#arena sure is a mode!
bloodonmysqueegee · 11 months
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Hshdhjs. Fuckinmg.,.,. Arena Oc,..,.,
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nevadasgreatest · 2 years
Here's some rough matchups, I definitely need to move some things around. As of right now Sheriff, Rich, and Gestalt are left out. Anyone have any clue how to fix this? Do these seem fair?
Hank J. Wimbleton VS 2BDamned
Sanford VS Deimos
Jebediah Christoff VS Tricky the Clown
The Auditor VS Director Phobos
The Maker VS The Machine
Church VS Jorge
Torture VS Scrapeface
Dr. Hofnarr VS Dr. Crackpot
Garrett Goyle VS Dr. Skinner
Chopper Dave VS Victor
Quartermaster Bert VS Bossman
Hotdog Vendor VS Boombox Guy
Romp VS The Sun
The Gambler VS MPN Player
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vaugarde · 2 years
tbh i think they created EX mode just to use two of the 2nd phase magolor designs. because like magolor soul is like so much better than the other one
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tiredandlonelymuse · 1 year
Hello. Hi. I know you want new music.
I want you to know that I am hard at work. There were some restrictions I was under, for a lot longer than it seemed, but they are no longer in the way. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks.
I’m always writing aimlessly and lawlessly as you know. But “album mode” is a whole other arena and the games are just beginning. I am working on some of my favorite stuff I’ve ever conjured. Wild to think that it hasn’t even been 2 years since IICHLIWP! I know it feels like so much longer. It does to me too. But there were 2 years and 7 months between HFK and Manic and honestly I think it was worth it. The time I took. And the growth that got me from that album to the next.
Thank you for having the patience and the faith.
It will pay off in the long run.
This feels like my debut all over again, in some ways.
Your love and support have carried me through a time where I thought maybe I only had a few albums left in me, but I know now that there are so many more than I could have ever dreamed.
Anyways, I love you.
Down the rabbit hole I go 🕳️
See you soon.
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damiansgoodgirll · 12 days
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decided to put this four requests together as they were kinda similar and i had an interesting idea! hope you don’t mind!
damian priest x reader / rhea ripley x reader (platonic) / the judgment day x reader (platonic) / jey uso x sister reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
‼️ brief mention of panic attack, typical wwe violence, angsty and some feels
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i’ll look after you
you were currently stressing backstage because your brother had an important match later that night and he wanted you there to support him. it was probably the only monday off of raw that you had and yet, your older brother insisted that you were there for him.
but now you were completely paralysed in front of the small tv screen in your locker room as you saw your best friend rhea and your crush damian priest getting destroyed by the new judgment day.
it was okay until the five of them attacked rhea’s injured leg and damian tried to shield her with his bigger body.
“oh my…” your brain went in autopilot mode. you had to do something. you ran out of the room, ignoring your brother’s calls and sprinted towards the arena.
everyone cheered when they saw you, making the judgment day stop their actions. even if you wanted, you knew that you wouldn’t have been able to stop them. it was you against all of them. that’s when liv got out of the ring and faced you. you had a dark smirk on your face that made liv shiver and before dom or anyone else could do something to stop you, you grabbed her hair a shoved her against the metallic stairs, making her yelp in pain.
dom saw that and while finn and the rest of the team continued their beating on damian, liv was crying on the ground, making dom shove you to the side so he could help her out.
jey saw everything from his changing room. and when he saw dom putting his hands on you, he couldn’t stay there and watch, he knew he had to do something. so he grabbed the first chair he could find and he run towards the ring, making everyone stop their actions on damian.
when the group left, smirking as if they won, you joined your brother inside the ring. you saw him holding rhea’s hand, comforting her and whispering soft words as she was in very much pain. your attention went to damian, who was clearly in pain too.
“hey…” you knelt down next to him “you’re okay…i promise you” you took his face into your hands and gently caressed his cheeks “i’m here…we’re gonna help you…”
“y/n…” damian’s broken voice called you “you shouldn’t have put your health at risk for us”
“i wanted to…” damian looked into your eyes as you said those words, seeing how genuine you were being.
“you’re crazy hermosa…” he whispered, making you chuckle a little. with his face still in your hands, damian took that as an opportunity and gently kissed your hands “thank you…this mean so much to me”
“you don’t have to thank me…” you smiled “we are gonna help you…”
and so, while jey was helping rhea, you were trying to keep damian on his feet, aiding him towards the backstage. his hand on your hip made you shiver but that was no time nor place to think about the effect that damian had on you.
you both let them sat while medical staff checked on them.
“what took you so long!” you whispered to your brother, slightly punching him in the stomach.
“woah! calm down sis! i don’t know…i wasn’t thinking when everything happened” he whispered back.
“your girl is getting beaten by five people and you weren’t thinking?”
“she’s not my girl…” he pouted, making you smile.
“yeah sure…” you smirked.
a couple of minutes later, medical staff told you that there were two ambulances waiting for them outside and that you could go with them if you wanted to.
jey wanted to but he had a match later that night so he told that he would have gone after the show, implying that you were free and would have gone with rhea and damian.
you nodded at the medical staff and they let you in the ambulance with damian. rhea was half unconscious and in much more distress that you didn’t want to bother her, knowing that doctors needed to work on her during the ride at the hospital. damian was sat on the stretcher, still in pain but not as bad as rhea was, even if he took more hits than her this time.
you sat next to him as nurses were working on him.
“we have to cut your shirt off sir” one of the nurses told damian. he simply nodded, letting them doing their jobs.
you tried to look away as damian was sitting half naked next to you. he saw how much you blushed and if it wasn’t for the extreme pain he was in, he would have definitely teased you.
he slightly jumped when one of the nurses touched his red and bruised shoulder “we should help you laying down” she said, making the stretcher more comfortable for damian.
as he laid down, he softly took his hand out, sign that he wanted you to hold him. with a soft look in your eyes, you delicately held his hand, whispering soft words to him.
“you’re okay damian…i’m gonna be here all week if needed to” you said chuckling a little “i’m here for you, always”
“thank you…this means so much for me” he whispered back.
once you arrived at the hospital, both ambulances took rhea and damian in emergency care, leaving you behind. the doctors who took care of them told you that you hat to wait outside for further news but your anxiety wasn’t helping. between not knowing how your brother was doing on his match and having your best friend and biggest crush both under observation, all this stress was taking a big toll on you.
you paced around the waiting room for what it felt like hours. people looking at you, some of them understood your position, others were just giving you weird looks.
you needed to have news about damian and rhea as soon as possible or you were going crazy.
a kind nurse offered you a cup of tea and she helped you sat down in one of the empty chairs in the room. she gave you an understanding nod before going back into emergency.
maybe she was right, you needed to calm yourself. but opening twitter wasn’t helping as all you were seeing on your feed were pictures of rhea and jey as they were holding hands and pictures of you and damian sharing sweet and loving looks.
reading the comments, you agreed with the people who said that rhea and jey were a cute couple. but it felt weird to you that people liked you and damian together too. you knew how his fans were protective of him, especially the girlies who never liked seeing him with friends. you were taken aback from those nice comments towards you.
the tea the nurse gave you helped you relax a little as you close your phone and let your eyes rest for a little. unconsciously you fell asleep, too tired of the events of the night.
a comforting hand gently woke you up, touching your shoulder “hey wake up sis…” your big brother jey softly whispered at you as he was sat next to you.
you yawned a little, opening your eyes “jey…”
“you tired?” he asked and you nodded.
“what time is it? it gotta be pretty late if you are already here..”
jey nodded at you “yeah, i finished the match and went straight here”
the match - you thought. the only reason you were at the arena on your monday off “how did it go? i’m so sorry i fell asleep, i wanted to watch it”
“i won” he said with the biggest grin on his face, almost making you jump in your seat.
“no way! i’m so proud of you! you deserve this! now go get your championship!” you whispered try not to scream as it was pretty late and there were other people around you. your little moment of happiness made him smile.
“ma’am?” one of the doctors that had rhea and damian under observation called you, making you and your brother turn your heads “both miss ripley and mister priest are okay” those words brought you and jey a sigh of relief “they are under medication at the moment but you are both free to see them if you want” you nodded and let the doctor show you rhea and damian’s rooms.
you softly opened his hospital room and you saw him sleeping so you didn’t want to wake him up. you tried to be as more silent as possible as you closed the door and took the seat next to his bed.
about ten minutes later damian tiredly opened his eyes, meeting yours “y/n…”
“hey…” you smiled at him “go back to sleep, the doctor said that you need to rest”
“i wanted to thank you” his raspy voice said “for everything you did today, for me and rhea…”
“shhh…you don’t need to do this and you don’t need to do this now” you moved closer to his bed so now you could grab his hands into yours. he looked at you with such tenderness in his eyes that you felt emotional for a second.
“but it’s true…” his voice raspy but soft.
“damian…go back to sleep”
“i will” he laughed “i’m so tired…remind me to thank your bother too”
“he’s with rhea now” you smiled.
“yeah…they would look good together” he had this tired look on his face that made him look even hotter than he was.
“yeah” you agreed with him.
“i feel like we would look good together too” he said, closing his eyes and smiling at you.
you were taken aback from his words, knowing that it probably was the medication speaking but before you could doubt yourself he spoke again “i’m serious y/n…the way you’re always so kind and supportive with me and rhea…the way you came to me first tonight in the ring…thank you”
you unconsciously smiled at his words “we should talk about this once you’re fully conscious”
“oh we will” he chuckled keeping his eyes closed “i think i love you y/n”
you were lucky he had his eyes closed otherwise he would have bursted out laughing at your speechless face.
