#apologies to the braincells of anyone reading this
yakkitylylac · 10 months
youd think the sentence "goodtimeswithscar and rukey greentail from pyre get dropkicked into dsmp" came from a fever dream or some incoherent trashpost but no it came from me, mere minutes ago, and its an actual thing that happens in one of my oc stories
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 months
Why you make them wait for 3 years for baby Aegon?
Hi there :D
As it is my usual for some time now, many apologies for this delay in getting back to you, Anon. I hope you are still somewhere out there and can read the answer, if not, maybe others have asked themselves this question and take some enjoyment from my answer.
I would say it was mainly for two reasons. First, in my AU, Rhaenyra's biggest handicap in the Dance and for her claim is removed. Marrying Daemon in 113 AC means she never had any illegitimate children. In fact, she has two very legitimate and very Targaryen eldest children who are both male: Aegon and Viserys, who are extremely popular to the point that they strengthen her claim. I also had planned to make her have Visenya a lot earlier on since it wouldn't make sense to have like decades in between children given how... active Daemon and Rhaenyra are. Thus, she would not be recovering from a horrible birth who resulted in a stillbirth baby at the start of the Dance. If her oldest sons were older, and with her capable of taking part in the fighting, I think it would have made the war a bit too unbalanced and anything but a clear and easy victory from the Blacks would have not been believable (imho), so Aegon and Viserys definitely needed to still be quite young at the start of the dance.
Second reason was this moment right here in Fire & Blood: "Childbirth exacted a toll on the princess; the weight that Rhaenyra gained during her pregnancies never entirely left her, and by the time her youngest boy was born, she had grown stout and thick of waist, the beauty of her girlhood a fading memory, though she was but twenty years of age" (Fire and Blood, pg 377).
I think this passage does a good job of setting a certain tone of what Rhaenyra's life was like when she was only 20. A young woman married against her will with a gay man who she never had a real marriage with, with three illegitimate children who everyone whispered about, having an affair with a man to seek a small measure of comfort - a token of how lonely she was around this time - and who could never claim the children they had together, forbidden to have married the man she wanted - Daemon - having half of the court against her and whispering bad things about her. Being regarded by so many in such a negative light and becoming someone who others mocked.
I don't know how clear it was to others, but I felt Rhaenyra's pain and sadness in those pages and in her marriage to Laenor. And the tragic part was how young she still was and how dark what the rest of her life would be like seemed at this moment -> it later changed though thanks to Daemon, but at this point she had no way of knowing that.
My AU is meant to be what she wanted: marrying Daemon. It's about giving her a happier life, which I don't think anyone with two working braincells would debate was what she would have had she married Daemon from the start.
And so her entrance in the Red Keep when she returns to Westeros, at 20, newly pregnant (but not visibly so), as beautiful and happy as ever, having spent the last three years not stuck on a horrible marriage and an affair having illegitimate children but rather travelling the world and enjoying herself, is meant to serve as a sharp contrast to what her life had been in canon at that time.
Of course that people still whisper about her - they always would, she's a Targaryen woman and the heir to the Iron Throne - and of course she still knows hardship and loss. It's not all butteflies and rainbows because that is never the case in the asoiaf universe (or our own), but she is much happier. She got to enjoy her youth, marry a man she loved, and be very secure in this pregnancy, one with no secrets, knowing how happy she will make the baby's father.
I hope this answered your question, sorry again for the delay :D
Have a very lovely Summer!
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undead-supernova · 5 months
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This Love is a Shrouded Mystery / Masterlist
Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10
plot: welcome to your well-anticipated album release party! you couldn't be happier...right?
Pairings: modernrockstar!Eddie x fem!popstar!Reader (curvy!reader, bisexual!reader)
Warnings: bro there's so much angst I'm sorry, mention of smoking & alcohol
wc: 5k
note: I made the album cover/tracklist and wrote all of the lyrics mentioned in this chapter and I'm super proud of it! Thank you for reading my hard work hehhehehehee
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He hated all the tiny things.
The way you crinkled your nose every time The Beatles came on. How you held your acoustic guitar like it was a delicate creature. The nights he would be up late practicing, only to find you passed out with your mouth slightly ajar and snoring. The mornings he spent listening to you making little sounds in your sleep, as if you were so close to saying something but didn’t know how. Your poetry and your music and your scent and your stupid smile you got whenever you looked at him and how grateful he’d been when he first noticed. 
And he really didn’t hate it at all.
He just missed you.
It was fucking torture, being away from you. He sat up, night after night, wondering what you were doing. How you felt now. If you wanted him back. If he was better off without you. If you could ever speak cordially and what that would cost.
As if he truly cared about the answer or the consequences.
Eddie just missed you.
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You stared at yourself in the floor-length mirror, looking over your outfit for tonight. Trying not to suck in your stomach, trying to let yourself be the person that you wanted to be. 
A spaghetti-strapped crop top with Madonna-Whore Complex stitched in white across the breasts. Short shorts just to say Fuck You. Block-heeled boots laced up to your knees. All dolled up with a diamond necklace and thin rings. A velvet choker with a broken heart pendant in the middle.
There you were, a vision in pink. 
There you were, a shell of the person you used to be.
Maybe it would be better to play a role tonight.
But nothing was able to halt the worry, halt the anxiety that coursed through your veins. 
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That last night, with your eyes glistening with grief, you’d told him you had to go into hiding. That you needed to get away from the public eye. That he couldn’t come with you. But he’d seen pictures of you since, albeit a bit blurry, running in and out of the recording studio in New York City.
There was an edge to your outfits now, with a touch more lipstick and heavier eye shadow. Changed your hair and painted your nails anything but your usual pink. Your face, the one that once held a permanent smile for the press, now hardened. Blank expressions. No smile, no feigned light in your eyes.
It was like you were wearing some kind of armor.
It was like watching someone trying to adapt to their surroundings.
Flailing, slipping.
Trying to prove to everyone else they can do it without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
Eddie could only hope you wouldn’t let yourself drown in the process.
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“Yeah, I’m good,” you said for the third time in the last ten minutes.
If anyone had a goddamn braincell, they could see that you weren’t good. But this had been the last few months for you. Doing whatever anyone asked. Staying busy. In and out of the studio so often that it became your second home. You honestly couldn’t count how many times you’d fallen asleep—you got more there than when you were home anyways.
How could you when the only thing you saw behind your eyes were crashing waves, the roar of the boat as it pulled you further and further away from the life you desperately wished you were still living? You wrote and wrote and wrote, trying to make sense of it all. Trying to figure out how to apologize. How to profess your love. How to feel any semblance of desire to say goodbye.
Your label had been shocked when you’d gotten the album done so quickly after months of producing nothing—especially calling around and getting Halsey, Lucy Dacus, and Janelle Monaé to feature. Not to mention Maisie Peters who’d actually reached out to you. It was a match made in heaven, an album stitched and woven together by the bitterest fate. 
The label gladly rolled everything into production, insisting that you do as much promotion as you could. So, you were a little money machine, doing bland Instagram reels and Tiktoks, practicing your smile in between takes. You were fine to be a puppet. You’d done everything they wanted you to, right? What’s a little bit more?
