#apologies for grammar this is just a quick burst
ithinkitsleon · 9 months
a/n: idk what this is, i think i got divine motivation from the holy trinity to write something, this is a little draft tho, i may write some more things later and i didnt use the translator so my apologies for incoherent sentences or grammar mistakes
obs: pure angst or anything similar, i decided to write this just bc i would take care and defend leon with all i have (a pair of headphones and a lip gloss), i love this man so much and the fact that i could gobble & savor him like a meal in seconds makes me [inaudible noises] + i go feral over men crying
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you and Leon were arguing a few minutes ago about some stupid things he was doing around the house like letting wet towels sit soaked on the bed, all kinds of clothes thrown on the floor that went from shirts to socks and underwears.
you told Leon he looked like a little boy who still needed to be supervised by his mother. Leon shouted back saying you are so annoying that makes him want to rip his hair off his head and die, still he wasn't entirely lying, you could really be insufferable sometimes.
but that in some way hurt you. as a quick response you said you wished you had never met him, that made the poor guy go silent for a couple seconds and he didn't take much to burst into tears and run to his room to lock himself there and lay on his bed until he disappeared inside the mattress.
Leon's life was falling apart since his position as a rookie working on RPD was getting to his nerves, when he had to deal with stupid paperwork, sweeping and mopping the floor all the time, delivering cups of coffee and it got worse when he needed to listen to his boss screaming at him for nothing at all, just for the fun of humiliating young cops. and he thought having you by his side could help him go through hell and back.
but when Leon met you, the first thing that crossed his mind was that God decided to take pity on him and sent and angel to take care of him. you are his safe place, his font of energy when he feels down or tired, you are his light, that showed him the right way avoiding him to drown in his own obsessive and negative thoughts. Leon loved you. in the purest and genuine way you could ever imagine. he was willing to do anything for you. he would die for you, kill for you, lie for you, he would do and any possible and impossible thing to show you his value. even humiliate himself like he did when you found him drunk with his face soaked in tears, sitting on the floor of the garage at the police station begging you to give him a chance.
now Leon was laying on his bed, all curled up in his heavy white blanket, desperately crying his heart out wondering why you said that to him, was he such a terrible person after all ? maybe you were right. maybe he let his troubled life interfere on his attempts of building the relationship of his dreams with you. maybe. he'll never know.
from outside the room you could hear the loud and agonizing sobs that left his throat whenever he tried to recompose himself, failing on the next minute when he started crying again this time choking on his own saliva and coughing right away. seeing Leon like this made you feel awful, you loved him back too but the reason why you acted so bossy and with authority almost all the time was just because you wanted to take care of Leon like a mother, not in a creepy way obviously, you just wanted to see him doing well and being capable of dealing with his professional life at the same time he needed to hold his head in place doing simple house tasks. you decided to let Leon rest for the rest of the day leaving him unbothered.
it's not the first time that arguing like this happened with you two. you avoided at maximum to not argue with Leon, he hates serious discussions and you know that. the only thing that's left for you now is to come up with a excellent excuse to calm him down.
otherwise you'll never see Leon Kennedy in your life again, after completely shattering his little heart that took him lots of time to recollect some parts, now it would take him almost an eternity to stop himself to think and feel like a total loser.
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(just saying that i decided to write leon mopping and sweeping floors bc i remembered that here in brazil the rookies that join the army most of the time paint sidewalks and trim coconut trees 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️)
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amethysts-tavern · 10 months
A tender moment between reader and Astarion early in a potential relationship.
Gender neutral, no class or identifying features mentioned. Some backstory for Tav.
Also, I apologize for any bad grammar. COVID booster is kicking my ass today.
“Storms never last.”
It had been raining for hours. You had set up camp under the canopy of tall trees. The thought was that the full branches would protect you from some of the storm. And that worked until the lightning started. Electricity crackled through the sky making the hair on your arms stand on end. Loud thunder claps reverberated off the ground and surrounding hills. It was enough to shake your tents.
You had never been fond of storms. When you were little, a bolt of lightning had struck your family’s house, setting the roof on fire. Thankfully everyone inside got out safely; but you had feared storms ever since. The sheer power of the one coursing through the sky now was enough to instill fear in every fiber of your being. You sat alone in your tent, huddled with your arms around your knees, hugging them to your chest and wondering how you were going to get through the night.
After the fire, your mother had taught you to count the seconds between lightning and thunder to assess how far away the brunt of the storm was. You wait for a flash of electricity and begin your count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… BOOM! Five miles. The worst of the storm was still five miles away.
Another loud BOOM, this time followed by a CRACK. You cautiously peel away the canvas flap of your tent, to see what caused that cracking sound. A large branch from a nearby tree, leaves wet and swaying with the wind, lay not far from the entrance to your tent. The edge where it was severed from the trunk singed with scorch marks. Lightning strike. Too close for me.
You take a quick look around camp. Most of your companions are all tucked in for the night, their tents dark. Everyone except Astarion - you see that his tent is still illuminated from the inside. At that point, another loud clap of thunder shakes you to your core. You know you aren’t going to sleep at all tonight if you have to weather it alone.
After waiting for the next thunder clap to sound, you dart from your tent over to Astarion’s, rain stinging your face as you run. Without announcing yourself, you pull back the flap of his tent and enter. By the time you step inside, you’re completely soaking wet. Astarion looks up from his book, surprised to see you. “Tav, what the hell? Is this a thing for you? Bursting into other people’s tents unannounced?” Astarion says with annoyance.
“Sorry. Sorry,” you start apologizing, clearly flustered by his response to your presence.
Astarion’s demeanor softens, as he stands up from his bedroll. “Well, come in, then. You’re soaking wet.”
“Yes. It’s raining,” you reply, not sure what else to say.
Astarion looks around his tent and grabs a dry tunic. He hands it over to you. “Here, put this on and stop dripping all over the place.” He turns his back to you so you can change.
“Thank you,” you say meekly, taking the tunic. You strip off your wet clothes and pull his tunic over your head. “I’m sorry to disturb you. I… don’t like storms.” You pause a beat before continuing, “Can I stay here tonight? I always feel safer with you around.”
Astarion turns back around to assess the situation, you standing there in his tunic looking chilled to the bone, not just from being wet, but from being clearly terrified of the storm outside. He sighs and smiles softly, “Of course,” Astarion says, flattered that you picked him to join tonight. He crawls back into his bedroll and motions for you to join him, “Come on, you must be absolutely frozen.”
Suddenly there is a flash of light outside immediately followed by a loud clap of thunder. That’s enough for you - you practically jump into his awaiting arms. You do your best to snuggle in for the night, even though you’re still quaking, still frightened of the storm raging outside.
Astarion feels your fear and pulls you closer to him, stroking your hair, “Hush now, Tav. Storms never last. This will be all over tomorrow,” he offers some quiet, comforting words. Your body relaxes in his embrace and you are finally able to drift off to sleep.
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Highway to Heaven
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Mark Lee x Black.FemReader
Genre: Smut, Idol!boyfriend AU, Virgin!Mark AU, SoftDom+Sub!Mark, Switch!Reader Fluff in there♡
Warnings: Seggs and lots of seggs, spelling and grammar errors! (Give me time, to go through a few couple times to make sure everything is good👍. I was rushing to post this 🥲)
A/n: This is the final part of my little 3 part Smut series. I know, the 2nd part was written wayyyyy after the 3rd. I wanted to make sure I felt it was good before posting it. Anyway- have a good read. Im also using Mark's Korean name every now and then in this x reader.
A/N 2– PLEASE READ: If you see the name 'Kaneki' dont be alarmed, I was also wrwriting another X Reader for 'Kaneki' and his name keeps autocorrecing into this x reader. I think ive fixed all the errors, but I could be wrong.
Wordcount: Im thinkin 2500k? I'll count later ♡
Part one: Baby don't like it.
Part two: Here.
Part three: Angel.
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Mark squeezed your thighs as they were wrapped around his thin waist. Slow and steady kisses pressed onto your neck. Your nails dig into Minhyung's shoulders as a soft moan leaves your lips. There was no suprise how Mark felt about you in this moment, so you weren't shocked when you felt his longing pressed against you.
Though Mark stopped kissing you. He pulled away from your neck, smiles wryly "S-Sorry.."
"Don't apologize, it's perfectly fine." Mark's eyes stayed on you, thoughts racing at high speeds—
'How can I please her?'
'Can I make her climax good enough?'
Your back hit the soft mattress with Mark soon to follow. Your heart almost burst out of your chest— thinking of some places where to touch Mark. Thinking where to touch Mark to get him hot. Even though this was your first time together, the both of you were willing to go further and beyond for one another.
Mark unexpected, who seemed to not know anything about sex, knew exactly what buttons to push to turn you on. "Can give you a hickey here?", he softly asks
"Do what you want Kitten", you whispered.
That nervous demeanor of Mark's begins to dissolve, having a confident one replace it. Maybe too confident, you'll see why- "God you smell so nice.." Mark licked and kissed the bite mark he'd left to soothe the sweet pain he had produced.
"Did you put perfume on?", he asked in between kisses.
You nod, holding him close as your fingers run through Mark's hair. So soft you could play in his silky locks for hours.
"Yes of course baby, is it too much?"
Mark pulls away and smiles at you. Leaning in for a quick kiss before answering you. "No, not at all. I love it." The both of your lips tangled together. Heated bodies pressed against one another. Mark's tongue, against parted lips in small licks against. French kisses deepening the passion, your bodies even more molten together.
His hands searched and wondered every inch of your clothed body as he soon began to tug at your top.
"Can I?", he whispers.
"Go for it" ,you say giving him the green light, his lips find their way to your cheek. He kissed you a few times before allowing you to sit up, taking your shirt and lifting it over your head. He set it aside before laying you back down again.
His eyes darted towards your chest. Leaving his face breaking out in a red glow. 'This is so lewd' He was thinking what to do..and how to touch you; not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or awkward. Still admiring your bronze glazed breasts, you reach out and grasp Mark's hand, bringing him back to reality. You lead his hand to your chest, having his hand cup your clothed breast.
You giggled, "Kitten, you can touch them. I promise I won't bite, unless you want me to." Teasing, winking at him. Mark averted his eyes from your flirtatious gaze.
"I just..Don't want to mess up, or make you feel uncomfortable-"
Mark pulls you close a bit to where he is able to reach around you and fiddle with your bra hook, sliding his delicate fingers underneath it. "Mark, look at me. It's your first time, we are bound to have awkward moments and mistakes. But thats apart of the process. Lets have fun with it, Okay?" Mark presses his forehead against yours, letting out a puff of air.
"Yes. I suppose you're right, Y/n. I wont think about that. I'll just think about loving you." Your hands find their way to his cheeks, pulling his face lower to place a kiss upon his nose. "You're so stunning- I don't know how I managed to control myself around you" ,He confessed
"Well, tonight Mark- you don't have to control yourself. I don't want you to, give me everything." Your boyfriend nodded and gently continued to kiss you. "And you Y/n– dont hide anything from me either", Mark commands in a husky voice.
"Fuck Mark, when you talk like that—", you mumble into his lips hungrily, "I'll show you what a slutty Minx I can be."
Mark breathes heavily at those words, his pants feeling tighter, "Yes Y/n, I'd love that." Your delicate hands feeling on your boyfriend's toned chest, tracing his abs. You tug on Mark's shirt pushing him back, causing him to naively tilt his head in confusion then realized what your goal was.
He the pulled his shirt up and over his head, discarding it into the corner. Admiring his toned body, your cheeks flush as Mark leans back on to you. His actions quite appealing to you— the way he'd done that, he seemed so confident. Though- thinking about it, how could disposing of an clothing item be so enticing?
Minhyung firmly placed his hands on your hips, hoisting you up and further on the bed. "God your skin is gorgeous."
"Mark..." ,You muttered. Feeling his lips kiss your cheek. The his hands still rest on your curvy hips. Caressing your thighs as they compress against his sides. He stopped at the waist band of your pants. "Yes?" ,He asked pulling away from your cleavage. "On the bed-"
You quietly laughed, "Get on the bed." Mark was a little hesitant, he wanted to stay on top of you and do most of the work. Mark got off of you, letting you get up. He was going to just lay down, though you didn't give him a chance to. You pushed him down, climbing on top of him.
"My turn, let me treat you."
Your fingertips, traveling to his neck and caressing his face. Your eyes locked with Mark's lips and his eyes to your lips. Having convinced him you were going to kiss him, you pull away leaving him hungry for a kiss. Making way for his neck, only to hover and breathe against it. Eventually you final gave in nipped at his neck. "Tell me Kitten" ,You spoke between little bites, "Where do you want my lips?"
He lightly moaned, clutching to the bed sheets. "I want your lips on my lips of course-"
You smiled, "In due time, you must be patient. Foreplay is essential, I want to tease you just a bit baby."
Mark smirks, "So, this is what I signed up for?" You nod, "Im afraid so kitty.." , brushing your thumb against his plump lips. Your free hand wandering along his body. Abs toned, like a captivating art piece. Mark's tan skin soft, some spots with scares, each telling a story behind them. However, each making you fall more in love with him and his body. Your hand stopping at his zipper. His voice hitches, your boyfriend now sitting up to see what you were doing. You getting off of him and now placing your hands along his waist. You slowly unbuckled his belt, now watching him as you did so.
Such a sweet angel like him, what a lustful and hungry look he had in his eyes. Now that his belt was on the ground, you tugged at the button on his jeans leaving one last thing to undo. You slide off of Mark and onto your knees. Mark, now under a spell, still watching your movement. What you do next really had him wanting to just throw you down and pound into you. Your body coming closer to his torso, placing small kisses right below his belly button. Mark released a heavy breath..
'Haa.. she's so close to my–' he thinks to himself. He bites the inside of his mouth in attempt to hold back tiny moans. Just the thought of you being close to his cock began to set him off. Feeling up and down his waist, peppering kisses along his lower torso– surprising him by finaly unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his underwear. Enough to where his member sprung out. Suddenly at the sight of if it you were a bit intimidated.
Mark was a bit embarrassed especially with you staring so much. "Y-Y/n you don't have to. I promise, I can just–"
You quickly press your lips to his, silencing him. "Mm-mm, I am– Im just trying to figure our how you're going to fit inside me" ,you nervously laugh in attempt to lighten the mood. "Even so, I don't mind going down on you Y/n– show me what to do."
"Next time baby boy, this time–".
You pause as you grasp Mark's length. His eyes shut tight, his warm lips part as you extract a moan from him. You begin pumping him, slowy just to get him used to it. You didn't want to drive him crazy, well...at least not yet. "This time, Im in Charge." Back to Mark's length— Slowly and steadly, you licked a stripe starting from the underside of his Cock and up to the tip. He shivers, as his hands grasps the sheets. Giving his head small kitten licks, observing his reactions and how sensitive he was.
Once you got the idea, your nose was soon touching Mark's torso. "Y-Y/n!" So trapped with pleasure, his cries never complete make it out. Tossing his head back in pure ecstasy. His Adam's apple bobing as he attempts to catch his breath.
"S-Slow Down!" You pull away whiping the saliva that began to build up.
"Baby, I am going slow" ,you chuckle. He glares down at you. Such a beautiful view, he'd only seen in dreams with the both of you. Up until now those dreams were made reality. Those siren eyes you return the dangerous gaze up at him. Those nails of your, gripping his thighs enough to make crescent-shaped marks. Licking your plump lips. Mark's face burned deeply and so did his ears. How erotic this was, he'd think to himself. Wanting to hid his face away.
"Here-" ,You grab Minhyung's hand and place it to you side of your face, "You can hold my hair and help control the speed if you want" ,You explain.
Mark noded a little embarrassed to say something, and you began to work your magic again. Once again, introducing that long, slow, Lick along his shaft to ease him back into it again. Both hands gripping him this time. Slowly pumping him, your lips parted as you swirled your tongue around your boyfriend's Tip.
As a reaction his fist grips your hair, hypnotized by your actions he sharply exhales. "S-Sorry you just, caught me off guard-", he explains while releasing your hair. You hummed taking his member fully in your mouth. Like torture to him, it seemed like you were teasing him, though you just wanted to make him feel extraordinary. Adding to the pressure, the pleasure- Slurping and Sucking, with occasional swirlings of your tongue making him see stars. Your head bobbing up and down as your tongue grazed the underside of Mark's Cock. His eyes study you, fingers intertwined with your hair, bundling it all up into a pony tail. Just trying to hold back,"Y/n– You can stop, Im close.."
You hummed, sending electrifying vibrations through him. You unlatch yourself from Mark, strings of saliva connecting from your lips to his Tip. Once he'd examined that, the pressure he'd been holding in his gut was starting to unravel. A burning sensation from him was getting heavier. You began pumping his messy cock in on hand before taking him back in your mouth. Driving him insane, forgetting your hair was still gathered up in his fist— he pulls you further onto his cock, with every tug, your nose touching his bellybutton. Saliva was also building up like thin strands of thread on the underside of his shaft. Your saliva dripping onto the floor, dripping down your neck and even littering on your clothed breasts; glistening in the moonlight.
Letting him guide you at a steady pace. Swear words find themselves falling past his lips. Mark leaning back, dazed. Voice like honey, moans and gasps feeding you. He sounded so good, You wanted to make him sound like this everyday. Mark's sexy orgasm unraveling itself bit by bit.
With one buck of his hips and one last time pushing your head down onto him, "F-Fuck.." ,He purred. As Mark's sweet cum painted your throat white you felt him twitch in your mouth. Finally coming back to his senses. He quickly realized, "Im sorry Y/n! Are you okay?"
You nod, covering up your mouth with your hands. Mark furrows his brows confused, until he realized– "Wait! Y/n– you don't have to.." You swallow all of him, of course he seen it. If Mark's face could turn any reder his head woukd explode from embarrassment.
Mark, helps you up and to your feet, only to push you down onto the bed. Pinning your wrists above you, his breathing was heavy. "You drive me crazy..you know that right?" You smile,"I didn't know until now." Standing up, fully disposing of his pants and underwear. Minhyung pulling you by your legs towards the end of the bed. Tugging at your skirt and panties, disposing of those too. You help by reaching around and uncliping your bra.
"You had your fun, now its my turn". Mark purred, looking down at you. His lips find their way to yours, and his hands once again; exploring every square inch. His hand finding its way between your legs. Your arousal was evident, you were drenched from getting Mark off so bad you were practically dripping. As Mark's fingers running along your drenched folds, he studies your facial expression. You grind against his fingers, signaling you want more.
Mark takes the hint, pressing his thumb against your bud. This coaxing a loud wail from you. After making friction between your grinding and Mark's fingers rubbing against you, he pushes a finger inside you. Once again gaining a sweet sound from you. Your hands shoulders, gripping onto them. The sound you made causing Mark's cock to twitch with excitement. His eye darkening at the sexy sight of his beautiful girlfriend underneath him.
