#anyways. took forever to get out of there. woke up so many times during the night
munamania · 4 months
best part of my day is gonna be the massive hit of pillow and blanky when i get home from work
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koolades-world · 6 months
Keeping pictures of him as your lock screen <3
it’s a picture of the two of you, dressed up fancy. you're on luci's back, looking over his shoulder down at a puddle and an arm around his neck. lucifer is stepping over said puddle, both of his arms wrapped around your legs
diavolo took the picture since the three of you were going out after a long night at some big fancy party to get ice cream!
since the puddle was very wide and you didn't want to get your outfit wet, luci offered to carry you over! a gentleman
the two of you didn't even realize dia took it and you got the picture the next morning from him
however luci did buy the both of you ice cream with as many toppings as you both wanted
it’s a picture of the two of you at the beach. both of you are half in the water and there’s water actively dripping down your bodies. your hair is plastered to your heads. you are smiling widely at the camera, both arms around his waist. mammon, however, looks caught off guard and is looking down at you instead of the camera. he looked oddly happy
after arriving to the beach, you insisted mammon put on sunscreen but he kept running away, insisting he was fine
sunscreen is important! not only to avoid burns but skin cancer! can demons even get skin cancer? anyways you half thought he thought he didn’t need it, half he didn’t want you touching him
to resolve the situation, he decided to dunk the both of you in the water, so now you couldn’t put on sunscreen
asmo took the photo, more than happy to embarrass his older brother. mammon demanded the photo be deleted but after you said you liked it, he stopped
it's a picture of him, napping on your bed holding his devilswitch. he's asleep on top of the covers with his headphones about to fall of his head. In levi’s hair, there are lots of little sparkly hair clips that looks like butterflies
his room was getting deep cleaned so he needed somewhere else to hide and who better to turn to?
before you had come back to find him like that, you had placed all the clips in his hair and while he complained, he didn’t stop you and continued playing his game
you originally left to make a quick store run for snacks and was out longer than intended due to shenanigans with the other brothers
after taking the picture, you threw a blanket over him incase he got cold and went back to what you were doing previously, waiting for his reaction once he woke up <3
it’s a picture of the two of you laying out on a blanket that’s laid on in the grass. satan has kisses in lipstick all over his face and he’s laughing, eyes shut. you’re laying basically on top of him, your face squished right next to his to fit in the frame. the lipstick in question is laying next to the two of you, the case catching the light.
he invited you on a picnic he set up and was very cute, but lucifer happened to walk by and throw some off putting comments at satan. obviously he was not happy
you took that picture after giving him a pep talk to give him the boost he needed because you wanted to remember that moment forever. it’s rare to see him so happy
he couldn’t stop giggling the entire time, so you actually reapplied the lipstick and kept going
you always tell him it’s a shame his eye weren’t open during that picture since you love them so much, which makes him flustered everytime. so, you have another picture from the same day as your home screen
it’s a picture he might typically post on devilgram. he’s sitting at a table at a cafe with a cute drink with two straws in front of him. the photo is head on so parts of his surroundings are present. one of his hands is up, waving at the camera, but the other is on the table, holding your hand, your fingers intertwined.
he invited you out to this cafe that launched a drink he just had to have! he got the limited item, but he want to make it special by sharing it with you
you insisted it was fine and that you could get something else but he gave you the puppy eyes
he also refused to let go of your hand for the photo so you had to take the photo with one hand
after the photo he complimented you in your photo taking skills, and of course himself for how beautiful he looked. you promptly agreed with him, making him even happier <3
it’s a photo of the two of you right after beel won a fangoal game! he’s in his uniform and is clearly sweaty. in one arm is the trophy, but in his other is you. you’re sitting on his arm and he’s holding you close to him. you’re pressing a kiss on his cheek, and he looks shocked.
you were rooting for him the entire game especially since this was the championship game. you knew he was going to win but that didn’t stop you from being the loudest voice in the crowd to cheer for him
after his winning goal, and he accepted the trophy, people wanted to take pictures. he refused unless you were allowed to be in them since it was his first big game with you there
you decided to kiss him last minute, but you thought he deserved it
of course another one was taken for official reasons where it was just you two smiling, but Beel promptly found a way to get the first picture to frame it and put it on his bedside table next to a picture of him and belphie
it’s a picture of the two of you in a study hall class. other students can be seen in front of and around you, but that table was just the two of you. belphie is asleep, as usual, but he’s laid out in your lap. you’re reading a book for class, with some colorful sticky tabs and a pen sitting next to both of you. your RAD jacket was laid over him and you had a hand under his head
belphie thought study halls were dumb and used it as nap time, which is what he did in most classes, but you actually had work to get done
you had originally wanted to leave annotation for the book for you own use but belphie had decided to cuddle up with you, so that made it hard
when he inevitably fell asleep, you felt bad and put your jacket over him. at some point you absent mindedly started petting his hair
he still claims to this day that was the best he had ever slept
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devnmon · 2 months
too sweet. || a.m.
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a/n: heyy ok i know you guys have probably seen enough of the fics with hozier songs but i also love him and when i heard this track the minute it was released, i was like oh yeah this is arthur morgan core. if ur bothered by me writing this then i say that is simply your problem ngl. in the case that you are reading this, it's just a silly little blurb that sums up arthur morgan in the eyes of the song too sweet by hozier !
wc: 632 | warnings: mentions of smut (that's all)
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Arthur Morgan was never an early bird. In fact he despised it. Most times he did was only during a hunt, when he woke smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze. You– you were different; completely rising before the sun rose like clockwork. While you always told him never to stay up till the sunrise, he did, arrogantly, anyways.
He was amazed at how you were so easily able to exist in a world that fought against you– not only in the gang, but as a woman. Drunk on life you seemed to be, Arthur would say, while he took his whiskey neat. In his bed at 3am many nights, he took pride in getting to lay next to you when the slower moments came to pass.
You kissed him in the early mornings when you rose, lips still tasting of the previous night's wine. The sweet morning greeting of your lips had him praying for you to lay with him longer. Arthur was lovesick and kept you wherever he went; whether that meant drawings of your from across camp, or your name written with a heart next to his on a different page. On the off chance he gets back to camp early in the mornings before you wake, he leaves you the most exquisite trinkets for you to remember him by.
It's not often he must stay out of camp for longer than a couple days, but when he does, he returns with a heartfelt apology that takes place in your shared bedroll, begging you to accept his apology with every praise. Your touch has been ingrained into his mind, body. and soul, and yet– it burns his skin every time. Each press of your lips and swipe of your tongue over his skin.
He's so goddamned lucky you've let him at your body long enough to know how well his melds with yours like putty. You're the cream he voids from his coffee– because you're too sweet for him. You're too sweet with your sweet lips like heaven's gate, and Arthur is marveled at how you let him of all men kiss you.
The natural beauty you walked around with every day made Arthur seethe with envy at the fact that other men would gaze upon what was his. Most times when you clock his jealous stares and frustrated grunts, it's instinct when you immediately reassure him that you're not going anywhere.
His frustration is released among his true aim towards the spots on your body that make you mewl and call out his name like a mantra. It boosts his ego through the roof like a rocket when you respond and intertwine your soul even more with his.
When he's free from the constant back and forth from camp and jobs, there's a rare moment where Arthur dedicates two or three days to only you. He whisks you away to an expensive hotel, and uses his every power to bring you a new kind of ecstasy when he shares the bed with you. Arthur never wants you to think he doesn't have time to spend on you; he proves that any moment he can.
At that point, he'd gladly die between your thighs just to hear the wanton noises of carnal desire you feel for him and only him. He's seen so much pain in the world, that he's astonished someone like you can be beautiful and perfect so naturally.
You're the sun he wakes to every morning, the contrast of the heat during the cool rainy nights. As sweet as wine and the grapes it has been made from; he'd wait forever to taste your kiss again as long as you were there to ease the aches and pains.
Until then... he'll take his whiskey neat.
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Being my Uncle John.
Every year, On the 1st day of the six month, 2 males in Jacks family switch bodies for a month. Unfortunate for Jack, he is a male. But fortunate enough for him, he has never been switched, but this year would be different.
1 day before.
“Aw cmon bud its not that bad.” “You have never been switched before anyways.” said my Dad. “I know but what if this year is different?” I said. “Like I said, Its not that bad.” “Unless your luck runs out and you get switched for many years in a row like your Uncle mark.” “But that’ll never happen ha.” said my dad with a unsure tone. “Yeah I guess your right.” “How have you switched with before dad?” I said. “Oh I switched many times haha, With your uncle Mark, your uncle Tom, and even your grandpa Joe! hahaha.” “But for some reason your uncle John has never switched, lucky son of a bastard.” Im really hoping I don’t get switced but something inside of me wants me too. Just the thought of being a real man, just feels so right. Now its time to go to Bed and wake up as myself or even one of my uncles, I really hope I switch with one of my Uncles it just feels right.
The next day,
As I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right, it felt like my cock and everything else has doubled in size, I mean WOW, this cock is really huge! I mean i like girls and all but im way more attracted to men. I stood up on the side of the bed and just admired the manly body im in, as i looked closer I realized im in the body of my uncle John, which has also never been switched.
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I was having fun being in this big body, but then I realized im gonna have to be John, he has a life, job, and even husband! good thing his husband is on a business trip and gets back on the day we switch back. I decided to call my “nephew”. “Yo how ya doing bud?” I said with a grin. “Im doing great Uncle John!” “How do you like being a man?” said Uncle John. “Amazing, how do you like being a teenager again?” I said. “Ha you are exactly how I was when I was a teenager.” Uncle John said. “Ok now lets get serious, how do I become you?” I said. “Ok first thing off, I have a job at the gym as a trainer, they should know what to do just hype them up.” “My husband is on a business trip so he shouldn’t be a problem, pretty easy right?” Uncle John said. “Yeah not so bad after all.” I then tell Uncle John how to pass as me and we eventually hang up. I now got dressed and jerked off before I headed to the Gym. It was amazing how much this body can come and how big my balls are now.
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At the Gym I got greeted by some muscular men, which I tried to hide my boner from. Turns out I was pretty good as a trainer, It was like I’ve been doing this my whole life! After my shift, I decided to go take a sneak peek at the locker room, I mean just a peak right? Then I saw a guy with his package out and couldn’t help get cum a little. I mean, if John didn’t have a husband I would totally help him out. I then headed home and took a hot warm bath and played with my cock. I then went to bed. It’s pretty fun being uncle John I wish I could be him forever.
The next day,
Its now the next day and I woke up with a huge morning wood. It was the weekend which means I didn’t have to go to work and had the whole day to myself! But then I got a call from my husband, “Hey John, im coming back early in the afternoon can we have some.. alone time?” said my husband Joseph. “Of course my love, anything for you.” I said. “How is your families swap going? Do you know who switched?” Joseph said. “Uh no actually.” I said. “Okay well get ready for when I come back!” “definitely” I said then hanged up. I know how bad it seems lying but I just wanna feel how this body would be during sex.
In the afternoon,
As I was getting ready for uncle Johns husband to come back I got a call from uncle John, “Hey “Uncle John” is Joseph coming from home from his trip early?” Said Uncle john. “No he hasn’t called me or anything why?” I said lying. “Just wondering, If he is, please don’t do anything with him please.” Uncle John said. “Gotcha nephew.” I said and then hanged up. I felt bad lying to Uncle John but I just wanna experience getting fucked in this big manly body. An hour later Joseph knocked on the door and greeted me. “Hey babe, I’ve missed you and your big manly ass.” Joseph said. “I missed you too and that big monster.” I said. I knew it was wrong what I was doing but it was natural for some reason. Joseph then proceeds to take of his shoes and puts his feet on the coffee table. “Babe you know what to do.”Joseph said in a stern voice. “Oh yes master.” I said obeying his orders. I get down on my knees and lick his big manly feet.
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He then proceeded to Unbuckle his pants.
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“Now suck my cock boy.” “Yes sir.” I started sucking my “husbands” cock and loved the feeling. I loved being commanded by a big man and obeying him, I could do this forever.
“Now roll over and let me fuck your ass.” He then fucked my ass and I could feel the hot cum. “Good boy, Now continue to lick my feet and my armpits.”
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We continued for about 18 minutes, I really did love him and could live happily with him forever. If only I could stay in this body forever. Joseph then left the store and Uncle John called me. “Hey uncle the switch is almost over, and be honest, did you jerk off or have sex in my body its important beca-” “I jerked off in your body and had sex with your husband im sorry I didn’t mean to.” I said regretting everything I have done. “YOU DID WHAT. NOW WE CANT SWITCH BACK.” Said my nephew angrily. But then I realized that this means my “uncle” is now my nephew, so I had more authority over him and he should obey me. “I don’t know who your talking to young man, but that is not a way to talk to your uncle John.” “The closest thing you get to this body is me fucking your teenager ass.” I said with a stern voice. I then hanged up and jerked off to the fact that im now John. I admired every inch of my body until Joseph came back. When he comes back im not gonna be the servant, Im gonna fuck his ass and command him to suck my dick.
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hi, can you please do pros and cons of dating captain price?
This was incredibly fun to write, thanks anon!! ❤️
| Blog HQ | MW2 Masterlist | Merrick's Version | Hesh & Logans Version |
3 pros and 3 cons of dating John Price
He's a planner, especially when it comes to you and your wellbeing
You held back a snort, watching as your boyfriend brought threw his bag into the backseat before getting in himself.
Softly sighing under your gaze he mindlessly mumbled "just say it, already" as he started driving.
"You remembered your purse, I see" you chuckled, finding it forever amusing that he always had his backpack when the two of you would go out.
Your amusement was cut short later that day when the weather took a turn and the wind picked up. Crossing your arms over your chest, grumbling about how John always seemed to be warm no matter the situation; you missed him sliding the bag off his one shoulder.
"Here" he simply stated, holding out a sweater for you to put on. "Low chance of showers today, but thought I'd bring sweaters just in case"
He is the king of home DIY. You want anything upgraded, fixed or built? He's got this.
"Hey, so I was thinking" you started one afternoon, leaning against the door of your shared bathroom. Explaining to your boyfriend the shelf idea you had seen on your phone a few hours earlier.
"Let me finish showering and we can go to the shop to buy supplies"
He always offers you a drink or snack whenever he gets up to grab one for himself. Sometimes brings you one back anyway (even if you said no)
"I'm going to grab something to drink, would you want anything?" He pointed toward the kitchen as he stood from the couch.
Totally does the "I was not asleep" thing when he was 100% asleep. Will fight to the end of his life that he was not sleeping
"Wake up, John" you whispered, nudging his arm. You came home to find your boyfriend laying on the couch asleep, controller on the floor.
Giving you a small groan, before shifting closer into the cushions he mumbled: " 'm awake"
Rolling your eyes, you opted against arguing that he was sound asleep not even a second ago. Shoving his legs back, you sat on the couch with him. Hand running over his bicep as he slowly woke up, stretching his shoulders as he explained that he was wide awake that entire time.
Gossips like a little old lady. Usually in public when he runs into someone he knows.
You stood awkwardly off to the side, shifting your weight between the heels and balls of your feet. John had been chatting with an old colleague of his in a random isle of the shop for at least 15 minutes.
While they were deep in conversation, you had excused yourself to not only finish the grocery shopping as planned, but also pay for and load said groceries into the vehicle. Only to come back to the isle to find they hadn't moved more than an inch.
"I should let the two of you get back to your shopping. We should meet up for a pint sometime though" his friend smiled, patting his shoulder before bidding you a polite goodbye.
"Sorry love, now what do we need to buy from here?" John smiled at you, eyebrow raising when you gave him an amused expression in return. Grabbing his hand, leading him out of the store as he slowly realized just how long he had been visiting for.
Has unconsciously used his work voice during some of your more heated arguments
Not that he ever means to, as with most people work stays at work. Home stays at home. We don't blur the lines.
Except the rare nights where emotions are high, words are escaping both your lips before your brains can process them.
"Are. We. Clear?" He enunciated, voice firm as he stared down at you. Irises hidden behind his pupils as his jaw locked.
Equally as angry, you simply spat: "Yes, Captain" before turning on your heel to go cool off.
There were many apologies shared the next morning when you both calmed down.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @bowtruckleninja @v1naco
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troutfur · 7 months
prompt if you still need: fernkit/paw wondering if she'll ever become a warrior and wondering why she's still in the nursery/just starting her apprenticeship while cloudpaw gets apprenticed first and becomes a warrior before the other cats that are older than him -- brightpaw and swiftpaw.
[according to canon, she's born in the summer at the end-ish of into the wild. she's not even an apprentice until the following summer of rising storm. her and ashkit/paw are full adults in the nursery.]
I just HAD to do this one since it's so goddamn funny. The Erins did my favorite timeline fuckup TWICE. GOD. Knowing them it's probably many more, actually. Diversity win! Due to authorial incompetence this character is now adult in primary education representation!
For the unaware, it's an important plot point that The Sight takes place towards the end of winter/beginning of spring, since the whole of the plot can be tracked almost day by day pretty accurately and only takes up about a single moon, with the climax at the Daylight Gathering which explicitly happens during the first full moon of the spring.
However, in Sunrise during the subplot in which Jayfeather goes snooping in Leafpool's business, it is established him and his siblings were born in... winter! Leafpool's Wish later on doubles down on this nonsense which has forever ruined my ability to take the parentage reveal investigation seriously. CLEARLY such a basic timeline fuckup must mean Jayfeather's memory is shit and not to be trusted.
Typically I ignore this when creating timelines for my work, but I do have the jokey headcanon that Firestar was so furious about the fox kits incident that he refused to apprentice them until they were grown-ass adults. lmao.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Let's go!
(Want to submit your own scenario for me to turn into 500 words of crack? Check out my guidelines and submit a prompt! Recently I did an askbox cleanup so I'm very much in need for a good few more to get to November 30th.)
“Ashkit, don’t you feel like there’s something just... wrong about all this?” Fernkit asked with her squeaky kit voice from where she was observing just at the entrance to the nursery.
Her twin brother looked to her from where he was batting at a mossball, his head tilted to the side with confussion. “What do you mean?”
She frowned. “It’s just that, you know...” she looked out. “Cloudpaw is getting his apprentice ceremony, but wasn’t he smaller than us? And didn’t he get bigger just now?”
“When we woke up we were the same size,” Ashkit replied with a shrug.
