#armpit hair infection
balkanradfem · 2 months
So I am gonna write about a tmi, icky gross problem regarding armpit hair, so if you don't feel like reading about that, it's time to scoot, skip this post, scroll on, skedaddle.
I know you're all still reading because you want to know about gross icky disgusting problems, and this is your own fault. So let me tell you a story!
I've had a life where paying attention to my physical health was the least of my issues, and if a problem was ignorable, you can be sure I ignored it. This proved to be a poor method of staying healthy, and now I am in fact, not doing so well. But that's not the point, the point is, I'm now paying much more attention to my body, and able to notice if something is up!
So one of the things I've ignored, was the condition of my armpit hair, which I shaved for only a very brief period of my life, and was happy to continue growing it out. I've noticed after a while, that there is some white coating on some of my armpit hair, and I thought, you know, I need to wash that stuff out! I need to scrub that area more, obviously it's still dirty somehow. However I would discover that no matter with what I scrub or wash, the white dots and coating on the hair would remain there. So it was not dirt, I was forced to conclude.
I looked it up, and the internet informed me, it is in fact, a bacterial infection. Shocked and baffled, I read some articles that recommended going to the doctor, getting antibiotics, shaving it off, using products to stop sweating, washing constantly not to get it again. It was utter defeat, after being so happy about my armpit hair being normal and all grown, to have to shave it again because of a stupid goddamn infection. They said the infection hits women and m*n the same, but women experience it less because they most commonly shave it off. Like firstly I don't believe you that most women do that, secondly you didn't mention the skin infections women can get from shaving.
But anyway, I had to shave it off in humiliation, and then I grew it back again, and I was more careful this time! To wash more carefully, to not allow myself to be sweaty, to dry off my armpits before putting clothes on, but after a while, it slipped my mind. I get anxiety sweating, I work a physical job, and I am a gardener. I get sweaty! And I like being sweaty and it doesn't feel bad and I would like, to not get an infection. But six months later the infection came back and now I'm brooding about it. I don't wanna shave it off again! I miss not knowing it was a legitimate problem, and I mean it's not like it's actively causing problems, just makes the smell of my armpit slightly stronger but I am okay with my own smell so the only thing that does bother me is knowing there is some bacteria in there having a field day while I'm enjoying my gross sticky life of being a physical worker.
So I am writing this to find out: is this a problem other women growing armpit hair have faced? Have you all known what it is? Did anyone find a solution that isn't a topical antibiotic and living a life where you don't ever get sweaty? If it turns out I'm the number one icky woman out there, so be it, I can be the leader. But I've never heard anyone talk about this, and I don't want to go to a doctor and hear 'why don't you just shave it off like all normal women' because I have the right to my armpit hair dammit, and I want it to be for my own enjoyment and comfort and the bacteria need to find some other job.
If this is a common problem then people have found a way to deal with it centuries ago, and I bet any witch back in time would know exactly what to do, but sadly I can't go and ask one, or read about their findings, because we know why. Please help me crowdsurf this information.
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imaginesmai · 9 months
I love you - Azriel
Maybe I got carried away, maybe this is not my best work. But I needed to write this and here it is! Let me know if you like it, and if you have any idea for requests!
Plot: after the worst possible outcome after one of your missions, Azriel comes back to you, trying to fix what was broken.
Azriel hesitated to even go home for the night. Part of him wondered if it would be a better idea to sleep it off at Mor’s, maybe crash with Cassian and Nesta. Even risk getting an infection and go to the soldiers’ barricade to wait until sunrise.
Then, he would be sure that you’re off to work again. He was beaten, bruised and bloody, and through normally the blood wasn’t mostly his, that time it was coming from gashes everywhere around his torso.
He looked once more at the faint light in your shared room, at your form reading in the divan with your feet tucked under your legs. The sight was enough to ease the pain of the week, to make up his mind about finally going home.
After a week in the Illyrian camps, he thought he deserved it.
“Damn it”
As soon as he put a foot inside your apartment, he heard you curse, throw the book to the ground and rush to the entrance. Azriel didn’t have time to do anything but close the door behind him before you appeared.
In your nightgown, with no socks on and messy hair, you looked like a heavenly sight. Azriel gave you a small smile, the first he had muttered in a week. But not as full or confident as the ones he gave you a months ago.
“Az” you whined. “Please, tell me that’s not your blood”
“Sorry. Would have crashed at the Wind House, but –“
“Damn it, Az!”
You weren’t angry at him, he knew. Anger was your way of showing concern, frustration, and the rest of pent-up emotions you had felt during the last two months. Usually, when he came home battered and hurt, you were besides him, leaning against his side and sharing stories about the battle. Usually, you would return to a cold house and warm it together, after long missions together.
But that was not your reality anymore.
Azriel watched you walk from the bedroom’s door to him, still not steady on your feet. It made him want to go back to the camp kill them all again slower, crueler. He waited until you were besides him. It only took him a few days to understand you needed your space, that you needed to learn how to move once more.
How to live without the extra weight of your wings behind you, now only horrible, scarred skin on your back.
“How bad is it?” you asked your hands on his shoulders. Maybe it was for his comfort, or for your support. You just started undoing the straps on his shoulders, that held together the protection vest.
“They got a few good hits, but I’m fine. Just need a bath to clean them before they heal” he whispered, his voice rough. “Wanna join me?”
 “Where are they?”
You ignored his invitation, just as you had ignored the last twenty times he had proposed anything to do with you naked. As you unfastened his vest, belt and jacket, Azriel stared at you.
It felt weirdly nice to see you so focused and worried, trying to find the hidden wounds on his body. Even though he felt the pain and soreness in every inch of his body, it was a nice change from your usual demeanor.
Azriel looked away from you to the fire that was still burning, to the half-eaten dinner on the table. It was his home, had been for the last century. And still, he felt himself looking at it through stranger’s eyes.
“This one is pretty deep” you muttered, brushing your fingers against a gash on his collarbone that finished close to his armpit. “And it’s caked in mud”
“They didn’t sweep the floor before I arrived, can you believe it?”
Without your brain’s permission, you snorted a laugh. Azriel’s body went tense under your arms, and for a moment, you feared having hurt him. Only, when you looked at him, there was only surprise and shock on his tired eyes.
You pressed your lips together, almost regretting the sudden outburst. It had been strange for you too, as if there was someone else laughing from inside your body. Someone that you had been before, but now was lost.
“I guess you need a bath”
Going back to your previous task, Azriel couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The pain and tiredness had evaporated, and now he could only repeat in his head that snort. It hadn’t been feminine, hadn’t been lovely. Still, if you were really a heavenly sight, then that was the sound of heaven’s bells.
He fell into a trance and only woke up when you patted his naked chest. You had left his underwear on, but the rest of his clothes were on the ground, now stained with blood and dirt. After a century of being a mated couple, you were more than comfortable around each other’s bodies.
You should have been around yours, but Azriel had yet to see the scars on your back.
The week of the events were blurry on his mind, foggy in a haze of panic, terror and rage. Azriel remembered feeling a shattering pain through the bond while you were visiting Illyrian camps, then Rhys winnowing him and Cassian through multiple locations until they found you. Almost five hours later, when nothing could be done.
The picture of you lying in a pool of blood, naked from the waist up and tied to a pole was printed into his memory. Azriel remembered himself crying, sobbing, screaming and begging as they took you back to the house, your attackers nowhere in sight. Remembered Madja with tears in her eyes telling them that it hadn’t been a normal clipping, that it would take you long to recover.
He could only remember the open wounds on your back, muscle and bone sticking out, only your Fae inheritance keeping you alive. Azriel had yet to see how it looked now.
“You should take that bath now, before they start healing” you said, taking a step away from him. “See if we should call Madja”
“There’s no need. I’ll be fine in the morning”
The fire crackling was the only sound in the apartment as you two stared at each other. He had been the one gone for a week, yet the bags under your eyes rivaled his. Azriel was lost without you, and navigated blind the new situation you had been forced to adapt to.
In the past was now the anger, the rage and protectiveness. He had tried to find your attackers everywhere, but they had vanished. He had found their friends, people who had witnessed the carnage and cheered on them. They all lay dead, forgotten, in the mountains, where their bodies and souls would find no rest.
And while he was sure he would find those responsible of the attack and make them pay, now you two had to adapt.
During the past month, you had often refused his presence more than what it was necessary. He kind of expected for you to go back to bed, and find you in the farthest side of it when he came back.
However, you didn’t move.
“They should have swept the floors” you started. “You’ve got dirt all over your hair”
“You already know us Illyrian males are brutes” Azriel smiled again, this time wider. He extended his arms slowly, not fully believing you were there and not about to bolt away. “Come with me to the bath”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea”
“Darling, please.”
Silver lines appeared under your eyes, and your breath started to speed up. In the last months, Azriel had watched you cry and scream, sob in his shoulder until you had fallen asleep, and his own tears had mixed with your own.
“Let’s have a bath together. I’ll let you scorch me with hot water and I won’t complain about the shampoo. And then I’ll cook something and eat together.”
“Please, Y/N”
Before it happened, before you were so brutalized by them, you used to bath together. A tube big enough to fit both of your wings, where you could lay against his back and kiss him until you were all wrinkled.
More than anything else, Azriel missed that. Part of it was his fault for spending so much time outside your house, haunting down the animals that hurt you. He wouldn’t rest until they met their death by his hand, and if the information he had gathered during the week was correct, it would happen sooner than later.
Ready for your rejection, he wasn’t expecting the small nod nor the silent steps you took until your head was resting on the crook of his shoulder. It wasn’t the first time you had hug, yet it was the first time you had hugged him. Azriel didn’t hesitate for long, and wrapped his bandaged arms around your middle, bringing you closer to him.
Without your wings, you were easier to hug than before. There would be no more wings’ brushing or tangling, but he held you as tight as he used to.
“I love you” you whispered, sucking a breath to keep you from breaking down once more. “I love you”
“I love you too, more than anything” he answered back.
The blood and grime were staining your nightgown, but you didn’t complain as he quietly picked you up and led you to the bathroom.
Between the wings and the grief, you had lost much weight. It made it easier to climb up his torso and nestle on his chest, your legs wrapped around his waist. Although any other time it would lead to other type of activities, Azriel only held you tight and got the water running.