Hypnotized by your beautiful cries, he suddenly acts. Adding another finger, whilst attacking one of the two buds on your chest. His tongue, assaulting your sensitive bud leaving it glistening with his saliva. Truely sending you to heaven and the two of you hadn't even actually fucked yet. With your back now arched, your hands leaving Minhyung's shoulders and sliding up to his head and gently gripping his platinum blue roots.
"M-Mark! W-Wait! Im gonna finish- I don't want to just yet..",You pleaded. How was he so good and this was his first time? You had no idea, and honestly...pretty sure he had no idea. Mark slowly removes his fingers from inside of you, bringing his wet digits into his mouth. Pulling them out with a pop following. Licking his lips, before his eyes dart down to you. "You're so sweet y/n",He mutters.
You bashfuly gazing back at him in an attempt to catch your breath from the delightful foreplay you'd just received. Your boyfriend reachinging into a nightstand, pulling out a pack of condoms.
"You were really planning this out, huh?"
"I told you, Y/n, Im ready to give you my all."
Digging through the small box, he pulls out a few small square packets it his hand. You scoffed, "Baby, do you need so many?"
Mark sheepishly smiles,"Better safe than sorry, you know?"
Your boyfriend, who's now opening the little packed replied chuckling with a slight hue over his cheeks. Mark, now rolling the condom onto his length.
"Do you want to take control Mark?" Mark declined, "Show me how its done first" ,he flirted. You giggled, pushing him down before straddling him. "Get comfortable Kitten." Your boyfriend nodded as he placed his large hands on your thighs. "Feel free to take control when you want, okay?"
He nods and you begin. Gliding your folds against Mark's cock. With anticipation, his nails digging into your soft thighs as he watches your hips swivel. You bite your lip fighting back your cries wanting to hear your boyfriend's voice. Slowly ingulfing him in, though not all of him. You sat there for a bit as the stretch was a little painful.. soon the pain subsides and transforms into pleasure.
You leaned down onto Mark, bare chest to bare chest..rising and falling, his cock twitching already. His hands slightly pushing you down onto his cock.
"Y/n, you're so warm" ,your boyfriend moaned. "And you—" ,you had to take a breath, "You're so fulfilling.." Mark's eyes fixated on the erotic scene in front of him. His hands now on your ass, pushing you down a bit further. He sat up to get a good look at you up close.
"Fuck.. your body is absolutely beautiful" Mark groaned, now pushing you down onto his cock completely. Thus making you cry louder than before. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck. Mark gazing up at you with his hands still on your ass letting you adjust.
Your boyfriend sprinkles kisses on your chest, before having a field day with your breasts. "How do you feel Y/n?" ,he asked looking at you with a hungry look. "I'm fine Mark." Your boyfriend happily smiles, wrapping his arms around you. "G-Good.."
Your eyes shut tight, finally having the courage to move. Pushing Mark back down, you began with a steady and slow tempo. Satiny coils down to your sides; glued to your beautiful tanned skin because of the sweat. Your face of pleasure; eyes closed and mouth gaping. Mark with one eye shut and the other watching you, his lewd face handsome and on display for you. With every bounce, your breasts follow— giving him something delicious to gawk at if you don't fuck the shit out of him.
Your hands on his chest as support, curling up and scratching your boyfriend in the process. "Fuck...Y-Y/n" ,Mark grunts. Enjoying the feelinging of being sucked in and squeezed, pulled into you was overwhelming. It was taking every ounce not to cum so quickly.
"H-Hm? Is it too much kitten?" ,you teased.
Mark's His hands so hungrily reaching out to you. Finding his way to your clit, rubbing it in circles. Sending shocks of arousal throughout your body. Suddenly feeling Mark's dick burrow deeper into you. You screamed at the action adding on to the pure bliss.
Fucking into you as he gripped your thighs to help him steady his pace. The sound of skin colliding slowly building up becoming louder and louder every couple of thrusts to the point where you couldn't hear it past your moans. Seeing stars as your eyes rolled back into your skull— Thinking of nothing but the feeling of something filling you up over and over again. Mark helping you ride out your orgasm, as well as building up on his.
You were being fucked senseless, so early on into your Valentine's Sex session. "M-Minhyung! W-Wait!!" Were cries that managed to fall past your soft lips as your walls clamp around on your lover before you. Your legs shaking violently, your back archs and head thrown back.
"Oh Baby, You look so P-Pretty like this.." ,Mark Woo's. Massaging your thighs, letting you return to reality. Heavily breathing as you lay against Mark's chest.
"You okay?"
"Yes..I'm Okay.."
Gentle rubs on your back, comforting you.. somewhat lulling you to sleep. You spring up realizing. "Oh my god!"
Your face flushes. You cover your face with your hands, using them as a shield. "What baby? Tell me whats up. Was I not okay?"
"No! It was the opposite! I-..I finished too fast!"
Mark sits up, now eye-level with you still settled on top of him. Gently holding your hands, he peals them away from your pretty face. "Hey, weren't you the one who said It would be awkward? That pur first time together wont be perfect?"
"Yes but..I wanted to hold out for you."
"It's okay if you don't hold out...well, It Just tells me what a good job Im doing", he flirted. Making you giggle with sudden spring of kisses peppered on your neck.
"I guess you are doing well, you've managed to come this far."
"You guess? Want me to do better? I do have one tally for making you 'cum' this far."
You were lifted up and put onto your back, the both of you now in missionary position. Mark held you down against his sheets. Your dark hair was littered everywhere as you looked up at him and Mark, as he looked down at you.
A soft and warm, yet intense gaze– Seemed like nothing would put a hold on the sexual tension between you two. Your chest hot with desire. Leaning in closer to you. The feeling of warm breath heave against eachother—
"Oh..Haha, you've got jokes".
Mark chuckles, pulling your body somewhat onto his lap as he readied himself to fill you up once more.
"Uh-huh, Jokes and galore", he says with a cute smirk. Without warning, you were filled to the brim with Mark's length. Your eyes widened with the sudden feeling and voice so loud you were positive Mark's neighbors could hear everything.
Mark's grip, tugging on one of your hands while the other grips the sheets. His lips nipping, kissing, whispering things into your skin as he watched your pleasured form.
With your free hand you cling to the velvety sheets. "Ngh! Fuck.. Minhyung–"
"Hm? What's that? Kitten got your tongue, Y/n?", Mark Teased. He leans onto you, kissing your chin, and slowly going down your body. Your neck, collar bone..and breasts.
His steady thrusts, speeding up with the sound of skin getting louder too. Marks lips wrapped around your nipple, as he pulled you by the wrist. The combination of his tongue going at it on your breasts + Mark filling you up, quickly sending you over the edge. Your nails now finding solace in Mark's bicep.
His other arm wraps around the arch of your back. Holding you there- after having fun with one nipple he moves on to the next. "Mark! Mm! Oh my g–" a string of cries leave your lips as your boyfriend's pelvis slams into yours.
The feeling, Tension of Minhyung's cock ravage your insides building up, leaving you speechless. Without announcement Mark pulls out, yanking the condom off and planting his seed all over your stomach.
Your orgasm that was just being built up began to die down. You sighed with disappointment feeling the sweet end leave your body. You began to sit up only to be pushed back down onto the bed.
"Hey, where are you going beautiful? I can feel you're on your second orgasm."
"Its not that big of a deal—"
With a sudden motion, your legs pulled apart. Pushed back by the pit of your knees. Mark kneels before you, eagerly looking at your pussy.
"Damn, Look how messy you've gotten. Let me clean you up a bit."
His tongue now licking a long, wet, warm stripe along your slit. Firmly gripping plush thighs, Mark pulls you onto his lips. Making out with your pussy vigorously. Tasting every inch of your cum that had leaked out of you.
Mark stepping back to look at your face, as he found joy in your expressions. Wondering why you were so quiet, to finding you covering your mouth.
He grabs your hand, holding it down to the bed. In a teasing tone,"You can pull my hair if you don't know what to do with them." Like you'd told him before the two of you got busy love making.
"I forbid you to hide your cries Minx. You're loud and expressive earlier. Don't hide now", he mumbles against your pussy. He drags your soft digits to his locks, letting your fingers latch on before continuing to eat you again.
Feeling the need to help that pressure build up again, taking your fingers amd playing with your clit. Mark feeling disappointed that you needed to do it yourself. Mark removed your hand, replacing it with his.
Your hips rolling on Mark's finger and tongue, eventually reaching that sweet end goal. Your legs vibrating around Marks head as you cum. Still Stimulating you as you reached the end.
Your pretty cries so loud, like music to Mark's ears. Felling him smile against your pussy as he laps up your juices. Rubbing your thighs to help soothe the slight aches. "Beautiful Y/n, Such a beautiful Minx."
Mark gently lowers your legs, kissing your calves as your toes point. Allowing you to come down from your high. "Fuck Kitten...You're good. Really good." You slur hungrily.
"Yeah? Good, cause' I'm not done yet gorgeous." Marks says in a low tone; his eyes clouded by love lust. "Not done?" You ask, ready for more. Your boyfriend who'd been a virgin, shy and now confident as ever. Though you weren't complaining, he was so hot like this.
"Could you please turn around for me Y/n?", he asked as he helped you to your feet.
"Since you asked so nicely", you flirted with Mark as he twirled you around. Mark now unwrapping a new condom and preparing himself for you.
On your hands and knees, you wait for Mark to position himself. As he does so, his hands slide up your waist and up your hips. His alluring voice in your ear, "Are you ready?"
His voice melting you, you nod leaning into the sheets. "Minx, don't lean that way– come here.."
Mark helping you up, you stayed on your knees and Mark right behind you. "I wanna try like this–"
His chest against your back.. Sweat making your skin stick together. One hand of his holding your hip and the other holding one of your wrists. He guides your hand over his shoulder and rests it on the back of his head. Gently kissing your shoulder as he slides inside you again. "A-Ah!"
Mark's hand now with a mind of its own making its way to your breast, and fondling it. Your head thrown back onto your boyfriend's shoulder as he grinds against you— thrusts into you.
"Damn...You feel so good, you're so beautiful—", he whispers.
"Mark– I don't think I'll be letting you sleep tonight."
"Me either–" The two of you share a kiss as Marks hips move faster. Your mouth agape more, having lovely noises spill out.
"–I can't seem to get enough of you."
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Written june 28th
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samwinchestersbf · 1 year
{ The Ghost of Beacon }
Chapter 1. "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
A RWBY x reader
warnings: small language, maybe ooc?
small authors note: I just created this idea on a whim, I am open to criticism. The gender neutral reader will be using they/them so anyone is welcomed to read. I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors in advance, I also have a small concept on how tumblr works beware! Please enjoy :) More chapters to come. (This takes place along with the original storyline with a few tweaks. I might toss in some romance when the time comes but who knows.)
Short Summary: The ghost of Beacon was thought to be a legend however with the recent spikes of activity, the school has grown unsure. The students with no idea of the story behind it all have determination to find out...
Reblogs are appreciated!!<3
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At first it was...difficult to come to terms with your death in the first couple of years. It's not like anyone noticed anyways, with all the speculation and lies.
Your days passed by very quick to say the least, you grew bored of it all. You craved to have fun if you were going to be a ghost trapped forever, right? Especially with new fresh students coming in.
Now here you were, amongst them all without their knowledge. These new students definitely piqued your interest, as did the last ones but there was something about them. You couldn't put your finger on it, perhaps it was just their behavior so you brushed it off.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to hear the headmaster's speech, along with his colleague. "Are there any questions?" He asked smoothly before taking another sip from his mug.
"Yeah...uhm sir?" You turned your attention to the timid blonde boy before he was cut off. "Good! Now take your positions." You let out a simple laugh and observed the group of teens ready themselves, the boy not aware of what was about to happen. "Uh sir...I've got a question" He still raised his hand.
Students were being flung into the air and he was still on rambling with his question as Professor Ozpin answered calmly. You walked over to him, "Good luck" You whispered into his ear before he was being launched at full force.
"My bets are on the energetic redhead" You tried to joke before realizing again no one can hear your remarks. You watched the collective group in the air, giggling a bit to yourself.
Professor Oz and Glynda pulling out their scrolls to watch on the surveillance system. "Hey! Let me get a peek" You tried to watch over Glynda's shoulder, she let out a little shiver. "Sorry, just let me see real quick" You attempted to take it before the tablet swung out of her grasp, her eyes widening.
You were able to see the students landing strategies before she scoffed, picking up the tablet from the ground. "Slippery fingers I see." Ozpin let out his own remark. "Oh shush, I don't even know how that happened." Her tone a little irritated. She walked off to go somewhere more private to observe.
You were a little shocked to say the least from your power. You didn't know you could do that? You decided to try again on the headmaster, you swatted at his mug, yet nothing happened. "Maybe if I- aha!" You hit the mug as he was about to take a sip, a majority of the drink spilling on him, before the mug took a tumble to the ground.
Glynda looked over her shoulder as she was walking away, "Now you've got slippery fingers" She mocked him, he seemed amused with his furrowed eyebrows. He glanced down at the mess, "Ignore that please." You bursted out in a laughing fit, feeling satisfied you now have the power over objects.
You recovered from your prank, thinking about it more now. If you were a stereotypical ghost, you could do much more than that. You could possibly try light tricks or even talking to someone finally. You yearned for conversation, sure you loved to be alone but you wished deep down for someone to hear your opinions and jokes.
You just wanted someone to know you were there, you wanted to be noticed.
You stood there, ruminating to yourself. It's not like Ozpin could see you, if anything he thought he was alone.
Soon enough Glynda spoke up again after quite some time, walking up to him. "Our last pair has been formed sir," She continued on swiping the scroll to a different perspective. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." You peered over her shoulder watching Nora be quite silly.
"They seem alright to me." You muttered, Glynda turned to Ozpin. "What did you say?" He looked up from his scroll, a look of confusion on his face. "I didn't say anything." He cocked an eyebrow before Glynda returned back to watching with a small eye roll following. So you could talk to people, if you really tried of course.
"But still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." Ozpin replied with a small hum. "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."
You wondered for a bit, it was possible to forge your way into any academy. You've seen it happen before besides no school is perfect.
Glynda put away her scroll, "I guess we'll find out soon enough" which in this case meant they were going to be finishing soon, you did want to test tricks on the new students. It'll maybe finally give you your own entertainment instead of listening and watching.
The collected woman walked off yet again, "At their current pace they should reach the temple just in a few minutes." She turned a little, she was truly a professional woman. As if you always knew that's who she's always been.
"Speaking of which; what did you use as relics this year?" She turned her full attention to him and called out his name again. He seemed too focused on his scroll, watching the kids from earlier have an argument. You believe he heard her because all he let out was another responsive hum.
He always did this, his little hums. Anyone was lucky if they had a full conversation with him.
All of a sudden you started to feel an intense pain in your stomach and throat, if ghosts could even feel a phantom kind of pain. You fell to your knees, trying to scream for help except not a single word came out. You coughed into your hand, pulling away to see your transparent hand stained with blood.
Get up. Get up. Get up
You blacked out and went dormant before waking up in a new scenery. You were in the academy now? You were still on the ground and quickly returning on your feet. An overwhelming confusion as you finally calmed down, realizing the pain beforehand was completely gone.
You woke up in that secluded spot you would go to clear your mind, a special place to your heart. It was dark outside and you could hear a faint commotion of people down the corridor.
You walked down there, walking through the door as you saw a sea of people surrounding the stage with four new students and Professor Ozpin. Everything must be over now, he's giving the new teams publicly.
"Oh shit, I missed all the fun." You sighed in defeat, still trying to figure out how that could've happened. You listened to Ozpin, making your way through the people to hop on stage.
"Looks like things are shaping out to be an...interesting year" He turned around, walking right through you. "Ow! You know that hurts right?" You hissed holding your stomach but he didn't notice.
He entered off stage as the girls and crowd cheered. You were obviously quick to follow right behind him.
He exited the room, Glynda waiting outside for him to talk to him. "I want to talk about what happened earlier today." He stopped in his tracks, and looked down at her. "Earlier?" He questioned before she took a breath in, "Earlier today, what happened wasn't ordinary. Stuff just doesn't come flying out of our hands and there wasn't any wind if I recall."
He raised an eyebrow before clicking his tounge to speak. "Yes that was quite odd but-" he was going to dismiss it all before a couple of students came to talk to him, surrounding him and Glynda. He politely answered some of their questions.
You saw the new team RWBY come out of the room, they seem to be having fun so you decided to follow them. They were chatting and walking to their brand new dorm.
After a while they finally made it there and you decided it was time to do what you originally wanted to do. Everyone was about to head to bed anyways so it was perfect for you.
The students said their goodnights to each other and were fast to fall asleep, now was the time to strike.
You went to team JNPR's dorm, knocking on their door and frantically shaking the door handle. "I'm coming..." Jaune's tired voice croaked before opening the door to absolutely nothing.
"Oh?" He looked down the halls with no sign of people whatsoever.
You decided to do it again every random hour of the night and you would follow him all day tomorrow to torment him.
The next morning he came off as very tired, explaining what happened and how no one has that much dedication to a joke like that. He believed it was a ghost, he was practically accusing you without knowing your name.
"Jaune cmon, maybe you were just restless all night from homesickness" Nora commented, she definitely had a heavy sleep effortlessly. Her friend Lie Ren was meditating on his bed.
He snapped his eyes open and whipped his head, drawing his teammates attention. He glared down where you were standing specifically, he must be able to tell you're there. He stopped before realizing he couldn't see you and apologized to them, "I thought I could sense something.."
Nora tilted her head and questioned the situation to the two boys "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
Jaune nodded desperately, "If it wasn't a ghost then it was most likely a student" Pyrrha suggested. "No it wasn't, I would've caught them!" Jaune rubbed his eyes, you did feel a little sorry.
"Then you should talk to Professor Ozpin about it later today" Ren replied, he was back to his calm meditation. The rest of the team agreed before you all heard team RWBY speeding out of their dormitory.
The four kids peeked out, falling onto the ground and catching up with the other team.
Hopefully this year would be interesting.
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violetlunette · 2 years
Would Hizashi be a good Homeroom teacher?
Critics of Aizawa have stated that Hizashi would be a better teacher than him, and it got me thinking. What would Hizashi be like as a homeroom teacher? Well, I thought about it and compiled my thoughts in a nonsense post.
Keep in mind, that everything below is just MY thoughts and opinions. And though I’ve done my best to study Mic, there’s not a lot in canon to work with, so everything is YMMV. I will be explaining my reasoning for everything I say, though.
Okay, so what would make Hizashi good for the role?
