#arrow reads
winwin17 · 4 months
Are you afraid of Scary Bilbo?
Maybe, but ...
Does it change your view of Bilbo's entire character? Does it make you decide Bilbo is evil and corrupt at heart? Does it cause you to deride Bilbo for greed and selfishness in spite of all his heroic deeds?
Then why do you do that to Boromir?
When Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo, it was his equivalent to the "HRRAAGHH!!" Bilbo moment.
Think back to the moment when Bilbo at Rivendell asked Frodo just to see the Ring, and in one fleeting instant Frodo saw, not the Bilbo he knew, but "a little wrinkled creature with a hungry face and bony groping hands." The flash of vision scared Frodo so bad he felt a desire to strike Bilbo. Frodo was terrified.
And then the next moment, Bilbo was himself again. The book itself describes the moment thus: "Bilbo looked quickly at Frodo 's face and passed his hand across his eyes. 'I understand now,' he said. 'Put it away! I am sorry: sorry you have come in for this burden; sorry about everything.'"
My friends, this is not that different from what happened with Boromir. He pressed Frodo to show him the Ring, and then became so intense about it that Frodo was terrified Boromir would take the Ring by force. Just like he'd been terrified of Scary Bilbo. Because, just as that was frighteningly not like the true Bilbo, this action was also not like the true Boromir.
Sadly, Frodo did not get the chance to hear Boromir's repentant apology and weeping once the moment of madness had passed. He got to hear Bilbo say, "I am sorry; sorry about everything!" But he did not get to hear Boromir say, "What have I said? What have I done?" nor his confession to Aragorn, "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I am sorry."
And what did Bilbo want the Ring for at that point in his life anyway? What would he do with its power? Get revenge on his petty relatives? Acquire riches and pipe-weed to last a lifetime? On the other hand, Boromir wanted the Ring as a final desperate hope to save his city, his home, his family, and his people. Being of a noble heart, he viewed the Ring as the only possible way to protect and defend others. It could be said that he was somewhat selfish and desired glory of his own through his efforts, but then again, wouldn't it be called selfishness for Bilbo to get revenge on the Sackville-Baggins, or store up wealth and riches for himself, or hoard all the pipe-weed he could want? Perhaps he would have had loftier thoughts and intentions to use it against Sauron - but then that would simply be a twin vision to Boromir's.
The point is, no one loses confidence in the character of Bilbo or his true-heartedness because of that one scary moment when he is almost overcome by lust for the Ring. And yet Boromir gets villainized for the same thing.
Say it with me, folks: "Boromir was no more of a villain in his temporary madness for the Ring than Scary Bilbo was!"
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sleepsucks · 8 months
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flying-ham · 9 days
I just remembered that when I read catching fire for the first time I was so young that I didn’t even pick up on what effie was implying when she said people had started to gossip about katniss and peeta sleeping together on the train. Like holy shit it’s insane that I was old enough to understand murder but not old enough to understand sex
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bearforceone3 · 23 days
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roy harper sketch page (for myself)
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damianheart · 3 months
becoming a fan of non-bat characters really will suddenly make the batfam seem insufferable and render 99% of batfics unreadable😭
"bruce takes in roy and shows him what a REAL father figure is" i think oliver should go tell bruce to shoot himself
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allovesthings · 2 months
Outsiders (2003) in a nutshell:
Dick: Donna is dead my entire life is sorta falling apart and I'm going to isolate myself and never be on a team again because of my grief.
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Also Roy: Here is our emotional support team that you will get attached to because you not getting attached to a team is kinda laughable.
Also: ✨ homoerotic subtext ✨
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hunterxhavok · 2 months
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Connor: Batman seems to be acting erratic. Shouldn't you check up on that?
Oliver: Batman has never not acted erratic. If he's possessed his actual friends will do something. C'mon, let's save my other son.
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sherwoodflorists · 1 month
The whole "Lian Harper has actually been alive and has just been teleporting throughout time" retcon is objectively stupid but I will NEVER complain about it because I truly have never quite forgiven Cry for Justice for taking THIS away from me
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gotham-at-nightfall · 4 months
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Green Arrow in Batman #128
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frogmanfae · 9 months
Ok, important question:
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cupiddivinearrow · 5 months
What Should You Focus on in the Year of the Dragon?
According to Chinese Astrology, 2024 is the Year of the 🐉 Dragon 🐉!!! Meaning, this year is all about growth and development. This year is all about focusing on what will bring you happiness! What will bring you closer to your dreams. So, with that said…
Close your eyes and take a breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Keep doing this until all the tension leaves your body. Then, ask yourself the question of what you should focus on this year. Once you feel ready, open your eyes and allow yourself to be pulled to your card by your energy (it’s the one that you can’t stop going towards or looking at).
