#anyways i take great pride in my work i think they look awesome :)
cimicherrychanga · 1 year
can u show off some of ur kandi? i’m curious what u got!!! :3
i just gave a bunch of bracelets and cuffs away this week so i dont have that many anymore but!!!
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these are my simple ones, the bottom bracelets arent rly kandi but hey theyre colorful plastic beads, they go in the outfit. the pastel ones on the right with big pony beads added are made specifically to look nice with lolita coords!
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and these are my cuffs! the ones with text say "harbinger of doom", "suscitare infernum" ('raise hell' in latin) "worm king" (my official title!) and, my favorote, "poponar emolău" which is in my opinion the funniest way u can say "emo faggot" in romanian :)
ive been meaning to make more cuffs and esp cool 3d ones but i dont have nearly enough beads n cant afford getting more yet but i WILL soon ive already saved some tutorials for what i wanna do >:3!!!
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vshthestmpede · 2 years
Hiya, I've had this idea tinking around in my brain for a while now but- How do you think Wolfwood would be around someone who's Vash and Knives' younger sibling?
wolfwood + vash/knives' sibling(platonic & romantic)
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word count; 562
warnings; none!!
note; gawd this man is so FINE i swear to gods,,, anyways thank you so much for requesting!! this is such a cute idea, i totally ran with it haha <3 sorry for the tiny break, got caught up w birthday stuff and work!
cross-posted to ao3
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at first, nick honestly saw you as a bit of a nuisance
"great, a jr needle noggin. we gotta babysit while trying to keep our hides safe as well?"
instead of being offended, you ended up laughing - which took him by surprise
unlike most who endured his constant teasing, wolfwood was glad someone could go back and forth with him
on top of that, you made a show of proving you could handle yourself fine, effectively showing him up
"not bad, kid." a playful, teasing ruffle of your hair as he passed you
"i know, right? 'm pretty awesome," you shot back, earning a chuckle
"sure, sure, whatever floats your boat."
"i'd sure love to see you take down two bandits at once without using that cross of yours," you quipped back, catching up to him
ROMANTIC (all of the stuff above + more)
one day, the teasing became something. . .more to wolfwood
it wasn't the same as when he went at meryl, or what it was when he started with you
he would often get flustered and stumble over his words whenever you would prod at him
this, in turn, would cause you to dig into him even more until he would storm away from you or stop talking altogether
the rest of the group would also notice this change in wolfwood's behavior, meryl catching onto what was going on way before you and vash would
god, the two of you were so similar
seeing that you were too oblivious and wolfwood would be way too prideful to admit anything, meryl decided it was up to her to clear the air
she took advantage of the peace aboard the sand steamer, right as day began to fade into a beautiful, starry night
the four of you were on the observation deck, watching the great expanse of the great sand ocean whiz by
"hey, vash, can you come with me? i wanted to, uh, check out something," meryl said, tugging on the sleeve of his red coat.
"why do i have to go?" vash questioned as meryl tugged him along regardless
as they left, vash complaining that he wanted to look at the stars and meryl hushing him, you glanced sideways at the always stoic wolfwood
"sure is pretty." you broke the silence, leaning forward against the railing. "you okay?"
snapping out of his stupor, wolfwood mirrored you and leaned forward as well, nodding his head
"just been in my own head is all," he admitted and you raised an eyebrow as a cue for him to continue. "it's nothin', really."
"clearly not," you responded, bumping your shoulder against his. "did i overstep a line or somethin'? you're hardly as chatty as you used to be, nico. i'm sorry if i did, i just thought-"
"(name), you didn't do anything wrong," he interrupted, slowly reaching over and putting his hand over yours. "i just, i -"
you both whirled around, wolfwood scowling and you blushing, to see vash dragging away meryl, who fruitlessly punched at the air
you heard wolfwood 'tsk' and as you turned to look at him, to laugh it off, you were met with his lips on yours, needy and somewhat desperate for you to kiss back
you happily did so, noting that it seemed his favorite flavor of lollipop was strawberry with how the sweetness mixed with the bitter of cigarettes
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
well, covid is thusfar just a mild sore throat. i would not have tested except that i had been so uncomfortable in that crowded bar with no masks anywhere on saturday night. to be perfectly clear, i was not wearing a mask either. i was drinking a beer and i was tired and i realized that i'd be stuck there so long that taking the mask off to drink and putting it back on again would be pointless, going without a drink would make the entire experience miserable, and if i wanted to talk to my companion, he'd need to read my lips because it was loud in there, and i just thought, well, this is it. and i was right; that's how i got covid. so if you can keep your masks on like i had been doing for the previous almost three years, you might just make it, though i'm hearing from other people that they're finally getting it now too, it's just too omnipresent.
however, it does also seem to have become less severe. so far, for me, it is, anyway. i genuinely would not have bothered with testing, over this; my temperature is stubbornly 97.5 degrees, normal for me, and i have no other symptoms. which is awesome i am not complaining. i'm just worried that the mild throat congestion will do what colds like this always used to do to me, and go down into my chest and become bronchitis. i really really don't need covid bronchitis thanks. so i'm taking dextromethorphan and guaifenisin and drinking hot tea and taking vitamins and i do plan to try to rest, i just haven't so far.
i'm occupying myself in textile projects, as one does. pictures behind cut. yes sorry i know dreamwidth, the cuts don't work. i'm also told the polls come through looking absolutely bonkers, so congrats and i hope you enjoy the aesthetic of it. i would like to come up with a good way to make it more obvious what's an original post by me and what's a reblog but the tags don't consistently work and i can't think of any other way to do it, but i mean, this has been a years-long project, so. sorry.
anyway pictures:
firstly, i inkle-wove a hatband of Dude's own design for a hat he bought in Cartagena. He plans to secure it with an amber brooch. He has great taste. He needs to wear hats more.
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[image description: an inkle-woven band in progress, warped on an inkle loom; it's about 1.75" wide, and is a gradient of stripes in red, burgundy, and orange.]
I got a book about inkle pattern drafts and such so he studied that and came up with this, which is an objectively cool design I fully intend to copy in blues and greens next. I also should do it in pink, purple, and blue because of my next project.
I continue to enjoy the Cashmerette pattern club, and the latest design was a puffer vest. I remembered that I have a garbage bag full of wool garments, unpicked-- someone painstakingly unpicked a bunch of really nice wool ladies' garments (I'm assuming, from the size and colors), laundered and ironed the fabric, and then it got donated to the quilting club Dude's mom is in, and she was like we... don't... quilt in wool, and gave them to me and I've sat on them for years trying to think of The Perfect Thing and lo, it's this. A puffer vest? Of nice formalwear wool? Heck yes. And by coincidence, the center front fit on a pair of unpicked vivid-navy trousers, and then the side seams with the big princess shoulder scoops fit on a deep purple former skirt, and then the back fit nicely with some sort of off-center but straight at least seams onto a large magenta skirt, so I have an accidental bi pride vest. And I'm going to stuff it with some carded wool, from the fleece I roadside-scavenged in 2017 or whenever that was; I have a bunch scoured but it's not ideal for a beginner to hand-spin, and now i have a whole new fleece to hand-spin, so i might as well card this into batts?
Anyway here's the experimental section I'm doing, which I plan to launder to see whether I get bearding or felting. (I backed the wool with some thin silk habotai, to prevent the carded wool from poking through.) I wasn't sure what to make with the finished item but Chita has claimed it, so I'll see if she wants it as a bed.
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[image dscription: a gray cat sits on a square of pieced wool fabric in shades of purple, pink, and blue, with safety pins holding it together; one corner shows fluffy undyed wool fibers poking out where I haven't quilted it down yet.]
Not the finest quilting work but it's a rough draft and anyway it's got charm.
i'm hand-quilting most of it but i do intend to do the binding by machine and also do a little bit of machine quilting because i need to determine whether i can machine-quilt this vest or if i want to do it by hand. my hand quilting is sorrrrt of terrible, is the thing, but then so is my machine quilting, and this is going to be janky anyway, so i have to figure out if i lean into that or if i try to do better. It's an artistic process, y'know??
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whatyourusherthinks · 4 months
The Garfield Movie Review
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Ah Garfield. The dead-beat dad of the Sunday morning paper. He was popular once, but years of resting on their laurels has made him nothing but a some-what sad joke. Anyway this movie looked bad. Real cookie cutter, bland, kids fare honestly. It did look better than the Bill Murray ones, but almost anything is better that the Bill Murray Garfield movies. I shudder thinking about those horrible eyes.
What's The Movie About?
Garfield and Odie involved in a heist of a dairy farm because of Garfield's dad and an insane Persian. Persian cat, not a person from Persia.
What I Like.
Dudes, what the fuck. This movie is actually really good. For starters, this movie is hilarious. Not every joke lands (and all the worst jokes are either awful cat puns or jokes where the punchline is "Modern gadgets sure exist, huh.") but there's a good 4/5 of comedy that is quick and hilarious. The only pauses in the comedy are for just for visual gags that look like they could've been pulled straight from the comic strip. There is a lot of background gags, admittedly some those awful puns, and the physical comedy is no slouch either. I was guffawing a whole lot more than I ever thought I would. And the movie has some really good emotional moment too. I really like Vic, Garfield's dad and his story was great. All the voice acting (with one notable exception) was great too. Animation is a bit simple, but it is perfect for a Garfield movie since it looks like the simple comic strips, just with more backgrounds and slight texture detail on character. The movie isn't afraid to make fun of itself as well, which I always appreciate, and it is perfect to establish not taking the world too seriously. Funnily enough though, the worldbuilding is much more consistent at following its rules that IF, the kids movie that came out the week before.
What I Didn't Like.
Act surprised when I say that my only issue with this movie is Chris Pratt. He's not horrendous in the movie, there are a couple line deliveries where I thought to myself, "That line kinda sounds close to what Garfield should sound like." But he does not blend with the character, unlike every other actor in the movie. I wasn't as initially dismissive of Chris Pratt as most others. I think he's a good voice actor actually, but here's the actual problem. Chris can only play 3 kinds of characters: the Goofball, the Everyman, and the Generic Action Hero. And Garfield is a Boor stereotype. He's supposed to be dry and sarcastic, uncaring because of either laziness or pride. They do give Garfield more goofy lines presumably in an attempt to make it work better. Didn't work. Funnily enough, the movie makes a bunch of jokes about Mission Impossible (I mean, Ving Rhames plays a mastermind) so I wonder if the film makers wanted Tom Cruise to be the lead. I could actually see that working pretty good.
Final Summation.
I feel undercut here. The Garfield Movie is good, but it's not so good that I'm super excited to tell you all about it. There's not really a lesson to learn in relation to this movie either. I guess I can end with this joke: I came out of the Garfield Movie higher than Furiosa. Not because it's a better movie, good lord no. But I had expectations about the quality of Furiosa that it met, while I had no expectations for Garfield and it vastly succeeded them.