For one, his voice quirk would allow him to keep the class under control, as he’s hard to ignore. He’s very intelligent which would help with the paperwork, and he’s just a hard worker.
However, the main that would make Mic a great homeroom teacher is that—unlike his naive, but well-meaning colleagues—Hizashi has emotional intelligence.
The others have some level of this, but their emotional knowledge is clouded by other factors, and they’re usually unable to put their personal feelings aside. An example of this is when the traitor was revealed;
Mic was the ONLY person there willing to set his personal feelings aside to deal with a very dangerous problem. He only stopped pushing because he knew no one would take his side.
Getting back on topic, this would allow Hizashi to handle his students as he would know when to coddle them—like when Momo had her confidence busted—and when to kick someone’s fragile ego to help them learn a few things, such as Bakagou and his attitude problem.
Present Mic is also very willing to interact with the students one on one, allowing him to help them out more. (Not that Aizawa wasn’t willing. He just isn’t one to make the first move which leads to issues here and there.)
I especially think Mic would have been able to help Izuku, Tenya, and Bakagou.
With Tenya, Mic would have pulled Tenya aside after hearing his brother’s attack and would have talked to him about it. Hizashi understands what Tenya is going through because he’s been there. Hizashi saw Oboro’s corpse. He can understand Tenya’s anger and grief. And there’s no way he wouldn’t have reached out because that’s what he always does. When someone is sad (All Might or Aizawa) Mic reaches out and offers an ear. They don’t always accept, and he respects that but lets them know subtly that he’s there. Mic may not have helped enough to dissuade Tenya from pursuing Stain, but the attempt would be made. (Plus, I believe he would have called Manuel to update him on the situation.) He’d also be better at teaching Tenya to relax a bit more and not be so serious all the time.
With Bakagou his relationship would be—rough, but Mic would still be good for the firebomb. First, there’s no way that Hizashi wouldn’t have checked in on Bakagou’s mental state after a kidnapping. But he also would have been good to help with two of Bakagou’s main flaws that others rarely address; his arrogance and recklessness.
This is because in his youth Mic was nice, but also a jack of trades which made him overconfident in his abilities. However, this was something that—from his POV—cost others their lives. Because of this, I think this would make Mic more willing than others All Might to toughen up that “fragile ego” of Bakagou’s. Plus, he actually might have stepped up and done something about his conflict with Izuku.
Okay, I did an entire post on how Mic HATES conflict and avoids it at all costs. However, in that same post, I stated that all goes out the window when people he cares for are being hurt. So, I have no doubt Hizashi man up and do what he needed to do. (Hell, he may have actually done something.) It’s shown he dislikes bullies and is very protective of others, so it’s not out of the question that he would have pulled Bakagou aside after the first battle match and had a one-on-one talk, letting him know that wouldn’t stand. 
That being said, Mic may have done a touch more harm as he would poke at Bakagou’s insecurities, which may have made Bakagou lash out even worse. (More on this later.) He also would have put the two together for the finals, just like Aizawa did as he’d want to test Bakagou’s self-control and Izuku’s ability to stand up for himself.
Speaking of which, let’s talk about our sweet broccoli. Mic would be able to help him simply because he would actually talk to Izuku AND All Might about things.
See, Mic knows the power of communication. He does it all the time. Therefore, he and All Might--who’s the teaching assistant?--would always be on the same page, something Aizawa and All Might are very much not. Unlike Aizawa, who was too insecure to question All Might, Hizashi would call All Might out very bluntly. “Hey, you said you were teaching Deku, right? Why are his bones still shattering? What methods are you using to teach?” Aizawa never pushed to know anything for personal reasons, and so he didn’t know anything about Izuku. Mic would push because a) he’s pushy, and b) Izuku would literally be injuring himself all the time and Mic would want to stop that. (I don’t think he’d be in on the OFA secret, but All Might would be on his toes all the time.)
With Izuku, Hizashi would be able to help Izuku with his insecurity as Mic has deep insecurities of his own. And if there’s one thing Mic is excellent at it’s being a hype man, so that would have helped with Izuku’s confidence if even a little bit. (Koda’s too!) Plus, I believe Mic would have directly asked about Bakagou’s issue with him (delicacy isn’t Mic’s strong point). Since Izuku tells everyone who asks—All Might, Uraraka, Tenya, etc.--Mic would know the deal right away. I’m not 100% sure what he’d do, but I think he’d help in subtle ways so as not to embarrass Izuku, or hurt his pride. (A lot of fix-it fics have it that Izuku tells a teacher, and they handle it, however, no one ever brings up how actions like that are embarrassing to the student, especially when they’re over the age of ten. That’s one of the reasons in the real world teens don’t go to teachers. They’re young, but they have pride too. Izuku tells others because he wants to vent, but at the end of the day he wants to handle Bakagou on his terms.) Mic would understand this and has demonstrated in canon that he could help without being obvious.
Other small things, Present Mic is very observant so he’d be able to pick up on his students' strengths and weaknesses. His bluntness may come off as harsh, but in a way, it would be helpful too as he knows to curb his words enough not to dissuade the kids, but is sharp enough to keep them on their toes.
Hizashi would also be a good contrast to all his students and All Might as they’re all naive as heck. They all have a clear black and white view, but Mic knows it’s much more complicated than that. He understands the stakes better than anyone and wouldn’t blindly forgive.
This may be one of his flaws.
Spoilers, but I’m not sure how Mic would react to Aoyama being the traitor. On one hand, this is a precious student whom Hizashi has grown attached to. On the other hand, his actions placed his other students, and friends, in danger. And Mic—as loving as is—isn’t very forgiving of anyone hurting his loved ones. It would especially hurt because they were hurt by someone they and he trusted. Even understanding the situation, it would be hard.
In the end, I don’t think he’d forgive Aoyama, but at the same time—due to the situation—he wouldn’t just abandon him. Like, “I’m mad and I don’t forgive you, but even so, I’ll help you to redeem yourself.”
Speaking of flaws, what else works against him?
Externally, Hizashi already has a full-time job as a radio DJ and Hero, both professions that call him out to host events. As an English teacher Mic shows up for several classes and grades papers, but then he can rest, or do the other things he needs to do. As a homeroom teacher, he couldn’t do that, especially after everyone moved to the dorms.
Internally, I think Mic is a bit too passive. To keep the students in line (especially ones like Bakagou) Mic would have to be able to pull them aside and scold them properly. As stated, Hizashi would if he had to, but I’m not sure how long he’d wait to do so. Plus, he’d have to deal with parents and other factors. Mic likes to keep his life as peaceful as he can and won’t stir things up if he doesn’t have to.
Plus, Mic is the type to pick favorites and makes no qualms about those he doesn’t like, which may isolate students. To be fair though, if Mic had more one-on-one with all his students, I’d have no doubt that while he’d love them differently, he would love them the same. (In canon, he doesn’t have much interaction with the students outside of class. As such, Hizashi doesn’t really know any of the students outside of tournaments and such, so it’s easier to choose favorites as he’s a spectator.)
He’s also the type to poke at wounds and may unintentionally poke too hard at people, causing them to lash out too harshly.
And to anyone thinking Mic wouldn’t be as strict as Aizawa, hahaha—no. If anything I’d say with full confidence he’d be tougher than Aizawa. Mic may come off as easygoing, but I have no doubt he’d run his kids through the wringer while laughing all the way. (I have nothing to back this up, but no doubt either.)
And finally, while his quirk is a boon, it can also work against him. If the students get out of control, the only way Mic can stop them is to hurt them.
In summary;
Things that would make Hizashi a good teacher;
*His emotional intelligence
*His communication skills
*His observation skills
*The fact that he tends to get involved with others without prompting
*His bluntness
*The fact that he can respect emotions, but knows when to call others out
*His Quirk
*Would be more involved
Things that would make Hizashi a bad teacher;
*Busy life schedule
*Passive / Hates conflict
*Too blunt
*May push on some wounds without meaning too
*His quirk may make it hard to teach his students and if they get out of control, the only way to stop them is to hurt them.
*Would be way tougher than Aizawa
In conclusion;
Personally, I like the roles as is, though I wish we saw Aizawa spending more time with his class and actually interacting.
Mic works really, really hard and the job of being a homeroom teacher would be too taxing, emotionally and physically. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’d be a bad teacher, far from it. Rather I think he’d be great. But the man needs—and wants--to take it easy. He wants to keep what he can light and doesn’t like taking on more trouble than he has to.
That being said, it would be cute to see him being a fun dad to Class 1-A.
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letsasoiaftogether · 3 years
Roose Bolton Imagine...
IMAGINE…being the youngest daughter to Lord Tywin Lannister on your way to your little shit of a nephew’s (Joffrey) wedding when you’re abducted by Northmen and taken to Harrenhal where one Lord Leech of the Dreadfort has taken up residence.
A/N: Yikes, never have I had SO much second guessing/forgetfulness when it came to grammar! A thousand apologies if there are grammatical errors in this. I swear I normally have very few difficulties in that area but I legit spent an hour trying to look up “past vs passed” amongst others. ANYWAYS, I hope you all enjoy!
Pt 2
Warning: NONE except for slight ooc Roose??? I’m rusty in writing for him! :p
Word Count: 3,471
(GIF isn’t mine!)
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It had been stupid on your part. 
That was made very clear the moment you caught sight of those banners.
Curses slipped from the mouths of your guards as they drew their weapons and moved to form a tighter circle around you.
You didn’t have time, then, to think about how you should have headed straight to King’s Landing; there had been no reason to not go through the Reach to the Crownlands. After all, your father Lord Tywin and Lord Mace Tyrell had recently made a very beneficial partnership (that would also see the Tyrell girl married into the royal family, and made Queen). Still, you had been in no hurry to reach the Capital and so you had convinced your guards to head just a little further North into the Riverlands before turning back South so you would make it to your nephew’s wedding in time.
You did have plenty of time as the enemy headed for you and your men to amuse yourself with the thought that now - maybe - you wouldn’t be forced to sit through a ceremony celebrating your older sister’s arrogant, psychopathic son. It wasn’t like you would be any safer in King’s Landing than you would be either dead or as a possible prisoner of war; actually, Joffrey was more likely to order your murder on a whim than the Northerners were.
“Bolton men, M’Lady.” one of the guards stated, as if you hadn’t already figured that out by the flayed man on the strips of cloth being held by two of the dozen or so men.
Biting your tongue, to keep yourself from snapping out some remark as Cersei would have done, you tightened your grip on your horse’s reins and lifted your chin into the air - refusing to come off as frightened or intimidated in front of your men. How could you expect them to have courage and optimism if you held none yourself?
“Well, well, well lads, look what we have here.” one of the Northmen chuckled as he pulled his own horse to a stop five or so feet in front of your party.
“A little lion cub.” one of the other men mock-cood leading to the entire party bursting into loud laughter and shouting out insults about House Lannister.
You did your best to ignore them, and instead mentally prepared for the fight that would happen. There was no way your guard would go down without a fight; they were far more afraid of their Warden of the West than they were of some boy-king’s bannermen’s…men.
In the end, it was one of your own guards who took the first swing; the blade of his sword embedding into the right side of the Northman’s neck. There were screams of rage from the Bolton men and your guards gave off one of their own as steel met steel and the ground was painted in blood.
The moment the realization set in that the fighting had begun, you were quick to climb down from your horse’s saddle and sprint into the trees just a hundred or so feet away.
The branches of the passing trees scraped against your cheeks as you ran blindly past, your hands clutching the skirt of your dress as you did your best to not trip over it, your feet, or whatever parts of nature on the forest floor suddenly decided they held a grudge against you.
Your heart was racing, and although your siblings and your father would have sneered at you for it, you didn’t try to ignore the fact you were scared. Not while you were alone, at least.
You would have been a fool to try and convince yourself that there was no real danger. Everyone knew the stories about House Bolton, even people in the Westerlands. Stories of the Dreadfort and the horrible things the Lords of the castle had done within those dark, gloomy walls had been amongst the horror stories you and Tyrion would tell each other as children. 
You had no illusions on the things that Lord Bolton could do if his men got a hold of you and took you before him.
It felt like you had been running for hours when you finally stopped to lean against a tree, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. The sounds of the fight had long since faded behind you and there had been no sound of you being followed. It was both relieving and a problem; it meant the Northmen could be dead but it also meant your father’s men could be dead.
Your indecisiveness over what to do next cost you as you were so preoccupied with your thoughts and chewing on your bottom lip in worry that you didn’t notice the light breaking of twigs to your left, and it was only as a hand was covering your mouth from behind that you heard someone behind you.
Eyes wide, you screamed against the hand as you were pushed to the ground and a heavy body situated themselves on your lower back.
“Over here! I got the bitch!” the man shouted with an accent you knew to be Northern.
You heard the approaching footsteps this time and a turn of your head revealed five other men - all sporting varying amounts of blood on their clothes. One of them still had his sword drawn and your eyes were immediately on the dark red-blood liquid coating the bottom of the blade.
“Lord Bolton’s going to get a kick out of today’s catch.” another one of the men said with a disgusting smirk that reminded you almost of Old/Late Walder Frey (a man you were grateful to have only met on three separate occasions).
The others snickered in agreement as the man seated across your back tied your arms and legs together as a means of keeping you from fighting followed by a cloth being shoved into your mouth to keep you quiet.
You didn’t bother to try and scream past the gag nor to try and threaten them with reminders of who your father was and about the Reynes of Castamere. It wasn’t like they would suddenly release you; they knew full well who you were when they decided to kill your guard and throw you on the back of one of their horses.
And now the North holds two of Tywin Lannister’s children
You were not in the mood to be hauled in front of the Stark boy-king and listen to him gloat about that fact.
Not that you knew the boy or his personality, but…gloating was something your family would have done if the situations were reversed so you wouldn’t have been surprised if Robb Stark did so.
The voices of the Northmen soon blended together and you occupied your time watching the scenery around you. It was something you would need to be able to recognize for when you managed to escape.
You did your best to do the things that Jaime, Tyrion, and your Father would do if they were in your situation. Like Tyrion, you listened to everything your abductors said; there was always the possibility they would let something slip you could use later on. Like Jaime, you accessed their weaknesses the best you could on the chance you got your hands on a weapon. And like your father…you combined both and did your best to weigh every possible option and its likelihood of success of getting away.
There was also the unspoken advantage that you held over your captures.
You were a woman and because of that there was the high chance that you would be underestimated in your skills with bow and sword. The fact you were a Lannister and the younger sister to the Queen only added to it; you knew from past experiences that people expected you to be prim and proper and dainty with absolutely no military training whatsoever. No one ever suspected that your older brother or Casterly Rock’s Master at Arms (who was a distant cousin of yours) would have given in to your pleas and trained you as much as they could without being caught by your father.
It was something you had never shared with anyone else, but you were more than willing to let it be known if it meant saving your life.
Harrenhal was just as all the stories described, if not worse. Its height alone made your eyes widen. And then there was the evidence of charred stone left over from Aegon the Conqueror’s assault three hundred years prior. The whole structure and surrounding area brought nothing but an ominous feeling that had your stomach clenching in dread.
The courtyard of the castle was full of servants and guards rushing in every direction and as hard as you tried, you had no hope in remembering the faces of each and every one of them.
Your skin crawled in disgust as you were lifted onto the shoulder of the man who had thrown you to the ground, sat across your back, and tied you up. He was lucky that your arms were trapped behind your back and that you didn’t have a knife.
Being carried up the stairs and into the castle was humiliating, but then you were carried through the castle with people staring and whispering to one another (and, oh, you could just imagine what they were saying). It made your temper boil even further and as you reached the top of yet another set of stairs, you pulled your head to the side as far as you could before slamming it into the side of the head of your abductor. 
A loud curse slipped from his lips and a soft oof could be heard behind your gag as you were unceremoniously dropped onto the stone floor in front of him. 
Your body hit the floor hard and any bit of air that was in your chest pushed out of your nose in a rush. Your eyes went blurry for a long moment from the force of slamming your head into his and then from it bouncing off the floor.
Your vision had only just begun to clear when a strong, booted kick landed against your side drawing a cry of pain from you.
Two more kicks followed shortly after with you being unable to do anything but lay there and take it, glaring up at the man with pure hatred.
The others stood on the stairs, watching their companion with mild looks of boredom as if they had better things to do than to stand there watching the other man have a fit.
Just as the first man went to land a fourth kick to your already sore (and no doubt bruised) body, a throat softly cleared from somewhere down the hall. 
You didn’t need to be told who it was; just by the reaction of the men you knew full well who it was.
No one moved to pull you to your feet; in fact, it was suddenly like they had momentarily forgotten you existed.
After a few moments of waiting to see what happened, you knew that you had no other choice but to move yourself. Gritting your teeth, you managed to roll onto your stomach - forcing the tears to not fall at the pain that instantly washed over your body from the pressure now being applied to your sides and stomach. Slowly, you lifted your head and locked eyes with Roose Bolton.
Your breath caught in your lungs and a chill of fear made its way to your heart.
The man was even more frightening in person; the stories didn’t do him justice.
“Lady Y/n,” his voice was soft and it was like the hall grew colder with each syllable, “Welcome to Harrenhal.”
Lord Bolton had you untied immediately after welcoming you and taken down to the bath house to wash up from your run in the woods. A servant brought you a dress to change into - simple, red silk with thin straps on your shoulders and that at least fell to your ankles - and you didn’t bother to ask why such a thing was at Harrenhal (assuming it was just left over from the castle’s last owners was easier than imagining there were other noble women locked away in the castle’s dungeons or towers). 
Once bathed and dressed, you were shown to a bed chamber where a meal was waiting on a small table next to the window, beside the plate (which held a steak, potatoes, and green beans) was a goblet of a red liquid. A quick sniff revealed it to be some brand of wine.
You didn’t consume any of it. You would be damned before you allowed yourself to so easily be poisoned.
You left the plate to get cold and left the room, heading for the door you had watched Lord Bolton disappear into an hour earlier.
Soft echoes bounced off the darkly lit walls as you moved forward, your gaze flickering here and there watching every shadow as if the leech lord was going to step out of one.
As you got to the door, you paused in your movements - your hand frozen above the handle. The urgency that had led you there fled as you realized you weren’t prepared to set eyes on the man again.
He was an enemy of your family. Or…or his King was. The Young Wolf. The boy-king who hadn’t lost a single battle against your father - your father who had a council of seasoned veterans and was a seasoned warrior himself…he had the numbers and the experience, but somehow he couldn’t beat a boy? No doubt a lot of it had to do with the seasoned warriors of the North and the Riverlands. And if that was so…then the Lord on the other side of that door was one of those such warriors.
He was dangerous and you didn’t know nearly enough about him to win a war of words with him, and while he was thin and not as strong as most men, you had no doubt he could find the strength if needed.
