#getting up was so painful today. and well yes it was probably made worse by going to dinner for my friends birthday last night
munamania · 4 months
best part of my day is gonna be the massive hit of pillow and blanky when i get home from work
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laurasstufff1 · 11 months
Cramps and cinnamon soup
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In which your relationship with Daniel is crazy, chaotic and funny, even in the worse days
2k words
It was supposed to be fun. It was. But mother nature had other plans, and now you were crying in your room, a mixture of angriness, gilt, pain from the cramps, invading your whole body. 
Daniel was out training, he wanted to go to your house after and take you out for dinner, but you could barely get out of bed in the whole day, you even worked from there, something you never did. It wasn’t only physical pain, it was also emotional, and that was the hardest part to deal when it came to periods. 
You barely made it out of bed when the door opened and you heard Daniel talking with your neighbor “It’s always unpredictable” he dejectedly said with a sigh while he entered your house with the spare key you gave him only a week ago. Was he talking about you? He knew you started to feel bad the night before, when he called, and it was only a matter of hours until the bad cramps happened. But why would he talk about you with the neighbor, was he really so tired of you? That only made you cried more, sobbing so loud Daniel heard you and ran to your room.
“What’s wrong? Why are you still in bed” He worriedly asked kneeling on your side. You were just sobbing, he couldn’t understand what you were trying to say but you couldn’t pronounce a word either. “Hey, calm down, does it hurt?” He asked again placing his hand on your lower stomach “let’s go take a shower, alright?” But you denied with your head, not with him, not today. 
“I can go alone, thanks” you said getting up, but he got up faster and went to the bathroom to make sure the bathtub was fill with hot water once you got there, already knowing what was going on even though you were only dating for so little time.
While you were in the bath, he took care of the room, opening the window, making the bed, sorting the clothes. 
“Daniel?” You called him from the bathroom, a small grin forming in his face because he already knew what you needed.  He didn’t come or answer until a few minutes later, when he peek his hand put of the bathroom door.
“I got it, babe” he said holding a huge sweatshirt of his he left behind some other day with some shorts and granny underwear, the most comfortable yet ugly you owned.
“Thank you” you said without letting him see your red face.
When you got out he was sitting on the couch playing with his phone. It was your house, you didn’t live together, but since a couple months ago it seemed like that, you were always at his place or he was at yours all the time after work. “Have you eaten something today?” He asked watching you sit next to him and placing his hand on your knee. 
“Just a coffee for breakfast, I’m not hungry” you simply said making him look at you furiously, it was already 6pm and you only drank coffee.
“You stay here, I’ll cook dinner, you need to eat something before taking a pill for the pain” he got up and you sat with your knees to your chest trying to ease the pain that was slowly coming back after the warm shower.
“We had plans” you moaned annoyed.
“We’re not going out. Besides it’s raining anyways. This weather is so unpredictable” 
“Unpredictable? The… the weather?”
“Yes, it was sunny yesterday and now it’s raining” he said pointing at the window, and just then you realised it was indeed raining.
“Oh. I thought you meant me” you laughed.
“What?” “Nothing”
While you were laying on the couch, feeling so bad for being lazy although the truth was you could barely move from the pain, Daniel was in your kitchen trying to remember the right ingredients for a soup his mum always made. 
‘Mum, hi’ you heard him talk ‘hey how much cinnamon do I use for the soup you always made back home? - I know it’s July and hot outside, but YN is not feeling well - just cramps - Yeah, I know it’s not just cramps and they hurt, but mum—“ you laughed hearing him talk while his mum probably told him off, they were  indeed very painful “okay -  thanks mum - will do - love you too’.
“Hey” he said standing behind the couch making you jumo scared as you were concentrating in his voice and not the sound of his steps. “Okay, so I called mum, she sends love and-“ “All my love to your dear mother too” you said with crystal eyes. Were you really going to cry again? For the mother in law you haven’t even met yet? “Also she recommended this” he said holding a sock full of rice. “Careful it’s hot. I’ll bring dinner in a minute. You like cinnamon, right?”
“Thank you. And yes. I’ll go help” you said trying to stand up, but the sock unleashed and the floor filled with rice in a second. “F*ck!” You shouted, this time crying by real, feeling absolutely useless.
“Hey” he concernedly said coming to hug you “We’ll pick that up later, babe, I can bring another one. Stay here, rest” he sweetly said caressing your cheek. You couldn’t do nothing more than agreeing nodding your head.
When Daniel came back with another sock, he found you soundly asleep on the sofa, all curled up  holding a pillow to your chest. He placed the new sock between your knees and your stomach, carefully trying not to wake you up by lifting a bit the sweatshirt. Only then he notices a few grains of rice piled up in the border of the coffee table, surely picked up by you before falling asleep.
He kneeled on the floor and started picking up the rest, looking at you from time to time when you moved curling a bit more probably because of the pain. He couldn’t help but stare at your face while kneeling next to the sofa looking for the little grains of rice that went everywhere, probably a vacuum was better but he didn’t want to wake you up.
Slowly but surely he touched the skin on your arm moving farther up to your shoulder and then to your neck, pulling back the little pieces of hair that rested there. Then he moved to your jaw and your face, but not for longer because you slapped his hand.
“Hey!” He shouted loosing balance and falling to the floor with his hand on his chest trying to calm himself from the scare.
“Sorry!” You shouted again trying unsuccessfully to hide your laugh “I thought it was a fly!” “A fly?” Daniel laughed making you laugh even harder.
“Ugh sorry, today’s not my day, you okay?” you said stretching in the sofa while Daniel nodded and hurried up to hold the new sock so it didn’t fall like the other. “Thank you” you said again, this time it was you caressing his face, which was a lot closer because he was still holding the sock.
“You’re very welcome” he smiled holding your waist and getting a bit more close “Can I?” He asked one last time before kissing you and you just nodded while he was already kissing you, feeling his hands too in your waist and your cheek. He was kissing your lips but then he went to your cheeks and your forehead so quickly you started laughing again.
“It smells delicious” you smiled still letting him kiss your face, but he rapidly got up and with one last kiss to your lips he left the room again and headed to the kitchen.
“Do you mind if we order pizza?” He asked a second later. You should have bet he was going to burn whatever he was cooking, you would always win.
You laughed and got up to the kitchen, this time holding sock of rice in place. The soup was completely solid and the cinnamon turned black. 
“Pizza it is” you laughed. “Let me clean it” you started holding the pan but Daniel took it off your hands “I’m alright! The hot rice is working, besides we’ll finish sooner if we do it together” that kinda convinced him, thought he only let you clean the countertop. “Daniel!” You shouted when he started lifting your sweatshirt from behind. 
“Just a minute” he said grabbing some tape to wrap around you the reheated sock full of rice.
“Hey! That’s going to hurt when I take it off!” You hit him with the cloth and he looked at you like if he just realised that it was indeed going to hurt, but at least your stomach won’t. A second later the bell rang.
“Pizza’s here!” He shouted changing the subject.
“Saved by the bell, quite literarily” you said leaving the cloth in the countertop hearing him laugh. 
“I have to say, I was exited for the cinnamon soup, but this is not bad either” you laughed watching him take a slice and immediately regret it as it was still hot.
“Will you be alright tonight?” He asked soon after the pizza was over, with a glass of water and a pill for you in his hand. You just nodded while swallowing it. “Are you sure?” He asked again “I can stay if you want” “You don’t have to” you rapidly said “I can call you if I need you”
“I’ll be up all night paying attention to my phone” he said already takin git off his pocket and making sure it wasn’t in silence. “You’re trying to convince me by making me feel bad about it” you said raising your eyebrows. “I’m just saying the truth” he shrugged.
“Well okay. But you take the couch” “Fair enough”
And so that’s what you did. But just as you were taking off your sweatshirt you realized you were taped to a sock full of rice. 
“Daniel can you come? Help me get out of this” you said and he immediately came laughing along the dark corridor. “Not funny”
“I think it’s better to wet it. Let’s go to the bathroom”. You took off the sweatshirt in a bust of confidence and he slowly peeled it off the skin while damping it with water. “Does it hurts?” He asked while doing it.
“No, but the water is cold” you pointed out while he rolled his eyes laughing as you were so whiny.
“All done” he said finally removing the last part and drying you carefully with a towel.
“Thanks” you said again looking up to him and pecking his lips. “Come to bed with me?” You asked taking him by surprise, you could rapidly feel the nerves in his face “I mean if you want, it’s not like-“ “No no, I want” he quickly said “I want” he repeated again surely “let’s go”. You took his hand and guided him to your room, already dark. You laid first on the bed, you were not willing to give up your spot on it. Daniel laid next to you, feeling you move your legs up to your chest. “You want another sock with warm rice?” “No” you rapidly said “I don’t want to break another one and make a mess in the bed” you laughed and he did too.
“Alright. Then I’ll move” he said while moving closer to you “is this alright?” He asked placing his hand in your abdomen, right where the pain was, not missing the chance to place a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
“Perfect” you whispered, although a second later you turned around to face him and started caressing him too, placing your hand behind his neck and pulling him for a good night kiss and a cuddle in his chest “thank you for the evening. I would’ve been laying in bed since this morning if it wasn’t for you. Although instead of laying in bed I laid in the sofa anyways” you said making him laugh.
“and waisted a whole package of rice” “And you burnt dinner”
“Yeah that’s worse isn’t it?” he laughed. “Good night YN, please remember I’m here and I’m not a fly so don’t hit me”.
“Night Dan” you laughed “it was a natural reflex anyways, you can’t blame me for it”
Thank you @headinthecloudssblogfor the request <3
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thank you for all the lovely fics you've been sharing with us, and congrats on 1k followers! For a request...how about the first time Ed has a cold after he and Stede get together? With some sweet sweet Stede caretaking of course <3
Yes!! Sweet caretaking incoming!
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 1k word fic!
“It’s just a cold, man, seriously!”
“Mhm.” Stede crossed his arms, looking down at Ed where he was still refusing to let him get out of bed, deeply unimpressed. “How about a deal? If you can make it more than ten seconds without coughing your head off, I’ll let you get up.”
“You’re on,” Ed said, immediately, which turned out to be a bit of a terrible start, because talking irritated his scratchy throat and sent him immediately into a bout of painful coughs.
Ed tried to hide them by pretending he was just clearing his throat. Judging by the look on Stede’s face, he wasn’t buying it.
“It’s just a cold,” Ed repeated, staring down at his lap. He’d woken up with a pounding headache, swollen sinuses, so much nasal congestion his head felt like it was stuffed full of cotton balls, and a sore, achy body. He was aware he probably couldn’t have looked more pitiful if he’d been trying.
“Ed.” Stede sat next to him on the bed, holding out his hand in an open invitation. Ed took it, lacing their fingers together. “Why are you so resistant to admitting you should just stay in bed today?”
Part of it, genuinely, was that Ed had been up and about with much worse than a little head cold. He’d once had to time leading his crew while they sailed through a squall around stitching himself up so he wouldn’t bleed out before they made it to calmer waters. This little cold was something he never would’ve thought about staying in bed for, and that was the honest truth.
“I don’t need to,” Ed said, honestly, with a shrug. “I can tough it out. Plus, we’ve had that reservation at the new restaurant down at the market for weeks, and you’ve been looking forward to it, and I don’t want you to miss it, and-”
“Ah,” Stede said, in that specific, annoyingly smug voice way that didn’t exactly say there it is, but might as well have. “We can always reschedule.”
“I don’t want to go if you’re not feeling well,” Stede shrugged. “You’ll just have a miserable time, and I’ll be worried about you, because I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Ed said automatically.
“Well, you wouldn’t deny the love of your life the opportunity to take care of you, now, would you?” Stede tapped the tip of Ed’s red, snuffly nose with an index finger. “You stay right here. I’m making soup.”
Ed could have fought it; he knew Stede wouldn’t force him to stay in bed if he really didn’t want to. But a day of laying in bed with Stede fussing over him was starting to sound kind of…nice.
Stede made him a big bowl of tomato and roasted red pepper soup, darting from the kitchen to the bedroom every few minutes to bring Ed handkerchiefs, and tea with honey to soothe his throat, and cream to spread on his chest to ease his congestion, and books to keep him entertained. Ed was a little feverish, and Stede insisted on checking his temperature exclusively by pressing his lips to Ed’s forehead.
The soup was, technically, edible. Stede had somehow managed to overcook it, and also undercook the peppers, which were still a bit crunchy. Red peppers also probably hadn’t been a smart idea for a guy with a cold; Stede knew Ed loved peppers, but they didn’t help his streaming nose.
It was the best soup Ed had ever eaten. He scraped his bowl clean.
Then Stede started looking like he was about to climb back into bed with him, and Ed stopped him with a hand on his chest, not letting him get within smooching range.
“You don’t want to kiss me right now, I’m gross,” he said.
“You are not gross, you’re sick!” Stede looked genuinely offended on his behalf. “You poor thing, you deserve extra kisses right now, if anything.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” Ed acquiesced easily. His cheeks were sore from how swollen his sinuses were, but Stede’s kisses were incredibly gentle. “Maybe no cuddles, though. I don’t want you getting sick, too.”
“Love, we slept with you quite literally on top of me,” Stede said reasonably. “If I’m going to catch it, I think I already have.”
“Oh,” Ed realized. “Oh, no. You’re going to be the worst patient.”
“I resent that accusation,” Stede said. “I’ll have you know that I am a model patient.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that in a few days.”
“Hey, Ed?” Stede shut him up with a gentle kiss, smiling against his lips. “Just let me hold you.”
Ed mimed zipping his lips shut, moving over in bed just far enough for Stede to climb in before snuggling up into his side.
He hadn’t realized how cold he was, how much his sore, sick body was just longing for comfort, until he had Stede next to him. He sighed in relief, cuddling up as close as he could, clinging to Stede’s middle. Stede was warm, and soft, and knew how to hold him just right to make him feel better.
“There we go.” Stede pressed a kiss to Ed’s forehead. “See, this is nice, isn’t it? We’ll run a bath in a bit, I think - the steam might help clear up your sinuses.”
“Sure,” Ed agreed. He swallowed, some of the doubts he’d been trying to ignore pushing back in. “Are you sure this isn’t a bother? And you’re not mad about your reservation? And I’m not just annoying you?”
“There is nowhere else I’d rather be,” Stede promised. “You’re the love of my life, even when you feel a bit like shit, and you’re sneezing all over my nice handkerchiefs and sweating through the pillows.”
“Mm.” Ed felt himself starting to drift off. “Just wait ‘til I sneeze on you.”
“Just part of the job,” Stede accepted bravely, and Ed fell asleep with a smile on his lips.
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plutoccult · 5 months
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x female reader
description: iwaizumi’s wedding day was a day you dreaded for many years. now that the day had finally come, you regret never telling him how you feel.
word count: 1.6k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: finally, a new theme! i’m on an angst GRIND, you guys. been feeling really unhinged lately thanks to my girl @intorder for giving me fuel for angst, who also beta read this hurt piece. oddly enough, my life has been pretty good lately, so idk why i thought to write this. i’ve never written for iwaizumi before, but he came to mind first when i thought of this idea. this was definitely inspired by that one scene in 13 going on 30, but i made it hurt even more. i hope i did iwaizumi justice, and i hope you all enjoy without crying?