So which is better, IF or this movie. Eh.... The problem here is that the Garfield Movie and IF are good for different reasons. IF was more imaginative (of course it was) and has a better message for kids, while Garfield is more structurally competent and would definitely be more entertaining for the parents. Honestly... If you can double feature them, go ahead. They are both less than 2 hours. Otherwise I'm leaning towards IF.
Anyway, chalk another notch up for a movie I thought was gonna suck actually being kinda awesome. This has lowkey been one of the best parts of this whole 'watch everything that comes out' experience. There's not going to be any reviews for a bit, since no new movies come out next week and I'm probably gonna be too busy to start watching Columbo again. Ciao!
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softpine · 1 year
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thank you guys for indulging me, you literally changed my whole mood 💖
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@morrigan-sims mac absolutely counts :P i forget how long it's been since you guys have seen him, because he's always running around in the background being a nuisance while i'm trying to set up scenes fjskjds but anyway, thank you sooo much for sharing!! the supernatural elements are definitely my favorite too, i try to keep them balanced because i know they're not for everyone, but i find them so interesting to explore.
steviiiie my girl stevie. i don't pick favorites but she does have a special place in my heart (unfortunately for her, that means i pass a lot of my own issues onto her lmao but what else is writing for?) to answer your question: the dream she had as a kid was just a regular "wishful thinking" type dream, nothing prophetic! but if stevie got the chance, she absolutely would go comfort her younger self. she needed the hug :(
ahh i remember that anon about coco, that's so cool that you guessed that!!
thank you so much for this message, for always giving the best feedback, for being soooo awesome, all that great stuff :') 💖💗
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@titoro woahhh i know exactly what post you're talking about and that's so long ago, thank you for being here 🥺💖💖💖 i'm so thankful that you would go out of your way to keep reading, and i hope YOU know how appreciated you are 💗
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omg same, i have to rein myself in otherwise i would give you 293293029 alternate universe finns 😭 and that's awesome, my favorite thing is giving characters enough depth where you can be angry at them and also understand them and wish things were different! thank you so much for reading 💖💖
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@rebouks WHAT i had no idea you read frozen pines before you joined, that's so cool 🥺 you inspire me constantly so you have no idea how much it means that i inspired you a little bit too. and i'm so happy that's the message you took away; i used to get embarrassed over how much i cared about my silly little NOT LITTLE sim story, but there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed over anything they care about and have put so much love into creating. i have a lot of pride in what i've created and i hope you do too 💖 thank you so much for sharing, this made me so happy to hear 💗
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godddd this is so sweet, thank you so so much for taking the time to share this with me (it's not too much, it's juuust right haha) 💖 these are some of my favorite scenes i've ever worked on, so i'm really glad you like them!! it's rare that i ever look at one of my own posts and wouldn't change anything, but that's how i feel about jada & alisa's confrontation, like it literally jumped out of my brain and onto the screen exactly how i pictured it. it makes me crazyyy 🥴 i just recently re-read the stevie + truck driver story and the funny thing is, i have no memory of whatever "daddy issues tiktok trend" i was angry about, but i'm glad i wrote it. you're not alone in it being a little too relatable lol. NYC griffin!!! i miss him :( he was probably the happiest version of finn we've seen yet. at the very least, he was the version with the most freedom. "i will love you in every life" literallyyy 😭 and he WAS the catalyst for asa and finn's real kiss omg. asa would've taken way longer to confess his feelings were it not for NYC griffin. pour one out for him!! sjksjd thank you soooo much for this lovely message 💖💖
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ahhh that's a huge compliment, thank you 🥺💖
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@bitchyybabyy400 omg if i was an outsider and casper/talon's kiss was the first thing i saw, i'd back out soooo fast (i'm really sensitive to second-hand embarrassment fjksjds) so i applaud you for sticking around :') and an IDEA BOOK that's so cool !!!! i'm legit honored, thank you so so much 💗💗 huge congrats on testing out of that class!!
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@moonfromearth ooh this is super interesting, i'm always curious to know which posts "hooked" new readers!! it's amazing to hear that each characters' personality comes through even though you don't know who they are. and you even read the short story!! that's so cool, thank you!! 💖
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awww yes selvadorada!! i need to speed things up so we can get back there faster lmao. this is so sweet, thank you 💗
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@kanakomimura ohh man yeah, the labor scene made me emotional too ;-; and of course the breakup scene, i'm still pleased i was able to shock people with something we all knew was coming. thank you so much for sharing, this means a lot 💖
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@hedgehogs-and-songbirds thank you!! i ended up building a compost bin which took me all afternoon, but was pretty fun sjfksjd and i miss that era sooo much, it's why i'm always doing flashbacks and remaking their teen sims because i miss them 🥺 but it's been fun to try new things too! i'm so happy you're still around 💖💖
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Force All HQ Quotes - JP & ENG
[translated some of these on the guide book notes anyway so why not gather them all. I avoided it because Lowe’s sexual harassment bums me out but it came up on the guide anyway so whatever at this point. I promise other characters get better stuff.
Since I did not play the JP version quotes are taken from this handy list. English screenshots are from an old playthrough of mine so Max has a different name.
Also, several active team quotes were reused (with occasional tweaks) in the GBA version and translated accurately there. I didn’t have the patience to screenshots them all but used them as reference in my own translations. That’s enough rambling so let’s go]
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"Nothing to fear while I'm here! Take me to battle always!"
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"Everyone's talking about how awesome the last battle was, c'mon, take me on the next one! It won't be fun to go back home without anything to brag about."
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"Getting to fight as a real knight is like a dream come true. I'll do my best!"
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"I'm sorry, Max, but traveling through all these countries is a lot of fun."
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"I'll fight to my very end... I want to be of service to you!"
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"...Hmm, hmm... Mythical magic? ... I don't get it... Where could it be? ...I don't understand... but I want to."
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Active: the english version is perfectly accurate, save for cutting the ellipsis
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"Max, seems like you were really fierce in the last battle… You’re brave... While I’m so, so afraid. I wonder how the others feel."
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"I'm the support so that everyone can fight with no worries... But let me fight too sometimes!"
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"Ah, I'm bored, so bored. I feel like messing with the girls now. Whoa, what! That's a scary face, man... I got it, I'll behave."
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[much better]
Active: the english version is accurate.
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"Humpf, huff, huff! Hiyah! What are you staring at so intently? I'm training so that my attacks get stronger."
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"This great Gort isn't about to lose to any youngsters yet!"
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"Max! Want some sashimi? I and the other guys who were free caught some fish and cut them up with this sword. Oops, was that not okay?"
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"I inherited my father's strength! I won't forgive you if you look down at me for being a woman!"
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Rest: the english version is accurate save for cutting a "One two! One, two!" at the beginning
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"Tell me when you get hurt, okay? Even a small wound can make you unable to fight if you don't care for it."
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“B-Blaaaze! ...Aww, it really doesn’t work... Max... I think it’s impossible for a priest to use Blaze...”
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Active: english version is mostly accurate but missing the end part.
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"Max, thank you for your efforts. I'll do my best too, so take care of yourself as well."
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"Max! Listen here, Lowe just touched my butt! If he does it again I'll blast him with a Blaze spell."
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Active: english version is accurate
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"Once this journey is over, there’s something I want to do. I’m thinking of searching for the legendary golden Holy Grail..."
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"I'll fight until these wings break. With our pride as rulers of the sky..."
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"*crack* *crack* Oh, my neck is tense. I've been flying all year so this area around the neck gets stiff. It gets harder to move the wings too."
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Active: english version is perfectly accurate
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"*flapflapflap* *flapflapflap* I just can't stand still on the ground! *flapflapflap* *flapflapflap*"
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Active: english version is accurate although cutting a generic "I'll strike them all down!" at the end
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"*click* *click* *nyooooom* Ah, this? I'm restringing my bow. Should be okay now. *nyoooom*"
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"We werewolves were born to fight. Of course I wish to be at the battlefield..."
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"*swish* *swish* *swish* *swish* My claws are my weapons. Of course it is crucial to take care of them. Good, they look in excellent shape."
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"Don't get it wrong. I'm a real knight. I don't just go whenever the money is."
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"*clop clop* *stab!* Whoa! That was close... I might end up hurting you if you come to talk while I'm training."
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Yogurt his japanese line is the same either in the active team or not:
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"...I don't get it..."
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"Yahoo! I'm fired up to fight! I'll make quick work of those Runefaust guys!"
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"Hey there, Max! Behold the wonders of modern life! Walking is now a thing of the past."
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"Putting me in battle means you have great eyes! As expected of a leader!"
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“(hic) Drinks, more drinks! Keep bringing on the drinks! Oh, if it ain’t Max! Say, my glass’ been empty for a while now, fill it up for me, won’t ya?”
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"Ahem. Did yu know? There's thwee times more ocean than land in this wold."
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“Ahem. Did yu know? No one here believs it but, the wold isn’t flat.”
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly
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"Hssss hsssssss... My steam engine's fired up and raring to go!"
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"*Hsssss hssssss* Everything's fine. I'm doing some maintenance right now. Ah, this is the best."
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Active: The english version is accurate save for dropping the drama ellipsis (the jp version is more like “My wish... is to fight at the front lines!”).
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"It's also good to take a break from fighting once in a while. Since I've been fighting all my life..."
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Active: english version is accurate save for cutting out the Assault Cannon's name
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"...Huh? An, an enemy attack? ...Was it a dream? This is really embarrassing. Since I had nothing to do I ended up dozing off I guess."
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"I'll fight! With my pride as a sacred dragon!"
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Rest: english version is mostly accurate but i ended up retranslating anyway
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"*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh* Do I still lack experience? I'm not great at using my tail."
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"Any specters that appear shall be cut by my sword. Gahaha!"
[Check the notes on his bio for the specters/mononoke thing. Also, like most samurai characters in media, Musashi uses some outdated language. Unfortunately I don't know enough old english to try to adapt that.]
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"... ...I'm awake... Perhaps you do not know. This is a form of meditation, Zazen. It is part of my training."
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"Let's do our best together to defeat Darksol."
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"What is the deal with that priest, Lowe? He's been loitering around for a while. It's quite unpleasant, could you do something about it?"
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Active: the english version is accurate, if a bit clumsy
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"Please try to not be hurt badly. If your allies are hurt, leave them to me."
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"Max, you're wide open! *thump* Aah, you didn't feel it at all? Ohh, were I powerful like a monk, maybe I'd stand out more."
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly.
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"I was born to serve you... I will follow wherever you lead."
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“Darksol… I cannot forgive him. Even Chaos was used by him… I won’t ever forgive him…”
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly.
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"...A ninja is a man of few words. We are content to show our strength in battle..."
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"Everyone is very active. Well, it's fine by me. I am of the shadows. A bright place like this does not suit me. But should you desire, I'll lend you my power."
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snowbatsims · 1 year
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It looks like someone is home.
