#apt 51
zzthekaiju · 8 months
List of works I've started/made TV Tropes pages for:
A.T.O.M. by @tyrantisterror : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheAtomicTimeOfMonsters
Wizarding School Mysteries by @tyrantisterror : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/WizardingSchoolMysteries
Daikaiju Yuki by @raffleupagus : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/DaikaijuYuki
Flowers of Etrea by @rochasaurusrex: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ComicBook/FlowersOfEtrea
Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy by @starteas : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebAnimation/LumiAndTheGreatBigGalaxy
Prehistoria by Jack Blackburn: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/Prehistoria
Sauria: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebAnimation/Sauria
All Your Ruins by @mekagojira3k : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/AllYourRuins
Apt. 51: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/Apt51
List of works I've created sub-pages for:
Arlo the Alligator Boy/I Heart Arlo by Ryan Crego: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/ArloTheAlligatorBoy
Berrybrook Middle School by Svetlana Chmakova: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ComicBook/BerrybrookMiddleSchool
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This is an Airbnb type property that's for sale. There are 3 buildings with different themes and it's located in Hurricane, Utah. The quarters have a total of 8 bds, 8ba, and the whole thing is for sale for $1.890M.
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Building #3's theme is like Roswell's Hangar 51 and has a cool space ship in the living room. It's the largest accommodation with 5 suites and 5 baths.
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From here we can see the setup of the room.
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There's a video game and a large square table in the dining area. I imagine that you're buying the whole business with the furnishings.
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This particular building can accommodate a large group. The sectional sofa is huge. Note the blue chute on the left, and is that a cow up by the roof on the upper left?
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Next to the chute are 2 aliens in containers.
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There's a gamer's setup in the spaceship.
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One of the bedrooms with an en-suite bath.
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This bedroom accommodates at least 4 people in bunk beds. It also has an en-suite shower room.
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There's a small room that opens to a patio.
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Climb the stairs to a fun platform and there's a tunnel.
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The tunnel comes out in this room that overlooks the first floor.
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3rd bd has about 4 bunks and there seems to be a bathroom sink in the room, too.
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Each building has its own pool.
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Building #2 is a log cabin with a rustic theme. It has 3bds, 1ba and a kitchen.
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Also has a dining area.
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Bd. #1 is a little tight.
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It has a small bath.
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This pool has a volley ball net.
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And, this is Bldg. #3, the studio apt.
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The studio apts. private yard and pool.
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torgerandsuzanne · 1 year
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“It's a privilege to take you on a personal journey and share my views on art, architecture, travel, business and philanthropy, alongside my partner in life and business, my wife Susie. She and I have been Bombardier enthusiasts for a while now, just like my great friend Niki Lauda before me. In any given year, we can spend more than 450 hours in an airplane. These hours can be quiet-some of my favorite moments are those spent reflecting, alone or with Susie, during a peaceful flight...” 
Wolff, 51, is the definitive Übermensch: He travels the world, speaks five languages, appreciates contemporary art and Brutalist architecture, is a loving husband and father, and is involved in several organizations helping those in need (Save a Child's Heart, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, and the Mary Bendet Foundation among them).
Simplicity isn't a word one would typically associate with Wolff, though it's surprisingly apt when it comes to his personal life. In 2011 Wolff married Susie Wolff. Together they have a six-year-old son, Jack, and despite living a nomadic life, he calls home "the place where my wife and children are". These days, they are based in Monaco-a place where he can unwind with his family, perhaps grab a coffee from his favorite spot, Cova, or take in views of the Mediterranean.
Wolffs approach to downtime is equally as uncomplicated. He enjoys reading (anything on philosophy, finance, history), and insists that even the busiest people can find time to do the things they enjoy. "People say that they can't find time to read or they can't find time to reflect -they are not managing their time properly," he says. 
"As women, we're always trying to juggle it all-which feels impossible. I've got my own dreams and ambitions that I want to follow and at the same time I want to be the best mother and wife I can be."
With such a demanding schedule. Wolff finds time to connect with her husband while flying. "Quite often, I get on board with Toto and if it's just the two of us. I don't want the flight to stop... It's a valuable time to just be together. It feels like our living room, we're so comfortable,” she says of their time on board their Bombardier jet. “It's a place where we are able to recharge our batteries, to find calm."
Toto (Editor-at-Large) and Susie for June 2023 issue of Bombardier Experience Magazine 
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overnighttosunflowers · 9 months
The Lore of Every Thought’s a Possibility, or: What The Fuck Is Up With the Planes? A Really Long Post About All My CR Theories
This post is ostensibly about the lore of every thought’s a possibility, an Imodna fake dating fic I wrote that has a canon-divergent continuation of the campaign’s main plot humming along in the background. BUT, just as LOTR was kind of a vehicle for Tolkien to play with linguistics, this fic was really kind of a vehicle for me to explore lore thoughts I’d been having anyway. (I am not actually comparing myself to Tolkien. A much more apt comparison would be a lore gremlin hiding under the bed to gnaw furiously on a thousand pages of transcripts and then offer a sheepish pile of scraps loosely formed into a heart.)
Basically, this should hopefully be accessible and interesting regardless of whether you’ve read the fic.
So! In building out my fic’s B-plot, I spent a lot of time combing through existing CR lore and synthesizing my thoughts into a single multi-pronged theory. What follows, then, is basically 80% theorizing to a degree I feel is supported by canon, and 20% extrapolating those theories a bit further in a direction that would let me resolve my fic.
I started writing Every Thought after episode 57, right before Team Wildemount entered Ludinus’s tower in Molaesmyr. So, the very first thing I had to do was invent what it was that they found there. I decided that, for my purposes, they’d found a shattered dodecahedron—something they’d seen before once, at the Key during the solstice—as well as Ludinus’s notes indicating that it was called a beacon and had to do with a type of possibility/fate/time magic called dunamancy. 
I went in this direction because I’ve long been convinced that the Luxon has a bigger role to play in this story than we know, for these reasons plus others that I can’t as easily reconstruct:
First, the Luxon, the Primordials, and Predathos are the only beings described as existing outside of Exandria’s standard planes/people/gods construction. The Luxon was said to exist before the Founding, and to have created the Primordials. Predathos was said to have arrived from beyond the known universe after the gods, during the Founding*, and been banished by the gods and Primordials working together. Although perhaps tenuous, this links the two in my mind. 
*(ie the period of history starting with the gods’ arrival in Exandria and ending with the Schism, where the Prime Deities defeated the Primordials and Betrayers)
(I’ve been wondering if perhaps Predathos and the Luxon are a Raava/Vaatu situation, or if perhaps one split off from the other. We already know the Luxon broke itself into pieces (the beacons)—what if Predathos is also a piece of it, containing all the darkest parts?)
In any event, to my mind, there has always been a possibility that Imogen’s storm at the end of episode 33/beginning of episode 34 is related to not just Predathos but also the Luxon. When Imogen is pushed to her breaking point, everything around her goes deep red—and then white. The Hells are each swept up in a storm of previously unaccessed memories and seem to perhaps be somehow shifted out of that space and/or time for the duration of the explosion that follows, being restored unharmed immediately thereafter.
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To me, this very much has flavors of dunamancy—not least because in The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, the Luxon’s original form is described as “a colossal, shapeless body of impossibly bright light.”
The other time a similar white light is described is at the end of episode 51, when the Hells are bamfed to Wildemount and Issylra. The light is described as “familiar,” so presumably similar to the light from episodes 33/34.
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The only other unexplained spatial displacement we have seen (beyond the other solstice-powered ones at leyline nexuses) was Ashton’s, during his parents’ Hishari ritual. He had a sense of watching everything tear apart—"wind, and light, and air"—and then they found themself suddenly in the Hellcatch desert. So I decided—half conjecture, half invention—that Ashton was transported by this same white light.
(Perhaps interestingly, the light has appeared 1) when an Exaltant of Predathos was pushed to the brink; 2) when a beacon was used in the Malleus Key, and—in my conjecture—3) during a ritual we later learned involved a shard of a Primordial, legendarily a creation of the Luxon. Could all three be related?)
All the Primordial stuff we learned from episode 58 onwards exists outside the scope of my fic, so I didn’t know about that shard while I was writing, and it isn’t fic-canon to my story. But I was absolutely positive that the Hishari stuff would be coming back in a big way; Matt had been dropping those hints for quite a while.
So, in my fic, Team Issylra (who at the time we didn’t know would land in Issylra—I guessed well!) encountered someone who had, for a time, been romantically involved with a member of the Hishari who had defected. (It had to be someone able to fill the group in on the Hishari without having known Ashton’s parents, because there’s a whole additional layer of emotional weight to that which this fic wasn’t equipped to contend with. As is, this defector’s ex, who I named Jesmaine, is mentioned like once.) Team Issylra learns the following:
The Hishari derive their name not from the Ashari but from the Gau Drashari.
The Gau Drashari were trying to keep Avalir from moving from plane to plane, which would have been dangerous to Exandria.
The Hishari were a modern group that discovered this information and came to believe that the Gau Drashari’s mission had been mistaken; far from keeping the planes separate and protected (a legacy we still see in the Ashari and their elemental rifts), the true mission should have been to reunite the planes, collapsing them all back down into the single plane from which they’d originally sprung.
(Technically they don’t get this much detail, but I’m giving it in full here for context.)
Now, in my fic, we go on to learn that Ludinus was working with the Hishari to help them collapse the planes. The Hells’ understanding, and mine, is that either the Hishari were already on this path and Ludinus realized he could benefit from helping, or—more likely—the group and/or its mission are themselves his own creations, shaped to help him achieve a goal.
We also learn that the Hishari were trying to collapse the planes by supercharging threshold crests with a good old dose of possibility and potential, courtesy of a beacon presumably provided by Ludinus. This mimics the way that Ludinus was using a beacon to charge or power the key.  It also puts keys or threshold crests on all seven of the most “central” planes: canon’s Material, Fey, and Shadow, and my Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.*
*It's interesting to note that, per the Divine Gate article on the CR Wiki, you do not pass through the Divine Gate when traveling to the Fey Realm, the Shadow Realm, the Ethereal Plane, or any of the Elemental Planes. You also don't pass through it when entering the Astral Plane, which itself contains the Divine Gate, but you do pass through it on returning. I omitted the Astral Plane from my plane-collapsing theory for this reason, and omitted the Ethereal Plane because it already overlaps the Material Plane to a much more significant degree than any other. I discounted all the Outer Planes because they are beyond the Divine Gate, and because they mostly seem kind of vestigial from official D&D and Pathfinder lore anyway.
Now, there were a few reasons I’d been thinking that perhaps the planes were going to become more relevant to the lore of Exandria than we’ve seen thus far. First of all, there have been several attacks at the elemental rifts defended by the Ashari: first an attack from the fire plane in ExU Prime, then an attack on Terrah before the Solstice. 
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Now, Keyleth concludes that these were just “false front” distractions, but I’m not so sure.
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Coming from our current lore knowledge, I notice that it’s the earth and fire planes specifically that were targeted—the same as the two Primordial shards that ultimately come to reside in Ashton and Fearne. At the time, though, I didn’t know about the shards, and so I instead thought: could these groups perhaps have been trying to weaken the boundaries between the planes? Could Ashton’s parents’ ritual—the Hishari ritual—have been doing the same?
We also knew that for some reason in order to release Predathos it was essential to have Malleus keys on three separate planes. While Ludinus was able to proceed with the Fey key down, Predathos quite notably hasn’t emerged yet, so it’s entirely possible that having a Fey tether remains in some way essential. I also found it particularly notable that until Fearne was born, Ruidus didn’t show up in the Fey Realm, suggesting that her birth somehow anchored it there—a theory only strengthened by what we’ve since learned about Fearne’s parentage.
The biggest reason I’ve thought the planes would be important, though, is ExU Calamity. Calamity seems to have (likely intentionally) laid a lot of lore groundwork for Campaign 3, and planes—specifically travel between them, specifically as it relates to godhood—were essential to Calamity’s plot. 
Let’s go through the details there, starting with the Tree of Names. In Calamity, we learn that the Tree of Names was inscribing a spell of protection on the world: protection from  “all the things outside it.” We specifically learn that this protective barrier somehow enforced a separation between the planes:
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(ExU Calamity episode 3)
The Tree does this through the power of names. Anything whose name it knows, it can guard against. Now, at first glance it seems like it specifically was meant to guard against the Primordials: after all, it was foretold that if the Primordials joined the Calamity, it would mean the end of everything, and it was by learning the names of and banishing the Primordials that the Ring of Brass was able to save a portion of the world. 
But, if the Tree was intended to guard primarily against the Primordials, why would the Arboreal Caelix have been added to protect it right after the Matron of Ravens ascended? 
We don’t know. But we do know that no one remembers the Matron’s name. That, therefore, very probably, the tree doesn’t remember it, either. And, therefore, that probably the Matron was able to evade the tree, giving her access to all the planes. 
From there, I hypothesized that there might be some connection between the Matron’s evasion of the tree and her ascension—between her planar travel abilities and her godhood.
Now, why did I zero in on collapsing the planes?
In Calamity episode 3, we learn that Laerryn had designed the Astral Leywright to “allow the city to travel not only across the face of Exandria, but to realms supernatural, where a city of mortals might walk as equals with the gods themselves.” In episode 4, we learn further that “Aeor opposed the gods and the Matron of Ravens and her ascension, and Laerryn's vision was, from whence do the gods come? By what token do they award themselves that title, and what realms beyond could we explore?” 
In summary: Aeor wanted the gods gone, and no more mortals ascending. Avalir wanted to one-up Aeor: why not make mortals themselves equal to gods? How better to do it than traveling as the gods travel—across the planiverse?*
*I didn't have space to address it in my fic, but I actually think that the most important part of all of this is "from whence do the gods come." The gods, the Luxon, Predathos: all came from somewhere beyond. Whatever and wherever that is, access to it is what truly separates mortals from gods. For the convenience of fic plot, I decided that where they came from is not an entirely separate place, but rather Everywhere All At Once. Put all the planes together and you get a sort of fourth-dimensional place that is simultaneously all of them and none of them.
In briefer summary: travel from plane to plane is the last thing separating mortals from gods. 
Now, one might immediately note that Plane Shift is a spell that exists, so this would have to be some kind of more complex planar travel. Calamity episode 4 enlightens us a bit on this: “[Laerryn’s] vision was not the simple magic of the threshold crests, not a quick move, not a one-way trip, not a single destination, but truly to take a leyline off of the face of Exandria and chart it to the stars, that we could go wherever we wished and be whatever we wished. [But] we didn’t know the spell the tree was writing.” 
So. The kind of planar travel Laerryn seeks—the kind that brings humans level with gods, the kind the Matron would’ve been able to execute as part of her ascension ritual—isn’t to a single destination. 
Could that mean that it’s to every plane at once? That part of what makes a god a god is the ability to exist on every plane simultaneously?
The Ritual of Seeding page on the CR Wiki offers some evidence to support this theory. Itself citing ExU Calamity, it tells us that one of the things that happens during an apogee solstice is that the walls between planes thin and the leylines move around. It also tells us that this was part of the Matron’s ritual of ascension:
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(CR Wiki - Ritual of Seeding)
(I’ll note that I dropped the leylines lore from my fic for reasons of simplicity, choosing to focus on the adjacent planar lore. I avoided delving into Matron stuff for the same reason—the Hells haven’t learned a ton about her, so I would have had to do a lot of legwork to introduce and support theories about her. I was trying to operate within the realm of what we already know. I will note, though, that The Nine Eyes of Lucien tells us that the Matron of Ravens, as the goddess of fate, is very interested in Fate-Touched individuals; that the Fate-Touched feat closely mimics the effect of the dunamantic spell Fortune’s Favor, which can also be obtained from staring into a beacon; and that Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn alludes to the Fate-Touched feat being somehow connected to Ruidus… very interesting, is all I’m saying.)