What’s better than tightening the collar on your losing dog?
            “Can you get that done for me, sweetie?”
            “It would be so nice if you could just do this one thing.”
            “You know, the fans would love it if…”
            “We’d be grateful if you just…”
“You look tired.”
You turned to Este, noticing her raised eyebrow and crossed arms. The past few minutes had been spent zoning out, trying to keep yourself from thinking too hard. But it only made things worse because all you could do was remember why you were trying so hard not to think. Your friends knew better, but you hated admitting to it. 
“Just trying to wake up the excitement,” you lied.
“For yourself or for the label?” Becky asked.
You glanced over at the door before back at her. “Yes.”
“You got this, okay?” Mary encouraged, rubbing your back. “You’ll feel better once you get there. You know you will.”
“Yeah, you’re right. At least you guys are here.”
“We’d never miss it.”
A pang of grief washed through you at the reminder of someone who would most definitely miss tonight.
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Eddie knew what tonight was—and he could’ve sworn it was going to kill him. Nothing hurt him more than not celebrating your album release with you. He was planning to show up and support you the best he could. Show you off. Make sure you felt as celebrated as you could be because you were so amazing.
But here he was, back in Wayne’s house for the weekend. Laying low, talking to the walls as if Wayne could hear him. Screaming at the ceiling for someone to give him a reason to make sense as to why his wounds were still bleeding. Even after five months.
Bouncing his knees on the edge of the guest bed, growing more and more anxious as the night fell. Going in and out of the back porch, cigarette after cigarette. Hoping and praying that Wayne was a ghost and was able to talk to him through the windchimes hanging by the front door. Feeling sick when they hadn’t moved. Not even once.
Fuck, Eddie should be there with you. He should be by your side.
Instead, he was ashing another cigarette and reaching for the Garfield mug hanging on the wall. Poured the last few sips of Jack Daniels left on the kitchen counter. Trudged back into the guest room.
Tried not to cry.
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You were trying not to cry.
The party was spectacular, with all your favorite foods laid out and cake and your favorite music and your friends and, and, and…
It was everything you could ask for from tonight, but nothing you’d actually asked for. Clara had been sneaky, making sure that you assumed the livestream started two hours before it actually did. Brought you to this fancy restaurant, all decked out in themed balloons and pictures of you. A Congratulations banner and a big bottle of champagne for you to pop.
And you were happy, you really were. But there was just something that overwhelmed you about it all, something weighing on you. Something eating at your stomach, making it nearly impossible to eat or even talk correctly.
Scott kept you grounded the most, always giving you a word or two of encouragement. For the last five months, he’d been cautious of you. You knew it even if he never said it. Him and his wife, Rebecca, made sure to offer you a place to stay when New York started to feel like a stranger. And hiding out in Tennessee was never a bad idea, ending up getting a third home near him, just outside of Nashville.  
Tonight was no different. It was in the way he offered you food, asked if you needed some more water. If you looked even remotely uncomfortable, Scott was there to direct you somewhere else. Kept whispering that you were doing great. Kept reassuring you that your album was amazing. That you were amazing. That it was all going to be okay.
And it was a daydream, a surreal experience you were still getting used to after five years slowly rising into the public eye. Now here you were releasing your third album, knowing in your bones that this was your best work yet. 
And everyone was being so nice.
And the party was beautiful.
And you looked beautiful.
And Eddie wasn’t there. 
He wasn’t anywhere these days, actually. It was like he had vanished entirely. There were no paparazzi pictures, no fan sightings. Even People Magazine had him on the front cover literally saying, “Bad Boy Eddie Munson Mysteriously Disappears from Public Eye.” You were uncertain if he’d ever be seen again. And you knew it was your fault. All of it was.
What felt the strangest was how the internet was still speculating whether or not you and Eddie broke up. It had been five months and you hadn’t told your publicist to confirm it. Didn’t even speak of it. 
The most peculiar thing was…neither had Eddie. There was nothing for anyone to do but question why the two of you hadn’t been spotted in public together even once.
Maybe one day you’d feel strong enough to bury this relationship.
Today definitely wasn’t that day.
And tonight definitely wasn’t it either.
But your album was all was about Eddie.
Everyone would know it.
And you just had to hope that one person out there would listen to it for the music and not for your real-life experiences.
But you guessed that was just how things would have to be.
So, you put on a smile and told yourself to get over it.
Smile for the cameras.
Come up with every way to deflect.
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Since you’d broken up, it seemed that your label had set up a livestream for the fans to listen to the album with you at the same time. Experience it together. Get to send in questions. Get to connect. Eddie thought that was sweet, knowing how much you enjoyed talking to your fans. 
And he knew he shouldn’t, but he really considered hopping on.
Was it a little weird for him to tune into the listening party? 
But he wanted to hear the album, wanted to hear the songs you’d barely shown him when you were together. You were always so shy with your music you wrote for him—which was fair. He did the same thing, keeping any and all projects about you a secret. Hell, the new record set to drop next month was done in the last five, his fingers unable to do anything other than race up and down the neck. Stuffing his pick between his lips as he wrote and wrote and wrote. Tried to write himself out of whatever this black hole was that was starting to swallow him. 
And now here he was, ready to hear what you had to say.
Sighing, he grabbed his laptop.
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But maybe you were better off without him.
Maybe this was all for a reason and everything just had to happen this way. It would be a nice thought, right? A nice explanation for the twisting of your gut as you set up for the livestream. Standing on a pink stage, practicing your smile one last time before the cameras got the shot juuust right. Took a step to the right to show off a poster with the album cover on it.
All you could think as they counted down from five was, I hope Eddie is watching.
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When Eddie saw you, he knew he’d fucked up already.
You were radiant, always a vision in pink. Always a vision, period.
The album cover had the name “Madonna-Whore Complex” with a picture in the center of bunched up silk—pink, of course. The same color you were wearing. The same color Eddie had yearned to wrap in his arms and make breakfast for. 
And when Eddie heard your voice, his stomach flipped.
“So,” you started. “Before we even get to the tracks, I wanted to kinda explain the album title. I know people got a little weird about it, which is fair.”
Eddie could tell that you absolutely did not find that fair.
“But I think that we live in a society that is so obsessed with a woman’s place. If she’s happy with herself and comfortable with her sexuality, she must be seen as a villain or a whore. There’s no room for her to be a good person or even able to truly be in love.”
Something tugged at Eddie’s chest at the sound of you mentioning being in love. If only you’d said that to him five months ago. If only those words had left your lips, he’d have gotten on his hands and knees to make you stay.
But you hadn’t.
“It seems that you cannot be one or the other. Either you’re this harlot who runs through people like it’s nothing or you must be this chaste woman who is only allowed to be idle in the corner. I think that I’ve always been put in this position, and, with the content of this album, I feel like I’m able to both be satirical about those accusations and show the vulnerability of, um.” He watched your eyes dart away nervously before coming back. “The vulnerability of how that has affected my personal life and my personal relationships.”
“Oh, and I really love the back cover,” you said with a wide grin, shifting the subject. “Especially the track list and the font and, oh my god, the people I collaborated with? Incredible artists, right? I just feel really excited for you guys to hear it in a few minutes.”
