#anyways shes soooo cute i’m so happy i got her
fulgurbugs · 8 months
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here’s the new lagoona hairstyle as promised
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obbystars · 1 month
Hello! I was amaze by your sabastian x reader fic especially "it's you!" in the flash back part where sebastian where still alive and talking with reader abt going on an aquarium date soooo I want to request the part where they actually having a date at the aquarium they were talking about? That would would be so cute if you ask me!thank u! c:
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(You know what they say. All toasters toast toast!)
(AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM- sorry. ANYWAY TOTALLYYYY I have been thinking about it lately tbh and I guess this request is kinda a push and my brain is like “OKAY LETS GO IT!” I’m glad you’re liking the fics I’ve been making! I hope you all know I giggle like a maniac whenever you guys say you like them, makes me so happy :)))
Notes: Sebastian Solace x GN!Reader / AQUARIUM DATEEEEE i’ll stop / takes place before the events of Pressure / FLUFFFFFFF / Connected to both It’s You! and Drown in the Deep, can be read as a standalone / Reader and Sebastian are both still in college / Angst because I couldn’t resist / Fairly short, sorry :(
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“You are so lucky my sister let us borrow her car,”
You lightly batted his arm with a laugh, “You say that like it’s a bad thing,”
“Because she’ll kill me if this thing even gets a small scratch!”
“Mmhmm, and who was the one who offered to drive us there?”
Sebastian gives you a quick glance, but you still noticed the look he gave, “She wouldn’t even be mad at you if you were driving. She adores you for some reason,”
Your eyes widened, “…wait, really?”
“Yeah, last time we spoke, she would not stop asking me about you and when you two can meet up to talk more,”
Well, you made one hell of a first impression. You’re glad she does at least like you and is looking forward to meeting with you again. You feel kind of flattered and relieved.
“So,” you turn to him, “Why can’t I drive?”
“Because I don’t trust you behind the wheel,”
You stifled a laugh as you turned your attention towards the window. You decided to change the subject.
“You know, I’d love to meet your family again. Classes are a pain though. Maybe when we head back, I could stay for dinner? I don’t have that much work piled up on me right now,”
Though faint, you can see him smiling, “I know my sister will be overjoyed to see you. I think my mom likes you too, she never gave me a clear answer on it though,”
Your face drops slightly. Now the pressure’s on. You didn’t exactly talk to his mom last time you were there besides the introduction part of it. As for his brother, you didn’t get a chance to talk to him which made you assume he was shy. You do remember spotting him and his sister eavesdropping on you and Sebastian. He also caught them and wasn’t very happy about it.
When you two finally arrived and were allowed to go in, Sebastian practically had to hold you so you wouldn’t run off due to being so excited. Sometimes he’d keep you in place, other times he’d let you drag him. When looking at the brochure, you were especially excited about the fish that often liked the dark. He still doesn’t see why, but you’re having fun and he’s been enjoying the time here.
“Oh! Sebastian, look!” You exclaimed, “A mantis shrimp!”
The mantis shrimp was just hiding in its little cave.
“It’s a freaky looking thing,” he laughed.
“It is. I heard that they’re capable of tuning the sensitivity of their vision to adapt to their environment. Isn’t that so cool?”
“What I would give to have something like that…”
“I know!” You smiled, “I kinda wish they had anglerfish though. I heard they’re just generally hard to manage, so you never see them in aquariums,”
Sebastian stands up straight and looks at you, “Aren’t those the fish with the light on their head?”
“Yeah. Only the females have it, and it’s used to attract both prey and a mate. They’ve got a freaky way to reproduce, if you want to hear,”
You see him think about it for a minute.
“I’ll bite. How do they reproduce?”
It’s safe to say Sebastian will never ask a question like that again if the sentence prior was “They’ve got a freaky way to reproduce.” What he heard was not what he expected at all. It was parasitic and the image in his head definitely wasn’t pretty.
You continued to tell him fun little facts of a few of the fish you saw. He mostly only responded with a hum or an “oh yeah” but you still continued. He never stopped you as it looked like you were having a lot of fun.
When you got to the long tunnel with the fish swimming around, you both decided to rest there for a bit. It’s been a few hours anyway, plus it’ll be nice to just watch the fish swim by. There were turtles, stingrays, and many others some you could name while others were unfamiliar. There was even a few sea urchin sitting in one of the corners.
You were about to say something until you turned to Sebastian and took a good look at his expression. You smiled and said nothing as you leaned your back against the glass, following where his gaze was. You wonder if this is what he saw in his dream on the night you two discussed on coming here. Drifting in the water as the fish swam around you, you wonder if he felt cold. He said he didn’t feel like he was drowning, so maybe he actually felt warm.
But when you asked if it was a nightmare, he alluded to it. You wonder what he saw… Or maybe he didn’t see anything. Maybe that’s why it was a nightmare, or at least close to it. The dark abyss is a terrifying place as not a lot is known due to the water pressure and the lack of light. Fear of the unknown, so to say.
Your smile faded slightly. You turn to him and lightly give him a shoulder bump.
“Hey, you having fun?”
He continued to stare up at the fish for a moment before turning to you, “If I wasn’t, you’d know. Why? Are you not having fun?” He teased.
“No, I was just making sure,” you laughed.
“To be honest, it gets a bit interesting when you start to nerd out about some of the fish here,” he then smiles, “But I didn’t think you were THAT much of a nerd,”
“Aha-! Yeah, I may or may have not been watching a lot of videos about fish…”
“You were that excited about this, huh? Were you also trying to impress me?”
“No! Not at all!” You paused, “M-Maybe a little..”
Sebastian laughed when you admitted it, then stands up, “We should keep moving. Aren’t the sharks just up ahead?”
“Oh yeah,” you take out the brochure, “It looks like we’re almost done too. We haven’t had lunch yet either. You hungry?”
“A little. Didn’t we pass the food court already?”
“We did… How about we go back and grab something then?”
“As long as you’re paying,”
“Ugh! Fine,”
Sebastian grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. He didn’t let go as you two walked down the hall. You perked up and decided to throw another factoid at him.
“Hey, did you know you can really just redirect a shark by just setting your hand on their nose and gently pushing them the other way?”
He looks at you, not exactly believing you, “It can’t be THAT easy,”
“I’m serious! It is that easy! Maybe it’ll be harder when it’s a great white shark though,”
“Obviously, those things are massive,”
You continued to talk about sharks with him until you two made it back to the food court. Sebastian ended up paying for your food as long as you paid for his.
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Sebastian stares out into the dark abyss beyond the glass. It was usually empty, but sometimes the many-eyed shark was there. And sometimes she’d notice him. He wondered if she recognized him as the one who freed her. He wondered why she stayed when freedom was right there for her. Revenge, perhaps? That he can understand. What he was doing was for the same reason.
Just then, he sees a familiar green glow of the shark passing by. She was close enough to notice him, and for a second, she did look at him. She never really stayed around, nor has he ever heard her speak in his head. He remembers how you spoke of sharks all those years ago. He wondered if you’d think she was a beautiful shark despite what they’ve done to her.
Unexpectedly, she lingers around for a while. He doesn’t pay her any mind as she swims back and forth, occasionally looking at him. He continues to just stare out the window, looking at nothing in particular.
How would you react to him? Would you even recognize him? Remember his voice? Ten years is a long time, after all. Though, he doubts there is even the smallest chance you two could meet, let alone in this facility. He hoped not.
It’s quiet.
He never thought he’d hate silence. It was almost never quiet when you were with him. You always had something to tell him, no matter how small it may have been, and he’d always listen. Even when you don’t think he’s listening, he was. No matter how long you went on and on about something, he was always listening.
Even if he were to be freed from this place, what then? What home does he have to return to?
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yourgothiccqueen · 6 months
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks” Part 2
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Summary: Y/N and Lando go on their first date.
