#art network north east
garadinervi · 5 months
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David Bellingham, a few words in the place of a few others, (woodblock print), 2024, Edition of 30 [© David Bellingham]
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Group Exhibition: What Are Words Worth?, Gallery North, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, April 22 – May 11, 2024
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
Our Little Secret
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Sergeant Choi San x (f) Criminal Reader ft.Wooyoung
Summary: Maybe he was not as bright as his superiors made him believe he was, or maybe he was just a fool, or maybe he was just a tool in a much larger game at play. Either way, one thing was for certain, Jung Wooyoung was impressed by a man who had one too many little secrets, some that he was to keep as well.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Fluff
Warnings: mention of gunshots, mentions of r*pe (heavy stuff), panic attacks, illegal stuff, strong language- (Mc is a perv, sorry not sorry- lowkey San is the same)
Word Count: 7.8k
Read Time: 38 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
Rating: mature
A/N: I may have had a little too much fun writing this
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Wooyoung hated this part of the job, ever since he had joined the force, he had wanted to do nothing but good, but here he was in the late hours of the night in a mansion that belonged to one of the many corrupt political figures that ruled the land. He had begged Captain Park not to put him on night parole, even insisted on doing all the paperwork for everyone, including the slacker Mingi, but the captain was in no mood for negotiation, instead, he had told him the sergeant would accompany him.
Truth be told, the officer was afraid of the sergeant, he had heard great stories about the man, and the first time the young officer had laid eyes on the mountain of a man, he began to believe the rumours. From his well-built body to his feline mannerism, the way he would walk with an air of pride around him, forcing those around to bow in respect, or fear, either way, it didn’t matter because Wooyoung knew one thing for sure- he wanted to be like Sergeant Choi. Due to this very reason, he had agreed to attend this nuisance of an event, a masquerade ball for the elite, filled with all activities which would be illegal if one were poor or even middle class. What confused him, however, was why the Sergeant had agreed to conduct this trivial task. Captain Park had mentioned how he had volunteered himself, even bringing the blueprints of the mansion and the surrounding gardens, speaking with the security teams at the place of function as well- trivial tasks that are often left to juniors like Wooyoung, so why was his superior doing all these things himself?
“Officer Jung, do you copy?”
The static voice rang in his ear, yes, they were given the state-of-the-art technology just for this freak show, the budget the Department of Defence was given had their captain shaking in his boots, which would explain why he was hell-bent on using every penny to the most ‘professional’ manner.
“Yes, Sergeant, loud and clear.”
“Good, the east wing is clear, I’m leaving the man ballroom now.”
“West wing is clear too, Sir.”
“Heading North, to the main gate. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”
“Heading to the greenhouse at the back Sir.”
With that Wooyoung slowly started to walk down the stairs and out into the open, taking a deep breath, the crisp, chill of the night prickling against his warm skin, a shiver running down his spine, he thanked heaven that they were allowed to wear civilian clothes, San had insisted that it would be safer for them and the visitors this way. Ironically, he had chosen to wear a leather jacket, much like his superior, guess he had his boss somewhat figured out at such a quick pace- he really was smart, wasn’t he? Pulling the leather jacket closer to his form, he looked around the luxurious lawn, it was indeed pretty, with a variety of trees and flowers that one would only see in books or the internet, most of the species were not even native, but then again, then again, certain laws of physics or nature do not apply to the rich.
He was glad it was quiet though, a few more hours and this shit show would be finished by midnight, which meant he could go home in peace, and possibly expect some form of praise in the morning from his superiors. Speaking of superiors, he didn’t know much about the Sergeant, only that he was cold and ruthless, and incredibly gifted in the department of looks- apparently was smart too, and that he had a blackbelt- okay so maybe Wooyoung did know a lot about him, but it was all so textbook. He had no personal details on the man, only one thing, that he was married- but that was because of his wedding band that he saw the Sergeant wear in a makeshift necklace. The wedding band wasn’t even on his finger, and the only way he had seen the necklace was when the man had taken off his jacket, the ring toppled onto his shirt, earning a low groan from the man, though Wooyoung’s eyes quickly scanned the item, a simple silver band, hanging from a silver chain. He watched his superior gently tuck it back into his shirt, pressing it against himself for a quick second before sighing, as if he was afraid, he had almost lost it. That was the only glimpse Officer Jung had gotten of his superior that was not consistent with the rumours of his ruthless stature.
Opening the door to the greenhouse he stepped in, the strong scent of herbs hitting his nostrils, making his nose itch. Clicking his tongue in disapproval, he walked down the isle of potted parsley and mint, looking around for anything suspicious, not that there would be anything there. Or so he thought, for the moment he stood at the heart of the glass building, looking around with his hand on his hips, and he heard a little chime- a cat? No, this place was locked and he made sure to close the door behind him, he was sure of it, which is why he was about to dismiss the noise until he heard it again.
Slowly making his way to the source of the sound, he reached for his gun, being as quiet as possible, spotting a silhouette near the roses, and pointing his gun at the intruder he cleared his throat before ordering;
“Freeze! Raise your hands and turn around slowly.”
He was ready, he was oh so ready to prove to his superiors that he was well deserving of that promotion, he was ready to take down this- woman? He was not ready for this, visibly swallowing at the sight before him he tried to not look at anything but the kitsune mask of the woman.
“Miss, are you here by accident or…”
“Oh, honey if you think only men are criminals, then you are part of the problem.” her red lips stretched into a cocky smile, shifting as she leaned against the stand, the slit of her red satin dress shifting, showing a bit more leg than what Wooyoung would consider modest, though his glance served to be more useful than perverted, the silly little shiny pistol hooked to her black net garter caught his eye, the ribbons of the material gripping onto the gun.
“Eyes up here sweetie, my husband wouldn’t appreciate other men ogling at me like this.”
“Cut the crap,” spitting he aimed at her, “Take off the mask and get down on your knees.”
“Kinky.” Was all she said before something smacked against Wooyoung’s hand like a sharp slap, stinging his wrist his gun fell to the ground as he groaned, glaring up at the smirking woman who winked at him, finally noticing the black leather whip in her hand- did they even make whips this long?
He was about to reach for his gun on the ground before it was kicked away, her heel pressing against the back of his hand, “You’re cute, I’ll give you that, but I don’t have much time, cutie.”
Wooyoung was about to tackle her, only for her to smack him across the face with the back of her hand, the rings on her fingers stinging like hell as she made a run for it, laughing like a mad woman, her chuckles echoing across the greenhouse. Growling in frustration he grabbed his gun and ran after her, he knew he couldn’t shoot around like a madman, one shot would be enough, but the leg? No, she’d bleed out. The shoulder? He was hot on her tail, the red dress hard to miss, along with the sound of the bells hanging off the tussles of her mask, his fingers just grazed her dress before she took a sharp right.
“Shit” following after he stumbled behind the shelf, only to stop at the sight before him. The woman was pinned to the ground, her wrists pinned above her head, San’s grip tight as he watched her struggle under him.  “She has…a gun” Panting Wooyoung pointed at the now fully exposed leg, her dress had bunched up against her waist as the Sergeant’s lower half kept her legs apart, his free hand reaching for the gun, though Wooyoung could swear his boss was taking his sweet time, he could swear his boss was caressing the woman’s leg, somewhat toying with the garter before ripping it off her, earning a squeak from her followed by a whine.
“Enough.” His voice boomed, gripping her face he squished her cheeks hard, staring down at her, as she instantly stilled, looking up at him, not moving an inch. It was as if she was wired to his command- to have authority such as Sergeant Choi’s would be a dream come true for Wooyoung.
“Did you grab the kitty’s tail?”
“The what?”
“The whip Officer Jung, she calls it the kitty’s tail- you didn’t read the report last week, did you?”
“I umm- I’ll go get it, sir.” With that he ran back to the original scene of the crime, acquiring the whip that she had dropped on the way, probably while running away from him. When he had come back, San was locking her handcuffs, his rough movements causing her to wince, but when he tightened it against her wrist, she whimpered- and that is when he saw his superior freeze for a second, and if it were not for his cunning fox-like observation skills, he would’ve missed how San’s eyes had softened, his hand that was on the cuff loosened its grip, “Let’s go.” That was all he said before leading the two out the back entrance, claiming that the event was already over anyway and that they had to report to no one about their departure.
He glanced back at the woman in handcuffs, chin in palm as she admired the view outside. It was now that he got a good look at her, with her mask in her lap, she was beautiful, no, the word beautiful did not do her justice, so why was a woman as pretty as her involved in something as ugly as this? Wooyoung frowned when San took the turn to exit, unsure of what his superior was doing
"Sergeant Choi, I think you took a wrong-"he was cut off, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror, the lady still sitting in the same position, but her question caught him extremely off guard.
"Sannie, will you be home for dinner tonight? "
Did she just call him Sannie? Though San remained as nonchalant as well, "I didn't Wooyoung, don't worry." he answered only his junior ignoring the woman, this was the first time he had addressed Wooyoung by his name, what exactly was going on? Glancing at the side view mirror, San raised an eyebrow at her, she was sitting right behind the driver's seat, his seat, watching her pout and look at him through the reflection. A small whine made its way through the silent car.
"Come on Sannie~ you can't gimme the silent treatment forever?"
"Detective Jung?" his tone extremely authoritative and hard, earning a flinch from his junior, though the lady behind him just shivered, with something other than fear.
"S-sir its officer, the detective exam’s results aren’t out yet”
“You’ve passed Wooyoung.” He sighed, gripping onto the wheel a bit harder, as he pressed on the gas.
“Sir I- how, how do you know that?” he should have just been happy at the knowledge of his new title, but curiosity always got the better of this foxie, always wanting to know the answer behind the whys and the hows.
“I checked the exams- why do you think Seonghwa sent you with me tonight? They don’t send just anyone with me to such a high-profile case?”
“N-no Sir I-
Once again, he was cut off by a bratty whine, only this time she leaned forward, shifting so she was in between the two seats, her upper body leaning against the gearbox, turning to look at the Sergeant who did not glance away from the road;
“Sannie~ It’s been a week, this isn’t fair.”