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @jeanboyjean @femme-lune @darthferbert @kob3nie @thelazyhuevito @multi-fandom-fanfic @sterieshinso @kiiyomei @chrybdcsm @alienlatteinspace @abonbonblr @luverofutoshi @p3ritwinkle @juuzou13
taglist form here
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“well? how do i look?”
iwaizumi turned around to face you as he showed off his suit. you couldn’t believe he was actually getting married today, and that the person he was marrying wasn’t you. it was hellish to shove your feelings down your throat for decades, especially when your friendship suffered god knows how many miles apart.
a part of you died the day he returned from california. you were so thrilled to see him, missing him so, but your heart shattered the second you saw he brought a girl with him. it was even worse when iwaizumi spoke to you about her, saying he felt like he knew she was the girl he would marry the second he saw her. you wanted to be that girl, and maybe you could’ve if you simply spoke up. after all, everyone always teased you two about ending up together growing up.
“you look great, iwa.” you force a smile. it wasn’t a lie, he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen, standing so proud and tall in his suit. not a single scratch or crease on his shoes nor any signs of wear in his jacket. as much as it pained you to see it, iwaizumi had grown up.
“you think so?” he asked, checking himself out in the mirror, scanning for any flaws in his outfit. “i could’ve sworn i saw lint on the back of my jacket.”
“oh, i can get it.” you offer. iwaizumi immediately said “yes, please” and “thank you” before you stood up to help him. his back faced you, shoulders as strong as ever, making this all the more difficult for you. if you were his bride, you probably wouldn’t be seeing him like this right now. it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, after all.
“how come your groomsmen aren’t up here helping you?” you ask, cursing yourself in your head for being so nosy.
“i’m sure you can understand i didn’t want oikawa up my ass before i go down there.” iwaizumi chuckled. you force yourself to copy his laughter, pretending as if you found this so hilarious. if oikawa were here, you wouldn’t be ridden with temptation right now. only he could stop you from saying things you knew you’d regret.
“i guess i should feel special then, huh?” you question. “be the first to see you like this…”
“mhm.” he replied, you see him nod in the mirror. “special privileges for my best friend.”
you felt your stomach tie up in knots as he said that. best friend. that’s all you were, that’s all you ever allowed yourself to be. it could’ve been you waiting for him at the altar, but instead you’re helping him get prepared to marry another woman, ready to beg him to run away with you.
you pretend to inspect the back of his jacket, knowing there wasn’t any lint anyway. it was absolutely flawless, just like him. this was torture for you, and you couldn’t stand another second longer.
“listen, iwa…” you begin to say. “i should tell you something before you go down there.”
“oh?” iwaizumi turned around to face you. you felt as if his eyes were piercing through your soul, making your heart race faster than it was before. “what is it?”
“i, um…” you hesitate. was it too late to go back? yes, yes it was. “i think you’re marrying the wrong girl today.”
“huh?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“i mean, i think you should be marrying me instead.” you blurt out.
“y/n, what are you talking about?” iwaizumi questioned. this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening right as he was about to get married.
“i’m in love with you, iwa. i love you.” you admit, your heart racing upon your confession. you should feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders, but something heavy still lingered on top of you.
“no…” he shook his head. iwaizumi had rejected the possibility a long time ago. even if he loved you just as long as you loved him, you were just too late.
“yes. i am.” you say.
“you’re saying this now?” he asked you. it almost made him want to laugh. life was just so funny, he thought to himself. why couldn’t you have said this before? why did you wait until he was about to get married? if things were different, iwaizumi would be reacting to this much differently right now.
“i know i should’ve told you before you went to california—“
“should’ve? i wanted you to!” iwaizumi interrupted you, much to your shock. “everyone said you were going to before i left! i just figured they were just messing with me afterwards…”
you remember telling oikawa how you felt about iwaizumi, it was his idea to tell him before iwaizumi left for california. you had it all planned out in your head, but as you stood there at the airport, you couldn’t find the words anymore. you chickened out, cursing yourself on the way home and the days that would come. it only made you feel worse when iwaizumi found someone.
what you didn’t know was that he expected your confession that day. you should’ve known oikawa would run his mouth. he always meant well, always hoping you’d end up with iwaizumi, but look at you now, a delusional fool.
“i was going to, iwa. i just got scared…” you confess to him. “if i could go back to that day, i’d do it differently.”
“well, you can’t turn back time, y/n. it’s too late.” he said coldly, almost like a stab to the heart.
“why not?” you ask, desperately clinging onto your delusions.
“i moved on.” iwaizumi replied. he might as well be twisting a knife, even if he was merely speaking the truth. “we've both gone down different paths, we both made choices, and this is what i’m choosing.”
“i just thought…” you began to say, but fall silent.
“just thought what?” he asked, raising his voice. “that i’d give up everything i’ve built for a last minute confession? one that i gave up on waiting for years ago?”
you don’t say anything. what was there to say? it was exactly what that sick part of you deep down expected. how stupid of you to think he would drop everything just because you finally had the courage to confess your feelings. if there wasn’t a whole wedding waiting to happen, maybe iwaizumi would change his mind.
you look away in shame. even if you didn’t speak your thoughts aloud, you still felt disgusted now that the reality of your confession hit you. you were terrible to think this way. not just a terrible person, but a terrible friend too. it was unfair to expect such a tall order out of him, especially now.
“my family’s down there, my soon-to-be in-law’s are down there.” iwaizumi said. “we care about each other, you know?”
“i know.” you say quietly as you bite your lip.
“y/n, you…” he let out a sigh. “you don't always get the dream house… but you get awfully close.”
you look up to meet his eyes, tears streaming down your face. to him, you were always the dream house. if only you had known that before, you thought. iwaizumi felt ridden with guilt rejecting you like this, and it didn’t help that you were crying your eyes out.
“please don't cry, y/n.” he begged you.
“what? no, i'll be fine, i promise.” you force out a laugh, no matter how much it killed you. you saw the look in iwaizumi’s eyes. he knew you weren’t truly okay, but he also knew that you were letting him go. it was the right thing to do.
“it’s okay. i'm fine.” you wipe away your tears, trying your best to be strong. “i'm just crying because i'm happy. i want you to be so, so happy.”
you did, you wanted him to be happy. even if it wasn’t with you, you owed him the ability to be happy. it was the least you could do while you still had some of your dignity left.
“i love you, iwa.” you barely get the words out. “you… you're my best friend.”
you see iwaizumi’s eyes well up with tears, a rare sight to see. only you could produce such a reaction out of him. only you would truly have his heart forever, but life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to. it was just the way things go.
“i should go. everybody’s waiting for you.” you say, on your way out the door.
“y/n, i...” you stop in your tracks, waiting for what he’d say next, and it only crushed you even more. “i've always loved you.”
overwhelmed, you walk out of the room in tears, ready to bolt out of the venue without another thought. oikawa found you on your way out, asking what was wrong and where you were going, but when he saw mascara running down your face, he knew exactly what happened, and he knew he should’ve been there to stop it.
you insist to oikawa that he tell iwaizumi you were sorry before you finally left the venue. you couldn’t stand to be there a second longer, you just had to get out of here. as you head to your car, you hear the beginning of the wedding march play. the sound brought you to your knees as you violently sobbed. if this was rock bottom, then you finally reached it.
as much as you wanted to cry there forever, you force yourself to get up, finally finding the strength to get into your car. you didn’t know where you were headed, but you knew you had to drive off somewhere far away from here. if only you could just turn back time.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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colesluvr · 1 year
REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO
Birthday Surpise: Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
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TO ALL MY OTHER ANONS WHO REQ'D: i have not forgotten about the rest of you, yall are coming up next 🫶
B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 
You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 
"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 
Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 
"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 
"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 
Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.
"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.
"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."
He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 
Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 
"Just one hour?"
Will that be enough time? 
"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 
You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 
Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 
You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.
"Yes, but what's special about this day?"
"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"
"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.
Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 
Why are you even crying? Its not our fault he forgot, he should be the one feeling your pain. 
Sudden;y, you bumped into a figue the walked out of a room. In a panic you wiped your eyes as you made eye contact with the person.
"Zane." You chuckled, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"It's quite alright, Y/N. What are you doing up so early?" Zane asked, looking at you. He noticed your eyelids were red but didn't say anything about it until you replied to his question. 
"Oh, I-I just said hi to Lloyd, I-I'm heading back to my room."
Before he could say anythin you push by him but pause, "Zane, do you know what today is?" 
"Well, of course I do. Happy birthday, Y/N."
You smiled softly, thanking him and returning to your room. He watched as you entered your rooom beside Nya's and Kai's. 
It was now later in the morning, around 9AM. Lloyd came back from outside and he was done training for a couple of hours. At least 1 or 2 he told himself.
As he entered the kitchen, he ran into Zane who was finishing up breakfast. "Good morning, Lloyd. Have you finished training?" 
Lloyd smieles as he sits at the table, "Yeah. I am." Lloyd soon looked around the room. With the corner of his eye he spots ballons and banners in a supply closet. He tilted his head to the side, "We still have these? I thought we put them away after Nya's birthday last month?" He said as he took a sip of water that Zane placed down for him. 
"Well, we did put them away, but I took them back out for Y/N's birthday today-" 
The sound of Lloyd spitting water out of his mouth caused Zane to jump slighty, obviously not expecting it. "WHAT?" He basically shouted, wiping his chin. "It's for Y/N's birthday today, I asked Cole to assit me in putting up the banners and Nya and Jay offered to get them presents from all of us. Kai will be in charge blowing up balloons."
Zane spoke, looking over to Lloyd to see panic all over his face. "Lloyd," he started slowly, placing down his cloth and cup he was drying, "You do remember it's Y/N's birthday? Correct?" 
Lloyd stared at the table in thought. What the fuck? he asked himseld over and over, How the hell could I forget my own partners birthday?!
"I mean- I-I was distracted by all my ninja training, I-I didn't think-"
Zane gave a sworrowful look as he shook his head. Lloyd grumbled as he slammed his head to the table. 
"Oh. Sorry Y/N, I didn;t know you were-" Cole had accdeintly walked in on you in the bathroom, and as he was aplogizing you were quick to move from the mirror nad wipe your eyes. You and him made eye contact and as you prayed he's close the door, he instead opened it slowly, noticing your puffy eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you crying? 
You shook your head fast, too fast, causing your head to hurt and tears to spill more. "N-No." Your voice cracked as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Cole didn't know what to do, not until you choked out his name and the tears were more visiable. "Cole..." He immediatly wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his shoulder. 
"Oh god, ssh. ssh. It's alright, hey, hey, hey!" He smiles as he sups your ace togethet to get a better look at your face. Your tear stained face caused a frown to form on his face, "Awh, Y/N." He hugged you once and rubbed your back in comfort.
"How-How could he forget?" You spoke. 
You and Cole have moved into the hall and back into your room. He got you issues, your stuffed animal, your blanket, anything to make you feel more safe and happy. He rubbed your shoulder as he sat beside you, 
"Who forgot?"
"Lloyd!" Your voice squeaked as you coughed out a cry. "How-How could he forget my birthd-day?" You squezzed your stuffed animal as Cole paused to think.
Suddenly, he started to chuckle and you snapped your head at him, More tears started to form, and Cole quickly noticed. "Omg, Y/N." Cole handed you a tissue, but still wiped your tears for you. "I thought you meant he forgot something like an aniverrsity, or a graduation."
You cocked your eyebrow at Cole, "Y/N. A lot of people forget birthdays! I do sometimes. Lemme'tell you, when I forgot Jay's birthday he was crying his eyes out. I felt bad, but he didn't take any offence of it."
"True, but he forgave me because it was only a one time thing. Tell me, when was the last time Lloyd ever  forgot your birthday. Or Kai's birthday? Or even Darreths?!" You looked at him as you were deep in thought.
He was right. 
Lloyd never forgot your birthday and even if he would, he would ask someone, no? 
You shrugged your shoulders, rubbing the arm of your stuffed toy. Cole smiled, "See. Now, don't let one person who forgot your birthday ruin your entire day. Hae fun, you only turn (A/N) once!" He joked, shaking your arm to egt you to laugh, which much to your liking, did.
"You only turn any age once, dummy." 
You and Cole laugh, not hearing the sudden door knock until the door creaked open. You both snap your heads to find Lloyd peeking his head in. Your stomach dropped for a minute, but you remained calm. 
"Uh, Y/N. Could I talk to you?"
Cole looked back at you and smiled, you look back at him and slowly smiled back as he stood up after rubbing the top of your hair. He walked by Lloyd anc gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. 
You placed your legs on your bed to sit criss cross on the mattress. As you didn, Lloyd entered with his hands behind his back.  He sat where Cole was perviously before he left. 
"Y/N. I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I forgot your birthday and that was a dumb move of me. I'm your boyfriend, and I've already forgotten your birthday, I felt so bad when I remembered. This morning, when you asked me if we wanted to hang out, I was a jerk and set you off for tomorrow. So-So I want to make it up to you, if you'd let me." 
You saw him reach into a bag he placed on the bed as he sat down, he took out a small box and handed it to you. You look at him, you could tell he was on edge. So you took the box, taking a moment to open it and when it did you were met with pieces of papers. You took one out and read it."
"Coupon #7 : Movie Night." 
You look up at him confused, "I-I don't have any money on me, so I decided t go old-school and make you something, Basically, I made you (A/N) coupons, cause that's how old you are now, and which ever one you pick every hour we will do." 
He took the paper from you, "Example, You got Coupon #7" Movie Night. Meaning tonight we'll watch a moive, you're pick but I do have those rented movies we got at Doomsday."
You paused, "I know. I know, It's not the best present, but I felt really bad that I forgot your birthday and I wish you could for-" Before you could let Lloyd finish, you jumped into his arms, tossing him backwards on the bed.
His back hits your blanket and you laid on top of him. 
You laughed into his shoulder before showing him your smile with small tears in your eyes. "Thank you." You squeaked, hugging him again, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the best, I love you so much, Thank you, this was such a cute idea!" 
Lloyd.EXE has stopped working. 
"You're-you're not mad, or-or upset."
"Of course I was, but I realized it's you." You kissed his cheek, "I know you wouldn't forget my birthday because I know you'll remember sooner or later." 
Lloyd's lips formed into a smile as you kissed his lips and pulled away. You took the box and closed it, shaking it. 
"Now, what will the amazing Lloyd Garmadon do with the awesome Y/N L/N today!" 
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olinblogin · 4 months
So I was rewatching Steven universe and I really liked to Concept of losing color to turning monochromatic, so- what if the clown!child!reader got told (by most likely Pomni since she probably doesn't know that the reader is an actual child and probably told em in the worst way possible 🥲) that Kaufmo abstracted and the little fella just starts going colorless day by day, not honking anymore because they're grieving in their own way, perhaps the reader starts getting meaner, pulling pranks that are kind of akin to Jax's but they're doing em in a way so others understand the reader's feelings. That they know what happened now, that they feel like Pomni was just Caine's way of replacing Kaufmo since he abstracted.