Pairings: Lando Norris x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, hints of sexual tension etc
Y/N glanced down at her phone, a small smile forming at her lips. There would only be one person messaging her so late at night.
lightning mcqueen: Soooo, what did you think of the race today? :)
The last thing she expected to happen after her begrudging trip to Silverstone was to end up texting a certain McLaren driver.
Well, it was more than texting really. There were calls too, every other day. Lando was a busy (understatement of the year) guy, but they’d found themselves falling into a comfortable routine of late night conversations.
y/n: didn’t watch it, was too busy washing my dog :,)
A lie, of course. Y/N had recently found herself infatuated with F1. She hadn’t missed a race. But she wasn’t going to let Lando feel smug about that.
lightning mcqueen: u little shit, you don’t have a dog!
y/n: says who?!
lightning mcqueen: you, on the phone last week!
y/n: 🤷‍♀️ maybe I was washing my friends dog?
lightning mcqueen: its okay, no need for lies - i know ur an f1 super fan now thanks to yours truly :D
Y/N felt a smile tug at her lips. Okay, he was smug. But it was kinda cute.
y/n: okayyyy, perhaps I did watch. And perhaps I thought you were rather impressive. happy now?
lightning mcqueen: very :) goodnight grumpy girl x
y/n: goodnight u smug bastard x
It didn’t take long for him to ask her on a date. It caught her by surprise, despite the ease at which they’d been chatting over the past month.
“What do you even wear on a date with an F1 driver?” Y/N groaned, flopping back on to her bed.
Piles of clothes were scattered around the room, deemed totally unacceptable for a date with Lando Norris.
“Not this.” Her friend Annie, grimaced, picking up a bright pink Oodie off of the floor.
“Yeah no shit!”
“Look, you must have something in here.” Annie rummaged through the wardrobe. “Where’s he taking you anyway?”
“Someplace in central. It’s not too fancy, but it’s definitely fancier than the pink Oodie.” Y/N pointed.
“Oooo. This could work!” Annie pulled out a relatively new, seemingly unworn black dress. “Can’t go wrong with a little black dress.”
Y/N’s eyes widen - “I can’t wear that!”
“Why the hell not?”
“It’s too…showy. I bought it on a whim. For a nice occasion.”
Annie rolled her eyes “if you’re not going to wear it on a date with a super hot formula one driver, then when the hell are you gonna wear it?!”
Fair point.
Stood outside the restaurant, Y/N felt her nerves begin to grow. What the hell was she doing? She didn’t do this sort of thing! If she’d had told herself a month ago that she’d be going on a date with Lando, she’d have laughed in her own face. This was wild. This was ridiculous. This was positively insane in fact!
Suddenly whipped out of her own thoughts, Y/N turned around.
Oh god, he looked bloody gorgeous.
He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling as he did. His white shirt was a stark contrast against his tan skin. His curly hair was slightly more tamed than usual - he’d clearly made an effort, which made Y/N’s heart race even faster.
“Hey!” She managed to stutter out, sounding far more confident than she felt inside.
“Hi! God I’m so sorry I’m late, were you waiting long?” Lando queried.
Y/N had failed to notice that he was late in the first place, having been so in her own head.
“No just got here.” She smiled. “You look really nice.” She paused, a fleeting moment of confidence. “For a smug bastard, of course.”
A quick laugh left Lando’s mouth.
“Ha! You look lovely too, despite being the world's grumpiest woman, of course.”
“Oh of course.” Y/N giggled, as they made their way inside.
He’d chosen well - it was beautiful inside the restaurant, but not fancy enough to make Y/N feel uncomfortable.
Y/N placed her phone down on the table as she sat, and Lando couldn’t help but catch a glimpse.
“Wait, why am I called Lightning McQueen in your phone?” He laughed.
“Because you’re fast - duh!”
“Lightning McQueen is red.” Lando retorted, a look of exasperation written across his face, as he made himself comfortable in his chair.
Lando rolled his eyes, jokingly.
"There's nothing wrong with red cars!" Y/N exclaimed.
“Well, I prefer orange myself. Gimme your phone, I’ve got a better name.”
“If I must”
Y/N passed her phone across the table and into Lando's hand. His fingers brushed hers as she did so. Despite their playful bickering, she couldn't help but wish she could leave her hand on his a moment longer.
God, she was fully gone and she'd only been sat in his presence for less than five minutes. He was going to be the death of her.
Lando typed into Y/N’s phone momentarily, before passing it back, a small smirk on his face.
“Lando ‘The Hunk’ Norris?” She laughed, eyebrows raising. “Really?”
“Well, it’s much more accurate, don’t you think?”
He folded his arms across his chest. Y/N felt herself begin to blush, so decided the sane response was to hide herself behind the menu.
"Well?" Lando quipped.
"Well what, Lando 'The Hunk' Norris?" Y/N spoke, glancing up at the curly haired man. His eyes bore into hers, a slight mischievous glint to them.
"Aren't you going to agree?"
"You want me to tell you that you are in fact, a 'hunk'?" She retorted.
Lando leaned back in his chair. "I suppose I don't need you to. The fact that you've gone bright red says it all."
Y/N felt her blush deepen.
"You're a cocky bastard. you know that?"
"I haven't had any complaints yet."
The rest of the date passed in a blur of midly flirtatious comments and an abundance of sexual innuendos. Y/N wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she'd agreed to a date with Lando. She'd presumed he'd be polite, and sincere and kind - which he was. But what she hadn't anticipated was his quick wit and his ability to call her out. She liked it. She liked it very much indeed.
Perhaps she'd finally met her match.
By the time they left the restaurant the sun had long set, and a light drizzle had set in.
Y/N felt the breath leave her lungs as Lando took his hand in hers.
"Thank you." He smiled, softly.
"What for, exactly?" She questioned, half unable to focus on anything except the feeling of his warm hand in hers.
"For...this. It's not often I get to meet someone who... makes me feel so normal. Someone who isn't afraid to say what's on their mind. It's nice."
Once again, a blush crept up Y/N's neck and towards her cheeks.
"Well, I am pretty incredible." She winked.
"Oh, shut up!"
"Make me."
Lando stepped forward, and in one breathe his lips crashed into her own. It was messy at first, filled with passion and unresolved sexual tension, before they found their rhythm. She closed her eyes, feeling his strong hands wrapped around her waist. His mouth molded against hers, warmth spilling throughout her body. He was perfect. His mouth moved in perfect timing against hers, as she entwined her hands at the base of his hair, letting her fingers run through his curls. She could stand her forever, she thought, with her body pressed against his, his mouth against hers.
Eventually, Y/N pulled away first, gazing up into Lando's darkened eyes. His lips were swollen and wet - she already wanted to kiss him again.
"Want to continue this date at mine?" She whispered, unable to leave his gaze.
"Say no more."
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wcters · 6 months
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you turn 20 and your friends post for your birthday
warnings/notes: established relationship, this is more of a filler/something to read while i work on the podcast imagine. i’ve just been super busy. there might be a couple more posts before the podcast one 🤍
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liked by yourusername, christophersturniolo, and 494,937 others
matthew.sturniolo my baby’s not a baby anymore! love you so much 🤍 can’t wait to put up with more of your antics
tagged @yourusername
view 3,083 comments
yourusername i love you sm 🤍🤍
user they’re too cute i can’t
↳ user i know right?
christophersturniolo happy birthday! cheers to 20 🥂
user i’m not a matt girl, i’m a y/n girl
nicolassturniolo soo cutee
↳ user 🥺🥺
user he loves her so much, you can just tell
↳ user i wish someone loved me like they love each other ‼️
nathandoe8 happy birthday! come visit boston again soon
user cutest caption ever
user crying rn 😭😭
user sobbing. laughing. on the floor.
