chin to move your face so he was making eye contact with you. You let out another sob before grabbing his vest and pulling him into you, he kneeled to the ground as you clung to him and cried into his chest. He moved himself so he was sitting on the ground and he pulled you into his lap. You felt his hands on your back trying to soothe you but you couldn't stop crying. "I'm back. I'm so sorry I was gone but I'm back." He mumbled out as he kissed your head a few times.
"I'm so angry at you." You whispered and he almost laughed, just happy to hear your voice. You finally pulled your head out of his chest and kissed him like your life depended on it, like it was the last time you would ever see him. You pulled away so you were looking into his eyes. "Please don't leave me," you begged almost silently. You weren't even sure if he could hear you. "Please don't leave again."
"I'm not leaving, baby, I promise." He tried to calm you. "I'm right here. I'm okay."
You nodded, trying to convince yourself that he was real and he was here. You kissed him again just to check. You pulled away again, still trying to convince yourself.
"You died." You struggled out and Poe felt tears in his eyes as well. "You were dead, you crashed and you didn't make it and then they said you were gone." You said like that was what happened.
"I didn't die, my love. I'm right here. I'm alive, I'm okay." Poe pleaded and he grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his face so you could feel him. Your hand moved along is jaw which was now covered in stubble and grime. Your head shook like you were disagreeing with him but you were simply in disbelief.
"I love you" You mumbled as your eyes traced the lines of his face and tears fell from your eyes. He let a few tears fall as well before pressing meaningful kisses to every part of your face that he could reach.
You spent the next 2 hours like that. You wouldn't leave his hold and he didn't try to move you. The medics worked around you and everyone greeted him without disturbing you. You stayed, on his lap, curled into his chest. Your breathing had slowed to a normal pace and you were holding onto his vest tightly. Eventually, he had to be debriefed. He petted your hair and cooed at you to catch your attention.
"Y/N, my love," he whispered, "we have to get up now." He felt you nod but you made no move to get up from him. He took a breath before moving you off of his lap as you whined, standing up, and then picking you up so you could wrap yourself around him. You hummed contentedly into his chest and he had a smile on his face as he walked through the base.
"I love you." You whispered again into his chest. You had been doing it periodically every so often in the last 2 hours and every time Poe would repeat it back to you, kiss your head, or say something else. This time he chose to kiss your head.
"Baby, I have to go to the debriefing now and you know you can't come with me." He tried to say gently but he knew this separation might be hard for both of you. "I'm gonna put you down." He warned before encouraging your legs to go to the floor. You listened but didn't release his neck which you were also clung to. His hands fell to your waist and you both stood for a moment with your heads in each others necks and breathing deeply. "I'm gonna hand you off to Rey, okay?" He asked as he flagged down Rey from the hallway.
"Okay." You whispered, still not releasing him.
"Hey, Rey, sorry to bother you but could you keep Y/N company for a few minutes while I talk to Leia and the squadron?"
"Oh of course!" Rey chirped and you took a deep breath before releasing Poe. You let him kiss your cheeks and your nose before he walked the other direction toward the command center. You stared at him until Rey put her hand in yours and clasped it. You turned to look at her and for the first time in weeks, she saw you smile. "I'm so happy for you, Y/N." She assured and you believed her.
"Thank you." You whispered and another tear fell from you, this time of joy and happiness. Not grief.
"What do you say to heading to your room and get cleaned up a bit, yeah?" She tried and you nodded, following where her hand lead with one last glance toward the direction that Poe went.
"-the converter didnt even work until a day ago because the main power source broke down." Poe finished explaining his time on the planet he had crashed on and the rest of the squadron nodded and asked a few more questions. Once he was done, Finn met him outside the command center.
"So-" he paused, "I'm not sure how to say this nicely but most of your stuff went into the redistribution center because you were presumed dead." He rushed out. Poe took a moment to process and nodded.
"Well that's sort of a bummer. Could I borrow some of your stuff?" Poe asked, knowing it would take at least a day for him to get reassigned sets of uniforms.
"Yeah of course, that's why I'm standing here waiting for you. You could get cleaned up in my room too if you want. I know Y/N kept a few of your jackets and shirts but most of it got taken." The boys began to walk toward Finn's living quarters and there was a moment of silence before Poe asked something he wasn't sure he wanted the answer to.
"What happened when I was gone?" His throat felt dry suddenly and his words came out hoarse. "To Y/N I mean. Was she okay?" Poe wasn't sure what answer he wanted. He knew from your recent reaction that you were devastated, as he would have been, but he also knew he had a dangerous job. He might not come back from some other mission in the future and he hoped you would survive without him.
"Do you really want to know?" Finn questioned.
Poe nodded.
"I mean, she was broken." He paused to think. "She didn't talk to anyone for a week. Wouldn't move. Wouldn't cry. Rey had to help her shower and we had to beg her to eat. We almost sent her to the med wing because we thought she was gonna pass out from dehydration, she would barely take a sip of water." Poe's heart was in his throat but he was sure there was more. "Then you were pronounced KIA."
"Oh god."
"Yeah it wasn't pretty. They pulled your stuff out of your guys' room, took your name off the ledger. Leia let her keep some stuff but it was hard to watch. She finally cried, she just wouldn't stop. She was more responsive but she wasn't even moving towards okay. You could tell she was only doing what we were asking because we were begging. That she was doing it out of guilt. Today was actually the first day that I talked her into coming out of her room. She had been to the canteen for about an hour when she felt she needed to leave and then alarms sounded that you were back." Finn finished with a glance to his friend and Poe looked like he might throw up.
"I want her to be okay if I don't make it back one day." Poe tried to explain to his friend.
"She probably would have been functioning in a few months. She wouldn't have recovered but she would function. She's a strong woman, but she also loves you a lot. I mean, how would you react if she was killed on mission?" Poe could tell it was a rhetorical question but he thought about it very carefully. You were an engineer so you weren't called out on mission often, not nearly as often as him. When you were, he was worried sick the whole time. He hadn't really thought about how him being gone affected you before. Now looking back on it he kicked himself for it.
Poe thought about what he would have done if you had died and he thought that your reaction was probably mild. That he would have been unresponsive for weeks or even become violent with anger and grief. He knew that you were the one for him, the most important thing in his life, and without you he didn't know if he would find purpose in his life anymore. He fought in the war as hard as he did for you. To make the galaxy safer for you.
