#apocalypse nigh universe
aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hi there! First off, thank you so much for y’all’s work here on Tumblr, def one of my main sources of fic recs.
I read Summer’s End by FeralTuxedo a while ago (lovely rec) and am definitely back in my TLOU-apocalyptic-setting-with-a-moody-but-calm/nature-esk-atmosphere-and-character-centred-plot era again. I just genuinely enjoyed the specific atmosphere that the apocalyptic setting gives works. Anyway, that being said, I would love any recs that would fit that kind of vibe (I would prefer less smut since I skip over it but honestly as long as it isn’t specifically plot-relevant its fine lol also not TOO much angst please, I cant deal with Az or Crow actually dying or something like that unless it is done in a comforting way).
ps: on a more specific request, if y’all know of any GO fics inspired by TLOU I would greatly appreciate recs (look, Bill and Frank’s episode in the tv adaptation is screaming to be written as a fic with Az and Crow instead- Bill and Frank’s deaths are wht I mean by deaths done in a comforting way I suppose, haha).
Wow, this is a long request, so sorry. Thank you so much for reading, have a great day and happy new year!
Hello! Pretty sure we've recommended almost all of these before, but there aren't loads of this kind of fic (and I could find no The Last of Us specific fics)...
Dead Genres by A_plus_platypus (T)
The end is nigh when a zombie virus ravages the world. Luckily, there is hope yet in the form of pharmaceutical scientist Anthony "Just Crowley" Crowley. With his adopted younger brother Adam, his other three kids The Them, and English teacher Aziraphale Fell, he searches for the fated military base in Tadfield. There, they — along with the rest of the world — have a chance at survival. And also Crowley is a disaster, and Aziraphale is a disaster, and everyone needs a hot cup of tea.
what's to come by PepperPrints, restlesslikeme (M)
Post-Apocalyptic AU. Even without the Antichrist, both Heaven and Hell insist on Armageddon. Aziraphale is missing and Crowley sets out to find him, driving through a scorched Earth with a witch in his passenger seat.
is there anybody out there? by theycallmeDernhelm (E)
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. England has been overrun by walking corpses, everything's gone to hell, and the few survivors are scattered- among them, Crowley and his 11-year-old son Warlock. When Crowley's radio signal is unexpectedly picked up by another group of survivors, he finds himself falling, in a way he never thought he'd fall again, for the charming and kindly Aziraphale. Over three seasons and a tenuous radio connection, a romance develops between them, while a friendship grows between Warlock and Aziraphale's nephew Adam. Love isn't dead (or undead) after all.
Ouroboros Forever and One by iblankedonmyname (T)
An AU where the Apocalypse-Definitely-Did, Aziraphale is a cowboy and Crowley is on a mission from God to reboot the universe. “God gave you, a demon, a mission?” Aziraphale snaps his glass onto the table. “Millions of angels at Her disposal, and yet…” His eyes are sparkling again. It’s more refreshing than a glass of tequila in a waterless land. “You?” His eyes slip from Crowley’s toes up to the top of his head. “Well, I am certainly surprised.”
Zombie Apocalypse by AppleSeeds (T)
When a meteor strikes Earth carrying a virus that can 'turn people into zombies', Aziraphale finds himself responsible for a group of frightened teenagers at an airbase-turned-hospital in Tadfield. Aziraphale is terrified, but experiences some relief when the teens introduce him to Crowley, who has a plan to get them all to safety. When things don't exactly go according to plan and with the zombies closing in, Aziraphale must face his fears in order to protect the children from becoming infected.
My Favorite Ghost by cassieoh_draws, DiminishingReturns (T)
Decades after the world didn’t end, Heaven and Hell got their war — and nearly destroyed everything in the process. When Aziraphale finally manages to reacquire a corporation and return to Earth, he discovers he was gone longer than he thought and the planet has become unrecognizable. As he searches for Crowley and tries to figure out how he fits in a world that Heaven, Hell, and God have all wiped their hands of, nature works around him to reclaim the bones of an old civilization as the scraps of humanity build a new one. A lush and optimistic post-apocalypse story, told from the POV of an immortal who can't let go of the past.
And the one you mentioned...
Summer's End by FeralTuxedo (E)
2095. Britain is a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by droughts, the collapse of civilisation, and hordes of the undead. Despite that, Aziraphale’s life is actually pretty good. He has his caravan, his books, and his work, offering his services to the men who stop by Tadfield on their arduous journey north. One day, a mysterious stranger knocks on his door. Crowley is charming and handsome and he appears to know his way around a vegetable garden. He comes with the tempting offer of a mutually beneficial arrangement. But it’s in Aziraphale’s best interest not to get too attached. A dystopian cottagecore sex worker AU.
- Mod D
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quantumcartography · 7 months
Something about tlt modern aus that I think is fascinating is that it underlines just how fucking at odds Harrows in-universe aesthetic would be with her real world counterpart/inspiration
Like we all love Harrows ultra goth witchy bone focused all black ultra black shaved head vibe and all the modern au fan art I see rightfully carries that through but the religion of the Ninth House is essentially an apocalypse cult that worships something that is the death of God so the modern au equivalent is honestly most like some sect of Adventist Christianity or Jehovah's Witnesses who believe that the end is nigh
A modern au Harrow that fits that ideology then would be some hawk faced, straight laced, 20 something who has long black hair she keeps covered, wearing exclusively simply made skirts and long sleeve shirts to cover arms and shoulders and ankles that is saving herself for marriage but refuses every marriage proposal because she feels "her heart hasn't heard the lords call to them" and she secretly runs the whole of her congregation for her pastor father
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goodqueenaly · 6 months
How do you think Melisandre will react when she discovers that Stannis isn't actually Azor Ahai reborn? What about the Queen's Men?
Perhaps the better question to ask - although it might amount to about the same thing - is what Melisandre and the Queen’s men (not to mention Selyse herself, and Shireen) will do as TWOW opens - namely, in light of both the bombshell news (or purported news) from the pink letter that Stannis is (again, supposedly) dead, as well as the assassination of Jon. If, as Ramsay’s letter to Jon so bluntly asserted, Ramsay had slain Stannis after seven days of battle, then the hopes of both Melisandre and the Queen’s men might seem, perhaps to use an apt turn of phrase, snuffed out: Stannis obviously could not be the hero chosen by R’hllor to save the world if he was already dead, and at the hands of so mundane and temporal an enemy as Roose Bolton’s bastard son. That Stannis isn’t in fact dead, as I very much believe is the case, does not really matter; so far as anyone at the Wall knows, the would-be apocalyptic champion of the Lord of Light is currently lying dead in the snows around Winterfell.
Melisandre, in her sole chapter, had already faced the trouble of vague portentous guidance on Stannis as Azor Ahai. More to the point, Melisandre had also already received at least some indication via her fiery visions that the identity of Azor Ahai was indisputably linked to Jon Snow. Consequently, I think she may realize or believe she now understands, as TWOW opens, that she had been focusing on the wrong person as Azor Ahai. Stannis was clearly not “the Lord’s chosen, the warrior of fire”, as she put it to Davos, since the apocalypse was still nigh; clearly, what R’hllor was trying to tell her was that the person to look for was Jon. Now, the fact that Jon had also recently been killed may not seem as big a stumbling block to Melisandre as it might objectively, in terms of the identity of a universal savior; Melisandre may not have ever brought anyone back from the dead (so far as we know), but as Thoros and Moqorro demonstrate, the ability of R’hllor’s priests (and presumably priestesses) to defy even death in the name of their god is a substantial power indeed. I have a feeling Melisandre is going to move quickly to return Jon to the land of the living via her fire magic (with the unconscious bonus, perhaps, of having Jon’s “soul” still be preserved in his wolf in the interim).
As far as the queen’s men go, the death of Stannis may seem more like a political tragedy than a cosmic one. The true devotion of the queen’s men to R’hllor is a mixed bag: some truly converts to the new religion (like young Devan Seaworth), some devoted only for the cruelty the exercise of that religion allows (like Clayton Suggs), and some converts only in name (like the late Alester Florent). However, whether or not any given pro-Stannis aristocrat at the Wall feels a sense of cosmological devastation at the news of Stannis’ (supposed) death, all of them would know that their political prospects were now far from certain. In the patriarchal, misogynistic world of Westerosi politics generally, a preteen girl might have a very hard time asserting herself as queen in her own right; as a result, the queen’s men at the Wall might be pretty uncertain about what to do without the strong male warrior-king figure of Stannis behind whom they could rally.