RUNE: Huh. It's decorated? What day is it?
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RUNE: Wait.... it's my birthday, isn't it. How old am I now, anyway? Seventy-something? Eighty? RUNE: ...eh, the number doesn't really matter. I'm old enough to have elderly siblings, I know that much.
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RUNE: Hello? Anyone home? MORTEN: Hi!!!! Hello! You're home!! RUNE: I am. What's up? RUNE: No really, what's up with all the party stuff- RUNE: Did you set up a birthday party for me this year? MORTEN: Yeah!!! :D RUNE: Alright. MORTEN: Um, just one caveat though... I didn't know how to contact your family about it. I'm so sorry. I did invite a few other people, but- RUNE: It's fine, I'll invite them myself.
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RUNE: Frøya! Hello! We're hosting a-- RUNE: Oh. You can't come?
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RUNE: Aha. I see. So Odin and Frigg moved in? RUNE: Babies? RUNE: ...... RUNE: Alright. RUNE: I see. Great. RUNE: Fine, I'll see you all some other day then...
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RUNE: Soooo when was this starting again? MORT: Oh, it already did! As soon as you got home... I think the guests should be arriving anytime now. RUNE: Oh. MORT: Also, you look like you just got back from a pride party? That's so perfect, hah. RUNE: Well, maybe I did! Someone at work arranged it. RUNE: Since it's autumn, it was hosted indoors, so I could actually attend for once. Got this shirt for free too. MORT: niiice :D
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In the meantime, Einarr is preparing drinks.
And Rune spots a familiar face.
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RUNE: ERWINNNN!!! DUDE!! I've missed you!! ERWIN: Me too! RUNE: I haven't seen you in what, ten years now? Man, we really need to talk more often. You have a Social Bunny, right? ERWIN: Yeah!! RUNE: Awesome, I'll make sure to add you then. RUNE: Isn't the trip from Strangerville to Brindleton really long?? ERWIN: Oh, it is! I just happened to be in the area this week.. and then I heard from Mort that it was your birthday, so I figured I'd drop in.
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RUNE: Oh, come here you-
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RUNE: Anyway... alright, just wanna make sure: you're not still mad at me, right? ERWIN: Wha-- oh, that! ERWIN: Yeah, no, Strangerville has been fine for years. It's all good, there are no mother plant zombies in sight, besides the Roswell guy, but we all agree he's the resident weirdo. ERWIN: We're fine. I think. RUNE: Only mostly. ERWIN: Hm? RUNE: Kvikindi got infected. Again. While she was at college. ERWIN: Kvikindi? RUNE: The green alien kid we brought along with us. See, she went back, and now she needs a cure again. ERWIN: Oh... ERWIN: How did that even happen?! RUNE: She said she drank from some guy... ERWIN: OH. ERWIN: THAT'S GOT TO BE, ERWIN: TED ROSWELL.
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RUNE: Damn, of course somehow we forgot to cure the weirdest one of them all... ERWIN: Ah, don't worry! ERWIN: I've done a lot of research since then, and I've found that it's not exactly contagious, unless you literally ingest the spores, which can only be found in the blood of the infected these days... We will take care of this, right? RUNE: Yeah, we really need to craft up another set of cures somehow... ERWIN: You're always welcome at my place, my man.
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RUNE: Wait, you have a place to call your own now? ERWIN: Well, kind of! Mr. Cahill died recently, and he left the Old Penelope in his will, to me. It's mine now. RUNE: Wait, that was the local plane wreck, wasn't it? ERWIN: Yep! RUNE: Oh, you live in a plane wreck now? ERWIN: Yeah! Isn't it cool! Definitely beats living in a dusty motel room! RUNE: I can imagine. Morten, downstairs: THERE'S FOOD!
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MORTEN: Are you sure you want to eat that cake? I mostly made it for the human guests- RUNE: You made this cake for my party, and also I would feel really rude not to. RUNE: Also I'm curious. MORTEN: No seriously, you really don't have to!
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RUNE: I still have tastebuds. I want to try something other than blood for once. MORTEN: Your weak stomach though?? RUNE: I can handle it.
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He could not, in fact, handle it.
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MORTEN: Dude... don't tell me you tried that cake too. EINARR: Apologies, curiosity for your baking got the best of me as well. Sadly, all I'm finding out is that my tastebuds are really not what they used to be. MORTEN: Einarr PLEASE- EINARR: Alright, no. I cannot stay here. Just excuse me for a moment-
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MORTEN: ...Einarr? MORTEN: Good lord what have I done.
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Rune discovered his pile of gifts!
RUNE: Oh?? Is all this for me? NEAT.
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RUNE: No way... An embroidered rainbow! Cute!! RUNE: Einarr, did you make this? Thank you!!
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RUNE: Wait, is he here at all? MORTEN: Last I saw him, he had to excuse himself for a bit... BAT: ????!
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NICOLE: Hey, where did all your hair go? EINARR: Eh, just had an incident. Figured it would be quicker to simply chop it all off for a bit, instead of awkwardly taking a bath during a party. NICOLE: That seems a bit drastic, man. EINARR: It's really not. NICOLE: You sure?? That braid of yours looked like years of growth. EINARR: Not for me. It will all be back by tomorrow. I am serious - do not worry about it.
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EINARR: Wait, did anyone here even want macaroni and cheese? EINARR: Why did i start doing this again? EINARR: Eh, too late to stop now.
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ERWIN: Wait... you were that infected alien kid, weren't you? KVIKINDI: Who the hell told you that :)
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MARIA-ELISE: Hey, so I've been thinking - since I'm your mother, and am also honestly getting a bit too close to the elder stage, would you mind if I moved in with you guys? MORTEN: Oh?? I'd love that! MORTEN: I do think I would have to check with the others before making any final decision, though. MARIA-ELISE: Great! I'll stay around when the party is over, then. MORTEN: Sounds good.
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After the party was over, Einarr decided to pick up every stray plate around the house, which somehow included running outside.
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Overall, a pretty successful evening.
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jsuhosh94127 · 9 months
2023 | 12-29-23 5:16 PM
hi, blog!
ooooh, year 2023 is about to end! so, as a little recap, i'll be posting and jotting some of the highlights, experiences, and learnings i've gathered this year. so, this might take really long to capture everything
ps. please bear with me while we go through together this journey-and i'm already asking for some understanding that there will be grammatical errors as i just typed this on the fleet of the moment. hahaha (while listening to paramore! what a throwback ><)
during new year, i never have ever thought that this year would bring out so many things. but, i prayed and really put my faith and heart to wish and look forward that this year would bring all the unexpected, great, and wonderful blessings. and, well, truly! all good and great things happened. as a summary:
i graduated magna cum laude, like boi!!! that's one of the unexpected things i received. i have these inferiority issues that keeps me from taking pride of what i achieve. whenever i would look at my grades on the portal i need to have peptalk myself that i did my best and really put effort on every points i have.
i passed licensure examination for teachers. this one too. i cried the night after the exam. i wasn't able to enroll on any review center because y'know budget and priorities. i submitted papers and the exam fee a day before the last day of submission. i forgot to take my noa from the cashier and took us a week or so to get it. those days, the review days and waiting days are tooooo long. there are times i would cry myself to sleep and go on work like nothing happened. as all i have are the everyday afterwork review and the 3day in house free review by my alma mater, PNU, who called me as i was endorsed by the dean. anyway, i realized that i really did put effort and prayers and having 90.20 average for the exam is really awesome! (thank you get it-keshi and 7rings-ariana grande for reminding me to always get up and get that bag)
i have a decent paying and a work that i finally learn to love. it all started 4 months before our graduation and my schedule is all free so i decided to work immediately. after our finishing school, i immediately prepared my cv and requirements, look online for school vacancies. then, tadda! i am where i am now. funny thing about my employment process is that, there are some applicants before me and the school is still on the screening process. and there is still one person after or before me, i think (?) but after my demo and interview, the school directress asked me if i am readily available to go tomorrow to start my job. ofcourse, i said yes and yippie yup, i love my bffs now. hahahaha. >< even though i can't even have a me time as they always hug and bug me.
buy things that are pink. buy things for myself, buy things i want buy make up, and continue do my hobby. mag-ganda gandahan all day, every way. hahaha
groceries and things for the fam. this one is more of a breadwinner and ate duties, though sometimes i need to sacrifice my wants, it feels fulfilling to give and see my mom's smile. i luv it so much!!!!
not hesitating to buy and have and give things just because i want to.
learn and try new things! i learned how to do eyeliner precisely and perfectly. i was able to eat on different food shops and try new things (with my bf ofc, because if i don't like it he knows what to do! hahahha :P) i also learned how to handle student and people with special needs. i learned that life to each and everyone of us is different, and that's really beautiful.
new friends and reconnected to old friends.
prayers, talking to yourself, and having alone moments. this helped me during the times i am sick. having muscle pains everyday is really irritating but having mindfulness techniques helped me to get by and being open on your condition will greatly make life a little easier.
forgive. freely and wholeheartedly. myself and those people i need to so i can run free from the hurt. idk, but for me forgiving is a must so i can move and see life in a clearer view. but, yeah, i don't forget and i know the place and boundaries and all. i always say it to myself that when i made a mistake "oopsie, i can't undo it, but maybe i can be kinder the next time around." it may sound cheesy and too optimistic, but talking to myself like a 5 year old kid, heals.
listened to new artists. hindi na si keshi at doja cat lang. hahahaha. i learned to go back and listened to the songs when i was moving on, when i was just barely living, and when i am on my lowest. now, i'm listening to them casually reminiscing each moment. acjkkk, life is so nice. some parts of me healed through it.
being grateful. idk, but being grateful to whatever it is, makes me feel better and knowing that if i can handle this, i'll be able to handle much beautiful and greater achievements or things.
basta, marami pa. marami pa akong gustong ilagay sa true lang. i just can't put it here all. should i make a part two? jk. hahaha. but all in all, i want to give praise to God. for making me safe, protected, provided, guided, and sane this year. there's a lot of struggles, left and right. but, knowing that there is someone or an entity that listens to me and where i can speak to anytime makes me feel less alone. (im not lonely, there are many people i love and loves me.) it's just there are thoughts that i think i always keep to myself, and having times where i just look up and blurt out words, makes me feel more connected.
this is taking too long na ata? reader check, press 1. hahaha. until next year again my friends! i pray and hopefully, we may see life in a greater light. i hope we could list more achievements and wonderful things, do greater and kinder things. either be it small or big, may it sound like a leaf on a river or a tree in the forest, every effort to support, be kind, and do for the love of other is the best thing we can do all year round. most importantly, be kind to yourself. always. love it and help it grow. may we become rich in finances, love, life, beauty, and be hearty as always. may 2024, bring the success we all work and put effort for.
i hope than whenever and wherever we are may we grow and bloom and shower everyone around us with love and kindness!
i love you all! <3
0 notes
I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!Eren Jeager Relationship Headcannons
Modern!Eren Jeager x reader
a/n: I love this little shithead. These are just some headcannons of how I think it would be being in a relationship with modern!eren. Just to clarify, the characters are always aged up and in unversity if it’s a modern!au unless otherwise stated!! Please enjoy and feel free to come in my inbox and share your Himbo!Eren thoughts😩
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Ok, for starters, Himbo Eren Supremacy!