And now it's not just losing color, they stop attending meals as often, they start changing and for the worst. As time passes the pain starts to dull away, but it's always there. The reader regains some color, but somehow now they look,, older? More tired? It's hard to tell, they start socializing again, but it's not the same, it will never be the same again.
Sorry I got too silly with this one ISPHWIOS 😔
(Don’t mind the gif it thought it was funny 💀)
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No one ever told you.
They never told you where Kaufmo went,
Where the one you loved like a brother had went.
You spent most of your days in your room, you weren’t allowed in Kaufmo’s room at all.
They even crossed out his face on the door.
Nobody has seen you in quite some time… but the time you did come form your room, they all noticed how discolored your once bright colors were.
“Hey, [Y/N]? Are you okay?�� Jax wearily asked, Behr out of character for him; but he could notice the heavy bags under your eyes.
You could only give a slight nod in response.
Ragatha stepped in, trying to cheer you up, “we’re playing your favorite today, capture the Gloinks!” Only to be met without a reaction from you.
“Could we at least get a little honk..?” She asked; but when you squeezed your nose a pathetic, deflated squeak only left it.
“You never told me where Kaufmo went, is he okay?”
You were met with silence.
It was always silence.
You were fed up with it.
Trudging away from the group with your arms tucked to you, Caine explained what felt like the thousandth time of how to play capture the Gloinks.
That’s when Pomni came up to you, tapping you wearily. “Hey.. I heard you wanted to know what happened to Kaufmo..?” She was whispering, not that she’d need to. You were decently far away from the rest of the group.
“Well.. when I got here he… Ragatha said something happened to him called abstraction.”
A wave of horror washed over you.
You had to excuse yourself from everyone, scrambling to your room.
This couldn’t be real, he couldn’t be gone, really.
It had to just be some prank they were pulling on you for all the ones you’ve done on them.
You could feel a buzzing sensation under your skin, it felt like it was trying to eat away at your inner layers.
It wanted to get out. It had to get out.
The feeling would crawl all the way up to your chin, making you feel ill. It was only when you looked down at your hands when you saw the eyes staring back at you while eating away at your skin. It just kept eating. Even when your tried to tear it from yourself it only made it worse. This was your fate.
Destined to the same as Kaufmo. Once to be with him again. Would he recognize you?
Would you recognize him?
The thoughts iver flowed in your mind as the buzzing feeling finally consumed you, leaving no trace of the person you once were.
The once fun, loving prankster of all of them.
Reduced to nothing but a carving agony that would tear you apart gradually.
It was your time.
Goodnight, sweet [Y/N].
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
dog walkers [hwang hyunjin x reader]
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Summary: it wasn't enough that Hyunjin already missed you beyond words, but then he also had to sit down with Felix and reminisce about one of your guys' best dates and make everything worse. (FLUFF) 2.2k + texts
Warnings: none except for hyunjin being absolutely adorable and this being completely self indulgent and not edited ❤️ (also pls ignore the fact that halfway through this I forgot how time zones work, just go with it. Thanks 😖)
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"What's my ideal date…" Felix hummed, scrolling through one of the online quizzes his phone recommended. It was the middle of summer, the intolerable heat of Seoul's July forbidding any of the boys from leaving the house. 
"Yeah.." Hyunjin chimed in, his phone instantly falling down onto the couch they were both sitting on. "What is your ideal date? I never heard you talk about it before - about dates in general"
"Probably because I've never been on one," Felix shrugged. "I mean, I have… but just like.. casual dates. I've never actually been on a 'let me take you out' kind of date"
"Casual dates count too!"
"All we did was sit down and talk. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change that memory for the world, but now that I think about it, I kinda wanna go on crazy dates too. Like you and Y/n used to do"
Just the sound of your name brought a smile to Hyunjin's lips. The memories flashed before his eyes at lightning speed, from the first time he saw you, 3 years ago, to the last text you sent him, which had been that morning. "I miss those"
"Which was the best one?"
The enthusiasm in Felix's voice somehow made Hyunjin sad. "Urgh, don't make me do this. I already miss her so much"
"Don't pretend talking about Y/n is not your favorite thing to do"
Again, he couldn't help but smile. "Not when she's on the other side of the globe"
"You're just grumpy today" Felix shook his head. "Do you want me to show you a picture of her? Maybe it'll cheer you up"
"Pff, yeah right" Hyunjin threw an eye roll and pointed his phone in Felix's direction. On the lockscreen there was a picture of you two hugging in front of a blossoming tree. The sun was setting but the gentle and warm artificial light from the fairy lights made it so that both your wide smiles and the flowers around you were perfectly contoured and visible. "I have her as my wallpaper"
"Aww" Felix pouted, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer so he could examine the details a bit more easily. "And it's such a nice picture too."
"Yeah, it is"
"Come on, tell me about your best date. I know you're dying to talk about her"
He wanted to refuse. He knew he should've refused because just the thought of that night filled his heart with so much pain. It was now that he finally understood the true meaning of the word bittersweet. But it was too late, his heart rate already picked up and before he knew it, he was settling better against the cushions on his corner of the couch, feeding off of Felix's radiant and awaiting smile. 
"Ok, but I'd like to start by apologizing to all the other dates we've had, because I feel like an asshole just choosing one-"
"But you know exactly which one it is"
"Yes'' Hyunjin laughed with no hesitation. "Ok, so I don't know if I already told you about this date. I might have, it was the best day ever"
"I don't think so," Felix dreamily shook his head. "I think I'd remember"
"It was right after Y/n got accepted into the programme at work. The day I realized she's leaving. Like she's legit leaving. Like I knew she'd leave, there was no doubt in my mind she'd get accepted, she's the best at what she does, but reality hit me when she showed me the email"
"I remember the email," Felix laughed out loud. "You called me crying, remember?"
"One eye crying happy tears, one eye crying sad tears" 
"Leave me alone" Hyunjin exclaimed with a fit of giggles, knowing damn well there was no way to deny it. That whirlwind of emotions was still familiar to him, he was still going through it, one day so proud of you his heart could burst, and the next, so pained by your absence that he could just drop everything and hop on a plane. "I was going through something. That was what made us come up with these ideas for the dates. We always had fun staying indoors and doing absolutely nothing together, but when I realized she'd be leaving for two whole years I kinda freaked."
"Yeah, exactly! Like the other person being there is enough, but if you can do something different, why not do it?"
"Yes. And the first date we had after this was the best day of my life"
"I remember you made a list at one point? The planetarium, you wanted to go hiking, all that stuff-"
"Yeah, well, the first date wasn't so-" Hyunjin trailed off in search of the right word, "Date-y"
"What did you guys do?"
"We decided to walk dogs"
"That's such a Y/n thing, I love it!" Felix laughed, his head thrown back as he clapped his hands. "And no, you haven't told me about this one, I'm pretty sure"
"It means I was saving it for the right moment"
"How many dogs did you walk?"
"Yeah… about that. Y/n posted an ad somewhere, mostly as a joke. We didn't think anyone would actually ask us to walk their dogs, especially because it was on a Saturday. Like during the weekends people actually have time to do this… so we just said ok to every person that contacted us and before we knew it, it was Saturday morning and we had 9 dogs to pick up"
"Yes… I know"
"How did you-"
"Don't ask… please don't ask. They all pooped at least twice and it wasn't just small dogs… every one of them was pulling in different directions and ok, I'm totally used to sticking my hand in Kkami's mouth to take out whatever gross thing he found on the ground and decided to chew, but I wasn't familiar with all these other dogs! Other chihuahuas are fine, but any dog bigger than a beagle? Never doing that again"
"Jesus Christ" Felix was hardly able to contain his laughter, the mental picture being just what he needed. "Only you two could've had this happen"
"It was her idea!"
"I'd be surprised if you didn't jump up and down in excitement when you heard it"
"I might have, but still, I'm not the one who thought 9 was a reasonable number"
"How did you even get to the dog park?"
"We took the car, obviously."
"As if you and Y/n in a car alone with 9 dogs is so much better"
"Hey, we got it done, that's what matters"
"How is this your best date, I don't get it"
"Maybe it was the trauma we went through together. It brought us closer. No, I'm kidding. But it actually was very fun. Once we got to the park, I swear it was like heaven. They were so, so sweet and adorable. And we didn't even have to sweat. All we did was sit down on the grass while they chased each other and played around us. I've never had my face licked so much. We were literally covered in dogs. And at one point-" Hyunjin said with glee and sat up from the couch to exemplify. "- I'd just say turn around and they'd all turn around! Or sit, and they'd all sit. It was like a little dance, they were so happy. It was the best"
"Ok, I take it back. It actually sounds nice" Felix agreed. 
"But then we had to take them all back" Hyunjin sighed, his smile slowly fading off his face as he sat back down. With his legs now gathered to his chest, he continued to speak. "I was starting to get attached. And most of the people that asked us to walk their dogs were older people, you know. And when we brought the dogs back, they were so nice. We obviously didn't want to accept any money, but most of them refused to let us go just like that. One lady gave us flowers from her garden, and I actually painted them. I'd show it to you but I gave the painting to Y/n. And others also gave us pie, and fruits. And like you could tell some of them didn't have much, but they still wanted to share it with us"
A little frown settled on Felix's face as he blinked a few times, "I would've cried" he said sincerely, his eyes not showing even one glint of sarcasm. 
"Oh, we did," Hyunjin nodded with a giggle. "We cried on our way back. Not ugly cried, but we cried"
"It counts"
"Yeah.. and by the time we were done with the dogs, I don't remember what time it was exactly, afternoon anyway, we didn't really know what else to do. We initially planned to go to a restaurant and eat, but we were already full. So we settled for a walk, and we found online this garden in the center of the city - thought it would be nice to go check it out. But when we got there, there was a wedding going on"
"A wedding?"
"Yeah, and the problem was that we didn't realize it was a wedding.. we thought it was just busy so we just strolled in not even bothered by the fact that everyone was dressed in suits and fancy dresses. And so we went towards the back of the garden, where there weren't that many people. It was gorgeous, by the way. You have to see it too, it feels like a different world."
"So you crashed a wedding"
"Well… technically yes, but when we realized what was going on, the bride and groom were very nice about it. They hadn't rented the whole thing so we could've been there for a whole different reason. Like we could've just been there to eat or something but we didn't know. They offered to let us stay if we wanted to dance or something, which was probably just them being polite - we obviously didn't, but we did take some pictures! I mean their photographer took them for us-"
"Your lockscreen!"
"Yes, exactly. And then we left. We stayed there for like 10 minutes maybe? So it wasn't that big of a deal, but we interacted with so many nice people that day. Like, how often does that happen? I don't know, it filled me with joy"
"I can tell, it sounds like a really nice break. Especially since it was the first date like this"
"Yeah… it was very nice. After that we just did a little bit of shopping, went home, cooked together and went to sleep. Like, nothing major happened, but it's still one of the best days of my life. And Y/n was so happy. She didn't stop smiling the whole day. And until then she had been so stressed with work, but that day she was so relaxed, and I got a full day of Y/n just being herself around me, with literally no worries in the world. And I think that's what makes that day so special, because others have technically been more fun, but as time passed and the day she was supposed to leave started approaching, she stopped being so.. I don't know, free. Um… yeah, I don't know what I'm saying-" Hyunjin stopped himself to take a deep breath. "I'm rambling"
"No, I know what you mean," Felix reassured him. "I miss her too."
"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked but was also the one to tap his phone screen to check. When the picture of you two in the garden popped up, both of them smiled. "It's almost 5pm"
"Got any plans?"
"Yes, pester Y/n until she gives me attention. But she's usually working at his hour so I don't want to bother her… too much"
"Send her a selfie" Felix suggested, "It'll make her smile"
"No, I look horrendous. All I've done today was sweat"
"Come on, you could send her a picture of your pinky finger and she'll still find something nice to say about it"
"Yeah, she would," Hyunjin giggled, "somehow…"
"Just like you would, about her pinky"
"Hey, she has very nice hands. And I'm not just saying that"
"I know you're not"
Shortly after, the topic of conversation swiftly shifted. They left the couch in search of food, and neither of them refrained from complaining when they realized there was none left and they had to cook. It was a daily occurance, the complaining and the cooking, but today it was different. While Hyunjin did his part, he moved a bit slower, showed less enthusiasm and his usual jokes were at best delayed, but mostly absent. 
While they both knew the reason, they didn't want to address it. Felix knew his friend would come to him and speak up if he needed someone to listen to him, but he also knew that wasn't enough. Maybe that conversation really wasn't the best idea.
The day drained itself pretty slowly, especially because the only person he wanted to interact with was busy and on the other side of the globe. He wasn't in the mood for anything else and thought he'd go insane, so there was only one thing left for him to do. 
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pascaloverx · 6 months
Rewrite The Stars
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
AO3 LINK next chapter
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Work to achieve your dreams, they say. But what they don't tell you is that even if you work hard, some dreams won't come true. But for tonight, you will believe that your dreams will come true.
"Table six has been ordering the dish for half an hour. You know how these rich people are. If you don't want to lose your job, learn to walk faster." Your supervisor speaks almost shouting at you. It even seems like you're the only one who is a waitress in this restaurant. Five stars, my ass. Obviously at the moment, you can't respond back saying that the service is terrible because half the staff is busy waiting for the big celebrity who is coming to dinner here tonight.
"Yes, chef. I'll walk faster." You rush back with the last two orders you were in charge of taking. You were supposed to be dismissed almost two hours ago but we can't leave until the big star of the night comes. Pedro Pascal.
The man of the moment. Probably the face you've seen the most all year. They're coming to dinner at the restaurant where you work that night, they made a reservation for four. Everyone is speculating that he will bring some romantic interest.
Your manager has simply spent the last three hours warning you that any mistakes today will be resolved with a dismissal. You just can't imagine a worse time.
You almost trip when you're finishing serving the couple who ordered duck in white sauce. The restaurant is in chaos and thanks to that, your manager didn't fire you. You then decide to go outside to get some air, which might help you stay on your feet for the next few hours.
You're breathing chaotically, without any rhythm. You want to escape from this almost claustrophobic restaurant. In your haste, you don't see anything in front of you. You just feel that you bumped into another person's body. Your body was almost thrown to the ground with the impact. And when you looked up, you saw him.
"Mr. Pascal, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." You say it as soon as you realize what you did. An interesting fact is that Mr. Pascal held you tight with his arms so that you don't fall to the ground. If anyone saw from a distance they would think you were hugging each other. You immediately walk away, thinking that if your boss sees this, you're fucked up.
"Are you well? Your forehead is bleeding." He asks, touching his forehead lightly as if he were more worried about that than hiding. I bet he came through the back to avoid commotion.
"That was nothing, Mr. Pascal. You can follow me and I'll take you to your table calmly." You say, ignoring the burning in your head. What's a hurt next to losing this opportunity.
"Are you sure?" Pedro Pascal himself talks to you almost as if you were an alien because you don't allow your pain to show.