Okay, so now we’re set up to move into the endgame of my fic plot: Artana Voe showing up to tell the Hells that the deaths of the gods Ethedok and Vordo created the Fey and Shadow planes. This theory originally comes from Rach @dadrielle (as do fragments of everything in here, because I developed 90% of this directly into her DMs, but I know that I got this one 100% from her; whether she got any pieces of it elsewhere I’m not sure).
I believe the first seed of this idea came from Ethedok and Vordo’s domains. Ethedok was the god of darkness and winter, and Vordo was the god of fate and order. The former calls to mind the Shadow Realm, while the latter calls to mind the Fey Realm (albeit in a more topsy-turvy kind of way). This was fueled by the vibes of a largely unrelated post about Spelljammer, which mentions that in that canon, the Astral Sea is full of the corpses of dead gods, some of which form entire cities. (Absurdly cool Spelljammer campaign idea there if you click through, by the way.) Of course, this has nothing to do with Exandria, but it did get us simmering on the idea of the deaths of gods creating locations, and Rach had the thought that perhaps planes could grow from the corpses of the gods in the astral sea.
Anyway, I hadn’t committed to using this in my fic—that aspect of its lore solidified rather late in the game—and then episode 68 rolled around in mid-August, and Keyleth casually dropped that the deaths of the Primordials caused the creation of the elemental planes:
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Which, while not confirmation of anything about the Fey or Shadow planes, definitely made the Ethedok-and-Vordo’s-deaths-made-those-planes theory feel a lot more plausible. So I made it fic-canon!
I decided that the Grim Verity would’ve discovered this information, and used Artana Voe* to relay it to the Hells.
*In my earliest drafts, Artana Voe was going to relay information about the anti-resurrection poison being derived from a distortion of the Luxon--eliminating all potential worlds where someone came back to life--as well as the discovery that Potions of Possibility could therefore protect against it, and might even be able to someday reverse it. But this felt less consequential in a world where Revivify is offline anyway, and less thematically relevant than I wanted my finale lore drop to be, and by the time canon got to Keyleth's magical healing flowers, I'd more or less decided to scrap it and come up with something else.
It seemed entirely plausible that the Verity would make this discovery. They already know about Ethedok and Vordo, about them being eaten by Predathos, about Ruidus being formed to imprison Predathos afterwards—and they also know that something is brewing with the planes, per Campaign 2 Episode 129 when the Mighty Nein find Planerider Ryn’s notes:
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So (and we are fully past theories into the realm of Fic Canon at this point), the Hells have learned that part of the ritual to create godhood is existing on every plane at once, and that Ludinus is aiming to achieve this by collapsing the planes. All that’s left is to put together that it’s not that he’s trying to ascend to godhood himself, it’s that he’s trying to feed the god-eater inside the moon by ascending that moon itself to godhood—bringing it to every plane at once by collapsing them, and topping it off with a dose of the Luxon’s infinite potential and (likely very significantly, although I wasn’t able to explicitly address it in the fic) the “sliver of divinity” itself that is Vax’ilorb. And that by releasing Predathos and killing the gods, he will create an entirely new set of planes to replace the ones he’s destroyed, giving him a whole new universe to rule over. 
Now, do I think that this will wind up being true in the campaign? Not in so many words, no. I’ve taken my hypotheses and theories, shaved them down a little bit to fit more tidily into the space of a romance fic’s B plot, and then extrapolated them outwards slightly past what I’d otherwise be comfortable conjecturing if this were purely a lore post. But the result is, I hope, both logically sound and consistent with stuff we know to be true of canon thus far. I’m pretty damn proud of it, and if any tiny glimmers of this end up coming true? Well, then I’ll be even damn prouder.
Some additional miscellaneous information that I couldn’t quite figure out what to do with, but sure felt relevant:
Regarding Ludinus and the Luxon:  Team Wildemount learns in episode 58 (i.e. after my fic diverges from canon) that Ludinus used a crystal found under Molaesmyr to open a “channel of consciousness” with Ruidus during a celestial solstice. The crystal was believed to have fallen from an ancient flying city… which tracks with the fact that we know from C2 that Aeor was experimenting with dunamancy. The cast hypothesized that the crystal under Molaesmyr was indeed a beacon.
Regarding the Astral Plane, which contains the Divine Gate: Per a map found in the Happy Fun Ball in C2, Ruidus—or some kind of “ruby circle” that seems likely to be Ruidus—existed in the Astral Sea before the time of the Calamity, ie at a time before the Divine Gate went up (maybe disappearing because of that gate?): https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/u24lzj/spoilers_c3e19_ruidus_mention_in_the_happy_fun/. Unlike everything else on the map, it is not tethered to anything.
The Happy Fun Ball is now owned by Yussa, who is a friend of Ryn’s and therefore may be affiliated with the Grim Verity.
The Astral Sea was the Somnovem’s destination of choice when they planeshifted the Cognouza Ward away from the crashing Aeor.
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Regarding the planes collapsing: Per The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (p134), “The extremely rare double eclipse, when the moons Catha and Ruidus overlap before the sun . . . [is linked to the fact that] seers and oracles warn of portents that speak of an uncontrollable planar crossover, where multiple planes might briefly collide.
Regarding the origins of Ruidus: The Tishtan ruins, where the Malleus Key is located, date back to around the time of the Schism, i.e. shortly after the imprisonment of Predathos. Tishtan culture vanished with no explanation prior to the Age of Arcanum. Could the Tishtans have somehow ended up on the newly created Ruidus and become Reilora? We know that the Tishtans built ritual sites around Exandria, and it seems reasonable to hypothesize that those sites were at leyline nexuses. Were they attempting some kind of early version of Ludinus’s ritual to communicate with the godeater inside the young red moon?
Regarding the “beyond” from which the gods initially came: Deanna describes the afterlife as something that “existed before [the Matron of Ravens] and that will exist after her . . . It’s like being a little kid, and you think that your parents are gods . . . and then you get old enough to start asking who made your parents, you know?”
The Matron of Ravens is responsible for death, but if what happens after you die is beyond the purview of the gods entirely, what implications might that have about godhood? 
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valkariel · 9 months
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Little Black Bow
Revisited Patrician with the original intent of savant shoes with patrician gloves. I like how the scallop detail of the leg item just peeks out above the top of the shoe's sock detail. I wasn't sure which of the hats I liked, but ended up with the songbird set's hat just for extra visual space in the head area. The YoRHa hat has a black stripe that echoes nicely with the shoes, but it is a smaller hat.
Head: Songbird Hat - pure white Body: Songbird Jacket - default Hands: Patrician's Gloves - default Legs: Edenmorn Chausses of Healing - soot black Feet: Virtu Savant's Boots - pure white
Alt Head: YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing | Loyal Housemaid's Brim | Valentione Rose RIbboned Hat | Frontier Ribbon
Earring: Pearl Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Diadochos Codex Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: #SomerStudios - "3 Sets In One" - Crystal/Malboro Mist W2 Subdivision Topmast Apt 61
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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STS-37 crew EVA in the payload bay
"Photographic documentation showing activities in the payload bay of the orbiter Atlantis during STS-37. View include: Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) on end of Remote Manipulator System (RMS), with Mission Specialist Jay Apt below on the port side of the payload bay."
Date: April 7, 1991
NASA ID: STS037-51-021
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
Grant Emerson holds back a lot--until he can't anymore, and the results are dramatic. This goes for not only his powers, which build up and must be expended or else cause an explosion, but also his emotions, which affect his powers.
His outbursts, whenever they do happen, are most typically angry, fueled by his frustration with life and often resulting in destruction. Anger comes easily to him, but it takes a lot for him to break down and cry. It's a last resort, a sign of utter brokenness, something shameful that must be hidden or apologized for.
Or is it? Could it also be something that helps him?
After living through the worst forty-eight hours of his life--nonstop stress and trauma without rest or food--an overwhelmed Grant lashes out in anger, which unleashes his powers and causes him to accidentally explode a large chunk of downtown Atlanta. The sight of the destruction he has created is what finally causes him to break down. The tears are gone by the time the authorities show up to arrest him, but in this solitary moment he succumbs to the sorrow and guilt as he stands amid the wreckage.
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(Damage #0)
Grant's misadventures don't give him much time to slow down and process what he's been through. When Mandra, a classmate whom he had feelings for, is killed before he can prevent it, his immediate response is more shock and guilt than sadness. That emotion sinks in when his Titans teammate Kyle Rayner makes a point of bringing Grant to Mandra's funeral to give him some closure. Mandra's father does not react well to seeing Grant, who legally isn't supposed to be in Georgia, where the funeral is taking place, and Kyle has to hurry Grant away.
Grant wants to return to explain himself to Mandra's father and tries to fight Kyle when he won't let him. There's rain dripping off Grant's face in this scene, but an extreme closeup panel confirms that the rain is mingled with tears. All the emotion that he had no time to process earlier is coming to the surface.
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Kyle brings him back to the gravesite after the funeral is over to pay his respects in private and has a talk with him. This is a situation that Kyle can relate to; his girlfriend was murdered (infamously!). So he gives Grant the opportunity to talk about what he's dealing with. Having a supportive friend with him seems to help Grant allow himself to openly weep for Mandra and acknowledge the grief.
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(Damage #13)
Shortly afterward, with the grief from Mandra's death still fresh, Grant weeps in private in a hospital waiting room after he has accidentally hurt his Titans teammate Rose Wilson. This episode triggers a lot of feelings of guilt that have been piling up, and for him, the possibility of having killed Rose is like what happened with Mandra all over again.
Fortunately Rose comes out of it all right, and a much-relieved Grant gets to apologize to her. But while this hurt lasts, he goes through it alone. He doesn't try to address his guilt to anyone, and when Roy chooses to punish him for hurting Rose, Grant lashes out in particularly intense anger and leaves (this version of) the Titans for good.
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(Deathstroke 1991 #51)
...that is, until the original Titans re-form the group and Roy nominates Grant for membership because he regrets how he treated him before and wants to make up for it. At this point, Grant is on the run from the law (leaving the Titans the first time violated the terms of his sentence for destroying Atlanta), and the first glimpse we get of him in this series shows both the extent of his powers when angered and just how alone and overwhelmed he is. He's afraid of hurting someone again, to the point that he is begging through tears for them to "take me down."
And it's at this moment of vulnerability that Garth arrives with an invitation from the Titans, and with allies on his side (Garth in person, and Roy from afar managing to erase Grant's criminal record), Grant avoids exploding, avoids arrest, and now has somewhere to go.
This is an apt introduction for this series' arc for Grant--vulnerability with others is met with opportunities for the support he needs.
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(Titans Secret Files and Origins #1)
After testifying at his uncle's trial, Grant returns obviously upset and trying to isolate himself. His initial response when Roy questions him about it is to claim that it's nothing. He's used to handling emotions alone and bottling everything up. But Roy, concerned about him, insists on bringing him along on a camping trip, and that's where Grant confesses that his foster father physically abused him. By the time he adds an implication of sexual abuse also, he is in tears and trying to hide it from Roy. The strong emotion sets off his powers, and he goes into a panic, certain he's going to explode. Roy assures him it's okay to release the buildup.
Instead of an anger-fueled explosion, Grant's energy fizzles out as he breaks down sobbing. The release he needs is emotional rather than physical, and the contrast of how his powers react with sorrow as opposed to anger is striking.
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(Titans 1999 #17)
Grant's allowing himself to weep is significant enough to the story that that's how he's pictured on the cover of the following issue. Not a typical image for a hero.
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As the tears slow, all Grant can do is apologize over and over to Roy and Lian (he's apologizing. to a preschooler. for crying.) and berate himself for this display of emotion. "So stupid...no excuse...I'm such an idiot..." I would guess that's probably how he was spoken to as a child if he cried, and he came to internalize that response to displaying vulnerability. But Roy and Lian see nothing shameful in this; all they can see is a hurt boy who needs their sympathy and support.
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Tears are likened to a song, "sometimes like a gift, or a magical prayer." Grant's function as both of these things: a plea for help that gives him the opportunity to receive the support he needs. It's a means for him to express the hurt he's been carrying around his whole life.
The weeping returns as he moves to a stage of anger at the unjustness of how he was treated and his powers build up again.
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But Roy lets him express what he wishes he could have told his foster father and the energy releases safely. When that's over, Grant is left with tears of catharsis. It's good for him. He needs this.
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...and then we don't see much of him for a very long time. When he is finally reintroduced as a new member of the JSA, he is first seen fighting a villain who taunts him for crying when his face was destroyed.
(The panels of this attack from Infinite Crisis #1 are ambiguous as to whether or not this was the case, but...who wouldn't cry while being horrifically beaten? That's a normal human reaction to extreme pain.)
Unfortunately, Grant as a young adult has been through events that have left him cynical and angrier than ever. For whatever reason, he has no support system anymore. He can't afford to be vulnerable, and to be accused of such a thing enrages him.
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He proceeds to beat the guy up and throw the taunt back at him.
This incident serves as an illustration of where he currently is emotionally, in probably the worst state he's been in yet.
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(Justice Society of America 2007 #1)
But when a confrontation with the villain who destroyed his face goes wrong and Grant is about to be fatally attacked, we see again the boy who once begged to be taken down. He is tearfully resigned to his own impending death.
And that's where his teammate (and genetic sister) Jesse Chambers finds a way to reactivate her previously nonfunctioning superspeed and steps in to save his life. Vulnerability is not a liability! It's a means of survival, a call for vital help!
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(Justice Society of America 2007 #8)
The last time we see him cry is after a villain who restored his face takes back this gift. With no mask, Grant uses his hands to try to hide the scars and burns--and tears. It's a painful loss to have to go through a second time.
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This is where his teammate Sonia Sato, whom he's recently been expressing interest in, approaches him, takes a long, unflinching look at his disfigured face, and kisses the man who went out of his way to stick up for her when no one else would.
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(Justice Society of America 2007 #22)
Once again, vulnerability opens the door to build support.
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tawakkull · 12 days
Ikhlas has been interpreted as being upright, sincere, and pure; being distant from show and ostentation in one’s intention and conduct; and being closed to whatever clouds or fouls the heart. Purity of intention, straightforwardness in thought, pursuit of no worldly purposes in one’s relationship with God, and loyalty in servanthood to God are also included here.
Ikhlas requires that one pursue nothing worldly while worshipping and obeying God, that one fulfills the duty of servanthood only because God orders it, and that one remains silent concerning any personal experiences of God’s special treatment and special gifts and seek only His approval and pleasure.
Sincerity is one of the most significant qualities of those most faithful or loyal to God; loyalty is regarded as a source, and sincerity as a sweet water originating from it.
The most eloquent of humanity, upon him be peace and blessings, declared that one who drinks uninterruptedly from this water for forty days will find channels of wisdom opened from his or her heart to his or her tongue, and that such a person will always speak wisdom.
Loyalty or faithfulness is the primary attribute of Prophethood, and sincerity is its most lustrous dimension. Sincerity is innate in the Prophets; all other people try to obtain it during their lifetime. Among them, for example, the Qur'an describes the Prophet Moses as one made sincere (19:51).
Faithfulness and sincerity were as intrinsic and essential to the Prophets as air and water are to the lives of those who communicate the Prophets’ message to others in every age.
In addition, they were the Prophets’ most important sources of power. The Prophets were convinced that they could not take one step forward without sincerity, and the representatives of the cause of Prophethood must believe that they will be able to achieve nothing without it. Faithfulness and sincerity are two wings or two deep oceans extending from Divine Favor and Grace to an individual’s heart. One who can sail in these oceans or fly with these wings will reach the destination, for they are under God’s protection. God values that which is done to please Him, regardless of its apparent size or importance, not the quantity of deeds. Therefore, He values a small deed done with sincerity over many deeds done without sincerity.
Sincerity is an attitude of the heart, and God views an individual according to his or her heart’s inclination.