Eren might not be the uhm smartest, he’s kind of a big cuddly idiot, and he is big and respects women -> Himbo!Eren
Being with Eren means having a box full of ridiculous hand made gifts from Eren that he insists on you keeping for sentimental reasons, no matter how senseless they are
They’re usually really stupid and cheesy letters he writes on a torn piece of notebook paper while he’s in class when it’s especially boring him
They’re not even coherent thoughts on the paper sometimes
“Hi :) I’m sitting here feeling like I’m going to pass out from how boring this class is, and we’re supposed to be taking notes but I think I’ll just copy them from you or Mikasa later though hahahaha don’t! Tell Arma Armin! He’ll just yell at me :( unless I tell him I like his new haircut maybe which i actually do by the way it’s funny my hairs long now and his is short 1. Oreos 2. Milk 3. Shampoo 4. Hand sanitzer sorry I need this stuff and I would forget if i didn’t write it down. I bet you look really pretty right now :) in my head I’m kissing you teehee”
And every other part of the paper that isn’t filled up with his rambling is stick figure doodles of you two kissing and holding hands and one of him and jean arm wrestling but don’t ask him about it, he lost in his head this time so he’s gonna work out more later sdfnarfn
You have hair ties littered all over your place it’s ridiculous
You find them literally everywhere - probably cause he likes to fling them across the room and see how far he can get them when he takes them out of his hair, he will be stealing most of yours if you use them
He love love loves when you run your hands through his hair and massage his scalp after he takes his ponytail out
He almost immediately lays face down in your lap and groans while he moves around to get comfortable
If you don’t immediately start he’ll just look up at you with a little pout and move one of your hands to his hair and raise his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to pamper him
Loves being pampered and will definitely let you do his nails just to feel your soft hands on his - and cause he likes the way you always rub lotion into them after
Very touchy boy, I HC his love language being Physical Touch, hence how bad he loves being pampered
He loves when he comes out of the shower and comes to lay down with you, all sore from practice - it’s Eren, we know he play’s SOME kind of sport - and your hands start working all the knots out of his back and neck, working their way to the top of his shoulders and squeezing while they drag down his biceps all the way to his hands
Kiss his knuckles and he WILL melt
He never feels more loved than when you’re taking care of him like that, and let’s be honest you don’t mind running your hands over his toned body either
He loves pampering you as much as he loves receiving it, too
Loves rubbing your legs while he lays between them with his head resting on your midsection
His hands are rough due to years of abuse from playing sports, and they feel so good when he’s squeezing the muscles in your calf life that
Sometimes if you’re feeling sore, he’ll help you stretch your legs out
He’ll be sitting back on his knees by your feet, your legs spread in front of him. He grabs your left leg by your calf while he inches forward to lean above and bring your leg up with him, stretching your knee to your ear. The hand that’s not locked on your calf is resting by your head with his face mere inches from yours, his hair tickling your cheeks. You’re like that for a few moments before he leans in and ghosts his lips over yours, abruptly shifting up and kissing your nose instead. “Other leg!” jackass
He would love giving you back massages too oh god, and I mean like proper back rubs.
He’d have you laid out on your bed while hes straddling your from behind and pressing his fingers deep into the sore tissue there - sometimes you fall asleep and drool a little and he finds it so cute
He just loves loving up on you, period
On another note, he wouldn’t just steal your hair ties if you had any, he’d steal everything LMAO
Your hand lotion? He pockets it cause it just smells so good and always had his hands feeling soft whenever you let him use some. And why would he go and buy it if you have some?
Firm believer that y’all share everything
He’s stolen lotion, gum, socks that barely fit him, chapstick, lip scrub, pens, highlighters, literally anything.
And once you start to notice he’s all, “What? We’re in a relationship, partners are supposed to share everything. I mean, you steal my hoodies!”
“Eren, you give those to me cause you said it makes our relationship more ‘official.’”
“Ok, well that’s beside the point. All I’m saying is I don’t see the big deal. You’re more than welcome to take any of my stuff you like!”
Which is a nice thought except for the fact everything he has at this point just seems like more shit he’s stolen from you
More on his hoodies, he goes absolutely bananas seeing you wear his hoodie
He seriously gets so giddy and feels like his hearts gonna explode
He always smiles all big and wraps his arms around and lifts you into the air - it does not matter how big you are he’s going to do it
“Hiiii cutie.” He always says this and then buries his face into the crook of your neck and places sweet kisses there. Then he stands up straight and pulls the hood onto your face and tightens the strings, making it all scrunch up, sadly no he doesn’t care if your hair is done or if you wear glasses, he will do it regardless
One time you were a little grumpy with him from playing games with “the boys” for too long and neglecting you of some attention, so to apologize he just brought you a hoodie with some of his cologne sprayed on it -i just know he smells great- and put it on you and held you and pressed just so many kisses to your face and said sorry over and over again until you were giggling and gave in
He loves when you sit in his room with him while he plays games on his pc with his buddies definitely a PC gamer cmon
However, he will get more embarrassed than frustrated if you hear Jean teasing him cause he’s lowkey trying hard to impress you akfergirgu
“D’ya see that babe? I got first place with the highest kill count and the least amount of respawns 😏”
“Yeah I did Eren, that’s awesome buddy.”
He’d just smile and spin back around in his chair feeling all prideful pls protect him
If you join in teasing him he WILL pout after and you WILL have to make him a grilled cheese as your form of an apology
He will eat it in silence, look at you and try not to smile and just roll over and sigh SO loud
“I guess I can forgive you.”
Please he’s such a brat, but he’s your brat
he’s such an idiot and I jus wanna hug from him and to wear his stupid hoodies 😪 I hope y’all enjoyed! Feel free to browse my blog or pop into my inbox! Love u cutie
taglist: @plutowrites
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Part 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Second Chance Ep 6 fin - Chris & Jeno were TOO CUTE we got ALL the tropes: parental passing on the torch of care (a rare one), hair drying, hair touching, the prom with everyone was in adorable suits (Tang Yi approves), GOOD kisses, confessions galore, boop (+ bonus pool boop), tumblr now thinks they’re lesbians (new trope I’ve just decided on), claiming, rooftop assignation. Conclusion? This is one of the best BL pulps I’ve seen in a really long time. We are PLEASED! 
Y-Destiny Ep 7 - a pretty classic take on the “reformed player/rake” romance trope plus a ton of BL visuals like back hug, messy eater, rooftop assignation, and pillow clutch (a Cheewin signature). Cheewin sure knows his tropes (he should, he started a lot of them and his YYY Special is nothing but a trope parody pastiche, it’s Absolute BL before Absolute BL and A LOT weirder). 
Lovely Writer Ep 11 - The casting closet has come to play. I really like that LW is taking the industry and fans to task. It’s hard to watch sometimes, but it SHOULD be a little squirmy and uncomfortable. This was an excellent Episode 11 and we all suffered for it. I hope they can resolve it well in the finale. They’ve done great work so far, I trust them. 
Close Friend Ep 3: (Willing or Not) - sports kinda romance, it was cute because MaxNat are cute together, but it reminded me a lot of their arc in Why R U, which is to say, short and somewhat forgettable. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 5 - am I over this? I think I might be over it. Not into the punching down humor in terms of femme or Sikhs, I don’t like Pi, and found myself fast-forwarding through most of this ep. Mostly I only watch when Mork is on screen. I wanna know why Mork likes Pi so much, but that’s all I’m interested in. Tons of tropes but I’m not even motivated to screen cap, which is saying something. Look, the characters pretty much lack motivation and so I’m losing sympathy. 
Nitiman Ep 1 - oh I like it. This is the standard Thai BL delicious trash I know and love. 2 Moons university setting pastiche, check! Engineering students = gay, check! Instant hate vrs instant love, check! Seme vrs tsundere uke, check! Plus the side dishes are tasty. I’m disposed to be pleased, especially as Fish is disappointing. Sadly they insisted on singing, but you can’t have everything. 
Love Area Ep 1 - I’m not holding this post just for one BL that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find tomorrow, so I’ll let you know how it is next week. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) Ep 7-8 fin - so flipping cute, their little smiles, just GAH. Bit of a dead fish kiss but I don’t care because I loved this tiny show full of soft bois and no one saying anything directly (except our man with the poetry, I hope he finds his true love). Adorable. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 3 - HOW IS THIS SHOW SO WHOLESOME? This is possibly the cutest thing on air right now (and I don’t actually like children). Just GAH! The actual Taipei pride footage. I didn’t even mind all the product placement (I happen to like that bubbly myself). It’s just so cute. Everyone should be watching this. It will make you feel so good and happy. Not gonna lie, this ep is ALL about queer found family and I might have ugly cried over the teddy bear at the end - in a good way.  *** Quick note because I think it’s super important: in 2020 Taiwan Pride was called March for the World. Why? Because Taiwan managed to control C19 better than any other country, they were the only country able to hold pride safely, so they did it for all of us. I don’t feel like they got enough recognition for this. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 34-36 fin - In the end, WoH turned out to be a morality tale about the superiority of agrarian society over semi-nomadic tribes combined with a message about enduring love profoundly undermined by Chinese censorship. It’s like this amazing meal. I ate my fill, and enjoyed every bite, but had a bit too much, and now I have heart burn. Am I upset about the ending? Sure am. Good for them for manipulating my emotions! Was this a great drama? Yes. Did I expect this from China? Sure did. Do i feel betrayed anyway? Sure do. I guess these things are going to have to coexist in my psyche. Along with heart burn. Here have the actual-not-really-epilogue-ending. It's wafer thin.  I’m putting this one to bed. I feel like I’ve said my piece and I want to move on from 36 courses of pretty men in pretty robes full of pretty innuendoes and deadly peanuts. I’ll miss the big fuck off white fan, tho. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 5 - still very much enjoying it, the secret identity lies are beginning to unravel, tension is increasing. I don’t see how they can resolve this in just one episode tho, so this series might go longer than 6 episodes (rare for Vietnam). 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 8 - I demand Boxiang & Zhigang (repping for the healthy LTR and marriage equality) show up in every HIStory installment henceforth. This was a cute ep, lots of good communication & tropes. Still not sure how I feel about the stepbrothers, but can’t complain about their chemistry (waves at TharnType). Speaking of, how awesome that Yongjie caught the man he always wanted, that man is a SUPER bossy bottom, and Yongjie is like ...
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Crazy rumor that Singto has a new BL in the works (totally unsubstantiated). It’s Still Just Us (frankly, the biggest strike against this being true is how grammatically correct the title is). 