The door knob was cold as your fingers finally wrapped around it.
Your breath was shaky and your mouth suddenly dry as you counted each second you just stood there staring at the wood in front of you.
A small squeak slipped past your lips as the knob began to turn under your hand, and you stumbled forward as it was pulled open from the inside. Your eyes stared wide up into the ghost-gray eyes of Lord Bolton as he stood, expectantly, staring down at you with an ever so slightly raised brow.
“My Lord,” you curtsied, quickly pulling yourself together “I believe we need to talk.”
He said nothing, simply stepped aside and gestured for you to enter.
Despite not being an innocent child any longer (seven hells, you had flowered, married, been deflowered, and widowed by the time you were twenty years old), you still found a soft pink heat appearing on your cheeks as you stepped inside and took note of the large bed to your left.
“My Lord,” you began to say, turning to look at him once more with your chin raised slightly in the air, “I do not appreciate my guards being killed and myself being abducted. Your guards had absolutely no right in doing so.”
“Y/n,” and goosebumps began to spread along your arms and back at the sound of your name on his lips, “Allow me to remind you that we are at war. My deepest apologies that such things happen. However, you really should have expected such a thing coming so far into the Riverlands.”
You huffed, “I am not at war with you, My Lord. Have I picked up a sword and rushed out onto a field? Did I behead Ned Stark with my own two hands? Have I killed any of your men or the heirs of Northern Lords? And I should remind you that whatever we are doing, it all started when Lady Stark abducted my little brother and tried to have him killed in the Vale.”
The thought of what nearly happened to Tyrion still drew your rage to the surface. He was only a year younger than you and had been your best friend since his birth despite the unfortunate circumstances that surrounded it. The knowledge that he had nearly been killed on false charges…you didn’t agree with beheading Lord Stark, it had only caused more problems for your family, but you would pay all the gold in Casterly Rock to be able to knock Catelyn Tully on her ass.
“Would that not have worked in your favor?” Lord Bolton questioned, moving over to the writing desk in the corner of the room where a stack of parchment was awaiting his attention
You frowned, not understanding his words. “My Lord?”
He gave off a thin smile and said, “If the Imp had been killed, would you not have become your Father’s heir?”
I already am, My Lord.
Lord Tywin will never give the Rock to Tyrion.
You kept those thoughts to yourself and instead shook your head, “I cannot pretend to even begin to know what my father plans to do about that matter, My Lord. Daughters, especially second born ones, aren’t given the luxury for such things.”
“And yet,” the man before you took a seat at his desk, his gaze never wavering from your own “It has been many years since you were widowed, and you remain unmarried and childless. As a child to Lord Tywin, I would have expected him to be quick to marry you off once more to try for grandchildren.”
It was obvious that he was only talking so much to try and get you to talk. He was trying to get you to let something slip just as you had hoped his men would.
Moving toward him, slowly, you let your gaze take him in from his pale skin and eyes to the fingers he had folded calmly on the desk before him. He sat tall with an air about him that spoke volumes on how much power he (and his house) held in Westeros. Even as a vassal house for the Starks, House Bolton only lacked family members - they had the lands and the ruthlessness to do whatever was necessary to remain for thousands of years.
“There’s no need to concern yourself about my marriage status, Lord Bolton.” you hummed, leaning against his desk - the wood digging slightly into your hip. “Or the line of succession when it comes to House Lannister.”
The man didn’t respond. He barely acted like he heard you as he turned his gaze to the parchments in front of him and grabbed his quill from the jar of ink next to his arm.
You watched him, unsure of what to say next.
If you had been more like Cersei, you would have knocked everything off the desk and demanded he pay attention to you. Jaime would have had several witty comments. Tyrion…Tyrion would have had a few comments, maybe, but you…you were certain he would have ended up just leaving. 
While you were a lioness and had been taught politics by your Father, you had been married off at seventeen and lived with your husband in his family’s castle for those three short years of your marriage. When he died from a sickness, you had been brought straight back to the Rock as if you had never left. But you had softened in those three years and any sort of entitlement you may have had as a child (the same entitlement Cersei still held) had been stripped from your bones by the humbled attitude of your husband and in-laws.
So, you simply stood there watching the Lord of the Dreadfort read and scribble away on every parchment in the stack until he was finished and sat his quill back into the ink jar.
It was only when his eyes met yours once more that you straightened and demanded to be taken to King’s Landing, your voice wavering as you failed to put as much assertiveness behind it as you knew you should have.
“Y/n,” Lord Bolton pushed his chair back and stood. 
You didn’t move as he took those very few steps between the two of you until his body was pressed flush against your own.
“You are my prisoner. You won’t be going anywhere until I’m finished with you.” his fingers were cold as they gripped your chin, preventing you from moving away from him. “And by then…who’s to say the lion would even want you back?” and a chuckle slipped past his thin, pale lips.
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xaharadesert · 3 years
Accidental Potion Drinking - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: This is one of the super cute requests I’ve gotten from @firefly-child! It’s taken some time to get to it (as I’m currently working through older requests), but I’m super excited to write something light and fluffy :) the backstory provided was along the lines of MC and their LI having a little wine night when MC accidentally grabs the wrong bottle and they end up drinking a harmless potion instead, which is a really fun request! I don’t know anything about wine, so I’ll just casually skirt around that issue by leaving it to the reader’s imagination, but since the type of potion was left up to me I’ll definitely be having some fun describing the effects! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, and requests are open!
TW: drinking, consumption of alcohol, tipsy characters, mentions of alcohol, sorry I don’t really know how to tag for this kind of thing, but the alcohol bit is really only mentioned briefly to set up the scene
It didn’t take long to realize that you had grabbed the wrong bottle, considering that after the two of you had taken a few sips of what you had thought was wine you had both started slowly floating upward
There were a few moments where Julian thought to himself “wow, this stuff must be pretty strong, I kinda feel like I’m floating” before he realized that, oh, he was, in fact, floating
This was followed shortly after by only a second of panic, which quickly turned into delight when he remembered he was dating a magician and this sort of thing was probably normal for you
Honestly though, as endearing as it would be for him to simply trust that you were pulling a harmless prank, you would probably be panicking a bit more because oh my stars you grabbed the wrong bottle and which potion was this exactly?
But of course, Julian has an infectious laugh, and seeing as you were already a bit tipsy and nothing majorly bad was currently happening, you dissolved into a fit of giggles as well
By now the two of you were drifting near the ceiling (thank goodness you were inside), laughing at each other as you tried not to spin too far apart
The effects of the potion wore off a few minutes later, seeing as you had only had a few sips each, and you settled down peacefully, no harm done
The two of you had been having a rather peaceful evening, for once devoid of any sort of job or task that needed tending to
You were genuinely relaxing, drinking wine and telling bad jokes that would send you into full-bellied laughter— the kind that only seemed to grow whenever you tried to stop
With that being said, it wasn’t that surprisingly when the two of you developed a bad case of the hiccups after a while
What was surprising were the bubbles that floated from your mouth afterward
Although you were initially confused, Portia’s obvious delight at the magical turn of events quickly dissuaded your worries
She was always thrilled whenever you performed even the smallest bit of magic in your daily life, and this was no different, even if it was an accident on your part
Her hiccups only seemed to get worse as she laughed harder, tears of joy starting to spill from her eyes
The mood was infectious, and you would find yourself joining her in her pure delight
Small moments of joy such as this permeated your relationship, but this one in particular would always be a favourite of Portia’s, she was sure
You know, even with Mercedes and Melchoir’s incessant barking, you two had been having a rather relaxing evening, sharing your favourite wines with each other as Lucio regaled you with endless stories of his epic past battles and parties
However, as always, things took a turn in the most unexpected way
The two of you had only taken a few sips of a bottle you had brought out when you noticed the dogs�� barks seemed to sound… different
You tuned out Lucio for a moment and came to the realization that you were, in fact, hearing actual genuine words coming from the dogs’ mouths as they yelled at Lucio, an endless chant of “Dad, dad, dad!”
Lucio seemed to have not noticed, so you gave him a gentle shove and motioned for him to be quiet and listen to the dogs, which promptly lead to his own eyes widening and his mouth hanging open as he processed what was happening
He was thrilled, obviously, to be able to communicate with his beloved dogs, and all thoughts of the story he was telling were forgotten
In all honesty, Mercedes and Melchior didn’t seem to have a lot to say other than “Dad!” and “Love!”, but Lucio’s eyes were brimming with tears anyway as he hugged his dogs close
Let’s be real, having the opportunity to tell a beloved pet that you love them and to have them understand it would be one of the greatest feelings of all time, and Lucio was determined to not waste a second
What may have been a small mistake on your part was one of the greatest moments of Lucio’s life, in his words
It wasn’t noticeable at first— then again, Muriel’s voice was rather deep
But after a few more sips, you couldn’t deny it; his voice was definitely getting higher
He had been in the middle of telling you about something funny one of the chicken’s had done that day, and you had been quietly listening, but now you absolutely had to know
So, as politely as possible, you interrupted him, only to find that, oh, yeah, your voice was much higher than before
Both of you seemed pretty shocked, but let’s be honest, it’s hard not to laugh when it sounds like both of you had just inhaled helium, which, apparently, was the effect of the potion you had accidentally poured out for the two of you to drink
Muriel tried to stifle his laughter, but failed miserably as you embraced the situation and let out a long and loud sound of joy
There was no harm in drinking the potion, luckily, so the two of you decided to continue as you were, telling stories in the most serious voices you could while trying not to burst out laughing
Most evenings you spent alone with Asra were filled with quiet laughter and gentle light continuing to illuminate the room even after the sun had bid you goodnight, and today was no different
You had opened a new bottle of wine just a few minutes prior, despite both you and Asra having slightly rosy cheeks from being a bit tipsy already
The cozy light of the lantern above your head reflected off of him in a way that almost made him seem like he was glowing, although combined with the way he dressed it wasn’t very unusual
That was until you reached out to him to push aside a stray curl from his face and subsequently realized that relative to you, he really was very much actually glowing
You had been telling him about a particularly stubborn customer earlier, and as a result, hadn’t had as much to drink, so the difference was clear
He picked up on your surprise quickly, and reached up toward his own hair, thinking perhaps there was something stuck in it that startled you, only to also see his skin was glowing with a faint light
Of course, he knew as well as you did that potions were often misplaced in the shop when there was no real urgency to keep them sorted, so he knew right away what was happening, and, frankly, he found it hilarious
If you were at all apprehensive about drinking random potions while tipsy, Asra would have been pick to put those thoughts from your mind by quickly downing more of the potion and snuffing out the lantern
This on it’s own would have been a funny sight, but when he smiled widely at you and you noticed that even his teeth were glowing with a bright white light, you wouldn’t have been able to do anything but laugh, which, of course, had been his plan all along
He would encourage you to drink the potion as well so the two of you could wander around in the darkened Vesuvian streets and scare other citizens :)
Wine nights with Nadia are pretty common— it’s one of her favourite ways to unwind after a long day of working to improve Vesuvia
However, she’s usually the one providing the wine (seeing as she’s a very wealthy Countess), so nights like this one, where you brought over some of your favourites to share, were rather uncommon
The two of you weren’t particularly tipsy when you accidentally poured a potion into her glass instead of wine— an accident that you immediately recognized when Nadia morphed into an entirely different person in front of your eyes
Nadia herself seemed a bit surprised as well, seeing as the effect of the potion usually left the user with a mild child down their spine
You were quick to point out the error and apologize, but to your confusion Nadia seemed thrilled with the mistake
Blending in with Vesuvia’s population to gain a better understanding of her people was something she had always struggled to do, but you had just handed her the perfect opportunity
Wine forgotten, she grabbed your hand and lead you toward what was sure to be one of the most adventurous nights you had ever had in Vesuvia
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saigonharrington · 4 years
drivers license// stiles stilinski
Hi! This is my first blurb/fic kinda thing about Stiles, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and chose him for this one. 
Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader (but I think it might be gender neutral)
Summary: based on a song drivers license by olivia rodrigo
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, betrayal (kind of), angst
Word count: nearly 1.3k so quite short
Words in italics are flashbacks.
As I am quite new here, reblogs are highly appreciated, because they help me grow, so thanks to everyone who will reblog this <3
also big thanks to @weasleysandwheezes for checking grammar 🧡🧡🧡
Your friend… boyfriend… or colleague, you didn’t even know how to call him now, was always so excited for you, to get your driver's license. 
He was eager to help you, lending you his jeep to learn everything, despite the car meant so much to him, he wasn’t mad if you made mistakes. He showed his patience, thrilled that soon you’ll be able to drive to his home by yourself, and hoping that you’ll be his private driver from time to time. He has pinky promised you that he will be the first person to drive with you, sitting in the passenger seat, singing with you the songs you two loved the most. 
But the day for you to drive your car by yourself finally came, and he wasn’t there. You had to sit there alone, trying not to burst into tears, failing miserably at the thought of Stiles. He promised. He made a fucking promise, and where was he? 
“Damn Y/N you’re doing so much better now!” He complimented you, getting all goofy and excited. “Last time was truly a disaster, but now I can truly say that I am not afraid to be a passenger anymore. You’re a quick learner. And there is nothing more to be broken so… but anyway. I’m proud. Can’t wait for doing trips to Scott’s house, or just simply driving around town, spying after my dad. I get chills when I think about it.” He added, getting relaxed in his seat.
“Guess you’re going to be the first person who wants to be in a car with me. And I cannot wait too. Can you promise me that you’ll be by my side when I’ll be driving after getting a license? I just know that I will be stressed as hell, and you’re the only  person that doesn’t make the whole process stressful.” You explained, giving him your pinky, which he gladly took.
“Of course, babe. We’ll be driving around the same places for a hundred times if you want to. Just to get you accustomed to driving your own car.”
The answer is - with that new girl, Malia. She came out of nowhere and was immediately seen by his side. He spent every second of his life with her, forgetting about your being. Driving this day was really hard for you, because the only thing in your mind was ‘what could they possibly be doing right now?’. She was older than you, looked pretty even if she didn’t try to. Her hilarious jokes made everyone laugh, she outshone everything with the confidence that she had, making you really shy and awkward around her. You started getting insecure, seeing that Stiles was mesmerized by her. You two were a thing for months, even though it was unofficial, you really hoped that he would ask you soon to be his lover. But he never did, ruining everything that you two had for so long. 
To say it hurt you was an understatement. You were devastated, being friends with him since childhood made you think that you two will never lose touch. Spending every second of life with him and Scott, making unbreakable vows and promises, all of that was now nothing, because of the new girl. It broke your heart, seeing how easily you were replaced, it made you think that you weren’t good enough for him. 
And you were going to admit your feelings soon, you wanted to say “I love you” for the first time, however you didn’t have a chance. It shattered you even more, remembering that one day when you were sitting with Stiles in his room.
“Hi, I came as you asked. What’s that thing you wanted to talk about? What is going on with Scott?” You asked, worried about your friend.
“Actually I wanted to say something not related to Scott first. If you don’t mind…” He muttered.
“Absolutely… oh my gosh! Are you investigating me?” You almost yelled, looking at his legendary crime board, now filled with things related to you and your pictures.
“No, no, no, no, no.” He started panicking, covering the wall miserably with some sheets and blankets. “I swear it’s not what it looks like. I can explain, I am not a creep.”
You sat on his bed, waiting patiently for the response. You could say that he was nervous, because he played with his fingers, trying to sort things out in the head. He scratched his head from time to time, getting ready to speak, but the answer was not coming.
“I ugh… how do I say this… I was just trying to understand you. Remember that one time when we argued about what movie we should watch? I still can’t understand why you chose Big hero 6 over Shrek so…”
“And you did a whole freaking research project? Dude, it was like three years ago. And it meant nothing deep! Will you ever stop investigating?”
“I don’t have anything else to do! We solved every case we had lately, and I had to focus on something. What’s wrong in trying to understand you?”
As you learned later, the movies were just silly excuses, because he was too awkward to admit that he felt something to you, but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s with Malia.
Unfortunately for you, besides Stiles and Scott, you had only Kira to talk to. She was trying to understand and console you, but she got tired of it quickly. No wonder. Who would want to hear their best friend crying about some stupid boy every time that they meet? She wanted what’s best for you, wanted you to forget about him, but she couldn’t understand what the two of you had.  But how could she understand? She was never with you, only heard everything from your stories, never really paid attention while you were telling.
 No one could comprehend the connection between you and Stiles. Frankly speaking, it felt like you were soulmates. You had so much in common, you could run after him to hell and back, still being happy, because you have him by your side. 
You had. Now everything was lost. All the years of friendship meant nothing. Even if he would dump her, things wouldn’t be the same anymore. You were betrayed, he showed his disloyalty, making his words just wind. 
In the end, it was only you, sitting alone in your car, driving through the town, thinking that Stiles should be by your side. But he wasn’t. 
God, you were so pathetic. He probably forgot about you, while all your thoughts were filled with him. Even though he hurt you, made you feel miserable and not good enough, you still weren’t able to let him go. Because he was the only person that made you feel special. You have never met anyone like him. You were too weak, he had you wrapped around his fingers. 
The truth is, if he could magically appear here now and open that damn car door, you would let him in, ready for a conversation. And you would be the first to apologize, you just couldn’t live without him. 
There were still many years of life, how could you spend them without your friends? After all, that’s what the two of you were at first. 
You could handle your feelings, you just wanted your Stiles back. 
But not when she was around.
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amphxtrite · 4 years
Tumblr media
oliver wood x fem!reader to cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: angst, slut shaming, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: you’ve had a crush on Oliver Wood for so long, but he continuously treats you badly. What happens when you’ve had enough, and who will help you through it.
a/n: I love Ollie, but this idea came to me, and I really liked it.
word count: 2.9k
“sometimes it’s better to let go than to hold on.”
enjoy <3
Quidditch was your favourite activity. You’d loved it since you were just a little kid, watching from the stands as men and women flew around a stadium playing the most wonderful game you’d ever come to know. You spent most of your childhood begging your parents, day and night to teach you how to fly, knowing they couldn’t say no to you forever. For your ninth birthday they bought you your first broom and it was one of the happiest moments of your life.
“Happy birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you.” Your family and friends finish your birthday song. You flash a toothy grin before closing your eyes, making a wish and blowing out the nine bright flames on your cake. Your mum retrieves a knife and begins to slice the cake as you and your friends begin to chat. 
Your dad walks up to you, holding something behind his back. He kneels down to your level, “y/n sweetie, your mum and I have thought about it, and we believe it’s about time we gave you this.” He smiles, handing you a long object hidden in silver wrapping paper. You look down at the object confused, but when you wrap your small fingers around it, you immediately know. Your eyes widen and you rip off the paper. You were right, in your hands was a beautiful, sleek broom. “It’s a bit big for you, but you’ll grow into it.” Your mom laughs, coming in behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You don’t hesitate to bring her and your father into a hug, thanking them over and over again for your gift. Happy tears spilling from your e/c eyes. 