It was then that he remembered he hadn’t looked at the track list, too anxious at the thought of you referencing anything about him on there. But of course, you did. What else would this album be about? Some other guy? He knew better than to speculate anything like that.
His heart began to race as he found it all laid out for him already, his words being spat back out at him. Something True. Could You Say the Same? Acceptance Speech. Trade You for the World. Could’ve Fooled Me.
Eddie’s stomach twisted, queasy with the exact anxiety that he’d spent the last few months trying to prevent. But he couldn’t run away from this. He was already here, watching you nearly trip over your heels in real time. Reading the titles out, each one feeling like a prison cell built just for him.
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Shakily, you stated, “Okay, everyone. Let’s start the album.”
Took a deep breath.
Closed your eyes.
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Eddie took a deep breath.
Closed his eyes.
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And listened.
         “Okay, my pretty boy…now move!”
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Eddie felt like he was losing his ability to breathe. Track after track, jumbled with lyrics all meant for him. All written for him. Words upon words of poetry that told him how much you missed him and how guilty you fucking felt and how you just went ahead and chose the world over him and, dear god, it was all too much for him.
Grief settled in his chest at every line that he called his favorite.
Okay, Now Stop!
          “Okay, now stop!
         We're dancing dirty to The Beatles and the Stones.
         Okay, now stop!
         You're dancing pretty asking me to lead you home."
The Bisexual Slut (featuring Halsey)
         “This one boy whimpers on his knees
         Twenty girls beg to finally taste me 
         If I’m so greedy, so damn needy
         Then why does their love come so easy?”
My Body, Your Choice
         “Should I base my worth off your fickle insecurities?
         Take a scalpel to my skin to justify your animosity? 
         If I’d known my body was stained with impurity
          I would’ve begged my mother to deliver me with modesty
         But I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing
         Fuck you, I’ll never change a thing.”
Something True
         “Tell me a story, one where love always dies
         Say it with finality in your glassy brown eyes
         Thread the needle to weave through our fate
         Knowing the outcome, you still beg me to stay.”
Madonna-Whore Complex
         “My halo slipped, and my limbs are sore
         But his head seems to stay in between my legs
         I’m wrapped around his fingers as they choke my neck
         I’m his sweetheart, his princess, his saccharine whore.”
The Mess (You Once Called Yours)
         “And your fingerprints stain this house
         Baby, I’m haunted by your phantom touch
         Oh, now I’m screaming and pleading, growling and howling,
         ‘Please end this agony, my love, it’s all too much.’”
Your Residential Coward
         “Guess she’ll never really let me live that down
         Throwing daggers at my portrait now that I’m gone 
         And now that I finally see my tilted crown 
         It turns out I was the jester all along.”
Could You Say the Same?
         “Simple questions come with simple answers
         That’s why I sew my mouth shut
         The moment I saw you, wild necromancer
         Devotion gnawed at my gut.”
Synonymous (featuring Lucy Dacus)
         “Sucking in my stomach in attempt to survive
         It’s like I’m fifteen again
         All crooked teeth, low self-esteem, and love-deprived
         Only coping with a wilted pen.”
My Gentleman
         “You’ll never let me look away, that is the cerulean dream
         Could be your future wife if we let our consciousness stream
         And I confess I don’t think that would be too much to hope for
         So keep talking like that, let the wine pour, pour, pour.”
Acceptance Speech (featuring Janelle Monáe)
         “In the modern age, a sacrifice is already made
         The moment that you’ve made a choice
         But, baby, the problem always chooses herself
         And suddenly she has lost her voice.”
Trade You for the World
         “I stood in sepia tones while you bled electric crimson 
         Built the motivation before I built the scene
         Led the poets astray, bathed them in patient indecision
         Now I sit in vignettes of truth, desire what was in between.”
Back to the Beginning
         “City after city, glazed in momentary dignity, 
         I chased the prophecy of my becoming
         And, dear god, if I could tuck my tail between my legs
         I’d run us right back to the beginning.”
Could’ve Fooled Me (featuring Maisie Peters)
         “And we’re dancing around each other tonight
         Elevators built like confessionals
         Desperate to blanket myself in transparency
         I wanna say, ‘Pretty boy, you’re sensational.
         We weren’t the only freaks anyhow
         But how could anyone not love you then?
         And how could they not love you now?’”
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Eddie watched you dance and party. Vaguely answer the questions about what certain lyrics meant. Focused on the sound more than the overall meanings. Thanked everyone for giving you this celebration and how you were very grateful for this opportunity.
And, peculiarly, you were handed a new acoustic guitar, soft pink and sparkling. Your name written in calligraphy down the neck.
“Um, so since this is a special night,” you said while trying to move your white capo down to the third fret. “I wanted to play a special song that didn’t make the album. It just didn’t fit the rest of the album’s vibe, so I cut it.” 
You laughed and Eddie knew he was the only one who could notice it was out of nerves. You tested the strings, making sure everything was in tune. 
“But I wanted to play it for you guys if that’s okay?” Laughing again, you shook your head. “I hope everyone said yes, otherwise this would be so embarrassing.”
You leaned into the microphone, glancing up at the camera as if you were making direct eye contact with Eddie and Eddie alone.
“It’s called Questionnaire.”
The chords were simple. 
C, Em, Am.
F, G, C.
It rang out soft, sweet. Albeit a bit sad.
         He noticed the way you chewed on your lip before you started, finding your groove.
         “Do you think about the way we live without sanctuary?
         How the fates wrap their hands around our throats, cutting off our breath?
         Do you think about the way we live without sanctuary?
         How there’s no guarantee when it’s over there’ll be anything left?”
Eddie felt a sickness wash over him as he heard you sing directly to him. You were right. It was different from the rest of the album.
He tried to gauge how you were feeling, knowing damn well the only way he could was through the music itself. How the change in chords matched the change in your emotions. 
G, Am, F.
         “Oh, oh, oh.”
Am, G, F.
         “Oh, oh, oh.”
The camera pulled in closer to your face, as if they knew that Eddie was watching. Waiting. Pathetically desperate to hear what you had to say to him. 
         “Do you wonder if there’s any chance that this was all just a dream?
         But there’s no fucking way you can’t hear me calling your name.
         Do you wonder if there’s any chance we could wipe ourselves clean?
         But there’s no fucking way to explain the way I’ve been claimed.”
You repeated the Ohs, belting out the last set before you changed the sound completely. 
New chord patterns. New set of emotions. Harsh strumming, the sound growing louder and louder as frustration filled your voice.
         “Do you know the clouds darken whenever you’re away?
         Convinced myself that my storm would worsen if I’d stayed.
         God, I need you now to answer my revelation.
         Is there any dignity in self-preservation?”
You repeated the line again, sounding angrier than before.
         “Is there any dignity in self-preservation?”
The buildup faded away, the rough strumming turning light again as the chords of the verses returned. There was a small instrumental as the camera pulled out to show you on your pink throne, surrounded by the pink balloons and holographic streamers.
You were alone.
Eddie could just barely make out the tears trickling down your face as you began to strum each chord once.
         “Do you think about the way we lived without sanctuary?
         How we fought and you fought for me until I gave it all up?