“i’m serious…” he yawned “the conversation isn’t over”
“okay…” you whispered kissing his hands again “i’ll be here when you wake up, i’ll look after you damian…”
you kept your promise and waited till he was fully recovered. jey checked on him too and he had the biggest smile on his face when you told him about what damian confessed. he was definitely rooting for you two.
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Clarisse La Rue x Blind!Fem!Reader hc's
A/N:Requested by one of my friends and I absolutely LOVE the idea. If anyone made this before,credits to them.But anyways-let's start 💞
I feel like Clarisse would be all protective, guiding you through camp with this intense but sweet determination. "Watch out, coming through!" she'd say,and deff push others out of the way.
AHAHSHDH, she deff calls you 'angel','pretty girl' or some other cheesy name.
Clarisse, being a daughter of Ares, LOVES sparring and training, so she'd be so patient, helping you hone your combat skills. "Come on,pretty girl, show me what you got!" But she'd obviously still let you win because she doesn't want you to feel inferior.
Okay so I feel like she would surprise you with little tactile gifts,like a leather bracelet with engraved coordinates of memorable places in camp. "Feel it, angel,that's where we first met."
When someone underestimates you,Clarisse gets all protective and fierce. "You seriously think she can't handle herself?Just watch."
JSKDJD, imagine Clarisse guiding you through a crowd,subtly intimidating anyone who comes too close."Back off!She's with me."
She's not the most vocal about feelings, but she shows her love through actions, like always making sure you have a comfortable seat at the campfire. "Here, angel, sit next to me."
I feel like she would teach you the camp layout, describing everything vividly so you can navigate confidently-and easily. "Remember, pretty girl,the Armory is to your left, and the Arena is just ahead."
Clarisse LOVES when you ask questions about the camp scenery. "What does the sunset look like?" she'd describe it in vivid detail, making you feel the moment.
She's not one for cheesy romance, but I feel like Clarisse secretly enjoys stargazing with you, describing constellations in her own tough-girl way. "That's the Ares constellation, obviously."
Honestly she probably would surprise you with practical gifts too, like a custom-made dagger with a grip designed for your comfort. "Thought you might need your own weapon,pretty girl."
Clarisse would be fiercely loyal,always making sure you feel included in camp activities. "We're doing Capture the Flag tonight,angel.You're on my team."
I feel like she would have a soft spot for animals, especially guide dogs. "Even the hellhounds know better than to mess with angel's dog."
Clarisse might not say "I love you" outright, but she shows it in the little things, like brushing her girlfriend's hair gently. "You know,pretty girl, you've got the softest hair."
I feel like she would constantly reassure you that you're just as strong and capable as anyone else "Blindness ain't a setback,it's just a different way of navigating through the world."
I know Clarisse would be fiercely protective. No monster would dare mess with you, or they'd have to deal with the wrath of a daughter of Ares.
And during capture the flag,she'd go full on rage mode protecting you.That girl would go one woman army on the other campers.
A/N:That's all! Also good morning because I just woke up 🫶
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
we all know willy is cool, laidback, nothing could ever bother him? could we get him with a reader that is the polar opposite? like someone who is anxious all the time, nervous and is pessimistic? and then their whole relationship could just be willy teasing them and purposefully stressing out the reader? and then the news of him possibly having severe migraines where reader goes into full nurse mode and treats willy as a baby and now he has to be serious and try to calm them down
Oh, I really enjoyed this idea, babe! 🤗 Truth be told, this would be so me - at least the nervous and anxious part 🙈 Willy's definitely way too chill and relaxed for his own good, so, of course, we need her to take good care of our man 🤍✨
Please, I hope you enjoy this - probably overly fluffy fic 💕
Tropes & warnings; no warnings - it's just fluff; anxious!girlfriend, cheeky!willy, William Nylander x reader;
Word count; 2.2K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny@justwanderingbutneverlost @cixrosie
You complete me I William Nylander
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“William Andrew Michael Junior Nylander Altelius! You really need to get ready - now!” you shouted through the condo, trying to prompt your boyfriend to hurry up and prepare for tonight’s match.
It was a typical situation. You had set the alarm so you both had plenty of time to get ready. You had even set several additional alarms to ensure William would be ready to leave before he was needed at the arena to gear up, while you had your own alarm for when you needed to leave to meet up with the other hockey girlfriends before the match.
“Willy! You’re going to get stuck in traffic if you don’t hurry up!”
“Take it easy, babe,” William chuckled as he joined you in the kitchen, almost dressed in his pregame suit, buttoning up his shirt and placing a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll just take the metro.”
“The metro?” you questioned, picking up his tie from the counter.
“Yes, you know, that form of transportation that sort of looks like a train and takes you from one station to another,” he explained mockingly with a laugh.
You rolled your eyes as you wrapped the silk fabric around his neck to tie the knot. “But… what if you get recognised? What if fans come up to you and want autographs?”
William chuckled again. “Then I’ll give them an autograph,” he said simply. “But they usually don’t - I mean, most of them just respect it when I have my headphones in.”
“But Willy…” you began but trailed off. You weren’t really sure what you were so worried about. William was a grown man and had taken public transport countless times, yet as always, you were mentally preparing for the worst. “What if the train breaks down or something? What if you’re late because someone won’t leave you alone?” You tightened the knot around his neck as you finished tying the tie.
But once again, William simply laughed as his hands grasped your arms. “Baby, nothing’s going to happen. I’ll be on time – in fact, there’s a better chance of that than if I get stuck in traffic trying to get to Downtown,” he explained with a smile. “You don’t always have to worry.”
You nodded lightly, well aware that he was right. “I’m sorry, I suppose I just always want to make sure everything’s alright with you,” you looked up at him with a hint of concern in your eyes.
“And I love you for that, more than you know,” he said, stroking his thumb over your lower lip before gently placing a kiss on it.
And as if his touch had a magical effect, you simply melted into it, slowly deepening the kiss a little. Your mouths moved in sync, your fingers toying with his tie as his hands moved to your hips and gently pressed your body against his.
It was a moment of pure joy as you and William stayed connected, savouring the love and passion between you. However, as you felt William’s tongue press against your lips, asking for permission to enter, you knew what he was trying to do. So, you swiftly pulled away, catching your breath.
“Willy - you really need to go now.”
Your tone was sharp, almost commanding. Yet William still grinned, holding his hands firmly on your hips.
“Hmm, then we’d better finish this when I get back home.”
His words were nothing but flirtatious and cheeky. And you couldn’t help but feel a tingle of anticipation in your lady parts for what the two of you might be doing later. But for now, he really needed to get going.
So, pushing him off with an eye roll and a smirk, you bid your farewells. And as William exited your home, gently adjusting himself in his trousers, he sent you air kisses and a flirty wink.
To an outsider, the two of you getting together and starting to date might not have seemed ideal - at least not at first.
You and William Nylander were simply polar opposites in many ways.
You were a planner - a woman who thrived on structure, always preparing for any situation that might arise. You were a realist - though some might say more of a pessimist - always worried, nervous, and anxious. You didn’t like surprises and definitely disliked not having control over a situation.
And this was something William was keen to challenge when he first met you.
Your smile had immediately captivated him, which was a rare sight given that you were at a birthday party for someone you didn’t really know. Yet your best friend had pushed you out of your comfort zone and introduced you to her new group of friends - the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey players.
You were definitely out of your depth, but William sought you out during the evening, and the two of you effortlessly fell into a deep conversation. It was the first time someone had made you feel so relaxed so easily. And all he did was talk.
And when he realised how nervous you were about uncertain situations, William naturally invited you out for ice skating on your first date. Not that you were completely incompetent on skates, but truth be told, you hadn’t really practised since you were ten years old and broke your wrist in a fall.
But William was determined to teach you, to push the boundaries of your comfort zone. And as it turned out, you had never been happier or laughed as much as when you were with him. Though you nearly fell several times, he just grabbed you and laughed along.
William was the best guy for you in so many ways. He always managed to lift your spirits, see the brighter side, and encourage you not to worry too much. And most annoyingly, he often succeeded.
Meanwhile, you had your own ways of completing him, even if you weren’t entirely aware of it. The point was that William felt you kept him grounded. Though he was naturally relaxed and composed, always knowing what to say, you made him feel secure. Your habit of preparing for everything before a match or an event, knowing the schedules, activities, and attendees, made William feel like he never had to worry. You ensured his bags were packed before a trip and that the fridge was stocked with snacks and food for when he returned.
In short, he didn’t have to be bothered about anything, and you were the reason for that. You were the reason he always seemed so composed and relaxed in public - the reason he could easily smile and laugh, knowing you always had his back. And not just with the practical stuff, but emotionally as well.
Sure, you were often the one to worry, but you were also known for being rather truthful. So, when you told him you were sure he’d do amazingly in a game, knowing how hard he’d worked, he always believed you.
But of course, your relationship wasn’t perfect. No relationship was. Your differences were often the cause of most of your discussions, yet you both quickly realised that your fights never cut deeply. Most of the time, it was simply you stressing about a given situation and William’s lack of worry.
And in those situations, William had a talent for pushing all your buttons. On purpose, of course.