When you received your letter to Hogwarts in the coming years you made it your goal to become the captain of the quidditch team of whatever house you were sorted into. In two years, your parents had taught you all their tips and tricks for navigating on your broom. You picked up quickly and worked hard to add to the talent you already had. When you arrived at Hogwarts, bright eyed and excited to learn, you were sorted into hufflepuff, the house of the loyal and hard-working. You found this a good fit, you got started right away for a good reputation and waited patiently for second year, when you could finally try out.
When the fateful day rolled around you were one of the first people on the pitch for try-outs, the captain being the only other person there, she found your enthusiasm adorable and quickly became like the older-sister you never had. As the try-outs began, she was skeptical with your skill as you were only in your second year, but she learned that you were not only enthusiastic about quidditch, but your skills were unmatched. She was quick to make you a chaser, your fast skills and sleek tricks making you the perfect candidate. You helped the team to the best of your abilities not only playing well and helping them to victory, but also having a cheery personality, making friends with all the players and comforting the team after losses. You became the hufflepuff quidditch team’s darling. Your happy personality and love for quidditch made it impossible for anyone not to be drawn to you, but, you guessed it, there was a catch. The happiest people still have a reason to frown and your reason was Oliver Wood. 
He’d been your first crush at Hogwarts. You first saw him at a gryffindor vs slytherin match, a keeper and a mighty good one. He was so fast and had incredible skill, you couldn’t help but catch feelings for the handsome brunette. You decided you wanted to talk to him. 
It was hard since you were in different houses and different years, but you tried. Before a match against gryffindor one day, you caught up with a couple of your pals, Fred and George Weasley, to ask them about Oliver. “Hey Fred, Hey George!” You called out to them while they made their way to the changerooms. “Hey y/n, what brings you over here?” Fred smiles over at you. “Just wanted to wish good luck to my favourite twins of course, you’ll need it.” You laugh, reaching up to rustle their short red hair. The twins laugh. “There’s something else I can tell.” George narrows his eyes at you and you grin a bit. “Okay you got me. There is something.” Fred nods for you to go on. “Can you tell me a bit about Oliver?” The twins look to each other, sharing a similar cringe on their faces. “Oliver? As in Oliver Wood,” Fred questions. You nod. “You don’t fancy him do you y/n?” George asks, cocking an eyebrow. “I might think he’s cute.” You grin sheepishly. “Listen y/n.” George rubs the back of his neck. “Oliver’s a great lad, but he’s not someone I’d try and have a relationship with, at least not right now.” He concludes. You look at him confused. “Well he is two years older than us and he’s a bit… Intense.” Fred finishes for him. Right as you open your mouth to ask for details, the man himself Oliver Wood comes marching through the change room doors and looks at the twins. “What are you two doing out here talking to our rival? Come on they’re about to talk strategy and I wouldn't’ want a stupid hufflepuff hearing it.” He spits the word hufflepuff out like it was poison. 
You feel your confidence falter and tears prick your eyes. “Come on now Oliver, she’s our friend, no need to get aggressive.” Fred tries to reason with Oliver, noticing the sadness on your face. Oliver simply rolls his eyes and steps back inside, shouting a quick hurry up. The twins look at you apologetically, you wave them off and start to walk to your own team's changeroom, disappointment written on your face. 
Even after hufflepuff won the match, you didn’t feel like celebrating, as soon as your seeker caught the snitch you were ecstatic but, Oliver had walked past you on your way out of the pitch, muttering ‘stupid hufflepuff, I’ll bet she was listening to us.’ That cut deep, leaving a permanent frown on your face even while the rest of your house partied. 
You were now in your fifth year and had been appointed captain of the hufflepuff team, after most of your teammates graduated, and you were overjoyed. You’d spent the whole summer thinking up strategies and new tactics and now you would be able to try them out. Throughout the school your friends had given you pats on the back and congratulations, they knew you’d been working on this since you stepped in the Hogwarts walls, and they were happy for you. Oliver on the other hand acted as though he was furious you’d achieved your goal. You had lost feelings for the keeper over summer but he continued with the constant ridiculing ever since that game all those years ago, calling you fake, not even that good, or just saying outright untrue things about you to anyone who would listen, and even though you didn’t fancy him anymore the comments still cut deep. It brought sadness to you every time you heard he’d mock you. You used to cry over these things, but you learned to build a wall to protect yourself from Oliver’s judgement. It was his last year anyways. You wouldn’t have to deal with his bullying any longer. 
“I heard y/n shagged the last captain to get the position she’s in now, what a whore.” You hear a voice whisper, Oliver. You sigh. It was going to be a long year. 
Practice with your new team was fun, making sure the new members felt welcome and running over old strategies with ones who’d been on the team in previous years. You were having a blast with everyone, until a voice called out. “Beat it puffs! We’ve got the pitch today.”
 You sigh, apologizing to Cedric who you were conversing with and flying down to meet the angry gryffindor. 
“I’m sorry Oliver, but I got the pitch booked with Sprout yesterday.” You pull out the slip of parchment residing in your pocket. “Doesn’t matter, I’ve got new players too y’know.” He scoffs his thick Scottish accent rolling off his tongue. “We’ve only just started, listen if you can give me an ho-” Oliver rolls his eyes and cuts you off. “I don’t care l/n, I don’t listen to little fakers who buy their way into positions and shag their way into captain.” He remarks, looking bored. Blood rushes to your face in anger and sadness. You drop your broom as your hand goes limp, your head hung down, not wanting him to see your tears. “What’s wrong l/n, you gonna cry?” 
Cedric touches down and tries to pull you away, but you’re frozen trying to blink the tears out of your eyes. 
“Oliver that’s enough.” Fred pushes his way to the front and puts his hand on Oliver’s shoulder. The gryffindor captain rolls his eyes. “Why are you defending the slut? You know I’m not wrong, she doesn’t deserve anything she has now.” He laughs a little.
You feel yourself burst.
“What the hell did I do to you?!” You lift your face and scream, letting the tears of anger and sadness slip down your face. “What did I do, that was so bad, so terrible, that made you want to bully me since I was twelve?!” You march closer to him, letting him see the pain he caused you. “I’ve barely spoken to you once and you built up this, this hate for me. Calling me fake, a slut, that I don’t deserve what I have. Do you know how hard I’ve worked for all this? Practicing daily, keeping up with school work, getting injured and hurt in games AND dealing with your ridiculing?!” You shout, letting years of anger be expressed, you see a flash of regret in the seventh year's eyes, but you couldn’t care less. “I wanted to be your friend Oliver, but without getting to know me you spread rumors about me, call me names, and you don’t care! I’m sick of being quiet about it, why can’t you just leave me alone!?” You finish. Oliver is stunned to silence letting your words sink in. You were right, he knew that, he never did get to know you. He just didn’t know how else to deal with the weird emotion he got when he saw you or the way his stomach burst into butterflies when he heard you laugh. So he shoved his emotions to the side and tried to convince himself you were this horrible person in order get rid of the feeling, but it never worked, so he continued, always hoping you’d brush it off and move on, but here he was standing shocked in front of you as tears ran down your red cheeks. He realized then that the feeling inside him was love, but it was far, far too late. You ran, ran away from him, any hope he was a good person and the idea that the two of you could be together one day. You ran from the toxicity of the way Oliver treated you and you ran from being hurt anymore. 
“You’re a piece of shit, you know that Wood. Y/n has done nothing to you and you treat her like the scum at the bottom of your shoe, I hope you’re happy with yourself.” Cedric shouts at the shocked gryffindor. The sixth year hufflepuff had watched you pine over Oliver since he was in his third year. He had a massive crush on you, but could never say anything in fear he’d ruin your friendship. He’d watched Oliver mistreat you for years, and watched as you held onto the hope he’d change, but Oliver had gone to the last straw and he couldn’t hold back his feelings anymore. He calls down the rest of the team and turns back to the gryffindors. “Enjoy the pitch.” Cedric says sarcastically to Oliver, patting him on the shoulder with a menacing smile, before turning and running after you. 
The rest of the team didn’t feel like playing anymore. Feeling sick to their stomachs after this encounter. Oliver turns around, but no one will look him in the eyes. Even the twin’s usual happy demeanor is gone and they’re glaring daggers into Oliver. “You fucked up, you know that right? You know, y/n had a crush on you since the second year, but your egotistical ass couldn't see how great of a person she is and instead ruined any chances of ever being with her, can’t believe she’d see something in someone like you.” Fred seethed, no one talked to his friends like that. He and George storm away and the rest of the team turn and follow, throwing disapproving looks at Oliver. Fred was right. You were right. He was the biggest idiot in the world, and now he’d have to deal with the consequences.
Cedric found you running into an empty girls washroom, he didn’t want to intrude, but he knew it was empty, and he knew you needed help. He steps inside and doesn’t hesitate to run to you and wrap you into his arms. You hug back and sob into Cedric’s shoulder. “W-what did I do w-wrong?” You sniffle and cry into his quidditch robes. “Nothing love, nothing. He’s an arsehole and doesn’t deserve you. He’s an idiot, walking around with a broomstick up his ass.” he smiles when he hears a small giggle from you. “You’re right Ced, he does look like he’s got a stick up his ass when he walks.” You stop crying to laugh a bit, wrapping your arms tighter around Cedric’s torso. 
“Listen, you're perfect darling, and if he can’t see it, I know I can.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Cedric takes a deep breath before continuing. “I know this isn’t the best time, but Merlin y/n, I’ve fancied you since the day I saw you do quidditch try-outs, zipping around like a pro on your broom, showing up everyone else on that pitch,” he sighs. “I saw you fall in love with Wood, pine over him even though he treats you like trash and push off his comments about you. Y/n, you’re so strong, so kind, so beautiful, so smart. Don’t let someone like Oliver get you down. He’ll never be worth it.” He finishes, gliding his thumb up and down your face. You blush. “Thank you Cedric, but I don’t know if I’m ready yet.” You sniffle, looking guilty. Cedric smiles. “I’ll wait for you darling, no matter how long it takes. I’ll be here with arms wide open.” He holds you tighter, kissing the top of your head. You smile. “Thank you Cedric, so much. I will come around I promise.” You sniffle before laughing into his shoulder. 
You knew then that you found the person you were really supposed to be with for the rest of your life. Cedric brought smiles to your face, while Oliver brought tears. Cedric admired your skills and knowledge, while Oliver doubted them. Cedric made you feel happy, supported, smart, beautiful. Things Oliver could never, and you realized. Sometimes it’s better to let go, than to hold on.
Oliver watched from the side as you fell in love with Cedric. Watched as the hufflepuff golden boy walked you to class, sat with you at lunch, hugged you after games and supported your dreams. Oliver did his best to move on, but was reminded daily of what he lost. Fred and George never looked at him the same, he saw you smile and laugh with Cedric by your side. That should be him, he thinks to himself a lot. If he had been kind, talked to you, got to know you. Maybe he would be the man you hugged, kissed, loved. The man who was by your side. He lost his chance and all he could do now was watch as you fell in love with someone new. 
Cedric Diggory had filled the hole in your heart Oliver had left. He showed you what real love felt like and showed you how you should be treated, and in the end, you did come around. After Cedric had caught the snitch in a match against slytherin you flew up to him, grabbed his shirt and tugged him towards you, letting your lips crash against his for everyone to see. It only lasted a couple seconds, but it warmed you to the core, sealing the realization Cedric was the one for you, it brought a smile across your face. “Did I do it?” Cedric’s grin grows impossibly wide as he takes your hand in his. He just won the match and the girl of his dreams! He had to be imagining things. “You did.” You confirm, squeezing his calloused fingers. Cedric laughs and whoops in celebration, pulling you around the pitch in a victory lap, holding your hand for all to witness before the two of you touched down. Cedric brings you in for another kiss, and the spectators roars in excitement. The brunette smiles into your lips, and as you pull away you whisper into his ear. “Thank you Cedric, for showing me true love.” 
And all Oliver could do was regret
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Brutally Honest pt.2
Obey Me! Fanfic
"It's hard to forgive others, especially yourself"
Warning: Spoilers from Lesson 1-39, mention of death, violence, attempted Murder, blood, swearing, and so much angst.
"You sounded Familiar, Have we met?"
Luke: Solomon, come on we’re supped to be checking on MC!
Simeon: now, now patience Luke, we still have a couple of things to buy.
Luke: Simeon, you could have drop me off at House of Lamentation, while you and Solomon when shopping for potion class.
Simeon: I can’t leave you alone at House of Lamentation.
Luke: I won’t be alone, MC is there.
Solomon: I recall you have nightmare about that house.
Luke: bad dreams, they were “bad dreams”
Solomon: same thing…. Ah, Simeon we need venom of a komodo, the shop is around the corner.
Simeon: got, I’ll be back in second. *He walked off to the store*
Solomon: Oo… are those green Salamander tails... *he starts walking off to the vendor*
Luke: Solomon, where are you going…
Solomon: Give me a second, Luke.
Luke: and the demons call me a dog, Solomon should be the one a leash-
(New Voice): Pfft… Oh, I’m so sorry.
Luke: ah yeah that’s okay, I shouldn’t be in the middle of the street.
(New Voice): Middle of the street? Kid you’re barely a foot away of the sidewalk….
(New Voice): say, you’re an Angle, right?
Luke: that’s right.
(New Voice): what are you doing in Hell?
Solomon: You mean Devildom, Luke here is an exchange student from Celestial Realm.
Solomon approach Luke and a Mysterious Demon with cautions look on his eyes.
Solomon: Hi, I’m Solomon and one of the exchange students from the human world.
(New Voice): Really! So, you’re the “witty” sorcerer Solomon.
The demon offered his hand for a shake, Solomon is hesitant but eventually took his hand and shake it, in a spilt second Solomon notice a familiar mark on the demon wrist, but shrugged it off his eyes is tricking him.
Luke: wait, you’re a RAD student, right? How come I never seen you before?
(New Voice): I just got here.
Simeon: Luke, Solomon, I got the Venom… a hello, I’m Simeon.
(New Voice): Simeon the “angle of wrath” a pleasure meeting you.
Simeon: Excuse me? What did say?
(New Voice): Simeon the angle?
Simeon: ah my mistake.
(New Voice): No problem, I would love to continue are talk but really have to go, I’m supposed to be at RAD for a meeting.
Luke: if you want a fastest way to RAD, turn left at the third corner of this path and then follow the dark blue sidewalk, that are short cut.
(New Voice): Really! Jez you’re a life saver pup, thanks for the help, I hope we meet each other again.
As the demon followed Luke’s advice and ran down the path, once they didn’t see the demon anymore, Solomon and Simeon turn to each other and then look down at Luke who had a confuse look on his face.
Simeon: Did- did that demon called Luke a “pup”
Luke: ahh... He must be one of Mammon’s friend.
Solomon: and I definingly hear him say “Angle of wrath” to you Simeon.
Luke: umm….
Simeon: What is it, Luke?
Luke: I have this feeling that we need to check on MC now!
Solomon: I thought exactly, let’s go.
After 20 mins, the Purgatory Hall boys got to House of Lamentation and they stop dead in their tracks seeing that the doors of the house are wide open.
Solomon: Oh No!
Luke: Ahhh…. I know it! I know something was wrong!
Simeon: Come on!
The boys run towards the house, as they got inside, they spilt up to check if anyone was still inside and if MC is okay, about 10 mins Solomon found that Asmodeus, Satan and Twins rooms are open, while Simeon found that Mammon’s and Leviathan’s rooms are at a mess like someone was digging through their things, after a few mins Solomon and Simeon met at first floor.
Solomon: Asmo, Satan and the twins’ rooms are open but all of their things are seemed to be in tack.
Simeon: I can’t say the same thing to Mammon’s and Levi’s rooms.
Solomon: Should we check Lucifer’s room if they lock themselves in his roo-
Solomon and Simeon ran as fast as they can, once they got to planetarium, they saw Luke in tears holding MC hand trying to wake them up next to the fountain.
Luke: pls. wake up!
Simeon: Luke, what happened?
Luke: Their head was almost at the water…. A-and I got them out b-but… Simeon, their cold!
Simeon: *rush over beside Luke and MC, he took of his gloves to check their temperature* No *he took a deep breath and try to keep his composure for Luke sack* Okay Luke, look at me go get some blankets.
Luke: O-okay *got up ran out of the room*
Solomon: How bad is it?
Simeon: Get ahold on any of the brothers!
Solomon: Alright.
Simeon: MC… can you hear me? Pls stay with us.
Solomon: *holding his phone next to his ear* Come Asmo, pick up!
Luke runs back to the room with blankets that he could carry with his tiny little arms.
Luke: Simeon, I got the Blankets.
Simeon: Good
As Luke pass the blankets to Simeon, he froze in place and screamed in fear as he pointed at MC chest.
Simeon: *looked down at MC* MC! No,no,no….
Solomon: Asmo it’s MC, they’re not waking up… Luke stays calm, and Simeon make sure that their body is warm… Come quick! *He ended the call*
Solomon: *walks toward Luke and held him* Luke, everything is going to be alright…. Okay, look at me, their going to be fine, Simeon and I will do whatever it takes to help them…. Okay!
Luke: *sobbing and wiping his tearing eyes* ahh…. Okay
Solomon: Come on, let go find the first aid kit.
The only thing that Luke can do, is nodded and grab Solomon hand as they walk out the room, not before Solomon turn his head to give Simeon a reinsurance look, as they left Simeon Look down at MC and shock to notice a bruise forming on their forehead.
Simeon: *whisper tune* MC…... what’s happening to you?
Simeon gesture his hand over MC bleeding chest, he cast a spell to stop the bleeding.
At the Kitchen (few mins later)
Solomon: found anything, down there? *As he checks the top cabinets*
Luke: no….
Solomon: Don’t worry we’ll find it…... Ha found it!
Luke: Really! Let’s get back to Simeon and-
All of a sudden, they hear the front doors of the house burst open, and hear a couple of pants and yelling, most noted able is Mammon calling out for MC, the two in the kitchen rush over to meet the brothers, once they got there Solomon and Luke were shock to see a familiar figure with brothers.
Beelzebub: Where should I put him down?
Beelzebub: okay.
Belphegor: wait!
Beelzebub: huh?
Belphegor: I want to see it happen.
Mammon: Just throw him at the common room!
Beelzebub: Okay. *Quiet literally throw the demon to the common room*
(New Voice): Huhh…. *His forehead started bleed a little bit due to cut from Mammon’s punch and made worst by trauma his body had to endure by the hands of the brothers*
Belphegor: *in a spiteful tune* that’s what you fucking deserve.