When he went MIA it was because he tried to take out a couple more imperial ships than he could handle. He only did it because he knew they would have followed them back to base if they left. Back to you. So he took the risk and it backfired but he knew he would do it again to try and keep the First Order away from you.
He was knocked out of his train of thought by the arrival at Finn's quarters. Poe tried to get cleaned up and dressed quickly, getting the grime off of himself and shaving his face. He hurried back to your shared quarters and when he entered his room he was greeted with your smiling face as you laughed.
You were sat on the bed, Rey on the other end, as you were talking about something which caught you in a fit of giggles. At the sound of him stepping into the room you looked at him and got up quickly to rush up and hug him tightly.
"Missed you." You mumbled into his chest. As he held you Rey silently nodded at Poe and left the room.
"Was only gone for a minute, honey bun." He reassured and you pulled your face back.
"You know I hate that one."
"Boo bear?" he teased and you shook your head no. "Munchkin?" nope. "honey bear?" no thank you. "Baby love?" You tilted your head a bit.
"I don't loathe that one."
"I like that one."
"That's my favorite" You giggled and kissed him quickly for a moment. He could have cried at the sight of you giggling. He had missed that, you, the sounds you made, so goddamn much. More than he would ever put into words.
"I know it is, pretty girl." He smiled before picking you up and you squealed. He walked you over to the bed before dropping you on it and laying next to you. You climbed close to him, practically laying on his chest. His arm was snug around your waist and he left no room for you to move, not that you would have anyway. "How would you feel about going to bed, princess?" He almost whispered, not wanting to disrupt the fragile quiet in the room.
"Yes please. I love you Poe." You whispered back and closed your eyes a bit, focussing on his breathing.
"I love you, Y/N" he responded.
You both got the first decent sleep you'd had in weeks that night.
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defectivevillain · 3 years
lightning before the thunder
pairing: kylo ren x reader, rey & reader (platonic)
reader’s pronouns: he/him
summary: You’re with Rey and the others on Takonada when the First Order attacks. You manage to convince Rey to run, as the rest of you hold your ground against the stormtroopers. You soon find yourself at the business end of one’s blaster. Despite your promise to yourself to fly under the radar, you grab your lightsaber and battle. 
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You swallow hard, watching from under the shaded trees as the land around you slowly turns to ruin. You shake your head and turn back to Rey, whom has the same wide-eyed expression on her face that you’re sure that you do. 
“Rey, you need to get out of here,” you hiss, grabbing her by the shoulder. She seems to be stuck in some sort of trance, and you shake her roughly. She soon snaps out of it, blinking at you in confusion for a moment. Her confusion quickly turns to anger as she realizes what the rest of your plan consists of. 
“No,” Rey immediately argues, her eyebrows furrowed. Her fists are clenched at her sides. “No, I’m not leaving you.” 
“Rey, you’re the one he’s after,” you say, your hands still gripping her shoulders. “Just go, please. We need you to be safe.” Rey seems to be on the fence until she hears that last sentence, and soon a look of determination comes over her face. 
“Alright,” she nods, glancing at BB-8 and then back to you. There’s a conflicted expression on her face, and there’s a pain in her eyes that you wish you hadn't noticed. For a brief moment, the two of you stand there in complete silence, staring at each other. Rey breaks the silence by launching herself at you, her arms over your shoulders. You clutch her tightly, closing your eyes and willing yourself not to cry. 
“We’ll get through this,” you whisper against her shoulder. You’re not quite sure if the reassurance is for her or yourself, but you continue speaking anyways. “We have to.”
Your hug is far too short, and before you know it, Rey is turning the other way, taking BB-8 with her.  You watch as her shadow soon becomes impossible to see in your eyes, and you glance around at your surroundings. Stormtroopers are closing in on the main building, and they seem to be fanning out to search the forest. You can only hope that Rey has gotten enough distance on them. 
The fire of a blaster hits the tree next to you, mere inches from your face. You shake your head and pull out the blaster at your belt, crouching down and firing back. You’re not very confident with your skills with a blaster. As you keep firing, you notice that your shots seem to be missing. You grit your teeth and crouch lower behind the tree, looking down at the other weapon at your belt: your lightsaber. You had promised yourself that you wouldn’t use it- it would draw too much attention. The Jedis were supposed to be long gone, and if anyone found you wielding a lightsaber, you knew there would be questions. 
Another shot fired tauntingly close to your figure, and you swear under your breath. You don't have the luxury to contemplate which weapon you should use as you suddenly feel a tight grip on your shoulder. You’re yanked up to a standing position, and a blaster is pushed to your neck. 
The stormtrooper’s finger itches towards the trigger, and you make your move. Fast as lightning, you crouch down and grab your lightsaber from your belt, swinging it expertly into their chest. The stormtrooper falls to the ground. 
You stand over the stormtrooper for a brief moment, a torrent of emotions racing through you. You remember what Finn had told you of his experiences as a stormtrooper- how he felt as if he was allowed no independent thought, no choice but to destroy. Guilt pangs in your chest as you look down at your fallen enemy. A thought suddenly occurs to you, and you crouch down next to them. You’re about to take their helmet off when you feel a new presence behind you. 
You whip around, your heart dropping to your stomach as you see Kylo Ren himself staring at you. His face is adorned with a bulky mask, but you can still feel the intensity of his gaze regardless. You notice his gaze flit from you to the lightsaber in your hand to you again. You grimace, realizing that it’s too late to run. His interest is already peaked, from what you can see. 
You try to run anyways. It’s a rather pathetic attempt, you have to admit, as he uses the Force to lock your limbs and freeze you in place. Dread coils in your stomach as Ren walks impossibly closer.
“I was expecting the scavenger,” he remarks.  You grimace, trying desperately to fight back against the stiffness set on to your limbs. “Who are you?” His mask tilts down as he stares at your lightsaber. You’re glad that the limb lock has frozen it in your grip, otherwise you’re certain he would’ve taken it from you already.
“Doesn't matter,” you reply, pretending not to notice the way your heart pounds in your chest. Despite your anxiety, you’re still determined not to let him get to Rey. Ren is circling around you, and it takes every ounce of determination you have to pretend you’re unaffected by it. 
“Where’s the droid?” he asks.  You wince as his breath hits your neck, uncomfortable with his proximity. You aren’t given even a second to reply, as you’re soon faced with a lightsaber pointed at your neck. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, trying your best to ignore the humming of the lightsaber that threatens to take your life. 
