#arwen with Merthur in it
theroundbartable · 9 months
Arthur: hmm... Hey Gwen. If I died, who would miss me more. You or Merlin?
Gwen: *no hesitation* Merlin
Arthur: eh ... Wow, thank you?
Gwen: I had a life before you. He didn't. If you die, he'll probably lose his will to live.
Arthur: that's... Gwen, wtf.
Gwen: *puts books down* I love you, Arthur, and of course I would be devastated too, but Merlin is my best friend and I know him well. He'd do anything to be by your side. His job, his apprenticeship with Gaius, his life... Everything he has, he has thanks to you, and is risking to keep you safe. I'm your wife and I love you. But don't forget that I can go back to be blacksmith or a servant if I must. As Queen, I can continue like this even without you, which is kind of the purpose of you marrying me and the reason why people were so against us. I have a purpose outside of being your wife. Merlin is your best friend first, your servant second, your physician third. If he loses you, he'll lose everything he is. It will destroy him.
Arthur: I-
Gwen: what I'm saying is, don't die. If not for my sake, and let's be honest, if you die, you'll probably leave everything to me so you can rest in peace, and you will use that as an excuse not to fight on, then keep fighting for HIS sake.
Arthur: ...
Merlin: yeah. That sounds about right.
Arthur: Gwen is my WIFE. Even if it's true, she shouldn't say that, right? I mean, she makes it sound like ... Like I should have married you!
Merlin: ... No, I don't think that's what she's saying. To be married means to be equal to one another. You and Gwen have more in common than your love for each other. You both have a vision for Camelot and that's something that ties you together. I'm your servant. I was never anything else. And quite frankly, despite everything the dragon said, I don't care for anything else.
Arthur: ... you love me.
Merlin: yeah, so?
Arthur: ... That doesn't sound very healthy
Merlin: *snorts* Stop trying to die for me, and then we'll talk.
Arthur: I still love Gwen
Merlin: I never said you don't and I'd never expect that to change. She's much better for the kingdom too. I'm happy to be where I am, especially since you know about my magic and accepted that. I like how things are and I wouldn't change a thing.
Arthur: don't you want... More?
Merlin: more? More what? More assassination attempts so a have to save you again? No thanks.
Arthur: no, I mean. Relationship wise
Merlin: I think our friendship is intense enough as it is.
Arthur: gosh, Merlin! I'm asking you if you want it to be romantic!!!!
Merlin: .... You're relationship with Gwen is romantic and that's not more than what we have. As I said, I don't need us to change. I don't need anything to change. Except, please do not think about my life without you in it, because if we start that, I might go feral and destroy half the kingdom.
Arthur: ... I think you might need therapy.
Merlin: can I pay that off of taxes?
Gaius: so, you're here for therapy
Merlin: yes
Gaius: with, eh... The king
Arthur: yes
Gaius: what about Gwen?
Arthur: Gwen told me to wish you luck.
Gaius: ... Oh boi.
Gaius: ... Alright then. So... Why do you both, er... King and servant, need couple therapy exactly?
Arthur/Merlin: he keeps trying to DIE for me!!!!
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
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etherealocke · 11 months
the official bbc merlin account tweeting for the first time in 10 yrs wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card
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they changed their bio too…
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 month
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had to make my own version of this (the original template was uhh… questionable)
blank template under the cut!
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A conversation I imagine happened after Camlan:
Merlin, using magic for Arthur while they’re still finalising the ban repeal: Due to personal reasons, I’ll now be named an enemy of the state.
Arthur, has heard the joke ten times already today: You aren’t an enemy of the state, Merlin.
Merlin: I lived with your father as king for years, let me have this.
Gwen: He does have a point, it can’t have been easy living as a warlock during Uther’s reign. And it’s only harmless fun.
Arthur: *sigh* Fine. You’re an enemy of the state. Only until the repeal goes through, then you’re going to be my court sorcerer and I can’t have a criminal on my council.
Arthur: But I will be making you wear the hat.
Merlin: What? Why?!
Arthur: I can hardly have my court sorcerer in the cells, but you are right. Ten years as an enemy of the state is a long time to go without any consequence. It’s only harmless fun.
Merlin: Tyrant.
Gwen: Maybe you can just be a rival of the state. Healthy competition without the crime.