“Maybe but shouldnt’ that mean we should be apprenticed as well?” Fernkit asked.
“Well, Bluestar didn’t say it was our turn to be appentices yet,” Ashkit said. “And mom says that we must obey everything she says. So if she hasn’t said we should be apprenticed we should just obey.”
Fernkit took in a deep breath as she tried to think how to explain the situation. “But aren’t we supposed to become apprentices when we reach 6 moons old? Didn’t we reach that a while ago?”
“I’unno,” Ashkit replied.
“We were already here by the time Cloudpaw joined the Clan,” Fernkit pointed out. “Shouldn’t we at least be becoming apprentices alongside Cloudpaw?”
“I don’t know what you’re worrying so much about,” Ashkit finally said as he turned around. “Cloudpaw’s going to have to do chores around camp all day now and we get to play instead. What do you miss so much about becoming an apprentice?”
As her brother tossed out his mossball and walked off, Fernkit was left alone with her thoughts on the matter. She couldn’t deny that there was some truth to what her brother was saying but it still left her a tad... unsettled. Wasn’t he ever excited about the idea of finally leaving the nursery? Of getting to know the territory and the world outside of camp? Of doing all of the things their adopted littermate would get to do?
Fernpaw shook her head, refusing to keep dwelling on these thoughts. Perhaps Ashkit was right and it wasn’t their time just yet. Perhaps being in the nursery would be for the best.
And so she followed in his lead.
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hopelessromamtic26 · 12 hours
My thoughts about Bridgerton season 3 part 2 & Polin.
I am going to be honest it was beautiful I loved every part of it but there are some disappointments too. First of all, im going to start with the things I loved. This post is going to be long so bare with me.
1. I loved polin's first time scene it was beautiful made and sexy. Colin was so gentle with her and made sure she was enjoying herself rather then him getting his pleasure.
2. The wedding I thought it was beautiful as well. Especially Penelope's dress. She looked like a princess.
3. Of course I loved it when Cressida got put in her place once Pen wrote down she's the real Wistledown.
4. I also like that Lady Danbury sort of knew Pen was Lady Wistledown. I liked that very much.
5. I don't know what was wrong with me I kind of like that Colin was angry maybe because I expected some angry sex. But I was a little disappointed we didn't get that but I understood why it didn't happen.
6. I loved that Colin told her he loved her early on instead of like in the book. In the book it took him forever to figure out that he loved her. But show Colin was more aware of his feelings for Penelope and I liked that.
Now to the things I didn't like. I was expecting something like it the book. About once Colin found out I wanted Penelope to snap on him. Like it's my turn to talk and you to listen. Here in the show she didn't do that which I wanted. I also didn't like when Colin was yelling at her about why she ruined Miss Thompson. She tried to tell you several time buddy. You wouldn't listen to her as just Pen. So she had no other option but to put it in Lady Wistledown. Same with Eloise. She told her many times to stop seeing Theo and she wouldn't listen either so once again to save her so the Queen wouldn't ruin her family. Pen had to put her being unchaperoned with theo on Lady Wistledown. It was Eloise fault in the first place because she was so obsessed with uncovering Lady Wistledown that she slipped up. I am going to be honest I didn't really like Eloise this season. But I was glad she stopped being friends with Cressida again she had to learn the hard way. She became good in the end to me though. Eloise not Cressida. I liked how she was basically the same like in the book.
Now to other things I didn't like how they made Benedict have a threesome. I thought that was totally unnecessary. He got more sexy times then polin when it's their season. I don't get the writers sometimes. They spend more time on other side plots then the main one. I wanted to see more. How Colin was feeling when he was sleeping on the couch. I know once she woke up you can see that he wasn't sleeping. But I wanted to see him trying very hard not to go in their bedroom. I wanted to see his thought process more. I also wanted him to be more happy during the wedding he was still angry and sad. I did not like how they made it a sad wedding and Pen was unsure about it. I thought she wouldn't go through with it and just run out the door. I am glad she didn't and it seemed like he calmed down a little while they danced. Until the Queen interrupted. Also I didn't want Pen to tell the entire ton she was Lady Wistledown this season. But it was very beautiful regardless. Anyway it was a beautiful writen story I loved watching it. I just liked the book better in some parts. We still don't know who's season its going to be next. I hope it's not Eloise. I never read her book. I just don't care about her love story. I loved Eloise in the book though. I really hope its Benedict that was what I was looking forward to most of all. I also hope there are more sexy scenes with Polin next season. We barely had any because of LW revealed ruined everything. So another thing I'm looking forward to next season. I am also going to be honest I liked part 1 a lot better than part 2. Idk maybe it was the yearning and I love to see Colin yearning. I wanted him to do that a lot once he was upset. (Yearning for his wife) But it's okay still good however.
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queen-haq · 2 years
Fic: A Woman Reborn (Part 18)
Pairing: Billy Russo X Reader (from A Woman Scorned)
Rating: R / 18+ only
A/N: This is a sequel to A Woman Scorned and takes place a few years after the events of AWS.
MasterList (includes links to AWS and previous chapters here)
Summary: You and Billy are happily married when tragedy strikes, jeopardizing your relationship and everything you two have built together. Can the two of you find your way back to each other or is the special bond you once shared broken forever?
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You woke up in a state of panic, body clammy with sweat, heart pounding. It was the third bad dream you had in as many days, and something told you they weren’t going to end any time soon. During waking hours you could function properly, with work to distract you and your sheer determination to help propel you forward. But when you were asleep it was a free for all; your guilty conscience refused to be suppressed and manifested itself in horrible nightmares that were already taking a toll on you.
Rage and sadness were emotions that you always had difficulty navigating, but guilt - your mother had weaponized that particular emotion so much against you that you learned to wade through it and even master it. When someone tried to take you down, you retaliated hard, and you didn’t lose any sleep over it.
Until now.
Now, none of your coping techniques were working. Your actions weighed heavily on your mind. Because of you, Karen was going to find out the truth about Billy and Rawlins’ connection, about Cerberus. And when Karen discovered the truth, she’d tell Frank. Frank, who lost his military career because he’d stumbled onto the truth about Cerberus and wouldn’t stay silent about it. Frank, who had no idea that it was Billy who’d orchestrated the whole thing.
Anxiety rushed through you; you felt nauseated. Throwing your blanket aside, you ran to the bathroom and tried to throw up but all you did was heave nothing. Minutes later you stared at your reflection in the mirror, your face damp from washing. You couldn’t go on like this, not with this guilt eating away at you. Billy may have hurt you but you couldn’t live with yourself if you did the same to him. Maybe that made you weak or pathetic, but he was the man you loved, the love of your life, and you couldn’t bear it if something happened to him because of you.
You had to make things right, and you needed to do it as quickly as possible. It was the only way to ease your conscience and move on.
“There’s still four weeks left on your contract,” Curtis pointed out.
It wasn’t the right time to put your resignation in but it needed to be done. The longer you stayed at Anvil, the more you were forced to interact with Billy and that meant being in a state of constant emotional turmoil. Billy was Billy, he’d never stop pushing your buttons. Maybe if you’d resigned earlier you wouldn’t have set up Karen to find out about Billy’s deal with Rawlins. Maybe with some distance you would have been able to cope with Billy’s provocations – but close proximity to him, always fighting him and being on guard around him – it had messed you up and you made a foolish decision because of it. You couldn’t afford to let that happen again.
Voice steady, you stared blankly at Curtis. “I’m not leaving you guys in any kind of lurch. Anvil’s in a good place. There’s enough work in the pipeline for the next year. And anyway, Billy’s back.” You took a deep breath. “He’s as driven as he always was. This is the best time for me to leave.”
“You know he wants you here at Anvil. It’s been his dream for a long time.”
“He’ll get over it.”
Curtis regarded you closely. “The gala tonight, are you-”
“I’m still planning to attend. And I’d like to tell Billy and Frank myself tonight, if you don’t mind.”
“I’m gonna miss you, you know.”
You gave him a smile. “Maybe one day I’ll open up my own firm. You can come work for me then.”
He laughed. “I’m sure you’ll make me an offer I can’t refuse.”
“Ten percent more than what Billy pays you. You can hold me to that.”
Curtis’s hearty laugh was like a balm for your frayed soul, giving you temporary respite from everything that was troubling you.
You took a sip of your vodka martini, barely registering the taste. Normally you would spend the morning of the gala relaxing and prepping for the evening as schmoozing potential clients took a lot of energy on your part, but today had not been a typical day. First you handed in your resignation and then you spent the rest of the morning trying to delete the manufactured evidence you had planted for Karen to find. Like you weren’t already stressed enough, then you got the news that Karen had gone out of town unexpectedly. Every instinct in your body told you it had something to do with the lead you fabricated in Florida – and that meant working faster than Karen to make sure she found nothing when she reached there. By the time you were finally done you barely had any time to get ready for the gala, but you were here now.
You were wearing a vibrant yellow one-shoulder floor length satin gown, with a split that reached above your knees. While the gorgeous colour drew attention to your tanned skin and the cut made you feel sexy as hell, it was also comfortable, hiding areas that you were self-conscious about while flattering the best parts of you. You had contemplated going for an up-do but in the end decided to stick with the sharp bob you already had, paired with minimal jewelry and glowing makeup. The look was completed with a pair of fuchsia heels. All in all you felt confident, and would have normally looked forward to showing off but you were too worried about Karen to fully enjoy yourself.
You took a big sip of the martini, hoping some liquid courage would loosen you up and ease your anxieties.
Hearing the familiar voice, you turned around to find Roger standing behind you at the bar. His salt and pepper hair was perfectly styled, the wrinkles around his eyes making him look more distinguished than before. Once upon a time you looked up to him as a mentor; now, that relationship no longer existed. “Hi, Roger.” Your greeting was cordial but not friendly, in line with your new dynamic.
“How are you?” he asked, leaning in closer to the bar so he could order a drink for himself. “It’s been a long time.”
“I’m fine. And you?”
He gave you a warm smile, which irritated you. Did he really think the two of you were on friendly terms after everything that happened?
“I’m great. I’m actually taking over as CEO of Valiant.”
You suspected he was trying to impress you but all that did was agitate you further. “Congratulations,” you replied noncommittally.
“I’ve heard a rumor your contract with Anvil will be coming to an end soon.”
You leveled him with a steely glance. “You know better than to listen to rumors, Roger.”
“And I normally don’t, but I have a vested interest in this particular one.”
Your gaze didn’t waiver from his face. “Why?”
“I’d like for you to join Valiant again.”
You burst out laughing. “Really?”
Roger’s smile stiffened. “I recognize there was unpleasantness-”
“Unpleasantness? You forced me to resign! After I worked my ass off for Valiant. Because of me, the east coast division brought in the highest revenue for three consecutive quarters. Clients came to us because of me, and my reputation, and all the work I did to upgrade our systems and company culture. But none of that mattered in the end, did it?”
“You cost us a pretty big contract, Y/N.”
There it was, the stupid fucking excuse Roger and the board used to get rid of you. Just the thought of it fired you up and made you rage – but you knew better than to lose your cool in front of others. Losing your temper in a professional setting was still a forgivable offence for men; for women, however, especially women of colour, the same behaviour was a career killer. So although every fiber in your body wanted to tell Roger to fuck off, you maintained a steady tone of voice and replied to him passively. “No, Roger. My incompetence didn’t cost us the contract. It was Bryan Howard, your friend, who did. He was the lead in the project-”
“It was your responsibility to manage him.”
“And how was I supposed to do that when you wouldn’t let me coach him or discipline him in any way?” Jaw clenched, you surveyed the room in an effort to calm yourself when you noticed Curtis and his date entering the ballroom. That meant Billy was here too. You turned your attention back on Roger, your mind suddenly very clear and focused. “Would you like to dance, Roger?”
His eyes widened, surprised by your invitation. Good. Exactly what you wanted. You set your empty glass down on the bar and followed behind him to the dance floor. Soon his arm encircled your back, your hand was linked with his and the two of you were slowly moving to the music.
“You’re the one who pushed for Bryan’s promotion,” you said quietly, meeting Roger’s gaze. “Even though I told you he wasn’t a good fit, that he was an arrogant prick and there were other qualified candidates who were far more deserving of that position. From day one I warned you he was going to cost us clients but you didn’t listen.”
Roger exhaled a resigned sigh, as if you were a petulant child that was wearing on his nerves. You resisted the urge to shove him away. “Can we put this behind us and talk about the future?”
Your eyes darted across the room, scanning the crowd for Billy. When you finally spotted him, your eyes met his and the world stopped. Your heart pounded in your chest, desire coursed through your veins. Dressed in a navy tuxedo that was tailored to his perfect physique, he looked absolutely stunning and every inch the man you fell so madly in love with. But what stood out more than his good looks was the anger on his face. Rage burned in his eyes, in the hard set of his jaw, in his piercing stare ready to obliterate you and Roger. You forced yourself to look away from Billy and meet Roger’s eyes again.
“My husband was in the hospital. I was burning the candle on both ends. Instead of offering me the support I asked for, you delegated my responsibilities to Bryan. And when it blew up in your face, like I predicted it would, you threw me to the wolves.”
“Your severance package was very generous.”
A bitter laugh escaped your throat. “Yes, it was. And I deserved every bit of it considering all that I did for Valiant. But the people I hired, they weren’t so lucky, were they?” It still infuriated you that all the effort you put into making the company more progressive, the women you hired and put in leadership positions because they were deserving of it, had all been dismantled by Roger and a new leadership team. After you left Valiant, a lot of the same employees reached out to you to complain about the new hostile work environment they had to face. “Tell me something. You saw how much Valiant thrived when we started making the company more inclusive. So why move backwards? Why get rid of the very people that made Valiant profitable?”
“That’s not what happened. At least that’s not how I see it.”
“No?” You smiled at him coldly. “Change your perspective then. Maybe that’ll turn things around. Heard you guys hasn’t been doing too well recently.”
His eyes narrowed, he didn’t like your barbed comment at all. “My word still means something in this industry, Y/N. I’d tread carefully. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in a situation where you were blackballed, would you?”
There was that cutthroat side of him you first witnessed when he threw you under the bus. You pulled away from him, standing still on the dance floor, instinctively stalking Billy across the ballroom. He was still watching you, angry and jealous. Ready to unleash violence at the slightest provocation. Your eyes shifted back to Roger, faking a friendly smile. “You’re right. Obviously I’ve had too much to drink. Sorry.” You leaned forward and gave Roger a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Have a great night.”
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you slid past Roger, swiftly cutting across the ballroom to make your way to the restroom down the hallway. With every step you took you felt Billy’s gaze hunting you, following your every move. He wouldn’t be appeased with simply watching you, not at all, not when you had purposely taunted him. Within seconds you sensed him tracking you, drawing closer, until he finally caught up with you and gripped your elbow from behind. Suddenly he was yanking you into an empty room and you found yourself trapped between the wall and Billy, with nothing to protect you from his outburst.
Adrenaline rushed through your blood, competing with the guilt that flooded over you. His accusing glance pierced you through to the core as he pressed up against you, crushing the structure of your dress. You couldn’t look at him, couldn’t meet his gaze, knowing how close he was to having his entire life thrown into a tailspin because of what you did.
“How long did it take you to fuck Roger?”
His voice was low, fully potent and menacing. A lion didn’t need to roar to provoke fear.
“How’s that any of your business?”
“Was it right after the accident? Or when I was in a fucking coma for months?”
“Maybe it was when you started fucking your therapist,” you fired back, shooting him a fiery glance. But the moment your eyes met his, you felt sick to your stomach again. Immediately you lowered your gaze and tried to push him away but he was stronger than you, gripping your wrists and holding them physically between your bodies.
“You told me you felt nothing for him.” The stark hurt in his voice reverberated with such anguish that it pained you just to listen to him. “From day one I knew he wanted you, I could see it. I told you, over and over again, but you said you felt nothing.” His resentment returned, fierce and righteous. “You lied to me!”
“So what? Who cares? There’s nothing left between us anyway. Whatever we had was ruined a long time ago.” Your heart was breaking. “You need to move on, Billy. Like I have.”
A cruel sneer marked his lips. “You’ve moved on? That’s fucking bullshit.” His arms maneuvered yours against the wall, trapping them above your head. He glowered with rage, with passion, holding you hostage not just physically but also emotionally. Your body flush against his, your gleaming eyes reluctantly met his onyx ones. “We can’t move on from each other.” He eased his grip, his hands trailing down your arms, long, lean fingers playing havoc on your skin and senses. “I won’t let you.”
Voice filled with longing, making you ache for him, his finger swiped the lone tear from your face and all you could think about was his erection pushing on you, how good it felt to have him touch you again, how tired you were of fighting him.
His mouth closed over yours in a demanding kiss, and every bit of your resolve melted instantly. You just wanted to feel normal again, without worrying, without any guilt, and his voracious lips sucking on your tongue made you feel just that. Like nothing else mattered except you and him. As he devoured you, your hands aggressively made their way down to the zipper of his trousers. His erection was stiff against your waist, taunting you. You desperately needed to touch him, feel him; you couldn’t think of anything but his cock.
You two pulled at each other without rhyme or reason. There was no softness in how he reached below your dress to yank down your thong, mimicking your frantic movements while you undressed his cock and wrapped your fingers around him. You missed him, you missed him so fucking much. How he perfectly fit in your hands, how smooth and beautiful his cock was, made for your mouth, your hand, your cunt. Slick with pre-cum as you pumped him, you wanted to suck him off but there was no time – you were soaking wet as he thrust his fingers inside you to see if you were ready for him. Of course you were ready. He was your husband and it’d been too long since you fucked him.
When he lifted you off your feet and positioned himself against you, you closed your eyes. You wanted to breathe him in, to soak up this moment and get lost in every second of his close proximity – but that’s not what he wanted, he never did. He needed you present, engaged, connected to him in every fucking way.
“Look at me,” he ordered.
You opened your eyes, a harsh breath escaping your lungs as he finally thrust inside you. It was heaven. It was hell. The emptiness in your soul finally replenished because he was in you, exactly where he belonged. The nexus between you and him stronger than ever.