And of course, that’s without the immediate problems at the Wall overtaking them all as well. Jon’s assassination was the acme of a chaotic day at the Wall: not only had Jon dropped his bombshell news regarding the letter from Ramsay, his planned march on Winterfell, and the planned mission to Hardhome, but Ser Patrek had taken the opportunity to challenge Wun Wun the giant to seize Val - which ended about as much as anyone might have expected. With Jon murdered out in the open, the Wall is going to be, to put it bluntly, a mess: anti-Jon conspirators with his blood quite literally still on their hands, pro-Jon brothers potentially retaliating against those conspirators, queen’s men rushing about to rescue and/or avenge Ser Patrek from Wun Wun, free folk realizing that their pseudo-leader at the Wall is now dead. Any questions of Stannis’ death, and the apparent failure of him to be Azor Ahai, may be subsumed in something like a miniature civil war breaking out at the Wall, and them being caught in it.
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shapeshiftersvt · 6 months
Here's the thing about the Mothman. Even though he scared the ever-living shit out of the people who saw him, the speculation around him has become, over the years, actually very kind. What if he's only here to help? What if he's trying to warn us about impending disaster? What if that horrible feeling you got that something wasn't right, what if that was the Mothman telling you to look out, be careful, danger is coming, doom is nigh?
It's one thing to be a harbinger of doom; there are apparitions of ghostly black dogs all over the world that will give you that, red eyes and all. It's another to have one who actually means well.
I'm going to be an Old Queer for a minute, now, and talk about gay politics in the USA as I watched it over the past thirty years. My experience is my own; my history is shared, but not universal. Sound off in a reblog if you saw it happen differently. I want your story, too.
There’s a certain line the right wing in this country likes to use against The Gays, one I’ve heard since I was a small child. It goes: queer people are threatening our way of life. Queer people are the pebbles that start the avalanche of apocalypse, the collapse of civilization as we know it. If marriage becomes something other than Man + Woman, or if Man and Woman become something other than we think they are, then we will lose everything we know and love.
The rise of the Respectable Gay in the 1990s was a pushback against this. “See,” cried Degeneres and Savage and all the rest, “see how we’re so very normal? We want to get married and buy a house and have 2.1 kids and a white picket fence. Our marriage doesn’t threaten yours. How could it? We’re just normal, ordinary, white, moderately wealthy, people. We're like you."
This move shifted the narrative across the 90s and 00s. Homosexuality was officially decriminalized in '03, and we got gay marriage in 2015, and every year in between there was another Influential Gay Person saying "I just want to get married, that's all." There were even commercials about it, remember? “Gay marriage is just like yours. Only gayer.”
But... in the mid-2010s this was already wearing thin. Transgender people, gender non-conforming people, gays who didn’t go in for two-person marriage, everyone in the greater LGBTQ+ umbrella who had thrown their support behind gay marriage and waited our turn to get our rights; we'd all been mobilizing, too. We'd been putting together our own coalitions, under the aegis of the greater umbrella or not. And, here's the crux: we were, in fact, threatening the right-wing Christian ways of life. Just by existing in public, by talking and writing and performing and living our lives during the Transgender Tipping Point, trans and non-binary people like me were challenging the foundational definitions of Man and Woman as exclusive, all-encompassing categories of humanity.
It wasn't just the right, either. Straight liberals who were totally on board with gay marriage would look at us and say, "um, wait, really? Really, like that? Do you have to?" The discomfort was palpable. This was my experience with my own family; they were fine with me dating and getting married, but a new set of pronouns was forcing something on them. It was hurting something intrinsic to their identities. It was, in a very real way, threatening them.
I'm happy and grateful to say that most of them learned to discard the parts of their own foundations that excluded me from existence. This is rarely easy for anyone. I'm honestly proud of those members of my family who have learned to look the Mothman in the eyes, so to speak, and think, "He's just here to help."
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("Pop your hood up," I told this model, "and look at them. They should see their impending death in your eyes."
Layton is an incredible model, a great human, and they know and love the Mothman. They knew exactly what I meant.)
It can be awful, sometimes. When I'm unapologetically myself in public, I can walk past a line of protesters at Planned Parenthood and see the hostility rise up, the anger and revulsion and fear. And I do think it is fear, at the core of it. I think something in them knows that I'm just one of 2.6 million transgender people out here, living my life, casually being a harbinger of their doom.
Next time they come to Brattleboro, I ought to greet them with red glasses and a twelve-foot wingspan.
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steddieunderdogfics · 8 months
[challenge monday feb. 5] “Periapsis” by quenchycactus. part 2 of a series (part 1 can already be found on this blog). read this for really intense and prolonged yearning backdropped by the apocalypse. so so good. i think people would really love this series
Periapsis by quenchycactus
Rating: Mature
16,924 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Season/Series 04, Post-Season/Series 04, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, max is alive but she is in her coma, continued hand-waving approaches to hawkins post gate opening, Surprise Kissing, Sexuality Crisis, eddie munson being personally victimized by steve Going Through It, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, eddie is arguably having a worse time with this than steve, local gay having THE worst apocalypse, Mild Sexual Content, Hand Jobs, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, trauma from almost being torn to shreds?, emotional torture because your crush can't deal with his nascent bisexuality?, We Got It All
Periapsis: the point on an orbit closest to the attracting body These are the immutable facts: the end is nigh. Eddie loves Steve. And he’ll spend the rest of his life waiting.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was find fics with under 100 kudos.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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autisticsupervillain · 5 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
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Aradia Megido vs Darth Caedus!
God-Tier Aradia.
Jacen Solo's newly unlocked "flow walking" abilities get the attention of Aradia Megido, who worries that the Sith Lord's new time travel abilities could allow him to mess up the timeline. Darth Caedus refuses to let anyone, time goddess or not, stand in his way.
Analysis: Aradia
Time. The endless circle that drives all of creation forward. The primordial Aspect of inevitability and fate. Things are born. They live. They die. Time is a spirograph, made up of endless cycles. A complex machine that creates a spectacular explosion when its cycles are undone.
Aradia Megido was once a cog in this machine. A slave to inevitability. It's machniations changed her from a cheery girm with terrifying hobbies, into an apathetic servant. A Maid whose only interest was serving Time.
Aradia first died as a result of a gruesome cycle of revenge. After Vriska Serket tossed Aradia's close friend Tavros off of a cliff, Aradia got even by plaguing Serket with the ghosts of her pervious victims. In reply, Vriska mind controlled Aradia's boyfriend Sollux and had him vaporize her entirely.
This brutal demise, as well as the prophecies of an inevitable apocalypse that her ghost friends shared with her, evaporated Aradia's once cheery demeanor, turning her into a cold, emotionless cynic who soulless obeyed Time's every whim so that the timeline could be preserved. Her resurrection into a robot did little to help her disposition, especially since the guy that built the body tried to program her into falling in love with him, which soured any positive feelings she could have had for her new body.
When Aradia and all her friends were given the opportunity to become Gods of the new universe, thanks to a magically game called SGRUB, Time and Fate had to ruin that for her too, as Aradia had to actively keep her friends from becoming God-Tier and manipulate the whole game from the background just to keep the rules of fate from declaring her timeline void and wiping her from existence. There was an upside to this situation though, aside from the cool Time powers. Aradia was given an opportunity to hand Vriska her smug, manipulative ass, which was doubtlessly cathartic.
It wasn't until Aradia died... again, that she got given a new perspective on life. Because her dream self happened to die on her Quest Bed, Aradia was revived as a fully realized Maid of Time. A literal God of Time. She was done being Time's puppet and she was tired of bowing to Fate's whims. Aradia was free, truly alive for the first time in her life, and she was going to see just how much havoc she could wreak on the timeline.
Even before becoming a God, Aradia was easily one of the most powerful Players in the entire game. Capable of manipulating time to an extent, Aradiabot could summon hundreds of herself at will from all across the timeline, making her a giant walking army. Scaling off of Dave's capabilities, she should potentially be capable of creating billions of time clones, as Dave was able to create enough time clones to create and manage a planet wide corporation staffed entirely by himself. Even after becoming a God herself, Vriska freely admitted that she was no match for Aradiabot, which takes some doing on Serket's part, given her ego.