"Wooyoung, open the glove compartment, there's a roll of tape there." he gestured to the glove compartment, "Tape her mouth shut for me, would ya."
"Sannie~ wait, hear me out-eep" she yelped almost as loud as the screech of the brakes, falling back as her back hit the leather with a thump, Wooyoung's own heart made its way to his mouth, ready to jump out in fear.
"Wooyoung. Tape. Her. Mouth."
As his junior fumbled with the glove compartment the Sergeant parked the car in a secluded area off the road, getting off and slamming the door shut. Wooyoung gulped as he noticed his superior’s body language, he had never seen him like this, what was he going to do with her? Should he save the woman? Were the rumours about him being a ruthless killer of ‘criminals’ going to be proven true after what he was going to do to this woman? Swinging open the car door from her side he pulled her out by her wrist, noting how she winced and looked up at him, "Sannie…you're hurting me." This caused his grip to loosen, though not enough to let go, not that she had any plans of escaping, his cold hard glare was enough to have her rooted at the spot, fumbling with her words- extremely out of character.
He had had enough of this, tonight was too close to be just a risk, she was lucky he was there, there was no way Seonghwa would let her go, and if this was some kind of sick trick to get his attention, he wasn’t interested in it, nor was he going to entertain it.
"San, I swear I was wearing my mask I-"
Her words were cut off by the sudden pressure of his lips, his body pressed flush against hers, pressing it against the car door. Her cuffed hands gripped onto his jacket and pulled him ever closer as his hand at the base of her neck gave her a little squeeze as if warning her to not test him, though a muffled giggle broke past her lips as he slowly parted, the hand on her waist pressing into her. She didn’t care about how rough he was being or how he wasn’t even crouching down properly to meet her halfway, having her stand on her toes just to feel him close, she didn’t care because at least he was giving it to her now, his attention. With their foreheads pressed together, he gazed down at her gentle features portraying nothing but innocence- false innocence, but the sincerity in her eyes was what always had his knees buckling. The sincerity of love that she had for him, letting him catch her every time, letting him into her world, into her life- truth be told it wasn't her who fell into his trap, but it was him who was wrapped around her pinkie.
Wooyoung cleared his throat, "Ummm…" Extremely baffled by what had just broken out, he had not just seen his superior fully make out with a criminal- was this legal? Well, technically no- wait was this harassment? Or no, she did call him Sannie, did they know each other?
With a slight chuckle, she stood on the tip of her toes to peck her lover's cheek, "Didn't know you were into that stuff…the audience turning you on huh, never knew my husband was so kinky?"
In an instant the tape was snatched from Wooyoung's hand and smacked across her pretty red lips as she stared at him wide-eyed, a bit confused, a bit scared, but oh so in love.
"Be a good little wife and stay quiet, no need to traumatise my junior even more than you already have."
With that he forced her back inside the car and went to sit on his seat, leaving a sweaty-palmed Wooyoung standing there in complete, utter shock - possibly turned on too- wait- WIFE? Suddenly her statement about her husband rang in his ears, she had mentioned a husband before- was he? Was this man an enemy of the law or a loyal servant of the law? Wooyoung stood there grounded, confused about what to do and what had just happened. Perhaps he had stood there a bit too long, clenching and unclenching his sweaty fists but the driver's door opened again, causing him to flinch, unsure if he was about to move to the car or reach for his gun, he wasn't sure but before he could decide his senior opened the backdoor. He watched another scene of confusion unfold before him, San shrugged off his jacket, and crouched down into the car, placing it over her torso, and tucking it around her upper body, "There, now you're all warm."
Wooyoung was dead sure he heard San chuckle, but the muffled whining was louder. Standing up straight he closed the car door and turned to look at Wooyoung, his white T-shirt clinging onto his well-built frame, the ring in his necklace glimmering under the streetlight. Just who was this man?
"Wooyoung, if you aren't comfortable with this I-"
Huffing the junior stomped to the other side of the car, slamming the door shut. Shaking his head in defeat San let out an airy chuckle, staring up at the stars, "Man, I just attract brats, I'm sure of it."
"You know…this is illegal right?"
They had been driving in silence for almost thirty minutes before Wooyoung had decided to slice the tension. What bothered him more was how it was only he who could feel this tension, the lady at the back was literally snoring away in wonderland and his boss was driving with one hand on the wheel, the other was resting on the armrest, casually drumming against the material.
"Hmmm? What is?"
"This. She's a criminal! We literally caught her-"
"Doing what? Looking at flowers? In a mask? It was a masquerade ball, Detective." he sighed, already using the new title for his junior, who hissed in disapproval, who was this man, where was the man of great stature and moral value that he looked up to since his trainee days.
"You know what I mean, you're becoming an accomplice to a crime and-"
"Then report me Wooyoung." he slammed the brakes, causing the younger one to squeak, holding onto the handle, thanking God that he was wearing a seatbelt, his eyes wide with fear as he looked at his superior staring dead ahead as he mumbled, "Report me if you must, but I'd be damned if any of you try to lay a finger on her again."
"Again? What do you mean-"
Once again, he was left hanging as the man got out of the car slamming his door shut, the entire car swaying in the process. He turned to look at him again when the back door opened, though he noticed the way the woman shook her head and scooted away from him, causing him to sigh, he looked so…defeated. Was she scared of him? Wooyoung's eyes flickered to the woman, his profiler skills on overdrive, what if he read it wrong, what if he was supposed to save this woman from the sergeant? He noted the way her eyes had watered, tears threatening to slip at any given moment, waiting for the last push- he still wasn't sure about their dynamics, what if none of this was consensual? She kept on pulling back until her back pressed against the door, legs pulled closer to her chest as she shook her head, heavy tears dripping down her cheeks, her mascara running like a stream, her entire form shaking, her sobs muffled by the tape- this was not the woman who had smacked him across the face, this was not the woman who had stomped her heel on his hand, this was but a mere broken, scared little girl.
"Sir-" For the third time tonight Wooyoung had reached for his gun, ready to shoot anyone who he thought was suspicious at this point.
"I won't go…I promise I won’t, he explained it to me and I- f*ck I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." His head hung in disappointment, eyes not even meeting hers, palms pressing on the seat, “I’m staying, I swear I won’t leave again.” He whispered reaching for her once more, his hand resting on her ankle, thumb stroking the skin, Wooyoung noticed the way she visibly relaxed a bit, manoeuvring to let him pull her out, he reached for her cuffed hands, pulling them over his head, their faces inches away from each other as he gave her a gentle, dimpled smile- that was new. What he did not expect was for San to completely ignore him, as the Sergeant pulled out his wife in one swift motion, holding onto her bridal style as her muffled squeak echoed across the empty street, followed by his laugh.
He kicked the door open, smiling at the little meow that resonated across the empty hallway, coming to greet her parents, she had indeed spent a week with her distressed mother and in the absence of her father, especially after witnessing the two in a full-blown argument, must have scared the little fur ball.
“Byeol, didn’t I tell you to watch mommy, while I was away?” he called out to the cat that walked beside him, making sure to rub against his leg as he slowly sat her down on the couch, reaching to scratch his baby’s head, only to stop when she gently tugged at the ends of his hair, before her fingers slowly caressed the nape of his neck, arms still looped around his shoulders. He glanced up at her sheepishly, smiling at her, “Sorry, forgot about that,” reaching up he reached for the tape, “I’ll go slow, okay?” nodding at him she looked at him determined, and ready. He did it slowly, making sure he caused minimal pain, and glad he kept the paper tape in the car, usually for their little activities, any other tape would’ve hurt more.
Sighing she licked her dry lips, looking down at her lover, “Won’t you kiss me?” she whispered before turning her head to look at the newcomer, as soon as Byeol hissed, “Nevermind, officer cramped-undies is here, he’s allergic to love.” she mumbled, glaring at Wooyoung who was glaring back at her with the same intensity.
Shaking his head at the two San pulled her arms over his head, undoing her cuffs, and tossing them away somewhere, the clinking of the metal attracting the cat that went running across the room to it. Grabbing her right hand he hummed, gently applying pressure, taking in her reaction, “Sorry, didn’t mean to…”
“It’s okay, Sannie.” She smiled, placing her left hand over his, “I’ve been through worse.” Wooyoung noticed the way he froze at her words, his smile turning into a deep frown, glaring at the ground for a split second before shaking his head, and looking up at her with a gentle smile, “I’ll be back.” With that he stood up, gesturing to Wooyoung to follow him as the two made their way into the kitchen, that was across the hall. Wooyoung stood next to the marble island in the centre of the dark kitchen, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, watching his superior rummage through the cabinets mumbling stuff, “Ah…I told her not to change the place…tsk…this woman never listens to me…where are you…hah! Gotcha.” Like a cat filled with pride and glee after catching a mouse, he turned around with shining eyes, only to pause when he realised it was not his wife, he had turned to but his junior who wore an extremely sour expression, with the whole blank eyes and deep frown, the complete look.
Clearing his throat San looked at him, nodding as if he were grateful to his junior for not reporting him- yet. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow before pulling up the Kitsune Mask, “Care to explain?” his voice held a certain edge to it, more importantly, San knew that wasn’t a question, but an order- wow, he really did attract brats.
“I…” sighing in defeat he nodded, before gesturing to his face, “Apply this, it’ll stop the bruising, just let me patch her up first and…try to get along with her, she’s just been on edge today.” He mumbled walking out of the kitchen after placing a tube of ointment on the counter beside Wooyoung, who scoffed, she was his wife, not Wooyoung’s so why was he supposed to bear her tantrums?
San walked into the living room where she was trying to undo the strings of her heels with one hand, grumbling at the way she had tightened the knots. Placing the medicine box beside her on the couch, he gently pulled away her hand, mumbling a ‘let me’ before his nimble fingers began to work on the knots and strings, “Running in heels is dangerous.” He concluded, taking off her heels and placing them beside him, his baby girl had expensive taste, that was for sure, much like her psychotic brother- biology be damned.