Merlin: …
Arthur: …
Merlin: So due to personal reasons, I’ll now be named a rival of the state.
Arthur: Why would you encourage this?
Gwen: He’s happy. And we love him.
Arthur: *sigh*
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akelafang · 2 months
Arthur having to explain his love life to the council: I'm married to Gwen, who is in love with Morgana, I'm also in love with Merlin, and everyone but Morgana is in love with Lancelot. It's really not that complicated.
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godmerlin · 3 months
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"My father's been saving this. He's always said it was the best sword he's ever made."
"It's perfect."
Merlin 1x09 Excalibur
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chappellcastiel · 6 months
The envy Arthur and Lancelot would have had for each other must have been insane.
Because Merlin is secretive with Lancelot. He tells him things he would never tell Arthur, he opens up to him and Arthur knows he can never have that trust. Never have that closeness not while he’s king and Merlin a servant.
But to Lancelot he’s been secretive about protecting Arthur. It all resolves around Arthur, opening up about protecting Arthur, giggling over using magic to please Arthur. Lancelot knows it will never be him on the other side of the devotion not like this.
just like he will never be Gwen’s because she loved him once yes but at the end of the day it’s Arthur she chooses.
and in Arthur’s eyes Lancelot is Gwen’s first love will always be known as such and will always be looked at as such even if she loves him she loved Lancelot first and Arthur can’t help but think if she could have him she would.
Anyway I’m so sane about them and at the end of the day how they still understand why it’s like this because they would choose the other as well.
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marcskywalker · 3 months
the only thing that gets me MAD at merlin is how he talked to arthur after gwen's banishment. like, imagine your fiancé cheats on you with one of your closest friends and then your BEST FRIEND is on HER SIDE????? I'd have been so mad if I was arthur it'd be ON SIGHTT
i know merlins pov but arthur doesn't???? so surely there is a better way to approach this with him, merlin???
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worthyprnce · 20 days
being a multishipper is the best because in one minute I'm like "merlin and arthur are definitely soulmates and they have the most beautiful and tragic love story"
and in the next I'll be like "gwaine's love, care and loyalty for merlin was so real and their relationship would have been so beautiful to watch"
and a minute later I'll be like "arthur and guinevere are such sweethearts, they do not deserve the hate they get"
and the other "gwaine and lancelot endgame would have been so powerful and silly"
and I'm right every time
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azkabanning · 2 months
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“Oh, it was meant to be. It just wasn't meant to last.” – Kate McGahan
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Alright, time for another Merlin au! This one won the last poll, marked as "an au featuring Arthur being an idiot"!
In this au, set sometime in the three years between season 4 and season 5, Arthur, Merlin, and the knights of the round table get ambushed by a large pack of ferocious wyverns while on a quest. This time, Merlin couldn't be subtle about using his dragonlord commands to pacify them, and that was the only way to ensure that they would all make it out alive. So, Merlin uses dragonlord commands to make the wyverns leave and, in the process, reveals that's he's a dragonlord. However, he at least managed to keep his magic a secret through the ordeal, so he's got that going for him.
Arthur is, of course, rather upset about Merlin keeping this secret from him, and is even more upset when he learned that Balinor was Merlin's father and guilty that he didn't support his friend through mourning his father as Merlin had for him. However, Arthur can also keep things in perspective. After all, dragonlord powers weren't actual sorcery, apparently it was a magic-adjacent gift that Merlin had inherited at the moment of his father's death, whether he wanted to or not. Besides, it wasn't like Merlin chose to have the ability, so Arthur couldn't really hold the ability itself against Merlin.
And anyways, Arthur mused to himself at their camp after Merlin came clean to the knights the night after the the wyvern attack, it wasn't like there were any dragons left. The only thing Merlin could do was command wyverns. While that could perhaps make him a threat if he wasn't the most harmless person Arthur knew, they didn't even encounter wyverns that often.
So, Arthur was willing to just let this be a useful little trick that Merlin could use on the off chance that they ran into wyverns. Still, the image that the whole situation gave Arthur, an image of Merlin being a formidable, powerful dragonlord with devastating dragons under his command, was rather amusing.