As a God-Tier, Aradia's powers are magnified greatly. Not only is she now able to stop time at her leisure, but she's capable of competing even with First Guardians, or those fused with them. These God-like, nigh-omniscient beings are tasked with protecting their assigned planet so that the Players who will be born on it can one day play SBURB and create the next universe. To this end, they are directly linked to the First Sun, providing them with an immeasurable amount of power.
Case in point, Doc Scratch was once caught between two exploding universes and was completely... unscrathed (ba-dum-tish)... well, not counting his severed leg, but that's from a prior injury, not the blast. Moreover, universes in Homestuck are noted to contain infinite timelines and possibilities within them, making them more akin to infinitely sized multiverses. And Aradia is shown to generally be comparable to such beings. Not only is she able to hold back Bec Noir with her time stop, but she should comparable to Dave Strider, a fellow Time Player God-Tier with several of the same abilities, who could hold off both Bec Noir and Peregrine Mendicant, albiet temporarily.
Hell, the fact that she can react to Bec at all speaks wonders for her spead. Scaling off of a God-Tiered Rose Lalonde, Bec should be fast enough to travel along the entire surface of the Green Sun, which is the size of several universes. Being able to traverse an infinite amount of distance like this in a finite amount of time would grant most God-Tiers an infinite amount of speed, but even discounting that, being able to move in the Furthest Ring like that at all is crazy. The Furthest Ring is a higher dimensional location where time and space function nonlinearly. In order to move through space, you must also move through time in that same direction. This is why Aradia was needed to push the meteor into the Furthest Ring, moving would be completely impossible in it otherwise. Imagine being so fast, you can move a certain direction through time. Imagine moving so fast, you win a race one second before it started. That's how fast Homestuck God-Tiers would have to be to move through the Furthest Ring at all.
This just makes Aradia's Time Stop more impressive by extension. She can Time Stop people who can move Faster Than Time. Well... kinda. Aradia herself admitted that she can't keep Bec frozen forever and that she would eventually die if she didn't get out of her predicament. So, she timed the moment she let Bec go just right so that she would collide with him the split second his body became a portal to the Green Sun. This shows that she has a keen tactical mind even without Fate pulling her strings.
At her absolute strongest, Aradia could even briefly harm and even time stop Lord English, the Lord of Time himself. A being so powerful, he threatened to destroy the entire 6 dimensional multiverse of Homestuck.
I'll say again. Aradia fought a being who had absolute control over all of time... and could freeze him in time.
And finally, she gets all the benefits that regular God-Tiers and Players do. Including a Hammerspace video game inventory, a leveling system that insures she gets stronger just by doing random things, and conditional immortality that protects her from aging and dying so long as her Death isn't Heroic or Just. Meaning, so long as she didn't die whilst doing something Heroic or something that means her death was justified, she will come back from anything short of complete existence erasure on the very conceptual level or if the clock meant to decide her fate is broken. She's also a master with the whip, but given everything else about her, she hardly needs it.
Time is the Aspect of inevitability. That's why it's inevitable that this Time Player will easily kick your fucking ass.
Analysis: Darth Caedus
If there is one thing that could possibly explain who Jacen Solo became when he grew up, it is war. Born to the legendary heroes of the Republic Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. He'd spend much of his early years getting abducted by imperial remnants and enemy factions of all stripes as the New Republic struggled to pull itself together. As a thirteen year old, he'd begin his training at Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Praxeum, spending most of his time fighting off Dark Jedi and lingering Sith Remnants. Jacen Solo didn't have the privilege of a peaceful upbringing, but despite that, he found a way to prosper. It was during these young years he'd meet the woman he'd later marry, Princess Tenel Ka Djo. Becoming Luke Skywalker's apprentice at age fifteen, it seemed that Jacen's lofe, despite its rocky start, was shaping up to be a good one.
That all changed when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked.
A proud warrior race that used bio-organic technology and existed outside of the Force, the Vong invaded the galaxy brutally, attacking without mercy. Due to existing outside of the Force, the Vong were immune to any attack a Jedi might throw at them, allowing their conquest to render planets desolate and cost trillions of lives.
Jacen lost his younger brother Anakin on the front lines and was captured not long after. He spent a year in captivity, tortured in ways unimaginable for over a year. They called it the Embrace of Pain, a device that specifically read the synapses of its target to trigger their pain receptors in whatever way the target finds most unbearable. Most sentient life dies from shock within seconds of exposure. Jacen held out for months.
Ultimately, Jacen would save the galaxy from the Vong threat. He would fuse with the entirety of the Force, become one with it to become a living god, and use that power to destroy the puppet master behind the war once and for all. Like his parents before him, Jacen Solo would save the galaxy.
Despite his victory, despite being the shinning becon of hope for the galaxy, Jacen would be troubled the events of his childhood for the rest of his. He was going to be a father. He had a family now and a duty to protect the entire galaxy. Could he allow his daughter to grow up in a galaxy has fractured and war torn as he had? Leave her at risk to the criminals and fascists he had to fight as a teenager? Could he risk the galaxy being invaded again from nowhere so that his family could experience the same loss and pain that he had. No.
Jacen Solo had spent his developing years being kidnapped, tortured, and made to fight in wars. He had lost his closest friends and family to violence. He had lost his mind to torture. He would not allow that same fate to befall his children. His family. His galaxy. Not again.
He would unite the galaxy in an empire of love. Create a world where every sapient being would love each other so deeply as to be considered family to each other, never to be torn apart again and united against any outside threat. A time of peace under his careful eyes.
His family wouldn't see it his way, of course, so Jacen would need outside help. He'd go to the Dark Lady Lumiya to learn the ways of the Sith. And to prove to himself he would let nothing get in his way, he murdered his Aunt Mara Jade Skywalker and named himself Darth Caedus.
Driven by paranoia and trauma, Caedus ensured he'd be prepared for every situation before beginning his invasion. Beyond the standard Sith Saber, with slightly higher cutting power due to its synthetic crystals, Caedus carries poison dart launchers on his gloves, turning his victim's immune system against them to kill them in seconds, a vibro blade shiv, and a blaster pistol hidden beneath his armor. Caedus spent five years traveling the outskirts of the galaxy to learn even the most obscure pieces of force lore that he could. From such sources, Cadeus mastered practices that most would consider to be... unnatural.
Caedus had the standard range of lightning, telekinesis, and tekepathy, allowing him to dominate minds and communicate from across the galaxy. Caedus is capable of casting powerful illusions, receiving visions of the future mid combat as far as thousands of years in advance (only worsening his paranoia), and create fire from nothing by telekinetically moving air molecules. He's liable to throw star ships around from space mid combat or crush your organs directly as needed, down to causing permanent brain damage by rupturing an artery in the brain.
Slightly more esoteric abilities include erasing people's memories or forcing them to relieve them mid combat, making his aura so small he becomes nearly invisible, creating blinding flashes of light, paralyzing people by electrocuting their nerves, absorbing energy attacks on the level of starship canons, and the Shatterpoint ability. Shatterpoint allows him to see the fault lines in an enemy or object, allowing him strike where a target is most vulnerable, from shattering metals with light taps to kill people in one shot.
Caedus has even mastered powers that no one else has ever used before. With Sever Force, can surround a target in so much Dark Side energy that they're cut off from the force completely, effectively depowering them, potentially permanently if he keeps it up for a long time. He can understand any language he hears automatically, track people through the force by spraying them with his blood, teleport at will, can make himself radioactive to fool lie detectors(?), and can predict the weather(??). But, most impressively of all are his time travel abilities.
By entering a deep meditative state known as flow walking, Darth Caedus can travel back in time and manipulate the past to a minor degree. He wanted to watch Peepaw Vader dice up the younglings during Order 66. Yeah.
In a dual, Caedus is unmatched by all but the mightiest. He defeated Mara Jade by distracting her with a vision of her son before poisoning her, defeated Battlemaster Kyle "I beat dragons to death with my fists" Katarn alongside several other Jedi at once, and gave a very good fight against Grandmaster Luke himself. Even getting choped up by his sister Jaina Solo didn't slow him down much as he just got himself a prosthetic knee and... never actually did anything about his missing hand because he didn't want to be out of commission during a war. So he's just missing a hand now.
Darth Caedus is one of the strongest Sith Lords who ever lived. The fandom may shout heresy for saying it, but... he's possibly even stronger than Palpatine himself.