The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, declares:
Assuredly, God does not consider your bodies, nor your appearances. Rather, He considers your hearts. [ Muslim, “Birr,” 33; Ibn Maja, “Zuhd,” 9. ]
Sincerity is a mysterious Divine credit granted to those who are purehearted in order to increase what is little and to deepen what is shallow, and to give finite (limited) worship infinite reward. One can use it to purchase the most valuable things in the markets of this world and the next, for it is esteemed, welcomed, and respected where others suffer great misery. This mysterious power of sincerity caused God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, to declare:
Be sincere in your religion; little work (with sincerity) is enough for you, [ ‘Abd al-Ra'uf Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, 6 vols. (Beirut 1093 ah / 1682 ce) 1:216. ]
Be sincere in your deeds, for God only accepts what is done with sincerity. [ Ibid., 1:217. ]
If we consider a deed to be a body, sincerity is its soul. If a deed represents one wing of pair of wings, sincerity is the other. A body without soul is of no worth, and nothing can fly with only one wing. How fine are Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi’s words:
You should be sincere in all your deeds,
So that the Majestic Lord may accept them.
Sincerity is the wing of the bird of the acts of obedience.
Without a wing, how can you fly to the abode of prosperity?
The following words of Bayazid al-Bistami are also very apt:
I worshipped my Lord for thirty years with all my strength. Then I heard a voice saying:
O Bayazid! The treasures of God Almighty are full of acts of worship. If you intend to reach Him, see yourself as small at the door of God and be sincere in your deeds.
For some, sincerity involves hiding from others when performing supererogatory deeds and avoiding all show and ostentation.
For others, it means that whether one is or is not seen while performing religious deeds is not important.
Still for others, it means being so involved in worship or religious deeds in consideration of God’s pleasure that one does not even remember whether one should be sincere or not.
Self-supervision is an essential dimension of sincerity, and a truly sincere person does not consider any possible spiritual pleasure that may be derived, or speculate upon whether it will ensure entrance to Paradise.
Sincerity is a mystery between God and a servant, and God puts it in the hearts of those He loves. One whose heart is awakened to sincerity does not worry about being praised or accused, exalted or debased, aware or unaware of deeds, or being rewarded. Such a person does not change, and behaves in the same way in public and in private.
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My 'updated' tracking of the Stephen King books/stories I've read so far:
1. IT x 6 or 7?
2. 11/22/63 x 2
3. Mr. Mercedes
4. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
5. The Body
6. The Long Walk x 6
7. Rage
8. Shawshank Redemption
9. On Writing
10. The Green Mile
11. The Stand x 2
12. Duma Key x 2
13. The Shining × 2
14. Hearts in Atlantis
15. Thinner
16. Secret Window, Secret Garden
17. Elevation
18. The Dark Half
19. Christine
20. Fire-Starter
21. The Dead Zone
22. Apt Pupil
23. Needful Things
24. Doctor Sleep × 2
25. The Outsider
26. Dreamcatcher × 4
27. Cujo
28. Just After Sunset
29. Carrie
30. Blaze
31. The Institute x 2
32. Lisey's Story
33. Revival × 2
34. Eyes of The Dragon
35. The Talisman × 2
36. Skeleton Crew
37. Nightmares & Dreamscapes
38. TommyKnockers
39. The Gunslinger x 5
40. Drawing of The Three × 4
41. Wastelands x 4
42. Salem's Lot x 2
43. Everything's Eventual
44. Wizard & Glass × 4
45. Wolves of the Calla × 4
46. Song of Susannah × 4
47. Dark Tower × 4
48. Black House
49. Cell × 2
50. Full Dark, No Stars
51. Pet Sematary
52. Joyland × 2
53. Wind Through the Keyhole × 2
54. Rose Madder
55. Roadwork
56. Running Man
57. Misery
58. From a Buick 8
59. If It Bleeds
60. Later
61. Desperation
62. The Regulators
63. Bag Of Bones
64. Gwendy's Button Box
65. Gwendy's Magic Feather
66. Gwendy's Final Task
67. Night Shift
68. Fairy Tale
69. Insomnia
70. The Langoliers
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enibas22 · 2 years
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Ich habe 683 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 443 more posts als 2021!
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#dmitri antonov – 75 Einträge
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Längstes Tag: 51 characters
#on their way to prague for filming the first season
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
from IG scarlet.wlaschiha - thank you 🌻
The many faces of Tom Wlaschiha. 
Dmitri “Enzo” Antonov (Stranger Things 4) - Max Schenkel (Jack Ryan) - Hagen Forster (Das Boot) - Sebastian Berger (Crossing Lines) - Andreas (Berlin Falling)
92 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. August 2022
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Thank you Nelya - Tumblr nelyft - for the wonderful screencaps and collage! 🌺
also from: screenrant.com/stranger-things-season-4-murray-enzo
“Stranger Things' season 4 finale sees Murray, Joyce, Hopper, Dmitri “Enzo” Antonov, and Yuri work together to break back into the Russian prison and kill its Upside Down monsters. Since Murray had previously lost his close Russian ally, having the characters leave together suggests Enzo will now replace Alexei as Murray’s Russian friend. Stranger Things season 4 leaves Murray’s ending ambiguous, with only Hopper and Joyce reuniting with the kids in Hawkins. With no confirmation as to what happened to Dmitri in the end, it seems Tom Wlaschiha’s character returned to America with Murray, as staying in Russia would have meant death. Following the death of Alexei, Enzo being hinted to stay with Murray after Stranger Things’ season 4 finale finally replaces this lost dynamic.
Considering Enzo survived Stranger Things’ season 4 finale when the Duffer brothers had once planned to kill him off, all signs point toward the Russian character returning in season 5. It’s unclear exactly what Murray’s story will be in Stranger Things season 5, but it can be assumed that he’ll team up with Joyce and Hopper again, which would also reasonably include Dmitri. Since Vecna’s takeover of Hawkins still presents an international conflict, Murray, Enzo, and the Stranger Things adults will likely be figuring out how to stop the disasters from spreading outside of Hawkins.
If Enzo survives Stranger Things season 5, it’s unclear whether he’ll return to Russia or stay with Joyce, Hopper, and Murray in Hawkins. Dmitri often told Hopper about his son Mikhail, and how he wants to fight to save the world but doesn’t want his son to believe he’s a traitor to his country. Returning to Russia would mean death by the government, but Stranger Things' Dmitri Antonov also isn’t apt to completely abandon his son for America. Since Alexei was prepared to stay in America after fearing death from his fellow countrymen, Enzo may elect to do the same and work with Murray to bring his son to the United States instead.”
Interesting thoughts. ... I was disappointed with the last episode of ST4 regarding Dmitris fate. Well, first I have to admit I never thought Dmitri would survive the fourth season, so that was a pleasant surprise. But for me it felt like they (the writers) had forgotten about Dmitri and also Murray. They had about 2,5 hours for the last episode and couldn`t think about what happened with Murray and Dmitri? Let`s hope that they haven`t forgotten those two completely and will at least tell us in the next season what happened with them. I don`t hold my breath that we will see Dmitri again.
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96 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. August 2022
from IG thejillthompson - 15th July 2022
Thank you IG jesslady21 for the link! 🌻
Okay my friends, please enjoy this video of the dashing @tomwlaschiha reading the German edition of The Scary Godmother aloud. I think you will love it but maybe not as much as I do, of course! #scarygodmother #tomwlaschiha #readabook #evenbetterreadmybook
The glasses suit him well. 👓
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148 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. Juli 2022
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from IG Tom Wlaschiha - 1st June 2022
Guards’ day off with the brilliant Ivan @nikolainikolaeff #strangerthings4 @netflix 
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160 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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from IG Nikola Djuricko - 4th July 2022
Dmitri & Yuri #helpiscoming @strangerthingstv 
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192 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. Juli 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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kitausuret · 2 years
Hi Kita! Would you indulge me please by answering 30 and 51 for spidervenom, for the OTP asks? 😊
Hello Anise dear, I am mooore than happy to indulge you!
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I think it would be hilarious if Eddie dragged Peter along for a jog ("I don't need to go jogging, I'm literally Spider-Man, don't you think I get enough physical activity?" / "You're coming with us." / "FINE. I am doing this under duress.") so, with that in mind... Peter wearing either the ANIMAL crop top or some possibly modified version of the Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt from that one issue where he forgot to do laundry. Also probably-tiny running shorts, because they are not going to let their jog get interrupted by Peter going off to be Spider-Man! If there's a problem that comes up, Venom will handle it, okay? But yeah, clothes that show more skin = no spider-suit underneath. (Until they realize he stuffed a spare mask into his shorts or something, SOMEHOW.)
Peter picking out Eddie's outfit though... probably something equally ridiculous. Just to make them even. Loud colors. He might enlist Felicia's help for obnoxious sportswear, but joke's on Peter, Eddie will proudly wear any stupid thing anyone can think of. He's literally immune to embarrassment.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Awww a soft one... Peter is absolutely someone who communicates affection through touch so that is probably something that would happen like... all the time. A touch on the back of Eddie's neck while he's working, leaning over him and resting his forearms on Eddie's shoulders and propping his chin up on the top of Eddie's head just to be annoying. If he can see the symbiote he'll just kinda sink his fingers in, maybe wrap a few strands through his hand and toy with its biomass a little. They would be cute.
Eddie might be more subtle, and less apt to initiate physical affection. But eventually he will start taking Peter's hand, might touch his face gently, say a thousand words with just a meaningful look.
They also express love through understanding and patience and recognizing each other's differences even when it's annoying or frustrating. They do so by trying to see the best in each other... and by staying out of each other's way on nightly patrols.
Ask me questions about my ships!
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redratt · 2 years
14, 33 and 51 for the otp ask? You can pick who you wanna write about 😁
So I answered this for Beatrix and Molly, because Beatrix is a fuckin' Catharist and has, as I described her to my friend @acheronarcanist , "the most polyamorous tendencies you've ever seen", so despite being in lockstep with Eden she's dabbling in making herself known to the receptive members of the Pack. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Man. Oh my god, what a question lmfaooo. So, Molly compliments Beatrix well by virtue of being quieter, more receptive. She's an observant person, and Beatrix compliments Molly by being bolder, reckless, and just about fearless when it comes to getting into trouble. They both are die-hard Sabbat loyalists, too. While the Black Hand wouldn't have an issue with them, they also definitely would not be able to be recruited into the Black Hand, because Beatrix would laugh in the face of it all (and die for it, i'm sure), while Molly would probably rather be staked than drawn into that bullshit. Their clashing is... often caused by conflicts of interest. Like I said, Beatrix is a Cathari, which means she's more forward with just about everything, and that includes hunting/feeding. Molly is aware that they cannot just go about carving a bloody swathe through wherever they hunt, and she's apt to spend time making sure she can get everyone the food they want. Beatrix? She doesn't care about that. When they fight, it's messy, because the Brujah Antitribu and the Bratovich Tzimisce getting into a physical altercation is the sort of fight that knocks over things, breaks walls, and breaks bones.
Who's the better cook?
Molly, for sure. Even when she was human, when they were both human, if they'd been around at the same time, it'd have been Molly, because Beatrix is the sort of woman to be content with a gas station hotdog with relish and Molly wants to play into the tastes of the person she's feeding. It's actually a highlight of Molly's subservience, in a way; she's happy making a good meal for someone, and even when she gets onto her proper path, that doesn't change.
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Beatrix -- as Molly, Eden, and a few other Cainites can explain with exasperation -- is very fond of headbutts and soft bites. She's very physically affectionate in a way that rides the line of "hey, cut that shit out", but it's always done with this laughing purr in her chest or throat, so she's not doing it to be rude or whatever, and it's evident, even though it annoys the shit out of people.
Molly... is much more ... hard to read in that regard. But it's often in her action. In her close proximity during a troubled moment, but she'll never breach that barrier of touch without being invited; she's always attentive. Her methods of saying she cares are much personalized to the individual -- she's careful. She's always there. A calloused hand on the arm. A quiet murmur in a moment of weakness. A shotgun to the head of someone who gets too aggressive towards her people. She also loves much more "broadly"; her love is not necessarily always romantic. She's a lover in that she cherishes and treasures those Cainites she's close to; each and every one of them gets that truth out of her, that adoration, even if she's not romantically or sexually interested in them.
It comes with being from a big family, I suppose.
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indiejones · 2 years
NOTE: Encompasses all traditional Indian film industries.
NOTE: Again, due to a difference of 20 spots btwn last name herein & next one eligible (& ever exponentially increasing with every subsequent candidate btw), ethics dictated the possibility of no more than the 136 cut-off number arrived at, for this most hallowed of Indian film honor lists.
Eg. of Work                                                                            
Rajesh Khanna
Ashok Kumar
Dilip Kumar
Gunga Jumna
Dev Anand
Kala Bazar
Meena Kumari
Suchitra Sen
Shashi Kapoor
Shammi Kapoor
Uttam Kumar
Prem Nazir
Pancha Thanthram
Madhavi Mukherjee
Diba Ratrir Kabya
N.T. Rama Rao
Daana Veera Soora Karna
Rajendra Kumar Tuli
Kathanayika Molla
Sowcar Janaki
Iru Kodugal
C.R. Vijayakumari
Kadhal Sadugudu
Piya Milan
Varalakshmi S.
Chakravarthi Thirumagal
T.R. Rajakumari
Thangamalai Rahasyam
Pandari Bai
Namma Makkalu
Guppedu Manasu
Purana Purush
Samaj Ko Badal Dalo
Soorarai Pottru
K.R. Savithri
K.P.A.C. Lalitha
Aachi Manorama
Puthiya Pathai
Shanvi Srivastava
Shreeram Lagoo
Kavita Srinivasan
P.S. Zindagi
Mother India
Kamini Kaushal
Kabir Singh
Mala Sinha
Jahan Ara
Waheeda Rehman
Mumtaz Askari
Koi... Mil Gaya
Rakhee Gulzar
Daag: A Poem of Love
Ruby Mayer
Hamari Betiyan
Anita Guha
Kan Kan Men Bhagwan
Nalini Jaywant
Kala Pani
Bina Rai
Taj Mahal
Sushila Devi
Jawani Ki Hawa
Janjir Ne Jankare
Ustad 420
Sukanya Savitri
Parbat Pe Apna Dera
Mandakini Phalke
Kaliya Mardan
Sabita Devi
Grama Kanya
Sardar Akhtar
Anath Ashram
Anun Naam Te Bairi
Maya Banerjee
Seva Samaj
Nanda Karnataki
Mohabbat Isko Kahete Hain
Indrani Mukherjee
Bharat Milap
Delhi Ka Thug
Miss Feroze
Bharat Ka Lal
Swaroop Rani
Kamroo Desh Ki Kamini
Chand Usmani
Miss Devangana
Bharat Ka Lal
Sumitra Devi
Raja Harishchandra
Kanan Devi
Haar Jeet
Neel Kamal
Bilet Ferat
Patience Cooper
Nala Damayanti
Rattan Bai
Gohar K. Mamajiwala
Akeli Mat Jaiyo
Rani Bala
Shirin Farhad
Bimla Kumari
Asha Parekh
Sulakshana Pandit
Kulin Kanta
Radha Krishna
Leela Chitnis
Heer Ranjha
Jehanara Kajjan
Shirin Farhad
Hansa Wadkar
Nav Jeevan
Moushumi Chatterjee
Baby Mayuri
The Arcadians
Bhola Shikar
Balraj Sahni
Tripti Mitra
Jukti, Takko Aar Gappo
Gemini Ganesan
Naan Avanillai
Shivaji Ganesan
Deiva Magan
M.G. Ramachandran
Kudiyiruntha Koyil
Rati Agnihotri
Ek Duuje Ke Liye
Nilagiri Express
Charan Raj
Oru Kai Osai
Urimai Geetham 1988
Anil Chatterjee
Sagina Mahato
Subhendu Chatterjee
Aranyer Din Ratri
Anjana Bhowmik
Diba Ratrir Kabya
Pradeep Kumar
Do Dilon Ki Dastaan
Kamal Mitra
Biswajeet Chatterjee
Do Dil
Poka Makorer Ghar Bosoti
Savitri Chatterjee
Kal Tumi Aleya
Shantaram Rajaram Vankudre
Do Ankhen Barah Haath
R. Muthuraman
Shanta Apte
Duniya Na Mane
Kishore Kumar
Santosh Dutta
Teen Kanya
Bãhubali: The Beginning
Lily Chakravarty
Dilip Roy
Amrita Kumbher Sandhaney
Varada Jishin
Sundari Nirada
Barer Bazar
Master Vinayak
Khurshid Begum
Rituparna Sengupta
Ahaa Re
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llama-simblr · 2 years
Hey guys I started getting an object error when I tried playing Ocean View Apartments with the Patel family, more so after making it over. Below the spoilers is the error. Can anyone help me?