↳ user me too
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liked by yourusername, matthew.sturniolo, and 236,072 others
nicolassturniolo it’s my best friends birthdayyy! forever thanking the world for making you move to la so we could meet. thank you for introducing me to tim hortons (the smile cookie is my fav pic) can’t wait to spend so many more birthdays together
tagged @yourusername
view 2,937 comments
yourusername nick i love you 🤍 you really outed me on this one though
↳ nicolassturniolo it’s what best friends do 🤷
user i want nick to be my best friend
naileadevora happy birthday babe!
↳ yourusername i miss you sm!
user our canadian girlie
user you know she’s going to get so drunk the next time she vists canada 💀
matthew.sturniolo spongebob fit 🔛🔝
user first pic is eatinggg
ariana_greenblatt y/n is living the world slay
↳ user toooo true
user shes so prettyyyy
user minion face masks go hard ‼️‼️
user happy birthday
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liked by yourusername, larray, and 376,982 others
christophersturniolo happy birthday y/n. praying that you get better sleep while you’re 20 so you don’t fall asleep everywhere like you do now 🙏🙏
tagged @yourusername
view 3,297 comments
yourusername this should be a crime. i don’t sleep everywhere
↳ nicolassturniolo you do though…
↳ matthew.sturniolo we have soooo many pictures
↳ yourusername jail.
larray sis really needs that sleep. anyway, happy birthday <3
↳ yourusername love you 🤍
user she’s so real for that though
user chris really said “i got proof”
tarayummy miss you pretty girl 🤍 you can always nap here and we can celebrate
↳ yourusername omw
user 🙏🙏🙏
nathandoe8 she tired of dealing with you
↳ christophersturniolo 😀😀
↳ user were you silent? or silenced?
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liked by matthew.sturniolo, nicolassturniolo, and 129,244 others
yourusername the big 20 🥂
view 2,197 comments
matthew.sturniolo happy birthday baby 🤍
↳ yourusername thank you ☺️🤍
user her and matt are sooo cute
christophersturniolo 🐐🐐
user wish i went 😔😔
nathandoe8 party was awesomee 🔥🔥
nicolassturniolo cutest girl
madisonbeer happy birthday!
ariana_greenblatt birthday girllll 🤍
user ILY
user girl really living the y/n life
↳ yourusername literally 🤭🤫
tarayummy party was so good! loved celebrating such a big day with you
↳ yourusername marry me 💍
user they are eating those pictures upp
user i don’t know if i want to be y/n or matt
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elsweetheart · 2 years
havduaha hello hi i think i'm inlove with you- anw i reaaaaaaalllyyyy love your writing. got me giggling and kicking feet fr hdjashaj soooo i just want to request somethin or whatnot just... dealer!ellie... whatever you want to do just make my dreams come true so i can pass away in peace (just kidding... or not) just gonna leave it here, again i think i'm really inlove with you HAJDHWJSHA BYE MWA
hiiii omgomgomg thank u!! i’m so happy u like my writing + you’re so sweet of course i will write dealer!ellie she is so chefs kiss 💋
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beginners luck — dealer!ellie
tw// drug usage !! not smutty just flirty <3 more to come tho !!
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• you and ellie were always seeing eachother around campus, or at parties where she’d be doing business. so much so, that the two of you would often laugh to eachother and chat at social gathering about how often you bumped into eachother. things were definitely a little flirty from your perspective, but you didn’t wanna read into it too much. so she’s not a total stranger — you just wouldn’t consider her a friend, and you wouldn’t wanna be stuck in the friendzone anyway.
• she’s always wondered why you’ve never tried to buy from her and then simply put it down to you seeming too innocent to wanna smoke and honestly she thinks it’s cute.
• that is until you can’t sleep one night, mind super frazzled from staring at a computer all day that you decide fuck it, now is the perfect time to start.
• so you march over to ellie’s dorm, and everyone knows where ellie’s dorm is because everyone buys weed from ellie. you didn’t think to change out of the tank top that’s just a little too tight and your cute pj pants, and before it’s too late you’re knocking on her door.
• she opens up pretty fast, and she looks like she just got back — wearing a carhartt jacket over her hoodie, her sneakers still on. she lets you in and honestly she’s surprised and confused as you’re the last person she expected to come knocking at 1AM.
• “i want to… erm, i’d like to buy a…weed.” you try and sound confident but you shrink down when she chuckles, stepping aside and letting you into her room. “i got plenty of those.” she replies as she pulls out a metal box and you don’t quite catch that she’s slightly making fun of your naively worded request.
• she lets you fish through all the pungent baggies with labels you don’t understand on them before you’re looking up at her with doe eyes and a shrug. “i don’t really know what i’m looking for here.” you admit defeatedly.
• “you never smoked before? like not even at a party or anything?” she doesn’t sound judgemental, more curious and you feel more comfortable to be truthful.
• “no, never. just struggling to sleep and i think it might help me.” you respond earnestly and she thinks for a moment, seeming to analyse you before taking the metal box and closing it, storing it away.
• “i don’t usually sell to beginners. they don’t know what they’re doing and then they go away and smoke more than they can handle and then come freaking out at my door saying i laced them or some shit, which i obviously did not. but… i dunno, you’re always nice to me when i see you, and plus i know what it’s like to not be able to sleep. so, i’m gonna help you out.” she ranted, digging through another one of her drawers before she stood back up, holding a smaller tin.
• “thank you, ellie. you’re a lifesaver. what is that?” you ask shyly with your eyes on the tin. she pries it open and nods towards her bed. “sit down.” she offers in a softer voice and you do, watching as she gathers her equipment. “it’s my personal stash. the good stuff, you know. you don’t smoke pretty girls out with the cheap shit i sell.” she chuckled like it was obvious, continuing to set up her little rolling station at her desk, perching on her chair. you flushed all over at her calling you pretty and smiled.
• she talks you through how to roll and prepare the blunt, and you’re trying to listen — you really are. but you’re both finding it hard to concentrate when she’s that hot and explaining things to you, and you’re showing her how good of a listener you can be by responding with small dreamy “mhm”’s to her instructions. you swing your legs as you stare at her, her fingers continuing to do the last bit of rolling and twisting of the pink rolling paper she let you select.
• “now the boring parts out the way…” she smiled as she stood up, flopping down on the bed next to you and pulling her lighter out her pocket before setting them down on the bed between you and shuffling out of her jacket. you felt your body heat up and the close proximity and you kicked off your slippers, crossing your legs and facing her.
• she placed the joint carefully between your lips, eyes flicking from your mouth to your eyes as if for permission before lighting it. “now inhale and you’re gonna hold it for a few seconds, alright?” her voice was calm and quiet and it eased your nerves slightly as you did what she said.
• she let you take a few more hits commending you with a “see? you’re a natural.” before taking her turn, inhaling with more confidence as she relaxed back against the wall beside her bed.
• the two of you get talking as you smoked, and you clicked instantly, talking about her day and then talking about yours and laughing together. you almost forgot what you were doing, as after a while it became second nature.
• the fogginess started to hit you as she was talking and you began giggling, eyes now pink and watering as you observed how pretty she was as she spoke. she trailed off, taking a drag of the blunt and you moved closer to her on the bed.
• “your freckles look like little stars.” you tried to widen your eyes so you could see more and she chuckled, tilting her her slightly to catch your eye.
• “you good? it’s hitting you huh?” her voice was laced with amusement as you bit your lip and nodded with an innocent grin. “does it feel good?” she asked, in reference to the high but the question made your eyes flutter anyways. “mhm.”
• the good feeling lasted for what felt like forever, but when she made you laugh at a stupid joke a little too hard you found that your heartbeat sped up just a little bit too much. you tried to play it cool, taking a deep breath as you flattened your back against the wall, staring at her bedsheets.
• she moved her head slightly, trying to catch your eye. “you in there?” she cooed, placing a hand on your shoulder.