When the two of you had arranged a dinner with some friends and players along with their partners, you naturally stressed out about organising everything, cooking the food, and setting the table. And William, with a giant grin plastered on his handsome face, found his best ways to play with fire.
Chuckling while you were running around like a headless chicken, he’d lean against the counter and casually say something like, “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Järnkrok might come over a little earlier.”
Your eyes would widen. “What?” you’d exclaim. “But I haven’t even cleaned yet… and you’re not dressed!”
Then William would just chuckle. “It’s just Järnkrok. He’s seen me naked hundreds of times – And I think he doesn’t care that I’m in sweats. Besides, he doesn’t care about how clean our place is.”
William knew it got on your nerves, yet he couldn’t help but laugh at how quickly you could dash from one room to another.
It was indeed quite comical, and once the evening was underway, you soon forgot all about the worry and stress. The dinner unfolded just as it should, with good company and good food. And William, of course, made a point of remarking how he had been right all along that there was no need to worry. So, you simply shook your head, rolled your eyes, and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.
But then, one day, the dynamics seemed to shift.
William had been experiencing severe headaches lately, and despite his attempts to hide it, you could see the pain he was masking. It hurt you deeply to witness him this way.
Your boyfriend wasn’t his usual self; his usual cheekiness and cheerful spirit had faded away. His confidence and composed nature seemed almost lost, and you felt powerless to help him.
Naturally, you tried researching online, reading about the best remedies for migraines, but it didn’t seem to bring you any closer to a solution. You spoke to the team's healthcare staff, who advised that William needed rest and recovery due to the stress he had been under.
So, when he returned home from training, you took charge. You found your nurse - not in a sexy way - and ensured he had everything he needed at all times.
You checked on him whenever he was awake and asleep, made sure he ate something, and most importantly, stayed hydrated.
Despite your efforts to stay calm and composed, to be the strong one for both of you, William quickly sensed your inner turmoil. He was accustomed to seeing you stressed about various situations, but this was different. For once, he realised he needed to be the one to remain serious and reassure you that everything would be alright.
This time, William couldn't afford to play around and tease you as he watched you on the brink of panic whenever you heard he still wasn’t fully recovered.
Certainly, there were questions like, “What about his career?” – “How does his health affect his physique?” – “Will he be able to return to the ice, and will it affect the rest of the season?”
But those were William's concerns, not yours. Your worries revolved around how William was feeling – Was he upset with you? Were you being too intrusive, and did he want you to give him space? Was he improving? Had he eaten enough and slept well?
In essence, you were completely dedicated to his care, and William could see the concern in your eyes every time you looked at him; all you wanted was to take away his suffering. He knew that. And he kept reminding you just how much he appreciated having you by his side.
And as you lay together in bed, simply trying to relax, William couldn’t help but smile, as he placed your hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat and the warmth radiating from his body.
“Thank you for being so good to me,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, as your eyes met in a tender gaze.
You couldn’t help but smile back. “Of course, Willy. I love you, and… I just want you to feel better soon. So, you can get back to playing hockey, doing what you love.”
But William shook his head gently. “Being here with you is what I love.”
Your heart swelled, touched by his words in a way only William could manage. As you lay there, looking into his beautiful blue eyes, you felt your emotions welling up.
“Willy, I’ll always be here for you,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady, but your feelings were evident, only making William smile even more.
“I know – but I still want to tell you how much I love you for it. It’s not easy, and… I know how you always worry, so I just want to reassure you that I’m alright – because I have you.”
William had always been smooth with words, but this time, you felt his sincerity straight from the depths of his heart. His voice carried no hint of teasing or jesting; it was pure and genuine.
Taken aback by his words, you offered him a soft smile in return. “Of course, Willy. I know I tend to worry a bit too much, but… it’s because I care.”
“I know that – and it’s one of the many reasons I love you so much,” he sighed softly. “I might not always show it, but I do care – especially about you. The way you always strive to make everything wonderful and perfect, even when you think it isn’t, amazes me. You’re incredible, and I’m not entirely sure what I’ve done to deserve you… You just… complete me.”
You gasped slightly, his heartfelt words catching you off guard. Never had you heard William speak so openly and lovingly. His words were filled with genuine care, and you knew deep down that he was right. Despite your differences, you truly did complement each other perfectly.
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 12
Lena's entire body seems to buzz as they hover in the wings offstage, waiting for the cue to proceed. She bounces on the balls of her feet, fingers twisting together with uncharacteristic nerves, completely unlike the staid presence she'd run into under the National City arena.
"You okay?" she asks hesitantly.
"I've never shared new music live before," Lena confesses. "What if they hate it?"
"Nah," Kara dismisses. She smiles. "They'll love it, cuz its you."
If nothing else, the novelty-- the privilege-- of witnessing a live performance of a never-before-heard song would ease any negativity the song itself might earn down the line. Even Kara herself hasn't had a chance to hear it.
The nearest stagehand motions one minute to go. Finally, Lena stills, taking a moment to breathe deep.
"You've got this," Kara promises, before stepping away.
The lights dim, then go out entirely as the pre-show music quiets. In its place lifts a deafening roar from the crowd. Its so dark Kara doesn't see Lena move into position. One minute she's there, and the next an overhead spotlight snaps on to illuminate Lena centerstage, arm stretched high.
She waits for the din to just start to fall away, and then she's off without a single shred of her anxiety from just moments before. Her movements are strong and confident as she strides across the stage, playing to the crowd in just the right way to get them pumped and engaged for the next two hours.
Her first song is the same from the National City show, as is the second, and third. Kara doubts anything has changed, no doubt so rehearsed Lena could do it all in her sleep, singing included. But watching it again feels an all new experience.
It steals her breath away, and she only comes back to herself when Lena slows, reaching for a mic stand. This is it.
"I know you guys came here prepared to sing along with every word," Lena begins, even her speaking voice rich like velvet. "Which I'm sure you can sing better than I can at this point."
She earns a raucous burst of laughter, and prompts a giggle from Lena.
"But I'm afraid this next one is going to be all me... cuz I've a little something new for you tonight."
Kara thinks she might have lost her hearing, ears ringing in the answering explosion of cheers. Lena patiently waits for the opening to continue, grinning all the way.
"It's pretty self-explanatory once you hear it, but here's the thing: you know that ex who keeps reaching out? Believe it or not, I have one."
Another round of laughter, and a little bit of hollering.
"I thought I blocked him on everything, but I must have missed something, because guess what I got?" Lena pauses for comedic effect. "A cashapp payment for three dollars and thirty three cents."
Laughter fills the arena, and Lena joins with a delighted giggle. "The note of course asked me to call him, but... I don't know. What do you think?"
Cries of No! and Don't do it! echoed from various areas of the audience, and Lena nods.
"I think we're on the same page then. Three dollars and thirty three cents doesn't earn you a phone call..." Lena leans in close to the microphone. "But it might just earn you a song."
The audience laps it up, eliciting even more whooping cheers. Lena nods, half to herself, and half to the audience.
"Let's hit it!"
As soon as the music starts, Lena shifts effortlessly back into performance mode. Kara listens, bopping along to the bouncing beat and playful lyrics. Playful but scathing, it turns out, listing off all the reasons this mysterious ex will never see her again.
From her spot in the wings, Kara sees the crowd dancing, not singing but cheering and spinning and bouncing and absorbing it all with reckless abandon. She registers Lillian's approach beside her, but doesn't so much as glance at her. Whatever Lillian thought about Lena's plan, it was working. Tomorrow, all the world would care about is getting their ears on this new song-- and they would love it.
"You have no idea the bullet she just dodged for you."
Kara does look over at that. Her brow furrows sharply, and Lillian smirks as she watches her daughter perform.
"This time tomorrow, the world is going to be so busy sleuthing out which of her ex's this song is about, they won't even remember your name."
Onstage, Lena finishes her song with a boisterous laugh, letting the fresh cheers roll over her. Lillian turns to Kara, leaning in close.
"So when you ultimately decide this fantasy isn't for you, remember that a twenty four year old is the reason you'll still have a real life to go back to."
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justcressida · 1 year
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"I coped with living in that damn house for so long, then got accepted to a prestigious college, and I had gotten my own home. Even if it was cramped and dirty, I could be completely at rest in it. I had finally escaped those bastards. So why?! It's not even Normal Mode. At this rate, this is no better than before…!"
Record Of Ragnarok X Penelope Eckhart!Reader
Even among all these gods, Poseidon's hatred and arrogance for humans was evident.
Yet the only reason for his interest in this human woman was her incredible will to live.
Never before had he seen a mortal act so frankly, so boldly towards a God.
It caught his attention. The woman was beautiful, more beautiful than a Goddess could ever be. She was daring. It was easy to get lost in his catlike squinting eyes and be caught in the cold but firm aura of the mortal.
"Your daring and indiscretion have limits, mortal. What do you think you are? What do you trust to utter such bold words to a god?"
The woman squinted her eyes, shining with anger. "Why should there be a limit to my audacity? What have you got to set boundaries with me? First you create a lineage and then you send them disasters and hardships. Then when you get bored, 'Let's destroy humanity!' Are you making a joke that isn't funny to yourself? Why should I obey? Why should I be good? Whose wrong is right based on? How can one expect creation to be pure when there is evil in the heart of God?"
A deep silence reigned throughout the arena, while all the immortals who had been mocking her until a few seconds ago, in silence and tension, turned their eyes to the Tyrant of the Seas and then to this noble woman.