So, as Arthur settled in for the night after hearing the last of Merlin's explanation, this wasn't going to be a big deal. Sure, he was still hurt that Merlin kept this a secret from him, but Arthur could understand why. Uther had killed all of the other dragonlords, so it made sense that Merlin felt unsafe with his father still on the throne, and since they didn't run across wyverns often, there was a very real chance that Merlin just forgot about his ability entirely until it was relevant again. That was a very Merlin thing to do.
So, everything was fine. Everyone with them looked comfortable with Merlin, and he knew that they would keep this a secret for Merlin's sake. If word of Merlin's dragonlord abilities got out, Arthur could always publicly grant him a pardon. After all, it wasn't like he had ever hurt anybody with it. The only thing he seemed to do with it was send wyverns away.
Arthur quietly snorted to himself at the thought. Oh no, the terrible powers of Merlin the dragonlord, telling some wyverns to shoo.
Arthur relaxed into his bedroll, listening to the knights settling in to sleep and their fire crackling a few feet away. The quiet noises were peaceful, but were broken a few minutes later by Leons seemingly innocuous question.
"Merlin, if you were already a dragonlord when we rode out to face the great dragon, did you do anything with your powers? I assume you're the reason Arthur made it out alive through the whole ordeal."
Merlin froze where he was sitting, a myriad of emotions passing through his face before his expression settled on a grimace. Arthur sat up, interested in hearing Merlin's answer. What truly happened that night with the dragon? In the comfort of his own mind, Arthur admitted that Merlin's explanation of Arthur slaying it was... unlikely, at best, considering that Arthur was unconscious at the time.
"Well, you'd be correct Leon. It took me a while to figure out how to use dragonlord commands, since I never got any instruction on how I was supposed to command Kil- the great dragon. I'm truly sorry that I wasn't quick enough to save the other knights."
Merlin hung his head low, with what looked like shame. Arthur frowned at his manservant. Surely Merlin couldn't hold himself responsible for their deaths? Every knight had similar guilt, telling themselves at night that they should've been faster, should've been better, should've been more aware, then maybe some of their friends would still be with them.
Every knight learned the same lesson: those thoughts were the path to madness. It was disheartening to see that misplaced guilt on Merlin as well.
Luckily, before Arthur had to try to articulate that, Leon seemed to have similar thoughts, and spoke to Merlin with a soft, reassuring smile.
"Merlin, they volunteered for that mission, and they knew the risks. You are not to blame for the dragon's actions. Now please, tell us, how was the dragon actually defeated?"
Merlin nodded at Leon's words, but the guilt remained on his face.
"I, uh, was able to find my dragonlord voice after Arthur was knocked from his horse. He hadn't managed to hit the dragon, and he was about to kill Arthur, but I couldn't let that happen."
Merlin glanced over at Arthur, who was valiantly trying to ignore the warm fuzzy feelings blooming in his chest at the thought of Merlin slaying a dragon single-handedly just to protect him. He wasn't some maiden in a children's tale!
"But, when I gave the order to the dragon to stop attacking, I- I couldn't-"
Merlin swallowed thickly before continuing.
"I couldn't kill him. He was the last dragon, the last of my kin. So, I ordered him to leave. I banished him from Camelot and forbade him from ever harming another human again."
This time, Arthur froze where he was sitting, and he could see that the knights were in similarly tense states. Poor Leon turned a rather disturbing shade of pale.
Finally, Arthur spoke up with a forced calm tone, the type that was only a thin veneer to panic.
"Merlin, you don't mean to tell me that the dragon is still alive? And it could return to Camelot to finish what it started?"
Merlin looked at Arthur and tried to reassure him, but Arthur could barely comprehend Merlin's words through his rising panic.
"Well, yes, he's still alive, but dragons physically cannot disobey orders given by their dragonlord. He cannot return to Camelot at all, unless I call for him."
Merlin tried to give him a comforting smile, but Arthur wasn't sure he could feel any sort of comfort at the moment. He locked eyes with Leon, who wasn't faring much better with his own panic. Dear gods, that monster was still out there! They had all been living under a false sense of security! And all the while, Merlin was smiling at him like there was nothing wrong at all!
Arthur took a deep breath and tried to think through the haze of his panic. Right, Merlin hadn't killed the dragon. That made sense, since Merlin hated killing anything at all, much less the most dangerous monster on the planet. Right. But, according to Merlin, the dragon physically couldn't enter Camelot or hurt any humans.