Vietnam is messing with our heads and hearts by putting the leads from Nation’s Brother and Most Peaceful Place together into a delightful little love triangle of... something or other. Honestly, I’ve no idea what this is. The actors playing around? A new series? An advertisement? What? 
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Breaking News
Mandee (of Why R U fame) dropped a “mini intro” for something that they’re calling Bed Friend series. HI BEER! But I thought these two (James & Net) were the side dishes for Middle Love AKA Middleman's Love. I am so confused. (Get your titles together Thailand, no one wants you going down the Taiwanese rabbit hole, mm’kay?) 
Taiwan would call it: Middleman’s Middle Love: Bed Friend. 
Top Secret Together got a full trailer with subs. I’m kinda over ensemble pulp pieces (like Close Friend, Bothers, Y-Destiny) but the presence of Newyear makes this one I’m still going to watch. It starts this Friday on Line TV. 
Cutie Pie the series got a teaser (fundraising trailer). Arranged marriage, home/office set, Thai BL staring Zee? Sign me tf up! I am so excited, I hope they can make this happen. Deets here. (Thanks @heretherebedork for the tip.) 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
“I'm Jace,” said Jace. “I'm Kit's big brother.”
“And I'm Kit. I'm the smart one,” Kit grinned.
Jace glowered. “I'm smart.”
“Sure,” Kit said.
“He's four and is so mean,” Jace pointed out. “But I love him.”
“Aww, what a softie,” Kit joked.
Jace sighed.
“If only someone loved you,” Kit grinned.
“That's taking it too far.”
“Is it, Mr. I'm afraid of ducks?”
Jace and Kit started wrestling.
“Boys, why don't you go play in your bedroom,” Céline suggested. “Just be careful and don't hurt each other.”
They both shrugged and ran off to one of the bedrooms.
“Being the mother to two Herondale boys is hard," Céline said. "And when your wife is a Herondale who only encourages them. . .it can be even harder.”
"I don't encourage them," Rosemary said defensively.
Céline gave her a look. “So it wasn't you who cheered Jace on in the argument against that kid on the playground?”
She shrugged. “We can't help that our son has a sharp wit. He beat that kid into the ground.”
“It's an exhausting job. I love my kids and my wife,” Céline smiled.
“Of course she loves us,” Rosemary crossed her arms and smiled.
“Raziel give me strength,” Céline said.
“Jace and Kit are great,” Rosemary said. “Always pranking each other. What more could you want in your kids?”
“What about how bird poop always ends up somewhere in the house,” Céline pointed out.
“We sanitize everything.”
Céline sighed.
“Where most people say ‘I can't.’ Our boys say ‘I can.’” Rosemary chuckled. “I love them. One time someone told Kit he couldn't climb up a set of stairs and he ran up them so fast. Jace was told he couldn't master piano in a half a year, and he mastered it in two months. They're unstoppable.”
“The boys often play with Michael Wayland's son and Robert Lightwood's kids,” Céline said. “We think Michael and Robert are dating, but we aren't sure.”
“Robert got a divorce a few years ago, couldn't keep a queen.”
“Rosemary,” Céline gasped and hit her arm lightly.
”Anyway, Michael has liked Robert since forever,” Rosemary was gesturing with her hands. “I said we should get them together. But Céline said we shouldn't get involved.”
“Because it isn't our business.”
“Baby, if I hadn't messed around with things that weren't my business, I would have never gotten you,” Rosemary winked.
Céline blushed.
Rosemary smirked. “Is that all? 'Cause I got some other business to attend to.”
They were done, Rosemary pulled Céline toward her and kissed her hard.
“I'm Michael,” Michael waved.
“And I'm Robert,” Robert mumbled, never being one for this kind of thing.
“So the big question everyone has is ‘Are we dating?’ We're both single dads. I tragically lost my wife and Robert tragically got a divorce," Michael said. And the answer is; I don't know.”
“What do you mean you don't know?” Robert asked.
“I don't know. Are we dating, Robert?”
Robert turned away.
“I don't know, either,” Michael admitted.
Robert stared out the window.
“But we do watch our kids together a lot, and I like to pretend we're a family,” Michael smiled. “It's nice when we have all the kids here. Alec is the eldest and he's just the best boy, so precious, so well behaved. Isabelle is the next Lightwood, she's a rebel, and is competitive. Then there's Max, he spends most of his time looking at books, which is odd since he's like almost three. And finally, we have my son. Jonathan is a well behaved boy, so sweet. But so naive. He would get in the van with a stranger. Luckily Alec's here. So when me and Robert are taking care of two kids at once, Alec keeps an eye on the other one.”
“I don't what we'd do without Alec,” Robert finally spoke.
“Well, I mean. . . there's me too,” Michael pointed out.
“Oh, yeah? You.”
“Are you messing with me?” Michael demanded.
“Maybe,” Robert smiled a little.
Michael started to wrestle with him, and ended up on top of Robert, they then gazed into each other's eyes.
(the interviewer left.)
“Hello, I'm Maryse,” she said. “I'm in a relationship with an amazing man. His name is Kadir. And I have come to the realization that I love him. Which kind of pissed me off a little, but also he's just amazing. And the kids love him. Don't you, Alec?”
“He doesn't talk much. I don't talk much, We have a mutual understanding,” Alec said.
”He's a little blank and quiet for my taste,” said Izzy. “But he loves mom. So, he's all right.”
“He cool,” Max said.
“But yes, I filed for divorce from my husband when I was pregnant with Max. I'd had enough, and I didn't want a new baby in the environment we were creating for our children.”
“Thank God,” Alec mumbled.
“Yeah,” Isabelle coughed.
Maryse stared.
“Maryse?” called Kadir.
“I'll be back.” She got up and left.
(One on one with the Lightwood siblings.)
“We're glad our parents got a divorce,” Alec said.
“They always fought. It got really bad at the end,” Izzy added.
“I wasn't born.” Mac continued to stare at his picture book.
“We aren't sad about it. Which might seem cold, but they're both much happier since the divorce.”
“Yeah, and we have two houses. And besides, Michael is awesome,” Izzy smiled. “I think him and dad are secretly dating.”
Alec looked into the camera. “It's uncertain.”
"Luke and I grew up together," Jocelyn said. "But I was married to an asshole before him. My two kids are from my first marriage. Luke loves them as his own, though."
"They're my kids," Luke smiled.
“Luke is our dad,” Clary said. “He does my hair. And he always hangs my drawings on the fridge.”
Jonathan nodded. “He also lfits us up really high and helps us pick apples.”
Clary rolled her eyes. “That's not the point, Jona.”
“It's a point to me,” he argued.
“Kids,” Jocelyn said, “behave.”
“I'm just saying,” Clary shrugged, “it's not the point.”
“And I'm saying that I like to be held up high,” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, it's your pride that needs to come down,” Clary stuck her tongue out.
“Says the one with a bad temper,” Jonathan shot back.
“Kids, enough. Behave we're on camera,” Jocelyn scolded.
“I'll get you a book, Clary. And I'll get you a new music CD, Jonathan. If you both behave,” Luke said.
They both stopped bickering.
Jocelyn hit him on the arm. “You can't bribe them every time.”
“It works, doesn't it?” Luke shrugged.
Jocelyn sighed.
“Yeah,” said Céline, flushed. “We have neighbors that live a little ways out. There's the Lightwoods, the Waylands, the Fairchilds and Luke. Maryse and Kadir live in the city.”
“Sometimes we have dinner with Maryse and Kadir,” Rosemary chimed in. “They're a cute couple. And Maryse is so chill, now.”
“That's true,” Céline nodded. ”To be honest, we were all happy when Maryse and Robert decided to get a divorce ”
Rosemary cringed. “They were really bad at the end.”
“Yeah,” Céline cleared her throat. “They're better now.”
“Now, we're hoping Michael and Robert get together,” Rosemary said. “Then we'd have a same-sex couple to go out with.”
“Well, and for them both to be happy,” Céline pointed out.
“Yeah. That too.” Rosemary looked into the camera.
Jace and Kit came running in then, they both jumped on Céline and Rosemary.
Rosemary started laughing.
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 25 part two
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Jin Jerks Continued
Jin Furen is all judgy about Wei Wuxian, so it's hard to like her, since WWX is our protagonist and whatnot. But! Jin Furen is actually totally awesome. She adores Jiang Yanli and takes sides with her against her own son. She knows he likes Yanli and works her ass off to do all the courting for him, since he sucks at it, rather than picking a random wife for him and sticking him with her choice. She's always gentle with Yanli in her tone and body language. And Jin Zixuan had to get his good side from somebody.
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Wei Wuxian politely tells Jin Furen that it's all over (again/still) between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan, and cousin Jin Zixun rushes up to argue with him, saying he's being too proud and that he shouldn't talk to Jin Furen that way, since she is his senior. Wei Wuxian, still politely, explains the clan politics that underlie every one of these Zixuan-Yanli interactions. As a matter of clan pride, the Jiang Clan can't allow Yanli to be insulted.
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Cousin Jin Zixun immediately goes all in on the clan rivalry, beefing with Wei Wuxian about how much prey he caught. Everybody forgets all about Yanli's situation while they talk about the hunt results instead.
The Jin cultivators--parroting what they heard from Jin Guangyao--say that Wei Wuxian has flute-walked 30 percent of the prey into nets by himself. Lan Wangji actually decides to react to something, saying "30 percent? and giving Wei Wuxian such a series of LOOKS, oh my god. 
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This Wangxian moment is an important one, I think, because it shows where Lan Wangji's priorities are, and they're...wrong. He's continually telling Wei Wuxian "be good," in one way or another; trying to help him back to the correct way of being a cultivator.  Meanwhile the Lans are totally fine with the Jins being murderous shits who feel entitled to insult high-ranking ladies.
CJZX continues to snipe at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji continues to judge WWX for being unsportsmanlike.
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(more after the cut!)
Wei Wuxian says that he's just showing his capability, and CJZX tries to tell him both that 1. he's practicing evil cultivation and 2. he's just playing the flute. WWX offers him Chenqing and says "show me your capability" which I think is cultivator speak for "fight me, bitch." 
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Cousin Jin Zixun moves the goalposts, saying that Wei Wuxian broke the rules, and starts in with class-based dogwhistling, saying "it's understandable that you don't know the rules," and citing examples of Wei Wuxian’s previous bad manners at cultivation events. 
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Things escalate and pretty soon Wei Wuxian is yelling at everybody, threatening to tell them why he doesn't carry his sword, (which would actually clear up SO much) and saying he's going to beat them all using necromancy whatever is just this side of necromancy. 
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Cousin Jin Zixun tosses his birth status at him, and then it's ON. Scary music, shaking fist, Chenqing booting up...