         I think about the way I live without your sanctuary.
         How there’s no guarantee I’ll ever fall in love again.”
You sighed and sniffled softly before repeating it. 
         “How there’s no guarantee I’ll ever fall in love again.”
Despite no one being in the shot, he could hear applause coming from around the room. He could even hear Becky, Este, and Mary individually, all cheering you on.
He watched you stand, laughing off the emotions as you blotted the wetness around your eyes. “Okay, Now Stop!” started playing over the screen as people scrambled to disassemble the makeshift stage. 
It occurred to Eddie then that there…had been no chorus. No hook. It was just a list of questions for him and statements for yourself. A bout of self-loathing and the guilt that he was only now starting to grasp.
And he realized that he too was crying, trying desperately to cease them with the back of his hand. And then his sleeve. And then the tissues he scrambled around the bedroom to find. 
As soon as the livestream ended, Eddie pulled out his phone.
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“You’re so brave for doing that,” Becky said, crushing you in a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”
A broken smile met your lips. “God, everyone’s going to talk about it.”
“Let them,” Mary said with a scoff. “Who cares?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, knowing full well who you really wanted to talk about it. To hear it. To think about it.
Your phone began to vibrate in your pocket. As you pulled it out, something resembling belief in fate rushed through you.
You couldn’t suppress an audible gasp, taking a step back from the conversation.
“I’m sorry, I have to take this,” you mumbled before walking away quickly. Pressed that green button. Whispered, “Hello?”
“Oh, hey.”
His voice crawled over you in a rush of relief, an ease that had been missing for so fucking long. “Eddie, hey,” you said nervously, shocked by your own ability to say his name out loud.
“Hey, is this an okay time?”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re good. What’s up?”
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“Nothing,” he lied, fiddling with blanket. “I just wanted to congratulate you on the album. It’s really incredible. Your best work yet.”
“Oh, thank you, Eddie. Um, you think?”
“That it’s my best work?”
“Of course it is,” he answered with a breathy chuckle. “Are you kidding me? You took your individual sound and expanded on it and made it into a high-quality concept album. And the lyrics are incredible. It’s beautiful.”
“That’s really kind of you to say. I’m really proud of it.”
“You should be.”
“Are you working on anything new?”
“Yeah, we’re actually finishing up the album now. Should be out next month if everything goes right.”
“I bet, um. I bet it’s incredible.”
Eddie’s chest tightened at your hesitation. “Each song transitions into one another. You’d think it was cool.”
“I’ll have to listen to it. If, um, if you think I should.”
Swallowing a sigh, Eddie closed his eyes and tried to focus on keeping his voice level. Keep from cracking. Keep from begging for you to come back.
“It’s only if you want to,” he replied, trying to stay neutral before moving on. “Are you doing okay? I know you get really anxious after being, like, out in the open for a while.”
“Yeah, sure I am.” He knew you were lying. “It’s just work.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay in case you weren’t,” he admitted.
“You know…” you trailed, pausing.
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You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. “You didn’t have to call if you didn’t want to…”
“Ah, come on,” he said with a chuckle. “I wanted to call you, so I called. Promise.”
Anxiety began to wash over you as you bit the bullet. 
“Is that everything you wanted to say?”
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Why hasn’t your publicist confirmed the breakup?
Is this killing you like it’s killing me?
“Well, uh, I don’t know.”
Did you really mean what you said about never falling in love again?
Does that mean there’s a chance?
“What does that mean?” you asked. “I’m confused.”
Is this over?
Are we over?
“I think… I think that’s all I had to say.”
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And there was the disappointment.
“Oh, okay.”
“Yeah, I hope you have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too.”
“Oh, hey, one last thing.”
You couldn’t help that ugly surge of hope. “Yeah?” 
“Remember to take care of yourself. You matter more than anyone else does.”
“Oh,” you responded, deflating. “Yeah, I’ll try, Eddie. Take care.”
“Bye,” you whispered before ending the call.
There’s nothing to say once the phone call ends. No one mentioned the breakup. No one mentioned how the album he called incredible was about him. About the love. The crash and burn. How your love still glowed inside you, bright enough for him to touch if he’d just stretch his fingertips a little further.
And yet, neither of you said a thing.
And neither of you admitted to what you knew was coming in his own album.
You found yourself mute as you shuffled into the back of the black SUV and got out of the city. Left your buzzing phone next to you, knowing that Eddie wouldn’t call you again. Knowing that everything must be over now.
If this was closure, it sure didn’t feel like it.
When you walked into your house, still empty and swirling with dust, you let the grating silence whisk you towards the wine cabinet. Got yourself the shiniest glass you had, poured the cheapest bottle you found. Sat on the back porch and looked out at the moon. 
If things were different, Eddie would be here right now instead of a voice in a fucking phone. His voice, a tiny shard of glass that was surely going to rip you open and never mend itself again. 
He’d sit next to you with his own glass. Comment on how nice it was to just drink the cheap stuff. Roll you a celebratory joint with dried rose petals, the way you liked it. Ask if it was okay if you spent the night out here, just looking up at the moon together.
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It’d been a full year since you’d met. Five months since you last spoke. And now you were starting to fold, starting to maneuver yourselves into strangers. Even if that was the last thing Eddie wanted. Even if the mere thought of never talking again made nausea pool in his stomach.
Eddie desperately wished you were looking at the moon together.
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And maybe you would feel different than you did tonight. Maybe you would’ve had a perfect night with all your accomplishments and the perfect man beside you to experience it all with.
But he wasn’t there. 
And you felt so alone.
So fucking alone.
Tears streamed down your face, a burning in your chest growing with each What If that you conjured. 
You were not better off without him. 
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He knew it the moment you told him goodbye on the island. He knew it the moment he returned to California, shutting himself off from the world. He knew it the second he called you and the second he heard you say goodbye one last time.
Eddie was not better off without you.
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once again thanks to the lovely @strangergraphics for making beautiful dividers for me. it is an honor!
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kennysboxergf · 10 months
i LOVE your writing sososo much 🫶🏻 could you pretty pls do an AJ smut where he fucks up and pisses you off so he makes up for it 🤭🤭
Make Up For It ~ AJ Shabeel
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Shit. Shit. Shit and fuck.
He fucked up.
And now you wouldn’t talk to him.
And he was really sad about that. Everytime he would go to kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, anything, you would turn away. And you didn’t do that often because him initiating physical contact was already a rat thing so he knew he really fucked up this time.
He walked to your room with a determination that had built from his guilt. Knocking three time (it was your code) he folded his hands in front of his crotch and waited.
10 seconds.
And more, the seconds turned into minutes and AJ started bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation.
1 minute.
2 minutes.
No reply, AJ frowned and called out to you.
No reply, he knocked thrice once more. A ping on his phone.
“Go away” it read.
“Lemme make it up to you” he fired back.
No reply.
“Please?” He texted again.
The door opened in front of him, relief flooded his being as you face appeared in front of him. He almost gave in and went to hug you right there but one of his three braincells reminded him you wouldn’t react well to that.
“Can I come in?” He asked, a small tilt or his head and a anxious expression on his face.
