#aroace spec empire
twomanyfandomshelp · 12 hours
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Here, people of tumblr, have this very crappy aroace flag I painted at camp yesterday.
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aroace-spec-empire · 1 month
We're trending...
That can only mean one thing...
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chaoticrei · 12 days
To all the acespec and arospec in the word who
- don't feel included in the LGBTQ+ community
- haven't come out her for fear to be judged
- have come out and get judged and/or insulted for their identity
- don't like being the aro/ace spectrum
- like being on the aro/ace spectrum
- experience sexual/romantic attraction
- do not experience sexual/romantic attraction
- have lost contacts with friends because of their identity
- and literally any other person one the aro/ace spectrum
I AM PROUD OF YOU, I don't know you, but I wish I did, I wish I personally knew each of you so I could always tell you how proud I am of you. Always remember that, even if everyone around you doesn't like you the way you are, I always will, and you are perfect the way you are. Never change for anyone. Be you and be proud of yourself.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 2 months
Me: At this point I'm gonna have to make a whole side blog dedicated to the AroAcespec takeover of Europe-
Update: I made the blog-
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xiaeom · 4 months
thinking about aroace spec asmo..
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justannoyingbear · 1 month
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I've heard of the aroace spec empire planning to take over not only Denmark but all of Europe.
I like that.
Well, here they are : Flags for the AceU.
Just some ideas. 🖤😁💜
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Knock knock fellas-
I gave in to the demon within me and made this blog-
Disclaimer: For legal reasons I am not actually the country of Croatia, I am also not from Croatia-
(Lord I suck at introductions 💀⚰️✌️)
Pronouns page:
Anyways... Here's some info about the mod (@crystalsandbubbletea)
Pronouns are They/Xe/Ve/Zir
This is the second gimmick blog I have, the first one is @/aroace-spec-empire
Transmasc Nonbinary
Demisexual, Demiromantic, Trixic, and Polyamorous (The queerphobes worst nightmare [/mj])
Requires tonetags (Ex: /j, /srs, /pos) for certain things like jokes
ADHD and Autism
Indigenous American (Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma)
Mostly made this blog to be silly (Much like how I made my AroAce Spec Empire blog to be silly-)
Learning Croatian (Actually learning 6+ languages SOS-)
Other information below the cut:
Boundaries: Please don't call me 'cunt', 'slut', or 'whore' even if it's a joke
This blog is not a safe place for the following:
Radfems + TERFS
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aroace-spec-empire · 1 month
Hot girl summer?
Hot boy summer?
Hot person summer?
Hot garlic bread summer!
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moobswithsoup · 2 years
Let me rant real quick about what exactly happened at the festival and about post I have seen regarding it.
Spoilers for the festival
So katherine rejected both Joey and Shelby, she said she has too much on her plate and just wants everyone to get along (which is responsible and very reasonable considering her cursed) and alot of people are upset about nature wives not being canon. While others being happy that they could possibly actually get aroace katherine.
And I'll like to put my 2 cents in since I'm both a lesbian and aroace spec!
So i was fine with either ending but I quiet like katherines rejection of both and it is the most logical option on her part. Plus this doesn't mean nature wives WON'T happen it just means it's not happening now due to everything going on!
But it is ALSO OKAY if empires katherine is aro spec or aromatic in entirely. The thing I see about the mcyt community is a whole is SHIPPING, shipping is a big part of many fandom's and they often have a track record of shipping canon aromatic characters dismissing their identity.
Now the mcyt community is also big on shipping which is perfectly fine that isn't the problem but ive seen so much chaos over just because of it.
And at this point I'm kinda sick of the shipping wars I'm just trying to vibe but then i feel guilty because I don't feel the way others do about a popular ship. I don't harass people for it I just see the content like it if I think it's good then leave and mind my god damn business.
That's all needed. If you don't like an aroace headcanon cause of shipping then just ignore it.