Lan Wangji, who has been singularly unhelpful since CJZX started talking, suddenly forgets his judginess as he's swept into motion by his constant fear of whatever is going to happen next time Wei Wuxian loses his temper. 
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He rushes to Wei Wuxian’s side, grabs his wrist, says his name, and wills him to chill the fuck out. Jiang Yanli joins him, grabbing Wei Wuxian's other arm, and Wei Wuxian manages to get control of himself.
Queen Yanli
Yanli has had it, and she has Wei Wuxian stand behind her while she goes to politely reduce Cousin Jin Zixun to a heap of smoldering cinders.
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First she recaps CJZX's accusations against Wei Wuxian; says she doesn't know a lot about the hunt, and apologizes formally on her brother’s behalf. WWX says "Shijie!" but she shakes her head at him and he shuts up.  
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CJZX laughs and tells her, in a tone designed to infuriate Wei Wuxian even further, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t rate her apologizing on his behalf, and says that their clans are like family; reinforcing WWX's outsider status. I don't think CJZX is taking orders from Jin Guangyao, because he's way too big of a snob for that, but he's definitely helping JGY to move his agenda forward.
Even Lan Wangji is having trouble staying cool during this exchange; he is focused on keeping Wei Wuxian in check but he’s also angry himself, judging from what his neck is doing here, anyway. *Stares at his neck for way too long*
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Wei Wuxian is super upset about Jiang Yanli apologizing, and he’s unable to hold back tears, even with Lan Wangji using the power of extreme staring to help him. 
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Jiang Yangli is nowhere near finished, though and she turns around and proceeds to tell everyone that they suck, that it's not Wei Wuxian's fault if he's more talented than everybody else, and that they are just making up rules because they are a bunch of losers. 
Clan Leader Yao has the nerve to say that they know the rules "in their hearts" which is just another class-based dogwhistle. 
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Yanli defends Wei Wuxian's cultivation method to everybody, saying it's something he worked at and put effort into--that it's different, not wrong. She's literally the only person who defends his cultivation style, even though they all have benefited from it.
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Then she gets right up in Cousin Jin Zixun's face and tells him that it's not ok for him to insult WWX by calling him the son of a servant, and she wants CJZX to apologize. (full gifset here) All of the Jins and Captain Blowhard Clan Leader Yao are SHOCKED at this idea. Jin Furen tries to talk Yanli down but Yanli politely nopes her away, so JFR tells CJZX to apologize.
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He's saved from having to actually do it by the arrival of Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen, who jump down off a box fly over to find out what's wrong.
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Jin Furen yells at smiley, blinkey Jin Guangyao, telling him he should be able to figure out what's wrong, saying "aren't you good at judging the situation," i.e. aren't you a conniving little creep? She's bitchy but she's not wrong.
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When the "30 percent" thing is explained again, Lan Xichen gives Wei Wuxian the same Lan Glare of Sportsmanship Disappointment that his brother did. 
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Lan Xichen: It's fine for my boyfriend's obviously power-hungry family to insult my brother's war-hero best friend in a bid to reduce his social status, but him using magic powers in our magical creature hunt is super wrong.  
Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen explain that they're going to open up more area for the hunt, but it's too late to make Cousin Jin Zixun happy. He takes his ball and goes home. 
The Breaking of the Fellowship
The remaining group stroll slowly through the woods, Jin Furen and Jiang Yanli together, while Wei Wuxian walks at a bit of a distance and Jin Zixuan follows right behind his mother. His mother offers to beat him to make Jiang Yanli feel better. See? Perfect Mother-in-Law material.
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Jiang Yanli tries to leave again, and is stopped again. This time Jin Furen tries to convince her to come back to the stands to sit with her and Jin Zixuan, and not to go with Wei Wuxian. First she tries saying that it's not appropriate for her and Wei Wuxian to be alone together. Yanli shuts that right down, saying that Wei Wuxian is her didi. Then Jin Furen says that Wei Wuxian has "strong wicked energy" and that he may do something evil. Like fighting back when he is ambushed on his way to a party.
Jiang Yanli repeats that Wei Wuxian is her didi, and says that she'll never leave him. JFR keeps trying but Wei Wuxian steps up and takes Yanli by the wrist and goes to lead her away. Jin Zixuan finally, FINALLY admits that he likes Jiang Yanli. 
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He is embarrassed, Jiang Yanli is delighted, and Lan Xichen is amused. 
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Jin Zixuan runs away and Jiang Yanli agrees to go back to Jinlintai with Jin Furen. Wei Wuxian is super immature unhappy about it....
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....but he accepts her decision, in a nearly wordless exchange that we’ll see echoes of much later, between him and Lan Wangji. (Exceptionally cruel gifset here)
Wei Wuxian formally bows to Jin Furen, asking her to take care of his sister. Because he recognizes this for the parting that it is.
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Jiang Yanli isn't wrong to make this choice. She deserves to be happy, and married women in this environment can't live with their original family. But she told Wei Wuxian, over and over, that the three of them have to stick together, only to change course and leave him behind with no warning. It’s not even five minutes since she said "I will never leave him."  Wei Wuxian isn’t the only person making impossible promises in these parts.  
Jiang Cheng and some Jiang cultivators show up, and everyone, including Wei Wuxian, tells Jiang Cheng that he missed an important scene, but nobody will tell him what actually happened. 
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Wei Wuxian says he's going into town, and he leaves Jiang Cheng behind just as abruptly as Jiang Yanli left him.
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Jiang Cheng asks Lan Xichen what happened, and Lan Xichen says "there was an argument but it's mostly smoothed over now; also, Jin Zixuan says he likes your sister."  Ha ha ha ha! Of course he does not say that, he says "You should ask your sister at the banquet" and Jin Guangyao says it wouldn't be appropriate for them, as outsiders, to comment.
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I would like to see Jiang Cheng respond to this by beating the crap out of them with Zidian for being a couple of coy bitches, but he just furrows his brow. 
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JGY hangs back from the group for a second to tell JC that WWX is sooooo great, before they all head back to Jinlintai.
Insecurest Boi
As everyone is walking Jiang Cheng hears Captain Blowhard saying that Lotus Pier made a strong impression today, and that they'll be able to recruit a whole lot of disciples. The cultivators are of two opinions about whether having Wei Wuxian is a good thing for a clan. 
Then a Jin cultivator says he heard that the Yin tiger amulet is made of the missing piece of Yin iron. He says he overheard it from Jin Guangyao. He says even if it's not for certain, the timing fits. Jiang Cheng reacts to this as if he 100% believes it, because Jiang Cheng is a dumbass sometimes. 
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He should just frickin’ ask Wei Wuxian about the amulet. Lan Wangji asked where he got it and Wei Wuxian told him, and Jiang Cheng, while they have their issues, is officially on WWX's side, so there’s no reason for WWX not to tell him.
The Jin cultivator goes on to say that the Jiang Clan ain't shit, that all their deeds belong to Wei Wuxian.  Jiang Cheng takes all of this on board totally unfiltered. Literally everything that any Jin cultivator other than MianMian says is propaganda coming from Jin Guangyao, but Jiang Cheng thinks they're friends and doesn't know how to recognize manipulation. 
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Jiang Cheng is hearing the exact same criticism that Jiang Yanli heard, but he's not equipped to handle it, and instead of fighting back he gets angry at Wei Wuxian. Despite all his recent growth, he is still crushingly insecure, and this is hitting him right in his tenderest spot. Jiang Fengmian has a lot to answer for.
Instant Replacement Sister
Wei Wuxian is off working through his own feelings; he's wandering the street in Lanling with a bottle of wine in hand. Wen Qing, in her red Wen robe and her hooded cloak, is wandering the street in the opposite direction. They pass each other without seeing, in a moment that's excruciating to watch the first time. 
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But then some Jin cultivators obligingly push her to the ground, and Wei Wuxian, with his beautiful heart of fucking gold, hears someone who needs help and turns around.
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For a moment he smiles in recognition, before the smile clouds over. Wen Qing, for her part, looks horrified; perhaps it’s everything she’s going through, but perhaps she can see that he, in his own way, is struggling nearly as much as she is. Meeting with her will galvanize him and give him the life direction he desperately needs.
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A Day Late and a Tael Short
Lan Wangji wants to solve Wei Wuxian's problem, but he lacks imagination, so his best idea is to hide him in Cloud Recesses. 
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Lan Xichen points out that Wei Wuxian might not be on board with that. This conversation is short, but it has some layers, once you know about their parents' relationship. Lan Wangji frowns but doesn't have a second idea.
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Hello! Could I get a platonic, gender neutral drabble for Zhongli and reader who has impostor syndrome and it kicks in especially hard when it comes to his opinion on them? Thank you v much if you'll accept this 🌷
Hello dear! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to finish this one and I really hope you're still interested in this. I don't know much about imposter syndrome (I read a few things about it while I was working on this request), so I apologize if I depicted anything wrong. Have a nice day/night and take care! <3
(Not) Good enough – Zhongli x gn!reader (platonic)
“Well done, (Y/N).”
Whenever Zhongli said these words to you, you couldn’t help but feel like he was lying to you. To you, it seemed nearly impossible that someone like him would say that to someone like you and actually mean it. Surely, he knew that the credits for all the things you had achieved so far didn’t belong to you but to everyone else around you. Without their support, you would’ve never mastered the control of your vision, and most of it had been exclusively good luck anyway.
You looked at him, noticing the soft smile and the proud expression in his eyes as he watched you train your elemental skills. “You’re getting better every day,” he said, unknowing that his words engulfed you in another crisis. Hopefully, he wouldn’t notice that you had just been lucky when you had channeled the energy from your vision to destroy the training dummies in front of you.
Being able to train with Zhongli was a great honor, an awesome opportunity that not many people got, and you really didn’t want to put this experience at risk but a part of you always feared that he would discover that you had only cheated your way through all the time. His compliments always made you anxious, knowing very well that you didn’t deserve them. It was exhausting and grueling to pretend to be someone you weren’t, and yet, you kept going, simply because you didn’t want to disappoint your closest friend.
“If you ask me you’re ready for a real battle, (Y/N),” Zhongli added. “Perhaps we could go to Guili Plains together. There have been increased sightings of Abyss mages recently and someone should head out to stop them. It’ll be a good training for you.”
Oh no.
Your heart sank. There was no way you could fool him in a real battle, especially not against Abyss mages who could make the strongest warrior look weak if they didn’t use a good strategy. So, no matter how you looked at it, as soon as you had to prove your skills in a battle like that, Zhongli would realize how weak and useless you were. He had put his heart and soul into your training, constantly trying help you getting stronger, and it definitely would break his heart to know that everything was in vain.
“I – I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you stammered. “I mean, um, I don’t think I’m ready for something like that. Maybe – maybe we should continue with the dummies for a little longer.”
Zhongli cocked his head. The pride in his eyes slowly faded into something else that you quickly identified as astonishment. “I think you are underestimating yourself quite a bit. From what I have seen here in training, you are more than ready.”