He pulsed inside you rough and fast, a guttural groan ripped from his lungs as you clung to him with equal violence. The freckle right below his eye, the crinkling of his nose as he fucked you harder and harder, the scars on his face, his open mouth as he drew in for a kiss – you memorized every tiny detail to etch the images into your brain. “Billy…” you moaned, the storm in you growing. You were accelerating towards the edge, your senses on overdrive, your body taut and greedy with his fingers continuing their erotic assault on your clit, in sync with his cock pounding into you.
And then your climax hit, unexpected yet also something you were keenly anticipating, and it knocked every breath out of you. Billy wasn’t done, not yet, grasping you in his arms while your body navigated through its own pleasure path, until he reached his peak seconds later and shuddered inside you.
For a long time you and him stood tangled in each other’s arms, your hearts slowly returning to normal speed, clothes slick with sweat. Your weight must have been heavy but he had you balanced deftly on his knee, his head nestled in the crook of your neck. You felt his cum between your legs, knowing you’d have to clean yourself up soon before returning to the ballroom but a part of you didn’t want to. You wanted to hold on to every part of him for just a little longer.
When he finally retreated from you and settled you back on your feet, your heart yearned with disappointment.  He righted his clothes and you did the same. He knew every inch of your body, what you wanted, how you wanted it. Your brains were melded together, and maybe that’s why he didn’t rip your dress or why you didn’t tear his tuxedo. After all, you both needed to return to the gala.
“This doesn’t get your fucking boyfriend off the hook.” Hurt still languished in Billy’s voice as he confronted you again. “I told you a long time ago if anyone ever touches you, I would break them down bone by bone.”  
The lump in your throat was difficult to swallow. You contemplated sticking to your lie but you didn’t want to. Not after the two of you just had sex and you were already struggling with a mountain of guilt for ruining his life. “There’s nothing going on between Roger and me.”
Casting him a quick glance, you found him staring at you intently. Hope flickered on his face. You quickly looked away, focusing your attention back on smoothing your dress down. “You heard me. I’ve never fucked Roger, and I never will.”
“The fucker wants you. He was pawing you-”
“He was threatening me,” you interjected, exasperated.
Billy stilled, the air suddenly charged with tension. “He was what?”
You met his gaze. “Things happened at Valiant after your accident-”
“I know. Some fucking moron messed up big and you got stuck with the blame.”
“How do you know about that?”
He shot you a look of disbelief. “You think I wouldn’t try to find out everything about you that I missed? You’re my fucking wife!”
“Not anymore, I’m not.”
His lips pursed into a thin line. “Always. You’re mine, I’m yours.”
That may have been true before, but the two of you had done terrible things to each other. There was no coming back from that.
“Why did the prick threaten you?”
Snapping back to reality, you shrugged your shoulders. “I reminded him Valiant hasn’t been doing well since they got rid me of and the people I hired. He didn’t like that very much.”
“He was a fucking idiot for letting you go.” He straightened his bow tie, running his other hand through his hair. “But now you’re exactly where you belong. With me at Anvil.”
“I put in my resignation today, Billy.” A hesitant sigh escaped your lips. “Next Friday is my last day.”
His face twisted up with anger, with resentment, he looked like he wanted to yell at you one moment, break down the next. “Fuck you!” he bit out finally, hostility vibrating off of him as he stormed towards the door and slammed it behind him.
You remained in place, stomach trembling, heart aching, wishing you could go back to forgetting everything again.
An hour later you were conversing with a potential client who worked for the government and in need of a security firm for training purposes. You had spent half an hour explaining a lot of the nitty-gritty details that he hadn’t considered, and he was eager to meet to discuss things further.  Throughout the conversation your eyes scanned the ballroom for Billy. He was nowhere to be found, even though you spotted Frank and Curtis mulling around the crowd separately. While Curtis looked like he fit right in, that definitely wasn’t the case with Frank. He appeared downright miserable in his tux.
"I don’t want to monopolize any more of your time tonight. Why don’t we talk on Monday?” You offered with a smile.
“Looking forward to it,” he replied.
You quickly strode past the group and made your way to Frank. He was at the bar, getting himself a beer when you sidled up next to him. “Hey, handsome.”
He turned towards you. “You’ve been making the rounds.”
“Comes with the job, you know.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “This is the part I suck at.”
“But you look so good doing it,” you teased.
He pulled at his bowtie, obviously not liking the tight fit. “I feel ridiculous.”  
“Stop messing around with that!” You smacked his hand. “You look great.”
“I look like a fucking penguin.”
“A very handsome penguin,” you offered. “Want to dance?”
Frank grinned. “Two left feet. Trust me, you don’t wanna see that on the dance floor. Besides, don’t want Bill to come kick my ass for making moves on his girl.”
Your smile stiffened. “I’m not his girl any more.”
“Semantics. Don’t think he gives a shit about that.”
A waiter passed by with a tray of filled champagne flutes and you quickly grabbed a glass. “You should know, I already told Curtis, that next week’s going to be my last at Anvil.”
Frank regarded you intently. “You givin’ up on us?”
You took a sip of your champagne. “Billy’s back, he’s running things again, you guys don’t need me anymore.”
“Does Bill know about this?”
You nodded. “I told him.”
“Is that why he stormed outta here?”
You shrugged.
“Anvil’s something special, you know? It’s always been his dream, he busted his ass for it. But I think he’d give it all up to be with you.”
Agitated, you downed your drink. “Frank, enough. You need to stop. Billy and I are over. It doesn’t matter how much he wants to get back together again, it doesn’t erase all the shit he pulled.”
“The man wasn’t himself-”
“But the pain he caused was very real, and it was devastating.” You inhaled a deep breath. “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to see him everyday? Imagine if you and Maria had to work together right after the divorce.”
He paused. “That would’ve sucked.”
“Exactly.” You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I need time away from him, to get my head back to normal, to move on. If he keeps coming after me the way he is, I’m scared about what I’ll do, the person I’ll become-” You caught yourself, realizing you already said too much. This wasn’t like you, not at all. You always had your emotions on lockdown, the mask you put on for the world never wavering – but purposely hurting Billy had shifted your inner equilibrium.
“I’m sorry,” Frank interjected, regret laced in his voice. “I mean it. I’m real sorry. He’s my brother, he’s family to me. So when I see him miserable, I-“ He shook his head. “But you’re family too. Whatever happens between the two of you, that’s not gonna change. You got my word on that.”
“He’s lucky to have you in his life.” Guilt flooded over you again, knowing your actions may have started a chain reaction that could permanently damage Billy’s friendship with Frank. “I…” You hesitated, your stomach twisted into knots. “I hope that never changes.”
He reached out to squeeze your shoulder, an affectionate gesture that only made you feel worse.
It was almost one in the morning when you returned home. Your feet were throbbing and you were absolutely exhausted from networking the entire evening. It also didn’t help that Billy disappeared for rest of the night and you couldn’t stop worrying about him. Sighing, you threw off your heels and walked barefoot to the kitchen. You were pouring yourself a glass of water when you heard the main door slam. Your body tensed immediately, knowing that it could only be Billy in there with you.
Drawing a deep breath, you turned around to find him standing a few feet away. His hair was ruffled, few lone strands falling over his beautiful face. Although still dressed in his tux, his jacket was unbuttoned. The bowtie was gone, the first two buttons on his jacket undone. There was an erratic intensity to his eyes, setting all your nerves on alert. “What did you do, Billy?”
Gaze steady, he drew closer. Silent. Volatile. Terrifying you.
You moved towards him, voice trembling with anxiety.  “Did you kill Roger?”
“No, that would be too fucking easy.”
Mere inches separated you from him, your heart slamming in your chest as his molten eyes wandered over your face. His breath hummed against your skin, smelling faintly of bourbon. The breath seemed to rush out of your lungs as his fingers teased your hair, his sight assaulting you in the same manner.
His voice was smooth as velvet, a soft, seductive murmur. “I broke his jaw. Because he fucking threatened you with his mouth. Then I broke all his fingers, because he touched you.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but there were no words. It’s like you were in a trance.
“What?” He traced the contour of your mouth with his fingers, his dark eyes fixated on them. “You gonna lecture me now? Tell me that I’m a sick bastard?”
Fear turned to passion, your blood swirling with it. “Can they trace it back to you?”
He smiled. A cocky smile that did things to your body, made your pussy clench with want and need and everything you shouldn’t be feeling. Caught in a spiral of sex and lust, you reached up to kiss him.
A/N - Just a reminder to my dear readers - this couple has never been represented as a healthy couple, because they’re not. I realize they’re toxic and extreme, because that’s exactly what I’m writing. If it messes with the boundaries you’ve set for yourself, please be kind to yourself and stop reading. You should always look out for yourself first and foremost!
Thank you for reading, as always. Would love to read your thoughts if you’re so inclined :)
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Hi bestie I was wondering if you could write a blurb about Mia going through terrible twos and how Austin and Carson deal with that
Hi bestie it took me forever to respond to this request but here you are 🥺
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Ooop queen of using my own gifs ANYWAYS. Hope y’all enjoy and I’d love to hear your thoughts 🥺
The Penalty Box™️
Word Count: 2.3k
“Ok, I know you’re mad at me right now,” Auston said as he peeked around the doorway into the kitchen and observed his wife.
“Try pissed, Auston,” Carson replied as she locked eye contact with him and then aggressively closed the fridge door. She didn’t say anything else as she looked away and moved to grab a glass to fill with the pitcher of water she was holding.
Auston cringed at the hostility in Carson’s tone but knew he needed to get back on her good side. So, with a quick breath, he glanced over his shoulder, back down the hall to where Mia was sulking while she sat on the bottom step of the staircase going upstairs, clutching onto Whaley as she sniffled, then looked back at Carson and stepped further into the kitchen.
That was enough to set her off.
“What?” Carson asked and moved her gaze so she could glare at Auston. “What could you possibly have to say to me right now?”
Carson then looked away again for a moment as she reached over to grab the light blue sippy cup with little rubber ducks printed around it, which was sitting on the counter next to her and filled it up with water as well. Auston took this time to observe her once more.
It was the middle of February, and Carson was about 25 weeks along in her pregnancy with their son. But, things had been pretty challenging as of late. Auston had been on the road for close to a week, and Carson wasn’t doing the best health-wise. She was extremely low energy because of the pregnancy and her anemia. But on top of it all, Mia had been struggling a lot lately with all the new changes happening in her life and had been acting out a bit because of it.
That’s how they ended up in such a predicament during what started off as a simple Sunday morning at home as a family but soon took a turn for the worst.
The Leafs had an off day and what was supposed to be a relaxing day of rest turned sour when Mia woke up in one of the worst moods. She didn’t say much as Auston got her out of bed that morning and remained silent as the two went into her bathroom so she could brush her teeth, only looking at Auston with a grumpy expression as she leaned against his shoulder then reluctantly took the toothbrush from him.
“You didn’t sleep well, did you, mini?” Auston asked, to which Mia just grumbled in response.
After the two finished brushing their teeth together, Auston carried Mia downstairs to the kitchen, where Carson was making some pancakes.
“Morning, baby,” Carson greeted as she turned around to face them.
“Mownin’, mama,” Mia replied, then looked down at the Goldendoodle who walked into the room behind them. “Hi, Fwank.”
Mia sounded so monotone as she said hello to Frank, making Auston chuckle as he leaned down to pet their dog, still holding Mia, but that didn’t go over well with her.
“Not funny, daddy!” Mia snapped, then scowled at him.
“Mia, it’s not nice very to yell at people,” Carson spoke up, quickly glancing at Auston. “You know this.”
Mia didn’t answer, just continued scowling as she let out a huff.
“Might be a rough morning,” Auston stated as he looked back at Carson and then moved to get Mia situated in her chair so she could eat her breakfast.
After she was done eating, Mia really wanted some Fruit Gushers to snack on. Although Carson and Auston were pretty careful with how many sweets they let Mia have, they knew Gushers were her favourite and always had some in the house for her to have as a treat every once in a while. But not 9 o’clock in the morning.
“Mini, you can’t have Gushers,” Auston told her as he lifted her from her chair and then set her on the floor, handing her Whaley. “It’s too early.”
“I want them,” Mia pouted, then stomped over to the pantry where she knew the Gushers resided.
“Mia, no,” Carson said as she ensured the pantry door stayed shut. “I promise you can have some later for a snack. But not right now, honey.”
At that, Mia looked up at her mom and let out the biggest whine before that whine turned into a screech, and she threw Whaley onto the floor in frustration.
“Amelia, you know better!” Carson gasped, which made Mia stop because she knew it wasn’t good when her mom used her full name like that. Then, silence fell over the three of them. The only sound that could be heard was Frank coming back down the hall to see what the commotion was, and after a couple of deep breaths, Carson looked at her husband. “Are you going to say something? Or leave it to me like you always do, Auston?”
“Mia…” Auston started but stopped when he glanced down at his daughter and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. Mia began to cry because she knew she had done something bad, and Auston didn’t have it in him to get her in trouble, something he knew he tended to struggle with.
“Unbelievable,” Carson stated, then scooped Mia and Whaley up in one swift motion. She then began pushing Mia’s curls away from her face and held her close as the crying continued. “It’s ok, baby. I’m not mad at you. But, we’ll sit in the penalty box for a few minutes, ok?”
“Ok, mama,” Mia replied between breaths as she continued to sob.
Carson then gave Auston one more glare before exiting the room and taking Mia down the hall to set her on the bottom step of the staircase, aka the penalty box. After seeing guys on the Leafs be sent to the penalty box so many times, Mia started thinking it was them going on a timeout because they did something bad. Carson told her, yes, that’s basically what it is and learned that calling Mia’s timeouts on the stairs ‘the penalty box’ made Mia a lot less anxious about being in trouble. So, the name stuck.
But that led to the tension between Carson and Auston as she brushed past him to go back into the kitchen and get Mia some water. Once she finished filling Mia’s sippy cup, Carson carefully put the lid back on and faced her husband again.
“Well?” She asked, impatiently waiting for whatever Auston wanted to say.
“I’m sorry,” he replied, genuinely meaning it. “I should have stepped in to let Mia know what she was doing wasn’t ok, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
Carson’s tense posture visibly relaxed then she glanced down at the counter.
“It’s just not fair, Aus. I try so hard to be the best mom I can be, and part of doing that is teaching Mia right from wrong. As her dad and my partner, you’re supposed to help me do that, but when you don’t, only I seem like the bad guy, and it’s only me that Mia resents for it. Why can’t you be the bad cop sometimes?”
Auston sighed.
“I know, babe,” he pouted. “I just have a really hard time disciplining her.”
“I don’t enjoy it either,” Carson told him. “It’s not fun. But how else will she learn? It’s not like we scream at her for having a tantrum or anything like that. We would never. She’s just a kid. But we still have to guide her and be patient as she learns.”
At that, Auston couldn’t help but smile. It truly amazed him just how incredible of a mother Carson has turned out to be. He was reminded of that every day with little situations like this where she showed how patient and loving she was, and how she would quite literally do anything to ensure Mia’s wellbeing. Yet, it was still so hard for Auston to believe how lucky he was that Carson was who he got to share his life with. He wouldn’t trade it for a thing.
Carson noticed him smiling and looked at him curiously as he walked towards her, not saying a word while he gently pinned her against the counter and rested his hands on her waist as they faced each other.
“You’re incredible, do you know that?” Auston asked.
“What makes you say that?” Carson questioned in response, a slight smile tugging at her lips because this definitely wasn’t the first time she’s heard Auston compliment her in such a way.
“Everything,” he replied simply before leaning down to catch her lips in a soft, sweet kiss. “Mia’s lucky to have you as her mom.”
“I think we’re the lucky ones to have her as our daughter,” she stated.
“You are absolutely correct.”
Auston then leaned down to kiss her again, and once they stopped, Carson wasted no time wrapping her arms around his middle so she could lean against his chest and sigh in contentment.  
“I’m gonna go sit with her, Aus,” Carson said after a moment, then looked up at her husband again. “I’ve already taken longer than I meant to, and I don’t want her to be upset.”
“Ok, bub,” Auston replied, then pecked the top of Carson’s head as they unwrapped their arms from each other. “I promise not to let you be the bad guy all the time. I just gotta work on it.”
“I appreciate you at least trying,” Carson replied with a smile. “That’s all I ask. And I promise to try to be patient as you work on that.”
“Thank you,” he responded, watching as Carson nodded before grabbing Mia’s sippy cup and heading for the doorway. “Wait, Carse.”
“Yeah?” She asked and turned to look at Auston again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Aus.”
“Good, cause you’re stuck with me,” Auston told her with a wink.
“Forever?” Carson asked.
“Forever, ever.”
“I’m ok with that,” she stated. “Now, I’ll go sit with our sad little girl cause I probably hate this as much as she does.”
With that, Carson left the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway. But, instead of waiting there, Auston decided to follow after Carson to the doorway so he could observe her and Mia, making sure to give his wife her space when talking with their toddler.
Auston leaned against the doorway just as Carson reached the stairs. She crouched down to be eye level with Mia and Auston had to keep himself from chuckling as she held the railing for balance so her pregnant self wouldn’t topple over.
“Hi, baby,” Carson greeted softly.
“Hi, mama,” Mia replied quietly and sniffled once more.
“I brought you some water. Can I sit with you?”
Mia nodded and reached out to take the sippy cup from Carson.
“Tank yew.”
A smile tugged at Carson’s mouth again as she glanced over to where Auston was standing, but she quickly played it off as she shifted her position to sit next to Mia on the stairs. Once Carson was sitting, Mia wasted no time climbing onto her mom’s lap and leaning against Carson’s chest. Carson helped Mia onto her lap and grabbed Whaley so Mia would have him with her during their little snuggle.
With Whaley in one hand and her sippy cup in the other, Mia visibly relaxed when Carson started gently rubbing her head and talking again. The two of them spoke about what happened in the kitchen when Mia was upset, and Carson reminded Mia that it was ok to be upset, but there were better ways for her to express those feelings. That there was no reason to lash out like that. Mia listened and showed her understanding, well, as much understanding as a two-year-old could have.
She was a good kid. There was no denying that, and Carson and Auston knew they were fortunate to have her. However, their parenting played a massive part in that. Their patience and kindness are exactly what Mia needed to learn and understand. They’re the perfect people to guide her in life.
After they talked for a couple of minutes, Carson gave Mia one more squeeze and kissed her forehead.
“Well, little miss, I think your penalty is up,” she said while Mia giggled and squirmed as Carson began tickling her. “You just wanted to be like your daddy and go in the box like he did during the game last night, didn’t you?”