I'm my book if the creator is comfortable and doesn't mind that stuff. Then it doesn't matter what you do just don't cross the creator's boundaries.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
P. S. aroace katherine is and actually fire headcanon and I think we need more aroace spec characters cause it can really make people like me feel seen!!
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crystalsandbubbletea · 2 months
Made a poll on the AroAce Spec Empire blog-
Having to share the link before Tumblr isn't showing the post on the tags yet- 🤧
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natsmagi · 1 year
you are both amazing Natsumugi poster and Tsumugi big naturals to me. like i followed for the Natsumugi but stayed for Natsumugi and Tsumugi big naturals. and i don't even like men I'm aroace-spec and sapphic (hellp)
HELP omg im so honored though.... my ntmg+tsumugi big naturals empire growing every day....... and to the last bit HASDJKH im a lesbian and yet here i am posting like a crazy person over that absolute loser. but he is a woman to me ok its a very special bond we have
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localdaydreemurr · 2 years
Hello everyone!! ♡
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This is my multifandom blog! Most my content here will be reblogging art and engaging in fandom talk about my current interests! Currently that includes
Empires SMP
Rats SMP
Steven Universe
JSE Iris Project
About Me!
I go by Phoenix, Tommy or Citrus! I go by all pronouns, including mirror pronouns! Preferably not she/her. I am aroace spec and unlabeled! I am autistic and have trouble with tone sometimes so you'll have to be patient with me, but all and all I hope to make some friends here!! I've always kinda lurked and watch so I suppose this is my first true coming into the tumblr community <3
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are you with the empire?
Technically, since the mod (@crystalsandbubbletea) made the AroAce Spec Empire blog-
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kimabutch · 2 years
hi!! what would you say are your top book recs for lgbt sci fi/fantasy? i feel like all the lists i look at are heavily ya-skewed which is not really my vibe and i was wondering if you had any suggestions. thanks in advance!!
Sure! I’ve pulled out most of my 5-star reads from my Goodreads page but if you’re looking for more, I’d also really rec perusing that, cause I’m heartbroken I don’t have the time to include all the books I’ve loved. Almost everything I read is queer SFF, with only a few exceptions. 
Also I'm shitty at summarizing books or sorting their genre, so I do recommend looking for further summaries!
A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine (sci-fi romance/political thriller, wlw & mlm characters): an ambassador implanted with memories of her predecessor navigates a conquering empire's politics and tries to discover why her predecessor died
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson (sci-fi romance & thriller, wlw MC, nonbinary character): a dimension hopping agent bridging the gap between rich and poor discovers a multiverse-spanning plot. 
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie (fantasy, bi trans man MC): a fantastical retelling of Hamlet, told from the PoV of a god.
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin (fantasy, mlm & wlw MCs, trans man character): New York City is literally being born and five of its residents have to defend against a supernatural invader.
Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, and Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (sci-fi, genderless society): a formerly AI ship reduced to a single human-ish body seeks revenge against the empire she used to serve, feat. found family. 
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo (historical fantasy, wlw MC, mlm & ace characters): a fantastical retelling of The Great Gatsby from the PoV of Jordan Baker, who is Asian American, feat. paper magic. 
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (historical fantasy, nonbinary ace-spec wlw MC, nonbinary & mlm characters): a low-magic fantasy retelling of the beginnings of the Ming Dynasty, feat. two genderqueer protagonists. 
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (sci-fi, genderless society): an emissary to a cold genderless planet navigates tense politics feat. long journeys across the snow.
The Unspoken Name and The Thousand Eyes by A.K. Larkwood (fantasy adventure, wlw & mlm MCs, nonbinary character): a former sacrifice to a god becomes an assassin feat. frenemies and explorations of abuse. 
A Conspiracy of Truths and A Choir of Lies by Alexandra Rowland (fantasy political, mlm MC, wlw, mlm, & nonbinary characters): traveling storytellers getting entrenched in wild political situations. 