You nod a little and open the door wider. He steps in his shoulders curled into him, making him smaller than he usually appears to be.
You close the door behind him.
“Baby let me-“ he starts talking, turning around as he hears the noise. You interrupt him by cupping his face and kissing him.
He squeaks in surprise but it doesn’t take long for him to wrap his hands around your waist and start kissing back. 
“I thought you were mad?” He asks once you pull away.
“I am,” You say, “but you’re gonna make it up to me aren’t you?”
“Whatever you say, ma’am,” comes the reply as he eagerly pushes you onto the bed. You land with a thud and give him a look of warning because that actually kind of hurt.
He smiles in apology and his hand start exploring up your shirt as his other hand stabilises him above you and he leans down to kiss you.
You reach up to kiss him, arching you back as his hand explores you waist, only slowly moving up to you chest.
You use your free hands to also explore his body. He was toned, even though people wouldn’t expect it. You outlined his abs and chest and just as quickly move you hand into his pants to cup his crotch from the underpants.
He lets out a noise, breaking the kiss to throw his head back. You take the opportunity to flip the two of you around, with you now sitting on his crotch, one hand on his chest and you slowly grind down.
He moans and grabs your hips guiding you to the right places. His hands love up again tugging your T-shirt up. Indulging him, you raise your hands so it can come off fully. He admires your breasts, seeing as you weren’t wearing a bra, and cups one hand around your tit, playing with your nipple.
You let out a quiet moan, but that just wouldn’t do for AJ, who flips the two of you around once more making quick work of your shorts and panties and his clothes as well, they get thrown into some random corner of the room to be found tomorrow.
The next day you are made aware that Sharky, two whole rooms down from you, heard you and AJ and that he had started plans to find another apartment to live in.
short and incomplete bcus I am motivated however not very productive
I might complete this later tho if anyone wants 😍
anyways love everyone of you, you’re doing well wherever you are in life, never falling behind, and tot ziens! <3
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noiriviere · 4 months
Apologies for possibly lacking full context (I am still reading through the comics, chronologically orz) but if anyone would like to leave their 2 cents on this I would appreciate it! I've seen complaints about how Tim's character has been underutilised in recent years (and I'm inclined to agree) but what bothers me is that I have seen a lot of people complaining that him being bi is also part of the problem and that it set him back as a character. Which bothers me. A lot. I don't hold any particularly strong feelings about Fitzmartin's (short) run but I really like that Tim is now bi in canon! And I don't find it strange or like it came out of the blue either. I do hope (but this is DC we're talking about) that someday we'll get a better and more fledged backstory for Bernard and how he and Tim reconnected.
I don't see how that would set him back as a character though? If anything I think it's more of a "X writer has a favourite Robin and it shows" with the characterisation of the batfam. Or the whole "Tim is perpetually 17 and not moving on from Robin anytime soon" thing. I can understand being worried about how he will be written when it comes to his queerness from now on (as in, if it will be good representation and the like) but not thinking that him being bi completely ruins him as a character. Anyway, I'm running on my last braincell here and idk where I was going with this but yeah! Tim being bi isn't the problem nor do I think it's the reason why his writing has been leaving much to be desired lately.
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Oooh oooh I have one!
Can you please do a one-shot smut for Zhongli x Reader (They/Them if it's alright with you) in an Office AU where they do it during their lunch break? Bonus if Itto accidentally stumbles upon them afterwards because it would be absolutely hilarious.
Only if you feel like it because I know life is exhausting. Please take care of yourself. ^3^
This was written in a rush because I have things going on. No pronouns were used, but ik this anon irl (they’re just shy to reveal their face), so that is the only reason I’m doing an afab with gn pronouns for this. For anyone else though, please keep in mind that:
I do NOT write for male readers in any shape or form.
ALL not sfw works will ALWAYS be written with a FEMALE reader in mind.
Thank you for reading the above and please keep those rules in mind when requesting. You’d be surprised at the amount of requests I get which breaks nearly all rules in just one go. I am happy you send them in, but please read my rules beforehand. Thank you.
Zhongli x afab! Reader
No pronouns were used, but the body is that of a female autotomy.
Not-sfw warnings: office intercourse, unprotected intercourse, being walked in on.
Blog contains dark content/dead dove don’t eat. Dni if you are uncomfortable with said content.
Minors/blank blogs dni or you’ll be blocked.
I hope you enjoy this!
Lunch break was to end in thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes to eat, as you should, unpacking your lunch in the small cafeteria instead of being pressed against the wall, losing your breath as Zhongli kisses you. It was gentle, innocent at first, a simple peck. And it was supposed to remain at that, not develop into something deeper, breathless, his tongue swiping over your teeth as you cling onto the outer jacket of his suit. You made no protest when he gently backed you into the wall.
Distantly, you can hear the chatter of people passing by the door, and while you should be worried about someone opening the door and seeing the scene before them, the moment his lips travel to your neck, pressing against your sweet spot. You could no longer think straight. So, you let him suck lightly, enough to feel the suction that draws a hushed whimper from your kiss-swollen lips, but soft enough to not leave any type of physical evidence.
With the last remaining braincell containing commonsense, you quietly thank him for making sure to close the door.
It doesn’t take long for your pencil skirt to be bundled up at your waist, panties pushed aside. His own pants were unzipped, cock out, and with enough prep, he slid in oh so painfully good. As always, it stung a bit, felt heavy even, whispering for him to remain still lest he hurt you. He does as you say.
“You’re… you’re never like this at work. What’s gotten into you?” You breathe out, muscles relax as the second’s pass. Looking behind him, you spot the clock on the opposite wall. You now have fifteen minutes.
“Mm, I should have waited. We could have taken our time, then,” voice as smooth as ever, Zhongli kisses your lower jaw, trailing his lips until it reaches the pulse of your neck. And then he travels lower until he’s at the juncture and nibbles it. “But… I just couldn’t resist you today, it seems. I apologize for acting out of character, but even I have moments of weakness.”
“At work of all places?” you giggle out, only for it to melt into a moan, Zhongli slowly pulling out before gently thrusting back into your very welcoming cunt. “Mm, we only have fifteen minutes… I’m not sure if we can finish on time – “
When his thrusts become harsher, more passionate, you find yourself breathless, unable to think straight, and for a moment, you really do think that you’re about to suffocate. Apparently, your brain decided that focusing on mind-melting pressure was more important than taking in gulps of air. Another thrust has your fingers digging into his shoulders, letting one of his hands hold up your leg for better access.
Even though it aches, you remain silent on the matter, eyes shutting tight as you let the pleasure overtake you. However, part of your mind is still there, and thus, you bite your lower lip, suppressing any sinful noises that may leak through the walls and doors.
But you couldn’t do anything about the skin slapping against skin, but to keep the pace as slow as possible, trying to build up to your climax.
Ah, but before you could even reach the pleasurable buildup, lower belly tightening and clit throbbing, the door opens.
“Oh, hey, have you seen –,”
The door slams closed immediately afterwards.
It wasn’t until the next day where you saw Itto, his face red and awkward around the two of you. And it wasn’t until later that you found out he left his phone behind in the office, and that at first, it was going to be Shinobu who was going to look for it.