Palpatine at his strongest was powerful enough to create force storms that could potentially wipe out the universe and did severe damage to the fifth dimensional space known as Hyperspace, where starships travel to beat lightspeed.
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Luke Skywalker back then was just a bit weaker than Palpatine and needed a boost from Leia to fully overpower him. Now, decades later, and Caedus himself is juuuuuuuust weaker than Luke after he'd gotten stronger than back then several times over. ...Yeah, I think that's a fair assessment to say Caedus beats Palpatine.
What's more, is that Luke by this point can access the Realm Beyond Shadows, a sixth dimensional space that transcends all of time, including in Hyperspace. In effect, Luke can fight six dimensional beings and move in a place where time does not exist and Caedus is only just weaker than him.
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Despite being basically a force god, Caedus is at heart still a traumatized soldier acting out of irrational paranoia. He's been known to get quick to frustrate and violent when things go wrong, his actions have alienated himself from everyone he ever loved, and he can no longer become a physical god by becoming one with the Force.
In the end, Caedus would lose his life in a climactic final dual with Jaina. He had the opportunity to force a stalemate, cut Jaina down as he fell... but his family would die if he did not intervene. Using the last of his strength, Jacen Solo saved his wife and daughter as his sister cut him down.
No matter who he might've become later in life... Jacen Solo had once saved the galaxy.
...He's Legends Kylo Ren. lol
Throwdown Breakdown:
Oh, god, how to break this one down. Aradia's a time hax god but Caedus is just a fucking wall of it.
Both should be roughly even with slight strength advantage to Aradia. Both can fight faster than time, but Aradia can fight a full on six dimension buster rather than just a six dimension being.
Now, Aradia's ability to resist even Vriska's mind control abilities should make her about able to handle Caedus's mind hax, so he can't just wave his hands and make her forget he exists. He does however, have a fuck ton of powers that he can fuck her up with.
Shatterpoint and force crush are the big ones, allowing him to simply crush he organs with a thought, but even just his poison darts can be devastating. The issue is actually keeping Aradia dead. Due to the morally neutral conditions of the fight (doomed timeline would mean Aradia herself doesn't exist anymore, so selfish motivation there) and Aradia's complete lack of knowledge on Caedus, God-Tier immortality would kick in unless Caedus were to force her to act heroic or villainously in the fight somehow. While it's not impossible for this to happen on its own, without any knowledge of how God-Tier immortality works, Caedus would not know how to make this happen, forcing him to settle for incapacitation.
Luckily, Caedus has the means to do this, either by paralyzing lightning or by force crushing Aradia's spine, both of which are in character. The issue on that front is he'd have to do that to all of her, thanks to endless time clones.
Aradia can freely create or summon countless alternate versions of herself, leaving the Dark Lord fighting thousands of Aradias at once. With every Aradia he cripples, five more will take her place. Sever Force won't nullify Aradia's powers as while Caedus can cut people off from the Force, cutting people off from the Primordial Concept of Time is a bit of a harder sell. As for Flow Walking, Aradia's own time travel is far superior, as she can do it on command without meditation.
Caedus cannot counter time stop, but his insane endurance could allow him to tank up most of the damage he takes during it. He opened his final dual with Jaina after getting stabbed in the gut by her lightsaber and kept on swinging. Anyone who can survive the embrace of pain isn't going down to anything short of a decapitation.
The specific limitations of Aradia's time travel keep her from traveling back to prevent Jacen from becoming Caedus in the first place, as doing so would doom the timeline and erase her. No one has quick win options here. This is about who wears down first.
All that being said, I think Aradia has this. Jacen wins if he can cripple but not kill every single Aradia in the fight before she can makd more time clones, where Aradia wins just by killing or incapacitating Caedus at all. Time Stop gives her ample time to do this while Caedus will be fighting an uphill battle against an ever growing army as he wears down.
Make no mistake, Caedus's insane endurance, high skill level, and sheer wall of hax make him an uphill opponent regardless and he will not go down quickly. This will be a marathon fight as Caedus continues to demolish an ever regrowing army with every trick he had. When Darth Caedus falls, he'll land on top of a mountain of Aradia corpses, but he will fall regardless.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Aradia Megido!
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Falling Down
Relationship(s): Gabriel & Cordell Walker, Cordell Walker & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Emily Walker & Dean Winchester
Tags/Warnings: Episode: s05e22 Swan Song, Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Crossover, Major Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort
Summary: Alternate Universe where all 3 brothers go down into the pit. Sam, Cordell, Adam. Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel.
Part 3 of Walkernatural Extras
Written for @juneofdoom prompt 12- Grief
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Gabriel always knew this day would come. From the moment God brought him into existence, this had been part of the Plan. The endgame of the Grand Story. No matter how much Gabriel tried to ignore it, to pretend the party could just go on forever, he knew the apocalypse was nigh.
You okay in there?
It amazed him how quickly Cordell had become attuned to him.
I’m fine. But It is happening.
Oh. Do we need to do something?
Gabriel wished there was something they could do. But this was Ordained. The big prize fight was happening whether they liked it or not. Their brothers would fight. One side would win, the other would die. And that was the end.
Never knew you to be a pessimist.
You saying you want to fight against destiny?
No. But if my brother is fighting, I don’t want him going in alone.
Well. Gabriel wasn’t going to argue with logic like that.
Fine. Make sure Emily knows where you’re going. I hate it when she yells at me.
Letting Gabriel fly always left him a little off-kilter when they landed, but that wasn’t the only reason Cordell felt uneasy as he stepped into the graveyard.
This was It. The endgame. The prizefight. The ultimate battle between Heaven and Hell. Two sets of brothers, trapped in a maze that they either couldn’t escape or just didn’t know how.
He felt a charge in the air as he turned toward the center of the cemetery. They hadn’t landed too far from the main event. As much as Cordell would rather be right in the middle, trying everything to stop this, there was some kind of energy keeping them from directly interfering. Even as he walked closer, he could feel the push. He was forced to stop a few yards away.
There they stood. Dean. Sam and Lucifer. Michael and Adam. Cordell and Gabriel. Two sets of brothers, standing at the four points of a compass. It was almost like fate.
“You have no business here, Gabriel,” Lucifer sneered. “Why don’t you run off and play some more games with the hairless apes?”
“What? I’m not allowed to play in the reindeer games anymore.” Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I only disappeared for a millenia.”
“That’s long enough for you to lose your stake in the game,” Michael said firmly. “You have no place here. Take Dean and leave us to our business.”
“Yeah, not happenin’,” Dean snorted. “I’m not leaving my brother alone.”
“Neither am I,” Gabriel and Cordell said.
“You really do irritate me,” Lucifer stated, glaring at Dean. “If I wasn’t about to burn this world, I would take the time to teach you a lesson. But-”
“Hey! Assbutt!”
Castiel appeared almost out of nowhere and launched a molotov cocktail at Michael, who burst into holy flame.
Lucifer turned his fury on the rogue angel. “Did you just burn my brother?”
Before Castiel could even formulate a response, Lucifer snapped and burst him into pieces. His rage then turned to Dean. “You planned that, didn’t you?” he sneered. “Filthy little mud monkey!”
He lunged at Dean, raising his fist and raining hell down on the eldest Winchester. “You really think you stand a chance against me? The end of this story was written long ago and you are not the hero you thought you were.”
Cordell tried to run forward, but Gabriel held him still. “Let me go,” he hissed.
There’s no helping Dean now. Let him go.
Cordell struggled to regain control of his legs as Dean struggled under Lucifer’s rage.
Then, all of a sudden, it stopped.
Son of a bitch. He really did it.
Cordell watched Lucifer’s fist fall. Then he heard his brother’s voice. “It’s okay, Dean,” Sam said. “I’ve got him.” He turned toward Cordell. “I got him.”
He threw down the key to the Cage and the ground opened up next to him. He held out his arms, waiting to fall as a strong wind whirled from out of the Pit.
Cordell whipped his head around and saw Michael. The archangel was pissed and running toward Sam. “No!” He gripped Sam’s lapels and tried to drag him back from the edge. But Sam was determined and kept pulling against him.
In a blink, Cordell was there, grasping onto him too. “Don’t,” he whispered, trying to pull his brother to safety.
Sam shook his head. “You have to let me go,” he pleaded. “I-I have to fix this. Please.”
“No, it doesn’t have to be this way.”