He couldn't help but was impressed. Although what he really needed to do was slit her throat with his trident and punish her disrespect, a wild instinct whispered that he shouldn't punish her in this way. Punish in a different way.
The Tyrant of the Seas' lips curved slightly as the tense wait continued. "Will you stand by what you say, mortal? If you kneel right now and apologize and beg, I won't punish you." Although his tone was calm, his gaze made everyone shudder.
"Y/N! Apologize!" As Reynold screamed, Derrick grabbed his arms and pulled him back. As the beautiful woman's eyes turned towards that direction, her eyes narrowed like a cat.
"It's not worth it, Reynold." Derrick's cold words echoed throughout the arena. The woman smiled sarcastically, after all she got used to it. It didn't hurt anymore.
"I'd rather die." Their eyes met. It was like the gaze of the sky and the ocean.
"You asked for it, mortal."
Thus began your life in prison. It was more of a fait accompli than a mistreatment.
Every day you were dressed like a doll and did whatever Poseidon wanted.
You could have dinner with him if he wanted.
If he wanted, you would go to the meeting of the Gods with him.
Everything was his order, if he didn't want it, you couldn't even breathe.
You'd still rather get beaten.
Yet all you gave in regards to your feelings was your hatred of the open ocean.
"Don't make me angry and come here mortal."
"I don't want."
"I didn't ask if you wanted it. Come with me, if you're afraid I'll keep it."
"No way. I won't." Poseidon looked at the beautiful mortal as the woman shrugged stubbornly.
"It's pointless mortal that you hate the ocean so much." He didn't want to ask directly why.
She looked thoughtfully into the water as she shrugged.
"Tell me the reason for this hatred of the ocean, mortal."
"Water plays with you, water imprisons you, water makes you crazy, and the insane cannot live in society. The water overflows."
Poseidon wanted to deny it, but mortal was right. That's how he summed up his thousands of years of life.
"Let's go inside, mortal. Don't be cold."
The Tyrant of the Seas sighs as he walks ashore.
Perhaps he could leave the mortal a little to himself.
Of course he wasn't forgiven.
For now, at least, he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back.
"You are so ugly."
"You're being disrespectful again, mortal.
"But are you ugly?"
"Shut up and get in, damn mortal."
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 1 month
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch9
Cranking these chapters and y'all are in for a treat next chapter ;). @smoothdogsgirl WARNINGS: Verbal abuse, Fighting and mentions of birth.
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The barn brought back all of the good memories when you used to compete. All the late nights under the bright arena lights galloping around barrels and you teared up. “You alright?”, Jake questioned. “Yeah just remembering what it used to be like when I competed in barrels back home”, you replied. Your smile made Jake’s grin turn into a full blown smile. Damn you loved the way this man smiled at you. “You can pick any of the horses in here”, Colton informed you. You looked back at Jake as he nodded for you to go ahead. 
You walked down the row of stalls until you came to a stall that held a beautiful Kiger mustang. “What about this one?”, you asked. “That’s our newest edition. Only been ridden for thirty days. He’s still green but you're more than welcome to ride 'em’. We call him Rebel “, Colton explained. Jake seemed uneasy as he picked his horse a beautiful sorrel with white socks and blaze. You moved slowly and kept your voice calm as you haltered him. 
You took your time with him as you groomed him then saddled him. You could tell by his facial expression he was nervous and you took a deep breath and exhaled letting your body relax. Jake and the others headed out of the barn as you made your way to where they were waiting on horseback. You patted Rebel’s neck as you grabbed mane and hauled yourself up and into the saddle. You breathed in deep and exhaled slowly again to relax your body which in turn seemed to relax Rebel.
You noticed Annabelle was trotting in a circle waiting on the three of you. Colton held Georgia in front of him on his horse and you swear it was the cutest thing ever. Jake kept watching you making sure the horse you were on wasn’t going to freak out. You all headed out and before too long you were in the middle of nothing but grassland. “Let's go”, Annabelle said. She kicked her horse and took off at a canter. Jake looked back at you as Colton made his horse go as well. “We don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable”, Jake said.
“I have ridden lots of horses Jake and trained all kinds of horses even mustangs I know what I’m doing”, you tell him. You asked your horse to go and boy did he as he lunged forward at a full gallop. It startled you at first but then you gave him some rein and let him go. Jake had to kick his horse to go following behind you. It didn’t take you long to catch up to the others as you slowed your horse, but he didn’t want to slow. You pulled on the reins and sat against him as he decided to throw a small buck.
“Oh no ya’ don’t”, you told him as he tried to keep going. That’s when he went into full bucking mode. “Yeah ride ‘em!”, Colton yelled. Jake was gripped with fear as he watched you ride the bucks. It took a few minutes, but eventually he decided to stop. “Well Jake I gotta say your girl knows how to ride”, Colton said. “I can’t believe you let her get on that horse”, Jake huffed. “She did perfectly fine. I’m sure she wouldn’t have gotten on if she couldn’t handle it”, Colton told him. 
You trotted up and stopped right in front of Jake’s horse. “That was the most fun I have had in such a long time”, you laughed. Jake’s mouth fell open slightly as you said something about going again then he smiled. “Come with me (Y/N) I know where we’re going”, Annabelle told you. You followed after her as Colton and Jake rode side by side. “I think you picked a good one Jake, she's a keeper”, Colton said. “Yeah she is”, Jake replied. “I was gonna’ wait to tell ya’ till after the ride, but your father found out you’re back. He has invited himself over tonight for dinner”, Colton informed. “Can’t that fucker just leave us well enough alone”, Jake sighed. “Bad unc Jake”, Georgia stated. “Sorry Georgia”, Jake replied.  “He knows that you brought a woman back with ya’ so you know how this is probably gonna’ go”, Colton explained.
“Well I’ll let (Y/N) know and we will just have to deal tonight”, Jake said confidently. He was anything but confident right now. He knew what was in store at dinner and he was praying that you wouldn’t decide to leave him. He pushed the thought to the back of his head and enjoyed the ride. Between the three of you the cattle were safely moved and on the ride back Annabelle wanted to race. “I’m out, you know your momma doesn’t like me racin’ with Georgia”, Colton said. 
“What about Jake and (Y/N)? We only race to the next gate.”, Annabelle asked. “I’m in”, you responded looking at Jake. “I don’t know it wouldn’t be fair for you two ladies”, Jake boasted. Colton snorted a laugh and shook his head. “There is that cocky pilot attitude”, you say. “I’m not cocky I just know I’m that good”, Jake grinned. “How about a bet”, you said. “What kind of bet?”, Jake questioned, remembering how the two of you met. “Well if you win I’ll take care of your horse when we get back, but if I win you have to take me out line dancing”, you say.
“Deal. Alright Annabelle let’s line up. Your dad can tell us when to go”, Jake said. “Annabelle gets a head start”, Colton said knowing that you two would pass her quickly. Annabelle took off and you kept looking at Jake who smirked that cocky way that you hated to admit that you loved. “On your marks. Get set. Let ‘em go!”, Colton yelled. Both horses launched themselves forward as you made your way to the next gate. You were both neck and neck, but you were still holding the reins on your horse pretty tight as you both passed Annabelle who yelled, “GO (Y/N) BEAT JAKE!”. 
“See ya at the finish line darlin’!”, Jake yelled. You let him believe he had it, but continued to hold your horse back until the last quarter mile. You let the reins go slack and squeezed your legs. Rebel got the message and bolted ahead gaining quickly on Jake. When you passed him Jake had a look of shock as you laughed. You let out a joyous cry as you passed the open gate and slowed Rebel down. Jake wouldn’t admit but when he watched you canter back he was imagining you riding him like that. 
“I believe you owe me a line dance”, you say coming up beside Jake’s horse. You patted Rebel on the neck as you waited for Annabelle and Colton to catch up with Georgia. Once back at the barn you untacked your horse and groomed him. Glancing at Jake every once in a while as he took care of his own horse. “Colton if you want we can take care of everything here in the barn”, Jake announced. Colton got the hint and took the girls inside  as you and Jake put the horses in their respective stalls.
“Jake, do you think Colton and Evelynn would let me enter the rodeo with Rebel?”, you asked. “He is green and doesn’t even know how to run barrels”, Jake replied. “I can train him within our stay period if that’s okay with you”, you say. Jake can tell that it means a lot to you. “I’ll be okay with it as long as Colton and Evelynn are alright with it”, he tells you. You smile and lean up to kiss him long and slow. “You still owe me a line dance”, you laugh. “That I do, but I think you should ask Colton about Rebel first”, he says. With the affirmation you jog to the house where Evelynn and Colton are more than happy to lend Rebel to you, and before you leave with Jake you register for the rodeo.
Jake, true to his word, takes you into Austin to a bar that has line dancing. You both have a few drinks and you're surprised when he shows you he can in fact dance, but at one point they play George Strait’s song “The Chair”. Jake pulls you in close as you both slow dance and mouthing the words as the next song is another George Strait song “Carrying Your Love With Me”. He loves the content smile as you lay your head on his chest. As you both sway to the music Jake in this moment realizes that not once have you ever turned him away.
Even as he cried in the kitchen after losing Banshee and Fluke you were there to pick up the pieces. “(Y/N)”, he whispers. “Yes baby”, you reply, looking into his eyes. “I love you”, he tells you. At that moment you swear you see his heart and soul being poured out in front of you and you can’t help but kiss him slowly ro reply with, “I love you too Jake”. When the next song comes on you decide you want to go home. You get into the truck to head back to the ranch. “Jake can we camp out under the stars tonight?”, you ask. 