Through the nightgown, where he was holding your waist, he could feel the end of your scars. Where your wings had ended, where they had ripped them. Azriel felt the rough edges of the scar, still swollen and probably sore, so he tried to be gentle.
The male ignored his own pains and aches as he prepared the bath like he used to. Even if he had shared more tears lately than during his whole life, he couldn’t help the knot on his throat as he held you close with one arm.
Your warmth, your smell, felt familiar. Like home. The bond had been nothing but pain and sorrow, but as he carried you around the bathroom, he soaked in the comfort you emanated through it.
“It’s ready” he said eventually, when the tub was full. Slowly, he let you touch the ground, though his hand found your cheek. “Do you want me to turn around?”
“No” you didn’t break eye contact. “It’s okay”
His left hand managed to touch any part of your skin while you took the nightgown off, letting it fall to the ground. Azriel kept his hand steady, but his eyes traveled quickly across every inch of your skin. From your shoulders to your ribs, from the scars he already knew to the new ones in your knees and wrists.
You turned around to get in the bathtub, and Azriel felt his power roaring inside him, screaming at him to let go. Destroy something, anything. Destroy the world for being such a cruel place and letting it happen to you, destroy everyone until you were the only one standing, safe and sound.
It took him all his willpower to stay still as he watched where your wings were. The place he had teased so often, with the pads of his fingers as you squirmed under him. Now, there were two long, wide and irregular scars. The new skin had tried to regenerate the space between the wounds, and it was all pink and wrong.
Azriel would never say it out loud, but the scared boy inside him begged for running away. For ignoring the problems, the pain, and pretend for a little longer it was all just like before.
But he forces himself to watch them, to watch you as you winced when the hot water covered the scars. As soon as you were inside, he dropped his underwear and got besides you.
“Why are you standing so far away?” he opened his arms for you to get closer, but you only stared at him. “Y/N. Come here”
“They’re really ugly, Az” you almost cut him off. It was the first time you ever talked about the scars. “And – I try not to, notice them. But they’re rough and maybe it feels wrong against your chest”
“They won’t feel wrong”
“Maybe they do. Maybe you can’t stand the feeling and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“Without you here, I am uncomfortable”
Azriel didn’t let you argue further, taking your arm and dragging you where you belonged – between his open legs, your back against his chest, his head on your neck. The skin there was soft and warm, nothing like the feeling of your back against his chest. Your scarred, rough back, that had him swallow a breath.
His arms circle your body close to him, lips on your shoulder. Your wings had been much smaller than his, so in the past you had used that position many times. He already missed the accidental bumps against your wings when you moved them, the additional warmth.
“I love you” he repeated for what it felt like the thousand time.
“And I – “
“No, let me finish. I love you, darling. With or without wings, and what those monsters did doesn’t change the fact that this, right here, is my home. With you. Always” his arm, that was wrapped around your middle, brought you closer to him. “I love your toes, and how you scrunch them when you excited. And your knees and legs, when you wrap them around me and I feel”
Being so close to you made him feel complete again. As if he had lost a part of himself with your wings and had finally found it again. There were no sounds beside your breathing, no lights but the moon and the candles. Nothing else but you in his arms.
Testing the waters, he pressed his lips higher, where you neck and shoulder met. They were chapped, rough, but you leaned back and let him free access. If you let him, he knew, he would kiss every inch of your body before the sun came up.
“I love your thighs so much, and your hips. If I could, I would physically attach my arm around them and never let you go” he continued. “I love your belly so, so much. How sensitive it is and how ticklish”
You scoffed and shifted when Azriel ran his fingers through your lower belly, but didn’t move away. If anything, you ended up closer to him. He closed his eyes, breathed your scent, and left another kiss higher in your neck.
“And I could spend hours talking about how much I love your breasts. But behind them, I love your heart more than anything, Y/N. How compassionate, and brave, and caring you are. Y/N, nothing, and I mean nothing, will make me love you less”
“I feel so, so embarrassed” you confessed suddenly. One of your hands was holding his, and you squeezed. “I had gotten so far with them. They… I survived adolescence, I thought I was safe. And I was trained! I was supposed to –“
“You were supposed to nothing. What happened wasn’t your fault more than mine for not being there sooner” Azriel cut you off.
It was silent for a moment, where Azriel didn’t move from your neck. Once he felt like he wouldn’t snap the world in two if he moved, he turned your head with his free hand so he could look at you.
Once more, there were tears on your eyes. Tired, frustrated tears. But also so much love and trust in him that made him dizzy.
“What happened, doesn’t change your value as a warrior, as a person. As my mate” he looked between your lips and eyes, willing to repeat it as many times as you wanted. “It doesn’t change how much I love you, darling. How much I’m ready to give up for you only to make you see yourself the way I do”
Azriel held his breath for a second, waiting for you to say something. Either to keep the conversation, to step out of the tub or to turn your head away. It was the longest talk you two had had until now.
What he didn’t expect was for you to move forward until your lips met his. They were just as he remembered – as watching Starfall or witnessing a wish come true. They fit perfectly with his own, noses brushing each other while he trapped your upper lip between his own.
The first tear rolled down his cheek before he could control it, and he moved you two around so you were more comfortable. Your scent changed, gone the bitter taste of fear and replaced by sweetness of your love that he had grown used to.
“I love you” you repeated against hips lips, not moving away. “I love you”
“More than anything, darling” he answered back before linking your lips together one more time.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Shigaraki is not the most….hygienic man. Can you do Fem! Reader luring him into some shower sex?
Aight so we all know Shigarakis a stanky boi.
Like not just from his room, he is covered in a cloud of musk if he has his ways. He doesn’t bother cleaning or anything after a battle unless you badger him about infections, and he only changes his clothes when they become so smelly they’re practically moist. Yes, this includes underwear.
Just to clarify though, he does still use toilet paper. He’s not that gross.
He also doesn’t normally clean himself up after sex. Especially if he’s in his subby mindset, after making love he passes right out. You better hold him while he does though, if he doesn’t feel your fingers carding through his sweaty hair or hear your soft praises he’ll sulk when he wakes up.
So, normally, it’s up to you to take charge of his personal hygiene. This means washing him with a damp washcloth after sex and picking out dead hero bits out of his hair as he sleeps. But if you want him to take a shower, that’s going to take some creativity.
This man is stubborn af, and finds stuff like bathing to be a waste of time, no matter how much you plead with him. That, and the hot water upsets his dry skin, but he won’t tell you that. No way he’ll admit he’s scared of a little water.
Anyways, if you want him to take a shower with you, you’re gonna have to confront him while he’s already in the bathroom. He’s just taking a piss when you barge in and lock the door. (This man keeps the door unlocked, he has neither shame nor knowledge of social boundaries)
He’ll jerk in surprise at the noise, maybe scold you for interrupting him, but in the end won’t give you much notice. Nothing of his you haven’t seen before anyways
You do, however, gain his attention when you begin undressing. Immediately his cheeks burn bright red, and you haven’t even taken your bra off. When you do, you hear an audible gasp even though he’s seen your breasts many times before.
You continue stripping until you’re naked, and just as he’s about to go feel you up, you get in the shower. With a wink and a suggestive tone, you ask him to strip and join you, and with the lust clouding his mind he accepts.
Nows the tricky part. If Shig realizes your intentions while you’re finally cleaning him, he’s not going to be too happy. Might once again sulk a little bit. So, you’re going to have to be creative.
Lather your hands in soap and begin groping his chest from behind, making a brief pit stop at his armpits. Stay there for too long and he’ll get suspicious, but a few good tweaks to the nipples will shut him right up.
Order that he eats you out in that demanding tone he likes, and while he lowers grab some shampoo and cover your hands in it, so when as you pull on his hair when his tongue enters your sensitive, pink hole, it’s getting washed.
He’ll get so in the zone while eating you out that you can finish up washing the other parts of his head and shoulders that need work, that is if you can do anything but whine and pull his head impossibly close as he gently nibbles on your clit just right. Suffocate him in your pussy as best you can, wriggle his head around so his tongue hits your sweet spots just right, and when you finally climax for the love of god rip his head out of your crotch because he will not stop.
Then, as he gazes up at you with your sweet nectar still dripping down his chin and a wide, dopey smile you love so much, get him back on his feet and insist on returning the favor.
Break out the soap once more, insisting that it makes a good makeshift lube. Lather his cock in bubbles and foam as you praise him for being such a good boy for you. Once it’s clean enough, lick at the tip a little bit if you don’t mind the taste of soap. If you do his legs will shake like a newborn deer and he’ll let out the softest mewls, just barely audible over the sound of rushing water.
Keep going down his shaft and he’ll begin to cry for you, pulling your head into his groin as close as he can just like you did and begging you to keep going. That he’ll be a good boy, your good boy forever if he could just cum down your throat. Make him cum, please, please.
If you decide to tease him, he will start crying, because in vulnerable situations like this he desperately wants, no, needs to feel good.
Then, as you feel his cock twitch against his tongue and his cries reach a crescendo, get the soap once last time and reach around to his tight entrance, gently but firmly rubbing against his clenching hole as the last of the sweat and grime washes away.
Press your finger into him just as he cums and he’ll practically pass out, legs quivering and head arched back from the intensity of his orgasm.
Finally, after you both catch your breath, the shower turned off and Shigaraki just barely managing to stay upright, give him a shoulder to lean on as you guide him to the toilet seat. Dry (and massage) his feet, all the way up to his hair as he snores softly, so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he sat down.
After this, he’ll never complain about showers again. He’ll beg you for a shower, and when you agree he’ll be in there ready to go before you even take your shirt off. Keeping this boy clean is a full time job, but boy is it worth it
Ngl I think this might be one of the best smuts I’ve written so far, Tysm for the ask! I hope you don’t mind I made it subby… whoopsies 😘
Anyways, have a good day and a happy holidays!
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bellswlw · 1 year
thinking about reader giving ellie a haircut and fucking up the front lol.
"You almost done?" she asked, her head tilted toward the ground as she sat as still as she could in the kitchen of your place.
"You know, I would be if you stopped moving." and as you said it, you were met with the 'snip' that the craft scissors made against Ellie's damp hair.