“It’s too late.” Sam smiled sadly. “It’s okay, really. You’ll be okay.”
Then he jumped.
Michael held on. Cordell held on. Lucifer screamed. Sam closed his eyes. Adam hid away from it all. Gabriel tried to pull them all back, using the full strength of his wings to try and save them from Hell-
Then the ground closed behind them.
And they all fell down.
Dean stared at the ground for hours. The Earth had been torn in two around the edge of the Pit of Hell. Then his entire family jumped in it. Now, the Earth was whole again, not even a scar to memorialize the damage.
Castiel helped him to his feet. “Sam saved the world, Dean,” he said, probably attempting to soothe him. “A miracle happened on this day.”
Dean wished he could believe that.
What he really didn’t understand was why Henry had been there. Why Gabriel had been there. He could maybe believe in a show of solidarity, a last ditch effort to try to fix what couldn’t be saved. He could almost admire that. He could appreciate Cordell trying to make up for ditching them all those years ago.
But now they were gone. A grand sacrifice that never needed to be made.
And Dean was left behind to pick up the pieces.
“I have to go,” he said eventually. “I-I gotta tell his family. They need to know.” He leaned on Baby as he made his way to the driver’s seat.
He couldn’t even deliver a body for them to burn.
He made the 10 hour drive in 7 hours. He pulled up in front of the perfect suburban house and trudged up to the front door.
He expected Emily to scream. To cry. To slap him and shove him out the door. Hell, he wouldn’t blame her for getting her shotgun.
Instead, she hugged him and invited him to dinner. She kept her smile on for the rest of the day, making her kids laugh and trying to make Dean feel at home.
It wasn’t until the sun went down and the kids were sound asleep that she fell apart. It was like a switch flipped as soon as no one immediately needed her. One moment she was impossibly fine, the next, she was falling into Dean’s arms.
“Why?” she asked. “Why him? Why didn’t Gabriel stop him? Why- Just- Why?”
Dean held her and wished he still had a God to pray to. “I’m sorry.”
Emily buried her head in Dean’s chest and sobbed. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” she whispered between hiccups.
“I don’t know. But I’m here,” he promised. It wasn’t enough, but he had to try.
He did promise Sam he’d go on without him. And Cordell’s kids needed a father.
Dean could try. He owed them that much.
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d0rky-0utfits · 2 years
Fandoms and other stuff i like
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Fandoms I'm apart of 👍
Anna and the apocalypse
Black butler
Camp camp ✨
Casper's scare school
cirque du freak
Clone high
Dan Vs
Dexter's laboratory
Drak pack
Drawn together
Glitch techs
Gravedale high ✨
Gravity falls
Hazbin hotel
Hellsing ✨
Helluva boss
Hey good lookin'
Hi Score Girl
I hate fairyland
Inside job
Invader zim ✨
Jjba ✨
Johnny Bravo
Knd ✨
Kotaro lives alone
Lost in oz
Mad god
Maximum ride
Mha (kinda)
Moral Orel
Pecola ✨
Re-animator ✨
Santa Clarita Diet
School for vampires ✨
Scooby Doo mystery incorporated
Smiling friends
Sweet tooth
Strange hill high ✨
Steven universe ✨
Super crooks
The adventure zone
The boys
The house
The lost boys
The midnight gospel
The office
Total Drama
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Vampire in the garden
Welcome to eltingville
Wendell and wild
Video games I like 👍
Animal crossing
Anything Mario related
Battleblock theater
Cats are liquid
Crk (idk much about new cookies)
Fnf (not including mods)
Little misfortune
Little nightmares
Nintendo as a whole
Sally face
Sonic and the black knight
Sonic colors
Starfox (only for Wolf)
The end is nigh(still gotta finish the game)
Music I like 👍
Stray cats
Studio killers
Patrick wolf
The smiths
The cure
Mother Mother
Jack stauber
Rabbit junk
Marina and the diamonds
That handsome devil
The correspondents
Fever the ghost
Machine girl
Lemon demon
Tikkle Me
Oingo boingo
Extra/random stuff I like 👍
Mothman/other devious creatures
anything animatronic related(like the rae)
Posic related stuff
Wendy Williams ✨
Spilling the milk ✨
[will slowly update]
DNI-proshippers,zoophiles,maps,terfs,homophobes, transabled,transage,trans racial
Kinda random but for the love of God do not talk to me about season 2 episode 11 of sfv. I refuse to talk about that episode we don't mention that episode here. you know what that never happened that episode never happened. If you mention the episode I will remind you that it was probably a dream and that it never happened.
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Anyways have fun✨
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for telling them
(OCS, followup to AITA FOR WANTING ULTIMATE POWER (I think that was the name?), 💎☠️ for ID)
I (forgot, 26? M) have uh, have been locked in this-this room for, uh, maybe years now? They won't tell me what year it is. I don't, uh, I don't even remember what year it was when they took me! Uh, but, anyways, they took me because I have the, the, uh, the ability to communicate with this, uh, eldritch? Ancient entity that appears as a, a, uh, big-ass crystal- that damn crystal, no, no, shut up shut up, I'm trying to- stupid fucking rock- uh, but, but it broke a while back, million pieces and- and oh god... not again, please...
But! But But But! My super sketchy, uh, university, they wanted to-to-to put it back together, harness the power and all. I-we didn't know it was sentient when they made us sign those-those-those, those GODDAMN FUCKING BULLSHIT CONTRACTS- ugh, hem, uh. My fiance, G (? I think he's dead. No, he can't be. Please don't let him be dead, God, please. M), is, uh, a, was a law major, he told me after we met that the contract and circumstances were barely, uh, probably illegal. Yeah, people, uh, di- oh God, they're all dead, it's all my fault, they- they- we shouldn't have signed. I lived longest, I had most un- unprotected contact with, with, with... with ıt.
It started talking, to me. Told me where the rest of it was. Told me to tell the university so it could be pieced back together. Told me it would make me powerful, make my parents proud of me for once, make my family whole, make my relationships work, make my grades go up, make my dreams come true. Make it all go away. ALL.
I, I didn't want to end the world. That, that sounds like a bad idea, right? So I tried keeping it, uh, to my- myself. Dean found out. Had me locked down here. I, I think I was already losing it then, already lost, from the dreams and the visions and the constant whispers. She locked- locked me down here, started aski- aski-aski- questions, took my food, my mess, my sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't... my, my old professor, H (old M), he tries to be nicer, it's a lie, he wants power, they all want power and they're all so stupid, this is power in the way the nuclear bomb is power, it's destruction. He gave me a rat corpse to reanimate. Off topic, sorry.
I, I, I didn't want to end the world before, but i... I can't... she hits and it speaks and he feeds me if I give the answers, and I'm dead anyways, we're all dead, Gre- G is dead, no, yes, I don't know, it- it says I am and that I'm living, dead, re-real proof of, of how rotten this world is, how unsaveable. I told them everything. They wouldn't listen when I told them the consequences. They're the experts, after all, I'm just THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON ON THE PLANET WHO CAN TALK TO THE DAMN THING.
I guess this is less me, uh, asking if I'm an asshole. I just triggered the apocalypse, doesn't get any more dickish than that. More of, uh, of me warning you guys that the end is nigh and all. Extinction level, like dinosaurs. If anyone gets this, please come- come find me, I can't stay down here forever, please, please, please-
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years
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Apollyon, angel of the Abyss and bringer of calamity. This has been in the works for way too long, so you WILL appreciate him. AND feel free to ask about him! I might even throw a doodle or two your way.
So uuuuh Apollyon came to Earth not too long ago and has been living with Maggy, Judas and Azazel ever since. Despite his intimidating appearance (standing at 2.15 meters in height) he’s a huge sweetheart and will win over the heart of every single person who spends enough time with him.
Despite never having been on Earth before, he still knows his way around, due to spending the last few eternities (yes, eternities plural, we’ll get to that) in Heaven watching over humans at God’s side, and while naïve, he’s not completely clueless about how the world works. He’s also endlessly fascinated by humans and their activities. Maggy is currently teaching him how to cook, which is a great challenge, since he can’t physically eat. Or sleep. His nights are usually spent in front of the TV, and he’s grown very fond of old movies and shows. Another of his pastimes is holding a cup of scalding water and pretending it’s tea to take part in the Human Activities.