You bit your bottom lip. How could you tell him that all of this had been purely coincidental and that it had nothing to do with your actual skills? How could you explain the gnawing fear of not being good enough in everything you did?
“Zhongli, I-“
He stopped you with a wave of his hand. “(Y/N), listen. We have been training for months now and you make progress every day. If I didn’t believe that you’re ready for a real battle, I would have never suggested it. So, trust me when I say that you are ready.”
“No, I’m not,” you insisted. “The training results – it’s coincidental that I’m so successful. Half of the time, I don’t even know what I’m doing and-“ You stopped mid-sentence and shook your head. “I’m sorry. But I really think you’re overestimating me.”
“Do you want to know what I think?” Zhongli asked and before you could reply anything (for example, that you really didn’t want to have that conversation now), he already continued, “I think you are selling yourself short. You are far more talented than you want to believe, and you continue to belittle yourself for reasons I don’t really understand. I realize that the thought of going out there to fight against Abyss mages can be scary but that is not the only problem here, am I right?”
When you didn’t reply, he gently squeezed your shoulder. “Talk to me, (Y/N). What can I do to help?”
You couldn’t look at him. You had tried so hard to hide your self-doubts and that he was able to see through you so quickly was just another proof for your inadequacy. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m sorry for disappointing you.”
For a brief moment, Zhongli seemed to be at loss for words. He who always found the right words to say, who never hesitated to speak his mind, was actually speechless.
“You’re not disappointing me,” he finally said, shaking his head in disbelief. “What makes you think that? Your success in training is above average, you’re brave, smart and loyal. You see, I’m not disappointed at all. I’m actually quite proud of you, my dear friend.”
“But I’m not good at anything I do,” you whispered. “What you call success… that’s nothing more than being incredibly lucky most of the time. I don’t get why people never notice that.”
Zhongli chuckled. “Because it is not true. What you have achieved so far has nothing do to with being lucky. You work hard every day, (Y/N), and you are capable of much more than you think. There’s really no need to belittle yourself.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words, his voice so earnest that you didn’t want to contradict him again. And maybe, just maybe, you would be able to believe him someday.
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Hogwarts No.1 Ship
Fandom: Harry Potter  Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader Word count: 3.4k Summary: You - Rubeus Hagrid’s niece and a surprising slytherin - have a crush on the Slytherin prince himself, but you are sugar and he is spice and there is no world where the two of you would fit together...right? Warning: Swearwordsm concussion, broken bones, but mostly fluffffffffff Requested by the amazing and patient (I’m really sorry it took so long) @onlycherryblossom​: Hi! I love your work and I was wondering if you could right a Draco Malfoy x Reader. you know, the one we talked about. It'd be so awesome! i hope you have a good day/night! (I won’t put our chat in here so that I don’t spoiler anything)
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Hogwarts had rarely ever known two students who were as opposite to each other as Draco Malfoy and Y/N Hagrid. Draco - who was the embodiment of how people imagined the stereotype of Slytherin to be - was (most of the time) a prideful, cold, unempathetic prick, while you were a selfless, positive thinking, kind and gentle soul that could‘ve been a descendant of Helga Huffelpuff herself. The two of you did have one thing in common though. Your house. The hat had made you both into Slytherins which was on Draco’s side not surprising at all, but quite a shock for everyone who had talked to you for even a minute. Probably the biggest shock was courtesy of Rubeus Hagris - Half-Giant and your adopted uncle (on his father’s side) - who insisted that the hat must have made a mistake, but was quickly shot down by Dumbledoor who assured that the hat didn‘t make any mistakes. After some initial tumbling though, Hagrid realized that the house didn‘t make the person and that it didn‘t matter in what house you were sorted into, you’d always be his little pumpkin. And he was quite right. Even after you had been a Slytherin for just about five years, you had only grown more kind and loving - having bonded with many people in the other houses and years, but not quite as many in your own house. You’d call Blaze and Millicent maybe something close to friends and Pansy tolerated you which is why you gave her the title of ‘good acquaintances‘, but other than that you didn‘t really have a lot of contact with them in your free time. The most complicated relationship you held though was the one to the aforementioned Draco Malfoy. In a weird twist of fate the two of you somehow became the main ship in Hogwarts (with Harry and Ginny or Harry and Hermione as close second) even though you couldn‘t remember more than two or three times that you had talked to the boy outside of a classroom or study environment. Sure, he had never bullied or teased you which already differentiated you from most of the students, but you simply explained it by the fact that you were a good student - especially in potions class - and behaved well enough to gain a number of house points which made you into a good asset to Slytherin and as such made you a less logical target. Now all in itself that would‘ve been more than fine with you, but for some stupid reason your heart decided to betray you against it‘s better judgement and fall for him. Somehow, even after years of seeing him kick others down and behave like a complete douchebag you couldn‘t help but blush slightly at the mention of his name and feel your heart flutter when you walked by him in the hall or in the common room. The worst part was in potions class where he sat right beside you after Snape deemed your former partner as way too unqualified for one of his best students and exchanged him for Draco. Working with him in and of itself was actually rather nice. He was a good student and did his work thoroughly and mindfully, but you found it hard to concentrate when his hand brushed yours as you read a passage in the book or when he poured ingredients in the coultron that you were stirring. You really tried to ignore your feelings and ban every thought of him, but it seemed like you weren‘t doing the best job at it since your uncle kept asking about what it was that was distracting you all the time. On a rainy October day fairly at the beginning of your fifth year you decided you had enough. You were sitting in your Uncles hut with a plate of more or less edible cookies in front of you and a cup of something that was surely supposed to be tea when you finally gathered the courage to say what you had been meaning to say for weeks now. “Uncle Rubeus, can I ask you something?” Hagrid turned to you with his usual smile as he patted fang who was drooling all over his lap where he had laid his head. “Course ya can pumpkin. What’s it about?” “Uhm...well… you know there is this boy that I-“ “Ohhh Ah see,” Hagrid quickly interrupted you before you could even ask the question, “Ya know, usually I’d be more than happy to help ya with every question you have but ah really don’t thin’ I’m the right person for this, I’m sorry.” A little bit disappointed but not really surprised you just sighed and shook your head, telling him that it was okay, before bidding your goodbyes and making your way back to the castle quietly mulling over what exactly your plan b should be now that plan a had failed and you still had no idea what to do with or how to get rid of your stupid crush on Draco.
“You know what I would do if I were you?“ Ginny asked and pointed the end of her quill at you. The both of you were sitting in a corner of the library where you had planned to help her study for her upcoming potions exam, only for her to basically interrogate you until you admitted that you had an unlucky crush, even though she luckily hadn‘t pushed you to tell her who the guy you had a crush on was. “I‘d probably just tell them, I mean what do you have to lose. Either he‘ll say yes and you‘re happy or he says no and you just avoid him like he doesn‘t even exist - which would honestly be the appropriate reaction if he refuses a snack like you. See, no real downside to it.“ “Oh really? Hmmm, I wonder why you haven‘t told Harry how you feel yet then,“ you teased her and tapped your chin. Ginny‘s face immediately started to rival the colour of her hair and the way she crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted reminded you of an overgrown toddler - but in a cute way. “I-I don‘t like Harry, okay? I mean I did when I was like ten because he was famous and I was a child,“ she tried to make sure you really knew how silly she wanted you to believe she thought it was by drawing out the word child for a good few seconds before rolling her eyes and looking to the side, “And anyway, it‘s not like he‘d date his best friend’s sister…“ “Oh Gin,“ you immediately felt bad and grabbed one of her hands with yours, “Have you looked at yourself? You‘re amazing and if Harry doesn‘t see that through his stupid invisible cloak and these glasses than he doesn‘t even deserve you.“ “Even though I admit that yes, I am amazing, this isn‘t the topic that we should be conversing about right now, remember? I think there‘s a certain blond Slytherin that you should be worried about more right now.“ Immediately blood shot right to your cheeks and you quickly looked around to make sure no one could‘ve heard her before leaning forward and hissing: “What? No? I don‘t like Draco? Why would you even think that? I never said that he is the one I have a crush on.“ Ginny just raised her eyebrows in an unimpressed manner, leaning back in her chair and picking the quill back up to play around with while she talked. “Listen honey, I‘m not judging you or anything. Don‘t get me wrong, I still and probably will always think Draco is a major asshole and doesn‘t even deserve to breath the same air as you-“ “He isn‘t that bad…“ “Yes he is, but anyways, no matter what I think of him I also know that you are a clever girl that knows how to protect herself and who knows, maybe you‘d even have a good influence on him.“ Images of you and Draco together with your friend group laughing and having fun crossed your mind and you could feel your heartbeat fasten involuntarily. “That‘s all great and good, but like I said, I don‘t have a crush on Draco,“ you gave the hope of getting out of this situation with the lie you‘ve been telling yourself for months still intact one last try, but Ginny didn‘t give it the time of day. “Oh please, I see the way you look at him in the dining hall and how your eyes are always on him when he‘s playing quidditch and just now you defended him even though the two of you aren‘t even friends. My love-radar is pinging like crazy around the two of you which is why I, Ginny Wealey also known as the love witch-“ “No one calls you that,“ you interrupted her only to be shushed by an evil glare. “I, Ginny Weasley, will help you in fulfilling your desire and getting together with Draco and I already have the perfect plan.“ “No no no no, please don‘t! Don‘t do this! Ginny no!“ you tried to make your point clear but she was already cleaning up her stuff and getting ready to leave. “Don‘t worry oh sweet Y/N, the next time we‘ll talk everything will be set in motion,“ she winked before dashing off leaving you standing in her figurative dust with your mouth agape for a few seconds before you let your head sink onto the table. This would definitely take an interesting turn…
After that you definitely started to actively avoid Draco which was - surprisingly enough - not as easy as you thought. Somehow he was almost always at least in your near vicinity. Besides the obvious factors of class (where you tried to focus on working and on praying whatever Ginny had planned wouldn‘t happen) and when you were eating in the great hall (where you had resorted to sitting at the very end of the table as far away from him as possible) he seemed to also be there in your free time. You were relaxing in the common room? He was there reading a book. You were outside with Harry and co.? Guess who’s coming their way to insult them (while not saying a single bad thing about you). By now there were just about three places where you were sure that he wouldn’t be able to pop up at any given moment. Your room, the bathroom and the potions classroom on Wednesday and Friday afternoon when class has already ended. After Snape had realized that he had some real potions-potential sitting in front of him he offered you extra credit as some sort of teaching assistant which basically meant that you helped him prepare lessons, helped him grade the first to third years tests and that you cleaned up and organized the potions classroom twice a week. Now usually, knowing that you were more than capable of handling the potions and ingredients standing around on your own after having seen you do it for a few months, you‘d be alone while you cleaned up except for the occasional visit of your professor to tell you which ingredients you should put on the students desks for the next class, but for some reason the next Friday - three days after Ginny had made her promise to you - the door already stood open and you could hear Professor Snape talking to someone. “I really expected better of you, your action is the reasons Slytherin has lost 50 housepoints and I hope you know that it is on you to gain them back, no matter your status,“ Snape‘s voice carried to where you stood and you wondered who the student was if Snape went so easy on them with his lecture. Usually you‘d be afraid for your life after losing even ten house points so getting such a calm reaction for 50 must‘ve really meant something. Your questions about the identity of the student were answered when you entered the dungeon room and immediately felt yourself freeze. Of course not even you (time dependent) sanctuary was safe anymore. Of course Draco just had to stand there and look at you without any identifiable emotion in his gaze. “Ah, Miss Hagrid, right on time as always,“ Snape nodded after he also noticed you and you felt slightly more at ease knowing that with him there nothing could really happen. “Should I come back later?” you asked politely, not sure if you had interrupted something. “No, you may stay. Mister Malfoy over here has got himself caught trying to sabotage McGonagall class, a childish act which I would’ve expected of the Weasleys but really not from you. As a punishment he will be the one to clean the potions classroom bi-weekly from now on until he has regained the house points lost. You’ll supervise him.” “I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand.” “Malfoy will do all the cleaning but since he has no experience with it I can’t just leave him alone so, since you’d be here anyway, you can watch him and make sure that everything goes orderly.“ It wasn‘t really a question as much as a command, something that you were used to from Snape, so you just nodded and bid him goodbye as he went to his office, leaving you and Draco behind. By now you had seen through what was happening. This was Ginny‘s plan. Somehow she must‘ve managed to blame Malfoy for the prank on McGonagall - something rather extreme given the taken house points- hoping (or somehow knowing) that his punishment would force you to spend at least an hour with him alone in a dimmed room twice a week. Inwardly you cursed your friend, while outwardly you tried everything to avoid directly looking at Draco as you explained his tasks to him before you sat down at your usual place and pulled out a book really hoping you could get him to not talk to you that way. Either your plan was working great or Draco just really didn‘t care for you, because an hour later you still hadn‘t exchanged any words, instead he dutifully, but slightly pouting, had done his job while you shot him the occasional glance to make sure he was doing it correctly. “I think that was all, you should be good to go now,“ you told him with a small smile, relieved that you were finally free to leave the room and with that the tension that had built up inside you as a mix of nervousness and fear. Draco had opened his mouth to respond when a third year came rushing inside with at least twelve books in her arms that almost towered over her which she quickly placed on a table, slightly out of breath. “Professor Snape sent me. He said these have to be sorted and put away.” You could probably feel Draco’s sigh before he had made it and - not really fond of spending more time so frustratingly close to your crush and yet so far - you just nodded and told both of them that you’d take care of it and that they could leave, which both promptly did. You took the books and carried them to the back of the room where a sole, old bookshelf was standing - since the students mostly had their own books - and started putting them away when you heard a sickening crunch before suddenly the shelf including books came crashing down at you and before you could even think to pull out your wand, the world turned black.