Edit: I forgot to add I played the mobile homes lot with Jessica Peterson and had her rent the apartment, and the error didn’t happen!
Build: at Oct 11 2008,15:12:07
Object id: 112 name: Controller - Apartment Stack size: 4 Error: Problem executing script (Apartment - BaseLot - UpdateObjects): Run-time: (none):0: `for' limit must be a number stack traceback: (none): in function `ClearLotApartmentObjects' (none): in function `Apartment - BaseLot - UpdateObjects'
Iterations: 1  Frame 3:    Stack Object id: 0    Node: 3    Tree: id 4175 name 'CT - Run On Save' version -32755    from Controller_Apartment    Prim state: 2    Params:    Locals:  Frame 2:    Stack Object id: 0    Node: 0    Tree: id -1 name 'No behavior' version 0    from    Prim state: 1    Params:    Locals:  Frame 1:    Stack Object id: 0    Node: 0    Tree: id 280 name 'Idle' version 2    from global    Prim state: 0    Params: 0    Locals:  Frame 0:    Stack Object id: 0    Node: 0    Tree: id 4097 name 'Function - Main - Apartment' version -32669    from Controller_Apartment    Prim state: 0    Params:    Locals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Global Simulator Variables = 13 = 3 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 55 = 16 = 9 = 1997 = 0 = 76 = 2 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 3 = -1 = 0 = 1 = 40 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 30 = 1 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 60 = 0 = 13 = 8 = 1 = 13 = 0 = 0 = 4 = 800 = 60 = 11 = 20 = 0 = 0 = 1 = 4 = 6 = 0 = 1 = 3 = 4096
Other Simulator Details: All Menus On = false Move Objects On = false
My Object:
Data: 0,  = 0 1,  = 0 2,  = 0 3,  = -1 4,  = 1 5,  = 0 6,  = 0 7,  = 100 8,  = 0 9,  = 0 10,  = 0 11,  = 112 12,  = 0 13,  = 0 14,  = 0 15,  = 0 16,  = 0 17,  = 0 18,  = 0 19,  = 112 20,  = 0 21,  = 0 22,  = 0 23,  = 2 24,  = 8 25,  = 0 26,  = 0 27,  = 0 28,  = 0 29,  = -1 30,  = 0 31,  = 0 32,  = 0 33,  = 0 34,  = 0 35,  = 0 36,  = 0 37,  = 0 38,  = 0 39,  = 0 40,  = 8224 41,  = 0 42,  = 3 43,  = 10 44,  = 0 45,  = 1997 46,  = 6 47,  = 15 48,  = 2 49,  = 1 50,  = 0 51,  = 0 52,  = 0 53,  = 0 54,  = 0 55,  = 0 56,  = 0 57,  = 255 58,  = 0 59,  = 0 60,  = 1 61,  = 0 62,  = 0 63,  = 0 64,  = 0 65,  = 0 66,  = 0 67,  = 0 68,  = 0 69,  = 0 70,  = 0 71,  = 0 72,  = 255 73,  = 255 74,  = 255 75,  = 255 76,  = 0 77,  = 0 78,  = 5 79,  = 0 80,  = 0 81,  = 0 82,  = 0 83,  = 0 84,  = 0 85,  = 0 86,  = 0 87,  = 0 88,  = 0 89,  = 0 90,  = 0 91,  = 0 92,  = 0 93,  = 0 94,  = 0 95,  = 0 96,  = 0 97,  = 0 98,  = 0 99,  = 0 100,  = 0 101,  = 0 102,  = 0 103,  = 0 104,  = 0 105,  = 0 106,  = 0 107,  = 0 108,  = 0 109,  = 0 110,  = 0 111,  = 0 112,  = 0 113,  = 0
Attributes: 0, DEBUG Off/On = 0 1, Reset? = 1 2, Skip Next Charge = 0 3, Running? = 0 4, Housekeepers On/Off = 0 5, New Member = 0 6, N/A = 0 7, Hunger Modify = 0 8, Comfort Modify = 0 9, Bladder Modify = 0 10, Energy Modify = 0 11, Fun Modify = 0 12, Social Modify = 0 13, Hygiene Modify = 0 14, N/A = 0 15, Check Families? = 1 16, Current Family Apt. Door = 0 17,  = 0 18,  = 0 19,  = 0 20,  = 0
Arrays: 0, , num entries = 0 1, , num entries = 0 2, , num entries = 0 3, , num entries = 0 4, , num entries = 0 5, , num entries = 0 6, , num entries = 0 7, , num entries = 0 8, , num entries = 0 9, , num entries = 0 10, , num entries = 0 11, , num entries = 0
Temps: 0 = 2263 1 = 28 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 Object Data Tables:
Inventory contents:
Global Inventory
Counted Tokens Token GUID -257305635 Token Flags 0 Token Count : 1 Token Category : 0
Singular Tokens Token GUID 339263967 Token Flags 0
Token GUID 28485 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 15 Token Property 1: 6 Token Property 2: 3
Token GUID -1729744987 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 0 Token Property 1: 4 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 0 Token Property 4: 0 Token Property 5: 0 Token Property 6: 15 Token Property 7: 103 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 13 Token Property 10: 55 Token Property 11: 16 Token Property 12: 3 Token Property 13: 1997 Token Property 14: 9 Token Property 15: 26
Token GUID 342642853 Token Flags 0
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 0 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 173400003 Token Flags 0
Token GUID 1213291187 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 20
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 1 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 2 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 3 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 4 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 5 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID 480066133 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 6 Token Property 1: 1
Token GUID -76977782 Token Flags 0
Token GUID 28473 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 3 Token Property 1: 576 Token Property 2: 10 Token Property 3: 10 Token Property 4: -1 Token Property 5: 20 Token Property 6: 4 Token Property 7: -1 Token Property 8: -1 Token Property 9: 20 Token Property 10: 0 Token Property 11: 50 Token Property 12: 20 Token Property 13: 80 Token Property 14: 50 Token Property 15: 50 Token Property 16: 10 Token Property 17: 40 Token Property 18: 10 Token Property 19: 0
Token GUID -755709809 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 0
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 210 Token Property 1: 204 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 1 Token Property 5: -1 Token Property 6: 12 Token Property 7: 0 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 4
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 49 Token Property 1: 205 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 1 Token Property 4: 1 Token Property 5: 7 Token Property 6: 21 Token Property 7: 0 Token Property 8: 6 Token Property 9: 3
Token GUID 248194023 Token Flags 0
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 336 Token Property 1: 886 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 16 Token Property 5: 4 Token Property 6: 17 Token Property 7: 0 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 5
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 182 Token Property 1: 963 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 17 Token Property 5: 42 Token Property 6: 19 Token Property 7: 0 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 0
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 182 Token Property 1: 962 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 17 Token Property 5: 42 Token Property 6: 18 Token Property 7: 0 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 0
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 165 Token Property 1: 858 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 15 Token Property 5: 28 Token Property 6: 23 Token Property 7: 2 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 5
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 210 Token Property 1: 852 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 1 Token Property 5: -1 Token Property 6: 23 Token Property 7: 1 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 5
Token GUID -814746351 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 210 Token Property 1: 380 Token Property 2: 3 Token Property 3: 3 Token Property 4: 1 Token Property 5: -1 Token Property 6: 5 Token Property 7: 2 Token Property 8: 0 Token Property 9: 5
Token GUID -850436099 Token Flags 0
Token GUID -259887201 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 761 Token Property 1: 0 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 100 Token Property 4: 100 Token Property 5: 100 Token Property 6: 100 Token Property 7: 100 Token Property 8: 100 Token Property 9: 100
Token GUID -259887201 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 740 Token Property 1: 0 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 100 Token Property 4: 100 Token Property 5: 100 Token Property 6: 100 Token Property 7: 100 Token Property 8: 100 Token Property 9: 100
Token GUID -259887201 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 759 Token Property 1: 0 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 100 Token Property 4: 100 Token Property 5: 100 Token Property 6: 100 Token Property 7: 100 Token Property 8: 100 Token Property 9: 100
Token GUID -259887201 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 1301 Token Property 1: 0 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 100 Token Property 4: 100 Token Property 5: 100 Token Property 6: 100 Token Property 7: 100 Token Property 8: 100 Token Property 9: 100
Token GUID -259887201 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 1300 Token Property 1: 0 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 100 Token Property 4: 100 Token Property 5: 100 Token Property 6: 100 Token Property 7: 100 Token Property 8: 99 Token Property 9: 99
Lot Inventory
Counted Tokens Singular Tokens Token GUID 752419375 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 0 Token Property 1: 800 Token Property 2: 800
Token GUID 341847269 Token Flags 4 Token Property 0: 43 Token Property 1: 4 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 0 Token Property 4: 8938 Token Property 5: 28 Token Property 6: 19 Token Property 7: 50 Token Property 8: 4 Token Property 9: 50 Token Property 10: 1 Token Property 11: 2 Token Property 12: 21 Token Property 13: 50 Token Property 14: 2 Token Property 15: 50 Token Property 16: 0 Token Property 17: 2 Token Property 18: 23 Token Property 19: 50 Token Property 20: 2 Token Property 21: 50 Token Property 22: 0 Token Property 23: 2 Token Property 24: 19 Token Property 25: 50 Token Property 26: 6 Token Property 27: 50 Token Property 28: 1 Token Property 29: 4 Token Property 30: 21 Token Property 31: 50 Token Property 32: 2 Token Property 33: 50 Token Property 34: 0 Token Property 35: 2 Token Property 36: 17 Token Property 37: 50 Token Property 38: 2 Token Property 39: 50 Token Property 40: 0 Token Property 41: 6 Token Property 42: 21 Token Property 43: 50 Token Property 44: 4 Token Property 45: 50 Token Property 46: 1 Token Property 47: 2 Token Property 48: 18 Token Property 49: 50 Token Property 50: 9 Token Property 51: 50 Token Property 52: 0 Token Property 53: 6 Token Property 54: 16 Token Property 55: 50 Token Property 56: 9 Token Property 57: 50 Token Property 58: 0 Token Property 59: 6 Token Property 60: 17 Token Property 61: 50 Token Property 62: 9 Token Property 63: 0 Token Property 64: 0 Token Property 65: 2 Token Property 66: 16 Token Property 67: 50 Token Property 68: 9 Token Property 69: 50 Token Property 70: 0 Token Property 71: 6 Token Property 72: 18 Token Property 73: 50 Token Property 74: 5 Token Property 75: 50 Token Property 76: 0 Token Property 77: 6 Token Property 78: 24 Token Property 79: 25 Token Property 80: 9 Token Property 81: 50 Token Property 82: 0 Token Property 83: 6 Token Property 84: 16 Token Property 85: 50 Token Property 86: 6 Token Property 87: 75 Token Property 88: 0 Token Property 89: 4 Token Property 90: 20 Token Property 91: 50 Token Property 92: 2 Token Property 93: 50 Token Property 94: 0 Token Property 95: 2 Token Property 96: 23 Token Property 97: 50 Token Property 98: 9 Token Property 99: 50 Token Property 100: 0 Token Property 101: 6 Token Property 102: 17 Token Property 103: 50 Token Property 104: 8 Token Property 105: 50 Token Property 106: 0 Token Property 107: 2 Token Property 108: 22 Token Property 109: 50 Token Property 110: 9 Token Property 111: 0 Token Property 112: 1 Token Property 113: 4 Token Property 114: 21 Token Property 115: 50 Token Property 116: 9 Token Property 117: 0 Token Property 118: 1 Token Property 119: 0 Token Property 120: 21 Token Property 121: 50 Token Property 122: 6 Token Property 123: 50 Token Property 124: 1 Token Property 125: 6 Token Property 126: 22 Token Property 127: 50 Token Property 128: 2 Token Property 129: 50 Token Property 130: 0 Token Property 131: 2 Token Property 132: 20 Token Property 133: 50 Token Property 134: 3 Token Property 135: 50 Token Property 136: 0 Token Property 137: 4 Token Property 138: 20 Token Property 139: 50 Token Property 140: 4 Token Property 141: 50 Token Property 142: 0 Token Property 143: 4 Token Property 144: 22 Token Property 145: 75 Token Property 146: 9 Token Property 147: 50 Token Property 148: 0 Token Property 149: 6 Token Property 150: 16 Token Property 151: 50 Token Property 152: 7 Token Property 153: 50 Token Property 154: 0 Token Property 155: 5 Token Property 156: 18 Token Property 157: 50 Token Property 158: 9 Token Property 159: 50 Token Property 160: 0 Token Property 161: 0 Token Property 162: 18 Token Property 163: 25 Token Property 164: 8 Token Property 165: 50 Token Property 166: 0 Token Property 167: 2 Token Property 168: 21 Token Property 169: 50 Token Property 170: 4 Token Property 171: 50 Token Property 172: 1 Token Property 173: 2 Token Property 174: 19 Token Property 175: 50 Token Property 176: 6 Token Property 177: 50 Token Property 178: 1 Token Property 179: 6 Token Property 180: 21 Token Property 181: 50 Token Property 182: 6 Token Property 183: 75 Token Property 184: 1 Token Property 185: 0 Token Property 186: 20 Token Property 187: 75 Token Property 188: 9 Token Property 189: 50 Token Property 190: 1 Token Property 191: 6 Token Property 192: 22 Token Property 193: 50 Token Property 194: 7 Token Property 195: 75 Token Property 196: 1 Token Property 197: 4 Token Property 198: 24 Token Property 199: 50 Token Property 200: 2 Token Property 201: 50 Token Property 202: 0 Token Property 203: 2 Token Property 204: 22 Token Property 205: 50 Token Property 206: 2 Token Property 207: 50 Token Property 208: 0 Token Property 209: 2 Token Property 210: 20 Token Property 211: 50 Token Property 212: 3 Token Property 213: 50 Token Property 214: 0 Token Property 215: 4 Token Property 216: 20 Token Property 217: 50 Token Property 218: 4 Token Property 219: 50 Token Property 220: 0 Token Property 221: 4 Token Property 222: 20 Token Property 223: 50 Token Property 224: 2 Token Property 225: 50 Token Property 226: 0 Token Property 227: 2 Token Property 228: 23 Token Property 229: 50 Token Property 230: 2 Token Property 231: 50 Token Property 232: 0 Token Property 233: 2 Token Property 234: 21 Token Property 235: 50 Token Property 236: 2 Token Property 237: 50 Token Property 238: 0 Token Property 239: 2 Token Property 240: 23 Token Property 241: 0 Token Property 242: 7 Token Property 243: 50 Token Property 244: 0 Token Property 245: 4 Token Property 246: 20 Token Property 247: 75 Token Property 248: 5 Token Property 249: 50 Token Property 250: 1 Token Property 251: 2 Token Property 252: 25 Token Property 253: 0 Token Property 254: 6 Token Property 255: 75 Token Property 256: 1 Token Property 257: 2 Token Property 258: 17 Token Property 259: 75 Token Property 260: 8 Token Property 261: 50 Token Property 262: 1 Token Property 263: 2
Token GUID 201014717 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -327459602 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1817229926 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -282914655 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -290991067 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 221162772 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -1839953100 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -282914655 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -1839953100 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 748776978 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -1795775988 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1512383 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -1409317439 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1820259255 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8490079 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8490079 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8490079 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8490079 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 3501510 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8925302 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8653983 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 3501505 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -1795775988 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8653983 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 3501505 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 5
Token GUID -181018792 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8523353 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8523353 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8523353 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8523354 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8523350 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 8683089 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 5
Token GUID 341847269 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 48 Token Property 1: 4 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 0 Token Property 4: 9109 Token Property 5: 1 Token Property 6: 11 Token Property 7: 50 Token Property 8: 2 Token Property 9: 50 Token Property 10: 0 Token Property 11: 0 Token Property 12: 11 Token Property 13: 50 Token Property 14: 3 Token Property 15: 50 Token Property 16: 0 Token Property 17: 0 Token Property 18: 8 Token Property 19: 50 Token Property 20: 2 Token Property 21: 50 Token Property 22: 0 Token Property 23: 2 Token Property 24: 9 Token Property 25: 50 Token Property 26: 2 Token Property 27: 50 Token Property 28: 0 Token Property 29: 2 Token Property 30: 11 Token Property 31: 50 Token Property 32: 4 Token Property 33: 50 Token Property 34: 0 Token Property 35: 0 Token Property 36: 10 Token Property 37: 50 Token Property 38: 2 Token Property 39: 50 Token Property 40: 0 Token Property 41: 2 Token Property 42: 10 Token Property 43: 50 Token Property 44: 2 Token Property 45: 50 Token Property 46: 0 Token Property 47: 2 Token Property 48: 15 Token Property 49: 50 Token Property 50: 8 Token Property 51: 50 Token Property 52: 0 Token Property 53: 0 Token Property 54: 15 Token Property 55: 50 Token Property 56: 9 Token Property 57: 50 Token Property 58: 0 Token Property 59: 0 Token Property 60: 14 Token Property 61: 50 Token Property 62: 9 Token Property 63: 0 Token Property 64: 0 Token Property 65: 2 Token Property 66: 14 Token Property 67: 50 Token Property 68: 7 Token Property 69: 50 Token Property 70: 0 Token Property 71: 6 Token Property 72: 10 Token Property 73: 25 Token Property 74: 2 Token Property 75: 75 Token Property 76: 1 Token Property 77: 0 Token Property 78: 9 Token Property 79: 50 Token Property 80: 3 Token Property 81: 50 Token Property 82: 1 Token Property 83: 4 Token Property 84: 11 Token Property 85: 50 Token Property 86: 2 Token Property 87: 50 Token Property 88: 1 Token Property 89: 2 Token Property 90: 9 Token Property 91: 50 Token Property 92: 2 Token Property 93: 50 Token Property 94: 1 Token Property 95: 4 Token Property 96: 14 Token Property 97: 50 Token Property 98: 2 Token Property 99: 50 Token Property 100: 0 Token Property 101: 4 Token Property 102: 15 Token Property 103: 50 Token Property 104: 9 Token Property 105: 50 Token Property 106: 0 Token Property 107: 0 Token Property 108: 12 Token Property 109: 50 Token Property 110: 4 Token Property 111: 50 Token Property 112: 0 Token Property 113: 4 Token Property 114: 10 Token Property 115: 25 Token Property 116: 9 Token Property 117: 50 Token Property 118: 0 Token Property 119: 6 Token Property 120: 13 Token Property 121: 50 Token Property 122: 9 Token Property 123: 50 Token Property 124: 0 Token Property 125: 4 Token Property 126: 9 Token Property 127: 25 Token Property 128: 9 Token Property 129: 50 Token Property 130: 0 Token Property 131: 6 Token Property 132: 13 Token Property 133: 50 Token Property 134: 5 Token Property 135: 75 Token Property 136: 1 Token Property 137: 4 Token Property 138: 12 Token Property 139: 50 Token Property 140: 6 Token Property 141: 0 Token Property 142: 1 Token Property 143: 0 Token Property 144: 10 Token Property 145: 50 Token Property 146: 3 Token Property 147: 50 Token Property 148: 1 Token Property 149: 6 Token Property 150: 8 Token Property 151: 50 Token Property 152: 5 Token Property 153: 0 Token Property 154: 1 Token Property 155: 0 Token Property 156: 8 Token Property 157: 75 Token Property 158: 9 Token Property 159: 50 Token Property 160: 0 Token Property 161: 6 Token Property 162: 13 Token Property 163: 50 Token Property 164: 8 Token Property 165: 75 Token Property 166: 0 Token Property 167: 4 Token Property 168: 9 Token Property 169: 75 Token Property 170: 3 Token Property 171: 50 Token Property 172: 1 Token Property 173: 6 Token Property 174: 8 Token Property 175: 50 Token Property 176: 3 Token Property 177: 75 Token Property 178: 1 Token Property 179: 0 Token Property 180: 11 Token Property 181: 25 Token Property 182: 4 Token Property 183: 50 Token Property 184: 1 Token Property 185: 2 Token Property 186: 13 Token Property 187: 50 Token Property 188: 7 Token Property 189: 0 Token Property 190: 1 Token Property 191: 4 Token Property 192: 7 Token Property 193: 50 Token Property 194: 2 Token Property 195: 50 Token Property 196: 0 Token Property 197: 2 Token Property 198: 15 Token Property 199: 50 Token Property 200: 8 Token Property 201: 50 Token Property 202: 0 Token Property 203: 2 Token Property 204: 9 Token Property 205: 50 Token Property 206: 3 Token Property 207: 50 Token Property 208: 1 Token Property 209: 4 Token Property 210: 9 Token Property 211: 50 Token Property 212: 2 Token Property 213: 50 Token Property 214: 1 Token Property 215: 2 Token Property 216: 8 Token Property 217: 50 Token Property 218: 2 Token Property 219: 50 Token Property 220: 0 Token Property 221: 2 Token Property 222: 9 Token Property 223: 50 Token Property 224: 2 Token Property 225: 50 Token Property 226: 0 Token Property 227: 2 Token Property 228: 11 Token Property 229: 50 Token Property 230: 3 Token Property 231: 50 Token Property 232: 0 Token Property 233: 0 Token Property 234: 11 Token Property 235: 50 Token Property 236: 2 Token Property 237: 50 Token Property 238: 0 Token Property 239: 0 Token Property 240: 10 Token Property 241: 50 Token Property 242: 2 Token Property 243: 50 Token Property 244: 0 Token Property 245: 2 Token Property 246: 11 Token Property 247: 50 Token Property 248: 4 Token Property 249: 50 Token Property 250: 0 Token Property 251: 0 Token Property 252: 9 Token Property 253: 50 Token Property 254: 7 Token Property 255: 50 Token Property 256: 0 Token Property 257: 4 Token Property 258: 7 Token Property 259: 0 Token Property 260: 7 Token Property 261: 25 Token Property 262: 1 Token Property 263: 4 Token Property 264: 10 Token Property 265: 25 Token Property 266: 9 Token Property 267: 0 Token Property 268: 1 Token Property 269: 4 Token Property 270: 15 Token Property 271: 50 Token Property 272: 9 Token Property 273: 0 Token Property 274: 1 Token Property 275: 4 Token Property 276: 14 Token Property 277: 75 Token Property 278: 7 Token Property 279: 0 Token Property 280: 1 Token Property 281: 4 Token Property 282: 10 Token Property 283: 0 Token Property 284: 5 Token Property 285: 50 Token Property 286: 1 Token Property 287: 6 Token Property 288: 12 Token Property 289: 50 Token Property 290: 8 Token Property 291: 50 Token Property 292: 1 Token Property 293: 0
