#aquarius horoscope for today
tabileaks · 5 months
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reportwire · 2 years
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
October 18, 2022 A romantic getaway could be in the cards when Venus in your exploratory ninth house makes music with dynamic Mars in your amorous fifth today. You probably can’t take off at a moment’s notice on a Tuesday, but you and bae can start plotting your next dreamy trip. In the meantime, staying on the go closer to home will scratch that itch. Take a drive to admire the fall foliage…
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msmysticfail · 8 months
Sun in the houses: 1-6
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Sun in the 1st house:
People with a strong personality, they know what they want and generally do not need the help of others as they go after what they want alone. These are people who attract attention because this is an angular house, associated with Mars and Aries, both having a lot of power and magnetism. They do well when they take responsibility for their lives and their dreams, generally having great emotional and physical independence.
They are dedicated, but can quickly give up a project if it’s not strong enough for them. They need to feel in control of their own person in order to feel more confident in themselves.
Sun in the 2nd house:
They are ambitious people, material possession and financial stability are two important issues in their lives. They are generally calm people, who appreciate a constant routine where they can calmly achieve their ambitions. They know the value of things, which is why they like to be surrounded by quality things and people. Loyalty is very important to them, they are friends who will always be there when you need them.
They are people who express beauty, whether in the things they produce, in their own physical appearance, or in the way they treat others. They value what they have, because they know how hard they had to work to achieve it. They love winning and receiving gifts.
Unless other aspects indicate, they are people who have a tenacious and persistent personality. They know how to get what they want, through calm, patience and diplomacy they go out there achieving it.
Sun in the 3rd house:
They are people who need mental stimulation, they are always out there, reading books, talking to people, studying or simply binge-watching a tv show. They have an agile, eager personality, they always have a friendly and free manner, knowing how to conduct a conversation almost intuitively.
Because they understand things easily, they are always going from one project to another, sometimes without finishing them, however. People may mistake their friendly and receptive manner for a love interest, which is really a mistake. They are people who captivate others, as they feel genuine interest in the reality and world of the people around them.
They need to use their intellectual abilities to feel alive, which is why they love being at parties, group meetings or any other activity where they can exchange some type of stimulation with others.
Their intelligence is quick, they understand many subjects in a general way. It is very difficult to find this person bored, but when they enter this state they leave it soon, as they cannot bear the boredom for long.
Sun in the 4th house:
These are people who have a need for intimacy, they generally have a very rich family world, the environment in which they retreat is very important, being a mental and emotional shelter that they use to recharge themselves from the world.
They have a connection with their mother, their family, their children, their ancestry in general is very important, which is why they dedicate quality time to them. Their home is usually full of photos, objects of sentimental value that they love to look at from time to time.
They are reserved people, you certainly won't see them presenting themselves spontaneously, as they generally like to observe people from afar to, if they want, introduce themselves. When you meet them, however, they show their cute and affectionate side. They are lovely people, who usually have something that captivates the attention of those who know them personally.
At work they usually remember the names of most of the people who work with them, knowing about their families and their lives.
These are people who like, at the end of the day, to come home and retire to their living room or bedroom, enjoying the comforts of home, having a good bath or just watching their favorite series.
Sun in the 5th house:
These people attract attention, they are generally magnetic. You may not even know what caught your attention with the person with the Sun in the 5th, but one way or another you will remember them.
Something about their personality or appearance usually captivates people, meaning that they usually have a group of people admiring them. Whether it's the way they recount their romantic adventures, or the way they talk about how they overcame an enemy, these people have a sparkle in their eyes. They attract many people unconsciously, as they are usually just being themselves, not necessarily wanting to draw any attention.
They are creative people, they usually have a dramatic tone when expressing themselves. They are fun, everyone loves to have them present at parties, meetings or in gatherings in general. Because they have an intense vivacity, they are people who exude sexuality in some level, generally having many admirers wherever they go. Pay attention to their laugh, the way they smile, you won't be able to look away.
They have a strong personality, not accepting other people's opinions easily, preferring to always listen to their own heart. At work, they attract attention, however, they sometimes need to control their vivacity in this environment.