Information, what Arthur needed was more information. If he had more information, he could come up with a strategy to keep Camelot safe from the dragon indefinitely. Merin's orders had worked for now, but there was no guarantee that those would work forever.
Forever... wait a minute...
"Merlin," Arthur called out frantically, fueled by an awful thought. "How long does a dragonlord's order bind a dragon?" Please say forever, please say forever...
Merlin's eyebrows shot up, apparently not expecting Arthur to ask such a question.
"Well, any dragonlord's order is fully binding to a dragon up until the original dragonlord rescinds the order or the dragonlord dies, whichever comes first."
Arthur felt panic's icy fingers wrap around his heart. Arthur despised even thinking about any hypothetical death of Merlin's, couldn't fathom an empty life as the king without his friend, but this, this information put a whole new layer of dread onto the though, which Arthur previously thought wasn't even possible. He could see the other knights catching onto his logic as well, while Merlin still sat on his log, looking at all of them confusedly.
If Merlin somehow died, then his banishment on the dragon was lifted. And if that happened, there would be no dragonlord left to stop it from reducing all of Camelot to ash. If Merlin died, then Camelot was doomed.
This new knowledge sat heavy in Arthur's gut, putting him on edge. Balinor had been killed from a bandit's crossbow bolt, something that Merlin faced regularly while following Arthur around. All it would take was one lucky shot on a bandit's part, and all of Camelot would die.
One bandit attack gone wrong, one assassin from Morgana, one accident on the training field, one illness contracted from a patient, and all of Camelot would go up in smoke.
Wait... dragons lived for thousands of years... and Merlin would, if Arthur had his way, live for at least a hundred years, but everyone died eventually. The dragon would surely outlive Merlin, and then the only way that Camelot would still stand was if there was another dragonlord! But Merlin was the only one left, and it was passed down from...
from father to son.
Arthur choked on air as he realized it. Good god, what had his life come to?!
If Camelot was going to survive, Merlin needed to have a son, and have one quickly. For the continued survival of Camelot to be ensured, Merlin needed to find a wife and get laid.
Arthur wanted to start laughing hysterically. The fate of his kingdom rested upon Merlin's ability to sire a child.
Arthur stared at Merlin as the other man tried not to squirm under the shocked gazes of all the knights. Ok, he could do this, his kingdom would be safe from the dragon, he just needed a plan.
First, they needed to get Merlin back to Camelot, where he would be safe and away from murderous bandits. That part was easy enough, they were already heading back to the kingdom anyways. The knights had estimated that it would have taken them another three days to reach Camelot, but with all of the knights sharing Arthur panic around Merlin's safety, for both the sake of their friend himself and the kingdom, they were able to make it back in only two days.
For those two days, Merlin seemed more confused by their frantic and panicked behavior than anything else. His shocked and embarrassed face when Percival had helped him on and off his horse - "so he doesn't fall and get hurt", the gentle giant had rationalized - had been very amusing. All the while, Arthur planned out what they would do when they returned and repeatedly reassured Merlin that no, he wasn't too mad about Merlin letting the dragon live since Merlin could at least keep it away.
Then, they needed to ensure Merlin's protection in Camelot. Granted, there weren't many dangers in Camelot, but the clumsy fool could find danger anywhere. With his luck, Arthur would bet that Merlin would trip over some stairs in the castle and wind up bleeding out! That could be remedied by assigning knights to guard Merlin at all times in Camelot and keeping Merlin physically by his side as much as he could. Merlin raised an eyebrow at his new guards and schedule, which kept him glued to Arthur's hip at all hours of the day, but otherwise said nothing (besides a little mocking about how Arthur couldn't get anything done without him. Arthur tried not to think about how the familiar taunt rang far more true than he had ever realized.).
(Merlin, on his end, took these measures as a sign that he had lost Arthur's trust with the admission of letting the dragon live. What else was he supposed to think about knights following him 24/7 and being kept in Arthur's line of sight more than ever before?! Merlin consoled himself that it was by far more lenience than he had been expecting. Arthur hadn't threatened him, he wasn't being executed or exiled, Arthur was still treating him as a friend, and he had every chance to earn Arthur's trust back again. Really, if his punishment as just having to be with his knight friends at all times, then he could happily live with that.)