“Are you going to be in trouble Sannie?” she asked, eying Wooyoung who had sat across the three-seater on the opposite loveseat, watching the scene unfold with a blank stare, honestly at this point, he was somewhat intrigued by the way his boss was swooning over his wife, the delicate intimacy making him a bit jealous due to the lack of a partner in his life. Morally, he wasn’t sure where he stood anymore, but this was a side of the Sergeant he had been dying to see, so who was he to deny the favour God had bestowed upon him?
“I don’t think so,” he muttered, opening the box to pull out her makeup wipes, he pulled one out, reaching for her face with his other hand, cupping her cheek, eyes instinctively closing, "But I swear you're in so much trouble." His warning had her eyes snapping open with a pout, though he clicked his tongue and grunted, "Hold still, close your eyes." But she grabbed his hand, staring at it, before meeting his eyes, "Your…ring…You took it off- I- did I- You- I mean we-" her breath hitched, another wave of nausea hit her, the all too familiar ringing in her ears resurfacing. "Hey- no, no, no love, look at me." He gently patted her cheek with the wet tissue, the hand she was holding onto rubbed soothing circles on her thigh, "I didn't remove it, just wore it here" Pulling back he plucked out the necklace from under his shirt, "See, " holding the chain up for her to see, the ring dangling off it, "Just kept it hidden, to keep you safe, okay? You're okay, I'm okay….we're okay." he whispered back, bringing her hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss to her palm, watching her sniffle, "Now, close your eyes, no more crying, or I swear I'll cry", waiting for her to follow instructions, glad when she did, with that, he gently began to clean up the streaks of mascara and residue of her makeup, hand working like clockwork, impressing Wooyoung, much like how he had handled her panic attack- what exactly was going on here, how did San know what to do? Had he perhaps done this before? Why did the sight before him make him feel like he was intruding on something personal, should he leave?
"Wooyoung?" his mental debate came to a halt when his superior called him, looking at his broad back, his face still turned to his wife, smiling up at her, as she looked down at him. She was…beautiful- no, she was charming, her freshly cleaned skin radiating with an alluring glow, almost inviting- was she a siren?
"Wooyoung, if you're done staring at my wife like a perverted teenager-"
"Sannie" she stopped him, as soon as she noticed how the younger one was blushing, clearing his throat as he looked everywhere but at the couple.
"I.I wasn't Sir- I-"
"The ointment." was all San, craning his neck to glare at the man, his eyes cold and hard, swirling with jealousy- possessive huh?
"Yes, sorry, here." scurrying over to the couch he placed it in San's open palm, pausing to glance at his wife- wanting to get a closer look at what may have been his first and only interaction with an angel. Sergeant Choi did strike a deal with lady luck on this one, her features were not only soft and delicate, much like her gentle gaze, especially how she was staring down at her husband with endearment that had him almost vomiting, but her overall persona had changed, not like the devious little being he had encountered at the greenhouse.
"There." Pulling on a cute bow he looked up at her with a smile, "Go change, dinners on me tonight." Standing up straight he side-eyed Wooyoung who stumbled back at the sudden proximity of the taller man, he didn't realise he was standing so close to the two. Cupping her face his thumbs caressed the swollen area of her undereye, her eyes closing at the gesture, nodding when we whispered gently "Go."
With that she was gone, leaving the two men alone, Wooyoung standing there looking somewhat guilty- even though he wasn't part of any of the crimes committed tonight.
"Come on, you want chicken flavour or cheese-flavoured ramen?" San asked, calling him over his shoulder earning a sound of disapproval from his junior, "What?"
"You're going to feed your wife instant ramen?"
"I was going to feed you too, but if you'd rather be ungrateful then who am I to force you."
"Let me cook. Please."
That's how Choi San found himself sitting at the barstool at the kitchen island, somewhat glad how big it was, his wife was right, the bigger the better- for kitchen appliances, mind you. On the opposite end of the countertop, Wooyoung was silently chopping vegetables, done with carrots, green onions and now the cabbage, this couple ate well, and had good taste in produce as well- Wow Jung Wooyoung, so much for begging God to let you know more about your boss, should've asked for something else instead, like a million bucks or something.
San admired the way the younger man was working, he knew Wooyoung was a hard worker, but his skill and expertise amazed him, also made him realise he attracted brats, but those brats knew how to cook.
"Who is she?" Wooyoung asked, sliding the diced cabbage into the strainer, "What are you involved in please tell me now, I'm at the ripe age of my youth so I can jump careers unlike you-"
"I'm literally only three years older than you."
"My point exactly."
Shaking his head in disbelief San signed, resting his chin on his palm, "You really are something else, huh?"
"I've been called worse, Sir."
"She's…Kim Hongjoong's sister." he began only to stop when Wooyoung slammed the butcher knife onto the board, "THE KIM HONGJOONG? HEAD OF MATZ? THE SOLAR DRAGON? THE MAN WHO KILLS WITH JUST HIS GAZE??? THE SAME MAN YOU ARRESTED- how- HOW DID YOU GET HIS SISTER TO MARRY YOU?" His shrilly voice echoed around the kitchen as San rubbed his temples, God was testing him today.
"First of all, yes, not biological, the two grew up at the same orphanage and secondly, I did arrest him but no one knows she's his self-proclaimed sister- well, other than Seonghwa" he mumbled, pulling off his necklace and staring at the ring,  "I remember being like you, believing in the system, believing in the goodness of people, that those who are innocent are never wronged- I was a fool, this entire system is whack and for some reason, fate decided to send me a stray that was abused enough to convince me about how wrong I was."
Wooyoung watched him in silence, placing the dirty dishes in the sink as he turned on the electric stove, "I… see." was all he said, waiting for the water to boil, "Do you have garlic paste?"
"In the fridge, I think." San pointed at the fridge before sighing, "How much do you know about Hongjoong's mission?"
Opening the fridge the man stared at the neatly stacked containers of food, all untouched, if San didn't come home for a week, why was there so much food there? Was she…waiting for him? Making him dinner every night? The knot in his stomach twisted a bit too tight as he sighed, closing the fridge, “You were undercover for a year, by the end of it, you captured the Matz leader and most of the gang."
"Did you know Kim Hongjoong came to me himself?"
"Exactly," exhaling he pulled the ring out of the chain, slipping it back on his finger, all snug, where it belonged, "I started the mission as an undercover agent. I was part of an underground fight club, one of the many Hongjoong owns- Django." he nodded to Wooyoung who was adding strips of meat to the bowling broth, "It was fine, the usual bullshit, took me a few months to even get recognition, but one thing was for sure, everyone feared Hongjoong, everyone but one person- his advisor."
"And… that was her?" he asked, deciding to take out the side dishes she had packed away in the fridge.
"Yeah…" Reaching for the mask he admired the details, memories flooding back, "We never saw her face, this mask was who she was, she was quick and agile as a cat, but Hongjoong's favourite. She was also my meal ticket to her brother. After a match I was about to leave when I heard a scuffle, honestly, I was going to leave but the bell" Shaking the mask the bell resonated in the kitchen, and the only other sound present was of the boiling broth, "I knew it was her so I went to check, a few guys had cornered her, I don't know why, maybe she was tired that day, maybe they were physically stronger, but while one held onto her the other reached for her mask and that's when I snapped, all I remember was my hands were bloody and before I knew it I was being taken to meet Hongjoong."
"You saved her?" he asked, as he opened a few cabinets, before looking at San who pointed at the one at the far right, "Plates and bowls are there. Cutlery is in the drawer." With a thankful nod, Wooyoung motioned him to continue.
"Yeah, I did. I was assigned as her bodyguard. I wanted to be Hongjoong's but usually, where you'd find her, you'd find Hongjoong and the other way round." he took a deep breath, “Either way, I realised this little cat burglar was more than just a petty thief, she was his eyes and ears, his map maker, she was Hongjoong’s prized possession. I gained a good number of business details, the only problem was that I also began to learn about her, and how she’d be at school during the day- only a handful of people had seen her face and somehow, I had made it to the list.” Chuckling he placed the mask down, looking at Wooyoung who was busy setting the cutlery, “the first time I had seen her without her mask, I swear I froze up, I never thought I was religious but when I saw her, her gentle eyes to the slope of her nose to her flushed cheeks, I was sure of one thing, God really did make angels and I had just seen one in the flesh.” Wooyoung paused at the statement, only mere minutes ago he had held the same sentiments, but something else got to him too, which he bluntly put forth, “You fell for her?”
“Hard…I fell hard.”
“So …did you like…”
“No” he shook his head, “I was a hot-headed officer on my way to a promotion, like hell, I was going to give in to her, I entertained her fantasies but…never took any advantage of her, she made it difficult though,” he chuckled before sighing when Wooyoung sat down across him, plating the dishes, “I was at the precinct one-night when Hongjoong came over, offered a deal, he said, and I quote;
‘Congrats f*cker, you have my sister wrapped around your finger and she won’t let me make an example out of you, so I come with a deal, take me in- but remove her from all your papers, she never existed- ya got me?’
I didn’t think Seonghwa would agree, but even Sergeant Park Seonghwa was looking for a promotion, so we agreed, The next day we raided the HQ and got a good chunk of their top men, including Hongjoong and she was nowhere near in sight.”
“So you married her after?” Wooyoung asked, placing a bowl of rice in front of San who shook his head.
“No, I hated her, I felt like it was wrong, even if she wasn’t directly involved, she was being protected by the law. But who was I to argue? I remember, a few weeks later she came to see me at the precinct, I remember ignoring her and walking out, she literally followed after me, told me she was going to start on a clean slate, and that she could change for me.” He sighed, staring at his soup, cabbage soup, wow, maybe he should invite Wooyoung over more, “I feel like that was my fault because the very moment I told her that the sight of her disgusted me, every inch of my being hated her- she looked…so scared that night like she had lost her purpose.”
Frowning at him Wooyoung mumbled, “But…she wanted to change!”
“I know, I was a d*ck, I was arrogant, the youngest detective in the precinct, the golden boy, and she did change, went to school regularly, got her degree, hell she even got a decent job- she approached me again after that,” he sighed, before reaching to grab her plate, adding a good portion of rice and meat.