You weren't amazing at giving haircuts, but you cut your own, and often Ellie's when she asked. Plus, it wasn't like it's as big a deal as going outside and getting ripped apart by infected.
Just then Ellie had let her leg fall still, her foot meeting the ground with a soft thud mid bounce. She hated when people touched her hair, even you. She never really cared for it at all, never really understood why people had made such a fuss about it before the outbreak either.
Who cares if it was short or long or dyed this color or that, or if you liked to wear it this way or that. None of it really mattered to her. It would grow back eventually.
Hers had always been kept pretty short because that's just how she liked it. She never really got bored of it, but it bothered her when it grew just long enough past her shoulders that it would snag on her backpack or get stuck in her armpit.
And she couldn't cut it by herself for shit. She had tried a few times, but it never really came out right. And so, as much as she hated the feeling of her hair in someone else's hands and having to sit perfectly still for nearly 15 minutes, she did it. Because she enjoyed seeing the look on your face after you were finished, swiping the towel from around her neck and revealing a small mirror to you. A small "Ta-da!" always making the mirror shake before she grabbed it.
But this time... this time, you had gotten a little sloppy. Not by a lot, but just enough to clip the smallest amount more than you normally did.
Ellie's bangs had always bothered her when they got too long. They would fall right in front of her eyes, so much so that not even trying to blow them to the side worked.
You gasped, and the second the air entered your lungs you wanted to spit them back out and stall Ellie from jumping back from your touch.
"What? What?" she said, looking up at you with a small aline chunk of her hair missing.
"Oh shit." you said under your breath, and as much as you tried to fight the smile that crept into your face, you broke, letting out a laugh that only made Ellie more nervous.
"Don't laugh. What? What'd you do? Fuck, is it bad? Did you fuck up my bangs?" and she reached from underneath the towel, trying to eye and finger the piece of hair in front of her face.
"No no, don't." and you grabbed onto her wrist before she could touch her hair.
"I can fix it." you said now, and your fingers were combing through it, the other hand clasped against your mouth trying to hold back more laughter.
"This isn't funny. How bad is it? I- you know what, give me the mirror."
"No. Give it. I wanna see."
And reluctantly, you handed it over, watching her eyes widen as she took in the sight.
She blinks up at you, her eyes cutting into you so deeply that all you can do is laugh. It looked ridiculous. "I'm sorry." you say as your giggles topple you forward, hanging onto the counter for support.
"No. Never again. Shit- what the FUCK. I didn't even move!" and she's shaking her head at you, the bangs following her movements as they slowly sway side to side lazily.
"I- I'm sorry, okay? Here, let me fix it." and you wipe the tears that had pooled in your eyes suddenly before you stand before Ellie and try to fix her stupid little bangs.
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tightwadspoonies · 6 months
What To Do... Hygiene Edition
If you don't have a toothbrush-
The goal of brushing teeth is to prevent tooth decay. Prevent tooth decay by preventing bacteria buildup on teeth. Plaque (the slimy film that appears on teeth after a day or two) is a buildup of bacteria, saliva, and tiny food particles. If you can remove this once or twice a day, before it becomes hard (tartar) you are much less likely to have cavities and gum disease.
You can do this without a toothbrush by taking a small piece of rough cloth (like the corner of a washcloth or towel) and rubbing it all over your teeth twice per day. Rinse it well afterwards and let it dry completely (preferably in the sun) between uses.
If you don't have toothpaste-
Toothpaste is a paste containing rough particles, flavorings, and other chemicals that remove and may help prevent plaque and tarter from forming.
If you're doing a good job brushing your teeth to disrupt that plaque formation, you technically don't need toothpaste. However, if you would like a little bit of freshness or feel like you need more than just a brush or cloth, you can take a pinch of baking soda and (optional) add a drop or two of flavored extract (like vanilla or peppermint- DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR THIS). Put this on your toothbrush or cloth and brush as normal.
If you don't have deodorant-
Deodorant is not absolutely necessary for health, but if you work somewhere that has a "hygiene code" or some BS you probably need to smell like something other than a human.
The recipe is the same as toothpaste above. A pinch of baking soda and (optional) a drop of extract like vanilla or peppermint. Rub under each armpit.
If you don't have lip balm-
Lip balm is often necessary in colder or dryer climates to prevent cracking and infection. Any fat can be used as lip balm, for example, petroleum jelly (Vaseline), lard, butter, vegetable oils, your own face grease, etc... Just put a drop on a finger and rub on your lips until it rubs in.
If you don't have toilet paper-
You will need a plastic cup and a wash cloth. Use the plastic cup to pour water over the soiled area. If it's poop you'll need to use your hand to make sure everything washes off. Once clean, use the wash cloth to dab up any remaining water. Wash your hands well afterward.
This might sound horrible if you're used to toilet paper, but it is used all over the world and leaves you a lot cleaner than TP does.
If you don't have soap-
For handwashing- use water to wash anything visible off the hands, then follow with hand sanitizer or a few drops of rubbing alcohol to sanitize.
For body washing- You don't actually want soap for most of your body, including your privates. Wash with water only. For hair (since it tends to look greasy if unwashed), use a few teaspoons of baking soda or tablespoons of lemon juice and rub it in. This will help get rid of dirt and grease when soap or shampoo is not available.
If you don't have nail clippers-
Use sharp scissors. While these might be more challenging the first time and you'll need to be careful, you can absolutely use scissors for nail clippers, it's what everyone did before the invention and popularization of nail clippers.
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wordwovencackle · 4 months
Time To Grow Out Body Hair!
A Post On Stopping Body Hair Removal!
As the temperatures are slowly rising above freezing temperatures, you may be thinking about spring and summertime. A lot may also be considering whether to pick shaving/waxing up again after a winter of leaving it be; you may also just continue shaving/waxing as you've always done.
But, for the girls and women considering stopping shaving/waxing, I hope to share some tips and pros that may help you decide! (Additions are always welcome!)
If you're worried about sensory issues, let me reassure you. The uncomfortable part about growing out your hair on your armpits, arms, legs, pubic hair, eyebrows, facial hair, happy trail, between the cheeks, et cetera, is overwhelmingly the stubble stage! This can be uncomfortable at first, and I recommend moisturising a bit more than usual to help soften them out. Body oils, baby oils and conditioners can also work miracles! Wear comfortable clothing, keep up your hygiene, and power through. Before you know it, you will pass the stubble stage and your hair will be softer.
Even if your hair is coarse, it will be better than stubble. Let it settle for a while. Give it time. It's why I made this post so early in the year, after all! Additionally, is the temporary discomfort of stubble enough reason for you to not think about the other (in my case more severe) sensory issues of:
Ingrown hairs! Razor/Irritation bumps! Dry skin! The pain of waxing! The accidental cuts from the razor! In my opinion, none of these are better than the temporary discomfort of stubble.
Did you grow out your body hair and it is too long and becomes inconvenient, or it gets tangled, consider trimming instead of shaving/waxing. That way you still will not suffer the issues mentioned above!
Worried about hygiene? Women report both sometimes sweating more as well as less when stopping to shave. Of course, this also depends on hormone levels, the food you eat, how much water you drink, or your health, all of which are susceptible to change all the time. Sometimes I sweat more and then a few months I sweat less. Switching up hygiene products, drinking more, eating less processed foods/drinking less processed drinks, switching up deodorants or finding alternatives, or wearing different materials alone can be extremely beneficial.
Bottom line: keep washing regularly and body hair will not be an issue. You don't have to perform any other actions besides thoroughly washing your body as usual to maintain the hygiene of your body hair. All in all, considering you are removing the entire practice of body hair removal, it requires actually less upkeep than you may be used to.
Indeed, especially pubic hair is actually better for you. It acts as a protective buffer and reduces friction during sex. The protective buffer shields you from dirt, any harmful bacteria or pathogens and other undesirable microorganisms. The hair also creates a natural oil (like on your scalp) that helps prevent bacteria from reproducing. Pubic hair also helps prevent infections such as yeast infections, STIs and UTIs! As with the above, if you wash it regularly like the rest of your body, it is in no way unhygienic! The information that pubic hair is unhygienic is a myth to ensure you keep buying hair removal products.
That's right, though shaving was occasionally practiced in the past, modern shaving is largely encouraged by and part of making a profit! Circa the 1920s, it became slowly socially acceptable for women to show their legs and armpits during some social situations. Companies like Gillette decided to broaden their target audience of men shaving facial hair. Advertisements began to claim being hairy is inherently unhygienic. This is false. I encourage not wasting your money (it's expensive!) on extensively removing your body hair based on a scam.
Also, consider all the waste of plastic in the majority of waxing strips and razors that you have to frequently replace! If you ever needed a product to keep out of your shopping list for the sake of the environment, consider waxing strips and razors!
Feel more confident in your skin! Never have I felt more confident than seeing my natural body and loving it just the way it is.
I also assure you, in real life (so no don't look at social media posts,) very few care. If at all, you may have more backlash from your family (usually also out of shame or worry that you will be ostracised) than strangers. I've had two curious double-takes perhaps in an entire year. Those strangers that would potentially judge you, do you want them in your life? No? Then don't worry about them. And in time, your confidence will grow. The odd comment on your appearance won't even bother you anymore. This is a good thing!
Still feeling shame or worry? Check if your shame has become debilitating. So many women are dreading to see a doctor because they're scared of being judged for their body hair. As such, they have sometimes waited too long. Medical complications, all because of shame for their natural bodies! This should horrify you and should help you think about whether your shame of body hair has gone too far. It truly is time to stop letting indoctrinated shame endanger your life!
What if you are alright with all of the above but you are still uncomfortable and you just don't like the look of body hair? Or, what if you are worried a (potential) romantic partner won't like it, I am going to ask you, and you need to think about it deeply and answer to yourself: why would (subjective/ever-changing) beauty(standards) be more important to you than your health and comfort?
When you shave and/or wax and you say you "do it for yourself," how true is that? What if you do it for yourself, what does it do for you and why? Do as you will, but why perform an action you are unsure of why you do it at all?
Radical acceptance and being comfortable with your body is subversive. You will always be pressured to change, to dress up, to remove, to fit into something, to shape something up, to slim down, to be feminine, to be desirable, et cetera, it's spiralling and unhealthy! Instead, choosing comfort and acceptance as a woman is revolutionary.