• “yeah. m’okay just... focusing on breathing.” you breathe out, a little whiny and trying not to panic. ellie barely reacts, reaching under her bed and pulling out a water bottle from a multipack, opening it for you and handing it to you lidless. “you’re alright, just smoked a little more than you can take for now. just relax, ‘kay?”
• she pulled her laptop up and put some kind of animated comedy on the screen to distract you, and somehow you ended up with your head resting in her lap as the two of you watched, ellie smoking another to herself. you relaxed yourself, and the high felt good again. you rolled over to look up at her, watching her smoke as her beautiful features were lit up by the glow of the screen. her eyes were pink and glossy now too and the room was smokey. you noticed the sock over the smoke alarm on the ceiling just past her head in your eyeline and giggled, attracting her attention.
• “what you looking at?” she smiled down at you and you shrugged it off, instead choosing to play with the drawstrings on her hoodie.
• “how much?” you asked sweetly. “before i forget.”
• “how much what?” she stroked your hair back.
• “how much do i owe you for this premium experience.” you giggled. “can see why so many people buy from you now. y’must be popular with the ladies.”
• she chuckled, but in a modest and almost nervous way as she leant back more against the wall— taking the moment to really look at you as you stared back. the weed induced haze gave you the confidence to hold her gaze without looking away.
• “i guess a beginner wouldn’t know that pretty girls smoke for free.” she smirked and you bit your lip in girlish excitement at her calling you pretty again. “especially pretty girls that are extra pretty when they’re all giggly and smoked out with big pretty pink eyes.” her voice was smooth and your heart fluttered again, but in a good way this time.
• “i suppose you should be paying me then.” you joked quietly and she laughed, nodding. you sat up slowly, eye contact not breaking once and your faces close.
• “so… do you let all your beginners lay in your lap and smoke with you?” your eyes danced between hers and her eyes were heavy lidded, lazily staring at your lips before blinking up at your eyes, stubbing out the last of the roach into the ashtray.
• “first time for everything. figured i’d try it out on the cute girl i see around campus that i was too much of a pussy to talk to.” her voice was quiet, almost lusty and you licked your lips.
• “me?” you breathed out sweetly and she smiled again.
• “clever girl.” she praised, pulling you in to meet her lips.
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i don’t rlly like this but hey ho i can’t be bothered to write it again :))))
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This scene in Fan Fiction is interesting because it’s when Dean finds out that people ship Cas and him together and they have a ship name for it. He’s not mad or pissed off he’s more curious about it. Even before he found out the two girls are girlfriends in real life he wasn’t mad or pissed off about Destiel. It’s more like he didn’t realize that all those moments between Cas and him were written in the Supernatural books (up to the end of season 5 anyways).
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This shows that the writers and actors know about Destiel and Destiel fan fiction but it also shows that Dean is fine with it and so is Jensen (Jensen has said quite a few times especially this year that he is fine with Destiel).
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This is hilarious. Sam is trying to figure out what Cas and Deans ship name should be and he knows that Dean is getting flustered by it. Dean tells Sam to shut up and Sam laughs. It’s the little brother making fun of the older brother for having a boyfriend kind of thing. I would have loved to have seen Cas in this ep. It would’ve been hilarious to watch Dean and Sam trying to explain shipping to Cas and explain ship names to Cas.
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This scene is great Dean looks directly at the girl playing Cas and says to put as much text into that subtext. Again showing that he’s fine with Destiel. I have more thoughts on this ep but I’m going to keep them to myself because I think I’ll piss some people off if I say them.
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This scene in Girls, Girls, Girls is kind of annoying. I don’t like Hannah because she can’t take a hint. Cas has told her soooo many times that he only likes her as a friend, she’s the one that told Cas not to lose it over one man, she heard the Metatron saying that Cas did everything for Dean and she knew that at the beginning of the season that Cas was sick yet he did everything he could to help Dean become human again. Here she tries to say that all her feelings for Cas weren’t actually her feelings that they were coming from the human she was possessing which I think she lied about. I think she didn’t want to be on earth anymore and it stead of embarrassing herself she came up with this excuse because when Cas was possessing Jimmy the feelings Cas has for Dean weren’t Jimmys feelings considering I don’t think Jimmy even likes Dean.
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I’m just adding this in from Hibbing 911 because it’s another gay scene well it was 2 scenes. The cop guy was obviously flirting with Dean when he said it was cute for Dean to try and find a case there but then Dean knew the best way to get information out of the cop was to flirt so that’s what he did by sucking up to the cop but here the cop had just walked past Dean and Dean clearly looks at the guys ass.
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I think this ep is called The Things We Left Behind. This scene makes me extremely happy. Cas told Claire that Jimmy is dead and in heaven because an arch angel killed him on a sub atomic level but he was brought back and that that body was specifically made for him. I absolutely love that Cas has his own body now. He’s not possessing Jimmy anymore. That that brain is his brain all his feelings are his feelings. I assumed after Cas was blown up in season 5 ep 1 (Chuck told Dean that Cas was blown up but they didn’t show it which is why I’m assuming they go with when Cas was blown up at the end of season 5) that Jimmy was dead but to hear Cas say it and to say that that body was made for him just made me extremely happy.
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Another scene where Sam is there yet Cas is just talking to Dean. Cas called Dean and Sam to come help him yet he was looking directly at Dean when Cas said he needed Deans help. Then Sam came up with a plan for Dean and him to go to the group home to find Claire but Dean obviously wanted some alone time with Cas because he gave Sam the keys and told him Cas and him would stay there. Sounds like Dean wanted an unofficial date with Cas.
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This is beyond cute. Cas gave Dean a compliment and Dean got flustered. Dean obviously wanted this to be his alone time with Cas because up until Cas asked Dean how he was they were talking about random stuff and flirting. I also love that they cant hide how sick they are from each other. At the end of season 9 when Cas told Dean he was fine Dean knew he was lying and then Cas told him the truth the same thing happens here. Cas asks Dean how he’s doing and Dean says he’s great and Cas said no you’re not. Cas knew Dean was lying and Dean asked him if he turns into a demon again for Cas to kill him which Dean knows Cas can’t kill him considering Cas couldn’t kill Dean when he was being mind controlled to kill Dean there’s no way in hell he’d be able to do it when he’s himself.
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It looks like Sam was expecting Dean to tell Cas to let go of the guy but instead Dean is impressed and I think a little turned on.
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not-thenauts · 2 months
Okay, this is the last one, I swear, cryin
This time I’ll just comment on each page.
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This one isn’t so bad, in fact I personally think it’s funny because it’s a cameo of me abusing my powers as an artist.
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I wasn’t sure what I was doing here, but I think they’re on their first date or something. I like to think that Dashi randomly asked Paani to go on a date with her because she wanted to get to know him more better.
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I didn’t get to write out Dashi’s full feelings in this one, but when she was inner monologuing, she was actually just enjoying the moment and really happy that she got to see Paani get excited over the rain. Also she hasn’t seen or felt rain in months since she worked underwater.
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The backup plan when Paani thought that Dashi didn’t like the rain. They do their skin and also got to learn of each other’s secret love languages.
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More dates and also what they would’ve looked like in High school.
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By far one of my favorite pages out of this series. It’s a bit of Journey to the West with the Macaque and the dragon dancer character (I’m bad with names), anyways it’s just an insert of Paani and Dashi because I can’t get out of my head that Paani is somehow inspired by the Monkey King because he’s a macaque and he kayaks with a paddle. That’s basically his staff. Anyways they’re cute and I don’t ship any characters in the journey to the west.
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Last one, just a family thing, also Dashi with straight long hair is just very cute. Panini being in the picture is soooo adorable, she finally has a mum in this dimension! And also they live in Australia cuz they wanna raise Panini there and Paani changes his occupation to Limnologist so he can study inland where he can still be with his family.