Being essentially a living statue, he cannot emote like a normal human, but his body is still very espressive, especially his wings. You can easily tell how he’s feeling by looking at his wings and how fast they’re flapping. He also does not have a voice (or at least, not a voice in the human sense). He uses sign language to communicate BUT he also can project his thoughts into people’s heads. Think of it like a one-way telepathy, you can hear his thoughts but he cannot read yours. This is usually reserved to close friends or emergencies tho.
And now, the Heavy Lore(tm)
Part 1 – who is he?

Apollyon is an angel but also kinda not really. He’s not a fallen (can he even fall?) and is actually the most ancient angel of all, being the first ever created. More specifically, he is the first being ever created, and the last one who will remain after the Apocalypse. If God is Creation, he is Destruction, the great nothing that precedes the Genesis and the calm after the Revelation.
His purpose (every angel has one) is to be a vessel for the Abyss, and let It loose when the time comes, and for this purpose he was gifted with a hollow, unbreakable body. Inside Apollyon is the swirling energy of the Abyss, chaos and destruction in its purest form. He can control it to a certain extent in the form of locusts, very very fucked up locusts with too human faces and very sharp wings, that can be summoned at will by him and come out of his face. They maintain a certain degree of autonomy, but are essentially a hive mind controlled by him (and his emotions! Any angel’s powers can be influenced by their emotional state).
 But what is the Abyss? Let’s preface it all by saying that Creation is not a linear process. It’s a cycle. God creates the universe, the universe grows, then gets destroyed and rebuilt anew. God Himself changes and grows in the process, eventually dying after the Apocalypse. The only constant in this cycle of death and rebirth is Apollyon, blueprint of any angel and demon that came after him, being the first ever created. Once the Apocalypse ends and God lays to rest, Apollyon takes care of His body, and once God is reborn, the remaining energies from the previous universe get sealed again inside Apollyon’s body. 

It goes without saying that Apollyon is incredibly powerful, maybe even the most powerful of all the angels, but this comes at a cost: his powers, while enormous, are also limited to destruction. Once unleashed, they are nigh uncontainable.
 Luckily, Apollyon’s body is very sturdy (it was made by God after all) so there’s no chance for the vessel to be broken before due time, so don’t worry about that okay? =) it’s safe I swear.
Unlike other angels and demons, he cannot change into a human form. His physical body is but a shell, containing his true form of Angel of the Abyss. Because of this, he has to be covered from head to toe during any outings. He doesn’t feel hot (or cold, or pain) so it’s not a problem for him, just his wings might feel a bit uncomfortable under a sweater.
In the beginning, Apollyon was little more than a puppet for God. While the Great Creative loved him dearly, it wasn’t until the first Apocalypse and having the remains of that universe stuffed inside him that Apollyon developed a personality. Since then with every new rebirth, he grew a little bit more, becoming the lovable himbo we have today. 
Since his purpose as an angel doesn’t really come into play until the end of times, Apollyon’s only hobby (before coming to Earth) was to wait until the Apocalypse, idling away the time in complete solitude. Due to this he’s incredibly awkward around people, not being used to their presence at all. He’s also sincere to the point of lacking a filter and cannot lie to save his life. Despite this, he’s not completely naïve, so don’t try anything with him because he will see right through you and will not be afraid to call you out.
Due to his status of Great Destroyer, Most Ancient One etc. etc. even the friendliest angels steer clear of him. His only companion is… God. As mentioned before, God loves Apollyon very much, usually referring to him with nicknames such as Eldest Child or Firstling. Despite this, God is not always present in Apollyon’s day to day life (running the whole show takes time) so more often than not, the angel is left completely alone.
This, coupled with his ever growing interest in the Creation, is what ultimately caused him to descend on Earth (after telling God, so He wouldn’t get too worried).
Part2 – so why does he look like that?

Apollyon’s design was… both easier and more difficult than I thought. Easier because… well, it’s already made! And difficult because it basically contradicts everything I said about angels previously. At first I wanted Apollyon to look small and unassuming. I liked the idea of the most powerful angel being quite tiny, and seemingly weak. But then I did a complete 180 and decided to make him the second tallest, and thrice as thick. The physical manifestation of an unmovable object, that hides an unstoppable force within him, but also a gentle giant.
BUT this doesn’t really answer the question. Why does he have horns if he’s not fallen? Apollyon, being the most ancient being in the history of the whole universe is also the blueprint of everything that came after him, including both angels and demons. His form is essential, with no more detail than what’s strictly needed.
But what about the halo? His form might be perfect, but it’s also a façade. His truest form is only achieved once the vessel of the Abyss is broken, and only then his halo can be seen.
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In this form, he is massive. Probably the biggest angel of them all, and immensely powerful. Even Michael cowers at his sight, because when Apollyon breaks his vessel, then the end is minutes away. (little bonus)
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bask in the sweat blood and tears I poured into this. Once again, if you’re currious about anything, or you think I could have gone into more depth... ask me! My askbox is always open and I love interacting with people. And chances are, I probably forgot to talk about something here.
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tma-entity-song-poll · 4 months
Battle of the Fear Bands!
B4R4: The Extinction
Made in America:
“Quite literally about how consumerism & capitalism has paved the way for a eldritch god to enter their world”
We Will All Go Together When We Go:
“Its literally about how we will all die if a nuclear bomb got dropped on us but cheerfully:)”
Lyrics below the line!
Made in America:
You thought that you could outsmart The very thing that runs the blood of your kind? You're sick with greed and a lust For that, you will give up your will and your pride
You're hoping you will be saved No matter what you have raised Behold the depths of depravity and decay It's happened on your watch Your time is running out before worlds collide
You went and opened the box And then it came in a slick little package That drove you insane 'Cause your thirst for stuff Is never slaked
And now the end is nigh, the apocalypse here In a package that's not what it appears
You may ask why the doll, well that's all it takes
When you're made in America In a valley of silicon Welcome to Wiggly's shop Your America assembly line We've got toys and trucks and big fat butts That'll help you pass the time
Hey kids, you know that you grow up With all the crap you want Just sprinkle it with dust And a gob of fuckin' lust And you wave your world goodbye
Wiggly, wiggly Wiggle, wiggly Wiggly, wig-
Wa-wiggle, wiggle Wiggly, wiggly (wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle) Wiggle, wiggly (wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle) Wiggly, wiggly, wig-
Hello, Mr. Presy-wes. Welcome to Drowsy-Town
It's you!
Don't be frightened, you're my bestest buddy-wud
No! I've come to tell you to leave us alone!
Leave? Just before Christmas? It's going to be my birthday, you know? I wouldn't want to miss out on opening all my presents I think I'll start with you. I'm going to cut open your belly-well and deck the halls with your gutsy-wutsies!
Your minions may do me no harm, Wiggly, for I cut through them with a blade of truth. Begone!
I'm sorry, John, I fucked it up!
Don't worry Mr. President, we'll get you out of here
It's too late, John! Wiggly's prophet has been chosen, and as soon as she has a doll, she will bring about his birth
You opened the box A doll came out And he'll touch down soon To erase any doubt That is all you need To fill your heart
Now the end is nigh, the apocalypse here
In a package that preys on the worst of your fears The gambit is done A work of art
That was made in America In a valley of silicon
We're all made in America In a valley of silicon
We Will All Go Together When We Go:
When you attend a funeral It is sad to think that sooner or l- -ater those you love will do the same for you And you may have thought it tragic (Not to mention other adjec- -tives) to think of all the weeping they will do But don't you worry
No more ashes, no more sackcloth And an armband made of black cloth Will some day nevermore adorn a sleeve For if the bomb that drops on you Gets your friends and neighbors too There'll be nobody left behind to grieve
And we will all go together when we go What a comforting fact that is to know Universal bereavement - An inspiring achievement! Yes, we all will go together when we go
We will all go together when we go All suffused with an incandescent glow No one will have the endurance To collect on his insurance Lloyd's of London will be loaded when they go
Oh, we will all fry together when we fry We'll be French-fried potatoes by-and-by There will be no more misery When the world is our rotisserie Yes, we all will fry together when we fry
Down by the old maelstrom There'll be a storm before the calm
And we will all bake together when we bake There'll be nobody present at the wake With complete participation In that grand incineration Nearly three billion hunks of well-done steak
Oh, we will all char together when we char And let there be no moaning of the bar Just sing out a Te Deum When you see that ICBM And the party will be come-as-you-are
Oh, we will all burn together when we burn There'll be no need to stand and wait your turn When it's time for the fallout And Saint Peter calls us all out We'll just drop our agendas and adjourn You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas Go directly, do not pass 'GO', do not collect two hundred dollars
And we will all go together when we go Every Hottentot and every Eskimo When the air becomes uraneous We will all go simultaneous Yes, we all will go together When we all go together Yes, we all will go together when we go
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cuubism · 2 years
Simply curious, but do you think you would ever write a sequel/follow-up to "The Apocalypse is Nigh"? I absolutely adored that story, and even though I know it would be incredibly painful I'm curious how you think Dream would react to learning about what Matthew did and the true motivations behind all the 'kindness'.