Perhaps this was a sign to never do such a thing in the office ever again.
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selfawarecobalt · 8 months
Heyy i was wondering if u got any fraxus fic recs?
im so sorry this took me like 2 months to answer i have issues
also just to preface this: i am aroace so theres defo gonna be some bias here lol (literally most of these are whump)
also also: apologies for the terrible descriptions, im slightly stoned and a terrible writer, i am not NEARLY doing these fics justice
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48270481 ROCK BAND AU I LOVE YOU (seriously, hugely recommend any of Eryiss’ stuff, absolutely incredible author)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42626181 I’ll forever be a sucker for any sicfic and domestic setting
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16653865/chapters/39048235 THIS. this is classic literature to me. i remember this coming out like it was yesterday and it is a HUGE reason why Pirate freed is so dear to me
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38870499 5+1 things <3 also freed being a responsible king. braincell owner. iconic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37492243 FREED BEING IRRESPONSIBLE I LOVE YOU (also some VERY good levy here)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23014816/chapters/55029376 this one lives in my head rent free. anything set during the battle of fairy tail is SO precious to me. also HUGE fan of laxus’ characterisation in this one, you can really feel the struggle
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19832980 POWER COUPLE FR
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16543964/chapters/38758559 THIS FIC. THIS FUCKING FIC. genuinely lives in my head forever and ever. this one genuinely shaped me when it first came out. im a sucker for any freed backstory that shows off just how powerful he is, and you can really feel the connection between him and laxus
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17877200 i believe, as they say; “HUBBA HUBBA AWOOGA”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17683478 MORE👏POWEHOUSE👏FREED👏 also the idea of him being able to recognise laxus’ voice when hes unable to recognise anyone elses is so,,,,,
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16563164 ohhhhhh this one will ruin you (said with nothing but love)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16563296 literally lived in my brain for years. i love you laxus being able to read freed even when noone else can
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16709374/chapters/39189871 THIS ONE. some SUBLIME freed whump and some REALLY good fraxus interactions
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15337278 more freed whump, focusing on his hands. some real good fraxus interactions too
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8885776 Always a sucker for a domestic fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8265161/chapters/18936167 An old favourite- its always funny seein the thunder legion drunk off their asses
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5874232 Drunk Freed again- I’m absolutely obsessed with canas personality in this one too
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16561601 TEACHER AU obsessed with their dynamic in this one
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1865388 this ones pretty old but i was OBSESSED with when it came out. still think of this whenever i smell cigs
there are absolutely many that i’ve forgotten but apparently im incapable of adding em since this alone took me a month and a half lol
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yesterdaysallknowing · 6 months
Hello, My Hero Academia fandom.
I think BNHA/MHA/whatever acronym, as a story, is pretty... well, to put it politely, SHIT.
(I'm currently studying writing at uni, I am Qualified™ to say this.)
I am writing a fic about it. Read it here:
Ultra Academy: Extra Credit (660 words) by yesterdaysAllknowing Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
(More details UTC)
In its myriad issues, from abuse apologism (Endeavour, the UA staff and Bakugou), to grooming child soldiers, to questionable treatment of its fem-presenting cast, and very, VERY pertinent ableism that I never really see discussed (Quirklessness is a pretty blatant metaphor for disability, if not actually a disability in universe, and the way the narrative just dismisses it is. Hm), I feel a lot of these could be solved by the presence of 1 (ONE) singular adult with a braincell and Working with Children Check (or equivalent, I'm Aussie), which CLEARLY no one in this story has or they wouldn't be neglecting or outright abusing these kids.
So I have written a fic where I drop in a character with exactly those qualifications. Yippee.
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Only the prologue exists (for now), but the fic overall will get deeper into my many, MANY thoughts on the issues in the series, and I actually wrote a lot of the initial bones of the story a couple of years ago, and decided to rewrite/reboot it recently due to uh,,, peer pressure, so expect some more chapters soon over an inconsistent schedule.
While a LOT of the initial chapters will be mostly canon-compliant (and also pretty salty/leaning into bashing of the original material, because, I cannot emphasise this enough, it is GARBAGE), I have a lot of worldbuilding and development planned, including characters improving or being placed onto paths I think make more sense given their characterisation and backstory, which I am looking forward to actually sharing with the world.
And fair warning: If you're a die-hard stan of ANY characters in the original story, maybe don't read this. No one is getting away unscathed here. Not even the OCs, they're getting hit with the development in the name of plot more than ANYONE honestly. Things will be worse before they get better, here. It's the only way I can see to fix the problems in the story without completely changing it and being disengenous to the source material.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 6 months
i don’t go here but what happened i need to know
OH hi the ep just finished i am hyper but here is the rundown (OBVIOUSLY plagued with spoilers)
- buck and tommy go on a date. it's terrible. eddie shows up unexpectedly and buck is obviously scared and showcases an embarrassing amount of comphet behavior (i say this affectionately. it's not his fault he just has stuff to process)
- buck complains to maddie about how he embarrassed himself and feels bad about lying to his best friend. ends up coming out to her. maddie tells him to talk to eddie
- buck tries but fails. eddie has issues with his gf marisol whom he asked to move in w him because of catholic guilt reasons etc etc so he talks to buck about that instead
- eddie goes to bucks house. buck comes out to him. (very important info is i was crying atp lmao). that conversation makes eddie decide to fix things with his gf (detrimental to us as viewers but we'll just have to be patient)
- HUG. that's all. beautiful heartfelt hug <3
- buck calls tommy. apologizes for behaving weirdly. asks tommy to go as his date to his sister's wedding. he says yes. we all squeal with joy
- the end
this was assuming you wanted the tea on the buck/eddie/tommy stuff but other highlights to anyone who's reading:
- hen and karen adopt a 9 year old girl with a complicated past but by the end of the ep they start getting her to open up <3
- eddie and bobby talk about the whole love/catholic guilt thing
- cliffhanger on maddie and chims wedding where: a) she looks gorgeous, b) buck and eddie enter looking like some remake of The Hangover (dumbass4dumbass), c) chim is missing
that is all for now i'm sure i'm missing stuff but my braincells are burnt to a crisp and i need time to process :)
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lunaetis · 1 year
[ a bit of a late night post so i'll put this under the cut. ]
[ i'd like to apologize if i had been rather quiet ooc / on discord as of late. work had been really demanding for the past few weeks that i find myself incredibly stressed beyond belief. though i might seem normal on dash, my long time mutuals and friends would be able to vouch for me on the fact that i tend to go quiet or even radio silent when things get too stressful for me bc i don't like making the atmosphere tense for those around me. i tend to disappear on ooc chat and simply focus on writing simpler & easier things that make me happy bc writing is my main de-stress method. this is nothing personal, it's just how i deal with stress esp one stemmed from work. i'm quite a workaholic. a habit that i still cannot break even now. atm my main comfort muse is eden, as you can see how i've flooded my blog with her bc writing her makes me really happy and i really need that rn. i am not abandoning any other threads or muses, but i just need to be goofy with eden to offset the pressure and stress i get from work. i apologize if you have been waiting for my responses with other muses or if you follow me for other muses / content. i just can't get into the right headspace to tap into them rn and i do not want to give any of you less than quality writing from me.