Solomon: Why is he here?
Asmodeus: Long story Solomon, now where’s MC-
Simeon: FUCK!!!
All of them stiff at Simeon scream and cursing.
Lucifer: where is he?
Solomon: Simeon is healing MC at the planetarium-
Mammon: HEALING! *Without a second to waste he took the kit out of Solomon’s hands and run toward to the planetarium*
Lucifer: You two, keep are GUEST company until we get back, understand!
Solomon: understood.
Rest of the brothers followed Lucifer’s lead.
at the planetarium
Mammon: YER, Makin’ it worst!
Simeon: Mammon! I can’t concentrate with you hovering over me!
Mammon: Simeon! Look at them, there’s blood on their chest and now their head!
Simeon: *graining his teeth and trying to hold his temper* I can see that MAMMON!
Lucifer and the other just arrive but hear the two arguing with each other.
Lucifer: MAMMON!
Mammon: *He turn his head to look at Lucifer* What took you guys so long?
Lucifer: Let him, finish the spell.
Mammon: Fine.
After a few moments Simeon finish his spell.
Lucifer: *sigh then look at Simeon* How are they?
Simeon: *let out his own sigh* I stop the bleeding at their chest…... *heisted to continue* then all of a sudden out of nowhere a bruise appeared on the side of their forehead.
Satan: *walks over to Simeon and kneel on the other side of MC * Let me see what cause the injurie in their chest.
Simeon: Sure.
Satan grab and lifted MC shirt to see where the blood is coming from, his eyes widen then back away from the two.
Satan: That can’t be!
Asmodeus: What… what is it?
Satan: It-it’s my claw marks!
All of the brothers: What!!!!
Leviathan: W-wait a minute.... T-the cut on their head is same place that Mammon punch’s the demon we just met!
Satan: *took a closer look* It is!
Mammon: Whadda ya mean? T-that all this time, we’re been the ones who did this to MC because-
Lucifer: Their connected to the Demon.
A moment of silent.
Lucifer: *grab Mammon’s shoulder* Keep calm, we didn’t know what type of connection that demon has with MC…… * pushed for a moment and let out a sigh* But we are going to find out!
Mammon: *look at Lucifer and nodded*
Lucifer: *nodded in return* Satan and Asmo, you two stay here, with Simeon, help him in any way you can.
Both nodded
Lucifer: and the rest of you, * turn to face the rest of his brothers* we’re going to have a chat with are Guest!
End of Part 2
Notes: I'm not good with putting warning on post like this. and my grammar is bad so apologies.
but I'm loving how the story is coming together, I am planning something for the "endings" so stay tune for more.
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softrozene · 4 years
Falling in Love for the First Time
Just a cute idea I had and how I think these three characters would react to falling in love for the first time. I’m soft af right now. :’)
Summary: These characters (Crocodile, Doflamingo, Mihawk) have a moment of realization when they realize they are in love for the first time with Reader.
Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk x Reader (Gender Neutral/Non-Binary)
Warnings: Crocodile and Doflamingo are very creepy tbh so borderline unhealthy possessive thoughts, besides that fluff, grammar errors I’m exhausted and it’s like past midnight for me.
Words: 2004
Crocodile eyes are growing heavy as he stares down at some pointless paperwork for the Underworld on his ship. It is the price to pay when he must climb back up to the top again doing meaningless work until he can find an opportunity like Alabasta. Though, his anger is slowly increasing from how long he has been up. The urge to just shred the paper with his hook is strong until the doors to office open.
Now the anger is about to be directed to whoever is disturbing him. That is until his eyes land on you. The anger is slowly replaced with a bit of irritation from the relief he feels from seeing you. It makes him feel odd and curious as to why he has been feeling like that whenever he sees you.
You have been a good employee and just someone who listens to all his commands without fail. Much like Mr. 1, Daz Bones. The difference being you have emotion. Daz listens to him like a loyal robot. He is grateful for the mutual respect that drives the relationship but the need for human emotions from others has been piling up, so he has been more grateful for you, the one who openly shows how you are feeling.
He stares at you as you bring in a cup of something warm for him. Your smile is also showing fatigue. You look exhausted and it makes him upset. You and Daz have been working non-stop to try and help him return to a higher position in the Underworld, to show to others that he still has a chance at being an amazing pirate.
“Sorry for disturbing you Crocodile. I noticed you are still up and made you some herbal tea. It should help ease any stress you are feeling,” You say making your way to his desk.
Crocodile hums as his thanks and takes the mug from you. He looks at the contents and the aroma it gives off makes him even more tired, but the tension does leave him for a brief moment. You look like you are about to leave and he is quick to demand otherwise.
“Take a seat. Help me take a quick break,” Crocodile orders.
The smile on your face widens as you sit in a chair in front of his desk. The tiredness on your face slowly goes away as you eagerly fill him in on your day, what you are doing to help him, what you and Daz have come up with, and how you are handling the more rowdier and shadier bigger pirates here in the New World.
Your voice is so soothing to his ears and the tea helps him relax. However, now his fingers itch as he gets the odd urge to touch you. Your hair just looks so soft to him. The way you stare at him as if you truly do care for him too? His heart nearly stops as he realizes what this is.
A dark feeling manifests in him as he takes pride in knowing what is wrong with him. He has fallen in love with you. He laughs interrupting your story and you grow concerned. It makes him laugh more. It makes sense to him now. You were his to begin with ever since you gave your life to his organization and now freely to him.
Words will not do. He will not say or admit. Instead, he will just keep you close as you always have been.  No one but him will be able to have these moments with you. His heart eases at the idea and he apologizes.
“Sorry for startling you (Name). I just had an epiphany. Please do continue. Your voice is so soothing to listen to.”
You do without question, your own expression soft and he smiles at the why. You were his from the beginning and only now has he realized it.
Donquixote Doflamingo-
The anger he feels is too much for him. He does not know how he can handle it. His whole body is fighting off the urge to tear off that person’s head he saw with one of his precious family members. One of the newest members who joined prior to him taking over Dressrosa. So, he has known them for a long time but as of now he has no idea why his anger is possessing his entire being.
His harem, consisting of gorgeous men, women, and people are not pleasing to the eye right now. He is currently with them and they cannot help ease his anger. They are walking on eggshells and he can tell how cautious these beautiful people are in his harem are being and he despises it. It is one of the rare moments for him where he would love to be showered with affection but he fucking hates that idea right now.
He does not want any of their love, their fake love. The vein on his forehead appears to get larger and his harem grows uneasy by the second as he remembers what he had witnessed just earlier. Who were you with and what did he see? He hates remembering it as it plays through his head.
It was a simple scene to most, but he is not most. He knows the person you were with has bad intentions. He took a lovely visit through the island and happen to see you at a restaurant. This would not have bothered him, but he saw you with someone else. You were hugging them. What gives them a right to hug you?
What gives them the right to touch his precious person?
His… Precious person?
Doflamingo’s harem freezes as Doflamingo seems to have gone from a bad mood to one unfathomable. They could not tell what he was feeling but the mood they did felt before gave them all a big concern. They have the right to be as soon as Doflamingo smirks. Then laughs. He is laughing like a maniac.
“Leave me. I realize I need to talk to someone important. Pass a message around the castle and have (Name) brought to me. Tell them it is an emergency,” Doflamingo orders.
Without any hesitation whatsoever, all the people in his harem leave. They do not have any second thoughts but only slight pity if (Name) is being called during one of Doflamingo’s crazed episodes. The sweet person does not deserve the anger they felt earlier.
When they find you and relay the message that it is an emergency you drop everything to go to his room. The worried expression on your face made their hearts melt and they felt bad once again.
“You don’t think he’ll hurt them, do you?” One of the harem members ask.
The others do not know what to think. Usually Doffy-sama is good with the family members and treats them as royalty too but there are times when they question him as if they do not trust him. They only wish that it will not happen to (Name).
As soon as you enter the room Doflamingo feels his anger being soothed. It makes him smile as you approach him, ask what is wrong and what is the emergency. He can’t stop his smile from growing. The look of concern just for him? It’s just as it should be.
“Doffy-sama?” You question.
He snaps out of his thoughts and states, “The emergency is I am not feeling quite like myself today. Your presence is already doing wonders. Say tell me about your day, perhaps about the café you visited with that sketchy person.”
It is no surprise he hops straight to his intention, especially since you are in the family. Jora and his elite officers have taught you well to never disobey him and always trust him. However, the expression on your face is one of slight guilt before complete embarrassment.
“You saw me? I guess that means the surprise is ruined. That was the party planner Jora sent me to talk to. It was my idea, but she knew the person. I wanted to throw a party for you. I thought you deserve a break and all.”
You were throwing a party for him? So sweet. You really are something special. It makes his heart burst as he demands for you to sit by him.
Needless to say, the harem is surprised when they find out that their presence in the castle is no longer required.
Dracule Mihawk-
Mihawk’s stare is cold and hard as he tries to stare into the soul of the person challenging him. Of course, this never works. He should be used to it but something about your infuriating presence makes him want to slice you in half but also keep you around. It’s worse than when he has to deal with Shanks.
You are all smiles as if you know you are getting on his last nerve.
“What’s up, Mihawk?”
Yeah… You definitely are. He doesn’t say a word as he starts to walk back to his castle. You follow closely behind him and he ignores the close proximity. He feels the irritation grow when you start to whistle.
“Why are you here?” He finally asks.
Your response surprises him a little bit. “To see you of course. It’s been a while and I heard that Shanks was going to try and meet you so I had to beat him so I can see my favorite person of course.”
He wants to curse at the faster pace his heart decides to take. It makes him uneasy since he has no idea why he is suddenly feeling a bit more anxious with you around. You then bring up challenging him to which he snorts at this.
“I am not challenging you. Our previous challenges have proved that I will remain victorious. It appears you wasted your time. You could’ve showed up with Shanks,” Mihawk states his eyes glancing at you and once again trying to pierce through your soul.
It has no affect as that smile remains on your face and almost makes him smile as well. His lips twitch before settling into the frown that they always are. He’s thinking of ways to entertain you since you had to make it a race between you and Shanks so he doesn’t want you to grow bored here.
As he goes to ask you a question he takes note that you stop walking. He glances at you again and notices that a worried expression is on your face.
“I just realized what a douchey move I made. I’ve been trying to be considerate of others lately but it’s difficult. If I am intruding on you I will leave. I just don’t want you to hate me y’know? I meant it when I said you’re my favorite person,” You say.
He hums as he watches you with that serious gaze. With a sigh, he goes to make a point. “You honestly believe that you are intruding on me? I much prefer your company over Shanks and even then, I still enjoy that fool’s company.”
He waits for a response but when he receives just an unsure look he hesitates. His heart feels like it is going faster as he offers his hand out to you. When you accept it, he finally smiles.
“Come. I’ll open up a bottle of one of my best wines,” He states.
Your eyes widen and you ask, “Really? This is a first.”
He pauses. He quickly recalls every memory and you are correct. This is a first he has ever offered wine not just to you but to anyone. It makes his body warm up even more and a tender feeling to overcome it. If this is what he thinks it is then he will make sure to offer you wine plenty of time in the future.
He’ll be much more nicer to you but only because he believes he may be falling for you.
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reiraland · 3 years
Eric - Happy (belated) birthday
Finally I finished the fanfic for Eric’s birthday! It took me way more time than I had expected, but better later than never, right? hehe. I planned to write a fic between 500-700 words, but ended up writing 2600+ words. my love for Eric is unquenchable  
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I’m thristy for more Eric’s content. I wish Beemoov added him in the future events or release a spinoff.  Beemoov, just take my money 
I would have liked to write also an Eric’s POV, but recently my work schedule is hectic. I might try, but it’ll take a while. 
I apologize in advance for any typo or grammar mistake.
Happy Birthday, Eric! (04.26) Shaken off from my slumber by the emanating vibrations from my smartwatch, I lazily opened my eyes. The world was still dark outside. After turning off the alarm, my heart filled up with joy as soon as I laid my eyes on my beloved. By his rhythmic breath, I could tell Eric was still sound asleep. Reaching out my hand, I caressed his disheveled black hair and gently ran my fingers along his jaw as my heart beat firmly with ecstasy.
“God, he’s so attractive…” I murmured to myself. 
Nothing could bring me more bliss than staying a few more minutes in our heavenly nest, but today I had an important task. For the past two weeks, I had been mulling over the ideal way to celebrate his birthday. Although I wished we could go on a trip together, he was currently busy with a new case, plus my schedule was tight too; having several auctions planned for the next three months consumed most of my time. In the end, I made a reservation at a trendy, popular restaurant, and since neither of us could take the day off from work and I wouldn’t see him until the closing time of the café, for starters, I decided to surprise him with a special breakfast. 
“Come on. No time to waste!” 
After slipping out of the bed stealthily, I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed as quick as a flash. When my phone buzzed twice, I went outside, racing down the stairs all the way out to the street where Hyun was waiting for me with a small box in his hands.  
“Thank you very much for delivering it so early in the morning and especially for putting up with me for the last week! I am aware I have been fussy about the flavour… verging on nitpicking.” I said apologetically. 
“Please, don’t mention it. What are friends for? Also, you’re one of my favourite customers, I can’t let you down,” he responded with a smile, “and don’t concern yourself about the flavour anymore, I’m positive Eric will be delighted. I’ll be looking forward to your feedback.” He added cordially before waving goodbye. 
Back at the apartment, I heard the shower water running, and immediately got anxious. I had less time than originally planned. 
“I hope I can wrap everything up just on time,” I sighed nervously. 
I conscientiously got down to work with the breakfast preparations. While brewing a new type of coffee I had specifically ordered from one of Cosy Bear Café’s suppliers, I set the table and sliced the cake into equal pieces. I clasped both of my hands together happily after getting everything ready. The fragrance of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air reassured me since it reminded me so much of Eric’s embrace.  
The sound of footsteps brought me back to reality. Eric was leaning against the door frame, gazing groggily at me with his golden eyes. As he covered his mouth with one hand to hide a yawn, he put his wet hair back with the other one. The mere sight of him took my breath away.
“Morning…” His voice was still low and rough.
“Good morning! Just in time! Breakfast is ready! Summoned by the coffee’s scent, right?” I asked jokingly.
Eric’s eyes twinkled with amusement. He walked over to me, leaning down on my face until his lips found mine. A pleasant feeling unfurled in my stomach as I kissed him back with adoration. 
“What can I say? A great day starts with a cup of coffee...” he trailed off suddenly, “but you know what?” He enquired conspiratorially, giving me a playful smirk.
“What?” I whispered back mischievously. 
 “A day without you is always incomplete, nothing could fill the void of your absence”. 
“Not even the finest coffee?” I attempted to wear a blank expression, but my tone gave me away. 
The corner of his mouth quirked up before shaking his head in denial, staring deeply into my eyes as he replied with more amorous words. My heart began to pound like a drum and I was certain my cheeks were blushing furiously as if to mirror his flushed face.
“Definitely, you are turning into more and more a romantic every day… a hopeless romantic like myself … I’m absolutely in love with you.” I stated softly, swallowing down the emotion that comes with my words, suppressing tears of happiness that threatened to fall down from the corner of my eye. 
A few seconds later, Eric held me in his strong arms and rested his forehead against mine, letting out a contented sigh when I hugged him back. Lost in each other's eyes, time seemed to have slowed down. The closeness between us felt so natural, like it was meant to be. However, reluctantly, I pulled myself away from his warmth, he raised an eyebrow in response.
“If we don’t hurry up, coffee will get cold and we won’t be able to have breakfast without rushing” I explained. “Today’s menu is a bit particular. Sir, I hope you find it to your liking. By the way, Happy Birthday!” I spoke teasingly. 
Eric’s eyes showed a hint of surprise for a brief moment, then he grinned from ear to ear, while squeezing my fingers gently. I summarized quickly about the coffee and the cake, he listened to me attentively as always. I watched him restlessly, as he brought the mug to his lips and tasted the pastry. Relief washed all over me after he nodded approvingly, flashing an encouraging smile. That peaceful moment was engraved in our memory, it might have been just an ordinary breakfast for others, but for us, it meant a great deal. When we finished eating, we cleared the table and as I was about to wash the dishes, he stopped me with a hand up.
“You prepared breakfast, it’s only fair I’ll do the dishes.” He said warmly, not letting me a chance to protest. 
At first, I just observed him while he was focused on the task at hand, but then, I tiptoed closer and circled my arms around him from behind, burying my head in his back. Inhaling deeply, his scent infused my soul with tranquility and comfort. 
As soon I noticed Eric was done with the chore, I took a step away from him. At the same, Eric turned around, and without a warning, lifted me up, slowly spinning me around until we reached the living room. He tenderly laid me down onto the couch as we locked eyes. He looked extremely amused, just like a child plotting mischief. The next thing I knew is he relentlessly tickled my ribs as I burst into giggles. The sound of our laughter echoed through the room.
I wanted that moment to last forever, but duty called. As his silver watch catched my eye, I furrowed my brows. 
“Eric, we need to start moving now… I don’t feel like leaving, but look at time…”, I pouted.  
“Time really flies when we are together, right? You know… we can stay a bit longer, if you will.”
“But If we don’t leave now, we’ll be stuck in a traffic jam and neither of us will be on time for work”.
“If we turn the siren on, a traffic jam won’t be an obstacle.” He pointed at, letting out  a small, low chuckle. I couldn’t refrain myself from tittering at his statement. 
“The siren is only for special occasions. If we used it regularly, you might get caught by one of your fellow police officers. And then what?” I dismissed his suggestion with a playful tone. 
“You promised to visit me in prison, wouldn’t you honor your vow?” He replied in the same way. 
“Needless to say, I would. However, I’d rather have you with me every day. I think you’ll agree with me.”
“I can’t argue with your reasoning.”
He made as if to rise up from the couch, but promptly sank himself back, showering my cheeks, my forehead, my lips and neck with light kisses. I giggled merrily.
“Just one more minute, please.” He pleaded in between kisses. 
I silently agreed, enjoying every second of the sweetness of his love. 
For the rest of the day I was in high spirits, despite being a busy one. I had a meeting with a supplier and had lunch with Yael to address some remaining minor issues regarding our upcoming exhibition. I also passed by Leight’s shop to pick up my outfit for that night. I had purchased it last week, but Leigh had insisted on adding a few details on the sleeves. 
Eric arrived at the café past the closing time. After greeting me with a kiss and complimented my dress, he started to carry the tables and chairs from the terrace to inside the café, while we had our usual conversations.
“How was your day? Complicated?” 
“Kind of, but now that business is successful, I refuse to complain about having a pile of work. When I remember last year … I was about to be forced to shut down the Cosy Bear.” I shuddered in cold sweat. 