You don’t say anything, and Ren growls. He steps in front of you and reaches a hand out over your face. The world around you fades to black, and the only sensation you can feel is pain. You've never felt this way before- an unwanted presence intruding in your mind. It's horrible, and your attempts at resistance are futile at best. He withdraws his hand a few moments later. 
“You’ve seen the map,” Kylo Ren’s says, his tone victorious and smug. You try to shake your head, but you can't. You stare at your enemy, hoping to convey that through your eyes. Kylo doesn’t seem to notice this, however, as he remains silent. You think that, if he weren’t wearing a mask, he would be smirking. 
“Forget the droid,” Kylo mutters, his voice muffled by his mask. Nausea settles in your chest, as you begin to realize what he’s doing. You bite your lip as he circles around you once more, coming to a stop at your right side. He raises a hand, and you feel the energy drain from your body. Your knees buckle from under you. Your vision is swimming as black dots cluster and spread around the edges. You just barely register Kylo catching you as you fall, bringing you into his arms and holding you there as you succumb to unconsciousness. 
“We have what we need.”
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darling-leech · 3 years
Eugenia Alexandra Everston’s Fallout Character Sheet(Updated 2)
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I used DarthSuki’s Fallout OC Meme 2.0. Also here’s the font I used as well.
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Here’s a blank version, if ya’ll wanna use it as well! Make sure to credit Darthsuki when you use it!
ANYWAYS Let’s begin... AGAIN.  😅😅😅😅
Name: Eugenia Alexandra Everston(Registration EE-004SK/Institute Username Everston.E)
Nickname: Alex
Race: White
Religion: Agnostic
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender Woman and She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual. Possibly Polyamorous as well.
Age: 19(During the events of Fallout 4, and was 9 during the events of Fallout 3).
Birthday: July 31, 2268
Birthplace: Capital Wasteland(She was born at The Citadel)
Height: 5′1 FT(61 Inches/154.94 CM)
Weight: 120(54.4311 KGS)
Hair Color: The HAIR ON HER HEAD is White(#FFFFFF) and her EYEBROW/EYELASHES color is Black(#000000) (I used Zella’s Hair Dye Collections mod for her hair color and eyebrow color) *REMEMBER THE ONLY HAIR ON HER BODY THAT IS WHITE IS THE HAIR ON HER HEAD*
Hairstyle: mostly Whisper(Or something similar. Also wears alot of French Braids or other Braids like it). (Here’s links to several mods I use XX(this one has Whisper on it), XX, XX, XX, and XX)
Eye Color: Dark Brown(#331900)
Skin Color: Pale Ivory(#FFF0ED)
Game of Origin: Fallout 3 and Fallout 4
Voice Actor: Probably Isabelle Fuhrman
Species: Human
Karma: Chaotic Neutral
Aggression: Aggressive
Confidence: Foolhardy
Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies
S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats: Strength 7, Perception 10, Endurance 7, Charisma 10, Intelligence 10, Agility 7, and Luck 7
Perks/Tagged: Barter/Speech/Cherchez La Femme/Black Widow, Lockpick/Pickpocket/Sneak/Ninja/Hacker/Robots Experts, Big Leagues/Heavy Gunner/Gunslinger/Explosives, and Repair/Medicine/Armorer/Blacksmith/Gun Nut/Science! are just a few.
Weaknesses: Cunning/Impulsive, Party Girl/Idiot Savant, can be alittle bit Self-Centered/Self-Indulgent/Irresponsible, and Unpredictable.
Affiliation: Loosely BOS, The Institute, Minute-Men, and Nuka-World Raiders.
Rank: Squire(In Fallout 3). Scribe-Knight(In Fallout 4). Scientist/Engineer(Advanced Systems/Robotics Division)? Mercenary. Field Operative/Field Agent. Assassin. Tinkerer. 
Role: Self Insert OC. Fallout NPC/Companion? NOT THE SOLE SURVIVOR OR LONE WANDERER(So PLEASE DON’T tag her as either). 
Most Liked Companions: Cait, Charon, X6-88, Paladin Danse, Porter Gage, Preston Garvey, and Hancock.
Least Liked Companions: Deacon. Neutral on Curie.
Preferred Weapon Type: Heavy/Energy/Melee  
Primary Weapons: Combat Knife, Kellogg’s Pistol, and Cryolater.
Secondary Weapons: Big Boy, Nuka-Nuke Launcher, Alien Blaster, and Thirst Zapper.
Preferred Armor Type: Heavy Leather
Primary Armor: NONE. Just usually wear Greaser Jacket and Jeans(With Black Jeans and Black & White Converse).
Power Armor?: YES
Biological Parents: Angus Peyton Everston and Carmen Renee Ruth Everston
Step-Parents: Conrad Kellogg and Madison Li(Also NO I don’t ship them together, just see the as her step-parents)
Guardians: Aito Jun Tsukiya(Gives off that Older Brother™ vibes), Jin Kyoko Tsukiya(Gives off Aunt™ vibes), Leif Axel Gunnar(He gives off that Cool Uncle™ vibe) and Sarah Lyons(She gives off that Older Sister™ vibe)(I guess Elder Owyn Lyons would be her Guardian as well?)
God-Mother: Courtney Nicole Stevens.
Biological Siblings: Felix Sebastian Everston(Older Brother, that she didn’t know she had until later in Fallout 4. We Don’t Talk About Bruno vibes lol).
Step-Siblings: She grew up with Arthur Maxson since she was 9(and he was 10) until she left to go to The Commonwealth, then she meet X6-88 at The Institute. 
Friends: MANY(Idk if I’ll be able to name them all but here goes, I’ll update as I remember all of them lol). My Sole Survivor Nathan Ian Howard, My Courier 6 Torin Arlen Hugh, Courtney Nicole Stevens, Liam Binet, Arthur Maxson, X6-88, Paladin Danse, Porter Gage, Overboss Colter, Charon, Edward Deegan, Scribe Haylen, Finn(The dude that Hancock kills when you first enter Goodneighbor lol), Hancock, Bobbi No-Nose, Dixie, Savoy, Nisha, Mason, Mags Black, William Black, Proctor Teagan, Proctor Ingram, Cait, and Redeye to name a few. Sorta Rhys as well. Also @m-is-for-mungo ’s OC Lily Black!
Lovers(She’s uh on and off with these tho so ya know): MANY. My Sole Survior Nathan Ian Howard, My Courier 6 Torin Arlen Hugh, Overboss Colter, Finn, Scribe Haylen, Edward Deegan, Mags Black, Nisha, Cait, and Bobbi No-Nose to name a few.