Sun in the 6th house:
These folks are great at analyzing people and situations, if you want real advice that will change your life, go to someone with the Sun in the 6th house. They generally have their life very organized, having everything under control. You will find them always with a notebook, or an online notebook writing down their obligations and goals for the day. They are great organizers, they know how to separate the wheat from the chaff and they always have free time, thanks to their well-thought-out routine. Despite this free time, they generally prefer to be doing something, whether it's doing something at home, like shopping, getting gas, cleaning the house, or solving something at work.
They have a very strong relationship with their work, their role in society, they need to be constantly proactive to feel good. They are great at what they do, attracting envy and admiration for their capabilities. They are not very fond of romance in general, preferring to invest the time they have in themselves.
These are people who have a balanced routine, full of tasks, which they love to do. However, their health may suffer from periods of work overload, despite being fully capable of handling it, as they hate not being able to complete something, but they must take a time off, otherwise their health will suffer.
They need to always be working on their mind and body to feel good and at peace.
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ajje-111 · 4 months
Zodiac Sign Mood Board for June
Happy Summer everyone! Be safe this season and I wish everyone to be well on their journey, xx
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rinabirgul · 7 months
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jorgiedelaigle · 10 months
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cookiefate · 11 days
Cookiefate for September 12th:
"Any idea seriously entertained tends to bring about the realization of itself."
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It's a good time to reach out to your most toxic yet most passionate ex. They've changed, we promise.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 11 months
Astrological Transits: December 2023 - January 2024
Mercury in Sagittarius (Current): Your mind is set ablaze with expansive thoughts and a thirst for knowledge. Embrace this period for broadening your intellectual horizons. (Ends December 1, 2023)
Venus in Libra (Current): Relationships take center stage, and harmony is your guiding star. Focus on diplomatic approaches and aesthetic pursuits. (Ends December 4, 2023)
Mars in Scorpio (Current): Intensity defines your actions. Dive deep into your passions and harness the transformative power of focused determination. (Ends November 24, 2023)
Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus (Until December 30, 2023): Reflect on your personal growth and values. Jupiter turning direct signals a time for implementing lessons learned.
Saturn in Pisces (Current): Practicality meets dreaminess. Ground your aspirations with a realistic approach. Prepare for a shift as Saturn goes retrograde in June 2024.
Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Until January 27, 2024): Expect unexpected twists in matters of stability. Embrace change and innovation, especially when it comes to your material world.
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (Until December 6, 2023): Delve into your dreams and spiritual pursuits. As Neptune turns direct, seek inspiration from the ethereal.
Pluto in Capricorn (Current): Transformation beckons in structures of power. Embrace evolution, and anticipate a shift as Pluto enters Aquarius. (Ends January 20, 2024)
Chiron Retrograde in Aries (Until December 27, 2023): Healing may require introspection. As Chiron goes direct, use newfound wisdom to mend wounds and forge ahead.
Navigate the cosmic currents wisely, and may the stars illuminate your path! ✨🌌
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
Venus opposite Pluto Rx EXPLAINED
     As you move away from last Friday’s fertile and nurturing new moon, this week’s astrology cranks up the temps and the passion. What to expect? Oh, just a value shift, a potential power struggle, a few excitable conversations about the future, annnd a first quarter moon. The highlight of the week—as in, the transit everyone will be talking about—is Venus in Leo. The planet of love, money, and art struts into the fierce, attention-grabbing, hot and heady fire sign, beckoning YOU to be bolder in your self-expression and more demanding with your desires. But first, the actual astrology:
July 8 – Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (9°43)
July 8 – Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (26°2)
July 9 – Mercury trine North Node in Aries (10°49)
July 10 – Lilith in Libra trines retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (at 1°11!)
July 11 – Sun trines Retrograde Saturn in Pisces (19°19)
July 11 – Venus trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces (29°55)
July 11 – Venus enters Leo 
July 12 – Venus opposes retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (1°8)
July 12 – Jupiter in Gemini sextiles North Node in Aries (10°36)
July 14 – First Quarter Moon in Libra (22°)
     You may have noticed I’ve included the degrees in which these transits take place. That’s because, rather stupidly, I haven’t done much of this before (mostly because as soon as I see too many numbers, my dyslexic brain blacks out). This is stupid because it doesn’t allow YOU to determine whether or not any, some, or all of this week’s astrology impacts planets in your chart. (Of course, if you’d rather me do this for you, check out my 2024 Birth Chart Reading to get in-depth insights into how this week (and all other weeks this year) are affecting YOU.) Anyway!