“Anything for you darlin’ “, he responds. You both stop at the house to grab blankets and pillows. When you reach the pond Jake starts a fire as you set everything up in the bed of the truck. Under the stars you look at Jake who is looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. “You know I was supposed to bring you to dinner tonight. My father was there to meet you”, he told you. “Why didn’t you?”, you inquired. “I promised to take you line dancing and you will always come before my asshole father”, he explained.
You smiled as you kissed him and pulled his shirt over his head. He grunts as you take a nip at his nipple before you go to his belt. That night you both spend time making each other cum with your mouths. Eventually Jake pulls you over him completely naked and covers you both as you both fall asleep. The night passes peacefully and you both startle awake when the truck’s horn blows loud and clear. Jake looks for the source and spots his father as he places you behind him. “What the hell do you want?”, Jake seethes.
“We need to talk”, Jake's father says. Jake looks at you as you nod to assure him you will be okay. His dad walks away as you both get dressed. You watch as Jake goes to talk with his father, but stay put and listen in as best as you can. “Why weren’t you at dinner last night boy?”, his father sneers. “I took my girl into town since I made a promise to take her out”, Jake replied. “Family is always first. I taught you better than to be disrespectful since your sister made dinner”, he said.
“She knew I wasn’t going to be there as I discussed it with her before we left for town. She was fine with us not being there so cut the shit. You are the one that feels disrespected because I put someone before you”, Jake accused. “Don’t think that your slut of a girlfriend won’t leave you like the last one”, his father digs. “She isn’t like the last one”, Jake defended. “Whatever you want to believe, but your sister is going to make dinner again tonight and I expect you to be there”, his father announced. 
Jake’s father tipped his hat at you and got into his truck and drove off. “Jake, are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah I’ll be fine. I’m sorry if you overheard what he said”, he apologized. “No Jake, Never apologize on your asshole fathers behalf. He doesn’t deserve it”, you reply. Jake smiles at that knowing you're in his corner. “Well let’s get to the house so we can get ready for the day. I want to help Evelynn with dinner since we missed last night”, you told him.
The drive back to the house you could tell Jake was nervous and tense. After your showers and getting ready Jake took you up to the main house so you could help Evelynn. “You know you don’t have to help me”, Evelynn said. “Well I feel like it’s the least I could do”, you replied. “Since you have met my father already I’m sure you have already judged what dinner will be like tonight. The last girl he brought home left crying and a couple days later she packed up and left”, Evelynn says. 
“I wouldn’t leave Jake to fight this battle alone”, you assure. Evelynn smiles at that knowing that what you say is true. “You both are a great match”, she laughs. “Well I felt like whatever happened happened so fast. Hell to some it seemed too fast”, you sigh. “Well I only dated Colton for a year and look where we are now”, Evelynn laughs. It makes you feel better now to know that piece of information. 
The day was spent helping Evelynn to get the dinner together as Jake, Colton and the girls had decided to go riding. When they got back everyone seemed to be bracing for the arrival of Jake and Evelynn’s father. He showed up a few minutes late, but no one said anything about it. You sat beside Jake and once everyone was sitting Colton said grace. The dinner table was quiet other than Georgia asking for help to cut up some of her food. “When are you coming back home to take over the ranch”, Jake’s father says. 
“I’ve already told you not anytime soon”, Jake snaps. You knew this was going to be an intense dinner from the start. “Well at least your sister is finally having a son. I may leave everything to him”, his father states. “My son will not be saddled with that ranch’s name”, Colton speaks up. “So what your going to give him this ranch?”, he sneers. “He can take over this ranch, he can go to college or anything else he wants to do, but I won’t force him to take over anything if he doesn’t want to”, Colton replies. 
“I always knew you married a weak man”, he says to Evelynn. It continues on for a few minutes as Jake is becoming more agitated. “I think the only weak man is you”, you blurt out at Jake’s father. “Excuse me, but I didn’t ask for your opinion”, he snarks. “No you didn’t but you’re gonna’ hear it anyway and I don’t give a damn how you feel about it. From what I can tell you can’t stand the fact that you aren’t in control of anyone anymore and it pisses you off”, you state. Jake is staring at you wide eyed as you square your shoulders.
Jake’s father glares at you as you hold his gaze. “You have some horns on you girl, but you will show me respect”, he states. “I only show respect to people who have earned it. I don’t just give it for free. So far tonight I have seen nothing you have done that would earn my respect”, you respond. Evelynn announces she is going to take the girls upstairs for a bath and leaves. Colton says something about going outside for some air. 
Once outside Jake’s father picks his fight with you again. “I don’t think you’re the type I want dating my son”, he huffs. “Why because I speak my own mind and not afraid of a horrid old man that used to hit his wife”, you spit. The next thing you know Jake’s father throws a punch your way, but it never lands as you hear a grunt then a full on scrap. Jake had tackled his father and was now scrapping with him on the ground. “Jake”, you cry, but Colton grabs you as you try to go help him.
“He needs to do this (Y/N)”, Colton says. You watch as they trade blows, but it is clear that Jake is winning. Within ten minutes it’s over as Jake stands over his father. “Don’t you ever try to put your hands on my woman again. If you ever hurt her I’ll kill you old man. Now leave and don’t ever come back to bother me or this family ranch again”, Jake growls. Jake’s father is heaving as he is trying to catch his breath. Colton lets you go as you run to Jake to check him over, but he only pulls you into his side. 
All three of you stare down the old man as he curses you all as he gets in his truck and leaves. As soon as he is gone you fuss over Jake’s face and his split knuckles. He lets you lead him into the kitchen where he pulls you into his lap as you try to ice the bruises on his face. “I love you”, he whispers. “I love you too, but you didn’t have to do that”, you reply. “It was a long time coming and I should have done it a lot sooner”, he tells you. You kiss him tenderly as you tell him to continue to ice his face while you help clean up the dinner table.
When Evelynn comes back down she asks Jake what had happened as he explains. Evelynn tells him how proud she is and that she was waiting for the day he would finally take his frustration out on their old man. Colton hands Jake a beer and they head outside as you help Evelynn with the dishes. “You know he loves you right”, she tells you. “I know he does, I can see it every day”, you respond. “You’re the first girl he has brought here since college”, she mutters. “What do you mean?”, you ask.
“He brought his ex down here, and she cried when my father came to dinner. Then a week after they went back Jake found out that she was cheating on him with his roommate. He was shattered when he found out because he had bought a ring to ask her to marry him. He hasn’t had a real relationship since then and that was years ago”, Evelynn explained. You looked out to the front porch where Jake was still talking with Colton. “Most people never give him a chance. I know he can be cocky when he is on base, but no one really knows him like we do”, Evelynn says.
You file away that information as you finish up. When you and Jake end up back at the house you're staying in you show him how grateful you are by giving him a massage. “Thank you for protecting me”, you whisper. “I would do it anytime for you darlin’ “, he whispers back. That night you relax by watching a couple of old westerns until you fall asleep. Jake feels liberated after all these years of taking verbal abuse and sometimes physical abuse from his father. He smiles down at you when he recalls Colton telling him you were ready to jump into the scrap to help him.
The week is much the same, but you spend most days training Rebel and within the week he has it down. The rodeo is a week away and you are getting more excited as Jake watches you train. He has to admit he likes watching you ride even with being thrown a couple times. Each time you were thrown he would run into the arena checking you over. You would just laugh and tell him it was part of the process especially with a green horse. The days wear you out, and you are usually asleep by the time Jake slips into bed.
The next week goes by smoothly until Wednesday as Colton comes tearing down the driveway. “Evelynn thinks it’s time to go. Can you take the girls and meet us at the hospital”, he rushes. Jake agrees as the girls get out of the truck and come to stand with you. Evelynn is in the passenger seat cool as a cucumber. “Are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah this is my third kid I know what to expect now. He is a little early, but it’ll be alright”, she tells you. Colton hops back in the truck and floors it out of there.
“I think he is more worried than she is”, you laugh. “Yeah you should have seen him with Annabelle”, Jake states. You get Georgia into the truck in her car seat and Annabelle gets herself buckled in. Three hours and you're in the hospital waiting room as the girls try to keep themselves entertained. Annabelle decides she wants to go for a walk around the hospital so you all decide to go. Georgia is smiling as she points at the ducks on a small pond by the hospital.
“Uncle Jake, can we go get something to eat?”, Annabelle complains. “Yeah we can walk down the street and get some Mexican food”, Jake says. Annabelle lights up at the prospect and Jake explains that Mexican food is Annabelle’s favorite. The meal is delicious and you help Georgia with her cheese quesadilla. Jake can’t help but watch you anytime you interact with the girls. He knows that you’re good with kids and if he plays his cards right he hopes someday you both can have some kids running around. 
When you all got back to the hospital it was late evening when the nurse came out to inform you that Evelynn and the baby were doing great. A couple hours after that another nurse came to ask if anyone wanted to go see the baby. Annabelle was excited as she pulled on Jake’s hand as you held a sleeping Georgia. “Go meet your nephew I’ll stay here with Georgia”, you whisper. He leaned down and kissed you then headed to go meet his nephew.