Token GUID -1937975599 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1937975599 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1937975599 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1937975599 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1817229926 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -327459602 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -290991067 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -282914655 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1839953100 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 748776978 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1820259255 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 748776978 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1839953100 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 209674009 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -282914655 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1825399779 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1795775988 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1512383 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1409317439 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501510 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501505 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501505 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -181018792 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8653983 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1795775988 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8653983 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523354 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523351 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523350 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8090631 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8090631 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 341847269 Token Flags 0 Token Property 0: 61 Token Property 1: 4 Token Property 2: 0 Token Property 3: 0 Token Property 4: 8724 Token Property 5: 22 Token Property 6: 14 Token Property 7: 50 Token Property 8: 21 Token Property 9: 50 Token Property 10: 1 Token Property 11: 0 Token Property 12: 15 Token Property 13: 50 Token Property 14: 20 Token Property 15: 50 Token Property 16: 1 Token Property 17: 6 Token Property 18: 15 Token Property 19: 50 Token Property 20: 21 Token Property 21: 50 Token Property 22: 1 Token Property 23: 2 Token Property 24: 13 Token Property 25: 50 Token Property 26: 22 Token Property 27: 50 Token Property 28: 1 Token Property 29: 4 Token Property 30: 13 Token Property 31: 50 Token Property 32: 21 Token Property 33: 50 Token Property 34: 1 Token Property 35: 4 Token Property 36: 11 Token Property 37: 50 Token Property 38: 28 Token Property 39: 50 Token Property 40: 0 Token Property 41: 4 Token Property 42: 12 Token Property 43: 50 Token Property 44: 28 Token Property 45: 50 Token Property 46: 0 Token Property 47: 4 Token Property 48: 13 Token Property 49: 50 Token Property 50: 28 Token Property 51: 50 Token Property 52: 0 Token Property 53: 4 Token Property 54: 14 Token Property 55: 50 Token Property 56: 28 Token Property 57: 50 Token Property 58: 0 Token Property 59: 4 Token Property 60: 14 Token Property 61: 50 Token Property 62: 27 Token Property 63: 50 Token Property 64: 0 Token Property 65: 4 Token Property 66: 14 Token Property 67: 50 Token Property 68: 26 Token Property 69: 50 Token Property 70: 0 Token Property 71: 6 Token Property 72: 14 Token Property 73: 50 Token Property 74: 25 Token Property 75: 50 Token Property 76: 0 Token Property 77: 6 Token Property 78: 14 Token Property 79: 50 Token Property 80: 24 Token Property 81: 50 Token Property 82: 0 Token Property 83: 6 Token Property 84: 10 Token Property 85: 50 Token Property 86: 27 Token Property 87: 50 Token Property 88: 0 Token Property 89: 6 Token Property 90: 9 Token Property 91: 50 Token Property 92: 27 Token Property 93: 50 Token Property 94: 0 Token Property 95: 6 Token Property 96: 10 Token Property 97: 50 Token Property 98: 25 Token Property 99: 50 Token Property 100: 0 Token Property 101: 0 Token Property 102: 10 Token Property 103: 50 Token Property 104: 26 Token Property 105: 50 Token Property 106: 0 Token Property 107: 0 Token Property 108: 8 Token Property 109: 50 Token Property 110: 27 Token Property 111: 50 Token Property 112: 0 Token Property 113: 6 Token Property 114: 7 Token Property 115: 50 Token Property 116: 27 Token Property 117: 50 Token Property 118: 0 Token Property 119: 6 Token Property 120: 8 Token Property 121: 50 Token Property 122: 27 Token Property 123: 50 Token Property 124: 0 Token Property 125: 6 Token Property 126: 6 Token Property 127: 50 Token Property 128: 20 Token Property 129: 50 Token Property 130: 0 Token Property 131: 2 Token Property 132: 11 Token Property 133: 50 Token Property 134: 28 Token Property 135: 50 Token Property 136: 0 Token Property 137: 4 Token Property 138: 12 Token Property 139: 0 Token Property 140: 28 Token Property 141: 50 Token Property 142: 0 Token Property 143: 2 Token Property 144: 12 Token Property 145: 25 Token Property 146: 28 Token Property 147: 50 Token Property 148: 0 Token Property 149: 0 Token Property 150: 14 Token Property 151: 50 Token Property 152: 24 Token Property 153: 50 Token Property 154: 0 Token Property 155: 2 Token Property 156: 14 Token Property 157: 50 Token Property 158: 25 Token Property 159: 0 Token Property 160: 0 Token Property 161: 2 Token Property 162: 14 Token Property 163: 50 Token Property 164: 25 Token Property 165: 50 Token Property 166: 0 Token Property 167: 2 Token Property 168: 14 Token Property 169: 50 Token Property 170: 25 Token Property 171: 75 Token Property 172: 0 Token Property 173: 2 Token Property 174: 14 Token Property 175: 50 Token Property 176: 28 Token Property 177: 0 Token Property 178: 0 Token Property 179: 2 Token Property 180: 14 Token Property 181: 25 Token Property 182: 28 Token Property 183: 25 Token Property 184: 0 Token Property 185: 0 Token Property 186: 14 Token Property 187: 0 Token Property 188: 28 Token Property 189: 50 Token Property 190: 0 Token Property 191: 0 Token Property 192: 14 Token Property 193: 0 Token Property 194: 28 Token Property 195: 50 Token Property 196: 0 Token Property 197: 6 Token Property 198: 11 Token Property 199: 50 Token Property 200: 24 Token Property 201: 50 Token Property 202: 1 Token Property 203: 6 Token Property 204: 13 Token Property 205: 50 Token Property 206: 27 Token Property 207: 50 Token Property 208: 0 Token Property 209: 2 Token Property 210: 8 Token Property 211: 75 Token Property 212: 20 Token Property 213: 50 Token Property 214: 0 Token Property 215: 2 Token Property 216: 9 Token Property 217: 50 Token Property 218: 20 Token Property 219: 50 Token Property 220: 0 Token Property 221: 2 Token Property 222: 14 Token Property 223: 50 Token Property 224: 22 Token Property 225: 50 Token Property 226: 1 Token Property 227: 6 Token Property 228: 9 Token Property 229: 50 Token Property 230: 23 Token Property 231: 25 Token Property 232: 1 Token Property 233: 4 Token Property 234: 8 Token Property 235: 50 Token Property 236: 22 Token Property 237: 0 Token Property 238: 1 Token Property 239: 0 Token Property 240: 8 Token Property 241: 50 Token Property 242: 24 Token Property 243: 50 Token Property 244: 1 Token Property 245: 0 Token Property 246: 10 Token Property 247: 25 Token Property 248: 20 Token Property 249: 50 Token Property 250: 0 Token Property 251: 2 Token Property 252: 9 Token Property 253: 50 Token Property 254: 23 Token Property 255: 25 Token Property 256: 1 Token Property 257: 4 Token Property 258: 8 Token Property 259: 50 Token Property 260: 20 Token Property 261: 75 Token Property 262: 1 Token Property 263: 0 Token Property 264: 8 Token Property 265: 50 Token Property 266: 25 Token Property 267: 25 Token Property 268: 1 Token Property 269: 0 Token Property 270: 13 Token Property 271: 50 Token Property 272: 21 Token Property 273: 50 Token Property 274: 1 Token Property 275: 4 Token Property 276: 8 Token Property 277: 50 Token Property 278: 27 Token Property 279: 50 Token Property 280: 0 Token Property 281: 6 Token Property 282: 10 Token Property 283: 50 Token Property 284: 25 Token Property 285: 50 Token Property 286: 0 Token Property 287: 0 Token Property 288: 10 Token Property 289: 50 Token Property 290: 26 Token Property 291: 50 Token Property 292: 0 Token Property 293: 0 Token Property 294: 9 Token Property 295: 50 Token Property 296: 27 Token Property 297: 50 Token Property 298: 0 Token Property 299: 6 Token Property 300: 7 Token Property 301: 50 Token Property 302: 27 Token Property 303: 50 Token Property 304: 0 Token Property 305: 6 Token Property 306: 10 Token Property 307: 50 Token Property 308: 27 Token Property 309: 50 Token Property 310: 0 Token Property 311: 6 Token Property 312: 8 Token Property 313: 50 Token Property 314: 25 Token Property 315: 50 Token Property 316: 0 Token Property 317: 6 Token Property 318: 8 Token Property 319: 50 Token Property 320: 22 Token Property 321: 0 Token Property 322: 0 Token Property 323: 6 Token Property 324: 14 Token Property 325: 50 Token Property 326: 23 Token Property 327: 0 Token Property 328: 0 Token Property 329: 2 Token Property 330: 13 Token Property 331: 50 Token Property 332: 24 Token Property 333: 50 Token Property 334: 1 Token Property 335: 6 Token Property 336: 11 Token Property 337: 0 Token Property 338: 20 Token Property 339: 50 Token Property 340: 1 Token Property 341: 2 Token Property 342: 6 Token Property 343: 75 Token Property 344: 26 Token Property 345: 50 Token Property 346: 1 Token Property 347: 6 Token Property 348: 6 Token Property 349: 75 Token Property 350: 22 Token Property 351: 50 Token Property 352: 1 Token Property 353: 4 Token Property 354: 9 Token Property 355: 75 Token Property 356: 25 Token Property 357: 50 Token Property 358: 1 Token Property 359: 4 Token Property 360: 6 Token Property 361: 75 Token Property 362: 27 Token Property 363: 50 Token Property 364: 0 Token Property 365: 6 Token Property 366: 13 Token Property 367: 50 Token Property 368: 22 Token Property 369: 50 Token Property 370: 1 Token Property 371: 6
Token GUID 748776978 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 740659176 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 209674009 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -282914655 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1819685440 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1786628257 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 208721355 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 208721355 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 208721355 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 208721355 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -327459602 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1817229926 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -290991067 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 752920263 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1469142486 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1820259255 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 903705625 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1409317439 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8925299 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501510 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 3501514 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -1795775988 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523351 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523352 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523350 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8523354 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 5375800 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -263657232 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -263657232 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1855214 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -181018792 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 8653983 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 341847269 Token Flags 0
Token GUID -327459602 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1820259255 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -329814241 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -712886399 Token Flags 1
Token GUID 1440576710 Token Flags 1
Token GUID -329814241 Token Flags 1
Lot Object Dump
Object Name : Controller - Apartment Suite id : 270 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Apartment Suite id : 264 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Apartment Suite id : 262 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Motive Tracking Decay id : 260 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Time Sync id : 258 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Motive Tracking id : 254 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Witchdoctor id : 250 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Ingame Help id : 248 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Hermit id : 245 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Lot Load - Curtain Pull-Down id : 241 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Remote Business id : 239 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - UrnStone Mover - Version 2 id : 237 Room: -1 Object Name : Emitter - Hot Sand id : 233 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Vacation Transport id : 229 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - PlumbBob id : 173 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Tutorial - Death Checker id : 169 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Tutorial - Main id : 166 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Lot Transitions id : 146 Room: -1 Object Name : Come And See id : 1406 Room: 32 Object Name : Come And See id : 1403 Room: 27 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1402 Room: 27 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1389 Room: 25 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1377 Room: 14 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1373 Room: 11 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1370 Room: 12 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1366 Room: 17 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1361 Room: 21 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1358 Room: 44 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1348 Room: 18 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1354 Room: 39 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1342 Room: 41 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1344 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1338 Room: 10 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1334 Room: 26 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1332 Room: 9 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1329 Room: 29 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1323 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1319 Room: 13 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1307 Room: 4 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1310 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1304 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1301 Room: 8 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1296 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1294 Room: 32 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1291 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1290 Room: 27 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1285 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1286 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1278 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1275 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1271 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1270 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1268 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1266 Room: 22 Object Name : Painting - China Mask id : 1261 Room: 24 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1257 Room: 4 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1255 Room: 8 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1253 Room: 13 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1249 Room: 29 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1247 Room: 10 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1245 Room: 32 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1243 Room: 9 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1236 Room: 26 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1234 Room: 25 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1230 Room: 21 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1228 Room: 44 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1226 Room: 18 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1224 Room: 19 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1222 Room: 14 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1220 Room: 11 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1218 Room: 12 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1212 Room: 17 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1210 Room: 1 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1207 Room: 27 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1201 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1198 Room: -1 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1193 Room: 28 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1178 Room: 39 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1173 Room: 22 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1159 Room: 39 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1157 Room: 39 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1155 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1156 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1151 Room: -1 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1150 Room: 41 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1143 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1146 Room: -1 Object Name : Small Wall Vent id : 1137 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1134 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Chimes (1,0) id : 1132 Room: 0 Object Name : Sculpture - Chimes (0,0) id : 1131 Room: 0 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1130 Room: -1 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 2,0 id : 1127 Room: 0 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 1,1 id : 1126 Room: 0 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 1,0 id : 1125 Room: 0 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 0,1 id : 1124 Room: 0 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 2,1 id : 1123 Room: 0 Object Name : 5-Ton Commercial AC - 0,0 id : 1122 Room: 0 Object Name : Electric Box (1,0) id : 1120 Room: 0 Object Name : Electric Box (0,0) - Lead id : 1116 Room: 0 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1118 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1114 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Burglar - Sims 2 id : 1113 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1110 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Burglar - Sims 2 id : 1109 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1105 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Burglar - Sims 2 id : 1101 Room: 1 Object Name : Alarm - Burglar - Sims 2 id : 1089 Room: 28 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1085 Room: 23 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1083 Room: 34 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1081 Room: 48 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1077 Room: 49 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1074 Room: 43 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1052 Room: 43 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1047 Room: 43 Object Name : SpaikGardenSpikeWallLamp id : 1044 Room: 43 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris - Half Tile id : 1037 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1028 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1020 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1015 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1011 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1005 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1003 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 1001 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 999 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 993 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 991 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 987 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 983 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 980 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 978 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 967 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 965 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 963 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 961 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 958 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 954 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 949 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 947 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 942 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 937 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 933 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 928 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 926 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 922 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 920 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 916 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 912 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 910 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 908 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 905 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 899 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 884 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 878 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 872 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 866 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 862 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 856 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 848 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 836 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 832 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 823 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 820 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 818 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 813 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 806 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 803 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 800 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 797 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 794 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 789 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 783 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 779 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 772 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 764 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 761 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 757 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 739 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 723 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 721 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 717 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 714 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 703 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 700 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 693 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 685 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 681 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 674 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 668 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies - Half Tile id : 662 Room: 23 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies - Half Tile id : 660 Room: 34 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold - Half Tile id : 657 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 648 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 644 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 641 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 639 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 635 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 631 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 628 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 626 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 623 Room: 30 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 620 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 615 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 599 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 596 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 588 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 574 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 563 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Iris id : 551 Room: 33 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 539 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 537 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 535 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 532 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 530 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 528 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 524 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 522 Room: 46 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 513 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 479 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 504 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 487 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 473 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 467 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 455 Room: 45 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 403 Room: 45 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 399 Room: 38 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 398 Room: 38 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 395 Room: 38 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 394 Room: 38 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 391 Room: 38 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 390 Room: 38 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 387 Room: 38 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 386 Room: 38 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 384 Room: 42 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 383 Room: 42 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 381 Room: -1 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 378 Room: 42 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 376 Room: 42 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 368 Room: -1 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 361 Room: 42 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 357 Room: 42 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 352 Room: -1 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 350 Room: 40 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 348 Room: 40 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 342 Room: -1 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 340 Room: 40 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 337 Room: 40 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 327 Room: -1 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 320 Room: 40 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 300 Room: 40 Object Name : Route - Step Over id : 310 Room: 40 Object Name : Cornflowers id : 305 Room: 40 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 322 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 318 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 311 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 306 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 303 Room: -1 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 297 Room: 2 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 293 Room: 2 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 289 Room: 7 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 287 Room: 7 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 285 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 280 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 271 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Marigold id : 277 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 269 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 263 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 261 Room: 16 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 259 Room: 35 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 255 Room: 35 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 253 Room: 31 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Daisies id : 249 Room: 31 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 246 Room: 37 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 244 Room: 37 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 240 Room: 36 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 238 Room: 36 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 234 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 230 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 219 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 214 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 204 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 200 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 194 Room: 40 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 190 Room: 42 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 182 Room: 42 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 172 Room: 38 Object Name : Flowers - Outdoor - Poppies id : 175 Room: 38 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,1 id : 162 Room: 3 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,0 id : 159 Room: 16 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,1 id : 152 Room: 27 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,0 id : 149 Room: 16 