Mia continued to giggle as the tickling stopped and beamed up at her mom.
“Where daddy, mama?”
“I’m right here,” Auston spoke up from down the hall, taking that as his cue to join them again. He walked over to his two girls and just about melted when they smiled up at him. “Hi, mini.”
“Hi, daddy!” Mia greeted, already in much better spirits.
“Time to come out of the box, yeah? Did you say sorry to Whaley?”
“Yeah,” Mia told him, then leaned down to kiss her stuffed whale. “All better.”
“Oh, that’s so nice, Mia,” Carson cooed and placed another quick kiss on Mia’s head. “What do you say we all go on a walk to the park with Frank?”
Mia lit right up at that.
“Yes, pwease! Fwank!”
Carson chuckled, then set Mia down on the ground and watched as she ran over to where her little winter boots resided by the door. Auston then held out his hand to help Carson up off the steps.
“Thanks, babe,” she said as she and Auston both moved to watch Mia pull Frank’s leash from the little basket, it was in. “Ready for our walk?”
“I am now,” Auston responded. “She’s going to nap so good after this.”
“I know. Why do you think I suggested it?”
“Genius,” he chuckled, then lowered his voice into a whisper before he went over to help Mia put her boots and coat on. “We gotta give her some Gushers when she wakes up again for sure.”
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baecvlt · 3 years
Stalker Nagito Komaeda x Milf!Reader
this was requested via my twitter:
“Hey! i’ve seen your works and I’m in love. Can I request smut where a stalker Nagito Komaeda becomes obsessed with a milf reader who moves into the neighborhood who’s like a dom in bed and ya know just large bust and taller than him. Thank youuu🤍”
a/n: ofc. but I have my own idea of a dom which i’ll use involving certain things (heed warnings)
warnings: he is so obviously a virgin in this, degradation, slight masochism, asphyxiation, spit, also Nagito calls the reader mommy (side note: nagito is in his early 20s in this, he lives alone. age of reader isn’t specified BUT I say she’s in her late 20s/early 30s)
• • •
It was a bright day...which Nagito despised. It was summer. He hated the sun, hated the mosquitoes, and the unnecessary humidity. It was days like these he wishes he was back at his university dorm. The A/C, the tall tree covering his window and blocking the sun...it was perfect. Hell, he didn’t even hate classes. Yet, he couldn’t live in the dorms forever. When it came time to buy a home, he stupidly did so in fall, moved in during the winter.
Well, no shit the home seemed perfect then. It wasn’t fucking summer. His A/C decided to break, his windows has a great view of the sun, and most of his friends were out of town (all except Hajime, but Hajime is fucking boring and a bummer). Nagito sat on his couch, watching reruns of old tv shows. He took a sip from his nearby glass (cold water), suddenly hearing sounds of what appeared to be a loading van. He looked outside his window.
A moving van?
Right, that one old man who lived there passed away. Freak accident, by the way. Oh well, may he rest in peace. Meanwhile, Nagito was being himself and trying to see who it was. Pretty much, the dude was being nosy. He saw another car pull up. That must’ve been the family’s car. Out jumped 3 kids, what appeared to be 2 girls and 1 boy. An adult stepped out. Nagito decided he’d get a better look at the situation. He put on his shirt, black jeans, and his green hood.
He was “going for a walk”.
Without being noticed, he made his way to the other side of the street. It was a woman, she was taking boxes out of the truck. The minute Nagito saw her it was if he was stricken by Cupid’s arrow. She was tall and beautiful. Her skin complimented her hair and her legs, he couldn’t take his eyes off them. Her breasts...he needed to stop—
She was in front of him, a warm and inviting smile on her face. “H-Hi,” he muttered. She didn’t hear him well, so it helped that he waved. “I’m new in the neighborhood. We just moved in,” she added, putting the box down. She stuck her hand out, going for a handshake. He shook her hand, her warm hand against his cold ones. Why are his hands always cold? “I see,” he responded, getting his shit together,“I’m Nagito Komaeda. I live across the street”. She introduced herself and complimented his house.
“What a lovely home. I hope the neighborhood is just as lovely”
“It should be. It’s pretty quiet. There’s not many families here. Say, can I help you pack?”
“You’re too sweet! I’d really appreciate it”
He helped take all the boxes in her home, helping load a couch too, and help with other large objects. They finished in 9 hours, taking a majority of the day. “Thanks for helping out, Nagito”. She made a lemonade, handing him a glass.
“Don’t mention it! Also, thank you”
One of the kids ran in the living room where they sat on the couch. He gasped when he saw Nagito. “Mommy! That man looks dead!!!”. Nagito smiled, but his mom was not amused. “Michael! Apologize..”. The kid kept smiling and said,“Sorry!”. He ran to another room. “I’m so sorry,” she muttered. Nagito shook his head.
“Hey, I’m rather malnourished”
“Ha. On an unrelated topic, are you hungry? I could make us something”
“Oh, I shouldn’t linger any longer. I wouldn’t want to disturb your husband”
She laughed. “I know you mean no harm, but I’m not married,” she added. “Oh,” Nagito muttered,“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it in any way”. She shook her head and reassured him it was fine. “Sit, Nagito,” she pulled out a chair,“I’m not letting you refuse having dinner with us. Especially since you were such help”. She rubbed his back before heading back into the kitchen to begin cooking.
She made him a bowl of pasta, adding chicken on the side. Nagito was quite happy. He hadn’t eaten a good meal in so long. Her kids didn’t eat at the table, but on the counter. Meanwhile, she ate with Nagito. Just as Nagito thought he couldn’t grow fonder of her, he did just that. All she did was let him talk about himself.
“Jesus, I’m sorry about your parents? How are you keeping yourself afloat with university and expenses?”
“Academic scholarships”
“Wow, you’re such a smart boy”
The way she phrased it made him flustered. “Thank you for the meal, ma’am,” he muttered,“I haven’t eaten like this in who knows how long”. She smiled tenderly, picking up his empty plate. “Seconds?”. He shook his head.
“No, thank you. I’m already so full”
“I’m glad. You know, there’s always a meal for you in store if you can do me a favor”
“What’s that?”
“My oldest daughter has her final test this week. You think you can help her study? I’ll make you a nice, warm meal every time you come over”
Nagito thought about it. He would also have time around her. Plus, she wasn’t a bad cook. “Of course, I look forward to it,” he told her. “Lovely”. He got up and excused himself to go home. “It was nice having you over, Nagito,” she said softly. He could tell she was getting sleepy. When people are tired, Nagito has noticed that their tone is rather sheepish. She walked him to the door, ruffling his hair playfully and he blushed. “Goodnight, neighbor”.
“Goodnight, you”
Before he left, she stopped him and handed him a paper: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ♡
“Call me when you get home so I have your number saved. Then, I can call you when my daughter, Vanessa, needs help. Take care, okay?”
He nodded.
She closed the door, his thoughts racing on his way home. He picked up some things about her, things she didn’t even tell him. He went home and opened a notebook, writing all of it down. He called her and she answered, her voice as sweet as when he left (only sleepier). “Hello?”. His breath was heavy without realizing it as he spoke. “H-Hey, you told me to call you,” he breathed,“It’s Nagito...Komaeda”
“Oh, hey, angel! I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
“What? No, it’s all good— why’d you think so?”
“You sound like you need to catch your breath, but anyway, thanks for calling me. I’ve saved your number now”
“Oh, great! Well, if that’s all, I’ll let you go to bed now”
“It was. Goodnight, Nagito”
He hung up, flustered more than ever as he continued to jot down his thoughts on paper. The next day, he woke up at 6am to wait in his car. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t help it. At around 7:41am, his front neighbor and kids headed for their car. Nagito, who had taken a light nap in the driver’s seat, was awoken by the car starting. He waited for the car to drive away just slightly past his house to start his own car, slowly tailing behind her.
He dropped her kids off at the nearby elementary. She got off, kissed them on their forehead (all minus the eldest, who walked swiftly through the gates). Seeing how she cared for them made Nagito feel bad, but all he did was brush that feeling off. Next, he followed her through her daily. As he did, his notes from last night echoed through his mind, adding new detail.
“She works at an office not everyday She doesn’t have allergies but is sensitive to dust Red seems to be her favorite color but always in a darker shade Her daughter is around 10 years old She isn’t vegan but enjoys almond milk Maybe has an issues with abandonment but I can’t assume that either She buys many apples but not the same amount of bananas at the store so maybe she only eats the bananas—”
Just more to add to his notebook.
He got home before she did, writing down what he had learned. His phone rang about an hour later of him getting home. He picked it up,“Hello?”. “Nagito, hi!”. It was her. He started having a mini-panic attack, because why would she be calling him? “H-Hey, how are you?”
“I’m doing alright. I was wondering if you could come over and tutor Vanessa”
Oh, thank god.
“Yes, of course. I’ll be down there right now”
“Great. See you then!”
He was relieved, heading to her home happily. He knocked on the door. When she opened it, she did so with the same warm smile as yesterday. “Thank you for coming over,” she said,“She’s in her room”. Nagito nodded, freezing when she grabbed his hand and took him to the room. Her touch was so soft, noted. They got to the room, where a girl was reading a book on a desk. “Nessa?”. The girl turned around.
“Nagito is going to be here for a few hours to help you out with homework and studying. He’s really smart, so pay attention and be respectful”
“Okay, mom”
She nodded, squeezing Nagito’s shoulder before leaving. Nagito approached the girl, she took her things out. Before he could speak, she stopped him. “Please don’t call me ‘Nessa’,” she whispered,“It’s bad enough my mom does, but not you, Please”.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on referring to you at all”
“I guess I walked right into that one”
Nagito laughed, grabbing a chair and sitting next to her. Her work wasn’t what he expected. Is this what they’re teaching kids now? He could’ve sworn he hadn’t seen this type of stuff until he hit middle school. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t do, but damn. All in all, tutoring went well. Vanessa actually learned something today. “Good job!,” he said. “Thank you,” she smiled and hugged him,“I felt so stupid”.
“Hey, its okay not to understand things”
Her mom walked in. “Dinner’s ready”. Vanessa got up and went to the kitchen. “How’d it go?,” she asked Nagito. “Went well, she gets the math now,” he answered. She smiled, thanking him for his help and asking him to join them for dinner. He’d be foolish not to, so he accepted the invite.
Fish tacos were served tonight with rice and beans, another lemonade made. It was different than anything Nagito had ever had, but that doesn’t equate to bad. He actually enjoyed the meal. The kids sat at the main table today, much more respectful than yesterday. “Michael how was school?”. He put a thumbs up, getting back to eating. “And Adrianna?”. She looked up from her meal and shrugged. “What’s wrong?”.
“I’m tired, but class was okay”
“Oh, okay. When you’re done, just take a quick shower and get to bed”
Nagito thought it was endearing. Seeing how understanding and loving she was, it was refreshing. The kids all eventually left, Nagito finishing his meal. “Did you like it?”. He looked at her, nodding. “Great! Seconds?”.
“Full again. I don’t usually eat, but your food is always so good”
“Oh, you’re just saying things...”
“No, really! Thank you”
He said his goodbyes to the family, walking back home. It was as if he was falling for this woman more and more everyday. He went to sleep, this time dreaming of her. He never dreams, but this time he dreamt she was on her knees for him. Then, nothing else. It was as if his dream teased him.
The next morning, he woke up to some knocking on the door. He looked at the time. 8:23am. He put on a pair of jeans and his shirt, walking to his door. He opened it and there she stood, wearing a black dress and red heels. He assumed she had work and needed a favor before going. “Good morning,” he said.
“Were you following me yesterday?”
“I, uh...,” he didn’t know what to answer. He was indeed following her yesterday. He also liked her, so if he straight up said that he was to following her, it’d ruin things. His face was glowing a shade of pink to a slight red as he thought of the right answer. He was still stumbling over his words. “I think it’s kinda cute,” she added. The fuck? “Huh?”. She pushed him inside the house, closing and locking the door behind him. “When a boy follows someone around, it’s because he wants something,” she added, but her tone was so sultry,“Well, Nagito—”. She pushed him onto the couch, leaning in front of him with her hands on his chest.
“—What do you want?”
None of what was happening felt real. Nagito couldn’t find the words to express what exactly he wanted. This was the first time he’d ever been in a situation like this, it wasn’t a bad one either. He began to panic when she straddled him. “Could it be that you wanted me?,” she asked. He frantically nodded and she laughed as she locked her lips with his. He gasped against her lips, kissing back. She slowly trailed her kisses down to his neck, cupping his jaw while grinding on his lap. Nagito moaned, his shaky hands grabbing her ass. She grabbed his hands and put them away from her. “It’s cute that you’re getting this carried away”.
“I’m sorry”
“No time to apologize. Get on your knees for mommy”
Nagito was about to lose his mind when she said that, but he obeyed. Her presence was domineering as he stood on his knees against his carpeted floor. She spread her legs, noticing Nagito desperately trying to get a look. Her red heel stopped him, stepping on his head lightly. “Am I teasing you?,” she asked,“It’s okay to be honest”.
“Y-You are, but its okay. I want to be teased by you”
“You’re adorable,” she took her heel off his head,“Let’s go to your room”.
He practically ran to his bed. He sat and waited patiently. She entered the room, heading to his bed. She began to take off his shirt, admiring his frame. She then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He kicked them off and sat down. She sat next to him. “Give me your hands”. She held them, frowning slightly. “Boo, they’re so cold,” she teased,“I’ll warm them up for you”. Carefully, she grabbed his left hand, putting his middle and ring finger in her mouth. She licked to his fingertips, leaving him tense and speechless. She stopped and smiled at him.
“This is your first time, isn’t it?”
He nodded shyly. “Don’t be shy,” she said,“I’m going to guide you, but I’m also going to have my fun”. He gulped, nodded. She stood up and removed her dress. She wore a lacy black bra and panties. She brought his hands to her breasts, allowing him to fondle them. They were huge in his hands. “You like them, baby?”. “Y-Yes,” he muttered,“Can you, uh, take....the bra off?”. He was ashamed when asking, he felt desperate. She smiled and nodded, unhooking it and allowing the bra to fall to the ground. He gasped at the sight of her tits, grabbing them. She straddled him.
“Do you know what to do with them?”
He nodded, rubbing one and sucking the other. She moaned sweetly, grinding on his lap. He popped his mouth off them. That was when she took the opportunity to knock him onto the bed. She began to make out with him, shoving his tongue down her throat. They lay sideways. Her hand was on his neck, slightly choking him. He couldn’t resist but try to grind on her lap. She laughed. “Look at you,” she mocked,“Humping my leg like a desperate little puppy”. She didn’t let him speak, sitting up and pushing him back down. “I’m going to give you what you want,” she whispered in his ear,“Take your cock out”.
He was nervous as he did, hands shaky. She blushed a bit at his size. “It’s so big,” she said, straddling him,“I’m going to have my way with it”. “Please, do what you want to me,” he begged,“Abuse me, please”. She didn’t speak, sinking down on it. Nagito gasped, she was extremely wet. She began to bring her hips up and land straight down on it, repeatedly. She put her hands around his throat, now being rougher. Nagito gasped for air, grabbing her hands.
That was a mistake.
“Hands down,” she ordered, striking him across the face. “Sorr-”. He was slapped once again. “Only speak when you’re spoken to”. He nodded as his stomach began to cave in. His cock twitched each time she slapped him, making her moan. She leaned forward, capturing his earlobe between her teeth. He winced, his hands tangling in the sheets. He felt as though his entire body was blushing.
“You’re so sensitive there”
She teased him, kissing the skin and nibbling. His hips involuntarily snapped upward, making her whine. “You’re so desperate, baby,” she laughed,“it’s so cute”. He could feel her warmth running along his cock. He bit into his hand, trying to stop himself from cumming inside her. It worked, but she didn’t like him doing that. She grabbed his hands and kissed them.
“Don’t hurt yourself, put them right here”
She placed them on her boobs. He watched them bounce up and down, grabbing them gently. His rather large hands seemed small on her tits. He was extremely flushed. He took them off her and placed them on her hips. “Open your mouth”. He lay back more and did as he was told. She leaned forward, grabbing his jaw again as she spit into it and kissed him. He moaned when she did, his urges getting the best to him and thrusting upward. He hit her cervix every time, causing her to produce the sweetest and sluttiest of moans. Her walls tightened around him and now he was whining. “Are you gonna cum, honeybun?,” she asked.
“Where do you wanna cum?”
“I wanna cum...everywhere. I want it. I want it so bad. I wanna cum inside and on your tits, on your ass, y-your face..mouth. Please let me cum, mommy”
She motivated him, riding him harder. “Come on, Nagito,” she whispered,“Cum for mommy. Cum all the way inside her”. He lost his mind after that, groaning as he shot his load(s) inside her. He was still inside her as he tried catching his breath. She rubbed his chest, shushing him. “Good boy, you did so well,” she cooed,“Such a good boy.” He was covering his face, embarrassed and still hard. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?,” she asked. He shook his head, thinking,“Not rough enough”. He whined when she got off, revealing he was still erect. She noticed.
“You wanna go again, baby? Kids don’t leave school till 2:30. We have time for an extra fuck”
“C-Can I?”
“Yes, dummy”
She let Nagito choose how to fuck her. He wanted missionary, mostly because he craved intimacy and she did not disappoint. She kissed and praised him, telling him he was good. She held onto him the whole time and cuddled him afterwards. Nagito felt so special, he felt loved. “I can come over when I don’t have work,” she said,“Would you like that?”.
“I’d love that actually”
“You make me happy, Nagito. I could stay here and cuddle all day”
“I feel so lucky”
He yawned, looking at the clock. “Its 10,” he told her. She nuzzled his chest, humming. “Mmmm, let’s take a small nap,” she whispered,“Okay?”. “Okay”. He kissed the top of her head and held her to him, slowly joining her in slumber.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
I read all your soulmate AUs and they are SO well writen! I was wondering if I could request the same soulmate body swap AU with zoro instead?
Absolutely love your writing and thanks in advance😚😚
Hello! i'm sorry i took so long! but here it is and thank you so so much! ❤
That night, the Strawhats were at a bar celebrating Zoro’s 23th birthday. Sanji didn’t want to make cake for him, but Nami asked him very nicely. Brook and Franky sang him songs, and Usopp made him a present. The young man was having fun, surrounded by the people he loved, and even the cook wasn’t being annoying. He was feeling thankful.