When Jake comes back he has tears in his eyes with the goofiest grin on his face. “Are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah it was just a lot”, he says. “He was so small”, Annabelle says. “You used to be that small when you were born”, Jake says. “How do you know?”, Annabelle questioned. “Because I waited in this same hospital and held you after you were born”, Jake muses. Georgia was still asleep and Jake had said that Evelynn and the baby would be home by Friday. “Do you mind if the girls come back home with us?”, Jake asked. “I don’t mind baby”, you tell him. 
When you reach the house Jake goes to the empty room that you hadn’t been in. There were two twin beds and you could tell this is where the girls would stay when he was here. You carried a still sleeping Georgia while Jake carried a now sleeping Annabelle. They looked so peaceful and Jake turned out the light grabbing your hand and leading you to your room. You both lay there as Jake holds you. “He was so small and I can’t believe I have a nephew. I wish you could have seen him”, Jake sighs.
“I’ll see him soon enough”, you tell him. You both fell asleep, but it didn’t last long as you felt a tug on the back of your shirt. You rolled over and came face to face with Georgia, tears streaming down her face. “Oh what's wrong sweetheart?”, you ask. “Stom”, she hiccupped. About two seconds later the sky lit up and thunder boomed outside as Georgia jumped clinging to you. “Darlin’ what’s wrong”, Jake yawned. “The storm woke Georgia up”, you relayed. “Do you want to sleep in our bed?”, you asked. She nodded as you pulled her up and in between you and Jake.
“It’s alright Georgia you're safe here with Uncle Jake and Aunt (Y/N)”, Jake hummed half asleep. You froze as Georgia curled up between you as Jake’s words sank in. You watched as she snuggled into you and clung to your shirt. Jake smiled and threw his arm around both of you as everyone settled in. Jake and Georgia went to sleep first then you drifted off soon after. The next morning Georgia and Jake were gone and you could hear giggling coming from the kitchen.
When you walked in there was pancake batter all over the counters. Annabelle was giggling as Jake was making pancakes. “Aunt (Y/N)!” Georgia squealed. She ran to you and hugged your leg and you instantly started to tear up. “Darlin’ what’s wrong?”, Jake asked. “I have never been called Aunt anything”, you said. “I thought your brother had kids”, Jake stated. “Yeah but he never let me see them”, you replied. 
Jake stopped what he was doing and came over to pull you into a hug. “Well you have a family here if you want it”, Jake told you. You let the tears fall as you heard those words and next thing you knew Annabelle and Georgia were hugging you too. “Uncle Jake is right, we can be your family. “Thanks now let’s try and clean up this mess”, you sniffled. As Jake finished the pancakes you and Annabelle helped clean up.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
Hi I was wondering if I could request transformers prime Optimus with a daughter who’s a monster truck and she’s just the complete opposite of him, like she’s energetic and outgoing but she’ll get serious in situations if she needs to. But the kids LOVE her especially miko and she just likes having out with the kids
First request of the year! This is an interesting Buddy concept that I'm looking forward to seeing more in the future. If this is not what you wanted please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus Prime with a daughter who's extroverted and alt mode is a monster truck
SFW, Platonic, familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy isn’t exactly related to Optimus.
Or Orion Pax as a matter of fact.
Alpha Trion once called it ‘history repeating itself’.
Orion had found Buddy as a sparkling in one of the dirtier allies.
He felt sorry for the poor thing and decided to at least help them with some fueling.
“Hello there little one.”—Orion Pax
“I know a place where we can get fuel. Do you want to join me?”--Orion
“What do you want?”--Buddy
“Nothing. You looked like you needed fuel. Care to join me?”--Orion
“…okay, Mr…”--Buddy
“Just Orion, Orion Pax. And what may be your designation?”--Orion
It was just supposed to be a bit of fueling, nothing more. The next thing he knew he was tucking the little one in his habsuite.
It certainly was a story to tell Alpha Trion the next day. Alpha Trion was just happy that Buddy and Orion had found each other. The older mech in the beginning thought Buddy was as introverted as Pax was. It turned out that wasn’t the case at all.
Buddy in fact, was a near opposite of his pupil yet held onto some of his quirks. Buddy would express more of her feelings and thoughts on subjects without fear of being talked down. Sometimes a little too fearless.
“Orion, I don’t like that mech.”--Buddy
“He looks sketchy.”--Buddy
“Buddy they are right next to you.”--Orion
She was an extremely passionate individual who also had a soft spot for reading up on data pads in the long halls of Iacon. Something both her and her father ended up enjoying doing together.
“Orion? Buddy? Where are you?”—Ratchet
Orion popping from behind.
“Hello there Ratchet.”--Orion
“Gah! Pax! What are you—what where’s Buddy?”—Ratchet
Buddy from the top shelf.
“Hi Uncle Ratchet!”--Buddy
“GAH! Buddy get down from there!”--Ratchet
Ratchet loved Buddy as his new niece, but by Primus could she sit still for more than a couple of seconds! Buddy loved talking Ratchet’s audials off on days she would be under his supervision while Pax was out.
He said he hated it.
That was a lie.
“Hey Ratchet, did you know there was an amusement park a couple kilometres from the district?”--Buddy
“Can we go?”--Buddy
“If we had enough to get into a place like that, we would have the last years medical equipment and not the ones from four years ago.”--Ratchet
“…But one day we will go there.”--Ratchet
“You think so?”--Buddy
“Sometimes you just have to hope Kid. Now pass me my wrench.”--Ratchet
“On it, Dr. of Doom.”--Buddy
“Don’t call me that!”--Ratchet
“Sure thing Doc-bot.”--Buddy
He quite enjoyed the company during these hard times.
Soon enough Buddy began assisting Ratchet as his unofficial official nurse/ assistant in his makeshift clinics.
Megatronus met Buddy by accident.
Orion was going to meet up Megatronus after he dropped Buddy off in the archives in Iacon with Alpha Trion. The problem was that Alpha Trion had to leave for an important meeting leaving Buddy alone to their own devices.
So naturally she wanted to follow where Pax was going. But she knew that she wasn’t supposed to be following… but then again, she needed to be around trust adults, so she was really just following the rules!
Buddy was having a hard time trying to find an opening to get into the arena, so she decided to take a different route. She ‘borrowed’ a med kit and snuck into the area where the gladiators were held.
Her plan was to sneak in pretending she was a new medic to fix the gladiators then sneak back into crowds and find her father.
She passed by so many wounded and mean looking mechs.
One, however, caught her optics.
A hulking mountain of gunmetal was the correct way to describe the mech in front of her. The mech was slumped against the wall with several energon leaks coming from his frame.
At the rate it was pouring, at the rate anyone would come and help…
Buddy knelt before the mech and began melding the ripped mesh. The mech stirred under Buddy’s touch as she began to talk softly to the mech trying to get him to stay conscious.
“You took quite a beating, didn’t you?”--Buddy
“I bet the other guy is in worse shape than you are!”--Buddy
“Hey, hey, Big Guy optics on me. We don’t need you going into stasis lock now do we?”--Buddy
“Not much of a talker, are you? That’s okay, my father isn’t either. If you want, I can talk for the both of us, is that okay?”--Buddy
“My designation… is Megatronus.”--Megatronus
“Oh! That’s a nice designation! I’m Buddy!”--Buddy
The mech was quiet for the most part but he would engage in some pleasant exchanges. As soon as she was done with the patch work, she thought about her father.
The older mech offered to help her find him after the arena was closed.
Buddy agreed and stayed in the back patching up more mechs in the arena. By the time night had rolled in Buddy had befriended more than half of the fighters in the area.
“Orion this is my friend Megatronus!”--Buddy
“I know.”--Orion
“We know each other.”--Megatronus
“Oh! That makes things easier then!”--Buddy
“Buddy why are you here in the fighter quarters?”--Orion
“Well that’s a long story for another time…”--Buddy
“Another time!”--Buddy
After that meeting Buddy would sometimes sneak into the arena with her med kits and work on the injuries of her gladiator family.
They all loved having Buddy over.
Buddy was a reminder of the innocence and kindness that Cybertron still had.
They would all exchange stories of their glorious fights and help her hide in case inspectors came in.
“The inspectors coming!”--Soundwave
“Quick Buddy!”--Megatronus
“On it!”--Buddy
Buddy latching onto Soundwave’s back.
“Hmmm… Looks like you got yourself an upgrade, hope to see you in the arena with it soon.”--Inspector
“He is gone now.”--Soundwave
“Wow! I can believe that worked!”--Buddy
Everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
Until the day Megatronus began focusing more on his speeches than to help her hide from the guards.
Until the day Soundwave stopped talking.
Until the day Orion Pax and Megatronus stood in front of the Senate.
Until the day that Megatronus went by Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons.
Until the day Megatron no longer wanted to see her.
Until the day her Orion Pax was taken away from her and replaced with Optimus Prime.
As much as she wanted to resent both of them for changing so quickly, but in the end her love for Orion—Optimus was greater than the love of whatever was left of her beloved Uncles.
Prime didn’t want Buddy fighting in the war.
But after a series of well-built discussions, Buddy managed to get a position as a scout.
That was where she met her unofficial official younger brother Bumblebee.
“Hi! I’m Bumblebee!”--Bumblebee
“You’re my brother now.”--Buddy
“Wait what?”--Bumblebee
“No take backs. Now come on we’ve got some routes to scout.”--Buddy
“…I’m so confused…”--Bumblebee
“Welcome to the club.”--Buddy
She always held an audial open for any news on Megatron and Soundwave. As much as she told everyone she didn’t care for them, there was still part of her that still loved them both.