“Did you…you know, accept it?” Wooyoung asked before stuffing his face with the kimchi his wife had prepared for him, man an angel that can cook.
“No.” placing her plate down San glanced at the clock, she was gone for almost 40 minutes, must’ve been in the tub, “Worse, I led her to the worst night of her life, I broke her. We met at a club, by accident of course, I never went to clubs anyway, but when I got promoted to Sergeant, Seonghwa was simultaneously promoted to Captain, and they took us to celebrate. I met her there, she was out with some friends- she approached me, sweet as ever, though I bit back, told her to get lost, that I wouldn’t even care if she even disappeared off the planet.”
Wooyoung visibly winced at the choice of words, truly amazed by the harshness of his superior, especially after witnessing the love he had for his wife, waiting for him to continue.
“I lost her that night, only saw her getting in a cab with her friends, saw the guys too- honestly I thought to myself that night ‘so much for I love you San’. But that was my fault, I should’ve noticed how her eyes were clouded, I should’ve seen how her so-called friends were carrying her stumbling form, how they were handling her, how the guys were touching her.” He paused before letting out a shaky breath, “The next morning I remember reading an online article about another horrendous case, only this time, I knew the victim. I went to Seonghwa, the first thing I could do but he had beaten me to it, he had taken the case to the superiors who had shut it down, you know why?” he asked Wooyoung.
“Because it involved rich kids?”
“Not just any rich kids, Minister Lee’s useless son and his friends- honestly, I was more horrified by the fact that the girls were in on it, the case was closed before it even reached court. I couldn’t let it go though, I tried to contact her, but she wouldn’t even let me see her at the hospital, the nurses told me to leave and when I pushed my way through…I saw not my angel in her glory, but someone whose wings were ripped off- the way she looked at me that day, it’s like she could see through me, with the same disgust I showed to her for several years.”
“What did you do?”
“The only thing I could do, I went to Hongjoong.”
“Did he…”
“Beat me up? Yeah, the man runs the prison too, and I was foolish enough to tell him that I had met with his sister before the crime, and while he was busy breaking my fingers he asked me this one question, ‘Who does your system serve? A rich kid with STDs or a civilian girl trying to rebuild her life?’ I know that was all it took for me, for Seonghwa, that’s when we realised this is more than just some way of life, no, we were wearing the badges of honour, but we were on the wrong side.”
“I don’t know, he beat me up so bad I was knocked out when I woke up, I remember Seonghwa standing by my hospital bed, asking me, ‘Do you want to do the right thing?’ and I said yes. The next thing I knew as soon as I could walk again, I was at her apartment, she didn’t let me in though, but I never stopped, I’d go there each night, sit outside her door, listening to her cry at the other end. One day though, when I was about to ring the doorbell she opened the door, looked up at me, and asked me, why I’d come every night and honestly the only explanation I had was, that if there was one person, I’d give up everything for, it would be her.”
Sighing he chugged down a glass of cold water, “Things were…okay, Seonghwa and I became part of the crew, unofficially of course, we still did our jobs, she still went to work, we bought an apartment together, lived together, did everything’s couples would do. One night she asked me if I’d still love her if she took back what they took from her, she wanted to burn out the fire and there was only one way…”
“What did you…say?”
“I said I’d protect her either way.”
“So…his son didn’t technically…”
“No, he didn’t decide to end his life, she did.” He shrugged, “Who was I to stop her, I am merely her husband and her bodyguard.”
“Wait.” Wooyoung cleared his throat, “So…why did you two…I mean- what- this entire week? Why’d you fight?”
“Oh- that!” shaking his head San sighed, “Obviously Hongjoong wasn’t done with his act of vengeance, I told him it was stupid and reckless and rejected the idea, it's been years and we needed her to not think about it anymore. Though I was supposed to assign two officers for tonight’s duty, and then last week my maps were missing, I suspected it was her, that she gave them to her brother and we fought…she was angry, I was scared of losing her again and well things escalated- I didn’t believe her, until last night, that’s why I removed Officer Song as your partner for tonight, even if Hongjoong wasn’t involved, I didn’t want to risk any chances of her being there- I knew she stopped after she took his son’s life, but knowing how the two crave for blood of the rich, I needed to be sure I’d keep her out of any danger”
“Sannie!” she called out, the padding of her bear feet echoed across the floor as she came running into the kitchen, both men turning to look at her, though Wooyoung instantly looked away, clearing his throat and San sighed, “Where are your pants?”
“Pants?” tilting her head, a bit confused she looked down at her usual sleepwear, his shirt, it was big enough, covered her till her thighs, plus she was wearing her undies, “Forget that- look, did you know Joong’s gonna come visit us tomorrow?”
Choking on his spit, Wooyoung turned to stare at her wide-eyed, what did she just say?
“Kitten, what are you saying,” gesturing for her to come closer, she sat down beside San, eying the food before showing San the food, “Apparently Minister Lee’s house caught fire- crisp like burnt chicken I hear,” she giggled before turning to smile at Wooyoung, that smug smile reminding her of a sly cat, “Didn’t know you could cook.”
Forcing a smile Wooyoung muttered, “I can, Mrs.Choi.”
“Thank you for the meal.”
“Holy shit…” San sighed, “Seonghwa is gonna have a stroke, I swear- did you- did you do this??” he turned to look at her, sighing and reaching to grab her empty glass and filling it with water as she shook her head, “No, of course not, I told you I didn’t even know the layout of his house.”
“Then what were you doing there?” he asked, finally, the right question Wooyoung thought to himself.
“Because I knew you’d be there.”
San felt like his heart was about to combust, wanting to fall into her palm, letting her squeeze it to her contentment, like a little girl with her favourite teddy bear.
“I knew you’d be there.” She smiled, leaning closer to grab his hand and admire the wedding band, right where it belonged, right where they belonged. Wooyoung could only smile in disgust, this act of pure, blind passion making him envious.
“Oh, he did text me though.”
The two men looked at her, waiting for her to speak up, but like any persistent, stubborn feline she had them wait, only continued when San poked her side, earning a giggle, “He said he wants to meet Offic- sorry- Detective Jung. Seonghwa approved of him too.”
“WHAT?” Wooyoung shrieked in disbelief earning a sigh from San, “Well, welcome to the team brat.”
She giggled leaning over the table to smile at him, San’s arm instinctively wrapping around her frame, pulling her into him, “It can be our little secret~”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie @marsvillee
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zoesblogsposts · 8 months
o 625 words to know in your target language o
There is a really interesting blog called "Fluent Forever" that aids foreign language learners in tricks, tips and techniques to guide them to achieving fluency "quickly" and efficiently. One of the tricks is to learn these 625 vocab words in your target language, that way you have a basis to start delving into grammar with ease as you can understand a lot of vocab right off the bat. Plus this list of words are common across the world and will aid you in whatever language you are learning. Here is the list in thematic order
• Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal
• Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation
• Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA,
France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location
• Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing
• Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color
• People: son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother, sister, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (# animal), friend (Add a friend's name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person
• Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job
• Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
• Art. band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
• Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverage
• Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, food
• Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
• Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
• Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
• Nature: sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, nature
• Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, material
• Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
• Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective
• Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, direction
• Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, season
• Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, number
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night, time
• Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear (a sound), listen (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
• Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Central Park is a vast and iconic urban park located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City. Covering 843 acres (approximately 341 hectares), Central Park is one of the most famous and beloved urban green spaces in the world. Here are some key details about Central Park:
Location: Central Park is located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. It stretches from 59th Street in the south to 110th Street (also known as Cathedral Parkway) in the north and from Fifth Avenue on the east to Central Park West on the west.
Design and Landscape: Central Park was designed by landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux in the mid-19th century. The park features a diverse landscape, including meadows, woodlands, lakes, and recreational facilities. Its design was inspired by the English romantic landscape tradition and includes winding paths, rustic bridges, and scenic vistas.
Historical Significance: Central Park was created in the 1850s and 1860s as a response to the growing urbanization of New York City. It was designed to provide residents with a respite from the city's bustling streets and offer a natural oasis in the heart of Manhattan.
Iconic Features: Central Park is home to numerous iconic landmarks, including Bethesda Terrace, Bow Bridge, The Mall, Central Park Zoo, Belvedere Castle, and The Great Lawn. These landmarks, along with the park's natural beauty, attract millions of visitors each year.
Recreational Activities: The park offers a wide range of recreational activities, including walking, jogging, cycling, horseback riding, and rollerblading. It also features sports facilities such as baseball fields, tennis courts, and a variety of playgrounds.
Events and Entertainment: Central Park hosts a wide range of events and entertainment throughout the year, including concerts, theater productions, film screenings, and festivals. The Central Park SummerStage is a popular venue for outdoor concerts and performances.
Wildlife: The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including birds, squirrels, raccoons, and other small mammals. Birdwatchers often visit Central Park to spot a wide array of bird species.
Conservation and Maintenance: The Central Park Conservancy is a nonprofit organization responsible for the maintenance, restoration, and preservation of Central Park. Their efforts ensure that the park remains a beautiful and well-kept green space for generations to come.
Year-Round Beauty: Central Park offers a different experience in each season, from the lush greenery of spring and summer to the vibrant foliage of autumn and the serene beauty of snow-covered landscapes in winter.
Hiking and Nature Exploration: The park's extensive network of trails and pathways allows visitors to explore its diverse natural landscapes. The North Woods and the Ramble, for example, offer a more rugged and wooded experience, providing a stark contrast to the park's more manicured areas.
Public Art Installations: Central Park often hosts temporary art installations, adding a creative and artistic dimension to the park. These installations range from sculptures to interactive exhibits, providing a dynamic and ever-changing experience for visitors.
Boating: Central Park features several bodies of water, including the Central Park Lake and the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. Visitors can rent rowboats or take guided gondola tours on the lake or enjoy scenic walks and runs along the reservoir's perimeter.
Ice Skating: In the winter, Wollman Rink and Lasker Rink within Central Park offer ice skating opportunities for both residents and tourists, creating a magical wintertime experience.