Still, Arthur didn't know how to go about the final part of his plan: ensuring that Merlin would have an heir to inherit his dragonlord powers and keep Camelot standing for generations to come. Of all of the trials and quests he'd faced, this one seemed to be the most daunting of all: finding a woman attracted to Merlin.
Arthur eventually settled on a plan. He'd have Gwaine accompany Merlin on long walks around the castle and the lower town, and the knight would report back to Arthur on which ladies had caught Merlin's eye, and which ladies Merlin had caught the eye of. Gwaine had a way to spotting attraction between people, something he frequently used to gather ammunition to tease his fellow knights with. With any luck, there would be some overlap between the two lists, and they could find some nice woman for Merlin to settle down with.
After a few weeks, however, Arthur found himself having to re-evaluate his plan. While Gwaine had reported that there were a good number of young ladies in the lower town that seemed to fancy Merlin, Merlin didn't seem to have eyes for anyone, which made their mission trickier.
Eventually, Arthur resorted to inviting Merlin over for dinner with him and Gwen, hoping to flaunt to Merlin how great the married life was and how Merlin was getting older and was running out of time to settle down and have children. To his disappointment, Merlin didn't seem to get the hint, instead telling both of them how much he appreciated them including him in their time together when they didn't have to. Arthur had to swallow back frustrated screams at his friend's obliviousness.
(Gwen, meanwhile, was perplexed by Arthur's push for Merlin to find a wife. At first glance, she would think that Arthur was worried about Merlin never settling down and starting a family, which was something Gwen sometimes worried about as well.
However, Arthur's push was more vehement than a concerned friend's. There was something there, some underlying passion forcing him to push Merlin towards a wife.
When Gwen finally realized the truth behind Arthur's efforts, it broke her heart. Gwen knew that her husband could be a bit old-fashioned in some ways, and that the prejudices that he must have grown up with as a noble were not easily shaken off, but still, that wasn't an excuse to be homophobic towards Merlin!
Gwen had figured out about her friend's preferences during the Lamia's attack, since Merlin was the only man unaffected. Truthfully though, Gwen had suspected long before that, given how Merlin had looked at both Lancelot and Gwaine. And while it was shocking for Gwen, she would support her friend no matter what!
So, she was very disappointed in Arthur's behavior. Arthur must have somehow learned about Merlin's preference towards men during their last quest, and now he was trying to pressure Merlin into finding a wife! She agreed that Merlin deserved a lovely family, but Arthur should not force him into the nobility's narrow definition of family! If Merlin wanted his lovely family to involve a husband instead of a wife and that's what made him happy, then that is what they all should wholeheartedly accept!
Gwen really needed to give her husband a stern talking-to before he could hurt Merlin with his prejudice!)
(Merlin, meanwhile, is far too sleep-deprived and stressed over keeping Arthur safe and the prophecy to even think about romance or starting a family. His disaster bisexual ass has too much on his plate right now.)
So, Arthur tries everything he could think of to find Merlin a wife. Unfortunately, Arthur is not nearly as good of a wingman to Merlin as Merlin was to him. Arthur had hosted many balls and feasts, making sure to invite attractive ladies around Merlin's age, but Merlin didn't even bat an eye at any of them.
Perhaps the only thing more frustrating than Merlin's lack of attention towards any of the young ladies of the court was the fact that, now that Arthur was looking for signs of anyone's affection towards Merlin, he could see how many members of his own court were smitten with his manservant.
And Arthur was just baffled because how?! How was that possible?! That Merlin, a lanky beanpole of a man with a blinding smile and charming wit and unending loyalty and eyes he could get lost in...
Where was Arthur going with that? Oh right. Merlin, with all of the suaveness of a wet sock, was somehow the object of desire for most of the ladies in waiting. Arthur was entirely baffled by it.
And just when Arthur thought that it couldn't get any worse, it did. It got so much worse when his wife sat him down and started lecturing him for some sort of prejudice that he was showing against Merlin by pushing him towards a wife, because apparently Merlin's eyes didn't stray towards women at all.
Look, Arthur knew that some of his own knights preferred the company of men, and he wouldn't begrudge them something like that. To each their own. But if Camelot was going to still be standing for Arthur's heir, Merlin needed to sire a son of his own.