Eric put a hand on my shoulder and affectionately kissed my temple as I closed my eyes, indulging myself with his display of tenderness. 
As soon as we stepped into the restaurant, the waiter greeted us politely and led us to our table. 
“This place is highly recommended, not only for its tasteful dishes and its amazing presentations, but also because of reasonably priced food. I must add, I find the decor magnificent.” I said, offering him a smile and he did the same in return.
“I was just flipping through a magazine when I spotted a review about this place. They’re usually overbooked, but Yael happens to know the manager, so I was able to get a reservation for tonight.” I commented joyfully. 
“This is my best birthday since I was a child. I’m grateful to you for putting so much thought and effort, I know you did.” He remarked knowingly.
“You seriously need to stop playing the mentalist card.” I sighed in defeat. “I did research trendy restaurants, it took me a while to find a few of my liking. Yael’s help did come in handy for getting a reserve here, though.”
“You are adorable. I love you.” He murmured tenderly. 
Soon enough, our meal was brought to the table. Before I knew it, Eric had already emptied his plate. He looked away sheepishly, it was so cute that I found myself smiling widely. 
“It was thoughtless of me...” he attempted to sputter an excuse.
“The way you gobbled up all that food, one would think you haven’t  eaten for days.” I remarked pretending to sound casual, then I winked at him. He let out a throaty laugh in response. 
“Today it was hectic at work. Showing the new recruits the ropes was more strenuous than usual. Moreover, the investigation about you-know-what case is no longer stuck. I wish I could give you more details... Well, the fact is we made quite considerable progress. And in the end, I barely had time for lunch.” 
“You mean you skipped lunch, don’t you?” I pointed out with concern.
“It’s not like I was on an empty stomach... I had a snack-” he stammered.
“Eric…” I cut him off in a flat tone. 
His face shadowed while he looked sideways, scratching the back of his head. 
“Eric, I need you to take care of yourself properly. Just going to the gym regularly won’t keep you healthy. Skipping meals is a bad idea, a terrible one, in fact. Don’t underestimate its negative effects. Eric, I want to stay with you until we're grey and old. So, please, promise me you will be more careful in the future.”
“Umm… sure… right… I mean, I’ll try to avoid skipping meals… umm…” He responded to me, almost stuttering. 
His face turned as red as a beetroot. It took me a moment to realize why.
“It did sound like a proposal, didn’t it?” I thought bashfully, finger tapping on the table. 
Eric reached his hand over the table to touch mine while he spoke to me, while looking into my eyes.
“I don't see myself living without you either. I swear to you I won’t lose sight of the most important.”  He swallowed, and continued, “I’ve been doing some thinking. How about going on a trip the following weekend after the last auction is planned for the last week of June? How does that sound? I bumped into Yael a few days ago and had a little chat about an opening in your schedule. I thought it’d be a good idea to set the trip for that date as you’d be less packed with work. You’ll definitely need a break, it will do you good.” 
“But what about your work? What if--?”
“I had a conversation with the chief to let him know in advance that weekend I would be out of the radar.  He was quite understandable. Well, you haven’t given me an answer yet.”
“Haven’t you already guessed it? I thought body language was your thing.” I tried to sound teasing, but I just ended up giggling.
The grip of his hand slightly tightened on mine, before he leaned over to kiss the back of my hand. I got up from my seat and ran to hug him without letting go of his hand. That drew the attention of other customers, but even if I felt sheepish, I focused on Eric. 
“I'll take that as a "yes", then”. He hummed jovially, “we just need to decide where we want to go.”
For a moment I was a little taken aback because I had just assumed he had already decided on his own, but Eric wasn’t that kind of partner. He always treasured my opinions. His thoughtfulness was like those peaceful waves on the ocean, as soothing as calming. 
“Planning the trip together will be twice the fun.” He affirmed.
I agreed with a nod, my smile didn’t leave my face for the rest of the evening.  
After having a great dinner, we headed back to our apartment.
[The following scene is kind of steamy. Just warning!]
The moment we reached the bedroom, we practically collapsed onto the bed. Entirely eager for one another, impatiently getting rid of our clothes as if they were on fire. We lost ourselves in waves of ecstasy, forgetting the entire world. His hands slid down my body, claiming every part of me with his touch, making their way to my most sensitive spots. I didn’t even bother trying to suppress my moans. I didn’t remain passive either, I devoured him with reverent hunger. As growls of desire escaped his lips, I felt proudly satisfied.
Breathless from the intensity poured out between our lips, still unwilling to release the other one, not even for a second.
When both of us came together, flames of heated fervor clenched inside me. Caught up in the rhythm of his body against mine, relishing that sensation while I realized every one of his movements matched mine, we were in complete sync.
“I can’t get enough of you.” His voice, ragged with lust. 
I couldn’t even manage a reply, I just dug my nails into his back, pulling him closer, feverishly urging him to continue. 
Finally, glistened with sweat and gasping for air, we collapsed into each other's arms, both exhausted but elated. Snuggled together, in no time we surrendered to the realm of dreams. 
My last thoughts before dozing off were dedicated to the wonderful man next to me. Eric had shown me such deep, earnest love that swept over me, marking a before and after in my life. What could possibly be better than that?
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walks in the rain [tsukishima kei x reader]
Author’s Note: Yes, it is me. I was formerly known as lookuptotheskiesandsee, but decided to have a do-over since I wasn’t really that into the classic rock fandom anymore. Anyway, here’s my very first Haikyuu fic. If I have anything wrong in here, whether it be with grammar or anything else, please tell me! I’m super new to this :’)
Also, this is totally going to flop anyway, but shares and feedback are appreciated! I know this isn’t a totally amazing fic or something that really gets the heart beating. It’s more lowkey and has a more slice-of-life feeling, but I promise this isn’t the best I have hfhihiwqhdowejd.
Word Count: 1,818
Summary: you’ve forgotten your umbrella, so tsukishima offers to walk with you with his own. along the way home, you reminisce about before. 
Warnings?: my trash writing, but none other than that!
The squeaking of shoes and hitting of volleyballs filled the court. You waited patiently beside Yachi and Kiyoko, with the former watching starry-eyed at the group of boys. Smiling fondly, you looked back into the court. 
The team had just finished the last practice set, all of them who participated panting heavily as they celebrated their win (well, half of them, at least). 
Ukai clapped his hands together, getting the attention of the players. 
“Right! Next practice, same thing. Now,” he continued, “I’ll be taking my leave. I’ve got a shift to cover. Besides, it’s getting late. Clean up quick, yeah?”
“Yes, Coach!” some shouted in response, adrenaline still pumping through their veins.
With some last goodbyes, Ukai left the gym. And with that, the cleanup started. 
It had started out normally, all as usual. That was, until the rainclouds pulled in. This wasn’t unusual or anything, but it was inconvenient, of course, since most students walked home from school, including the Kasasuno team. Two volleyballs were in your arms when you stopped to look outside. Turning your head to the rest of the gym, you looked to see just about everything finished up.
“Ah, I can finish up around here this time, guys. You can all get home before the rain starts pouring too hard,” you offered kindly. Sure, you don’t do this everytime, but every once in a while it would be nice to do something for them, since they already work so hard on playing.
Daichi stopped in his tracks for a moment, seemingly surprised at your offer. 
“There’s not much more to do, you really don’t have to,” he said, offering a smile in response.
“I know, but it’ll start raining real soon, and it’s best if you guys get a head start, right?” you explained. “Besides, I know where everything goes, I’ll be fine.”
“It’s fine, Daichi-san. Really, all of you,” you reassured him.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, but your sure look made him give in. Sighing, with a smile on his face. “Alright. Everyone finish what you’re doing and we’ll go.”
A few minutes later, it seemed everyone had gone home. 
That was until you finished closing. 
Once you locked the doors you turned your head only to see Tsukishima standing there, his headphones on and leaning against the wall.
“Tsukki, what are you doing? The rain’s already started,” you murmured, slinging your bag across your shoulder.
He took off his headphonse and tilted his head toward you. “You think I haven’t noticed? Knowing you, you probably forgot your umbrella today.”
“I-” your cheeks flushed at the statement. He was right, actually. 
Of course he was.
At this he began to chuckle, with that goddamn smirk on his face. It was embarrassing, really, and Tsukishima knew that. Turning his gaze away from you, he opened his umbrella and started to walk off. For a moment, you stared after him, your cheeks hot and chest tightening.
When he realized you weren’t following, he looked back at you with an expectant look on his face.
“Well? Are you coming? Or would you rather walk in the rain to get home? ‘Cause I’ll leave you here,” he questioned teasingly.
You perked at his statement. “H-Hey! That wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?” you objected, running after him.
“And you take me as the nice guy?”
“Not the point!” you pouted, standing by his side as the rain hit the umbrella. The height difference was nice, especially since it was an excuse to have someone else hold the umbrella instead of you. Especially if it was Tsukki. 
Besides Yamaguchi, you were probably the only one who he’d consider a close friend (though he’d never admit it). You were neighbors, but only became friends in middleschool. At first, you had thought of the blonde as just a mean kid, but as you got to know him, you realized that he was actually… really cool. 
In fact, you even began to develop feelings for him.
Though, you had never said it out loud. That would’ve made it too real. You didn’t want that. He was your friend, nothing else. There was no way he could feel the same, right? He treated you just like everyone else.
Except he didn’t. And everyone but you seemed to see that. By this time, the whole team saw how you pined for each other (though it took Hinata and Kageyama a little longer to notice). And it was frustrating to the whole team. 
“Oi, why’re you so quiet all of a sudden?” 
His voice snapped you out of your trance. You blinked up at him.
“No reason. Why?” you questioned, stopping at the crosswalk to wait for the cars to finish passing.
“You usually talk too much for your own good. What, are you finally using that brain of yours to think?” he said, his gaze flickering to you for just a fraction of a second before he started walking across the street.
Considering he took long strides because of his taller stature, you had to jog to get back next to him while answering.
“Hey, maybe I’m not as smart as you, but at least I’m smarter than Hinata and Kageyama!” you whined.
He scoffed at your reasoning. “That’s not saying much. Even if they were combined.”
You paused for a moment before bursting into a laugh, patting his back. “You’re so mean, Tsukki! They’re just too enticed with volleyball, is all.”
Your words seemed to make him grimace a little. As your laughs died down you finally answered him properly.
“Just thinking about us when we were in middleschool,” you murmured, watching your breath show up in the air.
“Middleschool?” he questioned, shoving his other hand in his pocket at the mention of it.
“Mm!” you confirmed. “I used to think you were just this salty, mean guy. I mean, you still are,” you laughed. “But there’s way more to you now, I know.”
“Oh?” Tsukki said, trying to hide the real curiosity in his voice.
“Yeah,” you nodded. Looking up at what parts you could see of the sky, you continued. “When we were just neighbors and classmates, I found you really intimidating. Not just because of your height, but how you handled things. You were smart, yeah, a little snarky, but also a bit rude. I never thought I’d be friends with you, or that you’d want to… be friends with me.’
This didn’t change his pace or his face. The both of you kept walking.
“But when I saw you making fun of Yamaguchi’s bullies, it completely crushed the idea of you that I thought was right. And when we started hanging out, I finally saw you.”
You had missed it, but his face began to change. 
“You’re real. You’re really intelligent, really nice, though I know you won’t believe, and really talented, too. I know you’re afraid to show passion for something that might crush you in the end, but I think you’ve got great potential. You’ve just changed so much from the first time I’ve seen you, but I know that’s only on the outside. I know, though, that the boy from before is still in there.” A pause. “But if I were to describe you with one word, it would be…”
You turned to face him, finally making eye contact with the tall blonde.
His eyes widened at your words. You hadn’t expected him to react in any way, so his surprise made you think back on your words.
“Ah, sorry, sorry!” you apologized, bringing your hands up. “I know you don’t like that kind of thing, but… I just thought you should know.” 
Again, the heat began to rise in your cheeks. Way to go, Y/n. 
He didn’t respond, just staring you down with his cold eyes. Yet, they didn’t seem to hold the same emotion as they usually did. Perhaps you were just imagining it.
“Tch,” was all he said before he continued walking, facing forward once more. 
There wasn’t any conversation after that. When you both arrived at your home, you turned and thanked him.
“Thanks for walking me, Tsukki. You didn’t have to,” you acknowledged gratefully. 
“I know,” he nodded back.
There was a tense moment of silence before you turned, coughing awkwardly as you walked up the steps to your door.
“Oi, Y/n.”
Surprised, you turned your head to look at your friend.
His mouth was parted, as if he were hesitating.
“...yes?” you asked curiously, hand resting on the doorframe.
“Let’s go somewhere after school tomorrow,” he managed nonchalantly.
“Like- Like a hangout?” you murmured, wondering if this was what you hoped it would be.
“No,” he answered. “Like a date.”
It felt like your heart leaped out of your chest. All you could feel in that moment was shock. Him? Tsukishima Kei? Wanted to go on a date with you? Even after that whole awkward walk? And the past, like, five or four years you’ve known him?
“Are you sure?” you asked, dumbstruck.
“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” he said, supposedly annoyed. “I happen to like you, and you happen to like me. That is, unless I’ve been wrong this whole time?”
He knew this entire time?!
Confusion passed through your mind momentarily before you hastily answered, “No, no! You’re right! I just-- I wasn’t expecting this, so,” you stopped yourself from saying anything that could ruin this moment. “Yeah. Let’s go somewhere.”
“Good. Wait for me when school ends. I already have a place picked out,” he stated. If you listened closely, you could hear how nervous he actually was and how fast his heart was beating. He hadn’t been this nervous before in a long time.
“O-Okay,” you stuttered, unsure of what to say.
It seemed as though he didn’t either, because he left soon after with just a nod as a goodbye. In reality, he probably would’ve talked to you more if he weren’t so nervous. Could you imagine that? Tsukishima nervous because of you?
Staring at his form walking away from your house, you stood there, stunned. A date. With him. Tomorrow. It seemed almost impossible that this was real.
Once he turned the corner and left your neighborhood, you rushed inside, suddenly remembering how cold it was out there.
“Oh, Y/n,” your mother called from the kitchen. “Can you pick up some groceries on your way back from school for me since it’s already on your way back?”
You were about to accept when you remembered what you had just agreed on.
“I can’t,” you answered.
“Huh?” she called. “And why is that?”
A grin broke out on your face, your fists clenching as the reality of the situation took hold. Honestly, you felt like screaming your excitement into a pillow.
“I have a date!”
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Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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itseivwhore · 4 years
|Shay Cormac x Reader|
Now:this not something that I usually post on my blog,but I mean,a bit of change won’t hurt anyone.I won’t start to talk of who this one shot will be about,and since I have noticed that lately on here there are billions of fans of that are overobsessed with ShAy-Imakemyownluck-PaTrIcK cOrMaC,why not?
This is actually a pretty old one shot that I wrote and published on Wattpad some years ago,but I decided to publish it on here too for someoneee who needs it.
So sì,special tag for @nemo-my-name-forevermore and well,all the other Shay’s fans out there <333.
(*Little note:as I said,this one shot it’s a pretty old one,and my English was not that good back in the days,so I re read it and I fixed every grammar mistakes,adding some parts here and there since I have noticed that it all was a bit…nude?Without descriptions.Because remember:descriptions are never enough.Plus,I just hope I managed to write Shay in a proper way:making Shay looks like Shay.Basically,Shay being Shay…well you got it).
This one shot was inspired by this prompt:“You betrayed me!You disappointed me!”
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“Y/n” the high,deep and decisive voice of the Grand Master sounded loud in one of the big rooms of Fort Arsenal,where the young woman,sitting next to a window,thoughtfully read a book she held in her hands.Almost unaware,the female Templar dropped the book on her lap when she felt another presence in the room and when she heard her name being called.By jumping up and looking back carefully,a slight smile made her slowly raise a corner of the mouth.
“Master Kenway” she sighed in a reassured voice,assuming a composed posture when she saw Haytham in front of herself who,with his usual watchful and attentive look,peered at her with a flash of distrust that glistened briefly in his icy eyes.
“I beg your pardon,it was a long time since I opened that book and I stopped to read it” she apologized in a gentle and calm voice,turning quickly and pointing with a gesture of the hand at the book that,at that moment,had fallen on the chair where she was previously sitting.
“Don’t worry.It’s good to distract yourself briefly from the day’s commitments” he reassured her with an invisible smile on his face,as he quickly and stealthily walked towards the chair,for then stretching an arm and taking the book that he began to flicker with delicate touch as he threw fugitive glances at the young woman.
A chilling and heavy silence took possession of them,as soon as the Grand Master began to quickly read some pages of the book while the young woman scrutinized him.The same silence that he interrupted,finally closing the book and resting it on the windowsill,then turning around again by her.Feeling in a tremendous and unique awe under the blue penetrating gaze of him and with his eyes digging deeply into her e/c ones,Y/n began to speak:
“Do you need anything,Master Kenway?” she asked gently,shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she glanced quickly out of the window,noticing that the light of the sun that had first penetrated the room,at that moment had been obscured by gray and imposing clouds.
Bringing his arms behind his back and joining his hands together,Haytham returned to look at the female Templar with discreet,cold eyes as he cleared his throat a couple of times before uttering  words:
“Technically no.I just wanted to inform you of something” he said in a monotonous and polite voice,a bitter smile that suddenly made him smile.The young woman frowned in confusion,stepping forward and making herself closer to the man.
“And what would this thing be,may I ask?” she urged him with a slightly urgent tone,as she looked at the man’s eyes,which sparkled with a gleam that she could not make out.
“Shay has just returned from his mission.He told me personally that he wants to see you and that he has some important things to tell you” he informed her in a high,authoritative voice,while Y/n’s eyes and mouth widened in surprise at what she had just heard.
It had been more than a week since Shay had been missing from Fort Arsenal because of a mission,and never before had the young woman missed him that much.
And the Grand Master,seeing and noting the emotion of her,could not but suppress a satisfied smile;gently putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder in such a way as to attract her attention,he looked intently into her eyes before murmuring:
“I would not let him wait” Haytham whispered in a low voice,lightly pushing Y/n by the shoulder,urging her to go to her beloved.
So,taken by too much excitement that made her heart beat strongly in her chest,the happiness that made her eyes shine with tears and with the emotion that only increased more and more when she approached the place where she would find him,soon she came to the door of Shay’s room.She stopped for a few seconds and carefully put an ear to the door,so that she could hear noises or sounds:but what she heard was only a silence to say the least religious,interrupted only by the light singing of the birds outside in the garden.
Opening and closing the door as quietly as possible,she quickly entered the room,and then started looking around attentively:and when her e/c eyes rested on a figure very familiar to her,she stopped to breathe for seconds that seemed eternally endless.The Templar,who had his hands heavily resting on a long wooden desk and whose face was lowered on a couple of cards beneath him,seemed not to notice the new presence in his room.