Conservatories and Gardens: Beyond the Central Park Conservatory Garden, the park boasts other beautiful gardens, such as the Shakespeare Garden and the Heather Garden. These gardens offer a wide variety of plant species and provide tranquil retreats for garden enthusiasts.
Community and Social Activities: Central Park often hosts community events, fitness classes, and social gatherings, making it a vibrant hub for people from all walks of life to come together.
Film and TV Locations: Central Park has served as a backdrop for countless films and television shows, becoming an integral part of American popular culture. From iconic movie scenes to TV series like "Friends," the park's beauty and versatility have made it a sought-after location for filmmakers.
Educational Programs: The park offers educational programs and guided tours on topics ranging from birding and ecology to history and architecture. These programs provide opportunities for visitors to learn about the park's natural and cultural heritage.
Public Art Installations: Central Park often hosts temporary art installations, adding a creative and artistic dimension to the park. These installations range from sculptures to interactive exhibits, providing a dynamic and ever-changing experience for visitors.
Central Park Zoo: Located in the park's southeast corner, the Central Park Zoo is a popular family attraction featuring a wide range of animals from around the world. It offers educational programs and exhibits that appeal to visitors of all ages.
Transportation: Central Park is easily accessible by various means of transportation, including subway lines, buses, and bike lanes, making it convenient for both locals and tourists to visit.
Sustainability Initiatives: The Central Park Conservancy and the city of New York have undertaken sustainability initiatives to ensure that the park remains environmentally responsible. These efforts include conserving water, maintaining wildlife habitats, and promoting eco-friendly practices.
Picnicking: Central Park provides numerous spots for picnicking, making it a perfect place for a leisurely outdoor meal. Many visitors and families bring their own food and enjoy a picnic amidst the park's scenic beauty.
Conservation Efforts: The Central Park Conservancy, in collaboration with city agencies and volunteers, plays a crucial role in the ongoing maintenance and restoration of Central Park. Their dedication ensures that the park remains vibrant and environmentally sustainable.
Summer Recreation: In the summer months, Central Park offers a wide range of recreational activities, including free outdoor concerts, Shakespearean theater productions at the Delacorte Theater, and the Great Lawn, which hosts events such as movie screenings and cultural festivals.
Central Park Reservoir: The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as the Central Park Reservoir, is a picturesque body of water surrounded by a running track. It offers stunning views of the city skyline and is a popular spot for jogging and leisurely walks.
Conservatory Water: This section of Central Park features a model boat pond where visitors can sail their miniature boats. It's a fun and charming activity, especially for children and families.
Horseback Riding: The Central Park Horseback Riding program allows visitors to experience the park from a unique perspective by taking guided horseback rides through designated trails.
Central Park at Night: While the park officially closes after dark, it has a unique ambiance during nighttime hours. Strolling through Central Park at night can be a romantic and magical experience, with the softly lit pathways and the sounds of nature providing a tranquil setting.
Architectural Features: Central Park boasts a variety of architectural features, including bridges, arches, and sculptures. Bow Bridge, Gapstow Bridge, and the various arches throughout the park are known for their architectural beauty and are popular for photographs.
Diversity of Wildlife: Central Park is home to a surprising variety of wildlife, including birds, turtles, fish, and even the occasional red-tailed hawk. Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts will find plenty to explore.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Efforts have been made to make Central Park accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities. Wheelchair-accessible pathways, ADA-compliant facilities, and programs designed for inclusivity help ensure that everyone can enjoy the park.
Cultural Institutions: Central Park is home to several cultural institutions, including:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which features a collection of art and artifacts from around the world.
The American Museum of Natural History, known for its extensive exhibits on natural history, science, and anthropology.
The Central Park Conservatory Garden, a beautifully landscaped formal garden with themed sections.
Central Park is not only a cherished recreational area for New Yorkers but also a must-visit destination for tourists from around the world. Its combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, and recreational opportunities makes it a symbol of the enduring allure of green spaces in urban environments.
Central Park remains a timeless and beloved destination for New Yorkers and tourists alike. Its enduring popularity, rich history, and diverse range of attractions continue to make it a symbol of the city's commitment to providing green spaces and cultural enrichment in the heart of a bustling metropolis. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, cultural experiences, or a connection with nature, Central Park offers a dynamic and welcoming setting to explore and enjoy.
In summary, Central Park is a multifaceted urban oasis that offers a wide array of recreational, cultural, and natural experiences. Its enduring popularity and the efforts of the Central Park Conservancy ensure that it continues to be a cherished and well-maintained green space that enriches the lives of New Yorkers and visitors alike. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, cultural enrichment, or a connection with nature, Central Park provides a unique and ever-evolving destination in the heart of Manhattan.
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jamieroxxartist · 2 months
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Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024. Episode #1414 of 🎨#JamieRoxx’s www.PopRoxxRadio.com 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guests:
#AlexanderNevsky Александр Невский (Story, Actor, Producer) & Joe Cornet (Director, Actor, Producer) #TakenFromRioBravo (#Movie| #Action, #Western)
Pop Art Painter Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes Alexander Nevsky (Story, Actor, Producer) & Joe Cornet (Director, Actor, Producer) TAKEN FROM RIO BRAVO (Movie| Action, Western) to the Show!
● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt20202928 ● XUMO PLAY: https://play.xumo.com/networks/xumo-free-westerns/99991397
On August 1, 2024 justice will be served once again as the thrilling action drama from Alexander Nevsky, directed by Joe Cornet, takes the western front with Taken from Rio Bravo debuting in limited theaters and exclusive on Xumo Play in North America. Experience the wild, action-filled tale of gunslinging, friendships, and the battles between good and evil like never before with this western thriller.
Two friends pursue a group of human traffickers that have kidnapped five women in 1874, East Texas.
“I’m really happy that TAKEN FROM RIO BRAVO will be presented to the millions of viewers on Xumo Play! I know this great platform is part of NBCUniversal and has a huge audience of movie fans in the US. I can’t wait to show my new Western on August 1st!” - says Alexander Nevsky.
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thoughtportal · 8 months
Join Dr. Andrea Myers Achi, Mary and Michael Jaharis Associate Curator of Byzantine Art in The Met’s Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters, for a virtual tour of Africa & Byzantium. Art history has long emphasized the glories of the Byzantine Empire (circa 330–1453), but less known are the profound artistic contributions of North Africa, Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, and other powerful African kingdoms whose pivotal interactions with Byzantium had a lasting impact on the Mediterranean world. Bringing together a range of masterworks—from mosaic, sculpture, pottery, and metalwork to luxury objects, paintings, and religious manuscripts—this exhibition recounts Africa’s central role in international networks of trade and cultural exchange. With artworks rarely or never before seen in public, Africa & Byzantium sheds new light on the staggering artistic achievements of medieval Africa. This long-overdue exhibition highlights how the continent contributed to the development of the premodern world and offers a more complete history of the vibrant multiethnic societies of north and east Africa that shaped the artistic, economic, and cultural life of Byzantium and beyond.
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The precolonization time periods of Mesoamerica, which covers modern-day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and parts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica are divided into different periods than those in Europe and the Middle East. Part of this is simple separation, though other reasons include geography (that Mesoamerica has oceans on both sides and between two much larger north-south oriented land masses as well as the minerals available) and climate (a complex mixture of lowlands, highlands, and sub-tropical and tropical climates in the lowlands to cool and dry in the highlands).
Humans reached the area approximately 18000 BCE. From then until about 8000 BCE is known as the Paleo-Indian or, less commonly, the Lithic period, followed by the Archaic period which ended about 2000 BCE, followed by the Preclassical until about 250 CE, the Classical until 900 CE, then the Postclassical, which ended with the Spanish colonization around 1500 CE.
The Paleo-Indian era covers the time period from when people arrived in the area and began using agriculture, pottery, and other skills needed to maintain life. This time period covered hunter-gatherer civilizations and the development of field-based agriculture. This period is fairly similar to the Stone Age in Europe and the Middle East.
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During the Archaic period, permanent settlements were established, followed by pottery and loom weaving, allowing class divisions to begin to appear. Trade networks also developed, within short distances at first, then further afield, for stones like obsidian and chert (a fine grained sedimentary rock formed of microcrystaline quartz).
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By Gary Todd - https://www.flickr.com/photos/101561334@N08/9764925512/, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96186719
During the Preclassical period, large-scale ceremonial architecture, cities, states, and writing developed. With the development of writing, we can know what the groups of people called themselves. Some of these are the Olmec, who lived around La Venta and San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, the Zapotec civilization, around the Valley of Oaxaca, Teotihuacan, in the Valley of Mexico, and the Maya, in the Mirador Basin.
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By amslerPIX - https://www.flickr.com/photos/amslerpix/48762494738/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113266497
The Classical period was defined by the independent city-states of the Maya and the beginnings of political unification of central Mexico and the Yucatán. Differences in regional cultures manifested themselves until the city-state of Teotihuacan began to dominating the Valley of Mexico, though we don't know much about the culture of the area due to Teotihuacanos not having a culture of writing. The city-state of Monte Albán dominated the Valley of Oaxaca. Though we have some of their writing, we haven't been able to decipher it yet. They did leave a highly sophisticated artistic culture as well, which spread through the area.
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By Attributed to Diego Rivera - TheSun.co.uk - https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/NINTCHDBPICT000416684675.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145523789
The Postclassical period saw the collapse of many of the great nations of the Classical period, though the Oaxaca, the Maya of Yucatan (such as the city of Chichen Itza and Uxmal), and the Cholula continued. This period is thought to have seen an increase in warfare, though there were technological advancements in engineering, weaponry, and metallurgy occurred. There was also a lot more movement and population growth during this time as well, especially after about 1200 CE, and experiments in government. The Toltec dominated in the 9-10th centuries then collapsed. The Maya united for a while under Mayapan and the Oaxaca under Mixtec rulers. The Aztec Empire rose in the 15th century and began conquering the Valley of Mexico. This was also the beginning of a renaissance of fine arts and sciences.