Rivals: N/A, unless you count Knight Rhys or Justin Ayo lol.
Enemies: N/A?
Children: NONE and doesn’t want any
Background(Note: I’m still in the process of writing this so it’ll seem like a mess til I get it finished all the way so please bear with me): Was born at The Citadel, making her a Squire(Since she was born into the Brotherhood of Steel). She was 5 years old when her parents(Angus Peyton Everston and Carmen Renee Ruth Everston) died to a SuperMutant Behemoth, leaving her in the care of Elder Owyn Lyons/Sarah Lyons and Leif Axel Gunnar. When she was 9(this takes place during the events of Fallout 3), she decided to leave with Madison Li to The Commonwealth. Leif was reluctant about her leaving at first, since she was basically the only like "family"(She looks alot like her dad, Angus, and Angus was Leif's Lover)he has left, but gave in and let her go, making her promise(also making Madison Li promise) to stay safe and hopefully that they'd meet again someday(They'd end up meeting during the Fire Support question for the Brotherhood of Steel. Also Alex and Nathan Ian Howard’s paths cross during this quest as well, making this the first time they meet). Alex has a family photo of her parents, Leif, Sarah, Squire Arthur Maxson, and her when she was 5. Also has one of her(When she’s 9), Conrad Kellogg, and Madison Li as well. During the events of Fallout 4, she's 19(making her a grown? woman). Conrad Kellogg and Madison Li are her step-parents since she was 9(Also NO I DON’T SHIP Madison Li and Conrad Kellogg together, I just see them as Alex’s step-parents). When Alex was 15?, She begged Kellogg to train her to be like a Mercenary/Field Operative(Like Him)? and Kellogg told her that he didn’t want her going out in The Commonwealth(saying it wasn’t safe lol, and he didn’t want her getting hurt), and it’s safer just to stay at the Institute, but Alex wasn’t having it, and was that’s the EXACT reason why you should train me, and I’m not gonna stay here forever. So, Kellogg and her trained ever since lol. Also even tho Alex IS NOT a synth/android or a courser, she also went thru the Courser rigorous training regimen and passed it. Alex also went on missions with Kellogg since she was 16. When she was 18, she heard about Nuka-World(So this takes place in 2286), and went go it, and kinda made Fizztop Grille her lil getaway home?, well until Overboss Colter and the the gangs show up, Colter was her first? boyfriend?(He technically doesn’t die in my version of Fallout 4, but I’m also working out Alex’s background with @m-is-for-mungo​’s OC Lily Black’s background, and Lily kills him so. 😅😅😅😅), But ye in my version Colter never dies and stays Overboss, with Alex at his side(But she also ends up leaving for long periods of times lol), also they take over the parks, but don’t end up touching The Commonwealth. 
Languages Spoken: English(Native Language), Mandarin Chinese, and American Sign Language. Somewhat of Russian.
Also this would be probably be a good time to say I have a Refsheet.Net for her as well.
Also this is an updated version of this: XXXX
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Hello ! Could you maybe write something about Ismail and Sascha ? Like the first kiss, or the moment they admit their feelings…? Thank you very much!❤️
I’m not really writing for the druck fandom anymore but i wrote a little thing for you because I can’t help it! And I’m using this answer here talking about Ismail’s pronouns to base myself so yeah, enjoy it!!
Sascha bites the inside of his cheek, hesitant if he should go check on Ismail…but nobody else knows what happened and he doesn’t want to lie to Isi’s mom.
He smiles at her and finally takes some steps inside, letting her excitedly close the door behind them, wrapping her arm around Umut’s shoulders, dragging him to whatever snack she said she made for them to eat.
It’s been a long, long time since he and Ismail spent time by themselves, or for more than five minutes even. But then karma made them hang out with a similar group of people exactly when they drifted apart again.
Sascha is always with Ava, and Fatou, and Nora and they are always with Kieu My and Josh and Finn…and so they are always with Ismail, and Lou, and Constantin. Those cool people that Sascha will never be. Or see the appeal even. But that makes it easier to avoid Ismail or his fake apologies. Sascha has a soft spot for him, and so he doesn’t even want to hear it again, how Ismail was so deep inside his fake friends or lovers or whatever that he couldn’t give the real people around him any care or attention to what they felt.
He tried more than enough times, gave Ismail countless ways out for his shitty behavior, and he always used those to step on Sascha again. He knows Ismail doesn’t mean it but doesn’t make it hurt less.
Months ago he got tired, and put everything out: told Ismail how he felt, how he was in love with him for years, and how Ismail never took any part of him into consideration for anything, not even their friendship and that was that. So Ismail knows the whole picture. Sascha is trying to get over it, so he needs to keep the distance to heal himself. He’ll just say hi, and turn back around to go home, that’s it. He nods his head to stick with that idea. They’ll most likely meet later tonight anyway, Ava and Nora and Zoe are throwing a party so Sascha will just pretend they can meet and talk there if things go bad.
He leans against Ismail’s locked door, taking a deep breath in before adjusting his posture and finally knocking, still getting used to having to wait for him to unlock the door if he feels like having guests.
It happens quicker than he anticipated, with no real time to prepare his heart. Isi opens the door suddenly, making his dark curls move with the wind he creates.
“I thought I heard you downstairs.” Ismail smiles excitedly, like he’s ignoring that they are not even talking these days.
“Yeah, I was with Umu.”
Ismail smiles with that flirty smile of his, putting his curls behind his ear. “It’s cute, when you call him Umu.”
Sascha nods his head, looking over his shoulder, not sure what to say and what he’s even supposed to do.
“Anyway, your mom wanted me to come say hi.”
Ismail laughs, finally leaving the door alone to go back inside, a quiet invite for Sascha to follow. He would usually do that when they were still best friends anyway.
He does because deep down he misses it but he keeps the door open because it’ll be quick. Ismail is getting ready already, a bunch of fancy, cool clothes pilling up on his bed, always indecisive on what to wear.
“And you’re such a prince, always so nice to everyone.” Sacha tries not to take it personally, but it stings a little too much, it’s a little too real and too hypocritical for him to let it pass without a comeback.
“Look who’s talking.”
Ismail stops trying to pick a nail polish and looks at Sascha, not as defensive as Sascha thought he would be.
“I made a song…or an attempt at a song.” He looks for something around him, grabs the overcoat on his armchair and finally finds what he’s looking it for, hiding on his palm until he comes to stand right in front of Sascha again, opening his hand to show the very old mp3 player they once shared for a couple of months until it stopped working completely.