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,1 id : 143 Room: 41 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,0 id : 142 Room: 40 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,1 id : 115 Room: 39 Object Name : [Veranka] Bari Window Tiny 1x1 - 0,0 id : 46 Room: 40 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1927 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1925 Room: 44 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1924 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1922 Room: 44 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1921 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1919 Room: 18 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1918 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1916 Room: 19 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1915 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1913 Room: 17 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1912 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1910 Room: 12 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1909 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1907 Room: 14 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1906 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1904 Room: 14 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1903 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1901 Room: 11 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1900 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1898 Room: 11 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1897 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1895 Room: 25 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1894 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1892 Room: 17 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1891 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1889 Room: 18 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1888 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1886 Room: 18 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1885 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1883 Room: 21 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1882 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1880 Room: 21 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1879 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1877 Room: 21 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1876 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1874 Room: 44 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1870 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1868 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1867 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1865 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1864 Room: 49 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1862 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1861 Room: 49 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1859 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1858 Room: 48 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1856 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1855 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1853 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1852 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1850 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1849 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1847 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1846 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1843 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1839 Room: 37 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1837 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1842 Room: 40 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1840 Room: 24 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1836 Room: 42 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1834 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1833 Room: 43 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1830 Room: 22 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1826 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1824 Room: 26 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1829 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1827 Room: 26 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1823 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1821 Room: 26 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1820 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1818 Room: 26 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1817 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1815 Room: 10 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1814 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1812 Room: 9 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1811 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1809 Room: 29 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1808 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1806 Room: 8 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1805 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1803 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1802 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1800 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1799 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1797 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1796 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1794 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1793 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1791 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1790 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1788 Room: 4 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1787 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1785 Room: 13 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1784 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1782 Room: 29 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1781 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1779 Room: 9 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1778 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1776 Room: 9 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1775 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1773 Room: 26 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1772 Room: 35 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1770 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1769 Room: 31 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1767 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1766 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1764 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1763 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1761 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1760 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1758 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1757 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1754 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1753 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1751 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1750 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1748 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1744 Room: 23 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1742 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1741 Room: 23 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1739 Room: 1 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1738 Room: 34 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1736 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1735 Room: 34 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1733 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1732 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1730 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1729 Room: 7 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1727 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1726 Room: 2 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1724 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1723 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1721 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1720 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1718 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1717 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1715 Room: 28 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 1 id : 1714 Room: 0 Object Name : Window - Bohemian 1x1 - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1713 Room: 28 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1706 Room: 17 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1704 Room: 12 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1702 Room: 25 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1699 Room: 19 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1700 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1697 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1696 Room: 41 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1694 Room: 39 Object Name : Trash Chute id : 1692 Room: 22 Object Name : Trash Chute id : 1690 Room: 24 Object Name : yuxi-obj-dmcwalllamp id : 1688 Room: 13 Object Name : yuxi-obj-dmcwalllamp id : 1686 Room: 13 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1684 Room: 10 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1682 Room: 9 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1680 Room: 26 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1678 Room: 32 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1676 Room: 29 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1674 Room: 6 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1672 Room: 5 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1670 Room: 4 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1668 Room: 1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1666 Room: 28 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1664 Room: 47 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1662 Room: 15 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1660 Room: 20 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1658 Room: 44 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1656 Room: 21 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1654 Room: 17 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1652 Room: 11 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1650 Room: 14 Object Name : Lamp - Wall - Decksconce id : 1644 Room: 12 Object Name : Lamp - Wall - Decksconce id : 1648 Room: 12 Object Name : Lamp - Wall - Decksconce id : 1642 Room: 18 Object Name : Lamp - Wall - Decksconce id : 1640 Room: 18 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1638 Room: 22 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1636 Room: 22 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Designer id : 1634 Room: 22 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Designer id : 1632 Room: 24 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 1630 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Cookerhood id : 1628 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet Corner id : 1626 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1624 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1622 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1620 Room: 24 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1618 Room: 25 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1616 Room: 25 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1613 Room: 25 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1611 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1609 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1604 Room: 24 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1602 Room: 24 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1594 Room: 12 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1593 Room: 11 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1592 Room: 12 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1591 Room: 14 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1590 Room: 14 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1588 Room: 12 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1587 Room: 25 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1584 Room: 12 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Quaint 0,1 id : 1580 Room: 41 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Quaint 0,0 id : 1578 Room: 24 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 1 id : 1577 Room: 24 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1575 Room: 43 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 1 id : 1574 Room: 22 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1570 Room: 43 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet Corner id : 1568 Room: 22 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet A id : 1566 Room: 22 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1564 Room: 22 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1562 Room: 22 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1560 Room: 22 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Cookerhood id : 1553 Room: 22 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1550 Room: 21 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1549 Room: 18 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1548 Room: 18 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1547 Room: 44 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1546 Room: 44 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1544 Room: 18 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1543 Room: 18 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1542 Room: 19 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1540 Room: 19 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1535 Room: 41 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1531 Room: 39 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke French Door Alternate 0,0 id : 1500 Room: 48 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke French Door Alternate 0,0 id : 1497 Room: 49 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet A id : 1490 Room: 1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Cookerhood id : 1486 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1483 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet Corner id : 1475 Room: 1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1473 Room: 1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1471 Room: 1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet B id : 1466 Room: 1 Object Name : Timer id : 1468 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1467 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] New Vintage Kitchen Cooker Hood id : 1462 Room: 28 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet A id : 1450 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1453 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet Corner id : 1446 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1447 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1442 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet C id : 1429 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1438 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet C id : 1435 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1431 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Back To Retro Wall Cabinet C id : 1423 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1425 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1417 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1413 Room: 8 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1409 Room: 8 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1401 Room: 4 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1399 Room: 13 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1398 Room: 13 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1396 Room: 4 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1395 Room: 29 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1393 Room: 13 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1391 Room: 13 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1387 Room: 29 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1385 Room: 27 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1381 Room: 1 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1379 Room: 8 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1368 Room: 13 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 1 id : 1364 Room: 1 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 0 - Lead id : 1362 Room: 43 Object Name : Trash Chute id : 1360 Room: 28 Object Name : Trash Chute id : 1356 Room: 1 Object Name : Lamp - Streetlight id : 1353 Room: 0 Object Name : Lamp - Streetlight id : 1350 Room: 0 Object Name : Lamp - Streetlight id : 1343 Room: 0 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1341 Room: -1 Object Name : Hydrant id : 1335 Room: 0 Object Name : LTW Chooser - Dream Catcher id : 1327 Room: 0 Object Name : Male Body Hair Overlay id : 1317 Room: 0 Object Name : LTW Uninstalling Cube id : 1313 Room: 0 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1311 Room: -1 Object Name : LD - Height Cheater id : 1309 Room: 0 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1306 Room: -1 Object Name : Twojeffs - Sim Blender id : 1302 Room: 0 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,0 id : 1299 Room: 9 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 1,1 id : 1298 Room: 26 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,1 id : 1297 Room: 26 Object Name : Door - 2 Tile - Bespoke Basic Ext Door 0,0 id : 1295 Room: 9 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1293 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1289 Room: 32 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 1287 Room: 32 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 1284 Room: 9 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 1283 Room: 32 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1282 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Io Toilet Paper id : 1280 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1279 Room: -1 Object Name : Evenflo Radiator id : 1276 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1277 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1274 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1272 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1267 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1263 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1252 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1251 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1213 Room: -1 Object Name : [Veranka] Bayside Counter id : 1139 Room: 28 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 941 Room: 27 Object Name : Medicine Cabinet id : 814 Room: 3 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke French Door Alternate 0,0 id : 835 Room: 1 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke French Door Alternate 0,0 id : 830 Room: 28 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,1 id : 401 Room: 3 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Bespoke Basic Door 0,0 id : 283 Room: 28 Object Name : [Veranka] Thorpe Build Arch B 1,0 id : 185 Room: 26 Object Name : [Veranka] Thorpe Build Arch B 1,1 id : 171 Room: 10 Object Name : [Veranka] Thorpe Build Arch B 0,1 id : 164 Room: 10 Object Name : [Veranka] Thorpe Build Arch B 0,0 id : 128 Room: 26 Object Name : Controller - CLP - Community Lot - Populator id : 1242 Room: -1 Object Name : PlumbBob id : 1216 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Music id : 1204 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Law id : 1203 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Journalism id : 1197 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Gamer id : 1196 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Education id : 1195 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Adventurer id : 1194 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Music id : 1192 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Law id : 1191 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Journalism id : 1190 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Gamer id : 1189 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Education id : 1188 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Adventurer id : 1187 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Garden Many id : 1186 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Fish - Rainbow Trout - Menu id : 1185 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Fish - Golden Trout - Menu id : 1184 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Fish - Catfish - Menu id : 1182 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Fish - Bass - Menu id : 1181 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Weather id : 1180 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Temperature Receptivity id : 1179 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Weather Receptivity id : 1177 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Plantman id : 1176 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Juicer Tokens id : 1175 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Fish Pond Effects id : 1174 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Climate - Accumulation id : 1172 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Climate id : 1171 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Capturable - Flies id : 1170 Room: -1 Object Name : Emitter - Pet - Run Around Lot id : 1169 Room: 0 Object Name : Emitter - Pet - Howling and Yowling id : 1168 Room: 0 Object Name : Emitter - Pet - Cat Crazy id : 1167 Room: 0 Object Name : Emitter - Pet - Bark Randomly id : 1166 Room: 0 Object Name : Lot Noises - Pet id : 1165 Room: 0 Object Name : JobData - Pet - ShowBiz id : 1164 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Pet - Service id : 1163 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Pet - Security id : 1162 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Stray id : 1161 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Lycanthropy id : 1158 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData -  Owned Business - Teen id : 1154 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData -  Owned Business id : 1149 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Pie - Menu id : 1147 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Cheesecake - Menu id : 1145 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Servo id : 1141 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Download Object Patcher id : 1136 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Business - Customer Loyalty id : 1135 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Business - Employee Management id : 1129 Room: -1 Object Name : Emitter - Vampire in Sunlight id : 1107 Room: 0 Object Name : Food - Dining - Nectarine Tartlette - Menu id : 1099 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dining - Lime Seared Prawns - Menu id : 1097 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dining - Fried Chicken - Menu id : 1096 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dining - Filet Mignon - Menu id : 1093 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Crepe Suzette - Menu id : 1090 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Oceanography id : 1087 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Intelligence id : 1079 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Entertainment id : 1071 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Dance id : 1070 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Construction id : 1068 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Oceanography id : 1065 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Intelligence id : 1064 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Entertainment id : 1063 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Dance id : 1061 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Construction id : 1058 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Platter - Chips - Menu id : 1043 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Platter - Cheese - Menu id : 1042 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Platter - Appetizer - Menu id : 1041 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Family Comfort Soup - Menu id : 1035 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Drink - Protein Shake - Menu id : 1034 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Spooky - Werewolf id : 1032 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Spooky - Cat Lady id : 1030 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Kids - Family Fun id : 1029 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Kids - Fairies id : 1024 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Drama - Pool Table id : 1023 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Drama - Bubble Bath id : 1019 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Comedy - Mime Cat id : 1016 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Comedy - Checkers id : 1012 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Action - Weather Control id : 1010 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Movie - Action - Fetch id : 1009 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Magazine Subscriptions id : 1006 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LTA Superpowers id : 995 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Genie id : 984 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - EP7 - Secret Hobby Lots id : 982 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Tropical Ribs - Menu id : 977 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Rice Bowl - Menu id : 976 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Ramen - Menu id : 975 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Pineapple Surprise - Menu id : 974 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Mahi-Mahi - Menu id : 973 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Flapjacks - Menu id : 971 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Chirashi - Menu id : 970 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Chicken Pot Pie - Menu id : 969 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Charbroiled Catfish - Menu id : 968 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Vacation Benefits id : 956 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Poison Ivy id : 953 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Ninja id : 952 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Bigfoot id : 938 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - CellPhone - Rack Obj id : 934 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - CellPhone - Controller id : 932 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Undeclared id : 929 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Psychology id : 924 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Politics id : 919 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Physics id : 917 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Philosophy id : 914 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Mathematics id : 903 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Literature id : 900 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - History id : 898 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Economics id : 896 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Drama id : 892 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Biology id : 890 Room: -1 Object Name : Major - Art id : 888 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - ShowBiz id : 886 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Paranormal id : 882 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Natural Scientist id : 868 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Artist id : 860 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Cup O Ramen - Menu id : 851 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Sports id : 845 Room: -1 Object Name : MP3 Player - Rack Obj id : 842 Room: -1 Object Name : Handheld Game - Rack Obj id : 827 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - ACR - Bed Socials id : 808 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - ACR - Hot Tub Socials id : 804 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - ACR - Main id : 792 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - ACR - Photo Booth id : 785 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - ACR - Sofa Socials id : 782 Room: -1 Object Name : ACR - Phone Call - Booty Call id : 778 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Bug Collection id : 776 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Do_Homework_Hack id : 770 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Beck's Laundry Motive Decay id : 767 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Sun&Moon Community id : 759 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Child_Support_Controller_B id : 755 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Child_Support_Controller_A id : 749 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Child_Support_Controller id : 742 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Child_Support_Controller_Accts id : 736 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Child_Support_Controller_Pie id : 734 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Social - Ask About Relationship Status id : 702 Room: -1 Object Name : CHRISTIANLOV - Plug In - Closet - Gussy Up id : 695 Room: -1 Object Name : Social - LD - Autonomous Break Up id : 691 Room: -1 Object Name : Social - LD - Autonomous Get Engaged id : 686 Room: -1 Object Name : Token - LD - Autonomous Engagement - Cooldown Controller id : 684 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Reject Proposals id : 679 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Vacation Progression id : 673 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Pregnancy Progression id : 672 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Aging id : 669 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Alien Pregnancies id : 666 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Aspiration Scores id : 665 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Gender Preference id : 652 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Interval Tracker id : 647 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Pregnancies id : 629 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - Relationships id : 593 Room: -1 Object Name : Social - LD - Story Progresion - Settings id : 581 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - University Progression id : 566 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Story Progression - University id : 560 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Manners Cooldown id : 550 Room: -1 Object Name : Social - LD - Travel id : 517 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Just Friends id : 516 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Leave Partner id : 489 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Triplets & Quads Adjuster id : 483 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - LD - Job Rejection id : 471 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - FFS Macrotastics id : 466 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller id : 465 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_1C id : 464 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_1B id : 462 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_1A id : 452 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_1 id : 447 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_2 id : 440 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_3 id : 433 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Bills_Controller_4 id : 431 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_007 id : 429 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_006 id : 428 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_005 id : 427 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_004 id : 418 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_003 id : 369 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_002 id : 329 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller_001 id : 328 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Bank_Controller id : 326 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Global_College_Controller_A id : 324 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_Computer_Private_School_Fees_Controller id : 309 Room: -1 Object Name : MQ_PlantSims_Controller_A id : 235 Room: -1 Object Name : Sim Manipulator Destination Menu Controller id : 228 Room: -1 Object Name : Sim Manipulator Social id : 203 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - TwoJeffs Visitor Controller id : 195 Room: -1 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 0 id : 617 Room: 29 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 0 id : 616 Room: 29 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 1 id : 613 Room: 6 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 1 - Lead id : 610 Room: 6 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 0 id : 545 Room: 4 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 0 id : 543 Room: 4 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 1 id : 541 Room: 5 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 1 - Lead id : 540 Room: 5 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 0 id : 457 Room: 21 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 0 id : 446 Room: 21 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 1 id : 436 Room: 20 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 1 - Lead id : 425 Room: 20 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 0 id : 419 Room: 11 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 0 id : 417 Room: 11 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 1 id : 407 Room: 15 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 1 - Lead id : 406 Room: 15 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 0 id : 366 Room: 14 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 0 id : 365 Room: 14 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 0, 1 id : 359 Room: 47 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - No Mirror - 2x2 - 1, 1 - Lead id : 338 Room: 47 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 625 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 548 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 477 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 460 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 437 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Relationship Decay id : 208 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - STA to LTA id : 165 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 370 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 213 Room: -1 Object Name : Holiday - Food - Dessert - Santa Cookies - Menu id : 10 Room: -1 Object Name : Holiday - Food - Roast - Menu id : 9 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 611 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 463 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Value id : 422 Contained within object id 1611 in slot 4 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 251 Room: -1 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,0 id : 202 Room: 24 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,1 id : 141 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 745 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 716 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 699 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 676 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 650 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 636 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 589 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 577 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 544 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 492 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 294 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 275 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1321 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1316 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1312 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1308 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1303 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 372 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 362 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 358 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 346 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 330 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 314 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 307 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 291 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 265 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Handset id : 140 Contained within object id 1100 in slot 0 Room: 28 Object Name : Phone - Handset id : 125 Contained within object id 1033 in slot 0 Room: 18 Object Name : Phone - Handset id : 43 Contained within object id 456 in slot 0 Room: 24 Object Name : Phone - Handset id : 22 Contained within object id 295 in slot 0 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1238 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1160 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1152 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1144 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1138 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1104 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1119 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1102 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Base - Wall id : 1100 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1094 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1080 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1048 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1022 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 821 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 817 Room: -1 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - Male id : 811 Room: 10 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 786 Room: -1 Object Name : Dresser - Closet - Male id : 719 Room: 10 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 718 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 683 Room: 32 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 632 Room: 32 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 612 Room: -1 Object Name : ShowerTub 0,0 id : 579 Room: 32 Object Name : ShowerTub 0,1 id : 569 Room: 32 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 546 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 526 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 507 Room: 8 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 495 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 476 Room: 8 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 472 Room: -1 Object Name : Tub - Value 0,0 id : 481 Room: 8 Object Name : Tub - Value 0,1 id : 480 Room: 8 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 478 Room: -1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 470 Room: 8 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 453 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 444 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 423 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 412 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 373 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 335 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 323 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 315 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 298 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Base - Wall id : 295 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 266 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 252 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 181 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1040 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1036 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Base - Wall id : 1033 Room: 18 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1026 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1008 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 998 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 990 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 959 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 944 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 876 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 815 Room: -1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Canister id : 810 Room: 41 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 726 Room: 39 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 638 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 633 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 584 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 557 Room: -1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Canister id : 525 Room: 25 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 520 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 514 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Quaint id : 511 Contained within object id 501 in slot 4 Room: 19 Object Name : Counter - Quaint id : 501 Room: 19 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 493 Room: 19 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 491 Room: -1 Object Name : Tub - Value 0,0 id : 488 Room: 19 Object Name : Tub - Value 0,1 id : 486 Room: 19 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 484 Room: -1 Object Name : Shower - Cheap id : 482 Room: 19 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 474 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 468 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 458 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Base - Wall id : 456 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 451 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 445 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 441 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 438 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 434 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 410 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 367 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 336 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 332 Room: -1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 292 Room: 19 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 281 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 242 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Value id : 232 Contained within object id 1616 in slot 4 Room: 25 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 231 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 186 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 139 Room: -1 Object Name : VideoGame - CD - SSX3 (Default Game) id : 126 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1554 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 1552 Room: 25 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1551 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1536 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1532 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1511 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1506 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1503 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1499 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1487 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1493 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1488 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1485 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1481 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1464 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1461 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1458 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1454 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1451 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1436 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1433 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1428 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1421 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1418 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1411 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1408 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1405 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1400 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1369 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1365 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1351 Room: 37 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1349 Room: 36 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1347 Room: 42 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1345 Room: 38 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1339 Room: 35 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1337 Room: 31 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1322 Room: 7 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1320 Room: 7 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1318 Room: 2 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 1315 Room: 2 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 1 id : 122 Room: 28 Object Name : Door - 1 Tile - Apartment - 0, 0 - Lead id : 24 Room: 43 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 608 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 605 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 602 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 597 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 595 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 592 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 267 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 257 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 247 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 236 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 217 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 184 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 205 Room: -1 Object Name : Sculpture - Bohemian Roof Repeat id : 198 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 192 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 178 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 137 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - NPC Animal Control Officer id : 23 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Apartment Residents id : 106 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Noise Collector id : 105 Room: -1 Object Name : PlumbBob id : 121 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Apartment id : 112 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Food Stand Gyro - Menu id : 104 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1117 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1111 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1106 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1103 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1098 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1095 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1091 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1088 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1075 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Smoke id : 1073 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1072 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1069 Room: -1 Object Name : Food Processor id : 1067 Contained within object id 1604 in slot 0 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1066 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1062 Room: -1 Object Name : Fridge - Cheap id : 1060 Room: 24 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1059 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 1057 Room: 41 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1056 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 1054 Room: 41 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1053 Room: -1 Object Name : ShowerTub 0,0 id : 1051 Room: 25 Object Name : ShowerTub 0,1 id : 1050 Room: 25 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1045 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1039 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1025 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1021 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1017 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 1013 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 997 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 994 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 988 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 985 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 957 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 950 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 943 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 939 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 935 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 930 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 925 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 915 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 907 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 904 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 901 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 853 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 850 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 847 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 844 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 841 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 837 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 834 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 831 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 829 Room: 39 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 828 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 826 Room: 39 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 825 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 809 Room: -1 Object Name : Painting - Collection id : 807 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 802 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 799 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 796 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 793 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 790 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 787 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 784 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 774 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 780 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 777 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 775 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 771 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 768 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Smoke id : 766 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 765 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Value id : 763 Contained within object id 743 in slot 4 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 760 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 756 Room: -1 Object Name : Food Processor id : 754 Contained within object id 737 in slot 0 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 753 Room: -1 Object Name : Fridge - Cheap id : 751 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 750 Room: -1 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,0 id : 748 Room: 22 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,1 id : 746 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 747 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 744 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Value id : 743 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 741 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Value id : 740 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 738 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Value id : 737 Room: 22 Object Name : Counter - Value id : 735 Room: 22 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 0 id : 733 Room: 24 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 1 id : 732 Room: 12 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 1 id : 731 Room: 12 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 0 id : 730 Room: 12 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 0 id : 729 Room: 12 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 1 id : 728 Room: 24 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 0 id : 727 Room: 24 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 1 - Lead id : 725 Room: 24 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 0 id : 712 Room: 22 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 1 id : 711 Room: 18 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 1 id : 710 Room: 18 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 0 id : 709 Room: 18 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 0 id : 708 Room: 18 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 1 id : 707 Room: 22 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 0 id : 706 Room: 22 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 1 - Lead id : 705 Room: 22 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 704 Room: -1 