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By Karnhack - karnhack.com, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24111651
The Spanish conquest of the area was aided by native people who wanted allies against the Aztec Empire. After this, much of the culture of the area and many of the people were destroyed by the Spaniards.
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starres-stuff · 1 year
Last Updated June 24th 2024
Hello everyone please call me Star! I am:
35+ | Genderfluid | She/They Pronouns. Please!
Married | Bisexual | From the North-East US
This is my FFXIV Hub Blog where you will find things associated with but not limited to:
My OCs/My Friends OCs
My GPOSE Work/Other's GPOSE Work
My FFXIV Writes Stories/Other's FFXIV Writes Stories
Macro Dancing Performances/ How to Guides
Art, lots and lots of it, I like to promote artists when I can!
Wol Questions of the Day Answers
FFXIV Event Announcements
A Link to my OC Hub Carrd
A Link to my GPOSE Portfolio, I do commissions!
Links to my IC Character Inspiration Blogs
Anything Else FFXIV that I find!
A way to get in touch with me
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Dimitri Jienuex
Dimitri is Viviane's brother who was raised in Old Sharlayan his common themes are: Being an occult investigator working for the Adders, Painting, Old Books and Maps, Performing when the mood strikes, Learning about the Shroud, and exploring life outside of Sharlayan.
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Dimitri is looking to:
Make friends he can hang out with!
Take on cases dealing with cults, ritual magic, malfunctioning relics and artifacts, and missing persons (always open to your ideas as well!)
Hear the news from Old Sharlyan! (is your character Sharlyan he would love to meet them. Pre-arranged hooks possible!)
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Baroness Viviane Jienuex -Vimaroix
A runaway Ishgardian Noble ends up in the Shroud where they meet the loves of their life and come to understand what life is all about. Their most common themes are: Life as a Performer, Adventuring, Owning a Bakery, Tarot Reading, Nymeia Worship, and Slice of Life-Family Themes.
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Viviane is looking to:
Meet other Nobles from Ishgard as well as other lands.
Network with other performers (duets and group numbers welcome)
Do Tarot Card Readings for the Community at Large
Visit Bakeries, Cafes, and restaurants to expand her knowledge.
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Doctor Xixa Loonsi
A once Conjury student and Hearer from Stillglade Fane tells the Padjal where they can shove their rules and laws then embarks out on her own to have the life that she dreamed of. Her most common themes are: Conjury The Elements, Medicine (high interest in odd illnesses with no known cure), Medicinal Herbs, Medicine Making (Alchemy), Shroud Politics, Magic Lessons, and Menphina Worship.
Inspiration Tumblr
Xixa is looking to:
Meet others from the Shroud
Make Professional Connections with other Doctors
See new Patients with odd illnesses
Have open discussions with like minds
Feel free to look me up on Twitter and Blue Sky as well. Thank You for reading!!
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felassan · 2 years
Thoughts/wonderings on the plot synopsis of Dragon Age: The Missing #4 (spoilers at link), under a cut due to spoilers:
This plot synopsis feels like it further implicates the Venatori as being involved in the kidnappings. What are they up to? probably something involving red lyrium and/or the Blight + power, right? thinking about the 'gardening' of red lyrium, how it grows in Red Templars and of Ambrose Forfex feeding it to people to create red lyrium-infused wigs, perhaps they've been taking people to grow red lyrium in or to create red lyrium soldiers or monsters from or something? to create lots of a power source, and/or an army? perhaps this kinda stuff is the origin of the red lyrium darkspawn we've seen in concept art?
As for a Venatori stalking them.. could that be who the figure at the end of the Missing #1 preview pages was? what's the Venatori's interest in following Varric & Harding - because they know they're potentially investigating their latest nefarious deeds, or because they know they're trying to find Solas and the Venatori also want to find him?
Solas in Minrathous... (°ロ°) 'haha, we in danger' is my main thought about that. he's bold. my second is, since this is the last issue of this comic, and the comic is a direct tie-in to DA:D, perhaps the in-game story in DA:D kicks off in Minrathous. the third is what could he be up to there? something down in the Catacombs (down there he wouldn't be walking about the streets of Minrathous, so he'd be out of sight)? there is that powerful demon still sealed in a prison underneath Minrathous, said to be so powerful that only a god could summon it.. there are also bound to be lots of powerful ancient artifacts and obscure arcane texts in the possession of the Magisters.. maybe something that could help him with his plans.
though, with his network of spies and people, it would probably be a simple thing for a Solas agent to 'share' information of a false Solas sighting or lead to mislead the Inquisition, waste their time and resources, throw them off his trail and spread them thin on goose chases back and forth across Thedas.. from Marnas Pell east to Vyrantium, then east to Arlathan Forest, Varric & Harding are now backtracking all the way back west to Minrathous (which is directly north of Marnas Pell).
Is the trusted informant an old friend of Varric's such as Dorian or Maevaris, or one of the characters in TN who was in Minrathous (following the possible trend of Evka&Antoine in #1, possibly Teia&Viago in #2, etc, if that's a thing), like Neve Gallus from The Streets of Minrathous? the Venatori and their plots also had a presence in that short story, Neve is based in Minrathous and the plot thread of that demon is still there.
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kroashent · 1 year
Val-Cula Daily - May 29
Deep Dive: Stoker and Orientalism. This is gonna be a long one...
The "Szgany" peoples are heavily featured in today's story, starting on an iconic, but often problematic association between the Romani ethnic group, the supernatural world, and Western European prejudices. The word Szgany appears to be Stoker's attempt to trasliterate a Romanian word, rather than one that existed in widespread use. There's a more in-depth deep-dive into this than I can provide here: https://screamscenepodcast.tumblr.com/post/699604864253214720/a-point-of-clarification-more-linguistics-cw
Its often said that the past is a foreign country and the context of Stoker's time, while it does not excuse the problems, might help inform them.
Let's open this can of worms...
Stoker lived and wrote in the 19th century, the height of an art-historical trend called Orientalism, a renewed Western interest in the Middle East and Islamic culture, brought about by changes to travel and communications technology. African colonization, increased trade and travel with North Africa, South Asia and the Ottoman empire, opened up Western European cultures to an entirely new set of cultures and aesthetics, and interest exploded.
From a cynical view, Orientalism is a problematic movement, a patronizing Colonial and Imperialist coinciding with racist depictions, exploitation and the forced homogenization of cultures resulting from the spread of European Colonialism in Africa and Southeast Asia. But it is also one of fascination and awe at new concepts of expression and thought, a genuine attempt to understand and adapt these expressions and cultures, but through a very removed and warped view brought on by Europe's own ethno-religious struggles, state/religious propaganda of earlier times, geographic distance and linguistic ignorance.
Orientalism was especially prevalent in France, where the Société des Peintres Orientalistes Français (Society of French Orientalist Painters) was founded a mere 4 years prior to Dracula's publication, inspired by French Colonial ties to Algeria and Morocco. French Orientalist painters could be split into two groups: Those who traveled, lived and worked in the areas they painted, and those who never left their own studios. The SPOF often held promotions and dinners, not just of French Orientalist painters, but also showcases of Islamic art, cuisine, language and culture. Similar trends existed in England, although to a lesser extent, and it is evident from Stoker's work that he was often exposed to these movements. The first unabridged and unexpurgated English Language editions of the seminal Orientalist collection, Tales of 1,001 Nights were published in 1882 and 1885, after earlier, heavily censored and altered versions had been in circulation up to that point.
While it is easy to dismiss the movement as another example of Western colonialism, it was also one driven by a genuine desire to understand and share the cultural beauty they encountered, albeit through the often blunt and blundering lens of Belle Epoque/Victorian society. Stoker is making a real attempt to showcase the peoples of Eastern Europe, commonly drawing on food, clothing and architecture in his drawings, but sometimes, as is the case with the Szgany, he falls flat to the standards of contemporary review.
So, now that I've gotten everyone worked up over a 19th century artistic movement, how does the initial appearance of Dracula's "Gipsie" henchmen work out? I actually thought pretty well.
The Szgany have arrived to do some work for Drac, at which point I direct you to my earlier "Dracula is a crime lord of a technothriller. The Szgany are not following Dracula alone as a superstitious group, but one of a large network, including, but not limited to: A Romanian stagecoach line, a hotel, several British lawyers, several British realtors, a Russian shipping company, a British Zoo, a Bulgarian businessman, a pair of Hungarian Bankers, several British teamsters and a spider-eating man in a padded room. Its sort of weird how the Szgany get singled out, when its actually harder to find a group the ISN'T working for Dracula, however inadvertently. Drac's got connections, is my point.
Anyway, Jonathan writes some postcards to Mina and Hawkins, and drops them out a barred window with some gold. The Szgany turn them over to Dracula! A nefarious betrayal! Or is it?
Neither Jonathan, nor the Szgany share any language, as Jonathan points out when he drops some stuff without context or instruction on top of a caravaner's head. Seeing the crazy man throw things out a window shouting in a strange language, they turn them over to the homeowner, Dracula, for further instruction... which is probably what would have happened with a Romani trapped in an English Lord's remote castle as well, TBH. It doesn't go well.
The Count has come. He sat down beside me, and said in his smoothest voice as he opened two letters:—
"The Szgany has given me these, of which, though I know not whence they come, I shall, of course, take care. See!"—he must have looked at it—"one is from you, and to my friend Peter Hawkins; the other"—here he caught sight of the strange symbols as he opened the envelope, and the dark look came into his face, and his eyes blazed wickedly—"the other is a vile thing, an outrage upon friendship and hospitality! It is not signed. Well! so it cannot matter to us." And he calmly held letter and envelope in the flame of the lamp till they were consumed. Then he went on:—
"The letter to Hawkins—that I shall, of course, send on, since it is yours. Your letters are sacred to me. Your pardon, my friend, that unknowingly I did break the seal. Will you not cover it again?" He held out the letter to me, and with a courteous bow handed me a clean envelope. I could only redirect it and hand it to him in silence. When he went out of the room I could hear the key turn softly. A minute later I went over and tried it, and the door was locked.
Dracula is at his creepiest when he does something threatening but poses it as a "friendly" conversation.