I've had friends come up to me that they've always considered quitting shaving but never dared until they saw someone who doesn't. They told me they'd found the guts to give it a try themselves too. So many want to but don't know where or how to begin, some of us have to be the first!
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ordinorultor-if · 2 months
Some Physical Descriptions, pt.2
Hilda/Hilmar Hardrada
Imagine a stereotypical viking. Now give them an ice saw and cover them in scars. That's H. Built like a brick-shithouse with height to match, H is imposing in spite of their friendly nature. The fact that they have a penchant for wearing furs, thus adding volume to their silhouette, compounds this.
H's torso and arms are crisscrossed by all sorts of cut and stab scars, but their most noticeable scar is a graze wound on the right side of their head, which prevents their golden hair from growing there. Their scars aren't the only man-made mark on their body, however - they, and both of their younger siblings, have a kraken tattooed over their heart, in memory of their mother.
From what they say (and what a half-Ostrowegian MC can remember), H mostly takes after their father.
It's not a perfect match, but a good way to imagine H is Eivor from AC Valhalla. Best part is there's male and female variants for both characters, lol.
Dagrun/Dagobert Hardrada
D looks about like you'd imagine a mage to - thin and lanky, a penchant for dark-colored hooded robes, pale-skinned, and long haired, with their jet-black hair reaching all the way to their waist. When engaging in combat, they, like H, make use of chainmail and padded leather, though unlike H, D also makes use of a breastplate.
Despite their lack of room organization, D makes certain their person is immaculate. Many times has their elder sibling tried to catch them with even a speck of dirt on them, and many times have they failed.
Since D lacks both the frontline combat style and... adventurous... lifestyle of their older sibling, they are mostly mark-free, with two major exceptions: their lower-right arm, which is almost entirely scar tissue, and the space over their heart, which, just like both of their older siblings, is tattooed with a kraken in memory of their mother.
Much like how H claims to mostly take after their father in terms of looks, D (allegedly) mostly takes after their mother.
Charlotte/Charles de Alençon
C is basically Wolverine the shortest of the cast, but they're still fierce - they're even the second-most muscled RO, after H.
C is a more martial focused person due to their circumstances, and they have the looks to match. Much like B, they wear leather armor even at home (and change into plate when preparing for battle), and they keep their hair relatively short, only growing it slightly down their back (a little past their armpits, if I had to give an exact spot). Charles also declines to grow much facial hair (which he gets teased about, if B is also male.)
Despite the constant need to defend their territory, C actually has relatively few battle scars. In fact, their most notable scar is actually of medical origin, the result of a surgery performed as a young child to try and prevent improper bone growth in their left arm.
Florence/Ferdinand Anglouême
F is... the way I'd describe them is 'average but pretty'. Despite this, F is the one who probably cares the most about appearances. Much like D, they're never seen with a single speck of dirt on their body, and this extends to their outfit. F actually wears rather fine clothes, befitting their status as a duke/duchess.
Ferdinand is one of the two ROs to have facial hair. Unlike Hilmar's beard, however, Ferdinand's mustache is rather well contained, and he takes great care to make sure it's prim and proper. If you want an idea of what Ferdinand looks like, Aaron Taylor-Johnson in Anna Karenina isn't the worst illustration, different hair color aside...
F has several scars on their body, with several concentrated where their neck meets their left shoulder, underneath their right armpit, and around their groin. They also have a handful on their nose and some other extremities. These scars are the result of plague, which infected both them and their father, claiming the latter's life.
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satans-helper · 20 days
Smother the Flame in Your Heart - Part XXIII
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Read previous parts here or read on Ao3 // Playlist
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Word Count: ~3100
Warnings: none:)
Finally, with relationships mended and things all settled, Josh’s idea for the group to get out to the “big city” again became reality. The art exhibition he’d previously had in mind had ended but of course, a new one had opened. So on an exceptionally warm and humid June day, the boys all found themselves meandering through the wide and high, glistening tile-lined rooms of the Detroit Art Institute.
Josh was lingering amidst the Indigenous art; Jake was taking his time with the shiny silver armor and wide array of swords that the museum had to offer. Sam and Danny stayed mostly together, keeping close, until Sam got caught up in all of the bright, colorful contemporary art that eventually Danny had felt he’d seen enough of once the stark shapes and blocks of color began to blur together.
He found himself standing in front of a bizarre yet beautiful reliquary, as the plaque beneath the strange object told him. He stared for a long moment first at the piece of bone encased in glass and gold, his eyes moving up to study the thin cross on top, then to each golden angel that held everything together and held it in the air, elevated in its little forever home. He was mesmerized by its splendor and its strangeness.
How would this man, this saint, feel if he knew a part of his body was immortalized and sitting in a museum? Danny wondered as he stared. Maybe he did know. Maybe before he died, he had faith that the people who believed in him and loved him would keep him a part of the living earth forever. Or as long as possible. Once the world ended, the glass, gold and bone would become dust like everything else. 
Still, the piece of that man, the piece of art, had already existed for almost a thousand years already and thousands of people had stared at it and probably pondered the same questions. What had he done to become a reliquary anyway? What made people want to immortalize him and keep him on display? How did he die to begin with?
Danny was glad he wasn’t literally immortal. When he’d first turned into a vampire, that was one of the first things he’d worried about. He didn’t want to spend eternity watching the people he loved die, watching the world burn without being able to help it, to linger and suffer inside with no way to end it. He’d pored over movies and books to try and find answers, but the real answer came when he’d just kept living–aging never stopped, he realized, nor did illness and injury. He’d had sprained arms and ankles that took just as much time to heal as anyone else, colds and sinus infections that required the same OTC meds and antibiotics to get him well again. Everything from his hair to skin to muscles kept changing with time. Thankfully, he wasn’t living on pause and one day his heart would stop like everyone else’s. 
And his heart did stop for a brief but seemingly earth-shattering moment when he made eye contact with a familiar blonde girl walking past. She looked away quickly at first, as anyone would when they make unintentional eye contact with a complete stranger, but then just as quickly she turned her face to meet Danny’s eyes again and he saw a damning flicker of recognition. Her eyes widened just a bit and then he saw fear in the dilating pupils; then anger as her cheeks flushed and her steps stopped, the heels of her shoes echoing. She planted herself in the middle of the room, just a few feet in front of the reliquary, staring back at him for only another moment but what felt like its own tortuous eternity. 
Once their shared recognition and damning memory was over, Danny scuttled out of the room to find Sam, his heart beating frantically, his whole body hot. Sweat was pushing past his clothing, dampening his armpits and his lower back, his hairline, the back of his neck. As he searched through the echoing museum with all this frantic energy, he eventually realized as he paused in front of a huge abstract painting full of cool blues and stark greens, that he wasn’t even sure what he could do. What was there to do? 
Well, he knew he needed to find Sam no matter what. 
Sam had gone in the opposite direction of Danny through the museum. Danny finally located him among the Asian artwork, looking intently at an ancient vase behind glass. 
“If that was in my house, someone would eventually break it,” Sam commented with a gesture at the vase. “It’s crazy how well some things are preserved for thousands of years.” 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Danny said, then he let out a long breath. He looked around, fearing that his past victim might have followed him, but she hadn’t. 
Sam turned to actually look at Danny, and Danny felt the rest of his surroundings blur. It was obvious, he realized, that he must have been a little out of sorts. Especially to Sam, who cocked his head to the side and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Um–” Danny wasn’t sure what to say. Was he overreacting? No, certainly not, he quickly concluded. Clearly the mental fog and disbelief and distance he relied on with strangers hadn’t come to fruition with that young woman. He exhaled again and took Sam’s hand in his, needing his boyfriend’s touch. “I just saw someone.” 
Sam’s head tilted to the other side. “Who?”
Danny groaned and looked around again, but still he was in the clear. “Before we were official. I went to a bar and found a girl–” He huffed, frustrated with himself. “That sounds gross. But I needed to, y’know, since I couldn’t–not with you–”
“Alright, babe, it’s okay,” Sam said, but his own heart began to race. Jake had asked him about this very thing and here they were. It was so naive of him to think Danny would never encounter anyone he’d ever been with in that way. 
Danny ran a hand over his face. “I feel sick.” 
“So let’s go.” Sam was already leading the way out of there, fishing into his pocket for his phone with his other hand. “I’ll tell Josh and Jake that we’re heading out. What do you wanna do?” He was walking faster but Danny was keeping up, then in a second Danny was walking even faster, dragging Sam along instead. 
Danny had no idea what he wanted to do besides escape, and it made him feel like a coward. Like a cretin. Like someone who didn’t even have a fraction of the goodness of a saint, although that thought made a silly, nervous laugh bubble out of him as he swept him and Sam out into the sunshine.
“What?” Sam asked, squeezing Danny’s hand once they were a good distance away from the museum, to make him stop walking.
“Nothing. Just–oof.” Danny inhaled fresh air and tilted his head up as they stood in the shade of a walnut tree. “I just needed to get out of there. Fuck.” 
Sam rubbed Danny’s damp lower back. His own bout of panic had quickly subsided–whatever consequences Danny might have faced for this were in the past as far as he was concerned. “We’re outta there. Now what? I doubt she’s gonna do anything.” The words were out before he thought of how much minimizing Danny’s anxiety might just further upset him. Thankfully, Danny just sighed and leaned into Sam’s touch.
“Probably not. But–ugh, dude. The way she looked at me,” Danny said, shaking his head. “I’m disgusting.”
“No, you’re not, babe,” Sam said, trying to be gentle. There were other things he wanted to say but knew none of those words would be right, so he left it at that even though Danny undoubtedly didn’t believe him. 
Danny backed up against the tree, making leaves shake over his head. “I feel disgusting. She–she totally knew. She remembered.”
“It’s not your fault.”
Danny looked up through those shaking leaves, peering at the sun. “In a way, it’s not. But in another way, it is.”
Sam stepped over to him and linked their arms. “Come on, Daniel. Let’s go get a drink.”
“I’m gonna need more than one.”
Sam managed a laugh. “We can do that, big guy.”