Anyways, I don’t actually ship these two, I just like the idea of them, anyways goodbyyeyyeyeyw
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josephtrohman · 6 months
wait, now I'm curious, can you show your fob tattoos?
sorry for the delay anon, i wanted to take the time to potentially take some better pics and i had a very busy evening last night lol. tattoo tour under the cut!!!
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my futct keyhole tattoo was my first tattoo gotten at the beginning of february :3 i can’t wait to go back to this artist bc she killed it but it also was my most expensive tattoo (understandably so) so i need to save up but i have more non fob ideas i want to take to her based on her portfolio. it’s a little purple cuz this is from when it was still fresh and the purple is from the stencil but i feel a lil self conscious about my arm rn so i can’t take a better pic rn lol it’s not purple tho
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this one was the second one i got and it’s a difficult location for me to photograph since this is on the outside of my ankle lol. i got this one incredibly impulsively near the end of february, bc i had a stressful evening and before going to bed i looked up tattoo shops near me that had online booking availability for the next day, and i booked after looking at the guy’s portfolio a bit even tho he practices more traditional styles n traditional tattoos aren’t my fav. i really wanted to get something special to remember my 8ball, and i was really excited and proud about coming up with this idea on my own!! this one i was slightly upset with at first bc i just think i should have waited but now that ive gotten used to it i appreciate it soooo much more!!!! and now im really happy and think it looks cool :) also this one hurt like a BITCH i wasn’t expecting it given the relative ease of my first one (the shading was rough on the first one but that was it), and the guy even offered me numbing spray for the black, but i powered through and he was very impressed with me and said i was tough lol :)
these next two i got at the same time and for some reason i can’t take a good pic of the one rn (it’s got a lot of adhesive on it from removing the second skin so it looks kinda bad right at this moment until the adhesive washes off more, but beware the second picture has a little bit of blood)
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pls don’t make fun of my chubby arm but anyways these two i got at the same time just this past saturday from a lady who specializes in tiny tattoos :) the xo is based on how it actually appears on the back of the record, and she tried to font match it and i think it’s soooooooo cute (it’s rly little on my wrist, so little she just charged me for the i swear i say tattoo!!!). i know it’s kind of crazy to get two tattoos for the same song but 1) that’s my song im the number one highest streamer on stats fm, 2) xo has gotten me through so much :( i am considering one more xo tattoo in the future (getting “love never wanted me but i took it anyway” in pete’s handwriting using the font someone made out of his handwriting). but it’s my plan to wait on that one and make that be a far future tattoo, UNLESS they play xo as my 8ball in which case my ass will get it the next chance i get. lol
i maybe have one or two fob themed tattoos i’m potentially interested in getting in the future but that’s like a long term thing, i want to get some tribute to whatever my 8ball may be at minneapolis to go with my fame < infamy tattoo, especially if they play a song that’s one of MY songs, but this is generally where i’ll leave the fob tattoos for a bit and just getting more personal/non music related tattoos lol
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riacte · 7 months
rria . ria dont convert the timestamp of receiving this ask to est but i finished false episodes and i get it i understand the devotion and the homies and the protectiveness hoyljjy fuck save me 🦅🐕save me. beware of dog reapers watch out rendogss about false false false you won💥💥💥😺💥💥💥💥💥💥
When I was watching the first part I was like ohhh she sounds SO soggy when he’s not talking to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this soggy. And then it was slowly building and oh we’re really in it now.
BUT THE REUNION SCENE IS SO!!!!!! They’re so happy for each other 😭😭😭 False saying he deserves the win even though it’s her who won 😭😭 Ren coming in like YOU WON!! YOU WON!! :DDDDD
And I was already screaming and dying. But you can really tell how fond they are of each other. And False being more excited for the cool hat than the Demise prize and he literally promised to give it to her tomorrow when things had calmed down— and she won!! All the dots are connected.
And the end. MAN. “Watch out, Rendog is about” in all caps. Her putting his name and head on her build. And the giggle before the cut. And I’m left sitting here like OKAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. WOW.
I feel slightly insane because it’s like …??? It’s so obvious how core and special their friendship is to both of their contents on HC. Take a quick scroll through their thumbnails and they pop up every now and then. All the collabs. AND STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN GROUP RECORDINGS (this always happens). We even have major standout events like Blue9 and BRR and S6 neighbours. And now Demise because DUDE. THAT WAS CRAZY.
And still Tumblr (and both of their Twitch chats) seems to be the only site in which people majorly care about their bond? Does that make sense. Tumblrinas screaming and crying and filling up the main tags. Actually Twitch chat is the mvp here because I feel like every single stream of theirs has a mention of the other and chat is like :DDD we love you and the other person :DD. They’re invisible on blue bird site and THANK GOD and STAY AWAY. Orange app is a bit better bc at least the Mc Championship guys recognise them but you know when there was a post back in HC Reddit then asking for “underrated” duos and we had to post FalseRen because other people weren’t. Are they underrated? Do other people think they’re popular. Like Ren isn’t usually paired with False in fanon but I think most people have the awareness to include bits about their friendship? But still? I would’ve expected more… why aren’t they more popular like some other duos even after the five million obvious / dramatic / cute / wholesome stuff 😭 Ren’s favouritism gets worse every time I check in 😭
(I know. It’s because fandoms tend to like same gender pairs. But it does notttt explain why everyone happily pairs up Stress+Iskall and Joe+Cleo and it’s all recognised and these two are like …? oh yeah they’re friends. Right. They’re friends.)
Anyways this got long. That vid makes me soooo happy and it’s sooo good. I know Ren is probably going to make his next ep thumbnail his really cute hut but if False is also on there or it’s titled after something like “WE DID IT FALSE” I would further explode into millions of pieces. 🥺
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lostmykeysie · 1 year
I have a super long comment for you about the Horcrux Hunt bcs I want to comment every chapter I read but I forget bcs I download the ao3 doc to my books app okay here we go!!!!
Agahdgdjd I just finished reading it and I loved it soooo much. Remus and regulus friendship is EVERYTHING to me. The platonic kissing!!???? As an Aspec gal this means so much to me bcs ahhhdghdhd and let’s be real those two deserved a little song after all that tension and then just cute little kisses bcs they both need a good loving friendly kiss aww. And I loved the flirtiness bcs I just know those two would constantly have such good banter and get along and I SOBBED when reg became a part of the lupin family. Also. HOPE LUPIN.!?!??? The best Hope I ever did read about. She is amazing and now the only version of Hope I accept ty very much.
ALSO also I love regulus so much and love your characterization of him and seeing his growth. Also I am autistic and I headcanon reg as autistic and there were so many moments in the way you wrote him that fit in with that that made my heart so happy UGH and some moments where I felt like he’s aspec of some sort like aro specially and wow reg my boy <3
And ugh Remus and his feels over being accused as the traitor??? Rough but also I love the angst. His complicated feelings about himself and others and I can’t wait to see him sort shit out and start healing bcs he deserves to heal and be ANGRY and sad and everything. Remus my best boy <3
Also I’m just getting into jegulus so I’m super excited to start reading the missing link!!! The way james is already slowly creeping on him agshdjd I can’t wait to see it all happen.