It was Sascha’s gift for Isi on one of his birthdays and he was sure Ismail had lost it or thrown away once it wasn’t working right…
“And you can only listen when you’re alone.”
Ismail very carefully puts the little black mp3 on his hand, smiling at Sascha.
“Because!” Ismail gets a little more serious, a little more like the old Ismail, before the cool persona shit. He looks younger when he’s trying to be sorry for being so shitty and blind to what was right in front of him. “Did I fuck up so badly that you can’t do one thing that I’m asking you? Or do you think that I’m only giving you that because Consti or Lou asked me to do it? Don’t you always think I only do what they ask me to do?”
“It happens more often than not.” Sascha finally closes his hand, putting the mp3 inside his pocket to listen when he’s alone. He can’t stop his brain from being curious, wondering what Ismail recorded for him and only for him to listen to…
“I’m not with Lou, you know?” Ismail almost whispers, and the change of tone gets Sascha’s attention again. Ismail never speaks that way, shy and cute, and he’s never that clear with his words either.
“It’s not my problem, Isi. I’m happy if you’re happy. That’s about it.”
“Really? You don’t give a shit anymore? It’s been over a year and you’re still hurt…”
Sascha sighs, looking at the door, thinking he’s overstaying already.
“I’m not hurt. I’m just tired. And it’s done now, we’re different too.”
Things are different. He came to a point where it’s basically impossible to be the old Sascha anyway.
He held back for far too long, and now that all his feelings for his best friend are out since that fight, putting those words out gave him room to grow as his own person too. And Ismail had a lot of drama with Constantin and Lou after that too, and Sascha knows he’s trying to find his path, trying to find a healthier way to be himself or whatever. And Sascha is proud of him for it, and he knows Ismail is well aware of that, even if Sascha never told him. They’ve been friends for long enough that he doesn’t have to say it for now. Maybe once things are clearer for Ismail.
He sees it happening but he doesn’t do anything. Ismail comes closer carefully, looking at him, searching for any sign that Sascha wants him to stop but he’s frozen. His skin goes raw and sensitive when Ismail puts his hands on his shoulders, his fingers carefully touching the sides of Sascha’s neck before he presses their lips together for what feels like a whole minute.
He waited so long for something like this, and Ismail’s lips feel so nice, and warm, and perfect but Sascha steps back before Ismail takes things any further.
He fake coughs, scratches his eyes, trying not to have a heart attack.
“Why are you so perfect? Prince-charming type of human?” Ismail asks quietly, standing exactly where Sascha was.
He steps back again, trying to focus on something else than his heart beating fast and loud inside his ears, on his lips. He’s so stupid, he’s kissed an enough amount of people before, more than just a quick touch of lips and he’s still freaking out, only because it’s Ismail, it’s finally Ismail.
“Of course you would be bothered by someone being nice to you for once, hoping you take good care of yourself.”
“Do you want to go to the party with me? We could finally hang out again, get ready and go together. It would be nice.”
Sascha shakes his head. That’s way too much, he doesn’t have enough self control to spend that much time with Ismail again without all the old feelings rushing back to the surface.
“No, I have to go home yet, take a shower and…you know, do all the pre-party you party people do.”
“You’re gonna go to Ava’s for a pre-game or something?”
Sasha nods his head again, thinking he has to listen to the mp3 before anything else. Ismail bites the corner of his lips, nodding his head too.
It doesn’t matter how much time passes, Sascha misses Ismail. Maybe he learned how to deal with it better, and Ava is an amazing friend that teaches you how to give yourself some proper worth, but it’s hard to not miss him and to forget his old feelings completely.
Ava says he’s so good with plants that it makes him treat his feelings like plants: taking so much good care of them that it’s hard to kill them completely. He knows Ismail is trying, and Sascha meant it when he said Ismail wasn’t alone but still. He’s in no way, shape or form getting himself involved in any of the Constantin, Lou drama mess.
“And you? Not meeting the instas?” Sascha teases, trying to make it a little less awkward.
“Nope. Just gonna get ready and go later, I guess…”
“You’re looking beautiful, Isi…see you tonight.”
Ismail smiles sadly, one hand squeezing his index finger in front of him. “Thank you, habibi. See you tonight.”
Sascha turns on his heels and leaves the room, carefully closing the door behind him. Their timing is just messy. He has to hold the handrail to go down the stairs and not fall on his face, still digesting what just happened. He has no idea how tonight will go after that, hanging out with everyone that he likes and the ones he doesn’t get along with, all in the same room, with alcohol. And then there’s Ismail too.
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surpriserose · 3 years
Hi Chris! Live action stone ocean :]
NoooooOOOOOO 😭😭😭
God okay jts under the cut its so long i hate it so much
Jolyne is played by chloe bennet who i only know from the stupid powerpuff girls cw thing which would basically end up being powerpuff girls riverdale but i dont think its happening anymore. Anyways someone who is willing to be on the cw is willing to star in this im sorry
Hermes is played by Aubrey plaza who is apparently Puerto Rican so the producers can say theyre trying even though hermes still has dreads and it looks really awkward. Also not everyone sees hermes as butch but since i do and i want to cause as much psychic damage as possible hermes is advertised as very masc but its definitely these vibes
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And it leads to so much discourse about how women can still be feminine and kick ass uwu 🥺🥺🥺. Also hermes kisses some random woman who is VERY MUCH NOT jolyne so they can say they have gay rep. Jolynes bisexuality is completely erased </3
Foo fighters im giving to kaitlyn dever who...i only know as the love interest from dear evan hansen and she probably deserves better than that </3 but anyways shes kind of got a baby face and idk a lot of people love to give that to foo so. Also foo is not nonbinary here and uses she/her pronouns 😔😔😔 and shes probably just some random prisoner since they dont want to spread the cgi budget too thin. Also foo is so so normal in this im sorry shes guy some lady (derogatory) you are not gonna see her doing any of the weird shit she does
Anasui is god i think i have to go for tom Holland who has no swag and anasui definitely needs to be played by someone with swag if you want people to even tolerate him so </3 it doesnt matter tho its tom holland he gets a dedicated fanbase the second the cast list is out and anasui becomes an uwu soft boy. Also hes got short hair now and wears like an actual outfit 😡 i dont even think they would dye tom hollands hair you cant mess up his image at all he needs to he so so marketable so they manage to make anasui as cishet as possible
Weather report ....idk but i want to say oscar isaac? Like its another case of i can definitely see it because no matter how much of a tumblr sanction man he becomes hes still a good actor. I want to say more but its definitely spoilers just know this causes so much discourse and its actually justified
Emporio idk who are the kid actors nowadays??? I want to say like fucking one of the stranger things kids but theyre all like 20 now or some shit. I think instead of going for finn wittock again theyre casting gavin matarazzo because emporio is now the comic relief kid im so sorry
Pucci....hmmm the first name that came to mind was Jonathan majors and like idk i can see it? Which is kind of the problem thats too good i like him and i technically wasted my one good casting card with oscar isaac except not really but also i cant have two good actors here oh christ i thought about don cheadle......no i cant do that to him but like hes actually closer in age to pucci than anyone else coming to mind omg i like don cheadle but omg....idk i cant see it so its don cheadle for pucci
Idk who the fuck i casted for dio and jotaro but like sure theyre probably still the same im not casting the minor villains im so sorry except i think they get andy serkis the weird cgi man to play lane wrangler
Other points
So many orange is the new black references especially if we're going for netflix adaptation vibes and not cw vibes
Kiss has boobs now 😔 so does stand foo fighters now probably 😔😔😔
Everyone looks so boring now but thats a given...i think they give anasui khakis
They probably get a camilla cabello song for the opening and oh god i remembered camilla cabello Cinderella....NO OH GOD BILLY PORTER IS LIKE OLD ENOUGH TO BE PUCCI TOO 😭😭😭 HE CANT PULL IT OFF IM SORRY move over don Cheadle youve been spared billy porter pucci hurts me more...