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mollieblue · 8 months
Hey #labour, you should hire me to talk at you about how to actually fix Britain:
Terfs are the enemy, Trans folx are the people.
Small businesses need support on the ground level in order to foster amazing communities.
Invest in education to the point teachers are as paid well as their private peers or dare I say as well as an MP. I would say that if an MP describes their role as being vital, integral and essential to running the country, who receives a handsome tax paid salary with expenses paid with the public purse, why is it that other public sector roles are paid relatively below minimum wage? This applies to all public sector workers; civil servants, NHS staff, and teachers of all stripes. They are just as vital, integral, and essential to running the country, if not more so, than the openly profiteering geezers in Westminster.
Why is it that the rule makers are more important than those ensuring that the rules work? Those holding up society and holding it together are so sorely underpaid in this country that they are giving their lives to you at pittance so you can be okay. The NHS is a wonderful thing, and it breaks my heart that we don't fully fund it. The same goes for education, social services, community organisations, and libraries. These currently literally keep people existing at the bare minimum, but when fully funded and staffed, they transform lives for the better.
Equal pay for Equal work 》 Equal pay for Equal Importance. Ignore the 'we can't pay them the hundreds of thousands that MPs get' elephant in the room. I want you instead to imagine a world in which all public sector workers are paid the exact same amount regardless of hierarchy or public aspect they interact with. I'm no expert, but I reckon £86,584, the basic annual salary for a UK MP in 2023, would be an absolute god send to a junior doctor on roughly £38k. My partner practically works at minimum wage for 50 hours when you account for the marking, the planning, the organisation of your entire schedule to an impromptu meeting with angry parents and worrying about ofsted. It has worn them down, mostly because we can't have a social life, spending money on the theatre, in shops, on things that make us happy and human. We can't save, and we can't afford nice things. That fucking sucks. It wears a person out and throws them out of the system that's holding up the world.
Everyone I know is feeling like the above, regardless if they're private or public, freelance or salaried. One solution to help is basic universal income. Give everyone over 16 £500 & everyone over 18 £1000 each month for a year and see how awesome it would be in a year's time. I already know how much good that would do to me and everyone I know.
So pay everyone £12,000 a year and then pay all public sector workers the base salary of £86,000 rising in step with inflation. If the private sector can, in theory, pay whatever wages it wants, having a guarantee that your basics are paid will eliminate sooooo much stress. Rich folx can donate theirs, college kids can do interesting work at college because £500 buys a lot of art supplies and travel to museums, exhibitions, and events. Youth would have means to explore the nation before university or set up in an apprenticeship. Our elderly can use it to afford end of life care provisions or enrich their retirement or hell, just keep the lights on. Working folx would undoubtedly benefit the most and would probably like their jobs much more if they know things are covered.
To foot the bill, impose a commons tax on all privately owned land that fairly compensates the commons, ie, the UK public, back.
Make the North part of your game plan, rather than a foot note.
On a serious note; nationalise the railway system and expand the network. It is hell going east to west here, up to 3 hours to go 50 miles west and just 3 to get to London from Selby in North Yorkshire. How is this acceptable?
Invest in working class politicians to bring the reality of Britain back into government. Without our views or experiences on the table, why are we surprised when the Tories fuck us over again? If you want true, enthusiastic support from the British people, do not talk at us as if we're irresponsible children and actually engage with the very liberal and progressive discussions we have daily. Especially people under 40 - the older generation that pulled us out of the EU will be gone soon - you need to court and actually help out.
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lonelydrone · 9 months
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Welcome to Lonely Drone—an award-winning multi-disciplinary Creative Studio based in Washington, North East of England.
We are driven by the discovery of cutting-edge visuals and design originality for Print and New Media.
Our focus lies within the entire landscape of visual and digital technology, a wide spectrum encompassing graphic design, art direction, illustration, printmaking, typography, type design, branding, motion graphics/cinematography—and everything else in between artistic expression.
Determined by the projects we undertake here, our studio expands to meet the requirements—proudly contracting our worldwide network of ambitious and accomplished collaborators to ensure our clients’ aspirations can be transformed into actuality.
Lonely Drone is not just another studio for design; we are a genuine community of like-minded individuals—empowered through a culture of perseverance, experimentation, and iteration. We consider the continual eagerness to venture into the unknown—and the devotion for our craft, something which differentiates Lonely Drone from others within our profession. We are not focused on following arbitrary trends, and are proud to be a part of the future of design—pushing our industry forward, and exploring new frontiers.
We invite you to join us on this artistic journey. Explore our work, connect with our wonderful team, and allow us to help bring your vision to life.
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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New Title Tuesday: Nonfiction Recommendations
Book of Earth by Heidi Gustafson
Part anthropological study, part art book, and part how-to, Book of Earth is an immersive introduction into the world of ochre, a naturally occurring mineral used to make pigment. Each chapter delves into Heidi Gustafson’s rare pigment archive and provides a thorough exploration of natural color, while challenging our notions of the inanimate world. Featuring practical advice and techniques for creating your own pigments and applying these skills in everyday life, Gustafson also includes contributor essays offering historical and cultural perspectives on color cultivation and the meaning of pigments to various cultures.
Devil's Coin by Jennifer McAdam
The OneCoin global cryptocurrency fraud stole tens of billions of dollars from ordinary people around the world. Unlike Madoff or Enron, who relieved the world’s wealthiest investors of their cash, the exploiting genius of the OneCoin scam was targeting the poorest people in the world, the “unbanked” - those who struggled to live or get mainstream banking support. The arrogant assumption was that the downtrodden wouldn't have the means or will to fight back. They didn’t reckon on Jen McAdam - a teenage mother, young grandmother, and modern-day Erin Brockovich. Jen’s father left her £15,000 when he died: his savings from living a careful life in a small Scottish mining town. Jen wanted a safe investment for this money to fund a better life for her family. She was digitally savvy, and she had heard of people making fortunes with Bitcoin.
When she saw the promotional material for OneCoin - the founder Dr. Ruja Ignatova featured in major reputable media outlets; videos of celebrity events; gushing video testimonials of people, just like Jen, who had changed their lives - she was entranced. Only months later, she realized she would never see her money again. Jen was one of the only victims worldwide to fight back. Despite terrifying attempts to shut down both her and her growing support groups, she fought tirelessly for justice for herself, her family and friends, and the millions around the world who lost everything, in some cases even their lives. This is a true David-and-Goliath story to give us all a message of hope about the power we as individuals can have, even when things seem hopeless.
Queer Footprints by Dan Glass
This ground-breaking guide will take you through the city streets to uncover the scandalous, hilarious, and empowering events of London’s queerstory. Follow in the footsteps of veteran activists, such as those who marched in London’s first Pride parade in 1972 or witnessed the 1999 bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho.
Accompanied by a chorus of voices of both iconic and unsung legends of the movement, readers can walk through parts of East, West, South, and North London, dipping into beautifully illustrated maps and extraordinary tales of LGBTQIA+ solidarity, protest, and pride. From the Brixton Faeries to Notting Hill Carnival to world-changing protests in Trafalgar Square, Rebel Dykes to drag queen communes, Queer Footprints celebrates the hidden histories of struggle and joy. Includes an accessibility guide and a list of queer spaces, clubs, networks, and resources.
Saving Snakes by Nicolette L. Cagle
Beautiful to behold and extremely sensitive to its environment, the snake is nonetheless stigmatized as a serpent, a creature that almost universally inspires fear. At a time when so many animals are endangered, who will speak up for the snake? Snake populations are declining precipitously around the globe, but calls for their conservation are muted by fear and prejudice.
Saving Snakes offers a new approach to understanding snakes and preserving their populations - an approach built on respect. Nicolette Cagle has traveled the world in search of snakes, from the Midwest and the southeastern United States to Cuba, Nicaragua, and Australia, and spent decades conducting natural science research on the patterns of snakes in regions where urban development encroaches upon the natural world. Her book offers a firsthand account of the strange and secretive lives of snakes, and reveals their devastating losses. Beautifully and accessibly written, Saving Snakes entwines Cagle’s personal narrative with deep scientific and historical research.
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sagemonsters · 1 year
August 2023 Monthly Review
I'm trying to make a habit of writing a post to cover the events of the past month. Here is this one!
Gentle Reader
August has been a month of trial. I returned to campus to continue my undergrad degree, as well as wrote more than a dozen Monster Match commissions on Tumblr in an effort to cover the cost of one particularly expensive textbook for an art history class. I also drew and painted two large maps for my fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign, which has made me really think about the use of maps as storytelling tools. 
WIP Updates
The nameless centaur x human novelette is continuing apace (see my last update about this project). I’m picking my way through the first draft and am about 1/3 of the way toward the finish line. Taji, the nonbinary human protagonist, has just beaten back a horde of ghosts through the power of song! …And Cimitrius, their centaur love interest, is definitely appreciative of that.
This story was inspired by the Nabatean episode of the Fall of Civilizations podcast (listen to it on YouTube or Spotify). I had initially struggled to make myself interested in a Western European-inspired medieval fantasy world, but found myself much more enthused when I relocated the plot and characters into something more inspired by the Classical-era Middle East and northern Africa.
The 1812 CYOA (choose your own adventure) trio of monster romance stories whose outcomes will be decided via Tumblr polls are still in the research phase. Truth be told, it’s only the gender neutral reader story that needs more research than a cursory glance through various online sources; I’m debating the addition of indigenous North American characters in that particular story, a matter which needs to be handled delicately. 
I don’t want to unintentionally fetishize or appropriate from those cultures (I would be creating some original characters who belong to the Seneca people of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy). I will never portray creatures from Native American folklore in my fantasy romance fiction, since I am white; that leads into cultural appropriation far too easily. These (human) characters would—as narrative tools—be meant to educate the reader about how the War of 1812 had a large part to do with white encroachment onto indigenous lands. I want to add some donation links to that story thread that lead to organizations helping preserve Iroquoian languages, but that will come at a much later stage of the writing process.