At the restaurant, the first one they could find that was far enough from the museum without being too much of a hike for the twins, Danny was still too stressed to enjoy drinking. He sipped his first beer slowly, hyper-vigilant and head on a swivel, and he still felt painfully sober when he began to drink the second one. It wasn’t until he and Sam went into the bathroom to hit Sam’s THC pen that Danny felt at all stabilized, ironically, and he was able to go back into the dim bar with a little more assurance. 
“I don’t think she’s tailing you,” Sam said, also peering around but he was trying to locate their waiter so he could order some onion rings. Food would also make Danny feel better. “If that’s helpful,” he added, giving Danny a pat on the shoulder. 
Danny took another drink before he said, “No, I know. But now I’m thinking about all the other people I might run into who would recognize me.”
“Well, you never have to worry about it ever again. Now,” Sam replied, finally making eye contact with the waiter. Looking at Danny, he winked and smiled. “You’ve got me.”
Danny laid his hand on Sam’s thigh under the table. “I know. But until you came along, I was like, fucking traumatizing people.”
Sam brought his fingers to Danny’s mouth; he lifted Danny’s lip with the tip of his first finger, just enough to steal a quick look at one fang before Danny shook his head, smiling bashfully. 
“Poor baby,” Sam cooed, more genuine than teasing. “I don’t know how everyone didn’t just fall head over heels in love with you like I did.”
Danny chuckled. “You Kiszkas are messed up.”
“Apparently Josh is the only sane one. If I ever get the whiff of a crush, we’re moving.”
Much to both Sam and Danny’s relief, the twins were as sane as they could be when they showed up. Josh was carrying a little white plastic gift bag from the museum, plopping it onto the vinyl space of the booth next to him as he slid in opposite Sam and Danny, while Jake followed and was quick to grab a menu.
“You guys got through everything really fast,” Josh remarked as he stole Sam’s half-drunk water. “I could have stayed there longer, but Jake wanted to start drinking too.”
“Oh,” Danny said before Sam could reply. “You didn’t tell them.”
Jake looked up from the shiny plastic. “Tell us what?”
Danny looked at Sam, giving him the silent go-ahead. He went back to his beer as Sam relayed the story for the twins, ending just as both of them were opening their mouths to speak but cut off by the waiter coming by again to get their orders.
When the waiter drifted off once more, Josh was the first to get a word in: “I don’t understand. If people can remember what happened to them, why aren’t there tons of people talking about this?”
“Not every vampire leaves their…meals alive,” Jake answered, beating both Sam and Danny to the punch. 
Josh’s face scrunched up. “Right.”
“Not everyone remembers,” Danny went on. “Or they don’t remember things clearly. This sort of brain fog sets in, plus the confusion from the weird act itself. Repression?” He sighed, looking dejected as he slumped over the table. “I’ve always trusted the people–to forget, you know? At least enough to keep me in the clear.”
“And you don’t do it at home,” Sam added, then smirked. “I was just so special.”
“Well, so now what?” Jake asked, and everyone paused as the waiter came back with the twins’ drinks. 
“Nothing,” Danny said, leaning back against the booth, hands braced on the table in front of him. “If there’s not a warrant out for my arrest now, I don’t think there ever will be.”
“You checked for that?” Josh asked, raising his eyebrows.
Danny chuckled and pulled out his phone. “Shit. I will now. I was sort of joking but–yeah.”
Sam squeezed Danny’s knee below. “It’s fine. She’s clearly fine, right? So she had one night with a hot vampire and got some of her blood sucked. Big deal.”
Josh made another sour face while Jake silently considered Sam’s statement before giving an affirmative shrug. 
“I didn’t forget anything either,” Jake said after the four of them sat in silence for a minute, sipping their drinks. “There must be something wrong with us Kiszkas.”
Sam snorted. “I was just saying that to Danny before you got here.”
“It’s just because you both were so enamored with me,” Danny half-mumbled, not looking at anyone as he said it. “You wanted to remember.”
Sam looked at Jake, who stared back at him blankly. Then Sam laughed so Jake did too, and Josh rolled his eyes and grabbed his beer again. 
“You’re not wrong,” Sam told Danny, leaning against him. “You bewitched us.” 
Danny was glad that Sam didn’t really feel threatened by or jealous of Jake anymore, but it was a little unnerving–and, if he was being even more honest with himself, a little irritating–that he was the only one at the table who seemed to be, well, unnerved. He couldn’t blame Josh, who was the most clueless of anyone when it came to the vampire stuff, and he couldn’t really blame Jake, who just wasn’t close enough to expect an outpouring of understanding from. Danny figured no matter how much Jake felt anyway, he’d only be comfortable showing a fraction of it in front of Sam. 
But Sam. Sam normally got riled up about practically anything–how could he be so nonchalant right now? 
Danny tried to stuff his growing irritation down. He tried to drown it with more beer and greasy bar food, then more hits from Sam’s pen, until he felt painfully stuffed with onion rings, Buffalo wings and IPAs, rendering his body essentially useless and his mind a little placated.
The relief, unfortunately, was short-lived. When he got up again to go to the bathroom, he had barely unzipped his fly when the image of that girl’s horrified face bombarded him again. Danny charged into the nearest stall and threw up until he was dry-heaving.
Later, the whole thing was still on Danny’s mind. It was like a relentless itch in his brain that couldn’t be scratched, and he felt exhausted by his own thoughts and the havoc on his body. He actually wanted to be alone for the rest of the night, but Sam accompanied him home and Danny couldn’t bring himself to voice that desire–besides, he knew it wasn’t Sam’s fault that he was back in a loop of paranoia and self-hatred. But even reminding himself of that repeatedly didn’t curb the irritation he felt with his boyfriend.
He wasn’t even hearing the words that were being spoken as Sam yammered on, all while Danny was stripping down in the bathroom to just try and take a soothing shower and wash the day away. Though he normally loved Sam’s voice and whatever he talked about, it quickly became grating.
With only his boxers still on, Danny whirled around to face Sam in the bathroom. He clapped a hand over his boyfriend’s mouth and said, “Shush.”
Sam’s eyes widened and only a second passed before he yanked Danny’s hand away from himself. “Rude,” was all he said, and Danny felt even worse when Sam’s face looked hurt and dejected. He’d half-expected Sam to take it as teasing and just carry on. But Sam turned away and took a step forward, one foot already out in the hallway as he added, “Being mean doesn’t suit you, Daniel.”
Danny grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him back against his chest. “I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms tight around Sam and rested his chin on his shoulder. “I just can’t stop thinking about it. All of it.”
Sam sighed, staying motionless and a little limp in Danny’s arms. “I don’t know how I can help,” he admitted. That was why he just kept talking about anything and everything else–he wanted to be a distraction. 
Danny pulled some of Sam’s hair back so he could press his lips to his neck. “I just don’t want to feel stupid or silly for being worried. Scared, actually,” he said, then inhaled the scent of Sam’s skin and his blood beneath. Sam was the only person who ever made him feel like it was okay to be a monster–vampire. He didn’t ever want to ruin that either. “I didn’t understand why you weren’t upset about what happened.”
“I was upset,” Sam insisted, still stuck in Danny’s hold and made to look ahead into the dim hallway. “But we don’t need both of us to be upset. That won’t solve anything. I thought it’d just make you feel worse.”
Hearing just that made Danny relax more. But when he took another breath with his nose touching the long column of Sam’s neck, the urge and drive he so badly wished he could take away charged forward through his system.
“I’m…a little hungry,” he admitted, slipping his hands beneath Sam’s shirt. 
Sam smiled a little to himself. “That’s probably not helping either. You’ve had a rough day, right?” He turned in Danny’s arms and dragged his fingertips down his sides. “That’s something I can do to make you feel better.”
Danny’s solo shower was abandoned for a shared bath. He touched his wet fingers to the vivid bruise on Sam’s neck, then the bite mark before it faded away with his saliva–Sam’s skin there was hot and damp, and Danny kissed the spot one last time before he leaned back against the cool tile. 
“Feel better?” Sam asked. He certainly did, having been able to again give Danny what he needed more than anything, and all cozy against his sexy, sweet vampire’s warm, strong body. 
Danny scooped up a handful of bubbles from the water’s surface and ran his soapy, wet hand down Sam’s arm. “I do, actually. Thanks for listening to me, y’know, bitch some more. And for your sweet, sweet blood that I’m cursed to drink forever.”
Sam smiled and tilted his head back against Danny’s chest. “Damn right, forever.”
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Hi! Could you do part 5 of A little danger? Thanks!
A little danger, part 5 (Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy reader)
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A little danger // part two // part three // part four
Summary: After their conversation ends, Y/N decides her heart is too fragile to be shared, but Sky doesn't share her sentiment and neither do the girls.
Warnings: angst, swearing
“You should go”, Saul hands Y/N a bottle of water and she nods.
“Where to? Alfea? It’s not exactly a homey environment for me.”
Sighing, Saul sits beside her, his eyes on the floor. “How bad is it?”
Snorting, she shakes her head. “That depends on who you are, I suppose.”
“How bad is it for you”, Saul glances at her and her fake smile dissipates.
Swallowing thickly, she pulls the sleeves of her sweater over her hands and folds her arms over her chest. “My powers are out of control and everyone’s terrified of me.”
“Your friends didn’t seem so terrified”, Saul tries, but she’s quick to shut him down.
“They’re not my friends.”
“Sky’s not terrified”, Saul tries and she chuckles dryly.
“Apparently he’s only good at pretending not to be terrified.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Saul considers placing a comforting hand on her hand but seeing her hands tucked under her armpits, he realizes she’s avoiding contact.
“Are you afraid?”
Frowning, she looks at him. “What?”
“Are you afraid of yourself?”
Averting her gaze, she chews on her bottom lip mercilessly. It’s always been her nervous tell, something she did even as a child. Saul never quite understood why her mother took her away after a single mistake, something she didn’t even mean to do. In Saul’s eyes, she didn’t deserve to be torn away from all she’s known, from him…from Sky.
“You shouldn’t be scared”, Saul leans back, his eyes never leaving her. “Nature intended a powerful gift for you because you are capable of wielding it. Farah always said it’s all about intent; if you wish do to good, your power will be good. If you wish to harm you will harm.”