Lots of #girlboss and #girlpower feminism like...think the random shot of all the marvel women in endgame for 10 seconds and then they all lose or whatever its like that like they probably give anasui and weather more fights and screentime but jolyne is men am i right 🤪
Jolysui is canon and it is so so cishet </3</3</3 theyre definitely having a big climactic kiss
Jolyne probably has the whole biker gang stuff erased from her backstory so shes sweet and innocent uwu and its replaced with a father daughter bonding montage so the audience can go awww jotaro rly does care....🥺🥺🥺
Im torn between them making conservative pucci real and or gay and homophobic pucci real...probably the second one and its definitely played for laughs also puccis probably just some guy like this stone ocean is not gonna go off the rails
Jolynes mom still doesnt have a name
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roarkfm · 2 years
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( jacob elordi .  he / him .  cis male .  25 . )  introducing … FINN ROARK ! i heard they’re a observant, proactive, disrespectful bisexual & capricorn, and their partner persuaded them to join WILL THEY OR WON’T THEY. they think their partner has joined the cast of WILL THEY OR WON’T THEY, because their relationship is a mask he uses to impress his parents. but FINN ? they think their relationship WON’T make it. ( t. age. she/her. cst. none. )
Basic Information
Full Name: finn roark Nickname(s): ro Age: 25 Date of Birth: january 6 Gender: cis male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: bisexual  Religion: a so-so christian  Occupation: paralegal \ law student 
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: jacob elordi Hair Color: brown  Eye Colour: brown Height: 6’5” Weight: 190lbs Build: athletic Tattoos: none Piercings: none Usual Expression: neutral
Label: the philophobic Positive Traits: observant, proactive, analytical, intelligent Negative Traits: disrespectful, selfish, sneaky, haughty Sleeping Habits: prefers a noisemaker of some kind, but always wakes up before the sun. Eating Habits: very much an eat out kind of guy. Exercise Habits: spends nearly every morning at the gym or running the road by his house, and he keeps a pretty regular lifting routine. Sociability: doesn’t necessarily need to be around people, and when he is, people often say he’s the stoic type. he just prefers to listen until the time is right. Drug Use: experimental.   Alcohol Use: socially.  
Weather: winter Color: hunter green Food: chocolate cake 
his mother is a starlet who moved to california shortly after she graduated to star in a soap opera that everyone and their grandmother obsess over in his early years. his father graduated magna cum laude at an ivy league and decided running their city was his main priority. somewhere in the mix finn gets left behind, a problem for the nannies, the gardeners, and the cooks. he loves them all, considering them as his family every night as he falls asleep counting the notches on the posts of his bed. 
his teen years bring rebellion to their marbled doorstep, but no one is home to notice. the staff loves him too much to allow his parents to find out, even if they care enough to stop by once every six months. he back talks teachers, gets suspended, and rewards himself but shooting golf balls off the roof of his home. when parents are called in, his driver and maid show up and earn an extra grand for pretending to care. he is a well oiled machine craving attention from the two people who ignore him most. 
he graduates, goes to college, and surprisingly he gets through with high marks. he thanks his father’s dismissive comment about paying off the school to get his diploma if things go south. it is a cracked door, one he puts his foot in to stop. his intelligence holds strong, and he thinks that will be enough. he laughs about it now as he drinks whiskey over legal documents. he could paint himself red and his parents wouldn’t notice, unless, somehow, it reflects negatively on them. he never stops trying anyway.
law school comes next, and then he finds a girl. she isn’t just any girl. she’s the perfect girl, and she’s the first one he ever pushes his parents to meet. he makes this happen under the guise of love, longevity, and future plans. in truth, it is just one more neon sign directed in the wrong direction. despite himself, he grows fond of her, and his parents do, too. it gives him a sense of pride to walk around with her on his arm, and even if he isn’t ready to take the next step, he isn’t quite sure he’s ready to let her go either. 
hence, paradise reality show. he fights it at first, finding the idea of the world seeing their relationship issues up close repulsive, but over time she wins. he does want to have to hurt her, so he chooses the lesser evil. the one that puts him on national television. 
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers Of The Chaos (Chapter 1)
The first chapter of the Tumblr KOTLC Fandom Fandom story is here!
Summary: Tam, Linh, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh's podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing
Word count: 1204
Read on AO3
Linh leans into the microphone. "Welcome to the Twins of the Chaos podcast," she says.
"Where some chaotic twins discuss our favorite show, Keepers of the Chaos," adds Tam. He tugs at his silver tipped bangs. "I'm Tam, and my sister's Linh, and today, we're going to be talking about why you should watch KOTC. Now, if you're one of our five regular listeners, you've probably already seen it, but feel free to share this with a friend or relative to convince them to watch this show!"