Timeskip to the arrival of Earth and meeting the kids.
The kids absolutely love Buddy.
Miko has unofficial officially adopted Buddy as her sister.
“Hello there!”--Buddy
“You’re a Monster Truck!?”--Miko
“Umm… yes?”--Buddy
“And you like rock music!?”--Miko
“I do! It has such nice—”--Budyd
“Your my new sister now.”--Miko
“Wait what?”--Buddy
“No take backs. Come on I have a complete record of my own music for you to hear.”--Miko
“I’m so confused…”--Buddy
“Beep bep (Welcome to the club.)”—Bumblebee
Buddy and Miko sneaked off to Dune bash together in her Monster Truck mode. They love singing along to heavy metal and rock music together.
Bulkhead isn’t jealous.
Raf likes the height he gains when Buddy drives him around.
Raf’s favorite place to be with Buddy is perched on her shoulder while they both watch what Ratchet is doing.
“What is he doing?”--Raf
“Don’t know…”--Buddy
“Will you two please quiet down! You can watch but please!”--Ratchet
“Got it Doc-bot!”--Buddy
“Don’t call me that!”--Ratchet
Jack was the last one to get used to Buddy’s loud antics.
Early on labeling her as Robot Miko.
But it took one dangerous encounter with Archnid to have him rethink about Buddy.
Buddy covered in energon with Jack in one servo
“What happened!?”--Arcee
“No one died.”--Buddy
“What kind of answer is that?!”--Arcee
The two often were found in a corner in the base telling stories and talking about the latest news around the base or ‘school’.
Buddy has told the kids’ parents and guardians multiple times that she would die for them.
While the sentiment is appreciated no one likes the phrasing. Especially as Buddy takes so much after her father.
“Megatron! This stops now! One shall stand and one shall fall, and I’m not backing down.”--Buddy
Proud and concern truck noises
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bumblesimagines · 9 months
You look beautiful in my bed.
Katniss Everdeen
You look beautiful in my bed.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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The life of a Victor had never been what the Capitol chalked it up to be. The cameras never showed what happened behind the scenes, the nightmares that followed, the traumas that were relived day in and day out. The survival mode that had flickered on inside the arena never turned off. The adrenaline remained, the paranoia and hopelessness of knowing your life and the lives of those around you belonged to President Snow. 
It was why Victors could only truly rely on other Victors. For comfort, for reassurance, for a brief taste of normalcy that could've been theirs if the Hunger Games hadn't existed. Most relationships with other Victors remained platonic and familial, sometimes venturing into sexual territory for an escape from the horrors in the arms of someone who could relate. But it stopped there. Romance had never been an option, not with Snow watching. It'd be too dangerous, too risky. 
Until Plutarch Heavensbee and District 13 swooped in with their plans for the Victors and the Girl on Fire from District 13.
You had first heard and learned of Katniss Everdeen during the 74th Hunger Games. She'd appeared meek and almost nervous during her interview, yet something about her seemed genuine and authentic. Johanna Mason, your fellow Victor and friend, had voiced her distaste in the corny star-crossed lovers plot the District 12 mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, had certainly put them up to but in the end, the sickly sweet strategy had resulted in both tributes returning home. 
Everything that followed after had felt like a blur. The riots, the uprising, the Districts' unrest, the Quarter Quell announcement that had left Johanna screaming in a fit of rage and destroying anything she could get her hands on, the 75th Hunger Games reaping where you had blanky stared at the bowl with only one name because the other two male victors had already passed away from age and an accident, the games themselves... Johanna's imprisonment at the hands of the Capitol. 
You stared at the large window and watched the dim lights from the hallway flicker occasionally, unable to find proper sleep. District 13 had a curfew, and most were expected to remain in their rooms until morning unless they were guards or had a legitimate reason. It was why Katniss often slept in your bedroom and snuck back to hers when the lights flickered back on. Nobody needed to see the symbol of the rebellion doing a walk of shame. 
She shifted slightly, the iron grip she had on your hand loosening slightly as she began to wake. You couldn't exactly remember when your relationship with the Mockingjay had turned from tolerating each other to sleeping together, but with the absence of Peeta Mellark and Johanna, she'd needed the comfort as much as you. You'd lost someone you considered a sister and she'd lost a good friend. 
"It's still early," You murmured when you made out her almost gray eyes peering up at you through the dark. "Go back to sleep." 
"You go back to sleep." She yawned and stretched her hand out to flicker on the light on the nightstand. You flinched at the sudden light and squinted until your eyes adjusted to it before moving to press the button that made the window darken on both sides. President Coin seemed to dislike privacy but you supposed knowing everything about her citizens had allowed her to keep them alive throughout the years. "Nightmare?"
"Just thinkin' about how you look beautiful in my bed." You responded and she rolled her eyes, brushing away strands of raven hair away from her face and sitting up. Despite her reaction, the red on her ears and cheeks was undeniable. She'd been immune to Finnick's charm, but it seemed like a different story when it came to you.
"Are you sure you're not an Odair?" She joked lightly and you snorted, a small grin passing over your lips briefly before you remembered the state Finnick had been left in after learning of Annie Cresta's imprisonment. The man had been inconsolable for days and only caught sleep when he was sedated, and even then you often heard his pleading shouts for Annie when he awoke. Katniss's eyes lowered and she sighed softly, letting her cheek rest against your shoulder. It was unusual for her to be soft around you, to allow herself to be emotional. "We'll get them back. Annie, Peeta, Johanna..."
"I know." You raised a hand to her face and tucked away a lock of hair. Her eyes remained downcast but she pressed her cheek further against your shoulder in response. A small smile tugged at your lips and you leaned down to kiss the top of her head. You tried to keep things as platonic as could be with the arrangement you created with her but the more you got to know her, the more you wanted to be around her. She didn't need the added stress. She already had to balance Gale's and Peeta's feelings for her without hurting them, she didn't need yours added to the list. 
The familiar hum and echoing sound of the lights automatically turning on caught your attention and you leaned away, reaching down to pick up the dark gray jumpsuit from the floor so Katniss could get dressed and head back to her room. She took the jumpsuit in her hands and considered it for a moment, her lips parting to speak before closing again. You sighed. "You've got a long day ahead of you, Mockingjay. Go back before someone sees you."
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You seem to draw Donnie covered in Spray paint (pink and blue) a lot. Why is that? What got him hooked to it and why doesnt he have to mix the colors himself?
(BIG fan of the angsty separated au!!!!)
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Draxum’s lab is pretty dull color wise, and Three wanted to differentiate his tech from Draxum’s. Huginn and Muninn are the ones who buy Three his spray paints! One of those small, nice things they try to do to make the kid a little bit happy. Purple is Three’s favorite color, but sometimes they’re limited in what they can bring him. (Also the pink and blue colors are a nod to Jinx—It’s kinda funny that her colors, pink and blue, when mixed, make purple)
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It would be maximum shock if they all met right when Leo and Donnie rejoined the family, before they kinda started their healing process, cause they’re probably the most different at that point.
Rise!Donnie would be appalled at AU!Donnie, from silly things like the way he accumulates layers of grime without a care—to the rude way he treats April. AU!Leo and Rise!Leo would keep a wide birth from each other and probably stick to a buddy system with their respective brothers just in the hopes that they don’t ever get left alone with the other (their bros of course conspire to do exactly that, so they can get to know each other)
Rise!Raph would probably be really worried about AU!Raph just cause he thought his brother’s make him stressed and tired? But between dealing with Leo’s anger issues, and Donnie’s…everything, AU!Raph looks ready to drop any second. AU!Mikey would love Rise!Mikey, cause he’s adorable, but he’s a little sad when he looks at him, cause he acts just like he used to, before he was thrown into the arena, so he tries to tone down the bad and make it sound more exciting so that Rise!Mikey doesn’t know how horrible AU!Mikey had it.
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The Kraang would def be the Rise Kraang version. The movie would take place a little while after the defeat the Shredder. I’m still working out the timeline cause when I was first deciding their ages, I forgot about the two years from the end of the series and the start of the movie 🙄. So I’m doing some reworking on that end. I think I’ll either change them to be a few years older at the start of the AU than I made them, OR the AU and the fight with Shredder will go for a longer stretch of time than it did in the series. That way there’s not a huge two year gap of unknown time between Shredder’s defeat to the start of the movie. EDIT Now that we know the series took place over two years and it was only a couple months between the finale and the movie. Their ages are gonna be the ones listed on their character charts!!
I’m still not even sure if I’ll manage to make it that far, but hopefully we will get there eventually! Cause I really wanna get to Casey. In fact, I’d probably make it less about Leo growing into a more serious role (cause obviously he’s already there), and more about him really accepting the love of his family. We might even see a future Leo come back with Casey?? It would be so hard not to go that route cause I love that idea so much 🤣
But I honestly don’t know yet what I’d really like to do. And I’d hate to give an answer that I’d have to redact later. I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I can’t even think about them, until I put out all the other stuff I’ve got planned. So let’s all cross our fingers and hope we get there some day lol!
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2012!Leo would go MOM MODE™️ EXTREME, 2012!Raph and Don would take off like a rocket with the intention of hunting down and murdering Draxum, Shredder and Big Mama, and Mikey would probably be caught between holding back tears and doing his best to tell jokes and ease the tension, or following after his brothers in their murder spree.
Basically as much as the 2012 boys would be thrown off at first over how different the AU boys are from the other versions of themselves they’ve met, they’d go HARD as the protective older bros. But the only one who’d probably actually appreciate it would be AU!Raph cause he never gets to be the little brother lol.