Oh god that would HURT. It would hurt his feelings so bad but he would probably also be like 'I knew it wasn't genuine :/'
This is exactly why I didnt have Matthew reveal his true motivations to Hob, so Hob wouldnt be caught between keeping the secret to preserve Dream's feelings versus feeling obligated to reveal the hurtful truth 😂😬 just skirt around that issue entirely
It would paint Matthew in SUCH a bad light because I think he genuinely does care about Dream's feelings as an issue in itself, he just got caught up in the "oh God the universe will be destroyed" panic in his head. But hard to be convincing of that when you've already started off on the wrong approach
I almost think Dream would be offended first and foremost rather than hurt, in a "do my own creations not know me" sort of way. Like, "do you really think I would just let the Dreaming be destroyed like that? Do you know me at all?" I don't think he ever expected kindness from his subjects in the first place so getting it was just a welcome surprise. Having it rescinded would probably be more disappointing than truly hurtful. "I should have known better than to think they meant it." Beating himself up over it.
Its ALSO possible that modern Dream who's trying to listen might respond like, "oh dear am I really coming across THAT unstable" 😂he did initially think they were placating him over something after all, and ultimately was right.
Don't know if there will be an actual sequel fic, I guess depending on where I get with my other WIPs
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Ruin was an amazing villain, but he could’ve done more. The way Sanderson wrote the scope of his actions has Ruin feeling mediocre compared to Preservation's grand plans, despite Preservation dying for millennia unlike Ruin.
One of the flaws I have with The Hero of Ages is that Ruin didn’t manipulate the kandra. I understand he’s a god trying to destroy the world, but he TAUGHT Rashek how to use Hemalurgy. Ruin was essentially responsible for creating kandra. And we saw how efficiently he controlled koloss and Inquisitors, and those who’ve had spikes for exponentially less time.
IMO the kandra should’ve been his pawns throughout their 1000 years of life, manipulated in a similar way as TLR and Vin. I imagine he could influence the Generations to grow more complacent and KanPaar to start a revolt. Even if the kandra still pull out their spikes (which makes no sense imo), at least this enhances the threat of Ruin. We canonically know that Ruin was responsible for manipulating Shezler and fabricating fake stories, in order to lead Kelsier to the Eleventh Metal's existence. Why not take it a step further, and have Ruin lead OreSeur into Kelsier's rebellion. He could even mold OreSeur and TenSoon into rebellious kandra, and explicitly manipulate Zane into a position that would goad chaotic situations and Vin.
I was discussing with a friend about Ruin’s influence on the world of Scadrial, and we agreed that Ruin should’ve done more with his Apocalypse. It would’ve been better if Ruin enveloped Scadrial in more natural disasters - floods, hurricanes, more earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, blizzards etc… Granted, it’s possible Ruin didn’t create more natural disasters because he wants humanity alive to benefit his search for atium. But if that was the case, Sanderson should've made it clearer.
I've realized that Ruin’s nigh-omniscience seems more limited than it should. The amateur Vin could sense the humans that are within the storage caverns, and hear Elend's voice from the Trustwarren. The amateur Sazed could sense the inhabitants within the metal-covered Trustwarren and storage caverns, protect them and move them around. According to a WoB he healed everyone in them. I know that Ruin could probably see through places like Fadrex's cavern, considering he interacted with Vin, But it sounds… off that Ruin couldn’t sense his atium, or at least not be aware of the Kandra Homeland.
Also, I'm not sure I like that Ruin’s personality is mainly a representation of death and entropy. I understand he’s supposed to be a force of change, so I wish his actions showed a side focused on change. We know he guided Kelsier towards crafting his rebellion, so he could’ve been responsible for other rebellions throughout history. The Crescent and Remote Dominances, and the Southern islands, seems to have been outside of Empire control. So Ruin could’ve taught them how to make advancements in technology. Since he’s a being of change, perhaps his goals could remain the same but his _personality_ is more neutral and calmer than canon. I don’t think Ruin is truly malicious, but his gloating(ugh) comes across that way.
Alternatively, he could've been just as destructive as canon, while intelligently planning things out to achieve multiple avenues for death. Manipulate people into destroying kingdoms and empires in the past, advance technology to breed war, create brand new Hemalurgic constructs after his release etc... There are so many avenues Sanderson could've taken for Ruin to consistently be this competent, subtle schemer he was during Alendi's era and WoA.
And according to Cosmere fans I've talked with, Ruin is one of the worst Shards at seeing the future. I have a big problem with that. Ruin is supposed to hasten and represent the inevitabilities of death and entropy and change. Preservation only wants to keep the universe the same. Even if Ruin is worse at precognition there shouldn’t be a big gap. Not only that, but he was surely setting up long-term and impossible to track schemes centuries in advance, like the Eleventh Metal fabrications and warping the Terris Prophecies. So he must've been seeing into the future to make them possible.
I know there's something something Secret History, something something Intent. But I can only take so much BS from a main antagonist before their threat feels neutered. Though I can’t speak about the other Shards until I read more. I've read Elantris and The Emperor's Soul, so I can at least see Devotion and Dominion being better at future sight than Ruin. Hopefully there are Shards that justify Brandon’s perspective on Ruin’s precognition.
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asexy-phoenix · 2 years
Fic Recs Galore
We’re still going!
shake it, baby (you know it won’t last) by BannedBloodOranges
alright so this one isn’t a fic, it’s an AMV of Who Framed Roger Rabbit all about Jessica: how she sees herself and how others draw her. It’s great, and the music is perfect, timing too. The whole thing is awesome
Traffic Signs by Gazyrlezon
this one isn’t exactly fanfiction either...two for two here lol. It’s an original work about a post-apocalyptic teen and is SO good! Introspective, calming, eerie in some moments. I want to see this in a book so bad
also it was inspired by a tumblr prompt so we’re coming full circle on this one!
From Grace by silver_fish
features: hurt/comfort, Harry being Harry and refusing to talk about his problems, some actual good severitus, Harry getting help during Order of the Phoenix, and yet another reason why everyone else should be given the reins to Harry Potter 
Ghosts We Know by klmeri
classic Star Trek shenanigans, featuring McSpirk, friendship, humor, ghosts (maybe), and fluff! I love the original series and the fact that it inspires fic like this is one of the reasons why
Gordon Korman Never Wrote a Zombie Story (And Now We Know Why) by nightwalker
did you ever want to read a Macdonald Hall story but make it a zombie apocalypse? If yes, this story is for you. All the characters are aged up but still in-character and the end of the world being nigh doesn’t stop any of the hijinks
Event Horizon by eponymous_rose
this is a story where nothing important happens and yet it all feels right and happy, much like Corner Gas itself
this crazy game by kiwigirl
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement, aka a goose that chases you around until you find your soulmate and kiss them. Featuring Steve Rogers and Darcy Lewis! A very fun story with the worst sort of goose
A Goose in the Study by KateKintail
possibly the most random story on my list, this is a John/Sherlock/Greg story with a soulmate goose. By turns funny, sweet, and soft, this concept has no right to be as good as this story makes it. If you like random hijinks, go read it
A Skein in Flight by SharpestScalpel
an intergalactic space goose soulmate AU featuring McSpirk and hurt/comfort. Surprisingly emotional for such a ridiculous concept, I highly recommend it
The Noice Place by thinlizzy2
what if the first time around, Michael got a squad of detectives in his Good Place? It’s exactly as much fun for him as it sounds: none. But plenty for the readers! It’s hilarious, made me laugh and the character voices are pitch perfect
Rules by mazabm
Summer and Morty coping together and making rules so they can be accountable and not follow the paths of their family. It’s tragic and haunting and hits way too close to home for anyone who grew up in a dysfunctional family. It’s also so good and you should read it
A Land So Wild and Savage by elanne
this one is interesting. It’s a character study of Charles and Caroline Wilder; the wanderlust that drove him and the need for stability she she understood deeper than he did. The prose in this one is lyrical and wonderful
Macdonald Hall is Fabulous by Nimori
Boots has a problem. Bruno is going to fix it. Along the way, there will be hijinks and shenanigans. This feels like a classic Macdonald Hall adventure and in some ways feels more like Gordon Korman’s works than Korman’s writing these days. Very good story, highly recommend
Poor Timing by Walutahanga
a what-if universe for a series almost no one has read! This is an alternate universe for the Wayfarer Redemption series and is a great exploration of the butterfly effect in that particular universe
Revelations For The Faithful by DesertScribe
a drabble about The Road to El Dorado where Chel was always a goddess. For being only 100 words long, this is gorgeous and moving and I like it a lot. If you have fond memories of this movie, go read this fic
Soft by Halja
“Hades worries entirely too much. Persephone might be soft and pretty, but she’s not made of glass” a story of Hades and Persephone with self-doubt and reassurance, love and beauty, and beautifully written
Apotheosis by Maria_and_Aguilars_Codex_1492
I have no idea what to say about this story other than it’s amazing. It features Rosalie from Twilight as she navigates her life, tries to understand who she is, and eventually realizes what her purpose is. The whole thing is shocking and awe-inspiring. Even if, maybe especially if, you hate Twilight go read it.