Get the FULL SCOOP on this week's astrology, including and ESPECIALLY the Venus-Pluto opposition, in this FREE weekly forecast--it's also a podcast episode!
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scorp-seeress · 8 months
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esshetic · 7 months
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Welcome to the end and beginning. March is my Birthday month and always feels rushed. The end of winter feels bitter sweet and Spring starts budding a bit too soon.
I find this month really special. Whilst it's business as usual in the 3D physical realm, it's the end and beginning, death and rebirth happening simultaneously, and it feels like normal even though it's extraordinary.
I believe we are experiencing social turbulence as we fly the plane collectively. There is a sense of collective strength that those of us who have felt powerless and ruled over find some sense of power in ourselves. This is the rumbling of Pluto in Aquarius, a celestial foot soldier for we the people. So if we are indeed the people, then we certainly do have the power.
Pisces season feels like a lavender field: sweet, bright, and calm. It does carry us through the end of the zodiac cycle to the final crescendo of the orchestra.
New mindset, new understanding of POWER opens the door to Aries season. Feel that sense of courage and boldness, a real and permanent mindset shift. Live your days with confidence, the same confidence you have to know the sun will rise every morning.
Images to describe how each sign is doing this month!
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Three's a crowd, but for you Pisces it's a party! You have all the planets hanging out in your sign for the majority of March. You will be feeling clarity, creative, and even romantic for the majority of your Birthday Month.
Hey Aries, you enter your season towards the end of the month, as you know alongside the spring equinox. You have been in a long slumber and hibernation period, and for the most part, the month is uneventful until a love alarm wakes you up and then you get going.
Family reunion time for Taurus in March. I see a sense of going home, to your hometown, or to visit your old neighbourhood. You are a city dweller now, and as you walk around your old childhood haunts where you made memories and were true markers of your young adulthood, things don’t feel so scary anymore. The memories don’t feel so haunting. You can now have a different relationship with your past, your community, your OG tribe.
This month you are feeling dissatisfied with your career achievement or progress Gemini. You are disgusted as what you have achieved do not align with your values. So you almost don’t want to associate with your achievements. Are you being too hard on yourself? I know it may not be what you envision your morals and values will look like, but what can you work with, what is here to celebrate and enjoy about where you are at now.
Cancer, you are feeling nostalgic this month, looking through old Facebook photos or your old videos. Life feels like a vignette montage of all the highlight and love-filled moments. Is it someone special to you birthday this month? You are feeling very appreciative of your loved ones this month.
Leo, your 8 house is lit up for most of March. It's not about what is coming to the surface; it's about you diving deeper, to the deeper darkest depth, and shining a light into it where it has not been before. This is your psyche, parts of yourself that you have not explored. This may show up through experiences in your life with those around you, situations accusing, giving you the opportunity to scratch another layer of yourself.
Your day-to-day work and life take centre stage of focus for you, Virgo. But when does it not? Hey, but in this world where you would normally be the one, the glue, the person doing it all, this time it's for you to ask for help and lean on and rely on others.
Libra Health, downtime, sleep, rest, fatigue, if you don’t need to go anywhere, stay at home in your bed in PJs. March will feel like a reset in regards to your health and wellness. Perhaps you want to try out a new diet or realize that you have not been treating yourself and your body well and you want to start seeing your body as a temple that also needs to be nurtured from the inside out.
Scorpio, this month feels blessed for you. Your chart ruler is coming alive, and you may feel a renewed sense of energy to keep on pushing. Fun and play may be becoming you, but you want to ignore those distractions and focus on the work. You have the endurance to go steady and continue till the end of the project and then set your sights on something bigger.
Sagittarius, March for you will feel like boredom, but with that, breath it in. The boredom is here to stay for a while for you, the routine, the monotony, but you need it. You are used to moving at your own speed, chasing the high and excitement, trying to connect back to that feeling. What is that feeling? Of being Alive, so what is boredom but aliveness in the moment without stimuli.