Oh PS I loved Remus getting to scream and go off on dumbledore that was amazing and more people should get to scream at him.
i always download long fics to my kindle so i feel you baby!!!!!
putting my boring reply below the cut xxxxx
aspec babes deserve all the platonic kisses they want and deserve and they deserve them all xxxxx this includes me so WHY is no one kissing me platonic smooch smooch xxxxx i have said this before and i know i haven’t written it but reggie is definitely aspec xxxx
regus friendship means soooo much to me i have also said this before and i will absolutely say it again but like. i am obsessed with them. they are BEST friends. forever. they are something special that’s friends and family and more and i love them forever and they will always be besties in every single fic i write for the rest of my LIFE. and they FLIRT and i LOVE IT and hope is such a queen i feel like she deserves her own fic i also want to hug her i bet she would give the best hugs ever i bet she’s the only person regulus is 100% comfortable having those long hugs with that last arguably too long and it gets weird (this is how i feel about most hugs)
omg so i’m answering as i read so YES i AGREE i think there’s a tiny bit of me that is accidentally being a bit self insert with reg LOL ANYWAY i think we see reg very similarly xxxx
on the traitor point… a few people have said ‘how did he even forgive them in the end’ and i think that is so valid like to get over a betrayal like that from your closest friends would be so so so hard and i tried to reflect that and not just make it an easy fix because oh my god how is that not in the back of your mind always just whispering all the time??? like getting over that would be a JOURNEY so yeah it got a bit angsty haha but i feel like if anything it could have been worse it could have been unresolveable !!!! but it will never be because i am a happily ever after boy ONLY
i am a bajillion years late to this i’m really sorry i’m a pants person who is 99% offline BUT thank you so much for your consolidated comment it’s so sweet and has made me smile all lame and gross xxxx i hope you enjoy / enjoyed TML too i hope that it gave you the healed remus and the jegulus you deserve and maybe some giggles hopefully xxxxxxx thanks for being nice to me lol i honestly am so weird and lame and awkward but kiss kiss i am blushing like a loser xxxxxxxxx
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
So I just came across a post about Pavitr in the comics having an existential crisis about not being white like all the other different variations of Peter Parker (I’m definitely reading his comics at some point).
But now I’m remembering something from when I was a kid and I was wondering if this was like a universal POC experience from before you actually understood the concept of race and discrimination or if it was a just a weird fucked up thing my mind came up with.
See when I was younger, I was in an arab predominated school, there were like two other black girls but one of them was lightskin (I didn’t even know she was black until like second grade XD) and I hated the other for... various reasons (she was my bully for like six years but we ain’t gonna talk about that) so like I had no sense of kinship with like anyone in my class or school 
Because of that environment and the fact that I didn’t know why the racist secratary always got me in trouble while letting the other girls get away with not wearing the proper uniform until like fifth grade, I had so much fucked up self esteem like when I tell you all my memories of looking in the mirror as a little kid were so messed up-- I straight up hated my appreance and would see like this warped monster thing, I’m being completely honest. When I look back at pictures of five/six year old me I’m like ‘I was cute, why the hell do my memories look so different?’
Not to mention all the colourism and older people who looked like me telling me not to stand in the sun too much so I wouldn’t get any darker. I wanted straight hair for soooo long-- like all the way until I was thirteen and relaxed my hair for the first time and ended up ruining it for like five years after that.
Here comes the fucked up part. 
I never actually met a lot of my extended family when I was younger, so when I would imagine them, I would imagine them looking nothing like me because my mom always told me they looked pretty-- I would imagine them as ARAB, like with dark wavy/straight hair and all their predominate features. 
Anyways, I was a little tiny bit surprised when I met them and they looked nothing like my imagination. But the worse part was perhaps the fact that literally every single one of them had naturally straight/wavy hair or they relaxed it every few months so it would stay that way. I was still obsessed with straight hair at that point so when they offered to get the lady who does their hair to relax my hair I was super happy and excited about it but guess what??? 
She ruined my hair. I lost so much of it, it became dry and tangly because she didn’t bother doing it properly because I was catching a flight in like three days and I needed to leave the thing in for like two days so by the time I got the results it would be too late for me to ask her to fix it or give us our money back.
For the next like three years I kept cutting my hair until all the damage grew out completely and now I don’t have a lot of hair and it’s doesn’t grow as much as it used to.
So yeah.  
I wasn’t around white ppl a lot as a kid, no public school or anything so I think experience was different and my ‘beauty standards’ were more arab beauty standards but Idk tell me if you guys had a similar experience.
Circling back to the thing I said about Pavitr, I felt like that period of my life was the time where I really related to Pavitr’s existential crisis because I constantly felt ugly or that I wasn’t good enough because I didn’t look like the girls around me. I was also kinda (?) bullied for being chubby so that did nothing to help.  
So yeah, I have a lot of feelings about this. UGH.
I really hope they explore that part of Pavitr’s life a little bit in BTSV
P.S.: does anyone else feel really disconnected from their ethnicity and culture and feels really awkward at barbeques with distant cousins and their extended family because you feel like you don’t belong or that they’re judging you because you can’t speak your native language and have grown up mostly around judgy, racist old arab people as your teachers so you adopted a lot of arab mannerisms and.... yeah, I’m gonna talk about this another day
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celestie0 · 3 months
HI ELLIE!!! Omg, I just started reading IHM. I was originally going to hold off until it was done (or mostly done), because I'm a serial monogamist when it comes to a series (RIGHT NOW I AM LOYAL TO KICKOFF lol), but I ended up reading IHM anyways for some reason. I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH. I know that we're only two chapters in, but I always love and adore how much thought goes into your characters and writing. I found myself giggling the whole way through lul. One thing I noticed after chapter 2 is as much as Gojo annoys reader, he's also strangely attentive to her needs and is a complete foil to Choso. I'm sure this was supposed to be obvious, but I thought it was very sweet how he called her beautiful in the dress (the same dress that Choso didn't acknowledge her in) and how the ring he picked for her was similar to one that she had saved in her wedding mood board. I'm pretty sure it's not exactly intentional on Gojo's part (or maybe it is?? hehe), but I thought it was an interesting detail. Also, I know this is within spoiler territory, so don't feel obligated to answer this, but how angsty will it get between reader and Gojo's relationship? :,) I know that they're both still healing from personal trauma from their past relationships, so will that come into play as they develop feelings for each other? It seems that Gojo is hesitant to talk about his divorce, so would that be a factor or an obstacle that will hinder him from getting too close to reader? Can't wait for future chapters!!! <3 Thank you for spoiling us *__*
omg i feel you about the serial monogamy towards one series/show at a time 🤣 except for me it’s probs just hyperfixation 💀 but i’m so happy you decided to give ihm a read 🥺💕 it means sososososo much to me n i’m really excited for the seriesss
AWW IM GONNA SOB TYSM i have put quite a bit of thought into the characters in ihm bc i really want it to be like a web? of interactions btwn them all, and i’m so glad you saw that choso is foil to gojo!! yes!! he is very attentive to her, and i think sometimes it’s intentional n other times it’s just bc they’re meant to be honestly 😭💕 we’ll see that reader too is very vigilant too despite everything she’s got going on :”) i LOVED writing the scene where he calls her beautiful in the dress, every girl deserves to be called pretty in a dress she really adores!! and yeah the ring was totally coincidental but 🤣 again i guess they’re meant to be? hahaha
yesss i think there will be quite a bit of angst between the too, mostly surrounding their ex lovers, and just in general their pasts. i kinda wanted it where reader has lived in town her whole life (childhood home) whereas gojo mysteriously moved in next door less than a year ago, so they both don’t know much about each other despite being next door neighbors. but honestly i think a lot of the angst actually comes from secondary plotlines that end up bringing reader n gojo together!! but there will still be angst between them for suuuure 😭😔 yes gojo is very hesitant to speak up ab his divorce, sorry i simply cannot write gojo without avoidant personality bc i feel like he bottles up a lot in the show too so it just felt fitting 💀😞 but for reader too, i think she kinda…doesnt care to learn much about him as of right now bc she finds him annoying lol, and then later on when she has feelings i think it’ll be too painful for her to learn ab certain things too…so yes definitely i can see how they both would avoid their feelings and instead do the thing most adults do and joke about their feelings to lighten tension or completely avoid them all together 😃😃 (or do i just need therapy loool)
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK my love :”) hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!! much love from me <33
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elliebellyboo · 5 months
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Forevermore (Chapter 3)
“Keefe?” Sophie wheeled around.