Catching her unguarded gaze, Saul offers a small smile. “Fear is a catalyst, Y/N. If you fear and dread your power, it will go unchecked. It will have free reign and destroy everything it touches because it feels rejected by its master, but if you accept it, embrace it – you’ll find you have more control than you believe.”
Sniffling, her chin trembles as she tries to speak. She pauses, closing her eyes just for a second to compose herself before relaxing her jaw.
“It’s not that easy.”
“Yet you’ve done it”, Saul reminds her. “You saved me.”
“We got lucky”, she whispers, afraid her voice would break.
“Did we?” Saul raises his eyebrows. “Or did your heart embrace the chaos because you knew without your help I’d be captured. Or worse.”
Shuddering with the thought, she turns away from Saul. The wound of her mother’s death still hasn’t healed, if anything, it’s infected, rotting inside her. Losing Saul would be like picking at the puss and dead tissue, deepening the damage.
“I try so hard”, she tucks her hair behind her ears. “Every day, I try so hard to find a way to love it… and myself. And for a moment I truly thought I did. Sky was helping me do exactly that, but…even he’s proved himself to be”, she inhales sharply. “He thinks of me as someone who’d cause him pain.” Shrugging, she sniffles. “I love him more than I love oxygen, but knowing he sees that in me is heartbreaking.”
“Don’t you think that Sky being with you through it all proves his love is true?”
Scoffing, Y/N stands abruptly. “Or he’s just doing what the girls want and is keeping an eye on the unpredictable one.” Pinching the bridge of her nose, she lets out a heavy sigh. “He’s made me believe he loves me, but how can he love me if he believes I’d do anything to hurt him? How is that love?”
“Y/N”, Saul stands too, “don’t be so quick to judge your entire relationship based on a few words exchanged over the phone.”
“How do you know that it happened over the phone”, she narrows her eyes.
“Because I saw the change in you the moment you were done talking to him. Whatever he said, I’m sure it wasn’t what he meant. Have faith in him and allow him a chance to explain.”
Shaking her head, she clears her throat. “That’s the thing. I don’t want his explanations, I don’t want his doubts and I don’t want him or anyone else messing with my mind. It’s already a mess in here, I refuse to allow anyone to add to the chaos.”
“It’s a mistake”, Saul warns but she waves him off.
“You’re right. I should probably go back to the dorms before they notice me missing. After all, I did commit a crime today.” Forcing a tight lipped smile, she gives Saul a quick, halfhearted hug before leaving him standing, his heart heavy and mind full of worries for her future.
The next day, Y/N was diligently avoiding contact with the girls in class. Musa tried to get into her mind more than once, but she didn’t even break a sweat fending off her tries. Bloom tried to corner her in the bathroom, so Y/N flooded it. Stella didn’t seem as patient as them, grabbing her in the dorms with such a force Y/N thought it might have been a specialist that pushed her against a wall.
“We need you”, Stella says before Y/N has the chance to antagonize her.
Rolling her eyes, she narrows them in response. “Whatever it is, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own. After all, you’ve got several other fairies to ask for help.”
“Bloom found a book”, Stella ignores her. “It’s some old book we believe belongs to the blood witches and Sebastian is willing to help us translate it so we can figure out why the fuck are fairies going missing.”
“Hold up”, Y/N pushes Stella off her, straightening the fabric of her skirt. “Missing? I know there was one, but how many are we talking about?”
Covering her mouth, Stella pushes her back against the wall. “One came back, but he's comatose.”
Nodding, she pulls Stella’s hand away. “If you messed up my lipstick, I will throw you into a wall with a lot more force than this.”
“Y/N, this is serious.”
“So am I.”
“Rosalind is up to something”, Stella whispers. “We could all be in danger.”
“Why don’t you take it up with your bestie who released her”, Y/N kinks her eyebrows. “After all, she’s the reason Saul is in hiding, Dowling abandoned us and now we have an evil mastermind turning this place into a dark arts school where plotting wicked deeds is the only way to success.”
“Saul asked for you specifically to help with this.”
Averting her gaze, Y/N groans. “What exactly is it that you want from me?”
“To go to Saul’s house and bring us back a book that will help us make sense of it all.”
The house Y/N spent so much of her childhood playing at…with Sky. With the very guy she’s dodged three times today. She had to leave her dorm through a window because he was camped out in front of her door, so how can she go to his house now if he’s not there.
“There’s a bookcase in the sitting room”, Stella continues. “He said you’ll know what he means.”
“Yeah, but it’s been so long since I’ve been there. How the fuck am I supposed to find it now?”
Stella’s lips spread into a grin as she turns to her left, looking in the distance. Following her gaze, Y/N frowns as she finds Sky sitting on a bench at the far end of the courtyard, sending them a small, innocent wave.
“Absolutely not”, Y/N exclaims as she begins moving in the opposite direction, Stella rushing after her.
“Sky said you’d be resistant, but this is really important.”
Turning on her heel, she makes Stella gasp as they nearly collide.
“Oh, why of course! I’ll go on a quick trip to the house that carries many haunting memories with a guy I want nothing to do with just because this is really important to the heir of Solaria.”
“You’re mocking me”, Stella grimaces. “I’ve always been kind to you. Why do you hate me so much?”
Sighing, Y/N looks over Stella’s shoulder as she notices Sky moving toward them.
“I don’t hate you. Or anyone else. It’s safer if you just stay away from me, okay? Apparently I’m dangerous, regardless if it’s something I mean to do or not.”
Taking Y/N’s hand, Stella tugs at it lightly. “Well, in that case, you’ll have to stop being all bark and actually bite. Because I don’t care what other people say, I’m your friend and as your friend I will not let you ignore me for no good reason.”
Despite her resolve, Y/N’s lips twitch almost as if she wanted to smile, but stopped herself in time to maintain her mask.
“I don’t want friends.”
“Tough luck, because it’s not something YOU choose, it’s given by other people and I am a friend.”
Glancing at Sky who paused behind Stella, Y/N purses her lips. “You can’t manipulate me into doing this by being my friend.”
“No, I can’t.” Stella sighs. “I could go, anyone could, but you’re the most powerful of us all and if someone else decides to take the book, you would have an actual shot at protecting it as well as Sky. So I am hoping you choose to do it because you care, not because of any manipulations of me or anyone else.”
Huffing, Y/N turns away from her with her teeth sinking into her bruised bottom lip. It is so much easier being on her own and away from the drama, but she knows Stella is right. She might be mad at Sky and the rest of the world, but she doesn’t want him to get hurt nor does she want the world to burn.
Nodding, she turns to Sky. “When can we go?”
“Now”, he answers readily. “I can borrow the Harvey’s car and we can slip away.”
“I didn’t think you’d want to be involved in something that could help Saul.” She remarks, dealing her first blow. It landed like a gut punch, she knew by the flash of hurt in his deep blue eyes and still, she wanted to hit him again so he’d feel how it feels when he says hurtful things to her.
“I’m sorry”, he manages to say before Stella intervenes.
“You guys have enough time to talk during the drive, so get going.”
Forcing a smile, Y/N gives her thumbs up before heading toward and past Sky. “Might wanna tell him that too.”
Hearing her hushed “Go” followed by Sky’s footsteps, Y/N felt her throat drying up. It’s going to be hell avoiding the very person she’s meant to go on a covert mission. Last thing she wanted was to talk to him after last night. He said what he said, no amount of apologies can erase the pain those words caused nor the self-doubt it brought back.
He followed her quietly, understanding it’s essential they get on the road quickly. If he spoke to her, it would turn into a debacle before the drive even started and he wasn’t willing to risk it now. After all, he’ll have her for the rest of the day.
“I’ll drive”, he offers and she looks to him, chewing her bottom lip before nodding and silently moving to the passenger’s side. She never liked to drive. Sky joked about it being a hassle to reach the pedals due to her short stature, but in truth, she truly didn’t trust herself behind the wheel. She doesn’t trust herself with much in general.
Sky looks at her, a small smile upon his lips. “Ready?”
Glancing at him, her eyes linger on the smile. “Don’t.”
“Don’t act like nothing’s wrong and smile at me like you’re trying to seduce me.”
Furrowing his brows, Sky’s smile widens. “Wasn’t my intention”, he leans in slightly, “is it working?”
Clicking her tongue, she leans away from him. “No. So stop it. Better yet, don’t talk to me.”
“Mhmm”, he smirks, starting the car.
“Making sounds is still communicating”, she remarks.
Chuckling, he looks at her. “You said not to talk, didn’t say anything about communicating in other ways.”
“This isn’t funny”, she snaps and Sky’s smile falls. “The only reason I’m here right now is because Saul asked me to go, so don't think it changes anything.”
Licking his bottom lip, Sky clears his throat. “Understood.”
But he didn’t and they both knew it. It won’t be the first nor last argument they’ll have today and for Sky that was a positive thought. As long as they argue, there is hope. Y/N is the type to love deeply, she doesn’t just get over things and move on with her life. If she’s willing to fight with him, it means she cares for him and that gives him hope it’s not too late to repair their relationship. Going to where it all started should facilitate the process.
Or so he thought.
A/n - I know this one took so frickin' long and truth be told I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue it. This entire year has been one of the worst years of my life and I wasn't in the right headspace at all, so I'm hoping this part isn't too bad. Also, might need to make a masterlist considering there's 5 parts now and there will be more. I have like three asks regarding this series, so rest assured I'll write more. It's an ask based series, so I tend to write new parts with every ask I receive as long as there's a point to the story I'm trying to tell. All in all, prepare for more angst coming in the future parts of this series and know I truly appreciate every ask, comment and reblog you left during this hiatus.
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thescrumblingmidwife · 9 months
kind of awkward ask but is it normal for the vulva/vagina to smell sort of vinegary? everyone talks about a ‘fishy’ smell as being concerning but idk I feel like nothing should be having an unpleasant smell down there at all
Hi Anon,
I am loving all these "awkward" questions that are just, like Tuesday for me. This is an easy one!
The vagina should have a smell. It is a human body part. Name another human body part that doesn't have a smell. Like, maybe your eyeball? Your skin, hair, ears, mouth, armpits - these all have a smell, and I doubt you'd call it "pleasant." It just is. We don't attach value and shame to the normal odours of other human body parts anywhere near to the degree we do with the vagina. (Yes, western culture does hate body odour generally, but the expectation isn't that you don't have it, just that you do something about it in public).