@smoldevelopingcookie @c00k13san2 @luvrbug @organisedchaosstuff @uniqueness351217
Separated AU tag
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ezkel · 15 days
James' phone is full of mobile phone games because he sees the rage bait ads and downloads them every time because the ads piss him off so much. he plays them for a few hours, loses interest and never touches them again. but forgets to uninstall, so he's just got hundreds of games installed that he never plays.
Sirius plays those gacha games, like afk arena. he's very competitive about it and is in the top ten of every leader board. he spends real money on the games and spends hours everyday making sure he's still on leaderboards.
remus has two games on his phone, one is a word based puzzle game, one is subway surfer for Sirius when he gets bored.
peter has papas pizzeria type games on his phone. he's always playing them, and all his papas restaurants are incredibly developed and he's spent years playing them.
barty plays exclusively bloon tower defense. he's completed every map, he has top scores in every category. he goes feral every time there's an update.
Evan plays a few different games but mainly is "forced" to play btd6 with barty in multiplayer mode because he enjoys watching Barty strategize a game with cute monkeys.
Regulus doesn't play phone games, but his phone is full of downloaded games because James keeps taking it to log into his social medias and keeps seeing the ads and downloading them. the only times regulus plays them is because James has found a good multiplayer and has managed to convince regulus.
Pandora is still attached to cookierun kingdom. she's number one on the leaderboard and has maxed out every cookie.
dorcas plays those mystery games. and gets pissed every time they limit her daily moves, refuses to pay for them. she has previously stolen regulus or bartys credit cards to pay for extra moves. she downloads whichever gacha game Marlene is currently attached to to watch the leaderboards to witness the rivalry, but doesn't play them.
Marlene plays gacha games with Sirius, tries to beat him in the leaderboards, steals his credit card information to buy packs. she's also in the top tens. she doesn't care about the leaderboards she just wants to beat Sirius and laughs at him everytime she overtakes him on the boards.
Mary plays games like episode. she constantly complains about how stupid it is that she'd have to pay for the good outfits and choices. she does not enjoy the games but she's hooked.
lily plays cookie run kingdom because Pandora gives her heart eyes everytime she mentions the game. she doesn't put much time into it but enjoys to check in on it and visit Pandora's kingdom to see the pretty arrangements she's made.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 18
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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July 30th 2021
Airielle numbly walked around the arena before the show started. She didn’t have a destination, she was just walking, trying to distract herself from thinking about Josh. Because, it wasn’t the fact that she didn’t want to be with him, she did. She was in love with him and if he never asked her to move in with him, they would still be together. 
It wasn’t his fault though, he didn’t know the full story of what went down with Christopher. The thought of living with another man terrified her. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, she felt herself shut down. She remembers stuttering out an excuse to leave his apartment, she remembers the look of confusion on his face as she all but ran out of the door and she remembers the pain in his voice as she told him she didn’t want to be with him anymore. 
Airielle let out a sigh as she looked at her watch. It was 15 minutes to showtime so she decided to get her makeup touched up.As she sat down she noticed Yara, a new backstage announcer and Zelina Vega were sitting in front of her. She was about to speak and say hello but something Zenlina said made her freeze. 
“You’ve been smiling at your phone all day. Is it Josh again?” Airielle’s world stopped. Of course he would move on. She was the one who ended things with him. She zoned out for the rest of their conversation as she was pretty sure she had just lost the best thing that had happened to her. 
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“Hey Airielle. Can I sit here?” Airielle blinked as she was brought out of  her thoughts. She didn’t even remember walking to catering. “Airielle?” She looked up at Raymond and nodded her head. “You alright” he asked her as he sat down.  She blinked again and forced a small smile on her face. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said, 
“”You sure, you look zoned out or something.” 
Airielle was about to be sick. Yara and Josh walked into catering with Josh having an arm thrown around Yara’s shoulders. They were both laughing and Airielle wanted to know what the fuck was so funny.  
She needed to get out of there fast. She abruptly stood from her seat and without saying another word to Raymond she walked out of catering. After making a stop at Hunter’s office, telling him she was too sick to work tonight. She made her way to the locker rooms to find Trin. 
 “Hey baby girl you okay?” Trinity asked as she opened the door to The Bloodline’s locker room. Airielle felt her bottom lip tremble and of course, Trinity noticed. “Airielle what’s wrong.” Trinity asked getting the attention of Jon and Joe and they immediately came to the door to see what was wrong. 
Fuck. Airielle thought as she felt the first tear slide down her face. Jon immediately jumped into big brother mode. “Who the fuck did it!” 
“Guys, I'm fine.” She said but her voice cracked and more tears started falling. “I’m gonna head back to the hotel and probably find an early flight home. I just wanted to tell you so y’all weren’t waiting for me.” 
She turned to walk away but was stopped by Josh standing right behind her. Should have just sent her a text. 
Josh noticed her tears and cupped her face, making her look at him. “What happened.” 
“Why don’t you ask Yara.” She said, glaring at him while she pushed him away from here. 
“Oop.” Trinity said, pulling Jon and Joe back into the locker room and closing the door.  
“Wait.” Josh chuckled. “You mad at me? For hanging out with Yara?” He scoffed. “I mean i’m single right?” Airielle wiped her tears and nodded her head. 
“You’re absolutely right, you are single. So if you’ll excuse me.” She said shouldering her way past Josh. 
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July 31st 2021
Paul had granted Airielle her two week vacation early and she was beyond grateful. It couldn't have come at a better time. She had just walked out of the gym when her phone pinged with a notification. 
Raymond : Hey, i’m in Pensacola visiting my grandma. You wanna chill or somethin?” 
Airielle bit her lip as she contemplated  his offer. 
To Raymond: sure. Give me a time and place & ill be there. 
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Raymond had decided to take her to a local lounge/bar that she had visited with Jon and Trin multiple times and was very grateful that they were not there tonight. 
“How many times am I gonna let you hustle me?” Airielle laughed as she placed the fifty dollar bill he just handed her into her bag. 
“Lets just call it payback for looking at my ass every time I bent over to hit the ball.” Raymond looked shocked then shrugged with a smile on his face causing Airielle to shove him lightly. “ Thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed this.” Raymond shrugged and wrapped his arm around Airielle’s shoulder and started leading her to her car.
“It’s not a  problem Airielle, really. I like hanging out with you.” Airielle smiled and pulled her keys out of her purse. 
“I like hanging out with you too.” Airielle’s eyes widened as Raymond started lowering his head towards her. She was about to push him away but… If Josh was moving on, so could she. 
Raymond let out a groan as their lips met. Airielle wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening the kiss. 
“You know.” A voice called out, startling the two of them. “Here I was feeling bad because you seen me hanging out with Yara.”  It was almost comical how wide Airielle’s eyes were as she turned to face Josh.  
“Josh,” She started. Taking a step towards him but he took a step back and started shaking his head. 
“I’m done Airielle. Whatever games you playin.” He shook his head. “I don’t wanna play anymore. You got it.” Josh sighed as he pushed past Airielle and Raymond and started walking towards the bar. 
“Fuck.” Airielle muttered, before getting in her car and driving away, without saying goodbye to Raymond. 
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Airielle... smh..
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @theninthwonder
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@xmonetsworld @kill-the-artiste
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You know, in MW5 I kinda dismissed the Corsair as a bit of a joke.
Sure, he hits hard a bit when ya don't stare at him, and good fucking luck hitting his head, but it crumples a bit under sustained fire to the torso, and he doesnt exactly have the heaviest of weaponry. Even with my difficulties in the arena mode tryna fight him in a Nightstar, he wasn't impossible.
But oh fucking man. I salvaged an XT1 from one FFA arena mission, so after a ridiculous repair cost cause some madman stuck an XL engine in here, and replacement guns, I took the mech for a spin.
He appears to have taken my bad faith criticisms.. personally.
He stuck to one rock for cover and proceeded to rain hell upon the enemy, ripping some poor Hatchetman a new one with his AC/5-RF and 3 backup AC/2BF's, and severely crippling several assaults while the other mechs in the lance moved in. He occasionally used his backup LRM 5s to poke at unsuspecting mechs, but loved his autocannons more than the salvage we could have gotten by NOT annihilating everything in his wake.
By the time his magazines had finally clicked empty, he began his forward march to glory, holding down his TAG laser and spamming his additonal-backup PPC-X while remaining suprisingly cool.
For reference of that fight, our Highlander HM, had come back with neither of his limbs, as he was in the thick of the fight for most of the arena match.
The Corsair came back with 90 damage out of 576. 90. Fucking. Damage. He came strolling on back with a bruise on his knee compared to the punishment the Highlander endured.
And he laughed the whole way home. Knowing damn well I was wrong. Knowing damn well that the assault-mech sized liability that could, very well fucking did. And came back with empty ammo bins and a shit eating grin on its face. Of course, the mech cannot laugh. Nor does it even have the paint in the rough shape of said aforementioned shit-eating grin.
But I know that groan of myomer and the telltale clanging of a wrench accidentally falling through a gap in the steel, because one of our junior engineers has fucking butterfingers.
He was laughing at me. "Who's not shit now," he mocks. "Who's an assault-sized trashcan now?"
What I still lament about this mech is the fact that it does not have more gun slots. For if you sure as shit aren't going to be civil,
You may as well be efficient.
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