Smiling, Linh takes the microphone back and continues. "In this show, there's a group of very, very chaotic friends who all go to Tumblr High School together. As soon as they return after New Year's, their principal informs the school of a writing competition taking place between high schools, with other opportunities for extras like drawing or animation. Every member of the winning team gets a free scholarship to an arts school the characters all want to go to, but don't like their chances of getting in normally or paying, so they sign up. Through the nine episode season, taking place over the month of January, the characters in the writing competition start on the premise, get sidetracked, come up with some truly horrifying ideas, write some gay short stories, and, as the title promises, act very chaotic."
"Now, the writing prompt that the group has to build on is kind of... fuckin' weird," Tam says, barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "They have to write about a girl named Sophia, who's twelve years old and can read minds, who meets a teal- yes, teal- eyed boy named Finn, who tells her she's an elf. Then, she travels to the elf world, where she struggles a bit at elf school, makes friends with some other elves, learns that she is an illegal creation of a rebel group called the Dark Duck, and another rebel group- the Rarelynoticed- tries to kidnap and kill Sophia and her friend Deck. And yes, we're aware that the names are shitty but the characters in the show really get into mocking them, so that's an upside."
Linh laughs a little at the names. "There are a lot of rebels, you might have noticed," she adds.
Tam nods. "Yeah, I noticed. There are a lot of rebels because their government sucks. There's a council of twelve really old elves, and only two of them are alright, then one of those two dies, and then one of the previously bad ones turns good."
"The characters in the show were given a very detailed list of worldbuilding, plot, and character details. We don't have to read the whole thing, though- they just consult it when it's relevant."
"But writing about Sophia and the Dark Duck isn't the only plot of KOTC, thankfully. We also get to see the competitors writing Dark Duck interact with one another and have fun. It makes connections to real life events- mainly through Bernie Sanders memes, but whatever. Bernie Sanders memes are funny."
"Bernie Sanders memes are funny," says Linh, nodding seriously. "And yes. There are some romantic ships in there- like Amelia and Akki, or Shai/Lynn/Tater, but there are also close friendships, and you get to see the group bond over their shared desire to get the scholarship, and their collective love of chaos, so the more platonic aspect is definitely given screen time as well."
"Which, given how often shows center only on romance, is really great," Tam agrees.
"The show also does really incredibly with including diverse characters. Pretty much none of them are both straight and cis, and most of them are neither."
Tam grins. "Right, and no one really makes a big deal about it. They mention it when relevant, of course, and some have homophobic parents, but they have depth beyond getting the authors ally cookies or whatever. Everyone uses correct pronouns, or apologizes when they screw up, and everyone's pronouns are validated no matter how 'weird' or 'confusing' it might be."
"The show also has a lot of good religious diversity, with quite a few Jewish characters, who make sure it's very clear that they're Jewish."
"Yeah, one of the characters- Shai- starts a movement to turn all the Sophia and the Dark Duck characters Jewish as well."
"It doesn't succeed, but good job to aer for trying," Linh says, sighing sadly.
They fall silent for a little while as Tam checks their episode outline, scribbled in Linh's rather illegible handwriting. "Linh, what the fuck does this say?"
Brow furrowing, Linh asks "You can't read my handwriting?"
"No, I can't!"
She sighs. "It very clearly says 'great characters- discuss,'" she huffs.
"Yeah, no one can read your handwriting. Also, we should probably cut this out when we edit."
Linh nods. "Probably, yeah."
Tam leans in closer to the microphone and starts speaking into it again. "The competition has fifty something participants- fifty two, was it?" He looks to Linh for confirmation, who nods again. "Fifty two. But somehow, all of the characters have their own distinct personalities and stories and interests, and they're shown as complex human beings."
"Yeah, that's always been my favorite part of the show. The characters are just so interesting. Canon manages to focus on them a lot more than I would have thought possible, but it still doesn't give us all the details- since it has to balance so many people, it can't spend a long time focusing on just one- so there's a lot of room for speculation in the fandom. Some get noticeably more or less focus than others. Like, Lynn and her fiancees get kind of a lot, while I wish some of my favorite characters like Specs or Charlene got a bit more screen time. But everyone gets some, no one gets too many, and the fandom is there to fill in the gaps!"
"Yeah, and the fandom is fantastic," says Tam. "There aren't a whole lot of us, which we wish would change because the show is really great, but we're a good fandom to be in. There's not usually a lot of discourse, and there are so many talented people making content. lordofthesnuggles's theories for season two are always so detailed and logical that I lowkey suspect he writes for the show, and thehunkiestofhunkyhair makes fantastic fanart."
Snapping her fingers, Linh exclaims. "Oh, and les-biana has the best fanfictions."
Tam coughs, and mutters "Yeah, you like Biana's fanfictions."
"Oh, like you're any different with Keefe," Linh huffs.
There aren't any visuals, so no listeners of the podcast can prove Tam was blushing. "Anyway, the first- and currently only- season starts with everyone signing up for the competition, no idea what they're in for, and ended with half of them wearing sleeping masks with teal eyes painted on and the other half watching the chaos with mild amusement. It's entertaining as fuck, and very well written, so do go check it, recommend it to your friends, let Keepers of the Chaos take over the world, whatever you like."
"Thanks for listening to the Twins of the Chaos podcast, and have an amazing day!" Linh finishes, and she stops recording.
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
Just Good Business V
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
Reader Gender Expression: She/Her pronouns, “wife”
Summary: You and Tommy settle into marriage on your anniversary. 
Length: 1585 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Very light cursing and very light mentions of arranged/forced marriage
A/N: I hope you enjoy! If you made it this far, you’re a real one. 
Part I | Part VI
Your head tilted back, eyes closed as you reached out a hand to balance yourself. You were practically shaking.
"God, Tommy," you panted, placing a hand over your chest as you caught your breath. "I liked that one."
"Thank you, Mrs. Shelby," he chuckled from where he kneeled in front of you. You couldn't help but keep giggling in the aftermath of your husband's story about him and Arthur sending John down the cut in a cardboard box when they were kids. Finn was right. Tommy did do voices, and it was worth the over dramatics he took when spinning yarns. 
"What did you think?" You looked down at Edith in your lap. She was only four, John and Esme's youngest and a spitting image of them both. Edith nodded her head and giggled herself. 
"I liked it!" 
"See, I told you he's not angry. He's just bossy all the time," you told Edith, teasing Tommy, who rolled his eyes playfully. Both of you kissed Edith's cheek before she ran off in search of her cousins. 
"Bossy, eh?" Tommy asked, wrapping his arms around your waist when you stood. 
"Hold it, Mr. Shelby, you're not the boss of me." You stuck out your tongue at him but wrapped your arms around his neck anyway. You brushed your lips against his and said, "Not right now anyway."