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (sci-fi romance, wlw characters): time traveling enemies to lovers feat. romantic letters that make my heart hurt.
The Empress of Salt & Fortune and When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo (fantasy, nonbinary MC, wlw characters): a traveling monk collects fantastical & beautiful stories.
The Black Tides of Heaven, The Red Threads of Fortune, The Descent of Monsters, and The Ascent to Godhood (fantasy steampunk, nonbinary, wlw, & mlm MCs): snapshots of the lives of steampunk revolutionaries against an elemental magic empire. 
Silver in the Wood and Drowned Country by Emily Tesh (fantasy romance, mlm MCs): a fantastical wild man and a folklorist fall in love.
Sisters of the Black Vast and Sisters of the Forsaken Stars by Lina Rather (sci-fi, wlw MC, aroace MC, nonbinary character): a nunnery in a living spaceship navigates tense post-war galaxies)
A Dowry of Blood by ST Gibson (historical fantasy, wlw MC, wlw & mlm characters): Dracula’s brides but make them queer & polyam and also an exploration of inter-partner abuse.
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers (nonbinary MC, nonbinary character): in a eco-utopian world, a tea monk goes on vacation and meets a robot.
A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow (wlw MC, wlw characters): a woman with a terminal illness and an obsession with Sleeping Beauty finds herself transported to that fairytale. 
All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect, and Fugitive Telemetry (sci-fi thriller, aroace nonbinary MC, wlw & nonbinary characters): a “murderbot” android just wants to be left alone to watch its shows but whoops it’s got a found family of scientists.
The Black God’s Drums by P Djèlí Clark (alt-history steampunk fantasy,  wlw character): an urchin on the streets of fantasy New Orleans has a Yoruba orisha living in her and a dream of sailing on an airship.
A Dead Djinn in Cairo, The Angel of Khan el-Khalili, The Haunting of Tram Car 015, and A Master of Djinn P Djèlí Clark (alt-history steampunk fantasy/mystery, wlw MC, wlw & nonbinary characters): detective work into supernatural affairs feat. a very well-dressed butch lesbian.
There are a few more 5-star reads not included because either I’m not sure they’re strictly SFF (ex. the Amberlough series, set in a second world but with no magic), or because I wasn’t sure the queer rep was 100% explicit (ex. The Apple-Tree Throne, which imo is a mlm romance but relatively subtle), but again, my Goodreads page might help there.
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salamoonder · 4 years
fjorclay/teahaw 001?
*ahem* okay here we go
when I started shipping it if I did: THE MOMENT i got to THAT scene in 52. hurt/comfort brain ACTIVATED
my thoughts: we’re gonna be here all night if i list all my thoughts so i shall just say: incredible. perfect. beautiful.
What makes me happy about them: “somebody prayed for a miracle”, fjord wearing his illegal wildmother symbol from cad in the empire cause fuck it he don’t care, greater restoration, “i’m going to catch his bitch ass”
What makes me sad about them: “someone go get him, i’m useless”, caduceus’s continual mixed feelings on going home
things done in fanfic that annoys me: oooh boy i have a LIST. 1) people ignoring that caduceus, like every taliesin character, is fundamentally a bitch as well as a sweetheart. 2) again fics that treat caduceus “it’s a small house” clay like someone who’s never heard of sex in his life. 3) fics in which for some reason fjord is the only one who seems to care about caduceus in the nein things I look for in fanfic: aroace-spec dynamics/qprs, domesticity, nightmare fics, trans fics (either or both, binary or otherwise), sickfics Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: literally anyone although again there are some things that i would not look forward to the fandom reaction My happily ever after for them: taking over lighthouse keeper for the melora lighthouse in nicodranas but also a gajillion other scenarios. honestly them staying in the xhorhas would be pretty cool who is the big spoon/little spoon: cad is usually big spoon, occasional fjord big spoon. what is their favorite non-sexual activity: long journeys together. thank you giiiii <3 send me characters or ships :)
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