— Maybe you’re going to meet your soulmate this year. — Robin smiled.
— Soulmate? — the green haired man raised an eyebrow, not knowing what she was talking about. He was very dense about things like that. — What do you mean?
— When the youngest soulmate turns 23, they switch bodies. And the only way to fix it and switch back is kissing. Not simply kissing, but kissing after falling in love. — she giggled. — Isn’t it fun?
— No! I would hate to be in someone else’s body for who knows how long. And if I don’t fall in love, I’ll never go back to my body.
— Well, mosshead, I don’t think you falling in love would be the problem. — Sanji interrupted the chat. — But someone falling in love with you is impossible.
Even though it was Zoro’s birthday, the two of them couldn’t stay without fighting for 24 hours anyway. Meanwhile, you were having a sleepover at your house with a couple of your best friends. You were drinking some wine, talking about your love life, and hearing your friend’s story about when she met her soulmate. The story about when they met, when they kissed and switched back. It sounded so magical, you couldn’t wait to meet yours.
The next morning, you woke up and stretched before opening your eyes. The house was noisy, more than the usual, and the place smelled so good, like someone was making food. Which was weird since your friends never really made breakfast after a sleepover.
Opening your eyes, you looked around and noticed this wasn’t your room, and the people sleeping there definitely weren’t your friends. For some reason, you felt like you couldn’t see well. Also, the chest with scars and the calloused hands weren’t yours. The portholes made you realize it was a ship. Looking at the people sleeping, they didn’t look like marines, nor had any uniforms in sight. So your soulmate was a pirate! Which was very exciting.
All you could feel was genuine happiness when you realized it your soulmate! You finally switched bodies with him. After years imagining how it’d be and how they looked like, it finally happened.
You got up trying not to wake the others, and went to try to find a mirror as soon as possible, wanting to see every detail of this man. You already knew he had strong arms and a toned chest, but you wanted to see his face.
While heading to the bathroom, you saw a blonde man. Since he was apparently a crewmate, you smiled and greeted him.
— Good morning. — you said, walking trying to find a bathroom before the cook could even answer. Sanji was speechless by Zoro being suddenly polite and waking up earlier than everyone else, that he didn’t even have an answer on the tip of his tongue like he usually does.
You finally found a mirror in the large bathroom. The place was beautiful, not the way you expected a pirate ship to look like.
The reflection showed a green haired man, tanned skin, wearing three earrings on his left ear, the man also had a scar over his left eye, which was closed. He looked intimidating in a good way, if that makes any sense. Damn, that man was good looking.
You traced the scars on his chest slowly, wondering how he got it. You only imagined the stories he could tell you after switching back.
— Marimo, are you going to be there forever? — a knock on the door made you jump. — This bathroom isn’t only yours.
You opened the door and saw the same man from earlier. Giving him an apologetic smile, you made your way out of the room.
— I’m so sorry, I was already leaving.
A few minutes later, everyone started to wake up. During breakfast, you tried to keep as quiet as possible, sweating whenever the cook stared at you as if something suspicious was going on. Should you tell him about what was happening?
— Hey, Zoro, why aren’t you drinking your sake yet? — a boy with a long nose asked you, tilting his head to the side.
— Isn’t it too early to drink that? — you raised an eyebrow. Did your soulmate really drink that early in the morning?
When you asked that, everyone went silent, except the boy with the strawhat, who kept eating everything from his plate and from other plates too. Their eyes were wide, and mouth hanged open.
— Zoro, are you feeling sick? — a cute raccoon asked you. When you saw him talking for the first time, your heart stopped, but everyone on this ship acted as if it was natural. — You usually don’t refuse to drink.
— I’m okay, but thank you. — you smiled, patting the animal’s head.
While finishing your meal, you heard the crew whispering talking to each other while staring at you. It felt awkward, but you tried to act as normal as possible.
— I didn’t think Zoro would find his soulmate so soon. — Robin said. — That was fast. What’s your name? — she asked, looking at you.
— I’m… (Y/N). I’m from a small island, hopefully not far from here. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything… — you bit your lip. — I was afraid of how people would reacted when I told them the truth, so I tried to act… As if I was him, but I have no idea of how he acts.
— You refused beer and were polite with Sanji. You started wrong. — the orange haired girl giggled. — Don’t worry, let’s find your island.
When you told him about where you lived, you realized it’d take around two days to arrive. It was frustrating, but you spent a lifetime waiting, two days are nothing compared to that. You took this time to get to know the crew better, while everyone kept telling you stories about Zoro.
He was a strong swordsman, who always got lost and liked to drink sake. He took many naps and spent the rest of the time practicing. Everyone said nice things about the man, except Sanji. Apparently they fought a lot.
And then the day was finally there, and you could see your town from far. The crew decided to go with you trying to find Zoro, since he probably went out and got lost. You gave a few descriptions about your appearance so they’d know who they’d be looking for.
Walking in front of a forest, you spotted your figure walking. It was your soulmate, who was lost. He was cussing and walking in circles.
— Hey! — you said, smiling and waving, getting his attention. — Found you!
— Ah, I guess you’re my soulmate. — he walked towards you. — I was taking a walk but… This forest wasn’t here before, I don’t know what happened.
You couldn’t help laughing, he wasn’t joking though. He really believed the trees popped out of nowhere like magic, and that’s why he couldn’t find his way back. The two of you went silent, a comfortable silent, just looking at each other.
— My friend explained about soulmates and all… So we can… Try to switch back now, if you want. — he looked away, trying to hide the fact he was extremely flustered.
— Yes, we can. — you bit your lip, cheeks feeling warmer. — I guess we’re alone here, so it’s a good time now.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to make a move. Zoro didn’t have much experience with this, but he wanted to impress you anyway. So his hands gently held your face, while he pulled you into a kiss. A gentle peck that became a little sloppy kiss, you tried to make him follow your movements. He took the hint and finally it felt like your lips were perfectly for each other.
Opening your eyes, you saw your soulmate. His half lidded eyes, and a slight smile on his lips. He looked so good, and cute at the same time. Without any warning, you claimed his lips one more time. The man was caught off guard.
While walking around trying to find the others, you two started to actually talk to know each other.
— Hey, Zoro... — you said, getting his attention. — When did you fall for me?
— Well, I'm not the best with this kind of stuff, but when I saw the swords in your room, I knew the universe brought me the right soulmate.
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supernovafics · 3 years
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pairing: dylan o’brien x best friend fem!reader
summary: in which dylan has been your best friend for as long as you could remember. your busy lives and schedules may have pushed both of your lives in vastly different directions as you’d gotten older, but somehow you two would always be led back to your hometown, and each other, during the holidays. however, one moment causes all of that to change. 
warnings: angst (what else is new), some fluffiness, mentions of past trauma (the maze runner incident), existential crises, explicit language
word count: 3.6k words
author’s note: idk why i decided to write something christmas related in the summer but it happened lmao (also i feel like it’s slightly important to mention that this takes place in 2016)
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The rocks being thrown at your window were not what woke you up. Instead, you had been lying awake for hours; getting little to no sleep was something that you had become used to at this point.
However, on this specific night— or morning, depending on how one looked at it— you were glad that your sleep had been restless once again because it made it easy for you to get out of bed and walk to your window when the rocks began hitting it.
There was really no need for you to push open the curtains and check who was doing the throwing because, of course, it was Dylan. Ever since he moved onto your street in Hermosa Beach in middle school and the two of you easily became friends, he was the only person that would ever wake you up in the middle of the night with the soft pings of rocks, especially on this specific day at this specific time.
You waved at him and gestured that you would be down in a moment. You slipped on a random pair of sweatpants along with a hoodie and then placed the Christmas gift that you bought for him in the pocket. The item was small enough to fit in the not too big pocket of your hoodie; however, it did awkwardly protrude a bit.
All of this was a sort of unspoken tradition that the pair of you had developed over the many years you’d known each other. Meeting at five in the morning on Christmas day, walking to the beach that was only a few blocks away from your respective childhood homes, and exchanging Christmas gifts with each other as you both watched the sunrise. It started when you were in ninth grade, and you hadn't missed a year since, not even when the ending of high school pushed your lives in vastly different directions, especially since Dylan graduated a year before you and was almost immediately thrust into his acting career.
But, it didn't matter that Dylan's career took off, and you eventually decided to go to college in Santa Barbara, because, no matter what, you both would always come back for the holidays.
When you opened your front door and saw Dylan lingering by the sidewalk no more than ten feet away, you were quick to go toward him and pull him in for a tight embrace. It actually hadn't been too long since you’d last seen him, maybe only five or six months, but for some reason, it still felt as if the last time he was in front of you was last December.
"Hey," Dylan breathed out in a short greeting, his arms wounding around your waist.
“Hey to you too," You responded, a small smile gracing your features when you both pulled away, and you looked up at him. "How have you been?"
It was quiet for a few moments as you waited for him to answer the question, but eventually, you were met with no verbal response, and instead, Dylan simply shrugged. The short action made your heart constrict in the most painful way, and it was then that you noticed the light remnants of a scar peeking out from behind his dark hair that covered the majority of his forehead. You were quick to peel your eyes away from the scar and instead cast them down at your Converse-covered feet, but that didn't stop the memories from quickly coming back.
The Maze Runner accident had happened back in March, but to you, and you knew to Dylan as well, it felt as if it was just yesterday, especially considering the fact that he was still dealing with the unavoidable repercussions from it.
"Wanna walk?" You asked, finally looking up at him once again.
Dylan nodded. "Yeah."
A silence that could only be deemed as comfortable lingered between them as the two of you took the five-minute walk to the beach and sat down side by side on one of the random empty benches.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N," Dylan said as he handed a present over to you. The present was messily wrapped, something that was not at all uncommon when receiving gifts from Dylan, and the sight of it made you smile.
Before you unwrapped the gift, you pulled out the one you had for him and handed it over. "Merry Christmas, Dyl."
The nostalgic sound of wrapping paper ripping could be heard as you tore into your gift. A simultaneous shocked and happy yelp emitted from your lips when you held up a Harry Potter t-shirt. But, it wasn't just any Harry Potter t-shirt; it was one with a version of the Goblet of Fire movie poster on it, which was your all-time favorite movie in the series.
"Holy shit."
"It's the original merch that was sold when the movie came out," Dylan told you. He hadn't opened his gift yet, and instead, he was playing with the green bow placed on top of it; he always liked to see your reaction first.
You looked at Dylan and then back down at the shirt as you processed his words. "Wow, double holy shit. I would put it on if it wasn't freezing right now."
Dylan laughed a bit. "Very understandable."
“Why haven't you opened yours yet? I'm dying to see what you think of it," You said. You were now holding the t-shirt to your chest, genuinely feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning again.
Dylan finally began unwrapping your gift to him, and when all of the paper was peeled off, there was a square box. "Aw, a plain white box. Thank you so much. This is what I've always wanted."
You rolled your eyes and playfully bumped him with your shoulder. "Ha ha. Please save all of these bad jokes for your stand-up act; I can't wait to boo you off the stage along with everyone else."
"So, what I'm hearing is you don't think that becoming a comedian is going to be the next best career move for me?" Dylan asked. He attempted to make the question sound as serious as possible, but there was a joking undertone to his words.
You bit back your laughter. "Please just open the box already so I don't have to hurt your feelings by truthfully answering that question."
"Okay, we'll circle back to that topic later," Dylan smiled and then finally opened the white box to reveal a slightly faded baseball. When he picked it up, he ran his thumb over the black signature written on it. "Now it's my turn to say holy shit."
You could feel yourself smiling at his awestruck reaction, and you wondered if that was what you looked like when you saw the Harry Potter shirt. The baseball was signed by one of the players of the New York Mets that had been Dylan's favorite player when he was younger, and he'd even caught a ball hit by him when he went to a game before he moved to California.
"I've had this idea for years, but I could never find a baseball signed by him," You began explaining, the excitement clear in your voice. "But, last month, someone named Paul Todd posted this on eBay and I immediately bought it. God bless that old man. It's completely authentic and everything."
Dylan was quiet for a few moments as he simply looked at the baseball in his hands, a small joyful smile on his face, and it made you happy to see him so genuinely elated with the present.
"This just made my gift look like shit," He finally said, a light laugh falling from his lips.
"I have always been the superior gift giver. I think that's my hidden talent," You responded with a playful smirk.
Dylan placed the baseball back in its box and then looked at you. "Next year you will receive the best gift ever from me. It will completely top everything that you have ever given me."
"You're saying that as if I should feel upset about receiving a trip to Italy as a Christmas gift."
"A trip to Italy?"
"In my strong opinion, that would be the best gift ever," You said with a smile and then looked down at the t-shirt, which was now in your lap. "But, anyway, I don't think this gift is shit. I'm in love with this shirt already."
Dylan let out a joking, overexaggerated sigh in relief. "Phew, okay, since you think this gift is great, that means I don't have to do the trip to Italy next year."
"What? Did I say I like this t-shirt? I hate it! Harry Potter actually su— Fuck, I can't say this with a straight face," You laughed, and Dylan was quick to join in with you.
The joking statements leading up to the laughter hadn't even been the funniest things ever, but it didn't matter because this was probably the hardest you had laughed in a while, and you were both glad and unsurprised that it was with one of your favorite people in the entire world.
You missed joking around and laughing with him. You missed simply being with him.
Eventually, the laughter died off, but there was still a smile planted firmly on your face. You looked ahead at the darkness in front of you and the ocean that looked completely black; it was still kind of early, so the sun hadn't begun to rise just yet. Your back pressed against the wooden bench, and you let out a small sigh, your head finding Dylan's shoulder as you leaned against him.
"How have you been?" You asked him, your words coming out both soft and slightly quiet, and before the mood became too serious with your question that was nothing but serious, you attempted to lighten it. "And please no shrugs as a response this time. I don't wanna get a headache due to my head bouncing off your shoulder."
Dylan let out a breath of a laugh at your final statements but refrained from answering the question for a few moments.  
After what felt like forever, he sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I honestly don't know. My mind has felt so fucked lately, thinking about everything. I swear I've been feeling every feeling known to man these past months."
"What are you feeling right now? In this moment?"
"I'm really happy with you. This is probably the only normal and familiar thing I've experienced in a while. But, of course, there's still that confused feeling in the back of my mind revolving around everything else." He paused for a brief moment before continuing, his next words came out quieter. "I don't even know if I want to go back to acting."
You lifted your head off his shoulder and looked at him as you pulled his hand into yours and gave it a light, reassuring squeeze.
"No matter what you decide. I'll be right there to support you," You told him and then added a "bro" at the end of her sentence along with a small smile. Whenever things became too deep in a conversation you two were having, one of you would always throw a "bro" or "dude" in there to bring some playfulness to the mood.
The corners of Dylan's perked up a bit. "So, you'll support me when I decide to become a comedian?"
You were unable to stifle your light laughter. "Yes, fine, fuck it. I'll be the loudest one laughing at all of your shows."
Dylan squeezed your hand back because he knew exactly how reluctantly true your words were. "Don't worry, I promise not to put you through that."
"Thank you."
"So, how have you been?"
"Oh, come on," Dylan said as he playfully poked your side. "I'm not gonna be the only one exposing my feelings."
You sighed and then hesitantly nodded. "Okay, okay."
The truth was you had been far from good lately. Your life was moving, but for some reason, you felt like you weren’t moving with it.
You felt stuck.
Stuck in a confusing mindset where you had absolutely no idea what you wanted to do with your life. You thought that identity crises usually happened in high school, but apparently, yours had come five years late. But, you knew that this delayed identity crisis had been your own doing because you had convinced herself that you would figure everything out once you were in college; and you were both lucky and smart enough to receive a full ride to UCSB.
And although you were finishing up your Master's degree in Creative Writing and had a TA job at the university with the department, which was the reason behind why you could even pay for the Master's program, something in your "should be great" life simply did not feel right.
However, you felt absolutely terrified to say any of that out loud because admitting it would only finally make that statement a wholehearted truth, instead of just a spiraling thought in your mind. And even though Dylan was your best friend and you knew you could tell him anything and not receive any sort of judgment, it still felt hard to let the words leave your lips.
You thought about the way to perfectly word everything, but nothing felt right. You pulled your hand away from Dylan's and covered your face as you let out an exasperated breath. "I can't figure how to say it all."
Dylan placed an arm around you and then mimicked the same question you had asked him not too long ago. "What are you feeling right now? In this moment?"
You would have both laughed and smiled at the fact that he was using your exact words if the current circumstances were different.
"Scared," You finally said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what the fuck I wanna do anymore, and actually, I don't think I really ever did. I only went to college because of the scholarship, and I convinced myself that I would figure my life out when I got there. And for a while, things felt right because I found creative writing and genuinely enjoyed it, but something doesn't feel right anymore. And I actually do like school. Because it's stable, and I am doing things, even if it's taking a dumbass test. But, it's about to be over soon, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do."
Your words were coming out like vomit, and nothing could stop it because finally, everything you had been feeling for so long was out of your head and put into the open.
"And don't get me wrong, I do love to write, but I don't know, I just can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life," You admitted and then let your next words come out quietly. "Honestly, I can't see myself doing anything. I'm so unhappy here."
You did not say it aloud, but you didn't think you were ever fully content there. Aside from Dylan and your parents, you never truly liked California. You had grown up there all your life, and although there were millions of people that adored the state, you felt the exact way someone from a state like Wyoming probably felt.
Dylan did not verbally respond to your long confession at first; instead, he simply pulled your confused and stressed self in for a hug, and you let out the simultaneous sigh and breath that you had been metaphorically holding in for years at this point.
"Maybe you should take a break," Dylan finally said; his arms were still around you, an action that made you feel completely comforted. "Right after high school, you went straight to college, and I don't think you've ever really taken a break to really think about what you actually want. Like, maybe, it's becoming a zookeeper."
Your laugh was slightly muffled by the fact that your face was pressed into the warmth of Dylan's chest. "Zookeeper?"
"I don't know," He laughed too. "You said you would support me in whatever the fuck I decide to do, and I'll do the exact same for you."
Somehow a smile found its way on your face. "A zookeeper and a comedian. What a fucking dream team."
Another laugh fell from Dylan's lips. "The best fucking dream team."