"Alright, lovebirds. Are we going to eat dinner or what?" Arthur asked from the doorway of the living area. 
"It's our anniversary party, Artie. Can't we take our time?" You looked over your shoulder at your brother in law. 
"Don't leave us stravin', sister," he grumbled.
It had been a lovely year and some months since your confession in the foyer. You didn't think it would change much, but hearing someone tell you they loved you nearly every day was incredibly affirming. 
In the time since your first anniversary, you'd taken a real honeymoon to Paris after Tommy told you he hadn't been to France since the war. In turn, Tommy took you camping after you said you'd never spent a rustic night under the stars. Not to mention, you believed you'd cracked a code. 
Though he didn't seem it, Tommy was actually one of the most romantic people you'd met. He just simply didn't have time to execute such things. However, he nearly matched your unparalleled ability to give a good, sporadic gift now and again. A painting from a new artist you liked now hung in a room that Tommy set up after you mentioned your nieces and nephews needing a place to play when they stayed over. Not to be outdone, you bought him top Scottish whiskey in hopes to sway him a bit on the drink and engraved riding gear. You couldn't count the lingerie; however, that was a gift to you both. 
Outside of Arrow House, Shelby Company Ltd. was growing, and with it, so did your responsibilities. No one was as much of a steadfast believer in you as Tommy, particularly where the company was concerned. He gave you more because he thought you could do it, and his belief made you work harder. You could successfully hold meetings on your own now, not just because of the Peaky Blinders, but because of your growing reputation as their gutsy businesswoman. Apparently, telling a boardroom full of old men that being a woman didn't make blind to the difference between good goings-on and bad really put you on the map. Your current scheme? Getting Alfie Solomons to admit that you were funny. This was not easy because you kept beating him at gin rummy. 
"Are you going to tell me what's been on your mind?" Tommy asked, breaking you out of your stupor. Yes, Tommy had come to know you quite well and vice versa. Which made keeping your anniversary gift a surprise very difficult.  
"Don't get nosey, Shelby," you kissed his nose then headed for the door. "Let's eat!" 
If there was one thing that hadn't changed, you could throw a good party. There were friends and family, a few business associates and their partners, and essential people Tommy wanted to impress if he was going to get into politics. After dinner, as everyone gathered in the back of the house to mingle, dance, and play, you did what you were used to. You found a finding a quiet balcony overlooking the party. You were there for a few moments before you heard footsteps.
"Polly, how do you like it?" You asked your in-law who handed you one of two champagne flutes.
"I'm having a lovely time, y/n. You have the most handsome butlers, you know?" Polly mused, not hiding her ogling of the young men in the slightest.
"You're a shameless woman, and I adore that about you," you said with a laugh. 
"I saw you two telling Edith that story."
"The Shelby's had a fun childhood."
"You're telling me. Those little rascals, they've done me proud in many ways since then," Polly said, pulling out a cigarette. "Tommy, notably. He's stubborn and downright stupid some days. But I see him with you. The way he laughs and smiles. He lets go because he knows you've got it in you to pull him back, keep him in line. You bring out parts of him that were good and bright in a way that was better than before the war."
You knew you still had a lot to learn about Tommy and the Shelby's. They had a lot to learn about you too. This was the first anniversary where you even considered inviting your family as guests. Still, the road to trust was going to be a rough one. But you were able to do it together, and that's what you liked most. 
"I'm doing you proud then? I'm meeting your expectations from way back when?" You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
"Oh, I'd say we got an excellent return on investment," Polly teased you just as Tommy approached. 
"Hello, ladies. Solving the world's problems?" He asked, looking at us both expectantly.
"I think the Shelby's problems are just fine for now," Polly said. She tapped her cigarette against the balcony's edge then kissed your cheek before making her leave.
"Anything I should worry about?" Tommy asked, turning to lean against the rail. 
"Not at all. Polly was saying how good of an influence I am on you."
"Is that right? Is that even true?" 
"Do you think it's the other way around? Don't make me laugh?"
You brushed off the accusation. 
"Aren't you the one who told all my men that if any of them made a Birmingham woman feel so much as uncomfortable that you'd drag them to the butcher's and put their hands in the meat slicer?" Tommy recalled what Finn and Isaiah told him with a bit of fear in their eyes.
"That's only if they don't do right by 'em. And same goes for you, Shelby." You didn't take it back in the slightest. 
"Good thing you're the only person I'd like to put my hands on then."
He fully believed you had it in you to do just what you'd said, and for that reason, Scudboat still wouldn't look you in the eye. Finn said you'd struck the fear of God in him, and Scudboat saw the end in your eyes. You told him to stop spreading that rumor, but here you were. You sighed and looked over the railing at the life you'd created. 
"At our next party,"
"Y/n," Tommy stopped you, using his warning voice. You knew what was coming. Let's just say, if you had it your way, there would be a gathering every month at the mansion. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we can't just go throwing another party. The last two were large and expensive."
"Fine," you caved quickly. Whether Tommy knew it or not, this was a successful tactic you used because you knew Tommy couldn't quite say no to you. You promised to only use your powers for good. 
"It's not going to work," Tommy said, more to himself than to you.
"What isn't?" 
"Your sad eyes when I tell you no." Tommy looked at you, pointedly.
"What if the next party is part of my anniversary gift?" You prompted. 
"A good theme isn't the same as a good reason, love," he said. You looked forward again at all of your family. You took a breath to calm the heat rising to your face.
"Well, what if the theme was a baby shower?" You asked softly. You turned to look at your husband. The smile forming on his face already allowed you to breathe a sigh of relief. You turned towards him fully.
"Really? You're pregnant?" He asked for sure. 
"Yes," you gave a watery confirmation. Tommy grasped your face with both hands and kissed you, then placed a hand over your stomach. 
"We should celebrate," Tommy concluded. He took your glass and sipped, only to end up coughing. "What the hell is this?" 
"I’m sure Polly knows. She brought me that apple juice." You motioned to the glass. Tommy cleared his throat and sat it aside. 
"We'll celebrate properly downstairs." He kissed you again, then looked down. Though he could only feel the beading of your dress, he may as well have heard the heartbeat. You placed your hand gently over his. 
"There's a bit of you and a bit of me in there, Mr. Shelby."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Mrs. Shelby."
Tommy Tag List: @soleil-dor;  @amysteryspot​; @captivatedbycillianmurphy
JGB Series Tag List: @biba3434 ; l0tsofpennies; @sighonahurricane
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