"Yes, sir. You don't need to worry about that, worse things have happened to me." You try to improve your expression so that Mr. Pascal can finally enter the restaurant. That's when you notice that you are being watched, by noises from what you imagine are paparazzi. You then take an unprofessional action. You push Mr. Pascal into the restaurant using his body as a shield so that the paparazzi cannot identify him.
"Is this how you treat your customers?" Pascal speaks as you lock the back door. Embarrassed, you turn to face Mr. Pascal after pushing him.
"Mr. Pascal, I'm terribly sorry. But I suspect there are photographers out there. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience." You say almost as if asking for mercy.
"Alright, miss. If you'll take me to my table, I promise to forget about this pushing." Mr. Pascal speaks as he watches you. You feel awkward, but you nod your head positively and lead him to his table.
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glamoureddreamer · 1 year
A sick Cross
Undertale (Bad sans poly)
Warnings: angst, fluff, emetophobia warning(fear of vomiting), depression, self worth issues (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
If you or a loved one is in need of help in anyway please get help from one of the multiple help hotlines. You matter and you deserve help. Thank you everyone, have a great day and know it gets better <3
“Cross.” Nightmare says appearing in front of him. Cross jumps coming out of his daze.
“Y-yes boss?” Cross stands up to show respect, he wobbles a little. His skull was pounding, he had to stifle a groan.
“I’ve called your name a few times,” Cross’s sockets widen.
“I’m sorry-“
“Are you alright?” Nightmare asked with a gentle tone that Cross had never heard from him.
“Are you alright? You’ve been acting off all day, if you need anyone to speak to you can always confide in me.”
“Y-yes I’m okay,” He lied. Cross felt his anxiety spike up, if Nightmare knew he was sick surely he would get upset. He didn’t have time to rest, he needed to do his job.
“What is the matter?” Nightmares asked seeing right through his lie.
“Don’t lie this time.”
“I’m sorry boss, I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, he was really tired he also just happened to feel sick. Nightmare gave him a look of skepticism.
“You haven’t had much to eat today… Just because you are new doesn’t mean you need to hide yourself from me, you are safe here. You can trust me.”
Cross didn’t know how to answer, a part of him truly wanted to believe that but he knew better. Why was Nightmare being nice- he didn’t deserve it.
“But,” Nightmare says, not sounding entirely convinced. “If you truly are just tired, why not head to bed, then? I‘ll have the others handle the rest of your chores.”
Cross stared at him for a moment in hesitation. He felt guilty, he needed to push through and do his job. It was his turn to do the household chores.
“No boss I can-” He asked.
“It was not a request, go lay down. It’s an order.” Nightmare said sternly but still in a caring manner, Cross froze before nodding.
“Yes, boss.” He said before slowly turning away and walking to his room.
Cross felt bad about turning down the Horror’s food again.
Horror always seemed very unhappy if he refused to eat. Horror’s food was good, so good but he just wasn’t hungry and the thought of eating didn’t seem appealing. Eating only made him feel worse, besides he didn’t deserve it.
Cross pushed open his door which felt much heavier than before. He sighs and gets out of his million layers of clothes, he felt so hot but so cold. He knew he was sick but he could push it aside, he’ll probably feel better in the morning anyway.
Cross lays down in his bed in nothing but a blank t-shirt and shorts. He covers up and shuts the lights off. His mind drifts off to Nightmare and his gang.
They all seemed so welcoming to him when Nightmare took him in less than a month ago. Like he was a part of their family. Why? Why was Nightmare nice to him? Nightmare is the embodiment of negativity, wasn’t he supposed to be evil and uncaring? Was this just a plan to take him down?
He thinks of many terrible things before finally slipping into unconsciousness.
Cross woke up suddenly from a bad dream about his home au.
He was quick to sit up breathing heavily, he felt so disoriented.
Even though he was tired, scared, and confused he felt his stomach start to turn.
Cross‘s sockets widen he quickly takes the covers off and gets out the bed. He tried to run to the bathroom but falls to the floor, everything was spinning.
Cross on his hands and knees pukes onto the once shiny marble floor. Cross shook violently as he threw up all his stomach contents.
Cross began to cry, he didn’t fully understand why.
Was it pain? Was it because it scared him?
He wanted Nightmare.
That thought shocked him but he’ll think about it later. It felt like his whole body was on fire, especially his stomach. He couldn’t stop the sobs that tore through him with every few ragged breaths he took.
Cross begins to dry heave over the puddle of puke.
A hand gently touched his back, his breath hitches as he looks up in fear and relief.
It was Nightmare, and his soul sank.
“B-boss..?” He managed to choke out through his sobs. Nightmare kneeled next to him taking in the situation.
Nightmare began to rub his back soothingly. Cross immediately felt relief.
Though it felt good Cross was still quick to try and pull away.
It hurt his soul to do so, he wanted to be held, and be told it was okay. He didn’t deserve it, especially not now. He made a mess, Nightmare was surely pissed at him.
He began to hyperventilate at the thought of Nightmare being mad at him. He was going to put him back in his empty au- all alone.
“I’m sorry! I-I didn’t m-mean to ruin the f-floor!” Cross says crying harder, Nightmare carefully takes Cross’s hand and rubs it.
“Shh, shh…” Nightmare hushed him gently.
“Please! Pl-please don’t abandon me!”
“Shhh, Cross, it’s okay. I’m not going to abandon you…”
Cross tried to speak, but all that came out were miserable sobs and heavy breaths as tears poured down his face.
He was nauseous, dizzy, and hot. He just wanted to go back to sleep, he didn’t was Nightmare to leave.
“Are you able to stand?” Nightmare softly asked when Cross’s sobs had subsided.
Cross tries to force himself to stand, but his arms shake. He felt so weak, he whimpered. It took a few moments and Nightmare had to help him stand, but he carefully brought the sick skeleton to his bathroom.
Cross hovered over the toilet, it felt like he had to puke but nothing was coming out.
Nightmare sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. Cross dry heaves into the toilet, tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt so frustrated and just wanted to feel better.
He needed to be better so Nightmare doesn’t abandon him.
“Cross,” Nightmare said gently, squeezing his shoulder a little. “Take some deep breaths for me, okay?”
Cross tearfully followed Nightmare’s instructions to breathe in and out. While Cross practiced breathing Nightmare praised him.
“You're doing so good Cross, it’s okay just focus on breathing and me okay?”
Cross’s soul ached he only wanted to cry more from the praise, he didn’t deserve it.
Nightmare eventually stopped and Cross was able to fully calm down. Now he only hiccuped softly. Once he was calm Nightmare gently touches Cross’s head.
“You’re burning up,” He said with a worried sigh.
“Do you still feel like getting sick?” Cross thought for a moment before shaking his head slowly.
“Then I’ll be right back, okay?”
Cross wanted to shake his head in protest, but he didn’t was Nightmare to leave. He didn’t want to be alone, tears fill his sockets again when Nightmare left anyway. Cross pulled his knees to his chest, trying his best not to cry.
A hand touched his shoulder he looked up hoping for Nightmare but instead found Dust and Horror.
Horror was kneeling by him. Dust pulls his hand away and gets on Cross’s other side.
“Can I sit?” Cross nods carefully, finding it a little strange he asked.
Before Cross could even ask why they were there, Horror laid his broken skull on Cross’s shoulder.
“It…‘kay..we… here…now...” Horror spoke slowly. It greatly comforted Cross, but he still wondered why they were here and more importantly why they cared.
“Nightmare told us to come watch you, he said you are scared to be alone.” Dust said as if reading his mind.
Oh. So they didn’t want to be here...
“You can go then,” Cross whispered curling himself up tighter.
“I don’t want to feel like you guys have to do this.” Tears roll down his face, Horror hugs him tightly.
Dust shifted slightly then his head was pulled up by his chin. Dust forced him to look at him.
“That’s not what I meant. We want to help you, we want to be here for you. But you need to let us in.” Dust wipes Cross’s face cleaning the vomit off him. He throws the toilet paper into the trash and carefully wipes the skeleton's tears.
“I was very untrusting of Nightmare and the others too, I don’t think there’s any Sans out there who throws his trust towards anyone but Nightmare is good.” Cross couldn’t find his voice, it’s not that he didn’t trust them. He did, more than he’d like to admit.
“He makes sure we are all safe, taken care of, and happy,” Killer said from the doorway, he wore the same grin he always did but it was different. He seemed worried. His soul that was usually a target was now an inverted heart.
“I…” Cross says looking for the right words to say, debating if he should even say this.
“I don’t deserve that.. any of it.” He whispers, and he pulls his head away from Dust’s hands.
“Being happy?” Dust asked.
“That’s dumb I knew you were an idiot.” Killer chuckled. Nightmare came up from behind Killer, Error was at his side.
“Cross I have never seen anyone so selfless-“
“Oh! My pride!” Killer joked trying to ease the tension.
“Hush, You are deserving of happiness and love. I am so sorry you beloved otherwise.”
Cross looked at the floor as Nightmare spoke. Horror and Dust both got up from beside him.
They were probably leaving him...
Right when Cross thought they were leaving someone picked him up. He made a noise in surprise.
“Horror?” He said nothing as all of them walked out of his now clean room and down the halls stopping at one room.
It was Nightmare’s bedroom. Cross only knew it was his room because the door was a deep purple, Nightmare had told him if he ever needed him that he would be here or in his office.
“What if I get sick?” Cross asked being laid down in the huge comfortable bed.
“I put a bucket right on the floor. Just lean over it if you start to feel bad.”
“But what if I-“ Nightmare stops him.
“Whatever your about to say it’ll be okay, we’re not worried about anything in here getting thrown up on. We are here to comfort you.”
Cross only nodded.
“Can we get into bed with you?” Nightmare asked politely, Cross nodded.
“To do what?”
“Cuddle you of course- damn that fever must’a knocked up your brain.” Killer chuckles.
Nightmare cuddles Cross on one side on the other Horror cuddles him. Dust cuddles Horror and Killer cuddles Nightmare. Error made a hammock with his strings and laid in it close to the bed.
Cross felt much better like he could be happy. Cross could feel him being pulled into a peaceful sleep by Nightmare rubbing his back.
“Thank you,” Cross whispered sleep taking over him.
“You don’t have to thank us for taking care of you, we all love you Cross.” Nightmare whispers back to the already sleeping skeleton.
He places a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“Goodnight Cross.”
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months
Ambrose and Elliot #9
Warnings: slight manipulation (Ambrose encouraging healthy habits)
Elliot’s head rested on Ambrose’s lap. He carded his fingers through his white hair while he thought. On one hand, Elliot shouldn’t be ordered around like a servant (or worse). It wasn’t right to take advantage of his conditioning. On the other, it was clear Elliot was compelled to obey, and the lack of direction made him nervous. He needed to be cared for; he needed a guardian.
“Elliot, I’ve come up with a couple rules for you,” he began. Elliot tilted his head up towards him.
“Firstly, you must eat at least three times a day. Even if I’m not around, I want you to go to the kitchen and eat something when you’re hungry. That goes for drinking water, too. Get some when you’re thirsty.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“I also want you to rest when you’re tired.” He could see the wheels turning in Elliot’s mind. He was confused, and Ambrose’s heart ached.
“Yes, Sir.”
“This one is really important, love.” Elliot sat up.
“No one is allowed to hurt you, including yourself. If anyone tries, you come to me as soon as you can. Even if it’s the middle of the night, you come get me. Understand?”
“I understand, Sir.”
“There’s no need to be so formal. I’d like you to speak your mind, Ellie. It’s nice,” he softened his voice, “I like to see you relaxed.”
“Um. Yes, sir. Is.. is this okay?” Elliot had dropped the rigid tone, his posture sinking from ram-rod straight to his more natural pose.
“That’s great,” Elliot beamed at him. “Let’s go downstairs and get some breakfast, alright?” 
Master was pleased with him. So pleased, he didn’t bother punishing him yet. He hadn’t even slapped him.
The rules Master had given him were fairly easy to follow and remember. The hardest part would be ‘speaking his mind’ and he wasn’t quite sure what that meant. He’d have to figure it out. His old master told him things he didn’t understand, too.
His old master didn’t like Elliot calling him ‘master’ in front of outsiders. Elliot supposed Ambrose’s orders weren’t much different, but he’d probably prefer to be called Ambrose to outsiders as well. He said he didn’t like formality. Secret rules were just as important as the spoken kind, and Elliot committed it to memory. He couldn't help calling strangers "sir" and "ma'am" but hopefully that wouldn't be a problem.
Master gave him breakfast (bacon and toast) and sat across from him. Master had a cup of tea in his hands, but no food. Elliot could smell the chamomile and could see no milk in it. Tomorrow he would get up and have Master’s tea ready for him. Hopefully he didn’t put in honey, or Elliot would be punished for the mistake.
“I was thinking we could go shopping today. I’d like to buy you some clothes and maybe some furniture while we’re at it. How does that sound?” said Master.
“If it pleases y-” 
There’s no need to be so formal.
“-I mean, that sounds very nice, sir.” Elliot’s opinion would mean little. Masters did as they wanted, so Ambrose must prefer him to agree or he wouldn’t have asked. Maybe that’s what he meant by ‘speaking his mind’?
“Is there anything in particular you’d like? Decor or specific colors?”
Uh oh. Elliot had never been good at vague questions. Even the name he’d picked out he had stolen from someone else. It was sheer luck Ambrose had liked it.
“I can’t think of anything, sir.” 
“That’s alright. If you see something you want, just let me know.” Master smiled at him.
If Master enjoyed spoiling his slave, then that was his right. 
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em
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If blood miraculously stopped being nutritious worldwide and all vampires were doomed to starve, how much damage are they doing to the world in desperation before they finally die off? And what are the Cullens / Volturi doing?
Is it still delicious?
I'll go ahead and assume yes because you didn't specify.
Most of the Vampire World
No one realizes they're starving. Blood tastes the same but everyone's eyes keep darkening and their control is getting worse as they're beginning to starve.
At first, and this will be everyone, all the vampires are going to increase eating in the hopes that this will just fix the problem. And this is going to go on a while as panic sets in and they're continuing to starve.
At first, people probably think it's a personal/coven health problem, some kind of plague and disease, and only later do they get talking and realize that no this is everyone.
I think there's going to be a lot of vampires who never realize that eating blood isn't helping/will never help again/they're just killing people for no reason and they're all going to die anyway.
... I actually think that will pretty much be every vampire as it's a really weird thing to conclude and they're not given much time to conclude it in.
The Volturi, as it is, will be so busy trying to contain this while also trying not to starve themselves that they won't have time to think anything of it. I imagine they believe that someone has done to this to them on purpose and they'll soon be under attack.
As it is, I imagine the Romanians/other interested parties will quickly strike as the Volturi is weakened and there's going to be a lot of vampire warfare.
Those Animal Eaters
These guys have even more of a problem (or less of one).
First, if the Volturi conclude, post Breaking Dawn, that this is enemy action then the Cullens (and Denali as well I imagine) are probably getting a visit and probably getting murdered in the chaos to get a) information on what gifted vampire friend they've made and b) potentially deal with the problem.
But let's say these guys are left alone.