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Pile 1
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Your Card
Key Identifiers:
• Blue, White, and Gold may hold a significance
• Intuitive, Spiritually Awareness
• Purity, Innocence, Peace
• Communication
• Happiness after some difficulties
• Balance
• Harmony
• Possibly a LP 2
• Sagittarius, Libra, & Virgo Energies
If you’re feeling drawn to 2, you might want to give that a look-see too 😅🥰
May see the numbers: 222 and 444 a lot
This group may be the High Priestesses of this reading. You may focus on the future a lot, or read tarot cards or get help through tarot readings often.
I kind of get the feeling that this pile is having a lot of things come to light from the past, which is bringing you closer to peace and harmony, if you’re not in that energy yet.
I’m getting that maybe this group will be focusing on learning to look deeper within to figure out solutions to difficult situations or concerns that may look strange or confusing at first.
Pile 1, maybe you should consider taking some time out for self. So you can learn yourself better and get a healthier mindset to tackle any issues that come your way. You can’t close your eyes to the things you don’t want to deal with from your past, it’d only cause more confusion and delays for you in the long run. It’s time to figure out who and what you want and put forth the effort to change what you didn’t like from the past.
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Your Card
Key Identifiers:
• Material possessions, Earthly things
• Grounding
• Confusion
• Communication
• Masculine Energy
• Healing
• Secrets/ Lies coming to Light
• Possibly a LP 7
• Growth
• Water signs (esp. Cancer), Capricorn, Virgo energy
• Moving On, Change
• Colors of Significance: Green and Blue, Brown
• Healers, Teachers, & Spiritual Gurus
Pile 2, y’all are giving me… Chariot energy. Have y’all been feeling confused about life or about a certain situation, people, place, or thing? Are you feeling an urgent pull to move forwards on your journey but may be having some fears or anxiety?
Y’all may be going through a lot of changes this year. Things may come to light (secrets and/or lies) and you may feel the need to cut some people off this year. I feel that your ultimate goal this year would be growing and find balance within one’s life.
This pile may be focusing on security this year and on healing from addictions or unhealthy past ways or people that block us from opening oneself up to new experiences and connections. This pile will be focusing on cutting off things and people that do not serve you, and/or maybe some of you have already started this process. If so, congratulations. You’re already doing what you need to do to move forward in life. Keep it up!
Also, one last tidbit, I feel like y’all will be working on healing the heart chakra and abundance. This pile may have some money coming in. So stay focused and keep growing!
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Your Card
The Firmament
Key Identifiers:
• Colors of Significance: Blue, Purple, Black, & White
• Purity, Innocence, Truth, Clarity
• Communication
• Intuitive, Enlightened
• Epiphanies, Sudden Realizations; etc
• Recognition, Star Energy
• Aquarius, Uranus, Scorpio, Moon energy
• Creative
• Manifesting
• Impulsiveness/ Eager
• Strong faith/ Spirituality
May be seeing 9s (999) and 3s (333)
Pile 3, the energy for this pile!!! I’m loving it! This pile is giving me Star energy, which is also Aquarius energy. This pile is full of hope and faith. I feel that y’all are pretty balanced in your spirituality and the materialistic world. Or at least, that’s what you’re gonna be focusing on this year.
I can see that maybe some of you in this pile may have had a hard time getting motivated or staying inspired. Maybe some of you were frustrated in the past, and it caused you to feel stagnant or creatively blocked? Well, this year, that’s gonna change.
This pile will be focusing on expanding their mindset to a more hopeful one. You will be coming to the realization that “The World Is Your Oyster.” You can do whatever you put your mind to. You may feel or see that you have many opportunities available to you or coming to you. The goal for this pile is to work on staying hopeful while finding and keeping the balance between the spiritual and material world. Pile 3, you will be setting yourself free of limiting mindsets so you can truly be free. And who knows, maybe keeping the hope/faith will help manifest a wish that you’ve been looking forward to.
🕊️ Blessings 🕊️
Discord Server:
🕊️🥰 I offer tarot/ oracle/ fortune telling readings and reiki healings, aura cleansing, and energy shields for those that are interested 🥰 I hope to be able to offer more than just those services soon, such as rune readings, planetary seals, herbs, rituals, etc. Bless! 🫶🏽🕊️
Shop Website coming soon 🥰
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icarian-avis · 1 month
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Very late Barbie meme. Enjoy
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tbcanary · 1 year
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Roy Harper in Green Arrow Vol. 7 (2023)
"But Roy… when he’s feeling deep in his emotions… he prepares for war."
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nikoisme · 3 months
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what the fuck was he gonna do with those. what did he need those for
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the non inclusion of Kon here is so funny to me
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like there is very clearly an empty spot where he could have been and there is literally no reason that i can think of not to include him. like does Ollie just not remember his ass. what is this. it's so funny for no reason
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Bruce’s contingency plan for Green Arrow going evil is literally just the words “your kids would make fun of you for eternity if you lost a 1v1 with Oliver Queen” on a piece of paper
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