The prehistoric fantasy CYOA monster romance story is quickly taking shape. Because this is fantasy rather than anything strictly historical, I don’t need to do much research and so can write as the muse takes me. This is my first proper CYOA, and it’s a big one! There are three love interests that the reader-protagonist can choose from, as well as (because I have some background as a hobbyist TTRPG writer) four items of “starting equipment” that can help or hinder certain outcomes depending on how/if the reader-protagonist chooses to use them. 
I’m using Scapple, a mind-mapping software from Literature & Latte, to plan this CYOA and its network of branching story paths. So far I’ve finished about 1/6 of the story, and I’m really enjoying the creative challenge of writing a “true” CYOA (as opposed to only having to create the path decided via the votes on a Tumblr poll, as the 1812 CYOA will be); it’s very intricate and puzzle-like. I’d love to get into LitRPGs as well, but a cursory glance across the genre’s top picks on Kindle shows a very cis-male-dominated space that doesn’t really offer much to queer people like myself; I’m not sure I want to dip my toes into that particular pool. 
Currently Reading
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I’m currently reading The Pixie’s Queen by S. J. Sanders. It’s a wild ride of a novella and I am here for it. No joke, the pixies produce glittery, gold precum; it’s absolutely mind-boggling and unexpected in the very best way. And we love a good polyamorous romance in this house! One moment I’m grinning at the absurdity of Orenda’s situation and the way she approaches problem-solving, the next moment I’m super concerned and all but biting my nails at the gravity of the male pixies’ predicament and how they might lose everything they’ve worked for as a hive. It’s definitely a fun romance!
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I’m also currently reading Healing the Orc’s Heart by Lyonne Riley. Full disclosure, I obtained an ARC of this book after asking the author if I could have a free copy for review purposes. So far, I’m really loving it! The language barrier is really interesting to me, and I can’t wait to see more of the story unfold and find out what trouble our two protagonists will get into.
You can check out this book on StoryGraph.
Storyteller’s Thoughts
As I mentioned in the introduction to this newsletter, I’ve been thinking about maps lately. Maps define things, whether by stating precisely where the border of an area is or even just attaching a name to a place. Sometimes this is good—few people want to be lost, after all—but other times it takes away from the mythic aura of a setting.
If you go back far enough, there are no maps and no ways of measuring distance. I’m thinking of the Planegea setting for D&D 5e, which (although it does have a map for the DM’s private use) explicitly states that landmarks move around and the world is constantly shifting due to its youthful, primordial nature. I’m also thinking of a quote from the 2003 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: “You’re off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters.” 
Maps make the world small and approachable with their scales and compass roses and labels. They remove mystery and awe and replace them with “mere” geography. They’re tools of colonialism and imperialism—they dictate who the land belongs to, and the blank areas of real-world historical maps no doubt offered enticement to would-be conquistadors. So, does your world have an accompanying map? Do you as a writer want to have a map of your world—moreover, would it be appropriate for your world to have a map, and if so what kind of map would it be? I would love to hear your thoughts; please do send me a message on the subject if you feel inspired.
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ladyisabel0052 · 1 year
A Pocket Guide to the Magdal Isles #1
See? Told you I would forget XD here goes a tidbit from the first chapter, entitled "Welcome to the Magdal Isles"
A brief History of the Magdal Isles
The earliest known points of the History of the Isles are documented in partial texts and in old stories that only hint at what life was like in these ancient times. Ancient Magdalene texts and the Dwarven Shaperate depict a time before the Elves or the Lusitani, when the isles were one, and when they were entirely lorded over by the Magdalene City-States on the Surface, and the Dwarves on their vast underground Empire.
When the Elves arrived, everything is said to have changed. They sailed into the Isles in droves from the Southeastern Sea of Wolves, allegedly fleeing the fall of their ancestral homeland, according to their own stories. Whatever peace may have existed gave way to several centuries of war, as they carved out the Eastern Half of what is today Greater Magdal for themselves. They renamed the land “Alshamal”, which is “The North” in their tongue.
The Elves and the Magdalenes lived an uneasy peace for generations, until The Awakening. Popular knowledge teaches the unchecked power of the Elven Mage-Lords, specifically, their attempt to breach the realm of the Gods, led to the creation of the Clockwork God, a gigantic automaton, powered by the ancient remains of a dead God. The Mages lost control of the Clockwork God, and it was let loose on the world, threatening all living things. The Awakening of the Clockwork God shook the entire world, weakening the Veil between the World and the Realm of the Gods, sprouting wild magic and creating all manner of Monstrosities.
The Awakening threw Alshamal into chaos, and for several years the Clockwork God wreaked havoc across the land. It was finally defeated by the Crimson Legion, a Knightly Order founded by Magdalenes, Alshamali Elves and the Dwarves. The destruction of the Clockwork God caused Mount Koryfí to erupt, and massive earthquakes split the Magdal Isle into three. The Crimson Legion persists to this day, despite its fading into obscurity. 
The Awakening reshifted the balance of power in the Isles. The Magdalenes, despite being hit hard by the Clockwork God, endured less hardships than Alshamal, and their loose coalition of City-States remained strong. The Dwarves saw their Empire crumble with the fracturing of the Isles. With their network of underground roads destroyed, most settlements were left to fend for themselves, and eventually, the only remaining Dwarven settlement on the Isles became the sprawling great city of Kagrenac. Alshamal saw a complete upheaval of its societal structure. The Mage-Lords were replaced with a Warrior Noble Class, and relegated to their colleges. Still, the Alshamali capital remained the undisputed intellectual center of the Isles, fostering new philosophies, and developments on the sciences and the arcane arts.
The following centuries saw a period of relative peace with only a few border scuffles between the Alshamali and the Magdalenes, until roughly 400 years ago, when the Century of Arrival began. It is unknown exactly when the Lusitani began their migration into the isles, and several Magdalene sources suggest the first of the Lusitani began their migration through peaceful means, as far back as The Awakening. What is known for certain is that King Viriathus and his invading force arrived in the year 1 A.A. (After Arrival). The Arrival of the Lusitani caused a great disturbance in the politics of the Isles, as the Alshamali saw an opportunity to avenge past conflicts. Pressed from both East and West, the Magdalenes of Greater Magdal quickly fell under the yoke of their invaders. Sometimes cities even surrendered peacefully, fearful of the Lusitani and their Bullmen. The Coalition of City-States crumbled in between the two forces, and the conflict quickly became one between the Lusitani and the Alshamali. The Lusitani would eventually prove victorious in 211 A.A, when King Viriathus III defeated the last bastion of Alshamali resistance on Greater Magdal, pushing them into the lesser islands that dot the Eastern side of the Isles.
Several decades later, King Udalfric dies without an heir, and the parts of the Isles under the Lusitani yoke are separated between his nephews. This period in History is pinpointed by Scholars to be the origin of the contemporary cultural identities present in the isles. A blend of the traditions of the Magdalenes, Lusitani and Alshamali. The blend is most certainly not homogeneous; Many of the Lords of Baetica can still trace their origins back to the old Alshamali Warrior Kings, or even to the old lineages of Mage-Lords.
And so the Isles stand today, divided into the Nations of Lusitania, Insula Magna and Baetica, the Grand City of Kagrenac and the Elven Princedom of Alshamal. < Previous post Next post >
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tightbrosnetwork · 2 years
Tight Bros Network is a concert promotion company based in Atlanta that has been operating since 1999. It was founded by Randy Castello and Unisa Asokan in the basement of the eyedrum art & music gallery, located on Trinity Avenue in southwest Atlanta. Where they had the opportunity to learn how to book shows and work with experimental artists, local musicians, and touring artists from North America and abroad.
In 2001, Tight Bros Network was officially launched, and the company expanded its shows to local clubs The Earl, MJQ, Drunken Unicorn, and Star Bar. The company’s mission has always been to support and promote independent artists and provide a platform for experimental and emerging musicians.
In March of 2004, Tight Bros Network founded the Kirkwood Ballers Club, an open-forum arts incubator and a haven for adventurous experiments in music. The Kirkwood Ballers Club has been a staple destination in the Atlanta music scene for two decades and has provided countless musicians with the opportunity to showcase their artistry.
Spanning July 2004 to 2008, Tight Bros Network served as talent purchasers for popular subterranean ATL entertainment complex, Drunken Unicorn & MJQ. During this period, we worked tirelessly to bring larger national and international artists and DJs to the city. We developed a reputation for booking high-quality shows that catered to the local music scene’s evolving tastes. The experience gained from working with such big artists as Diplo, Four Tet, and Animal Collective to name a few helped us to grow our network and reputation as a top indie concert promotion company in Atlanta. It also set our foundation and enabled us to expand into other local clubs and concert venues.
Tight Bros Network has received numerous accolades over the years, including being voted Best Local Concert Promoter in 2006, 2007, and 2008 by Creative Loafing, Atlanta.
In November of 2008, we switched gears to help our friends book bands at 529, a small club, unknown at the time, located in East Atlanta Village, where we helped nurture a bright local music scene for eight years and played a crucial role in developing 529’s reputation as a premier venue for live music in Atlanta.
During this period, we expanded our reach by booking events at larger venues, such as Variety Playhouse, Terminal West, Center Stage, Plaza Theatre and Goat Farm. We expanded our roster to include comedy events.
Additionally, we partnered with companies like Red Bull and PBR as curators for events featuring emerging artists from around the world. We were also afforded the opportunity to book musical acts for Adult Swim’s Fishcenter live stream (RIP).
In 2016 we returned to Drunken Unicorn where we booked shows until March 2020 when the Covid pandemic hit forcing us to abruptly cease operating at the venue. It was a dark time for live music.
In 2020, when the live music scene was disrupted due to the pandemic, Tight Bros Network shifted its focus to managing Upchuck, a young band from Atlanta that is starting to gain national attention due to its raucous live shows and compelling releases.
Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Tight Bros Network has continued to support the Atlanta music scene and provide a platform for emerging artists to showcase their talents.
In the summer of 2021, we helped open eyedrum art & music gallery’s new location in the West End on Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, where we now host Kirkwood Ballers Club on the third Thursday of each month, continuing their avant-garde monthly forum at the art and music gallery where it all began.
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