Well, they have the same problem of slowly starving and realizing the animals aren't cutting it and something's seriously wrong. Depending when this is, I imagine Edward blames Aro, as he's forcing them off the diet and to lose face.
I imagine the Cullens go to the wilderness, much to the despair of all members, and probably after one of them has accidentally eaten someone out of starvation (which didn't help things somehow and oh boy this isn't good). Carlisle brings up that this may be a consequence of the animal diet and that their bodies are now failing to process any blood correctly.
Their bodies are shutting down and they are probably going to die horrific and painful deaths. Anyone who wants an honorable suicide, now is the time.
The Denali... I'll believe in them today and say they also retreat to the wilderness. They switched to the diet because they despaired at eating their lovers and to do so involuntarily now would be horrifying to them. They'll be very sad but they'd rather starve in the woods, as Tanya once did, than eat them all again accidentally.
They all have a miserable time until they die.
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inactive02 · 1 year
The opportunity chapter 3
a/n: Honey, honey wake up, Hades posted a new chapter of the opportunity . Yes, after a few days, i decided to post the next chapter of this fic. it takes me a while to write these things because i am drawing him as well just haven't finished it yet. i do take request and ideas as well if you have any.
warnings: heimdall being heimdall as always, FAIR WARING im writing heimdall in a slow develop so this man is TOUGH to crack but it'll be allll worth it.
words: 1,8k
ps: here's his playlist ehehhehehehe
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“Get up,” Heimdall commanded, looking at you from afar as you struggled on the floor, getting up with a slight grunt. Odin insisted that you received training after your travel with Thor, Odin saying for you to leave Asgard you have to at least know somewhat defensive training, he wasn’t calling you weak, just wanted to learn, so you could be safe but what you didn’t know was that you were going to receive training from the worst person you could imagine. 
Waking you up, bright early in the morning for something that felt more like a beating than training. Flexing your knuckles on the grip of your wooden sword, “do I have to do this?” letting out a big sigh, finally able to stand up longer than a couple of seconds. You two circle around each other, light footsteps in the mud of the training ground, he wasn’t even looking at you. Probably at something behind you, not giving you a breath of care.
 “I don’t know why you are complaining, I thought blacksmiths could ACTUALLY fight” mocking you with a smirk on his lips, you wish you could wipe that smirk off his face, charging at him again.
He saw it coming a mile away, dodging your pathetic attempt, “my, my, did I strike a nerve?” sticking a foot out to make you trip, something you fell for but caught yourself quickly, not trying to fall into the mud again.
 This fight started to feel like bullying, of course, because it’s Heimdall after all, he didn’t try, and he didn’t care. Which pissed you off, even more, the fact that he wasn’t even taking you seriously. It seemed like he made it his objective to make you feel like utter trash compared to him, “you have your foresight, that’s the only reason you're better” you’ve had with him, circling each other with the need to at least get a hit on him.
“Even without foresight, I’m still better” looking at his nails, not giving you even the slightest glance. Swinging your sword at him again, dodging with no effort, “the more you try to hit me in predictable places, the more tired I get” every word made it feel like he was stepping on you, doubting your ability to fight for yourself. You decided to take another approach coming at him with your full speed of nonstop swinging, he dodges with great speed, laughing at her attempts, and shoving her down to the ground with a big kick afterward “So pathetic. Do you commoners ever learn?” He crouches down to you, smirking like an asshole.  Lifting yourself up with a slight grunt, you look up at him from below, pissed. Treating you as if you are any different from him.
“I always learn” 
Using your hand to flick the mud under you to him, get his clothes coated in mud, smirking. He grimaced at his shirt, looking back at you in disgust before pointing the sword's tip at your neck “fucking pest” you felt the sharpness of his sword dig into your neck, wincing in pain, and the thoughts in your head weren't helping either. Started overthinking the situation, Is he going to kill you or do something even worse, not until you heard that slight crackle of thunder in the sky. “Ugh, shit.”  Pulling the blade away from your neck and sheaths his sword, turning around. 
Thor appears furrowed, looking between you and his brother. “Mind telling me why y/n is on the floor, …covered in mud” he questioned him, walking up to you two. Your eyes find the god of thunder standing near you, still sitting on the ground, below Heimdall. Today was your lucky day having your ass saved by him, you didn’t expect it to happen either. 
Heimdall looked up at the taller man, rolling his eyes in response. “Don't you have other things to do” Thor didn’t really like that answer looking at him. From looking between these two, you could tell there was a lot of tension, just like how normal brothers usually have.
“ It doesn’t matter if I didn’t have anything to do, all father didn’t bring her here just for you to treat her like trash” he speaks in between his teeth, frustrated, and disgusted with his actions. Scoffing at him, Thor goes to pick you up by the shoulder, helping you if needed. 
The Aesir watches his brother, help you up, making him even more confused “I'm not treating her like trash, she already IS. Can't even throw a damn hit with the sword” what was his task here? Make you even madder or try to piss his brother off even more. The man only ignored his remarks, making sure you weren’t injured or anything.
“He isn’t wrong” he looks over at you, wondering why you're feeding into Heimdall's bullshit.
“You aren't, he's just an asshole, and you need a better trainer…one who is willing to help you. Will get sif to clean you up alright” he tells you, guiding you back to the lodge, not giving Heimdall any attention.
He knew you two were ignoring him on purpose,  “yes, have Sympathy for this commoner.” His tone was annoyed and almost tired in a way, kicking the mud in before turning around and walking away from the lodge. Probably to find someone else to mess with. Once Thor brought you to sif, her questions never stopped on who did it or why you're covered in the mud in the first place. These two were like an big brother and sister in a way, they were protective over you. Heimdall is the last person they want you to be around, Thor went on his way to Odin while sif talked about maybe getting training with her daughter or letting Thor help you. 
Another day of suffering from Heimdall's worse training is not on your bucket list.
It was getting late on Asgard, you sat inside the lodge sharpening a small pick knife you made while you sat at the mess hall table. Trying to distract yourself from earlier events that transpired, a tap on your shoulder caught you off guard, making you jump. Turning around, it was only sif holding a plate before sitting it down.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, but could you go get Heimdall for me? Dinner is going to be served.” You were so focused on your thoughts that you didn’t realize how late it was getting.
Standing up, and stretching, you look at her, “where is he?” You asked, you never really knew where he slept, washed, or even went whenever he was not doing his ‘job’.
“There’s a small cabin built near the wall, all father built that little thing for him to be close to the wall for less traveling. You’ll find him there.” Hearing all that made you question many other things this place has, only finding out today where Heimdall usually hides. Coming outside being greeted by the cold breeze of the night, wasn’t freezing cold, but you loved the feel of it. Taking the pathway as you walked past buildings and structures of Asgard, the town was quiet around this time. Something you aren’t quite used to yet.
Coming up on a hill, and seeing the cabin sif was talking about. Squinting your eyes, you could see Heimdall talking to some women, maybe another Aesir or who knows. You thought the conversation was going well, not until the woman shakes her head and walks away from him, heading in a different direction. You waited a few seconds before walking up to him, he noticed your approach, sighing from being welcomed by another annoyance 
“What do you want?” looking at you with a flat expression on his face. You really wanted to kick him in the dick, but you were too tired for any of the consequences.
“Sif told me to come to get you for supper,” you told him, his expression changed slightly, looking somewhat relaxed then back to its flat expression. Walking past you without warning nor an answer, “I’m guessing that’s a yes” you followed behind heading back to the lodge with him, the walk was silent since he already didn’t like your presence around him. Arriving back at the lodge, the table was plated and Thor just came to sit down once you two walked in. Heimdall sat on the with Odin, you were sitting in between all father and Heimdall, Thor and his wife chatted about a few things while you sat silent.
You're surprised that the foresight sat silent too, probably just listening to Odin talk his ears off about something “so, how did the training with Heimdall go?” Thrud asked in a whisper, turning to her with a slight smile.
“It was something, I’m lucky to even be alive”
“He can truly be an asshole when you're fighting him” Heimdall’s eyes glanced over at her with a grunt of annoyance, hearing the asshole part, the two of you talked more about fighting and different techniques. Sparking a light in you that made you talk about the many things your father taught you, even though it was a lot, thrud didn’t mind listening to you. You were so focused on that, you didn’t know the watcher scanned you a few times with his purple irises. He’ll never admit it, but your conversation sounded more interesting than what the all father was talking about to him. Tonight you were lucky, avoiding any of Heimdall’s daily bullying.
When everyone finished their meals, you volunteered to clean up the tables, assisting the cooks. Hearing the door of the lodge open and close, you look up to see Heimdall enter. He must’ve come in here for all father, as you collected the plates you felt an over looming presence near you. Gazing beside you, seeing the Aesir look at you with narrowed eyes, what could be wanted this late? 
He lets out a heavy sigh that could notice his chest moving, “I apologize for throwing you in the mud earlier”  at first you didn’t hear him, or you just weren’t hearing him correctly. Was he apologizing to you? From the look in his eyes, you could tell he was focusing on your thoughts, licking his pink lips in annoyance. Wait, why were you looking at his lips just now. “Yes, I am apologizing to you, commoner.” He repeats himself, so you could get some clarity on the situation. 
“Oh, it’s alright just don’t be a dick next time” he watched you get back to what you were doing, cleaning the table as if he wasn’t there. You continue to wipe the table, he takes the dishes you collect and takes them to the kitchen without you noticing until you look up. Seeing him leave the kitchen, the look on your face was priceless. Maybe he was considering your words for the first time in months.
“Be ready by the morning for your next training, commoner” or maybe you hoped a little too soon but some progress is better than no progress.
a/n: i Hope you enjoyed this chapter and i might post some art soon who knows
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sublieu · 2 years
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╰┈➤❝ [⋆· *Demi Demon Ruts༉‧₊˚.] ¡! ❞
Warnings: cumflation, cunnilingus, [semi] finger fucking, flirty/perverted Mk, ruts, marking
A.n: I'm still gonna do a fic on him. Don't think I'm not gonna.
Mentions: @mortal-mayhem @zmzsnakes @yellowaxol @fallenplantation
Ah yes, the time of mating season, where demons, animals, gods and goddesses come together to be rid of their awful punishment their body decides to lay upon them.
But for Mk, this affected him worse.
He could barely concentrate on working, helping and partying. It was as if the whole world was colliding in on him, and now he's stuck in his room hiding away and trying to bear through the suffering.
Mk was confused, everything felt fuzzy and dizzy. The room had an unbearably thick smell, as if you were there attempting to comfort him as he wore your favorite oversized shirt that you 'borrowed' from him. Until Wukong showed up.
"Kid, you've been missing trainin- jesus christ did you spray the place or something?!"
Wukong yells as he coughs and wheezes, Mk just hid deeper inside him fluffy blanket, he felt as if he was gonna die from embarrassment when everything suddenly clicked for the golden brown monkey.
"Mk, are you going through a *pfft* rut?"
He stutters as he fails to hide his laughter, plopping down on his bed whilst continuing to laugh at the brunette's misery. Patting down his back and hearing him purr shortly after.
"How is this even possible?! I'm not even a demon much less a demigod!" "Well, technically.. you are a demigod, but that still means you're gonna suffer ruts like every other demon does."
Wukong sighs and pulls the blanket away, his heart breaking when he sees how much poor Mk was suffering as tears ran down his eyes. Silently sobbing as he held his knees together to ease the pain for him in a way.
"Kid, I can find a way to help you deal with your situation buuutttt it's gonna cost you" "Anything Wukong please!"
Mk sobs and begs, the demon groans as he scratches his head, looking for bugs as gets up and summons his Nimbus to collect some ingredients.
"You're gonna need to isolate yourself for atleast 2 weeks, not only that, you have to keep physical touch to an absolute low. Which means your little girlfriend and your friends are gonna have to keep a far distance from you for the time being" Wukong starts as he picks up and empty bottle he could find around Mk's room that he wasn't using at the moment.
Mk laid there as he tried to rest, his eyes slowly starting to drift as Wukong's last sentence was a blur.
"Oh and do not touch yourself, no jerking off nothing. Understand? I'll tell Pigsy and your friends to let you rest for the next 2 weeks" the demon continues and stands on his Nimbus before flying off to let his apprentice rest.
Diary entry #1
So I just cleaned up my room (finally) and is currently eating noodles Pigsy made for me. Honestly if it wasn't for him Mei would have to cook and I'm scared of her cooking cus the last time the fish stew she made for me actually bit on my fork. IT BIT MY FORK. Signing off, finna watch tawog and get some more rest -Mk.
Diary entry #2
Y/n just came by my house to drop off groceries today, honestly I love her so so much, she even got me my favorite chocolate too! I'm gonna repay her one day, I'm saving up to buy her V.I.P tickets to that new movie [movie name] that she's been talking about. Lets hope I can save enough to buy her something after. Signing off today again to rest -Mk
Diary entry #3
Just came out of the shower, honestly the cold feels nice for once. I couldn't help but think about y/n today again! I wonder what she's doing? probably playing games or reading something, I just love how cute she looks whenever she's doing something. I could listen to her talk all day and still say nothing cus she's so cute! Signing off today, gonna make some food and go sleep -Mk.
Diary entry #4
I woke up to my 'friend' today, obviously I didn't want y/n or anyone else to come and see me like this. Who knows what they could think! so I touched myself for the first in weeks, I might buy y/n those cute paw stockings she loves so much -Mk.
Diary entry #5
It happened again when I was showering, first I'm thinking about making breakfast and now I'm thinking about y/n bending over just to reach the sugar container. God the way she looks in that cute miniskirt she always wear around the house just makes me feel... fuzzy... -Mk
Diary entry #6
... Nothing new today, same old thing. Read, eat, watch a movie and text y/n.
Diary entry #7
I'm calling her... I can't stand staying in this fucking house alone
Mk writes and proceeds to reach for his phone when out of the blue, Wukong contacts him to check in on how he's doing; Stirring what seems to be a pot in the background as Mk continues looking on his phone.
"Hey Mk!! How ya holding up?"
Wukong starts and wipes a sheen of sweat from his face. Mk responds with an I'm good as he calls y/n, as if completely ignoring his question and paying attention to you.
"M'doin great, You wouldn't mind coming over for some video games or something? - No no it's just the two of us! Promise! - You will? Aww thanks, I'll unlock the door k?"
Mk smiles and hangs up his phone, leaving Wukong confused and slightly worried.
"Mk. who exactly are you calling over?"
He asks and stops stirring as he looks around the boy's room then back to him when he notices how fidgety his fingers were before putting two and two together.
"Mk. No-" "Oh cmon Wukong! I won't bite, too hard atleast" "Mk I'm serious- DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON M-"
Wukong threatens before being hung up by Mk, stirring even faster in an attempt to hurry and bring back the medicine when Xi stopped him and told him to stir as gently as possible.
Whilst you stood at Mk's doorway, fixing yourself one last time before hearing his door click and open to see him heaving and wheezing as if he just ran down the steps. You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and entered the well lit house, completely ignorant to the sound of his door clicking and locking.
"So what're you planning to play first? Dance dance revo 3 or Wukong mashup?"