Her boyfriend stood with crossed arms, a white uniform, and his signature smirk.
“Can’t go one day without going to the healing center, can’t you, Foster?” He joked.
“You know me.” Sophie sighed and smiled. She hadn’t seen Keefe in a few days. He’d been busy moving into Splendor Plains. Sophie was happy he was living with Elwin instead of his overbearing father, Lord Cassius.
“What are you doing here?” Sophie asked.
“Learning, apparently. Magnate Leto insisted I go back to Foxfire, so here I am!” Keefe grinned.
“I didn’t see you at orientation.” Sophie noted. 
“Well, I did some training with Grady this morning. But it took longer than expected.” He explained.
“Why? Did something go wrong?” Sophie scrunched her eyebrows.
“Ahh, and you’ve got that adorable worried look on your face. Everything’s fine, Foster. But, um, he wanted to talk to me.” Keefe looked a bit nervous as he told her the last part.
“About what?” Sophie pressed.
“Soooo, uhhh, well, have you talked to your parents about…us?” Keefe asked.
“No, I haven’t.” Sophie replied.
And it was true. Although, Sophie was sure Edalune suspected their relationship through all the sappy smiles, she had yet to tell them it was official. She really didn’t want to think about what Grady would say, though, since he had a past of not favoring Keefe. And if he knew she was dating That Boy?
Pure chaos and embarrassment.
“Well, Grady asked me if there was anything going on between us.” Keefe sighed.
“What did you say?” Sophie gasped.
“I told him we were in a relationship.” He shrugged. 
Sophie’s eyes widened.
“What?!” She exclaimed, “Why did you tell him?” She asked, frustrated.
“Hey, I thought it was better to tell the truth.” Keefe argued.
“But this is Grady we’re talking about. He…didn’t kill you?” Sophie narrowed her eyes.
Keefe’s smirk returned. “Nope. Turns out the Gradynator actually likes me.” He laughed.
“Thank god,” said Sophie, “But I bet I’m in for a long, stern talk when I get home.”
“Sorry..” Keefe told her.
“It’s alright. I guess it’s good that we got it over with.” 
The bell rung for lunch.
“Well, I guess it’s time to go say hello to our bffs.” Keefe reached for her hand. Sophie got butterflies as their fingers intertwined. They walked down the hall to the cafeteria together and spotted Biana and Tam at their usual table.
Bianas eyes widened. “Keefe! You’re here!” She realized.
“Unfortunately.” He joked.
Tam just stared at their clasped hands.
“Anyways.” Sophie breathed, plopping down in a chair, and Keefe in the one next to her.
“Your hair is looking shinier than usual, Bangs Boy.” Keefe noted.
Tam’s bangs did have more of a shimmer to them.
“Oh uh, yeah I decided to melt more silver in” He fussed with his bangs.
“It looks really good.” Biana told him.
Tam looked the other way and Biana tugged at the ends of her hair.
They seemed…awkward.
And both of them were flushing red…
But Sophie decided not to acknowledge it.
And neither did Keefe, apparently. Even though this was quite the epic teasing opportunity.
“Look who’s back.” Fitz muttered setting down his tray. 
“Fitz!” Sophie exclaimed a bit too loudly.
He sat on the opposite side of her.
“Hiya, Fitzy!” Keefe smiled at him.
Sophie hoped he’d ignore Fitz’s glare, but that was impossible. Fitz eyed Keefe with a hundred daggers.
Keefe sucked in a breath, like he was about to snap him a reply, but he stayed quiet.
“Well,” Marella plopped down next to Biana, breaking the awkwardness, “I’m pretty sure I failed that metaphysics test! But, eh, what’s new?” She smiled, tossing her reddish blonde hair. 
“I know, right!” Biana agreed.
“It wasn’t that hard.” Dex sat down next to Keefe.
“Easy for you to say.” Biana grumbled.
Sophie probably failed the test too, but she didn’t contribute to the conversation because she was busy falling asleep again.
Soph? Keefe transmitted.
Huh? Oh sorry I was just…
Yeah.. Sophie yawned
You’re so cute. Keefe smirked.
Sophie rolled her eyes.
Do you think we should tell them about us? She asked.
Do you want to tell them? Keefe questioned.
I think we should. Sophie replied, I mean my parents know and Fitz…
Knows we kissed? Keefe finished
Yeah. That. Sophie sighed.
“Keefe!” Sophie hissed.
“Don’t worry Soph, I got this.” 
Sophie turned to her friends. Their eyes were wide and confused.
Keefe paused, took a deep breath and said, “We wanted to tell you guys…we’re together.” He smiled.
Her friends all looked at each other and smiles started to creep onto their faces.
“Oh crud!” Biana laughed.
“Oh crud, what?” Linh came over and sat by Marella.
“Dex owes me so much money!” Biana smirked.
“Come on!” Dex grumbled.
“Wait, what?” Sophie was confused.
“Yeah they made bets on you.” Marella twirled her hair around her finger.
“So…you guys knew?” Keefe inquired.
“It’s not like you guys were subtle about it.” Tam muttered.
Fitz snorted.
Sophie wasn’t an empath. But if she was, she’d probably get a whole lot of negative emotions coming from her ex-boyfriend.
“I’m so happy for your guys!” Linh grinned.
“Yeah, but dude, if you hurt her at all, you should expect a particularly painful prank coming your way.” Dex warned Keefe.
“Now, Dexter, why would I do that?” Keefe said.
“Why wouldn’t you?” Someone spoke up.
It was Fitz.
“Okay, dude, what is your problem?” Keefe leaned across the table.
“You.” Fitz snarled, “You’re my problem.”
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dongpound · 8 months
i demand to know more of your oc's (also im trying to catch up on your space au fic its been so long since i last read it)
Anon™️ I’m using your ask as like a sticky note of oc ideas specifically Tundra dude there’s SO much I’m so sorry I got into the hyper focus zone
Tundra’s name is actually Alejandra Citlali Osorio-Cruz and through the series she’s just about to turn 16 in season 1 and roughly 19-20 by Season 5 (give or take how the fuck you think time works in 2012 bc I think it takes place over 3-4 years season 5 included)
Tundra came about as a nickname when she was a kid and got super hyper-fixated on professional wrestling and like. She made an entire persona and lore. Alec started using her wrestling name as a silly nickname and it stuck.
Yes I did come up with a stupid cute reason behind the name Tundra bc I can not handle the fact I chose such a BAD oc name for a LION but like I can’t change it NOW!! I MADE HER IN LIKE 2015 SHES TOO OLD TO CHANGE IT
Xever did just think for the longest time Tundra WAS her name. He also just assumed that Alec and Chris adopted a child for fun.
Her bio parents Ixchel and Alejandro were really good friends of Alec and Chris for like. Well over a decade. Ixchel and Alec especially. Ixchel was an actress (like I would say their worlds equivalent of Selma Hayek) and Alejandro worked in music production.
They didn’t have a ton of family they kept in contact with, so Alec and Chris were named Alejandra’s legal guardians if anything happened to them. They sadly died in a plane crash when Tundra was around 1.
This feels like SOOOO edgy and silly to me now but like I literally can’t see Alec and Chris adopting a kid any other way than the guilt of losing their friends pushing them to do it. WHICH SOUNDS BAD. AND LIKE IT IS. However they still love and raise Alejandra as their own, if anything Chris is like. Somewhat distant bc he still has his career but Alec’s like “fuck yeah I get to raise a kid again” and kinda slips from the spotlight. Which is fine by them , they’re like 600 years old they can just have messy fun in the public eye another time
Tundra goes fucking THROUGH IT emotionally through the series. Like goes from would do anything for Chris and Alec (especially Chris who. Again. Was distant and she desperately wanted his approval) to the point where like. She’s yknow. Mutated, to growing resentful of them when Hachi enters the picture (especially when she has to take care of him) to like. Low key betraying the foot and joining the mutanimals in season 3. And then having to deal w Chris being resurrected temporarily in season 5 after a really chill and happy 2 years with her mom and little brother like it’s a LOT.