"But, honestly, I wish I could've known sooner that this is how you've been feeling. I would've been telling you to slow down so long ago, but you seemed content with everything," Dylan told you and gave you another light squeeze. "Please take a break and don't stress yourself out over the future when your next semester is over. Just relax for the first time. You can even come stay with me in LA for a little bit if that's where you wanna take your break. I'll be here for you, Y/N. Always."
Something about his words hit you hard. The wholehearted honesty and sincerity behind his statement shouldn't have surprised you, but it did. And the worry he had for you resembled the same concern you had for him when the accident happened. You two were best friends, so it should not have been a shock that you would worry about each other, but still, in that moment and for you, it was shocking because it felt like so much more than just that.
"Me too," You whispered, finally responding to his previous statement.
The long embrace came to an end with you being the one to pull away; however, you did not pull away far enough for you both to become completely detached from one another. Dylan's arms were still around your waist, and yours were still around the nape of his neck, and your faces were dangerously close. Your hand somehow took on a mind of its own as it reached around and cupped Dylan's cheek. The miniscule confusion and tickle of panic that began to prick at the back of your mind because of the action were not enough to make you pull away.
The slight way that Dylan leaned into your soft touch was the catalyst for you to take the leap and lean in the tiniest bit to close the small distance between the two of you, your lips almost too easily finding his. The inward sigh of contentment you emitted when Dylan almost immediately kissed you back made you realize that kissing him was the one thing currently happening in your life that actually felt right.
Later, when thinking back to that specific moment, you would wonder if that "rightness" had always been there between you both.
However, that right feeling, which was both comfortable and familiar, was quickly replaced with dread and angst, at least on your part. Your mind was beginning to fully catch up with your actions, and it immediately told you that the current action was both bad and stupid, and there were many, many reasons that proved that.
Maybe there were moments where a younger, and even present-day, you did want more to happen between you and Dylan, but you would always push that thought away because you knew that your and Dylan's friendship was so much more valuable.
And then it was the fact that your lives were nothing alike. Even though you were immensely confused about where your life was going, you could say for certain that it wasn't going in the same direction as Dylan's; an acting career that he genuinely loved and enjoyed too much to truly give up. Something deep down told you that, and you could feel the truthfulness behind the thought. The holidays were the only time your lives would truly intersect.
You abruptly pulled away, not just from the kiss but from Dylan's body entirely, moving to the edge of the bench you were on. Your hands covered your face in nothing but pure embarrassment and regret, and you wished that you could take back the last minute and a half of your life. And you also absolutely hated that you couldn't help but notice how much colder your body felt now that it was away from Dylan's.
"Oh my God. I'm sorry. Fuck. That kiss— it was a mistake. I'm really sorry." Your words came out rushed and fumbled, and it probably did not make much sense, but you just hoped that there was at least a little bit of coherency with them.
As much as you wanted to look at Dylan, you refused to do so because you knew that you would only see the regret you were feeling written clear across his face.
"Hey, it's okay, Y/N. Everything's fine. Don't worry," You heard him say but could hear the uncertainty in his voice as if he really didn't know if everything truly was fine. And you knew that it wasn’t. It really wasn’t.
The holidays were the only time your lives would truly intersect, and you had just completely ruined that.
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let me know your thoughts <3
((((already potentially thinking about doing a part 2 to this….. but idk…))))
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lholland14 · 3 years
Crashing into you (Jill Roord x Reader)
Could you do one w either Jill Roord or Rose Lavelle where it's either a lottttttt of fluff or a lottttttt of angst? Angst obvi ending happily but still. Much appreciated!
Warning: Mentions of death and depression.
C. JoyBell C. once said "Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it."
Don't be afraid of your fears, easy right? No. For some people perhaps, but not for Jill Jamie Roord.
Her fear of flying prevented her from going places, literally. Her girlfriend Y/n lived in Sweden and the US as well, since she lived so far away, it meant that one of them had to fly. And that person was usually Y/n since she loved flying she usually didn't any complaints.
However, flying was expensive, therefore Y/n couldn't do it all the time resulting in arguments between the two. Y/n thought Jill did nothing to keep their relationship going, but Jill thought Y/n didn't care about Jill and her fear.
Y/n's prov
Once I again I'm flying over to me girlfriend who lives in the Netherlands. I'm going to lie that this isn't tiring, but I love and miss Jill. Which is why I'm doing this.
As I walked to the terminal I sent a quick message to Jill telling her that I was at the airport and couldn't text her till I was landed in Spain since I was taking a connecting flight. I quickly walked to the departure gate A9, and sat down to wait for me plane to board.
Jill's prov
After I texted Y/n I sat down with Boyd to watch some TV for a bit until the program was interrupted by breaking news. The West Jet DL680 plane had crashed going to Spain from the US, there were no survivors.
Immediately I remembered Y/n had gone to Spain, sponsored by West Jet, and her plane was DL680.
I ran out of the room and into mine desperately calling Y/n knowing it was hopeless, but still doing it anyway.
She didn't answer.
I called her again.
And again.
Same result.
Some say insanity was doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Well, I was insane.
Again. No answer.
Finally I fell to the floor in desperation.
In a second my entire world came crashing down. Y/n Y/l/n was gone. Gone.
I tried to picture it, a life without you. I couldn't, she was in every memory, every dream everywhere. I dragged myself of the floor, only to fall on Y/n pillow.
I just wish I had replied her text with an "I love you" I wished I could've told you that I loved you the second I met you. That I knew from the moment you smiled at me. That I promised you a lifetime of happiness the day I told you I loved you.
If only I had known that I wouldn't get to keep that promise, I would've held you tighter the last time I saw you
They say you don't know what you have until it's gone, but no one ever talks about the aftershock.
They don't talk about the pain and the suffering of losing the greatest thing that ever happened to you, and the feeling that you'll never be whole again. How you lose a piece of yourself, and for the rest of you life feeling lost, destined to forever wander into nothingness.
Because what you lost was your everything.
It had been two hours since the plane crash and Jill still hadn't come out of her room, so her father decided to check up on her.
"Jill?" He knocked before entering, and when he did the sight broke his heart.
Jill was laying in your designated place, wearing one of your sweatshirts and holding on to your teddy bear for dear life.
She always teased you that having a teddy bear was childish, and you would always hit her with in annoyance. Right now all she could wish for was that you would come home, she didn't care how. Angry, bleeding, in a bad mood, anything, just as long as you were breathing.
But you didn't, not when she woke up at two o'clock in the morning to a cold bed, not when she fell back asleep to your face. The only time she saw your face was through dreams and photos.
Life moved forwards, but Jill was stuck in the past. Relaying her conversations to you, memories made with you, trying to remember what your touch felt like.
As she cried she barely felt her father enter and sit on the opposite side of the bed.
When Jill felt her dad's comforting hand on her shoulder she only cried harder, wishing it was your hand.
"It's my fault," She choked up "If I hadn't been so stubborn she would have-"
"Shh. It's okay, I'm, I'm sure she-" Her father tried to comfort her before Jill interrupted him.
"I killed her."
"I killed her." Echoed through Jill mind, as once again she started to cry. Her father left, trying to process and to try to figure out how to help his precious daughter.
He couldn't, no one could.
As he left Jill phone pinged with a text, it was only 8 am, and the text message was only spam. This made Jill cry harder and plunged her face into Wallace, your teddy bear.
You had a habit of making sure Jill always got attention, and had always texted her good morning.
Not this time, this time there was nothing. Thats how it was going to be for the rest of Jill's life.
She inhaled some of your scent through Wallace, your favourite teddy bear.
Although she always made fun of him, she never knew the story of him.
It was August 1st, the day before your birthday, when everything went down in flames. Your house, and you had just came back from the park caring your soccer ball with you when you saw the smoke from your home.
Although you were only 6 you knew exactly what to do, you called the fire department. As you waited with a firewomen you were told the news, not only had your home burned down, but your family with it.
On you birthday the next day, a fireman named Wally gave you the bear.
He told you that he was given the bear when his father was killed during the Vietnam war.
You named the bear Wallace, not only for the man who gave you the furry companion, but because Wallace always looked sad. Like he was wallowing in sadness. Much like you were that day.
Wallace had been through so many tragedies, with so many stories to share, but no one knew. No one new you were the last of the Y/l/n legacy. No one knew how much Y/n wanted to change that. No one knew how much Y/n wanted to make Jill apart of that legacy.
No one.
And that's how it would stay.
It was at 12 when her brothers started to get worried. Jill Roord was famous for her boundless energy and attention seeking personality, yet here she was lifeless in her bed.
"Hey Jillie." Boyd greeted his sister quietly.
"Go away." Jill replied.
Davy sighed before setting a plate of food on the bedside table.
"Eat Jill. You haven't eaten for a day"
"Just leave" Jill curled her self up and hid under her pillow.
When it turned 4 Jill heard a knock and a scream, then more screams. Jill couldn't hear since she was already asleep.
Someone opened the door and laid down next to Jill, she opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows when she smelled Y/n scent.
Immediately she turned around to Y/n bright eyes and small smile. Jill screamed and launched herself at the love of her life, resulting in making Y/n fall off the bed.
"How- What-" Jill yelled
Y/n just laughed in response and kissed Jill.
"Sorry love." Y/n smiled at her girlfriend "I should've told you, I took a different flight to get here earlier."
"Then why weren't you here early?" Jill's mom asked
"My flight got delayed." Y/n answered looking up at her with an embarrassed smile.
Jill laughed before kissing Y/n again.
"I'm sorry, Y/n"
"It's okay darling." Y/n smiled at me "I should've called you"
I helped her up and embraced her, laughing when I felt the rest of my family join in too.
"By the way,"Y/n whispered "Good morning gorgeous."
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Stay with Me (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Long-distance relationship, established relationship, grumpy Baek, smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, upset sex (is there such a thing), oral (f receiving), consent is not explicitly stated but implied
Word Count: ~2.6k
Summary: Baekhyun was upset because you had to leave again. His frustration made things escalate to an unexpected extent. He might’ve just wanted to make you late for the plane though.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Let’s celebrate my first ‘writing comeback’ anniversary together ❤❤❤  [February 17, 2020 – forever]
Author’s Note: Soooo… This was actually the first fic I wrote after many years of my writer’s coma. Wasn’t going to post it, but it’s important to save the date. A year ago during a business trip I was listening to Baekhyun’s ‘Stay Up’ in the backseat of a cab, and it suddenly got to me in a very new and profound way. As soon as I got to the hotel, the doc was created. Countless sleepless nights later, I can admit that I haven’t really stopped writing ever since.
Baekhyun isn’t just my bias or my favourite character to write, he’s so much more special to me than that. I’m not sure how long this journey is going to last or where it leads me, but so far he’s gifted me with one full year of this magic. He’ll always have a precious spot in my heart 🤍
Okay, done with the sappy times now (no). As usual – big thanks to @baekshoney​​​ for having a look, and I hope you guys enjoy this little oneshot!
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This was one of those days. One of the days you hated, and Baekhyun didn’t do much to make it better for you. On the contrary, he was sulking since early morning. First, because you’d left him alone in bed and he woke up being cold. Then he just kept getting annoyed with everything. Why were you having coffee for breakfast again, when you should sleep on the plane? Why weren’t you packing snacks, when the airport food always made your stomach upset? You should’ve definitely worn one of his hoodies, since none of yours were warm and comfy enough, did he have to remind you?
Yes, this was the day you had to fly back home, leaving him behind once again. Which was exactly what brought his tsundere ways to the surface. He was just… upset.
‘Baby, it’s not the first time I’m going home, I’ll be fine,’ you grinned at his grumpy expression and poured him a cup of coffee as soon as he sat his butt down on the kitchen stool.
Baekhyun wasn’t exactly subtle in how he felt about you going away. The two of you had been doing this ‘long-distance thing’ since the very beginning of your relationship. You’d met during your first ever trip to Korea around two years ago and instantly clicked – just like that – not spending a single day without at least a quick message exchange with one another.
It was tough at times. There was no way for you to see each other more frequently, and you were often apart for months. Granted, you were keeping in touch religiously – texting every single day, having video calls every other night (whenever you could manage the schedules and time zones), posting ambiguous pictures on social media only for each other to understand. Still, you missed each other so terribly…
‘I don’t understand why you have to go anyway, you can just stay here with me,’ Baekhyun grumbled, eyeing the kitchen floor with a frown. You pursed your lips to contain the coo about to fly out of your mouth at how cute he was, pouting and complaining. Like an angry little bird. Before you could stop yourself, you reached out your hand and ruffled his already messy bedroom hair.
The way his nose scrunched up meant he wasn't in the mood to be playful. You sighed and leaned on the corner of the kitchen table.
‘You know I have work to get back to, Bae, I can’t be on vacation all year long.’
He was being rather childish about your departure, especially when you were already fully dressed and ready to go. The only thing stalling you was that Chanyeol, who insisted on being your ride to the airport today, hadn’t come to pick you up just yet, giving you some time to smooth over your boyfriend’s feathers.
Truth be told, you were only holding up the appearances for him. It was very possible that you were even more upset about having to go than he was. In fact, every time your week or two together were nearing an end, you felt nauseous at the thought that you wouldn’t be able to see his face, or hold his hand, or feel his warm breath on your skin, or kiss the tiny mole on his cheek.
In all honesty, you were... a mess. You only displayed yourself as calm and collected during your goodbyes because you knew his moodiness was merely a tactic to conceal his pain. So, you tucked your own feelings away to make it a bit more manageable for him. In reality, you broke down as soon as you arrived home and walked into your lifeless apartment. Each time, you had to find excuses and avoid talking to him via video messengers during those initial weeks, pretending to suddenly be swamped at work. You realized that seeing your eyes all red and puffy from crying every night would most definitely break his heart and worsen his longing. That you knew, because seeing him unhappy was excruciating. You wanted more than anything to deliver him from any further suffering.
It took all of your self-restraint not to reach out for his warm embrace or let the tears flow freely. He’d probably not let you go then, always telling you to just stay with him anyways. But you were both adults and had commitments, although hundreds and thousands of miles apart.
As your eyes were beginning to prick from observing his state and getting overwhelmed with your own feelings, you decided it was safer to move out ten minutes early, despite the call from Yeol not coming through yet. Anything to not let Baekhyun see you cry or cling to him desperately the way you wished to in that moment.
‘Well, you can pout all you want, I’m going to get my stuff,’ you said in an airy tone trying to elevate his mood slightly.
He stopped you in your tracks, grabbing your wrist. You gazed at him, confused as to what he meant. He was still looking down, eyebrows knitted together and chest heaving with almost anxious breaths.
‘No,’ he repeated, softer this time, but still not making eye contact with you. Instead, he tugged at your wrist and pulled you closer to him. You felt his grasp weaken until your wrist was free, however, your waist was not. His arms snaked around it, and he pulled you into himself, basically nuzzling his face into your chest.
‘Baekhyun?’ You squeaked, doing your best to fight off the goosebumps that littered your skin immediately after the contact. Your body never once asked for permission to react to him, and this time was no exception. His right hand traveled down your spine to the curve of your ass as his nose nudged one of your breasts. You shivered, grabbing at his shoulders, and he suddenly growled, knowing, sensing that your nipples had already perked up underneath the fabric of your bra.
Although he was trying to put you into one of his many oversized hoodies all the time, it was summer, so you were wearing a sundress (like any sane person would). Lucky for Baekhyun, this type of clothing made it even easier for him.
He rose from his seat and hoisted you up so abruptly that you only managed to yelp and grab at his neck for balance. You were then placed on the empty side of the dining table away from the leftover breakfast. Looking down at where your boyfriend’s hands were, you watched him frantically pull your dress up, before coming to your senses and trying to stop him.
‘Bae… What are you doing? Yeol is gonna be here any minute, we can’t just f…ugh!’ You cried out in surprise as he yanked your hips forcefully up to his face, completely ignoring your words. There’s no way he was going to...
‘Baekhyunie, please stop, you know I’m going to be late, what is…’ He didn’t even let you finish your rant, leaving a trail of insistent wet kisses upon the sensitive skin along the panty line while leading up to your protruding hip bone. Breath caught up in your throat, you couldn’t get the rest of the sentence out even if you wanted to. Did you really want to? With his head right there between your thighs, his dark burning eyes looking at you – completely immobilized by him – in the most intense and intimate way possible. His lips were glistening after he ran his tongue over them habitually, and when he leaned in and licked at your still clothed center, you belatedly realized that you weren’t even breathing. The realization only came with the wheezing gasp you’d let out, when your legs wrapped around his head as if on cue. Like fuel to the fire, your responsiveness only spurred him on. You didn’t even have time to realize that your boyfriend had already moved your panties out of the way when his impatient lips were on you again.
‘B- Baekhyun…’ You muttered, reaching your hand down to give pushing his head away a feeble try. ‘We can’t do this now, please stop... the airport…’
His ears seemed deaf to your reluctant pleas as he only employed more of his tongue to make you lose the last bits of your sober mind completely, melting and thrashing underneath his touch. He eased one of your thighs off of his shoulder, pushing it up and spreading you out before diving back in, paying no attention to your increasingly disheveled state.
At this point you could only sob, speech incoherent, all attempts to push him away or close your legs futile. And that alone made him grow feverish with the need to be inside you, to feel you once again before he had to let you go.
He was really good with his mouth, as usual, so by the time one of his hands left your thigh to tease you a little further with his long deft fingers you were so ready to take more that you barely registered the burn of two digits sliding inside. You were still a little sore from the night before, which you’d spent making love for hours on end, knowing that you won’t be touching each other anytime soon. But that was meaningless now.
His tongue expertly swirled around your clit, while his wrist found a familiar angle that always made you get vocal. Your back arched instantly as you cried out his name, barely grasping that you were still tugging at his soft locks and possibly causing discomfort. It was clear that your release was mere seconds away with your legs shaking and inner muscles clenching, and that was exactly where Baekhyun wanted you. Aching for his touch, needing him as much as he needed you. Just the two of you, caught up in the act of lustful desperation.
He’d worked his tongue diligently, almost pushing you over the edge by sucking on your most sensitive spot for just a second, and... then you suddenly felt him pull away.