You'd start up a conversation as you were ready to setup his gaming station, placing the games on his carpet when he kneels down beside you to pick. Ultimately choosing dance dance revo.
After hours and hours of just you two giggling and having fun, Wukong texts Mk stating he's almost done making the remedy. Ignoring the message and paying attention to you as you continued dancing.
The way how you were just so steady to the beat, your boobs would jiggle to the slightest movement of your body alongside the sheer amount of sweat you were producing. He was in awestruck as you sat down on the carpet for a breather.
(ง•ᴥ•)ง♪ (◕3◕)╯♫ (¬ᴥ¬)◠◡ ♬ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)╯♩ 「ᵔᴥᵔ」♫ (¬ᴥ¬) ♬ (ツ)♭
Your bra would reveal itself to the white shirt you were wearing, making you all the more delectable for him. Mk was already struggling just seeing you move and now this? it was almost as if you were subtly punishing him. Whilst distracted, you crawled in between his legs to hug his waist and giggled after he looked down at you, god you were just so cute, how could anyone resist you?
He gave you a quick forehead kiss before slowly trailing down to your lips, things already getting heated between you both as you were quick to take off the other's clothes, leaving you both naked and flustered.
His hands would grab hold of your butt and pulled you closer to him, sloppy, wet kisses would trail from your lips all the way to your chest as he puts his hand down your panty. His cock throbbing and leaking pre the more he played with your body.
Heavy, ragged breaths escaped your lips as you attempt to close your legs. Only for him to pry them open and go down to your dripping pussy, kissing your tummy and licking your clit, sucking on the bud as he pushed two fingers inside. Chuckling at your whimpers and pleas.
You looked so pretty from this view, little tears running down your eyes as you bit your finger hard enough to leave it slightly bleeding. But you couldn't care at the moment as his tongue was already past your slit and inside your velvety walls, until he stopped, popping his tongue and licking his lips as he pulled you closer; His cock pressing at your little bundle of sensitive nerves.
Mk would push the tip inside before snapping his hips upwards inside, making you jump whilst Mk pushed you back down on the carpet. He snickered and kissed your forehead as he held your hand and cooed praises at you, your pleas for him to fuck you comforting him as he gave you a soft thrust up inside you.
You were always wondering why he wore his hair upwards if he looked so cool, and now you finally got the reason why; His sharp teeth alongside the subtle glow of his eyes left you in fear and pleasure.
As your legs wrapped around his waist, it seemed as if he picked up in speed. His thrusts getting faster and rougher as you played with his hair, your moans of his name slip off your tongue like butter as you'd clench your toes from the thrilling pleasure. Your eyes flashing to white when you came for the first time, clawing at your neck and grabbing onto his hair to limit his movements. That ultimately not working as he kept pounding your pussy like it was a toy.
He kept muttering your name as if you were about to disappear if he didn't hold onto you long enough, moaning about how snug and inviting your body was, as if you like molding jelly. Soft to the touch and comfortable to hold, almost like a pillow.
You gave him a soft kiss which he immediately returns, his hands securely colliding your hips to his, you were gonna have marks later for sure you thought.
"Keep going~" "You're doing so so good Mk~"
You whisper to his ear, cooing and coddling him even though he's fucking to cloud-9. Your hands reaching to hold his as your climax was coming closer and closer, almost feeling him kissing your womb as you told him to go faster. Throwing your head back and looking into his eyes a second time, seeing that the glow changed to pink and his growling was being ever so evident. Was he staring at you or was he so distracted by your body he couldn't even look at you. But he was actually close to cumming soon too, getting ready to flood your ovaries with his sticky, warm cum.
Your eyes were flashing to white again, your manicured nails digging into his flesh and leaving cuts all over his arms as he fucked every bit of his cum inside. Your belly bloating as he rested on your chest after pulling out, most of his cum seeping out of you and onto the carpet you shared as you both started laughing and share a kiss.
"Didn't your mentor say that we shouldn't be around each other for two weeks?" "Honestly fuck him" "Wooooow real fucking nice Mk"
Wukong sarcasticly speaks up and caused you two to jump up and scramble to cover up. He sighs and throws the bag of pills and liquid for Mk to hold as he made orange juice.
"You guys even fucked on the carpet, seriously? the carpet? Couldn't you have atleast done it on the couch? And you call me and macaque fucking animals".
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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popcorn1989 · 1 year
TLK prompt 10 ‘who hurt you?’ With Uhtred please??
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Note: You didn't write me whether with Reader or a character, I chose F!Reader. :)
Pairing: Uhtred x F!Reader
Summary: Your day gets worse and worse and just at the moment when you don't need it, everything bursts out of you. But uhtred is there for you and suddenly you have to pull yourself together despite your feelings so that everything doesn't get out of control.
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"There she is" - "Yes, and just as ugly as she had left the village" The two women started laughing. "You'd better leave her, or she'll run to Uhtred again" - "Yes, that's right, like last time" again they laughed. You ignore them as much as you can, but they don't stop.
"She's probably a nun now, because the priests converted her." - "She was a nun before, nobody touches her." They laughed again when you finally looked at them, but at that moment you regretted it, because now they started to move.
"Do you still think you are something better, just because you get orders from Uhtred" - "She is only in Uhtred's favor until he has had enough of her" again they laughed and only now you stop and looked at them. Astonished, the women stopped and wait with pinched expressions for your attack.
You pull yourself together and take a deep breath, not a word would you waste on them, when you turn around you hear their laughter, but they did not follow you anymore. Actually you wanted to report to Uhtred, but fearing that the tears would come, you decide to react first in a training with Finan. You knew that he was training with Osferth at that time.
Even if you didn't feel like it, you preferred to go there first. The men were laughing when you found them on a small square in front of the boats, Osferth was lying in the sand and wiping his wet face, but that didn't help, because Sihtric again threw a bucket of water in his face.
"Wake up Osferth, you can't fight when you're half asleep" When they saw you, they greet you warmly, just what you needed so badly at that moment and you forget about the women, who made your life hell every moment they saw you. You didn't know when they started, nor why they hated you so much.
"I just got back and I couldn't resist taking part in your little fight" - "Are you sure?" came from Sihtric, he looked at you urgently, as if he knew what was on your mind. You just nodded and saw Finan helping Osferth to his feet. You are not a warrior, but now and then it helped you to lose some energy in training and sometimes to put all your hate in your punches, no matter which of the men was in front of you.
Now and then you won, but surely only because they let you win and wanted to make you feel that you were one of them. But that day, it didn't go well for you, and Finan didn't spare you either, as a welcome that you were back. You knew that in a training session, you could get a lot of bruises, even that some blood could flow.
But today was just a stupid day and you had the feeling after the training, that the men hated you as much as the women. They apologize when they noticed that you were sad and Finan said you can hit him and hurt him. But you didn't.
With a busted lip and eyebrow, doctored by Osferth and the words of Sihtric that next time you should please watch your posture, you finally made your way to Uhtred. You felt worse than before and you regretted not going to Uhtred before.
You exhaled and inhaled more times in front of his door, your eyes wandered over the village and a heavy feeling settled on your chest, what if it was really like that? What if you didn't really belong here and were only needed because you reliably transported letters and other things back and forth? What if you were no longer here, would anyone even miss you?
It didn't help, you had to see Uhtred. Just to tell him you were back. So that he could count on you when he needed you and you are happy to do that. Nevertheless, you remain standing in front of the door. With the pain in your face and the women gossip in your ears. You feel miserable. You open the door after some time, the moment you thought you would be fine.
There he stood, thoughtful as always, in front of the fire, his brow furrowed, and your tears came, only when you take a deep breath, so you could hold them back, he looked up and smiled, he greeted you and walked towards you.
You knew if he hugged you, you wouldn't be able to hold back your tears. Because he made you feel comfortable and welcome, he knew something wasn't right when you took a step back and your face must have helped him, to know, something is not right.
"What happened? Who was that?" he said angrily, his friendly face giving way to a serious and angry one. "Nobody, it's nothing" you said and started to cry, you Feeling so Bad."Who hurt you?" he just said and grabbed you by the shoulders. His stance and face told you he was ready to fight anyone and anything that might come.
"Were those the priests?" he now asked cautiously, probably because he didn't believe it himself. He took your face tenderly in his hands and looked deep into your tear-stained face. "No no... it all went well, they said they would forward the message and you can count on them" he just nodded.
"And why are you crying? you know I can't see you cry" he kissed yours forehead and wiped the tears from your face "Nothing, I just don't feel good" - "And that?" he asked and you knew he meant the wounds.
"I thought I'd feel better if I train out a bit" suddenly he got serious, he let go of you "So one of my men..." hatred showed in his eyes, something you hadn't seen before when he talked about his men and you knew you had to pull yourself together as he made his way to the door.
"I'll give him hell" - "No, please i wanted to train" he turned around when you grabbed his arm "So you wanted to be hurt like that?" you shake your head in amazement. Actually you wanted to beat up Finan, but that day it was the other way around, your own fault according by Sihtric. "Then I'll beat him up," he said, opening the door.
But you hurl the door and close her again "I'm not crying because of the training" he looked at you questioningly and you knew you had to tell him and explain your concerns and it would take a long time. You talked about the women, about the thoughts they triggered in you.
Uhtred was there, he listened to you, said that you have an important place in his village and that he didn't use you because you were important to him. You spoke so openly with your feelings as if you had known each other for a long time and after a while you felt much better.
And your conversation didn't end until he was sure you were back to normal. The women, on the other hand, were not doing so well that day, they were excluded from the community, they had to leave the village and at some point you heard that they were not only banned from one but from almost all villages, they fled to the Danes, but her life was never the same.
Finen and Sihtric had to wrap up warm, even when you tried to talk Uhtred about doing nothing, he wouldn't let it like this. They had to compete against him in training for a week and their bruises showed for a long time.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The journey back home was exhausting BUT I'm okay now -Danny Words: 2,591 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Still' -by Kailee Morgue
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IV: And I Said No, You Know, Like a Liar
"Leo," Annabeth tries for the tenth time. "Did Octavian trick you somehow? Did he frame you, or—"
"No." Leo's pale and shaking. "The guy was a jerk, but he didn't fire on the camp. I did."
"On purpose?" Frank stares at him like he's insane... and he might be.
"No!" The boy closes his eyes, trying to remember. "Well, yes... I mean, I didn't want to. But at the same time, I felt like I wanted to. Something was making me do it. There was this cold feeling inside me—"
"A cold feeling," Annabeth echoes like she knows what that means.
"Yeah," Leo looks at her. "Why?"
"Annabeth," Percy calls from below deck. "We need you!"
Leo leans against the mast defeatedly, he got all of his friends hurt and he's just about ready to puke, which softens Annabeth's conduct. 
"He'll be fine," she tells him, referring to Jason. "Frank, I'll be back. Just... watch Leo. Please. Ara, coming or staying?"
"I'll stay," she replies. 
Once the others are gone, Ara speaks again. 
"Look at me," she demands.
Leo's lip quivers and he closes his eyes. Ara reaches for his face, her fingertips are cold and they alleviate the pain in his temples. He doesn't look at her yet, too ashamed to face her.
"It's okay. You didn't hurt me."
"I tried to," he replies hoarsely. He can feel Ara absorbing his guilt with the empath touch, and he doesn't know how to stop it, so he pushes her hands away. "I don't—I would never—"
"I know," she brushes his curls back, trying to ease him. "I'm okay."
She can't shake off the feeling that this is her fault... that this is the curse manifesting at last. Maybe Leo short-circuited after he came into contact with the Romans, and the ancient part of his soul remembered something and tried to fix a past mistake.
Whatever the reason, Ara has to correct it before it gets worse. She turns to Frank. "Dragon boy.  I saw you in my dreams, you looked after my brother. Thank you."
Frank doesn't know how to respond to that, so he points to the laurels that fell off her belt. "I think that's yours."
Ara glances at the crown, but she doesn't pick it up. "Yeah, leave it there, nothing will happen to it."
"Your name isn't Sammy?" Frank blurts out randomly, looking at Leo.
Leo snaps his eyes open just to glare at Frank. "What kind of question is that?"
"Nothing. I just—Nothing. About the firing on the camp... Octavian could be behind it, like magically or something. He didn't want the Romans getting along with you guys."
Ara appreciates Frank's willingness to believe them even though they're probably the most unnerving kids he'll ever meet, and even though his girlfriend spent most of the feast staring at another boy.
"Well, if Leo wasn't in control of himself," she stands up. "I'll find out who was, and I'll take care of it."
"Thank you... Strategus." Frank clears his throat.
She smiles. "Call me Ara."
"Hey," Leo speaks, still in a bad mood. "I should talk to Festus and get a damage report. You mind...?" He gestures at the rope.
Ara unties him and Frank helps him to his feet. "Who is Festus?"
"My friend. His name isn't Sammy either, in case you're wondering. Come on. I'll introduce you."
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We're waiting for Nico in the arena. I'm using a real sword today, Mike won't join us so I seized the opportunity. 
Nico shows up with a greenish face, dark circles have appeared under his eyes, and he isn't as lively as usual. 
"What's wrong?" I check his temperature. "You okay?"
"I had a weird dream," he says weakly.
Lily and I share a look. Now that we know who his godly parent is, we suspect Nico's going to get some hints about it too. We can't allow that while his sister is away.
"I'm sorry. I must've made you nervous by telling you about my Iris message to Percy..."
I talked to my brother the other night—my mom was there too, but I don't wanna think about that part—and he said Bianca was okay, but I think telling Nico only worsened his anxiety.
He pushes my hand away from his face. "I'm fine! Let's train."
Lily gives me another look. Percy needs to bring Bianca back to camp, I don't know how to help Nico.
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"The port aerial oars have to be fixed before we can go full speed again. We'll need some repair materials: Celestial bronze, tar, lime—"
"What do you need limes for?"
"Dude, lime," Leo gets a little impatient when others can't keep up with his thoughts. "Calcium carbonate, used in cement and a bunch of other— Ah, never mind. The point is, this ship isn't going far unless we can fix it."
Festus makes a couple of other noises and Leo nods.
"Oh... Hazel! That's the girl with the curly hair, right?"
"Is she okay?" Frank asks anxiously.
"Yeah, she's fine. According to Festus, her horse is racing along below. She's following us."
"We've got to land, then."
"She's your girlfriend?" Ara asks, noticing the lavender hue around him.
Frank takes a second to respond. "Yes."
"You don't sound sure," Leo teases him.
"Yes. Yes, definitely. I'm sure," he replies defensively.
Leo raised his hands. "Okay, fine. The problem is we can only manage one landing. The way the hull and the oars are, we won't be able to lift off again until we repair, so we'll have to make sure we land somewhere with all the right supplies."
"Where do you get Celestial bronze?" Frank asks. "You can't just stock up at Home Depot."
"Festus, do a scan."
"He can scan for magic bronze?" Frank wonders. "Is there anything he can't do?"
"You should've seen him when he had a body," Ara sighs.
The memory of a whole Festus seems to worsen Leo's already terrible state of mind. Percy and Annabeth come back on deck together, both looking stressed. Leo steps forward. "Is Jason—?"