“Shay?” Y/n called his name in an almost imperceptible whisper,but that only the ex Assassin managed to hear;joining the sheets of paper scattered on the table after looking over his shoulder,he turned away from the other side,smiling with a ghost of smile to his beloved who,not minding a strange feeling that grew in her when she saw him,ran against him.Squeezing him in a strong and warm embrace,she deteached away from him and then take time to look at his face with admirable eyes.
“Hello there,little dove” he greeted her,reluctantly passing an arm around her waist as he attracted her more to himself,and she felt the comfort that only him could give her,when he spoke with his accent that so much Y/n adored
.He had to be convincing,he didn’t have to make her suspect anything.
She gave him one of her beautiful and unique smiles,while she began to caress his cheek with affectionate gestures and delicate touches.
“How’re you?Did the mission go well in these weeks?” she began to ask with pure and genuine curiosity,making her eyes wander along his body,tracing the scars on his face with her fingers,his rough stubble lightly scratching her palm.
“Actually,I have not moved from New York even for a day” Shay said in a neutral,monotonous voice,his look suddenly dark and serious and which made Y/n worry,frowning in an upset way,looking at him in a confused way.
“What do you mean?Haytham told me…” her question was quickly interrupted by the Templar who,frantically detaching himself from her,looked at her from above with smatterer and smarmed eyes.
“Master Kenway said it on purpose to make you come here” he explained in a serious and authoritative voice,looking at her intensely once more before turning and walking back to the desk.
But Y/n,with the heart beating strongly and whispering to her that something,that strange presentiment was true,swallowed noisily the lump that had formed in her throat,before speaking:
“And why didn’t I know about this,while only lies were told to me?” the young woman asked again,that time in a decisive and serious tone,as she carefully watched Shay adjust the sheets of paper over the table.
“I demand an answer,Shay” she proclaimed in an decisive tone and,when she saw that he didn’t answer her,continuing to deal with those yellowed papers,she walked with noisy and quick steps towards the desk next to him.
And she was almost tremendously frightened when,with a quick and violent gesture of his hand,the Templar threw the sheets in front of her so badly:and then her,with shaking hands and slow movements,took those papers in her hands;and when she began to read;when she saw and recognized those phrases,when she recognized the symbol of the Assassins,when she recognized her own writing and when she recognized those that were letters that herself had written,she was about to fall on her knees and burst into tears.
It seemed like the whole world,her reality,all of her life until in that moment fell heavily on her when;raising some e/c watery eyes on her lover,she saw how he looked at her:he looked at her in a cold and sharp way like a thousand blades,he looked at her with commiseration and pity,almost as if she were an animal about to die,looking at her suspiciously and seriously,as he had never done before.
An inhuman silence,to say at leastembraced them in a cold grasp,while the atmosphere and the air around the two was chilling,palpable.The same silence that was suddenly interrupted by Shay:
“Apparently,I have been told lies too,” he murmured in a mellifluos voice,looking at the young woman with a soft smile on his lips while,bending slightly,he pushed two well-known weapons out of a drawer of his desk:hidden blades,the legendary,faithful and century-old weapons of the Assassins;her hidden blades that she had always hidden,the same hidden blades that,at that moment,she wanted to destroy and that in their sight her heart stopped to beat.
“And I pretend answers to all this,” the Templar contiued,repeating in a bitterly mocking way her words,while he looked at her coldly and while waiting for her to say,to explain something to him:but from her he obtained nothing but silence;not single sentence,not a single word,Y/n succeeded in pronouncing which,silently enclosed while being brutally slapped by reality,eead absently the letters she had written to the Assassins.
Y/n was actually an Assassin who,pretending to be a Templar and working alongside the Grand Master and Shay for a long time,brought information to the Brotherhood.But at that time,in this long years the young woman made a mistake,a single but a beautiful mistake:she fell in love with Shay.
“SPEAK!” he suddenly shouted out with a load of anger and fury,his hoarse,scratchy voice and glowering look as he picked up the armband of her hidden blades and moved it in front of her face,then slammed it roughly over the table.
“You aren’t worthy to touch those blades!” Y/n exclaimed with the same fury,quickly breaking away from the desk and snatching her weapons from his hands.But the Templar,in her voice,could make out a slight tremor and in her e/c, that he had loved so much,a faint glimmer.
“I’m the only one who is,between us!” the young man retorted with a higher voice,hitting with a quick gesture of the wrist the hidden blades that,still,he wore on his forearms and consequently backing the Assassin some steps back,who looked at him in amazement;and her,while her look changed to a sad one and the flame in her eyes went out,she squeezed her hands in two fists until the knuckles became withe for the restrained force,before pulling a tired sigh.
“Shay,if you let me explain,you…” her low murmur was promptly interrupted by the umpteenth time from Shay’s voice.
“NO!What I discovered,everything that you have concealed from me,all those lies you told me were enough to make me understand that I was stupid in believing you,and a deluded in falling in love with you!” the young man shouted again with an authoritative,angry and furious tone,his voice scratched and hoarse,shouts leaving his mouth,echoes shattering against the wall like glass;his eyes,which had become dark and uncluttered,were now veiled,but a light that Y/n could not recognize was faintly glowing inside them:but that light,that glimpse that appeared only and exclusively when he looked at her,was sadness and disappointment.
And her heart was stabbed fervently and brutally hundreds of times,when she heard the cold,painful but also truthful words of him.And she found herself,once and for all,confronting the harsh reality and the destructive awareness that among them,now,there was nothing but a long and deep abyss and that never ever she would have been able to jump.At least,what was she expected?That he would pretend nothing and that he would closed an eye on those who,for years,were lies;that he woud pulled her to himself and held her in one of his only hugs;that he would have still considered her as his companion,as his loyal and honest friend,as his confidant but above all like his love?
“I trusted you” he muttered under his breath,incredulous,his voice filled with disbelief whenever his brown eyes rested on those letters.
“I might have betrayed the Order,but I could never…” and once again,her pleading whisper was suddenly interrupted by Shay who,whirling towards her,lightened her with the only use of his sharp look that if it had had the power to kill,the young woman would have already found herself helpless on the ground.
“You betrayed me!You disappointed me!” the young Templar screamed with all the rage,the disappointment,the sadness he felt inside himself.
A chilling silence fell between them for the umpteenth time in that endless winter afternoon;the two looked deeply into each other’s eyes,digging one into the other in the hope of finding a valid and rare reason to cling desperately,to believe in,to return to as before.
Then,suddenly,in the silent,icy room loud knocks at the door resonated for some moments.
“Shay,are you in here with Y/n?” Haytham asked,and his voice came in a muffled sound away from the ears of the two who,almost instinctively,exchanged a quick glance.The young man,trying to make himself feel calm and neutral,came very close to the door and then exclaimed:
“Yes,Master Kenway!I’m sorry,but we have not finished yet” he lied in a proud and determined voice,praying to seem convincing in the ears of the Grand Master.After eternal moments of silence,he heard the muffled voice of the man outside of the door.
“I understand.But hurry,I urgently need to talk to her” and that time it was Shay’s heart to stop,when he heard the familiar sound of a sword being unsheathed by the lining.
And the sense of protection,of affection and of love that he still had for her,took the best out of the sense of hate,sadness,anger and disappointment:so,advancing towards her with fast and plush steps,he arrived a few steps away from her body.
“Shay…” she began in a dejected murmur,but he immediately shushed her up.
“You have to get away.Now,” the young man whispered urgently and hastily,starting to look quickly around for something.But her,stubborn as she was,shook her head strongly.
“No,I won’t move from here to anything in the world.I will suffer the consequences of my actions” Y/n proudly proclaimed with a spark of decision that danced in her big e/c eyes.
“That will be death!Haytham wants to kill you!” Shat exclaimed strongly,trying not to raise his voice,in contrast to the irrepressible desire that he had inside of shouting to slash his throat.The Assassin widened her eyes in a shocked and astonished expression after understanding,but she continued to stay steady and silent in the middle of the room,while the young man ran to the right and left to collect weapons and other objects in a silk bag.
Gently but quickly putting both hands on her arms,Shay shook her slightly so that she would come out of that thoughtful state,catching her attention,his brown eyes wandering all over her face.
“You have to go away,Y/n,as soon as possible.Go ahead,run as much as you can.Go away,never come back here” he uttered in a quick,authoritative and subdued tone,looking straight into her eyes while she was busy scrutinize every detail of his face in a careful and intense way,almost afraid of forgetting how her beloved resembled.
“Understood?!” the guy exclaimed again,shaking her again and standing in front of her until she nodded;he headed for the window and opened it,looking out to check that there was no one outside.
Taking her vehemently by the arm,he pushed her towards the window,giving her the sack where he had put all the necessary things for her.The young woman was about to jump out of the window,but she slowly turned back to look at her beloved while from the corners of the her eyes began to finally come out the tears that,quickly,streaked the flushed cheeks
“I-I don’t want to leave you,Shay…” Y/n stammered,repressing the sobs that ran through her body placing a hand on her lips.And his heart,his soul cried and he felt a tremendous and lacerating sadness when he saw her cry in an almost desperate and silent way.
“CORMAC!Open this door!” Haytham’s powerful and high voice echoed in endless echoes in that room,frightening the two even more.But the young man could not allow her to be killed for a reason that him,too,had committed years ago;still in front of her while the knocks at the door of the Grand Master were only increasing,he looked into her eyes.
“You have to go away,don’t waste time!” Shay said,pretending to be angry,but in his voice she could clearly distinguish what was emotion and sadness:the unparalleled,profound and pure sadness of letting go of someone he loved.
“If you stay here Haytham will not hesitate to tear you apart!Run away and never come back!” the young man exclaimed again,his voice sounded too desperate above all in his own ears.He looked at the watery and e/c eyes of her with a pleading look,even pained and tired,trying to make her think in every way that he was capable of.
So they fell for the last time in silence,if had it not been for the persistent knocking on the door of Hytham who,shouting slightly and strongly hitting the wood of the door,ordered Shay to open it.
“Will you ever be able to forgive me?” she suddenly asked,with a trembling voice,the hope that shone in her eyes again,the sadness and a sense of futility that took the form of heavy tears that bathed her cheeks.
But he couldn’t answer,he didn’t want to,he couldn’t find a sentence or just a word to describe what he felt:he felt teased,he felt abandoned like never before,he felt disappointed and felt tremendously betrayed by the person who never would have waited for such a gesture;and the same person who he trusted blindly and with all of himself,the same person with whom he had made love countless times,the same and only person who,at that moment,looked at him sadly.
And taken by an irrepressible and powerful desire that made escape the last doubts in a violent wave of nolstagia,Shay took Y/n’s face tightly in his gloved hands and vehemently pressed his rough lips over the fleshy and smooth ones of the young woman who,taken aback,remained helpless and firm.But almost immediately her lips began to move quickly on those of him,thus joining in a last,loving and passionate kiss.
Shay,albeit with all his displeasure,broke off slowly and reluctantly from the kiss to press his forehead with hers,before narrowing his eyes and sighing heavily.
“Mo chuisle mo chroí…” he whispered on the young woman’s lips,more talking to himself in a low and slightly shaky voice,as he looked at her one last time in the eyes and then quickly pushed her towards the window.
“Go” he said in a deep,hoarse tone,pointing to her with a nod of the head of a hay cart under the window,in which her,after looking at him in his brown eyes,fell silently.
And while Shay saw her running from over the balcony of his room at Fort Arsenal,Y/n wondered if that long,passionate and lovingly kiss they hurriedly and greedily exchanged meant something:was it a kiss of goodbye?Or was it a kiss which contained something deeper,more intimate and genuine?
But that kiss was an answer,the answer to her question,and there was nothing or anyone who could deny it.They would meet again,one day.They would be reconciled,they would start a new life together away from everything and everyone.They would have lovd each other for once again.
*”Mo chuisle mo chroí”= The pulse of my heart.
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
Lunae the Seventh
MGR story chapter one
[Next] [Masterpost]
Goldie Potter stomped over to her lover’s room, absolutely furious. She swung open the door, and proclaimed loudly, “They’re making me be a bodyguard!” 
Her lover, Marigold Dia, looked up from her book. “And this is bad… because?”
Goldie flopped on the bed. “Because, Mari, they’re making me escort a noble from the outskirts of Marcain to the literal center of the city! Do you know how long of a walk it will be with a stuffy noble who won’t even respect me? All they’ll notice is my age and lack of a formal title and they’ll completely underestimate my skills, I just know it.” 
Marigold gave her a sympathetic look. “Well, you know you’re qualified, and quite frankly, if they think just because you’re part of the Junior Knights Association that you aren’t capable, they’re a poop-head. And anyways, if it makes you feel better, when we’re done, we can watch any movie you want.”
Goldie sat up. “Any movie? Even that new comedy that you think is going to be super cringey?” 
The sprite sighed. “Yes, even that.” 
At that moment, a girl with red hair popped in— Alice, the leader/general of the Junior Knights Association. “Ah, Goldie, there you are. You’re late. Lady Elisabeth is waiting for you.” 
As Alice pulled her out of the room, she saw Marigold giving her a thumbs up, and she smiled.
When they entered the lobby, the general pointed over to a girl in the corner. “That’s your assignment. Get her to the Xan Ruzian palace, and when she’s finished her business, come right back.”
Goldie looked closely at the girl. She looked to be about her age, maybe a year younger. She had tanned skin, brown hair, and honey-colored eyes. On her head was a golden circlet that looked similar to a flower crown. She had a swishy pastel pink dress and a colorful neon windbreaker. Upon noticing them, she waved, and came over to them.
“Hello there. I’m Lady Elisabeth Melly of Las. I assume you’re the one escorting me through Marcain?” 
Goldie quickly bowed, then nodded. “Yes, my lady. I assume a Space elemental will be here any minute to create the portal.”
Alice walked up to the lady, bowing. “My apologies, our knights aren’t usually this late. Di should be here soon.”
They stood there for a few moments, before a blue haired girl came running down the hallway. “So, so sorry,” she said, and took a second to catch her breath, before casting out her hand. 
A burst of blue light sprang out of it, and a portal appeared. Goldie noticed the girl starting to sway on her feet (Calinas and Xan Ruz were quite far apart), and quickly said, “Why don’t you and Dame Alice head back to the main building?” 
The girl nodded, and as they left, Goldie turned to Lady Elisabeth. Usually, she went through the portal first, and after affirming that yes, they were in the correct spot, would help them through. This time though, the noblewoman had already gone in, and was sticking her head out.
“Well, come on! I can’t be late!” The knight-in-training smirked. Maybe this trip might not be as bad as she thought.
When she exited the portal, she looked around. There was no city, just a plain field. She turned to Elisabeth, and before she could say anything, the brown-haired girl laughed.
“You’ve never been to Xan Ruz, have you?”
“No, my lady, I have not,” she said. She usually went around Calinas, and occasionally to Bin Bive, but that was it.
The lady smirked. “Well, don’t worry, and follow me.”
She started walking, and Goldie noticed they were going down; they must have been at a higher elevation than the rest of the area. As she walked started getting steeper, and she almost ran into the noblewoman. 
“My apologies my la—” 
“Tulu’s belt, I appreciate the gesture but please, if you say ‘my lady’ one more time I might be sick. Just call me Elisabeth.” she said.
Goldie nodded, and looked at where they had ended up. On their right was a medium sized cave, which Elisabeth was walking into.
“My— uh, Elisabeth, what are you doing?”
She looked back. “Marcain is in here!” Goldie was still confused, but thought her best option was to keep following her, so she did.
The cave wasn’t dark or damp like a usual cave, it was quite the opposite. It was well lit with torches on the walls, and beautiful murals that she wished she had time to look at. There was a nice scent in it as well, maybe some sort of spice?
After a few minutes, she finally realized what Elisabeth had meant by saying Marcain was in the cave.
Because Marcain was literally in the cave. The two were apparently standing on a balcony looking over the city. It was large, bright and bustling; there were large buildings carved into the cavern walls everywhere. She could see Xan Ruzians going about their daily businesses, going to markets and shops, talking with friends, and she could even make out a cute couple holding hands.
Elisabeth leaned against the railing, sighing happily. “Marcain is one of my favorite non-Lasian cities. It’s just so wonderful and exciting!” They kept staring down at it, but then remembered they had come here for a purpose, and kept going.
Apparently, at the end of the balcony was a very long set of stairs. Goldie looked at it in disdain, but knew she had to get to the city somehow, and kept walking.
About an hour later, they reached the palace. Goldie turned to the noblewoman. “Are you sure I can’t come in? I am assigned to protect you.”
“Yeah, and I mean no offense, but this is private business. Maybe you could wait outside?”
“Yes, of course.” 
As she went in, the blond leaned against the wall, hoping whatever the Lasian was doing would be quick.
A few minutes later, she heard one of the palace guards shouting out to her. “You! Girl! What are you doing?”
She sighed, this always happened at some point. 
“I’m Goldie Potter of Calinas’ Junior Knights Association. I’m here on assignment to guide and protect Lady Elisabeth Melly of Las.”
They laughed. “Sure. But then why aren’t you with her?” “Her business was private. She asked me to stay out here.” “Mhm. So if she has private business in the castle, why haven’t we been informed? And why haven’t we seen her?”
Goldie looked at them, confused. “You haven’t seen her?”
“No, I haven’t.” they replied. “And I’m starting to think you’re lying. Please leave before I make you.”
Goldie huffed, but walked off anyways. It probably wasn’t a good idea to get into a fight, especially when arrows aren’t the best weapon for hand-to-hand combat.
She decided to stay in the area, and just walk around the palace grounds. After her first round, she stopped abruptly. She felt something… almost like a tremor? 
And then she heard the crash. She turned her head quickly to where it was, and saw a huge chunk of rock falling from the top of the cavern. She gasped, then another chunk came down. And another. And another.
Screams filled her ears, people outside rushing and panicking. She tried to get to Lady Elisabeth, but she was blocked by the oncoming rush of palace workers.
Everything was happening so fast. She could almost completely see the sky now. Huge metal balls were raining down on the city.
A few feet away she saw one land. It was huge, almost three times bigger than her and at least twice as wide. It went right through the floor of the cave, and she saw cracks coming through the floor.
She started to run, trying to get out of the range of the cracks but they moved too quickly. They stopped for a second, and for a moment she thought everything was fine.
But then, another ball came down. It looked smaller, but still a decent size. As it landed on a little crack, she saw it widen, all of them widening.
And she screamed as she was plunged into the darkness below.
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Hey! Oh gosh, this is finally published!! I can’t believe it!!
Anyways, I hope you like this.
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if I’ve made any spelling or grammar mistakes
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Thanks, and have a great day/night!
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