Let's just start with a quick -
Like most other parts of the human body, the vagina does not exist in a vacuum. It is a living biome with healthy bacteria and yeasts that live inside of it and are beneficial. Healthy vaginal secretions have a pH range of 3.8-5.0, which is mildly acidic. What else is acidic? Vinegar! That mild vinegar scent you mention is likely just the normal acidity of the secretions doing their thing, protecting that V.
A malodorous (literally - "bad odour") scent comes about when the normal flora is disrupted and you have an overgrowth of "bad" bacteria or yeast. This can come from douching, antibiotic use, intercourse, etc. It can also happen with infection with a sexually transmitted organism. It's not a mildly tangy or musky smell.
Now, Anon, you mention an "unpleasant" smell. That's a subjective term, and whether or not vaginal scent in general (or the scent of an individual's healthy vagina) is pleasant to any one person is a subjective matter. Is it possible you just don't much enjoy the scent of vagina? Sure! Vagina is not everyone's cup of tea, as many gay men will attest. It may be something you can come to enjoy, or not. You may discover that you find the scent of some vaginas pleasant and others less so. The important thing is to avoid attaching shame to the idea of vaginal scent, regardless of whether you find it pleasant.
Let's go back to the comparison to body odour. You may be thinking, "Well, OK. I get BO in my armpits, but I use soap and deodorant to stop it." There are a couple of important reasons why this analogy doesn't work.
Overall body odour is detectable by other people generally. Vaginal odour is not. Outside of very exceptional circumstances, your normal vaginal scent is just not going to be detectable by people around you. If someone is intimate with you to the point where they can detect your scent, you deserve respectful treatment and communication, and this person should understand that vaginal odour is normal.
There are no safe vaginal equivalents to deodorant or soap. As I've discussed before, the vagina does not need cleaning. In fact, introducing soap, douches, or fragrances can throw off your normal flora and cause problems and irritation.
LET'S NORMALIZE VAGINAS HAVING A SCENT! It's so normal! Everyone should be taught this, not just people who have vaginas. Anyone wanting to get anywhere NEAR a vagina should know and embrace this.
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balkanradfem · 2 months
Hello! Regarding your armpits, for me, I used to wash my armpits with soap a lottt growing up due to being told I was stinky often but I consciously broke this habit and stopped using soap on my armpits to see if I could make a better relationship with my armpits. Instead of washing them with soap, I give my armpits a very thorough water-only scrub in the shower. I found that in a short space of time my armpits became way less sweaty and seemed much cleaner. Sometimes when I feel stinky I will wash them with soap but I usually regret it as it strips the area of protective oil and it gets much more stinky and irritated. Instead, if it gets stinky and I think it needs cleaning, I clean the hair of my armpit with anti-bacterial hand sanitiser and somehow this gives sufficient cleaning without being to disruptive to the oils on my skin. I think it works better because the sanitiser evaporates before make significant contact with my skin whilst soap really dries out my armpit. Perhaps your armpit tolerates soap differently to mine but I would nevertheless recommend experimenting with foregoing soap! I hope the issue clears up either way.
I really like this advice, thank you! I'm going to try that :) it's true that skin does better without its oils getting stripped away by soap. I'm not buying hand sanitizer but I'll see how far water washing brings me.
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sullys-nose-hair · 1 year
You were being naughty uwu 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️(jtk ofc)
Twirling and pulling my armpit hairs I was moaning in Jeff's ugky ass room while being on his stale bed sheets my CUTE GIRLY SWEET little voice just let out the CUTEST moans.
I srlsy am jus perfect
My 00000.1 cm legs trembled in the most CUTE and PERFECT way as u think I let out a little bit of piss from how good I was feeling playing wit my armpit hair.
Jeff didn't needa know I was being a naughty little kitten and playing with my sexy 10 ft long blonde armpit hair that had all the other boys in the mansion fall inlove w me
I'm jus so perfect
Suddenly the door slaed open in a sexy and dominate way as my Jeffy weffy boo stood on his thin legs that srlsy needed life support and it was a wonder on how he was still standing in them. His sexy black hair fell beneath his shoulders, the lice so easy to see crawling around in there just making me cream my cute Christmas themed outfit.
(this is ur cute Christmas themed outfit btw)
Tumblr media
"Ma sexi bebeahha wha arae ya doin'" My Jeffy weffy poo boos sexy voice fileld my cute 1cm WHITE ears and I creamed in my BEAUTIFUL outfit again, my blue orbs not leaving Jeff's skinny form.
His lice made it's way into my vagina, twisting and turning as they ate a little bit of my CUTE AND TASTY flesh. Infesting in my vag as my toes curled, my 2 yard ling toenails digging into my flesh, cutting it up as my CUTE SEDY PERFECT BEAUTIFUL GURLY voice filled Jeffy weffys beetle infected room.
"ye tha rig ma creatures punisha my bebeha growl" Jeff's SEXU DOMINATE RASPY DEEP voice filled my ears that are WHITE as his little lice buddies followed his command and started literally eating my vag.
"j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-jeffy p-p-p-p-p-p-poo p-p-p-p-p-p-please h-h-h-have m-m-m-m-mercy o-o-o-o-o-o-on m-m-m-m-m-me" my GURLY CUTE BUEATIFYL ERTHESL voice squeaked out in between my CUTE moans as his SEXY DARK BLUE eyes filled with DOMANICE AND SEXILESS glazed down on my cute 00000000000.1 cm ft form. My 10 yard tites bouncing up and down as the lice started to spread onto my titties. My 100000 yard ass making me jit even touch his bed as it grew even more wit how excited I was and my CUTE AND SMALL waist making me have the PERFECT hourglass paired with my FLAT AND PERFECT stomach.
"bebeha growl ya needa paay fa ya bein nauoghty" his sexi and DOMANICE voice called out to me as his lice started to infest and nibble on my cute, thick yes SKINNY body.
I'm jus so perfect
My pookies wookies 🥺☝️ @backpackin @oreosplease @spooky-donut-ghost-house @urratfather01 @tomfuckery06
Getting a lil rusty istg🤧😔
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pizzaback · 7 months
not shaving your armpits doesnt make them stinkier. the hair is there so sweat and bacteria doesn’t build up on the surface of the skin. it literally makes your armpits less stinky and less prone to infection. if you still think your armpits are more stinky after you stop shaving then switch deodorant
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sunnywalnut · 2 months
For my tboys(and anyone else) that want to try transtape but are in way over your heads:
-get waterproof muscle tape instead. It's basically the same thing but cheaper. And you can get it in bulk on the Big Daddy Bezos Website
-depending on the size of your chest, you'll need enough to cover it and then add an extra two inches or so. The extra length is so that you don't have too much tension
-round out the corners of your tape with scissors. It's okay if it isn't perfect. All you really need is to make sure there isn't any sharp edges that are going to lift when you shower/move
-rid your skin of all oils before applying tape. You can do soap and water and wait for it to dry completely, or just wipe yourself down with rubbing alcohol. I usually do rubbing alcohol. It's faster.
-if you stretch the tape too far, it can and will rip your skin. This usually starts as your skin feeling tight or itchy. This is because your skin is stretching too far. Take the tape off. Try again. Less tension this time.
-you want around 25% of the tape to not be stretched at all. This is your anchor point. Usually somewhere underneath your armpit.
-for the love of the universe, PLEASE cover your nipples. A thin piece of gauze, bandaids, whatever. Just cover them. They're sensitive as fuck and if you get tape on them, you could possibly rip them off, rip out the hair surrounding them, or just have a really uncomfortable time. Trust me. It's not fun. Keep those bad boys safe.
-transtape/muscle tape is generally hypoallergenic, however make sure you look into it anyways. If they don't tell you what's in it, run the other way. Chemical rash is no fucking joke and makes it IMPOSSIBLE to wear your binder afterwards.
-while you can apply tape standing up(and most do) you can also apply it laying down on your back. Some people say this is for people with larger chests bc gravity or whatever, but honestly. I say anyone should do it. Less unneeded tension added, and also you don't have to angle yourself all weird just to work against gravity. Plus this is a win for those of us with back pain. Easier, faster, and much more comfortable. Wins all around.
-you can get muscle tape that is up to 4 inches wide. However. I find the regular 2 inches is fine for me. Just make sure you don't overlap the tape too much. More chance of peeling that way.
-IF YOU SHOWER WITH YOUR TAPE ON, MAKE SURE IT'S JUST WARM. I CANNOT stress this enough. Just because it's WATER proof does not mean it is HEAT proof. And also rubbing on top of the tape is not good. Instead, wash the skin around the tape and try not to rub at the edges. You can always clean the skin underneath after you take the tape off.
-try not to wear tape for longer than 2-3 days and shower/clean thoroughly afterwards. Bacteria still grows underneath, even though it is covered. Pat dry. Your skin may be sensitive from being under glue. That's normal.
-THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR: extremely itchy skin on application site. Redness. Swelling. Tiny "pinpricks" of red(this is your skin beginning to tear). Open sores. Skin breaking open when scratched lightly(again. Tearing). While these all may LOOK like symptoms of an allergic reaction, don't freak out!! You likely just have your tape on too tight. Take it off and give your body time to heal. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT put body tape over open wounds. It is VERY POSSIBLE that it can cause tearing, infections, and other not very good side effects. And please. If your skin itches or starts to tear, remove the tape. I still have scars from when I ignored mine, thinking it was just normal. And that was on my hands.
And personal trial and error^^
Be safe!!