“I’m so so so sorry, you were right I shouldn’t have interfered, if I’d just listened to you you wouldn‘t be lying here now,“ Ginny whined from beside your bed where she had been sitting for the past twenty minutes apologizing over and over again and blaming herself for the broken arm, leg and the concussion that had you unable to leave the infirmary for the next three days to a week. “Ginny, how often do I gotta tell you, it isn’t your fault! I would’ve sorted those books in anyways - no matter if you had pulled that prank or not - and it would’ve fallen anyways,” you tried to reassure her and gave her a soft smile. “But-“ “No but, okay? We can’t change the past anyways, and even if we could I wouldn’t because thanks to you, I don’t have to take that stupid DADA test.” Your attempt to lighten the mood seemed to work, because soon you and Ginny were back to your usual conversation-style and it relieved you immensely. It made you feel okay again. She was just telling you of a stung Harry had pulled in the Gryffindor Common room when she suddenly paused mid sentence and looked up. You followed her eyes to where they were placed firmly on a certain Platinum blond boy that looked simultaneously like he’d rather be everywhere else and like he was glad to be there, it was a sight to see. “I think I’ll leave for now, I’ll come back later with tons of sweets that Luna and I are going to steal from Harry’s personal stash,” Ginny said goodbye and gave you a wink as she walked away making you torn between wanting to roll your eyes and feeling yourself blush. Unsure of what to do next you motioned to the chair that Ginny had just occupied and Draco seemed to get the hint because he quickly sat down. “Hey-“ “Hi-“ “Sorry, you first.” “No it’s fine, you’re injured, you go first.” “Well, uhm-“ you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, “-I wanted to thank you, for bringing me here I mean, Madame Pomfrey told me you carried me all the way.” You looked away hoping that he wouldn’t see how nervous you were. “You don’t need to thank me, I couldn’t just let you lay there buried under books, your not Granger after all,” he said, seemingly trying to joke but immediately noticed that it was probably not the best thing to say given that you and Hermione were good friends. “Listen, what I came here for,” now it was Draco’s turn to take a deep breath, “I’ve been meaning to tell you something, but you were always with Potter or avoiding me or whatever, but after I saw you lying there… I guess I was just worried for you, I really don’t want you to get hurt.” Now that definitely caught your attention. For a second you played with the thought that this could possibly not be Malfoy but just someone else playing him with the help of polyjuice potion because he was definitely not acting like himself, but something in his word convinced you otherwise. “Thanks, I think, but would you mind me asking why? I mean...we’re not really the closest of friends,” you asked him, looking directly into his face to search signs of a possible answer. “Fuck it, I like you, okay? Happy?” You were completely stunned. Stunned, speechless, shocked. In all the time that you had been crushing on him you had never even really considered even the slightest possibility that he could reciprocate your feelings but now here he was telling you straight up. “You-You like me? Like like-like me?” You asked, just really wanting to be sure. There was a hint of nervousness and worry in his eyes, but he hid it behind a wall of annoyance. “You heard me, didn’t you? So, just get it over with, do you like me too or do you not, because if you don’t then I don’t want to waste my time any longer.” This definitely sounded more like the Draco you were used to and you had to giggle a little bit. “Yes, yes I like you too,” you confessed and like it was the most natural thing in the world you moved the uninjured hand over to where he laid on your bed and took it in yours. For the moment, you were caught in the shimmer of happiness and glee at having your crush there with you, definitely something more than your crush, and it would probably take a while until you‘d realize that there were some interesting things to follow, like telling your uncle about this for example...
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aoyama-division · 2 years
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Interview Intro: "Hey dudes! Glad to be here! I'll try to answer everything as best I can."
Blind Spot: "Blind spot? Uhm... I guess it's the fact that I'm not as smart as I'd like to be. Not saying I'm dumb, of course! But compared to my friends, I'm obviously far from being the brains of the group."
Greatest Strength: "Definitely my strength, yo! I've worked hard for this physique of mine, and I'm not ashamed of it!"
Sin: "I don't really believe in that nonsense about 'sins' and stuff. Luis taught me about them, but... I don't know. I just find that kinda stuff hard to believe, ya' know? ...But if I have to answer. When I was younger, I definitely would have said 'Wrath'. I always had trouble keeping my temper in check. Now, though? ...Probably 'Pride'. I take great pride in everything I've done, and I know that will probably come back to bite me someday."
Virtue: "Virtues? ...Oh yeah. Luis taught me about these too. Honestly, they're even less believable than sins are. ...But I guess 'Diligence' would be one. I've always been about working hard, not hardly working."
Worst Memory: The bodybuilder sighs. "I think about this almost every day. My worst memory is the look of sadness my grandfather had on his face after he protected me from my own mistakes. Despite everything, he still loved me enough to protect me, and I can't forgive myself for that."
Best Memory: "I'd like to say it was the day I managed to graduate high school." He laughs out loud at that. "It's true! But really, I think my best memory is when I won my first trophy in bodybuilding. That was the start of my journey."
Worst Regret: The bodybuilder sighs again, looking forlorn. "I think about this every day too. It's the fact that I never got to thank my granddad for everything that he did for me. ...In fact, I don't think saying thank you would even be enough. I could thank him until my voice ran out, and that still wouldn't be enough to repay him for everything he did for me."
Most Precious Treasure: "I've got a lot of treasures, but I don't know if they hold enough weight to be counted as 'precious'. But... I guess the memories I have our precious. The memories of my granddad, when I first met Luis, my time in JST: all of these are worth a lot to me."
Trauma Image: The sun is setting in Aoyama Cemetery. There are a few people here and there, but for the most part, it is quiet throughout the gravesite. At a particularly gravestone situated away from the others, a young man in his mid-to-late 20s stands in front of it. The gravestone marked the resting place for his grandfather. He's been dead for a number of years, but the man still couldn't believe it. Memories of his past started playing in his head, and that did it. Placing his hands on the gravestone, the man let loose the emotions he was holding in. Water fell from his eyes as he fell to his knees, only thinking about how much of a fool he was.
Aspirations for D.R.B.: "Aspirations? ...Sorry, yo, but I don't have any of those. At least not for this tournament, anyway. I only joined to help out Tomi. And to protect Aoyama. But this tournament doesn't really have anything to offer me, ya' know?"
Thoughts on Competition: "Despite what Tomi says, a lot of the teams in this tournament are actually quite cool! I think it's really cool how so many people have banded together to protect their homes, ya' know? In the end, they're all kinda like us, just trying to protect what matters to them."
Team You Want to Face: "Well... honestly, I don't really have a preference for any kind of team. Anybody who wants to challenge the JST is more than welcome!"
Who Would You Team With If You Weren't Part of Your Team: "Oh man, I couldn't bear to part with Tomi or Luis! They're my buds! ...But if it was only for a short while, then I'd love to partner up with Lola! Having her on a team by itself would be awesome!"
Who Wouldn't You Team With: "No scary people, yo! Like that creepy goth kid from Shinagawa. ...And not that nun lady from Ueno, either! If I have to put up with her sermons, I might lose it!"
What does music, particularly hip-hop, mean to you: "Oh man, music is all about showing off, yo! Hip-hop helps to show just what you have, how you got it, and how you use it. When I sing, I'm always expressing myself about my strength! I'm not ashamed of it, and I don't see the point in hiding it!"
What's your latest obsession: "Obsession? Well... lately I've been trying to hold off on trying to keep from flirting or sleeping with any women so I can prove to Lola over in Saitama I can be a good man for it. It's so freaking hard!"
What were you like as a child, or what was your dream as a child: "As a kid, I had a temper problem. I was mad at the world and at myself. It took my grandfather to show me that I wasn't alone as I thought. I'm glad he was there for me. And as for my dream, I kinda wanted to do something with movies, believe it or not! I've always dreamed about being an actor!"
Lastly, any final remarks or comments to your fans: "It means a lot that you guys support me and my team, yo! Keep it up and I've no doubt we'll go far in this tournament!"
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