"He's resting," Annabeth announces. "Piper's keeping an eye on him, but he should be fine."
"Annabeth says you did fire the ballista?" Percy eyes him.
"Man, I—I don't understand how it happened," Leo stammers. "I'm so sorry—"
"Sorry?" He steps closer menacingly.
"Percy, really, don't start," Ara warns him.
"Don't start?" The boy repeats aghast. "He started it!"
Annabeth places a hand on his chest and pulls him back. "We'll figure it out later. Right now, we have to regroup and make a plan. What's the situation with the ship?"
Festus talks again, and Leo sighs in relief. "Perfect."
"What's perfect?" Annabeth asks. "I could use some perfect about now."
"Everything we need in one place," Leo declares. "Frank, why don't you turn into a bird or something? Fly down and tell your girlfriend to meet us at the Great Salt Lake in Utah."
Frank obliges quickly, and then Percy moves forward. 
"Ara, can we talk?" He asks, glaring at Leo.
Ara's not in the mood to deal with her brother. "Later. I have to patch up Leo."
"I'm okay—"
"You're not," Ara shuts him up. "Sit down and let me do my job."
Leo fixes his gaze on the controls, embarrassed and miserable. Ara turns to Annabeth and looks at her with pleading eyes. "I got this, you can go."
"C'mon," Annabeth pulls Percy back. "I'll show you where your cabin is."
It's the two girls versus him, and he's never been able to win those battles. When the couple leaves, Ara turns back to Leo going back to her gentle tone. 
"Don't patronize me," he leans on the control board, eyes fixed on the monitor. "Please. You told me once that pity parties are good for nothing. Don't throw one now."
"Alright," Ara replies with a strong voice. "I've got a bruised rib, my brother doesn't like you, and you're a war criminal in New Rome. But..." She tries to reach for his hand, and when Leo doesn't move away, she holds it firmly. "You sound so smart when you ramble about construction materials—it's kinda hot, honestly."
Leo sighs heavily, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "You think that'd make me feel better, but..."
Ara clicks her tongue. "You were being used, Leo. And I've got proof," she grabs his face and forces him to look at her. "You called me Arae before leaving and I hated it."
He blinks and frowns. "So what? You don't like your name, that's not new."
"Ever since we met you call me Doll, Sunshine, Cielo—or Corazón when you're feeling extra cheesy," she teases him. "You only call me Arae when it's the two of us and we're being serious, but when you did it then... it felt like a stranger was talking to me." 
Ara steps back, feeling a little crazy. 
"It sounds stupid, but you pronounce it in a very specific way. Whoever talked to me, wasn't you."
Leo glances at the panel and radars on the control board, but he's thinking of how she called him Leónidas while trying to make him snap out of his trance, and how she almost succeeded because it feels different when she says it.
"Your brother should stay mad at me anyway, if it hadn't been for him—"
"Don't even," Ara rolls her eyes. "You know I can kick your ass any time."
"But it wasn't me!" Leo reminds her with frustration. "How are you not angry? I ruined everything! Even the ship we broke our backs building for six months!"
She can't tell him that she's not mad because she's sure this is the curse's fault, that's only going to make him spiral into a whole new crisis. Besides, she is angry, but mostly at herself, so she can't correct him unless she wants to get lectured.
"Big prophecies are never easy..." She squeezes his shoulders. "You wanna sulk for the rest of the day? Be my guest, but let's fix the ship while you're at it."
Leo shakes his head, tilts his head to the side, and plants a soft kiss on her knuckles. "Alright. I can do that."
"Cool. Now sit down and let me heal your head," Ara lightly runs her fingers through his curls. "We can be miserable together after I'm done with this."
"Fun date ideas," he replies, the tiniest smile on his face.
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Leo manages to land the ship on the water. He's still not talking much, but Ara knows he'll need time to feel like himself again. As they approach the stairs, they hear hooves behind them and they turn, finding Hazel and her horse on deck. 
"How—?" Leo stumbles back. "We're in the middle of a lake! Can that thing fly?"
"Arion can't fly," Hazel explains over the loud whines of the horse. "But he can run across just about anything. Water, vertical surfaces, small mountains—none of that bothers him."
Ara notices the way Hazel keeps looking at Leo, and whatever it is that has her so fascinated, it's starting to get annoying.
"General," Coach Hedge shows up with his bat. She'd almost forgotten he was on the ship with them. "Does this count as an invasion?"
"No!" Leo and Ara say at the same time.
"Um, Hazel," Leo says awkwardly, "you'd better come with us. I built a stable belowdecks, if Arion wants to—"
"He's more of a free spirit." The girl says, diving off the animal's back. "He'll graze around the lake until I call him. But I want to see the ship. Lead the way."
Ara and Leo guide her downstairs, but more than awkward, it's unsettling. Hazel is glowing lavender, and Ara isn't a jealous girl, or at least she doesn't think she is, but no one has paid attention to Leo like this before, and she's having trouble tolerating it.
They walk past Jason's cabin, where Piper is looking after him, and then they reach the mess hall where the rest of the crew is.
"So we've landed," Percy says, staring at one of the screens showing Camp Half-blood. "What now?"
"Figure out the prophecy?" Frank suggests.
"Which one?" Ara says sarcastically.
"I mean... that was a prophecy Ella spoke, right? From the Sibylline Books?"
"The what?" Leo asks.
Frank explains that Ella spat out a prophecy from an old collection of books. Ara's secretly glad the harpy didn't notice her, she doesn't want to hear her prophecy again, let alone recited by a crazy harpy.
"That's why you didn't tell the Romans," Leo guesses. "You didn't want them to get hold of her."
"Ella's sensitive," Percy scowls at the Camp Half-blood scenery. "She was a captive when we found her. I just didn't want... It doesn't matter now. I sent Tyson an Iris message, told him to take Ella to Camp Half-Blood. They'll be safe there."
"Let me think about the prophecy," Annabeth leans on the table. "Right now we have more immediate problems. We have to get this ship fixed. Leo, what do we need?"
"The easiest thing is tar," Leo starts right away. "We can get that in the city, at a roofing-supply store or someplace like that. Also, Celestial bronze and lime. According to Festus, we can find both of those on an island in the lake, just west of here."
"We'll have to hurry," Hazel says. "If I know Octavian, he's searching for us with his auguries. The Romans will send a strike force after us. It's a matter of honor."
Leo makes a face. "Guys... I don't know what happened. Honestly, I—"
"We've been talking," Annabeth interrupts him. "We agree it couldn't have been you, Leo. That cold feeling you mentioned... I felt it too. It must have been some sort of magic, either Octavian or Gaea or one of her minions. But until we understand what happened—"
"How can we be sure it won't happen again?" Frank inquires.
"I'm fine now," Leo assures him. "Maybe we should use the buddy system. Nobody goes anywhere alone. We can leave Piper and Coach Hedge on board with Jason. Send one team into town to get tar. Another team can go after the bronze and the lime."
"Split up?" Percy frowns. "That sounds like a really bad idea."
Ara crosses her arms, challenging her brother. "I'll go with Leo. If anything happens to him, I can take care of it."
Percy's eyes flash with annoyance. "Ara—"
"It'll be quicker," Hazel intervenes, smartly guessing an argument between Ara and Percy isn't quick to put out. "Besides, there's a reason a quest is usually limited, right?"
"You're right," Annabeth agrees. "The same reason we needed the Argo II... outside camp, eight demigods in one place will attract way too much monstrous attention. The ship is designed to conceal and protect us. We should be safe enough on board; but if we go on expeditions, we shouldn't travel in groups larger than three or four. No sense alerting more of Gaea's minions than we have to."
Percy glares at Ara sending a clear message. This isn't over. He turns and holds Annabeth's hand. "As long as you're my buddy, I'm good."
"Oh, that's easy," Hazel smiles. "Frank, you were amazing, turning into a dragon! Could you do it again to fly Annabeth and Percy into town for the tar?"
"I...I suppose," he hesitates. "But what about you?"
"I'll ride Arion with Sa—with Leo and Ara," she quickly corrects herself. Ara remembers Frank called Leo "Sammy". Is that some old friend of theirs? "We'll get the bronze and the lime. We can all meet back here by dark."
Frank doesn't look happy about this arrangement, and neither is Ara, but maybe she absorbed a bit too much of Leo's disheartenment.
"Guys, if we get the supplies, how long to fix the ship?" Annabeth continues.
"With luck, just a few hours."
"Fine," the blonde girl gets up. "We'll meet you back here as soon as possible, but stay safe. We could use some good luck. That doesn't mean we'll get it."
"I don't need luck, Annabeth," Ara seizes Almighty and stares at the symbols on it, the needle is completely still. "Just a deadline."
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Next Chapter ->
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soup-of-the-daisies · 10 months
Prongsfoot Week
Day 7: Write/Draw/anything for this ship.
sweeter than candy (on a stick)
Warnings: around 4k words, is NSFW (blowjobs).
Can be read on AO3 here.
James’ lips are stained red, shiny with sugar and spit—and Sirius can’t stop staring. 
It’s a wonderfully sunny though bloody cold Sunday afternoon in November and they’re doing homework in the dorms—Peter and Remus have taken to ‘Weekend Walks’ around the lake, which really means that they talk about everything and nothing while Wormy sneakily tries to get Moony to give him homework answers. It’s a solid, well-choreographed dance — Pete’s far too clever to be hard working, and Moony does have a tendency to preach about the topics that will be discussed next week — that, quite honestly, neither Sirius nor James wish to witness. And besides, for them weekends are usually reserved for the planning of assorted mischief and general tomfoolery to be executed on school days.
Usually, yes, because the Defense essay really couldn’t wait today: though Sirius was planning on doing it at breakfast tomorrow, James has taken pity on their ever-nervous Defense professor Michael Burgary and made the decision to make it easier for the bumbling buffoon. It might have something to do with the running bet all the seventh years have going on how long the bloke will last — Sirius has two Galleons on March twentieth, whilst James bet five that Burgary will make it to the end — but, of course, James will never admit that. 
“Can’t bear the thought of him having to order us to write a better one, really,” he said earlier today, grave and pitying and therefore successfully convincing Sirius to do what he wants to do, as is usually the case. “Let’s just ensure we get a good grade, and then he won’t have to talk to us as much. Poor bloke’s already so uncomfortable.”
Sirius would probably be a bit jealous of James seemingly having taken a liking to the twat if Burgary didn’t sweat so much, didn’t constantly look five seconds away from bursting into tears, and also wasn’t a practitioner of the lost art of the comb-over. He hopes he won’t have a receding hairline before turning seventy: both his grandfathers still have a full head of hair, even if grandfather Pollux’ locks were thinning the last time Sirius saw him.
Afternoon sunlight filters in through the small windows of their dorm, highlighting the auburn sheen in James’ messy black hair and the warm undertone of his brown skin. He’s sitting oddly, like he usually sits—one leg resting on the floor with the foot under his arse, and the other propped up; his crotch is in full view. The way he’s leaning over his essay is an absolutely outrageous display of subtle flexibility, and his left hand is holding the quill almost clumsily. It’s as if it’s too small for his veiny, quidditch-calloused hands. 
He’s also sucking on a lollipop, which makes matters significantly worse. 
The pale plastic sticks out of the corner of his mouth and sometimes he just sucksat it, loud and lewd, before using his tongue to shove the damned sweet to the other side of his mouth; the hard candy will click against his teeth, and then James will purse his lips, covered in the sheen of artificially dyed sugar, and suck again. It is obviously the latter that Sirius can’t help but focus on instead of his painfully unfinished Defense essay. 
The thing is, Sirius knows what burning feels like. He once fell off father’s old broom when he was ten and landed in the patch of firenettles mother grows for her own version of Pepperup; he once tripped over his own two feet and fell hands first into the crackling hearth. He knows how the heat won’t stop, knows how the blistering feels, knows how the sensitivity will remain for months even after the burn salve and the essence of dittany. Knows the sheer pain of it, that sharp tone of agony that lasts for days if left untreated. 
And somehow, for some absolutely ludicrous reason, Sirius is certain that swallowing glowing embers burns less than witnessing James Potter suckle on a fucking sweet.
James drops his quill and fingers the plastic of the lollipop absentmindedly, takes the damned thing out of his mouth with another obscene sucking noise and puckering of his red, wet, shiny lips. Then he licks it, wraps his tongue around it, and slurps it back into his mouth.
Sirius is burning. He’s burning, and his balls aren’t blue but they’re red-fucking-hot, and if he doesn’t tear his gaze away in the next second he’ll go from ‘uncomfortable but manageable’-hard to ‘Morgana’s tits this is painful’-hard. All he can think of is that fucking lollipop as his weeping dick, James’ absurd mouth around it, swollen and soaked with spit and precum, and Sirius—
James, the oblivious prat, taps the lollipop against the very bottom lip Sirius has been wanting to bite for the better part of an hour, like torturing his best mate without knowing it is helping him think. Then he sucks the candy back in his mouth, wetly and terrible and hotter than a Merlin-damned ashwinder. 
Sirius whimpers. Out loud. And instantly wants to die.
��Pads?” James asks, and Sirius scrambles to put on an oblivious expression. “You alright?” 
“Yeah,” says Sirius, lying through his teeth. James has taken the lollipop out of his mouth, again, and is tapping the bulbous candy against his bottom lip, again. “Just stuck on a sentence, you know…” 
“You’re never stuck on sentences,” James points out. He pops the lollipop back in his mouth, pushes his essay aside, and shuffles closer. “Let us see, then.” 
Sirius fashions his mouth into a scowl and glances at his parchment. He’s only written half of the duelling method of his choosing, a creative offense strategy, while James is likely already on his conclusion considering how in the zone he was while Sirius stared at him and that fucking sweet. And though it could be a bit embarrassing — Sirius has never liked lagging behind James, always needs to meet him with every step — he’s far more preoccupied with hiding his stiffy than with the abysmal state of his essay. 
James sucks absentmindedly on his lollipop as he reads the paragraph Sirius managed to write down. It’s loud, and though it should probably be a little bit gross it’s actually really hot, and Sirius has to squash down the urge to kiss him. Heat is coiling in his lower belly; he adjusts himself discreetly, suppressing the moan that follows the pressure of his hand. 
“It’s fine,” James murmurs eventually. The lollipop slips back out and he shoots Sirius a little smile that kicks Sirius’ heart into a riotous pace. “There’s no need to make it perfect right now, anyway. You can always write the final version later.” 
James never needs to write drafts, as almost every essay ends up perfect on the first try. Sirius, usually, doesn’t need to write drafts either, but he’s been a bit distracted. 
And hot under the collar. 
Just a little bit. 
“Right,” he manages, “it’ll be fine.” 
“It will,” James says brightly. He pats Sirius’ shoulder, then slides his hand to the back of Sirius’ neck and squeezes. “You’re brilliant, ‘Rius. I see many more O’s in your future.” 
Sirius makes a disparaging little noise, contemplates whether or not he should ask James to stop holding his neck because the touch is killing him, wishes desperately he were alone so he can wank himself raw to fantasies of getting sucked off by James Potter. His dick throbs. 