After Arthur explained to Gwen the situation that they were in with the great dragon still alive and Merlin's life being the only thing holding the beast back from destroying Camelot, Gwen also became grave with the realization that they were stuck without a solution that would keep Camelot safe for the next generations.
Arthur moped around for a few weeks, unable to think of a single solution for the situation he had found himself trapped in. How on earth was he supposed to get Merlin to have a biological son if Merlin doesn't even like women?!
Wait, but Merlin had liked a woman, at one point. Perhaps his preferences had changed, but at one point, he was willing to sacrifice himself, to willingly confess to sorcery in front of Uther Pendragon, in order to keep the woman he loved alive. And Arthur knew that love like that didn't die easily. And Arthur should know, since he loved the same woman in the same way.
From then on, Arthur kept a keen eye on Merlin and his wife. He knew that his wife would never be unfaithful to him with Merlin, and Merlin had been nothing but supportive towards Arthur and Gwen's relationship, even when Arthur himself had given up on it. Still, Arthur knew that if Merlin had eyes for one woman in the world, it would have to be Gwen. He saw the way that Merlin looked at Gwen sometimes. Merlin didn't look at any other woman that way.
Gwen had confessed that she had romantic feelings towards Merlin at one point, and Merlin certainly had some sort of feelings for Gwen that went beyond platonic. Arthur swallowed dryly as he thought about it. Could... could that be the only way?
(Cue slowburn Mergwenthur, with Arthur trying to set up Gwen and Merlin together with a heavy heart, while the other two are kinda oblivious and mistake it as Arthur wanting a threesome, which they would be more than happy to go along with, along with Arthur slowly realizing his own feelings for Merlin.)
(Meanwhile, since Arthur's crap at communicating, Merlin doesn't actually realize that it all started because they thought that they needed Merlin to have a son to keep Camelot safe from the dragon after Merlin was dead. Upon Arthur finally telling him, Merlin then has to awkwardly informs them that he's immortal and doesn't really need to sire an heir.
Arthur, understandably, screams into a pillow at the news that his efforts were pointless, while his lovers laugh gently at him and start kissing him to make up for all the stress he had to go through.)
And that's all for this au! I hoped you liked Arthur's himbo-ness shining through one again!
Thanks for reading through my ramblings! :D
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 5 months
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Arthur Pendragon & Text Posts (New Releases and Greatest Hits) 17/?
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gramnel · 11 months
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gldnstrngs · 16 days
something i think about a little too often is how visually compatible both arwen and merthur are in terms of the color scheme (i am not an expert on color theory i just like analyzing things)
first, you have arwen
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they’re visually compatible. there’s no point in denying it. the white, purple, and silver blend together nicely. i like how soft and glowy they look as a pair. the only thing that doesn’t really match would be arthur’s red cape with gwen’s dress, but otherwise it’s clear that they’re meant to be seen in a radiant light
then you have merlin and arthur
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they’re also very clearly visually compatible. their whole color scheme is blue and red😭 which are often paired together,, then you have the silver and brown, which still blends in with the rest of the colors
while arthur and gwen are radiant, merlin and arthur are seen as different yet match perfectly— they’re meant to be looked at. another thing is that, out of the both of them, arthur is known to wear red aka “pendragon red” while merlin would wear a lot more blue in the earlier seasons. now, he’ll wear some blue but usually a lot of red, which may represent how merlin has been taken over by arthur and how devoted he is to him
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They missed an opportunity with this scene and I’m still mad about it.
Can we all agree that it’s a crime against magic man that he didn’t get to call Arthur an ass in this episode?
Merlin: Arthur’s a donkey?
Gwen: He has the ears of a donkey. And the voice. … he’s braying.
Merlin: He’s braying? Wow…
Merlin: So what you’re saying is… he’s an ass?
Gwen: …
Merlin: … *laughs*
Gwen: *trying not to laugh* It’s not funny, Merlin.
Merlin: No. No, of course not. Arthur with the ears of a donkey, what’s funny about that? *Laughs*
Gwen: He just looked so pitiful. I’ve never seen Arthur look like that.
Merlin: At least they match his brain now.
Gwen: *failing not to laugh* Merlin!
Then the episode carries on but with the validation for episode 1 Merlin that Arthur really is, in a very literal sense at least, a royal ass.
It’s a crime that they missed it and I’m going to be mad about it forever.
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