Capricorn, March is about new starts for you and tying up loose ends with your work life. I am also seeing a renewed interest in a creative project spike up again for you, or a new angle in which you can approach your work, your life, and your community. Some news through social media comes your way.
We have just left your Bday month, Aqua, and for you, it was a really great time. We are seeing the triumphant return of the old you, in some way. Hold onto this for a while, don't go back to the past allow doors to close and accept your new beginning is permanent.
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astrorakesh1726 · 7 months
If the 7th cuspal sublord signifies 5, 7, and 10, what will be the locality of the spouse and will it be a love marriage?
In Vedic astrology, the 7th house represents marriage, spouse, and partnerships, while the sublord of the 7th cusp signifies the specific characteristics related to marriage, including the nature of the spouse and the potential for a love marriage.
If the 7th cuspal sublord signifies the 5th, 7th, and 10th houses, it indicates the following:
Signification of 5th House: The 5th house represents romance, love affairs, creativity, and children. When the 7th cuspal sublord signifies the 5th house, it suggests a potential for romantic inclinations and love affairs in the marriage.
Signification of 7th House: The 7th house signifies marriage and partnerships. When the 7th cuspal sublord signifies the 7th house, it indicates a strong connection to marriage and a focus on partnership in the spouse's characteristics.
Signification of 10th House: The 10th house represents career, social status, and public image. When the 7th cuspal sublord signifies the 10th house, it suggests that the spouse may have a strong focus on their career, social standing, or public reputation.
Note : use kundli chakra professional software.
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dumbsunwhore · 7 months
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theseeingsage · 7 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ pisces season *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
taurus leo scorpio aquarius • s m r v
゚✧ fulfillment in the family & home. you will be experiencing emotional security in love. marriage.
゚✧ dealing with repressed emotions & anger. something wounded you & has caused you rage.
゚✧ standing your ground & sticking to your principles in a situation. remaining persistent & defending beliefs.
゚✧ miscommunication leading to unnecessary conflicts. or feeling like it’s you two against the world.
゚✧ someone rushing in very quick. this could be a male fire sign. someone is ambitious & eager.
゚✧ finally moving on from the past & looking forward to new things. offering forgiveness to those who hurt you.
゚✧ someone wanting to protect & provide for you. a mature, male earth sign. or feeling more financially stable.
゚✧ an ex lover reappears. or you are reflecting on old memories & feeling nostalgic of past lovers.
゚✧ a wedding occurs. or someone wanting to marry another. this is the one & the union is forever.
゚✧ divine timing is at play. you may have reached a stalemate in a connection. waiting on perfect timing.
゚✧ dealing with heartbreak & betrayal. overcoming grief & disappointment. releasing the hurt.
゚✧ someone is at a crossroads about multiple options. reaching a turning point after being indecisive.
゚✧ someone is wearing a mask & has a hidden motive. lying & trying to conceal their true feelings.
゚✧ going through a spiritual awakening & rebirth. having an epiphany about a toxic relationship. misunderstandings.
゚✧ reaching the end of a cycle & transitioning into a new chapter in life. allowing the past to strengthen you.
゚✧ building or relying on your inner strength. realizing that you are capable of persevering/moving on.
゚✧ making a wise decision & relying on rationale rather than emotions. this leads to victory of sorts. winning court case.
゚✧ experiencing more sensitivity yet it’s a good thing. connecting more with others emotionally.
゚✧ prioritizing rest & relaxation. allowing yourself to be carried & cradled by the divine. unburdening yourself.
゚✧ focusing on chakra healing & balancing. booking a healing session with your fav practitioner. *wink wink*
゚✧ facing & acknowledging your shadow. this leads to healing & allows you to release the shame of the past.
please only take what resonates & leave the rest for someone else. if you’d like further insight on these messages, book a session today ♡︎ https://theseeingsage.as.me/
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bisexualglutenslut · 2 years
Your kinks is your lilith rather than your mars.
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letstalkbeautyuk · 8 months
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🎈 Badges for anyone that is celebrating a birthday in February 🎉
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