Sirius utters, a bit strangled: “You’re more brilliant.” 
The smile brightens. Sirius feels a sudden, absurd need to lick James’ teeth. 
“Funny,” says James, “I always say that about you.”
Sirius smiles back and James does his funny little nose-scrunching thing that he always does when he’s a little bit amused and a little bit happy. Then his hand travels upwards, up the back of Sirius’ head, and his fingers tangle with the hair Sirius has been considering growing out. 
“You still look a bit flushed,” James muses. Sirius feels the pull at his roots, knows James is twisting locks around his longer fingers like he is wont to do. It usually reduces Sirius to a puddle; now, he wants James to yank. “You sure everything’s okay? Is something bothering you?” 
Yes, Sirius thinks, gaze dropping to James’ shiny red mouth. Something is bothering me. You’re sucking on a lollipop I wish was my prick, and now I’m so horny it’s all I can think about. 
“Nah,” says Sirius. “Just, erm—a bit warm. That’s all.” 
“You can take off your shirt,” James says. He laps at the lollipop, sucks at its side for a bit. “You wear another underneath anyway. It’s not like you’ll be naked, if that’s your issue.”
“Right,” Sirius says. “Yeah.” 
James smiles at him again and puts the lollipop back in his mouth. Then, to Sirius’ grief, he takes his hand out of Sirius’ hair. 
Starts to fiddle with the buttons of Sirius’ shirt. 
“You’re hot,” James says, lisping past the lollipop between his teeth and utterly oblivious to the implication behind his own damn words. “But you weren’t about to take off your shirt, so I’m doing it for you.” 
Sirius hems, high-pitched and choked. James’ fingers are warm, brushing briefly against the bare skin at the base of Sirius’ throat before travelling down and only touching cotton. The fiddling and gentle touches spark goosebumps and, to Sirius’ complete and utter horror, pebbling nipples and an increase in the throbbing of his dick. 
Eventually, James reaches the last of the buttons and Sirius is almost relieved that it’s almost over. But then one of James’ knuckles presses briefly against Sirius’ crotch, and before Sirius can even try to lock his muscles in place, his hips jerk forward. James pauses for less than a second before he releases the final button and, without asking, slides the shirt off Sirius’ shoulders. His palms brush down Sirius’ bare arms and it takes every last inch of willpower for Sirius not to start whining. 
“I see the problem,” James murmurs, voice low and smooth like molten chocolate. He’s smiling around the lollipop, closed-mouthed and small, an intrigued tilt to one corner. 
“Do you?” Sirius whispers, shaking. 
James’ smile widens, and in pops his singular dimple. If Sirius wasn’t so utterly baffled by the lack of shock and disgust coming from James he’d have genuinely entertained the notion of kissing it. 
Then a large, veiny hand lands on Sirius’ crotch, fingers slipping under the fly and playing with the pull of the zipper. His entire body tenses, trembles, and his next breath is expelled choppily. 
“What are you doing?” 
“What do you want me to be doing, Sirius?” James asks, tilting his head in faux-curiosity. He’s stillsmiling, like this isn’t weird, like this doesn’t cross any unspoken boundaries for him. “Is it still too warm?” 
Sirius is quite certain he’s gone bright red. He nods, unable to speak. 
“Words, Sirius,” James murmurs. 
They come out breathy. “Yes, it is.” 
James’ eyes darken and the button of Sirius’ trousers pops open. The zipper is slid down, and James pauses, sugar-shiny lips pursed again, rubbing the waistband of Sirius’ trousers between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Take them off,” he says quietly, and Sirius does, scrambling to get the black wool down his arse and off his legs. 
He kicks them at the last bit, throws them aside, and turns to stare at James. James, whose gaze has apparently been caught by the erection tenting Sirius’ briefs, pupils dilated and dark eyebrows pulled together. Sirius can’t find the words he probably should say; his mind is far too busy reeling, far too busy thinking of James’ mouth and the sudden turn of events and oh fuck, this is happening—
James looks up, takes the lollipop out of his mouth, and smiles. 
“Here,” he says, and he reaches out to push the sweet against Sirius’ lips. “Take it.” 
Sirius wraps his mouth around the lollipop, ever-obedient, because there’s truly nothing he wouldn’t do if James asks nicely. It’s cherry, sickly sweet and a bit tart, bit bubblegum-esque, artificial flavouring and colouring. He sucks at it almost desperately.
Then he promptly chokes because James’ hand is on Sirius’ crotch again, pressing down, and— 
“Would you like me to suck you off?” 
Sirius closes his eyes and wonders what absolutely incredibly good thing he did to deserve something like this—his wildest dreams coming true. Tilts his hips up, so that the pressure increases. Whines. 
“Words, Sirius.” 
“Yes,” he gasps around the goddamn lollipop, blinking sluggishly and daring to take a glance at James. “Yes, yes, please, I would like that very much, I—”
James deftly shoves the briefs down until they’re caught under Sirius’ balls, tilts his head again, and grips Sirius’ prick tightly. Moves his hand up, then down. 
Sirius damn near chokes again. It’s a rough glide because of the callouses on James’ hand, dry because of the lack of lube, almost uncomfortable—but it’s the best thing he’s ever felt and his hips jerk up again. He falls back on his elbows, tilts his head to the ceiling, and moans.
James whispers something Sirius has no energy to translate. There’s a sudden wetness between James’ palm and Sirius’ prick; the next slide goes so much more smoothly, sound positively obscene. He feels the flat of James’ thumb rubbing at the head and Sirius whines, pants, collapses onto his back. 
“Oh, Sirius,” James tuts, voice low. “We’ve barely started, love.”
Heat spreads through Sirius’ veins like warmed honey, slow and viscous. His head spins a little. “Hmm.”
“Then again,” James whispers, “how much time do we have, really? Moony and Wormy can barge in at any moment. Then they’ll see us, won’t they? Maybe it’s a good thing your control is already shot—”
“James,” Sirius breathes. James has ceased to move, index finger tapping absentmindedly at a spot just below the head, and Sirius can’t fucking— “James, c’mon…”
“Or,” James continues cheekily, “you’ll burst right as they open the door. See you come all over yourself, or in my mouth, and who knows what they’ll think?” 
To his complete horror, the thought of their friends seeing him fall apart is agonisingly arousing. He can almost see the shock on their faces, the confusion, maybe the mild intrigue—Sirius’ next exhale comes out in bursts and he lifts his hips slightly, desperate for a little friction. He’s certain that the aftermath of it would be incredibly embarrassing, even if Sirius can handle the jesting, but at the moment…
Well, he might combust. 
James makes an amused little noise in the back of his throat. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” 
He moves his hand again, lightly, slowly. Sirius keens, shivering, and briefly and dazedly muses about potentially kicking James’ thigh for being annoying. Decides against it in the end, because suddenly a gust of air floats over the head of his prick, hot and damp and delightful—
“Let’s see how long you can last,” James whispers, lips brushing over sensitive skin. 
Before Sirius can so much jerk his hips he’s being swallowed down; not particularly smooth, with James’ mouth going lower in little bursts as he adapts. If Sirius focuses — something that takes an embarrassing amount of strain to do through the thick cloud of pleasure — he can feel the pressure of shallow swallowing and skin-covered teeth, the chilliness of cooling drool beginning to pool at the base of his cock. 
James’ tongue tickles him, exploratory, teasing. Sirius stuffs his fist in his mouth, bites down on his knuckles until he’s sure that any more pressure will break his skin; the moan that rumbles out from deep inside his chest sounds muffled and muted.
Then the heat disappears.
Sirius bites back a whine, lifts his head and meets James’ eyes. He’s confused and a little bit dazed and very, very turned on and wondering, almost a bit angrily, why James has stopped.
The view that greets him almost makes up for the lack of physical stimulation. James is on his knees, toned arms easily holding him up—he’s hovering right above Sirius’ weeping prick and is grinning like the devious little shit that he is, sharp teeth and full, bruised lips, pupils dilated and irises alight with heat. 
“You shouldn’t muffle all those pretty sounds, love,” he rasps, voice hoarse and low, and Sirius’ hips jerk. “I want to hear you.” 
Sirius groans, reaches out to curl his hands around one of the feet of the bed behind him, and startles so badly when James’ hot mouth surrounds his dick again that he produces a pathetic, whiny hiccup. James hums and takes him deeper, far quicker than before, hollows his cheeks and swallows and only gags a tiny bit. Perhaps Sirius, one of another life who let his arrogance and misery guide him maybe, would’ve been offended by how little James seems to be struggling—or jealous, wondering if James did this before. 
This Sirius—the one who catalogues the shades of gold and green and brown in James Potter’s irises, who marvels at the jagged curves of James Potter’s Adam’s apple, who wishes to brush the tips of his fingers over the raised veins and tendons strung across the back of James Potter’s hands… this Sirius does not give one flying fuck, actually, because James is taking him like a Merlin-damned champ and Sirius is simply melting into a puddle, becoming one with the rug, will have to be scrubbed out of the fibres by a particularly annoyed elf later today. 
It’s to be expected, anyway. He’s been waiting, got pulled into James’ orbit a month into their first year and has stayed there ever since. Sirius admired from afar but closer than most, relished in the sound of laughter, the warmth of an arm slung over his shoulders, the feeling of a knee pressed against his own. And it wasn’t like this at first, never, just felt that urge to remain close and hold on and hiss at the threat of being ripped away, but then there were growth spurts and deepening voices and then one day James smiled crookedly, ran his long fingers through Sirius’ hair and pressed his thumb against the hinge of Sirius’ jaw, and—
The tip of James’ tongue twitches, rhythmically brushes against sensitive and thin skin. It takes a momentous amount of effort to suppress the ever-mounting need to jerk his hips up, to increase the friction or lessen it or keep it going or stop it entirely, and Sirius groans deep inside his throat, muscles already starting to tense. He could sigh, dispel some of the tension, try to relax—but he wants to whine and twitch and hold himself back just barely, keep himself on that delightfully agonising edge that he was so easily dragged towards. 
Sirius is panting and his head is reeling. He can barely register the coarse braided fibres of the rug digging into his shoulder blades and pressing against the back of his head, or the end of his abandoned quill tickling his jaw; the feeling of James’mouth around him is better than he ever imagined, absolutely nothing like his own lube-slicked palm, and he can’t think of anything butJames’ mouth and the tightening of his balls and the coiled, ever-growing knot of an incoming orgasm in his belly. It’s amazing, this, the end-result — or better yet, beginning — of years of hopeful musings and months of looks and smiles and subtle talking that Sirius interpreted as casual, meaningless flirting but prayed was true and purposeful. 
This can’t possibly be just for a laugh. And even if it was, Sirius won’t ever be able to truly think of it as such. 
James makes another one of those absolutely obscene slurping noises, one thumb stroking the sharp jut of Sirius’ hip and the other stroking the base of Sirius’ cock. There’s another finger teasing Sirius’ perineum, like James is considering doing something morethan taking a dick into his mouth, and that thought – combined with one last, slightly out-of-practice swirl of the tongue – causes Sirius to tip over the edge.
His vision whitens out and his back arches as the wave of pure pleasure crests and washes over him; it feels endless, yet somehow far too short, and if he distantly registers some sort of keening groan that must come from his own throat. His fingers and legs tingle, feel like jelly, and Sirius inhales, exhales, and allows himself to jerk a little as his cock spurts. 
A long time coming, he thinks through a haze of syrupy feeling, breath stuttering in his chest and limbs lax with that temporary exhaustion of an orgasm. He’s too limp to even snigger at his own pun, can barely lift his head to look as James swallows and licks him clean from any come that leaked. He’s been wanting this for years, and dammit if it isn’t worth the wait. Sirius wants to kiss James, wants to mould his own mouth to James’, get lost in the movement and the taste and the tiny huffing breaths that always accompany a good snog. 
But James leans back upright, and as Sirius blinks at him blearily from the floor he wipes his mouth, stuffs Sirius’ prick back inside his underwear, and hands him the trousers. When Sirius simply stares, brain still full of cotton, he pats Sirius’ thigh and nods at the garment. 
“Put them on,” he murmurs. 
Sirius forces the blood back into his limbs, always listening—stumbles upright and steps into the trousers, yanks them up and over his arse and zips them up. He’s only just closed the button and sat down again when the door handle jiggles and twists. 
As their friends appear in the doorway, James leans back over his essay whilst Sirius remains leaned back on his hands, twitchy, with the breath punched out of him. Peter breezes in with a skip in his step, jumps on his bed with a satisfied sigh; Remus remains standing in the doorway, head slightly tilted to the side and eyes a bit narrowed. 
“Merlin, Pads, you look flushed,” says Peter. He snatches several textbooks and some stray bits of parchment from his bookbag, spreads the materials out over his crimson sheets. “The last time I’ve seen you this red was when we played some Quidditch last summer.” 
“During the heatwave, you mean?” Sirius drags a hand through his hair and shrugs when Peter nods. He hopes it looks effortless and casual. “Er—yeah, I’m hot.” 
“Your vanity never fails to amaze me,” Peter shoots back. He grins and fishes a quill from his bag. “It isn’t that warm in here, though.” 
“I run at high temperatures.” 
Remus steps into their dorm slowly, eyes on a quiet James before they linger on Sirius. His nostrils flare, and his eyebrows lift, and then he stalks towards his bed. His foot collides with Sirius’ as he goes. 
The behaviour doesn’t make any sense from an outsider’s perspective. But it does here, for Moony, because — and there’s an excited twist in Sirius’ gut — he can smell it. Must be even if Peter didn’t, because Peter’s sense of smell is surprisingly human, even as a rat, but Remus is not fully human, and—
“Made any progress on the essay, lads?” Remus asks, a forced casualness to his tone. “Wormy’s been nagging me about the ideal subject matter—the lazy git.” 
“Work smarter, not harder,” says Peter loftily. He’s still grinning. “Merlin forbid I start thinking, you know. It’d be over for you lot.” 
“I’m almost finished,” James says quietly, clearing his throat when his voice breaks, and Sirius bites down on the insides of his cheeks to keep himself from smiling. “Padfoot is stuck on a sentence, though.” 
Remus’ brown eyes flick between the two of them. “I can imagine.” 
James sends their friend a grin. The combination of swollen, bruised lips and straight white teeth makes it particularly roguish—there’s an edge to it, hovering between smug and daring. His eyes are like chips of flint. 
“Gave him my lollipop to cheer him up a bit,” James says cheerily. “He’ll manage, our Pads. There’s some O’s in his future. I can taste it.” 
Peter rolls his eyes exaggeratedly with a muttered, “Merlin, don’t we know it”, but Remus’ only reaction is the slight tightening of his jaw. James tilts his head, still grinning, and holds eye-contact until Remus’ gaze flicks to his bag.
“That’s nice,” he says. “Hope it helped.”
“It will,” says Sirius. Remus looks at him, and so does James, and after sharing a conspiratorial look with the latter Sirius gives the former a fat wink. “I’ll return the favour when he needs it.”
It’s a delight to see James’ cheeks flush red from his peripheral. 
Yeah, Sirius thinks, stomach constricting pleasantly. I’ll return the favour, absolutely. 
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