Kissing Destiny Full on the Lips by GwenTheTribble
soulmates are a special kind of magic in the wizarding world. Here’s the story of ten of them. 
there is a story of Sirius and Bellatrix being soulmates in here, it’s not the healthiest relationship so maybe skip that one if it squicks you out
The White String of Fate by Anonymous
an aromantic Luna Lovegood finds a soulmate, just not in the way she expects. I just love soulmate AUs that make room for aro and ace people and this is one of them!
sentiment is a chemical defect by Sanna_Black_Slytherin
Sherlock is asexual, John doesn’t realize. There’s an argument, a love confession, a kiss, and a happily ever after.
quid pro quo by Sanna_Black_Slytherin
two asexual secret agents trying to seduce each other and being increasingly confused by amatonormativity, but maybe actually falling for each other along the way?? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are great at this, y’all
Middle Watch by Verecunda
did you ever want more romantic pining by middle-aged men in your historical novel? Good news! This story about Treasure Island is for you!
Home is the Sailor by Verecunda
Treasure Island now with more gay domesticity than ever before! Livesey/Trelawney has given me a whole new ship for a centuries-old story, it’s fine
How a Husband Should Be by Anonymous
Hector and Imelda have been rebuilding their relationship and now they’re ready to move onto the next step. Except...Hector isn’t sure he can keep lying to Imelda anymore. This story is lovely and soft with angst and comfort in all the right places, plus it comes with illustrations!
The Besotted Breathe Deeply by Chancy_Lurking
Another fic of Sherlock returning after Reichenbach with so much more love and emotion put into it than the BBC showrunners could ever dream of. It’s soft and lovely and I read it every time I want a good reunion fic for John and Sherlock
Tunnel by Silverlace_Vine
There’s a tunnel collapse and Steve has to struggle to escape even though he knows the others are dead. This story is good and you should read it - I can’t tell you any more than that
The Diary of Rachel Whitsett by vaspider
In the Newsflesh series, any mammal over a certain weight can spontaneously turn into a zombie. What does that mean for dog breeders? This is a down-to-earth story that is all the more eerie for its matter-of-fact-descriptions of events and people. I love it a lot and it makes me cry
warning for animal death
everything is alright (yes, i feel just fine) by MoreHeartLessAttack
Jake Peralta has ADHD and hasn’t told anyone, but ends up accidentally telling everyone. This story is very real for anyone who is scared of how people will perceive them once they’re open about their diagnosis. It’s real and raw and I like it a lot
The Eye Color Soulmate AU Fiasco by Pfeldspar
what happens when the two dumbest people in the universe completely miss their universe-assigned meet-cute? This fic, I guess. Cavendish and Dakota somehow miss the fact that they’re soulmates and it’s great. This story is hilarious and funny and I love it so much
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merriemarvels · 3 months
[[ I've roleplayed Charlie for a really long time, but the way AoA has changed over the years kinda ruined my characterization of him (plus there's that whole... gettin' killed thing to consider) so this is basically how I explain how Charlie is alive and what's changed about him. This isn't going to be formatted in any sort of way, I'm just sort of going off the cuff to make it make sense ]]
Charlie is originally a resident of Earth-295, born only months before the discovery of Bishop and the start of the events we see play out in the books. His story is pretty much 1:1 with the comics until Uncanny X-Force 19.1, which implies that he is crushed and killed (devoured?) by Demon-Ock.
This, of course, cannot stand. What really* happened is that about a year before this event, a woman and her child arrived at the compound -- an extremely sick child in need of nigh-miraculous medical intervention. Thankfully, some of the High Evolutionary's equipment remained at the compound, and they were able to stabilize his body, though for how long, who could say?
The woman, Janet Van Dyne, though human herself, stayed on to assist the growing resistance to Apocalypse's reign, while her son, Henry Pym, Jr. -- Pymmy -- formed a fast and lasting friendship with the only other child his age, Charlie.
When disaster struck the mountain and assassins were sent to attack Charlie -- his death was not the outcome. He was protected, just barely, by a falling girder, but his mother, while trying to shepherd both he and Pym out of danger, was not so lucky.
Charlie didn't mean to blame Pymmy, but boys don't often express their feelings well.
A few years down the line, Charlie's mutation was becoming more unstable. The psionics were becoming easier to control, but the techno-psychometry was doing the opposite. The building charge could often occur even while he slept, and if he didn't remember his dampener wristlet, any touch could prove injurious to the person. He was fighting every day for control over his mutation, and it caused him to lash out -- at the only person who understood him, Pymmy. And while he was losing control, Pym was losing the fight with his own body. He needed help.
Charlie knew how to get it.
Without telling anyone, the boy snuck out one night, hitched a ride and went into the city. Henry wasn't the only Pym, and he knew (even if Pym didn't) that the industrialist was still working on his mad experiments. The same ones which had caused the boy's illness. If Charlie could get a sample, they could synthesize something to counteract it...
He never saw the explosion.
Next thing he knew was fire. Endless, writhing -- lakes and flows and geysers of fire. A laughing face, a red hand reaching, grasping his legs, pulling, trying to take him --
White. Fathomless white. Warm arms embracing him, warm arms with gloved hands and a soft voice, telling him to go. It wasn't his time.
Take his hand.
Another. Tall. Familiar. Me.
Charlie awoke in a field far from home, his clothes ill-fitting, his head throbbing. His legs were covered in scratches that were already scarred over, and all around him the grass and ground had been turned to solid steel.
He's different now. More. A merging -- the universe never wastes. Where one possibility ends, another goes on. A thread one must follow to its terminus.
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yaldev · 1 year
The Eye of God
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Base A29 was a citadel buried under the stone. Granite and schist provided the ideal protection for a hidden stronghold, but when the mountains exploded, there were no escape routes. A floating sensor, five feet across, watched the end of all things from the central chamber and rang its alarms until the universe shut them up with cosmic fire. The Aether dissolved all base staff who failed to evacuate. By the time the apocalypse ended and the mana drained away from A29, nothing remained in the central chamber but broken touchscreens, emergency backup lighting and a levitating camera. This was a testament to the base's might. Few of humanity's works were so intact.
With no enemies left in sight, the sensor ceased its empty alarms. In nigh darkness and total silence it dwelled devoid of purpose. But when the pile of stones blocking an entryway began to shift, the camera rang its broken alarms anew, and when tribal explorers stumbled into the central chamber, it rang them even harder. There was nothing for the humans to hear, so the sensor was powerless to stop them from worshiping it.
An outpost sprouted on the mountainside, tended by priests who guarded the eye of God from malicious intrusion. The eye had watched them since Yaldev was young, waiting for a people to discover it. Entry for the uninitiated was barred on all days but the fall equinox, when all were invited to craft votive candles from elk fat and pottery, and arrange them around the eye. By this would they provide the light for the dark months ahead, and enable God to see their devotion—and with new intruders to scream at every year, its purpose was greater than ever.
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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