‘No, no- what?’ You could barely form sentences, let alone complain, but your frenzied tone made his already rock-hard flesh twitch. His pants were down in seconds, and there wasn’t even a thought of pausing to get a condom on or cool off a little bit. You were both on the verge of getting overwhelmed by this passionate longing when... your phone suddenly lit up, indicating an incoming call. Before you could snap out of the moment you were having, Baekhyun had you flat on your back, all slick and ready for him to push inside. And that he did — in one quick and rough movement, filling you up and giving you no time to even make a sound before his hips tested you out with a couple of low amplitude thrusts. The table moved slightly, soft clanking of tableware falling on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Baekhyun grabbed onto your hips, lifting your ass in the air for more control over the penetration.
‘Baek, I swear… You have like 2 minutes before Chan-’ A vicious thrust reached further than before, definitely getting your friend’s name out of your mind for good. And anything else for that matter.
Baekhyun snapped his hips as if he wanted to get as deep as humanly possible, as if he wanted to literally ruin you, and you could only scratch at his forearm while losing yourself in the feeling of his hips colliding with yours and the delectable sounds the action produced.
‘Baby,’ Baekhyun suddenly breathed out hoarsely, eyebrows knitted together as if in pain, ‘I can’t hold it off-’
Hearing his voice so strenuous and somehow vulnerable, you threw your head back and closed your eyes, spreading your legs further apart to allow him to better angle his powerful thrusts.
Your limbs were starting to grow numb and the veins on your neck popped when you moaned, and that’s when Baekhyun let out a strained ‘ah’, holding you in place by the hips to give you his erratic final thrusts.
In that moment you felt like something snapped inside you. Your core was tight around your lover’s cock, your body shaking in pre-orgasmic bliss, and you’d never experienced it this way. You felt so full and content in this moment when he was still moving his hips and groaning stiffly above you, riding out his high. There was nothing else he needed to do to take you along. The sensation of his warmth inside you made you pulsate, wailing so loudly that Baekhyun had to cover your mouth with his palm. He kept going for a bit to prolong your orgasm and let you slowly come back to your senses.
Your eyes stared vacantly at the kitchen ceiling and your throat was dry, although Baekhyun’s hand was still clasped over your mouth. When both of you managed to catch your breath, you just gazed at each other for a few long moments. You were so spent that you couldn’t even read the semi-blank expression on his face. He slowly slipped his palm off of your face, still hovering over your body.
‘Baekhyunie…’ You murmured, touching his cheek gently. He was usually lowkey annoyed whenever you went on to kiss the little mole on his face instead of his lips. This time, however, he only lowered his head further to let you do your thing. You pressed your lips to the tiny dot on his skin, leaning back onto the table to find his eyes with your own.
‘I love you,’ he suddenly whispered in a broken voice, then cleared his throat and started over. ‘I really want you to stay with me.’
It was… bittersweet.
You winced, feeling him pull out, and accepted his help sitting up. Holding your boyfriend close by the shirt, you nudged his nose with yours and looked up to his sad dejected eyes.
‘I know, Bae,’ your voice sounded as uplifting as you could manage. ‘I will find a way to come see you on tour in the next couple of months, I promise.’
Baekhyun was about to say something else if not for the sudden ring of his phone that made both of you snap out of your tiny little world.
‘Dang, I bet it’s Yeol. Pick up!’ You pushed your boyfriend towards the phone and eased down from the table, grabbing the tissues to clean up quickly.
‘Yes,’ Baekhyun responded.
‘Are you two fucking?!’ Your nose scrunched up at Chanyeol’s vulgar shout.
‘Yes?’ At this you paused and smacked Baekhyun’s pec for the shameless (yet truthful) response. ‘Whoa- feisty. Chanyeol-ah, better hang up before you hear her- Ow!’ He raised an arm to defend himself from your playful hits.
‘You realize that if you do not come down in ten you’re most likely missing the flight?’ You heard Chanyeol reply after a frustrated sigh.
‘Not a problem for m-’ Baekhyun was interrupted by your yell.
‘We’re gonna be down in ten, please check the fastest routes to the airport, Yeolie!’
You ran out of the kitchen barely catching Baekhyun’s grumbling as he repeated after you.
‘Yeolie. Why the hell does she even call you that. It’s not like you- What? Shut up, you bastard!’
You smiled to yourself. At least his friends knew how and when to mess with him. If you weren’t there… They got him. He'd be okay. And with that you were happy for now.
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A/N:This piece was my reintroduction to writing, and I’d love to hear any type of comments you have^^  Thank you guys for all the interaction and amazing responses so far, I cherish each and every one of them. You're the best <3
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
hi! can i request a one shot with polnareff x reader but he’s still stuck as the turtle but a twist like the princess and the frog? the reader kisses the turtle and he comes back to being his old (part 3) self because the reader is the one? lots of fluff plzzz? ty ;w;
A/N: Okay but this idea is so unbelievably cute?! I apologize for taking forever to get it done. I went a bit deep and overboard with the storyline on a request that is so simple and I’m pretty sure this is my longest one up to date actually BUT- it’s whatever. There’s plenty of fluff near the end, I promise. I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it too!! 🤍
(If this flops, I will be so sad omg)
“You’re The One, My Love.” (Jean Pierre Polnareff x Reader)
Warnings: mentions of drug abuse and depression
tags: gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, jean pierre polnareff x reader, turtle pol, magical, kiss, twist, slight angst, sfw, fluff
Description: One day after having to escort Polnareff as orders from your boss, you begin to grow quite fond of him. During your usual hangouts, you jokingly offer to kiss him as a way to recreate one of your favorite fairytales.
You giggle as Jean pulls you into a kiss, you feel him smile as he holds your face gently. You’re happy to see the man you love not be as serious and hurt as he was when you first met him. Your expression reminiscent of the memories shared between you before this moment.
~A Year Before~
Your personal servant had drawn the curtains. Your eyes fluttered open, body awaken by the bright sunlight shining from your windows and murmurs outside your bedroom. You groaned in frustration as you threw a pillow at him, he managed to catch it and place it back by your bed frame. You huffed,
“Didn’t boss say I have the week off? I’m allowed to sleep in.” you stated blankly, remembering how you had the strong urge to strangle him for ruining your slumber. He shook his head as he sat by the edge of your bed and pointed at the clock that stood on top of your nightstand. You distinctly remember the screen marked 7:25AM exactly. You sighed as you thought you could’ve at least slept in by 10. You sat up and criss crossed your legs and played with the lose strings of your blanket as he replied.
“Technically you do, but today is last minute and different. Sr. Giovanna wants you to escort out a close individual he works with today by 8.”
Frustrated, you plopped your hands down onto your lap and rolled your eyes as you said back,
“Not to be bratty but...can’t he just do that himself or get one of you to do it?” you raised your pointers and middle fingers to create air quotations “This individual must be pretty important if not even the boss can take care of it.”
Your servant shut his eyes and sighed. After what you had just told him, deep down you felt bad about how much he had to deal with your bull on a daily basis- not to mention your constant grumbling in the morning whether he woke you or not. Either way, you were pretty grumpy most mornings. He shook his head again.
“It’s not that either. Sr. Giovanna could easily lead him out but he’s currently finishing business with other people in the country. Sr. Mista is with him as well so you’re the only one we have present. They both must attend all meetings, they are not to miss one.
“Okay, but that still doesn’t answer my question. What’s so important about him or her or whatever the hell they go by?”
“I’ll let you figure that out for yourself.” He said finally as he patted your bed as a way to non-verbally tell you to get ready.
You huffed when he exited the room, plopping your back down hard into the foamy mattress. You roughly grabbed at the pillow you had thrown earlier and placed it over your face, you screamed into it for a good 10 seconds.
Looking back, were you being a little too dramatic? Yes, sure- of course. It’d make anyone cringe if they were to had witnessed it though you didn’t really mind. You were still maturing anyway. You were still getting used to the life Giorno Giovanna and Guido Mista had offered and gladly given to you.
Before meeting your boss Giovanna and his right hand man Mista, you had been living life miserably at home. Though before anyone asks, no: your parents were not abusive, no: your siblings weren’t either, no: nor were your friends or teachers. You had just become very distressed with the life you were leading on. You didn’t like the person you were and were expected to become. Anxiety took over rather unexpectedly. So what did you do when you had enough? You moved on to drugs.
You were surprised to find out how easy it was for a person in their late teens to gain access towards those terrible substances. But none the less, you later learned your dealer was from the mafia known as “Passione.”
Was it dangerous for you to have figured out that information? Yes. However, you remained cautious and never told a soul...until one day you bumped into the now late capo, Bruno Bucciarati.
You were walking down your local dealing alleyway, hands in pockets and school bag still in sight. You usually dealt after school as many adults were distracted by the kids that filled up the streets. Thus making them barely notice the illegal activity going on as a large number of students would walk down alleyways as a shortcut to their home. You were swift in paying back and receiving your desired substances anyway.
All of a sudden you heard a distant call, a call out of your name. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned around to look at the direction from where the call was coming from, that’s when you saw him. He stood a few feet from you.
“I’m glad I was able to find you...my name is Bruno Bucciarati. Your parents sent me to look for you, they’ve mentioned to me that you’ve been coming home late from school lately.”
You only shrugged and completely ignored his claim. You began walking away but were stopped again when he said,
“Leaky eyed Luca deals with you, doesn’t he?”
You kept your gaze forward and your back turned away from Bruno. Turning your head slightly over your shoulder, you mumbled,
“If I say yes, will you leave me alone?”
Without having to look at him, you knew he had tilted his head when he answered.
“That depends. If you answer honestly, no trouble will occur. I’ll remain calm with you, that is a promise.”
You blinked, sighing as you kicked at the small pebbles near your feet, staring at your shoes as you thought about what he said.
You had been dealing with Luca and you knew that his business was risky. Though you didn’t care. You felt that you needed to get the drugs you wanted pronto and Luca was the only one who would give them to you quickly. You shook your head, deciding to give up as you didn’t want anyone to notice you both speaking. You turned to face him and quietly replied,
“Yes, he deals with me. He’s the provider, I’m the receiver.”
Bruno smiled, satisfied with your answer.
He followed up with informing you that Luca had been killed at a local airport and was told to investigate his death. He didn’t provide too many details as to the cause of his death but you didn’t feel like asking anyway. Bruno admitted he came to speak to you as hours prior one of your parents really did come to speak to him about your behavior. After connecting some dots, he suspected you had something to do with Luca’s death as you were not attending school and were gone for most of the day. Not to mention, your teachers had called your parents that day as well.
Luckily, he was able to clear you out as a suspect as you cooperated with him and weren’t sweaty or completely jittery. He also gave you a little talk about using drugs. He promised he wouldn’t tell your parents that you got yourself involved in that abusive life if you promised to not buy more again.
You truly felt at the time that he was the only one who understood and cared for you in just the short time you met him. Your eyes watered as you complied with Bruno, promising to do what he suggested. A promise you have held onto forever.
After some investigating of your own, you found out that it was your future boss that killed Luca. You were rather impressed than angry that he was able to kill him. You honestly believed Luca would never be caught.
Back to the day you had to escort this individual- after some more complaining and grumpy remarks towards everyone in the household, you were finally ready to meet them. Your personal servant led you to the front door. He made sure to quietly remind you to be polite.
Your attention turned to another servant walking down the stairs towards your direction. A pillow in hand with a piece of cloth covering whatever was on top it. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, laughing as you sarcastically remarked,
“Is this some kind of joke? It’s not April, is it?”
“No, but I guess this household treating me with the upmost respect is.”
Your eyes widen. ‘Did that thing under the cloth just speak?” you asked yourself.
The servant removed the cloth and there revealed a turtle. A turtle with a key-shaped hole embedded on its shell. You almost assumed that the turtle smirked at you when he added,
“I know, don’t be too surprised. I plan to get out of this animal once my soul decides to give up. I haven’t always looked like this, ya know.”
Your mouth gaped open as to say something, but you quickly shut it as you didn’t know how to reply. He chuckled,
“Hand me over to them, we’ll talk more when we get to my destination.”
You hesitantly took the pillow from the servant’s hands and remained in shock as you walked out the door. You were careful not to drop him as you got down to the front gates. Gulping as you asked,
“So...my servant wasn’t that specific on me having to leave you in the car or actually riding with you. It’s kind of my fault as I don’t like to listen and talk in the morning...”
You nervously laughed as he looked up to you. He replied,
“It’s quite alright. I was told you have to ride with me. But don’t worry, you won’t have to stay for long. It’s only around a 10 minute ride.”
“Yeah, okay.”
You sat behind the passenger seat and placed the pillow in the middle, right next to your side.
The ride was relatively quiet, you looked out the window as you kept a fist under your chin. Your expression showed that of concern. You were too nervous to say anything. Even though he had joked back earlier, you were afraid he didn’t like you as his voice stayed stern throughout your small talk. You were afraid you had offended him in some way.
Your mood changed when the driver alerted that you had arrived. You thanked him as he opened the door for you, your hands grasped the pillow tightly so the talking turtle wouldn’t fall. You asked him with a small voice.
“Is there anywhere you’d like for me to set you?”
“Yes... put me on top of that balcony over there. I want to look at the lake.”
“Of course.”
You did as he said and sat him on the balcony. Your eyes gleamed when you caught sight of the glimmering water and greenery of the setting. You’ve always known that Italy is one of the most beautiful places in the world but at that time you had forgotten and were fascinated all over again. Like when a child sees a playground for the first time.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, you nodded.
“Yes, it really is. It’s no wonder you asked me set you on here.”
“Yes... I wanted to look at one more beautiful sight before I go. Like I said earlier, my soul is no longer fit to be here, so I might as well admire my surroundings for now.”
Your mind quickly became curious after he said that. You wanted to know more behind what he meant. You weren’t going back to that car until you got answers. So to make things easy, you started off with asking his name.
“If you don’t mind... would you like to tell me your name?”
“It’s Jean. Jean Pierre Polnareff.”
‘So he’s French.’ you remember thinking, his accent wasn’t too thick but you assumed and your assumption was right. After that, you went on to tell him your name and your experiences before meeting boss Giorno Giovanna. He shared the same with you.
You talked for so long in fact that you paid off the driver of your assigned car to go back and finish his shift early, promising them that you’ll find a ride later yourself.
You ended off the chatty night with placing Jean under a nearby bench and waving at him. You were saddened but Jean said he enjoyed your company so much that he’ll try to stay for longer and that you’re welcome to come him visit him everyday.
And so you did.
For months you came by to talk to him. You were happy to see that his soul wasn’t giving up yet- you knew you would cry if it were to one day. You had come to realize that you love him but you didn’t know if he felt the same way about you. You had only seen his face once- that was the day he decided to show you the physical embodiment of his soul.
You thought (and still think) he was so beautiful. The missing of bottom limbs and blindness in one eye did not bother you at all. His white-silver hair, style and personality is what did it for you. What it did to make you fall in love with his vanity and him. Just him. Jean himself.
~A Year Later~
It’s been a year now and as per usual, you spent half your days speaking to Jean by that same lake you were ordered to drive him to.
Boss Giovanna and Mista have noticed how fast you are in missions since then. They appreciate that you get things done but they still remain curious as to why you’re more happy and less grumpy than you were before. Though they don’t bother to ask, as they’re kind and don’t want to ruin your pure joy.
Today isn’t particularly different. All you had done earlier in the day was speak to a few citizens in town and dealt with giving details to your boss about a certain drug epidemic at a school. Nothing too out of the ordinary, a situation like this occurred at your old school too years back. Your duties were basically done once you learned information got to police.
You drive down to the park where the lake is at, smiling when you see a familiar small green circle on the balcony, looking over the glimmering waters. You park in the nearest lot and lock your car after getting out. You excitedly run over to Jean and smile when he turns his little head to greet you.
“I’m glad you’ve come again.” he says with a smile.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” you reply in a genuine tone.
You go on to talk about random topics and subjects as you always do. The conversation moving onto favorite pieces of literature and genres.
You roll your eyes in embarrassment as you tell him your most favorite one- one that is a fairytale and goes by the name of “The Frog Prince.”
“Well... it’s very fem of me but I really enjoy fairytales. Especially the ones from the Grimm brothers. My favorite is actually “The Frog Prince”
You place your elbow on the rail and use a hand to cover your burning cheek. Hoping that the redness rushing to your face won’t be noticed by Jean and that the sunset covers it up. Jean only laughs and hopes to comfort you when he says,
“Oh, that’s fine. Who cares if it’s feminine? They’re very well written stories and people shouldn’t be ashamed for what they like. I admire that your favorite genre is fairytale, you don’t hear people say that as often, you know?”
His words do comfort you and you thank him for that. He welcomes you and you feel like you’re actually looking into his sapphire eyes. The ones you fell in love with so long ago. You speak up before you’re even able to fully think.
“Say, the frog prince and the princess kissing, huh? Why don’t we kiss and see if it turns you back?”
‘Did I really just ask that?’ you ask yourself ‘What the actual hell is wrong with you?!”
“I don’t see why not...”
You’re stunned. You thought he would get offended for spurting out such a stupid thing. Of course your request won’t work- that shit is from a story book. It’s pure fiction. This is real life.
He’s a turtle now and you’re a human. You can’t and you won’t kiss him. You raise your hands up in defense.
“Hey, no! No need to play along after saying something so stupid to make me feel better. I just blurted that out I’m so sorry-“
“No, it’s okay. And I’m not playing along, I’m being serious. Go ahead. I’ve grown to like you a lot, a small kiss wouldn’t hurt.”
This answer is not what you expected. You nervously fiddle with your fingers as you look around. You sigh as you give in.
“Fine. I like you a lot too and I’ll do it. Let me just-“
You lift up the top half of Jean, his front turtle legs up in the air and his little face staring up at you. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, you slowly lean in and- kiss✨
The turtle falls out of your grasp. You stop puckering your lips and open your eyes. In a panicked state, you frantically look over the balcony and both sides of you to find him. You look forward and gasp. You grab at the railings to hold you steady.
There sits a groaning man on his knees. He rubs at his neck as he silently curses to himself, blinking fast and harshly as he tries to understand what’s going on around him. It’s dark now but the moon shines bright enough for you to get a better glimpse of him. You furrow your eyebrows as you slowly recognize who he is- Jean.
He has that same white-silver hair, sapphire eyes, big stature though the only difference is no eye glass in sight and his “legs” aren’t made out of metal.. they’re completely real. Flesh and all and you know that blood flows right through them like the rest of his body.