but yes, tl;dr is that i'm sorry if i make you feel neglected that i don't answer your messages whether ic or ooc. i'm not ignoring anyone, i promise. eden has my whole braincell bc she's my comfort muse so you can expect my blog to be full of her for quite a while. thank you for reading, for being patient with me and for understanding. i love you all. ]
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
there's always a thousand ideas rattling around in my brain, and my notes app is getting filled with one line prompts for mostly art ideas but could also turn into mini fics
I'm still hung up on boxer mammon and I think. I will pick up my sketchbook today after going grocery shopping. Drawing faces is what's holding me back, and the idea that I wouldn't do the characters justice is what holds me back from writing (have not written since my wattpad days). The closet thing I have is dialogue blurbs in my notes app.
mammon is always on the brain SORRY. but like, thinking about merchant/jeweler mammon and a royal mc. And Mammon has ridiculous prices or excuses for why he can't sell (thinking about aziraphele from good omens and his book shop) but mc visits his stall every day (possibly in disguise?? or with a guard), and one day manages to trade a royal jewel for something in his collection (i am such a sucker for royalty in general and knights and AAA)
or thinking about Solomon and mc making potions together for the first time, and Solomon encouraging random things to be added just to see the end result (my mc is naturally curious and shares a single braincell when paired with solomon)
OR mc their first year in the devildom and possibly going to barbatos for advice on ingredients to use, what's human safe, and easy dishes to experiment on so they don't poison themselves. which makes me wonder how much human stuff is readily available and if mc can go grocery shopping in the human world with barbatos (domestic activities), or if they had to send him with a list (like when there was a retreat at the demon lords castle and everyone got to make dishes from their home)
sorry for getting carried away, this was the longest ask ever akdjdj, was just hoping to share some ideas and maybe some things that could bring back the creative spark AAA SORRY BYE LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG 🤣🫶
- ✨ anon
Please do not worry about ask length, ✨ anon! My responses tend to be lengthy too lol! So don't apologize because I love it!!
Augh, I totally get what you mean about the ideas... I am plagued by them all the time lol. It's finding the time to actually use them for anything that's usually the issue.
I hope you did do some drawing in your sketchbook! I can't speak to difficulties with art, but when it comes to writing, you can't let yourself worry about doing the characters justice.
I used to care a lot about how I characterized everybody. I was always so nervous about writing for Mammon in particular that I just didn't a lot of the time. But the truth is, every writer will characterize them differently. And your interpretation of them is just as valid as anyone else's! If it's less about that and more than you're concerned about your skill level, well, unfortunately there's no way around it. You gotta write to get better at writing! You can always start with characters you're not as concerned about if you want, but I find it's usually best to follow the inspiration! I believe in you!
Also don't worry, I love Mammon, so I don't mind hearing about him lol! And OKAY I looove Good Omens! I read the book a long time ago and then re-read it several times before the show came out. And then the fandom exploded!! But it's been amazing. Er anyway, getting off topic here, which is that I love the idea of jeweler/merchant Mammon who can't bear to part with his merchandise alksdfjf- I also love knights, I have a whole medieval AU brewing in my brain meats that I would write if I had any kind of time. Royal!MC showing up like I bet I have something you can't resist... I'll get you to trade me something from your wares!! I also like the idea of MC trading a kiss for something of his and he agrees because he's surprised to find that he's willing to give up his expensive object for a chance to kiss MC tee hee~
Solomon being a menace is something I'm always up for! I like the idea that he would encourage MC to do that, but also knows enough about the ingredients himself to know that the things he's suggesting aren't dangerous. Like he doesn't know what adding this herb will do, but he does know that it won't explode in MC's face lol. Though I also like the idea of Solomon and MC just being chaotic potion gremlins and adding anything and everything just to see what would happen. Like when MC is powerful enough and Solomon feels confident that MC won't get hurt, then they're both going all in.
I kinda think ingredients from other worlds are not readily available, since it seems like Simeon and Luke kinda go through this thing where they're trying to learn to cook with Devildom ingredients. Which means that Barbatos likely has a way of procuring those ingredients when he needs them. I absolutely love the idea of going human world shopping with Barb. I'm just gonna put that in my own personal headcanon. Whenever MC says in the game that they're gonna cook some human world food or at the retreat and everything, that also means a shopping trip with Barbatos. I wish I understood why I would want to do that so bad, but I really do. Imagine taking him to a human world grocery store. Like if he said to me that I should take him wherever I normally go, it's like okay lemme take you to Aldi and Walmart lol. But then I'd be like listen, if we can go anywhere though, we should really go to Costco and Trader Joe's. I never go to Costco because I don't have a membership. Because I am shopping only for myself and I don't need fifty pounds of anything lol. And there is no Trader Joe's in my town, the nearest one is over an hour away.
ANYWAY I love all your ideas!! I hope you find the motivation and confidence to pick up drawing and/or writing again! I have no doubt that whatever you create will be amazing!
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yujeong · 10 months
VegasPete and Childhood's End: a deranged attempt at connecting two completely unrelated things
Hello there, fellow VP enthusiasts. This post here is my remaining 2 braincells trying to come up with ways the silly, little book known as Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke and the silly, little couple known as VegasPete are connected, and how the show chose this book for Vegas to be reading in episode 11 for reasons beyond its title. I swear it's true, I asked Pond, he told me about it, trust me. I said in the tags of this post that I have started reading the book because I have a fic idea I wanted to write (which will happen next year now, after I finish the book), and after I shared my observations on the kindergarten mafia server, I thought to myself why not make a Tumblr post too? So, here I am. I would like to clarify that I will be spoiling major parts of the book, obviously, so anyone who doesn't want to get spoiled, don't read this post and the ones after it. Also, this is the version of the book I bought like 5 days ago from a well-known bookshop at the center of Athens, which sells English books too, bless them. Just so you know what my source is. (Unfortunately, getting the version Vegas was reading might be difficult - if not impossible - in Greece to find, because I believe it's one of the first editions? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, I have the book in my hands, which is what counts.) If I make any mistakes in regards to the information I'll provide about the book, the story and the characters, I apologize in advance. It'll probably be me not being careful enough while reading it and missing sth. So, without any further delay, here we go:
The basic premise of the book is a concept that's become cliche in the recent years: aliens called the Overlords have taken over the Earth, bringing prosperity to it but leaving humans with having no actual freedom in their choices. So, reading up to page 34, we learn that there's a specific Overlord called Karellen who's responsible for ruling the Earth, and we also get introduced to Stormgren who's the intermediary between Karellen and the human race, with the title of "Secretary". At first, I had made the connection of Vegas being Stormgren and Karellen (or the Overlords in general) being Gun, because Stormgren trusts Karellen with ruling the human race, just as Vegas idolizes his father who can totally bring prosperity to the family and make it better by force (an important element since the Overlords just came and declared themselves the rulers of the planet and took over). Also, there's an element of secrecy with Karellen, because it's been 5 years since he arrived on Earth but no one, not even Stormgren, knows what he looks like. This causes Stormgren to be a bit suspicious of Karellen, which he rarely shows and tries to push the feeling down when it resurfaces. In the same way, I thought this could connect to Gun who's hiding stuff from Vegas - Porsche anyone? - which Vegas will start having thoughts about post ep 11. All of that is fine and good, BUT I wouldn't be a Pete girlie if I didn't try to include my boy in this. I think all of the above I mentioned is more about Pete than Vegas. And, judging by how obsessed Vegas became with Pete post ep 10 - after their masks fell off and he saw who Pete truly was - I am confident in my belief that Vegas reading Childhood's End would think of Pete, not himself (sth he already does at this point but you get what I'm saying). SO, Stormgren is actually Pete, who follows Karellen's words almost blindly, and almost is an important word here because in the book, he does argue back about things and is vocal about his opinions, even if Karellen smartly turns them down. Karellen is generally very softly spoken, polite and very human like in the way he talks, so in my opinion he resembles Korn way more than Gun. There's also a character who calls Stormgren out on his blind faith in Karellen, and if this isn't Vegas telling Pete that "there's no such thing as honesty", I don't know what it is. Now, for the fun part: Stormgren gets kidnapped by a group of humans who want the Overlords to leave and not only is the dude semi-casual about it on the surface while keeping his panic under wraps, in the end his captors, after explaining how they got him and what their plan is, throw a pack of cards at him and ask him to play poker with him, which causes Stormgren to laugh like he hasn't laughed in years. I'm just imagining Vegas reading this and shaking his head, putting on his clown shoes, thinking: these guys are so stupid, encouraging their captive be this nonchalant around them, I would never.