In season 1 she’s very much a “mean girl” stereotype and slowly evolves into Cool And Gay (but still a little better than you)(she. She gets that from her upbringing.)
Tundra and Karai are seen as like a duo/bffs up until season 2 after the whole “I’m not shredders daughter” thing happens. They grow distant (obviously) until season 4.
So like Alec and Chris are NOT the best parents and like. They did totally just let Tundra take Hachi to live w her and the Mutanimals in season 4. She’d already been in space w him for 6 months and the poor kid really didn’t want to go live in the woods. I have such a specific scene in mind for this and I want to write it out so bad. Anyway tundra basically becomes a teen mom for a little bit. Eldest daughters am I right? *plays class of 2013 by mitski*
Tundra has a modified mini van which she does haul all of her friends who can fit in. Apologies to leatherhead and slash . No she doesn’t have a license
She also has a bike. These two vehicles she did canonically find on the side of the highway and she convinced Donnie and Casey to help her fix them
Tundras in a punk (? Maybe more Pop punk ) band called The Muties (my other characters Jack and Spinstra are in it. also Mondo. Sometimes Raph fills in on drums if Spinstra can’t make it). Tundra and Jack switch off on vocals, she’s usually on bass. They started up in the down time between seasons 4 and 5. They play in Moira’s Menagerie (a mutants only bar and hall) every week on Fridays. Alec comes to nearly all of their shows and also they bring Hachi sometimes when they practice and he’ll play his DS.
Alec will also force their friends (I.e. Apep, Anton, Ivan and Xever) to come watch Tundra w the promise of drinks and she thinks it’s embarrassing every fucking time bc they’re SO LOUD and OBVIOUS and god she could just DIE (but also. Having the support makes her happy)
Alec WILL slam back 3 tequila shots and go on about how talented their daughter is.
Chris got to see her play once. And it was when he was resurrected. And Tundra, frankly, was not thrilled. Another one I wanna write
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grapesodatozier · 1 year
"hey boss sorry I’m late I was zoned out in the shower thinking about what dnd 5e class each of the losers would be" -me this morning
lol anyway here’s what I came up with!! would love to hear others’ thoughts on this!! my personal character interpretations are very book heavy with cherry-picked movie influences and a respectable scoop of fanon interpretations I like lol so I think there’s a lot of options here and I think it would be so fun to hear other people’s interpretations of this!!
bill: oath of vengeance paladin whose god is maturin. his favorite spell is compelled duel. no further elaboration needed.
mike: farm boy mike made me consider druid or ranger, but I think his motivations are very strong around maintaining derry’s history, and he’s incredibly dedicated to that, so I think knowledge domain cleric makes most sense to me (his god is also maturin, bike maturin acolyte boyfriends so real <3 )
ben: book ben is soooo fighter. that man threw back an insane amount of alcohol, went back to derry no question, stomped on some alien eggs, and took decades to confess to a cute, corny little 3 line love poem, then respectfully swept his childhood love off her feet. that’s just so fighter to me. like there is nothing more Fighter than starting your story alone in a tavern venting vaguely about your past heroic exploits to the bartender. fighter for sure with some significant levels in artificer for his architecture career
stan: wizardddddd he literally escapes pennywise with the powers of his bird watching guidebook!!!! literally got magic powers from a book in canon!!!!! also he's very happy being an accountant and i feel like math and desk jobs feel very wizard to me lol. also it would be so interesting to explore his feelings about being able to shape reality when he's so attached to maintaining reality. but. he literally changed reality with his book like!!!! so much to think about here.
bev: i kinda want bev to be a rogue, but i think that's just what she initially tries to be. she wants to fly under the radar so bad but she never can. honestly i think she's a barbarian!! it's what she deserves!!! 2017 babygirl kills her dad by bashing him over the head with a toilet cover!!! that's some barbarian shit she has so much anger and rage that she deserves to let out!!!!! also her premonitions about It coming back? danger sense. decades in advance danger sense lmao
eddie: listen. i considered rogue. killing your childhood bully with a broken perrier bottle is some rogue shit. i also considered monk, bc our boy loves to go fast!! but i think the most fitting class for him is ranger. his "super power" is always knowing where to go and where he is. he uses it in the sewers, he uses it to drive around new york city better than anyone else. knowing your terrain that effortlessly is some ranger shit. also he's happiest just chilling on a grassy hill or hanging out in the barrens!! nature baby boy!! also rangers can be a dex class so it still works for him wanting to run and run and run
richie: okay i spent way too much time thinking about richie's bc he's my favorite <3 lol so this is gonna be long. listen we all have biases okay. anyways he's obviously a bard like hello he can change his voice and convince people he's someone else. basically literally casts silvery barbs in book canon. constantly performing. described as having "exhausting charm." support class 100%, while everyone leans on bill he's the one bill leans on. favorite spell is disguise self bc he wants so badly to be someone else. but i don't think he's just a bard. i think he pretends to be just a bard, but such a big part of richie's character is being afraid of things inside himself that he'd like to ignore but can't control. It shows him a werewolf with his name on it which yeah I'm very pro bisexual interpretation of that but more generally is just about feeling like he's got smth uncontrollable and scary that he doesn't understand within him. all of which screams wild magic sorcerer!! so i think he's a wild magic sorcerer who learns bard stuff so he can pretend he's only a bard bc he's scared of his natural magic
okay ty for reading please feel free to share your thoughts if you have them <3
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dogtiber · 7 months
Tiber had some really nice dog interactions this morning!
we met another whippet and I let him off lead in the public park for the first time!
Tiber was going absolutely berserk about having a friendly sighthound running circles around him and play bowing. I didn’t have his harness on him this morning, only his collar, and I couldn’t get him to calm down all the way and was worried he’d choke himself. he’s been getting to a good place with his recall lately and we’ve been discussing trying him off lead in the smaller quieter park anyway, and the other whippet seemed really well trained and responsive to her owner so I figured if I let him off he’d want to stick close to play with her.
he did really well! got some nice zoomies out and was really good about coming back to me. I usually ask him to tap his nose on my hand for recall and he was a little too distracted to follow through completely with that, but he was very very good about running by me to check in and reorienting towards me when called. I think we have a little more work to do, but I’m very proud of him!
I kept it short and got him back on leash once they were done running their circles.
a little later on our walk we ran into a very old lurcher. they both wanted to greet each other very badly, and Tiber was being very polite about it, so I walked him over. she was 14! he was very gentle with her, but was also play bouncing a lot lol just giving her some extra space when he did so. she bounced around back at him a little, but I think she was too old and wobbly to really go for it. but it was very cute watching them bounce at each other. her owners were very sweet and we chatted a bit and that was very nice.
and then we had a nice passing by greeting with a little daschund on the way home. as always with daschunds he was entirely enamored with her. they had a little cute happy sniff session.
those were the big exciting ones today, but he’s been doing better about dogs on our walks in general lately too! I’m very proud of him. I am thinking tho that I want to try to find some more opportunities to give him outlets for his dog friend excitement.
the other day, he was very good about waiting for the ok to go greet a little terrier-thing while we asked his owner if they could say hi. and he was being so self-disciplined but ALSO soooo excited. he literally plonked his ass down and just sat there vibrating in place until he could go up.
it was very funny and cute to witness and he’s being so good and trying so hard. but I’m worried he’s getting amped up too much trying to hold back and worried about him going over threshold? Idk I gotta see if I can find any info on excited reactivity I guess.
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here he is passed out on the couch after exciting walk^^
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