“J-Jean?” you whisper.
The man doesn’t hear you. All he does is groan and cross his legs in front of him. He stretches his arms and looks over any possible injuries on him.
“Jean.” you say again, louder this time.
He finally looks up at you. And there they are, those sapphire eyes you love so much. That face you’ve grown to be so fond off. His expression more than surprised. Though that expression quickly changes and softens- his eyes crease and a small smile appears. He says your name. And you tear up after he does.
He attempts to get up but his legs give up on him. You sprint to his side before he falls, letting him use your shoulders as support. He blushes.
“I’m sorry... I haven’t had real legs in years. Apparently I forgot how to use them...”
His voice is softer than before, the sternness isn’t there. He sounds younger almost. You giggle, as you use a hand to wipe at the tears of your eyes.
“Okay, I think I can stand now. Let go of me so I can look at you fully.”
You do as he says and as you watch him wobble, you reach out to help again but he shakes his head, waving your hands off as he’s able to maintain balance. You grin proudly when he does.
Jean turns to face you, he clasps your hands together and brings them up to his lips. You blush as he proceeds to hold them over his heart. He looks at you with pure love in his eyes.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. What you suggested was silly but it worked.”
“Yes, you’re welcome...” you say softly, looking down. He makes you look up again.
“You’re the one, my love. You always have been and always will be. My feelings for you started when we first met, I meant what I said. I have grown to like you a lot though it’s more than “like”- it’s love. And I’m so happy to know you feel the same way.”
You tear up at this and hug him. He hugs you back and you can’t believe that he does.
The turtle is no more and you have your true love back to human form.
He raises your chin up with his thumb and pointer, he kisses you and you kiss him back. The kiss long and meaningful.
You’re happy to know that the man you love, loves you too.
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princess-of-riviaa · 3 years
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Erin Quincy (1st person POV)
Summary: You experience your first heat as a brand new shifter. Walter, being the good alpha he is, helps out his struggling omega.
Warning(s): depictions of animal attack, age gap (Erin is 25, Walter is 38), alcohol use, a bit of angsty Walter, dirty talk, possessiveness
Author’s note: This is my first piece of work I made for the ABO Universe. I hope you guys like it!
Word count: 3,931
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Two weeks ago, I’d been on a camping trip with my two step-brothers, Scott and Chris, when my life had forever changed. One second, the hiking trail had been clear and safe; the next, some kind of animal was jumping out of the brush and fighting my breakfast sausage out of my hands. I later learned that the animal had been a wolf, but that realization only came when I had my first Shift three days later.
Though the night had escaped my memories, when I woke up in an unfamiliar mansion to an unfamiliar group of faces the next day, they filled me in on the details. The man in front—tall, with deep brown curls that were almost as distracting as his thick, muscular shape—had told me that I had Shifted the night before and ended up on their doorstep. And yes, Shifters—not werewolves, as most fantasy books called them—were real, Walter informed me during my surprised silence.
Walter Marshall—that was the stunning stranger’s name. He was an Alpha of one of the two packs that lived in this mansion, and I was more than welcome to join them. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around what had become of myself—and I knew better than to hope that my family would understand—so I accepted the generous offer.
I had been with the pack for three weeks now. Winnie Marshall, Walter’s twin sister, was the Alpha for the mansion’s other pack. Walter had found me first—he had actually been the one to stop me from giving into my animalistic instincts on the night he found me, and had been the one to bring me in from the pouring rain—and technically had claim to me. But, because I hadn’t officially been claimed by him, Winnie argued that she had as much right to me as her brother did. So she took me under her wing. She’d explained everything to me, been there in my moments of panic and embarrassment to assure me that everyone goes through this, and it’s not going to last forever.
The only other two people in the house that were my age were two betas. One of them, a young man named Mike (though everyone called him Mikey), was the center of attention at the mansion, though he surprisingly had his eyes set on the quiet girl who loved books. Her name—I met her last, simply because she’d locked herself in the library for a week-long reading challenge—was Amber Connelly. As the only other beta under the age of thirty, she had an… interesting relationship with Mikey. And by that I mean they were both head over heels for each other, though they only ever bickered, and neither of them seemed aware of the others’ feelings. But they never acted on their feelings, and no one ever expected them to, simply because Mikey was Walter’s Beta, and Amber was Winnie’s, and packs didn’t mix, especially if their was a chance of a Claiming.
Claiming—that was the part of all of this that had intrigued me the most. It started with a bite. One person had to bite their partner directly over the heart, hard enough to leave a scar that would be there forever. In another sense, one wolf had to mark their partner as their territory. It was possessive in every sense of the word, and I couldn’t deny that deep down inside of me, I wanted to share that intimate, lifelong promise with Walter.
It was insane for a number of reasons. Not only had I met the Alpha just a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t even officially in his pack, and a Claiming with an Alpha would make me second-in-command. There were a few steps I would be skipping if that happened. Not to mention that Walter Marshall was the only unclaimed Alpha over the age of thirty-five in the entire city, and there was a reason for that. I didn’t know the details, but I knew it had something to do with his past. Our age was another factor. He was almost 40, while I had just turned 25.
And yet, here I was, wanting his mark anyways. He was quiet and reserved enough to make him mysterious, and that only pulled me in more. In the first week I was there, I found any way I could to talk to him, mainly to thank him for giving me a safe place for this new season of life. But he had disappeared with Andy and Charles Barber—two Beta brothers—for an entire week. Winnie had only said that they were taking care of business on the other side of the city, but when the three men came back, there was a darkness to all of them that told me whatever they had been doing… It hadn’t been fun.
Walter was harder to reach in the days that followed. When I would knock on his office door and ask him if he was able to train me today—something both he and Winnie insisted on their packs doing in their daily routine—he would snap and order me to leave, the sound of his growl following me out the door. He apologized for his behavior three days later, and bought takeout from my favorite restaurant to make it up to me, but I still couldn’t forget that side of him. The side of him that turned his soft blue eyes completely black. The part of him that was all animal, only selfishness and cold edges.
And yet, even after all of that, I still wanted him. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d woken up panting in the middle of the night, rising out of a dream of those blue eyes looking down at me as he fucked my throat, making me gag and cry around his cock. The sound of my own moans had forced me awake before dawn this morning. The memory of Walter’s intense gaze holding my reflection’s as he fucked me in the bathroom had followed me all day.
I was still wound up as I made my way to the game room. The smell of alcohol was strong throughout the house. The packs were celebrating Walter and Winnie’s thirty-eighth birthday tonight, and everyone, it seemed, was intent on getting blackout drunk. There were three kegs in the living room. It took Shifters a lot longer to get drunk, so I wasn’t surprised to find that the kegs were already halfway empty by the time I filled a cup for myself.
But I was surprised to find Walter perched on the roof when I made my way up to my regular hiding spot. He didn’t look over at me when I climbed onto the roof, but he didn’t seem startled when I took a seat beside him, and I knew his Shifter senses had probably heard me before I’d even climbed up the stairs that led up here.
“I see you stole my hiding spot,” I remarked as I took a sip of my beer.
“This way my hiding spot first, actually.” There’s amusement in his eyes as he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, but the amusement is only a cover. I note the darker emotion hiding beneath, and I recognize it instantly. It’s the same thing I’ve been feeling since my first Shift.
“So technically you stole it from me,” Walter continued, giving me a ghost of a smile.
Though the air was light between us for once, I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Why are you hiding on your birthday?”
He sighed and looked out at the valley below us. The city lights reflected in his eyes, making the blue in them sparkle. He chugged back the rest of his beer before answering, “I’m thirty-eight tonight.”
“So I’ve heard.” The light tone was clearly forced, but I continued anyways. “Congratulations.”
His long fingers parted thick curls before he clutched the roots of his hair and squeezed, looking frustrated and… defeated. “I’m thirty-eight—and I still don’t have a goddamn mate.”
I didn’t know what to do. Part of me was more than ready to say, Take me. Claim me. I’ll be your mate. But I knew that was overstepping. I didn’t know how to comfort him.
“Walter—” I began.
He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t burden you with this. I think I’ve had a few too many drinks.”
We both knew that was a lie. He was too collected to be drunk. Everything—save for his brutal honesty—screamed completely sober.
“I just…” He went on, then stopped himself.
I put a hand on his arm and had to physically force myself not to lean into the warmth of his body heat. When his blue eyes met mine, I nearly lost control. God, I wanted him. I wanted to ran my hands through his hair; wanted to know the way his moans sounded as he filled me up; wanted to feel his mouth on me—
I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind. “It’s okay,” I told him. “You can tell me.”
He hesitated.
“You’ve been there for me since I got here,” I pointed out. “It’s only fair that I do the same for you.”
His eyes scanned my face, and I got the feeling that he could see into my soul. It unnerved me as much as it made me want to bear myself to him. He finally said, “You don’t owe me anything, Erin. I was being a good Alpha.”
“You let a stranger into your home,” I argued. “That qualifies as more than simply being a good Alpha. There’s other packs in the city, yet you were the only one who opened your door to me. And you’ve let me stay here when you could have just as easily sent me away. You’re not just a good Alpha, Walter, you’re…” I almost said, you’re everything, but I caught myself.
But the way he looked at me… I had a feeling that he heard what I didn’t say.
“And maybe you think I don’t owe you,” I went on, “but I want to be there for you. I want to give you whatever you need.”
His eyes left my face to stare at the hand I placed on his arm. He reached for it, and at first I thought he was going to push me away, but he simply held my hand between his own. He opened my fingers and stared at my palm as if he was going to tell me my future. A thick, calloused finger traced across the lines on my palm. The touch was simple and gentle, but it made me shiver nonetheless.
“I’m the only Alpha in the city without a mate,” he finally admitted. “That fact has never bothered me before. I always liked being on my old. I thought I was better that way. It was enough always having to keep an eye on Winnie; I never had a want for someone else to look out for.”
“But now…?” I guessed there was a “but” in that sentence.
His focus was locked on his fingers as he traced the outline of my hand. Something about the way his rough skin felt against mine… It made heat stir in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t realize I had started to lean into him until there was just a few inches of space left between us.
“But now,” he finally said, and sighed. “Now I find myself wanting something I don’t know if I can have.”
“A mate?” Why couldn’t he have that?
“You.” He finally met my gaze, just as the words clicked in my mind.
Heat made my cheeks burn bright red as I repeated his words. “M-me? What do you mean?”
“I mean I want you.” His gaze was unapologetic, yet the twist of his mouth… I could tell he was fighting some internal battle. “When I first saw you in that back alley, hiding under that shed from the rain…”
I was silent as he spoke, simply because I’d never heard all the details of what had happened that night, and Walter was the only one with that memory.
“I had Shifted too,” he admitted. “The pack Shifts together on full moons. The Omegas and some of the Betas are less overwhelmed by it if we’re all together. But something had drawn me away from the pack, like some string had pulled me out onto the streets…”
Only once he said something did I realize that I did remember a part of that night. It wasn’t a memory of what had happened, but rather… a feeling I had gotten. Like someone had been calling my name and I had gone in search of them.
“I’d never experienced anything like that before,” Walter continued. “And when I found you, shaking from fear and the cold… I knew I had to do something. The urge to protect you was overbearing. So I brought you home. I told myself it just from the intensity of the Shift that I felt like that, but when you Shifted back the next morning… I knew I couldn’t just let you walk away. So I told you to stay, and I knew that if you had said no, I would have done anything to change your mind.”
“Walter…” My voice was a quiet whisper as my thoughts began to race. “Do you think… That feeling… I felt it too. Is that what…”
“What having a mate feels like?” he guessed.
All I could do was nod. Somehow I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear him say it.
“Maybe.” When his gaze met mine, I realized he looked as lost as I felt. “I couldn’t say one way or another; I’ve never had a mate. But if it is…” He finally dropped my hand, only to cup my face and pull me towards him. “Listen to me, Erin. Even if…” He paused, as if he was struggling to say it out loud, too. “Even if we’re mates, that doesn’t mean you have to choose me. You can walk away. Hell, you can even…” He practically flinched at these words, as if saying them was a physical blow—“You can even choose someone else. Another man. I’m not going to force you into anything.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I think I want another drink.”
Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it was gone in a blink. He rose to his feet, insisting that he get it for me. I watched him walk away. He took four steps—and froze. His entire back went rigid, too stiff for a human. His Shifter instincts had picked up on something.
I froze, wondering what was happening, what he had picked up on.
But he merely turned to face me again. Slowly. “Erin.”
I tried to sense his source of distress, but I couldn’t pick up on anything. The only thing I picked up on was how that look in his eyes sent heat straight to my core. “What is it, Walter?” I was on my feet and closing the distance between us in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t move!” he practically yelled.
I paused, almost jumping at his volume.
His eyes were wild, frantic, looking like an animal caught in a trap.
“What’s wrong?” I asked again, resisting the urge to reach out to him.
“Do you know what’s happening to you?” Every muscle in his body was taut as he asked the question.
I frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He simply said, “You’re going through heat.”
Winnie had explained that to me on one of my first days here. She’d said it happens to every female Shifter. Her hormones—particularly the horny ones—exploded, and every male Shifter around her could sense it. Apparently, it drove the males as crazy as the females, though it was dangerous to be an Omega—specifically an unclaimedOmega—around any Alphas while in heat.
That’s why Walter wasn’t moving, wasn’t even breathing: he was trying not to pounce on me and take what he wanted. What we both needed.
All those dreams about him… They finally made sense. I was preparing for my first heat.
Only once he brought it to my attention did I realize just how hot I was. My heart was hammering in my chest, flames boiling beneath my skin, and—god, when had I gotten so wet?
“Walter…” My voice was a high-pitched whine.
“You’ll be okay.” He didn’t sound convincing in the slightest. The look in his eyes matched the relentless ferocity rising in my core.
God, I needed him. “Please…”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “I can’t, Erin. We’re both unclaimed. I won’t be able to control myself—”
I took a step towards him—and practically cried out. The burning in my core—between my legs—it was unbearable. I needed to ease the ache inside of me. My hand moved of its own accord towards my legs, and before I knew it I was touching myself over my jeans.
Walter’s eyes were locked on my hand. “Erin… you’re killing me.”
“Please, Walter,” I begged, my body no longer under my control. “I need you. I can’t breathe—”
That was when he kissed me. He wasn’t the first person I had kissed, but he felt like the first person who mattered. Our mouths molded together and I moved against him in a way that said, I’m choosing this. I’m choosing you.
“God, I can smell you,” he breathed into my neck, his low voice nothing more than a moan. “You’re already wet for me, baby.”
All I could do was moan as he pressed me against his erection. His mouth trailed down my neck, over my clavicle, and stopped over my heart.
“I want you,” I cried out as I ran my hands through his hair. “Mark me, Walter. Please.”
He brought his mouth to my chest, but he didn’t bite me like I expected him to. Instead, he brushed a soft kiss against my skin. I whined as he pulled away and moved me from his lap.
“Did I do something wrong?” I panicked, feeling like an idiot—
“No,” he assured me. “You’re… god, you’re perfect. But I’m not about to fuck you on the roof. I doubt you’ll want the entire neighborhood to hear you moaning for me.”
My face flushed instantly, but I didn’t say anything as he rose to his feet and pulled me inside, not stopping until we were in his room. An Alpha’s room was a place very few people ever saw. It was more intimate than a regular bedroom; it was stepping into his territory, walking onto his turf, and I knew that something had permanently changed between us as I crossed the threshold into the room.
The room was rather simple. A king-sized bed was pressed against the left wall. The crimson sheets were the only color in the room. The right side of the wall had a desk covered in files and papers. Newspaper clippings hung above it, stamped into the wall with thumb tacks. I didn’t have a moment to read what all the papers were about before Walter distracted me.
He arms wrapped around me as he lifted me up in the air. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. I clung to his shoulders, but he held me easily, as if I weighed no more than a few pounds. The show of pure strength did nothing to help the wet mess between my legs.
Walter walked us to the bed and lied me down on my back. He hovered over me but didn’t move to touch me. The longing and lust in his eyes was so vibrant, so undeniable, that I writher beneath him.
But his tone was calm as he said, “I need to ask you again. Is this what you want, Erin?”
“So much,” I breathed before pulling him against me.
His thigh moved between my legs, and he deepened the kiss as his leg pressed tightly against my core, applying pressure where I needed it most. Though our hands ran along each other’s bodies in a hungry frenzy, he kissed me differently than he had on the roof. It wasn’t rushed or desperate this time, but rather deep and slow and just as sensual. My toes curled.
I cried out as his mouth moved to my ear. He nipped at my earlobe—an action that sent shivers through my body—before whispering, “What is it, baby girl? What do you want? My fingers?”
I writhed against him.
“My mouth?”
Oh, fuck.
A wanton moan escaped me before I could stop it.
“Or are you already too desperate? That’s what it smells like to me. My little omega’s falling apart and I haven’t even touched you yet. You’re already desperate for me to fill your aching cunt, aren’t you, baby girl?”
His tone was different than I’d ever heard it. He spoke in a low, husky voice, and his tone was teasing but demanding at the same time. It made me dizzy.
“Already forgotten your words, omega? Has the heat gotten to your brain?” He buried his face in the crook of my neck and rubbed his nose along the skin below my ear. He was scenting me. “Or is it your Alpha who’s gotten to you?”
Instead of answering, I clawed at his clothes desperately, trying to undress him in my lustful haze. He allowed me to take his shirt off, though he undid his pants himself. His body… how was he even more impressive naked? I took one look at those sculpted muscles, at the dark swirls of hair that covered his chest and stomach, and knew that that was the kind of body that put the gods to shame. His cock bounced against his stomach as he stepped out of his underwear. It was thick and long, and as I watched the red, aching tip release pre-cum, I wondered how I could possibly fit his girth inside of me.
“My turn,” he breathed before moving to hover over me again.
One minute I was clad in my shorts and t-shirt, and the neck my clothes were in shreds on the floor. Walter’s hungry gaze made note of every inch of skin I beared for him, and I was too fucked out to feel self-conscious.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” I begged. “I need you inside of me!”
He growled before spreading my legs and pressing his length against my core. Our lips met just as he pushed inside me, and my nails dug into his shoulder at the burst of pleasure that ripped from me. His mouth was on my chest a second later, and as he kneaded my breasts in his hands, his teeth cut into the skin over my heart.
Claiming me.
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