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lunarprophetuwu · 2 months
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I don't usually post on my social media but this "apology" really irritates me.
1. Bold of him to assume that all Checo fans are Mexican. I'm a Thai and I'm a Checo fan.
2. Like literally everyone who watches the edit knows that it's for the festival AND everyone with a working braincell knows that that sentence has a second meaning.
3. He shouldn't had said that. It's really uncalled for. He knew what he's doing. He wanted to creat drama and he got what he wanted. There's are like a million different ways to say that "Max and Daniel would be a good pairing for good wood" without using the word teammates.
Thank you for anyone who reads my rambling and sorry for any grammatical mistakes. English is my 2nd language 💕💕
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specialists-winx-club · 3 months
*glances at my messages*
Oh, right... People actually follow me and read my posts... That's crazy.
My apologies to anyone who's left a message in my inbox. I only have half a braincell and it doesn't function most of the time. I'll try to answer soon, but I promise my thoughts are absolutely not worth the wait 💖
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yeehawfml · 7 months
Pizza tower oc, oni :3
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dont worry her skin's just lighter bc of the tinting i would never whitewash my baby..
A bit more (AROUND 7 PARAGRAPHS!) about her below :3
oni is about 15, usually seen crying, she has become a bit infamous for being a fucking piss baby. She cries so much because of her hair, usually. Her hair is literally just like, four large onions and three onion cloves, atleast her clothes arent actual onions. Oh yeah also she smells like onions and soap lmfao
Dont ask why her hair's made of onions she has no clue (pizzahead thought it would look neat and gorilla glued them onto her bald ass head when she was a baby)
With how often people made fun of her for crying so much, she became meek and nervous around people, thankfully, due to her crying most people dont bother her.
She feels safe around the bosses, though. Except for noise and pizzahead. Noise makes fun of her alot, pizzahead's just creepy. Not his fault, he's just gay.
She likes pepperman because he actually understands that she can't even help crying so much, being a pepper, he took the time to use two braincells and put together how her hair is made of literal onions. He's surprisingly reasonable, for a narcissist. She ironically calls him mom sometimes.
She appreciates Vigilante because he's basically the only guy in the whole tower that actually stops people from talking about her. She views him like a father sometimes.
The clone is..something. it seems to like how she smells, usually just sitting close to her quietly. It's..creepy, with how it can take It's head off and often does so, but it keeps others from bothering her all together. Plus, it only ever attacks other things if they could hurt it, oni can't really do that. It's not that she isn't strong, it's just she mentally cannot bring herself to hit anyone. Also it's more difficult to kick someone than punch them, and she has no arms (she was just built like that)
Thank you for reading, apologies for rambling.
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the-spacetronaut · 1 year
HEy whats eros and cupid's relationship with eachother like? :0c are they friends?
i would say theyre friends! maybe something more but doesnt have a label! they have a pretty unique and complicated relationship!
i dont think i ever really talked about it much! cupid and eros get along but they also dont! its a symbiotic relationship! they need each other to survive! theyre like an old married couple!
they bicker, they fight, they disagree but at the end of the day; they'll still crawl into the same bed, apologize, and snuggle eachother to sleep!
think worrywart with flirty bastard and theyre both idiot morons passing a singular braincell back and forth! they both really hate eachother!
cupid is actually really scared of eros, not in a "hes gonna hurt me" way but in a "he might be too much and he'll get carried away" way! hes scared that eros will scare others and hurt himself (and hurt cupid too)! this plagues cupid, worries him to a fault because he cares a lot for eros. cupid doesnt want to lose eros or have eros decommission them with his antics so he locked eros away. eros laid dormant for years. YEARS! (wander mode was made to replace eros function. eros role was to roam the plex and give love fortune reading but since he was dormant for so long, staff had update cupid to fill in that role!) even though cupid cares a lot for eros, cupid is also kind of fed up with him too! eros makes him so flustered and riled up with his teasing! cupid hates and admires the way eros pushes the boundaries of others just to watch them squirm! he loves how fun, exuberant, and charming eros is! but he also hates it! he hates eros so much! but ouh, the way eros embodies the sun when he genuinely smiles is so infectious. but cupid would never admit that while eros is awake.
eros does hold resentment towards cupid for locking him away and lying about it for years! but despite all that, he still loves cupid very much! he tries not to let it bother him but it does! its not like he can talk about it to anyone either because cupid is always there in the back of his head. or front. to remedy that, eros is hard on cupid! usually by teasing, embarrassing him, setting him up, and just being mischievous! but sometimes, eros can be really mean to cupid– not in a playful teasing way either. eros doesnt really think about the consequences of his own actions, he just wanna have a good time and let loose! he has many, many admirers and he will never say no to a very good time with them. often leaving cupid to pick up the mess. he kind of hates that cupid is so careful and softspoken but at the same time, he loves it because it keeps them both safe. he hates that cupid has to be the one whos seen as mature when he knows theyre both idiots. but... he also appreciates and loves cupid for being his better half. not that hed ever admit that whenever cupid is awake!
they share the same body in my headworld, keeping true to sun/moon lore. they swap places once every few hours! 2 hours min– 4 hours max (PRE-EROS WAKING UP)! after booting eros up again, they can swap places on command somewhat. its like forcefully waking someone up or pushing them infront of you (especially when you dont wanna do something) and it's not easy when the other puts up a fight! when one of them forces the other out, it resets their timer! they do this often when they dont wanna deal with something and it makes them bicker and fight in their headspace!
their AI's are linked and intertwined, sharing the same codes! If someone tried to or is successful in separating them, one of two things will happen!
The other one stops existing or something else! no one knows for sure because no one has tried! no one knows which one would drop dead either, it doesn't say in their manual!
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