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 698 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 697 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 694 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 692 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 690 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 688 Room: 3 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 687 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 680 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 677 Room: -1 Object Name : Phone - Line Controller id : 675 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 670 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 667 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 664 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 659 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 656 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Smoke id : 654 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 653 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Value id : 651 Contained within object id 1267 in slot 4 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 649 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 646 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 642 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 621 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 618 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 609 Room: -1 Object Name : Food Processor id : 607 Contained within object id 1252 in slot 0 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 606 Room: -1 Object Name : Fridge - Cheap id : 604 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 603 Room: -1 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,0 id : 601 Room: 28 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,1 id : 600 Room: 28 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 594 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 590 Room: -1 Object Name : Trash Can - Inside id : 585 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 586 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Value id : 583 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 582 Room: -1 Object Name : Stove Grill - Community id : 580 Room: 43 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 578 Room: 43 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 576 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 575 Room: -1 Object Name : Chessboard - Outdoors id : 573 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 571 Room: -1 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 570 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 568 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 565 Room: -1 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 564 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 562 Room: -1 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 561 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 559 Room: -1 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 558 Room: 43 Object Name : Chair - Dining - Community id : 555 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 556 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 553 Room: -1 Object Name : Table - Dining - Community Lot - A id : 552 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 549 Room: -1 Object Name : Table - Dining - Community Lot - A id : 547 Room: 43 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 534 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 521 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 518 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 515 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 510 Room: 31 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 508 Room: 35 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 506 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 505 Room: 38 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 503 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 502 Room: 42 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 500 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 499 Room: 36 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 497 Room: -1 Object Name : Shrub - 4 - Tall id : 496 Room: 37 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 494 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 414 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 411 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 408 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 405 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 402 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 396 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 392 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 388 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 380 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 364 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 353 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 347 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 321 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 316 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 312 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 284 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 279 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 276 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 268 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 256 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 243 Room: -1 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 0 id : 227 Room: 28 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 1 id : 226 Room: 9 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 1 id : 225 Room: 9 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 0 id : 224 Room: 9 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 0 id : 223 Room: 9 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 1 id : 222 Room: 28 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 0 id : 221 Room: 28 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 1 - Lead id : 220 Room: 28 Object Name : Lamp - Ceiling - Value id : 216 Room: 27 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 215 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 212 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Cheap id : 210 Room: 27 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 209 Room: -1 Object Name : Toilet - Cheap id : 207 Room: 27 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 206 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 199 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 196 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 193 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 189 Room: -1 Object Name : Alarm - Smoke id : 187 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 183 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 180 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 177 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 174 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 170 Room: -1 Object Name : Sink - Counter - Value id : 168 Contained within object id 150 in slot 4 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 167 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 163 Room: -1 Object Name : Food Processor id : 161 Contained within object id 144 in slot 0 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 160 Room: -1 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,0 id : 158 Room: 1 Object Name : Stove - Cheap - 0,1 id : 157 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 156 Room: -1 Object Name : Fridge - Cheap id : 153 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 154 Room: -1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 151 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Quaint - No Doors id : 150 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 148 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Quaint - No Doors id : 147 Room: 1 Object Name : Want Satisfy - Buy/Own Objects id : 145 Room: -1 Object Name : Counter - Quaint - No Doors id : 144 Room: 1 Object Name : Counter - Quaint - No Doors id : 138 Room: 1 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 0 id : 136 Room: 1 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 1 id : 135 Room: 13 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 1 id : 134 Room: 13 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 0, 0 id : 133 Room: 13 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Hi 1, 0 id : 132 Room: 13 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 1 id : 131 Room: 1 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 1, 0 id : 130 Room: 1 Object Name : Stairs - Spiral - Wooden - Lo 0, 1 - Lead id : 129 Room: 1 Object Name : Accessory - Glass - Water - MENU id : 124 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Age id : 123 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Locomotion id : 120 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - NPC Pool id : 119 Room: -1 Object Name : Zits Controller id : 118 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Disease id : 117 Room: -1 Object Name : Fitness - Controller id : 116 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Inheritance id : 114 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Light id : 113 Room: -1 Object Name : Pool - Controller id : 111 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Scenarios id : 110 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Game Scripting id : 109 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Motive/NPC Handler id : 108 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - NPC Social Worker id : 107 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Childrens id : 103 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Food id : 102 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Music id : 101 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - SBN id : 100 Room: -1 Object Name : Television - Channel - Workout id : 99 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Bag - Chips - Menu id : 98 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Bag - Cookies - Menu id : 97 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Baked Alaska - Menu id : 96 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Cereal - Menu id : 95 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Chef Salad - Menu id : 94 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Chili Con Carne - Menu id : 93 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Drink - Instant Meal - Menu id : 92 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Drink - Juice - Menu id : 91 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Gelatin - Menu id : 90 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Grill - Hamburger - Menu id : 89 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Grill - Hotdog - Menu id : 88 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Grill - Ribs - Menu id : 87 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Dessert - Layer Cake - Menu id : 86 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Lobster Thermador - Menu id : 85 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Mac & Cheese - Menu id : 84 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Omelette - Menu id : 83 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Pancakes - Menu id : 82 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Pork Chop - Menu id : 81 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Salmon - Menu id : 80 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Sandwich - Grilled Cheese - Menu id : 79 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Sandwich - Lunch Meat - Menu id : 78 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Spaghetti - Menu id : 77 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Toaster Pastry - Menu id : 76 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Toddler Mush - Menu id : 75 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Turkey - Menu id : 74 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - TV Dinner - Menu id : 73 Room: -1 Object Name : Food -  Wants Verify Controller id : 72 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Athletics id : 71 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Business id : 70 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Criminal id : 69 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Culinary id : 68 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Law Enforcement id : 67 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Medicine id : 66 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Military id : 65 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Politics id : 64 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Science id : 63 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Teen Elder - Slacker id : 62 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Athletics id : 61 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Business id : 60 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Criminal id : 59 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Culinary id : 58 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Law Enforcement id : 57 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Medicine id : 56 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Military id : 55 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Politics id : 54 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - School - Public id : 53 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - School - Private id : 52 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Science id : 51 Room: -1 Object Name : JobData - Adult - Slacker id : 50 Room: -1 Object Name : Job Finder id : 49 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Short Term Memory Effects id : 48 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Aspiration Score Decay id : 47 Room: -1 Object Name : Global Sim - Temp Array id : 45 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Maintenance id : 44 Room: -1 Object Name : Visit Generator id : 42 Room: -1 Object Name : Wants - Check Trees id : 41 Room: -1 Object Name : Wants - Controller id : 40 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Weather id : 39 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - NPC id : 38 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Visitor id : 37 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Active id : 36 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Lazy id : 35 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Mean id : 34 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Neat id : 33 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Nice id : 32 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Outgoing id : 31 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Playful id : 30 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Serious id : 29 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Shy id : 28 Room: -1 Object Name : Personality - Sloppy id : 27 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Emit - Timing id : 26 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Periodic Events id : 25 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Secret Networking id : 21 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Witch id : 20 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Blue Drink - Menu id : 19 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Candy - Menu id : 18 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Chips - Menu id : 17 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Cookies - Menu id : 16 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Green Drink - Menu id : 15 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Nuts - Menu id : 14 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Pink Drink - Menu id : 13 Room: -1 Object Name : Food - Vending Machine - Yellow Drink - Menu id : 12 Room: -1 Object Name : Controller - Token Decay id : 11 Room: -1 Object Name : MailBox id : 2 Room: 0 Object Name : Default Residential Trash Can id : 1 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Pedestrian id : 8 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Pedestrian id : 7 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Car - Stop id : 6 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Car - Start id : 5 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Car - Service Stop id : 4 Room: 0 Object Name : Portal - Car - Service Start id : 3 Room: 0
Dumping all current cheats propertyRevision     = 6 allowCustomContent   = true animationLOD         = false antialiasingQuality  = 0 autoCentering        = true autoLogin            = false bumpMapping          = true checkForPatch        = true constrainFloorElevation = true cutawayMemorySize    = 3 cutawayOutside       = true disableCustomObjects = false displayCustomObjectInfo = false displayLookAtBoxes   = false displayPaths         = false deviceVsynch         = true dynamicRenderStrategy = 0 edgeScrolling        = true horzedgescrollrate   = 0.5 vertedgescrollrate   = 0.5 effectPriorityLevel  = 3 lastLoadedNeighborhood = Belladonna Cove freeWill             = true geomBoneInfluenceThreshold = 0.01 geomCheckGeomDataIntegrity = false geomGenerateTangentSpaceNormalLines = 0 geomGenerateTangentSpaceSxT = true geomGeneratedTangentSpaceNormalLineLength = 0.1 geomMaxBoneInfluencesPerVertex = 4 geomMaxMorphTargetDeltasPerVertex = 4 geomMorphTargetDeltaThreshold = 0.001 geomPerBoneBoundBlendWeightThreshold = 0.9 guob                 = true interrupt            = false lightOpenGLStyle     = false lightingQuality      = 3 livePIP              = false lotInfoAdvancedMode  = true lotWindowFillColor   = (0,0,0,1) maxParticlesTarget   = 10000 maxTerrainGrade      = 5 morph                = true neighborhoodWindowFillColor = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1) noStupidIFFUnlocking = false optimizeMeshes       = true particleDamping      = 0 particleDensity      = 1 particleLODOffset    = 0 particleScale        = 1 particleSizeThreshold = 1 quickTips            = true reduceBoneWeights    = false renderOpaqueUI       = false reflectionWithExtraViewer = true rotateCameraSims1Mode = false nhoodWaterReflection = true renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel = true showSnowOnGround     = true renderInsideVisibleObjects = 0 renderSelectedSimLevel = false sleepInBackground    = true simInBackground      = false simShadows           = true snapObjectsToGrid    = true soundDetail          = 2 specHighlights       = true unevenTilesFloorable = true useEffects           = true useLODs              = false snapshotPictureQuality = 3 snapshotPictureSize  = 3 usePixelAspectRatio  = true videoCaptureMaxRecordingSeconds = 1 videoCaptureQuality  = 1 videoCaptureSize     = 1 videoCaptureAudioOn  = false CameraDriftCamEnabled = true CameraSpecialEventEnabled = false ShowLotPackageFilename = true SoundMasterGroupVoxEnabled = true SoundMasterGroupFXEnabled = true SoundMasterGroupMusicEnabled = true SoundMasterGroupAmbienceEnabled = true FXVolume             = 100 VOXVolume            = 100 AmbienceVolume       = 100 MusicVolume          = 40 tvVolume             = 0.7 AudioPerformance     = 2 ShowTutorialWelcome  = true visitedNeighborhoods = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoCollege = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoDowntown = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP1 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP2 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP3 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP4 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP5 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP6 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP7 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP8 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP9 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP10 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP11 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP12 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP13 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP14 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP15 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP16 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP17 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP18 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP19 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP20 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP21 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP22 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP23 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP24 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP25 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP26 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP27 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP28 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP29 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP30 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP31 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e visitedNeighborhoodsNoNeighborhoodForEP32 = UNKNOWN TYPE 0xad9a861e NoLegacySounds       = true liveCameraConstraints = true edithConfigFlags     = 1 copiedShippedDataToUserDataFolder = 262143 enableLotImpostersInLot = true enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot = true lotSkirtSizeIncrease = 500 neighborhoodPropFadeDistance = 50 clickableLotImposters = true showXRayCursor       = true maxTotalSims         = 50 maxTotalHumans       = 35 maxTotalPets         = 15 pagodaSlopeControlX  = 1 pagodaSlopeControlY  = 1 pagodaCornerHeightRatio = 0.25 pagodaEaveX          = 1.5 pagodaEaveY          = 1.5 diagonalPagodaEaveX  = 1 diagonalPagodaEaveY  = 1 force12HrTime        = true enableOceanReflection = true includeCeilings      = false quarterTilePlacementEnabled = true activeDeviceDisplayMode = 1920x1080x32x0 activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer = false optionMaterialDetail = 3 optionObjectDetail   = 3 optionObjectHiding   = 0 optionSnowOnGround   = 1 optionShadows        = 3 optionOpaqueUI       = 0 optionReflection     = 1 optionCeiling        = 0 optionEffectsQuality = 3 optionLightingQuality = 3 optionSoundQuality   = 3 optionEnableLotImpostersInLot = 1 optionEnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot = 1 optionLotSkirtSizeIncrease = 1 activeDeviceNum      = 0 copiedUSToUKEnglishNames = false activeDeviceList     = 1;0;NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti;10de;1c82;2698;, GUID: D7B71E3E-5FC2-11CF-587D-5E130EC2D235; SoundOutputMode      = stereo carsOnRight          = true startingNeighborhood = Pleasantview perfAddLights        = true perfRenderParts      = true perfLightCaching     = true perfEnableSkinning   = true perfEnableMorphing   = true lodOverride          = 0 effectLODSoftChange  = true effectMaxTimeDelta   = 0 enableSnapshot       = true floorCollisions      = true wallCollisions       = true creatingLotTemplate  = false useRenderTextures    = false antialiasingSupport  = 3 dontMergeNHFlora     = false disableTexMemEstimateAdjustment = true enableDriverMemoryManager = true vs2LoopsFunctional   = false presentWorkaround    = false enumerateMultisampleLevels = true createNVidiaWorkaroundTexture = true deviceLocalVideoMemorySizeDefault = -80740352 configParserErrorCode = 0 hwMajorPSVersion     = 3 imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad = 0 objectShadows        = true heightMapShadows     = true lightingEnabled      = true portalLighting       = true floorAndWallNormalMapping = true useTurboRect         = false maxNumOfVisitingSims = 20 optimizedDiffusion   = true incrementalLighting  = true lerpLights           = true useDirtyTiles        = true animationFrameSampling = false livePIPDefault       = true chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled = true maxResWidth          = 1920 maxResHeight         = 1080 defaultResWidth      = 1920 defaultResHeight     = 1080 centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude = 30 optionDirtyRect      = 3 optionFullscreenFadeEffect = 1 optionTurbo          = 3 optionSimulatorControls = 3 optionLightingOptimizations = 3 optionAnimationSamplingLevel = 3 optionLivePIP        = 1 optionSpecialEventCamera = 1 optionScreenModeResolution = 3 optionSubjectTracking = 3 enablePostProcessing = false debugRenderRes       = 1 SeeThem              = 231 allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation = true testingCheatsEnabled = true ControlPets          = true ShowCatalogEPFlags   = true PetActionCancel      = true UseShaders           = true skipTangentsInVertexData = false gpuCompositing       = true customObjectsDisabled = false reparseShaders       = false usePS30              = true raiseLightSnowFF     = false simpleTerrain        = false flagSkinnedObjects   = false causticsEnabled      = true lmReserveBorderTiles = true cutawayForSelectedSim = true fenceSectorSize      = 2 useSnowForShadows    = false testLightingUpdates  = false debugDirtyTiles      = false allObjectLightsOn    = false integratedShadows    = false lightRadianceRangeCutoff = 0.05 animationCacheSize   = 6 animationPermanentCache = true animationPrediction  = true animationBackgroundLoad = true debugCinematics      = false displayMissingAnimations = false animationTimerIsMaster = true carsEnabled          = true carsCompact          = false lotTerrainCanvas     = true lotTerrainPaints     = true lotWater             = true lotTerrainLighting   = true displayLotImposters  = true displayNeighborhoodWater = true displayNeighborhoodFlora = true displayNeighborhoodRoads = true displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel = true displayNeighborhoodProps = true lightBoundsInflate   = 3 CameraNeighborhoodFlythroughEnabled = true ignoreImageDataSizeReductionOnLoad = false systemSpecifiedPreferredLOD = -1 neighborhoodEPJustInstalled = 0 dormSpecificToolsDisabled = false aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled = false aptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled = true
3 notes · View notes
apt85302 · 22 days
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valkariel · 2 years
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Head: Moonward Veil of Striking - soot black Body: YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Striking - default Hands: Eastern Lady Errant's Gloves - soot black Legs: Eastern Lady Errant's Skirt - jet black Feet: Scion Sorceress's High Boots - default
Earring: Augmented Radiant's Earrings of Slaying Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: Omicron of Ring of Slaying Left Ring: Omicron of Ring of Slaying
Main Hand: Moonward Bladed Tonfa - soot black Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: Copied City - Aether/Faerie Shirogane W3 Apt 54
Shader: Cake - Love Letter
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