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ivy475 · 8 days
Can't put this on fb because I don't want to hear people's mouths (mainly family), so I'll vent here instead. I've had cancer 3 times. First, cervical. Next, breast. Now, acute myeloid leukemia. I'm in remission, but what I had to do to get myself here, most people don't survive it. I've done shit tons of chemo. I want to say I've done extensive regiments of chemo 5 times, including several different kinds at the same time. I had a double mastectomy and they took 19 lymph nodes from my armpit. I did radiation for 6 weeks. I've had to do physical therapy twice. I just had a stem cell transplant in Feb. I've had 2 blood infections in 4 months. I've had a port and 2 Hickman lines in my chest. I still have my line today. Every other day, I have to hook up an antifungal to it. I also have to flush it every day. I have to go to the hospital once a week for a follow up. Let me just say, I'm tired of being tired, and I'm sick of being sick. Now, I take 16 different meds 3 times a day. My stomach is always fucked up, and I constantly have diarrhea. I also have GVHD of the skin. My memory is fucked because of all the treatments. Everything I've gone through has completely changed my body. I used to be thin and hot. Now I'm 60 pounds overweight and look pregnant because I don't have tits to hide my massive gut. I never used to look my age, but chemo has aged me drastically. My hair is just now starting to grow back after the transplant. And don't get me started on menopause. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful and happy to be alive. My son still has his mom, but I'm tired of everything. So very sick and tired. This is why I disappear for months at a time. Because I'm undergoing treatment. I've spent a lot of time in the hospital. Now, every time I smell a hospital smell, it reminds me of the time I almost died. I've almost passed away 4 times now. I didn't need cpr or anything, but I could tell by the way I felt that death was close. Sepsis will do that. Somehow, I survived. I guess it's not my time, and that's okay because I'm not ready yet. I have a child to raise (the best kid ever), and I have the best life partner ever. I also have a cousin who is some kind of angel in disguise. If it wasn't for them, idk what I would do. I probably would have given up. In the last 3 years, I've lost my mom, my aunt, and my uncle to cancer. I was my mom's caretaker and watched her take her last breath. I watched her soul leave her body. We had breast cancer at the same time. I held my aunt's hand and watched her take her last breath. She had a rare intestinal cancer and basically starved to death. I was in the hospital doing chemo when my uncle died. He had esophageal cancer and also starved to death. To say I've had it rough is putting it mildly, but I'm still here fighting. I'm the last one fighting, but I'm still alive. And for that, I'm grateful. Like, I'm a strong person, but please don't throw anything else at me, Spirit. This Druid can't handle anymore.
Peace out. If y'all need me, I'll be in the woods worshipping Mother Nature and stacking cairn stones.
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forlornmelody · 1 year
Outlaws, Chapter 1: Raise Hell
Rating: Explicit (Smut, violence, drug addiction.)
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (2018-2023) to be specific.
Ship: Jason Todd/Rose Wilson. Rose Wilson/Roy Harper. Jason Todd/Roy Harper, Rose Wilson/Artemis of Bana-Mighdall,
Summary:  The road to redemption is fraught with twists and turns, especially when one has been to hell and back. Jason Todd swore he'd never work with a team again, but when a familiar foe shows up in Gotham, A.R.G.U.S. leaves him little choice.
Note: chapter titles are named for songs from my Outlaws playlist. This one is named for "Raise Hell" by Dorothy.
Link: here
Normally Amanda Waller puts out her clove cigarettes on the ground with her heel. This time she hands the butt to her assistant. “Find a trash can.” Few things faze her, not after years in her line of work. But the sight before her eyes makes her reach for her lighter. “Run me through the facts.” 
The Gotham CSI wrinkles his nose. Funny, that the guy has a sense of smell at all after living in this cesspool. Recent transplant, maybe? “We’re waiting for confirmation toxicology, but it looks like they all died of a severe fungal infection.” He leads Waller through the scene, pausing by each body, labeled by number. “Weird thing though, we didn’t find any in the ventilation system.” The corpses look like they’ve rested at the bank for ages– mushrooms growing out of their eyes, their mouths, their ears–popping out of their armpits, their shirt sleeves–even their toes. 
Waller clicks her tongue. “Lamia spores.”
Forget the cigarette. She needs a stiff bourbon to wash this dry musk out of her throat. “Things just got a lot more complicated.” Waller turns abruptly, heading for the bullet-proofed van she arrived in. “I gotta make a phone call.”
“You’ve no idea the trouble you’re in, do you?”
Jason Todd sits in an interrogation room, handcuffed to the back of his chair. His Red Hood helmet rests on the table in front of him, in reach and out of reach at the same time. Across the table stands a black woman with short, almost buzzed-cut blonde hair. She works with Barbara, doesn’t she? 
“I dunno, lady. Should I?” He lets loose his smirk, eyeing her like a cat eyes a bird. 
The lady frowns grimly. “You’re too hot for Blackgate.”
“Why thank you.”
She ignores him. “And those too hot for Blackgate go to Belle Reve.”
That stops him cold. Belle Reve is Amanda Waller’s high security zoo. One of the few prisons in the country not stuffed to the brim with convicts, cause it’s really just a funnel for her pet project: The Suicide Squad. 
“So you’ve heard of it.”
Jason narrows his eyes. “So who’s on the other side of that mirror? Gordon? Waller?” 
“Your ticket away from getting a bomb installed in your brain.” 
His boots aren’t chained to anything. Interesting. Jason tilts his chair back, bracing one boot against the edge of the table. “Look, lady. I can make a deal with Satan himself, but I gotta see him face to face first.” 
The door clicks open, and she steps in wearing loafers. Real snakeskin by the look of it. Black slacks. Burgundy sweater. Smart watch. Her raven-silk hair swept into a neat ponytail. Really, she could pass for your average schoolteacher if she wasn’t one of the most terrifying women on earth. “I can take it from here, Vee. Thank you.”
He’s only seen her on Batman’s computer. Always thought she’d be taller. This woman had Deathstroke’s kid? More than that–Adeline Kane (or does she still go by Wilson?) taught Slade Wilson how to fight. In a way, she’s at least partially responsible for the hell Jason went through two years ago. 
“Jason Peter Todd. You ended Batman. Wrecked Gotham City. You turned one of my agents and nearly fucked my most important mission.”
Agent? Was she still military? “Flattered, lady. But you still haven’t told me why I’m–” Jason rattles at his cuffs, “--here.”
“I should kill you.”
Really, Jason should keep his mouth shut. One does not talk smack to someone as powerful as her. Not if they want to remain intact. “I’m already dead, lad–”
“But one doesn’t destroy a weapon one can use.” Adeline Kane whips out a key and unlocks Jason’s cuffs. “Let me introduce you to your team.” She heads out the door, not waiting for him to follow. 
Rubbing his wrists, Jason glances up and down the nondescript hallway. He sees doors on either side, and a fire exit at the far end. “I don’t do teams anymore, lady.”
“It’s Adeline. And it’s my team, or Waller’s. Your choice.” Slade’s ex (or would she be his widow now?) stops just before the last door on the left, pushing it open. She folds her arms as she waits for him. “I don’t have all day, Todd.”
Slipping inside, Jason has another comeback ready, but it falls soundlessly from his lips when he sees those seated inside. “Donna?”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Donna smirks, but her eyes stare him down dead. Fuck. She knows about Hank. 
“I–” Jason starts to say, but then he sees the young man sitting next to her, and he feels lightheaded. 
The second ghost waves back, a shit-eating grin on his face. As if he had never died in the first place. As if his death hadn’t completely destroyed Jason Todd’s miserable life. 
Jericho Fucking Wilson. 
Adeline shuts the door behind them. “Jason Todd, codename: RED HOOD, meet your team.”
He should probably sit down, but his legs won’t move. Act cool. Still wanting to keel over, he leans back against the door, folding his arms.
“Roy Harper–” A dude with ginger hair salutes casually in Jason’s direction. “--codename: ARSENAL.”
“You already know Donna Troy, codename WONDERGIRL.” Donna’s smile vanishes. If looks could kill…
Adeline’s steel voice softens just slightly. “My son, Jericho.” No codename? Jason quirks an eyebrow but says nothing. The rest of his brain is too occupied trying to figure out how dear Addie Kane found another Lazarus Pit. 
“Artemis of Bana Migdal.” A tall, auburn-haired, and olive-skinned woman nods at him, her arms folded. She could probably fold him in half if she wanted to. “Codename–”
Artemis clears her throat. “I do not need a–”
Adeline continues without so much as a side-glance. “GRACE.” 
Artemis’s mouth slams shut–her bright green eyes flashing. 
“And lastly–Jericho.” Her mouth twists. “Where’s your goddamn sister?” 
Jericho lets out a heavy breath, his hands signing his reply. 
“Go get her, please.” Jericho rises from his seat, hurrying into the hallway. 
Fuck, no. 
“Assuming she’s still breathing.” Donna murmurs. Funny, Jason’s pretty sure he’s not breathing either. 
Fuck fuck fuck. Jason would kill for a beer right now. Actually, that window across the room seems like a nice one to jump out of. They’re on the ground floor, right? He should run. He just needs to pick up his fucking feet and go, but they won’t move. C’mon. C’mon. 
The door opens again. She stumbles in, her platinum hair greasy and disheveled. Jericho closes the door behind them and Rose Wilson flops into the nearest empty chair. Without even looking at him, or anyone really, she folds her arms on the table and uses them as a pillow. 
So, some of us is real and some of us isn’t?
No! No, this is real.
“Glad you could bother to join us, Rose.”
“Where was she?” Artemis asks, quirking an eyebrow.
Jericho signs “Gym.”
Donna smirks. “You owe me twenty, Harper.”
Roy sighs as he fishes out his wallet. “You okay, Rose?”
She opens her eyes briefly, then closes them. 
“Rose?” Adeline asks, and when she doesn’t get a response, she slams her hands on the table. “Rose. LIllian. Wilson!”
Rose jerks awake, her bloodshot eyes glaring with fury. She almost looks like she’s about to snap out some retort, but she leans back in her seat instead. Too exhausted to argue? Yeah, Jason remembers the feeling with an anvil dropping in his stomach. Out of habit, he reaches into his pocket for the inhaler that isn’t there. That won’t be there ever again. Fuck.
A glimmer of a proud smile ghosts across Adeline’s face. “Now that you’re all here. It’s time to introduce you to your first assignment.” She flips the light switch off, and nods at Vee to turn the projector on. How the fuck did Vee even get in this tiny-ass room without him noticing? Jason shakes it off. 
Roy lets out a low whistle. 
“Oh shit,” Donna murmurs. 
Jason turns back to the screen, and he swears under his breath. Two bright green eyes stare back at him, with matching green lipstick and glossy red hair. 
Poison Ivy. 
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